99-25425. Import/Export User Fees  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 189 (Thursday, September 30, 1999)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 52680-52694]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-25425]
    Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
    9 CFR Part 130
    [Docket No. 97-058-1]
    RIN 0579-AA87
    Import/Export User Fees
    AGENCY: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA.
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: We propose to change our user fees for import- and export-
    related services that we provide for animals, animal products, birds, 
    germ plasm, organisms, and vectors. We propose increases for fiscal 
    years 2000 through 2004 for standard annual increases in expenses. We 
    have determined that the fees must be adjusted annually to reflect the 
    anticipated cost of providing these services each year. By publishing 
    the annual user fee changes in advance, users can incorporate the fees 
    into their budget planning. The user fees pay for the actual cost of 
    providing these services. We also propose to make some editorial 
    changes to make the regulations easier to read and eliminate 
    [[Page 52681]]
    DATES: We invite you to comment on this docket. We will consider all 
    comments that we receive by November 29, 1999.
    ADDRESSES: Please send your comment and three copies to: Docket No. 97-
    058-1, Regulatory Analysis and Development, PPD, APHIS, Suite 3C03, 
    4700 River Road, Unit 118, Riverdale, MD 20737-1238.
    Please state that your comment refers to Docket No. 97-058-1.
        You may read any comments that we receive on this docket in our 
    reading room. The reading room is located in room 1141 of the USDA 
    South Building, 14th Street and Independence Avenue, SW., Washington 
    DC. Normal reading room hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through 
    Friday, except holidays. To be sure someone is there to help you, 
    please call (202) 690-2817 before coming.
        APHIS documents published in the Federal Register, and related 
    information, including the names of organizations and individuals who 
    have commented on APHIS rules, are available on the Internet at http://
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For information concerning services 
    provided for animals, animal products, birds, germ plasm, organisms, 
    and vectors, contact Dr. Gary Colgrove, Chief Staff Veterinarian, 
    National Center for Import and Export, VS, APHIS, 4700 River Road Unit 
    38, Riverdale, MD 20737-1231; (301) 734-8364; or e-mail: 
        For information concerning program operations, contact Ms. Louise 
    Lothery, Director, Management Support Staff, VS, APHIS, 4700 River Road 
    Unit 44, Riverdale, MD 20737-1231; (301) 734-7517; or e-mail: 
        For information concerning user fees or rate development, contact 
    Ms. Donna Ford, Section Head, Financial Systems and Services Branch, 
    BASE, APHIS, 4700 River Road Unit 54, Riverdale, MD 20737-1232; (301) 
    734-8351; or e-mail: Donna.J.Ford@usda.gov.
        The regulations in 9 CFR part 130 (referred to below as the 
    ``regulations'') list user fees for import- and export-related services 
    provided by the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) for 
    animals, animal products, birds, germ plasm, organisms, and vectors. We 
    propose to amend the user fees for these import- and export-related 
    services to reflect the increased cost of service and to include 
    additional cost components.
        These user fees are authorized by section 2509(c)(1) of the Food, 
    Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act of 1990, as amended (21 U.S.C. 
    136a). APHIS is authorized to establish and collect fees that will 
    cover the cost of providing import- and export-related services for 
    animals, animal products, birds, germ plasm, organisms, and vectors.
        Since fiscal year (FY) 1992, APHIS has received no directly 
    appropriated funds to provide import- and export-related services for 
    animals, animal products, birds, germ plasm, organisms, and vectors. 
    Our ability to provide these services depends on user fees. We change 
    our user fees through the standard rulemaking process of publishing the 
    proposed changes for public comment in the Federal Register, 
    considering the comments, publishing the final changes in the Federal 
    Register, and making the new user fees effective 30 days after the 
    final rule is published. This rulemaking process can be lengthy. As a 
    result, our user fees may not reflect our current cost of providing 
    services. Since implementing these user fees in 1992, we have only 
    adjusted them four times. While a few user fees were adjusted as 
    recently as 1998, most of the user fees have not been adjusted since 
        For our user fees to cover our costs so that we can continue to 
    provide services and to inform our customers of user fees in time for 
    advance planning, we propose to set user fees for our services in 
    advance for fiscal years 2000 through 2004. The proposed user fees are 
    based on our costs of providing import- and export-related services in 
    FY 1999, plus anticipated annual increases in the salaries of employees 
    who provide the services, plus adjustments for inflation. We used 
    estimated pay increases of 4.4 percent for FY 2000 and 3.9 percent for 
    FY 2001 through FY 2004 published by the U.S. Treasury Department to 
    calculate increases in the direct labor costs each year. We estimated 
    inflation at 2.3 percent a year based on the Consumer Price Index 
    (CPI). The estimated CPI is published in the Economic Assumptions table 
    of the Budget for the U.S. Government each year.
        We propose to list the user fees for fiscal years 2000 through 2004 
    in the regulations. We also plan to publish a notice in the Federal 
    Register prior to the beginning of each fiscal year to remind or notify 
    the public of the user fees for that particular fiscal year. We would 
    continue to charge the user fees proposed for fiscal year 2004 until 
    new user fees are in effect. Therefore, the user fee tables in this 
    document do not specify an end date for user fees that would become 
    effective on October 1, 2003 (the beginning of fiscal year 2004).
    User Fee Components
        We calculated our user fees to cover the full cost of providing the 
    services for which we charge the fee. The cost of providing a service 
    includes direct labor and direct material costs. It also includes 
    administrative support, agency overhead, and departmental charges.
        Direct labor costs are the costs of employee time spent 
    specifically to provide the service. For example, at APHIS's Animal 
    Import Centers, animal caretakers and veterinarians prepare for the 
    arrival of animals or birds to be quarantined in the Center, care for 
    them (feed, water, clean cages or stalls) while they are quarantined, 
    observe them while they are quarantined, release them from quarantine, 
    and clean the quarantine area afterwards. If the service is inspecting 
    an animal, the direct labor costs include the time spent by the 
    inspector to conduct the inspection. Direct labor costs vary with the 
    type of service provided.
        Direct material costs include the cost of any materials needed to 
    supply the service. For example, among other things, animals in 
    quarantine need feed, water, bedding, disinfectants, and medicine. 
    Direct material costs are different for different services.
        Administrative support costs include local clerical and 
    administrative activities; indirect labor hours; travel and 
    transportation for personnel; supplies, equipment, and other necessary 
    items; training; general office supplies; rent; equipment 
    capitalization; billings and collections expenses; utilities; chemicals 
    and glassware; and contractual services. Indirect labor hours include 
    supervision of personnel and time spent doing work that is not directly 
    connected with the service but which is nonetheless necessary, such as 
    repairing equipment. Rent is the cost of using the space we need to 
    perform import- or export-related work. If space is used for import- or 
    export-related work and other Agency work, only that portion of the 
    costs associated with the import- or export-related work is included in 
    the user fees. Equipment capitalization is the cost per year to replace 
    equipment. We determine this by establishing the life expectancy, in 
    years, of equipment we use to provide a service and by establishing the 
    cost to replace the equipment at the end of its useful life. We 
    subtract any money we anticipate receiving for selling used equipment. 
    Then we divide the
    [[Page 52682]]
    resulting amount by the life expectancy of the equipment. The result is 
    the annual cost to replace equipment. Billing costs are the costs of 
    managing user fee accounts for our customers who wish to receive 
    monthly invoices for the services they receive from APHIS. Collections 
    expenses include the costs of managing customer payments and accurately 
    reflecting those payments in our accounting system. Utilities include 
    water, telephone, electricity, gas, heating and oil. Contractual 
    services include security service, maintenance, trash pickup, etc. The 
    type, amount, and cost of administrative support vary with the type of 
    service provided.
        Agency overhead is the pro-rata share, attributable to a particular 
    service, of the agency's management and support costs. Management and 
    support costs include the costs of providing budget and accounting 
    services, regulatory services, investigative and enforcement services, 
    debt-management services, personnel services, public information 
    services, legal services, liaison with Congress, and other general 
    program and agency management services provided above the local level.
        Departmental charges are APHIS's share, expressed as a percentage 
    of the total cost, of services provided centrally by the Department of 
    Agriculture (Department). Services the Department provides centrally 
    include the Federal Telephone Service; mail; National Finance Center 
    processing of payroll, and other money management; unemployment 
    compensation; Office of Workers Compensation Programs; and central 
    supply for storing and issuing commonly used supplies and Department 
    forms. The Department notifies APHIS how much the agency owes for these 
    services. We have included a pro-rata share of these departmental 
    charges, as attributable to a particular service, in our fee 
        We have added an amount that would provide for a reasonable 
    balance, or reserve, in the Veterinary Services user fee account. We 
    have determined that a reasonable reserve would be approximately 25 
    percent of the annual cost of the Import/Export Program. All user fees 
    will contribute to the reserve proportionately. The reserve would 
    ensure that we have sufficient operating funds in cases of bad debt, 
    customer insolvency, and fluctuations in activity volumes. We intend to 
    monitor the balance closely and propose adjustments in our fees as 
    necessary to ensure a reasonable balance.
        An outline of the basic process is shown below. The actual 
    components, quantities, and costs used to calculate the fee are 
    different for each service. The basic steps in the calculation, for 
    each particular service, are:
    1. Determine the following costs:
        direct labor;
        direct material;
        pro-rata share of administrative support;
        pro-rata share of agency overhead;
        pro-rata share of Departmental charges; and
        pro-rata share of reserve;
    2. Add all costs; and
    3. Round up to the next $0.25 for all fees less than $10 or round up or 
    down to the nearest $1 for all fees greater than $10.
        The result of these calculations is the total cost to provide a 
    particular service one time.
        As is the case with all APHIS user fees, we intend to review, at 
    least annually, activities, programs, and fee assumptions for the user 
    fees proposed in this document. We will publish any necessary 
    adjustments in the Federal Register.
    Hourly Rate User Fees and Minimum Fees for Import and Export 
    Veterinary Services
        Several sections of the regulations contain hourly and premium 
    hourly rates for import- and export-related service we provide. Section 
    130.5 of the regulations lists the hourly and premium hourly rate user 
    fees that we provide for animals quarantined in privately owned 
    quarantine facilities. Section 130.9 of the regulations lists the 
    hourly and premium hourly rate fees for miscellaneous import or entry 
    services. Section 130.21 of the regulations lists the hourly and 
    premium hourly rate user fees charged for inspection and supervision 
    services we provide within the United States for the export of animals, 
    birds, and animal products. Sections 130.3 and 130.10 also, contain 
    hourly rate user fees for services we provide in connection with 
    animals quarantined at APHIS Animal Import Centers and pet birds 
    quarantined at APHIS-owned or supervised quarantine facilities, 
        In each case, the same hourly and premium hourly rate user fee 
    applies. Therefore, we propose to consolidate all the hourly and 
    premium hourly rate user fees for import and export services into one 
    new section Sec. 130.30. We believe this reorganization would make the 
    hourly and premium hourly rates easier for our customers to locate and 
    eliminate duplication.
        Sections 130.3, 130.5, 130.6, 130.7, 130.9, 130.10, and 130.21 all 
    list a minimum user fee. This minimum fee ensures our basic costs are 
    always covered. In Sec. Sec. 130.3, 130.5, 130.9, 130.10, and 130.21, 
    the minimum user fee applies to the hourly and premium hourly rate user 
    fee. In Sec. Sec. 130.6 and 130.7, the minimum user fee covers the cost 
    of handling unusually small importations at ports of entry. In each 
    case, the same minimum user fee applies. Therefore, we propose to list 
    the minimum user fee in newly proposed Sec. 130.30 and eliminate 
        The table below shows the proposed hourly rate, premium hourly 
    rate, and minimum user fees for fiscal years 2000-2004. As explained 
    above, the proposed user fees are based on FY 1999 costs and include 
    direct labor costs adjusted by 4.4 percent for FY 2000 and 3.9 percent 
    for FY 2001 through 2004 to cover increases in employee pay, and 
    adjustments for inflation at 2.3 percent each year. The percentage 
    changes in the user fees from one fiscal year to the next vary based on 
                                                            Hourly User Fees (Proposed Sec.  130.30)
                                                                                                              Hourly user fee
                                                               Current user    Oct. 1, 1999-   0ct. 1, 2000-   Oct. 1, 2001-   Oct. 1, 2002-
                                                                    fee       Sept. 30, 2000  Sept. 30, 2001  Sept. 30, 2002  Sept. 30, 2003  Beginning Oct.
                                                                                                                                                  1, 2003
    Hourly rate:
        Per hour............................................          $56.00          $76.00          $76.00          $80.00          $84.00          $84.00
        Per quarter hour....................................           14.00           19.00           19.00           20.00           21.00           21.00
        Per service minimum fee.............................           16.50           22.00           23.00           24.00           24.00           25.00
                                                   Overtime rates (Outside the employee's normal tour of duty)
    Premium hourly rate Monday through Saturday and
    [[Page 52683]]
        Per hour............................................           65.00           88.00           88.00           92.00           96.00          100.00
        Per quarter hour....................................           16.25           22.00           22.00           23.00           24.00           25.00
    Premium hourly rate for Sundays:
        Per hour............................................           74.00          100.00          104.00          104.00          108.00          112.00
        Per quarter hour....................................           18.50           25.00           26.00           26.00           27.00           28.00
    User Fees for Animals in APHIS Animal Import Centers (9 CFR 130.2)
        Section 130.2 lists user fees charged for services we provide for 
    animals quarantined in APHIS Animal Import Centers.
        We charge a daily user fee for each animal quarantined in an Animal 
    Importer Center. Different user fees reflect the varying costs of 
    quarantining different animals. The user fee for each category of 
    animal includes water, standard feed, housing, care, and handling. A 
    separate user fee applies for birds or poultry that require nonstandard 
    feed, housing, care, or handling.
        The tables below list the proposed user fees for animal and bird 
    quarantine services for fiscal year 2000 through 2004. As explained 
    above, the proposed user fees are based on FY 1999 costs and include 
    direct labor costs adjusted by 4.4 percent for FY 2000 and 3.9 percent 
    for FY 2001 through 2004 to cover increases in employee pay, and 
    adjustments for inflation at 2.3 percent each year. The percentage 
    changes in the user fees from one fiscal year to the next vary based on 
                         User Fees for Individual Animals and Certain Birds Quarantined in APHIS Animal Import Centers (Sec.  130.2(a))
                                                                                                              Daily user fee
                         Animal or bird                        Current user    Oct. 1, 1999-   Oct. 1, 2000-   Oct. 1, 2001-   Oct. 1, 2002-
                                                                    fee       Sept. 30, 2000  Sept. 30, 2001  Sept. 30, 2002  Sept. 30, 2003     Beginning
                                                                                                                                               Oct. 1, 2003
    Birds (excluding ratites and pet birds imported in
     accordance with Part 93 of this subchapter):
        0-250 grams.........................................           $1.00           $1.50           $1,50           $1.50           $1.50           $1.75
        251-1,000 grams.....................................            3.25            5.00            5.25            5.25            5.50            5.75
        Over 1,000 grams....................................            7.50           12.00           12.00           13.00           13.00           13.00
    Domestic or zoo animals (excluding equines, birds, and
        Bison, bulls, camels, cattle, or zoo animals........           56.50           93.00           95.00           97.00          100.00          102.00
        All other, including, but not limited to alpacas,              15.00           24.00           25.00           26.00           26.00           27.00
         llamas, goats, sheep, and swine....................
    Equines (including zoo equines, but excluding miniature
        1st through 3rd day (fee per day)...................          149.50          245.00          251.00          257.00          264.00          270.00
        4th through 7th day (fee per day)...................          108.25          177.00          182.00          186.00          191.00          195.00
        8th and subsequent days (fee per day)...............           91.75          150.00          154.00          158.00          162.00          166.00
    Miniature horses........................................           40.25           56.00           57.00           58.00           60.00           61.00
    Poultry (including zoo poultry):
        Doves, Pigeons, and quail...........................            2.00            3.00            3.25            3.25            3.25            3.50
        Chickens, ducks, grouse, guinea fowl, partridges,               3.50            5.75            6.00            6.00            6.26            6.25
         pea fowl, and pheasants............................
        Large poultry and large waterfowl, including, but               8.25           13.00           14.00           14.00           14.00           15.00
         not limited to game cocks, geese, swans, and
        Chicks (less than 3 months old).....................            5.75            8.50            8.75            9.00            9.00            9.25
        Juveniles (3 months through 10 months old)..........            8.00           13.00           13.00           13.00           14.00           14.00
        Adults (11 months old and older)....................           16.25           24.00           25.00           26.00           26.00           27.00
    [[Page 52684]]
     User Fees for Birds or Poultry Quarantined In APHIS Animal Import Centers and Housed in Nonstandard Housing or Receiving Nonstandard Care and Handling
                                                                        (Sec.  130.2(b))
                                                                                                              Daily user fee
    Bird or poultry (nonstandard housing, care, or handling)   Current user    Oct. 1, 1999-   Oct. 1, 2000-   Oct. 1, 2001-   Oct. 1, 2002-
                                                                    fee       Sept. 30, 2000  Sept. 30, 2001  Sept. 30, 2002  Sept. 30, 2003     Beginning
                                                                                                                                               Oct. 1, 2003
    Birds 0-250 grams and doves, pigeons, and quail.........           $3.25           $5.00           $5.25           $5.25           $5.50           $5.75
    Birds 251-1,000 grams and poultry such as chickens,                 7.50           12.00           12.00           13.00           13.00           13.00
     ducks, grouse, guinea fowl, partridge, pea fowl, and
    Birds over 1,000 grams and large poultry and large                 14.00           23.00           24.00           24.00           25.00           25.00
     waterfowl, including, but not limited to game cocks,
     geese, swans, and turkeys..............................
    User Fees for Exclusive Use of Space at APHIS Animal Import Centers 
    (Sec. 130.3)
        Section 130.3 lists user fees charged with an importer uses an 
    entire quarantine building at an Animal Import Center. If the space is 
    available and the importer has enough animals to fill one of the full 
    building spaces, then a single user fee applies. Depending upon the 
    number and type of animals in the importation, the single user fee for 
    the entire building may be less than the total user fee that would have 
    been charged per animal under Sec. 130.2
        Section 130.3 of the regulations lists the location of the spaces, 
    the square footage of those spaces, and the user fees for exclusive use 
    of those spaces. The fees in Sec. 130.3 cover all costs of the 
    quarantine except feed. The importer either provides the fee or pays 
    for it on an actual cost basis, including the cost of delivery.
        The table in Sec. 130.3 currently lists the user fees for the 
    exclusive use of the Miami, FL, and Newburgh, NY, Animal Import 
    Centers. The Miami Animal Import Center is not being used as an 
    exclusive use quarantine facility. We do not anticipate any requests 
    for the exclusive use of space at the Miami Animal Import Center. 
    Therefore, we propose to remove user fees for the exclusive use of the 
    Miami Animal Import Center from the listing in Sec. 130.3. The spaces 
    at Newburgh, NY, would continue to be available for exclusive use.
        The importer determines the species, sizes, and ages of the animals 
    or birds in the importation, calls for a reservation, and requests the 
    use of an entire building. At that time we determine, and inform the 
    importer of, the maximum number of animals and birds we would permit. 
    We limit the number of animals or birds to the maximum number which can 
    be cared for without jeopardizing their health. In determining the 
    maximum number, the veterinarian in charge of the Animal Import Center 
    considers the species, size and age of the animals, animal husbandry 
    needs, sanitation, ability to conduct tests, inspections, and support 
        The table below lists the proposed user fees for the exclusive use 
    of space at APHIS Animal Import Centers for fiscal years 2000-2004. As 
    explained above, the proposed user fees are based on FY 1999 costs and 
    include direct labor cost adjusted by 4.4 percent for FY 2000 and 3.9 
    percent for FY 2001 through 2004 to cover increases in employee pay, 
    and adjustments for inflation at 2.3 percent each year. The percentage 
    changes in the user fees from one fiscal year to the next vary based on 
                            User Fees for Exclusive Use of Space for Animals Quarantined in APHIS Animal Import Centers (Sec.  130.3)
                                                                                                             Monthly user fee
                      Animal import center                     Current user    Oct. 1, 1999-   Oct. 1, 2000-   Oct. 1, 2001-   Oct. 1, 2002-
                                                                    fee       Sept. 30, 2000  Sept. 30, 2001  Sept. 30, 2002  Sept. 30, 2003  Beginning Oct.
                                                                                                                                                  1, 2003
    Newburgh, NY:
        Space A 5,396 sq. ft. (503.1 sq. m.)................         $43,102         $53,037         $54,523         $56,054         $57,630         $59,254
        Space B 8,903 sq. ft. (827.1 sq. m.)................          71,118          87,508          89,959          92,484          95,085          97,764
        Space C 905 sq. ft. (84.1 sq. m.)...................           7,229           8,895           9,144           9,401           9,666           9,938
    User Fees for Inspection of Animals at Ports of Entry
        Sections 130.6 and 130.7 list user fees we charge for inspecting 
    animals imported into the United States. We inspect the animals to 
    minimize the risk that they could introduce a foreign animal disease 
    into the United States. We provide inspection services at U.S. border 
    ports, airports, and ocean ports.
        We charge the user fee per animal or per load, depending on whether 
    the animals are handled individually or as a group. The user fees vary 
    with the location and type of animal. Different types of animals 
    require different amounts and types of services. User fees for services 
    at the United States-Mexico
    [[Page 52685]]
    border are listed in Sec. 130.6. User fees for services at other ports 
    of entry are listed in Sec. 130.7.
        The tables below list the proposed user fees for inspection of 
    animals at ports of entry for fiscal years 2000-2004. As explained 
    above, the proposed user fees are based on FY 1999 costs and include 
    direct labor costs adjusted by 4.4 percent for FY 2000 and 3.9 percent 
    for FY 2001 through 2004 to cover increases in employee pay, and 
    adjustments for inflation at 2.3 percent each year. The percentage 
    changes in the user fees from one fiscal year to the next vary based on 
                         User Fees for Inspection of Animals at Land Border Ports Along the United States-Mexico Border (Sec.  130.6(a))
                                                                                                             Per head user fee
                       Type of live animal                     Current user    Oct. 1, 1999-   Oct. 1, 2000-   Oct. 1, 2001-   Oct. 1, 2002-     Beginning
                                                                    fee       Sept. 30, 2000  Sept. 30, 2001  Sept. 30, 2002  Sept. 30, 2003    October 1,
    Any ruminants not listed below..........................           $6.00           $8.00           $8.25           $8.50           $8.75           $9.00
    Feeder..................................................            1.75            2.25            2.25            2.25            2.50            2.50
    Horses, other than slaughter............................           29.25           39.00           41.00           42.00           43.00           44.00
    In-bond or in-transit...................................            3.75            5.25            5.25            5.50            5.50            5.75
    Slaughter...............................................            2.50            3.50            3.50            3.50            3.75            3.75
                              User Fees for Inspection of Animals at Land Border Ports at All Other Ports of Entry (Sec.  130.7(a))
                                                                                                                         User fee
                Type of live animal                          Unit                 Current      Oct. 1,      Oct. 1,      Oct. 1,      Oct. 1,     Beginning
                                                                                  user fee    1999-Sept.   2000-Sept.   2001-Sept.   2002-Sept.    Oct. 1,
                                                                                               30, 2000     30, 2001     30, 2002     30, 2003       2003
                                                   Animals being imported into the United States
    Breeding animals (grade animals, except
        Sheep and goats.......................  per head......................        $0.50        $0.50        $0.50        $0.50        $0.50        $0.50
        Swine.................................  per head......................         0.50         0.75         0.75         0.75         0.75         0.75
        All others............................  per head......................         2.25         3.00         3.00         3.25         3.25         3.25
    Feeder animals:
        Cattle (not including calves).........  per head......................        $1.00        $1.50        $1.50        $1.50        $1.50        $1.50
        Sheep and calves......................  per head......................         0.25         0.50         0.50         0.50         0.50         0.50
        Swine.................................  per head......................         0.25         0.25         0.25         0.25         0.25         0.25
        Horses, other than slaughter and in-    per head......................        19.00        25.00        26.00        27.00        28.00        29.00
        Poultry (including eggs), imported for  per load......................        33.00        44.00        46.00        47.00        48.00        50.00
         any purpose.
        Registered animals, all types.........  per head......................         4.00         5.25         5.50         5.50         5.75         6.00
        Slaughter animals, all types..........  per load......................        16.50        22.00        23.00        24.00        24.00        25.00
                                                       Animals transiting\1\ the United States
    Cattle....................................  per head......................         1.00         1.25         1.25         1.50         1.50         1.50
    Horses and all other animals..............  per head......................         4.50         6.00         6.25         6.50         6.75         6.75
    Sheep and goats...........................  per head......................         0.25         0.25         0.25         0.25         0.25         0.25
    Swine.....................................  per head......................         0.25         0.25         0.25         0.25         0.25        0.25
    \1\ The user fee in this section will be charged for in-transit authorizations at the port where the authorization services are performed. For
      additional services provided by APHIS, at any port, the hourly user fee rate in Sec.  130.30 will apply.
    User Fees for Other Services (Sec. 130.8)
        Section 130.8 lists the user fees we charge for a variety of other 
    services we provide related to the importation into or exportation from 
    the United States of animals, animals products, birds, germ plasm, 
    organisms, and vectors.
        The table below lists the proposed user fees for these services for 
    fiscal years 2000-2004. As explained above, the proposed user fees are 
    based on FY 1999 costs and include direct labor costs adjusted by 4.4 
    percent for FY 2000 and 3.9 percent for FY 2001 through 2004 to cover 
    increases in employee pay, and adjustments for inflation at 2.3 percent 
    each year. The percentage changes in the user fees from one fiscal year 
    to the next vary based on rounding.
                                                          User Fees for Other Services (Sec.  130.8(a))
                                                                                                                 User fee
                Service                       Unit             Current user    Oct. 1, 1999-   Oct. 1, 2000-   Oct. 1, 2001-   Oct. 1, 2002-
                                                                    fee       Sept. 30, 2000  Sept. 30, 2001  Sept. 30, 2002  Sept. 30, 2003  Beginning Oct.
                                                                                                                                                  1, 2003
    Embryo collection center        per year................         $278.50         $337.00         $347.00         $358.00         $369.00         $380.00
     inspection and approval (all
     inspections required during
     the year for facility
    Germ plasm being exported: 1
    [[Page 52686]]
            Up to 5 donor pairs...  per certificate.........           54.75           74.00           76.00           79.00           81.00           83.00
            Each additional group   per group of donor pairs           24.75           33.00           34.00           35.00           36.00           37.00
             of donor pairs, up to
             5 pairs per group, on
             the same certificate.
        Semen.....................  per certificate.........           33.50           45.00           46.00           48.00           49.00           51.00
    Germ plasm being imported:2
        Embryo....................  per load................           39.50           54.00           55.00           57.00           58.00           60.00
        Semen.....................  per load................           39.50           54.00           55.00           57.00           58.00           60.00
    Import compliance assistance:
        Simple (2 hours or less)..  per release.............           51.25           62.00           64.00           66.00           68.00           70.00
        Complicated (more than 2    per release.............          131.75          159.00          164.00          169.00          174.00          180.00
    Inspection for approval of
     slaughter establishment:
        Initial approval (all       per year................          246.50          332.00          342.00          352.00          362.00          373.00
        Renewal (all inspections).  per year................          213.50          288.00          296.00          305.00          314.00          323.00
    Inspection of approved
     establishments, warehouses,
     and facilities under 9 CFR
     parts 94 through 96:
        Approval (compliance        per year................          262.75          354.00          365.00          375.00          386.00          398.00
         agreement) (all
         inspections for first
         year of 3-year approval).
        Renewed approval (all       per year................          152.00          205.00          211.00          217.00          223.00          230.00
         inspections for second
         and third years of 3-year
    Pet birds (except pet birds of
     U.S. origin entering the
     United States from Canada):
        Which have been out of the  per lot.................          169.75          229.00          236.00          243.00          250.00          257.00
         United States more than
         60 days.
        Which have been out of the  per lot.................           71.25           96.00           99.00          102.00          105.00          108.00
         United States 60 days or
    Processing VS form 16-3,
     ``Application for permit to
     Import Controlled Material/
     Import or Transport Organisms
     or Vectors'':
        For permit to import fetal  per application.........          208.50          275.00          283.00          292.00          300.00          309.00
         bovine serum when
         facility inspection is
        For all other permits.....  per application.........           27.50           35.00           36.00           37.00           38.00           39.00
        Amended application.......  per amended application.           11.50           14.00           15.00           15.00           16.00           16.00
        Application renewal.......  per application.........           15.00           19.00           19.00           20.00           21.00           21.00
    Release from export
     agricultural hold:
        Simple (2 hours or less)..  per release.............           51.25           62.00           64.00           66.00           68.00           70.00
        Complicated (more than 2    per release.............          131.75          159.00          164.00          169.00          174.00         180.00
    1 This user fee includes a single inspection and resealing of the container at the APHIS employee's regular tour of duty station or at a limited port.
      For each subsequent inspection and resealing required, the hourly user fee in Sec.  130.30 will apply.2
    2 For inspection of empty containers being imported into the United States, the hourly user fee in Sec.  130.30 will apply, unless a user fee has been
      assessed under 7 CFR part 354.3.
    User Fees for Pet Birds (Sec. 130.10)
        Section 130.10 lists user fees charged for services we provide for 
    pet birds that must be quarantined in an APHIS owned or supervised 
    quarantine facility.
        In accordance with 9 CFR part 93, pet birds are normally 
    quarantined for 30 days. We charge a daily user fee. The user fee 
    applies per isolette and varies based on the number of pet birds in the 
    isolette. That is, all the birds quarantined in one isolette are 
    covered by one fee, which is assessed daily for the duration of the 
        This user fee recovers all costs of feeding, housing, handling, and 
    caring for the birds. The user fee does not recover the costs of 
    testing the birds, for which separate user fees apply.
        The table below lists the proposed user fees for pet birds 
    quarantined in APHIS owned or supervised quarantine facilities for 
    fiscal years 2000-2004. As explained above, the proposed user fees are 
    based on FY 1999 costs and include direct labor costs adjusted by 4.4 
    percent for FY 2000 and 3.9 percent for FY 2001 through 2004 to cover 
    increases in employee pay, and adjustments for inflation at 2.3 percent 
    each year. The percentage changes in the user fees from one fiscal year 
    to the next vary based on rounding.
                              User fees for pet birds quarantined in APHIS owned or supervised quarantine facilities (Sec.  130.10)
                                                                                                      Daily user fee
                   Number of birds in isolette                 Current user    Oct. 1, 1999-   Oct. 1, 2000-   Oct. 1, 2001-   Oct. 1, 2002-     Beginning
                                                                    fee       Sept. 30, 2000  Sept. 30, 2001  Sept. 30, 2002  Sept. 30, 2003   Oct. 1, 2003
    1.......................................................           $6.50           $8.25           $8.50           $8.75           $9.00           $9.25
    2.......................................................            7.75           10.00           10.00           11.00           11.00           11.00
    3.......................................................            9.28           12.00           12.00           13.00           13.00           13.00
    4.......................................................           10.75           14.00           14.00           15.00           15.00           15.00
    5 or more...............................................           12.00           16.00           16.00           17.00           17.00           18.00
    User Fees for Endorsing Export Certificates (Sec. 130.20)
        Section 130.20 lists user fees we charge for endorsing certificates 
    for animals or animal products exported from the United States. The 
    importing countries often require these certificates to show that an 
    animal has tested negative to specific animal diseases or that an 
    animal or animal product has not been exposed to specific animal 
        These user fees are intended to cover all of the costs associated 
    with endorsing the certificates. The steps associated with endorsing an 
    export certificate may include reviewing supporting documentation; 
    confirming that the importing country's requirements have been met; 
    verifying laboratory test results for each animal if tests are 
    required; reviewing any certification statements required by the 
    importing country; and endorsing, or
    [[Page 52687]]
    signing, the certificates. Because importing countries often require 
    these certificates for animals, animal products, and other products, we 
    are proposing to change the references in the regulations from ``export 
    health certificates'' to ``export certificates.''
        The tables below list the proposed user fees for endorsing these 
    certificates for fiscal years 2000-2004. As explained above, the 
    proposed user fees are based on FY 1999 costs and include direct labor 
    costs adjusted by 4.4 percent for FY 2000 and 3.9 percent for FY 2001 
    through 2004 to cover increases in employee pay, and adjustments for 
    inflation at 2.3 percent each year. The percentage changes in the user 
    fees from one fiscal year to the next vary based on rounding.
                                                  User Fees for Endorsing Export Certificates (Sec.  130.20(a))
                                                                                                                 User fee
                     Certificate categories                    Current user    Oct. 1, 1999-   Oct. 1, 2000-   Oct. 1, 2001-   Oct. 1, 2002-
                                                                    fee       Sept. 30, 2000  Sept. 30, 2001  Sept. 30, 2002  Sept. 30, 2003  Beginning Oct.
                                                                                                                                                  1, 2003
    Animal products.........................................          $21.50          $29.00          $30.00          $30.00          $31.00          $32.00
    Hatching eggs...........................................           21.00           27.00           28.00           28.00           29.00           30.00
    Nonslaughter horses to Canada...........................           26.25           34.00           35.00           36.00           37.00           38.00
    Poultry (including slaughter poultry)...................           21.00           27.00           28.00           28.00           29.00           30.00
    Slaughter animals, of any type, moving to Canada or                24.50           31.00           32.00           33.00           34.00           35.00
    Other endorsements or certifications....................           16.50           21.00           22.00           22.00           23.00           24.00
                           User Fees for Endorsing Export Certificates When the Importing Country Requires Tests (Sec.  130.20(b)(1))
                                                                                                                 User fee
    Number of tests or vaccinations and Number of animals or   Current user    Oct. 1, 1999-   Oct. 1, 2000-   Oct. 1, 2001-   Oct. 1, 2002-
                    birds on the certificate                        fee       Sept. 30, 2000  Sept. 30, 2001  Sept. 30, 2002  Sept. 30, 2003  Beginning Oct.
                                                                                                                                                  1, 2003
    1-2 tests or vaccinations:
        First animal........................................          $52.50          $68.00          $70.00          $72.00          $74.00          $76.00
        Each additional animal..............................            3.00            4.00            4.00            4.00            4.25            4.25
    3-6 tests or vaccinations:
        First animal........................................           64.75           84.00           86.00           88.00           91.00           94.00
        Each additional animal..............................            5.00            6.50            6.75            7.00            7.00            7.25
    7 or more tests or vaccinations:
        First animal........................................           75.75           98.00          100.00          103.00          106.00          109.00
        Each additional animal..............................            6.00            7.75            8.00            8.25            8.25            8.50
    Executive Order 12866 and Regulatory Flexibility Act
        This proposed rule has been reviewed under Executive Order 12866. 
    The rule has been determined to be significant for the purposes of 
    Executive Order 12866 and, therefore, has been reviewed by the Office 
    of Management and Budget.
        Below is a summary of the economic analysis for the changes in 
    APHIS user fees proposed in this document. The economic analysis 
    provides a cost-benefit analysis as required by Executive Order 12866 
    and an analysis of the potential economic effects on small entities as 
    required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act. A copy of the full economic 
    analysis, which includes comparisons of the change in collections for 
    each user fee, is available for review at the location listed in the 
    ADDRESSES section at the beginning of this document.
        We do not have enough data for a comprehensive analysis of the 
    economic effects of this proposed rule on small entities. Therefore, in 
    accordance with 5 U.S.C. 603, we have performed an Initial Regulatory 
    Flexibility Analysis for this proposed rule. We are inviting comments 
    about this proposed rule as it relates to small entities. In 
    particular, we are interested in determining the number and kind of 
    small entities who may incur benefits or costs from implementation of 
    this proposed rule and the economic impact of those benefits or costs.
        These user fees are authorized by section 2509(c)(1) of the Food, 
    Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act of 1990, as amended (21 U.S.C. 
    136a). APHIS is authorized to establish and collect fees that will 
    cover the cost of providing import- and export-related services for 
    animals, animal products, birds, germ plasm, organisms, and vectors.
        Since FY 1992, APHIS has received no directly appropriated funds to 
    provide import- and export-related services for animals, animal 
    products, birds, germ plasm, organisms, and vectors. Our ability to 
    provide these services depends on user fees. We change our user fees 
    through the standard rulemaking process of publishing the proposed 
    changes for public comment in the Federal Register, considering the 
    comments, publishing the final changes in the Federal Register, and 
    making the new user fees effective 30 days after the final rule is 
    published. This rulemaking process can be lengthy. As a result, our 
    user fees may not reflect our current cost of providing services.
        For our user fees to cover our costs so that we can continue to 
    provide services and to inform our customers of user fees in time for 
    advance planning, we propose to set user fees for our services in 
    advance for fiscal years 2000 through 2004. The proposed user fees are 
    based on our costs of providing import- and export-related services in 
    FY 1999, plus anticipated annual increases in the salaries of employees 
    who provide the services, plus adjustments for inflation. We used 
    estimated pay increases of 4.4 percent for FY 2000 and 3.9 percent for 
    FY 2001 through FY 2004 published by the U.S. Treasury Department to 
    calculate increases in the direct labor costs each year. We estimated 
    inflation at 2.3 percent a year based on the Consumer Price Index 
    (CPI). The estimated CPI is published in the
    [[Page 52688]]
    Economic Assumptions table of the Budget for the U.S. Government each 
        Since the rulemaking process can be lengthy, it is difficult to 
    estimate when proposed user fee changes may become effective. For 
    analysis purposes, we based projected collections on calculations using 
    an estimated effective date of April 1, 2000 for the proposed FY 2000 
    user fees. Our goal is to implement the proposed user fees in a timely 
    fashion. In the final rule, we will show revised projections of user 
    fee collections based on the effective date of the proposed user fees.
        The following summary table shows annual expenses for providing 
    import- and export-related services, current collections, increases in 
    collections from the proposed user fee changes, and projected reserve 
                                                                    Estimated                                                                      Total FY
                            Calendar dates                           current    FY 2000 \2\    FY 2001      FY 2002      FY 2003      FY 2004      2000 FY
                                                                    annual \1\                                                                       2004
    Operating reserve, start of year.............................     $382,142     $382,142           $0   $1,083,957   $2,040,005    3,072,364  ...........
    Annual income:
        Current collections \3\..................................   11,940,080   11,940,080   11,940,080   11,940,080   11,940,080   11,940,080   71,640,480
        Proposed collections.....................................            0    2,303,817    5,005,404    5,391,637    5,999,739    6,451,365   25,151,962
            Total income.........................................   11,940,080   14,243,897   16,945,484   17,331,717   17,939,819   18,391,445   96,792,442
        Annual expenses \4\......................................   11,940,080   14,626,039   15,861,527   16,375,669   16,907,460   17,457,533   93,168,308
            Income, less expenses................................            0    (382,142)    1,083,957      956,048    1,032,359      933,912
        Operating reserve, end of year...........................      382,142            0    1,083,957    2,040,005    3,072,364    4,006,276
        Months (no.).............................................         0.00         0.00         0.82         1.49         2.18        2.75
    \1\ Current annual estimates are based on FY 1998.
    \2\ FY 2000 estimates are based on an estimated implementation date for the proposed user fees of April 1, 2000. When the estimated implementation date
      changes, we will recalculate the projections using that date.
    \3\ Projections for FY 2000-2004 are based on FY 1998 volumes. When FY 1999 volumes are available, we will recalculate the projections using FY 1999
      volumes. Increases in volumes in the outyears would increase income and expenses proportionately.
    \4\ The annual expenses shown in the table in the estimated current annual column and in the FY 2000 column reflect expenses constrained by income from
      user fee collections. Our user fees are not high enough to provide the level of service delivery requested for import- and export-related activities.
      Our current user fees are approximately $2.5 million below the performance level of services requested. Even with the proposed user fee increases,
      using an estimated effective date of April 1, 2000 for the proposed FY 2000 user fees, we anticipate that in FY 2000 our user fee collections would be
      over $1 million below the level of anticipated service requests. To constrain expenses down to equal income, we would be required to restrict services
      until user fee increases can be implemented. Adoption of the proposed user fees would allow us to meet customer demand and build an adequate reserve.
      Therefore, once implemented, service restrictions would no longer be required.
    Effects on Small Entities
        Proposed user fee changes could affect some importers and exporters 
    of live animals, animal products, birds, germ plasm, organisms, and 
    vectors. Any of these importers or exporters whose annual sales total 
    less than $5 million is a small entity according to the Small Business 
    Administration (SBA). We do not have adequate information to determine 
    the number of entities who import or export live animals and qualify as 
    a small entity. Data from the 1995 Bureau of Census indicates that the 
    majority of agricultural entities who deal in less valuable animals, 
    such as feeding or slaughter animals, can be considered small. This may 
    not be the case for entities dealing exclusively in more valuable 
    animals. While there is a wide range in the sizes of entities who use 
    our import- and export-related services, our experience shows that as 
    many as 50 percent may be considered large.
        The profit margins of some entities could decline as user fees for 
    import-or export-related services are increased. However, the proposed 
    increases are generally small in dollar value. Over the 5 years, more 
    than 57 percent of the individual user fee increases are $1.00 or less, 
    and more than 88 percent are less than $10.00. In addition, the 
    proposed user fees represent a small fraction of the value of the 
    affected animals. Purchase and import costs for importing a breeding 
    grade animal into the United States can range between $1500 and $5000 
    per head. Therefore, the proposed increases are not generally expected 
    to reduce profits or impede imports or exports. Indeed, entities 
    directly effected by this proposed rule are not likely to bear the full 
    burden of the user fee increases, as some of the cost increases are 
    expected to be passed on to the purchasers of these imported or 
    exported animals or animal products.
        One alternative to this proposed rule would be to make no changes 
    to the current user fees. We do not consider making no changes to the 
    current user fees a reasonable alternative because we would not recover 
    the full cost of providing the import-and export-related services. 
    Since 1992, Congress has not appropriated funds for these services; 
    these services have been paid for through user fees charged to the 
    customer or reimbursable agreements. Therefore, if we had chosen this 
    alternative and not proposed changes to the current user fees, funds 
    would not be available to continue to provide services at a level 
    sufficient to meet customer demand.
        Another alternative to this proposed rule would be to either exempt 
    small businesses from these user fees or establish a different user fee 
    structure for small businesses. APHIS cannot exempt certain classes of 
    users, such as small businesses, from the user fees, and cannot charge 
    user fees that recover less than the full cost of providing the 
    service. In addition, every business, including small businesses, using 
    a government service needs to pay the cost of that service, rather than 
    having other businesses pay a disproportionate share or passing those 
    costs on to the general public, who are not the primary beneficiary of 
    the service. Therefore, we do not consider exempting small businesses 
    from these user fees or establishing a different user fee structure for 
    small businesses as viable options.
        Another alternative to the user fee changes proposed in this rule 
    would be to calculate the increases for the five year period and then 
    spread the changes evenly in annual increments. The largest change from 
    the current user fees to the proposed FY 2000 user fee comes from the 
    additional administrative support cost components: Rent, billing costs 
    and collections expenses, and
    [[Page 52689]]
    equipment capitalization. APHIS is already incurring these costs, 
    therefore we need to recover these costs through user fees. If we had 
    proposed these increases phased in over the 5 year period, it would 
    benefit users in FY 2000 because they would not pay a large increase in 
    the first year. However, most of these user fees have not been changed 
    since FY 1996 and the current user fees no longer reflect the cost of 
    providing import- and export-related services. Therefore, if we 
    implemented this alternative, the user fees would still not accurately 
    reflect the costs in FY 2000 and we would not recover the costs of 
    providing import- or export-related services, so this option is not 
    viable. Our intent of offering a multi-year plan so that businesses can 
    include these revised user fees in their operating program will be 
    effective once these proposed user fees become effective and businesses 
    will know what the annual changes will be to incorporate them into 
    their budgetary plans. The alternative would be to continue as we have 
    with occasional large increases instead of the initial increase to 
    bring the user fees up to the cost of providing services and 
    implementing annual changes as we have proposed in this document.
    Cost Benefit Analysis
        The benefit of user fees is the shift in the payment of services 
    from taxpayers as a whole to those persons who are receiving the 
    government services. While taxes may not change by the same amount as 
    the change in user fee collections, there is a related shift in the 
    appropriations of taxes to government programs, which allows those tax 
    dollars to be applied to other programs which benefit the public in 
    general. Therefore, there could be a relative savings to taxpayers as a 
    result of the proposed changes in user fees.
        The administrative cost involved in obtaining these savings would 
    be minimal. APHIS already has a user fee program and a mechanism for 
    collecting user fees in place. This proposal would update existing user 
    fees in the system. Therefore, increases in administrative costs would 
    be small. Because the savings are sufficiently large, and the 
    administrative costs would be small, it is likely that the net gain in 
    reducing the burden on taxpayers as a whole would outweigh the cost of 
    administering the revisions of the user fees.
        This proposed rule contains no new information collection or 
    recordkeeping requirements.
    Executive Order 12988
        This proposed rule has been reviewed under Executive Order 12988, 
    Civil Justice Reform. If this proposed rule is adopted: (1) All State 
    and local laws and regulations that are inconsistent with this rule 
    will be preempted; (2) no retroactive effect will be given to this 
    rule; and (3) administrative proceedings will not be required before 
    parties may file suit in court challenging this rule.
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        This proposed rule contains no new information collection or 
    recordkeeping requirements under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 
    (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.).
    List of Subjects in 9 CFR Part 130
        Animals, Birds, Diagnostic reagents, Exports, Imports, Poultry and 
    poultry products, Quarantine, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, 
        Accordingly, we propose to amend 9 CFR part 130 as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 130 would be revised to read as 
        Authority: 5 U.S.C. 5542; 7 U.S.C. 1622; 19 U.S.C. 1306; 21 
    U.S.C. 102-105, 111, 114, 114a, 134a, 134c, 134d, 134f, 136, and 
    136a; 31 U.S.C. 3701, 3716, 3717, 3719, and 3720A; 7 CFR 2.22, 2.80, 
    and 371.2(d).
        2. Section 130.2 would be amended as follows:
        a. In paragraph (a), by revising the table to read as set forth 
        b. In paragraph (b), by revising the table to read as set forth 
    Sec. 130.2  User fees for individual animals and certain birds 
    quarantined in APHIS Animal Import Centers.
        (a) * * *
                                                                      Daily user fee
             Animal or bird            Oct. 1, 1999-   Oct. 1, 2000-   Oct. 1, 2001-   Oct. 1, 2002-
                                      Sept. 30, 2000  Sept. 30, 2001  Sept. 30, 2002  Sept. 30, 2003     Beginning
                                                                                                       Oct. 1, 2003
    Birds (excluding ratites and pet
     birds imported in accordance
     with Part 93 of this
        0-250 grams.................           $1.50           $1.50           $1.50           $1.50           $1.75
        251-1,000 grams.............            5.00            5.25            5.25            5.50            5.75
        Over 1,000 grams............           12.00           12.00           13.00           13.00           13.00
    Domestic or zoo animals (except
     equines, birds, and poultry):
        Bison, bulls, camels,                  93.00           95.00           97.00          100.00          102.00
         cattle, or zoo animals.....
        All others, including, but             24.00           25.00           26.00           26.00           27.00
         not limited to, alpacas,
         llamas, goats, sheep, and
    Equines (including zoo equines,
     but excluding miniature
        1st through 3rd day (fee per          245.00          251.00          257.00          264.00          270.00
        4th through 7th day (fee per          177.00          182.00          186.00          191.00          195.00
        8th and subsequent days (fee          150.00          154.00          158.00          162.00          166.00
         per day)...................
    Miniature horses................           56.00           57.00           58.00           60.00           61.00
    Poultry (including zoo poultry):
        Doves, pigeons, quail.......            3.00            3.25            3.25            3.25            3.50
        Chickens, ducks, grouse,                5.75            6.00            6.00            6.25            6.25
         guinea fowl, partridge, pea
         fowl, pheasants............
        Large poultry and large                13.00           14.00           14.00           14.00           15.00
         waterfowl, including, but
         not limited to game cocks,
         geese, swans, and turkeys..
        Chicks (less than 3 months              8.50            8.75            9.00            9.00            9.25
        Juveniles (3 months through            13.00           13.00           13.00           14.00           14.00
         10 months old).............
        Adults (11 months old and              24.00           25.00           26.00           26.00           27.00
    [[Page 52690]]
        (b) * * *
                                                                      Daily user fee
      Bird or poultry (nonstandard     Oct. 1, 1999-   Oct. 1, 2000-   Oct. 1, 2001-   Oct. 1, 2002-
       housing, care, or handling)    Sept. 30, 2000  Sept. 30, 2001  Sept. 30, 2002  Sept. 30, 2003     Beginning
                                                                                                       Oct. 1, 2003
        Birds 0-250 grams and doves,           $5.00           $5.25           $5.25           $5.50           $5.75
         pigeons, and quail.........
        Birds 251-1,000 grams and              12.00           12.00           13.00           13.00           13.00
         poultry such as chickens,
         ducks, grouse, guinea fowl,
         partridge, pea fowl, and
        Birds over 1,000 grams and             23.00           24.00           24.00           25.00           25.00
         large poultry and large
         waterfowl, including, but
         not limited to game cocks,
         geese, swans, and turkeys..
    * * * * *
        3. Section 130.3 would be amended as follows:
        a. In paragraph (a)(1), the table would be revised to read as set 
    forth below.
        b. By revising paragraph (c)(3) to read as set forth below.
    Sec. 130.3  User fees for exclusive use of space at APHIS Animal Import 
        (a)(1) * * *
                                                                     Monthly user fee
          Animal import center         Oct. 1, 1999-   Oct. 1, 2000-   Oct. 1, 2001-   Oct. 1, 2002-
                                      Sept. 30, 2000  Sept. 30, 2001  Sept. 30, 2002  Sept. 30, 2003     Beginning
                                                                                                       Oct. 1, 2003
    Newburgh, NY:
    Space A 5,396 sq. ft. (503.1 sq.         $53,037         $54,523         $56,054         $57,630         $59,254
        Space B 8,903 sq. ft (827.1           87,508          89,959          92,484          95,085          97,764
         sq. m.)....................
        Space C 905 sq. ft. (84.1              8,895           9,144           9,401           9,666           9,938
         sq. m.)....................
    * * * * *
        (c) * *  *
        (3) If the importer requests additional services, then the user 
    fees for those services will be calculated at the hourly rate user fee 
    listed in Sec. 130.30, for each employee required to perform the 
    * * * * *
        4. Section 130.5 would be revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 130.5  User fees for services at privately operated permanent and 
    temporary import quarantine facilities.
        (a) User fees for each animal quarantined in a privately operated 
    permanent or temporary import quarantine facility will be calculated at 
    the hourly user fee rate listed in Sec. 130.30, for each employee 
    required to perform the service. The person for whom the service is 
    provided and the person requesting the service are jointly and 
    severally liable for payment of these user fees in accordance with 
    Secs. 130.50 and 130.51.
        (b) [Reserved]
    (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control 
    number 0579-0094)
        5. Section 130.6 would be revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 130.6  User fees for inspection of live animals at land border 
    ports along the United States-Mexico border.
        (a) User fees for live animals presented for importation into or 
    entry into the United States through a land border port along the 
    United States-Mexico border are listed in the following table. The 
    minimum user fee for this service is listed in Sec. 130.30. The person 
    for whom the service is provided and the person requesting the service 
    are jointly and severally liable for payment of these user fees in 
    accordance with Secs. 130.50 and 130.51.
                                                                     Per head user fee
           Type of live animal         Oct. 1, 1999-   Oct. 1, 2000-   Oct. 1, 2001-   Oct. 1, 2002-
                                      Sept. 30, 2000  Sept. 30, 2001  Sept. 30, 2002  Sept. 30, 2003     Beginning
                                                                                                       Oct. 1, 2003
        Any ruminants not covered              $8.00           $8.25           $8.50           $8.75           $9.00
        Feeder......................            2.25            2.25            2.25            2.50            2.50
        Horses, other than slaughter           39.00           41.00           42.00           43.00           44.00
        In-bond or in-transit.......            5.25            5.25            5.50            5.50            5.75
        Slaughter...................            3.50            3.50            3.50            3.75            3.75
        (b) [Reserved]
    (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control 
    numbers 0579-0055 and 0579-0094)
        6. Section 130.7 would be revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 130.7  User fees for inspection of live animals at all other ports 
    of entry.
        (a) User fees for live animals presented for importation into or 
    entry into the United States through any port of entry, other than a 
    land border port along the border between the United States and Mexico, 
    are listed in the following table. The minimum user fee for this 
    service is listed in Sec. 130.30. The person for whom the service is 
    provided and the person requesting the service are jointly and 
    severally liable for payment of these user fees in accordance with 
    Secs. 130.50 and 130.51.
    [[Page 52691]]
                                                                                                                 User fee
             Type of live animal                          Unit                 Oct. 1, 1999-   Oct. 1, 2000-   Oct. 1, 2001-   Oct. 1, 2002-
                                                                              Sept. 30, 2000  Sept. 30, 2001  Sept. 30, 2002  Sept. 30, 2003  Beginning Oct.
                                                                                                                                                  1, 2003
       Animals being imported into the
                United States:
    Breeding animals (Grade animals,
     except horses):
        Sheep and goats..................  per head.........................           $0.50           $0.50           $0.50           $0.50           $0.50
        Swine............................  per head.........................            0.75            0.75            0.75            0.75            0.75
        All others.......................  per head.........................            3.00            3.00            3.25            3.25            3.25
    Feeder animals:
        Cattle (not including calves)....  per head.........................            1.50            1.50            1.50            1.50            1.50
        Sheep and calves.................  per head.........................            0.50            0.50            0.50            0.50            0.50
        Swine............................  per head.........................            0.25            0.25            0.25            0.25            0.25
    Horses, other than slaughter and in-   per head.........................           25.00           26.00           27.00           28.00           29.00
        Poultry (including eggs),          per load.........................           44.00           46.00           47.00           48.00           50.00
         imported for any purpose.
    Registered animals, all types........  per head.........................            5.25            5.50            5.50            5.75            6.00
    Slaughter animals, all types.........  per load.........................           22.00           23.00           24.00           24.00           25.00
    Animals transiting \1\ the United
        Cattle...........................  per head.........................            1.25            1.25            1.50            1.50            1.50
        Horses and all other animals.....  per head.........................            6.00            6.25            6.50            6.75            6.75
        Sheep and goats..................  per head.........................            0.25            0.25            0.25            0.25            0.25
        Swine............................  per head.........................            0.25            0.25            0.25            0.25           0.25
    \1\ The user fee in this section will be charged for in-transit authorizations at the port where the authorization services are performed. For
      additional services provided by APHIS, at any port, the hourly user fee rate in Sec.  130.30 will apply.
        (b) [Reserved]
    (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control 
    numbers 0579-0055 and 0579-0094)
        7. Section 130.8 would be revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 130.8  User fees for other services.
        (a) User fees for other services that are not specifically 
    addressed elsewhere in part 130 are listed in the following table. The 
    person for whom the service is provided and the person requesting the 
    service are jointly and severally liable for payment of these user fees 
    in accordance with Secs. 130.50 and 130.51.
                                                                                                                User fee--
                   Service                                Unit                 Oct. 1, 1999-   Oct. 1, 2000-   Oct. 1, 2001-   Oct. 1, 2002-
                                                                              Sept. 30, 2000  Sept. 30, 2001  Sept. 30, 2002  Sept. 30, 2003     Beginning
                                                                                                                                               Oct. 1, 2003
    Embryo collection center inspection    Per year.........................         $337.00         $347.00         $358.00         $369.00         $380.00
     and approval (all inspections
     required during the year for
     facility approval).
    Germ plasm being exported: \1\
            Up to 5 donor pairs..........  Per certificate..................           74.00           76.00           79.00           81.00           83.00
            Each additional group of       Per group of donor pairs.........           33.00           34.00           35.00           36.00           37.00
             donor pairs, up to 5 pairs
             per group, on the same
            Semen........................  Per certificate..................           45.00           46.00           48.00           49.00           51.00
    Germ plasm being imported: \2\
        Embryo...........................  Per load.........................           54.00           55.00           57.00           58.00           60.00
        Semen............................  Per load.........................           54.00           55.00           57.00           58.00           60.00
    Import compliance assistance:
        Simple (2 hours or less).........  Per release......................           62.00           64.00           66.00           68.00           70.00
        Complicated (more than 2 hours)..  Per release......................          159.00          164.00          169.00          174.00          180.00
    Inspection for approval of slaughter
        Initial approval (all              Per year.........................          332.00          342.00          352.00          362.00          373.00
        Renewal (all inspections)........  Per year.........................          288.00          296.00          305.00          314.00          323.00
    Inspection of approved
     establishments, warehouses, and
     facilities under 9 CFR parts 94
     through 96:
        Approval (compliance agreement)    Per year.........................          354.00          365.00          375.00          386.00          398.00
         (all inspections for first year
         of 3-year approval).
    [[Page 52692]]
        Renewed approval (all inspections  Per year.........................          205.00          211.00          217.00          223.00          230.00
         for second and third years of 3-
         year approval).
    Pet birds (except pet birds of U.S.
     origin entering the United States
     from Canada):
        Which have been out of the United  Per lot..........................          229.00          236.00          243.00          250.00          257.00
         States more than 60 days.
        Which have been out of the United  Per lot..........................           96.00           99.00          102.00          105.00          108.00
         States 60 days or less.
    Processing VS form 16-3,
     ``Application for Permit to Import
     Controlled Material/Import or
     Transport Organisms or Vectors'':
        For permit to import fetal bovine  Per application..................          275.00          283.00          292.00          300.00          309.00
         serum when facility inspection
         is required.
        For all other permits............  Per application..................           35.00           36.00           37.00           38.00           39.00
        Amended application..............  Per amended application..........           14.00           15.00           15.00           16.00           16.00
        Application renewal..............  Per application..................           19.00           19.00           20.00           21.00           21.00
    Release from export agricultural
        Simple (2 hours or less).........  Per release......................           62.00           64.00           66.00           68.00           70.00
        Complicated (more than 2 hours)..  Per release......................          159.00          164.00          169.00          174.00          180.00
    \1\ This user fee includes a single inspection and resealing of the container at the APHIS employee's regular tour of duty station or at a limited port.
      For each subsequent inspection and resealing required, the hourly user fee in Sec.  130.30 will apply.
    \2\ For inspection of empty containers being imported into the United States, the hourly user fee in Sec.  130.30 will apply, unless a user fee has been
      assessed under 7 CFR part 354.3.
        (b) [Reserved]
    (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control 
    numbers 0579-0015, 0579-0040, 0579-0055 and 0579-0094)
    Sec. 130.9  [Removed and Reserved]
        8. Section 130.9 would be removed and reserved.
        9. Section 130.10 would be amended as follows:
        a. In paragraph (a), by revising the table to read as set forth 
        b. By revising paragraph (c) to read as set forth below.
    Sec. 130.10  User fees for pet birds quarantined at APHIS-owned or 
    supervised quarantine facilities.
        (a) * * *
                                                                     Daily user fee--
       Number of birds in isolette     Oct. 1, 1999-   Oct. 1, 2000-   Oct. 1, 2001-   Oct. 1, 2002-
                                      Sept. 30, 2000  Sept. 30, 2001  Sept. 30, 2002  Sept. 30, 2003     Beginning
                                                                                                       Oct. 1, 2003
    1...............................           $8.25           $8.50           $8.75           $9.00           $9.25
    2...............................           10.00           10.00           11.00           11.00           11.00
    3...............................           12.00           12.00           13.00           13.00           13.00
    4...............................           14.00           14.00           15.00           15.00           15.00
    5 or more.......................           16.00           16.00           17.00           17.00           18.00
    * * * * *
        (c) If the importer requests additional services, then the user 
    fees for those services will be calculated at the hourly rate user fee 
    listed in Sec. 130.30, for each employee required to perform the 
    (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control 
    number 0579-0094)
        10. Section 130.20 would be amended as follows:
        a. By revising the section heading to read as set forth below.
        b. In paragraph (a), by revising the table to read as set forth 
        c. In paragraph (b)(1), by revising the table to read as set forth 
    Sec. 130.20  User fees for endorsing export certificates.
        (a) * * *
                                                                        User fee--
         Certificate categories        Oct. 1, 1999-   Oct. 1, 2000-   Oct. 1, 2001-   Oct. 1, 2002-
                                      Sept. 30, 2000  Sept. 30, 2001  Sept. 30, 2002  Sept. 30, 2003     Beginning
                                                                                                       Oct. 1, 2003
    Animal products.................          $29.00          $30.00          $30.00          $31.00          $32.00
    [[Page 52693]]
    Hatching eggs...................           27.00           28.00           28.00           29.00           30.00
    Nonslaughter horses to Canada...           34.00           35.00           36.00           37.00           38.00
    Poultry (including slaughter               27.00           28.00           28.00           29.00           30.00
    Slaughter animals, of any type,            31.00           32.00           33.00           34.00           35.00
     moving to Canada or Mexico.....
    Other endorsements or                      21.00           22.00           22.00           23.00           24.00
        (b)(1) * * *
                                                                        User fee--
     Number of tests or vaccinations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     and Number of animals or birds    Oct. 1, 1999-   Oct. 1, 2000-   Oct. 1, 2001-   Oct. 1, 2002-
           on the certificate         Sept. 30, 2000  Sept. 30, 2001  Sept. 30, 2002  Sept. 30, 2003     Beginning
                                                                                                       Oct. 1, 2003
    1-2 tests or vaccinations:
        First animal................          $68.00          $70.00          $72.00          $74.00          $76.00
        Each additional animal......            4.00            4.00            4.00            4.25            4.25
    3-6 tests or vaccinations:
        First animal................           84.00           86.00           88.00           91.00           94.00
        Each additional animal......            6.50            6.75            7.00            7.00            7.25
    7 or more tests or vaccinations:
        First animal................           98.00          100.00          103.00          106.00          109.00
        Each additional animal......            7.75            8.00            8.25            8.25            8.50
    * * * * *
    Sec. 130.21  [Removed and Reserved]
        11. Section 130.21 would be removed and reserved.
        12. A new Sec. 130.30 would be added to read as follows:
    130.30   Hourly rate user fees.
        (a) User fees for import-or export-related veterinary services 
    listed in paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(10) of this section will be 
    calculated at the hourly rate listed in the following table for each 
    employee required to perform the service. The person for whom the 
    service is provided and the person requesting the service are jointly 
    and severally liable for payment of these user fees in accordance with 
    Secs. 130.50 and 130.51.
                                                                      Hourly user fee
                                       Oct. 1, 1999-   Oct. 1, 2000-   Oct. 1, 2001-   Oct. 1, 2002-
                                      Sept. 30, 2000  Sept. 30, 2001  Sept. 30, 2002  Sept. 30, 2003     Beginning
                                                                                                       Oct. 1, 2003
    Hourly rate:
        Per hour....................          $76.00          $76.00          $80.00          $84.00          $84.00
        Per quarter hour............           19.00           19.00           20.00           21.00           21.00
        Per service minimum fee.....           22.00           23.00           24.00           24.00           25.00
        (1) Conducting inspections, including laboratory and facility 
    inspections, required to obtain permits, either to import animal 
    products, aquaculture products, organisms or vectors, or to maintain 
    compliance with import permits.
        (2) Obtaining samples required to be tested, either to obtain 
    import permits or to ensure compliance with import permits.
        (3) Providing services for imported birds or ratites that are not 
    subject to quarantine.
        (4) Supervising the opening of in-bond shipments.
        (5) Providing services for in-bond or in-transit animals to exit 
    the United States.
        (6) Inspecting an export isolation facility and the animals in it.
        (7) Supervising animal or bird rest periods prior to export.
        (8) Supervising loading and unloading of animals or birds for 
    export shipment.
        (9) Inspecting means of conveyance used to export animals or birds.
        (10) Conducting inspections under part 156 of this chapter.
        (11) Inspecting and approving an artificial insemination center or 
    a semen collection center or the animals in it.
        (12) Providing other import-or export-related veterinary services 
    for which there is no flat rate user fee specified elsewhere in this 
        (b) When do I pay an additional amount for employee(s) working 
    overtime? You must pay an additional amount if you need an APHIS 
    employee to work on a Sunday, on a holiday, or at any time outside the 
    normal tour of duty of that employee. Instead of paying the hourly rate 
    user fee, you pay the rate listed in the following table for each 
    employee needed to get the work done.
    [[Page 52694]]
                                                                  Premium rate user fee--
       Overtime rates (outside the     Oct. 1, 1999-   Oct. 1, 2000-   Oct. 1, 2001-   Oct. 1, 2002-
     employee's normal tour of duty)  Sept. 30, 2000  Sept. 30, 2001  Sept. 30, 2002  Sept. 30, 2003  Beginning Oct.
                                                                                                          1, 2003
    Premium hourly rate Monday
     through Saturday and holidays:
        Per hour....................          $88.00          $88.00          $92.00          $96.00         $100.00
        Per quarter hour............           22.00           22.00           23.00           24.00           25.00
    Premium hourly rate for Sundays:
        Per hour....................          100.00          104.00          104.00          108.00          112.00
        Per quarter hour............           25.00           26.00           26.00           27.00           28.00
    (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control 
    numbers 0579-0055 and 0579-0094)
        13. In Sec. 130.50, paragraph (b)(3)(ii) would be revised to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 130.50   Payment of user fees.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (3) * * *
        (ii) What additional amount do I pay if I receive an hourly rate 
    user fee service? Instead of paying the hourly rate user fee, you pay 
    the rate listed in Sec. 130.30(b) for each employee needed to get the 
    work done.
    * * * * *
        Done in Washington, DC, this 24th day of September 1999.
    Bobby R. Acord,
    Acting Administrator, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.
    [FR Doc. 99-25425 Filed 9-29-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3410-34-P

Document Information

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
We invite you to comment on this docket. We will consider all comments that we receive by November 29, 1999.
52680-52694 (15 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 97-058-1
0579-AA87: Veterinary Services Multi-Year User Fees
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