97-23263. Combining a Currently Approved Information Collection With New Information Collections  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 170 (Wednesday, September 3, 1997)]
    [Pages 46473-46474]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-23263]
    Forest Service
    Combining a Currently Approved Information Collection With New 
    Information Collections
    AGENCY: Forest Service, USDA.
    ACTION: Notice of intent; request for comments.
    SUMMARY: In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the 
    Forest Service announces its intent to extend one information 
    collection and combine it with two new information collections. 
    Authorization for information collection, FS-2400-8-Forest Products 
    Free Use Permit (OMB Number 0596-0095) expires October 31, 1997. It is 
    this information collection under which the Forest Service intends to 
    combine two new information collections: FS-2400-1-Forest Products 
    Removal Permit and Cash Receipt and FS-2400-4-Forest Products Sale 
    Permit and Cash Receipt.
        The collected information is necessary to ensure that applicants 
    meet the requirements of the forest products removal program; that 
    permittees obtaining free use of forest products qualify for the free-
    use program; that applicants purchasing permits non-competitively to 
    harvest forest products do not exceed the authorized limit in a fiscal 
    year; and that permittees can be identified in the field by Forest 
    Service compliance personnel.
    DATES: Comments must be received in writing on or before November 3, 
    ADDRESSES: All comments should be addressed to: Director, Forest 
    Management (MAIL STOP 1105), Forest Service, USDA, PO Box 96090, 
    Washington, DC 20090-6090.
    Jim Naylor, Forest Management Staff, at (202) 205-0858.
        Under 16 U.S.C. 551, individuals and other Federal agencies 
    planning to remove forest products from the National Forests must 
    obtain a permit. To obtain a permit, applicants must meet the criteria 
    at 36 CFR 223.1, 223.2, and 223.5 through 223.13 under which free use 
    or sale of timber or forest products is authorized. Upon receiving a 
    permit, the permittee must comply with the terms of the permit at 36 
    CFR 261.6 that designate the forest products that can be harvested and 
    under what conditions, such as limiting harvest to a designated area or 
    permitting harvest of only specifically designated material.
        For over 20 years, Forest Service Regional offices have been 
    issuing Forest Product Removal Permits, with each Region developing its 
    own Forest Product Removal Permit form and policies. To ensure more 
    consistent management of the forest products programs, the Forest 
    Service has developed two new national permit forms to replace regional 
    forms: FS-2400-1-Forest Products Removal Permit and Cash Receipt to 
    sell timber products, such as fuelwood, or forest products, such as 
    Christmas trees and pine cones, and FS-2400-4-Forest Products Sale 
    Permit and Cash Receipt to sell timber products, such as sawtimber or 
        When applying for forest products removal permits, applicants, 
    depending on what timber or forest products they intend to remove, must 
    answer questions on one or more of the following forms:
        Form FS-2400-1-Forest Products Removal Permit and Cash Receipt 
    is new and will implement regulations at 36 CFR 223.1 and 223.2 
    governing the sale of forest products, such as Christmas trees or 
        Form FS-2400-4-Forest Products Sale Permit and Cash Receipt is 
    new and will be used to sell timber products, such as sawtimber, or 
    forest products, such as fuelwood; and
        Form FS-2400-4-Forest Products Free Use Permit is an existing 
    form that will be extended. It is used to allow free use of timber 
    or forest products (36 CFR 223.5 through 223.13).
        Each form implements different regulations and has different 
    provisions for compliance, but all three forms collect similar 
    information from the applicant for related purposes. Therefore, the 
    Forest Service intends to combine the three information collections 
    under one authorization number, OMB No. 0596-0095, which currently 
    covers only FS-2400-8-Forest Products Free Use Permit. OMB 
    authorization of FS-2400-8 expires October 31, 1997. The Forest Service 
    is requesting an extension of this information collection.
        The Forest Service will use the information collected on these 
    three forms to ensure that permittees obtaining free use of timber or 
    forest products qualify for the free-use program and do not receive 
    product value in excess of the $20 amount that District Rangers or $100 
    amount that Forest Supervisors are authorized to approved in a fiscal 
    year (36 CFR 223.8); to ensure that applicants purchasing permits non-
    competitively to harvest timber or forest products do not exceed the 
    authorized $10,000 limit in a fiscal year (16 U.S.C. 472(a)); and to 
    ensure that permittees can be identified in the field by Forest Service 
    compliance personnel.
        An applicant is not restricted to one permit. An applicant may 
    apply for as many product removal permits as they deem necessary to 
    meet their needs. For example, an applicant may obtain free use of a 
    timber product, such as firewood, using FS-2400-8-Forest Products Free 
    Use Permit and still purchase a Christmas tree using FS-2400-1-Forest 
    Product Removal Permit and Cash Receipt.
        Data gathered in these information collections are not available 
    from other sources.
    Description of Information Collection
        The following describes the information collection to be extended 
    and combined with two new information collections: FS-2400-1-Forest 
    Products Removal Permit and Cash Receipt and FS-2400-1-Forest Products 
    Removal Permit and Cash Receipt and FS-2400-4-Forest Products Sale 
    Permit and Cash Receipt. Descriptions of these information collections 
    follow the description of FS-2400-8.
        Title: FS-2400-8--Forest Products Free Use Permit.
        OMB Number: 0596-0095.
        Expiration Date of Approval: October 31, 1997.
        Type of Request: Extend this information collection and combine 
    with FS-2400-1 and FS-2400-4.
        Abstract: The agency uses the collected data to ensure that 
    applicants meet the criteria for free use of timber
    [[Page 46474]]
    or forest products authorized by regulations at 36 CFR 223.5 through 
    223.13 and that permittees comply with the regulations and terms of the 
        Individuals usually request permits in person at the Forest Service 
    office issuing the permit. Forest Service personnel ask applicants to 
    respond to questions that include their name, address, and 
    identification number. The identification number can be a tax 
    identification number, social security number, drivers license number, 
    or other unique number identifying the applicant. Forest Service 
    personnel enter the information onto the computerized permit database 
    for easy retrieval for subsequent requests for permits by the same 
    individual. The information also is entered onto a hard copy of a 
    permit. The applicant signs and dates the permit. Forest Service 
    personnel issuing the permit discuss the terms and conditions of the 
    permit with the applicant. Permittees may be required to maintain a 
    product removal record on the permit form.
        Data gathered in this information collection are not available from 
    other sources.
        Estimate of Burden: 8 minutes.
        Type of Respondents: Individuals.
        Estimated Number of Respondents: 24,000.
        Estimated Number of Responses per Respondent: 1.
        Estimated Total Annual Burden on Respondents: 1,195 hours.
    Description of Information Collection
        The following describes a new information collection that will be 
    combined with FS-2400-8--Forest Products Free Use Permit (OMB Number 
        Title: FS-2400-4--Forest Products Sale Permit and Cash Receipt.
        OMB Number: New.
        Expiration Date of Approval: New.
        Type of Request: The following describes a new collection 
    requirement and has not received approval by the Office of Management 
    and Budget.
        Abstract: The agency will use the collected data to ensure that 
    applicants, seeking to remove timber or forest products from National 
    Forest System lands, meet the criteria under which sale of timber or 
    forest products is authorized by the regulations at 36 CFR 223.88 and 
    to ensure that permittees comply with regulations and terms of the 
    permit at 36 CFR 261.6.
        Individuals and persons representing small businesses usually 
    request permits in person in the Forest Service office issuing the 
    permit. Forest Service personnel will ask applicants to respond to 
    questions that include their name, address, and tax identification 
    number. Forest Service personnel will enter the information onto the 
    computerized permit database, where the information will be maintained 
    for easy retrieval for subsequent requests for permits by the same 
    individual. The information also will be entered onto a hard copy of a 
    permit. The applicant will sign and date the permit. Forest Service 
    personnel issuing the permit will discuss the terms and conditions of 
    the permit with the applicant.
        Data gathered in this information collection are not available from 
    other sources.
        Estimate of Burden: 8 minutes.
        Type of Respondents: Individuals and small businesses.
        Estimated Number of Respondents: 2500.
        Estimated Number of Responses per Respondent: 1.5.
        Estimated Total Annual Burden on Respondents: 190 hours.
    Description of Information Collection
        The following describes a new information collection that will be 
    combined with FS-2400-8--Forest Products Free Use Permit (OMB Number 
        Title: FS-2400-1--Forest Products Removal Permit and Cash Receipt.
        OMB Number: New.
        Expiration Date of Approval: New.
        Type of Request: The following describes a new collection and has 
    not received approval from the Office of Management and Budget.
        Abstract: The agency will use the collected data to ensure that 
    applicants meet the criteria under which the sale of timber or forest 
    products is authorized by the regulations at 36 CFR 223.88 and to 
    ensure that permittees comply with regulations and terms of the permit 
    at 36 CFR 261.6.
        Individuals and persons representing small businesses usually 
    request permits in person in the Forest Service office issuing the 
    permit. The information collected includes the applicant's name, 
    address, and identification number. The identification number can be a 
    tax identification number, social security number, drivers license 
    number, or other unique number identifying the applicant. Forest 
    Service personnel will enter the information onto the computerized 
    permit database, where the information will be maintained for easy 
    retrieval for subsequent permits issued to the same individual. The 
    information also will be entered onto a hard copy of a permit. The 
    applicant will sign and date the permit. Forest Service personnel 
    issuing the permit will discuss the terms and conditions of the permit 
    with the applicant. Permittees may be required to maintain a product 
    removal record on the permit form.
        Data gathered in this information collection is not available from 
    other sources.
        Estimate of Burden: 8 minutes.
        Type of Respondents: Individuals.
        Estimated Number of Respondents: 846,000.
        Estimated Number of Responses per Respondent: 1.5.
        Estimated Total Annual Burden on Respondents: 39,940 hours.
    Comments Are Invited
        The agency invites comments on the following: (a) Whether the 
    proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper 
    performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the 
    information shall have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the 
    agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of 
    information, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions 
    used; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the 
    information to be collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of the 
    collection of information on respondents, including the use of 
    automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection 
    techniques or other forms of information technology.
    Use of Comments
        All comments received in response to this notice will be summarized 
    and included in the request for OMB approval. All comments, including 
    name and address when provided, will become a matter of public record.
        Dated: August 15, 1997.
    Ronald E. Stewart,
    Acting Associate Chief.
    [FR Doc. 97-23263 Filed 9-2-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3410-11-M

Document Information

Forest Service
Entry Type:
Notice of intent; request for comments.
Document Number:
Comments must be received in writing on or before November 3, 1997.
46473-46474 (2 pages)
PDF File: