96-24206. Side Impact Protection Side Impact Dummy  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 186 (Tuesday, September 24, 1996)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 49992-49998]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-24206]
    National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
    49 CFR Parts 571 and 572
    [Docket No. 96-098, Notice 01]
    RIN 2127-AG37
    Side Impact Protection Side Impact Dummy
    AGENCY: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), DOT.
    ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
    SUMMARY: This document proposes two amendments to the specifications 
    for the side impact test dummy and to the procedure in NHTSA's side 
    impact protection standard for positioning the dummy in a vehicle for 
    compliance testing purposes. The first amendment would add plastic 
    inserts-spacers to the dummy's lumbar spine. This change is intended to 
    prevent a cable within the spine from snapping, which some 
    manufacturers believe can generate large spikes in the data obtained 
    from the dummy. The second amendment would specify that the ribcage 
    damper piston of the dummy is set during the dummy positioning 
    procedure to the fully extended position prior to the side impact 
    dynamic test. These changes are intended to improve the consistency of 
    the data obtained from the dummy in a side impact crash test.
    DATES: Comments on this proposed rule must be received by the agency no 
    later than November 25, 1996.
        Proposed effective date: 45 days after publication of a final rule 
    in the Federal Register.
    ADDRESSES: Comments should refer to the docket number and notice number 
    and be submitted in writing to: Docket Section, National Highway 
    Traffic Safety Administration, Room 5109, 400 Seventh Street, S.W., 
    Washington, D.C., 20590. Telephone: (202) 366-5267. Docket hours are 
    9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For nonlegal issues: Mr. Stan 
    Backaitis, Office of Vehicle Safety Standards, (telephone 202-366-
    4912). For legal issues: Ms. Deirdre Fujita, Office of the Chief 
    Counsel (202-366-2992). Both can be reached at the National Highway
    [[Page 49993]]
    Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh St., S.W., Washington, D.C., 
        On October 30, 1990, NHTSA published a rule that established 
    dynamic side impact protection requirements for passenger cars. (See, 
    final rule amending Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 214, Side 
    Impact Protection, 49 CFR 571.214; 55 FR 45722.) The requirements, 
    which became effective September 1, 1993, improve safety by providing 
    protection against injuries to an occupant's thorax and pelvis in a 
    side impact crash.
        The requirements provide this protection by placing a side impact 
    dummy (SID) in a vehicle, subjecting the vehicle to a side impact crash 
    test and limiting the amounts of force measured by accelerometer 
    sensors mounted in the thorax and pelvis of the SID. The SID represents 
    an adult male 50th percentile size occupant. At the time of the 
    amendment to Standard 214, specifications for the SID were added to 
    NHTSA's test dummy regulation (see, 49 CFR part 572, subpart F).
        Four accelerometers are used to measure the crash test forces. 
    Three accelerometers are mounted in the dummy's thorax and provide 
    acceleration values used in determining the ``Thoracic Trauma Index 
    (TTI(d)).'' TTI(d) is an injury criterion that measures the risk of 
    thoracic injury of a passenger car occupant in a side impact. The 
    fourth accelerometer, mounted in the pelvic cavity, measures the 
    potential risk for pelvic injury. To meet Standard 214's side impact 
    protection requirements, the TTI(d) and pelvic measurements must be 
    below specified maximum values.
    Lumbar Spine Inserts
        The lumbar spine of the SID is a molded hollow cylindrical rubber 
    element, with bonded circular metal plates that have a hole in the 
    center at each end. A metal cable passes through the center of the 
    lumbar spine cylinder. The top end of the cable is threaded, and the 
    bottom end is shaped like a ball. The threaded end of the cable is 
    fastened with a nut, which can be tightened to provide the desired 
    compression in the lumbar.
        A number of motor vehicle manufacturers have informed NHTSA that 
    they have observed spikes in data obtained from side impact tests that 
    increase the variability and the magnitude of the TTI(d). The American 
    Automobile Manufacturers Association (AAMA), representing Ford, 
    Chrysler Corporation and General Motors Corporation, raised the issue 
    of these spikes in a June 29, 1994 letter to the agency. AAMA said that 
    metal-to-metal contact in the SID lumbar spine--
    is inducing data spikes that are of long enough time duration to 
    become part of the data when it is filtered according to the 
    requirements of Standard No. 214. Inclusion of these data spikes in 
    the data increases variability and unwarrranted higher calculations 
    of TTI(d). The spikes could cause manufacturers to redesign their 
    vehicles for no safety reason other than an artifact of the SID. 
    This redesign would increase business costs with no safety benefit 
    to the customer.
        AAMA stated that it determined that the noise spikes were caused by 
    (1) the nut and threaded area on top of the metal spine cable striking 
    the inner edge of the hole of the metal top-plate of the lumbar spine 
    when the spine flexes; (2) the ball at the end of the lumbar spine 
    cable popping in and out of the seat of the metal bottom plate when the 
    spine is compressed; and (3) the spine cable nut hitting the thorax to 
    lumbar spine adaptor assembly.
        Toyota Motor Corporate Services of North America (Toyota) also 
    informed NHTSA that it was concerned about ``unwarranted spine * * * 
    noise.'' (Letter to NHTSA from Mr. Saburo Inui, October 21, 1994.) 
    Toyota confirmed that the ``noise'' that AAMA found in the data traces 
    also occurred during Toyota's compliance and experimental development 
    tests. The manufacturer requested NHTSA to modify the SID 
    specifications by covering the spine cable with a shrinking plastic 
    tube and placing a rubber washer between the top-plate and the 
    fastening nut.
        Subsequently, AAMA recommended specific corrections to the SID to 
    eliminate the spine ringing. In a December 13, 1994 letter (see item 
    88-07-N03-006 in NHTSA's docket), AAMA recommended adding Delrin 
    spacers in the top and bottom plates of the lumbar spine:
        These spacers would be an efficient and effective way to correct 
    the spine ringing problem in the SID. They would be inserted into 
    the top and bottom plate of the lumbar spine assembly. No 
    modifications to the lumbar spine would be required for their use. 
    This would be cost effective for dummy users, since their inventory 
    of SID lumbar spines, would not have to be returned to dummy 
    manufacturers for rework. * * *
        AAMA stated that Ford conducted component testing to determine the 
    effect of using the Delrin inserts on SID performance. Ford found that 
    when the Delrin spacers were used, the data spikes were eliminated. 
    AAMA also said that in subsequent crash tests conducted by member 
    companies, no indications of spine ringing were found when the spacers 
    were used. AAMA provided data to substantiate that relevant SID 
    responses would not be altered by the use of the spacers, i.e., they do 
    not alter the SID responses except for the elimination of spine noise. 
    AAMA also indicated that the spacers are durable and are readily 
    available from Vector Research, a dummy manufacturer.
        On March 29, 1995, Mercedes Benz submitted a letter to NHTSA 
    supporting the use of the Delrin spacers, as suggested by AAMA. The 
    manufacturer stated: ``After much testing, we believe the AAMA has 
    provided sufficient evidence that artificial `noise' is eliminated by 
    using these spacers and that the relevant SID responses are not 
        After receiving these letters and comments, NHTSA reviewed data it 
    obtained from tests with the SID for evidence of spine noise (spikes). 
    None of the available agency experimental or vehicle compliance data 
    indicated definitive evidence of data contamination and/or distortion 
    clearly attributable to spine cable snap. Further, it appeared from 
    data submitted by Ford that the ``noise'' that the manufacturer found, 
    while visible primarily in several portions of the raw data traces, 
    would nonetheless be reduced to insignificant values by the specified 
    FIR filter. Also, the noise consisted of extremely short duration 
    spikes occurring earlier or considerably later than the peak 
    acceleration magnitudes in real world crash tests. Usually such short 
    duration spikes do not have much energy content and accordingly, have 
    little or no effect on the true acceleration measurement, particularly 
    since they do not occur at points in time at which the TTIs are at 
        While the agency's data did not show that spine noise was 
    problematic, NHTSA conducted further investigations to better 
    understand the manufacturers' concerns. In January 1995, NHTSA 
    determined through component tests of the SID torso that manufacturers 
    were correct that slippage of the SID's spine cable anchorage can 
    produce spikes in the data. (A July 1996 memorandum describing the 
    testing is in Docket 88-07, Notice 3.) In the component tests, the SID 
    upper torso part was rocked while the bottom half was held rigid. The 
    rocking tests caused the cable ends to slip, resulting in the 
    generation of low level ``clicking'' and some minor noise spikes in the 
    ribcage response data. It should be noted, however, that
    [[Page 49994]]
    none of the rocking motions producing spine cable snap generated spikes 
    that had any resemblance in shape or in magnitude to those described by 
    AAMA or Toyota.
        NHTSA also found in the rocking tests that the Delrin spacers, 
    which AAMA suggested the agency should use in the SID spine, stopped 
    the cable from slipping and eliminated the clicking noise. In a series 
    of sled tests, NHTSA also determined that the spine inserts produce 
    somewhat less spikelike acceleration responses in the raw unfiltered 
    data compared to tests without the spacers. In a series of impact 
    tests, the agency established that the spacers had no appreciable 
    effects on stiffness of the spine, but resulted in lower magnitudes of 
    spikes in the ``z'' (vertical) acceleration channel. NHTSA also found 
    that the inserts have little, if any, effect on the TTI value 
    measurements. The above tests are described in a July 1996 memorandum 
    in Docket 88-07, Notice 3.
        While the agency's data do not support the claims of some 
    manufacturers that spine noise affects the TTI(d) measurements 
    sufficiently to compel the possible redesign of their vehicles, NHTSA 
    has confirmed that the SID spine cable does move in a ``snap-like'' 
    motion that can produce low level spikes that are clearly visible in 
    unfiltered raw data. This ``noise,'' while thus far negligible upon FIR 
    filtering, is nonetheless undesirable in itself as part of the crash 
    event. Any looseness or snapping of components within the SID can 
    produce rattling or unwarranted snapping effects that could potentially 
    distort the data from the dummy and possibly complicate compliance 
    testing. NHTSA therefore tentatively concludes that ``noise'' from 
    movement of the spine cable should be minimized to the extent 
    reasonably possible and that spacers inserted into appropriate places 
    in the spine are a reasonable means of effectively preventing such 
    movement. Accordingly, the agency proposes to amend the specifications 
    for the SID to incorporate use of lumbar spine spacers in Standard 214 
    compliance tests. Estimated cost of the two spacers is $154. Given that 
    on average, a SID can be used in at least 30 tests, the estimated cost 
    of the spacers is at most $5 per impact test.
        Readers are invited to provide test data and comments relating to 
    their experience in testing dummies equipped with lumbar spine spacers.
    Proposed Drawing Revisions
        To incorporate the use of lumbar spine spacers, this proposal would 
    replace dummy assembly drawing SA-SID-M050, revision A (dated May 18, 
    1994) with revision B. Revision B would include reference to:
        1. Drawing Lumbar Spacers-Lower SID-SM-001, which indicates the 
    spine lower spacer;
        2. Drawing Lumbar Spacers-Upper SID-SM-002, which indicates the 
    spine upper spacer; and
        3. Drawing 78051-243 to indicate a washer.
        The drawings for the SID spine lower spacer and upper spacer are 
    depicted in this NPRM in figures 1 and 2, respectively.
    BILLING CODE 4910-59-P
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    BILLING CODE 4910-59-C
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        The SID users manual, dated May 1994, would be revised to reflect 
    the assembly of the above parts.
    Damper Piston Movement
        During the sled tests that the agency conducted to evaluate the 
    effect of spacer inserts in the SID lumbar spine, NHTSA observed that 
    the position of the damper piston in the SID ribcage prior to the test 
    had an appreciable effect on the thorax accelerations recorded by the 
    SID. In some tests, some of the thorax responses contained initial 
    short duration damper piston movement in the direction opposite of 
    impact, followed by a longer duration movement in the direction of 
    impact. Upon closer inspection of the damper piston position in dummies 
    set up for impact, NHTSA noted that the damper position was not fully 
    extended in some of the dummies. The agency subsequently found, through 
    tests with the damper piston position purposely fully extended or 
    partly compressed, that the damper piston's initial position can be an 
    important factor in determining whether the dummy's key thorax sensors 
    will record higher or lower accelerations.
        In a side impact in which contact occurs first at the dummy's hip 
    level, a dummy's ribcage initially moves (relative to the pelvis bone) 
    toward the impact. When the damper piston is partly compressed prior to 
    impact, the damper piston will fully extend itself during impact until 
    it is arrested by the piston bottoming out against the damper body. The 
    test data indicate that this internal ``collision'' of the damper 
    piston against the damper body is the primary cause of inconsistency in 
    data measurements and the determination of acceleration levels. This 
    collision does not occur when the piston is fully extended within the 
    damper body prior to the test.
        To better ensure that the impact response measurements are more 
    repeatable and reproducible, NHTSA proposes to specify in Standard 
    214's SID positioning procedures that the damper piston is in the fully 
    extended position before the test. Prior to sled tests that showed the 
    apparent damper piston position problem, the agency believed that a 
    piston return spring in the SID would develop sufficient force to set 
    the damper piston in the fully extended position. It appears, however, 
    that the spring is not stiff enough to set the piston in every dummy in 
    the fully extended position and that steps to ensure extension of the 
    piston are necessary.
        NHTSA found that the piston can be fully extended by rocking a 
    seated dummy in the lateral direction immediately prior to a test or by 
    reaching through a partly unzipped SID torso jacket and forcing the 
    piston into a full extension. NHTSA believes these measures will ensure 
    that the damper piston is in the fully extended position at the time of 
    the side impact test. NHTSA tentatively concludes that a visual 
    inspection appears to be adequate to ensure that the piston is fully 
    extended and that a position sensor may not be needed. However, it is 
    noted that for users who want assurance, through measurements, that the 
    piston position is fully extended, the SID specifications package 
    already allows use of a ribcage position sensor as an option. The cost 
    of the sensor, with mounting brackets, is approximately $1,025. 
    Comments are requested on whether the SID specifications package should 
    require the use of a sensor.
    Rulemaking Analyses and Notices
    Executive Order 12866 and DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures
        NHTSA has considered the impact of this rulemaking action under 
    E.O. 12866 and the Department of Transportation's regulatory policies 
    and procedures. This rulemaking document was not reviewed under E.O. 
    12866, ``Regulatory Planning and Review.'' This action has been 
    determined to be ``non-significant'' under the Department of 
    Transportation's regulatory policies and procedures. The proposed 
    amendments would not require any vehicle design changes but would 
    instead only require minor modifications in the test dummy used to 
    evaluate a vehicle's compliance with Standard No. 214. According to 
    Vector Research, a dummy manufacturer, the two Delrin spacers (lumbar 
    spine inserts) cost $154. Thus far, these have been precision machined 
    parts aimed to satisfy individual low volume orders. The cost is 
    expected to decrease considerably once the other dummy manufacturer 
    (FTSS) begins manufacturing the spacers. If use of spacers increases, 
    dummy manufacturers may seek to produce them through precision molding, 
    which could further reduce the cost of the spacer. The agency has 
    determined that the impacts of the proposed amendments would be so 
    minimal that a full regulatory evaluation is not required.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        NHTSA has also considered the impacts of this notice under the 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act. I hereby certify that this proposed rule 
    would not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of 
    small entities. Modifications to dummy designs affect motor vehicle 
    manufacturers, few of which are small entities. As described above, 
    there would be no significant economic impact on any vehicle 
    manufacturers, whether large or small. Further, since no price 
    increases would be associated with the proposed rule, small 
    organizations and small governmental units would not be affected in 
    their capacity as purchasers of new vehicles.
    National Environmental Policy Act
        NHTSA has also analyzed this proposed rule under the National 
    Environmental Policy Act and determined that it would not have a 
    significant impact on the human environment.
    Executive Order 12612 (Federalism)
        NHTSA has analyzed this proposal in accordance with the principles 
    and criteria contained in E.O. 12612, and has determined that this 
    proposed rule would not have significant federalism implications to 
    warrant the preparation of a Federalism Assessment.
    Civil Justice Reform
        This proposed rule would not have any retroactive effect. Under 49 
    U.S.C. 30103, whenever a Federal motor vehicle safety standard is in 
    effect, a State may not adopt or maintain a safety standard applicable 
    to the same aspect of performance which is not identical to the Federal 
    standard, except to the extent that the state requirement imposes a 
    higher level of performance and applies only to vehicles procured for 
    the State's use. 49 U.S.C. 30161 sets forth a procedure for judicial 
    review of final rules establishing, amending or revoking Federal motor 
    vehicle safety standards. That section does not require submission of a 
    petition for reconsideration or other administrative proceedings before 
    parties may file suit in court.
    Submission of Comments
        Interested persons are invited to submit comments on the proposal. 
    It is requested but not required that 10 copies be submitted.
        All comments must not exceed 15 pages in length. (49 CFR 553.21). 
    Necessary attachments may be appended to these submissions without 
    regard to the 15-page limit. This limitation is intended to encourage 
    commenters to detail their primary arguments in a concise fashion.
        If a commenter wishes to submit certain information under a claim 
    of confidentiality, three copies of the
    [[Page 49998]]
    complete submission, including purportedly confidential business 
    information, should be submitted to the Chief Counsel, NHTSA, at the 
    street address given above, and seven copies from which the purportedly 
    confidential information has been deleted should be submitted to the 
    Docket Section. A request for confidentiality should be accompanied by 
    a cover letter setting forth the information specified in the agency's 
    confidential business information regulation. 49 CFR Part 512.
        All comments received before the close of business on the comment 
    closing date indicated above for the proposal will be considered, and 
    will be available for examination in the docket at the above address 
    both before and after that date. To the extent possible, comments filed 
    after the closing date will also be considered. Comments received too 
    late for consideration in regard to the final rule will be considered 
    as suggestions for further rulemaking action. Comments on the proposal 
    will be available for inspection in the docket. The NHTSA will continue 
    to file relevant information as it becomes available in the docket 
    after the closing date, and it is recommended that interested persons 
    continue to examine the docket for new material.
        Those persons desiring to be notified upon receipt of their 
    comments in the rules docket should enclose a self-addressed, stamped 
    postcard in the envelope with their comments. Upon receiving the 
    comments, the docket supervisor will return the postcard by mail.
    List of Subjects
    49 CFR Part 571
        Imports, Motor vehicle safety, Motor vehicles.
    49 CFR Part 572
        Motor vehicle safety, Incorporation by reference.
        In consideration of the foregoing, NHTSA amends 49 CFR Parts 571 
    and 572 as set forth below.
        1. The authority citation for Part 571 would continue to read as 
        Authority: 49 U.S.C. 322, 30111, 30115, 30117 and 30166; 
    delegation of authority at 49 CFR 1.50.
    Sec. 571.214  [Amended]
        2. Section 571.214 would be amended by adding an introductory text 
    for S7.1, Torso, to read as follows:
        S7.1  Torso. For a test dummy in any seating position, the piston 
    of the torso damper (SID 083) is fully extended.
    * * * * *
        3. The authority citation for Part 572 would continue to read as 
        Authority: 49 U.S.C. 322, 30111, 30115, 30117 and 30166; 
    delegation of authority at 49 CFR 1.50.
        4. In section 572.41, the introductory text of (a), and paragraphs 
    (a)(4) and (c) would be revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 572.41  General description.
        (a) The dummy consists of component parts and component assemblies 
    (SA-SID-M001A, revision B, dated [to be determined] which are described 
    in approximately 250 drawings and specifications that are set forth in 
    Sec. 572.5(a) with the following changes and additions which are 
    described in approximately 85 drawings and specifications (incorporated 
    by reference; see Sec. 572.40):
    * * * * *
        (4) The lumbar spine consists of the assembly specified in subpart 
    B (Sec. 572.9(a)) and conforms to drawing SA 150 M050 and drawings 
    subtended by SA-SID-M050 revision B, dated [to be determined], 
    including the addition of Lumbar Spacers-Lower SID-SM-001 and Lumbar 
    Spacers-Upper SID-SM-002, and Washer 78051-243.
    * * * * *
        (c) Disassembly, inspection, and assembly procedures; external 
    dimensions and weight; and a dummy drawing list are set forth in the 
    Side Impact Dummy (SID) User's Manual, dated [to be determined] 
    (incorporated by reference; see Sec. 572.40).
    * * * * *
        5. In section 572.43, paragraph (a) would be revised to read as 
    Sec. 572.43  Lumbar spine and pelvis.
        (a) When the pelvis of a fully assembled dummy (SA-SID-M001A 
    revision B, dated [to be determined] (incorporated by reference; see 
    Sec. 572.40) is impacted laterally by a test probe conforming to 
    Sec. 572.44(a) at 14 fps in accordance with paragraph (b) of this 
    section, the peak acceleration at the location of the accelerometer 
    mounted in the pelvis cavity in accordance with Sec. 572.44(c) shall be 
    not less than 40g and not more than 60g. The acceleration-time curve 
    for the test shall be unimodal and shall lie at or above the +20g level 
    for an interval not less than 3 milliseconds and not more than 7 
    * * * * *
        Issued on September 16, 1996.
    L. Robert Shelton,
    Acting Associate Administrator for Safety Performance Standards.
    [FR Doc. 96-24206 Filed 9-23-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-59-P

Document Information

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Notice of proposed rulemaking.
Document Number:
Comments on this proposed rule must be received by the agency no later than November 25, 1996.
49992-49998 (7 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 96-098, Notice 01
2127-AG37: Plastic Spacer-Inserts for Test Dummies
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (6)
49 CFR 572.40)
49 CFR 572.44(a)
49 CFR 572.5(a)
49 CFR 571.214
49 CFR 572.41
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