96-23674. Nationwide Programmatic Agreement for Transportation Enhancement Activities  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 180 (Monday, September 16, 1996)]
    [Pages 48802-48804]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-23674]
    [[Page 48801]]
    Part VI
    Department of Transportation
    Federal Highway Administration
    Nationwide Programmatic Agreement for Transportation Enhancement 
    Activities; Notice
    Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 180 / Monday, September 16, 1996 / 
    [[Page 48802]]
    Federal Highway Administration
    [FHWA Docket No. 96-42]
    Nationwide Programmatic Agreement for Transportation Enhancement 
    AGENCY: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), DOT.
    ACTION: Notice of proposed nationwide programmatic agreement among the 
    FHWA, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP), and the 
    National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers (SHPO); 
    request for comments.
    SUMMARY: The purpose of this document is to propose, pursuant to 
    Sec. 316(2) of the National Highway System Designation Act of 1995 
    (Pub. L. 104-59, 109 Stat. 568), a nationwide programmatic agreement 
    among the FHWA, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, and the 
    National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers. Section 
    316(2) requires the development of a nationwide programmatic agreement 
    to expedite and improve implementation of transportation enhancement 
    activities authorized under the Intermodal Surface Transportation 
    Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA) (Pub. L. 102-240, 105 Stat.1914). The 
    proposed agreement would fulfill that requirement. The FHWA has 
    consulted with the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation and the 
    National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers in 
    developing the proposed nationwide programmatic agreement. The FHWA 
    requests comments on the proposed agreement.
    DATES: Comments should be received by October 16, 1996.
    ADDRESSES: Submit written, signed comments to FHWA Docket No. 96-42, 
    Federal Highway Administration, Room 4232, HCC-10, Office of Chief 
    Counsel, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590. All comments 
    received will be available for examination at the above address between 
    8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., e.t., Monday through Friday, except Federal 
    holidays. Those desiring notification of receipt of comments must 
    include a self-addressed, stamped envelope or postcard.
    Preservation Officer, Office of Environment and Planning, HEP-40, (202) 
    366-2060, or Mr. Brett Gainer, Attorney-Advisor, Office of the Chief 
    Counsel, HCC-30, (202) 366-1372, FHWA. Office hours are from 7:45 a.m. 
    to 4:15 p.m., e.t., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The ISTEA authorized approximately $3 
    billion for transportation enhancement activities. These activities 
    span a range of nontraditional transportation projects, including 
    historic preservation activities with a direct relationship to the 
    intermodal transportation system. Since the enactment of the ISTEA, 
    approximately one quarter of the funds expended on transportation 
    enhancement activities have been used to improve over 1100 historic 
    properties. The historic preservation enhancements have also created 
    and improved a wider range of partnerships among State transportation 
    agencies, project sponsors (including States, cities, counties, 
    historic preservation societies, and private owners), and historic 
    preservation organizations like the National Trust for Historic 
    Preservation. The development of such partnerships is important as the 
    Nation looks toward improving the Intermodal system to meet the needs 
    of the 21st century while respecting, preserving, and enhancing its 
    historic framework, the fabric of our Nation, in which it operates.
        The development of a nationwide programmatic agreement will permit 
    State transportation agencies to expedite their enhancement activities 
    by activating an existing nationwide review process. This programmatic 
    agreement is based on operational agreements that have been developed 
    in individual States by the FHWA Division offices to speed reviews and 
    reduce paperwork requirements.
        The FHWA Administrator would sign this nationwide programmatic 
    agreement on behalf of the FHWA. Individual States may activate this 
    programmatic agreement by sending concurrent letters of acceptance to 
    the three signatories and to the SHPO and the FHWA Division Office. The 
    FHWA Division Administrator will be the agency official with 
    responsibility for ensuring that the agreement is carried out.
        This programmatic agreement is not mandatory; States do not have to 
    adopt it for their enhancements projects. Many States have already 
    developed agreements that work for them. Some may wish to adapt the 
    approach conveyed in this nationwide programmatic and tailor it for 
    their specific program needs through further consultation with the 
    SHPO, the FHWA, and the ACHP. The nationwide programmatic agreement 
    offers, though, a quick, easy way to benefit from the work of historic 
    preservation and transportation experts to expedite the transportation 
    enhancement activity effort by encouraging local coordination and 
    public participation and reducing the need for project-by-project 
    coordination with out-of-State groups.
    Text of the Nationwide Programmatic Agreement
        In order to facilitate the implementation of Transportation 
    Enhancement Activities, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the 
    National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers (SHPO), and 
    the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) agree that:
        Whereas, Section 316(2) (23 U.S.C. 133(e)(5)(B)) of the National 
    Highway System Designation Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104-59, 109 Stat. 568) 
    requires the development of a nationwide programmatic agreement to 
    expedite and improve implementation of transportation enhancement 
    activities; and
        Whereas, Section 1007(a) (23 U.S.C. 133(b)(8)) of the ISTEA 
    authorizes the expenditure of Federal Surface Transportation Program 
    funds for transportation enhancement activities; and
        Whereas, Section 1007(c) (23 U.S.C. 101(a)) of ISTEA defines the 
    term ``transportation enhancement activities'' to include a variety of 
    project categories that can be beneficial to the preservation of 
    historic properties; and
        Whereas, the FHWA has determined that transportation enhancement 
    activities may have effects upon properties included in or eligible for 
    the National Register of Historic Places and has consulted with the 
    ACHP, and the National Conference of SHPOs pursuant to 36 CFR 800.13 of 
    the regulations implementing section 106 of the National Historic 
    Preservation Act (16 U.S.C. 470f); and
        Whereas, the signatories to this agreement desire to expedite the 
    necessary historic preservation review for transportation enhancement 
    activities beneficial to historic preservation and thereby encourage 
    the use of transportation enhancement funds for historic preservation 
    purposes; and
        Whereas, the signatories to this agreement recognize that although 
    most projects advanced as transportation enhancement activities should 
    benefit historic properties, the State Transportation Agency (STA) 
    shall make known any findings regarding effects to historic properties 
    through its normal public participation process;
    [[Page 48803]]
        Now, therefore, the FHWA, the ACHP, and the National Conference of 
    SHPOs, pursuant to Sec. 316(2) of the National Highway System 
    Designation Act of 1995, agree that transportation enhancement 
    activities shall be implemented in accordance with the following 
    stipulations to satisfy the FHWA's section 106 responsibilities for all 
    individual undertakings of transportation enhancement activities which 
    may affect historic properties in any State where this programmatic 
    agreement is activated. The STA may activate this programmatic 
    agreement by sending concurrent letters of acceptance to the three 
    signatories and to the SHPO and the FHWA Division Office. Any STA that 
    activates this agreement and implements these terms is hereby deemed to 
    have met the requirements of 36 CFR 800 governing State processes for 
    performing Sec. 106 activities.
        The FHWA shall ensure that the following measures are carried out:
    I. Expediting the Processing of the Following Categories of 
    Transportation Enhancement Activities:
        1. Provision of facilities for pedestrians and bicycles.
        2. Acquisition of scenic easements and scenic or historic sites.
        3. Scenic or historic highway programs.
        4. Landscaping and other scenic beautification.
        5. Historic preservation.
        6. Rehabilitation and operation of historic transportation 
        structures or facilities (including historic railroad facilities 
    and canals).
        7. Preservation of abandoned railway corridors (including 
    conversion and use
        for pedestrian or bicycle trails).
        8. Control and removal of outdoor advertising.
        9. Archeological planning and research.
        10. Mitigation of water pollution due to highway runoff.
    II. Identifying and Evaluating Historic Properties
        A. The STA will be responsible for identifying and evaluating all 
    historic properties within each activity's area of potential effect, 
    and evaluating eligibility for the National Register of Historic 
    Places, in consultation with the individual State Historic Preservation 
    Officer (SHPO), following the procedures set out in 36 CFR 800.4.
        B. The STA may encourage or require project sponsors to include 
    historic property documentation or survey results as part of the 
    transportation enhancement activity application, in consultation with 
    the SHPO.
    III. Determining Effect on Historic Properties
        The STA will assess the effects of the proposed transportation 
    enhancement activities on historic properties by applying the Criteria 
    of Effect and Adverse Effect (36 CFR 800.9). The STA will ensure that 
    the SHPO is provided adequate documentation to review the STA's effect 
    determination. The SHPO will promptly inform the STA if more 
    information is reasonably necessary to make its determination.
    A. No Effect
        If the STA determines that the undertaking will have no effect on 
    historic properties, it will notify the SHPO in writing. The SHPO will 
    review this determination and provide written comments to the STA 
    within 15 days after receipt of the STA's finding and adequate 
    documentation. If the SHPO concurs with the STA's no effect 
    determination, or fails to provide comments within 15 days, the 
    undertaking may proceed as planned. If the SHPO objects to the STA's 
    finding, the SHPO will indicate the reasons for nonconcurrence and the 
    STA and the SHPO shall consult further to identify project alternatives 
    that may result in the undertaking having no effect on historic 
    properties or shall apply the Criteria of Adverse Effect and continue 
    the review of the project pursuant to Stipulation III.B. of this 
    B. No Adverse Effect and Adverse Effect
        l. If the STA determines that the undertaking will have no adverse 
    effect on historic property, it will notify the SHPO in writing. The 
    SHPO shall review this determination and provide written comments to 
    the STA within 30 days after receipt of the STA's finding and adequate 
        a. If the SHPO concurs with the STA's no adverse effect 
    determination or fails to provide comments within 30 days, the STA 
    shall document that finding, which shall be available for public 
    inspection, and proceed with the activity as planned without further 
    review by the ACHP.
        b. If the SHPO objects to the STA's finding, the SHPO will indicate 
    the reasons for nonconcurrence and the STA and the SHPO shall consult 
    further to identify project alternatives that may result in the 
    undertaking having no adverse effect on historic properties or shall 
    proceed in accordance with Stipulation III.B.2. or III.B.3.
        2. If the STA and the SHPO cannot agree that the proposed 
    transportation enhancement activity will have no adverse effect, or if 
    they agree there is an adverse effect, then the STA shall notify the 
    FHWA and the FHWA shall complete the section 106 process in accordance 
    with 36 CFR 800.5 and 800.6, unless stipulation III.B.3. applies.
        3. Transportation enhancement activities may advance without 
    further comment from the ACHP, provided that the FHWA and the SHPO 
    concur with the STA that: (a) the benefits to historic property(ies) 
    outweigh any minor adverse effects (e.g., when a proposed 
    rehabilitation substantially meets the Secretary of the Interior's 
    Standards for Preservation Projects); and that (b) agreed upon measures 
    will be implemented to mitigate those effects (e.g., appropriate 
    recordation measures).
    IV. Amending This Programmatic Agreement, if Requested
        Any party to this Programmatic Agreement may request that it be 
    amended, whereupon the parties to this Agreement shall consult to 
    consider such amendment in accordance with 36 CFR 800.13. No amended 
    agreement shall take effect until it has been executed by all parties 
    and the STA has been duly notified.
    V. Processing of Any Public Objections
        If at any time during the implementation of the measures contained 
    in this Agreement, an objection to any such measure or its manner of 
    implementation should be raised by an interested person, as that term 
    is defined at 36 CFR 800.1(c)(2), the FHWA shall consult with the 
    objecting party, the SHPO, and, as needed, the ACHP to resolve the 
    objection. In light of the ACHP's views, the FHWA should reconsider the 
    finding. However, an objection by the public does not require the FHWA 
    to suspend action on an undertaking. If the objection concerns the 
    eligibility of a property for the National Register, the FHWA may refer 
    the matter to the Keeper of the National Register, if it considers 
    referral appropriate.
    VI. Resolving Disputes Among Parties
        Should any party to this Agreement object within 30 days to any 
    action pursuant to this Agreement, the FHWA shall consult with the 
    objecting party to resolve the objection. If the FHWA determines that 
    the objection cannot be resolved, the FHWA shall forward all relevant 
    documentation to the ACHP. Within 30 days after receipt of all 
    pertinent documentation, the ACHP will either:
        A. Provide the FHWA with recommendations, which the FHWA
    [[Page 48804]]
    will take into account in reaching a final decision regarding the 
    dispute; or
        B. Notify the FHWA that it will comment pursuant to 36 CFR 
    800.6(b), and proceed to comment. Any ACHP comment provided in response 
    to such a request will be taken into account by the FHWA in accordance 
    with 36 CFR 800.6(c)(2) with reference to the subject of the dispute.
        Any recommendation or comment provided by the ACHP will be 
    understood to pertain only to the subject of the dispute; the FHWA's 
    responsibility to carry out all actions under this Agreement that are 
    not the subjects of the dispute will remain unchanged.
    VII. Monitoring Transportation Enhancement Activities
        The SHPO and the ACHP may monitor any activities carried out 
    pursuant to this Agreement, and the ACHP will review such activity if 
    so requested. The FHWA will cooperate with the SHPO and the ACHP in 
    carrying out these monitoring and review responsibilities.
    VIII. Terminating This Programmatic Agreement
        Any party to this Programmatic Agreement may terminate it by 
    providing 30 days notice to the other parties, provided that the 
    parties will consult during the period prior to termination to seek 
    agreement on amendments or other actions that would avoid termination. 
    In the event of termination, the FHWA will comply with 36 CFR 800.4 
    through 800.6 with regard to individual undertakings covered by this 
    IX. Establishing Duration of This Programmatic Agreement
        This Programmatic Agreement will continue in full force until such 
    time that funds for transportation enhancement activities are no longer 
    X. Submitting a Biennial Report
        The STA shall provide the FHWA, the SHPO, and the ACHP with a 
    biennial report summarizing the actions taken over the prior two 
    calendar years to implement the terms of this Programmatic Agreement 
    and recommending any actions or revisions which should be considered by 
    the parties. The deadline for submission of the report is March 31 or 
    the last work day of March, if earlier, of even years commencing with 
    XI. Failing To Comply With This Programmatic Agreement
        In the event the FHWA does not carry out the terms of this 
    Agreement, the FHWA will comply with 36 CFR 800.4 through 800.6 with 
    regard to individual undertakings covered by this Agreement.
        EXECUTION AND IMPLEMENTATION of this Programmatic Agreement 
    evidences that the FHWA has afforded the Council a reasonable 
    opportunity to comment on its Transportation Enhancement Program and 
    its effects on historic properties.
    Executive Director
    Executive Director
        Authority: 23 U.S.C. 101(a), 133(b)(8), 133(e)(5)(B), 315; 49 
    CFR 1.48(b).
        Issued on: September 9, 1996.
    Rodney E. Slater,
    Federal Highway Administrator.
    [FR Doc. 96-23674 Filed 9-13-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-22-P

Document Information

Federal Highway Administration
Entry Type:
Notice of proposed nationwide programmatic agreement among the FHWA, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP), and the National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers (SHPO); request for comments.
Document Number:
Comments should be received by October 16, 1996.
48802-48804 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
FHWA Docket No. 96-42
PDF File: