99-25353. Nationwide Differential Global Positioning System; Programmatic Environmental Assessment  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 188 (Wednesday, September 29, 1999)]
    [Pages 52569-52572]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-25353]
    Federal Highway Administration
    [FHWA Docket No. FHWA-99-5012]
    Nationwide Differential Global Positioning System; Programmatic 
    Environmental Assessment
    AGENCY: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), DOT.
    ACTION: Notice of a final programmatic environmental assessment (PEA).
    SUMMARY: The Secretary of Transportation (Secretary) has been 
    authorized by Congress, pursuant to section 346 of the U.S. Department 
    of Transportation (DOT) and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1998, 
    to establish, operate, and manage a nationwide system to be known as 
    the Nationwide Differential Global Positioning System (NDGPS) as soon 
    as practicable, to integrate the NDGPS stations into the Continuously 
    Operating Reference Station (CORS) system of the National Geodetic 
    Survey of the Department of Commerce, and to investigate the use of the 
    NDGPS reference stations for the Global Positioning System Integrated 
    Precipitable Water Vapor System of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric 
    Administration (NOAA) of the Department of Commerce. A final PEA for 
    the NDGPS program has been prepared to support this program. The FHWA 
    envisions at this time that the NDGPS program will require the 
    construction of at least 67 transmitter sites and maybe as many as 100, 
    but no new sites will result in significant impacts to the environment.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. James A. Arnold, Office of 
    Operations Research and Development, HRDO, (202) 493-3265, Federal 
    Highway Administration, Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center, 6300 
    Georgetown Pike, McLean, VA 22101-2296, or for legal issues: Mr. Robert 
    J. Black, Office of the Chief Counsel, HCC-31, (202) 366-1359, Federal 
    Highway Administration, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590. 
    Office hours are from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., e.t., Monday through Friday, 
    except Federal holidays.
    Electronic Access
        An electronic copy of the PEA for the NDGPS program is available at 
        An electronic copy of this document may be downloaded using a modem 
    and suitable communications software from the Government Printing 
    Office's Electronic Bulletin Board Service at (202) 512-1661. Internet 
    users may reach the Office of the Federal Register's home page at: 
    http://www.nara.gov/fedreg and the Government Printing Office's 
    database at: http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara.
        The Secretary has delegated his authority under section 346 of the 
    DOT Appropriations Act for FY 1998, Public Law 105-66, October 27, 
    1997, 111 Stat. 1425, at 1449, to the Commandant of the United States 
    Coast Guard (USCG), the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), and the 
    FHWA. The FHWA is the lead agency and the USCG and the FRA are 
    cooperating agencies for the implementation of the National 
    Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), 42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(C) and 23 
    CFR part 771. In accordance with NEPA, the FHWA has prepared a final 
    PEA for the NDGPS program.
        The NDGPS service would augment existing satellite-based Global 
    Positioning System range information with a differential correction 
    broadcast from ground-based reference stations transmitting from known 
    positions, thereby providing users with more precise radio navigation 
    and positioning information for public safety, transportation, 
    scientific, and environmental applications. Federal agencies 
    implementing the proposed NDGPS service are the DOT's Office of the 
    Secretary of Transportation (OST), the FHWA, the FRA, the NOAA, the 
    U.S. Air Force (USAF), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and 
    the USCG.
        The NDGPS involves the expansion of an existing network of USCG 
    local area Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) reference 
    stations currently covering United States coastal areas and major 
    inland waterways. To expand this existing DGPS service nationwide, the 
    installation of additional reference stations with low-frequency 
    transmit antennas is required on suitable 11-acre land parcels located 
    principally in the interior portions of the continental Unites States 
    and Alaska. Sites will typically be on level ground and away from tall 
    structures. Three deployment alternatives for the additional NDGPS 
    reference stations were considered in the draft PEA.
        Alternative A consists of conversion of 32 decommissioned USAF 
    Ground Wave Emergency Network (GWEN) sites for use as NDGPS reference 
    stations and the transfer of GWEN equipment from remaining GWEN sites 
    to 28 new NDGPS site locations. Seven additional sites would receive 
    similar new equipment, for a total of 67 NDGPS reference stations. The 
    GWEN transmit antennas to be used are typically 299 feet tall guyed 
    towers and will be operated at an effective radiated power (ERP) of no 
    more than 500 Watts.
        Alternative B consists of the installation of new equipment at 32 
    existing GWEN relay node sites, as well as at 35 new sites. The 
    resulting NDGPS reference stations would be physically similar to the 
    reference stations of Alternative A.
        Alternative C is to identify 80 to 100 new sites and install 
    equipment similar to USCG local area DGPS stations. These reference 
    stations would utilize either 90 feet or 120 feet tall towers and 
    operate at an ERP of no more than 170 Watts. The NDGPS is expected to 
    be fully operational in the United States by the year 2002. During the 
    selection of sites for the NDGPS reference stations, the FHWA and 
    cooperating agencies will consult with key regulatory agencies and 
    apply environmental site-selection criteria to avoid potentially 
    significant impacts. If a potentially significant environmental impact 
    is unavoidable during the selection of sites for the NDGPS reference 
    stations, specific mitigation measures will be implemented to decrease 
    the impact to a less than significant level. Provided that 
    environmental site-selection criteria and specific mitigation measures 
    identified in the draft PEA are implemented for the NDGPS, no 
    significant environmental impacts are anticipated to occur under any of 
    the proposed action alternatives. If planned mitigation measures for 
    potentially significant impacts cannot be implemented at a specific 
    site, or a site-specific impact is encountered that was not anticipated 
    and addressed in the draft PEA, then additional appropriate NEPA 
    analysis and documentation will be prepared by the FHWA for that 
    specific reference station. In addition, if any sites would be used as 
    a publicly-owned park, recreation area, wildlife and waterfowl refuge, 
    or significant
    [[Page 52570]]
    historic site, a section 4(f) analysis 1 will be conducted. 
    Impacts to historic properties would likewise require consultation with 
    the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation.
        \1\ Section 4(f) of the U.S. DOT Act of 1966 (49 U.S. Code 303) 
    states that a DOT action requiring the use of any publicly owned 
    land from a public park, recreation area, or wildlife and waterfowl 
    refuge of national, state, or local significance or land from a 
    historic site of national, state, or local significance will be 
    analyzed for its impact and approval granted only if there is no 
    feasible and prudent alternative to the use of such land, and the 
    action includes all possible planning to minimize harm resulting 
    from the use.
    Discussion of Comments
        Interested persons were invited to comment on the NDGPS draft PEA, 
    FHWA Docket No. FHWA-99-5012 by April 2, 1999 (64 FR 10336, March 3, 
    1999). There were 11 commenters to this docket; four were Federal 
    agencies, four were State agencies, two were from Indian tribes, and 
    one was a private citizen. The major comments relative to the final PEA 
    are discussed below.
        State Historic Preservation Offices and Indian tribes were 
    primarily concerned about the impact these sites may have if the 
    location of new sites were in areas where they operate. There are no 
    plans to locate sites on Indian reservations. If a site were planned to 
    be located on a historic property that an Indian tribe attached 
    religious and cultural significance to, section 106 consultation would 
    be conducted. In the case of State Historic Preservation Offices, the 
    FHWA will consult with them to identify any potential impact. Before 
    each site is installed or, in the case of the GWEN sites, modified, 
    each organization that has jurisdiction will be contacted for 
    individual site review.
        Federal agencies that responded were generally satisfied with the 
    analysis and mitigation measures presented in the draft PEA concerning:
    --Potential environmental impacts on geology and soil,
    --Water quality,
    --Ecologically sensitive areas,
    --Air quality,
    --Land use,
    --Plant and wildlife,
    --Cultural resources,
    --Hazardous materials,
    --Environmental justice concerns,
    --Radio frequency environment, and
    --Impacts on human health.
        Federal agencies that noted certain exceptions to the draft PEA 
    include the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and the U.S. Fish 
    and Wildlife Service (the Service), each of which raises particular 
    concerns that are addressed below.
        The NMFS expressed concerns over impacts to anadromous salmonids 
    and other flora and fauna in the Pacific Northwest and other areas of 
    the country. No sites are planned near or in wetlands of any sort. As 
    the system is deployed and more precise locations are identified for 
    new sites, careful consideration of siting will be used to ensure NDGPS 
    reference stations will not be located in wetlands unless no other 
    practicable alternative exists. This is unlikely given the flexibility 
    of selecting sites. If, in the unlikely instance where no other 
    practicable alternative exists, we will follow the procedures outlined 
    by the NMFS and work with them to ensure minimal impact on marine 
        Additionally, the FHWA expects the NDGPS service to have a positive 
    impact on anadromous salmonids and other threatened or endangered 
    species. A prototype site in Appleton, Washington, has been operating 
    for approximately two years and has been used for many environmental 
    related projects. One project in particular demonstrates the impact of 
    the NDGPS service on the chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). 
    This project, highlighted in the January 1999 issue of ``GPS World,'' 
    involved mapping the gravel nests (called redds) of the chinook salmon. 
    Using the NDGPS service from Appleton, the mapping was performed much 
    quicker and with greater accuracy than other available techniques. 
    While the benefits of the study were not described in the article, an 
    increase in the knowledge of the spawning habitats of the chinook will 
    allow for greater understanding of the impacts of human actions on 
    their ecosystem. This same technique can be used to map other 
    endangered or threatened species, increasing our understanding and 
    ability to mitigate any potential negative effects.
        The Service is concerned about the NDGPS projects' potential 
    impacts on threatened and endangered species with specific emphasis on 
    the potential for migratory bird strikes on the towers. Additional 
    concerns involving threatened and endangered species arise from the 
    effects of ground disturbance and copper leaching from the ground plane 
    of existing sites and new sites.
        In an effort to minimize impacts to threatened and endangered 
    species, site selection criteria will be used to identify sites away 
    from these species whenever possible. In the event that a site must be 
    located near threatened or endangered species and a ``may affect'' 
    determination is made, a section 7 consultation with the Service will 
    occur as provided in section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 
    (16 U.S.C. 1536).
        It is important to note that the PEA is intended to be a framework 
    that could be used to select locations that offer zero impact in a 
    number of areas, including threatened and endangered species. Toward 
    this end, the potential effects on threatened or endangered species has 
    been included in the document as one of the criteria that will be 
    addressed at the site-specific level.
        Bird strikes at towers is an issue that is larger then the NDGPS 
    project. It is important to note that projections of telecommunications 
    and High Definition Television (HDTV) over the next ten years may 
    produce as many as 5,000 additional towers per year. The Service 
    identifies the towers, lights, and guy wires as known to pose potential 
    hazards to migratory birds flying at low altitudes, particularly night-
    time neotropical migrating songbirds. The available literature 
    highlights this as a problem, but does not offer mitigation techniques 
    that have been proven to work everywhere. In fact, the literature 
    indicates that this is not a problem everywhere, but is a site-specific 
    problem. This indicates that site selection can be used as the first 
    mitigation technique. This process includes, but is not limited to 
    selecting sites away from known migratory paths, reducing or 
    eliminating visual cues that could funnel birds toward the sites, 
    locating sites in valleys, and not locating sites between nesting and 
    foraging areas.
        It is also important to note that additional techniques are 
    available to reduce the impact of the sites even further. These include 
    bird deterrent devices, alternative lighting techniques, and visual 
    cues on the facility itself. Logically, these techniques should have 
    the effect of reducing the likelihood of avian collisions. 
    Unfortunately, for many of the techniques, there is little evidence or 
    studies supporting this conclusion. The literature also indicates that 
    telecommunication towers are not the only threat to migrating birds. 
    Bird strikes also occur at tall buildings and other similar structures. 
    In fact, any tall structure seems to pose a risk of bird strikes.
        The Service recommends that the NDGPS project implement a pilot 
    project to incorporate state-of-the-art mitigation techniques to reduce 
    bird strikes along with a five-year monitoring program. Given the 
    current interest in telecommunications facilities, especially 
    telecommunication towers, a study, as recommended, could provide
    [[Page 52571]]
    data sufficient to meet needs of many organizations. In an effort to 
    address this issue, we have opened discussions with the Service and are 
    currently examining technologies for implementation on the NDGPS 
    facilities. It is unclear at this point how best to address all the 
    issues, but discussions will continue until solutions are found.
        The Service also recommends limiting tower height to 200 feet, 
    preferably no higher than 120 feet. Based on the site-specific nature 
    of this issue, it would be unwise to limit all new facilities to 120 
    feet. However, there are likely to be locations where this is warranted 
    and, where conditions dictate, shorter towers will be used. Again, this 
    will be based on site-specific criteria and the agency would consider 
    tradeoffs between coverage, potential impact, and system costs.
        Additional concerns were raised about the effects of ground 
    disturbance. An example is provided for the desert tortoise. To the 
    maximum extent possible, we are using existing sites where ground 
    disturbance has already occurred. Additionally, one of the main 
    criteria for site selection is not to enter critical habitats of 
    endangered or threatened species, as discussed above. In the unlikely 
    event this proves necessary, we will consult with the Service, as well 
    as local organizations, to determine what is the best way to proceed in 
    order to minimize or eliminate any potential disturbance of these 
    species. Again, it is not expected that the agency will enter the 
    habitat of any threatened or endangered species.
        As for the desert tortoise, the only site where there is any 
    possibility of impact is at the Fenner, California, GWEN facility. We 
    have already requested informal consultation at this site in order to 
    minimize or eliminate any impact.
        The Service also raises concerns over the effects of copper 
    leaching from the ground plane of the antenna into ground water. In 
    order to determine the potential impact of this situation, several 
    existing GWEN sites have been tested for copper levels in the ground 
    water. No migration of copper off the sites has been found. These sites 
    presented the potential for copper leaching from the ground plane into 
    nearby ground water supplies and then into waterways due to high water 
    tables and the acidity of the ground water. These sites have been 
    installed for approximately 10 years. Based on the length of time these 
    sites have been in place and no leaching of copper into the ground 
    water near the site has occurred to date, we do not expect copper 
    leaching to be a problem. To ensure this is the case, we will continue 
    to examine sites that pose a potential impact, based on the specific 
    site criteria of temperature, pH, salinity, and ground water level. We 
    will first attempt to avoid such areas and when this is not possible or 
    where GWEN sites are located in these areas we will monitor the ground 
    water copper levels and apply appropriate mitigation techniques, 
    ensuring copper from the ground plane does not affect the flora and 
        Finally, comments were received from a private citizen that had two 
    main focuses. These issues concerned the FRA and its roles as program 
    sponsor and as regulatory organization for the rail industry, as well 
    as several issues related to the draft PEA. Since the roles of the FRA 
    as program sponsor and as regulatory organization are not pertinent to 
    the docket, they are not addressed here. These issues have been 
    forwarded to the FRA its their consideration. The private citizen's 
    comments that are pertinent to the PEA are addressed in this notice. 
    These are discussed in the following paragraphs and include the 
    coverage area of the system, the potential for ``child shocks,'' remote 
    monitoring of the facility for safety of air traffic, and information 
    telephone numbers.
        The private citizen is concerned with the coverage area of the 
    NDGPS service. Once the system is established, coverage verification 
    will be performed to ensure adequate coverage of the U.S. If inadequate 
    coverage is observed, there is the potential for additional sites to be 
    installed. In an effort to eliminate this potential, several studies 
    have been performed to determine the coverage area for each beacon. 
    These include measuring coverage of existing broadcast facilities 
    operated by the U. S. Coast Guard and the Federal Aviation 
    Administration (``Field Strength Measurements of DGPS and FAA Beacons 
    in the 285-325 kHz Band'' 2 and ``Site Selection Plan and 
    Installation Guidelines for a Nationwide Differential GPS Service'' 
    3 available at: http://www.tfhrc.gov/) and validation of the 
    propagation model using the measured coverage data collected.
        \2\ Prepared for the FHWA by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, 
    National Telecommunications and Information Administration, Boulder, 
    CO 80303, November 1, 1996.
        \3\ Prepared for the FHWA by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, 
    National Telecommunications and Information Administration, Boulder, 
    CO 80303, August 5, 1997.
        It is important to note that the coverage of each beacon is 
    primarily a function of ground conductivity. Ground conductivity was 
    measured under a program sponsored by the Federal Communications 
    Commission when AM broadcast stations were being installed to ensure 
    that there would not be any co-channel interference. This data, as well 
    as actual field data from aviation beacons and existing USCG/DGPS 
    beacons, were combined to form the most accurate propagation and 
    interference model currently available. This model, while still 
    conservative in estimating coverage, is also conservative in estimating 
    interference. In other words, there is greater potential for better 
    coverage and less interference than the model would indicate. This 
    reduces the potential to require additional sites and have a greater 
    impact on the environment.
        The private citizen is also concerned about the potential for 
    ``child shocks'' when a child comes into contact with the tower, either 
    directly or by tossing a conducting material onto the tower. The 
    commenter is correct in that the tower is in fact the antenna and is 
    emitting Radio Frequency (RF) energy. This does present a potential 
    danger, but this danger has been mitigated by an eight-foot chain-link 
    fence that is topped with barbed wire and signs are posted on the fence 
    to indicate the potential for injury. Additionally, the tower is eight 
    to ten feet inside the fence. The description in the draft PEA did not 
    provide this additional detail and will be added to the final version. 
    Based on the number of injuries (none to date) to anyone coming in 
    contact with the tower, no injuries are expected in the future. 
    Additionally, most sites are also located in relatively remote areas, 
    reducing any possibility of injury even further.
        The private citizen also questions how the tower light is 
    monitored. The tower light and other critical elements at each 
    installation, are monitored remotely 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by 
    the USCG. Additionally, in the event of a failure, there are two 
    separate lights located at the top of each tower that are hardened to 
    resist failure from lighting and other phenomenon that the tower is 
    exposed to. This creates a redundant system. Finally, current operating 
    procedures require a 24-hour response time from service technicians to 
    correct any problem at the site.
        Finally, the private citizen stated that the telephone number for 
    the ``GPS Status Recording (24 hour)'' is inaccurate. The phone number 
    published in the DOT telephone directory is incorrect. The correct 
    number is (703) 313-5907. Action has been taken to place the correct 
    number in the next edition of the DOT telephone
    [[Page 52572]]
    directory. Additionally, to speak directly to someone about NDGPS, a 
    more appropriate number to call is (703) 313-5900. This is the 
    ``Navigation Information Service (24 Hour Watch).'' This number is 
    answered by trained USCG personnel who will answer questions concerning 
    all navigation systems in which the Coast Guard has a role. 
    Additionally, the ``24 Hour Watch'' would have provided specific 
    answers to U.S. Coast Guard monitored DGPS systems, including both the 
    Maritime and Nationwide DGPS services. All these numbers, located on 
    the same page, can be found in the DOT telephone directory.
        Changes have been made to the NDGPS PEA addressing each of the 
    above comments. The FHWA looked at the three separate deployment 
    alternatives for deployment of the NDGPS service in this PEA. Based on 
    the comments received and further investigation, no single alternative 
    alone would successfully fulfill the objectives of the system. The FHWA 
    therefore proposes to employ a combination of the three alternatives. 
    We believe that at least 67 sites and perhaps as many as 100 will be 
    constructed for the NDGPS service, and, as discussed above, none of 
    these sites would have a significant environmental impact. Each site 
    will be considered against the programmatic data and if the potential 
    for impact is imminent, the appropriate mitigation measures and 
    environmental documentation will be developed and made available for 
    review and comment. If there is a question as to whether a proposed 
    site could have a significant impact, the FHWA will be responsible for 
    the appropriate NEPA documentation.
        Based on the comments received and available mitigation techniques, 
    a finding of no significant impact at the programmatic level is 
    assessed for the NDGPS.
        Authority: 23 U.S.C. 315, sec. 346, Pub. L. 105-66, 111 Stat. 
    1425, 1449 (1997); and 49 CFR 1.48.
        Issued on: September 22, 1999.
    Kenneth R. Wykle,
    Federal Highway Administrator.
    [FR Doc. 99-25353 Filed 9-28-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-22-P

Document Information

Federal Highway Administration
Entry Type:
Notice of a final programmatic environmental assessment (PEA).
Document Number:
52569-52572 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
FHWA Docket No. FHWA-99-5012
PDF File: