95-23107. Special Exemptions From Requirements of the Clean Air Act for the Territory of Guam  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 180 (Monday, September 18, 1995)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 48037-48039]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-23107]
    40 CFR Part 69
    Special Exemptions From Requirements of the Clean Air Act for the 
    Territory of Guam
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (``EPA'').
    ACTION: Direct final rulemaking.
    SUMMARY: On July 14, 1995, the Governor of Guam filed a petition 
    (``Petition'') with the Administrator seeking a waiver of certain Clean 
    Air Act (``CAA'') requirements which apply to Guam Power Authority 
    (``GPA''). The Petition was filed under Section 325(a) of the CAA. The 
    waiver will help to ease a severe energy emergency on Guam. Based upon 
    the information in the Petition and supplementary information from GPA 
    and the Guam Environmental Protection Agency (``GEPA''), EPA is 
    granting the waiver requested. EPA finds that there is good cause for a 
    direct final rulemaking and that notice and public procedures are 
    impracticable, unnecessary, and contrary to the public interest.
        The waiver allows, with certain conditions, one baseload diesel 
    electric generating facility to operate at the Cabras Power Plant prior 
    to the receipt of a final Prevention of Significant Deterioration 
    (``PSD'') permit by GPA. The waiver also allows the construction, but 
    not operation, of a second baseload diesel unit at the Cabras Power 
    Plant prior to GPA's receipt of a final PSD permit.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: This direct final rule is effective September 18, 1995.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Norman Lovelace, Chief, Office of 
    Pacific Islands and Native American Programs (E-4), Office of External 
    Affairs, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region IX, 75 Hawthorne 
    Street, San Francisco, California 94105. Telephone: (415) 744-1599.
        The Petition was submitted by Governor Gutierrez of Guam to the 
    Administrator of EPA in a letter dated July 14, 1995. It is accompanied 
    by supporting documentation, including newspaper accounts describing 
    traffic safety, water supply, and political problems caused by the 
    significant electrical energy shortage on Guam. The Petition 
    incorporates an air quality analysis, based upon computer modeling, 
    which demonstrates the effects of the waiver upon air quality, 
    particularly in the offshore direction, from the generating facilities 
        The Petition seeks a waiver of certain CAA requirements for the 
    operation and construction by GPA of two baseload diesel electric 
    generators. Both units are part of the Cabras Power Plant. The first 
    facility involved is designated as Cabras Unit No. 3. This forty 
    megawatt diesel generator was constructed, pursuant to 40 CFR 
    69.11(a)(1), prior to GPA's receipt of a final PSD permit. (This unit 
    is designated Cabras Diesel No. 1 in 40 CFR 69.11(a)(1). Its 
    designation has been changed since the 1993 promulgation of that rule.) 
    The Petition asks EPA to waive CAA requirements as necessary to allow 
    operation of Cabras Unit No. 3, subject to conditions, prior to receipt 
    of a final PSD permit by GPA.
        The waiver describes two conditions accompanying the operation of 
    Cabras Unit No. 3. First, during operations under the waiver a lower 
    sulfur fuel oil will be fired in the Cabras Power Plant and in the 
    adjacent Piti Power Plant during certain periods. These power plants 
    operate under a fuel switching intermittent control strategy, and the 
    sulfur-in-fuel reduction in the waiver application applies to 
    operations under offshore wind conditions. Second, the waiver will last 
    only until August 15, 1996, or until issuance of a final PSD permit to 
    GPA for this unit, whichever occurs first.
        The Petition also seeks a waiver of CAA requirements as necessary 
    to allow GPA to construct a second forty megawatt baseload unit at the 
    Cabras Power Plant. This facility is designated as Cabras Unit No. 4. 
    The waiver application seeks to allow construction of Cabras Unit No. 4 
    prior to a receipt by GPA of a PSD permit. Cabras Unit No. 4 will not 
    operate prior to receipt of final PSD permit.
        Guam has experienced a longstanding shortage of electrical energy, 
    repeatedly leading to rotating blackouts of areas of the island. The 
    background to this energy shortage is described in the 1993 waiver 
    proceeding before EPA. 50 FR 15579, 15580. The Petition describes how 
    the 1993 energy shortage has continued despite a substantial capital 
    development program by GPA, and in some respects has grown worse. The 
    energy shortage was created originally because of very rapid growth in 
    energy demand due to increased residential electrical consumption and a 
    boom in tourism. The Petition describes how energy shortfalls are now 
    exacerbated as a result of substantial facility outages caused by 
    equipment failures.
        As EPA noted in the 1993 waiver proceeding, Guam is an isolated 
    island. 58 FR 13580. GPA generates almost all electric power used on 
    the island (other than power generated by the United States Navy). 
    Unlike power authorities on the mainland United States, GPA does not 
    have the option of purchasing power from other sources. Guam is, and 
    must remain, self sufficient with regard to energy generation.
        The Petition states that Guam's energy shortfall has worsened in 
    recent months because of facility outages caused by planned and 
    unplanned maintenance requirements. The longstanding nature of the 
    energy shortage has required GPA to use its existing facilities at peak 
    capacity for several years. GPA has also deferred planned maintenance, 
    when safety considerations have allowed, to permit units to remain in 
    service. Because of the length of time which has elapsed since the 
    beginning of the emergency, the result is now substantially reduced 
    reliability of GPA's electric generating units. The Petition describes 
    several significant and unplanned recent maintenance outages.
        The construction and operation of additional, reliable baseload 
    generating units will enable GPA to satisfy electrical demand with an 
    appropriate margin of safety, while at the same time allowing for 
    planned maintenance outages of generating units. Once sufficient 
    baseload capacity exists and can be operated, routine, as well as 
    unplanned blackouts on the island will be ended. Cabras Units Nos. 3 
    and 4 are such baseload units.
        The Petition states that Cabras Unit No. 3 will be ready to begin 
    operation and electrical generation on approximately August 15, 1995. 
    The building which houses Cabras Unit No. 
    [[Page 48038]]
    3 and will house Cabras Unit No. 4 has already been constructed under 
    40 CFR 69.11. The remaining construction of Cabras Unit No. 4 can be 
    carried out immediately pursuant to this rulemaking.
        The Petition describes a second potential difficulty with PSD 
    permitting for the operation of Cabras Unit No. 3 and the construction 
    of Cabras Unit No. 4. Absent changes in the current operations of the 
    Cabras and Piti Power Plants, GPA's computer modeling suggests that the 
    operation of the new units, combined with existing facilities, may 
    cause exceedences of sulfur dioxide National Ambient Air Quality 
    Standards (``NAAQS'') on Orote Point, a peninsula of elevated terrain 
    located in the offshore direction from the power plants.
        GPA is re-evaluating its computer modeling results using state of 
    the art wind tunnel modeling. Preliminary results of wind tunnel 
    modeling seem to confirm the possibility of the exceedences projected 
    by computer models. If a final analysis upholds that result, 
    significant changes to power plant operations likely will be necessary 
    in order for PSD permits to be issued for Cabras Units Nos. 3 and 4.
        Section 325(a) of the CAA allows a waiver of certain CAA 
    requirements, based upon local factors, only if the waiver will not 
    cause exceedences of the primary NAAQS or violations of the hazardous 
    air pollutant provisions of the CAA. The hazardous air pollutant 
    provisions of the CAA are not affected by the Petition. The Petition is 
    accompanied by an air quality analysis, utilizing computer modeling, 
    which demonstrates that all NAAQS will be protected if the requested 
    waivers are granted and incorporate the operating conditions described 
        GPA operates the Cabras and Piti Power Plants under an intermittent 
    control strategy which utilizes fuel switching. This intermittent 
    control strategy is described in an EPA document entitled the ``Cabras 
    Area ICS.'' This strategy has required the use of fuel oil with a 
    maximum sulfur content of 1.19 percent when winds blow in an onshore 
    direction, and the use of fuel oil with a maximum sulfur content of 
    2.84 percent when winds blow in an offshore direction.
        As a condition of the waiver sought, GPA is to reduce the sulfur 
    content in the fuel oil fired in the Cabras Power Plant and the Piti 
    Power Plant when winds blow in an offshore direction. The sulfur 
    content of the fuel used will be reduced to a maximum content of 2.00 
    percent. The Petition describes how GPA will obtain and assure the use 
    of such fuel oil prior to beginning the operation of Cabras Unit No. 3.
        EPA is granting the Petition, with the conditions contained 
    therein, and is issuing the requested waiver. Cabras Unit No. 3 will be 
    allowed to operate prior to receipt of a PSD permit. This operation is 
    subject to the use of fuel oil with a maximum sulfur content of 2.00 
    percent at the Cabras and Piti Power Plants during offshore wind 
    conditions. Moreover, this waiver for Cabras Unit No. 3 is granted only 
    until August 15, 1996, or until a final PSD permit is secured by GPA, 
    whichever event occurs sooner. Cabras Unit No. 4 may be constructed, 
    but not operated, prior to receipt of a PSD permit. Finally, a report 
    on the results of GPA's Orote Point evaluation shall be filed with EPA 
    by October 15, 1995.
        Cabras Unit No. 3 is subject to a conditional permit to construct, 
    issued by GEPA on May 12, 1994. GPA has filed an application to GEPA 
    for authority to operate this unit. During the period of this waiver, 
    GPA must comply with the requirements of these GEPA permits.
        This rule is promulgated on a direct final basis. EPA is convinced 
    that the energy emergency on Guam creates significant adverse 
    consequences which require immediate action. As documented in the 
    Petition, continuing planned and unplanned power outages on Guam create 
    substantial public health and safety concerns. EPA has been furnished 
    with descriptions of traffic intersections at which traffic lights 
    cannot operate. The water supplies to areas on Guam are serviced by 
    electric pumps, and EPA has also been furnished with descriptions of 
    interruptions of water supplies due to power outages. Finally, as would 
    be expected, significant and sustained citizen displeasure has been 
    voiced regarding this problem. These factors constitute good cause for 
    EPA to waive notice requirements. In this instance, a delay in the 
    effectiveness of this waiver granted would be impracticable and 
    contrary to the public interest. In addition, based on the lack of 
    negative comments in the 1993 waiver proceeding, EPA believes that this 
    is a noncontroversial rulemaking action. Therefore, EPA finds that 
    there is good cause for a direct final rulemaking, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 
    553(d)(3), and that notice and public procedures are impracticable, 
    unnecessary, and contrary to the public interest.
        GEPA has received and reviewed a copy of the Petition. It supports 
    the issuance of this waiver.
    Regulatory Analysis
        Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 600 et seq., EPA 
    must prepare a Regulatory Flexibility Analysis assessing the impact of 
    any proposed or final rule on small entities. 5 U.S.C. 603 and 604. 
    Alternatively, EPA may certify that the rule will not have a 
    significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. 
    Small entities include small businesses, small not-for-profit 
    enterprises, and government entities with jurisdiction over populations 
    of less than 50,000.
        This direct final rule applies only to large sources of air 
    emissions used to generate electrical power on Guam. These sources of 
    electrical power will be constructed, owned, and operated by GPA. This 
    organization is not a small entity. Therefore, this rulemaking will not 
    impact small entities.
        This action has been classified as a Table 3 action for signature 
    by the Administrator under the procedures published in the Federal 
    Register on January 19, 1989 (54 FR 2214-2225). The Office of 
    Management and Budget has exempted this regulatory action from 
    Executive Order 12866 review.
    List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 69
        Air pollution control.
        Dated: September 11, 1995.
    Carol Browner,
        Part 69 of chapter I, title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations 
    is amended to read as follows:
    PART 69--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 69 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: Section 325, Clean Air Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 
        2. Section 69.11 is amended by adding paragraph (c) to read as 
    Sec. 69.11  New exemptions.
    * * * * *
        (c) Pursuant to Section 325(a) of the CAA and a petition submitted 
    by the Governor of Guam on July 14, 1995 (``1995 Petition''), the 
    Administrator of EPA conditionally exempts Guam Power Authority 
    (``GPA'') from certain CAA requirements.
        (1) A waiver of the requirement to obtain a PSD permit prior to 
    construction is granted for the electric generating unit identified in 
    the 1995 Petition as Cabras Unit No. 4, with the following conditions:
        (i) Cabras Unit No. 4 shall not operate until a final PSD permit is 
    received by GPA for this unit;
        (ii) Cabras Unit No. 4 shall not operate until it complies with all 
    [[Page 48039]]
    of its PSD permit, including, if necessary, retrofitting with BACT;
        (iii) If Cabras Unit No. 4 operates either prior to the issuance of 
    a final PSD permit or without BACT equipment, Cabras Unit No. 4 shall 
    be deemed in violation of this waiver and the CAA beginning on the date 
    of commencement of construction of the unit.
        (2) A waiver of the requirement to obtain a PSD permit prior to the 
    operation of the unit identified in the 1995 Petition as Cabras Unit 
    No. 3 is granted subject to the following conditions:
        (i) The protocol to be followed for the ICS of fuel switching for 
    electric generating units shall be modified to require the use of fuel 
    oil with a sulfur content of 2.00 percent or less during offshore wind 
    conditions. This fuel shall be fired in Cabras Power Plant Units Nos. 1 
    through 3 and in Piti Power Plant Units Nos. 4 and 5.
        (ii) Cabras Unit No. 3 shall operate in compliance with all 
    applicable requirements in its permits to construct and to operate as 
    issued by Guam Environmental Protection Agency.
        (iii) The waiver provisions allowing Cabras Unit No. 3 to operate 
    prior to issuance of a PSD permit shall expire on August 15, 1996, or 
    upon the receipt by GPA of a PSD permit for Cabras Unit No. 3, 
    whichever event occurs first.
        (3) On or before October 15, 1995, GPA shall submit to EPA, Region 
    IX, a report concerning the operation of Cabras Unit No. 3 and the 
    construction of Cabras Unit No. 4. The report shall contain:
        (i) A summary of GPA's conclusions from its wind tunnel study;
        (ii) A description of the alternatives available to assure 
    compliance with all air quality requirements, including PSD 
    requirements, during the operation of Cabras Units Nos. 3 and 4;
        (iii) A description of the alternative GPA chooses to assure 
    compliance with all air quality requirements, including PSD 
    requirements, during the operation of Cabras Units Nos. 3 and 4; and
        (iv) A plan of implementation by GPA.
    [FR Doc. 95-23107 Filed 9-15-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Direct final rulemaking.
Document Number:
This direct final rule is effective September 18, 1995.
48037-48039 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
40 CFR 69.11