99-24437. Tart Cherries Grown in the States of Michigan, et al.; Revision of the Sampling Techniques for Whole Block and Partial Block Diversions and Increasing the Number of Partial Block Diversions Per Season for Tart Cherries  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 181 (Monday, September 20, 1999)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 50745-50748]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-24437]
    [[Page 50745]]
    Agricultural Marketing Service
    7 CFR Part 930
    [Docket No. FV99-930-2 FIR]
    Tart Cherries Grown in the States of Michigan, et al.; Revision 
    of the Sampling Techniques for Whole Block and Partial Block Diversions 
    and Increasing the Number of Partial Block Diversions Per Season for 
    Tart Cherries
    AGENCY: Agricultural Marketing Service, USDA.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Department of Agriculture (Department) is adopting, as a 
    final rule, without change, the provisions of an interim final rule 
    revising the sampling techniques for whole and partial block diversions 
    and increasing the number of allowable partial block diversions under 
    the Federal marketing order for tart cherries. This rule continues in 
    effect making the voluntary grower diversion program more flexible for 
    grower participants. The order regulates the handling of tart cherries 
    grown in the States of Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, Oregon, Utah, 
    Washington, and Wisconsin and is administered locally by the Cherry 
    Industry Administrative Board (Board).
    EFFECTIVE DATE: October 20, 1999.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Patricia A. Petrella or Kenneth G. 
    Johnson, Marketing Order Administration Branch, F&V, AMS, USDA, room 
    2530-S, P.O. Box 96456, Washington, DC 20090-6456, telephone: (202) 
        Small businesses may request information on complying with this 
    regulation by contacting Jay Guerber, Marketing Order Administration 
    Branch, Fruit and Vegetable Programs, AMS, USDA, P.O. Box 96456, room 
    2525-S, Washington, DC 20090-6456; telephone (202) 720-2491; Fax: (202) 
    720-5698; or E-mail: Jay.Guerber@usda.gov.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This rule is issued under Marketing 
    Agreement and Order No. 930 (7 CFR part 930) regulating the handling of 
    tart cherries grown in the States of Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, 
    Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wisconsin, hereinafter referred to as the 
    ``order.'' This order is effective under the Agricultural Marketing 
    Agreement Act of 1937, as amended (7 U.S.C. 601-674), hereinafter 
    referred to as the ``Act.''
        The Department of Agriculture (Department or USDA) is issuing this 
    rule in conformance with Executive Order 12866.
        This rule has been reviewed under Executive Order 12988, Civil 
    Justice Reform. This rule is not intended to have retroactive effect. 
    This rule will not preempt any State or local laws, regulations, or 
    policies, unless they present an irreconcilable conflict with this 
        The Act provides that administrative proceedings must be exhausted 
    before parties may file suit in court. Under section 608c(15)(A) of the 
    Act, any handler subject to an order may file with the Secretary a 
    petition stating that the order, any provision of the order, or any 
    obligation imposed in connection with the order is not in accordance 
    with law and request a modification of the order or to be exempted 
    therefrom. A handler is afforded the opportunity for a hearing on the 
    petition. After the hearing the Secretary would rule on the petition. 
    The Act provides that the district court of the United States in any 
    district in which the handler is an inhabitant, or has his or her 
    principal place of business, has jurisdiction to review the Secretary's 
    ruling on the petition, provided an action is filed not later than 20 
    days after the date of the entry of the ruling.
        This rule continues in effect modifications to the handling 
    regulations that revise the sampling techniques used in determining the 
    amount of production diverted from whole blocks and partial blocks of 
    cherry trees, and increases the number of allowable partial block 
    diversions per season under the order. Whole block diversion results 
    when an entire orchard block is left unharvested. Partial block 
    diversion occurs when a contiguous portion of a definable block is 
    diverted. An orchard block is defined as a group of cherry trees of 
    similar age, with rows aligned in the same direction, and having 
    definable boundaries (e.g., roads, ditches, or other permanent 
        Section 930.58 of the tart cherry marketing order provides 
    authority for voluntary grower diversion. Growers can divert all or a 
    portion of their cherries which otherwise, upon delivery to a handler, 
    would be subject to volume regulation. One of the ways handlers can 
    satisfy their restricted percentage obligations is by redeeming grower 
    diversion certificates. After the Board confirms that the grower 
    diverted his/her crop, the Board issues a diversion certificate to the 
    grower stating the weight of cherries diverted. The grower can present 
    the certificate to a handler in lieu of actual cherries. The handler, 
    in turn, can present the certificate to the Board. The Board then 
    applies the weight of cherries represented by the certificate against 
    the handler's restricted percentage obligation, which reduces the 
    handler's restricted obligation.
        Section 930.158 provides rules and regulations for grower 
    diversion. Included in this section are procedures and deadline dates 
    for applying for diversion and choosing the type of diversion available 
    to growers. There are four types of diversion-random row, whole block, 
    partial block, and in-orchard tank. This rule only makes changes to the 
    whole and partial block diversion.
        Grower applications for diversion must be filed by April 15 and 
    growers must inform the Board by July 1 whether they elect to whole or 
    partial block divert their tart cherries. If whole block or partial 
    block diversion is not selected by July 1, the grower would have to 
    choose the random row method or the in-orchard tank methods of 
        In whole and partial block diversion, the quantity of the fruit 
    diverted is determined by application of a statistical sampling 
    protocol. Prior to the issuance of the interim final rule published 
    June 7, 1999, (64 FR 30229), Sec. 930.158 specified that, if a block 
    had 5 rows or less, 3 rows were randomly chosen to be sampled. If a 
    block had 6 to 15 rows, 4 rows were randomly chosen to be sampled. If a 
    block had 16 or more rows, 5 rows were randomly chosen to be sampled. 
    The rows chosen had to be contiguous, and 10 contiguous tree sites were 
    sampled from each row.
        During its review of the grower diversion program the Board 
    concluded that the sampling procedure mentioned above, which is based 
    solely on the number of rows in a block, required more trees to be 
    sampled on smaller blocks or on blocks that had shorter rows than was 
    necessary to accurately determine the amount of tart cherries diverted. 
    The Board determined that a sample size of approximately 10 to 15 
    percent, which had been taken on larger orchard blocks with more trees 
    in a row, was adequate to accurately calculate the quantity of fruit 
    diverted from such orchard blocks. Therefore, the Board recommended 
    that the regulations be amended so that the sample taken from both 
    large and small orchard blocks would be about 10 to 15 percent.
        To achieve this goal, the Board recommended that the sampling 
    procedure be revised by taking into account the number of rows and 
    number of tree sites in each particular block. The sampling method used 
    would be
    [[Page 50746]]
    the one requiring the smaller number of trees. A tree site is a planted 
    tree or an area where a tree was planted and may have been uprooted or 
    died. The revised sampling procedure continues in effect as follows: If 
    a block has 5 rows or less, or 200 or less tree sites, 3 rows would be 
    randomly chosen to be sampled. If a block has 6 to 15 rows or 201-400 
    tree sites, 4 rows would be randomly chosen to be sampled. If a block 
    has 16 or more rows and greater than 400 tree sites, 5 rows would be 
    randomly chosen to be sampled. This procedure is expected to result in 
    a sample size of about 12 to 15 percent whether the orchard block has 
    long rows or short rows.
        For example, under the old sampling criteria, if a grower had 10 
    rows with 20 tree sites per row (10  x  20 equals 200 tree sites), 4 
    rows would have to be sampled. Under the revised rules in effect, only 
    3 rows would have to be sampled since there are 200 tree sites.
        As required, prior to sampling, the grower must notify the Board to 
    allow observation of the sampling process by a compliance officer. The 
    sampling method used would continue to be the one requiring the smaller 
    number of trees to be sampled. The compliance officer will use an 
    orchard map in determining how many trees to sample.
        To determine the yield for whole block diversion when five rows are 
    to be sampled, 10 contiguous tree sites in each of the five rows are 
    sampled. A total of 50 tree sites would be sampled ((10 original tree 
    sites)  x  (5 rows)=50 trees). If a total of 4,600 pounds is harvested 
    from the sample trees and this is divided by 50 tree sites, a yield of 
    92 pounds per tree site will be obtained. The yield for the block is 
    found by multiplying the calculated 92 pounds per tree site yield by 
    the 880 trees that were mapped in the block to yield 80,960 pounds for 
    that block.
        For partial block diversion, the yield for the partial block is 
    found by multiplying the calculated pounds per tree site yield by the 
    number of trees in the rows mapped in the partial block. Partial blocks 
    shall consist of contiguous rows.
        After harvest, the compliance officer could again visit the 
    grower's orchard to verify that diversion actually took place. A 
    diversion certificate would be issued for an amount equal to the volume 
    of cherries diverted. The grower could then present the certificate to 
    a handler to be redeemed.
        The second change to the regulations that continue in effect 
    increased the number of partial blocks that growers may divert each 
    season. Partial block diversion is when a contiguous portion of a 
    definable block is diverted. Using this method of diversion, a grower 
    having a block with 35 rows could divert contiguous rows 1 through 22 
    and harvest rows 23 through 35. Section 930.158(b)(3) previously 
    limited the number of partial block diversions to one partial block 
    diversion for each grower per year. This limitation was intended to 
    alleviate the time that compliance officers needed to spend observing 
    sampling and diversion activities at growers' orchards and the 
    administrative costs involved.
        After one year of diversion under these rules, the Board 
    reevaluated the program and determined that the number of partial block 
    diversions per grower per year could be increased from one to five, or 
    50 percent of a producer's total number of blocks. For example, if a 
    grower had 12 separate orchard blocks mapped by the Board, such grower 
    would now be able to divert up to 6 partial blocks. After reviewing 
    last year's operations, the Board believed that its administrative 
    costs would not increase materially by making this change. Because this 
    method of diversion allows growers to divert cherries based on quality, 
    the Board further believed that the ability to take advantage of 
    partial block diversion on a larger scale would continue to foster 
    increased participation in the voluntary program.
    The Regulatory Flexibility Act and Effects on Small Businesses
        The Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) has considered the 
    economic impact of this action on small entities and has prepared this 
    final regulatory flexibility analysis. The Regulatory Flexibility Act 
    (RFA) would allow AMS to certify that regulations do not have a 
    significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. 
    However, as a matter of general policy, AMS' Fruit and Vegetable 
    Programs (Programs) no longer opt for such certification, but rather 
    perform regulatory flexibility analyses for any rulemaking that would 
    generate the interest of a significant number of small entities. 
    Performing such analyses shifts the Programs' efforts from determining 
    whether regulatory flexibility analyses are required to the 
    consideration of regulatory options and economic or regulatory impacts.
        The purpose of the RFA is to fit regulatory actions to the scale of 
    business subject to such actions in order that small businesses will 
    not be unduly or disproportionately burdened. Marketing orders issued 
    pursuant to the Act, and rules thereunder, are unique in that they are 
    brought about through group action of essentially small entities acting 
    on their own behalf. Thus, both statutes have small entity orientation 
    and compatibility.
        There are approximately 40 handlers of tart cherries who are 
    subject to regulation under the order and approximately 900 producers 
    of tart cherries in the regulated area. The number of reported tart 
    cherry producers in the regulated area is lower this crop year than in 
    previous years (down from 1,220 producers) due to the Board receiving 
    more accurate producer information. Small agricultural service firms, 
    which includes handlers, have been defined by the Small Business 
    Administration (13 CFR 121.601) as those having annual receipts of less 
    than $5,000,000, and small agricultural producers are defined as those 
    having annual receipts of less than $500,000. The majority of handlers 
    and producers of tart cherries may be classified as small entities.
        A small business guide on complying with fruit, vegetable, and 
    specialty crop marketing agreements and orders may be viewed at the 
    following website: http://www.ams.usda.gov/fv/moab.html. Any questions 
    about the compliance guide should be sent to Jay Guerber at the 
    previously mentioned address in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT 
        The principal demand for tart cherries is in the form of processed 
    products. Tart cherries are dried, frozen, canned, juiced and pureed. 
    During the period 1994/95 through 1998/99, approximately 90 percent of 
    the U.S. tart cherry crop, or 288.3 million pounds, were processed 
    annually. Of the 288.3 million pounds of tart cherries processed, 63 
    percent was frozen, 25 percent canned and 4 percent utilized for juice. 
    The remaining 8 percent was dried or assembled into juice packs.
        In 1998, 37.7 million pounds of cherries were diverted in the 
    orchard. Of that total, 16.3 million pounds were whole block diversions 
    and 8.4 million were partial block diversions. The balance of the 
    grower diversions was random row and in-orchard tank diversions.
        Section 930.58 of the tart cherry marketing order provides 
    authority for voluntary grower diversion. Growers can divert all or a 
    portion of their cherries which otherwise, upon delivery to a handler, 
    would be subject to volume regulation. One of the ways handlers can 
    satisfy their restricted percentage obligations is by redeeming grower 
    diversion certificates. After the Board confirms that the grower 
    diverted his/her crop, the Board issues the grower a diversion 
    certificate stating the weight of cherries diverted. The grower
    [[Page 50747]]
    can then present the certificate to a handler in lieu of actual 
    cherries. The handler, in turn, can present the certificate to the 
    Board. The Board then applies the weight of cherries represented by the 
    certificate against the handler's restricted percentage obligation, 
    which reduces the handler's restricted obligation.
        Section 930.158 provides rules and regulations for grower 
    diversion. Included in this section are procedures and dates for 
    applying for diversion. There are four types of diversion. However, 
    this action only makes changes to the rules and regulations for whole 
    and partial block diversion.
        Grower applications for diversion must be filed by April 15 and 
    growers must inform the Board by July 1 whether they elect to whole or 
    partial block divert their tart cherries. If whole block or partial 
    block diversion is not selected by July 1, the grower would have to 
    choose the random row method or the in-orchard tank methods of 
        In whole and partial block diversion, the quantity of the fruit 
    diverted is determined by application of a statistical sampling 
    protocol. Prior to the issuance of the interim final rule published 
    June 7, 1999, (64 FR 30229), Sec. 930.158 specified that, if a block 
    had 5 rows or less, 3 rows were randomly chosen to be sampled. If a 
    block had 6 to 15 rows, 4 rows were randomly chosen to be sampled. If a 
    block had 16 or more rows, 5 rows were randomly chosen to be sampled. 
    Ten contiguous tree sites were sampled from each row.
        During its review of the grower diversion program, the Board 
    concluded that the sampling procedure mentioned previously, which was 
    based solely on the number of rows in a block, required more trees to 
    be sampled on smaller blocks or on blocks that had shorter rows than 
    was necessary to accurately determine the amount of tart cherries 
    diverted. The Board determined that a sample size of approximately 10 
    to 15 percent, which had been taken on larger orchard blocks with more 
    trees in a row, was adequate to accurately calculate the quantity of 
    fruit diverted from such orchard blocks. That sample size could easily 
    be twice as large in small orchards having fewer trees per row. 
    Therefore, the Board recommended that the regulations be amended so 
    that the sample taken from both large and small orchard blocks would be 
    about 10 to 15 percent.
        To achieve this goal, the Board recommended that the sampling 
    procedure be revised by taking into account the number of rows and 
    number of tree sites in each particular block. The sampling method used 
    would be the one requiring the smaller number of trees. A tree site is 
    a planted tree or an area where a tree was planted and may have been 
    uprooted or died. The revised sampling procedure continues in effect as 
    follows: If a block has 5 rows or less, or 200 or less tree sites, 3 
    rows would be randomly chosen to be sampled. If a block has 6 to 15 
    rows or 201-400 tree sites, 4 rows would be randomly chosen to be 
    sampled. If a block has 16 or more rows and greater than 400 tree 
    sites, 5 rows would be randomly chosen to be sampled. This procedure is 
    expected to result in a sample size of about 12 to 15 percent whether 
    the orchard block has long rows or short rows.
        The second change to the regulations that continue in effect 
    increased the number of partial blocks that growers may divert each 
    season. Partial block diversion is when a contiguous portion of a 
    definable block is diverted. Using this method of diversion, a grower 
    having a block with 35 rows could divert contiguous rows 1 through 22 
    and harvest rows 23 through 35. Section 930.158(b)(3) previously 
    limited the number of partial block diversions to one partial block 
    diversion for each grower per year. This limitation was intended to 
    alleviate the time that compliance officers needed to spend observing 
    sampling and diversion activities at growers' orchards and the 
    administrative costs involved.
        After one year of diversion under these rules, the Board 
    reevaluated the program and determined that the number of partial block 
    diversions per grower per year could be increased from one to five, or 
    50 percent of a producer's total number of blocks without materially 
    increasing administrative costs. Because this method of diversion 
    allows growers to divert cherries based on quality, the Board further 
    believed that the ability to take advantage of partial block diversion 
    on a larger scale would continue to foster increased participation in 
    the voluntary program.
        The Board considered not changing the partial block diversion 
    limitation as well as allowing an unlimited number of diversions. 
    However, after much discussion, the Board decided that the diversion 
    program could best be improved by increasing the opportunities for 
    grower diversion, but believed a reasonable limit was needed to keep 
    Board administrative costs as low as possible. Last year's experience 
    showed that partial block diversion is the most flexible diversion 
    option available to the grower because it allows growers to divert tart 
    cherries based on quality. For example, if a grower observes that part 
    of a block of tart cherries is of low quality, the problem rows can be 
    diverted allowing the grower to deliver high quality fruit to a 
    handler. The ability to choose in this manner benefits growers, 
    handlers, and the industry as a whole.
        At the end of the upcoming season, the Board plans to review the 
    number of partial block diversions approved and decide if the number of 
    such diversions is appropriate for upcoming crop years.
        This rule does not require any new forms and will not impose any 
    additional recordkeeping requirements on either small or large tart 
    cherry diversion participants. As with all Federal marketing order 
    programs, reports and forms are periodically reviewed to reduce 
    information requirements and duplication by industry and public 
    sectors. In addition, the Department has not identified any relevant 
    Federal rules that duplicate, overlap or conflict with this rule.
        In compliance with Office of Management and Budget (OMB) 
    regulations (5 CFR part 1320) which implement the Paperwork Reduction 
    Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35), the information collection and 
    recordkeeping requirements imposed by this order have been previously 
    approved by OMB and assigned OMB Number 0581-0177.
        The Board's meetings were widely publicized throughout the tart 
    cherry industry and all interested persons were invited to attend them 
    and participate in Board deliberations. Like all Board meetings, the 
    December 11-12, 1998, meeting was a public meeting and all entities, 
    both large and small, were able to express their views on these issues. 
    The Board itself is composed of 18 members, of whom 17 members are 
    growers and handlers and one represents the public. Also, the Board has 
    a number of appointed committees to review program issues and make 
        An interim final rule concerning this action was published in the 
    Federal Register on June 7, 1999. The Board's staff mailed copies of 
    the rule to all Board members and cherry handlers. In addition, the 
    Office of the Federal Register made the rule available through the 
    Internet. That rule provided a 60-day comment period that ended August 
    6, 1999. No comments were received.
        After consideration of all relevant material presented, including 
    the Board's recommendation, and other information, it is found that 
    finalizing this interim final rule, as published in the Federal 
    Register (64 FR 30229), will tend to effectuate the declared policy of 
    the Act.
    [[Page 50748]]
    List of Subjects in 7 CFR Part 930
        Marketing agreements, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, 
    Tart cherries.
        For the reasons set forth in the preamble, 7 CFR part 930 is 
    amended as follows:
        Accordingly, the interim final rule amending 7 CFR part 930 which 
    was published at 64 FR 30229 on June 7, 1999, is adopted as a final 
    rule without change.
        Dated: September 14, 1999.
    Robert C. Keeney,
    Deputy Administrator, Fruit and Vegetable Programs.
    [FR Doc. 99-24437 Filed 9-17-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3410-02-P

Document Information

Agricultural Marketing Service
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
October 20, 1999.
50745-50748 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. FV99-930-2 FIR
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
7 CFR 930