99-25016. Revised Land and Resource Management Plan, Uinta National Forest, Utah  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 189 (Thursday, September 30, 1999)]
    [Pages 52766-52771]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-25016]
    Forest Service
    Revised Land and Resource Management Plan, Uinta National Forest, 
    AGENCY: Forest Service, USDA.
    ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement 
    and a revised Land and Resource Management Plan for the Uinta National 
    Forest, located in Utah, Wasatch, Juab, Tooele, and Sanpete Counties, 
    SUMMARY: The Department of Agriculture, Forest Service will prepare an 
    Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in conjunction with revision of 
    the Land and Resource Management Plan (Forest Plan), and a revised 
    Forest Plan for the Uinta National Forest. The revised Forest Plan will 
    supersede the current Forest Plan, which was approved October 3, 1984, 
    and has been amended seven times.
        This notice describes the needs for change in the current Forest 
    Plan that to date have been identified by Uinta Forest Supervisor, 
    Peter W. Karp, to be revised; the environmental issues considered in 
    the revision; the estimated dates for filing the EIS; the information 
    concerning public participation; and the names and addresses of the 
    responsible agency official and the individual who can provide 
    additional information.
    DATES: Comments regarding the scope of the analysis should be received 
    in writing by November 30, 1999. The agency expects to file a Draft EIS 
    in the Fall of 2000, and a Final EIS in the Spring of 2001.
    ADDRESSES: Send written comments to: Peter W. Karp, Forest Supervisor, 
    Uinta National Forest, PO Box 1428, 88 West 100 North, Provo, UT 84603-
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Marlene DePietro, Planning Team 
    Leader, Uinta National Forest (801) 342-5161.
        Responsible Official: Jack Blackwell, Intermountain Regional 
    Forester, 324 25th Street, Ogden, UT 84401.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Pursuant to part 36 Code of Federal 
    Regulations (CFR) 219.10(g), the Regional Forester for the 
    Intermountain Region gives notice of the agency's intent to prepare an 
    Environmental Impact Statement to revise the Uinta National Forest 
    Plan. According to 36 CFR 219.10(g), land and resource management plans 
    shall ordinarily be revised on a 10 to 15 year cycle. The existing plan 
    was approved October 3, 1984.
        The Regional Forester gives notice that the Uinta National Forest 
    is beginning an environmental analysis and the decision-making process 
    for this proposed programmatic action to revise the Uinta Forest Plan.
        Forest plans describe the long-term direction for managing national 
    forests. Agency decisions in these plans do the following:
         Establish multiple use goals and objectives (36 CFR 
         Establish forest-wide management requirements (standards 
    and guidelines) (36 CFR 219.13 to 219.26)
         Establish management areas and management area direction 
    through the application of management prescriptions (36 CFR 219.11(c))
         Establish monitoring and evaluation requirements (36 CFR 
         Determine suitability and potential capability of lands 
    for resource production. This includes identifying lands not suited for 
    timber production
    [[Page 52767]]
    and establishment of allowable sale quantity (36 CFR 219.14)
         Where applicable, recommend official designation of 
    special areas such as wilderness (36 CFR 219.17) and wild and scenic 
    rivers to Congress.
        The authorization of project-level activities on a forest occurs 
    through project or site-specific decisions. Project-level decisions 
    must comply with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) procedures 
    and must include a determination that the project is consistent with 
    the forest plan.
    Need for Changes in the Current Forest Plan
        It has been almost 15 years since the current Forest Plan was 
    approved. Experience and monitoring have shown the need for changes in 
    management direction for some resources or programs. Several sources 
    have highlighted needed changes in the current Forest Plan. These 
    sources include:
         Public involvement that has identified new information and 
    public values,
         Monitoring and scientific research that has identified new 
    information and knowledge gained, and
         Forest Plan implementation that has identified management 
    concerns to find better ways for accomplishing desired conditions.
        In addition to changing public views about how these lands should 
    be managed, information and the scientific understanding of these 
    ecosystems has evolved.
    Proposed Action
        The following topics are being considered for revision in the 
    Forest Plan. Each need for change was placed into one of three 
    categories: appropriate for inclusion in the revision; able to be 
    postponed and later addressed through the continuous assessment 
    process; or not requiring attention.
        Identified needs for change are addressed in the following 
    sections, with a short description of what each change entails and why 
    it is necessary.
    1. Topics Appropriate for Inclusion in the Forest Plan Revision
        The following topics will be included in the Forest Plan revision 
    because law and/or regulation require them to be considered in all 
    forest plan revisions.
        a. Wild and Scenic Rivers: The Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968 
    was enacted to protect and preserve, in their free-flowing condition, 
    certain selected rivers of the nation and their immediate environments. 
    The Act established the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System (NWSRS), 
    designated rivers included in the system, established policy for 
    managing designated rivers, and prescribed a process for designating 
    additional rivers to the system. The Act requires consideration of Wild 
    and Scenic Rivers as part of the ongoing planning process. In 1997 the 
    Uinta National Forest, in consultation with tribal governments and 
    state and other federal agencies, undertook an inventory of the rivers 
    on the Forest. Four segments were found to be free-flowing and in 
    possession of at least one outstandingly remarkable value, making them 
    eligible for designation. Until such time as a suitability 
    determination and Congressional designation can be made, the Forest 
    Service must protect the values that made the stream eligible for 
    NWSRS, and maintain the rivers' free-flowing character. The proposed 
    action is to establish direction to provide interim protection for 
    these four rivers and to defer decisions on NWSRS recommendations until 
    these decisions can be made through separate, more focused analyses 
        b. Wilderness Recommendation From Existing Roadless Inventory: 
    Forest Service policy, the regulations in 36 CFR 219.17, and the 1984 
    Utah Wilderness Act require that roadless areas be evaluated and 
    considered for recommendation as potential wilderness areas during the 
    forest planning process. In 1997 the Forest began updating its 
    inventory of roadless areas. A Draft Inventory of Unroaded and 
    Undeveloped Lands on the Uinta National Forest was released for public 
    review in April 1999, identifying 528,015 acres of roadless areas on 
    the Uinta National Forest.
        c. Reevaluation of Lands Not Suited for Timber: NFMA and its 
    implementing regulations require identification of lands appropriate 
    for timber management. The revision process provides an opportunity to 
    reassess and better define the lands deemed appropriate for timber 
    management, and to account for changes in land status and uses having 
    occurred in the past 10-15 years. The revision will also use more 
    accurate technology (such as GIS data) than was available during 
    development of the original Forest Plan. The proposed action is to make 
    any appropriate adjustments and better define the lands suited for 
    timber production.
        d. Areas Where Change May Be Needed: The topics in the following 
    sections were included in the revision based on information found in 
    monitoring reports, insight from Forest Service employees and their 
    experience with the public regarding the effectiveness (or 
    ineffectiveness) of the current Plan, requirements in Forest Service 
    Handbooks and Manuals, and employment of new direction and policy.
        The following topics will be included in the Forest Plan revision. 
    Experience indicates that existing direction for the following topics 
    is too limited or is inappropriate. Forest plan direction could be 
    changed on a project by project basis through amendment; however, 
    addressing these topics through the revision would eliminate the need 
    for several future site-specific amendments and would facilitate 
    achievement of other Forest Plan, ecosystem management, and Natural 
    Resource Agenda goals.
        e. Revise the List of Timber Practices: The Forest Plan identified 
    the even-aged silvicultural system as the primary means of forest 
    regeneration. While this may be appropriate for lodgepole pine and 
    aspen, which develop an even-aged structure, many spruce/fir stands 
    naturally develop an uneven-aged structure, and consequently, 
    individual and group selection (instead of clearcutting) have been the 
    preferred regeneration methods under an uneven-aged silvicultural 
    system. The proposed action is to expand the array of silvicultural 
    systems and harvest methods that may be used.
        f. Eliminate Game Retrieval Policy: Although the Uinta Forest Plan 
    does not make site-specific travel management decisions, it does 
    contain direction allowing off-road and trail motorized vehicle use to 
    retrieve legally taken big game animals. Monitoring has revealed that 
    the practice often causes resource damage. The policy is inconsistent 
    with other local national forests and other Uinta National Forest 
    policies. Ghost roads are created that are difficult to control and 
    that increase road densities. Limiting off-road motorized vehicle use 
    to only game retrieval purposes is virtually impossible. The proposed 
    action is to eliminate this provision. Site-specific travel management 
    decisions will not be made through the Forest Plan revision.
        g. Expand Management Direction for Areas of Heavy Dispersed 
    Recreation Use: Dispersed recreation use on the Forest has increased 
    significantly over the last several years, and this is expected to 
    continue in the future. This use is resulting in resource damage and 
    conflicts in some areas. The proposed action is to develop Limits of 
    Acceptable Change (LAC) guidelines for determining unacceptable impacts 
    to resources, and to use Meaningful Measures (another set of criteria 
    developed by the Forest Service) for
    [[Page 52768]]
    defining recreation management objectives. Meaningful Measures blends 
    both quantitative and qualitative aspects of recreation and will be 
    more useful in budgeting and monitoring than were the reports 
    previously used.
        h. Revise Fuelwood Harvest Levels: The 1984 Forest Plan projected 
    an annual fuelwood program of 18,000 cords (equivalent to 9 million 
    board feet (MMBF)). Although there has been little interest in 
    commercial fuelwood, the Forest has maintained a personal-use fuelwood 
    program. Current annual demand is about 1,000 cords (equivalent to 0.5 
    MMBF). The proposed action is to revise the objective for fuelwood 
    harvest to more closely reflect demand.
        i. Update/Revise Management Indicator Species (MIS): The 
    regulations in 36 CFR 219.19 require identification and monitoring of 
    MIS to indicate the effects of management activities on fish and 
    wildlife. A list of MIS were identified in the 1984 Forest Plan, and 
    was subsequently amended in 1993. Experience with these MIS indicates 
    additional refinements may be needed. Some of the species listed are 
    difficult to monitor accurately, and/or their population trends may be 
    affected by things other than forest management. The proposed action is 
    to change the list of MIS.
        j. Eliminate Emphasis On Adding Developed Recreation Capacity: The 
    1984 Forest Plan placed an emphasis on the construction of additional 
    recreational facilities to accommodate an expected increase in demand. 
    Since the Plan was written, inadequate funding and limited personnel 
    have restricted both new construction and the expansion of existing 
    facilities. As this trend is expected to continue, the proposed action 
    is to change the focus in the Plan to managing existing facilities to 
    increase utilization, and to provide for reconstruction when necessary.
        k. Remove Post and Pole Harvest Objectives: Forest Plan timber 
    objectives include providing posts and poles to the public as a 
    service. While limited post and pole opportunities do exist on the 
    Uinta National Forest, these stands are valuable for wildlife, and most 
    requests are referred to the Ashley and Wasatch-Cache National Forests. 
    The proposed action is to remove post and pole harvest objectives from 
    the Forest Plan.
        In addition to the topics previously listed, the following topics 
    will be included in the revision. Experience has shown the lack of 
    specificity or direction in the following areas has severely hampered 
    implementation of the Forest Plan. Addressing these topics, while not 
    required, would provide the over-arching framework needed to 
    effectively implement the Forest Plan.
        l. Refine Management Area Boundaries: To implement the Forest Plan, 
    ecosystem boundaries must be delineated. The present management areas 
    are less useful than they could be given the current understanding of 
    ecosystems from both a social and biological standpoint. The seven 
    current management areas range in size from 56,755 to 290,925 acres and 
    are not easily recognized as distinct places. They are not directly 
    related to ecological units such as watersheds, and their usefulness in 
    examining actions and their effects is limited. The proposed action is 
    to redefine management area boundaries, generally using watersheds as 
    revised management areas.
        m. Define Management Prescription Categories: A management 
    prescription category is a set of management practices and intensities 
    scheduled for application on a specific area. Management choices must 
    be made in determining management prescription categories, as these in 
    turn determine the direction for specific areas based on the resource 
    emphasis. Once management areas are defined and potential Desired 
    Future Conditions (DFCs) for those areas are identified, management 
    prescription categories will be used to describe what is and is not 
    allowed in a given area. With some exceptions, the current Forest Plan 
    does not clearly identify the management prescription for any specific 
    area. The proposed action is to identify the management prescription 
    category applicable to each specific area of the Forest.
        n. Identify Desired Future Conditions (DFCs) For All Ecosystems: 
    DFCs describe the land, resources, or social and economic conditions 
    that are expected in 50-100 years if objectives are achieved. It is a 
    vision of the long-term conditions of the land. The current Forest Plan 
    describes a DFC for each management area; however, these are often 
    vague and/or do not address all components of the ecosystem. Failure to 
    adequately describe the DFC results in a high degree of uncertainty as 
    to what management actions were intended and needed. The proposed 
    action is to develop, for each management area, DFCs addressing all 
    affected ecosystems.
        o. Identify Desired Recreation Environments Using the Recreation 
    Opportunity Spectrum (ROS): The ROS allocation in the 1984 Forest Plan 
    is incomplete and is not being utilized as intended. The Forest Plan 
    references locations and acreages, but includes no map. ROS can be used 
    together with Limits of Acceptable Change (LAC) to define capacity and 
    establish standards and guidelines, particularly for wilderness and 
    many types of dispersed recreation. ROS can be incorporated into the 
    description of the DFC as a useful tool for allocating and separating 
    conflicting or competing uses. Site-specific travel management 
    decisions will not be made in the revision. However, establishing ROS 
    will facilitate travel management planning, which strongly influences 
    the supply of opportunity for various activities. The proposed action 
    is to identify the ROS allocation for each area of the Forest and to 
    incorporate ROS into the description of DFC.
        p. Identify Desired Scenery Management Objectives: The visual 
    quality objectives in the 1984 Forest Plan are incomplete and outdated. 
    The 1974 Visual Management System used in the 1984 Forest Plan was 
    replaced in 1995 with the Scenery Management System (SMS). The SMS 
    process can assist in the establishment of overall resource goals and 
    objectives to monitor the scenic resource and ensure high quality 
    scenery for future generations. However, fully implementing SMS would 
    not be practical during revision given the revision schedule and 
    available staffing and funding. The proposed action is to identify 
    desired scenery management conditions across the Forest, and initiate 
    implementation of the SMS.
        q. Delineate Areas Suitable For Domestic Livestock Grazing: The 
    Forest Plan addresses suitability of lands for domestic livestock 
    grazing, but discusses capability and suitability in terms of animal 
    unit months of forage rather than acres. This makes comparison between 
    the current Plan and current conditions difficult. Some large tracts of 
    land, including the Strawberry Projects Lands, have been added to the 
    Forest since the suitability analysis was completed. These areas were 
    grazed for many years prior to their transfer to the Forest Service, 
    and the Forest annually receives some requests to restore grazing on 
    these lands. In addition, two domestic sheep allotments in the Pleasant 
    Grove Management Area were identified as suited for grazing in the 1984 
    Forest Plan. These allotments are currently vacant and adjoin a 
    proposed bighorn sheep reintroduction site. The Strawberry Project 
    Lands and these two vacant allotments are part of important watersheds, 
    provide valuable wildlife habitat, and support heavy recreation use. 
    The proposed action is to delineate the areas of the Forest suited for
    [[Page 52769]]
    domestic livestock grazing using acres instead of animal unit months, 
    identifying the Strawberry Project Lands and lands within the two 
    allotments in the Pleasant Grove Management Area as not suited for 
    domestic livestock grazing.
        r. Establish Direction For Managing Cave Resources: Since the 
    Forest Plan was written, the Federal Cave Management Act of 1988 was 
    implemented. As the Forest Plan provides no direction for managing cave 
    resources, the proposed action is to develop direction for accessing 
    and managing cave resources on the Forest. Addressing the following 
    topics in the Forest Plan revision would simplify and clarify the 
    intent of the Forest Plan without requiring significant resource 
    expenditures. Consequently, these topics will be addressed in the 
    Forest Plan revision.
        s. Remove Administrative or Procedural Direction: The proposed 
    action is to remove information that is not related to land and 
    resource management planning or to one of the six decisions made in 
    forest plans, or that is redundant. Such information can be found in 
    Forest Service Handbooks or Manuals or other reference materials.
        t. Correct Typographical and Description Errors: The proposed 
    action is to make editorial corrections, clarifications, and updates in 
    order to present an accurate and more professional document.
        u. Correct and Clarify Direction for 3-Pasture Rest Rotation: The 
    proposed action is to reword an existing standard and guideline to 
    identify the 3-pasture rest rotation as one of several recognized 
    livestock management strategies, instead of it being the only 
    management option.
        v. Clarification of Existing Minerals Goals and Objectives: Current 
    direction does not specify if goals and objectives for minerals 
    management refer to locatable, leasable, or common variety minerals. 
    Management of these minerals is governed by different laws and 
    regulations. The proposed action is to refine the existing management 
    direction to be more specific as to the type of mineral resource 
        w. Incorporate Best Management Practices (BMPs) and Air Quality 
    Standards: The Utah Department of Environmental Quality has been 
    working in cooperation with the Forest Service and other state and 
    federal agencies to develop a set of BMPs as part of a statewide Non-
    point Source Management Plan for Silvicultural Activities. This plan, 
    which will be adopted by the national forests in Utah, provides a set 
    of standard management practices to reduce non-point source pollution 
    from silvicultural activities. Air quality and visibility are national 
    concerns, goals, and priorities. The proposed action is to add 
    direction to the Forest Plan to address these issues.
        x. Remove Direction for Afforestation of Oak Woodlands: Ecosystem 
    management implies managing wildlands using vegetation native to the 
    site. Past afforestation practices on the Uinta have included the 
    planting of tree species on oak sites where such species would not have 
    otherwise established. These plantings have sometimes done well for a 
    number of years, but many have then exhibited a rapid decline. These 
    plantings also have the potential to replace the vegetation natural to 
    the site. Current thinking on ecosystem management is to manage 
    wildlands using vegetation native to the site. The proposed action is 
    to eliminate direction in the current Plan calling for afforestation of 
    oak woodlands.
        y. Elimination of Numerical Objectives and Implementation 
    Schedules: Many of the objectives and schedules in the existing Plan 
    are not required, are quickly out-of-date, and have lead to frequent 
    confusion. The proposed action is to eliminate those that are not 
    required by law or regulation.
        z. Update Property Management Goals and Terminology: Right-of-Way 
    and Land Adjustment Plans for the Forest have been updated since the 
    1984 Forest Plan was completed. The proposed action is to incorporate 
    goals and objectives from these in the revised Forest Plan.
        aa. Remove Direction Allowing Horse Use During Hunting Season in 
    All Developed Sites: The Forest Plan allowed for this practice for the 
    period of 1980-90, with no direction following that period. The Forest 
    has not continued this practice outside of the designated time frame. 
    The proposed action is to remove this direction.
        bb. Identify the Jumpoff Point Research Natural Area (RNA) and 
    Establish Management Direction for It: In 1987, the Chief of the Forest 
    Service signed an Establishment Report designating the Jumpoff Point 
    Research Natural Area (RNA). The Jumpoff Point RNA was designated after 
    the completion of the Forest Plan, and no amendment was completed at 
    the time of establishment. The proposed action is to map this 290 acre 
    area as a unique management prescription category and to develop 
    appropriate management direction.
        cc. Identify Standards Versus Guidelines: Standards are not 
    currently distinguished from guidelines. Standards are direction which 
    must be followed; guidelines are direction which generally should be 
    followed. The proposed action is to identify which management direction 
    are standards and which are guidelines. This will clarify the intent of 
    the Forest Plan and eliminate unnecessary site-specific amendments in 
        dd. Revise/Correct the Section Describing Amendment of the Forest 
    Plan: The Forest Plan implies amendments may be needed when the list of 
    projects proposed in the Forest Plan must be altered. A Forest Plan 
    defines programmatic actions and does not make project decisions. The 
    proposed action is to revise this section to state that amendment is 
    needed when one of the six decisions made in the Forest Plan must be 
        ee. Eliminate Redundant Monitoring Requirements: Currently, the 
    Forest Plan requires monitoring of items pertaining to individual 
    resource areas. This has lead to overlapping and redundant monitoring 
    of items such as riparian habitat and water quality. The proposed 
    action is to eliminate redundant and overlapping monitoring.
        ff. Correct the Monitoring Frequency for Timber Suitability: 
    Current direction requires suitability determination and monitoring to 
    be completed every 10 years. The Forest Plan erroneously states it is 
    to be completed every year. The proposed action is to correct this 
        gg. Update Acreages and Other ``Current Situation'' Data: Numerous 
    changes in the environment have occurred since this section was 
    prepared in 1984. This includes changes resulting from land 
    adjustments, the Central Utah Project, implementation of the Forest 
    Plan, and natural events such as wildfire. The proposed action is to 
    update this section to reflect changes that have occurred.
        hh. Use People At One Time (PAOTs) Instead of Recreation Visitor 
    Days (RVDs) for Developed Recreation Supply Objectives: PAOTs are 
    commonly used to define capacity; RVDs are used to define use. The 
    Forest Plan uses RVDs for both, Using PAOTs to define capacity is more 
    accurate. The proposed action is to revise objectives for developed 
    recreation capacity using PAOTs rather than RVDs.
    2. Topics Not Addressed in the Forest Plan Revision But To Be Addressed 
    Through Continuous Assessment and Planning (CAP)
        The following topics are areas where existing management direction 
    needs to be clarified, refined, or changed. These topics will not be 
    addressed in the Forest Plan revision, but will be
    [[Page 52770]]
    addressed through project or forest Plan amendments. Addressing these 
    topics in the Forest Plan revision would likely require significant and 
    unavailable resources, given time and funding limitations. These are 
    topics where implementation can usually proceed and be consistent with 
    existing Forest Plan direction (only occasional site-specific 
    amendments to Forest Plan direction may be needed to allow 
    implementation to proceed).
    a. Refinement of grazing standards for stream channel types
    b. Expansion of management direction for non-greenline conditions in 
    streamside management zones
    c. Development of species-specific conservation measures for 
    threatened, endangered, or sensitive species.
        There is a need for management decisions on the following topics, 
    to the extent they involve Forest Service discretionary decisions. More 
    thorough, detailed analysis and consideration of these topics and 
    related issues would occur if they were analyzed through localized, 
    site-specific analyses conducted outside of the revision process.
    d. Wild and Scenic River suitability determinations (Little Provo Deer 
    Creek, North Fork of the American Fork River, South Fork of the Provo 
    River, and Fifth Water)
    e. Wildlife reintroductions
    f. Non-conforming uses in wilderness areas
    g. Energy corridors
    3. Topics Where No change Is Proposed
        The following topics would not be addressed through the Forest Plan 
    revision, except to the extent they are directly impacted by other 
    revision topics being addressed. These topics cover areas where the 
    Forest Plan provides management direction that some may want changed, 
    but which otherwise appears to be adequate (and therefore, not a need 
    for change).
    a. Western Uinta Basin Oil and Gas leasing decisions
    b. General intent of DFCs established through the Rangeland Ecosystem 
    c. Predator control direction established through the Predator Control 
    EIS and in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding between the 
    U.S. Forest Service and the Animal Plant Health Inspection Service 
    d. Direction to harvest timber only where needed for forest health or 
    other resource objectives
    e. Identification of recreation residences
    f. Direction established through the ongoing Utah Fire Amendment
    g. Direction established through the ongoing Utah Goshawk Amendment
    h. Direction emphasizing protection of water quality, particularly in 
    watersheds providing water for domestic use.
    Potential Alternatives
        The No Action Alternative, continuing management under the present 
    Forest Plan, will be considered in the analysis of the proposed action. 
    The No Action Alternative would not include any of the legally mandated 
    revision topics.
        Topics to be addressed in the proposed action were described 
    previously. No other alternatives have been developed at this time. 
    However, additional alternatives will likely be developed based upon 
    comments provided.
    Involving the Public
        The Forest Service is seeking information comments, and assistance 
    from individuals, organizations, tribal governments, and federal, 
    state, and local agencies who may be interested in or affected by the 
    proposed action (36 CFR 219.6).
        Public participation will be solicited by notifying (in person and/
    or by mail) known interested and affected publics. News releases will 
    be used to give the public general notice, and public involvement 
    opportunities will be offered at various locations. Public 
    participation activities included written comments, open houses, focus 
    groups, and collaborative forums.
        Public participation will be sought throughout the revision 
    process, but will be particularly important at several points along the 
    way. The first formal opportunity to comment is during the scoping 
    process (40 CFR 1501.7). Three public meetings are scheduled during the 
    scoping process. These will run from 7 to 9 p.m. and be held October 
    26, 1999, at Wasatch County Chamber of Commerce Visitor Center, 475 N. 
    Main Street, Heber City, Utah; October 27, 1999, at Mellor Banquets, 
    877 North 100 East, Lehi, Utah; and October 28, 1999, at Payson City 
    Banquet Hall, 439 W. Utah Avenue, Payson, Utah.
    Release and Review of the EIS
        The Draft EIS is expected to be filed with the Environmental 
    Protection Agency (EPA) and be available for public comment in late 
    Fall of 2000. At that time, the EPA will publish a notice of 
    availability in the Federal Register. The comment period on the Draft 
    EIS will be at least 90 days from the date the EPA publishes the notice 
    of availability in the Federal Register, as required by the planning 
        The Forest Service believes that at this early stage it is 
    important to give reviewers notice of several court rulings related to 
    public participation in the environmental review process. First, 
    reviewers of the Draft EIS must structure their participation in the 
    environmental review of the proposal so that it is meaningful and 
    alerts an agency to the reviewer's position and contentions; Vermont 
    Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. v. NRDC 435 U.S. 519, 553 (1978). Also, 
    environmental objections that could be raised at the Draft EIS stage 
    but are not raised until after completion of the Final EIS may be 
    waived or dismissed by the courts; City of Angoon v. Hodel, 803 F. 2d 
    1016, 1022 (9th Cir. 1986) and Wisconsin Heritages, Inc. v. Harris, 490 
    F. Supp. 1334, 1338 (E.D. Wis. 1980). Because of these court rulings, 
    it is very important that those interested in this proposed action 
    participate by the close of the comment period so that substantive 
    comments and objectives are made available to the Forest Service at a 
    time when it can meaningfully consider them and respond to them in the 
    Final EIS.
        To assist the Forest Service identifying and considering issues and 
    concerns on the proposed programmatic actions, comments on the Draft 
    EIS should be as specific as possible. It is also helpful if comments 
    refer to specific pages or chapters of the draft statement. Comments 
    may also address the adequacy of the Draft EIS or the merits of the 
    alternatives formulated and discussed in the statements. Reviewers may 
    wish to refer to the Counsel on Environmental Quality Regulations for 
    implementing the procedural provisions of the National Environmental 
    Policy Act (NEPA) at 40 CFR 1503.3 in addressing these points.
        After the comment period ends on the Draft EIS, comments will be 
    analyzed, considered, and responded to by the Forest Service in 
    preparing the Final EIS. The Final EIS is scheduled to be completed in 
    the Spring of 2001. The responsible official will consider the 
    comments, responses, and environmental consequences discussed in the 
    Final EIS, and applicable laws, regulations, and policies in making 
    decisions regarding the revision. The responsible official will 
    document decisions and reasons for the decisions in a Record of 
    Decision for the revised plan. The decisions will be subject to appeal 
    in accordance with 36 CFR part 217. Jack A. Blackwell, Intermountain 
    Regional Forester, is the responsible official for this EIS.
    [[Page 52771]]
        Dated; September 20, 1999.
    Peter W. Karp,
    Forest Supervisor.
    [FR Doc. 99-25016 Filed 9-29-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3410-11-M

Document Information

Forest Service
Entry Type:
Notice of intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement and a revised Land and Resource Management Plan for the Uinta National Forest, located in Utah, Wasatch, Juab, Tooele, and Sanpete Counties, Utah.
Document Number:
Comments regarding the scope of the analysis should be received in writing by November 30, 1999. The agency expects to file a Draft EIS in the Fall of 2000, and a Final EIS in the Spring of 2001.
52766-52771 (6 pages)
PDF File: