99-25334. Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs; Performing Arts Presenters Exchange Program With China  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 189 (Thursday, September 30, 1999)]
    [Pages 52824-52826]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-25334]
    Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs; Performing Arts 
    Presenters Exchange Program With China
    NOTICE: Request for proposals.
    SUMMARY: The Office of Citizen Exchanges of the United States 
    Information Agency's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs 
    announces an open competition for a Performing Arts Presenters Exchange 
    Program with China. Public and private non-profit organizations meeting 
    the provisions described in IRS regulation 26 CFR 1.501(c) may submit 
    proposals to facilitate international cultural and educational exchange 
    through a program that will bring performing arts presenters in China 
    and the United States together to exchange strategies for presenting 
    artists, discuss arts management techniques and recruit performing 
    artists from each other's countries for presentation through this 
    exchange. Interested applicants are invited to read the complete 
    solicitation package before submitting their proposals. The 
    solicitation package consists of the RFP; and Project Objectives, Goals 
    and Implementation (POGI) statement; and Proposal Submission 
    Instructions (PSI). On October 1, 1999, the U.S. Information Agency, 
    including the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, will become 
    part of the United States Department of State without affecting the 
    content of this announcement or the nature of the program described.
        Application Deadline and Reference Number: All proposal materials 
    must be received at the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs 
    Grants Office by 5 p.m. Washington, D.C. time on Wednesday, October 27, 
    1999. Faxed documents will not be accepted, nor will documents 
    postmarked on October 27, 1999, but received at a later date. All 
    communications concerning this announcement should refer to the title 
    and reference number--E/P-00-08. Please see section entitled 
    Program Information
        Differences in arts management between the U.S. and China may 
    contribute to impediments in artistic exchange between the two 
    countries. Cultural perceptions, contractual misunderstandings and 
    incompatible management styles have, at times, created barriers to the 
    exchange of performing artists between the two countries. The purpose 
    of this program is to assist arts presenters in both countries 
    understand how the other side operates, with the objective of achieving 
    fruitful artistic exchanges. An ideal program should include the 
    following three components:
        1. Consultation/assessment visit by American arts presenters to 
    China: A team of arts presenters from the U.S. will visit China to meet 
    with leading arts presenters, increase their knowledge of performing 
    arts presentation in China and assess performance venues.
        2. Workshops in the U.S.: To be conducted for Chinese participants, 
    by American experts in performing arts presentation in this country, 
    focusing on legal, contractual, marketing, commercial and logistical 
    issues involved with presenting American performing artists. Workshops 
    should also cover similarities and differences between performing arts 
    organizations in the U.S. and China, and an overview of the 
    difficulties that American performing artists tend to encounter when 
    conducting overseas tours.
        3. An opportunity for leading arts presenters in China to attend 
    one of the regional or national conferences for arts presenters in the 
    U.S., where participants would have an opportunity to increase their 
    understanding of trends in the arts presentation field and to view a 
    wide range of American performing artists. At the conclusion of this 
    component, the American and Chinese arts presenters will develop 
    proposals and time lines to present specific artists in each other's 
    Eligible Applicants
        The Office of Citizen Exchanges works with U.S. non-profit 
    organizations to develop cooperative international group projects that 
    introduce American and foreign participants to each other's cultural 
    and artistic life and traditions. For this project, we look forward to 
    working with an arts organization that has demonstrated expertise in 
    presenting performing artists in the United States, extensive knowledge 
    of presenting performing artists abroad, and interest and expertise in 
    the performing arts of China.
    Project Participants
        The grantee organization will recruit American arts presenters for 
    the initial assessment visit and the final phase of the project, which 
    will result in a work plan for presenting performing artists from China 
    in the U.S. The grantee organization must work with our colleagues at 
    the American Embassy in Beijing to recruit appropriate performing arts 
    presenters in China to participate this project. The U.S. Embassy in 
    Beijing will also review the Chinese participants' final work plans to 
    present American artists in China.
        Programs must comply with J-1 visa regulations. Please refer to the 
    Solicitation Package for further information regarding visas.
    Grant Dates
        We anticipate that the grant will begin on our about February 1, 
    2000, and end on March 1, 2001. However, a final award cannot be made 
    until funds have been appropriated by Congress, and allocated and 
    committed through internal Bureau procedures.
    Budget Guidelines
        Grants awarded to eligible organizations with less than 4 years of 
    experience in conducting international exchange programs will be 
    limited to $60,000.
        Applicants must submit a comprehensive budget for the entire 
    program. The Award may not exceed $100,000, and the Bureau expects to 
    award one grant under the terms of this
    [[Page 52825]]
    competition. There must be a summary budget as well as breakdowns 
    reflecting both administrative and program budgets. Applicants may 
    provide separate sub-budgets for each program component, phase, 
    location, or activity to provide clarification. Please note that strong 
    preference will be given to proposals with a minimum of 30% cost 
    sharing. Strong preference will also be given to proposals with 
    administrative costs of no more than 20% of the total amount requested 
    from the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.
        Allowable costs for the program include the following:
        1. International and domestic air fares; visas; transit costs; 
    ground transportation costs.
        2. Per Diem. For the activity in the U.S., organizations have the 
    option of using a flat $160/day for program participants or the 
    published U.S. federal per diem rates for individual American Cities. 
    For activities outside the U.S., the published Federal per diem rates 
    must be used. Per diem rates may be accessed at http.state.gov/www/
        3. Interpreters. If needed, interpreters for the U.S. program are 
    provided by the State Department's Language Services Division. 
    Typically, a pair of simultaneous interpreters is provided for every 
    four visitors who need interpretation. Bureau grants do not pay for 
    foreign interpreters to accompany delegations from their home country. 
    Grant proposal budgets should contain a flat $160/day per diem for each 
    Department of State interpreter, as well as home-to-program round trip 
    air transportation of $400 per interpreter plus any U.S. travel 
    expenses during the program.
        4. Book and cultural allowance. Participants are entitled to a one-
    time cultural allowance of $150 per person, plus a book allowance of 
        5. Consultants may be used to provide specialized expertise to make 
    presentations. Daily honoraria generally do not exceed $250 per day.
        6. Materials development. Proposals may contain costs to purchase, 
    develop and translate materials for participants.
        7. All Bureau-funded delegates will be covered under the terms of a 
    Bureau-sponsored health insurance policy.
        8. Other costs necessary for the effective administration of the 
    program, including salaries and benefits for grant organization 
    employees, as stated in the detailed instructions in the application 
    package. Please refer to the Solicitation Package for complete budget 
    guidelines and formatting instructions.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: The Office of Citizen Exchanges, ECA/
    PE/C/CU, Room 568, United States Department of State, Bureau of 
    Educational and Cultural Affairs, 301 4th Street, SW., Washington, DC 
    20547, telephone: (202) 205-2209, fax: (202) 619-6315 or e-mail 
    jjohanse@exchanges.usia.gov., to request a Solicitation Package. The 
    Solicitation Package contains detailed award criteria, required 
    application forms, specific budget instructions, and standard 
    guidelines for proposal preparation. Please specify Cultural Programs 
    Officer Jill Johansen Staggs on all other inquires and correspondence.
        Please read the complete Federal Register announcement before 
    sending inquires or submitting proposals. Once the RFP deadline has 
    passed, Bureau staff may not discuss this competition with applicants 
    until the proposal review process has been completed.
        To Download a Solicitation Package Via Internet: The entire 
    Solicitation Package may be downloaded from the Bureau's website at 
    http://e.usia.gov/education/rfps. Please read all information before 
        Deadline for Proposals: All proposal copies must be received at the 
    Bureau by 5 p.m. Washington, D.C. time on October 27, 1999. Faxed 
    documents will not be accepted at any time. Documents postmarked the 
    due date but received on a later date will not be accepted. Each 
    applicant must ensure that the proposals are received by the above 
        Applicants must follow all instructions in the Solicitation 
    Package. The original and 8 copies of the application should be sent 
    to: United States Department of State, The Bureau of Educational and 
    Cultural Affairs, Ref.: E/P -00-08, Office of Program Management, ECA/
    EX/PM, Room 336, 301 4th Street, SW., Washington, DC. 20547.
        Applicants must also submit the ``Executive Summary'' and 
    ``Proposal Narrative'' sections of the proposal on a 3.5'' diskette, 
    formatted for DOS. These documents must be provided in ASCII text (DOS) 
    format with a maximum line length of 65 characters. We will transmit 
    these files electronically to our State Department colleagues at the 
    embassy in Beijing for review, with the goal of reducing the time it 
    takes to get posts' comments for the Bureau's grants review process.
    Diversity, Freedom and Democracy Guidelines
        Pursuant to the Bureau's authorizing legislation, programs must 
    maintain a non-political character and should be balanced and 
    representative of the diversity of American political, social, and 
    cultural life. ``Diversity'' should be interpreted in the broadest 
    sense and encompass differences including, but not limited to 
    ethnicity, race, gender, religion, geographic location, socio-economic 
    status, and physical challenges. Applicants are strongly encouraged to 
    adhere to the advancement of this principle both in program 
    administration and in program content. Please refer to the review 
    criteria under the `Support for Diversity' section for specific 
    suggestions on incorporating diversity into the total proposal. Public 
    Law 104-319 provides that ``in carrying out programs of educational and 
    cultural exchange in countries whose people do not fully enjoy freedom 
    and democracy,'' the Bureau ``shall take appropriate steps to provide 
    opportunities for participation in such programs to human rights and 
    democracy leaders of such countries.'' Proposals should reflect 
    advancement of this goal in their program contents, to the full extent 
    deemed feasible.
    Year 2000 Compliance Requirement (Y2K Requirement)
        The Year 2000 (Y2K) issue is a broad operational and accounting 
    problem that could potentially prohibit organizations from processing 
    information in accordance with Federal management and program specific 
    requirements including data exchange with the Bureau. The inability to 
    process information in accordance with Federal requirements could 
    result in grantees' being required to return funds that have not been 
    accounted for properly.
        The Bureau therefore requires all organizations use Y2K compliant 
    systems including hardware, software, and firmware. Systems must 
    accurately process data and dates (calculating, comparing and 
    sequencing) both before and after the beginning of the year 2000 and 
    correctly adjust for leap years.
        Additional information addressing the Y2K issue may be found at the 
    General Services Administration's Office of Information Technology 
    website at http://www.itpolicy.gsa.gov.
    Review Process
        The Office of Citizens Exchanges will acknowledge receipt of all 
    proposals and will review them for technical eligibility. Proposals 
    will be deemed ineligible if they do not fully adhere to the guidelines 
    stated herein and in the Solicitation Package. All eligible proposals 
    will be reviewed by the program office, as well as Department of State 
    regional authorities and the embassy overseas. Eligible proposals will 
    be forwarded to panels of Bureau
    [[Page 52826]]
    officers for advisory review. Proposals may also be reviewed by the 
    Office of the Legal Adviser or by other Department of State entities. 
    Final funding decisions are at the discretion of the U.S. Department of 
    State's Assistant Secretary for Educational and Cultural Affairs. Final 
    technical authority for assistance awards (grants or cooperative 
    agreements) resides with the Grants Staff.
    Review Criteria
        Technically eligible applications will be competitively reviewed 
    according to the criteria stated below. These criteria are not rank 
    ordered and all carry equal weight in the proposal evaluation:
        1. Quality and Clarity of Program Objectives: Proposals should 
    exhibit originality, substance, precision, and relevance to the 
    Bureau's mission. All activities should clearly support the project 
        2. Program Planning: Detailed agenda and relevant work plan should 
    demonstrate substantive undertakings and logistical capacity. Agenda 
    and plan should adhere to the program overview and guidelines described 
    above. Proposals should clearly demonstrate how the institution will 
    meet the program's objectives and plan.
        3. Multiplier Effect/Impact: Proposed programs should strengthen 
    long-term mutual understanding, including maximum sharing of 
    information and establishment of long-term institutional and individual 
        4. Cross-Cultural Sensitivity: Proposals should reflect an 
    understanding of the complex nature of U.S. Government foreign policy 
    with China, strategies to address cross-cultural sensitivities among 
    participants and relevant knowledge of the performing arts in China.
        5. Support of Diversity: Proposals should demonstrate substantive 
    support of the Bureau's policy on diversity. In this project, diversity 
    should be especially evident in the selection of American participants 
    and workshop presenters, and the performing arts presentations both in 
    China and the U.S. to which participants will be exposed.
        6. Institutional Capacity/Record: Proposed personnel and 
    institutional resources should be adequate and appropriate to achieve 
    the program or project's goals. Proposals should demonstrate an 
    institutional record of successful exchange programs, including 
    responsible fiscal management and full compliance with all reporting 
    requirements for past Bureau grants as determined by the Bureau's 
    Grants Staff.
        7. Follow-on Activities: Proposals should provide a plan for 
    continued follow-on activity (without State Department support) 
    ensuring that Bureau supported programs are not isolated events.
        8. Project Evaluation: Proposals should include a plan to evaluate 
    the activity's success, both as the activities unfold and at the end of 
    the program. A draft survey questionnaire or other technique plus 
    description of a methodology to use to link outcomes to original 
    project objectives is recommended. Successful applicants will be 
    expected to submit intermediate reports after each project component is 
    concluded or quarterly, whichever is less frequent.
        9. Cost-Effectiveness: The overhead and administrative components 
    of the proposal, including salaries and honoraria, should be kept as 
    low as possible. All other items should be necessary and appropriate.
        10. Cost-sharing: Proposals should maximize cost-sharing through 
    other private sector support as well as institutional direct funding 
        Overall grant making authority for this program is contained in the 
    Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961, Public Law 87-
    256, as amended, also known as the Fulbright-Hays Act. The propose of 
    the Act is ``to enable the Government of the United States to increase 
    mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the 
    people of other countries * * *; to strengthen the ties which unite us 
    with other nations by demonstrating the educational and cultural 
    interests, developments, and achievements of the people of the United 
    States and other nations * * * and thus to assist in the development of 
    friendly, sympathetic and peaceful relations between the United States 
    and the other countries of the world.'' The funding authority for the 
    program above is provided through legislation.
        The terms and conditions published in this RFP are binding and may 
    not be modified by any Bureau representative. Explanatory information 
    provided by the Bureau that contradicts published language will not be 
    binding. Issuance of the RFP does not constitute an award commitment on 
    the part of the Government. The Bureau reserves the right to reduce, 
    revise, or increase proposal budgets in accordance with the needs of 
    the program and the availability of funds. Awards made will be subject 
    to periodic reporting and evaluation requirements.
        Final awards cannot be made until funds have been appropriated by 
    Congress, allocated and committed through internal Bureau procedures.
        Dated: September 23, 1999.
    William P. Kiehl,
    Acting Deputy Associate Director for Educational and Cultural Affairs.
    [FR Doc. 99-25334 Filed 9-29-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 8230-01-M

Document Information

United States Information Agency
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Document Number:
52824-52826 (3 pages)
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