94-22389. Discretionary Cooperative Agreement to Foster the Development, Evaluation, and Deployment of a Heavy Vehicle Intelligent Commercial Vehicle Communication and Powering Enhancement System(s)  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 175 (Monday, September 12, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
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    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-22389]
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    [Federal Register: September 12, 1994]
    National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
    Discretionary Cooperative Agreement to Foster the Development, 
    Evaluation, and Deployment of a Heavy Vehicle Intelligent Commercial 
    Vehicle Communication and Powering Enhancement System(s)
    AGENCY: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), DOT.
    ACTION: Notice.
    SUMMARY: NHTSA announces this discretionary cooperative agreement 
    program to foster the development, evaluation, and deployment of a 
    heavy vehicle intelligent communication and powering enhancement 
    system(s) and solicits applications for projects under this program.
    DATES: Applications must be received on or before October 5, 1994.
    ADDRESSES: Applications must be submitted to the National Highway 
    Traffic Safety Administration, Office of Contracts and Procurement 
    (NAD-30), ATTN: Henrietta Mosley, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Room 5301, 
    Washington, DC 20590. All applications submitted must include a 
    reference to NHTSA Cooperative Agreement Program No. DTNH22-95-R-07001. 
    Interested applicants are advised that no separate application package 
    exists beyond the contents of this announcement.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Henrietta Mosley, Office of Contracts 
    and Procurement, at (202) 366-9570, for general administrative 
    questions; and C.J. Britell, Office of Crash Avoidance Research (NRD-
    53), (202) 366-5678 for programmatic questions; at the National Highway 
    Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Room 6220, 
    Washington, DC 20590.
        NHTSA has the responsibility to devise strategies to reduce the 
    number of motor vehicle collisions and to save lives and reduce 
    injuries and property damage through the prevention and reduction in 
    severity of motor vehicle collisions. NHTSA's Office of Crash Avoidance 
    Research conducts and manages research intended to: analyze driver-
    vehicle interaction, identify specific vehicle designs, components, or 
    parameters associated with driver performance errors and resulting 
    collisions, and develop and evaluate vehicle-based collision avoidance 
    countermeasure concepts and devices.
        There are approximately 1.6 million truck tractors and 3.6 million 
    trailers in use in the motor carrier industry today. IVHS technology 
    offers a significant potential to improve the productivity of the 
    industry and help reduce the approximately 200,000 crashes in which 
    these vehicles are involved each year. To date, the application of 
    these technologies to commercial vehicles has been limited to single 
    unit trucks and truck tractors because of constraints inherent in the 
    present combination-unit truck trailer electrical powering and 
    signalling communication system.
        Traditionally, the U.S. trucking industry equipment needs have been 
    supplied by the truck/tractor manufacturer (supplying the towing unit) 
    and the trailer manufacturer (supplying the cargo space to move goods). 
    The two units are married at the fifth wheel of the power unit and the 
    king-pin of the trailer. Communication and powering between the tractor 
    and trailer consists of little more than supplying power and control 
    from the tractor to the running lights of the trailer through the 
    standard seven pin electrical connector (seven circuits). One of the 
    primary reasons for lack of technology change in the standard seven 
    circuit connection between the tractor and trailer is that any change 
    may result in lack of compatibility between tractors and trailers 
    operating in the U.S. However, the defense, aerospace, and computer 
    industries have begun to focus on commercial vehicle applications as a 
    potential new market for their innovative ideas and advanced 
    technologies to improve safety, efficiency and productivity. In order 
    for these advances to happen, they must comply with the needs and 
    objectives of the users.
        Vehicle/unit locators, vehicle/driver trip loggers, on-board weight 
    measurement and recording systems, vehicle maintenance status monitor/
    recorder/transmitters, administrative credentials transponders, etc., 
    are envisioned, and in some cases, beginning to be installed on trucks 
    and tractors, resulting in significant operational efficiency benefits. 
    Likewise, sideward-looking, reward-looking, and forward-looking 
    collision avoidance systems, driver performance monitors, antilock and 
    electronic braking systems, brake maintenance status monitors, etc., 
    are envisioned, and in some cases, beginning to be installed on trucks 
    and tractors to enhance their operational safety performance.
        To date, the application of these developing technologies to 
    commercial vehicles has been limited predominately to the power unit. 
    There is clearly a need to overcome the inherent constraints presently 
    found in the communicating and powering system between tractors and 
    trailers. These constraints are exacerbated in the case of multi-unit 
    combination tractor/trailers, the vehicle type which will likely have 
    an increased future role in improving the productivity of the motor 
    carrier industry. The ability to install advanced technology IVHS 
    productivity and safety enhancing equipment on this type of vehicle may 
    be a key element in making their expanded future use practical and 
        A number of possibilities have been suggested to address this 
    issue, including but not limited to: radio/telemetry communication 
    linkages among units in the combination, communications signal 
    multiplexing, voltage enhancements, wiring system upgrades, additional 
    electrical circuits and/or wiring connector systems, etc. The 
    successful introduction of any or all of these approaches will hinge on 
    whether they can be integrated, and be compatible with existing 
    equipment in the current commercial motor carrier fleet. A comparative 
    evaluation of these approaches, and fleet demonstrations of the most 
    promising among these, will help foster the implementation of IVHS 
    technology in this application.
        To assess the functional capabilities and limitations, as well as 
    the reliability and practicality, of alternative means of providing 
    power to and sending/receiving communication signals to/from multiple 
    numbers and different types of advanced technology safety and 
    productivity enhancing systems on multi-unit combination heavy 
    commercial tractor/trailers. Assessments will be made with a view to 
    fostering the ability of system suppliers and truck users to 
    commercially deploy these type systems.
    Research Approach
        NHTSA believes that a teaming approach may be necessary to conduct 
    this research. One or more cooperative agreements are envisioned in 
    which a consortium of organizations with experience in truck/tractor 
    manufacturing, trailer manufacturing, electronic system and component 
    development, wiring and connectors, vehicle test and evaluation, and 
    motor carrier operation (in the case of an in-service demonstration 
    project) appear ideally suited to pursue this program.
        Because of the potential for cost sharing, the performing 
    organization may retain the rights to any proprietary product or 
    technology developed under the agreement, subject to a government use 
    license. The organization would be free to pursue commercial 
    development and marketing for the products. NHTSA will require 
    deliverables, however, which could include reports suitable for 
    publishing in the public domain to document such items as the research 
    methods and system evaluation results. Certain proprietary information, 
    such as algorithms, need not be released in the public domain.
        It is anticipated that one or more cooperative agreements may be 
    awarded under this program. Projects will be funded incrementally, with 
    up to a three-year support period. The maximum funding level that is 
    anticipated for the total project is $575,000, excluding cost sharing 
    provided by the performing organization(s). The maximum incremental 
    funding available in any one year is anticipated to be $300,000.
    NHTSA Involvement
        The NHTSA, Office of Crash Avoidance Research, will be involved in 
    all activities undertaken as part of this cooperative agreement program 
    and will:
        1. Provide, on an as-available basis, one professional staff 
    person, to be designated as the Contracting Officer's Technical 
    Representative (COTR), to participate in the planning and management of 
    the cooperative agreement, and to coordinate activities between the 
    organization and NHTSA;
        2. Make available information and technical assistance from 
    government sources, within available resources and as determined 
    appropriate by the COTR. This shall include data from state and 
    national accident databases, human factors data, or any other resources 
    within the government that may be of use in supporting research 
        3. Provide liaison with other government agencies and organizations 
    as appropriate; and
        4. Help expand the knowledge base of collision avoidance systems 
    and enabling technologies by publishing nonproprietary information 
    developed at Government expense in the scientific literature, thus 
    making it available to all organizations involved in research and 
    product development in this area.
    Period of Support
        The research and development effort described in this notice may be 
    supported through the award of a cooperative agreement. NHTSA reserves 
    the right to make multiple cooperative agreement awards for the effort 
    described in this notice depending on the merits of the applications 
    received and the amount of Federal funding available.
        Contingent on the availability of funds and satisfactory 
    performance, cooperative agreement(s) will be awarded to eligible 
    organization(s) for project periods of up to 3 years.
    Eligibility Requirements
        To be eligible to participate in this cooperative agreement 
    program, an applicant must be a for-profit business organization (small 
    or large), a non-profit organization, or an educational institution. 
    Regardless of the type of organization applying for Federal funding 
    assistance, no fee or profit will be allowed. While the proposed 
    research effort may require extensive collaboration among several 
    organizations, it is envisioned that during the pre-application 
    process, these various organizations will designate one organization to 
    prepare and submit the formal application.
    Application Procedure
        Each applicant must submit one original and two copies of its 
    application package to: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 
    Office of Contracts and Procurement (NAD-30), ATTN: Henrietta Mosley, 
    400 Seventh Street, SW., Room 5301, Washington, DC 20590. Only complete 
    application packages received on or before October 5, 1994 shall be 
    considered. Submission of three additional copies will expedite 
    processing, but is not required. The applicant shall specifically 
    identify any information in the application for which confidentiality 
    is requested, in accordance with the procedures of 49 CFR Part 512, 
    Confidential Business Information.
    Application Contents
        1. The application package must be submitted with OMB Standard Form 
    424 (Rev. 4-88, including 424A and 424B), with the required information 
    filled in and the certified assurances included. While the Form 424-A 
    deals with budget information, and Section B identifies budget 
    categories, the available space does not permit a level of detail which 
    is sufficient for a meaningful evaluation of proposed costs. A 
    supplemental sheet should be provided which presents a detailed 
    breakdown of the proposed costs, as well as the costs which the 
    applicant proposes to contribute in support of this effort, or any 
    additional financial commitment made by other sources. The budget 
    detail shall include all cost components of the project. Labor 
    categories, hourly labor rates, and projected labor hours for each 
    category should be included, as well as all materials, computer time, 
    test facility fees, etc. For planning purposes, the required briefings, 
    during the agreement performance period, will be conducted at NHTSA in 
    Washington, D.C.
        2. Applicants shall include a program narrative statement which 
    includes the following:
        a. A statement of work describing the development of the prototype 
    heavy vehicle communication and powering enhancement system(s). All 
    phases of the system(s) development should be described in sufficient 
    detail to demonstrate technical and administrative proficiency in each 
    area of the project (e.g., vehicle communication and powering 
    enhancement devices, assessing system performance, obtaining test 
    vehicles, assembling the system hardware, etc.). Specific details on 
    product development should be included; for example, a system requiring 
    sensors should include information on whether those sensors are off-
    the-shelf or are to be developed as part of the research effort.
        b. The proposed program director and other key personnel identified 
    for participation in the proposed research effort, including a 
    description of the project team and individual qualifications and their 
    respective organizational responsibilities.
        c. A description of the test facilities and equipment currently 
    available or to be obtained for use in conducting the proposed research 
        d. A description of the applicant's previous experience or on-going 
    research programs that are related to this proposed research effort.
        e. A detailed schedule, and management plan for the proposed 
    research effort, to include:
        1. A detailed task schedule, Gantt, or PERT chart to show the 
    duration, relationship and sequencing of proposed tasks, sub tasks, 
    project milestones, and project deliverables.
        2. A management plan that reflects the capability to direct and 
    coordinate the project tasks and administrative activities among the 
    team member organizations.
        f. A description of deliverables that will be provided to NHTSA 
    during the project and upon completion of the research effort. This 
    could include written reports, video tapes of computer simulations and/
    or full-scale vehicle tests, test data, etc. Each deliverable should be 
    identified as to whether it will be proprietary information or suitable 
    for release in the public domain.
        g. A detailed statement of any technical assistance which the 
    applicant may require of NHTSA in order to successfully complete the 
    proposed research effort.
    Application Review Process and Criteria
        Initially, all applications will be reviewed to confirm that the 
    applicant is an eligible recipient and to ensure that the application 
    contains all the information required by the Application Contents 
    section of this notice.
        Each complete application from an eligible recipient will then be 
    evaluated by a Technical Evaluation Committee. The applications will be 
    evaluated using the following criteria:
        1. The technical merit of the proposal, including the applicant's 
    understanding of the purpose and unique problems represented by the 
    research objectives of this cooperative agreement program as evidenced 
    in the description of their proposed project. The impact the proposed 
    research effort will have on fostering development of commercially 
    viable communication and powering enhancement systems for heavy 
    vehicles will be evaluated. The technical merit of the proposed 
    research effort, including the feasibility of approach, practicality, 
    planned methodology, and anticipated results, will have the most weight 
    of all evaluation factors. The proposal will be evaluated for 
    demonstrated proficiency in each technical subject included in the 
        2. The adequacy and availability of relevant test facilities and 
    equipment identified to accomplish the proposed research effort.
        3. The applicant's previous and current organizational experience 
    and personnel qualifications as related to this effort.
        4. The completeness and clarity of the applicant's plan for 
    accomplishing the proposed research will be evaluated. This includes 
    the task schedule and proposed management plan needed to direct and 
    coordinate identified project tasks.
    Terms and Conditions of the Award
        1. Procedures for the protection of the rights and welfare of human 
    subjects in NHTSA-sponsored experiments are set forth in NHTSA Orders 
    700-1 and 700-3. Any recipient proposing the use of human subjects must 
    satisfy the requirements and guidelines of the NHTSA Orders 700 series 
    prior to award of the cooperative agreement. It is not anticipated that 
    non-human subjects will be used in any testing performed under this 
    cooperative agreement. A copy of the NHTSA Orders 700 series may be 
    obtained from the administrative information contact designated in this 
        2. Prior to award, the recipient must comply with the certification 
    requirements of 49 CFR Part 20--Department of Transportation New 
    Restrictions on Lobbying and 49 CFR Part 29--Department of 
    Transportation Government-wide Debarment and Suspension 
    (Nonprocurement) and Government-wide Requirements for Drug-Free 
    Workplace (Grants).
        3. Each cooperative agreement will be negotiated to include 
    provisions appropriate to organizational conflicts of interest, patent 
    rights, rights in data, and copyright retention by the applicant. At 
    the time of negotiation, applicants may be required to disclose all 
    actual or apparent conflicts of interest.
        4. During the effective period of the cooperative agreement(s) 
    awarded as a result of this notice, the agreement(s) shall be subject 
    to NHTSA's General Provisions for Assistance Agreements, the cost 
    principles of OMB Circular A-21, A-122, or FAR 31.2, as applicable to 
    the recipient, and the requirements of 49 CFR Part 20 and Part 29. The 
    agreement(s) shall also be subject to the general administrative 
    requirements of 49 CFR Part 19-Department of Transportation Uniform 
    Administrative Requirements for Grants and Agreements with Institutions 
    of Higher Education, Hospitals, and Other Non-Profit Organizations as 
    applicable to those organizations.
        5. Reporting Requirements:
        a. Research Progress Reports: The recipient shall provide bimonthly 
    research progress reports which shall be due 15 days after the 
    reporting period, and a final research report within 45 days after the 
    completion of the research effort. An original and two copies of each 
    of these research reports shall be submitted to the COTR.
        b. Oral Briefings: There shall be a start-up briefing held at the 
    NHTSA Office of Crash Avoidance Research, Washington, DC within 15 days 
    of initiation of the cooperative agreement. The recipient shall conduct 
    semiannual oral presentations of research results for the COTR and 
    other interested NHTSA personnel. An original and at least two copies 
    of briefing materials shall be submitted to the COTR at the time of 
    each briefing.
        Issued on: August 19, 1994.
    George L. Parker,
    Associate Administrator for Research and Development.
    [FR Doc. 94-22389 Filed 9-9-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-59-P

Document Information

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Document Number:
Applications must be received on or before October 5, 1994.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: September 12, 1994