96-24598. Publication of Consent Agreements Accepted for Public Comment in the Federal Register  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 188 (Thursday, September 26, 1996)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 50430-50431]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-24598]
    16 CFR Parts 2 and 3
    Publication of Consent Agreements Accepted for Public Comment in 
    the Federal Register
    AGENCY: Federal Trade Commission (FTC).
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Federal Trade Commission has revised Rule 2.34 and Rule 
    3.25(f) of its Rules of Practice, 16 CFR 2.34, 3.25(f) (1996), so that 
    the full text of consent agreements accepted for public comment will no 
    longer be published in the Federal Register. Instead, a summary of each 
    such agreement; the Analysis to Aid Public Comment that accompanies 
    each such agreement; and any Commission or Commissioner statements will 
    be published in the Federal Register after each such agreement is 
    placed on the public record. The Commission is not required by statute 
    to publish the full text of its consent agreements and related 
    documents in the Federal Register. Moreover, complete versions of these 
    materials are publicly available--from the Commission's Office of 
    Public Affairs, on its Internet World Wide Web Home Page (at ``http://
    www.ftc.gov/os/actions.htm''), and from its Public Reference Room--
    prior to the time they are published in the Federal Register. The 
    substantial expenditure of public funds required to publish full text 
    versions of consent agreements in the Federal Register therefore is not 
    EFFECTIVE DATES: These rule amendments are effective on September 26, 
    1996. Comments may be filed with the Office of the Secretary until 
    October 28, 1996.
    Donald S. Clark, Office of the Secretary, Federal Trade Commission, 
    Sixth Street and Pennsylvania Avenue N.W., Washington D.C. 20580 (202) 
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Section 2.34 of the Federal Trade Commission 
    Rules of Practice, 16 CFR 2.34 (1996), currently provides that when the 
    Commission accepts for public comment a consent agreement under Part 2 
    of its Rules of Practice, it ``will publish the agreement, order, and 
    explanation in the Federal Register.'' Similarly, section 3.25(f) of 
    the Rules, 16 CFR 3.25(f) (1996), provides that when the Commission 
    accepts for public comment a consent agreement under Part 3 of its 
    Rules of Practice, it ``will publish the agreement, order, and 
    explanation in the Federal Register.'' The Commission also places all 
    of the documents associated with each Part 2 or Part 3 consent 
    agreement--including the agreement itself, the complaint, the Analysis 
    to Aid Public Comment, any separate Commission or Commissioner 
    statements, and a news release--on the public record. The Commission 
    makes these documents available to the public in a number of locations, 
    including its Office of Public Affairs (in both paper and electronic 
    form), on its Internet World Wide Web Home Page (at ``http://
    www.ftc.gov/os/actions/htm'') (in electronic form), and in its Public 
    Reference Room (in paper form).
        The Commission estimates that it can save more than $60,000 each 
    year by instead printing only the following documents, for each consent 
    agreement, in the Federal Register: (1) A summary announcing the 
    commencement of the public comment period and indicating that the full 
    text of the consent agreement documents is available from the 
    Commission's Office of Public Affairs, on its Internet Home Page, and 
    from its Public Reference Room; (2) the analysis to aid public comment; 
    and (3) any Commission or Commissioner statements. The Commission 
    believes that this substantial reduction in expenditures can be 
    effected without any adverse effects on the public comment process. At 
    the time a particular consent agreement is placed on the public 
    record--that is, on the date on which the news release
    [[Page 50431]]
    describing it is issued--members of the public are fully informed both 
    of the terms of the agreement and of how they can file comments 
    concerning it. In addition, the news release and all of the consent 
    agreement documents typically are made public--in both paper and 
    electronic form--at least one week before the consent agreement and the 
    analysis appear in the Federal Register. As a result, most individuals 
    and entities first learn about the consent agreement from the news 
    release, or from news coverage of the agreement. Any member of this 
    group who wishes both to comment and to review the full text of the 
    agreement can request a copy from the Public Reference Room--using the 
    address and telephone number in the news release--or pick up a copy in 
    person. Moreover, members of the public can secure an electronic copy 
    of each consent agreement package from the Commission's Internet Home 
    Page (at ``http://www.ftc.gov/os/actions.htm'') or from the electronic 
    bulletin board maintained by the Commission's Office of Public Affairs. 
    Furthermore, the Federal Register notice announcing the agreement will 
    continue to provide--through the analysis to aid public comment--a 
    comprehensive description of both the agreement and the draft 
    complaint. As a result, Federal Register users will continue to be 
    informed of both the contours of the agreement and that they can, if 
    they wish, file comments concerning it. If they need additional detail 
    from the agreement itself, they can secure electronic copies and/or 
    paper copies from the above sources.
        These rule revisions relate solely to agency practice and, thus, 
    are not subject to the notice and comment requirements of the 
    Administrative Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C. 553(a)(2), nor to the 
    requirements of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601(2). The 
    Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501, does not apply because these 
    revisions do not contain requirements for information collection 
    subject to approval of the Office of Management and Budget. Although 
    the rule revisions are effective immediately, the Commission welcomes 
    comment on them and will consider further revision, as appropriate. 
    Such comments may be filed with the Office of the Secretary until 
    October 28, 1996.
    List of Subjects in 16 CFR Parts 2 and 3
        Administrative practice and procedure.
        In consideration of the foregoing, the Commission hereby amends 
    Title 16, Chapter I, Subchapter A, Parts 2 and 3 of the Code of Federal 
    Regulations, as follows:
        1. The authority for Parts 2 and 3 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: Sec. 6, 38 Stat. 721, 15 U.S.C. 46.
        2. Section 2.34 is amended so that the third sentence after the 
    introductory text beginning with ``The Commission * * *'' and ending 
    with ``* * * Federal Register.'' is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 2.34   Disposition.
     * * * * *
        * * * The Commission will publish the explanation in the Federal 
    Register. * * *
        3. Section 3.25(f) is amended so that the second sentence in the 
    concluding text beginning with ``The Commission * * *'' and ending with 
    ``* * * Federal Register.'' is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 3.25   Consent agreement settlements.
     * * * * *
        (f) * * * The Commission will publish the explanation in the 
    Federal Register. * * *
     * * * * *
        By direction of the Commission, Commissioner Azcuenaga 
    Donald S. Clark,
    Dissenting Statement of Commissioner Mary L. Azcuenaga Concerning 
    Commission Decision To Stop Publishing in the Federal Register the Full 
    Text of Consent Agreements Accepted for Public Comment
        Today the Commission revokes its long held policy of publishing 
    in the Federal Register the full text of consent agreements accepted 
    for public comment. Instead, the Commission will publish a summary, 
    an analysis and any Commission or commissioner statements. In 
    announcing this decision, the Commission also advises that complete 
    versions of the consent agreement, including complaints and orders, 
    will continue to be available from the Commission's Office of Public 
    Affairs (the press office), the Commission's home page on the World 
    Wide Web and the Commission's Public Reference Room (the office that 
    serves the general public). In an ideal world, the attainment of 
    which is surely very near, these alternative sources should be 
    sufficient. Unless we can be confident, however, that the other 
    sources are adequately serving the wide audience that follows the 
    Commission's actions in the Federal Register, the abandonment of 
    that means of disseminating information seems premature.
        The Commission has a long and admirable tradition of genuine 
    attentiveness to public comment and of seeking it out even when it 
    is not required by law to do so. Out of deference to the members of 
    the public whose interests we serve, many of whom have a keen 
    interest in and need to know about Commission decisions, I would 
    have preferred, before dispensing with our current practice, to have 
    greater reason for confidence in the adequacy of the alternative 
    sources of the information.
    [FR Doc. 96-24598 Filed 9-25-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6750-01-M

Document Information

Effective Date:
Federal Trade Commission
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
These rule amendments are effective on September 26, 1996. Comments may be filed with the Office of the Secretary until October 28, 1996.
50430-50431 (2 pages)
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