99-23038. Final Results of Expedited Sunset Reviews: Color Picture Tubes From Canada, Japan, the Republic of Korea, and Singapore  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 171 (Friday, September 3, 1999)]
    [Pages 48354-48357]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-23038]
    International Trade Administration
    Final Results of Expedited Sunset Reviews: Color Picture Tubes 
    From Canada, Japan, the Republic of Korea, and Singapore
    A-122-605, A-588-609, A-580-605, A-559-601]
    AGENCY: Import Administration, International Trade Administration, 
    Department of Commerce
    ACTION: Notice of Final Results of Expedited Sunset Reviews: Color 
    Picture Tubes from Canada, Japan, the Republic of Korea, and Singapore
    SUMMARY: On March 1, 1999, the Department of Commerce (``the 
    Department'') initiated sunset reviews of the antidumping duty orders 
    on color picture tubes (``CPTs'') from Canada, Japan, the Republic of 
    Korea, and Singapore (64 FR 9970) pursuant to section 751(c) of the 
    Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (``the Act''). On the basis of notices 
    of intent to participate and adequate substantive comments filed on 
    behalf of the domestic interested parties and inadequate response (in 
    these cases, no response) from respondent interested parties, the 
    Department determined to conduct expedited reviews. As a result of 
    these reviews, the Department finds that revocation of the antidumping 
    orders would be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of dumping 
    at the levels indicated in the Final Results of Review section of this 
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Darla D. Brown or Melissa G. Skinner, 
    Office of Policy for Import Administration, International Trade 
    Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th Street and 
    Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20230; telephone: (202) 482-
    3207 or (202) 482-1560, respectively.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: September 3, 1999.
    Statute and Regulations
        These reviews were conducted pursuant to sections 751(c) and 752 of 
    the Act. The Department's procedures for the conduct of sunset reviews 
    are set forth in Procedures for Conducting Five-year (``Sunset'') 
    Reviews of Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Orders, 63 FR 13516 
    (March 20, 1998) (``Sunset Regulations''). Guidance on methodological 
    or analytical issues relevant to the Department's conduct of sunset 
    reviews is set forth in the Department's Policy Bulletin 98:3--Policies 
    Regarding the Conduct of Five-year (``Sunset'') Reviews of Antidumping 
    and Countervailing Duty Orders; Policy Bulletin, 63 FR 18871 (April 16, 
    1998) (``Sunset Policy Bulletin'').
        The merchandise subject to these antidumping duty orders is color 
    picture tubes from Canada, Japan, the Republic of Korea (``Korea''), 
    and Singapore. The subject merchandise is defined as cathode ray tubes 
    suitable for use in the manufacture of color television receivers or 
    other color entertainment display devices intended for television 
    viewing. Where a CPT is shipped and imported together with all parts 
    necessary for assembly into a complete television receiver (i.e., as a 
    ``kit''), the CPT is excluded from the scope of these orders. In other 
    words, a kit and a fully assembled television are a separate class or 
    kind of merchandise from the CPT. Accordingly, the Department 
    determined that, when CPTs are shipped together with other parts as 
    television receiver kits, they are excluded from the scope of the 
    order. With respect to CPTs which are imported for customs purposes as 
    incomplete televison assemblies, we determined that these entries are 
    included within the scope of these investigations unless both of the 
    following criteria are met: (1) the CPT is ``physically integrated'' 
    with other television receiver components in such a manner as to 
    constitute one inseparable amalgam and (2) the CPT does not constitute 
    a significant portion of the cost or value of the items being 
    imported.1 Such merchandise was classifiable under 
    Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) item numbers 8540.11.00.10, 
    8540.11.00.20, 8540.11.00.30, 8540.11.00.40, 8540.11.00.50 and 
    8540.11.00.60. However, due to changes in the HTS, the subject 
    merchandise is currently classifiable under HTS items 8540.11.10, 
    8540.11.24, 8540.11.28, 8540.11.30, 8540.11.44, 8540.11.48, and 
    8540.11.50. The HTS item numbers are provided for convenience and 
    customs purposes only. The written description remains dispositive.
        \1\ See Antidumping Duty Order and Amendment to Final 
    Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value; Color Picture Tubes 
    From Japan, 53 FR 430 (January 7, 1988).
        These reviews cover imports from all manufacturers and exporters of 
    CPTs from Canada, Japan, Korea, and Singapore.
    History of the Orders
        The Department published its final affirmative determination of 
    sales at less than fair value (``LTFV'') with respect to imports of 
    CPTs from Canada on November 18, 1987 (52 FR 44161). In this 
    determination, the Department published a weighted-average dumping 
    margin for one company as well as an ``all others'' rate. These margins 
    were subsequently amended when the Department issued its antidumping 
    duty order on CPTs from Canada on January 7, 1998 (53 FR 
    429).2 The Department has conducted no administrative 
    reviews of this order since its imposition. The order remains in effect 
    for all manufacturers and exporters of the subject merchandise from 
        \2\ See id.
        On November 18, 1987, the Department issued its affirmative final 
    determination of sales at LTFV regarding CPTs from Japan (52 FR 44171). 
    In this determination, the Department published weighted-average 
    dumping margins for four companies and an ``all others'' rate. Two of 
    the company-specific margins as well as the ``all others'' margin were 
    later amended when the antidumping order on CPTs from Japan was 
    published in the Federal Register on January 7, 1988 (53 FR 430). Since 
    the order was issued, the Department has conducted two administrative 
    reviews with respect to CPTs from Japan.3 In both the first 
    and second administrative reviews, the Department calculated one 
    company-specific margin and an ``all others'' rate. The order remains 
    in effect for all manufacturers and exporters of the subject 
    merchandise from Japan.
        \3\ See Color Picture Tubes from Japan; Final Results of 
    Antidumping Duty Administrative Review, 55 FR 37915 (September 14, 
    1990), and Color Picture Tubes from Japan; Final Results of 
    Antidumping Duty Administrative Review, 62 FR 34201 (June 25, 1997).
        The Department published its affirmative final determination of 
    [[Page 48355]]
    at LTFV with regard to CPTs from Korea on November 18, 1987 (52 FR 
    44186). In this determination, the Department published weighted-
    average dumping margin for one company as well as an ``all other'' 
    rate. The antidumping duty order was issued on January 7, 1988 (53 FR 
    431). The Department has since conducted one administrative review of 
    the order with respect to CPTs from Korea.4 In this review, 
    the Department calculated two company-specific margins, one of which 
    was later amended, as well as an ``all others'' rate. The order remains 
    in effect for all Korean manufacturers and exporters of the subject 
        \4\ See Color Picture Tubes from South Korea; Final Results of 
    Antidumping Duty Administrative Review, 56 FR 19084 (April 25, 
    1991), as amended by Color Picture Tubes from South Korea; Amended 
    Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review, 56 FR 29215 
    (June 26, 1991).
        On November 18, 1987, the Department issued its final affirmative 
    determination of sales at LTFV with respect to imports of CPTs from 
    Singapore (52 FR 44190). In this determination, the Department 
    published a weighted-average dumping margin for one company as well as 
    an ``all others'' rate. Since the imposition of the order, no 
    administrative reviews of the antidumping order on CPTs Singapore have 
    been conducted. The order remains in effect for all manufacturers and 
    exporters of the subject merchandise from Singapore.
        On March 7, 1991, the Department published a negative final 
    determination of circumvention of the antidumping duty orders on CPTs 
    from Canada, Japan, Korea, and Singapore (56 FR 9667).
        On March 1, 1999, the Department initiated sunset reviews of the 
    antidumping duty orders on CPTs from Canada, Japan, Korea, and 
    Singapore (64 FR 9970), pursuant to section 751(c) of the Act. The 
    Department received Notices of Intent to Participate, in each of the 
    four sunset reviews, on behalf of Philips Display Components Company, 
    Thomson Americas Tube Operations, the International Brotherhood of 
    Electrical Workers and the International Union of Electronic, 
    Electrical, Salaried, Machine & Furniture Workers (AFL-CIO/CLC) 
    (collectively, ``domestic interested parties''), on March 16, 1999, 
    within the deadline specified in section 351.218(d)(1)(i) of the Sunset 
    Regulations. Pursuant to sections 771(9)(C) and (D) of the Act, the 
    domestic interested parties claimed interested party status as U.S. 
    manufacturers and unions whose workers are engaged in the production of 
    domestic like products. Moreover, the domestic interested parties 
    stated that both the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 
    and the International Union of Electronic, Electrical, Salaried, 
    Machine & Furniture Workers (AFL-CIO/CLC) were petitioners in the 
    original investigation. The Department received complete substantive 
    responses from the domestic interested parties on March 31, 1999, 
    within the 30-day deadline specified in the Sunset Regulations under 
    section 351.218(d)(3)(i). On March 22, 1999, the Department received an 
    untimely notice of intent to participate on behalf of Sharp Electronics 
    Corporation in the case involving CPTs from Japan. We did not receive a 
    substantive response from any respondent interested party to these 
    proceedings. On March 30, 1999, the Department received a waiver of 
    participation on behalf of the Electronic Industries Association of 
    Korea. As a result, pursuant to 19 CFR 351.218(e)(1)(ii)(C), the 
    Department determined to conduct expedited, 120-day reviews of these 
        The Department determined that the sunset reviews of the 
    antidumping duty orders on CPTs from Canada, Japan, Korea, and 
    Singapore are extraordinarily complicated. In accordance with section 
    751(c)(5)(C)(v) of the Act, the Department may treat a review as 
    extraordinarily complicated if it is a review of a transition order 
    (i.e., an order in effect on January 1, 1995). (See section 
    751(c)(6)(C) of the Act.) Therefore, on July 6, 1999, the Department 
    extended the time limit for completion of the final results of these 
    reviews until not later than August 30, 1999, in accordance with 
    section 751(c)(5)(B) of the Act.5
        \5\ See Solid Urea From Armenia, Solid Urea From Belarus, Solid 
    Urea From Estonia, Solid Urea From Lithuania, Solid Urea From 
    Romania, Solid Urea From Russia, Solid Urea From Tajikistan, Solid 
    Urea From Turkmenistan, Solid Urea From Ukraine, Solid Urea From 
    Uzbekistan, Color Picture Tubes From Canada, Color Picture Tubes 
    From Japan, Color Picture Tubes From Korea (South), Color Picture 
    Tubes From Singapore: Extension of Time Limit for Final Results of 
    Five-Year Reviews, 64 FR 36333 (July 6, 1999).
        In accordance with section 751(c)(1) of the Act, the Department 
    conducted these reviews to determine whether revocation of the 
    antidumping duty orders would be likely to lead to continuation or 
    recurrence of dumping. Section 752(c) of the Act provides that, in 
    making these determinations, the Department shall consider the 
    weighted-average dumping margins determined in the investigation and 
    subsequent reviews and the volume of imports of the subject merchandise 
    for the period before and the period after the issuance of the 
    antidumping order, and shall provide to the International Trade 
    Commission (``the Commission'') the magnitude of the margins of dumping 
    likely to prevail if the orders were revoked.
        The Department's determinations concerning continuation or 
    recurrence of dumping and the magnitude of the margins are discussed 
    below. In addition, the domestic interested parties' comments with 
    respect to continuation or recurrence of dumping and the magnitude of 
    the margins are addressed within the respective sections below.
    Continuation or Recurrence of Dumping
        Drawing on the guidance provided in the legislative history 
    accompanying the Uruguay Round Agreements Act (``URAA''), specifically 
    the Statement of Administrative Action (``the SAA''), H.R. Doc. No. 
    103-316, vol. 1 (1994), the House Report, H.R. Rep. No. 103-826, pt.1 
    (1994), and the Senate Report, S. Rep. No. 103-412 (1994), the 
    Department issued its Sunset Policy Bulletin providing guidance on 
    methodological and analytical issues, including the bases for 
    likelihood determinations. In its Sunset Policy Bulletin, the 
    Department indicated that determinations of likelihood will be made on 
    an order-wide basis (see section II.A.2). In addition, the Department 
    indicated that it normally will determine that revocation of an 
    antidumping duty order is likely to lead to continuation or recurrence 
    of dumping where (a) dumping continued at any level above de minimis 
    after the issuance of the order, (b) imports of the subject merchandise 
    ceased after the issuance of the order, or (c) dumping was eliminated 
    after the issuance of the order and import volumes for the subject 
    merchandise declined significantly (see section II.A.3).
        In addition to considering the guidance on likelihood cited above, 
    section 751(c)(4)(B) of the Act provides that the Department shall 
    determine that revocation of the order would be likely to lead to 
    continuation or recurrence of dumping where a respondent interested 
    party waives its participation in the sunset review. In these instant 
    reviews, the Department did not receive a substantive response from any 
    respondent interested party. Pursuant to section 351.218(d)(2)(iii) of 
    the Sunset Regulations, this constitutes a waiver of
    [[Page 48356]]
    participation. Further, we received a waiver of participation from the 
    Electronic Industries Association of Korea.
        In their substantive responses, the domestic interested parties 
    argue that the substantial decline in the volume of imports of CPTs 
    from the subject countries following the issuance of the orders 
    demonstrates the inability of the producers from subject countries to 
    sell in the U.S. market in any significant volume without dumping. The 
    domestic interested parties argue further that revocation of the 
    antidumping duty orders would likely lead to a continuation or 
    recurrence of dumping by Canadian, Japanese, Korean, and Singaporean 
    producers/manufacturers. They support this argument with evidence in 
    the form of tables showing that, since imposition of the orders, 
    respondents have generally reduced their sales to the United States 
    (see March 31, 1999, Substantive Response of the Domestic Interested 
    Parties at Attachment 2). Therefore, they assert, were the antidumping 
    orders revoked, it is likely that Canadian, Japanese, Korean, and 
    Singaporean producers would need to dump in order to sell their subject 
    color pictures tubes in any significant quantities in the United States 
    (see id. at 17).
        With respect to subject merchandise from Canada, the domestic 
    interested parties maintain that in the year the order was imposed, 
    1988, imports from Canada fell from approximately 219,000 units the 
    year before to just over 80,000 units (see id. at 19 and Attachment 2). 
    They also argue that, in the three years following the imposition of 
    the order (1988-1990), average import volumes of the subject 
    merchandise were almost 80 percent lower than in the three years 
    preceding the final determination of sales at LTFV (1984-1986) (see id. 
    at 18-19).
        Moreover, the domestic interested parties point out that dumping 
    margins above de minimis remain in place for one Canadian company.
        According to the domestic interested parties, the imposition of the 
    antidumping duty order had a dramatic effect on subject import volumes 
    from Japan. They indicate that in the years following the imposition of 
    the order, imports of the subject merchandise from Japan declined by 
    almost 70 percent. Moreover, they assert, import volumes of the subject 
    CPTs from Japan have remained low relative to the pre-order levels. The 
    domestic interested parties also argue that dumping margins remain in 
    place for at least one Japanese producer of the subject merchandise. In 
    sum, the domestic interested parties maintain, the dramatic decline in 
    import volumes following the imposition of the order, in conjunction 
    with the fact that only one Japanese respondent has ever requested an 
    administrative review of the original dumping margins, provides clear 
    evidence that the Japanese producers are incapable of selling at fair 
    value in the U.S. market and that revocation of the current order would 
    result in continued dumping and massive increases in Japanese import 
    volumes (see id. at 20).
        With respect to imports of the subject merchandise from Korea, the 
    domestic interested parties assert that imports declined significantly 
    after the imposition of the order. In fact, the domestic interested 
    parties argue, post-order imports from Korea averaged just 2.9 percent 
    of their pre-order levels (see id. at 21). Furthermore, the domestic 
    interested parties argue, since 1988, imports of CPTs from Korea have 
    been virtually non-existent and annual volumes have never risen to even 
    five percent of their pre-order levels. Therefore, the domestic 
    interested parties assert, the minimal volumes of imports of CPTs in 
    the period since the order was imposed indicate that the Koreans are 
    incapable of selling the subject merchandise in the United States at 
    fair value (see id. at 21).
        The domestic interested parties state that imports of the subject 
    CPTs from Singapore also declined significantly following the 
    imposition of the order. In fact, the domestic interested parties 
    argue, while U.S. imports from Singapore averaged approximately 139,000 
    units annually in the three years prior to the imposition of the order 
    (1984-1986), in the three years following the imposition of the order 
    (1988-1990) such imports averaged just 810 units annually (see id. at 
    21 and Attachment 2).
        As discussed in section II.A.3 of the Sunset Policy Bulletin, the 
    SAA at 890, and the House Report at 63-64, if companies continue to 
    dump with the discipline of an order in place, the Department may 
    reasonably infer that dumping would continue if the discipline were 
    removed. As discussed above, dumping margins above de minimis continue 
    to exist for shipments of the subject merchandise from Canada, Japan, 
    Korea, and Singapore.
        Consistent with section 752(c) of the Act, the Department also 
    considers the volume of imports before and after issuance of the order. 
    As outlined in each respective section above, the domestic interested 
    parties argue that a significant decline in the volume of imports of 
    the subject merchandise from Canada, Japan, Korea, and Singapore since 
    the imposition of the orders provides further evidence that dumping 
    would continue if the orders were revoked. In their substantive 
    responses, the domestic interested parties provided statistics 
    demonstrating the decline in import volumes of CPTs from Canada, Japan, 
    Korea, and Singapore (see March 31, 1999, Substantive Response of the 
    Domestic Interested Parties at Attachment 2). Using the Department's 
    statistics, including IM146 reports, on imports of the subject 
    merchandise from these countries, we agree with the domestic interested 
    parties' assertions that imports of the subject merchandise fell 
    sharply after the orders were imposed and, in most cases, never 
    regained pre-order volumes.
        As noted above, in conducting its sunset reviews, the Department 
    considers the weighted-average dumping margins and volume of imports 
    when determining whether revocation of an antidumping duty order would 
    lead to the continuation or recurrence of dumping. Based on this 
    analysis, the Department finds that the existence of dumping margins 
    above de minimis levels and a reduction in export volumes after the 
    issuance of the orders is highly probative of the likelihood of 
    continuation or recurrence of dumping. A deposit rate above a de 
    minimis level continues in effect for exports of the subject 
    merchandise by all known Canadian, Japanese, Korean, and Singaporean 
    manufacturers/exporters. Therefore, given that dumping has continued 
    over the life of the orders, import volumes declined significantly 
    after the imposition of the orders, respondent parties waived 
    participation, and absent argument and evidence to the contrary, the 
    Department determines that dumping is likely to continue if the orders 
    were revoked.
    Magnitude of the Margin
        In the Sunset Policy Bulletin, the Department stated that it 
    normally will provide to the Commission the margin that was determined 
    in the final determination in the original investigation. Further, for 
    companies not specifically investigated or for companies that did not 
    begin shipping until after the order was issued, the Department 
    normally will provide a
    [[Page 48357]]
    margin based on the ``all others'' rate from the investigation. (See 
    section II.B.1 of the Sunset Policy Bulletin.) Exceptions to this 
    policy include the use of a more recently calculated margin, where 
    appropriate, and consideration of duty absorption determinations. (See 
    sections II.B.2 and 3 of the Sunset Policy Bulletin.) We note that, to 
    date, the Department has not issued any duty absorption findings in any 
    of these four cases.
        In their substantive responses, the domestic interested parties 
    recommended that, consistent with the Sunset Policy Bulletin, the 
    Department provide to the Commission the company-specific margins from 
    the original investigations. Moreover, regarding companies not reviewed 
    in the original investigation, the domestic interested parties 
    suggested that the Department report the ``all others'' rates included 
    in the original investigations.
        The Department agrees with the domestic interested parties. The 
    Department finds that the margins calculated in the original 
    investigation are probative of the behavior of Canadian, Japanese, 
    Korean, and Singaporean producers/exporters if the orders were revoked 
    as they are the only margins which reflect their behavior absent the 
    discipline of the order. Therefore, the Department will report to the 
    Commission the company-specific and all others rates from the original 
    investigations as contained in the Final Results of Review section of 
    this notice.
    Final Results of Review
        As a result of these reviews, the Department finds that revocation 
    of the antidumping orders would likely lead to continuation or 
    recurrence of dumping at the margins listed below:
                       Manufacturer/exporter                      (percent)
    Mitsubishi Electronics Industries Canada, Inc..............         0.63
    All Others.................................................         0.63
    Hitachi, Ltd...............................................        22.29
    Matsushita Electronics Corporation.........................        27.46
    Mitsubishi Electric Corporation............................         1.05
    Toshiba Corporation........................................        33.50
    All Others.................................................        27.93
    Samsung Electron Devices Company, Ltd......................         1.91
    All Others.................................................         1.91
    Hitachi Electronic Devices, Pte., Ltd......................         5.33
    All Others.................................................         5.33
        This notice serves as the only reminder to parties subject to 
    administrative protective order (``APO'') of their responsibility 
    concerning the disposition of proprietary information disclosed under 
    APO in accordance with 19 CFR 351.305 of the Department's regulations. 
    Timely notification of return/destruction of APO materials or 
    conversion to judicial protective order is hereby requested. Failure to 
    comply with the regulations and the terms of an APO is a sanctionable 
        These five-year (``sunset'') reviews and notices are in accordance 
    with sections 751(c), 752, and 777(i)(1) of the Act.
        Dated: August 30, 1999.
    Robert S. LaRussa,
    Assistant Secretary for Import Administration.
    [FR Doc. 99-23038 Filed 9-2-99; 8:45 am]

Document Information

Effective Date:
International Trade Administration
Entry Type:
Notice of Final Results of Expedited Sunset Reviews: Color Picture Tubes from Canada, Japan, the Republic of Korea, and Singapore
Document Number:
September 3, 1999.
48354-48357 (4 pages)
PDF File: