97-23841. Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants; EPA Method 1613  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 178 (Monday, September 15, 1997)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 48394-48442]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-23841]
    [[Page 48393]]
    Part III
    Environmental Protection Agency
    40 CFR Part 136
    Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants; 
    EPA Method 1613; Final Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 178 / Monday, September 15, 1997 / 
    Rules and Regulations
    [[Page 48394]]
    40 CFR Part 136
    RIN 2040-AC64
    Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for the Analysis of 
    Pollutants; EPA Method 1613
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: Today's final regulation amends the ``Guidelines Establishing 
    Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants'' under section 304(h) 
    of the Clean Water Act to approve EPA Method 1613 for determination of 
    tetra-through octa-chlorinated, 2,3,7,8-substituted, dibenzo-p-dioxins 
    and dibenzofurans (CDDs/CDFs) by high resolution gas chromatography 
    (HRGC) coupled with high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS). This 
    regulation makes available at 40 CFR part 136 an additional, more 
    sensitive test procedure for CDDs/CDFs. Method 1613 is the most 
    sensitive analytical test procedure approved under the Clean Water Act 
    for the analysis of CDDs/CDFs because it measures into the low part-
    per-quadrillion (ppq) range. Use of approved test procedures is 
    required whenever the discharge constituent specified is required to be 
    measured for: a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) 
    permit application; discharge monitoring reports; state certification; 
    and other requests from the permitting authority for quantitative or 
    qualitative effluent data. Use of approved test procedures also is 
    required for the expression of pollutant amounts, characteristics, or 
    properties in effluent limitations guidelines and standards of 
    performance and pretreatment standards, unless otherwise specifically 
    noted or defined.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: This regulation is effective October 15, 1997. In 
    accordance with 40 CFR 23.2, this rule shall be considered issued for 
    the purposes of judicial review September 29, 1997, at 1 p.m. eastern 
    daylight time. Under section 509(b)(1) of the Clean Water Act, judicial 
    review of these amendments can be obtained only by filing a petition 
    for review in the United States Court of Appeals within 120 days after 
    they are considered issued for the purposes of judicial review. Under 
    section 509(b)(2) of the Clean Water Act, the requirements of these 
    amendments may not be challenged later in civil or criminal proceedings 
    to enforce these requirements.
    ADDRESSES: Documents that support this final rule are in the Water 
    Docket and are available for public inspection from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in 
    Room M2616, 401 M Street, SW., Washington, D.C. 20460, phone: (202) 
    260-3027. The Docket staff request that interested parties call for an 
    appointment before visiting the Docket. The EPA regulations at 40 CFR 
    Part 2 provide that a reasonable fee may be charged for copying.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Ben Honaker at (202) 260-2272, 
    USEPA Office of Science and Technology, Engineering and Analysis 
    Division (4303), 401 M Street, SW., Washington, DC 20460.
    Regulated Entities
        This action approves a test procedure for the determination of 
    tetra- through octa-chlorinated, 2,3,7,8-substituted, CDDs/CDFs in 
    wastewater by HRGC/HRMS. Regulatory authorities may, at their 
    discretion, require use of this method in NPDES permits. Entities 
    potentially regulated by this action are listed in the table below.
                    Category                  Examples of regulated entities
    Public.................................  Government laboratories that   
                                              develop or employ analytical  
                                              methods for use in            
                                              demonstrating compliance with 
                                              the CWA.                      
    Private................................  Commercial laboratories,       
                                              consensus methods             
                                              organizations, instrument     
                                              manufacturers, vendors, and   
                                              other entities that develop or
                                              employ analytical methods for 
                                              use in demonstrating          
                                              compliance with the CWA.      
        This table is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather provides a 
    guide for readers regarding entities likely to be regulated by this 
    action. This table lists the types of entities that EPA is now aware 
    could potentially be regulated by this action. Other types of entities 
    not listed in the table could also be regulated. To determine whether 
    your organization is regulated by this action, you should carefully 
    examine the applicability language of today's rule at Sec. 136.3. If 
    you have questions regarding the applicability of this action to a 
    particular entity, consult the person listed in the preceding FOR 
    Outline of Preamble
    I. Authority
    II. Background and History
        A. Analytical Methods Under 40 CFR Part 136, Including Method 
        B. Promulgation of Method 1613 Under EPA's Drinking Water Rules
        C. Proposal of Method 1613 for Monitoring in Pulp, Paper, and 
    Paperboard Industry Wastewaters
    III. Summary of the Final Rule Amending Part 136
        A. Purpose
        B. Summary of Improvements Since Proposal
        1. Development of Improved Quality Control Acceptance Criteria
        (a) Interlaboratory Method Validation Study
        (i) Simulated Sample Extracts
        (ii) Sample Processing
        (iii) Data Submission by Laboratories
        (b) Data from the Pulp and Paper Long-term Variability Study
        (c) Statistical Analysis
        2. Procedures for Fish and Other Tissues
        (a) Extraction Procedures
        (i) Dehydration and Soxhlet Extraction
        (ii) Hydrochloric Acid Digestion and Extraction
        (b) Bulk Lipid Removal Procedures for Soxhlet Extracts
        (i) Anthropogenic Isolation Column
        (ii) Acidified Silica Gel
        (c) Sulfuric Acid Back-extraction for HCl-digested Extracts
        (d) Further Cleanup of Tissue Extracts
        3. Solid-phase Extraction of Aqueous Samples
        4. Sample Preservation and Holding Times
        5. Other Improvements
        C. Method Detection Limit (MDL) Studies
    IV. Public Participation and Response to Comments
        A. Duplication of Methods
        B. Method Flexibility
        C. Feasibility-Instrumentation and Cost Issues
        1. Waste
        2. Instrumentation
        D. Insufficient Validation-General Comments
        E. Insufficient Validation of the Matrices Specified in the 
    Federal Register Document
        F. Interlaboratory Study
        G. Method Detection Limit Studies
        H. Detection/Quantitation Levels
        I. Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC)
        J. Miscellaneous
        K. Technical Comments
    V. Regulatory Analysis
        A. Executive Order 12866
        B. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
        C. Regulatory Flexibility Act
        D. Paperwork Reduction Act
        E. Submission to Congress and the General Accounting Office
    I. Authority
        Today's final rule is promulgated under the authority of sections 
    301, 304(h), 307, 308 and 501(a) of the Clean Water Act (CWA), 33 
    U.S.C. 1251 et seq. (the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments 
    of 1972 as amended by the Clean Water Act of 1977 and the Water Quality 
    Act of 1987), 33 U.S.C. 1311, 1314(h), 1328, 1329, 1361(a); 86 Stat.
    [[Page 48395]]
    816, Pub. L. 92-500; 91 Stat. 1567, Pub. L. 95-217; 100 Stat. 7, Pub. 
    L. 100-4 (the ``Act''). Section 301 of the Act prohibits the discharge 
    of any pollutant into navigable waters unless the discharge complies 
    with an NPDES permit issued under section 402 of the Act. Section 301 
    also specifies levels of pollutant reductions to be achieved by certain 
    dates. Section 304(h) of the Act requires the EPA Administrator to 
    ``promulgate guidelines establishing test procedures for the analysis 
    of pollutants that shall include the factors which must be provided in 
    any certification pursuant to section 401 of this Act or permit 
    applications pursuant to section 402 of this Act.'' These test 
    procedures for the analysis of pollutants also assist in the 
    implementation of section 301. Section 501(a) of the Act authorizes the 
    Administrator to prescribe such regulations as are necessary to carry 
    out her function under the Act.
        The Administrator has also made these test procedures (methods) 
    applicable to monitoring and reporting of NPDES permit applications and 
    permits (40 CFR part 122, Secs. 122.21, 122.41, 122.44, 122.48, and 
    123.25), and implementation of the pretreatment standards issued under 
    section 307 of CWA (40 CFR part 403, Secs. 403.10 and 402.12).
    II. Background and History
    A. Analytical Methods Under 40 CFR Part 136, Including Method 1613
        The Agency provided a history of analytical methods under 40 CFR 
    part 136 on February 7, 1991 (56 FR 5090) when EPA proposed the rule 
    being promulgated today. The preamble to today's final rule updates 
    that history with technical changes to EPA Method 1613 between proposal 
    and promulgation. These technical changes are described below in 
    Section III.B., ``Summary of Improvements Since Proposal.''
    B. Promulgation of Method 1613 Under EPA's Drinking Water Rules
        Under the Safe Drinking Water Act, EPA proposed Method 1613 for the 
    measurement of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), also known 
    as dioxin, in support of the National Primary Drinking Water Regulation 
    for that contaminant. See 55 FR 30426 (July 25, 1990). EPA also 
    discussed plans to conduct an interlaboratory method validation study 
    to determine whether the detection and quantitation values derived by 
    EPA for Method 1613 represented a reasonable expectation for different 
    laboratories. EPA solicited comments on the appropriate level to be 
    used to set the maximum contaminant level (MCL) for the drinking water 
    rule. EPA further discussed Method 1613 for determination of dioxin in 
    drinking water in a ``Notice of Availability with Request for Comment'' 
    on November 29, 1991, at 56 FR 60949.
        On December 5, 1994, EPA promulgated Method 1613 for measurement of 
    dioxin in drinking water at 40 CFR parts 141 and 142 (59 FR 62455). In 
    section I.B.3.b of the preamble to that rulemaking, EPA responded to 
    general and specific comments on the application of EPA Method 1613 to 
    drinking water. EPA stated in the preamble that the Agency had 
    previously solicited and received comments on the proposal of Method 
    1613 for application to wastewater, that some of these same comments 
    had been received in response to the proposal of Method 1613 for 
    application to drinking water, and that EPA would restrict its 
    responses to general issues covering the application of Method 1613 to 
    both drinking water and wastewater and to issues specific to drinking 
    water. In today's preamble, EPA is responding to all comments received 
    on the proposal of Method 1613 for application to wastewater (56 FR 
    5090), including general comments that were duplicated in comments 
    received on the drinking water notice (56 FR 60949).
        The December 5, 1994, revision to Method 1613 (for application to 
    drinking water) is consistent with the version of the Method in today's 
    rule. Therefore, with today's rulemaking, the same version of EPA 
    Method 1613 applies to analysis of wastewater and drinking water.
    C. Proposal of Method 1613 for Monitoring in Pulp, Paper, and 
    Paperboard Industry Wastewaters
        On December 17, 1993, EPA proposed national effluent limitations 
    and guidelines, pretreatment standards, and new source performance 
    standards for the Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard industrial point source 
    category. See 58 FR 66078. In the proposal, EPA referenced a compendium 
    titled ``Analytical Methods for the Determination of Pollutants in Pulp 
    and Paper Industry Wastewater.'' This compendium contained methods that 
    had not been promulgated at 40 CFR part 136, but would be applicable 
    for monitoring compliance with the numerical limitations and standards 
    proposed in the Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard rule. These methods were 
    proposed for promulgation at 40 CFR part 430 to support the proposed 
    regulation and were included in the docket for the proposed pulp and 
    paper rule.
        The methods proposed for monitoring under the proposed pulp and 
    paper rule included an earlier version of Method 1613 than the version 
    EPA is promulgating today. To further conform analytical methods, NPDES 
    permits issued after the effective date of today's rule will require 
    use of today's promulgated revision of Method 1613 for determining 
    compliance with the final rule for the Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard 
    III. Summary of the Final Rule Amending Part 136
    A. Purpose
        This rule allows the use of Method 1613 for determination of 
    seventeen tetra-through octa-chlorinated, 2,3,7,8-substituted dibenzo-
    p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (CDDs/CDFs) in effluent samples by isotope 
    dilution high resolution gas chromatography (HRGC) combined with high 
    resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS). Method 1613 was developed to lower 
    the measurable range of minimum levels for the CDDs/CDFs, specifically, 
    into the low part per quadrillion (ppq) range for aqueous samples and 
    into the low part-per-trillion (ppt) range for solid and semi-solid 
    sample matrices. EPA believes Method 1613 is adequate and applicable 
    for the measurement of solid and semi-solid sample matrices, such as 
    biosolids and fish tissue, but today's rule does not amend test 
    procedures for sewage sludge regulations at 40 CFR 503.8 and does not 
    constitute rulemaking for measurement of fish tissue. Today's 
    rulemaking at 40 CFR part 136 applies for measurement of aqueous 
        The promulgation of Method 1613 provides a test procedure 
    (analytical method) for compliance monitoring under the National 
    Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (CWA section 402) and CWA 
    section 401 certifications. Method 1613 is also available for: 
    Development of and monitoring compliance with effluent limitations 
    guidelines, pretreatment standards, and new source performance 
    standards in EPA's water programs; ambient water quality monitoring; 
    and general laboratory use. By today's action, however, EPA is not 
    withdrawing approval of the existing method, Method 613, which also 
    measures 2,3,7,8-TCDD , albeit with limited sensitivity. Method 613 is 
    still applicable for those NPDES permits that require that this method 
    be used and thus existing permits do not need to be modified prior to 
    expiration. In addition, Method 613 remains available
    [[Page 48396]]
    for screening purposes. However, NPDES permits issued after 
    promulgation of today's rule must include Method 1613 if the permit 
    contains effluent limitations for dioxin.
    B. Summary of Improvements Since Proposal
        EPA proposed Method 1613 on February 7, 1991. See 56 FR 5090. At 
    the time of proposal, EPA had initiated (but had not completed) an 
    Interlaboratory Method Validation Study (IMVS) and was considering 
    other improvements to Method 1613 to increase the utility of the Method 
    and make the Method more efficient and cost-effective. EPA proceeded 
    with proposal of Method 1613 before completion of the IMVS because:
         Method 1613 had been validated in single-laboratory 
    studies and in data gathering by EPA. The data gathering consisted of 
    over 500 analyses of real-world environmental samples to support 
    regulation development in EPA's effluent guidelines and other programs.
         EPA desired to make Method 1613 available for reporting of 
    CDDs/CDFs under the NPDES permit regulations at 40 CFR parts 122 and 
    123, and the pretreatment regulations at 40 CFR part 403. At that time, 
    the only method approved for the determination of 2,3,7,8-
    tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD) under 40 CFR part 136 was 
    Method 613. Method 613 is 200 times less sensitive than Method 1613 for 
    2,3,7,8-TCDD and does not measure other CDDs/CDFs.
         EPA was developing regulations for the Pulp, Paper, and 
    Paperboard industrial category. A high sensitivity method for 2,3,7,8-
    TCDD and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzofuran (2,3,7,8-TCDF) was required 
    for development of these regulations.
         EPA desired to collect comments on proposed Method 1613 to 
    improve the Method and learn of deficiencies that needed to be 
    addressed before promulgation.
        Since proposal, EPA has received a considerable number of 
    suggestions on improving the utility of Method 1613, both as described 
    below in Section IV, ``Public Participation and Response to Comments,'' 
    and in technical meetings and informal and formal discussions with 
    laboratories, academicians, and the regulated industry. Based on the 
    IMVS and these discussions, EPA has made technical revisions to Method 
    1613 to improve the usability of the method for water and other sample 
    matrices. This section of the preamble describes how EPA developed some 
    of these improvements in response to public comment.
    1. Development of Improved Quality Control Acceptance Criteria
        As proposed, Method 1613 contained performance specifications in 
    the form of quality control (QC) acceptance criteria that were based 
    upon data gathered by EPA during the development of Method 1613 between 
    1988 and 1991. EPA developed improved QC acceptance criteria using data 
    from EPA's IMVS and data from the paper industry and EPA's Pulp and 
    Paper Long-term Variability Study (LTVS). EPA has revised the QC 
    acceptance criteria in the version of Method 1613 being promulgated 
    today. The IMVS and LTVS studies are described below. A more detailed 
    description of the IMVS and development of the revised QC acceptance 
    criteria is given in the report titled ``Results of the International 
    Interlaboratory Validation Study of USEPA Method 1613'' (1613 Report). 
    The 1613 Report is included in the docket for today's final rule.
        (a) Interlaboratory Method Validation Study. In February 1990, EPA 
    began its interlaboratory validation of Method 1613 for the 
    determination of CDDs/CDFs by HRGC/HRMS. The study was international in 
    scope, ultimately involving receipt of data from 20 laboratories in 
    five countries. The purpose of the study was to further characterize 
    Method 1613 and to gather additional data to support today's 
        Details of the IMVS study design are given in the ``Study Plan for 
    the Evaluation of Method 1613'' (Study Plan). The Study Plan was 
    included in the docket at proposal, and the results of the study are 
    summarized in the 1613 Report included in the docket for this final 
    rule. The pertinent specifics of the IMVS are summarized below.
    (i) Simulated Sample Extracts
        Each laboratory participating in the IMVS received two concentrated 
    extracts prepared from a large-volume sample of industrial wastewater. 
    This large-volume sample was extracted with benzene, and the benzene 
    extract was concentrated. The concentrate was highly colored and 
    contained small amounts of solids derived from the bulk extraction of 
    the original sample.
        The extract concentrate was split into three portions: low, medium, 
    and high. The low concentration extract was not fortified with any 
    additional CDDs/CDFs, and contained 2,3,7,8-TCDD and 2,3,7,8-TCDF at 
    approximately 60 and 300 ppq, respectively. The medium extract was 
    fortified with most of the CDDs/CDFs not already present at 
    concentrations in the 100- to 500-ppq range. The high extract was 
    fortified with most of the CDDs/CDFs in the 250-to 1000-ppq range. 
    After spiking, each of the three portions was further split and sealed 
    into glass ampules.
        Two ampules of the same concentration were submitted to each 
    laboratory as a single blind duplicate sample, i.e., the laboratory did 
    not know which, if any, CDDs/CDFs were in the ampules and did not know 
    the concentrations of the CDDs/CDFs that were present in the ampules. 
    The ampules were shipped to the laboratories over a period of four 
    months, as additional participants joined the study.
        The study design formed an incomplete block, i.e., not all 
    laboratories were sent each of the three different concentrates. Under 
    the incomplete block design used in this study, eight laboratories were 
    sent two low-concentration ampules each, seven laboratories were sent 
    two medium-concentration samples each, and the seven remaining 
    laboratories were sent two high-concentration ampules each. At each 
    laboratory, each concentrate was withdrawn from its ampule, further 
    concentrated, and solvent-exchanged to acetone to ensure that the 
    extract would be water miscible. Each acetone solution was then spiked 
    into a one-liter volume of reagent water to produce a simulated 
    effluent sample.
    (ii) Sample Processing
        Each simulated effluent sample was processed through the sample 
    extraction procedure in the proposed version of Method 1613. Although 
    all but one of the laboratories were experienced in performing CDD/CDF 
    analyses using HRGC/HRMS, less than one-third of the 22 laboratories 
    had direct experience with Method 1613. Therefore, laboratories were 
    given time to familiarize themselves with the details of the Method, 
    and each laboratory was required to demonstrate its general proficiency 
    with the Method through the analysis of four initial precision and 
    recovery (IPR) aliquots, as described in the Method.
        In addition to demonstrating method proficiency and analyzing the 
    simulated effluent samples according to Method 1613, the participating 
    laboratories were required to perform all other QC procedures described 
    in the Method. These QC requirements were described in Section III.D. 
    of the proposal (56 FR 5092-5093).
        For each sample and quality control analysis, the laboratories were 
    [[Page 48397]]
    provide the concentration of each analyte detected and the recovery of 
    each labeled standard. All supporting raw data, including selected ion 
    current profiles, were to be reported for all analyses.
    (iii) Data Submission by Laboratories
        A total of 22 laboratories in 6 countries agreed to participate in 
    the study on a voluntary basis. The list of laboratories is given in 
    the 1613 Report. After two years, data were received from a total of 20 
    laboratories in 5 countries. Data from each laboratory were reviewed 
    thoroughly and, after resolution of data problems with the 
    laboratories, the data were entered into a data set and combined with 
    data from the LTVS to construct the final QC acceptance criteria for 
    Method 1613 being promulgated today. EPA wishes to publicly thank the 
    laboratories that participated in the study, particularly those that 
    took the time to submit additional data and suggestions for improvement 
    of Method 1613.
        (b) Data from the Pulp and Paper Long-term Variability Study. Data 
    gathering in the LTVS is described in detail in Section 7.5.2 of the 
    Technical Support Document for the rule proposed for the Pulp, Paper, 
    and Paperboard category (58 FR 66078). The procedures for validation of 
    these data were developed in discussions between EPA and 
    representatives of the paper industry. These validation procedures 
    included detailed examination of all QC data associated with each field 
    sample result. Specifically, the QC data were used to determine if the 
    field sample results should be included in or excluded from the LTVS 
    database that was used during development of the proposed pulp and 
    paper industry effluent limitations guidelines and standards. Both the 
    QC and the field sample data were maintained by EPA in a separate 
    database intended for method development purposes. This included QC 
    data for Method 1613, which were used to develop the final QC 
    acceptance criteria in the version of the Method being promulgated 
    today. The statistical procedures used to develop these final 
    acceptance criteria are summarized below.
        (c) Statistical Analysis. QC limits were calculated by constructing 
    statistical prediction intervals for future observations of a quantity 
    of interest using statistical estimates from data from the IMVS and 
    LTVS. The statistical methods used are the same as those used to 
    develop QC limits for EPA Method 1625 (49 FR 43234).
        In other EPA method validation studies, compound-specific 
    performance specifications usually have been determined at individual 
    test levels with a probability of 0.05 (i.e., based on 95 percent 
    confidence limits for a single future observation). Using such 
    specifications, each compound measured would have a five percent chance 
    of falling outside its QC limit. Because of the large number of 
    compounds simultaneously tested in the quality control tests for Method 
    1613, it would be extremely likely that one or more criteria on each 
    test would be failed simply by random chance if the tests were all 
    performed at individual test levels of p = .05. It was deemed 
    desirable, instead, to specify test limits such that the global test 
    level (i.e., the chance of failing on any one or more of the CDDs/CDFs 
    out of the whole list) was held to five percent. This was done by 
    adjusting the significance level used on each compound such that the 
    overall Type I error rate would be 0.05 for each test situation. 
    Details of the binomial calculations for these considerations are given 
    in appendix A to the 1613 Report.
        QC acceptance criteria were developed for tests of calibration 
    linearity, calibration verification (VER), precision of relative 
    retention time (RRT), IPR, ongoing precision and recovery (OPR), and 
    labeled compound recovery in field samples and blanks.
        Separate QC acceptance criteria were developed for the instances in 
    which 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) and 2,3,7,8-
    tetrachlorodibenzofuran (TCDF) are determined independently of the 
    other CDDs/CDFs. The purpose of creating these separate criteria is to 
    support those regulations, such as drinking water rules and the 
    proposed rule for the Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard category, in which 
    only TCDD and/or TCDF are regulated.
    2. Procedures for Fish and Other Tissues
        Procedures for the homogenization, preparation, extraction, and 
    cleanup of fish and other tissues have been included in the revision of 
    Method 1613 being promulgated today to increase the applicability of 
    Method 1613 to these sample matrices. EPA is including these tissue 
    extraction procedures based on tissue sample data gathered by EPA's 
    Duluth laboratory, Dow Chemical Company, and commercial laboratories 
    performing tests for EPA and other entities. See the docket for today's 
    rule for references 21 through 28 cited in section 22.0 of Method 1613.
        (a) Extraction Procedures. Two extraction procedures are in common 
    use for the extraction of the CDDs/CDFs from tissue: Dehydration and 
    Soxhlet Extraction, and Hydrochloric Acid Digestion and Extraction. 
    Both of these procedures have been incorporated into the version of 
    Method 1613 that is being promulgated today.
    (i) Dehydration and Soxhlet Extraction
        In this procedure, a 10-gram aliquot of homogenized tissue is mixed 
    with powdered, anhydrous sodium sulfate and allowed to stand for 12-24 
    hours so that the sodium sulfate can adsorb most of the moisture in the 
    tissue. After re-mixing, the tissue is placed in a Soxhlet extractor 
    and extracted for 18-24 hours with methylene chloride:hexane (1:1). The 
    organic extract containing the CDDs/CDFs and lipids is evaporated to 
    dryness, and the lipid content of the residue is determined. The 
    residue is dissolved in hexane and subjected to one of the two bulk 
    lipid removal procedures associated with the Soxhlet extraction that 
    are described below.
    (ii) Hydrochloric Acid Digestion and Extraction
        In this procedure, a 10-gram aliquot of homogenized tissue is 
    digested with hydrochloric acid and simultaneously extracted with 
    methylene chloride:hexane (1:1) in a glass bottle. The organic extract 
    containing the CDDs/CDFs and lipids is decanted and evaporated to 
    dryness, and the lipid content of the residue is determined. The 
    residue is dissolved in hexane, and lipids are removed using the 
    sulfuric acid back-extraction procedure described below.
        (b) Bulk Lipid Removal Procedures for Soxhlet Extracts. Two 
    procedures are in common use for removal of lipids from extracts 
    produced by the Soxhlet extraction procedure. Both of these procedures 
    have been incorporated into the version of Method 1613 that is being 
    promulgated today.
    (i) Anthropogenic Isolation Column
        This column contains, in order from bottom to top, neutral silica 
    gel, potassium silicate, anhydrous sodium sulfate, acid silica gel, and 
    anhydrous sodium sulfate. The column is pre-eluted with hexane, and the 
    extract from the Soxhlet extraction is placed on the column and eluted 
    with 200 mL of hexane. Fats, lipids, and other materials are retained 
    on the column while the CDDs/CDFs elute in the hexane.
    (ii) Acidified Silica Gel
        In this bulk cleanup procedure, 30-100 grams of acidified silica 
    gel are stirred for 2-3 hours with the extract from the Soxhlet 
    extraction. After stirring, the solution is filtered to remove the 
    silica gel. Fats, lipids, and other materials are retained on the 
    [[Page 48398]]
    gel while the CDDs/CDFs remain in solution in the hexane.
        (c) Sulfuric Acid Back-extraction for HCl-digested Extracts. In 
    this cleanup procedure, the re-dissolved residue from the hydrochloric 
    acid digestion is back-extracted with concentrated sulfuric acid for a 
    maximum exposure time of 45 seconds. The sulfuric acid severs the bonds 
    in the lipidic material during this period but there is insufficient 
    contact time for the acid to attack the CDDs/CDFs. After back-
    extraction with sulfuric acid, the extract is further back-extracted 
    with potassium hydroxide solution to remove residual lipidic material 
    and to neutralize any residual acid that may be present.
        (d) Further Cleanup of Tissue Extracts. After each of the 
    procedures for extraction and bulk cleanup described above, the extract 
    is further cleaned up using any or all of the cleanup procedures in 
    Method 1613. For further cleanup of tissues (and for general use), a 
    Florisil cleanup procedure has been added to the revision 
    of Method 1613 being promulgated today. The Florisil 
    cleanup is intended primarily for removal of chlorodiphenylethers, a 
    common contaminant in tissues. Though Florisil is a trade 
    name for a specific adsorbent, EPA does not endorse any specific 
    product or manufacturer; equivalent products may be substituted.
        After cleanup, the extract is reconcentrated, internal standards 
    are added, and an aliquot is injected into the HRGC/HRMS, as in the 
    proposed version of Method 1613.
    3. Solid-phase Extraction of Aqueous Samples
        An optional solid-phase extraction (SPE) procedure has been added 
    to the revision of Method 1613 being promulgated today. This SPE 
    procedure allows laboratories to minimize solvent usage and is 
    therefore consistent with EPA's objectives for source reduction of 
    pollutants and pollution prevention. The SPE procedure is for use with 
    water samples containing less than one percent suspended solids and is 
    therefore applicable to drinking water, river water, ocean water, and 
    relatively clean wastewaters.
        In this optional SPE procedure, an SPE disk is placed on a fritted 
    glass disk on top of a vacuum flask. A glass-fiber filter is placed on 
    top of the SPE disk, and a glass container is placed on top of the 
    stack of disks. The assembly is clamped to prevent leakage.
        Particles in a 1-L aqueous sample are allowed to settle. The disk 
    is wetted with organic solvents and water, and is kept wet during the 
    extraction. The aqueous sample is poured through the disks. Vacuum is 
    used to increase the flow rate of sample through the disks, if desired. 
    The particles remaining in the bottle are poured in last to minimize 
    plugging of the disks. The sample bottle is rinsed and the rinsate is 
    added to the container on top of the disks.
        After all of the sample has been processed through the disks, the 
    disks are extracted using the SDS procedures given in Method 1613 and 
    described at proposal (56 FR 5094).
    4. Sample Preservation and Holding Times
        Dechlorination, pH reduction below pH=9, and refrigeration or 
    freezing (depending on the sample matrix) are the only techniques 
    required to stabilize the CDDs/CDFs against degradation during storage.
        There are no demonstrated maximum holding times associated with 
    CDDs/CDFs in aqueous, solid, semi-solid, tissue, or other sample 
    matrices. If stored in the dark at 0-4 deg.C and preserved as described 
    above, aqueous samples may be stored for up to one year. Similarly, if 
    stored in the dark at <-10 deg.c,="" solid,="" semi-solid,="" and="" tissue="" samples="" may="" be="" stored="" for="" up="" to="" one="" year.="" sample="" extracts="" are="" stored="" in="" the="" dark="" at=""><-10 deg.c="" until="" analyzed.="" if="" stored="" in="" the="" dark="" at=""><-10 deg.c,="" sample="" extracts="" may="" be="" stored="" for="" up="" to="" one="" year.="" the="" version="" of="" method="" 1613="" that="" is="" being="" promulgated="" today="" reflects="" these="" findings.="" in="" addition,="" today's="" rule="" revises="" table="" ii="" of="" 40="" cfr="" part="" 136="" to="" reflect="" the="" changes="" in="" sample="" preservation="" and="" holding="" times="" in="" method="" 1613="" being="" promulgated="" today.="" 5.="" other="" improvements="" other="" significant="" improvements="" include:="" addition="" of="" an="" optional="" rotary="" evaporation="" procedure="" for="" concentration="" of="" extracts;="" simplification="" of="" test="" solutions="" for="" demonstration="" of="" isomer-specific="" separation="" of="" 2,3,7,8-tcdd="" and="" 2,3,7,8-tcdf;="" and="" the="" addition="" of="" flow="" charts="" to="" illustrate="" procedures="" for="" aqueous,="" solid,="" tissue,="" and="" multi-="" phase="" samples.="" with="" the="" improvements="" described="" above,="" epa="" believes="" that="" the="" flexibility="" within="" method="" 1613="" has="" been="" increased="" and="" the="" costs="" of="" performing="" analyses="" using="" method="" 1613="" have="" potentially="" been="" reduced,="" thereby="" resulting="" in="" an="" overall="" benefit="" to="" the="" regulated="" and="" analytical="" communities.="" c.="" method="" detection="" limit="" (mdl)="" studies="" at="" the="" time="" of="" proposal,="" epa="" had="" conducted="" an="" initial="" ``method="" detection="" limit''="" (mdl)="" study="" and="" determined="" that="" method="" 1613="" could="" achieve="" an="" mdl="" of="" 5.6="" ppq="" for="" 2,3,7,8-tcdd.="" epa="" used="" this="" mdl="" to="" support="" a="" minimum="" level="" (ml)="" of="" 10="" ppq="" in="" method="" 1613.="" in="" section="" iv,="" ``public="" participation="" and="" response="" to="" comments,''="" in="" this="" preamble,="" epa="" responds="" to="" comments="" about="" this="" initial="" mdl="" study.="" since="" proposal,="" epa="" has="" conducted="" four="" additional="" mdl="" studies="" to="" confirm="" the="" mdl="" for="" 2,3,7,8-tcdd="" (tcdd)="" and="" to="" measure="" mdls="" and="" confirm="" mls="" for="" the="" other="" cdds/cdfs.="" the="" four="" studies="" were="" conducted="" in="" reagent="" water="" and="" in="" final="" effluent="" and="" bleach="" plant="" effluent="" from="" a="" pulp="" and="" paper="" industry="" facility.="" the="" studies="" of="" reagent="" water="" resulted="" in="" mdls="" of="" 5.1="" and="" 1.0="" ppq="" for="" tcdd="" and="" mdls="" for="" the="" other="" cdds/cdfs="" that="" are="" consistent="" with="" the="" mls="" in="" method="" 1613.="" for="" the="" final="" effluent,="" the="" mdl="" for="" tcdd="" was="" 4.2="" ppq="" and="" the="" mdls="" for="" the="" other="" cdds/cdfs="" were="" consistent="" with="" the="" mls="" in="" method="" 1613,="" except="" for="" one="" hexachloro-="" dioxin,="" one="" heptachlorofuran,="" heptachlorodioxin,="" and="" ocdd,="" which="" were="" higher="" than="" expected.="" for="" the="" bleach="" plant="" effluent,="" the="" mdls="" were="" consistent="" with="" the="" mls="" in="" method="" 1613="" except="" for="" 2,3,7,8-tcdd="" and="" 2,3,7,8-tcdf,="" which="" did="" not="" meet="" the="" mdl="" procedure="" criteria="" because="" of="" high="" background="" concentrations="" of="" these="" compounds="" in="" the="" sample.="" the="" results="" of="" the="" four="" mdl="" studies="" are="" included="" in="" the="" docket="" for="" this="" final="" rule.="" collectively,="" the="" four="" mdl="" studies="" demonstrate="" that="" the="" mdls="" and="" mls="" for="" the="" cdds/cdfs="" can="" be="" attained="" in="" reagent="" water="" and="" in="" wastewaters="" from="" a="" pulp="" and="" paper="" industry="" facility.="" iv.="" public="" participation="" and="" response="" to="" comments="" condensed="" significant="" comments="" and="" responses="" are="" presented="" below.="" the="" full="" text="" of="" summarized="" comments="" and="" responses="" are="" contained="" in="" the="" docket="" in="" the="" document="" titled="" ``detailed="" responses="" to="" comments="" on="" proposal="" of="" method="" 1613.''="" comments="" and="" responses="" are="" presented="" by="" the="" following="" subject="" areas:="" a.="" duplication="" of="" methods="" b.="" method="" flexibility="" c.="" feasibility--instrumentation="" and="" cost="" issues="" 1.="" waste="" 2.="" instrumentation="" d.="" insufficient="" validation--general="" comments="" e.="" insufficient="" validation="" of="" the="" matrices="" specified="" in="" the="" federal="" register="" notice="" f.="" interlaboratory="" study="" g.="" method="" detection="" limit="" studies="" h.="" detection/quantitation="" levels="" i.="" quality="" assurance/quality="" control="" j.="" miscellaneous="" k.="" technical="" comments="" [[page="" 48399]]="" a.="" duplication="" of="" methods="" comment:="" proposed="" method="" 1613="" and="" office="" of="" solid="" waste="" sw-846="" method="" 8290="" are="" significantly="" different.="" another="" commenter="" stated="" that="" methods="" 1613="" and="" 8290="" are="" similar="" and="" that="" the="" efforts="" by="" ow="" and="" osw="" are="" duplicative.="" response:="" epa="" agrees="" that="" the="" two="" methods="" are="" different="" in="" exact="" technical="" detail,="" but="" asserts="" that="" the="" principle="" of="" the="" two="" methods="" is="" the="" same.="" epa="" is="" in="" the="" process="" of="" consolidating="" methods="" for="" dioxin="" measurement="" in="" air,="" water,="" and="" solid="" waste.="" however,="" the="" agency's="" intention="" for="" such="" a="" merger="" for="" all="" of="" these="" matrices="" should="" not="" preclude="" prompt="" development="" and="" promulgation="" of="" this="" method="" for="" the="" water="" matrix.="" method="" 1613="" is="" a="" test="" method="" specifically="" designed="" to="" support="" revisions="" of="" the="" effluent="" guidelines="" for="" the="" pulp,="" paper,="" and="" paperboard="" category="" under="" the="" cwa.="" epa="" used="" method="" 1613="" in="" the="" development="" of="" those="" regulations,="" specifically="" for="" the="" water="" matrix.="" therefore,="" epa="" is="" promulgating="" method="" 1613="" for="" evaluation="" of="" matrices="" regulated="" under="" the="" cwa,="" notwithstanding="" any="" technical="" differences="" in="" the="" method="" used="" to="" evaluate="" matrices="" evaluated="" under="" the="" resource="" conservation="" and="" recovery="" act.="" epa="" also="" notes="" that="" today's="" action="" does="" not="" promulgate="" a="" test="" method="" for="" measurement="" of="" dioxin="" in="" sewage="" sludge,="" even="" though="" the="" agency="" used="" method="" 1613="" to="" measure="" dioxin="" concentrations="" in="" the="" ``national="" sewage="" sludge="" survey.''="" in="" the="" future,="" epa="" intends="" to="" propose="" and="" invite="" comment="" on="" the="" use="" of="" method="" 1613="" (or="" the="" consolidated="" multi-matrix="" method)="" for="" the="" measurement="" of="" dioxin="" in="" sewage="" sludge.="" b.="" method="" flexibility="" comment:="" flexibility="" in="" sample="" preparation="" and="" tailoring="" of="" the="" procedure="" to="" the="" matrix="" type="" are="" desirable,="" but="" allowing="" the="" analyst="" the="" flexibility="" to="" modify="" the="" method="" may="" adversely="" affect="" method="" performance="" on="" real-world="" samples.="" response:="" flexibility="" is="" permitted="" only="" in="" discretionary="" elements="" of="" the="" test="" procedures="" indicated="" by="" use="" of="" the="" terms="" ``may''="" and="" ``can.''="" all="" data="" generated="" must="" meet="" all="" performance="" criteria="" (quality="" control="" acceptance="" criteria)="" in="" the="" method.="" applicability="" of="" the="" qc="" performance="" criteria="" will="" preclude="" adverse="" effects="" of="" any="" modifications="" allowable="" under="" the="" flexibility="" in="" the="" method.="" c.="" feasibility--instrumentation="" and="" cost="" issues="" 1.="" waste="" comment:="" substantial="" volumes="" of="" cdd/cdf-contaminated="" lab="" wastes="" will="" be="" created="" that="" cannot="" be="" disposed="" of="" or="" treated.="" the="" use="" of="" isotope="" dilution="" instead="" of="" external="" standard="" techniques="" will="" result="" in="" the="" generation="" of="" more="" hazardous="" waste="" because="" each="" sample="" is="" spiked="" with="" labeled="" analogs.="" response:="" any="" analytical="" method="" that="" employs="" analytical="" standards="" for="" calibration="" and="" quality="" control="" (qc)="" purposes="" will="" generate="" a="" certain="" amount="" of="" laboratory="" waste.="" epa="" believes="" that="" there="" are="" environmental="" benefits="" associated="" with="" using="" isotope="" dilution="" techniques,="" namely="" better="" monitoring="" and="" regulation="" of="" cdds/cdfs="" at="" very="" low="" levels.="" these="" benefits="" outweigh="" any="" possible="" disadvantage="" of="" creating="" relatively="" small="" amounts="" of="" laboratory="" waste.="" 2.="" instrumentation="" comment:="" high="" resolution="" mass="" spectrometer="" (hrms)="" instruments="" are="" expensive="" and="" there="" are="" no="" u.s.="" manufacturers.="" response:="" hrms="" instrumentation="" represents="" state-of-the-art="" technology="" that="" allows="" detection="" of="" cdd/cdf="" compounds="" at="" far="" lower="" levels="" in="" less="" time="" and="" with="" greater="" certainty="" than="" lrms="" instrumentation="" and="" is="" therefore="" worth="" the="" added="" cost.="" currently,="" there="" are="" several="" u.s.="" manufacturers="" of="" hrms="" instruments.="" moreover,="" method="" 1613="" will="" not="" be="" the="" only="" applicable="" method="" for="" dioxin="" in="" all="" instances;="" approval="" of="" method="" 613="" is="" not="" being="" withdrawn="" by="" today's="" action.="" comment:="" method="" 1613="" is="" not="" very="" practical="" since="" it="" requires="" at="" least="" two="" separate="" analytical="" runs="" on="" two="" different="" gc="" columns,="" resulting="" in="" considerable="" instrument="" down-time="" to="" switch="" columns="" and="" data="" collection="" criteria.="" response:="" epa="" disagrees="" with="" the="" commenters'="" conclusion="" that="" the="" separate="" analytical="" runs="" will="" be="" required="" in="" all="" circumstances.="" the="" use="" of="" a="" second="" gc="" column="" is="" routinely="" used="" in="" many="" analytical="" laboratories="" for="" confirmatory="" purposes.="" an="" analytical="" run="" on="" the="" second="" column="" is="" not="" required="" unless="" 2,3,7,8-tcdf="" is="" found="" or="" if="" ambiguities="" exist="" about="" the="" identification="" of="" other="" cdd/cdf="" congeners="" on="" the="" first="" column.="" comment:="" the="" soxhlet/dean-stark="" (sds)="" extraction="" procedure="" for="" solids="" has="" only="" been="" tested="" to="" a="" limited="" extent="" on="" one="" municipal="" sludge.="" response:="" since="" proposal="" of="" method="" 1613,="" epa,="" ncasi,="" and="" others="" have="" extracted="" many="" samples="" using="" the="" sds="" technique.="" although="" some="" data="" show="" that="" some="" of="" the="" higher="" isomers="" and="" congeners="" of="" dioxin="" may="" not="" be="" extracted="" as="" efficiently="" with="" the="" sds="" techique="" as="" with="" other="" extraction="" techniques,="" epa="" has="" not="" yet="" confirmed="" these="" results.="" the="" originators="" of="" the="" application="" of="" the="" sds="" technique="" at="" the="" dow="" chemical="" company="" tested="" the="" technique="" on="" many="" samples="" prior="" to="" the="" time="" that="" epa="" adopted="" the="" technique="" and="" showed="" that="" the="" technique="" was="" able="" to="" extract="" certain="" cdds/cdfs="" from="" samples="" believed="" to="" contain="" non-detectable="" levels="" of="" these="" compounds.="" in="" one="" of="" the="" single-laboratory="" tests,="" epa="" confirmed="" dow's="" findings="" that="" certain="" isomers/congeners="" were="" extracted="" more="" efficiently="" with="" the="" sds="" procedure="" than="" with="" the="" soxhlet="" extractor.="" epa="" reported="" the="" results="" of="" its="" sds="" extraction="" study="" in="" its="" proposal="" of="" method="" 1613="" (56="" fr="" 5094).="" epa="" therefore="" believes="" that="" the="" sds="" extractor="" represents="" the="" best="" available="" technique="" for="" a="" diversity="" of="" sample="" matrices.="" most="" importantly,="" however,="" by="" today's="" rulemaking,="" epa="" is="" not="" promulgating="" a="" test="" procedure="" for="" measurement="" of="" solid="" matrix="" samples,="" only="" waste="" water="" samples.="" comment:="" the="" procedures="" proposed="" for="" extraction="" of="" solids="" are="" inappropriate="" for="" use="" on="" process="" pulps,="" dried="" pulps,="" or="" fiber-="" containing="" sludges.="" response:="" epa="" is="" aware="" that="" dried="" pulp="" and="" similar="" samples="" present="" a="" formidable="" extraction="" problem.="" pulp="" swells="" when="" wet,="" allowing="" exchange="" of="" the="" extraction="" solvent="" with="" the="" water="" in="" the="" interstices="" of="" the="" pulp.="" low="" molecular="" weight="" alcohols="" also="" seem="" to="" swell="" the="" pulp="" fibers="" and="" are="" an="" alternative="" to="" the="" use="" of="" nonpolar="" solvents="" for="" the="" extraction="" of="" cdds/cdfs="" from="" dry="" pulp.="" epa="" believes="" that="" if="" the="" dry="" pulp="" or="" similar="" material="" is="" completely="" swollen="" in="" reagent="" water,="" however,="" the="" sds="" extractor="" will="" reliably="" extract="" cdds/cdfs="" from="" this="" matrix.="" epa="" has="" included="" instructions="" for="" dealing="" with="" dried="" pulp="" and="" similar="" materials="" in="" the="" version="" of="" method="" 1613="" being="" promulgated="" today.="" d.="" insufficient="" validation--general="" comments="" comment:="" epa="" is="" premature="" in="" proposing="" method="" 1613="" under="" section="" 304(h)="" of="" cwa="" since="" it="" was="" not="" completely="" and="" thoroughly="" subjected="" to="" intra-="" and="" interlaboratory="" testing="" according="" to="" accepted="" scientific="" standards.="" response:="" prior="" to="" proposal="" of="" epa="" method="" 1613,="" epa="" had="" completed="" a="" single-laboratory="" validation="" of="" the="" sds="" extraction="" technique="" in="" municipal="" sewage="" sludge="" and="" a="" single-laboratory="" method="" detection="" limit="" (mdl)="" study.="" [[page="" 48400]]="" since="" proposal,="" epa="" has="" completed="" a="" total="" of="" four="" additional="" mdl="" studies="" and="" the="" imvs="" described="" in="" this="" preamble="" and="" in="" greater="" detail="" in="" the="" 1613="" report="" that="" is="" included="" in="" the="" docket="" for="" today's="" rule.="" the="" four="" additional="" mdl="" studies="" were="" performed="" in="" reagent="" water="" and="" in="" bleach="" plant="" effluent="" and="" final="" effluent="" from="" a="" pulp="" and="" paper="" industry="" facility.="" epa="" conducted="" the="" international="" imvs="" with="" the="" express="" purpose="" of="" further="" characterizing="" method="" 1613="" and="" developing="" qc="" acceptance="" criteria.="" epa="" believes="" that="" the="" results="" of="" these="" studies="" provide="" more="" than="" sufficient="" validation="" to="" confirm="" that="" method="" 1613="" is="" suitable="" for="" use="" as="" a="" test="" procedure="" in="" accordance="" with="" the="" requirements="" of="" the="" clean="" water="" act.="" these="" data="" confirmed="" epa's="" conclusions="" about="" achievable="" mdls,="" which="" were="" based="" on="" intralaboratory="" validation="" studies.="" therefore,="" epa="" does="" not="" believe="" it="" is="" premature="" to="" promulgate="" method="" 1613="" at="" this="" time="" because="" the="" interlaboratory="" validation="" data="" merely="" confirms="" epa's="" earlier="" conclusions.="" comment:="" epa="" has="" failed="" to="" publish="" performance="" information="" for="" method="" 1613,="" whereas="" such="" performance="" information="" has="" been="" published="" for="" the="" organic="" methods="" already="" incorporated="" into="" 40="" cfr="" part="" 136,="" appendix="" a.="" this="" commenter="" urges="" epa="" to="" include="" interlaboratory="" and="" intralaboratory="" performance="" data="" in="" any="" final="" rule="" it="" publishes="" for="" method="" 1613.="" response:="" epa="" has="" included="" performance="" information="" in="" the="" 1613="" report="" and="" in="" the="" results="" of="" the="" mdl="" studies="" conducted="" between="" proposal="" and="" this="" promulgation.="" these="" performance="" data="" are="" included="" in="" the="" docket="" that="" supports="" today's="" final="" rule.="" e.="" insufficient="" validation="" of="" the="" matrices="" specified="" in="" the="" federal="" register="" document="" comment:="" there="" has="" been="" insufficient="" intralaboratory="" testing="" and="" validation="" using="" the="" sample="" matrices="" for="" which="" epa="" claims="" applicability="" for="" method="" 1613.="" response:="" epa="" has="" collected="" single-laboratory="" data="" on="" several="" matrices,="" including="" reagent="" water,="" treated="" and="" untreated="" wastewater,="" paper="" pulp,="" sludge,="" soil,="" and="" fish="" tissue,="" but="" has="" not="" undertaken="" complete="" intra-="" and="" interlaboratory="" validation="" of="" each="" matrix.="" epa="" will="" perform="" intra-="" and="" interlaboratory="" validations="" of="" method="" 1613="" and="" other="" methods="" on="" those="" matrices="" for="" which="" the="" agency="" believes="" that="" such="" validation="" is="" necessary="" and="" appropriate.="" however,="" epa="" believes="" that="" it="" is="" unnecessary="" to="" perform="" extensive="" validation="" studies="" of="" method="" 1613="" or="" any="" other="" method="" on="" every="" sample="" matrix="" to="" which="" the="" method="" is="" to="" be="" applied.="" for="" example,="" epa="" regulates="" more="" than="" 600="" subcategories="" of="" wastewater="" discharge.="" epa="" believes="" that="" interlaboratory="" validation="" of="" method="" 1613="" on="" each="" discharge="" not="" only="" would="" be="" costly="" and="" impose="" an="" enormous="" administrative="" burden,="" but="" would="" not="" be="" likely="" to="" yield="" any="" more="" improvements="" in="" the="" method="" than="" would="" be="" gained="" by="" single-="" laboratory="" tests="" on="" a="" few="" such="" representative="" discharges,="" particularly="" for="" aqueous="" samples="" from="" every="" conceivable="" type="" of="" industrial="" facility.="" most="" importantly,="" however,="" though="" epa="" believes="" that="" method="" 1613="" is="" adequate="" and="" applicable="" for="" the="" measurement="" of="" solid="" matrices,="" such="" as="" sewage="" sludge="" and="" fish="" tissue,="" today's="" action="" does="" not="" promulgate="" a="" method="" for="" measurement="" of="" those="" solid="" matrices.="" in="" the="" future,="" epa="" does="" intend="" to="" propose="" and="" invite="" public="" comment="" on="" use="" of="" method="" 1613="" for="" measurement="" of="" dioxin="" in="" sewage="" sludge.="" f.="" interlaboratory="" study="" comment:="" several="" commenters="" stated="" that="" epa="" had="" not="" completed="" its="" interlaboratory="" study="" at="" time="" of="" proposal="" and="" that="" epa="" is="" premature="" in="" proposing="" method="" 1613="" without="" validating="" it="" first.="" response:="" the="" international="" imvs="" has="" been="" completed="" and="" data="" from="" the="" study="" were="" combined="" with="" data="" from="" the="" pulp="" and="" paper="" ltvs="" to="" produce="" the="" final="" qc="" acceptance="" criteria="" in="" method="" 1613="" being="" promulgated="" today.="" comment:="" the="" use="" of="" extracts="" rather="" than="" real-world="" mill="" effluents="" in="" the="" interlaboratory="" study="" will="" not="" provide="" the="" necessary="" validation="" of="" method="" 1613.="" response:="" epa="" used="" extracts="" of="" real-world="" samples="" because="" the="" agency="" felt="" that="" domestic="" and="" international="" shipment="" of="" large="" volumes="" of="" dioxin-containing="" water="" would="" create="" too="" great="" a="" risk="" to="" human="" health="" and="" the="" environment.="" the="" agency="" also="" felt="" that="" it="" would="" be="" too="" difficult="" to="" produce="" a="" homogeneous="" mixture="" of="" cdds/cdfs="" in="" such="" large="" water="" volumes.="" g.="" method="" detection="" limit="" studies="" comment:="" the="" mdls="" in="" method="" 1613="" have="" not="" been="" demonstrated="" and="" it="" is="" not="" possible="" for="" even="" the="" best="" laboratories="" to="" attain="" the="" mdl="" developed="" by="" epa.="" the="" 5="" ppq="" mdl="" for="" 2,3,7,8-tcdd="" in="" method="" 1613="" was="" calculated="" from="" a="" single-shot="" experiment="" that="" was="" not="" conducted="" properly="" and="" does="" not="" represent="" a="" real-world="" estimate="" of="" the="" mdl="" because="" it="" was="" not="" conducted="" in="" pulp="" and="" paper="" industry="" wastewater.="" response:="" epa="" disagrees.="" epa="" had="" demonstrated="" an="" mdl="" of="" 5="" ppq="" using="" method="" 1613,="" as="" described="" at="" proposal.="" epa="" conducted="" the="" iterative="" mdl="" procedure="" according="" to="" the="" procedures="" specified="" in="" 40="" cfr="" part="" 136="" appendix="" b.="" since="" proposal,="" epa="" has="" conducted="" a="" total="" of="" four="" additional="" mdl="" studies="" in="" reagent="" water="" and="" in="" in-process="" and="" final="" effluents="" from="" the="" pulp="" and="" paper="" industry.="" the="" results="" of="" these="" mdl="" studies="" confirm="" results="" from="" the="" reagent="" water="" mdl="" study="" described="" in="" the="" method="" proposal.="" h.="" detection/quantitation="" levels="" comment:="" method="" 1613="" will="" not="" ensure,="" or="" even="" come="" close="" to="" ensuring,="" that="" dioxin="" concentrations="" at="" or="" below="" epa's="" water="" quality="" criterion="" will="" be="" achieved.="" the="" proposed="" method="" will="" not="" be="" capable="" of="" detecting="" effluent="" dioxin="" levels="" that="" exceed="" the="" in-stream="" water="" quality="" criterion,="" yet="" are="" less="" than="" 10="" ppq.="" response:="" epa="" agrees.="" epa's="" water="" quality="" criterion="" for="" 2,3,7,8-="" tcdd="" is="" 13="" parts="" per="" quintillion="" (ppqt),="" while="" the="" method="" 1613="" minimum="" level="" is="" 10="" ppq.="" method="" 1613="" is="" the="" product="" of="" an="" extensive="" method="" development="" effort="" to="" produce="" a="" method="" that="" utilizes="" state-of-the-art="" technology="" to="" reliably="" achieve="" the="" lowest="" level="" of="" detection="" possible="" with="" one-liter="" water="" samples.="" while="" method="" 1613="" is="" not="" capable="" of="" achieving="" the="" water="" quality="" criterion="" of="" 13="" ppqt,="" it="" is="" at="" least="" 200="" times="" more="" sensitive="" than="" the="" only="" currently="" approved="" 304(h)="" dioxin="" method,="" method="" 613.="" epa="" will="" continue="" to="" explore="" new="" measurement="" techniques="" to="" develop="" methods="" that="" yield="" mdls="" that="" will="" allow="" determination="" of="" 2,3,7,8-tcdd="" at="" the="" ambient="" criteria="" level.="" in="" the="" meantime,="" however,="" epa="" must="" regulate="" effluent="" discharges="" at="" levels="" lower="" than="" those="" in="" method="" 613,="" and="" therefore="" must="" move="" forward="" with="" promulgation="" of="" method="" 1613="" for="" such="" purposes.="" comment:="" the="" term="" ``minimum="" level''="" (ml)="" as="" defined="" in="" the="" proposed="" rule="" is="" inconsistent="" with="" previous="" epa="" definitions="" of="" ml.="" epa="" equates="" the="" ml="" with="" the="" american="" chemical="" society's="" limit="" of="" quantitation="" (loq),="" which="" is="" different="" from="" other="" epa="" documents="" in="" which="" epa="" appears="" to="" equate="" the="" ml="" to="" a="" limit="" of="" detection="" not="" a="" limit="" of="" quantitation.="" epa="" also="" stated="" that="" the="" ml="" is="" to="" be="" calculated="" based="" on="" interlaboratory="" analyses="" of="" the="" analyte="" in="" the="" matrix="" of="" concern.="" epa="" should="" develop="" scientifically="" sound="" conventions="" for="" limits="" of="" detection="" and="" quantitation,="" allow="" public="" review="" and="" comment,="" and="" apply="" those="" limits="" consistently="" to="" avoid="" confusion="" in="" the="" interpretation="" of="" test="" data.="" response:="" epa="" believes="" that="" the="" definitions="" of="" the="" ml="" in="" methods="" are="" [[page="" 48401]]="" consistent.="" epa="" agrees,="" however,="" that="" there="" is="" a="" need="" for="" greater="" consensus="" on="" the="" definition="" of="" terms="" among="" methods="" from="" all="" epa="" offices="" and="" federal="" and="" state="" analytical="" programs.="" epa="" is="" currently="" addressing="" these="" issues="" through="" internal="" communications="" and="" meetings="" with="" stakeholders.="" the="" mls="" for="" method="" 1613="" have="" been="" verified="" in="" every="" laboratory="" that="" uses="" the="" method="" by="" requiring="" calibration="" at="" the="" ml.="" mls="" can="" be="" verified="" by="" single="" laboratory="" studies="" or="" by="" use="" since="" laboratories="" must="" calibrate="" at="" the="" ml.="" epa="" will="" continue="" to="" examine="" the="" issues="" of="" detection="" and="" quantitation="" and="" will="" involve="" the="" public="" on="" these="" issues="" when="" an="" improved="" concept="" is="" developed.="" i.="" quality="" assurance/quality="" control="" (qa/qc)="" comment:="" the="" instrument="" calibration="" procedure="" outlined="" in="" method="" 1613="" is="" much="" more="" involved="" than="" procedures="" for="" the="" 600="" series="" methods.="" it="" would="" be="" extremely="" difficult="" to="" meet="" the="" 12-hour="" calibration="" requirements="" after="" running="" a="" few="" ``dirty''="" samples.="" response:="" epa="" agrees="" that="" the="" calibration="" procedure="" in="" method="" 1613="" may="" be="" somewhat="" more="" complicated="" than="" the="" procedures="" in="" the="" 600="" series="" methods.="" however,="" the="" calibration="" procedure="" in="" method="" 1613="" is="" virtually="" identical="" to="" the="" procedures="" in="" method="" 1624="" and="" 1625,="" the="" isotope="" dilution="" variants="" of="" methods="" 624="" and="" 625.="" as="" to="" the="" statement="" that="" it="" would="" be="" extremely="" difficult="" to="" meet="" the="" 12-hour="" calibration="" requirements="" after="" running="" a="" few="" dirty="" samples,="" laboratories="" under="" contract="" to="" epa="" have="" not="" reported="" that="" verifying="" calibration="" is="" a="" problem.="" these="" laboratories="" have="" analyzed="" in="" excess="" of="" 1,000="" samples="" for="" epa="" using="" method="" 1613.="" comment:="" no="" other="" method="" in="" 40="" cfr="" part="" 136="" has="" a="" requirement="" for="" initial="" demonstration="" of="" laboratory="" capability="" (iprs,="" section="" 8.2="" of="" method="" 1613)="" and="" method="" 1613="" should="" not="" either.="" the="" existing="" methods="" approved="" for="" measurement="" under="" the="" cwa="" and="" the="" sdwa="" already="" require="" determination="" of="" mdls="" in="" accordance="" with="" 40="" cfr="" part="" 136,="" which="" should="" be="" sufficient="" for="" method="" 1613.="" response:="" the="" use="" of="" ipr="" analyses,="" which="" are="" also="" referred="" to="" as="" the="" start-up="" test,="" are="" not="" new="" requirements="" in="" cwa="" and="" sdwa="" methods.="" all="" 600="" and="" 1600="" series="" methods="" promulgated="" at="" 40="" cfr="" part="" 136="" appendix="" a="" include="" a="" requirement="" for="" demonstration="" of="" analyst/laboratory="" capability.="" these="" ipr="" tests="" are="" not="" equivalent="" to="" mdl="" determinations,="" nor="" are="" they="" intended="" to="" be.="" although="" many="" of="" the="" cwa="" and="" sdwa="" methods="" specify="" mdls,="" few="" require="" determination="" of="" these="" mdls="" as="" proofs="" of="" performance.="" comment:="" method="" 1613="" calls="" for="" instrument="" calibration="" to="" be="" verified="" at="" a="" high="" level,="" but="" calibration="" should="" be="" verified="" instead="" at="" the="" ml="" because="" of="" uncertainties="" at="" that="" level.="" response:="" epa="" disagrees="" that="" calibration="" should="" be="" verified="" at="" the="" ml.="" in="" method="" 1613,="" calibration="" is="" verified="" at="" the="" mid-point="" of="" the="" analytical="" range.="" this="" verification="" is="" common="" and="" accepted="" practice="" for="" analytical="" methods.="" comment:="" method="" 1613="" relies="" on="" the="" use="" of="" reagent="" water="" for="" tests="" to="" determine="" initial="" precision="" and="" recovery="" (ipr)="" and="" ongoing="" precision="" and="" recovery="" (opr).="" this="" practice="" is="" inappropriate="" for="" methods="" that="" must="" rely="" on="" extensive="" cleanup.="" response:="" epa="" disagrees="" that="" reagent="" water="" is="" inappropriate="" for="" use="" in="" the="" determination="" of="" ipr,="" opr,="" and="" other="" tests="" because="" the="" primary="" purpose="" of="" these="" tests="" is="" to="" demonstrate="" laboratory="" performance="" rather="" than="" performance="" on="" a="" sample="" matrix.="" in="" addition,="" method="" 1613="" requires="" that="" if="" the="" method="" is="" to="" be="" applied="" to="" a="" sample="" matrix="" other="" than="" water="" (e.g.,="" soil,="" filter="" cake,="" compost,="" tissue),="" the="" most="" appropriate="" alternate="" matrix="" is="" substituted="" for="" the="" reagent="" water="" matrix="" in="" these="" performance="" tests.="" alternate="" matrices="" are="" listed="" in="" section="" 7="" of="" method="" 1613.="" further,="" method="" 1613="" requires="" that="" all="" steps="" used="" for="" processing="" samples,="" including="" preparation,="" extraction,="" and="" cleanup,="" shall="" be="" included="" in="" the="" performance="" tests.="" this="" requirement="" assures="" that="" performance="" problems="" will="" be="" found="" prior="" to="" application="" of="" the="" method="" to="" analysis="" of="" an="" environmental="" sample.="" j.="" miscellaneous="" comment:="" for="" samples="" containing="" less="" than="" one="" percent="" solids,="" the="" sample="" preparation="" procedure="" in="" method="" 1613="" (which="" is="" designed="" for="" liquids="" and="" solids)="" could="" take="" twice="" as="" long="" as="" the="" method="" 613="" preparation="" procedure="" (which="" is="" designed="" for="" liquids="" only),="" and="" for="" samples="" with="" more="" than="" one="" percent="" solids,="" it="" could="" take="" 3-4="" times="" as="" long="" as="" the="" method="" 613="" preparation="" procedure.="" response:="" epa="" agrees="" that="" the="" sample="" preparation="" procedures="" in="" method="" 1613="" will="" be="" more="" time-consuming="" than="" those="" in="" method="" 613.="" since="" cdds/cdfs="" are="" known="" to="" be="" strongly="" associated="" with="" any="" particles="" in="" the="" sample,="" epa="" believes="" that="" the="" additional="" filtration="" and="" extraction="" steps="" are="" necessary="" to="" accurately="" measure="" cdds/cdfs="" in="" environmental="" samples="" at="" low="" concentrations.="" to="" reduce="" the="" time="" required="" for="" extraction="" of="" aqueous="" samples="" containing="" less="" than="" 1="" percent="" solids,="" and="" to="" reduce="" costs="" and="" the="" amount="" of="" solvent="" used="" in="" extraction="" in="" the="" interest="" of="" pollution="" prevention,="" epa="" has="" added="" a="" procedure="" for="" solid-phase="" extraction="" (spe)="" to="" the="" version="" of="" method="" 1613="" being="" promulgated="" today.="" epa="" believes="" that="" this="" procedure="" will="" reduce="" the="" time="" required="" for="" extraction="" to="" levels="" commensurate="" with="" those="" required="" for="" extraction="" using="" method="" 613.="" comment:="" the="" proposed="" rulemaking="" provides="" an="" insufficient="" basis="" for="" a="" thorough="" discussion="" and="" consideration="" of="" wet="" weight/dry="" weight="" issues="" for="" permits.="" response:="" nothing="" in="" the="" promulgation="" of="" this="" method="" requires="" the="" use="" of="" dry="" weight="" values="" in="" establishing="" effluent="" limitations="" in="" npdes="" permits.="" comment:="" the="" proposal="" does="" not="" require="" the="" use="" of="" method="" 1613="" for="" any="" npdes="" permits,="" but="" permittees="" should="" not="" presume="" that="" the="" npdes="" permitting="" authority="" would="" not="" require="" use="" of="" method="" 1613="" if="" the="" authority="" determines="" that="" pollutants="" of="" concern="" in="" the="" effluent="" can="" only="" be="" measured="" at="" the="" level="" of="" concern="" by="" method="" 1613.="" response:="" epa="" agrees="" and="" intends="" for="" method="" 1613="" to="" be="" specified="" in="" npdes="" permits="" at="" the="" discretion="" of="" the="" npdes="" permitting="" authority.="" k.="" technical="" comments="" comment:="" table="" 3="" should="" have="" one="" additional="" chlorinated="" diphenyl="" ether="" monitored="" (pecdpe,="" hxcdpe,="" hpcdpe,="" ocdpe,="" and="" ncpdpe).="" the="" commenter="" suggested="" a="" specific="" modification="" to="" sections="" 15.1="" through="" 15.4="" in="" those="" cases="" when="" a="" chlorodiphenyl="" ether="" may="" interfere="" with="" the="" determination="" of="" certain="" cdds="" and="" cdfs.="" response:="" epa="" agrees="" in="" principle="" with="" the="" commenter's="" suggestion="" but="" instead="" has="" incorporated="" requirements="" that="" meet="" the="" spirit="" of="" the="" suggestion="" into="" section="" 18.3="" of="" method="" 1613.="" the="" method="" states="" that="" if="" chromatographic="" peaks="" are="" detected="" at="" the="" retention="" time="" of="" cdds/cdfs="" in="" any="" of="" the="" m/z="" channels="" being="" monitored="" for="" the="" chlorodiphenyl="" ethers,="" cleanup="" procedures="" must="" be="" employed="" until="" these="" interferences="" are="" removed.="" this="" statement="" encompasses="" all="" the="" chlorodiphenyl="" ethers="" that="" may="" interfere="" in="" the="" analysis.="" comment:="" methylene="" chloride="" is="" a="" poor="" extraction="" solvent="" because="" the="" solubility="" of="" cdds/cdfs="" in="" it="" is="" less="" than="" that="" of="" other="" readily="" available="" solvents.="" benzene="" or="" toluene="" should="" be="" used="" instead.="" [[page="" 48402]]="" response:="" epa="" believes="" that="" methylene="" chloride="" is="" the="" solvent="" of="" choice="" for="" the="" aqueous="" filtrates="" because="" its="" higher="" than="" water="" density="" simplifies="" the="" extraction="" procedure.="" similarly,="" epa="" believes="" that="" toluene="" is="" most="" suitable="" for="" the="" sds="" extraction="" of="" particulate="" sample="" matter.="" finally,="" epa="" believes="" that="" safety="" concerns="" over="" the="" use="" of="" a="" carcinogen="" such="" as="" benzene="" preclude="" the="" use="" of="" this="" traditional="" solvent="" in="" new="" analytical="" methods.="" comment:="" epa="" is="" correct="" in="" pointing="" out="" the="" significant="" importance="" of="" handling="" particulates="" from="" aqueous="" samples,="" but="" further="" study="" of="" the="" methodology="" is="" needed="" to="" demonstrate="" that="" it="" can="" produce="" true="" quantitative="" and="" accurate="" values="" which="" can="" be="" used="" for="" compliance="" monitoring.="" response:="" the="" sds="" extraction="" technique="" that="" is="" used="" in="" method="" 1613="" is="" based="" on="" widely="" published="" uses="" of="" the="" technique.="" ample="" data="" to="" support="" its="" use="" are="" available="" in="" the="" open="" literature.="" for="" example,="" see="" references="" 6="" and="" 7="" cited="" in="" section="" 22.0="" of="" method="" 613.="" further,="" epa="" has="" now="" tested="" the="" sds="" procedure="" on="" hundreds="" of="" aqueous="" environmental="" samples="" containing="" particulates="" (e.g.,="" the="" databases="" for="" the="" imvs="" and="" ltvs)="" and="" believes="" that="" sds="" is="" the="" preferred="" procedure="" for="" such="" samples.="" comment:="" the="" method="" should="" include="" a="" statement="" that="" indicates="" the="" expected="" analytical="" range="" of="" the="" method.="" response:="" epa="" agrees="" in="" principle="" with="" the="" comment,="" however,="" the="" analytical="" range="" is="" constrained="" on="" the="" low="" end="" by="" the="" calibration="" range,="" the="" sample="" size,="" and="" the="" ability="" to="" take="" a="" representative="" aliquot="" of="" a="" sample.="" the="" analytical="" range="" is="" not="" constrained="" on="" the="" upper="" end="" because="" the="" sample="" may="" be="" diluted="" to="" bring="" the="" concentrations="" of="" cdds/cdfs="" within="" the="" calibration="" range,="" as="" described="" in="" sections="" 17.5="" and="" 18.2="" of="" method="" 1613.="" comment:="" ncasi="" included="" with="" its="" comments="" approximately="" 40="" pages="" of="" suggested="" technical="" modifications="" to="" method="" 1613="" to="" improve="" the="" reliability="" of="" the="" method.="" response:="" epa="" appreciates="" ncasi's="" suggestions.="" ncasi="" has="" participated="" in="" epa's="" validation="" studies,="" conducted="" validation="" studies="" of="" its="" own,="" scrutinized="" the="" details="" of="" method="" 1613,="" and="" provided="" many="" valuable="" suggestions="" for="" improvements="" to="" the="" method.="" epa="" has="" adopted="" most="" of="" these="" suggestions,="" as="" well="" as="" the="" suggestions="" of="" others,="" as="" described="" in="" the="" ``detailed="" responses="" to="" comments="" on="" the="" proposal="" of="" epa="" method="" 1613''="" included="" in="" the="" docket="" for="" today's="" rule.="" epa="" will="" continue="" to="" work="" with="" all="" interested="" parties="" to="" ensure="" that="" method="" 1613="" and="" other="" analytical="" methods="" are="" as="" state-of-the-art="" as="" possible.="" v.="" regulatory="" analysis="" a.="" executive="" order="" 12866="" under="" executive="" order="" 12866,="" 58="" fr="" 51,735="" (oct.="" 4,="" 1993),="" the="" agency="" must="" determine="" whether="" the="" regulatory="" action="" is="" ``significant''="" and="" therefore="" subject="" to="" omb="" review="" and="" the="" requirements="" of="" the="" executive="" order.="" the="" order="" defines="" ``significant="" regulatory="" action''="" as="" one="" that="" is="" likely="" to="" result="" in="" a="" rule="" that="" may:="" (1)="" have="" an="" annual="" effect="" on="" the="" economy="" of="" $100="" million="" or="" more="" or="" adversely="" affect="" in="" a="" material="" way="" the="" economy,="" a="" sector="" of="" the="" economy,="" productivity,="" competition,="" jobs,="" the="" environment,="" public="" health="" or="" safety,="" or="" state,="" local,="" or="" tribal="" governments="" or="" communities;="" (2)="" create="" a="" serious="" inconsistency="" or="" otherwise="" interfere="" with="" an="" action="" taken="" or="" planned="" by="" another="" agency;="" (3)="" materially="" alter="" the="" budgetary="" impact="" of="" entitlements,="" grants,="" user="" fees,="" or="" loan="" programs="" or="" the="" rights="" and="" obligations="" of="" recipients="" thereof;="" or="" (4)="" raise="" novel="" legal="" or="" policy="" issues="" arising="" out="" of="" legal="" mandates,="" the="" president's="" priorities,="" or="" the="" principles="" set="" forth="" in="" the="" executive="" order.''="" this="" regulation="" is="" not="" major="" because="" it="" approves="" a="" testing="" procedure="" for="" use="" in="" compliance="" monitoring="" and="" data="" gathering="" but="" does="" not="" itself="" require="" these="" activities.="" therefore,="" this="" regulation="" would="" not="" result="" in="" a="" cost="" to="" the="" economy="" of="" $100="" million="" or="" more;="" would="" not="" result="" in="" a="" major="" increase="" in="" costs="" or="" prices="" for="" consumers="" or="" individual="" industries;="" and="" would="" not="" have="" significant="" adverse="" effects="" on="" competition,="" investment,="" innovation,="" or="" international="" trade.="" it="" has="" been="" determined="" that="" this="" rule="" is="" not="" a="" ``significant="" regulatory="" action''="" under="" the="" terms="" of="" executive="" order="" 12866="" and="" is="" therefore="" not="" subject="" to="" omb="" review.="" b.="" unfunded="" mandates="" reform="" act="" title="" ii="" of="" the="" unfunded="" mandates="" reform="" act="" of="" 1995="" (umra),="" pub.="" l.="" 104-4,="" establishes="" requirements="" for="" federal="" agencies="" to="" assess="" the="" effects="" of="" their="" regulatory="" actions="" on="" state,="" local,="" and="" tribal="" governments="" and="" the="" private="" sector.="" under="" section="" 202="" of="" the="" umra,="" epa="" generally="" must="" prepare="" a="" written="" statement,="" including="" a="" cost-benefit="" analysis,="" for="" proposed="" and="" final="" rules="" with="" ``federal="" mandates''="" that="" may="" result="" in="" expenditures="" to="" state,="" local,="" and="" tribal="" governments,="" in="" the="" aggregate,="" or="" to="" the="" private="" sector,="" of="" $100="" million="" or="" more="" in="" any="" one="" year.="" before="" promulgating="" an="" epa="" rule="" for="" which="" a="" written="" statement="" is="" needed,="" section="" 205="" of="" the="" umra="" generally="" requires="" epa="" to="" identify="" and="" consider="" a="" reasonable="" number="" of="" regulatory="" alternatives="" and="" adopt="" the="" least="" costly,="" most="" cost-effective="" or="" least="" burdensome="" alternative="" that="" achieves="" the="" objectives="" of="" the="" rule.="" the="" provisions="" of="" section="" 205="" do="" not="" apply="" when="" they="" are="" inconsistent="" with="" applicable="" law.="" moreover,="" section="" 205="" allows="" epa="" to="" adopt="" an="" alternative="" other="" than="" the="" least="" costly,="" most="" cost-effective="" or="" least="" burdensome="" alternative="" if="" the="" administrator="" publishes="" with="" the="" final="" rule="" an="" explanation="" why="" that="" alternative="" was="" not="" adopted.="" before="" epa="" establishes="" any="" regulatory="" requirements="" that="" may="" significantly="" or="" uniquely="" affect="" small="" governments,="" including="" tribal="" governments,="" it="" must="" have="" developed="" under="" section="" 203="" of="" the="" umra="" a="" small="" government="" agency="" plan.="" the="" plan="" must="" provide="" for="" notifying="" potentially="" affected="" small="" governments,="" enabling="" officials="" of="" affected="" small="" governments="" to="" have="" meaningful="" and="" timely="" input="" in="" the="" development="" of="" epa="" regulatory="" proposals="" with="" significant="" federal="" intergovernmental="" mandates,="" and="" informing,="" educating,="" and="" advising="" small="" governments="" on="" compliance="" with="" the="" regulatory="" requirements.="" epa="" has="" determined="" that="" this="" rule="" does="" not="" contain="" a="" federal="" mandate="" that="" may="" result="" in="" expenditures="" of="" $100="" million="" or="" more="" for="" state,="" local,="" and="" tribal="" governments,="" in="" the="" aggregate,="" or="" the="" private="" sector="" in="" any="" one="" year.="" this="" rule="" makes="" available="" a="" testing="" procedure="" for="" use="" in="" compliance="" monitoring="" and="" data="" gathering="" but="" does="" not="" require="" these="" activities.="" thus,="" today's="" rule="" is="" not="" subject="" to="" the="" requirements="" of="" sections="" 202="" and="" 205="" of="" the="" umra.="" epa="" has="" determined="" that="" this="" rule="" contains="" no="" regulatory="" requirements="" that="" might="" significantly="" or="" uniquely="" affect="" small="" governments.="" this="" rule="" simply="" approves="" a="" test="" procedure="" to="" be="" available="" for="" use="" by="" testing="" laboratories.="" c.="" regulatory="" flexibility="" act="" pursuant="" to="" section="" 605(b)="" of="" the="" regulatory="" flexibility="" act,="" 5="" u.s.c.="" 605(b),="" the="" administrator="" certifies="" that="" this="" rule="" will="" not="" have="" a="" significant="" economic="" impact="" on="" a="" substantial="" number="" of="" small="" entities.="" this="" regulation="" simply="" approves="" a="" test="" procedure="" to="" be="" available="" for="" use="" by="" testing="" laboratories.="" d.="" paperwork="" reduction="" act="" in="" accordance="" with="" the="" paperwork="" reduction="" act="" of="" 1980,="" 44="" u.s.c.="" 3501="" et="" seq.,="" epa="" must="" submit="" a="" copy="" of="" any="" rule="" that="" contains="" a="" collection-of-information="" requirement="" to="" the="" director="" of="" the="" office="" of="" management="" and="" budget="" (omb)="" for="" review="" and="" approval.="" this="" [[page="" 48403]]="" rule="" contains="" no="" additional="" information="" collection="" requirements="" beyond="" those="" already="" required="" by="" 40="" cfr="" parts="" 122,="" 141,="" 142,="" 403,="" and="" 425,="" and="" approved="" by="" omb="" (40="" cfr="" part="" 9).="" the="" relevant="" omb="" control="" numbers="" are="" 2040-0086,="" 2040-0170,="" 2040-0068,="" 2040-0110,="" 2040-0004,="" 2040-0090,="" and="" 2040-0009.="" therefore,="" preparation="" of="" an="" information="" collection="" request="" to="" accompany="" this="" rule="" is="" unnecessary.="" e.="" submission="" to="" congress="" and="" the="" general="" accounting="" office="" under="" 5="" u.s.c.="" 801(a)(1)(a)="" as="" added="" by="" the="" small="" business="" regulatory="" enforcement="" fairness="" act="" of="" 1996,="" epa="" submitted="" a="" report="" containing="" this="" rule="" and="" other="" required="" information="" to="" the="" u.s.="" senate,="" the="" u.s.="" house="" of="" representatives,="" and="" the="" comptroller="" general="" of="" the="" general="" accounting="" office,="" prior="" to="" publication="" of="" the="" rule="" in="" today's="" federal="" register.="" this="" rule="" is="" not="" a="" ``major="" rule''="" as="" defined="" by="" 5="" u.s.c.="" 804(2).="" list="" of="" subjects="" in="" 40="" cfr="" part="" 136="" environmental="" protection,="" reporting="" and="" recordkeeping="" requirements,="" water="" pollution="" control.="" dated:="" september="" 2,="" 1997.="" carol="" m.="" browner,="" administrator.="" in="" consideration="" of="" the="" preceding,="" usepa="" amends="" 40="" cfr="" part="" 136="" as="" set="" forth="" below.="" part="" 136--[amended]="" 1.="" the="" authority="" citation="" for="" part="" 136="" continues="" to="" read="" as="" follows:="" authority:="" secs.="" 301,="" 304(h),="" 307,="" and="" 501(a)="" pub.="" l.="" 95-217,="" stat.="" 1566,="" et="" seq.="" (33="" u.s.c.="" 1251,="" et="" seq.)="" (the="" federal="" water="" pollution="" control="" act="" amendments="" of="" 1972="" as="" amended="" by="" the="" clean="" water="" act="" of="" 1977="" and="" the="" water="" quality="" act="" of="" 1987),="" 33="" u.s.c.="" 1314="" and="" 1361;="" 86="" stat.="" 816,="" pub.="" l.="" 92-500;="" 91="" stat.="" 1567,="" pub.="" l.="" 92-="" 217;="" stat.="" 7,="" pub.="" l.="" 100-4="" (the="" ``act'').="" 2.="" in="" sec.="" 136.3(a),="" table="" 1c.--list="" of="" approved="" test="" procedures="" for="" non-pesticide="" organic="" compounds,="" is="" amended="" by="" revising="" entries="" 60="" through="" 97,="" by="" adding="" new="" entries="" 60="" through="" 113,="" and="" by="" revising="" table="" ic="" notes="" \1\="" and="" \2\="" as="" follows:="" sec.="" 136.3="" identification="" of="" test="" procedures.="" *="" *="" *="" *="" *="" table="" 1c.--list="" of="" approved="" test="" procedures="" for="" non-pesticide="" organic="" compounds="" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" epa="" method="" number="">2, 7                                                                    
             Parameter \1\             GC   ------------------------------------------------------------------          ASTM                   Other        
                                                        GC/MS              HPLC    Standard methods 18th ed.                                                
                       *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  
    60. 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-              .......  1613......................  .......                                                                            
    61. 1,2,3,4,7,8,9-              .......  1613......................  .......                                                                            
    62. 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-              .......  1613......................  .......                                                                            
    63. Hexachlorobenzene.........      612  625, 1625.................  .......  6410 B                                                                    
    64. Hexachlorobutadiene.......      612  625, 1625.................  .......  6410 B                                                                    
    65. Hexachlorocyclopentadiene.      612  625, 1625 \5\.............  .......  6410 B                                                                    
    66. 1,2,3,4,7,8-                .......  1613......................  .......                                                                            
    67. 1,2,3,6,7,8-                .......  1613......................  .......                                                                            
    68. 1,2,3,7,8,9-                .......  1613......................  .......                                                                            
    69. 2,3,4,6,7,8-                .......  1613......................  .......                                                                            
    70. 1,2,3,4,7,8-                .......  1613......................  .......                                                                            
    71. 1,2,3,6,7,8-                .......  1613......................  .......                                                                            
    72. 1,2,3,7,8,9-                .......  1613......................  .......                                                                            
    73. Hexachloroethane..........      616  625, 1625.................  .......  6410 B                                                                    
    74. Ideno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene.....      610  625, 1625.................      610  6410 B, 6440 B               D4657-87                                     
    75. Isophorone................      609  625, 1625.................  .......  6410 B                                                                    
    76. Methylene chloride........      601  624, 1624.................  .......  6230 B                                              Note 3, p. 130.       
    77. 2-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol      604  625, 1625.................  .......  6420 B, 6410 B                                                            
    78. Naphthalene...............      610  625, 1625.................      610  6410 B, 6440 B                                                            
    79. Nitrobenzene..............      609  625, 1625.................  .......  6410 B                       D4657-87                                     
    80. 2-Nitrophenol.............      604  625, 1625.................  .......  6410 B, 6420 B                                                            
    81. 4-Nitrophenol.............      604  625, 1625.................  .......  6410 B, 6420 B                                                            
    82. N-Nitrosodimethylamine....      607  625, 1625.................  .......  6410 B                                                                    
    83. N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine.      607  625, 1625 \5\.............  .......  6410 B                                                                    
    84. N-Nitrosodiphenylamine....      607  625, 1625 \5\.............  .......  6410 B                                                                    
    85. Octachlorodibenzofuran....  .......  1613......................  .......                                                                            
    86. Octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin  .......  1613......................  .......                                                                            
    87. 2,2-Oxybis(1-                   611  625, 1625.................  .......  6410 B                                                                    
    88. PCB-1016..................      608  625.......................  .......  6410 B                                              Note 3, p. 43.        
    89. PCB-1221..................      608  625.......................  .......  6410 B                                              Note 3, p. 43.        
    90. PCB-1232..................      608  625.......................  .......  6410 B                                              Note 3, p. 43.        
    91. PCB 1242..................      608  625.......................  .......  6410 B                                              Note 3, p. 43.        
    92. PCB-1248..................      608  625.......................  .......                                                                            
    93. PCB-1254..................      608  625.......................  .......  6410 B                                              Note 3, p. 43.        
    94. PCB-1260..................      608  625.......................  .......  6410 B, 6630 B                                      Note 3, p. 43.        
    95. 1,2,3,7,8-                  .......  1613......................  .......                                                                            
    96. 2,3,4,7,8-                  .......  1613......................  .......                                                                            
    [[Page 48404]]
    97. 1,2,3,7,8-                  .......  1613......................  .......                                                                            
    98. Pentachlorophenol               604  625, 1625.................  .......  6410 B, 6630 B                                      Note 3, p. 140.       
    99. Phenanthrene..............      610  625, 1625.................      610  6410 B, 6440 B               D4657-87                                     
    100. Phenol...................      604  625, 1625.................  .......  6420 B, 6410 B                                                            
    101. Pyrene...................      610  625, 1625.................      610  6410 B, 6440 B               D4657-87                                     
    102. 2,3,7,8-                   .......  1613......................  .......                                                                            
    103. 2,3,7,8-                   .......  613, 1613 \5\.............  .......                                                                            
    104. 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane      601  624, 1624.................  .......  6230 B, 6210 B                                      Note 3, p. 130.       
    105. Tetrachloroethene........      601  624, 1624.................  .......  6230 B, 6410 B                                      Note 3, p. 130.       
    106. Toluene..................      602  624, 1624.................  .......  6210 B, 6220 B                                                            
    107. 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene...      612  625, 1625.................  .......  6410 B                                              Note 3, p. 130.       
    108. 1,1,1-Trichloroethane....      601  624, 1624.................  .......  6210 B, 6230 B                                                            
    109. 1,1,2-Trichloroethane....      601  624, 1624.................  .......  6210 B, 6230 B                                      Note 3, p. 130.       
    110. Trichloroethene..........      601  624, 1624.................  .......  6210 B, 6230 B                                                            
    111. Trichlorofluoromethane...      601  624.......................  .......  6210 B, 6230 B                                                            
    112. 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol....      604  625, 1625.................  .......  6410 B, 6240 B                                                            
    113. Vinyl chloride...........      601  624, 1624.................  .......  6210 B, 6230 B                                                            
                       *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  
    \1\ All parameters are expressed in micrograms per liter (g/L) except for Method 1613 in which the parameters are expressed in picograms per   
      liter (pg/L).                                                                                                                                         
    \2\ The full text of Methods 601-613, 624, 625, 1624, and 1625, are given at Appendix A, ``Test Procedures for Analysis of Organic Pollutants,'' of this
      Part 136. The full text of Method 1613 is incorporated by reference into this Part 136 and is available from the National Technical Information       
      Services as stock number PB95-104774. The standardized test procedure to be used to determine the method detection limit (MDL) for these test         
      procedures is given at Appendix B, ``Definition and Procedures for the Determination of the Method Detection Limit,'' of this Part 136.               
                *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                         
    5 5a, and 7 unchanged.                                                                                                                                  
        3. In Sec. 136.3(b), the listing titled References, Sources, Costs, 
    and Table Citations is amended by revising the first sentence of 
    paragraph (1) to read as follows:
    Sec. 136.3  Identification of test procedures.
    * * * * *
    References, Sources, Costs, and Table Citations
        (1) The full texts of Methods 601-613, 624, 625, 1613, 1624, and 
    1625 are printed in appendix A of this part 136. * * *
        4. In Sec. 136.3(e), Table II--Required Containers, Preservation 
    Techniques, and Holding Times, is amended by revising Table IC--Organic 
    Tests to read as follows:
                                           Table II.--Required Containers, Preservation Techniques, and Holding Times                                       
             Parameter No./name                         Container \1\                    Preservation \2\ \3\               Maximum holding time \4\        
                       *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  
    Table IC--Organic Tests \8\                                                                                                                             
        13, 18-20, 22, 24-28, 34-37, 39-  G, Teflon-lined septum...................  Cool, 4 deg.C, 0.008%         14 days.                                 
         43, 45-47, 56, 76, 104, 105,                                                 Na2S2O3 \5\..                                                         
         108-111, 113. Purgeable                                                                                                                            
        6, 57, 106. Purgeable aromatic    ......do.................................  Cool, 4 deg.C, 0.008%             Do.                                  
         hydrocarbons.                                                                Na2S2O3,\5\ HCl to pH2\9\.                                            
        3, 4. Acrolein and acrylonitrile  ......do.................................  Cool, 4 deg.C, 0.008%             Do.                                  
                                                                                      Na2S2O3,\5\ adjust pH to 4-                                           
        23, 30, 44, 49, 53, 77, 80, 81,   G, Teflon-lined cap......................  Cool, 4 deg.C, 0.008%         7 days until extraction; 40 days after   
         98, 100, 112. Phenols \11\.                                                  Na2S2O3 \5\.                  extraction.                             
        7, 38. Benzidines \11\..........  ......do.................................  ......do....................  7 days until extraction.\13\             
        14, 17, 48, 50-52. Phthalate      ......do.................................  Cool, 4 deg.C...............  7 days until extraction; 40 days after   
         esters \11\.                                                                                               extraction.                             
        82-84. Nitrosamines \11\ \14\...  ......do.................................  Cool, 4 deg.C, 0.008%             Do.                                  
                                                                                      Na2S2O3,\5\ store in dark.                                            
        88-94. PCBs \11\................  .....do..................................  Cool, 4 deg.C...............      Do.                                  
        54, 55, 75, 79. Nitroaromatics    ......do.................................  Cool, 4 deg.C, 0.008%             Do.                                  
         and isophorone \11\.                                                         Na2S2O3,\5\ store in dark.                                            
        1, 2, 5, 8-12, 32, 33, 58, 59,    ......do.................................  ......do....................      Do.                                  
         74, 78, 99, 101. Polynuclear                                                                                                                       
         aromatic hydrocarbons \11\.                                                                                                                        
        15, 16, 21, 31, 87. Haloethers    ......do.................................  Cool, 4 deg.C, 0.008%             Do.                                  
         \11\.                                                                        Na2S2O3 \5\.                                                          
    [[Page 48405]]
        29, 35-37, 63-65, 73, 107.        ......do.................................  Cool, 4 deg.C...............      Do.                                  
         Chlorinated hydrocarbons \11\.                                                                                                                     
        60-62, 66-72, 85, 86, 95-97,                                                                                                                        
         102, 103. CDDs/CDFs \11\                                                                                                                           
            aqueous: field and lab        G........................................  Cool, 0-4 deg.C, pH<9, 1="" year.="" preservation..="" 0.008%="">2S2O3 \5\.                                                   
        Solids, mixed phase, and tissue:  ......do.................................  Cool, <4 deg.c..............="" 7="" days.="" field="" preservation..="" solids,="" mixed="" phase,="" and="" tissue:="" ......do.................................="" freeze,=""><-10 deg.c..........="" 1="" year.="" lab="" preservation.="" *="" *="" *="" *="" *="" *="" *="" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" *="" *="" *="" *="" *="" note:="" the="" footnotes="" remain="" unchanged.="" 4.="" in="" part="" 136,="" appendix="" a="" is="" amended="" by="" adding="" method="" 1613="" to="" read="" as="" follows:="" method="" 1613,="" revision="" b="" tetra-="" through="" octa-chlorinated="" dioxins="" and="" furans="" by="" isotope="" dilution="" hrgc/hrms="" 1.0="" scope="" and="" application="" 1.1="" this="" method="" is="" for="" determination="" of="" tetra-="" through="" octa-="" chlorinated="" dibenzo-p-dioxins="" (cdds)="" and="" dibenzofurans="" (cdfs)="" in="" water,="" soil,="" sediment,="" sludge,="" tissue,="" and="" other="" sample="" matrices="" by="" high="" resolution="" gas="" chromatography/high="" resolution="" mass="" spectrometry="" (hrgc/="" hrms).="" the="" method="" is="" for="" use="" in="" epa's="" data="" gathering="" and="" monitoring="" programs="" associated="" with="" the="" clean="" water="" act,="" the="" resource="" conservation="" and="" recovery="" act,="" the="" comprehensive="" environmental="" response,="" compensation="" and="" liability="" act,="" and="" the="" safe="" drinking="" water="" act.="" the="" method="" is="" based="" on="" a="" compilation="" of="" epa,="" industry,="" commercial="" laboratory,="" and="" academic="" methods="" (references="" 1-6).="" 1.2="" the="" seventeen="" 2,3,7,8-substituted="" cdds/cdfs="" listed="" in="" table="" 1="" may="" be="" determined="" by="" this="" method.="" specifications="" are="" also="" provided="" for="" separate="" determination="" of="" 2,3,7,8-tetrachloro-dibenzo-p-dioxin="" (2,3,7,8-tcdd)="" and="" 2,3,7,8-tetrachloro-dibenzofuran="" (2,3,7,8-tcdf).="" 1.3="" the="" detection="" limits="" and="" quantitation="" levels="" in="" this="" method="" are="" usually="" dependent="" on="" the="" level="" of="" interferences="" rather="" than="" instrumental="" limitations.="" the="" minimum="" levels="" (mls)="" in="" table="" 2="" are="" the="" levels="" at="" which="" the="" cdds/cdfs="" can="" be="" determined="" with="" no="" interferences="" present.="" the="" method="" detection="" limit="" (mdl)="" for="" 2,3,7,8-tcdd="" has="" been="" determined="" as="" 4.4="" pg/l="" (parts-per-quadrillion)="" using="" this="" method.="" 1.4="" the="" gc/ms="" portions="" of="" this="" method="" are="" for="" use="" only="" by="" analysts="" experienced="" with="" hrgc/hrms="" or="" under="" the="" close="" supervision="" of="" such="" qualified="" persons.="" each="" laboratory="" that="" uses="" this="" method="" must="" demonstrate="" the="" ability="" to="" generate="" acceptable="" results="" using="" the="" procedure="" in="" section="" 9.2.="" 1.5="" this="" method="" is="" ``performance-based''.="" the="" analyst="" is="" permitted="" to="" modify="" the="" method="" to="" overcome="" interferences="" or="" lower="" the="" cost="" of="" measurements,="" provided="" that="" all="" performance="" criteria="" in="" this="" method="" are="" met.="" the="" requirements="" for="" establishing="" method="" equivalency="" are="" given="" in="" section="" 9.1.2.="" 1.6="" any="" modification="" of="" this="" method,="" beyond="" those="" expressly="" permitted,="" shall="" be="" considered="" a="" major="" modification="" subject="" to="" application="" and="" approval="" of="" alternate="" test="" procedures="" under="" 40="" cfr="" 136.4="" and="" 136.5.="" 2.0="" summary="" of="" method="" flow="" charts="" that="" summarize="" procedures="" for="" sample="" preparation,="" extraction,="" and="" analysis="" are="" given="" in="" figure="" 1="" for="" aqueous="" and="" solid="" samples,="" figure="" 2="" for="" multi-phase="" samples,="" and="" figure="" 3="" for="" tissue="" samples.="" 2.1="" extraction.="" 2.1.1="" aqueous="" samples="" (samples="" containing="" less="" than="" 1%="" solids)--="" stable="" isotopically="" labeled="" analogs="" of="" 15="" of="" the="" 2,3,7,8-substituted="" cdds/cdfs="" are="" spiked="" into="" a="" 1="" l="" sample,="" and="" the="" sample="" is="" extracted="" by="" one="" of="" three="" procedures:="""" samples="" containing="" no="" visible="" particles="" are="" extracted="" with="" methylene="" chloride="" in="" a="" separatory="" funnel="" or="" by="" the="" solid-phase="" extraction="" technique="" summarized="" in="" section="""" the="" extract="" is="" concentrated="" for="" cleanup.="""" samples="" containing="" visible="" particles="" are="" vacuum="" filtered="" through="" a="" glass-fiber="" filter.="" the="" filter="" is="" extracted="" in="" a="" soxhlet/="" dean-stark="" (sds)="" extractor="" (reference="" 7),="" and="" the="" filtrate="" is="" extracted="" with="" methylene="" chloride="" in="" a="" separatory="" funnel.="" the="" methylene="" chloride="" extract="" is="" concentrated="" and="" combined="" with="" the="" sds="" extract="" prior="" to="" cleanup.="""" the="" sample="" is="" vacuum="" filtered="" through="" a="" glass-fiber="" filter="" on="" top="" of="" a="" solid-phase="" extraction="" (spe)="" disk.="" the="" filter="" and="" disk="" are="" extracted="" in="" an="" sds="" extractor,="" and="" the="" extract="" is="" concentrated="" for="" cleanup.="" 2.1.2="" solid,="" semi-solid,="" and="" multi-phase="" samples="" (but="" not="" tissue)--the="" labeled="" compounds="" are="" spiked="" into="" a="" sample="" containing="" 10="" g="" (dry="" weight)="" of="" solids.="" samples="" containing="" multiple="" phases="" are="" pressure="" filtered="" and="" any="" aqueous="" liquid="" is="" discarded.="" coarse="" solids="" are="" ground="" or="" homogenized.="" any="" non-aqueous="" liquid="" from="" multi-phase="" samples="" is="" combined="" with="" the="" solids="" and="" extracted="" in="" an="" sds="" extractor.="" the="" extract="" is="" concentrated="" for="" cleanup.="" 2.1.3="" fish="" and="" other="" tissue--the="" sample="" is="" extracted="" by="" one="" of="" two="" procedures:="""" soxhlet="" or="" sds="" extraction--a="" 20="" g="" aliquot="" of="" sample="" is="" homogenized,="" and="" a="" 10="" g="" aliquot="" is="" spiked="" with="" the="" labeled="" compounds.="" the="" sample="" is="" mixed="" with="" sodium="" sulfate,="" allowed="" to="" dry="" for="" 12-24="" hours,="" and="" extracted="" for="" 18-24="" hours="" using="" methylene="" chloride:hexane="" (1:1)="" in="" a="" soxhlet="" extractor.="" the="" extract="" is="" evaporated="" to="" dryness,="" and="" the="" lipid="" content="" is="" determined.="""" hcl="" digestion--a="" 20="" g="" aliquot="" is="" homogenized,="" and="" a="" 10="" g="" aliquot="" is="" placed="" in="" a="" bottle="" and="" spiked="" with="" the="" labeled="" compounds.="" after="" equilibration,="" 200="" ml="" of="" hydrochloric="" acid="" and="" 200="" ml="" of="" methylene="" chloride:hexane="" (1:1)="" are="" added,="" and="" the="" bottle="" is="" agitated="" for="" 12-24="" hours.="" the="" extract="" is="" evaporated="" to="" dryness,="" and="" the="" lipid="" content="" is="" determined.="" 2.2="" after="" extraction,="">4-labeled 2,3,7,8-TCDD is 
    added to each extract to measure the efficiency of the cleanup process. 
    Sample cleanups may include
    [[Page 48406]]
    back-extraction with acid and/or base, and gel permeation, alumina, 
    silica gel, Florisil and activated carbon chromatography. High-
    performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) can be used for further 
    isolation of the 2,3,7,8-isomers or other specific isomers or 
    congeners. Prior to the cleanup procedures cited above, tissue extracts 
    are cleaned up using an anthropogenic isolation column, a batch silica 
    gel adsorption, or sulfuric acid and base back-extraction, depending on 
    the tissue extraction procedure used.
        2.3  After cleanup, the extract is concentrated to near dryness. 
    Immediately prior to injection, internal standards are added to each 
    extract, and an aliquot of the extract is injected into the gas 
    chromatograph. The analytes are separated by the GC and detected by a 
    high-resolution (10,000) mass spectrometer. Two exact m/z's 
    are monitored for each analyte.
        2.4  An individual CDD/CDF is identified by comparing the GC 
    retention time and ion-abundance ratio of two exact m/z's with the 
    corresponding retention time of an authentic standard and the 
    theoretical or acquired ion-abundance ratio of the two exact m/z's. The 
    non-2,3,7,8 substituted isomers and congeners are identified when 
    retention times and ion-abundance ratios agree within predefined 
    limits. Isomer specificity for 2,3,7,8-TCDD and 2,3,7,8-TCDF is 
    achieved using GC columns that resolve these isomers from the other 
        2.5  Quantitative analysis is performed using selected ion current 
    profile (SICP) areas, in one of three ways:
        2.5.1  For the 15 2,3,7,8-substituted CDDs/CDFs with labeled 
    analogs (see Table 1), the GC/MS system is calibrated, and the 
    concentration of each compound is determined using the isotope dilution 
        2.5.2  For 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD, OCDF, and the labeled compounds, the 
    GC/MS system is calibrated and the concentration of each compound is 
    determined using the internal standard technique.
        2.5.3  For non-2,3,7,8-substituted isomers and for all isomers at a 
    given level of chlorination (i.e., total TCDD), concentrations are 
    determined using response factors from calibration of the CDDs/CDFs at 
    the same level of chlorination.
        2.6  The quality of the analysis is assured through reproducible 
    calibration and testing of the extraction, cleanup, and GC/MS systems.
    3.0  Definitions
        Definitions are given in the glossary at the end of this method.
    4.0  Contamination and Interferences
        4.1  Solvents, reagents, glassware, and other sample processing 
    hardware may yield artifacts and/or elevated baselines causing 
    misinterpretation of chromatograms (References 8-9). Specific selection 
    of reagents and purification of solvents by distillation in all-glass 
    systems may be required. Where possible, reagents are cleaned by 
    extraction or solvent rinse.
        4.2  Proper cleaning of glassware is extremely important, because 
    glassware may not only contaminate the samples but may also remove the 
    analytes of interest by adsorption on the glass surface.
        4.2.1  Glassware should be rinsed with solvent and washed with a 
    detergent solution as soon after use as is practical. Sonication of 
    glassware containing a detergent solution for approximately 30 seconds 
    may aid in cleaning. Glassware with removable parts, particularly 
    separatory funnels with fluoropolymer stopcocks, must be disassembled 
    prior to detergent washing.
        4.2.2  After detergent washing, glassware should be rinsed 
    immediately, first with methanol, then with hot tap water. The tap 
    water rinse is followed by another methanol rinse, then acetone, and 
    then methylene chloride.
        4.2.3  Do not bake reusable glassware in an oven as a routine part 
    of cleaning. Baking may be warranted after particularly dirty samples 
    are encountered but should be minimized, as repeated baking of 
    glassware may cause active sites on the glass surface that will 
    irreversibly adsorb CDDs/CDFs.
        4.2.4  Immediately prior to use, the Soxhlet apparatus should be 
    pre-extracted with toluene for approximately three hours (see Sections 
    12.3.1 through 12.3.3). Separatory funnels should be shaken with 
    methylene chloride/toluene (80/20 mixture) for two minutes, drained, 
    and then shaken with pure methylene chloride for two minutes.
        4.3  All materials used in the analysis shall be demonstrated to be 
    free from interferences by running reference matrix method blanks 
    initially and with each sample batch (samples started through the 
    extraction process on a given 12-hour shift, to a maximum of 20 
        4.3.1  The reference matrix must simulate, as closely as possible, 
    the sample matrix under test. Ideally, the reference matrix should not 
    contain the CDDs/CDFs in detectable amounts, but should contain 
    potential interferents in the concentrations expected to be found in 
    the samples to be analyzed. For example, a reference sample of human 
    adipose tissue containing pentachloronaphthalene can be used to 
    exercise the cleanup systems when samples containing 
    pentachloronaphthalene are expected.
        4.3.2  When a reference matrix that simulates the sample matrix 
    under test is not available, reagent water (Section 7.6.1) can be used 
    to simulate water samples; playground sand (Section 7.6.2) or white 
    quartz sand (Section 7.3.2) can be used to simulate soils; filter paper 
    (Section 7.6.3) can be used to simulate papers and similar materials; 
    and corn oil (Section 7.6.4) can be used to simulate tissues.
        4.4  Interferences coextracted from samples will vary considerably 
    from source to source, depending on the diversity of the site being 
    sampled. Interfering compounds may be present at concentrations several 
    orders of magnitude higher than the CDDs/CDFs. The most frequently 
    encountered interferences are chlorinated biphenyls, methoxy biphenyls, 
    hydroxydiphenyl ethers, benzylphenyl ethers, polynuclear aromatics, and 
    pesticides. Because very low levels of CDDs/CDFs are measured by this 
    method, the elimination of interferences is essential. The cleanup 
    steps given in Section 13 can be used to reduce or eliminate these 
    interferences and thereby permit reliable determination of the CDDs/
    CDFs at the levels shown in Table 2.
        4.5  Each piece of reusable glassware should be numbered to 
    associate that glassware with the processing of a particular sample. 
    This will assist the laboratory in tracking possible sources of 
    contamination for individual samples, identifying glassware associated 
    with highly contaminated samples that may require extra cleaning, and 
    determining when glassware should be discarded.
        4.6  Cleanup of tissue--The natural lipid content of tissue can 
    interfere in the analysis of tissue samples for the CDDs/CDFs. The 
    lipid contents of different species and portions of tissue can vary 
    widely. Lipids are soluble to varying degrees in various organic 
    solvents and may be present in sufficient quantity to overwhelm the 
    column chromatographic cleanup procedures used for cleanup of sample 
    extracts. Lipids must be removed by the lipid removal procedures in 
    Section 13.7, followed by alumina (Section 13.4) or Florisil (Section 
    13.8), and carbon
    [[Page 48407]]
    (Section 13.5) as minimum additional cleanup steps. If chlorodiphenyl 
    ethers are detected, as indicated by the presence of peaks at the exact 
    m/z's monitored for these interferents, alumina and/or Florisil cleanup 
    must be employed to eliminate these interferences.
    5.0  Safety
        5.1  The toxicity or carcinogenicity of each compound or reagent 
    used in this method has not been precisely determined; however, each 
    chemical compound should be treated as a potential health hazard. 
    Exposure to these compounds should be reduced to the lowest possible 
        5.1.1  The 2,3,7,8-TCDD isomer has been found to be acnegenic, 
    carcinogenic, and teratogenic in laboratory animal studies. It is 
    soluble in water to approximately 200 ppt and in organic solvents to 
    0.14%. On the basis of the available toxicological and physical 
    properties of 2,3,7,8-TCDD, all of the CDDs/CDFs should be handled only 
    by highly trained personnel thoroughly familiar with handling and 
    cautionary procedures and the associated risks.
        5.1.2  It is recommended that the laboratory purchase dilute 
    standard solutions of the analytes in this method. However, if primary 
    solutions are prepared, they shall be prepared in a hood, and a NIOSH/
    MESA approved toxic gas respirator shall be worn when high 
    concentrations are handled.
        5.2  The laboratory is responsible for maintaining a current 
    awareness file of OSHA regulations regarding the safe handling of the 
    chemicals specified in this method. A reference file of material safety 
    data sheets (MSDSs) should also be made available to all personnel 
    involved in these analyses. It is also suggested that the laboratory 
    perform personal hygiene monitoring of each analyst who uses this 
    method and that the results of this monitoring be made available to the 
    analyst. Additional information on laboratory safety can be found in 
    References 10-13. The references and bibliography at the end of 
    Reference 13 are particularly comprehensive in dealing with the general 
    subject of laboratory safety.
        5.3  The CDDs/CDFs and samples suspected to contain these compounds 
    are handled using essentially the same techniques employed in handling 
    radioactive or infectious materials. Well-ventilated, controlled access 
    laboratories are required. Assistance in evaluating the health hazards 
    of particular laboratory conditions may be obtained from certain 
    consulting laboratories and from State Departments of Health or Labor, 
    many of which have an industrial health service. The CDDs/CDFs are 
    extremely toxic to laboratory animals. Each laboratory must develop a 
    strict safety program for handling these compounds. The practices in 
    References 2 and 14 are highly recommended.
        5.3.1  Facility--When finely divided samples (dusts, soils, dry 
    chemicals) are handled, all operations (including removal of samples 
    from sample containers, weighing, transferring, and mixing) should be 
    performed in a glove box demonstrated to be leak tight or in a fume 
    hood demonstrated to have adequate air flow. Gross losses to the 
    laboratory ventilation system must not be allowed. Handling of the 
    dilute solutions normally used in analytical and animal work presents 
    no inhalation hazards except in the case of an accident.
        5.3.2  Protective equipment--Disposable plastic gloves, apron or 
    lab coat, safety glasses or mask, and a glove box or fume hood adequate 
    for radioactive work should be used. During analytical operations that 
    may give rise to aerosols or dusts, personnel should wear respirators 
    equipped with activated carbon filters. Eye protection equipment 
    (preferably full face shields) must be worn while working with exposed 
    samples or pure analytical standards. Latex gloves are commonly used to 
    reduce exposure of the hands. When handling samples suspected or known 
    to contain high concentrations of the CDDs/CDFs, an additional set of 
    gloves can also be worn beneath the latex gloves.
        5.3.3  Training--Workers must be trained in the proper method of 
    removing contaminated gloves and clothing without contacting the 
    exterior surfaces.
        5.3.4  Personal hygiene--Hands and forearms should be washed 
    thoroughly after each manipulation and before breaks (coffee, lunch, 
    and shift).
        5.3.5  Confinement--Isolated work areas posted with signs, 
    segregated glassware and tools, and plastic absorbent paper on bench 
    tops will aid in confining contamination.
        5.3.6  Effluent vapors--The effluents of sample splitters from the 
    gas chromatograph (GC) and from roughing pumps on the mass spectrometer 
    (MS) should pass through either a column of activated charcoal or be 
    bubbled through a trap containing oil or high-boiling alcohols to 
    condense CDD/CDF vapors.
        5.3.7  Waste Handling--Good technique includes minimizing 
    contaminated waste. Plastic bag liners should be used in waste cans. 
    Janitors and other personnel must be trained in the safe handling of 
        5.3.8  Decontamination  Decontamination of personnel--Use any mild soap with 
    plenty of scrubbing action.  Glassware, tools, and surfaces--Chlorothene NU Solvent is 
    the least toxic solvent shown to be effective. Satisfactory cleaning 
    may be accomplished by rinsing with Chlorothene, then washing with any 
    detergent and water. If glassware is first rinsed with solvent, then 
    the dish water may be disposed of in the sewer. Given the cost of 
    disposal, it is prudent to minimize solvent wastes.
        5.3.9  Laundry--Clothing known to be contaminated should be 
    collected in plastic bags. Persons who convey the bags and launder the 
    clothing should be advised of the hazard and trained in proper 
    handling. The clothing may be put into a washer without contact if the 
    launderer knows of the potential problem. The washer should be run 
    through a cycle before being used again for other clothing.
        5.3.10  Wipe tests--A useful method of determining cleanliness of 
    work surfaces and tools is to wipe the surface with a piece of filter 
    paper. Extraction and analysis by GC with an electron capture detector 
    (ECD) can achieve a limit of detection of 0.1 g per wipe; 
    analysis using this method can achieve an even lower detection limit. 
    Less than 0.1 g per wipe indicates acceptable cleanliness; 
    anything higher warrants further cleaning. More than 10 g on a 
    wipe constitutes an acute hazard and requires prompt cleaning before 
    further use of the equipment or work space, and indicates that 
    unacceptable work practices have been employed.
        5.3.11  Table or wrist-action shaker--The use of a table or wrist-
    action shaker for extraction of tissues presents the possibility of 
    breakage of the extraction bottle and spillage of acid and flammable 
    organic solvent. A secondary containment system around the shaker is 
    suggested to prevent the spread of acid and solvents in the event of 
    such a breakage. The speed and intensity of shaking action should also 
    be adjusted to minimize the possibility of breakage.
    6.0  Apparatus and Materials
        Note: Brand names, suppliers, and part numbers are for 
    illustration purposes only and no endorsement is implied. Equivalent 
    performance may be achieved using apparatus and materials other than 
    those specified here. Meeting the performance requirements of this 
    method is the responsibility of the laboratory.
        6.1  Sampling Equipment for Discrete or Composite Sampling
    [[Page 48408]]
        6.1.1  Sample bottles and caps  Liquid samples (waters, sludges and similar materials 
    containing 5% solids or less)--Sample bottle, amber glass, 1.1 L 
    minimum, with screw cap.  Solid samples (soils, sediments, sludges, paper pulps, 
    filter cake, compost, and similar materials that contain more than 5% 
    solids)--Sample bottle, wide mouth, amber glass, 500 mL minimum.  If amber bottles are not available, samples shall be 
    protected from light.  Bottle caps--Threaded to fit sample bottles. Caps shall be 
    lined with fluoropolymer.  Cleaning  Bottles are detergent water washed, then solvent rinsed 
    before use.  Liners are detergent water washed, rinsed with reagent 
    water (Section 7.6.1) followed by solvent, and baked at approximately 
    200 deg.C for a minimum of 1 hour prior to use.
        6.1.2  Compositing equipment--Automatic or manual compositing 
    system incorporating glass containers cleaned per bottle cleaning 
    procedure above. Only glass or fluoropolymer tubing shall be used. If 
    the sampler uses a peristaltic pump, a minimum length of compressible 
    silicone rubber tubing may be used in the pump only. Before use, the 
    tubing shall be thoroughly rinsed with methanol, followed by repeated 
    rinsing with reagent water to minimize sample contamination. An 
    integrating flow meter is used to collect proportional composite 
        6.2  Equipment for Glassware Cleaning--Laboratory sink with 
    overhead fume hood.
        6.3  Equipment for Sample Preparation
        6.3.1  Laboratory fume hood of sufficient size to contain the 
    sample preparation equipment listed below.
        6.3.2  Glove box (optional).
        6.3.3  Tissue homogenizer--VirTis Model 45 Macro homogenizer 
    (American Scientific Products H-3515, or equivalent) with stainless 
    steel Macro-shaft and Turbo-shear blade.
        6.3.4  Meat grinder--Hobart, or equivalent, with 3-5 mm holes in 
    inner plate.
        6.3.5  Equipment for determining percent moisture  Oven--Capable of maintaining a temperature of 110 
    5 deg.C.  Dessicator.
        6.3.6  Balances  Analytical--Capable of weighing 0.1 mg.  Top loading--Capable of weighing 10 mg.
        6.4  Extraction Apparatus
        6.4.1  Water samples  pH meter, with combination glass electrode.  pH paper, wide range (Hydrion Papers, or equivalent).  Graduated cylinder, 1 L capacity.  Liquid/liquid extraction--Separatory funnels, 250 mL, 500 
    mL, and 2000 mL, with fluoropolymer stopcocks.  Solid-phase extraction  One liter filtration apparatus, including glass funnel, 
    glass frit support, clamp, adapter, stopper, filtration flask, and 
    vacuum tubing (Figure 4). For wastewater samples, the apparatus should 
    accept 90 or 144 mm disks. For drinking water or other samples 
    containing low solids, smaller disks may be used.  Vacuum source capable of maintaining 25 in. Hg, equipped 
    with shutoff valve and vacuum gauge.  Glass-fiber filter--Whatman GMF 150 (or equivalent), 1 
    micron pore size, to fit filtration apparatus in Section  Solid-phase extraction disk containing octadecyl 
    (C18) bonded silica uniformly enmeshed in an inert matrix--
    Fisher Scientific 14-378F (or equivalent), to fit filtration apparatus 
    in Section
        6.4.2  Soxhlet/Dean-Stark (SDS) extractor (Figure 5)--For filters 
    and solid/sludge samples.  Soxhlet--50 mm ID, 200 mL capacity with 500 mL flask (Cal-
    Glass LG-6900, or equivalent, except substitute 500 mL round-bottom 
    flask for 300 mL flat-bottom flask).  Thimble--43  x  123 to fit Soxhlet (Cal-Glass LG-6901-122, 
    or equivalent).  Moisture trap--Dean Stark or Barret with fluoropolymer 
    stopcock, to fit Soxhlet.  Heating mantle--Hemispherical, to fit 500 mL round-bottom 
    flask (Cal-Glass LG-8801-112, or equivalent).  Variable transformer--Powerstat (or equivalent), 110 volt, 
    10 amp.
        6.4.3  Apparatus for extraction of tissue.  Bottle for extraction (if digestion/extraction using HCl 
    is used)'' 500-600 mL wide-mouth clear glass, with fluoropolymer-lined 
    cap.  Bottle for back-extraction--100-200 mL narrow-mouth clear 
    glass with fluoropolymer-lined cap.  Mechanical shaker--Wrist-action or platform-type rotary 
    shaker that produces vigorous agitation (Sybron Thermolyne Model LE 
    ``Big Bill'' rotator/shaker, or equivalent).  Rack attached to shaker table to permit agitation of four 
    to nine samples simultaneously.
        6.4.4  Beakers--400-500 mL.
        6.4.5  Spatulas--Stainless steel.
        6.5  Filtration Apparatus.
        6.5.1  Pyrex glass wool--Solvent-extracted by SDS for three hours 
        Note: Baking glass wool may cause active sites that will 
    irreversibly adsorb CDDs/CDFs.
        6.5.2  Glass funnel--125-250 mL.
        6.5.3  Glass-fiber filter paper--Whatman GF/D (or equivalent), to 
    fit glass funnel in Section 6.5.2.
        6.5.4  Drying column--15-20 mm ID Pyrex chromatographic column 
    equipped with coarse-glass frit or glass-wool plug.
        6.5.5  Buchner funnel--15 cm.
        6.5.6  Glass-fiber filter paper--to fit Buchner funnel in Section 
        6.5.7  Filtration flasks--1.5-2.0 L, with side arm.
        6.5.8  Pressure filtration apparatus--Millipore YT30 142 HW, or 
        6.6  Centrifuge Apparatus.
        6.6.1  Centrifuge--Capable of rotating 500 mL centrifuge bottles or 
    15 mL centrifuge tubes at 5,000 rpm minimum.
        6.6.2  Centrifuge bottles--500 mL, with screw-caps, to fit 
        6.6.3  Centrifuge tubes--12-15 mL, with screw-caps, to fit 
        6.7  Cleanup Apparatus.
        6.7.1  Automated gel permeation chromatograph (Analytical 
    Biochemical Labs, Inc, Columbia, MO, Model GPC Autoprep 1002, or 
    equivalent).  Column--600-700 mm long  x  25 mm ID, packed with 70 g of
    SX-3 Bio-beads (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Richmond, CA, or equivalent).  Syringe--10 mL, with Luer fitting.  Syringe filter holder--stainless steel, and glass-fiber or 
    fluoropolymer filters (Gelman 4310, or equivalent).  UV detectors--254 nm, preparative or semi-preparative flow 
    cell (Isco, Inc., Type 6; Schmadzu, 5 mm path length; Beckman-Altex 
    152W, 8 L micro-prep flow cell, 2 mm path; Pharmacia UV-1, 3 
    mm flow cell; LDC Milton-Roy UV-3, monitor #1203; or equivalent).
        6.7.2  Reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatograph.  Column oven and detector--Perkin-Elmer Model LC-65T (or 
    equivalent) operated at 0.02 AUFS at 235 nm.  Injector--Rheodyne 7120 (or equivalent) with 50 L 
    sample loop.  Column--Two 6.2 mm  x  250 mm Zorbax-ODS columns in series
    [[Page 48409]]
    (DuPont Instruments Division, Wilmington, DE, or equivalent), operated 
    at 50 deg.C with 2.0 mL/min methanol isocratic effluent.  Pump--Altex 110A (or equivalent).
        6.7.3  Pipets.  Disposable, pasteur--150 mm long  x  5-mm ID (Fisher 
    Scientific 13-678-6A, or equivalent).  Disposable, serological--10 mL (6 mm ID).
        6.7.4  Glass chromatographic columns.  150 mm long  x  8-mm ID, (Kontes K-420155, or equivalent) 
    with coarse-glass frit or glass-wool plug and 250 mL reservoir.  200 mm long  x  15 mm ID, with coarse-glass frit or glass-
    wool plug and 250 mL reservoir.  300 mm long  x  25 mm ID, with 300 mL reservoir and glass 
    or fluoropolymer stopcock.
        6.7.5  Stirring apparatus for batch silica cleanup of tissue 
    extracts.  Mechanical stirrer--Corning Model 320, or equivalent.  Bottle--500-600 mL wide-mouth clear glass.
        6.7.6  Oven--For baking and storage of adsorbents, capable of 
    maintaining a constant temperature (5 deg.C) in the range 
    of 105-250 deg.C.
        6.8  Concentration Apparatus.
        6.8.1  Rotary evaporator--Buchi/Brinkman-American Scientific No. 
    E5045-10 or equivalent, equipped with a variable temperature water 
    bath.  Vacuum source for rotary evaporator equipped with shutoff 
    valve at the evaporator and vacuum gauge.  A recirculating water pump and chiller are recommended, as 
    use of tap water for cooling the evaporator wastes large volumes of 
    water and can lead to inconsistent performance as water temperatures 
    and pressures vary.  Round-bottom flask--100 mL and 500 mL or larger, with 
    ground-glass fitting compatible with the rotary evaporator.
        6.8.2  Kuderna-Danish (K-D) Concentrator.  Concentrator tube--10 mL, graduated (Kontes K-570050-1025, 
    or equivalent) with calibration verified. Ground-glass stopper (size 
    19/22 joint) is used to prevent evaporation of extracts.  Evaporation flask--500 mL (Kontes K-570001-0500, or 
    equivalent), attached to concentrator tube with springs (Kontes K-
    662750-0012 or equivalent).  Snyder column--Three-ball macro (Kontes K-503000-0232, or 
    equivalent).  Boiling chips.  Glass or silicon carbide--Approximately 10/40 mesh, 
    extracted with methylene chloride and baked at 450 deg.C for one hour 
    minimum.  Fluoropolymer (optional)--Extracted with methylene 
    chloride.  Water bath--Heated, with concentric ring cover, capable of 
    maintaining a temperature within 2 deg.C, installed in a 
    fume hood.
        6.8.3  Nitrogen blowdown apparatus--Equipped with water bath 
    controlled in the range of 30-60 deg.C (N-Evap, Organomation 
    Associates, Inc., South Berlin, MA, or equivalent), installed in a fume 
        6.8.4  Sample vials.  Amber glass--2-5 mL with fluoropolymer-lined screw-cap.  Glass--0.3 mL, conical, with fluoropolymer-lined screw or 
    crimp cap.
        6.9  Gas Chromatograph--Shall have splitless or on-column injection 
    port for capillary column, temperature program with isothermal hold, 
    and shall meet all of the performance specifications in Section 10.
        6.9.1  GC column for CDDs/CDFs and for isomer specificity for 
    2,3,7,8-TCDD--605 m long  x  0.320.02 mm ID; 
    0.25 m 5% phenyl, 94% methyl, 1% vinyl silicone bonded-phase 
    fused-silica capillary column (J&W DB-5, or equivalent).
        6.9.2  GC column for isomer specificity for 2,3,7,8-TCDF--
    305 m long  x  0.320.02 mm ID; 0.25 m 
    bonded-phase fused-silica capillary column (J&W DB-225, or equivalent).
        6.10  Mass Spectrometer--28-40 eV electron impact ionization, shall 
    be capable of repetitively selectively monitoring 12 exact m/z's 
    minimum at high resolution (10,000) during a period of 
    approximately one second, and shall meet all of the performance 
    specifications in Section 10.
        6.11  GC/MS Interface--The mass spectrometer (MS) shall be 
    interfaced to the GC such that the end of the capillary column 
    terminates within 1 cm of the ion source but does not intercept the 
    electron or ion beams.
        6.12  Data System--Capable of collecting, recording, and storing MS 
    7.0  Reagents and Standards
        7.1  pH Adjustment and Back-Extraction.
        7.1.1  Potassium hydroxide--Dissolve 20 g reagent grade KOH in 100 
    mL reagent water.
        7.1.2  Sulfuric acid--Reagent grade (specific gravity 1.84).
        7.1.3  Hydrochloric acid--Reagent grade, 6N.
        7.1.4  Sodium chloride--Reagent grade, prepare at 5% (w/v) solution 
    in reagent water.
        7.2  Solution Drying and Evaporation.
        7.2.1  Solution drying--Sodium sulfate, reagent grade, granular, 
    anhydrous (Baker 3375, or equivalent), rinsed with methylene chloride 
    (20 mL/g), baked at 400 deg.C for one hour minimum, cooled in a 
    dessicator, and stored in a pre-cleaned glass bottle with screw-cap 
    that prevents moisture from entering. If, after heating, the sodium 
    sulfate develops a noticeable grayish cast (due to the presence of 
    carbon in the crystal matrix), that batch of reagent is not suitable 
    for use and should be discarded. Extraction with methylene chloride (as 
    opposed to simple rinsing) and baking at a lower temperature may 
    produce sodium sulfate that is suitable for use.
        7.2.2  Tissue drying--Sodium sulfate, reagent grade, powdered, 
    treated and stored as above.
        7.2.3  Prepurified nitrogen.
        7.3  Extraction.
        7.3.1  Solvents--Acetone, toluene, cyclohexane, hexane, methanol, 
    methylene chloride, and nonane; distilled in glass, pesticide quality, 
    lot-certified to be free of interferences.
        7.3.2  White quartz sand, 60/70 mesh--For Soxhlet/Dean-Stark 
    extraction (Aldrich Chemical, Cat. No. 27-437-9, or equivalent). Bake 
    at 450 deg.C for four hours minimum.
        7.4  GPC Calibration Solution--Prepare a solution containing 300 
    mg/mL corn oil, 15 mg/mL bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, 1.4 mg/mL 
    pentachlorophenol, 0.1 mg/mL perylene, and 0.5 mg/mL sulfur.
        7.5  Adsorbents for Sample Cleanup.
        7.5.1  Silica gel.  Activated silica gel--100-200 mesh, Supelco 1-3651 (or 
    equivalent), rinsed with methylene chloride, baked at 180 deg.C for a 
    minimum of one hour, cooled in a dessicator, and stored in a precleaned 
    glass bottle with screw-cap that prevents moisture from entering.  Acid silica gel (30% w/w)--Thoroughly mix 44.0 g of 
    concentrated sulfuric acid with 100.0 g of activated silica gel in a 
    clean container. Break up aggregates with a stirring rod until a 
    uniform mixture is obtained. Store in a bottle with a fluoropolymer-
    lined screw-cap.  Basic silica gel--Thoroughly mix 30 g of 1N sodium 
    hydroxide with 100 g of activated silica gel in a clean container. 
    Break up aggregates with a stirring rod until a uniform mixture is 
    obtained. Store in a bottle with a fluoropolymer-lined screw-cap.  Potassium silicate.  Dissolve 56 g of high purity potassium hydroxide 
    (Aldrich, or
    [[Page 48410]]
    equivalent) in 300 mL of methanol in a 750-1000 mL flat-bottom flask.  Add 100 g of silica gel and a stirring bar, and stir on 
    a hot plate at 60-70 deg.C for one to two hours.  Decant the liquid and rinse the potassium silicate twice 
    with 100 mL portions of methanol, followed by a single rinse with 100 
    mL of methylene chloride.  Spread the potassium silicate on solvent-rinsed aluminum 
    foil and dry for two to four hours in a hood.  Activate overnight at 200-250 deg.C.
        7.5.2  Alumina--Either one of two types of alumina, acid or basic, 
    may be used in the cleanup of sample extracts, provided that the 
    laboratory can meet the performance specifications for the recovery of 
    labeled compounds described in Section 9.3. The same type of alumina 
    must be used for all samples, including those used to demonstrate 
    initial precision and recovery (Section 9.2) and ongoing precision and 
    recovery (Section 15.5).  Acid alumina--Supelco 19996-6C (or equivalent). Activate 
    by heating to 130 deg.C for a minimum of 12 hours.  Basic alumina--Supelco 19944-6C (or equivalent). Activate 
    by heating to 600 deg.C for a minimum of 24 hours. Alternatively, 
    activate by heating in a tube furnace at 650-700 deg.C under an air 
    flow rate of approximately 400 cc/minute. Do not heat over 700 deg.C, 
    as this can lead to reduced capacity for retaining the analytes. Store 
    at 130 deg.C in a covered flask. Use within five days of baking.
        7.5.3  Carbon.  Carbopak C--(Supelco 1-0258, or equivalent).  Celite 545--(Supelco 2-0199, or equivalent).  Thoroughly mix 9.0 g Carbopak C and 41.0 g Celite 545 to 
    produce an 18% w/w mixture. Activate the mixture at 130 deg.C for a 
    minimum of six hours. Store in a dessicator.
        7.5.4  Anthropogenic isolation column--Pack the column in Section from bottom to top with the following:  2 g silica gel (Section  2 g potassium silicate (Section  2 g granular anhydrous sodium sulfate (Section 7.2.1).  10 g acid silica gel (Section  2 g granular anhydrous sodium sulfate.
        7.5.5  Florisil column.  Florisil--60-100 mesh, Floridin Corp (or equivalent). 
    Soxhlet extract in 500 g portions for 24 hours.  Insert a glass wool plug into the tapered end of a 
    graduated serological pipet (Section Pack with 1.5 g (approx 
    2 mL) of Florisil topped with approx 1 mL of sodium sulfate (Section 
    7.2.1) and a glass wool plug.  Activate in an oven at 130-150 deg.C for a minimum of 24 
    hours and cool for 30 minutes. Use within 90 minutes of cooling.
        7.6  Reference Matrices--Matrices in which the CDDs/CDFs and 
    interfering compounds are not detected by this method.
        7.6.1  Reagent water--Bottled water purchased locally, or prepared 
    by passage through activated carbon.
        7.6.2  High-solids reference matrix--Playground sand or similar 
    material. Prepared by extraction with methylene chloride and/or baking 
    at 450 deg.C for a minimum of four hours.
        7.6.3  Paper reference matrix--Glass-fiber filter, Gelman Type A, 
    or equivalent. Cut paper to simulate the surface area of the paper 
    sample being tested.
        7.6.4  Tissue reference matrix--Corn or other vegetable oil. May be 
    prepared by extraction with methylene chloride.
        7.6.5  Other matrices--This method may be verified on any reference 
    matrix by performing the tests given in Section 9.2. Ideally, the 
    matrix should be free of the CDDs/CDFs, but in no case shall the 
    background level of the CDDs/CDFs in the reference matrix exceed three 
    times the minimum levels in Table 2. If low background levels of the 
    CDDs/CDFs are present in the reference matrix, the spike level of the 
    analytes used in Section 9.2 should be increased to provide a spike-to-
    background ratio in the range of 1:1 to 5:1 (Reference 15).
        7.7  Standard Solutions--Purchased as solutions or mixtures with 
    certification to their purity, concentration, and authenticity, or 
    prepared from materials of known purity and composition. If the 
    chemical purity is 98% or greater, the weight may be used without 
    correction to compute the concentration of the standard. When not being 
    used, standards are stored in the dark at room temperature in screw-
    capped vials with fluoropolymer-lined caps. A mark is placed on the 
    vial at the level of the solution so that solvent loss by evaporation 
    can be detected. If solvent loss has occurred, the solution should be 
        7.8  Stock Solutions.
        7.8.1  Preparation--Prepare in nonane per the steps below or 
    purchase as dilute solutions (Cambridge Isotope Laboratories (CIL), 
    Woburn, MA, or equivalent). Observe the safety precautions in Section 
    5, and the recommendation in Section 5.1.2.
        7.8.2  Dissolve an appropriate amount of assayed reference material 
    in solvent. For example, weigh 1-2 mg of 2,3,7,8-TCDD to three 
    significant figures in a 10 mL ground-glass-stoppered volumetric flask 
    and fill to the mark with nonane. After the TCDD is completely 
    dissolved, transfer the solution to a clean 15 mL vial with 
    fluoropolymer-lined cap.
        7.8.3  Stock standard solutions should be checked for signs of 
    degradation prior to the preparation of calibration or performance test 
    standards. Reference standards that can be used to determine the 
    accuracy of calibration standards are available from CIL and may be 
    available from other vendors.
        7.9  PAR Stock Solution
        7.9.1  All CDDs/CDFs--Using the solutions in Section 7.8, prepare 
    the PAR stock solution to contain the CDDs/CDFs at the concentrations 
    shown in Table 3. When diluted, the solution will become the PAR 
    (Section 7.14).
        7.9.2  If only 2,3,7,8-TCDD and 2,3,7,8-TCDF are to be determined, 
    prepare the PAR stock solution to contain these compounds only.
        7.10  Labeled-Compound Spiking Solution.
        7.10.1  All CDDs/CDFs--From stock solutions, or from purchased 
    mixtures, prepare this solution to contain the labeled compounds in 
    nonane at the concentrations shown in Table 3. This solution is diluted 
    with acetone prior to use (Section 7.10.3).
        7.10.2  If only 2,3,7,8-TCDD and 2,3,7,8-TCDF are to be determined, 
    prepare the labeled-compound solution to contain these compounds only. 
    This solution is diluted with acetone prior to use (Section 7.10.3).
        7.10.3  Dilute a sufficient volume of the labeled compound solution 
    (Section 7.10.1 or 7.10.2) by a factor of 50 with acetone to prepare a 
    diluted spiking solution. Each sample requires 1.0 mL of the diluted 
    solution, but no more solution should be prepared than can be used in 
    one day.
        7.11  Cleanup Standard--Prepare 37Cl4-
    2,3,7,8-TCDD in nonane at the concentration shown in Table 3. The 
    cleanup standard is added to all extracts prior to cleanup to measure 
    the efficiency of the cleanup process.
        7.12  Internal Standard(s).
        7.12.1  All CDDs/CDFs--Prepare the internal standard solution to 
    contain 13C12-1,2,3,4-TCDD and 
    13C12-1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD in nonane at the 
    concentration shown in Table 3.
        7.12.2  If only 2,3,7,8-TCDD and 2,3,7,8-TCDF are to be determined,
    [[Page 48411]]
    prepare the internal standard solution to contain 
    13C12-1,2,3,4-TCDD only.
        7.13  Calibration Standards (CS1 through CS5)--Combine the 
    solutions in Sections 7.9 through 7.12 to produce the five calibration 
    solutions shown in Table 4 in nonane. These solutions permit the 
    relative response (labeled to native) and response factor to be 
    measured as a function of concentration. The CS3 standard is used for 
    calibration verification (VER). If only 2,3,7,8-TCDD and 2,3,7,8-TCDF 
    are to be determined, combine the solutions appropriate to these 
        7.14  Precision and Recovery (PAR) Standard--Used for determination 
    of initial (Section 9.2) and ongoing (Section 15.5) precision and 
    recovery. Dilute 10 L of the precision and recovery standard 
    (Section 7.9.1 or 7.9.2) to 2.0 mL with acetone for each sample matrix 
    for each sample batch. One mL each are required for the blank and OPR 
    with each matrix in each batch.
        7.15  GC Retention Time Window Defining Solution and Isomer 
    Specificity Test Standard--Used to define the beginning and ending 
    retention times for the dioxin and furan isomers and to demonstrate 
    isomer specificity of the GC columns employed for determination of 
    2,3,7,8-TCDD and 2,3,7,8-TCDF. The standard must contain the compounds 
    listed in Table 5 (CIL EDF--4006, or equivalent), at a minimum. It is 
    not necessary to monitor the window-defining compounds if only 2,3,7,8-
    TCDD and 2,3,7,8-TCDF are to be determined. In this case, an isomer-
    specificity test standard containing the most closely eluted isomers 
    listed in Table 5 (CIL EDF-4033, or equivalent) may be used.
        7.16  QC Check Sample--A QC Check Sample should be obtained from a 
    source independent of the calibration standards. Ideally, this check 
    sample would be a certified reference material containing the CDDs/CDFs 
    in known concentrations in a sample matrix similar to the matrix under 
        7.17  Stability of Solutions--Standard solutions used for 
    quantitative purposes (Sections 7.9 through 7.15) should be analyzed 
    periodically, and should be assayed against reference standards 
    (Section 7.8.3) before further use.
    8.0  Sample Collection, Preservation, Storage, and Holding Times
        8.1  Collect samples in amber glass containers following 
    conventional sampling practices (Reference 16). Aqueous samples that 
    flow freely are collected in refrigerated bottles using automatic 
    sampling equipment. Solid samples are collected as grab samples using 
    wide-mouth jars.
        8.2  Maintain aqueous samples in the dark at 0-4 deg.C from the 
    time of collection until receipt at the laboratory. If residual 
    chlorine is present in aqueous samples, add 80 mg sodium thiosulfate 
    per liter of water. EPA Methods 330.4 and 330.5 may be used to measure 
    residual chlorine (Reference 17). If sample pH is greater than 9, 
    adjust to pH 7-9 with sulfuric acid.
        Maintain solid, semi-solid, oily, and mixed-phase samples in the 
    dark at <4 deg.c="" from="" the="" time="" of="" collection="" until="" receipt="" at="" the="" laboratory.="" store="" aqueous="" samples="" in="" the="" dark="" at="" 0-4="" deg.c.="" store="" solid,="" semi-="" solid,="" oily,="" mixed-phase,="" and="" tissue="" samples="" in="" the="" dark="" at=""><-10 deg.c.="" 8.3="" fish="" and="" tissue="" samples.="" 8.3.1="" fish="" may="" be="" cleaned,="" filleted,="" or="" processed="" in="" other="" ways="" in="" the="" field,="" such="" that="" the="" laboratory="" may="" expect="" to="" receive="" whole="" fish,="" fish="" fillets,="" or="" other="" tissues="" for="" analysis.="" 8.3.2="" fish="" collected="" in="" the="" field="" should="" be="" wrapped="" in="" aluminum="" foil,="" and="" must="" be="" maintained="" at="" a="" temperature="" less="" than="" 4="" deg.c="" from="" the="" time="" of="" collection="" until="" receipt="" at="" the="" laboratory.="" 8.3.3="" samples="" must="" be="" frozen="" upon="" receipt="" at="" the="" laboratory="" and="" maintained="" in="" the="" dark="" at=""><-10 deg.c="" until="" prepared.="" maintain="" unused="" sample="" in="" the="" dark="" at=""><-10 deg.c.="" 8.4="" holding="" times.="" 8.4.1="" there="" are="" no="" demonstrated="" maximum="" holding="" times="" associated="" with="" cdds/cdfs="" in="" aqueous,="" solid,="" semi-solid,="" tissues,="" or="" other="" sample="" matrices.="" if="" stored="" in="" the="" dark="" at="" 0-4="" deg.c="" and="" preserved="" as="" given="" above="" (if="" required),="" aqueous="" samples="" may="" be="" stored="" for="" up="" to="" one="" year.="" similarly,="" if="" stored="" in="" the="" dark="" at=""><-10 deg.c,="" solid,="" semi-solid,="" multi-phase,="" and="" tissue="" samples="" may="" be="" stored="" for="" up="" to="" one="" year.="" 8.4.2="" store="" sample="" extracts="" in="" the="" dark="" at=""><-10 deg.c="" until="" analyzed.="" if="" stored="" in="" the="" dark="" at=""><-10 deg.c,="" sample="" extracts="" may="" be="" stored="" for="" up="" to="" one="" year.="" 9.0="" quality="" assurance/quality="" control="" 9.1="" each="" laboratory="" that="" uses="" this="" method="" is="" required="" to="" operate="" a="" formal="" quality="" assurance="" program="" (reference="" 18).="" the="" minimum="" requirements="" of="" this="" program="" consist="" of="" an="" initial="" demonstration="" of="" laboratory="" capability,="" analysis="" of="" samples="" spiked="" with="" labeled="" compounds="" to="" evaluate="" and="" document="" data="" quality,="" and="" analysis="" of="" standards="" and="" blanks="" as="" tests="" of="" continued="" performance.="" laboratory="" performance="" is="" compared="" to="" established="" performance="" criteria="" to="" determine="" if="" the="" results="" of="" analyses="" meet="" the="" performance="" characteristics="" of="" the="" method.="" if="" the="" method="" is="" to="" be="" applied="" to="" sample="" matrix="" other="" than="" water="" (e.g.,="" soils,="" filter="" cake,="" compost,="" tissue)="" the="" most="" appropriate="" alternate="" matrix="" (sections="" 7.6.2="" through="" 7.6.5)="" is="" substituted="" for="" the="" reagent="" water="" matrix="" (section="" 7.6.1)="" in="" all="" performance="" tests.="" 9.1.1="" the="" analyst="" shall="" make="" an="" initial="" demonstration="" of="" the="" ability="" to="" generate="" acceptable="" accuracy="" and="" precision="" with="" this="" method.="" this="" ability="" is="" established="" as="" described="" in="" section="" 9.2.="" 9.1.2="" in="" recognition="" of="" advances="" that="" are="" occurring="" in="" analytical="" technology,="" and="" to="" allow="" the="" analyst="" to="" overcome="" sample="" matrix="" interferences,="" the="" analyst="" is="" permitted="" certain="" options="" to="" improve="" separations="" or="" lower="" the="" costs="" of="" measurements.="" these="" options="" include="" alternate="" extraction,="" concentration,="" cleanup="" procedures,="" and="" changes="" in="" columns="" and="" detectors.="" alternate="" determinative="" techniques,="" such="" as="" the="" substitution="" of="" spectroscopic="" or="" immuno-assay="" techniques,="" and="" changes="" that="" degrade="" method="" performance,="" are="" not="" allowed.="" if="" an="" analytical="" technique="" other="" than="" the="" techniques="" specified="" in="" this="" method="" is="" used,="" that="" technique="" must="" have="" a="" specificity="" equal="" to="" or="" better="" than="" the="" specificity="" of="" the="" techniques="" in="" this="" method="" for="" the="" analytes="" of="" interest.="""" each="" time="" a="" modification="" is="" made="" to="" this="" method,="" the="" analyst="" is="" required="" to="" repeat="" the="" procedure="" in="" section="" 9.2.="" if="" the="" detection="" limit="" of="" the="" method="" will="" be="" affected="" by="" the="" change,="" the="" laboratory="" is="" required="" to="" demonstrate="" that="" the="" mdl="" (40="" cfr="" part="" 136,="" appendix="" b)="" is="" lower="" than="" one-third="" the="" regulatory="" compliance="" level="" or="" one-third="" the="" ml="" in="" this="" method,="" whichever="" is="" higher.="" if="" calibration="" will="" be="" affected="" by="" the="" change,="" the="" analyst="" must="" recalibrate="" the="" instrument="" per="" section="" 10.="""" the="" laboratory="" is="" required="" to="" maintain="" records="" of="" modifications="" made="" to="" this="" method.="" these="" records="" include="" the="" following,="" at="" a="" minimum:="""" the="" names,="" titles,="" addresses,="" and="" telephone="" numbers="" of="" the="" analyst(s)="" who="" performed="" the="" analyses="" and="" modification,="" and="" of="" the="" quality="" control="" officer="" who="" witnessed="" and="" will="" verify="" the="" analyses="" and="" modifications.="""" a="" listing="" of="" pollutant(s)="" measured,="" by="" name="" and="" cas="" registry="" number.="""" a="" narrative="" stating="" reason(s)="" for="" the="" modifications.="""" results="" from="" all="" quality="" control="" (qc)="" tests="" comparing="" the="" modified="" method="" to="" this="" method,="" including:="" [[page="" 48412]]="" (a)="" calibration="" (section="" 10.5="" through="" 10.7).="" (b)="" calibration="" verification="" (section="" 15.3).="" (c)="" initial="" precision="" and="" recovery="" (section="" 9.2).="" (d)="" labeled="" compound="" recovery="" (section="" 9.3).="" (e)="" analysis="" of="" blanks="" (section="" 9.5).="" (f)="" accuracy="" assessment="" (section="" 9.4).="""" data="" that="" will="" allow="" an="" independent="" reviewer="" to="" validate="" each="" determination="" by="" tracing="" the="" instrument="" output="" (peak="" height,="" area,="" or="" other="" signal)="" to="" the="" final="" result.="" these="" data="" are="" to="" include:="" (a)="" sample="" numbers="" and="" other="" identifiers.="" (b)="" extraction="" dates.="" (c)="" analysis="" dates="" and="" times.="" (d)="" analysis="" sequence/run="" chronology.="" (e)="" sample="" weight="" or="" volume="" (section="" 11).="" (f)="" extract="" volume="" prior="" to="" each="" cleanup="" step="" (section="" 13).="" (g)="" extract="" volume="" after="" each="" cleanup="" step="" (section="" 13).="" (h)="" final="" extract="" volume="" prior="" to="" injection="" (section="" 14).="" (i)="" injection="" volume="" (section="" 14.3).="" (j)="" dilution="" data,="" differentiating="" between="" dilution="" of="" a="" sample="" or="" extract="" (section="" 17.5).="" (k)="" instrument="" and="" operating="" conditions.="" (l)="" column="" (dimensions,="" liquid="" phase,="" solid="" support,="" film="" thickness,="" etc).="" (m)="" operating="" conditions="" (temperatures,="" temperature="" program,="" flow="" rates).="" (n)="" detector="" (type,="" operating="" conditions,="" etc).="" (o)="" chromatograms,="" printer="" tapes,="" and="" other="" recordings="" of="" raw="" data.="" (p)="" quantitation="" reports,="" data="" system="" outputs,="" and="" other="" data="" to="" link="" the="" raw="" data="" to="" the="" results="" reported.="" 9.1.3="" analyses="" of="" method="" blanks="" are="" required="" to="" demonstrate="" freedom="" from="" contamination="" (section="" 4.3).="" the="" procedures="" and="" criteria="" for="" analysis="" of="" a="" method="" blank="" are="" described="" in="" sections="" 9.5="" and="" 15.6.="" 9.1.4="" the="" laboratory="" shall="" spike="" all="" samples="" with="" labeled="" compounds="" to="" monitor="" method="" performance.="" this="" test="" is="" described="" in="" section="" 9.3.="" when="" results="" of="" these="" spikes="" indicate="" atypical="" method="" performance="" for="" samples,="" the="" samples="" are="" diluted="" to="" bring="" method="" performance="" within="" acceptable="" limits.="" procedures="" for="" dilution="" are="" given="" in="" section="" 17.5.="" 9.1.5="" the="" laboratory="" shall,="" on="" an="" ongoing="" basis,="" demonstrate="" through="" calibration="" verification="" and="" the="" analysis="" of="" the="" ongoing="" precision="" and="" recovery="" aliquot="" that="" the="" analytical="" system="" is="" in="" control.="" these="" procedures="" are="" described="" in="" sections="" 15.1="" through="" 15.5.="" 9.1.6="" the="" laboratory="" shall="" maintain="" records="" to="" define="" the="" quality="" of="" data="" that="" is="" generated.="" development="" of="" accuracy="" statements="" is="" described="" in="" section="" 9.4.="" 9.2="" initial="" precision="" and="" recovery="" (ipr)--to="" establish="" the="" ability="" to="" generate="" acceptable="" precision="" and="" recovery,="" the="" analyst="" shall="" perform="" the="" following="" operations.="" 9.2.1="" for="" low="" solids="" (aqueous)="" samples,="" extract,="" concentrate,="" and="" analyze="" four="" 1="" l="" aliquots="" of="" reagent="" water="" spiked="" with="" the="" diluted="" labeled="" compound="" spiking="" solution="" (section="" 7.10.3)="" and="" the="" precision="" and="" recovery="" standard="" (section="" 7.14)="" according="" to="" the="" procedures="" in="" sections="" 11="" through="" 18.="" for="" an="" alternative="" sample="" matrix,="" four="" aliquots="" of="" the="" alternative="" reference="" matrix="" (section="" 7.6)="" are="" used.="" all="" sample="" processing="" steps="" that="" are="" to="" be="" used="" for="" processing="" samples,="" including="" preparation="" (section="" 11),="" extraction="" (section="" 12),="" and="" cleanup="" (section="" 13),="" shall="" be="" included="" in="" this="" test.="" 9.2.2="" using="" results="" of="" the="" set="" of="" four="" analyses,="" compute="" the="" average="" concentration="" (x)="" of="" the="" extracts="" in="" ng/ml="" and="" the="" standard="" deviation="" of="" the="" concentration="" (s)="" in="" ng/ml="" for="" each="" compound,="" by="" isotope="" dilution="" for="" cdds/cdfs="" with="" a="" labeled="" analog,="" and="" by="" internal="" standard="" for="" 1,2,3,7,8,9-hxcdd,="" ocdf,="" and="" the="" labeled="" compounds.="" 9.2.3="" for="" each="" cdd/cdf="" and="" labeled="" compound,="" compare="" s="" and="" x="" with="" the="" corresponding="" limits="" for="" initial="" precision="" and="" recovery="" in="" table="" 6.="" if="" only="" 2,3,7,8-tcdd="" and="" 2,3,7,8-tcdf="" are="" to="" be="" determined,="" compare="" s="" and="" x="" with="" the="" corresponding="" limits="" for="" initial="" precision="" and="" recovery="" in="" table="" 6a.="" if="" s="" and="" x="" for="" all="" compounds="" meet="" the="" acceptance="" criteria,="" system="" performance="" is="" acceptable="" and="" analysis="" of="" blanks="" and="" samples="" may="" begin.="" if,="" however,="" any="" individual="" s="" exceeds="" the="" precision="" limit="" or="" any="" individual="" x="" falls="" outside="" the="" range="" for="" accuracy,="" system="" performance="" is="" unacceptable="" for="" that="" compound.="" correct="" the="" problem="" and="" repeat="" the="" test="" (section="" 9.2).="" 9.3="" the="" laboratory="" shall="" spike="" all="" samples="" with="" the="" diluted="" labeled="" compound="" spiking="" solution="" (section="" 7.10.3)="" to="" assess="" method="" performance="" on="" the="" sample="" matrix.="" 9.3.1="" analyze="" each="" sample="" according="" to="" the="" procedures="" in="" sections="" 11="" through="" 18.="" 9.3.2="" compute="" the="" percent="" recovery="" of="" the="" labeled="" compounds="" and="" the="" cleanup="" standard="" using="" the="" internal="" standard="" method="" (section="" 17.2).="" 9.3.3="" the="" recovery="" of="" each="" labeled="" compound="" must="" be="" within="" the="" limits="" in="" table="" 7="" when="" all="" 2,3,7,8-substituted="" cdds/cdfs="" are="" determined,="" and="" within="" the="" limits="" in="" table="" 7a="" when="" only="" 2,3,7,8-tcdd="" and="" 2,3,7,8-tcdf="" are="" determined.="" if="" the="" recovery="" of="" any="" compound="" falls="" outside="" of="" these="" limits,="" method="" performance="" is="" unacceptable="" for="" that="" compound="" in="" that="" sample.="" to="" overcome="" such="" difficulties,="" water="" samples="" are="" diluted="" and="" smaller="" amounts="" of="" soils,="" sludges,="" sediments,="" and="" other="" matrices="" are="" reanalyzed="" per="" section="" 18.4.="" 9.4="" recovery="" of="" labeled="" compounds="" from="" samples="" should="" be="" assessed="" and="" records="" should="" be="" maintained.="" 9.4.1="" after="" the="" analysis="" of="" five="" samples="" of="" a="" given="" matrix="" type="" (water,="" soil,="" sludge,="" pulp,="" etc.)="" for="" which="" the="" labeled="" compounds="" pass="" the="" tests="" in="" section="" 9.3,="" compute="" the="" average="" percent="" recovery="" (r)="" and="" the="" standard="" deviation="" of="" the="" percent="" recovery="" (sr)="" for="" the="" labeled="" compounds="" only.="" express="" the="" assessment="" as="" a="" percent="" recovery="" interval="" from="">R to R+2SR for each matrix. For example, 
    if R = 90% and SR = 10% for five analyses of pulp, the 
    recovery interval is expressed as 70-110%.
        9.4.2  Update the accuracy assessment for each labeled compound in 
    each matrix on a regular basis (e.g., after each 5-10 new 
        9.5  Method Blanks--Reference matrix method blanks are analyzed to 
    demonstrate freedom from contamination (Section 4.3).
        9.5.1  Prepare, extract, clean up, and concentrate a method blank 
    with each sample batch (samples of the same matrix started through the 
    extraction process on the same 12-hour shift, to a maximum of 20 
    samples). The matrix for the method blank shall be similar to sample 
    matrix for the batch, e.g., a 1 L reagent water blank (Section 7.6.1), 
    high-solids reference matrix blank (Section 7.6.2), paper matrix blank 
    (Section 7.6.3); tissue blank (Section 7.6.4) or alternative reference 
    matrix blank (Section 7.6.5). Analyze the blank immediately after 
    analysis of the OPR (Section 15.5) to demonstrate freedom from 
        9.5.2  If any 2,3,7,8-substituted CDD/CDF (Table 1) is found in the 
    blank at greater than the minimum level (Table 2) or one-third the 
    regulatory compliance level, whichever is greater; or if any 
    potentially interfering compound is found in the blank at the minimum 
    level for each level of chlorination given in Table 2 (assuming a 
    response factor of 1 relative to the \13\C12-1,2,3,4-TCDD 
    internal standard for compounds not listed in Table 1), analysis of 
    samples is halted until the blank associated with the sample batch 
    shows no evidence of contamination at
    [[Page 48413]]
    this level. All samples must be associated with an uncontaminated 
    method blank before the results for those samples may be reported for 
    regulatory compliance purposes.
        9.6  QC Check Sample--Analyze the QC Check Sample (Section 7.16) 
    periodically to assure the accuracy of calibration standards and the 
    overall reliability of the analytical process. It is suggested that the 
    QC Check Sample be analyzed at least quarterly.
        9.7  The specifications contained in this method can be met if the 
    apparatus used is calibrated properly and then maintained in a 
    calibrated state. The standards used for calibration (Section 10), 
    calibration verification (Section 15.3), and for initial (Section 9.2) 
    and ongoing (Section 15.5) precision and recovery should be identical, 
    so that the most precise results will be obtained. A GC/MS instrument 
    will provide the most reproducible results if dedicated to the settings 
    and conditions required for the analyses of CDDs/CDFs by this method.
        9.8  Depending on specific program requirements, field replicates 
    may be collected to determine the precision of the sampling technique, 
    and spiked samples may be required to determine the accuracy of the 
    analysis when the internal standard method is used.
    10.0  Calibration
        10.1  Establish the operating conditions necessary to meet the 
    minimum retention times for the internal standards in Section 10.2.4 
    and the relative retention times for the CDDs/CDFs in Table 2.
        10.1.1  Suggested GC operating conditions:
    Injector temperature: 270 deg.C
    Interface temperature: 290 deg.C
    Initial temperature: 200 deg.C
    Initial time: Two minutes
    Temperature program:
        200-220 deg.C, at 5 deg.C/minute
        220 deg.C for 16 minutes
        220-235 deg.C, at 5 deg.C/minute
        235 deg.C for seven minutes
        235-330 deg.C, at 5 deg.C/minute
        Note: All portions of the column that connect the GC to the ion 
    source shall remain at or above the interface temperature specified 
    above during analysis to preclude condensation of less volatile 
        Optimize GC conditions for compound separation and sensitivity. 
    Once optimized, the same GC conditions must be used for the analysis of 
    all standards, blanks, IPR and OPR aliquots, and samples.
        10.1.2  Mass spectrometer (MS) resolution--Obtain a selected ion 
    current profile (SICP) of each analyte in Table 3 at the two exact m/
    z's specified in Table 8 and at 10,000 resolving power by 
    injecting an authentic standard of the CDDs/CDFs either singly or as 
    part of a mixture in which there is no interference between closely 
    eluted components.  The analysis time for CDDs/CDFs may exceed the long-term 
    mass stability of the mass spectrometer. Because the instrument is 
    operated in the high-resolution mode, mass drifts of a few ppm (e.g., 5 
    ppm in mass) can have serious adverse effects on instrument 
    performance. Therefore, a mass-drift correction is mandatory and a 
    lock-mass m/z from PFK is used for drift correction. The lock-mass m/z 
    is dependent on the exact m/z's monitored within each descriptor, as 
    shown in Table 8. The level of PFK metered into the HRMS during 
    analyses should be adjusted so that the amplitude of the most intense 
    selected lock-mass m/z signal (regardless of the descriptor number) 
    does not exceed 10% of the full-scale deflection for a given set of 
    detector parameters. Under those conditions, sensitivity changes that 
    might occur during the analysis can be more effectively monitored.
        Note: Excessive PFK (or any other reference substance) may cause 
    noise problems and contamination of the ion source necessitating 
    increased frequency of source cleaning.
     If the HRMS has the capability to monitor resolution 
    during the analysis, it is acceptable to terminate the analysis when 
    the resolution falls below 10,000 to save reanalysis time.  Using a PFK molecular leak, tune the instrument to meet 
    the minimum required resolving power of 10,000 (10% valley) at m/z 
    304.9824 (PFK) or any other reference signal close to m/z 304 (from 
    TCDF). For each descriptor (Table 8), monitor and record the resolution 
    and exact m/z's of three to five reference peaks covering the mass 
    range of the descriptor. The resolution must be greater than or equal 
    to 10,000, and the deviation between the exact m/z and the theoretical 
    m/z (Table 8) for each exact m/z monitored must be less than 5 ppm.
        10.2  Ion Abundance Ratios, Minimum Levels, Signal-to-Noise Ratios, 
    and Absolute Retention Times--Choose an injection volume of either 1 
    L or 2 L, consistent with the capability of the HRGC/
    HRMS instrument. Inject a 1 L or 2 L aliquot of the 
    CS1 calibration solution (Table 4) using the GC conditions from Section 
    10.1.1. If only 2,3,7,8-TCDD and 2,3,7,8-TCDF are to be determined, the 
    operating conditions and specifications below apply to analysis of 
    those compounds only.
        10.2.1  Measure the SICP areas for each analyte, and compute the 
    ion abundance ratios at the exact m/z's specified in Table 8. Compare 
    the computed ratio to the theoretical ratio given in Table 9.  The exact m/z's to be monitored in each descriptor are 
    shown in Table 8. Each group or descriptor shall be monitored in 
    succession as a function of GC retention time to ensure that all CDDs/
    CDFs are detected. Additional m/z's may be monitored in each 
    descriptor, and the m/z's may be divided among more than the five 
    descriptors listed in Table 8, provided that the laboratory is able to 
    monitor the m/z's of all the CDDs/CDFs that may elute from the GC in a 
    given retention-time window. If only 2,3,7,8-TCDD and 2,3,7,8-TCDF are 
    to be determined, the descriptors may be modified to include only the 
    exact m/z's for the tetra-and penta-isomers, the diphenyl ethers, and 
    the lock m/z's.  The mass spectrometer shall be operated in a mass-drift 
    correction mode, using perfluorokerosene (PFK) to provide lock m/z's. 
    The lock-mass for each group of m/z's is shown in Table 8. Each lock 
    mass shall be monitored and shall not vary by more than 20% 
    throughout its respective retention time window. Variations of the lock 
    mass by more than 20% indicate the presence of coeluting interferences 
    that may significantly reduce the sensitivity of the mass spectrometer. 
    Reinjection of another aliquot of the sample extract will not resolve 
    the problem. Additional cleanup of the extract may be required to 
    remove the interferences.
        10.2.2  All CDDs/CDFs and labeled compounds in the CS1 standard 
    shall be within the QC limits in Table 9 for their respective ion 
    abundance ratios; otherwise, the mass spectrometer shall be adjusted 
    and this test repeated until the m/z ratios fall within the limits 
    specified. If the adjustment alters the resolution of the mass 
    spectrometer, resolution shall be verified (Section 10.1.2) prior to 
    repeat of the test.
        10.2.3  Verify that the HRGC/HRMS instrument meets the minimum 
    levels in Table 2. The peaks representing the CDDs/CDFs and labeled 
    compounds in the CS1 calibration standard must have signal-to-noise 
    ratios (S/N) greater than or equal to 10.0. Otherwise, the mass 
    spectrometer shall be adjusted and this test repeated until the minimum 
    levels in Table 2 are met.
        10.2.4  The absolute retention time of 13C12-
    1,2,3,4-TCDD (Section 7.12) shall exceed 25.0 minutes on the DB-5 
    column, and the retention time of 13C12-
    [[Page 48414]]
    1,2,3,4-TCDD shall exceed 15.0 minutes on the DB-225 column; otherwise, 
    the GC temperature program shall be adjusted and this test repeated 
    until the above-stated minimum retention time criteria are met.
    10.3  Retention-Time Windows--Analyze the window defining mixtures 
    (Section 7.15) using the optimized temperature program in Section 
    10.1. Table 5 gives the elution order (first/last) of the window-
    defining compounds. If 2,3,7,8-TCDD and 2,3,7,8-TCDF only are to be 
    analyzed, this test is not required.
        10.4  Isomer Specificity.
        10.4.1  Analyze the isomer specificity test standards (Section 
    7.15) using the procedure in Section 14 and the optimized conditions 
    for sample analysis (Section 10.1.1).
        10.4.2  Compute the percent valley between the GC peaks that elute 
    most closely to the 2,3,7,8-TCDD and TCDF isomers, on their respective 
    columns, per Figures 6 and 7.
        10.4.3  Verify that the height of the valley between the most 
    closely eluted isomers and the 2,3,7,8-substituted isomers is less than 
    25% (computed as 100 x/y in Figures 6 and 7). If the valley exceeds 
    25%, adjust the analytical conditions and repeat the test or replace 
    the GC column and recalibrate (Sections 10.1.2 through 10.7).
        10.5  Calibration by Isotope Dilution--Isotope dilution calibration 
    is used for the 15 2,3,7,8-substituted CDDs/CDFs for which labeled 
    compounds are added to samples prior to extraction. The reference 
    compound for each CDD/CDF compound is shown in Table 2.
        10.5.1  A calibration curve encompassing the concentration range is 
    prepared for each compound to be determined. The relative response (RR) 
    (labeled to native) vs. concentration in standard solutions is plotted 
    or computed using a linear regression. Relative response is determined 
    according to the procedures described below. Five calibration points 
    are employed.
        10.5.2  The response of each CDD/CDF relative to its labeled analog 
    is determined using the area responses of both the primary and 
    secondary exact m/z's specified in Table 8, for each calibration 
    standard, as follows:
    A1n and A2n = The areas of the primary and 
    secondary m/z's for the CDD/CDF.
    A1l and A2l = The areas of the primary and 
    secondary m/z's for the labeled compound.
    Cl = The concentration of the labeled compound in the 
    calibration standard (Table 4).
    Cn = The concentration of the native compound in the 
    calibration standard (Table 4).
        10.5.3  To calibrate the analytical system by isotope dilution, 
    inject a volume of calibration standards CS1 through CS5 (Section 7.13 
    and Table 4) identical to the volume chosen in Section 10.2, using the 
    procedure in Section 14 and the conditions in Section 10.1.1 and Table 
    2. Compute the relative response (RR) at each concentration.
        10.5.4  Linearity--If the relative response for any compound is 
    constant (less than 20% coefficient of variation) over the five-point 
    calibration range, an averaged relative response may be used for that 
    compound; otherwise, the complete calibration curve for that compound 
    shall be used over the five-point calibration range.
        10.6  Calibration by Internal Standard--The internal standard 
    method is applied to determination of 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD (Section 
    17.1.2), OCDF (Section 17.1.1), the non 2,3,7,8-substituted compounds, 
    and to the determination of labeled compounds for intralaboratory 
    statistics (Sections 9.4 and 15.5.4).
        10.6.1  Response factors--Calibration requires the determination of 
    response factors (RF) defined by the following equation:
    A1s and A2s = The areas of the primary and 
    secondary m/z's for the CDD/CDF.
    A1is and A2is = The areas of the primary and 
    secondary m/z's for the internal standard.
    Cis = The concentration of the internal standard (Table 4).
    Cs = The concentration of the compound in the calibration 
    standard (Table 4).
        Note: There is only one m/z for 37Cl4-
    2,3,7,8-TCDD. See Table 8.
        10.6.2  To calibrate the analytical system by internal standard, 
    inject 1.0 L or 2.0 L of calibration standards CS1 
    through CS5 (Section 7.13 and Table 4) using the procedure in Section 
    14 and the conditions in Section 10.1.1 and Table 2. Compute the 
    response factor (RF) at each concentration.
        10.6.3  Linearity--If the response factor (RF) for any compound is 
    constant (less than 35% coefficient of variation) over the five-point 
    calibration range, an averaged response factor may be used for that 
    compound; otherwise, the complete calibration curve for that compound 
    shall be used over the five-point range.
        10.7  Combined Calibration--By using calibration solutions (Section 
    7.13 and Table 4) containing the CDDs/CDFs and labeled compounds and 
    the internal standards, a single set of analyses can be used to produce 
    calibration curves for the isotope dilution and internal standard 
    methods. These curves are verified each shift (Section 15.3) by 
    analyzing the calibration verification standard (VER, Table 4). 
    Recalibration is required if any of the calibration verification 
    criteria (Section 15.3) cannot be met.
        10.8  Data Storage--MS data shall be collected, recorded, and 
        10.8.1  Data acquisition--The signal at each exact m/z shall be 
    collected repetitively throughout the monitoring period and stored on a 
    mass storage device.
        10.8.2  Response factors and multipoint calibrations--The data 
    system shall be used to record and maintain lists of response factors 
    (response ratios for isotope dilution) and multipoint calibration 
    curves. Computations of relative standard deviation (coefficient of 
    variation) shall be used to test calibration linearity. Statistics on 
    initial performance (Section 9.2) and ongoing performance (Section 
    15.5) should be computed and maintained, either on the instrument data 
    system, or on a separate computer system.
    11.0  Sample Preparation
        11.1  Sample preparation involves modifying the physical form of 
    the sample so that the CDDs/CDFs can be extracted efficiently. In 
    general, the samples must be in a liquid form or in the form of finely 
    divided solids in order for efficient extraction to take place. Table 
    10 lists the phases and suggested quantities for extraction of various 
    sample matrices.
        For samples known or expected to contain high levels of the CDDs/
    CDFs, the smallest sample size representative of the entire sample 
    should be used (see Section 17.5).
        For all samples, the blank and IPR/OPR aliquots must be processed 
    through the same steps as the sample to check for contamination and 
    losses in the preparation processes.
        11.1.1  For samples that contain particles, percent solids and 
    particle size are determined using the procedures in Sections 11.2 and 
    11.3, respectively.
        11.1.2  Aqueous samples--Because CDDs/CDFs may be bound to 
    [[Page 48415]]
    particles, the preparation of aqueous samples is dependent on the 
    solids content of the sample.  Aqueous samples visibly absent particles are prepared per 
    Section 11.4 and extracted directly using the separatory funnel or SPE 
    techniques in Sections 12.1 or 12.2, respectively.  Aqueous samples containing visible particles and 
    containing one percent suspended solids or less are prepared using the 
    procedure in Section 11.4. After preparation, the sample is extracted 
    directly using the SPE technique in 12.2 or filtered per Section 
    11.4.3. After filtration, the particles and filter are extracted using 
    the SDS procedure in Section 12.3 and the filtrate is extracted using 
    the separatory funnel procedure in Section 12.1.  For aqueous samples containing greater than one percent 
    solids, a sample aliquot sufficient to provide 10 g of dry solids is 
    used, as described in Section 11.5.
        11.1.3  Solid samples are prepared using the procedure described in 
    Section 11.5 followed by extraction via the SDS procedure in Section 
        11.1.4  Multiphase samples--The phase(s) containing the CDDs/CDFs 
    is separated from the non-CDD/CDF phase using pressure filtration and 
    centrifugation, as described in Section 11.6. The CDDs/CDFs will be in 
    the organic phase in a multiphase sample in which an organic phase 
        11.1.5  Procedures for grinding, homogenization, and blending of 
    various sample phases are given in Section 11.7.
        11.1.6  Tissue samples--Preparation procedures for fish and other 
    tissues are given in Section 11.8.
        11.2  Determination of Percent Suspended Solids.
        Note: This aliquot is used for determining the solids content of 
    the sample, not for determination of CDDs/CDFs.
        11.2.1  Aqueous liquids and multi-phase samples consisting of 
    mainly an aqueous phase.  Dessicate and weigh a GF/D filter (Section 6.5.3) to 
    three significant figures.
     Filter 10.00.02 mL of well-mixed sample 
    through the filter.  Dry the filter a minimum of 12 hours at 
    .  Calculate percent solids as follows:
        [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR15SE97.004
        11.2.2  Non-aqueous liquids, solids, semi-solid samples, and multi-
    phase samples in which the main phase is not aqueous; but not tissues.  Weigh 5-10 g of sample to three significant figures in a 
    tared beaker.  Dry a minimum of 12 hours at 1105 deg.C, and 
    cool in a dessicator.  Calculate percent solids as follows:
        [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR15SE97.005
        11.3  Determination of Particle Size.
        11.3.1  Spread the dried sample from Section on a piece of 
    filter paper or aluminum foil in a fume hood or glove box.
        11.3.2  Estimate the size of the particles in the sample. If the 
    size of the largest particles is greater than 1 mm, the particle size 
    must be reduced to 1 mm or less prior to extraction using the 
    procedures in Section 11.7.
        11.4  Preparation of Aqueous Samples Containing 1% Suspended Solids 
    or Less.
        11.4.1  Aqueous samples visibly absent particles are prepared per 
    the procedure below and extracted directly using the separatory funnel 
    or SPE techniques in Sections 12.1 or 12.2, respectively. Aqueous 
    samples containing visible particles and one percent suspended solids 
    or less are prepared using the procedure below and extracted using 
    either the SPE technique in Section 12.2 or further prepared using the 
    filtration procedure in Section 11.4.3. The filtration procedure is 
    followed by SDS extraction of the filter and particles (Section 12.3) 
    and separatory funnel extraction of the filtrate (Section 12.1). The 
    SPE procedure is followed by SDS extraction of the filter and disk.
        11.4.2  Preparation of sample and QC aliquots.  Mark the original level of the sample on the sample 
    bottle for reference. Weigh the sample plus bottle to  1.  Spike 1.0 mL of the diluted labeled-compound spiking 
    solution (Section 7.10.3) into the sample bottle. Cap the bottle and 
    mix the sample by careful shaking. Allow the sample to equilibrate for 
    one to two hours, with occasional shaking.  For each sample or sample batch (to a maximum of 20 
    samples) to be extracted during the same 12-hour shift, place two 1.0 L 
    aliquots of reagent water in clean sample bottles or flasks.  Spike 1.0 mL of the diluted labeled-compound spiking 
    solution (Section 7.10.3) into both reagent water aliquots. One of 
    these aliquots will serve as the method blank.  Spike 1.0 mL of the PAR standard (Section 7.14) into the 
    remaining reagent water aliquot. This aliquot will serve as the OPR 
    (Section 15.5).  If SPE is to be used, add 5 mL of methanol to the sample, 
    cap and shake the sample to mix thoroughly, and proceed to Section 12.2 
    for extraction. If SPE is not to be used, and the sample is visibly 
    absent particles, proceed to Section 12.1 for extraction. If SPE is not 
    to be used and the sample
    [[Page 48416]]
    contains visible particles, proceed to the following section for 
    filtration of particles.
        11.4.3  Filtration of particles.  Assemble a Buchner funnel (Section 6.5.5) on top of a 
    clean filtration flask. Apply vacuum to the flask, and pour the entire 
    contents of the sample bottle through a glass-fiber filter (Section 
    6.5.6) in the Buchner funnel, swirling the sample remaining in the 
    bottle to suspend any particles.  Rinse the sample bottle twice with approximately 5 mL 
    portions of reagent water to transfer any remaining particles onto the 
    filter.  Rinse any particles off the sides of the Buchner funnel 
    with small quantities of reagent water.  Weigh the empty sample bottle to 1 g. 
    Determine the weight of the sample by difference. Save the bottle for 
    further use.  Extract the filtrate using the separatory funnel 
    procedure in Section 12.1.  Extract the filter containing the particles using the SDS 
    procedure in Section 12.3.
        11.5  Preparation of Samples Containing Greater Than 1% Solids.
        11.5.1  Weigh a well-mixed aliquot of each sample (of the same 
    matrix type) sufficient to provide 10 g of dry solids (based on the 
    solids determination in Section 11.2) into a clean beaker or glass jar.
        11.5.2  Spike 1.0 mL of the diluted labeled compound spiking 
    solution (Section 7.10.3) into the sample.
        11.5.3  For each sample or sample batch (to a maximum of 20 
    samples) to be extracted during the same 12-hour shift, weigh two 10 g 
    aliquots of the appropriate reference matrix (Section 7.6) into clean 
    beakers or glass jars.
        11.5.4  Spike 1.0 mL of the diluted labeled compound spiking 
    solution (Section 7.10.3) into each reference matrix aliquot. One 
    aliquot will serve as the method blank. Spike 1.0 mL of the PAR 
    standard (Section 7.14) into the other reference matrix aliquot. This 
    aliquot will serve as the OPR (Section 15.5).
        11.5.5  Stir or tumble and equilibrate the aliquots for one to two 
        11.5.6  Decant excess water. If necessary to remove water, filter 
    the sample through a glass-fiber filter and discard the aqueous liquid.
        11.5.7  If particles >1mm are present in the sample (as determined 
    in Section 11.3.2), spread the sample on clean aluminum foil in a hood. 
    After the sample is dry, grind to reduce the particle size (Section 
        11.5.8  Extract the sample and QC aliquots using the SDS procedure 
    in Section 12.3.
        11.6  Multiphase Samples.
        11.6.1  Using the percent solids determined in Section 11.2.1 or 
    11.2.2, determine the volume of sample that will provide 10 g of 
    solids, up to 1 L of sample.
        11.6.2  Pressure filter the amount of sample determined in Section 
    11.6.1 through Whatman GF/D glass-fiber filter paper (Section 6.5.3). 
    Pressure filter the blank and OPR aliquots through GF/D papers also. If 
    necessary to separate the phases and/or settle the solids, centrifuge 
    these aliquots prior to filtration.
        11.6.3  Discard any aqueous phase (if present). Remove any non-
    aqueous liquid present and reserve the maximum amount filtered from the 
    sample (Section 11.6.1) or 10 g, whichever is less, for combination 
    with the solid phase (Section 12.3.5).
        11.6.4  If particles >1mm are present in the sample (as determined 
    in Section 11.3.2) and the sample is capable of being dried, spread the 
    sample and QC aliquots on clean aluminum foil in a hood. After the 
    aliquots are dry or if the sample cannot be dried, reduce the particle 
    size using the procedures in Section 11.7 and extract the reduced 
    particles using the SDS procedure in Section 12.3. If particles >1mm 
    are not present, extract the particles and filter in the sample and QC 
    aliquots directly using the SDS procedure in Section 12.3.
        11.7  Sample grinding, homogenization, or blending--Samples with 
    particle sizes greater than 1 mm (as determined in Section 11.3.2) are 
    subjected to grinding, homogenization, or blending. The method of 
    reducing particle size to less than 1 mm is matrix-dependent. In 
    general, hard particles can be reduced by grinding with a mortar and 
    pestle. Softer particles can be reduced by grinding in a Wiley mill or 
    meat grinder, by homogenization, or in a blender.
        11.7.1  Each size-reducing preparation procedure on each matrix 
    shall be verified by running the tests in Section 9.2 before the 
    procedure is employed routinely.
        11.7.2  The grinding, homogenization, or blending procedures shall 
    be carried out in a glove box or fume hood to prevent particles from 
    contaminating the work environment.
        11.7.3  Grinding--Certain papers and pulps, slurries, and amorphous 
    solids can be ground in a Wiley mill or heavy duty meat grinder. In 
    some cases, reducing the temperature of the sample to freezing or to 
    dry ice or liquid nitrogen temperatures can aid in the grinding 
    process. Grind the sample aliquots from Section 11.5.7 or 11.6.4 in a 
    clean grinder. Do not allow the sample temperature to exceed 50  deg.C. 
    Grind the blank and reference matrix aliquots using a clean grinder.
        11.7.4  Homogenization or blending--Particles that are not ground 
    effectively, or particles greater than 1 mm in size after grinding, can 
    often be reduced in size by high speed homogenization or blending. 
    Homogenize and/or blend the particles or filter from Section 11.5.7 or 
    11.6.4 for the sample, blank, and OPR aliquots.
        11.7.5  Extract the aliquots using the SDS procedure in Section 
        11.8  Fish and Other Tissues--Prior to processing tissue samples, 
    the laboratory must determine the exact tissue to be analyzed. Common 
    requests for analysis of fish tissue include whole fish--skin on, whole 
    fish--skin removed, edible fish fillets (filleted in the field or by 
    the laboratory), specific organs, and other portions. Once the 
    appropriate tissue has been determined, the sample must be homogenized.
        11.8.1  Homogenization.  Samples are homogenized while still frozen, where 
    practical. If the laboratory must dissect the whole fish to obtain the 
    appropriate tissue for analysis, the unused tissues may be rapidly 
    refrozen and stored in a clean glass jar for subsequent use.  Each analysis requires 10 g of tissue (wet weight). 
    Therefore, the laboratory should homogenize at least 20 g of tissue to 
    allow for re-extraction of a second aliquot of the same homogenized 
    sample, if re-analysis is required. When whole fish analysis is 
    necessary, the entire fish is homogenized.  Homogenize the sample in a tissue homogenizer (Section 
    6.3.3) or grind in a meat grinder (Section 6.3.4). Cut tissue too large 
    to feed into the grinder into smaller pieces. To assure homogeneity, 
    grind three times.  Transfer approximately 10 g (wet weight) of homogenized 
    tissue to a clean, tared, 400-500 mL beaker. For the alternate HCl 
    digestion/extraction, transfer the tissue to a clean, tared 500-600 mL 
    wide-mouth bottle. Record the weight to the nearest 10 mg.  Transfer the remaining homogenized tissue to a clean jar 
    with a fluoropolymer-lined lid. Seal the jar and store the tissue at 
    <-10 deg.c.="" return="" any="" tissue="" that="" was="" not="" homogenized="" to="" its="" original="" container="" and="" store="" at=""><-10 deg.c.="" 11.8.2="" qc="" aliquots.="""" prepare="" a="" method="" blank="" by="" adding="" approximately="" 10="" g="" of="" the="" oily="" liquid="" reference="" matrix="" (section="" 7.6.4)="" to="" a="" 400-500="" ml="" beaker.="" for="" the="" alternate="" hcl="" digestion/extraction,="" add="" the="" [[page="" 48417]]="" reference="" matrix="" to="" a="" 500-600="" ml="" wide-mouth="" bottle.="" record="" the="" weight="" to="" the="" nearest="" 10="" mg.="""" prepare="" a="" precision="" and="" recovery="" aliquot="" by="" adding="" approximately="" 10="" g="" of="" the="" oily="" liquid="" reference="" matrix="" (section="" 7.6.4)="" to="" a="" separate="" 400-500="" ml="" beaker="" or="" wide-mouth="" bottle,="" depending="" on="" the="" extraction="" procedure="" to="" be="" used.="" record="" the="" weight="" to="" the="" nearest="" 10="" mg.="" if="" the="" initial="" precision="" and="" recovery="" test="" is="" to="" be="" performed,="" use="" four="" aliquots;="" if="" the="" ongoing="" precision="" and="" recovery="" test="" is="" to="" be="" performed,="" use="" a="" single="" aliquot.="" 11.8.3="" spiking="""" spike="" 1.0="" ml="" of="" the="" labeled="" compound="" spiking="" solution="" (section="" 7.10.3)="" into="" the="" sample,="" blank,="" and="" opr="" aliquot.="""" spike="" 1.0="" ml="" of="" the="" par="" standard="" (section="" 7.14)="" into="" the="" opr="" aliquot.="" 11.8.4="" extract="" the="" aliquots="" using="" the="" procedures="" in="" section="" 12.4.="" 12.0="" extraction="" and="" concentration="" extraction="" procedures="" include="" separatory="" funnel="" (section="" 12.1)="" and="" solid="" phase="" (section="" 12.2)="" for="" aqueous="" liquids;="" soxhlet/dean-stark="" (section="" 12.3)="" for="" solids,="" filters,="" and="" spe="" disks;="" and="" soxhlet="" extraction="" (section="" 12.4.1)="" and="" hcl="" digestion="" (section="" 12.4.2)="" for="" tissues.="" acid/base="" back-extraction="" (section="" 12.5)="" is="" used="" for="" initial="" cleanup="" of="" extracts.="" macro-concentration="" procedures="" include="" rotary="" evaporation="" (section="" 12.6.1),="" heating="" mantle="" (section="" 12.6.2),="" and="" kuderna-danish="" (k-d)="" evaporation="" (section="" 12.6.3).="" micro-concentration="" uses="" nitrogen="" blowdown="" (section="" 12.7).="" 12.1="" separatory="" funnel="" extraction="" of="" filtrates="" and="" of="" aqueous="" samples="" visibly="" absent="" particles.="" 12.1.1="" pour="" the="" spiked="" sample="" (section="""" or="" filtrate="" (section="""" into="" a="" 2="" l="" separatory="" funnel.="" rinse="" the="" bottle="" or="" flask="" twice="" with="" 5="" ml="" of="" reagent="" water="" and="" add="" these="" rinses="" to="" the="" separatory="" funnel.="" 12.1.2="" add="" 60="" ml="" methylene="" chloride="" to="" the="" empty="" sample="" bottle="" (section="" 12.1.1),="" seal,="" and="" shake="" 60="" seconds="" to="" rinse="" the="" inner="" surface.="" transfer="" the="" solvent="" to="" the="" separatory="" funnel,="" and="" extract="" the="" sample="" by="" shaking="" the="" funnel="" for="" two="" minutes="" with="" periodic="" venting.="" allow="" the="" organic="" layer="" to="" separate="" from="" the="" aqueous="" phase="" for="" a="" minimum="" of="" 10="" minutes.="" if="" an="" emulsion="" forms="" and="" is="" more="" than="" one-third="" the="" volume="" of="" the="" solvent="" layer,="" employ="" mechanical="" techniques="" to="" complete="" the="" phase="" separation="" (see="" note="" below).="" drain="" the="" methylene="" chloride="" extract="" through="" a="" solvent-rinsed="" glass="" funnel="" approximately="" one-half="" full="" of="" granular="" anhydrous="" sodium="" sulfate="" (section="" 7.2.1)="" supported="" on="" clean="" glass-fiber="" paper="" into="" a="" solvent-rinsed="" concentration="" device="" (section="" 12.6).="" note:="" if="" an="" emulsion="" forms,="" the="" analyst="" must="" employ="" mechanical="" techniques="" to="" complete="" the="" phase="" separation.="" the="" optimum="" technique="" depends="" upon="" the="" sample,="" but="" may="" include="" stirring,="" filtration="" through="" glass="" wool,="" use="" of="" phase="" separation="" paper,="" centrifugation,="" use="" of="" an="" ultrasonic="" bath="" with="" ice,="" addition="" of="" nacl,="" or="" other="" physical="" methods.="" alternatively,="" solid-phase="" or="" other="" extraction="" techniques="" may="" be="" used="" to="" prevent="" emulsion="" formation.="" any="" alternative="" technique="" is="" acceptable="" so="" long="" as="" the="" requirements="" in="" section="" 9="" are="" met.="" experience="" with="" aqueous="" samples="" high="" in="" dissolved="" organic="" materials="" (e.g.,="" paper="" mill="" effluents)="" has="" shown="" that="" acidification="" of="" the="" sample="" prior="" to="" extraction="" may="" reduce="" the="" formation="" of="" emulsions.="" paper="" industry="" methods="" suggest="" that="" the="" addition="" of="" up="" to="" 400="" ml="" of="" ethanol="" to="" a="" 1="" l="" effluent="" sample="" may="" also="" reduce="" emulsion="" formation.="" however,="" studies="" by="" epa="" suggest="" that="" the="" effect="" may="" be="" a="" result="" of="" sample="" dilution,="" and="" that="" the="" addition="" of="" reagent="" water="" may="" serve="" the="" same="" function.="" mechanical="" techniques="" may="" still="" be="" necessary="" to="" complete="" the="" phase="" separation.="" if="" either="" acidification="" or="" addition="" of="" ethanol="" is="" utilized,="" the="" laboratory="" must="" perform="" the="" startup="" tests="" described="" in="" section="" 9.2="" using="" the="" same="" techniques.="" 12.1.3="" extract="" the="" water="" sample="" two="" more="" times="" with="" 60="" ml="" portions="" of="" methylene="" chloride.="" drain="" each="" portion="" through="" the="" sodium="" sulfate="" into="" the="" concentrator.="" after="" the="" third="" extraction,="" rinse="" the="" separatory="" funnel="" with="" at="" least="" 20="" ml="" of="" methylene="" chloride,="" and="" drain="" this="" rinse="" through="" the="" sodium="" sulfate="" into="" the="" concentrator.="" repeat="" this="" rinse="" at="" least="" twice.="" set="" aside="" the="" funnel="" with="" sodium="" sulfate="" if="" the="" extract="" is="" to="" be="" combined="" with="" the="" extract="" from="" the="" particles.="" 12.1.4="" concentrate="" the="" extract="" using="" one="" of="" the="" macro-="" concentration="" procedures="" in="" section="" 12.6.="""" if="" the="" extract="" is="" from="" a="" sample="" visibly="" absent="" particles="" (section="",="" adjust="" the="" final="" volume="" of="" the="" concentrated="" extract="" to="" approximately="" 10="" ml="" with="" hexane,="" transfer="" to="" a="" 250="" ml="" separatory="" funnel,="" and="" back-extract="" using="" the="" procedure="" in="" section="" 12.5.="""" if="" the="" extract="" is="" from="" the="" aqueous="" filtrate="" (section="",="" set="" aside="" the="" concentration="" apparatus="" for="" addition="" of="" the="" sds="" extract="" from="" the="" particles="" (section="""" 12.2="" spe="" of="" samples="" containing="" less="" than="" 1%="" solids="" (references="" 19-="" 20).="" 12.2.1="" disk="" preparation.="""" place="" an="" spe="" disk="" on="" the="" base="" of="" the="" filter="" holder="" (figure="" 4)="" and="" wet="" with="" toluene.="" while="" holding="" a="" gmf="" 150="" filter="" above="" the="" spe="" disk="" with="" tweezers,="" wet="" the="" filter="" with="" toluene="" and="" lay="" the="" filter="" on="" the="" spe="" disk,="" making="" sure="" that="" air="" is="" not="" trapped="" between="" the="" filter="" and="" disk.="" clamp="" the="" filter="" and="" spe="" disk="" between="" the="" 1="" l="" glass="" reservoir="" and="" the="" vacuum="" filtration="" flask.="""" rinse="" the="" sides="" of="" the="" filtration="" flask="" with="" approx="" 15="" ml="" of="" toluene="" using="" a="" squeeze="" bottle="" or="" syringe.="" apply="" vacuum="" momentarily="" until="" a="" few="" drops="" appear="" at="" the="" drip="" tip.="" release="" the="" vacuum="" and="" allow="" the="" filter/disk="" to="" soak="" for="" approx="" one="" minute.="" apply="" vacuum="" and="" draw="" all="" of="" the="" toluene="" through="" the="" filter/disk.="" repeat="" the="" wash="" step="" with="" approx="" 15="" ml="" of="" acetone="" and="" allow="" the="" filter/disk="" to="" air="" dry.="""" re-wet="" the="" filter/disk="" with="" approximately="" 15="" ml="" of="" methanol,="" allowing="" the="" filter/disk="" to="" soak="" for="" approximately="" one="" minute.="" pull="" the="" methanol="" through="" the="" filter/disk="" using="" the="" vacuum,="" but="" retain="" a="" layer="" of="" methanol="" approximately="" 1="" mm="" thick="" on="" the="" filter.="" do="" not="" allow="" the="" disk="" to="" go="" dry="" from="" this="" point="" until="" the="" end="" of="" the="" extraction.="""" rinse="" the="" filter/disk="" with="" two="" 50-ml="" portions="" of="" reagent="" water="" by="" adding="" the="" water="" to="" the="" reservoir="" and="" pulling="" most="" through,="" leaving="" a="" layer="" of="" water="" on="" the="" surface="" of="" the="" filter.="" 12.2.2="" extraction.="""" pour="" the="" spiked="" sample="" (section="",="" blank="" (section="",="" or="" ipr/opr="" aliquot="" (section="""" into="" the="" reservoir="" and="" turn="" on="" the="" vacuum="" to="" begin="" the="" extraction.="" adjust="" the="" vacuum="" to="" complete="" the="" extraction="" in="" no="" less="" than="" 10="" minutes.="" for="" samples="" containing="" a="" high="" concentration="" of="" particles="" (suspended="" solids),="" filtration="" times="" may="" be="" eight="" hours="" or="" longer.="""" before="" all="" of="" the="" sample="" has="" been="" pulled="" through="" the="" filter/disk,="" rinse="" the="" sample="" bottle="" with="" approximately="" 50="" ml="" of="" reagent="" water="" to="" remove="" any="" solids,="" and="" pour="" into="" the="" reservoir.="" pull="" through="" the="" filter/disk.="" use="" additional="" reagent="" water="" rinses="" until="" all="" visible="" solids="" are="" removed.="""" before="" all="" of="" the="" sample="" and="" rinses="" have="" been="" pulled="" through="" the="" filter/disk,="" rinse="" the="" sides="" of="" the="" reservoir="" with="" small="" portions="" of="" reagent="" water.="""" allow="" the="" filter/disk="" to="" dry,="" then="" remove="" the="" filter="" and="" disk="" and="" place="" in="" a="" glass="" petri="" dish.="" extract="" the="" filter="" and="" disk="" per="" section="" 12.3.="" 12.3="" sds="" extraction="" of="" samples="" containing="" particles,="" and="" of="" filters="" and/or="" disks.="" [[page="" 48418]]="" 12.3.1="" charge="" a="" clean="" extraction="" thimble="" (section="""" with="" 5.0="" g="" of="" 100/200="" mesh="" silica="" (section="""" topped="" with="" 100="" g="" of="" quartz="" sand="" (section="" 7.3.2).="" note:="" do="" not="" disturb="" the="" silica="" layer="" throughout="" the="" extraction="" process.="" 12.3.2="" place="" the="" thimble="" in="" a="" clean="" extractor.="" place="" 30-40="" ml="" of="" toluene="" in="" the="" receiver="" and="" 200-250="" ml="" of="" toluene="" in="" the="" flask.="" 12.3.3="" pre-extract="" the="" glassware="" by="" heating="" the="" flask="" until="" the="" toluene="" is="" boiling.="" when="" properly="" adjusted,="" one="" to="" two="" drops="" of="" toluene="" will="" fall="" per="" second="" from="" the="" condenser="" tip="" into="" the="" receiver.="" extract="" the="" apparatus="" for="" a="" minimum="" of="" three="" hours.="" 12.3.4="" after="" pre-extraction,="" cool="" and="" disassemble="" the="" apparatus.="" rinse="" the="" thimble="" with="" toluene="" and="" allow="" to="" air="" dry.="" 12.3.5="" load="" the="" wet="" sample,="" filter,="" and/or="" disk="" from="" section="",="" 11.5.8,="" 11.6.4,="" 11.7.3,="" 11.7.4,="" or="""" and="" any="" nonaqueous="" liquid="" from="" section="" 11.6.3="" into="" the="" thimble="" and="" manually="" mix="" into="" the="" sand="" layer="" with="" a="" clean="" metal="" spatula,="" carefully="" breaking="" up="" any="" large="" lumps="" of="" sample.="" 12.3.6="" reassemble="" the="" pre-extracted="" sds="" apparatus,="" and="" add="" a="" fresh="" charge="" of="" toluene="" to="" the="" receiver="" and="" reflux="" flask.="" apply="" power="" to="" the="" heating="" mantle="" to="" begin="" refluxing.="" adjust="" the="" reflux="" rate="" to="" match="" the="" rate="" of="" percolation="" through="" the="" sand="" and="" silica="" beds="" until="" water="" removal="" lessens="" the="" restriction="" to="" toluene="" flow.="" frequently="" check="" the="" apparatus="" for="" foaming="" during="" the="" first="" two="" hours="" of="" extraction.="" if="" foaming="" occurs,="" reduce="" the="" reflux="" rate="" until="" foaming="" subsides.="" 12.3.7="" drain="" the="" water="" from="" the="" receiver="" at="" one="" to="" two="" hours="" and="" eight="" to="" nine="" hours,="" or="" sooner="" if="" the="" receiver="" fills="" with="" water.="" reflux="" the="" sample="" for="" a="" total="" of="" 16-24="" hours.="" cool="" and="" disassemble="" the="" apparatus.="" record="" the="" total="" volume="" of="" water="" collected.="" 12.3.8="" remove="" the="" distilling="" flask.="" drain="" the="" water="" from="" the="" dean-="" stark="" receiver="" and="" add="" any="" toluene="" in="" the="" receiver="" to="" the="" extract="" in="" the="" flask.="" 12.3.9="" concentrate="" the="" extract="" using="" one="" of="" the="" macro-="" concentration="" procedures="" in="" section="" 12.6="" per="" the="" following:="""" extracts="" from="" the="" particles="" in="" an="" aqueous="" sample="" containing="" less="" than="" 1%="" solids="" (section="""""" concentrate="" the="" extract="" to="" approximately="" 5="" ml="" using="" the="" rotary="" evaporator="" or="" heating="" mantle="" procedures="" in="" section="" 12.6.1="" or="" 12.6.2.="""" quantitatively="" transfer="" the="" extract="" through="" the="" sodium="" sulfate="" (section="" 12.1.3)="" into="" the="" apparatus="" that="" was="" set="" aside="" (section="""" and="" reconcentrate="" to="" the="" level="" of="" the="" toluene.="""" adjust="" to="" approximately="" 10="" ml="" with="" hexane,="" transfer="" to="" a="" 250="" ml="" separatory="" funnel,="" and="" proceed="" with="" back-extraction="" (section="" 12.5).="""" extracts="" from="" particles="" (sections="" 11.5="" through="" 11.6)="" or="" from="" the="" spe="" filter="" and="" disk="" (section="""" to="" approximately="" 10="" ml="" using="" the="" rotary="" evaporator="" or="" heating="" mantle="" (section="" 12.6.1="" or="" 12.6.2),="" transfer="" to="" a="" 250="" ml="" separatory="" funnel,="" and="" proceed="" with="" back-extraction="" (section="" 12.5).="" 12.4="" extraction="" of="" tissue--two="" procedures="" are="" provided="" for="" tissue="" extraction.="" 12.4.1="" soxhlet="" extraction="" (reference="" 21).="""" add="" 30-40="" g="" of="" powdered="" anhydrous="" sodium="" sulfate="" to="" each="" of="" the="" beakers="" (section="" 11.8.4)="" and="" mix="" thoroughly.="" cover="" the="" beakers="" with="" aluminum="" foil="" and="" allow="" to="" equilibrate="" for="" 12-24="" hours.="" remix="" prior="" to="" extraction="" to="" prevent="" clumping.="""" assemble="" and="" pre-extract="" the="" soxhlet="" apparatus="" per="" sections="" 12.3.1="" through="" 12.3.4,="" except="" use="" the="" methylene="" chloride:hexane="" (1:1)="" mixture="" for="" the="" pre-extraction="" and="" rinsing="" and="" omit="" the="" quartz="" sand.="" the="" dean-stark="" moisture="" trap="" may="" also="" be="" omitted,="" if="" desired.="""" reassemble="" the="" pre-extracted="" soxhlet="" apparatus="" and="" add="" a="" fresh="" charge="" of="" methylene="" chloride:hexane="" to="" the="" reflux="" flask.="""" transfer="" the="" sample/sodium="" sulfate="" mixture="" (section="""" to="" the="" soxhlet="" thimble,="" and="" install="" the="" thimble="" in="" the="" soxhlet="" apparatus.="""" rinse="" the="" beaker="" with="" several="" portions="" of="" solvent="" mixture="" and="" add="" to="" the="" thimble.="" fill="" the="" thimble/receiver="" with="" solvent.="" extract="" for="" 18-24="" hours.="""" after="" extraction,="" cool="" and="" disassemble="" the="" apparatus.="""" quantitatively="" transfer="" the="" extract="" to="" a="" macro-="" concentration="" device="" (section="" 12.6),="" and="" concentrate="" to="" near="" dryness.="" set="" aside="" the="" concentration="" apparatus="" for="" re-use.="""" complete="" the="" removal="" of="" the="" solvent="" using="" the="" nitrogen="" blowdown="" procedure="" (section="" 12.7)="" and="" a="" water="" bath="" temperature="" of="" 60="" deg.c.="" weigh="" the="" receiver,="" record="" the="" weight,="" and="" return="" the="" receiver="" to="" the="" blowdown="" apparatus,="" concentrating="" the="" residue="" until="" a="" constant="" weight="" is="" obtained.="""" percent="" lipid="" determination--the="" lipid="" content="" is="" determined="" by="" extraction="" of="" tissue="" with="" the="" same="" solvent="" system="" (methylene="" chloride:hexane)="" that="" was="" used="" in="" epa's="" national="" dioxin="" study="" (reference="" 22)="" so="" that="" lipid="" contents="" are="" consistent="" with="" that="" study.="""" redissolve="" the="" residue="" in="" the="" receiver="" in="" hexane="" and="" spike="" 1.0="" ml="" of="" the="" cleanup="" standard="" (section="" 7.11)="" into="" the="" solution.="""" transfer="" the="" residue/hexane="" to="" the="" anthropogenic="" isolation="" column="" (section="" 13.7.1)="" or="" bottle="" for="" the="" acidified="" silica="" gel="" batch="" cleanup="" (section="" 13.7.2),="" retaining="" the="" boiling="" chips="" in="" the="" concentration="" apparatus.="" use="" several="" rinses="" to="" assure="" that="" all="" material="" is="" transferred.="" if="" necessary,="" sonicate="" or="" heat="" the="" receiver="" slightly="" to="" assure="" that="" all="" material="" is="" re-dissolved.="" allow="" the="" receiver="" to="" dry.="" weigh="" the="" receiver="" and="" boiling="" chips.="""" calculate="" the="" lipid="" content="" to="" the="" nearest="" three="" significant="" figures="" as="" follows:="" [graphic]="" [tiff="" omitted]="" tr15se97.006="""" it="" is="" not="" necessary="" to="" determine="" the="" lipid="" content="" of="" the="" blank,="" ipr,="" or="" opr="" aliquots.="" 12.4.2="" hcl="" digestion/extraction="" and="" concentration="" (references="" 23-="" 26).="""" add="" 200="" ml="" of="" 6="" n="" hcl="" and="" 200="" ml="" of="" methylene="" chloride:hexane="" (1:1)="" to="" the="" sample="" and="" qc="" aliquots="" (section="" 11.8.4).="""" cap="" and="" shake="" each="" bottle="" one="" to="" three="" times.="" loosen="" the="" cap="" in="" a="" hood="" to="" vent="" excess="" pressure.="" shake="" each="" bottle="" for="" 10-30="" seconds="" and="" vent.="""" tightly="" cap="" and="" place="" on="" shaker.="" adjust="" the="" shaker="" action="" and="" speed="" so="" that="" the="" acid,="" solvent,="" and="" tissue="" are="" in="" constant="" motion.="" however,="" take="" care="" to="" avoid="" such="" violent="" action="" that="" the="" bottle="" may="" be="" dislodged="" from="" the="" shaker.="" shake="" for="" 12-24="" hours.="""" after="" digestion,="" remove="" the="" bottles="" from="" the="" shaker.="" allow="" the="" bottles="" to="" stand="" so="" that="" the="" solvent="" and="" acid="" layers="" separate.="""" decant="" the="" solvent="" through="" a="" glass="" funnel="" with="" glass-="" fiber="" filter="" (sections="" 6.5.2="" through="" 6.5.3)="" containing="" approximately="" 10="" g="" of="" granular="" anhydrous="" sodium="" sulfate="" (section="" 7.2.1)="" into="" a="" macro-="" concentration="" apparatus="" (section="" 12.6).="" rinse="" the="" contents="" of="" the="" bottle="" with="" two="" 25="" ml="" portions="" of="" hexane="" and="" pour="" through="" the="" sodium="" sulfate="" into="" the="" apparatus.="""" concentrate="" the="" solvent="" to="" near="" dryness="" using="" a="" macro-="" concentration="" procedure="" (section="" 12.6).="""" complete="" the="" removal="" of="" the="" solvent="" using="" the="" nitrogen="" blowdown="" apparatus="" (section="" 12.7)="" and="" a="" water="" bath="" temperature="" of="" 60="" deg.c.="" weigh="" the="" receiver,="" record="" the="" weight,="" and="" return="" the="" receiver="" to="" the="" blowdown="" apparatus,="" concentrating="" the="" residue="" until="" a="" constant="" weight="" is="" obtained.="" [[page="" 48419]]="""" percent="" lipid="" determination--the="" lipid="" content="" is="" determined="" in="" the="" same="" solvent="" system="" [methylene="" chloride:hexane="" (1:1)]="" that="" was="" used="" in="" epa's="" national="" dioxin="" study="" (reference="" 22)="" so="" that="" lipid="" contents="" are="" consistent="" with="" that="" study.="""" redissolve="" the="" residue="" in="" the="" receiver="" in="" hexane="" and="" spike="" 1.0="" ml="" of="" the="" cleanup="" standard="" (section="" 7.11)="" into="" the="" solution.="""" transfer="" the="" residue/hexane="" to="" the="" narrow-mouth="" 100-200="" ml="" bottle="" retaining="" the="" boiling="" chips="" in="" the="" receiver.="" use="" several="" rinses="" to="" assure="" that="" all="" material="" is="" transferred,="" to="" a="" maximum="" hexane="" volume="" of="" approximately="" 70="" ml.="" allow="" the="" receiver="" to="" dry.="" weigh="" the="" receiver="" and="" boiling="" chips.="""" calculate="" the="" percent="" lipid="" per="" section="""" it="" is="" not="" necessary="" to="" determine="" the="" lipid="" content="" of="" the="" blank,="" ipr,="" or="" opr="" aliquots.="""" clean="" up="" the="" extract="" per="" section="" 13.7.3.="" 12.5="" back-extraction="" with="" base="" and="" acid.="" 12.5.1="" spike="" 1.0="" ml="" of="" the="" cleanup="" standard="" (section="" 7.11)="" into="" the="" separatory="" funnels="" containing="" the="" sample="" and="" qc="" extracts="" from="" section="",="",="" or="""" 12.5.2="" partition="" the="" extract="" against="" 50="" ml="" of="" potassium="" hydroxide="" solution="" (section="" 7.1.1).="" shake="" for="" two="" minutes="" with="" periodic="" venting="" into="" a="" hood.="" remove="" and="" discard="" the="" aqueous="" layer.="" repeat="" the="" base="" washing="" until="" no="" color="" is="" visible="" in="" the="" aqueous="" layer,="" to="" a="" maximum="" of="" four="" washings.="" minimize="" contact="" time="" between="" the="" extract="" and="" the="" base="" to="" prevent="" degradation="" of="" the="" cdds/cdfs.="" stronger="" potassium="" hydroxide="" solutions="" may="" be="" employed="" for="" back-extraction,="" provided="" that="" the="" laboratory="" meets="" the="" specifications="" for="" labeled="" compound="" recovery="" and="" demonstrates="" acceptable="" performance="" using="" the="" procedure="" in="" section="" 9.2.="" 12.5.3="" partition="" the="" extract="" against="" 50="" ml="" of="" sodium="" chloride="" solution="" (section="" 7.1.4)="" in="" the="" same="" way="" as="" with="" base.="" discard="" the="" aqueous="" layer.="" 12.5.4="" partition="" the="" extract="" against="" 50="" ml="" of="" sulfuric="" acid="" (section="" 7.1.2)="" in="" the="" same="" way="" as="" with="" base.="" repeat="" the="" acid="" washing="" until="" no="" color="" is="" visible="" in="" the="" aqueous="" layer,="" to="" a="" maximum="" of="" four="" washings.="" 12.5.5="" repeat="" the="" partitioning="" against="" sodium="" chloride="" solution="" and="" discard="" the="" aqueous="" layer.="" 12.5.6="" pour="" each="" extract="" through="" a="" drying="" column="" containing="" 7-10="" cm="" of="" granular="" anhydrous="" sodium="" sulfate="" (section="" 7.2.1).="" rinse="" the="" separatory="" funnel="" with="" 30-50="" ml="" of="" solvent,="" and="" pour="" through="" the="" drying="" column.="" collect="" each="" extract="" in="" a="" round-bottom="" flask.="" re-concentrate="" the="" sample="" and="" qc="" aliquots="" per="" sections="" 12.6="" through="" 12.7,="" and="" clean="" up="" the="" samples="" and="" qc="" aliquots="" per="" section="" 13.="" 12.6="" macro-concentration--extracts="" in="" toluene="" are="" concentrated="" using="" a="" rotary="" evaporator="" or="" a="" heating="" mantle;="" extracts="" in="" methylene="" chloride="" or="" hexane="" are="" concentrated="" using="" a="" rotary="" evaporator,="" heating="" mantle,="" or="" kuderna-danish="" apparatus.="" 12.6.1="" rotary="" evaporation--concentrate="" the="" extracts="" in="" separate="" round-bottom="" flasks.="""" assemble="" the="" rotary="" evaporator="" according="" to="" manufacturer's="" instructions,="" and="" warm="" the="" water="" bath="" to="" 45="" deg.c.="" on="" a="" daily="" basis,="" preclean="" the="" rotary="" evaporator="" by="" concentrating="" 100="" ml="" of="" clean="" extraction="" solvent="" through="" the="" system.="" archive="" both="" the="" concentrated="" solvent="" and="" the="" solvent="" in="" the="" catch="" flask="" for="" a="" contamination="" check="" if="" necessary.="" between="" samples,="" three="" 2-3="" ml="" aliquots="" of="" solvent="" should="" be="" rinsed="" down="" the="" feed="" tube="" into="" a="" waste="" beaker.="""" attach="" the="" round-bottom="" flask="" containing="" the="" sample="" extract="" to="" the="" rotary="" evaporator.="" slowly="" apply="" vacuum="" to="" the="" system,="" and="" begin="" rotating="" the="" sample="" flask.="""" lower="" the="" flask="" into="" the="" water="" bath,="" and="" adjust="" the="" speed="" of="" rotation="" and="" the="" temperature="" as="" required="" to="" complete="" concentration="" in="" 15-20="" minutes.="" at="" the="" proper="" rate="" of="" concentration,="" the="" flow="" of="" solvent="" into="" the="" receiving="" flask="" will="" be="" steady,="" but="" no="" bumping="" or="" visible="" boiling="" of="" the="" extract="" will="" occur.="" note:="" if="" the="" rate="" of="" concentration="" is="" too="" fast,="" analyte="" loss="" may="" occur.="""" when="" the="" liquid="" in="" the="" concentration="" flask="" has="" reached="" an="" apparent="" volume="" of="" approximately="" 2="" ml,="" remove="" the="" flask="" from="" the="" water="" bath="" and="" stop="" the="" rotation.="" slowly="" and="" carefully="" admit="" air="" into="" the="" system.="" be="" sure="" not="" to="" open="" the="" valve="" so="" quickly="" that="" the="" sample="" is="" blown="" out="" of="" the="" flask.="" rinse="" the="" feed="" tube="" with="" approximately="" 2="" ml="" of="" solvent.="""" proceed="" to="" section="" 12.6.4="" for="" preparation="" for="" back-="" extraction="" or="" micro-concentration="" and="" solvent="" exchange.="" 12.6.2="" heating="" mantle--concentrate="" the="" extracts="" in="" separate="" round-="" bottom="" flasks.="""" add="" one="" or="" two="" clean="" boiling="" chips="" to="" the="" round-bottom="" flask,="" and="" attach="" a="" three-ball="" macro="" snyder="" column.="" prewet="" the="" column="" by="" adding="" approximately="" 1="" ml="" of="" solvent="" through="" the="" top.="" place="" the="" round-bottom="" flask="" in="" a="" heating="" mantle,="" and="" apply="" heat="" as="" required="" to="" complete="" the="" concentration="" in="" 15-20="" minutes.="" at="" the="" proper="" rate="" of="" distillation,="" the="" balls="" of="" the="" column="" will="" actively="" chatter,="" but="" the="" chambers="" will="" not="" flood.="""" when="" the="" liquid="" has="" reached="" an="" apparent="" volume="" of="" approximately="" 10="" ml,="" remove="" the="" round-bottom="" flask="" from="" the="" heating="" mantle="" and="" allow="" the="" solvent="" to="" drain="" and="" cool="" for="" at="" least="" 10="" minutes.="" remove="" the="" snyder="" column="" and="" rinse="" the="" glass="" joint="" into="" the="" receiver="" with="" small="" portions="" of="" solvent.="""" proceed="" to="" section="" 12.6.4="" for="" preparation="" for="" back-="" extraction="" or="" micro-concentration="" and="" solvent="" exchange.="" 12.6.3="" kuderna-danish="" (k-d)--concentrate="" the="" extracts="" in="" separate="" 500="" ml="" k-d="" flasks="" equipped="" with="" 10="" ml="" concentrator="" tubes.="" the="" k-d="" technique="" is="" used="" for="" solvents="" such="" as="" methylene="" chloride="" and="" hexane.="" toluene="" is="" difficult="" to="" concentrate="" using="" the="" k-d="" technique="" unless="" a="" water="" bath="" fed="" by="" a="" steam="" generator="" is="" used.="""" add="" one="" to="" two="" clean="" boiling="" chips="" to="" the="" receiver.="" attach="" a="" three-ball="" macro="" snyder="" column.="" prewet="" the="" column="" by="" adding="" approximately="" 1="" ml="" of="" solvent="" through="" the="" top.="" place="" the="" k-d="" apparatus="" in="" a="" hot="" water="" bath="" so="" that="" the="" entire="" lower="" rounded="" surface="" of="" the="" flask="" is="" bathed="" with="" steam.="""" adjust="" the="" vertical="" position="" of="" the="" apparatus="" and="" the="" water="" temperature="" as="" required="" to="" complete="" the="" concentration="" in="" 15-20="" minutes.="" at="" the="" proper="" rate="" of="" distillation,="" the="" balls="" of="" the="" column="" will="" actively="" chatter="" but="" the="" chambers="" will="" not="" flood.="""" when="" the="" liquid="" has="" reached="" an="" apparent="" volume="" of="" 1="" ml,="" remove="" the="" k-d="" apparatus="" from="" the="" bath="" and="" allow="" the="" solvent="" to="" drain="" and="" cool="" for="" at="" least="" 10="" minutes.="" remove="" the="" snyder="" column="" and="" rinse="" the="" flask="" and="" its="" lower="" joint="" into="" the="" concentrator="" tube="" with="" 1-2="" ml="" of="" solvent.="" a="" 5="" ml="" syringe="" is="" recommended="" for="" this="" operation.="""" remove="" the="" three-ball="" snyder="" column,="" add="" a="" fresh="" boiling="" chip,="" and="" attach="" a="" two-ball="" micro="" snyder="" column="" to="" the="" concentrator="" tube.="" prewet="" the="" column="" by="" adding="" approximately="" 0.5="" ml="" of="" solvent="" through="" the="" top.="" place="" the="" apparatus="" in="" the="" hot="" water="" bath.="""" adjust="" the="" vertical="" position="" and="" the="" water="" temperature="" as="" required="" to="" complete="" the="" concentration="" in="" 5-10="" minutes.="" at="" the="" proper="" rate="" of="" distillation,="" the="" balls="" of="" the="" column="" will="" actively="" chatter="" but="" the="" chambers="" will="" not="" flood.="""" when="" the="" liquid="" reaches="" an="" apparent="" volume="" of="" 0.5="" ml,="" remove="" the="" [[page="" 48420]]="" apparatus="" from="" the="" water="" bath="" and="" allow="" to="" drain="" and="" cool="" for="" at="" least="" 10="" minutes.="""" proceed="" to="" 12.6.4="" for="" preparation="" for="" back-extraction="" or="" micro-concentration="" and="" solvent="" exchange.="" 12.6.4="" preparation="" for="" back-extraction="" or="" micro-concentration="" and="" solvent="" exchange.="""" for="" back-extraction="" (section="" 12.5),="" transfer="" the="" extract="" to="" a="" 250="" ml="" separatory="" funnel.="" rinse="" the="" concentration="" vessel="" with="" small="" portions="" of="" hexane,="" adjust="" the="" hexane="" volume="" in="" the="" separatory="" funnel="" to="" 10-20="" ml,="" and="" proceed="" to="" back-extraction="" (section="" 12.5).="""" for="" determination="" of="" the="" weight="" of="" residue="" in="" the="" extract,="" or="" for="" clean-up="" procedures="" other="" than="" back-extraction,="" transfer="" the="" extract="" to="" a="" blowdown="" vial="" using="" two="" to="" three="" rinses="" of="" solvent.="" proceed="" with="" micro-concentration="" and="" solvent="" exchange="" (section="" 12.7).="" 12.7="" micro-concentration="" and="" solvent="" exchange.="" 12.7.1="" extracts="" to="" be="" subjected="" to="" gpc="" or="" hplc="" cleanup="" are="" exchanged="" into="" methylene="" chloride.="" extracts="" to="" be="" cleaned="" up="" using="" silica="" gel,="" alumina,="" carbon,="" and/or="" florisil="" are="" exchanged="" into="" hexane.="" 12.7.2="" transfer="" the="" vial="" containing="" the="" sample="" extract="" to="" a="" nitrogen="" blowdown="" device.="" adjust="" the="" flow="" of="" nitrogen="" so="" that="" the="" surface="" of="" the="" solvent="" is="" just="" visibly="" disturbed.="" note:="" a="" large="" vortex="" in="" the="" solvent="" may="" cause="" analyte="" loss.="" 12.7.3="" lower="" the="" vial="" into="" a="" 45="" deg.c="" water="" bath="" and="" continue="" concentrating.="""" if="" the="" extract="" is="" to="" be="" concentrated="" to="" dryness="" for="" weight="" determination="" (sections="",="",="" and="",="" blow="" dry="" until="" a="" constant="" weight="" is="" obtained.="""" if="" the="" extract="" is="" to="" be="" concentrated="" for="" injection="" into="" the="" gc/ms="" or="" the="" solvent="" is="" to="" be="" exchanged="" for="" extract="" cleanup,="" proceed="" as="" follows:="" 12.7.4="" when="" the="" volume="" of="" the="" liquid="" is="" approximately="" 100="" l,="" add="" 2-3="" ml="" of="" the="" desired="" solvent="" (methylene="" chloride="" for="" gpc="" and="" hplc,="" or="" hexane="" for="" the="" other="" cleanups)="" and="" continue="" concentration="" to="" approximately="" 100="">L. Repeat the addition of solvent and 
    concentrate once more.
        12.7.5  If the extract is to be cleaned up by GPC, adjust the 
    volume of the extract to 5.0 mL with methylene chloride. If the extract 
    is to be cleaned up by HPLC, further concentrate the extract to 30 
    L. Proceed with GPC or HPLC cleanup (Section 13.2 or 13.6, 
        12.7.6  If the extract is to be cleaned up by column chromatography 
    (alumina, silica gel, Carbopak/Celite, or Florisil), bring the final 
    volume to 1.0 mL with hexane. Proceed with column cleanups (Sections 
    13.3 through 13.5 and 13.8).
        12.7.7  If the extract is to be concentrated for injection into the 
    GC/MS (Section 14), quantitatively transfer the extract to a 0.3 mL 
    conical vial for final concentration, rinsing the larger vial with 
    hexane and adding the rinse to the conical vial. Reduce the volume to 
    approximately 100 L. Add 10 L of nonane to the vial, 
    and evaporate the solvent to the level of the nonane. Seal the vial and 
    label with the sample number. Store in the dark at room temperature 
    until ready for GC/MS analysis. If GC/MS analysis will not be performed 
    on the same day, store the vial at <-10 deg.c.="" 13.0="" extract="" cleanup="" 13.1="" cleanup="" may="" not="" be="" necessary="" for="" relatively="" clean="" samples="" (e.g.,="" treated="" effluents,="" groundwater,="" drinking="" water).="" if="" particular="" circumstances="" require="" the="" use="" of="" a="" cleanup="" procedure,="" the="" analyst="" may="" use="" any="" or="" all="" of="" the="" procedures="" below="" or="" any="" other="" appropriate="" procedure.="" before="" using="" a="" cleanup="" procedure,="" the="" analyst="" must="" demonstrate="" that="" the="" requirements="" of="" section="" 9.2="" can="" be="" met="" using="" the="" cleanup="" procedure.="" if="" only="" 2,3,7,8-tcdd="" and="" 2,3,7,8-tcdf="" are="" to="" be="" determined,="" the="" cleanup="" procedures="" may="" be="" optimized="" for="" isolation="" of="" these="" two="" compounds.="" 13.1.1="" gel="" permeation="" chromatography="" (section="" 13.2)="" removes="" high="" molecular="" weight="" interferences="" that="" cause="" gc="" column="" performance="" to="" degrade.="" it="" should="" be="" used="" for="" all="" soil="" and="" sediment="" extracts="" and="" may="" be="" used="" for="" water="" extracts="" that="" are="" expected="" to="" contain="" high="" molecular="" weight="" organic="" compounds="" (e.g.,="" polymeric="" materials,="" humic="" acids).="" 13.1.2="" acid,="" neutral,="" and="" basic="" silica="" gel="" (section="" 13.3),="" alumina="" (section="" 13.4),="" and="" florisil="" (section="" 13.8)="" are="" used="" to="" remove="" nonpolar="" and="" polar="" interferences.="" alumina="" and="" florisil="" are="" used="" to="" remove="" chlorodiphenyl="" ethers.="" 13.1.3="" carbopak/celite="" (section="" 13.5)="" is="" used="" to="" remove="" nonpolar="" interferences.="" 13.1.4="" hplc="" (section="" 13.6)="" is="" used="" to="" provide="" specificity="" for="" the="" 2,3,7,8-substituted="" and="" other="" cdd="" and="" cdf="" isomers.="" 13.1.5="" the="" anthropogenic="" isolation="" column="" (section="" 13.7.1),="" acidified="" silica="" gel="" batch="" adsorption="" procedure="" (section="" 13.7.2),="" and="" sulfuric="" acid="" and="" base="" back-extraction="" (section="" 13.7.3)="" are="" used="" for="" removal="" of="" lipids="" from="" tissue="" samples.="" 13.2="" gel="" permeation="" chromatography="" (gpc).="" 13.2.1="" column="" packing.="""" place="" 70-75="" g="" of="" sx-3="" bio-beads="" (section="""" in="" a="" 400-500="" ml="" beaker.="""" cover="" the="" beads="" with="" methylene="" chloride="" and="" allow="" to="" swell="" overnight="" (a="" minimum="" of="" 12="" hours).="""" transfer="" the="" swelled="" beads="" to="" the="" column="" (section="""" and="" pump="" solvent="" through="" the="" column,="" from="" bottom="" to="" top,="" at="" 4.5-5.5="" ml/minute="" prior="" to="" connecting="" the="" column="" to="" the="" detector.="""" after="" purging="" the="" column="" with="" solvent="" for="" one="" to="" two="" hours,="" adjust="" the="" column="" head="" pressure="" to="" 7-10="" psig="" and="" purge="" for="" four="" to="" five="" hours="" to="" remove="" air.="" maintain="" a="" head="" pressure="" of="" 7-10="" psig.="" connect="" the="" column="" to="" the="" detector="" (section="""" 13.2.2="" column="" calibration.="""" load="" 5="" ml="" of="" the="" calibration="" solution="" (section="" 7.4)="" into="" the="" sample="" loop.="""" inject="" the="" calibration="" solution="" and="" record="" the="" signal="" from="" the="" detector.="" the="" elution="" pattern="" will="" be="" corn="" oil,="" bis(2-ethyl="" hexyl)phthalate,="" pentachlorophenol,="" perylene,="" and="" sulfur.="""" set="" the="" ``dump="" time''="" to="" allow="">85% removal of the corn 
    oil and >85% collection of the phthalate.  Set the ``collect time'' to the peak minimum between 
    perylene and sulfur.  Verify the calibration with the calibration solution 
    after every 20 extracts. Calibration is verified if the recovery of the 
    pentachlorophenol is greater than 85%. If calibration is not verified, 
    the system shall be recalibrated using the calibration solution, and 
    the previous 20 samples shall be re-extracted and cleaned up using the 
    calibrated GPC system.
        13.2.3  Extract cleanup--GPC requires that the column not be 
    overloaded. The column specified in this method is designed to handle a 
    maximum of 0.5 g of high molecular weight material in a 5 mL extract. 
    If the extract is known or expected to contain more than 0.5 g, the 
    extract is split into aliquots for GPC, and the aliquots are combined 
    after elution from the column. The residue content of the extract may 
    be obtained gravimetrically by evaporating the solvent from a 50 
    L aliquot.  Filter the extract or load through the filter holder 
    (Section to remove the particles. Load the 5.0 mL extract onto 
    the column.  Elute the extract using the calibration data determined 
    in Section
    [[Page 48421]]
    13.2.2. Collect the eluate in a clean 400-500 mL beaker.  Rinse the sample loading tube thoroughly with methylene 
    chloride between extracts to prepare for the next sample.  If a particularly dirty extract is encountered, a 5.0 mL 
    methylene chloride blank shall be run through the system to check for 
    carry-over.  Concentrate the eluate per Sections 12.6 and 12.7 for 
    further cleanup or injection into the GC/MS.
        13.3  Silica Gel Cleanup.
        13.3.1  Place a glass-wool plug in a 15 mm ID chromatography column 
    (Section Pack the column bottom to top with: 1 g silica gel 
    (Section, 4 g basic silica gel (Section, 1 g silica 
    gel, 8 g acid silica gel (Section, 2 g silica gel, and 4 g 
    granular anhydrous sodium sulfate (Section 7.2.1). Tap the column to 
    settle the adsorbents.
        13.3.2  Pre-elute the column with 50-100 mL of hexane. Close the 
    stopcock when the hexane is within 1 mm of the sodium sulfate. Discard 
    the eluate. Check the column for channeling. If channeling is present, 
    discard the column and prepare another.
        13.3.3  Apply the concentrated extract to the column. Open the 
    stopcock until the extract is within 1 mm of the sodium sulfate.
        13.3.4  Rinse the receiver twice with 1 mL portions of hexane, and 
    apply separately to the column. Elute the CDDs/CDFs with 100 mL hexane, 
    and collect the eluate.
        13.3.5  Concentrate the eluate per Sections 12.6 and 12.7 for 
    further cleanup or injection into the HPLC or GC/MS.
        13.3.6  For extracts of samples known to contain large quantities 
    of other organic compounds (such as paper mill effluents), it may be 
    advisable to increase the capacity of the silica gel column. This may 
    be accomplished by increasing the strengths of the acid and basic 
    silica gels. The acid silica gel (Section may be increased in 
    strength to as much as 44% w/w (7.9 g sulfuric acid added to 10 g 
    silica gel). The basic silica gel (Section may be increased in 
    strength to as much as 33% w/w (50 mL 1N NaOH added to 100 g silica 
    gel), or the potassium silicate (Section may be used.
        Note: The use of stronger acid silica gel (44% w/w) may lead to 
    charring of organic compounds in some extracts. The charred material 
    may retain some of the analytes and lead to lower recoveries of 
    CDDs/CDFs. Increasing the strengths of the acid and basic silica gel 
    may also require different volumes of hexane than those specified 
    above to elute the analytes off the column. Therefore, the 
    performance of the method after such modifications must be verified 
    by the procedure in Section 9.2.
        13.4  Alumina Cleanup.
        13.4.1  Place a glass-wool plug in a 15 mm ID chromatography column 
        13.4.2  If using acid alumina, pack the column by adding 6 g acid 
    alumina (Section If using basic alumina, substitute 6 g basic 
    alumina (Section Tap the column to settle the adsorbents.
        13.4.3  Pre-elute the column with 50-100 mL of hexane. Close the 
    stopcock when the hexane is within 1 mm of the alumina.
        13.4.4  Discard the eluate. Check the column for channeling. If 
    channeling is present, discard the column and prepare another.
        13.4.5  Apply the concentrated extract to the column. Open the 
    stopcock until the extract is within 1 mm of the alumina.
        13.4.6  Rinse the receiver twice with 1 mL portions of hexane and 
    apply separately to the column. Elute the interfering compounds with 
    100 mL hexane and discard the eluate.
        13.4.7  The choice of eluting solvents will depend on the choice of 
    alumina (acid or basic) made in Section 13.4.2.  If using acid alumina, elute the CDDs/CDFs from the 
    column with 20 mL methylene chloride:hexane (20:80 v/v). Collect the 
    eluate.  If using basic alumina, elute the CDDs/CDFs from the 
    column with 20 mL methylene chloride:hexane (50:50 v/v). Collect the 
        13.4.8  Concentrate the eluate per Sections 12.6 and 12.7 for 
    further cleanup or injection into the HPLC or GC/MS.
        13.5  Carbon Column.
        13.5.1  Cut both ends from a 10 mL disposable serological pipet 
    (Section to produce a 10 cm column. Fire-polish both ends and 
    flare both ends if desired. Insert a glass-wool plug at one end, and 
    pack the column with 0.55 g of Carbopak/Celite (Section to 
    form an adsorbent bed approximately 2 cm long. Insert a glass-wool plug 
    on top of the bed to hold the adsorbent in place.
        13.5.2  Pre-elute the column with 5 mL of toluene followed by 2 mL 
    of methylene chloride: methanol:toluene (15:4:1 v/v), 1 mL of methylene 
    chloride:cyclohexane (1:1 v/v), and 5 mL of hexane. If the flow rate of 
    eluate exceeds 0.5 mL/minute, discard the column.
        13.5.3  When the solvent is within 1 mm of the column packing, 
    apply the sample extract to the column. Rinse the sample container 
    twice with 1 mL portions of hexane and apply separately to the column. 
    Apply 2 mL of hexane to complete the transfer.
        13.5.4  Elute the interfering compounds with two 3 mL portions of 
    hexane, 2 mL of methylene chloride:cyclohexane (1:1 v/v), and 2 mL of 
    methylene chloride:methanol:toluene (15:4:1 v/v). Discard the eluate.
        13.5.5  Invert the column, and elute the CDDs/CDFs with 20 mL of 
    toluene. If carbon particles are present in the eluate, filter through 
    glass-fiber filter paper.
        13.5.6  Concentrate the eluate per Sections 12.6 and 12.7 for 
    further cleanup or injection into the HPLC or GC/MS.
        13.6  HPLC (Reference 6).
        13.6.1  Column calibration.  Prepare a calibration standard containing the 2,3,7,8-
    substituted isomers and/or other isomers of interest at a concentration 
    of approximately 500 pg/L in methylene chloride.  Inject 30 L of the calibration solution into the 
    HPLC and record the signal from the detector. Collect the eluant for 
    reuse. The elution order will be the tetra- through octa-isomers.  Establish the collection time for the tetra-isomers and 
    for the other isomers of interest. Following calibration, flush the 
    injection system with copious quantities of methylene chloride, 
    including a minimum of five 50 L injections while the detector 
    is monitored, to ensure that residual CDDs/CDFs are removed from the 
    system.  Verify the calibration with the calibration solution 
    after every 20 extracts. Calibration is verified if the recovery of the 
    CDDs/CDFs from the calibration standard (Section is 75-125% 
    compared to the calibration (Section If calibration is not 
    verified, the system shall be recalibrated using the calibration 
    solution, and the previous 20 samples shall be re-extracted and cleaned 
    up using the calibrated system.
        13.6.2  Extract cleanup--HPLC requires that the column not be 
    overloaded. The column specified in this method is designed to handle a 
    maximum of 30 L of extract. If the extract cannot be 
    concentrated to less than 30 L, it is split into fractions and 
    the fractions are combined after elution from the column.  Rinse the sides of the vial twice with 30 L of 
    methylene chloride and reduce to 30 L with the evaporation 
    apparatus (Section 12.7).
    [[Page 48422]]
     Inject the 30 L extract into the HPLC.  Elute the extract using the calibration data determined 
    in Section 13.6.1. Collect the fraction(s) in a clean 20 mL 
    concentrator tube containing 5 mL of hexane:acetone (1:1 v/v).  If an extract containing greater than 100 ng/mL of total 
    CDD or CDF is encountered, a 30 L methylene chloride blank 
    shall be run through the system to check for carry-over.  Concentrate the eluate per Section 12.7 for injection 
    into the GC/MS.
        13.7  Cleanup of Tissue Lipids--Lipids are removed from the Soxhlet 
    extract using either the anthropogenic isolation column (Section 
    13.7.1) or acidified silica gel (Section 13.7.2), or are removed from 
    the HCl digested extract using sulfuric acid and base back-extraction 
    (Section 13.7.3).
        13.7.1  Anthropogenic isolation column (References 22 and 27)--Used 
    for removal of lipids from the Soxhlet/SDS extraction (Section 12.4.1).  Prepare the column as given in Section 7.5.4.  Pre-elute the column with 100 mL of hexane. Drain the 
    hexane layer to the top of the column, but do not expose the sodium 
    sulfate.  Load the sample and rinses (Section onto the 
    column by draining each portion to the top of the bed. Elute the CDDs/
    CDFs from the column into the apparatus used for concentration (Section using 200 mL of hexane.  Concentrate the cleaned up extract (Sections 12.6 through 
    12.7) to constant weight per Section If more than 500 mg of 
    material remains, repeat the cleanup using a fresh anthropogenic 
    isolation column.  Redissolve the extract in a solvent suitable for the 
    additional cleanups to be used (Sections 13.2 through 13.6 and 13.8).  Spike 1.0 mL of the cleanup standard (Section 7.11) into 
    the residue/solvent.  Clean up the extract using the procedures in Sections 
    13.2 through 13.6 and 13.8. Alumina (Section 13.4) or Florisil (Section 
    13.8) and carbon (Section 13.5) are recommended as minimum additional 
    cleanup steps.  Following cleanup, concentrate the extract to 10 
    L as described in Section 12.7 and proceed with the analysis 
    in Section 14.
        13.7.2  Acidified silica gel (Reference 28)--Procedure alternate to 
    the anthropogenic isolation column (Section 13.7.1) that is used for 
    removal of lipids from the Soxhlet/SDS extraction (Section 12.4.1).  Adjust the volume of hexane in the bottle (Section to approximately 200 mL.  Spike 1.0 mL of the cleanup standard (Section 7.11) into 
    the residue/solvent.  Drop the stirring bar into the bottle, place the bottle 
    on the stirring plate, and begin stirring.  Add 30-100 g of acid silica gel (Section to the 
    bottle while stirring, keeping the silica gel in motion. Stir for two 
    to three hours.
        Note: 30 grams of silica gel should be adequate for most samples 
    and will minimize contamination from this source.
     After stirring, pour the extract through approximately 10 
    g of granular anhydrous sodium sulfate (Section 7.2.1) contained in a 
    funnel with glass-fiber filter into a macro contration device (Section 
    12.6). Rinse the bottle and sodium sulfate with hexane to complete the 
    transfer.  Concentrate the extract per Sections 12.6 through 12.7 
    and clean up the extract using the procedures in Sections 13.2 through 
    13.6 and 13.8. Alumina (Section 13.4) or Florisil (Section 13.8) and 
    carbon (Section 13.5) are recommended as minimum additional cleanup 
        13.7.3  Sulfuric acid and base back-extraction'Used with HCl 
    digested extracts (Section 12.4.2).  Spike 1.0 mL of the cleanup standard (Section 7.11) into 
    the residue/solvent (Section  Add 10 mL of concentrated sulfuric acid to the bottle. 
    Immediately cap and shake one to three times. Loosen cap in a hood to 
    vent excess pressure. Cap and shake the bottle so that the residue/
    solvent is exposed to the acid for a total time of approximately 45 
    seconds.  Decant the hexane into a 250 mL separatory funnel making 
    sure that no acid is transferred. Complete the quantitative transfer 
    with several hexane rinses.  Back extract the solvent/residue with 50 mL of potassium 
    hydroxide solution per Section 12.5.2, followed by two reagent water 
    rinses.  Drain the extract through a filter funnel containing 
    approximately 10 g of granular anhydrous sodium sulfate in a glass-
    fiber filter into a macro concentration device (Section 12.6).  Concentrate the cleaned up extract to a volume suitable 
    for the additional cleanups given in Sections 13.2 through 13.6 and 
    13.8. Gel permeation chromatography (Section 13.2), alumina (Section 
    13.4) or Florisil (Section 13.8), and Carbopak/Celite (Section 13.5) 
    are recommended as minimum additional cleanup steps.  Following cleanup, concentrate the extract to 10 L as 
    described in Section 12.7 and proceed with analysis per Section 14.
        13.8  Florisil Cleanup (Reference 29).
        13.8.1  Pre-elute the activated Florisil column (Section 7.5.3) 
    with 10 mL of methylene chloride followed by 10 mL of hexane:methylene 
    chloride (98:2 v/v) and discard the solvents.
        13.8.2  When the solvent is within 1 mm of the packing, apply the 
    sample extract (in hexane) to the column. Rinse the sample container 
    twice with 1 mL portions of hexane and apply to the column.
        13.8.3  Elute the interfering compounds with 20 mL of 
    hexane:methylene chloride (98:2) and discard the eluate.
        13.8.4  Elute the CDDs/CDFs with 35 mL of methylene chloride and 
    collect the eluate. Concentrate the eluate per Sections 12.6 through 
    12.7 for further cleanup or for injection into the HPLC or GC/MS.
    14.0  HRGC/HRMS Analysis
        14.1  Establish the operating conditions given in Section 10.1.
        14.2  Add 10 uL of the appropriate internal standard solution 
    (Section 7.12) to the sample extract immediately prior to injection to 
    minimize the possibility of loss by evaporation, adsorption, or 
    reaction. If an extract is to be reanalyzed and evaporation has 
    occurred, do not add more instrument internal standard solution. 
    Rather, bring the extract back to its previous volume (e.g., 19 L) with 
    pure nonane only (18 L if 2 L injections are used).
        14.3  Inject 1.0 L or 2.0 L of the 
    concentrated extract containing the internal standard solution, using 
    on-column or splitless injection. The volume injected must be identical 
    to the volume used for calibration (Section 10). Start the GC column 
    initial isothermal hold upon injection. Start MS data collection after 
    the solvent peak elutes. Stop data collection after the OCDD and OCDF 
    have eluted. If only 2,3,7,8-TCDD and 2,3,7,8-TCDF are to be 
    determined, stop data collection after elution of these compounds. 
    Return the column to the initial temperature for analysis of the next 
    extract or standard.
    15.0  System and Laboratory Performance
        15.1  At the beginning of each 12-hour shift during which analyses 
    are performed, GC/MS system performance and calibration are verified 
    for all CDDs/CDFs and labeled compounds. For these tests, analysis of 
    the CS3 calibration verification (VER) standard (Section
    [[Page 48423]]
    7.13 and Table 4) and the isomer specificity test standards (Section 
    7.15 and Table 5) shall be used to verify all performance criteria. 
    Adjustment and/or recalibration (Section 10) shall be performed until 
    all performance criteria are met. Only after all performance criteria 
    are met may samples, blanks, IPRs, and OPRs be analyzed.
        15.2  MS Resolution--A static resolving power of at least 10,000 
    (10% valley definition) must be demonstrated at the appropriate m/z 
    before any analysis is performed. Static resolving power checks must be 
    performed at the beginning and at the end of each 12-hour shift 
    according to procedures in Section 10.1.2. Corrective actions must be 
    implemented whenever the resolving power does not meet the requirement.
        15.3  Calibration Verification.
        15.3.1  Inject the VER standard using the procedure in Section 14.
        15.3.2  The m/z abundance ratios for all CDDs/CDFs shall be within 
    the limits in Table 9; otherwise, the mass spectrometer shall be 
    adjusted until the m/z abundance ratios fall within the limits 
    specified, and the verification test shall be repeated. If the 
    adjustment alters the resolution of the mass spectrometer, resolution 
    shall be verified (Section 10.1.2) prior to repeat of the verification 
        15.3.3  The peaks representing each CDD/CDF and labeled compound in 
    the VER standard must be present with S/N of at least 10; otherwise, 
    the mass spectrometer shall be adjusted and the verification test 
        15.3.4  Compute the concentration of each CDD/CDF compound by 
    isotope dilution (Section 10.5) for those compounds that have labeled 
    analogs (Table 1). Compute the concentration of the labeled compounds 
    by the internal standard method (Section 10.6). These concentrations 
    are computed based on the calibration data in Section 10.
        15.3.5  For each compound, compare the concentration with the 
    calibration verification limit in Table 6. If only 2,3,7,8-TCDD and 
    2,3,7,8-TCDF are to be determined, compare the concentration to the 
    limit in Table 6a. If all compounds meet the acceptance criteria, 
    calibration has been verified and analysis of standards and sample 
    extracts may proceed. If, however, any compound fails its respective 
    limit, the measurement system is not performing properly for that 
    compound. In this event, prepare a fresh calibration standard or 
    correct the problem causing the failure and repeat the resolution 
    (Section 15.2) and verification (Section 15.3) tests, or recalibrate 
    (Section 10).
        15.4  Retention Times and GC Resolution.
        15.4.1  Retention times.  Absolute--The absolute retention times of the 
    13C12-1,2,3,4-TCDD and 
    13C12-1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD GCMS internal standards 
    in the verification test (Section 15.3) shall be within 15 
    seconds of the retention times obtained during calibration (Sections 
    10.2.1 and 10.2.4).  Relative--The relative retention times of CDDs/CDFs and 
    labeled compounds in the verification test (Section 15.3) shall be 
    within the limits given in Table 2.
        15.4.2  GC resolution.  Inject the isomer specificity standards (Section 7.15) on 
    their respective columns.  The valley height between 2,3,7,8-TCDD and the other 
    tetra-dioxin isomers at m/z 319.8965, and between 2,3,7,8-TCDF and the 
    other tetra-furan isomers at m/z 303.9016 shall not exceed 25% on their 
    respective columns (Figures 6 and 7).
        15.4.3  If the absolute retention time of any compound is not 
    within the limits specified or if the 2,3,7,8-isomers are not resolved, 
    the GC is not performing properly. In this event, adjust the GC and 
    repeat the verification test (Section 15.3) or recalibrate (Section 
    10), or replace the GC column and either verify calibration or 
        15.5  Ongoing Precision and Recovery.
        15.5.1  Analyze the extract of the ongoing precision and recovery 
    (OPR) aliquot (Section, 11.5.4, 11.6.2, 11.7.4, or 
    prior to analysis of samples from the same batch.
        15.5.2  Compute the concentration of each CDD/CDF by isotope 
    dilution for those compounds that have labeled analogs (Section 10.5). 
    Compute the concentration of 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD, OCDF, and each labeled 
    compound by the internal standard method (Section 10.6).
        15.5.3  For each CDD/CDF and labeled compound, compare the 
    concentration to the OPR limits given in Table 6. If only 2,3,7,8-TCDD 
    and 2,3,7,8-TCDF are to be determined, compare the concentration to the 
    limits in Table 6a. If all compounds meet the acceptance criteria, 
    system performance is acceptable and analysis of blanks and samples may 
    proceed. If, however, any individual concentration falls outside of the 
    range given, the extraction/concentration processes are not being 
    performed properly for that compound. In this event, correct the 
    problem, re-prepare, extract, and clean up the sample batch and repeat 
    the ongoing precision and recovery test (Section 15.5).
        15.5.4  Add results that pass the specifications in Section 15.5.3 
    to initial and previous ongoing data for each compound in each matrix. 
    Update QC charts to form a graphic representation of continued 
    laboratory performance. Develop a statement of laboratory accuracy for 
    each CDD/CDF in each matrix type by calculating the average percent 
    recovery (R) and the standard deviation of percent recovery 
    (SR). Express the accuracy as a recovery interval from 
    R-2SR to R+2SR. For example, if R=95% and 
    SR=5%, the accuracy is 85-105%.
        15.6  Blank--Analyze the method blank extracted with each sample 
    batch immediately following analysis of the OPR aliquot to demonstrate 
    freedom from contamination and freedom from carryover from the OPR 
    analysis. The results of the analysis of the blank must meet the 
    specifications in Section 9.5.2 before sample analyses may proceed.
    16.0  Qualitative Determination
        A CDD, CDF, or labeled compound is identified in a standard, blank, 
    or sample when all of the criteria in Sections 16.1 through 16.4 are 
        16.1  The signals for the two exact m/z's in Table 8 must be 
    present and must maximize within the same two seconds.
        16.2  The signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) for the GC peak at each exact 
    m/z must be greater than or equal to 2.5 for each CDD or CDF detected 
    in a sample extract, and greater than or equal to 10 for all CDDs/CDFs 
    in the calibration standard (Sections 10.2.3 and 15.3.3).
        16.3  The ratio of the integrated areas of the two exact m/z's 
    specified in Table 8 must be within the limit in Table 9, or within 
    10% of the ratio in the midpoint (CS3) calibration or 
    calibration verification (VER), whichever is most recent.
        16.4  The relative retention time of the peak for a 2,3,7,8-
    substituted CDD or CDF must be within the limit in Table 2. The 
    retention time of peaks representing non-2,3,7,8-substituted CDDs/CDFs 
    must be within the retention time windows established in Section 10.3.
        16.5  Confirmatory Analysis--Isomer specificity for 2,3,7,8-TCDF 
    cannot be achieved on the DB-5 column. Therefore, any sample in which 
    2,3,7,8-TCDF is identified by analysis on a DB-5 column must have a 
    confirmatory analysis performed on a DB-225, SP-2330, or equivalent GC 
    column. The operating conditions in Section 10.1.1 may be adjusted to 
    optimize the analysis on the second GC column, but the GC/MS must meet 
    the mass resolution
    [[Page 48424]]
    and calibration specifications in Section 10.
        16.6  If the criteria for identification in Sections 16.1 through 
    16.5 are not met, the CDD or CDF has not been identified and the 
    results may not be reported for regulatory compliance purposes. If 
    interferences preclude identification, a new aliquot of sample must be 
    extracted, further cleaned up, and analyzed.
    17.0  Quantitative Determination
        17.1  Isotope Dilution Quantitation--By adding a known amount of a 
    labeled compound to every sample prior to extraction, correction for 
    recovery of the CDD/CDF can be made because the CDD/CDF and its labeled 
    analog exhibit similar effects upon extraction, concentration, and gas 
    chromatography. Relative response (RR) values are used in conjunction 
    with the initial calibration data described in Section 10.5 to 
    determine concentrations directly, so long as labeled compound spiking 
    levels are constant, using the following equation:
    Cex = The concentration of the CDD/CDF in the extract, and 
    the other terms are as defined in Section 10.5.2.
        17.1.1  Because of a potential interference, the labeled analog of 
    OCDF is not added to the sample. Therefore, OCDF is quantitated against 
    labeled OCDD. As a result, the concentration of OCDF is corrected for 
    the recovery of the labeled OCDD. In instances where OCDD and OCDF 
    behave differently during sample extraction, concentration, and cleanup 
    procedures, this may decrease the accuracy of the OCDF results. 
    However, given the low toxicity of this compound relative to the other 
    dioxins and furans, the potential decrease in accuracy is not 
    considered significant.
        17.1.2  Because 13C12-1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD is 
    used as an instrument internal standard (i.e., not added before 
    extraction of the sample), it cannot be used to quantitate the 
    1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD by strict isotope dilution procedures. Therefore, 
    1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD is quantitated using the averaged response of the 
    labeled analogs of the other two 2,3,7,8-substituted HxCDD's: 
    1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDD and 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD. As a result, the concentration 
    of 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD is corrected for the average recovery of the other 
    two HxCDD's.
        17.1.3  Any peaks representing non-2,3,7,8-substituted CDDs/CDFs 
    are quantitated using an average of the response factors from all of 
    the labeled 2,3,7,8-isomers at the same level of chlorination.
        17.2  Internal Standard Quantitation and Labeled Compound Recovery.
        17.2.1  Compute the concentrations of 1,2,3,7,8,9--HxCDD, OCDF, the 
    13C-labeled analogs and the 37C-labeled cleanup 
    standard in the extract using the response factors determined from the 
    initial calibration data (Section 10.6) and the following equation:
    Cex = The concentration of the CDD/CDF in the extract, and 
    the other terms are as defined in Section 10.6.1.
        Note: There is only one m/z for the 37Cl-labeled 
        17.2.2 Using the concentration in the extract determined above, 
    compute the percent recovery of the 13C-labeled compounds 
    and the 37C-labeled cleanup standard using the following 
        17.3  The concentration of a CDD/CDF in the solid phase of the 
    sample is computed using the concentration of the compound in the 
    extract and the weight of the solids (Section 11.5.1), as follows:
    Cex = The concentration of the compound in the extract.
    Vex = The extract volume in mL.
    Ws = The sample weight (dry weight) in kg.
        17.4  The concentration of a CDD/CDF in the aqueous phase of the 
    sample is computed using the concentration of the compound in the 
    extract and the volume of water extracted (Section 11.4 or 11.5), as 
    Cex = The concentration of the compound in the extract.
    Vex = The extract volume in mL.
    Vs = The sample volume in liters.
        17.5  If the SICP area at either quantitation m/z for any compound 
    exceeds the calibration range of the system, a smaller sample aliquot 
    is extracted.
        17.5.1  For aqueous samples containing 1% solids or less, dilute 
    100 mL, 10 mL, etc., of sample to 1 L with reagent water and re-
    prepare, extract, clean up, and analyze per Sections 11 through 14.
        17.5.2  For samples containing greater than 1% solids, extract an 
    amount of sample equal to \1/10\, \1/100\, etc., of the amount used in 
    Section 11.5.1. Re-prepare, extract, clean up, and analyze per Sections 
    11 through 14.
        17.5.3  If a smaller sample size will not be representative of the 
    entire sample, dilute the sample extract by a factor of 10, adjust the 
    concentration of the instrument internal standard to 100 pg/L 
    in the extract, and analyze an aliquot of this diluted extract by the 
    internal standard method.
    [[Page 48425]]
        17.6  Results are reported to three significant figures for the 
    CDDs/CDFs and labeled compounds found in all standards, blanks, and 
        17.6.1  Reporting units and levels.  Aqueous samples--Report results in pg/L (parts-per-
    quadrillion).  Samples containing greater than 1% solids (soils, 
    sediments, filter cake, compost)--Report results in ng/kg based on the 
    dry weight of the sample. Report the percent solids so that the result 
    may be corrected.  Tissues--Report results in ng/kg of wet tissue, not on 
    the basis of the lipid content of the sample. Report the percent lipid 
    content, so that the data user can calculate the concentration on a 
    lipid basis if desired.  Reporting level.  Standards (VER, IPR, OPR) and samples--Report results 
    at or above the minimum level (Table 2). Report results below the 
    minimum level as not detected or as required by the regulatory 
    authority.  Blanks--Report results above one-third the ML.
        17.6.2  Results for CDDs/CDFs in samples that have been diluted are 
    reported at the least dilute level at which the areas at the 
    quantitation m/z's are within the calibration range (Section 17.5).
        17.6.3  For CDDs/CDFs having a labeled analog, results are reported 
    at the least dilute level at which the area at the quantitation m/z is 
    within the calibration range (Section 17.5) and the labeled compound 
    recovery is within the normal range for the method (Section 9.3 and 
    Tables 6, 6a, 7, and 7a).
        17.6.4  Additionally, if requested, the total concentration of all 
    isomers in an individual level of chlorination (i.e., total TCDD, total 
    TCDF, total Paced, etc.) may be reported by summing the concentrations 
    of all isomers identified in that level of chlorination, including both 
    2,3,7,8-substituted and non-2,3,7,8-substituted isomers.
    18.0  Analysis of Complex Samples
        18.1  Some samples may contain high levels (>10 ng/L; >1000 ng/kg) 
    of the compounds of interest, interfering compounds, and/or polymeric 
    materials. Some extracts will not concentrate to 10 L (Section 
    12.7); others may overload the GC column and/or mass spectrometer.
        18.2  Analyze a smaller aliquot of the sample (Section 17.5) when 
    the extract will not concentrate to 10 L after all cleanup 
    procedures have been exhausted.
        18.3  Chlorodiphenyl Ethers--If chromatographic peaks are detected 
    at the retention time of any CDDs/CDFs in any of the m/z channels being 
    monitored for the chlorodiphenyl ethers (Table 8), cleanup procedures 
    must be employed until these interferences are removed. Alumina 
    (Section 13.4) and Florisil (Section 13.8) are recommended for removal 
    of chlorodiphenyl ethers.
        18.4  Recovery of Labeled Compounds--In most samples, recoveries of 
    the labeled compounds will be similar to those from reagent water or 
    from the alternate matrix (Section 7.6).
        18.4.1  If the recovery of any of the labeled compounds is outside 
    of the normal range (Table 7), a diluted sample shall be analyzed 
    (Section 17.5).
        18.4.2  If the recovery of any of the labeled compounds in the 
    diluted sample is outside of normal range, the calibration verification 
    standard (Section 7.13) shall be analyzed and calibration verified 
    (Section 15.3).
        18.4.3  If the calibration cannot be verified, a new calibration 
    must be performed and the original sample extract reanalyzed.
        18.4.4  If the calibration is verified and the diluted sample does 
    not meet the limits for labeled compound recovery, the method does not 
    apply to the sample being analyzed and the result may not be reported 
    for regulatory compliance purposes. In this case, alternate extraction 
    and cleanup procedures in this method must be employed to resolve the 
    interference. If all cleanup procedures in this method have been 
    employed and labeled compound recovery remains outside of the normal 
    range, extraction and/or cleanup procedures that are beyond this scope 
    of this method will be required to analyze these samples.
    19.0  Pollution Prevention
        19.1  The solvents used in this method pose little threat to the 
    environment when managed properly. The solvent evaporation techniques 
    used in this method are amenable to solvent recovery, and it is 
    recommended that the laboratory recover solvents wherever feasible.
        19.2  Standards should be prepared in volumes consistent with 
    laboratory use to minimize disposal of standards.
    20.0  Waste Management
        20.1  It is the laboratory's responsibility to comply with all 
    federal, state, and local regulations governing waste management, 
    particularly the hazardous waste identification rules and land disposal 
    restrictions, and to protect the air, water, and land by minimizing and 
    controlling all releases from fume hoods and bench operations. 
    Compliance is also required with any sewage discharge permits and 
        20.2  Samples containing HCl to pH <2 are="" hazardous="" and="" must="" be="" neutralized="" before="" being="" poured="" down="" a="" drain="" or="" must="" be="" handled="" as="" hazardous="" waste.="" 20.3="" the="" cdds/cdfs="" decompose="" above="" 800="" deg.c.="" low-level="" waste="" such="" as="" absorbent="" paper,="" tissues,="" animal="" remains,="" and="" plastic="" gloves="" may="" be="" burned="" in="" an="" appropriate="" incinerator.="" gross="" quantities="" (milligrams)="" should="" be="" packaged="" securely="" and="" disposed="" of="" through="" commercial="" or="" governmental="" channels="" that="" are="" capable="" of="" handling="" extremely="" toxic="" wastes.="" 20.4="" liquid="" or="" soluble="" waste="" should="" be="" dissolved="" in="" methanol="" or="" ethanol="" and="" irradiated="" with="" ultraviolet="" light="" with="" a="" wavelength="" shorter="" than="" 290="" nm="" for="" several="" days.="" use="" f40="" bl="" or="" equivalent="" lamps.="" analyze="" liquid="" wastes,="" and="" dispose="" of="" the="" solutions="" when="" the="" cdds/cdfs="" can="" no="" longer="" be="" detected.="" 20.5="" for="" further="" information="" on="" waste="" management,="" consult="" ``the="" waste="" management="" manual="" for="" laboratory="" personnel''="" and="" ``less="" is="" better--laboratory="" chemical="" management="" for="" waste="" reduction,''="" available="" from="" the="" american="" chemical="" society's="" department="" of="" government="" relations="" and="" science="" policy,="" 1155="" 16th="" street="" n.w.,="" washington,="" d.c.="" 20036.="" 21.0="" method="" performance="" method="" performance="" was="" validated="" and="" performance="" specifications="" were="" developed="" using="" data="" from="" epa's="" international="" interlaboratory="" validation="" study="" (references="" 30-31)="" and="" the="" epa/paper="" industry="" long-="" term="" variability="" study="" of="" discharges="" from="" the="" pulp="" and="" paper="" industry="" (58="" fr="" 66078).="" 22.0="" references="" 1.="" tondeur,="" yves.="" ``method="" 8290:="" analytical="" procedures="" and="" quality="" assurance="" for="" multimedia="" analysis="" of="" polychlorinated="" dibenzo-p-dioxins="" and="" dibenzofurans="" by="" high="" resolution="" gas="" chromatography/high="" resolution="" mass="" spectrometry,''="" usepa="" emsl,="" las="" vegas,="" nevada,="" june="" 1987.="" 2.="" ``measurement="" of="" 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorinated="" dibenzo-p-dioxin="" (tcdd)="" and="" 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorinated="" dibenzofuran="" (tcdf)="" in="" pulp,="" sludges,="" process="" samples="" and="" wastewaters="" from="" pulp="" and="" paper="" mills,''="" wright="" state="" university,="" dayton,="" oh="" 45435,="" june="" 1988.="" 3.="" ``ncasi="" procedures="" for="" the="" preparation="" and="" isomer="" specific="" analysis="" of="" pulp="" and="" paper="" industry="" samples="" for="" 2,3,7,8-tcdd="" and="" 2,3,7,8-tcdf,''="" national="" council="" of="" the="" paper="" industry="" for="" air="" and="" stream="" [[page="" 48426]]="" improvement="" inc.,="" 260="" madison="" avenue,="" new="" york,="" ny="" 10016,="" technical="" bulletin="" no.="" 551,="" pre-release="" copy,="" july="" 1988.="" 4.="" ``analytical="" procedures="" and="" quality="" assurance="" plan="" for="" the="" determination="" of="" pcdd/pcdf="" in="" fish,''="" usepa,="" environmental="" research="" laboratory,="" 6201="" congdon="" boulevard,="" duluth,="" mn="" 55804,="" april="" 1988.="" 5.="" tondeur,="" yves.="" ``proposed="" gc/ms="" methodology="" for="" the="" analysis="" of="" pcdds="" and="" pcdfs="" in="" special="" analytical="" services="" samples,''="" triangle="" laboratories,="" inc.,="" 801-10="" capitola="" dr,="" research="" triangle="" park,="" nc="" 27713,="" january="" 1988;="" updated="" by="" personal="" communication="" september="" 1988.="" 6.="" lamparski,="" l.l.="" and="" nestrick,="" t.j.="" ``determination="" of="" tetra-,="" hexa-,="" hepta-,="" and="" octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin="" isomers="" in="" particulate="" samples="" at="" parts="" per="" trillion="" levels,''="" analytical="" chemistry,="" 52:="" 2045-2054,="" 1980.="" 7.="" lamparski,="" l.l.="" and="" nestrick,="" t.j.="" ``novel="" extraction="" device="" for="" the="" determination="" of="" chlorinated="" dibenzo-p-dioxins="" (pcdds)="" and="" dibenzofurans="" (pcdfs)="" in="" matrices="" containing="" water,''="" chemosphere,="" 19:27-31,="" 1989.="" 8.="" patterson,="" d.g.,="" et.="" al.="" ``control="" of="" interferences="" in="" the="" analysis="" of="" human="" adipose="" tissue="" for="" 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-="" dioxin,''="" environmental="" toxicological="" chemistry,="" 5:355-360,="" 1986.="" 9.="" stanley,="" john="" s.="" and="" sack,="" thomas="" m.="" ``protocol="" for="" the="" analysis="" of="" 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin="" by="" high="" resolution="" gas="" chromatography/high="" resolution="" mass="" spectrometry,''="" usepa="" emsl,="" las="" vegas,="" nevada="" 89114,="" epa="" 600/4-86-004,="" january="" 1986.="" 10.="" ``working="" with="" carcinogens,''="" department="" of="" health,="" education,="" &="" welfare,="" public="" health="" service,="" centers="" for="" disease="" control,="" niosh,="" publication="" 77-206,="" august="" 1977,="" ntis="" pb-277256.="" 11.="" ``osha="" safety="" and="" health="" standards,="" general="" industry,''="" osha="" 2206,="" 29="" cfr="" 1910.="" 12.="" ``safety="" in="" academic="" chemistry="" laboratories,''="" acs="" committee="" on="" chemical="" safety,="" 1979.="" 13.="" ``standard="" methods="" for="" the="" examination="" of="" water="" and="" wastewater,''="" 18th="" edition="" and="" later="" revisions,="" american="" public="" health="" association,="" 1015="" 15th="" st,="" n.w.,="" washington,="" dc="" 20005,="" 1-35:="" section="" 1090="" (safety),="" 1992.="" 14.="" ``method="" 613--2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin,''="" 40="" cfr="" 136="" (49="" fr="" 43234),="" october="" 26,="" 1984,="" section="" 4.1.="" 15.="" provost,="" l.p.="" and="" elder,="" r.s.="" ``interpretation="" of="" percent="" recovery="" data,''="" american="" laboratory,="" 15:="" 56-83,="" 1983.="" 16.="" ``standard="" practice="" for="" sampling="" water,''="" astm="" annual="" book="" of="" standards,="" astm,="" 1916="" race="" street,="" philadelphia,="" pa="" 19103-1187,="" 1980.="" 17.="" ``methods="" 330.4="" and="" 330.5="" for="" total="" residual="" chlorine,''="" usepa,="" emsl,="" cincinnati,="" oh="" 45268,="" epa="" 600/4-79-020,="" march="" 1979.="" 18.="" ``handbook="" of="" analytical="" quality="" control="" in="" water="" and="" wastewater="" laboratories,''="" usepa="" emsl,="" cincinnati,="" oh="" 45268,="" epa-600/4-="" 79-019,="" march="" 1979.="" 19.="" williams,="" rick.="" letter="" to="" bill="" telliard,="" june="" 4,="" 1993,="" available="" from="" the="" epa="" sample="" control="" center="" operated="" by="" dyncorp="" viar,="" inc.,="" 300="" n="" lee="" st,="" alexandria,="" va="" 22314,="" 703-519-1140.="" 20.="" barkowski,="" sarah.="" fax="" to="" sue="" price,="" august="" 6,="" 1992,="" available="" from="" the="" epa="" sample="" control="" center="" operated="" by="" dyncorp="" viar,="" inc.,="" 300="" n="" lee="" st,="" alexandria="" va="" 22314,="" 703-519-1140.="" 21.="" ``analysis="" of="" multi-media,="" multi-concentration="" samples="" for="" dioxins="" and="" furans,="" pcdd/pcdf="" analyses="" data="" package'',="" narrative="" for="" episode="" 4419,="" mri="" project="" no.="" 3091-a,="" op.cit.="" february="" 12,="" 1993,="" available="" from="" the="" epa="" sample="" control="" center="" operated="" by="" dyncorp="" viar="" inc,="" 300="" n="" lee="" st,="" alexandria,="" va="" 22314="" (703-519-1140).="" 22.="" ``analytical="" procedures="" and="" quality="" assurance="" plan="" for="" the="" determination="" of="" pcdd/pcdf="" in="" fish'',="" u.s.="" environmental="" protection="" agency,="" environmental="" research="" laboratory,="" duluth,="" mn="" 55804,="" epa/600/3-="" 90/022,="" march="" 1990.="" 23.="" afghan,="" b.k.,="" carron,="" j.,="" goulden,="" p.d.,="" lawrence,="" j.,="" leger,="" d.,="" onuska,="" f.,="" sherry,="" j.,="" and="" wilkenson,="" r.j.,="" ``recent="" advances="" in="" ultratrace="" analysis="" of="" dioxins="" and="" related="" halogenated="" hydrocarbons'',="" can="" j.="" chem.,="" 65:="" 1086-1097,="" 1987.="" 24.="" sherry,="" j.p.="" and="" tse,="" h.="" ``a="" procedure="" for="" the="" determination="" of="" polychlorinated="" dibenzo-p-dioxins="" in="" fish'',="" chemosphere,="" 20:="" 865-872,="" 1990.="" 25.="" ``preliminary="" fish="" tissue="" study'',="" results="" of="" episode="" 4419,="" available="" from="" the="" epa="" sample="" control="" center="" operated="" by="" dyncorp="" viar,="" inc.,="" 300="" n="" lee="" st,="" alexandria,="" va="" 22314,="" 703-519-1140.="" 26.="" nestrick,="" terry="" l.="" dow="" chemical="" co.,="" personal="" communication="" with="" d.r.="" rushneck,="" april="" 8,="" 1993.="" details="" available="" from="" the="" u.s.="" environmental="" protection="" agency="" sample="" control="" center="" operated="" by="" dyncorp="" viar="" inc,="" 300="" n="" lee="" st,="" alexandria,="" va="" 22314,="" 703-519-1140.="" 27.="" barnstadt,="" michael.="" ``big="" fish="" column'',="" triangle="" laboratories="" of="" rtp,="" inc.,="" sop="" 129-90,="" 27="" march="" 27,="" 1992.="" 28.="" ``determination="" of="" polychlorinated="" dibenzo-p-dioxins="" (pcdd)="" and="" dibenzofurans="" (pcdf)="" in="" environmental="" samples="" using="" epa="" method="" 1613'',="" chemical="" sciences="" department,="" midwest="" research="" institute,="" 425="" volker="" boulevard,="" kansas="" city,="" mo="" 44110-2299,="" standard="" operating="" procedure="" no.="" cs-153,="" january="" 15,="" 1992.="" 29.="" ryan,="" john="" j.="" raymonde="" lizotte="" and="" william="" h.="" newsome,="" j.="" chromatog.="" 303="" (1984)="" 351-360.="" 30.="" telliard,="" william="" a.,="" mccarty,="" harry="" b.,="" and="" riddick,="" lynn="" s.="" ``results="" of="" the="" interlaboratory="" validation="" study="" of="" usepa="" method="" 1613="" for="" the="" analysis="" of="" tetra-through="" octachlorinated="" dioxins="" and="" furans="" by="" isotope="" dilution="" gc/ms,''="" chemosphere,="" 27,="" 41-46="" (1993).="" 31.="" ``results="" of="" the="" international="" interlaboratory="" validation="" study="" of="" usepa="" method="" 1613'',="" october="" 1994,="" available="" from="" the="" epa="" sample="" control="" center="" operated="" by="" dyncorp="" viar,="" inc.,="" 300="" n="" lee="" st,="" alexandria,="" va="" 22314,="" 703-519-1140.="" 23.0="" tables="" and="" figures="" table="" 1.--chlorinated="" dibenzo-p-dioxins="" and="" furans="" determined="" by="" isotope="" dilution="" and="" internal="" standard="" high="" resolution="" gas="" chromatography="" (hrgc)/high="" resolution="" mass="" spectrometry="" (hrms)="" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" cdds/cdfs="" \1\="" cas="" registry="" labeled="" analog="" cas="" registry="" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" 2,3,7,8-tcdd................="" 1746-01-6="">13C12-2,3,7,8-TCDD................................      76523-40-5
                                                  37Cl4-2,3,7,8-TCDD................................      85508-50-5
    Total TCDD..................      41903-57-5                                                                    
    2,3,7,8-TCDF................      51207-31-9  13C12-2,3,7,8-TCDF................................      89059-46-1
    Total-TCDF..................      55722-27-5                                                                    
    1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD.............      40321-76-4  13C12-1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD.............................     109719-79-1
    Total-PeCDD.................      36088-22-9                                                                    
    1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF.............      57117-41-6  13C12-1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF.............................     109719-77-9
    [[Page 48427]]
    2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF.............      57117-31-4  13C12-2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF.............................     116843-02-8
    Total-PeCDF.................      30402-15-4                                                                    
    1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDD...........      39227-28-6  13C12-1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDD...........................     109719-80-4
    1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD...........      57653-85-7  13C12-1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD...........................     109719-81-5
    1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD...........      19408-74-3  13C12-1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD...........................     109719-82-6
    Total-HxCDD.................      34465-46-8                                                                    
    1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF...........      70648-26-9  13C12-1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF...........................     114423-98-2
    1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF...........      57117-44-9  13C12-1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF...........................     116843-03-9
    1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF...........      72918-21-9  13C12-1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF...........................     116843-04-0
    2,3,4,6,7,8-HxCDF...........      60851-34-5  13C12-2,3,4,6,7,8-HxCDF...........................     116843-05-1
    Total-HxCDF.................      55684-94-1                                                                    
    1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD.........      35822-46-9  13C12-1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD.........................     109719-83-7
    Total-HpCDD.................      37871-00-4                                                                    
    1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF.........      67562-39-4  13C12-1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF.........................     109719-84-8
    1,2,3,4,7,8,9-HpCDF.........      55673-89-7  13C12-1,2,3,4,7,8,9-HpCDF.........................     109719-94-0
    Total-HpCDF.................      38998-75-3                                                                    
    OCDD........................       3268-87-9  13C12-OCDD........................................     114423-97-1
    OCDF........................      39001-02-0  Not used..........................................                
    \1\ Chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and chlorinated dibenzofurans.                                                
      TCDD = Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin.                                                                           
      TCDF = Tetrachlorodibenzofuran.                                                                               
      PeCDD = Pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin.                                                                          
      PeCDF = Pentachlorodibenzofuran.                                                                              
      HxCDD = Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin.                                                                           
      HxCDF = Hexachlorodibenzofuran.                                                                               
      HpCDD = Heptachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin.                                                                          
      HpCDF = Heptachlorodibenzofuran.                                                                              
      OCDD = Octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin.                                                                            
      OCDF = Octachlorodibenzofuran.                                                                                
                  Table 2.--Retention Time References, Quantitation References, Relative Retention Times, and Minimum Levels for CDDS and DCFS              
                                                                                                                                   Minimum level \1\        
                    CDD/CDF                           Retention time and quantitation  reference              Relative                           Extract (pg/
                                                                                                           retention time  Water (pg/ Solid (ng/ L;
                                                                                                                            L; ppq)    kg; ppt)      ppb)   
                                             Compounds using 13 C12-1,2,3,4-TCDD as the Injection Internal Standard                                         
    2,3,7,8-TCDF...........................  \13\ C12-2,3,7,8-TCDF.......................................     0.999-1.003         10          1         0.5 
    2,3,7,8-TCDD...........................  \13\ C12-2,3,7,8-TCDD.......................................     0.999-1.002         10          1         0.5 
    1,2,3,7,8-Pe...........................  \13\ C12-1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF....................................     0.999-1.002         50          5         2.5 
    2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF........................  \13\ C12-2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF....................................     0.999-1.002         50          5         2.5 
    1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD........................  \13\ C12-1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD....................................     0.999-1.002         50          5         2.5 
    \13\ C12-2,3,7,8-TCDF..................  \13\ C12-1,2,3,4-TCDD.......................................     0.923-1.103  .........  .........  ...........
    \13\ C12-2,3,7,8-TCDD..................  \13\ C12-1,2,3,4-TCDD.......................................     0.976-1.043  .........  .........  ...........
    \13\ C12-2,3,7,8-TCDD..................  \13\ C12-1,2,3,4-TCDD.......................................     0.989-1.052  .........  .........  ...........
    \13\ C12-1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF...............  \13\ C12-1,2,3,4-TCDD.......................................     1.000-1.425  .........  .........  ...........
    \13\ C12-2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF...............  \13\ C12-1,2,3,4-TCDD.......................................     1.001-1.526  .........  .........  ...........
    \13\ C12-1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF...............  \13\ C12-1,2,3,4-TCDD.......................................     1.000-1.567  .........  .........  ...........
                                           Compounds using 13 C12-1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD as the Injection Internal Standard                                      
    1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF......................  \13\ C12-1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF..................................     0.999-1.001         50          5         2.5 
    1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF......................  \13\ C12-1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF..................................     0.997-1.005         50          5         2.5 
    1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF......................  \13\ C12-1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF..................................     0.999-1.001         50          5         2.5 
    2,3,4,6,7,8-HxCDF......................  \13\ C12-2,3,4,6,7,8-HxCDF..................................     0.999-1.001         50          5         2.5 
    1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDD......................  \13\ C12-1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDD..................................     0.999-1.001         50          5         2.5 
    1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD......................  \13\ C12-1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD..................................     0.998-1.004         50          5         2.5 
    1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD......................  (\2\).......................................................     1.000-1.019         50          5         2.5 
    1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF....................  \13\ C12-1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF................................     0.999-1.001         50          5         2.5 
    1,2,3,4,7,8,9-HpCDF....................  \13\ C12-1,2,3,4,7,8,9-HpCDF................................     0.999-1.001         50          5         2.5 
    1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD....................  \13\ C12-1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD................................     0.999-1.001         50          5         2.5 
    OCDF...................................  \13\ C12-OCDD...............................................     0.999-1.001        100         10         5.0 
    OCDD...................................  \13\ C12-OCDD...............................................     0.999-1.001        100         10         5.0 
    1,2,3,4,6,7,8,-HxCDF...................  \13\ C12-1,2,3,7,8,9-HpCDD..................................     0.949-0.975  .........  .........  ...........
    \13\ C121,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF..............  \13\ C12-1,2,3,7,8,9-HpCDD..................................     0.977-1.047  .........  .........  ...........
    \13\ C122,3,4,6,7,8,-HxCDF.............  \13\ C12-1,2,3,7,8,9-HpCDD..................................     0.959-1.021  .........  .........  ...........
    \13\ C121,2,3,4,7,8,-HxCDF.............  \13\ C12-1,2,3,7,8,9-HpCDD..................................     0.977-1.000  .........  .........  ...........
    [[Page 48428]]
    \13\ C121,2,3,6,7,8,-HxCDF.............  \13\ C12-1,2,3,7,8,9-HpCDD..................................     0.981-1.003  .........  .........  ...........
    \13\ C121,2,3,4,6,7,8-HxCDF............  \13\ C12-1,2,3,7,8,9-HpCDD..................................     1.043-1.085  .........  .........  ...........
    \13\ C121,2,3,4,7,8,9-HxCDF............  \13\ C12-1,2,3,7,8,9-HpCDD..................................     1.057-1.151  .........  .........  ...........
    \13\ C121,2,3,4,6,7,8-HxCDF............  \13\ C12-1,2,3,7,8,9-HpCDD..................................     1.086-1.110  .........  .........  ...........
    \13\ C12OCDD...........................  \13\ C12-1,2,3,7,8,9-HpCDD..................................     1.032-1.311  .........  .........  ...........
    \1\ The Minimum Level (ML) for each analyte is defined as the level at which the entire analytical system must give a recognizable signal and acceptable
      calibration point. It is equivalent to the concentration of the lowest calibration standard, assuming that all method-specified sample weights,       
      volumes, and cleanup procedures have been employed.                                                                                                   
    \2\ The retention time reference for 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD is \13\C12-1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD, and 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD is quantified using the averaged responses   
      for \13\C12-1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDD and \13\C12-1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD.                                                                                          
            Table 3.--Concentration of Stock and Spiking Solutions Containing CDDS/CDFS and Labeled Compounds       
                                                                   Labeled      Labeled                             
                                                                  compound      compound    PAR stock    PAR spiking
                              CDD/CDF                               stock       spiking      solution   solution \4\
                                                                solution \1\    solution   \3\ (ng/mL)     (ng/mL)  
                                                                   (ng/mL)     \2\  (ng/                            
    2,3,7,8-TCDD..............................................  ............  ...........           40           0.8
    2,3,7,8-TCDF..............................................  ............  ...........           40           0.8
    1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD...........................................  ............  ...........          200           4  
    1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF...........................................  ............  ...........          200           4  
    2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF...........................................  ............  ...........          200           4  
    1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDD.........................................  ............  ...........          200           4  
    1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD.........................................  ............  ...........          200           4  
    1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD.........................................  ............  ...........          200           4  
    1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF.........................................  ............  ...........          200           4  
    1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF.........................................  ............  ...........          200           4  
    1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF.........................................  ............  ...........          200           4  
    2,3,4,6,7,8-HxCDF.........................................  ............  ...........          200           4  
    1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD.......................................  ............  ...........          200           4  
    1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF.......................................  ............  ...........          200           4  
    1,2,3,4,7,8,9-HpCDF.......................................  ............  ...........          200           4  
    OCDD......................................................  ............  ...........          400           8  
    OCDF......................................................  ............  ...........          400           8  
    13C12-2,3,7,8-TCDD........................................         100              2  ...........  ............
    13C12-2,3,7,8-TCDF........................................         100              2  ...........  ............
    13C12-1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD.....................................         100              2  ...........  ............
    13C12-1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF.....................................         100              2  ...........  ............
    13C12-2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF.....................................         100              2  ...........  ............
    13C12-1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDD...................................         100              2  ...........  ............
    13C12-1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD...................................         100              2  ...........  ............
    13C12-1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF...................................         100              2  ...........  ............
    13C12-1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF...................................         100              2  ...........  ............
    13C12-1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF...................................         100              2  ...........  ............
    13C12-2,3,4,6,7,8-HxCDF...................................         100              2  ...........  ............
    13C12-1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD.................................         100              2  ...........  ............
    13C12-1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF.................................         100              2  ...........  ............
    13C12-1,2,3,4,7,8,9-HpCDF.................................         100              2  ...........  ............
    13C12-OCDD................................................         200              4  ...........  ............
    Cleanup Standard \5\                                                                                            
        \37\Cl4-2,3,7,8-TCDD..................................           0.8  ...........  ...........  ............
    Internal Standards \6\                                                                                          
        13C12-1,2,3,4-TCDD....................................         200    ...........  ...........  ............
        13C12-1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD...............................         200    ...........  ...........  ............
    \1\ Section 7.10--prepared in nonane and diluted to prepare spiking solution.                                   
    \2\ Section 7.10.3--prepared in acetone from stock solution daily.                                              
    \3\ Section 7.9--prepared in nonane and diluted to prepare spiking solution.                                    
    \4\ Section 7.14--prepared in acetone from stock solution daily.                                                
    \5\ Section 7.11--prepared in nonane and added to extract prior to cleanup.                                     
    \6\ Section 7.12--prepared in nonane and added to the concentrated extract immediately prior to injection into  
      the GC (Section 14.2).                                                                                        
    [[Page 48429]]
      Table 4.--Concentration of CDDS/CDFS in Calibration and Calibration Verification Solutions \1\ (Section 15.3) 
                                                                                CS3  (ng/    CS4  (ng/    CS5  (ng/ 
                                                       CDD/CDF    CS2 (ng/mL)      mL)          mL)          mL)    
    2,3,7,8-TCDD..................................           0.5            2           10           40          200
    2,3,7,8-TCDF..................................           0.5            2           10           40          200
    1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD...............................           2.5           10           50          200         1000
    1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF...............................           2.5           10           50          200         1000
    2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF...............................           2.5           10           50          200         1000
    1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDD.............................           2.5           10           50          200         1000
    1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD.............................           2.5           10           50          200         1000
    1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD.............................           2.5           10           50          200         1000
    1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF.............................           2.5           10           50          200         1000
    1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF.............................           2.5           10           50          200         1000
    1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF.............................           2.5           10           50          200         1000
    2,3,4,6,7,8-HxCDF.............................           2.5           10           50          200         1000
    1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD...........................           2.5           10           50          200         1000
    1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF...........................           2.5           10           50          200         1000
    1,2,3,4,7,8,9-HpCDF...........................           2.5           10           50          200         1000
    OCDD..........................................           5.0           20          100          400         2000
    OCDF..........................................           5.0           20          100          400         2000
    \13\ C12-2,3,7,8-TCDD.........................         100            100          100          100          100
    \13\ C12-2,3,7,8-TCDF.........................         100            100          100          100          100
    \13\ C12-1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD......................         100            100          100          100          100
    \13\ C12-PeCDF................................         100            100          100          100          100
    \13\ C12-2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF......................         100            100          100          100          100
    \13\ C12-1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDD....................         100            100          100          100          100
    \13\ C12-1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD....................         100            100          100          100          100
    \13\ C12-1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF....................         100            100          100          100          100
    \13\ C12-1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF....................         100            100          100          100          100
    \13\ C12-1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF....................         100            100          100          100          100
    \13\ C12-1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD..................         100            100          100          100          100
    \13\ C12-1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF..................         100            100          100          100          100
    \13\ C12-1,2,3,4,7,8,9-Hp CDF.................         100            100          100          100          100
    \13\ C12-OCDD.................................         200            200          200          200          200
    Cleanup Standard:                                                                                               
        \37\ C14-2,3,7,8-TCDD.....................           0.5            2           10           40          200
    Internal Standards:                                                                                             
    \13\ C12-1,2,3,4-TCDD.........................         100            100          100          100          100
    \13\ C12-1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD....................         100            100          100          100          100
        Table 5.--GC Retention Time Window Defining Solution and Isomer Specificity Test Standard (Section 7.15)    
                                 DB-5 column GC retention-time window defining solution                             
                   CDD/CDF                                First eluted                          Last eluted         
    TCDF.................................  1,3,6,8-..................................  1,2,8,9-                     
    TCDD.................................  1,3,6,8-..................................  1,2,8,9-                     
    PeCDF................................  1,3,4,6,8-................................  1,2,3,8,9-                   
    PeCDD................................  1,2,4,7,9-................................  1,2,3,8,9-                   
    HxCDF................................  1,2,3,4,6,8-..............................  1,2,3,4,8,9-                 
    HxCDD................................  1,2,4,6,7,9-..............................  1,2,3,4,6,7-                 
    HpCDF................................  1,2,3,4,6,7,8-............................  1,2,3,4,7,8,9-               
    HpCDD................................  1,2,3,4,6,7,9-............................  1,2,3,4,6,7,8-               
                   DB-5 Column TCDD Specificity Test Standard               
               DB-225 Column TCDF Isomer Specificity Test Standard          
                  Table 6.--Acceptance Criteria for Performance Tests When All CDDS/CDFS Are Tested \1\             
                                                                        IPR 2 3                                     
                      CDD/CDF                     Test conc. ---------------------------- OPR  (ng/mL)  VER  (ng/mL)
                                                   (ng/mL)     s  (ng/mL)    X  (ng/mL)                             
    2,3,7,8-TCDD...............................           10           2.8  8.3-12.9      6.7-15.8      7.8-12.9    
    [[Page 48430]]
    2,3,7,8-TCDF...............................           10           2.0  8.7-13.7      7.5-15.8      8.4-12.0    
    1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD............................           50           7.5    38-66         35-71         39-65     
    1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF............................           50           7.5    43-62         40-67         41-60     
    2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF............................           50           8.6    36-75         34-80         41-61     
    1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDD..........................           50           9.4    39-76         35-82         39-64     
    1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD..........................           50           7.7    42-62         38-67         39-64     
    1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD..........................           50          11.1    37-71         32-81         41-61     
    1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF..........................           50           8.7    41-59         36-67         45-56     
    1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF..........................           50           6.7    46-60         42-65         44-57     
    1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF..........................           50           6.4    42-61         39-65         45-56     
    2,3,4,6,7,8-HxCDF..........................           50           7.4    37-74         35-78         44-57     
    1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD........................           50           7.7    38-65         35-70         43-58     
    1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF........................           50           6.3    45-56         41-61         45-55     
    1,2,3,4,7,8,9-HpCDF........................           50           8.1    43-63         39-69         43-58     
    OCDD.......................................          100          19     89-127        78-144        79-126     
    OCDF.......................................          100          27     74-146        63-170        63-159     
    \13\C12-2,3,7,8-TCDD.......................          100          37     28-134        20-175        82-121     
    \13\C12-2,3,7,8-TCDF.......................          100          35     31-113        22-152        71-140     
    \13\C12-1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD....................          100          39     27-184        21-227        62-160     
    \13\C12-1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF....................          100          34     27-156        21-192        76-130     
    \13\C12-2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF....................          100          38     16-279        13-328        77-130     
    \13\C12-1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDD..................          100          41     29-147        21-193        85-117     
    \13\C12-1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD..................          100          38     34-122        25-163        85-118     
    \13\C12-1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF..................          100          43     27-152        19-202        76-131     
    \13\C12-1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF..................          100          35     30-122        21-159        70-143     
    \13\C12-1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF..................          100          40     24-157        17-205        74-135     
    \13\C12-2,3,4,6,7,8,-HxCDF.................          100          37     29-136        22-176        73-137     
    \13\C12-1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD................          100          35     34-129        26-166        72-138     
    \13\C12-1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF................          100          41     32-110        21-158        78-129     
    \13\C12-1,2,3,4,7,8,9-HpCDF................          100          40     28-141        20-186        77-129     
    \13\C12-OCDD...............................          200          95     41-276        26-397        96-415     
    \37\Cl4-2,3,7,8-TCDD.......................           10           3.6  3.9-15.4      3.1-19.1      7.9-12.7    
    \1\ All specifications are given as concentration in the final extract, assuming a 20 L volume.        
    \2\ s = standard deviation of the concentration.                                                                
    \3\ X = average concentration.                                                                                  
               Table 6a.--Acceptance Criteria for Performance Tests When Only Tetra Compounds are Tested 1          
                                                                        IPR 2 3                                     
                       CDD/CDF                     Test Conc. --------------------------- OPR  (ng/mL)  VER  (ng/mL)
                                                    (ng/mL)     s (ng/mL)     X (ng/mL)                             
    2,3,7,8-TCDD................................           10          2.7  8.7-12.4      7.314.6       8.2-12.3    
    2,3,7,8-TCDF................................           10          2.0  9.1-13.1      8.0-14.7      8.6-11.6    
    13C12-2,3,7,8-TCDD..........................          100           35   32-115        25-141        85-117     
    13C12-2,3,7,8-TCDF..........................          100           34    35-99        26-126        76-131     
    37Cl4-2,3,7,8-TCDD..........................           10          3.4  4.5-13.4      3.7-15.8      8.3-12.1    
    1 All specifications are given as concentration in the final extract, assuming a 20 L volume.          
    2 s = standard deviation of the concentration.                                                                  
    3 X = average concentration.                                                                                    
     Table 7.--Labeled Compounds Recovery in Samples When all CDDS/CDFS are 
                                                        Labeled compound    
                                       Test conc.           recovery        
                Compound                (ng/mL)   --------------------------
                                                     (ng/mL) 1       (%)    
    13C12-2,3,7,8-TCDD..............          100   25-164            25-164
    13C12-2,3,7,8-TCDF..............          100   24-169            24-169
    13C12-1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD...........          100   25-181            25-181
    13C12-1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF...........          100   24-185            24-185
    13C12-2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF...........          100   21-178            21-178
    13C12-1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDD.........          100   32-141            32-141
    13C12-1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD.........          100   28-130            28-130
    13C12-1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF.........          100   26-152            26-152
    13C12-1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF.........          100   26-123            26-123
    13C12-1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF.........          100   29-147            29-147
    [[Page 48431]]
    13C12-2,3,4,6,7,8-HxCDF.........          100   28-136            28-136
    13C12-1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD.......          100   23-140            23-140
    13C12-1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF.......          100   28-143            28-143
    13C12-1,2,3,4,7,8,9-HpCDF.......          100   26-138            26-138
    13C12-OCDD......................          200   34-313            17-157
    37Cl4-2,3,7,8-TCDD..............           10  3.5-19.7           35-197
    1 Specification given as concentration in the final extract, assuming a 
      20-L volume.                                                 
         Table 7a.--Labeled Compound Recovery in Samples When Only Tetra    
                              Compounds are Tested                          
                                                        Labeled compound    
                                       Test conc.           recovery        
                Compound                (ng/mL)   --------------------------
                                                    (ng/mL) \1\      (%)    
    \13\C12-2,3,7,8-TCDD............          100   31-137            31-137
    \13\C12-2,3,7,8-TCDF............          100   29-140            29-140
    \37\Cl4-2,3,7,8-TCDD............           10  4.2-16.4           42-164
    \1\ Specification given as concentration in the final extract, assuming 
      a 20 L volume.                                               
             Table 8.--Descriptors, Exact M/Z's, M/Z Types, and Elemental Compositions of the CDDs and CDFs         
                                Exact M/Z                                                                           
            Descriptor             \1\               M/Z type            Elemental composition       Substance \2\  
    1........................     292.9825  Lock                       C7F11....................  PFK               
                                  303.9016  M                          C12H4\35\Cl4O............  TCDF              
                                  305.8987  M+2                        C12H4\35\Cl3\37\ClO......  TCDF              
                                  315.9419  M                          \13\C12H4\35\Cl4O........  TCDF \3\          
                                  317.9389  M+2                        \13\C12H4\35\Cl3\37\ClO..  TCDF \3\          
                                  319.8965  M                          C12H4\35\Cl4O2...........  TCDD              
                                  321.8936  M+2                        C12H4\35\Cl3\37\ClO2.....  TCDD              
                                  327.8847  M                          C12H4\37\Cl4O2...........  TCDD \4\          
                                  330.9792  QC                         C7F13....................  PFK               
                                  331.9368  M                          \13\C12H4\35\Cl4O2.......  TCDD \3\          
                                  333.9339  M+2                        \13\C12H4\35\Cl3\37\ClO2.  TCDD \3\          
                                  375.8364  M+2                        C12H4\35\Cl5\37\ClO......  HxCDPE            
    2........................     339.8597  M+2                        C12H3\35\Cl4\37\ClO......  PeCDF             
                                  341.8567  M+4                        C12H3\35\Cl3\37\Cl2O.....  PeCDF             
                                  351.9000  M+2                        \13\C12H3\35\Cl4\37\ClO..  PeCDF             
                                  353.8970  M+4                        \13\C12H3\35\Cl3\37\Cl2O.  PeCDF \3\         
                                  354.9792  Lock                       C9F13....................  PFK               
                                  355.8546  M+2                        C12H3\35\Cl4\37\ClO2.....  PeCDD             
                                  357.8516  M+4                        C12H3\35\Cl3\37\Cl2O2....  PeCDD             
                                  367.8949  M+2                        \13\C12H3\35\Cl4\37\ClO2.  PeCDD \3\         
                                  369.8919  M+4                        \13\C12H3\35\Cl3\37\Cl2O2  PeCDD \3\         
                                  409.7974  M+2                        C12H3\35\Cl6\37\ClO......  HpCDPE            
    3........................     373.8208  M+2                        C12H2\35\Cl5\37\ClO......  HxCDF             
                                  375.8178  M+4                        C12H2\35\Cl4\37\Cl2O.....  HxCDF             
                                  383.8639  M                          \13\C12H2\35\Cl6O........  HxCDF \3\         
                                  385.8610  M+2                        \13\C12H2\35\Cl5\37\ClO..  HxCDF \3\         
                                  389.8157  M+2                        C12H2\35\Cl5\37\ClO2.....  HxCDD             
                                  391.8127  M+4                        C12H2\35\Cl4\37\Cl2O2....  HxCDD             
                                  392.9760  Lock                       C9F15....................  PFK               
                                  401.8559  M+2                        \13\C12H2\35\Cl5\37\ClO2.  HxCDD \3\         
                                  403.8529  M+4                        \13\C12H2\35\Cl4\37\Cl2O2  HxCDD \3\         
                                  430.9729  QC                         C9F17....................  PFK               
                                  445.7555  M+4                        C12H2\35\Cl6\37\Cl2O.....  OCDPE             
    4........................     407.7818  M+2                        C12H\35\Cl6\37\ClO.......  HpCDF             
                                  409.7789  M+4                        C12H\35\Cl5\37\Cl2O......  HpCDF             
                                  417.8253  M                          \13\C12H\35\Cl7O.........  HpCDF \3\         
                                  419.8220  M+2                        \13\C12H\35\Cl6\37\ClO...  HpCDF \3\         
                                  423.7766  M+2                        C12H\35\Cl6\37\ClO2......  HpCDD             
                                  425.7737  M+4                        C12H\35\Cl5\37\Cl2O2.....  HpCDD             
                                  430.9729  Lock                       C9F17....................  PFK               
                                  435.8169  M+2                        \13\C12H\35\Cl6\37\ClO2..  HpCDD \3\         
                                  437.8140  M+4                        \13\C12H\35\Cl5\37\Cl2O2.  HpCDD \3\         
                                  479.7165  M+4                        C12H\35\Cl7\37\Cl2O......  NCDPE             
    [[Page 48432]]
    5........................     441.7428  M+2                        C12\35\Cl7\37\ClO........  OCDF              
                                  442.9728  Lock                       C10F17...................  PFK               
                                  443.7399  M+4                        C12\35\Cl6\37\Cl2O.......  OCDF              
                                  457.7377  M+2                        C12\35\Cl7\37\ClO2.......  OCDD              
                                  459.7348  M+4                        C12\35\Cl6\37\Cl2O2......  OCDD              
                                  469.7779  M+2                        \13\C12\35\Cl7\37\ClO2...  OCDD\3\           
                                  471.7750  M+4                        \13\C12\35\Cl6\37\Cl2O2..  OCDD\3\           
                                  513.6775  M+4                        C12\35\Cl8\37\Cl2O.......  DCDPE             
    \1\ Nuclidic masses used:                                                                                       
      H = 1.007825.                                                                                                 
      O = 15.994915.                                                                                                
      C = 12.00000.                                                                                                 
      \35\Cl = 34.968853.                                                                                           
      \13\C = 13.003355.                                                                                            
      \37\Cl = 36.965903.                                                                                           
      F = 18.9984.                                                                                                  
    \2\ TCDD = Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin.                                                                         
      PeCDD = Pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin.                                                                          
      HxCDD = Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin.                                                                           
      HpCDD = Heptachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin.                                                                          
      OCDD = Octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin.                                                                            
      HxCDPE = Hexachlorodiphenyl ether.                                                                            
      OCDPE = Octachlorodiphenyl ether.                                                                             
      DCDPE = Decachlorodiphenyl ether.                                                                             
      TCDF = Tetrachlorodibenzofuran.                                                                               
      PeCDF = Pentachlorodibenzofuran.                                                                              
      HxCDF = Hexachlorodibenzofuran.                                                                               
      HpCDF = Heptachlorodibenzofuran.                                                                              
      OCDF = Octachlorodibenzofuran.                                                                                
      HpCDPE = Heptachlorodiphenyl ether.                                                                           
      NCDPE = Nonachlorodiphenyl ether.                                                                             
      PFK = Perfluorokerosene.                                                                                      
    \3\ Labeled compound.                                                                                           
    \4\ There is only one m/z for \37\Cl4-2,3,7,8,-TCDD (cleanup standar                                      
                                Table 9.--Theoretical Ion Abundance Ratios and QC Limits                            
                                                                                                  QC limit \1\      
            Number of chlorine atoms                M/Z's forming ratio        Theoretical -------------------------
                                                                                  ratio        Lower        Upper   
    4 \2\...................................  M/(M+2)........................         0.77         0.65         0.89
    5.......................................  (M+2)/(M+4)....................         1.55         1.32         1.78
    6.......................................  (M+2)/(M+4)....................         1.24         1.05         1.43
    6 \3\...................................  M/(M+2)........................         0.51         0.43         0.59
    7.......................................  (M+2)/(M+4)....................         1.05         0.88         1.20
    7 \4\...................................  M/(M+2)........................         0.44         0.37         0.51
    8.......................................  (M+2)/(M+4)....................         0.89         0.76        1.02 
    \1\ QC limits represent 15% windows around the theoretical ion abundance ratios.                    
    \2\ Does not apply to 37Cl4-2,3,7,8-TCDD (cleanup standard).                                                    
    \3\ Used for 13C12-HxCDF only.                                                                                  
    \4\ Used for 13C12-HpCDF only.                                                                                  
                                         Table 10.--Suggested Sample Quantities To Be Extracted for Various Matrices \1\                                    
              Sample Matrix \2\                       Example             Percent solids                     Phase                      Quantity extracted  
        Aqueous..........................  Drinking water...............              <1 (\3\).....................................="" 1000="" ml.="" groundwater="" ..............="" ..........................................="" ......................="" treated="" wastewater="" ..............="" ..........................................="" ......................="" solid............................="" dry="" soil.....................="">20  Solid.....................................  10 g.                 
                                           Compost                        ..............  ..........................................  ......................
                                           Ash                            ..............  ..........................................  ......................
        Organic..........................  Waste solvent................              <1 organic...................................="" 10="" g.="" waste="" oil="" ..............="" ..........................................="" ......................="" organic="" polymer="" ..............="" ..........................................="" ......................="" tissue...........................="" fish.........................="" ..............="" organic...................................="" 10="" g.="" human="" adipose="" ..............="" ..........................................="" ......................="" multi-phase:="" [[page="" 48433]]="" liquid/solid:="" aqueous/solid................="" wet="" soil.....................="" 1-30="" solid.....................................="" 10="" g.="" untreated="" effluent...........="" digested="" municipal="" sludge....="" filter="" cake..................="" paper="" pulp...................="" organic/solid................="" industrial="" sludge............="" 1-100="" both......................................="" 10="" g.="" oily="" waste="" ..............="" ..........................................="" ......................="" liquid/liquid:="" aqueous/organic..............="" in-process="" effluent..........=""><1 organic...................................="" 10="" g.="" untreated="" effluent="" ..............="" ..........................................="" ......................="" drum="" waste="" ..............="" ..........................................="" ......................="" aqueous/organic/solid........="" untreated="" effluent...........="">1  Organic and solid.........................  10 g.                 
                                           Drum waste                     ..............  ..........................................  ......................
    \1\ The quantity of sample to be extracted is adjusted to provide 10 g of solids (dry weight). One liter of aqueous samples containing 1% solids will   
      contain 10 g of solids. For aqueous samples containing greater than 1% solids, a lesser volume is used so that 10 g of solids (dry weight) will be    
    \2\ The sample matrix may be amorphous for some samples. In general, when the CDDs/CDFs are in contact with a multiphase system in which one of the     
      phases is water, they will be preferentially dispersed in or adsorbed on the alternate phase because of their low solubility in water.                
    \3\ Aqueous samples are filtered after spiking with the labeled compounds. The filtrate and the materials trapped on the filter are extracted           
      separately, and the extracts are combined for cleanup and analysis.                                                                                   
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    24.0  Glossary of Definitions and Purposes
        These definitions and purposes are specific to this method but have 
    been conformed to common usage as much as possible.
        24.1  Units of weight and Measure and Their Abbreviations.
        24.1.1  Symbols:
     deg.C--degrees Celsius
    <--less than="">--greater than
    24.1.2  Alphabetical abbreviations:
    ID--inside diameter
    M--Molecular ion
    m/z--mass-to-charge ratio
    N--normal; gram molecular weight of solute divided by hydrogen 
    equivalent of solute, per liter of solution
    OD--outside diameter
    psig--pounds-per-square inch gauge
    v/v--volume per unit volume
    w/v--weight per unit volume
        24.2  Definitions and Acronyms (in Alphabetical Order).
        Analyte--A CDD or CDF tested for by this method. The analytes are 
    listed in Table 1.
        Calibration Standard (CAL)--A solution prepared from a secondary 
    standard and/or stock solutions and used to calibrate the response of 
    the instrument with respect to analyte concentration.
        Calibration Verification Standard (VER)--The mid-point calibration 
    standard (CS3) that is used in to verify calibration. See Table 4.
        CDD--Chlorinated Dibenzo-p-ioxin--The isomers and congeners of 
    tetra-through octa-chlorodibenzo-p-dioxin.
        CDF--Chlorinated Dibenzofuran--The isomers and congeners of tetra-
    through octa-chlorodibenzofuran.
        CS1, CS2, CS3, CS4, CS5--See Calibration standards and Table 4.
        Field Blank--An aliquot of reagent water or other reference matrix 
    that is placed in a sample container in the laboratory or the field, 
    and treated as a sample in all respects, including exposure to sampling 
    site conditions, storage, preservation, and all analytical procedures. 
    The purpose of the field blank is to determine if the field or sample 
    transporting procedures and environments have contaminated the sample.
        GC--Gas chromatograph or gas chromatography.
        GPC--Gel permeation chromatograph or gel permeation chromatography.
        HPLC--High performance liquid chromatograph or high performance 
    liquid chromatography.
        HRGC--High resolution GC.
        HRMS--High resolution MS.
        IPR--Initial precision and recovery; four aliquots of the diluted 
    PAR standard analyzed to establish the ability to generate acceptable 
    precision and accuracy. An IPR is performed prior to the first time 
    this method is used and any time the method or instrumentation is 
        K-D--Kuderna-Danish concentrator; a device used to concentrate the 
    analytes in a solvent.
        Laboratory Blank--See method blank.
        Laboratory Control sample (LCS)--See ongoing precision and recovery 
    standard (OPR).
        Laboratory Reagent Blank--See method blank.
        May--This action, activity, or procedural step is neither required 
    nor prohibited.
        May Not--This action, activity, or procedural step is prohibited.
        Method Blank--An aliquot of reagent water that is treated exactly 
    as a sample including exposure to all glassware, equipment, solvents, 
    reagents, internal standards, and surrogates that are used with 
    samples. The method blank is used to determine if analytes or 
    interferences are present in the laboratory environment, the reagents, 
    or the apparatus.
        Minimum Level (ML)--The level at which the entire analytical system 
    must give a recognizable signal and acceptable calibration point for 
    the analyte. It is equivalent to the concentration of the lowest 
    calibration standard, assuming that all method-specified sample 
    weights, volumes, and cleanup procedures have been employed.
        MS--Mass spectrometer or mass spectrometry.
        Must--This action, activity, or procedural step is required.
        OPR--Ongoing precision and recovery standard (OPR); a laboratory 
    blank spiked with known quantities of analytes. The OPR is analyzed 
    exactly like a sample. Its purpose is to assure that the results 
    produced by the laboratory remain within the limits specified in this 
    method for precision and recovery.
        PAR--Precision and recovery standard; secondary standard that is 
    diluted and spiked to form the IPR and OPR.
        PFK--Perfluorokerosene; the mixture of compounds used to calibrate 
    the exact m/z scale in the HRMS.
        Preparation Blank--See method blank.
        Primary Dilution Standard--A solution containing the specified 
    analytes that is purchased or prepared from stock solutions and diluted 
    as needed to prepare calibration solutions and other solutions.
        Quality Control Check Sample (QCS)--A sample containing all or a 
    subset of the analytes at known concentrations. The QCS is obtained 
    from a source external to the laboratory or is prepared from a source 
    of standards different from the source of calibration standards. It is 
    used to check laboratory performance with test materials prepared 
    external to the normal preparation process.
        Reagent Water--Water demonstrated to be free from the analytes of 
    interest and potentially interfering substances at the method detection 
    limit for the analyte.
        Relative Standard Deviation (RSD)--The standard deviation times 100 
    divided by the mean. Also termed ``coefficient of variation.''
        RF--Response factor. See Section 10.6.1.
        RR--Relative response. See Section 10.5.2.
        RSD--See relative standard deviation.
        SDS--Soxhlet/Dean-Stark extractor; an extraction device applied to 
    the extraction of solid and semi-solid materials (Reference 7).
        Should--This action, activity, or procedural step is suggested but 
    not required.
        SICP--Selected ion current profile; the line described by the 
    signal at an exact m/z.
        SPE--Solid-phase extraction; an extraction technique in which an 
    analyte is extracted from an aqueous sample by passage over or through 
    a material capable of reversibly adsorbing the analyte. Also termed 
    liquid-solid extraction.
    [[Page 48442]]
        Stock Solution--A solution containing an analyte that is prepared 
    using a reference material traceable to EPA, the National Institute of 
    Science and Technology (NIST), or a source that will attest to the 
    purity and authenticity of the reference material.
        VER--See calibration verification standard.
    [FR Doc. 97-23841 Filed 9-12-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
This regulation is effective October 15, 1997. In accordance with 40 CFR 23.2, this rule shall be considered issued for the purposes of judicial review September 29, 1997, at 1 p.m. eastern daylight time. Under section 509(b)(1) of the Clean Water Act, judicial review of these amendments can be obtained only by filing a petition for review in the United States Court of Appeals within 120 days after they are considered issued for the purposes of judicial review. Under section 509(b)(2) of the ...
48394-48442 (49 pages)
Docket Numbers:
2040-AC64: Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for the Analysis of 2,3,7,8-Substituted Dibenzo-P-Dioxins and Dibenzo Furans Under the Clean Water Act
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CFR: (1)
40 CFR 136.3