94-24099. Agency Forms Submitted for Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Review Notice  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 188 (Thursday, September 29, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page 0]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-24099]
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: September 29, 1994]
    Agency Forms Submitted for Office of Management and Budget (OMB) 
    Review Notice
    SUMMARY: In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, as 
    amended (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35), the U.S. Office of Special Counsel 
    (OSC) has submitted a proposal for the collection of information to OMB 
    for review and approval.
        (1) Collection title: OSC Customer Surveys.
        (2) Forms submitted: OSC Forms 48-48c.
        (3) OMB Number: New Information Collection.
        (4) Expiration date of current OMB clearance: Three years from date 
    of OMB approval.
        (5) Type of request: New collection.
        (6) Frequency of response: Once per matter completed by OSC 
        (7) Respondents: Federal employees will be the primary respondents. 
    State or local government employees, businesses or other for-profit 
    entities, non-profit institutions, and small businesses or 
    organizations may be respondents on an occasional, infrequent basis.
        (8) Estimated annual number of respondents: 2,320 (maximum).
        (9) Total annual responses: 2,230 (maximum).
        (10) Averge time per response: .2708 hours.
        (11) Total annual reporting hours: 628.256.
        (12) Collection description: Four written surveys seeking 
    qualitative information in completed cases from individuals who have 
    (a) alleged prohibited personnel practices; (b) alleged prohibited 
    personnel practices or Hatch Act violations resolved after full field 
    investigation by OSC; (c) received written Hatch Act advisory opinions, 
    or alleged Hatch Act violations resolved without field investigation; 
    and (4) disclosed possible wrongdoing by federal agencies to OSC.
    ADDRESSES: Comments regarding the information collection should be 
    addressed to Erin M. McDonnell, Associate Special Counsel for Planning 
    and Advice, U.S. Office of Special Counsel, 1730 M Street, NW., Suite 
    300, Washington, DC 20036-4505, and the OMB reviewer, Joseph F. Lackey, 
    Office of Management and Budget, New Executive Office Building, Room 
    10235, 1725-17th Street, NW., Washington, DC 20503.
    Erin M. McDonnell, Associate Special Counsel for Planning and Advice, 
    U.S. Office of Special Counsel, 1730 M Street, NW., Suite 300, 
    Washington, DC 20036-4505, (202) 653-8971 [phone], (202) 653-5151 
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Copies of the forms and supporting documents 
    can be obtained from Erin M. McDonnell, Associate Special Counsel for 
    Planning and Advice, at the address shown above.
        Dated: September 22, 1994.
    James A. Kahl,
    Deputy Special Counsel.
    U.S. Office of Special Counsel; Generic Clearance Request for Approval 
    of Customer Survey Activities
    Date: September 22, 1994.
        Contact: Erin M. McDonnell, (202) 653-8971.
    I. Introduction
        The U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC) requests that the Office 
    of Management and Budget (OMB) issue a generic clearance of customer 
    surveys that OSC intends to send to individuals who seek the agency's 
    assistance. In developing these customer surveys, OSC was guided by 
    OMB's ``Resource Manual for Customer Surveys'' (October 1993 edition).
        While OSC is not subject to the requirements of Executive Order 
    12862,\1\ OSC is placing increased emphasis on customer service 
    activities consistent with the principles and objectives of the 
    executive order. In the spirit of the order, OSC provided an update on 
    current and planned customer services activities to the National 
    Performance Review on September 8, 1994.
        \1\Pursuant to discussions with Mr. Greg Wood at the National 
    Performance Review, we understand that OSC is not subject to the 
    executive order because, with limited exceptions, OSC's direct 
    customers are employees of the federal government.
    A. Overview of OSC's Activities
        The U.S. Office of Special Counsel is an independent agency 
    responsible for:
         The investigation of allegations of prohibited personnel 
    practices defined by law at 5 U.S.C. 2302(b) (including reprisal for 
    whistleblowing), and other activities prohibited by civil service law, 
    rule or regulation, and the initiation of corrective and disciplinary 
    actions when such remedial actions are warranted;
         The interpretation and enforcement of Hatch Act provisions 
    on political activity in Chapters 15 and 73 of Title 5 of the U.S. 
    Code; and
         The provision of a secure channel through which federal 
    employees may make disclosures of information evidencing violations of 
    law, rule or regulation, gross waste of funds, gross mismanagement, 
    abuse of authority, or a substantial and specific danger to public 
    health or safety, without disclosure of the employee's identity (except 
    with the employee's consent).
        Allegations of prohibited personnel practices and other activities 
    prohibited by civil service law, rule or regulation, and allegations of 
    Hatch Act violations are initially reviewed by OSC's Complaints 
    Examining Unit (CEU). After a thorough initial investigation, CEU 
    refers matters stating a potentially valid statutory claim to the 
    Investigation Division for full field investigation. Finally, the 
    Prosecution Division reviews completed field investigations to 
    determine whether the inquiry has established any violation of law, 
    rule or regulation, and whether the matter warrants corrective or 
    disciplinary action, or both. If such action is appropriate, matters 
    may be resolved through negotiation with the parties involved or, if 
    those efforts are unsuccessful, through litigation before the U.S. 
    Merit Systems Protection Board. In Fiscal Year (FY) 1993, OSC received 
    2,256 new matters containing allegations of prohibited personnel 
    practices, Hatch Act violations or other allegations of wrongdoing, and 
    we completed actions in 1,951 such matters.
        In addition to the Hatch Act activities described above, OSC also 
    interprets and provides advice about that Act. During FY 1993, OSC's 
    Hatch Act Unit issued 219 written advisory opinions, provided 1,109 
    oral advisory opinions in response to telephone inquiries, and 
    responded to an additional 718 telephone inquiries requesting general 
        Finally, OSC's Disclosure Unit (the agency's secure channel for 
    whistleblower disclosures) receives and evaluates disclosures from 
    federal employees about violations of law, rules or regulations, or 
    other wrongdoing involving federal agencies. In some instances, OSC is 
    required to refer these allegations to the head of the agency involved 
    for an investigation and a report. In other cases, OSC may require the 
    agency head to review the matter and inform OSC of what actions, in 
    any, will be taken. In FY 1993, OSC's Disclosure Unit received and 
    considered 209 disclosure matters, and resolved 78 such matters.
    B. OSC's Proposed Customer Survey Efforts
        OSC plans to use four different written surveys to elicit 
    qualitative information from customers served by the agency. The 
    surveys will be sent to--
         Individual's alleging prohibited personnel practices whose 
    cases have been completed by OSC after review by the Complaints 
    Examining Unit (Attachment A);
         Individuals alleging prohibited personnel practices or 
    Health Act violations whose cases have been completed by OSC 
    (regardless of the disposition) after a full field investigation and 
    review by the Prosecution Division (Attachment B);
         Individuals who have received written advisory opinions 
    about allowable and unallowable political activity under the Hatch Act, 
    or whose Hatch Act complaints have been resolved without a full field 
    investigation (Attachment C); and
         Individuals whose disclosures of possible wrongdoing by 
    federal agencies have been acted on by the OSC Disclosure Unit 
    (regardless of the disposition of the case) (Attachment D).
        OSC plans to distribute the four survey forms on a trial basis to 
    approximately 180 customers, selected from OSC computer lists of 
    matters completed in FY 1994. These customers will represent a 
    stratified cross-section of individuals in each of the four customer 
    groups to which the surveys relate. Based upon feedback from these 
    customers, OSC will make necessary revisions to the survey forms and 
    will determine the scope and frequency of survey activity planned for 
    the balance of the three-year authorization period sought by this 
        Attachment E details OSC's customer survey efforts (with projected 
    burden hours if it adopts the most comprehensive strategy--i.e., 
    surveys of customers in all completed OSC cases for calendar years 
    1995-97. Of course, OSC will notify OMB of the surveying strategy it 
    adopts after the trial period. Similarly, to the extent that the survey 
    forms need to be significantly revised or supplemented due to 
    intervening developments, such as amendments to OSC's statutory 
    authority, we will also notify OMB.\2\
        \2\For example, enactment of new authorizing legislation pending 
    in Congress, under which OSC would be given jurisdiction to 
    investigate complaints from employees of government corporations 
    alleging reprisal for whistleblowing, would increase the numbers of 
    individuals subject to OSC's proposed survey activity.
        OSC agrees to prepare and submit annual progress reports on its 
    customer survey efforts as necessary at the end of calendar years 1995-
    1997. Any reports submitted will include the number of burden hours 
    used, a summary of activities undertaken and the results achieved, and 
    will address any revisions required in the clearance.
        OSC plans to continue to draw upon the experience of other 
    government agencies with customer survey plans, and to exchange 
    information about best practices and successes with those plans and 
    survey activities. Funds permitting, we also hope to make use of 
    training opportunities offered by the Joint Program in Survey 
    Methodology and other sources to assist us in refining our survey 
        While OSC cannot promise particular results in advance in any given 
    case, the Special Counsel has made it a priority of the agency to do as 
    much as we legally can for individuals who seek the agency's 
    assistance. This emphasis on customer service encompasses many things, 
    including providing timely responses, treating customers courteously 
    and respectfully, and resolving reasonable doubts in favor of persons 
    who come to OSC for help. Consistent with the priority the Special 
    Counsel has placed on customer service, she has appointed a senior 
    official, Associate Special Counsel for Planning and Advice Erin M. 
    McDonnell, to oversee and direct the agency's customer surveying 
    efforts. All of these endeavors reflect OSC's commitment to provide the 
    highest quality of service to its customers.
    II. Supporting Statement
    A. Justification
        1. Circumstances of information collection. OSC is requesting 
    generic approval to conduct qualitative customer satisfaction surveys 
    over the next three years, which are designed to determine federal 
    employees' and other customers' satisfaction with OSC's current 
    services. (See Attachment E.) These surveys are voluntary and they do 
    not solicit information that is required by law or regulation.
        2. Purposes of collective/consequences of not collecting the 
    information. Approval of this information collection will enable OSC 
    management and staff to obtain information necessary to:
         Explore customer perceptions, expectations and experience 
    with OSC;
         Assess levels of customer satisfaction;
         Identify areas where improvements can be made;
         Link results with management planning and other agency 
         Establish customer service standards and actionable 
         Improve external relations with customers; and
         Build customer awareness at all levels of the 
        As indicated in the introduction to this request, it is an agency 
    priority to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of the service 
    provided by OSC to individuals seeking its assistance. Failure to 
    pursue the collection of the information sought will deprive the agency 
    of information necessary to perform the functions listed above. OSC 
    will make all survey results to Congress and other requestors in 
    accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
        3. Use of improved information technology to reduce burden, or 
    technical or legal obstacles to reducing burden: Improved information 
    technology will be used whenever practicable to reduce the burden on 
    the public. There are no technical or legal obstacles to reducing this 
        4. Efforts to identify duplication: Duplication of effort or 
    information collected will be avoided by surveying a customer only once 
    for each matter he or she submits to OSC. OSC's customer survey program 
    will also include training of staff involved in survey activities by 
    the senior agency official responsible for coordinating the program. 
    Such training will alert the staff to implementation issues, including 
    duplication of effort or information collected.
        5. Reason(s) for inability to use or modify similar information 
    already available for intended purposes: OSC is not aware of any prior 
    survey of all categories of its customers. Indeed, the most recent 
    General Accounting Office review of OSC operations (dated November 
    1993) focused only on the agency's handling of whistleblower reprisal 
    cases. Moreover, that GAO survey did not reflect new procedures 
    implemented by the Special Counsel (the head of the agency) over the 
    past two years.
        6. Methods used to minimize burden on small businesses or other 
    entities: Very few small businesses or other small entities will be 
    affected by these efforts. To the extent that a small business may be a 
    customer (e.g., by making a Hatch Act complaint), the burden will be 
    kept to a minimum by asking for opinions on a voluntary basis, and by 
    asking for only the information needed to obtain opinions on OSC's 
    performance in areas of concern.
        7. Consequence to federal program or policy activities of less 
    frequent collections: Failure to conduct a trial distribution of 
    surveys to the four customer categories identified by OSC would deprive 
    the agency of an effective tool for refinement of the surveys as 
    necessary to improve their utility and minimize the burden on 
    respondents. In making its decision about the scope and frequency of 
    survey activity after the trial distribution, OSC will take appropriate 
    steps to assure that the collections of information are the least 
    burdensome necessary to accomplish agency functions and achieve program 
        8. Special circumstances that require collection to be conducted in 
    a manner inconsistent with the guidelines in 5 C.F.R. 1320.6: These 
    collections will be conducted in accordance with the guidelines in 5 
    C.F.R. 1320.6.
        9. Efforts to consult with persons outside the agency: OSC's survey 
    plan was developed after review of the OMB Resource Manual for Customer 
    Surveys. we have also consulted with several federal agencies--
    including the Departments of Justice and Commerce, and the Office of 
    Personnel Management--and will continue these efforts. Moreover, survey 
    recipients will be invited to comment on the surveys during the test 
        10. Assurance of confidentiality provided to respondents and the 
    basis for the assurance in statute, regulation or agency policy: 
    Individuals and organizations contacted will be assured of the 
    confidentiality of their replies under 5 U.S.C. 1212(g) and 1213(h)-
    (i), 5 U.S.C. 552 (Freedom of Information Act), and 5 U.S.C. 552a, 
    (Privacy Act of 1974) A Privacy Act notice will appear on the surveys 
    or the accompanying cover letters. Moreover, survey respondents are not 
    required to provide their names or other identifying information on the 
    survey form. If this information is not supplied, the respondent cannot 
    be identified.
        11. Justification for questions of a sensitive nature: No sensitive 
    information will be collected.
        12. Estimates of annualized cost to the federal government and 
    respondents, and description of method: The costs to the federal 
    government of OSC's customer survey efforts are expected to consist of 
    mailing charges for surveys and any follow-up notices, pre-paid return 
    envelopes, and the associated overhead costs of document preparation, 
    mailing and analysis. The cost to respondents will consist of their 
    time in reading and responding to the survey, the value of which is 
        13. Estimates of burden of collection of information: After the 
    trial period, if OSC decides to survey all customers in all completed 
    cases, the total burden on the public for completion of the four types 
    of surveys under this generic clearance is estimated to be 1,849 hours. 
    This is based upon an estimated review and completion time of 15 
    minutes each for three of the surveys (Attachments A, C and D) and 20 
    minutes for the fourth (Attachment B). Under this type of surveying, 
    the annual burden (rounded to the next higher whole number) is 
    estimated to be 620 hours in FY 1995; 599 hours in FY 1996; and 630 
    hours in FY 1997.
        14. Reasons for changes in burden: Not applicable.
        15. Collections of information for statistical use. Not applicable.
    B. Collections of Information Employing Statistical Methods
        As discussed above, OSC will distribute the four surveys 
    (Attachments A-D) on a trial basis. Based on OSC's assessment of the 
    results of this trial mailing, we will determine the scope and 
    frequency of survey activity planned for the balance of the three-year 
    authorization period.
        OSC may determine after the trial distribution to survey all OSC 
    customers in cases closed between FY 1995-1997, or to survey selected 
    samples of customers in one (and possibly more) categories, depending 
    upon workload, cost, and other relevant factors. Should any of the four 
    surveys use statistical methods to select respondents, OSC will supply 
    the information specified in Items 1-5 of OMB's guidelines on 
    preparation of supporting statements for requests for OMB approval of 
    collections of information under the Paperwork Reduction act.
    Attachment A
    OSC Form 48 (9/94)
    OMB Control No. ______
    Office of Special Counsel Customer Survey
        The Office of Special Counsel (OSC) recently completed action on 
    your complaint alleging that your agency committed a prohibited 
    personnel practice. We closed our file in this matter for the reasons 
    expressed in the OSC closure letter. In order to better serve you and 
    other federal employees, we hope that you will take a few minutes to 
    answer this questionnaire and return it in the postage paid envelope.
        For each question below, please circle the most appropriate 
    1. How did you hear about OSC?
        a. Friend/co-worker
        b. Employee relations/personnel office
        c. Inspector General's office
        d. Congressional office
        e. Newspaper, television or radio
        f. Other (please explain) __________
    2. How long after you filed your complaint did you receive a letter 
    acknowledging receipt of your complaint by OSC?
        a. Less than one month
        b. More than one month
        c. I never received an acknowledgement letter from OSC
    3. How long after you filed your complaint did a member of OSC's 
    complaint examination staff contact you?
        a. Less than one month
        b. More than one month
        c. I was never contacted by OSC complaint examination staff
    4. Did OSC's complaint examination staff member explain to you the 
    types of prohibited personnel practices that might apply to your case, 
    and OSC's authority to seek corrective action in your case?
        a. Yes
        b. No
        c. Don't recall
    5. Please describe the amount of time it took OSC to complete its 
    consideration of your complaint:
        a. Three months or less
        b. Six months
        c. Nine months
        d. More than nine months
        e. Don't recall
    6. The time it took OSC to complete its consideration of your complaint 
        a. Longer than you expected
        b. Shorter than you expected
        c. About the length of time your expected
    7. Enclosed with this survey is a letter from OSC explaining why we 
    closed your case. Do you believe this letter clearly explains why we 
    were unable to take further action in your case?
        a. Yes
        b. No
        If not, how could we make it clearer? (Please explain).
    Please indicate your response to the statements in Questions 8-11 by 
    circling the number from 1 to 5 that best describes your response.
        1=Strongly Disagree
        3=No Opinion
        5=Strongly Agree
    8. The OSC complaint examination staff was courteous and professional.
    9. The OSC complaint examination staff clearly explained the role of 
    OSC and the OSC complaint process.
    10. The OSC complaint examination staff kept me informed of the status 
    of my case.
    11. The OSC complaint examination staff was available to answer 
    additional questions and accept further information from me while my 
    complaint was pending.
    12. If you were satisfied with the service you received from OSC, 
    please tell us why.
    13. If you were dissatisfied with the service you received from OSC, 
    please tell us why.
    14. We invite your comments or suggestions on specific ways in which we 
    could improve our service.
    15. OPTIONAL. You may provide your name and case number so that OSC can 
    look into any concerns that you raised in this survey.
    Your name: ________________
    OSC case number: ____________
        Thank you for contacting OSC and for taking the time to complete 
    this questionnaire. If you have any questions or need additional 
    information about our services, please call us at (800) 872-9855. Any 
    of our representatives will be pleased to help you.
    Survey Comments/Suggestions (Optional)
        We would be pleased to receiver any comments you may have about 
    this survey, including any suggestions on changes needed to make 
    specific questions clearer, or to otherwise improve the overall survey 
    for future recipients. If your comment or suggestion pertains to a 
    particular survey question or item, please specify the question/item 
    number under the column provided. Thank you.
         Question Item No.                    Comment suggestion            
    Attachment B
    OSC Form 48a (9/94)
    OMB Control No. ______
    Expiration ______
    Office of Special Counsel Customer Survey
        The Office of Special Counsel (OSC) recently completed action on 
    your complaint alleging a violation of the Hatch Act or that your 
    agency committed a prohibited personnel practice. In order to better 
    serve you and other federal employees, we hope that you will take a few 
    minutes to answer this questionnaire and return it in the enclosed paid 
        For each question below, please circle the most appropriate 
    1. How did you hear about OSC?
        a. Friend/co-worker
        b. Employee relations/personnel office
        c. Inspector General's office
        d. Congressional office
        e. Newspaper, television or radio
        f. Other (please explain) __________
    2. Please indicate the subject matter of your case.
        a. A prohibited personnel practice involving whistleblowing
        b. A prohibited personnel practice not involving whistlelbowing
        c. A combination of whistleblowing and other prohibited personnel 
        d. Freedom of Information Act
        e. Hatch Act
    3. What was the final action taken by OSC in your case?
        a. My case was investigated and closed
        b. My case was investigated and settled
        c. My case was investigated and brought before the U.S. Merit 
    Systems Protection Board
    4. How long after you were notified that your case had been referred 
    for a full field investigation did OSC investigative staff contact you?
        a. One month or less
        b. More than a month
        c. I was never contacted by OSC investigative staff
        d. I was never notified that my case had been referred for 
    5. Did an OSC investigative staff member explain the role of OSC and 
    how the investigation would be conducted?
        a. Yes
        b. No
        c. Don't recall
    If the explanation was unclear, how could he/she have made the 
    explanation clearer? (Please explain).
    6. Did an OSC investigative staff member explain OSC's investigation 
    process and what OSC's procedures would be after the investigation was 
        a. Yes
        b. No
        c. Don't recall
    If the explanation was unclear, how could he/she have made the 
    explanation clearer? (Please explain).
    7. Did an OSC investigative staff member ask you what your expectations 
    were for corrective action?
        a. Yes
        b. No
        c. Don't recall
    Please indicate your response to the statements in Questions 8-10 by 
    circling the number from 1 to 5 that best describes your response.
        1=Strongly Disagree
        3=No Opinion
        5=Strongly Agree
    8. The OSC investigative staff was courteous and professional.
    9. The OSC investigative staff kept me informed of the status of the 
    10. The OSC investigative staff was available to answer additional 
    questions and accept information from me while my case was being 
    11. Were you ever contacted by an OSC legal staff member by letter or 
    by telephone about your case?
        a. Yes
        b. No (Skip to Question 13)
        c. Don't recall (Skip to Question 13)
    12. When you were contacted by the OSC legal staff, were you given an 
    explanation of the action OSC would take in your case, the reasons for 
    OSC's decision to take that action, or the options available to you in 
    pursuing a resolution of your case?
        a. Yes
        b. No
        c. Don't recall
        d. Not applicable
    If the explanation was unclear, how could it have been made clearer? 
    (Please explain).
    13. Did you receive periodic notification from the OSC legal staff on 
    the status of your case?
        a. Yes
        b. No
        c. Don't recall
    If yes, did these notifications provide adequate information about the 
    status of your case? (Please explain).
    14. If you received a letter from OSC informing you of the closure of 
    your case, do you believe that the letter (copy enclosed) clearly 
    explains why OSC was unable to take further action in your case?
        a. Yes
        b. No
        c. I did not receive a closure letter from OSC.
    If the explanation was unclear, how could we make it clearer?
    Please indicate your response to the statements in Questions 15-18 by 
    circling the number from 1 to 5 that best describes your response.
        1=Strongly Disagree
        3=No Opinion
        5=Strongly Agree
    15. The OSC legal staff treated me in a courteous and professional 
    16. The OSC legal staff clearly explained OSC's litigation process and 
    17. The OSC legal staff was available to answer additional questions 
    and accept further information from me while he/she was handling my 
    18. If your case was brought before the U.S. Merit Systems Protection 
    Board by OSC, please indicate your response to the following statements 
    by circling the number from 1 to 5 that best describes your response. 
    (Please skip any question that is inapplicable to your case.)
        (a) The OSC legal staff adequately prepared me for my deposition.
        (b) The OSC legal staff adequately prepared me for my direct 
    examination at the hearing.
        (c) The OSC legal staff adequately prepared me for my cross-
    examination at the hearing.
    If you were satisfied with the preparation you received from the OSC 
    legal staff, please tell us why.
    If you were dissatisfied with the preparation you received from the OSC 
    legal staff, please tell us why.
    19. If your case was settled before a hearing at the U.S. Merit Systems 
    Protection Board, were you satisfied with the settlement OSC 
        a. Yes
        b. No.
        c. My case was not settled
    If you were satisfied with the settlement, please tell us why.
    If you were dissatisfied with the settlement, please tell us why.
    20. If you were satified overall with the service you received from 
    OSC, please tell us why.
    21. If you were dissatisfied overall with the service you received from 
    OSC, please tell us why.
    22. We invite any comments or suggestions on specific ways in which we 
    could improve our service.
    23. OPTIONAL: You may provide your name and case number so that OSC can 
    look into any concerns that you raised in this survey.
    Your name: ____________________
    OSC case number: ____________________
        Thank you for contacting OSC and for taking the time to complete 
    this questionnaire. If you have any questions or need additional 
    information about our services, please call us at (800) 872-9855. Any 
    of our representatives will be pleased to help you.
    Survey Comments/Suggestions (Optional)
        We would be pleased to receive any comments you may have about this 
    survey, including any suggestions on changes needed to make specific 
    questions clearer, or to otherwise improve the overall survey for 
    future receipients. If your comment or suggestion pertains to a 
    particular survey question or item, please specify the question/item 
    number under the column provided. Thank you.
         Question/Item No.                    Comment/Suggestion            
    Attachment C
    OSC Form 48b
    OMB Control No. ______
    Expiration ______
    Office of Special Counsel Customer Survey
        The Office of Special Counsel (OSC) recently completed its review 
    of your Hatch Act complaint, or sent you a written Hatch Act advisory 
    opinion. In order to better serve you and others, we hope that you will 
    take a few minutes to answer this questionnaire and return it in the 
    enclosed envelope.
        For each question below, please circle the most appropriate 
    1. How did you hear about OSC?
        a. Friend/co-worker
        b. Employee relations/personnel office
        c. Inspector General's office
        d. Congressional office
        e. Newspaper, television or radio
        f. Other (please explain) __________
    2. How long after you filed your written inquiry or complaint did you 
    receive a letter acknowledging receipt of your inquiry or complaint by 
        a. Less than one month
        b. More than one month
        c. I never received an acknowledgement letter from OSC
    3. How long after you sent your written inquiry or complaint did an OSC 
    Hatch Act staff member contact you?
        a. Less than one month
        b. More than one month
        c. I was never contacted by OSC Hatch Act staff
    4. Before you contacted OSC, did you have any knowledge of the Hatch 
        a. Yes
        b. No
        c. Don't recall
        If yes, where did you get your knowledge of the Hatch Act (circle 
    all that apply)?
        a. Agency training
        b. Hatch Act booklet
        c. Newspapers, television or radio
        d. Other (please explain) __________
    5. Please describe the amount of time it took OSC to complete its 
    consideration of your written inquiry or complaint:
        a. Three months or less
        b. Six months
        c. Nine months
        d. More than nine months
        e. Don't recall
    6. The time it took OSC to complete its consideration of your written 
    inquiry or complaint was:
        a. Longer than you expected
        b. Shorter than you expected
        c. About the length of time you expected.
    7. Enclosed with this survey is a letter from OSC explaining how the 
    Hatch Act applies to your particular inquiry or complaint. Do you 
    believe this letter clearly explains the law and answers your 
        a. Yes
        b. No
    If not, how could we make it clearer? (Please explain). ____________
    Please indicate your response to the statements in Questions 8-11 by 
    circling the number from 1 to 5 that best describes your response.
        1=Strongly Disagree
        3=No Opinion
        5=Strongly Agree
    8. The OSC Hatch Act staff was courteous and professional.
    9. The OSC Hatch Act staff clearly explained the role of OSC and its 
    process for reviewing written inquiries or complaints.
    10. The OSC Hatch Act staff responded promptly to questions about the 
    status of my written inquiry or complaint.
    11. The OSC Hatch Act staff was available to answer additional 
    questions and accept information from me while my written inquiry or 
    complaint was pending
    12. If you were satisfied with the service you received from OSC, 
    please tell us why.
    13. If you were dissastisfied with the service you received from OSC, 
    please tell us why.
    14. We invite any comments or suggestions on specific ways in which we 
    could improve our service.
    15. OPTIONAL: You may provide your name and case number so that OSC can 
    look into any concerns that you raised in this survey.
    Your name: ____________
    OSC case number: ____________
        Thank you for contacting OSC and for taking the time to complete 
    this questionnaire. If you have any questions or if you need additional 
    information about our services, please call us at (800) 85-HATCH. Any 
    of our representatives will be pleased to help you
    Survey Comments/Suggestions (Optional)
        We would be pleased to receive any comments you may have about this 
    survey, including any suggestions on changes needed to make specific 
    questions clearer, or to otherwise improve the overall survey for 
    future recipients. If your comment or suggestion pertains to a 
    particular survey question or item, please specify the question/item 
    number under the column provided. Thank you.
         Question/Item No.                   Comment/Suggestion             
    Attachment D
    OSC Form 48c
    OMB Control No. ______
    Office of Special Counsel Customer Survey
        The Office of Special Counsel (OSC) recently completed its review 
    of your disclosure alleging a violation of law, rule, or regulation, or 
    that your agency committed fraud, waste, or abuse. We closed our file 
    in this matter for the reasons expressed in the enclosed letter. In 
    order to better serve you and other federal employees, we hope that you 
    will take a few minutes to answer this questionnaire and return it to 
    us in the enclosed postage paid envelope.
        For each question below, please circle the most appropriate 
    1. How did you hear about OSC?
        a. Friend/co-worker
        b. Employee relations/personnel office
        c. Inspector General's office
        d. Congressional office
        e. Newspaper, television or radio
        f. Other (Please explain) __________
    2. How long after you made your disclosure did you receive a letter 
    acknowledging receipt of the information you provided to OSC?
        a. Less than one month
        b. More than one month
        c. I never received an acknowledgement letter from OSC
    3. How long after you made your disclosure did a member of the OSC 
    disclosure review staff contact you?
        a. Less than one month
        b. More than one month
        c. I was never contacted by OSC disclosure review staff
    4. Did an OSC disclosure review staff member inform you that OSC's 
    authority to act on your disclosure was limited by law to facilitating 
    between you and the agency, requiring the agency to investigate your 
    concerns, and making any agency improprieties public?
        a. Yes
        b. No
        c. Don't recall
    5. Enclosed with this survey is a letter from OSC explaining the 
    disposition of your case. Do you believe this letter clearly explains 
    the actions that were taken in your case?
        a. Yes
        b. No
    If not, how could we make it clearer? (Please explain).
    Please indicate your response to statements in Questions 6-9 by 
    circling the number from 1 to 5 that best describes your response.
        1=Strongly Disagree
        3=No Opinion
        5=Strongly Agree
    6. The OSC disclosure review staff was courteous and professional.
    7. The OSC disclosure review staff clearly explained the role of OSC 
    and the OSC disclosure process.
    8. The OSC disclosure review staff kept me informed of the status of my 
    9. The OSC disclosure review staff was available to answer additional 
    questions and accept further information from me while my case was 
    10. If you were satisfied with the service you received from OSC, 
    please tell us why.
    11. If you were dissatisfied with the service you received from OSC, 
    please tell us why.
    12. We invite any comments or suggestions on specific ways in which we 
    could improve our service.
    13. OPTIONAL: You may provide your name and case number so that OSC can 
    look into any concerns that you raised in this survey.
    Your name:-------------------------------------------------------------
    OSC case number:-------------------------------------------------------
    Thank you for contacting OSC and for taking the time to complete this 
    questionnaire. If you have any questions or if you need additional 
    information about our services, please call us at (800) 572-2249. Any 
    of our representatives will be pleased to help you.
    Survey Comments/Suggestions (Optional)
        We would be pleased to receive any comments you may have about this 
    survey, including any suggestions on changes needed to make specific 
    questions clearer, or to otherwise improve the overall survey for 
    future recipients. If your comment or suggestion pertains to a 
    particular survey question or item, please specify the question/item 
    number under the column provided. Thank you.
         Question/Item No.                    Comment/Suggestion            
    Attachment E
    Estimated Burden Hours for OSC Collections of Information: FY 1995-1997
    A. Trial Distribution of Written Customer Satisfaction Surveys 
    (Qualitative Data)
        FY 1995:
         The survey at Attachment A will be sent on a trial basis 
    to approximately 40 individuals\1\ whose cares containing allegations 
    of prohibited personnel practices were completed by the Complaints 
    Examining Unit in FY 1994. The survey package will take an estimated 15 
    minutes to complete. The total annual burden for this collection will 
    be 10 hours.
        \1\Ten federal employees at each of the following four grade 
    levels, randomly selected from OSC computer listings of matters 
    completed in FY 1994: (1) technical/support/clerical (1-8); (2) 
    professional/administrative/clerical (9-11); (3) mid-level (12-14); 
    and (4) managerial (15-SES).
         The survey at Attachment B will be sent on a trial basis 
    to approximately 50 individuals\2\ whose cases containing allegations 
    of prohibited personnel practices or hatch Act violations were 
    completed in FY 1994 after full field investigations and review by the 
    Prosecution Division. The survey package will take an estimated 20 
    minutes to complete. The total annual burden for this collection will 
    be 17 hours.
        \2\Same as Fn. 3, with 10 additional individuals selected from 
    matters involving provisions of the Hatch Act applicable to state 
    and local governments.
         The survey at Attachment C will be sent on a trial basis 
    to approximately 50 individuals\3\ who received written Hatch Act 
    advisory opinions, or whose Hatch Act complaints were resolved without 
    a full field investigation, in FY 1994. The survey package will take an 
    estimated 15 minutes to complete. The total annual burden for this 
    collection will be 13 hours.
        \3\See Fn. 4.
         The survey at Attachment D will be sent to approximately 
    40 individuals\4\ whose disclosures of possible wrongdoing by federal 
    agencies were acted upon by the Disclosure Unit In FY 1994. The survey 
    package will take an estimated 15 minutes to complete. The total annual 
    burden for this collection will be 10 hours.
        \4\See Fn. 3.
    B. Written Customer Satisfaction Surveys (Qualitative Data)
        Following analysis of the results of the trial distribution of 
    surveys described above, OSC will decide on the scope and frequency of 
    surveys to be sent to the four categories of customers listed above in 
    cases completed by the agency during FY 1995-1997. The scope and 
    frequency of OSC's customer service activity will be decided after 
    consideration of workload, cost, and other relevant factors.
        Note: The following projections represent maximum annual burdens 
    for OSC customer survey efforts (rounded to the next higher whole 
    number). They have been projected using the assumption that OSC 
    surveys all customers in each of the four categories.
        FY 1994:
         The survey at Attachment A will be sent to individuals 
    whose cases containing allegations of prohibited personnel practices 
    have been completed by the Complaints Examining Unit in FY 1995. 
    Approximately 1,365 such matters are expected to be completed in FY 
    1995. The survey package will take an estimated 15 minutes to complete. 
    The total annual burden for this collection is expected to be 342 
         The survey at Attachment B will be sent to individuals 
    whose cases containing allegations of prohibited personnel practices or 
    Hatch Act violations have been completed in FY 1995 after full field 
    investigations and review by the Prosecution Division. Approximately 
    252 such matters are expected to be completed in FY 1995. The survey 
    package will take an estimated 20 minutes to complete. The total annual 
    burden for this collection is expected to be 84 hours.
         The survey at Attachment C will be sent to individuals who 
    have received written Hatch Act advisory opinions, or whose Hatch Act 
    complaints have been resolved without a full field investigation, in FY 
    1995. Approximately 417 such matters are expected to be completed in FY 
    1995. The survey package will take an estimated 15 minutes to complete. 
    The total annual burden for this collection is expected to be 105 
         The survey at Attachment D will be sent to individuals 
    whose disclosures of possible wrongdoing by federal agencies have been 
    acted upon by the Disclosure Unit in FY 1995. Approximately 154 such 
    matters are expected to be completed in FY 1995. The survey package 
    will take an estimated 15 minutes to complete. The total annual burden 
    for this collection is expected to be 39 hours.
        FY 1996:
         The survey at Attachment A will be sent to individuals 
    whose cases containing allegations of prohibited personnel practices 
    have been completed by the Complaints Examining Unit in FY 1996. 
    Approximately 1,435 such matters are expected to be completed in FY 
    1996. The survey package will take an estimated 15 minutes to complete. 
    The total annual burden for this collection is expected to be 359 
         The survey at Attachment B will be sent to individuals 
    whose cases containing allegations of prohibited personnel practices or 
    Hatch Act violations have been completed in FY 1996 after full field 
    investigations and review by the Prosecution Division. Approximately 
    265 such matters are expected to be completed in FY 1996. The survey 
    package will take an estimated 20 minutes to complete. The total annual 
    burden for this collection is expected to be 89 hours.
         The survey at Attachment C will be sent to individuals who 
    have received written Hatch Act advisory opinions, or whose Hatch Act 
    complaints have been resolved without a full field investigation, in FY 
    1996. Approximately 438 such matters are expected to be completed in FY 
    1996. The survey package will take an estimated 15 minutes to complete. 
    The total annual burden for this collection is expected to be 110 
         The survey at Attachment D will be sent to individuals 
    whose disclosures of possible wrongdoing by federal agencies have been 
    acted upon by the Disclosure Unit in FY 1996. Approximately 162 such 
    matters are expected to be completed in FY 1996. The survey package 
    will take an estimated 15 minutes to complete. The total annual burden 
    for this collection is expected to be 41 hours.
        FY 1997:
         The survey at Attachment A will be sent to individuals 
    whose cases containing allegations of prohibited personnel practices 
    have been completed by the Complaints Examining Unit in FY 1997. 
    Approximately 1,510 such matters are expected to be completed in FY 
    1997. The survey package will take an estimated 15 minutes to complete. 
    The total annual burden for this collection is expected to be 378 
         The survey at Attachment B will be sent to individuals 
    whose cases containing allegations of prohibited personnel practices or 
    Hatch Act violations have been completed in FY 1997 after full field 
    investigations and review by the Prosecution Division. Approximately 
    280 such matters are expected to be completed in FY 1997. The survey 
    package will take an estimated 20 minutes to complete. The total annual 
    burden for this collection is expected to be 94 hours.
         The survey at Attachment C will be sent to individuals who 
    have received written Hatch Act advisory opinions, or whose Hatch Act 
    complaints have been resolved without a full field investigation, in FY 
    1997. Approximately 460 such matters are expected to be completed in FY 
    1997. The survey package will take an estimated 15 minutes to complete. 
    The total annual burden for this collection is expected to be 115 
         The survey at Attachment D will be sent to individuals 
    whose disclosures of possible wrongdoing by federal agencies have been 
    acted upon by the Disclosure Unit in FY 1997. Approximately 171 such 
    matters are expected to be completed in FY 1997. The survey package 
    will taken an estimated 15 minutes to complete. The total annual burden 
    for this collection is expected to be 43 hours.
    C. Yearly Total Burden Estimates For OSC Information Collections
        FY 1995: 620 hours
        FY 1996: 599 hours
        FY 1997: 630 hours
        Total: 1,849 hours
    [FR Doc. 94-24099 Filed 9-28-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 0000-00-M

Document Information

Special Counsel Office
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Document Number:
September 22, 1994.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: September 29, 1994