97-24713. Passenger Equipment Safety Standards  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 184 (Tuesday, September 23, 1997)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 49728-49824]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-24713]
    [[Page 49727]]
    Part II
    Department of Transportation
    Federal Railroad Administration
    49 CFR Part 216, et al.
    Passenger Equipment Safety Standards; Proposed Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 184 / Tuesday, September 23, 1997 / 
    Proposed Rules
    [[Page 49728]]
    Federal Railroad Administration
    49 CFR Parts 216, 223, 229, 231, 232, and 238
    [FRA Docket No. PCSS-1, Notice No. 2]
    RIN 2130-AA95
    Passenger Equipment Safety Standards
    AGENCY: Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), Department of 
    Transportation (DOT).
    ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM).
    SUMMARY: FRA is proposing a rule establishing comprehensive Federal 
    safety standards for railroad passenger equipment. The proposed rule 
    contains requirements concerning equipment design and performance 
    criteria related to passenger and crew survivability in the event of a 
    passenger train accident; the inspection, testing, and maintenance of 
    passenger equipment; and the safe operation of passenger train service. 
    The proposed rule is designed to address the safety of passenger train 
    service in an environment where technology is advancing, and equipment 
    is being designed for operation at higher speeds. The rule would amend 
    existing regulations concerning special notice for repairs, safety 
    glazing, locomotive safety, safety appliances, and railroad power 
    brakes as applied to passenger equipment.
        The proposed rule does not apply to tourist and historic railroad 
    operations. However, after consulting with the excursion railroad 
    associations to determine appropriate applicability in light of 
    financial, operational, or other factors unique to such operations, FRA 
    may prescribe requirements for these operations that are different from 
    those affecting other types of passenger operations.
    DATES: (1) Written comments: Written comments must be received on or 
    before November 24, 1997. Comments received after that date will be 
    considered by FRA and the Passenger Equipment Safety Standards Working 
    Group to the extent possible without incurring substantial additional 
    expense or delay. The docket will remain open until the Working Group 
    proceedings are concluded. Requests for formal extension of the comment 
    period must be made by November 7, 1997.
        (2) Public hearing: FRA intends to hold a public hearing to allow 
    interested parties the opportunity to comment on specific issues 
    addressed in the NPRM. The date and location of the hearing will be set 
    forth in a forthcoming notice that will be published in the Federal 
    Register. Anyone who desires to make an oral statement at the hearing 
    must notify the Docket Clerk by telephone (202-632-3198), and must 
    submit three copies of the oral statement that he or she intends to 
    make at the hearing. The notification should also provide the Docket 
    Clerk with the participant's mailing address. FRA reserves the right to 
    limit participation in the hearings of persons who fail to provide such 
    notification. The date by which the Docket Clerk must be notified about 
    the oral statement and receive copies of it will be set forth in the 
    notice announcing the hearing.
    ADDRESSES: Written comments should identify the docket number and must 
    be submitted in triplicate to the Docket Clerk, Office of Chief 
    Counsel, Federal Railroad Administration, 400 Seventh Street, S.W., 
    Mail Stop 10, Washington, D.C. 20590. Persons desiring to be notified 
    that their comments have been received by FRA should submit a stamped, 
    self-addressed postcard with their comments. The Docket Clerk will 
    indicate on the postcard the date on which the comments were received 
    and will return the card to the addressee. Written comments will be 
    available for examination, both before and after the closing date for 
    written comments, during regular business hours in Room 7051 of FRA 
    headquarters at 1120 Vermont Avenue, N.W., in Washington, D.C.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Edward Pritchard, Acting Staff 
    Director, Motive Power and Equipment Division, Office of Safety 
    Assurance and Compliance, FRA, 400 Seventh Street, S.W., Mail Stop 25, 
    Washington, D.C. 20590 (telephone: 202-632-3362); Daniel Alpert, Trial 
    Attorney, Office of Chief Counsel, FRA, 400 Seventh Street, S.W., Mail 
    Stop 10, Washington, D.C. (telephone: 202-632-3186); or Thomas 
    Herrmann, Trial Attorney, Office of Chief Counsel, FRA, 400 Seventh 
    Street, S.W., Mail Stop 10, Washington, D.C. 20590 (telephone: 202-632-
        To enhance rail safety, the Secretary of Transportation convened a 
    meeting of representatives from all sectors of the rail industry in 
    September, 1994. As one of the initiatives arising from this Rail 
    Safety Summit, the Secretary announced that DOT would begin developing 
    safety standards for rail passenger equipment over a five-year period. 
    In November, 1994, Congress adopted the Secretary's schedule for 
    implementing rail passenger equipment regulations and included it in 
    the Federal Railroad Safety Authorization Act of 1994 (the Act), Pub. 
    L. No. 103-440, 108 Stat. 4619, 4623-4624 (November 2, 1994). Section 
    215 of the Act, as now codified at 49 U.S.C. 20133, requires:
        (a) MINIMUM STANDARDS.--The Secretary of Transportation shall 
    prescribe regulations establishing minimum standards for the safety 
    of cars used by railroad carriers to transport passengers. Before 
    prescribing such regulations, the Secretary shall consider--
        (1) The crashworthiness of the cars;
        (2) Interior features (including luggage restraints, seat belts, 
    and exposed surfaces) that may affect passenger safety;
        (3) Maintenance and inspection of the cars;
        (4) Emergency response procedures and equipment; and
        (5) Any operating rules and conditions that directly affect 
    safety not otherwise governed by regulations.
    The Secretary may make applicable some or all of the standards 
    established under this subsection to cars existing at the time the 
    regulations are prescribed, as well as to new cars, and the 
    Secretary shall explain in the rulemaking document the basis for 
    making such standards applicable to existing cars.
        (b) INITIAL AND FINAL REGULATIONS.--(1) The Secretary shall 
    prescribe initial regulations under subsection (a) within 3 years 
    after the date of enactment of the Federal Railroad Safety 
    Authorization Act of 1994. The initial regulations may exempt 
    equipment used by tourist, historic, scenic, and excursion railroad 
    carriers to transport passengers.
        (2) The Secretary shall prescribe final regulations under 
    subsection (a) within 5 years after such date of enactment.
        (c) PERSONNEL.--The Secretary may establish within the 
    Department of Transportation 2 additional full-time equivalent 
    positions beyond the number permitted under existing law to assist 
    with the drafting, prescribing, and implementation of regulations 
    under this section.
        (d) CONSULTATION.--In prescribing regulations, issuing orders, 
    and making amendments under this section, the Secretary may consult 
    with Amtrak, public authorities operating railroad passenger 
    service, other railroad carriers transporting passengers, 
    organizations of passengers, and organizations of employees. A 
    consultation is not subject to the Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 
    U.S.C. App.), but minutes of the consultation shall be placed in the 
    public docket of the regulatory proceeding.
    The Secretary of Transportation has delegated these rulemaking 
    responsibilities to the Federal Railroad Administrator. 49 CFR 1.49(m).
        Consistent with the intent of Congress that FRA consult with the 
    railroad industry in prescribing these regulations, FRA invited various 
    organizations to participate in a working
    [[Page 49729]]
    group to focus on the issues related to railroad passenger equipment 
    safety and assist FRA in developing Federal safety standards. The 
    Passenger Equipment Safety Standards Working Group (or the ``Working 
    Group'') first met on June 7, 1995, \1\ and continues to meet in 
    support of this rulemaking. This proposed rule was developed by FRA in 
    consultation with the Working Group, and FRA will again convene the 
    Working Group to consider comments received in response to this Notice 
    and develop the final rule. Notice of any Working Group meetings will 
    be available through the FRA Docket Clerk.
        \1\ This date was incorrectly identified as June 6, 1995, in the 
    Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (61 FR 30672, June 17, 1996).
        The Working Group has evolved since its initial meeting, and its 
    membership currently includes representatives from the following 
    American Association of Private Railroad Car Owners, Inc. (AAPRCO),
    American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials 
    American Public Transit Association (APTA),
    Association of American Railroads (AAR),
    Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers (BLE),
    Brotherhood Railway Carmen (BRC),
    Federal Transit Administration (FTA) of DOT,
    National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak),
    National Association of Railroad Passengers (NARP),
    Railway Progress Institute (RPI),
    Safe Travel America (STA),
    Transportation Workers Union of America (TWU), and
    United Transportation Union (UTU).
        The Working Group is chaired by FRA, and supported by FRA program, 
    legal, and research staff, including technical personnel from the Volpe 
    National Transportation Systems Center (Volpe Center) of the Research 
    and Special Programs Administration of DOT. FRA has included vendor 
    representatives designated by RPI as associate members of the Working 
    Group. FRA has also included the AAPRCO as an associate Working Group 
    member. The National Transportation Safety Board has designated staff 
    members to advise the Working Group.
        In developing proposed safety standards for passenger equipment 
    operating at speeds greater than 125 mph but not exceeding 150 mph, FRA 
    formed a subgroup (the ``Tier II Equipment Subgroup'') of Working Group 
    members representing interests associated with the provision of rail 
    passenger service at such high speeds. FRA invited representatives from 
    organizations including Amtrak, the BLE, BRC, RPI, and UTU to 
    participate in this effort.
        In accordance with 49 U.S.C. 20133(d), the evolving positions of 
    the Working Group members--as reflected in the minutes of the group's 
    meetings and associated documentation, together with data provided by 
    the members during their deliberations-- have been placed in the public 
    docket of this rulemaking.
        On June 17, 1996, FRA published an Advance Notice of Proposed 
    Rulemaking (ANPRM) concerning the establishment of comprehensive safety 
    standards for railroad passenger equipment (61 FR 30672). The ANPRM 
    provided background information on the need for such standards, offered 
    preliminary ideas on approaching passenger safety issues, and presented 
    questions on various topics including: system safety programs and 
    plans; passenger equipment crashworthiness; inspection, testing, and 
    maintenance requirements; training and qualification requirements for 
    mechanical personnel and train crews; excursion, tourist, and private 
    equipment; commuter equipment and operations; train make-up and 
    operating speed; tiered safety standards; fire safety; and operating 
    practices and procedures.
        FRA's commitment to developing proposed regulations through the 
    Working Group necessarily influenced the role and purpose of the ANPRM. 
    FRA specifically asked that members of the Working Group not respond 
    formally to the ANPRM. The issues and ideas presented in the ANPRM had 
    already been placed before the Working Group, and the Working Group had 
    commented on drafts of the ANPRM. As a result, FRA solicited the 
    submission of written comments that might be of assistance in 
    developing a proposed rule from interested persons not involved in the 
    Working Group's deliberations.
        FRA received 12 comments in response to the ANPRM, including a 
    request from a member of the Working Group to extend the ANPRM's 
    comment period. In addition, the United States Small Business 
    Administration (SBA) commented that the length of the comment period 
    was inadequate for the industry, especially small railways, to prepare 
    a thorough response to the ANPRM. FRA had closed the comment period on 
    July 9, 1996, so that all comments could be shared with the Working 
    Group before its meeting on July 10, 1996.
        Although FRA did not formally extend the comment period, comments 
    received after the closing date of the comment period have been shared 
    with the Working Group at subsequent meetings. Such comments have been 
    considered (and identified in this Notice) to the extent possible 
    without incurring additional delay in preparing this Notice. Moreover, 
    the Working Group is broadly representative of interests involved in 
    the provision of intercity and commuter rail service nationwide, and 
    its members had the opportunity to comment on the issues raised in the 
    ANPRM before the document's publication, as noted above.
    Need for Safety Standards
        Effective Federal safety standards for freight equipment have long 
    been in place, but equivalent Federal standards for passenger equipment 
    do not currently exist. The AAR sets industry standards for the design 
    and maintenance of freight equipment that add materially to the safe 
    operation of this equipment. Industry standards for the safety of 
    railroad passenger equipment have been in place since the early part of 
    this century, as noted by the AAPRCO in comment on the ANPRM. However, 
    over the years, the AAR has discontinued the development and 
    maintenance of passenger equipment standards.
        Passenger railroads do offer the traveling public one of the safest 
    forms of transportation available. In the five-year period 1991-1995, 
    there were 1.07 passenger fatalities for every billion miles a 
    passenger was transported by rail. However, accidents continue to 
    occur, often as a result of factors beyond the control of the passenger 
    railroad. Further, the rail passenger environment is rapidly changing. 
    Worldwide, passenger equipment operating speeds are increasing. Several 
    passenger trainsets designed to European standards have been proposed 
    for operation at high speeds in the United States. In general, these 
    trainsets do not meet the structural or operating standards that are 
    common practice for current North American equipment. FRA believes that 
    adherence to such standards by the nation's passenger railroads has in 
    large measure contributed to the high level of safety at which rail 
    passenger service is currently operated. However, these standards do 
    not have the force of regulation.
        In general, the North American railroad operating environment 
    requires passenger equipment to operate commingled with very heavy and 
    long freight trains, often over track with frequent grade crossings 
    used by heavy highway equipment. European passenger operations are 
    intermingled with freight equipment of lesser weight than in North 
    America. In many cases, highway-rail grade crossings also pose
    [[Page 49730]]
    lesser hazards to passenger trains in Europe due to lower highway 
    vehicle weight. European passenger equipment design standards may 
    therefore not be appropriate for the North American rail environment.
        FRA must become more active to ensure that passenger trains 
    continue to be designed, built, and operated with a high level of 
    safety. A clear set of Federal safety and design standards for 
    passenger equipment tailored to the nation's operating environment is 
    needed to provide for the safety of future rail operations and to 
    facilitate sound planning for those operations.
    Passenger Train Safety Hazards
        Passenger trains are exposed to a variety of safety hazards. Some 
    of these hazards are endemic to the nation's rail passenger operating 
    environment, as noted above, and result from the operation of passenger 
    trains commingled with freight trains, often over track with frequent 
    grade crossings used by heavy highway equipment.
        Collisions with a wide range of objects may occur at various speeds 
    under a number of different circumstances. In addition to freight 
    trains and highway vehicles, these objects include maintenance-of-way 
    equipment and other passenger trains. Although most of these collisions 
    occur only in the normal running direction of the train, impact into 
    the side of the train can occur, especially at the junction of rail 
    lines and at highway-rail grade crossings.
        A passenger train collision with another train concerns FRA because 
    of the potential for significant harm demonstrated in actual accidents.
         On February 16, 1996, a near-head-on collision occurred 
    between Maryland Rail Commuter Service (MARC) train 286 and Amtrak 
    train 29 on track owned by CSX Transportation, Inc., (CSXT) at Silver 
    Spring, Maryland. The MARC train was operating with a cab car (a car 
    which provides passenger seating, as well as a location from which the 
    train is operated) as the lead car in the train, followed by two 
    passenger coaches and a locomotive pushing the consist. The collision 
    separated the left front corner of the cab car from the roof to its 
    sill plate, and tore off much of the forward left side of the car body. 
    Three crewmembers and eight passengers were fatally injured, and 13 
    other occupants of the MARC train sustained injuries. (FRA Accident 
    Investigation Report (Report) B-3-96.)
         On February 9, 1996, a near-head-on collision occurred 
    between New Jersey Transit Rail Operations, Inc., trains 1254 and 1107 
    on the borderline of Secaucus and Jersey City, New Jersey. Two 
    crewmembers and one passenger were fatally injured, and 35 other people 
    sustained injuries. The passenger fatality and most of the nonfatal 
    injuries to passengers occurred on train 1254, which was operating with 
    the cab car forward, followed by four passenger coaches and a 
    locomotive pushing the consist. (FRA Report B-2-96.)
         On January 18, 1993, Northern Indiana Commuter 
    Transportation District (NICTD) trains 7 and 12 collided corner-to-
    corner in Gary, Indiana. The left front corners and adjacent car body 
    sidewall structures were destroyed on both of the lead cars in each 
    train. Seven passengers died, and 95 people sustained injuries. (NTSB/
    Railroad Accident Report (RAR)-93/03.)
        The exposure of passenger trains to hazards associated with sharing 
    common rights-of-way with freight trains has been demonstrated in 
    recent accidents, and a past disastrous accident.
         On February 15, 1995, an Amtrak train traveling at 58 mph 
    struck a shifted load of steel ``I'' beams extending from a Union 
    Pacific Railroad Company freight train stopped in a siding at Borah, 
    Idaho. The Amtrak train's six passenger coaches were raked with a steel 
    beam which penetrated the outer layer of the car bodies at various 
    points. Although no passengers were injured, the Amtrak train's two 
    locomotives were significantly damaged, and two crewmembers were 
    injured. (FRA Report C-14-95.)
         On May 16, 1994, an Amtrak train derailed after striking 
    an intermodal trailer which had fallen or was falling from a CSXT 
    freight train travelling northbound on an adjacent track at Selma, 
    North Carolina. The lead locomotive of the Amtrak train rolled over, 
    and the assistant engineer was killed. The engineer sustained serious 
    injuries, and 120 other occupants of the Amtrak train reported 
    injuries. (NTSB/RAR-95/02.)
         On January 4, 1987, an Amtrak train collided with the rear 
    of a Consolidated Rail Corporation (Conrail) train near Chase, 
    Maryland, when it unexpectedly entered the track ahead of the Amtrak 
    train, which had been travelling between 120 and 125 mph only a few 
    seconds earlier. The Amtrak train's two locomotives and three front 
    passenger cars were destroyed in the collision. The engineer and 15 
    passengers aboard the Amtrak train were fatally injured, and 174 other 
    persons aboard the train were injured. (NTSB/RAR-88/01.)
        The exposure of passenger trains to hazards associated with 
    operating over frequent highway-rail grade crossings, used by heavy 
    highway vehicles, has also been demonstrated in numerous accidents.
         On January 16, 1996, a Massachusetts Bay Transportation 
    Authority (MBTA) train being operated by Amtrak struck a loaded 
    tractor-trailer which had become lodged in a grade crossing in 
    Wakefield, Massachusetts. Twenty-two passengers were taken to hospitals 
    by ambulance or air. (FRA Report C-4-96.)
         On October 3, 1995, a Metro-North Commuter Railroad 
    Company (Metro-North) train with a cab car in the lead struck a loaded 
    tractor-trailer which had become lodged in a grade crossing near 
    Milford, Connecticut. Two crewmembers and 24 passengers were injured. 
    (FRA Report C-60-95.)
         On September 21, 1995, an Amtrak train traveling at 81 mph 
    struck a loaded tractor-trailer at a highway-rail grade crossing near 
    Indiantown, Florida. The assistant engineer was killed, and five other 
    persons onboard the train were injured. (FRA Report C-56-95.)
         On November 30, 1993, an Amtrak train derailed after 
    striking an 82-ton turbine being transported by a 184-foot long vehicle 
    which was fouling a grade crossing near Intercession City, Florida. 
    Fifty-eight of the train's passengers and crewmembers were injured. 
    (NTSB Highway Accident Report 95/01.)
        In addition to collisions involving passenger trains striking 
    highway vehicles, highway vehicles may also strike passenger trains. 
    According to FRA's Rail-Highway Grade Crossing Accident/Incident 
    database, 13.8% of all highway-rail grade crossing collisions involving 
    passenger trains from 1986 through 1995 occurred when the highway 
    vehicle struck the passenger train. This accounts for 388 such 
    occurrences out of 2,820 highway-rail grade crossing collisions 
    involving passenger trains in this period. In commenting on the ANPRM, 
    the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) had asked 
    that FRA clarify the statement that 25 percent of all highway-rail 
    grade crossing accidents involve a highway vehicle striking the side of 
    a train. See 61 FR 30692. Though this higher figure does include 
    accidents involving both freight and passenger trains, the potential 
    for a highway vehicle to strike a passenger train is real.
        The WSDOT also requested that FRA document how many ``heavy'' 
    highway vehicles were involved in highway-rail grade crossing accidents 
    in which highway vehicles struck passenger trains. Over the same ten-
    year period from 1986 through 1995, 52 of the 388 occurrences in which 
    a highway vehicle
    [[Page 49731]]
    struck a passenger train involved a heavy highway vehicle. For purposes 
    of this analysis, FRA considered the number of heavy highway vehicles 
    which struck passenger trains to consist of all those vehicles 
    identified as a ``Truck-Trailer'' (12) and one-half the number of those 
    vehicles identified as a ``Truck'' (79), as specified according to Form 
    FRA F 6180.57--Rail-Highway Grade Crossing Accident/Incident Report.
        Passenger trains are also vulnerable to accidents caused by 
    defective railroad track structure and vehicle interaction with the 
    rail structure.
         On August 3, 1994, an Amtrak train derailed while 
    travelling at approximately 79 mph on Conrail trackage near Batavia, 
    New York, because of the dynamic interaction between a material 
    handling car and a flattened rail head. Five of the derailed passenger 
    cars descended a railroad embankment and came to rest on their sides. 
    One-hundred-and-eight passengers and ten crewmembers were injured. 
         On July 31, 1991, an Amtrak train derailed while 
    travelling at 80 mph over CSXT trackage in Lugoff, South Carolina, when 
    a switch point leading to a parallel auxiliary track unexpectedly 
    opened under the Amtrak train. The derailed passenger cars collided 
    with the first of nine hopper cars stored on the auxiliary track. The 
    collision caused the wheel set from the first hopper car to penetrate 
    the last passenger car. Eight passengers were fatally injured, and 12 
    passengers sustained serious injuries. (NTSB/RAR-93/02.)
        Moreover, passenger trains are vulnerable to accidents caused by 
    vandalism and sabotage.
         On October 9, 1995, an Amtrak train derailed near Hyder, 
    Arizona, while operating at 50 mph on Southern Pacific Transportation 
    Company trackage because the railroad track structure had been 
    sabotaged. The derailment killed an Amtrak employee who occupied a 
    passenger car which had rolled over onto its side. Seventy-eight 
    passengers were also injured. (FRA Report C-62-95.)
         On May 21, 1993, an Amtrak train traveling at 
    approximately 45 mph derailed after striking two pieces of steel pipe 
    which had been lodged between the rails of a turnout near Opa-Locka, 
    Florida. Six of the train's passengers and crewmembers were injured. 
    (FRA Report C-34-93.)
         On August 12, 1992, an Amtrak train traveling at 79 mph 
    derailed at Newport News, VA, after being unexpectedly diverted into a 
    railroad siding because of a vandalized track switch. Seventy of the 
    train's passengers and crewmembers were injured. (FRA Report C-52-92.)
        Regardless of the cause of an accident, the occupants of a 
    passenger train may risk harm caused by the crushing of the occupant 
    compartment, in which the occupants themselves are crushed, and local 
    penetration into the occupant compartment, where an object intrudes 
    into the occupant compartment and directly strikes an occupant, as 
    demonstrated in the Amtrak accident in Lugoff, South Carolina. 
    Passenger train occupants are also vulnerable to harm from collisions 
    within the train's interior, including loose objects inside the train, 
    such as baggage. For example, the NTSB determined that at least two 
    passengers in a lounge car were injured when they were struck by 
    displaced pedestal seats as a result of the Intercession City, Florida, 
    grade crossing collision on November 30, 1993. The seat columns on four 
    pedestal seats had separated from their floor attachments, allowing 
    them to be projected forward.
        A variety of threats to passengers are also posed by fire, broken 
    glazing, electrical shock, and submergence. These dangers may arise 
    following a train derailment or collision, with potentially 
    catastrophic results.
         On September 22, 1993, an accident occurred when an Amtrak 
    train travelling at approximately 72 mph derailed after striking a 
    girder that had been displaced when a towboat, pushing six barges, 
    struck a railroad bridge near Mobile, Alabama. The train's three 
    locomotives, the baggage and dormitory cars, and two of its six 
    passenger cars fell into the water. Forty-two passengers and five 
    crewmembers were killed. All passengers died from asphyxia due to 
    drowning, and the train's three locomotive engineers died from asphyxia 
    and blunt force trauma while inside the lead locomotive that became 
    filled with mud. Two other employees died from smoke inhalation inside 
    the dormitory coach car which had caught on fire. (NTSB Railroad-Marine 
    Accident Report 94/01.)
        Further, in the 1996 Silver Spring, Maryland, train collision 
    between the MARC and Amtrak trains, fire erupted after the fuel tank of 
    one of the Amtrak locomotives was breached. Fuel oil spilled into the 
    MARC train's cab car through the openings in the torn car body. The 
    forward section of the cab car was incinerated.
        Some dangers to passenger train occupants, such as fire and smoke, 
    may also arise independently without being associated with a train 
    collision or derailment.
         On June 23, 1982, a fire started onboard an Amtrak 
    passenger train in a sleeping car travelling en route to Los Angeles, 
    California. As a result of the fire and smoke, two passengers died, two 
    passengers were seriously injured, and 59 other occupants of the train 
    were treated for smoke inhalation. (NTSB/RAR-83/03.)
    Development of Passenger Train Safety Program
        This rulemaking is part of several related and complementary 
    efforts by FRA that will contribute to rail passenger safety. FRA has 
    proposed regulations governing emergency preparedness and emergency 
    response procedures for rail passenger service in a separate rulemaking 
    proceeding, designated as FRA No. PTEP-1. See 62 FR 8330, Feb. 24, 
    1997. In addition, FRA has formed a separate working group (the 
    Passenger Train Emergency Preparedness Working Group) to assist FRA in 
    the development of such regulations. This related proceeding is also 
    addressing some of the issues FRA identified in the ANPRM on passenger 
    equipment safety. Persons wishing to receive more information regarding 
    this other rulemaking should contact Mr. Edward R. English, Director, 
    Office of Safety Assurance and Compliance, FRA, 400 Seventh Street, 
    S.W., Washington, D.C. 20590 (telephone number: 202-632-3349), or David 
    H. Kasminoff, Esq., Trial Attorney, Office of Chief Counsel, FRA, 400 
    Seventh Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20590 (telephone: 202-632-3191).
        Further, in response to the New Jersey Transit and MARC train 
    accidents in early 1996, FRA issued Emergency Order No. 20 (Notice No. 
    1) on February 20, 1996, requiring prompt action to immediately enhance 
    passenger train operating rules and emergency egress and to develop an 
    interim system safety plan addressing the safety of operations that 
    permit passengers to occupy the leading car in a train. 61 FR 6876, 
    Feb. 22, 1996. Both the New Jersey Transit and MARC train accidents 
    involved operations where a cab car occupied the lead position in a 
    passenger train. The Emergency Order explained that in collisions 
    involving the front of a passenger train, operating with a cab car in 
    the forward position or a multiple unit (MU) locomotive, i.e., a self-
    propelled locomotive with passenger seating, presents an increased risk 
    of severe personal injury or death as compared with locomotive-hauled 
    service when the locomotive occupies the lead position in the train and 
    thereby acts as a buffer for the trailing passenger cars. This risk is 
    of particular
    [[Page 49732]]
    concern where operations are conducted at relatively higher speeds, 
    where there is a mix of various types of trains, and where there are 
    numerous highway-rail crossings over which large motor vehicles are 
    operated. Accordingly, the Emergency Order required in particular that 
    ``railroads operating scheduled intercity or commuter rail service * * 
    * conduct an analysis of their operations and file with FRA an interim 
    safety plan indicating the manner in which risk of a collision 
    involving a cab car is addressed.'' 61 FR 6879.
        The Emergency Order also noted that there is a need to ensure that 
    emergency exits are clearly marked and in operable condition on all 
    passenger lines, regardless of the equipment or train control system 
    used. Although FRA Safety Glazing Standards, 49 CFR Part 223, require 
    that passenger cars have a minimum of four emergency window exits 
    ``designed to permit rapid and easy removal during a crisis 
    situation,'' the Silver Spring accident raised concerns that at least 
    some of the occupants of the MARC train attempted unsuccessfully to 
    exit through the windows. The Emergency Order requires ``that any 
    emergency windows that are not already legibly marked as such on the 
    inside and outside be so marked, and that a representative sample of 
    all such windows be examined to ensure operability.'' 61 FR 6880. On 
    February 29, 1996, FRA issued Notice No. 2 to Emergency Order No. 20 to 
    refine three aspects of the original order, including providing more 
    detailed guidance on the emergency egress sampling provision. 61 FR 
    8703, Mar. 5, 1996.
        In addition, FRA submitted a report to Congress on locomotive 
    crashworthiness and working conditions on September 18, 1996, and 
    subsequently referred the issues raised in the report to the Railroad 
    Safety Advisory Committee (RSAC). FRA established RSAC in March of 
    1996, to provide FRA with advice and recommendations on railroad safety 
    matters. See 61 FR 9740, Mar. 11, 1996. RSAC consists of 48 individual 
    representatives, drawn from 27 organizations representing various rail 
    industry perspectives, and two associate nonvoting representatives from 
    the agencies with railroad safety regulatory responsibility in Canada 
    and Mexico. RSAC will make recommendations as to the best way to 
    address the findings of the report to Congress, including voluntary 
    initiatives, and regulatory standards where appropriate. As a result, 
    FRA may initiate a separate rulemaking proposing equipment safety 
    requirements for both conventional freight and passenger locomotives.
        In the context of improving railroad communications, RSAC has 
    established a working group to specifically address communication 
    facilities and procedures, with a strong emphasis on passenger train 
    emergency requirements. FRA expects that group will report 
    recommendations to RSAC early in 1997. FRA anticipates that those 
    recommendations will address the issue of whether there should be 
    redundant communications capability on all passenger trains.
    Scope of the Proposed Rule
        Through this Notice, FRA proposes to establish a comprehensive set 
    of necessary safety regulations for railroad passenger equipment. These 
    safety standards will improve the safety of rail passenger service.
        In commenting on the ANPRM, the General Railway Signal Corporation 
    (GRS) expressed concern that FRA has focused on equipment 
    crashworthiness without sufficiently addressing crash avoidance. GRS 
    noted that the underlying systems which can provide crash avoidance and 
    the related systems safety elements involving a vitally integrated 
    crash avoidance control system include much more than the elements 
    onboard a train.
        As explained in the ANPRM (61 FR 30683), and as is evident in 
    Emergency Order No. 20, FRA recognizes that rail passenger safety does 
    involve the safety of the railroad system as a whole, including the 
    track structure, signal and train control systems, operating 
    procedures, and station- and platform-to-train interface design--in 
    addition to passenger equipment safety. To that end, FRA has active 
    rulemaking and research projects in a variety of contexts that address 
    non-equipment aspects of passenger railroad safety, including signal 
    and train control systems. Nevertheless, this proposed rule is designed 
    to address the specific statutory mandate that minimum safety standards 
    be prescribed for the safety of cars used to transport railroad 
    passengers. Signal and train control systems are not the focus of this 
        FRA received comments from the SBA and on behalf of the Minnesota 
    Transportation Museum, Inc., about this rulemaking's effect on tourist, 
    scenic, historic, and excursion railroads. The proposed rule does not 
    apply to these railroads. Instead, the proposed rule applies to 
    railroads that provide intercity passenger and commuter service. A 
    joint FRA/industry working group formed under RSAC is currently 
    developing recommendations regarding the applicability of FRA 
    regulations, including this one, to tourist, scenic, historic, and 
    excursion railroads. After appropriate consultation with the excursion 
    railroad associations takes place, passenger equipment safety 
    requirements for these operations may be proposed by FRA that are 
    different from those affecting other types of passenger train 
    operations. Any such requirements proposed by FRA will be part of a 
    separate rulemaking proceeding.
        The proposed regulations are principally designed to apply to two 
    groups of equipment. The first group is identified as Tier I equipment 
    and consists of railroad passenger equipment operated at speeds not 
    exceeding 125 mph. The second group is identified as Tier II equipment 
    and consists of railroad passenger equipment operated at speeds greater 
    than 125 mph but not exceeding 150 mph. FRA is not proposing a rule of 
    general applicability for railroad passenger equipment operated at 
    speeds exceeding 150 mph. FRA believes that the safety of such 
    passenger equipment must be addressed in a rule of a particular 
    applicability for an individual railroad.
        The speed break points between Tier I and Tier II equipment have 
    been chosen because most of the nation's intercity passenger and 
    commuter rail equipment has demonstrated an ability to operate safely 
    at speeds up to 125 mph. Nevertheless, FRA recognizes that most of this 
    same equipment is currently operated only at speeds of 110 mph or less. 
    As a result, the proposed rule contains particular suspension system 
    safety requirements for passenger equipment operating at speeds above 
    110 mph but not exceeding 125 mph, near the transition range from Tier 
    I to Tier II requirements.
        Pursuant to 49 U.S.C. 20133(a), FRA may apply some or all of the 
    proposed standards to passenger cars existing at the time the 
    regulations are published, as well as to new cars, but FRA must explain 
    the basis for applying any such standards to existing cars. FRA 
    believes that passenger railroad equipment operating in permanent 
    service in the United States has established a good safety record, 
    proving its compatibility with the operating environment. Moreover, FRA 
    seeks to maximize the benefits resulting from the passenger railroad 
    industry's investment in any safety requirements which FRA may impose 
    through this rule. Accordingly, to be cost effective, most of the 
    proposed requirements would apply only to new or rebuilt equipment.
    [[Page 49733]]
    However, certain features routinely incorporated in existing designs 
    would be required at an earlier date than the more innovative features 
    proposed by this rule. Further, where appropriate, rebuilt equipment 
    would be required to comply with specific requirements.
        FRA intends that the rules proposed in this NPRM lead to the 
    issuance of initial passenger equipment safety regulations, which are 
    required by statute to be issued by November 2, 1997. See 49 U.S.C. 
    20133(b)(1). FRA will propose additional rules for passenger equipment 
    in a second NPRM principally when the results of further research are 
    available. FRA intends that the second NPRM lead to the issuance of 
    final regulations by November 2, 1999, thereby completing the 
    rulemaking within the five-year period required by law. See 49 U.S.C. 
    20133(b)(2). To that end, FRA convened a meeting of the Working Group 
    on December 10-11, 1996, at the Volpe Center in Cambridge, 
    Massachusetts, to determine and set priorities for the research 
    necessary to address unresolved safety issues identified in prior 
    Working Group meetings. Moreover, FRA hopes that the establishment of 
    final regulations in 1999 will be furthered by APTA's own initiative to 
    develop and maintain recommended industry standards for rail passenger 
    equipment. APTA's effort is being carried out through the Passenger 
    Rail Equipment Safety Standards (PRESS) Task Force, and APTA has 
    invited FRA, FTA, the NTSB, equipment manufacturers, engineering and 
    consulting firms, rail labor, and others with an interest in rail 
    passenger equipment to work with it in developing and effectuating the 
    recommended standards. This represents a substantial and continuing 
    investment by member commuter authorities in the safety of rail 
    passenger service.
    System Safety
        FRA believes that passenger railroads should carefully evaluate 
    their operations with a view toward enhancing the safety of those 
    operations. The importance of formal safety planning has been 
    recognized in Emergency Order No. 20 and the proposed rule on passenger 
    train emergency preparedness. As noted, Emergency Order No. 20, Notice 
    No. 1, required that ``railroads operating scheduled intercity or 
    commuter rail service . . . conduct an analysis of their operations and 
    file with FRA an interim safety plan indicating the manner in which 
    risk of a collision involving a cab car is addressed.'' 61 FR 6879.
        In a letter to FRA dated June 24, 1996, Mr. Donald N. Nelson, 
    President of Metro-North and Chairperson of APTA's Commuter Railroad 
    Committee, announced that commuter railroads are committed to seeking 
    additional opportunities to ensure the safety of their operations 
    beyond efforts such as those made to comply with the interim system 
    safety plan requirements of Emergency Order No. 20. Mr. Nelson 
    explained in particular that commuter railroads will examine and ensure 
    the safety of their operations by adopting a comprehensive system 
    safety plan that:
        (a) Defines the overall safety effort, how it is to be implemented 
    and the staff required to maintain it;
        (b) Establishes the safety interface within the railroad, as well 
    as with its key outside agencies;
        (c) Clearly indicates Senior Management support for implementing 
    the safety plan and the railroad's overall commitment to safety;
        (d) Establishes the safety philosophy of the organization and 
    provides the means for implementation;
        (e) Defines the authority and responsibilities of the safety 
    organization and delineates the safety related authority and 
    responsibilities of other departments; and
        (f) Incorporates safety goals and objectives into the overall 
    corporate strategic plan.
    (APTA's Commuter Railroad Committee letter at pages 1 and 2.) Further, 
    the system safety plan is intended to be updated through periodic 
    safety reviews of all operations.
        In a letter to FRA dated October 21, 1996, Mr. Donald N. Nelson 
    submitted for FRA's review APTA's ``Manual for the Development of a 
    System Safety Plan for Commuter Railroads'' (APTA Manual). The APTA 
    Manual is intended to assist commuter railroads in adopting a 
    comprehensive system safety plan by September 1, 1997. In addition, 
    Amtrak recently began a corporate system safety program initiative to 
    make system safety formally an integral part of Amtrak's operations. 
    The value of the system safety process is rapidly being recognized and 
    accepted by the passenger railroad industry.
        The System Safety Society (the ``Society''), which provided 
    detailed comments in response to the ANPRM, observed that the use of 
    the systems approach to safety is very actively followed in many other 
    industries. The Society noted that the implementation of system safety 
    plans has been observed to improve safety by reducing accidents and 
    incidents. Further, the Society explained that safety plans are usually 
    updated annually to maintain their utility because of technological 
    improvements and other changed circumstances, including changes in the 
    operating environment, rules and regulations.
        The proposed rule contains system safety requirements to be applied 
    to all intercity passenger and commuter rail equipment. Although FRA 
    initially considered addressing system safety requirements for Tier I 
    and Tier II equipment separately, FRA decided to propose system safety 
    requirements which can be applied generally to all types of passenger 
    equipment. Each individual railroad would be required to develop a 
    system safety plan and a system safety program tailored to its specific 
    operation, including train speed. The plan required by this part would 
    be developed as part of a comprehensive system safety process to which 
    commuter railroads are already committed.
        Through the system safety process, each railroad would be required 
    to identify, evaluate, and seek to eliminate or reduce the hazards 
    associated with the use of passenger equipment over the railroad 
    system. In particular, the proposed rule would require that each 
    intercity passenger and commuter railroad prepare a system safety plan 
    addressing, at a minimum:
         Fire protection;
         Software safety;
         Equipment inspection, testing, and maintenance;
         Employee training and qualifications; and
         Pre-revenue service acceptance testing of equipment.
    However, because FRA is also proposing a comprehensive set of 
    mandatory, equipment safety standards in this rule, FRA is generally 
    not proposing to enforce every element of a railroad's system safety 
    plan. The section-by-section analysis identifies those portions of the 
    system safety plan that will be enforced by FRA. Commenters are 
    requested to address whether FRA should mandate the contents of system 
    safety plans, whether the areas identified by FRA are appropriate, 
    whether additional areas should be added, and whether FRA should 
    enforce other portions of the system safety plans and, if so, which 
    portions. Should the proposed rule require that system safety plans be 
    comprehensive and address the entire railroad system in which the 
    equipment operates? Should the emergency preparedness planning 
    requirements contained in proposed 49 CFR part 239 (See the Passenger 
    Train Emergency Preparedness rulemaking,
    [[Page 49734]]
    designated as FRA No. PTEP-1 (62 FR 8330, Feb. 24, 1997)) be expressly 
    integrated with the system safety planning requirements contained in 
    this proposed part (49 CFR part 238)?
        APTA, citing to the fact that the commuter railroads have 
    voluntarily agreed to adopt system safety plans, has objected to FRA 
    issuing any regulations governing such plans. Commenters are requested 
    to address APTA's suggestion that the commuter railroads be allowed to 
    regulate themselves in this area. FRA understands that APTA's system 
    safety approach will be more comprehensive than what FRA is proposing 
    and address each commuter railroad's system more as an integrated 
    whole, not focused principally on rail equipment. FRA will carefully 
    consider the comments received in deciding what approach to take in the 
    final rule with respect to system safety plans.
        Passenger railroads should seek to employ all means necessary to 
    reduce the risks associated with the use of passenger equipment over 
    their systems such as by improving the crashworthiness of their 
    equipment or by imposing operational limitations on its use. Further, 
    because many passenger railroads operate at least in part as a tenant 
    on the right-of-way of another railroad and may not in themselves be 
    able to control some of the major system hazards, as demonstrated when 
    an intermodal trailer from a CSXT freight train struck an Amtrak train 
    operating on an adjacent track in Selma, North Carolina, all railroads 
    are encouraged to exploit ways to reduce the risks associated with rail 
    travel to their employees, passengers, and the general public.
    Emergency Egress and Access
        During the NTSB's investigation of the February 16, 1996, collision 
    between the MARC and Amtrak trains in Silver Spring, Maryland, that 
    agency identified unsafe conditions on MARC's rail cars that had been 
    manufactured by Sumitomo. Concerned that the unsafe conditions 
    identified on these rail cars may exist on other commuter lines subject 
    to FRA oversight, on March 12, 1996, the NTSB recommended that FRA:
        Inspect all commuter rail equipment to determine whether it has: 
    (1) easily accessible interior emergency quick-release mechanisms 
    adjacent to exterior passageway doors; (2) removable windows or kick 
    panels in interior and exterior passageway doors; and (3) 
    prominently displayed retroreflective signage marking all interior 
    and exterior emergency exits. If any commuter equipment lacks one or 
    more or these features, take appropriate emergency measures to 
    ensure corrective action until these measures are incorporated into 
    minimum passenger car safety standards. (Class I, Urgent Action) (R-
    (In a letter to FRA dated June 24, 1996, the NTSB announced that it has 
    added ``Safety of Passengers in Railroad Passenger Cars'' to its list 
    of ``Most Wanted'' transportation safety improvements.)
        In the discussion accompanying the safety recommendation, the NTSB 
    expressed concern that emergency quick-release mechanisms for the 
    exterior side doors on MARC's Sumitomo rail cars are located in a 
    secured cabinet some distance from the doors that they control, and the 
    emergency controls for each door are not readily accessible and 
    identifiable. Each cabinet door was secured by two fasteners, requiring 
    a screwdriver or coin to open. The NTSB believes that the emergency 
    quick-release mechanisms for exterior doors on MARC rail cars should be 
    well marked and relocated, so that they are immediately adjacent to the 
    door which they control and readily accessible for emergency escape.
    Access to Emergency Door-Release for Power-0perated Doors
        In response to the NTSB's recommendation, FRA inspected a total of 
    1,250 pieces of equipment in use on 16 commuter organizations. In 
    addition to MARC rail cars, FRA found that some commuter railroads 
    operate cars with power doors equipped with emergency door-release 
    levers located inside cabinets requiring special tools to enter. In 
    large part, these railroads have committed to the voluntary elimination 
    of latches requiring tools or other implements to access the emergency-
    release levers on power-operated doors.
        FRA convened a joint meeting of the Passenger Equipment Safety 
    Standards Working Group and the Passenger Train Emergency Preparedness 
    Working Group on March 26, 1996, to discuss the NTSB's recommendations 
    and incorporate the Safety Board's findings, as appropriate, into each 
    working group's rulemaking. In accordance with the consensus of the 
    working groups, FRA is proposing in Secs. 238.237 and 238.441 of the 
    rule that train passengers and crewmembers be able to access door-
    release mechanisms without the use of any tool or other implement.
    Relocation of Emergency Door-Release
        NTSB advisors to the Working Group clarified that the 
    recommendation to relocate emergency door-release mechanisms refers to 
    exterior side doors located in end vestibules partitioned from the 
    passenger compartment of the rail vehicle. If emergency door-release 
    mechanisms are located inside the passenger compartments of such 
    vehicles, exiting the vehicles in an emergency through side doors in 
    the vestibules may be complicated as passengers try to locate the 
    mechanisms and move between the vestibule and passenger compartment 
        In response to the NTSB's safety recommendation, passenger 
    railroads that operate rail equipment with end vestibules have agreed 
    to relocate emergency door-release mechanisms so that they are located 
    adjacent to the doors which they control. However, agreement could not 
    be reached on a time-table for retrofitting existing equipment. APTA 
    has proposed that the retrofit be required on all such passenger 
    equipment when it is overhauled in the course of each railroad's 
    equipment overhaul cycle. APTA anticipates that under this process 
    retrofitting the entire fleet of affected equipment will be 
    accomplished within 10 to 15 years.
        FRA believes that the retrofit must be accomplished sooner to 
    ensure the safety of passenger train occupants. Consequently, FRA is 
    proposing in Sec. 238.237 that for equipment operated at speeds not 
    exceeding 125 mph (Tier I equipment), within two years of the effective 
    date of the final rule each powered, exterior side door in a vestibule 
    that is partitioned from the passenger compartment of a passenger car 
    be equipped with a manual override that is: (1) capable of opening the 
    door without power from inside the car; (2) located adjacent to the 
    door which it controls; and (3) designed and maintained so that a 
    person may access the override device from inside the car without 
    requiring the use of any tool or other implement.
        FRA expects that railroads will expedite this retrofit program and 
    believes that this retrofit can be completed well in advance of the 2-
    year deadline. APTA maintains that the supply industry cannot provide 
    the necessary materials to complete the retrofit in such time without 
    unreasonable increases in costs, and believes that a 3 to 5 year time 
    frame is needed. (Commenters are requested to address whether a shorter 
    or longer time period should be established and, if so, provide the 
    rationale for the time period that the commenter recommends. Railroads 
    are requested to identify the number of cars that are not yet 
    retrofitted.) Further, before any equipment may be introduced for 
    service at speeds exceeding 125 mph but not exceeding 150 mph (Tier II
    [[Page 49735]]
    equipment), FRA is proposing in Sec. 238.441 that each powered, 
    exterior side door on a passenger car be equipped with a manual 
    override meeting the above and additional requirements.
        FRA believes that the cost of meeting the retrofit requirement will 
    be $3.7 million dollars, and recognizes that it is not clear whether 
    the occupants of the MARC train in the Silver Spring, Maryland, 
    accident could have opened the vestibule exterior side doors after the 
    collision, assuming that the emergency-release had been employed. The 
    NTSB did note that the left and right rear exterior side doors of the 
    first car and the front interior end door and the right front exterior 
    door of the second car on the MARC train were jammed. However, FRA 
    believes it must institute the retrofit requirement to decrease the 
    risk that passengers cannot rapidly exit a train in a life-threatening 
        FRA recognizes that passenger railroads have located door-release 
    mechanisms away from the doors which they control to discourage 
    passengers from exiting trains in non-emergency situations. When no 
    emergency is present, passengers exiting trains along the railroad 
    right-of-way unnecessarily risk exposure to oncoming trains, electrical 
    hazards, and other dangerous conditions. In consequence, the proposed 
    rule permits railroads to protect emergency door-release mechanisms 
    from casual or inadvertent use with a cover or a screen. However, the 
    cover or screen must be capable of removal by a 5th-percentile female 
    without the use of any tool or other implement. If the method of 
    removing the protective cover or screen entails breaking or shattering 
    it, the cover or screen shall be scored, perforated, or otherwise 
    weakened so that a 5th-percentile female can penetrate the cover or 
    screen with a single blow of her fist without injury to her hand.
    Additional Egress Issues
        The NTSB noted that none of the car doors on the MARC train 
    involved in the Silver Spring, Maryland, accident had removable windows 
    or pop-out emergency escape panels (``kick panels'') for use in an 
    emergency. In addition, the NTSB stated that several train passengers 
    were unaware of the locations of emergency exits, and none knew how to 
    operate them. The NTSB found that the interior emergency window decals 
    were not prominently displayed and that one car had no interior 
    emergency window decals. Also, the exterior emergency decals were often 
    faded or obliterated, and the information on them, when legible, 
    directed emergency responders to another sign at the end of the car for 
    instructions on how to open emergency exits.
        Through the issuance of Emergency Order No. 20, FRA has addressed 
    on an interim basis the inspection of required emergency exits, and 
    emergency exit signage and marking. Further, FRA is proposing 
    requirements concerning the marking of emergency exits, as well as 
    instructions for their use, in the related rulemaking on passenger 
    train emergency preparedness. FRA shares the NTSB's concern about 
    passenger egress in an emergency; however, FRA believes that the NTSB's 
    suggestion to install kick panels is best limited to interior doors to 
    ensure passage through a train in an emergency--and not applied to 
    exterior doors.
        To the best of FRA's knowledge, the concept of kick panels has not 
    been utilized in North American rail equipment. Installing kick panels 
    below the window levels in exterior doors was evaluated by FRA, with 
    concurrence from the joint working groups, as unacceptable for safety 
    reasons. Because passenger railroads have encountered recurring 
    situations in which passengers have inappropriately exited moving 
    trains, leading to death or serious injury, introducing kick panels in 
    exterior doors would create an unacceptable risk of inadvertent use, 
    particularly by children. Penetration of occupied areas by objects from 
    the outside is also a potential concern.
        Use of kick panels to open passageways through a train has merit. 
    If panels can be made sufficiently large without decreasing the 
    functionality of doors in normal operation, such a feature may 
    facilitate evacuation through the length of the train if exterior side 
    doors are jammed. Evacuation throughout the length of the train is 
    often the safest route of egress in situations such as fires, 
    derailments in multiple track territory, and incidents in third-rail 
    powered commuter service. Accordingly, FRA is proposing in Sec. 238.441 
    of the rule that Tier II passenger car end doors be equipped with a 
    kick-out panel, pop-out window or other similar means of egress in the 
    event the doors will not open.
        Unlike a Tier II passenger train which should operate as a fixed 
    unit, the interchangeable use of some cab cars and MU locomotives as 
    leading and trailing units on a Tier I passenger train will complicate 
    analyzing the efficacy of installing such panels on Tier I equipment. 
    It would be unacceptable to have a removable panel at the point of a 
    train where objects or fluids might enter the vehicle as a result of a 
    highway-rail grade crossing accident or other collision. As a result, 
    FRA will further examine the concerns involving the use of kick panels 
    on Tier I equipment in the second phase of this rulemaking.
        Additional emergency egress and access topics addressed in this 
    proposed rule are discussed below in the Emergency Systems section of 
    this preamble. Emergency egress and access topics are also addressed in 
    the related rulemaking on passenger train emergency preparedness. See 
    62 FR 8330, Feb. 24, 1997.
    Power Brake Inspection and Testing
        In 1992, Congress amended the Federal rail safety laws by adding 
    certain statutory mandates related to power brake safety. These 
    amendments specifically address the revision of the power brake 
    regulations and state in pertinent part:
        (r) POWER BRAKE SAFETY.--(1) The Secretary shall conduct a 
    review of the Department of Transportation's rules with respect to 
    railroad power brakes, and not later than December 31, 1993, shall 
    revise such rules based on such safety data as may be presented 
    during that review.
    * * * * *
    Pub. L. No. 102-365, Sec. 7; codified at 49 U.S.C. 20141, superseding 
    45 U.S.C. 431(r).
        In response to the statutory mandate, various recommendations to 
    improve power brake safety, and due to its own determination that the 
    power brake regulations were in need of revision, FRA published an 
    ANPRM on December 31, 1992, concerning railroad power brake safety. See 
    57 FR 62546. The ANPRM provided background information and presented 
    questions on various subjects related to intercity passenger and 
    commuter train operations, including: training of testing and 
    inspection personnel; electronic braking systems; cleaning, oiling, 
    testing, and stenciling (COT&S) requirements; performance of brake 
    inspections; and high speed passenger train brakes. Following 
    publication of the ANPRM, FRA conducted a series of public workshops. 
    The ANPRM and the public workshops were intended as fact-finding tools 
    to elicit views of those persons outside FRA charged with ensuring 
    compliance with the power brake regulations on a day-to-day basis.
        Furthermore, on July 26, 1993, the NTSB made the following 
    recommendation to FRA: ``Amend the power brake regulations, 49 Code of 
    Federal Regulations 232.12, to provide appropriate guidelines for 
    inspecting brake equipment on modern passenger
    [[Page 49736]]
    cars.'' (R-93-16). The recommendation arose out of the NTSB's 
    investigation of the December 17, 1991, derailment of an Amtrak 
    passenger train in Palatka, Florida. The derailed equipment struck two 
    homes and blocked a street north of the Palatka station. The derailment 
    resulted in eleven passengers sustaining serious injuries and 41 others 
    receiving minor injuries. In addition, five members of the operating 
    crew and four onboard service personnel received minor injuries. By 
    letter dated September 16, 1993, FRA told the NTSB that it was in the 
    process of reviewing and rewriting the power brake regulations and 
    would consider the NTSB's recommendation during the process.
        Based on comments and information received, FRA published an NPRM 
    in 1994 regarding revision of the power brake regulations which 
    contained specific requirements related to intercity passenger and 
    commuter train operations. These specific requirements included: 
    general design requirements; movement of defective equipment; employee 
    qualifications; inspection and testing requirements; single car testing 
    requirements and periodic maintenance; operating requirements; and 
    requirements for the introduction of new train brake system technology. 
    See 59 FR 47722-47753, September, 16, 1994.
        Following publication of the 1994 NPRM (59 FR 47676), FRA held a 
    series of public hearings in 1994 to allow interested parties the 
    opportunity to comment on specific issues addressed in the 1994 NPRM. 
    Public hearings were held in Chicago, Illinois, on November 1-2; in 
    Newark, New Jersey, on November 4; in Sacramento, California, on 
    November 9; and in Washington, D.C. on December 13-14, 1994. These 
    hearings were attended by numerous railroads; organizations 
    representing railroads; labor organizations; rail shippers; and State 
    governmental agencies. Due to the strong objections raised by a large 
    number of commenters, FRA announced by notice published on January 17, 
    1995, that it would defer action on the 1994 NPRM and permit the 
    submission of additional comments prior to making a determination as to 
    how it would proceed in this matter. See 60 FR 3375.
        Based on these considerations and after review of all the comments 
    submitted, FRA determined that in order to limit the number of issues 
    to be examined and developed in any one proceeding it would proceed 
    with the revision of the power brake regulations via three separate 
    processes. In light of the testimony and comments received on the 1994 
    NPRM, emphasizing the differences between passenger and freight 
    operations and the brake equipment utilized by the two, FRA decided to 
    separate passenger equipment power brake standards from freight 
    equipment power brake standards. As passenger equipment power brake 
    standards are a logical subset of passenger equipment safety standards, 
    FRA requested the Passenger Equipment Safety Standards Working Group to 
    assist FRA in developing appropriate power brake standards for 
    passenger equipment and then decided that they would be included in 
    this NPRM. See 49 U.S.C. 20133(c). In addition, a second NPRM covering 
    freight equipment power brake standards would be developed with the 
    assistance of FRA's Railroad Safety Advisory Committee. See 61 FR 
    29164, June 7, 1996. Furthermore, in the interest of public safety and 
    due to statutory as well as internal commitments, FRA determined that 
    it would separate the issues related to two-way end-of-train-telemetry 
    devices from both the passenger and freight issues. FRA convened a 
    public regulatory conference and published a final rule on the subject 
    on January 2, 1997. See 62 FR 278.
        Beginning in December of 1995, the Passenger Equipment Safety 
    Standards Working Group adopted the additional task of attempting to 
    develop power brake standards applicable to intercity passenger and 
    commuter train operations and equipment. The Working Group met on four 
    separate occasions in the last six months, which consisted of ten days 
    of meetings, with a good portion of these meetings being devoted to 
    discussion of power brake issues. From the outset, a majority of the 
    members, as well as FRA, believed that any requirements developed by 
    the group regarding the inspection and testing of the brake equipment 
    should not vary significantly from the current requirements and should 
    be consistent with current industry practice.
        FRA's accident/incident data related to intercity passenger and 
    commuter train operations support the assumption that the current 
    practices of these operations in the area of power brake inspection, 
    testing, and maintenance are for the most part sufficient to ensure the 
    safety of the public. Between January 1, 1990 and October 31, 1996, 
    there were only five brake related accidents involving commuter and 
    intercity passenger railroad equipment. No casualties resulted from any 
    of these accidents and the total damage to railroad equipment totaled 
    approximately $650,000, or $96,000 annually. In addition, between 
    January 1, 1995 and October 31, 1996, FRA inspected approximately 
    13,000 commuter and intercity passenger rail units for compliance with 
    49 CFR part 232. The defect ratio for these units during this period 
    was approximately 0.8 percent. Furthermore, during this same period FRA 
    inspected approximately 6,300 locomotives for compliance with 49 CFR 
    part 229. The brake defect ratio for these units was approximately 4.65 
    percent. Consequently, the defect ratio for brake related defects on 
    locomotives and other passenger equipment during this period was 
    approximately 2.08 percent.
        The existing regulations covering the inspection and testing of the 
    braking systems on passenger trains are contained in 49 CFR part 232. 
    The current regulations do provide some requirements relevant to 
    passenger train operations, including: initial terminal inspection and 
    testing, intermediate inspections, running tests, and general 
    maintenance requirements. See 49 CFR 232.12, 232.13(a), 232.16, and 
    232.17. However, most of the existing regulations are written to 
    address freight train operations and do not sufficiently address the 
    unique operating environment of commuter and intercity passenger train 
    operations or the equipment currently being used in those operations. 
    Therefore, it has been necessary for FRA to provide interpretations of 
    some of the current regulations in order to address these unique 
        Currently, all non-MU (multiple unit) commuter trains that do not 
    remain connected to a source of compressed air overnight and all MU 
    commuter trains equipped with RT-5 or similar brake systems must 
    receive an initial terminal inspection of the brake system pursuant to 
    Sec. 232.12(c)-(j) prior to the train's first departure on any given 
    calendar day. All non-MU commuter trains that remain connected to a 
    source of compressed air overnight are permitted to receive an initial 
    terminal inspection of the brake system sometime during each 24-hour 
    period in which they are used. Furthermore, all intercity passenger 
    trains must receive an initial terminal inspection of the brake system 
    at the point where they are originally made up and must receive an 
    intermediate inspection in accordance with Sec. 232.12(b) every 1,000 
        As noted previously, most of the members of the Working Group 
    believed that any requirements developed by the group regarding the 
    inspection and testing of the brake equipment should not vary 
    significantly from the current requirements and should be consistent
    [[Page 49737]]
    with current industry practice. However, the Working Group was unable 
    to reach consensus on power brake standards, despite the positing of 
    multiple alternatives, use of a facilitator, and the foundation 
    provided by the 1994 NPRM. The Working Group identified and discussed 
    options with which the agency and labor can agree, and others with 
    which FRA and the railroads can agree. However, bridging the gap 
    between those various options proved elusive. Consequently, as the 
    Working Group could not reach any type of consensus on the inspection 
    and testing requirements, it was determined that FRA would address 
    these issues unilaterally, based on the information and discussions 
    provided by the Working Group and the information gathered from the 
    1994 NPRM. FRA is interested in receiving comments on the brake tests 
    that it has developed given the differences in the positions of the 
    various parties.
        The Working Group discussed various options regarding the types of 
    brake inspections that should be required as well as when and how these 
    inspections should be performed. Labor representatives, particularly 
    the BRC, insisted that a comprehensive power brake inspection (i.e., 
    something similar to the initial terminal brake inspections currently 
    required under Sec. 232.12(c)-(j)) must be performed prior to a train's 
    first run on a given calendar day. The BRC expressed concern that, as 
    equipment lays over between the evening commuter cycle and the first 
    trip of the morning, vandalism, weather changes, or other factors could 
    affect the integrity of the air brake system. The BRC also believes 
    that it is necessary for the first inspection of the day to determine 
    whether the brake shoes and the disc pads actually apply as intended. 
    The BRC further contends that in order to perform a comprehensive 
    inspection equivalent to an initial terminal inspection the train must 
    be walked or otherwise inspected on a car-to-car basis. In addition, 
    the BRC contends that these principal inspections should be performed 
    only by carmen or other qualified mechanical personnel as they are the 
    only employees sufficiently trained to perform these inspections.
        Representatives of intercity passenger and commuter railroads 
    expressed the desire to have the flexibility to conduct a comprehensive 
    in-depth inspection of the train brake system sometime during the day 
    in which the equipment is utilized. These parties argued that safety 
    would be better served by allowing the railroads the flexibility to 
    conduct these inspections on a daily basis as it would allow the 
    railroads to conduct the inspections at locations that are more 
    conducive to permitting a full inspection of the equipment than many of 
    the outlying locations where trains are stationed overnight and where 
    the ability to observe all the equipment may be hampered. It is further 
    contended that, if trains are required to received the equivalent of an 
    initial terminal inspection at these outlying points, then many of 
    these inspections may be performed by individuals not as fully 
    qualified as a mechanical inspector. Whereas, if the railroads are 
    allowed some flexibility in conducting these type of inspections, then 
    the equipment can be moved to a location where a fully qualified 
    mechanical inspector can perform a detailed brake inspection under 
    optimum conditions, perhaps in conjunction with a daily mechanical 
        Several parties also pointed out that, with proper maintenance, 
    ``tread brake units'' and other friction brake components, commonly 
    used in commuter train operations, are highly reliable and that the 
    non-functioning of any individual unit would in no way compromise the 
    overall safety of the train. Furthermore, permitting the inspection of 
    these types of brake components in the middle of the day, rather than 
    at the beginning of the day, involves no greater safety risk to 
    passengers because friction brake systems and their components degrade 
    in performance based largely on use, and nothing short of a continuous 
    brake inspection can guarantee 100-percent performance at all times. 
    Railroad representatives suggested an inspection scheme that would 
    permit an in-depth, comprehensive brake inspection to be performed 
    sometime during the day in which the equipment is used with a brake 
    inspection being performed prior to the first run of the day verifying 
    the continuity of the trainline by performing a set and release on the 
    rear car of the train. In addition, one commuter railroad also 
    requested relief from performing Class I inspections on trains operated 
    in weekend service due to the shortage of mechanical inspectors 
    currently employed on those shifts.
        Based on consideration of the discussions held in the Working Group 
    meetings, outlined above, as well as information obtained in relation 
    to the 1994 NPRM, FRA proposes to abandon the terminology related to 
    the power brake inspection and testing requirements contained in the 
    current regulations, which is generally based on the locations where 
    the inspections and tests are performed (i.e., initial terminal, 
    intermediate locations). In its stead, FRA proposes to identify various 
    classes of inspections based on the duties and type of inspection 
    required, such as: Class I; Class IA; and Class II. This is similar to 
    the approach taken by FRA in the 1994 NPRM. See 59 FR 47736-40. FRA 
    believes that this type of classification system will avoid confusion 
    with the power brake inspection and testing requirements applicable to 
    freight operations and will avoid the connotations historically 
    attached to the current terminology. FRA also believes this approach is 
    better suited for providing operational flexibility to commuter 
    operations while maintaining the safety provided by the current 
    inspection and testing requirements. Although FRA proposes a change in 
    the terminology used to describe the various power brake inspections 
    and tests, the requirements of these inspections and tests will closely 
    track the current requirements with some modifications made to address 
    the unique operating environment of, and equipment operated in, 
    commuter and intercity passenger train service. Members of the Working 
    Group appeared receptive to this kind of classification system and 
    discussed various options using some of this terminology. Consequently, 
    FRA proposes four different types of brake inspections to be performed 
    by commuter and intercity passenger railroads some time during the 
    operation of the equipment. FRA proposes the terms ``Class I,'' ``Class 
    IA,'' ``Class II,'' and ``running brake test'' to identify the four 
    types of brake inspections required by this proposal.
        FRA also proposes to divide passenger train operations into two 
    distinct types for purposes of brake inspections and testing. FRA 
    recognizes that there are major differences in the operations of 
    commuter or short-distance intercity passenger trains, and long-
    distance intercity passenger trains. Commuter and short-distance 
    intercity passenger trains tend to operate for fairly short distances 
    between passenger stations and generally operate in relatively short 
    turn-around service between two terminals several times in any given 
    day. In contrast, long-distance intercity passenger trains tend to 
    operate for long distances, with trips between the beginning terminal 
    and ending terminal taking a day or more and traversing multiple states 
    with relatively long distances between passenger stations. 
    Consequently, FRA proposes to use and define the terms ``commuter 
    train,'' ``short-distance intercity passenger train,'' and ``long-
    distance intercity passenger train'' in order to identify the 
    inspection and
    [[Page 49738]]
    testing requirements associated with each. For the most part, commuter 
    and short-distance intercity passenger trains are treated similarly, 
    whereas, long-distance intercity passenger trains have slightly 
    different proposed inspection and testing requirements. In addition, 
    FRA proposes slightly different requirements with regard to the 
    movement of defective equipment in long-distance intercity passenger 
    trains (see the discussion below on the ``Movement of Equipment with 
    Defective Brakes'').
        APTA, in its comments on a draft of the NPRM, expressed opposition 
    to the proposed Class IA brake test. APTA's position is that brake 
    tests prior to a train's first departure in any day should be limited 
    to a pre-departure set and release followed by a running test of the 
    brakes. APTA also expresses the belief that the proposed NPRM Class I 
    and Class II requirements go well beyond existing brake inspection 
    processes and that which is required for safety, and that these 
    requirements will increase costs dramatically.
    A. Commuter and Short-Distance Intercity Passenger Trains Require a 
    Class I Brake Test Sometime During a Day the Equipment Is Used
        The proposed Class I brake test basically requires an inspection 
    similar to an initial terminal inspection as currently described at 
    Sec. 232.12(c)-(j), but is somewhat more extensive and specifically 
    aimed at the types of equipment being used in commuter and intercity 
    passenger train service. A Class I brake test would require an 
    inspection of the application and release of the friction brakes on 
    each side of each car as well as an inspection of the brake shoes, 
    pads, discs, rigging, angle cocks, piston travel, and brake indicators 
    if the equipment is so equipped. The Class I brake test would also 
    require testing of the communication signal system and the emergency 
    braking control devices. In addition, all supplemental braking systems 
    would be required to be inspected and be working. In recognition of the 
    advanced technology and various designs used in many of these 
    operations, which make observation of the piston travel virtually 
    impossible, FRA proposes to permit the inspection of the piston travel 
    to be conducted either through direct observation or by observation of 
    a brake actuator or the clearance between the brake shoe and the wheel. 
    Furthermore, FRA proposes to require a brake pipe leakage test only 
    when leakage will affect service performance.
        Although FRA agrees with the position advanced by many labor 
    representatives that some sort of car-to-car inspection must be made of 
    the brake equipment prior to the first run of the day, FRA does not 
    agree that it is necessary to perform a full Class I brake test before 
    the first run in order to ensure the proper functioning of the brake 
    equipment. As FRA proposes that Class I brake tests be a comprehensive 
    inspection of the braking system, including the proper operation of 
    supplemental braking systems, FRA believes that commuter and short-
    distance intercity passenger train operations must be permitted some 
    flexibility in conducting these inspections. Consequently, FRA proposes 
    to require that commuter and short-distance intercity passenger train 
    operations perform a Class I brake test sometime during the calendar 
    day in which the equipment is used. FRA believes that the flexibility 
    permitted by this proposed requirement will allow these railroads to 
    move equipment to locations that are most conducive to the inspection 
    of the brake equipment and would allow these railroads to combine the 
    daily mechanical inspections with this brake inspection for added 
        Furthermore, as FRA intends for these Class I brake inspections to 
    be in-depth inspections of the entire braking system which most likely 
    will be performed only one time in any given day in which the equipment 
    is used, FRA believes that these inspections must be performed by 
    individuals possessing not only the knowledge to identify and detect a 
    defective condition in all of the brake equipment required to be 
    inspected but also the knowledge to recognize the interrelational 
    workings of the equipment and the ability to ``troubleshoot'' and 
    repair the equipment. Therefore, FRA proposes that only qualified 
    mechanical inspectors be permitted to perform Class I brake tests.
        Currently, initial terminal air brake inspections are conducted 
    prior to the first run of the day on 554 commuter train sets by 
    mechanical inspectors and on 168 commuter train sets by train crews or 
    other personnel who could not be fully qualified as mechanical 
    inspectors. Typically, commuter and short-distance intercity passenger 
    trains receive more than one initial terminal test each day, even if 
    this is not required due to the equipment being left ``off air.'' See 
    49 CFR 232.12(a). Often these additional tests are conducted sometime 
    during the middle of the day by train crews or mechanical employees. 
    Although most commuter and short-distance intercity operations 
    voluntarily perform an initial terminal brake inspection with 
    mechanical employees some time during the day, there is no requirement 
    to do so. In addition, there is a certain percentage of equipment where 
    the principal brake inspections are currently being performed strictly 
    by train crews rather than by mechanical employees. Consequently, FRA 
    believes that the proposed requirement incorporates the current best 
    practices of the industry and will, at a minimum, ensure that the 
    braking systems on all commuter and short-distance intercity equipment 
    will be inspected at least once each day by a fully qualified 
    mechanical inspector.
        FRA has not proposed any special provisions for weekend operations 
    as suggested by some members of the Working Group. FRA recognizes this 
    is a difficult issue. Existing operations generally involve using 
    particular sets of equipment on only one day during the weekend to 
    avoid the need to refuel. On the one hand, there is no specific data 
    suggesting that existing weekend operations involving inspections 
    exclusively by train crew members have created a safety hazard. Yet, 
    the rationale for requiring daily attention by mechanical forces, a 
    proposition generally accepted by Working Group members, would appear 
    to apply equally to weekend periods. FRA believes that adjustments 
    might be made to weekend operations that might avoid significant new 
    expense while providing expert attention to inspection of the 
    equipment. Accordingly, FRA seeks additional information on the costs 
    and benefits of requiring that Class I brake inspections and daily 
    mechanical inspections be conducted by qualified mechanical inspectors, 
    as well as any suggestions for alternative means of addressing this 
    B. Commuter and Short-Distance Intercity Passenger Trains Require at 
    Least a Class IA Brake Test Prior to the Train's First Departure in Any 
    Given Day
        Although FRA agrees with the position advanced by many labor 
    representatives that some sort of car-to-car inspection must be made of 
    the brake equipment prior to the first run of the day, FRA does not 
    agree that it is necessary to perform a full Class I brake test in 
    order to ensure the proper functioning of the brake equipment in all 
    situations. However, contrary to the position espoused by APTA, FRA 
    believes that something more than just a determination that the brakes 
    on the rear car set and release is necessary.
        Currently, the quality of initial terminal tests performed by train 
    crews is likely adequate to determine that
    [[Page 49739]]
    brakes apply on each car. However, most commuter equipment utilizes 
    ``tread brake units'' in lieu of cylinders and brake rigging of the 
    kind prevalent on freight and some intercity passenger cars. It is 
    undoubtedly the case that train crew members do not verify application 
    of the brakes by tapping brake shoes while the brakes are applied, the 
    only effective means of determining that adequate force is being 
    applied. This is one reason why the subject railroads typically conduct 
    redundant initial terminal tests at other times during the day. 
    Further, train crews are not asked to inspect for wheel defects and 
    other unsafe conditions, nor should they be asked to do so, given the 
    conditions under which they are asked to inspect and the training they 
        FRA proposes that, at a minimum, a Class IA brake test be performed 
    prior to a commuter or short-distance intercity passenger train's first 
    departure on any given day. FRA believes that the proposed Class IA 
    brake is sufficiently detailed to ensure the proper functioning of the 
    brake system yet not so intensive that it requires individuals to 
    perform an inspection for which they are not qualified.
        The proposed Class IA brake test is somewhat less comprehensive 
    than a Class I brake test but includes a detailed inspection of the 
    brake system to verify the continuity of the brake system and the 
    proper functioning of the brake valves on each car. A Class IA brake 
    test would be similar to the intermediate brake inspection currently 
    required for freight trains prescribed at Sec. 232.13(d)(1). A Class IA 
    brake test would generally require a walking inspection of the set and 
    release of the brakes on each car; however, the proposal would allow 
    brake indicators to be used to verify the set and release if the 
    railroad determines that operating conditions pose a safety hazard to 
    an inspector walking along the train. The Class IA brake test would 
    also require a leakage test if leakage affects service performance, as 
    well as an inspection of: angle cocks; piston travel, if determinable; 
    brake indicators; emergency brake control devices; and communication of 
    brake pipe pressure changes at the rear of train to the controlling 
    locomotive. FRA believes that a qualified mechanical inspector or a 
    properly trained and qualified train crew member could perform a Class 
    IA brake test.
    C. Long-distance Intercity Passenger Trains Require a Class I Brake 
    Test Prior to Departure From an Originating Terminal and Once Each 
    Calendar Day the Equipment Is Used or Every 1,500 Miles, Whichever 
    Occurs First
        As noted above, FRA recognizes the differences between commuter or 
    short-distance intercity operations and long-distance intercity 
    passenger train operations. Long-distance intercity passenger trains do 
    not operate in shorter turn around service over the same sections of 
    track on a daily basis for the purpose of transporting passengers from 
    major centers of employment. Instead, these trains tend to operate for 
    extended periods of time, over long distances with greater distances 
    between passenger stations and terminals. Further, these trains may 
    operate well over 1,000 miles in any 24 hour period. Thus, the 
    opportunity for conducting inspections on these trains is somewhat 
    diminished. Therefore, FRA believes that a thorough inspection of the 
    braking system on these types of operations must be conducted prior to 
    the train's departure from an initial starting terminal. Consequently, 
    FRA will not permit the use of Class IA brake tests for these trains 
    and proposes to require that a Class I brake inspection be performed on 
    long-distance intercity passenger trains prior to departure from an 
    initial terminal. FRA does not believe there would be any significant 
    burden placed on these operations as the current regulations require 
    that an initial terminal inspection be performed at these locations. 
    Furthermore, virtually all of the initial terminal inspections 
    currently conducted on these types of trains are performed by 
    individuals who would be considered qualified mechanical employees 
    under this proposal.
        FRA also recognizes that these long-distance intercity passenger 
    trains could conceivably travel over 3,000 miles if Class I inspections 
    were required only once every 24 hours the equipment is in service as 
    proposed for commuter and short-distance intercity passenger trains. 
    Thus, FRA believes that some outside mileage limit must be placed on 
    these trains between brake inspections. Currently, a passenger train is 
    permitted to travel no further than 1,000 miles from its initial 
    terminal, at which point it must receive an intermediate inspection of 
    brakes that includes application of the brakes and the inspection of 
    the brake rigging to ensure it is properly secured. See 49 CFR 
    232.12(b). However, in recognition of the improved technology used in 
    passenger train brake systems combined with the comprehensive nature of 
    the proposed Class I brake tests and mechanical safety inspections both 
    being performed by qualified mechanical inspectors, FRA proposes to 
    permit long-distance passenger trains to travel up to 1,500 miles 
    between Class I brake tests. Consequently, FRA proposes to eliminate 
    the 1,000-mile inspection for these trains and proposes to require that 
    the proposed Class I brake test be performed once every calendar day 
    that the equipment is used or every 1,500 miles, which every occurs 
    D. The Brake Inspection and Testing Intervals for Long-distance 
    Intercity Passenger Trains Apply to All Tier II Equipment Regardless of 
    Whether the Equipment is Used in Short- or Long-distance Intercity 
        FRA also proposes to apply the brake inspection and testing 
    intervals proposed for long-distance passenger trains to all Tier II 
    equipment (i.e., equipment operating at speeds greater than 125 mph but 
    not exceeding 150 mph) regardless of whether it is used in short- or 
    long-distance intercity trains. As FRA proposes to permit operators of 
    Tier II equipment to develop inspection and testing criteria and 
    procedures, these operations will be required to develop a brake test 
    that is equivalent to a Class I brake test for Tier II equipment. Due 
    to the speeds at which this equipment will be allowed to operate, FRA 
    believes it is a necessity that an equivalent Class I brake test be 
    performed on Tier II equipment before it departs from its initial 
    terminal. Likewise, FRA proposes to require that the equivalent Class I 
    brake test be performed every calendar day in which the equipment is 
    used or every 1,500 miles, whichever comes first.
    E. Class II Brake Test Required Where Minor Changes to a Train Consist 
        In addition to the proposed Class I and Class IA brake tests, FRA 
    also proposes a Class II brake test. The proposed Class II brake test 
    is an inspection intended to verify the continuity of the train brake 
    system and is similar to the intermediate terminal inspection currently 
    prescribed at Sec. 232.13(a). A Class II brake test would basically 
    require a set and release of the brakes on the rear car. The proposed 
    Class II test would be required in those circumstances where minor 
    changes to a train consist occur. These include the change of a control 
    stand, the removal of cars from the consist, the addition of previously 
    tested cars, and the situations in which an operator first takes 
    control of the train.
    [[Page 49740]]
    F. Running Brake Tests
        FRA also proposes to require a running brake test as soon as 
    conditions safely permit it to be conducted after a train receives a 
    Class I, Class IA, or Class II brake test. FRA believes that this test 
    should be conducted in accordance with each railroad's operating rules. 
    The ``running brake test'' requirement is similar to the ``running 
    test'' requirements currently contained at Sec. 232.16.
    Movement of Equipment With Defective Brakes
        The current regulations do not contain requirements pertaining to 
    the movement of equipment with defective power brakes. The movement of 
    equipment with these types of defects is currently controlled by a 
    specific statutory provision originally enacted in 1910, which states:
        (a) GENERAL.--A vehicle that is equipped in compliance with this 
    chapter whose equipment becomes defective or insecure nevertheless 
    may be moved when necessary to make repairs, without a penalty being 
    imposed under section 21302 of this title, from the place at which 
    the defect or insecurity was first discovered to the nearest 
    available place at which the repairs can be made--
        (1) On the railroad line on which the defect or insecurity was 
    discovered; or
        (2) At the option of a connecting railroad carrier, on the 
    railroad line of the connecting carrier, if not further than the 
    place of repair described in clause (1) of this subsection.
    49 U.S.C. 20303(a) (emphasis added).
        Although there is no limit contained in 49 U.S.C. 20303 as to the 
    number of cars with defective equipment that may be hauled in a train, 
    FRA has a longstanding interpretation which requires that, at a 
    minimum, 85 percent of the cars in a train have operative brakes. FRA 
    bases this interpretation on another statutory requirement which 
    permits a railroad to use a train only if ``at least 50 percent of the 
    vehicles in the train are equipped with power or train brakes and the 
    engineer is using the power or train brakes on those vehicles and on 
    all other vehicles equipped with them that are associated with those 
    vehicles in a train.'' 49 U.S.C. 20302(a)(5)(B). As originally enacted 
    in 1903, section 20302 also granted the Interstate Commerce Commission 
    (ICC) the authority to increase this percentage, and in 1910 the ICC 
    issued an order increasing the minimum percentage to 85 percent. See 49 
    CFR 232.1, which codified the ICC order.
        As virtually all freight cars are presently equipped with power 
    brakes and are operated on an associated trainline, the statutory 
    requirement is in essence a requirement that 100 percent of the cars in 
    a train have operative power brakes, unless being hauled for repairs 
    pursuant to 49 U.S.C. 20303. Consequently, FRA currently requires that 
    equipment with defective or inoperative air brakes makeup no more than 
    15 percent of the train and that, if it is necessary to move the 
    equipment from where the railroad first discovered it to be defective, 
    the defective equipment be moved no further than the nearest place on 
    the railroad's line where the necessary repairs can be made or, at the 
    option of the receiving carrier, to a repair point that is no further 
    than the repoint on the delivering line.
        The requirements regarding the movement of equipment with defective 
    or insecure brakes noted above can and do create safety hazards as well 
    as operational difficulties in the area of commuter and intercity 
    passenger railroad operations. As the provisions regarding the movement 
    of defective brake equipment were written almost a century ago, they do 
    not address the realities of these types of operations in today's 
    world. Strict application of the requirements has the potential of 
    causing major disruptions of service which result in the creation of 
    serious safety and security problems. For example, requiring repairs to 
    be made at the nearest location where the necessary repairs can be made 
    could result in passengers being discharged between stations where 
    adequate facilities for their safety are not available or in the 
    overcrowding of station platforms and trailing trains due to 
    discharging passengers from a defective train at a location other than 
    the passenger's destination. In addition, strict application of the 
    statutory requirements could result in the moving of trains with 
    defective brake equipment against the current of traffic during busy 
    commuting hours. Irregular movements of this type increase the risk of 
    collisions on the railroad. Furthermore, many of today's commuter train 
    operations often utilize six cars or less in trains and in many 
    instances operate just two-car trains. Consequently, the necessity to 
    cut out the brakes on one car can easily result in noncompliance with 
    the 85-percent requirement for hauling the car for repairs, thus 
    prohibiting the train's movement and resulting in the same type of 
    safety problems noted above.
        FRA has attempted to recognize the nature of commuter and intercity 
    passenger operations and the importance of addressing the safety of 
    passengers, as well as avoiding disruption of this service, when 
    applying the requirements regarding the movement of equipment with 
    defective brakes on a day-to-day basis. In addition, the 
    representatives of commuter and intercity passenger train operations 
    participating in this proceeding have requested that the regulations be 
    brought up to date, recognizing that brakes will have to be cut out en 
    route from time to time (e.g., because of damage from debris placed on 
    the track structure or because of sticking brakes) and that 
    contemporary braking systems and established stopping distances provide 
    a very considerable margin of safety. Furthermore, speed restrictions 
    can readily be used to compensate for the loss of brakes on a minority 
    of cars. FRA believes that affirmatively recognizing appropriate 
    movement restrictions would actually enhance safety, since compliance 
    with the existing restrictions is potentially unsafe.
        Representatives from APTA proposed a method of updating the current 
    requirements regarding the movement of commuter passenger equipment 
    with defective brakes to bring them more in line with the realities of 
    today's operations. The Working Group discussed the proposal at length, 
    making various revisions. Although the Working Group did not reach 
    consensus on the issue, FRA believes that the proposed requirements are 
    within the scope of options discussed by the group. FRA believes that 
    the proposed restrictions are very conservative and effectively ensure 
    a high level of safety in light of the reliability of braking systems 
    currently used in commuter and intercity passenger train operations.
        FRA recognizes that some of the proposed restrictions are not in 
    accord with the requirement contained in 49 U.S.C. 20303(a) that cars 
    with defective or insecure brakes be moved to the ``nearest'' location 
    where the necessary repairs can be made. However, FRA does have 
    authority under 49 U.S.C. 20306, entitled ``Exemption for technological 
    improvements,'' to establish the proposed restrictions. Section 20306 
        [T]he Secretary of Transportation may exempt from the 
    requirements of this chapter railroad equipment or equipment that 
    will be operated on rails, when those requirements preclude the 
    development or implementation of more efficient railroad 
    transportation equipment or other transportation innovations under 
    existing law.
    This provision was originally enacted as a part of the Rock Island 
    Railroad Transition and Employee Assistance Act to authorize the use of 
    RoadRailer trailers as freight cars. See Pub. L. 96-
    [[Page 49741]]
    254 (May 30, 1980). Although it could be argued that the purpose of the 
    provision is too narrow to comprehend the instant application, FRA 
    believes that the use of the provision as contemplated in this proposal 
    is consistent with the authority granted the Secretary of 
    Transportation in 49 U.S.C. 20306. As noted previously, the statutory 
    requirements regarding the movement of equipment with defective brake 
    equipment were written nearly a century ago and, in FRA's opinion, were 
    focused generally on the operation of freight equipment and did not 
    contemplate the types of commuter and intercity passenger train 
    operations currently prevalent throughout the nation. Since the 
    original enactment in 1910 of the provisions now codified at 49 U.S.C. 
    20303(a), there have been substantial changes both in the nature of the 
    operations of passenger trains as well as in the technology used in 
    those operations.
        Contemporary passenger equipment incorporates various types of 
    advanced braking systems; in some cases these include electrical 
    activation of brakes on each car (with pneumatic application through 
    the train line available as a backup). Dynamic brakes are also 
    typically employed to limit thermal stresses on friction surfaces and 
    to limit the wear and tear on the brake equipment. Furthermore, the 
    brake valves and brake components used today are far more reliable than 
    was the case several decades ago. In addition to these technological 
    advances, the brake equipment used in commuter and intercity passenger 
    train operations incorporate advanced technologies not found with any 
    regularity in freight operations. These include:
         The use of brake cylinder pressure indicators which 
    provide a reliable indication of the application and release of the 
         The use of disc brakes which provide shorter stopping 
    distances and decrease the risk of thermal damage to wheels.
         The ability to effectuate a graduated release of the 
    brakes due to a design feature of the brake equipment which permits 
    more flexibility and more forgiving train control.
         The ability to cut out brakes on a per-axle or per-truck 
    basis rather than a per car basis, thus permitting greater use of those 
    brakes that are operable.
         The use of a pressure-maintaining feature on each car 
    which continuously maintains the air pressure in the brake system, 
    thereby compensating for any leakage in the trainline and preventing a 
    total loss of air in the brake system.
         The use of a separate trainline from the locomotive main 
    reservoir to continuously charge supply reservoirs independent of the 
    brake pipe train line.
         Brake ratios that are 2\1/2\ times greater than the brake 
    ratios of loaded freight cars.
        Although some of the technologies noted above have existed for 
    several decades, most of the technologies were not in wide spread use 
    until after 1980. Furthermore, most of the noted technological advances 
    just started to be integrated into one efficient and reliable braking 
    system within the last decade. In addition to the technological 
    advances, commuter and intercity passenger train operations have 
    experienced considerable growth in the last 15 years necessitating the 
    need to provide more reliable and efficient service to the riding 
    public. Since 1980, the number of commuter operations providing rail 
    service has almost doubled and the number of daily passengers serviced 
    by passenger operations has more than doubled over the same time 
    period. Furthermore, commuter and intercity passenger train operations 
    conduct more frequent single car tests, COT&S, and maintenance of the 
    braking systems than is generally the practice in the freight industry. 
    Consequently, the technology incorporated into the brake equipment used 
    in today's commuter and intercity passenger train operations has 
    increased the reliability of the braking system and permits the safe 
    operation of the equipment for extended distances even though a portion 
    of the braking system may be inoperative or defective.
        In the face of these technological advances, FRA believes it is 
    appropriate to utilize the authority granted by 49 U.S.C. 20306 and 
    exempt commuter and intercity passenger train operations from the 
    specific restriction contained in 49 U.S.C. 20303(a) requiring the 
    movement of equipment with defective or insecure brakes to the nearest 
    location where the necessary repairs could be made and proposes various 
    restrictions on the movement of this type of equipment which FRA 
    believes are more conducive to safe operations.
        In utilizing the authority granted pursuant to 49 U.S.C. 20306, the 
    Secretary is required to make ``findings based on evidence developed at 
    a hearing,'' unless there is ``an agreement between national railroad 
    labor representatives and the developer of the new equipment or 
    technology.'' FRA is confident that, after notice and opportunity for 
    public comment, oral and written, the record will support a finding 
    that the proposed provisions are ``in the public interest and 
    consistent with railroad safety,'' the basic test for waiving safety 
    requirements issued under other, general provisions of the code. See 49 
    U.S.C. 20103(d). It should be noted that the exemption granted to these 
    operations does not include an exemption from 49 U.S.C. 20303(c), which 
    contains the liability provisions attendant with the movement equipment 
    with defective or insecure safety appliances, including power brakes. 
    Consequently, the liability provisions contained in 49 U.S.C. 20303(c) 
    will be applicable to a railroad when hauling equipment with defective 
    or insecure power brakes pursuant to the requirements proposed by FRA 
    in this notice.
        FRA also proposes to exempt commuter and intercity passenger train 
    operations from its longstanding interpretation, based on 49 U.S.C. 
    20302(a)(5)(B) and 49 CFR 232.1 noted above, prohibiting the movement 
    of a train if more than 15 percent of the cars in the train have 
    defective, insecure, or inoperative brakes. As discussed previously, 
    such a limitation is overly burdensome and has the potential of 
    creating safety hazards due to the short length of the trains commonly 
    operated in commuter and intercity passenger service.
        Based on the preceding discussions, FRA proposes various 
    restrictions on the movement of vehicles with defective brake equipment 
    which allow commuter and intercity passenger train operations to take 
    advantage of the efficiencies created due to the advanced braking 
    systems these operations employ as well as the improvements made in 
    brake equipment over the years, while ensuring if not enhancing the 
    safety of the traveling public. FRA proposes to permit trains to be 
    operated with up to 50 percent inoperative brakes to the next forward 
    passenger station or terminal based on the percentage of operative 
    brakes, which may result in movements past locations where the 
    necessary repairs could be made. However, to ensure the safety of these 
    trains with lower percentages of operative brakes, FRA also proposes 
    various speed restrictions and other operating restrictions, based on 
    the percentage of operative brakes. FRA believes that the proposed 
    speed restrictions are very conservative and ensure a high level of 
    safety. In fact, test data establish that with the proposed speed 
    restrictions the stopping distances of those trains with lower 
    percentages of operative brakes are shorter than if the trains were 
    operating at normal speed and had 100 percent operative brakes. 
    Consequently, FRA believes that the proposed approach to the movement 
    [[Page 49742]]
    equipment with defective brakes not only enhances the overall safety of 
    train operations but benefits both the railroads, by providing 
    operational flexibility, and the traveling public, by permitting them 
    to get to their destinations in a more expedient and safe fashion. (The 
    proposed restrictions on the movement of equipment with defective 
    brakes are discussed in detail in the section-by-section analysis 
        Although FRA proposes to exempt all commuter and passenger 
    operations from the specific statutory requirement contained in 49 
    U.S.C. 20303(a), it should be noted that in reality the exemption being 
    proposed is fairly limited. In FRA's view, many of the proposed methods 
    for moving defective equipment are consistent, if not in accordance, 
    with the current statutory requirement. For example, FRA proposes to 
    permit a passenger train with 50-75 percent operative brakes to be 
    moved at reduced speed to the next forward passenger station. Although 
    the percentage of operative brakes is lower than currently permitted by 
    FRA's longstanding agency interpretation (which FRA believes is fully 
    compensated for by the proposed speed restrictions), FRA believes that 
    the movement of the defective equipment to the next passenger station 
    is in accordance with the statutory requirement as the safety of the 
    passengers must be considered in determining the nearest location where 
    necessary repairs can be made. In addition, permitting passenger trains 
    to continue to the next forward location where the necessary repairs 
    can be performed is also consistent with the statutory requirement as 
    such movement is necessary to ensure the safety of the traveling public 
    by protecting them from the hazards incident to performing movements 
    against the current of traffic. Furthermore, the proposed movement 
    provisions related to long-distance intercity passenger trains and 
    long-distance Tier II equipment are consistent with the current 
    statutory requirements as the proposal permits the movement of 
    defective brake equipment on these trains only to the next passenger 
    station or the next repair location, with various speed restrictions 
    depending on the percentage of operative brakes. Due to the unique 
    technologies used on the brake systems of these operations and the 
    unique operating environments, the facilities and personnel necessary 
    to conduct proper repairs on this equipment are somewhat specialized 
    and limited. Thus, FRA proposes to require the operators of these 
    trains to designate the locations where repairs will be made to the 
        Some of the members of the Working Group, particularly those 
    representing labor organizations, expressed concern that any alteration 
    of the movement for repair provisions made in the context of commuter 
    and intercity passenger train operations may have a spillover effect 
    into the freight industry. FRA wishes to make clear that it has no 
    intention, at this time, of exempting freight operations from the 
    requirements relating to the movement of defective equipment contained 
    in 49 U.S.C. 20303. As noted above, many of the advanced brake system 
    technologies currently used in passenger service are not used in the 
    freight context. Furthermore, even if freight operations were to make 
    similar advances in the braking equipment they employ, this development 
    on the freight side may not create the efficiencies created in the 
    passenger train context since the operating environments of freight 
    trains and passenger trains differ significantly. Finally, the special 
    safety considerations relative to passengers are not present in freight 
    Structural Standards
        To help ensure the survivability of a passenger train accident, FRA 
    is proposing comprehensive, minimum safety standards for the structural 
    design of rail passenger equipment. Under current regulations, MU 
    locomotives must comply with minimum structural design requirements, 
    see 49 CFR 229.141; however, no comparable set of Federal structural 
    design requirements apply to other forms of passenger equipment. 
    Moreover, FRA believes that existing structural design requirements for 
    MU locomotives should be revised, particularly those concerning MU 
    locomotives operating in trains having a total empty weight of less 
    than 600,000 pounds, see Sec. 229.141(b), because train operation has 
    significantly changed since these requirements were first promulgated.
        The requirements contained in the proposed rule for the structural 
    design of Tier I and Tier II equipment are specified below in the 
    section-by-section analysis. These requirements include safety 
    standards for the following:
         Anti-climbers--to prevent vehicles in a passenger train 
    from overriding or telescoping into one another;
         Collision posts--to protect against the crushing of a 
    passenger vehicle's occupied areas in the event of a collision or 
         Corner posts--to protect passenger vehicles in corner-to-
    corner collisions and impacts with objects intruding upon the clearance 
         Rollover strength--to prevent significant deformation of 
    the normally occupied spaces of a vehicle in the event it rolls onto 
    its side or roof;
         Side impact strength--to resist penetration of a passenger 
    vehicle's side structure from a side collision with an object such as a 
    highway vehicle or a freight car; and
         Truck to car body attachment--to prevent separation of 
    trucks from car bodies during collisions or derailments.
    Corner Posts
        Requirements concerning corner posts on rail passenger equipment 
    have been the subject of an NTSB safety recommendation. Following the 
    January 18, 1993, NICTD corner-to-corner train collision in Gary, 
    Indiana, the NTSB expressed concern about the adequacy of the corner 
    post structure in self-propelled passenger cars (MU locomotives) that 
    allows significant inward car body intrusion and subsequent serious 
    injuries and fatalities in a corner-to-corner collision. The NTSB noted 
    that, while MU locomotives must comply with Federal structural design 
    requirements which include providing for the protection of vulnerable 
    areas of the car body in a head-on collision, Federal regulations do 
    not address structural requirements for corner posts which protect the 
    car body in a corner-to-corner collision. Based on its investigation, 
    the NTSB recommended that FRA:
        In cooperation with the Federal Transit Administration and the 
    American Public Transit Association, study the feasibility of 
    providing car body corner post structures on all self-propelled 
    passenger cars and control cab locomotives to afford occupant 
    protection during corner collisions. If feasible, amend the 
    locomotive safety standards accordingly. (Class II, Priority Action) 
        The Working Group has recommended that minimum corner post 
    structural design requirements be proposed for both locomotives and 
    rail cars designed to carry passengers, regardless whether the rail 
    cars are self-propelled or have control compartments. FRA is proposing 
    such a requirement in this rule and thereby extending the scope of the 
    NTSB's safety recommendation, which is expressly limited to self-
    propelled rail cars. This action recognizes passenger exposure in 
    accidents such as the one in Lugoff, South Carolina, on July 31, 1991. 
    There, eight passengers were killed following incursion of a freight 
    car into
    [[Page 49743]]
    the side of two Amtrak coaches beginning at the corner of each car.
        For cab cars, material improvements in actual end structure design 
    with respect to corner posts must await completion of further research. 
    Research completed to date indicates that improvements in strength 
    alone will not prevent casualties in accidents at higher closing speeds 
    such as those in the Silver Spring, Maryland, and Secaucus, New Jersey, 
    Fuel Tank Standards
        Locomotive fuel tanks are vulnerable to damage from collisions, 
    derailments, and debris on the roadbed due to their location on the 
    underframe and between the trucks of locomotives. Damage to the tank 
    frequently results in spilled fuel, creating the safety problem of an 
    increased risk of fire and the environmental problem of cleanup and 
    restoration of the spill site. Although 49 CFR 229.71 does require a 
    minimum clearance of 2.5 inches between the top of the rail and the 
    lowest point on a part or appliance of a locomotive, which includes 
    fuel tanks, FRA regulations do not address the safety of fuel tanks in 
        In 1992, the NTSB issued a report identifying concerns regarding 
    safety problems caused by diesel fuel spills from ruptured or punctured 
    locomotive fuel tanks. Entitled ``Locomotive Fuel Tank Integrity Safety 
    Study,'' the NTSB report cited in particular a collision involving an 
    Amtrak train and an MBTA commuter train on December 12, 1990, as both 
    trains were entering a station in Boston, Massachusetts. (NTSB Safety 
    Study-92/04.) Fuel spilled from a tank which had separated from an 
    Amtrak locomotive during the collision. The fuel ignited. Smoke and 
    fumes from the burning diesel fuel filled the tunnel, increasing the 
    hazard level in the post-crash phase of the accident, and hindering 
    emergency response activity. As a result of the safety study, the NTSB 
    made several safety recommendations to FRA, including in particular 
    that FRA:
        Conduct, in conjunction with the Association of American 
    Railroads, General Electric, and the Electro-Motive Division of 
    General Motors, research to determine if the locomotive fuel tank 
    can be improved to withstand forces encountered in the more severe 
    locomotive derailment accidents or if fuel containment can be 
    improved to reduce the rate of fuel leakage and fuel ignition. 
    Consideration should be given to crash or simulated testing and 
    evaluation of recent and proposed design modifications to the 
    locomotive fuel tank, including increasing the structural strength 
    of end and side wall plates, raising the tank higher above the rail, 
    and using internal tank bladders and foam inserts. (Class II, 
    Priority Action) (R-92-10)
        Establish, if warranted, minimum performance standards for 
    locomotive fuel tanks based on the research called for in 
    recommendation R-92-10. (Class III, Longer Term Action) (R-92-11)
    The NTSB reiterated Safety Recommendation R-92-10 in a letter to FRA 
    dated August 28, 1997, conveying the NTSB's final safety 
    recommendations arising from the February 16, 1996, collision between a 
    MARC commuter train and an Amtrak passenger train. During the 
    collision, the fuel tank on the lead Amtrak locomotive ruptured 
    catastrophically. The fuel sprayed into the exposed interior of the 
    MARC cab control car and ignited, engulfing the car. (Letter at 12.)
        As explained in FRA's report to Congress on locomotive 
    crashworthiness and working conditions, FRA believes that fuel tank 
    design has a direct impact on safety. Minimum performance standards for 
    locomotive fuel tanks should be included in Federal safety regulations. 
    Accordingly, FRA is proposing that AAR Recommended Practice RP-506 be 
    incorporated into Sec. 238.223 of the proposed rule for external fuel 
    tanks on Tier I passenger locomotives. FRA believes that RP-506 
    represents a good interim safety standard for Tier I passenger 
    locomotives. Further, FRA is proposing more demanding fuel tank safety 
    standards for Tier II passenger equipment in Sec. 238.423 of the 
    proposed rule. Additionally, it is anticipated that RSAC will address 
    the safety of locomotive fuel tanks used on freight equipment, thereby 
    furthering the safety of rail passenger trains which operate commingled 
    with freight trains.
        FRA invites comments whether the proposed rule should also require 
    that locomotive fuel tanks be compartmentalized. The Working Group 
    specifically discussed requiring whether the interior of fuel tanks be 
    divided into a minimum of four separate compartments so that a 
    penetration in the exterior skin of any one compartment results in loss 
    of fuel only from that compartment. The Working Group recommended that 
    such a requirement be addressed in the second phase of the rulemaking, 
    to allow for additional research to remedy fuel feeding disruptions 
    that may result from the compartmentalization of fuel tanks. Commenters 
    are therefore requested to provide the results of specific research and 
    operating experience showing how compartmentalization can be 
    practically accomplished. Commenters are also asked to explain why the 
    issue of compartmentalization should or should not be addressed in the 
    final rule of this first phase of the rulemaking.
    Rim-Stamped Straight-Plate Wheels
        On January 13, 1994, a Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus 
    (Ringling Bros.) train operating on CSXT trackage derailed while 
    passing through Lakeland, Florida. Two circus employees were killed, 
    and 15 received minor injuries. The NTSB determined that the probable 
    cause of the accident was the fatigue failure of a thermally damaged 
    straight-plate wheel due to fatigue cracking that initiated at a stress 
    raiser associated with a stamped character on the wheel rim. (NTSB/RAR-
        Noting that tread braking is a significant source of wheel 
    overheating and thermal damage; straight-plate wheels are vulnerable to 
    thermal damage; and rim stamping provides a stress concentration for 
    crack initiation, the NTSB recommends as a result of its investigation 
    that FRA ``[p]rohibit the replacement of wheels on any tread-braked 
    passenger railroad car with rim-stamped straight-plate wheels.'' (Class 
    II, Priority Action) (R-95-1).
        FRA agrees that rim stamping of straight-plate wheels can lead to 
    wheel failure when subjected to heat from tread braking. Rim-stamping 
    was banned by the AAR in 1978, and FRA does not believe that rim-
    stamped straight-plate wheels are in use on Amtrak or the nation's 
    commuter railroads. Nevertheless, in the event such wheels are in fact 
    in use, FRA proposes to prohibit the use of rim-stamped straight-plate 
    wheels on all equipment, whether tread-braked or not, used in intercity 
    passenger or commuter service as of January 1, 1998. In a letter to the 
    NTSB dated February 21, 1995, Ringling Bros. itself announced that it 
    has removed all rim-stamped straight-plate wheels on tread-braked 
    passenger cars from its circus trains. (Appendix D, NTSB/RAR-95/01.)
        At this time, FRA is not proposing to prohibit the use of rim-
    stamped straight-plate wheels on private passenger cars hauled in 
    intercity passenger or commuter trains. Private passenger cars are 
    generally not highly utilized in comparison to intercity passenger or 
    commuter equipment. According to a comment received from the AAPRCO, 
    the average private car, qualified to operate on Amtrak, probably 
    operates less than 4,000 miles per year, and a few may exceed 50,000 
    miles per year. Further, in a letter to the NTSB dated December 2, 
    1994, Amtrak stated that it only operates private cars that are 
    registered with Amtrak and are subject to a regular inspection by 
    Amtrak-approved inspectors. Amtrak observed that it ``has not 
    experienced any
    [[Page 49744]]
    problems on the private cars that operate on Amtrak trains with wheels 
    that are rim-stamped.'' (Appendix E, NTSB/RAR-95/01.)
        However, FRA is requiring that rim-stamped straight-plate wheels 
    not be used as a replacement wheelset on a private car. As part of this 
    rulemaking, FRA may further address the use of rim-stamped straight-
    plate wheels on private cars hauled in intercity passenger or commuter 
    Fire Safety
        In 1984, FRA published guidelines recommending testing methods and 
    performance criteria for the flammability, smoke emission, and fire 
    endurance characteristics for categories and functions of materials to 
    be used in the construction of new or rebuilt rail passenger equipment. 
    See 49 FR 33076, Aug. 20, 1984; 49 FR 44582, Nov. 7, 1984. The 
    guidelines mirrored fire safety guidelines developed by the Urban Mass 
    Transit Administration (UMTA) of DOT (now the Federal Transit 
        The intent of the guidelines is to prevent fire ignition and to 
    maximize the time available for passenger evacuation if fire does 
    occur. FRA later reissued the guidelines in 1989 to update the 
    recommended testing methods. See 54 FR 1837, Jan. 17, 1989. Testing 
    methods cited in the current FRA guidelines include those of the 
    American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) and the Federal 
    Aviation Administration (FAA). In particular, the ASTM and FAA testing 
    methods provide a useful screening device to identify materials that 
    are especially hazardous.
        FRA sought comments in the ANPRM on the need for more thorough 
    guidelines or Federal regulations concerning fire safety (61 FR 30696). 
    FRA noted that fire resistance, detection, and suppression technologies 
    have all advanced since the guidelines were first published. In 
    addition, FRA explained that a trend toward a systems approach to fire 
    safety is evident in most countries with modern rail systems. In 
    response, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) commented 
    that perhaps more thorough guidelines are needed, or at least should be 
    evaluated. A private citizen also responded that, at a minimum, 
    guidelines which are more in depth and ``well thought out''--based on 
    current system safety procedures and available fire safety engineering 
    techniques--are needed to address the fire safety concerns FRA raised 
    in the ANPRM. The commenter noted in particular that Federal 
    maintenance standards related to fire safety are necessary to ensure 
    that materials carefully qualified for use in rail passenger vehicles 
    because of their fire safety characteristics are not replaced with 
    either substandard materials or materials whose origin and fire 
    performance cannot be determined.
        The proposed rule addresses fire safety by making FRA's fire safety 
    guidelines mandatory for the construction of new passenger equipment as 
    well as the refurbishing of existing equipment. In addition, the 
    proposed rule would require that fire safety be furthered through a 
    fire protection plan and program carried out by each operating 
    railroad. This effort would include conducting a fire safety analysis 
    of existing passenger equipment and taking appropriate action to reduce 
    the risk of personal injuries. In the second phase of this rulemaking, 
    FRA anticipates improving upon the safety standards contained in the 
    existing fire safety guidelines through ongoing research.
        Currently, the National Institute of Standards and Technology 
    (NIST) is conducting research under the direction of FRA and the Volpe 
    Center involving the fire safety of rail passenger vehicles. The NIST 
    project, scheduled for completion in 1998, will investigate the use of 
    alternative fire testing methods and computer hazard assessment models 
    to identify and evaluate approaches to passenger train fire safety. The 
    evaluation will examine the effects and tradeoffs of passenger car and 
    system design (including materials), fire detection and suppression 
    systems, and passenger egress time. A peer review committee has been 
    established to provide project guidance and review interim results and 
    reports. The committee includes representatives from FRA, the Volpe 
    Center, the NFPA, builders of rail passenger vehicles, producers of 
    materials, Amtrak and commuter railroads, and testing laboratories.
        In the first phase of the NIST project, selected materials which 
    satisfy the testing methods referenced in FRA's fire safety guidelines 
    will be evaluated using a different testing instrument, the ASTM 1354 
    Cone Calorimeter. The Cone Calorimeter provides a measurement of heat 
    release rate (the amount of energy that a material produces while 
    burning), specimen mass loss, smoke production, and combustion gases. 
    For a given confined space such as a rail car interior, the air 
    temperature and risk of harm to passengers are increased as the heat 
    release rate increases. As a result, even if passengers do not come in 
    direct contact with a fire, they may likely be injured from the high 
    temperatures, high heat fluxes, and large amounts of toxic gases 
    emitted by materials involved in the fire.
        The NIST testing will help develop performance criteria for 
    materials using the Cone Calorimeter in a context similar to that 
    provided in the FRA fire safety guidelines. In addition, unlike data 
    derived from the testing methods referenced in the current FRA 
    guidelines, heat release rate and other measurements obtained from the 
    Cone Calorimeter can be used in a fire modeling methodology to evaluate 
    the contribution of materials to the overall fire safety of a passenger 
    train. Data gathered from the NIST testing will be used in the second 
    phase of the project to perform a fire hazard analysis of selected 
    passenger train fire scenarios. The analysis will employ computer 
    modeling to assess the impact on passenger train fire safety for a 
    range of construction materials and system design. In the final phase 
    of the project, selected real-scale proof testing of assemblies 
    representing rail passenger equipment will be performed to verify the 
    bench-scale (small-scale) criteria and hazard analysis studies in 
    actual end use configurations. This research effort thus follows upon 
    FRA-sponsored studies by the National Bureau of Standards in 1984 and 
    the NIST in 1993 which noted among their findings that the performance 
    of individual components of a rail passenger car in a real-world fire 
    environment may be different from that experienced in bench-scale tests 
    due to vehicle geometry and materials interaction.\2\
        \2\ ``Fire Tests of Amtrak Passenger Rail Vehicle Interiors.'' 
    (NBS Technical Note 1193, May 1984); ``Fire Safety of Passenger 
    Trains: A Review of U.S. and Foreign Approaches.'' (DOT/FRA/ORD-93/
    23-DOT-VNTSC-FRA-93-26, December, 1993). The 1993 report is 
    available to the public through the National Technical Information 
    Service, Springfield, VA 22161. A copy of both reports have been 
    placed in the public docket for this rulemaking.
        The NFPA publishes a standard (NFPA 130) covering fire protection 
    requirements for fixed guideway transit systems and for life safety 
    from fire in transit stations, trainways, vehicles, and outdoor 
    maintenance and storage areas. (A copy of the 1995 edition of this 
    standard has been placed in the public docket for this rulemaking.) 
    However, this standard does not apply to passenger railroad systems 
    including those that provide commuter service (NFPA 130 1-1.2). An APTA 
    representative on the Working Group who is also an NFPA member has 
    initiated an NFPA-sponsored task force to revise the scope of NFPA 130 
    to cover all passenger rail transportation systems, including intercity 
    [[Page 49745]]
    commuter rail, and revise other provisions as necessary. (Copies of the 
    correspondence concerning the establishment of this task force have 
    also been placed in the public docket.) FRA and the Working Group will 
    evaluate the results of this effort for application to this rulemaking.
    Safety Glazing Standards
        Existing regulations found in 49 CFR part 223 provide minimum 
    requirements for glazing materials in order to protect railroad 
    passengers and employees from injury as a result of objects striking 
    the windows of locomotives, cabooses, and passenger cars. Noting some 
    possible concerns with these requirements, FRA sought comment on 
    whether these standards should be revised and requested information on 
    any glazing-related injuries to passenger train occupants (61 FR 
        The Sierracin/Sylmar Corporation (Sierracin) commented that rail 
    glazing meeting much higher impact and ballistic requirements is 
    currently available, economically viable, and in fact in use by a few 
    rail agencies (mass transit and commuter rail) here in the United 
    States. Among its observations in particular, Sierracin noted that the 
    strength of the glazing frame could quite easily be tested. Further, it 
    explained that from its experience as a glazing manufacturer it is 
    aware of very few ballistic attacks on trains, and such attacks have 
    been limited to the side windows of locomotives or coach cars or both--
    not to end-facing windows. In addition, Sierracin pointed out that 
    since the impact energy of an object is a function of velocity, an 
    object's destructive capability increases as the speed of the surface 
    it impacts increases.
        FRA believes that existing safety glazing requirements have largely 
    proven effective in passenger service at speeds up to 125 mph. In fact, 
    FRA is concerned that less stringent requirements would create 
    vulnerability to objects thrown at trains as well as the risk of 
    ejection of passengers during train derailments. Because the safety 
    glazing standards do not address the performance of the frame which 
    attaches the glazing to the car body, FRA is proposing frame 
    performance requirements for all passenger equipment. Moreover, FRA 
    believes that more stringent glazing requirements are necessary or 
    passenger equipment operating at speeds greater than 125 mph because of 
    the increased destructive potential of an object impacting equipment 
    operating at such speeds. Additionally, improved marking and periodic 
    inspection of emergency windows are being addressed in FRA's emergency 
    preparedness rulemaking.
    Train Interior Safety Features
        A review of the accident/incident data, related to fatalities and 
    injuries on passenger trains for the period of 1972 to 1973, indicates 
    that collapse of the equipment structure and the loss of sufficient 
    space for the passengers to ride out the collision is the principal 
    cause of fatality in train accidents, resulting in approximately 63 
    percent of the fatalities and 27 percent of the serious injuries. Fire 
    and post-collision conditions result in 30 percent of the fatalities 
    and 16 percent of the serious injuries. Thus, collapse of the equipment 
    structure, fire, and post-collision conditions account for 93 percent 
    of the fatalities and 43 percent of the serious injuries. To address 
    these major causes of fatalities and injuries, FRA is proposing 
    comprehensive requirements related to structural design, fire 
    protection, and emergency exits. As discussed above, FRA believes these 
    proposed requirements will aid in reducing the number of fatalities and 
    injuries by minimizing the collapse of equipment, reducing the 
    likelihood of fire, and ensuring accessible and operable emergency 
        Prior research also indicates, however, that passengers striking 
    interior objects in trains, principally during collisions and 
    derailments, accounts for 57 percent of the serious injuries and 7 
    percent of the fatalities occurring on passenger trains. \3\ Therefore, 
    as an initial measure to reduce these numbers, FRA proposals include 
    requiring that:
        \3\ Rail Safety/Equipment Crashworthiness,'' M.J. Reiley, R.H. 
    Jines, & A.E. Tanner. (FRA/ORD-77/73, Vol. I, July 1978).''
         Passenger seats and other interior fittings be securely 
    attached to the car body;
         Interior fittings in a passenger car be recessed or flush-
         Overhead storage racks provide restraint for stowed 
    articles; and
         Sharp edges be padded or otherwise avoided.
    Overall, FRA's proposed requirements rely on ``compartmentalization'' 
    or ``passive restraints'' (i.e., requiring no action to be taken on the 
    part of the occupant) as a passenger protection strategy. The proposed 
    requirements are based on the current available research, discussed in 
    detail below, which indicates that during a collision the interior 
    environment of a passenger coach is substantially less hostile than the 
    interiors of automobiles and aircraft. In fact, current research 
    indicates that the interior of a typical intercity passenger coach 
    without active restraints provides a level of protection to the 
    occupants that is at least as high as that provided to automobile and 
    transport aircraft passengers with active restraints.
        Some research indicates that there may be a potential for even a 
    greater level of passenger protection if lap belts and shoulder 
    harnesses are utilized on passenger trains. In fact, FRA is proposing 
    that lap belts and shoulder harnesses be required in the cab of a Tier 
    II train, as recommended by the Tier II Equipment Subgroup. Due to the 
    high strength of the cab and its forward location near the expected 
    point of impact in many different collision scenarios, decelerations 
    experienced by crewmembers in the cab of Tier II trains may be high. 
    Accordingly, members of the subgroup believed that restraints for the 
    crewmembers could provide a significant benefit. FRA requests 
    information and comment from interested parties as to whether there is 
    any existing research or experience which would justify proposing 
    active seat restraints in the current stage of this rulemaking. 
    However, FRA believes more research is necessary in this area in order 
    to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of such active 
    restraints as well as the impact on seat design and strength. Although 
    FRA currently proposes a passenger protection strategy based on 
    compartmentalization, FRA will be undertaking an aggressive research 
    and testing program to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of 
    active restraints such as lap belts and shoulder harnesses. If this 
    research indicates that these types of active restraints are a viable 
    and feasible means of providing additional protection to the riding 
    public, then FRA will propose the use of such restraints in the second 
    NPRM on passenger equipment scheduled for development in 1998.
        The principal means of protecting occupants during accidents 
    include ``friendly'' (``delethalized'') interior arrangements and 
    occupant restraints, such as lap belts, shoulder harnesses and airbags. 
    Occupant protection devices which require some action on the part of 
    the occupant, such as buckling a seatbelt, are termed ``active 
    devices,'' while protection devices which require no action, such as 
    automobile door-mounted shoulder harnesses and airbags, are termed 
    ``passive devices.'' Both active and passive occupant protection 
    [[Page 49746]]
    act to limit the decelerations and to distribute the loads imparted to 
    occupants during an accident. Typical passenger protection strategies 
    in automobiles include airbags, lap belts and shoulder harnesses, and 
    friendly lower dashboard designs which limit thigh loads imparted 
    during a collision. Typical passenger protection strategies in 
    transport category aircraft, intended to protect passengers during 
    accidents occurring during takeoff or landing, include seatbelts and 
    friendly design of the seatback or bulkhead ahead of the occupant which 
    limit the decelerations of the occupant's head.
        The passenger protection devices incorporated into a vehicle must 
    allow occupants to survive the deceleration of the volume within which 
    they are contained. The decelerations of the occupant volume of an 
    automobile in a collision can reach a peak of approximately 30 g's, 
    while the decelerations of transport-category aircraft during a landing 
    accident can reach 18 g's. In order to assure a high likelihood of 
    survival for such high decelerations, the use of occupant restraints 
    are required in automobiles and transport aircraft. The peak 
    deceleration of passenger rail coach equipment is 8 g's for a head on 
    collision. Figure 1 shows the time histories of the occupant volume 
    decelerations for a Ford Taurus colliding into a rigid barrier at 35 
    mph, 4 a transport category aircraft during a landing 
    accident, 5 and a rail passenger coach during a train-to-
    train collision at 70 mph. 6 During a collision, the 
    interior of a passenger train is inherently a less hostile environment 
    than those of an automobile or aircraft, owing to the relatively low 
    deceleration of the occupant volume.
        \4\ New Car Assessment Program Test #2312. DOT/NHTSA, 1996. A 
    copy of this test has been placed in the public docket for this 
        \5\ The Effect of Aircraft Size on Cabin Floor Dynamic Pulses.'' 
    G. Wittlin, L. Neri. (DOT/FAA/CT-88/15, March 1990). The report is 
    available to the public through the National Technical Information 
    Service, Springfield, VA 22161. A copy of the report has also been 
    placed in the public docket for this rulemaking.
        \6\ ``Crashworthiness of Passenger Trains.'' (DOT-VNTSC-FRA-96-
    5, September 1996). The report has not yet been published, but a 
    copy of the report has been placed in the public docket for this 
    BILLING CODE 4910-06-P
    [[Page 49747]]
    BILLING CODE 4910-06-C
        Simulation studies of occupant impacts with interiors have been 
    conducted in support of this rulemaking effort, and have been placed in 
    the public docket for this rulemaking.\7\ Simulation results include 
    detailed time-histories of occupant motions and the forces imparted to 
    occupants during a collision. These motions and forces have been 
    evaluated for the potential for fatality using the criteria employed by 
    the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the FAA 
    in their regulatory requirements for passenger protection in 
    automobiles and transport-category aircraft, respectively. The 
    principal criteria employed by NHTSA and the FAA are the Head Injury 
    Criteria (HIC), which relate the deceleration of the occupant's head to 
    the potential for fatality, and the Chest Deceleration, which relates 
    the deceleration of the occupant's chest (heart) with the potential for 
    fatality. The maximum limit prescribed by NHSTA and the FAA for the HIC 
    is 1000, and 60 g's for Chest Deceleration.
        \7\ ``Evaluation of Selected Crashwortiness Strategies for 
    Passenger Trains.'' D. Tyrell, K. Severson-Green, & B. Marquis. 
    National Academy Press, Transportation Research Record No. 1989, 
    July 1995; ``Analysis of Occupant Protection Strategies in Train 
    Collisions.'' D. Tyrell, K. Severson, & B. Marquis. American Society 
    of Mechanical Engineers, AMD-Vol. 210/BED-Vol. 30, pp. 539-557, 
    1995; ``Crashworthiness Testing of Amtrak's Traditional Coach 
    Seat.'' D. Tyrell K. Severson. (DOT/FRA/ORD-96/08--DOT-VNTSC-FRA-96-
    11, October 1996); and ``Crashworthiness of Passenger Trains.'' See 
    note 6.
        Passenger rail equipment interior configurations studied include 
    rows of forward-facing seats without passenger restraints, with seat 
    belts, and with seatbelts and shoulder harnesses. The seat design 
    employed in these studies is a typical intercity passenger coach seat, 
    for which the floor attachment is sufficient not to fail during the 
    simulated collision. (The occupant protection strategy in which 
    occupant motion during the collision is restricted by fixed equipment 
    such as seats and bulkheads is termed ``compartmentalization.'') Table 
    1 summarizes the results for passengers seated in the first coach of a 
    locomotive-led consist, initially traveling at 70 mph, which collides 
    head-on with a stationary locomotive-led consist. These data indicate 
    that without restraints, the interior of a typical intercity passenger 
    coach provides a level of protection to the occupants at least as high 
    as that provided to automobile and transport aircraft passengers with 
    restraints, while lap and shoulder belts provide the highest level of 
                                                     Table 1.--Selected Results, Interior Simulation Studies                                                
                                                                         No restraint             Lap belt          Lap and shoulder     NHTSA and FAA Max. 
                                                                        (compartmenta-    -----------------------         belts           permitted  values 
                                                                           lization)                             -------------------------------------------
                                                                    ----------------------     HIC     Chest g's                                            
                                                                        HIC     Chest g's                            HIC     Chest g's     HIC     Chest g's
    50th percentile male, Seat ahead Upright.......................        241         20         141         23         21          9       1000         60
    50th percentile male, Seat ahead Reclined......................        401         36   1428-2089         26         21          9       1000         60
        The data in Table 1 indicate that lap belts alone result in a 
    greater likelihood of fatal head injury for certain occupants if the 
    seat ahead of the occupant is reclined. This is owing to the lap-belted 
    occupant striking the top of the seatback ahead. Struck in this manner, 
    the seat is stiff and the head deceleration is large, resulting in a 
    high likelihood of head injury. The head of an unrestrained occupant 
    will strike the rear of the seatback ahead of the occupant, along with 
    the knees of the occupant. Struck in this manner, the seat is 
    relatively soft, the impact forces are distributed over the occupant's 
    body, and the decelerations experienced by the occupant are within 
    survivable levels. The head on an occupant restrained by a lap belt and 
    a shoulder harness will not strike an interior surface, and the 
    deceleration of an occupant so restrained is relatively low. The 
    motions of an unrestrained occupant, an occupant restrained by a lap 
    belt, and an occupant restrained by a lap belt and a shoulder harness 
    are sketched in Figure 2.
    BILLING CODE 4910-06-P
    [[Page 49748]]
    BILLING CODE 4910-06-C
        The potential effectiveness of occupant restraints in protecting 
    passengers has been inferred from available information on what types 
    of injury occur during passenger train accidents and the equipment 
    involved in causing these injuries. Available criteria which relate 
    these forces and motions to the range of injuries resulting from rail 
    passenger accidents are limited in number and reliability. For example, 
    there is only one accepted criterion for evaluating back injury (an 
    axial load criterion employed by the FAA) while there are many 
    potential modes of back injury, including twisting and excessive 
    flexion. The two principal considerations in inferring the potential 
    effectiveness are the likelihood that the occupant is in a seat and is 
    able to use the restraint, and the potential that the type of injury is 
    prone to prevention or reduction in severity with an occupant 
        Table 2 lists the types of injuries, their frequency of occurrence 
    from 1972 to 1973 (see note 3), and the potential effectiveness of 
    occupant restraints. The likely causes of back injury are the seats 
    becoming unlocked and swiveling during an accident and standing 
    passengers subject to falling. Leg, knee, and thigh injuries are 
    potentially caused by leg entrapment beneath the seat ahead of the 
    occupant. Neck injuries are likely the result of ``whiplash'' effects 
    of low seat backs during accidents. The potential effectiveness of 
    occupant restraints can be inferred from the type of injury. For 
    example, seat belts may reduce the occurrence and severity of back 
    injury owing to the longitudinal decelerations from collisions, but may 
    not reduce the occurrence and severity of back injury owing to the 
    lateral accelerations associated with derailment or for a standing 
    passenger falling.
            Table 2.--Injury Types, Number of Occurrences, and Potential Effectiveness of Occupant Restraint        
                                        Number of  -----------------------------------------------------------------
               Injury type            Occurrences,      No Restraints                                               
                                         1972-73        (Compartment-           Lap Belts           Lap belts and   
                                                         alization)                              shoulder harnesses 
    Back............................          195   Medium..............  Medium..............  High                
    Leg/Knee/Thigh..................          140   Low.................  Medium..............  Medium              
    Neck............................          126   Medium..............  Low.................  Medium              
    Head............................           94   Medium..............  Low.................  High                
    Arm/Hand........................           89   Low.................  Low.................  Low                 
    Chest...........................           64   Medium..............  Medium..............  Medium              
    Shoulder........................           61   Medium..............  Medium..............  Medium              
    Hip/Pelvis......................           40   Medium..............  High................  High                
    Face/Nose.......................           38   Medium..............  Low.................  High                
    Foot/Ankle......................           27   Low.................  Medium..............  Medium              
    Abdomen.........................           19   Medium..............  Medium..............  Medium              
    Side............................           15   Medium..............  Medium..............  High                
        Table 3 lists the equipment involved in injury over this same 
    period (see note 3). The likelihood that an occupant was in a seat 
    immediately prior to the injury can be inferred from the type of 
    equipment. For example, the potential effectiveness of occupant 
    restraints protecting occupants from injury with food service and 
    lavatory equipment-- the most likely equipment to be involved with 
    injury--is low because such equipment is not located near passenger 
    coach seats. Appropriate measures to assure that such equipment is 
    ``friendly'' during a collision may potentially reduce the severity of 
    injuries associated with food service and lavatory equipment. In fact, 
    since the time of the study, Amtrak has taken significant steps to 
    secure food service equipment and provides for better retention of 
    luggage in overhead storage racks. Further, lavatory design has also 
    been improved in the newer generations of Amtrak equipment.
    [[Page 49749]]
        Table 3.--Equipment Involved in Injury, Frequency of Occurrence, and Potential Effectiveness of Occupant    
                                      Frequency                        Potential effectiveness                      
                                         of     --------------------------------------------------------------------
      Equipment involved in injury   occurrence        No restraints                                Lap belts and   
                                      (percent)    (compartmentalization)        Lap belts        shoulder harnesses
    Food Service and Lavatory              27.5  Medium...................  Low................  Low                
    Bulkheads, Doors, Window Frames        20    Medium...................  Low................  Low                
    Seats..........................        16    High.....................  High...............  High               
    Floor..........................        10.2  Medium...................  Medium.............  Medium             
    Window Glass...................        10.2  Medium...................  Medium.............  Medium             
    Tables Counters................         7.2  Low......................  Low................  Low                
    Hand Rail......................         2.9  Low......................  Low................  Low                
    Entrance Platform..............         2.9  Low......................  Low................  Low                
    Luggage........................         1.5  Low......................  Low................  Low                
    Cabinets.......................         1.5  Low......................  Low................  Low                
        Conclusions from the research conducted to date on passenger 
    protection in train collisions are that lap belts alone may potentially 
    increase fatalities in train collisions; compartmentalization can 
    provide a level of protection for rail passengers at least as effective 
    as that provided by current regulations for automobile and transport-
    category aircraft passengers; and that lap belts and shoulder 
    restraints provide the highest level of occupant protection of those 
    protection strategies studied.
        Current FRA research plans include efforts for developing the means 
    of implementing seat belts and shoulder restraints in intercity and 
    commuter passenger rail equipment and efforts for optimizing 
    compartmentalization for a wide range of occupant sizes, from infants 
    to large adults, and a wide range of interior configurations, including 
    those of food service cars and lavatories in addition to coach car 
    seating configurations. Issues to be addressed in research on 
    implementing seat belts and shoulder restraints include:
         The development of a seat structure design with sufficient 
    integrity to sustain the loads imparted by the restraints during 
         The potential for increased injury of unrestrained 
    occupants striking such strengthened seatbacks and the hard points 
    necessary for lap and shoulder belt securement;
         The potential for increased injury to occupants who misuse 
    the seat and shoulder belts (e.g., placement of the shoulder belt 
    behind the occupant),  The development of mechanisms for adjusting the 
    height location of the shoulder restraint to prevent strangulation of 
    occupants of small stature, including children;
         The overall effectiveness in reducing injury owing to 
    occupant impacts with the interior; and
         The manufacturing costs for a seat which can support the 
    loads imparted by the restraints during collisions.
        Although FRA's research and development budget is somewhat limited, 
    FRA is committed to completing the following items within approximately 
    the next 12 months:
         Preliminary cost/benefit analysis on lap belts and 
    shoulder harnesses;
         Preliminary hazard analysis; and
         Preliminary qualitative engineering feasibility work on 
    new seat and belt designs, including cost estimates.
        The results of this research will be followed by a final cost/
    benefit review and will be available when FRA begins the development of 
    the second NPRM on passenger equipment standards.
        Based on current research results, the proposed interior passenger 
    protection requirements for Tier I and II passenger equipment rely on 
    compartmentalization as a passenger protection strategy. Research 
    results indicate that during a collision the interior environment of a 
    passenger coach is substantially less hostile than the interiors of 
    automobiles and aircraft. Owing to this lower hostility of the 
    passenger collision environment, the interior of a typical intercity 
    passenger coach can provide a level of protection to passengers without 
    restraints at least as effective in preventing fatality as the 
    protection provided to automobile and transport aircraft passengers 
    with restraints. Such a strategy has the benefits of being passive, 
    requiring no action to be taken on the part of the occupants, of being 
    effective for a range of occupant sizes, and potentially being 
    effective in a wide range of interior configurations. If the results of 
    ongoing research indicate that lap belts and shoulder restraints can 
    provide a greater level of protection for passengers than 
    compartmentalization, while being cost-effective, then FRA will 
    consider requiring passenger restraints in the second NPRM.
    Crash Energy Management
        FRA is proposing that Tier II equipment be designed with a crash 
    energy management system. Crash energy management is an equipment 
    design technique to provide a controlled deformation and collapse of 
    designated sections of the unoccupied volumes of a passenger train to 
    absorb the energy from a collision. This allows collision energy to 
    dissipate before any structural damage occurs to the occupied volumes 
    of a passenger train and reduces the decelerations experienced by 
    passengers and crewmembers in a collision, thereby mitigating the force 
    of any collisions with objects in a train's interior, such as seats.
        In a report prepared by the Volpe Center, the crash energy 
    management approach was found to offer significant safety 
    benefits.8 For example, the Volpe Center report found the 
    crash energy management approach significantly more effective in 
    preserving occupant volume in a head-on collision at a relative speed 
    above 70 mph between two trains propelled by power cars (locomotives) 
    than when the trains did not employ such an approach. Moreover, for the 
    full range of collision speeds, the crash energy management design 
    provided a significantly gentler initial deceleration of the passenger 
    train occupants than when the trains did not employ such an approach. 
    Further, the crash energy management designed power car train is more 
    compatible with existing equipment. It serves as a softer collision 
    surface to a conventionally designed train owing to the collision 
    energy absorbed as the
    [[Page 49750]]
    unoccupied volumes of the power car train intentionally crush.
        \8\ Crashworthiness of Passenger Trains.'' (DOT-VNTSC-FRA-96-5, 
    September 1996). See Note 6.
    Emergency Systems
        In addition to the proposed requirements concerning emergency 
    egress and access discussed above, FRA is considering and proposing 
    other requirements to mitigate harm to passenger train occupants in 
    emergency situations.
    Emergency Lighting
        In a passenger train emergency, inadequate lighting may make it 
    difficult or impossible to read emergency information, to locate doors 
    and emergency exits, and to move about within the train's interior. 
    Rapid egress from the passenger train may be inhibited, and rescue 
    efforts hampered. Further, a private citizen commented in response to 
    the ANPRM that passengers can be very frightened when a train's head-
    end power shuts down at night or in a darkened station, and there is no 
    onboard emergency lighting for the passengers' security. Accordingly, 
    the proposed rule requires in Sec. 238.123 that all new or rebuilt 
    passenger equipment be equipped with an emergency lighting system. FRA 
    is also considering requiring that auxiliary portable lighting be 
    available for assistance in a passenger train emergency. FRA may 
    prescribe requirements for such lighting in either the final rule of 
    this rulemaking or in the final rule of FRA's complementary rulemaking 
    on passenger train emergency preparedness.
    Emergency Communication: To the Train Control Center
        FRA is considering requirements for emergency communication 
    equipment on passenger trains. In Working Group discussions, the UTU 
    emphasized that passenger trains should be equipped with both a primary 
    and a redundant means to communicate with a railroad control center. 
    The UTU and BRC also stressed that both means of communication should 
    be required to operate properly before a passenger train is dispatched.
        The ability to communicate in an emergency is important for all 
    trains--freight and passenger. For example, because passenger trains 
    operate commingled with freight trains, the ability of a freight train 
    crew to notify a railroad control center of an emergency involving its 
    train may prevent a collision with an oncoming passenger train. As 
    noted above, FRA is currently engaged in revising the Radio Standards 
    and Procedures in 49 CFR part 220 through the Railroad Communications 
    Working Group established under the RSAC. Although FRA anticipates that 
    this separate effort will establish minimum safety requirements with 
    respect to communications equipment for all train service, it should be 
    noted that intercity passenger and commuter railroads already make 
    extensive provision for ensuring communication capabilities during 
    Emergency Communication: Within the Train
        FRA is proposing in Sec. 238.437 that Tier II passenger trains be 
    equipped with a means of emergency communication throughout the train. 
    This will enable crewmembers to provide passengers with information and 
    instructions in an emergency.
        FRA has decided to limit this proposal to Tier II passenger trains, 
    however, because such trains are intended to operate as a fixed unit, 
    unlike Tier I passenger trains. Whereas an emergency system to 
    communicate throughout the train may be more easily provided for a 
    train which remains as a fixed unit, the interchangeability of 
    passenger cars and locomotives raises practical considerations about 
    the compatibility of communications equipment in a Tier I passenger 
    train. FRA will seek to address these considerations and further 
    examine requirements concerning emergency communication within a Tier I 
    train in the second phase of the development of passenger equipment 
    safety standards.
    Emergency Window Exits
        As noted, under 49 CFR part 223 equipment designed to carry 
    passengers must be equipped with a minimum of four emergency window 
    exits which permit rapid and easy removal during a crisis. FRA is 
    proposing in Secs. 238.235 and 238.439 to strengthen this requirement 
    by making certain, for example, that passenger cars be equipped with 
    four window exits on each main level of each car. FRA is also proposing 
    that each compartment in a sleeping car be equipped with at least one 
    emergency window exit. Above all, the proposed rule requires that each 
    emergency window exit be easily operable without requiring the use of 
    any tool or other implement to facilitate passenger egress in an 
        FRA notes that Canadian passenger equipment typically contain more 
    than four emergency window exits, and that MARC is requiring that at 
    least half of all windows in each passenger car be available for use 
    during an emergency. Commenters are requested to address the issue of 
    whether the final rule should require additional emergency window exits 
    in a passenger car.
        Commenters are also requested to address what size requirements for 
    emergency window exits FRA should impose in the final rule. FRA is 
    currently proposing that Tier I equipment have a minimum, unobstructed 
    emergency window exit opening of 24 inches horizontally by 18 inches 
    vertically, and that Tier II equipment have a minimum, unobstructed 
    emergency window exit opening of 30 inches horizontally by 30 inches 
    vertically. The Tier II Equipment Subgroup, including Amtrak, 
    recommended the latter requirement for application to Tier II 
    equipment. However, the full Working Group advised against imposing 
    such a requirement on Tier I equipment. Although FRA would prefer that 
    all emergency window exits afford the larger opening, the Tier I 
    equipment proposal provides the minimum opening needed for a fully-
    equipped emergency response worker to gain access to the interior of a 
    train, according to the NFPA.
    Roof Hatches or Clearly Marked Structural Weak Points
        In an emergency, roof hatch exits on railroad passenger equipment 
    may facilitate the rapid egress of passengers. However, APTA and Amtrak 
    have raised concerns about requiring such exits on passenger equipment. 
    Allowing access to the roof of a passenger train can be particularly 
    dangerous, especially when the train operates in electrified territory. 
    As an alternative, passenger equipment could be designed with a clearly 
    marked structural weak point in the roof to provide quick access for 
    emergency personnel. Access to and egress from passenger equipment 
    would be facilitated, without the risk of allowing passengers immediate 
    access to the roof when no emergency is present.
        As recommended by the Tier II Equipment Subgroup, the proposed rule 
    requires in Sec. 238.439 that Tier II equipment either be equipped with 
    roof hatches or be designed with clearly marked structural weak points 
    in the roof to permit quick access for properly equipped emergency 
    personnel. The proposed rule does not contain such requirements for 
    Tier I equipment, however. There was no consensus within the full 
    Working Group to recommend that such requirements be included. FRA will 
    consider such requirements for Tier I equipment in the second phase of 
    the rulemaking, and the Working Group agreed to do so as well. FRA does 
    believe that the safety of Tier
    [[Page 49751]]
    I passenger trains will still be significantly advanced by the other 
    requirements for emergency egress and access contained in this proposed 
    Additional Passenger Train Safety Issues
        As detailed below in the section-by-section analysis, the proposed 
    rule will also address additional passenger train safety issues 
         Equipment (non-brake) inspection, testing, and 
         Suspension system safety;
         Operating cab controls;
         Safety appliances;
         Electrical system safety;
         Software and hardware safety, and
         Introduction of new technology.
        Further, in consultation with the Working Group, FRA has identified 
    issues to address in the second phase of this rulemaking which may lead 
    FRA to propose additional standards for Tier I equipment in a future 
    NPRM. Although certain issues have already been noted above, such as 
    improvements in cab car end structure design, other issues include 
    crash energy management requirements and increased side impact strength 
    requirements for car bodies. FRA intends that the Working Group advise 
    FRA as to which requirements make sense for application to Tier I 
    equipment and which requirements already proposed in this NPRM should 
    be strengthened. It is anticipated that any operational experience 
    gained from the use of Tier II equipment will assist the Working Group 
    in this effort.
    June 1997 NTSB Safety Recommendations
        On June 17, 1997, the NTSB announced a series of safety 
    recommendations as a result of its investigation of the collision 
    between MARC train 286 and Amtrak train 29 in Silver Spring, Maryland, 
    on February 16, 1996. While its investigation was still ongoing, the 
    NTSB issued an urgent safety recommendation (R-96-7) to FRA on March 
    12, 1996. As explained earlier in the preamble, FRA convened a joint 
    meeting of the Passenger Equipment Safety Standards Working Group and 
    the Passenger Train Emergency Preparedness Working Group on March 26, 
    1996, to discuss this recommendation and incorporate the Safety Board's 
    initial findings into each working group's rulemaking, as appropriate. 
    This urgent recommendation has been fully considered and is reflected 
    in this NPRM as well as the NPRM on Passenger Train Emergency 
    Preparedness that was published on February 24, 1997 (see 62 FR 8330).
        Though the Safety Board has reiterated portions of its earlier, 
    urgent recommendation, FRA has not yet had the opportunity to discuss 
    with the Passenger Equipment Safety Standards Working Group the full 
    array of June 1997 recommendations pertaining to passenger equipment 
    safety. However, for the consideration of interested parties, FRA has 
    set forth below for public comment the recent NTSB recommendations 
    relevant to this rulemaking. In particular, the NTSB has recommended 
    that FRA:
         Require all passenger cars to have easily accessible 
    interior emergency quick-release mechanisms adjacent to exterior 
    passageway doors and take appropriate emergency action to ensure 
    corrective action until these measures are incorporated into minimum 
    passenger car safety standards.
         Require all passenger cars to have either removable 
    windows, kick panels, or other suitable means for emergency exiting 
    through the interior and exterior passageway doors where the door could 
    impede passengers exiting in an emergency and take appropriate 
    emergency measures to ensure corrective action until these measures are 
    incorporated into minimum passenger car safety standards.
         Issue interim standards for the use of luminescent or 
    retro-reflective material or both to mark all interior and exterior 
    emergency exits in all passenger cars as soon as possible and 
    incorporate the interim standards into minimum passenger car safety 
         Require all passenger cars to contain reliable emergency 
    lighting fixtures that are each fitted with a self-contained 
    independent power source and incorporate the requirements into minimum 
    passenger car safety standards.
         Provide promptly a prescribed inspection and test cycle to 
    ensure the proper operation of all emergency exit windows as well as 
    provide that the 180-day inspection and maintenance test cycle is 
    prescribed in the final rule.
         Require that all exterior emergency door release 
    mechanisms on passenger cars be functional before a passenger car is 
    placed in revenue service, that the emergency door release mechanism be 
    placed in a readily accessible position and marked for easy 
    identification in emergencies and derailments, and that these 
    requirements be incorporated into minimum passenger car safety 
         Require that a comprehensive inspection of all commuter 
    passenger cars be performed to independently verify that the interior 
    materials of these cars meet the expected performance requirements for 
    flammability and smoke emissions characteristics.
    FRA has specifically responded in Sec. 238.105 (Fire protection 
    program) of this NPRM to the Board's recent recommendation concerning 
    the flammability and smoke emission characteristics of interior 
    materials in existing passenger cars.
    APTA Comments
        As explained earlier in the preamble, under the authority of 49 
    U.S.C. 20133(d) FRA developed the proposed rule in consultation with a 
    Working Group that included Amtrak, individual commuter railroads, and 
    APTA, which represents the interests of commuter railroads in 
    regulatory matters. On March 19, 1997, following the last full meeting 
    of the Working Group, FRA sent a draft of the NPRM to Working Group 
    members and advisors for their review and comment as to whether the 
    rule inaccurately reflected the Working Group's recommendations in a 
    significant way. By letter dated April 28, 1997, APTA requested a 
    meeting with FRA to address its significant concerns about a number of 
    substantive items in the NPRM, as well as the process used to develop 
    the NPRM. A meeting took place on May 23, 1997, at which time APTA 
    provided FRA with extensive written comments on the draft NPRM. These 
    comments have been placed in the public docket for this rulemaking, 
    along with a summary of the meeting. FRA has also included a number of 
    APTA's comments in this NPRM for the consideration of interested 
    parties, and FRA invites all interested parties to address APTA's 
    comments while commenting on the proposed rule.
    Section-by-Section Analysis
    Amendments to 49 CFR Part 216
        Part 216 currently authorizes certain FRA and participating State 
    inspectors to issue Special Notices for Repair, under specified 
    conditions, for freight cars with defects under the part 215, 
    locomotives with defects under parts 229 or 230 or 49 U.S.C. chapter 
    207, and track with defects under part 213. The proposed revisions to 
    part 216 would create a fourth category of Special Notices for Repair: 
    for passenger equipment with defects under part 238. In summary, if the 
    inspector determines that the noncomplying passenger equipment is 
    ``unsafe for further service'' and issues the proposed Special Notice, 
    it would require the railroad to take the passenger equipment out of 
    service, to make repairs to bring the equipment into compliance with 
    part 238, and to report the repairs to
    [[Page 49752]]
    FRA. The revisions would also make conforming changes to part 216 
    reflecting this new enforcement tool.
        Finally, these proposed revisions include various technical 
    amendments to update part 216 to reflect the following: (1) internal 
    organizational changes within FRA; (2) the division of former part 230, 
    Locomotive Inspection Regulations, into parts 229 and 230 and the 
    redesignation of those portions of former part 230 related to non-steam 
    locomotives as part 229, Railroad Locomotive Safety Standards; and (3) 
    the repeal, reenactment without substantive change, and recodification 
    of the Federal railroad safety laws in 1994. See 45 FR 21092, Mar. 31, 
    1980; Pub. L. 103-272, July 5, 1994.
    Amendments to 49 CFR Parts 223, 229, 231, and 232
        FRA proposes conforming changes to the applicability sections of 
    FRA's Safety Glazing Standards, Railroad Locomotive Safety Standards, 
    Railroad Safety Appliance Standards, and railroad power brakes and 
    drawbars regulations that were necessitated by proposed provisions of 
    new part 238. In the final rule, FRA may adjust the application of 
    provisions in parts 215, 223, 229, 231, or 232, or possibly delete 
    provisions in those parts, to avoid duplication of provisions in part 
    238. FRA has not proposed deletion of passenger train brake test and 
    maintenance requirements from part 232 because proposed part 238 would 
    not cover certain operations subject to part 232, e.g., tourist, 
    historic, scenic, and excursion railroad operations on the general 
    system. If any provision in parts 215, 223, 229, 231, or 232 is deleted 
    in the final rule, FRA will revise the schedule of civil penalties for 
    the affected part by removing the entry for the provision deleted. 
    Because such penalty schedules are statements of policy, notice and 
    comment are not required prior to their issuance. See 5 U.S.C. 
    49 CFR Part 238
    (APTA is concerned that the proposed record keeping and reporting 
    requirements in subparts A-D are extensive and significantly exceed 
    current railroad practice, without any corresponding safety benefit. 
    Commenters are requested to address APTA's concern.)
    Subpart A--General
        Sec. 238.1  Purpose and scope. Paragraph (a) states the purpose of 
    the rule to be the prevention of accidents involving railroad passenger 
    equipment and the mitigation of the consequences of accidents involving 
    railroad passenger equipment, to the extent such accidents cannot be 
    prevented. Paragraph (b) states that these regulations provide minimum 
    standards for the subjects addressed. Railroads and other persons 
    subject to this part may adopt more stringent requirements, so long as 
    they are not inconsistent with this part.
        Sec. 238.3  Application. As a general matter, in paragraphs (a)(1) 
    and (a)(2), FRA proposes that this rule apply to all railroads that 
    operate intercity passenger train service on the general railroad 
    system of transportation or provide commuter or other short-haul 
    passenger train service in a metropolitan or suburban area; that is, 
    the rule will apply to commuter or other short-haul service described 
    in paragraph (a)(2) regardless of whether that service is connected to 
    the general railroad system. A public authority that indirectly 
    provides passenger train service by contracting out the actual 
    operation to another railroad or independent contractor would be 
    regulated by FRA as a railroad under the provisions of the proposed 
    rule. Paragraph (a)(3), read in conjunction with paragraph (c)(1), 
    means that rapid transit operations in an urban area that are connected 
    to the general railroad system of transportation would also be covered 
    by this part. Paragraph (b) makes explicit the liability imposed by 
    statute, 49 U.S.C. 20303, on a railroad that owns track over which 
    another railroad hauls or uses equipment with a power brake or safety 
    appliance defect. Under paragraph (b), a railroad that permits 
    operations over its trackage by passenger equipment subject to this 
    part that does not comply with a power brake provision of this part or 
    a safety appliance provision of this part is subject to the power brake 
    and safety appliance provisions of this part with respect to such 
    operations that it permits.
        This section contains no explicit reference to private cars. Rather 
    than addressing the scope of applicability of part 238 to private cars 
    in this section, FRA has indicated in the particular substantive 
    sections of the rule whether private cars are covered, according to the 
    terms of those sections. FRA proposes to apply certain requirements of 
    the rule to private cars that operate on railroads subject to this 
    part. FRA has taken into account the burden imposed by requiring 
    private car owners and operators to conform to the requirements of this 
    part. Further, FRA recognizes that private cars are often hauled by 
    railroads such as Amtrak and commuter railroads which often impose 
    their own safety requirements on the operation of the private cars. 
    Accordingly, FRA intends to limit the application of the proposed rule 
    only to those requirements necessary to ensure the safe operation of 
    the passenger train that is hauling the private car. For instance, 
    private cars will be subject to brake inspection, testing, and 
    maintenance requirements.
        The proposed rule is structured to apply to intercity and commuter 
    service, but not to tourist, scenic, historic, and excursion 
    operations. The term ``tourist, scenic, historic, or excursion 
    operations'' is defined in Sec. 238.5 to mean ``railroad operations 
    that carry passengers, often using antiquated equipment, with the 
    conveyance of the passengers to a particular destination not being the 
    principal purpose.'' The term refers to the particular physical 
    operation, not to the nature of the railroad company as a whole that 
    conducts the operation. As a result, part 238 would exempt not only a 
    recreational train ride by a tourist railroad company that employed 
    five people but also a recreational train ride by the Union Pacific 
    Railroad Company, a Class I freight railroad. FRA has not yet had the 
    opportunity to fully consult with tourist and historic railroad 
    operators and their associations to determine the appropriate 
    applicability of the provisions contained in the proposed rule to such 
    railroad operations. The Federal Railroad Safety Authorization Act of 
    1994 directs FRA to examine the unique circumstances of tourist 
    railroads when establishing safety regulations. The Act, which amended 
    49 U.S.C. 20103, states that:
        In prescribing regulations that pertain to railroad safety that 
    affect tourist, historic, scenic, or excursion railroad carriers, 
    the Secretary of Transportation shall take into consideration any 
    financial, operational, or other factors that may be unique to such 
    railroad carriers. The Secretary shall submit a report to Congress 
    not later than September 30, 1995, on actions taken under this 
    Pub. L. No. 103-440, Sec. 217, 108 Stat. 4619, 4624, November 2, 1994. 
    In its 1996 report to Congress entitled ``Regulatory Actions Affecting 
    Tourist Railroads,'' FRA responded to the direction in the statutory 
    provision and also provided additional information related to tourist 
    railroad safety for consideration of the Congress.
        Section 215 of the 1994 Act specifically permits FRA to exempt 
    equipment used by tourist, historic, scenic, and excursion railroads to 
    transport passengers from the initial regulations that must be 
    prescribed by November 2, 1997. 49 U.S.C.
    [[Page 49753]]
    20133(b)(1). FRA is addressing the passenger equipment safety concerns 
    for these unique types of operations through the Tourist and Historic 
    Railroads Working Group formed under RSAC. Any requirements proposed by 
    FRA for these operations will be part of a separate rulemaking 
        Sec. 238.5  Definitions. This section contains a set of definitions 
    to introduce the regulations. FRA intends these definitions to clarify 
    the meaning of important terms as they are used in the text of the 
    proposed rule. Several of the definitions involve new or fundamental 
    concepts which require further discussion.
        ``Brake indicator'' means a device, actuated by brake cylinder 
    pressure, which indicates whether brakes are applied or released on a 
    car. The use of brake indicators in the performance of brake tests is a 
    controversial subject. Rail labor organizations correctly maintain that 
    brake indicators are not fully reliable indicators of brake application 
    and release on each car in the train. Further, railroads correctly 
    maintain that reliance on brake indicators is necessary because 
    inspectors cannot always safely observe brake application and release. 
    FRA believes that brake indicators serve an important role in the 
    performance of brake tests. FRA has specified three different types of 
    brake tests--Class I, Class IA, and Class II (described below)--that 
    must be performed on passenger equipment. Railroads should perform 
    Class I brake tests so that the inspector is able to actually observe 
    brake application and release. However, FRA believes that during the 
    performance of a Class IA brake test, railroads may rely on brake 
    indicators if they determine that the inspector cannot safely make a 
    direct observation of the brake application or release.
        ``Primary brake'' and ``secondary brake'' are complementary 
    definitions. ``Primary brake'' refers to ``those components of the 
    train brake system necessary to stop the train within the signal 
    spacing distance without thermal damage to friction braking surfaces,'' 
    while ``secondary brake'' refers to ``those components of the train 
    brake system which develop supplemental brake retarding force that is 
    not needed to stop the train within signal spacing distances or to 
    prevent thermal damage to wheels.'' FRA provides these definitions to 
    help draw the line between safety and economics of brake systems. 
    Railroads have long held that the dynamic portion of a blended brake is 
    not a safety system. Under the provisions proposed in this rule, 
    railroads must demonstrate through testing and analysis that the 
    dynamic brake fits the definition of a secondary brake. Defective 
    primary braking systems are a serious safety problem that railroads 
    must address immediately. Defective secondary braking systems, as 
    defined in Sec. 238.5, are not a serious safety concern, because, by 
    definition, their failure does not result in unacceptable thermal 
    inputs into friction brake components. Accordingly, FRA proposes to 
    allow railroads more flexibility in dealing with defective secondary 
    braking systems.
        Three brake tests are fundamental to this proposed rule. A ``Class 
    I brake test'' means a complete passenger train brake system test as 
    further specified in Sec. 238.313. The Class I test is the most 
    complete test. It must be done once a day by qualified mechanical 
    inspectors as opposed to train crews. The Class I test is intended to 
    replace the current initial terminal brake test. See 49 CFR 232.12 (c)-
    (j). The proposed Class I test is much more tailored to the specific 
    designs of passenger equipment than the initial terminal brake test 
    that is required now.
        A ``Class IA brake test'' means a test and inspection (as further 
    specified in Sec. 238.315) of the air brake system on each car in a 
    passenger train to ensure the air brake system is 100 percent 
    effective. The Class IA test is a somewhat less complete test than the 
    Class I test. However, the Class IA test is equivalent to the current 
    initial terminal brake test. An important difference between the Class 
    I and Class IA tests is that the Class IA test may be performed by 
    train crews as long as they have been qualified by the railroad to do 
    so. The Class IA test allows commuter railroads the flexibility to have 
    trains depart their first run of the day from an outlying point without 
    having to station qualified mechanical inspectors at all outlying 
    points. If railroads take advantage of the flexibility offered by the 
    Class IA test, they must follow up with a Class I test sometime during 
    the day.
        A ``Class II train brake test'' means a test (as further specified 
    in Sec. 238.317) of brake pipe integrity and continuity from 
    controlling locomotive to rear car. The proposed Class II brake test is 
    a simple set-and-release test intended to replace the passenger train 
    intermediate terminal air brake test. See 49 CFR 232.13(b). The Class 
    II test is also tailored to the special design of the passenger 
        The concept of ``ordered'' or ``date ordered'' is vital to the 
    correct application of this proposed rule. The terms mean the date on 
    which notice to proceed is given by a procuring railroad to a 
    contractor or supplier for new equipment. Many of the provisions of the 
    proposed rule, particularly structural requirements, will apply only to 
    newly constructed equipment. When FRA proposes to apply requirements 
    only to passenger equipment ordered on or after January 1, 1999, or 
    placed in service for the first time on or after January 1, 2001, FRA 
    intends to grandfather any piece of equipment that is both ordered 
    before January 1, 1999, and placed in service for the first time before 
    January 1, 2001. FRA believes this approach will allow railroads to 
    avoid any costs associated with changes to existing orders and yet 
    limit the delay in realizing the safety benefits of the requirements 
    proposed in this rule.
        FRA's proposed definition of ``passenger car'' goes beyond its 
    traditional meaning. ``Passenger car'' means a unit of rolling 
    equipment to provide transportation for members of the general public 
    and includes a self-propelled car designed to carry passengers, 
    baggage, mail, or express. This term includes a cab car, an MU 
    locomotive, and a passenger coach. A cab car and an MU locomotive are 
    also a ``locomotive'' under this rule. ``Passenger coach'' means a unit 
    of rolling equipment intended to provide transportation for members of 
    the general public that is without propelling motors and without a 
    control stand; therefore, passenger coaches are a subset of passenger 
        ``Control stand'' is defined in The Railroad Dictionary of Car and 
    Locomotive Terms (Simmons-Boardman Publishing Corp. 1980), as ``[t]he 
    upright column upon which the throttle control, reverser handle, 
    transition lever, and dynamic braking control are mounted within 
    convenient reach of the engineer on a locomotive. The air gauges and 
    some switches are also included on the control stand.''
        ``Passenger equipment'' is the most inclusive definition. It means 
    all powered and unpowered passenger cars, locomotives used to haul a 
    passenger car, and any other unit of rail rolling equipment hauled in a 
    train with one or more passenger cars and includes a (1) Passenger 
    coach, (2) cab car, (3) MU locomotive, (4) private car, (5) locomotive 
    not intended to provide transportation for members of the general 
    public that is used to power a passenger train, and (6) any non-self-
    propelled vehicle hauled in a train with one or more passenger cars, 
    including a freight car hauled in a train with one or more passenger 
    cars. The term therefore covers a baggage car, mail car, or express 
    [[Page 49754]]
        The terms ``passenger station'' and ``terminal'' are crucial to the 
    interpretation of the proposed rule for movement of defective 
    equipment. ``Passenger station'' means a location designated in the 
    railroad's timetable where passengers are regularly scheduled to get on 
    or off any train. By contrast, ``terminal'' means a train's starting 
    point or ending point of a single scheduled trip, where passengers may 
    embark or disembark a train; normally, a ``terminal'' is a point where 
    the train would reverse direction or change destinations.
        Under certain carefully controlled conditions, FRA proposes to 
    permit a passenger train with defective equipment to move to the next 
    forward passenger station or terminal. This flexibility is allowed to 
    prevent railroads from discharging passengers in potentially unsafe 
    locations and to minimize schedule impacts where this can safely be 
        The concepts of ``qualified person'' and ``qualified mechanical 
    inspector'' are vital to interpreting the proposed inspection, testing, 
    and maintenance provisions of the rule. A ``qualified person'' is a 
    person determined by the railroad to have the knowledge and skills 
    necessary to perform one or more functions required under this part. 
    With the proper training, a train crewmember could be a qualified 
        A ``qualified mechanical inspector'' is a ``qualified person'' who 
    as a part of the training, qualification, and designation program 
    required under Sec. 238.111 has received instruction and training that 
    includes ``hands-on'' experience (under appropriate supervision or 
    apprenticeship) in one or more of the following functions: trouble-
    shooting, inspection, testing, and maintenance or repair of the 
    specific train brake and other components and systems for which the 
    inspector is assigned responsibility. Further, the mechanical inspector 
    must be a person whose primary responsibility includes work generally 
    consistent with those functions and is designated to (1) Conduct Class 
    I brake tests under this part; (2) inspect MU locomotives or other 
    passenger cars for compliance with this part; or (3) determine whether 
    equipment not in compliance with this part may be moved safely and, if 
    so, under what conditions. A train crewmember would not be a qualified 
    mechanical inspector. (APTA believes that the proposed definition of 
    ``qualified mechanical inspector'' adds nothing to safety, dictates 
    work rules, and creates unnecessary restricted jobs with limited 
        FRA includes a clear definition of ``qualified person'' to allow 
    railroads the flexibility of having train crews perform Class IA and 
    Class II brake tests. A qualified person must be trained and designated 
    as able to perform the types of brake inspections and tests that the 
    railroad assigns to him or her. However, a qualified person need not 
    have the extensive knowledge of brake systems or components or be able 
    to trouble-shoot and repair them. The qualified person is the 
    ``checker.'' He or she must have the knowledge and experience necessary 
    to be able to identify brake system problems.
        FRA provides a clear definition of qualified mechanical inspector 
    so that a differentiation can be made between the thorough brake test 
    and inspection performed by a professional mechanical employee, and the 
    less comprehensive brake checks performed by train crews. Under FRA's 
    proposal, only qualified mechanical inspectors are permitted to perform 
    the required calendar day inspections and Class I brake tests under 
    this part. This definition largely rules out the possibility of train 
    crewmembers becoming a qualified mechanical inspector. Part of the 
    definition requires the primary job of a qualified mechanical inspector 
    to be inspection, testing, or maintenance of passenger equipment. FRA 
    intends the definition to allow the members of the trades associated 
    with testing and maintenance of equipment such as carmen, machinists, 
    and electricians to become qualified mechanical inspectors. However, 
    membership in labor organizations or completion of apprenticeship 
    programs associated with these crafts is not required to be a qualified 
    mechanical inspector. The two primary qualifications are possession of 
    the knowledge required to do the job and a primary work assignment 
    inspecting, testing, or maintaining the equipment.
        Discussions conducted in the Working Group meetings revealed that 
    railroad operators believe these definitions are too restrictive and 
    will require training beyond the minimum needed for many employees to 
    do their jobs. On the other hand, the representatives of labor 
    organizations maintain that this approach will allow unqualified train 
    crewmembers to conduct tests and inspections that should be performed 
    only by mechanical employees.
        FRA believes the proposed rule strikes the correct balance between 
    these conflicting points of view. FRA agrees with labor representatives 
    that mechanical employees generally conduct a more thorough inspection 
    than train crewmembers. As a result, the rule calls for a daily Class I 
    brake test and mechanical inspection performed by qualified mechanical 
    inspectors. At the same time, FRA agrees with railroad operators that 
    properly trained train crews are capable of performing brake tests and 
    have been doing so effectively for years. As a result, the proposed 
    rule grants flexibility to railroads to use properly trained train 
    crewmembers to perform certain brake tests.
        ``System safety'' is another concept that forms a foundation for 
    the proposed rule. System safety means the application of design, 
    operating, technical, and management techniques and principles 
    throughout the life cycle of a system to reduce hazards and unsafe 
    conditions to the lowest level possible through the most effective use 
    of the available resources. FRA proposes that each railroad implement a 
    system safety program to identify and manage safety risks. The system 
    safety program would generate data to be used to make safety decisions. 
    The risk identification and analysis portion of the system safety 
    program would help demonstrate an alternate means of achieving 
    equivalent safety when a proposed operation does not fully comply with 
    the Passenger Equipment Safety Standards.
        Definitions of the various types of trains covered by the proposed 
    standards are extremely important to understand how FRA proposes that 
    the rule be applied. The most general definition is that of a 
    ``passenger train.'' The proposed definition makes two points very 
    clear. First, the proposed rule does not apply to tourist and excursion 
    railroads; and, second, the provisions of the rule do apply to non-
    passenger carrying units included in a passenger train.
        An important distinction highlighted in these definitions is the 
    difference between a ``long-distance intercity passenger train'' and a 
    ``short-distance intercity passenger train.'' ``Long-distance intercity 
    passenger train'' means a passenger train that provides service between 
    large cities more than 125 miles apart and is not operated exclusively 
    in the National Railroad Passenger Corporation's (Amtrak) Northeast 
    Corridor. ``Short-distance intercity passenger train'' means a 
    passenger train that provides service exclusively on the Northeast 
    Corridor or between cities that are not more than 125 miles apart. This 
    distinction attempts to recognize the special set of operating 
    conditions on the Northeast Corridor in light of the need to treat 
    long-distance trains differently than short-distance trains. 
    Additionally, APTA has advised FRA that there are
    [[Page 49755]]
    commuter rail systems that operate trains over 100 miles in distance on 
    a single run, and thus recommended the use of the 125-mile distance in 
    these definitions.
        The definition of the term ``in service'' is modeled after the 
    definition of that term in the Railroad Freight Car Safety Standards. 
    See 49 CFR 215.5(e). Passenger equipment that is in service includes 
    passenger equipment ``in passenger service,'' meaning ``carrying, or 
    available to carry, fare-paying passengers,'' as well as all other 
    passenger equipment unless it falls into one of four categories; 
    specifically, unless the passenger equipment--
        (a) Is being handled in accordance with Secs. 238.15, 238.17, 
    238.305(c)(5), or 238.503(f), as applicable;
        (b) Is in a repair shop or on a repair track;
        (c) Is on a storage track and is not carrying passengers; or
        (d) Has been delivered in interchange but has not been accepted 
    by the receiving railroad.
    The term ``in service'' is important because if the train or passenger 
    equipment is not in service, it is not subject to a part 238 civil 
        The last definition that warrants discussion is ``vestibule.'' FRA 
    proposes ``vestibule'' to mean an area of a passenger car that normally 
    does not contain seating and that leads from the seating area to the 
    side exit doors. The definition of ``vestibule'' is important to 
    determine the requirements for the location of side door emergency-
    release mechanisms.
        Sec. 238.7  Waivers. This section sets forth the procedures for 
    seeking waivers of compliance with the requirements of this rule. 
    Requests for such waivers may be filed by any interested party. In 
    reviewing such requests, FRA conducts investigations to determine if a 
    deviation from the general criteria can be made without compromising or 
    diminishing rail safety.
        FRA recognizes that circumstances may arise when the operation of 
    passenger equipment that does not meet the standards proposed in this 
    rule is appropriate and in the public interest. FRA would entertain 
    petitions for waiver to allow operation of equipment that does not 
    fully comply with the proposed standards, provided the petitioner can 
    demonstrate that the equipment will operate at a level of safety 
    equivalent to that afforded by the provision of this part that is 
    sought to be waived, i.e., demonstrate ``equivalent safety.'' 
    Equivalent safety may be afforded by features that compensate for 
    equipment that does not meet these standards. Equivalent safety is met 
    when railroad employees, passengers, and the general public are no more 
    at risk from passenger equipment that does not meet the requirements of 
    this part, but is protected by compensating features, than when the 
    equipment meets the requirements of this part.
        Some of the structural requirements that FRA is proposing would 
    prohibit the operation of most light rail vehicles if the operation is 
    connected to the general railroad system on or after January 1, 1998; 
    however, FRA does not intend to completely foreclose the possibility of 
    the operation of such equipment. FRA is aware of arrangements by which 
    light rail service is conducted during the day, with freight operations 
    conducted at night. FRA will entertain petitions for waiver of the 
    structural requirements from operators of such ``time-separated'' 
        FRA proposes that the risk assessment portion of the system safety 
    program be used to demonstrate equivalent safety. The burden would be 
    on the petitioning railroad to perform a comparative risk assessment 
    and to prove equivalent safety. FRA has experience with two instances 
    involving different passenger equipment operations where a comparative 
    risk assessment has been used successfully. Amtrak commissioned a 
    comparative risk assessment between current Northeast Corridor 
    operations and proposed operations involving the American Flyer 
    trainset at speeds up to 150 mph. The risk assessment demonstrated that 
    proposed countermeasures such as enhancements to the train control 
    system and the increased structural strength and the crash energy 
    management design of the American Flyer should compensate for the 
    increased operating speed. The comparative risk assessment 
    quantitatively showed that passengers were no more at risk travelling 
    on the American Flyer at 150 mph on the Northeast Corridor than if they 
    were travelling on an existing Amtrak passenger train at a lesser speed 
    on the same corridor.
        The second instance is the proposed Florida Overland Express (FOX) 
    operation of a French TGV high speed rail system in Florida. FOX 
    performed a comparative risk assessment of three operations: the 
    American Flyer on the Northeast Corridor, the TGV on high speed lines 
    in France, and the proposed FOX operation in Florida. See FRA Docket: 
    RM Pet. 97-1. The analysis showed the TGV operation in France to pose 
    less risk to passengers than the American Flyer trainset on the 
    Northeast Corridor and the proposed FOX operation to be even safer than 
    the TGV in France. The FOX risk assessment suggested that collision 
    avoidance provided by a dedicated right-of-way with no grade crossings 
    more than compensated for the increased speed and decreased structural 
    strength of the proposed equipment.
        FRA cites these two instances as examples of what is expected to 
    demonstrate equivalent safety for proposed operations where the 
    equipment does not meet the Passenger Equipment Safety Standards. FRA 
    would expect an analysis showing the effectiveness of clearly 
    compensating features, such as closing grade crossings, providing 
    absolute separation of lighter rail equipment from heavy rail 
    equipment, or using highly capable signal and train control systems 
    that significantly reduce the probability of accidents caused by human 
    error. FRA would provide advice and guidance to organizations wishing 
    to demonstrate equivalent safety, but the burden of performing a 
    comparative risk assessment and establishing that the operation 
    provides equivalent safety is on the entity proposing to operate 
    equipment that does not comply with this part.
        Sec. 238.9  Responsibility for compliance. General compliance 
    requirements are proposed in this section. Paragraph (a). Paragraphs 
    (a)(1) and (a)(2) prohibit a railroad subject to part 238 from 
    committing a series of specified acts with respect to a train or a 
    piece of passenger equipment while the train or passenger equipment is 
    in service if it has a condition that does not comply with part 238 or 
    if it has not been inspected and tested as required by part 238. In 
    particular, consistent with 49 U.S.C. chapter 203, under which the 
    provision is proposed, paragraph (a)(1) imposes a strict liability 
    standard with respect to violations of the safety appliance and power 
    brake provisions of part 238. In addition to the acts prohibited by 
    paragraph (a)(2) (that is, the use, haul, offering in interchange, or 
    accepting in interchange of defective or not properly inspected 
    equipment), paragraph (a)(1) prohibits a railroad from merely 
    permitting the use or haul on its line of such equipment if it does not 
    conform with the safety appliance and power brake provisions. See 
    Sec. 238.3(b). By contrast, paragraph (a)(2) imposes a lower standard 
    of liability for using, hauling, delivering in interchange, or 
    accepting in interchange a train or passenger equipment that is 
    defective or not properly inspected, in violation of another provision 
    of this part; a railroad subject to this part is liable only if it 
    knew, had notice, or
    [[Page 49756]]
    should have known of the existence of either the defective condition of 
    the equipment or the failure to inspect and test. Finally, paragraph 
    (a)(3) establishes a strict liability standard for noncompliance with 
    any other provision of this part, for example, the requirement to adopt 
    a written system safety plan under Sec. 238.103.
        Paragraph (b). In accordance with the ``use'' or ``haul'' language 
    previously contained in the Safety Appliance Acts (49 U.S.C. chapter 
    203) and with FRA's general rulemaking authority under the Federal 
    railroad safety laws, FRA proposes in paragraph (b) that passenger 
    equipment will be considered ``in use'' prior to departure but after it 
    receives or should have received the necessary tests and inspections 
    required for movement. FRA will no longer wait for a piece of equipment 
    with a power brake defect to be hauled before issuing a violation, a 
    practice frequently criticized by the railroads. FRA believes that this 
    approach will increase FRA's ability to prevent the movement of 
    defective equipment that creates a potential safety hazard to both the 
    public and railroad employees. FRA does not feel that this approach 
    increases the railroads' burden since equipment should not be operated 
    if it is found in defective condition in the pre-departure tests and 
    inspections, unless permitted by the regulations.
        Paragraph (c). This paragraph clarifies FRA's position that the 
    requirements contained in the proposed rules are applicable not only to 
    any ``railroad'' subject to this part but also to any ``person,'' as 
    illustrated in Sec. 238.11, that performs any function required by the 
    proposed rules. Although various sections of the proposed rule address 
    the duties of a railroad, FRA intends that any person who performs any 
    action on behalf of a railroad or any person who performs any action 
    covered by the proposed rule is required to perform that action in the 
    same manner as required of a railroad or be subject to FRA enforcement 
    action. For example, private car owner and contract shippers that 
    perform duties covered by these proposed regulations would be required 
    to perform those duties in the same manner as required of a railroad.
        Sec. 238.11  Civil penalties. Section 238.11 identifies the civil 
    penalties that FRA may impose upon any person, including a railroad or 
    an independent contractor providing goods or services to a railroad, 
    that violates any requirement of this part. These penalties are 
    authorized by 49 U.S.C. 21301, 21302, and 21304. The penalty provision 
    parallels penalty provisions included in numerous other safety 
    regulations issued by FRA. Essentially, any person who violates any 
    requirement of this part or causes the violation of any such 
    requirement will be subject to a civil penalty of at least $500 and not 
    more than $10,000 per violation. Civil penalties may be assessed 
    against individuals only for willful violations; where a grossly 
    negligent violation or a pattern of repeated violations creates an 
    imminent hazard of death or injury to persons, or causes death or 
    injury, a penalty not to exceed $20,000 per violation may be assessed. 
    In addition, each day a violation continues will constitute a separate 
    offense. Finally, a person may be subject to criminal penalties under 
    49 U.S.C. 21311 for knowingly and willfully falsifying reports required 
    by these regulations. FRA believes that the inclusion of penalty 
    provisions for failure to comply with the regulations is important in 
    ensuring that compliance is achieved.
        The final rule will include a schedule of civil penalties as 
    appendix A to this part. Because such penalty schedules are statements 
    of policy, notice and comment are not required prior to their issuance. 
    See 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(3)(A). Nevertheless, commenters are invited to 
    submit suggestions to FRA describing the types of actions or omissions 
    under each regulatory section that would subject a person to the 
    assessment of a civil penalty. Commenters are also invited to recommend 
    what penalties may be appropriate, based upon the relative seriousness 
    of each type of violation.
        Sec. 238.13  Preemptive effect. Proposed Sec. 238.13 informs the 
    public as to FRA's views regarding what will be the preemptive effect 
    of the final rule. While the presence or absence of such a section does 
    not in itself affect the preemptive effect of a final rule, it informs 
    the public concerning the statutory provision which governs the 
    preemptive effect of the rule. Section 20106 of title 49 of the United 
    States Code provides that all regulations prescribed by the Secretary 
    relating to railroad safety preempt any State law, regulation, or order 
    covering the same subject matter, except a provision necessary to 
    eliminate or reduce an essentially local safety hazard that is not 
    incompatible with a Federal law, regulation, or order and that does not 
    unreasonably burden interstate commerce. With the exception of a 
    provision directed at an essentially local safety hazard, 49 U.S.C. 
    20106 will preempt any State regulatory agency rule covering the same 
    subject matter as the regulations proposed today when issued as final 
        Sec. 238.15  Movement of passenger equipment with defective power 
    brakes. This section contains the proposed requirements for movement of 
    passenger equipment with a power brake defect without civil penalty 
    liability under this part. (Railroads remain liable, however, ``in a 
    proceeding to recover damages for death or injury of a railroad 
    employee arising from the movement of'' the defective equipment. See 49 
    U.S.C. 20303(c).) A ``power brake defect,'' as defined in paragraph 
    (a), ``is a condition of a power brake component, or other primary 
    brake component, that does not conform with this'' rule. The term does 
    not include a failure to properly inspect such a component.
        The Passenger Equipment Safety Standards Working Group did not 
    reach a consensus on the requirements proposed in this section; 
    however, the Working Group did agree that passenger operations needed 
    some flexibility to get passengers to their destination or, at a 
    minimum, to a location where passengers can safely disembark. The 
    proposed requirements regarding the movement of passenger equipment 
    with defective power brakes are based on the extensive discussions and 
    information presented in the Working Group meetings and in response to 
    the previous NPRM on power brakes.
        As previously noted in the general discussion, FRA proposes to 
    utilize the authority granted in 49 U.S.C. 20306 to exempt passenger 
    train operations covered by this part from the statutory requirements 
    contained in 49 U.S.C. 20303(a) permitting the movement of equipment 
    with defective or insecure brakes only if various requirements are met, 
    including the requirement that the movement for repair be only to the 
    nearest location where the necessary repairs can be made. FRA believes 
    that the granting of this exemption is justified based on the 
    technological advances made in the brake systems and equipment used in 
    passenger operations, and is necessary for these operations to make 
    efficient use of the technological advances and protect the safety of 
    the riding public.
        FRA also proposes to exempt passenger train operations from a long-
    standing agency interpretation, based on a 1910 Interstate Commerce 
    Commission order codified at 49 CFR 232.1, that prohibits the movement 
    of a train for repairs under 49 U.S.C. 20303 if less than 85 percent of 
    the train's brakes are operative. As noted in the previous discussion, 
    many passenger operations utilize a small number of cars in their 
    trains and the necessity to cut out the brakes on just one car can 
    easily result in noncompliance. FRA
    [[Page 49757]]
    believes that speed restrictions can readily be used to compensate for 
    the loss of brakes on a minority of cars.
        Paragraph (b)(1). This paragraph addresses the movement for repair 
    of equipment with a power brake defect found during a Class I or IA 
    brake test or, for Tier II equipment, the equivalent of a Class I or IA 
    brake test. This paragraph allows railroads the flexibility to move 
    passenger equipment with a power brake defect found during such a test 
    if the following three conditions are satisfied: (1) if the train is 
    moved for purposes of effecting repair of the defect, without 
    passengers; (2) the applicable operating restrictions set forth in 
    paragraph (d) are complied with; and (3) the information concerning the 
    defect is recorded on a tag affixed to the equipment or in an automated 
    defect tracking system as specified in paragraph (c)(2).
        Paragraph (b)(2). This paragraph permits railroads to move, for 
    purposes of scrapping or sale, passenger equipment with a power brake 
    defect found during a Class I or IA brake test (or the Tier II 
    equivalent) if each of the following conditions is satisfied: if the 
    movement is without passengers, if the speed of the movement is 15 mph 
    or less, and if the railroad's air brake or power brake instructions 
    are followed when making the movement. This provision allows railroads 
    to move surplus equipment without having to request permission for one-
    time moves from FRA, as is currently required. FRA has not had any 
    serious safety concerns with the methods currently used by railroads to 
    move this equipment and does not believe its limited resources should 
    be tied up in approving these types of moves.
        Paragraph (c), generally. This paragraph addresses the use of 
    passenger equipment with a power brake defect that develops en route 
    from a location where a Class I or IA brake test (or the Tier II 
    equivalent) was performed on the equipment. The two basic requirements 
    are that at the location where the railroad first finds the defect, 
    specified information (such as the nature of the defect and the 
    destination where the defect will be repaired) must be placed on tags 
    attached to the equipment or in a computer tracking system and that the 
    railroad must observe the applicable operating restrictions in 
    paragraph (d). A third requirement, found in paragraph (c)(3) is a 
    special, applying only if the defect causes any brakes to be cut out.
        Paragraph (c)(2) requires that equipment being hauled for repairs 
    be adequately identified. Currently, there is no requirement that 
    equipment with defective power brakes be tagged or otherwise 
    identified, although most railroads voluntarily engage in such 
    activity. Furthermore, the current regulations regarding freight cars 
    and locomotives contain tagging requirements for the movement of 
    equipment not in compliance with those parts. See 49 CFR 215.9 and 
    229.9. Consequently, FRA proposes to require the identification of 
    equipment with defective power brakes through either the traditional 
    tags which are placed in established locations on the equipment or by 
    an automated tracking system developed by the railroad. FRA proposes 
    certain information which must be contained whichever method is used by 
    a railroad. FRA believes that the proposed tagging or tracking 
    requirements add reliability, accountability, and enforceability for 
    the timely and proper repair of equipment with defective power brakes.
        In addition, under paragraph (c)(3), if the defect causes the 
    brakes on the equipment to be cut out, then the railroad must first 
    find out what percentage of the power brakes in the train are cut out 
    or inoperative in some other way, using the formula in paragraph 
    (d)(1). Next, the railroad must notify the dispatcher of the percentage 
    of operative brakes and the movement restrictions imposed by paragraph 
    (d), inform the railroad's mechanical desk or department about the 
    brake defect, and walk the train to confirm the percentage of operative 
    brakes at the next point where it is safe to do so.
        Paragraph (d)(1). This paragraph explains the term ``inoperative 
    power brakes'' and proposes a new method for calculating the percentage 
    of operative power brakes (operative primary brakes) in a train. 
    Regarding the term itself, a cut-out power brake is an inoperative 
    power brake, but the failure or cutting out of a secondary brake system 
    (as defined in Sec. 238.5) does not result in inoperative power brakes. 
    For example, failure of dynamic brakes does not render a power brake 
    inoperative unless the dynamic brakes are in fact primary brakes. 
    Although the statute discusses the percentage of operative brakes in 
    terms of a percentage of vehicles, the statute was written nearly a 
    century ago and at that time the only way to cut out the brakes on a 
    car or locomotive was to cut out the entire unit. See 49 U.S.C. 
    20302(a)(5)(B). Today, virtually every piece of equipment used in 
    passenger service can have the brakes cut out on a per-truck or per-
    axle basis. Consequently, FRA merely proposes a method of calculating 
    the percentage of operative brakes based on the design of passenger 
    equipment used today, and thus, a means to more accurately reflect the 
    true braking ability of the train as a whole. FRA believes that the 
    proposed method of calculation is consistent with the intent of 
    Congress when it drafted the statutory requirement and simply 
    recognizes the technological advancements made in braking systems over 
    the last century. Consequently, FRA proposes to permit the percentage 
    of operative brakes to be determined by dividing the number of axles in 
    the train with operative brakes by the total number of axles in the 
    train. Furthermore, for equipment utilizing tread brake units (TBU), 
    FRA proposes that the percentage of operative brakes be determined by 
    dividing the number of operative TBUs by the total number of TBUs.
        Paragraphs (d)(2)-(d)(4), generally. These paragraphs propose 
    various speed and other operating restrictions based on the percentage 
    of operative brakes in order to permit passenger railroads the 
    flexibility to efficiently move passengers without compromising safety. 
    FRA believes that the proposed movement restrictions actually enhance 
    the safety of the riding public. The proposed requirements retain the 
    basic principle that a train carrying passengers shall not depart a 
    location where a major brake inspections or tests are performed on that 
    train unless the train has 100 percent operational brakes.
        FRA recognizes that there are major differences in the operations 
    of commuter or short-distance intercity passenger trains, and long-
    distance intercity passenger trains. Commuter and short-distance 
    intercity passenger trains tend to operate fairly short distances 
    between passenger stations and generally operate in relatively short 
    turn-around service between two terminals several times in any given 
    day. On the other hand, long-distance intercity passenger trains tend 
    to operate for long distances, with trips between the beginning 
    terminal and ending terminal taking a day or more and traversing 
    multiple States with relatively long distances between passenger 
    stations. Consequently, FRA proposes slightly different requirements 
    with regard to the movement of defective brake equipment in long-
    distance intercity passenger trains.
        FRA believes that passenger railroads can safely and efficiently 
    operate trains with en route brake failures under the strict set of 
    conditions proposed. FRA has long held that the industry can safely 
    operate trains at normal track speeds with as low as 85 percent 
    effective brakes as long as the inoperative brakes were due to failures 
    which occurred en route or due to
    [[Page 49758]]
    defective cars being picked up en route and being moved for repairs. 
    The only change being proposed to current practice is the additional 
    flexibility for certain passenger operations to move the equipment past 
    a location capable of performing the repairs.
        Paragraph (d)(2). This paragraph proposes operating requirements 
    for the movement of any passenger train that develops en route brake 
    failures resulting in 74 to 50 percent operative brakes. In these 
    circumstances, FRA proposes to allow the trains to proceed only to the 
    next passenger station at a reduced speed, not to exceed 20 mph, to 
    discharge passengers before proceeding, without passengers, to the 
    nearest location where the necessary repairs can be made. This 
    provision recognizes the dangers of unloading passenger at locations 
    other than passenger stations by allowing railroads to move the 
    equipment to a location with the facilities to handle the discharge of 
    passengers. Furthermore, engineering evidence and test data demonstrate 
    that the reduced speed more than compensates for the reduced braking 
    force. At the reduced speed, even with only 50 percent effective 
    brakes, a train is able to stop in a much shorter distance than the 
    same train traveling at the maximum operating speed with 100 percent 
    operative brakes.
        Paragraph (d)(3)(i). FRA also proposes to permit commuter, short-
    distance intercity, and short-distance Tier II passenger trains 
    experiencing en route brake failures resulting in 84 to 75 percent 
    operative brakes to continue in service to the next terminal prior to 
    being moved without passengers to the nearest location were repairs can 
    be made. However, in these circumstances, FRA proposes that the speed 
    of the train must be reduced to 50 percent of the train's maximum 
    operating speed or 40 mph, whichever is less. Engineering evidence and 
    test data demonstrate that the reduced speed more than compensates for 
    the reduced braking force. At the reduced speed, even with only 75 
    percent effective brakes, a train is able to stop in a much shorter 
    distance than the same train traveling at the maximum operating speed 
    with 100 percent operative brakes.
        Paragraph (d)(3)(ii). FRA proposes to permit commuter and short-
    distance intercity passenger trains that develop defective brake 
    equipment en route resulting in 99 to 85 percent operative brakes, the 
    flexibility to move the defective equipment to the next terminal where 
    passengers can be unloaded, prior to the defective equipment being 
    moved to the nearest location were repairs can be made. During Working 
    Group meetings, APTA presented engineering evidence and test data that 
    demonstrated that stopping distances remained well within signal 
    spacing distances with a large margin of safety even for trains with as 
    low as 85 percent effective brakes.
        Paragraph (d)(4). As noted above, most long-distance intercity 
    passenger trains, both in Tier I and Tier II, have considerable 
    distances between their starting terminal and their ending terminal, 
    thus FRA does not intend to provide these operations the latitude to 
    move those large distance with defective equipment entrained. This 
    paragraph permits the movement of defective brake equipment in these 
    trains only to the nearest forward location designated as a repair 
    location for this equipment by the operating railroad in the list 
    required by Sec. 238.19(d). FRA also proposes to permit long-distance 
    intercity passenger trains to continue in service past a designated 
    repair location to the next forward passenger station only if the 
    designated repair location does not have the facilities to safely 
    unload passengers. Although FRA proposes to permit the continued 
    operation of long-distance intercity passenger trains that develop en 
    route brake failures resulting in 99 to 85 percent operative brakes at 
    normal speeds, FRA proposes a speed restriction of no greater than 40 
    mph when the en route brake failures result in 84 to 75 percent 
    operative brakes. Therefore, although long-distance intercity passenger 
    trains do not have the flexibility to continue in service to the next 
    terminal, these trains do gain flexibility in being permitted to move a 
    greater percentage of defective equipment than currently allowed and 
    are able to move that equipment to the next forward repair location 
    rather than the ``nearest'' repair location as currently required. 49 
    U.S.C. 20303(a). As noted previously, FRA believes that the safety of 
    the traveling public mandates the flexibility of permitting passenger 
    trains to continue to the next forward repair location or passenger 
    station because requiring trains to reverse directions and perform back 
    hauls to the nearest repair location increases the risk of collision on 
    the railroad.
        APTA, in its comments on a draft of the NPRM, agreed that many of 
    the defects need to be repaired but do not require stopping the car or 
    immediately taking it out of service. Commenters are requested to 
    address APTA's concern.
        Sec. 238.17 Movement of passenger equipment with other than power 
    brake defects. This section contains the proposed requirements for the 
    movement of passenger equipment with a condition not in compliance with 
    part 238, excluding a power brake defect and including a safety 
    appliance defect, without civil penalty liability under this part. 
    (Railroads remain liable, however, under 49 U.S.C. 20303(c), as 
    described in the discussion of the previous section.)
        The Working Group was unable to reach full consensus on the 
    requirements contained in this section. There are currently no 
    statutory or regulatory restrictions on the movement of passenger cars 
    with defective conditions that are not power brake or safety appliance 
    defects. The proposed provisions contained in this section are similar 
    to the provisions for moving defective locomotives and freight cars 
    currently contained in 49 CFR 229.9 and 215.9, respectively. As these 
    provisions have generally worked well with regard to the movement of 
    defective locomotives and freight cars and in order to maintain 
    consistency, FRA has modeled the proposed movement requirements on 
    those existing requirements. FRA proposes to allow passenger railroads 
    the flexibility to continue to use equipment with non-safety-critical 
    defects until the next scheduled calendar day exterior mechanical 
    inspection. However, FRA intends the calendar day mechanical inspection 
    to be the tool used by railroads to repair all reported defects and to 
    prevent continued use of defective equipment to carry passengers. 
    (Compare Sec. 238.17(b) with Sec. 238.17(c).)
        FRA intends for 49 CFR 229.9 to continue to govern the movement of 
    locomotives used in passenger service which develop defective 
    conditions, not covered by part 238, that are not in compliance with 
    part 229. In the final rule, FRA will make any necessary conforming 
    amendments to part 229 in order to remove provisions that will now be 
    covered in this part or to make inapplicable to locomotives subject to 
    part 238 provisions of part 229 that will now be covered in part 238. 
    Part 229 will continue to cover (non-steam) locomotives that are used 
    by the tourist railroads until such railroads are covered by part 238.
        FRA also does not intend to alter the current statutory 
    requirements contained in 49 U.S.C. 20303 regarding the movement of 
    passenger equipment with defective or insecure safety appliances. See 
    proposed Secs. 238.229, 238.429, 238.431. Consequently, in paragraph 
    (d), FRA proposes to require that passenger equipment that develops a 
    defective or insecure safety appliance continue to be subject to all 
    [[Page 49759]]
    statutory restrictions on its movement. Under the current statutory 
        A vehicle that is equipped in compliance with this chapter whose 
    equipment becomes defective or insecure nevertheless may be moved 
    when necessary to make repairs * * * from the place at which the 
    defect or insecurity was first discovered to the nearest available 
    place at which the repairs can be made-
        (1) on the railroad line on which the defect or insecurity was 
    discovered; or
        (2) at the option of a connecting railroad carrier, on the 
    railroad line of the connecting carrier, if not farther than the 
    place of repair described in clause (1) of this subsection.
    49 U.S.C. 20303(a). It should be noted that the proposed requirement 
    applicable to Tier I equipment merely references the Railroad Safety 
    Appliance Standards (49 CFR part 231); however, FRA has proposed 
    separate safety appliance requirements for Tier II passenger equipment. 
    See proposed Secs. 238.429 and 238.431.
        FRA proposes that passenger equipment that is found with conditions 
    not in compliance with this part, other than power brake defects, be 
    moved only after a qualified mechanical inspector has determined that 
    the equipment is safe to move and determined any restrictions necessary 
    for the equipment's safe movement. FRA also proposes to allow railroads 
    to move equipment based on an assessment made by a qualified mechanical 
    inspector in communication with on-site personnel. FRA proposes this 
    allowance based on the reality that mechanical personnel are not 
    readily available at every location on a railroad's line of road. 
    However, FRA further proposes that if a qualified mechanical inspector 
    does not actually inspect the equipment to determine that it is safe to 
    move, then, at the first forward location where a qualified mechanical 
    inspector is on duty, an inspector will perform a physical inspection 
    of the equipment to confirm the initial assessment made while in 
    communication with on-site personnel previously. Paragraph (c)(3) 
    requires tracking of the defect in either of two ways. One option is to 
    tag the equipment in a manner similar to what is currently required 
    under Sec. 215.9 for freight cars. The second option is to record the 
    specified information in an automated tracking system. The latter 
    alternative is offered to provide railroads some flexibility and in 
    recognition of advances made in electronic recordkeeping.
        Under paragraph (c), FRA proposes that after a mechanical inspector 
    verifies that a noncomplying piece of equipment is safe to remain in 
    passenger service, that piece of equipment may remain in passenger 
    service until its next calendar day mechanical inspection. However, 
    under paragraph (b), equipment containing noncomplying conditions at 
    the time of the calendar day mechanical inspection may be moved from 
    that location only if the noncomplying conditions are repaired or if 
    all of the following conditions are satisfied: (1) if the equipment is 
    moved out of passenger service and in a non-revenue train for the 
    purpose of effectuating the repairs; (2) if the requirements of 
    paragraphs (c)(2) and (c)(3) (regarding tagging and notification) are 
    satisfied; and (3), in the case of a safety appliance defect, if the 
    special conditions of paragraph (d) are met. As discussed previously, 
    FRA has intentionally provided railroads wide flexibility in where and 
    when it will perform the calendar day mechanical inspection in order to 
    permit railroads to get the equipment to locations most conducive to 
    conducting the inspections. Thus, FRA intends for calendar day 
    mechanical inspections of passenger equipment to be conducted at 
    locations where qualified mechanical inspectors are available and where 
    virtually any necessary repair can be made. Consequently, FRA does not 
    believe that the proposed restrictions on the movement of noncomplying 
    equipment will be overly burdensome to the industry.
        Paragraph (d) states the special statutory restrictions on the 
    movement of passenger equipment with a safety appliance defect.
        APTA, in its comments on a draft of the NPRM, agreed that many of 
    the defects need to be repaired but do not require shopping the car or 
    immediately taking it out of service. APTA further noted that this 
    section does not take into account the fact-based maintenance cycles 
    for equipment, subsystems, and components as the introduction of 
    technology outpaces the regulatory process. Commenters are requested to 
    address APTA's concerns.
        Sec. 238.19  Reporting and tracking defective equipment. This 
    section contains the reporting and tracking requirements that passenger 
    railroads must maintain regarding defective passenger equipment. The 
    Working Group did not reach consensus on the requirements proposed in 
    this section. FRA proposes to require that each railroad develop and 
    maintain a system for reporting and tracking equipment defects. FRA 
    proposes that for each equipment defect discovered by the railroad on 
    equipment used by the railroad the system record: the number by which 
    the equipment is identified, type of defect, when the defect occurred, 
    the determination made by a qualified mechanical inspector on how to 
    handle the defect, and finally how and when the defect was corrected. 
    FRA has not proposed any specific method or means by which a railroad 
    should gather and maintain the required information. FRA believes that 
    each railroad is in the best position to determine the method of 
    obtaining the required information which is most efficient and 
    effective based on its specific operation. Thus, railroads could 
    maintain this information electronically in conjunction with their 
    automated tracking system, if so desired.
        FRA believes that reporting and tracking of defective equipment are 
    essential features of any effective system safety program. Railroad 
    managers are able to utilize such systems to ensure that the railroad 
    complies with safety regulations, does not use unsafe equipment, makes 
    needed repairs, and has failure data to make reliability-based 
    decisions on maintenance intervals. Furthermore, most passenger 
    railroads currently have some sort of reporting and tracking system in 
    place. FRA recognizes that some railroads may have to incur additional 
    initial costs to develop or improve defect reporting and tracking 
    systems; however, FRA believes these costs can be recouped through the 
    increased operating efficiency that an effective recording and tracking 
    system provides.
        Paragraph (b) requires that railroads maintain the required 
    information for a period equal to one periodic maintenance interval for 
    each specific type of equipment as described in the railroad's system 
    safety plan. FRA believes that this minimum retention period will 
    ensure that the records remain available when they are most needed, but 
    will not place a burdensome record storage requirement on railroads. 
    However, FRA strongly encourages railroads to keep these records for 
    longer periods of time because they form the basis for future 
    reliability-driven decisions concerning test and maintenance intervals.
        Paragraph (d) requires railroads operating long-distance passenger 
    trains to list the locations where repairs can be made to the 
    equipment. FRA believes that the operators are in the best position to 
    determine which locations have the necessary expertise to handle the 
    repairs of the somewhat advanced braking systems utilized in passenger 
    trains. FRA also proposes a broad performance-based requirement that 
    railroads operating this equipment designate a sufficient number of 
    repair locations to ensure the safe and timely
    [[Page 49760]]
    repair of the equipment. FRA intends to fine a railroad for violating 
    this proposed requirement or take other enforcement action if, based on 
    its expertise and experience, FRA believes the railroad is failing to 
    designate an adequate number repair locations.
        Sec. 238.21  Special approval procedure. This section states the 
    procedures to be followed when seeking to obtain FRA approval of a pre-
    revenue service acceptance testing plan under Secs. 238.113 or 238.603 
    or an alternative standard under Secs. 238.115 (``Fire safety''), 
    238.223 (``Fuel tanks''), 238.309 (``Periodic brake equipment 
    maintenance''), 238.311 (``Single car test''), 238.405 (``Longitudinal 
    static compressive strength''), or 238.427 (``Suspension system''). 
    Procedures for obtaining FRA approval of inspection, testing, and 
    maintenance programs for Tier II equipment under Sec. 238.503 are found 
    at Sec. 238.505.
    Subpart B--System Safety and General Requirements
        Sec. 238.101  Scope. This subpart contains the system safety 
    program requirements to be applied to all passenger equipment subject 
    to this part. Although FRA initially considered addressing system 
    safety requirements for Tier I and Tier II equipment separately, FRA is 
    proposing broad, minimum requirements which can be applied to all types 
    of passenger railroad systems. Therefore, separate requirements are not 
        The Working Group did not reach consensus on the system safety 
    requirements as they apply to Tier I equipment, but strong support 
    exists among Working Group members to apply formal system safety 
    planning to Tier I equipment. The Tier II Subgroup did reach full 
    consensus on the system safety program requirements as they apply to 
    Tier II equipment.
        Tier I and Tier II passenger equipment is used in a heavy rail 
    environment that includes a mixture of freight and rail passenger 
    traffic and highway-rail grade crossings used by heavy highway 
    vehicles. Such an environment makes reliance on collision avoidance 
    risky. As a result, crashworthiness must be designed into the 
        However, situations may arise where requiring strict adherence to 
    either the Tier I standards or the Tier II standards may prevent rail 
    passenger transportation that is in the public interest. As a result, 
    FRA intends that the system safety planning process allow railroads to 
    develop approaches to providing rail passenger transportation that do 
    not meet all the Passenger Equipment Safety Standards but compensate by 
    providing safety equivalency to that provided by meeting the full set 
    of equipment safety standards. For example, a rail passenger operator 
    would be allowed to seek relief from some of the structural standards 
    based on a dedicated right-of-way or an advanced signaling system. 
    However, the burden of demonstrating safety equivalency based on a 
    comprehensive risk assessment falls squarely on the organization 
    proposing the rail passenger operation that does not meet all the 
    equipment standards.
        The system safety plan must be a living document that evolves with 
    the passenger rail system, and the system safety program detailed in 
    the plan should be enforced until the system is decommissioned. 
    Ideally, the system safety program would be in place at the inception 
    of the system. This allows the maximum benefit of the program to be 
    achieved. Tier II equipment and major new purchases of Tier I equipment 
    will allow system safety planning to be used in the design and 
    development phase of the new equipment. However, for the most part, 
    Tier I system safety programs must be tailored to existing operations 
    and equipment.
        The system safety approach can be instituted at any point in the 
    life cycle of a passenger rail system. APTA currently publishes a 
    voluntary system safety program guide. Several APTA members, which 
    operate existing Tier I equipment, instituted this system safety 
    program on their existing rail systems. APTA periodically audits these 
    programs and provides the operating authority with feedback on how well 
    the system safety program has been implemented. As previously noted, 
    APTA has suggested that commuter railroads be allowed to regulate 
    themselves in this area, and that FRA not issue any regulations 
    governing such plans. See preamble discussion; in the preamble FRA 
    asked a variety of questions that commenters should address regarding 
    the need for system safety plans, and if such plans should be required 
    what their contents should contain and whether FRA should enforce the 
    various elements of the plans.
        In addition, Amtrak recently started a corporate system safety 
    program initiative to make a formal system safety program an integral 
    part of the way Amtrak conducts business. The value of the formal 
    system safety process is rapidly being recognized by the passenger 
    railroad industry and is becoming an accepted way of doing business.
        Sec. 238.103  General system safety requirements. Paragraph (a) 
    requires each railroad operating equipment subject to this part to 
    adopt and annually update a system safety plan and implement a system 
    safety program using MIL-STD-882(C) as a guide. MIL-STD-882(C) is a 
    military standard issued by the Department of Defense that describes 
    system safety planning and system safety programs used by the Unites 
    States military for procuring and operating weapon systems. See also 
    the discussion under Sec. 238.5 of this section-by-section analysis. 
    FRA does not attempt to dictate to railroads how to apply this 
    guidance. Railroads should tailor their application of the guidance to 
    their unique safety needs and operating scenarios.
        Paragraphs (b)-(d) describe the various elements required to be 
    included in the plan. In particular, paragraph (e) requires the 
    operating railroad to document how the design meets safety requirements 
    and to track how safety issues were raised and resolved. This is a 
    necessary step to demonstrate that risks were identified and eliminated 
    or mitigated.
        Paragraph (f) requires the system safety plan to describe how 
    operational limitations are to be imposed if the design cannot meet 
    certain safety requirements. Operational limits are the least desirable 
    and thus the last means considered to reduce a safety risk.
        Paragraph (g) establishes the dates by which the operating railroad 
    must adopt a system safety plan for each of the three categories of 
    passenger equipment.
        Paragraph (h) obliges the railroad to allow FRA to inspect and copy 
    its system safety plan and the documentation required by paragraph (e).
        Sec. 238.105  Fire protection program. Paragraph (a) requires that 
    the operating railroad's system safety program address the fire safety 
    of new equipment during the design stage so as to reduce the risk of 
    harm due to fire on such equipment to an acceptable level as defined in 
    MIL-STD-882(C). Paragraph (b) requires that railroads make a written 
    analysis of the fire protection problem. These paragraphs require the 
    operating railroad to ensure that good fire protection practice is used 
    during the design and operation of the equipment. Using this good 
    practice will allow the FRA fire safety regulations to be kept to a 
    minimum. Four elements of this analysis correspond to required action 
    under Sec. 238.115, ``Fire safety': the installation of overheat 
    detectors, a fire or smoke detection system, and a fixed, automatic, 
    fire-suppression system where the railroad's written analysis 
    determines they are required and compliance with the railroad's written
    [[Page 49761]]
    procedures for the inspection, testing, and maintenance of fire safety 
    systems and equipment that such procedures designate as mandatory. See 
    Sec. 238.115(c)-(f).
        Paragraph (c) requires the operating railroad to exercise 
    reasonable care to assure that the system developer follows the design 
    criteria and performs the tests required by the railroad's fire safety 
    program during the design of new equipment. To fulfill this obligation 
    in part, the operating railroad must include fire safety requirements 
    in each of its contracts for the purchase of new equipment.
        Paragraph (d) requires that existing passenger equipment and 
    operations be subjected to a fire safety analysis similar to that 
    proposed for new equipment in paragraphs (a)-(c). A preliminary fire 
    safety analysis would be required within the first year. This effort 
    would constitute an overview of the fleet and service environments, 
    together with known elements of risk (e.g., tunnels). For any category 
    of equipment and service identified as possibly presenting unacceptable 
    risk, a full analysis and any necessary remedial action would be 
    required within the following year. A full fire safety analysis, 
    including review of the extent to which interior materials in all 
    existing cars comply with the test performance criteria for 
    flammability and smoke emission characteristics contained in Appendix B 
    to this part or alternative standards approved by FRA under this part, 
    would be required within 4 years. This overall review would closely 
    parallel and reinforce the passenger train emergency preparedness 
    planning effort that will be mandated under a separate docket (see 62 
    FR 8330; February 24, 1997).
        This paragraph responds to NTSB concerns announced on June 17, 
    1997, in adopting its report on the collision of the MARC commuter 
    train with Amtrak's Capitol Limited at Silver Spring, Maryland, and 
    approving related recommendations. Among 13 recommendations to be 
    addressed to FRA was the following:
        Require that a comprehensive inspection of all commuter 
    passenger cars be performed to independently verify that the 
    interior materials in these cars meet the expected performance 
    requirements for flammability and smoke emissions characteristics.
    The Abstract of Final Report did not include any express finding that 
    materials in the MARC cab car did not meet FTA/FRA criteria for 
    flammability and smoke emission characteristics. However, FRA 
    understands that the full report may point to the introduction of some 
    non-standard materials during refurbishing and repair of the car. The 
    Board did find as follows:
        19. Because other commuter passenger cars may also have interior 
    materials that may not meet specified performance criteria for 
    flammability and smoke emission characteristics, the safety of 
    passengers in those cars could be at risk.
        20. The federal guidelines on the flammability and smoke 
    emission characteristics and the testing of interior materials do 
    not provide for the integrated use of passenger car interior 
    materials and, as a result, are not useful in predicting the safety 
    of the interior environment of a passenger car in a fire.
        FRA believes that existing fire safety guidelines have continuing 
    value for their specific purpose. Those guidelines are proposed for 
    codification in Sec. 238.115 as the best currently available criteria 
    for analysis of individual materials, and NTSB representatives on the 
    working group have not suggested alternative proposals. However, as 
    explained in the preamble, FRA is conducting research through the 
    National Institute of Standards and Technology to address the 
    interaction of materials and other aspects of fire safety from a 
    broader, systems approach. This philosophy is embodied in proposed 
    Sec. 238.105(a)-(c) with respect to new equipment. Based on this 
    ongoing research, FRA may propose new fire safety performance criteria 
    in the second phase of this rulemaking.
        FRA agrees with the Board that steps must be taken to minimize fire 
    safety vulnerabilities in the existing rail passenger equipment fleet. 
    Present fire safety guidelines are advisory and were not introduced by 
    FRA until 1984. Even in recent years, passenger railroads have been 
    free to utilize non-compliant materials (particularly during interior 
    refurbishment funded locally without FTA support). It is appropriate 
    for each commuter authority and Amtrak to evaluate the mix of 
    materials, possible sources of ignition, and potential fire 
    environments--including tunnels, cuts and elevated structures where 
    evacuation to the outside of the vehicle may be difficult or 
    ineffectual in reducing the risk of injury--relevant to the risk of 
    injury due to fire or smoke exposure.
        FRA is concerned in particular with the risk arising from the 
    operation of cab cars forward and MU locomotives. Due to their position 
    in the lead of a passenger train, these vehicles are more greatly 
    exposed to the risk of fire from collisions with other rail vehicles as 
    well as highway vehicles at grade crossings. In a collision, fire may 
    erupt from the fuel tanks of both the rail and highway vehicles, and 
    also from tanks used by highway vehicles that transport loads of 
    flammable material. The level of risk on each railroad corresponds to 
    the number of highway-rail grade crossings, density of rail traffic, 
    and opportunities for collisions.
        FRA requests comments on the costs and benefits associated with the 
    approach contained in paragraph (d) should railroads be successful in 
    establishing the categorical framework assumed for the analysis. Is the 
    period of time allowed adequate to complete a review of the existing 
    fleet and differing operating environments? To what extent does 
    available fire safety literature adequately support this undertaking? 
    What difficulties will be faced in identifying the source and current 
    characteristics of interior materials, particularly in older cars and 
    cars that have been transferred from the initial purchaser? In cars 
    that have been refurbished by the railroad's own shop or a contract 
        Sec. 238.107  Software safety program. This section provides 
    requirements for the software portion of the system safety program and 
    ties the system safety program to Sec. 238.121, which describes the 
    requirements for software that controls safety features of Tier I or 
    Tier II equipment.
        Sec. 238.109  Inspection, testing, and maintenance program. This 
    section contains the general requirements for the railroad's program 
    for inspecting, testing, and maintaining Tier I equipment. (The 
    inspection, testing, and maintenance program for Tier II equipment is 
    covered under Sec. 238.503.) FRA's goal is a set of standards to ensure 
    that the equipment remains safe as it wears and ages, to protect the 
    workers who perform the inspection, testing, and maintenance tasks, and 
    to provide flexibility enough to allow individual railroads to adapt 
    the maintenance standards to their own unique operating environment. 
    FRA based the proposed requirements on the extensive discussions and 
    information presented in the Working Group meetings.
        Paragraph (a) requires a railroad that operates Tier I passenger 
    equipment subject to this part to provide to FRA, if requested, 
    particulars about its inspection, testing, and maintenance program for 
    that equipment, including the following:
         Safety inspection procedures, intervals and 
    criteria;Washington, DC
         Testing procedures and intervals;
         Scheduled preventive maintenance intervals;
         Maintenance procedures; and
         Training of workers who perform the tasks.
    [[Page 49762]]
        Since FRA does not dictate the contents of the program, individual 
    railroads retain much flexibility to tailor the program to their 
    individual needs and experience. At the same time, FRA believes this 
    requirement is an important component of the overall system safety 
    program and the approach will cause railroads to re-examine their 
    inspection, testing, and maintenance procedures to determine that they 
    are adequate to ensure that the safety-related components of their 
    equipment are not deteriorating over time. This approach represents 
    good business practice and in most cases merely formalizes what 
    passenger railroads are already doing. However, FRA believes this 
    section will provide valuable guidance to regional governments or 
    coalitions attempting to establish new commuter rail service.
        Paragraph (b) defines broadly the types of conditions that can 
    endanger the safety of the crew, passengers, or equipment that the 
    inspection, testing, and maintenance program should be designed to 
    prevent or to detect and correct. Beyond promulgating and enforcing an 
    extensive set of Federal safety regulations on this subject, FRA is not 
    proposing to specify how a railroad should prevent or detect these 
    conditions. Instead, the proposed standards leave these details to be 
    developed by each individual railroad.
        Paragraph (c) establishes a link between scheduled maintenance 
    intervals and the system safety program. Scheduled maintenance 
    intervals should be set so that worn parts are replaced before they 
    fail. Initial intervals should be based on manufacturer's 
    recommendations. As operating experience is gained, FRA believes that 
    accumulated reliability data should be used as the basis for changing 
    preventive maintenance intervals on safety-critical components. This 
    standard will encourage railroads to keep reliability records on 
    safety-critical components that will provide confidence that any safety 
    or economic trade-offs have a firm basis.
        Paragraph (d) requires operating railroads to adopt standard 
    operating procedures, in writing, on how to safely perform all safety-
    critical inspection, testing, and maintenance tasks. This provision is 
    intended to provide protection to the workers who perform these tasks. 
    Inspecting, testing and maintaining rail passenger equipment involves 
    many inherently dangerous tasks. FRA does not intend to prescribe to 
    how to perform these tasks. The proposed standard requires each 
    individual railroad to think through how to safely perform these tasks 
    and to develop procedures that are safe under its individual set of 
    working conditions. Standard operating procedures can be a key 
    component of a training program to ensure new employees know how to do 
    their jobs safely.
        Sec. 238.111  Training, qualification, and designation program. 
    This section contains the proposed training, qualification, and 
    designation requirements for workers (that is, both railroad employees 
    and contractors as defined in the section) who perform inspection, 
    testing, and maintenance tasks. FRA believes that worker training, 
    qualification, and designation are central to a safe operation.
        Labor organizations representing mechanical employees believe that 
    only employees who receive a long-term apprenticeship and on-the-job 
    training--typical of their membership--are qualified to perform 
    inspection, testing, and maintenance tasks. Labor organizations 
    representing operating employees (train crews) believe the work of 
    inspecting and testing is largely outside the scope of work that should 
    be performed by their members, and that railroads do not provide 
    adequate training to their members for them to effectively inspect and 
    test equipment.
        Operating railroads believe a different level of skills is needed 
    for simple inspections and tests (``checkers'') than is required for 
    trouble-shooting and correction of problems (``maintainers''). As a 
    practical reality, operating railroads make the point that they cannot 
    afford to train their entire inspection, testing, and maintenance work 
    force to be highly-skilled maintainers. Operating railroads claim that 
    operating employees can be easily trained to perform the less complex 
    inspection and testing tasks and in fact have been performing these 
    tasks effectively for years.
        Mechanical employee labor organizations counter this point with a 
    strong belief that operating employees--lacking the experience and 
    trained eye of a mechanical employee--perform a cursory inspection that 
    misses defects or problems that would be caught by a mechanical 
        As a result of these widely different points of view, the Working 
    Group failed to reach overall consensus on the requirements contained 
    in this section. FRA based the proposed requirements on the extensive 
    discussions and information presented in the Working Group meetings as 
    the merits and drawbacks of various approaches to setting the safety 
    standards covered in this section were debated.
        Paragraph (a) requires railroads to establish and comply with a 
    training, qualification, and designation program for employees and 
    contractors who perform safety-related inspection, testing, or 
    maintenance tasks under this part. ``Contractor,'' in this context, 
    means ``a person under contract with the railroad or an employee of a 
    person under contract with the railroad.'' Paragraph (b) lists the 
    steps that must be followed in developing a training, qualification, 
    and designation program.
        FRA believes that the list of general requirements enumerated in 
    this section informs railroads what their training, qualification, and 
    designation program must do reasonably to ensure that employees know 
    how to keep the equipment running safely. Most passenger railroads have 
    training programs in place that meet or come close to meeting these 
    proposed requirements. The list of actions that FRA proposes would 
    compel railroads to evaluate their operation and focus their training 
    resources where the need is greatest.
        FRA recognizes that some passenger railroads will be forced to 
    place a greater emphasis on training and qualifications than they have 
    in the past, and this requirement will result in additional costs for 
    those railroads. However, the proposed rule allows the railroads the 
    flexibility that they need to provide only that training which an 
    employee needs for a specific job. The proposed rule does not require 
    the ``checkers'' to receive the intensive training needed for the 
    ``maintainers.'' The training can be tailored to the need. Across the 
    industry as a whole, this proposal will not require extensive changes 
    in the way passenger railroads currently operate. But it will prevent 
    railroads from using minimally trained and unqualified people to 
    perform crucial safety tasks.
        Benefits can be gained from this increased investment in training. 
    Better inspections will be performed, resulting in the running of less 
    defective equipment, which translates to a better safety record. 
    Equipment conditions requiring maintenance attention are more likely to 
    be found while the equipment is at a maintenance or yard site where 
    repairs can be more easily done. Trouble-shooting will take less time. 
    More maintenance will be done right the first time, resulting in cost 
    savings due to less rework.
        APTA, in commenting on a draft of the NPRM, believes that this 
    section's requirements are overly detailed in scope, content, and 
    record keeping. APTA maintains that broad interpretation of the 
    regulation could lead to arbitrary enforcement resulting in 
    misdirection of training resources. In
    [[Page 49763]]
    addition, APTA contends that the proposal adds costs without a 
    corresponding safety benefit--the cost to develop and implement the 
    training programs and the cost to hire additional work force to perform 
    the duties of those employees attending the required training classes. 
    Commenters are invited to address APTA's concerns.
        Sec. 238.113  Pre-revenue service acceptance testing plan. This 
    section provides requirements for pre-revenue service testing of 
    passenger equipment and ties the system safety program to subpart G, 
    which describes the requirements for the introduction of new technology 
    that could affect safety systems of Tier II passenger equipment. These 
    tests are extremely important in that they are the culmination of all 
    the safety analysis and component tests of the system safety program. 
    The pre-revenue service tests are intended to demonstrate the 
    effectiveness of the system safety program and prove that the equipment 
    can be operated safely in its intended environment.
        For equipment that has not previously been used in revenue service 
    in the United States, paragraph (a) requires the operating railroad to 
    develop a pre-revenue service acceptance testing plan and obtain FRA 
    approval of the plan under the procedures stated in Sec. 238.21 before 
    beginning testing. Previous testing of the equipment at the 
    Transportation Test Center, on another railroad, or elsewhere will be 
    considered by FRA in approving the test plan. Paragraph (b) requires 
    the railroad to fully execute the tests required by the plan, to 
    correct any safety deficiencies identified by FRA, and to obtain FRA's 
    approval to place the equipment in revenue service prior to introducing 
    the equipment in revenue service. Paragraph (c) requires the railroad 
    to comply with any operational limitations imposed by FRA. Paragraph 
    (d) requires the railroad to make the plan available to FRA for 
    inspection and copying. Paragraph (e) enumerates the elements that must 
    be included in the plan. FRA believes this set of steps and the 
    documentation required by this section are necessary to ensure that all 
    safety risks have been reduced to a level that permits the equipment to 
    be used in revenue service.
        In lieu of the requirements of paragraphs (a) through (e), 
    paragraph (f) provides for an abbreviated testing procedure for 
    equipment that has previously been used in revenue service in the 
    United States. The railroad need not submit a test plan to FRA; 
    however, a description of the testing shall be kept by the railroad and 
    made available to FRA for inspection and copying.
    General Requirements
    Sec. 238.115  Fire Safety
        Paragraph (a) contains the fire safety requirements for materials 
    used in constructing the interiors of passenger cars and cabs of 
    locomotive ordered on or after January 1, 1999, or placed in service 
    for the first time on or after January 1, 2001. Further, as of the 
    effective date of the final rule, fire safety requirements also apply 
    to materials used in refurbishing the interiors of passenger cars and 
    locomotive cabs. Currently, the rail industry follows FRA's fire safety 
    guidelines as revised on January 17, 1989. See 54 FR 1837. Several 
    Working Group members believe that current fire safety practice has 
    worked well in addressing the flammability of passenger car and 
    locomotive cab interiors. However, since FRA's guidelines were first 
    established, considerable fire safety and fire resistance testing 
    technology has developed and some Working Group members believe that 
    new information is available to improve fire safety.
        As discussed earlier in the preamble, FRA is proposing that the 
    existing fire safety guidelines be made mandatory for the construction 
    of new equipment as well as the refurbishing of existing equipment, and 
    they are contained in Appendix B. However, railroads can request, under 
    Sec. 238.21, FRA approval to utilize alternative standards issued or 
    recognized by an expert consensus organization. As part of the second 
    phase of the rulemaking, the Working Group will consider how to apply 
    new fire safety information to improve the fire safety standards, 
    including information being gathered by the NIST and the NFPA.
        Paragraph (b) requires railroads to obtain certification that 
    combustible materials to be used in constructing and refurbishing 
    passenger car and locomotive cab interiors have been tested and comply 
    with the fire safety standards as specified in paragraph (a) and 
    Appendix B to this part.
        Paragraphs (c) through (e) contain requirements for installing 
    various detection and suppression equipment when shown to be necessary 
    by analyses conducted as part of the fire protection program in 
    Sec. 238.105.
        Paragraph (f) requires the railroad to comply with those elements 
    of its written procedures, under Sec. 238.105(12), for the inspection, 
    testing, and maintenance of all fire safety systems and equipment that 
    is has designated as mandatory as part of its fire protection program.
        Paragraph (g) requires the railroad, after completing each fire 
    safety analysis required by Sec. 238.105(d), to take action to reduce 
    the risk of personal injuries due to fire and smoke exposure as 
    provided in Sec. 238.105(d).
    Sec. 238.117  Protection Against Personal Injury
        As recommended by the Working Group, this section contains a 
    general requirement to protect passengers and crewmembers from moving 
    parts, electrical shock and hot pipes. This section extends to 
    passenger equipment not classified as locomotives the protection 
    against personal injury which applies to locomotives under 49 CFR 
    229.41. The proposed requirements represent common-sense safety 
    practice; reflect current industry practice; and should result in no 
    additional cost burden to the industry. These requirements apply to all 
    passenger equipment on or after January 1, 1998.
    Sec. 238.119  Rim-Stamped Straight-Plate Wheels
        This section addresses the NTSB's safety recommendation concerning 
    the use of rim-stamped straight-plate wheels on tread-braked rail 
    passenger equipment, as discussed earlier in the preamble. Because a 
    wheel having a rim-stamped straight-plate character is a sufficient 
    safety concern in itself, FRA is extending the NTSB's safety 
    recommendation to apply to all such wheels used on passenger equipment 
    regardless whether the equipment is tread-braked or not.
    Sec. 238.121  Train System Software and Hardware
        This section contains the proposed requirements for the hardware 
    and software that controls train safety functions that is ordered on or 
    after January 1, 1999, and such systems implemented or materially 
    modified for new or existing equipment on or after January 1, 2001. 
    This section reflects the growing role of automated systems to control 
    passenger train safety functions. FRA had presented for consideration a 
    rather complex set of software safety requirements in the ANPRM, but 
    the Working Group recommended simplifying these requirements and 
    combining them with the requirements for the hardware components of 
    control systems.
        Paragraph (a) proposes a requirement for a formal safety 
    methodology that includes a Failure Modes, Effects, Criticality 
    Analysis (FMECA) and full verification tests for all components of 
    safety system controls. A formal safety analysis that includes full 
    verification is now standard practice for safety systems that contain 
    software components.
    [[Page 49764]]
        In paragraph (b), FRA proposes to require a comprehensive hardware 
    and software integration testing program to ensure that the hardware 
    and the software installed in the hardware function together as 
    intended. Again, this is a practice that has become common for critical 
    control systems that include both software and hardware.
        Paragraph (c) contains a provision for safety-related control 
    systems driven by computer software to have design features that result 
    in a safe condition in the event of a computer hardware or software 
    failure. This is a design feature that is used in aircraft and in 
    weapon control systems.
        These requirements are not complex and will not limit the 
    flexibility of equipment designers. Yet, they reflect good design 
    practices that have led to reliable, safe computer hardware and 
    software control systems in other industries. Computer hardware and 
    software systems designed to these requirements may require a larger 
    initial investment to develop, but experience in other industries has 
    shown that this investment is quickly recovered by significantly 
    reducing hardware and software integration problems and minimizing 
    trouble-shooting and debugging of equipment.
    Sec. 238.123  Emergency Lighting
        Experience gained during rescues conducted after recent passenger 
    train accidents indicates that emergency lighting systems either did 
    not work or failed after a short time, greatly hindering rescue 
    operations. This section requires that passengers cars and locomotives 
    ordered or rebuilt on or after January 1, 1999, or placed in service 
    for the first time on or after January 1, 2001, be equipped with 
    emergency lighting providing a minimum average illumination level of 5 
    foot-candles at floor level for all potential evacuation routes and a 
    back-up power feature capable of operation for a minimum of two hours 
    after loss of normal power. Although members of the Working Group 
    advised that the lighting intensity requirement be 0.05 foot-candle, 
    FRA does not believe that 0.05 foot-candle provides enough illumination 
    for passengers to locate emergency exits, read instructions for their 
    operation, and operate the exits, as demonstrated by Volpe Center staff 
    at a Working Group meeting in December, 1996. FRA requests comments 
    whether the lighting intensity requirement need be 5 foot-candles at 
    floor level for all potential evacuation routes if the rail vehicle has 
    a combination of lower intensity floor proximity lighting, similar to 
    that used on aircraft to mark the exit path, and higher intensity 
    lighting at the vehicle's exits.
        FRA is considering requiring that emergency lighting meeting the 
    requirements of this section be implemented in existing passenger 
    equipment sooner than when the equipment is rebuilt. Existing passenger 
    equipment may not be rebuilt for 20 years or more. FRA therefore 
    invites comments whether the proposed requirements should be 
    implemented in existing passenger equipment within a specified time 
    such as 5 years.
        The two-hour time duration for availability of back-up power is 
    based on experience gained during rescue operations for passenger train 
    accidents in remote locations. In such accidents, fully-equipped 
    emergency response forces can take an hour or more to arrive at the 
    site, and additional time is required to deploy and reach people 
    trapped or injured in the train. In addition, the back-up power system 
    must be able to operate in all orientations within 45 degrees of 
    vertical and after experiencing a shock due to a longitudinal 
    acceleration of 8g and vertical and lateral accelerations of 4g. The 
    shock requirement will ensure that the back-up power system has a 
    reasonable chance of operating after the initial shock caused by a 
    collision or derailment. FRA originally considered that the back-up 
    power system be capable of operation within a vehicle in any 
    orientation. However, members of the Working Group advised that some 
    battery technologies utilize a liquid electrolyte which can leak when 
    the battery is tilted. FRA is further considering whether the back-up 
    power system should be made capable of operation within a vehicle in 
    any orientation, including allowing railroads to continue using any 
    existing batteries through their permanent life before implementing 
    such a requirement on replacement batteries. Commenters are requested 
    to address this issue.
        FRA is further investigating emergency lighting requirements as 
    part of a systems approach to effective passenger train evacuation 
    through a research study to be performed by the Volpe Center. FRA 
    welcomes input from knowledgeable persons as to what emergency lighting 
    requirements would be appropriate for passenger trains to assist in 
    passenger evacuation.
    Subpart C--Specific Requirements for Tier I Passenger Equipment
    Sec. 238.201  Scope
        This subpart contains specific requirements for railroad passenger 
    equipment operating at speeds not exceeding 125 mph. Unless otherwise 
    specified in the discussion of this subpart and with the following 
    qualifications, the proposed requirements represent the consensus 
    recommendations of the Working Group. FRA has proposed the specific 
    implementation dates for these requirements. Additionally, in 
    structuring the rule FRA has specified the type of equipment subject to 
    each requirement more finely than in the Working Group's 
    recommendations, while at the same time reflecting those 
    recommendations as closely as possible. Further, FRA has made other 
    changes to the recommendations to make the proposed requirements more 
    clear, enforceable, and compatible with other rail safety laws.
        Structural standards for new equipment. Unless otherwise specified, 
    the requirements of this subpart apply only to passenger equipment 
    ordered on or after January 1, 1999, or placed in service for the first 
    time on or after January 1, 2001.
        The proposed rule also provides that passenger equipment placed in 
    service for the first time on or after January 1, 1998, unless 
    otherwise provided in the cited sections, must meet the minimum 
    structural requirements specified in: Secs. 238.203 (static end 
    strength); 238.205(a) (anti-climbing mechanism); 238.207 (link between 
    coupling mechanism and car body); and 238.211(a) (collision posts). 
    Together, these four proposed requirements are virtually identical to 
    existing Federal requirements, found in 49 CFR 229.141(a)(1)-(4), that 
    apply to MU locomotives built new after April 1, 1956, and operated in 
    trains having a total empty weight of 600,000 pounds or more. These 
    proposed requirements reflect the current construction practice for 
    North American passenger equipment, and FRA believes they are minimum 
    safety requirements for new equipment.
        In addition to the structural requirements identified above, the 
    proposed rule also requires that passenger equipment ordered on or 
    after January 1, 1999, or placed in service for the first time on or 
    after January 1, 2001, unless otherwise provided in the cited sections, 
    comply with other structural requirements specified in: 
    Secs. 238.205(b) (anti-climbing mechanism for locomotives); 238.209 
    (forward-facing end structure of locomotives); 238.211(b) (collision 
    posts for locomotives); 238.213 (corner posts); 238.215 (rollover 
    strength); 238.217 (side impact strength); 238.219 (truck-to-car-body 
    attachment); and 238.223 (fuel tanks).
    [[Page 49765]]
        Structural standards for existing equipment. The proposed rule 
    would require that passenger equipment (other than private cars, or 
    vehicles of a special design operating at the rear of a passenger train 
    and used solely to transport freight) in use on or after January 1, 
    1998, have a minimum static end strength of 800,000 pounds 
    (Sec. 238.203). Static end strength is critical in protecting passenger 
    equipment from crushing in a head-on or rear-end collision, especially 
    in the North American railroad operating environment that includes 
    frequent highway-rail grade crossings and the mixed operation of 
    freight and passenger trains.
        FRA is confident that existing North American passenger cars have 
    been built to basic compressive strength requirements. Beginning in 
    1939, the AAR recommended that new passenger cars operated in trains of 
    over 600,000 pounds empty weight have a minimum static end strength of 
    800,000 pounds, and since 1956, Federal Regulations (49 CFR 229.141) 
    require that new MU locomotives operated in such trains must meet this 
        FRA is considering requiring that one or more of the other 
    structural requirements for new passenger equipment, discussed above, 
    be made applicable to existing equipment as soon as one of the 
    following events occurs: the equipment is sold to another railroad; the 
    equipment is rebuilt; the equipment reaches 40 years of age; or 10 
    years after the effective date of the rule. FRA invites comments on: 
    (1) what equipment would be affected by each of these structural 
    requirements; (2) the feasibility and costs of retrofitting such 
    equipment, with costs broken out for each of the different structural 
    requirements, in the event such triggering events were adopted in the 
    final rule; (3) whether these triggering events are reasonable, or 
    whether some other fixed deadline should be established for making one 
    or more of these structural requirements applicable to existing 
    passenger equipment; and (4) the safety benefits that could accrue by 
    making these requirements applicable to existing equipment.
        FRA notes that older passenger equipment may not meet the collision 
    post requirements in Sec. 238.211(a) because of a change in collision 
    post design following a collision between two Illinois Central Gulf 
    Railroad commuter trains in Chicago, Illinois, on October 30, 1972. 
    Moreover, APTA is opposed to making structural requirements applicable 
    to existing equipment. In particular, APTA has advised FRA that a 
    significant number of such equipment either may not meet the structural 
    requirements in Secs. 238.203, 238.205(a), 238.207, and 238.211(a), or 
    the equipment must undergo potentially costly testing to determine 
    whether the requirements are met. FRA will discuss with the Working 
    Group alternatives that would avoid unnecessary expense to document 
    design features of older equipment.
        No new safety appliance requirements. FRA is not proposing new 
    safety appliance requirements for passenger equipment subject to this 
    subpart. The safety appliance requirements referenced in Sec. 238.229 
    continue to apply to such passenger equipment and are noted in this 
    rule for clarity, on the advice of the Working Group.
    Sec. 238.203  Static End Strength
        This section contains the requirements for the overall compressive 
    strength of rail passenger equipment. The proposed requirements make 
    mandatory the long-standing, North American design practice of 
    specifying a minimum static end strength of 800,000 pounds, and a 
    minimum static end strength of 800,000 pounds in the line of draft at 
    the ends of occupied volumes, without permanent deformation of the car 
    body structure. This requirement has proven effective in the North 
    American railroad operating environment that includes frequent highway-
    rail grade crossings, mixed operation of freight and passenger trains, 
    and less than fully-capable signal and train control systems. The 
    requirement is effective on or after January 1, 1998. Although FRA 
    would prefer that every vehicle in a passenger train have a minimum 
    static end strength as specified in this section, FRA recognizes that 
    imposing this requirement universally may effectively prohibit the use 
    of some private cars and all auto-carriers and RoadRailer equipment.
        To prevent sudden, brittle-type failure of the main structure of 
    passenger equipment, the proposed rule requires that the body structure 
    be designed, to the maximum extent possible, to fail by buckling or 
    crushing, or both, of structural members rather than by fracture of 
    structural members or failure of structural connections. To allow a 
    crash energy management design approach to be employed, this 
    requirement applies only to the occupied volume of the equipment. 
    Unoccupied volumes may have a lesser static end yield strength.
    Sec. 238.205  Anti-Climbing Mechanism
        This section contains the vertical strength requirements for anti-
    climbing mechanisms on rail passenger equipment. The purpose of the 
    anti-climbing mechanism is to prevent override or telescoping of one 
    passenger train unit into another in the event of high compressive 
    forces caused by a derailment or collision.
        FRA is proposing that all passenger equipment placed in service for 
    the first time on or after January 1, 1998, shall have an anti-climbing 
    mechanism at each end capable of resisting an upward or downward 
    vertical force of 100,000 pounds without permanent deformation. When 
    coupled together in any combination to join two vehicles, AAR Type H 
    and Type F tight-lock couplers satisfy this requirement. This 
    requirement incorporates a long-standing industry practice into the 
    proposed rule.
        The proposed rule further requires that the forward end of a 
    locomotive ordered on or after January 1, 1999, or placed in service 
    for the first time on or after January 1, 2001, be equipped with an 
    anti-climbing mechanism capable of resisting an upward or downward 
    vertical force of 200,000 pounds without failure. This requirement 
    applies to locomotives or power cars of permanently coupled trains. AAR 
    Standard S-580, which addresses the crashworthiness of locomotives, has 
    included this requirement for all locomotives built since August 1990. 
    FRA believes this industry practice represents sound equipment design.
    Sec. 238.207  Link Between Coupling Mechanism and Car Body
        This section contains the vertical strength requirements for the 
    structure that links the coupling mechanism to the car body on 
    passenger equipment. The purpose of this requirement is to avoid a 
    premature failure of the draft system so that the anti-climbing 
    mechanism will have an opportunity to engage.
        FRA is proposing that all passenger equipment placed in service for 
    the first time on or after January 1, 1998, be provided with a coupler 
    carrier or other coupler-to-car-body linking structure that is designed 
    to resist a vertical downward thrust from the coupler shank of 100,000 
    pounds, without permanent deformation for any normal horizontal 
    position of the coupler.
    Sec. 238.209  Forward-Facing End Structure of Locomotives
        This section contains the requirement for the covering or skin of 
    the forward-
    [[Page 49766]]
    facing end structure of each passenger locomotive ordered on or after 
    January 1, 1999, or placed in service for the first time on or after 
    January 1, 2001. The purpose of this requirement is to protect the 
    occupied area of a locomotive cab, which is especially vulnerable in a 
    highway-rail grade crossing collision if a fuel tank that is part of or 
    being transported by a highway vehicle ruptures.
        FRA is proposing that the skin covering the forward-facing end of 
    each passenger locomotive, e.g., a cab car and an MU locomotive, be 
    equivalent to a \1/2\-inch steel plate with a 25,000 pounds-per-square-
    inch yield strength and be designed to inhibit the entry of fluids into 
    the occupied area of the equipment. Higher yield strength material may 
    be used to decrease the required thickness of the material provided an 
    equivalent strength is maintained. AAR Standard S-580 has included this 
    requirement for all locomotives built since August 1990. From 
    observations of the improved performance of locomotives during 
    collisions, FRA believes that this industry standard should become part 
    of the proposed safety standards.
    Sec. 238.211  Collision Posts
        This section contains the structural strength requirements for 
    collision posts. Collision posts provide protection against the 
    crushing of occupied areas of passenger equipment in the event of a 
    collision or derailment. This section does not apply to a vehicle of 
    special design that operates at the rear of a passenger train and is 
    used solely to transport freight, such as an auto-carrier or 
        Paragraph (a) requires that all passenger equipment placed in 
    service for the first time on or after January 1, 1998, shall have 
    either two full-height collision posts at each end where coupling and 
    uncoupling are expected, each collision post having an ultimate 
    longitudinal strength of not less than 300,000 pounds; or an equivalent 
    end structure.
        The proposed 300,000-pound strength requirement makes mandatory the 
    long-standing North American passenger equipment design practice for 
    collision posts. This requirement has proven effective in the North 
    American railroad operating environment. This requirement is similar to 
    that contained in 49 CFR 229.141(a)(4), which applies to MU locomotives 
    operated in trains having a total empty weight of 600,000 pounds or 
    more, but also requires the collision posts to be full-height. Full-
    height collision posts provide additional protection because they 
    extend higher than posts attached only at the underframe. Little, if 
    any, additional cost is imposed on builders by requiring full height 
    posts. The spacing at approximately the one-third points laterally will 
    allow both collision posts to be engaged in many collision scenarios. 
    An equivalent single rear end structure may be used in place of the two 
    collision posts provided it can withstand the sum of the forces that 
    each collision post is required to withstand.
        Paragraph (b) requires that each locomotive ordered on or after 
    January 1, 1999, or placed in service for the first time on or after 
    January 1, 2001, have two forward collision posts, located at 
    approximately the one-third points laterally, each capable of 
    withstanding a 500,000-pound longitudinal force without exceeding the 
    ultimate strength of the joint. In addition, each post must be capable 
    of withstanding a 200,000-pound longitudinal force exerted 30 inches 
    above the joint of the post to the underframe, without exceeding its 
    ultimate strength. AAR Standard S-580 has included this requirement for 
    all locomotives built since August 1990. From observation of the 
    improved performance of these locomotives during collisions, FRA 
    believes this industry practice should become part of the proposed 
    safety standards.
        As an option, an equivalent end structure may be used in place of 
    the two forward collision posts. The single end structure shall 
    withstand the sum of the forces that each collision post is required to 
    withstand. This option is proposed to allow for the design of unitized 
    or aircraft-type structures.
        FRA is proposing that collision posts be required at the ends of 
    passenger equipment where coupling and uncoupling are expected or where 
    separation is likely in the event of a violent derailment. Paragraph 
    (c) provides that if a train is made up of vehicles with articulated 
    units, collision posts are required only at the ends of the permanently 
    joined assembly of units, not at the ends of each unit of the assembly. 
    Articulated units are not likely to experience impacts on other than 
    the outside ends of the assembly.
    Sec. 238.213  Corner Posts
        This section contains the requirements for corner posts on 
    passenger cars, e.g., passenger coaches, cab cars and MU locomotives.
        A corner post is the vertical structural member normally located at 
    the intersection of the end of a rail vehicle with a side of that 
    vehicle. However, FRA intends for the proposed rule to allow 
    flexibility so that the corner post may be located at positions other 
    than the extreme outside corner of a vehicle. For example, on cars 
    equipped with end vestibules, the corner posts may be located in the 
    side structure inboard of the side door opening.
        The structural parameters proposed for corner post strength 
    represent the current design practice for passenger cars built for 
    North American service. They are being proposed as an interim measure 
    to prevent the introduction of equipment not meeting such requirements. 
    FRA recognizes that current design practice has proven inadequate to 
    protect the occupied volume in several recent side-swipe collisions 
    involving passenger trains with cab cars leading. Crash modeling 
    suggests that it is not feasible to protect against collisions of the 
    magnitude that occurred at Secaucus, New Jersey, and Silver Spring, 
    Maryland, in February of 1996. Nevertheless, stronger corner posts are 
    necessary to address collisions involving lower closing speeds, and 
    determining what may be feasible in terms of cost and weight will be a 
    priority in the second phase of the rulemaking.
    Sec. 238.215  Rollover Strength
        This section contains the structural requirements intended to 
    prevent significant deformation of the normally occupied spaces of a 
    passenger car in the event it rolls onto its side or roof. The proposal 
    essentially requires the vehicle structure to be able to support twice 
    the dead weight of the vehicle while the vehicle is resting on its side 
    or roof. Deformation of sheathing and framing is allowed to the extent 
    necessary for the vehicle to be supported directly by more substantial 
    structural members of the frame, including the top chords and side 
    frames. Analysis has shown that current passenger car design practice 
    meets this requirement. This requirement has proven effective in 
    preventing massive structural deformation of cars that have rolled 
    during collisions or derailments. For this reason, FRA believes this 
    requirement should be incorporated into the proposed safety standards.
        FRA invites comment on whether this requirement should also apply 
    to locomotives. Representatives from RPI advised that locomotives do 
    not roll over frequently enough to justify such requirements for 
    locomotives. Nevertheless, even if a locomotive does not roll over, 
    this requirement should help protect its roof from crushing if it is 
    forced to support the weight of another vehicle thrown onto its roof in 
    an accident.
    [[Page 49767]]
    Sec. 238.217  Side Impact Strength
        This section contains the car body strength requirements intended 
    to resist penetration of the side structure of a passenger car by a 
    highway or rail vehicle.
        FRA believes that a side impact strength requirement is necessary 
    because approximately 14% of the grade crossing accidents involving a 
    passenger train result from a highway vehicle striking the side of the 
    passenger train. In addition, during a derailment or train-to-train 
    collision, trains frequently buckle, exposing the sides of cars to 
    potential impacts during the collision. The proposed requirement was an 
    AAR recommended design practice for passenger cars, as last revised in 
    1984, and represents current North American design practice.
        In designing a side impact strength requirement for a passenger 
    car, the objective is to cause the side of the passenger car to be 
    strong enough so that the car derails rather than collapses when struck 
    in the side by another rail vehicle or a heavy highway vehicle. FRA 
    believes that current design practice may not be adequate to meet this 
    goal. FRA also believes that cars with low floors, such as bi-level 
    equipment, are particularly vulnerable to penetration when struck in 
    the side. A more meaningful side impact strength requirement is 
    necessary and will be a priority in the second phase of the rulemaking, 
    as research determines what may be feasible in terms of cost and 
    weight. The proposed requirement is therefore an interim measure to 
    prevent the introduction or use of equipment not meeting this basic 
    strength requirement.
    Sec. 238.219 Truck-to-Car-Body Attachment
        This section contains the truck-to-car-body attachment strength 
    requirement for passenger equipment. The attachment is required to 
    resist without failure a 2g vertical force on the mass of the truck and 
    a force of 250,000 pounds in any horizontal direction. The requirement 
    for the attachment to resist a horizontal force is intended to allow 
    the truck to act as an anti-climbing device during a collision. With 
    the truck attached to the car body, the truck of an overriding rail 
    vehicle is likely to be caught by the underframe of the overridden rail 
    vehicle, thus arresting the override. The parameter selected represents 
    the current design practice that has proven effective in preventing 
    horizontal shear of trucks from car bodies.
        The requirement for the attachment to resist a vertical force is 
    intended to keep the truck attached if the car body is raised or rolls 
    over. If the truck remains attached to the car body, the truck is less 
    likely to be struck by other units of the train. The attachment must 
    resist, without failure, a force equal to twice the weight of the truck 
    and all the components attached to the truck. Many types of keepers are 
    used to keep trucks attached to car bodies. FRA believes that the 
    majority of them are capable of meeting this requirement.
    Sec. 238.221  Glazing
        FRA is proposing additional requirements concerning the safety 
    glazing of passenger equipment subject to the requirements of 49 CFR 
    part 223. Existing safety glazing requirements for windows have largely 
    proven effective in passenger service at speeds up to 125 mph. However, 
    part 223 does not address the performance of the frame which attaches 
    the glazing to the car body. This section requires the glazing frame to 
    be capable of holding the glazing in place against all forces which the 
    glazing is required to resist under part 223. In addition, the glazing 
    frame must hold the glazing in place against the forces created by air 
    pressure differences caused when two trains pass at their maximum 
    authorized speeds in opposite directions at the minimum track 
    separation for two adjacent tracks. This requirement is intended to 
    prevent the glazing from being forced from the window opening and 
    potentially injuring passengers and crewmembers. FRA that believes most 
    existing passenger equipment subject to part 223 meets these 
    requirements. However, they should not be left to chance and need to be 
    required in the equipment design.
    Sec. 238.223  Fuel Tanks
        This section contains the structural requirements for external and 
    integral fuel tanks on locomotives ordered on or after January 1, 1999, 
    or placed in service for the first time after January 1, 2001. A 
    discussion of fuel tank safety issues is provided above.
        External fuel tanks must comply with AAR Recommended Practice-506, 
    Performance Requirements for Diesel Electric Locomotive Fuel tanks. FRA 
    believes that RP-506 represents an improvement in fuel tank 
    crashworthiness and should be incorporated into the proposed standards. 
    Labor representatives on the Working Group object to a direct 
    incorporation of industry standards that effectively allow an industry 
    organization to change a Federal safety standard by changing the 
    industry standard. FRA agrees and is proposing that the rule 
    incorporate the industry standard as adopted on July 1, 1995.
    Sec. 238.225  Electrical System
        This section contains the proposed requirements for the design of 
    electrical systems on passenger equipment. The Working Group advised 
    that no single, well-recognized electrical code or set of standards 
    applied directly to the design of railroad passenger equipment. As a 
    result, the Working Group recommended broad performance requirements 
    which reflect common electrical safety practice and are widely 
    recognized as good electrical design practice. FRA had offered for 
    comment more detailed electrical system design requirements in the 
    ANPRM, but as advocated by the Working group the proposed rule is more 
    performance-oriented and provides wide latitude in equipment design. 
    FRA believes that this approach helps to ensure good electrical design 
    practice without imposing unnecessary costs on the industry.
        The electrical system requirements include provisions for:
         Electrical conductor sizes and properties to provide a 
    margin of safety for the intended application;
         Battery system design to prevent the risk of overcharging 
    or accumulation of dangerous gases that can cause an explosion;
         Design of resistor grids that dissipate energy produced by 
    dynamic braking with sufficient electrical isolation and ventilation to 
    minimize the risk of fires; and
         Electromagnetic compatibility within the intended 
    operating environment to prevent electromagnetic interference with 
    safety-critical equipment systems and to prevent interference of the 
    rolling stock with other systems along the rail right-of-way.
    Sec. 238.227  Suspension System
        This section contains the proposed requirements for suspension 
    system performance of all Tier I passenger equipment on or after 
    January 1, 1998, and represents the minimum requirements for a safe 
    operation. In the ANPRM, FRA presented for comment a large set of 
    fairly detailed suspension system performance requirements very similar 
    to those now being proposed for Tier II passenger equipment. The 
    Working Group advised that such an extensive set of requirements was 
    not needed for Tier I passenger equipment.
        Overall, FRA is proposing that all passenger equipment shall 
    [[Page 49768]]
    freedom from hunting oscillations at all speeds. Further, FRA is 
    proposing particular suspension system safety requirements for 
    passenger equipment operating at speeds above 110 mph but not exceeding 
    125 mph, near the transition speed range from Tier I to Tier II 
    requirements. Although FRA believes that for speeds not exceeding 110 
    mph existing equipment has not demonstrated serious suspension system 
    stability problems, most of this same equipment is only operated at 
    speeds that do not exceed 110 mph. Accordingly, when new or existing 
    passenger equipment is intended for operation above 110 mph, this 
    equipment must demonstrate stable operation during pre-revenue service 
    qualification tests at all speeds up to 5 mph in excess of its maximum 
    intended operating speed under worst-case conditions--including 
    component wear--as determined by the operating railroad. The Working 
    Group advised FRA that a single definition of worst-case conditions 
    could not be applied generally to all railroads; and, as a result, the 
    definition of worst-case conditions shall be determined by each 
    railroad based upon its particular operating environment.
    Sec. 239.229  Safety Appliances
        This section references current safety appliance requirements 
    contained in 49 U.S.C. chapter 203 and 49 CFR part 231. These existing 
    requirements continue to apply independently to all Tier I passenger 
    equipment, and FRA is referencing them here for clarity on the 
    recommendation of the Working Group.
    Sec. 238.231  Brake System
        This section contains general brake system performance requirements 
    that apply on or after January 1, 1998, to Tier I passenger equipment 
    except as otherwise provided. Although the Working Group did not reach 
    consensus on these proposed requirements due to the inability of the 
    group to resolve the brake inspection, testing, and maintenance issues, 
    the proposed provisions had widespread support among many of the 
    members of the Working Group. Several of the proposed requirements 
    contained in this section were included in written positions provided 
    by both rail labor and management members of the Working Group. 
    Virtually all of the proposed provisions were discussed in the 1994 
    NPRM on power brakes. See 59 FR 47676.
        Paragraph (a) contains a requirement that the primary braking 
    system be capable of stopping the train with a service application of 
    the brakes from its maximum authorized operating speed within the 
    signal spacing existing on the track. FRA believes that this proposed 
    requirement is the most fundamental performance standard for any train 
    brake system. This section merely codifies a requirement which is 
    current industry practice and is the basis for safe train operation in 
    the United States.
        Paragraph (b) requires that passenger equipment ordered on or after 
    January 1, 1999, or placed in service for the first time on or after 
    January 1, 2001, be designed not to require an inspector to place 
    himself or herself on, under, or between components of the equipment to 
    observe brake actuation or release. The proposal allows railroads the 
    flexibility of using a reliable indicator in place of requiring direct 
    observation of the brake application or piston travel because the 
    current designs of many passenger car brake systems make direct 
    observation extremely difficult without the inspector placing himself 
    or herself underneath the equipment. Brake system piston travel or 
    piston cylinder pressure indicators have been used with satisfactory 
    results for many years. Although indicators do not provide 100 percent 
    certainty that the brakes are effective, FRA believes that they have 
    proven themselves effective enough to be preferable to requiring an 
    inspector to assume a dangerous position.
        Paragraph (c) proposes to require that an emergency brake 
    application feature be available at any time and that it produce an 
    irretrievable stop. This section merely codifies current industry 
    practice and ensures that passenger equipment will continue to be 
    designed with an emergency brake application feature. In the 1994 NPRM 
    on power brakes, FRA proposed a requirement that all trains be equipped 
    with an emergency application feature capable of increasing the train's 
    deceleration rate a minimum of 15 percent. See 59 FR 47729. Comments 
    received in response to that proposal indicated that passenger brake 
    equipment should provide a deceleration rate with a full service 
    application that is close to the emergency brake rate and that the 
    proposed requirement would require the lowering of full service brake 
    rates, thereby compromising safety and lowering train speeds. Based on 
    these comments, FRA proposes the current requirement which is in 
    accordance with suggestions made by several passenger operations.
        Paragraph (d) proposes to require that the train brake system 
    respond as intended to brake control signals and that the brake control 
    system be designed so that a loss of control signal causes a redundant 
    control to take over or cause the brakes to apply. These proposed 
    provisions are fundamental requirements necessary for effective brake 
    system performance, and a codification of current industry practice. 
    FRA intends the requirement to apply to all types of brake control 
    signals, including pneumatic, electric, and radio signals.
        Paragraph (e) proposes to prohibit the introduction of alcohol or 
    other chemicals into the brake line. During periods of extreme cold 
    weather, railroad employees at times resort to adding alcohol or other 
    freezing point depressants to the brake line in an attempt to prevent 
    accumulated moisture in the line from freezing. Virtually every 
    railroad has a policy against this practice because alcohol and other 
    chemicals attack the o-rings and gaskets that seal the brake system, 
    causing them to age or fail prematurely. This practice can lead to 
    dangerous air leaks and it increases maintenance costs. FRA proposed a 
    similar requirement in the 1994 NPRM on power brakes and received 
    numerous comments supporting this provision. See 59 FR 47728.
        Paragraph (f) proposes to require that the brake system be designed 
    and operated to prevent dangerous cracks in wheels. Passenger equipment 
    wheels are normally heat treated so that the wheel rim is in 
    compression. This condition forces small cracks that form in the rim to 
    be closed. Heavy tread braking can heat wheels to the point that a 
    stress reversal occurs and the wheel rim is in tension to a certain 
    depth. Rim tension is a dangerous condition because it promotes surface 
    crack growth. In the 1994 NPRM on power brakes, FRA proposed a wheel 
    surface temperature limit to prevent this condition. See 59 FR 47729. 
    Several brake manufacturers and railroads objected to this approach, 
    claiming that the temperature limit was too conservative and did not 
    allow for the development of new materials that can withstand higher 
    temperatures. Based on these comments and concerns, FRA is proposing a 
    more flexible performance requirement rather than a wheel tread surface 
    temperature limit. This is an extremely important safety requirement 
    because a cracked wheel that fails at high speed can have catastrophic 
    consequences. In addition, the proposed requirement will lead to longer 
    wheel life, and thus should provide maintenance savings to the 
        Paragraph (g) proposes to require that brake discs be designed and 
    operated so that the disc surface temperature does not exceed 
    manufacturer recommendations. In the 1994 NPRM,
    [[Page 49769]]
    FRA proposed a disc surface temperature limit. See 59 FR 47729. As 
    noted above, several brake manufacturers and railroads objected to this 
    approach, claiming that the temperature limit was too conservative and 
    did not allow for the development of new materials that can withstand 
    higher temperatures. Based on these comments and concerns, FRA proposes 
    a more flexible requirement rather than a single disc surface 
    temperature limit. FRA believes this requirement will lead to longer 
    disc life, and thus will produce maintenance savings to railroads.
        Paragraph (h) proposes to require that, except for a locomotive 
    that is ordered before January 1, 1999, and placed in service for the 
    first time before January 1, 2001, and except for a private car, all 
    passenger equipment shall be equipped with a hand or parking brake that 
    can be set and released manually and can hold the equipment on the 
    maximum grade anticipated by the operating railroad. A hand or parking 
    brake is an important safety feature that prevents the rolling or 
    runaway of parked equipment. The proposed requirement represents 
    current industry practice. In the 1994 NPRM on power brakes, FRA 
    proposed requiring that a hand brake be equipped on cars and 
    locomotives. See 59 FR 47729. FRA received several comments to that 
    proposal suggesting that the term ``parking brake'' be added to the 
    requirement since that is what is used in many passenger operations. 
    Based on those suggestions, FRA has added the term in this proposal.
        Paragraph (i) proposes to require that passenger cars be equipped 
    with a means for the emergency brake to be applied that is clearly 
    identified and accessible to passengers. This is a longstanding 
    industry practice and an important safety feature because crucial time 
    may be lost requiring passengers sensing danger to find a member of the 
    train crew to stop the train.
        Paragraph (j) contains proposed provisions to ensure that the 
    dynamic brake does not become a safety-critical device. Railroads have 
    consistently held that dynamic brakes are not safety devices because 
    the friction brake alone is capable of safely stopping a train if the 
    dynamic brake is not available. The proposed provisions include 
    requiring that the blending of the friction and dynamic brakes be 
    automatic, that the friction brakes alone be able to stop the train in 
    the allowable stopping distance, and that a failure of the dynamic 
    brake does not cause thermal damage to wheels or discs due to the 
    greater friction braking load. FRA believes that without these 
    requirements the dynamic brake would most likely become a safety-
    critical item and railroads would not be permitted to dispatch trains 
    unless the dynamic brake were fully operational.
        Paragraph (k) proposes to require that either computer modeling or 
    dynamometer tests be performed to confirm that new brake designs not 
    result in thermal damage to wheels or discs. Further, if the operating 
    parameters of the new braking system change significantly, a new 
    simulation must be performed. This proposal provides a means to ensure 
    that the requirements proposed in paragraphs (f) and (g) are being 
    complied with by new brake designs.
        Paragraph (l) proposes to require that all locomotives ordered on 
    or after January 1, 1999, or placed in service for the first time on or 
    after January 1, 2001, be equipped with effective air coolers or air 
    dryers on those locomotives that are equipped with air compressors. The 
    coolers or dryers must be capable of providing air to the main 
    reservoir with a dew point suppression at least 10 degrees F. below 
    ambient temperature. FRA and most members in the industry agree that 
    moisture is a major cause of brake line contamination. Consequently, 
    reducing moisture leads to longer component life and better brake 
    system performance. Currently, virtually all passenger railroads 
    purchase only locomotives equipped with air dryers or coolers. 
    Therefore, FRA proposes to require the continuation of what it believes 
    is good industry practice.
    Sec. 238.233  Interior Fittings and Surfaces
        This section contains proposed requirements concerning interior 
    fittings and surfaces that apply, as specified in this section, to 
    passenger cars and locomotives ordered on or after January 1, 1999, or 
    placed in service for the first time on or after January 1, 2001. This 
    section should be read in connection with an earlier discussion of 
    train interior safety features in the preamble.
        FRA and NTSB investigations of passenger train accidents have 
    revealed that luggage, seats, and other interior objects breaking or 
    coming loose is a frequent cause of injury to passengers and 
    crewmembers. During a collision, the greatest decelerations and thus 
    the greatest forces to cause potential failure of interior fitting 
    attachment points are experienced in the longitudinal direction, i.e., 
    in the direction parallel to the normal direction of train travel. 
    Current practice is to design seats and other interior fittings to 
    withstand the forces due to accelerations of 6g in the longitudinal 
    direction, 3g in the vertical direction, and 3g in the lateral 
    direction. Due to the injuries caused by broken seats and other loose 
    fixtures, FRA believes that the current design practice is inadequate.
        Accordingly, paragraph (a) proposes that each seat in a passenger 
    car remain firmly attached to the car body when subjected to 
    individually applied accelerations of 4g in the vertical direction and 
    4g in the lateral direction acting on the deadweight of the seat or 
    seats, if a tandem unit. In addition, the attachment must resist a 
    longitudinal inertial force of 8g acting on the mass of the seat plus 
    the impact force of the mass of a 95th-percentile male occupant(s) 
    being decelerated from a relative speed of 25 mph and striking the seat 
    from behind. By resisting the force of an occupant striking the seat 
    from behind, a potential domino effect of seats breaking away from 
    their attachments is avoided.
        Paragraph (b) proposes that overhead storage racks provide 
    longitudinal and lateral restraint for stowed articles to minimize the 
    potential for these objects to come loose and injure train occupants. 
    Further, to prevent overhead storage racks from breaking away from 
    their attachment points to the car body, these racks shall have an 
    ultimate strength capable of resisting individually applied 
    accelerations of 8g longitudinally, 4g vertically, and 4g laterally 
    acting on the mass of the luggage stowed. This mass shall be specified 
    by each railroad. Paragraph (c) requires that all other interior 
    fittings in a passenger car be attached to the car body with sufficient 
    strength to withstand individually applied accelerations of 8g 
    longitudinally, 4g vertically, and 4g laterally acting on the mass of 
    the fitting. FRA believes the proposed attachment strength requirements 
    for seats, overhead storage racks, and other interior fittings will 
    help reduce the number of injuries to occupants in passenger cars.
        Passenger car occupants may also be injured by protruding objects, 
    especially if the occupants fall or are thrown against such objects 
    during a train collision or derailment. As a result, FRA is proposing 
    in paragraph (d) that, to the extent possible, all interior fittings in 
    a passenger car, except seats, shall be recessed or flush-mounted. Such 
    fittings do not protrude above interior surfaces and thereby help to 
    minimize occupant injuries.
        Paragraph (e) is a general, common sense prohibition against sharp 
    edges and corners in a locomotive cab and a passenger car. Just as FRA 
    is concerned about protruding objects, these surfaces could also injure 
    passenger train
    [[Page 49770]]
    occupants. If sharp edges and corners cannot be avoided, they should be 
    padded to mitigate the consequences of occupant impacts.
        Paragraph (f) contains the requirements for floor-mounted cab seats 
    provided solely for the crewmembers in locomotive cabs. FRA proposes to 
    require the seat attachment to have an ultimate strength capable of 
    resisting the loads due to individually applied accelerations of 8g 
    longitudinally, 4g vertically, and 4g laterally acting on the combined 
    mass of the seat and its occupant. This requirement is more stringent 
    than the requirement for seats in passenger cars in paragraph (a) 
    because the mass of the seat occupant is included in determining the 
    load that must be resisted. Cab seats designed to this requirement will 
    allow the use of seat belts and shoulder harnesses to restrain 
    crewmembers in a collision. Further, when turned backwards during a 
    collision, seats designed to this requirement can effectively restrain 
    Sec. 238.235  Emergency Window Exits
        This section should be read with the earlier discussion of 
    emergency window exits in the preamble. With the exception of paragraph 
    (b), the requirements in this section are applicable to passenger cars 
    on or after January 1, 1998, thereby including existing passenger cars. 
    However, the emergency window exit size requirements in paragraph (b) 
    are only applicable to passenger cars placed in service for the first 
    time on or after January 1, 1998. APTA has advised FRA that not all 
    emergency window exits on existing passenger cars meet the size 
    requirements of paragraph (b), and FRA invites comment on this point.
        This section requires that a single-level passenger car, other than 
    a passenger car of special design, have a minimum of four emergency 
    window exits, either in a staggered configuration or with one located 
    at each end of each side of the car. A bi-level car shall have a 
    minimum of four emergency window exits on each main level, configured 
    as above, so that the car has a minimum total of eight emergency window 
    exits. Safety may be advanced by staggering the configuration of 
    emergency window exits so that the window exits are located diagonally 
    across from each other on opposite sides of a car, instead of placing 
    them directly across from each other. Commenters are invited to address 
    this issue. In addition, concern has been raised that the seat 
    arrangement of passenger cars may block access to and the removal of 
    emergency window exits. Commenters are also requested to address this 
        FRA is proposing that each passenger car of special design, such as 
    a sleeper car, have at least one emergency window exit in each 
    compartment. Occupants of a sleeper car may have difficulty reaching 
    the car doors quickly in an emergency from their compartments, for 
    example, if an emergency window exit is not provided in their 
    individual sleeping compartments. An emergency window exit is necessary 
    in each compartment to enable occupants to quickly exit the car when 
    time is of the essence, especially if the car is submerged.
        Each emergency window exit must be easily operable by a 5th-
    percentile female without requiring the use of a tool or other 
    implement. FRA has added to the Working Group's recommendation by 
    specifying that a 5th-percentile female must be able to easily operate 
    the emergency exit, thereby making clear the degree to which the exit 
    need be easily operable by members of the general public. FRA believes 
    this is consistent with the desire of the Working Group to promote the 
    safety of the travelling public.
        Paragraph (f) is reserved for emergency window exit marking and 
    operating instruction requirements. These requirements are currently 
    being addressed in the proposed rule on passenger train emergency 
    preparedness. See 62 FR 8330, Feb. 24, 1997.
    Sec. 238.237  Doors
        This section contains the requirements for exterior side doors on 
    passenger cars. These doors are the primary means of egress from a 
    passenger train. This section should be read in connection with the 
    preamble discussion of NTSB safety recommendation (R-96-7) arising from 
    the 1996 Silver Spring, Maryland accident.
        Paragraph (a) requires that within two years of the effective date 
    of the final rule, each powered, exterior side door in a vestibule that 
    is partitioned from the passenger compartment of a passenger car shall 
    be equipped with a manual override that is: capable of opening the door 
    without power from inside the car; located adjacent to the door which 
    it controls; and designed and maintained so that a person may access 
    the override device from inside the car without requiring the use of a 
    tool or other implement. Passenger cars subject to this requirement 
    that are not already equipped with such manual override devices must be 
    retrofitted accordingly. As noted above, FRA's proposal is not a 
    consensus recommendation of the Working Group.
        FRA invites comment on whether the location of the manual override 
    device should be specified in terms of distance from the door it 
    controls or some other measure. FRA is proposing that the manual 
    override device be ``adjacent'' to the door, as stated in the NTSB 
    safety recommendation. Railroad representatives on the Working Group 
    have suggested a time performance requirement that includes the time 
    necessary for locating and opening the door.
        Currently, there is no Federal requirement that passenger cars be 
    equipped with side doors. Accordingly, in paragraph (b) FRA is 
    proposing that passenger cars ordered on or after January 1, 1999, or 
    placed in service for the first time on or after January 1, 2001, shall 
    have a minimum of four side doors, or the functional equivalent, each 
    permitting at least one 95th-percentile male to pass through at a 
    single time. Although the Working Group did not discuss this proposal, 
    FRA believes that such a requirement is necessary, at least as an 
    interim measure, so that each passenger car have sufficient doorway 
    openings to allow passengers to quickly exit in a life-threatening 
    situation. Exiting a passenger car through a window exit is slower.
        FRA recognizes that existing designs of passenger cars do not 
    always provide for four side doors, and the proposed requirement does 
    not specifically require that passenger cars have four side doors. For 
    instance, the requirement would be met if a passenger car had two 
    double-wide doors that permit two 95th-percentile males to pass through 
    each door at the same time--the functional equivalent of four side 
    doors having openings of the specified size. FRA is interested in 
    comments concerning the extent to which existing designs of passenger 
    cars cannot comply with the proposed requirement, and FRA may modify 
    the proposal based on the information supplied. As a longer term 
    approach, FRA is investigating an emergency evacuation performance 
    requirement similar to that used in commercial aviation where a 
    sufficient number of emergency exits must be provided to evacuate the 
    maximum passenger load in a specified time for various types of 
    emergency situations.
        Paragraph (b) also provides that each powered, exterior side door 
    be equipped with a manual override feature the same as that required in 
    paragraph (a) for existing equipment, except that the manual override 
    must also be capable of opening the door from outside the car.
    [[Page 49771]]
    This requirement is intended to provide quick access to a passenger car 
    by emergency response personnel, and represents the consensus 
    recommendation of the Working Group.
        FRA is also considering, but has not proposed in this rule, that 
    for passenger cars ordered on or after January 1, 1999, or placed in 
    service for the first time on or after January 1, 2001, the status of 
    each powered, exterior side door shall be displayed to the crew in the 
    operating cab of the train. Such a proposal had support from Working 
    Group members and would enable a crewmember in the operating cab to 
    determine whether train doors are closed before departure, for example. 
    However, FRA is concerned that railroads operating Tier I passenger 
    equipment would be unable to meet this requirement. Because Tier I 
    passenger trains are not intended to operate as a fixed unit and 
    instead passenger cars are freely switched into and out of such trains, 
    practical concerns exist about the compatibility of door sensor 
    equipment in a Tier I passenger train. Commenters are invited to 
    address this issue.
        To make sure that manual override devices are easily accessible by 
    passengers, FRA is proposing requirements in paragraph (c) addressing 
    covers and screens used to protect such devices from casual or 
    inadvertent use. FRA desires to balance the concern that passengers may 
    unnecessarily exit cars when no emergency is present with the need for 
    passengers to easily access a door-release mechanism in an emergency. 
    Although this proposal reflects general discussions within the Working 
    Group, it is not specifically a Working Group recommendation.
        Paragraph (d) is reserved for door marking and operating 
    instruction requirements. These requirements are currently being 
    addressed in the proposed rule on passenger train emergency 
    preparedness. See 62 FR 8330, Feb. 24, 1997.
    Sec. 238.239  Automated Monitoring
        This section requires on or after January 1, 1998, an operational 
    alerter or a deadman control in the controlling locomotive of each 
    passenger train operating in other than cab signal, automatic train 
    control, or automatic train stop territory. This section further 
    requires that such locomotives ordered on or after January 1, 1999, or 
    placed in service for the first time on or after January 1, 2001, must 
    be equipped with a working alerter. As a result, the use of a deadman 
    control alone on these new locomotives would be prohibited. The Working 
    Group recommended that new locomotives be equipped with a working 
    alerter, and FRA is proposing that existing locomotives also be 
    equipped with either a working alerter or a deadman control as provided 
    in paragraph (a).
        An alerter will initiate a penalty brake application if it does not 
    receive the proper response from the engineer. Likewise, a deadman 
    control will initiate a penalty brake application if the engineer fails 
    to maintain proper contact with the device. The Working Group discussed 
    establishing specific setting requirements for alerters or deadman 
    controls based on maximum train speed and the capabilities of the 
    signal system. This discussion led to the conclusion that settings 
    should be left to the discretion of individual railroads as long as 
    they document the basis for the settings that they select. If the 
    device fails en route, the proposed rule requires a second person 
    qualified on the signal system and brake application procedures to be 
    stationed in the cab or the engineer must be in constant radio 
    communication with a second crewmember until the train reaches the next 
    terminal. This is intended to allow the train to complete its trip with 
    the device's function of keeping the operator alert taken over by 
    another member of the crew.
        Alerters are safety devices intended to verify that the engineer 
    remains capable and vigilant to accomplish the tasks that he or she 
    must perform. Equipping passenger locomotives with an alerter is 
    current industry practice. These devices have proven themselves in 
    service, and the requirement will not impose an additional cost on the 
    Subpart D--Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Requirements of Tier I 
    Passenger Equipment
    Sec. 238.301  Scope
        This subpart contains the proposed requirements regarding the 
    inspection, testing, and maintenance of all types of passenger 
    equipment operating at speeds of 125 mph or less. FRA originally 
    considered developing one set of requirements for MU locomotives and 
    one set for push-pull equipment. However, the Working Group determined 
    that this approach would be redundant because nearly identical 
    requirements could be applied to both types of equipment. Consequently, 
    this subpart includes the proposed requirements for the inspection, 
    testing, and maintenance of Tier I passenger equipment brake systems as 
    well as the other mechanical and electrical safety components of Tier I 
    passenger equipment.
    Sec. 238.303  Exterior Calendar Day Mechanical Inspection of Passenger 
    Cars and Unpowered Vehicles Used in Passenger Trains
        This section contains the proposed requirements for an exterior 
    calendar day mechanical inspection on passenger cars and unpowered 
    vehicles used in passenger trains that is patterned after a combination 
    of the current calendar day inspection required for locomotives under 
    the Railroad Locomotive Safety Standards and the pre-departure 
    inspection for freight cars under the Railroad Freight Car Safety 
    Standards. See 49 CFR 229.21 and 215.13, respectively. FRA proposes 
    that the calendar day mechanical inspection apply to all passenger cars 
    and all unpowered vehicles used in passenger trains (which includes, 
    e.g., not only coaches, MU locomotives, and cab cars but also any other 
    unit of rail rolling equipment used in a passenger train). A mechanical 
    safety inspection of freight cars has been a longstanding Federal 
    safety requirement, and FRA believes that the lack of a similar 
    requirement for passenger equipment creates a serious void in the 
    current Federal railroad safety standards.
        Paragraphs (a) and (b). Rail labor representatives advocate a daily 
    inspection of all safety-related mechanical components with pass/fail 
    criteria or limits written into the Federal safety standards much like 
    the requirements contained in 49 CFR part 215, whereas, APTA and other 
    passenger railroad representatives strongly maintain that specific 
    inspection criteria or limits are not necessary. During the ongoing 
    meeting of the Working Group, FRA repeatedly requested that railroad 
    representatives provide a recommended list of mechanical components and 
    criteria for their inspection. These representatives consistently 
    responded with very broad requirements basically limited to inspections 
    for obvious and visible defects. Although passenger railroad 
    representatives do not object to the safety principle of a mechanical 
    inspection, they do not want their operations to be bound by a rigid 
    list of components and criteria for the inspection.
        FRA agrees with labor representatives that a specific list of 
    components to be inspected with enforceable inspection or pass/fail 
    criteria needs to be included as part of the proposed Passenger 
    Equipment Safety Standards. For several years, Amtrak has been 
    conducting voluntary mechanical safety inspections of passenger train 
    components. Amtrak, working in conjunction with FRA, has
    [[Page 49772]]
    developed a list of components to be inspected and ``go'' ``no go'' 
    inspection criteria for the various components. Amtrak has trained 
    mechanical employees to conduct these inspections and has issued pocket 
    guides containing the inspection criteria to all mechanical employees. 
    FRA commends Amtrak for its progressive and voluntary efforts. 
    Furthermore, based upon investigations conducted by FRA field 
    inspectors, it appears that virtually every passenger railroad 
    currently performs some type of daily mechanical inspection on its 
    passenger equipment. Consequently, FRA proposes to codify various 
    requirements and minimum standards for conducting a calendar day 
    mechanical inspection.
        Paragraph (a) requires that each passenger car and each unpowered 
    vehicle used in a passenger train receive an exterior mechanical safety 
    inspection at least once each calendar day that the equipment is placed 
    in service except under the circumstances described in paragraph (d). 
    Paragraph (b) requires that this inspection be performed by a qualified 
    mechanical inspector. FRA believes the combination of a daily Class I 
    brake test and a mechanical safety inspection performed by fully 
    qualified mechanical employees is a key to safer passenger railroad 
    operations. Such a practice will most likely detect and correct 
    equipment problems before they become the source of an accident or 
    incident resulting in personal injuries or damage to property. FRA 
    recognizes that this requirement may create a problem for some commuter 
    railroads that operate trains on weekends or other days when qualified 
    mechanical inspectors are not scheduled to work. Some railroads may be 
    forced to schedule qualified mechanical inspectors to work on these 
    days at additional expense. However, based on independent 
    investigations performed by FRA, it is believed that the impact of this 
    proposal will be much less than several railroad representatives have 
    indicated. Nevertheless, FRA is willing to consider whether to allow 
    railroads that have demonstrated an ability to operate passenger trains 
    safely over weekends without a mechanical safety inspection being 
    performed by qualified mechanical inspectors to continue that practice. 
    The problem, from FRA's position, is that it is difficult to allow this 
    flexibility without creating a loophole that could be abused in certain 
    circumstances. Consequently, FRA solicits detailed comments from 
    interested parties on whether the granting of such flexibility is even 
    necessary and on possible methods for providing such flexibility.
        Paragraph (c) identifies the components that FRA proposes to be 
    inspected as part of the exterior daily mechanical safety inspection 
    and provides measurable inspection criteria for the components. The 
    railroad is required to ascertain that each passenger car, and each 
    unpowered vehicle used in a passenger train conforms with the 
    conditions enumerated in paragraph (c). Deviation from any listed 
    condition makes the passenger car or unpowered vehicle defective if it 
    is in service. The Working Group members generally agreed that the 
    components contained in this section represent valid safety-related 
    components that should be frequently inspected by railroads. However, 
    members of the Working Group had widely different opinions regarding 
    the criteria to be used to inspect these components. Therefore, as FRA 
    was not provided any clear guidance from the Working Group, FRA 
    selected inspection criteria based on the locomotive calendar day 
    inspection and the freight car safety pre-departure inspection required 
    by 49 CFR parts 229 and 215, respectively. FRA believes that, at a 
    minimum, passenger cars should receive an inspection which is at least 
    equivalent to that received by locomotives and freight cars. FRA 
    solicits comments from interested parties concerning other sets of 
    mechanical safety inspection criteria. For example, a concern has been 
    raised by some parties regarding the securement of doors on baggage 
    cars. Consequently, FRA seeks comments from interested parties on the 
    necessity to inspect these doors as part of any required daily 
    mechanical inspection.
        APTA believes that this section contains exterior inspection 
    requirements that cannot be safely or practically performed in the 
    field. In particular, APTA maintains that the inspections concerning 
    the draft gear, truck attachment, suspension system, and coupler 
    knuckle can only be properly performed by placing each car individually 
    over a repair pit.
        FRA intends for the daily mechanical inspection to serve as the 
    time when the railroad repairs defects that occurred en route. Thus, 
    this section proposes to require that safety components not in 
    compliance with this part be repaired before the equipment is permitted 
    to remain in or return to passenger service. (See Sec. 238.9 for a 
    discussion of the prohibitions against using passenger equipment 
    containing defects; and Secs. 238.15 and 238.17 for a discussion of 
    movement of defective equipment for purposes of repair or sale). The 
    purpose of the defect reporting and tracking system proposed in 
    Sec. 238.19 is to have the mechanical forces make all necessary safety 
    repairs to the equipment before it is cleared for another day of 
    operation. In other words, FRA intends for the flexibility to operate 
    defective equipment in passenger service to end at the calendar day 
    mechanical inspection.
        The narrow exception in paragraph (d) allows long-distance 
    intercity passenger trains that miss a scheduled exterior calendar day 
    mechanical inspection due to a delay en route to continue in passenger 
    service to the location where the inspection was scheduled to be 
    performed. At that point, a calendar day mechanical inspection must be 
    performed prior to returning the equipment to service of any kind. This 
    flexibility applies only to the mechanical safety inspections of 
    coaches. FRA does not intend to relieve the railroad of the 
    responsibility to perform a locomotive calendar day inspection as 
    required by 49 CFR part 229.
        Paragraph (e) specifies an additional contingent component of the 
    calendar day exterior mechanical inspection. If a car requiring a 
    single car test is moved in a train carrying passengers or available to 
    carry such passengers to a place where the test can be performed, then 
    the single car test must be performed before or during the exterior 
    calendar day mechanical inspection.
    Secs. 238.305 and 238.307  Interior Calendar Day Mechanical Inspection 
    and Periodic Mechanical Inspection of Passenger Cars
        Section 238.305 requires the performance of an interior inspection 
    of passenger cars (which includes, e.g., passenger coaches, MU 
    locomotives, and cab cars) each calendar day that the equipment is used 
    in service except under the circumstances described in paragraph (d). 
    Unlike the exterior calendar day mechanical inspection, FRA proposes in 
    Sec. 238.305(b) to permit the interior inspections of passenger cars to 
    be performed by ``qualified persons,'' individuals qualified by the 
    railroad to do so. Thus, these individuals need not meet the definition 
    of a ``qualified mechanical inspector.''
        FRA's original position was to require the interior inspections to 
    be performed by qualified mechanical inspectors. However, after several 
    discussions with members of the Working Group and several other 
    representatives of passenger railroads, FRA determined that the 
    training and experience typical of qualified mechanical inspectors is 
    not necessary and often does not apply to
    [[Page 49773]]
    inspecting interior safety components of passenger equipment. In 
    addition, the flexibility created by permitting someone less qualified 
    than a mechanical inspector can reduce the cost of performing the 
    mechanical safety inspection since the most economical way to 
    accomplish the mechanical inspection is to combine the exterior 
    inspection with the Class I brake test and then have a crewmember or 
    train coach cleaner combine the interior coach inspection with coach 
        Section 238.305(c) lists various components that FRA proposes to be 
    inspected as part of the interior daily mechanical safety inspection. 
    As a minimum, FRA proposes that the following components be inspected: 
    trap doors; end and side doors; manual door releases; safety covers, 
    doors and plates; vestibule step lighting; and safety-related signs and 
    instructions. Consistent with the proposed exterior inspection 
    requirements, FRA proposes that all en route defects and all 
    noncomplying conditions must be repaired at the time of the daily 
    interior inspection in order for the equipment to be placed or remain 
    in passenger service with the exception of a defect under 
    Sec. 238.305(c)(5). (See Sec. 238.9 for a discussion of the 
    prohibitions against using passenger equipment containing defects, and 
    Sec. 238.17 for a discussion of the movement of defective equipment for 
    purposes of repair.) Furthermore, Sec. 238.305(d) allows long-distance 
    intercity passenger trains that miss a scheduled calendar day 
    mechanical inspection due to a delay en route to continue in passenger 
    service to the location where the inspection was scheduled.
        Initially, FRA considered requiring a more extensive list of 
    components to be checked at each daily interior inspection. However, 
    based on discussions conducted with the Working Group, FRA determined 
    that the daily inspection and repair of some interior items could be 
    burdensome to the railroads without producing an offsetting safety 
    benefit. As a result, FRA in Sec. 238.307 proposes a periodic 
    mechanical inspection for passenger cars (which include, e.g., 
    passenger coaches, MU locomotives, and cab cars) in order to reduce the 
    frequency with which certain components require inspection and repair. 
    FRA proposes to require that the following components be inspected for 
    proper operation and repaired, if necessary, as part of the periodic 
    maintenance of the equipment: emergency lights; emergency exit windows; 
    seats and seat attachments; overhead luggage racks and attachments; 
    floor and stair surfaces; and hand-operated electrical switches.
        Virtually all passenger railroads currently have defined periodic 
    maintenance intervals for all of the equipment they operate. These 
    intervals vary depending on the type of equipment and the service in 
    which it is used, but typically range from 60 to 180 days. Although FRA 
    does not intend to limit the railroad's flexibility to set periodic 
    maintenance intervals, FRA believes that an outside limit must be 
    placed on the performance of the periodic mechanical inspection. Thus, 
    FRA proposes that the periodic mechanical inspection be performed at 
    least every 180 days, as that appears to be the outside limit of 
    currently established maintenance cycles. As with the daily inspection, 
    any known defects or conditions not in compliance with this section 
    which are uncovered by the periodic inspection must be repaired in 
    order for the equipment to remain in or return to passenger service.
        APTA has advised FRA that most of the daily interior inspection 
    requirements proposed in this section are currently performed as part 
    of a railroad's own periodic inspection. Moreover, APTA maintains that 
    the daily interior inspection requirements do not add to safety and 
    will create delays impacting on-time performance. APTA believes that 
    many cars with defects found during both the daily interior and 
    exterior inspections can be operated safely with appropriate 
    restrictions without first shopping the cars. Commenters are asked to 
    address the various concerns raised by APTA.
    Sec. 238.309  Periodic Brake Equipment Maintenance
        This section contains the proposed requirements for the performance 
    of periodic brake maintenance for various types of passenger equipment, 
    referred to in the industry as clean, oil, test, and stencil (COT&S).
        Paragraph (b) extends the periodic maintenance interval for MU 
    locomotive fleets that are 100 percent equipped with air dryers and 
    modern brake systems from 736 days to 1,104 days. The requirement 
    remains 736 days for fleets that are not 100 percent equipped with air 
    dryers or that are equipped with older brake systems. FRA bases this 
    proposed extension on tests conducted by Metro-North and monitored by 
    FRA field inspectors. These tests revealed that after three years, 
    brake valves on MU locomotives equipped with air dryers were very clean 
    and showed little or no signs of deterioration. Based on the results of 
    these tests, FRA is confident that these valves can safely operate for 
    three years between periodic maintenance. FRA believes this extension 
    of the periodic maintenance interval will result in a cost savings to 
    those railroads that operate MU locomotives equipped with air dryers.
        Paragraph (c) extends the periodic maintenance interval on 
    conventional locomotives equipped with 26-L or equivalent types of 
    brakes from the current standard of 736 days to 1,104 days. The 
    required periodic maintenance interval remains at 736 days for 
    locomotives equipped with other types of brake systems. The proposed 
    requirement merely makes universal a practice that has been approved by 
    waiver for several years. See H-80-7. FRA believes that locomotives 
    equipped with 26-L brakes have demonstrated an ability to operate 
    safely for three years between periodic maintenance.
        Paragraph (d) extends the periodic maintenance interval on 
    passenger coaches and other unpowered vehicles equipped with 26-C or 
    equivalent brake systems from 1,104 days to 1,476 days. This extension 
    is based on tests performed by Amtrak. Based on these tests, FRA 
    granted Amtrak a waiver for this extension on July 26, 1995. See FRA 
    Docket No. PB 94-3. Amtrak has operated under the terms of this waiver 
    for several years with no problems. Consequently, based on Amtrak's 
    experience, FRA believes all passenger cars with 26-C equipment can 
    safely be operated for four years between periodic maintenance.
        Paragraph (e) proposes that the same extensions applicable to 
    locomotives and passenger coaches should be applied to control cab cars 
    that use brake valves that are identical to the 26-C valves used in 
    passenger cars or the 26-L valves used on locomotives. Consequently, 
    based on the information and tests conducted on those valves as well as 
    waivers currently existing, FRA proposes to extend the periodic 
    maintenance interval for cab cars to 1,476 days or 1,104 days for those 
    cab cars that use brake systems identical to the 26-C and 26-L, 
    respectively. This proposed extension is consistent with recent 
    requests for waivers received by FRA.
        A railroad may petition FRA, under Sec. 238.21, to approve 
    alternative maintenance procedures providing equivalent safety. 
    Railroads could propose using periodically scheduled single car tests 
    to extend the time between required periodic maintenance on passenger 
    coaches. FRA believes that the single car test provides a good 
    alternative to more frequent periodic
    [[Page 49774]]
    maintenance. In fact, in the previous NPRM on power brakes, FRA 
    proposed the elimination of time-based COT&S and in its stead proposed 
    time intervals for conducting single car tests, ranging from three to 
    six months, depending on the utilization rate of the passenger 
    equipment. See 59 FR 47690-47691, 47710-47711, and 47740-47741. 
    However, comments received and discussions with members of the Working 
    Group revealed that many passenger railroads would rather perform 
    periodic maintenance than more frequent single car tests. One reason 
    for this is that some operators would rather take equipment out of 
    service every few years and perform the overhaul of the brake system 
    rather than having equipment out of service for shorter periods every 
    few months. Therefore, FRA proposes to retain periodic maintenance 
    intervals but provide the alternative to railroads to propose single 
    car testing intervals in order to reduce the frequency with which the 
    periodic maintenance is performed. Consequently, railroads are afforded 
    some flexibility to determine the type of maintenance approach that 
    best suits their operations.
    Sec. 238.311  Single Car Test
        This section contains the proposed requirements for single car 
    tests of passenger equipment. Although the Working Group failed to 
    reach consensus on the requirements contained in this section, the 
    group did agree that single car tests are a valuable tool to 
    demonstrate that a car's brake system performs correctly after repairs 
    have been made that could affect the brakes. A major issue raised both 
    in comments to the previous NPRM on power brakes and by various members 
    of the Working Group was the method for specifying how the test is to 
    be performed. Labor representatives objected to specifying the method 
    of testing by reference to an industry standard that could be changed 
    unilaterally by the organization that maintains the standard. These 
    representatives insisted that the requirements specifying how to 
    conduct the test must be contained in the rule text so that the only 
    way that changes can be made is through the administrative procedures 
    required by the formal rulemaking process. FRA agrees and proposes in 
    paragraph (a) to require that passenger railroads perform the single 
    car test of the brake system in accordance with AAR Standard S-044 
    contained in AAR's ``Instruction Pamphlet 5039-4, Supp. 3 (April 
    1991),'' which is the most recent version of the test description. FRA 
    also proposes that the special approval process detailed in Sec. 238.21 
    would be employed to evaluate any proposed changes in this highly 
    technical procedure.
        The single car test proposed in this section has proven effective 
    in uncovering brake system problems that are the root cause of certain 
    wheel defects or that have been caused by repairs made to the brake 
    system. FRA believes that this test has contributed to the current 
    trend of greater brake system reliability and fewer brake-related 
    accidents/incidents of passenger equipment. Currently, the regulations 
    require that a single car test be performed on passenger cars whenever 
    they are on a shop or repair track. In the previous NPRM on power 
    brakes, FRA discussed the potential loophole that the current 
    regulations permit. See 59 FR 47710. Basically, it has the potential of 
    allowing railroads to avoid the performance of the tests by calling 
    repair tracks something other than a repair track. Although this is an 
    issue that has arisen in the freight context, it does appear prudent to 
    base the requirement to perform a single car test on the type of defect 
    involved rather than the location where the defect is repaired.
        Paragraph (b) lists the wheel defects that would trigger the 
    requirement to perform a single car test. FRA believes that the 
    proposed wheel defects indicate some type of braking equipment problem. 
    FRA believes that merely changing a wheel to correct a wheel defect 
    that is actually caused by a brake system problem will only lead to a 
    continuation of the problem on the new wheel and will increase repair 
    costs to the railroad. A test that checks for the root cause of the 
    defect is not only a good safety practice, but is a good business 
    practice that will lead to reduced operating costs.
        Paragraph (c) requires a railroad to conduct a single car test if 
    one or more of the identified brake system components is removed, 
    repaired, or replaced. This paragraph also proposes that a single car 
    test be performed if a passenger car or vehicle is placed in service 
    after having been out of service for 30 or more days. FRA believes that 
    these requirements will ensure that brake system repairs have been 
    performed correctly and that the car's brake system will operate as 
    intended after repairs are made or after the car has been in storage 
    for extended periods. The proposed requirements are consistent with the 
    current practices of most passenger railroads.
        Paragraph (d) requires that all single car tests be performed by 
    qualified mechanical inspectors. A single car test is a comprehensive 
    brake test that requires the skills and knowledge of a professional 
    mechanical employee. Railroads currently use the ``qualified mechanical 
    inspector'' as defined by this part to perform single car tests, and 
    FRA believes that this practice should continue.
        Paragraph (e) provides that if a single car test cannot be made at 
    the point where repairs are made, the car may be moved in service to 
    the next forward location where the test can be made. The single car 
    test shall be completed prior to, or as a part of, the car's next 
    calendar day mechanical inspection.
        APTA has advised FRA that the proposed section on single car tests 
    contains an outdated standard and requires a large number of tests 
    which do not serve to enhance safety. APTA believes that actual 
    operating experience does not support a requirement for this level of 
    testing, and the proposal will increase maintenance costs and require 
    additional spare vehicles to maintain service. Additionally, APTA 
    maintains that the proposed regulation provides a disincentive to 
    updating single car test procedures as needed.
    Sec. 238.313  Class I Brake Test
        This section contains the proposed requirements related to Class I 
    brake tests. FRA proposes that the requirements in this section apply 
    to all passenger coaches, control cab cars, MU locomotives, and all 
    nonself-propelled vehicles that are part of a passenger train. The 
    Working Group was unable to reach consensus on the requirements 
    proposed in this section.
        This section proposes to require that a Class I brake test be 
    performed at least once each calendar day that a piece of equipment is 
    placed in service. As discussed previously, the Working Group discussed 
    and debated when and how a Class I brake test should be performed. 
    Labor representatives stressed the need for a thorough brake test 
    performed by qualified mechanical inspectors on every passenger train. 
    These representatives strongly contended that this brake test must be 
    performed prior to the first daily departure of each passenger train. 
    On the other hand, representatives of passenger railroads expressed the 
    desire to have flexibility in conducting a comprehensive brake 
    inspection, arguing that safety would be better served if railroads 
    were permitted to conduct these inspections on a daily basis.
        Although FRA agrees with the position advanced by many labor
    [[Page 49775]]
    representatives that some sort of car-to-car inspection must be made of 
    the brake equipment prior to the first run of the day, FRA does not 
    agree that it is necessary to perform a full Class I brake test in 
    order to ensure the proper functioning of the brake equipment. As FRA 
    proposes that a Class I brake test consist of a comprehensive 
    inspection of the braking system, including the proper operation of 
    supplemental braking systems, FRA believes that commuter and short-
    distance intercity passenger train operations must be permitted some 
    flexibility in conducting these inspections. Consequently, FRA proposes 
    in paragraph (a) to require that commuter and short-distance intercity 
    passenger train operations perform a Class I brake test sometime during 
    the calendar day in which the equipment is used.
        However, FRA also recognizes the differences between commuter or 
    short-distance intercity operations and long-distance intercity 
    passenger train operations. Long-distance intercity passenger trains do 
    not operate in shorter turnaround service over the same sections of 
    track on a daily basis for the purpose of transporting passengers from 
    major centers of employment. Instead, these trains tend to operate for 
    extended periods of time, over long distances with greater distances 
    between passenger stations and terminals. Further, these trains may 
    operate well over 1,000 miles in any 24-hour period, somewhat 
    diminishing the opportunity for conducting inspections on these trains. 
    Therefore, FRA believes that a thorough inspection of the braking 
    system on these types of operations must be conducted prior to the 
    trains' departure from an initial starting terminal. Consequently, FRA 
    proposes in paragraph (b) that a Class I brake inspection be performed 
    on long-distance intercity passenger trains prior to departure from an 
    initial terminal. FRA does not believe there would be any significant 
    burden placed on these operations as the current regulations require 
    that an initial terminal inspection be performed at these locations. 
    Furthermore, virtually all of the initial terminal inspections 
    currently conducted on these types of trains are performed by 
    individuals who would be considered qualified mechanical employees 
    under this proposal.
        FRA also recognizes that these long-distance intercity passenger 
    trains could conceivably travel over 3,000 miles if Class I inspections 
    were required only once every 24 hours that the equipment is in 
    service, as proposed for commuter and short-distance intercity 
    passenger trains. Thus, FRA believes that some outside mileage limit 
    must be placed on these trains between brake inspections. Currently, a 
    passenger train can lawfully travel no further than 1,000 miles from 
    its initial terminal, at which point it must receive an intermediate 
    inspection of brakes, which includes application of the brakes to 
    ensure brake pipe continuity and the inspection of the brake rigging to 
    ensure it is properly secured. See 49 CFR 232.12(b). However, in 
    recognition of the improved technology used in passenger train brake 
    systems, combined with the comprehensive nature of the proposed Class I 
    brake tests and mechanical safety inspections both being performed by 
    qualified mechanical inspectors, FRA proposes to require that the 
    proposed Class I brake test be performed once every calendar day that 
    the equipment is used or every 1,500 miles, whichever occurs first.
        Paragraph (c) requires that the Class I brake tests be performed by 
    qualified mechanical inspectors. As FRA intends for these Class I brake 
    inspections to be in-depth inspections of the entire braking system, 
    which most likely will be performed only one time in any given day in 
    which the equipment is used, FRA believes that these inspections must 
    be performed by individuals possessing the knowledge to not only 
    identify and detect a defective condition in all of the brake equipment 
    required to be inspected but also the knowledge to recognize the 
    interrelational workings of the equipment and the ability to trouble-
    shoot and repair the equipment. Furthermore, most passenger railroads 
    currently have a daily brake test performed by mechanical employees so 
    this requirement is not really a departure from current industry 
        FRA recognizes that these requirements may create a problem for 
    some commuter railroads that operate trains on weekends or other days 
    when qualified mechanical inspectors are not scheduled to work. Some 
    railroads may be forced to schedule qualified mechanical inspectors to 
    work on these days at additional expense. However, based on independent 
    investigations performed by FRA, it is believed that the impact of this 
    proposal will be much less than several railroad representatives have 
    indicated. However, FRA is willing to consider whether to allow 
    railroads that have demonstrated an ability to operate passenger trains 
    safely over weekends without a mechanical safety inspection being 
    performed by qualified mechanical inspectors to continue that practice. 
    The problem, from FRA's position, is that it is difficult to allow this 
    flexibility without creating a loophole that could be abused in certain 
    circumstances. Consequently, FRA solicits detailed comments from 
    interested parties on whether the granting of such flexibility is even 
    necessary and on possible methods of providing such flexibility.
        Paragraph (d) provides railroads with the option to perform the 
    Class I brake test either separately or in conjunction with the 
    calendar day mechanical inspections. FRA proposes this provision simply 
    to clarify that the two inspections need not be done at the same time 
    or location as long as they are both performed sometime during the day.
        Paragraph (e) prohibits a railroad from using or hauling a 
    passenger train in passenger service from a location where a Class I 
    brake test has been performed, or was required to have been performed, 
    with less than 100 percent operating brakes. (See Sec. 238.15 for a 
    discussion of movement of defective equipment for purposes of repair or 
        Paragraph (f) contains a proposed list of the safety-related items 
    that must be inspected, tested, or demonstrated as part of a Class I 
    brake test. This list was developed based on the experience and 
    knowledge of FRA's motive power and equipment field inspectors familiar 
    with the operations and inspection practices of passenger operations. 
    The Working Group extensively discussed the items contained in this 
    proposal. Paragraph (f)(1) requires that an inspection be conducted on 
    each side of each car to verify the application and release of each 
    brake. This requirement is consistent with FRA's longstanding 
    interpretation of what the current regulations require when conducting 
    initial terminal and 1,000 brake inspections pursuant to Sec. 232.12. 
    For clarity and consistency, FRA has explicitly incorporated the 
    requirement into this proposal.
        The requirements included in paragraph (f) which FRA proposes to be 
    included in a Class I brake test contain two items that would bar the 
    use of a train that current regulations allow to be placed in service. 
    These include the requirement that the secondary brake systems must be 
    fully operational and the requirement that brake indicators must 
    function as intended. These requirements will require railroads to make 
    more frequent repairs than are currently required. However, FRA 
    believes these added costs are necessitated by and offset by the added 
    flexibility to move defective equipment as well as the ability to use 
    brake indicators during the performance of
    [[Page 49776]]
    certain brake tests in lieu of direct observation of the brakes.
        Paragraph (g) proposes to require the qualified mechanical 
    inspector that performs a Class I brake test to record the date, time 
    and location of the test as well as the number of the controlling 
    locomotive of the train. This minimal information would be required to 
    be available in the cab of the controlling locomotive to demonstrate to 
    the train crew and future inspectors that the train is operating under 
    a current Class I brake test. Furthermore, the use of such records or 
    ``brake slips'' as they are known in the industry is the current 
    practice of virtually all passenger railroads. FRA believes that this 
    recordkeeping requirement adds necessary reliability, accountability, 
    and enforceability to the inspection requirements proposed in this 
        Paragraph (h) also proposes to allow long distance, intercity 
    passenger trains that miss a scheduled Class I brake test due to a 
    delay en route to proceed to the point where the scheduled brake test 
    was to be performed. This flexibility prevents Amtrak or other 
    operators of long distance trains from having to dispatch qualified 
    mechanical inspectors to the location of a delayed train merely to meet 
    the calendar day Class I brake test requirement. This is a common sense 
    exception that will not compromise safety.
    Sec. 238.315  Class IA Brake Test
        This section contains the proposed requirements regarding Class IA 
    brake tests. As mentioned previously, although FRA agrees with the 
    position advanced by many labor representatives that some sort of car-
    to-car inspection must be made of the brake equipment prior to the 
    first run of the day, FRA does not agree that it is necessary to 
    perform a full Class I brake test in order to ensure the proper 
    functioning of the brake equipment in all situations. However, contrary 
    to the position espoused by several railroad representatives, FRA 
    believes that something more than just a determination that the brakes 
    on the rear car set and release is necessary.
        Currently, the quality of initial terminal tests performed by train 
    crews is likely adequate to determine that brakes apply on each car. 
    However, most commuter equipment utilizes ``tread brake units'' in lieu 
    of cylinders and brake rigging of the kind prevalent on freight and 
    some intercity passenger cars. It is undoubtedly the case that train 
    crewmembers do not verify application of the brakes by tapping brake 
    shoes while the brakes are applied, the only effective means of 
    determining that adequate force is being applied. This is one reason 
    why the subject railroads typically conduct redundant initial terminal 
    tests at other times during the day. Further, train crews are not asked 
    to inspect for wheel defects and other unsafe conditions, nor should 
    they be asked to do so, given the conditions under which they are asked 
    to inspect and the training they receive.
        Consequently, paragraph (a) requires that, at a minimum, a Class I 
    or Class IA brake test be performed prior to a commuter or short-
    distance intercity passenger train's first departure on any given day. 
    FRA believes that the proposed Class IA brake test is sufficiently 
    detailed to ensure the proper functioning of the brake system, yet not 
    so intensive that it requires individuals to perform an inspection for 
    which they are not qualified. FRA proposes in paragraph (a) that a 
    qualified mechanical inspector or a properly trained and qualified 
    train crewmember perform a Class IA brake test.
        As noted in the discussion of Class I brake tests, FRA recognizes 
    the differences between commuter or short-distance intercity operations 
    and long-distance intercity passenger train operations. FRA believes 
    that a thorough inspection of the braking system on these types of 
    operations must be conducted prior to each train's departure from an 
    initial starting terminal. Consequently, FRA will not permit the use of 
    Class IA brake tests for these trains, and requires that a Class I 
    brake inspection be performed on long-distance intercity passenger 
    trains prior to departure from an initial terminal.
        Paragraph (a) also requires that a Class IA brake test be performed 
    prior to placing a train in service if that train has been off a source 
    of compressed air for more than four hours. This requirement formalizes 
    a long-standing agency interpretation of the existing power brake 
    regulations but increases the time limit from two hours to four hours. 
    Labor representatives maintain that any number of brake system problems 
    can develop with equipment off air for only a short time, while 
    management representatives contend that equipment can be left off air 
    for extended periods of time with no problems. FRA believes the 
    proposed requirement is a fair compromise that allows railroads some 
    operating flexibility, but does not allow equipment to be off air 
    without a new brake test for extended periods of time. As stated in the 
    previous NPRM on power brakes, FRA agrees that its longstanding 
    administrative interpretation of allowing cars to be ``off air'' for 
    only two hours was established prior to the development of new 
    equipment that has greatly reduced leakage problems. However, contrary 
    to the contentions of some commenters, FRA does not believe that cars 
    should be allowed to be ``off air'' for extended periods without being 
    retested. The longer cars sit without a supply of compressed air 
    attached, the greater the chances are that the integrity of the system 
    will be compromised, either by weather conditions or vandalism.
        Paragraph (b) allows a commuter or short-distance intercity 
    passenger train that provides continuing late night service that began 
    prior to midnight to complete its daily operating cycle after midnight 
    without performing another Class I or Class IA brake test.
        Paragraph (c) allows a Class IA brake test to be performed at a 
    shop or yard site without needing the test repeated at the first 
    passenger terminal if the train remains on air and in the custody of 
    the crew. This provision is an incentive for railroads to conduct the 
    tests at locations where they can be performed more safely and easily. 
    FRA believes that a shop or yard location is more conducive for 
    conducting a proper brake test. Raised platforms and other conditions 
    frequently found at terminals can make the performance of a brake test 
    difficult, if not hazardous.
        Paragraph (d) permits the Class IA test to be performed by either a 
    qualified person or a qualified mechanical inspector. Paragraph (e) 
    prohibits a railroad from using or hauling a passenger train from a 
    location where a Class IA brake test has been performed, or was 
    required to have been performed, with less than 100 percent operative 
    brakes. (See Secs. 238.15-238.17 for a discussion of movement of 
    defective equipment for purposes of repair or sale). Paragraph (f) 
    establishes the requirements for conducting a proper Class IA brake 
    test. It is proposed that a Class IA brake test include: a check that 
    each brake sets and releases, a test of the emergency brake application 
    feature, a check of the deadman or other emergency control device, a 
    check that piston travel is in the nominal range for the type of brake 
    equipment, and an observation that angle cocks and cutout cocks are 
    properly set and that brake pipe pressure changes are communicated to 
    the rear of the train.
        Paragraph (g) requires that the inspection of the set and release 
    of the brakes be performed by walking the train so the inspector 
    actually observes the set and release of each brake. Labor 
    representatives strongly contended that this is the only way to do a 
    proper brake test. They believe that observation of brake indicators 
    does not give a reliable
    [[Page 49777]]
    indication of effective brakes because the indicators sense brake 
    cylinder pressure rather than the force of the brake shoe against the 
    wheel or the pad against the disc. However, this section proposes to 
    allow an exception when railroads determine that direct observation of 
    the set and release can place the inspector in danger. FRA acknowledges 
    the contention of rail management representatives that conditions at 
    certain locations where Class IA tests may be performed could place the 
    inspector in danger if he or she is required to place himself or 
    herself in a position to actually observe the set and release of each 
    brake. Where railroads determine this to be the case, FRA will permit 
    the use of brake indicators for the set and release step of the Class 
    IA brake test as long as the inspector takes a position where an 
    accurate observation of the indicators can be made.
    Sec. 238.317  Class II Brake Test
        This section proposes the requirements regarding how a Class II 
    brake test is to be performed and contains the proposed conditions for 
    when a railroad is required to perform the brake test. The Class II 
    brake test provides passenger railroads the flexibility to continue to 
    use train crew personnel to perform the limited brake tests required 
    when minor changes to the train occur. Both labor and management 
    representatives to the Working Group recognized that train crews are 
    capable of performing the relatively simple checks required by a Class 
    II brake test and that the operations of most commuter and passenger 
    railroads require the flexibility of having operating personnel perform 
    these tests.
        Paragraph (c) requires that passenger trains not depart from Class 
    II brake tests which are performed at a terminal or a yard with any 
    brakes known to be cut-out, inoperative, or defective. This requirement 
    was agreed to by members of the Working Group and is consistent with 
    the movement for repair provisions contained in this proposal. See 
    Sec. 238.15. Terminals and yards are generally the best locations 
    available to a railroad for either conducting repairs or removing a 
    vehicle from a train. This requirement only applies to brake equipment 
    which is known to be cut-out, inoperative, or otherwise defective by 
    the railroad prior to the train's departure from the yard or terminal 
    where the Class II brake test is performed.
        Paragraph (d) requires that a Class II brake test consist of: a 
    check that the brakes on rear unit of the train apply and release in 
    response to brake control signals, a test of the emergency brake 
    application, a test of the deadman pedal or other emergency control 
    device, and a check that brake pipe pressure changes are properly 
    communicated at the rear of the train. FRA believes that if the 
    equipment receives a full Class I brake test and a calendar day 
    mechanical inspection at some time during each operating day, then 
    these simple checks are adequate to confirm brake system performance at 
    intermediate terminals or turning points. This requirement basically 
    codifies current industry practice.
    Sec. 238.319  Running Brake Tests
        This section contains the proposed requirements for conducting 
    running brake tests on the brakes of passenger trains. A running brake 
    test is merely a brake application at the first safe opportunity to 
    confirm that the brake system works as expected by the engineer. FRA 
    proposes that a running brake test be performed in accordance with the 
    railroad's established operating rules after the train has received a 
    Class I, Class IA, or Class II brake test as safety permits. FRA 
    believes that railroads are in the best position to determine when and 
    where running tests can be safely performed. As most passenger 
    railroads routinely conduct running brake tests, FRA believes that the 
    proposal requirement captures an important safety check without 
    changing current operating practice to any great extent.
    Tier II Passenger Equipment Requirements
        Most of the requirements proposed for Tier II equipment are based 
    on lengthy discussions between Amtrak and FRA over safety requirements 
    for operation of passenger train sets at speeds up to 150 mph in the 
    Northeast Corridor (NEC). Amtrak voluntarily included many of the 
    provisions proposed for Tier II equipment in their procurement 
    specification for American Flyer trainsets--the first Tier II equipment 
    which should be placed in regular revenue service in the United States.
        The process used by the Working Group to discuss proposed Tier II 
    equipment standards differed from that used for the Tier I standards. 
    Many members of the full Working Group stated that they will never be 
    involved in the operation of such high-speed equipment and 
    participation in Tier II standards was outside their area of interest 
    and expertise. As a result, the full Working Group recommended the 
    formation of a smaller subgroup to consider Tier II standards. 
    Consequently, a subgroup consisting of representatives from Amtrak, 
    equipment builders, labor organizations, the NTSB and FRA was formed to 
    consider Tier II equipment safety standards.
        The Tier II Equipment Subgroup came very close to reaching full 
    consensus recommendations on the proposed Tier II safety standards. 
    Only two exceptions to a full consensus on recommendations resulted 
    from the process. The first exception involves a disagreement between 
    Amtrak and labor organizations over the proper use of brake indicator 
        The second exception results from a joint meeting between the Tier 
    II equipment subgroup and the RSAC High Speed Track Standards Working 
    Group. The purpose of this joint meeting was to ensure that the two 
    sets of proposed standards not conflict at the wheel-rail interface 
    where the two sets of standards overlap.
        These two exceptions to full consensus will be more fully discussed 
    under the appropriate section of this section-by-section analysis. In 
    all other cases, the section-by-section analysis assumes the full 
    consensus of the Subgroup without actually repeating it as part of each 
    of the discussions.
    Subpart E--Specific Requirements for Tier II Passenger Equipment
    Sec. 238.401  Scope
        This subpart contains the design and performance requirements for 
    Tier II passenger equipment operating at speeds exceeding 125 mph but 
    not exceeding 150 mph. Unless otherwise specified, the proposed 
    requirements represent the consensus recommendations of the Tier II 
    Equipment Subgroup with refinements by FRA for clarity, enforceability, 
    and compatibility with other rail safety laws. For the most part, 
    compliance with the requirements of this section will be demonstrated 
    by one-time analysis or initial acceptance tests.
        The requirements contained in this subpart have their basis in 
    discussions between Amtrak and FRA involving safety requirements for 
    the operation of passenger trainsets at speeds up to 150 mph on the 
    Northeast Corridor (NEC). Aware that FRA was considering the 
    development of safety standards for high-speed passenger rail 
    equipment, Amtrak asked FRA for assistance in developing a set of 
    safety specifications for the procurement of high-speed trainsets which 
    would address FRA's safety concerns. As a result, Amtrak's American 
    Flyer trainsets, scheduled to begin regular passenger service in 1999, 
    will very likely comply with all of the proposed safety standards in 
    this subpart.
    [[Page 49778]]
        Amtrak's discussions with FRA led it to sponsor a risk assessment 
    of high speed rail passenger systems on the north end of the NEC--from 
    New York to Boston. The discussions also prompted FRA to sponsor 
    computer modeling to predict the performance of various equipment 
    structural designs and configurations in collisions. A copy of the risk 
    assessment performed by Arthur D. Little, Inc., for Amtrak is included 
    in the docket of this rulemaking. The risk assessment was based on 
    existing and predicted future right-of-way configurations and traffic 
    density patterns. The risk assessment concluded that a significant risk 
    of collisions at speeds below 20 mph and a risk of collisions at speeds 
    exceeding 100 mph exist over the 20-year projected operational life of 
    the American Flyer trainsets--due to heavy and increasing conventional 
    commuter rail traffic, freight rail traffic on the NEC, highway-rail 
    grade crossings, moveable bridges, and a history of low speed 
    collisions in or near stations and rail yards.
        Based on the risk assessment and the results of the computer 
    modeling, Amtrak and FRA determined that reliance on collision 
    avoidance measures rather than crashworthiness, though the hallmark of 
    safe high-speed rail operations in several parts of the world, could 
    not be implemented in corridors like the north end of the NEC. Existing 
    traffic and right-of-way configurations do not permit implementation of 
    the same collision avoidance measures that have proven successful in 
    Europe and Japan. To compensate for the increased risk of a collision, 
    a more crashworthy trainset design is needed. As a result, the set of 
    structural design requirements proposed for Tier II passenger equipment 
    is more stringent than current design practice for North American 
    passenger equipment or for high-speed rail equipment in other parts of 
    the world.
    Sec. 238.403  Crash Energy Management Requirements
        This section requires that each power car and trailer car be 
    designed with a crash energy management system to dissipate kinetic 
    energy during a collision. This section should be read with the 
    discussion of crash energy management in the preamble.
        During discussions with Amtrak over the safety provisions for the 
    American Flyer trainsets, FRA proposed very challenging crash energy 
    management requirements based on predictions using computer modeling. 
    Amtrak believed that meeting these requirements would be well beyond 
    the current state of the art for passenger equipment design, and that 
    an extensive and costly research and testing program would be required. 
    As an alternative, Amtrak proposed a crash energy management design 
    based on the demonstrated, commercially viable design developed by 
    France and incorporated in the most recent design of the TGV trainset. 
    FRA believes that Federal safety standards must be capable of 
    implementation in the design of passenger equipment without driving the 
    cost of implementation to the point that high speed rail systems are no 
    longer financially viable.
        As a result, paragraph (c) proposes a crash energy management 
    system capable of absorbing a minimum of 13 megajoules (MJ) of energy 
    at each end of the trainset. The ability to absorb this energy must be 
    partitioned as follows: a minimum of 5 MJ by the front end of the power 
    car ahead of the operator's control compartment; a minimum of 3 MJ by 
    the power car structure behind the operator's control compartment; and 
    a minimum of 5 MJ by the unoccupied end of the first trailer car 
    adjacent to the power car. This requirement can be met using existing 
    technology. However, it will effectively prevent a conventional cab car 
    from operating as the lead vehicle in a Tier II passenger train because 
    such equipment cannot absorb 5 MJ of collision energy ahead of the 
    train operator's position. Recent accidents involving trains operating 
    with a cab car forward have demonstrated the vulnerability of this type 
    of equipment in collisions. FRA believes such equipment should not be 
    used in the forward position of a train that travels at speeds greater 
    than 125 mph. Further, FRA is specifically proposing in paragraph (f) 
    that passenger seating be prohibited in the leading unit of a Tier II 
    train, though not a specific recommendation of the Subgroup.
        Paragraph (e) proposes the analysis process to demonstrate that 
    equipment meets the crash energy management design performance 
    requirements. The process allows simplifying assumptions to be made so 
    computer modeling techniques can be used to confirm compliance.
    Sec. 238.405  Longitudinal Static Compressive Strength
        This section contains the proposed requirements for longitudinal 
    compressive strength of power cars and trailer cars. Paragraph (a) 
    requires the ultimate compressive strength of the underframe of the 
    power car cab to be a minimum of 2,100,000 pounds. To form an effective 
    crash refuge, this strength is needed to take advantage of the strength 
    of the power car's two end frames. Alternate design approaches that 
    provide equivalent protection are allowed, but the equivalent 
    protection must be demonstrated through analysis and testing and 
    approved by the FRA Associate Administrator for Safety under the 
    provisions of Sec. 238.21.
        Paragraph (b) contains the requirements for the static compressive 
    strength of the occupied volumes of trailer cars. This proposal adopts 
    the traditional North American design practice of a static strength of 
    800,000 pounds, without deformation of the underframe. Paragraph (c) 
    makes clear that unoccupied or lightly occupied volumes of power cars 
    or trailer cars may have a static end strength of less than 800,000 
    pounds to accommodate crash energy management designs.
        The crash energy management design requirement ensures that the 
    stronger end structures and the stronger static compressive strength of 
    the cab of a power car will not make Tier II passenger equipment 
    incompatible with existing passenger equipment should a collision 
    between the two different types of equipment occur. The crash energy 
    management design makes a Tier II passenger train appear as a softer 
    collision surface to a conventionally designed train owing to the 
    collision energy absorbed by the Tier II train as its unoccupied 
    volumes intentionally crush.
    Sec. 238.407  Anti-Climbing Mechanism
        This section contains the proposed requirements for anti-climbing 
    mechanisms on power and trailer cars. Paragraph (a) requires a power 
    car to have a forward anti-climbing mechanism capable of resisting an 
    upward or downward static vertical force of 200,000 pounds. This 
    proposal is identical to that required of locomotives by AAR S-580. 
    However, designs are permitted that require the crash energy management 
    controlled crushing to occur prior to the anti-climber fully engaging.
        Paragraph (b) requires that interior train coupling points between 
    units, including between units of articulated cars or other permanently 
    joined units of cars, have an anti-climbing device capable of resisting 
    an upward or downward vertical force of 100,000 pounds. This is 
    consistent with current design practice. Paragraph (c) requires the 
    forward coupler of a power car to resist a vertical downward force of 
    100,000 pounds for any horizontal position of the coupler without 
    yielding, and is virtually identical to that provided in 49 CFR 
    229.141(a) for MU locomotives built new after April 1,
    [[Page 49779]]
    1956, and operated in trains having a total empty weight of 600,000 
    pounds or more.
    Sec. 238.409  Forward End Structures oF Power Car Cabs
        This section contains the proposed requirements for forward end 
    structures of power car cabs. The forward end structure of a power car 
    cab plays a vital role in a collision with another object. This 
    structure must resist override, prevent the entry of fluids into 
    occupied spaces of the cab, and allow the crash energy management 
    system to function. The proposed requirements in paragraphs (a)-(c) are 
    based on a specific end structure design that consists of a full-height 
    center collision post, two side collision posts located at 
    approximately the one-third points laterally, and two full-height 
    corner posts. The proposal includes loading requirements that each of 
    these structural members must withstand. In addition, the proposal 
    permits flexibility for using other equipment designs that provide 
    equivalent structural protection. End structures meeting these 
    requirements will provide considerably greater protection to the train 
    operator than provided by existing passenger equipment designs. For 
    example, much stronger corner posts are proposed here than for Tier I 
    passenger equipment. FRA believes these end structures help provide a 
    degree of crashworthiness to compensate for the increased risk 
    associated with operating at higher speeds.
        The front end structure design also includes in paragraph (d) a 
    skin requirement equivalent to that required by AAR S-580 and proposed 
    in Sec. 238.209 for Tier I locomotives.
    Sec. 238.411  Rear End Structures of Power Car Cabs
        The rear end structure of a power car cab provides protection to 
    crewmembers from intrusion of locomotive machinery or trailing cars 
    into the occupied volume as a result of a collision or derailment. The 
    proposed requirements are based on a specific end structure design that 
    consists of two full-height corner posts (paragraph (a)) and two full-
    height collision posts (paragraph (b)). The proposal includes loading 
    requirements that each of these structural members must withstand. 
    Further, the proposal permits flexibility for using other equipment 
    designs that provide equivalent structural protection. The proposed 
    rear end structure will provide considerably greater protection to the 
    train operator than that provided by existing passenger equipment 
    designs. Together, the front and rear end structures proposed in this 
    rule for a power car cab make the cab a highly survivable crash refuge.
    Sec. 238.413  End Structures of Trailer Cars
        The proposed requirements in paragraph (a) are based on a specific 
    end structure design that consists of two full-height corner posts and 
    two full-height collision posts. The proposal includes loading 
    requirements that each of these structural members must withstand. The 
    proposal also allows flexibility for other designs that provide 
    protection structurally equivalent to the proposed design.
        Paragraph (b) makes clear how the requirements proposed in 
    paragraph (a) apply to a trailer car that consists of multiple 
    articulated units not designed for uncoupling in other than at a 
    maintenance shop. The end structure requirements apply only to the two 
    ends of the entire articulated assembly of units. Paragraph (b) 
    explains that the interior ends of the individual units of the 
    articulated assembly need not be equipped with an end structure that 
    meets the requirements proposed in paragraph (a). Articulated 
    assemblies have a history of remaining in line during derailments and 
    collisions and if not designed to be uncoupled, only the exposed ends 
    of the entire assembly will be exposed to the risks of override. 
    However, interior units that are merely semi-permanently coupled, but 
    not articulated, are subject to the proposed end structure requirements 
    in paragraph (a).
        Paragraph (c) contains an additional requirement for trailer cars 
    designed with an end vestibule. Such designs provide an opportunity for 
    additional corner post structures inboard of the vestibule side doors. 
    These corner posts can be supported by the side sill and therefore be 
    structurally more substantial than the corner posts outboard of the 
    side doors. The proposal includes loading requirements that these 
    additional full-height corner posts must withstand. Overall, the double 
    corner post design provides significantly increased protection to 
    passengers in such trailer cars.
    Sec. 238.415  Rollover Strength
        This section contains the proposed requirements for the rollover 
    strength of power cars and trailer cars. If the occupied volumes of 
    these vehicles remain intact when they roll onto their side or roof 
    structures, occupant injury from vehicle collapse will be avoided. The 
    proposal essentially requires the vehicle structure to support twice 
    the deadweight of the vehicle as it rests on its side or roof. Minor 
    deformations of the side and roof sheathing and smaller structural 
    members are allowed to the extent necessary for the vehicle to be 
    supported directly by more substantial structural members of the frame. 
    Passenger equipment constructed to North American design practice 
    performs well in rollover situations. FRA believes this proposal 
    captures this design practice.
    Sec. 238.417  Side Loads
        This section contains the proposed requirements intended to resist 
    penetration of the side structure of a passenger car by a highway or 
    rail vehicle. The objective is to make the side of the passenger car 
    strong enough so that the car derails rather than collapses when struck 
    in the side by a highway or rail vehicle. If the passenger car moves 
    sideways (derails), less structural damage and potential to injure 
    train occupants will result.
    Sec. 238.419  Truck-to-Car-Body and Truck Component Attachment
        Paragraph (a) requires the truck-to-car-body attachment on Tier II 
    passenger equipment to resist without failure a vertical force 
    equivalent to 2g acting on the mass of the truck and a force of 250,000 
    pounds acting in any horizontal direction. The earlier discussion of 
    the proposed truck-to-car-body attachment strength requirement in 
    Sec. 238.219 for Tier I passenger equipment is also applicable here.
        Paragraph (b) requires that each component of the truck must remain 
    attached to the truck when a force equivalent to 2g acting on the mass 
    of the component is exerted in any direction on that component. Whereas 
    paragraph (a) is intended to keep the truck attached to the car body, 
    paragraph (b) is intended to keep truck components attached to the 
    Sec. 238.421  Glazing
        This section contains the proposed glazing requirements for Tier II 
    passenger equipment. FRA believes that the higher speed of Tier II 
    passenger equipment requires more stringent glazing standards than 
    currently required by 49 CFR part 223.
        Paragraph (a) requires each power car and trailer car to be 
    equipped with glazing meeting the following requirements. First, under 
    paragraph (a)(1), end-facing glazing shall resist the impact of a 12-
    pound solid steel sphere traveling at the maximum speed of the vehicle 
    in which the glazing will be installed. The test must be conducted so 
    that the sphere strikes the glazing at the same angle as an object 
    would strike the
    [[Page 49780]]
    glazing when installed in a train. To successfully pass the test, the 
    glazing must neither spall nor be penetrated by the sphere. This test 
    is similar to the requirements imposed under European glazing standards 
    for high-speed trains, and should be much more repeatable than the 
    cinder block test specified in 49 CFR part 223.
        Second, under paragraph (a)(2)(i), side-facing glazing shall resist 
    the impact of a 12-pound solid steel sphere traveling at 15 mph and 
    impacting at an angle of 90 degrees to the surface of the glazing, with 
    no penetration or spall. This is a highly repeatable test that 
    demonstrates whether side-facing glazing can protect occupants from a 
    relatively heavy object thrown against the side of the train. This test 
    is more stringent than the large object impact test required for side 
    facing glazing under 49 CFR part 223.
        Third, under paragraph (a)(2)(ii), side-facing exterior glazing 
    shall resist the impact of a granite ballast stone weighing a minimum 
    of 0.5 pounds, traveling at 75 mph, and impacting at a 90-degree angle 
    to the glazing surface, with no penetration or spall. This is a highly 
    repeatable test to demonstrate whether the glazing can protect 
    occupants against impact from a common stone found along the railroad 
    thrown at a speed slightly faster than a human could throw such an 
        Fourth, under paragraph (a)(3)(i), all exterior glazing shall 
    resist the single impact of a 9-mm, 147-grain bullet traveling at an 
    impact velocity of 900 feet per second, with no bullet penetration or 
    spall. This bullet is a much more common handgun round than the 22-
    caliber bullet specified in 49 CFR part 223. The proposed requirement 
    does represent a balance between the degree of bullet impact protection 
    and window weight, however. Ballistic tests revealed that a requirement 
    to resist a round fired at velocities typical of high-powered rifles 
    requires a glazing thickness that creates a window weight that is 
    impractical for use as an emergency exit.
        Fifth, under paragraph (a)(3)(ii), all exterior glazing shall 
    demonstrate anti-spalling performance by the use of a 0.001 aluminum 
    witness plate, placed 12 inches from the glazing surface during all 
    impact tests. The witness plate must not contain any marks from spalled 
    glazing particles after any impact test. When impacted on the exterior 
    surface, glazing currently used in railroad equipment tends to spall 
    from the inside surface. Several eye injuries to crewmembers have 
    resulted. FRA believes that the witness plates used in conducting the 
    spalling tests to qualify current glazing are too thick and have 
    allowed glazing that actually spalled to pass the test. The witness 
    plate specified in this paragraph is much thinner and therefore more 
    sensitive to detecting spall.
        Paragraph (b) requires glazing material to be marked to indicate 
    that it has passed the testing requirements proposed in paragraph. This 
    marking requirement is similar to that provided in 49 CFR part 223.
        Paragraph (c) requires glazing frames to hold the glazing in place 
    against all the forces which the glazing is required to resist in 
    paragraph (a). This proposal is intended to prevent the glazing from 
    being knocked out of its frame by the force of an object striking the 
    glazing, even though no penetration of the glazing itself occurs. Since 
    FRA is proposing more stringent impact testing requirements for glazing 
    in Tier II passenger equipment than for Tier I passenger equipment, 
    stronger glazing frames will be required to keep the glazing in place 
    and achieve the additional safety benefit provided by the stronger 
        Paragraph (d) requires the glazing securement components to resist 
    the forces due to air pressure differences caused by trains passing 
    with the minimum separation for two adjacent tracks while traveling in 
    opposite directions, each traveling at maximum speed. The higher speed 
    of Tier II passenger equipment makes this a more stringent requirement 
    than proposed for Tier I passenger equipment.
        Paragraph (e) requires interior glazing to meet the minimum 
    requirements of AS1 type laminated glass as defined in American 
    National Standard ``Safety Code for Glazing Materials for Glazing Motor 
    Vehicles Operating on Land Highways,'' ASA Standard Z26.1-1966. This 
    requirement alleviates the need for interior glazing to meet the 
    stringent impact resistance requirements placed on exterior glazing, 
    while ensuring that the glazing will shatter in a safe manner like 
    automotive glazing.
        Paragraph (f) requires that each vehicle be stencilled on an 
    interior wall to indicate that it meets the glazing requirements 
    contained in this section. This requirement is already provided for 
    existing equipment in 49 CFR 223.17.
    Sec. 238.423  Fuel Tanks
        This section contains the proposed requirements for fuel tanks for 
    fossil-fueled Tier II passenger equipment. FRA is proposing separate 
    requirements for external fuel tanks, which are traditional, under the 
    car body fuel tanks, and for internal tanks, which are built into the 
    structure of the car body.
        Paragraph (a) requires the following of external fuel tanks:
         A minimum height above the rail;
         A minimum penetration resistance for end bulkheads;
         A minimum exterior skin strength;
         A temperature range to which material properties must not 
         A vent system that prevents spills in any tank 
         Skid surfaces on the bottom of the tank; and
         An overall structural strength adequate to support 1\1/2\ 
    times the dead weight of the locomotive without deformation of the 
        This set of proposed requirements is based on investigations of 
    accidents involving fuel tank rupture; analysis and testing of improved 
    fuel tank designs; reports by railroads of reductions in fuel spills on 
    locomotives built with more crashworthy fuel tanks; and an analysis of 
    the common methods of damaging fuel tanks. FRA believes the proposed 
    requirements will result in significantly fewer fuel spills and fewer 
    post-collision fires. Although the proposed requirements reduce the 
    range of a train by adding weight and reducing fuel carrying capacity, 
    FRA does not believe that this reduced range will impact passenger 
    train service because food and other supplies will likely need 
    replenishing first before a train needs refueling.
        Paragraph (b) requires that internal fuel tanks be a minimum height 
    above the rail, be equipped with a vent system that prevents spills in 
    any tank orientation, and have a minimum penetration resistance of the 
    bulkheads and skin. Amtrak has included internal fuel tanks in the 
    design of many new locomotives. Experience with these tanks has shown 
    them to be much less vulnerable than external fuel tanks due to 
    protection provided by the structure of the car body. This reduced 
    vulnerability lessens the need for many of the requirements proposed 
    for external fuel tanks.
    Sec. 238.425  Electrical Systems
        This section contains the proposed requirements for electrical 
    system design. These requirements reflect common electrical safety 
    practice and are widely recognized as good electrical design practice. 
    They include provisions for:
         Circuit protection against surges, overload and ground 
         Electrical conductor sizes and properties to provide a 
    margin of safety for the intended application;
         Battery system design to prevent the risk of overcharging 
    or accumulation of
    [[Page 49781]]
    dangerous gases that can cause an explosion;
         Design of resistor grids that dissipate energy produced by 
    dynamic braking with sufficient electrical isolation and ventilation to 
    minimize the risk of fires; and
         Electromagnetic compatibility within the intended 
    operating environment to prevent electromagnetic interference with 
    safety-critical equipment systems and to prevent interference of the 
    rolling stock with other systems along the right-of-way.
    Sec. 238.427  Suspension System
        Suspension system performance parameters are crucial to the safe 
    operation of high-speed rail passenger equipment. The suspension system 
    requirements that FRA is proposing served as safety limits for the 
    successful demonstrations of the X-2000 and the ICE trainsets on the 
    NEC at speeds up to 135 mph. These proposed requirements are also part 
    of the suspension system performance requirements for Amtrak's American 
    Flyer trainsets.
        Safety requirements concerning the wheel-rail interface have 
    traditionally been addressed as part of the track safety standards. In 
    parallel with the Tier II Equipment Subgroup's effort to develop high-
    speed equipment safety standards, the RSAC Track Working Group 
    developed an NPRM on track safety standards which includes proposed 
    high-speed track standards. See 62 FR 36138, Jul. 3, 1997. FRA 
    sponsored a joint meeting of the Tier II Equipment Subgroup and members 
    of the Track Working Group focusing on the development of high-speed 
    track standards to ensure that the two sets of standards not conflict 
    at the wheel-rail interface, where they overlap. Overall, the two 
    groups proposed very similar standards, but members of the Track 
    Working Group recommended some modifications to Tier II passenger 
    equipment standards so that these standards would dovetail with the 
    high-speed track standards. FRA has revised the proposed Tier II 
    passenger equipment standards accordingly, as noted in discussions 
    below of the specific requirements of this section.
        To ensure safe, stable performance and ride quality, paragraph (a) 
    requires suspension systems to be designed to reasonably prevent wheel 
    climb, wheel lift, rail rollover, rail shift, and a vehicle from 
    overturning. These requirements must be met in all operating 
    environments, and under all track and loading conditions as determined 
    by the operating railroad. In addition, these requirements must be met 
    under all track speeds and track conditions consistent with the Track 
    Safety Standards (49 CFR part 213), up to the maximum operating speed 
    and maximum cant deficiency of the equipment. These broad suspension 
    system performance requirements address the operation of equipment at 
    both high speed over well maintained track and at low speed over lower 
    classes of track. Suspension system performance requirements are needed 
    at both high and low speeds as exemplified by recent incidents where 
    stiff, high-speed suspension systems caused passenger equipment to 
    derail while negotiating curves in yards at low speeds.
        Compliance with paragraph (a) must be demonstrated during pre-
    revenue service acceptance testing of the equipment and by complying 
    with the safety performance standards for suspension systems contained 
    in Appendix C to this part. Because better ways to demonstrate 
    suspension system safety performance may be developed in the future, 
    the rule allows the use of alternative standards to those contained in 
    Appendix C if they provide equivalent safety and are approved by the 
    FRA Associate Administrator for Safety under the provisions of 
    Sec. 238.21.
        Paragraph (b) requires the steady-state lateral acceleration of 
    passenger cars to be less than 0.1g, as measured parallel to the car 
    floor inside the passenger compartment, under all operating conditions. 
    Passenger cars shall not operate when the steady-state lateral 
    acceleration is 0.1g or greater. FRA originally considered limiting the 
    cant deficiency, but Track Working Group members recommended that the 
    steady-state lateral acceleration requirement alone is sufficient to 
    ensure safe operation. The Tier II Equipment Subgroup concurred, and 
    FRA is proceeding according to these recommendations.
        Paragraph (c) requires each truck to be equipped with a permanently 
    installed lateral accelerometer mounted on the truck frame. If hunting 
    oscillations are detected, the train must be slowed. The proposal 
    contained in the paragraph did not have the full support of the Tier II 
    Equipment Subgroup and the Track Working Group members because of 
    disagreement over where the accelerometer should be located.
        Paragraph (d) provides ride vibration (quality) limits for vertical 
    accelerations, lateral accelerations, and the combination of lateral 
    and vertical accelerations. These limits must be met while the 
    equipment is traveling at the maximum operating speed over its intended 
    route. The limiting parameters and the means to measure them represent 
    the consensus recommendations of both working groups and have proven 
    effective during the demonstrations of the X-2000 and ICE trainsets.
        Paragraph (e) provides that compliance with the ride quality 
    requirements contained in paragraph (d) be demonstrated during the 
    equipment pre-revenue service qualification tests required under 
    Sec. 238.113 and Sec. 213.345 of the proposed federal track safety 
    standards. One of the most important objectives of pre-revenue service 
    qualification testing is to demonstrate that suspension system 
    performance requirements have been met.
        Paragraph (f) requires bearing overheat sensors to be provided 
    either on board the equipment or at reasonable wayside intervals. FRA 
    prefers sensors to be on board the equipment to eliminate the risk of a 
    hotbox that develops between wayside locations. However, FRA does 
    recognize that onboard sensors have a history of falsely detecting 
    overheat conditions that have caused significant operating difficulties 
    for some passenger railroads.
    Sec. 238.429  Safety Appliances
        This section contains the proposed requirements for safety 
    appliances for Tier II passenger equipment. FRA has attempted to 
    simplify and clarify how the Safety Appliance Standards contained in 49 
    CFR part 231 and 49 U.S.C. 20302(a) will be applied to Tier II 
    passenger equipment. The proposed requirements are basically a 
    restatement of existing requirements but tailored specifically for 
    application to this new and somewhat unconventional equipment. They 
    represent the consensus recommendation of the Tier II Equipment 
        Paragraph (b) deserves special mention; it proposes to require that 
    Tier II passenger trains be provided with a parking or hand brake that 
    can be set and released manually and can hold the equipment on a 3-
    percent grade. A hand brake is an important safety feature that 
    prevents the rolling or runaway of parked equipment.
    Sec. 238.431  Brake System
        This section contains proposed brake system design and performance 
    requirements for Tier II passenger equipment, and, except for one 
    provision, represents the consensus recommendation of the Tier II 
    Equipment Subgroup. The main issue of concern among Subgroup members 
    involved the capability of sensor technology used to monitor the 
    application and release of brakes. Labor
    [[Page 49782]]
    representatives maintained that a technology that actually measures the 
    force of brake shoes and pads against wheels and brake discs is 
    required for a reliable indication of brake application and release. 
    Railroad operators contended that this technology is not commercially 
    available and that monitoring pressure in brake cylinders does provide 
    a reliable indication of brake application and release, particularly 
    when those cylinders are directly adjacent to the point where brake 
    friction surfaces are forced together.
        Aside from this issue, the rest of the proposed brake system design 
    and performance requirements received widespread support. In fact, 
    several of the proposed requirements were contained in written 
    positions provided by both rail labor and management members of the 
    Subgroup, and virtually all of the proposed requirements were discussed 
    in the high-speed passenger equipment section of the 1994 NPRM on power 
    brakes. See 59 FR 47693-47694, 47699-47700, and 47730. Many of the 
    requirements proposed in this section are similar to the requirements 
    proposed for Tier I passenger equipment in Sec. 238.231, thus the 
    discussion related to that section should be read in conjunction with 
    the following discussion.
        The proposal contained in paragraph (a) is virtually identical to 
    the proposal related to the braking systems of Tier I passenger 
    equipment in Sec. 238.231(a).
        Paragraph (b) proposes a requirement similar to that proposed in 
    Sec. 238.231(b) and is intended to protect railroad employees. FRA 
    believes that inspectors of equipment must be able to ascertain if 
    brakes are applied or released without placing themselves in a 
    vulnerable position. The proposed rule allows railroads the flexibility 
    of using a reliable indicator in place of requiring direct observation 
    of the brake application or piston travel because the designs of many 
    of the brake systems used on passenger equipment make direct 
    observation of the brakes extremely difficult. Brake system piston 
    travel or piston cylinder pressure indicators have been used with 
    satisfactory results for many years. Although indicators do not provide 
    100 percent certainty that the brakes are effective, they have proven 
    effective enough to be preferable to requiring an inspector to assume a 
    dangerous position.
        Paragraph (c) is virtually identical to the requirement proposed in 
    Sec. 238.231(c), and is a fundamental brake system performance 
    requirement that an emergency brake application feature be available at 
    any time and produce an irretrievable stop. This paragraph proposes an 
    additional requirement that a means to actuate the emergency brake be 
    provided at two locations in each unit of the train. This additional 
    requirement ensures the availability of the emergency brake feature and 
    is in accordance with the current available design of high-speed 
    passenger equipment.
        Paragraph (d) requires the brake system to be designed to prevent 
    thermal damage to wheels and brake discs.
        Paragraph (e) proposes requirements related to blended braking 
    systems. These requirements are similar to those proposed in 
    Sec. 238.231(j). The only additional requirement is that the 
    operational status of the electric portion of the blended brake be 
    displayed in the operator's cab. Operators use different train handling 
    procedures when the electric portion of blended brake is not available. 
    A very dangerous situation can arise when an operator expects the 
    electric portion of the blended brake to be available and it is not. 
    FRA believes that when operations exceed 125 mph either the train must 
    not be used if the electric portion of the blended brake is not 
    available, or the train operator must know that the electric portion of 
    the blended brake is not available so he or she can be prepared to use 
    compensating train handling procedures. Further, FRA believes that if 
    the additional heat input to wheels or discs caused by lack of the 
    electric portion of the blended brake causes thermal damage to these 
    braking surfaces, then the electric portion of the blended brake should 
    be considered a required safety feature and, unless it is available, 
    the equipment should not be used.
        Paragraph (f) requires the brake system to allow a disabled train's 
    pneumatic brakes to be controlled by a conventional locomotive during 
    rescue operations.
        Paragraph (g) requires that Tier II passenger trains be equipped 
    with an independent brake failure detection system that compares brake 
    commands to brake system outputs to determine if a failure has 
    occurred. This paragraph also proposes that the brake failure detection 
    system report failures to the automated monitoring system, which is 
    proposed in Sec. 238.445, thus alerting the train operator to potential 
    brake system degradation so that the operator can take corrective 
    action such as slowing the train.
        Paragraph (h) requires that all Tier II passenger equipment be 
    provided with an adhesion control system designed to automatically 
    adjust the braking force on each wheel to prevent sliding during 
    braking. FRA also proposes to require that the train operator be 
    alerted in the event of a failure of this system with a wheel slide 
    alarm that is visual or audible, or both. This proposed feature ties 
    the adhesion control system to the automated monitoring system and 
    prevents dangerous wheel slide flat conditions that can be caused when 
    wheels lock during braking.
    Sec. 238.433  Draft System
        FRA is proposing that leading and trailing automatic couplers of 
    Tier II trains be compatible with standard AAR couplers with no special 
    adapters used. FRA believes that compatibility with standard couplers 
    is necessary in order that a conventional locomotive could assist in 
    the rescue of disabled Tier II passenger equipment. In addition, 
    couplers must include an automatic coupling feature as well as an 
    uncoupling device that complies with 49 U.S.C. chapter 203, 49 CFR part 
    231, and 49 CFR 232.2. FRA believes that automatic uncoupling devices 
    are necessary in order to comply with the intent of the statute so that 
    employees will not have to place themselves between equipment in order 
    to perform coupling or uncoupling operations.
    Sec. 238.435  Interior Fittings and Surfaces
        This section contains proposed requirements for interior fittings 
    and surfaces. Once survivable space is ensured by basic vehicle 
    structural strength and crash energy management requirements, the 
    design of interior features becomes an important factor in preventing 
    or mitigating injuries resulting from collisions or derailments. Loose 
    seats, equipment, and luggage are a significant cause of injuries in 
    passenger train collisions and derailments.
        Paragraphs (a) through (c) contain requirements for the design of 
    passenger car seats and the strength of their attachment to the car 
    body. These requirements are based on sled tests of passenger coach 
    seats, seat tests conducted for other modes of transportation, and 
    computer modeling to predict the results of passenger train collisions. 
    These provisions include a requirement for shock absorbent material on 
    the backs of seats to cushion the impact of passengers with the seats 
    ahead of them.
        Paragraph (d) contains the requirements for strength of attachment 
    of interior fittings and is similar to that proposed in 
    Sec. 238.233(c).
    [[Page 49783]]
        Paragraph (e) contains a special requirement for the ultimate 
    strength of seats and other fittings in the cab of a power car. Due to 
    the extra strength of the cab, its structure is capable of resisting 
    forces caused by accelerations that exceed 10g. As a result, benefit 
    can be gained from a greater longitudinal strength requirement for seat 
    and other interior fitting attachments. FRA is therefore proposing that 
    seats and equipment in the cab be attached to the car body with 
    sufficient strength to resist longitudinal forces caused by an 
    acceleration of 12g. The lateral and vertical requirements remain 4g. 
    This requirement does not apply to equipment located outside the cab.
        Paragraphs (f) and (g) contain requirements representing good 
    safety design practice for any type of vehicle.
        FRA believes the luggage restraint requirement proposed in 
    paragraph (h) will prevent many of the injuries caused by flying 
    luggage that are typical of passenger train collisions and derailments.
    Sec. 238.437  Emergency Communication
        This section requires an emergency communication system within the 
    train with back-up power, and is discussed earlier in the preamble. 
    This safety feature will allow the train crew to provide evacuation and 
    other instructions to passengers. Such a system can help prevent panic 
    that can occur during emergency situations. FRA is proposing that 
    transmission locations be located at both ends of each unit, that the 
    locations be marked with luminescent material, and that clear 
    instructions be provided for the use of the emergency communication 
    Sec. 238.439  Emergency Window Exits and Roof Hatches
        Paragraph (a) contains proposed requirements that apply to 
    emergency window exits on passenger cars. This paragraph is virtually 
    identical to that proposed for Tier I passenger equipment in 
    Sec. 238.235, except for the required size of the emergency window 
    exits. A discussion of emergency window exits and the distinction 
    between proposed requirements for Tier I and Tier II passenger 
    equipment is provided earlier in the preamble.
        Paragraph (b) requires either a roof hatch or a clearly marked 
    structural weak point in the roof to provide quick access for properly 
    equipped emergency personnel. One roof hatch or structural weak point 
    is required for each power car cab and two roof hatches or structural 
    weak points for each passenger car. A discussion of roof hatches and 
    structural weak points is also provided earlier in the preamble. Such 
    features should aid in removing passengers and crewmembers from a 
    vehicle that is either on its side or upright in water.
        Paragraph (c) is reserved for marking and operating instruction 
    Sec. 238.441  Doors
        This section contains the proposed requirements for exterior doors 
    on Tier II passenger cars. This section should be read with the 
    discussion of emergency egress and access earlier in the preamble. The 
    requirements in paragraph (a) are virtually identical to those proposed 
    in Sec. 238.237(b), except that paragraph (a)(2) requires that the 
    status of powered, exterior side doors be displayed to the crew in the 
    operating cab and, if door interlocks are used, the sensors to detect 
    train motion must nominally be set at 3 mph. Such equipment is well 
    within current technology. Paragraph (b) requires that powered, 
    exterior side doors be connected to an emergency back-up power system. 
    Paragraph (c) is identical to that proposed for Tier I passenger 
    equipment in Sec. 238.237(c). Paragraph (d) requires passenger 
    compartment end doors to be equipped with a kick-out panel, pop-out 
    window, or other means of egress in the event the door will not open. 
    As discussed above, FRA considered this requirement for both Tier I and 
    Tier II equipment, but believes such a feature may be dangerous on side 
    doors because passengers could use the feature inappropriately and 
    possibly exit from a moving train. However, this feature has a strong 
    safety benefit for end doors that allow movement from car to car. These 
    doors are not used to exit the train, and using end doors to exit to 
    the next car is the preferred mode of evacuating a car.
        Paragraph (e) is reserved for door marking and operating 
    instruction requirements. These requirements are currently being 
    addressed in the proposed rule on passenger train emergency 
    preparedness. See 62 FR 8330, Feb. 24, 1997.
    Sec. 238.443  Headlights
        Because of the high speeds at which Tier II passenger equipment 
    operates, FRA is proposing that a headlight be directed farther in 
    front of the train to illuminate a person than is currently required 
    for existing equipment under 49 CFR 229.125(a). A Tier II passenger 
    train will travel distances more quickly than a Tier I passenger train, 
    and the train operator will have less time to react thereby 
    necessitating earlier awareness of objects on the track.
    Sec. 238.445  Automated Monitoring
        This section contains the proposed requirements for automated 
    monitoring of the status or performance of various safety-related 
    systems. Investigations of past passenger train accidents reveal that 
    many of them were either fully or partly caused by human error. The 
    faster operating speeds of Tier II passenger equipment means that the 
    train operator will have less time to evaluate and react to potentially 
    dangerous situations. The potential for accidents is increased. 
    Automated monitoring systems can decrease the risk of accidents by 
    alerting the operator to abnormal conditions and advising the operator 
    as to necessary corrective action. Such systems can even be designed to 
    take corrective action automatically in certain situations. As a 
    result, FRA is proposing that a Tier II passenger train be equipped 
    with an automated system to monitor various train systems and 
        Paragraph (a) requires the train to be equipped to monitor the 
    performance of a minimum set of safety-related systems and components. 
    The monitoring system can also be used to provide information for 
    trouble-shooting and maintenance and to accumulate reliability data to 
    form the basis for setting required periodic maintenance intervals.
        Paragraph (b) requires the operator to be alerted when any of the 
    monitored parameters are out of predetermined limits. FRA does not 
    intend to remove the decision from the operating railroad for when 
    automatic intervention is necessary. However, the operating railroad 
    should have a valid basis for either leaving response in the hands of 
    the train operator or making corrective action automatic.
        Paragraph (c) requires the monitoring system to be designed with an 
    automatic self-test feature that notifies the operator that the 
    monitoring capability is functioning correctly and alerts the operator 
    that a system failure has occurred. Because operators can become 
    dependent on automated monitoring systems, they need to know when their 
    vigilance must be heightened to compensate for a malfunction in this 
    automated safety tool.
    Sec. 238.447  Operator's Controls and Cab Layout
        In the ANPRM, FRA offered for comment a detailed set of 
    requirements concerning cab control systems and interior safety 
    features for consideration by the industry. However, several members of 
    the Working Group believed that a number of these requirements
    [[Page 49784]]
    involved ergonomic issues which do not directly affect safety. 
    Nonetheless, FRA is proposing in this section extensive requirements 
    for Tier II cab interior features. The speeds at which Tier II 
    equipment will operate will press human reaction time, and such 
    features will contribute to the ability of the crew to operate the 
    train as safely as possible.
        Paragraph (g)(1) deserves special mention; it requires that each 
    seat provided for a crewmember be equipped with a single-acting, quick-
    release lap belt and shoulder harness as defined in Sec. 571.209 of 
    this title. This proposed requirement is mentioned earlier in the 
    preamble discussion of train interior safety features.
    Subpart F--Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Requirements for Tier 
    II Passenger Equipment
        Currently, there is no operating history with regard to Tier II 
    equipment, and thus there are no regulations or industry standards 
    establishing detailed testing, inspection, or maintenance procedures, 
    criteria, and intervals for the equipment. The railroads and the rail 
    labor organizations differ on the approach that should be taken in 
    establishing inspection, testing, and maintenance requirements. 
    Railroads have long appealed to FRA to move away from detailed 
    ``command and control'' regulations and instead to provide broad safety 
    performance requirements that afford railroads wide latitude to develop 
    the operational details. Rail labor organizations, on the other hand, 
    believe that specific inspection, testing, and maintenance criteria 
    that cannot be unilaterally changed by railroads are the only way that 
    safe railroad operation can be assured.
        FRA believes that the introduction of a new type of passenger train 
    equipment offers the opportunity for a fresh start, where perhaps both 
    of these seemingly conflicting concerns can be resolved. FRA proposes 
    general guidelines on the process to be used by the operating railroad, 
    together with the system developer, to develop an inspection, testing, 
    and maintenance program. The operating railroad and the system 
    developer together have the best information, expertise, and resources 
    necessary to develop the details of an effective inspection, testing, 
    and maintenance program. The operating railroad is thereby granted some 
    latitude to develop the operational details of the program, using the 
    system safety process to justify the safety decisions that are made. 
    However, FRA proposes to exercise final approval of the inspection, 
    testing, and maintenance program proposed by the operating railroad; 
    rail labor organizations will be given an opportunity to discuss their 
    concerns with FRA during the approval process set forth in 
    Sec. 238.505. Tier II equipment must not be used prior to FRA approval 
    of an inspection, testing, and maintenance program. Further, FRA 
    proposes to enforce the safety-critical inspection, testing, and 
    maintenance procedures, criteria, and maintenance intervals that result 
    from the approval process.
    Sec. 238.501  Scope
        This subpart contains inspection, testing, and maintenance 
    requirements for passenger equipment that operates at speeds exceeding 
    125 mph but not exceeding 150 mph.
    Sec. 238.503  Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Requirements
        This section requires the establishment by the railroad of an FRA-
    approved inspection, testing, and maintenance program based on a daily 
    complete brake system test and mechanical safety inspection of the 
    equipment performed by qualified mechanical inspectors, coupled with a 
    periodic maintenance program based on a system safety analysis. 
    Although paragraph (a) proposes some basic requirements to be included 
    in a program, FRA does not intend to prescribe every detail of what a 
    program must contain. FRA proposes to require the operating railroad to 
    develop and justify the details of any program it adopts based on the 
    specific safety needs and operating environment of the high speed rail 
    system being developed.
        Paragraph (b) would make enforceable, subject to civil penalties 
    and other enforcement action, the safety-critical inspection, testing, 
    and maintenance requirements that are identified in the railroad's 
    program and approved by FRA. ``Safety-critical'' requirements are those 
    that, if not fulfilled, increase ``the risk of damage to equipment or 
    personal injury to a passenger, crewmember, or other person.'' See 
    Sec. 238.5. Under paragraph (k), the railroad must identify which items 
    in its inspection, testing, and maintenance program are safety-
    critical. The railroad must submit the program to FRA under the 
    procedures of Sec. 238.505. Once these programs are approved by FRA, 
    this section proposes to make those items identified as safety-critical 
    enforceable by FRA. FRA agrees with labor representatives to the 
    Working Group that safety standards are stronger when they contain 
    specific provisions that can be enforced.
        Paragraph (c) requires that the operating railroad develop an 
    inspection, testing, and maintenance program to ensure that all systems 
    and components of Tier II passenger equipment are free of general 
    conditions that endanger the safety of the crew, passengers, or 
    equipment. FRA has identified the various conditions enumerated in 
    paragraph (c) that would need to be addressed in the railroad's 
    program. Consequently, FRA has attempted to define what the inspection, 
    testing, and maintenance program must accomplish, but not how to 
    accomplish it.
        Paragraph (d) contains the more specific requirements that any 
    inspection, testing, and maintenance program must incorporate. In 
    paragraph (d)(1), FRA proposes that Tier II equipment receive the 
    equivalent of a Class I brake test, as described in Sec. 238.313, 
    before its departure from an originating terminal and every 1,500 miles 
    after that or once each calendar day the equipment remains in service. 
    The test must be performed by a qualified mechanical inspector. For 
    example, a Tier II train must receive the equivalent of a Class I brake 
    test at its originating terminal and must receive a second Class I 
    equivalent brake test after traveling 1,500 miles from the time of the 
    original Class 1 brake test, whether or not it is the same calendar 
    day. Furthermore, a Tier II train must receive the equivalent of a 
    Class I brake test each calendar day it is used in service even if it 
    has not traveled 1,500 miles since the last Class I equivalent brake 
    test. Due to the speeds at which this equipment is permitted to 
    operate, FRA believes that a comprehensive brake test must be performed 
    prior to the equipment being placed in service.
        Paragraph (d)(2) proposes that a complete exterior and interior 
    mechanical inspection be conducted by qualified mechanical inspectors 
    at least once each calendar day that the equipment is used. In order to 
    perform a quality mechanical inspection, railroads must be provided 
    some flexibility in determining the locations where these inspections 
    can best be performed. FRA believes that permitting railroads to 
    conduct these mechanical inspections at any time during the calendar 
    day provides adequate flexibility to move equipment to appropriate 
    locations. Trains that miss a scheduled Class I brake test or 
    mechanical inspection due to a delay en route may proceed to the 
    location where the Class I brake test or mechanical inspection was 
    scheduled to be performed. FRA recognizes that, due to the specialized 
    nature of this
    [[Page 49785]]
    equipment, proper inspections can only be conducted at a limited number 
    of locations. FRA also recognizes that trains become delayed en route 
    due to problems which are not readily foreseeable. Thus, FRA proposes 
    to permit the continued use of such equipment to the location where the 
    required inspection was scheduled to be performed.
        Paragraph (e) restates Sec. 238.15 and provides a cross-reference 
    to that section. The paragraph provides that trains developing en route 
    defective, inoperative, or insecure primary brake equipment be moved in 
    accordance with the requirements of that section.
        Paragraph (f) restates Sec. 238.17 and adds a narrow exception to 
    that section. The paragraph proposes that Tier II equipment that 
    develops a defective condition not related to the primary brake be 
    moved and handled in accordance with the requirements contained in 
    Sec. 238.17, with one exception. The exception to these requirements 
    applies to a failure of the secondary portion of the brake that occurs 
    en route. In those circumstances, FRA proposes that the train may 
    proceed to the next scheduled equivalent Class I brake test at a speed 
    no greater than the maximum safe operating speed demonstrated through 
    analysis and testing for braking with the friction brake alone. At that 
    location the brake system shall be restored to 100 percent operation 
    before the train continues in service. This proposal allows extensive 
    flexibility for the movement of equipment with defective brakes, but 
    also contains a hard requirement that all brake components be repaired 
    and the brake system, including secondary brakes, be restored at the 
    location of the train's next major brake test. FRA believes that this 
    proposal recognizes the secondary role played by the electric portion 
    of blended brakes. If the railroad has demonstrated that the friction 
    brake alone can stop the train within signal spacing without thermal 
    damage to braking surfaces, then the train may be used at normal 
    maximum speed in the event of an electric brake failure. This proposal 
    essentially limits the use of trains without available secondary 
    braking systems to no more than 48 hours. FRA believes that Sec. 238.17 
    strikes the correct balance between the need of railroads to transport 
    passengers to their destination and the need to have equipment with 
    defects that could lead to more serious safety problems quickly 
    repaired. This proposed requirement places a heavy responsibility on 
    qualified mechanical inspectors to exercise their judgment on when and 
    how equipment is safe to move.
        Paragraph (g) would require that scheduled maintenance intervals be 
    based on the analysis conducted as part of the system safety program 
    and approved by FRA under the procedures of Sec. 238.505. FRA proposes 
    to allow the maintenance intervals for safety-critical components to be 
    changed only when justified by accumulated acceptable operating data. 
    Changes in maintenance cycles of safety-critical components must be 
    based on verifiable data made available to all interested parties and 
    shall be reviewed by FRA. This proposal is another attempt to balance 
    the needs of the operating railroad to run efficiently and the concern 
    of rail labor organizations that railroads have the ability to 
    unilaterally make safety decisions. For a new system with no operating 
    history, a formal system safety analysis is the only justifiable way to 
    set initial maintenance intervals. The proposal recognizes that as time 
    passes and an operating history is developed, a basis for changing 
    maintenance intervals can be established. However, the decision to make 
    these changes must have the participation of all the affected parties.
        Paragraph (h) would require that the operating railroad establish a 
    training, qualification, and designation program as defined in the 
    training program plan under Sec. 238.111 to qualify individuals to 
    perform safety inspections, tests, and maintenance on the equipment. If 
    the railroad deems it safety-critical, then only qualified individuals 
    may perform the safety inspection, test, or maintenance of the 
    equipment. FRA does not prescribe a detailed training program or 
    qualification and designation process. Those details are left to the 
    operating railroad, but FRA must approve the program proposed by the 
    operating railroad under procedures of Sec. 238.505.
        Under paragraph (i), the operating railroad would be obliged to 
    establish standard procedures for performing all safety-critical 
    inspections, tests, maintenance, or repair. This paragraph proposes 
    various broad requirements relating to the content and enforceability 
    of the standard operating procedures. FRA has drawn on the experiences 
    of other heavy industries and in the military, where inherently 
    dangerous tasks are common, which have proven that standard operating 
    procedures are an effective tool in reducing work-related injuries. 
    Further, standard operating procedures can form the basis for periodic 
    safety refresher training. FRA does not propose to prescribe the 
    detailed procedures to be used. The proposed rule is designed to have 
    the detailed procedures developed by those with most knowledge of how 
    to safely perform the tasks: the operators and employees.
        Paragraph (j) proposes to require that the operating railroad 
    establish an inspection, testing, and maintenance quality control 
    program enforced by railroad or contractor supervisors. In essence, 
    this creates the need for the operating railroad to perform spot checks 
    of the work performed by its employee and contract equipment 
    maintainers to ensure that the work is performed in accordance with 
    established procedures and Federal requirements. FRA believes this is 
    an important management function that has a history of being neglected 
    in the railroad industry.
        Paragraph (k) requires the operating railroad to identify each 
    inspection and testing procedure and criterion and each maintenance 
    interval that the railroad considers safety-critical.
    Sec. 238.505  Program Approval Procedure
        This section contains the procedures a railroad shall follow in 
    securing FRA approval of its program.
    Subpart G--Introduction of New Technology to Tier II Passenger 
    Sec. 238.601  Scope
        This subpart contains proposed general requirements for introducing 
    new technology that affects safety systems of ``existing Tier II 
    passenger equipment,'' which is defined as Tier II passenger equipment 
    that has been approved for revenue service by FRA under Sec. 238.21. As 
    part of the development of the ANPRM in this docket, FRA discussed 
    extensive requirements for the introduction of new technology. During 
    Working Group meetings, various group members pointed out that the 
    requirements presented by FRA were very similar to the requirements of 
    the system safety program. These members suggested that the proposed 
    rule could be simplified and made more concise if the system safety 
    process were used to introduce new technology to existing Tier II 
    equipment. FRA agrees with this suggestion. FRA may determine that it 
    is best to integrate subpart G with Sec. 238.113. FRA invites comments 
    from interested parties on this possible change.
    Sec. 238.603  Process to Introduce New Technology
        Paragraph (a) requires a major upgrade or introduction of new
    [[Page 49786]]
    technology that affects the performance of an existing Tier II 
    passenger equipment safety system to be designed and implemented using 
    the system safety process prescribed in Sec. 238.101. This proposed 
    requirement implements the suggestions of Working Group members.
        Paragraph (b) requires railroads to follow the procedures set forth 
    in Sec. 238.21 and obtain FRA's special approval of a pre-revenue 
    service acceptance testing plan for the existing Tier II passenger 
    equipment with the upgrade or new technology containing all the 
    elements prescribed in Sec. 238.113 prior to executing the plan.
        Paragraph (c) requires railroads to complete a pre-revenue service 
    demonstration of the existing equipment with the upgrade or new 
    technology in accordance with the FRA approved plan, to fulfill all 
    other requirements of Sec. 238.113, and obtain special approval from 
    FRA pursuant to Sec. 238.21 prior to using the Tier II equipment with 
    the upgrade or new technology in revenue service. FRA considers these 
    requirements extremely important to prevent unknown safety problems 
    from being introduced along with the new technology.
    Appendix A--Schedule of Civil Penalties
        This appendix is being reserved until the final rule. At that time 
    it will include a schedule of civil penalties to be used in connection 
    with this part. Because such penalty schedules are statements of 
    policy, notice and comment are not required prior to their issuance. 
    See 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(3)(A). Nevertheless, commenters are invited to 
    submit suggestions to FRA describing the types of actions or omissions 
    under each regulatory section that would subject a person to the 
    assessment of a civil penalty. Commenters are also invited to recommend 
    what penalties may be appropriate, based upon the relative seriousness 
    of each type of violation.
    Regulatory Impact
    Executive Order 12866 and DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures
        This proposed rule has been evaluated in accordance with existing 
    policies and procedures and is considered to be significant under both 
    Executive Order 12866 and DOT policies and procedures (44 FR 11034; 
    Feb. 26, 1979). FRA has prepared and placed in the docket a regulatory 
    evaluation of the proposed rule. This evaluation estimates the costs 
    and consequences of the proposed rule as well as its anticipated 
    economic and safety benefits. It may be inspected and photocopied 
    during normal business hours by visiting the FRA Docket Clerk at the 
    Office of Chief Counsel, FRA, Seventh Floor, 1120 Vermont Avenue, N.W., 
    in Washington, D.C. Photocopies may also be obtained by submitting a 
    written request by mail to the FRA Docket Clerk at the Office of Chief 
    Counsel, Federal Railroad Administration, 400 Seventh Street, S.W., 
    Mail Stop 10, Washington, D.C. 20590.
        FRA expects that overall the proposed rule will save the passenger 
    rail industry a Net Present Value (NPV) of approximately $41 million 
    over the next 20 years. The estimated NPV of the total 20-year costs 
    associated with the proposed rule is $41,064,095. The estimated NPV of 
    the total 20-year savings (economic benefits) expected to accrue to the 
    industry from the proposed rule is $81,612,874. For some passenger rail 
    operators, the total costs incurred will exceed the total cost savings. 
    For others, the cost savings will outweigh the costs.
        The following table contains estimated 20-year costs and savings 
    associated with the proposed requirements.
                      Requirement category                         Cost     
    System Safety Program/Plan:                                             
        Initial Filing......................................      $ 359,575 
        Modifications.......................................        101,974 
        Auditability/Tracking...............................        159,611 
    Fire Protection:                                                        
            New equipment...................................        497,509 
            Existing equipment (see discussion below).......        622,486 
        Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Program........        525,247 
        Training Course Development.........................        163,844 
        Training............................................      3,778,176 
        Pre-Revenue Service Testing.........................        496,281 
            Total--System Safety............................      6,704,703 
    General Design Requirements--Tier I:                                    
        Anti-Climbing Mechanism & Link......................         65,948 
        Forward Facing End Structure/Collision Posts........      1,745,407 
        Rollover Strength...................................         60,927 
        Glazing.............................................        244,769 
        Brakes--ease of inspection..........................        229,390 
        Interior Fittings...................................        466,449 
        Emergency Lighting..................................      1,483,162 
        Side Doors..........................................      3,400,297 
            Total--Design Requirements......................      7,696,349 
    Mechanical Inspections:                                                 
        Daily Exterior Mechanical Inspections...............     12,526,320 
        Daily Interior Mechanical Inspections...............      1,567,829 
            Total--Inspections..............................     22,666,895 
    Brake Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance:                             
        Periodic MU Brake Maintenance.......................    (20,052,750)
        Periodic Coach Brake Maintenance....................     (5,468,750)
        Periodic Cab Car Brake Maintenance..................     (6,158,448)
        1,500-Mile Inspection...............................    (36,019,648)
        Class IA Brake Tests................................     (3,997,281)
    [[Page 49787]]
        Class II Brake Tests................................      3,996,147 
            Total--Brakes...................................    (67,700,730)
    Movement of Defective Equipment.........................     (9,915,997)
        Total Net Impact....................................    (40,548,780)
        The costs of performing fire safety analyses of existing equipment 
    are included in the calculations above. However, the costs of modifying 
    equipment to reduce the risk of personal injuries as required by the 
    proposed rule are not included in the above figures. These costs could 
    total between $8.75 to $14 million. The costs depend on the results of 
    the proposed analyses, which cannot be accurately predicted. 
    Consequently, the total net impact of the proposed rule could be a 
    savings of $26,548,780.
        In the last six years there have been at least six passenger train 
    accidents which resulted in more than one train occupant fatality. FRA 
    does not know the severity or number of commuter or intercity passenger 
    train accidents that will occur in the future. Although passenger 
    railroads offer the travelling public one of the safest forms of 
    transportation available--in the five-year period 1991-1995 there were 
    1.07 passenger fatalities per billion passenger miles--the potential 
    for injuries and loss of life in certain situations is very high. FRA 
    believes that the proposed rule represents a cost-effective approach to 
    providing a reasonable level of protection against known threats to 
    human life. Accordingly, FRA believes that it is reasonable to expect 
    that the measures called for in this proposal would prevent or mitigate 
    the severity of casualties greater in value than the costs of complying 
    with the proposed requirements.
        FRA is allowing 60 days for comments and invites public comment on 
    the issue of regulatory impact, and in particular any impact the 
    proposed rule may have on small entities. FRA seeks comments or data, 
    or both, to help identify or quantify other factors that may affect the 
    benefits or costs of the proposal, including alternatives that were not 
    explored by the Working Group and any costs or benefits associated with 
    such alternatives.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980 (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) 
    requires an assessment of the impacts of proposed rules on small 
    entities. FRA has conducted a regulatory flexibility assessment of this 
    rule's impact on small entities, and the assessment has been placed in 
    the public docket for this rulemaking. This proposed rule affects 
    intercity passenger and commuter railroads, and the proposed provisions 
    applicable to private cars may affect other entities as well.
        Entities impacted by the proposed rule are principally governmental 
    jurisdictions or transit authorities, which are not small for purposes 
    of the United States Small Business Administration (i.e., no entity 
    operates in a locality with a population of under 50,000 people). 
    Commuter railroads are part of larger transit organizations that 
    receive Federal funds. FRA does not expect that smaller commuter 
    railroads will be affected disproportionately. The level of costs 
    incurred by each organization should vary in proportion to the 
    organization's size. For instance, railroads with fewer employees and 
    passenger equipment will have lower costs associated with employee 
    training and the inspection, testing, and maintenance of passenger 
        Tourist, scenic, historic, and excursion railroad operations are 
    excepted from the proposed rule. Entities devoted principally to such 
    operations are smaller railroads. A joint FRA/industry working group 
    formed under RSAC is currently developing recommendations regarding the 
    applicability of FRA regulations, including this one, to tourist, 
    scenic, historic, and excursion railroads. After appropriate 
    consultation with the excursion railroad associations takes place, 
    passenger equipment safety requirements for these operations may be 
    proposed by FRA that are different from those affecting other types of 
    passenger train operations.
        A few provisions of the proposed rule apply to private rail cars. 
    These consist of requirements concerning protection against personal 
    injury; rim-stamped straight-plate wheels; suspension system safety; 
    safety appliances; brake system safety; mechanical inspections; and 
    brake inspection, testing, and maintenance. FRA has sought to minimize 
    the burden of the proposed rule on private cars as much as possible, 
    while considering the safety concerns associated with the use of 
    private rail cars in passenger trains operated by railroads subject to 
    the proposed rule. FRA solicits comments or data, or both, to identify 
    the impacts of these provisions to the extent that those affected by 
    such provisions are small entities.
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        The proposed rule contains information collection requirements. FRA 
    has submitted these information collection requirements to the Office 
    of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval in accordance 
    with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). The 
    sections that contain the new information collection requirements and 
    the estimated time to fulfill each requirement are as follows:
             CFR section               Respondent universe            Total annual responses           Average time per     Total annual burden     annual  
                                                                                                           response                hours         burden cost
    216.14--Special notice for     17 railroads...............  12 letters........................  1 hour...............  12 hours............         $408
     repairs--passenger equipment.                                                                                                                          
    238.7--Waivers...............  17 railroads...............  12 waivers........................  2 hours..............  24 hours............          816
    238.15--Movement of passenger  17 railroads...............  408 cards/tags....................  5 minutes............  34 hours............        1,020
     equipment with power brake                                                                                                                             
     defects, and 238.17--                                                                                                                                  
     Movement of passenger                                                                                                                                  
     equipment with other than                                                                                                                              
     power brake defects.                                                                                                                                   
    Conditional requirement......  17 railroads...............  200 events........................  3 minutes............  10 hours............          300
    [[Page 49788]]
    238.19--Reporting and          17 railroads...............  N/A...............................  Usual and customary    N/A.................          N/A
     tracking defective passenger                                                                    procedure.                                             
    List of power brake repair     1 railroad.................  1 list............................  2 hours..............  2 hours.............           68
        Amendments to list.......  1 railroad.................  1update...........................  1 hour...............  1 hour..............           34
     238.309(2)/238.3 11(a)/                                                                                                                                
        Petitions for special      17 railroads...............  1 petition........................  16 hours.............  16 hours............          544
         approval of alternative                                                                                                                            
        Petitions for special      17 railroads...............  1 petition........................  24 hours.............  24 hours............          816
         approval of pre-revenue                                                                                                                            
         service acceptance                                                                                                                                 
         testing plan.                                                                                                                                      
        Statement of interest in   Unknown....................  2 statements......................  1 hour...............  2 hours.............           68
         reviewing special                                                                                                                                  
        Comments on the petitions  Unknown....................  2 comments........................  1 hour...............  2 hours.............          122
    238.103--General system        17 railroads...............  17 plans..........................  433 hours............  7,361 hours.........      355,351
     safety requirements.                                                                                                                                   
        Amendments to System       17 railroads...............  17 amendments.....................  11 hours.............  187 hours...........       97,801
         Safety Plan.                                                                                                                                       
        Traceabillity and          17 railroads...............  17 documents......................  150 hours............  2,550 hours.........       86,700
    238.105--Fire protection                                                                                                                                
     program 238.115--Fire safety                                                                                                                           
        Plan.....................  6 equipment manufacturers..  4.8 (5 yr. average)...............  224 hours............  1,075 hours.........       75,725
        Subsequent equipment       6 equipment manufacturers..  4.8 (5 yr. average)...............  60 hours.............  288 hours...........       28,800
        Preliminary fire safety    17 railroads...............  17 documents......................  128 hours............  2,184 hours.........      451,344
        Final fire safety          16 railroads...............  5.3 documents (3 yr. average).....  68 hours.............  795 hours...........       79,467
        Fire safety analysis on    17 railroads...............  1 document........................  8 hours..............  8 hours.............          800
         equipment transfer.                                                                                                                                
        Certification............  6 equipment manufacturers..  6 certifications..................  120 hours............  720 hours...........       72,000
    238.107--Software safety plan  17 railroads...............  N/A...............................  Usual and customary    N/A.................          N/A
    238.109--Inspection, testing,                                                                                                                           
     and maintenance program                                                                                                                                
        Program..................  17 railroads...............  N/A...............................  Usual and customary    N/A.................          N/A
        Maintenance intervals....  17 railroads...............  1 change..........................  88 hours.............  88 hours............        3,208
        Standard procedures for    17 railroads...............  17 procedures.....................  96 hours.............  1,632...............       62,832
         safely performing                                                                                                                                  
         inspection, testing, and                                                                                                                           
         maintenance or repairs.                                                                                                                            
        Subsequent years--new      1 railroad.................  1 procedure.......................  96 hours.............  96 hours............        3,696
        Subsequent years--         17 railroads...............  17 amendments.....................  19 hours.............  323 hours...........       12,359
         railroad annual review                                                                                                                             
         and necessary                                                                                                                                      
        New equipment purchases..  6 equipment manufacturers..  4.8 designs (5 yr. average).......  120 hours............  576 hours...........       57,600
    238.111 Training,                                                                                                                                       
     qualification, and                                                                                                                                     
     designation program                                                                                                                                    
        Training employees to      17 railroads...............  N/A...............................  Usual and customary    N/A.................          N/A
         perform brake-related                                                                       procedure.                                             
         inspections, tests, or                                                                                                                             
        Training employees to      17 railroads...............  5,950 employees/235 instructors...  2 hours..............  12,376 hours........      368,900
         perform daily mechanical                                                                                                                           
        Development of Training    17 railroads...............  17 programs.......................  520 hours............  8,840 hours.........      282,880
        Record keeping...........  17 railroads...............  5,950 records.....................  3 minutes............  298 hours...........       10,132
    238.113--Pre-revenue service   6 equipment manufacturers..  4.8 plans (5 yr. average).........  200 hours............  960 hours...........       83,328
     acceptance testing plan.                                                                                                                               
        Subsequent equipment       6 equipment manufacturers..  4.8 plans (5 yr. average).........  60 hours.............  288 hours...........       22,464
        Previously used equipment  6 equipment manufacturers..  4.8 plans (5 yr. average).........  60 hours.............  288 hours...........       22,464
    238.231--Brake System                                                                                                                                   
        Identify and mark          N/A........................  N/A...............................  Usual and customary    N/A.................          N/A
         emergency brake.                                                                            procedure.                                             
    238.239--Automated monitoring  17 railroads...............  17 documents......................  2 hours..............  34 hours............        1,156
    [[Page 49789]]
    238.303--Exterior calendar     N/A........................  N/A...............................  Usual and customary    N/A.................          N/A
     day mechanical inspection of                                                                    procedure.                                             
     passenger cars and unpowered                                                                                                                           
     vehicles used in passenger                                                                                                                             
    238.305--Interior calendar                                                                                                                              
     day mechanical inspection of                                                                                                                           
     passenger cars                                                                                                                                         
        Stenciling or marking      N/A........................  N/A...............................  Usual and customary    N/A.................          N/A
         emergency brake valve.                                                                      procedure.                                             
        Stenciling or marking      N/A........................  N/A...............................  Usual and customary    N/A.................          N/A
         high voltage equipment.                                                                     procedure.                                             
        Tagging of defective       9 railroads................   540 tags.........................  1 minute.............  9 hours.............          306
    238.307--Periodic mechanical   N/A........................  N/A...............................  Usual and customary    N/A.................          N/A
     inspection of passenger cars.                                                                   procedure.                                             
    238.309--Records of periodic   N/A........................  N/A...............................  Usual and customary    N/A.................          N/A
     maintenance.                                                                                    procedure.                                             
    238.313--Class I Brake Test..  N/A........................  N/A...............................  Usual and customary    N/A.................          N/A
    238.403--Crash energy          1 railroad.................  1 analysis........................  120 hours............  120 hours...........       12,000
     management requirements.                                                                                                                               
    238.405--Longitudinal static   17 railroads...............  1 design..........................  20 hours.............  20 hours............          680
     compressive strength.                                                                                                                                  
        Marking of glazing         N/A........................  N/A...............................  Usual and customary    N/A.................          N/A
         material.                                                                                   procedure.                                             
        Stenciling requirement...  N/A........................  N/A...............................  Usual and customary    N/A.................          N/A
    238.431--Brake System........  1 railroad.................  1 analysis........................  40 hours.............  40 hours............        1,360
    238.437--Emergency             3 car manufacturers........  3 instructions....................  1 hour...............  3 hours.............           90
    238.439--Emergency window      3 car manufacturers........  16 cars marked....................  15 minutes...........  4 hours.............          120
     exits and roof hatches--                                                                                                                               
    238.503--Inspection, testing,                                                                                                                           
     and maintenance requirements                                                                                                                           
    238.505--Program approval                                                                                                                               
        Submission of program....  1 railroad.................  1 program.........................  80 hours.............  80 hours............        2,720
        Amendments to program....  1 railroad.................  1 amendment.......................  8 hours..............  8 hours.............          272
        Comments.................  4 unions/individuals.......  4 comments........................  1 hour...............  4 hours.............          244
        Approval.................  N/A........................  N/A...............................  No disapprovals        N/A.................          N/A
                                                                                                     expected at this                                       
    238.603--Process to introduce  1 railroad.................  1 plan............................  100 hours............  100 hours...........        3,400
     new technology.                                                                                                                                        
    Appendix B to Part 238--       5-6 seat manufacturers.....  N/A...............................  Usual and customary    N/A.................          N/A
     Labeling requirement.                                                                           procedure.                                             
        All estimates include the time for reviewing instructions; 
    searching existing data sources; gathering or maintaining the needed 
    data; and reviewing the information. Pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 
    3506(c)(2)(B), FRA solicits comments concerning: whether these 
    information collection requirements are necessary for the proper 
    performance of the functions of FRA, including whether the information 
    has practical utility; the accuracy of FRA's estimates of the burden of 
    the information collection requirements; the quality, utility, and 
    clarity of the information to be collected; and whether the burden of 
    collection of information on those who are to respond, including 
    through the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of 
    information technology, may be minimized. For information or a copy of 
    the paperwork package submitted to OMB contact Ms. Gloria Swanson 
    Eutsler at 202-632-3318.
        Organizations and individuals desiring to submit comments on the 
    collection of information requirements should direct them to the Office 
    of Management and Budget, Attention: Desk Officer for the Federal 
    Railroad Administration, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, 
    New Executive Office Building, 726 Jackson Place, N.W., Washington, 
    D.C. 20503, and should also send a copy of their comments to Ms. Gloria 
    Swanson Eutsler, Federal Railroad Administration, 400 Seventh Street, 
    S.W., Washington, D.C. 20590.
        OMB is required to make a decision concerning the collection of 
    information requirements contained in this NPRM between 30 and 60 days 
    after publication of this document in the
    [[Page 49790]]
    Federal Register. Therefore, a comment to OMB is best assured of having 
    its full effect if OMB receives it within 30 days of publication. The 
    final rule will respond to any OMB or public comments on the 
    information collection requirements contained in this proposal.
        FRA is not authorized to impose a penalty on persons for violating 
    information collection requirements which do not display a current OMB 
    control number, if required. FRA intends to obtain current OMB control 
    numbers for any new information collection requirements resulting from 
    this rulemaking action prior to the effective date of a final rule. The 
    OMB control number, when assigned, will be announced by separate notice 
    in the Federal Register.
    Environmental Impact
        FRA has evaluated these proposed regulations in accordance with its 
    procedures for ensuring full consideration of the environmental impact 
    of FRA actions, as required by the National Environmental Policy Act 
    (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), and related directives. This notice meets the 
    criteria that establish this as a non-major action for environmental 
    Federalism Implications
        This proposed rule has been analyzed in accordance with the 
    principles and criteria contained in Executive Order 12612, and it has 
    been determined that the proposed rule does not have sufficient 
    federalism implications to warrant the preparation of a Federalism 
    Assessment. The fundamental policy decision providing that Federal 
    regulations should govern aspects of service provided by municipal and 
    public benefit corporations (or agencies) of State governments is 
    embodied in the statute quoted above (49 U.S.C. 20133). Further, FRA 
    has consulted with commuter authorities in developing this proposed 
    Request for Public Comments
        FRA proposes to adopt a new part 238 and to amend parts 216, 223, 
    229, 231, and 232 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, as set 
    forth below. FRA solicits comments on all aspects of the proposed rule 
    whether through written submissions, participation in the public 
    hearing, or both. FRA may make changes in the final rule based on 
    comments received in response to this proposed rule.
    List of Subjects
    49 CFR Part 216
        Railroad safety, Special notice for repairs.
    49 CFR Part 223
        Railroad safety, Glazing standards.
    49 CFR Part 229
        Railroad safety, Railroad locomotive safety.
    49 CFR Part 231
        Railroad safety, Railroad safety appliances.
    49 CFR Part 232
        Railroad safety, Railroad power brakes.
    49 CFR Part 238
        Railroad safety, Railroad passenger equipment.
    The Proposed Rule
        In consideration of the foregoing, FRA proposes to amend chapter 
    II, subtitle B of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations as follows:
    PART 216--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 216 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 49 U.S.C. 20102-20104, 20133, 20137-20138, 20141, 
    20143, 20301-20302, 20701-20702, 21301-21302, 21304; 49 CFR 1.49(c), 
        2. Section 216.1(a) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 216.1  Application.
        (a) This part applies, according to its terms, to each railroad 
    that uses or operates--
        (1) A railroad freight car subject to part 215 of this chapter;
        (2) A locomotive subject to 49 U.S.C. chapter 207 (49 U.S.C. 20701-
    20703); or
        (3) Railroad passenger equipment subject to part 238 of this 
     * * * * *
        3. Section 216.3(b) is amended by removing the phrase ``section 206 
    of the Federal Railroad Safety Act of 1970 (45 U.S.C. 435)'' and adding 
    in its place the phrase ``49 U.S.C. 20105''.
        4. Section 216.5(c) is amended by adding after ``216.13,'': 
        5. The first sentence of Sec. 216.13(a) is amended by removing the 
    phrase ``the FRA Locomotive Inspection Regulations set forth in part 
    230'' and by adding in its place the phrase ``the FRA Railroad 
    Locomotive Safety Standards set forth in part 229 of this chapter or 
    the FRA Railroad Locomotive Inspection Regulations set forth in part 
    230 of this chapter''. The third sentence of Sec. 216.13(a) is amended 
    by removing the phrase ``part 230'' and adding in its place the phrase 
    ``parts 229 and 230''.
        6. Section 216.14 is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 216.14  Special notice for repairs--passenger equipment.
        (a) When an FRA Motive Power and Equipment Inspector or a State 
    Equipment Inspector determines that railroad passenger equipment is not 
    in conformity with one or more of the requirements of the FRA Passenger 
    Equipment Safety Standards set forth in part 238 of this chapter and 
    that it is unsafe for further service, he or she notifies the railroad 
    in writing that the equipment is not in serviceable condition. The 
    Special Notice sets out and describes the defect or defects that cause 
    the equipment to be in unserviceable condition. After receipt of the 
    Special Notice, the railroad shall remove the equipment from service 
    until it is restored to serviceable condition. The equipment may not be 
    deemed in serviceable condition until it complies with all applicable 
    requirements of part 238 of this chapter.
        (b) The railroad shall notify in writing the FRA Regional 
    Administrator for the FRA region in which the Special Notice was issued 
    when the equipment is returned to service, specifying the repairs 
        (c) Railroad passenger equipment subject to a Special Notice may be 
    moved from the place where it was found to be unsafe for further 
    service to the nearest available point where the equipment can be 
    repaired, if such movement is necessary to make the repairs. However, 
    the movement is subject to the further restrictions of Secs. 238.15 and 
    238.17 of this chapter.
    Sec. 216.1  [Amended]
        7. Section 216.17(a) is amended as follows:
        a. By adding, after ``216.13'', ``216.14,';
        b. By adding, after the word ``locomotive,'' in the third sentence, 
    the phrase ``railroad passenger equipment,'; and
        c. By revising the fifth sentence to read as follows:
        ``If upon reinspection, the railroad freight car, locomotive, or 
    passenger equipment is found to be in serviceable condition, or the 
    track is found to comply with the requirements for the class at which 
    it was previously operated by the railroad, the FRA Regional 
    Administrator or his or her agent immediately notifies the railroad, 
    whereupon the restrictions of the Special Notice cease to be 
        8. In subpart B of part 216, the phrases ``the FRA Regional 
    Director for Railroad Safety'', ``the FRA Regional Director of Railroad 
    Safety'', ``a Regional Director'' and ``the Regional Director'' are 
    removed, and the phrase ``the FRA Regional Administrator'' is added in 
    their place.
    [[Page 49791]]
    PART 223--[AMENDED]
        9. The authority citation for part 223 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 49 U.S.C. 20102-20103, 20133, 20701-20702, 21301-
    21302, 21304; 49 CFR 1.49(c), (m).
        10. Section 223.3 is amended by adding paragraph (c) to read as 
    Sec. 223.3  Application.
    * * * * *
        (c) Except for Sec. 223.9(d), this part does not apply to Tier II 
    passenger equipment as defined in Sec. 238.5 of this chapter (i.e., 
    passenger equipment operating at speeds exceeding 125 mph but not 
    exceeding 150 mph).
    PART 229--[AMENDED]
        11. The authority citation for part 229 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 49 U.S.C. 20102-20103, 20133, 20137-20138, 20143, 
    20701-20703, 21301-21302, 21304; 49 CFR 1.49(c), (m).
        12 . Section 229.3 is amended by revising paragraph (a) and adding 
    new paragraphs (c), (d), and (e) to read as follows:
    Sec. 229.3  Applicability.
        (a) Except as provided in paragraphs (b) through (e) of this 
    section, this part applies to all standard gage railroads.
        (b) * * *
        (c) Paragraphs (a), (b), and (d) through (h) of Sec. 229.125 do not 
    apply to Tier II passenger equipment as defined in Sec. 238.5 of this 
    chapter (i.e., passenger equipment operating at speeds exceeding 125 
    mph but not exceeding 150 mph).
        (d) On or after January 1, 1998, paragraphs (a)(1) and (b)(1) of 
    Sec. 229.141 do not apply to ``passenger equipment'' as defined in 
    Sec. 238.5 of this chapter that is subject to part 238 of this chapter.
        (e) Paragraphs (a)(2) through (a)(4), and (b)(2) through (b)(4) of 
    Sec. 229.141 do not apply to ``passenger equipment'' as defined in 
    Sec. 238.5 of this chapter that is subject to part 238 of this chapter 
    and placed in service for the first time on or after January 1, 1998.
    PART 231--[AMENDED]
        13. The authority citation for part 231 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 49 U.S.C. 20102-20103, 20131, 20301-20303, 21301-
    21302, 21304; 49 CFR 1.49 (c), (m).
        14. Section 231.0 is amended by redesignating paragraphs (c) 
    through (e) as paragraphs (d) through (f), respectively; by revising 
    paragraph (a); and by adding a new paragraph (c) to read as follows:
    Sec. 231.0  Applicability and penalties.
        (a) Except as provided in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, 
    this part applies to all standard gage railroads.
        (b) * * *
        (c) Except for the provisions governing uncoupling devices, this 
    part does not apply to Tier II passenger equipment as defined in 
    Sec. 238.5 of this chapter (i.e., passenger equipment operating at 
    speeds exceeding 125 mph but not exceeding 150 mph).
    * * * * *
    PART 232--[AMENDED]
        15. The authority citation for part 232 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 49 U.S.C. 20102-20103, 20133, 20141, 20301-20303, 
    20306, 21301-21302, 21304; 49 CFR 1.49 (c), (m).
        16. Section 232.0 is amended by redesignating paragraphs (c) 
    through (e) as paragraphs (d) through (f), respectively; by revising 
    paragraph (a); and by adding a new paragraph (c) to read as follows:
    Sec. 232.0  Applicability and penalties.
        (a) Except as provided in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, 
    this part applies to all standard gage railroads.
        (b) * * *
        (c) Except for Secs. 232.2 and 232.21 through 232.25, this part 
    does not apply to a ``passenger train'' or ``passenger equipment'' as 
    defined in Sec. 238.5 of this chapter that is subject to part 238 of 
    this chapter.
    * * * * *
        17. Part 238 is added to read as follows:
    Subpart A--General
    238.1  Purpose and scope.
    238.3   Application.
    238.5  Definitions.
    238.7  Waivers.
    238.9  Responsibility for compliance.
    238.11  Civil penalties.
    238.13  Preemptive effect.
    238.15  Movement of passenger equipment with power brake defects.
    238.17  Movement of passenger equipment with other than power brake 
    238.19  Reporting and tracking defective passenger equipment.
    238.21  Special approval procedure.
    Subpart B--System Safety and General Requirements
    238.101  Scope.
    System Safety
    238.103  General system safety requirements.
    238.105  Fire protection program.
    238.107  Software safety program.
    238.109  Inspection, testing, and maintenance program.
    238.111  Training, qualification, and designation program.
    238.113  Pre-revenue service acceptance testing plan.
    General Requirements
    238.115  Fire safety.
    238.117  Protection against personal injury.
    238.119  Rim-stamped straight-plate wheels.
    238.121  Train system software and hardware.
    238.123  Emergency lighting.
    Subpart C--Specific Requirements for Tier I Passenger Equipment
    238.201  Scope.
    238.203  Static end strength.
    238.205  Anti-climbing mechanism.
    238.207  Link between coupling mechanism and car body.
    238.209  Forward-facing end structure of locomotives.
    238.211  Collision posts.
    238.213  Corner posts.
    238.215  Rollover strength.
    238.217  Side impact strength.
    238.219  Truck-to-car-body attachment.
    238.221  Glazing.
    238.223  Fuel tanks.
    238.225  Electrical system.
    238.227  Suspension system.
    238.229  Safety appliances.
    238.231  Brake system.
    238.233  Interior fittings and surfaces.
    238.235  Emergency window exits.
    238.237  Doors.
    238.239  Automated monitoring.
    Subpart D--Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Requirements for Tier I 
    Passenger Equipment
    238.301  Scope.
    238.303  Exterior calendar day mechanical inspection of passenger 
    cars and unpowered vehicles used in passenger trains.
    238.305  Interior calendar day mechanical inspection of passenger 
    238.307  Periodic mechanical inspection of passenger cars.
    238.309  Periodic brake equipment maintenance.
    238.311  Single car test.
    238.313  Class I brake test.
    238.315  Class IA brake test.
    238.317  Class II brake test.
    238.319  Running brake test.
    Subpart E--Specific Requirements for Tier II Passenger Equipment
    238.401  Scope.
    238.403  Crash energy management requirements.
    238.405  Longitudinal static compressive strength.
    238.407  Anti-climbing mechanism.
    238.409  Forward end structures of power car cabs.
    238.411  Rear end structures of power car cabs.
    238.413  End structures of trailer cars.
    238.415  Rollover strength.
    [[Page 49792]]
    238.417  Side loads.
    238.419  Truck-to-car-body and truck component attachment.
    238.421  Glazing.
    238.423  Fuel tanks.
    238.425  Electrical system.
    238.427  Suspension system.
    238.429  Safety appliances.
    238.431  Brake system.
    238.433  Draft system.
    238.435  Interior fittings and surfaces.
    238.437  Emergency communication.
    238.439  Emergency window exits and roof hatches.
    238.441  Doors.
    238.443  Headlights.
    238.445  Automated monitoring.
    238.447  Operator's controls and cab layout.
    Subpart F--Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Requirements for Tier 
    II Passenger Equipment
    238.501  Scope.
    238.503  Inspection, testing, and maintenance requirements.
    238.505  Program approval procedure.
    Subpart G--Introduction of New Technology to Tier II Passenger 
    238.601  Scope.
    238.603  Process to introduce new technology.
    Appendix A to Part 238--Schedule of Civil Penalties [Reserved]
    Appendix B to Part 238--Test Performance Criteria for the 
    Flammability and Smoke Emission Characteristics of Materials Used in 
    Constructing or Refurbishing Locomotive Cab and Passenger Car 
    Appendix C to Part 238--Suspension System Safety Performance 
        Authority: 49 U.S.C. 20102-20103, 20133, 20141, 20301-20303, 
    20306, 20701-20702, 21301-21302, 21304; 49 CFR 1.49(c), (m).
    Subpart A--General
    Sec. 238.1  Purpose and scope.
        (a) The purpose of this part is to:
        (1) Prevent accidents involving railroad passenger equipment that 
    cause damage to property, or injury or death to railroad employees, 
    railroad passengers, or the general public; and
        (2) Mitigate the consequences of accidents involving railroad 
    passenger equipment, to the extent such accidents cannot be prevented.
        (b) This part prescribes minimum Federal safety standards for 
    railroad passenger equipment. This part does not restrict a railroad 
    from adopting and enforcing additional or more stringent requirements 
    not inconsistent with this part.
    Sec. 238.3  Application.
        (a) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, this part 
    applies to all:
        (1) Railroads that operate intercity or commuter passenger train 
    service on standard gage track which is part of the general railroad 
    system of transportation;
        (2) Railroads that provide commuter or other short-haul rail 
    passenger train service in a metropolitan or suburban area as described 
    by 49 U.S.C. 20102(1), including public authorities operating passenger 
    train service; and
        (3) Rapid transit operations in an urban area.
        (b) Railroads that permit to be used or hauled on their lines 
    passenger equipment subject to this part, in violation of a power brake 
    provision of this part or a safety appliance provision of this part, 
    are subject to the power brake and safety appliance provisions of this 
    part with respect to such operations.
        (c) This part does not apply to:
        (1) Rapid transit operations in an urban area that are not 
    connected with the general railroad system of transportation;
        (2) Circus trains; or
        (3) Tourist, scenic, historic, or excursion operations, whether on 
    or off the general railroad system of transportation.
    Sec. 238.5  Definitions.
        As used in this part--
        AAR means the Association of American Railroads.
        Alerter means a device or system installed in the operator cab to 
    promote continuous, active operator attentiveness by monitoring select 
    operator-induced control activities. If fluctuation of a monitored 
    operator control is not detected within a predetermined time, a 
    sequence of audible and visual alarms is activated so as to 
    progressively prompt a response by the operator. Failure by the 
    operator to institute a change of state in a monitored control, or 
    acknowledge the alerter alarm activity through a manual reset 
    provision, results in a penalty brake application, bringing the 
    locomotive or train to a stop.
        Anti-climbing mechanism means a device at the ends of adjoining 
    vehicles in a train that is designed to engage when subjected to large 
    buff loads to prevent the override of the vehicles.
        Bind means restrict the intended movement of one or more brake 
    system components by reduced clearance, by obstruction, or by increased 
        Block of cars means one car or multiple cars in a solid unit 
    coupled together for the purpose of being added to, or removed from, a 
    train as a solid unit.
        Brake, air or power brake means a combination of devices operated 
    by compressed air, arranged in a system, and controlled manually, 
    electrically, or pneumatically, by means of which the motion of a car 
    or locomotive is retarded or arrested.
        Brake control system means the components, including software, that 
    either automatically or under the control of the engineer control the 
    retarding force applied to the train by the brake system.
        Brake, disc means a retardation system used on some rail vehicles, 
    primarily passenger equipment, that utilizes flat metal discs as the 
    braking surface instead of the wheel tread.
        Brake, dynamic means a train braking system whereby the kinetic 
    energy of a moving train is used to generate electric current at the 
    locomotive traction motors, which is then dissipated through banks of 
    resistor grids or back into the catenary or third rail system.
        Brake, effective means a brake that is capable of producing its 
    required design retarding force on the train.
        Brake indicator means a device, actuated by brake cylinder 
    pressure, which indicates whether brakes are applied or released.
        Brake, inoperative means a primary brake that, for any reason, no 
    longer applies or releases as intended or is otherwise ineffective.
        Brake, on-tread friction means a braking system that uses a brake 
    shoe that acts on the tread of the wheel to retard the vehicle.
        Brake, parking or hand brake means a brake that can be applied and 
    released by hand to prevent movement of a stationary car or locomotive.
        Brake pipe means the system of piping (including branch pipes, 
    angle cocks, cutout cocks, dirt collectors, hose, and hose couplings) 
    used for connecting locomotives and all cars for the passage of air to 
    control the locomotive and car brakes.
        Brake, power means ``air brake'' as that term is defined in this 
        Brake, primary means those components of the train brake system 
    necessary to stop the train within the signal spacing distance without 
    thermal damage to friction braking surfaces.
        Brake, secondary means those components of the train brake system 
    which develop supplemental brake retarding force that is not needed to 
    stop the train within signal spacing distances or to prevent thermal 
    damage to wheels.
        Brake shoes or pads aligned with tread or disc means that the 
    surface of the brake shoe or pad, respectively, engages the surface of 
    the wheel tread or disc, respectively, with no more than a \1/4\ inch 
        Braking system, blended means a braking system where the primary 
    brake and one or more secondary brakes are
    [[Page 49793]]
    automatically combined to stop the train. If the secondary brakes are 
    unavailable, the blended brake uses the primary brake alone to stop the 
        Calendar day means a time period starting at 12:01 am and ending at 
    midnight on a given date.
        Class I brake test means a complete passenger train brake system 
    test (as further specified in Sec. 238.313) performed by a qualified 
    mechanical inspector to ensure that the air brake system is 100 percent 
        Class IA brake test means a test and inspection (as further 
    specified in Sec. 238.315) of the air brake system on each car in a 
    passenger train to ensure the air brake system is 100 percent 
        Class II brake test means a test (as further specified in 
    Sec. 238.317) of brake pipe integrity and continuity from the 
    controlling locomotive to the rear unit of a passenger train.
        Collision posts means members of the end structures of a vehicle 
    that project upward vertically from the underframe to which they are 
    securely attached, and that provide protection of occupied compartments 
    from an object penetrating the vehicle during a collision.
        Control valves means that part of the air brake equipment on each 
    car or locomotive that controls the charging, application, and release 
    of the air brakes, in response to train line commands.
        Corner posts means structural members located at the intersection 
    of the front or rear surface with the side surface of a vehicle and 
    which extend vertically from the floor support structure to the roof 
    support structure. Corner posts may be combined with collision posts to 
    become part of the end structure.
        Crack means a fracture without complete separation into parts, 
    except that, in a casting, a shrinkage crack or hot tear that does not 
    significantly diminish the strength of the member is not a crack.
        Crash energy management means an approach to the design of rail 
    passenger equipment which controls the dissipation of energy during a 
    collision to protect the occupied volumes from crushing and to limit 
    the decelerations on passengers and crewmembers in those volumes. This 
    may be accomplished by designing energy-absorbing structures of low 
    strength in the unoccupied volumes of a rail vehicle or passenger train 
    to collapse in a controlled fashion, while providing higher structural 
    strength in the occupied volumes. Energy deflection can also be part of 
    a crash energy management approach. Crash energy management can be used 
    to help provide anti-climbing resistance and to reduce the risk of 
    train buckling during a collision.
        Crash refuge means a volume with extreme structural strength 
    designed to maximize the survivability of crewmembers stationed in the 
    locomotive cab during a collision.
        Crewmember means a railroad employee called to perform service 
    covered by 49 U.S.C. 21103 and subject to the railroad's operating 
    rules and program of operational tests and inspections required in 
    Secs. 217.9 and 217.11 of this chapter.
        Critical buckling stress means minimum stress necessary to initiate 
    buckling of a structural member.
        Emergency application means an irretrievable brake application 
    resulting in the maximum retarding force available from the train brake 
        End structure means the main support structure projecting upward 
    from the floor or underframe of a locomotive, passenger car, or other 
    rail vehicle. The end structure is securely attached to the underframe 
    at each end of a rail vehicle.
        Foul means restrict the intended movement of one or more brake 
    system components because the component is snagged, entangled, or 
        Fuel tank, integral means a fuel containment volume that is 
    integral with some other structural element of the locomotive not 
    designed solely as a fuel container.
        Full-height collision post, corner post, or side frame post means 
    any vertical framing member in the car body structure that spans the 
    distance between the underframe and the roof at the car body section 
    where the post is located. For collision posts located at the 
    approximate third points of an end frame, the term ``full-height'' 
    applies to posts that extend and connect to supporting structural 
    members in the roof at the location of the posts, or to a beam 
    connected to the tops of the end-frame and supported by the roof rails 
    (or anti-telescoping plate), or to both.
        Full service application means a brake application which results in 
    a brake cylinder pressure at the service limiting valve setting or 
        Glazing, end-facing means a glazing panel located where a line 
    perpendicular to the exterior surface of the panel makes an angle of 50 
    degrees or less with the longitudinal center line of the rail vehicle 
    in which the panel is installed. A glazing panel that curves so as to 
    meet the definition for both side-facing and end-facing glazing is end-
    facing glazing.
        Glazing, exterior means a glazing panel that is an integral part of 
    the exterior skin of a rail vehicle with a surface exposed to the 
    outside environment.
        Glazing frame means the arrangement used to install the glazing 
    into the structure of a rail vehicle.
        Glazing, interior means a glazing panel with no surface exposed to 
    the outside environment and which is protected from projectiles by the 
    structure of a rail vehicle.
        Glazing, side-facing means a glazing panel located where a line 
    perpendicular to the exterior surface of the panel makes an angle of 
    more than 50 degrees with the longitudinal center line of the rail 
    vehicle in which the panel is installed.
        Handrails means safety appliances installed on either side of a 
    rail vehicle's exterior doors to assist passengers and crew to safely 
    board and depart the vehicle.
        Head end power means power generated on board the locomotive of a 
    passenger train used for purposes other than propelling the train, such 
    as cooking, heating, illumination, ventilation and air conditioning.
        Hunting oscillations means, for purposes of Tier I equipment, 
    lateral oscillations of trucks that could lead to a dangerous 
    instability and, for purposes of Tier II equipment, truck frame lateral 
    oscillations exceeding 0.8g peak-to-peak for six or more consecutive 
        In passenger service, when used in connection with passenger 
    equipment, means passenger equipment subject to this part that is 
    carrying, or available to carry, fare-paying passengers.
        In service, when used in connection with passenger equipment, 
        (1) Passenger equipment subject to this part that is in passenger 
    service; and
        (2) All other passenger equipment subject to this part, unless the 
    passenger equipment:
        (i) Is being handled in accordance with Secs. 238.15, 238.17, 
    238.305(c)(5), or 238.503(f), as applicable;
        (ii) Is in a repair shop or on a repair track;
        (iii) Is on a storage track and is not carrying passengers; or
        (iv) Has been delivered in interchange but has not been accepted by 
    the receiving railroad.
        Interior fitting means any auxiliary component in the passenger 
    compartment which is mounted to the floor, ceiling, sidewalls, or end 
    walls and projects into the passenger compartment from the surface or 
    surfaces to which it is mounted. Interior
    [[Page 49794]]
    fittings do not include side and end walls, floors, door pockets, or 
    ceiling lining materials, for example.
        Lateral means the horizontal direction perpendicular to the 
    direction of travel of a rail vehicle.
        Locomotive means a piece of on-track equipment, other than hi-rail, 
    specialized maintenance, or other similar equipment, which may consist 
    of one or more units operated from a single control stand with one or 
    more propelling motors designed for moving other equipment; with one or 
    more propelling motors designed to transport freight or passenger 
    traffic or both; or without propelling motors but with one or more 
    control stands. This term does not include a locomotive propelled by 
    steam power unless it is used to haul an intercity or commuter 
    passenger train.
        Locomotive cab means a compartment or space on board a locomotive 
    where the control stand is located and which is normally occupied by 
    the engineer when the locomotive is being operated.
        Locomotive, cab car means a unit of rolling equipment intended to 
    provide transportation for members of the general public that is 
    without propelling motors but with one or more control stands.
        Locomotive, controlling means the locomotive from which the 
    engineer exercises control over the train.
        Locomotive, MU means a unit of rolling equipment self-propelled by 
    any power source, other than steam, and intended to provide 
    transportation for members of the general public.
        Longitudinal means in a direction parallel to the normal direction 
    of travel of a rail vehicle.
        Luminescent material means a material that absorbs light energy 
    when ambient levels of light are high and emits this stored energy when 
    ambient levels of light are low, making the material appear to glow in 
    the dark.
        L/V ratio means the lateral force that the flange of a vehicle's 
    wheel exerts on the rail, divided by the vertical force that the tread 
    of the same wheel exerts on the rail.
        MIL-STD-882C means a military standard issued by the United States 
    Department of Defense to provide uniform requirements for developing 
    and implementing a system safety program to identify and then eliminate 
    the hazards of a system or reduce the associated risk to an acceptable 
        Occupied volume means the spaces of a rail vehicle or passenger 
    train where passengers or crewmembers are normally located during 
    service operation, such as the operating cab and passenger seating and 
    sleeping areas. Vestibules are typically not considered occupied, 
    except when in use as a control cab.
        Ordered or date ordered means the date on which notice to proceed 
    is given by a procuring railroad to a contractor or supplier for new 
        Override means to climb over the normal coupling or side buffers 
    and linking mechanism and impact the end of the adjoining rail vehicle 
    or unit above the underframe.
        Passenger car means a unit of rail rolling equipment intended to 
    provide transportation for members of the general public and includes a 
    self-propelled car designed to carry passengers, baggage, mail, or 
    express. This term includes a passenger coach, cab car, and an MU 
    locomotive. This term does not include a private car.
        Passenger coach means a unit of rail rolling equipment intended to 
    provide transportation for members of the general public that is 
    without propelling motors and without a control stand.
        Passenger equipment means all powered and unpowered passenger cars, 
    locomotives used to haul a passenger car, and any other unit of rail 
    rolling equipment hauled in a train with one or more passenger cars. 
    Passenger equipment includes a--
        (1) Passenger coach,
        (2) Cab car,
        (3) MU locomotive,
        (4) Private car,
        (5) Locomotive not intended to provide transportation for a member 
    of the general public that is used to power a passenger train, and
        (6) Any non-self-propelled vehicle hauled in a passenger train, 
    including a freight car.
        Passenger station means a location designated in a railroad's 
    timetable where passengers are regularly scheduled to get on or off any 
        Permanent deformation means the undergoing of a permanent change in 
    shape of a structural member of a rail vehicle.
        Piston travel means the amount of linear movement of the air brake 
    hollow rod (or equivalent) or piston rod when forced outward by 
    movement of the piston in the brake cylinder or actuator and limited by 
    the brake shoes being forced against the wheel or disc.
        Power car means a rail vehicle that propels a Tier II passenger 
    train or is the lead vehicle in a Tier II passenger train, or both.
        Pre-revenue service acceptance testing plan means a document, as 
    further specified in Sec. 238.113, prepared by a railroad that explains 
    in detail how pre-revenue service tests of certain passenger equipment 
    demonstrate that the equipment meets Federal safety standards and the 
    railroad's own safety design requirements.
        Private car means historical or antiquated rail rolling equipment 
    that is used only for excursion, recreational, or private 
    transportation businesses. A private car is not a passenger car.
        Qualified mechanical inspector means a qualified person who has 
    received, as a part of the training, qualification, and designation 
    program required under Sec. 238.111, instruction and training that 
    includes ``hands-on'' experience (under appropriate supervision or 
    apprenticeship) in one or more of the following functions: 
    troubleshooting, inspection, testing, and maintenance or repair of the 
    specific train brake and other components and systems for which the 
    inspector is assigned responsibility. Further, the mechanical inspector 
    shall be a person whose primary responsibility includes work generally 
    consistent with the above-referenced functions and is designated to--
        (1) Conduct Class I brake tests under this part;
        (2) Inspect MU locomotives or other passenger cars for compliance 
    with this part; or
        (3) Determine whether equipment not in compliance with this part 
    may be moved safely and, if so, under what conditions.
        Qualified person means a person determined by a railroad to have 
    the knowledge and skills necessary to perform one or more functions 
    required under this part. The railroad determines the qualifications 
    and competencies for employees designated to perform various functions 
    in the manner set forth in this part.
        Railroad means any form of non-highway ground transportation that 
    runs on rails or electromagnetic guideways, including:
        (1) Commuter or short-haul rail passenger service in a metropolitan 
    or suburban area and commuter railroad service that was operated by the 
    Consolidated Rail Corporation on January 1, 1979; and
        (2) High speed ground transportation systems that connect 
    metropolitan areas, without regard to whether those systems use new 
    technologies not associated with traditional railroads. The term 
    ``railroad'' is also intended to mean a person that provides railroad 
    transportation, whether directly or by contracting out operation of the 
    railroad to another person. The term does not include rapid transit 
    operations in an urban area that are not connected to the general 
    railroad system of transportation.
    [[Page 49795]]
        Rebuilt means equipment undergoing overhaul identified by the 
    railroad as a capital expense under the Surface Transportation Board's 
    accounting standards.
        Refresher training means periodic retraining required by a railroad 
    for employees or contractors to remain qualified to perform specific 
    equipment inspection, testing, or maintenance functions.
        Repair point means a location designated by a railroad where 
    repairs of the type necessary occur on a regular basis. A repair point 
    has, or should have, the facilities, tools, and qualified mechanical 
    employees required to make the necessary repairs. A repair point need 
    not be staffed continuously.
        Respond as intended means to produce the result that a device or 
    system is designed to produce.
        Rollover strength means strength needed to protect the structural 
    integrity of a rail vehicle in the event the vehicle leaves the track 
    and impacts the ground on its side or roof.
        Roof rail means the longitudinal structural member at the 
    intersection of the side wall and the roof sheathing.
        Running brake test means a test (as further specified in 
    Sec. 238.319) of a train system or component while the train is in 
    motion to verify that the system or component functions as intended.
        Safety appliance means an appliance required under 49 U.S.C. 
    chapter 203, excluding power brakes. The term includes automatic 
    couplers, hand brakes, sill steps, handholds, handrails, or ladder 
    treads made of steel or a material of equal or greater mechanical 
    strength used by the traveling public or railroad employees that 
    provides a means for safely coupling, uncoupling, or ascending or 
    descending passenger equipment.
        Safety-critical component or system means a component or system 
    that, if not available, increases the risk of damage to equipment or 
    injury to a passenger, crewmember, or other person.
        Safety-critical task means a task that, if not performed correctly, 
    increases the risk of damage to equipment or injury to a passenger, 
    crewmember, or other person.
        Safety inspection criteria means a measurement limit or observation 
    threshold used to trigger the duty under this part to take corrective 
    action to prevent a serious safety problem from developing. 
    Measurements may be taken manually or by reliable sensors.
        Semi-permanently coupled means coupled by means of a drawbar or 
    other coupling mechanism that requires tools to perform the uncoupling 
    operation. Coupling and uncoupling of each such unit in a train can be 
    performed safely only while at a maintenance or shop location where 
    personnel can safely get under a unit or between units.
        Shear strength means the ability of a structural member to resist 
    forces or components of forces acting perpendicular to compression or 
    tension forces, or both, in the member.
        Shock absorbent material means material designed to prevent or 
    mitigate injuries due to impact by yielding and absorbing much of the 
    energy of impact.
        Side posts means main vertical structural elements in the sides of 
    a rail vehicle.
        Side sills means that portion of the underframe or side at the 
    bottom of the rail vehicle side wall.
        Single car test means a comprehensive test (as further specified in 
    Sec. 238.311) of the functioning of all critical brake system 
    components installed on an individual passenger car or unpowered 
    vehicle, other than a passenger car, hauled in a passenger train.
        Single car test device means a device capable of controlling the 
    application and release of the brakes on an individual passenger car or 
    an unpowered vehicle, other than a passenger car, hauled in a passenger 
    train through pneumatic or electrical means.
        Skin means the outer covering on a fuel tank or the front of a 
    locomotive, including a cab car and an MU locomotive, excluding the 
    windows and forward-facing doors. The skin may be covered with another 
    coating of a material such as fiberglass.
        Spall, glazing means small pieces of glazing that fly off the back 
    surface of glazing when an object strikes the front surface.
        Spot checks means random checks of train inspections, tests, or 
    maintenance operations conducted by qualified supervisors.
        Standard procedures means a description of the step-by-step process 
    to be used to safely accomplish a safety-critical or potentially 
    hazardous task.
        System means a composite of equipment, computer programs, people, 
    facilities, procedures, and documentation which are integrated to 
    perform a specific operational function in a specific environment.
        System developer means the entity responsible for developing 
    equipment or a system so that it may be approved for use in service.
        System safety means the application of design, operating, 
    technical, and management techniques and principles throughout the 
    system's life cycle to reduce hazards and unsafe conditions to the 
    lowest level possible through the most effective use of the available 
        System safety plan means a document that states in detail the 
    techniques, procedures, and tests to follow to reduce hazards and 
    unsafe conditions to the lowest level possible through the most 
    effective use of available resources. The system safety plan is used as 
    part of the design process for new equipment to ensure that the 
    equipment meets all Federal safety standards and the railroad's own 
    safety requirements.
        System safety program means the activities described in the system 
    safety plan to be performed to ensure that the railroad's passenger 
    equipment meets all Federal safety standards and the railroad's own 
    safety design requirements.
        Telescope means override an adjoining rail vehicle or unit and 
    penetrate into the interior of that adjoining vehicle or unit because 
    of compressive forces.
        Terminal means a starting point or ending point of a single 
    scheduled train trip, where passengers may get on or off a train. 
    Normally the location is a point where the train would reverse 
    direction or change destinations.
        Tier I means operating at speeds not exceeding 125 mph.
        Tier II means operating at speeds exceeding 125 mph but not 
    exceeding 150 mph.
        Tourist, scenic, historic, or excursion operations are railroad 
    operations that carry passengers, often using antiquated equipment, 
    with the conveyance of the passengers to a particular destination not 
    being the principal purpose.
        Trailer car means a unit of rail rolling equipment that neither 
    propels a Tier II passenger train nor is the leading unit in a Tier II 
    passenger train. A trailer car is normally without a control stand and 
    is normally occupied by passengers.
        Train means a locomotive unit or locomotive units coupled, with or 
    without cars. For the purposes of the provisions of this part related 
    to power brakes, the term ``train'' does not include such equipment 
    when being used in switching movements (as defined in Sec. 231.30(b) of 
    this chapter) of less than one mile.
        Train brake communication line means the communication link between 
    the locomotive and cars in a train by which the brake commands are 
    transmitted. This may be a pneumatic pipe, electrical line, or radio 
        Train, commuter means a passenger train providing commuter service 
    within an urban, suburban, or metropolitan area. The term includes a
    [[Page 49796]]
    passenger train provided by an instrumentality of a State or a 
    political subdivision of a State.
        Train, long-distance intercity passenger means a passenger train 
    that provides service between large cities more than 125 miles apart 
    and is not operated exclusively in the National Railroad Passenger 
    Corporation's Northeast Corridor.
        Train, passenger means a train that transports or is available to 
    transport members of the general public. If a train is composed of a 
    mixture of passenger and freight equipment, that train is a passenger 
    train for purposes of this part.
        Train, short-distance intercity passenger means a passenger train 
    that provides service exclusively on the National Railroad Passenger 
    Corporation's Northeast Corridor or between cities that are not more 
    than 125 miles apart.
        Train, Tier II passenger means a short-distance or long-distance 
    intercity passenger train providing service at speeds that include 
    exceeding 125 mph but do not exceed 150 mph.
        Trainset, passenger means a passenger train including the 
    locomotive(s) or power car(s) and passenger cars that are semi-
    permanently coupled to operate as a single unit. The individual 
    components are uncoupled only for emergencies or maintenance.
        Transverse means in a direction perpendicular to the normal 
    direction of travel of a railroad vehicle.
        Ultimate strength means the load at which a structural member 
    fractures or ceases to resist any load.
        Uncoupling mechanism means the arrangement for operating the 
    coupler by any means.
        Underframe means the lower horizontal support structure of a car 
        Unit means rail rolling equipment of any type or, in the context of 
    articulated equipment, ``unit'' means a piece of equipment located 
    between two trucks.
        Unit body (monocoque) design or unistructure means a type of 
    vehicle construction where the shell or skin acts as a single unit with 
    the supporting frame to resist and transmit the loads acting on the 
        Unoccupied volume means the spaces of a rail vehicle or passenger 
    train which do not contain seating and are not normally occupied by 
    passengers or crewmembers.
        Vehicle, rail means a car, locomotive, tender, or similar vehicle.
        Vestibule means an area of a passenger car that normally does not 
    contain seating, that leads from the seating area to the side exit 
        Witness plate means a thin foil placed behind a piece of glazing 
    undergoing an impact test. Any material spalled or broken from the back 
    side of the glazing will dent or mark the witness plate.
        Yard means a system of tracks within defined limits provided for 
    the making up of trains, storing of cars, and other purposes.
        Yard air test means a train brake system test conducted using a 
    source of compressed air other than a locomotive.
        Yield strength means the ability of a structural member to resist a 
    change in length caused by a heavy load. Exceeding the yield strength 
    may cause permanent deformation of the member.
    Sec. 238.7  Waivers.
        (a) Any person may petition the Federal Railroad Administration for 
    a waiver of compliance with any requirement prescribed in this part.
        (b) Each petition for a waiver under this section shall:
        (1) Be filed in the manner required by part 211 of this chapter;
        (2) Contain the information required by part 211 of this chapter; 
        (3) Provide appropriate data or analysis, or both, establishing 
    that a waiver is warranted under applicable statutory criteria as well 
    as a description of the measures proposed to be taken to provide a 
    level of safety equivalent to that afforded by the provision of this 
    part that is sought to be waived.
    Sec. 238.9  Responsibility for compliance.
        (a) A railroad subject to this part shall not--
        (1) Use, haul, permit to be used or hauled on its line, offer in 
    interchange, or accept in interchange any train or passenger equipment, 
    while in service,
        (i) That has one or more conditions not in compliance with a safety 
    appliance or power brake provision of this part; or
        (ii) That has not been inspected and tested as required by a safety 
    appliance or power brake provision of this part; or
        (2) Use, haul, offer in interchange, or accept in interchange any 
    train or passenger equipment, while in service,
        (i) That has one or more conditions not in compliance with a 
    provision of this part, other than the safety appliance and power brake 
    provisions of this part, if the railroad has actual knowledge of the 
    facts giving rise to the violation, or a reasonable person acting in 
    the circumstances and exercising reasonable care would have that 
    knowledge; or
        (ii) That has not been inspected and tested as required by a 
    provision of this part, other than the safety appliance and power brake 
    provisions of this part, if the railroad has actual knowledge of the 
    facts giving rise to the violation, or a reasonable person acting in 
    the circumstances and exercising reasonable care would have that 
    knowledge; or
        (3) Violate any other provision of this part.
        (b) For purposes of this part, passenger equipment will be 
    considered in use prior to departure but after it has received, or 
    should have received, the inspection required under this part for 
    movement and is deemed ready for service.
        (c) Although many of the requirements of this part are stated in 
    terms of the duties of a railroad, when any person (including, but not 
    limited to, a contractor performing safety-related tasks under contract 
    to a railroad subject to this part) performs any function required by 
    this part, that person (whether or not a railroad) is required to 
    perform that function in accordance with this part.
    Sec. 238.11  Civil penalties.
        Any person (including but not limited to a railroad; any manager, 
    supervisor, official, or other employee or agent of a railroad; any 
    owner, manufacturer, lessor, or lessee of railroad equipment, track, or 
    facilities; any employee of such owner, manufacturer, lessor, lessee, 
    or independent contractor) who violates any requirement of this part or 
    causes the violation of any such requirement is subject to a civil 
    penalty of at least $500, but not more than $10,000 per violation, 
    except that: Penalties may be assessed against individuals only for 
    willful violations, and, where a grossly negligent violation or a 
    pattern of repeated violations has created an imminent hazard of death 
    or injury to persons, or has caused death or injury, a penalty not to 
    exceed $20,000 per violation may be assessed. Each day a violation 
    continues shall constitute a separate offense. Appendix A to this part 
    contains a schedule of civil penalty amounts used in connection with 
    this part.
    Sec. 238.13  Preemptive effect.
        Under 49 U.S.C. 20106, issuance of the regulations in this part 
    preempts any State law, rule, regulation, order, or standard covering 
    the same subject matter, except for a provision directed at an 
    essentially local safety hazard if that provision is consistent with 
    this part and does not impose an undue burden on interstate commerce.
    Sec. 238.15  Movement of passenger equipment with power brake defects.
        (a) General. This section contains the requirements for moving 
    passenger equipment with a power brake defect
    [[Page 49797]]
    without liability for a civil penalty under this part. Railroads remain 
    liable for the movement of passenger equipment under 49 U.S.C. 
    20303(c). For purposes of this section, Sec. 238.17, and Sec. 238.503, 
    a ``power brake defect'' is a condition of a power brake component, or 
    other primary brake component, that does not conform with this part. 
    (Passenger cars and other passenger equipment classified as locomotives 
    under part 229 of this chapter are also covered by the movement 
    restrictions contained in Sec. 229.9 of this chapter for those 
    defective conditions covered by part 229 of this chapter.)
        (b) Limitations on movement of passenger equipment containing a 
    power brake defect found during a Class I or IA brake test. Except as 
    provided in paragraph (c) of this section (dealing with brakes that 
    become defective en route after a Class I or IA brake test was 
    performed), a commuter or passenger train that has in its consist 
    passenger equipment containing a power brake defect found during a 
    Class I or IA brake test (or, for Tier II trains, the equivalent) may 
    only be moved, without civil penalty liability under this part--
        (1) If all of the following conditions are met:
        (i) The train is moved for purposes of repair, without passengers;
        (ii) The applicable operating restrictions in paragraph (d) of this 
    section are observed; and
        (iii) The passenger equipment is tagged, or information is 
    recorded, as prescribed in paragraph (c)(2) of this section; or
        (2) If the train is moved for purposes of scrapping or sale of the 
    passenger equipment that has the power brake defect, and without 
    passengers; if the movement is at a speed of 15 mph or less; and if the 
    movement conforms with the railroad's air brake or power brake 
        (c) Limitations on movement of passenger equipment in passenger 
    service that becomes defective en route after a Class I or IA brake 
    test. Passenger equipment hauled or used in service in a commuter or 
    passenger train that develops a power brake defect while en route to 
    another location after receiving a Class I or IA brake test (or, for 
    Tier II trains, the equivalent) may be hauled or used by a railroad for 
    repair, without civil penalty liability under this part, if the 
    applicable operating restrictions set forth in paragraph (d) of this 
    section are complied with and all of the following requisites are 
        (1) En route defect. At the time of the train's Class I or IA brake 
    test, the passenger equipment in the train was properly equipped with 
    power brakes that comply with this part. The power brakes on the 
    passenger equipment become defective while it is en route to another 
        (2) Record. At the place where the railroad first discovers the 
    defect, a tag or card is placed on both sides of the defective 
    passenger equipment, or an automated tracking system is provided, with 
    the following information about the defective passenger equipment:
        (i) The reporting mark and car or locomotive number;
        (ii) The name of the inspecting railroad;
        (iii) The name of the inspector;
        (iv) The inspection location and date;
        (v) The nature of each defect;
        (vi) The destination of the equipment where it will be repaired; 
        (vii) The signature, if possible, and job title of the person 
    reporting the defective condition.
        (3) Conditional requirement. In addition, if an en route failure 
    causes power brakes to be cut out on passenger equipment, the railroad 
        (i) Determine the percentage of operative power brakes in the train 
    based on the number of brakes known to be cut out or otherwise 
    inoperative, using the formula specified in paragraph (d)(1) of this 
        (ii) Notify the dispatcher of the percent of operative brakes and 
    movement restrictions on the train imposed by paragraph (d) of this 
        (iii) Notify the mechanical department or desk of the failure; and
        (iv) Confirm the percentage of operative brakes by a walking 
    inspection at the next location where the railroad reasonably judges 
    that it is safe to do so.
        (d) Operating restrictions based on percent operative power brakes 
    in train. (1) Computation of percent operative power brakes.--(i) 
    Except as specified in paragraphs (d)(1) (ii) and (iii) of this 
    section, the percentage of operative power brakes in a train shall be 
    determined by dividing the number of axles in the train with operative 
    power brakes by the total number of axles in the train.
        (ii) For equipment with tread brake units (TBUs), the percentage of 
    operative power brakes shall be determined by dividing the number of 
    operative TBUs by the total number of TBUs.
        (iii) Each cut-out axle on a locomotive that weighs more than 
    200,000 pounds shall be counted as two cut-out axles for the purposes 
    of calculating the percentage of operative brakes. Unless otherwise 
    specified by the railroad, the friction braking effort over all other 
    axles shall be considered uniform.
        (iv) The following brake conditions not in compliance with this 
    part are not considered inoperative power brakes for purposes of this 
        (A) Failure or cutting out of secondary brake systems;
        (B) Inoperative or otherwise defective handbrakes or parking 
        (C) Excessive piston travel that does not render the power brakes 
    ineffective; and
        (D) Power brakes overdue for inspection, testing, maintenance, or 
    stencilling under this part.
        (2) All passenger trains developing 50-74 percent operative power 
    brakes. A passenger train that develops inoperative power brake 
    equipment resulting in at least 50 percent but less than 75 percent 
    operative power brakes may be used only as follows:
        (i) The train may be moved in passenger service only to the next 
    forward passenger station;
        (ii) The speed of the train shall be restricted to 20 mph or less;
        (iii) After all passengers are discharged, the defective equipment 
    shall be moved directly to the nearest location where the necessary 
    repairs can be made; and
        (iv) If the power brakes on the front or rear unit in the train are 
    inoperative, a qualified person shall be stationed at the handbrake on 
    this unit.
        (3) Commuter, short-distance intercity, and short-distance Tier II 
    passenger trains developing 75-99 percent operative power brakes.
        (i) 75-84 percent operative brakes. Commuter, short-distance 
    intercity, and short-distance Tier II passenger trains which develop 
    inoperative power brake equipment resulting in at least 75 percent but 
    less than 85 percent operative brakes may be used only as follows:
        (A) The train may be moved in passenger service only to the next 
    forward terminal;
        (B) The speed of the train shall be restricted to 50 percent of the 
    train's maximum allowable speed or 40 mph, whichever is less;
        (C) After discharging passengers, the defective equipment shall be 
    moved directly to the nearest location where the necessary repairs can 
    be made; and
        (D) If the brakes on the front or rear unit in a train are 
    inoperative, a qualified person shall be stationed at the handbrake on 
    this unit.
        (ii) 85-99 percent operative brakes. Commuter, short-distance 
    intercity, and short-distance Tier II passenger trains which develop 
    inoperative power brake equipment resulting in at least 85
    [[Page 49798]]
    percent but less than 100 percent operative brakes may only be used as 
        (A) The train may be moved in passenger service only to the next 
    forward terminal;
        (B) After all passengers are discharged, the defective cars shall 
    be moved directly to the nearest location where the necessary repairs 
    can be made; and
        (C) If the brakes on the front or rear unit in a train are 
    inoperative, a qualified person shall be stationed at the handbrake on 
    this unit.
        (4) Long-distance intercity and long-distance Tier II passenger 
    trains developing 75-99 operative power brakes.
        (i) 75-84 percent operative brakes. Long-distance intercity and 
    long-distance Tier II passenger trains which develop inoperative power 
    brake equipment resulting in at least 75 percent but less than 85 
    percent operative brakes may be used only if all of the following 
    restrictions are observed:
        (A) The train may be moved in passenger service only to the next 
    forward repair location identified for repair of that equipment by the 
    railroad operating the equipment in the list required by 
    Sec. 238.19(d); however, if the next forward repair location does not 
    have the facilities to handle the safe unloading of passengers, the 
    train may be moved past the designated repair location in service only 
    to the next forward passenger station in order to facilitate the 
    unloading of passengers;
        (B) The speed of the train shall be restricted to 50 percent of the 
    train's maximum allowable speed or 40 mph, whichever is less;
        (C) After discharging passengers, the defective equipment shall be 
    moved directly to the nearest location where the necessary repairs can 
    be made; and
        (D) If the brakes on the front or rear unit in a train are 
    inoperative, a qualified person shall be stationed at the handbrake on 
    this unit.
        (ii) 85-99 percent operative brakes. Long-distance intercity and 
    long-distance Tier II passenger trains which develop inoperative power 
    brake equipment resulting in at least 85 percent but less than 100 
    percent operative brakes may be used only if all of the following 
    restrictions are observed:
        (A) The train may be moved in passenger service only to the next 
    forward repair location identified for repair of that equipment by the 
    railroad operating the equipment in the list required by 
    Sec. 238.19(d); however, if the next forward repair location does not 
    have the facilities to handle the safe unloading of passengers, the 
    train may be moved past the designated repair location in service only 
    to the next forward passenger station in order to facilitate the 
    unloading of passengers;
        (B) After passengers are discharged, the defective cars shall be 
    moved directly to the nearest location where the necessary repairs can 
    be made; and
        (C) If the brakes on the front or rear unit in a train are 
    inoperative, a qualified person shall be stationed at the handbrake on 
    this unit.
        (e) Special Notice for Repair. Nothing in this section authorizes 
    the movement of passenger equipment subject to a Special Notice for 
    Repair under part 216 of this chapter unless the movement is made in 
    accordance with the restrictions contained in the Special Notice.
    Sec. 238.17  Movement of passenger equipment with other than power 
    brake defects.
        (a) General. This section contains the requirements for moving 
    passenger equipment with other than a power brake defect. (Passenger 
    cars and other passenger equipment classified as locomotives under part 
    229 of this chapter are also covered by the movement restrictions 
    contained in Sec. 229.9 of this chapter for those defective conditions 
    covered by part 229 of this chapter.)
        (b) Limitations on movement of passenger equipment containing 
    defects found at time of calendar day inspection. Except as provided in 
    Sec. 238.305(c)(5), passenger equipment containing a condition not in 
    conformance with this part at the time of its calendar day mechanical 
    inspection may be moved from that location for repair if all of the 
    following conditions are satisfied:
        (1) When the defective equipment is moved, it is not in passenger 
    service and is in a non-revenue train;
        (2) The requirements of paragraphs (c)(2) and (c)(3) of this 
    section are met;
        (3) The special requirements of paragraph (d) of this section, if 
    applicable, are met.
        (c) Usual limitations on movement of passenger equipment that 
    develops defects en route. Except as provided in Sec. 238.503(f), 
    passenger equipment that develops en route to its destination, after 
    its calendar day inspection was performed and before its next calendar 
    day mechanical inspection was performed, any defect not in compliance 
    with this part, other than a power brake defect, may be moved only if 
    the railroad complies with all of the following requirements and, if 
    applicable, the special requirements in paragraph (d) of this section:
        (1) Prior to movement of the defective equipment, a qualified 
        inspector shall determine if it is safe to move the equipment in 
    passenger service and, if so, the maximum speed and other restrictions 
    necessary for safely conducting the movement. If appropriate, these 
    determinations may be made based upon a description of the defective 
    condition provided by a crewmember.
        (2) Prior to movement of the defective equipment, the qualified 
    mechanical inspector shall notify the crewmember in charge of the 
    movement of the defective equipment, who in turn shall inform all other 
    crewmembers of the presence of the defective condition(s) and the 
    maximum speed and other restrictions determined under paragraph (c)(1) 
    of this section. The movement shall be made in conformance with such 
        (3) The railroad shall maintain a record of all defects reported 
    and their subsequent repair in the defect tracking system required in 
    Sec. 238.19. In addition, prior to movement of the defective equipment, 
    a tag or card placed on both sides of the defective equipment, or an 
    automated tracking system, shall record the following information about 
    the defective equipment:
        (i) The reporting mark and car or locomotive number;
        (ii) The name of the inspecting railroad;
        (iii) The name of the inspector, inspection location, and date;
        (iv) The nature of each defect;
        (v) Movement restrictions and safety restrictions, if any;
        (vi) The destination of the equipment where it will be repaired; 
        (vii) The signature, if possible, as well as the job title and 
    location of the person making the determinations required by this 
        (4) At the first location possible, a qualified mechanical 
    inspector shall perform a physical inspection of the defective 
    equipment to verify the description of the defect provided by the crew. 
    After a qualified mechanical inspector verifies that the defective 
    equipment is safe to remain in service, the defective equipment that 
    develops a condition not in compliance with this part while en route 
    may continue in passenger service not later than the next calendar day 
    mechanical inspection, if the requirements of this paragraph are 
    otherwise fully met.
        (d) Special requisites for movement of passenger equipment with 
    safety appliance defects. Consistent with 49 U.S.C. 20303, passenger 
    equipment with
    [[Page 49799]]
    a safety appliance not in compliance with this part or with part 231 of 
    this chapter, if applicable, may be moved--
        (1) If necessary to effect repair of the safety appliance;
        (2) From the point where the safety appliance defect was first 
    discovered by the railroad to the nearest available location on the 
    railroad where the necessary repairs required to bring the passenger 
    equipment into compliance can be made or, at the option of the 
    receiving railroad, the equipment may be received and hauled for repair 
    to a point on the receiving railroad's line no farther than the point 
    on the delivering railroad's line where the repair of the defect could 
    have been made; and
        (3) If a tag placed on both sides of the passenger equipment or an 
    automated tracking system contains the information required under 
    paragraph (c)(3) of this section.
        (e) Special Notice for Repair. Nothing in this section authorizes 
    the movement of equipment subject to a Special Notice for Repair under 
    part 216 of this chapter unless the movement is made in accordance with 
    the restrictions contained in the Special Notice.
    Sec. 238.19  Reporting and tracking defective passenger equipment.
        (a) General. Each railroad shall have in place a reporting and 
    tracking system for passenger equipment with a defect not in 
    conformance with this part that:
        (1) Records the identification number of the defective equipment;
        (2) Records the date the defect occurred;
        (3) Records the nature of the defect;
        (4) Records the determination made by a qualified mechanical 
    inspector on whether the equipment is safe to run;
        (5) Records the name of the qualified mechanical inspector making 
    such a determination;
        (6) Records any operating restrictions placed on the equipment; and
        (7) Records repairs made and the date that they were made.
        (b) Retention of records. At a minimum, each railroad shall keep 
    the records described in paragraph (a) of this section for one periodic 
    maintenance interval for each specific type of equipment as described 
    in the railroad's system safety plan. FRA strongly encourages railroads 
    to keep these records for longer periods of time because they form the 
    basis for future reliability-driven decisions concerning test and 
    maintenance intervals.
        (c) Availability of records. Railroads shall make defect reporting 
    and tracking records available to FRA upon request.
        (d) List of power brake repair points. Railroads operating long-
    distance intercity and long-distance Tier II passenger equipment shall 
    designate locations, in writing, where repairs to passenger equipment 
    with a power brake defect will be made and shall provide the list to 
    FRA's Associate Administrator for Safety and make it available to FRA 
    for inspection and copying upon request. Railroads operating these 
    trains shall designate a sufficient number of repair locations to 
    ensure the safe and timely repair of passenger equipment. These 
    designations shall not be changed without at least 30 days' written 
    notice to FRA's Associate Administrator for Safety.
    Sec. 238.21  Special approval procedure.
        (a) General. The following procedures govern consideration and 
    action upon requests for special approval of alternative standards 
    under Secs. 238.115, 238.223, 238.309, 238.311, 238.405, or 238.427 and 
    for special approval of pre-revenue service acceptance testing plans 
    under Sec. 238.113 or Sec. 238.603. (Requests for approval of programs 
    for the inspection, testing, and maintenance of Tier II passenger 
    equipment are governed by Sec. 238.505.)
        (b) Petitions for special approval of alternative standard. Each 
    petition for special approval of an alternative standard shall 
        (1) The name, title, address, and telephone number of the primary 
    person to be contacted with regard to review of the petition;
        (2) The alternative proposed, in detail, to be substituted for the 
    particular requirements of this part;
        (3) Appropriate data or analysis, or both, establishing that the 
    alternative will provide an equivalent level of safety; and
        (4) A statement affirming that the railroad has served a copy of 
    the petition on designated representatives of railroad employees, 
    together with a list of the names and addresses of the persons served.
        (c) Petitions for special approval of pre-revenue service 
    acceptance testing plan. Each petition for special approval of a pre-
    revenue service acceptance testing plan shall contain--
        (1) The name, title, address, and telephone number of the primary 
    person to be contacted with regard to review of the petition; and
        (2) The elements prescribed in Sec. 238.113.
        (d) Service. (1) Each petition for special approval under paragraph 
    (b) or (c) of this section shall be submitted in triplicate to the 
    Associate Administrator for Safety, Federal Railroad Administration, 
    400 7th Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20590.
        (2)(i) Service of each petition for special approval of an 
    alternative standard under paragraph (b) of this section shall be made 
    on the following:
        (A) Designated employee representatives responsible for the 
    equipment's operation, inspection, testing, and maintenance under this 
        (B) Any organizations or bodies that either issued the standard 
    incorporated in the section(s) of this part to which the special 
    approval pertains or issued the alternative standard that is proposed 
    in the petition; and
        (C) Any other person who has filed with FRA a current statement of 
    interest in reviewing special approvals under the particular 
    requirement of this part at least 30 days but not more than 5 years 
    prior to the filing of the petition.
        (ii) If filed, a statement of interest shall be filed with FRA's 
    Associate Administrator for Safety and shall reference the specific 
    section(s) of this part in which the person has an interest.
        (e) Federal Register notice. FRA will publish a notice in the 
    Federal Register concerning each petition under paragraph (b) of this 
        (f) Comment. Not later than 30 days from the date of publication of 
    the notice in the Federal Register concerning a petition under 
    paragraph (b) of this section, any person may comment on the petition.
        (1) Each comment shall set forth specifically the basis upon which 
    it is made, and contain a concise statement of the interest of the 
    commenter in the proceeding.
        (2) Three copies of each comment shall be submitted to the 
    Associate Administrator for Safety, Federal Railroad Administration, 
    400 7th Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20590.
        (3) The commenter shall certify that a copy of the comment was 
    served on each petitioner.
        (g) Disposition of petitions. (1) If FRA finds that the petition 
    complies with the requirements of this section and that the proposed 
    plan is acceptable or changes are justified, the petition will be 
    granted, normally within 90 days of its receipt. If the petition is 
    neither granted nor denied within 90 days, the petition remains pending 
    for decision. FRA may attach special conditions to the approval of the 
    petition. Following the approval of a petition, FRA may reopen 
    consideration of the petition for cause stated.
        (2) If FRA finds that the petition does not comply with the 
    requirements of this section and that the proposed plan is not 
    acceptable or that the proposed
    [[Page 49800]]
    changes are not justified, the petition will be denied, normally within 
    90 days of its receipt.
        (3) When FRA grants or denies a petition, or reopens consideration 
    of the petition, written notice is sent to the petitioner and other 
    interested parties.
    Subpart B--System Safety and General Requirements
    Sec. 238.101  Scope.
        This subpart contains system safety requirements for each railroad 
    that operates passenger equipment and general requirements for the 
    safety of all railroad passenger equipment subject to this part.
    System Safety
    Sec. 238.103  General system safety requirements.
        (a) By the dates specified in paragraph (g) of this section, each 
    railroad operating passenger equipment subject to this part shall adopt 
    a written system safety plan that describes the railroad's system 
    safety program, using MIL-STD-882(C) as a guide. The system safety plan 
    shall be updated annually.
        (b) For the procurement of new passenger equipment, the system 
    safety plan shall describe the system safety program to be conducted as 
    part of the equipment design and development process to ensure that all 
    safety issues and Federal safety requirements are identified, 
    addressed, and documented. The documentation shall include 
    certification in writing by the manufacturer that the passenger 
    equipment meets the design requirements of this part. The system safety 
    plan shall also describe the system safety program to be conducted as 
    part of the maintenance, overhaul, and operation of all passenger 
    equipment by that railroad. The system safety program should ensure 
    that safety issues are considered as important as cost and performance 
    issues in the design, development, maintenance, overhaul, and operation 
    of the equipment.
        (c) The system safety plan shall be the principal safety document. 
    It shall be used as guidance or, as applicable, requirements for the 
    development and operation of equipment and subsystems. At a minimum, 
    the system safety plan shall address:
        (1) Fire protection;
        (2) Software safety;
        (3) Inspection, testing, and maintenance;
        (4) Training and qualifications; and
        (5) Pre-revenue service acceptance testing.
        (d) The system safety plan shall describe the approaches and 
    processes to be used to:
        (1) Identify all safety requirements, including Federal 
    requirements governing the design of passenger equipment and its 
    supporting systems;
        (2) Evaluate the total system, including hardware, software, 
    testing, and support activities, to identify known or potential safety 
    hazards over the life cycle of the equipment;
        (3) Identify safety issues during design reviews;
        (4) Eliminate or reduce the risk posed by the hazards identified;
        (5) Monitor and track the progress made toward resolving safety 
    issues, reducing hazards, and meeting safety requirements; and
        (6) Develop a program of testing or analysis, or both, to 
    demonstrate that safety requirements have been met.
        (e) As part of the system safety program, adequate documentation 
    shall be maintained to audit how the design and operation of new 
    equipment meets safety requirements and to track how safety issues are 
    raised and resolved.
        (f) The system safety plan shall address how operational 
    limitations may be imposed on the use of equipment if the equipment 
    design cannot meet certain safety requirements.
        (g) Dates. (1) The portion of the system safety plan applicable to 
    existing passenger equipment shall be adopted no later than [one year 
    after the effective date of the final rule].
        (2) The portion of the system safety plan applicable to passenger 
    equipment to be procured by the railroad that is already in the design 
    and development process before the effective date of the final rule 
    shall be adopted no later than [one year after the effective date of 
    the final rule].
        (3) The portion of the system safety plan applicable to passenger 
    equipment to be procured by the railroad that is not yet in the design 
    and development process on [the effective date of the final rule] shall 
    be adopted before commencing the design and development of new 
        (h) The railroad's system safety plan and documentation required by 
    paragraph (e) of this section shall be available for inspection and 
    copying by FRA.
    Sec. 238.105  Fire protection program.
        (a) The operating railroad shall include in its system safety 
    program fire safety considerations and features in the design of new 
    passenger equipment that reduce the risk of equipment damage and 
    personal injuries due to fires to an acceptable level as defined in 
        (b) As part of the system safety program, each railroad operating 
    passenger equipment subject to this part shall complete a thorough 
    written analysis of the fire protection problem. In conducting this 
    analysis, the railroad shall--
        (1) Ensure that good fire protection practice is used as part of 
    the equipment design process.
        (2) Take effective steps to design equipment to be sufficiently 
    fire resistant to detect a fire and allow the evacuation of equipment 
    before fire, smoke, or toxic fumes cause injury to a passenger or 
        (3) Identify, analyze, and prioritize the fire hazards inherent in 
    the design of equipment.
        (4) Document and explain how safety issues were resolved in 
    relation to cost and performance issues in the design of equipment to 
    minimize the risk of each fire hazard.
        (5) Describe the analysis and tests necessary to demonstrate how 
    the fire protection approach taken in the design of equipment will 
    enable a train to meet the fire protection standards of this part and 
    of the railroad's system safety plan.
        (6) Describe the analysis and tests necessary to select materials 
    which provide sufficient fire resistance to reasonably ensure adequate 
    time to detect a fire and safely evacuate a train.
        (7) Reasonably ensure that a ventilation system does not contribute 
    to the lethality of a fire.
        (8) Identify in writing which train components are at risk of being 
    a source of fire and which require overheat protection. As prescribed 
    in Sec. 238.115(c), overheat detectors shall be installed in all 
    components where the analysis determines that such equipment is 
    necessary. If overheat protection is not provided for a component at 
    risk of being a source of fire, the written rationale and justification 
    for the decision shall be included as part of the system safety program 
        (9) Identify in writing all unoccupied train compartments that 
    contain equipment or material posing a fire hazard, and analyze the 
    benefit provided by including a fire or smoke detection system in each 
    compartment identified. As prescribed in Sec. 238.115(d), fire or smoke 
    detectors shall be installed in unoccupied compartments where the 
    analysis determines that such equipment is necessary to ensure 
    sufficient time for the safe evacuation of a train. The written 
    analysis shall explain why a fire or smoke detector is not necessary, 
    if the decision is made not to install one in
    [[Page 49801]]
    any of the unoccupied compartments identified as a potential source of 
        (10) Perform an analysis of the occupied and unoccupied spaces 
    which require portable fire extinguishers. The analysis shall include 
    the proper type and size of fire extinguisher for each location.
        (11) Identify in writing all unoccupied train compartments that 
    contain equipment or material which poses a fire hazard. On a case-by-
    case basis, the benefit provided by including a fixed, automatic fire-
    suppression system in each compartment identified shall be analyzed. 
    The type and size of the automatic fire-suppression system for each 
    necessary application shall be determined. As prescribed in 
    Sec. 238.115(e), a fixed, automatic fire suppression system shall be 
    installed in unoccupied compartments where the analysis determines it 
    is necessary and practical to ensure sufficient time for the safe 
    evacuation of the train. The analysis shall provide the reasoning why a 
    fixed, automatic fire-suppression system is not necessary or practical 
    if the decision is made not to install one in any of the unoccupied 
    compartments identified in the plan.
        (12) Develop and adopt written procedures for the inspection, 
    testing, and maintenance of all fire safety systems and equipment. As 
    prescribed in Sec. 238.115(f), the railroad shall comply with those 
    procedures that it designates as mandatory.
        (c) The operating railroad shall reasonably ensure in its contracts 
    for the purchase of new equipment that the system developer follows the 
    design criteria and performs the tests required by the fire protection 
    part of the railroad's system safety plan and program.
        (d)(1) Not later than 365 days following [the effective date of the 
    final rule] each passenger railroad shall complete a preliminary fire 
    safety analysis for each category of existing rail equipment and 
    current rail service.
        (2) Not later than 730 days following [the effective date of the 
    final] rule each such railroad shall--
        (i) Complete a final fire safety analysis (equivalent to that 
    required for new equipment in this section) for any category of 
    existing equipment and service evaluated during the preliminary fire 
    safety analysis as likely presenting an unacceptable risk of personal 
    injury, including consideration of the extent to which interior 
    materials comply with the test performance criteria for flammability 
    and smoke emission characteristics contained in Appendix B to this part 
    or alternative standards approved by FRA under this part; and
        (ii) Take remedial action to reduce the risk of personal injuries 
    to an acceptable level in any such category.
        (3) Within 1460 days following the effective date of the final 
    rule, the railroad shall complete a fire safety analysis for all 
    categories of equipment and service. In completing this analysis, the 
    railroad shall, to the extent practicable, determine the extent to 
    which remaining interior materials comply with the test performance 
    criteria for flammability and smoke emission characteristics contained 
    in Appendix B to this part or alternative standards approved by FRA 
    under this part and, based on the fire safety analysis, take remedial 
    action to reduce the risk of personal injuries to an acceptable level 
    in any such category.
        (4) Where possible prior to transferring existing equipment to a 
    new category of service, but in no case more than 90 days following 
    such a transfer, the passenger railroad shall complete a new fire 
    safety analysis taking into consideration the change in railroad 
    operations and shall effect prompt action to reduce any identified risk 
    to an acceptable level.
        (5) As used in this paragraph, ``category of rail equipment and 
    current rail service'' shall be determined by the railroad based on 
    relevant fire safety risks, including available ignition sources, 
    presence or absence of heat/smoke detection systems, known variations 
    from required interior material test performance criteria or 
    alternative standards approved by FRA, and availability of rapid and 
    safe egress to the exterior of the vehicle under conditions secure from 
    fire, smoke, and other hazards.
    Sec. 238.107  Software safety program.
        (a) The operating railroad shall develop and maintain a software 
    safety program to guide the design, development, testing, integration, 
    and verification of computer programs used to control or monitor 
    equipment safety functions.
        (b) The software safety program shall:
        (1) Treat system software that controls or monitors safety 
    functions as safety-critical unless a completely redundant, failsafe, 
    non-software means to provide the same function is provided; and
        (2) Include a description of how the following tasks will be 
    accomplished, or objectives achieved, to ensure safe, reliable system 
    software used to monitor or perform safety functions:
        (i) The software design process used;
        (ii) The software design documentation to be produced;
        (iii) A software hazard analysis;
        (iv) Software safety reviews;
        (v) Software hazard monitoring and tracking;
        (vi) Hardware and software integration safety tests; and
        (vii) Demonstration of overall software safety as part of the pre-
    revenue service tests of equipment.
        (c) The operating railroad shall ensure that the system developer 
    follows the design criteria and performs the tests required by the 
    software safety part of the system safety program. To fulfill this 
    obligation in part, the operating railroad shall include software 
    safety requirements in each of its contracts for the purchase of new 
    equipment or new components of existing equipment that contain safety-
    critical software.
        (d) The operating railroad shall follow the software safety 
    procedures required by the software safety part of the system safety 
    Sec. 238.109  Inspection, testing, and maintenance program.
        With respect to Tier II passenger equipment operated by a railroad, 
    fulfillment of the requirements of Sec. 238.503 to file an inspection, 
    testing, and maintenance program with FRA satisfies the requirement of 
    Sec. 238.103(c)(3) to address the railroad's inspection, testing, and 
    maintenance program for such equipment in the railroad's system safety 
        The following provisions of this section apply only to Tier I 
    equipment operated by the railroad.
        (a) General. Each railroad shall provide to FRA, upon request, 
    detailed information, consistent with the requirements of this part, on 
    the inspection, testing, and maintenance procedures necessary for the 
    railroad to safely operate Tier I equipment. This information shall 
    include a detailed description of:
        (1) Safety inspection procedures, intervals, and criteria;
        (2) Test procedures and intervals;
        (3) Scheduled preventive maintenance intervals;
        (4) Maintenance procedures; and
        (5) Special testing equipment or measuring devices required to 
    perform safety inspections and tests.
        (b) General inspection, testing, and maintenance procedures. The 
    inspection, testing, and maintenance program shall contain procedures 
    reasonably to ensure that all systems and components of the equipment 
    are free of all general conditions that endanger the safety of the 
    crew, passengers, or equipment, including procedures to ensure that all 
    systems and components of the equipment are
    [[Page 49802]]
    free of the following conditions that endanger the safety of the crew, 
    passengers, or equipment:
        (1) A continuous accumulation of oil or grease;
        (2) Improper functioning of a component;
        (3) A crack, break, excessive wear, structural defect, or weakness 
    of a component;
        (4) A leak;
        (5) Use of a component or system under a condition that exceeds 
    that for which the component or system is designed to operate; and
        (6) Insecure attachment of a component.
        (c) Maintenance intervals. Initial scheduled maintenance intervals 
    should be based on analysis completed as part of the system safety 
    program. The intervals should be changed only when justified by 
    accumulated, verifiable operating data.
        (d) Standard procedures for safely performing inspection, testing, 
    and maintenance, or repairs. Each railroad shall establish written 
    standard procedures for performing all safety-critical or potentially 
    hazardous equipment inspection, test, maintenance, or repair tasks. 
    These standard procedures shall be available to FRA upon request and 
        (1) Describe in detail each step required to safely perform the 
        (2) Describe the knowledge necessary to safely perform the task;
        (3) Describe any precautions that shall be taken to safely perform 
    the task;
        (4) Describe the use of any safety equipment necessary to perform 
    the task;
        (5) Be approved by the railroad's chief mechanical officer;
        (6) Be approved by the railroad's official responsible for safety;
        (7) Be enforced by supervisors with responsibility for 
    accomplishing the tasks; and
        (8) Be reviewed annually by the railroad.
    Sec. 238.111  Training, qualification, and designation program.
        (a) Each railroad shall adopt and comply with a training, 
    qualification, and designation program for employees and contractors 
    that perform safety-related inspections, tests, or maintenance of 
    passenger equipment. For purposes of this section, a ``contractor'' is 
    defined as a person under contract with the railroad or an employee of 
    a person under contract with the railroad.
        (b) As part of this program, the railroad shall, at a minimum:
        (1) Identify the safety-related tasks that must be performed on 
    each type of equipment that the railroad operates;
        (2) Develop written procedures for the performance of the tasks 
        (3) Identify the skills and knowledge necessary to perform each 
        (4) Develop a training course that includes classroom and ``hands-
    on'' lessons designed to impart the skills and knowledge identified as 
    necessary to perform each task;
        (5) Require all employees and contractors to successfully complete 
    the training course that covers the equipment and tasks for which they 
    are responsible;
        (6) Require all employees and contractors to pass a written 
    examination covering the equipment and tasks for which they are 
        (7) Require all employees and contractors to demonstrate ``hands-
    on'' capability to perform their assigned tasks on the type equipment 
    to which they are assigned;
        (8) Require supervisors to complete the program that covers the 
    employees that they supervise;
        (9) Require supervisors to exercise oversight to ensure that all 
    the identified tasks are performed in accordance with the railroad's 
    written procedures;
        (10) Designate in writing that each employee and contractor has the 
    knowledge and skills necessary to perform the safety-related tasks that 
    are part of his or her job;
        (11) Require periodic refresher training at an interval not to 
    exceed three years that includes classroom and ``hands-on'' training, 
    as well as testing;
        (12) Add new equipment to the qualification and designation program 
    prior to its introduction to revenue service; and
        (13) Maintain records adequate to demonstrate that each employee 
    and contractor performing safety-related tasks on passenger equipment 
    is currently qualified to do so. These records shall be adequate to 
    distinguish the qualifications of the employee or contractor as a 
    qualified person or as a qualified mechanical inspector.
    Sec. 238.113  Pre-revenue service acceptance testing plan.
        (a) Except as provided in paragraph (f), before using passenger 
    equipment for the first time on its system the operating railroad shall 
    submit a pre-revenue service acceptance testing plan containing the 
    information required by paragraph (e) of this section and obtain the 
    approval of the FRA Associate Administrator for Safety, under the 
    procedures specified in Sec. 238.21.
        (b) After receiving FRA approval of the pre-revenue service testing 
    plan and before introducing the passenger equipment into revenue 
    service, the operating railroad shall:
        (1) Adopt and comply with such FRA-approved plan, including fully 
    executing the tests required by the plan;
        (2) Report to the FRA Associate Administrator for Safety the 
    results of the pre-revenue service acceptance tests;
        (3) Correct any safety deficiencies identified by FRA in the design 
    of the equipment or in the inspection, testing, and maintenance 
    procedures or, if safety deficiencies cannot be corrected by design 
    changes, agree to comply with any operational limitations that may be 
    imposed by the Associate Administrator for Safety on the revenue 
    service operation of the equipment; and
        (4) Obtain FRA approval to place the equipment in revenue service.
        (c) The operating railroad shall comply with any such operational 
    limitations imposed by the Associate Administrator for Safety.
        (d) The plan shall be made available to FRA for inspection and 
    copying upon request.
        (e) The plan shall include all of the following elements:
        (1) An identification of any waivers of FRA or other Federal safety 
    regulations required for the tests or for revenue service operation of 
    the equipment.
        (2) A clear statement of the test objectives. One of the principal 
    test objectives shall be to demonstrate that the equipment meets the 
    safety design and performance requirements specified in this part when 
    operated in the environment in which it is to be used.
        (3) A planned schedule for conducting the tests.
        (4) A description of the railroad property or facilities to be used 
    to conduct the tests.
        (5) A detailed description of how the tests are to be conducted. 
    This description shall include:
        (i) An identification of the equipment to be tested;
        (ii) The method by which the equipment is to be tested;
        (iii) The criteria to be used to evaluate the equipment's 
    performance; and
        (iv) The means by which the test results are to be reported to FRA.
        (6) A description of any special instrumentation to be used during 
    the tests.
        (7) A description of the information or data to be obtained.
        (8) A description of how the information or data obtained is to be 
    analyzed or used.
        (9) A clear description of any criteria to be used as safety limits 
    during the testing.
    [[Page 49803]]
        (10) A description of the criteria to be used to measure or 
    determine the success or failure of the tests. If acceptance is to be 
    based on extrapolation of less than full level testing results, the 
    analysis to be done to justify the validity of the extrapolation shall 
    be described.
        (11) A description of any special safety precautions to be observed 
    during the testing.
        (12) A written set of standard operating procedures to be used to 
    ensure that the testing is done safely.
        (13) Quality control procedures to ensure that the inspection, 
    testing, and maintenance procedures are followed.
        (14) Criteria to be used for the revenue service operation of the 
        (15) A description of any testing of the equipment that has 
    previously been performed.
        (f) For passenger equipment that has previously been used in 
    revenue service in the United States, the railroad shall test the 
    equipment on its system, prior to placing it in revenue service, to 
    ensure the compatibility of the equipment with the operating system 
    (track, signals, etc.) of the railroad. A description of such testing 
    shall be retained by the railroad and made available to FRA for 
    inspection and copying upon request.
    General Requirements
    Sec. 238.115  Fire safety.
        (a)(1) All materials used in constructing the interior of both a 
    passenger car and a cab of a locomotive ordered on or after January 1, 
    1999, or placed in service for the first time on or after January 1, 
    2001, shall meet the test performance criteria for flammability and 
    smoke emission characteristics contained in Appendix B to this part or 
    alternative standards issued or recognized by an expert consensus 
    organization after special approval of FRA's Associate Administrator 
    for Safety under Sec. 238.21.
        (2) On or after [the effective date of the final rule], all 
    materials used in refurbishing the interior of a passenger car and a 
    locomotive cab shall meet the test performance criteria for 
    flammability and smoke emission characteristics contained in Appendix B 
    to this part or alternative standards issued or recognized by an expert 
    consensus organization after special approval of FRA's Associate 
    Administrator for Safety under Sec. 238.21. Refurbishing includes 
    replacing an individual component such as a seat cushion.
        (3) For purposes of this section the interior of a passenger car 
    and a locomotive cab includes walls, floors, ceilings, seats, doors, 
    windows, electrical conduits, air ducts, and any other internal 
        (b) A railroad shall require certification that combustible 
    materials to be used in constructing or refurbishing passenger car and 
    locomotive cab interiors have been tested by a recognized independent 
    testing laboratory and that the results comply with the requirements of 
    paragraph (a) of this section.
        (c) Overheat detectors shall be installed in all components of 
    passenger equipment where the written analysis required by 
    Sec. 238.105(b)(8) determines that such equipment is necessary.
        (d) Fire or smoke detectors shall be installed in unoccupied 
    compartments of a train if the analysis required by Sec. 238.105(b)(9) 
    determines that such equipment is necessary to ensure sufficient time 
    for the safe evacuation of the train.
        (e) A fixed, automatic fire suppression system shall be installed 
    in unoccupied compartments of a train if the analysis required by 
    Sec. 238.105(b)(11) determines that such a system is necessary and 
    practical to ensure sufficient time for the safe evacuation of the 
        (f) The railroad shall comply with those elements of its written 
    procedures, under Sec. 238.105(b)(12), for the inspection, testing, and 
    maintenance of all fire safety systems and equipment that it has 
    designated as mandatory.
        (g) After completing each fire safety analysis required by 
    Sec. 238.105(d), the railroad shall take action to reduce the risk of 
    personal injuries as provided in that paragraph.
    Sec. 238.117  Protection against personal injury.
        On or after January 1, 1998, all moving parts, high voltage 
    equipment, electrical conductors and switches, and pipes carrying hot 
    fluids or gases on all passenger equipment shall be appropriately 
    equipped with interlocks or guards to minimize the chance of personal 
    Sec. 238.119  Rim-stamped straight-plate wheels.
        (a) On or after January 1, 1998, no railroad shall place or 
    continue in service any vehicle equipped with a rim-stamped straight-
    plate wheel, except for a private car.
        (b) A rim-stamped straight-plate wheel shall not be used as a 
    replacement wheel on a private car operated in a passenger train.
    Sec. 238.121  Train system software and hardware.
        Electrical and electronic systems, including software components, 
    used to control safety functions of passenger equipment shall be 
    treated as safety-critical by the operating railroad. Safety-critical 
    systems utilized in equipment ordered on or after January 1, 1999, and 
    such systems implemented or materially modified for new or existing 
    equipment on or after January 1, 2001, shall conform with the following 
        (a) A formal safety methodology shall be used to develop electrical 
    and electronic control systems that control safety functions for 
    computer hardware and software. The safety methodology shall include a 
    Failure Modes, Effects, Criticality Analysis (FMECA) and verification 
    tests for all components of the control system and its interfaces for 
    computer hardware and software.
        (b) A comprehensive hardware and software integration program for 
    safety-critical systems shall be adopted and complied with to ensure 
    that the software functions as intended when installed in a hardware 
    system identical to that to be used in service.
        (c) Safety-related control systems driven by computer software 
    shall include hardware and software design features that result in a 
    safe condition in the event of a computer hardware or software failure.
    Sec. 238.123  Emergency lighting.
        (a) This section applies to each locomotive and passenger car 
    ordered or rebuilt on or after January 1, 1999, or placed in service 
    for the first time on or after January 1, 2001. This section applies to 
    each level of a bi-level unit.
        (b) Emergency lighting shall be provided and shall include the 
        (1) An illumination level of a minimum of 5 foot-candles at floor 
    level for all potential passenger and crew evacuation routes from the 
    equipment; and
        (2) A back-up power system capable of:
        (i) Operating in all equipment orientations within 45 degrees of 
        (ii) Operating after the initial shock of a collision or derailment 
    resulting in the following individually applied accelerations:
        (A) Longitudinal: 8g;
        (B) Lateral: 4g; and
        (C) Vertical: 4g; and
        (iii) Operating all emergency lighting for a period of at least two 
    [[Page 49804]]
    Subpart C--Specific Requirements for Tier I Passenger Equipment
    Sec. 238.201  Scope.
        This subpart contains requirements for railroad passenger equipment 
    operating at speeds not exceeding 125 miles per hour. As stated in 
    Sec. 238.229, all such passenger equipment remains subject to the 
    safety appliance requirements contained in Federal statute at 49 U.S.C. 
    chapter 203 and in FRA regulations at part 231 and Sec. 232.2 of this 
    chapter. Unless otherwise specified, these requirements only apply to 
    passenger equipment ordered on or after January 1, 1999, or placed in 
    service for the first time on or after January 1, 2001.
    Sec. 238.203  Static end strength.
        (a) Except as further specified in this paragraph and paragraph (b) 
    of this section, on or after January 1, 1998, all passenger equipment 
    shall have a minimum static end strength of 800,000 pounds without 
    permanent deformation of the car body structure. This requirement does 
    not apply to either--
        (1) A private car or
        (2) A vehicle of special design that operates at the rear of a 
    passenger train and is used solely to transport freight, such as an 
    auto-carrier or a RoadRailer.
        (b) On or after January 1, 1998, each locomotive and passenger car 
    shall have a minimum static end strength of 800,000 pounds on the line 
    of draft at the ends of occupied volumes without permanent deformation 
    of the car body structure. The static end strength of unoccupied 
    volumes may be less than 800,000 pounds if a crash energy management 
    design is used.
        (c) When overloaded in compression, the car body structure of 
    passenger equipment shall be designed, to the maximum extent possible, 
    to fail by buckling or crushing, or both, of structural members rather 
    than by fracture of structural members or failure of structural 
    Sec. 238.205  Anti-climbing mechanism.
        (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, all 
    passenger equipment placed in service for the first time on or after 
    January 1, 1998, shall have at both the forward and rear ends an anti-
    climbing mechanism capable of resisting an upward or downward vertical 
    force of 100,000 pounds without failure. When coupled together in any 
    combination to join two vehicles, AAR Type H and Type F tight-lock 
    couplers satisfy this requirement.
        (b) Each locomotive ordered on or after January 1, 1999, or placed 
    in service for the first time on or after January 1, 2001, shall have 
    an anti-climbing mechanism at its forward end capable of resisting an 
    upward or downward vertical force of 200,000 pounds without failure, in 
    lieu of the forward end anti-climbing mechanism requirements described 
    in paragraph (a) of this section.
    Sec. 238.207  Link between coupling mechanism and car body.
        All passenger equipment placed in service for the first time on or 
    after January 1, 1998, shall have a coupler carrier designed to resist 
    a vertical downward thrust from the coupler shank of 100,000 pounds for 
    any normal horizontal position of the coupler, without permanent 
    Sec. 238.209  Forward-facing end structure of locomotives.
        The skin covering the forward-facing end of each locomotive shall 
        (a) Equivalent to a \1/2\-inch steel plate with a 25,000 pounds-
    per-square-inch yield strength--material of a higher yield strength may 
    be used to decrease the required thickness of the material provided an 
    equivalent level of strength is maintained;
        (b) Designed to inhibit the entry of fluids into the occupied cab 
    area of the equipment; and
        (c) Be affixed to the collision posts or other main vertical 
    structural members of the forward-facing end structure so as to add to 
    the strength of the end structure.
    Sec. 238.211  Collision posts.
        (a) Except as further specified in this paragraph and paragraphs 
    (b) and (c) of this section--
        (1) All passenger equipment placed in service for the first time on 
    or after January 1, 1998, shall have either:
        (i) Two full-height collision posts, located at approximately the 
    one-third points laterally, at each end where coupling and uncoupling 
    are expected. Each collision post shall have an ultimate longitudinal 
    shear strength of not less than 300,000 pounds at a point even with the 
    top of the underframe member to which it is attached. If reinforcement 
    is used to provide the shear value, the reinforcement shall have full 
    value for a distance of 18 inches up from the underframe connection and 
    then taper to a point approximately 30 inches above the underframe 
    connection; or
        (ii) An equivalent end structure that can withstand the sum of 
    forces that each collision post is required to withstand. For analysis 
    purposes, the required forces may be assumed to be evenly distributed 
    at the end structure at the underframe joint.
        (2) This paragraph does not apply to a vehicle of special design 
    that operates at the rear of a passenger train and is used solely to 
    transport freight, such as an auto-carrier or a RoadRailer.
        (b) Each locomotive, including a cab car and an MU locomotive, 
    ordered on or after January 1, 1999, or placed in service for the first 
    time on or after January 1, 2001, shall have at its forward end, in 
    lieu of the structural protection described in paragraph (a) of this 
    section, either:
        (1) Two forward collision posts, located at approximately the one-
    third points laterally, each capable of withstanding:
        (i) A 500,000-pound longitudinal force at the point even with the 
    top of the underframe, without exceeding the ultimate strength of the 
    joint; and
        (ii) A 200,000-pound longitudinal force exerted 30 inches above the 
    joint of the post to the underframe, without exceeding the ultimate 
    strength; or
        (2) An equivalent end structure that can withstand the sum of the 
    forces that each collision post is required to withstand.
        (c) If a vehicle consists of articulated units, the end structural 
    protection requirements in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section apply 
    only to the ends of the permanently joined assembly of units, not to 
    each end of each unit so joined.
    Sec. 238.213  Corner posts.
        (a) Each passenger car shall have at each end of the vehicle two 
    full-height corner posts capable of resisting without failure a 
    horizontal load of 150,000 pounds at the point of attachment to the 
    underframe and a load of 20,000 pounds at the point of attachment to 
    the roof structure. The orientation of the applied horizontal loads 
    shall range from longitudinal inward to transverse inward. The corner 
    posts may be positioned near the occupied volume of the rail vehicle to 
    provide protection or structural strength to the occupied volume.
        (b) Each corner post shall resist a horizontal load of 30,000 
    pounds applied 18 inches above the top of the floor without permanent 
    deformation. The orientation of the applied horizontal loads shall 
    range from longitudinal inward to transverse inward.
    Sec. 238.215  Rollover strength.
        (a) Each passenger car shall be designed to rest on its side and be 
    uniformly supported at the top (``roof rail''), the bottom (``side 
    sill'') chords of the side frame, and, if bi-level, the intermediate 
    floor rail. The allowable
    [[Page 49805]]
    stress for occupied volumes for this condition shall be one-half yield 
    or one-half the critical buckling stress, whichever is less.
        (b) Each passenger car shall also be designed to rest on its roof 
    so that any damage in occupied areas is limited to roof sheathing and 
    framing. Deformation to the roof sheathing and framing is allowed to 
    the extent necessary to permit the vehicle to be supported directly on 
    the top chords of the side frames and end frames. Other than roof 
    sheathing and framing, the allowable stress for occupied volumes for 
    this condition shall be one-half yield or one-half the critical 
    buckling stress, whichever is less.
    Sec. 238.217  Side impact strength.
        Each passenger car shall comply with the following:
        (a) Side posts and corner braces. (1) For ``modified girder,'' 
    ``semi-monocoque,'' or truss construction, the sum of the section 
    moduli--about a longitudinal axis, taken at the weakest horizontal 
    section between the side sill and side plate--of all posts and braces 
    on each side of the car located between the body corner posts shall be 
    not less than 0.30 multiplied by the distance in feet between the 
    centers of end panels.
        (2) For ``modified girder'' or ``semi-monocoque'' construction 
    only, the sum of the section moduli--about a transverse axis, taken at 
    the weakest horizontal section between side sill and side plate--of all 
    posts, braces and pier panels, to the extent available, on each side of 
    the car located between body corner posts shall be not less than 0.20 
    multiplied by the distance in feet between the centers of end panels.
        (3) The center of an end panel is the point midway between the 
    center of the body corner post and the center of the adjacent side 
        (b) Sheathing. (1) Outside sheathing of mild, open-hearth steel 
    when used flat, without reinforcement (other than side posts) in a side 
    frame of ``modified girder'' or ``semi-monocoque'' shall not be less 
    than \1/8\ inch nominal thickness. Other metals may be used of a 
    thickness in inverse proportion to their yield strengths.
        (2) Outside metal sheathing of less than \1/8\ inch thickness may 
    be used only if it is reinforced so as to produce at least an 
    equivalent sectional area at a right angle to reinforcements as that of 
    the flat sheathing specified in paragraph (b)(1) of this section.
        (3) When the sheathing used for truss construction serves no load-
    carrying function, the minimum thickness of that sheathing shall be not 
    less than 40 percent of that specified in paragraph (b)(1) of this 
    Sec. 238.219  Truck-to-car-body attachment.
        Passenger equipment shall have a truck-to-car-body attachment with 
    an ultimate strength sufficient to resist without failure a force of 2g 
    vertical on the mass of the truck and a force of 250,000 pounds in any 
    horizontal direction. For purposes of this section, the mass of the 
    truck includes axles, wheels, bearings, the truck-mounted brake system, 
    suspension system components, and any other components attached to the 
    truck by design.
    Sec. 238.221  Glazing.
        (a) Passenger equipment shall comply with the applicable Safety 
    Glazing Standards contained in part 223 of this chapter, if required by 
    that part.
        (b) Glazing securement components shall hold the glazing in place 
    against all forces described in part 223 of this chapter. Securement 
    components shall remain held to the car body structure against these 
    same forces.
        (c) Glazing securement components shall be designed to resist the 
    forces due to air pressure differences caused when two trains pass at 
    the minimum separation for two adjacent tracks, while traveling in 
    opposite directions, each train traveling at the maximum authorized 
    Sec. 238.223  Fuel tanks.
        (a) External fuel tanks. External locomotive fuel tanks shall 
    comply with AAR Recommended Practice-506, Performance Requirements for 
    Diesel Electric Locomotive Fuel Tanks (as adopted July 1, 1995), or an 
    industry standard providing at least equivalent safety if approved by 
    FRA's Associate Administrator for Safety under Sec. 238.21.
        (b) Integral fuel tanks. Integral fuel tanks shall be positioned in 
    a manner to reduce the likelihood of accidental penetration from 
    roadway debris or collision.
        (1) The vent system spill protection systems of integral fuel tanks 
    shall be designed to prevent them from becoming a path of fuel loss for 
    any tank orientation due to a locomotive overturning.
        (2) The bulkheads and skin of integral fuel tanks shall at a 
    minimum be made of steel plate 3/8 of an inch thick with a 25,000-lb 
    yield strength, or made of material with an equivalent strength. Skid 
    plates are not required. Higher yield strength material may be used to 
    decrease the thickness of the material as long as an equivalent 
    strength is maintained.
    Sec. 238.225  Electrical system.
        All passenger equipment shall comply with the following:
        (a) Conductors. Conductor sizes shall be selected on the basis of 
    current-carrying capacity, mechanical strength, temperature, 
    flexibility requirements, and maximum allowable voltage drop. Current-
    carrying capacity shall be derated for grouping and for operating 
        (b) Main battery system. (1) The main battery compartment shall be 
    isolated from the cab and passenger seating areas by a non-combustible 
        (2) Battery chargers shall be designed to protect against 
        (3) If batteries are of the type to potentially vent explosive 
    gases, the battery compartment shall be adequately ventilated to 
    prevent the accumulation of explosive concentrations of these gases.
        (c) Power dissipation resistors. (1) Power dissipating resistors 
    shall be adequately ventilated to prevent overheating under worst-case 
    operating conditions as determined by each railroad.
        (2) Power dissipation grids shall be designed and installed with 
    sufficient isolation to prevent combustion.
        (3) Resistor elements shall be electrically insulated from resistor 
    frames, and the frames shall be electrically insulated from the 
    supports that hold them.
        (d) Electromagnetic interference and compatibility. (1) The 
    operating railroad shall ensure electromagnetic compatibility of the 
    safety-critical equipment systems with their environment. 
    Electromagnetic compatibility may be achieved through equipment design 
    or changes to the operating environment.
        (2) The electronic equipment shall not produce electrical noise 
    that affects the safe performance of train line control and 
    communications or wayside signaling systems.
        (3) To contain electromagnetic interference emissions, suppression 
    of transients shall be at the source wherever possible.
        (4) All electronic equipment shall be self-protected from damage or 
    improper operation, or both, due to high voltage transients and long-
    term over-voltage or under-voltage conditions. This includes protection 
    from both power frequency and harmonic effects as well as protection 
    from radio frequency signals into the microwave frequency range.
    Sec. 238.227  Suspension system.
        On or after January 1, 1998--
    [[Page 49806]]
        (a) All passenger equipment shall exhibit freedom from hunting 
    oscillations at all speeds.
        (b) All passenger equipment intended for service above 110 mph 
    shall demonstrate stable operation during pre-revenue service 
    qualification tests at all speeds up to 5 mph in excess of the maximum 
    intended operating speed under worst-case conditions--including 
    component wear--as determined by the operating railroad.
    Sec. 238.229  Safety appliances.
        All passenger equipment continues to be subject to the safety 
    appliance requirements contained in Federal statute at 49 U.S.C. 
    chapter 203 and in FRA regulations at part 231 and Sec. 232.2 of this 
    Sec. 238.231  Brake system.
        Except as otherwise provided in this section, on or after January 
    1, 1998, the following requirements apply to all passenger equipment 
    and passenger trains.
        (a) A passenger train's primary brake system shall be capable of 
    stopping the train with a service application from its maximum 
    authorized operating speed within the signal spacing existing on the 
    track over which the train is operating.
        (b) The brake system design of passenger equipment ordered on or 
    after January 1, 1999, or placed in service for the first time on or 
    after January 1, 2001, shall not require an inspector to place himself 
    or herself on, under, or between components of the equipment to observe 
    brake actuation or release.
        (c) Passenger equipment shall be provided with an emergency 
    application feature that produces an irretrievable stop, using a brake 
    rate consistent with prevailing adhesion, passenger safety, and brake 
    system thermal capacity. An emergency application shall be available at 
    any time, and shall be initiated by an unintentional parting of the 
        (d) A passenger train brake system shall respond as intended to 
    signals from train brake control line or lines. Control lines shall be 
    designed so that failure or breakage of a control line will cause the 
    brakes to apply or will result in a default to control lines that meet 
    this requirement.
        (e) Introduction of alcohol or other chemicals into the air brake 
    system of passenger equipment is prohibited.
        (f) The operating railroad shall require that the design and 
    operation of the brake system results in wheels that are free of 
    condemnable cracks.
        (g) Disc brakes shall be designed and operated to produce a surface 
    temperature no greater than the safe operating temperature recommended 
    by the disc manufacturer and verified by testing or previous service.
        (h) Except for a locomotive that is ordered before January 1, 1999, 
    and placed in service for the first time before January 1, 2001, and 
    except for a private car, all passenger equipment shall be equipped 
    with a hand or parking brake that shall be:
        (1) Capable of application or activation by hand;
        (2) Capable of release by hand; and
        (3) Capable of holding the loaded unit on the maximum grade 
    anticipated by the operating railroad.
        (i) Passenger cars shall be equipped with a means to apply the 
    emergency brake that is accessible to passengers and located in the 
    vestibule or passenger compartment. The emergency brake shall be 
    clearly identified and marked.
        (j) Locomotives equipped with blended brakes shall be designed so 
        (1) The blending of friction and dynamic brake to obtain the 
    correct retarding force is automatic;
        (2) Loss of power or failure of the dynamic brake does not result 
    in exceeding the allowable stop distance;
        (3) The friction brake alone is adequate to safely stop the train 
    under all operating conditions; and
        (4) Operation of the friction brake alone does not result in 
    thermal damage to wheels or disc rotor surface temperatures exceeding 
    the manufacturer's recommendation.
        (k) For new designs of braking systems, the design process shall 
    include computer modeling or dynamometer simulation of train braking 
    that shows compliance with paragraphs (f) and (g) of this section over 
    the range of equipment operating speeds. Changes in operating 
    parameters shall require a new simulation prior to implementing the 
        (l) Locomotives ordered on or after January 1, 1999, or placed in 
    service for the first time on or after January 1, 2001, shall be 
    equipped with effective air coolers or dryers that provide air to the 
    main reservoir with a dew point at least 10 degrees F. below ambient 
    Sec. 238.233  Interior fittings and surfaces.
        (a) Each seat in a passenger car shall be securely fastened to the 
    car body so as to withstand an individually applied acceleration of 4g 
    acting in the vertical and in the lateral direction on the deadweight 
    of the seat or seats, if a tandem unit. A seat attachment shall have an 
    ultimate strength capable of resisting the longitudinal inertial force 
    of 8g acting on the mass of the seat plus the impact force of the mass 
    of a 95th-percentile male occupant(s) being decelerated from a relative 
    speed of 25 mph and striking the seat from behind.
        (b) Overhead storage racks in a passenger car shall provide 
    longitudinal and lateral restraint for stowed articles. Overhead 
    storage racks shall be attached to the car body with sufficient 
    strength to resist loads due to the following individually applied 
    accelerations acting on the mass of the luggage stowed as determined by 
    the railroad:
        (1) Longitudinal: 8g;
        (2) Vertical: 4g; and
        (3) Lateral: 4g.
        (c) Other interior fittings within a passenger car shall be 
    attached to the car body with sufficient strength to withstand the 
    following individually applied accelerations acting on the mass of the 
        (1) Longitudinal: 8g;
        (2) Vertical: 4g; and
        (3) Lateral: 4g.
        (d) To the extent possible, all interior fittings in a passenger 
    car, except seats, shall be recessed or flush-mounted.
        (e) Sharp edges and corners in a locomotive cab and a passenger car 
    shall be either avoided or padded to mitigate the consequences of an 
    impact with such surfaces.
        (f) Each floor-mounted seat provided exclusively for a crewmember 
    assigned to occupy the cab of a locomotive shall be secured to the car 
    body with an attachment having an ultimate strength capable of 
    withstanding the loads due to the following individually applied 
    accelerations acting on the mass of the seat and the crewmember 
    (ranging from a 5th-percentile female to a 95th-percentile male) 
    occupying it:
        (1) Longitudinal: 8g;
        (2) Lateral: 4g; and
        (3) Vertical: 4g.
    Sec. 238.235  Emergency window exits.
        Except as provided in paragraph (b), the following requirements 
    apply to all passenger cars on or after January 1, 1998--
        (a) Except as provided in paragraphs (d) and (e) of this section, 
    each passenger car shall have a minimum of four emergency window exits, 
    either in a staggered configuration or with one located at each end of 
    each side of the car.
        (b) Each emergency window exit in a passenger car placed in service 
    for the first time on or after January 1, 1998, shall have a minimum 
    unobstructed opening with dimensions of 24 inches horizontally by 18 
    inches vertically.
        (c) Each emergency window exit shall be easily operable by a 5th-
    percentile female without requiring the use of a tool or other 
    [[Page 49807]]
        (d) If the car is bi-level, each main level shall have a minimum of 
    four emergency window exits, either in a staggered configuration or 
    with one located at each end of each side of the car.
        (e) Each passenger car of special design, such as a sleeping car, 
    shall have at least one emergency window exit in each compartment.
        (f) Marking and instructions. [Reserved]
    Sec. 238.237  Doors.
        (a) Within 2 years of the effective date of the final rule, each 
    powered, exterior side door in a vestibule that is partitioned from the 
    passenger compartment of a passenger car shall be equipped with a 
    manual override that is:
        (1) Capable of opening the door without power from inside the car;
        (2) Located adjacent to the door which it controls; and
        (3) Designed and maintained so that a person may access the 
    override device from inside the car without requiring the use of a tool 
    or other implement.
        (b) Each passenger car ordered on or after January 1, 1999, or 
    placed in service for the first time on or after January 1, 2001, shall 
    have a minimum of four side doors, or the functional equivalent of four 
    side doors, each permitting at least one 95th-percentile male to pass 
    through at a single time.1 Each powered, exterior side door 
    shall be equipped with a manual override that is:
        \1\ The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility 
    Specifications for Transportation Vehicles also contain requirements 
    for doorway clearance (See Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations Part 
        (1) Capable of opening the door without power from both inside and 
    outside the car;
        (2) Located adjacent to the door which it controls; and
        (3) Designed and maintained so that a person may access the 
    override device from both inside and outside the car without requiring 
    the use of a tool or other implement.
        (c) A railroad may protect a manual override device used to open a 
    powered, exterior door with a cover or a screen capable of removal by a 
    5th-percentile female without requiring the use of a tool or other 
    implement. If the method of removing the protective cover or screen 
    entails breaking or shattering it, the cover or screen shall be scored, 
    perforated, or otherwise weakened so that a 5th-percentile female can 
    penetrate the cover or screen with a single blow of her fist without 
    injury to her hand.
        (d) Marking and instructions. [Reserved]
    Sec. 238.239  Automated monitoring.
        (a) Except as further specified in this paragraph, on or after 
    January 1, 1998, a working alerter or deadman control shall be provided 
    in the controlling locomotive of each passenger train operating in 
    other than cab signal, automatic train control, or automatic train stop 
    territory. If the controlling locomotive is ordered on or after January 
    1, 1999, or placed into service for the first time on or after January 
    1, 2001, a working alerter shall be provided.
        (b) Alerter or deadman control timing shall be set by the operating 
    railroad taking into consideration maximum train speed and capabilities 
    of the signal system. The railroad shall document the basis for setting 
    alerter or deadman control timing and make this documentation available 
    to FRA upon request.
        (c) If the train operator does not respond to the alerter or 
    maintain proper contact with the deadman control, it shall initiate a 
    penalty brake application.
        (d) The following procedures apply if the alerter or deadman 
    control fails en route:
        (1) A second person qualified on the signal system and brake 
    application procedures shall be stationed in the cab; or
        (2) The engineer shall be in constant communication with a second 
    crewmember until the train reaches the next terminal.
    Subpart D--Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Requirements for 
    Tier I Passenger Equipment
    Sec. 238.301  Scope.
        This subpart contains requirements pertaining to the inspection, 
    testing, and maintenance of passenger equipment operating at speeds not 
    exceeding 125 miles per hour. The requirements in this subpart address 
    the inspection, testing, and maintenance of the brake system as well as 
    other mechanical and electrical components covered by this part.
    Sec. 238.303  Exterior calendar day mechanical inspection of passenger 
    cars and unpowered vehicles used in passenger trains.
        (a) Except as provided in paragraph (d) of this section, each 
    passenger car and each unpowered vehicle used in a passenger train 
    shall receive an exterior mechanical safety inspection at least once 
    each calendar day that the equipment is placed in service. (Note: The 
    exterior inspection of a passenger car classified as a locomotive under 
    part 229 of this chapter shall be in accordance with this part as well 
    as part 229 of this chapter.)
        (b) The exterior calendar day mechanical safety inspection shall be 
    performed by a qualified mechanical inspector as defined in Sec. 238.5.
        (c) As part of the exterior inspection, the railroad shall verify 
    conformity with the following conditions, and nonconformity with any 
    such condition renders the passenger car or unpowered vehicle used in a 
    passenger train defective whenever discovered in service:
        (1) Products of combustion are released entirely outside the cab 
    and other compartments.
        (2) All battery containers are vented and all batteries are kept 
    from gassing excessively.
        (3) Each coupler is in the following condition:
        (i) The distance between the guard arm and the knuckle nose is not 
    more than 5\1/8\ inches on standard type couplers (MCB contour 1904) or 
    more than 5\5/16\ inches on D&E couplers;
        (ii) Sidewall or pin bearing bosses and the pulling face of the 
    knuckles are not broken or cracked;
        (iii) The coupler assembly is equipped with anti-creep protection;
        (iv) The free slack in the coupler or drawbar not absorbed by 
    friction devices or draft gears is not more than \1/2\ inch;
        (v) The coupler carrier is not broken or cracked;
        (vi) The yoke is not broken or cracked; and
        (vii) The draft gear is not broken.
        (4) A device is provided under the lower end of all drawbar pins 
    and articulated connection pins to prevent the pin from falling out of 
    place in case of breakage.
        (5) The suspension system, including the spring rigging, is in the 
    following condition:
        (i) Protective construction or safety hangers are provided to 
    prevent spring planks, spring seats, or bolsters from dropping to the 
    track structure in event of a hanger or spring failure;
        (ii) The top (long) leaf or any of the other three leaves of the 
    elliptical spring is not broken, except when a spring is part of a nest 
    of three or more springs and none of the other springs in the nest has 
    its top leaf or any of the other three leaves broken;
        (iii) The outer coil spring or saddle is not broken;
        (iv) The equalizers, hangers, bolts, gibs, or pins are not cracked 
    or broken;
        (v) The coil spring is not fully compressed when the car is at 
    [[Page 49808]]
        (vi) The shock absorber is not broken or leaking clearly formed 
    droplets of oil or other fluid; and
        (vii) Air bags or other pneumatic suspension system components 
    inflate or deflate, as applicable, correctly and otherwise operate as 
        (6) All trucks are in the following condition:
        (i) Equipped with a device or securing arrangement to prevent the 
    truck and car body from separating in case of derailment;
        (ii) All tie bars are not loose;
        (iii) All center castings, motor suspension lugs, equalizers, 
    hangers, gibs, or pins are not cracked or broken; and
        (iv) The truck frame is not broken and is not cracked in a stress 
    area that may affect its structural integrity.
        (7) All side bearings are in the following condition:
        (i) All friction side bearings with springs designed to carry 
    weight do not have more than 25 percent of the springs in any one nest 
        (ii) All friction side bearings do not run in contact unless 
    designed to carry weight; and
        (iii) The maximum clearance of all side bearings does not exceed 
    the manufacturer's recommendation.
        (8) All wheels do not have any of the following conditions:
        (i) A single flat spot that is 2\1/2\ inches or more in length, or 
    two adjoining spots that are each two or more inches in length;
        (ii) A gouge or chip in the flange that is more than 1\1/2\ inches 
    in length and \1/2\ inch in width;
        (iii) A broken rim, if the tread, measured from the flange at a 
    point \5/8\ of an inch above the tread, is less than 3\3/4\ inches in 
        (iv) A shelled-out spot 2\1/2\ inches or more in length, or two 
    adjoining spots that are each two or more inches in length;
        (v) A seam running lengthwise that is within 3\3/4\ inches of the 
        (vi) A flange worn to a \7/8\ inch thickness or less, gauged at a 
    point \3/8\ of an inch above the tread;
        (vii) A tread worn hollow \5/16\ inch or more;
        (viii) A flange height of 1\1/2\ inches or more measured from the 
    tread to the top of the flange;
        (ix) A rim less than 1 inch thick;
        (x) A crack or break in the flange, tread, rim, plate, or hub;
        (xi) A loose wheel; or
        (xii) A weld.
        (9) No part or appliance of a passenger coach, except the wheels, 
    is less than 2\1/2\ inches above the top of the rail.
        (10) All unguarded, noncurrent-carrying metal parts subject to 
    becoming charged are grounded or thoroughly insulated.
        (11) All jumpers and cable connections are in the following 
        (i) All jumpers and cable connections between coaches, between 
    locomotives, or between a locomotive and a coach are located and 
    guarded in a manner that provides sufficient vertical clearance. 
    Jumpers and cable connections may not hang with one end free;
        (ii) The insulation is not broken or badly chafed;
        (iii) No plug, receptacle, or terminal is broken; and
        (iv) No strand of wire is broken or protruding.
        (12) All doors and cover plates guarding high voltage equipment are 
    marked ``Danger--High Voltage'' or with the word ``Danger'' and the 
    normal voltage carried by the parts so protected.
        (13) All buffer plates are in place.
        (14) If so equipped, all diaphragms are in place and properly 
        (15) All secondary braking systems are working.
        (d) A long-distance intercity passenger train that misses a 
    scheduled exterior calendar day mechanical inspection due to a delay en 
    route may continue in service to the location where the inspection was 
    scheduled to be performed. At that point, an exterior calendar day 
    mechanical inspection shall be performed prior to returning the 
    equipment to service. This flexibility applies only to the exterior 
    mechanical safety inspections required by this section, and does not 
    relieve the railroad of the responsibility to perform a calendar day 
    inspection on a unit classified as a ``locomotive'' under part 229 of 
    this chapter as required by Sec. 229.21 of this chapter.
        (e) Cars requiring a single car test in accordance with 
    Sec. 238.311 that are being moved in service to a location where the 
    single car test can be performed shall have the single car test 
    completed prior to, or as a part of, the calendar day mechanical 
    Sec. 238.305  Interior calendar day mechanical inspection of passenger 
        (a) Except as provided in paragraph (d) of this section, each 
    passenger car shall receive an interior mechanical safety inspection at 
    least once each calendar day that it is placed in service.
        (b) The interior daily mechanical inspection shall be performed by 
    a qualified person or a qualified mechanical inspector.
        (c) As part of the daily interior mechanical inspection, the 
    railroad shall verify conformity with the following conditions, and 
    nonconformity with any such condition renders the car defective 
    whenever discovered in service, except as provided in paragraph (c)(5) 
    of this section:
        (1) All fan openings, exposed gears and pinions, exposed moving 
    parts of mechanisms, pipes carrying hot gases and high-voltage 
    equipment, switches, circuit breakers, contactors, relays, grid 
    resistors, and fuses are in non-hazardous locations or equipped with 
    guards to prevent personal injury.
        (2) The words ``Emergency Brake Valve'' are legibly stenciled or 
    marked near each brake pipe valve or shown on an adjacent badge plate.
        (3) All doors and cover plates guarding high voltage equipment are 
    marked ``Danger--High Voltage'' or with the word ``Danger'' and the 
    normal voltage carried by the parts so protected.
        (4) All trap doors safely operate and securely latch in place in 
    both the up and down position.
        (5) All end doors and side doors operate safely and as intended. If 
    all of the following conditions are satisfied, the car may remain in 
    passenger service until the next interior calendar day mechanical 
    inspection is due at which time the appropriate repairs shall be made:
        (i) A qualified person or a qualified mechanical inspector 
    determines that the repairs necessary to bring a door into compliance 
    cannot be performed at the time the interior mechanical inspection is 
        (ii) A qualified person or a qualified mechanical inspector 
    determines that it is safe to move the equipment in passenger service; 
        (iii) A tag is prominently displayed on the door indicating that 
    the door is defective.
        (6) All safety-related signage is in place and legible.
        (7) All vestibule steps are illuminated.
        (8) All manual door releases are in place based on a visual 
        (d) A long-distance intercity passenger train that misses a 
    scheduled calendar day interior mechanical inspection due to a delay en 
    route may continue in service to the location where the inspection was 
    scheduled to be performed. At that point, an interior calendar day 
    mechanical inspection shall be performed prior to returning the 
    equipment to service.
    Sec. 238.307  Periodic mechanical inspection of passenger cars.
        (a) Railroads shall conduct periodic inspections of passenger cars 
    as required by this section and as warranted by data developed under 
    Secs. 238.103 and 238.109. A periodic
    [[Page 49809]]
    inspection conducted under part 229 of this chapter satisfies the 
    requirement of this section with respect to the features inspected.
        (b) The periodic inspection program shall specifically include the 
    following interior features, which shall be inspected not less 
    frequently than each 180 days. At a minimum, this inspection shall 
    determine that:
        (1) Floors of passageways and compartments are free from oil, 
    water, waste, or any obstruction that creates a slipping, tripping, or 
    fire hazard, and floors are properly treated to provide secure footing.
        (2) Emergency lighting systems are operational.
        (3) With regard to switches:
        (i) All hand-operated switches carrying currents with a potential 
    of more than 150 volts that may be operated while under load are 
    covered and are operative from the outside of the cover;
        (ii) A means is provided to display whether the switches are open 
    or closed; and
        (iii) Switches not designed to be operated safely while under load 
    are legibly marked with the voltage carried and the words ``must not be 
    operated under load''.
        (4) Seats and seat attachments are not broken or loose.
        (5) Luggage racks are not broken or loose.
        (6) All beds and bunks are not broken or loose, and all restraints 
    or safety latches and straps are in place and function as intended.
        (7) A representative sample of emergency window exits on its cars 
    properly operate, in accordance with the requirements of Sec. 239.107 
    of this chapter.
        (8) All manual door releases operate as intended.
        (c) Nonconformity with any of the conditions set forth in this 
    section renders the car defective whenever discovered in service.
    Sec. 238.309  Periodic brake equipment maintenance.
        (a) General. (1) This section contains the minimum intervals at 
    which the brake equipment on various types of passenger equipment shall 
    be periodically cleaned, repaired, and tested. This maintenance 
    procedure requires that all of the equipment's brake system pneumatic 
    components that contain moving parts and are sealed against air leaks 
    be removed from the equipment, disassembled, cleaned, and lubricated 
    and that the parts that can deteriorate with age be replaced.
        (2) A railroad may petition FRA's Associate Administrator for 
    Safety to approve alternative maintenance procedures providing 
    equivalent safety, in lieu of the requirements of this section. The 
    petition shall be filed as provided in Sec. 238.21.
        (b) MU locomotives. The brake equipment of each MU locomotive shall 
    be cleaned, repaired, and tested at intervals in accordance with the 
    following schedule:
        (1) Every 736 days if the MU locomotive is part of a fleet that is 
    not 100 percent equipped with air dryers.
        (2) Every 1,104 days if the MU locomotive is part of a fleet that 
    is 100 percent equipped with air dryers and is equipped with PS-68, 26-
    C, 26-L, PS-90, CS-1, RT-5A, GRB-1, CS-2, or 26-R brake systems. (This 
    listing of brake system types is intended to subsume all brake systems 
    using 26 type, ABD, or ABDW control valves and PS68, PS-90, 26B-1, 26C, 
    26CE, 26-Bl, 30CDW, or 30ECDW engineer's brake valves.)
        (3) Every 736 days for all other MU locomotives.
        (c) Conventional locomotives. The brake equipment of each 
    conventional locomotive shall be cleaned, repaired, and tested at 
    intervals in accordance with following schedule:
        (1) Every 1,104 days for a locomotive equipped with a 26-L or 
    equivalent brake system.
        (2) Every 736 days for a locomotive equipped with other than a 26-L 
    or equivalent brake system.
        (d) Passenger coaches and other unpowered vehicles. The brake 
    equipment on each passenger coach and each other unpowered vehicle used 
    in a passenger train shall be cleaned, repaired, and tested at 
    intervals in accordance with following schedule:
        (1) Every 1,476 days for a coach or vehicle equipped with a 26-C or 
    equivalent brake system.
        (2) Every 1,104 days for a coach or vehicle equipped with other 
    than a 26-C or equivalent brake system.
        (e) Cab cars. The brake equipment of each cab car shall be cleaned, 
    repaired, and tested in accordance with the following schedule:
        (1) Every 1,476 days for that portion of the cab car brake system 
    using brake valves that are identical to the passenger coach 26-C brake 
        (2) Every 1,104 days for that portion of the cab car brake system 
    using brake valves that are identical to the locomotive 26-L brake 
    system; and
        (3) Every 732 days for all other types of cab car brake valves.
        (f) Records of periodic maintenance. The date and place of the 
    cleaning, repairing, and testing required by this section shall be 
    recorded on Form FRA 6180-49A or a similar form developed by the 
    railroad containing the same information, and the person performing the 
    work and that person's supervisor shall sign the form. Alternatively, 
    the railroad may stencil the vehicle with the date and place of the 
    cleaning, repairing, and testing and maintain an electronic record of 
    the person performing the work and that person's supervisor. A record 
    of the parts of the air brake system that are cleaned, repaired, and 
    tested shall be kept in the railroad's files, the cab of the 
    locomotive, or a designated location in the passenger car until the 
    next such periodic test is performed.
    Sec. 238.311  Single car test.
        (a) Single car tests of all passenger cars and all unpowered 
    vehicles used in passenger trains shall be performed in accordance with 
    the AAR Standard S-044 contained in AAR ``Instruction Pamphlet 5039-4, 
    Supplement 3'' (April 1991), or an alternative procedure approved by 
    FRA's Associate Administrator for Safety under Sec. 238.21.
        (b) A railroad shall perform a single car test of the brake system 
    of a car or vehicle described in paragraph (a) of this section when the 
    car or vehicle is found with one or more of the following wheel 
        (1) Built-up tread;
        (2) Slid flat wheel;
        (3) Thermal cracks;
        (4) Overheated wheel; or
        (5) Shelling.
        (c) Except as provided in paragraph (e) of this section, a railroad 
    shall perform a single car test of the brake system of a car or vehicle 
    described in paragraph (a) of this section when:
        (1) The car or vehicle is placed in service after having been out 
    of service for 30 days or more;
        (2) The trainline is repaired; or
        (3) One or more of the following conventional air brake equipment 
    items is removed, repaired, or replaced:
        (i) Brake reservoir;
        (ii) Brake cylinder;
        (iii) Piston assembly;
        (iv) Vent valve;
        (v) Quick service valve;
        (vi) Brake cylinder release valve;
        (vii) Modulating valve or slack adjuster;
        (viii) Relay valve;
        (ix) Angle cock or cutout cock;
        (x) Service portion;
        (xi) Emergency portion; or
        (xii) Pipe bracket.
        (d) Each single car test required by this section shall be 
    performed by a qualified mechanical inspector.
        (e) If the single car test cannot be made at the point where 
    repairs are made, the car may be moved in
    [[Page 49810]]
    passenger service to the next forward location where the test can be 
    made. The single car test shall be completed prior to, or as a part of, 
    the car's next calendar day mechanical inspection.
    Sec. 238.313  Class I brake test.
        (a) Each commuter and short-distance intercity passenger train 
    shall receive a Class I brake test once each calendar day that the 
    train is placed or remains in passenger service.
        (b) Except as provided in paragraph (h) of this section, each long-
    distance intercity passenger train shall receive a Class I brake test:
        (1) Prior to the train's departure from an originating terminal; 
        (2) Every 1,500 miles or once each additional calendar day, 
    whichever occurs first, that the train remains in continuous passenger 
        (c) Each Class I brake test shall be performed by a qualified 
    mechanical inspector.
        (d) Each Class I brake test may be performed either separately or 
    in conjunction with the calendar day mechanical inspection required 
    under Sec. 238.303.
        (e) Except as provided in Sec. 238.15(b), a railroad shall not use 
    or haul a passenger train in passenger service from a location where a 
    Class I brake test has been performed, or was required by this part to 
    have been performed, with less than 100 percent operative brakes.
        (f) A Class I brake test shall determine and ensure that:
        (1) The friction brakes apply and remain applied on each car in the 
    train until a release of the brakes has been initiated on each car in 
    response to train line electric, pneumatic, or other signals. This test 
    shall include a verification that each side of each car's brake system 
    responds properly to application and release signals;
        (2) The brake shoes or pads are firmly seated against the wheel or 
    disk with the brakes applied;
        (3) Piston travel is within prescribed limits, either by direct 
    observation, observation of an actuator, or by observation of the 
    clearance between the brake shoe and the wheel with the brakes 
        (4) The communicating signal system is tested and known to be 
    operating as intended;
        (5) Each brake shoe is securely fastened and aligned in relation to 
    the wheel;
        (6) The engineer's brake valve or controller will cause the proper 
    train line commands for each position or brake level setting;
        (7) Brake pipe leakage does not exceed 5 pounds-per-square-inch per 
    minute if leakage will affect service performance;
        (8) The emergency brake application and deadman pedal or other 
    emergency control devices function as intended;
        (9) Each brake shoe or pad is not below the minimum thickness 
    established by the railroad. This thickness shall not be less than the 
    minimum thickness necessary to safely travel the maximum distance 
    allowed between Class I brake system tests;
        (10) Each angle cock and cutout cock is properly positioned;
        (11) Brake rigging does not bind or foul so as to impede the force 
    delivered to a brake shoe, impede the release of a brake shoe, or 
    otherwise adversely affect the operation of brake system;
        (12) If the train is equipped with electropneumatic brakes, an 
    electropneumatic application of the brakes is made and that the train 
    is walked to determine that the brakes on each car in the train 
    properly apply;
        (13) Each brake disc is free of cracks;
        (14) If the equipment is provided with a brake indicator, the brake 
    indicator operates as intended; and
        (15) The communication of brake pipe pressure changes at the rear 
    of the train is verified.
        (g) A qualified mechanical inspector that performs a Class I brake 
    test on a train shall place in the cab of the controlling locomotive of 
    the train a written statement, which shall be retained in the cab until 
    the next Class I brake test is performed and which shall contain the 
    following information:
        (1) Date and time the Class I brake test was performed;
        (2) Location where the test was performed; and
        (3) The number of the controlling locomotive of the train.
        (h) A long-distance, intercity passenger train that misses a 
    scheduled calendar day Class I brake test due to a delay en route may 
    proceed to the point where the Class I brake test was scheduled to be 
    performed. A Class I brake test shall be completed at that point prior 
    to placing the train back in service.
    Sec. 238.315  Class IA brake test.
        (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, either 
    a Class I or Class IA brake test shall be performed:
        (1) Prior to the first morning departure of each commuter or short-
    distance intercity passenger train; and
        (2) Prior to placing a train in service that has been off a source 
    of compressed air for more than four hours.
        (b) A commuter or short-distance intercity passenger train that 
    provides continuing late night service that began prior to midnight may 
    complete its daily operating cycle after midnight without performing 
    another Class I or Class IA brake test. A Class I or Class IA brake 
    test shall be performed on such a train before it starts a new daily 
    operating cycle.
        (c) A Class I or Class IA test may be performed at a shop or yard 
    site and need not be repeated at the first passenger terminal if the 
    train remains on a source of compressed air and in the custody of the 
    train crew.
        (d) The Class IA test shall be performed by either a qualified 
    person or a qualified mechanical inspector as defined in Sec. 238.5.
        (e) Except as provided in Sec. 238.15(b), a railroad shall not use 
    or haul a passenger train in passenger service from a location where a 
    Class IA brake test has been performed, or was required by this part to 
    have been performed, with less than 100 percent operative brakes.
        (f) In performing a Class IA brake test, it shall be determined 
        (1) Brake pipe leakage does not exceed 5 pounds-per-square-inch per 
    minute if brake pipe leakage will affect service performance;
        (2) Each brake sets and releases by inspecting in the manner 
    described in paragraph (g) of this section;
        (3) The emergency brake application and the deadman pedal or other 
    emergency control devices function as intended;
        (4) Each angle cock and cutout cock is properly set;
        (5) To the extent determinable, piston travel is within the nominal 
    range for the type of brake equipment; and
        (6) Brake pipe pressure changes at the rear of the train are 
    properly communicated to the controlling locomotive.
        (g) In determining whether each brake sets and releases--
        (1) The inspection of the set and release of the brakes shall be 
    completed by walking the train to directly observe the set and release 
    of each brake, if the railroad determines that such a procedure is 
        (2) If the railroad determines that operating conditions pose a 
    safety hazard to an inspector walking the brakes, brake indicators may 
    be used to verify the set and release on cars so equipped. However, the 
    observation of the brake indicators shall not be made from the cab of 
    the locomotive. The inspector shall position himself or herself to be 
    able to accurately observe the indicators.
    [[Page 49811]]
    Sec. 238.317  Class II brake test.
        (a) A Class II brake test shall be performed on a passenger train 
    when any of the following events occur:
        (1) Whenever the control stand used to control the train is 
        (2) When previously tested units are added to or removed from the 
    train; and
        (3) When an operator first takes charge of the train, except for 
    face-to-face relief.
        (b) A Class II brake test shall be performed by a qualified person 
    or a qualified mechanical inspector.
        (c) A railroad shall not use or haul a passenger train in passenger 
    service from a terminal or yard where a Class II brake test has been 
    performed, or was required by this part to have been performed, with 
    any of the brakes known to be cutout, inoperative, or defective.
        (d) In performing a Class II brake test on a train, a railroad 
    shall determine that:
        (1) The brakes on the rear unit of the train apply and release in 
    response to a signal from the engineer's brake valve or controller of 
    the leading or controlling unit;
        (2) The emergency brake application and deadman pedal or other 
    emergency control devices function as intended; and
        (3) Brake pipe pressure changes are properly communicated at the 
    rear of the train.
    Sec. 238.319  Running brake test.
        (a) As soon as conditions safely permit, a running brake test shall 
    be performed on each passenger train after the train has received, or 
    was required under this part to have received, either a Class I, Class 
    IA, or Class II brake test.
        (b) The running brake test shall be conducted in accordance with 
    the railroad's established operating rules, and shall be made by 
    applying brakes in a manner that allows the engineer to ascertain 
    whether the brakes are operating properly.
        (c) If the engineer determines that the brakes are not operating 
    properly, the engineer shall stop the train and follow the procedures 
    provided in Sec. 238.15.
    Subpart E--Specific Requirements for Tier II Passenger Equipment
    Sec. 238.401  Scope.
        This subpart contains specific requirements for railroad passenger 
    equipment operating at speeds exceeding 125 mph but not exceeding 150 
    mph. As stated in Sec. 238.433(b), all such passenger equipment remains 
    subject to the requirements concerning couplers and uncoupling devices 
    contained in Federal statute at 49 U.S.C. chapter 203 and in FRA 
    regulations at part 231 and Sec. 232.2 of this chapter. The 
    requirements of this subpart are effective on the effective date of the 
    final rule.
    Sec. 238.403  Crash energy management requirements.
        (a) Each power car and trailer car shall be designed with a crash 
    energy management system to dissipate kinetic energy during a 
    collision. The rash energy management system shall provide a controlled 
    deformation and collapse of designated sections within the unoccupied 
    volumes to absorb collision energy and to reduce the decelerations on 
    passengers and crewmembers resulting from dynamic forces transmitted to 
    occupied volumes.
        (b) The design of each unit shall consist of an occupied volume 
    located between two normally unoccupied volumes. Where practical, 
    sections within the unoccupied volumes shall be designed to be 
    structurally weaker than the occupied volume. During a collision, the 
    designated sections within the unoccupied volumes shall start to deform 
    and eventually collapse in a controlled fashion to dissipate energy 
    before any structural damage occurs to the occupied volume.
        (c) At a minimum, the train shall be designed to meet the following 
        (1) Thirteen megajoules (MJ) shall be absorbed at each end of the 
    train through the controlled crushing of unoccupied or occasionally 
    occupied spaces, and of this amount a minimum of 5 MJ shall be absorbed 
    outboard of the operator's cab in each power car;
        (2) A minimum of an additional 3 MJ shall be absorbed by the power 
    car structure between the operator's cab and the first trailer car; and
        (3) The end of the first trailer car adjacent to each power car 
    shall absorb a minimum of 5 MJ through controlled crushing.
        (d) For a 30-mph collision of a train on tangent, level track with 
    an identical stationary train:
        (1) The deceleration of the occupied compartments of each trailer 
    car shall not exceed 10g; and
        (2) When seated anywhere in the train, the velocity at which a 
    50th-percentile male contacts the seat back ahead of him shall not 
    exceed 25 mph.
        (e) Compliance with paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section 
    shall be demonstrated by analysis using a dynamic collision computer 
    model. For the purpose of demonstrating compliance, the following 
    assumptions shall be made:
        (1) The train remains upright, in-line, and with all wheels on the 
    track throughout the collision; and
        (2) Resistance to structural crushing following the force-versus-
    distance function determined during the structural analysis required 
    under Sec. 238.103 as part of the design of the train.
        (f) Passenger searing shall not be permitted in the leading unit of 
    a Tier II train.
    Sec. 238.405  Longitudinal static compressive strength.
        (a) To form an effective crash refuge for crewmembers occupying the 
    cab of a power car, the longitudinal ultimate compressive strength of 
    the underframe of the cab of a power car shall be a minimum of 
    2,100,000 pounds unless equivalent protection to crewmembers is 
    provided under an alternate design approach, validated through analysis 
    and testing, approved by the FRA Associate Administrator for Safety 
    under the provisions of Sec. 238.21.
        (b) The longitudinal compressive strength of the underframe of the 
    occupied volume of each trailer car shall be a minimum of 800,000 
    pounds without deformation. To demonstrate compliance with this 
    requirement, the 800,000-pound load shall be applied to the underframe 
    of the occupied volume as it would be transmitted to the underframe by 
    the full structure of the vehicle.
        (c) Unoccupied or lightly occupied volumes of a power car or a 
    trailer car designed to crush as part of the crash energy management 
    design are not subject to the requirements of this section.
    Sec. 238.407  Anti-climbing mechanism.
        (a) Each power car shall have an anti-climbing mechanism at its 
    forward end capable of resisting an upward or downward static vertical 
    force of 200,000 pounds. A power car constructed with a crash energy 
    management design is permitted to crush in a controlled manner before 
    the anti-climbing mechanism fully engages.
        (b) Interior train coupling points between units, including between 
    units of articulated cars or other permanently joined units of cars, 
    shall have an anti-climbing mechanism capable of resisting an upward or 
    downward vertical force of 100,000 pounds.
        (c) The forward coupler of a power car shall be attached to the car 
    body to resist a vertical downward force of 100,000 pounds for any 
    horizontal position of the coupler without yielding.
    [[Page 49812]]
    Sec. 238.409  Forward end structures of power car cabs.
        This section contains the design requirements for the forward end 
    structure of the cab of a power car. (A conceptual implementation of 
    this end structure is provided in Figure 1.)
        (a) Center collision post. The forward end structure shall have a 
    full-height center collision post, or its structural equivalent, 
    capable of withstanding the following:
        (1) A shear load of 500,000 pounds at its joint with the underframe 
    without exceeding the ultimate strength of the joint;
        (2) A shear load of 150,000 pounds at its joint with the roof 
    without exceeding the ultimate strength of the joint; and
        (3) A horizontal, longitudinal force of 300,000 pounds applied at a 
    point on level with the bottom of the windshield without exceeding the 
    yield or the critical buckling stress.
        (b) Side collision posts. The forward end structure shall have two 
    side collision posts, or their structural equivalent, located at 
    approximately the one-third points laterally, each capable of 
    withstanding the following:
        (1) A shear load of 500,000 pounds at its joint with the underframe 
    without exceeding the ultimate strength of the joint; and
        (2) A horizontal, longitudinal force of 300,000 pounds, applied at 
    a point on level with the bottom of the windshield, without exceeding 
    the yield or the critical buckling stress.
        (c) Corner posts. The forward end structure shall have two full-
    height corner posts, or their structural equivalent, each capable of 
    withstanding the following:
        (1) A horizontal, longitudinal or lateral shear load of 300,000 
    pounds at its joint with the underframe, without exceeding the ultimate 
    strength of the joint;
        (2) A horizontal, lateral force of 100,000 pounds applied at a 
    point 30 inches up from the underframe attachment, without exceeding 
    the yield or the critical buckling stress; and
        (3) A horizontal, longitudinal or lateral shear load of 150,000 
    pounds at its joint with the roof, without exceeding the ultimate 
    strength of the joint.
        (d) Skin. The skin covering the forward-facing end of each power 
    car shall be:
        (1) Equivalent to a \1/2\-inch steel plate with a 25,000 pounds-
    per-square-inch yield strength--material of a higher yield strength may 
    be used to decrease the required thickness of the material provided an 
    equivalent level of strength is maintained.
        (2) Securely attached to the end structure.
        (3) Sealed to prevent the entry of fluids into the occupied cab 
    area of the equipment.
    BILLING CODE 4910-06-P
    [[Page 49813]]
    BILLING CODE 4910-06-C
    Sec. 238.411  Rear end structures of power car cabs.
        This section contains design requirements for the rear end 
    structure of the cab of a power car. (A conceptual implementation of 
    this end structure is provided in Figure 2.)
        (a) Corner posts. The rear end structure shall have two full-height 
    corner posts, or their structural equivalent, each capable of 
    withstanding the following:
        (1) A horizontal, longitudinal or lateral shear load of 300,000 
    pounds at its joint with the underframe without exceeding the ultimate 
    strength of the joint; and
        (2) A horizontal, longitudinal or lateral shear load of 80,000 
    pounds at its joint with the roof without exceeding the ultimate 
    strength of the joint.
        Collision posts. The rear end structure shall have two full-height 
    collision posts, or their structural equivalent, each capable of 
    withstanding the following:
        (1) A horizontal, longitudinal shear load of 750,000 pounds at its 
    joint with the underframe without exceeding the ultimate strength of 
    the joint; and
        (2) A horizontal, longitudinal shear lead of 75,000 pounds at its 
    joint with the roof without exceeding the ultimate strength of the 
    [[Page 49814]]
    BILLING CODE 4910-06-C
    Sec. 238.413  End structures of trailer cars.
        (a) Except as provided in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, 
    the end structure of a trailer car shall be designed to include the 
    following elements, or their structural equivalent. (A conceptual 
    implementation of this end structure is provided in Figure 3.)
        (1) Corner posts. Two full-height corner posts, each capable of 
    withstanding the following:
        (i) A horizontal, longitudinal shear load of 150,000 pounds at its 
    joint with the underframe without exceeding the ultimate strength of 
    the joint;
        (ii) A horizontal, longitudinal or lateral force of 30,000 pounds 
    applied at a point 30 inches up from the underframe attachment without 
    exceeding the yield or the critical buckling stress; and
        (iii) A horizontal, longitudinal or lateral shear load of 20,000 
    pounds at its joint with the roof without exceeding the ultimate 
    strength of the joint.
        (2) Collision posts. Two full-height collision posts each capable 
    of withstanding the following:
        (i) A horizontal, longitudinal shear load of 300,000 pounds at its 
    joint with the underframe without exceeding the ultimate strength of 
    the joint; and
        (ii) A horizontal, longitudinal shear load of 60,000 pounds at its 
    joint with the roof without exceeding the ultimate strength of the 
        (b) If the trailer car consists of multiple articulated units not 
    designed for uncoupling other than in a maintenance shop, the end 
    structure requirements of paragraph (a) of this section apply only to 
    the ends of the entire car, not to the ends of each unit comprising the 
    multi-unit car.
        (c) If the trailer car is designed with a vestibule, the vestibule 
    inboard end structure shall be designed with two full-height corner 
    posts, or their structural equivalent, each capable of withstanding the 
    following (A conceptual implementation of this end structure is 
    provided in Figure 4.):
        (1) A horizontal, longitudinal shear load of 200,000 pounds at its 
    joint with the underframe without exceeding the ultimate strength of 
    the joint;
    [[Page 49815]]
        (2) A horizontal, lateral force of 30,000 pounds applied at a point 
    30 inches up from the underframe attachment without exceeding the yield 
    or the critical buckling stress;
        (3) A horizontal, longitudinal force of 50,000 pounds applied at a 
    point 30 inches up from the underframe attachment without exceeding the 
    yield or the critical buckling stress; and
        (4) A horizontal, longitudinal or lateral shear load of 20,000 
    pounds at its joint with the roof without exceeding the ultimate 
    strength of the joint.
    [[Page 49816]]
    BILLING CODE 4910-06-C
    Sec. 238.415  Rollover strength.
        (a) Each power car shall be designed to rest on its side and be 
    uniformly supported at the top (``roof rail'') and the bottom (``side 
    sill'') chords of the side frame. The allowable stress for occupied 
    volumes for this condition shall be one-half yield or one-half the 
    critical buckling stress, whichever is less.
        (b) Each passenger car and power car shall also be designed to rest 
    on its roof so that any damage in occupied areas is limited to roof 
    sheathing and framing. Deformation to the roof sheathing and framing is 
    allowed to the extent necessary to permit the vehicle to be supported 
    directly on the top chords of the side frames and end frames. Other 
    than roof sheathing and framing, the allowable stress for occupied 
    volumes for this condition shall be one-half yield or one-half the 
    critical buckling stress, whichever is less.
    Sec. 238.417  Side loads.
        (a) The single-level passenger car body structure shall be designed 
    to resist an inward transverse load of 80,000 pounds of force applied 
    to the side sill and 10,000 pounds of force applied to the belt rail 
    (horizontal members at the bottom of the window opening in the side 
        (b) These loads shall be considered to be applied separately over 
    the full vertical dimension of the specified member for a distance of 8 
    feet in the direction of the length of the car.
        (c) The allowable stress shall be the lesser of the yield stress or 
    the critical buckling stress with local yielding of the side skin 
        (d) The connections of the side frame to the roof and underframe 
    shall support these loads.
    Sec. 238.419  Truck-to-car-body and truck component attachment.
        (a) The ultimate strength of the truck-to-car-body attachment for 
    each unit in a train shall be sufficient to resist without failure a 
    vertical force equivalent to 2g acting on the mass of the truck and a 
    force of 250,000 pounds acting in any horizontal direction.
    [[Page 49817]]
        (b) Each component of a truck (which include axles, wheels, 
    bearings, the truck-mounted brake system, suspension system components, 
    and any other components attached to the truck by design) shall remain 
    attached to the truck when a force equivalent to 2g acting on the mass 
    of the component is exerted in any direction on that component.
    Sec. 238.421  Glazing.
        (a) Each power car and trailer car shall be equipped with certified 
    glazing meeting the following requirements:
        (1) End-facing exterior glazing shall resist the impact of a 12-
    pound solid steel sphere at the maximum speed at which the vehicle will 
    operate, at an angle equal to the angle between the glazing surface as 
    installed and the direction of travel, with no penetration or spall.
        (2) Side-facing exterior glazing shall resist the impact of a:
        (i) 12-pound solid steel sphere at 15 mph, at an angle of 90 
    degrees to the surface of the glazing, with no penetration or spall; 
        (ii) A granite ballast stone weighing a minimum of 0.5 pounds, 
    traveling at 75 mph and impacting at a 90-degree angle to the glazing 
    surface, with no penetration or spall.
        (3) All exterior glazing shall:
        (i) Resist a single impact of a 9-mm, 147-grain bullet traveling at 
    an impact velocity of 900 feet per second, with no bullet penetration 
    or spall; and
        (ii) Demonstrate anti-spalling performance by the use of a .001 
    aluminum witness plate, placed 12 inches from the glazing surface 
    during all impact tests. The witness plate shall contain no marks from 
    spalled glazing particles after any impact test.
        (b) Each individual unit of glazing material shall be permanently 
    marked, prior to installation, in such a manner that the marking is 
    clearly visible after the material has been installed. The marking 
    shall include:
        (1) The words ``FRA TYPE IH'' for end-facing glazing or ``FRA TYPE 
    IIH'' for side-facing glazing, to indicate that the material has 
    successfully passed the testing requirements of paragraph (a) of this 
        (2) The name of the manufacturer; and
        (3) The type or brand identification of the material.
        (c) Glazing securement components shall hold the glazing in place 
    against the forces described in paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(3) of 
    this section.
        (d) Glazing securement components shall be designed to resist the 
    forces due to air pressure differences caused when two trains pass at 
    the minimum separation for two adjacent tracks, while traveling in 
    opposite directions, each train traveling at the maximum authorized 
        (e) Interior equipment glazing shall meet the minimum requirements 
    of AS1 type laminated glass as defined in American National Standard 
    ``Safety Code for Glazing Materials for Glazing Motor Vehicles 
    Operating on Land Highways,'' ASA Standard Z26.1-1966.
        (f) Each vehicle that is fully equipped with glazing materials that 
    meet the requirements of paragraphs (a) through (e) of this section 
    shall be stencilled on an interior wall as follows: ``Fully Equipped 
    with FRA Part 238 Glazing'' or similar words conveying that meaning, in 
    letters at least \3/8\ of an inch high.
    Sec. 238.423  Fuel tanks.
        (a) External fuel tanks. (1) With all locomotive wheels resting on 
    the ties beside the rail, the lowest point of an external fuel tank 
    shall clear an 8\1/2\-inch combined height of the tie plate and rail by 
    a minimum of 1\1/2\ inches. (This requirement results in a minimum 10-
    inch vertical distance from the lowest point on the wheel tread to the 
    lowest point on the external fuel tank.)
        (2) The end bulkheads of external fuel tanks shall at a minimum be 
    equivalent to a 1-inch thick steel plate with a 25,000 pounds-per-
    square-inch yield strength--material of a higher yield strength may be 
    used to decrease the required thickness of the material provided an 
    equivalent level of strength is maintained.
        (3) The skin of external fuel tanks shall at a minimum be 
    equivalent to a \1/2\-inch thick steel plate with a 25,000 pounds-per-
    square-inch yield strength--material of a higher yield strength may be 
    used to decrease the required thickness of the material provided an 
    equivalent level of strength is maintained.
        (4) The material used for construction of external fuel tank 
    exterior surfaces shall not exhibit a decrease in yield strength or 
    penetration resistance in the temperature range of 0 to 160 degrees F.
        (5) External fuel tank vent systems shall be designed to prevent 
    them from becoming a path of fuel loss in the event a tank is placed in 
    any orientation due to a locomotive overturning.
        (6) The bottom surface of an external fuel tank shall be equipped 
    with skid surfaces to prevent sliding contact with the rail or the 
    ground from easily wearing through the tank.
        (7) The structural strength of an external fuel tank shall be 
    adequate to support 1\1/2\ times the dead weight of the locomotive 
    without deformation of the tank.
        (b) Internal fuel tanks. (1) Internal fuel tanks shall have their 
    lowest point at least 18 inches above the lowest point on the 
    locomotive wheel tread and shall be enclosed by, or shall be part of, 
    the locomotive structure.
        (2) Internal fuel tank vent systems shall be designed to prevent 
    them from becoming a path of fuel loss in the event a tank is placed in 
    any orientation due to a locomotive overturning.
        (3) Internal fuel tank bulkheads and skin shall at a minimum be 
    equivalent to a \3/8\-inch thick steel plate with a 25,000-pound yield 
    strength--material of a higher yield strength may be used to decrease 
    the required thickness of the material provided an equivalent level of 
    strength is maintained. Skid plates are not required.
    Sec. 238.425  Electrical system.
        (a) Circuit protection. (1) The main propulsion power line shall be 
    protected with a lightning arrestor, automatic circuit breaker, and 
    overload relay. The lightning arrestor shall be run by the most direct 
    path possible to ground with a connection to ground of not less than 
    No. 6 AWG. These overload protection devices shall be housed in an 
    enclosure designed specifically for that purpose with the arc chute 
    vented directly to outside air.
        (2) Head end power, including trainline power distribution, shall 
    be provided with both overload and ground fault protection.
        (3) Circuits used for purposes other than propelling the equipment 
    shall be connected to their power source through circuit breakers or 
    equivalent current-limiting devices.
        (4) Each auxiliary circuit shall be provided with a circuit breaker 
    located as near as practical to the point of connection to the source 
    of power for that circuit; however, such protection may be omitted from 
    circuits controlling safety-critical devices.
        (b) Main battery system. (1) The main batteries shall be isolated 
    from the cab and passenger seating areas by a non-combustible barrier.
        (2) Battery chargers shall be designed to protect against 
        (3) Battery circuits shall include an emergency battery cut-off 
    switch to completely disconnect the energy stored in the batteries from 
    the load.
        (4) If batteries are of the type to potentially vent explosive 
    gases, the batteries shall be adequately ventilated to prevent 
    accumulation of explosive concentrations of these gases.
        (c) Power dissipation resistors. (1) Power dissipating resistors 
    shall be
    [[Page 49818]]
    adequately ventilated to prevent overheating under worst-case operating 
        (2) Power dissipation grids shall be designed and installed with 
    sufficient isolation to prevent combustion between resistor elements 
    and combustible material.
        (3) Power dissipation resistor circuits shall incorporate warning 
    or protective devices for low ventilation air flow, over-temperature, 
    and short circuit failures.
        (4) Resistor elements shall be electrically insulated from resistor 
    frames, and the frames shall be electrically insulated from the 
    supports that hold them.
        (d) Electromagnetic interference and compatibility. (1) The 
    operating railroad shall ensure electromagnetic compatibility of the 
    systems critical to the safety of equipment with their environment. 
    Electromagnetic compatibility can be achieved through equipment design 
    or changes to the operating environment.
        (2) The electronic equipment shall not produce electrical noise 
    that interferes with trainline control and communications or with 
    wayside signaling systems.
        (3) To contain electromagnetic interference emissions, suppression 
    of transients shall be at the source wherever possible.
        (4) Electrical and electronic systems of equipment shall be capable 
    of operation in the presence of external electromagnetic noise sources.
        (5) All electronic equipment shall be self-protected from damage or 
    improper operation, or both, due to high voltage transients and long-
    term over-voltage or under-voltage conditions.
    Sec. 238.427  Suspension system.
        (a) General requirements. (1) Suspension systems shall be designed 
    to reasonably prevent wheel climb, wheel lift, rail rollover, rail 
    shift, and a vehicle from overturning to ensure safe, stable 
    performance and ride quality. These requirements shall be met in all 
    operating environments, and under all track conditions and loading 
    conditions as determined by the operating railroad. These requirements 
    shall be met at all track speeds and over all track qualities of track 
    consistent with the Track Safety Standards in part 213 of this chapter, 
    up to the maximum operating speed and maximum cant deficiency of the 
        (2) Passenger equipment shall meet the safety performance standards 
    for suspension systems contained in Appendix C to this part or 
    alternative standards providing equivalent safety if approved by the 
    FRA Associate Administrator for Safety under the provisions of 
    Sec. 238.21.
        (b) Lateral accelerations. Passenger cars shall not operate under 
    conditions that result in a steady-state lateral acceleration of 0.1g 
    (measured parallel to the car floor inside the passenger compartment) 
    or greater.
        (c) Hunting oscillations. Each truck shall be equipped with a 
    permanently installed lateral accelerometer mounted on the truck frame. 
    The accelerometer output signals shall be calibrated and filtered, and 
    shall pass through signal conditioning circuitry designed to determine 
    if hunting oscillations of the truck are occurring. If hunting 
    oscillations are detected, the train monitoring system shall provide an 
    alarm to the operator, and the train shall be slowed to a speed 5 mph 
    less than the speed at which the hunting oscillations stopped.
        (d) Ride vibration (quality). While traveling at the maximum 
    operating speed over the intended route, the train suspension system 
    shall be designed to:
        (1) Limit the vertical acceleration, as measured by a vertical 
    accelerometer mounted on the car floor, to no greater than 0.55g single 
    event, peak-to-peak;
        (2) Limit the lateral acceleration, as measured by a lateral 
    accelerometer mounted on the car floor, to no greater than 0.3g single 
    event, peak-to-peak; and
        (3) Limit the combination of lateral acceleration (L) and vertical 
    acceleration (V) occurring within any time period of 2 consecutive 
    seconds as expressed by the square root of 
    (V2+L2) to no greater than 0.604, where L may not 
    exceed 0.3g and V may not exceed 0.55g.
        (e) Compliance. Compliance with the requirements contained in 
    paragraph (d) of this section shall be demonstrated during the 
    equipment pre-revenue service acceptance tests required under 
    Sec. 238.113 and [proposed] Sec. 213.345 of this chapter.
        (f) Overheat sensors. Overheat sensors for each equipment bearing 
    shall be provided. The sensors may be on board or placed at reasonable 
    wayside intervals.
    Sec. 238.429  Safety appliances.
        (a) Couplers. (1) The leading and the trailing ends of semi-
    permanently coupled trainsets shall be equipped with an automatic 
    coupler that couples on impact and uncouples by either activation of a 
    traditional uncoupling lever or some other type of uncoupling mechanism 
    that does not require a person to go between the equipment units.
        (2) Automatic couplers and uncoupling devices on the leading and 
    trailing ends of semi-permanently coupled trainsets may be stored 
    within a removable shrouded housing.
        (3) If the units in a train are not semi-permanently coupled, both 
    ends of each unit shall be equipped with an automatic coupler, that 
    couples on impact and uncouples by either activation of a traditional 
    uncoupling lever or some other type of uncoupling mechanism that does 
    not require a person to go between the equipment units.
        (b) Hand brakes. Except as provided in paragraph (f) of this 
    section, Tier II trains shall be equipped with a parking or hand brake 
    that can be applied and released manually that is capable of holding 
    the train on a 3-percent grade.
        (c) Safety appliance mechanical strength and fasteners.
        (1) All handrails, handholds, and sill steps shall be made of 1-
    inch diameter steel pipe or \5/8\-inch thickness steel or a material of 
    equal or greater mechanical strength.
        (2) All safety appliances shall be securely fastened to the car 
    body structure with mechanical fasteners that have mechanical strength 
    greater than or equal to that of a \1/2\-inch diameter SAE steel bolt 
    mechanical fastener.
        (i) Safety appliance mechanical fasteners shall have mechanical 
    strength and fatigue resistance equal to or greater than a \1/2\-inch 
    diameter SAE steel bolt.
        (ii) Mechanical fasteners shall be installed with a positive means 
    to prevent unauthorized removal. Self-locking threaded fasteners do not 
    meet this requirement.
        (iii) Mechanical fasteners shall be installed to facilitate 
        (d) Handrails and handholds. Except as provided in paragraph (f) of 
    this section:
        (1) Handrails shall be provided for passengers on both sides of all 
    steps used to board or depart the train.
        (2) Exits on a power vehicle shall be equipped with handrails and 
    handholds so that crewmembers can get on and off the vehicle safely.
        (3) Throughout their entire length, handrails and handholds shall 
    be a contrasting color to the surrounding vehicle body.
        (4) The maximum distance above the top of the rail to the bottom of 
    vertical handrails and handholds shall be 51 inches and the minimum 
    distance shall be 21 inches.
        (5) Vertical handrails and handholds shall be installed to continue 
    to a point at least equal to the height of the top edge of the control 
    cab door.
    [[Page 49819]]
        (6) The minimum hand clearance distance between a vertical handrail 
    or handhold and the vehicle body shall be 2\1/2\ inches for the entire 
        (7) All vertical handrails and handholds shall be securely fastened 
    to the vehicle body.
        (8) If the length of the handrail exceeds 60 inches, it shall be 
    securely fastened to the power vehicle body with two fasteners at each 
        (e) Sill steps. Except as provided in paragraph (f) of this 
        (1) Each power vehicle shall be equipped with a sill step below 
    each exterior door as follows:
        (i) The sill step shall have a minimum cross-sectional area of \1/
    2\ by 3 inches.
        (ii) The sill step shall be made of steel or a material of equal or 
    greater strength and fatigue resistance.
        (iii) The minimum tread length of the sill step shall be 10 inches.
        (iv) The minimum clear depth of the sill step shall be 8 inches.
        (v) The outside edge of the tread of the sill step shall be flush 
    with the side of the car body structure.
        (vi) Sill steps shall not have a vertical rise between treads 
    exceeding 18 inches.
        (vii) The lowest sill step tread shall be not more than 20 inches 
    above the top of the track rail.
        (viii) Sill steps shall be a color which contrasts with the 
    surrounding power vehicle body color.
        (ix) Sill steps shall be securely fastened.
        (x) At least 50 percent of the tread surface area of each sill step 
    shall be open space.
        (xi) The portion of the tread surface area of each sill step which 
    is not open space and is normally contacted by the foot shall be 
    treated with an anti-skid material.
        (f) Exceptions.
        (1) If the units of the equipment are semi-permanently coupled, 
    with uncoupling done only at maintenance facilities, the equipment 
    units that are not required by paragraph (a) of this section to be 
    equipped with automatic couplers need not be equipped with sill steps 
    or end or side handholds that would normally be used to safely perform 
    coupling and uncoupling operations.
        (2) If the units of the equipment are not semi-permanently coupled, 
    the units shall be equipped with hand brakes, sill steps, end 
    handholds, and side handholds that meet the requirements contained in 
    Sec. 231.14 of this chapter.
        (3) If two trainsets are coupled to form a single train that is not 
    semi-permanently coupled (i.e., that is coupled by an automatic 
    coupler), the automatically coupled ends shall be equipped with hand 
    brakes, sill steps, end handholds, and side handholds that meet the 
    requirements contained in Sec. 231.14 of this chapter. If the trainsets 
    are semi-permanently coupled, these safety appliances are not required.
        (g) Optional safety appliances. Safety appliances installed at the 
    option of the railroad shall be firmly attached with mechanical 
    fasteners and shall meet the design and installation requirements 
    provided in this section.
    Sec. 238.431  Brake system.
        (a) A passenger train's brake system shall be capable of stopping 
    the train from its maximum operating speed within the signal spacing 
    existing on the track over which the train is operating under worst-
    case adhesion conditions.
        (b) The brake system shall be designed to allow an inspector to 
    determine that the brake system is functioning properly without having 
    to place himself or herself in a dangerous position on, under, or 
    between the equipment.
        (c) Passenger equipment shall be provided with an emergency 
    application feature that produces an irretrievable stop, using a brake 
    rate consistent with prevailing adhesion, passenger safety, and brake 
    system thermal capacity. An emergency application shall be available at 
    any time, and shall be initiated by an unintentional parting of the 
    train. A means to initiate an emergency brake application shall be 
    provided at two locations in each unit of the train.
        (d) The brake system shall be designed to prevent thermal damage to 
    wheels and brake discs. The operating railroad shall demonstrate 
    through analysis and test that no thermal damage results to the wheels 
    or brake discs under conditions resulting in maximum braking effort 
    being exerted on the wheels or discs.
        (e) The following requirements apply to blended braking systems:
        (1) Loss of power or failure of the dynamic brake does not result 
    in exceeding the allowable stop distance;
        (2) The friction brake alone is adequate to safely stop the train 
    under all operating conditions;
        (3) The operational status of the electric portion of the brake 
    system shall be displayed for the train operator in the control cab; 
        (4) The operating railroad shall demonstrate through analysis and 
    testing the maximum operating speed for safe operation of the train 
    using only the friction brake portion of the blended brake with no 
    thermal damage to wheels or discs.
        (f) The brake system design shall allow a disabled train's 
    pneumatic brakes to be controlled by a conventional locomotive, during 
    rescue operation, through brake pipe control alone.
        (g) An independent failure-detection system shall compare brake 
    commands with brake system output to determine if a failure has 
    occurred. The failure detection system shall report brake system 
    failures to the automated train monitoring system.
        (h) Passenger equipment shall be provided with an adhesion control 
    system designed to automatically adjust the braking force on each wheel 
    to prevent sliding during braking. In the event of a failure of this 
    system to prevent wheel slide within preset parameters, a wheel slide 
    alarm that is visual or audible, or both, shall alert the train 
    operator in the cab of the controlling power car to wheel-slide 
    conditions on any axle of the train.
    Sec. 238.433  Draft system.
        (a) Leading and trailing automatic couplers of trains shall be 
    compatible with standard AAR couplers with no special adapters used.
        (b) All passenger equipment continues to be subject to the 
    requirements concerning couplers and uncoupling devices contained in 
    Federal Statute at 49 U.S.C. chapter 203 and in FRA regulations at part 
    231 and Sec. 232.2 of this chapter.
    Sec. 238.435  Interior fittings and surfaces.
        (a) The seat back in a passenger car shall be designed to 
    withstand, with deflection but without total failure, the load of a 
    seat occupant who is a 95th-percentile male accelerated at 8g impacting 
    the seat back.
        (b) The seat back in a passenger car shall include shock-absorbent 
    material to cushion the impact of occupants with the seat ahead of 
        (c) The ultimate strength of a seat attachment to a passenger car 
    body shall be of sufficient strength to withstand the following 
    individually applied accelerations acting on the mass of the seat plus 
    the mass of a seat occupant who is a 95th-percentile male:
        (1) Longitudinal: 8g;
        (2) Lateral: 4g; and
        (3) Vertical: 4g.
        (d) Other interior fittings shall be attached to the passenger car 
    body with sufficient strength to withstand the following individually 
    applied accelerations acting on the mass of the fitting:
        (1) Longitudinal: 8g;
        (2) Lateral: 4g; and
        (3) Vertical: 4g.
    [[Page 49820]]
        Fittings that can be expected to be impacted by a person during a 
    collision, such as tables between facing seats, shall be designed for 
    the mass of the fitting plus the mass of the number of occupants who 
    are 95th-percentile males that could be expected to strike the fitting.
        (e) The ultimate strength of the interior fittings and equipment in 
    power car control cabs shall be sufficient to resist without failure 
    loads due to the following individually applied accelerations acting on 
    the mass of the fitting or equipment:
        (1) Longitudinal: 12g;
        (2) Lateral: 4g; and
        (3) Vertical: 4g.
        (f) To the extent possible, interior fittings, except seats, shall 
    be recessed or flush-mounted. Corners and sharp edges shall be avoided 
    or otherwise padded.
        (g) Energy-absorbent material shall be used to pad surfaces likely 
    to be impacted by occupants during collisions or derailments.
        (h) Luggage stowage compartments shall be of the enclosed, aircraft 
    type with ultimate strength sufficient to resist loads due to the 
    following individually applied accelerations acting on the mass of the 
    luggage that the compartments are designed to accommodate:
        (1) Longitudinal: 8g;
        (2) Lateral: 4g; and
        (3) Vertical: 4g.
    Sec. 238.437  Emergency communication.
        A means of emergency communication throughout a train shall be 
    provided and shall include the following:
        (a) Transmission locations that are clearly marked with luminescent 
    material at each end of each unit adjacent to the unit end doors;
        (b) Clear and understandable operating instructions at or near each 
    transmission location; and
        (c) Back-up power for a minimum time period of two hours.
    Sec. 238.439  Emergency window exits and roof hatches.
        (a) Emergency window exits. Except as provided in paragraphs (a)(3) 
    and (a)(4) of this section, each passenger car shall have a minimum of 
    four emergency window exits, either in a staggered configuration or 
    with one located at each end of each side of a passenger car.
        (1) Each sealed emergency window exit on a passenger coach shall 
    have a minimum free opening of 30 inches horizontally by 30 inches 
        (2) Each emergency window exit shall be easily operable by a 5th-
    percentile female without requiring the use of a tool or other 
        (3) If the passenger car is bi-level, each main level shall have a 
    minimum of four emergency window exits, either in a staggered 
    configuration or with one located at each end of each side on each 
        (4) Each passenger car of special design, such as a sleeping car, 
    shall have at least one emergency window exit in each compartment.
        (b) Roof hatches. (1) Each power car cab shall have a minimum of 
    one roof hatch emergency entrance location with either a minimum 
    opening of 18 inches by 24 inches or a clearly marked structural weak 
    point in the roof to provide a minimum opening of the same dimensions 
    to provide quick access for properly equipped emergency personnel.
        (2) Each passenger car shall be equipped with a minimum of two roof 
    hatch emergency entrance locations with either a minimum opening of 18 
    inches by 24 inches or two clearly marked structural weak points in the 
    roof to provide a minimum opening of the same dimensions to provide 
    quick access for properly equipped emergency personnel.
        (c) Marking and instructions. [Reserved]
    Sec. 238.441  Doors.
        (a) Each passenger car shall have a minimum of four side doors, or 
    the functional equivalent of four side doors, each permitting at least 
    one 95th-percentile male to pass through at a single time.2
        \2\ The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility 
    Specifications for Transportation Vehicles also contain requirements 
    for doorway clearance (See Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations Part 
        (1) Each powered, exterior side door shall be equipped with a 
    manual override that is:
        (i) Capable of opening the door without power from both inside and 
    outside the car;
        (ii) Located adjacent to the door which it controls; and
        (iii) Designed and maintained so that a person may access the 
    override device from both inside and outside the car without the use of 
    any tool or other implement.
        (2) The status of each powered, exterior side door shall be 
    displayed to the crew in the operating cab. If door interlocks are 
    used, the sensors used to detect train motion shall be nominally set to 
    operate at 3 mph.
        (b) Each powered, exterior side door shall be connected to an 
    emergency back-up power system.
        (c) A railroad may protect a manual override device used to open a 
    powered, exterior door with a cover or a screen capable of removal by a 
    5th-percentile female without requiring the use of a tool or other 
    implement. If the method of removing the protective cover or screen 
    entails breaking or shattering it, the cover or screen shall be scored, 
    perforated, or otherwise weakened so that a 5th-percentile female can 
    penetrate the cover or screen with a single blow of her fist without 
    injury to her hand.
        (d) Passenger compartment end doors shall be equipped with a kick-
    out panel, pop-out window, or other similar means of egress in the 
    event the door will not open.
        (e) Marking and instructions. [Reserved]
    Sec. 238.443  Headlights.
        Each power car shall be equipped with at least two headlights. Each 
    headlight shall produce no less than 200,000 candela. One headlight 
    shall be focused to illuminate a person standing between the rails at 
    800 feet under clear weather conditions. The other headlight shall be 
    focused to illuminate a person standing between the rails at 1500 feet 
    under clear weather conditions.
    Sec. 238.445  Automated monitoring.
        (a) Each passenger train shall be equipped to monitor the 
    performance of the following systems or components:
        (1) Reception of cab signals and train control signals;
        (2) Truck hunting;
        (3) Dynamic brake status;
        (4) Friction brake status;
        (5) Fire detection systems;
        (6) Head end power status;
        (7) Alerter or deadman control;
        (8) Horn and bell;
        (9) Wheel slide;
        (10) Tilt system, if so equipped; and
        (11) On-board bearing-temperature sensors, if so equipped.
        (b) The operator shall be alerted when any of the monitored 
    parameters are out of predetermined limits. In situations where the 
    system safety analysis indicates that operator-reaction time is crucial 
    to safety, immediate automatic corrective action such as limiting the 
    speed of the train shall be taken.
        (c) The monitoring system shall be designed with an automatic self-
    test feature that notifies the operator that the monitoring capability 
    is functioning correctly and alerts the operator that a system failure 
    has occurred.
    Sec. 238.447  Operator's controls and cab layout.
        (a) Operator controls in the power vehicle or control cab shall be 
    [[Page 49821]]
    to be comfortably within view and within easy reach when the operator 
    is seated in the normal train control position.
        (b) The control panels shall be laid out to minimize the chance of 
    human error.
        (c) Control panel buttons, switches, levers, knobs, and the like 
    shall be distinguishable by sight and by touch.
        (d) An alerter shall be provided. If not acknowledged, the alerter 
    shall cause a brake application to stop the train.
        (e) Cab information displays shall be designed with the following 
        (1) Simplicity and standardization shall be the driving criteria 
    for design of formats for the display of information in the cab;
        (2) Essential, safety-critical information shall be displayed as a 
    default condition;
        (3) Operator selection shall be required to display other than 
    default information;
        (4) Cab or train control signals shall be displayed for the 
    operator; and
        (5) Displays shall be readable from the operators's normal position 
    under all lighting conditions.
        (f) The cab layout shall be arranged to meet the following 
        (1) The crew has an effective field of view in the forward 
    direction and to the right and left of the direction of travel;
        (2) Field-of-view obstructions due to required structural members 
    are minimized; and
        (3) The crew's position in the cab is located to permit the crew to 
    be able to directly observe traffic approaching the train from either 
    side of the train.
        (g) Each seat provided for a crewmember shall be:
        (1) Equipped with a single acting, quick-release lap belt and 
    shoulder harness as defined in Sec. 571.209 of this title;
        (2) Secured to the car body with an attachment having an ultimate 
    strength capable of withstanding the loads due to the following 
    individually applied accelerations acting on the mass of the seat and 
    the crewmember occupying it:
        (i) Longitudinal: 12g;
        (ii) Lateral: 4g; and
        (iii) Vertical: 4g;
        (3) Designed so all adjustments have the range necessary to 
    accommodate a 5th-percentile female to a 95th-percentile male;
        (4) Equipped with lumbar support that is adjustable from the seated 
        (5) Equipped with force-assisted, vertical-height adjustment, 
    operated from the seated position;
        (6) Equipped with a manually reclining seat back, adjustable from 
    the seated position;
        (7) Equipped with an adjustable headrest; and
        (8) Equipped with folding, padded armrests.
        (h) Sharp edges and corners shall be eliminated from the interior 
    of the cab, and interior surfaces of the cab likely to be impacted by a 
    crewmember during a collision or derailment shall be padded with shock-
    absorbent material.
    Subpart F--Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Requirements for 
    Tier II Passenger Equipment
    Sec. 238.501  Scope.
        This subpart contains inspection, testing, and maintenance 
    requirements for railroad passenger equipment that operates at speeds 
    exceeding 125 mph but not exceeding 150 mph.
    Sec. 238.503  Inspection, testing, and maintenance requirements.
        (a) General. Under the procedures provided in Sec. 238.505, each 
    railroad shall obtain FRA approval of a written inspection, testing, 
    and maintenance program for Tier II passenger equipment prior to 
    implementation of that program and prior to commencing passenger 
    operations using that equipment. As further specified in this section, 
    the program shall describe in detail the procedures, equipment, and 
    other means necessary for the safe operation of the passenger 
    equipment, including:
        (1) Safety inspection procedures, intervals, and criteria;
        (2) Testing procedures and intervals;
        (3) Scheduled preventive-maintenance intervals;
        (4) Maintenance procedures;
        (5) Special testing equipment or measuring devices required to 
    perform safety inspections and tests; and
        (6) The training, qualification, and designation of employees and 
    contractors to perform safety inspections, tests, and maintenance.
        (b) Compliance. After the railroad's inspection, testing, and 
    maintenance program is approved by FRA under Sec. 238.505, the railroad 
    shall adopt the program and shall perform--
        (1) The inspections and tests of power brakes and other primary 
    brakes as described in the program;
        (2) The other inspections and tests described in the program in 
    accordance with the procedures and criteria that the railroad 
    identified as safety-critical; and
        (3) The maintenance tasks described in the program in accordance 
    with the procedures and intervals that the railroad identified as 
        (c) General safety inspection, testing, and maintenance procedures. 
    The inspection, testing, and maintenance program under paragraph (a) of 
    this section shall contain the railroad's written procedures to ensure 
    that all systems and components of in service equipment are free of any 
    general condition that endangers the safety of the crew, passengers, or 
    equipment. These procedures shall protect against:
        (1) A continuous accumulation of oil or grease;
        (2) Improper functioning of a component;
        (3) A crack, break, excessive wear, structural defect, or weakness 
    of a component;
        (4) A leak;
        (5) Use of a component or system under a condition that exceeds 
    that for which the component or system is designed to operate; and
        (6) Insecure attachment of a component.
        (d) Specific safety inspections. The program under paragraph (a) of 
    this section shall specify that all Tier II passenger equipment shall 
    receive thorough safety inspections in accordance with the following 
        (1) Except as provided in paragraph (d)(3) of this section, the 
    equivalent of a Class I brake test contained in Sec. 238.313 shall be 
    conducted prior to a train's departure from an originating terminal and 
    every 1,500 miles or once each calendar day, whichever comes first, 
    that the train remains in continuous service.
        (i) Class I equivalent brake tests shall be performed by qualified 
    mechanical inspectors.
        (ii) Except as provided in Sec. 238.15(b), a railroad shall not use 
    or haul a Tier II passenger train in passenger service from a location 
    where a Class I equivalent brake test has been performed, or was 
    required by this part to have been performed, with less than 100 
    percent operative brakes.
        (2) Except as provided in paragraph (d)(3) of this section, a 
    complete safety exterior and interior mechanical inspection, in 
    accordance with the railroad's inspection program, shall be conducted 
    by qualified mechanical inspectors at least once during each calendar 
    day the equipment is used in service.
        (3) Trains that miss a scheduled Class I brake test or mechanical 
    inspection due to a delay en route may proceed to the point where the 
    Class I brake test or mechanical inspection was scheduled to be 
        (e) Movement of trains with power brake defects. Movement of trains 
    [[Page 49822]]
    a power brake defect as defined in Sec. 238.15 (any primary brake 
    defect) shall be governed by Sec. 238.15.
        (f) Movement of trains with other defects. Movement of trains that 
    with a defect other than a power brake defect shall be conducted in 
    accordance with Sec. 238.17, with the following exception. When a 
    failure of the secondary brake on a Tier II passenger train occurs en 
    route, that train may remain in service until its next scheduled 
    calendar day Class I brake test equivalent at a speed no greater than 
    the maximum safe operating speed demonstrated through analysis and 
    testing for braking with the friction brake alone. The brake system 
    shall be restored to 100 percent operation before the train departs 
    that inspection location.
        (g) Maintenance intervals. The program under paragraph (a) of this 
    section shall include the railroad's initial scheduled maintenance 
    intervals for Tier II equipment based on an analysis completed as part 
    of the system safety program. The maintenance interval of a safety-
    critical component shall be changed only when justified by accumulated, 
    verifiable operating data and approved by FRA's Associate Administrator 
    for Safety under Sec. 238.505 before the change takes effect.
        (h) Training, qualification, and designation program. The program 
    under paragraph (a) of this section shall describe the training, 
    qualification, and designation program, as defined in the training 
    program plan under Sec. 238.111, established by the railroad to qualify 
    individuals to inspect, test, and maintain the equipment.
        (1) If the railroad deems it safety-critical, then only qualified 
    individuals shall inspect, test, and maintain the equipment.
        (2) Knowledge of the standard procedures described in paragraph (i) 
    of this section shall be required to qualify an employee or contractor 
    to perform an inspection, testing, or maintenance task under this part.
        (i) Standard procedures for safely performing inspection, testing, 
    maintenance, or repairs. The program under paragraph (a) of this 
    section shall include the railroad's written standard procedures for 
    performing all safety-critical equipment inspection, testing, 
    maintenance, or repair tasks. These standard procedures shall:
        (1) Describe in detail each step required to safely perform the 
        (2) Describe the knowledge necessary to safely perform the task;
        (3) Describe any precautions that must be taken to safely perform 
    the task;
        (4) Describe the use of any safety equipment necessary to perform 
    the task;
        (5) Be approved by the railroad's chief mechanical officer;
        (6) Be approved by the railroad's official responsible for safety;
        (7) Be enforced by supervisors with responsibility for 
    accomplishing the tasks; and
        (8) Be reviewed annually by the railroad.
        (j) Quality control program. Each railroad shall establish an 
    inspection, testing, and maintenance quality control program enforced 
    by railroad or contractor supervisors to reasonably ensure that 
    inspections, tests, and maintenance are performed in accordance with 
    Federal safety standards and the procedures established by the 
        (k) Identification of safety-critical items. In the program under 
    paragraph (a) of this section, the railroad shall identify all 
    inspection and testing procedures and criteria as well as all 
    maintenance intervals that the railroad deems to be safety-critical.
    Sec. 238.505  Program approval procedure.
        (a) Submission. Not less than 90 days prior to commencing passenger 
    operations using Tier II passenger equipment, each railroad to which 
    this subpart applies shall submit for approval an inspection, testing, 
    and maintenance program for that equipment meeting the requirements of 
    this subpart with the Associate Administrator for Safety, Federal 
    Railroad Administration, 400 7th Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20590. 
    If a railroad seeks to amend an approved program, the railroad shall 
    file with FRA's Associate Administrator for Safety a petition for 
    approval of such amendment not less than 60 days prior to the proposed 
    effective date of the amendment. A program responsive to the 
    requirements of this subpart or any amendment to the program shall not 
    be implemented prior to FRA approval.
        (1) Each program or amendment under Sec. 238.503 shall contain:
        (i) The information prescribed in Sec. 238.503 for such program or 
        (ii) The name, title, address, and telephone number of the primary 
    person to be contacted with regard to review of the program or 
    amendment; and
        (iii) A statement affirming that the railroad has served a copy of 
    the program or amendment on designated representatives of railroad 
    employees, together with a list of the names and addresses of persons 
        (2) Each railroad shall serve a copy of each submission to FRA on 
    designated representatives of railroad employees responsible for the 
    equipment's operation, inspection, testing, and maintenance under this 
        (b) Comment. Not later than 45 days from the date of filing the 
    program or amendment, any person may comment on the program or 
        (1) Each comment shall set forth specifically the basis upon which 
    it is made, and contain a concise statement of the interest of the 
    commenter in the proceeding.
        (2) Three copies of each comment shall be submitted to the 
    Associate Administrator for Safety, Federal Railroad Administration, 
    400 7th Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20590.
        (3) The commenter shall certify that a copy of the comment was 
    served on the railroad.
        (c) Approval. (1) Within 60 days of receipt of each initial 
    inspection, testing, and maintenance program, FRA will conduct a formal 
    review of the program. FRA will then notify the primary railroad 
    contact person and the designated employee representatives in writing 
    whether the inspection, testing, and maintenance program is approved 
    and, if not approved, the specific points in which the program is 
    deficient. If a program is not approved by FRA, the railroad shall 
    amend its program to correct all deficiencies and resubmit its program 
    with the required revisions not later than 45 days prior to commencing 
    passenger operations.
        (2) FRA will review each proposed amendment to the program within 
    45 days of receipt. FRA will then notify the primary railroad contact 
    person and the designated employee representatives in writing whether 
    the proposed amendment has been approved by FRA and, if not approved, 
    the specific points in which the proposed amendment is deficient. The 
    railroad shall correct any deficiencies and file the corrected 
    amendment prior to implementing the amendment.
        (3) Following initial approval of a program or amendment, FRA may 
    reopen consideration of the program or amendment for cause stated.
    Subpart G--Introduction of New Technology to Tier II Passenger 
    Sec. 238.601  Scope.
        This subpart contains general requirements for introducing new 
    technology that affects a safety system of existing Tier II passenger 
    equipment. For purposes of this subpart, ``existing Tier II passenger 
    equipment'' is Tier II
    [[Page 49823]]
    passenger equipment that has been approved for revenue service by the 
    FRA Associate Administrator for Safety under the procedures of 
    Sec. 238.21.
    Sec. 238.603  Process to introduce new technology.
        (a) If a railroad plans a major upgrade or introduction of new 
    technology on existing Tier II passenger equipment, as defined in 
    Sec. 238.601, that affects the performance of a safety system on such 
    equipment, such major upgrade or introduction of new technology shall 
    be designed and implemented using the system safety process prescribed 
    in Sec. 238.101.
        (b) Under the procedures of Sec. 238.21, each railroad shall obtain 
    special approval from the FRA Associate Administrator for Safety of a 
    pre-revenue service acceptance testing plan, under Sec. 238.113, for 
    existing Tier II passenger equipment with a major upgrade or new 
    technology that affects the performance of a safety system on such 
    equipment, prior to implementing the plan. ``New passenger equipment,'' 
    for purposes of Sec. 238.113, includes existing Tier II passenger 
    equipment with such a major upgrade or new technology.
        (c) Each railroad shall complete a pre-revenue service 
    demonstration of such passenger equipment described in paragraph (b) of 
    this section in accordance with the approved plan, shall fulfill all of 
    the other requirements prescribed in Sec. 238.113, and shall obtain 
    special approval from the FRA Associate Administrator for Safety under 
    the procedures of Sec. 238.21 prior to using such passenger equipment 
    in revenue service.
    Appendix A to Part 238--Schedule of Civil Penalties [Reserved]
    Appendix B to Part 238--Test Performance Criteria for the 
    Flammability and Smoke Emission Characteristics of Materials Used 
    in Constructing or Refurbishing Locomotive Cab and Passenger Car 
        This appendix provides the performance standards for testing the 
    flammability and smoke emission characteristics of materials used in 
    constructing or refurbishing locomotive cab and passenger car 
    interiors, in accordance with the requirements of Sec. 238.115.
        (a) Definitions. 
        Critical radiant flux (CRF) means, as defined in ASTM E-648, a 
    measure of the behavior of horizontally-mounted floor covering 
    systems exposed to a flaming ignition source in a graded radiant 
    heat energy environment in a test chamber.
        Flame spread index (Is) means, as defined in ASTM E-
    162, a factor derived from the rate of progress of the flame front 
    (Fs) and the rate of heat liberation by the material 
    under test (Q), such that Is = Fs  x  Q.
        Specific optical density (Ds) means, as defined in 
    ASTM E-662, the optical density measured over unit path length 
    within a chamber of unit volume, produced from a specimen of unit 
    surface area, that is irradiated by a heat flux of 2.5 watts/
    cm2 for a specified period of time.
        Surface flammability means the rate at which flames will travel 
    along surfaces.
        Flaming running means continuous flaming material leaving the 
    site of material burning or material installation.
        Flaming dripping means periodic dripping of flaming material 
    from the site of material burning or material installation.
        (b) Required test procedures and performance criteria.
        The materials used in locomotive cabs and passenger cars shall 
    be tested according to the procedures and performance criteria set 
    forth in the following table. In all instances, the most recent 
    version of the test procedures or the revision in effect at the time 
    a vehicle is ordered should be employed in the evaluation of the 
    materials specified.
                  Category                Function of material          Test procedure          Performance criteria
    Passenger seats, Sleeping and        Cushions, Mattresses    ASTM D-3675                   IS  25    
     dining car components.               1, 2, 5, 9.            ASTM E-662                    DS (1.5)  
                                                                                                100; DS (4.0)  175         
                                         Seat and/or Mattress    ASTM E-162                    IS  35    
                                          Frame 1, 5, 8.         ASTM E-662                    DS (1.5)  
                                                                                                100; DS (4.0)  200         
                                         Seat and Toilet         ASTM E-162                    IS  35    
                                          Shroud, Food Trays 1,  ASTM E-662                    DS (1.5)  
                                          5.                                                    100; DS (4.0)  200         
                                         Seat Upholstery,        FAR 25.853 (Vertical)         Flame Time  10 sec.; Burn   
                                          Covers, Curtains 1,                                   length  6
                                          2, 3, 5.                                              inch                
                                                                                               DS (4.0)  
                                                                                                250 coated; DS (4.0)
    Panels.............................  Wall 1, 5, 10.........  ASTM E-162                    IS  35    
                                                                 ASTM E-662                    DS (1.5)  
                                                                                                100; DS (4.0)  200         
                                         Ceiling 1, 5, 10......  ASTM E-162                    IS  35    
                                                                 ASTM E-662                    DS (1.5)  
                                                                                                100; DS (4.0)  200         
                                         Partition, Tables and   ASTM E-162                    IS  35    
                                          Shelves 1, 5.          ASTM E-662                    DS (1.5)  
                                                                                                100; DS (4.0)  200         
                                         Windscreen 1, 5.......  ASTM E-162                    IS  35    
                                                                 ASTM E-662                    DS (1.5)  
                                                                                                100; DS (4.0)  200         
                                         HVAC Ducting 1, 5.....  ASTM E-162                    IS  35    
                                                                 ASTM E-662                    DS (1.5)  
                                         Window 4, 5...........  ASTM E-162                    IS  100   
                                                                 ASTM E-662                    DS (1.5)  
                                                                                                100; DS (4.0)  200         
                                         Light Diffuser 5......  ASTM E-162                    IS  100   
                                                                 ASTM E-662                    DS (1.5)  
                                                                                                100; DS (4.0)  200         
    Flooring...........................  Structural 6..........  ASTM E-119                    Pass                 
                                         Covering 7, 10........  ASTM E-648                    CRF  0.5 w/
                                                                 ASTM E-662                     cm 2                
                                                                                               DS (1.5 ) 
                                                                                                100; DS (4.0)  200         
    Insulation.........................  Thermal 1, 2, 5.......  ASTM E-162                    IS  25    
                                                                 ASTM E-662                    DS (1.5)  
                                         Acoustic 1, 2, 5......  ASTM E-162                    IS  25    
                                                                 ASTM E-662                    DS (1.5)  
    Elastomers.........................  Window Gaskets, Door    ASTM C-542                    Pass                 
                                          Nosing, Diaphragms,    ASTM E-662                    DS (1.5)  
                                          Roof Mat. 1.                                          100; DS (4.0)  200         
    Exterior Plastic Components........  End Cap, Roof Housings  ASTM E-162                    IS  35    
                                          1, 5.                  ASTM E-662                    DS (1.5)  
                                                                                                100; DS (4.0)  200         
    [[Page 49824]]
    Component Box Covers...............  Interior, Exterior      ASTM E-162                    IS  35    
                                          Boxes1, 3, 5.          ASTM E-662                    DS (1.5)  
                                                                                                100; DS (4.0)  200         
        1. Materials tested for surface flammability must not exhibit 
    any flaming running or flaming dripping.
        2. The surface flammability and smoke emission characteristics 
    must be demonstrated to be permanent by washing, if appropriate, 
    according to FED-STD-191A Textile Test Method 5830.
        3. The surface flammability and smoke emission characteristics 
    must be demonstrated to be permanent by dry-cleaning, if 
    appropriate, according to ASTM D-2724. Materials that cannot be 
    washed or dry cleaned must be so labeled and meet the applicable 
    performance criteria after being cleaned as recommended by the 
        4. For double window glazing, only the interior glazing must 
    meet the materials requirements specified herein; the exterior need 
    not meet those requirements.
        5. ASTM E-662 maximum test limits for smoke emission (specified 
    optical density) must be measured in either the flaming or non-
    flaming mode, depending on which mode generates the most smoke.
        6. Structural flooring assemblies must meet the performance 
    criteria during a nominal test period determined by the railroad 
    property. The nominal test period must be twice the maximum expected 
    period of time, under normal circumstances, for a vehicle to come to 
    a complete, safe stop from maximum speed, plus the time necessary to 
    evacuate all passengers from a vehicle to a safe area. The nominal 
    test period must not be less than 15 minutes. Only one specimen need 
    be tested. A proportional reduction may be made in the dimensions of 
    the specimen provided that it represents a true test of its ability 
    to perform as a barrier against under-car fires. Penetrations 
    (ducts, etc.) must be designed against acting as passageways for 
    fire and smoke.
        7. Floor covering must be tested in accordance with ASTM E-648 
    with its padding, if the padding is used in actual installation.
        8. Arm rests, if foamed plastic, are tested as cushions and, if 
    hard material, are tested as a seat back shroud.
        9. Testing is performed without upholstery.
        10. Carpeting on walls and ceilings is to be considered wall and 
    ceiling panel materials, respectively.
        (c) The sources of test procedures specified in the table are as 
        (1) Leaching Resistance of Cloth, FED-STD-191A-Textile Test 
    Method 5830. (Available from: General Services Administration 
    Specifications Division, Building 197 Washington Navy Yard, 
    Washington, D.C. 20407.)
        (2) Federal Aviation Administration Vertical Burn Test, FAR-
        (3) American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM):
        (i) Specification for Gaskets, ASTM C-542.
        (ii) Surface Flammability of Flexible Cellular Materials Using a 
    Radiant Heat Energy Source, ASTM D-3675.
        (iii) Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials, ASTM E-
        (iv) Surface Flammability of Materials Using a Radiant Heat 
    Energy Source, STM E-162.
        (v) Bonded and Laminated Apparel Fabrics, ASTM D-2724.
        (vi) Critical Radiant Flux of Floor Covering Systems Using a 
    Radiant Heat Energy Source, ASTM E-648.
        (vii) Specific Optical Density of Smoke Generated by Solid 
    Materials, STM E-662.
        (Available from: American Society for Testing Materials, 1916 
    Race Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103.)
    Appendix C to Part 238--Suspension System Safety Performance 
        This appendix contains the minimum suspension system safety 
    performance standards for Tier II passenger equipment as required by 
    Sec. 238.427. These requirements shall be the basis for evaluating 
    suspension system safety performance until an industry standard 
    acceptable to FRA is developed and approved under the procedures 
    provided in Sec. 238.21.
        Passenger equipment suspension systems shall be designed to 
    limit the lateral and vertical forces and lateral to vertical (L/V) 
    ratios, for the time duration required to travel six feet at any 
    operating speed or over any class of track, under all operating 
    conditions as determined by the railroad, as follows:
        1. The maximum single wheel lateral to vertical force (L/V) 
    ratio shall not exceed Nadal's limit as follows:
    where: =flange angle (deg).
    =coefficient of friction of 0.5.
        2. The net axle lateral force shall not exceed 0.5 times the 
    static vertical axle load.
        3. The vertical wheel/rail force shall be greater than 10 
    percent of the static vertical wheel load.
        4. The sum of the vertical wheel loads on one side of any truck 
    shall be greater than 20 percent of the static vertical axle load. 
    This shall include the effect of a crosswind allowance as specified 
    by the railroad for the intended service.
        5. The maximum truck side L/V ratio shall not exceed 0.5.
        6. When stopped on track with a uniform 6-inch superelevation, 
    vertical wheel loads, at all wheels, shall be greater than 60 
    percent of the nominal vertical wheel load on level track.
        Issued in Washington, D.C., on September 12, 1997.
    Jolene M. Molitoris,
    Federal Railroad Administrator.
    [FR Doc. 97-24713 Filed 9-22-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-06-P

Document Information

Federal Railroad Administration
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM).
Document Number:
(1) Written comments: Written comments must be received on or before November 24, 1997. Comments received after that date will be considered by FRA and the Passenger Equipment Safety Standards Working Group to the extent possible without incurring substantial additional expense or delay. The docket will remain open until the Working Group proceedings are concluded. Requests for formal extension of the comment period must be made by November 7, 1997.
49728-49824 (97 pages)
Docket Numbers:
FRA Docket No. PCSS-1, Notice No. 2
2130-AA95: Passenger Equipment Safety Standards
RIN Links:
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CFR: (263)
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49 CFR 238.105(a)-(c)
49 CFR 238.3(b)
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