99-24842. Land Disposal Restrictions: Notice of Intent To Grant a Site- Specific Determination of Equivalent Treatment to Pioneer Chlor-Alkali, Inc.  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 184 (Thursday, September 23, 1999)]
    [Pages 51540-51543]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-24842]
    Land Disposal Restrictions: Notice of Intent To Grant a Site-
    Specific Determination of Equivalent Treatment to Pioneer Chlor-Alkali, 
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency.
    ACTION: Notice of intent to grant petition.
    SUMMARY: The United States Environmental Protection Agency is 
    announcing our intent to grant the petition of Pioneer Chlor-Alkali, 
    Inc. in St. Gabriel, Louisiana for a site-specific determination of 
    equivalent treatment (DET). This DET would address Pioneer's Remerc 
    process for treating K106 mercury wastes under the Resource 
    Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA).
        The proposed DET would recognize Remerc, a hydrometallurgical 
    process, as an equivalent technology to roasting or retorting with 
    recovery of mercury for reuse, our current land disposal restrictions 
    (LDR) hazardous waste treatment standard for high mercury K106 waste 
    (wastewater treatment sludge from the mercury cell process used in 
    chlorine production). If we grant this DET, Pioneer will be allowed to 
    use Remerc to treat high mercury K106 wastes, and the treatment 
    residuals will be subject to a mercury limit of 0.20 mg/L TCLP.
    DATES: This DET is effective on October 25, 1999, unless we receive 
    relevant adverse comment by October 14, 1999. If we receive such 
    comment(s), we will publish a timely notice in the Federal Register 
    informing the public that this DET will not be automatically granted 
    and indicating the further steps that will be taken.
    ADDRESSES: Commenters must send an original and two copies of their 
    comments referencing Docket Number F-99-PCAP-FFFFF to: RCRA Docket 
    Information Center, Office of Solid Waste (5305G), U.S. Environmental 
    Protection Agency Headquarters (EPA, HQ), 401 M Street, SW, Washington, 
    DC 20460. Hand deliveries of comments should be made to the Arlington, 
    VA, address below. Comments may also be submitted electronically 
    through the Internet to: rcra-docket@epamail.epa.gov. Comments in 
    electronic format should also be identified by the docket number F-99-
    PCAP-FFFFF. All electronic comments must be submitted as an ASCII file 
    avoiding the use of special characters and any form of encryption.
        Commenters should not submit electronically any confidential 
    business information (CBI). An original and two copies of CBI must be 
    submitted under separate cover to: RCRA CBI Document Control Officer, 
    Office of Solid Waste (5305W), U.S. EPA, 401 M Street, SW, Washington, 
    DC 20460.
        Public comments and supporting materials are available for viewing 
    in the RCRA Information Center (RIC),
    [[Page 51541]]
    located at Crystal Gateway I, First Floor, 1235 Jefferson Davis 
    Highway, Arlington, VA. The RIC is open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday 
    through Friday, excluding federal holidays. To review docket materials, 
    it is recommended that the public make an appointment by calling (703) 
    603-9230. The public may copy a maximum of 100 pages from any 
    regulatory docket at no charge. Additional copies cost $0.15/page. The 
    index and some supporting materials are available electronically. See 
    the Supplementary Information section for information on accessing 
        Background information for this document is available on the 
    Internet. Follow the instructions below to access these materials 
    WWW: http://www.epa.gov/epaoswer/hazwaste/ldr
    FTP: ftp.epa.gov
    Login: anonymous
    Password: your Internet address
        Files are located in /pub/epaoswer
        The official record for this action will be kept in paper form. 
    Accordingly, we will transfer all comments received electronically to 
    paper form and place them in the official record.
        The official record also will include all comments submitted in 
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For general information, contact the 
    RCRA Hotline at 800 424-9346 or TDD 800 553-7672 (hearing impaired). In 
    the Washington, DC, metropolitan area, call (703) 412-9810 or TDD (703) 
    412-3323. For more detailed information on specific aspects of this 
    document, contact Josh Lewis at (703) 308-7877 or lewis.josh@epa.gov, 
    Office of Solid Waste (5302 W), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 
    401 M Street SW, Washington, DC 20460.
    I. Overview of Today's Action
        In this document, EPA is informing the public of its intent to 
    grant the petition of Pioneer Chlor-Alkali, Inc. (``Pioneer'') for a 
    site-specific determination of equivalent treatment (DET) for its 
    Remerc process, a nonthermal mercury recovery process. Pioneer uses the 
    Remerc process to treat its K106 waste, which is a wastewater treatment 
    sludge from the mercury cell process used in chlorine production. Under 
    current Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) waste treatment 
    regulations, the residuals from the Remerc process must be at or below 
    0.025 mg/L, as measured by the toxicity characteristic leaching 
    procedure (TCLP), because these residuals, as generated, usually do not 
    contain the 260 mg/kg total mercury necessary for effective use of 
    roasting or retorting. If the wastes exceed 0.025 mg/L TCLP, Pioneer 
    must retreat the residuals until they meet the standard. However, 
    Pioneer may not retreat any of its Remerc residuals that have 
    concentrated the mercury to a concentration above 260 mg/kg total 
    mercury, because they are now high mercury subcategory wastes, for 
    which the standards require the use of roasting or retorting 
    (``RMERC''), a thermal process.1
        \1\ Because the Remerc process is situated between the 
    wastewater collection tank and the Shriver filter press, the waste 
    initially being treated by the Remerc system is not actually K106 
    waste, because there is no point of generation until after the 
    filter press. See section IV of this document for a complete 
    description of Pioneer's treatment system. After the Shriver filter 
    press, the waste is usually low mercury subcategory K106 waste, for 
    which the mercury treatment standard is a TCLP of 0.025 mg/L. 
    Occasionally, the residuals from Remerc treatment are above 260 mg/
    kg total mercury. In this case, at the point of generation, the 
    waste is high mercury subcategory, which requires RMERC.
        If we grant this DET, we would recognize Remerc at Pioneer's 
    facility as equivalent to RMERC. Pioneer would then be allowed to use 
    Remerc to retreat its K106 high mercury residuals. Also, by virtue of 
    this DET, Remerc residuals will be subject to 0.20 mg/L TCLP, which is 
    the level that RMERC treatment residuals must meet.
        We intend to grant this DET because Pioneer has adequately 
    demonstrated that Remerc is equivalent to RMERC for the treatment of 
    K106 wastes. This demonstration is based primarily on the following key 
    factors: (1) Remerc has a comparable mercury recovery rate; (2) Remerc 
    residuals are consistent with retort residuals, both in terms of total 
    mercury content and mercury TCLP concentration; and (3) Remerc releases 
    negligible amounts of mercury to the air and water.
        Although we have not typically published DETs in the Federal 
    Register for comment in the past, EPA wants to encourage the maximum 
    amount of public involvement in our decision making. Therefore, we are 
    publishing this document with a 21-day comment period. If we do not 
    receive any adverse comments on this proposed DET, the DET will 
    automatically take effect 30 days after the date of this document. 
    However, if we do receive adverse comment(s), we will publish a timely 
    notice in the Federal Register informing the public that this DET will 
    not be automatically granted and indicating the further steps that will 
    be taken.
    II. What Is a Determination of Equivalent Treatment (DET)?
        Under section 3004(m) of RCRA, EPA is required to set ``levels or 
    methods of treatment, if any, which substantially diminish the toxicity 
    of the waste or substantially reduce the likelihood of migration of 
    hazardous constituents from the waste so that short-term and long-term 
    threats to human health and the environment are minimized.'' EPA 
    implements section 3004(m) by establishing treatment standards based on 
    the performance of best demonstrated available technology (BDAT). This 
    approach was upheld by the DC Circuit in Hazardous Waste Treatment 
    Council v. EPA, 886 F.2d 355 (D.C. Cir. 1989).
        When setting LDR treatment standards, we have generally established 
    two types: (1) a numerical, concentration-based treatment limit for 
    each constituent of concern, or (2) a method of treatment that must be 
    used to treat a particular constituent or constituent(s). In either 
    case, the treatment standard is based on the BDAT.
        Under the second approach where a technology is specified as the 
    treatment standard, EPA allows facilities to submit petitions (or 
    applications) demonstrating that an alternative treatment method can 
    achieve a measure of performance equivalent to that achievable by the 
    EPA-specified method. This demonstration of equivalency, known as a 
    Determination of Equivalent Treatment (DET) if approved, is typically 
    both waste-specific and site-specific. Our approval is based on: (1) 
    Demonstrations of equivalence for an alternative method of treatment 
    based on a statistical comparison of technologies, including a 
    comparison of specific design and operating parameters; (2) the 
    development of a concentration-based standard that utilizes a surrogate 
    or indicator compound that guarantees effective treatment of the 
    hazardous constituents; and (3) the development of a new analytical 
    method for quantifying the hazardous constituents.2 Thus, in 
    determining whether a technology is equivalent to the specified 
    technology, EPA carefully evaluates the treatment process, including 
    examining the characteristics of the residuals that are generated, and 
    compares the performance of this alternative treatment process to the 
    specified method of treatment. We also look at any other potential 
    adverse environmental impacts, including releases to air and water. See 
    Chemical Waste Management v. EPA, 976 F.2d 2, 17 (D.C. Cir. 1992), 
    explaining the
    [[Page 51542]]
    relevance of assessing releases to media other than land in determining 
    whether treatment is minimizing threats, as required by RCRA section 
    3004 (m).
        \2\ See 40 CFR 268.42(b) and the preamble for the Third Third 
    Scheduled Wastes; Final Rule (55 FR 22536, June 1, 1990) for more 
    III. What Is the Current Treatment Standard for K106 Mercury 
        EPA established treatment standards for K106 waste (wastewater 
    treatment sludge from the mercury cell process used in chlorine 
    production) as part of the LDR Third Third final rule (55 FR 22569, 
    June 1, 1990). In this rule, EPA established two treatment 
    subcategories for all mercury waste codes: a high mercury subcategory 
    for wastes with a total mercury concentration greater than or equal to 
    260 mg/kg; and a low mercury subcategory for wastes with a total 
    mercury concentration less than 260 mg/kg.
        High mercury subcategory K106 wastes are required to be treated by 
    roasting or retorting with recovery of mercury for reuse (``RMERC''). 
    RMERC residues must then meet a numerical mercury treatment standard of 
    0.20 mg/L TCLP. Low mercury subcategory K106 wastes (that are 
    themselves not RMERC residues) are not subject to a specific treatment 
    technology and must only meet a numerical treatment standard of 0.025 
    mg/L mercury TCLP.
    IV. Analysis of the Pioneer Application
    A. The Grounds Presented by Pioneer
        1. Description of Pioneer's K106 Waste and the Remerc process
        The subject wastes are classified as K106 nonwastewaters, treatment 
    sludges from wastewater systems that are part of the mercury cell 
    process in chlorine production. Pioneer generates between 176 and 244 
    tons of these K106 wastes per year when manufacturing chlorine and 
    caustic soda. In its application for a DET, Pioneer provides the 
    following description of its Remerc process.3
        \3\ See Pioneer's Application for a Determination of Equivalent 
    Treatment, which is in the docket to today's document, for more 
    information on the Remerc process, including a flow diagram.
        ``Mercury containing wastewater from various areas of the St. 
    Gabriel plant is generated at a rate of approximately 65 million 
    gallons per year. This wastewater is collected in an equalization tank. 
    The wastewater is pumped from the equalization tank to a series of 
    treatment tanks where sodium hydrosulfide (NaHS) is added and the pH 
    adjusted to form a mercury sulfide precipitate. The wastewater is then 
    directed to a Lamella settler, where the mercury sulfide particles 
    concentrate toward the bottom while nearly particle-free water flows to 
    the filter (called the sluicing filter) where remaining particles are 
    removed. The wastewater then flows through a carbon tower for final 
    treatment before being discharged to the Mississippi River under the 
    plant's NPDES/LPDES water discharge permit. The entire system consists 
    of tank units connected by a pipe.
        ``Prior to 1996, the bottoms of the Lamella settler were pumped to 
    a collection tank, as were solids (principally diatomaceous earth 
    filter aid) back-flushed from the sluicing filters. The combined 
    wastewater stream, containing approximately 10-15% solids, was then 
    pumped to a Shriver filter press (a pressure leaf filter) for solids 
    removal. The solids were then removed from the Shriver filter as a 
    wastewater treatment sludge. The sludge generated at the Shriver filter 
    was a high mercury K106 hazardous waste containing approximately 1.5-2% 
    mercury. * *. *.
        ``In upgrading the wastewater treatment system in 1996, the Remerc 
    system was added between the wastewater collection tank and the Shriver 
    filter press. The combined wastewater from the bottom of the Lamella 
    settler and the back-flushing of the sluicing filters is now pumped to 
    a leach tank, where a counter-current leaching solution removes a large 
    percentage of the mercury. The leach solution then flows to a 
    cementation stage, where metallic mercury is recovered and returned to 
    the manufacturing process. The wastewater containing suspended solids 
    continues to a thickener, which increases the solids content from 
    approximately 2% to 6-10%. This stream then continues through a second 
    leach tank, where more mercury is removed, and a second thickener. The 
    stream then proceeds to a surge tank where NaHS is added to bind any 
    remaining mercury, then to the Shriver filter press for solids removal 
    and washing.'' 4 The Shriver filter press sludge is K106 
        \4\ Mercury sulfide is the most insoluble of the mercury 
    complexes. However, it can become soluble if two conditions are 
    present: the surrounding environment is alkaline, and excess sulfide 
    is present. The washing step at the end of the treatment process 
    removes any excess sulfide from the K106 waste prior to disposal.
    2. Description of Test Results
        As part of its application, Pioneer submitted data on Remerc-
    treated waste from February 4 to March 31, 1999. Excluding data 
    gathered during a process upset from March 15-18, 1999, the average 
    total mercury content in the Remerc residuals is about 150 mg/kg, with 
    an average TCLP concentration of 0.021 mg/L. Using the BDAT 
    methodology,5 we find that RMERC residuals could meet a 
    treatment standard of 0.046 mg/L TCLP.6
        \5\ BDAT Background Document for Quality Assurance/Quality 
    Control Procedures and Methodology, October 23, 1991.
        \6\ See Memo from Josh Lewis, USEPA, to the Record, June 23, 
    1999 for the calculation of the Remerc residual standard using data 
    submitted by Pioneer.
        To calculate the mercury recovery rate, we looked at Pioneer's 
    historical data showing the mercury concentrations in the untreated 
    wastes,7 and we compared these data to data from Remerc-
    treated waste that were presented in Pioneer's DET application. 
    Pioneer's historical data are from samples taken in 1993, 1994 and 
    1995, before the insertion of the Remerc process in 1996, and from 1997 
    when Pioneer had to bypass the Remerc process after it had been 
    installed.8 The data show that Pioneer's untreated K106 
    waste is relatively consistent in terms of its total mercury content. 
    The average mercury removal rate of the Remerc process is about 99%. 
    During the worst case scenario (i.e., when the untreated K106 waste had 
    a mercury content of 9100 mg/kg), the Remerc process removes about 
    98.4% of the mercury.
        \7\ As explained above, the Remerc process is situated between 
    the wastewater collection tank and the Shriver filter press. Because 
    of this set-up, Pioneer does not generate a K106 waste until the 
    majority of the mercury is already removed from the waste (in 
    contrast, at chlor-alkali facilities with on-site retort units, the 
    K106 waste that will be generated after the filter press will still 
    have all of the mercury in it). Taking this into account, we believe 
    the best way to calculate the mercury recovery rate is to look at 
    historical data showing the mercury concentrations in the untreated 
    K106 wastes, and compare them to the mercury concentrations in the 
    treated waste from the Pioneer DET application.
        \8\ See the August 11, 1999 letter from Dana Oliver, Pioneer, to 
    Josh Lewis, USEPA for all of Pioneer's untreated K106 waste data.
    3. Pioneer's Request for Relief
        In its application, Pioneer asserts that its K106 Remerc residual 
    is analogous to the K106 retort residue in that both wastes have 
    similar total mercury and TCLP mercury levels, and both wastes are 
    residues from processes designed to recover mercury for reuse. 
    Furthermore, Pioneer notes that mercury emissions from Remerc to other 
    media, including air and water, are negligible. However, Remerc 
    residues are currently subject to an LDR standard of 0.025 mg/L TCLP, 
    while retort residues have to meet a less stringent mercury TCLP of 
    0.20 mg/L. Furthermore, Remerc residues that are above 260 mg/kg total 
    mercury are considered high mercury wastes, for which the current 
    treatment standard is retorting, and not Remerc.
        Pioneer requests a Hazardous Waste Determination of Equivalent 
    [[Page 51543]]
    (DET) that: (1) Recognizes its Remerc process as equivalent to RMERC, 
    so that Remerc can treat high mercury K106 wastes; and (2) subjects 
    Remerc residues to a standard of 0.20 mg/L TCLP, the same as retorting 
    residues. The Remerc residues will continue to be disposed in a 
    subtitle C landfill because they remain a listed hazardous waste.
        See Pioneer's Application for Determination of Equivalent 
    Treatment, which can be found in the docket to today's document, for 
    more details on Pioneer's request.
    B. How Does Pioneer Satisfy the Criteria?
        After careful review of the data and application submitted by 
    Pioneer, we conclude that Pioneer has adequately demonstrated that its 
    Remerc process is an equivalent treatment method to RMERC. We therefore 
    propose to grant Pioneer's petition for the following reasons:
        (1) Remerc removes comparable amounts of mercury from its K106 
    wastes. As mentioned above, Pioneer's Remerc process reduces the 
    mercury content from about 15,000 mg/kg to about 150 mg/kg, which is a 
    removal rate of about 99%. Both the mercury concentration in the 
    untreated K106 and the mercury recovery rate are similar to the 
    information presented in the ``Final Best Demonstrated Available 
    Treatment (BDAT) Background Document for Mercury-Containing Wastes 
    D009, K106, P065, P092, and U151'' (May 1990) and the Third Third final 
    rule preamble (55 FR 22570, June 1, 1990). The BDAT Background Document 
    states that K106 generated by sulfide precipitation contains 
    approximately 4.4% mercury on average as mercury sulfide, with a range 
    of 0.5% to 16% mercury. The Third Third final rule preamble states 
    that, based on data from the thermal processing of cinnabar ores and 
    the retorting or roasting of a mixture of K071 and K106 wastes, mercury 
    retorting can recover 98-99% of mercury contained in the feed material.
        (2) Remerc residues are consistent with RMERC residues. The Remerc 
    residual's average mercury content of 150 mg/kg and its average TCLP of 
    0.021 mg/L are consistent with the data from the roasting and retorting 
    of mercury-containing wastes in four processes examined during our BDAT 
    evaluation.9 The BDAT Background Document presents data from 
    a thermal recovery system that processes mercuric sulfide ores for 
    mercury recovery, a retorter treating K106 hydrazine sludge, a retorter 
    treating a combined K071/K106 waste, and a retorter treating a K106 
    waste generated by sodium borohydride reduction and filtration. 
    Furthermore, because Remerc residuals consistently have a total mercury 
    content below 260 mg/kg and can achieve a TCLP well below the 0.20 mg/L 
    limit, Remerc is operating in a manner consistent with the four BDAT 
    retort units.
        \9\ See the BDAT Background Document, which can be found in the 
    docket supporting today's document, for the complete data sets from 
    the roasting and retorting of these mercury-containing wastes.
        (3) Remerc does not release mercury to other environmental media. 
    With regard to other possible environmental releases of mercury, air 
    emissions from Remerc are negligible, as the entire Remerc system is 
    enclosed and vented to a scrubber system, and the process is 
    nonthermal. Stack sampling conducted in 1999 confirmed that less than 
    0.033 grams of mercury are released from the scrubber to the air per 
    day.10 Furthermore, the Remerc system does not appear to 
    adversely affect surrounding water bodies. Total mercury emissions to 
    surrounding water bodies were 18 pounds both in 1995, the last full 
    year before start-up of the Remerc process, and again in 1998, with the 
    Remerc system in place.
        \10\ See appendix IV of Pioneer's Application for a 
    Determination of Equivalent Treatment, which contains the 
    hypochlorite scrubber stack sampling report.
        (4) Other factors. In addition, Pioneer has also taken advantage of 
    pollution prevention opportunities where possible. For example, the 
    Remerc system uses spent sulfuric acid and hypochlorite solution from 
    the tail gas neutralizer as reagents, which is beneficial use of 
    byproduct materials from the main process.
    C. Conditions of the Proposed DET
        If we grant this DET, the following conditions would apply: (1) 
    Remerc residuals at Pioneer's facility would have to meet a TCLP of 
    0.20 mg/L; (2) if Pioneer generates a high mercury subcategory K106 
    waste, it can be treated using the Remerc process; (3) after treatment 
    to a mercury concentration of 0.20 mg/L TCLP, Pioneer may dispose of 
    the treated K106 wastes in a RCRA subtitle C landfill assuming they 
    meet any other applicable LDR treatment standards; (4) compliance with 
    these standards would not relieve the facility from compliance with any 
    other applicable treatment standards associated with this waste, 
    including other applicable federal, state, or local requirements as 
    specified in the facility's waste analysis plan; and (5) this DET would 
    have no expiration date.
        With regard to condition #5, one option we considered was whether 
    to have this DET expire after a certain time period because we are 
    currently reevaluating all of the mercury LDR treatment standards, 
    including the standards for RMERC and other treatment 
    residuals.11 We do not feel this expiration date is 
    necessary because we will be examining the residuals from all mercury 
    recycling technologies (e.g., RMERC and Remerc). If we change the 
    residual treatment standard for some or all of these technologies, we 
    will address the appropriate standard for Pioneer's Remerc residuals as 
        \11\ See our ANPRM for a description of the issues we have with 
    the current standards (64 FR 28949, May 28, 1999).
        Dated: September 9, 1999.
    Elizabeth A. Cotsworth,
    Director, Office of Solid Waste.
    [FR Doc. 99-24842 Filed 9-22-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Notice of intent to grant petition.
Document Number:
This DET is effective on October 25, 1999, unless we receive relevant adverse comment by October 14, 1999. If we receive such comment(s), we will publish a timely notice in the Federal Register informing the public that this DET will not be automatically granted and indicating the further steps that will be taken.
51540-51543 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PDF File: