98-24855. Minority Enterprise Development Week, 1998  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 178 (Tuesday, September 15, 1998)]
    [Presidential Documents]
    [Pages 49263-49264]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-24855]
                            Presidential Documents 
    Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 178 / Tuesday, September 15, 1998 / 
    Presidential Documents
    Title 3--
    The President
    [[Page 49263]]
                    Proclamation 7119 of September 10, 1998
    Minority Enterprise Development Week, 1998
                    By the President of the United States of America
                    A Proclamation
                    America's free enterprise system has always been a path 
                    to inclusion and empowerment. Under this system, 
                    generations of Americans have built good lives for 
                    themselves and their families--rising as high as their 
                    skills, effort, and determination can take them. But 
                    for minority entrepreneurs, the path has not always 
                    been free of obstacles. Sometimes held back by 
                    economic, social, and educational disadvantages, too 
                    often denied opportunities because of racial and ethnic 
                    prejudice, many minority men and women have had to 
                    struggle for equal access to the capital, tools, 
                    training, and services they need to build and maintain 
                    successful businesses.
                    My Administration remains committed to providing 
                    opportunities for all entrepreneurs, and we are 
                    determined to ensure the full inclusion of minority 
                    business enterprises in the economic mainstream of our 
                    Nation. The Minority Business Development Agency at the 
                    Department of Commerce continues to promote minority 
                    business growth and to create new initiatives to ensure 
                    that minority business men and women have access to the 
                    capital, information, and training they need to compete 
                    in today's domestic and global markets. Last year, the 
                    Small Business Administration (SBA) made a record $2.6 
                    billion in loans to more than 10,000 minority-owned 
                    businesses; over the last 4 years, loans to minority 
                    borrowers have nearly tripled. And earlier this year, 
                    the SBA entered into partnership agreements with three 
                    leading minority business organizations as part of a 3-
                    year outreach initiative. This initiative is designed 
                    to increase dramatically the SBA's financial, 
                    technical, and procurement assistance for minority 
                    entrepreneurs. These efforts will help to ensure that 
                    America's growing number of minority entrepreneurs are 
                    equipped to succeed.
                    Strong and successful minority enterprises benefit us 
                    all. The goods and services produced by minority-owned 
                    firms create jobs, spark community reinvestment and 
                    neighborhood pride, and increase America's 
                    productivity. With their imagination, innovative 
                    spirit, and willingness to take risks, minority 
                    entrepreneurs have made important contributions to the 
                    remarkable growth of our economy during the past 5 
                    years. Since the beginning of my Administration, we 
                    have created more than 16 million new jobs and 
                    unemployment has reached its lowest level in 30 years. 
                    But to sustain and build on this success, we must 
                    utilize the energy and creativity of every American.
                    As we observe Minority Enterprise Development Week, we 
                    recognize and honor the extraordinary contributions 
                    that minority entrepreneurs make to our Nation's 
                    strength and prosperity, and we reaffirm our 
                    determination to help them make the most of today's 
                    dynamic economy.
                    NOW, THEREFORE, I, WILLIAM J. CLINTON, President of the 
                    United States of America, by virtue of the authority 
                    vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United 
                    States, do hereby proclaim September 20 through 
                    September 26, 1998, as Minority Enterprise Development 
                    Week, and I call upon all Americans to join together 
                    with minority business entrepreneurs across the country 
                    in appropriate observances.
    [[Page 49264]]
                    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 
                    Tenth day of September, in the year of our Lord 
                    nineteen hundred and ninety-eight, and of the 
                    Independence of the United States of America the two 
                    hundred and twenty-third.
                        (Presidential Sig.)
    [FR Doc. 98-24855
    Filed 9-14-98; 8:45 am]
    Billing code 3195-01-P

Document Information

Executive Office of the President
Entry Type:
Presidential Document
Document Type:
Document Number:
49263-49264 (2 pages)
of 1998-09-10
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