95-22572. Acquisition Regulation; Miscellaneous Amendments to NASA FAR Supplement  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 178 (Thursday, September 14, 1995)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 47704-47713]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-22572]
    48 CFR Parts 1801, 1804, 1812, 1813, 1814, 1815, 1819, 1825, 1834, 
    1835, 1836, 1852, 1853, and 1870
    [NASA FAR Supplement Directive 89-20]
    RIN 2700-AB85
    Acquisition Regulation; Miscellaneous Amendments to NASA FAR 
    AGENCY: Office of Procurement, Acquisition Liaison Division, National 
    Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: This document amends the NASA Federal Acquisition Regulation 
    Supplement (NFS) to reflect a number of miscellaneous changes dealing 
    with NASA internal and administrative matters, such as the NASA FAR 
    Supplement rewrite and reporting of contract data by NASA procurement 
    EFFECTIVE DATE: October 1, 1995.
    Mr. David K. Beck, (202) 358-0482.
    Availability of NASA FAR Supplement
        The NASA FAR Supplement, of which this rule is a part, is available 
    in its entirety on a subscription basis from the Superintendent of 
    Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402, telephone 
    number (202) 512-1800. Cite GPO Subscription Stock Number 933-003-
    00000-1. It is not distributed to the public, either in whole or in 
    part, directly by NASA.
    Rewrite of NASA FAR Supplement
        NASA is reviewing and rewriting 48 CFR chapter 18, the NASA FAR 
    Supplement, in its entirety in order to implement recommendations of 
    the National Performance Review. During this review, NASA is 
    eliminating reporting requirements and making other changes in order to 
    reduce and simplify the regulation. This rule is part of the effort to 
    simplify NASA's regulations.
    Summary of Changes
        Unnecessary words in subparts 1801.6 and 1801.7 are eliminated. 
    Sections 1801.603 and 1801.670 are substantially reduced in order to 
    rely primarily on FAR guidance on delegation of contracting officer 
    authority. Section 1801.703 is substantially reduced in order to rely 
    primarily on FAR guidance on class determinations and findings (D&F's). 
    Section 1801.770 is added on legal review of D&F's prior to signature. 
    In subpart 1804.6, instructions are revised concerning data elements 
    required to be reported by NASA procurement offices. Sections 1804.672 
    and 1852.204-70, Report on NASA Subcontracts, are removed. Section 
    1804.674 on subcontract reporting is removed because it is already 
    covered by subpart 1819.7.
        Paragraph 1834.005-1(k) is removed because it unnecessarily 
    duplicates instructions in subpart 1804.6. Other sections are amended 
    as a result of Federal Acquisition Circulars 90-29 and 90-31.
        NASA certifies that this regulation will not have a significant 
    economic effect on a substantial number of small entities under the 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.).
    List of Subjects in 48 CFR Parts 1801, 1804, 1812, 1813, 1814, 1815, 
    1819, 1825, 1834, 1835, 1836, 1852, 1853, and 1870
        Government procurement.
    Tom Luedtke,
    Deputy Associate Administrator for Procurement.
        Accordingly, 48 CFR parts 1801, 1804, 1812, 1813, 1814, 1815, 1819, 
    1825, 1834, 1835, 1836, 1852, 1853, and 1870 are amended as follows.
        1. The authority citation for 48 CFR parts 1801, 1804, 1812, 1813, 
    1814, 1815, 1819, 1825, 1834, 1835, 1836, 1852, 1853, and 1870 
    continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 2473(c)(1).
    Subpart 1801.1--Purpose, Authority, Issuance
    1801.102, 1801.103, 1801.104, 1801.104-1, 1801.104-2, 1801.104-3, 
    1801.104-370, 1801.105  [Redesignated]
        2. Sections 1801.102, 1801.103, 1801.104, 1801.104-1, 1801.104-2, 
    1801.104-3, 1801.104-370, and 1801.105 are redesignated as 1801.103, 
    1801.104, 1801.105, 1801.105-1, 1801.105-2, 1801.105-3, 1801.105-370, 
    and 1801.106.
        3. In paragraph (b) of the newly designated section 1801.105-1, the 
    citation ``1801.104-1(b)'' is revised to read ``1801.105-1(b)''.
    Subpart 1801.6--Career Development, Contracting Authority, and 
        4. In section 1801.602-3, paragraph (a) is revised to read as 
    1801.602-3  Ratification of unauthorized commitments.
        (a) Policy. Individuals making unauthorized commitments may be 
    subject to disciplinary action, and the issue may be referred to the 
    Office of Inspector General.
    * * * * *
        5. Section 1801.603-2 is revised to read as follows:
    1801.603-2  Selection.
        (a) Policy. Normally, only GS-1105 and GS/GM-1102 personnel with 
    the proper training and experience may be appointed contracting 
        (b) Organizational need determination. NASA contracting officers 
    shall be appointed only when a valid organizational need can be 
    demonstrated. Factors to be considered in assessing the need for a 
    [[Page 47705]]
    officer include volume of actions, complexity of work, and 
    organizational structure.
    1801.603-3, 1801.603-4  [Removed]
        6. Sections 1801.603-3 and 1801.603-4 are removed.
        7. Section 1801.670 is revised to read as follows:
    1801.670  Delegations to contracting officer's technical 
    representatives (COTRs).
        A COTR delegation may be made only by the contracting officer 
    cognizant of that contract at the time the delegation is made. If the 
    cognizant contracting officer is absent, the delegation letter may be 
    signed by a warranted contracting officer at any level above the 
    cognizant contracting officer. An individual COTR may have only the 
    duties specifically identified in a written delegation to him or her by 
    name (i.e., COTR duties may not be delegated to a position) and has no 
    authority to exceed them. COTRs should be informed that they may be 
    personally liable for unauthorized commitments. Contracting officer 
    authority to sign or authorize contractual instruments should not be 
    delegated through a COTR designation or by any means other than a 
    contracting officer warrant.
    Subpart 1801.7--Determinations and Findings
    1801.703  [Removed]
        8. Section 1801.703 is removed.
    1801.704  [Amended]
        9. In section 1801.704, the first sentence is removed.
    1801.770  [Added]
        10. Section 1801.770 is added to read as follows:
    1801.770  Legal review.
        Each determination and finding (D&F), including class D&Fs, shall 
    be reviewed by counsel for form and legality before the signature, in 
    accordance with FAR 1.701, is obtained.
    Subpart 1804.6--Contract Reporting
        11. Section 1804.601 is revised to read as follows:
    1804.601  Record requirements.
        The Headquarters Analysis Division (Code HC) is responsible for 
    meeting the requirements of FAR 4.601, based on installation submission 
    of Individual Procurement Action Reports (NASA Form 507 series) data.
        12. Section 1804.671 is revised to read as follows:
    1804.671  Individual Procurement Action Report (NASA Form 507 series).
        The Individual Procurement Action Report and Supplements (NASA Form 
    507 series) provide essential procurement records and statistics 
    through a single uniform reporting program as a basis for required 
    recurring and special reports to Congress, Federal Procurement Data 
    Center, and other Federal agencies. The preparation and utilization of 
    the NASA Form 507 series are an integral part of the agencywide 
    Financial and Contractual Status (FACS) system.
        13. Section 1804.671-1 is revised to read as follows:
    1804.671-1  Applicability and coverage.
        The following procurement actions are individually reportable and 
    require the completion of one or more of the forms in the 507 series.
        (a) Initial basic procurements.
        (1) All contracts, regardless of dollar obligation amount.
        (2) All grants, cooperative agreements, and Space Act agreements.
        (3) Intragovernmental procurements and purchase orders when the 
    initial value is more than $25,000.
        (4) All contracts and purchase orders for consulting services.
        (5) Purchase orders of $25,000 or less for services within the four 
    designated industry groups identified at FAR 19.1005(a) under the Small 
    Business Competitiveness Demonstration Program. (These actions are not 
    FACS reportable, but are required for FPDS reports.)
        (b) Modifications. Modifications that--
        (1) Obligate or deobligate funds, regardless of dollar amount,
        (2) Change the estimated cost and/or fee,
        (3) Extend the completion date, or
        (4) Add or change procurement statistics previously reported are 
    1804.671-2  [Removed and Reserved]
        14. Section 1804.671-2 is removed and reserved.
        15. Section 1804.671-4 is revised to read as follows:
    1804.671-4  Preparing Individual Procurement Action Reports (NASA Forms 
    507, 507A, 507B, 507G, and 507M).
        (a) Individual Procurement Action Reports shall be prepared and 
    submitted to Headquarters for each procurement action required to be 
    reported (see 1804.671-1). Specifically, for new contract awards, NASA 
    Forms 507, 507A, and 507B are prepared. For new grants, agreements, 
    intragovernmental agreements, and orders against federal supply 
    schedules, NASA Forms 507G and 507B are prepared. For modifications to 
    any of the above procurements, NASA Forms 507M and, if necessary, 507B 
    are prepared.
        (b) Detailed item instructions for preparing the NASA Forms 507 
    series are as follows:
        (1) Item 1--Contract/grant number (11 positions, including blanks).
        (i) Enter the specific contract, grant, cooperative agreement, 
    Space Act agreement, or purchase order number for which the data are 
    reported. The first five digits represent the prefix field, while the 
    last six digits are used to number each contractual instrument 
    serially. If a serial number does not fill out the entire field, leave 
    those digit positions blank instead of using zeros.
        (ii) The method of numbering--
        (A) Contracts, purchase orders, and Space Act agreements is set 
    forth in subpart 1804.71; and
        (B) Grants and Cooperative agreements is set forth in the NASA 
    Grant and Cooperative Agreement Handbook, NHB 5800.1, paragraph 306.
        (2) Item 2--Document suffix (1 position). If an alpha suffix is 
    used in the contract or purchase order number, enter the assigned 
    suffix (e.g., ``F'' for facilities contracts). Otherwise, leave this 
    item blank.
        (3) Item 3--Modification prefix (1 position). If an alpha prefix is 
    used in the modification number of the reported action, enter the 
    assigned prefix. Otherwise, leave this item blank.
        (4) Item 4--Modification number (4 positions). Enter the serial 
    number assigned to the modification action.
        (5) Item 5--PR number (12 positions). Enter the number assigned to 
    the Procurement Request document which initiated the reported action.
        (6) Item 6--Closeout PR (1 position). Enter ``Y'' if the reported 
    action closes the PR reported in item 5. Otherwise, leave this item 
        (7) Item 7--Contractor VID (7 positions). Enter the contractor's 
    unique Vendor Identification Number (VID) which indicates the 
    contractor's name and business address.
        (8) Item 7a--Contractor name (29 positions, including spaces). 
    Enter the name of the contractor. (For editing purposes, the first five 
    characters of the contractor's name must be identical to those shown in 
    ``NASA Contractor Identification Codes.'') For intragovernmental 
    actions, enter the agency name (e.g., US Army, US Navy, US Commerce) 
    and also see the Item 8 
    [[Page 47706]]
    instructions in paragraph (b)(11) of this section.
        (9) Item 7b--Contractor division (20 positions). Enter the name of 
    the contractor's division if one is named in the contractual 
    instrument. (For editing purposes, the first five characters of the 
    division name must be identical to those shown in ``NASA Contractor 
    Identification Codes.'') For intragovernmental actions, enter the name 
    of the cognizant procuring activity (e.g., Electronic Systems 
        (10) Item 7c--Contractor address--city and state. Enter city and 
    state of contractor's address as stated in the contractual instrument.
        (11) Item 8--Contractor identification code (CIC) number (7 
    positions). This coding system is managed by the Headquarters Analysis 
    Division (Code HC). It identifies the procurement in terms of the 
    contractor's name, division (if any), address, and the place of 
    performance. A unique code is assigned for each different combination 
    of these items. For combinations not found, call the Office of 
    Procurement, NASA Headquarters (Code HC), where a code will immediately 
    be assigned.
        (12) Item 9--Contractor Place of Performance (CPOP) VID (7 
    positions). Enter the unique Contractor Place of Performance (CPOP) VID 
    which indicates the contractor's place of performance address. This is 
    a seven character alpha-numeric code generated by the Acquisition 
    Management Subsystem (AMS).
        (13) Items 9a--Place of performance (city--24 positions; state--2 
    positions). Enter the location (city and state) of the principal plant 
    or place of business where the items will be produced or supplied from 
    stock or where the service will be performed. For construction 
    contracts, enter the site of construction. If more than one location is 
    involved, enter the principal place of performance. For 
    intragovernmental actions where the place of performance is unknown, 
    enter the address of the cognizant Government agency.
        (14) Item 10--Procuring installation number (2 positions). Enter a 
    numeric code identifying the installation responsible for the 
    procurement. The following is a list of installations and their 
    assigned codes:
     Code                             Installation                          
    04...  NASA Headquarters.                                               
    21...  Ames Research Center.                                            
    22...  Lewis Research Center.                                           
    23...  Langley Research Center.                                         
    24...  Dryden Flight Research Center.                                   
    51...  Goddard Space Flight Center.                                     
    53...  Wallops Flight Facility.                                         
    54...  NASA Management Office-JPL.                                      
    62...  George C. Marshall Space Flight Center.                          
    64...  John C. Stennis Space Center.                                    
    72...  Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center.                                  
    73...  Space Station Program Office.                                    
    76...  John F. Kennedy Space Center.                                    
        (15) Item 11--POP zip code (5 positions). Enter the five digit zip 
    code corresponding to the contractor's place of performance address.
        (16) Item 12--Contract award/modification date (6 positions).
        (i) Contract award. Enter the year, month, and day (two numerics 
    each) that the contract is signed by the contracting officer.
        (ii) Modification date. Enter the year, month, and day (two 
    numerics each) that the modification is signed by the contracting 
        (17) Item 13--Completion date (6 positions). Enter the year, month, 
    and day (two numerics each), either specified or estimated, when all 
    work on the contract and any modifications is scheduled for completion. 
    This date may or may not change as modifications to the contract are 
        (18) Item 14--Procurement placement code (2 positions). Enter the 
    alpha procurement placement code (PPC) identifying the type of 
    solicitation process used and the extent of competition obtained on the 
    procurement. (See 1804.671-7 for PPC matrix.)
        (19) Item 15--Kind of action (2 positions). Enter the numeric code 
    from the following lists that identifies in general terms the kind of 
    procurement and the action taken to initiate it:
     Code                            Kind of action                         
                           New Contracts/Grants/Orders                      
    01...  New letter contract.                                             
    03...  New basic contract. New procurements, when the first binding     
            document contains all the agreement's terms and conditions.     
    05...  Intragovernmental. Orders issued to other Federal agencies.      
    06...  Grant.                                                           
    21...  Cooperative agreement or Space Act agreement.                    
    23...  Order under Mandatory GSA-FSS. See FAR 8.404.                    
    24...  Order under optional (non-mandatory) GSA-FSS. See FAR 8.404-2.   
    25...  Order under indefinite-delivery contract (IDC).                  
    26...  Order under BOA.                                                 
                       Modifications to Existing Contracts                  
    07...  New-work modification. Modifications that add a new procurement  
            to existing contracts. New procurement, for the purpose of this 
            report, means a modification action that usually requires the   
            preparation of a Justification for Other than Full and Open     
            Competition (see FAR 6.303).                                    
    08...  Supplemental agreement. Bilateral, definitized modifications     
            except those covered by code 10 below.                          
    09...  Change order. Change orders issued pursuant to the changes clause
            of the contract.                                                
    10...  Supplemental agreement definitizing change order.                
    11...  Administrative/incremental funding. This code should be used for 
            administrative changes (such as novation agreements) as well as 
            for incremental funding modifications.                          
    12...  Termination for default.                                         
    13...  Termination for convenience.                                     
    14...  Definitizing letter contract.                                    
    15...  Exercising priced option.                                        
    16...  Order under reporting center's indefinite delivery contract      
    17...  Order under reporting center's BOA.                              
        (20) Item 15a--Center kind of action (2 positions). Enter the 
    numeric code, if applicable, from the following list that further 
    identifies the kind of action reported in item 15:
     Code                        Center kind of action                      
    14...  Small purchase.                                                  
    50...  Basic ordering agreement (BOA).                                  
    52...  Indefinite delivery type contract.                               
    53...  Basic ordering agreement modification.                           
    54...  Task order modification.                                         
    60...  Blanket purchasing agreement (BPA).                              
    61...  Call against BPA.                                                
    99...  Closing modification.                                            
        Leave this item blank if none of the above choices are descriptive 
    of the action being reported. The information provided in this item is 
    used in the generation of Procurement Management Data Reports (PMDR).
        (21) Item 16--Contractor type (2 positions). Enter the appropriate 
    code from the following:
     Code                              Contractor                           
    01...  Section 8(a)--disadvantaged. Awards placed through the Small     
            Business Administration with a minority business firm owned and 
            controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged           
            individuals, in accordance with Section 8(a) of the Small       
            Business Act.                                                   
    [[Page 47707]]
    03...  Disadvantaged direct. Awards placed directly with a minority     
            business firm owned and controlled by socially and economically 
            disadvantaged individuals.                                      
    04...  Not disadvantaged. Other large or small businesses that are not  
            considered disadvantaged.                                       
                             Nonprofit Organization                         
    05...  Educational (Non-Minority). A non-minority educational           
            institution that is not State, Federal, or local-government-    
    06...  Hospital. A hospital that is not State, Federal, or local-       
    08...  Other nonprofit (Non-Minority). A non-minority nonprofit         
            institution or organization that is a corporation, foundation,  
            trust, or institution not organized for profit, and no part of  
            its net earnings is applied to the profit of any private        
            shareholder or individual.                                      
    15...  Educational (HBCU). A Historically Black College or University   
            (HBCU) that is not State, Federal, or local-government-owned.   
    18...  Other nonprofit (Minority). A minority nonprofit institution or  
            organization that is a corporation, foundation, trust, or       
            institution not organized for profit, and no part of its net    
            earnings is applied to the profit of any private shareholder or 
    25...  Educational (Other Minority). A minority educational institution,
            other than an HBCU, that is not State, Federal, or local-       
                             State/Local Government                         
    09...  Educational (Non-Minority). A State, Federal, or local-government-
            owned non-minority educational institution. (Privately owned non-
            minoirty educational institutions shall be coded 05.)           
    10...  Hospital. A State, Federal, or local-government-owned hospital.  
            (Privately owned hospitals shall be coded 06.)                  
    12...  Other State/local government. Includes State, Federal, or local- 
            government-owned research organizations.                        
    19...  Educational (HBCU). A State, Federal, or local-government-owned  
            Historically Black College or University (HBCU). Privately owned
            HBCU's shall be coded 15.)                                      
    29...  Educational (Other Minority). A State, Federal, or local-        
            government-owned non-minority educational institution, other    
            than an HBCU. (Privately owned minority educational             
            institutions, other than HBCU's, shall be coded 25.)            
        (22) Item 16a--Woman-Owned business (1 position). Enter ``Y'' (yes) 
    or ``N'' (no) to indicate whether the business concern is a woman-owned 
    business. A woman-owned business is one that is at least 51 percent 
    owned by a woman or women who are U.S. citizens and who also control 
    and operate the business.
        (23) Item 17--Award Outside U.S. Enter ``L'' for an award to a 
    source outside the U.S. Enter ``M'' for an award to a source inside the 
    U.S., if the principal place of performance will be outside the U.S. 
    When this item is coded ``L'' or ``M,'' the PPC code entered in item 14 
    of the NASA Form 507 must be from the ``work outside U.S.'' category of 
    the PPC matrix.
        (24) Item 18--Extent of competition (1 position). Enter the 
    appropriate code from the following list (except for non-new-work 
    (within-scope) modifications):
     Code                        Extent of competition.                     
    2....  Sealed Bid. Award results from acceptance of a bid in response to
            a formal invitation for bids or from sealed bidding following an
            evaluation of technical proposals (two-step sealed bidding).    
            (See FAR part 14.)                                              
    3....  Competed action--SEB. Competitive offers are solicited from more 
            than one responsible offeror capable of satisfying the          
            Government's requirements wholly or partially; award is based on
            price, design, or technical competition; and Source Evaluation  
            Board (SEB) procedures are used to evaluate the proposals (see  
            FAR 15.608). This code shall also be used if Architect-Engineer 
            Selection Board procedures are used (see FAR 36.603-2).         
    4....  Other competed action. Competitive offers are solicited from more
            than one responsible offeror capable of satisfying the          
            Government's requirements wholly or partially; award is based on
            price, design, or technical competition; and Source Evaluation  
            Board procedures are not used to evaluate the proposals.        
    5....  Noncompetitive follow-on to competed action. The procurement is  
            for the continued development or production of a major system or
            highly specialized equipment, including major components        
            thereof, that is considered available only from the original    
            source, and it is likely that award to any other source would   
            result in (1) substantial duplication of cost to the Government 
            that is not expected to be recovered through competition, or (2)
            unacceptable delays in fulfilling NASA's requirements (see FAR  
    6....  Other not competed. Only one offer is solicited and only one     
            offer is received capable of satisfying the Government's        
            requirements wholly or partially; the work involved is not a    
            follow-on procurement reportable under code 5 above. Include    
            awards resulting from unsolicited proposals in this category.   
        (25) Item 19--Type of service or product (4 positions). Enter the 
    code indicating the principal type of effort or end item obtained under 
    the contract. If more than one classification applies to the 
    procurement, enter the one accounting for the largest dollar volume of 
    procurement. Codes have been established to identify research and 
    development (R&D) procurements, service contracts, and supply and 
    equipment contracts. These codes may be found in the FPDS Product and 
    Service Codes manual located in the procurement administrative office 
    at each NASA installation.
        (26) Item 20--Physically complete (1 position). Enter ``Y'' (yes) 
    if the contract is physically complete, i.e., after all articles and 
    services called for under the contract, including such related items as 
    reports, spare parts, and exhibits, have been delivered to and accepted 
    by the Government (see FAR 4.804-4). Also enter the date that the 
    contract is physically completed. Otherwise, this field should be left 
        (27) 20a--Contract/Grant Proposal Number (18 positions). Enter the 
    contract/grant proposal number in this field. This field is optional 
    and not reported to Headquarters.
        (28) Item 21--Labor surplus area award (1 position). ``Y'' or ``N'' 
    to indicate whether the award is to a concern in a labor surplus area 
    (see FAR Subpart 20.1).
        (29) Item 22--FSS/Indefinite-delivery/BOA contract no. (15 
    positions). Enter the Federal Supply Schedule (FSS), indefinite-
    delivery, or basic ordering agreement (BOA) contract number under which 
    a delivery order has been 
    [[Page 47708]]
    placed if Item 15 (Kind of Action) is coded 23, 24, 25, or 26.
        (30) Item 23--Description of contract/modification (narrative). 
    Enter a brief description of the end item or services being procured. 
    For modifications, enter a brief description of the purpose.
        (31) Item 24--CICA applicability ( 1 position).
        (i) Pre-CICA: Code 1 Enter if the contract action is a new contract 
    (or within-scope modification thereto) resulting from a solicitation 
    issued before April 1, 1985, irrespective of the award date.
        (ii) Post-CICA: Code 2 Enter if the contract action is a new 
    contract resulting from a solicitation issued on or after April 1, 
    1985. All modifications to such contracts are to be reported by this 
        (32) Item 24a--Special handling (1 position). Center unique data 
        (33) Item 25--Proposed procurement synopsized (1 position). Entry 
    ``Y'' if the procurement was synopsized prior to award in the 
    Department of Commerce's Commerce Business Daily. Enter ``N'' if the 
    procurement was not synopsized, except enter ``U'' if the procurement 
    was not synopsized because of urgency.
        (34) Item 26--Contract type (2 positions).
        (i) Enter the code that identifies the type of contract from the 
    following list:
     Code                            Contract type                          
    01...  Fixed-Price, Firm (FAR 16.202 and 16.207). (Include Firm Fixed-  
            Price, level-of-effort term contracts in this category.)        
    02...  Fixed-Price, Redetermination (FAR 16.205).                       
    03...  Fixed-Price with Economic Price Adjustment (FAR 16.203).         
    04...  Fixed-Price Incentive (FAR 16.204).                              
    05...  Cost (No Fee) (FAR 16.302).                                      
    06...  Cost-Sharing (FAR 16.303). (The estimated cost reported shall    
            include only the Government's share.)                           
    07...  Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee (FAR 16.306).                                
    08...  Cost-Plus-Incentive-Fee (FAR 16.404-1).                          
    09...  Time-and-Materials (FAR 16.601).                                 
    10...  Labor-Hour (FAR 16.602).                                         
    12...  Cost-Plus-Award-Fee (FAR 16.404-2).                              
        (ii) Combination contract types shall be reported as follows:
        (A) Where the contract has one type of incentive arrangement 
    applying to cost performance and another to technical and/or 
    schedule performance, report the contract type assigned to the cost-
    incentive feature; e.g., a contract providing a cost-plus-incentive-
    fee arrangement on cost and an award fee arrangement on technical 
    and/or schedule performance will be reported as ``Code 08--Cost-
        (B) Where one or more items of work are priced exclusively under 
    one of the arrangements coded above, with one or more additional 
    items priced exclusively under another such arrangement, report the 
    contract type in accordance with the code assigned to the 
    arrangement under which the predominate dollar amount will be spent.
        (35) Item 27--No. of offerors solicited (3 positions). Enter the 
    number of firms to which solicitations were provided.
        (36) Item 28--Number of offers received (3 positions). Enter the 
    actual number of offers received in response to the solicitation.
        (37) Item 29--Solicitation procedures (1 position). This item 
    pertains to the requirements of FAR subparts 6.1 (Full and Open 
    Competition), 6.2 (Full and Open Competition After Exclusion of 
    Sources), and 6.3 (Other Than Full and Open Competition), with the 
    exception of the statutory authorities for other than full and open 
    competition (subpart 6.3), which are reported in Item 30. Codes ``A'' 
    through ``L'' designate the competition alternatives described in FAR 
    part 6. Delivery-order contract actions under indefinite-delivery 
    contracts shall be reported the same as the initial contract when the 
    following criterion, in FAR 6.001(e), is met: They are orders placed 
    under indefinite-delivery contracts that were entered into pursuant to 
    FAR part 6, and either the contract was awarded under subpart 6.1 or 
    6.2 and all responsible sources were realistically permitted to compete 
    for the requirements contained in the order, or the contract was 
    awarded under subpart 6.3 and the required justification and approval 
    adequately covers the requirements contained in the order.
        (i) Code A--Full and open competition sealed bid is entered when 
    the sealed bidding (see FAR 6.401(a)) method of contracting was used.
        (ii) Code B--Full and open competition--competitive proposal is 
    entered when the FAR part 15, Contracting by Negotiation, procedures 
    were used for a competitive solicitation.
        (iii) Code C--Full and open competition--combination is entered 
    when any combination of competitive procedures (e.g., two-step sealed 
    bidding) was used (see FAR 6.102(c)).
        (iv) Code D--Architect-engineer is entered if the action resulted 
    from selection of sources for architect-engineer (A&E) contracts in 
    accordance with Public Law 92-582 and procedures in FAR subpart 36.6 
    (see FAR 6.102(d)(1)). The selection of a potential A&E contractor is 
    made by an A&E Evaluation Board conducted in accordance with 41 U.S.C. 
    541 et seq. This selection process is considered a competitive 
    procedure and shall be reported as a competitive award. When award is 
    an A&E contract and was a result of a small business set-aside or labor 
    surplus area set-aside, use code K in lieu of this code.
        (v) Code E--NASA Research Announcement/Announcement of Opportunity 
    is entered if the action resulted from competitive selection of basic 
    research proposals as a result of
        (A) A broad agency announcement (NASA Research Announcement or 
    Announcement of Opportunity) that is general in nature identifying 
    areas of research interest, including criteria for selecting proposals, 
    and soliciting the participation of all offerors capable of satisfying 
    the Government's needs and
        (B) A peer or scientific review (see FAR 6.102(d)(2)).
        (vi) Code F--Multiple-award schedule is entered if the action is an 
    order issued against a multiple-award schedule using the procedures in 
    FAR 8.405-1 (see FAR 6.102(d)(3)). This code shall be used for 
    multiple-award schedule contracts (mandatory or optional). This code 
    may be used for ADP procurements, unless the solicitation utilized 
    make-or-model specifications. Use of the multiple-award schedule 
    program is considered to be a competitive procedure because competitive 
    procedures were used by GSA to make the basic multiple-award schedule 
    contract awards under 41 U.S.C. 259(b)(3)(A). For reporting purposes, 
    an order issued against a multiple-award schedule shall be reported as 
    a competitive award.
        (vii) Code G--Alternate source--reduced cost is entered if the 
    action was taken pursuant to FAR 6.202(a)(1), which states that 
    agencies may exclude a particular source from a contract action in 
    order to establish or maintain an alternative source or sources for the 
    supplies or services being acquired if the agency head determines that 
    to do so would increase or maintain competition and likely result in 
    reduced overall costs for the acquisition, or for any anticipated 
    acquisition of such supplies or services.
        (viii) Code H--Alternate source--mobilization is entered if the 
    action was taken pursuant to FAR 6.202(a)(2), which states that 
    agencies may exclude a particular source from a contract action in 
    order to establish or maintain an alternative source or sources for the 
    supplies or services being acquired if the agency head determines that 
    to do so would be in the interest of national defense in having a 
    facility (or a producer, manufacturer, or other supplier) available for 
    furnishing the supplies or services in case of a national emergency or 
    industrial mobilization.
        (ix) Code J--Alternate source--engineering/R&D capability is 
    entered if 
    [[Page 47709]]
    the action was taken pursuant to FAR 6.202(a)(3), which states that 
    agencies may exclude a particular source from a contract action in 
    order to establish or maintain an alternative source or sources for the 
    supplies or services being acquired if the agency head determines that 
    to do so would be in the interest of national defense in establishing 
    or maintaining an essential engineering, research, or development 
    capability to be provided by an educational or other nonprofit 
    institution or a federally funded research and development center.
        (x) Code K--Set-asides is entered if the action resulted from use 
    of procedures for set-asides pursuant to FAR 6.203. This includes small 
    business set-asides, labor surplus area set-asides, or combinations 
    thereof, but not architect-engineer contracts (use Code D). Code K also 
    includes contract actions under the Small Business Innovation Research 
    (SBIR) Program established under Public Law 97-219.
        (xi) Code L--Other than full and open competition is entered if the 
    action resulted from use of other than full and open competition 
    pursuant to 10 U.S.C. 2304(c). The conditions or exceptions permitting 
    contracting without providing for full and open competition are 
    prescribed in FAR 6.302. Enter this code for noncompetitive awards made 
    under the authority of Section 8(a) of the Small Business Act (see FAR 
    subpart 19.8). This code shall also be used for all ADP procurements 
    where the solicitation utilized make-and-model specifications.
        (38) Item 30--Authority for other than full and open competition. 
    When Item 29 is coded ``L,'' this item must be completed. Enter the 
    applicable code from the categories listed in this paragraph (b)(38). 
    This item identifies the solicitation process and not the extent of 
    competition obtained.
        (i) Code A--Unique source is entered when the contract action is 
    under 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)(1) and the agency's minimum needs can be 
    satisfied only by unique supplies or services available from only one 
    source or only one supplier with unique capabilities (see FAR 6.302-
        (ii) Code B--Fellow-on contract is entered when the contract action 
    is under 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)(1) and it is likely that the award of 
    follow-on contracts must be to the original source because award to any 
    other source would result in--
        (A) Substantial duplication of cost to the Government that is not 
    expected to be recovered through competition or
        (B) Unacceptable delays in fulfilling the agency's requirements 
    (see FAR 6.302-1(a)(2)(ii)).
        (iii) Code C--Unsolicited research proposal is entered when the 
    contract action is under 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)(1) as the result of 
    acceptance of an unsolicited research proposal that demonstrates a 
    unique and innovative concept, the substance of which--
        (A) Is not otherwise available to the Government and
        (B) Does not resemble the substance of a pending competitive 
    acquisition (see FAR 6.302-1(a)(2)(i)).
        (iv) Code D--Patent/data rights is entered when the contract action 
    is under 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)(1) because the existence of limited rights 
    in data, patent rights, copyrights, or secret processes; the control of 
    basic raw material; or similar circumstances make the supplies and 
    services available from only one source (see FAR 6.302-1(b)(2)).
        (v) Code E--Utilities is entered when--
        (A) The contract action is under 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)(1) when 
    acquiring electric power or energy, gas (natural or manufactured), 
    water, or other utility services and circumstances dictate that only 
    one supplier can furnish the service or
        (B) The contemplated contract is for construction of a part of a 
    utility system and the utility company itself is the only source 
    available to work on the system (see FAR 6.302-1(b)(3)).
        (vi) Code F--Standardization is entered when the contract action is 
    under 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)(1) because the agency head has determined under 
    the agency's standardization program that only specified makes and 
    models of technical equipment and parts will satisfy the agency's needs 
    for additional units or replacement items and only one source is 
    available (see FAR 6.302-1(b)(4)).
        (vii) Code G--Only one source--other is entered when the contract 
    action is under 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)(1) to a single source and codes ``A'' 
    through ``F'' of this paragraph (b)(38) do not apply (see FAR 6.302-
        (viii) Code H--Urgency is entered when the contract action is under 
    10 U.S.C. 2304(c)(2) because--
        (A) An unusual and compelling urgency precludes full and open 
    competition and
        (B) Delay in award of a contract would result in serious injury, 
    financial or other, to the Government (see FAR 6.302-2(b)).
        (ix) Code J--Mobilization is entered when the contract action is 
    under 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)(3) to a particular source or sources in order 
    to maintain a facility, producer, manufacturer, or other supplier 
    available for furnishing supplies or services in case of a national 
    emergency or to achieve industrial mobilization (see FAR 6.302-
        (x) Code K--Essential R&D capabilities is entered when the contract 
    action is under 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)(3) to a particular source or sources 
    in order to establish or maintain an essential engineering, research, 
    or development capability to be provided by an educational or other 
    nonprofit institution or a federally funded research and development 
    center (see FAR 6.302-3(b)(2)).
        (xi) Code L--International agreement is entered when the contract 
    action is under 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)(4) because full and open competition 
    is precluded by--
        (A) The terms of an international agreement or treaty between the 
    United States and a foreign government or international organization or
        (B) The written directions of a foreign government reimbursing the 
    agency for the cost of the acquisition of the supplies or services (see 
    FAR 6.302-4).
        (xii) Code M--Authorized by statute is entered when the contract 
    action is under 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)(5) because a statute expressly 
    authorizes or requires that the acquisition be made through another 
    agency or from a specified source (see FAR 6.302-5(a)(2)(i)). This code 
    should be used for noncompetitive 8(a) awards.
        (xiii) Code N--Authorized resale is entered when the contract 
    action is under 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)(5) for a brand-name commercial item 
    for resale through commissaries or other similar facilities (see FAR 
        (xiv) Code P--National security is entered when the contract action 
    is under 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)(6) because disclosure of the Government's 
    needs would compromise the national security (see FAR 6.302-6).
        (xv) Code Q--Public interest is entered when the contract action is 
    under 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)(7) because the agency head has determined that 
    full and open competition is not in the public interest in the 
    particular acquisition concerned (see FAR 6.302-7).
        (39) Item 31--Labor statutes (1 position). Enter the appropriate 
    code, in accordance with the provisions of the contract, from the 
    following list:
     Code                        Statutory requirements                     
    N....  Not subject to statutory requirements listed below.              
    1....  Subject to Walsh-Healey Act, manufacturer (FAR 22.606-1).        
    2....  Subject to Walsh-Healey Act, regular dealer (FAR 22.606-2).      
    [[Page 47710]]
    3....  Subject to Service Contract Act (FAR subpart 22.10).             
    4....  Subject to Davis-Bacon Act (FAR 22.403-1).                       
        (40) Item 32--Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code (4 
    positions). Enter the code identifying the industry category within 
    which the principal (determined by the predominance of dollars awarded) 
    product produced or distributed or services rendered would best fit. 
    Industry categories are published in the Standard Industrial 
    Classification Manual maintained and issued by the Office of Management 
    and Budget (OMB). A listing of the SIC codes, without the detailed 
    lists of products and services falling within each category, can be 
    found at FAR 19.102(g).
        (41) Item 33--Contract administration delegated. Enter ``Y'' (yes) 
    or ``N'' (no) in the first blank to indicate whether any contract 
    administration functions have been delegated to another Government 
    agency (see FAR subpart 42.2). If an ``N'' was entered, leave the rest 
    of this field blank. If a ``Y'' was entered, continue to the second 
    blank and enter a ``Y'' or ``N'' to indicate whether there was a 
    blanket delegation. A blanket delegation is defined as a delegation of 
    all contract administration functions listed in FAR 42.302(a), with the 
    exception of those non-assignable functions specified in 1842.202(c), 
    plus post award audit. If not a blanket delegation, enter a ``Y'' for 
    each individual function delegated among the ten items listed. It is 
    not necessary to enter an ``N'' for non-delegated functions.
        (42) Item 34--Preference program. Report the code that represents 
    the preference program used in making the award. Report Code H if no 
    preference program applies or the preference program is not otherwise 
        (i) Code A--Directed to sheltered workshops. Report this code for 
    an award to a workshop for the blind or a workshop for the other 
    severely handicapped pursuant to FAR subpart 8.7.
        (ii) Code B--8(a) Program. Report this code for actions with the 
    Small Business Administration pursuant to FAR subpart 19.8.
        (iii) Code C--Combined labor surplus/small business set-aside. 
    Report this code for a combined labor surplus area and small business 
    set-aside award made to a small business concern pursuant to FAR 
    subpart 19.5.
        (iv) Code D--Small business set-aside. Report this code for a small 
    business set-aside (including Small Business Innovation Research 
    (SBIR)) award made pursuant to FAR subpart 19.5.
        (v) Code E--Labor surplus area set-aside. Report this code for a 
    labor surplus area set-aside award made pursuant to FAR subpart 20.2.
        (vi) Code F--Tie-bid preference. Report this code for all tie-bid 
    preference awards (see FAR 19.202-3) made pursuant to FAR subpart 19.5.
        (vii) Code G--Designated entities set-aside. Report this code for 
    awards set-aside for disadvantaged business, women-owned business, 
    HBCU's, and other minority institutions. (This covers the 26 
    procurements authorized by the D&F signed by the Administrator on 
    December 1, 1992.)
        (viii) Code H--No preference program. Report this code if the award 
    is not made pursuant to a preference program, or if the preference 
    program is not listed in this paragraph (b)(42).
        (43) Item 35--Advisory/Assistance services contract (1 position). 
    Enter ``Y'' (yes) or ``N'' (no) to indicate whether the contract is for 
    advisory and assistance services.
        (44) Item 36--Support services type contract (1 position). Enter 
    ``Y'' (yes) or ``N'' (no) to indicate whether the contract is for 
    support services. This includes on- or near-site performance where the 
    services are a major element of the contract. It excludes:
        (i) Construction, alteration, and repair;
        (ii) Small purchases and incidental services;
        (iii) Prime product development contracts;
        (iv) Operations support contracts, i.e., effort at major facilities 
    associated with carrying out mission operations; tracking station 
    operations; and support funded by STS operations; and
        (v) Tenants.
        (45) Item 37--Cost Accounting Standards clause (1 position). Enter 
    ``Y'' (yes) or ``N'' (no) to indicate whether the contract contains the 
    Cost Accounting Standards clause (see FAR 30.201-4).
        (46) Item 38--New technology or patent rights clause (1 position). 
    Enter ``Y'' (yes) or ``N'' (no) to indicate whether a new technology or 
    patent rights clause is included in the contract. (See 1827.373). A 
    ``Y'' entry for contracts with small businesses, nonprofit 
    organizations, and educational institutions will indicate a patent 
    rights clause. A ``Y'' entry for contracts with large businesses will 
    indicate a new technology clause.
        (47) Item 39--Subcontracting program plan (1 position). Enter ``Y'' 
    (yes) or ``N'' (no) to indicate whether the contract contains a 
    subcontract plan requiring the contractor to furnish the information 
    prescribed on Standard Forms 294 and 295 (see 1804.674 and FAR 19.702). 
    Enter ``W'' (waiver) when there are no subcontracting opportunities, 
    for contracts performed entirely outside the United States, and for GSA 
    Federal Supply Schedule contracts containing plans. Use Code ``Y'' for 
    corporate plans with individual contract goals.
        (48) Item 40--SBIR award (1 position). Enter ``N'' (no) if the 
    contract action is not in support of the Small Business Innovation 
    Research (SBIR) Program (Pub. L. 97-219). Enter Code ``1'' if the 
    contract action is related to a Phase I contract in support of the 
    program. Enter Code ``2'' if the contract action is related to a Phase 
    II contract in support of the program. Enter Code ``3'' for Phase III 
    SBIR contracts. Phase II SBIRs and SBIRs funded by agencies other than 
    NASA should use PPC Code GF.
        (49) Item 41-STTR award (1 position). Enter Code ``N'' (no) if the 
    contract action is not in support of the Small Business Technology 
    Transfer (STTR) Program (Pub. L. 102-564).
        Enter Code ``1'' if the contract action is related to a Phase I 
    contract in support of the program. Enter Code ``2'' if the contract 
    action is related to a Phase II contract in support of the program.
        (50) Item 42--Contract for foreign government or international 
    organization. Enter ``Y'' (yes) if a foreign government or 
    international organization is bearing any part of the cost of the 
    action. Otherwise, enter ``N'' (no).
        (51) Item 43--Management reporting requirements (MRR): correlated 
    cost and performance data reporting (1 position). Enter one of the 
    following codes (see NHB 9501.2):
     Code                          Reporting required                       
    N....  None required.                                                   
    2....  NASA Form 533M only.                                             
    3....  NASA Forms 533M and 533Q.                                        
    4....  NASA Forms 533M and 533P.                                        
    5....  NASA Forms 533P and 533Q.                                        
    6....  NASA Forms 533M, 533P, and 533Q.                                 
        (52) Item 44--Management reporting requirements (MRR): property and 
    space hardware reporting (1 position). Enter one of the following codes 
    (see FAR 45.505-11):
     Code                          Reporting required                       
    N....  None required.                                                   
    2....  NASA Form 1018, without space hardware.                          
    3....  NASA Form 1018, with space hardware.                             
    [[Page 47711]]
        (53) Item 45--Trade data (3 blocks).
        (i) First block--number of bidders offering foreign item (1 
    position). Enter one numeric code (0-9) to indicate the number of firms 
    that offered foreign end products. An entry is required regardless of 
    whether the Buy American Act is invoked or not. If none, enter ``0''. 
    If 9 or more, enter ``9''.
        (ii) Second block--Percent difference (2 positions). If the 
    evaluation factor under the Buy American Act is used and results in 
    award to a firm offering a domestic product, enter the percentage 
    difference between the award price and that of the low firm offering a 
    foreign end product, computer before application of the Buy American 
    Act differential, i.e., the difference divided by the price of the low 
    firm offering a foreign end product. Enter the percentage as a whole 
    number. If the evaluation factor under the Buy American Act is not 
    used, enter ``00''.
        (iii) Third block--Country of manufacturer (2 positions). If the 
    product is manufactured, mined, or grown in the United States (the 50 
    states and the District of Columbia) or the service is performed by a 
    U.S. contractor, enter ``US''. If the product is manufactured, mined, 
    or grown in a foreign country, enter the code from FIPS PUB 10-3 of 
    that country/area. In the case of a service, if the service is 
    performed by a foreign contractor, enter the code from FIPS PUB 10-3 of 
    that country/area. This publication may be obtained from the 
    Headquarters Office of Procurement, Analysis Division (Code HC).
        (54) Item 46--Demonstration test program (1 position). Enter ``Y'' 
    or ``N'' to indicate whether the award is a new contract awarded to a 
    U.S. business concern as a result of a solicitation issued on or after 
    January 1, 1989, under the Small Business Competitiveness Demonstration 
    Program (see FAR subpart 19.10 and 1819.10). This item must be 
    completed for awards to large businesses as well as for awards to small 
        (55) Item 47--Emerging small business (1 position). Complete this 
    item only if Item 46 is coded ``Y.'' Enter ``Y'' or ``N'' to indicate 
    whether the contractor represents that it is an emerging small business 
    concern (see FAR 19.1002 for definition of emerging small business).
        (56) Item 48--Emerging small business reserve award (1 position). 
    Complete this item only if Item 46 is coded ``Y.'' Enter ``Y'' or ``N'' 
    to indicate whether the contract award was reserved for emerging small 
    business concerns.
        (57) Item 49--Size of small business (1 position). Complete this 
    item only if Item 46 is coded ``Y'' and the award is to a small 
    business. Enter the code that corresponds to the range of the number of 
    employees or the range of the average annual gross revenue for the 
    small business contractor receiving the award as represented by the 
    contractor in response to the solicitation.
        (58) Item 50--Value Engineering Clause. Enter ``Y'' (yes) or ``N'' 
    (no) to indicate whether the contract contains any one of the value 
    engineering clauses at FAR 52.248-1, 52.248-2, or 52.248-3.
        (59) Item 51--Effective date. Enter the year, month, and day (two 
    numerics each) of the contract's effective date.
        (60) Item 52--Security code (1 position). Enter ``Y'' or ``N'' to 
    indicate whether Defense Industrial Security clearances are required 
    during contract performance.
        (61) Item 53--Equipment code (1 position). Enter ``Y'' or ``N'' to 
    indicate whether the contract will involve government furnished or 
    contractor acquired property.
        (62) Item 54--Administrator code (3 positions). Enter the code 
    which identifies the individual at the contracting installation 
    responsible for administration of the contract.
        (63) Item 55--Contracting officer code (3 positions). Enter the 
    code which identifies the contracting officer assigned to the contract.
        (64) Item 56--Negotiator code (3 positions). Enter the code which 
    identifies the individual responsible for negotiating the contract.
        (65) Item 57--COTR name (15 positions). Enter the name of the 
    Contracting Officer's Technical Representative (COTR) for the contract.
        (66) Item 58--Organization code (5 positions). Enter the 
    organization code for the responsible technical organization for which 
    the contract has been awarded.
        (67) Item 59--Contract fund code (1 position). Enter the 
    appropriate code to indicate whether the contract is fully funded, 
    incrementally funded, or unfunded.
        (68) Item 60--Reason not small business (2 positions). Enter the 
    appropriate two digit code to identify the reason the contract was not 
    awarded to a small business concern.
        (69) Item 61--FIP Resources Decision Document (1 position). Enter 
    FRDD number, if applicable.
        (70) Item 62--KMA number (7 positions). Enter the Delegation of 
    Procurement Authority case number assigned by GSA for FIP Resources 
    (KMA-xx-yyyy(-y)), if applicable.
        (71) Item 63--Center unique. This field may be used at the 
    discretion of individual centers to collect data not elsewhere reported 
    on the form (e.g., taxpayer identification numbers). Otherwise leave 
    this time blank.
        (72) Item 64--Cancellation date (6 positions). If it is necessary 
    to cancel a previously executed modification, enter the year, month, 
    and day (two numerics each) of such cancellation.
        (73) Item 65--Total contract value including options. Enter the 
    definitized contract value (including maximum potential fee or profit) 
    plus the value of any options (including maximum potential fee or 
    profit) available in the contract. Round entries to the nearest whole 
        (74) Item 66--Estimated cost or fixed price (11 positions). Enter 
    the estimated cost or fixed price for all new awards. For 
    modifications, enter only the increase or decrease effected by the 
    respective modification. For cost-reimbursement contracts, enter the 
    estimated cost, exclusive of fee. For fixed-price contracts, enter the 
    total fixed price, including the negotiated profit. For time-and-
    materials and labor-hour contracts, enter the total estimated contract 
    price, including profit. Round all entries to the nearest whole dollar. 
    Do not report amounts for priced options that have not been exercised 
    in this field.
        (75) Item 67--Fee (11 positions). This item pertains to cost-
    reimbursement contracts only. For new awards, enter the definitized 
    negotiated fee, broken down into the types of fee indicated on the 
    form. For modifications, enter only the increase or decrease effected 
    by the respective modification. For incentive contracts, enter the 
    target fee. For award-fee contracts, enter the base fee plus the 
    maximum, available award fee. Also enter the total of the different 
    types of fees reported. Round entries to the nearest whole dollar.
        (76) Item 68--Action obligation. Enter the dollar amount obligated 
    (increase or decrease) of the reported action. Report obligations for 
    cost and fee separately and enter the total obligations reported. Round 
    entries to the nearest whole dollar.
        (77) Item 69--Funded through date (6 positions). For incrementally 
    funded contracts, enter the date through which the contract is funded.
        (78) Item 70--Delegation of Procurement Authority ceiling amount 
    (11 positions). Enter DPA ceiling amount, if applicable.
        (79) Item 71--FIRMR Applicability (1 position). Indicate whether 
    the FIRMR applies to the procurement.
    [[Page 47712]]
        (80) Item 72--Delegation of Procurement Authority expiration date 
    (6 positions--YYMMDD). Enter the date that the DPA expires, if 
        16. Section 1804.671-6 is revised to read as follows:
    1804.671-6  Special procurement placement codes (PPC's) for certain 
        (a) The accounting copies for all procurements of $25,000 or less 
    from ``Disadvantaged Business Firms-Direct'' shall be coded with the 
    second letter ``M'' in the PPC; e.g., BM or KM.
        (b) The accounting copies for all procurement of $25,000 or less 
    from ``Women-Owned Business Firms'' shall be coded with the second 
    letter ``W'' in the PPC; e.g., BW or KW.
        (c) All procurement awards over $25,000 and the accounting copies 
    for procurement actions of $25,000 or less (no NASA Form 507 is 
    required) placed through the Small Business Administration with a 
    disadvantaged business firm under section 8(a) of the Small Business 
    Act shall be coded with PPC ``PS'' for noncompetitive and ``PF'' for 
    competitive. The accounting copies for all procurements (except FSS 
    orders) of $2,500 or less shall be coded with PPC's CC, EC, HC, IC, LC, 
    MC, OC, PC, VC, or ZC.
        17. Sections 1804.672 through 1804.675 are removed.
        18. In section 1804.676, ``(Code FEH)'' is revised to read ``(Code 
    1812.103  [Amended]
        19. In section 1812.103, the citations ``1814.407 and 1815.1002'' 
    are revised to read ``1814.408 and 1815.1003''.
    1812.302  [Amended]
        20. In section 1812.302, paragraph (b) is revised to read as 
    1812.302  General.
        (a) * * *
        (b) Additional regulatory guidance is available in ``DPAS, Defense 
    Priorities and Allocations System,'' Department of Commerce, 
    International Trade Administration, Office of Industrial Resource 
    Administration, Washington, DC 20250, October 1984, 66 pages (copies 
    available from Department of Commerce), and the DOD Priorities and 
    Allocations Manual, DOD 4400.1-M, May 1995. The DOC booklet contains 
    the pertinent parts of 15 CFR part 700 and is the recommended guidance 
    on the DPAS to contractors and suppliers receiving rated orders.
    Subpart 1813.4--Imprest Fund
    1813.403, 1813.403-70, 1813.404, 1814.405  [Redesignated]
        21. Sections 1813.403, 1813.403-70, 1813.404, and 1813.405 are 
    redesignated as sections 1813.402, 1813.402-70, 1813.403, and 1813.404.
        22. In paragraph (b) of the newly designated section 1813.402-70, 
    the citation ``FAR 13.403'' is revised to read ``FAR 13.402''.
        23. In paragraph ((b)(5) of the newly designated section 1813.403, 
    the citation ``1813.405(b)'' is revised to read ``1813.404(b)''.
        24. In paragraph (e)(3) of the newly designated section 1814.404, 
    the citation ``1813.404'' is revised to read ``1813.403''.
    1813.505-2  [Redesignated]
        25. Section 1813.505-2 is redesignated as section 1813.505-1, and 
    the section heading to the newly designated section 1813.505-1, 
    ``Agency order forms in lieu of Optional Forms 347 and 348'' is revised 
    to read ``Optional Form (OF) 347, Order for Supplies or Services, and 
    Optional Form (OF) 348, Order for Supplies or Services-Continuation''.
    1813.7003  [Amended]
        26. In paragraph (a) of section 1813.7003, the citation ``FAR 
    13.404'' is revised to read ``FAR 13.403''.
    Subpart 1814.4--Opening of Bids and Award of Contract
    1814.406, 1814.406-3, 1814.406-4, 1814.407, 1814.407-1  [Redesignated]
        27. Sections 1814.406, 1814.406-3 1814.406-4, 1814.407, and 
    1814.407-1 are redesignated as sections 1814.407, 1814.407-3, 1814.407-
    4, 1814.408, and 1814.408-1.
        28. In paragraph (a) of the newly designated section 1814.407-3, 
    the citation ``FAR 14.406-3(a) and (b)'' is revised to read ``FAR 
    14.407-3(a) and (b)'', the citation ``FAR 14.406-3(d)'' is revised to 
    read ``FAR 14.407-3(d)'', and the citation ``FAR 14.406-3(c)'' is 
    revised to read ``FAR 14.407-3(c)''.
        29. In paragraph (b) of the newly designated section 1814.407-3, 
    the citation ``FAR 14.406-3(a)'' is revised to read ``FAR 14.407-
        30. In paragraph (c) of the newly designated section 1814.407-3, 
    the citation ``FAR 14.406-3'' is revised to read ``FAR 14.407-3''.
        31. In the newly designated section 1814.407-4, the citation ``FAR 
    14.406-4(b) and (c)'' is revised to read ``FAR 14.407-4(b) and (c)'' 
    and the citation ``FAR 14.406-4 (d)'' is revised to read ``FAR 14.407-
    1815.412  [Amended]
        32. In section 1815.412, the section heading ``Late proposals and 
    modifications'' is revised to read ``Late proposals, modifications, and 
    withdrawals of proposals''.
    1815.413  [Amended]
        33. In paragraph (b) to section 1815.413, the citations ``FAR 
    15.1003 and 1815.1003'' are revised to read ``FAR 15.1004 and 
    Subpart 1815.10--Preaward, Award, and Postaward Notifications, 
    Protests, and Mistakes
    1815.1002, 1815.1003, 1815.1003-1, 1815.1003-2, 1815.1003-3, 1815.1003-
    4  [Redesignated]
        34. Sections 1815.1002, 1815.1003, 1815.1003-1, 1815.1003-2, 
    1815.1003-3 and 1815.1003-4 are redesignated as sections 1815.1003, 
    1815.1004, 1815.1004-1, 1815.1004-2, 1815.1004-3 and 1815.1004-4.
        35. In newly designated section 1815.1003, the citation ``FAR 
    15.1002'' is revised to read ``FAR 15.1003''.
        36. In paragraph (a) to the newly designated section 1815.1004-2, 
    the citation ``FAR 15.1003'' is revised to read ``FAR 15.1004''.
    1819.502-3  [Amended]
        37. In section 1819.502-3, paragraph (a)(1) is revised to read as 
    1819.502-3  Partial set-asides.
        (a)(1) Contracting officers shall require offers obtained from 
    firms eligible for the set-aside portion of the requirement under the 
    clause at FAR 52.219-7, Notice of Partial Small Business Set-Aside, to 
    be in writing and to include agreement--
        (i) On the price for the available set-aside quantity,
        (ii) On the delivery schedule,
        (iii) That all other terms and conditions of the solicitation apply 
    to the set-aside award, and
        (iv) To include the clause at FAR 52.215-2, Audit and Records--
    * * * * *
    [[Page 47713]]
    Subpart 1825.9--Additional Foreign Acquisition Clauses
    1825.901  [Amended]
        38. Section 1825.901 is revised to read as follows:
    1825.901  Omission of Audit Clause.
        (a) The contracting officer's request to use the clause at FAR 
    52.215-2, with its Alternate III, shall consist of the proposed 
    determination and findings (together with any relevant support 
    information) prepared for the Administrator's signature. The 
    procurement officer shall forward the package to the Associate 
    Administrator for Procurement (Code HC).
        (b) When the clause at FAR 52.215-2 is used with its Alternate III, 
    the contracting officer shall prepare a written report in triplicate to 
    be furnished to the Congress. The head of the installation concerned 
    shall sign the report and forward it to the Associate Administrator for 
    Procurement (Code HC), who shall submit it to the Administrator for the 
    Administrator's signature and forwarding to Congress.
    1834.005-1  [Amended]
        39. In section 1834.005-1, paragraph (k) is removed, and the 
    existing paragraph (l) is redesignated as paragraph (k).
    1835.016-70  [Amended]
        40. In paragraph (e)(9) of section 1835.016-70, the citation 
    ``1815.1003'' is revised to read ``1815.1004''.
    1836.304  [Amended]
        41. In section 1836.304, the citation ``1814.407-1(f)'' is revised 
    to read ``1814.408-1(f)''.
    1836.602-5  [Amended]
        42. In section 1836.602-5, the section heading ``Short selection 
    processes for contracts not to exceed the small purchase limitation'' 
    is revised to read ``Short selection process for contracts not to 
    exceed the simplified acquisition threshold''.
    1852.204-70  [Removed]
        43. Section 1852.204-70 is removed.
    Subpart 1870.1--NASA Acquisition of Investigations System
        44. In the introductory text to section 1870.102, App. I, Chapter 
    5, paragraph 504, the citation ``1815.1003'' is revised to read 
    Subpart 1870.3--NASA Source Evaluation
        45. In section 1870.303, App. I, Chapter 4, paragraph 407, 
    paragraph 8. is revised to read as follows:
    1870.303  Source Evaluation Board Procedures.
    * * * * *
    Chapter 4 * * *
    407  Initial Evaluation * * *
        8. Notification of Unsuccessful Offerors. The contracting office 
    shall notify each unsuccessful offeror in accordance with FAR 15.1002.
    * * * * *
        46. In section 1870.303, App. I, Chapter 6, paragraph 602, 
    paragraph 1.a., the citation ``FAR 15.1001'' is revised to read ``FAR 
    15.1002'', and in paragraph 1.b. the citations ``FAR 15.1001(c) and 
    15.1002'' are revised to read ``FAR 15.1002(c) and 15.1003''.
    [FR Doc. 95-22572 Filed 9-13-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 7510-01-M

Document Information

Effective Date:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
October 1, 1995.
47704-47713 (10 pages)
Docket Numbers:
NASA FAR Supplement Directive 89-20
PDF File:
CFR: (9)
48 CFR 1801
48 CFR 1804
48 CFR 1812
48 CFR 1813
48 CFR 1814
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