98-26011. Consumer Leasing  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 188 (Tuesday, September 29, 1998)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 52107-52115]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-26011]
    12 CFR Part 213
    [Regulation M; Docket No. R-1004]
    Consumer Leasing
    AGENCY: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Board is publishing a final rule amending Regulation M, 
    which implements the Consumer Leasing Act. The act requires lessors to 
    provide consumers with uniform cost and other disclosures about 
    consumer lease transactions. The final rule adopts several technical 
    amendments to the regulation and commentary concerning lease payments, 
    advertisements, and the treatment of taxes.
    DATES: This rule is effective September 24, 1998. Compliance is 
    optional until October 1, 1999.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kyung Cho-Miller, Staff Attorney, 
    Division of Consumer and Community Affairs, Board of Governors of the 
    Federal Reserve System, at (202) 452-3667. For users of 
    Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD) only, Diane Jenkins at 
    (202) 452-3544.
    [[Page 52108]]
    I. Background
        The Consumer Leasing Act (CLA), 15 U.S.C. 1667-1667e, is 
    implemented by the Board's Regulation M (12 CFR 213). The CLA requires 
    lessors to provide consumers with uniform cost and other disclosures 
    about consumer lease transactions. The act generally applies to 
    consumer leases of personal property in which the contractual 
    obligation does not exceed $25,000 and has a term of more than four 
    months. An automobile lease is the most common type of consumer lease 
    covered by the act.
    II. Regulatory Revisions
        On March 25, 1998, the Board published several technical amendments 
    to Regulation M (63 FR 14538). Seventeen commenters, representing major 
    leasing companies and a consumer representative, submitted comments on 
    the proposed amendments; most generally supported the revisions.
        In the same rulemaking, the Board proposed to allow lessors to 
    provide Regulation M disclosures electronically. Similar proposals were 
    made under Regulations B (Equal Credit Opportunity), DD (Truth in 
    Savings), and Z (Truth in Lending); an interim rule was issued under 
    Regulation E. The Board anticipates further action on these proposals 
    by year-end.
    III. Section-by-Section Analysis
    Section 213.4--Content of Disclosures
    4(f)(8) Lease term
        In September 1996, Regulation M was revised to require, among other 
    things, that lessors show consumers a mathematical progression of how a 
    scheduled payment is derived in a motor vehicle lease. In deriving a 
    scheduled payment, the ``total of base periodic payments'' is divided 
    by the number of lease payments. The caption in the regulation and on 
    the model forms refers to the number of lease payments as the ``lease 
        To avoid confusion, references to the ``lease term'' in 
    Sec. 213.4(f)(8) have been changed to ``lease payments'' with 
    corresponding changes to the model forms in appendix A of Regulation M. 
    For example, in reflecting the consumer's legal obligation to make one 
    payment under a single-payment lease, the figure disclosed under 
    Sec. 213.4(f)(8) should be one (not the lease term such as 24 months or 
    36 months).
        Despite the revision to the model forms, lessors may continue to 
    use the existing form until supplies are exhausted. If properly 
    completed, those forms comply with the requirements of the act and 
    regulation, protecting lessors from civil liability under sections 130 
    of the Truth in Lending Act and 185 of the Consumer Leasing Act.
        The term of the lease (such as 24 months or 36 months) is not a 
    required disclosure. Lessors may, however, disclose the lease term 
    among the segregated disclosures if they choose. This guidance, 
    included in the preamble to the proposed change, has been incorporated 
    into the commentary, replacing existing comment 4(f)(8)-1. Lessors 
    should note, however, that the calculation under Sec. 213.4(f)(8) calls 
    for the number of payments.
    Section 213.7--Advertising
        On April 1, 1997, the Board revised Regulation M to implement 
    amendments to the act contained in the Economic Growth and Regulatory 
    Paperwork Reduction Act of 1996, which streamlined the advertising 
    disclosures for lease transactions (62 FR 15364). Under the act, 
    certain terms in an advertisement will trigger the disclosure of 
    additional information. A statement in a lease advertisement that no 
    initial payment is required is a ``triggering'' term that has been 
    added to Sec. 213.7(d)(1)(ii). It had been inadvertently omitted 
    Appendix A--Model Forms
        Several technical changes have been made to the model forms in 
    appendix A. The model forms for open- and closed-end leases in appendix 
    A-1 and A-2 have been revised to change the reference under the payment 
    calculation (from ``Lease term. The number of months in your lease.'' 
    to ``Lease payments. The number of payments in your lease''). Page 2 of 
    the open-end model form has been revised; in the ``end of term 
    liability,'' the second line of the paragraph following item 3 has been 
    corrected by changing ``actual'' to read ``actual value.'' Model form 
    A-3 for a furniture lease has been revised by adding ``or delivery `` 
    in the heading ``Amount due at lease signing.''
    IV. Commentary Provisions
    Section 213.4--Content of Disclosures
    4(f) Payment Calculation
    4(f)(7) Total of Base Periodic Payments
        For motor vehicle leases, lessors are required under Sec. 213.4(f) 
    to provide a mathematical progression of how scheduled lease payments 
    are derived. Some lessors have expressed concern about exposure to 
    civil liability if one divides the total of the base periodic payments 
    disclosed under Sec. 213.4(f)(7) by the number of payments in the lease 
    disclosed under Sec. 213.4(f)(8) and then multiplies the base periodic 
    payment disclosed under Sec. 213.4(f)(9) by the number of payments in 
    the lease disclosed under Sec. 213.4(f)(8); the results are different 
    because of rounding.
        Comment 4(f)(7)-1 has been added to respond to this concern. The 
    comment has been revised from the proposed language for clarity, 
    without substantive change. The anomaly also could be avoided by making 
    adjustments to the rent charge.
    4(f)(8) Lease Payment.
        Current comment 4(f)(8)-1 has been deleted as unnecessary, and has 
    been replaced by a new comment 4(f)(8)-1 that allows lessors to include 
    the lease term among the segregated disclosures. (Generally, lessors 
    may not add information to the segregated disclosures unless required 
    by regulation in Sec. 213.3(a)(2) or permitted to be included among the 
    segregated disclosures. See comment 3(a)(2)-2 and comments 1 and 2 to 
    appendix A.)
    4(n) Fees and Taxes
        Several examples are provided in comment 4(n)-1 to illustrate when 
    taxes are disclosed under this section. This comment has been revised 
    to clarify that taxes which are part of the scheduled payments are 
    required to be disclosed under Sec. 213.4(n).
    Appendix A--Model Forms
        Comment 2 to appendix A provides examples of acceptable changes 
    that may be made to the model forms. At the request of commenters, the 
    comment has been revised to clarify that inapplicable disclosures may 
    be deleted.
    V. Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
        In accordance with section 3(a) of the Regulatory Flexibility Act 
    (5 U.S.C. 604), the Board has reviewed the final amendments to 
    Regulation M. Two of the three requirements of a final regulatory 
    flexibility analysis under this section are (1) a succinct statement of 
    the need for and the objectives of the rule and (2) a summary of the 
    issues raised by the public comments, the agency's assessment of the 
    issues, and a statement of the changes made in the final rule in 
    response to the comments. These two areas are discussed above.
        The third requirement of the analysis calls for a description of 
    significant alternatives to the rule that would minimize the rule's 
    economic impact on small entities and reasons why the alternatives were 
    rejected. The final amendments will apply to all lessors subject to 
    Regulation M, including small entities. The amendments represent 
    relatively small changes to the existing
    [[Page 52109]]
    regulation; in some cases, the amendments clarify rights and duties of 
    covered lessors or reduce economic burden. Accordingly, the amendments 
    should not have a negative economic impact on small entities, and, 
    therefore, there were no significant alternatives that would have 
    minimized further the economic impact on those entities.
    VI. Paperwork Reduction Act
        In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 
    3506; 5 CFR 1320 Appendix A.1), the Board reviewed the final rule under 
    the authority delegated to the Board by the Office of Management and 
    Budget. The Federal Reserve may not conduct or sponsor, and an 
    organization is not required to respond to, this information collection 
    unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB 
    control number is 7100-0202.
        The collection of information that is revised by this rulemaking is 
    found in 12 CFR 213-- Regulation M, including Appendices A, B, C, and D 
    and Supplement I. This information collection is mandatory under the 
    Consumer Leasing Act (CLA) (15 U.S.C. 1667 et seq.) and the Board's 
    Regulation M. The purpose of the disclosures associated with Regulation 
    M is to ensure that lessees of personal property receive meaningful 
    information that enables them to compare lease terms with other leases 
    and, where appropriate, with credit transactions. The respondents/
    recordkeepers are individuals or businesses that regularly lease, offer 
    to lease, or arrange for the lease of personal property under a 
    consumer lease, including small businesses. Institutions are also 
    required to retain records for twenty-four months as evidence of 
    compliance. No comments specifically addressing the burden estimate 
    were received.
        The Board also extended the recordkeeping and disclosure 
    requirements in connection with Regulation M for three years. The 
    current estimated annual burden for this information collection is 
    11,179 hours. It is estimated that there are 310 disclosure respondents 
    and 15 advertising respondents with an average frequency of 120 and 3 
    responses per respondent each year, respectively. The technical 
    amendments clarifying the rules on lease payments, advertisements and 
    rounding calculations are estimated to have no effect on burden. There 
    is estimated to be no annual cost burden and no associated capital or 
    start up cost.
        Consumer lease information in or referred to by advertisements is 
    available to the public. Disclosures of the costs, liabilities, and 
    terms of consumer lease transactions relating to specific leases are 
    not publicly available. Because the Federal Reserve does not collect 
    any of the information, no issue of confidentiality under the Freedom 
    of Information Act normally arises. However, the information may be 
    protected from disclosure under the exemptions (b)(4), (6), and (8) of 
    the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 522 (b)(4), (6), and (8)).
        The Board has a continued interest in the public's opinions of 
    Federal Reserve collections of information. At any time, comments 
    regarding the burden estimate, or any other aspect of this collection 
    of information, including suggestions for reducing the burden, may be 
    sent to: Secretary, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 
    20th and C Streets, N.W., Washington DC 20551; and to the Office of 
    Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (7100-0202), 
    Washington, DC 20503.
    List of Subjects in 12 CFR Part 213
        Advertising, Federal Reserve System, Reporting and recordkeeping 
    requirements, Truth in lending.
        For the reasons set forth in the preamble, the Board amends 
    Regulation M, 12 CFR Part 213, as set forth below:
        1. The authority citation for part 213 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 15 U.S.C. 1604; 1667f.
        2. Section 213.4 is amended by revising paragraph (f)(8) to read as 
    Sec. 213.4  Content of disclosures.
    * * * * *
        (f) Payment calculation. * * *
        (8) Lease payments. The lease payments with a description such as 
    ``the number of payments in your lease.''
    * * * * *
        3. Section 213.7 is amended by revising paragraph (d)(1)(ii) to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 213.7  Advertising.
    * * * * *
        (d) Advertising of terms that require additional disclosure.--(1) 
    Triggering terms. * * *
        (ii) A statement of any capitalized cost reduction or other payment 
    (or that no payment is required) prior to or at consummation or by 
    delivery, if delivery occurs after consummation.
    * * * * *
        4. Appendix A to part 213 is amended by revising Appendix A-1, 
    Appendix A-2, and Appendix A-3 to read as follows:
    BILLING CODE 6210-01-P
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    BILLING CODE 6210-01-C
        5. In Supplement I to Part 213--Official Staff Commentary to 
    Regulation M, under Section 213.4--Content of Disclosures, the 
    following amendments are made:
        a. A new paragraph 4(f)(7) Total of Base Periodic Payments is added 
    in numerical order.
        b. The heading to paragraph 4(f)(8) and paragraph 1. are revised.
        c. Under paragraph 4(n) Fees and taxes, paragraph 1.ii. is revised.
        d. Under Appendix A--Model Forms, paragraph 2.v. is revised.
        The addition and revisions read as follows:
    Supplement I to Part 213--Official Staff Commentary to Regulation M
    * * * * *
    Section 213.4--Content of Disclosures
    * * * * *
    4(f)(7) Total of Base Periodic Payment
        1. Accuracy of disclosure. If the periodic payment calculation 
    under Sec. 213.4(f) has been calculated correctly, the amount disclosed 
    under Sec. 213.4(f)(7)--the total of base periodic payments--is correct 
    for disclosure purposes even if that amount differs from the base 
    periodic payment disclosed under Sec. 213.4(f)(9) multiplied by the 
    number of lease payments disclosed under Sec. 213.4(f)(8), when the 
    difference is due to rounding.
    * * * * *
    4(f)(8) Lease Payment
        1. Lease Term. The lease term may be disclosed among the segregated 
    * * * * *
    4(n) Fees and taxes.
        1. Treatment of certain taxes. * * *
        ii. Taxes that are part of the scheduled payments are reflected in 
    the disclosure under Sec. 213.4(c), (f), and (n).
    * * * * *
    Appendix A--Model Forms
    * * * * *
        2. Examples of acceptable changes. * * *
        v. Deleting or blocking out inapplicable disclosures, filling in 
    ``N/A'' (not applicable) or ``0,'' crossing out, leaving blanks, 
    checking a box for applicable items, or circling applicable items (this 
    should facilitate use of multipurpose standard forms).
    * * * * *
        By order of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve 
    System, September 23, 1998.
    Jennifer J. Johnson,
    Secretary of the Board.
    [FR Doc. 98-26011 Filed 9-28-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6210-01-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Federal Reserve System
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
This rule is effective September 24, 1998. Compliance is optional until October 1, 1999.
52107-52115 (9 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Regulation M, Docket No. R-1004
PDF File:
CFR: (3)
12 CFR 213.4(f)(8)
12 CFR 213.4
12 CFR 213.7