99-24014. Request for Comments on the Finalist (Round 2) Candidate Algorithms for the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 178 (Wednesday, September 15, 1999)]
    [Pages 50058-50061]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-24014]
    National Institute of Standards and Technology
    [Docket No. 970725180-9196-03]
    RIN No. 0693-ZA16
    Request for Comments on the Finalist (Round 2) Candidate 
    Algorithms for the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
    AGENCY: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 
    ACTION: Notice; request for comments.
    SUMMARY: A process to develop a Federal Information Processing Standard 
    (FIPS) for an Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) specifying an Advanced 
    Encryption Algorithm (AEA) has been initiated by the National Institute 
    of Standards and Technology (NIST). In the Fall of 1998, NIST announced 
    fifteen publicly submitted algorithms as candidates for the AES, and 
    invites public review, comment, and analysis in order to narrow the 
    field of candidates to (approximately) five or fewer finalists. During 
    the Round 1 technical evaluation period, these fifteen candidates were 
    subjected to extensive analysis and testing by the cryptographic 
    [[Page 50059]]
        At the conclusion of Round 1, NIST took the following information 
    into consideration: (1) The submitted (official) versions of the AES 
    candidate algorithms, (2) Round 1 public comments, (3) papers and 
    discussions at the Second AES Candidate Conference, (4) results of NIST 
    efficiency and statistical analysis, and (5) other relevant data (e.g., 
    presentations at the Sixth Fast Software Encryption Workshop, 
    discussions on NIST's AES Electronic Discussion Forum, etc.). Using 
    this information, NIST has selected the AES finalist candidate 
    algorithms (``finalists''), which will be subjected to further analysis 
    during Round 2 of the AES development effort. A list of the finalists, 
    along with specifications and intellectual property information, is 
    available at the AES home page, http://www.nist.gov/aes.
        This notice announces the beginning of the Round 2 technical 
    evaluation period for the AES finalists. Additionally, the notice 
    solicits comments on the finalists from the general public, academic 
    and research communities, manufacturers, voluntary standards 
    organizations, and Federal, state, and local government organizations. 
    NIST will use these comments to select one or more of the finalists for 
    inclusion in a draft Federal Information Processing Standards 
    Publication (FIPS PUB), on which public comments will be invited via a 
    future Federal Register announcement.
        NIST's goal is that the AES will specify one or more unclassified, 
    publicly disclosed encryption algorithm(s) available royalty-free 
    worldwide that is (are) capable of protecting sensitive government 
    information well into the next century.
    DATES: Public comments for Round 2 are due May 15, 2000. Paper 
    proposals for the Third AES Candidate Conference (which are also 
    considered as public comments) are due to NIST by January 15, 2000. The 
    Third AES Candidate Conference (AES3) is scheduled for April 13-14, 
    ADDRESSES: Comments and paper proposals should be sent electronically 
    to AESround2@nist.gov. Alternatively, they may be sent to: Information 
    Technology Laboratory Attn: AES Finalist Comments (Bldg. 820, Room 
    423), National Institute of Standards and Technology, 100 Bureau Drive, 
    STOP 8930, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8930, U.S.A.
        AES-related comments received in response to this notice will be 
    made part of the public record. Papers proposed for presentation at 
    AES3 will be posted on the AES home page http://www.nist.gov/aes prior 
    to the beginning of AES3. All additional Round 2 comments will be made 
    available at the AES home page shortly after the Round 2 comments 
    period closes.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: The AES home page http://www.nist.gov/
    aes has all current NIST information pertaining to the AES development 
    effort. Recent results and ongoing discussions regarding the finalists 
    and AES-related issues takes place at the AES Electronic Discussion 
    Forum, http://aes.nist.gov/aes/default.htm. General questions may be 
    directed to Edward Roback at (301) 975-3696, or eroback@nist.gov.
    Technical questions may be made by contacting Jim Foti at (301) 975-
    5237, jfoti@nist.gov, or Elaine Barker at (301) 975-2911, 
        Algorithm-specific questions should be directed to the algorithm's 
    submitter. Contact information for the submitters is located on the AES 
    home page.
    1. AES Finalist Candidate Algorithms
        NIST has selected the AES finalists for Round 2. The list of 
    finalists, along with their specifications and intellectual property 
    statements, is available electronically at the AES home page. At that 
    same location, NIST is also making available a document that presents 
    the rationale for NIST's selection of the finalists.
        The Round 1 candidate algorithms that were not selected for Round 2 
    are no longer part of the AES development effort, and, therefore, will 
    not be selected for inclusion in the AES FIPS. Those algorithms 
    (including the specifications and reference and optimized code) may or 
    may not be in the public domain (this includes using the code for 
    testing and research purposes), so algorithm implements, users, and 
    others should be aware of the intellectual property status of each 
    individual algorthm. When the algorithms were initially submitted 
    before the start of Round 1, each submitter signed an intellectual 
    property statement, part of which states that
        * * * If my algorithm * * * is not selected for inclusion in the 
    FIPS (including those not selected for second round of public 
    evaluation), I understand that all rights, including use rights of 
    the reference and mathematically optimized implementations, revert 
    back to the submitter (and other owner[s] as appropriate).
        Please note that the selection of an algorithm as a finalist does 
    not constitute endorsement by NIST of the algorithm or it security. 
    Similarly, the non-selection of an algorithm is not necessarily to be 
    taken as a statement about the algorithm's quality, security, 
    efficiency, or other characteristics. Algorithms selected as finalists 
    were determined to be more suitable for the proposed FIPS. For specific 
    details on an algorithm and its particular security characteristics, 
    one should consult the various Round 1 public comments that were 
    submitted to NIST (available on the AES home page).
        Although no formal process has been established to address minor 
    modifications of the finalists that may become necessary, NIST reserves 
    the right to work with the submitters of the finalists regarding any 
    such modifications. NIST intends to do this in the most open and public 
    manner possible. This is consistent with the made in the original call 
    for candidate algorithms, to which all submitters agreed that
        * * * the U.S. Government may, during the course of the lifetime 
    of the AES or during the FIPS public review process, modify the 
    algorithm's specifications (e.g., to protect against a newly 
    discovered vulnerability).
    2. Availability of AES CD-3
        All persons with AES CD-1 and CD-2 should be aware of potential 
    intellectual property issues with implementing and using algorithms on 
    those CDs, especially for those algorithms that were not selected for 
    Round 2. Please see the note in Section 1, above.
        In addition to making specifications available on the AES home 
    page, during Round 2 NIST will make a CD-ROM available ( to be 
    designatede ``AES CD-3'') which contains the algorithm specifications, 
    supporting documentation, and submitted code for the AES finalists. It 
    is anticipated that this code will be different from the code provided 
    before the start of Round 1 (e.g., updated to be more efficient, 
    additional code for various platforms, etc.). The submitters of the AES 
    finalists are being given one month from the start of Round 2 to 
    provide NIST with any updated code.
        AES CD-3 should be available approximately 2-3 months after the 
    beginning of Round 2. When it is ready for distribution, NIST will re-
    activate the AES CD Request Form at http://csrc.nist.gov/encryption/
    aes/round1/cdreq.htm. To those people in the U.S. and Canada who 
    received AES CD-2, NIST will automatically send a copy of AES CD-3. So, 
    for those people, there will be no need to provide NIST with an 
    additional CD-ROM request.
    [[Page 50060]]
        Since AES CD-3 will contain algorithm code, it will be subject to 
    export control, and NIST will handle export requests approriately. For 
    those people outside of the U.S. and Canada who received AES CD-2 (for 
    whom an export license was granted), AES CD-3 will automatically be 
    distributed only after a new export license is granted and their copy 
    of AES CD-2 is returned to NIST, as required by the conditions of the 
    original export license. Information on where to send AES CD-2 is 
    posted on the AES CD Request Form mentioned above.
    3. Comments Solicited on the AES Finalists
        Written comments on the finalists are solicited by NIST in this 
    Round 2 technical evaluation in order to help NIST select one or more 
    algorithms for specification in a draft AES FIPS. To facilitate the 
    review of the comments, NIST asks the submitters of comments to clearly 
    indicate the algorithm(s) to which their comments apply. Also, as 
    guidance to comment submitters, the original Evaluation Criteria 
    published on September 12, 1997, are reproduced in Section 4 below.
        NIST will accept both general comments and formal analyses/papers 
    that will be considered for presentation at the Third AES Candidate 
    Conference (see Section 5 below).
        Since submitted comments will be made available to the public, the 
    comments must not contain proprietary information.
        Comments and analysis are sought on any aspect of the candidate 
    algorithms, including--but not limited to--the following topics.
    3.1  Cryptanalysis
        Since security will be the most important characteristic of the 
    selected algorithm(s), NIST strongly encourages and welcomes 
    cryptanalysis of the finalists.
    3.2  Intellectual Property of the AES Finalists
        NIST seeks detailed comments regarding any intellectual property--
    particularly any patent not already identified by the finalists' 
    submitters--that may be infringed by the practice of any of the 
    finalists algorithms. This also includes comments from all parties--
    including submitters--regarding specific claims that the practice of a 
    finalist algorithm infringes on their patent(s). Claims regarding 
    infringement of copyrighted software are also particularly solicited. 
    NIST views this input as a critical factor in the eventual widespread 
    adoption and implementation of the algorithm(s) specified in the FIPS.
        NIST reminds all interested parties that the adoption of AES is 
    being conducted as an open standards-setting activity. Specifically, 
    NIST has requested that all interested parties identify to NIST any 
    patents or inventions that may be required for the use of AES. NIST 
    hereby gives public notice that it may seek redress under the antitrust 
    laws of the United States against any party in the future who might 
    seek to exercise patent rights against any user of AES that have not 
    been disclosed to NIST in response to this request for information.
    3.3  Cross-Cutting Analyses of All of the AES Finalists
        Public analysis comparing the entire field of finalists in a 
    consistent manner for particular characteristics will be very useful. 
    Examples of this type of analysis might include comparisons of the 
    finalists regarding: (1) Performance on various smart cards, when the 
    implementations are constructed to defend against timing and power 
    analysis attacks, (2) performance and/or memory use measurements, when 
    written in the same programming language, (3) relative performance on 
    64-bit processors, (4) performance of assembly language implementations 
    on various platforms, and (5) performance of hardware implementations 
    or simulations.
        Additionally, surveys, analyses, and comments are invited regarding 
    prospective future platforms and applications that will implement the 
    AES FIPS algorithm(s).
        During Round 2, NIST may take into consideration the issue of 
    having ``variable rounds'' in the AES finalists. Therefore, NIST 
    invites comments on how NIST should address the ``variable rounds'' 
    issue during and after Round 2.
    3.4  Overall Recommendations Regarding the Selection of the 
    Algorithm(s) for the Proposed FIPS
        When all factors are considered, which candidate algorithm(s) 
    should be selected for inclusion in the FIPS? Also, conversely, NIST 
    seeks the identification and justification of which algorithms should 
    not be selected by NIST. Such comments (with supporting justifications) 
    will be of great use to NIST and help assure timely progress of the AES 
    selection process.
    3.5  Related Recommendations Regarding Implementation of the AES FIPS
        In addition to selecting the algorithm(s) to be included in the 
    proposed FIPS, issues regarding the implementation requirements of the 
    standard will also need to be addressed. Therefore, NIST is seeking 
    comments (with rationale) on what requirements should be included in 
    the FIPS. For example, if NIST selects multiple algorithms for 
    inclusion in the proposed FIPS, should the standard require that 
    products conforming to the FIPS implement (1) one algorithm, (2) two 
    (or more) algorithms, (3) all algorithms, or (4) a varying number of 
    algorithms, depending on the type of implementation (e.g., require all 
    algorithms in software implementations, only one in hardware 
    implementations, etc.)?
        Also, upon final publication as a FIPS, NIST intends to provide 
    validation testing for implementations of the AES algorithm(s), as it 
    does with other FIPS-approved cryptographic algorithms. Comments 
    pertaining to such validation testing are also welcome.
    4. Evaluation Criteria
        In the call for AES candidate algorithms (Federal Register, 
    September 12, 1997, [Volume 62, Number 177], pages 48051-48058), NIST 
    published evaluation criteria for use in reviewing candidate 
    algorithms. For reference purposes, these criteria are reproduced 
    [Beginning of Excerpt]
        Security (i.e., the effort required to cryptanalyze).
        The security provided by an algorithm is the most important 
    factor in the evaluation.
        Algorithms will be judged on the following factors:
        i. Actual security of the algorithm compared to other submitted 
    algorithms (at the same key and block size).
        ii. The extent to which the algorithm output is 
    indistinguishable from a random permutation on the input block.
        iii. Soundness of the mathematical basis for the algorithm's 
        iv. Other security factors rasied by the public during the 
    evaluation process, including any attacks that demonstrate that the 
    actual security of the algorithm is less than the strength claimed 
    by the submitter.
        Claimed attacks will be evaluated for practicality.
        i. Licensing requirements: NIST intends that when the AES is 
    issued, the algorithm(s) specified in the AES shall be available on 
    a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free basis.
        ii. Computational efficiency: The evaluation of computational 
    efficiency will be applicable to both hardware and software 
    implementations. Round 1 analysis by NIST will focus primarily on 
    software implementations and specifically on one key-block size 
    combination (128-128); more attention will be paid to hardware
    [[Page 50061]]
    implementations and other supported key-block size combinations 
    (particularly those required in the ``Minimum Acceptability 
    Requirements'' section) during Round 2 analysis.
        Computational efficiency essentially refers to the speed of the 
    algorithm. NIST's analysis of computational efficiency will be made 
    using each submission's mathematically optimized implementations on 
    the platform specified under ``Round 1 Technical Evaluation'' below. 
    Public comments on each algorithm's efficiency (particularly for 
    various platforms and applications) will also be taken into 
    consideration by NIST.
        iii. Memory requirements: The memory required to implement a 
    candidate algorithm--for both hardware and software implementations 
    of the algorithm--will also be considered during the evaluation 
    process. Round 1 analysis by NIST will focus primarily on software 
    implementations; more attention will be paid to hardware 
    implementations during Round 2.
        Memory requirements will include such factors as gate counts for 
    hardware implementations, and code size and RAM requirements for 
    software implementations.
        Testing will be performed by NIST using the mathematically 
    optimized implementations provided in the submission package. Memory 
    requirement estimates (for different platforms and environments) 
    that are included in the submission package will also be taken into 
    consideration by NIST. Input from public evaluations of each 
    algorithm's memory requirements (particularly for various platforms 
    and applicants) will also be taken into consideration by NIST.
    Algorithm and Implementation Characteristics
        i. Flexibility: Candidate algorithms with greater flexibility 
    will meet the needs of more users than less flexible ones, and, 
    therefore, inter alia, are preferable. However, some extremes of 
    functionality are of little practical application (e.g., extremely 
    short key lengths)--for those cases, preference will not be given.
        Some examples of ``flexibility'' may include (but are not 
    limited to) the following:
        a. The algorithm can accommodate additional key- and block-sizes 
    (e.g., 64-bit block sizes, key sizes other than those specified in 
    the Minimum Acceptability Requirements section, [e.g., keys between 
    128 and 256 that are multiples of 32 bits, etc.]).
        b. The algorithm can be implemented securely and efficiently in 
    a wide variety of platforms and applications (e.g., 8-bit 
    processors, ATM networks, voice & satellite communications, HDTV, B-
    ISDN, etc.).
        c. The algorithm can be implemented as a stream cipher, Message 
    Authentication Code (MAC) generator, pseudo-random number generator, 
    hashing algorithm, etc.
        ii. Hardware and software suitability: A candidate algorithm 
    shall not be restrictive in the sense that it can only be 
    implemented in hardware. If one can also implement the algorithm 
    efficiency in firmware, then this will be an advantage in the area 
    of flexibility.
        iii. Simplicity: A candidate algorithm shall be judged according 
    to relative simplicity of design.
    [End of excerpt]
    5. Initial Planning for the Third AES Candidate Conference (AES3)
        Near the end of Round 2, NIST will sponsor the Third AES Candidate 
    Conference (AES3)--another open, public forum that will be used to 
    discuss analyses of the AES finalists. Additionally, submitters of the 
    AES finalists will be invited to attend and engage in discussions 
    regarding comments on their algorithms.
        AES3 will be held April 13-14, 2000, at the Hilton New York and 
    Towers, in New York City. The AES home page contains registration and 
    logistical information, in addition to information on other nearby 
    hotels. As for AES2 (March 22-23, 1999), AES3 will be held during the 
    same week and at the same location as the Fast Software Encryption 
    (FSE) Workshop (a link to FSE information will be available on the AES 
    home page).
        Paper submissions for AES3 should be sent to AESround2@nist.gov as 
    an official comment, with a note indicating that the paper is being 
    submitted for AES3. The deadline for AES3 submissions is January 15, 
    2000. All papers must be submitted in one of the following formats: 
    Adobe PDF, Postscript, Rich Text Format (RTF), or Microsoft Word97. 
    (For Adobe PDF and Postscript submissions, please embed all necessary 
    fonts within the document.) All papers received for AES3--regardless of 
    their acceptance for presentation at AES3--will be made available on 
    the AES home page prior to the conference.
        NIST extends its appreciation to all AES candidate algorithm 
    submitters--both those submitters whose algorithms did and did not 
    quality for Round 2--and those people providing public comments during 
    the AES development process.
        Dated: September 9, 1999.
    Karen Brown,
    Deputy Director, NIST.
    [FR Doc. 99-24014 Filed 9-14-99; 8:45 am]

Document Information

National Institute of Standards and Technology
Entry Type:
Notice; request for comments.
Document Number:
Public comments for Round 2 are due May 15, 2000. Paper proposals for the Third AES Candidate Conference (which are also considered as public comments) are due to NIST by January 15, 2000. The Third AES Candidate Conference (AES3) is scheduled for April 13-14, 2000.
50058-50061 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 970725180-9196-03
PDF File: