99-25401. Revision of the Land and Resource Management Plan for the Tonto National Forest Located in Gila, Maricopa, Pinal and Yavapai Counties, Arizona  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 189 (Thursday, September 30, 1999)]
    [Pages 52765-52766]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-25401]
    Forest Service
    Revision of the Land and Resource Management Plan for the Tonto 
    National Forest Located in Gila, Maricopa, Pinal and Yavapai Counties, 
    AGENCY: Forest Service, USDA.
    ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an environmental impact statement.
    SUMMARY: Pursuant to 36 CFR 219.10(g), the Regional Forester for the 
    Southwestern Region gives notice of the agency's intent to prepare an 
    environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Revised Tonto National 
    Forest Land and Resource Management Plan (Forest Plan). According to 36 
    CFR 219.10(g), Forest Plans are ordinarily revised on a 10-year cycle 
    or at least every 15 years. The existing Tonto National Forest Plan was 
    approved on October 31, 1985 and has been amended 23 times. The 
    proposed action is to update the amended Forest Plan, make format 
    changes and edit to improve clarity, and modify based on needs 
    determined through the EIS process.
        The responsible official for approving the Forest Plan revision is 
    Eleanor S. Towns, Regional Forester, Southwestern Region, USDA Forest 
    Service, 517 Gold Avenue SW, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102. The Forest 
    Supervisor, Tonto National Forest, is delegated responsibility for 
    preparing the environmental impact statement.
    DATES: Comments concerning the scope of the analysis (the need to 
    revise, add or delete specific sections of the Forest Plan) should be 
    received in writing by December 31, 1999. The Draft EIS should be 
    available for public review in September 2002. The Final EIS and 
    revised Forest Plan should be completed by March 2004.
    ADDRESSES: Send written comments to Charles R. Bazan, Forest 
    Supervisor, Tonto National Forest, 2324 E. McDowell Road, Phoenix, 
    Arizona 85006, Attn: Forest Plan Revision.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Eddie Alford, Planning Group Leader or 
    Paul Stewart, Acting Team Leader, (602) 225-5200.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The requirement and process for developing, 
    adopting and revising land and resource management plans for the 
    National Forest System are defined by the Forest and Rangeland 
    Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974, as amended and the National 
    Forest Management Act of 1976. Implementing regulations are defined at 
    Title 36, Chapter II, Part 219, Subpart A of the Code of Federal 
    Regulations (36 CFR 219, Subpart A).
        The Forest Supervisor has amended the Forest Plan, pursuant to 36 
    CFR 219.10(f), 23 times since its adoption in 1985. The ``Five Year 
    Review'' was completed and approved on November 4, 1991. This report 
    identified changed conditions and demands, and identified amendment and 
    revision needs. In addition, new laws and revisions to the Code of 
    Federal Regulations have resulted in the need to update portions of the 
    Forest Plan.
        Initiation of the Forest Plan revision process has been delayed 
    since 1995 pending finalization of proposed changes to National Forest 
    System planning regulations, which would significantly alter the 
    current process. Amendments continued to be processed and approved to 
    address immediate needs. Currently proposed or needed amendments may be 
    acted upon, consistent with the National Environmental Policy Act, 
    during the Forest Plan revision process. Regulations at 36 CFR 
    219.10(g) require that the Tonto National Forest proceed with revision 
    at this time using existing planning regulations, regardless of the 
    status of currently proposed changes in the regulations.
        The content of the Forest Plan is prescribed in planning 
    regulations (36 CFR 219.11) and includes:
        (a) A brief summary of the management situation including demand 
    and supply conditions for commodities and services, production 
    potentials, and use and development opportunities;
        (b) Forest multiple-use goals and objectives that include a 
    description of the desired future condition of the Forest and an 
    identification of the quantities of goods and services that are 
    expected to be produced or provided during the planning period;
        (c) Multiple-use prescriptions and associated standards and 
    guidelines for each management area including proposed and probable 
    management practices; and
        (d) Monitoring and evaluation requirements that will provide a 
    basis for a periodic determination and evaluation of the effects of 
    management practices.
        Planning regulations (36 CFR 219.13) also require that area 
    planning for specific individual resources be integrated into the 
    Forest Plan. These individual resource-planning requirements include 
    but are not limited to:
        (a) Timber resource land suitability (219.14);
        (b) Roadless areas, unless otherwise provided by law (219.17);
        (c) Grazing resource suitability (219.20);
        (d) Recreation resource, including the visual resource (219.21); 
        (e) Research natural areas (219.25).
        Alternatives required by implementing regulations of the National 
    Forest Management Act and the National Environmental Policy Act will be 
    considered during the planning process. An alternative addressing the 
    Resource Planning Act (RPA) program tentative resource objectives, a 
    ``no action'' alternative that reflects the current Forest Plan 
    direction, and a reasonable range of alternatives will be developed to 
    respond to public issues, management concerns and resource 
    opportunities identified during the planning process (36 CFR 219.12; 40 
    CFR 1501.7, 1502.14). The initial proposed action is to update the 
    amended Forest Plan by reformatting and editing to improve clarity, and 
    to ensure direction is consistent with new laws and regulations.
        The Forest Service hereby gives notice that it is beginning a full 
    environmental analysis and decision making process for this proposal so 
    that interested or potentially affected people may know how they may 
    contribute to the final decision. The Forest Service invites comments 
    and suggestions from Federal, State, and local governments and 
    agencies, Native American tribes, individuals, organizations and 
    businesses on the scope of the analysis to be included in the draft 
    environmental impact statement (DEIS). The scope of the analysis is 
    limited to
    [[Page 52766]]
    those actions for which the Forest Supervisor has the legal authority 
    to approve in a forest plan decision. Written comments are encouraged 
    during the initial comment period, which ends December 31, 1999.
        Specific information, which is needed at this stage of the process, 
        (a) Names and addresses of interested parties, including specific 
    agency or organization contacts, in order to update the Forest Plan 
    mailing list;
        (b) Suggestions for effective public involvement;
        (c) Identification of areas or topics of interest; and
        (d) New information or changed conditions which may indicate a need 
    to change direction from the current Forest Plan.
        Comments, as well as names and addresses on the Forest Plan mailing 
    list, will be considered part of the public record on this proposed 
    action and will be available to the public. Comments submitted 
    anonymously will be accepted and considered. Any person may request the 
    agency withhold their name, address or comment from the public record 
    by showing how the Freedom of Information Act permits such 
    confidentiality. The Forest Service will inform the requester of the 
    agency's decision regarding a request for confidentiality, and where 
    the request is denied, the agency will return the submission and notify 
    the requester that the comments may be resubmitted with or without name 
    and address.
        Following this initial scoping, public meetings will be scheduled 
    and/or informational newsletters will be produced consistent with 
    public interest and involvement needs; and additional meetings with 
    individuals or groups may also be arranged. It is anticipated that at 
    least one additional comment period will be provided prior to issuance 
    of the DEIS. The DEIS and proposed revised Forest Plan should be 
    available for public review in September 2002. After a minimum comment 
    period of 90 days, the final environmental impact statement and revised 
    Forest Plan should be completed by March 2004.
        The following information applies to review of the DEIS when it is 
    issued. The 90-day public comment period on the DEIS will commence on 
    the day the Environmental Protection Agency publishes a ``Notice of 
    Availability'' in the Federal Register. It is very important that those 
    interested in this proposed action have established their interest by 
    that time. Written comments on the DEIS should be as specific as 
    possible and may also address the adequacy of the statement or the 
    merits of the alternatives formulated and discussed in the statement 
    (see The Council on Environmental Quality Regulations for implementing 
    the procedural provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act at 
    40 CFR 1503.3). Please note that comments you make on the DEIS will be 
    regarded as public information.
        In addition, Federal court decisions have established that 
    reviewers of a DEIS must structure their participation in the 
    environmental review of the proposal so that it is meaningful and 
    alerts an agency to the reviewers' position and contentions (Vermont 
    Yankee Power Corp. v. NRDC, 435 U.S. 519, 553 (1978)). Environmental 
    objections that could have been raised at the draft stage may be waived 
    or dismissed by the courts if not raised until after completion of the 
    final environmental impact statement (City of Angoon v. Hodel, 9th 
    Circuit, 803 F.2d 1018, (1986) and Wisconsin Heritages, Inc. v. Harris, 
    490 F. Supp. 1334 (E.D. Wis. 1980)). Because of these court rulings, it 
    is very important that those interested in this proposed action 
    participate by the close of the 90 day comment period so that 
    substantive comments and objections are made available to the Forest 
    Service at a time when it can meaningfully consider them and respond to 
    them in the final environmental impact statement.
        Dated: September 24, 1999.
    James T. Gladen,
    Deputy Regional Forester.
    [FR Doc. 99-25401 Filed 9-29-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3410-11-U

Document Information

Forest Service
Entry Type:
Notice of intent to prepare an environmental impact statement.
Document Number:
Comments concerning the scope of the analysis (the need to revise, add or delete specific sections of the Forest Plan) should be received in writing by December 31, 1999. The Draft EIS should be available for public review in September 2002. The Final EIS and revised Forest Plan should be completed by March 2004.
52765-52766 (2 pages)
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