[Federal Register Volume 59, Number 181 (Tuesday, September 20, 1994)]
[Unknown Section]
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From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 94-22343]
[[Page Unknown]]
[Federal Register: September 20, 1994]
40 CFR Part 60
Emission Guidelines: Municipal Waste Combustors
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Proposed guidelines and notice of public hearing.
SUMMARY: The EPA is proposing new subpart Cb ``emission guidelines'' to
be used by States in developing State regulations to control emissions
from existing municipal waste combustors (MWC's). Today's proposed
guidelines would apply to MWC's for which construction, modification,
or reconstruction began on or before September 20, 1994.
Today's proposal would implement sections 111 and 129 of the Clean
Air Act (Act). The proposed guidelines would apply to existing MWC
units at facilities with capacities to combust greater than 35
megagrams per day (Mg/day; a megagram is a metric ton, and one megagram
is equal to 2,204 pounds or about 1.1 short tons) of municipal solid
waste (MSW) and would require sources to achieve emission levels
reflecting the maximum degree of reduction in emissions of air
pollutants that the Administrator determines is achievable, taking into
consideration the costs, non-air-quality health and environmental
impacts, and energy impacts. The proposed guidelines would establish
emission limits for MWC acid gases (sulfur dioxide (SO2) and
hydrogen chloride (HCl)), MWC metals (particulate matter (PM), opacity,
cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), and mercury (Hg)), MWC organics (dioxins/
furans), nitrogen oxides (NOX), and MWC fugitive fly ash/bottom
ash emissions. The proposed guidelines would also establish
requirements for MWC operating practices (carbon monoxide (CO), load,
and flue gas temperature), and operator training and certification.
DATES: Comments. Comments must be received on or before November 21,
Public Hearing. A public hearing will be held about 15 days
following proposal. See SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION for additional
information regarding the public hearing.
ADDRESSES: Comments. Comments on the proposal should be submitted (in
duplicate, if possible) to: Air and Radiation Docket and Information
Center (Mail Code 6102), ATTN: Docket No. A-90-45, Room M1500, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M Street, SW, Washington, DC
20460. See SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION for additional information
regarding submittal of comments.
Background Information. Key background information for the proposal
includes: (1) A document entitled ``FACT SHEET: Existing Municipal
Waste Combustors--Proposed Subpart Cb Emission Guidelines,'' which
succinctly summarizes the proposal, and (2) several technical documents
listed under SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION, including all of the background
information documents that supported the proposal and promulgation of
the subpart Ca emission guidelines. See SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION for
instructions for obtaining these documents.
Docket. Docket Nos. A-90-45 and A-89-08, containing supporting
information used in developing the proposed emission guidelines, are
located at the EPA's Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center,
Waterside Mall, Room M1500, Central Mall, 401 M Street, SW, Washington,
DC 20460. The docket may also be accessed by calling (202) 260-7548.
See SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION for further information regarding the
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Walter Stevenson at (919) 541-5264
or Mr. Fred Porter at (919) 541-5251, Standards Development Branch,
Emission Standards Division (MD-13), U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711.
Background Information
On December 20, 1989, the EPA proposed emission guidelines for
existing MWC's in subpart Ca of 40 CFR part 60. The subpart Ca emission
guidelines were promulgated on February 11, 1991 and were developed
under authority of section 111 of the Act of 1977. The Act of 1990
requires the EPA to review and revise, as necessary, the subpart Ca
guidelines. The EPA has reviewed the subpart Ca emission guidelines and
has concluded that they are not adequate to comply with the
requirements of section 129 of the Act of 1990. In a separate notice in
today's Federal Register, the EPA is proposing to withdraw the subpart
Ca emission guidelines that were promulgated on February 11, 1991.
Today's proposed subpart Cb guidelines would fully comply with the
requirements of section 129 of the Act of 1990.
The Federal Register notices for the proposed emission guidelines,
withdrawal of the subpart Ca emission guidelines, and a proposed EPA
test method that is associated with the proposed guidelines, and the
economic impacts analysis associated with the proposed emission
guidelines are listed below and are available on the EPA's Technology
Transfer Network (TTN) electronic bulletin board. Also listed below and
available on the EPA's TTN is a FACT SHEET, which succinctly summarizes
the proposal and is suggested reading for persons requiring a limited
overview of the proposal. The TTN contains 18 electronic bulletin
boards, and the items listed below are included in the Clean Air Act
Amendments (CAAA) bulletin board and the Emissions Measurement
Technical Information Center (EMTIC) bulletin board. The FACT SHEET can
also be obtained by calling Ms. Cassie Posey at (919) 541-0069.
MWC Items in the CAAA Electronic Bulletin Board
(1) ``FACT SHEET: Existing Municipal Waste Combustors--Proposed
Subpart Cb Emission Guidelines.''
(2) Federal Register notice for this proposal: ``Emission
Guidelines: Municipal Waste Combustors'' (this document).
(3) Federal Register notice: ``Withdrawal of the 1991 Emission
Guidelines for Municipal Waste Combustors.''
(4) ``Economic Impact Analysis for Proposed Emission Standards and
Guidelines for Municipal Waste Combustors,'' EPA-450/3-91-029, March
MWC Items in the EMTIC Electronic Bulletin Board
(1) ``Emissions Test Method 29: Determination of Metals Emissions
from Stationary Sources (1994 Proposal),'' EPA-454/R-94-016, April
1994, (which includes both the Federal Register proposal notice
(chapter 1) and the full text of the rationale and test method for the
proposal (chapter 2)).
The TTN is accessible 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, except
Monday morning from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., when the system is updated. The
service is free, except for the cost of the phone call. Dial (919) 541-
5742 to access the TTN. The TTN is compatible with up to a 14,400 bits-
per-second (bps) modem. Further instructions for accessing the TTN can
be obtained by calling the help desk at (919) 541-5384.
The background information for today's proposal includes all of the
documents that supported the proposal and promulgation of the subpart
Ca emission guidelines (Docket No. A-89-08), as well as information in
Docket No. A-90-45. Key background information documents used in
developing the subpart Ca emission guidelines as well as today's
proposed guidelines are as follows:
(1) ``Municipal Waste Combustors--Background Information for
Proposed Guidelines for Existing Facilities,'' EPA-450/3-89-27e, August
(2) ``Municipal Waste Combustors--Background Information for
Proposed Standards: Post-Combustion Technology Performance,'' EPA-450/
3-89-27c, August 1989;
(3) ``Municipal Waste Combustion Assessment: Combustion Control at
Existing Facilities,'' EPA-600/8-89-057, August 1989;
(4) ``Municipal Waste Combustion Assessment, Technical Basis for
Good Combustion Practices,'' EPA-600/8-89-063, August 1989;
(5) ``Municipal Waste Combustors--Background Information for
Proposed Standards: Cost Procedures,'' EPA-450/3-89-27a, August 1989;
(6) ``Economic Impact Analysis for Proposed Emissions Standards and
Guidelines for Municipal Waste Combustors,'' EPA-450/3-91-029, March
Docket Nos. A-90-45 and A-89-08 are available for public inspection
and copying between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, at
the location specified in the ADDRESSES section of this preamble. A
reasonable fee may be charged for copying. Additionally, the docket may
be accessed by telephone, as specified in the ADDRESSES section.
Comments. Today's action is a proposal and comments are requested.
The MWC regulations are complex, and the EPA expects to receive
numerous comments on this proposal. The EPA has specifically requested
comments on items fundamental to the proposal, including but not
limited to the MACT floor, MACT performance levels, and a consideration
of materials separation requirements for existing MWC's. The EPA seeks
full public participation in arriving at its final decisions, and
strongly encourages comments on all aspects of this proposal from all
interested parties. Whenever applicable, full supporting data and
detailed analyses should be submitted with all comments to allow the
EPA to respond to the comments.
Commenters wishing to submit proprietary information for
consideration should clearly distinguish such information from other
comments, and clearly label it ``Confidential Business Information.''
Submissions containing such proprietary information should be sent
directly to the following address, and not to the public docket, to
ensure that proprietary information is not inadvertently placed in the
docket: Attention: Mr. Walter Stevenson, c/o Ms. Melva Toomer, U.S. EPA
Confidential Business Manager, 411 W. Chapel Hill Street, Room 944,
Durham, North Carolina 27701. Information covered by such a claim of
confidentiality will be disclosed by the EPA only to the extent allowed
and by the procedures set forth in 40 CFR part 2. If no claim of
confidentiality accompanies a submission when it is received by the
EPA, it may be made available to the public without further notice to
the commenter.
Public Hearing. The public hearing will be held to provide
interested parties an opportunity for oral presentation of data, views,
or arguments concerning the proposed guidelines (see DATES for the
hearing schedule). The public hearing will be held at Research Triangle
Park, North Carolina, and will start at about 9 a.m. Persons wishing to
present oral testimony at the public hearing should call Ms. Julia
Latta at (919) 541-5578 at least 2 days in advance of the public
hearing. Persons interested in attending the hearing should also call
Ms. Latta to verify the time, date, and location of the hearing.
Persons may call (919) 541-5264 to hear a recorded message that
provides current information on the status of the public hearing.
Preamble Outline. The following outline is provided to aid in
locating information in this preamble.
I. Introduction
A. Summary of Regulatory History
B. Emission Guidelines--General Goals
C. Overview of this Preamble
II. Summary of the Proposed Subpart Cb MWC Emission Guidelines
A. Source Category to be Regulated
B. Pollutants to be Regulated
C. Format for the Proposed Guidelines
D. Proposed Emission Guidelines
E. Comparison of the 1991 Guidelines and Today's Proposal
F. Performance Testing and Monitoring Requirements
G. Reporting, Recordkeeping, and Compliance Schedule Guidelines
III. Impacts of the Proposed Emission Guidelines
A. Air Impacts
B. Water and Solid Waste Impacts
C. Energy Impacts
D. Cost and Economic Impacts
IV. Rationale for the Proposed Guidelines for MWC Emissions
A. Background
B. Selection of Source Category
C. Modification or Reconstruction of Existing MWC's
D. Selection of Designated Pollutants
E. Selection of Designated Facilities
F. Selection of Maximum Achievable Control Technology
G. Selection of Format for the Proposed Guidelines
H. Performance Test Methods and Monitoring Requirements
I. Reporting, Recordkeeping, and Compliance Schedule
V. Rationale for the Proposed Guidelines for Fugitive Fly Ash/Bottom
Ash Emissions
A. Background
B. Fugitive Emission Control Techniques
C. Proposed Fugitive Emissions Guidelines
VI. Proposed Guidelines for Air Curtain Incinerators
VII. Comparison of the Proposal and European Emission Limits
VIII. Miscellaneous
IX. Administrative Requirements
A. Public Hearing
B. Docket
C. Clean Air Act Procedural Requirements
D. Executive Order 12866 Review
E. Regulatory Flexibility Act Compliance
I. Introduction
This section provides an introduction to the proposed rule by: (1)
Summarizing the history of the development of emission guidelines for
existing MWC's over the past 7 years; (2) summarizing the general goals
of the proposed rule that are specified by sections 111(d) and 129 of
the Act of 1990; and (3) providing a brief overview of the major issues
discussed in this preamble.
A. Summary of Regulatory History
Today's proposal is a result of a series of regulatory decisions
that were initiated in 1987. During the early and mid-1980's, studies
were performed to determine whether MWC emissions should be regulated
and, if so, under what section of the Act. As set forth in the advance
notice of proposed rulemaking (52 FR 25399, July 7, 1987), the EPA
decided to regulate air emissions from MWC's under section 111 of the
Act as it existed prior to the 1990 Amendments. Section 111 of the Act
required that the regulations be based on best demonstrated technology
(BDT). On December 20, 1989, the EPA proposed new source performance
standards (NSPS) for new MWC's and emission guidelines for existing
MWC's (54 FR 52251 and 54 FR 52209, respectively). On November 15,
1990, the Act Amendments of 1990 were enacted and added section 129 to
the Act. Section 129 of the Act specifies that revised NSPS and
emission guidelines must be developed for MWC's in accordance with the
requirements of sections 111 and 129. Section 129 further specifies
that revised NSPS and emission guidelines be developed for both large
and small MWC's and that the NSPS and emission guidelines must reflect
certain standards of performance. Section 129 includes a schedule for
revising the 1991 emission guidelines. When the EPA did not comply with
that schedule, the Sierra Club and the Natural Resources Defense
Council (NRDC) filed a complaint with the U.S. District Court for the
Eastern District of New York. The resulting consent decree requires the
EPA Administrator to sign a notice of proposed rulemaking not later
than September 1, 1994 and a notice of promulgation not later than
September 1, 1995 (Nos. CV-92-2093 and CV-93-0284).
The NSPS and guidelines promulgated on February 11, 1991 (56 FR
5488 and 56 FR 5514, respectively) apply to MWC's with unit capacities
above 225 Mg/day and reflect BDT as determined by the Administrator at
the time those guidelines were issued. Today's notice therefore
proposes to create new emission guidelines to be fully consistent with
sections 111 and 129 of the Act and to extend coverage of the
guidelines to existing MWC units located at MWC facilities with
aggregate plant capacity above 35 Mg/day. In a separate notice in
today's Federal Register, the EPA is proposing to withdraw the subpart
Ca emission guidelines that were promulgated on February 11, 1991.
Under a separate regulatory action in today's Federal Register, a
new subpart Eb NSPS for new MWC plants with aggregate capacities above
35 Mg/day of MSW that are constructed after September 20, 1994 is being
proposed pursuant to sections 111(b) and 129 of the Act. Even though a
new subpart Eb NSPS is being proposed, the February 11, 1991 subpart Ea
NSPS will remain in effect. Municipal waste combustors constructed,
modified, or reconstructed after December 20, 1989 but on or before
September 20, 1994 would be subject to both subpart Ea (NSPS)
requirements and today's proposed subpart Cb (guideline) requirements.
In most cases, the control technologies being used to meet the 1991
subpart Ea NSPS emission limits would be able to comply with the
proposed subpart Cb guidelines, except that additional controls would
be required to reduce Hg emissions, dioxin/furan emissions, and
fugitive fly ash/bottom ash emissions.
B. Emission Guidelines--General Goals
The Act requires the promulgation of performance standards under
section 111 for categories of new and existing stationary sources that
may contribute to air pollution that may reasonably be anticipated to
endanger public health or welfare. Section 129 of the Act specifies
that NSPS and emission guidelines must be developed for MWC's in
accordance with the requirements of sections 111 and 129. Section
129(a)(2) provides that emission guidelines for existing MWC's reflect
the maximum degree of reduction in emissions of designated air
pollutants, taking into consideration the cost of achieving such
emission reduction, and any non-air-quality health and environmental
impacts and energy requirements that Administrator determines is
achievable for a particular category of sources (this standard is
commonly referred to as ``maximum achievable control technology, or
``MACT''). Additionally, section 129 provides that the emissions
limitations in the guidelines for existing MWC's may not be less
stringent than the average emissions limitation achieved by the best
performing 12 percent of units in the category. This is referred to as
the ``MACT floor.''
According to sections 111(d) and 129(b), States must submit to the
Administrator, within 1 year of the EPA's promulgation of the
guidelines, a plan that accomplishes the following: (1) Establishes for
existing sources emission standards for designated pollutants; and (2)
provides for implementation and enforcement of the emission standards.
Section 129(b) provides that a State plan for existing MWC's be at
least as protective as the emission guidelines.
As specified in section 129 of the Act, States are required to
submit to the Administrator a plan implementing the emission guidelines
within 1 year after the promulgation of the guidelines. This proposal
further requires that a State plan shall provide that each unit subject
to the guidelines shall be in compliance with all requirements of the
State plan within 3 years following issuance of a revised construction
or operation permit, if a permit modification is required, or within 3
years following approval of the State plan, if a permit modification is
not required. Section 60.24(e)(1) of subpart B of part 60 requires that
any compliance schedule extending more than 1 year from adoption of a
State plan shall include legally enforceable increments of progress to
achieve compliance for each designated facility. The proposed emission
guidelines include this requirement. This proposed compliance schedule
is more comprehensive than the compliance schedule and timetable
specified in the subpart Ca emission guidelines promulgated on February
11, 1991 (56 FR 5514). The Act specifies that the procedure for State
submission of a plan shall be similar to the procedure for submission
of State implementation plans under section 110. Section 129 specifies
that the EPA, in reviewing State plans for any variation from the
emission guidelines, must ensure that State plans and their resulting
MWC control requirements are at least as protective as the EPA
guidelines, including incorporation of the compliance scheduling
requirements established by the guidelines. The Act also provides that
the EPA shall prescribe a plan according to procedures similar to those
in section 110(c) if a State fails to submit a ``satisfactory plan.''
Moreover, States that believe additional control is desirable may
require more extensive controls, which might have the effect of closing
otherwise marginal facilities or banning a particular category of
sources outright.
C. Overview of This Preamble
This preamble will:
(1) Summarize the proposed guidelines by discussing the conclusions
reached with respect to each of the elements in the decision summary;
(2) describe the environmental, energy, and economic impacts of
these proposed guidelines;
(3) present a rationale for each of the decisions associated with
this proposal;
(4) present a regulatory flexibility analysis; and
(5) discuss administrative requirements relevant to this action.
II. Summary of the Proposed Subpart Cb MWC Emission Guidelines
This section presents a summary of the proposed emission
guidelines, including identification of the source category and
pollutants that would be regulated under the proposal, discussion of
the format of the proposed guidelines, and presentation of the proposed
guidelines and their associated performance testing, monitoring,
recordkeeping, and reporting requirements. This section also provides a
comparison of the emission guidelines in this proposed subpart Cb
versus the 1991 emission guidelines (subpart Ca).
A. Source Category To Be Regulated
Today's proposed emission guidelines would require States to
develop emission regulations limiting air emissions from each existing
MWC unit located at an MWC facility that has an aggregate existing
plant capacity to combust over 35 Mg/day of MSW, for which
construction, modification, or reconstruction commenced on or before
September 20, 1994. The proposed guidelines would apply to more than 99
percent of all existing MWC capacity. Additionally, plants with an
aggregate capacity to combust between 25 and 35 Mg/day would be
required to submit an initial report of their location and facility
capacities, but would not be subject to any provisions of the
The aggregate design capacity of all existing MWC's at an MWC plant
would be considered in determining: (1) Whether a plant is subject to
the guidelines; and (2) what control levels are applicable. The
capacity of new MWC's (i.e., those that commenced construction,
modification, or reconstruction after September 20, 1994) that are
located at the MWC plant would not be considered in determining
applicability of the emission guidelines to existing MWC's, but would
be considered in determining the applicability of the subpart Eb NSPS.
Only MWC units constructed, modified, or reconstructed on or before
September 20, 1994 would be used for determining the applicability of
subpart Cb guidelines. Modification of an existing MWC to comply with
the emission guidelines would not bring an existing MWC under the NSPS
for new MWC's.
An MWC is defined as any setting or equipment that combusts MSW.
Municipal waste combustion includes the burning (or pyrolysis) of MSW
in any type of setting or equipment, including combustion equipment
with and without heat recovery. This definition has been slightly
modified from the February 11, 1991 guidelines and is discussed below.
Municipal solid waste is defined as either a mixture or a single-
item stream of household, commercial, and/or institutional discards.
This would include discards such as paper, wood, yard wastes, tree
trimmings, plastics, leather, rubber, glass, metals, and other
combustible and noncombustible materials. The MSW definition includes
household discards as well as discards from institutional and
commercial sources, but does not include industrial process or
manufacturing discards. The MSW definition also includes refuse-derived
fuel (RDF), which is made from MSW that is shredded (or pelletized) and
classified by size before combustion. Municipal solid waste does not,
however, include wastes that are solely segregated medical wastes.
However, if segregated medical wastes are mixed with MSW, the resulting
mixture is considered to be MSW, and the proposed guidelines would
apply if the aggregate plant capacity exceeded 35 Mg/day. Minor editing
is proposed in the definition of MSW to clarify this point.
Air curtain incinerators that combust MSW are MWC's. However, air
curtain incinerators that burn only yard wastes, tree trimmings, and
clean untreated lumber would be covered under a separate set of
proposed opacity emission levels, and no other part of the proposal
would apply. Air curtain incinerator opacity requirements are discussed
in section VI of this preamble.
B. Pollutants To Be Regulated
Section 129 of the Act requires the EPA to establish numerical
emission limits specifically for SO2, HCl, PM, opacity, Cd, Pb,
Hg, dioxins/furans, CO, and NOX. Section 129 specifies that the
EPA may also:
* * * promulgate numerical emission limitations or provide for
the monitoring of post-combustion concentrations of surrogate
substances, parameters, or periods of residence times in excess of
stated temperatures with respect to pollutants other than those
listed [above] * * *.
Therefore, the EPA is proposing guidelines for load and flue gas
temperature at the PM control device inlet as additional indicators of
MWC operating practices. The EPA is also proposing a guideline emission
level for fly ash/bottom ash fugitive emissions because these emissions
include Cd, Pb, Hg, and dioxins/furans (see section V of this preamble
for further discussion of the EPA's decision to regulate fugitive
emissions from MWC's).
The February 11, 1991 guidelines include emission limitations for
all of the pollutants listed above except Cd, Pb, Hg, NOX, and fly
ash/bottom ash fugitive emissions. The proposed guidelines would
establish guidelines for all of the pollutants listed above. The
proposed guidelines for the same pollutants regulated by the February
11, 1991 guidelines (i.e., SO2, HCl, PM, opacity, dioxins/furans,
CO, load, and flue gas temperature at the PM control device inlet) have
been revised to reflect the requirements of section 129.
C. Format for the Proposed Guidelines
The format of the proposed emission guidelines is similar to the
format of the February 11, 1991 guidelines. In most cases, the format
is in the form of an emission level (concentration).
The format of the dioxin/furan guideline would be revised in
today's proposal. In the 1991 guidelines, dioxin/furan emissions were
reported as a concentration (nanograms per dry standard cubic meter
(ng/dscm), corrected to 7 percent oxygen (O2), dry basis) on a
total mass basis (i.e., the mass of all tetra- through octa-congeners
were added together). In today's proposal, dioxin/furan emissions could
be reported in units of either ng/dscm total mass or ng/dscm toxic
equivalency (TEQ). Reporting in TEQ units is done by first measuring
the total mass of dioxin/furan congeners and then adjusting the results
to account for the varying toxicity of each congener. The same test
method (Method 23) is used in either case. See section II.F of this
preamble for further discussion of the proposed method of reporting
dioxin/furan emissions in terms of TEQ.
The February 11, 1991 guidelines specify guideline emission levels
for PM and opacity. Particulate matter is measured as a concentration
(milligrams per dry standard cubic meter (mg/dscm)) and is corrected to
7 percent O2, and opacity is measured on a percentage basis. The
format for the PM and opacity guidelines would not change, but Cd, Pb,
and Hg emission guideline limits would be added. Emissions of Cd, Pb,
and Hg would be calculated as a concentration (mg/dscm) corrected to 7
percent O2. For Hg, the proposed emission guidelines would also
establish an alternative percentage reduction requirement. A new method
(Method 29) that would measure these pollutants is being proposed in a
separate part of today's Federal Register.
The February 11, 1991 guidelines establish control requirements for
SO2 and HCl (MWC acid gases) by specifying both numerical emission
levels, calculated as parts per million by volume (ppmv) corrected to 7
percent O2, dry basis, and percentage reduction requirements for
both SO2 and HCl. Today's proposed guidelines would also be based
on the same format.
Today's proposal would also establish a guideline emission level
(ppmv) for NOX emissions. The NOX guideline emission level
would apply to MWC units at MWC plants with capacities to combust
greater than 225 Mg/day.
In addition to controlling stack emissions, the February 11, 1991
emission guidelines establish combustion operating guidelines for
MWC's. These operating guidelines are part of good combustion practices
(GCP) and ensure that emissions of MWC organics (dioxins/furans) are
minimized on a continuous basis. The GCP requirements are included in
today's proposal, but they are being extended to apply to MWC's at
plants of 35 Mg/day aggregate capacity or larger. Additionally, some
minor revisions are being proposed. The proposed revisions would
include: (1) A requirement that all shift supervisors and chief
facility operators obtain full (as opposed to provisional) operator
certification; (2) ``stand in'' authority for MWC control room
operators; and (3) required training of MWC shift supervisors. These
items are discussed below.
The February 11, 1991 emission guidelines require provisional
certification of the chief facility operator and shift supervisors by
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) or a State
certification program. Development of a site-specific training manual
to be used for training other MWC personnel is also required. Today's
proposal would require that the chief facility operator and shift
supervisor obtain both provisional and then full operator
Today's proposal would allow for the optional certification of one
or more control room operators. Under the February 11, 1991 guidelines,
all chief facility operators and shift supervisors must be certified,
and one of these individuals must be onsite during all periods of MWC
operation. Under today's proposal, a provisionally certified control
room operator may ``stand in'' for the chief facility operator or shift
supervisor during periods in which the certified chief facility
operator or certified shift supervisor is offsite, in order to fulfill
the requirement that a certified individual be on site during all
periods of MWC operation. This would provide additional operating
flexibility. Today's proposal would also require that all chief
facility operators, shift supervisors, and control room operators
complete the MWC training program developed by the EPA or a State
program. The EPA has developed a model training program that has been
distributed to State air pollution control agencies, EPA Regional
Offices, and MWC industry groups. The EPA believes that operator
training is an integral part of the implementation of GCP.
Today's proposed guidelines also establish guidelines for fugitive
fly ash/bottom ash emissions from ash handling facilities. These
guidelines would establish a no visible emissions level, and would
apply to all buildings, external ash transfer equipment, and ash
handling areas at the MWC facility.
D. Proposed Emission Guidelines
Today's proposal would establish emission guidelines for MWC
organics (dioxins/furans), MWC metals (PM, opacity, Cd, Pb, and Hg),
MWC acid gases (SO2 and HCl), and NOX. The guidelines also
propose requirements for fly ash/bottom ash fugitive handling, MWC
operating practices (CO, load, and flue gas temperature), and operator
training and certification.
The proposed guidelines would divide the MWC population into two
subcategories: The first would be for MWC units located at small MWC
plants (i.e., those with aggregate capacities to combust greater than
35 Mg/day of MSW but equal to or less than 225 Mg/day), and the second
would be for MWC units at large plants (i.e., those with aggregate
capacities to combust more than 225 Mg/day of MSW). The aggregate
capacity of all existing MWC units at one site would be added together
to define aggregate MWC plant capacity for the purposes of the emission
guidelines. The proposed emission guidelines for each subcategory and
subclass of MWC's are summarized in table 1.
Table 1.--Summary of Proposed Emission Guidelines for Existing MWC's
[Subpart Cb]a
Plant size (MSW combustion
capacity) Requirement
The proposed guidelines would apply to existing MWC's located at plants
with capacities to combust greater than 25 Mg/day of residential,
commercial, and/or institutional discards.b Industrial discards are not
covered by the proposed guidelines.
25 Mg/day.......... Not covered by guidelines.
> 25 Mg/day but 35 Initial report of MWC design
Mg/day. capacity and startup date.
> 35 Mg/day but 225 Subject to provisions listed below.
Mg/day (referred to as small
MWC plants).
> 225 Mg/day (referred to as Subject to provisions listed below.
large MWC plants).
Good Combustion Practices
Applies to large and small MWC plants.
A site-specific operator training manual would be required to
be developed and made available for MWC personnel. The EPA or a State
MWC operator training course would be required to be completed by the
MWC chief facility operator, shift supervisors, and control room
The ASME or a State MWC operator certification would be
required to be obtained by the MWC chief facility operator
(mandatory), shift supervisors (mandatory), and control room
operators (optional).
The MWC load level would be required to be measured and not to
exceed the maximum load level as demonstrated during the most recent
dioxin/furan performance test.
The maximum PM control device inlet flue gas temperature would
be required to be measured and not to exceed the level demonstrated
during the most recent dioxin/furan performance test.
The CO level would be required to be measured using a CEMS,
and the concentration in the flue gas would be required not to exceed
the following:
MWC type CO levelc Averaging time
Modular starved-air and excess-air...... 50 ppmv 4-hour.
Mass burn waterwall and refractory...... 100 ppmv 4-hour.
Mass burn rotary refractory............. 100 ppmv 24-hour.
Fluidized-bed combustion................ 100 ppmv 4-hour.
Coal/RDF mixed fuel-fired............... 150 ppmv 4-hour.
RDF stokers............................. 200 ppmv 24-hour.
Mass burn rotary waterwall.............. 250 ppmv 24-hour.
MWC Organic Emissions (measured as dioxin/furan)c,d
Dioxins/furans (compliance test by EPA Reference Method 23)
Large MWC plants............... 30 ng/dscm total mass or 0.5 ng/
dscm dioxin/furan TEQ.
Small MWC plants............... 60 ng/dscm total mass or 1.0 ng/
dscm dioxin/furan TEQ.
Basis for dioxin/furan guideline
Large MWC plants............... GCP and SD/ESP/CI or GCP and SD/FF/
Small MWC plants............... GCP and DSI/ESP/CI.
MWC Metal Emissionsc
PM (compliance test by EPA Reference Method 5)
Large MWC plants............... 27 mg/dscm (0.012 gr/dscf).
Small MWC plants............... 69 mg/dscm (0.030 gr/dscf).
Opacity (compliance test by EPA Reference Method 9)
Large and small MWC plants..... 10 percent (6-minute average).
Cd (compliance test by EPA Reference Method 29)e
Large MWC plants............... 0.040 mg/dscm (18 gr/million dscf).
Small MWC plants............... 0.10 mg/dscm (44 gr/million dscf).
Pb (compliance test by EPA Reference Method 29)e
Large MWC plants............... 0.50 mg/dscm (200 gr/million dscf).
Small MWC plants............... 1.6 mg/dscm (700 gr/million dscf).
Hg (compliance test by EPA Reference Method 29)e
Large and small MWC plants..... 0.080 mg/dscm (35 gr/million dscf)
or 85-percent reduction in Hg
Basis for PM, opacity, Cd, Pb, and Hg guidelines
Large and small MWC plants..... See basis for dioxin/furan
MWC Acid Gas Emissionsc
SO2 (compliance test by CEMS)
Large MWC plants............... 35 ppmv or 75-percent reduction in
SO2 emissions (24-hour).
Small MWC plants............... 80 ppmv or 50-percent reduction in
SO2 emissions (24-hour).
HCl (compliance test by EPA Reference Method 26)
Large MWC plants............... 35 ppmv or 95-percent reduction in
HCl emissions.
Small MWC plants............... 250 ppmv or 50-percent reduction in
HCl emissions.
Basis for SO2 and HCl guidelines
Large and small MWC plants..... See basis for dioxin/furan
Nitrogen Oxides Emissionsc
NOX (compliance test by CEMS)
Large MWC plants............... 180 ppmv (except mass burn/
refractory MWC's).
Mass burn refractory MWC plants No NOX control requirement.
Small MWC plants............... No NOX control requirement.
Basis for NOX guideline
Large MWC plants............... SNCR.
Mass burn refractory MWC plants No NOX control requirement.
Small MWC plants............... No NOX control requirement.
Fly Ash/Bottom Ash Fugitive Emissions
Fly Ash/Bottom Ash (compliance test by EPA Reference Method 22)
Large and small plants......... No visible emissions from
buildings, ash transfer points, or
ash handling areas.
Basis for fugitive emission Wet ash handling or enclosed ash
guideline. handling.
Compliance Testing/Monitoring Requirements
Load, flue gas Continuous monitoring systems, 4-
temperature. hour arithmetic average.
CO..................... CEMS, 4- or 24-hour arithmetic
average, as applicable.
Dioxins/Furans,d PM, Cd, Pb, Hg, and HCl
Large MWC plants............... Annual stack test.
Small MWC plants............... Annual or third year stack testf.
Opacity................ COMS (6-minute average) and annual
stack test.
SO2.................... CEMS, 24-hour geometric mean.
NOX (large MWC plants CEMS, 24-hour arithmetic average.
Fly ash/bottom ash Annual test.
fugitive emissions.
Compliance Schedule:
State plans would be required to include one of the following
two schedules for compliance with regulatory requirements: (1) Full
compliance within 1 year following approval of the State plan; or (2)
full compliance within 3 years following issuance of a revised
construction or operation permit, if a permit modification is
required, or within 3 years following approval of the State plan, if
a permit modification is not required, provided the State plan
includes measurable and enforceable incremental steps of progress
toward compliance.
State plans would be required to specify that all MWC's at
large MWC plants for which construction, modification, or
reconstruction is commenced after June 26, 1987 comply with the
emission guidelines for Hg and dioxins/furans within 1 year following
issuance of a revised construction or operation permit, if a permit
modification is required, or within 1 year following approval of the
State plan, if a permit modification is not required.
State plans would be required to require compliance with the
MWC operator training and certification requirements by 1 year after
promulgation of the guidelines.
aDefinition of abbreviations used in table:
ASME=American Society of Mechanical Engineers
CEMS=continuous emission monitoring system
CO=carbon monoxide
COMS=continuous opacity monitoring system
DSI/ESP/CI=dry sorbent injection/electrostatic precipitator/activated
carbon injection
GCP=good combustion practices
gr/dscf=grains per dry standard cubic foot
gr/million dscf=grains per million dry standard cubic feet
HCl=hydrogen chloride
mg/dscm=milligrams per dry standard cubic meter (100 mg/dscm=0.044 gr/
Mg/day=megagrams per day (1 Mg/day=1.1 short tons/day (2,204 pounds/
MSW=municipal solid waste
MWC=municipal waste combustor
ng/dscm=nanograms per dry standard cubic meter (1,000,000 ng=1 mg)
NOX=nitrogen oxides
PM=particulate matter
ppmv=parts per million by volume
RDF=refuse-derived fuel
SD/ESP/CI=spray dryer/electrostatic precipitator/activated carbon
injection system
SD/FF/CI=spray dryer/fabric filter/activated carbon injection system
SNCR=selective noncatalytic reduction
SO2=sulfur dioxide
TEQ=toxic equivalency of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin (1989
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) international criteria)
Total mass=total mass of tetra- through octa-chlorinated dibenzo-p-
dioxins and dibenzofurans.
bAir curtain incinerators that combust only yard waste, tree trimmings,
and/or clean untreated lumber would be subject to an opacity
guideline, but to no other parts of the proposed emission guidelines.
Air curtain incinerators that combust other MSW are subject to all
requirements under the proposed emission guidelines.
cAll concentration levels in the table are converted to 7 percent O2,
dry basis.
dDioxins/furans are measured as tetra- through octa-chlorinated dibenzo-
p-dioxins and dibenzofurans. For plants complying with the TEQ format,
TEQ is determined using 1989 international toxicity equivalency
eMethod 29 is being proposed in a separate notice in today's Federal
fThe proposed guidelines include provisions that would allow small MWC
plants to conduct performance tests for dioxin/furans, PM, Cd, Pb, Hg,
and HCl every third year if the MWC meets certain specified criteria,
as discussed in section II.F of this preamble.
The proposed guideline limits are summarized below.
1. Municipal Waste Combustor Organics
The proposed guidelines would require existing MWC's at large MWC
plants to meet a dioxin/furan emission level of 0.50 ng/dscm TEQ or 30
ng/dscm total dioxins/furans, corrected to 7 percent O2. Existing
MWC's located at small MWC plants would be required to meet a dioxin/
furan level of 1.0 ng/dscm TEQ or 60 ng/dscm total dioxins/furans,
corrected to 7 percent O2. The TEQ emission levels would be
calculated using the 1989 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
international toxic equivalency factors (TEF's), using the methods
described in section II.F of this preamble and section 60.58b of
subpart Eb of today's proposed NSPS.
2. Municipal Waste Combustor Metals
The proposed emission guidelines would require MWC's at large
plants to control PM to a level of 27 mg/dscm corrected to 7 percent
O2. The emission guideline PM level proposed for MWC's at small
plants is 69 mg/dscm, corrected to 7 percent O2. Municipal waste
combustors at both small and large existing MWC plants would be
required to meet an opacity level of 10 percent using a 6-minute
averaging period.
The proposed emission guidelines would also establish specific
emission levels for Cd, Pb, and Hg. The proposed guidelines would
require existing MWC's at large plants to meet a Cd emission level of
0.040 mg/dscm, a Pb emission level of 0.50 mg/dscm, and an Hg emission
level of 0.080 mg/dscm or an 85-percent reduction in Hg emissions.
For existing MWC's at small plants, the emission guidelines would
be 0.10 mg/dscm for Cd, 1.6 mg/dscm for Pb, and 0.080 mg/dscm or an 85-
percent reduction in Hg emissions.
3. Municipal Waste Combustor Acid Gases
The proposed emission guidelines for acid gases would require all
existing MWC's located at large plants to control SO2 emissions to
a level of either 35 ppmv or 75-percent reduction (at 7 percent
O2, dry basis) on a 24-hour geometric mean basis and HCl emissions
to a level of either 35 ppmv or 95-percent reduction (at 7 percent
O2, dry basis). All existing MWC's located at small plants would
be required to meet an SO2 emission level of either 80 ppmv or 50-
percent reduction (at 7 percent O2, dry basis) on a 24-hour
geometric mean basis and an HCl emission level of either 250 ppmv or
50-percent reduction (at 7 percent O2, dry basis).
4. Good Combustion Practices
Today's proposed emission guidelines would require all existing
MWC's at plants with capacities above 35 Mg/day to comply with
specified operating practices that reflect GCP. These operating
practices include CO levels, combustor load levels, and flue gas
temperatures and are specified below.
The GCP levels remain unchanged from the February 11, 1991
guidelines. For modular starved-air and modular excess-air types of
MWC's, the CO emission limit would be 50 ppmv (at 7 percent O2,
dry basis) on a 4-hour block average basis. For mass burn waterwall,
mass burn fixed-wall refractory, and fluidized-bed types of MWC's, the
CO emission limit would be 100 ppmv (at 7 percent O2, dry basis)
on a 4-hour block average basis. For mass burn rotary refractory MWC's,
the CO emission limit would be 100 ppmv (at 7 percent O2, dry
basis) on a 24-hour block average basis. For mass burn rotary waterwall
MWC's, the CO emission limit would be 250 ppmv (at 7 percent O2,
dry basis) on a 24-hour block average basis. For RDF-stoker MWC's, the
CO limit would be 200 ppmv (at 7 percent O2, dry basis) on a 24-
hour block average basis. For coal/RDF mixed fuel-fired MWC's, the CO
limit would be 150 ppmv (at 7 percent O2, dry basis) on a 4-hour
block average basis.
Municipal waste combustors would be allowed to operate up to 110
percent of the maximum capacity, as achieved during the most recent
dioxin/furan compliance test. Maximum capacity would be based on the
steam flow rate, which would be continuously monitored according to the
ASME Power Test Code (PTC) for Steam Generating Units (PTC4.1 and
PTC19.5). This requirement is unchanged from the February 11, 1991
emission guidelines. The EPA requests comments on this method of
measuring load for steam-generating MWC's. Specifically, the EPA has
questions regarding the requirement for calibration of the measuring
device (e.g., orifice plate) before and after each dioxin/furan
compliance test. The EPA is concerned that this calibration requirement
may be overly burdensome because the main steam line that contains the
orifice plate may need to be cut in order to access the orifice plate
for recalibration. Also, the EPA requests comments on whether the ASME
PTC adequately addresses the need for calibrating the signal from the
flow meter.
Additionally, the EPA requests comments on the use of boiler feed
water flow as an alternative method for continuously monitoring load
for steam-generating MWC's.
Furthermore, the EPA is considering allowing the use of the
continuous flue gas volumetric flow rate to measure maximum capacity
for both steam-generating MWC's, as well as those MWC's that do not
generate steam. These types of monitors are based on ultrasonic,
thermal, or differential pressure methods, and are now being required
as part of the EPA's Acid Rain Program (40 CFR part 75). The EPA
requests comments on whether continuous flue gas volumetric flow rate
monitors are adequately demonstrated and accurate methods for
determining compliance with the load level requirements, and if they
should be allowed as an alternative to the use of the ASME PTC.
Under the guidelines, MWC's would establish a site-specific maximum
flue gas temperature at the final PM control device inlet demonstrated
during their most recent dioxin/furan compliance test. Similar to the
provisions for establishing a maximum load level measurement, the
maximum demonstrated PM control device inlet temperature is established
as the maximum 4-hour block average temperature measured during the
most recent dioxin/furan compliance test. The MWC must then be operated
so that the temperature at the final PM control device inlet does not
exceed this level by more than 17 deg.C (30 deg.F) (4-hour block
average basis).
5. Operator Certification and Training
The proposed emission guidelines would require full certification
of all MWC shift supervisors and MWC chief facility operators by the
ASME or a State program. The proposed guidelines would also require
that at least one of the following persons be on duty at the MWC at all
times during which the MWC is combusting waste: A fully certified MWC
chief facility operator, a fully certified shift supervisor, or a
provisionally certified control room operator. A provisionally
certified control room operator would be allowed to ``stand in'' during
times that a fully certified chief facility operator or shift
supervisor is offsite.
In addition, the proposed emission guidelines would require each
owner or operator of an MWC with an aggregate capacity greater than 35
Mg/day to develop and maintain a site-specific training manual and to
review it with all employees associated with the operation of the MWC
(including MWC maintenance personnel, crane/load operators, and ash
handlers). The manual and training would be updated annually.
Section 129 of the Act of 1990 requires the EPA to develop and
promote a model State program for the training and certification of MWC
operators. Section 129 specifies that ``any person with control over
processes affecting emissions from a unit'' must successfully complete
an acceptable training program. Consistent with section 129, today's
proposed emission guidelines would require all MWC chief facility
operators, shift supervisors, and control room operators at MWC plants
with capacities above 35 Mg/day to complete the MWC operator training
course developed by the EPA or a State program. The EPA has developed a
model training program and has distributed it to State air pollution
control agencies, EPA regional offices, and MWC industry groups. This
model training program could be used to fulfill this requirement and
prepare for the ASME certification.
6. Nitrogen Oxides Emissions
The proposed emission guidelines would require MWC's at large
plants, except refractory MWC's, to control NOX emissions to a
level of 180 ppmv (corrected to 7 percent O2, dry basis, on a 24-
hour daily average basis). A ``no control'' NOX emission guideline
level for MWC's at small plants and refractory MWC's at large plants is
proposed and discussed in section VIII of this preamble.
7. Fly Ash or Bottom Ash Fugitive Emissions
The proposed guidelines for fly ash/bottom ash fugitive dust
emissions would establish a guideline of no visible emissions for fly
ash or bottom ash emissions from an MWC facility.
The visible emissions guidelines would apply to buildings and
external ash handling or transfer activities (e.g., loading), and any
other area at the designated facility that is a potential source of fly
ash or bottom ash fugitive emissions.
E. Comparison of the 1991 Guidelines and Today's Proposal
The subpart Ca emission guidelines promulgated on February 11, 1991
and today's proposed subpart Cb emission guidelines both contain
guideline emission levels for dioxins/furans, PM, SO2, and HCl at
large MWC's; however, today's proposed guidelines for most of these
pollutants are more stringent than the guidelines promulgated on
February 11, 1991. The February 11, 1991 guidelines did not address Cd,
Pb, Hg, NOX, or fly ash/bottom ash fugitive emissions, but each of
these is included in today's proposal. Also, today's proposal covers
all MWC units at plants with aggregate capacities above 35 Mg/day,
whereas the February 11, 1991 guidelines only covered MWC units with
unit capacities above 225 Mg/day. A comparison of the 1991 guidelines
and proposed guideline emission levels is provided in table 2.
Table 2.--Comparison of The Proposed Guidelines (Subpart Cb) and The 1991 Guidelines (Subpart Ca)
Guideline emission levela
Proposed subpart Cb 1991 guidelines (subpart Ca)
Pollutant guidelinesb ----------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------ MWC's > 225 Mg/day but < mwc="" plants=""> 225 Mg/dayc 1000 Mg/dayc MWC's > 1000 Mg/dayc
Dioxins/furans......... 0.5 ng/dscm toxic 125 ng/dscm, total mass 60 ng/dscm, total mass
equivalence or 30 ng/dscm (equivalent to 2.0 ng/dscm (equivalent to 1.0 ng/dscm
total mass. toxic equivalence). toxic equivalence).
SO2.................... 35 ppmv or 75-percent 30 ppmv or 50-percent 30 ppmv or 70-percent
reductiond. reductiond. reductiond.
HCl.................... 35 ppmv or 95-percent 25 ppmv or 50-percent 25 ppmv or 90-percent
reductiond. reductiond. reductiond.
PM..................... 27 mg/dscm.................. 69 mg/dscm.................. 34 mg/dscm.
Opacity................ 10 percent.................. 10 percent.................. 10 percent.
Cd..................... 0.040 mg/dscm............... None........................ None.
Pb..................... 0.50 mg/dscm................ None........................ None.
Hg..................... 0.080 mg/dscm (or 85-percent None........................ None.
NOX.................... 180 ppmv.................... None........................ None.
Fly ash/bottom ash No visible emissions from None........................ None.
fugitive emissions. buildings, ash transfer
points, or ash handling
a All emission levels are corrected to 7 percent O2, dry basis.
b Separate guideline levels are also proposed for MWC plants with aggregate plant capacities between 35 and 225
c The February 11, 1991 guidelines were based on MWC unit capacity, and today's proposed guidelines are based on
aggregate plant capacity.
d Whichever is less stringent.
The MWC operating guidelines (GCP) included in today's proposal are
the same as those in the February 11, 1991 guidelines. The training and
certification requirements have changed somewhat. The February 11, 1991
guidelines required only provisional certification of MWC chief
facility operators and shift supervisors, but today's proposed
guidelines would require both provisional and then full certification.
This change is being proposed because the full operator certification
program is now widely available. In 1991, the program was not widely
Today's proposal also adds a provision to allow provisionally
certified MWC control room operators to stand in for the MWC chief
facility operators or shift supervisors in their temporary absence from
the MWC. Additionally, today's proposal would require all MWC chief
facility operators, shift supervisors, and control room operators to
complete the EPA or a State MWC training course. This training course
requirement was not included in the February 11, 1991 guidelines.
F. Performance Testing and Monitoring Requirements
Information related to the performance testing and monitoring
requirements for MWC acid gases (SO2 and HCl), MWC organics
(dioxins/furans), PM, and MWC operating practices was published in the
February 11 and 13, 1991 Federal Register notices (56 FR 5514 and 56 FR
5758). These same requirements would be adopted by today's proposed
guidelines and would be extended to apply to all MWC's at plants with
aggregate capacities above 35 Mg/day. Because the proposed guidelines
allow compliance with either a dioxin/furan limit in terms of TEQ or a
dioxin/furan limit on a total mass basis, procedures are being proposed
for determining dioxin/furan emissions on a TEQ basis. The mass of each
tetra- through octa- chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin and dibenzofuran
congener would be measured by EPA Reference Method 23. Each congener
mass would then be adjusted by the corresponding toxic equivalency
factor (TEF; the 1989 NATO international TEF's). Finally, the adjusted
congener masses would be added together to determine dioxins/furans in
ng/dscm TEQ. Furthermore, today's proposal would require both large and
small MWC facilities to conduct annual opacity tests using EPA
Reference Method 9. This testing would be in addition to the continuous
monitoring of opacity levels. Also, today's proposal allows small MWC
facilities to conduct less frequent testing for dioxin/furan, HCl, and
PM emissions if the small facility consistently demonstrates
compliance. More specifically, under today's proposed emission
guidelines, if three consecutive annual compliance tests for an MWC at
a small MWC plant indicate compliance with the emission guideline for a
pollutant (i.e., PM, HCl, or dioxins/furans), the MWC would be allowed
to wait 3 years before retesting for the pollutant. If the next test
conducted in the third year shows compliance with the emission
guideline for that pollutant, then the facility could again wait 3
years to test for the pollutant. If noncompliance with the emission
guideline for the pollutant occurs, corrective actions would be
required to be undertaken and annual testing would be required to be
conducted until 3 consecutive years of compliance with the emission
guideline is established. At a minimum, performance tests for dioxins/
furans, HCl, and PM would be required to be performed for each MWC at a
small MWC plant every 3 years. This provision is included to minimize
costs for small MWC plants, while still retaining periodic testing to
ensure compliance. All large MWC plants would continue to be required
to conduct annual compliance tests.
Annual performance tests to determine compliance with the Cd, Pb,
and Hg emission guidelines would be based on EPA Reference Method 29.
The average emission rates of three or more test runs using this
methodology would be used to determine compliance. The EPA considered
the use of EPA Reference Method 101A for Hg testing; however, based on
available data, the EPA has concluded that Method 29 is a better
measure of Cd, Pb, and Hg emissions than Method 101A and has therefore
proposed Method 29 for testing MWC's. Also, as discussed above for
dioxins/furans, PM, and HCl, if small plants demonstrate compliance
with the Cd, Pb, and Hg emission guidelines for 3 consecutive years,
they would be allowed to begin testing for these three pollutants every
third year.
The EPA Reference Method 29 is proposed in a separate part of
today's Federal Register. Method 29 is very similar to the method that
has been used by the EPA's Office of Solid Waste to measure metal
emissions from boilers cofiring hazardous waste, commonly referred to
as the EPA multimetals method. The proposed Method 29 is discussed in
section IV.H of this preamble.
The proposed emission guidelines for NOX would require
continuous monitoring of NOX emissions for MWC's at large plants,
except refractory units for which a ``no control'' emission guideline
is proposed. Compliance with the NOX emission guideline level for
nonrefractory MWC's at large plants would be determined by calculating
the arithmetic average of the hourly emission rates, as measured by the
continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS), for a 24-hour period that
the MWC operates, using EPA Reference Method 19. Quality assurance
would be maintained in accordance with appendix F of 40 CFR part 60.
Annual performance tests to determine compliance with proposed fly
ash/bottom ash visible emissions guidelines would be based on EPA
Reference Method 22 (3-hour continuous visual observation). The limits
would apply at all times, and tests would be conducted during periods
of time when fly ash/bottom ash is transferred from the combustor or
from the air pollution control device to the ash loading area, and when
ash is loaded for transportation or is being transported onsite.
The data availability requirement for CEMS (SO2, NOX, CO,
and O2 (or CO2)) has been changed from the 1991 NSPS.
Today's proposal would require that valid paired CEMS hourly
averages (i.e., SO2 and O2 (or CO2), NOX and
O2 (or CO2), and CO and O2 (or CO2)) be obtained
for 75 percent of the hours per day for 90 percent of the days per
calendar quarter that the designated facility is operated and
combusting MSW.
G. Reporting, Recordkeeping, and Compliance Schedule Guidelines
The MWC emission guidelines promulgated on February 11, 1991 for
MWC's with unit capacities above 225 Mg/day established reporting and
recordkeeping requirements for MWC organics (dioxins/furans), MWC
metals (PM and opacity), MWC acid gases (SO2 and HCl), and
operating practices (CO, load, flue gas temperature, and operator
training/certification). These reporting and recordkeeping requirements
are discussed in the February 11, 1991 Federal Register notice (56 FR
5514). These same reporting and recordkeeping requirements would be
adopted under the proposed guidelines, except that dioxin/furan
emissions would be recorded and reported on either a total mass basis
or a TEQ basis. Furthermore, if small MWC's meet the criteria in
today's proposal allowing them to conduct performance tests for
dioxins/furans, HCl, and PM every third year, they would submit a
simplified annual report for years in which a full compliance test was
not required.
Today's proposal also would add reporting and recordkeeping
requirements for Cd, Pb, Hg, and NOX. The proposed emission
guidelines would require that initial and annual compliance reports be
submitted for Cd, Pb, and Hg for MWC's at plants with capacities above
35 Mg/day. If small MWC's meet the criteria allowing them to conduct
performance tests for Cd, Pb, or Hg every third year, they would be
allowed to submit a simplified annual report for years when a full
compliance test was not required. The proposed guidelines would also
require that the amount of activated carbon injected for Hg control at
small and large plants be recorded during MWC operation.
The NSPS for MWC's promulgated on February 11, 1991 (56 FR 5488)
establishes reporting and recordkeeping requirements for NOX for
new MWC's; however, no NOX requirements were established for
existing MWC's. These NSPS reporting and recordkeeping requirements
would now apply to MWC's only at large plants under today's proposed
emission guidelines. Submittal of initial and quarterly reports for all
CEMS data and accuracy determinations for NOX emissions would be
required. Quality assurance would be required in accordance with
appendix F in 40 CFR part 60.
Initial and annual compliance reports for fly ash/bottom ash
visible emissions testing would be required under today's proposal for
both small and large plants.
The proposed emission guidelines include revised compliance
scheduling requirements. The proposed guidelines require State plans to
require both small and large MWC plants to meet one of the following
two compliance schedules: (1) Full compliance with the State plan
within 1 year after approval of the State plan, or (2) full compliance
with the State plan within 3 years following issuance of a revised
construction or operation permit, if a permit modification is required,
or within 3 years following approval of the State plan, if a permit
modification is not required, provided the State plan includes
measurable and enforceable incremental steps of progress toward
compliance with the State plan (see section IV.I of this preamble for
further discussion of this requirement).
The proposed emission guidelines also include an accelerated
compliance schedule for compliance with the proposed dioxin/furan and
Hg emission limits for certain MWC's. Under the accelerated schedule,
MWC units for which construction commenced after June 26, 1987 and that
are located at large MWC plants would be required to be in compliance
with the proposed dioxin/furan and Hg emission guidelines within 1 year
following issuance of a revised construction or operation permit, if a
permit modification is required, or within 1 year following approval of
the State plan, if a permit modification is not required (these units
are already equipped with acid gas/PM control systems). The rationale
for requiring this accelerated schedule is provided in section IV.I of
this preamble.
Additionally, the proposal requires compliance with both the
operator training and certification requirements by 1 year after the
date of promulgation of the emission guidelines.
Records of all data, including results of emission tests and
compliance reports would be maintained for 5 years following the date
of submission of the data.
III. Impacts of the Proposed Emission Guidelines
This section describes the impacts (i.e., air, water, solid waste,
energy, control cost, and economic impacts) of the proposed emission
guidelines for small and large MWC facilities. The impacts are
summarized in table 3. Table 3 presents: (1) The impact of these
proposed subpart Cb guidelines over a pre-1989 baseline (i.e., baseline
prior to the effective date of the subpart Ca guidelines); and (2) the
incremental impact of these proposed subpart Cb guidelines over the
subpart Ca guidelines. The following discussion focuses only on the
impacts of today's proposal based on a pre-1989 baseline, since the
emission guidelines promulgated in 1991 have not been implemented. For
further information on the impacts of the proposed emission guidelines,
refer to the document entitled ``Economic Impact Analysis for Proposed
Emission Standards and Guidelines for Municipal Waste Combustors'' that
is included in the list of items under Supplementary Information at the
beginning of this preamble.
Table 3.--Impacts of the 1991 Subpart Ca and Proposed Subpart Cb
of proposed
Proposed 1994
1991 1994 subpart Cb
Parameter subpart Ca subpart Cb guidelines
guidelinesa guidelinesa over the
subpart Ca
Characteristics of Existing
Combustion capacity (106 Mg/yr) 35.9 39.0 3.1
Number of MWC plants........... 158 179 21
Cost (1990 Dollars):
Capital cost ($106)............ 888 2,100 1,212
Annualized cost ($106/yr)...... 168 445 277
Average cost increase ($/Mg MSW
combusted).................... 6.40 13.60 7.20
Annual Emissions Reduction (Mg/
SO2............................ 25,000 43,000 18,000
HCl............................ 36,000 56,000 20,000
PM............................. 1,100 3,100 2,000
Cd............................. 2 5 3
Pb............................. 30 83 53
Hg............................. 11 47 36
NOX............................ 0 19,000 19,000
Total dioxins/furans (kg/yr)c.. 117 157 40
Dioxin/furan TEQ (g/yr)d....... 1,950 2,620 670
a The impacts are based on a pre-1989 baseline (i.e., a baseline prior
to the effective date of the subpart Ca guidelines).
b The impacts are calculated by subtracting the impacts of the 1991
subpart Ca guidelines from the impacts of the proposed 1994 subpart Cb
guidelines (based on a pre-1989 baseline).
c kg/yr = kilograms per year.
d g/yr = grams per year.
A. Air Impacts
The air emission reductions discussed below, as well as all other
impacts discussed in today's proposal, are nationwide impacts that
would result from full implementation of the guidelines and are
relative to the current baseline MWC population, considering in-place
air pollution control devices. These are not incremental impacts
relative to the February 11, 1991 emission guidelines. The total
impacts are presented because the February 11, 1991 guidelines have not
been implemented and are being significantly altered by today's
Under today's proposed emission guidelines, nationwide emissions of
total dioxins/furans would be reduced by about 157 kilograms per year
(kg/yr) compared with emissions in the absence of nationwide
guidelines. Emissions of dioxins/furans on a TEQ basis would be reduced
by about 2,620 grams per year (g/yr). This represents a nationwide
reduction of about 99 percent compared to baseline levels in the
absence of the guidelines. Remaining nationwide dioxin/furan emissions
would be about 42 g/yr TEQ.
Nationwide emissions of PM would be decreased by about 3,100
megagrams per year (Mg/yr) compared with levels in the absence of
emission guidelines. This represents a reduction of just under 50
percent compared to baseline levels in the absence of nationwide
guidelines. In combination with baseline control, this would represent
greater than 99-percent PM control. Emissions of Cd would be reduced by
about 6 Mg/yr, Pb would be reduced by about 91 Mg/yr, and Hg would be
reduced by about 48 Mg/yr. These emission reductions represent
decreases of about 70 to 80 percent for each of these three metals. In
combination with baseline control, this would represent greater than
99-percent control for Cd and Pb and greater than 80-percent control
for Hg.
Nationwide emissions of SO2 and HCl would be decreased by
43,000 Mg/yr and 56,000 Mg/yr, respectively, relative to current
baseline levels. This represents about 87-percent control of acid gases
compared to baseline levels in the absence of emission guidelines. In
combination with baseline control, this would represent about 95-
percent control of these acid gases.
The proposed emission guidelines would reduce nationwide emissions
of NOX by 19,000 Mg/yr, representing an overall nationwide
emission reduction of over 30 percent compared to baseline levels that
would be emitted without the proposed guidelines.
B. Water and Solid Waste Impacts
Water and solid waste impacts that would result from today's
proposal were determined not to be significant. No water pollution
impacts are projected because the control technologies considered would
not produce a wastewater stream.
The EPA believes that MWC ash disposal is adequately addressed by
current waste management standards, so that considerations of ash
quality need not play a role in this rulemaking.
C. Energy Impacts
The energy impacts of applying add-on pollutant emission controls
required as part of today's proposal would not result in significant
energy impacts. Today's proposal for MWC acid gases, MWC organics, MWC
metals, and NOX would affect an estimated 179 MWC plants and would
result in energy requirements of 400 to 500 gigawatt-hours per year
(GW-hr/yr) of electricity to operate the air pollution control devices,
and about 780 terajoules per year (TJ/yr) of natural gas to maintain
combustor operating conditions that reflect GCP.
Most of the MWC's that would be affected by the proposed guidelines
generate electricity for sale. For example, a large mass burn/waterwall
MWC plant would generate about 500 GW-hr/yr of electricity. The energy
to operate its air pollution control equipment would represent only
about 4 percent of generation. Additionally, natural gas that is fired
for GCP requirements represents less than 0.2 percent of the annual
heat input to MWC's. Considering that a large percentage of new power
plant capacity to be constructed in the next 10 years will fire natural
gas, the firing of small amounts of natural gas for GCP (while
generating electricity) actually reallocates natural gas use rather
than just increasing consumption.
D. Cost and Economic Impacts
1. National Overview
The EPA projects that about 33 million Mg of MSW will be combusted
in the year 2000 in existing MWC plants subject to the guidelines being
proposed today. The EPA estimates that there would be 179 existing MWC
plants in operation that would be subject to the subpart Cb guidelines:
60 in the 35- to 225-Mg/day capacity range and 119 in the larger than
225-Mg/day capacity range. The typical plant has two or three MWC
The cost estimates given below are in 1990 dollars and are for
emission control and compliance testing. The estimates do not include
costs for such things as permitting and enforcement. To estimate the
costs of the guidelines being proposed today, the EPA has taken into
account all existing control equipment. Cost estimates are incremental
over costs associated with the control equipment in current use and
include retrofit premiums. Cost estimates are total costs for the
revised MWC guidelines and are not incremental to the February 11, 1991
The nationwide annual cost of the guidelines including testing,
reporting, and recordkeeping for acid gas, PM, Hg, and NOX control
would be about $445 million. The national average annual cost of the
guidelines per unit of MSW combusted would be about $14/Mg.
The above costs for the guidelines are overall national costs
spread over the entire existing MWC population. However, about one half
of the affected waste flow from existing MWC's larger than 225 Mg/day
already is combusted in facilities equipped with spray dryer/
electrostatic precipitator (SD/ESP) or spray dryer/fabric filter (SD/
FF) systems, and these MWC's would incur only a minor compliance cost
(about $3/Mg) as a result of the proposed guidelines. The average
annual cost of acid gas, PM, and Hg control per unit of MSW combusted
at large plants that do not already have SD/ESP or SD/FF systems would
be about $20/Mg.
The average annual cost per unit of MSW combusted at small plants
using dry sorbent injection/electrostatic precipitator (DSI/ESP)
systems and Hg control would be about $36/Mg.
The guidelines will have a wide range of impacts on the price of
combustion services. To study these potential impacts, the EPA first
applied a cost accounting procedure that approximates the one that
would be used by an individual publicly owned MWC. Then, using a 1993
average tipping fee of $57/Mg of MSW combusted (1990 dollars) of waste
combusted and assuming the full cost of meeting acid gas, PM, Hg, and
NOX requirements is passed directly to MWC customers, the EPA
found that the lowest and highest tipping fee increases for the model
plants used in the EPA's economic analysis would be $9 and $56,
respectively, per megagram of MSW combusted. The majority of tipping
fee increases would be in the $17 to $28/Mg range. (These estimates
apply only to MWC's at small plants that do not already have DSI/ESP,
SD/ESP, or SD/FF systems or large plants that do not currently have SD/
ESP or SD/FF systems.)
The EPA projects that, regardless of how the regulatory costs are
financed, most of the burden will find its way directly or indirectly
to households served by MWC's. Costs that are directly assessed to
households are likely to be in the form of increased collection fees
and/or increased taxes. Indirect household costs are price increases
charged by businesses that similarly are faced with increases in
collection fees and/or taxes. For the guidelines being proposed today,
the EPA projects an increase in the average annual household cost of
waste disposal of about $25 for communities that have MWC's. The actual
cost per household will depend on local conditions, including the
extent to which recycling and landfilling are also used within the
affected community. Approximately 62 percent of the total average
household cost is a direct cost, thus the annual direct household cost
would be approximately $15. The EPA estimates that the average annual
household cost breaks down to $26 per year for communities over 250,000
in population; $24 for communities with populations between 100,000 and
250,000; $24 for communities with populations between 50,000 and
100,000; and $22 for communities with populations under 50,000. This
range represents less than 1 percent of household income. The actual
cost per household will depend on local conditions.
The EPA identified 39 private firms each of which owns one or more
MWC's. Detailed financial data are published for only 17 of the firms
projected to incur costs, none of which is small (under $6 million in
annual sales). (Firms for which annual sales data are not available are
assumed to be small.) The total annual cost of the guidelines as a
percentage of sales averages less than 1 percent and ranges from less
than 1 percent to about 80 percent for these 17 firms. Potential
tipping fee increases, based on an assumed full cost pass-through
(i.e., passing all control costs to consumers via the tipping fee) and
an average tipping fee of $57/Mg, are about 18 percent for MWC's owned
by small firms and about 14 percent for MWC's owned by large firms.
Some of the benefits of the emission guidelines have been
quantified. The absence of sufficient exposure-response and valuation
information precludes a comprehensive benefits analysis for many of the
MWC pollutants. The EPA expects partial benefits for reduction of PM
and SO2, including benefits from reductions in morbidity and
mortality, to total about $106 million annually. The total benefits
would be higher if benefits from reductions of other pollutants were
valuated. In addition, recent evidence suggests the mortality reduction
benefits of particulate mater controls may be higher than is assumed in
this analysis.
2. Control Costs for Typical MWC Plants
The previous section presented costs of the proposal on a national
basis. This section presents examples of typical retrofit costs that
would be experienced at both a large MWC plant and a small MWC plant.
These are typical costs. Lower costs will be experienced at MWC plants
that have already installed the air pollution control components
required by the proposal. Higher costs will be experienced for MWC
plants with more difficult retrofit applications.
The costing data presented in this section are provided in the
following formats: capital cost, annualized cost, and cost per Mg of
municipal waste combusted. The costing information is subcategorized by
air pollution control components (i.e., GCP upgrade, acid gas scrubber,
activated carbon injection application, and NOX control). For
perspective, the estimated cost of combustion units is also displayed.
Since the actual MWC unit cost for an existing combustion unit is
sensitive to past funding practices, the EPA could not provide this
cost. Instead, the EPA has provided the cost of combustion units for a
new MWC plant for reference. This costing information has been derived
from 1989 background information documents that were used in developing
the 1991 NSPS and emission guidelines (see SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION
for more information about these documents), and is presented in 1987
dollars (the escalation factor for converting to mid-1990 dollars is
From table 3A, it can be noted that the capital cost for retrofit
at a large existing MWC plant (980 Mg/day capacity) would be about
$16.8 million of which $13.6 million would be for the acid gas control,
2.9 million for NOX control, and less than one million for
activated carbon injection and GCP. On an annualized basis, the cost
would be about $5.1 million/yr or about $16/Mg of waste combusted. This
would increase baseline combustor cost from about $60/Mg combusted
(based on the baseline combustor cost for a new large MWC plant
presented in table 3B) to about $76/Mg combusted. Large MWC plants
represent about 94 percent of the existing MWC combustion capacity.
Table 3A.--Capital and Annualized Costs of Air Pollution Control for Typical Existing Large and Small MWC
Air pollution control device costa
Baseline ------------------------------------------------ Total
Parameter combustor GCPb Acid gas/ Total APCD combustor and
PM CIc NOX costd APCD cost
Existing large MWC
plant (980 Mg/day MB/
WW retrofitted with
GCP, SD/ESP, CI, and
Capital cost NAi 0.086 13.6 0.279 2.9 16.8 NA
Annualized cost NA 0.148 3.8 0.498 0.844 5.14 NA
Average cost NA 0.45 11.7 1.52 2.53 15.7 NA
increase ($/Mg
MSW combusted).
Existing small MWC
plant (135 Mg/day MOD/
SA retrofitted with
Capital cost NA 0.27 2.5 0.055 0 2.55 NA
Annualized cost NA 0.182 0.726 0.041 0 0.77 NA
Average cost NA 4.01 16.0 0.90 0 16.9 NA
increase ($/Mg
MSW combusted).
aThe costs presented are in 1987 dollars. To calculate mid-1990 dollars, multiply 1987 dollars by a factor of
1.111. Total cost values may not add due to rounding.
bGCP = good combustion practices.
cCI = activated carbon injection.
dAPCD = air pollution control device.
eMB/WW = mass burn waterwall combustor.
fSNCR = selective noncatalytic reduction.
gSD/ESP = spray dryer and electrostatic precipitator.
hThe costs presented are based on the assumption that an existing ESP was upgraded and retrofitted with a spray
dryer system.
iNA = not available. Because the capital cost of the existing combustor was not available, the total costs could
not be calculated. Refer to the baseline combustor cost in table 3B for new facilities, which is similar to
the cost for existing facilities.
jMOD/SA = modular starved-air combustor.
kDSI/ESP = dry sorbent injection and electrostatic precipitator.
lThe costs presented are based on the assumption that an existing ESP was upgraded and retrofitted with a dry
sorbent injection system.
Table 3B.--Capital and Annualized Costs of Air Pollution Control for Typical New Large and Small MWC Plantsa
Air pollution control device costa Total
Baseline ------------------------------------------------ combustor
Parameter combustor GCPb Acid gas/ Total APCD and APCD
PM CIc NOX costd cost
New large MWC plant (730 Mg/
day MB/WW with SD/FF, CI,
and SNCR)e,f,g:
Capital cost ($106)...... 50 0 12 0.150 2.0 14.2 64.2
Percent of total capital
cost (%)h............... 78 0 19 0.2 3 22 100
Annualized cost ($106/yr) 14.4 0 3.56 0.091 0.582 4.23 18.6
Average cost increase ($/
Mg MSW combusted)....... 59.5 0 14.8 0.37 2.39 17.5 77.05
New small MWC plant (90 Mg/
day MOD/SA with SD/FF and
Capital cost ($106)...... 5.5 0 3.1 0.043 0 3.14 8.64
Percent of total capital
cost (%)h............... 64 0 36 0.5 0 36 100
Annualized cost ($106/yr) 1.83 0 0.91 0.014 0 0.92 2.76
Average cost increase ($/
Mg MSW combusted)....... 60.5 0 30.2 0.46 0 30.7 91.2
AaThe costs presented are in 1987 dollars. To calculate mid-1990 dollars, multiply 1987 dollars by a factor of
1.111. Total cost values may not add due to rounding.
AbGCP = good combustion practices. Costs for GCP are included in combustor design (no cost).
AcCI = activated carbon injection.
AdAPCD = air pollution control device.
AeMB/WW = mass burn waterwall combustor.
AfSD/FF = spray dryer and fabric filter.
AgSNCR = selective noncatalytic reduction.
AhDoes not add to 100 percent due to rounding.
AiMOD/SA = modular starved-air combustor.
For a small existing MWC plant (135 Mg/day capacity), table 3A
shows a capital cost for retrofit of about $2.6 million of which $2.5
million would be for the acid gas control system and the remaining for
activated carbon injection and GCP. On an annualized basis, the cost
would be about $770,000/yr or about $17/Mg of waste combusted. This
would increase baseline combustor cost from about $61/Mg combusted
(based on the baseline combustor cost for a new small MWC plant
presented in table 3B) to about $78/Mg combusted. Small MWC plants
represent about 6 percent of the existing MWC combustion capacity.
IV. Rationale for the Proposed Guidelines for MWC Emissions
This section addresses the legal, technical, and economic basis for
the proposed emission guidelines. The basis for regulating MWC's, for
regulating the specified pollutants, and for regulating MWC's according
to the specified size categories are discussed. The section also
presents the EPA's approach in establishing the MACT floor and
selecting MACT. Additionally, the section discusses the selected format
of the proposed guidelines, the proposed performance testing and
monitoring requirements, and the proposed reporting and recordkeeping
A. Background
On November 15, 1990, the Act was amended. The Act of 1990 includes
a new section 129 that applies to a range of solid waste incinerators
including MWC's, medical waste incinerators (MWI's), infectious waste
incinerators, and industrial waste incinerators.
Under authority of sections 111 and 129 of the Act of 1990, the EPA
was directed to promulgate MACT-based guidelines for MWC's. However,
section 129 also includes a clause directing the EPA to issue emission
guidelines based on BDT under the terms imposed in the consent decree
issued from State of New York et al. v. Reilly (No. 89-1729 D.D.C.),
but limiting applicability of those emission guidelines to MWC's with
unit capacities greater than 225 Mg/day. Emission guidelines that were
signed by the Administrator on January 11, 1991 and published in the
Federal Register on February 11, 1991 (56 FR 5514) complied with this
component of the section 129 requirements.
Regarding the MACT-based guidelines, section 129 directs the EPA to
promulgate MACT-based guidelines for MWC units located at plants with
capacities greater than 225 Mg/day and at plants with capacities less
than 225 Mg/day. The MACT-based guidelines are to include numerical
emission limits for Cd, Pb, Hg, and NOX, and are to address
operator training requirements.
Today's proposal complies with all requirements of section 129
described above. This has been done by: (1) Proposing MACT-based
guidelines that cover MWC units at plants with capacities above 35 Mg/
day; (2) proposing numerical emission limits for Cd, Pb, Hg, and
NOX; (3) proposing operator training requirements; and (4)
proposing opacity limits for air curtain incinerators firing specific
``clean'' fuels.
The subpart Eb NSPS that is proposed in a separate notice in
today's Federal Register would apply to new facilities constructed
after September 20, 1994. However, the February 11, 1991 subpart Ea
NSPS will remain in effect. Therefore, those existing facilities
subject to the February 11, 1991 NSPS that were constructed on or prior
to September 20, 1994 would be subject to both the subpart Ea NSPS and
the proposed subpart Cb emission guidelines.
B. Selection of Source Category
The MWC guidelines adopted on February 11, 1991 provided the
rationale for the selection of MWC's as a source category to be
regulated (56 FR 5514). Moreover, section 129 of the Act directs the
EPA to issue guidelines for this source category, and thereby confirms
the EPA's earlier decision.
Today's proposed emission guidelines (subpart Cb) would apply to
existing MWC's, defined as those MWC's for which construction,
modification, or reconstruction commenced on or before September 20,
1994. Municipal waste combustors for which construction, modification,
or reconstruction commenced after September 20, 1994 would be covered
by the subpart Eb NSPS proposed in a separate notice in today's Federal
Also, as required by section 129 of the Act, today's proposed
guidelines would establish opacity limits for certain existing air
curtain incinerators, for which construction, modification, or
reconstruction commenced on or before September 20, 1994. Under the
proposed guidelines, air curtain incinerators that burn only yard
wastes, tree trimmings, and clean untreated lumber would be required to
meet an opacity limit, and no other requirements would apply. The
proposed guidelines for these air curtain incinerators are presented in
section VI of this preamble.
C. Modification or Reconstruction of Existing MWC's
The subpart Ea NSPS proposal published in the Federal Register on
December 20, 1989 (54 FR 52251) provided a discussion of the terms and
conditions associated with construction, modification, and
reconstruction for MWC's. One change is being proposed. Previously, the
terms ``modification'' and ``reconstruction'' were defined under
sections 60.14 and 60.15 of subpart A of part 60. Section 129 of the
Act has specified a new definition of ``modified solid waste
incineration unit'' that combines and revises the previous definitions
of ``modification'' and ``reconstruction.'' Specifically, ``modified
solid waste incineration unit'' refers to: (1) Modifications for which
* * * cumulative costs of the modifications, over the life of
the unit, exceed 50 per centum of the original cost of the
construction and installation of the unit (not including the cost of
any land purchased in connection with such construction or
installation) updated to current costs. * * *
or (2) modifications involving
* * * a physical change in or change in the method of operation
of the unit which increases the amount of any air pollutant emitted
by the unit for which standards have been established under [section
129] or section 111 * * *.
D. Selection of Designated Pollutants
A complete discussion of the rationale for selecting ``MWC
emissions'' as the designated pollutants under sections 111(b) and
111(d) of the Act is provided in the December 20, 1989 proposal
preamble for the 1991 emission guidelines (54 FR 52209). Additionally,
section 129 of the Act specifies that emission guidelines be developed
for PM, opacity, SO2, HCl, NOX, CO, Cd, Pb, Hg, and dioxins/
furans. Emission guidelines for all but four of these pollutants (Cd,
Pb, Hg, and NOX) were established in the February 11, 1991
emission guidelines (56 FR 5514). Section 129 specifies that emission
limits be set for each of the metals (Cd, Pb, and Hg).
Emission guidelines for fugitive MWC fly ash/bottom ash emissions
are proposed today because these emissions also contain PM, Cd, Pb, Hg,
and dioxins/furans.
E. Selection of Designated Facilities
For the proposed emission guidelines, the designated facility, an
MWC unit, is defined as any setting or equipment chamber or pit used to
burn MSW (including RDF) and extends to and includes MWC fly ash/bottom
ash emission points, including ash storage areas, conveyor transfer
points, and ash loading areas for hauling trucks at the MWC site. This
does not extend to ash handling outside of the MWC property boundary or
at ash fill sites.
Municipal waste combustion includes the burning (or pyrolysis) of
MSW in any type of equipment, chamber, or pit including equipment with
and without heat recovery. Municipal solid waste is defined as either a
mixture or a single-item stream of household, commercial, and/or
institutional discards. This would include discards such as paper,
wood, yard wastes, tree trimmings, plastics, leather, rubber, glass,
metals, and other combustible and noncombustible materials. The MSW
definition includes household discards as well as discards from
institutional and commercial sources, but does not include industrial
process or manufacturing discards. The MSW definition also includes
RDF, which is a type of MSW that is shredded (or pelletized) and
classified by size before combustion. Municipal solid waste does not
include wastes that are solely segregated medical wastes. However, any
mixtures of medical waste with nonmedical hospital waste or with
household, commercial, or institutional waste is considered to be MSW.
Minor editing has been done to the definition of MSW to clarify this
Cofired combustors are those that fire MSW with non-MSW fuel such
as coal. Cofired combustors that combust a fuel feed stream comprised,
in aggregate, of equal to or less than 30 percent MSW or RDF (by
weight, based on a 24-hour average), would not be subject to the
emission guidelines and would be required only to submit reports of the
amount of MSW and other fuels combusted. The exclusion of cofired
combustors from the guidelines is consistent with the Act of 1990. This
exclusion is unchanged from the February 11, 1991 guidelines.
Waste-fuel power generation facilities that combust a single-item
waste stream of tires, fuel derived solely from tires, or used oil
would be subject only to an initial report and to no other provisions
in today's proposal or to the emission guidelines that were promulgated
on February 11, 1991 (56 FR 5514). This exclusion is unchanged from the
February 11, 1991 guidelines.
Air curtain incinerators with unit capacities to combust greater
than 35 Mg/day of MSW are subject to the proposal; however, air curtain
incinerators that combust only tree trimmings, yard wastes, and clean
untreated lumber (these are a subset of MSW) would be subject to an
opacity standard and its associated testing, recordkeeping, and
reporting included in today's proposal, but would not be subject to
other parts of today's proposal. This exclusion does not apply to air
curtain incinerators that combust other MSW materials.
Today's proposed guidelines for MWC's would apply to MWC units at
plants with capacities above 35 Mg/day. The lower size cutoff of 35 Mg/
day aggregate plant capacity for controlling MWC emissions under the
proposed emission guidelines was selected after reviewing the
population distributions of MWI's and MWC's. Most incinerators at
medical waste facilities are smaller incinerators that fire segregated
medical waste with general hospital discards (MSW), and these
incinerators would have the potential to be covered by today's
proposal. The population distribution of MWI's is distinctly different
from the population distribution of traditional MWC plants that are the
target of today's proposal. The existing distribution of MWC's is
composed of about 372 units (about 179 plants), with an average plant
size of about 600 Mg/day combustion capacity, with two or three MWC
units at each plant. The potential nationwide combustion capacity of
existing MWC's is about 107,000 Mg/day, assuming continuous operation.
The MWI distribution is quite different and includes about 7,000
combustors with a single combustion unit per facility and an average
unit size of less than 3 Mg/day combustion capacity. The total U.S.
capacity of MWI's is about 20,000 Mg/day. This population is being
addressed under a separate rulemaking. Clearly, the MWC population
represents a smaller number of comparatively larger units, and MWI's
represent a much larger number of smaller units. The lower size cutoff
of 35 Mg/day aggregate plant capacity that is included in today's
proposed emission guidelines would exclude less than 1 percent of the
total nationwide combustion capacity of MWC's and would result in over
99 percent of total MWC capacity being covered by this proposal. The
same lower size cutoff would prevent significant dual coverage under
this proposal by excluding more than 99 percent of MWI units and about
97 percent of nationwide MWI capacity from today's proposed revisions.
As mentioned above, the proposed emission guidelines with a 35 Mg/
day cutoff would cover the great majority of MWC's, and may also cover
a few of the largest MWI's (nine units at three sites are known to
cofire medical waste with MSW and are above the 35 Mg/day of MSW total
plant capacity cutoff). Section 129 of the Act requires that
regulations for MWI's be developed in a separate rulemaking. For these
reasons, it is appropriate that today's proposed guidelines focus on
MWC's and that a separate regulation focus on MWI's. The NSPS and
guidelines for MWI's are scheduled to be proposed in 1995.
Municipal waste combustor plants with aggregate capacities below 35
Mg/day would not be subject to the emission limits under today's
proposed emission guidelines. However, those facilities with aggregate
plant capacities between 25 and 35 Mg/day would be required to report
(one time) their location, startup date, and aggregate plant capacity.
They would also be required to provide supporting information,
including calculations used to determine plant capacity. This one-time
report would allow the EPA or State agency to enforce the lower size
cutoff for applicability to the proposed guidelines. Plants with
aggregate capacities of 25 Mg/day or below would not be subject to any
provisions under this proposal.
The proposed emission guidelines for MWC's are subdivided into two
subcategories of air emissions requirements: The first for MWC's
located at MWC plants with aggregate capacities to combust more than 35
Mg/day but less than or equal to 225 Mg/day of MSW (referred to as
small MWC plants), and the second for MWC's located at MWC plants with
aggregate capacities to combust greater than 225 Mg/day of MSW
(referred to as large MWC plants). The 225 Mg/day dividing point was
established because this size break represents a transition point
between field-erected waterwall MWC's and modular MWC's.
In the subcategory of existing plants with capacities greater than
225 Mg/day, there are about 119 MWC plants with 235 MWC units. In the
subcategory of existing plants with capacities greater than 35 Mg/day
but equal to or less than 225 Mg/day, there are about 60 plants with
137 units. The large plant subcategory accounts for about 94 percent of
the total combustion capacity whereas the smaller subcategory accounts
for about 5 percent of total capacity.
F. Selection of Maximum Achievable Control Technology
The following discussion addresses the EPA's selection of MACT. The
existing technologies for controlling emissions of the designated
pollutants from MWC's are reviewed, followed by a summary of the EPA's
approach for establishing the MACT floor. Finally, the discussion
presents the EPA's selection of MACT for MWC's at small and large MWC
1. Summary of MWC Control Technologies
The following discussion reviews the existing technologies for
controlling emissions of acid gases, dioxins/furans, PM, Cd, Pb, Hg,
and NOx from MWC's.
a. Acid Gas/PM Control Technologies. Municipal waste combustor acid
gas/PM control is a general term that refers to a group of MWC air
pollution control technology combinations. These combinations control a
wide range of pollutants, such as acid gases (including SO2 and
HCl), organics (including dioxins/furans), and PM and metals (including
Cd, Pb, and a number of other metals except Hg). The three acid gas/PM
controls most commonly used in the United States for existing MWC's
are: (1) GCP plus DSI followed by an ESP; (2) GCP plus an SD followed
by an ESP; and (3) GCP plus an SD followed by an FF. Discussions of
each of these control systems were presented in the December 20, 1989
proposal preamble for the acid gas and PM emission guidelines in
subpart Ca (54 FR 52209). Control of Cd, Pb, and Hg were not discussed
in detail in the 1989 preamble.
Since 1991, the performance of the acid gas/PM control systems for
removal of Cd, Pb, and Hg has been investigated in more depth. Cadmium
and Pb are both volatile at temperatures present in combustion systems,
but condense onto PM in the flue gas at temperatures associated with
the operation of most PM control systems. As a result, the control of
Cd and Pb is generally related to the control of PM emissions. Much of
the PM in the flue gas from an MWC is fine PM; from 20 to 70 percent of
the PM in the flue gas from an MWC has an aerodynamic diameter of less
than 1 micrometer (1 micron). Because of the potential for adsorption
of Cd and Pb onto fine PM that is less readily collected by control
devices than larger PM, the control of fine PM is especially important
in controlling these metals.
Both FF-equipped systems (i.e., DSI/FF's and SD/FF's) and
electrostatic precipitator (ESP)-equipped systems (e.g., ESP's, DSI/
ESP's, and SD/ESP's) can achieve efficient control of PM, and the
efficiency of total PM and fine PM control achieved by these systems
depends on their design. However, FF-equipped systems are generally
more effective in capturing fine PM than ESP-equipped systems.
Therefore, the control of Cd and Pb achieved by FF-equipped systems is
typically better than that of ESP-equipped systems.
For DSI/FF and SD/FF systems, data for controlled Cd emissions
range from 0.001 to 0.0100 mg/dscm. Emissions of Pb from MWC's with
these systems are less than 0.10 mg/dscm. For SD/ESP systems, the data
for Cd and Pb emissions are variable, showing emission levels from
0.005 to 0.040 mg/dscm for Cd, and levels of less than 0.10 to 0.50 mg/
dscm for Pb. For DSI/ESP and ESP-only systems, there is no indication
of a difference in the level of Cd and Pb control between these control
systems. For both of these systems, Cd emission levels range up to 0.10
mg/dscm, and Pb emission levels range up to 1.6 mg/dscm.
Although the above combinations of acid gas/PM controls are
effective at removing Cd, Pb, and other metals, they do not
consistently remove Hg without integrating some other form of Hg
control. A discussion of Hg control is presented below.
b. Mercury Control Technologies. The EPA estimates that typical
uncontrolled Hg levels for MWC's in the United States range from 0.20
to 1.4 mg/dscm at 7 percent O2. Unlike other metals, Hg has a high
vapor pressure at typical operating temperatures of air pollution
control devices. As a result, collection of Hg by the PM control device
is highly variable. The EPA collected test data from more than 30 MWC's
with various air pollution controls that indicate a wide range of Hg
control. High-efficiency PM control, lower flue gas temperatures in the
air pollution control system, and a sufficient level of carbon in the
fly ash facilitate Hg control. Higher levels of carbon in the fly ash
and reduced flue gas temperatures enhance Hg adsorption onto the
carbon, which is removed by the PM control device. To promote Hg
adsorption, it is important to operate the control systems at
temperatures less than about 150 to 200 deg.C. Low flue gas
temperature is inherent to acid gas control.
Municipal waste combustors having high combustion efficiency will
have effective carbon burnout and, therefore, will have low fly ash
carbon content. These units may achieve little or no Hg control even
when equipped with acid gas/PM control systems, and the control may be
highly variable even at the same site.
Three techniques for Hg control are currently being used at MWC's:
Activated carbon injection, sodium sulfide (Na2S) injection, and
wet scrubbing. Activated carbon injection and Na2S injection are
used in conjunction with an existing acid gas control device. Brief
discussions of these three Hg control technologies and their
capabilities are presented below.
Injection of powdered activated carbon into the flue gas prior to
the acid gas/PM control device has been tested at U.S. MWC's. The
removal mechanism is not fully understood, but it is believed that
activated carbon is a catalyst for the oxidation of elemental Hg to
mercuric oxide and mercuric chloride, which can more readily be
captured in the air pollution control device. This technology has been
applied commercially to MWC's in Europe equipped with SD/ESP's and
during test programs in Europe and Canada to MWC's with SD/FF's and
DSI/FF's. The EPA also tested activated carbon injection at the
Stanislaus County MWC in California and the Camden County MWC in New
Jersey. The Stanislaus County MWC is equipped with an SD/FF, and the
Camden County MWC is equipped with an SD/ESP. Test results show Hg
reductions greater than 85 percent when injecting activated carbon.
A second Hg control technology is Na2S injection. Sodium
sulfide is a crystalline solid that dissolves in water. The resulting
Na2S solution is sprayed into the flue gas prior to the acid gas/
PM control device. The reaction of Na2S and Hg precipitates solid
mercuric sulfide (HgS) that is collected in the PM control device.
Three MWC's in Sweden, two in Germany, and one in Canada have used
Na2S injection to control Hg emissions. All of these facilities
use DSI/FF systems for acid gas/PM control, and injection of Na2S
occurs prior to the DSI/FF system at flue gas temperatures of 130 to
250 deg.C. In addition, Hg emission tests were conducted at the
Stanislaus County MWC in California while using Na2S injection.
Results from tests at European, Canadian, and U.S. MWC's have shown Hg
removal efficiencies of 40 to 90 percent when using Na2S
Wet scrubbing is a form of acid gas control that also controls Hg
without use of an add-on Hg control system. It has been used primarily
in Europe and Japan. Typically, the flue gas is first directed through
an ESP to reduce PM, followed by wet scrubbing, which involves passing
the flue gas through a one- or two-stage absorber system where the gas
stream is saturated with an alkaline solution. During this process,
flue gas temperatures are reduced to as low as 55 deg.C. The low
absorber operating temperature promotes Hg condensation, resulting in
an Hg reduction of 80 percent or better. The alkaline solution used in
the wet scrubbing process, typically containing calcium hydroxide,
reacts with the acid gas to form salts, which are generally insoluble
and may be removed by sequential clarifying, thickening, and vacuum
filtering. The dewatered salts or sludges are then sent to a landfill.
The disadvantages of wet scrubbing include the quantity of water
required, potential difficulties with waste handling, and undefined
performance at MWC units firing domestic (U.S.) MSW streams.
c. Nitrogen Oxides Control Technologies. During the combustion
process, NOX are formed through two mechanisms: (1) Oxidation of
fuel-bound nitrogen (N2) contained in MSW to NOX; and (2)
fixation and oxidation of atmospheric N2. In MWC's, the conversion
of fuel-bound N2 accounts for most (75 to 80 percent) of the
NOX production.
Controlling NOX emissions from MWC's can be accomplished
through: (1) Combustion modifications to reduce NOX formation; (2)
postcombustion control, which reduces NOX in the flue gas to
elemental N2; or (3) use of ``low-NOX'' combustors to reduce
NOX formation. Combustion modifications include staged combustion,
low excess air, and flue gas recirculation. Combustion modification
retrofit at existing MWC's has had limited application and its retrofit
potential must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Postcombustion NOX control using selective noncatalytic
reduction (SNCR) is more flexible and has been more commonly used for
MWC NOX control. The SNCR control technology reduces NOX to
N2 without the use of catalysts. Techniques include Thermal
DeNOXTM, which injects ammonia into the combustor as a
reducing agent; the NOXOUTTM process, which injects urea with
chemical additives; and a two-stage urea/methanol injection process. A
discussion of SNCR NO