95-22699. Sales of Credit Life Insurance  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 177 (Wednesday, September 13, 1995)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 47498-47501]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-22699]
    Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
    12 CFR Part 2
    [Docket No. 95-23]
    RIN 1557-AB49
    Sales of Credit Life Insurance
    AGENCY: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Treasury.
    ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
    SUMMARY: The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) is 
    proposing to revise its regulation governing credit life insurance and 
    the disposition of credit life insurance income. This proposal is 
    another component of the OCC's Regulation Review Program to update and 
    streamline OCC regulations and to reduce unnecessary regulatory costs 
    and other burdens.
        The proposal eliminates unnecessarily detailed provisions, 
    reorganizes sections of the rule into a more helpful format, and 
    refocuses the regulation to address areas presenting the greatest 
    safety and soundness concerns.
    DATES: Comments must be received by November 13, 1995.
    ADDRESSES: Comments should be directed to: Docket 95-23, Communications 
    Division, 250 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20219, Fax (202)874-5274. 
    Comments will be available for public inspection and photocopying at 
    the same location.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Stuart E. Feldstein, Senior Attorney, 
    Legislative and Regulatory Activities, (202) 874-5090.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The OCC is proposing to revise 12 CFR part 2 
    as part of its Regulation Review Program. The goal of the Program is to 
    eliminate provisions in the OCC's regulations that impose unnecessary 
    regulatory burdens and do not contribute significantly to maintaining 
    the safety and soundness of national banks or accomplishing the OCC's 
    other statutory responsibilities. By simplifying and clarifying the 
    regulation, the proposal is intended to better focus on the standards 
    and principles to which national banks should adhere when they furnish 
    credit life insurance to customers.
        The OCC issued a final rule to establish part 2 in 1977, 42 FR 
    48518 (September 23, 1977), to regulate the disposition of income from 
    the sale of credit life insurance by national banks to loan customers 
    of the bank. The regulation addressed the practice where employees, 
    officers, directors, and principal shareholders, or their related 
    interests, diverted income from the sale of credit life insurance to 
    their benefit rather than to the bank. The OCC noted at the time that 
    ``[T]he proposal was premised on the judgment that income earned from 
    credit life insurance sales to bank customers by bank officers using 
    bank premises and good will in the creation of bank assets (loans) 
    should be credited to bank earnings rather than be paid directly to and 
    retained by officers, directors or selected stockholders.'' Id.
        The regulation also addressed a number of related safety and 
    soundness concerns. For example, there is an inherent conflict of 
    interest when a loan officer's receipt of commissions from the sale of 
    credit life insurance is dependent on the volume of loans made. This 
    prospect of financial reward based solely upon loan volume may induce 
    loan officers to make financially unsound loans. See also, First 
    National Bank of La Marque v. Smith, 610 F.2d 1258 (5th Cir. 1980) 
    (``When loan officers are allowed to retain commissions, the prospect 
    of personal financial gain is interjected into the lending 
    decision.''). Additional safety and soundness concerns cited when the 
    rule was adopted included: (1) that arrangements permitting employees, 
    officers and directors to use bank premises and goodwill for personal 
    profit were inimical to the trust and 
    [[Page 47499]]
    confidence depositors place in financial institutions; (2) that the 
    acquisition of a bank by investors who rely on the credit life 
    insurance income to service their debt was inherently unsafe and 
    unsound because it decreases their interest in running a profitable 
    bank; and (3) that incentives to increase bank profits were diminished 
    if money was distributed other than through dividends. See, 41 FR 29846 
    (July 20, 1976); 42 FR 48518 (September 23, 1977).
        In 1982, the OCC amended part 2 to incorporate certain 
    recommendations of the Federal Financial Institutions Examination 
    Council. Among other things, these amendments clarified that bank 
    officers and employees could participate in limited bonus and incentive 
    plans notwithstanding the prohibition on receiving income derived from 
    the sale of credit life insurance. The amendments also revised a 
    provision permitting income from the sale of credit life insurance to 
    be credited to a holding company affiliate of the bank by requiring the 
    affiliate to ``reasonably compensate'' the bank for the use of its 
    premises, personnel, and goodwill. 47 FR 31376 (July 20, 1982).
        The OCC is committed to safeguarding national banks from the 
    inappropriate practices that gave rise to the promulgation of part 2, 
    and is not proposing to diminish the fundamental standards reflected in 
    the current rule. Rather, the proposal reduces the overly detailed 
    format of the current rule, seeks comment on additional streamlining, 
    and reorganizes the rule into more readable and understandable 
    provisions that focus on the safety and soundness concerns and 
    fiduciary principles that are the objectives of the regulation.
    Section 2.1--Authority, Purpose, and Scope
        The proposal removes current Sec. 2.1 as unnecessary. The proposal 
    adds an ``Authority, purpose, and scope'' section that briefly 
    describes the objectives and scope of the regulation. The section also 
    restates language in current Sec. 2.6 relating to national bank 
    authority to furnish credit life insurance under 12 U.S.C. 24 
    (Seventh). These revisions do not expand or otherwise modify the 
    authority of national bank's to furnish credit life insurance under 12 
    U.S.C. 24 (Seventh).1
        \1\ IBAA v. Heimann, 613 F.2d 1164, (D.C. Cir. 1979), cert. 
    denied, 449 U.S. 823 (1980) (upholding national bank authority to 
    sell credit life insurance). See also examples of other OCC 
    precedent on furnishing credit life insurance: Interpretive Letter 
    No. 277 (December 21, 1983) reprinted at [1983-1984 Transfer Binder] 
    Fed. Banking L. Rep. (CCH) P85,441 (credit life insurance 
    permissible as an incidental power under 12 U.S.C. 24(Seventh)); 
    Interpretive Letter No. 283 (March 16, 1984) reprinted at [1983-1984 
    Transfer Binder] Fed. Banking L. Rep. (CCH) P85,447 (sales of credit 
    life and disability insurance as agent for the insurer or by other 
    arrangement as an incidental power); Letter from James G. Orie, 
    Attorney, OCC Law Department (January 28, 1987); Letter from Ford 
    Barrett, Assistant Director, Legislative and Regulatory Analysis 
    (December 13, 1984); Letter from Richard V. Fitzgerald, Director, 
    Legal Advisory Services Division (May 12, 1980); Letter from Robert 
    Bloom, First Deputy Comptroller for Policy (June 29, 1976); and 
    Letter from Joe H. Selby, First Deputy Comptroller for Operations 
    (June 30, 1976).
    Section 2.2--Definitions
        The definitions in current Sec. 2.3 are amended to reflect minor 
    wording changes. In addition, the OCC requests comment as to whether 
    the scope of the definition of ``credit life insurance'' is 
    Section 2.3--Distribution of Credit Life Insurance Income
        The proposal also contains a simplified statement of the methods by 
    which credit life insurance may be sold by national banks. The current 
    regulation requires income derived from the sale of credit life 
    insurance by national bank insiders to loan customers of the bank to be 
    credited to the bank rather than to the bank insiders or entities in 
    which they have a material interest. In connection with the initial 
    Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in 1976, some commenters argued that 
    certain state laws prohibited the assignment of commissions to the bank 
    and, thus, contradicted the OCC's requirement to credit income from the 
    sale of the credit life insurance to the bank. In response to this 
    concern, current Sec. 2.6 contains a list of OCC approved methods of 
    distribution of credit life insurance income that are alternatives to 
    the assignment of commissions to the bank. Section 2.6 also states that 
    other methods satisfying the requirements of current Sec. 2.4 are 
        The current rule provides banks with some certainty about the types 
    of methods that are acceptable. However, these examples do not appear 
    to be needed as part of the regulation, and may, in practice, be unduly 
    restrictive and confusing. Therefore, the OCC is proposing to remove 
    the list of approved alternative methods and substitute a simple 
    statement that the means of distribution of credit life insurance 
    income must be consistent with the requirements and principles of 
    proposed Sec. 2.3.
        These requirements include a provision that prohibits bank insiders 
    from retaining commissions or other income from the sale of credit life 
    insurance to loan customers of the bank, subject to certain exceptions 
    for bonus and incentive plans.
        In addition, the proposal also clarifies that it is unsafe and 
    unsound for a director, officer, employee, or principal shareholder of 
    a national bank, (i.e. a shareholder that directly or indirectly owns 
    five percent or more of the bank's stock), or an entity in which any 
    such person has an interest of five percent or more, involved in the 
    sale of credit life insurance to bank loan customers to take advantage 
    of that business opportunity for personal profit. This provision 
    revises current Sec. 2.4(a) to reinforce the core principle that income 
    derived from the opportunity created by the bank should be credited to 
    the bank.
        The OCC requests commenters to address whether the five percent 
    ownership test for a ``principal shareholder'' and for covered entities 
    in which insiders have an interest is an appropriate level to use in 
    these contexts, and, if not, what alternative percentages or more 
    flexible standards would be appropriate. For example, the OCC notes 
    that a ``principal shareholder'' for purposes of insider lending 
    standards is defined with a ten percent voting stock ownership test. 12 
    CFR 215.2(m)(1).
        The OCC also requests commenters to address whether the prohibition 
    against the retention of income derived from the sale of credit life 
    insurance should apply to sales of credit life insurance to loan 
    customers of an affiliate bank.
        Subject to various safeguards, the OCC permits national banks to 
    share space and employees with entities other than depository 
    institutions. See 42 FR 11924 (March 3, 1995) (Proposed revisions to 
    part 7, the OCC's interpretive rulings.) In some instances, the bank 
    and another entity that uses bank premises may share employees to sell 
    products, which may include credit life insurance, to the bank's 
    customers. To the extent these shared employees receive commissions 
    from the sale of the credit life insurance, the arrangement arguably 
    falls within the prohibitions contained in the current rule, as well as 
    this proposal.
        Possible solutions to this issue include a prohibition on 
    commissions received from the sale of credit life insurance by bank 
    employees to the bank's customers, a requirement that the bank be 
    compensated in some fashion, and/or a standard excluding certain types 
    of dual employees from the scope of part 2. The OCC is mindful of not 
    placing impediments to multi-product arrangements that are beneficial 
    to banks and bank customers and have not been the source of problems or 
    [[Page 47500]]
    However, the OCC also must exercise effective oversight where 
    legitimate safety and soundness concerns may arise.
        The OCC therefore requests comment on the treatment and 
    compensation of employees shared with a non-bank entity that sells 
    credit life insurance to the bank's customers.
        Section 2.4(b) of the current regulation, originally adopted in 
    1977, permits income from the sale of credit life insurance to be 
    credited to a holding company affiliate of the bank or to a trust for 
    the benefit of all bank shareholders. A subsequent amendment to part 2 
    in 1982 required the holding company affiliate or trust to pay 
    ``reasonable compensation'' to the bank for the use of its personnel 
    and premises. 47 FR 31376 (July 20, 1982).
        The OCC requests comment on whether to retain these provisions in 
    the final rule or whether they are no longer necessary or used. If 
    commenters propose retaining these provisions, the OCC also requests 
    comment on whether comparable provisions should apply to affiliates not 
    in a holding company structure.
    Section 2.4--Bonus and Incentive Plans
        Current Sec. 2.4(a) permits limited bonus and incentive 
    arrangements for employees and officers, notwithstanding the general 
    prohibition against paying insiders income derived from the sale of 
    credit life insurance to loan customers. Under the current rule, bonus 
    or incentive payments based on credit life insurance sales may be made 
    not more frequently than quarterly, and may not exceed in any one year 
    five percent of the recipient's annual salary or five percent of the 
    average salary of all loan officers participating in the plan. The 
    proposal retains this condition with some minor wording changes to make 
    the provision simpler and more understandable.
        The OCC is concerned, however, that these restrictions may be too 
    rigid. Therefore, commenters are specifically asked to address whether 
    this periodic payment standard and the two percentage limits are 
    appropriate safeguards for bonus and incentive programs, and, if not, 
    what alternative safeguards the OCC should adopt that would deter 
    inappropriate sales activities by insiders in connection with the sale 
    of credit life insurance.
        The proposal also adds a new provision that requires the bank not 
    to structure its bonus or incentive plans in a manner that could create 
    incentives for persons selling credit life insurance to provide 
    inappropriate recommendations or sales of credit life insurance to 
    customers of the bank. This provision is intended to protect consumers 
    by requiring banks to address potential conflicts of interest that 
    arise when loan officers also sell credit life insurance.
    Other Changes
        The proposal removes current Sec. 2.5 which relates to director 
    responsibilities since that issue is already considered in another 
    section of the proposal. Current Sec. 2.5 only addresses directors, and 
    requires them to observe the requirements in Sec. 2.4 and to be mindful 
    of their duty under common law and 12 U.S.C. 73 to promote the interest 
    of the bank over their personal interests. This section merely restates 
    common law and statutory requirements. Moreover, the same basic 
    fiduciary principles apply to bank officers and other employees 
    involved in credit life insurance sales as well as to directors. The 
    proposal states these principles in Sec. 2.3(c), and applies them to 
    all categories of bank officials and employees engaged in credit life 
    insurance sales.
        The proposal also removes current Sec. 2.7 where the Comptroller 
    reserves the authority to modify the applicability of any part of part 
    2 based on the particular circumstances of the bank. The OCC has rarely 
    used this section. The OCC will continue to consider requests for 
    interpretations of part 2 on a case-by-case basis.
        The OCC welcomes comments on any aspect of the proposed regulation, 
    particularly those issues specifically noted in this preamble.
                                Derivation Table                            
         [This table directs readers to the provision(s) of the current     
         regulation, if any, upon which the proposed revision is based.]    
      Revised provision            Original provision             Comments  
    Sec.  2.1...........  Secs.  2.1, 2.2, 2.6...............  Modified.    
    Sec.  2.2...........  Sec.  2.3..........................  Modified.    
    Sec.  2.3...........  Secs.  2.4(a), (b), 2.6............  Modified.    
    Sec.  2.4(a), (c)...  Sec.  2.4(a), (c)..................  Modified.    
    Sec.  2.4(b)........  ...................................  Added.       
                          Sec.  2.5..........................  Removed.     
                          Sec.  2.7..........................  Removed.     
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        It is hereby certified that this regulation will not have a 
    significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. 
    Accordingly, a regulatory flexibility analysis is not required. This 
    regulation will reduce the regulatory burden on national banks, 
    regardless of size, by simplifying and clarifying existing regulatory 
    Executive Order 12866
        The OCC has determined that this proposal is not a significant 
    regulatory action under Executive Order 12866.
    Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995
        Section 202 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (``Unfunded 
    Mandates Act'') (signed into law on March 22, 1995) requires that an 
    agency prepare a budgetary impact statement before promulgating a rule 
    that includes a Federal mandate that may result in the expenditure by 
    State, local, and tribal governments, in the aggregate, or by the 
    private sector, of $100 million or more in any one year. If a budgetary 
    impact statement is required, Section 205 of the Unfunded Mandates Act 
    also requires an agency to identify and consider a reasonable number of 
    regulatory alternatives before promulgating a rule. Because the OCC has 
    determined that the proposed rule will not result in expenditures by 
    State, local, and tribal governments, or by the private sector, of more 
    than $100 million in any one year, the OCC has not prepared a budgetary 
    impact statement or specifically addressed the regulatory alternatives 
    considered. Nevertheless, as discussed in the preamble, the rule has 
    the effect of reducing burden and increasing the flexibility of 
    national banks, consistent with safe and sound banking practices.
    List of Subjects in 12 CFR Part 2
        Credit, Life insurance, National banks.
    Authority and Issuance
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, part 2 of chapter I of 
    title 12 of the Code of Federal Regulations is proposed to be revised 
    to read as follows:
    2.1  Authority, purpose, and scope.
    2.2  Definitions.
    2.3  Distribution of credit life insurance income.
    2.4  Bonus and incentive plans.
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 24 (Seventh), 93a, and 1818(n).
    Sec. 2.1  Authority, purpose, and scope.
        (a) Authority. A national bank may furnish credit life insurance to 
    loan customers pursuant to 12 U.S.C. 24 (Seventh).
        (b) Purpose. The purpose of this part is to set forth the 
    principles and 
    [[Page 47501]]
    standards that apply to a national bank's sale of credit life 
    insurance, and the limitations that apply to the receipt of income from 
    those sales by certain individuals and entities associated with the 
        (c) Scope. This part applies to sales of credit life insurance by 
    any national bank employee, officer, director, or principal 
    shareholder, and certain entities in which they have interests.
    2.2  Definitions.
        (a) Credit life insurance means credit life, health, and accident 
        (b) Interest includes:
        (1) Ownership through a spouse or minor child;
        (2) Ownership through a broker, nominee, or other agent; or
        (3) Ownership through any corporation, partnership, association, 
    joint venture, or proprietorship, that is controlled by a director, 
    officer, employee, or principal shareholder of the bank.
        (c) Officer, director, employee, or principal shareholder includes 
    the spouse and minor children of an officer, director, employee, or 
    principal shareholder.
        (d) Principal shareholder means any shareholder who directly or 
    indirectly owns or controls an interest of more than five percent of 
    the bank's outstanding shares.
    Sec. 2.3  Distribution of credit life insurance income.
        (a) The means of distribution of credit life insurance income 
    employed by a national bank must be consistent with the requirements 
    and principles of this section.
        (b) Except as provided in Sec. 2.4, a director, officer, employee, 
    or principal shareholder of a national bank, or an entity in which such 
    person has a voting interest of five percent or more, may not retain 
    commissions or other income from the sale of credit life insurance in 
    connection with any loan made by that bank.
        (c) It is an unsafe and unsound practice for any director, officer, 
    employee, or principal shareholder of a national bank, (including any 
    entity in which such a person has a voting interest of five percent or 
    more), who is involved in the sale of credit life insurance to loan 
    customers of a national bank, to take advantage of that business 
    opportunity for personal profit. Income derived from credit life 
    insurance sales to loan customers must be credited to the income 
    accounts of the bank and not to the bank's employee, director, officer, 
    or principal shareholder, or to an entity in which such a person has a 
    voting interest of five percent or more.
    Sec. 2.4  Bonus and incentive plans.
        (a) A bank employee or officer may participate in a bonus or 
    incentive plan based on the sale of credit life insurance if the 
    following conditions are satisfied:
        (1) Payments based on credit life insurance sales are made not more 
    frequently than quarterly; and
        (2) Payments to any individual in any one year do not exceed the 
    greater of:
        (i) Five percent of the recipient's annual salary; or
        (ii) Five percent of the average salary of all loan officers 
    participating in the plan.
        (b) The bank may not structure its incentive or bonus program in a 
    manner that creates incentives for an individual to make inappropriate 
    recommendations or sales to customers of the bank.
        (c) Nothing contained in this part prohibits a bank employee, 
    officer, director, or principal shareholder who holds an insurance 
    agent's license from agreeing to compensate the bank for the use of its 
    premises, employees, or goodwill. However, the employee, officer, 
    director, or principal shareholder shall turn over to the bank as 
    compensation all income received from the sale of the credit life 
    insurance to the bank's loan customers.
        Dated: September 7, 1995.
    Eugene A. Ludwig,
    Comptroller of the Currency.
    [FR Doc. 95-22699 Filed 9-12-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4810-33-P

Document Information

Comptroller of the Currency
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Notice of proposed rulemaking.
Document Number:
Comments must be received by November 13, 1995.
47498-47501 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 95-23
1557-AB49: Disposition of Credit Life Insurance Income; Regulation Review
RIN Links:
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