2024-20467. Self-Regulatory Organizations; Cboe EDGA Exchange, Inc.; Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule Change To Establish Fees for Industry Members Related to Certain Historical Costs of the National Market System Plan ...  

  • Equity Order Trade (EOT)  20

    No. Field name Data type Description Include key
    12.n.8/13.n.8 member Member Alias The identifier for the member firm that is responsible for the order on this side of the trade. Not required if there is no order for the side as indicated by the NOBUYID/NOSELLID instruction. This must be provided if orderID is provided C
    ( print page 75298)

    Option Trade (OT)  21

    No. Field name Data type Description Include key
    16.n.13/17.n.13 member Member Alias The identifier for the member firm that is responsible for the order R

    In addition, the following fields of the Participant Technical Specifications would indicate the CAT Executing Brokers for the transactions executed otherwise than on an exchange:

    TRF/ORF/ADF Transaction Data Event (TRF) 22

    No. Field name Data type Description Include key
    26 reportingExecutingMpid Member Alias MPID of the executing party R
    28 contraExecutingMpid Member Alias MPID of the contra-side executing party C

    (2) Calculation of Historical Fee Rate 1

    The Operating Committee determined the Historical Fee Rate to be used in calculating Historical CAT Assessment 1 (“Historical Fee Rate 1”) by dividing the Historical CAT Costs for Historical CAT Assessment 1 (“Historical CAT Costs 1”) by the projected total executed share volume of all transactions in Eligible Securities for the Historical Recovery Period for Historical CAT Assessment 1 (“Historical Recovery Period 1”), as discussed in detail below. Based on this calculation, the Operating Committee has determined that Historical Fee Rate 1 would be $0.00003994969693072937 per executed equivalent share. This rate is then divided by three and rounded to determine the fee rate of $0.000013 per executed equivalent share that will be assessed to CEBBs and CEBSs, as also discussed in detail below.

    (A) Executed Equivalent Shares for Transactions in Eligible Securities

    Under the CAT NMS Plan, for purposes of calculating each Historical CAT Assessment, executed equivalent shares in a transaction in Eligible Securities will be reasonably counted as follows: (1) each executed share for a transaction in NMS Stocks will be counted as one executed equivalent share; (2) each executed contract for a transaction in Listed Options will be counted based on the multiplier applicable to the specific Listed Options ( i.e., 100 executed equivalent shares or such other applicable multiplier); and (3) each executed share for a transaction in OTC Equity Securities shall be counted as 0.01 executed equivalent share.[23]

    (B) Historical CAT Costs 1

    The CAT NMS Plan states that “[t]he Operating Committee will reasonably determine the Historical CAT Costs sought to be recovered by each Historical CAT Assessment, where the Historical CAT Costs will be Past CAT Costs minus Past CAT Costs reasonably excluded from Historical CAT Costs by the Operating Committee. Each Historical CAT Assessment will seek to recover from CAT Executing Brokers two-thirds of Historical CAT Costs incurred during the period covered by the Historical CAT Assessment.” [24] As described in detail below, Historical CAT Costs 1 would be $318,059,819. This figure includes Past CAT Costs of $401,312,909 minus certain Excluded Costs of $83,253,090. Participants collectively will remain responsible for one-third of Historical CAT Costs 1 (which is $106,019,939.67), plus the Excluded Costs of $83,253,090. CEBBs collectively will be responsible for one-third of Historical CAT Costs 1 (which is $106,019,939.67), and CEBSs collectively will be responsible for one-third of Historical CAT Costs 1 (which is $106,019,939.67).

    The following describes in detail Historical CAT Costs 1 with regard to four separate historical time periods as well as Past CAT Costs excluded from Historical CAT Costs 1 (“Excluded Costs”). The following cost details are provided in accordance with the requirement in the CAT NMS Plan to provide in the fee filing “a brief description of the amount and type of Historical CAT Costs, including (1) the technology line items of cloud hosting services, operating fees, CAIS operating fees, change request fees, and capitalized developed technology costs, (2) legal, (3) consulting, (4) insurance, (5) professional and administration and (6) public relations costs.” [25] Each of the costs described below are reasonable, appropriate and necessary for the creation, implementation and maintenance of CAT.

    (i) Historical CAT Costs Incurred Prior to June 22, 2020 (Pre-FAM Costs)

    Historical CAT Costs 1 would include costs incurred by CAT prior to June 22, 2020 (“Pre-FAM Period”) and already funded by the Participants, excluding Excluded Costs (described further below). Historical CAT Costs 1 would include costs for the Pre-FAM Period of $124,290,730. The Participants would remain responsible for one-third of this cost (which they have previously paid) ($41,430,243.33), and Industry Members would be responsible for the remaining two-thirds, with CEBBs paying one-third ($41,430,243.33) and CEBSs paying one-third ($41,430,243.33). These costs do not include Excluded Costs, as discussed further below. The following table breaks down Historical CAT Costs 1 for the Pre-FAM Period into the categories set forth in Section 11.3(b)(iii)(B)(II) of the CAT NMS Plan. ( print page 75299)

    Operating expense Historical CAT costs 1 for Pre-FAM Period (prior to June 22, 2020) *
    Capitalized Developed Technology Costs ** $51,847,150
    Technology Costs 33,568,579
    Cloud Hosting Services 10,268,840
    Operating Fees 21,085,485
    CAIS Operating Fees 2,072,908
    Change Request Fees 141,346
    Legal 19,674,463
    Consulting 17,013,414
    Insurance 880,419
    Professional and administration 1,082,036
    Public relations 224,669
    Total Operating Expenses 124,290,730
    * The costs described in this table of costs for the Pre-FAM Period were calculated based upon CAT LLC's review of applicable bills and invoices and related financial statements. CAT LLC financial statements are available on the CAT website. In addition, in accordance with Section 6.6(a)(i) of the CAT NMS Plan, in 2018 CAT LLC provided the SEC with “an independent audit of fees, costs, and expenses incurred by the Participants on behalf of the Company prior to the Effective Date of the Plan that will be publicly available.” The audit is available on the CAT website.
    ** The non-cash amortization of these capitalized developed technology costs of $2,115,545 incurred during the period prior to June 22, 2020 have been appropriately excluded from the above table.26

    The Pre-FAM Period includes a broad range of CAT-related activity from 2012 through June 22, 2020, including the evaluation of the requirements of SEC Rule 613, the development of the CAT NMS Plan, the evaluation and selection of the initial and successor Plan Processors, the commencement of the creation and implementation of the CAT to comply with Rule 613 and the CAT NMS Plan, including technical specifications for transaction reporting and regulatory access, and related technology and the commencement of reporting to the CAT. The following describes the costs for each of the categories for the Pre-FAM Period.

    (a) Technology Costs—Cloud Hosting Services

    The $10,268,840 in technology costs for cloud hosting services represent costs incurred for services provided by the cloud services provider for the CAT, Amazon Web Services, Inc. (“AWS”), during the Pre-FAM Period.

    As part of its proposal for acting as the successor Plan Processor for the CAT, FCAT selected AWS as a subcontractor to provide cloud hosting services. In 2019, after reviewing the capabilities of other cloud services providers, FCAT determined that AWS was the only cloud services provider at that time sufficiently mature and capable of providing the full suite of necessary cloud services for the CAT, including, for example, the security, resiliency and complexity necessary for the CAT computing requirements. The use of cloud hosting services is standard for this type of high-volume data activity and reasonable and necessary for implementation of the CAT, particularly given the substantial data volumes associated with the CAT.

    Under the Plan Processor Agreement with FCAT, CAT LLC is required to pay FCAT the fees incurred by the Plan Processor for cloud hosting services provided by AWS as FCAT's subcontrator [ sic ] on a monthly basis for the cloud hosting services, and FCAT, in turn, pays such fees to AWS. The fees for cloud hosting services were negotiated by FCAT on an arm's length basis with the goals of managing cost and receiving services required to comply with the CAT NMS Plan and Rule 613, taking into consideration a variety of factors, including the expected volume of data, the breadth of services provided and market rates for similar services. The fees for cloud hosting services during the Pre-FAM Period were paid to FCAT by CAT NMS, LLC [27] and subsequently Consolidated Audit Trail, LLC (as previously noted, both entities are referred to generally as “CAT LLC”),[28] and FCAT, in turn, paid AWS. CAT LLC was funded via loan contributions by the Participants.[29]

    AWS was engaged by FCAT to provide a broad array of cloud hosting services for the CAT, including data ingestion, data management, and analytic tools. Services provided by AWS include storage services, databases, compute services and other services (such as networking, management tools and DevOps tools). AWS also was engaged to provide various environments for CAT, such as development, performance testing, test and production environments.

    The cost for AWS services for the CAT is a function of the volume of CAT Data. The greater the amount of CAT Data, the greater the cost of AWS services to the CAT. During the Pre-FAM Period from the engagement of AWS in February 2019 through June 2020, AWS provided cloud hosting services for volumes of CAT Data far in excess of the volume predictions set forth in the CAT NMS Plan. The CAT NMS Plan states, when all CAT Reporters are submitting their data to the CAT, it “must be sized to receive[,] process and load more than 58 billion records per day,” [30] and that “[i]t is expected that the Central Repository will grow to more than 29 petabytes of raw, uncompressed data.” [31] However, ( print page 75300) the volume of CAT Data for the Pre-FAM Period was far in excess of these predicted levels. By the end of this period, data submitted to the CAT included options and equities Participant Data,[32] Phase 2a and Phase 2b Industry Member Data [33] (including certain linkages), as well as SIP Data,[34] reference data and other types of Other Data.[35] The following chart provides data regarding the average daily volume, cumulative total events, total compute hours and storage footprint of the CAT during the Pre-FAM Period.[36]

    Date range: 3/29/19 to 4/12/20 * Date range: 4/13/20 to 6/21/20 **
    Average Daily Volume in Billions:
    Participant—Equities 5 5
    Participant—Options 80 981
    Industry Member—Equities 3
    Industry Member—Options 0.04
    SIP—Options & Equities 64 70
    Average Total Daily Volume 149 166
    Cumulative Total Events for the Period 3,890 4,990
    Total Compute Hours for the Period *** N/A 5,663,247
    Storage Footprint at End of Period (Petabytes) 30.57 47.96
    * The Participant Equities in RSA format.
    ** Start of Industry Member reporting on 4/13/2020
    *** Note that, although there were compute hours during this period, data related to such compute hours are no longer available in current data.

    (b) Technology Costs—Operating Fees

    The $21,085,485 in technology costs related to operating fees represent costs incurred with regard to activities of FCAT as the Plan Processor. Operating fees are those fees paid by CAT LLC to FCAT as the Plan Processor to operate and maintain the CAT and to perform business operations related to the system, including compliance, security, testing, training, communications with the industry ( e.g., management of the FINRA CAT Helpdesk, FAQs, website and webinars) and program management as required by the CAT NMS Plan.

    FCAT was selected to assume the role of the successor Plan Processor. Prior to this selection, the Participants engaged in discussions with two prior Bidders [37] for the successor Plan Processor role. The Operating Committee formed a Selection Subcommittee in accordance with Section 4.12 of the CAT NMS Plan to evaluate and review Bids and to make a recommendation to the Operating Committee with respect to the selection of the successor Plan Processor. In an April 9, 2019 letter to the Commission, the Participants described the reasons for its selection of the successor Plan Processor:

    The Selection Subcommittee considered factors including, but not limited to, the following, in recommending FINRA to the Operating Committee as the successor Plan Processor:

    a. FINRA's specialized technical expertise and capabilities in the area of broker-dealer technology;

    b. The need to appoint a successor Plan Processor with specialized expertise to develop, implement, and maintain the CAT System in accordance with the CAT NMS Plan and SEC Rule 613;

    c. FINRA's detailed proposal in response to CATLLC's recent inquiries; and

    d. FINRA's data query and analytics systems demonstration to the Participants.

    Based on these and other factors, the Selection Subcommittee determined that FINRA was the most appropriate Bidder to become the successor Plan Processor.[38]

    On February 26, 2019, the Operating Committee (with FINRA recusing itself) voted to select FINRA as the successor Plan Processor pursuant to Section 6.1(t) of the CAT NMS Plan.[39] On March 29, 2019, CAT LLC and FCAT (a wholly owned subsidiary of FINRA) entered into a Plan Processor Agreement pursuant to which FCAT would perform the functions and duties of the Plan Processor contemplated by the CAT NMS Plan, including the management and operation of the CAT.

    Under the Plan Processor Agreement with FCAT, CAT LLC is required to pay FCAT a negotiated monthly fixed price for the operation of the CAT. This fixed price contract was negotiated on an arm's length basis with the goals of managing costs and receiving services required to comply with the CAT NMS Plan and Rule 613, taking into consideration a variety of factors, including the breadth of services provided and market rates for similar types of activity. The operating fees during the Pre-FAM Period were paid to FCAT by CAT LLC.

    From March 29, 2019 (the commencement of the Plan Processor Agreement with FCAT) through June 22, 2020 (the end of the Pre-FAM Period), the Plan Processor's activities with respect to the CAT included the following:

    • Commenced user acceptance testing with market data provided by Exegy Incorporated (“Exegy”), a market data provider; [40]
    • Published Technical Specifications and related reporting scenarios documents for Phase 2a, 2b and 2c reporting for Industry Members, after substantial engagement with SEC staff, Industry Members and Participants on the Technical Specifications;
    • Facilitated testing for Phase 2a and 2b reporting for Industry Members;
    • Began developing Technical Specifications and related reporting scenarios documents for Phase 2d reporting for Industry Members, after substantial engagement with SEC staff, Industry Members and Participants on the Technical Specifications;
    • Published Central Repository Access Technical Specifications, and provided regulator access to test data from Industry Members; ( print page 75301)
    • Facilitated Participant exchanges that support options market makers sending Quote Sent Time to the CAT;
    • Facilitated the introduction of OPRA and Options NBBO Other Data to CAT;
    • Addressed compliance items, including drafting CAT policies and procedures, and addressing requirements under Regulation SCI;
    • Provided support to the Operating Committee, the Compliance Subcommittee and CAT working groups;
    • Assisted with interpretive efforts and exemptive requests regarding the CAT NMS Plan;
    • Oversaw the security of the CAT;
    • Monitored the operation of the CAT, including with regard to Participant and Industry Member reporting;
    • Provided support to subcontractors under the Plan Processor Agreement;
    • Provided support in discussions with Participants, the SEC and its staff;
    • Operated the FINRA CAT Helpdesk, which is the primary source for answers to questions about CAT, including questions regarding: clock synchronization, firm reporting responsibilities, interpretive questions, technical specifications for reporting to CAT and more;
    • Facilitated communications with the industry, including via FAQs, CAT Alerts, meetings, presentations and webinars;
    • Administered the CAT website and all of its content; [41] and
    • Provided technical support and assistance with connectivity, data access, and user support, including the use of CAT Data and query tools, for Participants and the SEC staff.

    (c) Technology Costs—CAIS Operating Fees

    The $2,072,908 in technology costs related to CAIS operating fees represent the fees paid for FCAT's subcontractor charged with the development and operation of CAT's Customer and Account Information System (“CAIS”). The CAT is required under the CAT NMS Plan to capture and store Customer Identifying Information and Customer Account Information in a database separate from the transactional database and to create a CAT-Customer-ID for each Customer.

    During the Pre-FAM Period, the CAIS-related services were provided by the Plan Processor through the Plan Processor's subcontractor, Kingland Systems Incorporation (“Kingland”). Kingland had experience operating in the securities regulatory technology space, and as a part of its proposal for acting as the Plan Processor for the CAT, FCAT selected Kingland as a subcontractor to provide certain CAIS-related services.

    Under the Plan Processor Agreement with FCAT, CAT LLC is required to pay to the Plan Processor the fees incurred by FCAT for CAIS-related services provided by FCAT through Kingland on a monthly basis. FCAT negotiated the fees for Kingland's CAIS-related services on an arm's length basis with the goals of managing costs and receiving services required to comply with the CAT NMS Plan, taking into consideration a variety of factors, including the services to be provided and market rates for similar types of activity. The fees for CAIS-related services during the Pre-FAM Period were paid by CAT LLC to FCAT. FCAT, in turn, paid Kingland.

    During the Pre-FAM Period, Kingland began development of the CAIS Technical Specifications and the building of CAIS. In addition, Kingland also worked on the build related to the CCID Alternative, an alternative approach to customer information that was not included in the CAT NMS Plan as originally adopted.[42] Furthermore, Kingland also worked on the acceleration of the reporting of large trader identifiers (“LTID”) earlier than originally contemplated during this period, in accordance with exemptive relief granted by the SEC.[43]

    (d) Technology Costs—Change Request Fees

    The technology costs related to change request fees include costs related to certain modifications, upgrades or other changes to the CAT. Change requests are standard practice and necessary to reflect operational changes, including changes related to new market developments, such as new market participants. In general, if CAT LLC determines that a modification, upgrade or other change to the functionality or service is necessary and appropriate, CAT LLC will submit a request for such a change to the Plan Processor. The Plan Processor will then respond to the request with a proposal for implementing the change, including the cost (if any) of such a change. CAT LLC then determines whether to approve the proposed change. The change request costs were paid by CAT LLC to FCAT. During the Pre-FAM Period, CAT LLC incurred costs of $141,346 related to change requests implemented by FCAT. Such change requests related to a development fee regarding the OPRA and SIP data feeds, and the reprocessing of certain exchange data.[44]

    (e) Technology Costs—Capitalized Developed Technology Costs

    This category of costs includes capitalizable application development costs incurred in the development of the CAT. The capitalized developed technology costs for the Pre-FAM Period of $51,847,150 relate to technology provided by the Initial Plan Processor and the successor Plan Processor.

    Initial Plan Processor: Thesys CAT, LLC. The capitalized developed technology costs related to the Initial Plan Processor include costs incurred with regard to testing for Participant reporting, Participant reporting to the CAT, a security assessment of the CAT, and the development of the billing function for the CAT.

    On January 17, 2017, the Selection Committee of the CAT NMS Plan selected the Initial Plan Processor, Thesys Technologies, LLC, for the CAT NMS Plan pursuant to Article V of the CAT NMS Plan.[45] The Participants utilized a request for proposal (“RFP”) to seek proposals to build and operate the CAT, receiving a number of proposals in response to the RFP. The Participants carefully reviewed and considered each of the proposals, including holding in-person meetings with each of the Bidders. After several rounds of review, the Participants selected the Initial Plan Processor in accordance with the CAT NMS Plan, taking into consideration that the Initial Plan Processor had experience operating in the securities regulatory technology space, among other considerations. On April 6, 2017, CAT LLC entered into an agreement with Thesys CAT LLC (“Thesys CAT”), a Thesys affiliate, to perform the functions and duties of the Plan Processor contemplated by the CAT NMS Plan, including the management and operation of the CAT. Under the agreement, CAT LLC would pay Thesys CAT a negotiated, fixed price fee for its role as the Initial Plan Processor. Effective January 30, 2019, the Plan Processor Agreement with Thesys CAT was terminated, and FCAT ( print page 75302) was subsequently selected as the successor Plan Processor.

    From January 17, 2017 through January 30, 2019, the time in which the Thesys CAT was engaged for the CAT, but excluding the period from November 15, 2017 through January 30, 2019, the Initial Plan Processor engaged in various activities with respect to the CAT, including preparing iterative drafts of Participant Technical Specifications, Industry Member Technical Specifications and the Central Repository Access Technical Specifications. In addition, Thesys CAT also developed CAT technology, addressed compliance items, including drafting CAT policies and procedures, addressing Regulation SCI requirements, establishing a CAT Compliance Officer and a Chief Information Security Officer, addressed security-related matters for the CAT, and worked towards the initiation of Participant reporting per the Participant Technical Specifications.

    Successor Plan Processor: FCAT. The capitalized developed technology costs related to FCAT include: (1) development costs incurred during the application development stage to meet various agreed-upon milestones regarding the CAT, including the completion of go-live functionality related to options ingestion and validation, equities regulatory services agreement query tool updates and unlinked options data query, options linkages release, Industry Member Phase 2a file submission and data integrity (including error corrections), and Industry Member testing, including reporting relationships, ATS order type management, basic reporting statistics, SFTP data integrity feedback and error correction; (2) costs related to certain modifications, upgrades, or other changes to the CAT that were not contemplated by the agreement between CAT LLC and the Plan Processor, including a one-time development fee for a secure analytics workspace, a one-time development fee of an Industry Member connectivity solution, and a one-time development fee for the acceleration of multi-factor authentication; (3) CAIS implementation fees; and (4) license fees.

    (f) Legal Costs

    The legal costs of $19,674,463 represent the fees paid for legal services provided by two law firms, Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP (“WilmerHale”) and Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP (“Pillsbury”), during the Pre-FAM Period. The legal costs exclude those costs incurred from November 15, 2017 through November 15, 2018.

    Law Firm: WilmerHale. Following the adoption of Rule 613, the Participants determined it was necessary to engage external legal counsel to advise the Participants with respect to corporate and regulatory legal matters related to the CAT, including drafting and developing the CAT NMS Plan. The Participants considered a variety of factors in their analysis of prospective law firms, including (1) the firm's qualifications, resources and expertise; (2) the firm's relevant experience and understanding of the regulatory matters raised by the CAT and in advising on matters of similar scope; (3) the composition of the legal team; and (4) professional fees. Following a series of interviews, the Participants acting as a consortium determined that WilmerHale was well qualified given the balance of these considerations and engaged WilmerHale in February 2013.

    WilmerHale's billing rates are negotiated on an annual basis and are determined with reference to the rates charged by other leading law firms for similar work. The Participants assess WilmerHale's performance and review prospective budgets and staffing plans submitted by WilmerHale on an annual basis. WilmerHale's compensation arrangements are reasonable and appropriate, and in line with the rates charged by other leading law firms for similar work.

    The legal costs for WilmerHale during the Pre-FAM Period included costs incurred from 2013 until June 22, 2020 to address corporate and regulatory legal matters related to the CAT. The legal fees for this law firm during the period from February 2013 until the formation of the CAT NMS, LLC on November 15, 2016 were paid directly by the exchanges and FINRA to WilmerHale. After the formation of CAT NMS LLC, the legal fees were paid by CAT LLC to WilmerHale.

    After WilmerHale was engaged in 2013 through the end of the Pre-FAM Period on June 22, 2020 (excluding the legal costs from November 15, 2017 through November 15, 2018), WilmerHale provided legal assistance to the CAT on a variety of matters, including with regard to the following:

    • Analyzed various legal matters associated with the Selection Plan, and drafted an amendment to the Selection Plan;
    • Assisted with the RFP and bidding process for the CAT Plan Processor;
    • Analyzed legal matters related to the Development Advisory Group (“DAG”);
    • Drafted the CAT NMS Plan, analyzed various items related to the CAT NMS Plan, and responded to comment letters on CAT NMS Plan;
    • Provided legal support for the formation of the legal entity, the governance of the CAT, including governance support prior to the adoption of the CAT NMS Plan, which involved support for the full committee of exchanges and FINRA as well as subcommittees of this group (e.g., Joint Subcommittee Group, Technical, Industry Outreach, Cost and Funding and Other Products) and the DAG, governance support during the transition to the new governance structure under the CAT NMS Plan, and governance support after the adoption of the CAT NMS Plan, which involved support for the Operating Committee, Advisory Committee, Compliance Subcommittee and CAT working groups;
    • Assisted with the development of the CAT funding model and drafted related amendments of the CAT NMS Plan and related filings;
    • Negotiated and drafted the plan processor agreements with the Initial Plan Processor and the successor Plan Processor;
    • Provided assistance with compliance with Regulation SCI;
    • Assisted with clock synchronization study;
    • Provided assistance with respect to the establishment of CAT security;
    • Drafted exemptive requests from CAT NMS Plan requirements, including with regard to options market maker quotes, Customer IDs, CAT Reporter IDs, linking allocations to executions, CAT reporting timeline, FDIDs, customer and account information, timestamp granularity, small industry members, data facility reporting and linkage, allocation reports, SRO-assigned market participant identifiers and cancelled trade indicators, thereby seeking to implement changes that would be cost effective and benefit Industry Members and Participants;
    • Assisted with the Implementation Plan required pursuant to Section 6.6(c)(i) of the CAT NMS Plan;
    • Provided advice regarding CAT policies and procedures;
    • Analyzed the SEC's amendment of the CAT NMS Plan regarding financial accountability;
    • Provided interpretations of and related to the CAT NMS Plan;
    • Provided support with regard to discussions with the SEC and its staff, including with respect to addressing interpretive and implementation issues; and ( print page 75303)
    • Assisted with third-party vendor agreements.

    Law Firm: Pillsbury. The legal costs for CAT during the Pre-FAM Period include costs related to the legal services performed by Pillsbury. The Participants interviewed this law firm as well as other potential law firms to provide legal assistance regarding certain liability matters. After considering a variety of factors in its analysis, including the relevant expertise and fees of the firm, CAT LLC determined to hire Pillsbury in April 2019. The hourly fee rates for this law firm were in line with market rates for specialized legal expertise. The legal fees were paid by CAT LLC to Pillsbury. The legal costs for Pillsbury during the Pre-FAM Period included costs incurred from April 2019 until June 22, 2020 to address legal matters regarding the agreements between CAT Reporters and CAT LLC concerning certain terms associated with CAT Reporting (the “Reporter Agreement”). During that period, Pillsbury advised CAT LLC regarding applicable legal matters, participated in negotiations between the Participants and Industry Members, participated in meetings with senior SEC staff, the Chairman, and Commissioners, represented CAT LLC and the Participants in an SEC administrative proceeding, and drafted a proposed amendment to the CAT NMS Plan regarding liability matters. Liability issues related to the CAT are important matters that needed to be resolved and clarified. CAT LLC's efforts to seek such resolution and clarity work to the benefit of Participants, Industry Members and other market participants. Moreover, litigation involving CAT LLC is an expense of operating the CAT, and, therefore, is appropriately an obligation of both Participants and Industry Members under the CAT Funding Model.

    (g) Consulting Costs

    The consulting costs of $17,013,414 represent the fees paid to the consulting firm Deloitte & Touche LLP (“Deloitte”) as project manager during the Pre-FAM Period, from October 2012 until June 22, 2020. These consulting costs include costs for advisory services related to the operation of the CAT, and meeting facilitation and communications coordination, vendor support and financial analyses.

    To help facilitate project management given the unprecedented complexity and scope of the CAT project, the Participants determined it was necessary to engage a consulting firm to assist with the CAT project in 2012, following the adoption of Rule 613. A variety of factors were considered in the analysis of prospective consulting firms, including (1) the firm's qualifications, resources, and expertise; (2) the firm's relevant experience and understanding of the regulatory issues raised by the CAT and in coordinating matters of similar scope; (3) the composition of the consulting team; and (4) professional fees. Following a series of interviews, the exchanges and FINRA as a consortium determined that Deloitte was well qualified given the balance of these considerations and engaged Deloitte on October 1, 2012.

    Deloitte's fee rates are negotiated on an annual basis and are in line with market rates for this type of specialized consulting work. CAT LLC assesses Deloitte's performance and reviews prospective budgets and staffing plans submitted by Deloitte on an annual basis. Deloitte's compensation arrangements are reasonable and appropriate, and in line with the rates charged by other leading consulting firms for similar work.

    The consulting costs for CAT during the period from 2012 until the formation of the CAT NMS, LLC were paid directly by the Participants to Deloitte. After the formation of CAT NMS, LLC, the consulting fees were paid by CAT LLC to Deloitte. CAT LLC reviewed the consulting fees each month and approved the invoices.

    After Deloitte was hired in 2012 through the end of the Pre-FAM Period on June 22, 2020 (excluding the consulting costs from November 15, 2017 through November 15, 2018), Deloitte provided a variety of consulting services, including the following:

    • Established and implemented program operations for the CAT project, including the program managment [sic] office and workstream design;
    • Assisted with the Plan Processor selection process, including but not limited to, the development of the RFP and the bidder evaluation process, and facilitation and consolidation of the Participant's independent reviews;
    • Assisted with the development and drafting of the CAT NMS Plan, including conducting cost-benefit studies, analyzing OATS and CAT requirements, and drafting appendices to the Plan;
    • Assisted with cost and funding-related activities for the CAT, including the development of the CAT funding model and assistance with loans and the CAT bank account for CAT funding;
    • Provided governance support to the CAT, including governance support prior to the adoption of the CAT NMS Plan, which involved support for the full committee of exchanges and FINRA as well as subcommittees of this group (e.g., Joint Subcommittee Group, Technical, Industry Outreach, Cost and Funding and Other Products) and the DAG, governance support during the transition to the new governance structure under the CAT NMS Plan and governance support after the adoption of the CAT NMS Plan, which involved support for the Operating Committee, Advisory Committee, Compliance Subcommittee and CAT working groups;
    • Provided support to the Operating Committee, the Chair of the Operating Committee and the Leadership Team, including project management support, coordination and planning for meetings and communications, and interfacing with law firms and the SEC;
    • Assisted with industry outreach and communications regarding the CAT, including assistance with industry outreach events, the development of the CAT website, frequently asked questions, and coordinating with the CAT LLC's public relations firm;
    • Provided support for updating the SEC on the progress of the development of the CAT;
    • Provided active planning and coordination with and support for the Initial Plan Processor with regard to the development of the CAT, and reported to the Participants on the progress;
    • Coordinated efforts regarding the selection of the successor Plan Processor;
    • Assisted with the transition from the Initial Plan Processor to the successor Plan Processor, including support for the Operating Committee and successor Plan Processor for the new role; and
    • Provided support for third-party vendors for the CAT, including FCAT, Anchin and the law firms engaged by CAT LLC.

    (h) Insurance

    The insurance costs of $880,419 represent the cost incurred for insurance for CAT during the Pre-FAM Period. Commencing in 2020, CAT LLC performed an evaluation of various potential alternatives for CAT insurance policies, which included engaging in discussions with different insurance companies and conducting cost comparisons of various alternative approaches to insurance. Based on an analysis of a variety of factors, including coverage and premiums, CAT LLC determined to purchase cyber security liability insurance, directors' and officers' liability insurance, and errors and omissions liability insurance from USI Insurance Services LLC (“USI”). Such policies are standard for corporate ( print page 75304) entities, and cyber security liability insurance is important for the CAT System. The annual premiums for these policies were competitive for the coverage provided. The annual premiums were paid by CAT LLC to USI.

    (i) Professional and Administration Costs

    In adopting the CAT NMS Plan, the Commission amended the Plan to add a requirement that CAT LLC's financial statements be prepared in compliance with GAAP, audited by an independent public accounting firm, and made publicly available.[46] The professional and administration costs include costs related to accounting and accounting advisory services to support the operating and financial functions of CAT, financial statement audit services by an independent accounting firm, preparation of tax returns, and various cash management and treasury functions. In addition, professional and administration costs for the Pre-FAM Period include costs related to the receipt of market data and a security assessment. The costs for these professional and administration services were $1,082,036 for the Pre-FAM Period.

    Financial Advisory Firm: Anchin Accountants & Advisors (“Anchin”). CAT LLC determined to hire a financial advisory firm, Anchin, to assist with financial matters for the CAT in April 2018. CAT LLC interviewed Anchin as well as other potential financial advisory firms to assist with the CAT project, considering a variety of factors in its analysis, including the firm's relevant expertise and fees. The hourly fee rates for this firm were in line with market rates for these financial advisory services. The fees for these services were paid by CAT LLC to Anchin.

    After Anchin was hired in April 2018 through the end of the Pre-FAM Period on June 22, 2020 (excluding the period from April 2018 through November 15, 2018), Anchin provided a variety of services, including the following:

    • Developed, updated and maintained internal controls;
    • Provided cash management and treasury functions;
    • Facilitated bill payments;
    • Provided monthly bookkeeping;
    • Reviewed vendor invoices and documentation in support of cash disbursements;
    • Provided accounting research and consultations on various accounting, financial reporting and tax matters;
    • Addressed not-for-profit tax and accounting considerations;
    • Prepared tax returns;
    • Addressed various accounting, financial and operating inquiries from Participants;
    • Developed and maintained quarterly and annual operating and financial budgets, including budget to actual fluctuation analyses;
    • Addressed accounting and financial reporting matters relating to the transition from CAT NMS, LLC to Consolidated Audit Trail, LLC, including supporting the dissolution of CAT NMS, LLC;
    • Supported compliance with the CAT NMS Plan;
    • Worked with and provided support to the Operating Committee and various CAT working groups;
    • Prepared monthly, quarterly and annual financial statements;
    • Supported the annual financial statement audits by an independent auditor;
    • Reviewed historical costs from inception; and
    • Provided accounting and financial information in support of SEC filings.

    Accounting Firm: Grant Thornton LLP (“Grant Thornton”). In February 2020, CAT LLC determined to engage an independent accounting firm, Grant Thornton, to complete the audit of CAT LLC's financial statements, in accordance with the requirements of the CAT NMS Plan. CAT LLC interviewed this firm as well as another potential accounting firm to audit CAT LLC's financial statements, considering a variety of factors in its analysis, including the relevant expertise and fees of each of the firms. CAT LLC determined that Grant Thornton was well-qualified for the proposed role given the balance of these considerations. Grant Thornton's fixed fee rate compensation arrangement was reasonable and appropriate, and in line with the market rates charged for these types of accounting services. The fees for these services were paid by CAT LLC to Grant Thornton.

    Market Data Provider: Exegy. The professional and administrative costs for the Pre-FAM Period included costs related to the receipt of certain market data for the CAT pursuant to an agreement with the CAT LLC, and then with FCAT. Exegy provided SIP Data required by the CAT NMS Plan.

    After performing an analysis of the available market data vendors to confirm that the data provided met the SIP Data requirements of the CAT NMS Plan and comparing the costs of the vendors providing the required SIP Data, CAT LLC determined to purchase market data from Exegy from July 2018 through March 2019. CAT LLC determined that, unlike certain other vendors, Exegy provided market data that included all data elements required by the CAT NMS Plan.[47] In addition, the fees were reasonable and in line with market rates for the market data received. Accordingly, the professional and administrative costs for the Pre-FAM Period include the Exegy costs from November 2018 through March 2019. The cost of the market data was reasonable for the market data received. The fees for the market data were paid directly by CAT LLC to Exegy.

    Upon the termination of the contract between CAT LLC and Exegy, FCAT entered into a contract with Exegy to purchase the required market data from Exegy in July 2019. All costs under the contract were treated as a direct pass through cost to CAT LLC. Therefore, the fees for the market data were paid by CAT LLC to FCAT, who, in turn, paid Exegy for the market data.

    Security Assessment: RSM US LLP (“RSM”). The operating costs for the Pre-FAM Period include costs related to a third party security assessment of the CAT performed by RSM. The assessment was designed to verify and validate the effective design, implementation, and operation of the controls specified by NIST Special Publication 800-53, Revision 4 and related standards and guidelines. Such a security assessment is in line with industry practice and important given the data included in the CAT. CAT LLC determined to engage RSM to perform the security assessment, after considering a variety of factors in its analysis, including the firm's relevant expertise and fees. The fees were reasonable and in line with market rates for such an assessment. RSM performed the assessment from October 2018 through December 2018. Accordingly, the costs for the Pre-FAM Period include the costs incurred in November and December 2018. The cost for the security assessment were paid directly to RSM by CAT LLC.

    (j) Public Relations Costs

    The public relations costs of $224,669 represent the fees paid to public relations firms during the Pre-FAM Period for professional communications services to CAT, including media relations consulting, strategy and execution. By engaging a public relations firm, CAT LLC was better positioned to understand and address CAT matters to the benefit of all market participants. Specifically, the public ( print page 75305) relations firms provided services related to communications with the public regarding the CAT, including monitoring developments related to the CAT ( e.g., congressional efforts, public comments and reaction to proposals, press coverage of the CAT), reporting such developments to CAT LLC, and drafting and disseminating communications to the public regarding such developments as well as reporting on developments related to the CAT ( e.g., amendments to the CAT NMS Plan). Public relations services were important for various reasons, including monitoring comments made by market participants about CAT and understanding issues related to the CAT discussed on the public record.

    The services performed by each of the public relations firms were comparable. The fees for such services were reasonable and in line with market rates. Only one public relations firm was engaged at a time; the three firms were engaged sequentially as the primary public relations contact moved among the three firms during this time period.

    Public Relations Firm: Peppercomm, Inc. (“Peppercomm”). The national securities exchanges and FINRA, acting as a consortium, determined to hire the public relations firm Peppercomm in October 2014 and continued to engage this firm through September 2017. The exchanges and FINRA made this engagement decision after considering a variety of factors in its analysis, including the firm's relevant expertise and fees. The fee rates for this public relations firm were negotiated on an arm's length basis and were in line with market rates for these types of services. The public relations costs during the period from October 2014 until the formation of the CAT NMS, LLC were paid directly by the exchanges and FINRA to the public relations firm. After the formation of CAT NMS, LLC, the consulting fees were paid by CAT LLC.

    Public Relations Firm: Sloane & Company (“Sloane”). CAT LLC determined to hire a new public relations firm, Sloane, in March 2018, based on, among other things, their expertise and the primary contact's history with the project. The fee rates for this public relations firm were in line with market rates for these types of services. The fees during the Pre-FAM Period were paid by CAT LLC to Sloane. CAT LLC continued the engagement with Sloane until February 2020.

    Public Relations Firm: Peak Strategies. CAT LLC determined to hire a new public relations firm, Peak Strategies, in March 2020, based on, among other things, their expertise and the primary contact's history with the project. The fee rates for this public relations firm were in line with market rates for these types of services. The fees during the Pre-FAM Period were paid by CAT LLC to Peak Strategies.

    (ii) Historical CAT Costs Incurred in Financial Accountability Milestone Period 1

    Historical CAT Costs 1 would include costs incurred by CAT and already funded by the Participants during Period 1 of the Financial Accountability Milestones (“FAM Period 1”),[48] which covers the period from June 22, 2020-July 31, 2020. Historical CAT Costs 1 would include costs for FAM Period 1 of $6,377,343. The Participants would remain responsible for one-third of this cost (which they have previously paid) ($2,125,781), and Industry Members would be responsible for the remaining two-thirds, with CEBBs paying one-third ($2,125,781) and CEBSs paying one-third ($2,125,781). The following table breaks down Historical CAT Costs 1 for FAM Period 1 into the categories set forth in Section 11.3(b)(iii)(B)(II) of the CAT NMS Plan.

    Operating expense Historical CAT costs for FAM Period 1 *
    Capitalized Developed Technology Costs ** $1,684,870
    Technology Costs 3,996,800
    Cloud Hosting Services 2,642,122
    Operating Fees 1,099,680
    CAIS Operating Fees 254,998
    Change Request Fees
    Legal 481,687
    Consulting 137,209
    Professional and administration 69,077
    Public relations 7,700
    Total Operating Expenses 6,377,343
    * The costs described in this table of costs for FAM Period 1 were calculated based upon CAT LLC's review of applicable bills and invoices and related financial statements. CAT LLC financial statements are available on the CAT website.
    ** The non-cash amortization of these capitalized developed technology costs of $362,121 incurred during FAM Period 1 have been appropriately excluded from the above table.49

    By the completion of FAM Period 1, CAT LLC was required to implement the reporting by Industry Members (excluding Small Industry Members that are not OATS reporters) of equities transaction data and options transaction data, excluding Customer Account Information, Customer-ID and Customer Identifying Information.[50] CAT LLC completed the requirements of FAM Period 1 by July 31, 2020. The following describes the costs for each of the categories for FAM Period 1.

    (a) Technology Costs—Cloud Hosting Services

    CAT LLC continued to utilize AWS in FAM Period 1 to provide a broad array of cloud hosting services for the CAT, including data ingestion, data management, and analytic tools. AWS continued to provide storage services, databases, compute services and other services (such as networking, management tools and DevOps tools), as well as various environments for CAT, such as development, performance ( print page 75306) testing, test, and production environments, during the FAM 1 Period. Accordingly, the $2,642,122 in technology costs for cloud hosting services represent costs incurred for services provided by AWS, as the cloud services provider, during FAM Period 1. The fee arrangement for AWS described above with regard to the Pre-FAM Period continued in place during FAM Period 1 pursuant to the Plan Processor Agreement. Moreover, CAT LLC continued to believe that AWS's maturity in the cloud services space as well as the significant cost and time necessary to move the CAT to a different cloud services provider supported the continued engagement of AWS.

    The cost for AWS cloud services for the CAT continued to be a function of the volume of CAT Data. During the FAM 1 Period, the volume of CAT Data continued to far exceed the original predictions for the CAT as set forth in the CAT NMS Plan. During this period, data submitted to the CAT included options and equities Participant Data, Phase 2a and Phase 2b Industry Member Data (including certain linkages) as well as SIP Data, reference data and other types of Other Data. The following chart provides data regarding the average daily volume, cumulative total events, total compute hours and storage footprint of the CAT during FAM Period 1.[51]

    Date range: 6/22/20-7/31/20
    Average Daily Volume in Billions:
    Participant—Equities 6
    Participant—Options 103
    Industry Member—Equities 7
    Industry Member—Options 0.31
    SIP—Options & Equities 74
    Average Total Daily Volume 185
    Cumulative Total Events for the Period 5,190
    Total Compute Hours for the Period 2,612,082
    Storage Footprint at End of Period (Petabytes) 57.47

    (b) Technology Costs—Operating Fees

    Pursuant to the Plan Processor Agreement discussed above, FCAT continued in its role as the Plan Processor for the CAT during FAM Period 1. Accordingly, the $1,099,680 in technology costs for operating fees represent costs incurred for the services provided by FCAT under the Plan Processor Agreement during FAM Period 1. The fee arrangement for FCAT described above with regard to the Pre-FAM Period continued in place during FAM Period 1 pursuant to the Plan Processor Agreement. During FAM Period 1, FCAT's activities with respect to the CAT included the following:

    • Published iterative drafts of draft Technical Specifications for Phase 2d, after substantial engagement with SEC staff, Industry Members and Participants on the Technical Specifications;
    • Published iterative drafts of CAIS Technical Specifications, after substantial engagement with SEC staff, Industry Members and Participants on the Technical Specifications;
    • Facilitated Industry Member reporting of Quote Sent Time on Options Market Maker quotes;
    • Addressed compliance items, including drafting CAT policies and procedures, and addressing Regulation SCI requirements;
    • Provided support to the Operating Committee, the Compliance Subcommittee and CAT working groups;
    • Assisted with interpretive efforts and exemptive requests regarding the CAT NMS Plan;
    • Oversaw the security of the CAT;
    • Monitored the operation of the CAT, including with regard to Participant and Industry Member reporting;
    • Provided support to subcontractors under the Plan Processor Agreement;
    • Provided support in discussions with Participants and the SEC and its staff;
    • Operated the FINRA CAT Helpdesk;
    • Facilitated communications with the industry, including via FAQs, CAT Alerts, meetings, presentations and webinars;
    • Administered the CAT website and all of its content; and
    • Provided technical support and assistance with connectivity, data access, and user support, including the use of CAT Data and query tools, for Participants and the SEC staff.

    (c) Technology Costs—CAIS Operating Fees

    Pursuant to the Plan Processor Agreement discussed above, Kingland continued in its role as a subcontractor for the development and implementation of CAIS during FAM Period 1. Accordingly, the $254,998 in technology costs for CAIS operating fees represent costs incurred for services provided by Kingland during FAM Period 1. The fee arrangement for Kingland described above with regard to the Pre-FAM Period continued in place during FAM Period 1 pursuant to the Plan Processor Agreement. During FAM Period 1, Kingland continued the development of the CAIS Technical Specifications and building of CAIS. In addition, Kingland continued to work on the CAIS Technical Specifications and build related to CCID Alternative, as well as the acceleration of the reporting of LTIDs.

    (d) Technology Costs—Change Request Fees

    CAT LLC did not incur costs related to change requests during FAM Period 1.

    (e) Technology Costs—Capitalized Developed Technology Costs

    Capitalized developed technology costs for FAM Period 1 of $1,684,870 include capitalizable application development costs incurred in the development of the CAT by FCAT. Such costs include: (1) costs related to certain modifications, upgrades, or other changes to the CAT that were not contemplated by the agreement between CAT LLC and the Plan Processor, including separate production and industry test entitlements, and reprocessing of exchange event timestamps; (2) implementation fees; and (3) license fees.

    (f) Legal Costs

    The legal costs of $481,687 represent the fees paid for legal services provided ( print page 75307) by two law firms, WilmerHale and Pillsbury during FAM Period 1.

    Law Firm: WilmerHale. CAT LLC continued to employ WilmerHale during FAM Period 1 based on, among other things, their expertise and long history with the project. The hourly fee rates for this law firm were in line with market rates for specialized legal expertise. The legal fees during FAM Period 1 were paid by CAT LLC to WilmerHale. During FAM Period 1, WilmerHale provided legal assistance to the CAT including with regard to the following:

    • Assisted with the development of the CAT funding model and drafted related amendments and fee filings;
    • Drafted exemptive requests from CAT NMS Plan requirements regarding, for example, verbal activity, options market maker quote sent time, TRF linkages, and allocations;
    • Provided interpretations related to CAT NMS Plan requirements, including the Financial Accountability Milestone amendment;
    • Assisted with compliance with Regulation SCI;
    • Provided support for the Operating Committee, Compliance Subcommittee, working groups and Leadership Team, including with regard to meetings with the SEC staff;
    • Assisted with the drafting of the Implementation Plan required pursuant to Section 6.6(c)(i) of the CAT NMS Plan;
    • Assisted with communications and presentations for the industry regarding CAIS;
    • Drafted SRO rule filings related to the CAT Compliance Rule;
    • Provided support for Compliance Subcommittee, including with regard to response to OCIE examinations and the annual assessment;
    • Provided guidance regarding CAT technical specifications;
    • Assisted with third-party vendor agreements; and
    • Provided support with regard to discussions with the SEC and its staff, including with respect to addressing interpretive and implementation issues.

    Law Firm: Pillsbury. CAT LLC continued to employ Pillsbury during FAM Period 1 based on, among other things, their expertise and history with the project. The hourly fee rates for this law firm were in line with market rates for specialized legal expertise. The legal fees during FAM Period 1 were paid by CAT LLC to Pillsbury. During FAM Period 1, Pillsbury provided legal assistance to the CAT regarding the CAT Reporter Agreement. During that period, Pillsbury advised CAT LLC regarding applicable legal matters and drafted a proposed amendment to the CAT NMS Plan regarding liability matters. Liability issues related to the CAT are important matters that needed to be resolved and clarified. CAT LLC's efforts to seek such resolution and clarity work to the benefit of Participants, Industry Members and other market participants.

    (g) Consulting Costs

    The consulting costs of $137,209 represent the fees paid to Deloitte as project manager during FAM Period 1. CAT LLC continued to employ Deloitte during FAM Period 1 based on, among other things, their expertise and cumulative experience with the CAT. The fee rates for Deloitte during FAM Period 1 were negotiated and in line with market rates for this type of specialized consulting work. The consulting fees during FAM Period 1 were paid by CAT LLC to the consulting firm. CAT LLC reviewed the consulting fees each month and approved the invoices. During FAM Period 1, Deloitte's CAT-related activities included the following:

    • Implemented program operations for the CAT project;
    • Provided support to the Operating Committee, the Chair of the Operating Committee and the Leadership Team, including project management support, coordination and planning for meetings and communications, and interfacing with law firms and the SEC;
    • Assisted with cost and funding matters for the CAT, including the development of the CAT funding model and assistance with loans and the CAT bank account for CAT funding;
    • Provided support for updating the SEC on the progress of the development of the CAT;
    • Assisted with the transition from the Initial Plan Processor to the successor Plan Processor; and
    • Provided support for third-party vendors for the CAT, including FCAT, Anchin and the law firms engaged by CAT LLC.

    (h) Insurance

    Although insurance was in effect during FAM Period 1, CAT LLC did not incur costs related to insurance during FAM Period 1.

    (i) Professional and Administration Costs

    Financial Advisory Firm: Anchin. The professional and administration costs of $69,077 represent the fees paid to Anchin during FAM Period 1. CAT LLC continued to employ Anchin during FAM Period 1 based on, among other things, their expertise and history with the project. The hourly fee rates for this firm were in line with market rates for these type of financial advisory services. The fees for these services during FAM Period 1 were paid by CAT LLC to Anchin. During FAM Period 1, Anchin provided a variety of services, including the following:

    • Maintained internal controls;
    • Provided cash management and treasury functions;
    • Facilitated bill payments;
    • Provided monthly bookkeeping;
    • Reviewed vendor invoices and documentation in support of cash disbursements;
    • Provided accounting research and consultations on various accounting, financial reporting and tax matters;
    • Addressed various accounting, financial reporting and operating inquiries from Participants;
    • Developed and maintained quarterly and annual operating and financial budgets, including budget to actual fluctuation analyses;
    • Supported compliance with the CAT NMS Plan;
    • Worked with and provided support to the Operating Committee and various CAT working groups; and
    • Prepared monthly and quarterly financial statements.

    (j) Public Relations Costs

    The public relations costs of $7,700 represent the fees paid to Peak Strategies during FAM Period 1. CAT LLC continued to employ Peak Strategies during FAM Period 1 based on, among other things, their expertise and history with the project. The fee rates for this firm were reasonable and in line with market rates for these types of services. The fees for these services during FAM Period 1 were paid by CAT LLC to Peak Strategies. During FAM Period 1, Peak Strategies continued to provide professional communications services to CAT LLC, including media relations consulting, strategy and execution. Specifically, the public relations firm provided services related to communications with the public regarding the CAT, including monitoring developments related to the CAT ( e.g., congressional efforts, public comments and reaction to proposals, press coverage of the CAT), reporting such developments to CAT LLC, and drafting and disseminating communications to the public regarding such developments as well as reporting on developments related to the CAT ( e.g., amendments to the CAT NMS Plan). As discussed above, such public relations services were important for various reasons, including monitoring comments made by market participants about the CAT and understanding issues ( print page 75308) related to the CAT discussed on the public record. By engaging a public relations firm, CAT LLC was better positioned to understand and address CAT matters to the benefit of all market participants.

    (iii) Historical CAT Costs Incurred in Financial Accountability Milestone Period 2

    Historical CAT Costs 1 would include costs incurred by CAT LLC and already funded by Participants during Period 2 of the Financial Accountability Milestones (“FAM Period 2”),[52] which covers the period from August 1, 2020-December 31, 2020. Historical CAT Costs 1 would include costs for FAM Period 2 of $42,976,478. The Participants would remain responsible for one-third of this cost (which they have previously paid) ($14,325,493), and Industry Members would be responsible for the remaining two-thirds, with CEBBs paying one-third ($14,325,493) and CEBSs paying one-third ($14,325,493). The following table breaks down Historical CAT Costs 1 for FAM Period 2 into the categories set forth in Section 11.3(b)(iii)(B)(II) of the CAT NMS Plan.

    Operating expense Historical CAT costs for FAM period 2 *
    Capitalized Developed Technology Costs ** $6,761,094
    Technology Costs 31,460,033
    Cloud Hosting Services 20,709,212
    Operating Fees 9,108,700
    CAIS Operating Fees 1,590,298
    Change Request Fees 51,823
    Legal 2,766,644
    Consulting 532,146
    Insurance 976,098
    Professional and administration 438,523
    Public relations 41,940
    Total Operating Expenses 42,976,478
    * The costs described in this table of costs for FAM Period 2 were calculated based upon CAT LLC's review of applicable bills and invoices and related financial statements. CAT LLC financial statements are available on the CAT website.
    ** The non-cash amortization of these capitalized developed technology costs of $1,892,505 incurred during FAM Period 2 have been appropriately excluded from the above table.53

    By the completion of FAM Period 2, CAT LLC was required to implement the following with regard to the CAT:

    (a) Industry Member reporting (excluding reporting by Small Industry Members that are not OATS reporters) for equities transactions, excluding Customer Account Information, CustomerID, and Customer Identifying Information, is developed, tested, and implemented at a 5% Error Rate or less and with sufficient intra-firm linkage, inter-firm linkage, national securities exchange linkage, and trade reporting facilities linkage to permit the Participants and the Commission to analyze the full lifecycle of an order across the national market system, excluding linkage of representative orders, from order origination through order execution or order cancellation; and (b) the query tool functionality required by Section 6.10(c)(i)(A) and Appendix D, Sections 8.1.1-8.1.3 and Section 8.2.1 incorporates the Industry Member equities transaction data described in condition (a) and is available to the Participants and to the Commission.[54]

    CAT LLC completed the requirements of FAM Period 2 by December 31, 2020. The following describes the costs for each of the categories for FAM Period 2.

    (a) Technology Costs—Cloud Hosting Services

    CAT LLC continued to utilize AWS in FAM Period 2 to provide a broad array of cloud hosting services for the CAT, including data ingestion, data management, and analytic tools. AWS continued to provide storage services, databases, compute services and other services (such as networking, management tools and DevOps tools), as well as various environments for CAT, such as development, performance testing, test, and production environments, during the FAM 2 Period. Accordingly, the $20,709,212 in technology costs for cloud hosting services represent costs incurred for services provided by AWS, as the cloud services provider, during FAM Period 2. The fee arrangement for AWS described above with regard to the Pre-FAM Period and FAM Period 1 continued in place during FAM Period 2 pursuant to the Plan Processor Agreement.

    The cost for AWS cloud services for the CAT continued to be a function of the volume of CAT Data. During the FAM 2 Period, the volume of CAT Data continued to far exceed the original predictions for the CAT as set forth in the CAT NMS Plan. During this period, data submitted to the CAT included options and equities Participant Data, Phase 2a and Phase 2b Industry Member Data (including certain linkages) as well as SIP Data, and Other Data, including reference data. In addition, Industry Members began reporting LTID account information. The following chart provides data regarding the average daily volume, cumulative total events, total compute hours and storage footprint of the CAT during FAM Period 2.[55]

    ( print page 75309)
    Date range: 8/1/20-12/31/20
    Average Daily Volume in Billions:
    Participant—Equities 6
    Participant—Options 116
    Industry Member—Equities 11
    Industry Member—Options 0.98
    SIP—Options & Equities 80
    Average Total Daily Volume 282
    Cumulative Total Events for the Period 2,170
    Total Compute Hours for the Period 15,660,392
    Storage Footprint at End of Period (Petabytes) 114.59

    (b) Technology Costs—Operating Fees

    Pursuant to the Plan Processor Agreement discussed above, FCAT continued in its role as the Plan Processor for the CAT during FAM Period 2. Accordingly, the $9,108,700 in technology costs for operating fees represent costs incurred for the services provided by FCAT under the Plan Processor Agreement during FAM Period 2. The fee arrangement for FCAT described above with regard to the Pre-FAM Period and FAM Period 1 continued in place during FAM Period 2 pursuant to the Plan Processor Agreement. During FAM Period 2, FCAT's activities with respect to the CAT included publishing the Technical Specifications for Phase 2d and overseeing the reporting of firm to firm and intrafirm linkages by Industry Members. In addition, FCAT also continued to engage in the following activities during FAM Period 2:

    • Addressed compliance items, including drafting CAT policies and procedures, and addressing Regulation SCI requirements;
    • Provided support to the Operating Committee, Compliance Subcommittee and CAT working groups;
    • Assisted with interpretive efforts and exemptive requests regarding the CAT NMS Plan;
    • Oversaw the development and implementation of the security of the CAT;
    • Monitored the operation of the CAT, including with regard to Participant and Industry Member reporting;
    • Provided support to subcontractors under the Plan Processor Agreement;
    • Provided support in discussions with the Participants and the SEC and its staff;
    • Operated the FINRA CAT Helpdesk;
    • Facilitated communications with the industry, including via FAQs, CAT Alerts, meetings, presentations and webinars;
    • Administered the CAT website and all of its content; and
    • Provided technical support and assistance with connectivity, data access, and user support, including the use of CAT Data and query tools, for Participants and the SEC staff.

    (c) Technology Costs—CAIS Operating Fees

    Pursuant to the Plan Processor Agreement discussed above, Kingland continued in its role as a subcontractor for the development and implementation of CAIS during FAM Period 2. Accordingly, the $1,590,298 in technology costs for CAIS operating fees represent costs incurred for services provided by Kingland during FAM Period 2. The fee arrangement for Kingland described above with regard to the Pre-FAM Period and FAM Period 1 continued in place during FAM Period 2 pursuant to the Plan Processor Agreement. During FAM Period 2, Kingland continued the development of the CAIS Technical Specifications and building of CAIS. In addition, Kingland continued to work on the CAIS Technical Specifications and build related to the CCID Alternative, as well as the acceleration of the reporting of LTIDs.

    (d) Technology Costs—Change Request Fees

    During FAM Period 2, CAT LLC engaged FCAT to pursue certain change requests in accordance with the Plan Processor Agreement. The change request costs were paid by CAT LLC to FCAT. Specifically, during FAM Period 2, CAT incurred costs of $51,823 related to a change request regarding the addition of functionality for exchange Participants to report rejected messages to the CAT.

    (e) Technology Costs—Capitalized Developed Technology Costs

    Capitalized developed technology costs for FAM Period 2 of $6,761,094 include capitalizable application development costs incurred in the development of the CAT by FCAT. Such costs include (1) development costs incurred during the application development stage to meet various agreed-upon milestones regarding the CAT, as defined in the agreement between CAT LLC and the Plan Processor; (2) costs related to certain modifications, upgrades, or other changes to the CAT that were not contemplated by the agreement between CAT LLC and the Plan Processor, including costs related to separate production and industry test entitlements, market maker reference data, and back-processing of exchange exception logic; (3) implementation fees; and (4) license fees.

    (f) Legal Costs

    The legal costs of $2,766,644 represent the fees paid for legal services provided by two law firms, WilmerHale and Pillsbury during FAM Period 2.

    Law Firm: WilmerHale. CAT LLC continued to employ WilmerHale during FAM Period 2 based on, among other things, their expertise and long history with the project. The hourly fee rates for this law firm were in line with market rates for specialized legal expertise. The legal fees during FAM Period 2 were paid by CAT LLC to WilmerHale. During FAM Period 2, the legal assistance provided by WilmerHale included providing legal advice regarding the following:

    • Assisted with the development of the CAT funding model and drafting related amendments and rule filings;
    • Drafted exemptive requests from CAT NMS Plan requirements regarding, for example, allocations, exchange activity, OTQT, initial data validation, error corrections and recordkeeping;
    • Provided interpretations related to CAT NMS Plan requirements, including with regard to the Financial Accountability Milestone amendment, FAQs and technical specifications;
    • Provided support for the Operating Committee, Compliance Subcommittees, working groups and Leadership Team, including with regard to meetings with the SEC staff;
    • Assisted with the Implementation Plan and Quarterly Progress Reports required pursuant to Section 6.6 of the CAT NMS Plan; ( print page 75310)
    • Drafted SRO rule filings related to the CAT Compliance Rule;
    • Provided support for the Compliance Subcommittee, including with regard to responses to OCIE examinations and the annual assessment;
    • Provided guidance regarding the SEC's proposed security amendments to the CAT NMS Plan;
    • Provided guidance regarding SRO rule filings for the retirement of systems;
    • Provided legal support for Operating Committee meetings, including drafting resolutions and other materials and voting advice;
    • Assisted with third-party vendor agreements (e.g., with regard to Anchin, Grant Thornton and insurance policies);
    • Assisted with change requests; and
    • Provided support with regard to discussions with the SEC and its staff, including with respect to addressing interpretive and implementation issues.

    Law Firm: Pillsbury. CAT LLC continued to employ Pillsbury during FAM Period 2 based on, among other things, their expertise and history with the project. The hourly fee rates for this law firm were in line with market rates for specialized legal expertise. The legal fees during FAM Period 2 were paid by CAT LLC to Pillsbury. During FAM Period 2, Pillsbury provided legal assistance to the CAT regarding the CAT Reporter Agreement. During that period, Pillsbury advised CAT LLC regarding applicable legal matters and drafted and filed a proposed amendment to the CAT NMS Plan regarding liability matters. As discussed above, liability issues related to the CAT are important matters that needed to be resolved and clarified. CAT LLC's efforts to seek such resolution and clarity work to the benefit of Participants, Industry Members and other market participants.

    (g) Consulting Costs

    The consulting costs of $532,146 represent the fees paid to Deloitte as project manager during FAM Period 2. CAT LLC continued to employ Deloitte during FAM Period 2 based on, among other things, their expertise and long history with the project. The fee rates for Deloitte during FAM Period 2 were negotiated and in line with market rates for this type of specialized consulting work. The consulting fees during FAM Period 2 were paid to Deloitte by CAT LLC. CAT LLC reviewed the consulting fees each month and approved the invoices. During FAM Period 2, Deloitte's CAT-related activities included the following:

    • Implemented program operations for the CAT project;
    • Provided support to the Operating Committee, the Chair of the Operating Committee and the Leadership Team, including project management support, coordination and planning for meetings and communications, and interfacing with law firms and the SEC;
    • Assisted with cost and funding matters for the CAT, including the development of the CAT funding model and assistance with loans and the CAT bank account for CAT funding;
    • Provided support for updating the SEC on the progress of the development of the CAT; and
    • Provided support for third-party vendors for the CAT, including FCAT, Anchin and the law firms engaged by CAT LLC.

    (h) Insurance

    The insurance costs of $976,098 represent the fees paid for insurance during FAM Period 2. CAT LLC continued to maintain cyber security liability insurance, directors' and officers' liability insurance, and errors and omissions liability insurance offered by USI. After engaging in a process for renewing the coverage, CAT LLC determined to purchase these insurance policies from USI. The annual premiums for these policies were competitive for the coverage provided. The annual premiums were paid by CAT LLC to USI.

    (i) Professional and Administration Costs

    The professional and administration costs of $438,523 represent the fees paid to Anchin and Grant Thornton for financial services provided during FAM Period 2.

    Financial Advisory Firm: Anchin. CAT LLC continued to engage Anchin during FAM Period 2 based on, among other things, their expertise and history with the project. The hourly fee rates for this firm were in line with market rates for these types of financial advisory services. The fees for these services during FAM Period 2 were paid by CAT LLC to Anchin. During FAM Period 2, Anchin provided a variety of services, including the following:

    • Updated and maintained internal controls;
    • Provided cash management and treasury functions;
    • Faciliated [sic] bill payments;
    • Provided monthly bookkeeping;
    • Reviewed vendor invoices and documentation in support of cash disbursements;
    • Provided accounting research and consultations on various accounting, financial reporting and tax matters;
    • Addressed not-for-profit tax and accounting considerations;
    • Prepared tax returns;
    • Addressed various accounting, financial reporting and operating inquiries from the Participants;
    • Developed and maintained quarterly and annual operating and financial budgets, including budget to actual fluctuation analyses;
    • Supported compliance with the CAT NMS Plan;
    • Worked with and provided support to the Operating Committee and various CAT working groups;
    • Prepared monthly, quarterly and annual financial statements;
    • Supported the annual financial statement audit by an independent auditor; and
    • Reviewed historical costs from inception.

    Accounting Firm: Grant Thornton. CAT LLC continued to employ the accounting firm Grant Thornton during FAM Period 2 based on, among other things, its expertise and cumulative knowledge of CAT LLC. CAT LLC continued to believe that Grant Thornton was well qualified for its role and its fee rates were in line with with market rates for these accounting services. The fees for these services during FAM Period 2 were paid by CAT LLC to Grant Thornton. During FAM Period 2, Grant Thornton performed a financial statement audit for CAT LLC as an independent accounting firm.

    (j) Public Relations Costs

    The public relations costs of $41,940 represent the fees paid to Peak Strategies during FAM Period 2. CAT LLC continued to employ Peak Strategies during FAM Period 2 based on, among other things, their expertise and history with the project. The fee rates for this firm were in line with market rates for these types of services. The fees for these services during FAM Period 2 were paid by CAT LLC to Peak Strategies. During FAM Period 2, Peak Strategies continued to provide professional communications services to CAT, including media relations consulting, strategy and execution. Specifically, the public relations firm provided services related to communications with the public regarding the CAT, including monitoring developments related to the CAT ( e.g., congressional efforts, public comments and reaction to proposals, press coverage of the CAT), reporting such developments to CAT LLC, and drafting and disseminating communications to the public regarding such developments as well as reporting on developments related to the CAT ( e.g., amendments to the CAT NMS Plan). As discussed above, such public ( print page 75311) relations services were important for various reasons, including monitoring comments made by market participants about the CAT and understanding issues related to the CAT discussed on the public record. By engaging a public relations firm, CAT LLC was better positioned to understand and address CAT matters to the benefit of all market participants.

    (iv) Historical CAT Costs Incurred in Financial Accountability Milestone Period 3

    Historical CAT Costs 1 would include costs incurred by CAT and already funded by the Participants during Period 3 of the Financial Accountability Milestones (“FAM Period 3”),[56] which covers the period from January 1, 2021-December 31, 2021. Historical CAT Costs 1 would include costs for FAM Period 3 of $144,415,268. The Participants would remain responsible for one-third of this cost (which they have previously paid) ($48,138,423), and Industry Members would be responsible for the remaining two-thirds, with CEBBs paying one-third ($48,138,423) and CEBSs paying one-third ($48,138,423). The following table breaks down Historical CAT Costs 1 for FAM Period 3 into the categories set forth in Section 11.3(b)(iii)(B)(II) of the CAT NMS Plan.

    Operating expense Historical CAT costs for FAM Period 3 *
    Capitalized Developed Technology Costs ** $10,763,372
    Technology Costs 123,639,402
    Cloud Hosting Services 94,574,759
    Operating Fees 23,106,091
    CAIS Operating Fees 5,562,383
    Change Request Fees 396,169
    Legal 6,333,248
    Consulting 1,408,209
    Insurance 1,582,714
    Professional and administration 595,923
    Public relations 92,400
    Total Operating Expenses 144,415,268
    * The costs described in this table of costs for FAM Period 3 were calculated based upon CAT LLC's review of applicable bills and invoices and related financial statements. CAT LLC financial statements are available on the CAT website.
    ** The non-cash amortization of these capitalized developed technology costs of $5,108,044 incurred during FAM Period 3 have been appropriately excluded from the above table.57

    By the completion of FAM Period 3, CAT LLC was required to implement the following requirements with regard the CAT:

    (a) reporting to the Order Audit Trail System (“OATS”) is no longer required for new orders; (b) Industry Member reporting for equities transactions and simple electronic options transactions, excluding Customer Account Information, Customer-ID, and Customer Identifying Information, with sufficient intra-firm linkage, inter-firm linkage, national securities exchange linkage, trade reporting facilities linkage, and representative order linkages (including any equities allocation information provided in an Allocation Report) to permit the Participants and the Commission to analyze the full lifecycle of an order across the national market system, from order origination through order execution or order cancellation, is developed, tested, and implemented at a 5% Error Rate or less; (c) Industry Member reporting for manual options transactions and complex options transactions, excluding Customer Account Information, Customer-ID, and Customer Identifying Information, with all required linkages to permit the Participants and the Commission to analyze the full lifecycle of an order across the national market system, from order origination through order execution or order cancellation, including any options allocation information provided in an Allocation Report, is developed, tested, and fully implemented; (d) the query tool functionality required by Section 6.10(c)(i)(A) and Appendix D, Sections 8.1.1-8.1.3, Section 8.2.1, and Section 8.5 incorporates the data described in conditions (b)-(c) and is available to the Participants and to the Commission; and (e) the requirements of Section 6.10(a) are met.[58]

    CAT LLC completed the requirements of FAM Period 3 by December 31, 2021. The following describes the costs for each of the categories for FAM Period 3.

    (a) Technology Costs—Cloud Hosting Services

    CAT LLC continued to utilize AWS in FAM Period 3 to provide a broad array of cloud hosting services for the CAT, including data ingestion, data management, and analytic tools. AWS continued to provide storage services, databases, compute services and other services (such as networking, management tools and DevOps tools), as well as various environments for CAT, such as development, performance testing, test, and production environments, during the FAM 3 Period. Accordingly, the $94,574,759 in technology costs for cloud hosting services represents costs incurred for services provided by AWS, as the cloud services provider, during FAM Period 3. The fee arrangement for AWS described above for the earlier periods continued in place during FAM Period 3 pursuant to the Plan Processor Agreement.

    The cost for AWS cloud services for the CAT continued to be a function of the volume of CAT Data. During FAM Period 3, the volume of CAT Data continued to far exceed the original predictions for the CAT as set forth in the CAT NMS Plan. During this period, data submitted to the CAT included options and equities Participant Data, Phase 2a, Phase 2b, Phase 2c and Phase 2d Industry Member Data (including certain linkages), SIP Data, Other Data, including reference data, and LTID account information. The following chart provides data regarding the average daily volume, cumulative total events, total compute hours and storage footprint of the CAT during FAM Period 3.[59]

    ( print page 75312)
    Date range: 1/1/21 to 4/25/21 Date range: 4/26/21 to 12/31/21 *
    Average Daily Volume in Billions:
    Participant—Equities 9 9
    Participant—Options 135 136
    Industry Member—Equities 20 19
    Industry Member—Options 2 2
    SIP—Options & Equities 129 137
    Average Total Daily Volume 297 304
    Cumulative Total Events for the Period 7,480 5,310
    Total Compute Hours for the Period 15,860,304 33,487,318
    Storage Footprint at End of Period (Petabytes) 180.22 284.62
    * Start of Participant Equities in CAT format and SIP Equities on 4/26/21.

    (b) Technology Costs—Operating Fees

    Pursuant to the Plan Processor Agreement discussed above, FCAT continued in its role as the Plan Processor for the CAT during FAM Period 3. Accordingly, the $23,106,091 in technology costs for operating fees represent costs incurred for the services provided by FCAT under the Plan Processor Agreement during FAM Period 3. The fee arrangement for FCAT described above with regard to the prior Periods continued in place during FAM Period 3 pursuant to the Plan Processor Agreement. During FAM Period 3, FCAT's activities with respect to the CAT included the following:

    • Facilitated Phase 2c and Phase 2d testing for Industry Members;
    • Oversaw creation of linkages of the lifecycle of order events based on the received data through Phase 2d;
    • Addressed compliance items, including drafting CAT policies and procedures, and addressing Regulation SCI requirements;
    • Provided support to the Operating Committee, the Compliance Subcommittee and CAT working groups;
    • Assisted with interpretive efforts and exemptive requests regarding the CAT NMS Plan;
    • Oversaw the security of the CAT;
    • Monitored the operation of the CAT, including with regard to Participant and Industry Member reporting;
    • Provided support to subcontractors under the Plan Processor Agreement;
    • Provided support in discussions with the Participants and the SEC and its staff;
    • Operated the FINRA CAT Helpdesk;
    • Facilitated communications with the industry, including via FAQs, CAT Alerts, meetings, presentations and webinars;
    • Administered the CAT website and all of its content; and
    • Provided technical support and assistance with connectivity, data access, and user support, including the use of CAT Data and query tools, for Participants and the SEC staff.

    (c) Technology Costs—CAIS Operating Fees

    Pursuant to the Plan Processor Agreement with FCAT discussed above, Kingland continued in its role as a subcontractor for the development and implementation of CAIS during FAM Period 3. Accordingly, the $5,562,383 in technology costs for CAIS operating fees represents costs incurred for services provided by Kingland during FAM Period 3. The fee arrangement for Kingland described above with regard to the prior Periods continued in place during FAM Period 3 pursuant to the Plan Processor Agreement. During FAM Period 3, Kingland continued the development of the CAIS Technical Specifications and building of CAIS. In addition, Kingland continued to work on the CAIS Technical Specifications and build related to the CCID Alternative, as well as the acceleration of the reporting of LTIDs. The full CAIS Technical Specifications were published during FAM Period 3.

    (d) Technology Costs—Change Request Fees

    During FAM Period 3, CAT LLC engaged FCAT to pursue certain change requests in accordance with the Plan Processor Agreement. The change request costs were paid by CAT LLC to FCAT. Specifically, during FAM Period 3, CAT incurred costs of $396,169 related to change requests, including the following: (1) the addition of functionality for exchange Participants to report rejected messages to the CAT; (2) the migration of MIRS query engine to AWS to reduce operational costs and increase resiliency; and (3) updating the Participant Technical Specifications to allow for two-sided Participant option quote reporting.

    (e) Technology Costs—Capitalized Developed Technology Costs

    Capitalized developed technology costs for FAM Period 3 of $10,763,372 include capitalizable application development costs incurred in the development of the CAT by FCAT. Such costs include (1) development costs incurred during the application development stage to meet various agreed-upon milestones regarding the CAT, as defined in the agreement between CAT LLC and the Plan Processor, including the transition from equity data received by FINRA pursuant to various regulatory services agreements between FINRA and Participant exchanges to the equity CAT Data, and the completion of the Industry Member Phase 2d options manual and complex orders go-live requirements; (2) costs related to certain modifications, upgrades, or other changes to the CAT that were not contemplated by the agreement between CAT LLC and the Plan Processor, including costs related to off-exchange volume concentration, Participant 24-hour trading and an external metastore; (3) implementation fees; and (4) license fees.

    (f) Legal Costs

    The legal costs of $6,333,248 represent the fees paid for legal services provided by three law firms, WilmerHale, Pillsbury and Covington & Burling LLP (“Covington”) during FAM Period 3.

    Law Firm: WilmerHale. CAT LLC continued to employ WilmerHale during FAM Period 3 based on, among other things, their expertise and long history with the project. The hourly fee rates for this law firm were in line with market rates for specialized legal expertise. The legal fees during FAM Period 3 were paid by CAT LLC to WilmerHale. During FAM Period 3, the legal assistance provided by WilmerHale included providing legal advice regarding the following:

    • Assisted with the development of the CAT funding model and drafting related amendments and rule filings;
    • Drafted exemptive requests from CAT NMS Plan requirements, including, for example, verbal activity regarding Phase 2c cutover, error reports, error ( print page 75313) corrections, Phase 2d Reporting, unique Order-ID on internal route events, reporting addresses, recordkeeping, and unique CCID for foreign customers;
    • Provided interpretations related to CAT NMS Plan requirements, including with regard to the Financial Accountability Milestone amendment, FAQs, CAIS requirements, ADF, and technical specifications;
    • Provided support for the Operating Committee, Compliance Subcommittee, working groups and Leadership Team, including with regard to meetings with the SEC staff;
    • Assisted with the Implementation Plan and Quarterly Progress Reports required pursuant to Section 6.6(c) of the CAT NMS Plan;
    • Drafted SRO rule filings related to the CAT Compliance Rule;
    • Provided support for Compliance Subcommittee, including with regard to responses to OCIE examinations and the annual assessment;
    • Provided guidance regarding the SEC's proposed security amendments to the CAT NMS Plan;
    • Provided guidance regarding SRO rule filings for the retirement of systems;
    • Provided legal support for Operating Committee meetings, including drafting resolutions and other materials and voting advice;
    • Provided assistance with change requests;
    • Provided guidance and regulatory support for litigation regarding the response to the SEC's exemptive orders;
    • Assisted with communications with the industry, includng CAT Alerts and presentations;
    • Provided guidance regarding the confidentiality of CAT Data, including third-party information requests;
    • Assisted with cost management analysis and proposals; and
    • Provided support with regard to discussions with the SEC and its staff, including with respect to addressing interpretive and implementation issues.

    Law Firm: Pillsbury. CAT LLC continued to employ Pillsbury during FAM Period 3 based on, among other things, their expertise and history with the project. The hourly fee rates for this law firm were in line with market rates for specialized legal expertise. The legal fees during FAM Period 3 were paid by CAT LLC to Pillsbury. During FAM Period 3, Pillsbury provided legal assistance to the CAT regarding the CAT Reporter Agreement. During this period, Pillsbury advised CAT LLC regarding applicable legal matters, reviewed and responded to comment letters regarding the proposed Plan amendment, participated in meetings with senior SEC staff, responded to comments submitted following the SEC's April 6, 2021 order instituting proceedings,[60] and assessed legal matters regarding the SEC's October 29, 2021 order denying the proposed Plan amendment.[61]

    Law Firm: Covington. CAT LLC hired Covington for litigation with the SEC regarding certain exemptive orders related to the CAT, including orders issued in December 2020.[62] CAT LLC interviewed this law firm as well as other potential law firms, considering a variety of factors in its analysis for choosing legal assistance, including the relevant expertise and fees of the potential lawyers. CAT LLC approved the engagement of Covington in January 2021. The fee rates for this law firm, which were calculated based on hourly rates, were in line with market rates for specialized services. The legal fees for FAM Period 3 for this firm were paid by CAT LLC to Covington.

    After Covington was hired in 2021 through the end of 2021, the firm provided legal assistance regarding the litigation with the SEC regarding the 2020 Orders. These services included researching, drafting, and filing motions to stay the 2020 orders and related materials in proceedings before the SEC, as well as researching, drafting, and filing petitions for judicial review of the 2020 Orders in proceedings before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. Covington oversaw ongoing litigation proceedings on these matters, and also supported WilmerHale with respect to settlement negotiations with the SEC staff regarding the 2020 Orders.

    In addition to these services, CAT LLC engaged Covington in November 2021 to provide assistance with respect to the SEC's disapproval of CAT NMS Plan amendments concerning a proposed limitation on liability in the event of a data breach or similar event. Covington provided advice concerning CAT's response to the SEC's disapproval order. This work accounted for a minority of Covington's fees in 2021.[63]

    (g) Consulting Costs

    The consulting costs of $1,408,209 represent the fees paid to Deloitte as project manager during FAM Period 3. CAT LLC continued to employ Deloitte during FAM Period 3 based on, among other things, their expertise and long history with the project. The fee rates for Deloitte during FAM Period 3 were negotiated and in line with market rates for this type of specialized consulting work. The consulting fees during FAM Period 3 were paid to Deloitte by CAT LLC. CAT LLC reviewed the consulting fees each month and approved the invoices. During FAM Period 3, Deloitte's CAT-related activities included the following:

    • Implemented program operations for the CAT project;
    • Provided support to the Operating Committee, the Chair of the Operating Committee and the Leadership Team, including project management support, coordination and planning for meetings and communications, and interfacing with law firms and the SEC;
    • Assisted with cost and funding matters for the CAT, including the development of the CAT funding model and assistance with loans and the CAT bank account for CAT funding;
    • Provided support for updating the SEC on the progress of the development of the CAT; and
    • Provided support for third-party vendors for the CAT, including FCAT, Anchin and the law firms engaged by CAT LLC.

    (h) Insurance

    The insurance costs of $1,582,714 represent the fees paid for insurance during FAM Period 3. CAT LLC continued to maintain cyber security liability insurance, directors' and officers' liability insurance, and errors and omissions liability insurance offered by USI. After engaging in a process for renewing the coverage, CAT LLC determined to purchase these insurance policies from USI. The annual premiums for these policies were competitive for the coverage provided. The annual premiums were paid by CAT LLC to USI.

    (i) Professional and Administration Costs

    The professional and administration costs of $595,923 represent the fees paid to Anchin and Grant Thornton for financial services during FAM Period 3.

    Financial Advisory Firm: Anchin. CAT LLC continued to employ Anchin during FAM Period 3 based on, among other things, their expertise and history with the project. The hourly fee rates for ( print page 75314) this firm were in line with market rates for these financial advisory services. The fees for these services during FAM Period 3 were paid by CAT LLC to Anchin. During FAM Period 3, Anchin provided a variety of services, including the following:

    • Updated and maintained internal controls;
    • Provided cash management and treasury functions;
    • Faciliated [sic] bill payments;
    • Provided monthly bookkeeping;
    • Reviewed vendor invoices and documentation in support of cash disbursements;
    • Provided accounting research and consultations on various accounting, financial reporting and tax matters;
    • Addressed not-for-profit tax and accounting considerations;
    • Prepared tax returns;
    • Addressed various accounting, financial reporting and operating inquiries from Participants;
    • Developed and maintained quarterly and annual operating and financial budgets, including budget to actual fluctuation analyses;
    • Supported compliance with the CAT NMS Plan;
    • Worked with and provided support to the Operating Committee and various CAT working groups;
    • Prepared monthly, quarterly and annual financial statements;
    • Supported the annual financial statement audits by an independent auditor;
    • Reviewed historical costs from inception; and
    • Provided accounting and financial information in support of SEC filings.

    Accounting Firm: Grant Thornton. CAT LLC continued to employ the accounting firm Grant Thornton during FAM Period 3 based on, among other things, their expertise and cumulative knowledge of CAT LLC. CAT LLC determined that Grant Thornton was well qualified for its role and that its fixed fee rates were in line with market rates for these accountant services. The fees for these services during FAM Period 3 were paid by CAT LLC to Grant Thornton. During FAM Period 3, Grant Thornton provided audited financial statements for CAT LLC.

    (j) Public Relations Costs

    The public relations costs of $92,400 represent the fees paid to Peak Strategies during FAM Period 3. CAT LLC continued to employ Peak Strategies during FAM Period 3 based on, among other things, their expertise and history with the project. The fee rates for this firm were in line with market rates for these types of services. The fees for these services during FAM Period 3 were paid by CAT LLC to Peak Strategies. During FAM Period 3, Peak Strategies continued to provide professional communications services to CAT, including media relations consulting, strategy and execution. Specifically, the public relations firm provided services related to communications with the public regarding the CAT, including monitoring developments related to the CAT ( e.g., congressional efforts, public comments and reaction to proposals, press coverage of the CAT), reporting such developments to CAT LLC, and drafting and disseminating communications to the public regarding such developments as well as reporting on developments related to the CAT ( e.g., amendments to the CAT NMS Plan). As discussed above, such public relations services were important for various reasons, including monitoring comments made by market participants about the CAT and understanding issues related to the CAT discussed on the public record. By engaging a public relations firm, CAT LLC was better positioned to understand and address CAT matters to the benefit of all market participants.

    (v) Excluded Costs

    Historical CAT Costs 1 would not include three categories of CAT costs (“Excluded Costs”): (1) $14,749,362 of costs related to the termination of the relationship with the Initial Plan Processor; (2) $48,874,937, which are all CAT costs incurred from November 15, 2017 through November 15, 2018; and (3) $19,628,791, which are costs paid to the the Initial Plan Processor from November 16, 2018 through February 2019 when the relationship with the Initial Plan Processor was concluded. The Participants would remain responsible for 100% of these costs, which total $83,253,090. CAT LLC determined to exclude these Excluded Costs from Historical CAT Costs 1 because these costs relate to the delay in the start of reporting to the CAT and the conclusion of the relationship with the Initial Plan Processor.[64]

    (a) Costs Related to Conclusion of Relationship With Initial Plan Processor

    First, Historical CAT Costs 1 would not include $14,749,362 of costs related to the conclusion of the relationship with the Initial Plan Processor. Such costs include costs related to the American Arbitration Association, the legal assistance of Pillsbury with regard to the arbitration with the Initial Plan Processor, and the settlement costs related to the arbitration with the Initial Plan Processor. The Participants would remain responsible for 100% of these $14,749,362 in costs.

    (b) Costs Incurred From November 15, 2017 Through November 15, 2018

    Second, Historical CAT Costs 1 would not include all CAT costs incurred from November 15, 2017 through November 15, 2018. CAT LLC determined to exclude all costs during this one-year period of $48,874,937 from fees charged to Industry Members due to the delay in the start of reporting to the CAT. The Participants would remain responsible for 100% of these $48,874,937 in costs. The following table breaks down these costs into the categories set forth in Section 11.3(b)(iii)(B)(II) of the CAT NMS Plan.

    Operating expense Excluded costs for November 15, 2017- November 15, 2018 *
    Capitalized Developed Technology Costs $37,852,083
    Technology Costs
    Cloud Hosting Services
    Operating Fees
    CAIS Operating Fees
    Change Request Fees
    ( print page 75315)
    Legal $6,143,278
    Consulting $4,452,106
    Professional and administration $340,145
    Public relations $87,325
    Total Operating Expenses $48,874,937
    * The costs described in this table of Excluded Costs were calculated based upon CAT LLC's review of applicable bills and invoices and related financial statements. CAT LLC financial statements are available on the CAT website.

Document Information

Securities and Exchange Commission
Entry Type:
Document Number:
75296-75343 (48 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Release No. 34-100942, File No. SR-CboeEDGA-2024-035
PDF File: