98-26157. Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records; Amendment  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 189 (Wednesday, September 30, 1998)]
    [Pages 52269-52273]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-26157]
    Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records; Amendment
    AGENCY: Appraisal Subcommittee, Federal Financial Institutions 
    Examination Council.
    ACTION: Notice to amend record system and routine uses.
    SUMMARY: The Appraisal Subcommittee of the Federal Financial 
    Institutions Examination Council (``ASC'') proposes to amend its system 
    of records notice regarding the ``National Registry of State Certified 
    and Licensed Appraisers'' (``National Registry'') under the Privacy Act 
    of 1974, as amended (5 U.S.C. 552a)
    [[Page 52270]]
    and the routine uses of the information collected.
    DATES: This action will be effective without further notice on October 
    30, 1998, unless comments are received that would result in a contrary 
    ADDRESSES: Send comments to Marc L. Weinberg, General Counsel, by U.S. 
    Mail at Appraisal Subcommittee; 2100 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Suite 
    200; Washington, DC 20037, or by Internet E-mail at marcw1@asc.gov.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Marc L. Weinberg, General Counsel; 
    Appraisal Subcommittee, 2100 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Suite 200; 
    Washington, DC 20037.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The ASC's ``notice of new system records'' 
    regarding the National Registry was published at 57 FR 11084 (April 1, 
    1992). Copies of this notice are available from the address above. The 
    ASC proposes to amend this notice of new system records.
        The proposed amendments are not within the purview of subsection 
    (r) of the Privacy Act, as amended, which would require the submission 
    of a new or altered system report for each system. The specific changes 
    to the records system being amended are set forth below, followed by 
    the notice as amended, published in its entirety.
        The proposed amendments are the result of the National Registry 
    ``redesign project,'' (``Project''), which has had as its central goal 
    making publicly available to the greatest extent possible National 
    Registry information via the Internet. Towards that end, the ASC, in 
    July 1997, gave final approval to the Project, and, on September 22, 
    1997, approved amendments to ASC Policy Statement 8, National Registry 
    of State Certified and Licensed Appraisers. In addition, the ASC issued 
    letters to State appraiser regulatory agency officials on July 31, 
    September 26, and September 30, 1997, describing the operational 
    details of the Project.
        As a result of these actions, since early 1998, virtually all 
    information contained in the National Registry has been made available 
    to the public at no cost through the ASC's Internet Web site, 
    www.asc.gov. Anyone with Internet access--homebuyers and sellers, 
    financial institutions, State appraiser regulatory agencies, and 
    Federal and State agencies--can retrieve, by virtually any data element 
    in the National Registry database, the information contained in the 
    database. Therefore, a remotely located bank with Internet access can 
    almost immediately determine the name, address, and telephone number of 
    a State certified real estate appraiser located near the bank or 
    located near the property to be appraised. Homebuyers can download a 
    listing of all State licensed appraisers or State certified residential 
    appraisers located nearby. And, a State appraiser regulatory agency 
    (``State agency'') can determine whether an out-of-State appraiser 
    seeking a temporary practice permit within the State, in fact, is a 
    certified or licensed appraiser, in good standing, in his or her home 
    State. Finally, anyone can determine whether an appraiser's license or 
    certification is currently suspended, revoked or has been voluntarily 
    surrendered in lieu of further State disciplinary action.
        Only two National Registry data elements are protected by the 
    Privacy Act of 1974 and are not generally releasable, through the 
    Internet or otherwise. These elements are: (1) The National Registry 
    Number (which is the appraiser's Social Security Number, where 
    available, or an ASC randomly generated number, where it is not 
    available); and (2) a symbol indicating that a State agency has ordered 
    a final disciplinary acting against an appraiser resulting in something 
    other than a suspension, revocation or voluntary surrender in lieu of 
    further State action, e.g., additional education or a monetary fine. 
    These data elements are available only to a very limited number of 
    persons and situations, as outlined below.
        The ASC has taken steps to ensure that the public posting of 
    Registry information on the Internet will not violate State information 
    protection laws. During the planning and implementation stages of the 
    Project, the ASC worked with the States to ensure that any Privacy Act 
    issues were discussed and resolved. For example, a number of States 
    initially were very concerned about providing the ASC National Registry 
    Numbers, which ideally are Social Security Numbers. In written 
    communications and discussions, the ASC informed the States that these 
    numbers only would be available to ASC members and staff and State-
    specified officials whose access would be ID and password protected. In 
    some instances, State agencies specifically notified their certified or 
    licensed appraisers about this use of the numbers and requested their 
    consent to that use. The ASC has assigned unique National Registry 
    numbers to persons not consenting to this use. Moreover, to further 
    protect those numbers, the ASC has digitally encrypted them. Finally, 
    the ASC's policy has been to honor State personal information 
    protection laws. If a State were to inform us that a certain data 
    element is private within the State, that element would not be made 
    available on our Web site.
        These changes not only significantly enhance the usefulness of the 
    National Registry, consistent with the purposes of Title XI of the 
    Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989, 
    as amended, 12 U.S.C. 3331-3351, they also greatly facilitate the 
    ability of persons whose Privacy Act interests are affected by this 
    System of Records, i.e., State certified or licensed real estate 
    appraisers, to exercise their rights under the Privacy Act. They can 
    check immediately whether information pertaining to them exists in the 
    system of records, can determine whether that information is accurate, 
    and can request a correction of that information, if necessary.
        All publicly available National Registry data elements will 
    continue to be releasable to persons who do not have Internet access. 
    Filing a Freedom of Information Act (``FOIA'') request with the ASC 
    under ASC regulations at 12 CFR part 1102, subpart D, however, still 
    will be needed.
        Persons who do not have access to the Internet are not affected 
    significantly by these changes. They continue to use FOIA and the 
    Privacy Act (and the ASC respective implementing regulations, 12 CFR 
    Part 1102, subparts D and C) to meet their information needs regarding 
    this system of records.
    System name:
        National registry of State certified and licensed appraisers.
    * * * * *
    Categories of records in the system:
        Delete entry and replace with ``State abbreviation; national 
    registry number; State license number; license action; previous license 
    number; last name; first name; middle initial; name suffix; date of 
    birth; street (mailing); city (mailing); State (mailing); zip 
    (mailing); company name; telephone; street (physical); city (physical); 
    State (physical); zip (physical); county name; FIPS county code; 
    status; status date; license type; previous license type; effective 
    date; expiration date; previous expiration date; amount paid; 
    transaction date; years paid; classification; EDI capability; 
    disciplinary code; effective date; ending date; release to public; 
    release to government.''
    * * * * *
    [[Page 52271]]
    Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including categories 
    of users and the purposes of such uses:
    * * * * *
        Delete entry ``(10)'' and replace with ``(10) Using traditional, 
    non-computerized methods, the information may be disclosed to Federal, 
    State or local government agency personnel and duly authorized officers 
    or employees of a financial institution, as that term is defined in 
    section 1121(7) of Title XI of the Financial Institutions Reform, 
    Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989, 12 U.S.C. 3350(7), where records 
    in this system of records pertain to a person seeking to qualify, or 
    remain qualified, as a staff or fee appraiser eligible to perform an 
    appraisal in connection with a federally related transaction.''
    * * * * *
        Add new entry ``(11) All information in this system of records, 
    except the national registry number and the disciplinary code relating 
    to final disciplinary actions resulting in less than suspensions, 
    revocations or voluntary surrenders of credentials in lieu of further 
    State disciplinary action (collectively, `protected data'), may be 
    disclosed to any member of the public through inquiry of the ASC's 
    Internet Web site. All information, with no exceptions, may be 
    disclosed to authorized Federal and State agency officials through 
    inquiry of the ASC's Internet Web site.''
        Delete entry and replace with ``Paper records in file drawers, 
    computer diskettes, removable computer media (such as `zip disks'), 
    computer hard disk drives, magnetic tapes, and computer memory. The 
    public portion of the information also is stored in digital form at the 
    data processing facilities of National Technical Information Services, 
    Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA.''
        Delete entry and replace with ``National Registry information on 
    the ASC's Web site may be retrieved by any single data element or by 
    any combination of data elements listed above in `Categories of Records 
    in the System,' except for protected data. Protected data cannot be 
    retrieved by anyone other than persons authorized in the `Routine Uses' 
    section above. All information, except for protected data, can be 
    retrieved by anyone by using preformatted or custom queries through the 
    ASC's Internet Web site. Only authorized ASC members and staff and 
    State appraiser regulatory agency `Authorized Officials' can retrieve 
    protected data through the ASC Web site. For persons without Internet 
    access to the ASC's Web site, information may be retrieved by following 
    the procedures in 12 CFR part 1102, subpart C.''
        Delete entry and replace with: ``Records submitted by State 
    appraiser regulatory agencies are kept in limited access areas during 
    duty hours and in locked office areas at all other times. These records 
    are available only to those persons whose official duties require such 
    access. Internet access to protected data is limited by using `Secure 
    Socket Layer' technology and by the ASC assigning user identifications 
    and passwords to `Authorized Officials' designated by State appraiser 
    regulatory organizations and ASC members and staff. No one, other than 
    duly authorized ASC personnel and other persons who are authorized, 
    from time to time, by the System Manager to assist the ASC in 
    maintaining the ASC Web site, can edit or otherwise change the 
    underlying database records contained in the system of records.''
    * * * * *
    System manager(s) and address:
        Delete entry and replace with: ``Executive Director, ASC, 2100 
    Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20037.''
    Notification procedure:
        Delete entry and replace with: ``Individuals without Internet 
    access, who are seeking to determine whether this system of records 
    contains information about themselves, seeking access to records about 
    themselves in this system of records, or contesting the content of 
    records about themselves, must follow the procedures described in 12 
    CFR part 1102, subpart C.
        Individuals with Internet access at any time can determine almost 
    immediately whether this system of records contains information about 
    themselves and whether the information is accurate (except for 
    protected data). Therefore, persons with Internet access do not need to 
    notify the ASC regarding their seeking to determine whether this system 
    of records contains information about themselves or seeking access to 
    records about themselves in this system of records. Notifications under 
    12 CFR part 1102, subpart C, however, are needed to obtain information 
    about protected data in the system of records and to contest the 
    content of any records in the system of records.''
    Record access procedure:
        Delete entry and replace with: ``Records, other than those 
    pertaining to protected data, may be accessed by anyone, at any time, 
    via the ASC's Internet Web site. Protected data are not publicly 
    accessible; access is limited only to State agency `Authorized 
    Officials' and other State and Federal agency officials consistent with 
    the `routine uses' stated above. For persons without Internet access, 
    the procedure for accessing records in this system of records is set 
    out in 12 CFR part 1102, subpart C.''
    Contesting record procedures:
        Delete and replace with: ``Notifications under 12 CFR part 1102, 
    subpart C are needed to contest the content of any records in the 
    system of records.''
    * * * * *
        National Registry of State Certified and Licensed Appraisers.
        Appraisal Subcommittee of the Federal Financial Institutions 
    Examination Council, 2100 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 200, 
    Washington, DC. 20037.
        Individuals who are, or have been, licensed or certified by a State 
    to perform appraisals in federally related transactions.
        State abbreviation; national registry number; State license number; 
    license action; previous license number; last name; first name; middle 
    initial; name suffix; date of birth; street (mailing); city (mailing); 
    State (mailing); zip (mailing); company name; telephone; street 
    (physical); city (physical); State (physical); zip (physical); county 
    name; FIPS county code; status; status date; license type; previous 
    license type; effective date; expiration date; previous expiration 
    date; amount paid; transaction date; years paid; classification; EDI 
    capability; disciplinary code; effective date; ending date; release to 
    public; release to government.
        Sections 1103(a)(4) and 1109(a)(1), Title XI of the Financial 
    Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989, 12 U.S.C. 
    3332(a)(4) and 3338(a)(1).
    [[Page 52272]]
        (1) The information in the system may be used by the ASC in any 
    administrative proceeding before the ASC or in any other action or 
    proceeding in which the ASC or its staff participates as a party or the 
    ASC participates as amicus curaie any may be available to the extent 
    required by law in response to a subpoena issued in the course of a 
    proceeding in which the ASC is not a party;
        (2) In any case in which records in the system indicate a violation 
    or a potential violation of law, whether civil, criminal or regulatory 
    in nature, whether arising from general statute, or by regulation, rule 
    or order issued pursuant thereto, the relevant records may be referred 
    to the approriate agency, whether Federal, State or local, charged with 
    enforcing or implementing the Statute, regulation, rule or order.
        (3) The information may be given or shown to anyone during the 
    course of an ASC investigation if the ASC staff has reason to believe 
    that disclosure to the person will further the investigation. 
    Information also may be disclosed to Federal, State or local 
    authorities in order to obtain information or records relevant to an 
    ASC investigation;
        (4) The information may be given to independent auditors or other 
    private firms with which the ASC has contracted to carry out an 
    independent audit, or to collate, aggregate or otherwise refine and 
    process data collected in the system of records. These contractors will 
    be required to maintain Privacy Act safeguards with respect to such 
        (5) The information may be disclosed to a Federal, State or local 
    government agency where records in this system of records pertain to an 
    application for employment or to a current employer of that agency 
    where the records are relevant and necessary to an agency decision 
    concerning the hiring or retention of an employee or disciplinary or 
    other administrative action concerning an employee;
        (6) The information may be disclosed to a Federal, State or local 
    government agency in response with the issuance of a security 
    clearance, the letting of a contract, or the issuance of a license, 
    grant or other benefit bythe requesting agency, to the extent that the 
    information is relevant and necessary to the requesting agency's 
    decision in the matter;
        (7) The information may be disclosed to the Department of Justice 
    or other counsel to the ASC for legal advice and also when the 
    defendant in litigation is: (a) Any component of the ASC or any member 
    or employee of the ASC in his or her official capacity; or (b) the 
    United States. The information also may be disclosed to counsel for any 
    ASC member or employee in litigation or anticipated litigation in his 
    or her individual capacity where the ASC or the Department of Justice 
    agrees to represent such employee or authorizes representation by 
        (8) The information may be disclosed to a Congressional office in 
    response to an inquiry made at the request of the individual to whom 
    the record pertains;
        (9) The information may be disclosed to the news media in 
    accordance with guidelines contained in 28 CFR. 50.2 concerning the 
    ASC's functions relating to civil, administrative and criminal 
        (10) Using traditional, non-computerized methods, the information 
    may be disclosed to Federal, State or local government agency personnel 
    and duly authorized officers or employees of a financial institution, 
    as that term is defined in section 1121(7) of Title XI of the Financial 
    Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989, 12 U.S.C. 
    3350(7), where records in this system of records pertain to a person 
    seeking to qualify, or remain qualified, as a staff or fee appraiser 
    eligible to perform an appraisal in connection with a federally related 
        (11) All information in this system of records, except the national 
    registry number and the disciplinary code relating to final 
    disciplinary actions resulting in less than suspensions, revocations or 
    voluntary surrenders of credentials in lieu of further State 
    disciplinary action (collectively, `protected data'), may be disclosed 
    or any member of the public through inquiry of the ASC's Internet Web 
    site. All information, with no exceptions, may be disclosed to 
    authorized Federal and State agency officials through inquiry of the 
    ASC's Internet Web site.
        Paper records in file drawers, computer diskettes, removable 
    computer media (such as ``zip disk''), computer hard disk drives 
    magnetic tapes, and computer memory. The public portion of the 
    information also is stored in digital form at the data processing 
    facilities of National Technical Information Services, Department of 
    Commerce, Springfield, VA.
        National Registry information on the ASC's Web site may be 
    retrieved by any single data element or by any combination of data 
    elements listed above in ``Categories of Records in the Systems,'' 
    except for protected data. Protected data cannot be retrieved by anyone 
    other than persons authorized in the ``Routine Uses'' section above. 
    All information, except for protected data, cna be retrieved by anyone 
    by using preformatted or custom queries through the ASC's Internet Web 
    site. Only authorized ASC members and staff and State appraiser 
    regulatory agency ``authorized Officials'' can retrieve protected data 
    through the ASC Web site. For persons without Internet access to the 
    ASC's Web site, information may be retrieved by following the 
    procedures in CFR part 1102, subpart C.
        Records submitted by State appraiser regulatory agencies are kept 
    in limited access areas during duty hours and in locked office areas at 
    all other times. These records are available only to those persons 
    whose official duties require such access. Internet access to protected 
    data is limited by using `Secure Socket Layer' technology and by the 
    ASC assigning user identifications and passwords to ``Authorized 
    Officials'' designated by State appraiser regulatory organizations and 
    ASC members and staff. No one, other than duly authoized ASC personnel 
    and other persons who are authorized, from time to time, by the System 
    Manager to assist the ASC in maintaining the ASC Web site, can edit or 
    otherwise change the underlying database records contained in the 
    system of records.
        System records are retained by the ASC indefinitely.
        Executive Director, ASC, 2100 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 200, 
    Washington, DC 20037.
        Individuals without Internet access, who are seeking to determine 
    whether this system of records contains information about themselves, 
    seeking access to records about themselves in this system of records, 
    or contesting the content of records about themselves, must follow the 
    procedures described in 12 CFR part 1102, subpart C.
        Individuals with Internet access at any time can determine almost 
    immediately whether this system of records contains information about
    [[Page 52273]]
    themselves and whether the information is accurate (except for 
    protected data). Therefore, persons with Internet access do not need to 
    notify the ASC regarding their seeking to determine whether this system 
    of records contains information about themselves or seeking access to 
    records about themselves in this system of records. Notifications under 
    12 CFR part 1102, subpart C, however, are needed to obtain information 
    about protected data in the system of records and to contest the 
    content of any records in the system of records.
        Records, other than those pertaining to protected data, may be 
    accessed by anyone, at any time, via the ASC's Internet Wed site. 
    Protected data are not publicly accessible; access is limited only to 
    State agency ``Authorized Officials'' and other State and Federal 
    agency officials consistent with the ``routine uses'' stated above. For 
    persons without Internet access, the procedure for accessing records in 
    this system of records is set out in 12 CFR part 1102, subpart C.
        Notifications under 12 CFR part 1102, subpart C are needed to 
    contest the content of any records in the system of records.
        Information in these records is supplied by State appraiser 
    regulatory agencies. These agencies gather the information from 
    individuals seeking to become State licensed or State certified 
    appraisers, individuals seeking to renew their licenses or 
    certifications, or qualified individuals seeking authority from an 
    agency to perform appraisals in federally related transactions outside 
    of their State of licensure or certification on a temporary basis.
        Dated: September 24, 1998.
        By the Appraisal Subcommittee of the Federal Financial 
    Institutions Examination Council.
    Ben Henson,
    Executive Director.
    [FR Doc. 98-26157 Filed 9-29-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6210-01-M

Document Information

Effective Date:
Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council
Entry Type:
Notice to amend record system and routine uses.
Document Number:
This action will be effective without further notice on October 30, 1998, unless comments are received that would result in a contrary determination.
52269-52273 (5 pages)
PDF File: