99-24047. Cyromazine; Pesticide Tolerance  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 178 (Wednesday, September 15, 1999)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 50043-50050]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-24047]
    40 CFR Part 180
    [OPP-300913; FRL-6098-7]
    RIN 2070-AB78
    Cyromazine; Pesticide Tolerance
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: EPA proposes to establish tolerances for residues of 
    cyromazine (CAS No. 66215-27-8) in or on mango at 0.3 parts per million 
    (ppm); onion, green at 2.0 ppm; onion, dry bulb at 0.1 ppm; potato at 
    0.8 ppm; corn, sweet, (kernels plus cob with husks removed) at 0.5 ppm; 
    corn, sweet, forage at 0.5 ppm; corn, sweet, stover at 0.5 ppm; radish, 
    roots at 0.5 ppm; radish, tops at 0.5 ppm; lima beans at 1.0 ppm; 
    cotton, undelinted seed at 0.1 ppm; milk at 0.05 ppm; and meat, fat and 
    meat byproducts (of cattle, goats, hogs, horses and sheep) at 0.05 ppm. 
    EPA also proposes to remove melamine, a metabolite of cyromazine from 
    the tolerance expression since it is no longer considered a residue of 
    concern. The Interregional Research Project (IR-4) and Novartis Crop 
    Protection, Inc., requested these tolerances under the Federal Food, 
    Drug, and Cosmetic Act, as amended by the Food Quality Protection Act 
    of 1996.
    DATES: Comments, identified by the docket control number ``OPP-
    300913,'' must be received by EPA on or before November 15, 1999.
    ADDRESSES: Written objections and hearing requests, identified by the 
    docket control number, [OPP-300913], must be submitted to: Hearing 
    Clerk (1900), Environmental Protection Agency, Rm. M3708, 401 M St., 
    SW., Washington, DC 20460. In person, bring comments to Rm. 100, CM #2, 
    1921 Jefferson Davis Hwy., Arlington, VA 22202.
        A copy of objections and hearing requests filed with the Hearing 
    Clerk may be submitted electronically by sending electronic mail (e-
    mail) to: opp-docket@epa.gov. Copies of objections and hearing requests 
    must be submitted as an ASCII file avoiding the use of special 
    characters and any form of encryption. Copies of objections and hearing 
    requests will also be accepted on disks in WordPerfect 5.1/6.1 or ASCII 
    file format. All copies of objections and hearing requests in 
    electronic form must be identified by the docket control number [OPP-
    300913]. No Confidential Business Information (CBI) should be submitted 
    through e-mail. Electronic copies of objections and hearing requests on 
    this rule may be filed online at many Federal Depository Libraries.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: By mail: Linda DeLuise, Registration 
    Division (7505C), Office of Pesticide Programs, Environmental 
    Protection Agency, 401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460. Office 
    location, telephone number, and e-mail address: Rm. 202, Crystal Mall 
    #2, 1921 Jefferson Davis Hwy., Arlington, VA, 703-305-5428; e-mail: 
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In the Federal Register of July 11, 1997 (62 
    FR 37246) (FRL-5723-1), EPA issued a notice pursuant to section 408 of 
    the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA), 21 U.S.C. 346a as 
    amended by the Food Quality Protection Act of 1996 (FQPA) (Public Law 
    104-170) announcing the filing of pesticide petitions (PP) for 
    tolerances by Novartis Crop Protection, Inc., 410 Swing Road, 
    Greensboro, NC 27419. The notice included summaries of the petitions 
    prepared by Novartis Crop Protection, Inc., the registrant. There were 
    no comments received in response to the notice of filing.
        The petition requested that 40 CFR 180.414 be amended by 
    establishing tolerances for residues of the insecticide cyromazine and 
    its metabolite melamine, in or on various food commodities as follows:
        1. Novartis Corporation PP5E4450 proposes the establishment of a 
    tolerance for mangoes at 0.3 ppm.
        2. Norvartis Corporation PP5F4576 proposes the establishment of a 
    tolerance for onion, green at 3.0 ppm and onion, dry bulb at 0.3 ppm.
        3. Novartis Corporation PP6F4613 proposes the establishment of a 
    tolerance for potato at 1.5 ppm.
        4. Novartis Corporation PP5F4546 proposes establishment of a 
    tolerance for cotton, undelinted seed at 0.2 ppm.
        5. Novartis Corporation PP6F3332 proposes establishment of 
    tolerances for sweet corn, (kernels plus cob with husks removed), 
    forage and stover at 0.5 ppm; radish roots, and tops at 0.5 ppm; and 
    milk at 0.04 ppm for cyromazine and 0.02 ppm melamine.
        6. Novartis Corporation PP6F3332 proposes establishment of a 
    tolerance for meat, fat and meat byproducts (of cattle, goats, hogs, 
    horses and sheep) at 0.05 ppm.
    [[Page 50044]]
        7. IR-4 PP7E4905 proposes the establishment of a tolerance for lima 
    beans at 3.0 ppm.
        The tolerance requests for cotton, corn and radish are for indirect 
    or inadvertent residues when these commodities are planted as 
    rotational crops. The tolerance request for mangoes is for a tolerance 
    to enable the importation of mangoes treated in Mexico with cyromazine. 
    There are no U.S. registrations for use of cyromazine on mangoes as of 
    the date of this publication.
        There currently exists separate tolerances in 40 CFR 180.414(a) for 
    cyromazine on celery at 10.0 ppm and lettuce, head at 5.0 ppm. Since 
    the crop group leafy vegetables (except Brassica) includes celery and 
    lettuce, (head) these individual tolerances under 40 CFR 180.414(a) are 
    being removed.
        EPA has concluded that only residues of the parent compound 
    cyromazine need to be regulated and used for risk assessment and is 
    proposing that melamine, a metabolite of cyromazine, be removed from 
    the tolerance expression as a residue of toxicological concern.
        Melamine was initially included in the tolerance expression for 
    cyromazine because of limited evidence of its carcinogenic potential in 
    laboratory animals. At that time EPA agreed with FDA's Cancer 
    Assessment Committee that melamine was not a carcinogen, per se, but 
    was indirectly responsible for the induction of urinary bladder 
    neoplasia through production of stones in the bladder. A detailed 
    discussion of the initial risk of melamine can be found in the Federal 
    Register of April 27, 1984 (49 FR 18120). Since then EPA has reassessed 
    the weight-of-the evidence for both cyromazine and melamine with 
    particular reference to their carcinogenic potential. Cyromazine is 
    classified as a group ``E'' carcinogen (no evidence of carcinogenicity) 
    with an chronic RfD of 0.0075 milligram/kilogram/day (mg/kg/day) with 
    an uncertainty factor (UF) of 100 using a no observed adverse effect 
    level (NOAEL) of 0.75 mg/kg/day and a lowest observed adverse effect 
    level (LOAEL) of 7.5 mg/kg/day.
        Melamine is a chemical intermediate in the manufacture of amino 
    resins and plastics as well as a contaminate and/or a metabolite of 
    several pesticides including cyromazine. Melamine produced bladder 
    tumors only in the male rat urinary bladder at very high doses i.e., at 
    a threshold effect > 10,000 ppm in the diet. These tumors were due to 
    the accumulation of stones (hard crystalline solids) which caused 
    irritation and secondarily resulted in the formation of tumors; 
    therefore melamine is not considered to be a direct carcinogen by the 
        In addition, only about 10% of cyromazine is converted to melamine 
    in vivo. Anticipated human dietary and occupational exposure to the 
    parent compound cyromazine from its current pesticide usage is 
    estimated to result in melamine concentrations far below the NOAEL in 
    rats (500 mg/kg/day) that led to formation of stones in rats. Thus, EPA 
    does not have any toxicological concerns for the minimal amount of 
    melamine residues that could result from the use of the pesticide 
    cyromazine. Also, melamine has been removed from the World Health 
    Organization as a residue of concern for cyromazine, and Codex limits 
    are established for the parent cyromazine only.
        EPA determined that the requested tolerances for potatoes at 0.8 
    ppm, green onions at 2.0 ppm, onion, dry bulb at 0.1 ppm, cotton, 
    undelinted seed at 0.1 ppm, and lima beans at 1.0 ppm are too high 
    based upon the magnitude of the residue studies and removal of the 
    metabolite melamine from consideration. Therefore, EPA is proposing 
    that the tolerance be set at 0.8 ppm, 2.0 ppm, 0.1 ppm, 0.1 ppm, and 
    1.0 ppm respectively. As a result of the animal feed items, processed 
    potato waste, potato culls and sweet corn forage and stover being added 
    to the animal diet at this time, EPA concluded that the requested milk 
    tolerance of 0.04 ppm was too low and is proposing it be increased to 
    0.05 ppm. Likewise, as a result of the animal feed items, EPA is 
    proposing establishment of tolerances in meat, fat and meat byproducts 
    of cattle, goats, hogs, horses and sheep at 0.05 ppm.
        EPA has reassessed the established cyromazine tolerances in order 
    to determine the tolerance levels without melamine residues. As a 
    result, EPA is proposing the tolerances be adjusted as follows: 
    cucurbit vegetables from 2.0 to 1.0 ppm; leafy vegetables (except 
    Brassica) from 10.0 to 7.0 ppm; mushrooms from 10.0 to 1.0 ppm; pepper 
    from 4.0 to 1.0 ppm and tomato from 1.0 to 0.5 ppm. The tolerances for 
    Chinese cabbage and Chinese mustard should remain at 3.0 ppm since the 
    available field trial data do not support a lowering of the established 
    tolerances. Since melamine is being removed from the tolerance 
    expression EPA is proposing to remove 40 CFR 180.414(a)(2) because it 
    is for melamine only on chicken byproducts.
        Cyromazine is an insect growth regulator currently proposed for 
    control of leafminers on lima beans, Colorado potato beetle and 
    leafminers on potatoes and seed treatment for control of onion maggots 
    on onions.
        EPA is issuing this action as a proposal (rather than a final) 
    because after review of the initial petitions and Notices of Filing the 
    Agency has determined that:
        1. The metabolite melamine should be removed from the tolerance 
        2. The proposed tolerance in milk needs to be raised.
        3. Additional tolerances on animal commodities (meat, fat and milk 
    byproducts of cattle, goats, hogs, horses and sheep) are needed.
        4. A notice of filing was not initially published after receipt of 
    the petition for lima beans.
        Interested persons are invited to submit comments on the proposed 
    regulation. Comments must bear a notation indicating the docket control 
    number ``OPP-300913.''
    I. Background and Statutory Findings
        Section 408(b)(2)(A)(i) of the FFDCA allows EPA to establish a 
    tolerance (the legal limit for a pesticide chemical residue in or on a 
    food) only if EPA determines that the tolerance is ``safe.'' Section 
    408(b)(2)(A)(ii) defines ``safe'' to mean that ``there is a reasonable 
    certainty that no harm will result from aggregate exposure to the 
    pesticide chemical residue, including all anticipated dietary exposures 
    and all other exposures for which there is reliable information.'' This 
    includes exposure through drinking water and in residential settings, 
    but does not include occupational exposure. Section 408(b)(2)(C) 
    requires EPA to give special consideration to exposure of infants and 
    children to the pesticide chemical residue in establishing a tolerance 
    and to ``ensure that there is a reasonable certainty that no harm will 
    result to infants and children from aggregate exposure to the pesticide 
    chemical residue....''
        EPA performs a number of analyses to determine the risks from 
    aggregate exposure to pesticide residues. For further discussion of the 
    regulatory requirements of section 408 and a complete description of 
    the risk assessment process, see the final rule on Bifenthrin Pesticide 
    Tolerances (62 FR 62961, November 26, 1997) (FRL-5754-7).
    II. Aggregate Risk Assessment and Determination of Safety
        Consistent with section 408(b)(2)(D), EPA has reviewed the 
    available scientific data and other relevant information in support of 
    this action, EPA has sufficient data to assess the
    [[Page 50045]]
    hazards of cyromazine and to make a determination on aggregate 
    exposure, consistent with section 408(b)(2), for tolerances for 
    residues of cyromazine in or on mangoes at 0.3 ppm; onion, green at 2.0 
    ppm; onion, dry bulb at 0.1 ppm; potato at 0.8 ppm; corn, sweet 
    (kernels plus cob with husks removed) at 0.5 ppm; corn, sweet, forage 
    at 0.5 ppm; corn, sweet, stover at 0.05 ppm; radish, root at 0.5 ppm; 
    radish, tops at 0.05 ppm; lima beans at 1.0 ppm; cotton, undelinated 
    seed at 0.1 ppm; milk at 0.05 ppm; and meat, fat and meat byproducts 
    (of beef, goat, hogs, horses and sheep) at 0.05 ppm. EPA's assessment 
    of the dietary exposures and risks associated with establishing the 
    tolerance follows.
    A. Toxicological Profile
        EPA has evaluated the available toxicity data and considered its 
    validity, completeness, and reliability as well as the relationship of 
    the results of the studies to human risk. EPA has also considered 
    available information concerning the variability of the sensitivities 
    of major identifiable subgroups of consumers, including infants and 
    children. The nature of the toxic effects caused by technical 
    cyromazine are discussed in this unit.
        A rat acute oral toxicity study with a LD50 of 
    approximately 3,387 milligrams/kilogram (mg/kg). Toxicity Category III 
    (Moderately Toxic).
        A rat acute dermal toxicity study with an LD50 greater 
    than 3,100 mg/kg. Toxicity Category III (Moderately Toxic).
        A rat acute inhalation study with an LC50 greater than 
    2.9 mg/kg. Toxicity Category IV (Slightly Toxic).
        A primary eye irritation study in the rabbit that showed no eye 
        A primary dermal irritation study in the rabbit that showed mild 
    irritation. Toxicity Category IV.
        A dermal sensitization study in the guinea pig that showed no 
        In a 6-month feeding study in dogs the NOAEL was 30 ppm (0.75 mg/
    kg). The LOAEL was 300.0 ppm (7.5 mg/kg) based upon decreased 
    hematocrit and decreased hemoglobin. Groups of male and female beagle 
    dogs (4/sex/dose) were fed diets containing cyromazine at 0, 30, 300, 
    or 3,000 ppm (0, 0.75, 7.5, or 75 mg/kg/day, respectively) for 6-
    months. No treatment related effects were observed in survival, 
    clinical signs or body weight parameters. Pronounced effects on 
    hematologic parameters, were manifested as decreases in hematocrit and 
    hemoglobin levels at 300 and 3,000 ppm.
        In a 24-month feeding study in rats the NOAEL for the study was 30 
    ppm (1.5 mg/kg/day). The LOAEL was 300.0 ppm (15.0 mg/kg) based on 
    decreased body weight.
        In a 24-month mouse chronic feeding carcinogenicity study the NOAEL 
    was 50 ppm (7.5 mg/kg/day). The LOAEL was 1,000.0 ppm (150.0 mg/kg) 
    based upon decreased body weight. There was no evidence of 
    carcinogenicity at 3,000.0 ppm (450.0 mg/kg).
        In a 24-month rat chronic feeding carcinogenicity study the NOAEL 
    was greater than 3,000.0 ppm (150.0 mg/kg), highest dose tested. There 
    was no evidence of carcinogenicity at 3,000 ppm.
        In a rat developmental toxicity study the maternal NOAEL was 100 
    mg/kg/day. The maternal LOAEL was 300.0 mg/kg based on decreased body 
    weight gain and clinical observations. The developmental NOAEL was 
    300.0 ppm. The developmental LOAEL was 600.0 mg/kg based upon an 
    increase of minor skeletal variations.
        In a rabbit developmental toxicity study the maternal NOAEL was 
    10.0 mg/kg. The maternal LOAEL was 30.0 mg/kg based upon decreased body 
    weight gain and food consumption. The developmental NOAEL/LOAEL was 
    greater than or equal to 60.0 mg/kg.
        In a multi-generation study in rats the systemic NOAEL was 30.0 ppm 
    (1.5 mg/kg). The systemic LOAEL was 1,000.0 ppm (50.0 mg/kg) based upon 
    decreased body weights associated with decreased food consumption. The 
    developmental/offspring systemic NOAEL was 1,000.0 ppm. The 
    developmental/offspring systemic LOAEL was 3,000.0 ppm (150.0 mg/kg) 
    based upon decreased body weight at birth thru weaning. There were no 
    effects on reproductive parameters at the highest dose tested (3,000 
        Studies on gene mutation and other genotoxic effects showed no 
    evidence of point mutation in an Ames test; no indication of mutagenic 
    effects in a dominant lethal test; and no evidence of mutagenic effects 
    in a nucleus anomaly test in Chinese hamsters.
        In a dermal absorption study, rats received dermal application of 
    14C cyromazine (75W, formulation) in an aqueous solution at 
    0.10, 1.0 or 10 mg/rat. Absorption was measured at 10 and 24 hours post 
    treatment. Cyromazine was rapidly absorbed into the skin (no peak 
    discernible) in an inverse dose-related manner. The absorption into the 
    skin was followed by a slower release into the body. There was no 
    evidence that the compound was sequestered in the skin permanently. The 
    main route of excretion was via the urine. At 10 hours post treatment, 
    the absorption was 7.57, 5.06 and 1.84% for the low, mid and high 
    doses, respectively. At 24 hours post exposure, the absorption was 
    6.87, 2.78 and 2.63% for the low, mid and high doses, respectively. For 
    the 24-hour animals with 48-hour depletion period, the absorption was 
    16.07, 12.45 and 9.10% for the low, mid and high doses, respectively.
    B. Toxicological Endpoints
        1. Acute toxicity. (1-day) There was no toxicological effects 
    attributable to a single exposure (dose) observed in oral toxicity 
    studies including the developmental toxicity studies in rats or 
    rabbits. Therefore, a dose and an endpoint was not selected for this 
    acute dietary risk assessment.
        2. Short- and intermediate-term toxicity. The Agency selected 
    short- and intermediate-term dermal and inhalation endpoints from the 
    6-month oral toxicity study in dogs, in which pronounced effects on 
    hematological parameters were manifested as decreases in hematocrit and 
    hemoglin levels at 7.5 (LOAEL) and 75 mg/kg/day. The hematological 
    effects began during the first week of the study and continued 
    throughout the study. The NOAEL is 0.75 mg/kg/day. A margin of exposure 
    (MOE) of 100 or greater is adequate. For dermal inhalation exposure 
    adsorption rates of 8% for dermal and 100% for inhalation are 
        3. Chronic toxicity. The Agency selected a chronic RfD for 
    cyromazine of 0.0075 mg/kg/day (NOAEL = 0.75 mg/kg/day; UF = 100). This 
    RfD is based on a 6-month oral toxicity in dogs, in which pronounced 
    effects on hematological parameters were manifested as decreases in 
    hematocrit and hemoglobin levels at 7.5 (LOAEL) and 75 mg/kg/day.
        4. Carcinogenicity. Cyromazine has been classified a Group E 
    (evidence of non-carcinogenicity for humans) chemical by the Cancer 
    Peer Review Committee.
    C. Exposures and Risks
        1. From food and feed uses. Tolerances have been established (40 
    CFR 180.414) for the residues of cyromazine, in or on a variety of raw 
    agricultural commodities at levels ranging from 1.0 ppm in tomatoes to 
    10 ppm in leafy vegetables and including poultry feed. In addition, EPA 
    proposes to establish tolerances for mangoes at 0.3 ppm; onion, green 
    at 2.0 ppm; onion, dry bulb at 0.1 ppm; potato at 0.8 ppm; cotton, 
    undelinted seed at 0.1 ppm; corn, sweet, (kernels plus cob with husks 
    removed) at 0.5 ppm; corn, sweet, forage at 0.5 ppm; corn, sweet, 
    stover at 0.5 ppm; radish, root at 0.5 ppm; radish,
    [[Page 50046]]
    tops at 0.5 ppm; lima beans at 1.0 ppm; milk at 0.05 ppm and meat, fat 
    and meat byproducts (of cattle, goat, hogs, horses and sheep) at 0.05 
    ppm. Risk assessments were conducted by EPA to assess dietary exposures 
    from cyromazine as follows:
        The Agency used Dietary Exposure Evaluation Model 
    (DEEM) software for conducting a Tier 3 chronic (non-
    cancer) dietary (food only) exposure analysis. The following 
    assumptions were used in the assessment: (i) Percent crop-treated (PCT) 
    estimates were utilized for cucurbit vegetables, leafy vegetables 
    (except Brassica), onions, peppers and tomatoes; (ii) all other crops 
    100% crop-treated was assumed; (iii) anticipated residue estimates were 
    used for milk, meat, fat, and meat byproducts of cattle, goats, hogs, 
    horses, and sheep; and (iv) all other commodities tolerance level 
    residues were assumed. This assessment is considered to be somewhat 
    refined. The chronic DEEM analysis indicates that the 
    most highly exposed population subgroup is children (1 to 6 years old), 
    which occupies 34% of the chronic RfD or chronic population adjusted 
    dose (PAD)
        Section 408(b)(2)(E) authorizes EPA to use available data and 
    information on the anticipated residue levels of pesticide residues in 
    food and the actual levels of pesticide chemicals that have been 
    measured in food. If EPA relies on such information, EPA must require 
    that data be provided 5 years after the tolerance is established, 
    modified, or left in effect, demonstrating that the levels in food are 
    not above the levels anticipated. Following the initial data 
    submission, EPA is authorized to require similar data on a time frame 
    it deems appropriate. As required by section 408(b)(2)(E), EPA will 
    issue a data call-in for information relating to anticipated residues 
    to be submitted no later than 5 years from the date of issuance of this 
        Section 408(b)(2)(F) states that the Agency may use data on the 
    actual PCT for assessing chronic dietary risk only if the Agency can 
    make the following findings: That the data used are reliable and 
    provide a valid basis to show what percentage of the food derived from 
    such crop is likely to contain such pesticide residue; that the 
    exposure estimate does not underestimate exposure for any significant 
    subpopulation group; and if data are available on pesticide use and 
    food consumption in a particular area, the exposure estimate does not 
    understate exposure for the population in such area. In addition, the 
    Agency must provide for periodic evaluation of any estimates used. To 
    provide for the periodic evaluation of the estimate of PCT as required 
    by section 408(b)(2)(F), EPA may require registrants to submit data on 
        The Agency believes that the three conditions, discussed in section 
    408(b)(2)(F) in this unit concerning the Agency's responsibilities in 
    assessing chronic dietary risk findings, have been met. With respect to 
    PCT, estimates are derived from Federal and private market survey data, 
    which are reliable and have a valid basis. Typically, a range of 
    estimates are supplied and the upper end of this range is assumed for 
    the exposure assessment. By using this upper end estimate of the crop 
    treated, the Agency is reasonably certain that the percentage of the 
    food treated is not likely to be underestimated. As to regional 
    consumption information and consumption information for significant 
    subpopulations is taken into account through EPA's computer-based model 
    for evaluating the exposure of significant subpopulations including 
    several regional groups. Use of this consumption information in EPA's 
    risk assessment process ensure's that EPA's exposure estimate does not 
    understate exposure for any significant subpopulation group and allows 
    the Agency to be reasonably certain that no regional population is 
    exposed to residue levels higher than those estimated by the Agency. 
    Other than the data available through national food consumption 
    surveys, EPA does not have available information on the regional 
    consumption of food to which cyromazine may be applied in a particular 
        a. Acute exposure and risk. A food-use pesticide is presumed to 
    pose an acute risk if a toxicological study has indicated the 
    possibility of an effect of concern occurring as a result of a 1-day or 
    single exposure. There were no toxicological effects attributed to a 
    single exposure (dose) observed in oral toxicity studies including the 
    developmental toxicity studies in rats and rabbits. Therefore, the 
    Agency concludes that there is a reasonable certainty of no harm from 
    acute dietary exposure.
        b. Chronic exposure and risk. The chronic and/or chronic PAD RfD 
    used for the chronic dietary analysis is 0.0075 milligram/kilogram/body 
    weight/day (mg/kg/bwt/day). The following assumptions were used in the 
    dietary risk assessment: (i) PCT estimates were utilized for cucurbit 
    vegetables, leafy vegetables (except Brassica), onions, peppers and 
    tomatoes. All other crops 100% crop-treated was assumed; (ii) 
    anticipated residue estimates were used for milk, meat, fat, and meat 
    byproducts of cattle, goats, hogs, horses, and sheep; and (iii) all 
    other commodities tolerance level residues were assumed. The proposed 
    and established cyromazine tolerances result in an exposure estimate 
    that is equivalent to the following percents of the RfD: U.S. 
    population (17% of RfD), non-nursing infants, (1 year old) (13% of 
    RfD), children (1-6 years old) (34%), and children (7-12 years old) 
    26%. EPA is generally concerned with chronic exposures that exceed 100% 
    of the RfD or PAD.
        This chronic analysis for cyromazine is an over-estimate of dietary 
    exposure from food due to the use of tolerance level residues for some 
    commodities and the assumption that 100% of the crop would be treated 
    for some of the commodities in this dietary exposure analysis. Thus in 
    making a safety determination for these tolerances, EPA is taking into 
    account this conservative exposure assessment.
        2. From drinking water. The Agency has calculated drinking water 
    levels of comparison (DWLOCs) for chronic (non-cancer exposure) to 
    cyromazine in surface and ground water.
        i. Acute exposure and risk. Because no acute dietary endpoint was 
    determined, EPA does not expect exposure to cyromazine through drinking 
    water to pose an acute risk.
        ii. Chronic exposure and risk. EPA has calculated DWLOCs for 
    chronic (non-cancer) exposure to cyromazine in surface and ground 
    water. A human health DWLOC is the concentration of a pesticide in 
    drinking water which would result in an acceptable aggregate risk after 
    having factored in all food exposures and other non-occupational 
    exposures for which EPA has reliable data. The DWLOCs are 220, 190, 50, 
    and 210 parts per billion (ppb) for the U.S. population, females 13+, 
    children, and others respectively. To calculate the DWLOCs for chronic 
    (non-cancer) exposure relative to a chronic toxicity endpoint, the 
    chronic dietary food exposure from DEEM was 
    subtracted from the RfD to obtain the acceptable chronic (non-cancer) 
    exposure to cyromazine in drinking water. DWLOCs were then calculated 
    using default body weights and drinking water consumption figures. 
    Although cyromazine may be commercially applied to landscape 
    ornamentals and around residences, EPA believes these uses will not 
    result in any exposure through the oral route; therefore, aggregate 
    exposure is limited only to food plus water.
        Estimated maximum concentrations of cyromazine in surface and 
    [[Page 50047]]
    water are 28.9 and 1.6 ppb, respectively. The modeling conducted was 
    based on the environmental profile and the maximum seasonal application 
    rate proposed for cyromazine (6 applications at 0.125 lbs/A). The 
    estimated average concentrations of cyromazine in surface and ground 
    water are less than the Agency's levels of comparison for cyromazine in 
    drinking water as a contribution to chronic aggregate exposure. Thus, 
    the Agency concludes that there is reasonable certainity of no harm 
    from chronic exposure from drinking water.
        The Agency bases this determination on a comparison of estimated 
    concentrations of cyromazine in surface waters and ground waters to 
    back-calculated ``levels of comparison'' for cyromazine in drinking 
    water. These levels of comparison in drinking water were determined 
    after the Agency has considered all other non-occupational human 
    exposures for which it has reliable data, including all current uses, 
    and uses considered in this action. The estimates of cyromazine in 
    surface and ground waters are derived from water quality models that 
    use conservative assumptions (health-protective) regarding the 
    pesticide transport from the point of application to surface and ground 
    water. Because the Agency considers the aggregate risk resulting from 
    multiple exposure pathways associated with a pesticide's uses, levels 
    of comparison in drinking water may vary as those uses change. If new 
    uses (including crop or residential) are added in the future, the 
    Agency will reassess the potential impacts of cyromazine on drinking 
    water as a part of the aggregate risk assessment process.
        3. From non-dietary exposure. Cyromazine is currently registered 
    for commercial outdoor use on landscape ornamentals and commercial 
    interiorscapes. There are no lawn or indoor residential uses. Although 
    cyromazine could be commercially applied to ornamentals around 
    residences based upon the large MOE's calculated for occupational use 
    (i.e. > 1,900) and minimal contact anticipated with the active 
    ingredient after application, significant residential exposure is not 
        4. Cumulative exposure to substances with a common mechanism of 
    toxicity. Cyromazine is a member of the triazine class of pesticides. 
    Other members of this class include atrazine, simizine, cyanazine, 
    prometin, propazine, metribuzin, prometryn, and ametryn.
        EPA does not have, at this time, available data to determine 
    whether cyromazine has a common mechanism of toxicity with other 
    substances or how to include this pesticide in a cumulative risk 
    assessment. Unlike other pesticides for which EPA has followed a 
    cumulative risk approach based on a common mechanism of toxicity, 
    cyromazine does not appear to produce a toxic metabolite produced by 
    other substances. For the purposes of this tolerance action, therefore, 
    EPA has not assumed that cyromazine has a common mechanism of toxicity 
    with other substances.
    D. Aggregate Risks and Determination of Safety for U.S. Population
        1. Acute risk. There were no toxicological effects attributable to 
    a single exposure (dose) observed in oral toxicity studies including 
    the developmental toxicity studies in rats or rabbits.
        2. Chronic risk (food + water). Using the exposure assumptions 
    described above, EPA has concluded that aggregate exposure to 
    cyromazine from food will utilize 17% of the chronic RfD for the U.S. 
    population. The major identifiable subgroup with the highest aggregate 
    exposure is 34% for children (1-6 years old). EPA generally has no 
    concern for exposures below 100% of the RfD because the RfD represents 
    the level at or below which daily aggregate dietary exposure over a 
    lifetime will not pose appreciable risks to human health. Based on the 
    chronic dietary (food only) exposures and using default body weights 
    and water consumption figures, chronic DWLOCs for drinking water were 
    calculated. For chronic exposure, based on an adult body weight of 70 
    kg and 2L consumption of water per day, EPA's level of comparison from 
    chronic dietary exposure in drinking water is 220 g/L. For 
    children (10 kg and consuming 1 liter water/day) the level of 
    comparison for drinking water is 50 g/L. The estimated chronic 
    drinking water exposure for cyromazine is 28.9 g/L. Thus the 
    potential residues in drinking water are not greater the EPA's level of 
    comparison. Therefore, the combined exposure of chronic dietary food 
    and drinking water exposure to cyromazine would be no greater than 100% 
    of the RfD for children or the general U.S. population. Due to the 
    nature of the non- dietary use, EPA believes that the commercial use of 
    cyromazine on landscape ornamentals will not result in any significant 
    residential exposure. Therefore the chronic risk is the sum of food and 
    water. The Agency concludes that there is reasonable certainty that no 
    harm will result from aggregate exposure to cyromazine residues.
        3. Short- and intermediate-term risk. These aggregate risk 
    assessments take into account chronic dietary exposure from food and 
    water (considered to be a background exposure level) plus (acute, 
    intermediate, or chronic, as applicable) indoor and outdoor residential 
    exposure. The Agency selected a dose and toxicological endpoint for 
    assessments of short- and intermediate-term dermal and inhalation risk. 
    However, since there are no significant residential uses for cyromazine 
    (either established or pending) at this time, these risk assessments 
    are not currently required.
        4. Aggregate cancer risk for U.S. population. The Cancer Peer 
    Review Committee determined that there is no evidence of 
    carcinogenicity in studies in either the mouse or rat. Based upon this 
    determination it can be concluded that cyromazine does not pose a 
    cancer risk.
        5. Determination of safety. Based on these risk assessments, EPA 
    concludes that there is a reasonable certainty that no harm will result 
    from aggregate exposure to cyromazine residues.
    E. Aggregate Risks and Determination of Safety for Infants and Children
        1. Safety factor for infants and children-- i. In general. In 
    assessing the potential for additional sensitivity of infants and 
    children to residues of cyromazine, EPA considered data from 
    developmental toxicity studies in the rat and rabbit and a 2-generation 
    reproduction study in the rat. The developmental toxicity studies are 
    designed to evaluate adverse effects on the developing organism 
    resulting from pesticide exposure during prenatal development to one or 
    both parents. Reproduction studies provide information relating to 
    effects from exposure to the pesticide on the reproductive capability 
    of mating animals and data on systemic toxicity.
        FFDCA section 408 provides that EPA shall apply an additional 
    tenfold margin of safety for infants and children in the case of 
    threshold effects to account for prenatal and postnatal toxicity and 
    the completeness of the data base unless EPA determines that a 
    different margin of safety will be safe for infants and children. 
    Margins of safety are incorporated into EPA risk assessments either 
    directly through use of a MOE analysis or through using uncertainty 
    (safety) factors in calculating a dose level that poses no appreciable 
    risk to humans. EPA believes that reliable data support using the 
    standard MOE and uncertainty factor (usually 100 for combined 
    interspecies and intraspecies variability) and not the additional 
    tenfold MOE/uncertainty factor when EPA has a complete data base under 
    existing guidelines and when the severity of the effect in infants or
    [[Page 50048]]
    children or the potency or unusual toxic properties of a compound do 
    not raise concerns regarding the adequacy of the standard MOE/safety 
        ii. Developmental toxicity studies. In the rabbit developmental 
    study, the maternal (systemic) NOAEL was 10 mg/kg/day, the highest dose 
    tested. In the rat developmental study, the developmental NOAEL was 
    identified at 300 mg/kg/day, while the maternal NOAEL was 100 mg/kg/
    day. Although there were developmental findings at 600 mg/kg/day in rat 
    fetuses, these findings were not severe effects and only occurred in 
    the presence of maternal toxicity.
        iii. Reproductive toxicity study. In the multi-generation study in 
    rats the systemic NOAEL was 30.0 ppm (1.5 mg/kg). The systemic LOAEL 
    was 1,000.0 ppm (50.0 mg/kg) based upon decreased body weights 
    associated with deceased food consumption. The developmental/offspring 
    systemic NOAEL was 1,000.0 ppm. The developmental/offspring systemic 
    LOAEL was 3,000.0 ppm (150.0 mg/kg) based upon decreased body weight at 
    birth thru weaning. There were no effect on reproductive parameters at 
    the highest dose tested (3,000 ppm).
        iv. Prenatal and postnatal sensitivity. The results of the rat and 
    rabbit developmental studies did not demonstrate any potential for 
    additional prenatal sensitivity. In the rat reproduction study, the 
    parental and reproductive/developmental NOAELs were established at 1.5 
    and 50 mg/kg/day respectively which suggests that there is no special 
    postnatal sensitivity to cyromazine.
        v. Conclusion. Based on the completeness and reliability of the 
    toxicity data and the conservative exposure assessment, the Agency 
    concludes that an additional safety factor of 10 is not necessary to be 
    protective of infants and children.
        2. Acute risk. There were no toxicological effects attributable to 
    a single exposure (dose) observed in oral toxicity studies including 
    the developmental toxicity studies in rats or rabbits.
        3. Chronic risk. Using the conservative exposure assumptions 
    described above, EPA has concluded that aggregate exposure to 
    cyromazine from food will utilize a maximum 34% of the RfD for children 
    1-6 years old. EPA generally has no concern for exposures below 100% of 
    the RfD because the RfD represents the level at or below which daily 
    aggregate dietary exposure over a lifetime will not pose appreciable 
    risks to human health. As noted above potential exposure from drinking 
    water is at a level below EPA's level of comparisons. EPA concludes 
    that there is a reasonable certainty that no harm will result to 
    infants and children from aggregate exposure to cyromazine residues.
        4. Short- and intermediate-term risk. These aggregate risk 
    assessments take into account chronic dietary exposure from food and 
    water (considered to be a background exposure level) plus (acute, 
    intermediate, or chronic, as applicable) indoor and outdoor residential 
    exposure. The Agency selected a dose and toxicological endpoint for 
    assessments of short- and intermediate-term dermal and inhalation risk. 
    However, since there are no significant residential uses for cyromazine 
    (either established or pending) at this time, these risk assessments 
    are not currently required.
        5. Determination of safety. Based on these risk assessments, EPA 
    concludes that there is a reasonable certainty that no harm will result 
    to infants and children from aggregate exposure to cyromazine residues.
    III. Other Considerations
    A. Metabolism in Plants and Animals
        EPA has reviewed the results of plant metabolism studies (celery, 
    lettuce and tomato) and livestock metabolism studies (goat and hen). 
    The metabolism of cyromazine in plants and animals is adequately 
    understood for the purposes of these tolerances. The major residues in 
    plants, milk, meat and meat byproducts (except liver and kidney) are 
    cyromazine and melamine. The major residues in liver and kidney are 
    cyromazine, melamine and 1-methylcyromazine. EPA concluded (see 
    background) that the metabolite melamine was no longer a residue of 
    concern and the metabolite 1-methhylcyromazine was only found in 
    ruminants. Provided the dietary burden to animals remains low only the 
    parent compound cyromazine needs to be included in the tolerance 
    expression and used for dietary risk assessment.
    B. Analytical Enforcement Methodology
        Methods AG-408 and AG-417A are the tolerance enforcement methods as 
    published in PAM, Vol II. These methods combined, and with minor 
    modifications is Method AG-621. The residue data on the treated crops 
    was analyzed by these methods. The limit of quantitation is 0.05 ppm 
    for cyromazine and 0.05 ppm for melamine expressed as cyromazine 
    equivalents. These extraction and cleanup procedures are similar to the 
    Methods AG-408 and AG-417, but AG-621 uses a gas chromatography for 
    analysis, while the other methods use high pressure liquid 
    chromatography for determination of cyromazine and melamine levels in 
    the crop matrix.
        Methods AG-408 and AG-417 as listed in FDA's Pesticide Analytical 
    Manual (PAM), Vol-II are adequate to enforce the proposed tolerance. 
    AG-621 is acceptable to support the crop field trial residue data for 
    cyromazine on RAC's.
        The PAM II enforcement method for the determination of cyromazine 
    residues limit of quantitation (LOQ) is 0.05 ppm in meat, fat, and meat 
    C. Magnitude of Residues
        Adequate residue data were provided to support permament tolerances 
    of mangoes at 0.3 ppm; onion, green at 2.0 ppm; onion, dry blub at 0.1 
    ppm; potato at 0.8 ppm; corn, sweet (kernels plus cob with husks 
    removed) at 0.5 ppm; corn, sweet, forage at 0.5 ppm; corn, sweet, 
    stover at 0.5 ppm; radish, root at 0.5 ppm; radish, tops at 0.5 ppm; 
    lima beans at 1.0 ppm; milk at 0.05 ppm; meat, fat and meat byproducts 
    (of beef, goat, hogs, horses and sheep) at 0.05 ppm and in cotton, 
    undelinted seed at 0.1 ppm. There were no data available for cotton gin 
    products (commonly called cotton gin trash). The petitioner has 
    committed to conduct the additional residue trials and obtain data for 
    cotton gin byproducts. Although residue data for lima beans were 
    conducted per the EPA guidance that was in effect at the time of the 
    field trials, EPA now requires residue data for the succulent beans 
    without the pods. EPA will issue a conditional registration for these 
    uses while the petitioner generates the additional data.
        Processing data provided for potatoes did not show any 
    concentration of residues for potato chips above the tolerance level. 
    For potato granules the concentration factor is below 1.5x value that 
    is generally used for setting tolerances for processed commodities. 
    Thus no tolerances are required for processed potato commodities.
        The only significant animal feed items from either published or 
    proposed tolerances are potato culls, processed potato waste and sweet 
    corn forage and stover. Since none of these items are fed to poultry 
    the established poultry tolerances are adequate.
        A ruminant feeding study was submitted. Based upon the results of 
    this study the data support permanent tolerances in milk at 0.05 ppm 
    and meat, fat and meat byproducts (of cattle, goat, hogs, horses and 
    sheep) at 0.05
    [[Page 50049]]
    ppm resulting from the feeding of animal commodities indicated above.
    D. International Residue Limits
        With deletion of the metabolite melamine there are no longer any 
    compatibility problems between Codex limits, Mexican limits and 
    proposed U.S. tolerances. There are currently no Codex, Canadian or 
    Mexican limits for residues of cyromazine on potatoes and lima beans. 
    There is a Codex limit of 0.01 ppm in milk which is less than the 
    proposed tolerance of 0.05 ppm. Although residues in milk would most 
    likely be below 0.05 ppm, this level is the limit of quatitation (LOQ) 
    used for enforcement purposes for determination of cyromazine residues.
    E. Rotational Crop Restrictions
        Rotational crop tolerances are being requested for cotton, 
    undelinated seed, sweet corn (kernels plus cob with husks removed), 
    sweet corn forage and stover as well as radish, roots and tops 
    (leaves). When these crops are planted as rotational crops, cyromazine 
    is persistent in soils and residues can be present in crops that are 
    rotated to treated crops. For those crops with no tolerances 
    established, a 1 year plant back interval is specified on the label.
    IV. Conclusion
        Tolerances are being proposed for residues of cyromazine in mangos 
    at 0.3 ppm; onion, green at 2.0 ppm; onion, dry bulb at 0.1 ppm; potato 
    at 0.8 ppm; corn, sweet, (kernels plus cob with husks removed) at 0.5 
    ppm; corn, sweet, forage at 0.5 ppm; corn, sweet, stover at 0.5 ppm; 
    radish, root at 0.5 ppm; radish, tops at 0.5 ppm; lima beans at 1.0 
    ppm; cotton, undelinted seed at 0.1 ppm; milk at 0.05 ppm; and meat, 
    fat and meat byproducts (of cattle, goat, hogs, horses and sheep) at 
    0.05 ppm. Conditional Registration for use of cyromazine on succulent 
    lima beans and cotton are being proposed to allow for development and 
    review of additional residue field studies. The analysis for cyromazine 
    using tolerance level residues shows that the proposed uses will not 
    cause exposure to exceed levels at which EPA believes there is an 
    appreciable risk. All population subgroups examined by EPA are exposed 
    to cyromazine residues at levels below 100% of the RfD for chronic 
    effects. Based on the information and data considered, EPA concludes 
    that the proposed tolerances will be safe. Therefore, these tolerances 
    are being proposed as set forth below.
    V. Public Comment Procedures
        EPA invites interested persons to submit written comments, 
    information, or data in response to this proposed rule. After 
    consideration of comments, EPA will issue a final rule. Such rule will 
    be subject to objections. Failure to file an objection within the 
    appointed period will constitute waiver of the right to raise in future 
    proceedings issues resolved in the final.
    VI. Public Record and Electronic Submissions
        EPA has established a record for this regulation under docket 
    control number [OPP-300913] (including any comments and data submitted 
    electronically). A public version of this record, including printed, 
    paper versions of electronic comments, which does not include any 
    information claimed as CBI, is available for inspection from 8:30 a.m. 
    to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays. The public 
    record is located in Room 119 of the Public Information and Records 
    Integrity Branch, Information Resources and Services Division (7502C), 
    Office of Pesticide Programs, Environmental Protection Agency, Crystal 
    Mall #2, 1921 Jefferson Davis Hwy., Arlington, VA.
        The official record for this regulation, as well as the public 
    version, as described in this unit will be kept in paper form. 
    Accordingly, EPA will transfer any copies of comments received 
    electronically into printed, paper form as they are received and will 
    place the paper copies in the official record. The official record is 
    the paper record maintained at the Virginia address in ``ADDRESSES'' at 
    the beginning of this document.
    VII. Regulatory Assessment Requirements
        This action proposes to establish tolerance under FFDCA section 
    408(e). The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has exempted these 
    types of actions from review under Executive Order 12866, entitled 
    Regulatory Planning and Review (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993). In 
    addition this proposed rule does not contain any information 
    collections subject to OMB approval under the Paperwork Reduction Act 
    (PRA), 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq., or impose any enforceable duty or 
    contain any unfunded mandate as described under Title II of the 
    Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA) (Public Law 104-4). Nor 
    does it require any prior consultation as specficed by Executive Order 
    12875, entitled Enhancing the Intergovernmental Partnership (58 FR 
    58093, October 28, 1993), or special considerations as required by 
    Executive Order 12898, entitled Federal Actions to Address 
    Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income 
    Populations (59 FR 7629, February 16, 1994), or require OMB review in 
    accordance with Executive Order 13045, entitled Protection of Children 
    from Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks (62 FR 19885, April 
    23, 1997).
        In addition, under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) (5 U.S.C. 
    601 et seq.), the Agency previously assessed whether establishing 
    tolerances, exemptions from tolerances, raising tolerance levels or 
    expanding exemptions might adversely impact small entities and 
    concluded, as a generic matter, that there is no adverse economic 
    impact. The factual basis for the Agency's generic certification for 
    tolerance actions published on May 4, 1981 (46 FR 24950), and was 
    provided to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business 
    List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 180
        Environmental protection, Administrative practice and procedure, 
    Agricultural commodities, Pesticides and pests, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements.
        Dated: August 26, 1999.
    James Jones,
    Director, Registration Division, Office of Pesticide Programs.
        Therefore, it is proposed that 40 CFR part 180 be amended as 
    PART 180 [AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 180 continues to read as 
        Authority: 21 U.S.C. 321(q), 346a and 371.
        2. Section 180.414, is revised to read as follows:
    Sec.   180.414  Cyromazine; tolerances for residues.
        (a) General. (1) Tolerances are established for residues of the 
    insecticide cyromazine (N-cyclopropyl-1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6 triamine) in 
    or on the following raw agricultural commodities:
                                                                   Parts per
                              Commodity                             million
    Cattle, fat..................................................   0.05
    Cattle, meat.................................................   0.05
    Cattle, meat byproduct.......................................   0.05
    Cucurbit vegetables..........................................   1.0
    Eggs.........................................................   0.25
    [[Page 50050]]
    Goats, fat...................................................   0.05
    Goats, meat..................................................   0.05
    Goats, meat byproduct........................................   0.05
    Hogs, fat....................................................   0.05
    Hogs, meat...................................................   0.05
    Hogs, meat byproduct.........................................   0.05
    Horses, fat..................................................   0.05
    Horses, meat.................................................   0.05
    Horses, meat byproduct.......................................   0.05
    Leafy vegetables (except Brassica)...........................   7.0
    Lima beans...................................................   1.0
    Mango1.......................................................   0.3
    Milk.........................................................   0.05
    Mushrooms....................................................   1.0
    Onion, dry bulb..............................................   2.0
    Onion, green.................................................   0.1
    Peppers......................................................   1.0
    Potato.......................................................   0.8
    Poultry, fat (from chicken layer hens and chicken breeder       0.05
     hens only)..................................................
    Poultry, meat byproduct (from chicken layer hens and chicken    0.05
     breeder hens only)..........................................
    Poultry, meat (from chicken layer hens and chicken breeder      0.05
     hens only)..................................................
    Sheep, fat...................................................   0.05
    Sheep, meat..................................................   0.05
    Sheep, meat byproduct........................................   0.05
    Tomato.......................................................   0.5
    1There are no U.S. registrations on mango as of (inset date of
        (2) The additive cyromazine (N-cyclopropyl-1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-
    triamine) may be safely used in accordance with the following 
    prescribed conditions:
        (i) It is used as a feed additive only in the feed for chicken 
    layer hens and chicken breeder hens at the rate of not more than 0.01 
    pound of cyromazine per ton of poultry feed.
        (ii) It is used for control of flies in manure of treated chicken 
    layer hens and chicken breeder hens.
        (iii) Feeding of cyromazine-treated feed must stop at least 3 days 
    (72 hours) before slaughter. If the feed is formulated by any person 
    other than the end user, the formulator must inform the end user, in 
    writing, of the 3-day (72 hours) preslaughter interval.
        (iv) To ensure safe use of the additive, the labeling of the 
    pesticide formulation containing the feed additive shall conform to the 
    labeling which is registered by the U.S. Environmental Protection 
    Agency, and the additive shall be used in accordance with this 
    registered labeling.
        (v) Residues of cyromazine are not to exceed 5.0 parts per million 
    (ppm) in poultry feed.
        (b) Section 18 emergency exemptions. Time-limited tolerances are 
    established for the combined residues of the insecticide cyromazine (N-
    cyclopropyl-1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-triamine) and its metabolite, melamine 
    (1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-triamine), in connection with use of the 
    pestiicde under section 18 emergency exemption granted by EPA. The 
    tolerances are specified in the following table. These tolerances 
    expire and are revoked on the date specified in the table.
                       Commodity                     Parts per    revocation
                                                      million        date
    Turkey, fat...................................         0.05       4/1/00
    Turkey, meat..................................         0.05       4/1/00
    Turkey, meat byproduct........................         0.05       4/1/00
        (c) Tolerances with regional registrations. As defined in 180.1(n), 
    are established for the residues of cyromazine (N-cyclopropyl-1,3,5-
    triazine-2,4,6-triamine) in or on the following raw agricultural 
                                                                   Parts per
                              Commodity                             million
    Cabbage, Chinese.............................................   3.0
    Mustard, Chinese.............................................   3.0
        (d) Indirect or inadvertent residues. Tolerances are established 
    for the indirect or inadvertent residues of cyromazine (N-cyclopropyl- 
    1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-triamine), in or on the raw agricultural 
    commodities when present therein as a result of the application of 
    cyromazine to growing crops listed in paragraphs (a)(1) of this 
                                                                   Parts per
                              Commodity                             million
    Cotton, undelinted seed......................................   0.1
    Corn, sweet, (kernels plus cob with husks removed)...........   0.5
    Corn, sweet, forage..........................................   0.5
    Corn, sweet, stover..........................................   0.5
    Radish, root.................................................   0.5
    Radish, tops (leaves)........................................   0.5
    [FR Doc. 99-24047 Filed 9-14-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-F

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
Comments, identified by the docket control number ``OPP- 300913,'' must be received by EPA on or before November 15, 1999.
50043-50050 (8 pages)
Docket Numbers:
OPP-300913, FRL-6098-7
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
40 CFR 180.414