95-24103. National Weather Service Modernization and Associated Restructuring  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 188 (Thursday, September 28, 1995)]
    [Pages 50185-50189]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-24103]
    National Weather Service Modernization and Associated 
    ACTION: Notice and opportunity for public comment.
    SUMMARY: The National Weather Service (NWS) is publishing proposed 
    certifications to consolidate the:
    (1) Residual New Orleans Weather Service Office (WSO) into the future 
    [[Page 50186]]
    New Orleans/Baton Rouge Weather Forecast Office (WFO);
    (2) Residual Tulsa WSO into the future Tulsa WFO;
    (3) Residual Oklahoma City WSO into the future Oklahoma City WFO; and
    (4) Residual Phoenix WSO into the future Phoenix WFO.
        In accordance with Public Law 102-567, the public will have 60 days 
    in which to comment on these proposed certifications.
    DATES: Comments are requested by November 27, 1995.
    ADDRESSES: Requests for copies of the proposed consolidation packages 
    can be sent to Janet Gilmer, Room 12316, 1325 East-West Highway, Silver 
    Spring, Maryland 20910, telephone 301-713-0276. All comments should be 
    sent to Janet Gilmer at the above address.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Julie Scanlon at 301-713-1413.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: NWS anticipates consolidating:
    (1) The residual New Orleans WSO with the future New Orleans/Baton 
    Rouge WFO;
    (2) The residual Tulsa WSO with the future Tulsa WFO;
    (3) The residual Oklahoma City WSO with the future Oklahoma City WFO; 
    (4) The residual Phoenix WSO with the future Phoenix WFO.
        In accordance with section 706 of Public Law 102-567, the Secretary 
    of Commerce must certify that these consolidations will not result in 
    any degradation of service to the affected areas of responsibility and 
    must publish the proposed consolidation certifications in the FR. The 
    documentation supporting each proposed certification includes the 
        (1) A draft memorandum by the Meteorologist in Charge recommending 
    the certification, the final of which will be endorsed by the Regional 
    Director and the Assistant Administrator for Weather Services after 
    consideration of public comments and completion of consultation with 
    the Modernization Transition Committee (the Committee);
        (2) A description of local weather characteristics and weather-
    related concerns which affect the weather services provided within the 
    service area;
        (3) A comparison of the services provided within the service area 
    and the services to be provided after such action;
        (4) A description of any recent or expected modernization of NWS 
    operation which will enhance services in the service area;
        (5) An identification of any area within the affected service area 
    which would not receive coverage (at an elevation of 10,000 feet) by 
    the next generation weather radar network;
        (6) Evidence, based upon operational demonstration of modernized 
    NWS operations, which was considered in reaching the conclusion that no 
    degradation in service will result from such action including the WSR-
    88D Radar Commissioning Report, User Confirmation of Services Report, 
    and the Decommissioning Readiness Report; and
        (7) A letter appointing the Liaison Officer.
        These proposed certifications do not include any report of the 
    Committee which could be submitted in accordance with sections 
    706(b)(6) and 707 of Public Law 102-567. At its September 
    14, 1995, meeting, the Committee concluded that the information 
    presented did not reveal any potential degradation of service at any 
    office and decided not to issue any report. The Committee did offer a 
    recommendation on these proposed certifications, which is attached to 
    this notice.
        Documentation supporting the proposed certifications is too 
    voluminous to publish in its entirety. Copies of the supporting 
    documentation can be obtained through the contact listed above.
        Attached to this Notice are:
        (1) Draft memoranda by the respective Meteorologists in Charge 
    recommending the certifications, and
        (2) The Committee's recommendation on these proposed 
        Once all public comments have been received and considered, the NWS 
    will complete consultation with the Committee and determine whether to 
    proceed with the final certifications. If decisions to certify are 
    made, the Secretary of Commerce must publish the final certifications 
    in the FR and transmit the certifications to the appropriate 
    congressional committees prior to consolidating the offices.
    Elbert W. Friday, Jr.,
    Assistant Administrator for Weather Services.
    Modernization Transition Committee
    Completion of Initial Consultation on Proposed Consolidation for 
    Oklahoma City, Phoenix, Tulsa and New Orleans
        The Modernization Transition Committee (MTC) has reviewed the 
    proposed consolidation certifications for Oklahoma City, Phoenix, 
    Tulsa, and New Orleans and has determined that these actions will 
    not result in degradation of services. We request documentation that 
    all identified work-arounds have been adequately addressed prior to 
    final certification.
        In addition, the committee makes the following observations and 
    recommendations to further enhance service to emergency management 
    personnel throughout the nation:
        (1) The National Weather Service Modernization Transition 
    Committee has reviewed a number of comments from local emergency 
    management personnel concerning the availability of weather 
    information. These comments have included references to not 
    understanding the information now available, and not being able to 
    afford the corresponding cost.
        Although these issues are beyond the purview of this Committee 
    we are concerned with the issues behind these complaints. We feel 
    that every emergency management office should have access to 
    appropriate weather information, regardless of the size and 
    financial condition of the community. Therefore, we urge the 
    National Weather Service, Federal Emergency Management Agency and 
    National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration to address these issues 
    as part of their joint project addressing weather information needs 
    of the emergency management community.
        Dated: September 14, 1995.
    Peter R. Leavitt,
    Chair, Modernization Transition Committee.
    Memorandum for: Harry S. Hassel, Director, W/SR
    From: Paul S. Trotter, MIC/AM, NWSFO LIX
    Subject: Recommendation for Consolidation Certification
        A change of operations occurred at the New Orleans Weather 
    Service Forecast Office (WSFO) in February, 1994, when most 
    personnel were transferred to the facility of the future New 
    Orleans/Baton Rouge Weather Forecast Office (WFO) in Slidell, 
    Louisiana, to operate the WSR-88D and assume forecast and warning 
    responsibility for the New Orleans/ Baton Rouge service area. At the 
    same time, this office has been designated a Residual Weather 
    Service Office (RWSO) at the original WSFO location to continue 
    operating the existing WSR-57 radar.
        After the review of the attached documentation and in my 
    professional judgement, I have determined that consolidation of the 
    old New Orleans Weather Service Forecast Office with the new 
    modernized New Orleans/Baton Rouge Weather Service Forecast Office 
    will not result in any degradation in weather services to the New 
    Orleans service area. This proposed certification is in accordance 
    with the advance announcement provided in the National 
    Implementation Plan. I am requesting your recommendation and 
    approval of the certification in accordance with Section 706 of 
    Public Law 102-567. If you concur with this action, please endorse 
    this recommendation and forward this package to the Assistant 
    Administrator for Weather Services for final certification. If Dr. 
    Friday, Assistant Administrator for Weather Services, approves, he 
    will forward the certification to the Secretary of Commerce for 
    approval and transmittal to Congress.
        My recommendation is based on my review of the evidence and 
    application of the modernization criteria noted for consolidation of 
    a field office.
    [[Page 50187]]
        In summary:
        1. A description of local weather characteristics and weather-
    related concerns affecting the weather services provided in the New 
    Orleans service area is included as attachment A. As discussed 
    below, I find that providing services which address these factors 
    and concerns from the New Orleans/Baton Rouge Weather Service 
    Forecast Office will not degrade these services.
        2. A list of services currently provided within the New Orleans 
    service area from the old New Orleans site and services to be 
    provided from the new New Orleans/Baton Rouge location after 
    consolidation is included in attachment B. Comparison of these 
    services shows all current services provided will continue after the 
    proposed consolidation. The enclosed map shows the old New Orleans 
    Area of Responsibility and the new New Orleans/Baton Rouge Area of 
    Responsibility. As noted below, I find that there will be no 
    degradation in the quality of these services as a result of the 
        3. A description of the recent or expected modernization of 
    National Weather Service operations which enhance services in the 
    New Orleans service area is included as attachment C. The new and 
    improved technology inclusive of ASOS, WSR-88D, and AWIPS, etc. has 
    or will be installed and will enhance services.
        4. A map showing planned NEXRAD coverage at an elevation of 
    10,000 feet over Louisiana and parts of Mississippi is included as 
    attachment D. National Weather Service operational radar coverage 
    for the specific area will be increased and no area will be under-
    represented or missed due to inappropriate coverage.
        5. The following evidence, based on operational demonstration of 
    the modernized National Weather Service operations, played a key 
    role in concluding there will be no degradation of service.
        A. The WSR-88D RADAR Commissioning Report, attachment E, 
    validates that the WSR-88D meets technical specifications and 
    acceptance test; is fully operational (satisfactory operation in 
    system interfaces and satisfactory support of associated National 
    Weather Service forecasting and warning services); a full set of 
    backup capabilities are functioning properly; a full set of 
    operations and maintenance documentation is available; spare parts, 
    test equipment, and trained operations and maintenance personnel are 
    available on site. Base level training is in place and ongoing 
    training continues. National Workarounds remain in effect.
        B. The User Confirmation of Services, attachment F, documents 
    one negative comment was received. The negative comment was 
    addressed and answered to the satisfaction of the user as stated in 
    the Service Confirmation Report.
        C. The Decommissioning Readiness Report, attachment G, verifies 
    the existing New Orleans WSR-57 radar is no longer needed to support 
    services or products for local office operations.
        6. A memorandum assigning the liaison officer for the New 
    Orleans/Baton Rouge service area is included as attachment H.
        I have considered recommendations of the Modernization 
    Transition Committee (Attachment I) and the public comments received 
    during the comment period (Attachment J). On ______________, the 
    Committee voted to endorse the proposed consolidation (Attachment 
    K). I believe all negative comments have been addressed to the 
    satisfaction of our customers and I continue to recommend this 
        I, Harry S. Hassel, Director, Southern Region, endorse this 
    consolidation certification.
    Harry S. Hassel
    Memorandum for: Harry S. Hassel, Director, Southern Region
    From: Dennis H. McCarthy, MIC, NWSFO Norman, OK
    Subject: Recommendation for Consolidation Certification
        A change of operations occurred at the Oklahoma City Weather 
    Service Forecast Office (WSFO) in 1987 when most of the personnel 
    were transferred to the facility for the future Oklahoma City 
    Weather Forecast Office (WFO) in Norman for operation of the WSR-88D 
    and assumption of forecast and warning responsibility for the 
    Oklahoma City service area. The office at the original WSFO location 
    was designated a Residual Weather Service Office (RWSO) and 
    continued to be the site for recording surface observations and 
    operating the WSR-57 radar.
        Based on the attached documentation, I have determined that, in 
    my professional judgment, consolidation of the Oklahoma City 
    Residual Weather Service Office (RWSO) with the future Oklahoma City 
    Weather Forecast Office (WFO) in Norman will not result in any 
    degradation in weather services to the Oklahoma City area. This 
    proposed certification is in accordance with the advance 
    notification provided in the National Implementation Plan. 
    Accordingly, I am recommending that you approve this action in 
    accordance with section 706 of Public Law 102-567. If you concur, 
    please endorse this recommendation and forward this package to the 
    Assistant Administrator for Weather Services for final 
    certification. If Dr. Friday approves, he will forward the 
    certification to the Secretary for approval and transmittal to 
        My recommendation is based on my review of the pertinent 
    evidence and application of the modernization criteria for 
    consolidation of a field office. In summary:
        1. A description of local weather characteristics and weather-
    related concerns affecting the weather services provided in the 
    Oklahoma City service area is included as attachment A. As discussed 
    below, I find that providing the services which address these 
    characteristics and concerns from the Oklahoma City WFO will not 
    degrade these services.
        2. A detailed list of services traditionally provided within the 
    Oklahoma City service area from the Oklahoma City RWSO location and 
    a list of services to be provided from the Oklahoma City WFO 
    location at Norman after consolidation is included in attachment B. 
    It should be noted that virtually all public services and forecast 
    and warning services were moved to the future WFO site in Norman 
    between 1987 and 1992 as part of a national modernization risk 
    reduction activity. Comparison of these services shows that all 
    services will continue to be provided after the proposed 
    consolidation. Also, the enclosed map shows the RWSO area of 
    responsibility (i.e. ``affected service area'') and the future WFO 
    Oklahoma City area of responsibility. As discussed below, I find 
    that there will be no degradation in the quality of these services 
    as a result of the consolidation.
        3. A description of the recent or expected modernization of 
    National Weather Service (NWS) operations which will enhance 
    services in the RWSO Oklahoma City service area is included as 
    attachment C. The new technology (i.e. ASOS, WSR-88D, and AWIPS) has 
    or will be installed and will enhance services.
        4. A map showing NEXRAD coverage at an elevation of ten thousand 
    feet for Oklahoma and portions of surrounding areas is included as 
    attachment D. NWS operational radar coverage for the specific 
    service area will be increased and no area will be missed in 
        5. The following evidence, based on operational demonstration of 
    modernized NWS operations, played a key role in concluding there 
    will be no degradation in service.
        A. The WSR-88D Radar Commissioning Report, attachment E, 
    validates that the WSR-88D meets technical specifications 
    (acceptance test); is fully operational (satisfactory operation of 
    system interfaces and satisfactory support of associated NWS 
    forecasting and warning services); service backup capabilities are 
    functioning properly; a full set of spare parts and test equipment 
    and trained operations and maintenance personnel are available on 
    site. Training was completed, but two national work-arounds remain 
    in effect.
        B. The User Confirmation of Services, attachment F, documents 
    that only three negative comments were received. All of those have 
    been answered to the satisfaction of the commentors as stated in the 
    Service Confirmation Report.
        C. The Decommissioning Readiness Report, attachment G, verifies 
    that the existing Oklahoma City WSR-57 radar is no longer needed to 
    support services or products for local office operations.
        6. A memorandum assigning the liaison officer for the Oklahoma 
    City service area is included as attachment H.
        I have considered recommendations of the Modernization 
    Transition committee (Attachment I) and the public comments received 
    during the comment period (Attachment J). On ________________, the 
    Committee voted to endorse the proposed consolidation (Attachment 
    K). I believe all negative comments have been addressed to the 
    satisfaction of our customers and I continue to recommend this 
        I, Harry S. Hassel, Director, Southern Region, endorse this 
    consolidation certification.
    [[Page 50188]]
    Harry S. Hassel
    10159 E. 11th Street, Suite 300
    Tulsa, Oklahoma 74128-3050
    Memorandum for: Harry S. Hassel, Director, Southern Region
    From: Donald R. Devore, MIC, NWSO Tulsa
    Subject: Recommendation for Consolidation Certification
        A change of operations occurred at the Tulsa Weather Service 
    Office (WSO) in March, 1992 when most personnel were transferred to 
    the facility of the future Tulsa Weather Forecast Office in Tulsa, 
    Oklahoma, to operate the WSR-88D and assume forecast and warning 
    responsibility for the Tulsa service area. At the same time, this 
    office was designated a Residual Weather Service Office (RWSO) at 
    the original WSO location to continue operating the existing WSR-74C 
    radar and recording surface observations.
        After reviewing the attached documentation, I have determined, 
    in my professional judgement, that consolidation of the Tulsa 
    Weather Service Office (WSO) with the future Tulsa Weather Forecast 
    Office (WFO) will not result in any degradation in weather services 
    to the Tulsa service area. This proposed certification is in 
    accordance with the advance notification provided in the National 
    Implementation Plan. Accordingly, I am recommending you approve this 
    action in accordance with section 706 of Public Law 102-567. If you 
    concur, please endorse this recommendation and forward this package 
    to the Assistant Administrator for Weather Services for final 
    certification. If Dr. Friday approves, he will forward the 
    certification to the Secretary for approval and transmittal to 
        My recommendation is based on my review of the pertinent 
    evidence and application of the modernization criteria for 
    consolidation of a field office. In summary:
        1. A description of local weather characteristics and weather-
    related concerns affecting the weather services provided in the 
    Tulsa service area is included as Attachment A. As discussed below, 
    I find that providing the services which address these 
    characteristics and concerns from Tulsa WFO will not degrade these 
        2. A detailed list of the services currently provided within the 
    Tulsa service area from the Tulsa WSO location and a list of 
    services to be provided from the Tulsa WFO location after 
    consolidation is included as Attachment B. Comparison of these 
    services shows that all services currently provided will continue to 
    be provided after the proposed consolidation. Also, the enclosed map 
    shows the WSO Tulsa Area of Responsibility (i.e. ``Affected Service 
    Area'') and the future WFO Tulsa Area of Responsibility. As 
    discussed below, I find that there will be no degradation in the 
    quality of these services as a result of the consolidation.
        3. A description of the recent or expected modernization of 
    National Weather Service (NWS) operations which will enhance 
    services in the WSO Tulsa service area is included as Attachment C. 
    The new Technology (i.e. ASOS, WSR-88D, and AWIPS) has been or will 
    be installed and will enhance services.
        4. A map showing planned NEXRAD coverage at an elevation of 
    10,000 feet for Oklahoma is included as Attachment D. NWS 
    operational radar coverage for the Tulsa service area will be 
    increased and no area will be missed in coverage.
        5. The following evidence, based upon operational demonstration 
    of modernized NWS operations, played a key role in concluding there 
    will be no degradation of service.
        A. The WSR-88D RADAR Commissioning Report, Attachment E, 
    validates that the WSR-88D meets technical specifications 
    (acceptance test); is fully operational (satisfactory operation of 
    system interfaces and satisfactory support of associated NWS 
    forecasting and warning services); service backup capabilities are 
    functioning properly; a full set of operations and maintenance 
    documentation is available; and spare parts and test equipment and 
    trained operations and maintenance personnel are available on site. 
    Training was completed but two national work-arounds remain in 
        B. The User Confirmation of Services, Attachment F, documents 
    that only one negative comment was received. The negative comment 
    has been answered to the satisfaction of the commentator as stated 
    in the Service Confirmation Report.
        C. The Decommissioning Readiness Report, Attachment G, verifies 
    that the existing Tulsa WSR-74C radar is no longer needed to support 
    services or products for local office operations.
        6. A memorandum assigning the liaison officer for the Tulsa 
    service area is included as Attachment H.
        I have considered recommendations of the Modernization 
    Transition Committee (Attachment I) and the ____________ public 
    comments received during the comment period (Attachment J). On 
    ________________, the Committee voted to endorse the proposed 
    consolidation (Attachment K). I believe all negative comments have 
    been addressed to the satisfaction of our customers and I continue 
    to recommend this certification.
        I, Harry S. Hassel, Director, Southern Region, endorse this 
    consolidation certification.
    Harry S. Hassel.
    NEXRAD Forecast Office
    PAB 500
    P.O. Box 52025
    Phoenix, Arizona 85072-2025
    Memorandum for: W/WR--Thomas D. Potter
    From: Anton F. Haffer, Arizona Area Manager
    Subject: Recommendation for Consolidation Certification
        A change of operations occurred at the Phoenix Weather Service 
    Forecast Office (WSFO) in May 1991 when most personnel were 
    transferred to the facility of the future Phoenix Weather Forecast 
    Office (WFO) in Tempe, Arizona to operate the WSR-88D and assume 
    forecast and warning responsibility for the Phoenix service area. At 
    the same time, the office at the original WSFO location was 
    designated a Residual Weather Service Office (RWSO) to continue 
    operating the WSR-74C radar.
        After reviewing the attached documentation, I have determined, 
    in my professional judgment, consolidation of the Phoenix Residual 
    Weather Service Office (RWSO) with the future Phoenix Weather 
    Forecast Office (WFO) will not result in any degradation in weather 
    services to the Phoenix service area. This proposed certification is 
    in accordance with the advance notification provided in the National 
    Implementation Plan. Accordingly, I am recommending that you approve 
    this action in accordance with section 706 of Public Law 102-567. If 
    you concur, please endorse this recommendation and forward this 
    package to the Assistant Administrator for Weather Services for 
    final certification. If Dr. Friday approves, he will forward the 
    certification to the Secretary for approval and transmittal to 
        My recommendation is based on my review of the pertinent 
    evidence and application of the modernization criteria for 
    consolidation of a field office. In summary:
        1. A description of local weather characteristics and weather-
    related concerns affecting the weather services provided in the pre-
    modernized Phoenix service area is included as attachment A. The 
    Phoenix service area is unique with 24-hour per day responsibility 
    for Gila, Graham, Greenlee, Maricopa, Mohave, Pinal, and Yavapai 
    Counties, and part-time responsibility, generally night-time hours, 
    for Apache, Coconino, La Paz, Navajo, and Yuma Counties. As 
    discussed below, I find that providing the services which address 
    these characteristics and concerns from the Phoenix WFO will not 
    degrade these services.
        2. A detailed list of the services currently provided from the 
    Phoenix RWSO location and comparable services to be provided from 
    the Phoenix WFO location after consolidation is included as 
    attachment B. Comparison of these services shows that all services 
    currently provided will continue to be provided after the proposed 
    consolidation. ASOS observations are currently augmented by NWS 
    personnel, with augmentation scheduled to be taken over by a 
    contractor. I find that there will be no degradation in the quality 
    of these services as a result of the consolidation.
        3. A description of the recent or expected modernization of 
    National Weather Service (NWS) operations which will enhance 
    services in the pre-modernized Phoenix service area is included as 
    attachment C. The new technology (i.e. ASOS, WSR-88D, and AWIPS) 
    has, or will be, installed and will enhance services.
        4. A map showing planned WSR-88D coverage at an elevation of 
    10,000 feet for Arizona is included as attachment D. The NWS 
    operational radar coverage for the Phoenix WFO service area will be 
    vastly increased and will not degrade services.
        5. The following evidence, based upon operational demonstration 
    of modernized NWS operations, played a key role in 
    [[Page 50189]]
    concluding there will be no degradation of service.
        A. The WSR-88D RADAR Commissioning Report, attachment E, 
    validates that the WSR-88D meets technical specifications 
    (acceptance test); is fully operational satisfactory operation of 
    system interfaces and satisfactory support of associated NWS 
    forecasting and warning services); service backup capabilities are 
    functioning properly; a full set of operations and maintenance 
    documentation is available; and spare parts and test equipment and 
    trained operations and maintenance personnel are available on site. 
    Training was completed. There were two national work-arounds. One of 
    these has been satisfied while the other one remains in effect.
        B. The User Confirmation of Services, attachment F, documents 
    that only one negative comment was received. The negative comment 
    was answered to the satisfaction of the commentor as stated in the 
    service Confirmation Report.
        C. The Decommissioning Readiness Report, attachment G, verifies 
    that the Phoenix WSR-74C radar is no longer needed to support 
    services or products for local office operations.
        6. A memorandum assigning the liaison officer for the Phoenix 
    service area is included as attachment H.
        I have considered recommendations of the Modernization 
    Transition Committee (attachment I) and the ____________ public 
    comments received during the comment period (attachment J). On 
    ________________ the Committee voted to endorse the proposed 
    consolidation (attachment K). I believe all negative comments have 
    been addressed to the satisfaction of our customers and I continue 
    to recommend this certification.
        I, Thomas D. Potter, Director, Western Region, endorse this 
    consolidation certification.
    Thomas D. Potter
    [FR Doc. 95-24103 Filed 9-27-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3510-12-M

Document Information

Commerce Department
Entry Type:
Notice and opportunity for public comment.
Document Number:
Comments are requested by November 27, 1995.
50185-50189 (5 pages)
PDF File: