95-22583. Certification Acceptance  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 177 (Wednesday, September 13, 1995)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 47480-47484]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-22583]
    Federal Highway Administration
    23 CFR Part 640
    [FHWA Docket No. 95-19]
    RIN 2125-AD62
    Certification Acceptance
    AGENCY: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), DOT.
    ACTION: Interim final rule; request for comments.
    SUMMARY: The FHWA is adopting an interim policy for certification 
    acceptance (CA) which modifies the current FHWA policy. The interim 
    policy streamlines and simplifies the existing procedures for CA 
    applications to be consistent with the new program provisions in 
    sections such as 1016(f) and 1105(e) of the Intermodal Surface 
    Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA), Pub. L. 102-240, 105 
    Stat. 1914. The modifications simplify the current regulations by 
    eliminating unnecessary and prescriptive requirements. The new policy 
    will allow State highway agencies (SHAs) to use the CA alternate 
    procedures to supplement the administrative flexibility provided in the 
    ISTEA for non-Interstate projects.
    DATES: This regulation is effective September 13, 1995. Written 
    comments must be received on or before December 12, 1995.
    ADDRESSES: Submit written, signed comments to FHWA Docket No. 95-19, 
    Federal Highway Administration, Room 4232, HCC-10, 400 Seventh Street 
    SW., Washington, DC 20590. All comments received will be available for 
    examination at the above address between 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., e.t., 
    Monday through Friday. Those desiring notification of receipt of 
    comments must include a self-addressed, stamped postcard.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Donald J. Marttila, Interstate and 
    Program Support Branch, Federal-Aid and Design Division, Office of 
    Engineering, (202) 366-4637, or Mr. Wilbert Baccus, Office of the Chief 
    Counsel, (202) 366-0780, Federal Highway Administration, 400 Seventh 
    Street SW., Washington, DC 20590. 
    [[Page 47481]]
    Office hours are from 7:45 a.m. to 4:15 p.m., e.t., Monday through 
    Friday, except Federal holidays.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This interim final rule establishes the 
    procedures to be followed by SHAs for the processing of transportation 
    projects under CA. This document allows the timely use by SHAs of the 
    simplified CA procedures. The mandatory requirement for evaluation of 
    all areas under CA administration every four years is eliminated, 
    however the revised regulation retains the general requirements of the 
    FHWA's fundamental provisions of law in title 23, United States Code, 
    with respect to the basic structure of the Federal-aid highway program. 
    The requirement that the State's laws, regulations, directives, and 
    standards must aim to comply with title 23, U.S.C., policies is also 
    retained. In keeping with the streamlining effort, specific 
    requirements of the States for CA, including reports, are deleted 
    because title 23, U.S.C. requirements will be subject to periodic 
    changes. The revised CA regulation provides that States may be 
    requested to furnish reports and information at the discretion of the 
    FHWA. All references to the Secondary Road Plan (SRP) and its limited-
    coverage State certification procedures are removed because the SRP 
    program was eliminated under the ISTEA restructuring.
        The CA procedures are not being completely eliminated because, even 
    in light of the additional flexibility provided by the ISTEA, and in 
    particular 23 U.S.C. 106, certain National Highway System (NHS) 
    projects can still be handled under CA. Some of those projects were not 
    given the additional flexibility provided by the ISTEA. In addition, 
    some States continue to use CA notwithstanding the more flexible 
    options available.
    Section-by-Section Analysis
    Section 640.101  Purpose
        The statement of purpose remains unchanged.
    Section 640.103  Definitions
        The definition of ``secondary road plan'' is removed because the 
    Federal-aid secondary road system has been repealed by the ISTEA.
        The definition of ``State highway/transportation agency'' is added 
    to include all departments, commissions, boards or officials charged 
    with responsibility for highway construction. The meaning is the same 
    as that given for ``State highway department'' in 23 U.S.C. 101.
        The term ``transportation'' is added to the definition of ``State 
    certification'' to conform to the definition of ``State highway/
    transportation agency.''
    Section 640.105  Effect of Certification Acceptance
        Paragraph (d) is revised to eliminate the listing of fundamental 
    provisions of law in title 23, U.S.C. The listing has become outdated 
    and is subject to periodic changes. This does not change the finding 
    required in 23 U.S.C. 117 that Federal-aid projects under CA will be 
    carried out in accordance with State laws, regulations, directives and 
    standards which will accomplish the policies and objectives issued 
    pursuant to title 23, U.S.C.
    Section 640.107  Coverage
        Paragraphs (a) and (c) are revised to conform to the language in 
    the ISTEA and 23 U.S.C. 135, Statewide Planning, is added for the 
    projects listed in paragraph (b) and excluded from coverage under CA.
        Paragraph (d) is eliminated because it allowed a simplified CA 
    application procedure based on evaluation of the State's operations and 
    performance under the SRP which has been eliminated. The simplified 
    procedure is not needed because the special rules in 23 U.S.C. 106, 
    provided under the ISTEA, allow increased flexibility in approval of 
    projects using Federal-aid funds on non-NHS projects, low-cost NHS 
    projects, and 3R projects on the NHS.
    Section 640.109  Requirements for Certification Acceptance
        Paragraphs (a) and (b) are revised and combined into a new 
    paragraph (a) to simplify and streamline reviews and to eliminate 
    redundant or unnecessary requirements. The detailed list of title 23 
    requirements is eliminated and the itemized evaluation of a State's 
    performance and resources, to be used to determine the State's 
    capability to carry out project responsibilities, is replaced by a more 
    flexible approach. The approach is based on process reviews and 
    evaluations conducted as part of the overall FHWA evaluation of the 
    State's performance and resources. Procedures to accept limited-
    coverage CA, based on an evaluation of operations and performance under 
    an approved SRP, are eliminated because of the repeal of the secondary 
    road system by the ISTEA and because the limited-coverage of projects 
    is not necessary given the special rules provided for in the ISTEA 
    which have replaced the need for CA of such projects.
        Paragraph (c) is redesignated as paragraph (b).
    Section 640.111  Content of State Certification
        Paragraph (a) is revised to eliminate the procedures for limited-
    coverage State certification which are no longer applicable. Such 
    certification is not necessary for non-NHS projects, low-cost NHS 
    projects, and 3R projects on the NHS under the provisions of 23 U.S.C. 
    Section 640.113  Procedures
        The text is revised and rearranged to simplify and streamline the 
    procedures and eliminate redundant and unnecessary requirements. The 
    revision implements guidance issued by the FHWA for program oversight 
    in conformance with the ISTEA provisions, giving greater flexibility to 
    the administration of Federal-aid projects.
        Paragraph (a) is eliminated as redundant and because its subject is 
    covered in Sec. 640.105(d). Paragraph (b) is redesignated as paragraph 
    (a). Paragraph (c) is redesignated as paragraph (b) and the text 
    revised to conform to current FHWA guidance on processing design 
    exceptions for projects administered under CA. Paragraph (d) is 
    redesignated as paragraph (c) and the information on project agreements 
    is updated to the requirements in 23 CFR Part 630, subpart C. Paragraph 
    (e) and Appendix A, referenced in paragraph (e), are eliminated because 
    the listing in Appendix A is outdated and not all inclusive and because 
    the reports required by Appendix A on Federal-aid projects are subject 
    to periodic changes. Paragraph (f) is redesignated as paragraph (d) and 
    the text is revised to conform to the ISTEA provision for acceptance of 
    Federal-aid projects. Paragraph (g) is redesignated as paragraph (e) 
    and the text revised to remove the requirement that the State submit 
    the final voucher on a specific form known as ``FHWA 1447''.
        Paragraph (h) is redesignated as paragraph (f).
    Section 640.115  Evaluations
        Paragraphs (a) and (b) are revised to provide more flexibility in 
    administering the CA procedures, in keeping with the spirit of ISTEA 
    and recommendations made in the 1993 report by the Office of Program 
    Review, entitled ``Stewardship Under ISTEA Program Efficiencies.'' 
    Paragraph (a) is revised to provide that evaluations will be periodic, 
    on an ``as deemed appropriate' basis, rather than requiring evaluations 
    at least once every 4 years. 
    [[Page 47482]]
    Paragraph (b) retains the requirement that an evaluation report, with 
    recommendations, be prepared when a State fails to comply with CA 
    requirements. This evaluation report is retained to provide a means for 
    determining whether acceptance of a State's certification should be 
    Section 640.117  Rescission of State Certification
        The text is not changed in this section.
    Review Procedure
        Based on an analysis of public comments received, the FHWA will 
    reexamine its determination that this interim final rule is acceptable 
    as the basis for CA and whether further change is warranted.
    Rulemaking Analysis and Notices
        The Administrative Procedure Act (APA), 5 U.S.C. 551 et seq., 
    allows agencies engaged in rulemaking to dispense with prior notice and 
    opportunity for comment when the agency for good cause finds that such 
    procedures are impracticable, unnecessary, or contrary to the public 
    interest. For the reasons set forth below, the FHWA has determined that 
    prior notice to the public on this action is unnecessary and contrary 
    to the public interest.
        The FHWA has determined that prior notice and opportunity for 
    comment are unnecessary because the changes being adopted in this 
    rulemaking involve streamlining and provide more administrative 
    flexibility in the use of the regulation. This revision, as part of the 
    government regulatory review effort, updates and simplifies the 
    existing CA regulation. This rule provides a less burdensome system for 
    gathering information from the States with respect to the CA process 
    and provides more flexible reporting arrangements for States that are, 
    at their option, participating in the CA program. The previous 
    requirements for periodic reports are deleted. Instead, the States may 
    be requested by the FHWA to furnish reports and information from time 
    to time. Overall, the CA procedures are relaxed and do not impose any 
    additional restrictions on the public.
        The FHWA has also determined that prior notice and opportunity for 
    comment would be contrary to the public interest. As noted earlier, the 
    adoption of this interim final rule would allow a timely use by SHAs of 
    the streamlined and simplified CA procedures. Through the streamlined 
    process and simplified reporting requirements, States that have chosen 
    to participate in the CA program can do so to administer their State 
    highway programs more efficiently.
        Furthermore, the FHWA has also determined that prior notice and 
    opportunity for comment are not required under the Department of 
    Transportation's Regulatory Policies and Procedures because it is not 
    anticipated that such action will result in the receipt of useful 
        The APA, according to 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(3), also allows agencies, 
    upon a finding of good cause, to make a rule effective immediately and 
    avoid the 30-day delayed effective requirement. The FHWA has determined 
    that good cause exists to make this rule effective upon publication 
    because the rule streamlines the CA process and provides less 
    prescriptive requirements for its use. Making this rule effective upon 
    publication will enable the States to take advantage of the simplified 
    procedures immediately. Moreover, it should be noted that participation 
    by the States in the CA program is voluntary.
        Nevertheless, public comment is solicited on this action. Comments 
    received will be carefully considered in evaluating whether any change 
    to this action is needed.
    Executive Order 12866 (Regulatory Planning and Review) and DOT 
    Regulatory Policies and Procedures
        The FHWA has determined that this action is not a significant 
    regulatory action within the meaning of Executive Order 12866 or 
    significant within the meaning of Department of Transportation 
    Regulatory Policies and Procedures. As stated, this revised regulation 
    merely streamlines and updates the current CA regulation by giving 
    added flexibility to the States in their use of CA. It is anticipated 
    that the economic impact of the rulemaking will be minimal; therefore, 
    a full regulatory evaluation is not required.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        In compliance with the Regulatory Flexibility Act (Pub. L. 96-354, 
    5 U.S.C. 601-612), the FHWA has evaluated the effects of this rule on 
    small entities. Based on the evaluation, the FHWA hereby certifies that 
    this action will not have a significant economic impact on a 
    substantial number of small entities. The FHWA made this determination 
    based on the fact that the interim final rule for CA is an update of a 
    current regulation and will provide greater flexibility in using the CA 
    alternate procedures in the administration of projects consistent with 
    the provisions of ISTEA.
    Executive Order 12612 (Federalism Assessment)
        This action has been analyzed in accordance with the principles and 
    criteria contained in Executive Order 12612, and it has been determined 
    that this action does not have sufficient federalism implications to 
    warrant the preparation of a federalism assessment. This rule does not 
    impose additional costs or burdens on the States, including the likely 
    source of funding for the States, nor does it affect the ability of the 
    States to discharge traditional State government functions. The intent 
    of this rule is to provide the States with additional administrative 
    flexibility in the use of the regulation.
    Executive Order 12372 (Intergovernmental Review)
        Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Program Number 20.205, 
    Highway Planning and Construction. The regulations implementing 
    Executive Order 12372 regarding intergovernmental consultation on 
    Federal programs and activities apply to this program.
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        This action does not contain a collection of information 
    requirement for purposes of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, 44 
    U.S.C. 3501 et seq.
    National Environmental Policy Act
        The agency has analyzed this action for the purpose of the National 
    Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) and has 
    determined that this action would not have any effect on the quality of 
    the environment.
    Regulation Identification Number
        A regulation identification number (RIN) is assigned to each 
    regulatory action listed in the Unified Agenda of Federal Regulations. 
    The Regulatory Information Service Center publishes the Unified Agenda 
    in April and October of each year. The RIN number contained in the 
    heading of this document can be used to cross reference this action 
    with the Unified Agenda.
    List of Subjects in 23 CFR Part 640
        Government procurement, Grant programs-transportation, Highways and 
        Issued on: September 5, 1995.
    Rodney E. Slater,
    Federal Highway Administrator.
        For the reasons set out above, the FHWA amends chapter I of title 
    23, Code of Federal Regulations, by revising part 640 to read as set 
    forth below. 
    [[Page 47483]]
    640.101  Purpose.
    640.103  Definitions.
    640.105  Effect of certification acceptance.
    640.107  Coverage.
    640.109  Requirements for certification acceptance.
    640.111  Content of State certification.
    640.113  Procedures.
    640.115  Evaluations.
    640.117  Rescission of State certification.
        Authority: 23 U.S.C. 101(e), 117, and 315; 49 CFR 1.48(b).
    Sec. 640.101  Purpose.
        The purpose of this part is to provide instructions for preparation 
    and acceptance of State certification proposals to accomplish the 
    policies and objectives of title 23, U.S.C., using State laws, 
    regulations, directives, and standards. Also covered are procedures for 
    administering projects under certification acceptance and evaluating 
    State performance.
    Sec. 640.103  Definitions.
        Unless otherwise specified in this part, the definitions in 23 
    U.S.C. 101(a) are applicable to this part. As used in this part:
        Certification acceptance (CA) means the alternative procedure 
    authorized by 23 U.S.C. 117(a) for administering Federal-aid highway 
    projects not on the Interstate System.
        State certification means a written statement prepared by a State 
    highway/transportation agency setting forth the laws, regulations, 
    directives, and standards it will use, or cause to be used, in the 
    administration of certain highway projects.
        State highway/transportation agency has the same meaning as that 
    given for State highway department in 23 U.S.C. 101.
    Sec. 640.105  Effect of certification acceptance.
        (a) Acceptance of a State certification permits a State to 
    discharge certain responsibilities otherwise assigned to the Secretary 
    under title 23, U.S.C., for Federal-aid highway projects. A State may 
    permit performance and project certification by capable local 
        (b) Acceptance of a State certification does not constitute a 
    commitment or obligation of Federal funds.
        (c) Acceptance of a State certification does not preclude FHWA 
    access to and review of a Federal-aid project at any time.
        (d) Certification acceptance as an alternative procedure does not 
    replace the fundamental provisions of law in title 23, U.S.C., with 
    respect to the basic structure of the Federal-aid highway program. 
    Acceptance of a CA proposal does not preclude application of any 
    provision of title 23, U.S.C., that may be advantageous to the State.
        (e) Nothing in this part shall affect or discharge any 
    responsibility or obligation of the FHWA under any Federal law other 
    than title 23, U.S.C.
    Sec. 640.107  Coverage.
        (a) Certification acceptance may apply to Federal-aid highway 
    projects except projects on the Interstate System. If other FHWA 
    regulations and title 23, U.S.C., allow, projects not on a Federal-aid 
    highway may be administered under the provisions of an accepted State 
        (b) The CA procedure shall not apply to transportation planning and 
    research (23 U.S.C. 134, 135, and 307), highway safety (chapter 4, 
    title 23, U.S.C.), or those public transportation projects not 
    administered by FHWA under title 23, U.S.C.
        (c) A State certification may provide for either full or partial 
    coverage of the Federal-aid highway projects, programs, phases of work, 
    and classes of projects.
    Sec. 640.109  Requirements for certification acceptance.
        (a) Acceptance of either a full or partial coverage State 
    certification as described in Sec. 640.107(c) will be based upon:
        (1) A State request and identification of the State laws, 
    regulations, directives, and standards that either separately or 
    collectively will accomplish the policies and objectives contained in 
    or issued pursuant to title 23, U.S.C., and
        (2) An FHWA finding that the State highway/transportation agency 
    has the capability to carry out project responsibilities in accordance 
    with such State requirements. The FHWA finding will be based on 
    previous process reviews and evaluations conducted as part of FHWA's 
    oversight of Federal-aid programs and an FHWA evaluation of the State's 
    performance and resources. If information from process reviews and that 
    available from previous evaluations are considered to be insufficient 
    to form a reasonable judgment, they may be supplemented by additional 
    reviews and inquiries of the State agency.
        (b) A State certification may be accepted in whole or in part, 
    depending on FHWA findings. Where minor deficiencies are found, 
    acceptance may be conditioned or may exclude the affected State 
    operations until the deficiencies are corrected. Where deficiencies are 
    found which are of such magnitude as to create doubt that the policies 
    and objectives of title 23, U.S.C., would be accomplished, the State 
    certification will not be accepted until the deficiencies are 
    Sec. 640.111  Content of State certification.
        (a) The State certification will include the following:
        (1) The name of the State highway/transportation agency and the 
    legal authority which permits such agency to accomplish the policies 
    and objectives contained in or issued pursuant to title 23, U.S.C.;
        (2) A statement of the programs, phases of work, and classes of 
    projects or combinations thereof that the State is including in the 
    certification being submitted for acceptance;
        (3) For submissions providing full or partial coverage of projects 
    as provided in Sec. 640.107(c), a listing of the title 23, U.S.C., 
    policies and objectives and citation of State laws, regulations, 
    directives, and standards that will be applied. Any policies and 
    objectives that are not applicable due to partial coverage may be 
    omitted; and
        (4) A description of the State's methods for assuring local 
    government knowledge of and compliance with State and Federal 
    requirements where they will perform services on projects administered 
    under CA.
        (b) Existing assurances and formal agreements between the State and 
    the FHWA with respect to equal employment opportunity, current billing, 
    and control of outdoor advertising will continue in full force and 
    effect and may be incorporated by reference. Likewise, the State's 
    procedures accepted under 23 U.S.C. 109(h) may be incorporated by 
        (c) State certifications are to be signed by the chief official of 
    the State highway/transportation agency and submitted to the FHWA 
    Division Administrator.
    Sec. 640.113  Procedures.
        (a) Authorization by the FHWA to proceed with work on a CA project 
    will be in response to a written request from the State highway/
    transportation agency.
        (b) If the State finds that exceptions to CA procedures or 
    standards are appropriate on a project, the State will justify and 
    document such decisions.
        (c) A project agreement, or modification to a project agreement, 
    will be executed as required by 23 CFR Part 630, subpart C, Project 
        (d) The FHWA may accept projects based on inspections of a type and 
    frequency necessary to ensure the projects are completed in accordance 
    [[Page 47484]]
    with appropriate standards. The State is to notify the FHWA when a 
    project is complete and/or ready for such inspection.
        (e) Final vouchers will be submitted to the FHWA with the State 
    certifying that the plans, design, and construction for the project 
    were in accord with the laws, regulations, directives, and standards 
    contained in the State certification or such project exceptions as were 
    approved by the FHWA.
        (f) Revisions or amendments to State certifications will be made 
    when necessary and processed as provided in Sec. 640.111(c). The 
    existing State certification is to be reviewed periodically to 
    determine its adequacy in light of this part, the statutes in effect at 
    the time of the review, and the operational reviews made by FHWA.
    Sec. 640.115  Evaluations.
        (a) The FHWA may conduct periodic evaluations, as deemed 
    appropriate, of the State's operations under CA. These evaluations may 
    include coverage of any or all areas of the State's administration of 
    CA projects.
        (b) If a failure to comply with Federal or State laws occurs and 
    the State is unable or unwilling to effect corrective action of the 
    deficiency, an evaluation report, including recommendations, will be 
    prepared by the FHWA as a basis for considering whether acceptance of 
    the State certification should be rescinded under Sec. 640.117.
    Sec. 640.117  Rescission of State certification.
        The acceptance of a State certification may be rescinded at any 
    time upon request of the State or if considered necessary by the FHWA 
    to protect the Federal interest. The rescission may be applied to all 
    or part of the programs or projects covered in the State certification.
    [FR Doc. 95-22583 Filed 9-12-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-22-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Federal Highway Administration
Entry Type:
Interim final rule; request for comments.
Document Number:
This regulation is effective September 13, 1995. Written comments must be received on or before December 12, 1995.
47480-47484 (5 pages)
Docket Numbers:
FHWA Docket No. 95-19
2125-AD62: Certification Acceptance
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (9)
23 CFR 640.101
23 CFR 640.103
23 CFR 640.105
23 CFR 640.107
23 CFR 640.109
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