94-23033. Inquiry on Universal Service and Open Access Issues; Notice DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 180 (Monday, September 19, 1994)]
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    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-23033]
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    [Federal Register: September 19, 1994]
    Part III
    Department of Commerce
    National Telecommunications and Information Administration
    Inquiry on Universal Service and Open Access Issues; Notice
    National Telecommunications and Information Administration
    [Docket No. 940955-4255]
    Inquiry on Universal Service and Open Access Issues
    AGENCY: National Telecommunications and Information Administration 
    (NTIA), Commerce.
    ACTION: Notice of inquiry; request for comments.
    SUMMARY: NTIA is conducting a comprehensive review of universal service 
    and open access issues in communications. NTIA requests public comment 
    relevant to such a review. After analyzing the comments, NTIA may issue 
    a report, a series of short analyses, and/or make recommendations to 
    the Administration's Information Infrastructure Task Force, the Federal 
    Communications Commission, and to Congress.
    DATES: The public should file comments on or before December 14, 1994 
    to receive full consideration.
    ADDRESSES: Please send comments (seven copies plus one copy on 
    diskette, preferably WordPerfect or DOS compatible) to the Office of 
    Policy Analysis and Development, NTIA, U.S. Department of Commerce, 
    14th St. and Constitution Ave., N.W., Room 4725, Washington, D.C. 
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: James McConnaughey or Cynthia Nila, 
    Office of Policy Analysis and Development, (202) 482-1880.
        Authority: National Telecommunications and Information 
    Administration Organization Act of 1992, Public Law 102-538, 106 
    Stat. 3533 (1992) (codified at 47 U.S.C. 901 et seq.)
    I. Introduction\1\
        1. The United States has a long-standing commitment to the 
    achievement of ``universal service''--widespread availability of 
    ``basic'' telephone service at affordable rates. First articulated in 
    the early twentieth century,\2\ universal service has since been 
    adopted by Federal and State regulators as one of the core objectives 
    of U.S. telecommunications policy. For example, it was incorporated in 
    general terms in Section 1 of the Communications Act of 1934.\3\ More 
    importantly, many of the major regulatory reforms that have been 
    considered over the past several decades--most notably decisions 
    concerning whether and under what conditions to allow competition in 
    telecommunications service and equipment markets--have been evaluated, 
    at least in part, in terms of their possible impact on universal 
        \1\This Notice of Inquiry (Notice) and other related documents 
    are also available in electronic form on the NTIA Bulletin Board at 
    (202) 482-1199. Please set your communications parameters to No 
    parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit (N,8,1). Commenters are 
    encouraged to file their comments electronically at the same number.
        \2\The concept was first articulated by Theodore Vail, President 
    of AT&T, in 1907, although his concept of universal service was 
    quite distinct from modern notions of what that term means. See 
    Milton Mueller, Universal Service in Telephone History, 17 Tel. Pol. 
    352, 353, 356-358 (1993).
        \3\Section 1 authorizes the Federal Communication Commission 
    (FCC) to regulate interstate and foreign communications ``so as to 
    make available, so far as possible, to all the people of the United 
    States a rapid, efficient, Nation-wide, and world-wide wire and 
    radio communication service with adequate facilities at reasonable 
    charges.'' 47 U.S.C. 151 (1988). Telecommunications reform 
    legislation pending in both Houses of Congress would make 
    preservation and advancement of universal service an explicit goal 
    of U.S. policy. See S. 1822, the Communications Act of 1934, 103d 
    Cong., 2d Sess. Sections 101, 102 (1994); H.R. 3626, the Antitrust 
    and Communications Reform Act of 1994, 103d Cong., 2d Sess. Sec. 301 
        2. Historically, universal service has meant widespread access to 
    voice-grade telephone service, commonly referred to as ``plain old 
    telephone service'' (POTS). The fundamental objective has been to give 
    all Americans an opportunity to pick up the telephone and, at a 
    reasonable cost, have a voice conversation with anyone else in the 
    country or, increasingly, the world. In recent years, however, many 
    have questioned whether traditional notions of universal service are 
    adequate to meet the needs of the American people, now and in the 21st 
        3. This reassessment is prompted by two principal developments. 
    First is the emergence of information as a vital economic resource and 
    source of individual empowerment. In 1991, U.S. companies for the first 
    time spent more money on computer and communications equipment than on 
    industrial, mining, farm and manufacturing machinery--dramatic evidence 
    of the nation's transition from the Industrial Age to the Information 
    Age.\4\ Increasingly, the ability of U.S. businesses to remain 
    competitive in a global marketplace and to create challenging, high-
    paying jobs hinges on their proficiency in creating, manipulating, 
    managing, and using information. Similarly, an individual's ability to 
    acquire, develop, and sustain marketable job skills--and, indeed, to be 
    an informed, productive participant in American society--will depend on 
    how well he or she can access, analyze, and assimilate information.
        \4\See Thomas Stewart, The Information Age in Charts, Fortune, 
    Apr. 4, 1994, at 75.
        4. Second, technological changes--particularly the convergence of 
    computers and communications and the deployment of high capacity, 
    digital transmission facilities--promise to make telecommunications 
    networks the highways of the Information Age, the principal means by 
    which individuals and businesses access and distribute essential 
    information resources. In this environment, it may be anachronistic to 
    continue speaking of universal service in terms of voice telephone 
    service. Accordingly, consensus is growing that there is a need to 
    redefine that concept to meet the demands of a new age.
        5. Reform of universal service policies would be necessary even if 
    there were no redefinition issue. As described more fully below, many 
    experts agree that current pricing policies for voice telephone service 
    are characterized by extensive subsidies between and among services, 
    although the extent of those subsidies remains a matter of considerable 
    dispute.\5\ In other words, certain services (e.g., long distance, 
    business service) have been overpriced to maintain low cost residential 
    voice service. Whether or not that pricing structure was ever desirable 
    as a matter of policy,\6\ it could be sustained only in a market 
    environment characterized by monopoly provision of telephone service.
        \5\See infra Section IV.
        \6\Several economists have estimated that the welfare losses 
    associated with the existing subsidy structure can be measured in 
    the billions of dollars annually. See, e.g., James Griffin, The 
    Welfare Implications of Externalities and Price Elasticities for 
    Telecommunications Pricing, 64 Rev. Econ. & Stat. 59 (1982); Lewis 
    Perl, Welfare Gains from Cost-Based Telephone Pricing (June 19, 
    1986) (unpublished paper).
        6. That environment is rapidly becoming a thing of the past. 
    Competition is the norm in many telecommunications services and 
    equipment markets; it is growing rapidly in the rest. Competition 
    drives prices toward the costs of providing those services and, in so 
    doing, undermines traditional pricing structures that incorporate 
    inter-service subsidies. As a result, even though competition is not 
    inimical to universal service goals,\7\ its emergence and expansion is 
    forcing a re-examination of traditional universal service funding 
    policies as surely as technological change and the emergence of the 
    Information Age are prompting changes in the way universal service is 
    defined. The challenge for government and service providers alike is to 
    find a new funding scheme that is compatible with and sustainable in a 
    competitive market environment.
        \7\See infra Section II.
        7. The National Telecommunications and Information Administration 
    (NTIA) is issuing this Notice to gather public comment on these 
    important issues. The Clinton Administration (the Administration) has 
    stated a commitment to extending the concept of universal service to 
    ensure that information resources are available to all at affordable 
    rates.\8\ This policy is a matter of fundamental fairness; if 
    information means empowerment, the United States ``cannot accept a 
    division of our people among telecommunications `haves' and `have-
        \8\The National Information Infrastructure: Agenda for Action 58 
    Fed. Reg. 49,025, at 49,028 (1993) (Agenda for Action).
        8. This Notice represents another stage in NTIA's continuing 
    investigation of universal service issues.\10\ Since December 1993, 
    NTIA has conducted field hearings in five locations across the country 
    to gather information on those issues.\11\ This Notice has been shaped 
    by what the agency has learned over the course of those hearings. The 
    Notice also seeks to supplement the record developed at those hearings 
    on the many questions subsumed within the concept of universal service. 
    At the end of this process, NTIA will work to develop a concept of 
    universal service that fits the challenges and opportunities of the 
    Information Age. As importantly, NTIA intends to identify mechanisms 
    that can fund an expanded version of universal service in a competitive 
    market environment.
        \10\The Administration's activities relating to universal 
    service are one facet of a comprehensive National Information 
    Infrastructure (NII) initiative. The Administration has established 
    an interagency Information Infrastructure Task Force (IITF), chaired 
    by the Secretary of Commerce, to address the many issues relating to 
    deployment of the NII. The IITF operates through a number of 
    subcommittees and working groups, and with the assistance of a 
    public/private sector Advisory Council. For further information on 
    the IITF and related organizations, see The NII Field Hearings on 
    Universal Service and Open Access: America Speaks Out 1-2 (Sept. 
    1944) (Report of the Telecommunications Policy Committee of the 
    Information Infrastructure Task Force) (NII Field Hearings).
        \11\Hearings were held in Albuquerque, New Mexico (December); 
    South Central Los Angeles (February); Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina 
    (April); Sunnyvale, California (May); and Indianapolis, Indiana 
    (July). At each hearing, NTIA received testimony from public 
    interest groups, state and local governments, labor, industry, and 
    academia. Summaries of each of the hearings are on the on-line NTIA 
    Bulletin Board. See not 1 for access information. In this Notice, we 
    also request comment on how best to continue and expand these public 
    outreach activities.
        9. Finally, we also seek comment on another issue related to the 
    policies underlying universal service--``open access.'' If, as noted 
    above, information is of increasing importance to businesses and 
    individuals alike, and if competition among service providers is likely 
    to be the norm in the future, ensuring universal service for consumers 
    is only part of the equation. Steps must also be taken to afford 
    information providers access to consumers and vice versa. Accordingly, 
    the Administration is also committed to ensuring that 
    telecommunications facilities and networks are sufficiently ``open'' so 
    that all information providers can transmit their wares to consumers 
    across those facilities reliably, efficiently, and seamlessly, without 
    compromising the integrity or security of the information 
    delivered.\12\ NTIA therefore requests comment on a variety of 
    questions relating to the meaning and implementation of open access.
        \12\Agenda for Action, supra note 8, at 49,027, 49,029. Open 
    access may also permit users themselves to develop new services and 
    applications or to exchange information among themselves, without 
    waiting for services to be offered by commercial providers. Id. at 
        10. Section II of the Notice considers the impact of competition on 
    universal service goals. Section III.A of the Notice addresses current 
    universal service policies and solicits comment on the degree to which 
    the nation has achieved the goal of providing basic voice telephone 
    service to all Americans. Section III.B considers the issue of 
    redefining the traditional concept of universal service and determining 
    what services or functions should be included in an expanded definition 
    of universal service. Section IV focuses on mechanisms for funding 
    universal service in an increasingly competitive market environment. 
    Section V focuses on the role of the Federal and State governments in 
    determining universal service policies. Finally, Section VI requests 
    comment on the definition and implementation of open access.
    II. Competition and Universal Service
        11. The Federal government and many States have made a fundamental 
    commitment to introducing and expanding competition in 
    telecommunications markets. The benefits of that commitment are 
    increasingly apparent and show no signs of diminishing. There is also 
    some concern, however, about the effects of competition on universal 
    service. While those concerns merit attention, there is much evidence 
    to suggest that competition and universal service are not incompatible 
    goals. Market rivalry both drives prices towards underlying costs and 
    reduces underlying costs by forcing competing firms to operate more 
    efficiently. Competition thus tends to reduce prices for goods and 
    services, making them more affordable for more consumers and ultimately 
    reducing the need for subsidies. At the same time, competition also 
    increases the range of services and products available to consumers 
    and, potentially, their geographic reach as well, further promoting 
    universal service goals.
        12. The potential effects of competition on rates and consumer 
    choice can be gleaned from the recent history of the long distance and 
    CPE markets in the United States. Prior to the break-up of the Bell 
    System in 1984, most of the United States was served by a single long 
    distance network operated by AT&T. Today, after a decade of government 
    efforts to facilitate entry in the long distance market, there are more 
    than 500 long distance carriers in the United States, offering a wide, 
    ever-changing array of services and pricing options.\13\ Due in part to 
    this active rivalry among firms, long distance rates have declined more 
    than sixty percent since 1984 by some estimations, making long distance 
    calling more affordable for more Americans.\14\
        \13\Industry Analysis Division, Common Carrier Bureau, Federal 
    Communications Commission, Trends in Telephone Service, at 31 (May 
    1994) (Telephone Trends). AT&T now captures less than 60 percent of 
    all long distance revenues. Industry Analysis Division, Common 
    Carrier Bureau, Federal Communications Commission, Long Distance 
    Market Shares--Fourth Quarter, 1993 Table 6 (Apr. 1994).
        \14\See, e.g., Letter from Gerald J. Kovach, MCI, to Clarence L. 
    Irving, Jr., NTIA, Attachment 1 at 1 (June 9, 1994) (long distance 
    rates, adjusted for inflation, have declined 66% since 1985). As a 
    result of the sharp decline in long distance rates, long distance 
    calling has surged in recent years, especially relative to local 
    calling. Toll calls (measured in minutes of use) comprised 26.6% 
    percent of all calls in 1992, as compared to 19.9% in 1984. 
    Telephone Trends, supra note 13, at 25 and Table 16.
        13. Similarly, when the Bell System controlled the CPE market, 
    customers could lease (but not buy) any telephone they wanted, so long 
    as it was a black instrument that delivered unadorned voice service. 
    Today, customers can choose their phones from a wide variety of colors, 
    sizes, shapes, and designs. Modern telephones also include a variety of 
    features (e.g., speed dialing, re-dial, memory programming) that 
    greatly increase usefulness of that equipment for many customers. In 
    addition, its cost has declined considerably in the last decade (as 
    much as 50 percent in ``real'' terms).\15\
        \15\See National Telecommunications and Information 
    Administration, U.S. Dep't of Commerce, NTIA Special Publication 91-
    26 The NTIA Infrastructure Report: Telecommunications in the Age of 
    Information 204-205 and n. 707 (1991) (Infrastructure Report).
        14. The impact of competition on universal service can be examined 
    more directly by reviewing the development of local telephone service 
    after expiration of the original Bell telephone patents in 1893/94 
    unleashed a twenty-five year period of competition in the provision of 
    local telephone service.\16\ In 1895, after nineteen years of the Bell 
    System patent monopoly, there were only 251,994 telephones in the 
    United States, or one telephone for every 276 of the nation's 69.5 
    million people. By 1920, at the close of the competitive era, there 
    were some 13.4 million telephones in the United States, or one 
    telephone for every eight of the nation's 105.7 million people.\17\ 
    Moreover, fifty-five percent of all telephone subscribers were 
    residential customers, as compared to only ten percent in 1895.
        \16\The following discussion is taken from Mueller, supra note 
    2, at 356-358, 360-361.
        \17\In 1895, the number of telephones in the United States was 
    growing by five percent annually. Id. at 356. At that rate, the 
    nation would have had fewer than one million telephones by 1920.
        15. We seek comment on the relationship between competition and 
    universal service. Will competition help make new advanced 
    telecommunications services more readily available across the nation 
    and thereby reduce the need for universal service regulation? Some 
    argue that the universal service rationale is based on the premise that 
    the market alone cannot uniformly guarantee provision of 
    telecommunications and services. They believe that depending on the 
    market to provide advanced services may seriously impede access by 
    important segments of society to those services, particularly if the 
    offerings are not commercially viable in certain areas.\18\ Consumer 
    and civil rights groups, in particular, raise the specter of 
    ``electronic redlining,'' in which low income and minority 
    neighborhoods are ``systematically underrepresented'' in the deployment 
    of advanced services, as has been alleged with respect to various local 
    telephone companies' video dialtone networks.\19\
        \18\Raymond Lawton, Associate Director of The National 
    Regulatory Research Institute, pointed out in his testimony at the 
    Indianapolis field hearings that in an unregulated market, services 
    are provided to rural/residential/low income service recipients last 
    because service to them is often more expensive and they are most 
    often unable to pay. See Lawton Comments, p. 2.
        \19\See Center for Media Education, Consumer Federation of 
    America, et al., ``Information Superhighway'' Could Bypass Low 
    Income and Minority Communities, (released May 23, 1994) and 
    associated petitions filed with the FCC on the same date. Under the 
    FCC's ``video dialtone'' rules, a local telephone company can 
    construct, operate, and maintain a transport facility within its 
    local service area, leasing channel capacity to unaffiliated 
    programmers on a common carrier basis. See Telephone Company-Cable 
    Television Cross-Ownership Rules, Sections 63.54-63.58, Second 
    Report and Order, Recommendation to Congress, and Second Further 
    Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 7 FCC Rcd 5781 (1992).
        16. To what extent is ``electronic redlining'' occurring or likely 
    to occur, i.e., the calculated exclusion of a geographic area from 
    deployment of advanced telecommunications capabilities or services on 
    the basis of income, ethnicity, race, or disability? What weight should 
    be assigned to those arguments that identify economic reasons for 
    serving certain areas on a less timely basis than others?
        17. Various proposals address the concern that a marketplace-driven 
    definition of universal service may not bring comparable services to 
    all segments of the population or to all areas of the country at the 
    same rate. One proposal, for example, is for government to require 
    firms to provide services to community centers, such as schools and 
    libraries, at the same time that such services are first provided to 
    businesses and residences. The proponents of this approach claim that 
    focusing on providing service to such centralized points within a 
    community, as a transitional mechanism, could make desirable services 
    more widely available without incurring the risks and costs of 
    mandating universal provision of uneconomical or unwanted services.\20\ 
    We request comment on this approach. In particular, do such public 
    institutions have the facilities, funds, and hours of operation to 
    afford individuals, especially the young, a full and fair opportunity 
    to explore the highways of the Information Age? If not, what mechanisms 
    could be explored for providing such resources?
        \20\See, e.g., Comments of Carlos Atencio, Chairman, New Mexico 
    Educational Technology Coordination Council at the Los Alamos 
    National Laboratories, New Mexico Hearing (Dec. 16, 1993).
        18. We also seek comment on the possible effects of competition on 
    the achievement of universal service goals in rural areas. Some argue 
    that competition in such areas is not only unsustainable, but 
    potentially destructive to universal service goals.\21\ On the other 
    hand, competition may spur the introduction or expansion of service in 
    rural areas, as suggested by the forty-fold increase in telephone 
    penetration that occurred in rural areas during the competitive period 
    between 1895 and 1920.\22\ We also solicit comment as to whether the 
    ``rural subscriber may be just as willing to ride the information 
    highway as his urban counterpart,'' thereby creating a market setting 
    that could sustain competition.\23\
        \21\See, e.g., John Panzar and Steven Wildman, Competition in 
    the Local Exchange: Appropriate Policies to Maintain Universal 
    Service in Rural Areas (undated, unpublished paper) (Panzar and 
    Wildman). To gather a more complete picture of market conditions in 
    rural areas, we request the following data from rural telephone 
    companies (although additional information would be welcome): cost 
    of service per access line; average minutes of use per access line; 
    number of business lines versus number of residential access lines; 
    long distance calling by business customers versus residential 
    customers; and nature, number, and market share of competitors, 
    where applicable.
        \22\Nearly 40% of all farm households had a telephone in 1920, 
    as compared to less than one percent in 1895. See Mueller, supra 
    note 2, at 356, 357.
        \23\The Universal Service Subcommittee, Western Alliance, 
    Universal Service in the Nineties, Section II, at 2 (a draft report 
    by a consortium of western rural telephone companies released at the 
    National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) 
    Summer Meetings, San Diego, California, July 1994).
    III. Universal Service Today and in the Future
        19. The record developed over the course of NTIA's five universal 
    service field hearings demonstrates considerable public support for 
    expanding the current definition of universal service beyond ``plain 
    old telephone service''--POTS.\24\ Accordingly, this section of the 
    Notice addresses the myriad issues raised by such a redefinition.\25\ 
    Because any new concept of universal service will build on the existing 
    definition, it is appropriate, however, first to consider the extent to 
    which the nation has achieved its goal of universal POTS before turning 
    our attention to a new definition of universal service.
        \24\NII Field Hearings, supra note 10, at 8-9.
        \25\This Notice does not, of course, contain the definitive list 
    of such issues. We encourage commenters to raise other important 
    matters not touched on in the Notice.
    A. Achievement of Universal POTS
        19a. In many respects, U.S. universal service policies have been a 
    major success. As of March, 1994, 93.9% of all American households had 
    telephone service, compared to 91.4% a decade earlier, and fewer than 
    fifty percent at the end of World War II.\26\ Moreover, telephone 
    subscribership in the United States exceeds that in most other nations, 
    often by a substantial margin.\27\
        \26\See Industry Analysis Division, Common Carrier Bureau, 
    Federal Communications Commission, Telephone Subscribership in the 
    United States at 6, Table 1 (Aug. 1994) (Telephone Subscribership) 
    (citing the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey (CPS)). See 
    also Congressional Budget Office, The Changing Telephone Industry: 
    Access Charges, Universal Service, and Local Rates 55 (June 1984) 
    (cited in Office of Policy Analysis and Development, NTIA, Telephone 
    Subscribership in the United States: A Post-Divestiture Analysis 
        Basic telephone service has also become increasingly affordable 
    for the average American, particularly since the AT&T divestiture in 
    1984. Between 1983 and 1993, prices for telephone service, on 
    average, rose less (2.0%) than the consumer price index for all 
    items (3.8%) or for all services (4.7%). Moreover, since 1984, 
    telephone service has comprised no more than 2.0-2.1% of annual 
    household expenditures. Telephone Trends, supra note 13, Table 3, 
    Table 8. Over this same period of time, the variety and quality of 
    telephone services and equipment have also increased dramatically. 
    Devices such as touch-tone service, multiple phones, cordless 
    phones, and answering machines, that were once regarded as luxuries, 
    have now become commonplace for many U.S. citizens.
        \27\For example, compared to the world's major industrial 
    nations--the so-called ``Group of 7''--the United States in 1992 
    (56.49) trailed only Canada (59.21) in terms of main telephone lines 
    per 100 inhabitants while surpassing France (52.13), Japan (46.74), 
    the United Kingdom (45.25), Germany (43.96), and Italy (41.03). 
    International Telecommunication Union, World Telecommunication 
    Development Report 1994, A-3. Canada's success in extending 
    universal service to its citizens (evidenced by the 98.7% of 
    Canadian households in 1992 with basic telephone service) 
    demonstrates, however, that there is room for improvement in the 
    United States. See Universal Service Project, NARUC Subcommittee on 
    Communications, Staff Draft Position Statement on Universal Service 
    Principles 4 (June 1994) (NARUC Paper).
        20. On the other hand, although the vast majority of American homes 
    have at least one telephone, approximately six million households have 
        \28\H.R. Rpt. No. 560, 103d Cong., 2d Sess. 6 (1994).
        Household penetration rates (i.e., the percentage of households 
    with a telephone) vary substantially both from State to State and 
    within a State.\29\ Subscribership is also particularly low among 
    certain segments of our society. Approximately one-third of African-
    American and Hispanic households with annual incomes of less than 
    $5,000 lack telephone service, as compared to twenty percent of white 
    households.\30\ Fifty-three percent of Native American households on 
    reservations do not have phones.\31\ Nearly three-quarters of all 
    phoneless households are renters, and fifteen percent of households 
    headed by a person under twenty-five years of age are without 
    telephones.\32\ Finally, in many states, some areas have no telephone 
    service at all--not even pay phones.\33\
        \29\In March 1994, telephone penetration ranged from 87.7% in 
    South Carolina to 97.2% in Pennsylvania. Telephone Subscribership, 
    supra note 26, at 14, Table 2. Further, while more than half of 
    Southwestern Bell's 550 central offices in Texas report penetration 
    rates of 95% or higher, some seven percent of the company's central 
    offices have penetration rates of 80% or less. Source: Southwestern 
    Bell Telephone analysis of 1990 Census data. We request comment from 
    other telephone companies as to whether similar variations exist in 
    their subscribership.
        \30\Telephone Subscribership, supra note 26, at 23, Table 4. In 
    1989, about 50 percent of households at or below the poverty level 
    headed by single women with small childen did not have telephone 
    service. Jorge Schement, Beyond Universal Service: Characteristics 
    of Americans Without Telephone Service 4 (unpublished paper 
    presented at a conference sponsored by The Benton Foundation and The 
    Columbia Institute for Tele-Information, Washington, D.C., Oct. 15, 
        \31\Bureau of the Census, U.S. Dep't of Commerce News (Release 
    #CB94-127) Aug. 22, 1994, at 1.
        \32\Bureau of the Census, U.S. Dep't of Commerce, SB/94-16, 
    Phoneless in America 1 (July 1994) (Phoneless) (1990 data).
        \33\Universal Service Project, NARUC Subcommittee on 
    Communications, Staff Position Statement on Universal Service 
    Principles 4 (July 19, 1994).
        21. Statistics such as these have caused many observers to conclude 
    that universal service has not been fully achieved in the United 
    States.\34\ Low penetration rates among certain groups appear to result 
    from a variety of factors. For example, witnesses at NTIA's 
    Albuquerque, New Mexico, field hearing cited the state's low per-capita 
    income as an important cause of the low penetration in the area.\35\ 
    More than sixty-five percent of the households of the Navajo Nation in 
    New Mexico do not subscribe to telephone service because telephone 
    service is either not affordable or not available.\36\ Language 
    barriers and the need for increased public education, at least among 
    certain groups, may also result in reduced telephone service 
        \34\See, e.g., NII Field Hearings, supra note 10, at 8.
        \35\See Transcript of New Mexico Hearing at 55, 253-254 
    (Comments of Thomas A. Garcia, U S WEST Vice President, New Mexico; 
    Comments of Kenneth Solomon, Acting Director, Telecommunications 
    Division, New Mexico State Corporation Commission (Dec. 16, 1993)). 
    Another factor in affordability may be long distance charges. See 
    Field Research Corporation Affordability of Telephone Service 68, 
    Customer Survey Conducted for GTE and Pacific Bell (Oct. 1993) 
    (finding that, among other things, customers who find it difficult 
    to afford service have a higher percentage of their average monthly 
    bill attributable to long distance charges).
        \36\Comments of Rodger Boyd, Executive Director of the Navajo 
    Nation, Division of Economic Development (Dec. 16, 1993).
        \37\For example, research indicates that people with limited 
    knowledge of the English language frequently are not able to take 
    full advantage of the programs and services available to them. A 
    1992 survey of Chinese, Korean and Latino consumers in San 
    Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, and Brownsville, Texas, 
    about their knowledge of telecommunications revealed that 43% did 
    not know how to begin the process of having a phone installed and 
    17% did not know who to call if the phone was not working. See 
    Comments of Bong Hwan Kim, Executive Director, Korean Youth and 
    Community Center, Los Angeles hearing, at 6 (Feb. 16, 1994).
        22. We seek further comment on these matters. Are there other 
    underserved groups besides those we have mentioned? Are the measures 
    used and types of data currently being collected by the Census 
    Department and other government agencies adequate for determining 
    whether universal service goals are being met in all sectors of 
    society? If so, parties are requested to provide that information for 
    the record. If not, what recommendations are there for providing more 
    comprehensive and targeted data on these issues?
        23. We also solicit comment (particularly studies, surveys, etc.) 
    on why some Americans do not have telephone service. Is income the 
    determining or predominant factor? Does subscribership depend to any 
    significant degree on geography (e.g., do penetration levels differ 
    between rural and urban areas after controlling for factors like 
    income)? To what extent are cultural factors important? If such factors 
    are important, what steps can be taken to overcome them? Do different 
    considerations affect a household's ability to retain phone service 
    over time, as compared to its decision to subscribe initially?
        24. Finally, we request comment on whether implementation of 
    universal service should be measured in terms of availability of POTS 
    rather than penetration. For example, some households may not have 
    telephone service simply because they choose not to subscribe. What 
    measure(s), applied on a regular basis for monitoring purposes, would 
    best enable policymakers to distinguish such households from those that 
    desire basic service but cannot obtain it?
    B. Formulating an Expanded Definition of Universal Service
        25. As the nation decides whether and how to redefine universal 
    service, it is important to remember that, to a large extent, the 
    current debate represents but a new phase in a continuing process. 
    Although universal service has traditionally been defined as voice-
    grade POTS, the minimally-acceptable characteristics of that service 
    have changed over the past sixty years. Thus, direct dialing became 
    popular as it obviated the need to make more expensive operator-
    assisted calls in many instances and regulators mandated lower rates 
    for directly-dialed calls. Party-line service has been replaced in 
    recent decades by single-line service. Some states have directed local 
    exchange carriers to incorporate touch-tone capability into their basic 
    service offerings because of its importance in accessing many 
    information services. In short, the current interest in redefining 
    universal service is consistent with past practice. The principal 
    differences are the ever-expanding range of services that could be 
    incorporated into a revised concept of universal service and the 
    quicker pace at which policymakers must make their decisions.
        26. As noted above, there appears to be strong public support for 
    expanding the existing definition of universal service. There is, 
    however, little consensus about what services, features, and 
    capabilities should be included within a new definition. Witnesses at 
    the NTIA field hearings suggested that universal service encompass a 
    host of different services, including: access to a basic set of 
    information and telecommunications services; multiple languages, 
    including Spanish and Native American languages that require special, 
    non-ASCII\38\ characters; set-aside resources, facilities, and capacity 
    for public, education, and government training and use; new 
    technologies such as video link and cellular telephone service; and 
    services defined as characteristics or features, rather than 
    technologies.\39\ A random survey of 1,000 likely voters conducted by 
    the Benton Foundation found that Americans are very interested in 
    educational and informational services.\40\
        \38\ASCII is a uniform code used in computer and data 
    communications systems. It employs seven binary digits (bits) to 
    represent a specific set of letters, numbers, punctuation and 
    special characters, plus a parity bit used in checking for 
    transmission errors.
        \39\Comments of KNME-TV (Channel 5); Prodigy Services Co.; 
    University of New Mexico, Department of Engineering; Alliance for 
    Community Media; Virtual City Network Project; Citizens Action 
    Coalition of Indiana; Casey Luna, Lt. Governor, State of New Mexico; 
    Valley Telephone; Chinese for Affirmative Action; State Senator 
    Douglas Hunt, Indiana. Cf. Comments of The National Regulatory 
    Research Institute; Hudson Institute, and GTE East Area Telephone 
        \40\Mellman Lazarus Lake, What People Think About New 
    Communications Technologies, Communications Policy Briefing 2, at 4 
    (Benton Foundation 1994).
        27. If universal service is to be redefined as a group of services 
    or capabilities, some mechanism or set of principles must be found to 
    help select from the wealth of possible alternatives. We therefore 
    request comment on whether there is an organizing principle or set of 
    principles that can be used to determine whether a particular service 
    or feature should be included within a modern concept of universal 
    service. This is essential because redefinition is not without 
    potential pitfalls. Adding each new component to the package deemed 
    universally necessary increases both the societal costs of making that 
    package universally available as well as the chances of prematurely 
    mandating services or features that are ultimately proven to be 
    commercially undesirable.\41\
        \41\Defining universal service to include certain services may 
    also raise constitutional and regulatory issues. For example, 
    government designation of certain information services as part of a 
    universal service package could be challenged as violative of the 
    First Amendment on the ground that it compels providers to ``speak'' 
    or because it discriminates against other information services. 
    Moreover, inclusion of information services within a redefined 
    universal service could lead to regulation of currently unregulated 
    services. We seek comment on these issues as well.
        28. One approach could be to allow the marketplace to identify, at 
    least in the first instance, services and features that warrant 
    inclusion in an expanded definition of universal service.\42\ Under 
    this approach, private firms would offer services to consumers in 
    competition with other companies. If some service were subscribed to by 
    a predesignated minimum percentage of U.S. households, government 
    regulators would either have the authority to consider whether to make 
    that service universally available or be required to do so.\43\ We seek 
    comment on whether government should select services to be included in 
    an expanded definition of universal service and, if so, on what basis 
    such services should be chosen? What role should the market play in 
    determining that mix? Should there be some threshold of market 
    penetration before a capability or service is added to the definition 
    of universal service? If so, what should the threshold be and why? Are 
    there disadvantages in relying on market forces even in the first 
        \42\See, e.g., Comments of Neil Pickett, Director of Research 
    and Programs, the Hudson Institute, Indianapolis field hearing.
        \43\Cf. S. 1822, 103d Cong., 2d Sess. Sec. 102(a) (1994), which 
    would add a new section 201A(b) to the Communications Act requiring 
    the FCC to incorporate within universal service ``any 
    telecommunications and information services which . . . have, 
    through the operation of market choices by customers, been 
    subscribed to by a substantial majority of residential customers.''
        29. An alternative to identifying particular services to be 
    incorporated into an expanded concept of universal service would be to 
    define universal service in terms of a network connection that would 
    enable customers to access any service available via such network. If 
    universal service were to be defined in such a fashion, the cost of 
    making it available throughout the country would likely be reduced. 
    Moreover, government officials would not be required to make difficult 
    determinations about the relative value of different services or 
    equipment; instead, it should allow the market to determine customer 
    valuation of each service or equipment item. On the other hand, 
    government officials may have to make equally difficult decisions as to 
    the type of network connection that should be provided.
        30. We request comment on the notion of defining universal service 
    in terms of a network connection. Would such an approach effectively 
    spur deployment of an advanced telecommunications infrastructure? Would 
    it give all sectors of society a chance to participate in the 
    information revolution? If this approach were adopted, what sort of 
    connection should be specified (e.g., in terms of capacity, 
    transmission speed, signalling, etc.)?
        31. The notion of defining universal service as customer access to 
    a telecommunications network raises the issue of access to the 
    Internet, which began in 1969 as a Pentagon experiment to aid 
    researchers in trading information by computer. Today the Internet is a 
    worldwide network linking over 21,000 separately administered computer 
    networks. Each computer network connects tens of thousands of computers 
    with ten million users in the United States and fifteen million users 
    in sixty countries around the world.\44\ One observer recently 
        \44\About the Internet, The InfoLetter: A Monthly Roadmap to the 
    Information Superhighway, May 1994, at 5. Parts of the Internet are 
    growing at an exponential rate of 15 percent per month. See 
    Testimony of Dr. Vinton G. Cerf, President, Internet Society, before 
    the House Science Committee, March 22, 1994.
        Not knowing how to use the Internet will be as grave a 
    deficiency as not knowing how to read. The Internet will become the 
    world's primary means of communication and will soon carry more mail 
    than the entire postal service worldwide.\45\
        \45\Mark Gibbs, Internet ABCs Essential, Investor's Business 
    Daily, Apr. 14, 1994, at 4.
        If universal service is defined in terms of a network connection, 
    should that connection provide access to the Internet?
        32. Another important area of inquiry is the extent to which 
    universal service policy should address customer premises equipment 
    (CPE). Without adequate equipment on the customer's premises, network 
    connection and the many services it affords is meaningless. CPE capable 
    of providing access to advanced services may be expensive at market 
    prices, however, and thus could serve as a barrier to the availability 
    of advanced services. For the same reason, however, subsidizing CPE as 
    part of universal service could be expensive, possibly prohibitively 
        Including CPE in the definition of universal service could also 
    reverse the government's existing regulatory approach toward CPE, which 
    is now deregulated and subject only to market forces.\46\ Local 
    exchange carriers may provide CPE in conjunction with local telephone 
    service, subject to certain safeguards. In addition, at present, 
    computer manufacturers, set-top box manufacturers, and television 
    manufacturers are competing to develop the product or products that 
    could be used for receiving advanced services. It is thus not clear 
    which equipment the government should specify, if any, and on what 
    basis it should choose. Moreover, government selection of a certain 
    type of CPE for inclusion within the universal service definition 
    carries with it the risk of government picking winners and losers, a 
    questionable strategy.
        \46\Although CPE was detariffed and generally deregulated in the 
    early 1980s, the FCC still requires registration of this equipment 
    to ensure that its connection does not cause harm to the public 
    switched network. See 47 CFR part 68 (1994).
        33. We seek comment on whether CPE should be included in the new 
    definition of universal service, and, if so, whether a category of 
    providers should be obligated to supply it. Should the Government 
    identify specific equipment or merely capabilities if it is included in 
    the definition? What other alternative approaches could be adopted, 
    e.g., such as a voucher system, which would assure that all consumers 
    could purchase the type of CPE they desire from the provider of their 
    choice without government specification?
    IV. Funding Universal Service in a Competitive Environment
        34. Today, most experts agree that current pricing policies support 
    universal service by generating subsidies that reduce the costs of 
    providing POTS in particular areas and make service more affordable for 
    certain groups of customers. By and large, such subsidies have been 
    internally generated--i.e., created by setting the pricing of certain 
    services above the costs of providing them--rather than funded by 
    external sources, such as taxes.\47\ The growth of competition, which 
    to some extent reduces the need for subsidies and is by no means 
    incompatible with universal service, does put pressure on existing 
    funding mechanisms. Above-cost pricing creates market opportunities for 
    new entrants. New entry, in turn, drives prices towards costs, in the 
    process, eliminating excess revenues that were available, prior to 
    competitive entry, to subsidize universal services like POTS. The 
    challenge for policymakers is to develop funding mechanisms that help 
    achieve universal service goals, but are sustainable in a competitive 
        \47\Thus, for example, rates for the local telephone facilities 
    used to originate and terminate long distance services--so-called 
    access facilities--have been set above cost to subsidize local 
    telephone rates. Long distance service providers pass those access 
    costs through to subscribers. See, e.g., Infrastructure Report, 
    supra note 15, at 290-291. Local service rates for business 
    customers typically exceed relevant costs to provide support for 
    local service to residential users. See, e.g., Bruce Egan and Steven 
    Wildman, Funding the Public Telecommunications Infrastructure 7 
    (unpublished paper presented at a conference sponsored by The Benton 
    Foundation and The Columbia Institute for Tele-Information, 
    Washington, DC., Oct. 15, 1993) (Egan and Wildman). Finally, the 
    common regulatory practice of requiring uniform rates throughout a 
    geographic area--so-called ``geographic rate averaging''--may result 
    in above-cost rates for some customers and below cost rates for 
    others. See, e.g., David Kaserman and John Mayo, Telecommunications 
    Cross-Subsidies, 11 Yale J. on Reg. 119, 130 (1994).
        Although internally generated subsidies are widely used to fund 
    universal service, they are not the only mechanisms. For example, 
    subsidies to fund 911 emergency services and services for the 
    hearing impaired increasingly are generated directly through a 
    separate charge on each subscriber's bills. See Egan and Wildman, 
    supra, at 7.
        35. While there is widespread agreement that competition is putting 
    pressure on existing mechanisms for funding universal service, there is 
    no consensus on the amount of subsidies at risk.\48\ Thus, a study 
    sponsored by the United States Telephone Association concluded that 
    interexchange access and toll services provided by local exchange 
    telephone companies (LECs) are priced to produce approximately $20 
    billion of contribution in excess of their long-run incremental 
    costs.\49\ Those additional revenues are presumably needed to fund 
    universal service. Teleport Communications Group (Teleport), a major 
    provider of competitive local telecommunications services, disputes 
    this claim, contending that only $400 million of the LECs' $86 billion 
    in annual revenues goes toward subsidizing rates for basic telephone 
    service.\50\ A study done for MCI estimated that the subsidy is about 
    $3.7 billion when basic service costs are examined and extraneous LEC 
    revenue requirements are subtracted.\51\ Finally, the Consumer 
    Federation of America alleges that, far from requiring support from 
    other services, local telephone service produces net income for the 
    LECs in the amount of five to ten dollars per month.\52\
        \48\To the extent that universal service is redefined to include 
    additional services and features, the costs (and associated 
    subsidies) of making that new package of services universally 
    available would likely increase above current levels.
        \49\Calvin S. Monson and Jeffrey H. Rohlfs, Strategic Policy 
    Research, The $20 Billion Impact of Local Competition in 
    Telecommunications 2,3 (issued July 16, 1993).
        \50\Teleport Communications Group, What $20 Billion Impact? A 
    Reply to USTA (issued Aug. 10, 1993).
        \51\See Hatfield Associates, Inc., The Cost of Basic Universal 
    Service 4 (July 1994).
        \52\See Dr. Mark Cooper, Consumer Federation of America Local 
    Exchange Costs and the Need for a Universal Service Fund: A Consumer 
    View 1 (May 1994).
        36. We ask for comments on the amount of the subsidy today and the 
    basis for the estimates. What methodologies were used to derive the 
    estimates cited, and what are the strengths and weaknesses of each 
    approach? What data sources are available on which to base the 
    estimates? What are the implications of universal service subsidies in 
    terms of market inefficiencies and the positive ``externalities'' 
    generated by the addition of subscribers to the network? With respect 
    to a system of subsidies, is there a threshold point at which the net 
    positive benefits to society are maximized?
        37. There is a similar lack of agreement concerning possible new 
    mechanisms for funding universal service, although certain themes have 
    begun to emerge. The debate overwhelmingly centers on the sources and 
    distribution of the funding, since most parties appear to agree that 
    some form of universal service support should be continued.\53\ The 
    following discussion highlights some of the proposals that are 
    currently under discussion.
        \53\During the five NII field hearings on universal service and 
    open access, numerous witnesses set forth proposals relating to 
    funding sources and distribution. See NII Field Hearings, pp. 9-10.
    A. Sources of Contribution
        38. Many proposals focusing on potential funding sources look to 
    service providers as a source of subsidies. For example, NARUC's 
    Universal Service Project Group contends that as markets continue to 
    evolve toward competition, all service providers that deliver services 
    over the public switched network should be required to contribute 
    proportionally to the universal service support mechanisms, including 
    enhanced service providers.\54\ Metropolitan Fiber Systems (MFS), 
    another provider of competitive local telecommunications services, 
    would require contributions from all providers of telecommunications 
    services.\55\ Teleport, on the other hand, suggests that all common 
    carriers providing facilities-based, two-way telecommunications 
    contribute to funding universal service.\56\ Professor Eli Noam has 
    developed a plan under which all entities providing ``transmission path 
    services'' to third parties for compensation would pay a proportionate 
    share, based on revenues, toward universal service funding.\57\
        \54\NARUC Universal Service Project, NARUC Committee on 
    Communications, Presentation of Staff Position Statement, NARUC 
    Summer Meetings (San Diego, California) (July 25, 1994); Universal 
    Service Project, NARUC Subcommittee on Communications, Staff Draft 
    Position Statement on Universal Service Principles, 22 (June 27, 
    1994) (Staff Draft Position Paper).
        \55\See e.g., Inquiry into Policies and Programs to Assure 
    Universal Telephone Service in a Competitive Market Environment, 
    Petition of MFS Communications Company, Inc. for a Notice of Inquiry 
    and En Banc Hearing, at 5 (filed Nov. 1, 1993) (Petition of MFS).
        \56\Comments of Michael A. Morris, Western Regional Director, 
    Regulatory and External Affairs, Teleport Communications Group, 
    Transcript of Los Angeles Hearing at 223 (Feb. 16, 1994).
        \57\Eli M. Noam, NetTrans Accounts: Reforming the Financial 
    Support System for Universal Service in Telecommunications (Sept. 
    1993) (unpublished paper) (Noam). His scheme would apply to all 
    facilities-based two way transmission carriers regulated by the FCC 
    under Title II, including local exchange carriers, interexchange 
    carriers, cellular carriers, competitive access providers, and 
    satellite carriers. He would exclude enhanced service providers, 
    information providers, resellers, private networks, equipment 
    manufacturers, and cable and broadcast operators. A system of 
    credits and debits would be used to determine amounts owed and 
    transfers would only be made in the event of a difference owing 
    between providers. He would begin this program at the same time that 
    local competition would be fully permitted, with full 
    interconnection and collocation rights. He indicates that his 
    proposal could be implemented under existing mechanisms.
        39. We request comment on these and other mechanisms for generating 
    funds to support universal service. What are the advantages and 
    disadvantages of deriving universal service support funding from 
    service providers? What criteria should be used to determine which 
    service providers should be required to contribute to universal service 
    funding? Should contributions be required only from facilities-based 
    service providers and, if so, why? If contributions are to be required 
    from non-facilities based service providers (e.g., resellers, enhanced 
    service providers), do steps have to be taken to prevent double 
    payment? How can the contribution scheme be structured so as to 
    minimize adverse effects on competition?\58\ Finally, should we keep 
    any of the existing funding mechanisms?
        \58\For example, MFS suggests that universal service obligations 
    be determined annually, based on competitively neutral criteria, 
    such as percentage of revenues or a fixed amount per access line. 
    See Petition of MFS, supra note 55, at 19.
        40. Some have suggested public funding as an alternative to 
    obtaining universal service funding from service providers. For 
    example, Professor Noam lists a variety of tax measures that could be 
    used to fund universal service (e.g., general tax revenues, a 
    telecommunications sales tax, a tax on telecommunications equipment, or 
    a property tax on carriers), while pointing to problems with each.\59\ 
    Some witnesses at the NTIA field hearings asserted that subsidies 
    should be generated from tax-based funding under ideal circumstances, 
    with a sectoral levy on telecommunications as a second best option.\60\ 
    Finally, at NTIA's Indianapolis hearing, an executive of Procter and 
    Gamble suggested that commercial advertising on the NII could be an 
    alternative mechanism for funding universal service objectives.\61\
        \59\Noam, supra note 57, at 17-20.
        \60\Comments of Barbara A. Cherry, Ameritech 2 (Indianapolis 
    hearing); Transcript of Los Angeles hearing at 207 (Comments of 
    Timothy J. McCallion, West Area Vice President--Regulatory, GTE). A 
    State regulatory official testifying at the New Mexico field hearing 
    raised the possibility of using revenues from Federal spectrum 
    auctions to fund universal service objectives. Ken Solomon, Acting 
    Director of Telecommunications, New Mexico State Corporation 
    Commission, New Mexico transcript, at 256.
        \61\Comments of Robert Herbold, Senior Vice President, The 
    Proctor & Gamble Company (Indianapolis Field Hearing).
        41. We request comment on the advantages and disadvantages of using 
    public funding to advance universal service goals. While that approach 
    would be competitively neutral, public funding would represent a sharp 
    departure from current funding policies and would likely encounter 
    stiff opposition, given the Federal deficit and other budget 
    priorities. We also seek comment on the efficacy of advertising as a 
    vehicle for funding universal service in the 21st century.
    B. Distribution of Subsidies
        42. The other facet of universal service funding concerns the 
    distribution of subsidies. Currently, universal service support is 
    provided in both targeted and untargeted fashions. As noted above, 
    government regulators historically have mandated above-cost prices for 
    certain services to reduce rates for residential POTS. This approach, 
    however, effectively subsidizes all residential customers, including 
    those who would be willing and able to pay cost-based rates for 
    telephone service. Similarly, regulators have also directed subsidies 
    towards high cost areas to ensure affordable POTS in those areas.\62\ 
    Once again, this approach benefits all households in high cost areas, 
    whether or not they are low income or would terminate telephone service 
    if faced with cost-based rates.
        \62\One such subsidy mechanism is the Universal Service Fund 
    (USF) which provides monies to local telephone companies whose 
    ``local loop'' costs (i.e., the cost of the facility connecting the 
    subscriber's home to the nearest company switching office) are more 
    than 15 percent above the national average. The USF grew from $445 
    million in 1986 to more than $700 million in 1993, sparking an 
    investigation by a Federal-State Joint Board and the FCC into the 
    causes of its rapid growth. See also Amendment of Part 36 of the 
    Commission's Rules and Establishment of a Joint Board, Notice of 
    Inquiry, CC Docket No. 80-286 (released August 30, 1994). Another 
    subsidy mechanism is the Rural Electrification Administration's 
    telephone loan program which, since 1947, has provided low-cost 
    loans directly to rural telephone companies and cooperatives. See 7 
    U.S.C. Sec. 901 et seq (1994).
        43. Recently, government regulators have developed more carefully 
    targeted funding programs. For example, the FCC's Link-Up America 
    program allows States to reduce telephone installation charges for 
    qualified households by as much as $30, as well as to use installment 
    payments for installation charges without any interest charges to the 
    customer. To date, forty-eight states and the District of Columbia have 
    implemented Link-Up America programs. Funding of the program this year 
    will be approximately $15.9 million. Under the FCC's Lifeline program, 
    started in 1985, the FCC matches State rate discounts to eligible 
    subscribers (up to the maximum Federally-mandated subscriber line 
    charge of $3.50 per month). Thirty-five states and the District of 
    Columbia have implemented some form of Lifeline assistance, at a 
    projected cost of some $119 million in 1994.
        44. Most experts contend that universal support should be provided 
    only to those subscribers who could not otherwise afford telephone 
    service. Some argue for targeting subsidies to low income users, high 
    cost areas, and special needs groups.\63\ NARUC's Universal Service 
    Project recommends continuing some support mechanisms in place today, 
    including targeted support in low cost areas and direct assistance to 
    end users through Lifeline and Link-up programs.\64\ Others also 
    support some form of lifeline option to assist low income customers 
    while avoiding subsidizing every household.\65\
        \63\See NII Field Hearings, p. 10-11.
        \64\Staff Draft Position Paper, supra note 54, at 8.
        \65\Comments of Charles Smith, Vice President and General 
    Manager, Pacific Bell, Los Angeles region, Transcript of Los Angeles 
    Hearing at 55 (Feb. 16, 1994).
        45. We seek comment on how best to target universal support 
    funding. What criteria should be established to identify those eligible 
    for subsidies? Should eligibility for support be linked to the 
    eligibility standards associated with other social ``safety net'' 
    programs. Should support be structured so that some defined package of 
    telecommunications services consumes no more than a specified 
    percentage of a household's annual income, or represents no more than a 
    designated fraction of a household's yearly expenditures?\66\ Should 
    subsidies be applied to a limited set of services and, if so, how 
    should that set of services be determined?
        \66\As noted above, telephone service comprised no more than 
    2.0-2.1% of the average U.S. household's annual expenditures. See 
    supra note 26.
        46. We also request comment on the current practice of providing 
    support to firms providing service in high cost (predominantly rural) 
    areas. Some have argued that rural telephone companies have higher 
    average costs only if one considers the fixed costs of their telephone 
    networks. When operating expenses (e.g., labor costs, taxes, interest 
    expenses) are factored in, total costs for some rural companies are 
    lower than the costs incurred by companies operating in non-rural 
    areas.\67\ Commenters should address these analyses and their 
    implications for universal service policies in rural areas.
        \67\See Joseph Fuhr, Jr., Should the U.S. Subsidize Rural 
    Telephone Companies?, 12 J. of Pol. Analysis and Mgmt 310 (1993); 
    Thomas Armstrong and Joseph Fuhr, Jr., Cost Considerations for Rural 
    Telephone Service, 17 Tel. Pol. 80 (1993).
        47. In a related vein, MFS suggests that subsidies for high cost 
    areas be based on objective criteria such as population density, 
    geography, and other subscriber statistics rather than actual telephone 
    company costs to reduce any incentive of LECs to inflate costs so they 
    can keep receiving subsidies.\68\ Is that a viable funding strategy? 
    Would it be more efficient to direct support to rural households, 
    thereby subsidizing only those subscribers who could otherwise not 
    afford telephone service?
        \68\See Petition of MFS, supra note 55, at Attachment I, p. 4.
        48. Finally, we solicit comment on the appropriate recipients of 
    universal service support. As noted above, subsidies are directed 
    towards the providers of telephone service, in return for their 
    commitment to provide below cost service to certain subscribers or in 
    certain areas. Some observers have suggested providing subsidies 
    directly to subscribers, either as a complement to or in place of 
    transfers to carriers. There is growing interest, for example, in a 
    voucher system to allow subsidies to be distributed directly to 
    eligible subscribers who would choose their own providers.\69\ 
    Similarly, there is a proposal to give eligible customers credits on 
    their monthly bills to reflect reductions in the price of basic 
        \69\Comments of Mark T. Bryant, MCI Telecommunications 13, New 
    Mexico Hearing (Dec. 16, 1993). See also Noam at 36-37.
        \70\See Petition of MFS, supra note 55, at 20. Carriers that 
    provide basic exchange service would grant credits to eligible end 
    users, and these credits would apply against the carriers' universal 
    service obligations.
        49. Directing support to end users, rather than to carriers, could 
    give customers more control in choosing their providers, while 
    continuing to ensure that all have access to affordable service. It 
    might also stimulate competitive entry in some areas. Others have 
    argued, however, that providing support to subscribers would encourage 
    inefficient entry by new firms, jeopardize incumbent providers' ability 
    to serve remaining customers, and actually increase universal service 
    support requirements.\71\
        \71\See Panzar and Wildman, supra note 21, at 20-25.
        50. Should universal service support payments be made to service 
    providers, to subscribers, or in some other fashion? Would directing 
    subsidies to carriers encourage inefficient entry in some areas? If so, 
    under what conditions? Could a subscriber-based subsidy program be 
    structured to avoid such problems? How much would such a program cost 
    to establish and operate? If support payments are made to service 
    providers, should they be limited to certain categories of providers, 
    such as ``carriers of last resort'' (i.e., firms that agree to provide 
    universal services throughout an entire geographic area)? If so, would 
    it be feasible or efficient to designate (and provide subsidy payments 
    to) multiple carriers of last resort in a particular area? What rules 
    should dictate when carriers of last resort can enter or exit 
    geographic areas? What is the most effective way to establish service 
    in currently unserved areas? For example, would it be possible to award 
    a franchise to service an unserved area via competitive bidding? What 
    minimum franchise requirements would be necessary to make such an 
    auction fair and attractive to potential bidders?
    C. Transition Measures
        51. Establishing a new funding scheme will likely necessitate 
    transitional measures. For example, if any rate rebalancing occurs, it 
    will be necessary to address potential ``rate shock'' to local 
    ratepayers. One commenter contends that any transition should be aimed 
    at achieving two goals: (1) developing a level playing field for 
    competitors and (2) continuing to protect consumers. Ameritech proposes 
    to use what it calls the ``Customers First Plan,'' based on what 
    Ameritech labels ``bulk billing.'' In effect, Ameritech would collect 
    the necessary subsidy amount by billing long distance carriers 
    according to their share of the total toll revenues reported to the FCC 
    for all of Ameritech's interstate access customers. Ameritech urges 
    this approach as a transition to long-term reform of universal service 
    funding mechanisms.\72\ We request comment on this approach, as well as 
    on other transitional proposals. How should these mechanisms be 
    structured so as not to distort competitive markets?
        \72\See Petition for a Declaratory Ruling and Related Waivers to 
    Establish a New Regulatory Model for the Ameritech Region, DA 93-
    481, Attachments to Ameritech's Reply Comments: Customers First: 
    Ameritech's Advanced Universal Access Plan, Attachment G (filed July 
    12, 1993).
    V. Role of the Federal and State Governments in Developing Universal 
    Service Policies
        52. Traditionally, FCC and state regulators have worked in tandem 
    to promote universal service goals, but responsibility for defining the 
    precise components of universal service has resided primarily with the 
    States. The telecommunications reform legislation pending in Congress 
    would specify differing degrees of Federal-State cooperation. The 
    Senate bill, S. 1822, would charge the FCC with defining universal 
    service, ``based on recommendations from the public, Congress, and the 
    Federal-State Joint Board,'' although it would authorize the States to 
    prescribe requirements over and above the federally-established minimum 
    as long as such regulations are not inconsistent with those prescribed 
    by the FCC.\73\ The House bill, H.R. 3626, would delegate the task to 
    the FCC and the States, based on recommendations from the Joint 
        \73\S. 1822, 103d Cong., 2d Sess. Section 102(a) (1994).
        \74\H.R. 3626, 103d Cong., 2d Sess. Section 302 (1994).
        53. Similarly, most funding proposals recognize the joint role of 
    the FCC and the states, given the bifurcated regulatory jurisdiction 
    over telecommunications. For example, both bills now pending in 
    Congress, H.R. 3626 and S. 1822, require the involvement of the FCC and 
    the States in determining new universal service funding mechanisms, 
    although the final distribution authority between the two levels of 
    government will turn on the specific legislative language enacted. Many 
    parties stress the need for administration of a funding mechanism by a 
    neutral third party from the private sector.\75\
        \75\See Petition of MFS, supra note 55, at 17; See also Comments 
    of Michael Morris, TCG, supra note 56, at 222.
        54. There are numerous arguments for allowing more or less federal 
    or state authority over universal service policies. Defining universal 
    service on a nationwide basis, for example, could facilitate network 
    planning and service deployment, thereby reducing the total costs to 
    society of implementing universal service. On the other hand, giving 
    individual states flexibility to adopt differing definitions and 
    funding mechanisms, as is the case today, would allow them to craft 
    policies more in line with local conditions. Allowing for state 
    experimentation might also reduce the risks of mandating provision of 
    services either unnecessarily or prematurely, and or leave room for 
    creative funding mechanisms that might reduce the total subsidy 
    requirement. We request comment on the appropriate role of the Federal 
    and State government in defining and funding universal service. What 
    role should be played by the private sector?
    VI. Open access for Telecommunications and Information Systems
        55. The development and convergence of new telecommunications and 
    information technologies are also leading to changes in the way people 
    think about access to the ``network.'' The concept of ``open access'' 
    has come to represent technical, regulatory, and empowerment 
    components. This section examines these evolving concepts of open 
    access and the policies that can help make them a reality.
        56. Historically, access has focused on issues such as physical 
    access to a seamless and transparent web of monopoly local exchanges, 
    equal access to long distance carriers,\76\ and availability to and 
    ease of use by consumers, among others. As a result, any telephone 
    customer can initiate as well as receive phone calls, regardless of the 
    local exchange and long-distance carrier serving the caller and the 
    call recipient. This ``open system'' that we all take for granted has 
    been achieved through a framework of policies designed to promote 
    interconnection and interoperability, such as expanded interconnection 
    and a uniform system of ``addresses'' (i.e., telephone numbers).\77\
        \76\Equal access for long-distance carriers has not yet been 
    fully achieved for all local exchange carriers or for non-BOC 
    cellular operators.
        \77\In contrast, cable television franchises are not 
    interconnected with other networks. Each customer is served by a 
    local provider who provides access solely to the services that cable 
    operator wishes to provide and the set-top box is principally a 
    receive-only device. In the cable context, access generally refers 
    to customer access to cable service (measured in homes passed) and 
    to carriage requirements imposed on cable providers such as Public, 
    Education and Government channels, leased access, and must carry 
        57. The Administrations's open access goals are broader and more 
    multi-faceted than the traditional approach. In the evolving 
    competitive marketplace, open access will require that multiple 
    telecommunications and information providers as well as users can 
    interconnect transparently and be interoperable. This will in turn 
    promote even more competition among information providers and service 
    options for consumers. Thus, as the NII evolves, the Administration 
    seeks to ensure that consumers and service providers will be able to 
    transfer information across disparate networks easily and accurately, 
    with seamless, interactive, user-driven operations. Also, to be truly 
    useful, an advanced information infrastructure must allow service 
    providers to offer a full range of educational material, health 
    information, and home and business services, and it must make those 
    services truly accessible without unreasonable technical or regulatory 
    barriers, particularly to disabled individuals.\78\
        \78\See generally Agenda for Action, supra note 8.
        58. We solicit comments on how open access should be defined at 
    this time. How should an open access policy be shaped to accommodate 
    the changing needs of our information society? What impact will open 
    access have on competition and ultimately on the extent of the need for 
    universal service regulation? How can policymakers ensure that the NII 
    fulfills its promise for education, economic growth and job creation? 
    How will the new entrants in the market affect open access? What steps 
    can be taken to facilitate or ensure access by Americans with 
        59. The Administration also envisions open access to a two-way 
    system of broadband communications as a means of individual 
    empowerment. The idea is that improved access to information will build 
    and promote the values of democracy.\79\ Open access in this new 
    environment creates opportunities for potential service providers as 
    well as users to be providers of information, thereby promoting an 
    enhanced concept of community involvement and competition in the free 
    flow of ideas. Thus, open access to the NII could spur development of 
    community-driven grass-roots networks or ``electronic commons.'' In 
    addition, the NII will enhance the ability of the Federal government 
    and state and local governments to deliver information and services to 
    citizens more effectively, and for citizens to communicate their views 
    on legislation and policy initiatives back to government officials just 
    as easily.
        \79\Id. at 49,029.
        60. How can the ``electronic communities'' envisioned by the 
    Administration be fostered? How can access to the NII be assured for 
    individuals, small and large businesses, non-profit institutions (in 
    particular, schools, libraries and health care facilities) and state 
    and local governments? How can access be assured in rural areas? Should 
    there be different access opportunities and prices for profit and non-
    profit entities? Large and small entities? How can society ensure that 
    our citizens are sufficiently ``computer literate'' to utilize the NII?
        61. The critical question facing policymakers is how to ensure open 
    access to the NII.\80\ NTIA's field hearings revealed a general 
    consensus among witnesses that significant issues such as 
    interconnection,\81\ interoperability and standard open interfaces,\82\ 
    and reasonable prices and tariffs\83\ need to be addressed before open 
    access can be assured.\84\
        \80\The telecommunications reform bills being considered by the 
    103rd Congress contain numerous provisions to promote open access. 
    These include, for example, requirements for interconnection 
    capability among telecommunications carriers; non-discriminatory 
    access to network facilities, services, functions and information on 
    an unbundled basis under certain conditions; the development of 
    interconnection standards; joint planning among telecommunications 
    and information service providers for interoperability of private 
    and public networks; the elimination of restrictions on resale or 
    sharing of network facilities and services; and the provision of 
    advanced services, possibly with preferential rates, to various 
    governmental and non-profit institutions. The nature and extent of 
    these provisions will depend on final passage of telecommunications 
    reform legislation in Congress and implementation actions by the 
        \81\See Comments of The News & Observer; North Carolina State 
    University; M. Strata Rose, Virtual City Network Project; and NC 
    Electronics & Information Technologies Association.
        \82\Comments of NC Rural Economic Development Center; First 
    Pacific Networks; Prodigy Services Company; SAGRELTO Enterprises; 
    GTE West Area Telephone Operations; Pacific Bell; Virtual Valley 
    Inc.; Multimedia Design Corporation; Adamation, Inc.; MCNC; and 
    State of New Mexico, GSD/ISD Office of Communications.
        \83\Comments of First Pacific Networks; Prodigy Services 
    Company; Adamation, Inc.; Communications Resources, Inc.; Hooked, 
    Inc.; and NC Electronics & Information Technologies Association.
        \84\A number of commenters also noted that resolving security, 
    privacy, and intellectual property issues over the NII is also 
    critical. The Administration is currently addressing these issues 
    through several IITF committees and working groups. These include 
    the NII Security Issues Forum, the Network Reliability and 
    Vulnerability Working Group, and the Privacy Working Group.
        62. The NII will integrate and build upon many different hardware 
    and software components, some of which already exist and many of which 
    are still in development. These components must be interoperable, i.e., 
    able to work together. Interoperable components would allow distinct 
    networks to communicate with each other and allows users to access 
    various products and services through standard software and 
    hardware.\85\ An NII comprised of interoperable networks will create an 
    infrastructure that is accessible to all providers and users.\86\ What 
    critical points in today's infrastructure must be interoperable if the 
    NII vision is to be successfully implemented? What role, if any, should 
    open or standard interfaces and protocols play? What role can 
    government play in facilitating interoperability, both in the short 
    term (e.g., two years) and in the long term.
        \85\Computer Systems Policy Project Perspectives on the National 
    Information Infrastructure: Ensuring Interoperability 5 (Feb. 1944). 
    Familiar examples of interoperability include standard size nuts and 
    bolts, telephone jacks and telephones, and computers and modems.
        \86\Many believe that the Internet is an excellent model for 
    such interoperability, since it allows users all over the world to 
    access information and talk to each other easily over the network. 
    We request comments on whether the Internet is, indeed, a good model 
    for interoperability for the NII.
        63. Interoperability can be accomplished in a number of different 
    ways. Equipment can have open protocols and interfaces that permit a 
    physical connection (as is the case of a plug and socket) or logical 
    connection (message format and exchange procedure).\87\ Equipment built 
    with open architecture will also permit interoperability. Additionally, 
    standards for voice, video, data and multi-media services are also 
    crucial to interoperability.\88\
        \87\Protocols are the set of rules governing the operation of 
    functional units of a communication system that make communication 
    possible. Open interfaces are specifications for interconnection 
    compatibility made available to all vendors.
        \88\See, e.g., Comments of Alan R. Blatecky, Vice President, 
    Information Technologies, MCNC, North Carolina Hearing (Apr. 27, 
    1994). ``It is essential to have regulatory guidelines which ensure 
    interoperability across networks through the rapid adoption and 
    encouragement of open standards. If standards are not adopted, the 
    marketplace becomes a battleground for proprietary solutions which 
    penalize users until one of the standards finally become[s] a de 
    facto standard.'' Id. at 2.
        64. While there have been times when the U.S. government has 
    promoted particular standards, industry adoption of voluntary 
    standards, working with government officials, is now the norm. Various 
    commenters have argued that either approach can be too slow given the 
    fast pace of change in the industry. In addition, some argue that the 
    industry standard-setting process is costly and requires large amounts 
    of employee time, which creates hardships for smaller companies.
        65. How should standards develop for the NII? Do standards affect 
    the ability to innovate? How can standards be developed that are 
    flexible and adaptable enough to meet user needs at affordable costs? 
    If voluntary, industry-set standards are the favored approach, what 
    procedures should be followed in establishing standards, and what fora 
    should be used? What role, if any, should the government play?
        66. Competition is one of several means of ensuring that innovation 
    and the provision of information and transport services will flourish 
    on the NII. At the same time, there is a recognized need for government 
    intervention in the case of market failures, for example, to protect 
    new entrants from the market power of incumbent operators when 
    necessary. Will greater competition in information and transport 
    markets alone be sufficient to achieve open access goals? If not, what 
    other actions are necessary? What regulations or policies need to be in 
    place to guarantee reasonable and nondiscriminatory interconnection and 
    reasonable cost-based pricing and tariffs for the NII? What technical 
    or regulatory barriers must be overcome?
    VII. Conclusion
        67. NTIA hereby requests comments in this inquiry to be filed on or 
    before December 14, 1994.
        Dated: September 13, 1994.
    Larry Irving,
    Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information.
    [FR Doc. 94-23033 Filed 9-14-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3510-60-P

Document Information

Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Notice of inquiry; request for comments.
Document Number:
The public should file comments on or before December 14, 1994 to receive full consideration.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: September 19, 1994