98-25528. Federal Acquisition Regulation; Foreign Acquisition (Part 25 Rewrite)  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 187 (Monday, September 28, 1998)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 51642-51667]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-25528]
    [[Page 51641]]
    Part II
    Department of Defense
    General Services Administration
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration
    48 CFR Parts 1, et al.
    Federal Acquisition Regulation; Foreign Acquisition (Part 25 Rewrite); 
    Proposed Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 187 / Monday, September 28, 1998 / 
    Proposed Rules
    [[Page 51642]]
    48 CFR Parts 1, 5, 6, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 25, and 52
    [FAR Case 97-024]
    RIN 9000-AH30
    Federal Acquisition Regulation; Foreign Acquisition (Part 25 
    AGENCIES: Department of Defense (DOD), General Services Administration 
    (GSA), and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: The Civilian Agency Acquisition Council and the Defense 
    Acquisition Regulations Council are proposing to amend the Federal 
    Acquisition Regulation (FAR) to rewrite guidance and clauses on foreign 
    acquisition. This regulatory action was not subject to Office of 
    Management and Budget review under Executive Order 12866, dated 
    September 30, 1993. This is not a major rule under 5 U.S.C. 804.
    DATES: Comments should be submitted on or before November 27, 1998 to 
    be considered in the formulation of a final rule.
    ADDRESSES: Interested parties should submit written comments to: 
    General Services Administration, FAR Secretariat (MVRS), Attn: Ms. 
    Laurie Durate, 1800 F Street, NW, Room 4035, Washington, DC 20405, E-
    mail comments submitted over Internet should be addressed to: 
        Please cite FAR case 97-024 in all correspondence related to this 
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: The FAR Secretariat, Room 4035, GS 
    Building, Washington, DC 20405 (202) 501-4755 for information 
    pertaining to status or publication schedules. For clarification of 
    content, contact Mr. Paul Linfield, Procurement Analyst, at (202) 501-
    1757. Please cite FAR case 97-024.
    A. Background
        This rule constitutes a rewrite of FAR Part 25 and the associated 
    clauses in Part 52. Part 25 implements a number of statutes and 
    executive orders that use different terminology that have specific 
    definitions. These statutes and executive orders provide different 
    exceptions and may exempt certain departments or agencies. The effort 
    to rewrite FAR Part 25 was undertaken to make the various policies and 
    procedures that implement these statutes and executive orders in 
    acquisitions of foreign supplies, services, and construction materials 
    clearer and more understandable to the reader. In addition to numerous 
    editorial changes, some policies and procedures were clarified to 
    eliminate potential conflict or inconsistency with other parts of the 
    FAR. Several changes were made to provide either new or more consistent 
    and uniform direction to agencies. One of the more significant of these 
    changes, discussed below, addresses the treatment of U.S. made end 
    products for acquisitions subject to the Trade Agreements Act.
        To qualify as a domestic end product under the Buy American Act, 
    the end product must be manufactured in the United States and the cost 
    of the components manufactured in the United States must exceed 50% of 
    the cost of all components. Under the Trade Agreements Act, the country 
    of origin of an end product that is not wholly the growth, product or 
    manufacture of a country, is the country in which the end product is 
    substantially transformed into a new and different article, without 
    regard to the source of the components. The proposed rule defines U.S. 
    made end products as products that are manufactured or substantially 
    transformed in the United States, regardless of the source of the 
    components. Therefore, U.S. made end products pass the Trade Agreements 
    Act country of origin test, but do not necessarily qualify as domestic 
    end products under the Buy American Act.
        The Trade Agreements Act prohibits the purchase of foreign end 
    products, except for the products of countries that are eligible under 
    the Trade Agreements Act, the North American Free Trade Agreement, the 
    Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Initiative, or some other agreement. 
    These eligible products compete on an equal basis with domestic end 
    products, without application of a Buy American Act or Balance of 
    Payments Program evaluation factor.
        The Trade Agreements Act does not specifically address the 
    treatment of U.S. made end products that do not qualify as domestic end 
    products under the Buy American Act. Because these other U.S. made end 
    products are foreign end products under the Buy American Act and are 
    not the products of an eligible country, the current FAR prohibits a 
    contractor from supplying these other U.S. made end products when the 
    Trade Agreements Act applies.
        In 1990, the GSBCA Board of Contract Appeals ruled that the Trade 
    Agreements Act does not prohibit the purchase of U.S. products. See 
    International Business Machines Corp., GSBCA No. 10532-P, May 18, 1990, 
    90-2 BCA. U.S. made end products that do not meet the definition of 
    domestic end product under the Buy American Act are not foreign end 
    products included in the Trade Agreements Act procurement prohibition. 
    Until now, the GSBCA decision has been separately implemented by each 
    agency. This proposed rule revises the FAR to permit the purchase of 
    all U.S. made end products, whether or not they are domestic end 
    products. All such products compete equally with eligible end products. 
    Agencies that previously needed to deviate from the FAR to conform 
    their acquisitions to the GSBCA decision will no longer need a 
    deviation, since that decision is implemented in the proposed rule.
        However, the Board did not rule on the application of the Buy 
    American Act when a U.S. made end product that is not a domestic end 
    product competes with a domestic end product. As a result, an agency 
    may handle this evaluation differently. As a matter of policy, agencies 
    generally apply the Balance of Payments Program to overseas 
    acquisitions in the same way they apply the Buy American Act to 
    acquisitions in the United States. For example, GSA and the Department 
    of Commerce do not apply the Buy American Act or Balance of Payments 
    Program to provide a preference for domestic end products over other 
    U.S. made end products that do not qualify as domestic end products 
    when the Trade Agreements Act applies, i.e., all U.S. made end products 
    are treated the same. On the other hand, unless a waiver of the Buy 
    American Act has been specifically granted, DoD does provide an 
    evaluation preference to domestic end products, when such products are 
    competing with other U.S. made end products that do not qualify as 
    domestic end products. DoD has waived application of the Buy American 
    Act/Balance of Payments Program for all U.S. made information 
    technology end products, when the Trade Agreements Act applies.
        The evaluation procedures at FAR 25.502(b)(2) are appropriate for 
    those agencies that provide the same treatment to all U.S. made end 
    products. The proposed rule does not require a determination as to 
    whether a U.S. made end product is domestic through an assessment of 
    the source and value
    [[Page 51643]]
    of the components. Agencies, such as DoD, that in some cases apply the 
    Buy American Act or Balance of Payments Program evaluation preference 
    to domestic end products in competition with other U.S. made end 
    products in acquisitions subject to the Trade Agreements Act, may 
    provide alternative evaluation procedures in agency FAR supplements.
        Numerous structural and editorial changes are proposed. Revisions 
    include--(1) adding an overview to help readers understand the part 
    (25.001, General); (2) adding 25.002, Applicability of subparts; (3) 
    adding definitions of ``cost of components,'' ``eligible offer,'' 
    ``noneligible product,'' ``Israeli end product,'' ``nondesignated 
    country end product,'' and ``U.S. made end product;'' eliminating 
    unnecessary definitions; and relocating all definitions to 25.003; and 
    (4) adding text and examples for evaluating offers under the Buy 
    American Act and trade agreements for supply contracts.
        In this proposed rule, the clauses prescribed in Part 25 have been 
    renumbered, revised, and sometimes both. In order to better understand 
    the revisions to Part 52, the following list is provided:
                                                                   New FAR
                         Current FAR section                       section
    52.225-1 and -6...........................................   52.225-2
    52.225-2..................................................   52.225-7
    52.225-3 and -7...........................................   52.225-1
    52.225-4..................................................  52.225-17
    52.225-5..................................................   52.225-9
    52.225-8..................................................   52.225-6
    52.225-9..................................................   52.225-5
    52.225-10.................................................   52.225-8
    52.225-11.................................................  52.225-13
    52.225-12.................................................  52.225-10
    52.225-13.................................................  52.225-12
    52.225-14.................................................  52.225-14
    52.225-15 and -22.........................................  52.225-11
    52.225-18.................................................  52.225-15
    52.225-19.................................................  52.225-16
    52.225-20.................................................   52.225-4
    52.225-21.................................................   52.225-3
    B. Regulatory Flexibility Act
        This proposed rule is not expected to have a significant economic 
    impact on a substantial number of small entities within the meaning of 
    the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601, et seq., because it 
    primarily clarifies existing guidance pertaining to acquisition of 
    foreign supplies, services, and construction. An Initial Regulatory 
    Flexibility Analysis has, therefore, not been performed. Comments are 
    invited from small businesses and other interested parties. Comments 
    from small entities concerning the affected FAR subpart will be 
    considered in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 610 of the Act. Such comments 
    must be submitted separately and should cite 5 U.S.C. 601, et seq. (FAR 
    case 97-024), in correspondence.
    C. Paperwork Reduction Act
        The Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501, et seq.) is deemed to 
    apply because the proposed rule contains information collection 
    requirements. These information collection requirements were submitted 
    and cleared by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under 44 
    U.S.C. 3501, et seq. The OMB control numbers are 9000-0022, 9000-0023, 
    9000-0024, 9000-0025, 9000-0130, and 9000-0141.
        The existing provisions at 52.225-1, Buy American Certificate, and 
    52.225-6, Balance of Payments Program Certificate (OMB Control Numbers 
    9000-0024 and 9000-0023, respectively), are now combined into a new 
    provision at 52.225-2, Buy American Act--Balance of Payments Program 
    Certificate, with no change in paperwork burden. The existing provision 
    at 52.225-8, Buy American Act--Trade Agreements--Balance of Payments 
    Program Certificate (OMB Control Number 9000-0025) is replaced by the 
    provision at 52.225-6, Trade Agreements Certificate. The existing 
    provision at 52.225-20, Buy American Act--North American Free Trade 
    Agreement Implementation Act--Balance of Payments Program Certificate 
    (OMB Control Number 9000-0130) is replaced by the provision at 52.225-
    4, Buy American Act--North American Free Trade Agreement--Israeli Trade 
    Act--Balance of Payments Program Certificate. These replacement 
    provisions eliminate redundancies in required listing of foreign end 
    products and country of origin. The provisions and clauses at 52.225-5, 
    Buy American Act--Construction Materials; 52.225-15, Buy American Act--
    Construction Materials under Trade Agreements Act and North American 
    Free Trade Agreement; 52.225-12, Notice of Buy American Act 
    Requirement-- Construction Materials; 52.225-13, Notice of Buy American 
    Act Requirement--Construction Materials under Trade Agreements Act and 
    North American Free Trade Agreement (OMB Clearance 9000-0141); and 
    52.225-22, Balance of Payments Program-- Construction Materials--NAFTA, 
    are replaced by the provisions and clauses at 52.225-9, Buy American 
    Act--Balance of Payments Program--Construction Materials; 52.225-10, 
    Notice of Buy American Act/Balance of Payments Program Requirement--
    Construction Materials; 52.225-11, Buy American Act--Balance of 
    Payments Program--Construction Materials under Trade Agreements; and 
    52.225-12, Notice of Buy American Act/Balance of Payments Program 
    Requirement--Construction Materials under Trade Agreements. There is no 
    change in burden relating to the renumbered clause at 52.225-8 entitled 
    ``Duty-Free Entry,'' currently 52.225-10 (OMB Clearance 9000-0022).
    List of Subjects in 48 CFR Parts 1, 5, 6, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 
    25, and 52
        Government procurement.
        Dated: September 18, 1998.
    Edward C. Loeb,
    Director, Federal Acquisition Policy Division.
        Therefore, it is proposed that 48 CFR Parts 1, 5, 6, 9, 12, 13, 14, 
    15, 17, 25, and 52 be amended as set forth below:
        1. The authority citation for 48 CFR Parts 1, 5, 6, 9, 12, 13, 14, 
    15, 17, 25, and 52 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 40 U.S.C. 486(c); 10 U.S.C. chapter 137; and 42 
    U.S.C. 2473(c).
        2. Section 1.106 is amended in the table following the introductory 
    paragraph by removing the FAR Segment and OMB Control number in the 
    left columns and inserting the FAR Segment and OMB Control Number 
    listed in the right columns as follows:
                             Remove                                                   Insert
        FAR segment               OMB control No.                FAR segment               OMB control No.
    52.225-1                                     9000-0024   52.225-2                       9000-0023 and 9000-0024
    52.225-6                                     9000-0023   52.225-4                                     9000-0130
    52.225-8                                     9000-0025   52.225-6                                     9000-0025
    52.225-10                                    9000-0022   52.225-8                                     9000-0022
    52.225-20                                    9000-0130   52.225-9                                     9000-0141
                                                             52.225-11                                    9000-0141
    [[Page 51644]]
    5.301  [Amended]
        3. Section 5.301 is amended in the parenthetical in paragraph 
    (a)(1) by removing ``(see 25.402 and 25.403)'' and inserting ``(see 
    subpart 25.4)''.
        4. Section 6.303-1 is amended by revising the first sentence of 
    paragraph (d) to read as follows:
    6.303-1  Requirements.
    * * * * *
        (d) Contract actions subject to the Trade Agreements Act (see 
    subpart 25.4) may be made without providing for full and open 
    competition only when permitted and justified pursuant to this subpart. 
    * * *
    * * * * *
        5. Section 9.205 is amended by revising paragraph (b) to read as 
    9.205  Opportunity for qualification before award.
    * * * * *
        (b) The activity responsible for establishing a qualification 
    requirement shall keep any list maintained of those already qualified 
    open for inclusion of additional products, manufacturer, or other 
    potential sources, including eligible products from designated 
    countries under the terms of the Trade Agreements Act (see subpart 
        6. Section 12.205 is amended by revising paragraph (c) to read as 
    12.205  Offers.
    * * * * *
        (c) Consistent with the requirements at 5.203(b), the contracting 
    officer may allow fewer than 30 days response time for receipt of 
    offers for commercial items, unless the acquisition is subject to NAFTA 
    or the Trade Agreements Act(see 5.203(h)).
    12.504  [Amended]
        7. Section 12.504 is amended by removing paragraphs (a)(2) through 
    (a)(4) and redesignating (a)(5) through (a)(15) as (a)(2) through 
    (a)(12), respectively.
    13.101  [Amended]
        8. Section 13.101 is amended by removing paragraph (a)(3) and 
    redesignating (a)(4) as (a)(3).
        9. Section 14.201-6 is amended by revising paragraphs (x) and (y) 
    to read as follows:
    14.201-6  Solicitation provisions.
    * * * * *
        (x) The provision at 52.214-34, Submission of Offers in the English 
    Language, is required in solicitations that include any of the clauses 
    prescribed in 25.1101 or 25.1102. It may be included in other 
    solicitations when the contracting officer decides that it is 
        (y) The provision at 52.214-35, Submission of Offers in U.S. 
    Currency, is required in solicitations that include any of the clauses 
    prescribed in 25.1101 or 25.1102, unless the clause at 52.225-17, 
    Evaluation of Foreign Currency Offers, prescribed in 25.1103(d) is 
    included. It may be included in other solicitations when the 
    contracting officer decides that it is necessary.
    14.409-1  [Amended]
        10. Section 14.409-1 is amended in paragraph (a)(2) by removing the 
    reference ``25.405(e)'' and inserting ``25.408(a)(5)''.
    15.209  [Amended]
        11. Section 15.209 is amended by removing the reference ``25.901'' 
    and inserting ``25.1001'' in paragraph (b)(4).
        12. Section 17.203 is amended by revising paragraph (h) to read as 
    17.203  Solicitations.
    * * * * *
        (h) Include the value of options in determining if the acquisition 
    will exceed the Trade Agreements Act and North American Free Trade 
    Agreement thresholds.
        13. Part 25 is revised to read as follows:
    25.000  Scope of part.
    25.001  General.
    25.002  Applicability of subparts.
    25.003  Definitions.
    Subpart 25.1--Buy American Act--Supplies
    25.100 Scope of subpart.
    25.101  General.
    25.102  Policy.
    25.103  Exceptions.
    25.104  Nonavailable articles.
    25.105  Determining reasonableness of cost.
    Subpart 25.2--Buy American Act--Construction Materials
    25.200 Scope of subpart.
    25.201  Policy.
    25.202  Exceptions.
    25.203  Preaward determinations.
    25.204  Evaluating offers of foreign construction material.
    25.205  Postaward determinations.
    25.206  Noncompliance.
    Subpart 25.3--Balance of Payments Program
    25.300  Scope of subpart.
    25.301  General.
    25.302  Policy.
    25.303  Exceptions.
    25.304  Procedures.
    Subpart 25.4--Trade Agreements
    25.400  Scope of subpart.
    25.401  Exceptions.
    25.402  General.
    25.403  Trade Agreements Act.
    25.404  Caribbean Basin Trade Initiative.
    25.405  North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
    25.406  Israeli Trade Act.
    25.407  Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft.
    25.408  Procedures.
    Subpart 25.5--Evaluating Foreign Offers--Supply Contracts
    25.501  General.
    25.502  Application.
    25.503  Group offers.
    25.504  Evaluation examples.
    25.504-1  Buy American Act/Balance of Payments Program.
    25.504-2  Trade Agreements Act/Caribbean Basin Trade Initiative/
    25.504-3  Other trade agreements.
    25.504-4  Group award basis.
    [[Page 51645]]
    Subpart 25.6--Trade Sanctions
    25.600  Scope of subpart.
    25.601  Policy.
    25.602  Exceptions.
    Subpart 25.7--Prohibited Sources
    25.701  Restrictions.
    25.702  Source of further information.
    Subpart 25.8--Other International Agreements and Coordination
    25.801  General.
    25.802  Procedures.
    Subpart 25.9--Customs and Duties
    25.900  Scope of subpart.
    25.901  Policy.
    25.902  Procedures.
    25.903  Exempted supplies.
    Subpart 25.10--Additional Foreign Acquisition Regulations
    25.1001  Waiver of right to examination of records.
    25.1002  Use of foreign currency.
    Subpart 25.11--Solicitation Provisions and Contract Clauses
    25.1101  Acquisition of supplies.
    25.1102  Acquisition of construction.
    25.1103  Other provisions and clauses.
        Authority: 40 U.S.C. 486(c); 10 U.S.C. chapter 137; and 42 
    U.S.C. 2473(c).
    25.000  Scope of part.
        This part provides policies and procedures for acquiring foreign 
    supplies, services, and construction materials. It implements the Buy 
    American Act, the Balance of Payments Program, trade agreements, and 
    other laws and regulations.
    25.001  General.
        (a) The Buy American Act--
        (1) Restricts the purchase of supplies, that are not domestic end 
    products, for use within the United States. A foreign end product may 
    be purchased if it is determined that the price of the lowest domestic 
    offer is unreasonable, or if another exception applies (see subpart 
    25.1); and
        (2) Requires that, with some exceptions, only domestic construction 
    materials be used in contracts for construction in the United States 
    (see subpart 25.2).
        (b) The Balance of Payments Program (see subpart 25.3) is similar 
    to the Buy American Act in its implementation except that it applies to 
    the purchase of supplies for use outside the United States, and 
    construction materials for construction contracts performed outside the 
    United States.
        (c) The restrictions in the Buy American Act and the Balance of 
    Payments Program are waived in acquisitions subject to certain trade 
    agreements (see subpart 25.4). In these acquisitions, end products and 
    construction materials from certain countries receive nondiscriminatory 
    treatment in evaluation with domestic offers. Generally, the dollar 
    value of the acquisition will determine which of the trade agreements 
    applies. Exceptions to the applicability of the trade agreements are 
    described in subpart 25.4.
        (d) The test used to determine the country of origin for an end 
    product under the trade agreements is different from the test used to 
    determine the country of origin for an end product under the Buy 
    American Act (see definitions of ``end product'' in 25.003). The Buy 
    American Act uses a two-part test to define a ``domestic end product'' 
    (manufacture in the United States and a formula based on cost of 
    domestic components). Under the trade agreements, the test to determine 
    country of origin is ``substantial transformation,'' i.e., transforming 
    an article into a new and different article of commerce, with a name, 
    character, or use distinct from the original article.
        (e) Sanctions have been imposed against some European Union 
    countries for discriminating against U.S. products and services (see 
    subpart 25.6).
    25.002  Applicability of subparts.
        The applicability of the subparts is shown in the following table. 
    Comprehensive procedures for offer evaluation, and examples, are 
    provided in subpart 25.5.
                                       Supplies for use              Construction             Services performed
               Subpart           -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                   Inside U.S.  Outside U.S.   Inside U.S.  Outside U.S.   Inside U.S.  Outside U.S.
    25.1  Buy American Act--
     Supplies...................            X   ............  ............  ............  ............  ............
    25.2  Buy American Act--
     Construction Materials.....  ............  ............            X   ............  ............  ............
    25.3  Balance of Payments
     Program....................  ............            X   ............            X   ............  ............
    25.4  Trade Agreements......            X             X             X             X             X             X
    25.5  Evaluating Foreign
     Offers--Supply Contracts...            X             X   ............  ............  ............  ............
    25.6  Trade Sanctions.......            X             X             X             X             X             X
    25.7  Prohibited Sources....            X             X             X             X             X             X
    25.8  Other International
     Agreements and Coordination            X             X   ............            X   ............            X
    25.9  Customs and Duties....            X   ............  ............  ............  ............  ............
    25.10  Additional Foreign
     Acquisition Regulations....            X             X             X             X             X             X
    25.11  Solicitation
     Provisions and Contract
     Clauses....................            X             X             X             X             X             X
    25.003  Definitions.
        As used in this part--
        Canadian end product means an article that--
        (1) Is wholly the growth, product, or manufacture of Canada; or
        (2) In the case of an article that consists in whole or in part of 
    materials from another country, has been substantially transformed in 
    Canada into a new and different article of commerce with a name, 
    character, or use distinct from that of the article or articles from 
    which it was transformed. The term refers to a product offered for 
    purchase under a supply contract, but for purposes of calculating the 
    value of the end product includes services (except transportation 
    services) incidental to the article, provided that the value of those 
    incidental services does not exceed that of the article itself.
        Caribbean Basin country means any of the following countries: 
    Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, British Virgin 
    Islands, Costa Rica, Dominica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, 
    Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Montserrat, 
    Netherlands Antilles, Nicaragua, Panama, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. 
    Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Tobago and Trinidad.
        Caribbean Basin country end product means an article that--
        (1) Is wholly the growth, product, or manufacture of a Caribbean 
    Basin country; or
        (2) In the case of an article that consists in whole or in part of 
    materials from another country, has been substantially transformed in a 
    Caribbean Basin country into a new and different article of commerce 
    with a name, character, or use distinct from that of
    [[Page 51646]]
    the article or articles from which it was transformed. The term refers 
    to a product offered for purchase under a supply contract, but for 
    purposes of calculating the value of the end product includes services 
    (except transportation services) incidental to the article; provided 
    that the value of those incidental services does not exceed that of the 
    article itself. The term excludes products that are excluded from duty-
    free treatment for Caribbean countries under 19 U.S.C. 2703(b), which 
    presently are--
        (i) Textiles and apparel articles that are subject to textile 
        (ii) Footwear, handbags, luggage, flat goods, work gloves, and 
    leather wearing apparel not designated as eligible articles for the 
    purpose of the Generalized System of Preferences under Title V of the 
    Trade Act of 1974;
        (iii) Tuna, prepared or preserved in any manner in airtight 
        (iv) Petroleum, or any product derived from petroleum; and
        (v) Watches and watch parts (including cases, bracelets, and 
    straps) of whatever type including, but not limited to, mechanical, 
    quartz digital, or quartz analog, if such watches or watch parts 
    contain any material that is the product of any country to which the 
    Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) column 2 rates 
    of duty apply.
        Civil aircraft and related articles means--
        (1) All aircraft other than aircraft to be purchased for use by the 
    Department of Defense or the U.S. Coast Guard;
        (2) The engines (and parts and components for incorporation into 
    the engines) of these aircraft;
        (3) Any other parts, components, and subassemblies for 
    incorporation into the aircraft; and
        (4) Any ground flight simulators, and parts and components of these 
    simulators, for use with respect to the aircraft, whether to be used as 
    original or replacement equipment in the manufacture, repair, 
    maintenance, rebuilding, modification, or conversion of the aircraft 
    and without regard to whether the aircraft or articles receive duty-
    free treatment under section 601(a)(2) of the Trade Agreements Act.
        Components means those articles, materials, and supplies 
    incorporated directly into the end products.
        Construction means construction, alteration, or repair of any 
    public building or public work.
        Construction material means an article, material, or supply brought 
    to the construction site by a contractor or subcontractor for 
    incorporation into the building or work. The term also includes an item 
    brought to the site preassembled from articles, materials, or supplies. 
    However, emergency life safety systems, such as emergency lighting, 
    fire alarm, and audio evacuation systems, that are discrete systems 
    incorporated into a public building or work and that are produced as 
    complete systems, shall be evaluated as a single and distinct 
    construction material regardless of when or how the individual parts or 
    components of such systems are delivered to the construction site. 
    Materials purchased directly by the Government are supplies, not 
    construction material.
        Cost of components means--
        (1) For components purchased by the contractor, the acquisition 
    cost, including transportation costs to the place of incorporation into 
    the end product (whether or not such costs are paid to a domestic 
    firm), and any applicable duty (whether or not a duty-free entry 
    certificate is issued); or
        (2) For components manufactured by the contractor, all costs 
    associated with the manufacture of the component, including 
    transportation costs as described in paragraph (1) of this definition, 
    plus allocable overhead costs, but excluding profit. Cost of components 
    does not include any costs associated with the manufacture of the end 
        Customs territory of the United States means the States, the 
    District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.
        Designated country means any of the following countries:
    Burkina Faso
    Cape Verde
    Central African Republic
    Equatorial Guinea
    Hong Kong
    Korea, Republic of Lesotho
    Sao Tome and Principe
    Sierra Leone
    Tanzania U.R.
    United Kingdom
    Western Samoa
        Designated country end product means an article that--
        (1) Is wholly the growth, product, or manufacture of a designated 
    country; or
        (2) In the case of an article that consists in whole or in part of 
    materials from another country, has been substantially transformed in a 
    designated country into a new and different article of commerce with a 
    name, character, or use distinct from that of the article or articles 
    from which it was transformed. The term refers to a product offered for 
    purchase under a supply contract, but for purposes of calculating the 
    value of the end product includes services (except transportation 
    services) incidental to the article; provided that the value of those 
    incidental services does not exceed that of the article itself.
        Domestic construction material means--
        (1) An unmanufactured construction material mined or produced in 
    the United States; or
        (2) A construction material manufactured in the United States, if 
    the cost of its components mined, produced, or manufactured in the 
    United States exceeds 50 percent of the cost of all its components. 
    Components of foreign origin of the same class or kind for which 
    nonavailability determinations have been made are treated as domestic.
        Domestic end product means--
        (1) An unmanufactured end product mined or produced in the United 
    States; or
        (2) An end product manufactured in the United States, if the cost 
    of its components mined, produced, or
    [[Page 51647]]
    manufactured in the United States exceeds 50 percent of the cost of all 
    its components. Components of foreign origin of the same class or kind 
    as those that the agency determines are not mined, produced, or 
    manufactured in sufficient and reasonably available commercial 
    quantities of a satisfactory quality are treated as domestic. Scrap 
    generated, collected, and prepared for processing in the United States 
    is considered domestic.
        Domestic offer means an offer of a domestic end product. When the 
    solicitation specifies that award will be made on a group of line 
    items, a domestic offer means an offer where the proposed price of the 
    domestic end products exceeds 50 percent of the total proposed price of 
    the group.
        Eligible offer means an offer of an eligible product. When the 
    solicitation specifies that award will be made on a group of line 
    items, an eligible offer means a foreign offer where the combined 
    proposed price of the eligible products and the domestic end products 
    exceeds 50 percent of the total proposed price of the group.
        Eligible product means a foreign end product that is not subject to 
    the discriminatory treatment of the Buy American Act or the Balance of 
    Payments Program due to the applicability of a trade agreement to a 
    particular acquisition.
        End product means those articles, materials, and supplies to be 
    acquired under the contract for public use.
        Foreign construction material means a construction material other 
    than a domestic construction material.
        Foreign contractor means a contractor or subcontractor organized or 
    existing under the laws of a country other than the United States, its 
    territories, or possessions.
        Foreign end product means an end product other than a domestic end 
        Foreign offer means any offer other than a domestic offer.
        Israeli end product means an article that--
        (1) Is wholly the growth, product, or manufacture of Israel; or
        (2) In the case of an article that consists in whole or in part of 
    materials from another country, has been substantially transformed in 
    Israel into a new and different article of commerce with a name, 
    character, or use distinct from that of the article or articles from 
    which it was transformed.
        Mexican end product means an article that--
        (1) Is wholly the growth, product, or manufacture of Mexico; or
        (2) In the case of an article that consists in whole or in part of 
    materials from another country, has been substantially transformed in 
    Mexico into a new and different article of commerce with a name, 
    character, or use distinct from that of the article or articles from 
    which it was transformed. The term refers to a product offered for 
    purchase under a supply contract, but for purposes of calculating the 
    value of the end product includes services (except transportation 
    services) incidental to the article; provided that the value of those 
    incidental services does not exceed that of the article itself.
        Noneligible product means a foreign end product that is not an 
    eligible product.
        North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) country means Canada or 
        NAFTA country end product means an article that--
        (1) Is wholly the growth, product, or manufacture of a NAFTA 
    country; or
        (2) In the case of an article that consists in whole or in part of 
    materials from another country, has been substantially transformed in a 
    NAFTA country into a new and different article of commerce with a name, 
    character, or use distinct from that of the article or articles from 
    which it was transformed. The term refers to a product offered for 
    purchase under a supply contract, but for purposes of calculating the 
    value of the end product includes services (except transportation 
    services) incidental to the article; provided that the value of those 
    incidental services does not exceed that of the article itself.
        Sanctioned European Union (EU) country construction means 
    construction to be performed in a sanctioned EU member state.
        Sanctioned EU country end product means an article that--
        (1) Is wholly the growth, product, or manufacture of a sanctioned 
    EU member state; or
        (2) In the case of an article that consists in whole or in part of 
    materials from another country, has been substantially transformed in a 
    sanctioned EU member state into a new and different article of commerce 
    with a name, character, or use distinct from that of the article or 
    articles from which it was transformed. The term refers to a product 
    offered for purchase under a supply contract, but for purposes of 
    calculating the value of the end product includes services (except 
    transportation services) incidental to the article; provided that the 
    value of those incidental services does not exceed that of the article 
        Sanctioned EU country services means services to be performed in a 
    sanctioned EU member state.
        Sanctioned EU member state means Austria, Belgium, Denmark, 
    Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Sweden, 
    or the United Kingdom.
        United States means the 50 states and the District of Columbia, its 
    possessions, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and any other place 
    subject to its jurisdiction, but does not include leased bases or trust 
        U.S. made end product means an article that has been manufactured 
    in the United States or that has been substantially transformed in the 
    United States into a new and different article of commerce with a name, 
    character, or use distinct from that of the article or articles from 
    which it was transformed.
    Subpart 25.1--Buy American Act--Supplies
    25.100  Scope of subpart.
        This subpart implements the Buy American Act (41 U.S.C. 10a-10d) 
    and Executive Order 10582, December 17, 1954 (as amended). It applies 
    to supplies acquired for use in the United States, including supplies 
    acquired under contracts set aside for small business concerns, if--
        (a) The supply contract exceeds the micro-purchase threshold; or
        (b) The supply portion of a contract for services that involves the 
    furnishing of supplies (e.g., lease) exceeds the micro-purchase 
    25.101  General.
        (a) The Buy American Act restricts the purchase of supplies that 
    are not domestic end products. For manufactured end products, the Buy 
    American Act uses a two-part test to define a domestic end product--
        (1) The article must be manufactured in the United States; and
        (2) The cost of domestic components must exceed 50 percent of the 
    cost of all the components.
        (b) The Buy American Act applies to small business set-asides. The 
    product of a small business concern (see subpart 19.5) is a U.S. made 
    end product, but is not a domestic end product unless it meets the 
    component test in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
        (c) Exceptions that allow the purchase of a foreign end product are 
    listed at 25.103. The unreasonable cost exception is implemented 
    through the use of an evaluation factor applied to low foreign offers 
    that are not eligible offers (see 25.003). The evaluation factor is not 
    used to provide a preference for one
    [[Page 51648]]
    foreign offer over another. Evaluation procedures and examples are 
    provided in subpart 25.5.
    25.102  Policy.
        Except as provided in section 25.103, only domestic end products 
    shall be acquired for public use inside the United States.
    25.103  Exceptions.
        When one of the following exceptions applies, a foreign end product 
    may be acquired without regard to the restrictions of the Buy American 
        (a) Public interest. The head of the agency may make a 
    determination that domestic preference would be inconsistent with the 
    public interest. This exception applies when an agency has an agreement 
    with a foreign government that provides a blanket exception to the Buy 
    American Act.
        (b) Nonavailability. A determination may be made that an article, 
    material, or supply is not mined, produced, or manufactured in the 
    United States in sufficient and reasonably available commercial 
    quantities of a satisfactory quality.
        (1) A nonavailability determination has been made for the articles 
    listed in 25.104.
        (2)(i) Unless agency regulation prescribes otherwise, a 
    nonavailability determination may be made by the head of the 
    contracting activity under any circumstances, or by the contracting 
    officer if all of the following conditions are present:
        (A) The acquisition was conducted through use of full and open 
        (B) The acquisition was synopsized in accordance with 5.201.
        (C) No offer for a domestic end product was received.
        (ii) A copy of each determination and supporting documentation 
    shall be submitted to the appropriate council identified in 1.201-1 in 
    accordance with agency procedures, for possible addition to the list in 
        (c) Unreasonable cost. A decision may be made that the cost of an 
    end product from a domestic source would be unreasonable, in accordance 
    with 25.105 and subpart 25.5.
        (d) Resale. Foreign end products may be purchased specifically for 
    commissary resale.
    25.104  Nonavailable articles.
        (a) The following articles have been determined to be nonavailable 
    in accordance with 25.103(b):
    Acetylene, black.
    Agar, bulk.
    Antimony, as metal or oxide.
    Asbestos, amosite, chrysotile, and crocidolite.
    Beef, corned, canned.
    Beef extract.
    Bephenium hydroxynapthoate.
    Books, trade, text, technical, or scientific; newspapers; pamphlets; 
    magazines; periodicals; printed briefs and films; not printed in the 
    United States and for which domestic editions are not available.
    Brazil nuts, unroasted.
    Cadmium, ores and flue dust.
    Calcium cyanamide.
    Cashew nuts.
    Castor beans and castor oil.
    Chalk, English.
    Chrome ore or chromite.
    Cinchona bark.
    Cobalt, in cathodes, rondelles, or other primary ore and metal 
    Cocoa beans.
    Coconut and coconut meat, unsweetened, in shredded, desiccated, or 
    similarly prepared form.
    Coffee, raw or green bean.
    Colchicine alkaloid, raw.
    Cork, wood or bark and waste.
    Cover glass, microscope slide.
    Crane rail (85-pound per foot).
    Cryolite, natural.
    Dammar gum.
    Diamonds, industrial, stones and abrasives.
    Emetine, bulk.
    Ergot, crude.
    Erythrityl tetranitrate.
    Fair linen, altar.
    Fibers of the following types: abaca, abace, agave, coir, flax, 
    jute, jute burlaps, palmyra, and sisal.
    Goat and kidskins.
    Graphite, natural, crystalline, crucible grade.
    Hand file sets (Swiss pattern).
    Handsewing needles.
    Hemp yarn.
    Hog bristles for brushes.
    Hyoscine, bulk.
    Ipecac, root.
    Iodine, crude.
    Leather, sheepskin, hair type.
    Lavender oil.
    Menthol, natural bulk.
    Microprocessor chips (brought onto a Government construction site as 
    separate units for incorporation into building systems during 
    construction or repair and alteration of real property).
    Nickel, primary, in ingots, pigs, shots, cathodes, or similar forms; 
    nickel oxide and nickel salts.
    Nitroguanidine (also known as picrite).
    Nux vomica, crude.
    Oiticica oil.
    Olive oil.
    Olives (green), pitted or unpitted, or stuffed, in bulk.
    Opium, crude.
    Oranges, mandarin, canned.
    Petroleum, crude oil, unfinished oils, and finished products.
    Pine needle oil.
    Platinum and related group metals, refined, as sponge, powder, 
    ingots, or cast bars.
    Pyrethrum flowers.
    Quartz crystals.
    Rabbit fur felt.
    Radium salts, source and special nuclear materials.
    Rubber, crude and latex.
    Santonin, crude.
    Silk, raw and unmanufactured.
    Spare and replacement parts for equipment of foreign manufacture, 
    and for which domestic parts are not available.
    Spices and herbs, in bulk.
    Sugars, raw.
    Swords and scabbards.
    Talc, block, steatite.
    Tapioca flour and cassava.
    Tartar, crude; tartaric acid and cream of tartar in bulk.
    Tea in bulk.
    Thread, metallic (gold).
    Thyme oil.
    Tin in bars, blocks, and pigs.
    Triprolidine hydrochloride.
    Vanilla beans.
    Venom, cobra.
    Wax, carnauba.
    Wire glass.
    Woods; logs, veneer, and lumber of the following species: Alaskan 
    yellow cedar, angelique, balsa, ekki, greenheart, lignum vitae, 
    mahogany, and teak.
    Yarn, 50 Denier rayon.
        (b) The determination in paragraph (a) of this section does not 
    apply if the contracting officer learns before the time designated for 
    receipt of offers or final proposal revisions that an article on the 
    list has become available domestically in sufficient and reasonably 
    available quantities of a satisfactory quality. The contracting officer 
    shall amend the solicitation if purchasing the article, or if 
    purchasing an end product that could contain such an article as a 
    component, and shall specify in all new solicitations that the article 
    has been found to be available and that offerors and contractors may 
    not treat foreign components of the same class or kind as domestic 
    components. In addition, a copy of supporting documentation shall be 
    submitted to the appropriate council identified in 1.201-1 in 
    accordance with agency procedures, for possible removal of the article 
    from the list.
    [[Page 51649]]
    25.105  Determining reasonableness of cost.
        (a) The contracting officer--
        (1) Shall use the evaluation factors in paragraph (b) of this 
    section unless the head of the agency makes a written determination 
    that the use of higher factors is more appropriate. If the 
    determination will be applicable to all agency acquisitions, the agency 
    evaluation factors shall be published in agency regulations.
        (2) Shall not apply evaluation factors to offers of eligible 
    products if the acquisition is subject to a trade agreement under 
    subpart 25.4.
        (b) If there is a domestic offer that is not the low offer, and the 
    restrictions of the Buy American Act apply to the low offer, the 
    contracting officer shall determine the reasonableness of the cost of 
    the domestic offer by adding to the price of the low offer, inclusive 
    of duty--
        (1) 6 percent, if the lowest domestic offer is from a large 
    business concern.
        (2) 12 percent, if the lowest domestic offer is from a small 
    business concern. The contracting officer shall use this factor, or 
    another factor established in agency regulations, in small business 
    set-asides if the low offer is from a small business concern offering 
    the product of a small business concern that is not a domestic end 
    product (see subpart 19.5).
        (c) The price of the domestic offer is reasonable if it does not 
    exceed the evaluated price of the low offer after addition of the 
    appropriate evaluation factor in accordance with paragraph (a) or (b) 
    of this section.
    Subpart 25.2--Buy American Act--Construction Materials
    25.200  Scope of subpart.
        This subpart implements the Buy American Act (41 U.S.C. 10a-10d) 
    and Executive Order 10582, December 17, 1954 (as amended). It applies 
    to contracts for the construction, alteration, or repair of any public 
    building or public work in the United States.
    25.201  Policy.
        Except as provided in 25.202, only domestic construction materials 
    shall be used in construction contracts performed in the United States.
    25.202  Exceptions.
        (a) When one of the following exceptions applies, foreign 
    construction materials may be acquired without regard to the 
    restrictions of the Buy American Act:
        (1) Impracticable or inconsistent with public interest. The head of 
    the agency may determine that application of the restrictions of the 
    Buy American Act to a particular construction material would be 
    impracticable or would be inconsistent with the public interest. The 
    public interest exception applies when an agency has an agreement with 
    a foreign government that provides a blanket exception to the Buy 
    American Act.
        (2) Nonavailability. The head of the contracting activity may 
    determine that a particular construction material is not mined, 
    produced, or manufactured in the United States in sufficient and 
    reasonably available commercial quantities of a satisfactory quality. 
    The determination of nonavailability of the articles listed at 
    25.104(a) and the procedures at 25.104(b) also apply if any such 
    articles are acquired as construction materials.
        (3) Unreasonable cost. The cost of domestic construction material 
    is unreasonable if it exceeds the cost of foreign construction material 
    by more than 6 percent, unless the head of the agency determines that a 
    higher percentage is appropriate (see Executive Order 10582).
        (b) Determination and findings. When a determination is made for 
    any of the reasons stated in this section that certain foreign 
    construction materials may be used, the contracting officer shall list 
    the excepted materials in the contract. The agency shall make the 
    findings justifying the exception available for public inspection.
        (c) Acquisitions under trade agreements. For construction contracts 
    with an estimated acquisition value of $6,909,500 or more, see 25.405. 
    If the acquisition value is $7,143,000 or more, also see 25.403.
    25.203  Preaward determinations.
        (a) The contracting officer shall consider an offeror's request for 
    a determination concerning the inapplicability of the Buy American Act 
    for specifically identified construction materials if the request is 
    received either before the time set for receipt of offers or submitted 
    with the offer.
        (b) The contracting officer shall evaluate any request for a 
    determination regarding the inapplicability of the Buy American Act 
    made before award, based on the information requested in the applicable 
    clause at 52.225-9, Buy American Act--Balance of Payments Program--
    Construction Materials, paragraphs (c) and (d), or 52.225-11, Buy 
    American Act--Balance of Payments Program--Construction Materials under 
    Trade Agreements, paragraphs (c) and (d). The contracting officer may 
    supplement this information with other readily available information.
        (c) If the appropriate authority determines before award that an 
    exception to the Buy American Act applies (other than a general 
    exception based on the Trade Agreements Act or NAFTA), the contracting 
    officer shall identify the excepted material in paragraph (b)(2) of the 
    clause at 52.225-9 or paragraph (b)(3) of the clause at 52.225-11.
    25.204  Evaluating offers of foreign construction material.
        (a) Offerors proposing to use foreign construction material other 
    than that listed by the Government in paragraph (b)(2) of the 
    applicable clause at 52.225-9, or paragraph (b)(3) of 52.225-11, or 
    excepted under the Trade Agreements Act or NAFTA (paragraph (b)(2) of 
    52.225-11), must provide the information required by paragraphs (c) and 
    (d) of the respective clauses.
        (b) Unless agency regulations specify a higher percentage, the 
    contracting officer shall add to the offered price 6 percent of the 
    cost of any foreign construction material proposed for exception from 
    the requirements of the Buy American Act based on the unreasonable cost 
    of domestic construction materials. In the case of a tie, the 
    contracting officer shall give preference to an offer that does not 
    include foreign construction material excepted at the request of the 
    offeror on the basis of unreasonable cost.
        (c) Offerors also may submit alternate offers based on use of 
    equivalent domestic construction material to avoid possible rejection 
    of the entire offer, if the Government determines that an exception 
    permitting use of a particular foreign construction material does not 
        (d) If award is made to an offeror that proposed foreign 
    construction material not included in the applicable clause in the 
    solicitation (paragraph (b)(2) of 52.225-9 or paragraph (b)(3) of 
    52.225-11), the contracting officer shall add these excepted materials 
    to the list in the contract clause.
    25.205  Postaward determinations.
        (a) If a contractor requests a determination regarding the 
    inapplicability of the Buy American Act after contract award, the 
    contractor shall explain why the determination could not have been 
    requested before contract award or why the need for such determination 
    otherwise was not reasonably foreseeable. If the contracting officer 
    concludes that the request should have been made before
    [[Page 51650]]
    contract award, the request may be denied.
        (b) Evaluation of any request for a determination regarding the 
    inapplicability of the Buy American Act made after contract award shall 
    be based on information required by paragraphs (c) and (d) of the 
    applicable clause at 52.225-9 or 52.225-11 and/or other information 
    readily available to the contracting officer.
        (c) If a determination is made after contract award that an 
    exception to the Buy American Act applies, adequate consideration shall 
    be negotiated and the contract shall be modified to allow use of the 
    foreign construction material. When the basis for the exception is the 
    unreasonable price of a domestic construction material, adequate 
    consideration shall be at least the differential established in 
    25.202(a) or in accordance with agency procedures.
    25.206  Noncompliance.
        (a) The contracting officer is responsible for conducting Buy 
    American Act investigations when available information indicates such 
    action is warranted.
        (b) Unless fraud is suspected, the contracting officer shall notify 
    the contractor of the apparent unauthorized use of foreign construction 
    material and shall request a reply, to include proposed corrective 
        (c) If an investigation reveals that a contractor or subcontractor 
    has used foreign construction material without authorization, the 
    contracting officer shall take appropriate action, including one or 
    more of the following:
        (1) Process a determination with regard to the inapplicability of 
    the Buy American Act in accordance with 25.205.
        (2) Consider requiring the removal and replacement of the 
    unauthorized foreign construction material.
        (3) If removal and replacement of foreign construction material 
    incorporated in a building or work would be impracticable, cause undue 
    delay, or otherwise be detrimental to the interests of the Government, 
    the contracting officer may determine in writing that the foreign 
    construction material need not be removed and replaced. Such a 
    determination to retain foreign construction material does not 
    constitute a determination that an exception to the Buy American Act 
    applies, and this should be so stated in the determination. Further, 
    such a determination to retain foreign construction material does not 
    affect the Government's right to suspend or debar a contractor, 
    subcontractor, or supplier for violation of the Buy American Act, or to 
    exercise other contractual rights and remedies, such as reducing the 
    contract price or terminating the contract for default.
        (4) If the noncompliance is sufficiently serious, consider 
    exercising appropriate contractual remedies, such as terminating the 
    contract for default. Also consider preparing and forwarding a report 
    to the agency suspending or debarring official in accordance with 
    subpart 9.4. If the noncompliance appears to be fraudulent, refer the 
    matter to other appropriate agency officials, such as the officer 
    responsible for criminal investigation.
    Subpart 25.3--Balance of Payments Program
    25.300  Scope of subpart.
        This subpart provides policies and procedures implementing the 
    Balance of Payments Program. It applies to contracts for the purchase 
    of supplies for use outside the United States and contracts for 
    construction, alteration, or repair of any public building or public 
    work outside the United States.
    25.301  General.
        The Balance of Payments Program restricts the purchase of supplies 
    that are not domestic end products, for use outside the United States, 
    and restricts the use of construction materials that are not domestic, 
    for performance of construction contracts outside the United States. 
    Its restrictions are similar to those of the Buy American Act. It uses 
    the same definitions and evaluation procedures, except that a 50 
    percent factor is used to determine unreasonable cost. Exceptions to 
    the Balance of Payments Program, especially for construction materials, 
    are generally determined prior to solicitation and assignment of 
    contracting responsibility. Excepted supplies and construction 
    materials shall be identified in the contract.
    25.302  Policy.
        Except as provided in 25.303, only domestic end products shall be 
    acquired for use outside the United States and only domestic 
    construction materials shall be used for construction, repair, or 
    maintenance of real property outside the United States.
    25.303  Exceptions.
        A foreign end product may be acquired for use outside the United 
    States, or a foreign construction material may be used in construction 
    outside the United States without regard to the restrictions of the 
    Balance of Payments Program if--
        (a) The estimated cost of the end product does not exceed the 
    simplified acquisition threshold;
        (b) The end product or construction material is listed at 25.104, 
    or the head of the contracting activity determines that a requirement--
        (1) Can only be filled by a foreign end product or construction 
    material (see 25.103(b));
        (2) Is for end products or construction materials that, by their 
    nature or as a practical matter, can only be acquired in the geographic 
    area concerned, e.g., ice, books, or bulk material, such as sand, 
    gravel, or other soil material, stone, concrete masonry units, or fired 
    brick; or
        (3) Is for perishable subsistence products and delivery from the 
    United States would significantly impair their quality at the point of 
        (c) The acquisition of foreign end products is required by a treaty 
    or executive agreement between governments;
        (d) The end products are--
        (1) Petroleum products; or
        (2) For commissary resale;
        (e) The end products are eligible products subject to the Trade 
    Agreements Act, NAFTA, or the Israeli Trade Act, or the construction 
    material is subject to the Trade Agreements Act or NAFTA;
        (f) The cost of the domestic end product or construction material 
    (including transportation and handling costs) exceeds the cost of the 
    foreign end product or construction material by more than 50 percent. A 
    differential greater than 50 percent may be used when specifically 
    authorized by the head of the agency; or
        (g) The agency has determined that it is not in the public interest 
    to apply the restrictions of the Balance of Payments Program to the end 
    product or construction material or that it is impracticable to apply 
    the restrictions of the Balance of Payments Program to the construction 
    25.304  Procedures.
        (a) Solicitation of offers. The contracting officer shall identify, 
    in the solicitation, supplies and construction materials known in 
    advance to be excepted from the procedures of this subpart.
        (b) Evaluation of offers. The contracting officer shall--
        (1) Evaluate offers for supplies in accordance with subpart 25.5; 
        (2) Evaluate offers proposing foreign construction material by 
    using the procedures at 25.204, except that a factor of 50 percent 
    shall be applied to foreign construction material proposed
    [[Page 51651]]
    for exception from the requirements of the Balance of Payments Program 
    on the basis of unreasonable cost of domestic construction materials.
        (c) Other procedures for construction. For construction contracts, 
    the procedures at 25.203, 25.205, and 25.206, for determinations and 
    noncompliance under the Buy American Act, are also applicable to 
    determinations and noncompliance under the Balance of Payments Program.
    Subpart 25.4--Trade Agreements
    25.400  Scope of subpart.
        (a) This subpart provides policies and procedures applicable to 
    acquisitions with a value greater than $25,000 that are subject to--
        (1) The Agreement on Government Procurement, as approved by 
    Congress in the Trade Agreements Act of 1979 (19 U.S.C. 2501 et seq.) 
    (Trade Agreements Act) and as amended by the Uruguay Round Agreements 
    Act (Pub. L. 103-465), including the Agreement on Trade in Civil 
    Aircraft (19 U.S.C. 2513);
        (2) The determination of the U.S. Trade Representative that end 
    products granted duty-free entry under the Caribbean Basin Economic 
    Recovery Act (19 U.S.C. 2701, et seq.) shall be treated as eligible 
    products under the Trade Agreements Act (Caribbean Basin Trade 
        (3) The North American Free Trade Agreement, as approved by 
    Congress in the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act 
    of 1993 (19 U.S.C. 3301 note) (NAFTA); and
        (4) The U.S.-Israel Free Trade Area Agreement, as approved by 
    Congress in the United States-Israel Free Trade Area Implementation Act 
    of 1985 (19 U.S.C. 2112 note) (Israeli Trade Act).
        (b) For application of the trade agreements that are unique to 
    individual agencies (Department of Defense, National Aeronautics and 
    Space Administration, Department of Energy (Power Marketing 
    Administration), and Department of the Interior (Bureau of 
    Reclamation)), see agency regulations.
    25.401  Exceptions.
        This subpart does not apply to--
        (a) Purchases under small business set-asides;
        (b) Purchases of arms, ammunition, or war materials, or purchases 
    indispensable for national security or for national defense purposes;
        (c) Research and development contracts;
        (d) Purchases of end products for resale;
        (e) Purchases under subpart 8.6, Acquisition from Federal Prison 
    Industries, Inc., and subpart 8.7, Acquisition from Nonprofit Agencies 
    Employing People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled; and
        (f) Purchases not open to competition, when justified in accordance 
    with subpart 6.3 (but see 25.408(b)).
    25.402  General.
        The trade agreements waive the applicability of the Buy American 
    Act or the Balance of Payments Program for some foreign supplies and 
    construction materials from certain countries. The value of the 
    acquisition is a determining factor in the applicability of the trade 
    agreements. When the restrictions of the Buy American Act or the 
    Balance of Payments Program are waived for eligible products, offers of 
    such products (eligible offers) receive equal consideration with 
    domestic offers. However, eligible offers will not be given preference 
    over a low acceptable foreign offer. Under the Trade Agreements Act, 
    only U.S. made end products or eligible products may be acquired (also 
    see 25.403(d)). See subpart 25.5 for evaluation procedures for supply 
    contracts subject to trade agreements.
    25.403  Trade Agreements Act.
        (a) General. The Trade Agreements Act--
        (1) Waives application of the Buy American Act and the Balance of 
    Payments Program to the end products and construction materials of 
    designated countries;
        (2) Prohibits discriminatory practices on the basis of foreign 
    ownership (see 25.403(c));
        (3) Restricts purchases to end products identified in 25.403(d);
        (4) Provides a specific waiver with regard to purchase of civil 
    aircraft from countries that are party to the Agreement on Trade in 
    Civil Aircraft (see 25.407); and
        (5) Requires certain procurement procedures designed to ensure fair 
    and open competition (see 25.408).
        (b) Applicability. (1) The Trade Agreements Act applies to an 
    acquisition for supplies or services if the estimated value of the 
    acquisition is $186,000 or more; the Trade Agreements Act applies to an 
    acquisition for construction if the estimated value of the acquisition 
    is $7,143,000 or more. These dollar thresholds became effective January 
    1, 1998, and are subject to revision by the U.S. Trade Representative 
    approximately every 2 years (see Executive Order 12260).
        (2) To determine whether the Trade Agreements Act applies to the 
    acquisition of products by lease, rental, or lease-purchase contract 
    (including lease-to-ownership, or lease-with-option-to purchase), 
    calculate the estimated acquisition value as follows:
        (i) If a fixed-term contract of 12 months or less is contemplated, 
    use the total estimated value of the acquisition.
        (ii) If a fixed-term contract of more than 12 months is 
    contemplated, use the total estimated value of the acquisition plus the 
    estimated residual value of the leased equipment at the conclusion of 
    the contemplated term of the contract.
        (iii) If an indefinite-term contract is contemplated, use the 
    estimated monthly payment multiplied by the total number of months that 
    ordering would be possible under the proposed contract, i.e., the 
    initial ordering period plus any optional ordering periods.
        (iv) If there is any doubt as to the contemplated term of the 
    contract, use the estimated monthly payment multiplied by 48.
        (3) The estimated value includes the value of all options.
        (4) If, in any 12-month period, recurring or multiple awards for 
    the same type of product or products are anticipated, use the total 
    estimated value of these projected awards to determine whether the 
    Trade Agreements Act applies. No acquisition shall be divided with the 
    intent of reducing the estimated value of the acquisition below the 
    dollar threshold of the Trade Agreements Act.
        (c) Nondiscrimination. Subject to the provisions of U.S. law and 
    regulation, a supplier established in a designated country or a 
    Caribbean Basin country shall not be accorded less favorable treatment 
    than is accorded to another supplier established in that country on the 
    basis of--
        (1) Foreign ownership or affiliation; or
        (2) The place of production of the articles to be supplied; 
    provided that the country of production is a designated country or a 
    Caribbean Basin country.
        (d) Purchase restriction. (1) In acquisitions subject to the Trade 
    Agreements Act, only U.S. made end products or eligible products 
    (designated, Caribbean Basin, or NAFTA country end products) shall be 
    acquired unless offers for such end products are either not received or 
    are insufficient to fulfill the requirements.
        (2) This restriction does not apply to purchases by the Department 
    of Defense from a country with which it has entered into a reciprocal 
    agreement, as provided in departmental regulations.
    25.404  Caribbean Basin Trade Initiative.
        Under the Caribbean Basin Trade Initiative, the U.S. Trade 
    Representative has determined that for acquisitions
    [[Page 51652]]
    subject to the Trade Agreements Act, Caribbean Basin country end 
    products shall be treated as eligible products. This determination is 
    effective until September 30, 1998.
    25.405  North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
        (a) An acquisition of supplies is not subject to NAFTA if the 
    estimated value of the acquisition is $25,000 or less. For acquisitions 
    subject to NAFTA, the contracting officer shall evaluate offers of 
    NAFTA country end products without regard to the restrictions of the 
    Buy American Act or the Balance of Payments Program, except that for 
    acquisitions with an estimated value of less than $53,150, only 
    Canadian end products are eligible products. Eligible products from 
    NAFTA countries are entitled to the nondiscriminatory treatment of the 
    Trade Agreements Act (see 25.403(c)). NAFTA does not prohibit the 
    purchase of other foreign end products.
        (b) NAFTA applies to construction materials if the estimated value 
    of the construction contract is $6,909,500 or more.
        (c) The procedures in 25.408 apply to the acquisition of NAFTA 
    country services. These are services provided by a firm established in 
    a NAFTA country under service contracts with an estimated acquisition 
    value of $53,150 or more ($6,909,500 or more for construction), except 
    for the following excluded services (Federal Service Code or Category 
    from the Federal Procurement Data System Product/Service Code Manual 
    indicated in parentheses):
        (1) Information processing and related telecommunications services.
        (i) ADP telecommunications and transmission services (D304).
        (ii) ADP teleprocessing and timesharing services (D305).
        (iii) Telecommunication network management services (D316).
        (iv) Automated news services, data services, or other information 
    services (D317).
        (v) Other ADP and telecommunications services (D399).
        (2) Maintenance, repair, modification, rebuilding, and installation 
    of equipment.
        (i) Maintenance, repair, modification, rebuilding, and installation 
    of equipment related to ships (J019).
        (ii) Non-nuclear ship repair (J998).
        (3) Operation of Government-owned facilities.
        (i) All facilities operated by the Department of Defense, 
    Department of Energy, and the National Aeronautics and Space 
        (ii) Research and development facilities (M180).
        (4) Utilities--All classes (S).
        (5) Transportation, travel, and relocation services (V), except 
    travel agent services (V302).
        (6) All services purchased in support of military forces overseas.
        (7) Construction dredging services.
    25.406  Israeli Trade Act.
        Acquisitions of supplies by most agencies are subject to the 
    Israeli Trade Act, if the estimated value of the acquisition is $50,000 
    or more, but does not exceed the Trade Agreements Act threshold for 
    supplies (see 25.403(b)(1)). Agencies other than the Department of 
    Defense, the Department of Energy, the Department of Transportation, 
    the Bureau of Reclamation of the Department of the Interior, the 
    Federal Housing Finance Board, and the Office of Thrift Supervision 
    shall evaluate offers of Israeli end products without regard to the 
    restrictions of the Buy American Act or the Balance of Payments 
    Program. The Israeli Trade Act does not prohibit the purchase of other 
    foreign end products.
    25.407  Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft.
        Under the authority of Section 303 of the Trade Agreements Act, the 
    U.S. Trade Representative has waived the Buy American Act for civil 
    aircraft and related articles that meet the substantial transformation 
    test of the Trade Agreements Act for countries that are parties to the 
    Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft. Those countries are Austria, 
    Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, 
    Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania, 
    Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.
    25.408  Procedures.
        (a) When the Trade Agreements Act or NAFTA applies, the contracting 
    officer shall--
        (1) Comply with the requirements of 5.203, Publicizing and response 
        (2) Not include technical requirements in solicitations solely to 
    preclude the acquisition of eligible products;
        (3) Specify in solicitations that offers shall be submitted in the 
    English language and in U.S. dollars (see 52.214-34, Submission of 
    Offers in the English Language, and 52.214-35, Submission of Offers in 
    U.S. Currency, or paragraph (c)(5) of 52.215-1, Instruction to 
    Offerors--Competitive Acquisitions);
        (4) Open offers in the presence of an impartial witness and record 
    this individual's name in the contract file, if anticipating 
    competitive negotiations; and
        (5) Provide unsuccessful offerors from designated or NAFTA 
    countries written notice within 3 days after award of a contract for an 
    eligible product, in accordance with 14.409-1 and 15.503. ``Day,'' for 
    purposes of the notification process, means calendar day, except that 
    if the last day of the period is a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, 
    the period will be extended until the first subsequent day that is not 
    a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday.
        (b) Acquisitions under the Trade Agreements Act are subject to the 
    competition requirements of part 6 (see 6.303-1(d)).
        (c) See subpart 25.5 for evaluation procedures and examples.
    Subpart 25.5--Evaluating Foreign Offers--Supply Contracts
    25.501  General.
        The contracting officer--
        (a) Shall apply the evaluation procedures of this subpart to each 
    line item of an offer unless either the offer or the solicitation 
    specifies evaluation on a group basis (see 25.503).
        (b) May rely on the offeror's certification of end product origin 
    when evaluating a foreign offer.
        (c) Shall identify and reject offers of end products that are 
    prohibited or sanctioned in accordance with subparts 25.6 and 25.7.
        (d) Shall not use the Buy American Act and Balance of Payments 
    Program evaluation factors prescribed in this subpart to provide a 
    preference for one foreign offer over another foreign offer.
    25.502  Application.
        (a) Unless otherwise specified in agency regulations, perform the 
    following steps in the order presented:
        (1) Eliminate all offers or offerors that are unacceptable for 
    reasons other than price; e.g., nonresponsive, debarred or suspended, 
    sanctioned (see subpart 25.6), or a prohibited source (see subpart 
        (2) Rank the remaining offers by price.
        (b) For acquisitions subject to the Trade Agreements Act (see 
    25.401 and 25.403(b))--
        (1) Consider only offers of U.S. made, designated country, 
    Caribbean Basin country, or NAFTA country end products, unless no 
    offers of such end products were received;
        (2) If the agency gives the same consideration given eligible 
    offers to offers of U.S. made end products that are not domestic end 
    products, award on the low offer.
    [[Page 51653]]
        Otherwise, evaluate in accordance with agency procedures; and
        (3) If there were no offers of U.S. made, designated country, 
    Caribbean Basin country, or NAFTA country end products, make a 
    nonavailability determination (see 25.103(b)(2)) and award on the low 
    offer (see 25.403(d)).
        (c) For acquisitions not subject to the Trade Agreements Act--
        (1) If the low offer is a domestic offer or an eligible offer under 
    a trade agreement other than the Trade Agreements Act, award on that 
        (2) If the low offer is a noneligible offer and there were no 
    domestic offers, make a nonavailability determination (see 
    25.103(b)(2)) and award on the low offer.
        (3) If the low offer is a noneligible offer and there is an 
    eligible offer that is lower than the lowest domestic offer, award on 
    the low offer. The Buy American Act and the Balance of Payments Program 
    provide an evaluation preference only for domestic offers.
        (4) Otherwise, apply the appropriate evaluation factor provided in 
    25.105 or 25.301 to the low offer.
        (i) If the evaluated price of the low offer remains less than the 
    lowest domestic offer, award on the low offer.
        (ii) If the price of the lowest domestic offer is less than the 
    evaluated price of the low offer, award on the lowest domestic offer.
        (d) When the solicitation specifies award on the basis of factors 
    in addition to cost or price, apply the evaluation factors as specified 
    in this section and use the evaluated cost or price in determining the 
    offer that represents the best value to the Government.
        (e) Ties. (1) If application of an evaluation factor results in a 
    tie between a domestic offer and a foreign offer, award on the domestic 
        (2) If no evaluation preference was applied (i.e., offers afforded 
    nondiscriminatory treatment under the Buy American Act or Balance of 
    Payments Program), resolve ties between domestic and foreign offers by 
    a witnessed drawing of lots by an impartial individual.
        (3) Resolve ties between foreign offers from small business 
    concerns (under the Buy American Act and Balance of Payments Program, a 
    small business offering a manufactured article that does not meet the 
    definition of ``domestic end product'' is a foreign offer) or foreign 
    offers from a small business concern and a large business concern in 
    accordance with 14.408-6(a).
    25.503  Group offers.
        (a) If the solicitation or an offer specifies that award can be 
    made only on a group of line items or on all line items contained in 
    the solicitation or offer, reject the offer--
        (1) If any part of the award would consist of sanctioned or 
    prohibited end products (see subparts 25.6 and 25.7); or
        (2) If the Trade Agreements Act applies and part of the offer 
    consists of items restricted under 25.403(d).
        (b) Where an offeror restricts award to a group of line items or to 
    all line items contained in its offer, determine for each line item 
    whether to apply an evaluation factor (see 25.504-4, Example 7):
        (1) First, evaluate offers that do not specify an award restriction 
    on a line item basis in accordance with 25.502, determining a tentative 
    award pattern by selecting on each line item the offer with the lowest 
    evaluated price.
        (2) Evaluate an offer that specifies an award restriction against 
    the proposed prices of the tentative award pattern, applying the 
    appropriate evaluation factor on a line item basis.
        (3) Compute the total evaluated price for the tentative award 
    pattern and the offer that specified an award restriction.
        (4) Unless the total evaluated price of the offer that specified an 
    award restriction is less than the total evaluated price of the 
    tentative award pattern, award based on the tentative award pattern.
        (c) If the solicitation specifies that award will be made only on a 
    group of line items or all line items contained in the solicitation, 
    determine the category of end products on the basis of each line item, 
    but determine whether to apply an evaluation factor on the basis of the 
    group of items (see 25.504-4, Example 8).
        (1) If the proposed price of domestic end products exceeds 50 
    percent of the total proposed price of the group, evaluate the entire 
    group as a domestic offer. Evaluate all the other groups as foreign 
        (2) For foreign offers, if the proposed price of domestic end 
    products and eligible products exceeds 50 percent of the total proposed 
    price of the group, evaluate the entire group as an eligible offer.
        (3) Apply the evaluation factor to the entire group in accordance 
    with 25.502.
    25.504  Evaluation examples.
        The following examples illustrate the application of the evaluation 
    procedures in 25.502 and 25.503. The examples assume that the 
    contracting officer has eliminated all offers that are unacceptable for 
    reasons other than price or a trade agreement (see 25.502(a)(1)). 
    Although these examples are generally constructed in terms of the Buy 
    American Act, the same evaluation procedures would apply under the 
    Balance of Payments Program. The evaluation factor may change as 
    provided in agency regulations.
    25.504-1  Buy American Act/Balance of Payments Program.
        (a) Example 1.
    Offer A..........................      $11,000  Domestic end product, small business.
    Offer B..........................       10,700  Domestic end product, large business.
    Offer C..........................       10,000  Foreign end product (noneligible).
        Analysis: This acquisition is for end products for use in the 
    United States. The Buy American Act applies. Therefore, all foreign end 
    products are noneligible. Perform the steps in 25.502(a) . Since the 
    low domestic offer, Offer B, is from a large business, apply the 6 
    percent factor to Offer C. The resulting evaluated price of $10,600 
    remains lower than Offer B. The cost of Offer B is; therefore, 
    unreasonable. Award on Offer C at $10,000 (see 25.502(c)(4)(i)).
        (b) Example 2.
    Offer A..........................      $11,000  Domestic end product, small business.
    Offer B..........................       10,700  Domestic end product, large business.
    Offer C..........................       10,200  Foreign end product (noneligible).
        Analysis: This acquisition is for end products for use outside the 
    United States. Therefore, the Balance of Payments Program applies and 
    the Buy American Act does not. Apply the 50 percent factor to Offer C. 
    The evaluated price of $15,300 exceeds the price of Offer B . Award on 
    Offer B (see 25.502(c)(4)(ii)).
    [[Page 51654]]
    25.504-2  Trade Agreements Act/Caribbean Basin Trade Initiative/NAFTA.
        (c) Example 3.
    Offer A..........................     $204,000  U.S. made end product (not domestic).
    Offer B..........................      203,000  U.S. made end product, small business (domestic).
    Offer C..........................      200,000  Eligible product.
    Offer D..........................      195,000  Noneligible product (not U.S. made).
        Analysis: Eliminate Offer D because the Trade Agreements Act 
    applies and there is an offer of a U.S. made or an eligible product 
    (see 25.502(b)(1)). If the agency gives the same consideration given 
    eligible offers to offers of U.S. made end products that are not 
    domestic offers, it is unnecessary to determine whether U.S. made end 
    products are domestic (large or small business). No further analysis is 
    necessary. Award on the low remaining offer, Offer C (see 
    25.504-3  Other trade agreements.
        (a) Example 4.
    Offer A..........................     $105,000  Domestic end product, small business.
    Offer B..........................      100,000  Eligible product.
        Analysis: Since the offer is an eligible offer, award on the low 
    offer (see 25.502(c)(1)).
        (b) Example 5.
    Offer A..........................     $105,000  Eligible product.
    Offer B..........................      103,000  Noneligible product.
        Analysis: Since the acquisition is not subject to the Trade 
    Agreements Act, the noneligible offer can be considered. Since no 
    domestic offer was received, make a nonavailability determination and 
    award on Offer B (see 25.502(c)(2)).
        (c) Example 6. 
    Offer A..........................     $105,000  Domestic end product, large business.
    Offer B..........................      103,000  Eligible product.
    Offer C..........................      100,000  Noneligible product.
        Analysis: Since the acquisition is not subject to the Trade 
    Agreements Act, the noneligible offer can be considered. Because the 
    eligible offer (Offer B) is lower than the domestic offer (Offer A), no 
    evaluation factor applies to the low offer (Offer C). Award on the low 
    offer (see 25.502(c)(3)).
    25.504-4  Group award basis.
    DO=Domestic end product
    EL=Eligible product
    NEL=Noneligible product
        (a) Example 7. 
                            Item                         -----------------------------------------------------------
                                                                   A                   B                   C
    1...................................................          DO=$55,000          EL=$56,000         NEL=$50,000
    2...................................................          NEL=13,000           EL=10,000           EL=13,000
    3...................................................          NEL=11,500           DO=12,000           DO=10,000
    4...................................................          NEL=24,000           EL=28,000          NEL=22,000
    5...................................................           DO=18,000          NEL=10,000           DO=14,000
                                                                     121,500             116,000             109,000
        Problem: Offeror C specifies all-or-none award. Assume all offerors 
    are large businesses. The Trade Agreements Act does not apply.
        Analysis: (see 25.503)
        STEP 1: Evaluate Offers A & B before considering Offer C and 
    determine which offer has the lowest evaluated cost for each line item 
    (the tentative award pattern):
        Item 1: Low offer A is domestic; select A.
        Item 2: Low offer B is eligible; do not apply factor; select B.
        Item 3: Low offer A is noneligible and Offer B is a domestic offer. 
    Apply 6% factor to Offer A. The evaluated price of Offer A is higher 
    than Offer B; select B.
        Item 4: Low offer A is noneligible. Since neither offer is a 
    domestic offer, no evaluation factor applies; select A.
        Item 5: Low offer B is noneligible; apply 6% factor to Offer B. 
    Offer A is still higher than Offer B; select B.
        STEP 2: Evaluate Offer C against the tentative award pattern for 
    Offers A and B:
    [[Page 51655]]
                        Item                                                    Tentative award
                                                          Low offer            patterns from  A            C
                                                                                     and B
    1..........................................  A                                    DO=$55,000        NEL=$53,000*
    2..........................................  B                                     EL=10,000           EL=13,000
    3..........................................  B                                     DO=12,000           DO=10,000
    4..........................................  A                                    NEL=24,000          NEL=22,000
    5..........................................  B                                   NEL=10,600*           DO=14,000
                                                                                         111,600            112,000
    *Offer + 6 percent.
        On a line item basis, apply a factor to any noneligible offer if 
    the other offer for that line item is domestic.
        For Item 1, apply a factor to Offer C because Offer A is domestic 
    and the acquisition was not subject to the Trade Agreements Act. The 
    evaluated price of Offer C, Item 1, becomes $53,000 ($50,000 plus 6 
    percent). Apply a factor to Offer B, Item 5, because it is a 
    noneligible product and Offer C is domestic. The evaluated price of 
    Offer B is $10,600 ($10,000 plus 6%). The remaining items are evaluated 
    without applying a factor.
        STEP 3: The tentative unrestricted award pattern from Offers A and 
    B is lower than the evaluated price of Offer C. Award the combination 
    of Offers A and B. Note that if Offer C had not specified all-or-none 
    award, award would be made on Offer C for line items 1, 3, and 4, 
    totaling an award of $82,000.
        (b) Example 8. 
                            Item                         -----------------------------------------------------------
                                                                   A                   B                   C
    1...................................................          DO=$50,000          EL=$50,500         NEL=$50,000
    2...................................................          NEL=10,300          NEL=10,000           EL=10,200
    3...................................................           EL=20,400           EL=21,000          NEL=20,200
    4...................................................           DO=10,500           DO=10,300           DO=10,400
                                                                      91,200              91,800              90,800
        Problem: The solicitation specifies award on a group basis. Assume 
    the Buy American Act applies and all offerors are large businesses.
        Analysis: (see 25.503(c))
        STEP 1: Determine which of the offers are domestic (see 
                                       Domestic percent       Determination
    A............................       60,500/91,200=66.3  Domestic.
    B............................       10,300/91,800=11.2  Foreign.
    C............................       10,400/90,800=11.5  Foreign.
        STEP 2: Determine whether foreign offers are eligible or 
    noneligible offers (see 25.503(c)(2)):
                                           percent            Determination
    A............................                      N/A  Domestic.
    B............................       81,800/91,800=89.1  Eligible.
    C............................       20,600/90,800=22.7  Noneligible.
        STEP 3: Determine whether to apply an evaluation factor (see 
    25.503(c)(3)). The low offer (Offer C) is a foreign offer. There is no 
    eligible offer lower than the domestic offer. Therefore, apply the 
    factor to the low offer. Addition of the 6 percent factor (use 12 
    percent if Offer A is a small business) to Offer C yields an evaluated 
    price of $96,248 ($90,800 + 6%). Award on Offer A (see 
    25.502(c)(4)(ii)). Note that, if Offer A were greater than Offer B, an 
    evaluation factor would not be applied and award would be on Offer C 
    (see 25.502(c)(3)).
    Subpart 25.6--Trade Sanctions
    25.600  Scope of subpart.
        This subpart implements sanctions imposed by the President (58 FR 
    3116, May 28, 1993) pursuant to Section 305(g)(1) of the Trade 
    Agreements Act of 1979, as amended (19 U.S.C. 2515(g)(1)), on European 
    Union (EU) states (sanctioned EU member states) that discriminate 
    against U.S. products or services. This subpart does not apply to 
    contracts for supplies or services awarded and performed outside of the 
    United States or its territories, or to the Department of Defense. For 
    thresholds unique to individual agencies (e.g., the Power Marketing 
    Administration of the Department of Energy), see agency regulations.
    25.601  Policy.
        (a) Except as provided in 25.602, agencies shall not award 
    contracts for--
        (1) Sanctioned EU country end products with an estimated 
    acquisition value less than $186,000;
        (2) Sanctioned EU country construction with an estimated 
    acquisition value less than $7,143,000; or
    [[Page 51656]]
        (3) Sanctioned EU country services as follows (Federal Service Code 
    or Category from the Federal Procurement Data System Product/Service 
    Code Manual is indicated in parentheses):
        (i) Service contracts regardless of acquisition value for--
        (A) All transportation services, including launching services (all 
    V codes, J019, J998, J999, K019);
        (B) Dredging (Y216, Z216);
        (C) Management and operation of certain Government or privately-
    owned facilities used for Government purposes, including Federally 
    Funded Research and Development Centers (all M codes);
        (D) Development, production or coproduction of program material for 
    broadcasting, such as motion pictures (T006, T016);
        (E) Research and development (all A codes);
        (F) Airport concessions (S203);
        (G) Legal services (R418);
        (H) Hotel and restaurant services (S203);
        (I) Placement and supply of personnel services (V241, V251);
        (J) Investigation and security services (S206, S211, R423);
        (K) Education and training services (all U codes, R419);
        (L) Health and social services (all O codes, all G codes);
        (M) Recreational, cultural, and sporting services (G003); or
        (N) Telecommunication services (encompassing only voice telephony, 
    telex, radio telephony, paging, and satellite services) (S1, D304, 
    D305, D316, D317, and D399).
        (ii) All other service contracts with an estimated acquisition 
    value less than $186,000.
        (b) Determine the applicability of sanction thresholds in the 
    manner provided at 25.403(b).
    25.602  Exceptions.
        (a) The sanctions in 25.601 do not apply to--
        (1) Purchases at or below the simplified acquisition threshold 
    awarded by simplified acquisition procedures;
        (2) Total small business set-asides in accordance with 19.502-2;
        (3) Contracts in support of U.S. national security interests; or
        (4) Contracts for essential spare, repair, or replacement parts not 
    otherwise available from nonsanctioned countries.
        (b)(1) The head of the agency, without power of redelegation, may 
    authorize the award of a contract or class of contracts for sanctioned 
    EU country end products, services, and construction, the purchase of 
    which is otherwise prohibited by 25.601(a), if the head of the agency 
    determines that such action is necessary--
        (i) In the public interest;
        (ii) To avoid the restriction of competition in a manner that would 
    limit the acquisition in question to, or would establish a preference 
    for, the services, articles, materials, or supplies of a single 
    manufacturer or supplier; or
        (iii) Because there would be or are an insufficient number of 
    potential or actual offerors to ensure the acquisition of services, 
    articles, materials, or supplies of requisite quality at competitive 
        (2) When a determination is made in accordance with paragraph 
    (b)(1) of this section, the agency shall notify the U.S. Trade 
    Representative within 30 days after contract award.
    Subpart 25.7--Prohibited Sources
    25.701  Restrictions.
        (a) The Government does not acquire supplies or services that 
    cannot be imported lawfully into the United States. Therefore, agencies 
    and their contractors and subcontractors shall not acquire any supplies 
    or services originating from sources within, or that were located in or 
    transported from or through--
        (1) Cuba (31 CFR part 515);
        (2) Iran (31 CFR part 560);
        (3) Iraq (31 CFR part 575);
        (4) Libya (31 CFR part 550);
        (5) North Korea (31 CFR part 500); or
        (6) Sudan (Executive Order 13067).
        (b) Agencies and their contractors and subcontractors shall not 
    acquire any supplies or services from entities controlled by the 
    Government of Iraq (Executive Orders 12722 and 12724).
    25.702  Source of further information.
        Questions concerning the restrictions in 25.701 should be referred 
    to the Department of the Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control, 
    Washington, D.C. 20220 (Telephone (202) 622-2520).
    Subpart 25.8--Other International Agreements and Coordination
    25.801  General.
        Treaties and agreements between the United States and foreign 
    governments affect the manner in which offers from foreign entities are 
    evaluated and the performance of contracts in foreign countries.
    25.802  Procedures.
        (a) When placing contracts with contractors located outside the 
    United States, for performance outside the United States, contracting 
    officers shall--
        (1) Determine the existence and applicability of any international 
    agreements and ensure compliance with these agreements; and
        (2) Conduct the necessary advance acquisition planning and 
    coordination between the appropriate U.S. executive agencies and 
    foreign interests as required by these agreements.
        (b) Many international agreements are compiled in the ``United 
    States Treaties and Other International Agreements'' series published 
    by the Department of State. Copies of this publication are normally 
    available in overseas legal offices and U.S. diplomatic missions.
        (c) Contracting officers shall award all contracts with Taiwanese 
    firms or organizations through the American Institute of Taiwan (AIT). 
    AIT is under contract to the Department of State.
    Subpart 25.9--Customs and Duties
    25.900  Scope of subpart.
        This subpart provides policies and procedures for exempting from 
    import duties certain supplies purchased under Government contracts.
    25.901  Policy.
        United States laws impose duties on foreign supplies imported into 
    the customs territory of the United States. Certain exemptions from 
    these duties are available to Government agencies. Agencies shall use 
    these exemptions when the anticipated savings to appropriated funds 
    will outweigh the administrative costs associated with processing 
    required documentation.
    25.902  Procedures.
        For regulations governing importations and duties, see the Customs 
    Regulations issued by the U.S. Customs Service, Department of the 
    Treasury (19 CFR Chapter 1). Except as provided elsewhere in the 
    Customs Regulations (see 19 CFR 10.100), all shipments of imported 
    supplies purchased under Government contracts are subject to the usual 
    Customs entry and examination requirements. Unless the agency obtains 
    an exemption (see 25.903), those shipments are also subject to duty.
    25.903  Exempted supplies.
        (a) Subchapters VIII and X of Chapter 98 of the Harmonized Tariff 
    Schedule of the United States (19 U.S.C. 1202) list supplies for which 
    exemptions from duty may be obtained when imported into the customs 
    territory of the United States under a Government contract. For certain 
    of these supplies, the contracting agency must certify to the 
    Commissioner of Customs that they are for the purpose stated in the
    [[Page 51657]]
    Harmonized Tariff Schedule (see 19 CFR 10.102 through 10.104, 10.114, 
    and 10.121 and 15 CFR part 301 for requirements and formats).
        (b) Supplies (excluding equipment) for Government-operated vessels 
    or aircraft may be withdrawn from any customs-bonded warehouse, from 
    continuous customs custody elsewhere than in a bonded warehouse, or 
    from a foreign-trade zone, free of duty and internal revenue tax as 
    provided in 19 U.S.C. 1309 and 1317. The contracting activity shall 
    cite this authority on the appropriate customs form when making such 
    purchases (see 19 CFR 10.59 through 10.65).
    Subpart 25.10--Additional Foreign Acquisition Regulations
    25.1001  Waiver of right to examination of records.
        (a) Policy. The clause at 52.215-2, Audit and Records--Negotiation, 
    prescribed at 15.209(b), implements 10 U.S.C. 2313 and 41 U.S.C. 254d. 
    The basic clause authorizes examination of records by the Comptroller 
        (1) The contracting officer shall use the basic clause, whenever 
    possible, in negotiated contracts with foreign contractors.
        (2) The contracting officer may use the clause with its Alternate 
    III in contracts with foreign contractors after--
        (i) Exhausting all reasonable efforts to include the basic clause;
        (ii) Considering factors such as alternate sources of supply, 
    additional cost, and time of delivery; and
        (iii) The head of the agency has executed a determination and 
    findings in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section, with the 
    concurrence of the Comptroller General. However, concurrence of the 
    Comptroller General is not required if the contractor is a foreign 
    government or agency thereof or is precluded by the laws of the country 
    involved from making its records available for examination.
        (b) Determination and findings. The determination and findings 
        (1) Identify the contract and its purpose, and whether it is a 
    contract with a foreign contractor or with a foreign government or 
    agency thereof;
        (2) Describe the efforts to include the basic clause;
        (3) State the reasons for the contractor's refusal to include the 
    basic clause;
        (4) Describe the price and availability of the supplies or services 
    from the United States and other sources; and
        (5) Determine that it will best serve the interest of the United 
    States to use the clause with its Alternate III.
    25.1002  Use of foreign currency.
        (a) Unless a specific currency is required by international 
    agreement or by the Trade Agreements Act (see 25.408(a)(3)), 
    contracting officers shall determine whether solicitations for 
    contracts to be entered into and performed outside the United States 
    will require submission of offers in U.S. currency or a specified 
    foreign currency. In unusual circumstances, the contracting officer may 
    permit submission of offers in other than a specified currency.
        (b) To ensure a fair evaluation of offers, solicitations generally 
    should require all offers to be priced in the same currency. However, 
    if submission of offers in other than a specified currency is 
    permitted, the contracting officer shall convert the offered prices to 
    U.S. currency for evaluation purposes. The contracting officer shall 
    use the current market exchange rate from a commonly used source in 
    effect as follows:
        (1) For acquisitions conducted using sealed bidding procedures, on 
    the date of bid opening; or
        (2) For acquisitions conducted using negotiation procedures--
        (i) On the date specified for receipt of offers if award is based 
    on initial offers; otherwise
        (ii) On the date specified for receipt of final proposal revisions.
        (c) If a contract is priced in foreign currency, the agency shall 
    ensure that adequate funds are available to cover currency fluctuations 
    to avoid a violation of the Anti-Deficiency Act (31 U.S.C. 1341, 1342, 
    Subpart 25.11--Solicitation Provisions and Contract Clauses
    25.1101  Acquisition of supplies.
        The following provisions and clauses apply to the acquisition of 
    supplies and the acquisition of services involving the furnishing of 
        (a) The contracting officer shall--
        (1) Insert the clause at 52.225-1, Buy American Act--Balance of 
    Payments Program--Supplies, in solicitations and contracts with a value 
    exceeding $2,500 but not exceeding $25,000, and in solicitations and 
    contracts with a value exceeding $25,000, when none of the clauses 
    prescribed in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section apply, except 
        (i) The solicitation is restricted to domestic end products in 
    accordance with subpart 6.3;
        (ii) The acquisition is for supplies to be used within the United 
    States and an exception to the Buy American Act applies (e.g., 
    nonavailability or public interest); or
        (iii) The acquisition is for supplies to be used outside the United 
    States and an exception to the Balance of Payments Program applies.
        (2) Insert the provision at 52.225-2, Buy American Act--Balance of 
    Payments Program Certificate, in solicitations containing the clause at 
        (b) The contracting officer shall--
        (1)(i) Insert the clause at 52.225-3, Buy American Act--North 
    American Free Trade Agreement--Israeli Trade Act--Balance of Payments 
    Program, in solicitations and contracts with a value exceeding $25,000 
    but less than $186,000, unless the acquisition is exempt from the North 
    American Free Trade Agreement and the Israeli Trade Act (see 25.401). 
    For acquisitions of agencies not subject to the Israeli Trade Act 
    (25.406), see agency regulations.
        (ii) If the acquisition exceeds $25,000 but is less than $50,000, 
    use the clause with its Alternate I.
        (iii) If the acquisition value is $50,000 or more but less than 
    $53,150, use the clause with its Alternate II.
        (2)(i) Insert the provision at 52.225-4, Buy American Act--North 
    American Free Trade Agreement--Israeli Trade Act-- Balance of Payments 
    Program Certificate, in solicitations containing the clause at 52.225-
        (ii) If the acquisition value exceeds $25,000 but is less than 
    $50,000, use the provision with its Alternate I.
        (iii) If the acquisition value is $50,000 or more but less than 
    $53,150, use the provision with its Alternate II.
        (c) The contracting officer shall--
        (1) Insert the clause at 52.225-5, Trade Agreements, in 
    solicitations and contracts valued at $186,000 or more, if the Trade 
    Agreements Act applies (see 25.401 and 25.403) and the agency has 
    determined that the restrictions of the Buy American Act or Balance of 
    Payments Program are not applicable to U.S. made end products. If the 
    agency has not made such a determination, the contracting officer shall 
    follow agency procedures.
        (2) Insert the provision at 52.225-6, Trade Agreements Certificate, 
    in solicitations containing the clause at 52.225-5.
        (d) The contracting officer shall insert the provision at 52.225-7, 
    Waiver of Buy American Act for Civil Aircraft and Related Articles, in 
    solicitations for civil aircraft and related articles (see 25.407).
        (e) The contracting officer shall insert the clause at 52.225-8, 
    Duty-Free Entry, in solicitations and contracts for supplies that may 
    be imported into the United States and for which duty-free entry may be 
    obtained in accordance
    [[Page 51658]]
    with 25.903(a), if the value of the acquisition--
        (1) Exceeds $100,000; or
        (2) Is $100,000 or less, but the savings from waiving the duty is 
    anticipated to be more than the administrative cost of waiving the 
    duty. When used for acquisitions valued at $100,000 or less, paragraphs 
    (b)(1) and (i)(2) of the clause may be modified to reduce the dollar 
    25.1102  Acquisition of construction.
        The contracting officer shall--
        (a) Insert the clause at 52.225-9, Buy American Act--Balance of 
    Payments Program--Construction Materials, in solicitations and 
    contracts for construction valued at less than $6,909,500. If specified 
    in agency regulations, substitute a higher evaluation percentage in 
    paragraph (b)(3)(i) of the clause.
        (b)(1) Insert the provision at 52.225-10, Notice of Buy American 
    Act/Balance of Payments Program Requirement--Construction Materials, in 
    solicitations containing the clause at 52.225-9.
        (2) If insufficient time is available to process a determination 
    regarding the inapplicability of the Buy American Act or Balance of 
    Payments Program before receipt of offers, use the provision with its 
    Alternate I.
        (c)(1) Insert the clause at 52.225-11, Buy American Act--Balance of 
    Payments Program--Construction Materials Under Trade Agreements, in 
    solicitations and contracts valued at $6,909,500 or more. If specified 
    in agency regulations, substitute a higher evaluation percentage in 
    paragraph (b)(4)(i) of the clause.
        (2) For acquisitions valued at $6,909,500 or more, but less than 
    $7,143,000, use the clause with its Alternate I.
        (d)(1) Insert the provision at 52.225-12, Notice of Buy American 
    Act/Balance of Payments Program Requirement--Construction Materials 
    Under Trade Agreements, in solicitations containing the clause at 
        (2) If insufficient time is available to process a determination 
    regarding the inapplicability of the Buy American Act or Balance of 
    Payments Program before receipt of offers, use the provision with its 
    Alternate I.
    25.1103  Other provisions and clauses.
        (a) Restrictions on certain foreign purchases. The contracting 
    officer shall insert the clause at 52.225-13, Restrictions on Certain 
    Foreign Purchases, in solicitations and contracts with a value 
    exceeding $2,500.
        (b) Translations. The contracting officer shall insert the clause 
    at 52.225-14, Inconsistency Between English Version and Translation of 
    Contract, in solicitations and contracts where translation into another 
    language is anticipated.
        (c) Sanctions. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (c)(2) of this 
    section, the contracting officer shall insert the clause at--
        (i) 52.225-15, Sanctioned European Union Country End Products, in 
    solicitations and contracts for supplies valued at less than $186,000; 
        (ii) 52.225-16, Sanctioned European Union Country Services, in 
    solicitations and contracts for services--
        (A) Listed in 25.601(a)(3)(i); or
        (B) Valued at less than $186,000.
        (2) The clauses in paragraph (c)(1) of this section shall not be 
    used in--
        (i) Solicitations issued and contracts awarded by a contracting 
    activity located outside of the United States or its territories, 
    provided the supplies will be used or the services performed outside of 
    the United States or its territories;
        (ii) Purchases at or below simplified acquisition threshold awarded 
    using simplified acquisition procedures;
        (iii) Total small business set-asides;
        (iv) Contracts in support of U.S. national security interests;
        (v) Contracts for essential spare, repair, or replacement parts 
    available only from sanctioned EU member states; or
        (vi) Contracts where the head of the agency has made a 
    determination in accordance with 25.602(b).
        (d) Foreign currency offers. The contracting officer shall--
        (1) Insert the provision at 52.225-17, Evaluation of Foreign 
    Currency Offers, in solicitations that permit the use of other than a 
    specified currency; and
        (2) Insert in the provision the source of the rate to be used in 
    the evaluation of offers.
        14. Section 52.212-3 is amended by revising the date of the 
    provision and paragraphs (f) and (g) to read as follows:
    52.212-3  Offeror Representations and Certifications--Commercial Items.
    * * * * *
    Offeror Representations and Certifications--Commercial Items (Date)
    * * * * *
        (f) Buy American Act--Balance of Payments Program Certificate. 
    (Applies only if the clause at Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 
    52.225-1, Buy American Act-- Balance of Payments Program--Supplies, 
    is included in this solicitation.)
        (1) The offeror certifies that each end product, except those 
    listed in paragraph (f)(2) of this provision, is a domestic end 
    product as defined in the clause entitled ``Buy American Act--
    Balance of Payments Program--Supplies'' and that components of 
    unknown origin have been considered to have been mined, produced, or 
    manufactured outside the United States. The offeror shall list as 
    foreign end products those end products manufactured in the United 
    States that do not qualify as domestic end products.
        (2) Foreign End Products:
    Line Item No.
    Country of Origin
    (List as necessary)
        (3) Offers will be evaluated in accordance with the policies and 
    procedures of FAR Part 25.
        (g)(1) Buy American Act--North American Free Trade Agreement--
    Israeli Trade Act--Balance of Payments Program Certificate. (Applies 
    only if the clause at FAR 52.225-3, Buy American Act--North American 
    Free Trade Agreement--Israeli Trade Act--Balance of Payments 
    Program, is included in this solicitation.)
        (i) The offeror certifies that each end product, except those 
    listed in paragraph (g)(1)(ii) or (g)(1)(iii) of this provision, is 
    a domestic end product (as defined in the clause of this 
    solicitation entitled ``Buy American Act--North American Free Trade 
    Agreement Implementation Act--Israeli Trade Act--Balance of Payments 
    Program,'' and that components of unknown origin have been 
    considered to have been mined, produced, or manufactured outside the 
    United States.
        (ii) The offeror certifies that the following supplies are NAFTA 
    country end products or Israeli end products as defined in the 
    clause of this solicitation entitled ``Buy American Act--North 
    American Free Trade Agreement--Israeli Trade Act--Balance of 
    Payments Program.''
        NAFTA Country or Israeli End Products:
    Line Item No.
    Country of Origin
    (List as necessary)
        (iii) The offeror shall list those supplies that are foreign end 
    products (other than those listed in paragraph (g)(1)(ii) of this 
    provision) as defined in the clause of this solicitation entitled 
    ``Buy American Act--North American Free Trade Agreement--Israeli 
    Trade Act--Balance of Payments Program.'' The offeror shall list as 
    other foreign end products those end products
    [[Page 51659]]
    manufactured in the United States that do not qualify as domestic 
    end products.
        Other Foreign End Products:
    Line Item No.
    Country of Origin
    (List as necessary)
        (iv) Offers will be evaluated in accordance with the policies 
    and procedures of FAR Part 25.
        (2) Buy American Act--North American Free Trade Agreements--
    Israeli Trade Act--Balance of Payments Program Certificate, 
    Alternate I (DATE). If Alternate I to the clause at FAR 52.225-3 is 
    included in this solicitation, substitute the following paragraph 
    (g)(1)(ii) for paragraph (g)(1)(ii) of the basic provision:
        (g)(1)(ii) The offeror certifies that the following supplies are 
    Canadian end products as defined in the clause of this solicitation 
    entitled ``Buy American Act--North American Free Trade Agreement--
    Israeli Trade Act--Balance of Payments Program.''
        Canadian End Products:
    Line Item No.
    (List as necessary)
        (3) Buy American Act--North American Free Trade Agreements--
    Israeli Trade Act--Balance of Payments Program Certificate, 
    Alternate II (DATE). If Alternate II to the clause at FAR 52.225-3 
    is included in this solicitation, substitute the following paragraph 
    (g)(1)(ii) for paragraph (g)(1)(ii) of the basic provision:
        (g)(1)(ii) The offeror certifies that the following supplies are 
    Canadian end products or Israeli end products as defined in the 
    clause of this solicitation entitled ``Buy American Act--North 
    American Free Trade Agreement--Israeli Trade Act--Balance of 
    Payments Program.''
        Canadian or Israeli End Products:
    Line Item No.
    County of Origin
    (List as necessary)
        (4) Trade Agreements Certificate. (Applies only if the clause at 
    FAR 52.225-5, Trade Agreements, is included in this solicitation.)
        (i) The offeror certifies that each end product, except those 
    listed in paragraph (g)(4)(ii) of this provision, is a U.S. made, 
    designated country, Caribbean Basin country, or NAFTA country end 
    product, as defined in the clause of this solicitation entitled 
    ``Trade Agreements.''
        (ii) The offeror shall list as other end products those supplies 
    that are not U.S. made, designated country, Caribbean Basin country, 
    or NAFTA country end products.
        Other end products:
    Line Item No.
    Country of Origin
    (List as necessary)
        (iii) Offers will be evaluated in accordance with the policies 
    and procedures of FAR Part 25. For line items subject to the Trade 
    Agreements Act, offers of U.S. made, designated country, Caribbean 
    Basin country, or NAFTA country end products will be evaluated 
    without regard to the restrictions of the Buy American Act or the 
    Balance of Payments Program. Only offers of U.S. made, designated 
    country, Caribbean Basin country, or NAFTA country end products will 
    be considered for award unless the Contracting Officer determines 
    that there are no offers for such products or that the offers for 
    such products are insufficient to fulfill the requirements of this 
    * * * * *
        15. Section 52.212-5 is amended by revising the clause date; at the 
    end of paragraph (a)(1) by removing ``; and''; at the end of paragraph 
    (a)(2) by removing the period and inserting ``; and''; by adding 
    paragraph (a)(3); and by revising paragraphs (b)(11) through (b)(16) to 
    read as follows:
    52.212-5  Contract Terms and Conditions Required to Implement Statutes 
    or Executive Orders--Commercial Items.
    * * * * *
    Contract Terms and Conditions Required to Implement Statutes or 
    Executive Orders--Commercial Items (Date)
        (a) * * *
        (3) 52.225-13, Restrictions on Certain Foreign Purchases (E.O.'s 
    12722, 12724, 13059, and 13067).
        (b) * * *
        ____ (11) 52.225-1, Buy American Act--Balance of Payment 
    Program--Supplies (41 U.S.C. 10a-10d).
        ____ (12)(i) 52.225-3, Buy American Act--North American Free 
    Trade Agreement--Israeli Trade Act--Balance of Payments Program (41 
    U.S.C. 10a-10d, 19 U.S.C. 3301 note, 19 U.S.C. 2112 note).
        ____ (ii) Alternate I of 52.225-3.
        ____ (iii) Alternate II of 52.225-3.
        ____ (13) 52.225-5, Trade Agreements (19 U.S.C. 2501 et seq., 19 
    U.S.C. 3301 note).
        ____ (14) 52.225-15, Sanctioned European Union Country End 
    Products (E.O. 12849).
        ____ (15) 52.225-16, Sanctioned European Union Country Services 
    (E.O. 12849).
        ____ (16) [Reserved]
    * * * * *
        16. Section 52.213-4 is amended by revising the date of the clause; 
    and paragraph (a)(2)(i) and paragraph (b)(1)(viii) to read as follows:
    52.213-4  Terms and Conditions--Simplified Acquisitions (Other Than 
    Commercial Items).
    * * * * *
    Terms and Conditions--Simplified Acquisitions (Other Than Commercial 
    Items) (Date)
        (a) * * *
        (2) * * *
        (i) 52.225-13, Restrictions on Certain Foreign Purchases (DATE).
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (1) * * *
        (viii) 52.225-1, Buy American Act--Balance of Payments Program--
    Supplies (DATE) (41 U.S.C. 10a-10d) (Applies to supplies, and 
    services involving the furnishing of supplies, if the contract--
        (A) Does not exceed $25,000; or
        (B) Is set aside for small business concerns, regardless of 
    dollar value).
    * * * * *
        17. Section 52.214-34 is amended by revising the introductory 
    paragraph to read as follows:
    52.214-34  Submission of Offers in the English Language.
        As prescribed in 14.201-6(x), insert the following provision:
    * * * * *
        18. Section 52.214-35 is amended by revising the introductory text 
    to read as follows:
    52.214-35  Submission of Offers in U.S. Currency.
        As prescribed in 14.201-6(y), insert the following provision:
    * * * * *
        19. Section 52.215-1 is amended by revising the date of the 
    provision and paragraph (c)(5) to read as follows:
    52.215-1  Instructions to Offerors--Competitive Acquisitions.
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
        (5) Proposals submitted in response to this solicitation shall 
    be in English unless otherwise permitted by the solicitation and 
    shall be in U.S. dollars, unless the provision at FAR 52.225-17, 
    Evaluation of Foreign Currency Offers, is included in the 
    * * * * *
        20. Sections 52.225-1 through 52.225-17 are revised to read as 
    [[Page 51660]]
    Subpart 52.2--Text of Provisions and Clauses
    * * * * *
    52.225-1  Buy American Act--Balance of Payments Program--Supplies.
    52.225-2  Buy American Act--Balance of Payments Program Certificate.
    52.225-3  Buy American Act--North American Free Trade Agreement--
    Israeli Trade Act--Balance of Payments Program.
    52.225-4  Buy American Act--North American Free Trade Agreement--
    Israeli Trade Act--Balance of Payments Program Certificate.
    52.225-5  Trade Agreements.
    52.225-6  Trade Agreements Certificate.
    52.225-7  Waiver of Buy American Act for Civil Aircraft and Related 
    52.225-8  Duty-Free Entry.
    52.225-9  Buy American Act--Balance of Payments Program-- 
    Construction Materials.
    52.225-10  Notice of Buy American Act/Balance of Payments Program 
    Requirement--Construction Materials.
    52.225-11  Buy American Act--Balance of Payments Program-- 
    Construction Materials Under Trade Agreements.
    52.225-12  Notice of Buy American Act/Balance of Payments Program 
    Requirement--Construction Materials Under Trade Agreements.
    52.225-13  Restrictions on Certain Foreign Purchases.
    52.225-14  Inconsistency Between English Version and Translation of 
    52.225-15  Sanctioned European Union Country End Products.
    52.225-16  Sanctioned European Union Country Services.
    52.225-17  Evaluation of Foreign Currency Offers.
    * * * * *
    Subpart 52.2--Text of Provisions and Clauses
    52.225-1  Buy American Act--Balance of Payments Program--Supplies.
        As prescribed in 25.1101(a)(1), insert the following clause:
    Buy American Act--Balance of Payments Program--Supplies (Date)
        (a) Definitions. As used in this clause--
        Components means those articles, materials, and supplies 
    incorporated directly into the end products.
        Cost of components means--
        (1) For components purchased by the Contractor, the acquisition 
    cost, including transportation costs to the place of incorporation 
    into the end product (whether or not such costs are paid to a 
    domestic firm), and any applicable duty (whether or not a duty-free 
    entry certificate is issued); or
        (2) For components manufactured by the Contractor, all costs 
    associated with the manufacture of the component, including 
    transportation costs as described in paragraph (1) of this 
    definition, plus allocable overhead costs, but excluding profit. 
    Cost of components does not include any costs associated with the 
    manufacture of the end product.
        Domestic end product means--
        (1) An unmanufactured end product mined or produced in the 
    United States; or
        (2) An end product manufactured in the United States, if the 
    cost of its components mined, produced, or manufactured in the 
    United States exceeds 50 percent of the cost of all its components. 
    Components of foreign origin of the same class or kind as those that 
    the agency determines are not mined, produced, or manufactured in 
    sufficient and reasonably available commercial quantities of a 
    satisfactory quality are treated as domestic. Scrap generated, 
    collected, and prepared for processing in the United States is 
    considered domestic.
        End product means those articles, materials, and supplies to be 
    acquired under the contract for public use.
        Foreign end product means an end product other than a domestic 
    end product.
        (b) The Buy American Act (41 U.S.C. 10a-10d) provides a 
    preference for domestic end products for supplies acquired for use 
    in the United States. The Balance of Payments Program provides a 
    preference for domestic end products for supplies acquired for use 
    outside the United States.
        (c) Offerors may obtain from the Contracting Officer a list of 
    foreign articles that will be treated as domestic for this contract.
        (d) The Contractor shall deliver only domestic end products 
    except to the extent that it specified delivery of foreign end 
    products in the provision of the solicitation entitled ``Buy 
    American Act--Balance of Payments Program Certificate.''
    (End of clause)
    52.225-2  Buy American Act--Balance of Payments Program Certificate.
        As prescribed in 25.1101(a)(2), insert the following provision:
    Buy American Act--Balance of Payments Program Certificate (Date)
        (a) The offeror certifies that each end product, except those 
    listed in paragraph (b) of this provision, is a domestic end product 
    as defined in the clause of this solicitation entitled ``Buy 
    American Act--Balance of Payments Program--Supplies'' and that 
    components of unknown origin have been considered to have been 
    mined, produced, or manufactured outside the United States. The 
    offeror shall list as foreign end products those end products 
    manufactured in the United States that do not qualify as domestic 
    end products.
        (b) Foreign End Products:
    Line Item No.
    Country of Origin
    (List as necessary)
        (c) Offers will be evaluated in accordance with the policies and 
    procedures of Part 25 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation.
    (End of provision)
    52.225-3  Buy American Act--North American Free Trade Agreement--
    Israeli Trade Act--Balance of Payments Program.
        As prescribed in 25.1101(b)(1)(i), insert the following clause:
    Buy American Act--North American Free Trade Agreement--Israeli Trade 
    Act--Balance of Payments Program (Date)
        (a) Definitions. As used in this clause--
        Components means those articles, materials, and supplies 
    incorporated directly into the end products.
        Cost of components means--
        (1) For components purchased by the Contractor, the acquisition 
    cost, including transportation costs to the place of incorporation 
    into the end product (whether or not such costs are paid to a 
    domestic firm), and any applicable duty (whether or not a duty-free 
    entry certificate is issued); or
        (2) For components manufactured by the Contractor, all costs 
    associated with the manufacture of the component, including 
    transportation costs as described in paragraph (1) of this 
    definition, plus allocable overhead costs, but excluding profit. 
    Cost of components does not include any costs associated with the 
    manufacture of the end product.
        Domestic end product means--
        (1) An unmanufactured end product mined or produced in the 
    United States; or
        (2) An end product manufactured in the United States, if the 
    cost of its components mined, produced, or manufactured in the 
    United States exceeds 50 percent of the cost of all its components. 
    Components of foreign origin of the same class or kind as those that 
    the agency determines are not mined, produced, or manufactured in 
    sufficient and reasonably available commercial quantities of a 
    satisfactory quality are treated as domestic. Scrap generated, 
    collected, and prepared for processing in the United States is 
    considered domestic.
        End product means those articles, materials, and supplies to be 
    acquired under the contract for public use.
        Foreign end product means an end product other than a domestic 
    end product.
        Israeli end product means an article that--
        (1) Is wholly the growth, product, or manufacture of Israel; or
        (2) In the case of an article that consists in whole or in part 
    of materials from another country, has been substantially 
    transformed in Israel into a new and different article of commerce 
    with a name, character, or use distinct from that of the article or 
    articles from which it was transformed.
        North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) country means Canada 
    or Mexico.
        NAFTA country end product means an article that--
        (1) Is wholly the growth, product, or manufacture of a NAFTA 
    country; or
        (2) In the case of an article that consists in whole or in part 
    of materials from another country, has been substantially 
    [[Page 51661]]
    in a NAFTA country into a new and different article of commerce with 
    a name, character, or use distinct from that of the article or 
    articles from which it was transformed. The term refers to a product 
    offered for purchase under a supply contract, but for purposes of 
    calculating the value of the end product includes services (except 
    transportation services) incidental to the article, provided that 
    the value of those incidental services does not exceed that of the 
    article itself.
        (b) Components of foreign origin. Offerors may obtain from the 
    Contracting Officer a list of foreign articles that will be treated 
    as domestic for this contract.
        (c) Implementation. This clause implements the Buy American Act 
    (41 U.S.C. 10a-10d), the North American Free Trade Agreement 
    Implementation Act (NAFTA) (19 U.S.C. 3301 note), the Israeli Free 
    Trade Area Implementation Act of 1985 (Israeli Trade Act) (19 U.S.C. 
    2112 note), and the Balance of Payments Program by providing a 
    preference for domestic end products, except for certain foreign end 
    products that are NAFTA country end products or Israeli end 
        (d) Delivery of end products. The Contracting Officer has 
    determined that NAFTA and the Israeli Trade Act apply to this 
    acquisition. Unless otherwise specified, these trade agreements 
    apply to all items in the Schedule. The Contractor shall deliver 
    under this contract only domestic end products except to the extent 
    that, in its offer, it specified delivery of foreign end products in 
    the provision entitled ``Buy American Act--North American Free Trade 
    Agreement--Israeli Trade Act--Balance of Payments Program 
    Certificate.'' An offer specifying that a NAFTA country end product 
    or an Israeli end product will be supplied requires the Contractor 
    to supply a NAFTA country end product, an Israeli end product or, at 
    the Contractor's option, a domestic end product.
    (End of clause)
        Alternate I (DATE). As prescribed in 25.1101(b)(1)(ii), add the 
    following definition to paragraph (a) of the basic clause, and 
    substitute the following paragraph (d) for paragraph (d) of the 
    basic clause:
        Canadian end product means an article that--
        (1) Is wholly the growth, product, or manufacture of Canada; or
        (2) In the case of an article that consists in whole or in part 
    of materials from another country, has been substantially 
    transformed in Canada into a new and different article of commerce 
    with a name, character, or use distinct from that of the article or 
    articles from which it was transformed. The term refers to a product 
    offered for purchase under a supply contract, but for purposes of 
    calculating the value of the end product includes services (except 
    transportation services) incidental to the article; provided that 
    the value of those incidental services does not exceed that of the 
    article itself.
        (d) Delivery of end products. The Contracting Officer has 
    determined that NAFTA applies to this acquisition. Unless otherwise 
    specified, NAFTA applies to all items in the Schedule. The 
    Contractor shall deliver under this contract only domestic end 
    products except to the extent that, in its offer, it specified 
    delivery of foreign end products in the provision entitled ``Buy 
    American Act--North American Free Trade Agreement--Israeli Trade 
    Act--Balance of Payment Program Certificate.'' An offer specifying 
    that a Canadian end product will be supplied requires the Contractor 
    to supply a Canadian end product or, at the Contractor's option, a 
    domestic end product.
        Alternate II (DATE). As prescribed in 25.1101(b)(1)(iii), add 
    the following definition to paragraph (a) of the basic clause, and 
    substitute the following paragraph (d) for paragraph (d) of the 
    basic clause:
        Canadian end product means an article that--
        (1) Is wholly the growth, product, or manufacture of Canada; or
        (2) In the case of an article that consists in whole or in part 
    of materials from another country, has been substantially 
    transformed in Canada into a new and different article of commerce 
    with a name, character, or use distinct from that of the article or 
    articles from which it was transformed. The term refers to a product 
    offered for purchase under a supply contract, but for purposes of 
    calculating the value of the end product includes services (except 
    transportation services) incidental to the article, provided that 
    the value of those incidental services does not exceed that of the 
    article itself.
        (d) Delivery of end products. The Contracting Officer has 
    determined that NAFTA and the Israeli Trade Act apply to this 
    acquisition. Unless otherwise specified, these trade agreements 
    apply to all items in the Schedule. The Contractor shall deliver 
    under this contract only domestic end products except to the extent 
    that, in its offer, it specified delivery of foreign end products in 
    the provision entitled ``Buy American Act--North American Free Trade 
    Agreement--Israeli Trade Act--Balance of Payment Program 
    Certificate.'' An offer specifying that a Canadian end product or an 
    Israeli end product will be supplied requires the Contractor to 
    supply a Canadian end product, an Israeli end product or, at the 
    Contractor's option, a domestic end product.
    52.225-4  Buy American Act--North American Free Trade Agreement--
    Israeli Trade Act--Balance of Payments Program Certificate.
        As prescribed in 25.1101(b)(2)(i), insert the following provision:
    Buy American Act--North American Free Trade Agreement--Israeli Trade 
    Act--Balance of Payments Program Certificate (Date)
        (a) The offeror certifies that each end product, except those 
    listed in paragraph (b) or (c) of this provision, is a domestic end 
    product (as defined in the clause of this solicitation entitled 
    ``Buy American Act--North American Free Trade Agreement--Israeli 
    Trade Act--Balance of Payments Program'') and that components of 
    unknown origin have been considered to have been mined, produced, or 
    manufactured outside the United States.
        (b) The offeror certifies that the following supplies are NAFTA 
    country end products or Israeli end products as defined in the 
    clause of this solicitation entitled ``Buy American Act--North 
    American Free Trade Agreement--Israeli Trade Act--Balance of 
    Payments Program.''
        NAFTA Country or Israeli End Products:
    Line Item No.
    Country of Origin
    (List as necessary)
        (c) The offeror shall list those supplies that are foreign end 
    products (other than those listed in paragraph (b) of this 
    provision) as defined in the clause of this solicitation entitled 
    ``Buy American Act--North American Free Trade Agreement--Israeli 
    Trade Act--Balance of Payments Program.'' The offeror shall list as 
    other foreign end products those end products manufactured in the 
    United States that do not qualify as domestic end products.
        Other Foreign End Products:
    Line Item No.
    Country of Origin
    (List as necessary)
        (d) Offers will be evaluated in accordance with the policies and 
    procedures of Part 25 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation.
    (End of provision)
        Alternate I (DATE). As prescribed in 25.1101(b)(2)(ii), 
    substitute the following paragraph (b) for paragraph (b) of the 
    basic provision:
        (b) The offeror certifies that the following supplies are 
    Canadian end products as defined in the clause of this solicitation 
    entitled ``Buy American Act--North American Free Trade Agreement--
    Israeli Trade Act--Balance of Payments Program.''
        Canadian End Products:
    Line Item No.
    (List as necessary)
        Alternate II (DATE). As prescribed in 25.1101(b)(2)(iii), 
    substitute the following paragraph (b) for paragraph (b) of the 
    basic provision:
        (b) The offeror certifies that the following supplies are 
    Canadian end products or Israeli end products as defined in the 
    clause of this solicitation entitled ``Buy American Act--North 
    American Free Trade Agreement--Israeli Trade Act--Balance of 
    Payments Program.''
    [[Page 51662]]
        Canadian or Israeli End Products:
    Line Item No.
    Country of Origin
    (List as necessary)
    52.225-5  Trade Agreements.
        As prescribed in 25.1101(c)(1), insert the following clause:
    Trade Agreements (Date)
        (a) Definitions. As used in this clause--
        Caribbean Basin country means any of the following countries: 
    Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, British 
    Virgin Islands, Costa Rica, Dominica, Dominican Republic, El 
    Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, 
    Montserrat, Netherlands Antilles, Nicaragua, Panama, St. Kitts and 
    Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and 
        Caribbean Basin country end product means an article that--
        (1) Is wholly the growth, product, or manufacture of a Caribbean 
    Basin country; or
        (2) In the case of an article that consists in whole or in part 
    of materials from another country, has been substantially 
    transformed in a Caribbean Basin country into a new and different 
    article of commerce with a name, character, or use distinct from 
    that of the article or articles from which it was transformed. The 
    term refers to a product offered for purchase under a supply 
    contract, but for purposes of calculating the value of the end 
    product includes services (except transportation services) 
    incidental to the article, provided that the value of those 
    incidental services does not exceed that of the article itself. The 
    term excludes products that are excluded from duty-free treatment 
    for Caribbean countries under 19 U.S.C. 2703(b), which presently 
        (i) Textiles and apparel articles that are subject to textile 
        (ii) Footwear, handbags, luggage, flat goods, work gloves, and 
    leather wearing apparel not designated as eligible articles for the 
    purpose of the Generalized System of Preferences under Title V of 
    the Trade Act of 1974;
        (iii) Tuna, prepared or preserved in any manner in airtight 
        (iv) Petroleum, or any product derived from petroleum; and
        (v) Watches and watch parts (including cases, bracelets, and 
    straps) of whatever type including, but not limited to, mechanical, 
    quartz digital, or quartz analog, if such watches or watch parts 
    contain any material that is the product of any country to which the 
    Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) column 2 
    rates of duty apply.
        Designated country means any of the following countries:
    Burkina Faso
    Cape Verde
    Central African Republic
    Equatorial Guinea
    Hong Kong
    Korea, Republic of
    Sao Tome and Principe
    Sierra Leone
    Tanzania U.R.
    United Kingdom
    Western Samoa
        Designated country end product means an article that--
        (1) Is wholly the growth, product, or manufacture of a 
    designated country; or
        (2) In the case of an article that consists in whole or in part 
    of materials from another country, has been substantially 
    transformed in a designated country into a new and different article 
    of commerce with a name, character, or use distinct from that of the 
    article or articles from which it was transformed. The term refers 
    to a product offered for purchase under a supply contract, but for 
    purposes of calculating the value of the end product includes 
    services (except transportation services) incidental to the article, 
    provided that the value of those incidental services does not exceed 
    that of the article itself.
        End product means those articles, materials, and supplies to be 
    acquired under the contract for public use.
        North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) country means Canada 
    or Mexico.
        NAFTA country end product means an article that--
        (1) Is wholly the growth, product, or manufacture of a NAFTA 
    country; or
        (2) In the case of an article that consists in whole or in part 
    of materials from another country, has been substantially 
    transformed in a NAFTA country into a new and different article of 
    commerce with a name, character, or use distinct from that of the 
    article or articles from which it was transformed. The term refers 
    to a product offered for purchase under a supply contract, but for 
    purposes of calculating the value of the end product includes 
    services (except transportation services) incidental to the article, 
    provided that the value of those incidental services does not exceed 
    that of the article itself.
        U.S. made end product means an article that has been 
    manufactured in the United States or that has been substantially 
    transformed in the United States into a new and different article of 
    commerce with a name, character, or use distinct from that of the 
    article or articles from which it was transformed.
        (b) Implementation. This clause implements the Trade Agreements 
    Act (19 U.S.C. 2501 et seq.) and the North American Free Trade 
    Agreement Implementation Act of 1993 (NAFTA) (19 U.S.C. 3301 note), 
    by restricting the acquisition of end products that are not U.S. 
    made, designated country, Caribbean Basin country, or NAFTA country 
    end products.
        (c) Delivery of end products. The Contracting Officer has 
    determined that the Trade Agreements Act and NAFTA apply to this 
    acquisition. Unless otherwise specified, these trade agreements 
    apply to all items in the Schedule. The Contractor shall deliver 
    under this contract only U.S. made, designated country, Caribbean 
    Basin country, or NAFTA country end products except to the extent 
    that, in its offer, it specified delivery of other end products in 
    the provision entitled ``Trade Agreements Certificate.''
    (End of clause)
    52.225-6  Trade Agreements Certificate.
        As prescribed in 25.1101(c)(2), insert the following provision:
    Trade Agreements Certificate (Date)
        (a) The offeror certifies that each end product, except those 
    listed in paragraph (b) of this provision, is a U.S. made, 
    designated country, Caribbean Basin country, or NAFTA country end 
    product, as defined in the clause of this solicitation entitled 
    ``Trade Agreements.''
        (b) The offeror shall list as other end products those supplies 
    that are not U.S. made, designated country, Caribbean Basin country, 
    or NAFTA country end products.
        Other End Products:
    Line Item No.
    [[Page 51663]]
    Country of Origin
    (List as necessary)
        (c) Offers will be evaluated in accordance with the policies and 
    procedures of Part 25 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation. For 
    line items subject to the Trade Agreements Act, offers of U.S. made, 
    designated country, Caribbean Basin country, or NAFTA country end 
    products will be evaluated without regard to the restrictions of the 
    Buy American Act or the Balance of Payments Program. Only offers of 
    U.S. made, designated country, Caribbean Basin country, or NAFTA 
    country end products will be considered for award unless the 
    Contracting Officer determines that there are no offers for such 
    products or that the offers for such products are insufficient to 
    fulfill the requirements of this solicitation.
    (End of provision)
    52.225-7  Waiver of Buy American Act for Civil Aircraft and Related 
        As prescribed in 25.1101(d), insert the following provision:
    Waiver of Buy American Act for Civil Aircraft and Related Articles 
        (a) Civil aircraft and related articles, as used in this 
    provision, means--
        (1) All aircraft other than aircraft to be purchased for use by 
    the Department of Defense or the U.S. Coast Guard;
        (2) The engines (and parts and components for incorporation into 
    the engines) of these aircraft;
        (3) Any other parts, components, and subassemblies for 
    incorporation into the aircraft; and
        (4) Any ground flight simulators, and parts and components of 
    these simulators, for use with respect to the aircraft, whether to 
    be used as original or replacement equipment in the manufacture, 
    repair, maintenance, rebuilding, modification, or conversion of the 
    aircraft, and without regard to whether the aircraft or articles 
    receive duty-free treatment under section 601(a)(2) of the Trade 
    Agreements Act.
        (b) The U.S. Trade Representative has waived the Buy American 
    Act for acquisitions of civil aircraft and related articles from 
    countries that are parties to the Agreement on Trade in Civil 
    Aircraft. Those countries are Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, 
    Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, 
    the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, 
    Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.
        (c) For the purpose of this waiver, an article is a product of a 
    country only if--
        (1) It is wholly the growth, product, or manufacture of that 
    country; or
        (2) In the case of an article that consists in whole or in part 
    of materials from another country, it has been substantially 
    transformed into a new and different article of commerce with a 
    name, character, or use distinct from that of the article or 
    articles from which it was transformed.
        (d) The waiver is subject to modification or withdrawal by the 
    U.S. Trade Representative.
    (End of provision)
    52.225-8  Duty-Free Entry.
        As prescribed in 25.1101(e), insert the following clause:
    Duty-Free Entry (Date)
        (a) Except as otherwise approved by the Contracting Officer, the 
    Contractor shall not include in the contract price any amount for 
    duties on supplies specifically identified in the Schedule to be 
    accorded duty-free entry.
        (b) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this clause, or 
    elsewhere in this contract, the following procedures apply to 
    supplies not identified in the Schedule to be accorded duty-free 
        (1) The Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer, in 
    writing, of any purchase of foreign supplies (including, without 
    limitation, raw materials, components, and intermediate assemblies) 
    in excess of $10,000 that are to be imported into the customs 
    territory of the United States for delivery to the Government under 
    this contract, either as end products for incorporation into end 
    products. The notice shall be furnished to the Contracting Officer 
    at least 20 calendar days before the importation and shall identify 
        (i) Foreign supplies;
        (ii) Estimated amount of duty; and
        (iii) Country of origin.
        (2) The Contracting Officer shall determine whether any of these 
    supplies should be accorded duty-free entry and shall notify the 
    Contractor within 10 calendar days after receipt of the Contractor's 
        (3) Except as otherwise approved by the Contracting Officer, the 
    contract price shall be reduced by (or the allowable cost shall not 
    include) the amount of duty that would be payable if the supplies 
    were not entered duty-free.
        (c) Notification under paragraph (b) of this clause is not 
    required for purchases of foreign supplies if--
        (1) The supplies are identical in nature to items purchased by 
    the Contractor or any subcontractor in connection with its 
    commercial business; and
        (2) Segregation of these supplies to ensure use only on 
    Government contracts containing duty-free entry provisions is not 
    economical or feasible.
        (d) The Contractor shall claim duty-free entry only for supplies 
    to be delivered to the Government under this contract, either as end 
    products or incorporated into end products, and shall pay duty on 
    supplies, or any portion of them, other than scrap, salvage, or 
    competitive sale authorized by the Contracting Officer, diverted to 
    non-Governmental use.
        (e) The Government shall execute any required duty-free entry 
    certificates for supplies to be accorded duty-free entry and shall 
    assist the Contractor in obtaining duty-free entry for these 
        (f) Shipping documents for supplies to be accorded duty-free 
    entry shall consign the shipments to the contracting agency in care 
    of the Contractor and shall include the--
        (1) Delivery address of the Contractor (or contracting agency, 
    if appropriate);
        (2) Government prime contract number;
        (3) Identification of carrier;
        (4) Notation ``UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, ________ agency 
    ________, Duty-free entry to be claimed pursuant to Item No(s) 
    ________ from Tariff Schedules ________, Harmonized Tariff Schedules 
    of the United States. Upon arrival of shipment at port of entry, 
    District Director of Customs, please release shipment under 19 CFR 
    142 and notify [cognizant contract administration office] for 
    execution of Customs Forms 7501 and 7501-A and any required duty-
    free entry certificates;''
        (5) Gross weight in pounds (if freight is based on space 
    tonnage, state cubic feet in addition to gross shipping weight); and
        (6) Estimated value in United States dollars.
        (g) The Contractor shall instruct the foreign supplier to--
        (1) Consign the shipment as specified in paragraph (f) of this 
        (2) Mark all packages with the words ``UNITED STATES 
    GOVERNMENT'' and the title of the contracting agency; and
        (3) Include with the shipment at least two copies of the bill of 
    lading (or other shipping document) for use by the District Director 
    of Customs at the port of entry.
        (h) The Contractor shall provide written notice to the cognizant 
    contract administration office immediately after notification by the 
    Contracting Officer that duty-free entry will be accorded foreign 
    supplies or, for duty-free supplies identified in the Schedule, upon 
    award by the Contractor to the overseas supplier. The notice shall 
    identify the--
        (1) Foreign supplies;
        (2) Country of origin;
        (3) Contract number; and
        (4) Scheduled delivery date(s).
        (i) The Contractor shall include the substance of this clause in 
    any subcontract if--
        (1) Supplies identified in the Schedule to be accorded duty-free 
    entry will be imported into the customs territory of the United 
    States; or
        (2) Other foreign supplies in excess of $10,000 may be imported 
    into the customs territory of the United States.
    (End of clause)
    52.225-9  Buy American Act--Balance of Payments Program--Construction 
        As prescribed in 25.1102(a), insert the following clause:
    Buy American Act--Balance of Payments Program--Construction Materials 
        (a) Definitions. As used in this clause--
        Components means those articles, materials, and supplies 
    incorporated directly into construction materials.
        Construction material means an article, material, or supply 
    brought to the construction site by the Contractor or subcontractor 
    for incorporation into the building or work. The term also includes 
    an item brought to the site preassembled from articles, materials, 
    or supplies. However,
    [[Page 51664]]
    emergency life safety systems, such as emergency lighting, fire 
    alarm, and audio evacuation systems, that are discrete systems 
    incorporated into a public building or work and that are produced as 
    complete systems, shall be evaluated as a single and distinct 
    construction material regardless of when or how the individual parts 
    or components of such systems are delivered to the construction 
        Cost of components means--
        (1) For components purchased by the Contractor, the acquisition 
    cost, including transportation costs to the place of incorporation 
    into the end product (whether or not such costs are paid to a 
    domestic firm), and any applicable duty (whether or not a duty-free 
    entry certificate is issued); or
        (2) For components manufactured by the Contractor, all costs 
    associated with the manufacture of the component, including 
    transportation costs as described in paragraph (1) of this 
    definition, plus allocable overhead costs, but excluding profit. 
    Cost of components does not include any costs associated with the 
    manufacture of the end product.
        Domestic construction material means--
        (1) An unmanufactured construction material mined or produced in 
    the United States; or
        (2) A construction material manufactured in the United States, 
    if the cost of its components mined, produced, or manufactured in 
    the United States exceeds 50 percent of the cost of all its 
    components. Components of foreign origin of the same class or kind 
    for which nonavailability determinations have been made are treated 
    as domestic.
        Foreign construction material means a construction material 
    other than a domestic construction material.
        (b) Domestic preference. (1) This clause implements the Buy 
    American Act (41 U.S.C. 10a-10d) and the Balance of Payments Program 
    by providing a preference for domestic construction material. Only 
    domestic construction material shall be used in performing this 
    contract, except as provided in paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(3) of this 
        (2) This requirement does not apply to the construction material 
    or components listed by the Government as follows:
    [Contracting Officer to list applicable excepted materials or 
    indicate ``none'']
        (3) Other foreign construction material may be added to the list 
    in paragraph (b)(2) of this clause if the Government determines 
        (i) The cost of domestic construction material would be 
    unreasonable. The cost of a particular domestic construction 
    material subject to the requirements of the Buy American Act shall 
    be determined to be unreasonable when the cost of such material 
    exceeds the cost of foreign material by more than 6 percent. For 
    determination of unreasonable cost under the Balance of Payments 
    Program, a factor of 50 percent shall be used;
        (ii) The application of the restriction of the Buy American Act 
    or Balance of Payments Program to a particular construction material 
    would be impracticable or inconsistent with the public interest; or
        (iii) The construction material is not mined, produced, or 
    manufactured in the United States in sufficient and reasonably 
    available commercial quantities of a satisfactory quality.
        (c) Request for determination of inapplicability of the Buy 
    American Act or Balance of Payments Program. (1)(i) Any Contractor 
    request to use foreign construction material in accordance with 
    paragraph (b)(3) of this clause shall include adequate information 
    for Government evaluation of the request, including a description of 
    the foreign and domestic construction materials, unit of measure, 
    quantity, price, time of delivery or availability, location of the 
    construction project, name and address of the proposed supplier, and 
    a detailed justification of the reason for use of foreign 
    construction materials cited in accordance with paragraph (b)(3) of 
    this clause. A request based on unreasonable cost shall include a 
    reasonable survey of the market and a completed price comparison 
    table in the format in paragraph (d) of this clause. The price of 
    construction material shall include all delivery costs to the 
    construction site and any applicable duty (whether or not a duty-
    free certificate may be issued).
        (ii) Any Contractor request for a determination submitted after 
    contract award shall explain why the determination could not have 
    been requested before contract award or why the need for such 
    determination otherwise was not reasonably foreseeable. If the 
    Contractor does not submit a satisfactory explanation, the 
    Government need not make a determination.
        (2) If the Government determines after contract award that an 
    exception to the Buy American Act or Balance of Payments Program 
    applies, the contract shall be modified to allow use of the foreign 
    construction material, and adequate consideration shall be 
    negotiated. However, when the basis for the exception is the 
    unreasonable price of a domestic construction material, adequate 
    consideration shall not be less than the differential established in 
    paragraph (b)(3)(i) of this clause.
        (3) Unless the Government determines that an exception to the 
    Buy American Act or Balance of Payments Program applies, use of 
    foreign construction material shall be considered noncompliant with 
    the Buy American Act or Balance of Payments Program.
        (d) Data to be supplied. To permit evaluation of requests under 
    paragraph (c) of this clause based on unreasonable cost, the 
    Contractor shall include the following information and any 
    applicable supporting data based on the survey of suppliers:
          Foreign and Domestic Construction Materials Price Comparison
                                         Unit of                    Price
    Construction material description    measure      Quantity    (dollars)*
    Item 1:
        Foreign construction material  ...........  ...........  ...........
        Domestic construction
         material....................  ...........  ...........  ...........
    Item 2:
        Foreign construction material  ...........  ...........  ...........
        Domestic construction
         material....................  ...........  ...........  ...........
    List name, address, telephone number, and contact for suppliers
      surveyed. Attach copy of response; if oral, attach summary.
    Include other applicable supporting information.
    * Include all delivery costs to the construction site and any applicable
      duty (whether or not a duty-free entry certificate is issued).
    (End of clause)
    52.225-10  Notice of Buy American Act/Balance of Payments Program 
    Requirement--Construction Materials.
        As prescribed in 25.1102(b)(1), insert the following provision:
    Notice of Buy American Act/Balance of Payments Program Requirement--
    Construction Materials (Date)
        (a) Definitions. Construction material, domestic construction 
    material, and foreign construction material, as used in this 
    provision, are defined in the clause of this solicitation entitled 
    ``Buy American Act--Balance of Payments Program--Construction 
    Materials'' (Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) clause 52.225-9).
        (b) Requests for determinations of inapplicability. An offeror 
    requesting a determination regarding the inapplicability of the Buy 
    American Act or Balance of Payments Program should submit the 
    request to the Contracting Officer in time to allow a determination 
    before submission of offers. The information and applicable 
    supporting data required by paragraphs (c) and (d) of the clause at 
    FAR 52.225-9 shall be included in the request. If an offeror has not 
    requested a
    [[Page 51665]]
    determination regarding the inapplicability of the Buy American Act 
    or Balance of Payments Program before submitting its offer, or has 
    not received a response to a previous request, the information and 
    supporting data shall be included in the offer.
        (c) Evaluation of offers. (1) The Government will evaluate an 
    offer requesting exception to the requirements of the Buy American 
    Act or Balance of Payments Program, based on claimed unreasonable 
    cost of domestic construction material, by adding to the offered 
    price the appropriate percentage of the cost of such foreign 
    construction material, as specified in paragraph (b)(3)(i) of the 
    clause at FAR 52.225-9.
        (2) If evaluation results in a tie between an offeror that has 
    requested the substitution of foreign construction material based on 
    unreasonable cost and an offeror that has not requested such an 
    exception, the Contracting Officer shall award to the offeror that 
    has not requested an exception based on unreasonable cost.
        (d) Alternate offers. (1) When an offer includes foreign 
    construction material not listed by the Government in this 
    solicitation in paragraph (b)(2) of the clause at FAR 52.225-9, the 
    offeror also may submit an alternate offer based on use of 
    equivalent domestic construction material.
        (2) If an alternate offer is submitted, the offeror shall submit 
    a separate Standard Form 1442 for the alternate offer, and a 
    separate price comparison table prepared in accordance with 
    paragraphs (c) and (d) of the clause at FAR 52.225-9 for the offer 
    that is based on the use of any foreign construction material for 
    which the Government has not yet determined an exception to apply.
        (3) If the Government determines that a particular exception 
    requested in accordance with paragraph (c) of the clause at FAR 
    52.225-9 does not apply, the Government will evaluate only those 
    offers based on use of the equivalent domestic construction 
    material, and the offeror shall be required to furnish such domestic 
    construction material. An offer based on use of the foreign 
    construction material for which an exception was requested--
        (i) Shall be rejected as nonresponsive if this acquisition is 
    conducted by sealed bidding; or
        (ii) May be accepted if revised during negotiations.
    (End of provision)
        Alternate I (DATE). As prescribed in 25.1102(b)(2), substitute 
    the following paragraph (b) for paragraph (b) of the basic 
        (b) Requests for determinations of inapplicability. An offeror 
    requesting a determination regarding the inapplicability of the Buy 
    American Act or Balance of Payments Program shall submit the request 
    with its offer, including the information and applicable supporting 
    data required by paragraphs (c) and (d) of the clause at FAR 52.225-
    52.225-11  Buy American Act--Balance of Payments Program--Construction 
    Materials Under Trade Agreements.
        As prescribed in 25.1102(c)(1), insert the following clause:
    Buy American Act--Balance of Payments Program--Construction Materials 
    Under Trade Agreements (Date)
        (a) Definitions. As used in this clause--
        Components means those articles, materials, and supplies 
    incorporated directly into construction materials.
        Construction material means an article, material, or supply 
    brought to the construction site by the Contractor or subcontractor 
    for incorporation into the building or work. The term also includes 
    an item brought to the site preassembled from articles, materials, 
    or supplies. However, emergency life safety systems, such as 
    emergency lighting, fire alarm, and audio evacuation systems, that 
    are discrete systems incorporated into a public building or work and 
    that are produced as complete systems, shall be evaluated as a 
    single and distinct construction material regardless of when or how 
    the individual parts or components of such systems are delivered to 
    the construction site.
        Cost of components means--
        (1) For components purchased by the Contractor, the acquisition 
    cost, including transportation costs to the place of incorporation 
    into the end product (whether or not such costs are paid to a 
    domestic firm), and any applicable duty (whether or not a duty-free 
    entry certificate is issued); or
        (2) For components manufactured by the Contractor, all costs 
    associated with the manufacture of the component, including 
    transportation costs as described in paragraph (1) of this 
    definition, plus allocable overhead costs, but excluding profit. 
    Cost of components does not include any costs associated with the 
    manufacture of the end product.
        Designated country means any of the following countries:
    Burkina Faso
    Cape Verde
    Central African Republic
    Equatorial Guinea
    Hong Kong
    Republic of
    Sao Tome and Principe
    Sierra Leone
    Tanzania U.R.
    United Kingdom
    Western Samoa
        Designated country construction material means a construction 
    material that--
        (1) Is wholly the growth, product, or manufacture of a 
    designated country; or
        (2) In the case of a construction material that consists in 
    whole or in part of materials from another country, has been 
    substantially transformed in a designated country into a new and 
    different construction material distinct from the materials from 
    which it was transformed.
        Domestic construction material means--
        (1) An unmanufactured construction material mined or produced in 
    the United States; or
        (2) A construction material manufactured in the United States, 
    if the cost of its components mined, produced, or manufactured in 
    the United States exceeds 50 percent of the cost of all its 
    components. Components of foreign origin of the same class or kind 
    for which nonavailability determinations have been made are treated 
    as domestic.
        Foreign construction material means a construction material 
    other than a domestic construction material.
        North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) country means Canada 
    or Mexico.
        NAFTA country construction material means a construction 
    material that--
        (1) Is wholly the growth, product, or manufacture of a NAFTA 
    country; or
        (2) In the case of a construction material that consists in 
    whole or in part of materials from another country, has been 
    substantially transformed in a NAFTA country into a new and 
    different construction material distinct from the materials from 
    which it was transformed.
        (b) Construction materials. (1) This clause implements the Buy 
    American Act (41 U.S.C.
    [[Page 51666]]
    10a-10d) and the Balance of Payments Program by providing a 
    preference for domestic construction material. In addition, the 
    Contracting Officer has determined that the Trade Agreements Act and 
    the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) apply to this 
    acquisition. Therefore, the Buy American Act and Balance of Payments 
    Program restrictions are waived for designated country and NAFTA 
    country construction materials.
        (2) Only domestic, designated country, or NAFTA country 
    construction material shall be used in performing this contract, 
    except as provided in paragraphs (b)(3) and (b)(4) of this clause.
        (3) The requirement in paragraph (b)(2) of this clause does not 
    apply to the construction materials or components listed by the 
    Government as follows:
    [Contracting Officer to list applicable excepted materials or 
    indicate ``none'']
        (4) Other foreign construction material may be added to the list 
    in paragraph (b)(3) of this clause if the Government determines 
        (i) The cost of domestic construction material would be 
    unreasonable. The cost of a particular domestic construction 
    material subject to the restrictions of the Buy American Act shall 
    be determined to be unreasonable when the cost of such material 
    exceeds the cost of foreign material by more than 6 percent. For 
    determination of unreasonable cost under the Balance of Payments 
    Program, a factor of 50 percent shall be used;
        (ii) The application of the restriction of the Buy American Act 
    or Balance of Payments Program to a particular construction material 
    would be impracticable or inconsistent with the public interest; or
        (iii) The construction material is not mined, produced, or 
    manufactured in the United States in sufficient and reasonably 
    available commercial quantities of a satisfactory quality.
        (c) Request for determination of inapplicability of the Buy 
    American Act or Balance of Payments Program. (1)(i) Any Contractor 
    request to use foreign construction material in accordance with 
    paragraph (b)(4) of this clause shall include adequate information 
    for Government evaluation of the request, including a description of 
    the foreign and domestic construction materials, unit of measure, 
    quantity, price, time of delivery or availability, location of the 
    construction project, name and address of the proposed supplier, and 
    a detailed justification of the reason for use of foreign 
    construction materials cited in accordance with paragraph (b)(4) of 
    this clause. A request based on unreasonable cost shall include a 
    reasonable survey of the market and a completed price comparison 
    table in the format in paragraph (d) of this clause. The price of 
    construction material shall include all delivery costs to the 
    construction site and any applicable duty (whether or not a duty-
    free certificate may be issued).
        (ii) Any Contractor request for a determination submitted after 
    contract award shall explain why the determination could not have 
    been requested before contract award or why the need for such 
    determination otherwise was not reasonably foreseeable. If the 
    Contractor does not submit a satisfactory explanation, the 
    Government need not make a determination .
        (2) If the Government determines after contract award that an 
    exception to the Buy American Act or Balance of Payments Program 
    applies, the contract shall be modified to allow use of the foreign 
    construction material, and adequate consideration shall be 
    negotiated. However, when the basis for the exception is the 
    unreasonable price of a domestic construction material, adequate 
    consideration shall not be less than the differential established in 
    paragraph (b)(4)(i) of this clause.
        (3) Unless the Government determines that an exception to the 
    Buy American Act or Balance of Payments Program applies, use of 
    foreign construction material shall be considered noncompliant with 
    the Buy American Act or Balance of Payments Program.
        (d) Data to be supplied. To permit evaluation of requests under 
    paragraph (c) of this clause based on unreasonable cost, the 
    Contractor shall include the following information and any 
    applicable supporting data based on the survey of suppliers:
          Foreign and Domestic Construction Materials Price Comparison
                                         Unit of                    Price
    Construction material description    measure      Quantity    (dollars)*
    Item 1:
        Foreign construction material  ...........  ...........  ...........
        Domestic construction
         material....................  ...........  ...........  ...........
    Item 2:
        Foreign construction material  ...........  ...........  ...........
        Domestic construction
         material....................  ...........  ...........  ...........
    List name, address, telephone number, and contact for suppliers
      surveyed. Attach copy of response; if oral, attach summary.
    Include other applicable supporting information.
    *Include all delivery costs to the construction site and any applicable
      duty (whether or not a duty-free entry certificate is issued).
    (End of clause)
        Alternate I (DATE). As prescribed in 25.1102(c)(2), substitute 
    the following paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2) for paragraphs (b)(1) and 
    (b)(2) of the basic clause:
        (b) Construction materials. (1) This clause implements the Buy 
    American Act (41 U.S.C. 10a-10d) and the Balance of Payments Program 
    by providing a preference for domestic construction material. In 
    addition, the Contracting Officer has determined that the North 
    American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) applies to this acquisition. 
    Therefore, the Buy American Act and Balance of Payments Program 
    restrictions are waived for NAFTA country construction materials .
        (2) Only domestic or NAFTA country construction material shall 
    be used in performing this contract, except as provided in 
    paragraphs (b)(3) and (b)(4) of this clause.
    52.225-12   Notice of Buy American Act/Balance of Payments Program 
    Requirement--Construction Materials Under Trade Agreements.
        As prescribed in 25.1102(d)(1), insert the following provision:
    Notice of Buy American Act/Balance of Payments Program Requirement--
    Construction Materials Under Trade Agreements (Date)
        (a) Definitions. Construction material, designated country 
    construction material, domestic construction material, foreign 
    construction material, and NAFTA country construction material, as 
    used in this provision, are defined in the clause of this 
    solicitation entitled ``Buy American Act--Balance of Payments 
    Program--Construction Materials Under Trade Agreements'' (Federal 
    Acquisition Regulation (FAR) clause 52.225-11).
        (b) Requests for determination of inapplicability. An offeror 
    requesting a determination regarding the inapplicability of the Buy 
    American Act or Balance of Payments Program should submit the 
    request to the Contracting Officer in time to allow a determination 
    before submission of offers. The information and applicable 
    supporting data required by paragraphs (c) and (d) of the clause at 
    FAR 52.225-11 shall be included in the request. If an offeror has 
    not requested a determination regarding the inapplicability of the 
    Buy American Act or Balance of Payments Program before submitting 
    its offer, or has not received a response to a previous request, the 
    information and supporting data shall be included in the offer.
        (c) Evaluation of offers. (1) The Government will evaluate an 
    offer requesting exception to the requirements of the Buy American 
    Act or Balance of Payments Program, based on claimed unreasonable 
    cost of domestic construction material, by adding
    [[Page 51667]]
    to the offered price the appropriate percentage of the cost of such 
    foreign construction material, as specified in paragraph (b)(4)(i) 
    of the clause at FAR 52.225-11.
        (2) If evaluation results in a tie between an offeror that has 
    requested the substitution of foreign construction material based on 
    unreasonable cost and an offeror that has not requested such an 
    exception, the Contracting Officer shall award to the offeror that 
    has not requested an exception based on unreasonable cost.
        (d) Alternate offers. (1) When an offer includes foreign 
    construction material, other than designated country or NAFTA 
    country construction material, that is not listed by the Government 
    in this solicitation in paragraph (b)(3) of the clause at FAR 
    52.225-11, the offeror also may submit an alternate offer based on 
    use of equivalent domestic, designated country, or NAFTA country 
    construction material.
        (2) If an alternate offer is submitted, the offeror shall submit 
    a separate Standard Form 1442 for the alternate offer, and a 
    separate price comparison table prepared in accordance with 
    paragraphs (c) and (d) of the clause at FAR 52.225-11 for the offer 
    that is based on the use of any foreign construction material for 
    which the Government has not yet determined an exception to apply.
        (3) If the Government determines that a particular exception 
    requested in accordance with paragraph (c) of the clause at FAR 
    52.225-11 does not apply, the Government will evaluate only those 
    offers based on use of the equivalent domestic, designated country, 
    or NAFTA country construction material, and the offeror shall be 
    required to furnish such domestic, designated country, or NAFTA 
    country construction material. An offer based on use of the foreign 
    construction material for which an exception was requested--
        (i) Shall be rejected as nonresponsive if this acquisition is 
    conducted by sealed bidding; or
        (ii) May be accepted if revised during negotiations.
    (End of provision)
        Alternate I (DATE). As prescribed in 25.1102(d)(2), substitute 
    the following paragraph (b) for paragraph (b) of the basic 
        (b) Requests for determinations of inapplicability. An offeror 
    requesting a determination regarding the inapplicability of the Buy 
    American Act or Balance of Payments Program shall submit the request 
    with its offer, including the information and applicable supporting 
    data required by paragraphs (c) and (d) of the clause at FAR 52.225-
    52.225-13   Restrictions on Certain Foreign Purchases.
        As prescribed in 25.1103(a), insert the following clause:
    Restrictions on Certain Foreign Purchases (Date)
        (a) The Contractor shall not acquire, for use in the performance 
    of this contract, any supplies or services originating from sources 
    within, or that were located in or transported from or through 
    countries, whose products are banned from importation into the 
    United States under regulations of the Office of Foreign Assets 
    Control, Department of the Treasury. Those countries are Cuba, Iran, 
    Iraq, Libya, North Korea, and Sudan.
        (b) The Contractor shall not acquire for use in the performance 
    of this contract any supplies or services from entities controlled 
    by the Government of Iraq.
        (c) The Contractor shall insert this clause, including this 
    paragraph (c), in all subcontracts.
    (End of clause)
    52.225-14   Inconsistency Between English Version and Translation of 
        As prescribed in 25.1103(b), insert the following clause:
    Inconsistency Between English Version and Translation of Contract 
        In the event of inconsistency between any terms of this contract 
    and any translation thereof into another language, the English 
    language meaning shall control.
    (End of clause)
    52.225-15   Sanctioned European Union Country End Products.
        As prescribed in 25.1103(c)(1)(i), insert the following clause:
    Sanctioned European Union Country End Products (Date)
        (a) Definitions. As used in this clause--
        Sanctioned European Union (EU) country end product means an 
    article that--
        (1) Is wholly the growth, product, or manufacture of a 
    sanctioned EU member state; or
        (2) In the case of an article that consists in whole or in part 
    of materials from another country, has been substantially 
    transformed in a sanctioned EU member state into a new and different 
    article of commerce with a name, character, or use distinct from 
    that of the article or articles from which it was transformed. The 
    term refers to a product offered for purchase under a supply 
    contract, but for purposes of calculating the value of the end 
    product includes services (except transportation services) 
    incidental to the article; provided that the value of those 
    incidental services does not exceed that of the article itself.
        Sanctioned EU member state means Austria, Belgium, Denmark, 
    Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, 
    Sweden, or the United Kingdom.
        (b) The Contractor shall not deliver any sanctioned EU country 
    end products under this contract.
    (End of clause)
    52.225-16   Sanctioned European Union Country Services.
        As prescribed in 25.1103(c)(1)(ii), insert the following clause:
    Sanctioned European Union Country Services (Date)
        (a) Definition. Sanctioned European Union (EU) member state 
    means Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, 
    Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Sweden, or the United Kingdom.
        (b) The Contractor shall not perform services under this 
    contract in a sanctioned EU member state. This prohibition does not 
    apply to subcontracts.
    (End of clause)
    52.225-17   Evaluation of Foreign Currency Offers.
        As prescribed in 25.1103(d), insert the following provision:
    Evaluation of Foreign Currency Offers (Date)
        If offers are received in more than one currency, offers shall 
    be evaluated by converting the foreign currency to United States 
    currency using [Contracting Officer to insert source of rate] in 
    effect as follows:
        (a) For acquisitions conducted using sealed bidding procedures, 
    on the date of bid opening; or
        (b) For acquisitions conducted using negotiation procedures--
        (1) On the date specified for receipt of offers, if award is 
    based on initial offers; otherwise
        (2) On the date specified for receipt of final proposal 
    (End of provision)
    52.225-18   52.225-22   [Removed]
        21. Sections 52.225-18 through 52.225-22 are removed.
    [FR Doc. 98-25528 Filed 9-25-98; 8:45 am]

Document Information

National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
Comments should be submitted on or before November 27, 1998 to be considered in the formulation of a final rule.
51642-51667 (26 pages)
Docket Numbers:
FAR Case 97-024
9000-AH30: FAR Case 97-024, Foreign Acquisition
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (18)
48 CFR 52.225-1
48 CFR 52.225-2
48 CFR 52.225-3
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48 CFR 52.225-5
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