99-23137. Equal Credit Opportunity  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 177 (Tuesday, September 14, 1999)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 49688-49699]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-23137]
    Proposed Rules
                                                    Federal Register
    This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains notices to the public of 
    the proposed issuance of rules and regulations. The purpose of these 
    notices is to give interested persons an opportunity to participate in 
    the rule making prior to the adoption of the final rules.
    Federal Register / Vol. 64, No. 177 / Tuesday, September 14, 1999 / 
    Proposed Rules
    [[Page 49688]]
    12 CFR Part 202
    [Regulation B; Docket No. R-1040]
    Equal Credit Opportunity
    AGENCY: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: The Board is requesting comment on proposed revisions to 
    Regulation B, which implements the Equal Credit Opportunity Act. The 
    Board previously published a proposed rule that permits creditors to 
    use electronic communication (for example, communication via personal 
    computer and modem) to provide disclosures required by the act and 
    regulation, if the applicant agrees to such delivery. (A similar rule 
    was also proposed under various other consumer financial services 
    regulations administered by the Board.) In response to comments 
    received on the proposals, the Board is publishing for comment an 
    alternative proposal on the electronic delivery of disclosures, 
    together with proposed commentary that would provide further guidance 
    on electronic communication issues. The Board is also publishing for 
    comment proposed revisions to allow disclosures in other languages.
    DATES: Comments must be received by October 29, 1999.
    ADDRESSES: Comments, which should refer to Docket No. R-1040, may be 
    mailed to Ms. Jennifer J. Johnson, Secretary, Board of Governors of the 
    Federal Reserve System, 20th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW, 
    Washington, DC 20551. Comments addressed to Ms. Johnson may also be 
    delivered to the Board's mail room between 8:45 a.m. and 5:15 p.m. 
    weekdays, and to the security control room at all other times. The mail 
    room and the security control room, both in the Board's Eccles 
    building, are accessible from the courtyard entrance on 20th Street 
    between Constitution Avenue and C Street, NW. Comments may be inspected 
    in room MP-500 between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., pursuant to 
    Sec. 261.12, except as provided in Sec. 261.14 of the Board's Rules 
    Regarding the Availability of Information, 12 CFR 261.12 and 261.14.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jane E. Ahrens, Senior Counsel, or 
    Natalie E. Taylor, Staff Attorney, Division of Consumer and Community 
    Affairs, at (202) 452-3667 or (202) 452-2412. Users of 
    Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD) only, contact Diane 
    Jenkins at (202) 452-3544.
    I. Background
        The Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA), 15 U.S.C. 1691 et seq., 
    makes it unlawful for creditors to discriminate in any aspect of a 
    credit transaction on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, national 
    origin, marital status, age (provided the applicant has the capacity to 
    contract), because all or part of an applicant's income derives from 
    public assistance, or because an applicant has in good faith exercised 
    any right under the Consumer Credit Protection Act. The Board's 
    Regulation B (12 CFR part 202) implements the act.
        The ECOA and Regulation B require a number of disclosures to be 
    provided in writing, presuming that creditors provide paper documents. 
    Under many laws that call for information to be in writing, information 
    in electronic form is considered to be ``written.'' Information 
    produced, stored, or communicated by computer is also generally 
    considered to be a writing, where visual text is involved.
        In May 1996, the Board revised Regulation E (Electronic Fund 
    Transfers) following a comprehensive review. During that process, the 
    Board determined that electronic communication for delivery of 
    information required by federal laws governing financial services could 
    effectively reduce compliance costs without adversely affecting 
    consumer protections. Consequently, the Board simultaneously issued a 
    proposed rule to permit financial institutions to use electronic 
    communication to deliver disclosures that Regulation E requires to be 
    given in writing. (61 FR 19696, May 2, 1996.) The 1996 proposal 
    required that disclosures be provided in a form the consumer may 
    retain, a requirement that institutions could satisfy by providing 
    information in a format that may be printed or downloaded. The proposed 
    rule also allowed consumers to request a paper copy of a disclosure for 
    up to one year after its original delivery.
        Following a review of the comments, on March 25, 1998, the Board 
    issued an interim rule under Regulation E (the ``interim rule''), 63 FR 
    14528. The Board also published proposals under Regulations DD (Truth 
    in Savings), 63 FR 14533, M (Consumer Leasing), 63 FR 14538, Z (Truth 
    in Lending), 63 FR 14548, and B (Equal Credit Opportunity), 63 FR 
    14552, (collectively, the ``March 1998 proposed rules''). The rules 
    would apply to financial institutions, creditors, lessors, and other 
    entities that are required to give disclosures to consumers and others. 
    (For ease of reference, this background section uses the terms 
    ``financial institutions,'' ``institutions,'' and ``consumers.'') The 
    interim rule and the March 1998 proposed rules were similar to the May 
    1996 proposed rule; however, they did not require financial 
    institutions to provide paper copies of disclosures to a consumer upon 
    request if the consumer previously agreed to receive disclosures 
    electronically. The Board believed that most institutions would 
    accommodate consumer requests for paper copies when feasible or 
    redeliver disclosures electronically; and the Board encouraged 
    financial institutions to do so.
        The March 1998 proposed rules and the interim rule permitted 
    financial institutions to provide disclosures electronically if the 
    consumer agreed, with few other requirements. The rule was intended to 
    provide flexibility and did not specify any particular method for 
    obtaining a consumer's agreement. Whether the parties had an agreement 
    would be determined by state law. The proposals and the interim rule 
    did not preclude a financial institution and a consumer from entering 
    into an agreement electronically, nor did they prescribe a formal 
    mechanism for doing so.
        The Board received approximately 200 written comments on the 
    interim rule and the March 1998 proposed rules. The majority of 
    comments were submitted by financial institutions and their trade 
    associations. Industry commenters generally supported the use of 
    electronic communication to deliver
    [[Page 49689]]
    information required by the ECOA and Regulation B. Nevertheless, many 
    sought specific revisions and additional guidance on how to comply with 
    the disclosure requirements in particular transactions and 
        Industry commenters were especially concerned about the condition 
    that a consumer had to ``agree'' to receive information by electronic 
    communication, because the rule did not specify a method for 
    establishing that an ``agreement'' was reached. These commenters 
    believed that relying on state law created uncertainty about what 
    constitutes an agreement and, therefore, potential liability for 
    noncompliance. To avoid uncertainty over which state's laws apply, some 
    commenters urged the Board to adopt a federal minimum standard for 
    agreements or for informed consent to receive disclosures by electronic 
    communication. These commenters believed that such a standard would 
    avoid the compliance burden associated with tailoring legally binding 
    ``agreements'' to the contract laws of all jurisdictions where 
    electronic communication may be sent.
        Consumer advocates generally opposed the March 1998 interim rule 
    and proposed rules. Without additional safeguards, they believed, 
    consumers may not be provided with adequate information about 
    electronic communication before an ``agreement'' is reached. They also 
    believed that promises of lower costs could induce consumers to agree 
    to receive disclosures electronically without a full understanding of 
    the implications. To avoid such problems, they urged the Board, for 
    example, either to require institutions to disclose to consumers that 
    their account with the institution will not be adversely affected if 
    they do not agree to receive electronic disclosures, or to permit 
    institutions to offer electronic disclosures only to consumers who 
    initiate contact with the institution through electronic communication. 
    They also noted that some consumers will likely consent to electronic 
    disclosures believing that they have the technical capability to 
    retrieve information electronically, but might later discover that they 
    are unable to do so. They questioned consumers' willingness and ability 
    to access and retain disclosures posted on Internet websites, and 
    expressed their apprehension that the goals of federally mandated 
    disclosure laws will be lost.
        Consumer advocates and others were particularly concerned about the 
    use of electronic disclosures in connection with home-secured loans and 
    certain other transactions that consumers typically consummate in 
    person (citing as examples automobile loans and leases, short-term 
    ``payday'' loans, or home improvement financing contracts resulting 
    from door-to-door sales). They asserted that there is little benefit to 
    eliminating paper disclosures in such transactions and that allowing 
    electronic disclosures in those cases could lead to abusive practices. 
    Accordingly, consumer advocates and others believed that paper 
    disclosures should always accompany electronic disclosures in mortgage 
    loans and certain other transactions, and that consumers should have 
    the right to obtain paper copies of disclosures upon request for all 
    types of transactions (deposit account, credit card, loan or lease, and 
    other transactions).
        A final issue raised by consumer advocates was the integrity of 
    disclosures sent electronically. They stated that there may be 
    instances when the consumer and the institution disagree on the terms 
    or conditions of an agreement and consumers may need to offer 
    electronic disclosures as proof of the agreed-upon terms and to enforce 
    rights under consumer protection laws. Thus, to assure that electronic 
    documents have not been altered and that they accurately reflect the 
    disclosures originally sent, consumer advocates recommended that the 
    Board require that electronic disclosures be authenticated by an 
    independent third party.
        The Board's Consumer Advisory Council considered the electronic 
    delivery of disclosures in 1998 and again in 1999. Many Council members 
    shared views similar to those expressed in written comment letters on 
    the 1998 proposals. For example, some Council members expressed concern 
    that the Board was moving too quickly in allowing electronic 
    disclosures for certain transactions, and suggested that the Board 
    might go forward with electronic disclosures for deposit accounts while 
    proceeding more slowly on credit and lease transactions. Others 
    expressed concern about consumer access and consumers' ability to 
    retain electronic disclosures. They believed that, without specific 
    guidance from the Board, institutions would provide electronic 
    disclosures without knowing whether consumers could retain or access 
    the disclosures, and without establishing procedures to address 
    technical malfunctions or nondelivery. The Council also discussed the 
    integrity and security of electronic documents.
    II. Overview of Proposed Revisions
        Based on a review of the comments and further analysis, the Board 
    is requesting comment on a modified proposed rule that is more detailed 
    than the interim rule and March 1998 proposed rules. It is intended to 
    provide specific guidance for creditors that choose to use electronic 
    communication to comply with Regulation B's requirements to provide 
    written disclosures, and to ensure effective delivery of disclosures to 
    applicants through this medium. Though detailed, the proposal provides 
    flexibility for compliance with the electronic communication rules. The 
    modified proposal recognizes that some disclosures may warrant 
    different treatment under the rule. Where written disclosures are made 
    to consumers who are transacting business in person, these disclosures 
    generally would have to be made in paper form. The modified proposal 
    for Regulation B would not contain this in-person exception as the 
    Board does not believe the exception is necessary given the timing and 
    delivery provision for providing information, as discussed below under 
        The Board is soliciting comment on a modified approach that 
    addresses both industry and consumer group concerns. Under the 
    proposal, creditors would have to provide specific information about 
    how the applicant can receive and retain electronic disclosures--
    through a standardized disclosure statement--before obtaining 
    applicants' acceptance of such delivery, with some exceptions. If they 
    satisfy these requirements and obtain applicants' affirmative consent, 
    creditors would be permitted to use electronic communication. As a 
    general rule a creditor would be permitted to offer the option of 
    receiving electronic disclosures to all applicants, whether they 
    initially contact the creditor by electronic communication or 
        Creditors would have the option of delivering disclosures to an e-
    mail address designated by the applicant or making disclosures 
    available at another location such as the creditor's website, for 
    printing or downloading. If the disclosures are posted at a website 
    location, creditors generally must notify applicants at an e-mail 
    address about the availability of the information. (Creditors may offer 
    consumers the option of receiving alert notices at a postal address.) 
    The disclosures must remain available at that site for 90 days.
        Disclosures provided electronically would be subject to a ``clear 
    and conspicuous'' standard, must be in a form that the applicant can 
    retain, and would be subject to the format and timing rules in 
    Regulation B. For example, a creditor that provides electronic 
    disclosures and denies an applicant's credit request must provide an 
    electronic adverse action notice
    [[Page 49690]]
    within 30 days after receiving a completed application.
        Creditors generally must provide a means for applicants to confirm 
    the availability of equipment to receive and retain electronic 
    disclosure documents. A creditor would not otherwise have a duty to 
    verify applicants' actual ability to receive, print, or download the 
    disclosures. Some commenters suggested that creditors should be 
    required to verify delivery by return receipt. The Board solicits 
    comment on the need for such a requirement and the feasibility of that 
        As previously mentioned, consumer advocates and others have 
    expressed concerns that electronic documents can be altered more easily 
    than paper documents. The issue of the integrity and security of 
    electronic documents affects electronic commerce in general and is not 
    unique to the written disclosures required under the consumer 
    protection laws administered by the Board. Applicants' ability to 
    enforce rights under the consumer protection laws could be impaired in 
    some cases, however, if the authenticity of disclosures that they 
    retain cannot be demonstrated. Signatures, notary seals, and other 
    established verification procedures are used to detect alterations for 
    transactions memorialized in paper form. The development of similar 
    devices for electronic communication should reduce uncertainty over 
    time about the ability to use electronic documents for resolving 
        The Board's rules require creditors to retain evidence of 
    compliance with Regulation B. Specific comment is solicited on the 
    feasibility of complying with a requirement that creditors provide 
    disclosures in a format that cannot be altered without detection, or 
    have systems in place capable of detecting whether or not information 
    has been altered, as well as the feasibility of requiring use of 
    independent certification authorities to verify disclosure documents.
        Elsewhere in today's Federal Register, the Board is publishing 
    similar proposals for comment under Regulations E, M, Z, and DD. In a 
    separate notice the Board is publishing an interim rule under 
    Regulation DD, which implements the Truth in Savings Act, to permit 
    depository institutions to use electronic communication to deliver 
    disclosures on periodic statements. For ease of reference, the Board 
    has assigned new docket numbers to the modified proposals published 
    III. Section-by-Section Analysis
        Pursuant to its authority under section 703 of the ECOA, the Board 
    proposes to amend Regulation B to permit creditors to use electronic 
    communication to provide disclosures and other information required by 
    the act and regulation to be in writing. Below is a section-by-section 
    analysis of the rules for providing disclosures by electronic 
    communication, including references to proposed commentary provisions.
    Section 202.4  General Rules
    4(e) Electronic Communication
        4(e)(1) Definition. The definition of the term ``electronic 
    communication'' in the March 1998 proposed rule remains unchanged. 
    Section 202.4(e)(1) limits the term to a message transmitted 
    electronically that can be displayed on equipment as visual text, such 
    as a message that is displayed on a computer monitor screen. Most 
    commenters supported the term as defined in the March 1998 proposed 
    rule. Some commenters favored a more expansive definition that would 
    encompass communications such as audio and voice response telephone 
    systems. Because the proposal is intended to permit electronic 
    communication to satisfy the statutory requirement for written 
    disclosures, the Board believes visual text is an essential element of 
    the definition.
        Commenters asked the Board to clarify the coverage of certain types 
    of communications. A few commenters asked about communication by 
    facsimile. Facsimiles are initially transmitted electronically; the 
    information may be received either in paper form or electronically 
    through software that allows a consumer to capture the facsimile, 
    display it on a monitor, and store it on a computer diskette or drive. 
    Thus, information sent by facsimile may be subject to the provisions 
    governing electronic communication. When disclosures are sent by 
    facsimile, a creditor should comply with the requirements for 
    electronic communication unless it knows that the disclosures will be 
    received in paper form. Proposed comment 4(e)(1)-1 contains this 
        4(e)(2) Electronic Communication between Creditor and Applicant. 
    Section 202.4(e)(2) would permit creditors to provide disclosures using 
    electronic communication, if the creditor complies with provisions in 
    new Sec. 202.4(e)(3), discussed below.
    1. Presenting Disclosures in a Clear and Conspicuous Format
        Currently, Regulation B does not expressly require creditors to 
    present required information in a clear and conspicuous format. In 
    contrast, Regulations DD (Truth in Savings), E (Electronic Fund 
    Transfers), M (Consumer Leasing), and Z (Truth in Lending) all require 
    that information be provided in a clear and conspicuous (or conspicuous 
    or clear and readily understandable) format. Because clarity 
    requirements for written disclosures (whether electronic or not) exist 
    for those regulations, the Board requested comment in the March 1998 
    proposed rule on whether these requirements should be extended to 
    electronic communication under Regulation B. Also, the Board recently 
    issued a proposed rule for Regulation B as part of its periodic review 
    of regulations. As part of the review, the Board requested comment on 
    whether the ``clear and conspicuous'' requirement should apply to all--
    paper or electronic--disclosures and information required by Regulation 
    B. (64 FR 44581, August 16, 1999).
        Most commenters to the March 1998 proposed rule suggested that the 
    Board adopt the clear and conspicuous requirement for electronic 
    communication under Regulation B. These commenters noted that the 
    requirements for electronic communication should be consistent among 
    the regulations, and that extension of this requirement to Regulation B 
    would not be burdensome. A few commenters, however, suggested that 
    either the Board adopt the clear and conspicuous requirement for all 
    disclosures under the regulation--paper or electronic--or that it leave 
    the requirement as it is. They argued that imposing a different 
    standard for paper and electronic disclosures might result in 
    applicants receiving disclosures in different formats based on how they 
    apply for credit and for what product they apply.
        The proposal would extend a ``clear and conspicuous'' requirement 
    to electronic communication under Regulation B, consistent with the 
    proposed changes to Regulation B discussed above. See Sec. 202.4(d) of 
    the August 16, 1999 proposed rule for Regulation B (64 FR 44581). The 
    Board does not intend to discourage or encourage specific types of 
    technologies. Regardless of the technology, however, disclosures 
    provided electronically must be presented in a clear and conspicuous 
        When applicants consent to receive disclosures electronically and 
    they confirm that they have the equipment to do so, creditors generally 
    would have no further duty to determine that applicants are able to 
    receive the
    [[Page 49691]]
    disclosures. Creditors do have the responsibility of ensuring the 
    proper equipment is in place in instances where the creditor controls 
    the equipment. Proposed comment 4(e)(2)-1 contains this guidance.
    2. Providing Disclosures in a Form the Applicant May Keep
        Currently under Regulation B, only one notice 
    (Sec. 202.9(a)(3)(i)(B), regarding business credit) must be provided in 
    a form the applicant may retain. On the other hand, Regulations DD, E, 
    M, and Z all require that information be provided in a retainable form. 
    In the March 1998 proposed rule, the Board requested comment on whether 
    a retainability requirement should be extended to electronic 
    communication under Regulation B generally.
        Most commenters supported a retainability requirement for 
    electronic communication under Regulation B. These commenters noted 
    that the requirements for electronic communication should be as 
    consistent as practicable for all of the regulations, and that 
    extension of this requirement would not be burdensome. Some commenters, 
    however, supported leaving the requirement as it is. They believe a 
    retainability requirement for disclosures sent by electronic 
    communication would discourage the use of electronic communication by 
    creating different rules for disclosures sent by mail and those sent by 
    electronic communication. As part of its August 1999 proposed rule for 
    Regulation B, discussed above, the Board requested comment on whether a 
    ``retainability'' requirement should apply to all--paper or 
    electronic--disclosures and information required by Regulation B. See 
    Sec. 202.4(d) of the August 16, 1999 Regulation B proposed rule (64 FR 
        Under the 1998 proposals and interim rule, a creditor would satisfy 
    the retainability requirement by providing information that can be 
    printed or downloaded. The modified proposal adopts the same approach 
    but also provides that the information must be sent to a specified 
    location to ensure that applicants have an adequate opportunity to 
    retain the information.
        Applicants communicate electronically with creditors through a 
    variety of means and from various locations. Depending on the location 
    (at home, at work, in a public place such as a library), an applicant 
    may not have the ability at a given time to preserve ECOA disclosures 
    presented on-screen. Therefore, when a creditor provides disclosures by 
    electronic communication, to satisfy the retention requirements, the 
    creditor must send the disclosures to an applicant's e-mail address or 
    other location where information may be retrieved at a later date. 
    Proposed comment 4(e)(2)-2 contains this guidance; see also the 
    discussion under Sec. 202.4(e)(4), below. In instances where a creditor 
    controls an electronic terminal used to provide electronic disclosures, 
    a creditor may provide equipment for the applicant to print a paper 
    copy in lieu of sending the information to the applicant's e-mail 
    address or posting the information at another location such as the 
    creditor's website. See proposed comment 4(e)(2)-1.
    3. Timing
        Creditors must ensure that electronic disclosures comply with all 
    relevant timing requirements of the regulation. For example, under 
    Secs. 202.9(a)(1) and (2), a creditor must send a written notice within 
    30 days after receiving a completed application, if the creditor takes 
    adverse action.
        To illustrate the timing requirements for electronic communication, 
    assume that a consumer is interested in obtaining a loan and uses a 
    personal computer at home to access the creditor's website on the 
    Internet. The creditor provides disclosures to the consumer about the 
    use of electronic communication (the Sec. 202.4(e)(3) disclosures 
    discussed below) and the consumer responds affirmatively. If the 
    creditor's procedures permit the consumer to apply for a loan at that 
    time, and the creditor denies the credit request, the written notice 
    required by Sec. 202.9 must be provided. Under the proposal, the 
    creditor would satisfy the regulation's timing requirements if, within 
    30 days of receiving the completed application, an adverse action 
    notice is sent to the applicant's e-mail address, or is posted on the 
    creditor's website and the applicant is informed that the notice is 
        If an applicant is transacting business at a creditor's website and 
    is at a point in the transaction where in order to go forward the 
    applicant must receive disclosures, the disclosures must appear on the 
    screen. By displaying the disclosures on the screen, creditors meet the 
    timing and delivery requirements of the regulation. For example, if an 
    applicant applies over the Internet for a loan to purchase a principal 
    dwelling, the request for monitoring information required by 
    Sec. 202.13(a) and the disclosure required by Sec. 202.13(c) concerning 
    the collection of the information must appear on the screen before the 
    application can be sent to the creditor for processing. The timing 
    requirements for requesting the information and providing the 
    disclosure would not be met if, in this example, the creditor permitted 
    the applicant to complete the application and apply for credit and sent 
    the request for monitoring information and the applicable disclosure to 
    an e-mail address thereafter. Proposed comment 4(e)(2)-3 contains this 
        4(e)(3) Disclosure Notice. Section 202.4(e)(3) would identify the 
    specific steps required before a creditor could use electronic 
    communication to satisfy the regulation's disclosure requirements. 
    Proposed Sample Forms C-11, C-12, C-14, and C-15 are published to aid 
    compliance with these requirements.
        4(e)(3)(i) Notice by Creditor. Section 202.4(e)(3)(i) outlines the 
    information that creditors must provide before electronic disclosures 
    can be given. The creditor must: (1) Describe the information to be 
    provided electronically and specify whether the information is also 
    available in paper form or whether the credit product is offered only 
    with electronic disclosures; (2) identify the address or location where 
    the information will be provided electronically, and if it will be 
    available at a location other than the applicant's electronic address, 
    specify for how long and where it can be obtained once that period 
    ends; (3) specify any technical requirements for receiving and 
    retaining information sent electronically, and provide a means for the 
    applicant to confirm the availability of equipment meeting those 
    requirements; and (4) provide a toll-free telephone number and, at the 
    creditor's option, an electronic or a postal address for questions 
    about receiving electronic disclosures or for updating applicants' 
    electronic addresses, and for seeking assistance with technical or 
    other difficulties (see proposed comments to 4(e)(3)(i)). The Board 
    requests comment on whether other information should be disclosed 
    regarding the use of electronic communication and on any format changes 
    that might improve the usefulness of the notice for applicants.
        Under the proposal, the Sec. 202.4(e)(3)(i) disclosures must be 
    provided, as applicable, before the creditor uses electronic 
    communication to deliver any information required by the regulation. 
    The approach of requiring a standardized disclosure statement 
    addresses, in several ways, the concern that applicants may be steered 
    into using electronic communication without fully understanding the 
    implications. Under this approach, the specific disclosures that would 
    be delivered electronically
    [[Page 49692]]
    must be identified, and applicants must be informed whether there is 
    also an option to receive the information in paper form. Applicants 
    must provide an e-mail address where one is required. Technical 
    requirements must also be stated, and applicants must affirm that their 
    equipment meets the requirements, and that they have the capability of 
    retaining electronic disclosures by downloading or printing them (see 
    proposed comment 4(e)(3)-1). Thus, the Sec. 202.4(e)(3)(i) disclosures 
    should allow applicants to make informed judgments about receiving 
    electronic disclosures.
        Some commenters requested clarification of whether a creditor may 
    use electronic communication to provide some required disclosures while 
    using paper for others. The proposed rule would permit creditors to do 
    so; the disclosure given under Sec. 202.4(e)(3)(i) must specify which 
    ECOA disclosures will be provided electronically.
        Commenters requested further guidance on a creditor's obligation 
    under the regulation if the applicant chooses not to receive 
    information by electronic communication. A creditor could offer an 
    applicant the option of receiving disclosures in paper form, but it 
    would not be required to do so. A creditor could establish credit 
    products for which disclosures are given only by electronic 
    communication. Section 202.4(e)(3)(i)(A) would require creditors to 
    tell applicants whether or not they have the option to receive 
    disclosures in paper form. Section 202.4(e)(3)(i)(D) would require 
    creditors to provide a toll-free number that applicants could use to 
    inform creditors if they wish to discontinue receiving electronic 
    disclosures. In such cases the creditor must inform the applicant 
    whether the credit product is also available with disclosures in paper 
    form. Proposed sample notices in which the applicant has an option to 
    receive electronic or paper disclosures (Form C-14) or electronic 
    disclosures only (Form C-15) are contained in appendix C.
        4(e)(3)(ii) Response by Applicant. Proposed Sec. 202.4(e)(3)(ii) 
    would require creditors to provide a means for the applicant to 
    affirmatively indicate that information may be provided electronically. 
    Examples include a ``check box'' on a computer screen or a signature 
    line (for requests made in paper form). The requirement is intended to 
    ensure that applicants' consent is established knowingly and 
    voluntarily, and that consent to receive electronic disclosures is not 
    inferred from the submission of an application for credit. See proposed 
    comment 4(e)(3)(ii)-1.
        4(e)(3)(iii) Changes. Creditors would be required to notify 
    applicants about changes to the information that is provided in the 
    notice required by Sec. 202.4(e)(3)(i)--for example, if upgrades to 
    computer software are required. Proposed comment 4(e)(3)(iii)-1 
    contains this guidance.
        The notice must include the effective date of the change and be 
    provided before that date. Proposed comment 4(e)(3)(iii)-2 would 
    provide that the notice must be sent a reasonable period of time before 
    the effective date of the change. Although the number of days that 
    constitutes reasonable notice may vary, depending on the type of change 
    involved, the comment would provide creditors with a safe harbor: 
    fifteen days' advance notice would be considered a reasonable time in 
    all cases. The same time period is stated in similar proposals under 
    Regulations E, Z, and DD published in today's Federal Register. Comment 
    is requested on whether a safe harbor of 15 days is an appropriate time 
    period, and whether a uniform period for changes involving electronic 
    communication is desirable. Proposed comment 4(e)(3)(iii)-3 contains 
    guidance on delivery requirements for the notice of change.
        The notice of a change must also include a toll-free telephone 
    number or, at the creditor's option, an address for questions about 
    receiving electronic disclosures. For example, a consumer may call 
    regarding problems related to a change, such as an upgrade to computer 
    software that is not provided by the creditor. Applicants may also use 
    the toll-free number if they wish to discontinue receiving electronic 
    disclosures. In such cases, the creditor must inform applicants whether 
    the credit product is also available with disclosures in paper form. 
    (See proposed comments 4(e)(3)(iii)-4 through -6).
        If the change involves providing additional disclosures by 
    electronic communication, creditors generally would be required to 
    provide the notice in Sec. 202.4(e)(3)(i) and obtain the applicant's 
    consent. That notice would not be required if the creditor previously 
    obtained the applicant's consent to the additional disclosures in its 
    initial notice by disclosing the possibility and specifying which 
    disclosures might be provided electronically in the future. Comment is 
    specifically requested on this approach. A list of additional 
    disclosures may be necessary to ensure that applicants' consent is 
    informed and knowing (provided it does not cause confusion).
        4(e)(4) Address or Location to Receive Electronic Communication. 
    Proposed Sec. 202.4(e)(4) identifies addresses and locations where 
    creditors using electronic communication may send information to the 
    applicant. Creditors may send information to an applicant's electronic 
    address, which is defined in proposed comment 4(e)(4)(i)-1 as an e-mail 
    address that the applicant also may use for receiving communications 
    from parties other than the creditor. For notices of action taken, for 
    example, a creditor's responsibility to provide notice under Sec. 202.9 
    will be satisfied when the notice of action taken is sent to the 
    applicant's electronic address in accordance with the applicable 
    proposed rules concerning delivery of disclosures by electronic 
        Guidance accompanying the March 1998 proposed rule provided that a 
    creditor would not meet delivery requirements by simply posting 
    information to an Internet site such as a creditor's ``home page'' 
    without appropriate notice on how applicants can access the 
    information. Industry commenters wanted to retain the flexibility of 
    posting disclosures on an Internet website. They did not object to 
    providing a separate notice alerting applicants about the disclosures' 
    availability but requested more guidance on the issue. Consumer 
    advocates and others expressed concern that the mere posting of 
    information inappropriately places the responsibility to obtain 
    disclosures on applicants, and undermines the purpose of the delivery 
    requirements of the regulation.
        The Board recognizes that currently, because of security and 
    privacy concerns associated with data transmissions, a number of 
    creditors may choose to provide disclosures at their websites, where 
    the applicant may retrieve them under secure conditions. Under 
    Sec. 202.4(e)(4), a creditor may make disclosures available to an 
    applicant at a location other than the applicant's electronic address. 
    The creditor must notify the applicant when the information becomes 
    available and identify the credit transaction involved. The notice must 
    be sent to the electronic mail address designated by the applicant; the 
    creditor may, at its option, permit the applicant to designate a postal 
    address. A proposed sample notice (Form C-13) is published below; see 
    also proposed comment 4(e)(4)(ii)-1.
        The Board believes it would be inconsistent with the ECOA to 
    require an applicant to initiate a search--for example, to search the 
    website of each creditor with whom the applicant applied for credit--to 
    determine whether a disclosure has been provided.
    [[Page 49693]]
    The proposed approach ensures that an applicant would not be required 
    to check a creditor's website repeatedly, for example, to learn whether 
    the creditor posted a notice of adverse action.
        The requirements of the regulation would be met only if the 
    required information is posted on the website and the applicant is 
    notified of its availability in a timely fashion. For example, 
    creditors must provide adverse action notices to applicants within 30 
    days after receiving a completed application. For an adverse action 
    notice posted on the Internet, a creditor must both post the notice and 
    notify the applicant of its availability within 30 days of receiving a 
    completed application.
        Commenters sought guidance on how long disclosures posted at a 
    particular location must be available to applicants. There is a variety 
    of circumstances when an applicant may not be able immediately to 
    access the information due to illness, travel, or computer malfunction, 
    for example. Under Sec. 202.4(e)(4), creditors must post information 
    that is sent to a location other than the applicant's electronic mail 
    address for 90 days. Proposed comment 4(e)(4)(ii)-2 contains this 
        Under the modified proposal, creditors that post information at a 
    location other than the applicant's electronic mail address are 
    required--after the 90 day period--to make disclosures available to 
    applicants upon request for a period of not less than 25 months, except 
    as otherwise provided, from the date disclosures are required to be 
    made, consistent with the record retention requirements under 
    Sec. 202.12(b). (See Sec. 202.12(b) of the August 16, 1999 proposed 
    rule for Regulation B (64 FR 44581). The Board requests comment on this 
    approach, including suggestions for alternative means for providing 
    consumers continuing access to disclosures.
        4(e)(5) Applicant Use of Electronic Communication. Proposed 
    Sec. 202.4(e)(5) would clarify applicants' ability to provide certain 
    information to creditors by electronic communication. Regulation B 
    provides that an applicant, upon written request, is entitled to 
    receive a copy of an appraisal report under Sec. 202.5a and a statement 
    of specific reasons for adverse action under Sec. 202.9(a)(3)(ii). 
    Under the proposal, applicants generally would have the option to use 
    electronic communication for these written notices if the applicant has 
    chosen to receive information by electronic communication. Because the 
    applicant's electronic communication serves as written notice, the 
    creditor could not also require paper notice. Creditors could, however, 
    specify a particular electronic address for receiving the notices.
        The issue of the applicant's ability to provide certain information 
    to creditors by electronic communication was not raised in the March 
    1998 proposed rule for Regulation B. In issuing the March 1998 
    Regulation E interim rule, the Board stated that financial institutions 
    could require paper confirmation of electronic notices in the two 
    instances where the regulation allows written confirmation--stop-
    payment notices and notices of error. This approach was consistent with 
    guidance provided in the May 1996 proposed rule, where the Board stated 
    that (as in the case of an oral communication) if the consumer sends an 
    electronic communication to the financial institution, the institution 
    could require paper confirmation from the consumer (particularly since 
    the consumer was entitled to a paper copy of a disclosure upon request 
    under the May 1996 proposal).
        Views were mixed on whether financial institutions should be 
    permitted to require paper confirmations of electronic notices. Many 
    industry commenters requested that the Board allow financial 
    institutions to request paper confirmations; some stated that paper 
    confirmations protect both the consumer and the financial institution. 
    Consumer advocates and other commenters believed it would be unfair to 
    require paper confirmation of an electronic communication from 
    consumers who receive electronic communication from a financial 
        Based upon the comments received and further analysis, and subject 
    to certain limitations discussed below, the Board is proposing that 
    applicants be permitted to provide electronically any information that 
    an applicant is required to provide a creditor to exercise the 
    applicant's rights under the regulation, such as the request for a 
    written statement of reasons. If a creditor uses electronic 
    communication to provide disclosures about appraisal rights under 
    Sec. 202.5a and notices under Sec. 202.9, it is appropriate to allow 
    applicants to use electronic communication to provide notices to the 
    creditor. If, however, a creditor limits its use of electronic 
    communication to the delivery of information required at the time the 
    application is taken--the disclosure concerning the collection of 
    monitoring information for home-secured loans--creditors would not be 
    required to accept electronic communication from applicants.
        4(e)(5)(ii) Creditor's Designation of Address. Section 
    202.4(e)(5)(ii) would provide that a creditor may designate the 
    electronic address that must be used by an applicant for sending 
    electronic communication as permitted by Sec. 202.4(e)(5)(i).
        4(f) Foreign Language Disclosures. To provide consistency among the 
    regulations, the Board would add guidance permitting disclosures to be 
    made in languages other than English (provided they are available in 
    English upon request). This guidance would be set forth in proposed 
    Sec. 202.4(f).
    Appendix C to Part 202--Sample Notification Forms
        The Board solicits comment on two proposed sample disclosure forms 
    and three sample notice forms for use by creditors to aid compliance 
    with the disclosure requirements of Secs. 202.4(e)(3) and (e)(4). Forms 
    C-11 and C-12 would implement Sec. 202.4(e)(3), regarding the notice 
    that creditors must give prior to using electronic communication to 
    provide required disclosures. Form C-13 would implement 
    Sec. 202.4(e)(4), regarding notices to applicants about the 
    availability of electronic information at locations such as the 
    creditor's website. Use of any modified version of these forms would be 
    in compliance as long as the creditor does not delete information 
    required by the regulation or rearrange the format in a way that 
    affects the substance, clarity, or meaningful sequence of the 
    disclosure. For example, where a creditor combines Regulation B and 
    Regulation Z disclosures for a credit card account, the creditor may 
    provide a single disclosure statement about electronic delivery.
        Sample Form C-14 illustrates the disclosures under 
    Sec. 202.4(e)(3). The sample assumes the creditor also offers paper 
    disclosures for applicants who choose not to receive electronic 
    disclosures. Sample Form C-15 assumes that applicants must accept 
    electronic disclosures if they want to apply for the particular credit 
    Other issues
        A few commenters suggested that any final rule issued by the Board 
    permitting electronic disclosures should explicitly preempt any state 
    law requiring paper disclosures. Under Sec. 202.11(a) of the 
    regulation, state laws are preempted if they are inconsistent with the 
    act and regulation and only to the extent of the inconsistency. The 
    proposed rule would provide creditors with the option of
    [[Page 49694]]
    giving required disclosures by electronic communication as an 
    alternative to paper. There is no apparent inconsistency with the act 
    and regulation if state laws require paper disclosures. The Board will, 
    however, review preemption issues that are brought to the Board's 
    attention. Section 202.11(b)(2) outlines the Board's procedures for 
    determining whether a specific law is preempted, which will guide the 
    Board in any determination requested by a creditor, state, or other 
    interested party following publication of a final rule regarding 
    electronic communication.
    IV. Form of Comment Letters
        Comment letters should refer to Docket No. R-1040, and, when 
    possible, should use a standard typeface with a type size of 10 or 12 
    characters per inch. This will enable the Board to convert the text to 
    machine-readable form through electronic scanning, and will facilitate 
    automated retrieval of comments for review. Also, if accompanied by an 
    original document in paper form, comments may be submitted on 3\1/2\ 
    inch computer diskettes in any IBM-compatible DOS- or Windows-based 
    V. Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
        In accordance with section 3(a) of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 
    the Board has reviewed the proposed amendments to Regulation B. 
    Although the proposal would add disclosure requirements with respect to 
    electronic communication, overall, the proposed amendments are not 
    expected to have any significant impact on small entities. A creditor's 
    use of electronic communication to provide disclosures required by the 
    regulation is optional. The proposed rule would give creditors 
    flexibility in providing disclosures. A final regulatory flexibility 
    analysis will be conducted after consideration of comments received 
    during the public comment period.
    VI. Paperwork Reduction Act
        In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 
    3506; 5 CFR 1320 Appendix A.1), the Board reviewed the proposed rule 
    under the authority delegated to the Board by the Office of Management 
    and Budget (OMB). The Federal Reserve may not conduct or sponsor, and 
    an organization is not required to respond to, this information 
    collection unless it displays a currently valid OMB number. The OMB 
    control number is 7100-0201.
        The collection of information requirements that are relevant to 
    this proposed rulemaking are in 12 CFR part 202. This information is 
    mandatory (15 U.S.C. 1691b(a)(1) and Public Law 104-208, Sec. 2302(a)) 
    to evidence compliance with the requirements of Regulation B and the 
    Equal Credit Opportunity Act. The purpose of the act is to ensure that 
    credit is made available to all creditworthy customers without 
    discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, 
    sex, marital status, age (provided the applicant has the capacity to 
    contract), receipt of public assistance, or the fact that the applicant 
    has in good faith exercised any right under the Consumer Credit 
    Protection Act (15 U.S.C. 1600 et. seq.). The respondents/recordkeepers 
    are for-profit financial institutions, including small businesses. 
    Creditors are also required to retain records for 12 to 25 months. This 
    regulation applies to all types of creditors, not just state member 
    banks; however, under Paperwork Reduction Act regulations, the Federal 
    Reserve accounts for the burden of the paperwork associated with the 
    regulation only for state member banks. Other agencies account for the 
    paperwork burden on their respective constituencies under this 
        The proposed revisions would allow creditors the option of using 
    electronic communication (for example, via personal computer and modem) 
    to provide disclosures and other information required by the 
    regulation. Although the proposal would add disclosure requirements 
    with respect to electronic communication, the optional use of 
    electronic communication would likely reduce the paperwork burden of 
    creditors. With respect to state member banks, it is estimated that 
    there are 988 respondents/recordkeepers and an average frequency of 
    4,765 responses per respondent each year. Therefore, the current amount 
    of annual burden is estimated to be 123,892 hours. There is estimated 
    to be no additional annual cost burden and no capital or start-up cost.
        Because the records would be maintained at state member banks and 
    the notices are not provided to the Federal Reserve, no issue of 
    confidentiality under the Freedom of Information Act arises; however, 
    any information obtained by the Federal Reserve may be protected from 
    disclosure under exemptions (b)(4), (6), and (8) of the Freedom of 
    Information Act (5 U.S.C. 522(b)(4), (6) and (8)). The adverse action 
    disclosure is confidential between creditors and the applicants 
        The Federal Reserve requests comments from creditors, especially 
    state member banks, that will help to estimate the number and burden of 
    the various disclosures that would be made in the first year this 
    proposed regulation would be effective. Comments are invited on: (a) 
    The cost of compliance; (b) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and 
    clarity of the information to be disclosed; and (c) ways to minimize 
    the burden of disclosure on respondents, including through the use of 
    automated disclosure techniques or other forms of information 
    technology. Comments on the collection of information should be sent to 
    the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (7100-
    0201), Washington, DC 20503, with copies of such comments sent to Mary 
    M. West, Federal Reserve Board Clearance Officer, Division of Research 
    and Statistics, Mail Stop 97, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve 
    System, Washington, DC 20551.
    List of Subjects in 12 CFR Part 202
        Aged, Banks, banking, Civil rights, Credit, Federal Reserve System, 
    Marital status discrimination, Penalties, Religious discrimination, 
    Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Sex discrimination.
    Text of Proposed Revisions
        Certain conventions have been used to highlight proposed changes to 
    Regulation B. New language is shown inside bold-faced arrows.
        For the reasons set forth in the preamble, the Board proposes to 
    amend Regulation B, 12 CFR part 202, as set forth below:
        1. The authority citation for part 202 would continue to read as 
        Authority: 15 U.S.C. 1691-1691f.
        2. Section 202.4 as proposed to be revised at 64 FR 44595, August 
    16, 1999, is further amended by adding new paragraphs (e) and (f) to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 202.4  General rules.
    * * * * *
        (e) Electronic communication--(1) Definition. Electronic 
    communication means a message transmitted electronically between an 
    applicant and a creditor in a format that allows visual text to be 
    displayed on equipment such as a personal computer monitor.
        (2) Electronic communication between creditor and applicant. A 
    creditor that has complied with paragraph (e)(3) of this section may 
    provide by electronic communication any information required by this 
    regulation to be in writing.
    [[Page 49695]]
        (3) Disclosure notice. The disclosure notice required by paragraph 
    (e)(3) of this section shall be clear and conspicuous and in a form the 
    consumer may keep, and shall be provided in a manner substantially 
    similar to the applicable sample notice set forth in Appendix C of this 
    part (Sample Forms C-11 and C-12).
        (i) Notice by creditor. A creditor shall:
        (A) Describe the information to be provided electronically and 
    specify whether the information is also available in paper form or 
    whether the credit product is offered only with electronic disclosures;
        (B) Identify the address or location where the information will be 
    provided electronically; and if it is made available at a location 
    other than the applicant's electronic address, how long the information 
    will be available, and how it can be obtained once that period ends;
        (C) Specify any technical requirements for receiving and retaining 
    information sent electronically, and provide a means for the applicant 
    to confirm the availability of equipment meeting those requirements; 
        (D) Provide a toll-free telephone number and, at the creditor's 
    option, an address for questions about receiving electronic 
    disclosures, for updating applicants' electronic addresses, and for 
    seeking technical or other assistance related to electronic 
        (ii) Response by applicant. A creditor shall provide a means for 
    the applicant to accept or reject electronic disclosures.
        (iii) Changes. (A) A creditor shall notify affected applicants of 
    any change to the information provided in the notice required by 
    paragraph (e)(3)(i) of this section. The notice shall include the 
    effective date of the change and must be provided before that date. The 
    notice shall also include a toll-free telephone number, and, at the 
    creditor's option, an address for questions about receiving electronic 
        (B) In addition to the notice under paragraph (e)(3)(iii)(A) of 
    this section, if the change involves providing additional disclosures 
    by electronic communication, a creditor shall provide the notice in 
    paragraph (e)(3)(i) of this section and obtain the applicant's consent. 
    A notice is not required under paragraph (e)(3)(i) if the creditor's 
    initial notice states that additional disclosures may be provided 
    electronically in the future and specifies which disclosures could be 
        (4) Address or location to receive electronic communication. A 
    creditor that uses electronic communication to provide information 
    required by this regulation shall:
        (i) Send the information to the applicant's electronic address; or
        (ii) Post the information for at least 90 days at a location such 
    as a website, and send a notice to the applicant when the information 
    becomes available. Thereafter the information shall be available upon 
    request for a period of not less than 25 months, except as otherwise 
    provided, from the date disclosures are required to be made. The notice 
    required by this paragraph (e)(4)(ii) shall identify the credit product 
    or application involved, shall be sent to an electronic address 
    designated by the applicant (or to a postal address, at the creditor's 
    option), and shall be substantially similar to the sample notice set 
    forth in Appendix C of this part (Sample Form C-13).
        (5) Applicant use of electronic communication. (i) General. An 
    applicant may use electronic communication to exercise any right under 
    Sec. 202.5a and Sec. 202.9(a)(3) if the applicant has consented to 
    receive information required by these sections by electronic 
        (ii) Creditor's designation of address. A creditor may designate 
    the electronic address or location that applicants must use if they 
    send electronic communication under this paragraph.
        (f) Foreign language disclosures. Disclosures may be made in 
    languages other than English, provided they are available in English 
    upon request.
        3. Appendix C to Part 202 as proposed to be revised at 64 FR 44616, 
    August 16, 1999, is further amended by adding new Forms C-11, C-12, C-
    13, C-14, and C-15 to read as follows:
    Appendix C to Part 202--Sample Notification Forms
    * * * * *
    Form C-11--Sample Disclosures for Electronic Communication (Disclosures 
    Available in Paper or Electronically)
        You can choose to receive important information required by the 
    Equal Credit Opportunity Act in paper or electronically.
        Read this notice carefully and keep a copy for your records.
         You can choose to receive the following information in 
    paper form or electronically: (description of specific disclosures 
    to be provided electronically).
         How would you like to receive this information
          {time}  I want paper disclosures.
          {time}  I want electronic disclosures.
         [We may provide the following additional disclosures 
    electronically in the future: (description of specific 
         [If you choose electronic disclosures, this information 
    will be available at: (specify location) for ______ days. After 
    that, the information will be available upon request (state how to 
    obtain the information). When the information is posted, we will 
    send you a message at the electronic mail address you designate 
    here: (applicant's electronic mail address).]
        [If you choose electronic disclosures this information will be 
    sent to the electronic mail address that you designate here: 
    (applicant's electronic mail address).]
         To receive this information you will need: (list 
    hardware and software requirements).
        Do you have access to a computer that satisfies these 
          {time}  Yes      {time}  No
         Do you have access to a printer, or the ability to 
    download information, in order to keep copies for your records?
        {time}  Yes      {time}  No
         To update your electronic address, if you have 
    questions about receiving disclosures, or need technical or other 
    assistance concerning these disclosures, contact us at (telephone 
    Form C-12--Sample Disclosures for Electronic Communication (Disclosures 
    Available Only Electronically)
        You will receive important information required by the Equal 
    Credit Opportunity Act electronically.
        Read this notice carefully and keep a copy for your records.
         The following information will be provided 
    electronically: (description of specific disclosures to be provided 
         This credit product is not available unless you accept 
    electronic disclosures.
         [We may provide the following additional disclosures 
    electronically in the future: (description of specific 
         [If you choose electronic disclosures, this information 
    will be available at: (specify location) for ______ days. After 
    that, the information will be available upon request (state how to 
    obtain the information). When the information is posted, we will 
    send you a message at the electronic mail address you designate 
    here: (applicant's electronic mail address).]
        [If you choose electronic disclosures this information will be 
    sent to the electronic mail address that you designate here: 
    (applicant's electronic mail address).]
         To receive this information you will need: (list 
    hardware and software requirements).
        Do you have access to a computer that satisfies these 
          {time}  Yes      {time}  No
         Do you have access to a printer, or the ability to 
    download information, in order to keep copies for your records?
          {time}  Yes      {time}  No
        Do you want this credit product with electronic disclosures?
          {time}  Yes      {time}  No
         To update your electronic address, if you have 
    questions about receiving disclosures, or need technical or other 
    assistance concerning these disclosures, contact us at (telephone 
    Form C-13--Sample Notice for Delivery of Information Posted at Certain 
        Information about your (identify loan application or credit 
    transaction) is now
    [[Page 49696]]
    available at [website address or other location]. The information 
    discusses (describe the disclosure). It will be available for ______ 
    BILLING CODE 6210-01-P
    [[Page 49697]]
    [[Page 49698]]
    BILLING CODE 6210-01-C
    [[Page 49699]]
        4. Supplement I to Part 202, as proposed to be revised at 64 FR 
    44618, August 16, 1999, is further amended under Section 202.4--General 
    Rules by adding a new paragraph 4(e) Electronic Communication to read 
    as follows:
    Supplement I to Part 202--Official Staff Interpretations
    * * * * *
    Section 202.4--General Rules
    * * * * *
     4(e) Electronic Communication
        4(e)(1) Definition.
        1. Coverage. Information transmitted by facsimile may be 
    received in paper form or electronically, although the party 
    initiating the transmission may not know at the time the disclosures 
    are sent which form will be used. A creditor that provides 
    disclosures by facsimile should comply with the requirements for 
    electronic communication unless the creditor knows that the 
    disclosures will be received in paper form.
        4(e)(2) Electronic communication between creditor and applicant.
        1. Disclosures provided on creditor's equipment. Creditors that 
    control equipment providing electronic disclosures to applicants 
    (for example, computer terminals in a creditor's lobby or kiosks 
    located in public places) must ensure that the equipment satisfies 
    the regulation's requirements to provide disclosures in a clear and 
    conspicuous format and in a form the consumer may keep. A creditor 
    that controls the equipment may provide a printer for applicants' 
    use in lieu of sending the information to the applicant's electronic 
    mail address or posting the information at another location such as 
    the creditor's website.
        2. Retainability. Creditors must provide electronic disclosures 
    in a retainable format (for example, they can be printed or 
    downloaded). Applicants may communicate electronically with 
    creditors through a variety of means and from various locations. 
    Depending on the location (at home, at work, in a public place such 
    as a library), an applicant may not have the ability at a given time 
    to preserve ECOA disclosures presented on-screen. To ensure that 
    applicants have an adequate opportunity to retain the disclosures, 
    the creditor also must send them to the applicant's designated 
    electronic mail address or to another location, for example, on the 
    creditor's website, where the information may be retrieved at a 
    later date.
        3. Timing and delivery. When an applicant applies for credit on 
    the Internet, for example, in order to meet the timing and delivery 
    requirements, creditors must ensure that disclosures applicable at 
    that time appear on the screen and are in a retainable format. The 
    delivery requirements would not be met if disclosures do not either 
    appear on the screen or if the applicant is allowed to apply for 
    credit before receiving the disclosures. For example, a creditor can 
    provide a link to electronic disclosures appearing on a separate 
    page as long as applicants cannot bypass the link and they are 
    required to access the disclosures before completing the 
        4(e)(3) Disclosure notice.
        1. Applicant's affirmative responses. Even though an applicant 
    accepts electronic disclosures in accordance with 
    Sec. 202.4(e)(3)(ii), a creditor may deliver disclosures by 
    electronic communication only if the applicant provides an 
    electronic address where one is required, and responds affirmatively 
    to questions about technical requirements and the ability to print 
    or download information (see sample forms C-14 and C-15 in appendix 
    C to this part).
    Paragraph 4(e)(3)(i)
        1. Toll-free telephone number. The number must be toll-free for 
    nonlocal calls made from an area code other than the one used in the 
    creditor's dialing area. Alternatively, a creditor may provide any 
    telephone number that allows an applicant to call for information 
    and reverse the telephone charges.
        2. Creditor's address. Creditors have the option of providing 
    either an electronic or postal address for applicants' use in 
    addition to the toll-free telephone number.
        3. Discontinuing electronic disclosures. Applicants may use the 
    toll-free number (or optional address) if they wish to discontinue 
    receiving electronic disclosures. In such cases, the creditor must 
    inform applicants whether the credit product is also available with 
    disclosures in paper form.
    Paragraph 4(e)(3)(ii)
        1. Nature of consent. Applicants must agree to receive 
    disclosures by electronic communication knowingly and voluntarily. 
    An agreement to receive electronic disclosures is not implied from 
    an applicant's submission of an application for credit.
    Paragraph 4(e)(3)(iii)
        1. Examples. Examples of changes include a change in technical 
    requirements, such as upgrades to software affecting the creditor's 
    disclosures provided on the Internet.
        2. Timing for notices. A notice of a change must be sent a 
    reasonable period of time before the effective date of the change. 
    The length of a reasonable notice period may vary, depending on the 
    type of change involved; however, fifteen days is a reasonable time 
    for providing notice in all cases.
        3. Delivery of notices. A creditor meets the delivery 
    requirements if the notice of a change is sent to the address 
    provided by the applicant for receiving other disclosures. For 
    example, if the applicant provides an electronic address to receive 
    a notice of action taken, the same electronic address may be used 
    for the change notice. The applicant's postal address must be used, 
    however, if the applicant consented to additional disclosures by 
    electronic communication when receiving the initial notice under 
    Sec. 202.4(e)(3)(i), but provided a postal address to receive the 
    notice of action taken.
        4. Toll-free number. See comment 4(e)(3)(i)-1.
        5. Creditor's address. See comment 4(e)(3)(i)-2.
        6. Applicant inquiries. Applicants may use the toll-free number 
    (or optional address) for questions or assistance with problems 
    related to a change, such as an upgrade to computer software, that 
    is not provided by the creditor. Applicants may also use the toll-
    free number if they wish to discontinue receiving electronic 
    disclosures; in such cases, the creditor must inform applicants 
    whether the credit product is also available with disclosures in 
    paper form.
        4(e)(4) Address or location to receive electronic communication.
    Paragraph 4(e)(4)(i)
        1. Electronic address. An applicant's electronic address is an 
    electronic mail address that may be used by the applicant for 
    receiving communications transmitted by parties other than the 
    Paragraph 4(e)(4)(ii)
        1. Identifying application or transaction involved. A creditor 
    is not required to identify a loan application or credit transaction 
    by reference to a number. For example, where the applicant has not 
    applied for credit with the creditor before, and no confusion would 
    result, the creditor may refer to ``your credit card application,'' 
    or ``your home equity line application.''
        2. Availability. Information that is not sent to an applicant's 
    electronic mail address must be available for at least 90 days from 
    the date the information becomes available or from the date the 
    notice required by Sec. 202.4(e)(4)(ii) is sent to the applicant, 
    whichever occurs later.
    * * * * *
        By order of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve 
    System, August 31, 1999.
    Jennifer J. Johnson,
    Secretary of the Board.
    [FR Doc. 99-23137 Filed 9-13-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6210-01-P

Document Information

Federal Reserve System
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
Comments must be received by October 29, 1999.
49688-49699 (12 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Regulation B, Docket No. R-1040
PDF File:
CFR: (12)
12 CFR 202.13(a)
12 CFR 202.12(b)
12 CFR 202.4(d)
12 CFR 202.4(e)(4)
12 CFR 202.4(e)(5)
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