99-24256. Industry Codes and Standards; Amended Requirements  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 183 (Wednesday, September 22, 1999)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 51370-51400]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-24256]
    [[Page 51369]]
    Part II
    Nuclear Regulatory Commission
    10 CFR Part 50
    Industry Codes and Standards; Amended Requirements; Final Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 64, No. 183 / Wednesday, September 22, 1999 / 
    Rules and Regulations
    [[Page 51370]]
    10 CFR Part 50
    RIN 3150-AE26
    Industry Codes and Standards; Amended Requirements
    AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is amending its regulations 
    to incorporate by reference more recent editions and addenda of the 
    ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and the ASME Code for Operation 
    and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plants for construction, inservice 
    inspection, and inservice testing. These provisions provide updated 
    rules for the construction of components of light-water-cooled nuclear 
    power plants, and for the inservice inspection and inservice testing of 
    those components. This final rule permits the use of improved methods 
    for construction, inservice inspection, and inservice testing of 
    nuclear power plant components.
    DATES: Effective November 22, 1999. The incorporation by reference of 
    certain publications listed in the regulations is approved by the 
    Director of the Federal Register as of November 22, 1999.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Thomas G. Scarbrough, Division of 
    Engineering, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, U.S. Nuclear 
    Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001, Telephone: 301-415-
    2794, or Robert A. Hermann, Division of Engineering, Office of Nuclear 
    Reactor Regulation, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 
    20555-0001, Telephone: 301-415-2768.
    1.  Background
    2.  Summary of Comments
    2.1  List of Each Revision, Implementation Schedule, and Backfit 
    2.2  Discussion
    2.3  120-Month Update
    2.3.1  Section XI  Class 1, 2, and 3 Components, Including Supports  Limitations:  Engineering Judgment (Deleted)  Quality Assurance  Class 1 Piping  Class 2 Piping (Deleted)  Reconciliation of Quality Requirements
    2.3.2  OM Code (120-Month Update)  Class 1, 2, and 3 Pumps and Valves  Background--OM Code  Comments on the OM Code  Clarification of Scope of Safety-Related Valves Subject to 
    IST  Limitation:  Quality Assurance  Modification:  Motor-Operated Valve Stroke-Time Testing
    2.4  Expedited Implementation
    2.4.1  Appendix VIII  Modifications:  Appendix VIII Personnel Qualification  Appendix VIII Specimen Set and Qualification Requirements  Appendix VIII Single Side Ferritic Vessel and Piping and 
    Stainless Steel Piping Examination
    2.4.2  Generic Letter on Appendix VIII
    2.4.3  Class 1 Piping Volumetric Examination (Deferred)
    2.5  Voluntary Implementation
    2.5.1  Section III  Limitations:  Engineering Judgement (Deleted)  Section III Materials  Weld Leg Dimensions  Seismic Design  Quality Assurance  Independence of Inspection  Modification:  Applicable Code Version for New Construction
    2.5.2  Section XI (Voluntary Implementation)  Subsection IWE and Subsection IWL  Flaws in Class 3 Piping; Mechanical Clamping Devices  Application of Subparagraph IWB-3740, Appendix L
    2.5.3  OM Code (Voluntary Implementation)  Code Case OMN-1  Appendix II  Subsection ISTD  Containment Isolation Valves
    2.6  ASME Code Interpretations
    2.7  Direction Setting Issue 13
    2.8  Steam Generators
    2.9  Future Revisions of Regulatory Guides Endorsing Code Cases
    3.  Voluntary Consensus Standards
    4.  Finding of No Significant Environmental Impact
    5.  Paperwork Reduction Act Statement
    6.  Regulatory Analysis
    7.  Regulatory Flexibility Certification
    8.  Backfit Analysis
    9.  Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act
    1. Background
        The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is amending its regulations 
    to incorporate by reference the 1989 Addenda, 1990 Addenda, 1991 
    Addenda, 1992 Edition, 1992 Addenda, 1993 Addenda, 1994 Addenda, 1995 
    Edition, 1995 Addenda, and 1996 Addenda of Section III, Division 1, of 
    the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure 
    Vessel Code (BPV Code) with five limitations; the 1989 Addenda, 1990 
    Addenda, 1991 Addenda, 1992 Edition, 1992 Addenda, 1993 Addenda, 1994 
    Addenda, 1995 Edition, 1995 Addenda, and 1996 Addenda of Section XI, 
    Division 1, of the ASME BPV Code with three limitations; and the 1995 
    Edition and 1996 Addenda of the ASME Code for Operation and Maintenance 
    of Nuclear Power Plants (OM Code) with one limitation and one 
    modification. The final rule imposes an expedited implementation of 
    performance demonstration methods for ultrasonic examination systems. 
    The final rule permits the optional implementation of the ASME Code, 
    Section XI, provisions for surface examinations of High Pressure Safety 
    Injection Class 1 piping welds. The final rule also permits the use of 
    evaluation criteria for temporary acceptance of flaws in ASME Code 
    Class 3 piping (Code Case N-523-1); mechanical clamping devices for 
    ASME Code Class 2 and 3 piping (Code Case N-513); the 1992 Edition 
    including the 1992 Addenda of Subsections IWE and IWL in lieu of 
    updating to the 1995 Edition and 1996 Addenda; alternative rules for 
    preservice and inservice testing of certain motor-operated valve 
    assemblies (OMN-1) in lieu of stroke-time testing; a check valve 
    monitoring program in lieu of certain requirements in Subsection ISTC 
    of the ASME OM Code (Appendix II to the OM Code); and guidance in 
    Subsection ISTD of the OM Code as part of meeting the ISI requirements 
    of Section XI for snubbers. This final rule deletes a previous 
    modification for inservice testing of containment isolation valves.
        On December 3, 1997 (62 FR 63892), the NRC published a proposed 
    rule in the Federal Register that presented an amendment to 10 CFR part 
    50, ``Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities,'' 
    that would revise the requirements for construction, inservice 
    inspection (ISI), and inservice testing (IST) of nuclear power plant 
    components. For construction, the proposed amendment would have 
    permitted the use of Section III, Division 1, of the ASME BPV Code, 
    1989 Addenda through the 1996 Addenda, for Class 1, Class 2, and Class 
    3 components with six proposed limitations and a modification.
        For ISI, the proposed amendment would have required licensees to 
    implement Section XI, Division 1, of the ASME BPV Code, 1995 Edition up 
    to and including the 1996 Addenda for Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 
    components with five proposed limitations. The proposed amendment 
    included permission for licensees to implement Code Cases N-513, 
    ``Evaluation Criteria for Temporary Acceptance of Flaws in Class 3 
    Piping,'' and N-523, ``Mechanical Clamping Devices for Class 2 and 3 
    Piping.'' The proposed
    [[Page 51371]]
    amendment also would allow licensees to use the 1992 Edition including 
    the 1992 Addenda of Subsections IWE and IWL in lieu of updating to the 
    1995 Edition and the 1996 Addenda. The proposed rule included expedited 
    implementation of Appendix VIII, ``Performance Demonstration for 
    Ultrasonic Examination Systems,'' to Section XI, Division 1, with three 
    proposed modifications. An expedited examination schedule would also 
    have been required for a proposed modification to Section XI which 
    addresses volumetric examination of Class 1 high pressure safety 
    injection (HPSI) piping systems in pressurized water reactors (PWRs).
        For IST, the proposed amendment would have required licensees to 
    implement the 1995 Edition up to and including the 1996 Addenda of the 
    ASME OM Code for Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 pumps and valves with 
    one limitation and one modification. The proposed amendment included 
    permission for licensees to implement Code Case OMN-1 in lieu of 
    stroke-time testing for motor-operated valves; Appendix II which 
    provides a check valve condition monitoring program as an alternative 
    to certain check valve testing requirements in Subsection ISTC of the 
    OM Code; and Subsection ISTD of the OM Code as part of meeting the ISI 
    requirements in Section XI for snubbers. Finally, the proposed rule 
    would delete the modification presently in Sec. 50.55a(b) for IST of 
    containment isolation valves.
        The NRC regulations currently require licensees to update their ISI 
    and IST programs every 120 months to meet the version of Section XI 
    incorporated by reference into 10 CFR 50.55a and in effect 12 months 
    prior to the start of a new 120-month interval. The NRC published a 
    supplement to the proposed rule on April 27, 1999 (64 FR 22580), that 
    would eliminate the requirement for licensees to update their ISI and 
    IST programs beyond a baseline edition and addenda of the ASME BPV 
    Code. Under that proposed rule, licensees would continue to be allowed 
    to update their ISI and IST programs on a voluntary basis to more 
    recent editions and addenda of the ASME Code incorporated by reference 
    in the regulations. Upon further review, the Commission decided to 
    issue this final rule to incorporate by reference the 1995 Edition with 
    the 1996 Addenda of the ASME BPV Code and the ASME OM Code with 
    appropriate limitations and modifications. The Commission also decided 
    to consider the proposal to eliminate the requirement to update ISI and 
    IST programs every 120 months as a separate rulemaking effort. 
    Following consideration of the public comments on the April 27, 1999, 
    proposed rule, the NRC may prepare a final rule addressing the 
    continued need for the requirement to update periodically ISI and IST 
    programs and, if necessary, establishing an appropriate baseline 
    edition of the ASME Code.
    2. Summary of Comments
        Interested parties were invited to submit written comments for 
    consideration on the proposed rule published on December 3, 1997. 
    Comments were received from 65 separate sources on the proposed rule. 
    These sources consisted of 27 utilities and service organizations, the 
    Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), the Nuclear Utility Backfitting and 
    Reform Group (NUBARG) represented by the firm of Winston & Strawn, the 
    ASME Board on Nuclear Codes and Standards, the Electric Power Research 
    Institute (EPRI), the Performance Demonstration Initiative (PDI), the 
    Nuclear Industry Check Valve Group, the State of Illinois Department of 
    Nuclear Safety, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the Southwest Research 
    Institute, three consulting firms (one firm submitted three separate 
    letters), and 24 individuals. The commenters' concerns related 
    principally to one or more of the proposed limitations and 
    modifications included in the proposed rule. Many of these limitations 
    and modifications have been renumbered in the final rule because some 
    limitations and modifications that were contained in the proposed rule 
    were deleted.
        The proposed rule divided the proposed revisions to 10 CFR 50.55a 
    into three groups based on the implementation schedule (i.e., 120-month 
    update, expedited, and voluntary). These groupings have been retained 
    in the discussion of the final rule. For each of these groups, it is 
    indicated below in parentheses whether or not particular items are 
    considered a backfit under 10 CFR 50.109 as discussed in Section 8, 
    Backfit Analysis. This section provides a list of each revision and its 
    implementation schedule, followed by a brief summary of the comments 
    and their resolution. The summary and resolution of public comments and 
    all of the verbatim comments which were received (grouped by subject 
    area) are contained in Resolution of Public Comments. This document is 
    available for inspection and copying for a fee in the NRC Public 
    Document Room, 2120 L Street NW (Lower Level), Washington, DC.
    2.1  List of Each Revision, Implementation Schedule, and Backfit 
      120-Month Update [in accordance with Secs. 50.55a(f)(4)(i) 
    and 50.55a(g)(4)(i)]
      Section XI (Not A Backfit)  Class 1, 2, and 3 Components, Including Supports  Engineering Judgement (Deleted)  Quality Assurance  Class 1 Piping  Class 2 Piping (Deleted)  Reconciliation of Quality Requirements
      OM Code (Not A Backfit)  Class 1, 2, and 3 Pumps and Valves  Clarification of Scope of Safety-Related Valves Subject to IST  Quality Assurance  Motor-Operated Valve Stroke-Time Testing
     Expedited Implementation [after 6 months from the date of the 
    final rule--Backfit]
    2.4.1  Appendix VIII  Appendix VIII Personnel Qualification  Appendix VIII Specimen Set and Qualification Requirements  Appendix VIII Single Side Ferritic Vessel and Piping and 
    Stainless Steel Piping Examination
    2.4.3  Class 1 Piping Volumetric Examination (Deferred)
     Voluntary Implementation [may be used when final rule 
    published--Not A Backfit]
     Section III  Engineering Judgement (Deleted)  Section III Materials  Weld Leg Dimensions  Seismic Design  Quality Assurance  Independence of Inspection  Applicable Code Version for New Construction
     Section XI  Subsection IWE and Subsection IWL  Flaws in Class 3 Piping; Mechanical Clamping Devices  Application of Subparagraph IWB-3740, Appendix L
     OM Code  Code Case OMN-1  Appendix II  Subsection ISTD  Containment Isolation Valves
    2.2  Discussion
    2.3  120-Month Update
    2.3.1  Section XI  Class 1, 2, and 3 Components, Including Supports
        Section 50.55a(b)(2) endorses the 1995 Edition with the 1996 
    Addenda of
    [[Page 51372]]
    Section XI, Division 1, for Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 components 
    and their supports. The proposed rule contained five limitations to 
    address NRC positions on the use of Section XI: engineering judgment, 
    quality assurance, Class 1 piping, Class 2 piping, and reconciliation 
    of quality requirements. As a result of public comment, the NRC has 
    reconsidered its positions on the use of engineering judgment and Class 
    2 piping. These two limitations have been eliminated from the final 
    rule. In addition, the NRC has modified the scope of the limitation 
    related to reconciliation of quality requirements. A discussion of each 
    of the five proposed limitations and their comment resolution follows.
    2.3.1.  Limitations.  Engineering Judgement.
        The first proposed limitation to the implementation of Section XI 
    (Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(xi) in the proposed rule) addressed an NRC position 
    with regard to the Foreword in the 1992 Addenda through the 1996 
    Addenda of the BPV Code. That Foreword addresses the use of 
    ``engineering judgement'' for ISI activities not specifically 
    considered by the Code. The December 3, 1997, proposed rule contained a 
    limitation which would have specified that licensees receive NRC 
    approval for those activities prior to implementation.
        Twenty-three commenters provided 30 separate comments on the 
    proposed limitation to the use of engineering judgment with regard to 
    Section XI activities. After reviewing the comments, it is apparent 
    that the proposed rule did not accurately communicate the NRC's 
    concerns with regard to the use of engineering judgment for Section XI 
    activities. All of the commenters construed the limitation to prohibit 
    the use of engineering judgment for all activities. The NRC understands 
    that the use of engineering judgement is routinely exercised on a daily 
    basis at each plant. It was not the NRC's intent to interject itself in 
    this process by requiring prior approval as suggested by most 
    commenters. The limitation was added to the proposed rule to address 
    specific situations where engineering judgment was used and a 
    regulatory requirement was not observed. Upon reconsideration of this 
    issue and after reviewing all of the comments, the NRC has deleted this 
    limitation from the final rule. The summary and the detailed 
    discussions provided in the responses to the public comments should 
    adequately address NRC concerns with regard to past applications of 
    engineering judgment.
        The NRC acknowledges that the use of engineering judgment is a 
    valid and necessary part of engineering activities. However, in 
    applying such judgment, licensees must remain cognizant of the need to 
    assure continued compliance with regulatory requirements. Specific 
    examples of cases where application of engineering judgment resulted in 
    failure to satisfy regulatory requirements are discussed in detail in 
    the Response to Public Comments, Section, Engineering 
    Judgment, and Section 2.6, ASME Code Interpretations. Questions were 
    raised by the industry regarding Interpretations, the use of 
    engineering judgment, and related enforcement actions. At NEI's 
    request, the NRC staff met with NEI on January 11, 1995, to discuss the 
    use of engineering judgment and Code interpretations. On November 12, 
    1996, a meeting was held between representatives from the NRC and the 
    ASME to discuss the same issues as well as the related enforcement 
    actions. NRC Inspection Manual Part 9900, ``Technical Guidance,'' which 
    had been developed in response to industry questions was also 
    discussed. The ASME representatives agreed that the NRC guidance with 
    respect to engineering judgment was consistent with their understanding 
    of the relationship between the ASME Code and federal regulations. The 
    ASME stated that the NRC should not establish a formal method for 
    reviewing ASME Code interpretations. This position was based primarily 
    on the understanding that it would be tantamount to NRC becoming the 
    interpreter of the Code.
        It is apparent from the comments received on the proposed 
    limitation that there is continuing confusion regarding the 
    relationship between ASME Code requirements and NRC regulations. The 
    NRC incorporates the ASME Code by reference into 10 CFR 50.55a. Upon 
    adoption, the Code provisions become a part of NRC regulations as 
    modified by other provisions in the regulations. Several commenters 
    argued that a modification or limitation in the regulations cannot 
    replace or overrule a Code provision or Interpretation. They also 
    argued that, because the NRC did not accept all ASME Interpretations, 
    the NRC was reinterpreting the Code. The NRC recognizes that the ASME 
    is the official interpreter of the Code. However, only the NRC can 
    determine whether the ASME Interpretation is acceptable such that it 
    constitutes compliance with the NRC's regulations and does not 
    adversely affect safety. The NRC cannot a priori approve Code 
    Interpretations. While it is true that the ASME is the official 
    interpreter of the Code, if the ASME interprets the Code in a manner 
    which the NRC finds unacceptable (e.g., results in non-compliance with 
    NRC regulatory requirements, a license condition, or technical 
    specifications), the NRC can take exception to the Interpretation and 
    is not bound by the ASME Interpretation. To put it another way, only 
    the ASME can provide an Interpretation of the Code, but the NRC may 
    make the determination whether that Interpretation constitutes 
    compliance with NRC regulations. Hence, licensees need to consider the 
    guidance on the use of Interpretations contained in the NRC Inspection 
    Manual Part 9900, ``Technical Guidance.''  Quality Assurance.
        The second proposed limitation to the implementation of Section XI 
    [Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(xii) in the proposed rule] pertained to the use of 
    ASME Standard NQA-1, ``Quality Assurance Requirements for Nuclear 
    Facilities,'' with Section XI. Six comments were received and all were 
    considered in arriving at the NRC's decision to retain the limitation 
    as contained in the proposed rule. This limitation has been renumbered 
    as Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(x) in the final rule.
        As part of the licensing basis for nuclear power plants, NRC 
    licensees have committed to certain quality assurance program 
    provisions that are identified in both their Technical Specifications 
    and Quality Assurance Programs. These provisions, as explained below, 
    are taken from several sources (e.g., ASME, ANSI) and together, they 
    constitute an acceptable Quality Assurance Program. The licensee 
    quality assurance program commitments describe how the requirements of 
    Appendix B, ``Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants and 
    Fuel Processing Plants,'' to 10 CFR part 50 will be satisfied by 
    referencing applicable industry standards and the NRC Regulatory Guides 
    (RGs) that endorsed the industry standards (e.g., the ANSI N45 series 
    standards and applicable regulatory guides or NQA-1-1983 as endorsed by 
    RG 1.28 (Revision 3), ``Quality Assurance Program Requirements (Design 
    and Construction),'' and by prescriptive text contained in the program. 
    Further, owners of operating nuclear power plants have committed to the 
    additional operational phase quality assurance and administrative 
    provisions contained in ANSI N18.7 as endorsed by RG 1.33, ``Quality 
    Assurance Program Requirements (Operations).''
    [[Page 51373]]
        Section XI references the use of either NQA-1 or the owner's 
    Appendix B Quality Assurance Program (10 CFR part 50, Appendix B) as 
    part of its individual provisions for a QA program. However, NQA-1 (any 
    version) does not contain some of the quality assurance provisions and 
    administrative controls governing operational phase activities that are 
    contained in the ANSI standards as well as other documents which, as a 
    group, constitute an acceptable program. When the NRC originally 
    endorsed NQA-1, it did so with the knowledge that NQA-1 was not 
    entirely adequate and must be supplemented by other commitments such as 
    the ANSI standards. The later versions of NQA-1 also, by themselves, 
    would not constitute an acceptable Quality Assurance Program. Hence, 
    NQA-1 is not acceptable for use without the other quality assurance 
    program provisions identified in Technical Specifications and licensee 
    Quality Assurance Programs. The NRC staff has received questions 
    regarding the relationship between commitments made relative to the 
    Appendix B QA Program and Section XI as endorsed by 10 CFR 50.55a. It 
    is apparent from public comments that there is confusion with regard to 
    Section XI permitting the use of either NQA-1 or the owner's QA 
    Program. The proposed limitation clarified that, when performing 
    Section XI activities, licensees must meet other applicable NRC 
    regulations. The limitation has been retained in the final rule to 
    provide emphasis that licensees must comply with other applicable NRC 
    regulations in addition to the quality assurance provisions contained 
    in Section XI. As further clarification, the following discussion is 
        Although not discussed in the proposed amendment to 10 CFR 50.55a, 
    the requirements of Secs. 50.34(b)(6)(ii) and 50.54(a) for establishing 
    and revising QA Program descriptions during the operational phase are 
    required to be followed and are not superseded or usurped by any of the 
    requirements presently contained in 10 CFR 50.55a. Therefore, even 
    though the present text of 10 CFR 50.55a does not take exception to 
    applying the quality assurance provisions of NQA-1-1979 to ASME Section 
    XI work activities, licensees of commercial nuclear power plants are 
    required to comply not only with the QA provisions included in the 
    Codes referenced in 10 CFR 50.55a, but also the quality assurance 
    program developed to satisfy the requirements contained in 
    Sec. 50.34(b)(6)(ii). This means that, regardless of the specific 
    quality assurance controls delineated in Section XI as referenced in 10 
    CFR 50.55a, licensees must meet the additional quality assurance 
    provisions of their NRC approved quality assurance program description 
    and other administrative controls governing operational phase 
    activities.  Class 1 Piping.
        The third proposed limitation to the implementation of Section XI 
    [Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(xiii) in the proposed rule] pertained to the use of 
    Section XI, IWB-1220, ``Components Exempt from Examination,'' that are 
    contained in the 1989 Edition in lieu of the rules in the 1989 Addenda 
    through the 1996 Addenda. Subparagraph IWB-1220 in these later Code 
    addenda contain provisions from three Codes Cases: N-198-1, ``Exemption 
    from Examination for ASME Class 1 and Class 2 Piping Located at 
    Containment Penetrations;'' N-322, ``Examination Requirements for 
    Integrally Welded or Forged Attachments to Class 1 Piping at 
    Containment Penetrations;'' and N-334, ``Examination Requirements for 
    Integrally Welded or Forged Attachments to Class 2 Piping at 
    Containment Penetrations,'' which the NRC found to be unacceptable. The 
    provisions of Code Case N-198-1 were determined by the NRC to be 
    unacceptable because industry experience has shown that welds in 
    service-sensitive boiling water reactor (BWR) stainless steel piping, 
    many of which are located in containment penetrations, are subjected to 
    an aggressive environment (BWR water at reactor operating temperatures) 
    and will experience Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking. Exempting 
    these welds from examination could result in conditions which reduce 
    the required margins to failure to unacceptable levels. The provisions 
    of Code Cases N-322 and N-334 were determined to be unacceptable 
    because some important piping in PWRs and BWRs was exempted from 
    inspection. Access difficulty was the basis in the Code cases for 
    exempting these areas from examination. However, the NRC developed the 
    break exclusion zone design and examination criteria utilized for most 
    containment penetration piping expecting not only that Section XI 
    inspections would be performed but that augmented inspections would be 
    performed. These design and examination criteria are contained in 
    Branch Technical Position MEB 3-1, an attachment of NRC Standard Review 
    Plan 3.6.2, ``Determination of Rupture Locations and Dynamic Effects 
    Associated with the Postulated Rupture of Piping.''
        Twenty-one comments were received on this limitation. Some 
    commenters understood the bases for the limitation and did not believe 
    that significant hardship would result. Many of the commenters argued 
    that the Code cases were developed because these configurations are 
    generally inaccessible and cannot be examined. Some argued that the 
    piping in question is not safety significant and, thus, the 
    examinations are unwarranted and the repairs which will be required are 
        The NRC disagrees with these comments. The provisions of 
    Sec. 50.55a(g)(2) require that facilities who received their 
    construction permit on or after January 1, 1971, for Class 1 and 2 
    systems be designed with provisions for access for preservice 
    inspections and inservice inspections. Several early plants with 
    limited access have been granted plant specific relief for certain 
    configurations. These exemptions were granted on the basis that the 
    examinations were impractical because these plants were not designed 
    with access to these areas. Modifications to the plant would have been 
    required at great expense to permit examination. Therefore, narrow 
    exceptions were granted to these early plants. For later plants, 
    however, Sec. 50.55a(g)(2) required that plants be constructed to 
    provide access. The rationale for granting exemptions to early plants 
    is not applicable to these later plants. In addition, there have been 
    improvements in technology for the performance of examination using 
    remote automated equipment. In designs where these welds are truly 
    inaccessible, relief will continue to be granted when appropriate bases 
    are provided by the licensee per Sec. 50.55a(g)(5). With regard to the 
    safety significance of this piping, failure of Class 1 piping within a 
    containment penetration may lead to loss of containment integrity and 
    an unisolable pipe break. These areas were considered break exclusion 
    zones as part of their initial design, in part, due to the augmented 
    examinations performed on this portion of the piping system. Further, 
    this issue could affect the large early release frequency (LERF). For 
    these reasons, the limitation has been retained in the final rule 
    (Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(xi)) to require licensees to use the rules for IWB-
    1220 that are contained in the 1989 Edition in lieu of the rules in the 
    1989 Addenda through the 1996 Addenda.  Class 2 Piping.
        The fourth proposed limitation to the implementation of Section XI 
    (Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(xiv) in the proposed rule) would have confined 
    implementation of
    [[Page 51374]]
    Section XI, IWC-1220, ``Components Exempt from Examination;'' IWC-1221, 
    ``Components Within RHR (Residual Heat Removal), ECC (Emergency Cool 
    Cooling), and CHR (Containment Heat Removal) Systems or Portions of 
    Systems;'' and IWC-1222, ``Components Within Systems or Portions of 
    Systems Other Than RHR, ECC, and CHR Systems,'' to the 1989 Edition 
    (i.e., it was determined that the 1989 Addenda through the 1996 Addenda 
    were unacceptable). The provisions of Code Case N-408-3, ``Alternative 
    Rules for Examination of Class 2 Piping,'' were incorporated into 
    Subsection IWC in the 1989 Addenda. These provisions contain rules for 
    determining which Class 2 components are subject to volumetric and 
    surface examination. The NRC limitation on the use of the Code case and 
    its revisions has consistently been that an ``applicant for an 
    operating license should define the Class 2 piping subject to 
    volumetric and surface examination in the Preservice Inspection for 
    determination of acceptability by the NRC staff.'' Approval was 
    required to ensure that safety significant components in the Residual 
    Heat Removal, Emergency Core Cooling, and Containment Heat Removal 
    systems are not exempted from appropriate examination requirements. The 
    limitation in the proposed rule would have extended the approval 
    required for preservice examination to inservice examination. Twenty 
    comments were received, all disagreeing with the need for this 
    limitation. Commenters pointed out that the information of interest is 
    contained in the ISI program plan which is required by the Code to be 
    submitted to the NRC. In addition, the intent of the limitation is 
    current practice, and suitable controls are presently in place to 
    ensure that adequate inspections of this piping are being performed. 
    The NRC has reconsidered its bases for this limitation and agrees with 
    the comments. Hence, the limitation has been eliminated from the final 
    rule.  Reconciliation of Quality Requirements.
        The fifth proposed limitation to the implementation of Section XI 
    (Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(xx) in the proposed rule) addressed reconciliation 
    of quality requirements when implementing Section XI, IWA-4200, 1995 
    Addenda through the 1996 Addenda. Specifically, there were two 
    provisions addressing the reconciliation of replacement items 
    (Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(xx)(A)) and the definition of Construction Code 
    (Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(xx)(B)). The limitation was included in the proposed 
    rule to address the concern that, due to changes made to IWA-4200, 
    ``Items for Repair/Replacement Activities,'' in the 1995 Addenda, and 
    IWA-9000, ``Glossary,'' definition of Construction Code in the 1993 
    Addenda, a Section III component could be replaced with a non-Section 
    III component, or that Construction Codes earlier than the Code of 
    record might be used to procure components.
        Twelve comments were received on the limitation. Most of the 
    commenters stated that the limitation was too extensive; i.e., rather 
    than taking exception to Subparagraph IWA-4200, the limitation should 
    specifically address Subparagraph IWA-4222, ``Reconciliation of Code 
    and Owner's Requirements.'' Several comments suggested that the 
    limitation be simplified to require only that ``Code items shall be 
    procured with Appendix B requirements.'' Additional comments were 
    provided relating to the need to remove the limitation on the 
    definition of Construction Code, the use of the quality provisions 
    contained in the Construction Code, and the historical provisions 
    contained in Section XI for reconciling of technical requirements.
        The NRC has carefully reviewed the comments and agrees with the 
    conclusions that: (1) A non-Section III item cannot be used to replace 
    a Section III item; (2) only the same or later editions of the same 
    Construction Code, or one that is higher in the evolutionary scale of 
    the Code may be used; and (3) when using an earlier Construction Code, 
    licensees must remain within the same Construction Code. The limitation 
    has been revised in the final rule to address the reconciliation 
    requirements contained in IWA-4222. However, changes to IWA-4222 in the 
    1995 Addenda specifically exempt quality assurance requirements from 
    the reconciliation process. The various changes implemented in the 1995 
    Addenda, including the new definition of Construction Code, the 
    identification of new Construction Codes, and the specific exemption to 
    reconcile quality assurance requirements, could result in codes and 
    standards being utilized which do not contain any quality assurance 
    requirements, or contain quality assurance requirements which do not 
    fully comply with Appendix B to 10 CFR part 50. Thus, the NRC has 
    adopted the commenters' suggestion to clarify that Code items shall be 
    procured in accordance with Appendix B requirements. Hence, when 
    implementing the 1995 Addenda through the 1996 Addenda, the limitation 
    (Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(xvii) in the final rule) will require, in addition 
    to the reconciliation provisions of IWA-4200, that the replacement 
    items be purchased to the extent necessary to comply with the owner's 
    quality assurance program description required by 10 CFR 
    50.34(b)(6)(ii). The rewording of the limitation addresses the NRC's 
    concerns with regard to definitions. That portion of the proposed 
    limitation has been eliminated from the final rule.
    2.3.2  OM Code (120-Month Update).  Class 1, 2, and 3 Pumps and Valves.
        This rule incorporates by reference for the first time into 10 CFR 
    50.55a the ASME Code for Operation and Maintenance of Nuclear Power 
    Plants (OM Code).  Background--OM Code.
        Until 1990, the ASME Code requirements addressing IST of pumps and 
    valves were contained in Section XI, Subsections IWP (pumps) and IWV 
    (valves). The provisions of Subsections IWP and IWV were last 
    incorporated by reference into 10 CFR 50.55a in a final rulemaking 
    published on August 6, 1992 (57 FR 34666). In 1990, the ASME published 
    the initial edition of the OM Code which provides rules for IST of 
    pumps and valves. The requirements contained in the 1990 Edition are 
    identical to the requirements contained in the 1989 Edition of Section 
    XI, Subsections IWP (pumps) and IWV (valves). Subsequent to the 
    publication of the 1990 OM Code, the ASME Board on Nuclear Codes and 
    Standards (BNCS) transferred responsibility for maintenance of these 
    rules on IST from Section XI to the OM Committee. As such, the Section 
    XI rules for inservice testing of pumps and valves that are presently 
    incorporated by reference into NRC regulations are no longer being 
    updated by Section XI.
        The 1990 Edition of the ASME OM Code consists of one section 
    (Section IST) entitled ``Rules for Inservice Testing of Light-Water 
    Reactor Power Plants.'' This section is divided into four subsections: 
    ISTA, ``General Requirements,'' ISTB, ``Inservice Testing of Pumps in 
    Light-Water Reactor Power Plants,'' ISTC, ``Inservice Testing of Valves 
    in Light-Water Reactor Power Plants,'' and ISTD, ``Examination and 
    Performance Testing of Nuclear Power Plant Dynamic Restraints 
    (Snubbers).'' The testing of snubbers is governed by the ISI 
    requirements of Section XI of the ASME BPV Code. Therefore, the rule 
    only requires implementation of Subsections ISTA, ISTB, and ISTC. 
    Because this final rule for the first time incorporates by reference 
    the OM Code, the NRC has determined that the latest
    [[Page 51375]]
    endorsed Edition and Addenda of the OM Code (i.e., 1995 Edition up to 
    and including the 1996 Addenda) should be used. Therefore, there is no 
    need to incorporate by reference earlier Editions and Addenda of the OM 
    Code (e.g., 1990 Edition or 1992 Edition).  Comments on the OM Code.
        There were four commenters addressing the proposed endorsement of 
    the OM Code. The ASME BNCS (commenter one) agreed that the action was 
    appropriate based on the ASME moving the responsibility for developing 
    and maintaining IST program requirements from Section XI to the OM 
    Code. A utility (commenter two) requested clarification as to when 
    licensees would be required to begin using the 1995 Edition with the 
    1996 Addenda for the OM Code. Licensees are presently required by 
    Section XI to perform IST of pumps and valves. The regulations in 10 
    CFR 50.55a currently require licensees to update their IST (and ISI) 
    programs to the latest Code incorporated by reference in Sec. 50.55a(b) 
    every 120 months. Hence, there is not a need to accelerate the 
    transition to the OM Code.
        A utility (commenter three) stated that changes to the OM Code that 
    appear in the 1995 Edition with the 1996 Addenda would require their 
    facilities to modify the test loop piping for demonstrating pump design 
    flow rate. The NRC is aware that some licensees may have difficulty 
    fully implementing these tests and in certain cases, due to the 
    impracticality of implementation, a request for relief under 
    Sec. 50.55a(f)(5) would be appropriate. However, the OM committees 
    developed these provisions in an effort to improve functional testing 
    of pumps because present pump testing programs may not be capable of 
    fully demonstrating that pumps are performing as designed. Some 
    licensees have preoperational test loops which may be used to 
    demonstrate full flow for this testing. Hence, the NRC has concluded 
    that current regulatory requirements address this issue and a 
    modification to the final rule in response to this comment is not 
        The fourth commenter (an individual) stated that the NRC was 
    primarily responsible for the changes in the 1994 Addenda (referred to 
    as the Comprehensive Pump Test) which will result in additional pump 
    testing. Further, the commenter believes that the changes were more the 
    result of pressure by the NRC than actions determined prudent by the OM 
    committees. Hence, the conclusion is drawn that, because the changes 
    were not instituted exclusively by the OM committees, a backfit 
    analysis is appropriate. With respect to the addition of the 
    Comprehensive Pump Test, the OM Code committees had decided to pursue 
    new approaches to pump testing for a long time before its actual 
    development. In some cases, the changes resulted in less stringent 
    requirements or in the deletion of certain requirements. The NRC staff 
    raised concerns with certain changes and discussed these concerns with 
    the ASME/OM representatives in ASME/OM committee meetings. As a result, 
    the ASME/OM decided to develop an approach to pump testing that would 
    include a nominal ``bump'' test (i.e., a more frequent, but less 
    rigorous test) complemented by a biennial ``comprehensive'' test (i.e., 
    a less frequent, but more rigorous test). Subsequent changes to the 
    1990 OM Code were developed and adopted through a consensus process in 
    which members of the nuclear industry are the primary participants. The 
    NRC's position on the backfit issue is discussed in Section 8, Backfit 
    Analysis, of the final rule, and in the response to public comments on 
    the proposed rule. The NRC does not regard the development of the 
    Comprehensive Pump Test to be an example of ``coercion'' by the NRC; 
    rather it is an example of a properly functioning consensus process.  Clarification of Scope of Safety-Related Valves Subject to 
        The previous language in Sec. 50.55a(f)(1) had been interpreted by 
    some licensees as a requirement to include all safety-related pumps and 
    valves regardless of ASME Code Class (or equivalent) in the IST program 
    of plants whose construction permits were issued before January 1, 
    1971. The NRC proposed to revise this paragraph in the draft rule 
    amendment to clarify which safety-related pumps and valves are 
    addressed by 10 CFR 50.55a. The intent of the revision was to ensure 
    that the IST scope of pumps and valves for these earlier-licensed 
    plants was similar to the scope for plants licensed after January 1, 
    1971. A corresponding revision was also proposed for Sec. 50.55a(g)(1) 
    for ISI requirements.
        Fifteen separate commenters responded to the proposed clarification 
    to Sec. 50.55a(f)(1). During consideration of their comments, it became 
    apparent that the proposed language in Sec. 50.55a(f)(1) for IST did 
    not fully accomplish its intended purpose. Instead of narrowing the IST 
    scope of earlier-licensed plants to be consistent with the scope of 
    later plants as intended, the proposed language inadvertently expanded 
    the scope to include all pumps and valves in safety-related steam, 
    water, air, and liquid-radioactive waste systems. The scope of pumps 
    and valves to be included in IST should be dependent on the safety-
    related function of the component rather than the function of the 
    system. That is, a safety-related system might include many pumps and 
    valves. However, not all of the pumps and valves might have a safety-
    related function. For example, some valves in a safety-related system 
    might be used for maintenance purposes only although they might be 
    classified as safety-related because they are part of the safety-
    related system pressure boundary. Accordingly, these valves would not 
    need to be tested under the IST program, but the welds connecting the 
    valve to the piping might be required to be examined under the ISI 
    program. For this reason, the NRC further concluded that, unlike the 
    scope issue that arose in Sec. 50.55a(f)(1) for IST, the scope issue 
    did not apply to ISI, and a modification to the language of 
    Sec. 50.55a(g)(1) pertaining to ISI is not appropriate. Therefore, the 
    existing language of Sec. 50.55a(g)(1) will remain unchanged.
        However, the need to modify the language for IST requirements 
    exists. The final rule revises Sec. 50.55a(f)(1) to ensure that the 
    scope of inservice testing of pumps and valves in earlier plants is 
    consistent with the scope applicable to later plants. This was 
    accomplished by making the language of Sec. 50.55a(f)(1) consistent 
    with the scope of Paragraph 1.1 in Subsections ISTB and ISTC of the OM 
    Code. Hence, Sec. 50.55a(f)(1) in the final rule specifies that those 
    pumps and valves that perform a specific function to shut down the 
    reactor or maintain the reactor in a safe shutdown condition, mitigate 
    the consequences of an accident, or provide overpressure protection for 
    safety-related systems must meet the test requirements applicable to 
    components which are classified as ASME Code Class 2 and Class 3 to the 
    extent practical. The new language establishes the scope of pumps and 
    valves that are to be included in an IST program based on the safety-
    related function of the pump or valve. The requirements for pumps and 
    valves that are part of the reactor coolant pressure boundary have not 
    been changed. This change in the regulation will clarify the scope of 
    IST for earlier-licensed plants resulting in a more consistent scope in 
    pump and valve IST programs for all nuclear power plants.
    [[Page 51376]]  Limitation.  Quality Assurance.
        The proposed rule contained one limitation (Sec. 50.55a(b)(3)(i)) 
    to implementation of the OM Code addressing quality assurance (QA). 
    This limitation pertained to the use of ASME Standard NQA-1, ``Quality 
    Assurance Requirements for Nuclear Facilities,'' with the OM Code. 
    Three comments were received and all were considered in arriving at the 
    NRC's decision to retain the limitation as contained in the proposed 
        As part of the licensing basis for nuclear power plants, NRC 
    licensees have committed to certain quality assurance program 
    provisions which are identified in both their Technical Specifications 
    and Quality Assurance Programs. These provisions are taken from several 
    sources (e.g., ASME, ANSI) and together, they constitute an acceptable 
    Quality Assurance Program. The licensee quality assurance program 
    commitments describe how the requirements of appendix B to 10 CFR part 
    50 will be satisfied by referencing applicable industry standards and 
    the NRC Regulatory Guides (RGs) which endorsed the industry standards 
    (e.g., the ANSI N45 series standards and applicable regulatory guides 
    or NQA-1-1983 as endorsed by RG 1.28, Revision 3) and by prescriptive 
    text contained in the program. Further, owners operating nuclear power 
    plants have committed to the additional operational phase quality 
    assurance and administrative provisions contained in ANSI N18.7 as 
    endorsed by RG 1.33.
        The OM Code references the use of either NQA-1 or the owner's 
    Appendix B Quality Assurance Program (10 CFR part 50, appendix B) as 
    part of its individual provisions for a QA program. However, NQA-1 (any 
    version) does not contain some of the quality assurance provisions and 
    administrative controls governing operational phase activities which 
    would be required in order to use NQA-1 in lieu of an owner's Appendix 
    B QA Program Description. When the NRC originally endorsed NQA-1, it 
    did so with the knowledge that NQA-1 was not entirely adequate and must 
    be supplemented by other commitments such as the ANSI standards. The 
    later versions of NQA-1 also, by themselves, would not constitute an 
    acceptable Quality Assurance Program. Hence, NQA-1 is not acceptable 
    for use without the other quality assurance program provisions 
    identified in Technical Specifications and licensee Quality Assurance 
    Programs. The NRC staff has received questions regarding the 
    relationship between commitments made relative to the Appendix B QA 
    Program and the proposed endorsement of the OM Code by 10 CFR 50.55a. 
    It is apparent from the public comments that there is confusion with 
    regard to the OM Code permitting the use of either NQA-1 or the owner's 
    QA Program. The proposed limitation clarified that, when performing 
    Section XI activities, licensees must meet other applicable NRC 
    regulations. The limitation (Sec. 50.55a(b)(3)(i)) is retained in the 
    final rule to provide emphasis that owners must comply with other 
    applicable NRC regulations in addition to the quality provisions 
    contained in the OM Code. The following discussion provides further 
        Although not discussed in the proposed amendment to 10 CFR 50.55a, 
    the requirements of Secs. 50.34(b)(6)(ii) and 50.54(a) for establishing 
    and revising QA Program descriptions during the operational phase are 
    required to be followed and are not superseded or usurped by any of the 
    requirements presently contained in 10 CFR 50.55a. Therefore, even 
    though the present text of 10 CFR 50.55a does not take exception to 
    applying the quality provisions of NQA-1-1979 to ASME OM Code work 
    activities, owners of commercial nuclear power plants are required to 
    comply not only with the QA provisions included in the Codes referenced 
    in 10 CFR 50.55a, but also the quality assurance program developed to 
    satisfy the requirements contained in Sec. 50.34(b)(6)(ii). This means 
    that, regardless of the specific quality assurance controls delineated 
    in the OM Code as referenced in 10 CFR 50.55a, owners must meet the 
    additional quality assurance provisions of their NRC approved quality 
    assurance program description and other administrative controls 
    governing operational phase activities.  Modification.  Motor-Operated Valve Stroke-Time Testing.
        The proposed rule contained a modification (Sec. 50.55a(b)(3)(ii)) 
    pertaining to supplementing the stroke-time testing requirement of 
    Subsection ISTC of the OM Code applicable for motor-operated valves 
    (MOVs) with programs that licensees have previously committed to 
    perform, prior to issuance of this amendment to 10 CFR 50.55a, for 
    demonstrating the design-basis capability of MOVs. Stroke-time testing 
    of MOVs is also specified in ASME Section XI. Seven commenters 
    responded to the proposed change. The primary concern raised was that 
    licensees would be required to comply with the provisions on stroke-
    time testing in the OM Code as well as the programs developed under 
    their licensing commitments for demonstrating MOV design-basis 
    capability. This might result in a duplication of activities associated 
    with inservice testing of safety-related MOVs and the periodic 
    verification of the design-basis capability of safety-related MOVs at 
    nuclear power plants.
        Since 1989, it has been recognized that the quarterly stroke-time 
    testing requirements for MOVs in the Code are not sufficient to provide 
    assurance of MOV operability under design-basis conditions. For 
    example, in Generic Letter (GL) 89-10, ``Safety-Related Motor-Operated 
    Valve Testing and Surveillance,'' the NRC stated that ASME Section XI 
    testing alone is not sufficient to provide assurance of MOV operability 
    under design-basis conditions. Therefore, in GL 89-10, the NRC staff 
    requested licensees to verify the design-basis capability of their 
    safety-related MOVs and to establish long-term MOV programs. The NRC 
    subsequently issued GL 96-05, ``Periodic Verification of Design-Basis 
    Capability of Safety-Related Motor-Operated Valves,'' to provide 
    updated guidance for establishing long-term MOV programs. Licensees 
    have made licensing commitments pursuant to GL 96-05 that are being 
    reviewed by the NRC staff. Most licensees have voluntarily committed to 
    participate in an industry-wide Joint Owners Group (JOG) Program on MOV 
    Periodic Verification. This program will help provide consistency among 
    the individual plant long-term MOV programs.
        At this time, the OM Code committees are working to update the Code 
    with respect to its provisions for quarterly MOV stroke-time testing. 
    For example, the ASME is considering incorporating Code Case OMN-1, 
    ``Alternative Rules for Preservice and Inservice Testing of Certain 
    Electric Motor-Operated Valve Assemblies in Light-Water Reactor Power 
    Plants,'' into the OM Code. These provisions would allow users to 
    replace quarterly MOV stroke-time testing with a combination of MOV 
    exercising at least every refueling outage and MOV diagnostic testing 
    on a longer interval. (The NRC has determined that, for MOVs, Code Case 
    OMN-1 is acceptable in lieu of Subsection ISTC, with a modification. 
    See Section for further information.)
        In light of the present weakness in the information provided by 
    quarterly MOV stroke-time testing, this modification has been retained 
    in the final rule. However, the NRC agrees with the
    [[Page 51377]]
    public comment that the language in the proposed rule referring to 
    licensing commitments was cumbersome and the language has been 
    clarified. The final rule supplements the Code requirements for MOV 
    stroke-time testing with a provision that licensees periodically verify 
    MOV design-basis capability. The changes to Sec. 50.55a(b)(3)(ii) do 
    not alter expectations regarding existing licensee commitments relating 
    to MOV design-basis capability. Without being overly prescriptive, the 
    final rule allows licensees to implement the regulatory requirements in 
    a manner that best suits their particular application. The rulemaking 
    does not require licensees to implement the JOG program on MOV periodic 
    verification. The final rule in Sec. 50.55a(b)(3)(iii) allows licensees 
    the option of using ASME Code Case OMN-1 to meet the requirements of 
    Sec. 50.55a(b)(3)(ii).
    2.4  Expedited Implementation.
    2.4.1  Appendix VIII.
        The proposed rule contained a requirement 
    (Sec. 50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(C)) that licensees expedite implementation of 
    mandatory Appendix VIII, ``Performance Demonstration for Ultrasonic 
    Examination Systems,'' to Section XI, 1995 Edition with the 1996 
    Addenda. Three proposed modifications were included to address NRC 
    positions on the use of Appendix VIII. The proposed rule would have 
    required licensees to implement Appendix VIII for all examinations of 
    the pressure vessel, piping, nozzles, and bolts and studs which occur 
    after 6 months from the date of the final rule. The proposed rule would 
    not have required any change to a licensee's ISI schedule for 
    examination of these components, but would have required that the 
    provisions of Appendix VIII be used for all examinations after that 
        The 1989 Addenda to Section XI added mandatory Appendix VIII to 
    enhance the requirements for performance demonstration for ultrasonic 
    examination (UT) procedures. In 1991, the Performance Demonstration 
    Initiative (PDI) was organized and funded. PDI is an organization of 
    all U. S. nuclear utilities formed for the express purpose of 
    developing efficient, cost-effective, and technically sound 
    implementation of the performance demonstration requirements described 
    in the ASME Code Section XI, Appendix VIII. The EPRI NDE Center 
    provides technical support and administration for this program on 
    behalf of the utilities. The PDI program has been evolving. Changes to 
    the program were being made as difficulties in implementing some Code 
    provisions were discovered. Other changes resulted when agreements were 
    reached on issues such as training. Finally, the program has evolved as 
    programs were developed for each Appendix VIII supplement.
        Sixty comments were received related to the proposed expedited 
    implementation of Appendix VIII to Section XI. The issues raised by the 
    commenters were generally uniform and narrow in scope; i.e., in 
    agreement with the principles behind the development of Appendix VIII, 
    but opposed to the manner in which the proposed rule would implement 
    performance demonstration. In addition, commenters argued that 
    implementation of Appendix VIII within 6 months from the date of the 
    final rule was not possible because:
        (1) Some Appendix VIII supplements have not yet been implemented by 
        (2) The number of qualified individuals is not yet sufficient;
        (3) The rule would require UT personnel to requalify; and
        (4) PDI's implementation of Appendix VIII differs from the Code.
        The NRC staff met four times with representatives from PDI, EPRI, 
    and NEI between the dates of May 12, 1998, and November 19, 1998, to 
    discuss items such as the current status of the PDI program, and 
    Appendix VIII of Section XI as modified by PDI during the development 
    of the program. Piping, bolting, and RPV samples, for the initial phase 
    of the program, were completed in 1994. Procedure and personnel 
    demonstrations were initiated in April of 1994. Since that time, a 
    large number of personnel and procedures have been qualified. However, 
    additional time and effort will be required to complete the industry 
    qualification process for the remaining supplements of Appendix VIII.
        Subsequent to these meetings and consideration of the public 
    comments, the NRC has reviewed the latest version of the PDI program 
    for examination of vessels, piping, and bolting. The NRC agrees that 
    this version will provide reasonable assurance of detecting the flaws 
    of concern in ferritic vessels and piping. In addition, adoption in the 
    final rule of Appendix VIII as modified by PDI during the development 
    of the program means that the present test specimens are acceptable. 
    The PDI program requires scanning the examination volume from both 
    sides of the same surface of piping welds when it is accessible. 
    Examinations performed from one side of a pipe weld may be conducted 
    with procedures and personnel demonstrated at PDI; i.e., confirmed 
    proficiency with single sided examinations. For the vessel weld, the 
    volume must be examined in 4 directions from the clad-to-basemetal 
    interface to a depth of 15 percent through-wall. Examinations performed 
    from one side of a vessel weld may be conducted on the remaining 
    portion of the weld volume provided the procedure shows the ability to 
    detect flaws at angles up to 45 degrees from normal. In addition, to 
    demonstrate equivalency to two sided examinations, the NRC staff and 
    PDI agree that the demonstration be performed with specimens containing 
    flaws with non-optimum sound energy reflecting characteristics or flaws 
    similar to those in the vessel or pipe being examined. Because Appendix 
    VIII supplements were designed for two-sided examinations, given the 
    uniqueness in some instances of single side examinations, 
    requalification may be necessary to demonstrate proficiency for these 
    special cases. Single side examinations are not permitted for 15 
    percent of the vessel volume adjacent to the cladding, and thus cannot 
    be used for Supplement 4 performance demonstration.
        Evidence indicates that there are shortcomings in the 
    qualifications of personnel and procedures in ensuring the reliability 
    of nondestructive examination of the reactor vessel and other 
    components of the reactor coolant system, the emergency core cooling 
    systems, and portions of the steam and feedwater systems. Imposition of 
    performance demonstration will greatly enhance the overall level of 
    assurance of the reliability of ultrasonic examination techniques in 
    detecting and sizing flaws. Hence, the final rule will expedite the 
    implementation of these safety significant performance demonstration 
    programs. The final rule will permit licensees to implement either 
    Appendix VIII, ``Performance Demonstration for Ultrasonic Examination 
    Systems,'' to Section XI, Division 1, 1995 Edition with the 1996 
    Addenda, or Appendix VIII as executed by PDI. Because PDI is not a 
    consensus standards body, its program document cannot be referenced in 
    the final rule. Thus, the PDI requirements are directly contained in 
    the final rule in Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(xv).
        In Sec. 50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(C), the final rule incorporates a phased 
    implementation of Appendix VIII over a three-year period. Licensees are 
    required to implement the supplements to Appendix VIII according to the 
    following schedule:
        (1) Six months after the effective date of the final rule: 
    Supplement 1,
    [[Page 51378]]
    ``Evaluating Electronic Characteristics of Ultrasonic Systems,'' 
    Supplement 2, ``Qualification Requirements for Wrought Austenitic 
    Piping Welds,'' Supplement 3, ``Qualification Requirements for Ferritic 
    Piping Welds,'' and Supplement 8, ``Qualification Requirements for 
    Bolts and Studs;''
        (2) One year after the effective date of the final rule: Supplement 
    4, ``Qualification Requirements for the Clad/Base Metal Interface of 
    Reactor Vessel,'' and Supplement 6, ``Qualification Requirements for 
    Reactor Vessel Welds Other Than Clad/Base Metal Interface;''
        (3) Two years after the effective date of the final rule: 
    Supplement 11, ``Qualification Requirements for Full Structural 
    Overlaid Wrought Austenitic Piping Welds;'' and
        (4) Three years after the effective date of the final rule: 
    Supplement 5, ``Qualification Requirements for Nozzle Inside Radius 
    Section,'' Supplement 7, ``Qualification Requirements for Nozzle-to-
    Vessel Weld,'' Supplement 10, ``Qualification Requirements for 
    Dissimilar Metal Piping Welds,'' Supplement 12, ``Requirements for 
    Coordinated Implementation of Selected Aspects of Supplements 2, 3, 10, 
    and 11,'' and Supplement 13, ``Requirements for Coordinated 
    Implementation of Selected Aspects of Supplements 4, 5, 6, and 7.''
        Performance demonstration requirements for Supplement 9, 
    ``Qualification Requirements for Cast Austenitic Piping Welds,'' have 
    not yet been initiated pending completion of the other supplements. 
    Hence, the final rule does not address Supplement 9.
        The final rule has been structured so that the equipment and 
    procedures previously qualified under the PDI program are acceptable. 
    Personnel previously qualified by PDI will remain qualified with the 
    exception of a small population of individuals qualified for 
    Supplements 4 and 6.  Modifications.  Appendix VIII Personnel Qualification.
        The first proposed modification of Appendix VIII 
    (Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(xvii) in the proposed rule) related to its 
    requirement that ultrasonic examination personnel meet the requirements 
    of Appendix VII, ``Qualification of Nondestructive Examination 
    Personnel for Ultrasonic Examination,'' to Section XI. Appendix VII-
    4240 contains a requirement for personnel to receive a minimum of 10 
    hours of training on an annual basis. The NRC had determined that this 
    requirement was inadequate for two reasons. The first reason was that 
    the training does not require laboratory work and examination of flawed 
    specimens. Signals can be difficult to interpret and, as detailed in 
    the regulatory analysis for this rulemaking, experience and studies 
    indicate that the examiner must practice on a frequent basis to 
    maintain the capability for proper interpretation. The second reason is 
    related to the length of training and its frequency. Studies have shown 
    that an examiner's capability begins to diminish within approximately 6 
    months if skills are not maintained. Thus, the NRC had determined that 
    10 hours of annual training is not sufficient practice to maintain 
    skills, and that an examiner must practice on a more frequent basis to 
    maintain proper skill level. The modification in the proposed rule 
    would have required 40 hours of annual training including laboratory 
    work and examination of flawed specimens.
        Thirty-five comments were received on this proposed modification to 
    Appendix VIII. Many of the commenters stated that 40 hours of required 
    training were excessive because:
        (1) The EPRI NDE Center did not have the facilities which would be 
    required to satisfy this requirement;
        (2) An ample supply of training specimens would cost each site 
    $75,000; and
        (3) The requirement would result in administrative as well as cost 
    burdens for both the utility and the vendor.
        Based on the public comments and the meetings with PDI and EPRI, 
    the NRC has reconsidered its position. The PDI program has adopted a 
    requirement for 8 hours of training, but it is required to be hands-on 
    practice. In addition, the training must be taken no earlier than 6 
    months prior to performing examinations at a licensee's facility. PDI 
    believes that 8 hours will be acceptable relative to an examiner's 
    abilities in this highly specialized skill area because personnel can 
    gain knowledge of new developments, material failure modes, and other 
    pertinent technical topics through other means. Thus, the NRC has 
    decided to adopt in the final rule the PDI position on this matter. 
    These changes are reflected in Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(xiv) of the final 
    rule.  Appendix VIII Specimen Set and Qualification Requirements.
        The second proposed modification of Appendix VIII 
    (Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(xviii) in the proposed rule) would have required 
    that all flaws in the specimen sets used for performance demonstration 
    for piping, vessels, and nozzles be cracks. For piping, Appendix VIII 
    requires that all of the flaws in a specimen set be cracks. However, 
    for vessels and nozzles, Appendix VIII would allow as many as 50 
    percent of the flaws to be notches. The NRC had previously believed 
    that, for the purpose of demonstrating nondestructive examination (NDE) 
    capabilities, notches are not realistic representations of service 
    induced cracks. The flaws in the specimen sets utilized for piping by 
    EPRI for the PDI are all cracks.
        Thirty-two comments were received on this proposed modification to 
    Appendix VIII. A majority of the commenters stated that this 
    modification should be deleted from the rule because it would require 
    the manufacture of new specimens and that the majority of procedure and 
    examiner qualifications performed to date would be nullified. Many 
    commenters argued that notches are realistic representations of cracks. 
    Another comment was that fabrication defects should be permitted in 
    order to test an examiner's ability to discriminate between real flaws 
    and innocuous reflectors.
        The NRC believes that flaws in test specimens used for UT should be 
    representative of the flaws normally found or expected to be found in 
    operating plants. Based on the public comments, the final rule in 
    Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(xv) permits a population of notches and fabrication 
    flaws on a limited basis for vessel and nozzle test specimen sets 
    (Supplements 4, 5, 6, and 7). For these components, the NRC has 
    concluded that a mix of cracks and notches is acceptable as long as 
    they provide a similar detection and sizing challenge to that seen in 
    actual service induced degradation. These types of notches will ensure 
    that the qualification demonstration tests the ability of an examiner 
    to discriminate between real flaws and innocuous reflectors. In 
    addition, a mix of cracks and notches means that the present specimens 
    can continue to be used for qualification. For wrought austenitic, 
    ferritic, and dissimilar metal welds, however, these flaws can best be 
    represented with cracks. Cracks span the ultrasonic spectra of flaw 
    surface conditions from rough to smooth, jagged to straight, single to 
    multiple tip, and tight to wide tip. Notches generally have smooth 
    surfaces that reflect a narrow ultrasonic spectrum that represents a 
    small population of flaws contained in components. Some variations in 
    UT examination techniques may be more challenged with a notch located 
    in specific locations, whereas other variations in UT examination 
    techniques may not. With respect to
    [[Page 51379]]
    bolting, the NRC believed it would be clear that bolting was not 
    addressed by the proposed modification. The NRC does not consider it 
    necessary to use cracks for performance qualification for Supplement 8 
    as notches are appropriate reflectors in the specimen test sets.  Appendix VIII Single Side Ferritic Vessel and Piping and 
    Stainless Steel Piping Examination.
        The third proposed modification of Appendix VIII 
    (Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(xix) in the proposed rule) would have required that 
    all specimens for single-side tests contain microstructures like the 
    components to be inspected and flaws with non-optimum characteristics 
    consistent with field experience that provide realistic challenges to 
    the UT technique. The industry would have been required to develop 
    specimen sets that contain microstructures similar to the types found 
    in the components to be inspected and flaws with non-optimum 
    characteristics (such as skew, tilt, and roughness) consistent with 
    field experience that provide realistic challenges for single-sided 
    performance demonstration. Appendix VIII does not distinguish specimens 
    for two-sided examinations from those used for single-sided examination 
    since Appendix VIII was originally developed using UT lessons learned 
    from two-sided examinations of welds.
        Thirty comments were received on this proposed modification to 
    Appendix VIII. Many commenters stated that the NRC should delete this 
    modification because it would invalidate the current PDI test specimens 
    and the procedures and examiners already qualified. Another prevalent 
    comment was that the flaws being used by PDI in vessel and piping 
    specimens represent the microstructure and flaw orientation of 
    postulated in-service flaws in vessel welds and, therefore, ferritic 
    vessels should be exempted from the proposed requirement.
        Based on the consideration of public comments, the final rule 
    permits either Appendix VIII, as contained in the 1995 Edition with the 
    1996 Addenda, or Appendix VIII, as modified by PDI during development 
    of the program, to be implemented. The PDI program requirements are 
    contained in Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(xv). The NRC agrees that the latest 
    version of the PDI program will provide reasonable assurance of 
    detecting the flaws of concern in ferritic vessels and piping. In 
    addition, adoption in the final rule of Appendix VIII as modified by 
    PDI during the development of the PDI program means that the present 
    test specimens are acceptable. The PDI program requires scanning the 
    examination volume from both sides of the piping weld on the same 
    surface when it is accessible. Examinations performed from one side of 
    a vessel weld may be conducted with procedures and personnel 
    demonstrated at PDI; i.e., confirmed proficiency with single sided 
    examinations by a procedure that shows the ability to detect flaws at 
    angles up to 45 degrees from the normal. The equipment, procedures, and 
    personnel must demonstrate proficiency with single side examination. In 
    addition, to demonstrate equivalency to two sided examinations, PDI 
    requires that the demonstration be performed with specimens containing 
    flaws with non-optimum sound energy reflecting characteristics or flaws 
    similar to those in the ferritic vessel or pipe being examined. Because 
    Appendix VIII supplements were designed for two-sided examinations, 
    given the uniqueness in some instances of single side examinations, 
    requalification may be necessary to demonstrate proficiency for these 
    special cases. Single side examinations are not permitted for 15 
    percent of the vessel volume adjacent to the cladding, and thus cannot 
    be used for Supplement 4 performance demonstration.
        The final rule recognizes the difficulties of performance 
    demonstration for two sided examination of austenitic stainless steel. 
    However, PDI does not endorse single side inspection of austenitic 
    welds because current technology cannot consistently satisfy Appendix 
    VIII criteria. Thus, for certain situations, the final rule in 
    Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(xvi) contains criteria for demonstrating equivalency 
    to two sided examinations.
        Single side examination of wrought-to-cast stainless steel is 
    outside the scope of the current qualification program for austenitic 
    piping. Current technology is not reliable for detecting flaws on the 
    opposite side of wrought-to-cast stainless steel welds. Given these 
    shortcomings, single side examination of stainless steel piping is 
    considered ``best effort.'' The results of best-effort examination on 
    the cast side of these welds is, in the NRC's view, marginal at best.
    2.4.2  Generic Letter on Appendix VIII.
        The proposed rule contained a summary of a draft generic letter 
    published in the Federal Register for public comment on December 31, 
    1996 (61 FR 69120). The purpose of the generic letter was to alert the 
    industry to the importance of using equipment, procedures, and 
    examiners capable of reliably detecting and sizing flaws in the 
    performance of comprehensive examinations of reactor vessels and 
    piping. The NRC received 16 comment letters on the generic letter.
        Eighteen comments were received on the summary. Many of the 
    comments reiterated comments submitted on Appendix VIII (i.e., Section 
    2.4.1). Some commenters stated that the summary in the proposed rule 
    inappropriately categorized and consolidated comments providing 
    generalized responses to the industry's detailed comments. One 
    commenter stated that an alternative to the proposed rule would be to 
    mandate the use of PDI through a generic letter.
        The NRC disagrees with the characterization of its consideration of 
    the comments submitted on the generic letter. The NRC thoroughly 
    considered each comment. Commenters generally were not in agreement 
    with the proposed NRC action and a determination was made to withdraw 
    the generic letter pending rulemaking. Thus, the NRC's action to 
    withdraw the generic letter was consistent with the commenters' 
    recommendations. The summary of the comments in the Statement of 
    Considerations for the proposed rule was not intended to provide a 
    detailed response to every comment received on the generic letter. The 
    purpose of the summary was to provide some history and background 
    related to the proposed Appendix VIII action and to alert the industry 
    that it was the NRC's intent to withdraw the generic letter. 
    Implementation of Appendix VIII was included in the proposed and final 
    rules partly as a result of public comment that a generic letter should 
    not be used to mandate new examination requirements.
    2.4.3  Class 1 Piping Volumetric Examination (Deferred).
        A proposed modification of Section XI (Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(xv) in the 
    proposed rule) would have required licensees of pressurized water 
    reactor (PWR) plants to supplement the surface examination of Class 1 
    High Pressure Safety Injection (HPSI) system piping as required by 
    Examination Category B-J of Table IWB-2500-1 for nominal pipe sizes 
    (NPS) between 4 (inches) and 1+ (inches), with a volumetric 
    (ultrasonic) examination. This requirement was proposed because:
        (1) Inside diameter cracking of HPSI piping in the subject size 
    range has been previously discovered (as detailed in NRC Generic Letter 
    85-20, ``High Pressure Injection/Make-Up Nozzle Cracking in Babcock and 
    Wilcox Plants,'' and in NRC Information Notice
    [[Page 51380]]
    97-46, ``Unisolable Crack in High-Pressure Injection Piping'');
        (2) Failure of this line could result in a small break loss of 
    coolant accident while directly affecting the system designed to 
    mitigate such an event;
        (3) Volumetric examinations are already required by the Code for 
    Class 2 portions of this system (Table IWC-2500-1, Examination Category 
    C-F-1) within the same NPS range; and
        (4) Surface examinations are not highly effective in identifying 
    cracks and flaws in piping as evidenced by events at nuclear power 
    plants and comparisons to other examination techniques.
        Implementation of this requirement was proposed to be performed 
    during any ISI program inspection of the HPSI system performed after 6 
    months from the date of the final rule. Using a licensee's existing ISI 
    schedules would result in the volumetric examinations being implemented 
    in a reasonable period of time while not impacting lengths of outages 
    or requiring facility shutdown solely for performance of these 
    examinations. In light of recent industry initiatives to address Class 
    1 piping volumetric examination, the NRC is deferring rulemaking in 
    this area at this time.
        Fifteen comments were received on this modification to Section XI. 
    Several concerns were raised in the comments.
        (1) Volumetric examination of piping components in this size range 
    is not very effective.
        (2) Given the general ineffectiveness of volumetric examination for 
    this piping, the occupational exposure which would be incurred 
    outweighs the perceived need.
        (3) The expedited implementation does not allow sufficient time to 
    prepare specimen sets to comply with Appendix VIII.
        (4) There was no evidence that this problem would occur in all PWRs 
    (i.e., the concern should be limited to Babcock & Wilcox (B&W) plants 
    which have already addressed this problem).
        (5) The ASME Section XI Subcommittee on Inservice Inspection has 
    initiated an action to address Class 1 piping.
        These five concerns are addressed in order below.
        As detailed in the regulatory analysis for the proposed rule, the 
    initiation and propagation of pipe cracks at several plants have shown 
    that surface examinations alone are not sufficient to detect the types 
    of cracks which have occurred. It is agreed that these examinations for 
    certain configurations may be difficult. The basic thermohydraulic 
    phenomenon which caused the thermal fatigue cracking in the piping is 
    well understood. However, current modeling limitations make it 
    difficult to predict when this phenomenon will occur and at what 
    locations. At this time, the most reliable means of detection is 
    volumetric examination of the entire system in accordance with Section 
    XI provisions for other Class 1 piping systems. In addition, experience 
    has shown that, after initially discovering a section of degraded HPSI 
    piping via leakage detection at one unit, it was possible to 
    successfully identify similar degradation in the HPSI lines at sister 
    units during subsequent ultrasonic examinations (in locations 
    considered difficult to inspect). Therefore, it is the NRC's view that 
    the usefulness of ultrasonic examinations in discovering thermal 
    fatigue cracking in these lines has already been demonstrated in 
    practice. Additionally, it is not clear to the NRC that the integrity 
    of this piping can be assured in the presence of a through-wall flaw 
    under all normal, emergency, upset, and faulted operating conditions 
    for all PWR facilities. In short, the NRC does not believe that visual 
    walkdowns should be the principal means of detecting leakage from pipes 
    in these safety systems.
        The NRC is aware that the imposition of any additional inspections 
    of the reactor coolant pressure boundary may result in additional cost 
    and/or additional worker radiation exposure depending on the plant. 
    Some units have already implemented these examinations in response to 
    occurrences of thermal fatigue cracking at that unit. Given the safety 
    significance of the HPSI system (i.e., failure of this line could 
    result in a small break loss of coolant accident while directly 
    affecting the system designed to mitigate such an event) and the number 
    of failures reported to date (failures have occurred in the U.S. and 
    several foreign countries), the NRC concludes that the burden 
    associated with such examinations is minimal.
        The provisions of Appendix VIII are applicable to these 
    examinations. The NRC staff has had several meetings with 
    representatives from the industry's Performance Demonstration 
    Initiative (PDI) group to discuss the status of the performance 
    demonstration program. It is the NRC's understanding that the PDI 
    program for piping is complete and can be implemented as soon as the 
    administrative procedures have been developed.
        The NRC does not concur that the absence of piping failures for 
    certain portions of the HPSI system in other reactor designs precludes 
    the need for attention to this issue in those systems at those 
    facilities. Thermal fatigue damage attributed to diverse initiating 
    phenomena has been reported at several facilities in the U.S. and in 
    Europe. As discussed, it is difficult to predict when and where this 
    phenomenon might occur. Until data consistent with the failures that 
    occurred are determined, and the thermohydraulic phenomenon which 
    caused the failures is reproducible by analytical means, there is 
    limited assurance that a given analytical method will provide a 
    reliable assessment under all potential cyclic stratification 
    circumstances, except in special cases where the technique is obviously 
    conservative with respect to known data. At this time, the most 
    reliable means of detection is volumetric examination.
        General Design Criterion (GDC) 14, ``Reactor coolant pressure 
    boundary,'' of 10 CFR part 50, appendix A, or similar provisions in the 
    licensing basis, requires that the reactor coolant pressure boundary 
    (of which the unisolable portions of the HPSI system are a part) be 
    tested so as to have an extremely low probability of abnormal leakage, 
    of propagating failure, and of gross rupture. The ASME Section XI 
    Subcommittee on Inservice Inspection is considering the need for 
    volumetric examination of Class 1 HPSI systems. Further, the nuclear 
    industry has initiated a voluntary effort being coordinated by the 
    Nuclear Energy Institute to address the issue of thermal fatigue of 
    nuclear power plant piping. The NRC has decided to defer regulatory 
    action on the volumetric examination of Class 1 HPSI system piping 
    while evaluating the industry initiative and determining the need for 
    interim action during performance of the initiative. The NRC does not 
    believe that deferral of regulatory action in this rulemaking while 
    evaluating the need for interim action for HPSI Class 1 weld 
    examinations will significantly affect plant safety, because staff 
    evaluations indicate that a minimal increase in core damage frequency 
    would result from potentially undiscovered flaws in HPSI Class 1 piping 
    welds over this short time period. In light of the limited benefit of 
    surface examinations of Class 1 HPSI system piping and concerns 
    regarding occupational radiation exposure in the performance of those 
    examinations, this rule in Sec. 50.55a(g)(4)(iii) endorses but does not 
    mandate the provision in the ASME Code for surface weld examinations of 
    Class 1 HPSI system piping.
    [[Page 51381]]
    2.5  Voluntary Implementation.
    2.5.1  Section III.
        The proposed rule stated that the NRC had reviewed the 1989 
    Addenda, 1990 Addenda, 1991 Addenda, 1992 Edition, 1992 Addenda, 1993 
    Addenda, 1994 Addenda, 1995 Edition, 1995 Addenda, and 1996 Addenda of 
    Section III, Division 1, for Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 components, 
    and had determined that they were acceptable for voluntary use with six 
    proposed limitations. The final rule contains five limitations to the 
    implementation of Section III. The proposed limitation on the use of 
    engineering judgment during Section III activities has been deleted 
    from the rule. In addition, the proposed rule stated that 10 CFR 50.55a 
    would be modified to ensure consistency between 10 CFR 50.55a and NCA-
    1140. The ASME initiated an action to address this issue and requested 
    that the NRC delete this modification from the final rule. The NRC 
    agrees in principle with the ASME action and has deleted the 
        The version of Section III utilized by applicants and licensees is 
    established prior to construction as required by Sec. 50.55a(b), (c), 
    and (d). For operating plants, Sec. 50.55a permits licensees to use the 
    original construction code during the operational phase or voluntarily 
    update to a later version which has been endorsed by 10 CFR 50.55a. 
    Accordingly, the limitations to Section III apply to design and 
    construction of new nuclear plants and become applicable to operating 
    plants only if a licensee voluntarily updates to a later version.  Limitations.  Engineering Judgment (Deleted).
        The first proposed limitation to the implementation of Section III 
    (Sec. 50.55a(b)(1)(i) in the proposed rule) addressed an NRC position 
    with regard to the Foreword in the 1992 Addenda through the 1996 
    Addenda of the ASME BPV Code. That Foreword addresses the use of 
    ``engineering judgement'' for ISI activities not specifically 
    considered by the Code. The proposed rule would have required licensees 
    to receive NRC approval for those activities prior to implementation.
        Twenty-three commenters provided 26 separate comments on the 
    proposed limitation to the use of engineering judgment with regard to 
    Section III activities. This proposed limitation has been dealt with in 
    the same manner as the proposed limitation on the use of engineering 
    judgment for Section XI activities. The NRC has deleted this limitation 
    from the final rule as discussed in Section The response to 
    public comments in Section addresses all of the comments 
    which were received and provides specific examples of cases where 
    application of engineering judgment resulted in failure to satisfy 
    regulatory requirements.  Section III Materials.
        The second proposed limitation to the implementation of Section III 
    (Sec. 50.55a(b)(1)(ii) in the proposed rule) pertained to a reference 
    to Part D, ``Properties,'' of Section II, ``Materials.'' Section II, 
    Part D, contained many printing errors in the 1992 Edition. These 
    errors were corrected in the 1992 Addenda. The limitation would require 
    that Section II, 1992 Addenda, be applied when using the 1992 Edition 
    of Section III to ensure that the design stresses intended by the ASME 
    Code are used.
        Four comments were received on the proposed limitation. One 
    commenter agreed with the proposed action. The second commenter 
    disagreed with the severity of the errors but had no objection to the 
    proposed action. The third commenter stated that alerting users of the 
    Code to such errors in a rulemaking was inappropriate. The fourth 
    commenter argued that every version of Section II contains errors and 
    that the NRC should recommend the use of the latest version because it 
    contains the fewest number of errors. The limitation was not included 
    in the proposed rule to initiate a debate over how conservative the 
    errors were or whether the errors could cause faulty designs. There 
    were over 160 Errata in the 1992 Edition (as identified in the 1992 
    Addenda) apparently because of a printing error. By comparison, there 
    were only 16 Errata in the 1993 Addenda. The NRC was simply attempting 
    to alert users of the Code to that fact. This limitation has been 
    retained in the final rule to ensure that these particular design 
    stress tables will not be used. This limitation is contained in 
    Sec. 50.55a(b)(1)(i) in the final rule.  Weld Leg Dimensions.
        The third proposed limitation to the implementation of Section III 
    [Sec. 50.55a(b)(1)(iii) in the proposed rule] would correct a conflict 
    in the design and construction requirements in Subsection NB (Class 1), 
    Subsection NC (Class 2), and Subsection ND (Class 3) of Section III, 
    1989 Addenda through the 1996 Addenda of the BPV Code. Two equations in 
    NB-3683.4(c)(1), Footnote 11 to Figure NC-3673.2(b)-1, and Figure ND-
    3673.2(b)-1 were modified in the 1989 Addenda and are no longer in 
    agreement with Figures NB-4427-1, NC-4427-1, and ND-4427-1. This change 
    results in a different weld leg dimension depending on whether the 
    dimension is derived from the text or calculated from the figures. 
    Thus, the proposed limitation was included to ensure consistency by 
    specifying use of the 1989 Edition for the above referenced paragraphs 
    and figures in lieu of the 1989 Addenda through the 1996 Addenda.
        Four comments were received on this proposed limitation. One 
    commenter believed that the limitation was necessary. A second 
    commenter believed that it was inappropriate to address Code errors in 
    a rulemaking and this action should be accomplished through an 
    information notice. The third commenter agreed that there appears to be 
    a conflict, but they did not believe that the conflict would result in 
    designs which do not satisfy the requirements and recommended deletion 
    of the limitation. The fourth commenter stated that a conflict did not 
    exist as a result of the changes made in the 1989 Addenda; i.e., the 
    changes were deliberate to permit the designer an option on determining 
    the proper weld size. However, this commenter did state that a printing 
    error had been made in another change to the 1994 Addenda which has 
    been corrected in the 1998 Edition.
        The NRC disagrees that the limitation should be deleted from the 
    final rule. The weld size requirements that were used in the majority 
    of U.S. operating nuclear power plant piping systems were provided by 
    ANSI B31.7, Nuclear Power Piping Code, ANSI B31.1, Power Piping Code, 
    and early editions of the ASME Code, Section III. Specifically, these 
    standards required that the minimum socket weld size equal 1.25 t but 
    not less than \1/8\ inch, where t is the nominal pipe wall thickness. 
    The same weld size requirements as those specified in the above listed 
    codes are also required by other nationally recognized codes and 
    standards such as ANSI B31.3, Petroleum Refinery Piping Code. Those 
    sizes were established as a result of many years of experience 
    associated with the design and construction of piping systems, piping 
    equipment, and components. In 1981, Code Case N-316, ``Alternative 
    Rules for Fillet Weld Dimensions for Socket Welded Fittings,'' was 
    published permitting a reduction in socket weld sizes to 1.09 t. In 
    essence, the Code case was developed to provide relief for certain 
    utilities having difficulty complying with the minimum socket weld size 
    requirement of 1.25 t. The
    [[Page 51382]]
    provisions contained in the Code case were incorporated into the 1989 
    Edition of the ASME Code. The NRC accepted this reduction because the 
    new weld size was still greater than the pipe. In the 1989 Addenda of 
    Section III of the ASME Code, the requirements for the size of socket 
    welds were further reduced to 0.75 t which would permit welds smaller 
    than the thickness of the pipe. The NRC is concerned with the 
    structural integrity of a joint with a weld size which is less than the 
    pipe wall thickness. The reduction to 0.75 t was not supported with 
    test results or operating experience. Thus, a good technical basis has 
    not been provided for reducing minimum socket weld sizes in nuclear 
    power plant piping. It should be noted that the petrochemical industry 
    has not made a corresponding change to the standards governing weld 
    sizes in refinery piping. Hence, this limitation has been retained in 
    Sec. 50.55a(b)(1)(ii).  Seismic Design.
        The fourth proposed limitation to the implementation of Section III 
    (Sec. 50.55a(b)(1)(iv) in the proposed rule) pertained to new 
    requirements for piping design evaluation contained in the 1994 Addenda 
    through the 1996 Addenda of the ASME BPV Code. The NRC had determined 
    that changes to articles NB-3200, ``Design by Analysis,'' NB-3600, 
    ``Piping Design,'' NC-3600, ``Piping Design,'' and ND-3600, ``Piping 
    Design,'' of Section III for Class 1, 2, and 3 piping design evaluation 
    for reversing dynamic loads (e.g., earthquake and other similar type 
    dynamic loads which cycle about a mean value) were unacceptable. The 
    new requirements are based, in part, on industry evaluations of the 
    test data performed under sponsorship of the EPRI and the NRC. NRC 
    evaluations of the data do not support the changes and indicate lower 
    margins than those estimated in earlier evaluations. The ASME has 
    established a special working group to reevaluate the bases for the 
    seismic design for piping.
        Six comments were received on this proposed limitation to Section 
    III. None of the commenters agreed with the proposed limitation and 
    recommended its deletion from the final rule. The primary argument was 
    that present seismic design of safety related piping is ``overly 
    conservative both as it relates to the seismic capacity of structures 
    which house or support such piping as well as the potential for a 
    reduction in overall piping safety and reliability.'' Several 
    commenters stated that, while it is true that there is an ongoing 
    review within the ASME concerning the revised criteria, the data 
    support the revised rules.
        An extensive discussion of this issue is provided in both the 
    regulatory analysis and the response to public comments. In summary, in 
    1993 prior to publication of the new ASME Code rules, the NRC initiated 
    a research program at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Energy 
    Technology Engineering Center (ETEC) to evaluate the technical basis 
    for the Code changes, and to assess the impact of the Code changes. In 
    December 1994, the NRC informed the ASME that there were technical 
    concerns regarding the new criteria, and the NRC would not endorse the 
    criteria changes in the 1994 Addenda pending the results from the 
    research program. By letter dated May 24, 1995, the NRC restated its 
    technical concerns, and transmitted preliminary findings from those 
    ETEC studies which had been completed to date along with the peer 
    review comments. After receiving comments and input from other members 
    of the ASME BPV Code as well as representatives from other countries, 
    the ASME established a Special Working Group--Seismic Rule (SWG-SR) in 
    September 1995 to assess the concerns identified by the NRC and others 
    regarding the new piping design rules, and provide a proposed 
    resolution to address these concerns.
        The ETEC efforts are now complete, and the results of the research 
    indicate that the technical bases for the new piping design rules as 
    published in the 1994 Addenda were incomplete. The results of the 
    research are contained in NUREG/CR-5361, ``Seismic Analysis of 
    Piping,'' which was published in May 1998. The SWG-SR is considering 
    ETEC's recommendations and is conducting some additional studies.
        The NRC has concluded that additional technical bases need to be 
    developed before the new rules could be found to be acceptable and will 
    continue to interact via normal NRC staff participation with the Code 
    committees. Thus, this limitation has been retained in 
    Sec. 50.55a(b)(1)(iii). Licensees will be permitted to use articles NB-
    3200, NB-3600, NC-3600, and ND-3600, in the 1989 Addenda through the 
    1993 Addenda, but are prohibited from using these articles as contained 
    in the 1994 Addenda through the 1996 Addenda.  Quality Assurance.
        The fifth proposed limitation to the implementation of Section III 
    [Sec. 50.55a(b)(1)(v) in the proposed rule] pertained to the use of 
    ASME Standard NQA-1, ``Quality Assurance Requirements for Nuclear 
    Facilities.'' Section III references NQA-1 as part of its individual 
    requirements for a QA program by integrating portions of NQA-1 into the 
    QA program defined in NCA-4000, ``Quality Assurance,'' rather than 
    permitting NQA-1 as a stand alone document similar to Section XI and 
    the OM Code. Hence, even though NQA-1 by itself does not adequately 
    describe how to satisfy the requirements of 10 CFR part 50, appendix B, 
    the same concern does not exist regarding Section III and the use of 
    NQA-1 as exists with Section XI. However, the limitation has been 
    included in the final rule to provide consistency between the 
    requirements of Section III, Section XI, and the OM Code, and to 
    eliminate any possible confusion which could be created by not 
    addressing the use of NQA-1 under each circumstance. The NRC had 
    reviewed the requirements of NQA-1, 1986 Addenda through the 1992 
    Addenda, that are part of the incorporation by reference of Section 
    III, and had determined that the provisions of NQA-1 are acceptable for 
    use in the context of Section III activities. Portions of NQA-1 are 
    integrated into Section III administrative, quality, and technical 
    provisions which provide a complete QA program for design and 
    construction. The additional criteria contained in Section III, such as 
    nuclear accreditation, audits, and third party inspection, establishes 
    a complete program and satisfies the requirements of 10 CFR part 50, 
    appendix B (i.e., the provisions of Section III integrated with NQA-1). 
    Licensees may voluntarily choose to apply later provisions of Section 
    III. Hence, a limitation was included in the proposed rule which would 
    require that the edition and addenda of NQA-1 specified by NCA-4000 of 
    Section III be used in conjunction with the administrative, quality, 
    and technical provisions contained in the edition of Section III being 
        Five comments were received on this proposed limitation. One 
    commenter stated that the limitation was reasonable. The other 
    commenters found the limitation confusing given that the NRC had 
    determined that the provisions of NQA-1 were acceptable.
        Section III is a design and construction code used by the 
    manufacturers and suppliers of new Code items. However, Section III is 
    also used for controlling the construction of replacement Code items 
    during the operational phase at nuclear power plants. The basis for the 
    limitation in the proposed rule was that the quality provisions 
    contained in NQA-1 (any version) are not adequate to describe how to 
    satisfy the applicable 10 CFR
    [[Page 51383]]
    requirements for these activities. The NRC has not taken any exceptions 
    to the quality or administrative provisions contained in Section III. 
    However, in the proposed limitation for Section III, the NRC emphasized 
    that the quality provisions of NQA-1 are acceptable for use in the 
    context of Section III activities for the construction of new and 
    replacement Code items. Therefore, the NRC has concluded that the 
    quality provisions contained in Section III are acceptable for the 
    construction of new and replacement items; i.e., NQA-1 is not adequate 
    by itself. Thus, the limitation has been retained in 
    Sec. 50.55a(b)(1)(iv).  Independence of Inspection.
        The sixth proposed limitation to the implementation of Section III 
    [Sec. 50.55a(b)(1)(vi) in the proposed rule] related to prohibiting 
    licensees from using subparagraph NCA-4134.10(a), ``Inspection,'' in 
    the 1995 Edition through the 1996 Addenda. Before this edition and 
    addenda, inspection personnel were prohibited from reporting directly 
    to the immediate supervisors responsible for performing the work being 
    inspected. However, in the 1995 Edition, NCA-4134.10(a) was modified so 
    that independence of inspection was no longer required. This could 
    result in noncompliance with Criterion I, ``Organization,'' of 10 CFR 
    part 50, appendix B. This criterion requires that persons performing QA 
    functions report to a management level such that authority and 
    organizational freedom, including sufficient independence from cost and 
    schedule when opposed to safety considerations, are provided.
        Four comments were received on this limitation. One commenter 
    stated that the proposed limitation was reasonable. The second 
    commenter stated that this position is consistent with NRC's previous 
    positions. The third commenter stated the change in the Code provisions 
    had been made because the previous Code requirements exceeded the 
    requirements of appendix B. The fourth commenter stated that there has 
    never been a provision in appendix B that prohibited inspectors from 
    reporting to the supervisor responsible for the work being inspected.
        The NRC disagrees with both the third and fourth commenters. 
    Criterion I, ``Organization,'' of 10 CFR part 50, appendix B requires 
    the establishment and execution of a quality assurance program which 
    includes establishing and delineating in writing the authority and 
    duties of persons and organizations performing activities affecting the 
    safety-related functions of structures, systems, and components. In 
    particular, Criterion I states: ``These activities include both the 
    performing functions of attaining quality objectives and the quality 
    assurance functions. The quality assurance functions are those of (a) 
    assuring that an appropriate quality assurance program is established 
    and effectively executed and (b) verifying, such as by checking, 
    auditing, and inspection, that activities affecting safety-related 
    functions have been correctly performed.'' Criterion I continues by 
    stating that ``[t]he persons and organizations performing quality 
    assurance functions shall have sufficient authority and organizational 
    freedom to identify quality problems; to initiate, recommend, or 
    provide solutions; and to verify implementation of solutions. Such 
    persons and organizations performing quality assurance functions shall 
    report to a management level such that this required authority and 
    organizational freedom, including sufficient independence from cost and 
    schedule when opposed to safety considerations, are provided.'' 
    Criterion X, ``Inspection,'' of Appendix B requires ``[s]uch inspection 
    shall be performed by individuals other than those who performed the 
    activity being inspected.''
        The requirements of 10 CFR part 50, appendix B could not be met for 
    persons performing the quality function of inspection if those persons 
    were reporting to the individual directly responsible for meeting cost, 
    schedule, etc. (e.g., the requirement that personnel performing quality 
    functions, such as inspection and auditing, shall have sufficient 
    authority and organizational freedom to identify quality problems; to 
    initiate, recommend, or provide solutions; and to verify implementation 
    of solutions).
        As discussed in the first paragraph in this section, earlier 
    versions of Section III contained a requirement for reporting 
    independence. The requirement was contained in Supplement 10S-1, 
    ``Supplementary Requirements for Inspection.'' Supplement 10S-1, 
    paragraph 2.1 states that, ``Inspection personnel shall not report 
    directly to the immediate supervisors who are responsible for 
    performing the work being inspected.'' The Code change substitutes the 
    more general wording in Basic Requirement 1 that applies to the overall 
    organization. Applying this general requirement for the more specific 
    requirements applied to independence of inspectors could promote 
    noncompliance with established licensee QA program commitments in the 
    absence of compensating measures. Thus, the limitation has been 
    retained in Sec. 50.55a(b)(1)(v). Licensees will be permitted to use 
    the provisions contained in NCA-4134.10(a) in the 1989 Addenda through 
    the 1994 Addenda, but will be prohibited from using these provisions as 
    contained in the 1995 Edition through the 1996 Addenda.  Modification.  Applicable Code Version for New Construction.
        The modification of Section III contained in the proposed rule 
    addressed a possible conflict between NCA-1140, ``Use of Code Editions, 
    Addenda, and Cases,'' and 10 CFR 50.55a for new construction. NCA-1140 
    of Section III requires that the length of time between the date of the 
    edition and addenda used for new construction and the docket date of 
    the construction permit application for a nuclear power plant be no 
    greater than three years. Section 50.55a(b)(1) requires that the 
    edition and addenda utilized be incorporated by reference into the 
    regulations. The possibility exists that the edition and addenda 
    required by the ASME Code to be used for new construction would not be 
    incorporated by reference into 10 CFR 50.55a. In order to resolve this 
    possible discrepancy, the NRC proposed to modify existing 
    Secs. 50.55a(c)(3)(i), 50.55a(d)(2)(i), and 50.55a(e)(2)(i), to permit 
    an applicant for a construction permit to use the latest edition and 
    addenda which has been incorporated by reference into Sec. 50.55a(b)(1) 
    if the requirements of the ASME Code and the regulations cannot 
    simultaneously be satisfied.
        Three comments were received regarding this proposed modification 
    to Section III. The ASME Board on Nuclear Codes and Standards (BNCS) 
    agreed that there would be a conflict for new construction, but stated 
    that the modification would preclude a Section III requirement for 
    stamping. The BNCS recommendation was to delete this modification. The 
    ASME is considering a Code case to resolve this by providing an 
    alternative to NCA-1140(a)(2) which would allow an exception to this 
    requirement when permitted by the enforcement authority. The NRC agrees 
    with the suggested comment. The NRC, through its normal participation 
    in the ASME committee process, will work with the appropriate ASME 
    committees to provide an alternative when the requirements of the ASME 
    Code and the regulations cannot simultaneously be satisfied. Hence, the 
    [[Page 51384]]
    modification has been deleted from the final rule.
    2.5.2  Section XI (Voluntary Implementation).
        The proposed rule contained provisions intended to permit licensees 
    to voluntarily implement specific portions of the Code. One provision 
    related to Subsection IWE and Subsection IWL of the 1995 Edition with 
    the 1996 Addenda. Another provision related to Code Case N-513, 
    ``Evaluation Criteria for Temporary Acceptance of Flaws in Class 3 
    Piping,'' and Code Case N-523-1, ``Mechanical Clamping Devices for 
    Class 2 and 3 Piping.''  Subsection IWE and Subsection IWL.
        A final rule was published on August 8, 1996 (61 FR 41303), which 
    incorporated by reference for the first time the 1992 Edition with the 
    1992 Addenda of Subsection IWE, ``Requirements for Class MC and 
    Metallic Liners of Class CC Components of Light-Water Cooled Power 
    Plants,'' and Subsection IWL, ``Requirements for Class CC Concrete 
    Components of Light-Water Cooled Power Plants.'' The final containment 
    rule contained a requirement for licensees to develop and implement a 
    containment ISI program within 5 years. Some licensees have begun the 
    development of this program. However, other licensees have expressed an 
    interest in using later versions of the Code for this program. During 
    review of the 1995 Edition with the 1996 Addenda, the NRC determined 
    that the provisions contained in Subsection IWE and Subsection IWL 
    would be acceptable when used in conjunction with the modifications 
    contained in the final rule published on August 8, 1996 (61 FR 41303). 
    Thus, the proposed rule contained a provision [Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(vi)] 
    to permit licensees to implement either the presently required 1992 
    Edition with the 1992 Addenda, or the 1995 Edition with the 1996 
        Twenty comments were received related to this provision. One 
    commenter agreed with the action as proposed, and another did not 
    object to the action but expressed a preference for the 1998 Edition. 
    Three commenters stated that the NRC should give consideration to 
    deferring action on this proposed amendment so that the 1998 Edition 
    for containment ISI can be incorporated into this rulemaking. There are 
    several provisions in Subsections IWE and IWL, 1992 Edition with the 
    1992 Addenda, that licensees are finding cumbersome to implement. The 
    commenters indicated that relief requests relative to these provisions 
    will be submitted. Because these implementation difficulties have been 
    addressed in the 1998 Edition, incorporation of the 1998 Edition would 
    preclude the need to seek relief. Five commenters believe that the NRC 
    did not perform the mandatory backfit analysis for the August 8, 1996 
    (61 FR 41303), final rule; and, therefore, did not adequately justify 
    its implementation. Further, the commenters believe that the NRC 
    responses to the public comments were inadequately substantiated. Based 
    on this, the comments argued that the proposed rule should be revised 
    to make these subsections voluntary. Finally, one commenter believes 
    that these subsections should be used on a trial basis before they are 
        The NRC has made a determination to go forward with the final rule. 
    Given the high priority of some of the items contained in the rule, 
    deferral of the final rule to consider the 1998 Edition for containment 
    ISI would result in an unacceptable delay. Approval of the 1998 Edition 
    for containment ISI would involve not only review of Subsections IWE 
    and IWL but review of the related Code requirements such as Subsection 
    IWA, ``General Requirements,'' Section V, ``Nondestructive 
    Examination,'' and Section IX, ``Welding and Brazing Qualifications.'' 
    In addition, incorporation by reference of these additional Code 
    requirements would result in the renoticing of the rule in the Federal 
    Register for public comment. The NRC staff has met with NEI, EPRI, and 
    utility representatives to discuss several industry concerns with 
    regard to implementation of a containment ISI program. It is the NRC's 
    understanding that these concerns can be addressed through the use of 
    alternative examination requirements provided by an ASME Code case or 
    the submittal of a relief request (e.g., some containment designs 
    cannot meet Code access for examination requirements).
        The NRC performed the mandatory backfit analysis for the August 8, 
    1996, rulemaking. Twelve commenters including NUBARG submitted comments 
    on the documented evaluation which was performed in accordance with 
    Sec. 50.109(a)(4). The industry developed examination rules for 
    containments in response to a perceived need. The reported occurrences 
    of containment degradation and the potential for additional serious 
    occurrences was well documented in the final rule. No technical basis 
    has been provided for the comment that this rule should be used to 
    revise the implementation status of Subsections IWE and IWL from 
    mandatory to voluntary. Therefore, the provision has not been changed 
    in the final rule. However, the proposed provision 
    (Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(ix) in the proposed rule) containing supplemental 
    requirements for the examination of concrete containments has been 
    renumbered as Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(viii) in the final rule. The proposed 
    provision (Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(x) in the proposed rule) containing 
    supplemental requirements for the examination of metal containments and 
    liners of concrete containments has been renumbered as 
    Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(ix) in the final rule.
        As licensees have begun developing their containment ISI programs, 
    the NRC has received requests to clarify the implementation schedule 
    for ISI of concrete containments and their post-tensioning systems. The 
    current wording of Sec. 50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(B)(2) requiring licensees to 
    implement ``the inservice examinations which correspond to the number 
    of years of operation which are specified in Subsection IWL'' has 
    created confusion regarding whether the first examination of concrete 
    is required to meet the examination schedule in Section XI, Subsection 
    IWL, IWL-2410, which is based on the date of the Structural Integrity 
    Test (SIT), or may be performed at any time between September 9, 1996, 
    and September 9, 2001. In addition, the examination schedule for post-
    tensioning systems relative to the examination schedule for concrete 
    was not clear. According to Sec. 50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(B)(2) of the final 
    rulemaking of August 8, 1996, the first examination of concrete may be 
    performed at any time between September 9, 1996, and September 9, 2001. 
    The intent of the rule was that, for operating plants, the date of the 
    first examination of concrete not be linked to the date of the SIT. The 
    first examination of concrete will set the schedule for subsequent 
    concrete examinations. With regard to examination of the post-
    tensioning system, operating plants are to maintain their present 5-
    year schedule as they transition to Subsection IWL. For operating 
    reactors, there is no need to repeat the 1, 3, 5-year implementation 
        Section 50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(B)(2) also stated that the first 
    examination performed shall serve the same purpose for operating plants 
    as the preservice examination specified for plants not yet in 
    operation. The affected plants are presently operating, but they will 
    be performing the examination of concrete under Subsection IWL for the 
    first time.
    [[Page 51385]]
    Because the plants are operating, a Section XI preservice examination 
    cannot be performed. Therefore, the first concrete examination is to be 
    an inservice examination which will serve as the baseline (the same 
    purpose for operating plants as the preservice examination specified 
    for plants not yet in operation). With completion of this first 
    examination of concrete, the second 5-year ISI interval would begin. 
    Likewise, examinations of the post-tensioning system at the nth year 
    (e.g., the 15th year post-tensioning system examination), if performed 
    to the requirements of Subsection IWL, are to be performed to the ISI 
    requirements, not the preservice requirements.
        The NRC has also been requested to clarify the schedule for future 
    examinations of concrete and their post-tensioning systems at both 
    operating and new plants. There is no requirement in Subsection IWL to 
    perform the examination of the concrete and the examination of the 
    post-tensioning system at the same time. The examination of the 
    concrete under Subsection IWL and the examination of the liner plates 
    of concrete containments under Subsection IWE may be performed at any 
    time during the 5-year expedited implementation. This examination of 
    the concrete and liner plate provides the baseline for comparison with 
    future containment ISI. Coordination of these schedules in future 
    examinations is left to each licensee. New plants would be required to 
    follow all of the provisions contained in Subsection IWL, i.e., satisfy 
    the preservice examination requirements and adopt the 1, 3, 5-year 
    examination schedule linked to the Structural Integrity Test. The final 
    rule has been clarified in Sec. 50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(B)(2) with respect to 
    the examination schedules.
        The NRC has also received a request to clarify 
    Sec. 50.55a(g)(4)(v)(C) regarding the replacement requirements of 
    Subsection IWL-7000 for concrete and the post-tensioning systems. 
    Section 50.55a(g)(4)(v)(A) and (B) each state the inservice inspection, 
    repair, and replacement requirements must be met for metal containments 
    and metallic shell and penetration liners, respectively. However, 
    Sec. 50.55a(g)(4)(v)(C) states only that the inservice inspection and 
    repair requirements applicable to concrete and the post-tensioning 
    systems be met. This raised a question regarding whether the omission 
    of the word ``replacement'' was intentional.
        The intent of the rule was to require implementation of all the 
    Articles of Subsection IWL. The failure to include ``replacements'' was 
    an oversight. Section 50.55a(g)(4) requires that ``* * * components 
    which are classified as Class CC pressure retaining components and 
    their integral attachments must meet the requirements, except for 
    design and access provisions and preservice examination requirements, 
    set forth in Section XI of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and 
    Addenda that are incorporated by reference in paragraph (b).'' Section 
    50.55a(g)(4)(v)(C) has been clarified in this final rule by including 
    ``replacement'' in order to eliminate any further confusion.  Flaws in Class 3 Piping.
        Section 50.55a(b)(2)(xvi) in the proposed rule pertained to use of 
    ASME Code Case N-513, ``Evaluation Criteria for Temporary Acceptance of 
    Flaws in Class 3 Piping,'' and Code Case N-523-1, ``Mechanical Clamping 
    Devices for Class 2 and 3 Piping.'' These Code cases were developed to 
    address criteria for temporary acceptance of flaws (including through-
    wall leaking) of moderate energy Class 3 piping where a Section XI Code 
    repair may be impractical for a flaw detected during plant operation 
    (i.e., a plant shutdown would be required to perform the Code repair). 
    In the past, licensees had to request NRC staff approval to defer 
    Section XI Code repair for these Class 3 moderate energy (200  deg.F, 
    275 psig) piping systems. The NRC had determined that Code Case N-513 
    is acceptable except for the scope and Section 4.0. Code Case N-523-1 
    is acceptable without limitation. When using Code Case N-523-1, it 
    should be noted that the Code case erroneously references Table NC-
    3321-2, rather than Table NC-3321-1 for pressure-retaining clamping 
    devices designed by stress analysis. The use of Code Case N-513, with 
    the limitations, and Code Case N-523-1 will obviate the need for 
    licensees to request approval for deferring repairs; thus saving NRC 
    and licensee resources.
        Section 1.0(a) of the Scope to Code Case N-513 limits the use of 
    the requirements to Class 3 piping. However, Section 1.0(c) would allow 
    the flaw evaluation criteria to be applied to all sizes of ferritic 
    steel and austenitic stainless steel pipe and tube. Without some 
    limitation on the scope of the Code case, the flaw evaluation criteria 
    could be applied to components such as pumps and valves, and pressure 
    boundary leakage; applications for which the criteria should not be 
    utilized. Thus, paragraph (B) of the proposed provision limited the use 
    of Code Case N-513 to those applications for which it was developed.
        The first paragraph of Section 4.0 of Code Case N-513 contains the 
    flaw acceptance criteria. The criteria provide a safety margin based on 
    service loading conditions. The second paragraph of Section 4.0, 
    however, would permit a reduction of the safety factors based on a 
    detailed engineering evaluation. Criteria and guidance are not provided 
    for justifying a reduction, or limiting the amount of reduction. The 
    NRC had determined that this provision was unacceptable because the 
    second paragraph could permit available margins to become unacceptably 
    low. Hence, Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(xvi)(A) of the proposed provision 
    required that, when implementing Code Case N-513, the specific safety 
    factors in the first paragraph of Section 4.0 must be satisfied.
        There were seven commenters on the proposed use of these Code 
    cases. One commenter agreed with the proposed action. Five commenters 
    believed that the endorsement of these Code cases in a rulemaking is 
    not appropriate. Five commenters disagreed with the limitations to Code 
    Case N-513.
        The reason for incorporating the Code cases in the proposed rule 
    was that Sec. 50.55a(g)(4) requires the application of Section XI 
    during all phases of plant operation. Under Section XI structural and 
    operability requirements, piping containing indications greater than 75 
    percent of the pipe thickness are deemed unsatisfactory for continued 
    service. A limitation must be included in the rulemaking to modify the 
    above mentioned Section XI regulatory requirements. Because regulatory 
    guides are not mandatory, inclusion of the Code cases in Regulatory 
    Guide 1.147 would not modify the Section XI repair requirements. In 
    addition, the preparation of these relief requests consumes 
    considerable industry resources, and the review and issuance consume 
    considerable NRC staff resources. Therefore, the NRC is implementing 
    this limited use of these Code cases through the final rule.
        With regard to the limitations on the use of Code Case N-513, some 
    commenters questioned the restrictions and believe that the Code case 
    should be permitted in other applications such as socket welded 
    connections. The Code case has been approved for use on moderate energy 
    Class 3 piping and tubing (which is the ASME scope of the Code case). 
    The NRC does not believe that the criteria are applicable to socket 
    welds because NDE methods are not available for adequate flaw 
    characterization. In addition, the NRC
    [[Page 51386]]
    does not agree that the level of reduction of safety margins which 
    would be permitted by the Code case is appropriate. The margins 
    available in an unflawed component are expected to be higher than for a 
    degraded component. Margins less than the minimums specified for Level 
    A, B, C, and D loading conditions are not acceptable. Hence, these 
    restrictions have been maintained in the final rule except for the 
    limitation related to original construction. The NRC agrees with 
    commenters that any defects remaining from construction that have been 
    determined by evaluation to be permissible are acceptable and has 
    removed this limitation from the final rule. Code Cases N-513 and N-
    523-1 are addressed in Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(xiii) of the final rule.  Application of Subparagraph IWB-3740, Appendix L.
        Appendix L of Subparagraph IWB-3740 permits a licensee to 
    demonstrate that a component is acceptable with regard to cumulative 
    fatigue effects by performing a flaw tolerance evaluation of the 
    component as an alternative to meeting the fatigue requirements of 
    Section III. The NRC has reviewed Appendix L and determined that its 
    use is generally acceptable. However, licensees should be aware of the 
    following two items, which have been under consideration by certain 
    ASME committees and may affect future revisions of Appendix L. The 
    first item is that the assumption of a postulated flaw with a fixed 
    aspect ratio of 6 may not be conservative depending on the extent of 
    cumulative usage factor (CUF) criteria exceedance along the surface of 
    the component. The assumption of a fixed aspect ratio can have an 
    impact on crack growth rates and projected remaining fatigue life in a 
    component. The second item pertains to the influence of environmental 
    effects on both fatigue usage and crack growth evaluations in Appendix 
    L. Environmental crack growth data from laboratory studies indicate the 
    potential for a growth rate which is different from that currently 
    reflected in a draft Section XI Code case which has been under ASME 
    consideration. In addition, some environmental effects data on fatigue 
    usage are available that may be considered for a revision to Section 
    2.5.3  OM Code (Voluntary Implementation).
        The proposed rule contained three provisions 
    [Secs. 50.55a(b)(3)(iii), 50.55a(b)(3)(iv), and 50.55a(b)(3)(v)] 
    pertaining to voluntary implementation of alternatives to specific OM 
    Code requirements. The first provision involved implementation of ASME 
    Code Case OMN-1, ``Alternative Rules for Preservice and Inservice 
    Testing of Certain Electric Motor-Operated Valve Assemblies in Light-
    Water Reactor Power Plants,'' in lieu of stroke time testing as 
    required in Subsection ISTC, with a modification. The second provision 
    involved implementation of a check valve condition monitoring program 
    under Appendix II as an alternative to the testing or examination 
    provisions contained in Subsection ISTC, with three modifications. The 
    third provision involved use of Subsection ISTD to satisfy certain ISI 
    requirements for snubbers provided in ASME BPV Code, Section XI. Each 
    of these provisions is discussed separately below.  Code Case OMN-1.
        Section 50.55a(b)(3)(iii) of the proposed rule addressed the 
    voluntary implementation of Code Case OMN-1 in lieu of stroke time 
    testing as required for motor-operated valves (MOVs) in Subsection 
    ISTC. In particular, Code Case OMN-1 permits licensees to replace 
    quarterly stroke-time testing of MOVs with a program of exercising on 
    intervals of one year or one refueling outage (whichever is longer) and 
    diagnostic testing on longer intervals. As indicated in Attachment 1 to 
    GL 96-05, the Code case meets the intent of the generic letter, but 
    with certain limitations which were discussed in the generic letter. 
    For MOVs, Code Case OMN-1 is acceptable in lieu of Subsection ISTC, 
    except for leakage rate testing (ISTC 4.3) which must continue to be 
    performed. In addition, OMN-1 contains a maximum MOV test interval of 
    10 years, which the NRC supports. However, the NRC believed it prudent 
    to include the modification requiring licensees to evaluate the 
    information obtained for each MOV, during the first 5 years or three 
    refueling outages (whichever is longer) of use of the Code case, to 
    validate assumptions made in justifying a longer test interval. These 
    conditions on the use of OMN-1 were included in the rule as a 
    modification [Sec. 50.55a(b)(3)(iii)(A) in the final rule].
        Paragraph 3.7 of OMN-1 discusses the use of risk insights in 
    implementing the provisions of the Code case such as those involving 
    MOV grouping, acceptance criteria, exercising requirements, and testing 
    frequency. For example, Paragraph 3.6.2 of OMN-1 states that exercising 
    more frequently than once per refueling cycle shall be considered for 
    MOVs with high risk significance. Since the proposed rule was issued, 
    the NRC has reviewed plant-specific requests to use OMN-1 and has 
    determined that a clarification of the rule is appropriate regarding 
    the provision in the Code case for the consideration of risk insights 
    if extending the exercising frequencies for MOVs with high risk 
    significance beyond the quarterly frequency specified in the ASME Code. 
    In particular, licensees should ensure that increases in core damage 
    frequency and/or risk associated with the increased exercise interval 
    for high-risk MOVs are small and consistent with the intent of the 
    Commission's Safety Goal Policy Statement (51 FR 30028; August 21, 
    1986). The NRC also considers it important for licensees to have 
    sufficient information from the specific MOV, or similar MOVs, to 
    demonstrate that exercising on a refueling outage frequency does not 
    significantly affect component performance. The information may be 
    obtained by grouping similar MOVs and staggering the exercising of MOVs 
    in the group equally over the refueling interval. This clarification is 
    provided in Sec. 50.55a(b)(3)(iii)(B) of the final rule.
        Thus, Code Case OMN-1 is acceptable as an optional alternative to 
    MOV stroke-time test requirements with
        (1) The modification that, at 5 years or three refueling outages 
    (whichever is longer) from initial implementation of Code Case OMN-1, 
    the adequacy of the test interval for each MOV must be evaluated and 
    adjusted as necessary; and
        (2) The clarification of the provision in OMN-1 for the 
    establishment of exercise intervals for high risk MOVs in that the 
    licensee will be expected to ensure that the potential increase in core 
    damage frequency and risk associated with extending exercise intervals 
    beyond a quarterly frequency is small and consistent with the intent of 
    the Commission's Safety Goal Policy Statement.
        In addition, as noted in GL 96-05, licensees are cautioned that, 
    when implementing Code Case OMN-1, the benefits of performing a 
    particular test should be balanced against the potential adverse 
    effects placed on the valves or systems caused by this testing. Code 
    Case OMN-1 specifies that an IST program should consist of a mixture of 
    static and dynamic testing. While there may be benefits to performing 
    dynamic testing, there are also potential detriments to its use (i.e., 
    valve damage). Licensees should be cognizant of this for each MOV when 
    selecting the appropriate method or combination of methods for the IST 
        Seven commenters responded to the proposed voluntary use of Code 
    [[Page 51387]]
    OMN-1. All of the commenters agreed with the action to permit use of 
    the Code case. However, four of the commenters did not believe that it 
    was appropriate to do so in a rulemaking. Two commenters believe that 
    the rule codifies individual licensee responses to Generic Letters 89-
    10 and 96-05 which is unnecessary. Two commenters did not believe that 
    the NRC had adequately justified limits on the test intervals.
        The proposed rule referenced Code Case OMN-1 as one method for 
    developing a long-term MOV program that satisfies the recommendations 
    of GL 96-05. This issue is closely related to Section The 
    amendment does not require the use of Code Case OMN-1. Licensees will 
    be allowed the option of using the Code case as an alternative to the 
    Code-required provisions for MOV stroke-time testing with the specified 
    limitation and clarification. The voluntary use of Code Case OMN-1 by a 
    licensee (in accordance with the rule and GL 96-05) would resolve 
    weaknesses in the Code requirements for quarterly MOV stroke-time 
    testing, and would also address the need to establish a long-term MOV 
    program in response to GL 96-05.
        With regard to the concerns that the rule would require licensees 
    to comply with the provisions on stroke-time testing in the OM Code and 
    also with the programs developed under their licensing commitments for 
    demonstrating MOV design-basis capability, it has been recognized since 
    1989 that the quarterly stroke-time testing requirements for MOVs in 
    the ASME Code are not sufficient to provide assurance of MOV 
    operability under design-basis conditions. For example, in GL 89-10, 
    the NRC stated that ASME BPV Code, Section XI, testing alone is not 
    sufficient to provide assurance of MOV operability under design-basis 
    conditions. Therefore, in GL 89-10, the NRC requested licensees to 
    verify the design-basis capability of their safety-related MOVs and to 
    establish long-term MOV programs. The NRC subsequently issued GL 96-05 
    to provide updated guidance for establishing long-term MOV programs. 
    However, the NRC agrees with the public comment that the language in 
    the proposed rulemaking referring to licensing commitments is 
    cumbersome. The paragraph has been revised in the final rule to be 
    performance-based to focus on maintaining MOV design-basis capability.
        With regard to the question of limits on test intervals, the 
    amendment does not limit the diagnostic test interval in Code Case OMN-
    1 for MOVs to 5 years or three refueling outages. In endorsing the 
    allowable use of Code Case OMN-1, the amendment states that the 
    adequacy of the test interval for each MOV shall be evaluated and 
    adjusted as necessary but not later than 5 years or three refueling 
    outages (whichever is longer) from initial implementation of Code Case 
    OMN-1. In other words, the amendment requires when applying Code Case 
    OMN-1, prior to extending diagnostic test intervals for a specific MOV 
    beyond 5 years (or three refueling outages), that the licensee evaluate 
    test information on similar MOVs to ensure that the aging mechanisms 
    are sufficiently understood such that the MOV will remain capable of 
    performing its safety function over the entire diagnostic test 
    interval. After evaluating the test information on similar MOVs, a 
    licensee can extend the diagnostic test interval on other MOVs beyond 5 
    years or three refueling outages up to 10-year limit specified in Code 
    Case OMN-1.  Appendix II.
        Paragraph ISTC 4.5.5 of Subsection ISTC permits the owner to use 
    Appendix II, ``Check Valve Condition Monitoring Program,'' of the OM 
    Code as an alternative to the testing or examination provisions of ISTC 
    4.5.1 through ISTC 4.5.4. If an owner elects to use Appendix II, the 
    provisions of Appendix II become mandatory per OM Code requirements. 
    However, upon reviewing the appendix, the NRC determined that the 
    requirements in Appendix II must be supplemented in three areas. The 
    first area is testing or examination of the check valve obturator 
    movement to both the open and closed positions to assess its condition 
    and confirm acceptable valve performance. Bi-directional testing of 
    check valves was approved by the ASME OM Main Committee for inclusion 
    in the 1996 Addenda to the Code. The NRC agrees with the need for a 
    required demonstration of bi-directional exercising movement of the 
    check valve disc. Single direction flow testing of check valves, as an 
    interpreted requirement, will not always detect degradation of the 
    valve. The classic example of this faulty testing strategy is that the 
    departure of the disc would not be detected during forward flow tests. 
    The departed disc could be lying in the valve bottom or another part of 
    the system, and could move to block flow or disable another valve. 
    Although the ASME's Working Group on Check Valves (OM Part 22) is 
    considering Code rules for bi-directional testing of check valves, 
    Appendix II does not presently require it. Hence, the modification in 
    Sec. 50.55a(b)(3)(iv)(A) was included so that an Appendix II condition 
    monitoring program includes bi-directional testing of check valves to 
    assess their condition and confirm acceptable valve performance (as is 
    presently required by the OM Code).
        The second area needing supplementation is the length of test 
    interval. Appendix II would permit a licensee to extend check valve 
    test intervals without limit. Under the current check valve IST 
    program, most valves are tested quarterly during plant operation. The 
    interval for certain valves has been extended to refueling outages. The 
    NRC has concluded that operating experience exists at this time to 
    support longer test intervals for the condition monitoring concept. A 
    policy of prudent and safe interval extension dictates that any 
    additional interval extension must be limited to one fuel cycle, and 
    this extension must be based on sufficient experience to justify the 
    additional time. Condition monitoring and current experience may 
    qualify some valves for an initial extension to every other fuel cycle, 
    while trending and evaluation of the data may dictate that the testing 
    interval for some valves be reduced. Extensions of IST intervals must 
    consider plant safety and be supported by trending and evaluating both 
    generic and plant-specific performance data to ensure the component is 
    capable of performing its intended function over the entire IST 
    interval. Thus, the modification (Sec. 50.55a(b)(3)(iv)(B)) limits the 
    time between the initial test or examination and second test or 
    examination to two fuel cycles or three years (whichever is longer), 
    with additional extensions limited to one fuel cycle. The total 
    interval is limited to a maximum of 10 years. An extension or reduction 
    in the interval between tests or examinations would have to be 
    supported by trending and evaluation of performance data.
        The third area in Appendix II which the NRC determined should be 
    supplemented is the requirement applicable to a licensee who 
    discontinues a condition monitoring program. A licensee who 
    discontinues use of Appendix II, under Subsection ISTC 4.5.5, is 
    required to return to the requirements of Subsection ISTC 4.5.4. 
    However, the NRC has concluded that the requirements of ISTC 4.5.1 
    through ISTC 4.5.4 must be also met. Hence, if the monitoring program 
    is discontinued, the modification [Sec. 50.55a(b)(3)(iv)(C)] specifies 
    that licensees implement the provisions of ISTC 4.5.1 through ISTC 
        Thirty-four comments were received relative to the proposed 
    voluntary implementation of Appendix II. There were seven comments 
    supporting the
    [[Page 51388]]
    option to utilize the requirements of Appendix II. Most of the 
    commenters did not agree with the limitations on the use of Appendix 
    II. However, during its June 1997 meeting, the ASME's Working Group on 
    Check Valves (OM Part 22) identified the following issues related to 
    Condition Monitoring (as reported in the December 1, 1997, meeting 
    minutes) that still needed to be resolved: consideration of safety 
    significance; trending; interval limits; step-wise interval limits; and 
    bi-directional testing. The proposed modifications addressed these 
    issues. Based on its interaction with OM-22, the NRC believes the ASME 
    will address these issues in future updates of the Code.
        Condition Monitoring, as described in Appendix II, is a program 
    consisting of a general process without specified requirements, 
    interval extension limits, and criteria. Condition Monitoring is a new 
    Code approach with a promise of better detection of check valve 
    degradation, improved valve performance, and maintaining reliable 
    component capability over extended intervals, while adjusting test and 
    examination intervals. The Condition Monitoring approach has not yet 
    been implemented. Therefore, the nuclear industry lacks sufficient 
    experience upon which to provide confidence of a uniform industry 
    application of the process, or that equivalent requirements and 
    interval extension limits will be applied, or assurance that components 
    are capable of maintaining safe and reliable performance over extended 
    intervals. Failure to ensure proper implementation of the process 
    without specified requirements, interval extension limits, and criteria 
    could result in inadvertent degradation in safety. Ensuring proper 
    implementation could present an unwieldy compliance and inspection 
    process for the NRC and licensees. The modifications to Appendix II 
    contained in the rule provide for a safe and prudent progression of 
    extending test and examination intervals consistent with historical 
    experience and performance expectations. In addition, the modifications 
    allow the licensee to conduct self-compliance inspections and minimize 
    the expenditure of owner and NRC resources. Hence, the NRC has 
    concluded that the modifications are justified and they have been 
    retained in the final rule.
        The NRC considers the Condition Monitoring approach of Appendix II 
    for check valves to be a significant improvement over present Code 
    requirements, and encourages licensees to implement Appendix II. Where 
    a licensee's Code of record is an earlier edition or addenda of the 
    ASME Code, the regulations in Sec. 50.55a(f)(4)(iv) allow the licensee 
    to implement portions of subsequent Code editions and addenda that are 
    incorporated by reference in the regulations subject to the limitations 
    and modifications listed in the rule, and subject to Commission 
    approval. The NRC staff will favorably consider a request by a licensee 
    under Sec. 50.55a(f)(4)(iv) to apply Appendix II, in advance of 
    incorporating the 1995 Edition with the 1996 Addenda of the ASME OM 
    Code as its Code of record, if the licensee justifies the following in 
    its submitted request:
        (1) The modifications to Appendix II contained in the rule have 
    been satisfied; and
        (2) All portions of the 1995 Edition with the 1996 Addenda of the 
    OM Code that apply to check valves are implemented for the remaining 
    check valves not included in the Appendix II program.  Subsection ISTD.
        Article IWF-5000, ``Inservice Inspection Requirements for 
    Snubbers,'' of the ASME BPV Code, Section XI, 1996 Addenda, requires 
    examinations and tests of snubbers at nuclear power plants as part of 
    the licensee's ISI program in accordance with ASME/ANSI OM, Part 4. 
    Some licensees control testing of snubbers through plant technical 
    specifications. Although the ASME BPV Code, Section XI, establishes ISI 
    requirements for examination and tests of snubbers, the ASME OM Code 
    also provides guidance on snubber examination and testing in Subsection 
    ISTD, ``Inservice Testing of Dynamic Restraints (Snubbers) in Light-
    Water Reactor Power Plants.'' The proposed rule (Sec. 50.55a(b)(3)(v)) 
    stated that licensees may use the guidance in Subsection ISTD, OM Code, 
    1995 Edition with the 1996 Addenda, for testing snubbers. The final 
    rule (Sec. 50.55a(b)(3)(v)) clarifies that Subsection ISTD, OM Code, 
    1995 Edition, up to and including the 1996 Addenda may be used to meet 
    certain ISI requirements for snubbers provided in IWF-5000 of the ASME 
    BPV Code, Section XI. The licensee must still meet those requirements 
    of IWF-5000, Section XI, not included in or addressed by Subsection 
    ISTD. Consistent with IWF-5000, the rule specifies that preservice and 
    inservice examinations must be performed using the VT-3 visual 
    examination method in IWA-2213.
        Eleven comments were received on the endorsement of Subsection ISTD 
    of the ASME OM Code. Seven commenters indicated that some owners have 
    modified their Technical Specifications Snubber Surveillance 
    Requirements to follow the provisions of GL 90-09, ``Alternative 
    Requirements for Snubber Visual Inspection Intervals and Corrective 
    Actions,'' to move the specific visual inspection and functional 
    testing requirements to a Technical Requirements Manual. The NRC has 
    addressed these comments in the final rule by referencing technical 
    specifications or licensee-controlled documents for snubber test or 
    examination requirements.
        One commenter noted that Article IWF-5000, Section XI, requires 
    examination of snubbers be performed in accordance with ASME OM-1987, 
    Part 4. Licensees of plants with a large number of snubbers have found 
    the required visual inspection schedule in Part 4 to be excessively 
    restrictive. As a result, some licensees have expended a significant 
    amount of resources and have subjected plant personnel to unnecessary 
    radiological exposure to comply with the visual examination 
    requirements. Many licensees have been granted relief based on 
    application of the snubber visual inspection intervals contained in GL 
    90-09. The final rule allows licensees to use the snubber visual 
    inspection interval contained in Table ISTD 6.5.2-1, ``Refueling 
    Outage-Based Visual Examination Table,'' Subsection ISTD, OM Code, as 
    an alternative to the Table in OM-1987, Part 4. Table ISTD 6.5.2-1 is 
    substantially similar to the guidance provided in GL 90-09 for snubber 
    visual inspection intervals. The final rule should help resolve the 
    concerns regarding the visual inspection schedule in OM-1987, Part 4.
        Some commenters proposed Subsection ISTD as an acceptable 
    alternative to the preservice and inservice examination requirements in 
    IWF-5000, Section XI. The NRC has not accepted this suggestion because 
    some preservice and inservice examinations for snubbers are not 
    included in the OM Code. For example, Subsection ISTD does not address 
    inspection of integral and non-integral attachments, such as lugs, 
    bolting, pins, and clamps. Further, Subsection ISTD does not address 
    snubbers in systems required to maintain the integrity of reactor 
    coolant pressure boundary.
        Section, ``Subsection ISTD,'' of the Statement of 
    Considerations for the proposed rule (62 FR 63903; December 3, 1997) 
    stated that inservice testing of dynamic restraints or snubbers is 
    governed by plant technical specifications and, thus, has never been 
    included in 10 CFR 50.55a. It was apparent from comments received on
    [[Page 51389]]
    this section that this statement was confusing and needed to be 
    clarified. First, it is true that 10 CFR 50.55a never directly required 
    inservice testing of snubbers although the language in the current rule 
    would appear to indicate otherwise. The language in the current rule 
    states in Sec. 50.55a(f)(4), ``Throughout the service life of a boiling 
    or pressurized water-cooled nuclear power facility, components 
    (including supports) which are classified as ASME Code Class 1, Class 
    2, and Class 3 must meet the requirements * * * set forth in section XI 
    of editions of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and Addenda * * 
    *'' (emphasis added). Although the language clearly states that 
    ``components (including supports)'' are within the scope of inservice 
    testing, and it appears that inservice testing of snubbers is included 
    under this statement, this statement was an editorial error. In the 
    1992 final rule amending 10 CFR 50.55a to more clearly distinguish the 
    requirements for inservice testing from those for inservice inspection 
    (57 FR 34666; August 6, 1992), paragraph (g) was split into two 
    separate paragraphs--paragraph (f) for inservice testing and paragraph 
    (g) was retained for inservice inspection. In the 1992 final rule, 
    similar requirements that applied to both inservice inspection and 
    inservice testing were carried over from paragraph (f) to paragraph 
    (g). The terminology, ``components (including supports),'' which 
    existed in paragraph (g) was changed in paragraph (f) to read, ``pumps 
    and valves,'' except in this one instance. Therefore, the Commission 
    views this error as an editorial oversight. In the final rule, the 
    language in paragraph (f)(4) has been corrected to read, ``pumps and 
    valves,'' instead of ``components (including supports).''
        Based on this discussion, Sec. 50.55a never directly required 
    inservice testing of snubbers. However, confusion resulted because some 
    licensees interpreted this to mean that the NRC was implying that 
    inservice testing of snubbers was never a regulatory requirement. 
    Inservice testing of snubbers is a regulatory requirement and has been 
    for many years. Section 50.55a(g)(4) requires that ASME Code Class 1, 
    2, and 3 components (including supports) must meet the inservice 
    inspection requirements of ASME Code, Section XI. Article IWF-5000 of 
    Section XI, ``Inservice Inspection Requirements for Snubbers,'' 
    provides requirements for the examination and testing of snubbers in 
    nuclear power plants. Therefore, inservice testing of snubbers is 
    required by 10 CFR 50.55a because it incorporates by reference Section 
    XI requirements including Article IWF-5000. Inservice testing of 
    snubbers has been a requirement in IWF-5000 since Subsection IWF was 
    first issued in the Winter 1978 Addenda of the ASME Code, Section XI.  Containment Isolation Valves.
        The proposed rule contained a provision to delete the existing 
    modification in Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(vii) for IST of containment isolation 
    valves (CIVs), which was added to the regulations in a rulemaking 
    published on August 6, 1992 (57 FR 34666). That rulemaking incorporated 
    by reference, among other things, the 1989 Edition of ASME Section XI, 
    Subsection IWV that endorsed part 10 of ASME/ANSI OMa-1988 for valve 
    inservice testing. A modification to the testing requirements of part 
    10 related to CIVs was included in the rulemaking indicating that 
    paragraphs and of part 10 were to be applied to 
    CIVs. Since that time, the ASME OM Committee has performed a 
    comprehensive review of OM Part 10 CIV testing requirements and 
    acceptance standards, and has developed a basis document supporting 
    removal of the requirements for analysis of leakage rates and 
    corrective actions in Part 10 for those CIVs that do not provide a 
    reactor coolant system pressure isolation function. The NRC reviewed 
    this OM Committee basis document and determined that the modification 
    addressing CIVs could be removed from the regulation. The requirements 
    of 10 CFR part 50, Appendix J, ensure adequate identification analysis, 
    and corrective actions for leakage monitoring of CIVs. There were four 
    separate commenters on the proposed deletion of this modification and 
    all were in agreement with the action. The final rule deletes this 
    2.6  ASME Code Interpretations.
        The ASME issues ``Interpretations'' to clarify provisions of the 
    ASME BPV and OM Codes. Requests for interpretation are submitted by 
    users and, after appropriate committee deliberations and balloting, 
    responses are issued by the ASME. Generally, the NRC agrees with these 
    interpretations. However, in a few cases interpretations have been 
    issued which conflicted with or were inconsistent with NRC 
    requirements. Following the guidance in these interpretations resulted 
    in noncompliance with the regulations. Some cases were discussed 
    earlier on engineering judgment. Additional discussion is provided on 
    the use of interpretations in the Response to Public Comments. The 
    proposed rule contained a discussion of NRC concerns related to ASME 
    Code Interpretations, and referenced part 9900, Technical Guidance, of 
    the NRC Inspection Manual. Part 9900 provides that licensees should 
    exercise caution when applying Interpretations as they are not 
    specifically part of the incorporation by reference into 10 CFR 50.55a 
    and have not received NRC approval.
        Twenty-two comments were submitted by 21 separate commenters. 
    Interpretations were also discussed in Sections and 
    as the use of engineering judgment and interpretations is intrinsically 
    linked. Many of the commenters believe that the NRC position on ASME 
    Code Interpretations is inconsistent. The NRC recognizes that the ASME 
    is the official interpreter of the Code, but the NRC will not accept 
    ASME interpretations that, in NRC's opinion, are contrary to NRC 
    requirements or may adversely impact facility operations. It should be 
    noted that, considering the large number of Code interpretations that 
    are issued, there have been very few cases where the NRC has taken 
    exception to an ASME interpretation. Interpretations have been of great 
    benefit in clarifying the Code. The NRC is not restricting the use of 
    ASME Code interpretations. A proposed limitation on their use was not 
    placed in 10 CFR 50.55a; the discussion being limited to the Statement 
    of Considerations. The purpose of the discussion was to merely alert 
    Code users to be prudent when applying interpretations.
        As discussed in Section, a meeting was held on November 
    12, 1996, between representatives from the ASME and the NRC (in part 
    because of the continuing questions from the industry regarding ASME 
    interpretations). The guidance given in NRC Inspection Manual, Part 
    9900, regarding ASME Code interpretations was discussed. ASME 
    representatives stated that the guidance is consistent with the ASME's 
    understanding of the relationship between the ASME Code and NRC 
    regulations. There were discussions regarding the mechanism for the NRC 
    to inform the ASME of Code interpretations to which the NRC takes 
    exception. It was agreed that the NRC should not establish a formal 
    method for reviewing ASME Code interpretations for acceptance. This 
    conclusion was based primarily on the understanding that it would be 
    tantamount to the NRC becoming the interpreter of the Code. It was 
    agreed that any concerns the NRC has regarding specific ASME Code 
    interpretations would be brought to the ASME's attention through the 
    [[Page 51390]]
    staff's normal interaction with the Code. This has been routine 
    practice for many years.
        Many commenters suggested that the NRC should adopt all 
    interpretations because the ASME is the official interpreter of the 
    Code. The NRC cannot a priori approve interpretations as suggested. 
    This would delegate the NRC's statutory oversight responsibility to the 
    ASME. In addition, the NRC cannot accept an interpretation when it 
    conflicts with regulatory requirements. Finally, an interpretation may 
    not be accepted that changes the requirements of the Code subsequent to 
    the NRC endorsement of a particular edition or addenda in 10 CFR 
    50.55a. Several commenters stated that the NRC should accept 
    interpretations because, interpretations do not change the Code, they 
    clarify it. As discussed in the responses to the public comments, there 
    is evidence in a few cases to the contrary.
    2.7  Direction Setting Issue 13.
        The proposed rule contained a discussion of issues under 
    consideration relative to the Commission's endorsement of ASME Codes. 
    The first item discussed was an October 21, 1993, Cost Beneficial 
    Licensing Action (CBLA) submittal from Entergy Operations, Inc., 
    requesting relief from the requirement to update ISI and IST programs 
    to the latest ASME Code edition and addenda incorporated by reference 
    into 10 CFR 50.55a. The underlying premise of the request was that a 
    licensee should not be required to upgrade its ISI and IST programs 
    without considering whether the costs of the upgrade are warranted in 
    light of the increased safety afforded by the updated Code edition and 
    addenda. The second item discussed was the National Technology Transfer 
    and Advancement Act of 1995, Public Law 104-113. The Act directs 
    Federal agencies to achieve greater reliance on technical standards 
    developed by voluntary consensus standards development organizations. 
    The third item was Direction Setting Issue (DSI) 13, which is part of 
    an NRC Commission Strategic Assessment and Rebaselining Initiative. The 
    Commission has directed the NRC staff to address how industry 
    initiatives should be evaluated, and to evaluate several issues related 
    to NRC endorsement of industry codes and standards. As part of this 
    evaluation, the NRC staff is addressing issues relevant to the NRC's 
    endorsement of the ASME Code, including periodic updating, the impact 
    of 10 CFR 50.109 (the Backfit Rule), and streamlining the process for 
    NRC review and endorsement of the ASME Code.
        Thirty-five comments were received from 21 commenters. Eight of the 
    commenters supported NRC endorsement of the ASME Code, but submitted 
    comments encouraging more timely endorsement. The Nuclear Energy 
    Institute (NEI), the ASME Board on Nuclear Codes and Standards, and one 
    utility requested that the NRC hold public meetings regarding the 
    proposed rule. The reasons cited were: (1) Difficulties in implementing 
    Appendix VIII as modified by the NRC; (2) concerns with the number of 
    modifications and limitations and their content; and (3) licensee use 
    of ASME Code editions later than 1989 should be voluntary and NRC staff 
    endorsement need not be reflected in revisions to 10 CFR 50.55a.
        With regard to the comments related to difficulties in implementing 
    Appendix VIII as modified by the NRC, as discussed under Section 2.4.1, 
    the NRC staff met with representatives from PDI, EPRI, and NEI on May 
    12, 1998, and again on June 18, 1998, to discuss items such as the 
    current status of the PDI program, and Appendix VIII as modified during 
    the development of the PDI program. The final rule endorses the latest 
    version of Appendix VIII as modified by PDI during the development of 
    the PDI program which, the NRC believes, satisfies the industry's 
    concerns relative to this issue.
        Nine commenters stated that the modifications and limitations in 
    the proposed rule violate or are contrary to the spirit of the National 
    Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995, Pub. L. 104-113, which 
    codified OMB Circular A-119. However, the NRC disagrees that Pub. L. 
    104-113 requires, without exception, the use of industry consensus 
    standards. Section 12(d)(3) clearly allows agencies to decline to adopt 
    voluntary consensus standards if they are inconsistent with applicable 
    law or otherwise impractical. Furthermore, the Commission believes that 
    it is in keeping with the intent of the Act if industry consensus 
    standards are endorsed with limitations, rather than failing to endorse 
    them in their entirety because of a few objectionable provisions. Ten 
    commenters suggested that the modifications and limitations, in effect, 
    reject the ASME consensus process. Some further suggested that many of 
    the issues had not previously been brought to the ASME's attention. The 
    NRC disagrees that the limitations and modifications exemplify NRC's 
    failure to accept the consensus process of standards development. There 
    are several examples, such as the new Section III piping seismic design 
    criteria, which illustrate that the consensus process failed to 
    consider the NRC representatives' comments that the bases for some of 
    the criteria were flawed. This has been conclusively confirmed through 
    additional testing performed by ETEC. Nearly all of the issues had 
    previously been brought to the attention of committee members directly 
    or as a result of public issuances such as NUREGs and generic 
        On April 27, 1999 (64 FR 22580), the NRC published a supplement to 
    the proposed rule dated December 3, 1997 (63 FR 63892), that would 
    eliminate the requirement for licensees to update their ISI and IST 
    programs beyond a baseline edition and addenda of the ASME BPV Code. 
    Under the proposed rule, licensees would continue to be allowed to 
    update their ISI and IST programs to more recent editions and addenda 
    of the ASME Code incorporated by reference in the regulations. In a 
    Staff Requirements Memorandum dated June 24, 1999, the Commission 
    directed the NRC staff to complete expeditiously the issuance of the 
    final rule to incorporate by reference the 1995 Edition with the 1996 
    Addenda of the ASME BPV Code and the ASME OM Code with appropriate 
    limitations and modifications, and to consider the elimination of the 
    requirement to update ISI and IST programs every 120 months as a 
    separate rulemaking effort. The NRC is currently reviewing the public 
    comments received on the proposed rule dated April 27, 1999. The NRC 
    will indicate the decision regarding the need for periodic updating of 
    ISI and IST programs and, if necessary, an appropriate baseline edition 
    of the ASME Code following the review of public comments.
    2.8  Steam Generators.
        ASME Code requirements for repair of heat exchanger tubes by 
    sleeving were added to Section XI in the 1989 Addenda. This portion of 
    the Code contains requirements for sleeving of heat exchanger tubes by 
    several methods (e.g., explosion welding, fusion welding, expansion, 
    etc.). The NRC has reviewed the Code requirements for sleeving and 
    determined that they are acceptable. However, it should be recognized 
    that, typically, there are other relevant requirements that need to be 
    addressed for the application of sleeving to steam generator tubing. 
    Some of the other requirements are as follows: periodic inservice 
    inspections, repair of sleeves containing flaws exceeding the plugging 
    limit (i.e., tube repair criteria), structural design and operational 
    leakage limits. All of these sleeving requirements (ASME Code and
    [[Page 51391]]
    otherwise) would need to be addressed in the technical specifications 
    sleeving license amendment request. Thus, the NRC determination that 
    the ASME Code sleeving requirements are acceptable should be kept in 
    2.9  Future Revisions of Regulatory Guides Endorsing Code Cases.
        Section 50.55a indicates the ASME Code edition and addenda which 
    have been approved for use by the NRC. In addition, Footnote 6 to 10 
    CFR 50.55a references NRC Regulatory Guide 1.84, ``Design and Code Case 
    Acceptability--ASME Section III Division 1,'' NRC Regulatory Guide 
    1.85, ``Materials Code Case Acceptability--ASME Section III Division 
    1,'' and NRC Regulatory Guide 1.147, ``Inservice Inspection Code Case 
    Acceptability--ASME Section XI Division 1,'' which list the ASME Code 
    cases that have been determined suitable by the NRC for use and may be 
    applied to: (1) The design and construction of a particular component; 
    or (2) the performance of inservice examination of systems and 
    components. A determination has been made that the regulatory guide 
    process must change in order to assure that the Code cases endorsed in 
    the Regulatory Guides are incorporated by reference into the 
    regulations and constitute legally-binding alternatives to the existing 
    requirements in Sec. 50.55a. Draft Revision 31 to Regulatory Guide 
    1.84, draft Revision 31 to Regulatory Guide 1.85, and draft Revision 12 
    to Regulatory Guide 1.147 were published for public comment in May 
    1997. The final regulatory guides were published in May 1999, in 
    accordance with the present process. Future revisions to these 
    regulatory guides, however, will be accompanied by rulemaking which 
    will change the footnote reference to indicate the acceptable 
    regulatory guide revisions, and to reflect approval for incorporation 
    by reference of the endorsed Code cases by the Office of the Federal 
    3. Voluntary Consensus Standards
        The National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995, Pub. 
    L. 104-113, requires that agencies use technical standards that are 
    developed or adopted by voluntary consensus standards bodies unless the 
    use of such a standard is inconsistent with applicable law or otherwise 
    impractical. In this final rule, the NRC is amending its regulations to 
    incorporate by reference more recent editions and addenda of the ASME 
    Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and the ASME Code for Operation and 
    Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plants for construction, inservice 
    inspection, and inservice testing as identified in the SUPPLEMENTARY 
    INFORMATION of this document.
    4. Finding of No Significant Environmental Impact
        Based upon an environmental assessment, the Commission has 
    determined, under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as 
    amended, and the Commission's regulations in subpart A of 10 CFR part 
    51, that this rule will not have a significant effect on the quality of 
    the human environment and therefore an environmental impact statement 
    is not required.
        The final rule is one part of a regulatory framework directed to 
    ensuring pressure boundary integrity and the operational readiness of 
    pumps and valves. The final rule incorporates provisions contained in 
    the ASME BPV Code and the OM Code for the construction, inservice 
    inspection, and inservice testing of components used in nuclear power 
    plants. These provisions have been updated to incorporate improved 
    technology and methodology. Therefore, in the general sense, the final 
    rule would have a positive impact on the environment.
        The final rule endorses ASME BPV Code, Section XI, 1995 Edition 
    with the 1996 Addenda. As most of the technical changes to this 
    edition/addenda merely incorporate improved technology and methodology, 
    imposition of these requirements is not expected to either increase or 
    decrease occupational exposure. However, imposition of paragraphs IWF-
    2510, Table IWF-2500-1, Examination Category F-A, and IWF-2430, will 
    result in fewer supports being examined which will decrease the 
    occupational exposure compared to present support inspection plans. It 
    is estimated that an examiner receives approximately 100 millirems for 
    every 25 supports examined. Adoption of the new provisions is expected 
    to decrease the total number of supports to be examined by 
    approximately 115 per unit per interval. Thus, the reduction in 
    occupational exposure is estimated to be 460 millirems per unit each 
    inspection interval or 50.14 rems for 109 units.
        The final rule endorses the 1995 Edition with the 1996 Addenda of 
    the ASME OM Code. The provisions of the OM Code are not expected to 
    either increase or decrease occupational exposure. The types of testing 
    associated with the 1995 Edition with the 1996 Addenda of the OM Code 
    are essentially the same as the OM standards contained in the 1989 
    Edition of Section XI referenced in a final rule published on August 6, 
    1992 (57 FR 34666).
        Actions by applicants and licensees in response to the final rule 
    are of the same nature as those applicants and licensees have been 
    performing for many years. Therefore, this action should not increase 
    the potential for a negative environmental impact.
        The Commission has determined, in accordance with the National 
    Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended and the Commission's 
    regulations in subpart A of 10 CFR part 51, that this rulemaking is not 
    a major action significantly affecting the quality of the human 
    environment, and, therefore, an environmental impact statement is not 
    required. This final rule amends the NRC regulations pertaining to ISI 
    and IST requirements for nuclear power plant components. The current 
    regulations in 10 CFR 50.55a incorporates by reference the 1989 Edition 
    of the ASME BPV Code, Section III, Division 1; the 1989 Edition of the 
    ASME BPV Code, Section XI, Division 1, for Class 1, Class 2, and Class 
    3 components; the 1992 Edition with the 1992 Addenda of the ASME BPV 
    Code, Section XI, Division 1, for Class MC and Class CC components; and 
    the 1989 Edition of the ASME BPV Code, Section XI, Division 1, for 
    Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 pumps and valves. The Commission is 
    amending its regulations to incorporate by reference the 1989 Addenda, 
    1990 Addenda, 1991 Addenda, 1992 Edition, 1992 Addenda, 1993 Addenda, 
    1994 Addenda, 1995 Edition, 1995 Addenda, and 1996 Addenda of Section 
    III, Division 1, of the ASME BPV Code with five limitations; the 1989 
    Addenda, 1990 Addenda, 1991 Addenda, 1992 Edition, 1992 Addenda, 1993 
    Addenda, 1994 Addenda, 1995 Edition, 1995 Addenda, and 1996 Addenda of 
    Section XI, Division 1, of the ASME BPV Code with three limitations; 
    and the 1995 Edition and 1996 Addenda of the ASME OM Code with one 
    limitation and one modification. The final rule imposes an expedited 
    implementation of performance demonstration methods for ultrasonic 
    examination systems. The final rule permits the optional implementation 
    of the ASME Code, Section XI, provisions for surface examinations of 
    High Pressure Safety Injection Class 1 piping welds. The final rule 
    also permits the use of evaluation criteria for temporary acceptance of 
    flaws in ASME Code Class 3 piping (Code Case N-523-1); mechanical 
    clamping devices for ASME Code Class 2 and 3 piping (Code Case N-513); 
    the 1992 Edition including the 1992 Addenda of Subsections IWE and IWL
    [[Page 51392]]
    in lieu of updating to the 1995 Edition and 1996 Addenda; alternative 
    rules for preservice and inservice testing of certain motor-operated 
    valve assemblies (OMN-1) in lieu of stroke-time testing; a check valve 
    monitoring program in lieu of certain requirements in Subsection ISTC 
    of the ASME OM Code (Appendix II to the OM Code); and guidance in 
    Subsection ISTD of the OM Code as part of meeting the ISI requirements 
    of Section XI for snubbers. This final rule deletes a previous 
    modification for inservice testing of containment isolation valves. The 
    editions and addenda of the ASME BPV Code and OM Code incorporated by 
    reference provide updated rules for the construction of components of 
    light-water-cooled nuclear power plants, and for the inservice 
    inspection and inservice testing of those components. This final rule 
    permits the use of improved methods for construction, inservice 
    inspection, and inservice testing of nuclear power plant components. 
    For these reasons, the Commission concludes that this rule should have 
    no significant adverse impact on the operation of any licensed facility 
    or the environment surrounding these facilities.
        The conclusion of this environmental assessment is that there will 
    be no significant offsite impact to the general public from this 
    action. However, the general public should note that the NRC has also 
    committed to comply with Executive Order (EO) 12898, ``Federal Actions 
    to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income 
    Populations,'' dated February 11, 1994, in all its actions. Therefore, 
    the NRC has also determined that there is no disproportionately high 
    adverse impacts on minority and low-income populations. In the letter 
    and spirit of EO 12898, the NRC is requesting public comment on any 
    environmental justice considerations or questions that the public 
    thinks may be related to this final rule. The NRC uses the following 
    working definition of ``environmental justice': the fair treatment and 
    meaningful involvement of all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, 
    culture, income, or education level with respect to the development, 
    implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and 
    policies. Comments on any aspect of the environmental assessment, 
    including environmental justice may be submitted to the NRC.
        The NRC will send a copy of this final rule including the foregoing 
    Environmental Assessment to every State Liaison Officer.
        The environmental assessment is available for inspection at the NRC 
    Public Document Room, 2120 L Street NW (Lower Level), Washington, DC. 
    Single copies of the environmental assessment are available from Thomas 
    G. Scarbrough, Division of Engineering, Office of Nuclear Reactor 
    Regulation, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-
    0001, Telephone: 301-415-2794, or Robert A. Hermann, Division of 
    Engineering, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, U.S. Nuclear 
    Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001, Telephone: 301-415-
    5. Paperwork Reduction Act Statement
        This final rule amends information collection requirements that are 
    subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et 
    seq.). These requirements were approved by the Office of Management and 
    Budget approval number 3150-0011.
        The public reporting burden for this information collection is 
    estimated to average 85 person-hours per response, including the time 
    for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering 
    and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the 
    collection of information.
    Public Protection Notification
        The NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to 
    respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently 
    valid OMB control number.
    6. Regulatory Analysis
        The Commission has prepared a regulatory analysis on this final 
    regulation. The analysis examines the costs and benefits of the 
    alternatives considered by the Commission. The analysis is available 
    for inspection in the NRC Public Document Room, 2120 L Street NW (Lower 
    Level), Washington DC. Single copies of the analysis may be obtained 
    from Thomas G. Scarbrough, Division of Engineering, Office of Nuclear 
    Reactor Regulation, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 
    20555-0001, Telephone: 301-415-2794, or Robert A. Hermann, Division of 
    Engineering, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, U.S. Nuclear 
    Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001, Telephone: 301-415-
    7. Regulatory Flexibility Certification
        In accordance with the Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980, 5 U.S.C. 
    605(b), the Commission certifies that this rule will not have a 
    significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. 
    This final rule involves the licensing and operation of nuclear power 
    plants. The companies that own these plants do not fall within the 
    scope of the definition of ``small entities'' set forth in the 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act or the Small Business Size Standards set out 
    in regulations issued by the Small Business Administration at 13 CFR 
    part 121. Public comment received on this section suggested that the 
    implementation of Appendix VIII of ASME BPV Code, Section XI, on 
    performance qualification for ultrasonic testing might negatively 
    impact small entities that contract their examination personnel to 
    nuclear power plants. However, the final rule permits licensees to 
    implement either Appendix VIII as contained in the 1995 Edition with 
    the 1996 Addenda of the ASME Code, or Appendix VIII as implemented by 
    the industry's PDI program. As a result, the NRC is unaware of any 
    small entities in this area of expertise that are adversely affected 
    such that they cannot satisfy either Appendix VIII as written or as 
    implemented by PDI and endorsed in the rule.
    8. Backfit Analysis
        The NRC regulations in 10 CFR 50.55a require that nuclear power 
    plant owners--
        (1) Construct Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 components in 
    accordance with the rules provided in Section III, Division 1, 
    ``Requirements for Construction of Nuclear Power Plant Components,'' of 
    the ASME BPV Code;
        (2) Inspect Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, Class MC (metal containment) 
    and Class CC (concrete containment) components in accordance with the 
    rules provided in Section XI, Division 1, ``Requirements for Inservice 
    Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components,'' of the BPV Code; and
        (3) Test Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 pumps and valves in 
    accordance with the rules provided in Section XI, Division 1.
        The amendment to 10 CFR 50.55a endorses the 1995 Edition with the 
    1996 Addenda of Section XI, Division 1, of the ASME BPV Code for ISI of 
    Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, Class MC, and Class CC components; and the 
    1995 Edition with the 1996 Addenda of the ASME OM Code for IST of Class 
    1, Class 2, and Class 3 pumps and valves. The final rule requires 
    licensees to implement Appendix VIII, ``Performance Demonstration for 
    Ultrasonic Examination Systems,'' to Section XI, Division 1, as 
    contained in the 1995 Edition with the 1996 Addenda of the ASME BPV 
    Code, or Appendix VIII as
    [[Page 51393]]
    modified during the development of the PDI program.
        Under Sec. 50.55a(a)(3), licensees may voluntarily update to the 
    1989 Addenda through the 1996 Addenda of Section III of the BPV Code, 
    with limitations. In addition, the modification for containment 
    isolation valve inservice testing that applied to the 1989 Edition of 
    the BPV Code has been deleted.
        The NRC regulations currently require licensees to update their ISI 
    and IST programs every 120 months to the version of Section XI 
    incorporated by reference into 10 CFR 50.55a 12 months prior to the 
    start of a new 10-year interval. In the past, the NRC position has 
    consistently been that 10 CFR 50.109 does not ordinarily require a 
    backfit analysis of the routine 120-month update to 10 CFR 50.55a. The 
    basis for the NRC position is that
        (1) Section III, Division 1, update applies only to new 
    construction (i.e., the edition and addenda to be used in the 
    construction of a plant are selected based upon the date of the 
    construction permit and are not changed thereafter, except voluntarily 
    by the licensee);
        (2) Licensees understand that 10 CFR 50.55a requires that they 
    update their ISI and IST programs every 10 years to the latest edition 
    and addenda of the ASME Code that were incorporated by reference in 10 
    CFR 50.55a and in effect 12 months before the start of the next 
    inspection interval; and
        (3) The ASME Code is a national consensus standard developed by 
    participants with broad and varied interests where all interested 
    parties (including the NRC and utilities) participate; the consensus 
    process includes an examination of the cost and benefits of proposed 
    Code revisions.
        This consideration is consistent with both the intent and spirit of 
    the backfit rule (i.e., NRC provides for the protection of the public 
    health and safety, and does not unilaterally impose undue burden on 
    applicants or licensees). Finally, to ensure that any interested member 
    of the public that may not have had an opportunity to participate in 
    the national consensus standard process is able to communicate with the 
    NRC, proposed rules are published in the Federal Register. However, it 
    should be noted that the Commission's initial endorsement of new 
    subsections or appendices which would expand the scope of 10 CFR 50.55a 
    to, e.g., include components that are not presently considered by the 
    regulation (e.g., containment structures under Subsection IWE and 
    Subsection IWL) would be subject to the Backfit Rule, unless one or 
    more of the exceptions to 10 CFR 50.109(a)(4) apply.
        The Nuclear Utility Backfitting and Reform Group (NUBARG) and the 
    Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) each raised a concern with regard to the 
    NRC's position on routine updates to 10 CFR 50.55a. Both NUBARG and NEI 
    believe that, contrary to the NRC's determination, the routine updating 
    of 10 CFR 50.55a to incorporate by reference new ASME Code provisions 
    for ISI and IST constitutes a backfit for which a backfit analysis is 
    required. The NRC has reviewed all of NUBARG's and NEI's comments in 
    detail and has concluded that neither NUBARG nor NEI raise legal 
    concerns which would alter the previous legal conclusion that the 
    Backfit Rule does not require a backfit analysis of routine updates to 
    10 CFR 50.55a to incorporate new ASME Code ISI and IST requirements. 
    Based on the historical evolution of the ISI requirements in 10 CFR 
    50.55a, the NRC believes it manifest that the ``automatic update'' of 
    ISI programs under Sec. 50.55a(g) exists in tandem with the periodic 
    updating and endorsement of new Code editions and addenda for ISI under 
    Sec. 50.55a(b), and that the Commission intended that they be treated 
    as an integrated regulatory structure for ISI which should not be 
    subject to the Backfit Rule except in limited circumstances as 
    discussed above. However, even though the NRC has determined that 
    updating and endorsement of new Code editions and addenda are not 
    subject to the Backfit Rule, the NRC is still considering these issues 
    in the context of DSI 13. In particular, on April 27, 1999 (64 FR 
    22580), the NRC published a supplement to the proposed rule dated 
    December 3, 1997 (62 FR 63892), to eliminate the requirement for 
    licensees to update their ISI and IST programs beyond a baseline 
    edition and addenda of the ASME BPV Code. Under that proposed rule, 
    licensees would continue to be allowed to update their ISI and IST 
    programs to more recent editions and addenda of the ASME Code 
    incorporated by reference in the regulations. Upon further review, the 
    Commission decided to complete the issuance of this final rule 
    endorsing the 1995 Edition with the 1996 Addenda of the ASME BPV Code 
    and the ASME OM Code with appropriate limitations and modifications and 
    to consider the elimination of the requirement to update ISI and IST 
    programs every 120 months as a separate rulemaking effort. Following 
    consideration of the public comments on the April 27, 1999, proposed 
    rule, the NRC may prepare a final rule addressing the continued need 
    for the requirement to update periodically ISI and IST programs and, if 
    necessary, establishing an appropriate baseline edition of the ASME 
        The provisions for IST of pumps and valves were originally 
    contained in Section XI Subsections IWP and IWV of the ASME BPV Code, 
    but have now been moved by ASME to a new OM Code. Section XI, 1989 
    Edition was incorporated by reference in the August 6, 1992, rulemaking 
    (57 FR 34666). The 1990 OM Code standards, Parts 1, 6, and 10 of ASME/
    ANSI-OM-1987, are identical to Section XI, 1989 Edition. This amendment 
    is an administrative change simply referencing the 1995 Edition with 
    the 1996 Addenda of the OM Code. Therefore, imposition of the 1995 
    Edition with the 1996 Addenda of the OM Code is not a backfit.
        Appendix VIII to ASME BPV Code, Section XI, or Appendix VIII as 
    modified during the development of the PDI program will be used to 
    demonstrate the qualification of personnel and procedures for 
    performing nondestructive examination of welds in components of systems 
    that include the reactor coolant system and the emergency core cooling 
    systems in nuclear power facilities. These performance demonstration 
    programs will greatly increase the reliability of detection and sizing 
    of cracks and flaws. Current requirements have been demonstrated not to 
    be able to consistently and accurately identify and size cracks and 
    flaws and thus are not effective. The Appendix delineates a method for 
    qualification of the personnel and procedures. Appendix VIII changes 
    the Code rules from a prescriptive set of requirements to a performance 
    based approach that allows for implementation of improved technology 
    without changes to the regulations. Performance demonstration would 
    normally be imposed by the 120-month update requirement but, because of 
    its importance, implementation of Appendix VIII is being expedited by 
    the rulemaking. Because of the fundamental change in the nature of the 
    qualification requirements, Appendix VIII is being considered a 
    backfit. The proposed rule would have required licensees to implement 
    Appendix VIII, including the modifications, for all examinations of the 
    pressure vessel, piping, nozzles, and bolts and studs which occur after 
    6 months from the date of the final rule. However, based on public 
    comment, the final rule adopts a phased implementation approach for 
    Appendix VIII, ranging from 6 months to 3 years, depending on the 
    supplement. The final rule will not require any change to a licensee's 
    ISI schedule for examination of these components, but will require
    [[Page 51394]]
    that the provisions of Appendix VIII as contained in the 1995 Edition 
    with the 1996 Addenda (as supplemented by the final rule) or Appendix 
    VIII as modified during the development of the PDI program (as 
    supplemented by the final rule) be used for all examinations after that 
    date rather than the UT procedures and personnel requirements presently 
    being utilized by licensees.
        On the basis of the documented evaluation required by 
    Sec. 50.109(a)(4), the NRC has concluded that imposition of Appendix 
    VIII is necessary to bring the facilities described into compliance 
    with GDC 14, 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix A, or similar provisions in the 
    licensing basis for these facilities, and Criterion II, ``Quality 
    Assurance Program,'' and Criterion XVI, ``Corrective Actions,'' of 
    appendix B to 10 CFR part 50. Criterion II requires, in part, that a QA 
    program shall take into account the need for special controls, 
    processes, test equipment, tools, and skills to attain the required 
    quality and the need for verification of quality by inspection and 
    test. Evidence indicates that there are shortcomings in the 
    qualifications of personnel and procedures in ensuring the reliability 
    of the examinations. These safety significant revisions to the Code 
    include specific requirements for UT performance demonstration, with 
    statistically based acceptance criteria for blind testing of UT systems 
    (procedures, equipment, and personnel) used to detect and size flaws. 
    Criterion XVI requires that measures shall be established to assure 
    that conditions adverse to quality, such as failures, malfunctions, 
    deficiencies, deviations, defective material and equipment, and 
    nonconformances, are promptly identified and corrected. Because of the 
    serious degradation which has occurred, and the belief that additional 
    occurrences of noncompliance with GDC 14, and Criteria II and XVI will 
    occur, the NRC has determined that imposition of Appendix VIII 
    beginning 6 months after the final rule has been published under the 
    compliance exception to Sec. 50.109(a)(4)(i) is appropriate. Therefore, 
    a backfit analysis is not required and the cost-benefit standards of 
    Sec. 50.109(a)(3) do not apply. A complete discussion is contained in 
    the documented evaluation.
        The rationale for application of the backfit rule and the backfit 
    justification for the various items contained in this final rule are 
    contained in the regulatory analysis and documented evaluation. The 
    regulatory analysis and documented evaluation are available for 
    inspection at the NRC Public Document Room, 2120 L Street NW (Lower 
    Level), Washington, DC. Single copies of the regulatory analysis and 
    documented evaluation are available from Thomas G. Scarbrough, Division 
    of Engineering, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, U.S. Nuclear 
    Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001, Telephone: 301-415-
    2794, or Robert A. Hermann, Division of Engineering, Office of Nuclear 
    Reactor Regulation, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 
    20555-0001, Telephone: 301-415-2768.
    9. Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act
        In accordance with the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement 
    Fairness Act of 1996, the NRC has determined that this action is not a 
    major rule and has verified this determination with the Office of 
    Information and Regulatory Affairs of OMB.
    List of Subjects in 10 CFR Part 50
        Antitrust, Classified information, Criminal penalties, Fire 
    protection, Incorporation by reference, Intergovernmental relations, 
    Nuclear power plants and reactors, Radiation protection, Reactor siting 
    criteria, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
        For the reasons set out in the preamble and under the authority of 
    the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the Energy Reorganization 
    Act of 1974, as amended, and 5 U.S.C. 552 and 553, the NRC is adopting 
    the following amendments to 10 CFR part 50.
        1. The authority citation for Part 50 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: Sections 102, 103, 104, 105, 161, 182, 183, 186, 189, 
    68 Stat. 936, 937, 938, 948, 953, 954, 955, 956, as amended, sec. 
    234, 83 Stat. 444, as amended (42 U.S.C. 2132, 2133, 2134, 2135, 
    2201, 2232, 2233, 2236, 2239, 2282); secs. 201, as amended, 202, 
    206, 88 Stat. 1242, as amended, 1244, 1246 (42 U.S.C. 5841, 5842, 
        Section 50.7 also issued under Pub. L. 95-601, sec. 10, 92 Stat. 
    2951 (42 U.S.C. 5851). Section 50.10 also issued under secs. 101, 
    185, 68 Stat. 955 as amended (42 U.S.C. 2131, 2235), sec. 102, Pub. 
    L. 91-190, 83 Stat. 853 (42 U.S.C. 4332). Sections 50.13, 50.54(dd), 
    and 50.103 also issued under sec. 108, 68 Stat. 939, as amended (42 
    U.S.C. 2138). Sections 50.23, 50.35, 50.55, and 50.56 also issued 
    under sec. 185, 68 Stat. 955 (42 U.S.C. 2235). Sections 50.33a, 
    50.55a and Appendix Q also issued under sec. 102, Pub. L. 91-190, 83 
    Stat. 853 (42 U.S.C. 4332). Sections 50.34 and 50.54 also issued 
    under sec. 204, 88 Stat. 1245 (42 U.S.C. 5844). Sections 50.58, 
    50.91, and 50.92 also issued under Pub. L. 97-415, 96 Stat. 2073 (42 
    U.S.C. 2239). Section 50.78 also issued under sec. 122, 68 Stat. 939 
    (42 U.S.C. 2152). Sections 50.80-50.81 also issued under sec. 184, 
    68 Stat. 954, as amended (42 U.S.C. 2234). Appendix F also issued 
    under sec. 187, 68 Stat. 955 (42 U.S.C. 2237).
        2. Section 50.55a is amended as follows:
        a. By removing paragraph (b)(2)(vii);
        b. By redesignating and revising paragraphs (b)(2)(viii), 
    (b)(2)(ix), and (b)(2)(x) as (b)(2)(vii), (b)(2)(viii), and (b)(2)(ix), 
        c. By adding paragraphs (b)(1)(i) through (b)(1)(v), (b)(2)(x) 
    through (b)(2)(xvii), (b)(3), (g)(4)(iii), and (g)(6)(ii)(C); and
        d. By revising the introductory paragraph, the introductory text of 
    paragraph (b), paragraph (b)(1), the introductory text of paragraph 
    (b)(2), paragraph (b)(2)(vi), the introductory text of paragraph (f), 
    paragraphs (f)(1), the introductory text of paragraph (f)(3), 
    paragraphs (f)(3)(iii), (f)(3)(iv), the introductory text of paragraph 
    (f)(4), paragraph (g)(1), the introductory text of paragraph (g)(3), 
    paragraph (g)(3)(i), the introductory paragraph of (g)(4), and 
    paragraphs (g)(4)(v)(C), (g)(6)(ii)(B)(1), and (g)(6)(ii)(B)(2), to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 50.55a  Codes and standards.
        Each operating license for a boiling or pressurized water-cooled 
    nuclear power facility is subject to the conditions in paragraphs (f) 
    and (g) of this section and each construction permit for a utilization 
    facility is subject to the following conditions in addition to those 
    specified in Sec. 50.55.
    * * * * *
        (b) The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, and the ASME Code for 
    Operation and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plants, which are referenced 
    in the following paragraphs, were approved for incorporation by 
    reference by the Director of the Federal Register. A notice of any 
    changes made to the material incorporated by reference will be 
    published in the Federal Register. Copies of the ASME Boiler and 
    Pressure Vessel Code and the ASME Code for Operation and Maintenance of 
    Nuclear Power Plants may be purchased from the American Society of 
    Mechanical Engineers, Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016. They are 
    also available for inspection at the NRC Library, Two White Flint 
    North, 11545 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852-2738.
    [[Page 51395]]
    Copies are also available at the Office of the Federal Register, 800 N. 
    Capitol Street, Suite 700, Washington, DC.
        (1) As used in this section, references to Section III of the ASME 
    Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code refer to Section III, Division 1, and 
    include editions through the 1995 Edition and addenda through the 1996 
    Addenda, subject to the following limitations and modifications:
        (i) Section III Materials. When applying the 1992 Edition of 
    Section III, licensees must apply the 1992 Edition with the 1992 
    Addenda of Section II of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
        (ii) Weld leg dimensions. When applying the 1989 Addenda through 
    the 1996 Addenda of Section III, licensees may not apply paragraph NB-
    3683.4(c)(1), Footnote 11 to Figure NC-3673.2(b)-1, and Figure ND-
        (iii) Seismic design. Licensees may use Articles NB-3200, NB-3600, 
    NC-3600, and ND-3600 up to and including the 1993 Addenda, subject to 
    the limitation specified in paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of this section. 
    Licensees shall not use these Articles in the 1994 Addenda through the 
    1996 Addenda.
        (iv) Quality assurance. When applying editions and addenda later 
    than the 1989 Edition of Section III, the requirements of NQA-1, 
    ``Quality Assurance Requirements for Nuclear Facilities,'' 1986 Edition 
    through the 1992 Edition, are acceptable for use provided that the 
    edition and addenda of NQA-1 specified in NCA-4000 is used in 
    conjunction with the administrative, quality, and technical provisions 
    contained in the edition and addenda of Section III being used.
        (v) Independence of inspection. Licensees may not apply NCA-
    4134.10(a) of Section III, 1995 Edition with the 1996 Addenda.
        (2) As used in this section, references to Section XI of the ASME 
    Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code refer to Section XI, Division 1, and 
    include editions through the 1995 Edition and addenda through the 1996 
    Addenda, subject to the following limitations and modifications:
    * * * * *
        (vi) Effective edition and addenda of Subsection IWE and Subsection 
    IWL, Section XI. Licensees may use either the 1992 Edition with the 
    1992 Addenda or the 1995 Edition with the 1996 Addenda of Subsection 
    IWE and Subsection IWL as modified and supplemented by the requirements 
    in Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(viii) and Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(ix) when implementing 
    the containment inservice inspection requirements of this section.
        (vii) Section XI References to OM Part 4, OM Part 6 and OM Part 10 
    (Table IWA-1600-1). When using Table IWA-1600-1, ``Referenced Standards 
    and Specifications,'' in the Section XI, Division 1, 1987 Addenda, 1988 
    Addenda, or 1989 Edition, the specified ``Revision Date or Indicator'' 
    for ASME/ANSI OM Part 4, ASME/ANSI Part 6, and ASME/ANSI Part 10 must 
    be the OMa-1988 Addenda to the OM-1987 Edition. These requirements have 
    been incorporated into the OM Code which is incorporated by reference 
    in paragraph (b)(3) of this section.
        (viii) Examination of concrete containments. Licensees applying 
    Subsection IWL, 1992 Edition with the 1992 Addenda, shall apply all of 
    the modifications in this paragraph. Licensees choosing to apply the 
    1995 Edition with the 1996 Addenda shall apply paragraphs 
    (b)(2)(viii)(A), (viii)(D)(3), and (viii)(E) of this section.
        (A) Grease caps that are accessible must be visually examined to 
    detect grease leakage or grease cap deformations. Grease caps must be 
    removed for this examination when there is evidence of grease cap 
    deformation that indicates deterioration of anchorage hardware.
        (B) When evaluation of consecutive surveillances of prestressing 
    forces for the same tendon or tendons in a group indicates a trend of 
    prestress loss such that the tendon force(s) would be less than the 
    minimum design prestress requirements before the next inspection 
    interval, an evaluation must be performed and reported in the 
    Engineering Evaluation Report as prescribed in IWL-3300.
        (C) When the elongation corresponding to a specific load (adjusted 
    for effective wires or strands) during retensioning of tendons differs 
    by more than 10 percent from that recorded during the last measurement, 
    an evaluation must be performed to determine whether the difference is 
    related to wire failures or slip of wires in anchorage. A difference of 
    more than 10 percent must be identified in the ISI Summary Report 
    required by IWA-6000.
        (D) The licensee shall report the following conditions, if they 
    occur, in the ISI Summary Report required by IWA-6000:
        (1) The sampled sheathing filler grease contains chemically 
    combined water exceeding 10 percent by weight or the presence of free 
        (2) The absolute difference between the amount removed and the 
    amount replaced exceeds 10 percent of the tendon net duct volume;
        (3) Grease leakage is detected during general visual examination of 
    the containment surface.
        (E) For Class CC applications, the licensee shall evaluate the 
    acceptability of inaccessible areas when conditions exist in accessible 
    areas that could indicate the presence of or result in degradation to 
    such inaccessible areas. For each inaccessible area identified, the 
    licensee shall provide the following in the ISI Summary Report required 
    by IWA-6000:
        (1) A description of the type and estimated extent of degradation, 
    and the conditions that led to the degradation;
        (2) An evaluation of each area, and the result of the evaluation, 
        (3) A description of necessary corrective actions.
        (ix) Examination of metal containments and the liners of concrete 
        (A) For Class MC applications, the licensee shall evaluate the 
    acceptability of inaccessible areas when conditions exist in accessible 
    areas that could indicate the presence of or result in degradation to 
    such inaccessible areas. For each inaccessible area identified, the 
    licensee shall provide the following in the ISI Summary Report as 
    required by IWA-6000:
        (1) A description of the type and estimated extent of degradation, 
    and the conditions that led to the degradation;
        (2) An evaluation of each area, and the result of the evaluation, 
        (3) A description of necessary corrective actions.
        (B) When performing remotely the visual examinations required by 
    Subsection IWE, the maximum direct examination distance specified in 
    Table IWA-2210-1 may be extended and the minimum illumination 
    requirements specified in Table IWA-2210-1 may be decreased provided 
    that the conditions or indications for which the visual examination is 
    performed can be detected at the chosen distance and illumination.
        (C) The examinations specified in Examination Category E-B, 
    Pressure Retaining Welds, and Examination Category E-F, Pressure 
    Retaining Dissimilar Metal Welds, are optional.
        (D) Section 50.55a(b)(2)(ix)(D) may be used as an alternative to 
    the requirements of IWE-2430.
        (1) If the examinations reveal flaws or areas of degradation 
    exceeding the acceptance standards of Table IWE-3410-1, an evaluation 
    must be performed to determine whether additional component 
    examinations are required. For each flaw or area of degradation 
    identified which exceeds acceptance standards, the licensee shall
    [[Page 51396]]
    provide the following in the ISI Summary Report required by IWA-6000:
        (i) A description of each flaw or area, including the extent of 
    degradation, and the conditions that led to the degradation;
        (ii) The acceptability of each flaw or area, and the need for 
    additional examinations to verify that similar degradation does not 
    exist in similar components, and;
        (iii) A description of necessary corrective actions.
        (2) The number and type of additional examinations to ensure 
    detection of similar degradation in similar components.
        (E) A general visual examination as required by Subsection IWE must 
    be performed once each period.
        (x) Quality Assurance. When applying Section XI editions and 
    addenda later than the 1989 Edition, the requirements of NQA-1, 
    ``Quality Assurance Requirements for Nuclear Facilities,'' 1979 Addenda 
    through the 1989 Edition, are acceptable as permitted by IWA-1400 of 
    Section XI, if the licensee uses its 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, 
    quality assurance program, in conjunction with Section XI requirements. 
    Commitments contained in the licensee's quality assurance program 
    description that are more stringent than those contained in NQA-1 must 
    govern Section XI activities. Further, where NQA-1 and Section XI do 
    not address the commitments contained in the licensee's Appendix B 
    quality assurance program description, the commitments must be applied 
    to Section XI activities.
        (xi) Class 1 piping. Licensees may not apply IWB-1220, ``Components 
    Exempt from Examination,'' of Section XI, 1989 Addenda through the 1996 
    Addenda, and shall apply IWB-1220, 1989 Edition.
        (xii) Reserved.
        (xiii) Flaws in Class 3 Piping. Licensees may use the provisions of 
    Code Case N-513, ``Evaluation Criteria for Temporary Acceptance of 
    Flaws in Class 3 Piping,'' Revision 0, and Code Case N-523-1, 
    ``Mechanical Clamping Devices for Class 2 and 3 Piping.'' Licensees 
    choosing to apply Code Case N-523-1 shall apply all of its provisions. 
    Licensees choosing to apply Code Case N-513 shall apply all of its 
    provisions subject to the following:
        (A) When implementing Code Case N-513, the specific safety factors 
    in paragraph 4.0 must be satisfied.
        (B) Code Case N-513 may not be applied to:
        (1) Components other than pipe and tube, such as pumps, valves, 
    expansion joints, and heat exchangers;
        (2) Leakage through a flange gasket;
        (3) Threaded connections employing nonstructural seal welds for 
    leakage prevention (through seal weld leakage is not a structural flaw, 
    thread integrity must be maintained); and
        (4) Degraded socket welds.
        (xiv) Appendix VIII personnel qualification. All personnel 
    qualified for performing ultrasonic examinations in accordance with 
    Appendix VIII shall receive 8 hours of annual hands-on training on 
    specimens that contain cracks. This training must be completed no 
    earlier than 6 months prior to performing ultrasonic examinations at a 
    licensee's facility.
        (xv) Appendix VIII specimen set and qualification requirements. The 
    following provisions may be used to modify implementation of Appendix 
    VIII of Section XI, 1995 Edition with the 1996 Addenda. Licensees 
    choosing to apply these provisions shall apply all of the provisions 
    except for those in Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(xv)(F) which are optional.
        (A) When applying Supplements 2 and 3 to Appendix VIII, the 
    following examination coverage criteria requirements must be used:
        (1) Piping must be examined in two axial directions and when 
    examination in the circumferential direction is required, the 
    circumferential examination must be performed in two directions, 
    provided access is available.
        (2) Where examination from both sides is not possible, full 
    coverage credit may be claimed from a single side for ferritic welds. 
    Where examination from both sides is not possible on austenitic welds, 
    full coverage credit from a single side may be claimed only after 
    completing a successful single sided Appendix VIII demonstration using 
    flaws on the opposite side of the weld.
        (B) The following provisions must be used in addition to the 
    requirements of Supplement 4 to Appendix VIII:
        (1) Paragraph 3.1, Detection acceptance criteria--Personnel are 
    qualified for detection if the results of the performance demonstration 
    satisfy the detection requirements of ASME Section XI, Appendix VIII, 
    Table VIII-S4-1 and no flaw greater than 0.25 inch through wall 
    dimension is missed.
        (2) Paragraph 1.1(c), Detection test matrix--Flaws smaller than the 
    50 percent of allowable flaw size, as defined in IWB-3500, need not be 
    included as detection flaws. For procedures applied from the inside 
    surface, use the minimum thickness specified in the scope of the 
    procedure to calculate a/t. For procedures applied from the outside 
    surface, the actual thickness of the test specimen is to be used to 
    calculate a/t.
        (C) When applying Supplement 4 to Appendix VIII, the following 
    provisions must be used:
        (1) A depth sizing requirement of 0.15 inch RMS shall be used in 
    lieu of the requirements in Subparagraphs 3.2(a) and 3.2(b).
        (2) In lieu of the location acceptance criteria requirements of 
    Subparagraph 2.1(b), a flaw will be considered detected when reported 
    within 1.0 inch or 10 percent of the metal path to the flaw, whichever 
    is greater, of its true location in the X and Y directions.
        (3) In lieu of the flaw type requirements of Subparagraph 
    1.1(e)(1), a minimum of 70 percent of the flaws in the detection and 
    sizing tests shall be cracks. Notches, if used, must be limited by the 
        (i) Notches must be limited to the case where examinations are 
    performed from the clad surface.
        (ii) Notches must be semielliptical with a tip width of less than 
    or equal to 0.010 inches.
        (iii) Notches must be perpendicular to the surface within 
     2 degrees.
        (4) In lieu of the detection test matrix requirements in paragraphs 
    1.1(e)(2) and 1.1(e)(3), personnel demonstration test sets must contain 
    a representative distribution of flaw orientations, sizes, and 
        (D) The following provisions must be used in addition to the 
    requirements of Supplement 6 to Appendix VIII:
        (1) Paragraph 3.1, Detection Acceptance Criteria--Personnel are 
    qualified for detection if:
        (i) No surface connected flaw greater than 0.25 inch through wall 
    has been missed.
        (ii) No embedded flaw greater than 0.50 inch through wall has been 
        (2) Paragraph 3.1, Detection Acceptance Criteria--For procedure 
    qualification, all flaws within the scope of the procedure are 
        (3) Paragraph 1.1(b) for detection and sizing test flaws and 
    locations--Flaws smaller than the 50 percent of allowable flaw size, as 
    defined in IWB-3500, need not be included as detection flaws. Flaws 
    which are less than the allowable flaw size, as defined in IWB-3500, 
    may be used as detection and sizing flaws.
        (4) Notches are not permitted.
        (E) When applying Supplement 6 to Appendix VIII, the following 
    provisions must be used:
        (1) A depth sizing requirement of 0.25 inch RMS must be used in 
    lieu of the requirements of subparagraphs 3.2(a), 3.2(c)(2), and 
        (2) In lieu of the location acceptance criteria requirements in 
    [[Page 51397]]
    2.1(b), a flaw will be considered detected when reported within 1.0 
    inch or 10 percent of the metal path to the flaw, whichever is greater, 
    of its true location in the X and Y directions.
        (3) In lieu of the length sizing criteria requirements of 
    Subparagraph 3.2(b), a length sizing acceptance criteria of 0.75 inch 
    RMS must be used.
        (4) In lieu of the detection specimen requirements in Subparagraph 
    1.1(e)(1), a minimum of 55 percent of the flaws must be cracks. The 
    remaining flaws may be cracks or fabrication type flaws, such as slag 
    and lack of fusion. The use of notches is not allowed.
        (5) In lieu of paragraphs 1.1(e)(2) and 1.1(e)(3) detection test 
    matrix, personnel demonstration test sets must contain a representative 
    distribution of flaw orientations, sizes, and locations.
        (F) The following provisions may be used for personnel 
    qualification for combined Supplement 4 to Appendix VIII and Supplement 
    6 to Appendix VIII qualification. Licensees choosing to apply this 
    combined qualification shall apply all of the provisions of Supplements 
    4 and 6 including the following provisions:
        (1) For detection and sizing, the total number of flaws must be at 
    least 10. A minimum of 5 flaws shall be from Supplement 4, and a 
    minimum of 50 percent of the flaws must be from Supplement 6. At least 
    50 percent of the flaws in any sizing must be cracks. Notches are not 
    acceptable for Supplement 6.
        (2) Examination personnel are qualified for detection and length 
    sizing when the results of any combined performance demonstration 
    satisfy the acceptance criteria of Supplement 4 to Appendix VIII.
        (3) Examination personnel are qualified for depth sizing when 
    Supplement 4 to Appendix VIII and Supplement 6 to Appendix VIII flaws 
    are sized within the respective acceptance criteria of those 
        (G) When applying Supplement 4 to Appendix VIII, Supplement 6 to 
    Appendix VIII, or combined Supplement 4 and Supplement 6 qualification, 
    the following additional provisions must be used, and examination 
    coverage must include:
        (1) The clad to base metal interface, including a minimum of 15 
    percent T (measured from the clad to base metal interface), shall be 
    examined from four orthogonal directions using procedures and personnel 
    qualified in accordance with Supplement 4 to Appendix VIII.
        (2) If the clad-to-base-metal-interface procedure demonstrates 
    detectability of flaws with a tilt angle relative to the weld 
    centerline of at least 45 degrees, the remainder of the examination 
    volume is considered fully examined if coverage is obtained in one 
    parallel and one perpendicular direction. This must be accomplished 
    using a procedure and personnel qualified for single-side examination 
    in accordance with Supplement 6. Subsequent examinations of this volume 
    may be performed using examination techniques qualified for a tilt 
    angle of at least 10 degrees.
        (3) The examination volume not addressed by 
    Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(xv)(G)(1) is considered fully examined if coverage is 
    obtained in one parallel and one perpendicular direction, using a 
    procedure and personnel qualified for single sided examination when the 
    provisions of Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(xv)(G)(2) are met.
        (4) Where applications are limited by design to single side access, 
    credit may be taken for the full volume provided the examination volume 
    is covered from a single direction perpendicular to the weld and the 
    weld volume is examined from at least one direction parallel to the 
        (H) When applying Supplement 5 to Appendix VIII, at least 50 
    percent of the flaws in the demonstration test set must be cracks and 
    the maximum misorientation shall be demonstrated with cracks. Flaws in 
    nozzles with bore diameters equal to or less than 4 inches may be 
        (I) When applying Supplement 5, Paragraph (a), to Appendix VIII, 
    the following provision must be used in calculating the number of 
    permissible false calls:
        (1) The number of false calls allowed must be D/10, with a maximum 
    of 3, where D is the diameter of the nozzle.
        (J) When applying the requirements of Supplement 5 to Appendix 
    VIII, qualifications for the nozzle inside radius performed from the 
    outside surface may be performed in accordance with Code Case N-552, 
    ``Qualification for Nozzle Inside Radius Section from the Outside 
    Surface,'' provided that 10 CFR 50.55a(b)(2)(xv)(I)(1) is also 
        (K) When performing nozzle-to-vessel weld examinations, the 
    following provisions must be used when the requirements contained in 
    Supplement 7 to Appendix VIII are applied for nozzle-to-vessel welds in 
    conjunction with Supplement 4 to Appendix VIII, Supplement 6 to 
    Appendix VIII, or combined Supplement 4 and Supplement 6 qualification.
        (1) For examination of nozzle-to-vessel welds conducted from the 
    bore, the following provisions are required to qualify the procedures, 
    equipment, and personnel:
        (i) For detection, a minimum of four flaws in one or more full-
    scale nozzle mock-ups must be added to the test set. The specimens must 
    comply with Supplement 6, Paragraph 1.1, to Appendix VIII, except for 
    flaw locations specified in Table VIII S6-1. Flaws may be either 
    notches, fabrication flaws or cracks. Seventy five percent of the flaws 
    must be cracks or fabrication flaws. Flaw locations and orientations 
    must be selected from the choices shown in Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(xv)(K)(4), 
    Table VIII-S7-1--Modified, except flaws perpendicular to the weld are 
    not required. There may be no more than two flaws from each category, 
    and at least one subsurface flaw must be included.
        (ii) For length sizing, a minimum of four flaws as in 
    Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(xv)(K)(1)(i) must be included in the test set. The 
    length sizing results must be added to the results of combined 
    Supplement 4 to Appendix VIII and Supplement 6 to Appendix VIII. The 
    combined results must meet the acceptance standards contained in 
    Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(xv)(E)(3
        (iii) For depth sizing, a minimum of four flaws as in 
    Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(xv)(K)(1)(i) must be included in the test set. Their 
    depths must be distributed over the ranges of Supplement 4, Paragraph 
    1.1, to Appendix VIII, for the inner 15 percent of the wall thickness 
    and Supplement 6, Paragraph 1.1, to Appendix VIII, for the remainder of 
    the wall thickness. The depth sizing results must be combined with the 
    sizing results from Supplement 4 to Appendix VIII for the inner 15 
    percent and to Supplement 6 to Appendix VIII for the remainder of the 
    wall thickness. The combined results must meet the depth sizing 
    acceptance criteria contained in Secs. 50.55a(b)(2)(xv)(C)(1), 
    50.55a(b)(2)(xv)(E)(1), and 50.55a(b)(2)(xv)(F)(3).
        (2) For examination of reactor pressure vessel nozzle-to-vessel 
    welds conducted from the inside of the vessel,
        (i) The clad to base metal interface and the adjacent examination 
    volume to a minimum depth of 15 percent T (measured from the clad to 
    base metal interface) must be examined from four orthogonal directions 
    using a procedure and personnel qualified in accordance with Supplement 
    4 to Appendix VIII as modified by Secs. 50.55a(b)(2)(xv)(B) and 
        (ii) When the examination volume defined in 
    Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(xv)(K)(2)(i) cannot be effectively examined in all 
    four directions, the examination must be
    [[Page 51398]]
    augmented by examination from the nozzle bore using a procedure and 
    personnel qualified in accordance with Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(xv)(K)(1).
        (iii) The remainder of the examination volume not covered by 
    Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(xv)(K)(2)(ii) or a combination of 
    Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(xv)(K)(2)(i) and Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(xv)(K)(2)(ii), 
    must be examined from the nozzle bore using a procedure and personnel 
    qualified in accordance with Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(xv)(K)(1), or from the 
    vessel shell using a procedure and personnel qualified for single sided 
    examination in accordance with Supplement 6 to Appendix VIII, as 
    modified by Secs. 50.55a(b)(2)(xv)(D), 50.55a(b)(2)(xv)(E), 
    50.55a(b)(2)(xv)(F), and 50.55a(b)(2)(xv)(G).
        (3) For examination of reactor pressure vessel nozzle-to-shell 
    welds conducted from the outside of the vessel,
        (i) The clad to base metal interface and the adjacent metal to a 
    depth of 15 percent T, (measured from the clad to base metal interface) 
    must be examined from one radial and two opposing circumferential 
    directions using a procedure and personnel qualified in accordance with 
    Supplement 4 to Appendix VIII, as modified by Secs. 50.55a(b)(2)(xv)(B) 
    and 50.55a(b)(2)(xv)(C), for examinations performed in the radial 
    direction, and Supplement 5 to Appendix VIII, as modified by 
    Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(xv)(J), for examinations performed in the 
    circumferential direction.
        (ii) The examination volume not addressed by 
    Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(xv)(K)(3)(i) must be examined in a minimum of one 
    radial direction using a procedure and personnel qualified for single 
    sided examination in accordance with Supplement 6 to Appendix VIII, as 
    modified by Secs. 50.55a(b)(2)(xv)(D), 50.55a(b)(2)(xv)(E), 
    50.55a(b)(2)(xv)(F), and 50.55a(b)(2)(xv)(G).
        (4) Table VIII-S7-1, ``Flaw Locations and Orientations,'' 
    Supplement 7 to Appendix VIII, is modified as follows:
                            Table VIII-S7-1--Modified
                         Flaw Locations and Orientations
                                                    Parallel   Perpendicular
                                                     to weld      to weld
    Inner 15 percent.............................          X             X
    OD Surface...................................          X   .............
    Subsurface...................................          X   .............
        (L) As a modification to the requirements of Supplement 8, 
    Subparagraph 1.1(c), to Appendix VIII, notches may be located within 
    one diameter of each end of the bolt or stud.
        (xvi) Appendix VIII single side ferritic vessel and piping and 
    stainless steel piping examination.
        (A) Examinations performed from one side of a ferritic vessel weld 
    must be conducted with equipment, procedures, and personnel that have 
    demonstrated proficiency with single side examinations. To demonstrate 
    equivalency to two sided examinations, the demonstration must be 
    performed to the requirements of Appendix VIII as modified by this 
    paragraph and Secs. 50.55a(b)(2)(xv) (B) through (G), on specimens 
    containing flaws with non-optimum sound energy reflecting 
    characteristics or flaws similar to those in the vessel being examined.
        (B) Examinations performed from one side of a ferritic or stainless 
    steel pipe weld must be conducted with equipment, procedures, and 
    personnel that have demonstrated proficiency with single side 
    examinations. To demonstrate equivalency to two sided examinations, the 
    demonstration must be performed to the requirements of Appendix VIII as 
    modified by this paragraph and Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(xv)(A).
        (xvii) Reconciliation of Quality Requirements. When purchasing 
    replacement items, in addition to the reconciliation provisions of IWA-
    4200, 1995 Edition with the 1996 Addenda, the replacement items must be 
    purchased, to the extent necessary, in accordance with the owner's 
    quality assurance program description required by 10 CFR 
        (3) As used in this section, references to the OM Code refer to the 
    ASME Code for Operation and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plants, and 
    include the 1995 Edition and the 1996 Addenda subject to the following 
    limitations and modifications:
        (i) Quality Assurance. When applying editions and addenda of the OM 
    Code, the requirements of NQA-1, ``Quality Assurance Requirements for 
    Nuclear Facilities,'' 1979 Addenda, are acceptable as permitted by ISTA 
    1.4 of the OM Code, provided the licensee uses its 10 CFR part 50, 
    Appendix B, quality assurance program in conjunction with the OM Code 
    requirements. Commitments contained in the licensee's quality assurance 
    program description that are more stringent than those contained in 
    NQA-1 govern OM Code activities. If NQA-1 and the OM Code do not 
    address the commitments contained in the licensee's Appendix B quality 
    assurance program description, the commitments must be applied to OM 
    Code activities.
        (ii) Motor-Operated Valve stroke-time testing. Licensees shall 
    comply with the provisions on stroke time testing in OM Code ISTC 4.2, 
    1995 Edition with the 1996 Addenda, and shall establish a program to 
    ensure that motor-operated valves continue to be capable of performing 
    their design basis safety functions.
        (iii) Code Case OMN-1. As an alternative to Sec. 50.55a(b)(3)(ii), 
    licensees may use Code Case OMN-1, ``Alternative Rules for Preservice 
    and Inservice Testing of Certain Electric Motor-Operated Valve 
    Assemblies in Light Water Reactor Power Plants,'' Revision 0, 1995 
    Edition with the 1996 Addenda, in conjunction with ISTC 4.3, 1995 
    Edition with the 1996 Addenda. Licensees choosing to apply the Code 
    case shall apply all of its provisions.
        (A) The adequacy of the diagnostic test interval for each valve 
    must be evaluated and adjusted as necessary but not later than 5 years 
    or three refueling outages (whichever is longer) from initial 
    implementation of ASME Code Case OMN-1.
        (B) When extending exercise test intervals for high risk motor-
    operated valves beyond a quarterly frequency, licensees shall ensure 
    that the potential increase in core damage frequency and risk 
    associated with the extension is small and consistent with the intent 
    of the Commission's Safety Goal Policy Statement.
        (iv) Appendix II. The following modifications apply when 
    implementing Appendix II, ``Check Valve Condition Monitoring Program,'' 
    of the OM Code, 1995 Edition with the 1996 Addenda:
        (A) Valve opening and closing functions must be demonstrated when 
    flow testing or examination methods (nonintrusive, or disassembly and 
    inspection) are used;
        (B) The initial interval for tests and associated examinations may 
    not exceed two fuel cycles or 3 years, whichever is longer; any 
    extension of this interval may not exceed one fuel cycle per extension 
    with the maximum interval not to exceed 10 years; trending and 
    evaluation of existing data must be used to reduce or extend the time 
    interval between tests.
        (C) If the Appendix II condition monitoring program is 
    discontinued, then the requirements of ISTC 4.5.1 through 4.5.4 must be 
        (v) Subsection ISTD. Article IWF-5000, ``Inservice Inspection 
    Requirements for Snubbers,'' of the ASME BPV Code, Section XI, provides 
    inservice inspection requirements for examinations and tests of 
    snubbers at nuclear power plants. Licensees may
    [[Page 51399]]
    use Subsection ISTD, ``Inservice Testing of Dynamic Restraints 
    (Snubbers) in Light-Water Reactor Power Plants,'' ASME OM Code, 1995 
    Edition up to and including the 1996 Addenda, in lieu of the 
    requirements for snubbers in Section XI, IWF-5200(a) and (b) and IWF-
    5300(a) and (b), by making appropriate changes to their technical 
    specifications or licensee controlled documents. Preservice and 
    inservice examinations shall be performed using the VT-3 visual 
    examination method described in IWA-2213.
    * * * * *
        (f) Inservice testing requirements. Requirements for inservice 
    inspection of Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, Class MC, and Class CC 
    components (including their supports) are located in Sec. 50.55a(g).
        (1) For a boiling or pressurized water-cooled nuclear power 
    facility whose construction permit was issued prior to January 1, 1971, 
    pumps and valves must meet the test requirements of paragraphs (f)(4) 
    and (f)(5) of this section to the extent practical. Pumps and valves 
    which are part of the reactor coolant pressure boundary must meet the 
    requirements applicable to components which are classified as ASME Code 
    Class 1. Other pumps and valves that perform a function to shut down 
    the reactor or maintain the reactor in a safe shutdown condition, 
    mitigate the consequences of an accident, or provide overpressure 
    protection for safety-related systems (in meeting the requirements of 
    the 1986 Edition, or later, of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel or OM 
    Code) must meet the test requirements applicable to components which 
    are classified as ASME Code Class 2 or Class 3.
    * * * * *
        (3) For a boiling or pressurized water-cooled nuclear power 
    facility whose construction permit was issued on or after July 1, 1974:
    * * * * *
        (iii)(A) Pumps and valves, in facilities whose construction permit 
    was issued before November 22, 1999, which are classified as ASME Code 
    Class 1 must be designed and be provided with access to enable the 
    performance of inservice testing of the pumps and valves for assessing 
    operational readiness set forth in Section XI of editions of the ASME 
    Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and Addenda \6\ applied to the 
    construction of the particular pump or valve or the Summer 1973 
    Addenda, whichever is later.
        (B) Pumps and valves, in facilities whose construction permit is 
    issued on or after November 22, 1999, which are classified as ASME Code 
    Class 1 must be designed and be provided with access to enable the 
    performance of inservice testing of the pumps and valves for assessing 
    operational readiness set forth in editions and addenda of the ASME OM 
    Code referenced in paragraph (b)(3) of this section at the time the 
    construction permit is issued.
        (iv)(A) Pumps and valves, in facilities whose construction permit 
    was issued before November 22, 1999, which are classified as ASME Code 
    Class 2 and Class 3 must be designed and be provided with access to 
    enable the performance of inservice testing of the pumps and valves for 
    assessing operational readiness set forth in Section XI of editions of 
    the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and Addenda 6 
    applied to the construction of the particular pump or valve or the 
    Summer 1973 Addenda, whichever is later.
        (B) Pumps and valves, in facilities whose construction permit is 
    issued on or after November 22, 1999, which are classified as ASME Code 
    Class 2 and 3 must be designed and be provided with access to enable 
    the performance of inservice testing of the pumps and valves for 
    assessing operational readiness set forth in editions and addenda of 
    the ASME OM Code referenced in paragraph (b)(3) of this section at the 
    time the construction permit is issued.
    * * * * *
        (4) Throughout the service life of a boiling or pressurized water-
    cooled nuclear power facility, pumps and valves which are classified as 
    ASME Code Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3 must meet the inservice test 
    requirements, except design and access provisions, set forth in the 
    ASME OM Code and addenda that become effective subsequent to editions 
    and addenda specified in paragraphs (f)(2) and (f)(3) of this section 
    and that are incorporated by reference in paragraph (b) of this 
    section, to the extent practical within the limitations of design, 
    geometry and materials of construction of the components.
    * * * * *
        (g) * * *
        (1) For a boiling or pressurized water-cooled nuclear power 
    facility whose construction permit was issued before January 1, 1971, 
    components (including supports) must meet the requirements of 
    paragraphs (g)(4) and (g)(5) of this section to the extent practical. 
    Components which are part of the reactor coolant pressure boundary and 
    their supports must meet the requirements applicable to components 
    which are classified as ASME Code Class 1. Other safety-related 
    pressure vessels, piping, pumps and valves, and their supports must 
    meet the requirements applicable to components which are classified as 
    ASME Code Class 2 or Class 3.
    * * * * *
        (3) For a boiling or pressurized water-cooled nuclear power 
    facility whose construction permit was issued on or after July 1, 1974:
        (i) Components (including supports) which are classified as ASME 
    Code Class 1 must be designed and be provided with access to enable the 
    performance of inservice examination of such components and must meet 
    the preservice examination requirements set forth in Section XI of 
    editions of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and Addenda 
    6 applied to the construction of the particular component.
    * * * * *
        (4) Throughout the service life of a boiling or pressurized water-
    cooled nuclear power facility, components (including supports) which 
    are classified as ASME Code Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3 must meet the 
    requirements, except design and access provisions and preservice 
    examination requirements, set forth in Section XI of editions of the 
    ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and Addenda that become effective 
    subsequent to editions specified in paragraphs (g)(2) and (g)(3) of 
    this section and that are incorporated by reference in paragraph (b) of 
    this section, to the extent practical within the limitations of design, 
    geometry and materials of construction of the components. Components 
    which are classified as Class MC pressure retaining components and 
    their integral attachments, and components which are classified as 
    Class CC pressure retaining components and their integral attachments 
    must meet the requirements, except design and access provisions and 
    preservice examination requirements, set forth in Section XI of the 
    ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and Addenda that are incorporated 
    by reference in paragraph (b) of this section, subject to the 
    limitation listed in paragraph (b)(2)(vi) of this section and the 
    modifications listed in paragraphs (b)(2)(viii) and (b)(2)(ix) of this 
    section, to the extent practical within the limitation of design, 
    geometry and materials of construction of the components.
    * * * * *
        (iii) Licensees may, but are not required to, perform the surface 
    examinations of High Pressure Safety
    [[Page 51400]]
    Injection Systems specified in Table IWB-2500-1, Examination Category 
    B-J, Item Numbers B9.20, B9.21, and B9.22.
    * * * * *
        (v) * * *
        (C) Concrete containment pressure retaining components and their 
    integral attachments, and the post-tensioning systems of concrete 
    containments must meet the inservice inspection, repair, and 
    replacement requirements applicable to components which are classified 
    as ASME Code Class CC.
    * * * * *
        (6) * * *
        (ii) * * *
        (B) Expedited examination of containment.
        (1) Licensees of all operating nuclear power plants shall implement 
    the inservice examinations specified for the first period of the first 
    inspection interval in Subsection IWE of the 1992 Edition with the 1992 
    Addenda in conjunction with the modifications specified in 
    Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(ix) by September 9, 2001. The examination performed 
    during the first period of the first inspection interval must serve the 
    same purpose for operating plants as the preservice examination 
    specified for plants not yet in operation.
        (2) Licensees of all operating nuclear power plants shall implement 
    the inservice examinations which correspond to the number of years of 
    operation which are specified in Subsection IWL of the 1992 Edition 
    with the 1992 Addenda in conjunction with the modifications specified 
    in Sec. 50.55a(b)(2)(viii) by September 9, 2001. The first examination 
    performed must serve the same purpose for operating plants as the 
    preservice examination specified for plants not yet in operation. The 
    first examination of concrete must be performed prior to September 10, 
    2001, and the date of the examination need not comply with the 
    requirements of IWL-2410(a) or IWL-2410(b). The date of the first 
    examination of concrete must be used to determine the 5-year schedule 
    for subsequent examinations subject to the provisions of IWL-2410(c).
    * * * * *
        (C) Implementation of Appendix VIII to Section XI. (1) The 
    Supplements to Appendix VIII of Section XI, Division 1, 1995 Edition 
    with the 1996 Addenda of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code must 
    be implemented in accordance with the following schedule: Supplements 
    1, 2, 3, and 8--May 22, 2000; Supplements 4 and 6--November 22, 2000; 
    Supplement 11--November 22, 2001; and Supplements 5, 7, 10, 12, and 
    13--November 22, 2002.
    * * * * *
        Dated at Rockville, MD this 26th day of August, 1999.
        For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
    William D. Travers,
    Executive Director for Operations.
    [FR Doc. 99-24256 Filed 9-21-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 7590-01-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
Effective November 22, 1999. The incorporation by reference of certain publications listed in the regulations is approved by the Director of the Federal Register as of November 22, 1999.
51370-51400 (31 pages)
3150-AE26: Industry Codes and Standards; Amended Requirements
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CFR: (23)
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10 CFR 50.55a(b)(1)(i)
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