94-22527. Clean Air Act Approval and Promulgation of PMINF10 Implementation Plan for Colorado; Designation of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes; Telluride  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 180 (Monday, September 19, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page 0]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-22527]
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: September 19, 1994]
    40 CFR Parts 52 and 81
    [CO29-1-6611, CO29-1-6619, & CO36-5-6598; FRL-5068-4]
    Clean Air Act Approval and Promulgation of PM10 
    Implementation Plan for Colorado; Designation of Areas for Air Quality 
    Planning Purposes; Telluride
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: EPA partially approves the State implementation plan (SIP) 
    submitted by the State of Colorado to achieve attainment of the 
    National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for particulate matter 
    with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to a nominal 10 
    micrometers (PM10), including: control measures, technical 
    analyses, and other Clean Air Act SIP requirements, with the exception 
    of the quantitative milestones element. The SIP was submitted by the 
    Governor of Colorado in a letter dated March 17, 1993 to satisfy 
    certain federal requirements for an approvable SIP for the Telluride, 
    Colorado moderate PM10 nonattainment area. EPA conditionally 
    approves the quantitative milestone element because the SIP does not 
    demonstrate maintenance of the PM10 NAAQS through 1997. However, 
    the State has committed to adopt control measures necessary to provide 
    for maintenance.
        In addition, EPA approves the SIP revision submitted by the 
    Governor with a letter dated December 9, 1993 to address contingency 
    measure requirements for the Telluride moderate PM10 nonattainment 
        Finally, EPA amends the boundary for the Telluride nonattainment 
    area to clarify the original description.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: This rule will become effective on October 19, 1994.
    ADDRESSES: Copies of the State's submittals and other information are 
    available for inspection during normal business hours at the following 
    Air Programs Branch, Environmental Protection Agency, Region VIII, 999 
    18th Street, suite 500, Denver, Colorado 80202-2405
    Colorado Department of Health, Air Pollution Control Division, 4300 
    Cherry Creek Drive South, Denver, Colorado 80222-1530
    The Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center, 401 M Street, SW, 
    Washington, DC 20460.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Amy Platt, Environmental Protection 
    Agency, Region VIII, (303) 293-1769.
    I. Background
        The Telluride, Colorado area was designated nonattainment for 
    PM10 and classified as moderate under sections 107(d)(4)(B) and 
    188(a) of the Clean Air Act, upon enactment of the Clean Air Act 
    Amendments of 1990.\1\ See 56 FR 56694 (Nov. 6, 1991), 40 CFR 81.306 
    (Telluride). The air quality planning requirements for moderate 
    PM10 nonattainment areas are set out in subparts 1 and 4 of part 
    D, title I of the Act.\2\
        \1\The 1990 Amendments to the Clean Air Act made significant 
    changes to the Act. See Public Law No. 101-549, 104 Stat. 2399. 
    References herein are to the Clean Air Act, as amended (``the 
    Act''). The Clean Air Act is codified, as amended, in the U.S. Code 
    at 42 U.S.C. 7401, et seq.
        \2\Subpart 1 contains provisions applicable to nonattainment 
    areas generally and Subpart 4 contains provisions specifically 
    applicable to PM10 nonattainment areas. At times, Subpart 1 and 
    Subpart 4 overlap or conflict. EPA has attempted to clarify the 
    relationship among these provisions in the ``General Preamble'' and, 
    as appropriate, in today's notice and supporting information.
        The EPA has issued a ``General Preamble'' describing EPA's 
    preliminary views on how EPA intends to review SIPs and SIP revisions 
    submitted under title I of the Act, including those State submittals 
    containing moderate PM10 nonattainment area SIP requirements (see 
    generally 57 FR 13498, April 16, 1992 and 57 FR 18070, April 28, 1992). 
    Because EPA is describing its interpretations here only in broad terms, 
    the reader should refer to the General Preamble for a more detailed 
    discussion of the interpretations of title I advanced in this proposal 
    and the supporting rationale.
        Those States containing initial moderate PM10 nonattainment 
    areas (those areas designated under section 107(d)(4)(B) of the Act) 
    were required to submit, among other things, the following provisions 
    by November 15, 1991:
        1. Provisions to assure that reasonably available control measures 
    (RACM) [including such reductions in emissions from existing sources in 
    the area as may be obtained through the adoption, at a minimum, of 
    reasonably available control technology (RACT)] shall be implemented no 
    later than December 10, 1993;
        2. Either a demonstration (including air quality modelling) that 
    the plan will provide for attainment as expeditiously as practicable 
    but no later than December 31, 1994, or a demonstration that attainment 
    by that date is impracticable;
        3. Quantitative milestones which are to be achieved every three 
    years and which demonstrate reasonable further progress (RFP) toward 
    attainment by December 31, 1994; and
        4. Provisions to assure that the control requirements applicable to 
    major stationary sources of PM10 also apply to major stationary 
    sources of PM10 precursors except where the Administrator 
    determines that such sources do not contribute significantly to 
    PM10 levels which exceed the NAAQS in the area. See sections 
    172(c), 188, and 189 of the Act.
        Some provisions were due at a later date. States with initial 
    moderate PM10 nonattainment areas were required to submit a permit 
    program for the construction and operation of new and modified major 
    stationary sources of PM10 by June 30, 1992 (see section 189(a)). 
    The State has submitted such a permit program, and EPA will address 
    that submittal in a separate action. Such States also were required to 
    submit contingency measures by November 15, 1993 which become effective 
    without further action by the State or EPA, upon a determination by EPA 
    that the area has failed to achieve reasonable further progress or to 
    attain the PM10 NAAQS by the applicable statutory deadline (see 
    section 172(c)(9) and 57 FR 13543-13544). The State of Colorado has 
    submitted contingency measures for Telluride and EPA is addressing 
    those measures in this action.
        On June 23, 1994, EPA announced its proposed action on the 
    Telluride, Colorado moderate nonattainment area PM10 SIP and 
    contingency measures (59 FR 32397-32405). In that proposed rulemaking 
    and related Technical Support Document (TSD), EPA described its 
    interpretations of title I and its rationale for the proposed 
    rulemaking taking into consideration the specific factual issues 
        EPA requested public comments on all aspects of the proposal 
    (please reference 59 FR 32404). No comments were received. This final 
    action on the Telluride moderate nonattainment area PM10 SIP is 
    unchanged from the June 23, 1994 proposed action.
        The discussion herein provides only a broad overview of the 
    proposed action EPA is now finalizing. The public is referred to the 
    June 23, 1994 proposed rule for a more in depth discussion of the 
    action now being finalized.
    II. This Action
        Section 110(k) of the Act sets out provisions governing EPA's 
    review of SIP submittals (see 57 FR 13565-13566). The Governor of 
    Colorado submitted the Telluride PM10 SIP in a letter dated March 
    17, 1993, and the Telluride PM10 contingency measures in a letter 
    dated December 9, 1993. As described in EPA's proposed action on this 
    SIP (59 FR 32397-32405), the Telluride moderate nonattainment area plan 
    includes, among other things, technical analyses, control measures to 
    satisfy the RACM requirement, a demonstration (including air quality 
    modelling) that attainment of the PM10 NAAQS will be achieved by 
    December 31, 1994, and enforceability documentation. Further, EPA 
    proposed to determine that major sources of precursors of PM10 do 
    not contribute significantly to PM10 levels in excess of the NAAQS 
    in Telluride.\3\
        \3\The consequences of this finding are to exclude these sources 
    from the applicability of PM10 nonattainment area control 
    requirements. Note that EPA's finding is based on the current 
    character of the area including for example, the existing mix of 
    sources in the area. It is possible, therefore, that future growth 
    could change the significance of precursors in the area.
        In this final rulemaking, EPA announces its partial approval of 
    those elements (excluding the quantitative milestone element) of the 
    Telluride PM10 SIP, which were due on November 15, 1991 and 
    submitted on March 17, 1993. Further, section 110(k)(4) of the Act 
    authorizes EPA to approve a plan revision based on a commitment of the 
    State to adopt specific enforceable measures by a date certain, but not 
    later than one year after the date of approval of the plan revision. 
    Hence, EPA announces its conditional approval of the quantitative 
    milestones element of the Telluride PM10 SIP based on the State's 
    commitment, dated April 21, 1994, to adopt control measures for 
    Telluride by November 30, 1994 that are necessary to demonstrate 
    maintenance of the PM10 NAAQS. Section 110(k)(4) provides that any 
    such conditional approval shall be treated as a disapproval if the 
    state fails to comply with such commitment.\4\
        \4\If the State fails to comply with its commitment, this 
    conditional approval of the quantitative milestones element will 
    become a disapproval upon EPA notification of the State by letter. 
    EPA subsequently will publish a notice in the ``Notices Section'' of 
    the Federal Register announcing such action and explaining its 
    implications. If this conditional approval is converted to a 
    disapproval, the sanctions clock under section 179(a) of the Act 
    will begin. This clock will begin at the time EPA issues a final 
    disapproval or at the time EPA notifies the State by letter that a 
    conditional approval has been converted to a disapproval.
        The quantitative milestone element of the Telluride SIP is 
    deficient in that it does not demonstrate that the second quantitative 
    milestone--continued maintenance from 1994 through 1997--will be 
    achieved. EPA conditionally approves this element of the SIP in light 
    of the State's commitment to adopt additional control measures 
    necessary to provide for continued maintenance.
        The State has indicated that it intends to address the maintenance 
    issue by proposing for adoption additional control measures to maintain 
    the PM10 NAAQS through 1997. In an April 21, 1994 letter from 
    Thomas Getz, Colorado Air Pollution Control Division (APCD), to Douglas 
    M. Skie, EPA, the State made the following commitments: (1) maintenance 
    control measures and any related SIP revision will be proposed to the 
    Colorado Air Quality Control Commission (AQCC) by July 21, 1994; (2) a 
    public hearing on such regulations and SIP revision will be held by 
    October 20, 1994; and (3) the adopted regulations and SIP revision will 
    be submitted to EPA by November 30, 1994. The effective date of such 
    measures must be November 1, 1995, but could be as early as December 1, 
        Upon adoption and submittal to EPA, these additional control 
    measures for maintenance will be evaluated for their adequacy in 
    allowing the area to demonstrate maintenance through 1997.
        On August 16, 1994, EPA only partially approved the State's 
    nonattainment new source review (NSR) permitting regulations for the 
    Telluride moderate PM10 nonattainment area (among others) because 
    the State did not submit NSR permitting regulations for sources of 
    PM10 precursors in Telluride and because EPA had not yet found 
    that such sources did not contribute significantly in Telluride (see 59 
    FR 33213). In this final rulemaking, EPA is now finalizing its finding 
    that major stationary sources of precursors of PM10 do not 
    contribute significantly to PM10 levels in excess of the NAAQS in 
    Telluride. The consequence of this finding is to exclude major 
    stationary sources of PM10 precursors in Telluride from the 
    applicability of PM10 nonattainment area control requirements, 
    including nonattainment NSR permitting requirements. Thus, the State's 
    nonattainment NSR regulations for Telluride area now considered fully 
        In this final rulemaking action EPA also announces its full 
    approval of the PM10 contingency measures that were due on 
    November 15, 1993 and submitted by the State on December 9, 1993. In 
    addition, EPA amends the nonattainment area boundary description for 
    Telluride in order to clarify the original description.
        Please refer to EPA's proposed rulemaking (59 FR 32397) and the TSD 
    for that action for a detailed discussion of these elements of the 
    Telluride plan.
        EPA finds that the State of Colorado's PM10 SIP for the 
    Telluride moderate nonattainment area meets the Reasonably Available 
    Control Measures (RACM), including Reasonably Available Control 
    Technology (RACT), requirement. Colorado's SIP revision for Telluride 
    contains control measures for sources of wood and coal burning. The 
    State has demonstrated that by applying control measures to this area 
    source, Telluride will be in attainment by December 31, 1994, and it 
    does not appear that apply further control measures to these sources 
    would expedite attainment.
        Therefore, EPA views the following measure as reasonable, 
    enforceable, and responsible for significant PM10 emissions 
    reductions in Telluride: Colorado regulation entitled ``State 
    Implementation Plan--Specific Regulations for Local Elements, II. 
    Telluride Nonattainment Area,'' which requires continued implementation 
    of local programs to control solid fuel burning devices, eliminate coal 
    burning, and prohibit installation of additional solid fuel burning 
    devices. The RACM (including RACT) provisions in the SIP are described 
    further in the TSD associated with EPA's June 23, 1994 proposed 
    rulemaking on this SIP.
        A more detailed discussion of the individual source contributions, 
    their associated control measures (including available control 
    technology) and an explanation of why certain available control 
    measures were not implemented, can be found in the TSD accompanying 
    EPA's proposed rulemaking for the Telluride moderate PM10 
    nonattainment area SIP (59 FR 32397). EPA has reviewed the state's 
    documentation and concluded that it adequate justifies the control 
    measure to be implemented. The implementation of Colorado's PM10 
    nonattainment plan for Telluride will result in attainment of the 
    PM10 NAAQS by December 31, 1994. EPA is approving the Telluride 
    PM10 plan's control strategy as satisfying the RACM (including 
    RACT) requirement.
        EPA also finds that the State of Colorado's December 9, 1993 
    submittal of PM10 contingency measures for the Telluride moderate 
    PM10 nonattainment area meets the requirements of section 
    172(c)(9) of the Act. Specifically, section II.B. of the State 
    regulation entitled ``State Implementation Plan-Specific Regulations 
    for Local Elements'' provides that, upon the determination that the 
    area has failed to attain the PM10 NAAQS or make reasonable 
    further progress (RFP), the following will be implemented: (1) 0.30 
    miles of dirt roads within the Town of Telluride will be chip-seal 
    paved, and (2) either 2.0 miles of unpaved San Miguel County gravel 
    roads at the Ski Ranches Subdivision or 0.75 miles of private dirt 
    roads at the Hillside/Gold King Subdivision (each within the Telluride 
    nonattainment area) will be chip-seal paved. EPA has reviewed the 
    State's documentation and regulation and concluded that they adequately 
    meet the requirements of section 172(c)(9) of the Act. By this action, 
    EPA is approving the PM10 contingency measures for the Telluride 
    moderate PM10 nonattainment area.
        Finally, EPA announces a clarification to the Telluride moderate 
    PM10 nonattainment area boundary, which is based on a legal 
    description of the map outline of the area, as follows.
        The Telluride nonattainment area begins at the intersection of 
    Colorado State Highway 145 and the Telluride service area boundary, as 
    it existed in 1991. The western edge of the nonattainment area until it 
    meets Remine Creek is defined as follows:
        A tract of land located in a portion of the west one-half of 
    Section 28 and the east one-half of Section 29, Township 43 North, 
    Range 9 west, of the New Mexico Principal Meridian, County of San 
    Miguel, State of Colorado, described as follows:
    Beginning at the southwest corner of the said Section 28;
        Thence N 89 deg.36'00'' W. 292.70 Feet;
        Thence S 04 deg.05'12'' W. 538.63 Feet;
        Thence N 03 deg.29'42'' W. 780.19 Feet;
        Thence N 22 deg.15'00'' E. 3,344.16 Feet;
        Thence S 51 deg.51'49'' E. 570.44 Feet;
        Thence S 03 deg.15'36'' E. 1,106.22 Feet;
        Thence S 45 deg.24'42'' E. 546.96 Feet;
        Thence S 28 deg.41'12'' W. 549.62 Feet;
        Thence S 29 deg.40'09'' E. 169.68 Feet;
        Thence S 44 deg.30'03'' W. 649.51 Feet;
        Thence S 85 deg.54'00'' E. 660.00 Feet;
        Thence S 04 deg.06'00'' W. 660.00 Feet;
        Thence N 89 deg.56'00'' E. 1,318.68 Feet; to the true point of 
    beginning containing 11,249 acres as described above.
        Then, at Remine Creek, the nonattainment boundary follows the 
    service area boundary for 9.65 miles to the eastern edge of the area, 
    continuing to follow the 9,200 foot contour line. The boundary then 
    intersects Bear Creek. Here the nonattainment boundary diverges from 
    the service area boundary (9,200 foot contour line). The nonattainment 
    boundary continues in a west, southwest direction for 0.92 miles from 
    the intersection of the 9,200 foot contour line and Bear Creek to the 
    top of ski lift number 9 in the Telluride Ski Area at an elevation of 
    about 11,900 feet. The boundary then shifts and runs in a north-
    westerly direction for 0.83 miles from the top of lift 9 to the top of 
    lift 7, which is located at an elevation of 10,490 feet. From the top 
    of lift 7, the nonattainment boundary continues in a north-westerly 
    direction for 0.5 miles to the intersection of lift 3 with the 10,000 
    foot control line. The nonattainment boundary follows the 10,000 foot 
    contour line in a south, south-west direction for 3.2 miles, until it 
    intersects Skunk Creek. Here the boundary diverges from the 10,000 foot 
    contour line and follows Skunk Creek in a northerly direction for 2.25 
    miles. At the intersection of Skunk Creek and Colorado State Highway 
    145, the nonattainment boundary leaves the creek and follows Highway 
    145 in a northerly direction until it meets the service area boundary 
    as it existed prior to changes adopted in 1991.
        EPA is replacing the boundary description currently in 40 CFR 
    81.306 with this revised description to more clearly define the 
    nonattainment area. Note that this description is merely a more 
    detailed explanation of the boundary and not a change in the boundary 
        Nothing in this action should be construed as permitting or 
    allowing or establishing a precedent for any future request for a 
    revision to any SIP. Each request for a revision to the SIP shall be 
    considered separately in light of specific technical, economic, and 
    environmental factors, and in relation to relevant statutory and 
    regulatory requirements.
    III. Final Action
        This document announces EPA's final action on the rulemaking 
    proposed at 59 FR 32397 on June 23, 1994. As noted elsewhere in this 
    action, EPA received no comments on the proposed action. As a direct 
    result, the Regional Administrator has reclassified this action from 
    Table 2 to Table 3 under the processing procedures established at 54 FR 
    2214, January 19, 1989.
        Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 600, et seq., EPA 
    must prepare a regulatory flexibility analysis assessing the impact of 
    any proposed or final rule on small entities. 5 U.S.C. 603 and 604. 
    Alternatively, EPA may certify that the rule will not have a 
    significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. 
    Small entities include small businesses, small not-for-profit 
    enterprises, and government entities with jurisdiction over populations 
    of less than 50,000.
        Approvals and conditional approvals of SIP submittals under 
    sections 110 and 301, and subchapter I, part D of the Clean Air Act do 
    not create any new requirements, but simply approve requirements that 
    the State is already imposing. Therefore, because the Federal SIP-
    approval does not impose any new requirements, I certify that it does 
    not have a significant impact on small entities affected. Moreover, due 
    to the nature of the Federal-state relationship under the Clean Air 
    Act, preparation of a regulatory flexibility analysis would constitute 
    Federal inquiry into the economic reasonableness of state action. The 
    Clean Air Act forbids EPA to base its actions concerning SIPs on such 
    grounds. Union Electric Co. v. U.S. E.P.A., 427 U.S. 246, 256-66 
    (1976); 42 U.S.C. 7410(a)(2).
        Under section 307(b)(1) of the Clean Air Act, petitions for 
    judicial review of this action must be filed in the United States Court 
    of Appeals for the appropriate circuit by November 18, 1994. Filing a 
    petition for reconsideration by the Administrator of this final rule 
    does not affect the finality of this rule for the purposes of judicial 
    review nor does it extend the time within which a petition for judicial 
    review must be filed, and shall not postpone the effectiveness of such 
    rule or action. This action may not be challenged later in proceedings 
    to enforce its requirements (see section 307(b)(2)).
        The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has exempted these 
    actions from review under Executive Order 12866.
    List of Subjects
    40 CFR Part 52
        Environmental protection, Air pollution control, Hydrocarbons, 
    Incorporation by reference, Intergovernmental relations, Nitrogen 
    dioxide, Particulate matter, Reporting and record keeping requirements, 
    Sulfur dioxide, Volatile organic compounds.
    40 CFR Part 81
        Air pollution control, National parks, Wilderness areas.
        Dated: August 31, 1994.
    Jack W. McGraw,
    Acting, Regional Administrator.
        Chapter I, title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations is amended 
    as follows:
    PART 52--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 52 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401-7671q.
        2. Section 52.320 is amended by adding paragraph (c)(68) to read as 
    Sec. 52.320  Identification of plan.
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
        (68) The Governor of Colorado submitted a portion of the 
    requirements for the moderate nonattainment area PM10 State 
    Implementation Plan (SIP) for Telluride, Colorado with a letter dated 
    March 17, 1993. The submittal was made to satisfy those moderate 
    PM10 nonattainment area SIP requirements due for Telluride on 
    November 15, 1991; however, the submittal did not contain quantitative 
    milestones to provide for maintenance of the PM10 National Ambient 
    Air Quality Standards through December 1997. The Governor of Colorado 
    submitted moderate PM10 nonattainment area contingency measures 
    for Telluride with a letter dated December 9, 1993. This submittal was 
    intended to satisfy the requirements of section 172(c)(9) of the Clean 
    Air Act due on November 15, 1993.
        (i) Incorporation by reference.
        (A) Colorado Air Quality Control Commission Nonattainment Areas 
    regulation, Section II., Telluride Nonattainment Area, adopted January 
    21, 1993 and effective on March 2, 1993, with revisions adopted 
    November 12, 1993 and effective December 30, 1993.
        (ii) Additional material.
        (A) The commitment and schedule for the adoption and implementation 
    of PM10 control measures that are necessary to demonstrate 
    maintenance of the 24-hour PM10 standard in Telluride, which were 
    submitted in an April 21, 1994 letter from Thomas Getz, Air Pollution 
    Control Division, to Douglas M. Skie, EPA.
    PART 81--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 81 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401-7671q.
        2. In Sec. 81.306 the table for Colorado-PM10 Nonattainment 
    Areas is amended under San Miguel County by revising the entry for 
    ``Telluride'' to read as follows:
    Sec. 81.306  Colorado
    * * * * *
                                          Colorado.--PM-10 Nonattainment Areas                                      
                                                  Designation                              Classification           
          Designated Area        -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                     Date                   Type                   Date                Type         
    San Miguel County                                                                                               
        Telluride...............     11/15/90  Nonattainment                       11/15/90  Moderate               
            The Telluride                                                                                           
             nonattainment area                                                                                     
             begins at the                                                                                          
             intersection of                                                                                        
             Colorado State                                                                                         
             Highway 145 and the                                                                                    
             Telluride service                                                                                      
             area boundary, as                                                                                      
             it existed in 1991.                                                                                    
             The western edge of                                                                                    
             the nonattainment                                                                                      
             area until it meets                                                                                    
             Remine Creek is                                                                                        
             defined as follows:                                                                                    
             A tract of land                                                                                        
             located in a                                                                                           
             portion of the west                                                                                    
             one-half of Section                                                                                    
             28 and the east one-                                                                                   
             half of Section 29,                                                                                    
             Township 43 North,                                                                                     
             Range 9 west, of                                                                                       
             the New Mexico                                                                                         
             Principal Meridian,                                                                                    
             County of San                                                                                          
             Miguel, State of                                                                                       
             Colorado, described                                                                                    
             as follows:                                                                                            
             Beginning at the                                                                                       
             southwest corner of                                                                                    
             the said Section                                                                                       
             28; Thence N 89                                                                                        
             deg.36'00'' W.                                                                                         
             292.70 Feet; Thence                                                                                    
             S 04 deg.05'12'' W.                                                                                    
             538.63 Feet; Thence                                                                                    
             N 03 deg.29'42'' W.                                                                                    
             780.19 Feet; Thence                                                                                    
             N 22 deg.15'00''E.                                                                                     
             3344.16 Feet;                                                                                          
             Thence S 51                                                                                            
             deg.51'49'' E.                                                                                         
             570.44 Feet; Thence                                                                                    
             S 03 deg.15'36'' E.                                                                                    
             1106.22 Feet;                                                                                          
             Thence S 45                                                                                            
             deg.24'42'' E.                                                                                         
             546.96 Feet; Thence                                                                                    
             S 28 deg.41'12'' W.                                                                                    
             549.62 Feet; Thence                                                                                    
             S 29 deg.40'09'' E.                                                                                    
             169.68 Feet; Thence                                                                                    
             S 44 deg.30'03'' W.                                                                                    
             649.51 Feet; Thence                                                                                    
             S 85 deg.54'00'' E.                                                                                    
             660.00 Feet; Thence                                                                                    
             S 04 deg.06'00'' W.                                                                                    
             660.00 Feet; Thence                                                                                    
             N 89 deg.56'00'' E.                                                                                    
             1318.68 Feet; to                                                                                       
             the true point of                                                                                      
             containing 11249                                                                                       
             acres as described                                                                                     
            Then, at Remine                                                                                         
             Creek, the                                                                                             
             boundary follows                                                                                       
             the service area                                                                                       
             boundary for 9.65                                                                                      
             miles to the 9,200                                                                                     
             foot contour line.                                                                                     
             The boundary then                                                                                      
             intersects Bear                                                                                        
             Creek. Here the                                                                                        
             boundary diverges                                                                                      
             from the service                                                                                       
             area boundary                                                                                          
             (9,200 foot contour                                                                                    
             line). The                                                                                             
             boundary continues                                                                                     
             in a west,                                                                                             
             southwest direction                                                                                    
             for 0.92 miles from                                                                                    
             the intersection of                                                                                    
             the 9,200 foot                                                                                         
             contour line and                                                                                       
             Bear Creek to the                                                                                      
             top of ski lift                                                                                        
             number 9 in the                                                                                        
             Telluride Ski Area                                                                                     
             at an elevation of                                                                                     
             about 11,900 feet.                                                                                     
             The boundary then                                                                                      
             shifts and runs in                                                                                     
             a north-westerly                                                                                       
             direction for 0.83                                                                                     
             miles from the top                                                                                     
             of lift 9 to the                                                                                       
             top of lift 7,                                                                                         
             which is located at                                                                                    
             an elevation of                                                                                        
             10,490 feet. From                                                                                      
             the top of lift 7,                                                                                     
             the nonattainment                                                                                      
             boundary continues                                                                                     
             in a north-westerly                                                                                    
             direction for 0.5                                                                                      
             miles to the                                                                                           
             intersection of                                                                                        
             lift 3 with the                                                                                        
             10,000 foot control                                                                                    
             line. The                                                                                              
             boundary follows                                                                                       
             the 10,000 foot                                                                                        
             contour line in a                                                                                      
             south, south-west                                                                                      
             direction for 3.2                                                                                      
             miles, until it                                                                                        
             intersects Skunk                                                                                       
             Creek. Here the                                                                                        
             boundary diverges                                                                                      
             from the 10,000                                                                                        
             foot contour line                                                                                      
             and follows Skunk                                                                                      
             Creek in a                                                                                             
             northerly direction                                                                                    
             for 2.25 miles. At                                                                                     
             the intersection of                                                                                    
             Skunk Creek and                                                                                        
             Colorado State                                                                                         
             Highway 145, the                                                                                       
             boundary leaves the                                                                                    
             creek and follows                                                                                      
             Highway 145 in a                                                                                       
             northerly direction                                                                                    
             until it meets the                                                                                     
             service area                                                                                           
             boundary as it                                                                                         
             existed prior to                                                                                       
             changes adopted in                                                                                     
    * * * * *
    [FR Doc. 94-22527 Filed 9-16-94; 8:45 am]

Document Information

Effective Date:
Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Final rule.
Document Number:
This rule will become effective on October 19, 1994.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: September 19, 1994, CO29-1-6611, CO29-1-6619, & CO36-5-6598, FRL-5068-4
CFR: (2)
40 CFR 52.320
40 CFR 81.306