2024-21081. Atlantic Wind Lease Sale 11 for Commercial Leasing for Wind Power Development on the U.S. Gulf of Maine Outer Continental Shelf-Final Sale Notice  

  • Company name Company No.
    Avangrid Renewables, LLC 15019
    Equinor Wind US LLC 15058
    US Mainstream Renewable Power Inc 15089
    Diamond Wind North America, LLC 15113
    Hexicon USA, LLC 15151
    Seaglass Offshore Wind II, LLC 15155
    TotalEnergies SBE US, LLC 15165
    Pine Tree Offshore Wind, LLC 15167
    energyRe Offshore Wind Holdings, LLC 15171
    OW Gulf of Maine LLC 15175
    Repsol Renewables North America, Inc 15180
    Maine Offshore Wind Development LLC 15181
    Corio USA Projectco LLC 15182
    Invenergy NE Offshore Wind LLC 15197

    a. Affiliated Entities: On the Bidder's Financial Form (BFF), discussed in sections III(a)(i) and X below, eligible bidders must list any other eligible bidders with whom they are affiliated. For the purpose of identifying affiliated entities, a bidding entity is any individual, firm, corporation, association, partnership, consortium, or ( print page 76134) joint venture (when established as a separate entity) that is participating in the same auction. BOEM considers bidding entities to be affiliated when:

    i. They own or have common ownership of more than 50 percent of the voting securities, or instruments of ownership or other forms of ownership, of another bidding entity. Ownership of less than 10 percent of a bidding entity constitutes a presumption of non-control that BOEM may rebut.

    ii. They own or have common ownership of between 10 and 50 percent of the voting securities or instruments of ownership, or other forms of ownership, of another bidding entity, and BOEM determines that there is control upon consideration of factors including the following:

    a. The extent to which there are common officers or directors.

    b. With respect to the voting securities, or instruments of ownership or other forms of ownership: The percentage of ownership or common ownership, the relative percentage of ownership or common ownership compared to the percentage(s) of ownership by other bidding entities, if a bidding entity is the greatest single owner, or if there is an opposing voting bloc of greater ownership.

    c. Shared ownership, operation, or day-to-day management of a lease, grant, or facility as those terms are defined in BOEM's regulations at 30 CFR 585.113.

    iii. They are both direct, or indirect, subsidiaries of the same parent company.

    iv. With respect to any lease(s) offered in this auction, they have entered into an agreement prior to the auction regarding the shared ownership, operation, or day-to-day management of such lease.

    v. Other evidence indicates the existence of power to exercise control, such as evidence that one bidding entity has power to exercise control over the other, or that multiple bidders collectively have the power to exercise control over another bidding entity or entities.

    Affiliated entities are not permitted to compete against each other in the auction. Where two or more affiliated entities have qualified to bid in the auction, the affiliated entities must decide prior to the auction which one (if any) will participate in the auction. If two or more affiliated entities attempt to participate in the auction, BOEM will disqualify those bidders from the auction.

    III. Deadlines and Milestones for Bidders

    This section describes the major deadlines and milestones in the auction process from publication of this FSN to execution of a lease issued pursuant to this sale.

    a. FSN Waiting Period: During the period between FSN publication and the lease auction, qualified bidders must take several steps to remain eligible to participate in the auction.

    i. Bidder's Financial Form: Each bidder must submit a BFF to BOEM to participate in the auction. The BFF must include each bidder's Conceptual Strategy for each bidding credit for which that bidder wishes to be considered. BOEM must receive each bidder's BFF on or before September 27, 2024, and it is each bidder's responsibility to ensure BOEM's timely receipt. If a bidder does not submit a BFF by this deadline, BOEM, in its sole discretion, may grant an extension to that bidder only if BOEM determines the bidder's failure to timely submit a BFF was caused by events beyond the bidder's control. The BFF can be downloaded at: https://www.boem.gov/​renewable-energy/​state-activities/​maine/​gulf-maine. Once BOEM has processed a bidder's BFF, the bidder is allowed to log into pay.gov and submit a bid deposit. For purposes of this auction, BOEM will not consider BFFs submitted for previous lease sales. An original signed BFF may be mailed to BOEM's Office of Renewable Energy Programs. A signed copy of the form may be submitted via email in PDF format to renewableenergy@boem.gov. A faxed copy will not be accepted. BFF submissions should be accompanied with a transmittal letter on company letterhead. The BFF must be executed on paper with a wet signature or with a digital signature affixed by an authorized representative listed on the bidder's current legal qualification card on file with BOEM, subject to 18 U.S.C. 1001 (Fraud and False Statements). Further information about the BFF can be found in the “Bidder's Financial Form” Section X of this notice.

    ii. Bid Deposit: Once BOEM has processed a BFF and provided the appropriate information to the Office of Natural Resources Revenue (ONRR), ONRR will populate the Bid Deposit Forms and notify the bidders of access to pay.gov for the bid deposits. The bidder must log into https://www.pay.gov to submit a bid deposit. To participate in the mock auction and the monetary auction, each qualified bidder must provide a bid deposit of $2,000,000 per lease area sought for a maximum of two lease areas no later than October 11, 2024. BOEM will grant extensions to this deadline only if BOEM, in its sole discretion, determines that the failure to timely submit the bid deposit was caused by events beyond the bidder's control. Further information about bid deposits can be found in the “Bid Deposit,” Section X, of this notice.

    b. Conducting the Auction:

    i. Affirmative Action: Prior to bidding in the monetary auction, each bidder must file the Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Representation Form BOEM-2032 (February 2020, available on BOEM's website at http://www.boem.gov/​BOEM-2032/​) and the Equal Opportunity Compliance Report Certification Form BOEM-2033 (February 2020, available on BOEM's website at http://www.boem.gov/​BOEM-2033/​) with the BOEM Office of Renewable Energy Programs. The forms can be submitted digitally via email to renewableenergy@boem.gov or mailed to the BOEM Office of Renewable Energy Programs. This certification is required by 41 CFR part 60 and Executive Order (E.O.) 11246, issued September 24, 1965, as amended by E.O. 11375, issued October 13, 1967, and by E.O. 13672, issued July 21, 2014. Both forms must be on file with BOEM for the bidder(s) prior to the execution of any lease contract.

    ii. Notification of Eligibility for Bidding Credits: BOEM will notify each bidder of its eligibility for bidding credits prior to the Mock Auction.

    iii. Mock Auction: BOEM will hold a Mock Auction on October 24, 2024, beginning at 9:00 a.m. EDT, which is open only to qualified bidders who have met the requirements and deadlines for auction participation, including submission of the bid deposit. The Mock Auction is intended to give bidders an opportunity to clarify auction rules, test the functionality of the auction software, and identify any potential issues that may arise during the auction.

    iv. The Auction: On October 29, 2024, BOEM, through its contractor, will commence the multiple-factor auction. The first round of the auction will start at 9:00 a.m. EDT. The auction will proceed electronically according to a schedule to be distributed by the BOEM Auction Manager at the beginning of the auction, subject to any revisions (which will be communicated to bidders during the auction). BOEM anticipates that the auction will last one or two business days, but the auction may continue for additional business days, as necessary, until the auction ends in accordance with the procedures described in the ( print page 76135) “Auction Procedures” section of this notice.

    v. Announce Provisional Winners: BOEM will announce the provisional winners of the lease sale after the auction ends.

    c. From the Auction to Lease Execution:

    i. Refund Non-Winners: Once the provisional winners have been announced, BOEM will provide the non-winners with a written explanation of why they did not win and will return their bid deposits.

    ii. Department of Justice (DOJ) Review: DOJ will have 30 days in which to conduct an antitrust review of the auction, pursuant to 43 U.S.C. 1337(c).

    iii. Delivery of the Lease: BOEM will send three lease copies to each provisional winner, with instructions on how to execute the lease. Once the lease has been fully executed, a provisional winner becomes an auction winner. The first year's rent is due 45 calendar days after the auction winners receive the lease copies for execution.

    iv. Return the Lease: Within ten business days of receiving the lease copies, the auction winners must post financial assurance, pay any outstanding balance of their winning bids ( i.e., winning cash bid less applicable bid deposits), and sign and return the three executed lease copies. A winner may request in writing an extension of the 10-business-day time limit and BOEM, in its discretion, may grant such extensions, pursuant to 30 CFR 585.225(d).

    v. Execution of Lease: Once BOEM has received the signed lease copies and verified that all other required materials have been received, BOEM will make a final determination regarding its issuance of the leases and will execute the leases, if appropriate.

    IV. Areas Offered for Leasing

    In response to comments received on the PSN and consultation with Tribes and Federal agencies, BOEM is offering eight lease areas totaling 850,082 acres for sale through this notice (Figure 1). The eight areas in the PSN have been reduced by approximately 12% to address ocean user conflicts in response to comments and input from ocean users, including the fishing industry, the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) and navigation interests, and NMFS. BOEM's designation of the eight lease areas offered in the FSN is informed by extensive coordination with BOEM's intergovernmental task force members, consultation and engagement with Tribes, stakeholder engagement, a partnership with NOAA's NCCOS to utilize spatial modeling to inform the identification of WEAs, and consideration of the 262 comments that BOEM received in response to the PSN. Based on the information gained through that coordination and comment review, BOEM has decided to remove from current leasing consideration several areas that overlap with a combination of offshore fishing activity, vessel transit, seafloor features identified by NMFS as potentially sensitive to impacts from offshore wind facility construction, and areas of relatively higher densities of North Atlantic right whale sightings and detections. The eight areas BOEM is offering for lease are described in Table 1. Descriptions of the proposed lease areas may be found in Addendum A of each of the proposed leases, located on BOEM's website at https://www.boem.gov/​renewable-energy/​state-activities/​maine/​gulf-maine. Several leases are subject to a lease stipulation that would prohibit surface or subsurface development in portions of the lease that are adjacent to corridors BOEM created between leases to facilitate existing and future vessel transit (see Addendum C, Section 10 of the lease). For those leases, the total “developable acres” are less than the total “lease acres” as described in Table 1.

    Table 1—Gulf of Maine Lease Areas, Acres, and Assigned Region

    Lease area ID Region Total acres Developable acres Net change from PSN (developable acres)
    OCS-A 0562 North 97,854 97,854 −23,485
    OCS-A 0563 North 105,682 105,682 −26,687
    OCS-A 0564 South 98,565 93,756 −11,743
    OCS-A 0565 South 103,191 103,191 −12,099
    OCS-A 0566 South 96,075 96,075 −31,313
    OCS-A 0567 South 117,780 113,208 −4,183
    OCS-A 0568 South 124,897 116,363 −7,026
    OCS-A 0569 South 106,038 101,757 0
    Total 850,082 827,886 −116,536
    Average 106,260 103,486 −14,567
    ( print page 76136)

    Figure 1—Gulf of Maine Lease Areas

    a. Habitat Avoidance: Several commentors recommended BOEM remove proposed lease areas due to concerns about overlap with or proximity to sensitive benthic habitat. These comments contributed to the decision to remove the portions of four lease areas. Lease area 0562's (and to a lesser extent, 0563's) proximity to the Jeffreys Bank Habitat Management Area contributed to the decision to remove the northern portion of those lease areas. In addition, NMFS recommended BOEM avoid leasing in areas of potential hardbottom and high bathymetric change potentially suitable for coral habitat, as shown in the results of the spring 2024 R/V Connecticut surveys within lease areas 0567 and 0568. These data contributed to removals of acreage in the northeastern portion of 0567 and southeastern portion of 0568. BOEM also considered a comment from the wind industry requesting that BOEM focus any adjustments to lease boundaries on reductions to bathymetric heterogeneity.

    b. Facilitating Fishing Activity: Throughout the Gulf of Maine planning and leasing process BOEM has prioritized avoidance of areas with high fishing vessel activity, revenue, and landings. Understanding that the best available commercial and recreational fishing data still have limitations and caveats, BOEM has engaged extensively with the fishing industry, fishing communities, and Tribes to bolster BOEM's understanding of the historic and current uses of the lease areas. These engagements and data analyses, combined with PSN comments, contributed to the decision to remove portions of seven lease areas: northern portion of 0562 and 0563 (herring and groundfish fishing effort); western edge of 0564, eastern edge of 0565, western portion of 0566, northeastern portion of 0567, and northwestern portion of 0568 (groundfish fishing effort).

    c. Vessel Transit Considerations: As noted in the PSN, BOEM is aware of the overlap of lease areas 0562 and 0563 (as proposed in the PSN) with a portion of the USCG proposed Gulf of Maine fairway as described in the Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts Port Access Route Study (MNMPARS). While that fairway has not yet been established, ongoing consultation with the USCG, along with comments received through the PSN regarding concerns with transit, North Atlantic right whale detections, fishing effort, and habitat concerns, all contributed to BOEM's decision to remove the portion of lease areas 0562 and 0563 that previously overlapped with the proposed fairway.

    d. As part of the PSN, BOEM also created three corridors between leases to facilitate existing and future transit through proposed lease areas.[2] These areas occur in a Northwest to Southeast direction, as well as in an East and West direction, and have a minimum width of 2.5 nautical miles (nm). Commenters generally supported these transit areas; however, several commenters also requested corridors be created between lease areas 0562 and 0563, as well as between 0565 and 0566. BOEM did not incorporate a corridor between 0562 and 0563, given the lease areas' relative isolation (no immediate surrounding lease areas) and the reduction in lease area size due to the avoidance of the proposed Gulf of Maine fairway (described above). Additionally, the Surface Structure Layout and Orientation lease stipulation (see Addendum C, Section 10 of the lease) applies to lease areas 0562 and 0563. BOEM has removed portions of lease areas 0565 and 0566 creating an approximate 3.5 nm wide corridor ( print page 76137) primarily to facilitate existing groundfishing activities (see Facilitating Fishing Activity section, above ); however, this will also facilitate future transit through those lease areas.

    e. Map of the Area Proposed for Leasing: In addition to Figure 1, maps of the lease areas, and various GIS spatial files may be found on BOEM's website at https://www.boem.gov/​renewable-energy/​state-activities/​maine/​gulf-maine.

    V. New and Modified Lease Stipulations

    BOEM has modified or added several lease stipulations in Addendum C of each lease related to avoiding and minimizing potential future user conflicts and environmental impacts and project design. This section summarizes the major updates, but is not an exhaustive list of every change.

    a. Changes related to the Modernization Rule: Since the publication of the PSN, the Renewable Energy Modernization Rule (89 FR 42602) has become effective, resulting in updates to BOEM's regulations. As a result, BOEM has modified the lease form for this sale to comport with those new regulations in three ways: simple citation and language updates; removing references to lease “terms” and replacing them with references to lease “periods” under 30 CFR 585.235; and revising the stipulations in Addendum C to adhere to the EA's standard operating conditions in a regulatory scheme where a lessee is no longer required to submit a Site Assessment Plan to install a meteorological and/or oceanographic buoy under 30 CFR 585.600(a)(1).

    b. Surface Structure Layout and Orientation: BOEM has modified the lease stipulation “Surface Structure Layout and Orientation” (see Addendum C, Section 10 of the lease), which requires lessees with directly adjacent leases ( e.g., OCS-A 0562 and 0563) to design a surface structure layout that contains two common lines of orientation across the adjacent leases (as described in Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circular 02-23). If the lessees cannot agree on such a layout, each lessee would be required to incorporate a setback area from the boundary of the adjacent lease within which area surface and subsurface structures are prohibited.

    Based on comments received on the PSN, BOEM has decided to increase the previous setback distance from 1 nm to 1.25 nm. This would create a minimum 2.5 nm distance between the proposed facilities of each lessee along the lease boundary. Given uncertainties with how potential lessees will propose to construct their floating wind projects, BOEM reserves the right to require additional mitigations at the COP approval stage, including increases to this setback distance.[3]

    The previous 1 nm setback distance was based on USCG recommendations to alert mariners and search and rescue operations of a layout change between adjacent leases, not to create a corridor for navigation. However, BOEM recognizes that if future leaseholders of lease areas 0562 and 0563 do not choose to implement two common lines of orientation, a de facto corridor would be created and, therefore, vessels would likely use it for navigation and potentially for fishing activities. Therefore, BOEM increased the setback distance and included a provision to prohibit surface and subsurface occupancy in those setback areas, so that the combined setback area matches the width and provisions of the BOEM designated corridors between the leases in the southern region of the final WEA.

    c. Habitat Impact Minimization Measures: BOEM recognizes that there are documented deep sea coral locations within one of the lease areas (0567),[4] and recent surveys conducted by NOAA in spring 2024 indicated there may be additional habitat suitable for corals in lease areas 0567 and 0568. In response to these data, as well as PSN comments related to protection of living bottom habitat, BOEM has included a new lease stipulation requiring lessees to use the best available information to avoid and minimize bottom-disturbing activities to sensitive biological resources or habitats to the maximum extent practicable. Lessees are required to conduct geophysical surveys prior to geotechnical surveys to identify potential munitions of concern, unexploded ordinances, and archaeological resources. Information about sensitive biological resources gained through these surveys will become part of the best available information lessees must use when conducting bottom disturbing activities. Additional information on this topic can be found in Section VI: Potential Future Restrictions below.

    d. Baseline Monitoring: In the PSN, BOEM proposed and requested comments on a potential lease stipulation that would require lessees to conduct baseline data collection activities for endangered and threatened marine mammals and their habitats in support of developing their COPs. BOEM received many comments in support and has decided to include a new stipulation requiring lessees to collect a minimum of three years of passive acoustic monitoring data for large whales in the Gulf of Maine North Atlantic Right Whale Critical Habitat to support the submission of the COP. The stipulation also includes requirements concerning data collection, transparency, and sharing. While this pre-COP requirement does not extend beyond large whales, BOEM refers lessees to additional baseline monitoring requirements, as outlined in BOEM's “Information Guidelines for a Renewable Energy Construction and Operations Plan (COP)” and “Final Information Needed for Issuance of a Notice of Intent (NOI) Under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for a Construction and Operations Plan (COP).” [5]

    e. Hosted Engagement Opportunities: BOEM recognizes the importance of engagement with Tribes, stakeholders, and oceans users at all stages of the process and acknowledges comments received in response to the PSN that advocate for additional engagement opportunities. BOEM may initiate and host meetings after the lease sale to facilitate early and continuous engagement between Tribes, lessees, stakeholders, ocean users, and Federal partners. Therefore, BOEM has introduced a lease stipulation, Addendum C, 3.1.2, that requires lessees to engage in meeting planning and participate in the meetings in a meaningful manner. These provisions, combined with the enhanced engagement and progress reporting framework, are designed to encourage development of Gulf of Maine leases in a manner that reflects the community they are within.

    VI. Potential Future Restrictions

    a. Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary: Several of the Gulf of Maine lease areas are adjacent to the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary. BOEM recognizes that future development within the lease areas may necessitate installation of energy transmission cables within the sanctuary boundaries in identified cable corridors. Under the authority of the National Marine Sanctuaries Act, NOAA may consider authorizing installation of energy transmission cables within ( print page 76138) sanctuary boundaries through one or more of the following mechanisms—General Permits, Authorizations, Certifications, and Special Use Permits.

    b. Potential Future Restrictions to Mitigate Potential Conflicts with Department of Defense (DoD) Activities: Potential bidders should be aware of potential conflicts with DoD's existing uses of the OCS. BOEM has coordinated with DoD throughout the leasing process. This included consultation with the Military Aviation and Installation Assurance Siting Clearinghouse, which conducted a DoD assessment of the Gulf of Maine Draft WEA. The assessment identified potential impacts, which are described below.

    • Air Surveillance and Radar: The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) mission may be affected by development of the lease areas. Similar impacts have been encountered with other lease areas along the Atlantic Coast and have been largely if not entirely mitigated. Considering both the expected height of offshore turbines and future cumulative wind turbine effects, adverse impacts can be mitigated through the use of Radar Adverse-impact Management (RAM) [6] and overlapping radar coverage. For projects where RAM mitigation is acceptable, BOEM anticipates including the following project approval conditions:

    —Lessee will notify NORAD when the project is within 30-60 days of completion of commissioning of the last wind turbine generator (WTG) (meaning every WTG in the Project is installed with potential for blade rotation), and again when the project is complete and operational, for RAM scheduling;

    —Lessee will contribute funds to DoD in the amount of no less than $80,000 toward the cost of DoD's execution of the RAM procedures for each radar system affected; and

    —Lessee will curtail wind turbine operations for national security or defense purposes as described in the lease.

    • Department of Navy operations: While the Navy did not identify any conflicts with the Final WEA, mitigations to resolve potential conflicts with ship testing may be necessary depending on the specific projects proposed within the lease areas.

    BOEM may require the lessee to enter into an agreement with DoD to implement any necessary conditions and mitigate any identified impacts. BOEM will further coordinate with DoD and the lessee to eliminate potential conflicts throughout the project review stage, which may result in adding mitigation measures or terms and conditions as part of any plan approval.

    c. Potential Future Restrictions to Mitigate Conflicts with Sand Resources: Potential bidders are advised that BOEM has identified sand resource areas in aliquots offshore the Gulf of Maine (Marine Minerals Information System (MMIS) Application https://mmis.doi.gov/​BOEMMMIS). OCS sand resource areas are composed of sand deposits found on or below the surface of the OCS seabed. There are also potential sand resources in other areas in the Gulf of Maine not currently identified in MMIS datasets ( e.g., Sand Resources and Atlantic OCS Aliquots with Sand Resources). If it is determined that accessible and significant OCS sand resources may be impacted by a proposed activity, BOEM may require lessees to undertake measures deemed economically, environmentally, and technically feasible to protect the resources to the maximum extent practicable, including minimizing, avoiding, and mitigating impacts to these resources. Measures may include modification of proposed transmission corridor locations if warranted. Neither BOEM nor the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement will approve future requests for in-place decommissioning of submarine cables in sand resource areas unless BOEM has determined that the submarine cables do not unduly interfere with other uses of the OCS, specifically sand resource use.

    d. Potential Future Restrictions to Mitigate Possible Conflicts with Deep-Sea Corals and Biologically Sensitive Benthic Habitat: Potential bidders are advised that in the Gulf of Maine final WEA, NOAA has identified the presence of deep-sea corals and sponges, as well as hardbottom habitat areas suitable for sensitive deep-sea coral and sponge species. In addition, data collected during a spring 2024 research expedition within lease areas 0567 and 0568 indicates that there are additional areas that may contain sensitive or vulnerable hard-bottom features suitable for coral and sponge habitat.[7]

    BOEM has included a new lease stipulation for the leases within this FSN to require lessees to avoid or minimize bottom disturbing activities that may affect sensitive biological resources or habitats during any site assessment and site characterization activities to the maximum extent practicable. Furthermore, any site assessment and site characterization activities authorized by a lease would be subject to the protections for live-bottom features included in BOEM's programmatic consultation with the NMFS under ESA Section 7 (Addendum C, 5.2 in the leases). BOEM will conduct additional environmental review upon receipt of a lessee's COP and, as a condition of approval, may require avoidance measures to reduce potential impacts to sensitive benthic species and habitat within the lease area.

    e. Existing Submarine Cable Infrastructure within Lease Areas: Potential bidders are advised that several lease areas overlap with existing submarine cable infrastructure. Lease areas 0564 and 0565 overlay the Amitié system and lease areas 0565 and 0566 overlay the EXA Atlantic system. The locations of these cables are available on the Northeast Ocean Data Portal. Lessees will be required to engage with submarine cable operators early in the project development process with the goal of deconflicting project plans before COPs are developed (see Addendum C, 3.1 of the leases).

    f. Potential Impacts to Coastal Communities and National Park Service Properties: Potential bidders are advised that the National Park Service (NPS) has indicated that there are units and programs of the NPS System that would likely be affected by activities and development of the lease areas ( e.g., air, visual, and nighttime resources). Future lessees will be required to engage with NPS, as required by the lease's Progress Report requirements and Agency Communication Plan, to ensure early and active information sharing, focused discussion of potential issues, and collaborative identification of solutions and mitigations. BOEM will also continue to work closely with NPS through regular interagency consultation and through collaborative work on future NEPA and National Historic Preservation Act analysis. Future lessees will also be required to engage with coastal communities on similar potential impacts.

    VII. Lease Terms and Conditions

    Along with this FSN, BOEM has made available the commercial lease forms that will be used to issue the leases from this sale. BOEM reserves the right to require compliance with additional terms and conditions associated with the approval of a site assessment plan (SAP) and COP. The leases may be ( print page 76139) found on BOEM's website at: https://www.boem.gov/​renewable-energy/​state-activities/​maine/​gulf-maine. Each lease includes the following attachments:

    a. Addendum A (“Description of Leased Area and Lease Activities”);

    b. Addendum B (“Lease Term and Financial Schedule”);

    c. Addendum C (“Lease-Specific Terms, Conditions, and Stipulations”); and

    d. Addendum D (“Project Easement”).

    Addenda A, B, and C provide detailed descriptions of lease terms, conditions, and stipulations. Addendum D will be completed at the time of COP approval or approval with modifications.

    VIII. Lease Financial Terms and Conditions

    This section provides an overview of the required annual payments and financial assurances under the lease. Potential bidders should review the lease for more detailed information, including any changes from past practices.

    a. Rent: Pursuant to 30 CFR 585.225(f) and 585.503, the first year's rent payment of $3 per acre is due within 45 days after the winning bidder receives a copy of the executed lease from BOEM. Lease area acreage is delineated in Addendum A of the lease and, if applicable, includes portions of a lease that do not allow surface occupancy. Thereafter, annual rent payments are due on each anniversary of the effective date of the lease (the “lease anniversary”) until your lease begins commercial operations. For example, for the 97,854 acres of Lease OCS-A 0562, the rent payment would be $293,562 per year until commercial operations begin. Once commercial operations begin, BOEM will charge rent only for the portions of the lease area remaining undeveloped ( i.e., non-generating acreage), as described in the lease.

    If the lessee submits an application for relinquishment of a portion of its leased area within the first 45 days after receiving the executed lease from BOEM and BOEM approves that application, no rent payment would be due on the relinquished portion of the lease area. Later relinquishments of any portion of the lease area would reduce the lessee's rent payments starting in the year following BOEM's approval of the relinquishment.

    A lease issued under 30 CFR part 585 confers on the lessee the right to one or more project easements, without further competition, for the purpose of installing gathering, transmission, and distribution cables, pipelines, and appurtenances on the OCS as necessary for the full enjoyment of the lease. A lessee must apply for the project easement as part of the COP or SAP, as provided under Subpart F of 30 CFR part 585.

    The lessee also must pay rent for any project easement associated with the lease. Rent commences on the date that BOEM approves the COP that describes the project easement (or any modification of such COP that affects the easement acreage), as outlined in 30 CFR 585.507. Annual rent for a project easement $5 per acre per year, subject to a minimum of $450 per year. If the COP revision results in increased easement acreage, additional rent would be due at the time the COP revision is approved.

    b. Operating Fee: For purposes of calculating the initial annual operating fee under 30 CFR 585.506, BOEM applies an operating fee rate to a proxy for the wholesale market value of the electricity expected to be generated from the project during its first 12 months of operations. This initial payment will be prorated to reflect the period between the commencement of commercial operations and the lease anniversary. The initial annual operating fee must be paid within 90 days of the commencement of commercial operations. Thereafter, subsequent annual operating fees must be paid on or before the lease anniversary.

    The subsequent annual operating fees will be calculated by multiplying the operating fee rate by the imputed wholesale market value of the projected annual electric power production. For the purposes of this calculation, the imputed market value will be the product of the project's annual nameplate capacity, the total number of hours in a year (8,760), the capacity factor, and the annual average price of electricity derived from a regional wholesale power price index. For example, the annual operating fee for a 976-megawatt (MW) wind facility operating at a 40 percent capacity ( i.e., capacity factor of 0.4) with a regional wholesale power price of $40 per megawatt hour (MWh) and an operating fee rate of 0.02 would be calculated as follows:

    i. Operating Fee Rate: The operating fee rate is the share of the imputed wholesale market value of the projected annual electric power production due to the ONRR as an annual operating fee. For the lease areas, BOEM proposes to set the fee rate at 0.02 (2 percent) for the entire life of commercial operations.

    ii. Nameplate Capacity: Nameplate capacity is the maximum rated electric output, expressed in MW, which the turbines of the wind facility under commercial operations can produce at their rated wind speed as designated by the turbine's manufacturer.

    iii. Capacity Factor: The capacity factor relates to the amount of energy delivered to the grid during a period of time compared to the amount of energy the wind facility would have produced at full capacity during that same period of time. BOEM will set the capacity factor at 0.4 ( i.e., 40 percent) for the year in which the commercial operations begin and for the first 6 years of commercial operations on the lease. At the end of the sixth year, BOEM may adjust the capacity factor to reflect the performance over the previous 5 years based upon the actual metered electricity generation at the delivery point to the electrical grid. BOEM may make similar adjustments to the capacity factor once every 5 years thereafter.

    iv. Wholesale Power Price Index: Under 30 CFR 585.506(c)(2)(i), the wholesale power price, expressed in dollars per MWh, is determined at the time each annual operating fee payment is due. For the leases offered in this sale, BOEM will use the ISO New England .H.INTERNAL_HUB. A similar price dataset may also be used and may be posted by BOEM at https://www.boem.gov for reference.

    c. Financial Assurance: Within 10-business days after receipt of the unsigned copy of the lease, the provisional winner must file financial ( print page 76140) assurance in accordance with 30 CFR 585.225(b)(2). The provisional winner must provide an initial lease-specific bond or other BOEM-approved financial assurance instrument in the amount of 12 months' rent. The provisional winner may meet financial assurance requirements by posting a surety bond or other financial assurance instrument or alternative as provided in 30 CFR 585.526 through 585.529. BOEM encourages the provisional winners to discuss financial assurance requirements with BOEM as soon as possible after the auction has concluded.

    BOEM will base the amount of financial assurance (for all SAP, COP, and decommissioning activities) on cost estimates for meeting all accrued lease obligations at the respective stages of development. The required amount of supplemental and decommissioning financial assurance will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

    The payment terms described above can be found in Addendum B of the lease, which is available at: https://www.boem.gov/​renewable-energy/​state-activities/​maine/​gulf-maine.

    IX. Bidder's Financial Form

    Each bidder must submit to BOEM the information listed in the BFF referenced in this FSN. A copy of the form is available at https://www.boem.gov/​renewable-energy/​state-activities/​maine/​gulf-maine. In its BFF, each bidder must designate the email address that it will use to create an account in https://www.pay.gov account. BOEM must receive BFFs, including Conceptual Strategies, no later than September 27, 2024. If a bidder does not submit a BFF for this sale by the deadline, BOEM, in its sole discretion, may grant an extension to that bidder only if BOEM determines the bidder's failure to timely submit a BFF was caused by events beyond the bidder's control. The BFF is required to be executed by an authorized representative listed in the bidder's qualification package on file with BOEM. BFFs submitted by bidders for previous lease sales will not satisfy the requirements of this auction.

    For this sale (ATLW-11), BOEM will accept bidders' BFFs and Conceptual Strategies electronically or by mail. Instructions for submission can be found in the BFF. The BFF must be executed on paper with a wet signature or with the application of a digital signature by an authorized representative listed on the legal qualification card currently on file with BOEM as authorized to bind the company. Winning bidders who have committed to bidding credit(s) must meet the bidding credit requirements no later than submission of their first Facility Design Report (FDR) or the tenth lease anniversary, whichever is sooner.

    X. Bid Deposit

    A bid deposit is an advance cash payment submitted to BOEM to participate in the auction. ONRR will notify the bidders that they have access to the Bid Deposit Form in pay.gov, and bidders must use the Bid Deposit Form on the https://www. pay.gov website to submit a deposit. Bidders may need to create an account in pay.gov to access the Bid Deposit Form and submit a deposit. Each bidder must submit a bid deposit of $2,000,000 for eligibility to bid on one lease area, or $4,000,000 for eligibility to bid on two lease areas, no later than October 11, 2024. Any bidder who fails to submit the bid deposit by this deadline may be disqualified from participating in the auction. BOEM will consider extensions to this deadline only if BOEM, in its sole discretion, determines that the failure to timely submit the bid deposit was caused by events beyond the bidder's control.

    Following the auction, bid deposits will be applied against the winning bid and other obligations owed to BOEM. Once BOEM has announced the provisional winners, BOEM will coordinate with ONRR to refund bid deposits to the other bidders.

    If BOEM offers a lease to a provisional winner and that bidder fails to timely return the signed lease, establish financial assurance, or pay the balance of its bid for the lease area, BOEM may require forfeiture of the bidder's $2,000,000 bid deposit for the lease area. In such a circumstance, BOEM may determine which bid would have won in the absence of the bid previously determined to be the winning bid and may offer a lease to this next highest eligible bidder. This process may be repeated if needed.

    XI. Minimum Bid

    The minimum bid is the lowest dollar amount per acre that BOEM will accept as a winning bid and is the amount at which BOEM will start the bidding in the auction. BOEM proposes a minimum bid of $50.00 per acre for this lease sale.

    XII. Auction Procedures

    a. Multiple-Factor Bidding Auction: BOEM will use a multiple factor auction format for this lease sale. Under 30 CFR 585.113, multiple factor auction means an auction that involves the use of bidding credits to incentivize goals or actions that support public policy objectives or maximize public benefits through the competitive leasing auction process. For any multiple factor auction, the monetary value of the bidding credits, if any, is added to the value of the cash bids to determine the highest bidder. The bid made by a particular bidder in each round of this lease sale will represent the sum of the monetary factor (cash bid) and the value of any non-monetary factors in the form of bidding credits. Bidders will be limited to bidding for two lease areas at a time, including at most one lease area in the North Region. BOEM will start the auction using the minimum bid price for each lease area and will increase these prices incrementally until no more than one bidder remains bidding on each lease area in the auction.

    In response to public comments, BOEM is not revising the bidding credit percentages from those proposed in the PSN. The total bidding credits remain at 25 percent.

    BOEM will grant bidding credits to bidders that commit to one or both of the following, subject to BOEM's evaluation of the bidder's BFF and Conceptual Strategy:

    i. Supporting workforce training programs for the floating offshore wind industry or supporting the development of a domestic supply chain for the floating offshore wind industry, or a combination of both; or

    ii. Establishing and contributing to a Fisheries Compensatory Mitigation Fund or contributing to an existing fund to mitigate potential negative impacts to Tribal subsistence fishing, commercial fisheries, and for-hire recreational fisheries caused by offshore wind development in the Gulf of Maine.

    These bidding credits are intended to:

    i. Enhance, through training, the floating offshore wind workforce and/or enhance the establishment of a domestic supply chain for floating offshore wind manufacturing, assembly, or services, both of which will contribute to the expeditious and orderly development of offshore wind resources on the OCS;

    ii. Support the expeditious and orderly development of OCS resources by mitigating potential direct impacts from proposed projects and encouraging the investment in infrastructure germane to the floating offshore wind industry; and

    iii. Minimize potential economic effects on Tribal subsistence fishing, commercial fisheries, and for-hire recreational fisheries impacted by potential floating offshore wind development, as coordination with commercial fisheries, for-hire recreational fisheries, and Tribes whose ( print page 76141) subsistence fishing is impacted by wind energy operations in the OCS area of the Gulf of Maine will enable development of the lease area to advance.

    b. Changes to Auction Rules: BOEM will be employing the BOEM Auction System for sales held in 2024. The auction format remains an ascending clock auction with multiple-factor bidding. However, there are five main changes to the ascending clock auction rules in the BOEM Auction System, as follows:

    i. If a bidder decides to bid on a different lease area in a given round of the auction, it may submit a bid to reduce demand for the lease area it bid on in the previous round and, simultaneously, submit a bid to increase demand for another lease area. This allows a bidder the option to switch to another lease area if the price of the first lease area exceeds the specified bid price.

    ii. Provisional winners will no longer be determined using a two-step process. The auction rules are implemented in a way such that, when the auction concludes, the bidder who remains on a lease area after the final round becomes its provisional winner. There will be no additional processing step.

    iii. The auctions will use a `second price' rule. A given lease area will be won by the bidder that submitted the highest bid amount for the lease area, but the winning bidder will pay the highest bid amount at which there was competition ( i.e., the `second price').

    iv. Each bidder's bidding credit will be expressed directly as a percentage of the final price for the lease.

    v. Any bid for multiple lease areas will be treated as independent bids for those lease areas, rather than as a package bid.

    All five of these changes are applicable to the ATLW-11 sale. All potential bidders should review the complete Auction Procedures for Offshore Wind Lease Sales (Version 1) located at: https://www.boem.gov/​renewable-energy/​lease-and-grant-information.

    c. The Auction: Using an online bidding system to host the auction, BOEM will start the bidding for the lease areas as described below.

    Table 4—Gulf of Maine Proposed Lease Areas and Minimum Bids

    Lease area ID Region Acres Minimum bid
    OCS-A 0562 North 97,854 $4,892,700
    OCS-A 0563 North 105,682 5,284,100
    OCS-A 0564 South 98,565 4,928,250
    OCS-A 0565 South 103,191 5,159,550
    OCS-A 0566 South 96,075 4,803,750
    OCS-A 0567 South 117,780 5,889,000
    OCS-A 0568 South 124,897 6,244,850
    OCS-A 0569 South 106,038 5,301,900

Document Information

Ocean Energy Management Bureau
Entry Type:
Final sale notice; request for comments.
Document Number:
BOEM will hold an online mock auction for potential bidders starting at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) on October 24, 2024. The monetary auction will be held online and will begin at 9:00 a.m. EDT on October 29, 2024. Additional details are provided in the section entitled, "Deadlines and Milestones for Bidders."
76132-76146 (15 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. BOEM-2024-0026
PDF File: