98-23795. Anthropomorphic Test Dummy; Occupant Crash Protection  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 171 (Thursday, September 3, 1998)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 46981-46992]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-23795]
    National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
    49 CFR Part 572
    [Docket No. NHTSA-98-4283]
    RIN 2127-AG66
    Anthropomorphic Test Dummy; Occupant Crash Protection
    AGENCY: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 
    Department of Transportation.
    ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
    SUMMARY: This document proposes to amend 49 CFR Part 572 by adding 
    design and performance specifications for a new dummy whose height and 
    weight are representative of a fifth percentile female adult. This new 
    dummy, which is part of the family of Hybrid III test dummies, could be 
    used to accurately assess the potential for injuries to small women, 
    particularly those who sit close to an air bag. The new dummy is 
    especially needed to ensure that air bags protect small women in 
    frontal crashes and to minimize the risk from air bags during those 
    crashes. The dummy would also provide a means of gathering useful 
    information in a variety of crash environments to better evaluate 
    vehicle safety. The issue of amending various safety standards to 
    specify use of the dummy in determining compliance with the performance 
    requirements of those standards, e.g., the agency's occupant protection 
    standard, will be addressed in other rulemakings, particularly the 
    agency's advanced air bag rulemaking for which an NPRM will be 
    published later this year. The agency is also proposing to remove the 
    current requirement that test dummies remain undamaged at the 
    conclusion of a compliance test. It plans to apply this change to other 
    test dummies in subsequent rulemakings.
    DATES: Comments must be received by December 2, 1998.
    ADDRESSES: Comments should refer to the docket number, and be submitted 
    to: Docket Management, Room PL-401, 400 Seventh Street, S.W., 
    Washington, DC 20590 (Docket hours are from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.)
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For non-legal issues: Stan Backaitis, 
    Office of Crashworthiness Standards, (telephone: 202-366-4912). For 
    legal issues: Rebecca MacPherson, Office of the Chief Counsel (202-366-
    2992). Both can be reached at the National Highway Traffic Safety 
    Administration, 400 Seventh St., S.W., Washington, DC, 20590.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Recent air bag fatalities and injuries in 
    low speed crashes to small female drivers seated close to the deploying 
    air bag have raised serious concerns about the safety of air bags for 
    this portion of the population.1 One way to evaluate the 
    risks associated with air bag systems is through the use of human 
    mechanical surrogates with a high degree of biofidelity such as the 
    family of Hybrid III-type crash test dummies. The desirability of a 
    fifth percentile adult female dummy has been apparent for a number of 
    years; however, the need for such a dummy has become more urgent with 
    the emergence of potential safety problems that some of the current 
    driver-side air bags may pose for small statured females. During the 
    March 1997 NTSB hearing on the safety of air bag systems, several 
    industry commenters addressed the need to revise FMVSS No. 208, 
    Occupant Crash Protection, by adopting new test procedures and test 
    devices and by assessing the safety of the occupant protection systems 
    with suitable injury assessment criteria. The commenters noted that the 
    Hybrid III-type fifth percentile female dummy has been used by industry 
    for research purposes for several years and asserted that there was no 
    reason not to use the dummy in air bag certification programs.
        \1\ Distance from the air bag is the primary factor leading to 
    serious injury or fatality. Several factors can lead to an 
    individual being too close to the air bag at the time of deployment, 
    including failure to wear a safety belt. Nevertheless, very small-
    statured women appear to constitute the largest segment of the 
    population that may not be able to sit a safe distance from the air 
    bag, even when properly restrained. Additionally, differences in 
    body size may lead to more severe injury for a small-statured woman 
    than for an unrestrained average-size male.
        The fifth percentile adult female dummy (H-III5F) is part of a 
    family of Hybrid III-type dummies. The first Hybrid III dummy was a 
    50th percentile male dummy. NHTSA has specified use of that dummy for 
    compliance testing under FMVSS No. 208, since 1986, initially on an 
    optional basis, and more recently on a mandatory basis. The second 
    dummy, the six-year-old child, was the subject of an NPRM published on 
    June 28, 1998 (63 FR 35170). The need for a family of Hybrid III-type 
    dummies having considerably improved biofidelity and anthropometry was 
    recognized by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 
    1987 when it awarded a contract to Ohio State University under the 
    title ``Development for Multi-Sized Hybrid III Based Dummy Family.'' 
    Development of the H-III5F has continued since then
    [[Page 46982]]
    under the guidance of the Hybrid III Dummy Family Task Force of 
    SAE.2 The task force invited experts from biomechanics, 
    instrumentation, and dummy design to guide this development. In 
    defining the specifications for an adult small female dummy, the task 
    force selected key body lengths and weights based on anthropometry data 
    for the smallest fifth percent of the United States adult female 
    population. Geometric and mass scale factors were developed to assure 
    that each body segment had the same mass density as the corresponding 
    Hybrid III body segment.
        \2\  Minutes of the meetings of the taskforce are located in 
    NHTSA's docket, Room 5111, 400 Seventh St., SW, and are available 
    for public inspection. The minutes address development of the entire 
    family of Hybrid III dummies, including the six-year-old dummy that 
    is the subject of a previous rulemaking.
        NHTSA has been involved in the development of the H-III5F dummy, 
    initially as an observer in meetings of the SAE taskforce. 
    Subsequently, around 1994, as the dummy's design began to mature, the 
    agency started to use the dummy in several test and development 
    programs. However, the dummy's continuous use had to be supported by 
    significant repairs and modifications, which did not allow the agency 
    to conduct a conclusive assessment of the dummy's capabilities and 
    utility. The agency indicated to the SAE task group as early as 1994 
    its interest in seeing dummy development brought to a quick conclusion. 
    Subsequent testing of the H-III5F dummy revealed additional problems 
    requiring further redesigns in the neck and thorax area, which 
    stretched the first availability of preproduction dummies into 
    midsummer 1997. At that time NHTSA began an extensive test and 
    evaluation program of the dummy. The dummies were exposed to a variety 
    of crash environments to determine their suitability and stability as 
    measuring tools in the most severe crashes.
        The agency has now completed its evaluation of the H-III5F dummy 
    and has tentatively concluded that it is ready for incorporation into 
    Part 572. NHTSA is placing in the docket a technical report entitled 
    ``Development and Evaluation of the Hybrid III 5th Percentile Adult 
    Female Dummy,'' minutes of SAE Hybrid III dummy family Task Group 
    meetings relating to the dummy, and drawings of the proposed dummy. 
    These documents provide the technical information supporting this 
        Several adaptations have been made to the H-III5F as a result of 
    the NHTSA evaluation program, use of the dummy in the agency's 
    development programs, and SAE task group recommendations. The dummy 
    being proposed today has been modified as follows:
         The head skin contains TMJ configuration (a structural 
    skin filler that bridges the temporo-mandibular notch in the dummy's 
    skull and the voids underneath the chin) to prevent the deploying air 
    bag from snagging under the chin.
         The neck is of segmented construction and made of 
    flexible, molded butyl rubber with steel discs as end plates. The discs 
    are designed to provide human-like flexion (forward bending), extension 
    (rearward bending), and dynamic response to meet biofidelity response 
    requirements. Potential for cervical spine injury is assessed with a 
    six channel neck transducer consisting of three force and three moment 
         The thorax now meets documented biofidelity impact 
    performance requirements. It is capable of compression displacement of 
    at least 2.5 inches before contacting spine based bumper stops. The 
    spine box contains provisions for mounting three uniaxial 
    accelerometers at the T4 level, three uniaxial accelerometers at its 
    upper, middle and lower portions, and a chest deflection potentiometer. 
    The sternum has provisions for attachment of uniaxial accelerometers at 
    the upper, middle and lower ends of the sternum slider. They are in co-
    linear alignment with the uniaxial accelerometers on the spine and 
    permit the monitoring of chest compression velocity and deflection at 
    several points on the sternum. Upper and lower rib guides are used to 
    limit vertical movement of the ribs, which were found to be 
    significantly prevalent in out-of-position tests.
         The lower torso lumbar spine and abdominal insert designs 
    provide human-like and repeatable motion capabilities between the upper 
    and lower torso halves. Appropriate flexion tests have been added to 
    the proposed test procedure to assure that the torso flexion stiffness 
    is similar between dummies. Provisions are available for mounting a 
    lumbar load cell, and three uniaxial accelerometers in the instrument 
    cavity at the rear of the pelvis casting. The pelvis bone also has 
    provisions for mounting submarine-indicating transducers on the front 
    face of the iliac wings.
         The femurs are capable of human-like tibia articulation in 
    the flexion direction, with plastic bumper stops limiting the amount of 
    motion and preventing metal-to-metal contact with the pelvic bone. The 
    femurs may be equipped with either uniaxial or multiaxial force 
    transducers. Optional knee slider mechanisms allow for limited 
    displacement of the tibia relative to the femur with provisions for 
    mounting deflection transducers.
         The feet are of new construction. They are attached to the 
    tibias via a ball joint ankle, which allows motion of the foot in 
    plantar flexion, dorsi flexion, inversion and eversion, as well as 
    medial and lateral rotations. A rubber bumper mounted on the ankle 
    limits the range of motion of the foot to human-like limits and 
    prevents metal-to-metal contact between the foot and the ankle-tibia 
    structure. An Ensolite pad is incorporated into the heel of the foot, 
    providing a degree of human-like heel compliance.
        The agency is proposing specifications and performance criteria for 
    the H-III5F dummy. The specifications would consist of the following 
    two items: 3
        \3\  NHTSA may produce a digital description of the proposed 
    dummy's external contours after the final rule has been adopted. If 
    the agency produces a digital description, the document will be made 
    available for reference in NHTSA's docket.
        (1) A drawings and specifications package entitled ``Parts List and 
    Drawings for the Hybrid III 5th Percentile Adult Female Dummy (August, 
    1998)''; and
        (2) A user's manual entitled ``User's Manual for the Hybrid III 5th 
    Percentile Adult Female Dummy [a date would be inserted in the final 
        These specifications are intended to ensure that the dummies are 
    uniform in their construction and assembly, and capable of uniform and 
    repeatable response in the impact environment. The agency notes that 
    the first item listed above, the drawings and specifications, is 
    available for inspection in NHTSA's docket. (Since this item is non-
    scannable, it cannot be placed in the DOT Dockets Management System 
    (DMS). Instead a statement indicating where it may be viewed, i.e., in 
    NHTSA's docket, has been placed in the DMS.) Copies may also be 
    obtained from Reprographic Technologies, 9000 Virginia Manor Road, 
    Beltsville, MD 20705; Telephone: (301) 419-5070.
        A draft user's manual has been placed in NHTSA's docket to assist 
    commenters in evaluating the proposed drawing and specifications. The 
    manual is similar to the user's manual specified by Part 572 for other 
        As with other dummies, NHTSA is proposing impact performance 
    criteria to serve as calibration checks, and to further assure the 
    kinematic uniformity of the dummy and the absence of
    [[Page 46983]]
    damage from previous use. The tests address head, neck, thorax and 
    femur impact responses and stiffness assessments of the lumbar spine-
    abdomen area to torso flexion motion.
        The agency is proposing generic specifications for all of the 
    dummy-based sensors. For most earlier dummies, the agency specified 
    sensors by make and model. However, NHTSA believes that approach is 
    unnecessarily restrictive. Instead, the proposed specifications reflect 
    the characteristics and expected performance response of the sensors 
    that were used in NHTSA's dummy evaluation series and are identified by 
    make and model in the above referenced technical report. Interested 
    persons are encouraged to comment on the adequacy of the proposed 
    specifications; potential impact on the measured test data, including 
    the comparability of data using sensors manufactured by different 
    companies; and issues related to calibration assurance tests.
        NHTSA notes that the H-III5F dummy is the second of several new 
    dummies it will propose to add to Part 572. The agency has already 
    proposed incorporating the advanced 6-year old child dummy (63 FR 
    35170) and plans to propose adding the 3-year old child dummy and the 
    CRABI 12-month old child dummy later this year. The agency intends to 
    use these dummies in its rulemaking for advanced air bags. All of these 
    dummies could be specified for use in a variety of potential Standard 
    No. 208 tests, including out-of-position tests and/or various dynamic 
    tests. The child dummies could also be specified for use in Standard 
    No. 213 tests.
        Historically NHTSA has required that the structural properties of a 
    dummy satisfy the specifications set out in the applicable regulation 
    in every respect both before and after its use in any test specified in 
    a FMVSS. The text proposed in today's notice would remove the 
    requirement that the H-III5F dummy meet these requirements after 
    testing. The agency plans to make similar changes with respect to other 
    Part 572 dummies.
        NHTSA is concerned that the post-test calibration requirement could 
    handicap and delay its ability to resolve a potential vehicle or motor 
    vehicle equipment test failure solely because the post-test dummy might 
    have experienced a component failure and might no longer conform to all 
    of the specifications. On several occasions during the past few years, 
    a dummy has been damaged during a compliance test such that it could 
    not satisfy all of the post-test calibration requirements. Yet the 
    damage to the dummy did not affect its ability to accurately measure 
    the performance requirements of the standard. The agency is also 
    concerned that the interaction between the vehicle or equipment and the 
    dummy could be directly responsible for the dummy's inability to meet 
    calibration requirements. In such an instance, the failure of the test 
    dummy should not preclude the agency from seeking compliance action. 
    Thus, NHTSA has tentatively concluded that removal of the post-
    calibration requirement would be in the public interest, since it would 
    permit the agency to proceed with a compliance investigation in those 
    cases where the test data indicate that the dummy measurements were not 
    markedly affected by the dummy damage or that some aspect of vehicle or 
    equipment design was responsible for the dummy failure. Alternatively, 
    the post-test calibration requirement could be retained, but the 
    inability of a dummy to meet the requirements could be presumed to be 
    either irrelevant or the result of the vehicle or motor vehicle 
    equipment test failure unless the vehicle or equipment manufacturer can 
    show that a calibration failure adversely affected the test results. In 
    either case, dummies would still be required to meet the pre-test 
    calibration requirements before being used in subsequent tests. NHTSA 
    seeks comment on this issue. The text proposed in today's notice would 
    remove the requirement that the H-III5F dummy meet these requirements 
    after testing. The agency plans to make similar changes with respect to 
    other Part 572 dummies.
        This notice only concerns the H-III5F dummy, and is limited to 
    adding the dummy to Part 572. The issue of specifying the use of the H-
    III5F dummy as part of Standard No. 208 will be addressed in other 
    rulemakings. However, since one of the primary purposes of adding the 
    dummy to Part 572 is to enable it to be specified for use in the 
    Federal motor vehicle safety standards, NHTSA encourages commenters to 
    address its suitability for the types of tests discussed above. The 
    agency also encourages commenters to address the suitability of the 
    underlying tests used for NHTSA's assessment of dummy performance.\4\
        \4\ See the technical report for test matrix.
    Rulemaking Analyses and Notices
    A. Executive Order 12866 and DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures
        NHTSA has considered the impact of this rulemaking action under 
    Executive Order 12866 and the Department of Transportation's regulatory 
    policies and procedures. This rulemaking document was not reviewed by 
    the Office of Management and Budget under E.O. 12866, ``Regulatory 
    Planning and Review.'' The rulemaking action has been determined not to 
    be significant under the Department's regulatory policies and 
        This document proposes to amend 49 CFR Part 572 by adding design 
    and performance specifications for a 5th percentile small adult female 
    dummy which the agency may later separately propose for use in the 
    Federal motor vehicle safety standards. If this proposed rule becomes 
    final, it would affect only those businesses which choose to 
    manufacture or test with the dummy. It does not impose any requirements 
    on anyone.
        The cost of an uninstrumented H-III5F dummy is approximately 
    $33,400. Instrumentation would add $29,000 to $99,100 to the cost, 
    depending on the amount of instrumentation.
        Because the economic impacts of this proposal are so minimal, 
    preparation of a full regulatory evaluation is not necessary.
    B. Regulatory Flexibility Act
        NHTSA has considered the effects of this rulemaking action under 
    the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) I hereby certify 
    that the proposed amendment would not have a significant economic 
    impact on a substantial number of small entities. The proposed 
    amendment would not impose or rescind any requirements for anyone. 
    Therefore, this proposal would not have a significant economic impact 
    on a substantial number of small entities.
    C. National Environmental Policy Act
        NHTSA has analyzed this proposed amendment for the purposes of the 
    National Environmental Policy Act and determined that it would not have 
    any significant impact on the quality of the human environment.
    D. Executive Order 12612 (Federalism)
        The agency has analyzed this proposed amendment in accordance with 
    the principles and criteria set forth in Executive Order 12612. NHTSA 
    has determined that the proposed amendment does not have sufficient 
    federalism implications to warrant the preparation of a Federalism 
    Request for Comments
        Interested persons are invited to submit comments on this proposal. 
    Two copies should be submitted.
    [[Page 46984]]
        All comments must not exceed 15 pages in length (49 CFR 553.21). 
    Necessary attachments may be appended to these submissions without 
    regard to the 15-page limit. This limitation is intended to encourage 
    commenters to detail their primary arguments in a concise fashion.
        If a commenter wishes to submit certain information under a claim 
    of confidentiality, three copies of the complete submission, including 
    purportedly confidential business information, should be submitted to 
    the Chief Counsel, NHTSA, at the street address given above, and two 
    copies from which the purportedly confidential information has been 
    deleted should be submitted to the Docket Section. A request for 
    confidentiality should be accompanied by a cover letter setting forth 
    the information specified in the agency's confidential business 
    information regulation. 49 CFR Part 512.
        All comments received by NHTSA before the close of business on the 
    comment closing date indicated above will be considered and will be 
    available for examination in the docket at the above address both 
    before and after that date. To the extent possible, comments filed 
    after the closing date will also be considered. Comments received too 
    late for consideration in regard to this action will be considered as 
    suggestions for further rulemaking action. Comments will be available 
    for inspection in the docket. NHTSA will continue to file relevant 
    information as it becomes available in the docket after the closing 
    date, and recommends that interested persons continue to examine the 
    docket for new material.
        Those persons desiring to be notified upon receipt of their 
    comments in the rules docket should enclose a self-addressed, stamped 
    postcard in the envelope with their comments. Upon receiving the 
    comments, the docket supervisor will return the postcard by mail.
    List of Subjects in 49 CFR Part 572
        Motor vehicle safety.
        In consideration of the foregoing, NHTSA proposes to amend 49 CFR 
    Part 572 as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 572 would continue to read as 
        Authority: 49 U.S.C 332, 30111, 30115, 30117, and 30166; 
    delegation of authority at 49 CFR 1.50.
        2. 49 CFR part 572 would be amended by adding a new subpart O, 
    consisting of Secs. 572.130 through 572.137, to read as follows:
    Subpart O--Hybrid III 5th Percentile Female
    572.130  Incorporation by reference.
    572.131  General description.
    572.132  Head assembly and test procedure.
    572.133  Neck assembly and test procedure.
    572.134  Thorax assembly and test procedure
    572.135  Upper and lower torse assemblies and torso flexion test 
    572.136  Knees and knee impact test procedure.
    572.137  Test conditions and instrumentation.
    Subpart O--Hybrid III 5th Percentile Female
    Sec. 572.120  Incorporation by reference.
        (a) The following materials are hereby incorporated in subpart O by 
        (1) A drawings and specifications package entitled ``Parts List and 
    Drawings for the Hybrid III 5th Percentile Female Dummy (August 
        (2) A user's manual entitled ``User's Manual for the Hybrid III 5th 
    Percentile Female Dummy [a date will be inserted in the final rule]'';
        (3) The Director of the Federal Register approved those materials 
    incorporated by reference in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR 
    part 51. Copies of the materials may be inspected at NHTSA's Docket 
    Section, 400 Seventh Street S.W., room 5109, Washington, DC, or at the 
    Office of the Federal Register, 800 North Capitol Street, NW, Suite 
    700, Washington, DC.
        (b) The drawings and specifications package referred to in 
    paragraph (a)(1) of this section and the user's manual referred to in 
    paragraph (a)(2) of this section are available from Reprographic 
    Technologies, 9000 Virginia Manor Road, Beltsville, MD 20705 (301) 419-
    Sec. 572.131  General description.
        (a) The Hybrid III type 5th percentile female size test dummy is 
    defined by drawings and specifications which contain the following 
        (1) Technical drawings and specifications package 880105-000, the 
    titles of which are listed in Table A;
        (2) Operation and Maintenance Manual (not available until final 
        (b) The dummy assembly (P/N 880105-000) is made up of the component 
    assemblies set out in Table A (June 1998):
                                     Table A                                
                Component assembly                      Drawing No.         
    Head Assembly............................  880105-100X                  
    Neck Assembly............................  880105-250                   
    Upper Torso Assembly.....................  880105-300                   
    Lower Torso Assembly.....................  880105-450                   
    Leg Assembly.............................  880105-560                   
    Arm Assembly.............................  880105-728                   
        (c) Adjacent segments are joined in a manner such that, except for 
    contacts existing under static conditions, there is no contact between 
    metallic elements throughout the range of motion or under simulated 
    crash impact conditions.
        (d) The structural properties of the dummy are such that the dummy 
    conforms to this Part in every respect before its use in any test 
    similar to those specified in Standard 208, Occupant Crash Protection, 
    and ISO Out-of-Position 1 and 2.
    Sec. 572.132  Head assembly and test procedure
        (a) Head assembly. The head consists of the assembly designated as 
    880105-100X, and 3 accelerometers (SA-572 S4) mounted in conformance to 
    drawing 880105-000.
        (b) When the head assembly described in paragraph (a) is dropped 
    from a height of 376.0+/-1.0 mm (14.8+/-0.04 in) in accordance with 
    paragraph (c) of this section, the peak resultant acceleration at the 
    location of the accelerometers at the head CG shall not be less than 
    250 g's and more than 300 g's. The resultant acceleration vs. time 
    history curve shall be unimodal; oscillations occurring after the main 
    pulse shall be less than 10 percent of the peak resultant acceleration. 
    The lateral acceleration shall not exceed 15 g's (zero to peak).
        (c) Head test procedure. The test procedure for the head is as 
        (1) Soak the head assembly in a controlled environment at any 
    temperature between 18.9 and 25.6  deg.C (66 and 78  deg.F) and at any 
    relative humidity between 10 and 70 percent for at least four hours 
    prior to a test.
        (2) Prior to the test, clean the impact surface of the skin and the 
    impact plate surface with isopropyl alcohol, trichloroethane, or an 
    equivalent. The skin of the head must be clean and dry for testing.
        (3) Suspend and orient the head assembly as shown in 49 CFR 572.32, 
    Figure 19 (10/1/97) with the lowest point on the forehead 376.0+/-1.0 
    mm (14.8 +/-0.04 in) from the impact surface. The 1.57 mm (0.062 in.) 
    diameter holes located on either side of the dummy's head are used to 
    ensure that the transverse axis of the head is level with respect to 
    the impact surface.
        (4) Drop the head assembly from the specified height by a means 
    that ensures
    [[Page 46985]]
    a smooth, instant release onto a rigidly supported flat horizontal 
    steel plate which is 51 mm (2 in) thick and 610 mm (24 in) square. The 
    impact surface shall be dry and have a finish of not less than 0.2 
    microns (8 micro inches) (RMS) and not more than 2 microns (80 micro 
    inches) (RMS).
        (5) Allow at least 2 hours between successive tests on the same 
    Sec. 572.133  Neck assembly and test procedure.
        (a) The neck assembly consists of the assembly of components 
    designated in drawing P/N 880105-250.
        (b) Neck assembly. When the head-neck assembly (head 880105-100X, 
    neck 880105-250, bib simulator 880105-371, upper neck adjusting bracket 
    880105-207, lower neck adjusting bracket 880105-208, six axis neck 
    transducer SA-572 S11, and either three accelerometers SA572 S4 or 
    their equivalent installed in the head assembly as specified in 880105-
    100X) is tested according to the test procedure in 572.133(c), it shall 
    have the following characteristics:
        (1) Flexion. Plane D referenced in Figure O1 (attached), shall 
    rotate in the direction of preimpact flight with respect to the 
    pendulum's longitudinal centerline not less than 80 degrees and not 
    more than 92 degrees. During this rotation interval, the peak moment 
    measured by the neck transducer SA-572 S11 about the occipital condyle 
    shall not be less than 69 Nm (51 ft-lb) and not more than 83 Nm (61 ft-
    lb). The moment shall be calculated by the following formula: Moment 
    (Nm) = My-(0.01778m) x (Fx). The positive moment shall decay for the 
    first time to 10 Nm between 80 ms and 100 ms.
        (2) Extension. Plane D referenced in Figure O2 (attached), shall 
    rotate in the direction of preimpact flight with respect to the 
    pendulum's longitudinal centerline not less than 97 degrees and not 
    more than 109 degrees. During this rotation interval, the peak moment 
    measured by the neck transducer S-572 S11 about the occipital condyle 
    shall not be more than -55 Nm (-41 ft-lb) and not less than -69 Nm (-51 
    ft-lb). The moment shall be calculated by the following formula: Moment 
    (Nm) = My-(0.01778m) x (Fx). The negative moment shall decay for the 
    first time to -10 Nm between 94 ms and 114ms.
        (c) Test Procedure. The test procedure for the neck assembly is as 
        (1) Soak the neck assembly in a controlled environment at any 
    temperature between 20.6 and 22.2 deg.C (69 and 72 F) and at any 
    relative humidity between 10 and 70 percent for at least four hours 
    prior to a test.
        (2) Torque the jam nut 9000018 on the neck cable 880105-206 to 1.4 
    Nm (12 in-lbs).
        (3) Mount the head-neck assembly defined in paragraph (b) of this 
    section, on the pendulum described in 49 CFR 572.33, Figure 22 (10/1/
    97) (pendulum specifications) so that the midsagittal plane of the head 
    is vertical and coincides with the plane of motion of the pendulum as 
    shown in Figure O1 (attached) for flexion and Figure O2 (attached) for 
    extension tests.
        (4) Release the pendulum and allow it to fall freely from a height 
    to achieve an impact velocity of 7.01+/-0.12 m/s (23.0 +/-0.4 ft/s) for 
    flexion and 6.07 +/-0.12 m/s (19.9+/-0.4 ft/s) for extension tests.
        (i) Time-zero is defined as the time of initial contact between the 
    pendulum striker plate and the honeycomb material. All data channels 
    should be at the zero level at this time.
        (ii) Stop the pendulum from the initial velocity with an 
    acceleration vs. time pulse which meets the velocity change as 
    specified below. Integrate the pendulum acceleration data channel to 
    obtain the velocity vs. time curve:
                          Time                                                Pendulum pulse                        
                                                                  Flexion                        Extension          
                           ms                        ---------------------------------------------------------------
                                                            m/s            ft/s             m/s            ft/s     
    10..............................................     2.1-2.5        6.9-8.2          1.5-1.9        4.9-6.2     
    20..............................................     4.0-5.0      13.1-16.4          3.1-3.9      10.2-12.8     
    30..............................................     5.8-7.0      19.0-23.0          4.6-5.6      15.1-18.4     
    Sec. 572.134  Thorax assembly and test procedure.
        (a) The thorax consists of the part of the upper torso assembly 
    designated as 880105-300.
        (b) Thorax assembly. When the anterior surface of the thorax of a 
    completely assembled dummy (880105-000) is impacted by a test probe 
    conforming to Sec. 572.137(a) at 6.71 +/-0.12 m/s (22.0 +/-0.4 ft/s) 
    according to the test procedure in paragraph (c) of this section.
        (1) The maximum sternum displacement relative to the spine, 
    measured with the chest deflection transducer (SA-572 S51), shall not 
    be less than 48 mm (1.9 in) and not more than 55 mm (2.2 in). During 
    this displacement interval the peak force, measured by the probe in 
    accordance with paragraph Sec. 572.137, shall not be less than 3900 N 
    (876 pounds) and not more than 4400 N (989 pounds), and the peak force 
    at any time prior to reaching the maximum permissible sternum 
    displacement shall not exceed by more than 5% the value of the peak 
    force measured within the specified displacement limit.
        (2) The internal hysteresis of the ribcage in each impact as 
    determined by the plot of force vs. deflection in paragraph (b)(1) of 
    this section shall be not less than 69 percent but not more than 85 
        (c) Test procedure. The test procedure for the thorax assembly is 
    as follows:
        (1) Soak the dummy in a controlled environment at a temperature 
    between 20.6 and 22.2 deg.C (69 and 72 F) and at any relative humidity 
    between 10 and 70 percent for at least four hours prior to a test.
        (2) Seat and orient the dummy, that wears light weight cotton 
    stretch short sleeve shirt and above the knee pants on a seating 
    surface without back support as shown in Figure O3, with the limbs 
    extended horizontally and forward, parallel to the midsagittal plane, 
    the midsagittal plane vertical within +/-1 degree and the ribs level in 
    the anterior-poster and lateral directions within +/-0.5 degrees.
        (3) Establish the impact point at the chest midsagittal plane so 
    that the impact point of the longitudinal centerline of the probe is 
    centered on the midsagittal plane of the dummy within +/-2.5 mm (0.1 
    in.) and is 12.7 +/-1.0 mm (0.5+/-0.04 in.) below the horizontal 
    centerline of the No. 3 rib and is within 0.5 degrees of a horizontal 
    line in the dummy's midsagittal plane.
        (4) Adjust the dummy so that the tangent plane at the surface on 
    the ribs immediately adjacent to the designated impact point is 
    vertical and parallel to the face of the test probe.
        (5) Impact the thorax with the test probe so that at the moment of 
    [[Page 46986]]
    the probe's longitudinal center line falls within 2 degrees of a 
    horizontal line in the dummy's midsagittal plane.
        (6) Guide the test probe during impact so that there is no 
    significant lateral, vertical or rotational movement.
        (7) Allow at least 30 minutes between successive tests.
    Sec. 572.135  Upper and lower torso assemblies and torso flexion test 
        (a) Upper/lower torso assembly. The test objective is to determine 
    the stiffness effects of the lumbar spine 880105-1096 and abdominal 
    insert 880105-434 on resistance to articulation between upper torso 
    assembly 880105-300 and the lower torso assembly 880105-450.
        (b) When the upper torso assembly of a seated dummy is subjected to 
    a force continuously applied at the head to neck pivot pin level 
    through a rigidly attached adaptor bracket as shown in Figure O4 
    according to the test procedure set out in paragraph (c) of this 
    section, the lumbar spine-abdomen assembly shall:
        (1) Flex by an amount that permits the upper torso assembly to 
    rotate relative to the fixed seating reference surface by 45 degrees at 
    which time the force level is not less than 289 N (65 pounds) and not 
    more than 378 N (85 pounds), and
        (2) Upon removal of the force the torso assembly returns to within 
    5 degrees of its initial position.
        (c) Test procedure. The test procedure for the upper/lower torso 
    assembly is as follows:
        (1) Soak the dummy in a controlled environment at any temperature 
    between 20.6 deg. and 22 deg.C (69 and 72 F) and at any relative 
    humidity between 10 and 70 percent for at least 4 hours prior to a 
        (2) Assemble the complete dummy (with or without the legs below the 
    femurs) and attach to the fixture in a seated posture as shown in 
    Figure O4.
        (3) Secure the pelvis to the fixture at the pelvis instrument 
    cavity rear face by threading four \1/4\ in cap screws into the 
    available threaded attachment holes. Tighten the cap screws so that the 
    pelvis casting is rigidly affixed to the test fixture and the pelvic-
    lumbar joining surface is horizontal.
        (4) Attach a lightweight, rigid loading adaptor bracket (not to 
    exceed 0.77 kg (1.7 lbs)) to the posterior of the spine at the machined 
    surface of the upper instrumentation cavity as shown in Figure O4. The 
    loading bracket is designed such that the point of load application 
    coincides with the longitudinal axis of the head-neck condyle pin and 
    also provides means for measuring the rotation of the upper torso.
        (5) Inspect and adjust, if necessary, the seating of the abdominal 
    insert within the pelvis cavity and with respect to the torso flesh to 
    assure uniform fit and clearances.
        (6) Attach means of loading the dummy through the point of load 
    application as shown in Figure O4.
        (7) The initial orientation of the angle reference plane of the 
    seated, unsupported dummy shall not exceed 20 degrees of flexion as 
    shown in Figure O4. The angle reference plane is defined by the 
    transverse plane the machined surface of the upper thoracic 
    instrumentation cavity makes with respect to the vertical as shown in 
    Figure O4.
        (8) Apply a forward force in the midsagittal plane through the 
    adaptor bracket as shown in Figure O4 at any upper torso deflection 
    rate between 0.5 and 1.5 degrees per second, until the angle reference 
    plane reaches 45 degrees of flexion with the applied force at 59 
    degrees from horizontal.
        (9) Continue to apply a force sufficient to maintain 45 degrees of 
    flexion for 10 seconds, and record the highest applied force during the 
    10 seconds period.
        (10) Release all force as rapidly as possible, and measure the 
    return angle with respect to the initial angle reference plane as 
    defined in paragraph (c)(6) of this section 3 minutes after the 
    Sec. 572.136  Knees and knee impact test procedure.
        (a) The knee assembly is part of the leg assembly shown in drawing 
        (b) Knee assembly. When the knee assembly (knee cap 880105-560 
    -1(left) -2 (right), knee skin flesh P/N 880105-508, knee flesh insert 
    880105-511, lower leg 105-4014, and femur load transducer SA-572 S14 or 
    its structural replacement 78051-319 is tested according to the test 
    procedure in 572.137(c), the peak resistance force as measured with the 
    test probe mounted accelerometer shall be not less than 3360 N (755 
    lbs) but not more than 4080 N (916 lbs).
        (c) Test procedure. The test procedure for the knee assembly is as 
        (1) Soak the knee assembly in a controlled environment at any 
    temperature between 18.9 and 25.6 deg.C (66 to 78 F) and at any 
    relative humidity between 10 and 70 percent for at least four hours 
    prior to a test.
        (2) Mount the test material and secure it to a rigid test fixture 
    as shown in Figure O5. No contact is permitted between any part of the 
    foot and tibia and any exterior surface.
        (3) Align the test probe so that throughout its stroke and at 
    contact with the knee it is within 2 deg. of horizontal and collinear 
    with the longitudinal centerline of the femur.
        (4) Guide the pendulum so that there is no significant lateral 
    vertical or rotational movement at time zero. Time-zero is defined as 
    the time of initial contact between the impactor and the knee.
        (5) The test probe velocity at the time of contact shall be 2.1+/
    -0.03 m/s (6.9+/-0.1 ft/s).
    Sec. 572.137  Test conditions and instrumentation.
        (a) The test probe for thoracic impacts is a 152.4+/-0.25 mm 
    (6.00+/-0.01 in.) diameter cylinder that weighs 13.97+/-0.01 kg (30.8+/
    -0.02 lb) including instrumentation. Its impacting end has a flat right 
    angle face that is rigid and has an edge radius of 12.7 mm (0.5 in.). 
    The test probe has an accelerometer mounted on the end opposite from 
    impact with its sensitive axis collinear with the longitudinal 
    centerline of the cylinder.
        (b) The test probe for knee impact tests is a 76.2+/-0.25mm (3.0+/
    -0.01 in.) diameter cylinder that weighs 2.99+/-.01 kg (6.6+/-0.02 lbs) 
    including instrumentation. Its impacting end has a flat right angle 
    face that is rigid and has an edge radius of 2 mm (0.08 in.) max. The 
    test probe has an accelerometer mounted on the end opposite from impact 
    with its sensitive axis collinear to the longitudinal centerline of the 
        (c) Head accelerometers shall have dimensions, response 
    characteristics, and sensitive mass locations specified in drawing SA-
    572 S4 or equivalent and be mounted in the head as shown in drawing 
    880105-000 sheet 3.
        (d) The neck force/moment transducer shall have the dimensions, 
    response characteristics, and sensitive axis locations specified in 
    drawing SA-572 S11 or its equivalent and be mounted in the head-neck 
    assembly as shown in drawing 880105-100X sheet 3.
        (e) The thorax accelerometers shall have the dimensions, response 
    characteristics, and sensitive mass locations specified in drawing SA-
    572 S4, or its equivalent and are mounted in the upper torso assembly 
    in triaxial configuration within the spine box instrumentation cavity 
    and as options in uniaxial for-and-aft oriented configuration as 
    corresponding pairs in three locations on the sternum on and at the 
    spine box of the upper torso
    [[Page 46987]]
    assembly as shown in 880105-000 sheet 3.
        (f) The optional lumbar spine force-moment transducer shall have 
    the dimensions, response characteristics, and sensitive axis locations 
    specified in drawing SA-572 S15 or its equivalent and be mounted in the 
    lower torso assembly as shown in drawing P/N 880105-450.
        (g) The optional iliac spine force transducers shall have the 
    dimensions and response characteristics specified in drawing SA-572 S16 
    or equivalent and be mounted in the torso assembly as shown P/N 880105-
        (h) The pelvis accelerometers shall have the dimensions, response 
    characteristics, and sensitive mass locations specified in drawing SA-
    572 S4 or its equivalent and be mounted in the torso assembly in 
    triaxial configuration in the pelvis bone as shown P/N 880105-000 sheet 
        (i) The femur force transducer shall have the dimensions and 
    response characteristics specified in drawing SA-572 S14 or its 
    equivalent and be mounted in the leg assembly as shown in 880105-500 
    and -501.
        (j) The outputs of acceleration and force-sensing devices installed 
    in the dummy and in the test apparatus specified by this part are 
    recorded in individual data channels that conform to the requirements 
    of SAE Recommended Practice J211, Rev. Mar 95 ``Instrumentation for 
    lmpact Tests,'' with channel classes as follows:
    (1) Head acceleration--Class 1000
    (2) Neck:
        (i) Forces--Class 1000
        (ii) Moments--Class 600
        (iii) pendulum acceleration--Class 180
    (3) Thorax:
        (i) Rib acceleration--Class 1000
        (ii) Spine and pendulum accelerations--Class 180
        (iii) Sternum deflection--Class 600
    (4) Lumbar:
        (i) Forces--Class 1000
        (ii) Moments--Class 1000
    (5) Pelvis accelerations--Class 1000
    (6) Femur forces--Class 600
        (k) Coordinate signs for instrumentation polarity conform to the 
    Sign Convention For Vehicle Crash Testing, Surface Vehicle Information 
    Report, SAE J1733, 1994-12.
        (l) The mountings for sensing devices shall have no resonance 
    frequency within range of 3 times the frequency range of the applicable 
    channel class.
        (m) Limb joints shall be set at 1g, barely restraining the weight 
    of the limb when it is extended horizontally. The force required to 
    move a limb segment shall not exceed 2g throughout the range of limb 
        (n) Performance tests of the same component, segment, assembly, or 
    fully assembled dummy shall be separated in time by period of not less 
    than 30 minutes unless otherwise noted.
        (o) Surfaces of dummy components are not painted except as 
    specified in this part or in drawings subtended by this part.
    BILLING CODE 4910-59-U
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        Issued on: August 31, 1998.
    L. Robert Shelton,
    Associate Administrator for Safety Performance Standards.
    [FR Doc. 98-23795 Filed 9-2-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-59-C

Document Information

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Notice of proposed rulemaking.
Document Number:
Comments must be received by December 2, 1998.
46981-46992 (12 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. NHTSA-98-4283
2127-AG66: Fifth Percentile Female Dummy
RIN Links:
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CFR: (16)
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