99-25013. Implementation of the Local Competition Provisions of the Telecommunications Act of 1996  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 186 (Monday, September 27, 1999)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 51910-51911]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-25013]
    47 CFR Part 51
    [CC Docket No. 96-98; FCC 99-227]
    Implementation of the Local Competition Provisions of the 
    Telecommunications Act of 1996
    AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.
    ACTION: Final rule; reconsideration and clarification.
    SUMMARY: This document resolves and clarifies specific issues regarding 
    the nondiscriminatory access obligations of local exchange carriers 
    (LECs). The intended effect is to further Congress' goal of preventing 
    unfair local exchange carrier practices and encouraging the development 
    of competition in directory assistance.
    DATES: Effective October 27, 1999, except for Sec. 51.217(c)(3) which 
    contains information collection requirements that are contingent on 
    approval by the Office of Management and Budget. The Commission will 
    publish a document in the Federal Register announcing the effective 
    ADDRESSES: 445 12th Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20554
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Gregory Cooke, Senior Attorney, Common 
    Carrier Bureau, Network Services Division, (202) 418-2351 or via the 
    Internet at gcooke@fcc.gov. Further information may also be obtained by 
    calling the Common Carrier Bureau's TTY number: 202-418-0484. For 
    additional information concerning the information collections contained 
    in this Order contact Judy Boley at (202) 418-0214, or via the Internet 
    at jboley@fcc.gov.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This summarizes the Commission's Second 
    Order on Reconsideration adopted August 23, 1999, and released 
    September 9, 1999. The Second Order on Reconsideration clarifies rules 
    adopted in the Local Competition Second Report and Order and resolves 
    issues relating to nondiscriminatory access. The full text of this 
    Second Order on Reconsideration is available for inspection and copying 
    during normal business hours in the FCC Reference Center, 445 12th 
    Street, S.W., Room CY-A257, Washington, D.C. The complete text also may 
    be obtained through the World Wide Web, at http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/
    Common Carrier/Orders/fcc99227.wp, or may be purchased from the 
    Commission's copy contractor, International Transcription Service, 
    Inc., (202) 857-3800, 1231 20th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. This 
    Order contains information collections subject to the Paperwork 
    Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA). It has been submitted to the Office of 
    Management and Budget (OMB) for review under the PRA. The general 
    public and other federal agencies are invited to comment on the 
    information collections contained in this proceeding.
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        This Order contains modified information collections. The 
    Commission, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork 
    burdens, invites the general public to comment on the information 
    collections contained in this Order, as required by the Paperwork 
    Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 104-12. Persons wishing to comment on 
    the information collections should submit comments on or before October 
    27, 1999. Comments should address: (a) Whether the collection of 
    information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of 
    the Commission, including whether the information has practical 
    utility; (b) the accuracy of the Commission's burden estimates; (c) 
    ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information 
    collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of the collection of 
    information on the respondents including the use of automated 
    collection techniques or other forms of information technology.
        OMB Approval Number: 3060-0741.
        Title: Implementation of the Local Competition Provisions of the 
    Telecommunications Act of 1996--CC Docket No. 96-98.
        Form No.: N/A.
        Type of Review: Revised collection
                                                        Number of
                 Information collection                respondents      Estimated time per response     Total annual
                                                        (approx.)                                          burden
    Sharing of Directory Listings...................           500  36 hours (per respondent per year)        18,000
    Notification Regarding Format...................            50  1 hour (per respondent per year)..            50
        Total Annual Burden: 18,050 hours.
        Respondents: Businesses or other for-profit.
        Estimated costs per respondent: $0.
        Needs and Uses: The Commission, in compliance with section 
    251(b)(3) of the 1996 Act, clarifies and affirms rules in this Order to 
    further Congress' goals of preventing unfair LEC practices in relation 
    to nondiscriminatory access to telephone numbers, operator services, 
    directory assistance, and directory listings. Our clarification and 
    particularization of the obligations imposed on carriers by section 
    251(b)(3) is necessary to achieve Congress' goals in relation to 
    nondiscriminatory access. This approach should reduce confusion and 
    potential controversy with minimal burdens on carriers and new 
    entrants, many of whom are small businesses.
        The Commission promulgated rules pursuant to section 251(b)(3) of 
    the Act in the Local Competition Second Report and Order. In the Second 
    Order on Reconsideration, first, the Commission affirms its 
    requirements that LECs offer access to telephone numbers, operator 
    services, directory assistance, and directory listings that is equal to 
    the access that the LEC provides to itself and that the providing LEC 
    shall continue to bear the burden of proof that it is offering 
    nondiscriminatory access. Second, the Commission affirms its 
    requirement that each LEC provide access to adjunct features related to 
    the provision of operator services and directory assistance services, 
    and precludes LECs from negotiating exclusive contracts with third 
    party vendors of such adjunct features that would prevent competing 
    providers from negotiating licensing agreements with the vendors for 
    access to their services. Third, the Commission declines to change its 
    branding requirements concerning LECs' obligations to rebrand the 
    traffic of
    [[Page 51911]]
    interconnecting carriers and resellers, and, further, reaffirms that 
    the benefits of this obligation are to be extended to all ``competing 
    providers of telephone exchange service and telephone toll service,'' 
    including resellers. The Commission concludes that any failure to 
    rebrand the competitor's traffic is presumptively discriminatory and 
    that the burden will be on the providing LEC to demonstrate that it is 
    technically infeasible for it to arrange its network architecture to 
    allow it to brand competitor's traffic. Fourth, the Commission 
    clarifies that, upon request, a LEC shall provide access to its 
    directory assistance services, including directory assistance 
    databases, and to its directory listings in any format the competing 
    provider specifies, if the LEC's internal systems can accommodate that 
    format. In addition, LECs must supply updates to the requesting LEC in 
    the same manner as the original transfer and at the same time that it 
    provides updates to itself. Finally, the Commission deletes as 
    redundant its definition of ``directory listings,'' and concludes that 
    names and addresses of subscribers with unlisted information must be 
    shared among LECs.
    Regulatory Flexibility Certification
        As required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act, the Order contains a 
    Supplemental Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis which is set forth 
    in an Appendix to the Order. A brief description of the analysis 
    follows. Pursuant to section 604 of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, the 
    Commission performed a comprehensive analysis of the Order with regard 
    to small entities. This analysis includes: (1) A succinct statement of 
    the need for, and objectives of, the Commission's decisions in the 
    Order; (2) a summary of the significant issues raised by the public 
    comments in response to the initial regulatory flexibility analysis, a 
    summary of the Commission's assessment of these issues, and a statement 
    of any changes made in the Order as a result of the comments; (3) a 
    description of and an estimate of the number of small entities to which 
    the Order will apply; (4) a description of the projected reporting, 
    recordkeeping and other compliance requirements of the Order, including 
    an estimate of the classes of small entities which will be subject to 
    the requirement and the type of professional skills necessary for 
    compliance with the requirement; (5) a description of the steps the 
    Commission has taken to minimize the significant economic impact on 
    small entities consistent with the stated objectives of applicable 
    statutes, including a statement of the factual, policy, and legal 
    reasons for selecting the alternative adopted in the Order and why each 
    one of the other significant alternatives to each of the Commission's 
    decisions which affect small entities was rejected.
    List of Subjects in 47 CFR Part 51
        Local exchange carriers, Nondiscriminatory access, 
    Federal Communications Commission.
    Magalie Roman Salas,
    Rule Changes
        For the reasons discussed in the preamble, the Federal 
    Communications Commission amends Part 51 of the Code of Federal 
    Regulations to read as follows:
        1. The authority citation for Part 51 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: Sections 1-5, 7, 201-05, 207-09, 218, 225-27, 251-54, 
    271, 332, 48 Stat. 1070, as amended, 1077; 47 U.S.C. 151-155, 154, 
    157, 201-05, 207-09, 218, 225-27, 251-54, 271, 332, unless otherwise 
        2. Revise Sec. 51.217(c)(3) to read as follows:
    Sec. 51.217  Nondiscriminatory access: telephone numbers, operator 
    services, directory assistance services, and directory listings.
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
        (3) Directory assistance services and directory listings--(i) 
    Access to directory assistance. A LEC shall permit competing providers 
    to have access to its directory assistance services, including 
    directory assistance databases, so that any customer of a competing 
    provider can obtain directory listings, except as provided in paragraph 
    (c)(3)(iv) of this section, on a nondiscriminatory basis, 
    notwithstanding the identity of the customer's local service provider, 
    or the identity of the provider for the customer whose listing is 
    requested. A LEC must supply access to directory assistance in the 
    manner specified by the competing provider, including transfer of the 
    LECs' directory assistance databases in readily accessible magnetic 
    tape, electronic or other convenient format, as provided in paragraph 
    (c)(3)(iii) of this section. Updates to the directory assistance 
    database shall be made in the same format as the initial transfer 
    (unless the requesting LEC requests otherwise), and shall be performed 
    in a timely manner, taking no longer than those made to the providing 
    LEC's own database. A LEC shall accept the listings of those customers 
    served by competing providers for inclusion in its directory 
    assistance/operator services databases.
        (ii) Access to directory listings. A LEC that compiles directory 
    listings shall share directory listings with competing providers in the 
    manner specified by the competing provider, including readily 
    accessible tape or electronic formats, as provided in paragraph 
    (c)(3)(iii) of this section. Such data shall be provided in a timely 
        (iii) Format. A LEC shall provide access to its directory 
    assistance services, including directory assistance databases, and to 
    its directory listings in any format the competing provider specifies, 
    if the LEC's internal systems can accommodate that format.
        (A) If a LEC's internal systems do not permit it provide directory 
    assistance or directory listings in the format the specified by the 
    competing provider, the LEC shall:
        (1) Within thirty days of receiving the request, inform the 
    competing provider that the requested format cannot be accommodated and 
    tell the requesting provider which formats can be accommodated; and
        (2) Provide the requested directory assistance or directory 
    listings in the format the competing provider chooses from among the 
    available formats.
        (B) [Reserved]
        (iv) Unlisted numbers. A LEC shall not provide access to unlisted 
    telephone numbers, or other information that its customer has asked the 
    LEC not to make available, with the exception of customer name and 
    address. The LEC shall ensure that access is permitted to the same 
    directory information, including customer name and address, that is 
    available to its own directory assistance customers.
        (v) Adjuncts to services. Operator services and directory 
    assistance services must be made available to competing providers in 
    their entirety, including access to any adjunct features (e.g., rating 
    tables or customer information databases) necessary to allow competing 
    providers full use of these services.
    * * * * *
    [FR Doc. 99-25013 Filed 9-24-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6712-01-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Federal Communications Commission
Entry Type:
Final rule; reconsideration and clarification.
Document Number:
Effective October 27, 1999, except for Sec. 51.217(c)(3) which contains information collection requirements that are contingent on approval by the Office of Management and Budget. The Commission will publish a document in the Federal Register announcing the effective date.
51910-51911 (2 pages)
Docket Numbers:
CC Docket No. 96-98, FCC 99-227
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
47 CFR 51.217