94-23450. Reports, Forms, and Recordkeeping Requirements  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 183 (Thursday, September 22, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page 0]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-23450]
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    [Federal Register: September 22, 1994]
    Office of the Secretary
    Reports, Forms, and Recordkeeping Requirements
    AGENCY: Department of Transportation (DOT), Office of the Secretary.
    ACTION: Notice.
    SUMMARY: This notice lists those forms, reports, and recordkeeping 
    requirements imposed upon the public which were transmitted by the 
    Department of Transportation to the Office of Management and Budget 
    (OMB) for its approval in accordance with the requirements of the 
    Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 (44 USC Chapter 35).
    DATES: September 15, 1994.
    ADDRESSES: Written comments on the DOT information collection requests 
    should be forwarded, as quickly as possible, to Edward Clarke, Office 
    of Management and Budget, New Executive Office Building, Room 10202, 
    Washington, D.C. 20503. If you anticipate submitting substantive 
    comments, but find that more than 10 days from the date of publication 
    are needed to prepare them, please notify the OMB official of your 
    intent immediately.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Copies of the DOT information 
    collection requests submitted to OMB may be obtained from Susan Pickrel 
    or Annette Wilson, Information Management Division, M-34, Office of the 
    Secretary of Transportation, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 
    20590, (202) 366-4735.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Section 3507 of Title 44 of the United 
    States Code, as adopted by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, 
    requires that agencies prepare a notice for publication in the Federal 
    Register, listing those information collection requests submitted to 
    OMB for approval or renewal under that Act. OMB reviews and approves 
    agency submissions in accordance with criteria set forth in that Act. 
    In carrying out its responsibilities, OMB also considers public 
    comments on the proposed forms and the reporting and recordkeeping 
    requirements. OMB approval of an information collection requirement 
    must be renewed at least once every three years.
    Items Submitted to OMB for Review
        The following information collection requests were submitted to OMB 
    on September 15, 1994:
        DOT No.: 3987.
        OMB No: 2130-0035.
        Administration: Federal Railroad Administration.
        Title: Railroad Operating Rules.
        Need for Information: 39 FR 41175 requires FRA to monitor each 
    railroads compliance with its operating rules regarding the movement of 
    trains and other rolling equipment in the railroad industry and the 
    operating rules instructions that each railroad provides to its 
        Proposed Use of Information: The information will be used to 
    consider waiver and petition applications, and to conduct accident 
    investigations involving operating practices.
        Frequency: Recordkeeping and Annually.
        Burden Estimate: 620 railroads.
        Respondents: 131,159.5 hours.
        Form(s): None.
        Average Burden Hours Per Response: 211.485 hours.
        DOT No.: 3988.
        OMB No: 2130-0500.
        Administration: Federal Railroad Administration.
        Title: Accident/Incident Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements.
        Need for Information: Title 49 CFR part 225 authorizes FRA to 
    report accidents and incidents that the railroad attributes, at least 
    in part, to a railroad employee's error (human error).
        Proposed Use of Information: The information will be used to 
    identify hazardous conditions associated with rail transportation and 
    to assure compliance with the Rail Safety Act and the Rail Safety 
    Improvement Act of 1988.
        Frequency: On occasion; monthly; annually; recordkeeping.
        Burden Estimate: 101,637.
        Respondents: 620 railroads.
        Form(s): FRA-F-6180.45; FRA-F-6180.54; FRA-F-6180.54; FRA-F-
    6180.55; FRA-F-6180.55A; FRA-F-6180.56; FRA-F-6180.57; FRA-F-6180.78; 
    and FRA-F-6180.81.
        Average Burden Hours Per Response: 163.9 hours.
        DOT No.: 3989.
        OMB No: 2115-0565.
        Administration: U.S. Coast Guard.
        Title: Hopper Dredge Working Freeboard; Load Line and Stability 
        Need for Information: Title 43 USC 1333(d); 46 USC 3306, 3703 and 
    5115 and 49 CFR 1.46, establishes statutory mandates on owners and 
    operators of vessels to maintain them in a safe operating condition.
        Proposed Use of Information: The information will be used by the 
    Coast Guard to ensure that owners and operators of self-propelled 
    hopper dredges meet certain structural stability standards. This 
    information will also ensure Master's of vessels are provided stability 
    and loading information in order to allow them to operate their vessels 
    in a safe manner.
        Frequency: Once.
        Burden Estimate: 51 hours.
        Respondents: Owners, operators or agents of self-propelled hopper 
        Form(s): None.
        Average Burden Hours Per Response: 50 hours reporting and 1 hour 
        DOT No.: 3990.
        OMB No: New.
        Administration: Federal Highway Administration.
        Title: Automated Roadside Inspection Technologies.
        Need for Information: Senate Report 103-150 requires FHWA to 
    develop and test various technologies to automate commercial roadside 
    inspections, including those that allow computerized imaging and 
    reporting on the safety conditions on the underside of a commercial 
    motor vehicle.
        Proposed Use of Information: The information will be used by FHWA 
    to appraise and assess currently available technologies to inspect the 
    underside of a commercial motor vehicle.
        Frequency: Once.
        Burden Estimate: 300 hours.
        Respondents: Motor vehicle industry.
        Form(s): None.
        Average Burden Hours Per Response: 1.5 hours reporting.
        DOT No: 3991.
        OMB No: 2132-0011.
        Administration: Federal Transit Administration.
        Title: Environmental Assessments.
        Need for Information: The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), 
    the primary regulation implementing NEA issued by the Council on 
    Environmental Quality (CEQ), and the FTA environmental impact 
    regulation requires environmental assessments for projects proposed by 
    State and local governments for funding by the FTA.
        Proposed Use of Information: The information will be used to 
    determine the probable environmental effects of projects proposed for 
    Federal funding by the FTA and whether the project should be modified 
    to mitigate environmental harm.
        Frequency: On occasion.
        Burden Estimate: 7,440 hours.
        Respondents: State and local governments.
        Form(s): None.
        Average Burden Hours Per Response: 120 hours.
        DOT No: 3992.
        OMB No: 2127-0563.
        Administration: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
        Title: Replaceable Light Source Dimensional Information.
        Need for Information: Title 49 CFR Part 564 reduces the burden to 
    manufacturers and users of new light sources by eliminating the 18-
    month petitioning process and substituting a one month agency review.
        Proposed Use of Information: The information will be used by the 
    manufacturers of replacement light bulbs to standardize their bulbs so 
    that their interchangeability dimensions and other fit and photometric 
    aspects are all identical to those of the original bulb manufacturers.
        Frequency: On occasion.
        Burden Estimate: 13.33 hours.
        Respondents: 1.67 average per year.
        Form(s): None.
        Average Burden Hours Per Response: 8 hours.
        DOT No: 3993.
        OMB No: 2130-0509.
        Administration: Federal Railroad Administration.
        Title: State Safety Participating Regulations and Remedial Actions 
        Need for Information: Title 49 CFR Part 212 provides the legal 
    framework for enforcement and funding purposes. Section 3 of the Rail 
    Safety Enforcement and Review Act, Public Law 102-365 mandates the 
    issuance of regulations requiring railroads be notified that a civil 
    penalty will be recommended for a failure to comply with railroad 
    safety laws.
        Proposed Use of Information: The information will be used to 
    administer and monitor State participants in investigative and 
    surveillance activities under Federal Safety laws and regulations.
        Frequency: Annually; monthly; semi-annually; on occasion.
        Burden Estimate: 14,954 hours.
        Respondents: 31 States.
        Form(s): FRA-F-6180.58, 58A; 59; 59A; 68; 68A; 69; 65; 65A; 67; 5; 
    5A; 10; 29; 29A; 79; 96.
        Average Burden Hours Per Response: 482.4 hours.
        DOT No: 3994.
        OMB No: 2127-0566.
        Administration: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
        Title: Drug Offender's License Suspension Certification.
        Need for Information: Section 333 of the DOT and Related Agencies 
    Appropriations Act for FY 1991 amends 23 USC Section 104 and requires 
    the withholding of certain Federal-aid Highway funds from States that 
    do not enact legislation requiring the revocation or suspension of an 
    individual's drivers' license upon conviction for any violation of the 
    Public Law 101-215.
        Proposed Use of Information: The information will be used to 
    determine each States compliance with the requirements set forth in 
    this rule.
        Frequency: Annual.
        Burden Estimate: 260 hours.
        Respondents: 52 States.
        Form(s): None.
        Average Burden Hours Per Response: 5 hours.
        DOT No: 3995.
        OMB No: New.
        Administration: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
        Title: Patterns of Misuse of Child Safety Seats.
        Need for Information: Title 15 USC 1395 Section 106(b) gives the 
    Secretary authorization to assess the types of child safety seat (CSS) 
    misuse and identify underlying causes. Also, it will determine which 
    causes of misuse are based on attitudes, beliefs, or knowledge.
        Proposed Use of Information: The information will be used to 
    identify the characteristics of adult misuse of CSS that would be 
    useful in the development of specially targeted program strategies.
        Frequency: Once.
        Burden Estimate: 1,000 hours.
        Respondents; 4,000.
        Form(s): Questionnaire/Observation Form.
        Average Burden Hours Per Response; 0.25 hours.
        DOT No: 3996.
        OMB No: 2138-0040.
        Administration: Research and Special Programs Administration.
        Title: Report of Traffic and Capacity Statistics--The T-100 System.
        Need for Information: 14 CFR Part 217 and 241 authorizes the 
    Department to provide civilian passenger and/or cargo scheduled, 
    nonschedule and charter services to or from the United States, whether 
    performed pursuant to a permit or exemption authority.
        Proposed Use of Information: The information will be used for 
    international negotiations, monitoring air carrier fitness, 
    international rates, and foreign air carrier applications.
        Frequency: Monthly; quarterly.
        Burden Estimate: 12,456 hours.
        Respondents; US and Foreign Air Carriers.
        Form(s): T-100 and T-100(f).
        Average Burden Hours Per Response: US Air Carriers 10 hours and 
    foreign air carriers 1.5 hours.
        DOT No: 3997.
        OMB No: New.
        Administration: Federal Aviation Administration.
        Title: Aviator Safety Studies.
        Need for Information: FAA Act of 1958, 312(e) Civil Aeromedical 
    Research authorizes the FAA to conduct research.
        Proposed Use of Information: The information will be used in 
    scientific studies investigating, among other issues, the decision 
    making processes used by novice and expert pilots, the characteristics 
    of effective intervention methodologies, and the characteristics of the 
    targeted pilots.
        Frequency: On occasion.
        Burden Estimate: 12,000 hours annually for the blanket surveys.
        Respondents: Individuals.
        Form(s): None.
        Average Burden Hours Per Response: 2 hours per response.
        DOT No: 3998.
        OMB No: New.
        Administration: Federal Highway Administration.
        Title: 1995 Nationwide Personal Transportation Study.
        Need for Information: Title 49, USC Section 301 authorizes the DOT 
    to coordinate, promote, collect and disseminate technological, 
    statistical, economic, and other information relevant to domestic and 
    international transportation. Title 23 USC Section 307 authorizes DOT 
    to engage in studies to collect data in planning future highway 
        Proposed Use of Information: The information will be used to 
    analyze the amount and nature of personal travel, the relationship 
    between socio-economic characteristics and travel patterns, and changes 
    in passenger travel time.
        Frequency: Reporting and recordkeeping every 5 years.
        Burden Estimate: 30,520 hours.
        Respondents: Individuals and households.
        Form(s): None.
        Average Burden Hours Per Response: Reporting .85 hours and 
    recordkeeping .25 hours.
        DOT No: 3999.
        OMB No: New.
        Administration: Federal Aviation Administration.
        Title: Wichita Automated Flight Service Station Questionnaire.
        Need for Information: Executive Order 12862 requires agencies to 
    ``survey customers to determine the kind and quality of service they 
    want and their level of satisfaction with existing services.''
        Proposed Use of Information: The information will be used by the 
    FAA to improve/update services/equipment, propose changes to the 
    national orders and directives, and to propose improvements/changes to 
    the National Airspace System.
        Frequency: Annually.
        Burden Estimate: 25 hours.
        Respondents: Individuals using Wichita AFSS Services.
        Form(s): None.
        Average Burden Hours Per Response: 15 minutes.
        DOT No: 4000.
        OMB No: New.
        Administration: Office of the Secretary.
        Title: Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and 
    Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and Other 
    Non-Profit Organizations.
        Need for Information: OMB A-110 requires provisions affecting 
    grantees be adopted by agencies in codified regulations.
        Proposed Use of Information: The information will be used to 
    qualify and select grant applications; to monitor grantee performance; 
    and to close out awards.
        Frequency: Recordkeeping.
        Burden Estimate: 10,500 hours.
        Respondents: Grantees.
        Form(s): SF 269, SF 269A, SF 272, SF 270, SF 271, and SF 424. 
    Identical form requirements contained in OBM's revised circular A-110 
    are adopted in DOT's interim final rule.
        Average Burden Hours Per Response: 70 hours.
        DOT No: 4001.
        OMB No: 2120-0098.
        Administration: Federal Aviation Administration.
        Title: Airplane Operator Security.
        Need for Information: FAR Part 108 Airplane Operator Security 
    implements the provisions of the FAA Act that relate to security of 
    passenger and property aboard airplanes operating in commercial air 
        Proposed Use of Information: The information will be used by air 
    carriers in carrying out responsibilities under the law with regard to 
    the protection of persons and property against acts of criminal 
    violence and aircraft piracy.
        Frequency: On occasion.
        Burden Estimate: 6,986 hours.
        Respondents: Individuals.
        Form(s): FAA Form 1650-17.
        Average Burden Hours Per Response: 1.37 hours per response.
        DOT No: 4002.
        OMB No: New.
        Administration: Federal Highway Administration.
        Title: Private Motor Carrier of Passengers.
        Need for Information: Title 49 CFR Parts 350 through 399 sets 
    minimum safety requirements for motor carriers, vehicles and drivers 
    involved in interstate commerce. Areas covered include: driver 
    qualifications, licensing, operating conditions, inspection, and 
        Proposed Use of Information: The information will be used to ensure 
    that Private Motor Carriers of Passengers (PMCP's) are able to safely 
    transport passengers.
        Frequency: Recordkeeping every 3 years.
        Burden Estimate: 115,730 hours.
        Respondents: Motor Carriers.
        Form(s): None.
        Average Burden Hours Per Response: 16 hours recordkeeping.
        Issued in Washington, D.C. on September 15, 1994.
    Paula R. Ewen,
    Chief, Information Management Division.
    [FR Doc. 94-23450 Filed 9-21-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-62-P-M

Document Information

Transportation Department
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Document Number:
September 15, 1994.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: September 22, 1994