[Federal Register Volume 64, Number 171 (Friday, September 3, 1999)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 48277-48280]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 99-22851]
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 39
[Docket No. 99-NE-41-AD; Amendment 39-11285; AD 99-18-19]
RIN 2120-AA64
Airworthiness Directives; General Electric Company CF6-80A1/A3
and CF6-80C2A Series Turbofan Engines, Installed on Airbus Industrie
A300-600 and A310 Series Airplanes
AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration, DOT.
ACTION: Final rule; request for comments.
SUMMARY: This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD) that
is applicable to General Electric Company CF6-80A1/A3 and CF6-80C2A
series turbofan engines, installed on Airbus Industrie A300-600 and
A310 series airplanes. This action requires, prior to further flight,
one of the following: performing a DPV pressure check for leakage, and,
if necessary, replacing the DPV assembly with a serviceable assembly
and performing an operational check of the thrust reverser, or
deactivating the thrust reverser; or replacing the directional pilot
valve (DPV) assembly with a serviceable assembly and performing an
operational check of the thrust reverser. Thereafter, this AD requires
one of these actions on a repetitive basis. If a thrust reverser is
deactivated, this action requires, prior to further flight, revising
the FAA-approved airplane flight manual (AFM) to require performance
penalties to be applied for certain takeoff conditions. The AD also
requires a revision to the Emergency Procedures Section of the FAA
approved AFM to include a flightcrew operational procedure in the event
of any indication of an in-flight thrust reverser deployment. This
amendment is prompted by review of thrust reverser safety analyses
following a report of inadvertent thrust reverser deployment on another
make and model engine. The actions specified in this AD are intended to
prevent inadvertent thrust reverser deployment, which, if it occurred
in-flight, could result in loss of control of the airplane.
DATES: Effective September 24, 1999.
The incorporation by reference of certain publications listed in
the regulations is approved by the Director of the Federal Register as
of September 24, 1999.
Comments for inclusion in the Rules Docket must be received on or
before November 2, 1999.
ADDRESSES: Submit comments in triplicate to the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), New England Region, Office of the Regional
Counsel, Attention: Rules Docket No. 99-NE-41-AD, 12 New England
Executive Park, Burlington, MA 01803-5299. Comments may also be sent
via the Internet using the following address: ``adcomment@faa.gov''. Comments sent via the Internet must contain the
docket number in the subject line.
The service information referenced in this AD may be obtained from
Middle River Aircraft Systems, Mail Point 46, 103 Chesapeake Park
Plaza, Baltimore, MD 21220-4295, attn: Product Support Engineering;
telephone (410) 682-0093, fax (410) 682-0100; and Airbus Industrie, 1
Rond Point Maurice Bellonte, 31707 Blagnac Cedex, France; telephone
(33), fax (33) This information may be
examined at the FAA, New England Region, Office of the Regional
Counsel, 12 New England Executive Park, Burlington, MA; or at the
Office of the Federal Register, 800 North Capitol Street, NW, suite
700, Washington, DC.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: William S. Ricci, Aerospace Engineer,
Engine Certification Office, FAA, Engine and Propeller Directorate, 12
New England Executive Park, Burlington, MA 01803-5299; telephone (781)
238-7742, fax (781) 238-7199.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
received a report of inadvertent thrust reverser deployment on a Pratt
& Whitney powered Airbus Industrie A300-600 series aircraft. Following
that event, the FAA reviewed thrust reverser safety analyses on other
make and model engines, including General Electric Company (GE) CF6-
80A1/A3 and CF6-80C2A series turbofan engines. A review of thrust
reverser actuation system (TRAS) shop findings and component failure
rate data, test data, and system safety analyses revealed that a hidden
failure mode involving the directional pilot valve (DPV) exists. The
DPV controls the direction of the
[[Page 48278]]
operation of the center drive unit when the TRAS is activated. If high
pressure downstream of the pressure regulating and shutoff valve
(PRSOV) exists in combination with a leaking DPV, an inadvertent
deployment could occur. High pressure downstream of the PRSOV can be
caused by auto restow, PRSOV open failures, or significant PRSOV
leakage. PRSOV open failures and significant PRSOV leakage are detected
by the DPV pressure switch. DPV open failures and significant DPV
leakage are detected by the inability to stow the reverser. However,
there exists a range of DPV leakage rates from a closed DPV which are
not detectable during normal operation. This undetectable failure mode
of the DPV, concurrent with high pressure downstream of the PRSOV, can
result in an inadvertent thrust reverser deployment. This condition, if
not corrected, could result in inadvertent thrust reverser deployment,
which, if it occurred in-flight, could result in loss of control of the
Service Information
The FAA has reviewed and approved the technical contents of Middle
River Aircraft Systems Alert Service Bulletin (ASB) No. 78A4022,
applicable to GE CF6-80A1/A3 series engines, and ASB No. 78A1081,
applicable to GE CF6-80C2A series engines, both dated June 4, 1999,
that describe procedures for DPV pressure checks for leakage and
operational checks of the thrust reverser, and refer to applicable
manuals in the necessity of replacing the DPV assembly or deactivating
the reverser.
Required Actions
Since an unsafe condition has been identified that is likely to
exist or develop on other engines of the same type design, this AD is
being issued to prevent inadvertent thrust reverser deployment. This AD
requires, prior to further flight, one of the following: (1) performing
a DPV pressure check for leakage, and, if necessary, replacing the DPV
assembly with a serviceable assembly and performing an operational
check of the thrust reverser, or deactivating the thrust reverser; or
(2) replacing the DPV assembly with a serviceable assembly and
performing an operational check of the thrust reverser. Thereafter,
this AD requires one of these actions at intervals not to exceed 700
hours time-in-service. The FAA has determined that whereas deactivation
of the thrust reverser(s) addresses the unsafe condition of this AD,
the resultant decrease in airplane stopping performance is acceptable
only on a time-limited basis. For this reason, deactivation of the
thrust reverser(s) is only allowed after a DPV pressure check has been
performed and established the need for the DPV to be replaced with a
serviceable DPV and none is available. The FAA has determined that the
necessary replacement of the DPV shall be accomplished not later than
10 calendar days from the time of deactivation. If a thrust reverser is
deactivated, this action requires, prior to further flight, a revision
of the FAA-approved airplane flight manual (AFM) for airplanes equipped
with these engines to require performance penalties to be applied for
certain takeoff conditions. The actions are required to be accomplished
in accordance with the service documents described previously.
AFM Changes
The FAA has determined that in the event of an in-flight thrust
reverser deployment, airplane controllability may not be adequately
maintained with the existing ``ENG REV UNLK'' procedure of the
``Procedures Following Failure'' Section of the FAA approved AFM. The
AD includes an ``Indicated In-flight Thrust Reverser Deployment
Procedure,'' with certain steps recalled from memory by the flightcrew,
for inclusion in the AFM Emergency Procedures section of the FAA
approved AFM. This new procedure supersedes the existing ``ENG REV
UNLK'' procedure. The FAA finds that this new procedure to be used in
the event of any indication of an in-flight thrust reverser deployment
provides for more expeditious shutdown of a suspected engine and
slowing of the airplane if airplane buffet or bank is experienced. The
changes to the AFM required by this AD have been coordinated with the
FAA Transport Airplane Directorate.
Since a situation exists that requires the immediate adoption of
this regulation, it is found that notice and opportunity for prior
public comment hereon are impracticable, and that good cause exists for
making this amendment effective in less than 30 days.
Comments Invited
Although this action is in the form of a final rule that involves
requirements affecting flight safety and, thus, was not preceded by
notice and an opportunity for public comment, comments are invited on
this rule. Interested persons are invited to comment on this rule by
submitting such written data, views, or arguments as they may desire.
Communications should identify the Rules Docket number and be submitted
in triplicate to the address specified under the caption ADDRESSES. All
communications received on or before the closing date for comments will
be considered, and this rule may be amended in light of the comments
received. Factual information that supports the commenter's ideas and
suggestions is extremely helpful in evaluating the effectiveness of the
AD action and determining whether additional rulemaking action would be
Comments are specifically invited on the overall regulatory,
economic, environmental, and energy aspects of the rule that might
suggest a need to modify the rule. All comments submitted will be
available, both before and after the closing date for comments, in the
Rules Docket for examination by interested persons. A report that
summarizes each FAA-public contact concerned with the substance of this
AD will be filed in the Rules Docket.
Commenters wishing the FAA to acknowledge receipt of their comments
submitted in response to this notice must submit a self-addressed,
stamped postcard on which the following statement is made: ``Comments
to Docket Number 99-NE-41-AD.'' The postcard will be date stamped and
returned to the commenter.
The regulations adopted herein will not have substantial direct
effects on the States, on the relationship between the national
government and the States, or on the distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various levels of government. Therefore, in
accordance with Executive Order 12612, it is determined that this final
rule does not have sufficient federalism implications to warrant the
preparation of a Federalism Assessment.
The FAA has determined that this regulation is an emergency
regulation that must be issued immediately to correct an unsafe
condition in aircraft, and is not a ``significant regulatory action''
under Executive Order 12866. It has been determined further that this
action involves an emergency regulation under DOT Regulatory Policies
and Procedures (44 FR 11034, February 26, 1979). If it is determined
that this emergency regulation otherwise would be significant under DOT
Regulatory Policies and Procedures, a final regulatory evaluation will
be prepared and placed in the Rules Docket. A copy of it, if filed, may
be obtained from the Rules Docket at the location provided under the
caption ADDRESSES.
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39
Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation safety, Incorporation by
reference, Safety.
[[Page 48279]]
Adoption of the Amendment
Accordingly, pursuant to the authority delegated to me by the
Administrator, the Federal Aviation Administration amends part 39 of
the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR part 39) as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 39 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701.
Sec. 39.13 [Amended]
2. Section 39.13 is amended by adding the following new
airworthiness directive:
99-18-19 General Electric Company: Amendment 39-11285. Docket 99-
Applicability: General Electric Company (GE) CF6-80A1/A3 and
CF6-80C2A series turbofan engines, installed on Airbus Industrie
A300-600 and A310 series airplanes.
Note 1: This airworthiness directive (AD) applies to each engine
identified in the preceding applicability provision, regardless of
whether it has been modified, altered, or repaired in the area
subject to the requirements of this AD. For engines that have been
modified, altered, or repaired so that the performance of the
requirements of this AD is affected, the owner/operator must request
approval for an alternative method of compliance in accordance with
paragraph (h) of this AD. The request should include an assessment
of the effect of the modification, alteration, or repair on the
unsafe condition addressed by this AD; and, if the unsafe condition
has not been eliminated, the request should include specific
proposed actions to address it.
Compliance: Required as indicated, unless accomplished
To prevent inadvertent thrust reverser deployment, which, if it
occurred in-flight, could result in loss of control of the airplane,
accomplish the following:
GE CF6-80A1/A3 Series Engines
(a) Prior to further flight, for GE CF6-80A1/A3 series engines,
perform one of the following, in accordance with Paragraphs 2.B and
2.C. of the Accomplishment Instructions of Middle River Aircraft
Systems Alert Service Bulletin (ASB) No. 78A4022, dated June 4,
(1) Perform a DPV pressure check for leakage, and, if necessary,
(i) Replace the directional pilot valve (DPV) assembly with a
serviceable assembly and then perform an operational check of the
thrust reverser, or
(ii) Deactivate the thrust reverser in accordance with paragraph
2(B)(8)(a) of the Accomplishment Instructions of Middle River
Aircraft Systems ASB No. 78A4022, dated June 4, 1999, provided,
however, that within 10 days after deactivation the DPV is replaced
with a serviceable assembly and an operational check of the thrust
reverser is then performed.
(2) Replace the DPV assembly with a serviceable assembly and
then perform an operational check of the thrust reverser.
(b) Thereafter, at intervals not to exceed 700 hours time-in-
service (TIS) since the last check or replacement of the DPV, for GE
CF6-80A1/A3 series engines, perform one of the following, in
accordance with Paragraphs 2.B and 2.C. of the Accomplishment
Instructions of Middle River AircraftSystems ASB No. 78A4022, dated
June 4, 1999:
(1) Perform a DPV pressure check for leakage, and, if necessary,
(i) Replace the DPV assembly with a serviceable assembly and
then perform an operational check of the thrust reverser, or
(ii) Deactivate the thrust reverser in accordance with paragraph
2(B)(8)(a) of the Accomplishment Instructions of Middle River
Aircraft Systems ASB No. 78A4022, dated June 4, 1999, provided,
however, that within 10 days after deactivation the DPV is replaced
with a serviceable assembly and an operational check of the thrust
reverser is then performed.
(2) Replace the DPV assembly with a serviceable assembly and
then perform an operational check of the thrust reverser.
GE CF6-80C2A Series Engines
(c) Prior to further flight, for GE CF6-80C2A series engines,
perform one of the following, in accordance with Paragraphs 2.B and
2.C. of the Accomplishment Instructions of Middle River Aircraft
Systems ASB No. 78A1081, dated June 4, 1999:
(1) Perform a DPV pressure check for leakage, and, if necessary,
(i) Replace the DPV assembly with a serviceable assembly and
then perform an operational check of the thrust reverser, or
(ii) Deactivate the thrust reverser in accordance with paragraph
2(B)(8)(a) of the Accomplishment Instructions of Middle River
Aircraft Systems ASB No. 78A1081, dated June 4, 1999, provided,
however, that within 10 days after deactivation the DPV is replaced
with a serviceable assembly and an operational check of the thrust
reverser is then performed.
(2) Replace the DPV assembly with a serviceable assembly and
then perform an operational check of the thrust reverser.
(d) Thereafter, at intervals not to exceed 700 hours TIS since
the last check or replacement of the DPV, for GE CF6-80C2A series
engines, perform one of the following, in accordance with Paragraphs
2.B and 2.C. of the Accomplishment Instructions of Middle River
Aircraft Systems ASB No. 78A1081, dated June 4, 1999:
(1) Perform a DPV pressure check for leakage, and, if necessary,
(i) Replace the DPV assembly with a serviceable assembly and
then perform an operational check of the thrust reverser, or
(ii) Deactivate the thrust reverser in accordance with paragraph
2(B)(8)(a) of the Accomplishment Instructions of Middle River
Aircraft Systems ASB No. 78A1081, dated June 4, 1999, provided,
however, that within 10 days after deactivation the DPV is replaced
with a serviceable assembly and an operational check of the thrust
reverser is then performed.
(2) Replace the DPV assembly with a serviceable assembly and
then perform an operational check of the thrust reverser.
Serviceable DPV Assembly
(e) For the purpose of this AD, a serviceable DPV assembly is an
assembly that has accumulated zero time in service, or an assembly
that has accumulated zero time in service after having passed the
tests in the Middle River Aircraft Systems Component Maintenance
Manual GEK 85007 (78-31-51), Revision No. 6 or later, Directional
Pilot Solenoid Valve, Page Block 101, Testing and Troubleshooting,
or an assembly that has been successfully leak checked in accordance
with Paragraph 2.B. of the Accomplishment Instructions of Middle
River Aircraft Systems ASB No. 78A4022 or ASB No. 78A1081, both
dated June 4, 1999, as applicable, immediately prior to installation
on the airplane.
Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) Changes
(f) If one or both thrust reversers are deactivated, then prior
to further flight, revise the Limitations Section of the FAA-
approved AFM to include the following:
``The takeoff performance on wet and contaminated runways with a
thrust reverser(s) deactivated shall be determined in accordance
with Airbus Flight Operations Telex (FOT) 999.0066/99, dated June 9,
1999, as follows:
``For takeoff on wet runways, use performance data in accordance
with paragraph 4.1.1 of the FOT.
``For takeoff on contaminated runways, use performance data in
accordance with paragraph 4.1.2 of the FOT.''
(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of the FAA approved A300-600
and A310 Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL), dispatch with both
thrust reversers deactivated, for the purposes of complying with
this AD, is approved.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the FAA Approved A300-600
and A310 MMEL, airplanes which have deactivated one or both thrust
reversers in compliance with this AD, may not conduct operation on
contaminated runways, as defined in Airbus Flight Crew Operating
Manual Section 2.18.50, unless all components of the Main Wheel
Brakes, Green and Yellow Brake Systems, Antiskid System, Ground
Spoiler System, and all Spoiler and Speed Brake Surfaces, operate
Note 2: The ``FCOM'' referenced in Airbus FOT 999.0066/99, dated
June 9, 1999, is Airbus Industrie Flight Crew Operating Manual
(FCOM), Revision 27 for Airbus Model A310 series airplanes and
Revision 22 for A300-600 series airplanes. [The revision number is
indicated on the List of Effective Pages (LEP) of the FCOM.]
(g) Prior to further flight, revise the Emergency Procedures
Section of the FAA-approved AFM for Airbus Model A310 and A300-600
airplanes to include the following statement. This may be
accomplished by inserting a copy of this AD into the AFM. In the
event of any indication of an in-flight thrust reverser deployment
or a ``ENG REV UNLK'' ECAM caution message triggered in flight, this
procedure must be applied.
``Indicated In-flight Thrust Reverser Deployment Procedure:
[[Page 48280]]
2. FUEL LEVER (Affected Engine)--OFF
Note: Item 1 of the procedure, and if buffet or bank is
detected, items 2 and 3, should be accomplished immediately from
Note: Use recommended single engine landing configuration and
1.3Vs approach speed plus 10kt.
4. THROTTLE (Affected Engine)--KEEP AT IDLE
The ``Indicated In-flight Thrust Reverser Deployment Procedure''
listed above supersedes the ``ENG REV UNLK'' procedure of the
``Procedures Following Failure'' Section of the FAA approved AFM,
section number 4.02.00, page 1.''
Note 3: Notwithstanding procedures in the Procedures Following
Failure Section of the FAA approved AFM, displayed on the on-board
ECAM computer screen, published in the Airbus FCOM, or QRH, or
contained in FAA approved company checklists and/or procedures,
flightcrews operating A300-600 or A310 airplanes with one of more
thrust reverser activated, must follow the procedure of paragraph
(g) in the event of any indication of an in-flight thrust reverser
deployment triggered in flight.
Note 4: An in-flight thrust reverser deployment may be indicated
by master caution aural and visual warnings, and/or a REV UNLK
light, and/or an ``ENG REV UNLK'' ECAM caution message, and/or
airplane buffet or bank.
(h) An alternative method of compliance or adjustment of the
compliance time that provides an acceptable level of safety may be
used if approved by the Manager, Engine Certification Office (ECO).
Operators shall submit their requests through an appropriate FAA
Principal Maintenance Inspector, who may add comments and then send
it to the Manager, ECO.
Note 5: Information concerning the existence of approved
alternative methods of compliance with this AD, if any, may be
obtained from the ECO.
(i) Special flight permits may be issued in accordance with
sections 21.197 and 21.199 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (14
CFR 21.197 and 21.199) to operate the airplane to a location where
the requirements of this AD can be accomplished.
Incorporation by Reference
(j) The actions required by this AD shall be done in accordance
with the following service documents:
Document No. Pages Date
Middle River Aircraft Systems CF6- 1-16 June 4, 1999.
80A1/A3 ASB 78A4022.
Total pages: 16.
Middle River Aircraft Systems CF6- 1-15 June 4, 1999.
80C2A ASB 78A1081.
Total pages: 15.
This incorporation by reference was approved by the Director of the
Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part
51. Copies may be obtained from Middle River Aircraft Systems, Mail
Point 46, 103 Chesapeake Park Plaza, Baltimore, MD, 21220-4295,
attn: Product Support Engineering; telephone (410) 682-0093, fax
(410) 682-0100; and Airbus Industrie, 1 Rond Point Maurice Bellonte,
31707 Blagnac Cedex, France. Copies may be inspected at the FAA, New
England Region, Office of the Regional Counsel, 12 New England
Executive Park, Burlington, MA; or at the Office of the Federal
Register, 800 North Capitol Street, NW, suite 700, Washington, DC.
(k) This amendment becomes effective on September 24, 1999.
Issued in Burlington, Massachusetts, on October 26, 1999.
Jorge A. Fernandez,
Assistant Manager, Engine and Propeller Directorate, Aircraft
Certification Service.
[FR Doc. 99-22851 Filed 9-2-99; 8:45 am]