96-24807. Policy on Excess Federal Power  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 189 (Friday, September 27, 1996)]
    [Pages 50810-50812]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-24807]
    Bonneville Power Administration
    Policy on Excess Federal Power
    AGENCY: Bonneville Power Administration (Bonneville), Department of 
    Energy (DOE).
    ACTION: Notice.
    SUMMARY: On March 29, 1996, BPA initiated a public process to develop a 
    policy to implement the excess federal power marketing provisions of 
    the Energy and Water Development Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104-46, 
    Sec. 508(a) and (b), 109 Stat. 402, (1995) (codified at 16 U.S.C. 
    Sec. 832m) (hereinafter ``P.L. 104-46''). BPA published a proposed 
    policy in the Federal Register for public review and received comment 
    during a 60-day public comment period. BPA has considered all comments 
    received and has finalized its policy to implement this new power 
    marketing authority. The policy is published below.
        A Record of Decision (ROD) regarding this policy has been prepared 
    and explains the public process; the distinction between BPA's surplus 
    power marketing under prior legislation and excess federal power 
    marketing activities under P.L. 104-46; provides an overview and 
    delineates BPA's final policy on excess federal power; responds to 
    public comment; explains this action's compliance with the National 
    Environmental Policy Act; and adopts a final policy on excess federal 
        The publication of this policy and execution of the ROD is a final 
    action of the BPA Administrator under section 9(e) of the Pacific 
    Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act (Northwest Power 
    Act), 16 U.S.C. Sec. 839(e).
    ADDRESSES: Copies of the ROD may be obtained by calling BPA's toll-free 
    document request line: 1-800-622-4520.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT: David J. Armstrong--MPF, Bonneville 
    Power Administration, P.O. Box 3621, Portland, Oregon, 97208-3621, 
    phone number (503) 230-3658, fax number (503) 230-7568.
    Policy on Excess Federal Power
    I. Definitions
        A. Firm Contractual Obligations: are those Bonneville sales or 
    other dispositions of power entered into under and governed by sections 
    5(b) and 5(d) of the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and 
    Conservation Act (Northwest Power Act), 16 U.S.C. 839c(b) and 839c(d). 
    Such sales include the firm requirements power sales in the Pacific 
    Northwest region to Bonneville's actual and planned computed 
    requirements customers, metered requirements customers, direct-service 
    industrial customers and investor-owned utility customers.
        B. Delayed-Delivery Contracts: are contracts by Bonneville for the 
    sale or disposition of power which provide for actual delivery of power 
    to begin at some time after the effective date of the contract.
        C. Surplus Power: shall have the same meaning as electric power 
    which is surplus under section 5(f) of the Northwest Power Act. 16 
    U.S.C. 839c(f).
    II. Determination of Excess Federal Power
        A. Reductions in Contractual Obligations under Sections 5(b) and 
    5(d) of the Northwest Power Act:
        1. As of January 1, 1995, BPA's Firm Contractual Obligations 
    equaled 8298 average megawatts (aMW). This number
    [[Page 50811]]
    will be the baseline for comparing reductions in such obligations to 
    determine annual amounts of excess federal power. This is a fixed 
    number that will not change.
        2. To determine the energy component of excess federal power, each 
    year Bonneville will prepare a current forecast, in average megawatts, 
    of Firm Contractual Obligations based upon its then-current contracts. 
    In order to allow for sales or dispositions of excess federal power 
    under Delayed-Delivery Contracts with delivery terms of up to 7 years, 
    Bonneville will produce a 10-year annual average energy (average 
    megawatts) forecast of its then-current Firm Contractual Obligations. 
    For each year of the forecast period, the excess federal power in firm 
    energy from reductions in Firm Contractual Obligations will equal the 
    difference between the forecasted Firm Contractual Obligations and 8298 
        3. Bonneville will calculate an amount of excess peaking capacity 
    (megawatts) associated with reductions and increases in its then-
    current Firm Contractual Obligations by calculating an average annual 
    load factor based on all of its forecasted Firm Contractual 
    Obligations. This load factor will be applied to the result of the 
    calculation in section (2) above to determine an amount of excess 
        B. Operations of the Federal Columbia River Power System Primarily 
    for the Benefit of Fish and Wildlife: The amount of excess federal 
    power resulting from operations of the Federal Columbia River Power 
    System primarily for the benefit of fish and wildlife is 129 average 
    megawatts annually. The amount of excess peaking capacity associated 
    with these operations is 129 megawatts. This is a fixed number that 
    will not change unless there is a need to modify the number as 
    determined by Bonneville.
        C. Net Excess Federal Power: The sum of the results of the 
    calculation in (2) above (the Reductions in Bonneville's sections 5(b) 
    and 5(d) contractual obligations) and, unless modified, 129 aMW will be 
    reduced by the amount of then-current sales or other dispositions of 
    excess federal power to determine the net amount available for 
    marketing in each year of the forecast period. Bonneville will 
    determine this amount annually.
        D. Process: The results of the preceding determinations will be 
    included in an annual notification to Bonneville's then-existing 
    regional customers, and at Bonneville's discretion, non-regional 
    customers, of Bonneville's intent to market excess federal power. 
    Bonneville may also include in this annual notification the amount of 
    Surplus Power available for disposition.
    III. Sales of Excess Federal Power in Any Region
        A. Bonneville will, at its discretion, sell or otherwise dispose of 
    excess federal power in any region consistent with its authority to 
    market federal power under its authorizing legislation, including 
    section 508 of the 1996 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act 
    (P.L. 104-46). The actual amount of power sold or otherwise disposed of 
    as excess federal power will not exceed and may be less than the amount 
    of Surplus Power projected to be available based upon Bonneville's 
    then-current load/resource planning and the amount of excess federal 
    power Bonneville determines to be available consistent with section II 
        B. Sales or other dispositions of excess federal power shall not be 
    subject to the second sentence of section 5(a) of the Bonneville 
    Project Act. 16 U.S.C 832d(a).
        C. Bonneville will annually notify then-existing regional 
    customers, and at its discretion, non-regional customers, of the amount 
    of excess federal power resulting from the determinations in section II 
    above. This notification will also contain the range of rates, terms 
    and conditions within which Bonneville will market available power and 
    may contain the amount of Surplus Power determined by Bonneville to be 
    available for marketing. This notice will be an invitation to contract 
    for the sale or other disposition of power consistent with the range of 
    terms and conditions contained in the notice. Regional customers will 
    have 30 days from the date of this notification to contact Bonneville 
    with a request to purchase power consistent with the notice in order to 
    have preference and priority to purchase the power. Upon such a 
    request, Bonneville will enter into good faith negotiations for the 
    sale or other disposition of power with the regional customer 
    consistent with the general rate, terms and conditions contained in the 
    notice. Upon conclusion of the negotiations, Bonneville will offer the 
    power to the regional customer. If Bonneville receives competing 
    requests to purchase excess federal power, Bonneville will proceed to 
    negotiate sales consistent with public preference and then preference 
    under section 508 of P.L. 104-46. Within each class of customer, 
    Bonneville will negotiate and offer to sell, based upon the time of 
    receipt of the request.
        D. On a case by case basis, Bonneville will average the net amount 
    of available excess federal power in each year of a proposed sale or 
    other disposition to determine whether the amount of excess federal 
    power is sufficient for a multi-year transaction.
        E. All contracts for the sale or other disposition of excess 
    federal power will be binding in accordance with their terms for the 
    duration of the contract and will be firm obligations of the 
    IV. Sales or Other Dispositions of Excess Federal Power to Purchasers 
    Outside the Pacific Northwest Region
        A. Bonneville will, at its discretion, sell or otherwise dispose of 
    excess federal power, to purchasers outside the region for delivery 
    terms of up to 7 years as permitted by section 508(b) of P.L. 104-46. 
    Such transactions may be renewed subject to the availability of excess 
    federal power. Prior to executing a renewal of one or more years, 
    Bonneville will notify regional customers of the proposed renewal, 
    consistent with the notice procedures for long-term transactions in 
    subsection IV(C) below.
        B. Sales or other dispositions of excess federal power to 
    purchasers outside the region will not be subject to section 2, 
    subsections (a), (b), and (c) of section 3, and section 7 of the Act of 
    August 31, 1964, 16 U.S.C. 837a, 837b(a), (b) and (c), and 837f (the 
    Northwest Preference Act), and section 9(c) of the Northwest Power Act, 
    16 U.S.C. 839f(c).
        C. Long-term Sales or Other Dispositions of Excess Federal Power To 
    Purchasers Outside the Pacific Northwest: For proposed sales or other 
    dispositions of excess federal power to purchasers outside the region 
    for a period of one or more years, Bonneville will notify then-existing 
    regional customers of the proposed transactions. This notice will 
    contain information on the essential rate, terms and conditions of the 
    proposed out-of-region transaction as determined by Bonneville. 
    Regional customers interested in purchasing the power under the rate, 
    terms and conditions contained in the notice will have up to 30 days 
    and no less than five days, as determined by Bonneville, to request a 
    purchase. Upon a request to purchase, Bonneville will offer the power 
    to the regional customer under the identical rate, terms and conditions 
    in the notice, except those terms and conditions that clearly do not 
    apply to the particular purchaser (such as points of delivery). This 
    offer will remain open for five days.
    [[Page 50812]]
        D. Short-term Sales or Other Dispositions of Excess Federal Power 
    To Purchasers Outside the Pacific Northwest:
        1. Primary Notice: For proposed sales or other dispositions of 
    excess federal power to purchasers outside the region for a period of 
    less than one year, the annual notification in section III(C) above 
    will be the primary notification.
        2. Additional Notice: As determined by Bonneville and as warranted 
    in Bonneville's opinion by system or market conditions, Bonneville will 
    issue additional notices of available excess federal power which will 
    contain the same type of information as in the annual notice. Regional 
    customers interested in purchasing this power will have 5 days or less, 
    depending upon the effective delivery date and the duration of the 
    short-term sale or other disposition, within which to contact 
    Bonneville may provide such notices in its daily prescheduling 
    conferences with customers.
    Policy on Sales of Excess Federal Power Outside the Pacific Northwest 
    Region to Retail Customers
        In marketing excess Federal power outside the Pacific Northwest, 
    Bonneville does not intend to use its status as a Federal agency as a 
    basis for seeking to shield retail sales to non-Federal entities from 
    restrictions, terms and conditions of State law concerning access to 
    retail markets. Moreover, Bonneville intends to defer to State policies 
    concerning access to retail markets with respect to any dispositions of 
    excess Federal power to Federal end users unless an exception is made 
    by the Secretary of Energy in a specific circumstance. Consequently, 
    Bonneville adopts the following policy:
        A. Retail Sales to non-Federal Customers: Bonneville will not make 
    direct retail sales of excess Federal power outside the Pacific 
    Northwest to non-Federal customers unless the purchaser obtains any 
    third-party transmission or distribution services needed to effect 
    delivery of such power to the purchaser. As a matter of law, the 
    purchaser's acquisition of such transmission or distribution services 
    would be subject to any terms and conditions of service established 
    under applicable State and Federal law (including rules and orders 
        B. Dispositions to Federal End Users: The policy under subsection 
    (a) will guide dispositions of excess Federal power to Federal end 
    users outside the Pacific Northwest unless the Secretary of Energy 
    determines on a case-by-case basis that the interests of the United 
    States otherwise require.
        Issued in Portland, OR on September 19, 1996.
    Randall W. Hardy,
    Administrator and Chief Executive Officer.
    [FR Doc. 96-24807 Filed 9-26-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6450-01-P

Document Information

Bonneville Power Administration
Entry Type:
Document Number:
50810-50812 (3 pages)
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