99-25479. Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service: Promoting Deployment and Subscribership in Unserved and Underserved Areas, Including Tribal and Insular Areas  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 189 (Thursday, September 30, 1999)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 52738-52756]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-25479]
    47 CFR Part 54
    [CC Docket No. 96-45; FCC 99-204]
    Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service: Promoting 
    Deployment and Subscribership in Unserved and Underserved Areas, 
    Including Tribal and Insular Areas
    AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.
    ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
    SUMMARY: This document concerning the responsibilities and potential 
    actions of the Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service addresses 
    the unique issues that may limit telecommunications deployment and 
    subscribership in the unserved or underserved regions of our Nation, 
    including on tribal lands and in insular areas. The Commission seeks 
    comment on current levels of deployment and subscribership in unserved, 
    tribal and insular areas, including penetration rates, availability of 
    telecommunications services, and possible impediments to increased 
    deployment and penetration. With respect to tribal areas, the 
    Commission seeks comment on issues that may be affecting the 
    availability of universal service in tribal areas, including who has 
    jurisdiction, how eligible telecommunications carriers may be 
    designated, and possible modifications to federal high-cost and low-
    income support mechanisms that may be necessary to promote deployment 
    and subscribership in these areas.
    DATES: Comments are due November 29, 1999 and reply comments are due 
    December 29, 1999.
    ADDRESSES: All filings must be sent to the Commission's Secretary, 
    Magalie Roman Salas, Office of the Secretary, Federal Communications 
    Commission, 445 Twelfth Street, SW, TW-A325, Washington, DC 20554.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jack Zinman, Attorney, Common Carrier 
    Bureau, Accounting Policy Division, (202) 418-7400.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a summary of the Commission's 
    Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking released on September 3, 1999. 
    The full text of this document is available for public inspection 
    during regular business hours in the FCC Reference Center, Room CY-
    A257, 445 Twelfth Street, SW, Washington, DC 20554.
    [[Page 52739]]
    I. Introduction
        1. An important goal of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 is to 
    preserve and advance universal service in a competitive 
    telecommunications environment. The 1996 Act mandates that ``consumers 
    in all regions of the Nation, including low-income consumers and those 
    in rural, insular, and high[-] cost areas, should have access to 
    telecommunications and information services * * *.'' Congress also 
    directed that the support mechanisms employed by the Commission for 
    this task should be ``specific, predictable and sufficient.'' Through 
    decisions adopted over the past two years, the Commission has been 
    striving to ensure that federal universal service support mechanisms 
    for high-cost areas, low-income consumers, schools and libraries, and 
    rural health care providers, enable consumers to obtain 
    telecommunications services that would otherwise be prohibitively 
        2. The absence of telecommunications service in a home puts its 
    occupants at a tremendous disadvantage in today's society. Parents 
    cannot be reached when urgent situations arise at school. Job seekers 
    cannot offer prospective employers a quick and convenient means of 
    communication. People in immediate need of emergency services cannot 
    contact police departments, fire departments, or medical providers. In 
    short, telephone service provides a vital link between individuals and 
    society as a whole. Given the importance of telephone service in modern 
    society, it is imperative that the Commission take swift and decisive 
    action to promote the deployment of facilities to unserved and 
    underserved areas and to provide the support necessary to increase 
    subscribership in these areas.
        3. The Commission took additional steps in the Thirteenth Order on 
    Reconsideration, 64 FR 30917 (June 9, 1999), toward realizing 
    Congress's goal of bringing telecommunications services to all regions 
    of the Nation. Specifically, in consultation with the Federal-State 
    Joint Board on Universal Service (Joint Board), we adopted the 
    framework for a new, forward-looking high-cost support mechanism for 
    non-rural carriers. This new high-cost support mechanism is intended to 
    ensure that high-cost areas receive support that is specific, 
    predictable, and sufficient, even as local competition develops. 
    Moreover, we believe that the forward-looking methodology, as opposed 
    to a methodology based on book costs, will encourage efficient entry 
    and investment in high-cost areas because forward-looking costs drive 
    market decisions.
        4. In addition to adopting the methodology for the new high-cost 
    support mechanism for non-rural carriers, the Thirteenth Order on 
    Reconsideration also sought comment on certain issues regarding the 
    implementation of the new mechanism. The Commission intends to resolve 
    these implementation issues in the fall of 1999, so that the new high-
    cost support mechanism will begin providing support to non-rural 
    carriers beginning on January 1, 2000. In addition, the Commission 
    reaffirmed its intention that rural carriers will receive support based 
    on the forward-looking costs of providing supported services, but not 
    before January 1, 2001, and only after further review by the 
    Commission, the Joint Board, and a Rural Task Force appointed by the 
    Joint Board. In the meantime, rural carriers will continue to receive 
    high-cost support based on the existing mechanism until the Commission 
    adopts an appropriate forward-looking mechanism for determining rural 
        5. The Commission has also recognized that, despite the steps it 
    had taken to achieve the universal service goals of the 1996 Act, some 
    areas of the nation remain unserved or inadequately served. In the 
    First Report and Order, 62 FR 32862 (June, 17, 1999), the Commission 
    stated that it would revisit certain issues pertaining to the 
    availability of service in unserved areas and universal service support 
    in insular areas. In its Second Recommended Decision, 63 FR 67837 
    (December 9, 1998), the Joint Board recommended that the special needs 
    of unserved areas be investigated and subjected to a more comprehensive 
    evaluation in a separate proceeding. Telephone penetration rates among 
    low-income consumers, and in insular, high-cost, and tribal lands lag 
    behind the penetration rates in the rest of the country. Indeed, while 
    approximately 94.2 percent of all households in the United States have 
    telephone service today, subscribership levels for very low income 
    households (78.3 percent), insular areas, certain high-cost areas, and 
    tribal lands (46.6 percent), are significantly lower than the national 
    average. The Commission has stated that these low penetration rates are 
    largely the result of ``income disparity, compounded by the unique 
    challenges these areas face by virtue of their location.''
        6. The Commission has been particularly concerned that Indians on 
    reservations, in comparison to other Americans, have less access even 
    to basic telecommunications services. In 1998, the Commission began 
    formally examining its relationship with Indian tribes and the unique 
    issues involved in providing access to telephone service for Indians on 
    reservations. As a first step, Commissioners and staff met with many 
    tribal leaders and other Indian representatives to obtain their input. 
    In meetings on April 30, 1998, and July 7, 1998, Commissioners and 
    staff heard from a variety of tribal leaders, tribal telephone company 
    representatives, academics, government personnel, and others with 
    experience and expertise in the deployment of telecommunications 
    services on reservations. Experts discussed problems ranging from 
    geographic isolation to lack of information to economic barriers. These 
    meetings provided an unprecedented opportunity for the Commission to 
    hear about the variety of interrelated obstacles that have resulted in 
    the lowest penetration rates in the country. Following these meetings, 
    several of the experts returned in the fall of 1998, to provide a 
    tutorial on Indian law for Commission staff.
        7. Based on this informal dialogue with experts, the Commission 
    determined that it would conduct public hearings to explore further the 
    reasons for the lack of telephone service and to determine what 
    specific actions the Commission could take that would improve access to 
    telephone service on Indian reservations. The hearings, entitled 
    ``Overcoming Obstacles to Telephone Service for Indians on 
    Reservations,'' BO Docket No. 99-11, provided an opportunity to obtain 
    formal testimony and comments on the range of problems the Commission 
    had begun to identify. The first field hearing was held on January 29, 
    1999 at the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center in Albuquerque, New Mexico. 
    The second field hearing was held on March 23, 1999 at the Gila River 
    Indian Community in Chandler, Arizona. Each hearing consisted of three 
    panels representing tribal authorities and tribal telephone companies, 
    industry, and government and consumer groups. The Commission heard 
    extensive testimony on issues including the costs of delivering 
    services to remote areas having very low population densities; the 
    impact of the size and extent of local calling areas on affordability 
    of service; the quality of telephone service on reservations; the 
    complexities of governmental jurisdiction and sovereignty issues; and 
    the effects on telephone service of low incomes and high unemployment 
    on reservations. Transcripts of the hearings and comments filed by 
    interested parties are
    [[Page 52740]]
    available on the Commission's website. Comments filed in BO Docket 
    Number 99-11 will be incorporated, where relevant, into the record of 
    this proceeding.
        8. Further, in connection with each of the field hearings, 
    Commissioners and staff made site visits to Indian reservations and 
    tribally-owned telephone companies. These included visits to the 
    Rosebud Reservation, the Santa Domingo, Jemez, and Picuris Pueblos, and 
    to Saddleback Communications, the Gila River Telephone Company, the 
    Salt River Pima-Maricopa Reservation, the Navajo Nation, the Hopi 
    Reservation, and the Havasupai Reservation. These site visits provided 
    an opportunity for Commissioners and staff to observe firsthand the 
    state of telephone service in these reservations and pueblos and to 
    hear directly from tribal members about their experiences. For example, 
    Commissioners and staff visited the home of an elderly couple who could 
    not afford the cost of installing a telephone in their home. The 
    husband of the couple explained that he was suffering from a chronic 
    illness, but was unable to reach the hospital or his doctor by 
    telephone to schedule medical appointments and discuss his treatment. 
    During another site visit, a tribal member stated that a relative had 
    died during a medical emergency when his family was unable to call an 
    ambulance in time when critical medical attention was needed. In 
    addition, the trips to Saddleback Communications and the Gila River 
    Telephone Company enabled Commission staff to view the successful 
    operations of some tribally-owned telephone companies.
        9. In this Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (Further Notice), 
    the Commission addresses the unique issues that may limit 
    telecommunications deployment and subscribership in the unserved or 
    underserved regions of our Nation, including on tribal lands and in 
    insular areas. In particular, the Commission seeks comment on current 
    levels of deployment and subscribership in unserved, tribal and insular 
    areas, including penetration rates, availability of telecommunications 
    services, and possible impediments to increased deployment and 
    penetration. With respect to tribal areas, the Commission seeks comment 
    on issues that may be affecting the availability of universal service 
    in tribal areas, including the assignment of jurisdiction, designation 
    of eligible telecommunications carriers, and possible modifications to 
    federal high-cost and low-income support mechanisms that may be 
    necessary to promote deployment and subscribership in these areas. In 
    particular, the Commission seeks comment on the possibility of allowing 
    carriers to establish separate tribal study areas, raising the cap on 
    the high-cost fund to allow for growth based on separate tribal study 
    areas, and revisions to its Lifeline rules. In a companion Notice of 
    Proposed Rulemaking we are adopting today, we seek comment on the 
    potential of wireless technology to provide basic telephone service to 
    tribal lands.
        10. With respect to unserved areas, the Commission seeks further 
    comment regarding the implementation of section 214(e)(3) of the Act, 
    which permits the Commission or state commissions to order a carrier to 
    provide service to an unserved community, including the possibility of 
    adopting a competitive bidding mechanism to identify the carrier or 
    carriers best able to serve an unserved area. The Commission also seeks 
    comment on possible modifications to the federal low-income and rural 
    health care support mechanisms in underserved areas, including tribal 
    and insular areas, including the possibility of expanding LinkUp to 
    include facilities based charges, and providing support for intrastate 
    toll-calling and rural health care infrastructure. The Commission seeks 
    comment on rule changes designed to enhance the availability of support 
    for rural health care providers in insular areas, including determining 
    the urban rate and the nearest large city. Through these efforts, we 
    seek to ensure that unserved and underserved areas have access to 
    telecommunications services. With respect to tribal lands, we also seek 
    to ensure that our efforts are consistent with principles of tribal 
    sovereignty, the federal trust relationship, and support for tribal 
    II. Current Levels of Deployment and Subscribership
    A. Penetration Rates
        11. The Industry Analysis Division of the Common Carrier Bureau 
    publishes a Subscribership Report three times per year. The data in 
    this report is based on the Current Population Survey (CPS), conducted 
    monthly by the Census Bureau to keep track of the unemployment rate and 
    other socio-economic conditions. The survey, however, is based on 
    information from only 50,000 households nationwide and does not 
    identify geographic areas with fewer than 100,000 people. Because many 
    unserved, tribal and insular areas fall below this population 
    threshold, the CPS cannot be used to estimate penetration rates for 
    these areas. In addition, this data does not include areas of the 
    United States that are not states, including Puerto Rico and the Virgin 
    Islands. The long form of the decennial census, which is delivered to 
    millions of households, contains a question about telephone 
    subscribership. As a result, the census data can be used to estimate 
    telephone penetration for smaller geographic areas. This data, however, 
    is collected only every ten years and it takes the Census Bureau one 
    year to compile results.
        12. We seek detailed information, to the extent that it is 
    available, on penetration rates in high-cost areas, insular areas, 
    tribal lands, and any other areas considered to be underserved. By the 
    term penetration rate, we mean the percentage of households within a 
    specified area that have telephone service in the housing unit. We seek 
    this information on a national level, on a state-by-state or territory-
    by-territory level, and on an area-by-area level. To the extent 
    possible, we encourage commenters to provide the following additional 
    information in each of the areas, and on each of the levels, where they 
    measure penetration rates: (1) total population; (2) population 
    density; (3) average annual income; and (4) average unemployment rate. 
    We also ask that commenters briefly explain the methods by which they 
    gather their data (e.g., census data, statistical sampling, etc.). We 
    also seek comment on the difficulty of getting such information, such 
    as the difficulty of mapping a telephone service territory onto the 
    census territories (such as census block groups) because the boundaries 
    may not always coincide, and questions concerning the definitions of 
    the terms ``household'' and ``telephone service.''
    B. Availability and Cost of Telecommunications Services
        13. In each of the areas, and on each of the levels described, we 
    seek to determine the nature of the telecommunications services 
    available and the costs of such services. In particular, we seek 
    comment on the extent to which these areas receive the following 
    service, if any: basic telephone service, services included within the 
    definition of universal service, and/or advanced telecommunications 
    services. We also seek comment on whether any carrier is providing the 
    following services and the approximate number of households served by 
    each service: wireline, wireless, Basic Exchange Telecommunications 
    Radio Systems (BETRS), or other telecommunications
    [[Page 52741]]
    services; cable television; direct broadcast satellite service; other 
    satellite services that provide voice and data, such as those provided 
    through VSAT networks; Internet service; and electric service. In 
    addition, we seek comment on the monthly rate for each of these 
    services. With specific regard to basic telephone service, we seek 
    comment on the average monthly bill for local service, local toll 
    service, and long-distance service.
        14. To the extent that underserved, high-cost, insular, and/or 
    tribal lands have basic telephone service, we seek comment on whether 
    the local calling area includes the nearest metropolitan area or other 
    area where the nearest medical, government, cultural or entertainment 
    facilities exist, i.e., the ``community of interest.'' For unserved 
    areas, and in particular tribal lands, we also seek comment to 
    determine whether these areas fall within the designated service area 
    of existing carriers, regardless of whether such carriers are providing 
    service to the area.
        15. We seek comment on the extent to which existing facilities 
    currently used to provide other services (e.g., radio broadcast towers, 
    cable television plant, electrical poles and satellite infrastructure) 
    could be adapted to provide the services included within the definition 
    of universal service. We also seek comment on whether specific services 
    included within the definition of universal service could not be 
    provided via these facilities. We seek comment on the extent to which 
    facilities used to provide telecommunications service to customers 
    outside the unserved or underserved areas exist adjacent to or nearby 
    the unserved or underserved areas. In particular, we seek comment on 
    whether railroad tracks, or towers used for the placement of antennas, 
    are found in these adjacent areas. We seek comment on what role the 
    Commission might play in encouraging the use of these other facilities 
    to provide service in underserved areas. For example, we seek comment 
    on whether the Commission, or some other entity, should develop a 
    database to maintain information about facilities that could be used to 
    provide service in currently unserved or underserved areas, including 
    tribal lands and insular areas.
        16. We also seek comment on the possible shared use of existing 
    federal telecommunications infrastructure, facilities or other 
    resources, including government rights-of-way, to provide service in 
    unserved or underserved areas, including tribal and insular areas. We 
    seek comment on whether federal telecommunications resources could be 
    made available in the short term to serve as connecting backbone 
    infrastructure for health and safety telecommunications in unserved 
    areas. We encourage federal entities with government owned 
    telecommunications resources, particularly the Bureau of Indian 
    Affairs, to comment on this issue.
        17. Individuals from Indian communities, state agencies and the 
    telecommunications industry have commented that satellite and 
    terrestrial wireless systems may represent practical and cost-effective 
    alternatives for providing service in unserved areas, including tribal 
    lands. In the pending 2 GHz proceeding, which proposes policies and 
    rules for licensing and operation of the 2 GHz mobile satellite service 
    (MSS) systems in the United States, the Commission sought comment on 
    incentives and policies to encourage provision of satellite services to 
    unserved, rural, insular or economically isolated areas. The commenters 
    generally support the Commission's tentative conclusion that satellites 
    represent an excellent technology for providing basic and advanced 
    telecommunications services to unserved areas, including tribal lands. 
    Several commenters stated that the Commission should take positive 
    steps to encourage access to Universal Service Funds by satellite 
    operators or service providers. Several commenters also requested that 
    the Commission should identify express and implicit regulatory 
    provisions that may prevent satellite providers from seeking universal 
    support subsidies and reform those provisions, or forbear from imposing 
    these provisions, so that MSS providers can fully participate in the 
    Universal Service Support initiative.
        18. Satellite networks, used either on a stand alone basis or in 
    combination with a terrestrial wireless network, may offer a cost 
    advantage over wireline or other alternatives in remote areas where a 
    limited population may not provide the economies of scale to support 
    the deployment of wireline or other networks for each community. 
    Because satellites have large coverage areas, and in many cases, can 
    reach an entire nation, satellite providers may achieve greater 
    economies of scale in serving isolated areas since the costs of 
    deployment could be spread across a number of communities. The basic 
    build-out required to obtain satellite service is for earth stations to 
    transmit and receive satellite signals. We seek comment on why 
    satellite or terrestrial wireless systems have not been used more 
    extensively to serve these areas. Specifically, we seek comments 
    regarding the particular characteristics of satellite or terrestrial 
    wireless systems that render these technologies suited for serving 
    unserved areas, the costs associated with deployment, the availability 
    of federal universal service support, and any other impediments to 
    deployment. To the extent that costs deter satellite and terrestrial 
    wireless deployment, we seek comment on what actions the Commission 
    should take to support the establishment and maintenance of satellite 
    and terrestrial wireless services. We ask parties to comment on whether 
    specific aspects of our universal service rules may deter both current 
    and future satellite services providers from providing service to 
    rural, insular, and other unserved communities, and what specific steps 
    the Commission can undertake to encourage the use of universal service 
    support by satellite service providers. We also seek comment on any 
    other actions the Commission should take to encourage the deployment of 
    the most cost-effective, practical solution in these geographically 
    extreme areas.
    C. Impediments to Increased Penetration
        19. In addition to identifying impediments to increased penetration 
    rates, we also ask commenters to discuss potential solutions for 
    overcoming those impediments. We do not reach tentative conclusions on 
    any of the proposals discussed. Instead, we seek comment on the need 
    for the Commission to address the specific concerns set forth and the 
    costs and benefits of the proposals discussed. We seek comment on how 
    the Commission should measure its success in satisfying the mandate in 
    the 1996 Act that consumers in all regions of the nation have access to 
    telecommunications services. We seek comment on what measure we could 
    use, other than penetration rates, to evaluate our success in achieving 
    this goal.
    1. Demographic Factors
        20. We ask commenters to supply data for high-cost, insular, and 
    tribal lands regarding: (1) total population; (2) population density; 
    (3) average annual income; and (4) average unemployment rate. Bureau of 
    Census data indicates that income and education levels greatly affect 
    telephone penetration rates and that geographic location can also make 
    a difference. In this section, we seek specific comments on how these 
    demographic factors affect penetration rates. For example, do income 
    levels have a greater effect on penetration rates than population 
    density? Do the
    [[Page 52742]]
    combined effects of low income and low population density have an 
    exponential effect on penetration rates? We seek comment on whether 
    other demographic factors significantly affect penetration rates in 
    high-cost, insular, and tribal lands, e.g., education levels.
    2. Geographic Factors
        21. One of the more obvious explanations for low penetration rates 
    in high-cost, insular, and tribal lands is that these areas are 
    unusually expensive to serve. Distance appears to be one reason line 
    extension charges are so high. During the New Mexico and Arizona Field 
    Hearings, several tribes testified about the remoteness of their 
    locations and the challenges that remote locations presented in terms 
    of telecommunications services. For example, in 1997, the Navajo 
    Communications Company issued 72 line extension charge estimates that 
    averaged more than $40,000, including eight over $100,000 and one over 
    $157,000. The cost for installation of a line on the Salt River Pima-
    Maricopa Indian Community (located in the heart of metropolitan 
    Phoenix) is $5,000. We seek comment on the general terrain, including 
    the existence of mountains, plains, swamps, water, plateaus, canyons, 
    etc., that create challenges in providing telecommunications services. 
    We also seek comment on the extent to which the absence of necessary 
    infrastructure, for example roads or electrical capacity, constitutes a 
    barrier to deployment in rural, insular, high-cost, and tribal lands.
    3. Financial Factors
        22. We seek comment on whether difficulties in obtaining access to 
    financing limits the ability of carriers to provide service in unserved 
    or underserved rural, insular, high-cost, and tribal lands. We seek 
    comment on any specific provisions in loan agreements that serve to 
    deter deployment in these areas. We also seek comment on any measures 
    the Commission could take that would diminish the risks faced by 
    investors and would enhance the ability of carriers to attract 
    financing necessary to provide service in unserved or underserved 
    rural, insular, high-cost, and tribal lands. We also seek comment on 
    the availability and utility of existing programs that may provide 
    funding and assistance to carriers seeking to provide 
    telecommunications service in unserved areas and underserved areas, 
    including tribal and insular areas, including whether the availability 
    of existing sources of funding and assistance is adequately publicized.
    4. Cultural Factors
        23. We seek comment on the extent to which cultural values or 
    lifestyle preferences deter consumer interest in subscribing to 
    telecommunications services in unserved or underserved areas. For 
    example, we seek comment on whether concerns about cultural 
    preservation, religion, identity, and values may affect the willingness 
    of tribal authorities to allow or promote the availability of 
    telecommunications services in their communities. Similarly, we seek 
    comment on whether there are a significant number of individuals that 
    simply do not want telecommunications services because of personal 
    lifestyle choices. We also seek comment on the extent to which carriers 
    justify the lack of deployment in unserved or underserved rural, 
    insular, high-cost, and tribal lands based on concerns for cultural 
    preservation and whether these concerns are legitimate. In addition, we 
    seek comment on whether the Commission's efforts to promote deployment 
    and subscribership in unserved and underserved areas should be 
    constrained by the cultural choices expressed by tribal authorities or 
    other local leadership.
    5. Regulatory Factors
        24. We seek comment on impediments imposed by various laws, 
    regulations or practices that may deter carriers from providing service 
    to unserved or underserved areas, including federal, state, tribal or 
    insular authorities.
        25. Federal Regulatory Impediments. We seek comment on the current 
    process for obtaining access to rights-of-way on tribal lands and to 
    what extent this process deters carriers from providing service on 
    tribal lands. Under the Right-of-Way Act of 1948, there are three 
    critical components for obtaining rights-of-way over tribal land: (1) 
    the Secretary of the Interior through the Bureau of Indian Affairs must 
    grant the easement for the right-of-way; (2) compensation of not less 
    than fair market value, as determined by the Secretary, plus severance 
    damages must be paid to the property owner; and (3) tribal consent must 
    be obtained. The first of these requires a service provider to undergo 
    environmental assessments and secure cultural and archaeological 
    clearances from the Bureau of Indian Affairs. The second component 
    requires the service provider to obtain the standard appraisal it would 
    for any easement but under standards set by Bureau of Indian Affairs. 
    Finally, the service provider must also meet any conditions imposed by 
    the particular tribe because the tribe has the ultimate authority to 
    accept or reject the right-of-way. Carriers have indicated that this 
    process is a significant barrier to entry. Tribal authorities have 
    expressed concern about the ability of carriers to use existing rights-
    of-way to establish new terrestrial networks without obtaining the 
    consent of the tribal authority. In addition, carriers and tribal 
    authorities appear to have concerns concerning appropriate compensation 
    for use of rights-of-way in tribal lands. To the extent rights-of-way 
    management issues pose a barrier to entry on tribal lands, we seek 
    comment on what role, if any, the Commission could play in addressing 
    these issues.
        26. We also seek comment on whether any aspect of our universal 
    service rules deters carriers from providing service to unserved and 
    underserved areas. For example, does the definition of supported 
    services deter terrestrial wireless or satellite service providers from 
    providing services in these areas? In our ongoing proceeding to reform 
    the high-cost universal service support mechanism for non-rural 
    carriers, several parties representing rural carriers have filed 
    comments asking that we adjust or eliminate the cap on the high-cost 
    loop fund to coincide with the anticipated transition of non-rural 
    carriers to a new forward-looking support mechanism on January 1, 2000. 
    We observe that the cap on the existing high-cost fund properly allows 
    for growth based on the rate of growth in the total number of working 
    loops nationwide. We also observe that carriers do invest in facilities 
    in an amount greater than that which is supported through federal 
    universal service support mechanisms. We seek comment regarding the 
    extent to which the interim cap on the high-cost fund is a factor 
    contributing to the lack of deployment in unserved areas, including 
    tribal and insular areas.
        27. We comment on whether existing LATA boundaries prevent calls 
    from unserved or underserved areas, including tribal lands, to the 
    nearest metropolitan area or community of interest from being included 
    in local service. We seek comment on any other federal rules or 
    Commission regulations which may deter carriers from providing service 
    to unserved or underserved areas. We also observe that issues specific 
    to wireless providers will be addressed in a separate proceeding.
        28. State Regulations. We also seek comment on regulations or 
    actions at the state level that may impact deployment and 
    subscribership in unserved and underserved areas. We seek comment on 
    the extent to which
    [[Page 52743]]
    statewide rate-averaging requirements or limited local calling areas 
    may make the costs of telecommunications service unaffordable to low-
    income consumers living in unserved or underserved areas. We also seek 
    comment on existing state programs designed to ensure that rates in 
    remote and tribal lands are affordable.
        29. Tribal/Insular Regulatory Impediments. We seek comment on any 
    regulations or requirements imposed by tribal or insular authorities 
    that may deter entry in tribal lands or in insular areas. For example, 
    we seek comment on whether local governments own or operate the local 
    exchange carrier in their areas and what impact this may have on 
    competitive entry from other cost-effective wireline, terrestrial 
    wireless, or satellite service providers. We seek comment on whether 
    government ownership or operation affects the provision of services 
    supported by universal service mechanisms in these areas. We seek 
    comment on any ownership or employment requirements imposed by tribal 
    authorities that may impair the ability of carriers to provide service 
    and/or compete with tribally-owned carriers. For example, we seek 
    comment on the extent to which tribes require an ownership interest in 
    a carrier as a prerequisite to allowing the carrier to provide service 
    on tribal lands. We seek comment on the impact such requirements may 
    have on the deployment of telecommunications facilities and services on 
    tribal lands.
    III. Tribal Lands
        30. For our universal service support mechanisms to be effective on 
    tribal lands, we seek to promote active involvement and collaboration 
    between the Commission and tribal authorities. As a general matter, we 
    seek comment on how we can increase Indian participation in the 
    Commission's decision-making process. At a more specific level, we seek 
    comment throughout this section on issues unique to tribal lands that 
    may affect the goals and incentives of federal universal service 
    support mechanisms and consider additional, targeted assistance the 
    Commission may want to provide to promote deployment and subscribership 
    on tribal lands. As described, the trust relationship between the 
    federal government and Indians as well as principles of tribal 
    sovereignty suggest that the federal government may have the authority 
    to implement particularized measures to address the factors causing the 
    unusually low subscribership on tribal lands. We emphasize that these 
    proposals are not meant to imply that the states have not, or will not, 
    do their share in promoting the availability of universal service on 
    tribal lands. In fact, many states have made significant efforts in 
    this area. We commend them for doing so and we encourage them to 
    continue. In this proceeding, however, we consider measures the 
    Commission may take to fulfill its obligation to address 
    telecommunications needs on tribal lands.
    A. Jurisdiction
    1. Issues for Comment
        31. We recognize that principles of Indian law, including the trust 
    relationship between the federal government and Indian tribes, tribal 
    sovereignty, and tribal self-determination, must apply with equal force 
    in the area of telecommunications. With respect to telecommunications 
    services provided by tribal carriers on or off the reservation or by 
    non-tribal carriers within tribal lands (all of which are referred to 
    jointly as ``tribal telecommunications'') the parameters of federal, 
    state and tribal authority, however, are not always clear. The Supreme 
    Court, itself, has acknowledged that ``generalizations on this subject 
    have become treacherous.'' Nonetheless, some of the proposals presented 
    in this Further Notice necessitate an effort to evaluate these 
    jurisdictional relationships. In this Further Notice, we seek comment 
    to determine how best to give effect to principles of Indian law in the 
    context of rule changes intended to benefit unserved and underserved 
    tribal lands.
        32. State Jurisdiction. Three of the proposals detailed later in 
    this Further Notice deal with provisions of sections 254 and 214 of the 
    Act, and of our existing rules that are triggered when the state lacks 
    jurisdiction over a carrier providing telephone exchange or access 
    service in a particular area. First, the determination of whether a 
    state has jurisdiction over a common carrier providing telephone 
    exchange service and exchange access is key in determining whether the 
    Commission is required to designate telecommunications carriers as 
    eligible to receive federal universal service support in high-cost 
    areas. Second, in unserved areas where the state lacks jurisdiction the 
    Commission, pursuant to section 214(e)(3) shall determine which common 
    carrier or carriers are best able to provide service. Third, we propose 
    that revisions to our Lifeline rules to address the situation faced by 
    carriers not subject to state jurisdiction.
        33. The issue of the extent to which tribal authorities or state 
    governments have authority to regulate activities occurring on tribal 
    lands, whether by tribal members or not, has a long and complex legal 
    history, involving considerations of whether state regulation is 
    preempted by federal regulation, whether state regulation is consistent 
    with tribal sovereignty and self-determination, and whether tribes have 
    consented to state jurisdiction, either in treaties or pursuant to the 
    Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968. In addition, Indian law jurisprudence 
    finds state law generally inapplicable when states attempt to regulate 
    the conduct of Indians directly within reservation boundaries.
        34. We recognize that some state commissions have asserted 
    jurisdiction over carriers seeking to provide service on tribal lands 
    and regulate certain aspects of the provision of telecommunications 
    service on tribal lands. We seek comment, in particular from state 
    commissions as well as any other interested parties, concerning the 
    extent of state and tribal regulation of telecommunications provided on 
    tribal lands and by tribally-owned or operated carriers. In particular, 
    we seek comment on the appropriate jurisdictional authority in the 
    following situations: (1) tribally-owned or operated carriers providing 
    service within the reservation (a) to tribal members, (b) to non-tribal 
    members, and (c) to non-tribal members living on non-native fee lands 
    (within the reservation); (2) non-tribally owned or operated carriers 
    offering service both inside and outside of the reservation; and (3) 
    tribally-owned or operated carriers offering service outside of the 
    reservation. We refer parties commenting on these issues to the various 
    ways in which tribal lands could be defined, as discussed, and seek 
    comment on how these definitions inform the jurisdictional analysis 
    requested in this section.
        35. In addition, we seek comment on the jurisdictional treatment of 
    the following geographic entities, as classified by the Bureau of the 
    Census: (1) American Indian Reservations, which are areas with 
    boundaries established by treaty, statute and /or executive or court 
    order; (2) Trust Lands, which are real property held in trust by the 
    federal government that is associated with a specific American Indian 
    reservation or tribe and which may be located within or outside the 
    reservation; (3) Tribal Jurisdiction Statistical Areas, which are 
    delineated by those Federally-recognized tribes in Oklahoma that no 
    longer have a reservation; (3) Tribal Designated
    [[Page 52744]]
    Statistical Areas, which encompasses federally and state-recognized 
    tribes without reservation or trust lands; (4) Alaska Native Regional 
    Corporations, which are corporate entities established under the Alaska 
    Native Claims Settlement Act of 1972 (ANCSA) to conduct the commercial 
    and nonprofit business of Alaska Natives; and (5) Alaska Village 
    Statistical Areas, which are tribes, bands, clans, groups, villages, 
    communities, or associations in Alaska that are recognized pursuant to 
    the ANCSA.
        36. We seek comment on whether there are any other kinds of tribal 
    relationships that would inform our jurisdictional analysis. We seek 
    comment on whether the state commission has jurisdiction over 
    telecommunications in the situations described, the legal authority for 
    such jurisdiction (e.g. the state constitution, state statute, Indian 
    treaty, etc.); and the extent to which the particular state commission 
    exercises that jurisdiction. We also seek comment on the existence of 
    any concurrent jurisdiction.
        37. In addition, we observe that wireline telephone calls between 
    Indian tribal lands and the state in which tribal land is located are 
    currently treated as intrastate calls, subject to state jurisdiction. 
    We seek comment on whether this treatment is consistent with principles 
    of tribal sovereignty and the Indian law jurisprudence regarding the 
    limits of state authority, referenced. We also seek comment on whether 
    the treatment of these calls as intrastate is consistent with the 
    division of jurisdiction between the Commission and the states under 
    section 2 of the Act. We seek comment as well on the need, impact, and 
    Commission's authority to reclassify these calls as interstate for the 
    purpose of giving effect to principles of tribal sovereignty.
        38. We observe further that state jurisdiction may be preempted by 
    the operation of federal law ``if it interferes with or is incompatible 
    with federal and tribal interests reflected in federal law, unless the 
    state interests at stake are sufficient to justify the assertion of 
    state authority.'' An express Congressional statement of preemption is 
    not required. Instead, a preemption analysis ``requires a 
    particularized examination of the relevant state, federal and tribal 
    interests.'' We seek comment on state interests in regulating 
    telecommunications on tribal lands, including the ability to ensure 
    reasonable rates, quality service, and the continued viability of local 
    exchange carriers (LECs). We also seek comment from each tribal 
    government, and any other interested parties, on the extent to which 
    the state's exercise of jurisdiction over telecommunications on tribal 
    lands and over tribal carriers that serve areas both inside and outside 
    Indian sovereign territory is warranted.
        39. Tribal Regulation. We seek comment from each tribal government, 
    and any other interested parties, on the extent of tribal authority 
    over regulation of telecommunications on tribal lands. As a threshold 
    matter, we note that the Commission has previously spoken to some 
    aspects of this issue in the A.B. Fillins Order, in which the 
    Commission considered the extent of tribal regulatory authority over 
    the provision of cellular service within a tribal reservation. In that 
    order, the Commission held that under well-settled case law, the 
    Communications Act applies with equal force to tribal reservations as 
    to other areas, and that the Commission has sole authority under Title 
    III of the Act with respect to management and licensing of radio 
    spectrum in tribal areas. The Commission also concluded, however, that 
    the Communications Act does not preempt tribal authority over access by 
    telecommunications carriers to tribal lands, because the provisions of 
    the Act that preempt state and local impediments to entry do not apply 
    to tribal authorities.
        40. In light of this statutory framework, we seek comment on the 
    current extent to which tribal authorities have engaged in 
    telecommunications regulation and on any future plans of tribal 
    authorities to regulate telecommunications in tribal areas. We seek 
    comment on the extent to which tribal authorities consider regulation 
    of tribal telecommunications important to the right to self-government 
    and self-determination. We also seek comment on whether tribal 
    authorities should be considered as comparable to state authorities for 
    purposes of regulating telecommunications services, and the degree to 
    which the federal-tribal relationship on communications matters is 
    similar or dissimilar to the federal-state relationship. Finally, while 
    we have determined in the A.B. Fillins Order that tribal authorities 
    are not subject to preemption under provisions of the Act applicable to 
    state and local governments, we seek comment on what authority, if any, 
    the Commission has to preempt tribal regulations that may be 
    inconsistent with our federal regulatory scheme.
        41. Tribal Self-determination and Universal Service Goals. We seek 
    comment to determine how principles of Indian law and federal support 
    for tribal self-determination affect the Commission's statutory mandate 
    to ensure that consumers in all regions of the nation have access to 
    the services supported by federal universal service support mechanisms. 
    Pursuant to the Act, the Commission is bound by its statutory mandate 
    to promote the availability of the services supported by federal 
    universal service support mechanisms in all regions of the Nation. We 
    seek comment on whether this statutory obligation is affected or 
    constrained by any contrary interests, for cultural or other reasons, 
    of certain tribal authorities. We seek comment, in particular from 
    tribal authorities, to ascertain whether tribal authorities share the 
    goals established by the 1996 Act, which the Commission is bound to 
    implement. We seek comment on the extent to which tribal authorities 
    seek to promote the availability of telecommunications services and 
    competition among telecommunications providers.
        42. We also seek comment on whether the services supported by 
    federal universal service support mechanisms are consistent with the 
    interests of tribal authorities in promoting service in tribal lands. 
    We recognize that some tribal authorities may prefer a different mix of 
    services to be supported. For example, some tribes may prefer support 
    for terrestrial wireless or satellite services, rather than wireline 
    services. Other tribes may want to prioritize the ability for each 
    member to receive basic telecommunications service, rather than the 
    entire package of services included in the definition of universal 
    service. We seek comment on whether the Commission has the authority to 
    and whether it should develop a procedure by which the Commission, the 
    Joint Board and the sovereign Indian tribes could identify a single 
    alternative definition of the services supported by federal universal 
    service support mechanisms in tribal lands. We seek comment on 
    additional administrative burdens that would be associated with 
    implementing this procedure.
    B. Defining ``Tribal Lands''
        43. The definition we adopt of ``tribal lands'' will be used to 
    identify those areas in which, for reasons based on principles of 
    Indian sovereignty, the Commission seeks comment to determine whether 
    possible modifications to our federal universal service policies and 
    rules may be warranted. In defining tribal lands, we seek to ensure 
    that we limit the reach of these proposals to those areas in which 
    principles of tribal sovereignty and tribal self-determination apply. 
    We also seek to balance the reasonable exercise
    [[Page 52745]]
    of federal jurisdiction with appropriate deference to state sovereignty 
    and jurisdiction.
        44. We seek comment on defining tribal lands as all land within the 
    limits of any Indian reservation under the jurisdiction of the United 
    States Government, notwithstanding the issuance of any patent, and, 
    including rights-of-way running through the reservation. Alternatively, 
    we seek comment on defining tribal lands to have the same meaning as 
    the term ``Indian country,'' as that term is defined by the Bureau of 
    Indian Affairs. ``Indian country'' means (a) all land within the limits 
    of any Indian reservation under the jurisdiction of the United States 
    Government, notwithstanding the issuance of any patent, and, including 
    rights-of-way running through the reservation, (b) all dependent Indian 
    communities within the borders of the United States whether within the 
    original or subsequently acquired territory thereof, and whether within 
    or without the limits of a state, and (c) all Indian allotments, the 
    Indian titles to which have not been extinguished, including rights-of-
    way running through the same.
        45. In addition, we seek comment on whether the geographic 
    entities, as classified by the Bureau of the Census, should be included 
    in the definition of tribal lands: (1) American Indian Reservations, 
    which are areas with boundaries established by treaty, statute and/or 
    executive or court order; (2) Trust Lands, which are real property held 
    in trust by the federal government that is associated with a specific 
    American Indian reservation or tribe and which may be located within or 
    outside the reservation; (3) Tribal Jurisdiction Statistical Areas, 
    which are delineated by those Federally-recognized tribes in Oklahoma 
    that no longer have a reservation; (4) Tribal Designated Statistical 
    Areas, which encompasses federally and state-recognized tribes without 
    reservation or trust lands; (5) Alaska Native Regional Corporations, 
    which are corporate entities established under the ANCSA to conduct the 
    commercial and nonprofit business of Alaska Natives; and (6) Alaska 
    Village Statistical Areas, which are tribes, bands, clans, groups, 
    villages, communities, or associations in Alaska that are recognized 
    pursuant to the ANCSA.
        46. We observe that, with the exception of the first category, 
    American Indian Reservations, the listed classifications used by the 
    Bureau of the Census would not be encompassed in a definition of tribal 
    lands that is limited to ``all land within the limits of any Indian 
    reservation under the jurisdiction of the United States Government.'' 
    We recognize that tribes encompassed by these classifications may face 
    obstacles in obtaining telecommunications services that are similar to 
    those faced by tribes in living in American Indian Reservations. 
    Commenters supporting the inclusion of any of these categories should 
    explain the source of the Commission's authority to implement the 
    additional measures proposed in this item with respect to these areas, 
    including noting any jurisdictional arguments provided in response to 
    questions raised.
    C. High-Cost Support Mechanisms
    1. Federal Share of High-Cost Support
        47. As discussed, because the trust relationship creates a unique 
    relationship between the federal government and Indian tribes, the 
    federal government may have authority to undertake additional measures 
    to promote deployment and subscribership on tribal lands and to provide 
    universal service support necessary to offset the particular challenges 
    facing these areas. With respect to high-cost support on tribal lands, 
    we seek comment on the extent to which states currently support the 
    costs of universal service in tribal lands and whether the Commission 
    should provide an additional portion of the universal service support 
    calculated by the federal support methodology in high-cost, tribal 
    lands. For instance, with regard to the forward-looking high-cost 
    support mechanism for non-rural carriers, we seek comment on whether, 
    rather than providing support for costs that exceed both a national 
    cost benchmark and the individual state's resources to support those 
    costs, the mechanism should provide support for all costs in unserved 
    tribal lands that exceed the national benchmark.
    2. Separate Study Areas Option for Tribal Lands
        48. In order to provide additional high-cost support to tribal 
    lands, we seek comment on modifications to our study area rules. Our 
    study area rules provide a mechanism through which the Commission has 
    controlled the growth of the high-cost universal service support 
    mechanism. Universal service support for high-cost areas is determined 
    on the basis of average loop costs throughout a study area. Averaging 
    costs on a study-area wide basis spreads the burden of serving high-
    cost areas among all of the telecommunications subscribers in that 
    study area. As a result, however, carriers with relatively low average 
    loop costs in a particular study area receive no support for serving 
    additional customers in a high-cost portion of that study area if the 
    loop costs in the high-cost portion do not raise the overall average 
    loop costs for the study area above a specific national benchmark, 
    currently 115% of the national average cost per loop. By freezing study 
    area boundaries, the Commission sought to eliminate incentives for 
    carriers to place high-cost exchanges in separate study areas in order 
    to receive additional support for providing service to those study 
    areas. As a result of these two policies, however, certain carriers may 
    experience strong financial disincentives to serving unprofitable high-
    cost customers in their study areas and other carriers may lack 
    incentives to purchase those unserved exchanges.
        49. In order to promote the deployment of universal services on 
    tribal lands, we seek comment on modifying our rules to permit carriers 
    to treat tribal lands as a distinct study area. We seek comment on 
    whether, by providing an exception to our study area rules, we can 
    eliminate regulatory requirements that may deter carriers from serving 
    high-cost, tribal lands. For example, one option may be that the tribal 
    study area for a carrier will consist of all of the tribal lands served 
    by the carrier within the borders of a single state. This means that 
    carriers may have a tribal study area in each state in which it 
    provides service on tribal lands. We seek comment on whether the tribal 
    study area should include all of the tribal lands in a state (rather 
    than, for example, a single nationwide tribal study area) because 
    states use study areas for purposes of determining intrastate revenue 
        50. We emphasize that the proposal to allow tribal study areas is 
    not related to the issue of the area over which costs are averaged to 
    determine support using the new high-cost mechanisms, which is pending 
    in the high-cost proceeding. We seek comment on how allowing a separate 
    tribal study area could affect whether the carrier serving that area 
    falls within the statutory definition of a rural carrier for providing 
    service to that area. If a carrier designates the tribal lands within a 
    state as a separate study area, the number of access lines or 
    inhabitants in that newly created study area may qualify the carrier as 
    a rural carrier with respect to that study area. We seek comment on 
    whether this may result in some carriers, currently designated as non-
    rural, being considered rural for purposes of receiving universal 
    service support in certain tribal study areas.
    [[Page 52746]]
    3. Interim Cap on the High-Cost Fund
        51. In the First Report and Order, the Commission concluded that it 
    would maintain the cap on the existing high-cost loop support mechanism 
    until all carriers receive support based on the new high-cost funding 
    mechanism. The cap on the high-cost loop fund was initially intended as 
    an interim measure. Commission rules require that if total support, 
    based on each carrier's actual costs, is above the total allowed capped 
    amount, each recipient of high-cost loop support will receive a reduced 
    amount of support to keep the total fund at the capped amount. The cap 
    has served its purpose in controlling excessive growth in the size of 
    the fund during the past six years as the Commission has reformed its 
    universal service support mechanisms. We have stated that the rural 
    carriers will receive support based on the new high-cost funding 
    mechanism no earlier than January 1, 2001. The Commission has not 
    established a timetable for moving rural carriers to a forward-looking 
    high-cost support mechanism. Rather, this undertaking is on hold 
    pending the Rural Task Force making its recommendation to the Joint 
    Board; the Joint Board may recommend that the Commission conduct 
    further proceedings on certain issues.
        52. Allowing carriers to designate separate tribal study areas, as 
    proposed, could mean that additional carriers may be entitled to a 
    portion of the high-cost support fund. We seek comment on the need for 
    the Commission to provide additional high-cost support under the 
    existing mechanisms to tribal lands. In order to do so, the Commission 
    may either lift the cap on the high-cost fund to allow for growth in 
    the size of the fund attributable to the separate study area proposal 
    or reallocate the existing funds among the expanded category of 
    recipients. We seek comment on these options. We also seek comment on 
    any other options that may assist the Commission in achieving the goal 
    of targeting additional federal high-cost support to tribal lands.
    D. Revisions to Lifeline
        53. The Commission's Lifeline support program for low-income 
    consumers is designed to reduce the monthly billed cost of basic 
    service for low-income consumers, which we anticipate will increase 
    telephone penetration. Lifeline provides carriers with three elements 
    of universal service support. The support must be passed through to 
    each qualifying low-income consumer by an equivalent reduction in his 
    or her monthly bill for telephone service. All carriers receive a 
    baseline amount of $3.50 per month per Lifeline customer in the form of 
    a waiver of the federal subscriber line charge (SLC). An additional 
    $1.75 per month is available per Lifeline customer if ``the state 
    commission approves an additional reduction of $1.75 in the amount paid 
    by consumers * * *'' Finally, carriers can receive federal matching 
    funds of fifty percent of the amount of state Lifeline support, up to a 
    maximum of an additional $1.75 per month, as long as the entire amount 
    is passed on to subscribers. Federal Lifeline support per qualifying 
    low-income consumer is capped at $7.00 per month.
    1. State Commission Approval
        54. The Commission has received petitions for waiver of our 
    Lifeline rules to allow carriers not subject to the jurisdiction of a 
    state commission to receive the second tier of federal support where no 
    regulations issued by local authorities (including state commissions 
    and tribal authorities) exist that would prevent an equivalent 
    reduction in the monthly telephone bills of qualifying low-income 
    consumers. In drafting our rule, we did not consider the situation 
    faced by carriers not subject to the jurisdiction of a state 
    commission. Based on these waiver petitions, it appears that our rule 
    has given rise to certain situations that we did not anticipate. The 
    requirement of state consent prior to making available the second tier 
    of federal Lifeline support was intended to reflect deference to the 
    states in such areas of traditional state expertise and authority. We 
    did not intend to require carriers not subject to state commission 
    jurisdiction to seek either state commission action or a Commission 
    waiver in order to receive the additional $1.75 available under federal 
    support mechanisms, where that additional support would be passed 
    through to consumers. For these reasons, we propose to modify our rule 
    to state that an additional $1.75 per qualifying low-income consumer 
    will be provided to the carrier where the additional support will 
    result in an equivalent reduction in the monthly bill of each 
    qualifying low-income consumer. This proposed revision maintains 
    deference to the state commission because the additional support will 
    not be provided where a state commission with jurisdiction to do so has 
    not permitted an equivalent reduction in the consumer's bill. The 
    proposed revision is intended to eliminate the need for carriers not 
    subject to the jurisdiction of a state commission to seek state 
    commission action or a Commission waiver. We seek comment on the 
    proposed revision.
    2. Federal Support on Tribal Lands
        55. In addition, in keeping with principles of tribal sovereignty, 
    we seek comment on modifying our rule to provide that the third tier of 
    federal support, a maximum of $1.75 per month per low-income consumer, 
    is available to customers on tribal lands. As described, the federal 
    government has a special trust relationship with Indian tribes, and 
    this entails special responsibilities, particularly where tribal 
    reservations appear to be particularly disadvantaged by a lack of 
    important resources, like telecommunications. With respect to tribal 
    lands, we seek comment on the extent to which states currently provide 
    the support necessary to qualify for matching funds for the third tier 
    of Lifeline support. We also seek comment on whether the federal 
    government, in light of its trust relationship with Indian tribes, 
    should provide carriers serving tribal lands the third tier of Lifeline 
    support, $1.75 per qualifying Lifeline customer, as long as all such 
    Lifeline customers receive an equivalent reduction in their bills. 
    Unlike in other areas, this federal support amount would not be 
    contingent upon the state in which the tribal lands are located 
    providing support.
    3. Amendments to Consumer Qualification Criteria
        56. We seek comment on whether the Commission should expand the 
    consumer qualifications for Lifeline assistance to ensure that low 
    income consumers on tribal lands are able to participate fully in the 
    Lifeline assistance program. Under our current rules, in states that 
    provide intrastate matching funds, a consumer must meet the criteria 
    established by the state commission to receive federal Lifeline 
    support. In most states, a consumer can meet the criteria by 
    demonstrating or certifying that he or she participates in one of 
    several narrowly targeted low income assistance programs. We are 
    concerned that some state commissions have established Lifeline 
    criteria that may inadvertently exclude low income consumers on tribal 
    lands because the criteria do not include low income assistance 
    programs that are specifically targeted toward Indians living on tribal 
    lands. Similarly, in those states that do not provide intrastate 
    matching funds (and thus do not establish the consumer qualifications 
    for Lifeline participation), a consumer seeking Lifeline support must 
    certify his or her participation in one of the following Commission-
    [[Page 52747]]
    designated low income assistance programs: Medicaid; food stamps; 
    Supplemental Security Income; federal public housing assistance; or 
    Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program.
        57. We seek comment on how the Commission might expand the consumer 
    qualifications for Lifeline support to enable low income consumers on 
    tribal lands to participate in the Lifeline assistance program. In 
    particular, we seek comment about whether we should amend our rules to 
    allow low income consumers on tribal lands to qualify for Lifeline 
    support by certifying their participation in additional means tested 
    assistance programs, such as the programs administered by the Bureau of 
    Indian Affairs or Indian Health Services. We encourage commenters to 
    indicate whether there might be other suitable criteria--based solely 
    on income or factors related to income--that should be used to 
    determine qualification for low income members of tribal lands. We ask 
    commenters to indicate whether providing Indians living on tribal lands 
    with greater access to Lifeline assistance might increase incentives 
    for eligible telecommunications carriers to serve these tribal lands. 
    Finally, we seek comment on whether the Commission could apply any new 
    criteria specifically targeted to low income Indians living on tribal 
    lands both to states that do not provide matching funds and states that 
    do provide such funds.
    IV. Designating Eligible Telecommunications Carriers Pursuant to 
    Section 214(e)(6)
        58. Pursuant to section 254(e) of the 1996 Act, not all 
    telecommunications providers are eligible for federal universal service 
    support. For purposes of the universal service support mechanisms for 
    high-cost areas and low income consumers ``only an eligible 
    telecommunications carrier designated under section 214(e) shall be 
    eligible'' to receive federal universal service support. To be 
    designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier, a carrier must:
        (A) offer the services that are supported by Federal universal 
    service support mechanisms under section 254(c), either using its 
    own facilities or a combination of its own facilities and resale of 
    another carrier's services (including the services offered by 
    another eligible telecommunications carrier); and
        (B) advertise the availability of such services and the charges 
    therefor using media of general distribution.
        59. Under section 214(e), the primary responsibility for 
    designating a prospective carrier as an eligible telecommunications 
    carrier lies with the state commission. In a situation where there is 
    no common carrier willing to provide supported services to an unserved 
    community that requests such services, section 214(e)(3) states that:
        [T]he Commission, with respect to interstate services * * * or a 
    State commission, with respect to intrastate services, shall 
    determine which common carrier or carriers are best able to provide 
    such service to the requesting unserved community or portion thereof 
    and shall order such carrier or carriers to provide such service for 
    that unserved community or portion thereof.
    In the event that a common carrier is not subject to the jurisdiction 
    of a state commission, section 214(e)(6) authorizes the Commission, 
    upon request, to designate the carrier as an eligible 
    telecommunications carrier, for a service area designated by the 
    Commission, if the carrier meets the qualifications for eligible 
    telecommunications carrier status.
        60. Section 214(e) of the Act states that only an ``eligible 
    telecommunications carrier'' designated under section 214(e) shall be 
    eligible to receive federal universal service support. Pursuant to 
    section 214(e)(2) and (e)(5) of the Act, state commissions are 
    generally responsible for designating eligible telecommunications 
    carriers and for designating service areas for such carriers. 
    Initially, section 214(e) did not include a provision for designating 
    carriers not subject to the jurisdiction of a state commission. The Act 
    was amended in 1997 to address this ``oversight.'' Section 214(e)(6) 
    authorizes the Commission to designate as an eligible 
    telecommunications carrier ``a common carrier providing telephone 
    exchange service and exchange access that is not subject to the 
    jurisdiction of a State Commission.'' We tentatively conclude that, by 
    adding section 214(e)(6), Congress sought to ensure that carriers 
    serving all regions of the United States have access to a mechanism 
    that will allow them to be designated as eligible telecommunications 
    carriers, if they meet the statutory requirements. Recognizing that the 
    designation of eligible telecommunications carriers is primarily a 
    state commission function, Congress granted this Commission the 
    authority for this task in the event that a carrier is not subject to 
    the jurisdiction of a state commission.
        61. Although some of the legislative history of section 214(e)(6) 
    focuses on the ability of tribally-owned carriers to be designated as 
    eligible telecommunications carriers, the statutory language and other 
    legislative history is not so limited. The other legislative history 
    states that ``the intent of this bill is to cover such situations where 
    a State commission lacks jurisdiction over a carrier, in which case the 
    FCC determines who is eligible to receive federal universal service 
    support.'' The legislative history also makes clear that ``nothing in 
    this bill is intended to impact litigation regarding jurisdiction 
    between State and federally recognized tribal entities'' or to ``expand 
    or restrict the existing jurisdiction of State commissions over any 
    common carrier or provider in any particular situation.'' In the 
    following paragraphs, we seek comment on how section 214(e)(6) should 
    be interpreted and implemented with respect to carriers (whether 
    tribally owned or otherwise) that provide telecommunications services 
    to tribal areas.
        62. First, however, we seek comment identifying other situations in 
    which carriers providing telephone exchange and exchange access 
    services to areas other than tribal lands are not subject to state 
    commission jurisdiction and thus must seek designation as eligible 
    telecommunications carriers from the Commission. In this context, we 
    seek comment on whether the Commission, rather than state commissions, 
    has the jurisdiction to designate terrestrial wireless or satellite 
    carriers as eligible telecommunications carriers. If such carriers 
    submit applications for designation pursuant to section 214(e)(6) 
    during the pendency of this proceeding, we will consider them on a case 
    by case basis in light of the statutory language and the showings made 
    by the affected parties. We also note that our analysis of the scope of 
    the designation provision of section 214(e)(6) is not intended to 
    affect any other decision with respect to the authority of state 
    commissions or tribal authorities to regulate telecommunications on 
    tribal lands or over terrestrial wireless or satellite carriers.
        63. The statutory language of section 214(e)(6) is ambiguous with 
    respect to when the Commission's authority to designate eligible 
    telecommunications carriers is triggered. It is not clear whether the 
    Commission's authority is triggered when a carrier is not subject to 
    the jurisdiction of a state commission or when the service or access 
    the carrier provides is not subject to the jurisdiction of a state 
    commission. Thus, the initial question in interpreting section 
    214(e)(6) with respect to the provision of telecommunications service
    [[Page 52748]]
    in tribal lands is under what circumstances the Commission may 
    designate carriers as eligible telecommunications carriers. The title 
    of section 214(e)(6), ``Common Carriers not Subject to State Commission 
    Jurisdiction,'' suggests that the triggering inquiry is whether the 
    carrier is subject to state commission jurisdiction. We tentatively 
    conclude, however, that the better interpretation of section 214(e)(6) 
    is that the determination of whether a carrier is subject to the 
    jurisdiction of a state commission depends in turn on the nature of the 
    service provided (e.g. telephone exchange or access service provided by 
    wire, satellite or terrestrial wireless) or the geographic area in 
    which the service is being provided (e.g. tribal lands). This 
    interpretation is supported by the legislative history of section 
    214(e)(6). Representative Tauzin stated that ``S.1354 makes a technical 
    correction to the Act that will make it possible for telephone 
    companies serving areas not subject to the jurisdiction of a State 
    Commission, to be eligible to receive federal Universal Service 
    support.'' Our tentative conclusion that the nature of the service or 
    the geographic area in which the carrier provides it should be the 
    basis for distinguishing between the designation authority of the 
    Commission and state commission under section 214(e)(6), is consistent 
    with other provisions of the Act. Section 2 of the Act similarly 
    distinguishes between federal and state jurisdiction over 
    telecommunications services based on the geographic area in which the 
    service is provided. Section 332(3) of the Act limits state authority 
    on the basis of the service provided (i.e. commercial and private 
    mobile service). We seek comment on this analysis and on any other 
    factors which may be relevant to this determination.
        64. Our next question then is under what circumstances are 
    telecommunications carriers providing telecommunications services on 
    tribal lands subject to state commission authority? We seek comment on 
    the extent to which a state commission has jurisdiction over tribally-
    owned carriers seeking to provide telecommunications service on tribal 
    lands and over non-tribally-owned carriers seeking to provide such 
    service on tribal lands. The answer to these questions will determine 
    whether the Commission may designate carriers seeking to provide 
    service on tribal lands as eligible telecommunications carriers. With 
    respect to tribally-owned carriers seeking to provide 
    telecommunications service on tribal lands, we note that state law is 
    generally inapplicable when states attempt to regulate the conduct of 
    tribal members directly within reservation boundaries, except in 
    ``exceptional circumstances.'' We seek comment on whether, for the 
    purpose of eligible telecommunications carrier designation, tribally-
    owned carriers providing telecommunications services within tribal 
    reservations would be subject to state regulatory authority.
        65. We further recognize that when states seek to regulate non-
    tribal members and their activities conducted within a reservation, the 
    appropriateness of the state's assertion of regulatory authority is 
    determined by a ``particularized inquiry'' into the nature of the 
    state, federal, and tribal interests at stake. Specifically, the 
    analysis turns ``on whether state authority is pre-empted by the 
    operation of federal law; and `[s]tate jurisdiction is pre-empted * * * 
    if it interferes or is incompatible with federal and tribal interests 
    reflected in federal law, unless the state interests at stake are 
    sufficient to justify the assertion of state authority.' The inquiry is 
    to proceed in light of traditional notions of Indian sovereignty and 
    the congressional goal of Indian self-government, including its 
    `overriding goal' of encouraging tribal self-sufficiency and economic 
    development.'' We recognize that this inquiry is a particularized one, 
    and thus specific to each state and the facts and circumstances 
    surrounding the provision of telecommunications services by non-tribal 
    members within those tribal lands. However, we seek comment on whether 
    there are any general federal, state and tribal interests at stake 
    which might inform the inquiry and help provide general guidance on the 
    proper boundaries of state authority in this case. Specifically, we 
    seek comment on the federal government's interest in assuming authority 
    over the designation of eligible telecommunications services, and the 
    extent to which state authority would be preempted by the operation of 
    federal law--namely section 214 or other relevant provisions or other 
    federal or tribal interests reflected in federal law.
        66. We also seek comment on the states' interests in designating 
    eligible telecommunications carriers, as well as the implications of 
    state designation on Indian sovereignty, self-government and ``tribal 
    self-sufficiency and economic development.'' We recognize, however, 
    that some state commissions have asserted jurisdiction over carriers 
    seeking to provide service on tribal lands, and that these commissions 
    regulate certain aspects of a carrier's provisions of service on tribal 
        67. In implementing section 214(e)(6), we are concerned that the 
    fact intensiveness and the legal complexity of determining whether a 
    state has jurisdiction over carriers seeking designation as an eligible 
    telecommunications carrier may lead to confusion, duplication of 
    efforts and needless controversy among carriers, tribal authorities, 
    state commissions and this Commission, which could undermine efforts to 
    achieve our universal service goals. For these reasons, we propose the 
    following process to treat applications for the Commission's 
    designation of eligible telecommunications companies eligible to 
    receive universal service support for serving tribal land. Carriers 
    seeking designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier from this 
    Commission, whether to serve tribal lands or on the basis of other 
    jurisdictional arguments, should consult with the relevant tribal 
    authority, where appropriate, and the state commission on the issue of 
    whether the state commission has jurisdiction to designate the carrier. 
    In situations where the tribal authority and the state commission agree 
    that the state has jurisdiction, we anticipate that the state would 
    conduct the designation proceeding. In instances where the tribal 
    authority challenges the state's exercise of jurisdiction, we encourage 
    the carriers, with the support of the tribal authority, to apply to 
    this Commission for designation. In the public comment period 
    subsequent to a carrier's application for designation as an eligible 
    telecommunications carrier, the carriers and tribal authorities would 
    be expected to demonstrate why Commission designation is appropriate. 
    Interested parties, including the state commission, that disagree with 
    the Commission's exercise of jurisdiction would also be expected to 
    raise their challenges in that proceeding. We seek comment on this 
    proposal and suggestions for other ways in which the determination of 
    whether the designation must be performed by the Commission or a state 
    commission could be simplified or streamlined.
    V. Unserved Areas--Implementation of Section 214(e)(3)
    A. Defining ``Unserved Area''
        68. In order to determine whether an allegedly unserved community 
    is eligible for relief pursuant to section 214(e)(3), we must first 
    decide whether the area at issue is unserved. Only after making this 
    initial determination can
    [[Page 52749]]
    we proceed with the rest of the analysis required by section 214(e)(3). 
    We propose defining an unserved area as ``any area in which facilities 
    would need to be deployed in order for its residents to receive each of 
    the services designated for support by the universal service support 
    mechanisms.'' In the First Report and Order, we identified the services 
    that would be supported by universal service support mechanisms as: 
    single-party service; voice grade access to the public switched 
    network; DTMF signaling or its functional equivalent; access to 
    emergency services; access to operator services; access to 
    interexchange service; access to directory assistance; and toll 
    limitation services for qualifying low-income consumers. These services 
    were identified based on the statutory directive embodied in section 
    254(c)(1)(A)-(D), requiring the Joint Board and the Commission to 
    ``consider the extent to which * * * telecommunications services'' 
    included in the definition of universal service: (1) Are essential to 
    education, public health, or public safety; (2) have, through the 
    operation of market choices by customers, been subscribed to by a 
    substantial majority of residential customers; (3) are being deployed 
    in public telecommunications networks by telecommunications carriers; 
    and (4) are consistent with the public interest, convenience and 
        69. The proposed definition is based on whether facilities would 
    need to be deployed to provide the supported services to distinguish 
    unserved areas from areas in which a large percentage of the population 
    does not subscribe to available services. This definition is intended 
    to help further our statutory mandate to promote the availability of 
    services supported by federal universal service support mechanisms. We 
    recognize that this definition may result in certain areas being deemed 
    unserved, even though those areas are receiving some level of service 
    that includes less than all of the services designated for support by 
    the universal service support mechanisms. We also recognize that this 
    definition may result in the existence of relatively small unserved 
    areas within larger areas that are currently receiving service. We seek 
    comment on whether this definition will enable us to appropriately 
    target our efforts to those areas that do not receive all of the 
    services supported by federal universal service support mechanisms.
        70. We emphasize, however, that determining whether a particular 
    area meets the definition of unserved area is only the beginning of the 
    analysis under section 214(e)(3). To obtain relief pursuant to section 
    214(e)(3), each of the steps discussed must be followed. We seek 
    comment on this analysis and we invite commenters to propose 
    alternative definitions.
    B. Determining When a Community Is Unserved
        71. The language ``or any portion thereof'' in section 214(e)(3) 
    suggests that we are not meant to impose minimum size requirements on 
    the number of potential subscribers needed to invoke the authority of 
    section 214(e)(3). We seek comment on whether the language should be 
    interpreted differently or suggests a particular definition.
    C. Determining When No Common Carrier Will Provide Service
        72. By its terms, the relief afforded in section 214(e)(3) is not 
    triggered until a determination is made that ``no common carrier will 
    provide'' the services supported by the federal universal service 
    support mechanisms. Therefore, we seek comment on the meaning of the 
    phrase ``no common carrier will provide'' the supported services.
        73. As an initial matter, section 214(e)(3) does not specify 
    whether the request for service must be received from members of the 
    unserved community or whether state, local, or tribal authorities must 
    make an official request for service from the carrier on behalf of the 
    unserved members of the community. We tentatively conclude that 
    limitations on who may issue the request are not warranted by the terms 
    of the statute or the goals it seeks to achieve. We seek comment on 
    this tentative conclusion.
        74. We tentatively conclude that the language ``no common carrier 
    will provide'' the services supported by the federal universal service 
    support mechanisms means something more than no common carrier is 
    actually providing the supported services. We seek comment on how we 
    can determine that no common carrier is willing to provide the 
    supported services. We seek comment on which common carriers must be 
    asked in order to reach the conclusion that no common carrier will 
    provide the service. We seek comment on how a satellite services 
    provider should be treated for this issue, given that they can 
    potentially provide service to these unserved areas. We also seek 
    comment on whether the reasons for the common carrier's refusal to 
    provide service are relevant to a determination that the area is 
    unserved. For example, what if the refusal to provide service is based 
    on the poor credit histories of the individuals requesting service or 
    an existing overdue debt? Given the extremely low annual incomes, on 
    average, on tribal lands, it seems possible that inadequate credit 
    histories of the potential customers may cause a carrier to be 
    unwilling to provide service.
    D. Identifying Carrier or Carriers Best Able To Serve Unserved Areas
        75. Section 214(e)(3) authorizes the Commission, with respect to 
    interstate service or an areas served by a carrier to which section 
    214(e)(6) applies, and state commissions, with respect to intrastate 
    service, to determine which carrier or carriers are best able to 
    provide service to the requesting, unserved community and order that 
    carrier or carriers to provide service. We seek comment on the relative 
    roles that the Commission and the states should play in determining 
    which carriers are best able to provide the supported services in 
    unserved areas, including any coordination that should occur in making 
    this determination.
        76. We seek comment on whether the Commission is authorized to and 
    whether it should establish national guidelines by which states may or 
    must make this determination, when they have jurisdiction to do so. We 
    recognize that the selection of the carrier to serve some unserved 
    areas pursuant to section 214(e)(3) of the Act is to be made by state 
    commissions. We seek comment on whether a consistent, national approach 
    is necessary to further the universal service goals of the Act or to 
    provide certainty to carriers regarding the possible application of 
    this important provision. We seek comment on whether, in situations 
    where the state has jurisdiction to designate eligible 
    telecommunications carriers, all aspects of this decision should be 
    left to the states because states have more familiarity with the areas 
    in question. We also seek comment on the role of tribal authorities 
    with respect to the Commission's determination of the carrier or 
    carriers best able to serve unserved, tribal lands. We also seek 
    comment to determine whether the Commission's obligation to identify 
    and order a carrier to provide service in tribal lands should be 
    affected by the interests of the tribal authorities.
        77. One approach for making a determination pursuant to section 
    214(e)(3) would be to conduct a fact-intensive inquiry, polling common 
    carriers serving nearby or surrounding areas to determine where 
    existing facilities are deployed, to estimate the costs for each 
    carrier to provide the supported services, and to consider other 
    possible factors that may be
    [[Page 52750]]
    relevant to the conclusion that a carrier is ``best able.'' We 
    tentatively conclude, however, that our preferred approach would be to 
    adopt a competitive bidding mechanism for identifying the carrier or 
    carriers best able to provide service in unserved areas for which the 
    Commission has authority to order carriers to provide service. We seek 
    comment on the use of a competitive bidding mechanism. We seek comment 
    on whether it is within our authority to require states to adopt a 
    competitive bidding mechanism to determine which carrier or carriers 
    will be ordered to provide intrastate service in unserved areas to 
    which section 214(e)(6) does not apply.
        78. If the competitive bidding mechanism does not give rise to a 
    carrier willing and able to provide the supported services in the 
    unserved area at a reasonable cost, we seek comment on whether the 
    Commission should then initiate an inquiry to determine the carrier or 
    carriers best-able to provide service to the area. We seek comment on 
    whether the following factors would be relevant in making that 
    determination: (1) Whether the area falls within the designated service 
    area of an existing carrier; (2) the extent to which a carrier has 
    deployed facilities capable of providing supported services in the 
    surrounding area; (3) the cost for that carrier to build facilities 
    capable of providing the supported services; (4) the quality of 
    services that would be provided; (5) the financial strength of the 
    carrier; (6) the proportionate impact serving the area would have on 
    the number of lines and the geographic area served by the carrier; (7) 
    the amount of time required for the carrier to deploy facilities; and 
    (8) a carrier's status as either an incumbent LEC or a competitive 
    eligible telecommunications carrier. We seek comment on any other 
    factors that may be relevant. We also seek comment on whether our 
    inquiry must be limited to incumbent LECs and competitive eligible 
    telecommunications carriers or whether we may also include other 
    competitive LECs, interexchange carriers, terrestrial wireless or 
    satellite service providers, or providers of cable or electric services 
    that would be capable of providing the supported services to the 
    unserved area. We seek comment on whether to exclude certain carriers 
    from consideration, for example, carriers that are considered small 
    entities for purposes of the Regulatory Flexibility Act. Finally, we 
    seek comment on whether the preferences of the unserved community for a 
    particular carrier or technology should be considered in making a 
    determination of which carrier is best able to provide service to the 
    1. Competitive Bidding Proposal
        79. We tentatively conclude that we should adopt a competitive 
    bidding mechanism to identify the carrier or carriers best able to 
    provide the supported services in unserved tribal lands and to set the 
    level of support provided for serving the area. We are hopeful that we 
    may be able to design a competitive bidding mechanism that will 
    generate public awareness of the needs of a particular area for service 
    and elicit proposals from one or more carriers that could be compared 
    before determining which carrier or carriers should be designated as an 
    eligible telecommunications carrier for the area. We seek comment on 
    this proposal.
        80. We seek comment on whether the possibility that a carrier will 
    be ordered to provide service pursuant to section 214(e)(3) will 
    provide incentives for carriers to participate in the competitive 
    bidding mechanism in order to be able to set the terms on which they 
    will provide service. We seek comment on whether the competitive 
    bidding mechanism could bring unserved areas to the attention of 
    carriers previously unaware of the need for telecommunications services 
    in those areas and thus identify carriers that would be willing to 
    provide service to the area for a support amount equal to or lower than 
    the amount that would be provided under existing federal universal 
    service support mechanisms. In addition, we seek comment on possible 
    negative incentives and distortions that may be created by using a 
    competitive bidding mechanism. For example, we seek comment on whether 
    a competitive bidding approach will likely lead carriers to provide the 
    lowest-cost, lowest-quality service that meets the definition of 
    supported services, unfairly depriving residents of higher quality or 
    advanced services.
        81. We also seek comment on whether the Commission should conduct a 
    trial to determine whether a competitive bidding mechanism is the most 
    efficient means of identifying the carrier or carriers best able to 
    provide the supported services in unserved areas. We seek comment on 
    how large a service area would be appropriate for such a trial. We seek 
    comment on whether the Commission should solicit volunteers from Indian 
    tribes that currently have large unserved areas.
        (a) Participants. 82. We seek comment on the possible participants 
    in a competitive bidding proceeding. Section 214(e)(3) states that any 
    carrier ordered to provide service pursuant to this section shall meet 
    the requirements necessary and be designated an eligible 
    telecommunications carrier for the unserved area. We seek comment on 
    whether a carrier must first be designated an eligible 
    telecommunications carrier for the area prior to participating in the 
    competitive bidding mechanism. We seek comment on whether any carrier 
    that can demonstrate that it can meet the requirements of section 
    214(e)(1) may participate in the competitive bidding mechanism. We seek 
    comment on what kind of showing is necessary to demonstrate that a 
    carrier can meet the requirements of section 214(e)(1). We seek comment 
    on whether terrestrial wireless or satellite providers will be able to 
    participate in the competitive bidding mechanism. We also seek comment 
    on the number of bidders we should anticipate for auctions in the 
    universal service context, and the extent to which we should consider 
    that number in deciding the type of auction that should be used, as 
        (b) Number of Winners. 83. We seek comment on whether the 
    characteristics of the unserved tribal lands may be such that it is not 
    economically practical to support more than one provider to serve 
    unserved, tribal lands. To the extent that supporting a single provider 
    is more economical, permitting multiple providers to receive federal 
    universal service support may not be in the public interest. In 
    addition, if all carriers were entitled to receive support at the level 
    determined in the competitive bidding auctions, bidders would have no 
    incentive to bid below the opening level; that is, competitive bidding 
    would not reveal the minimum amount of support necessary to provide 
    service to the area. For these reasons, we propose that qualified 
    eligible telecommunications carriers bid to secure an exclusive right 
    to receive universal service support for serving the unserved tribal 
    area. That is, the winning bidder would be the only carrier designated 
    as an eligible telecommunications carrier for providing the supported 
    services to the unserved, tribal lands subject to competitive bidding.
        84. We seek comment on whether the Commission has the authority to 
    and whether we should try to attract carriers by agreeing to designate 
    only one carrier to serve the unserved tribal land or permitting only 
    one carrier to receive federal universal service support for serving 
    the area. We seek comment on whether a decision to limit support to a 
    single carrier is consistent with the universal service provisions and 
    [[Page 52751]]
    competitive goals of the Act. We observe that, in the case of an area 
    served by a rural carrier, the Commission ``may'' designate more than 
    one eligible telecommunications carrier but must make a specific 
    showing that an additional eligible telecommunications carrier would 
    serve the public interest. With respect to all other carriers, the 
    Commission ``shall'' designate more than one common carrier as an 
    eligible telecommunications carrier. We seek comment on whether these 
    provisions apply with respect to an unserved area. We seek comment on 
    whether the statutory language that the Commission ``shall determine 
    which carrier or carriers are best able to provide such service'' 
    indicates that the Commission may determine that a single carrier shall 
    be designated. Finally, we seek comment concerning the ability of 
    bidders to accurately estimate the possible future challenges from 
    other carriers for the more profitable customers in the previously 
    unserved, tribal lands.
        85. As an alternative to a single winner, we consider the 
    possibility of supporting two or more winning bidders. We generally 
    believe that customers benefit most when multiple providers are 
    available, because competition leads to lower prices and provides an 
    alternative where service quality is unsatisfactory. Supporting two 
    winning bidders means that a second carrier would be able to compete 
    vigorously with the lowest bidder. We seek comment on whether to use 
    the competitive bidding mechanism to identify a level of support which 
    would be provided for serving the area and to allow any carrier with a 
    bid within a specific range of the winning bidder, who also satisfies 
    the requirements of section 214(e)(1) of the Act, to receive that level 
    of support for providing service to the area. We seek comment on 
    whether the possibility of having multiple carriers receive support for 
    these previously unserved areas would substantially diminish or even 
    eliminate any incentives carrier might have to participate in 
    competitive bidding. We seek comment on whether providing support 
    sufficient to allow competing carriers to build the necessary 
    infrastructure would generate customer benefits over the long-term that 
    would offset the additional cost associated with supporting two 
    carriers. In making this determination, we must consider the duration 
    of the service term and the rate of change in network technology. For 
    example, if technological change were so rapid that both the new 
    entrant and incumbent carrier would need to install and recover the 
    cost of new facilities for each contract term, the benefits of creating 
    competing carriers would be significantly reduced. We seek comment on 
    these issues.
        (c) Term of Exclusivity Period. 86. If the Commission determines 
    that a bidder should win the exclusive right to federal universal 
    service support, we would seek to establish an exclusivity period that 
    is of an adequate length to provide incentives for carriers to deploy 
    facilities yet does not result in unnecessary support being provided. 
    We seek comment on the appropriate duration of any exclusivity period. 
    After the exclusivity period has ended, we could choose to re-auction 
    the service obligation and consider multiple providers if the costs of 
    providing service decreased or market conditions improved so that 
    multiple providers became practical. we anticipate that the length of 
    the exclusivity period will affect the bids for monthly support levels. 
    In addition, the length of the exclusivity period will affect the 
    average administrative and transaction costs for conducting the 
    auction. Granting exclusivity periods that are too short could be 
    harmful because the winning carrier is likely to need time to establish 
    its network, and to amortize its investments. In addition, more 
    frequent auctions entail increased administrative costs. Granting 
    periods that are too long, however, also could be harmful. 
    Technological advances over time can create more efficient means of 
    providing communications, which would enable firms to offer service at 
    a lower cost. To the extent that the winning bidder is shielded from 
    competition during the exclusivity period, the benefits of adopting a 
    more efficient technology will accrue to the carrier, rather than the 
    customer. In addition, with longer contract terms, the carriers' 
    prediction of their costs at later stages in the contract becomes more 
    speculative, which could translate into higher bids in the auction. We 
    seek comment on this analysis and the appropriate length of the 
    exclusivity period. We suggest that commenters review the competitive 
    bidding proposals and mechanisms summarized that may assist in 
    determining the length of the exclusivity requirement.
        (d) Bidding Process. 87. We seek comment on whether to use a 
    single-round, sealed bid process or a descending, multi-round auction. 
    Each bidder would submit an amount of support necessary per line given 
    our universal service technical specifications. We observe that the 
    Commission has successfully implemented multi-round auctions in other 
    contexts. We seek comment on whether a descending multi-round bidding 
    system would be preferable to a single-round sealed bid auction.
        88. We also seek comment on how to establish the reservation 
    price--the highest bid that would qualify for support--for the 
    competitive bidding mechanism. One option would be to use the new high-
    cost mechanism to estimate the amount of support that would be 
    available for providing the supported services in the unserved, tribal 
    area and set that as the reservation price. We seek comment on what 
    incentives carriers would have, if any, to bid an amount lower than the 
    reservation price determined by the model. Alternatively, we seek 
    comment on whether we should set a reservation price that is some 
    percentage above the support amount determined under the new high-cost 
    mechanisms. We seek comment on whether a rational percentage can be 
    identified. We also seek comment on whether of conduct an auction 
    without establishing a particular reservation price or specifically 
    identifying the amount that would be provided under the new high-cost 
    mechanism in an effort to determine the amount of support each carrier 
    believes is necessary. We seek comment on whether, if we were to 
    proceed in this manner, the Commission should reserve the right to 
    conclude that the competitive bidding mechanism was not successful and 
    to proceed to the fact-based inquiry.
        (e) Support Amount. 89. A well-designed auction should provide 
    incentives for carriers to disclose the minimum amount of support they 
    require, even though this information may be competitively sensitive. 
    We seek comment on how to provide incentives for carriers to reveal the 
    minimum amount of support necessary to provide service to the unserved 
    area. We seek comment on whether we should employ a ``Second Price'' or 
    `'Vickrey'' auction, in which the successful bidder gets support at the 
    level of the lowest bid made by a non-successful bidder. In theory, 
    this style of auction appears to induce bidders to reveal their actual 
    costs and would thereby generate the same total support requirements as 
    a first price, sealed bid auction. Another factor relevant in setting 
    the support level is whether the federal support provided constitutes 
    the entire amount of subsidy available to the carrier. We tentatively 
    conclude that we would need to establish that the competitive bidding 
    mechanism for unserved areas would be used to determine the entire 
    amount of support to be divided and the relevant share of support would 
    [[Page 52752]]
    allocated to the federal and state authorities, in whatever proportion 
    is established for the high-cost support mechanism in general. We seek 
    comment on this analysis.
        (f) Obligations Assumed by Winning Bidder. 90. We tentatively 
    conclude that, pursuant to section 214(e), a successful bidder must 
    provide the services supported by the universal service support 
    mechanisms to all customers requesting service in the designated area 
    and advertise the availability of such service throughout the service 
    area. We seek comment on this tentative conclusion.
    2. Other Proposals and Examples of Competitive Bidding
        91. A number of parties submitted competitive bidding proposals in 
    the universal service docket, the most detailed of which were submitted 
    by GTE, consultants to Ameritech, and Frank Kelly and Richard Steinberg 
    of Cambridge University, Great Britain. These proposals were designed 
    to determine the carrier or carriers entitled to receive universal 
    service support and the level of support to be provided. In addition, 
    other government agencies have used competitive bidding systems that 
    may have features relevant to the market at issue here. We seek comment 
    on these other competitive bidding proposals, because aspects of these 
    proposals may be preferable to the competitive bidding approach 
    E. Ordering Carriers To Provide Service
        92. We seek comment on the ramifications of ordering a carrier to 
    provide service in an unserved area. We tentatively conclude that this 
    requirement entails an obligation to deploy the facilities necessary to 
    provide the services supported by federal universal service support 
    mechanisms, to offer the services to all customers requesting service 
    in the designated area, and to advertise the availability of such 
    service throughout the service area. These requirements are consistent 
    with the language in section 214(e)(3) of the Act, stating that the 
    carrier ordered to provide service shall meet the requirements of 
    section 214(e)(1) of the Act. We seek comment on this tentative 
        93. We also seek comment whether additional measures may be 
    necessary to ensure that the carrier ordered to provide service is able 
    to earn an appropriate return on its investment. For example, a carrier 
    may deploy facilities, advertise the availability of services and offer 
    service to all customers and yet an inadequate number of customers may 
    subscribe to the service, rendering the operation unprofitable. This 
    result may occur due to faulty estimations by the carrier, but it may 
    also be the result of unpredictable demand. Similarly, it is possible 
    that carriers may provide services to all requesting customers, yet the 
    customers might default on their bills. If the carrier is ordered to 
    provide service, to what extent must it retain customers who cannot pay 
    overdue debts or with poor credit records? How will the carrier recover 
    its investment on the facilities deployed to provide service to 
    subscribers who do not pay their bills? We seek comment on these 
    issues, including the appropriate role for the Commission and state 
    commissions to play in addressing these issues.
    VI. Underserved Areas
        94. In this section of the Further Notice, the Commission considers 
    whether additional support for low-income consumers is necessary to 
    promote subscribership in unserved and underserved areas, including 
    tribal and insular areas.
    A. Defining ``Underserved Area''
        95. In the Thirteenth Order on Reconsideration, the Commission 
    observed that there may be inadequately served areas that are 
    characterized by extremely low penetration, low population density, and 
    high costs. We seek comment on the need for the Commission to establish 
    a definition of ``underserved area'' that would be used in targeting 
    supplemental universal service support to those areas. For example, a 
    community may be considered underserved if the penetration rate of the 
    community is significantly below the national average. In addition to 
    the number of supported services available, and the percentage of the 
    population receiving those supported services, there may be other 
    identifying characteristics that describe an underserved area. We seek 
    comment on an appropriate definition for underserved area. For example, 
    we could define underserved area as a geographic area that meets 
    certain statistical benchmarks, i.e., a penetration rate below a 
    certain percentage, a population density below a certain level, costs 
    of providing supported services above a certain level, etc. We also 
    seek comment on whether there is sufficient, readily available 
    statistical data to make such a definitional approach viable.
    B. Expanding LinkUp to Include Facilities-Based Charges
        96. We seek comment on whether increasing federal support to offset 
    initial connection charges may be necessary to increase the success of 
    our universal service support mechanisms in underserved areas, 
    including insular and tribal lands. In the proceeding leading up to the 
    Second Recommended Decision, the Arizona Corporation Commission 
    (Arizona Commission) submitted a proposal to use a portion of federal 
    support to address the problem of unserved areas and the inability of 
    low-income residents to obtain telecommunications service because they 
    cannot afford to pay the required line extension or construction costs. 
    The Arizona Commission's proposal was not intended to be a 
    comprehensive alternative to the high-cost fund distribution model, but 
    rather to address a discrete concern related to low-income residents in 
    remote areas. We seek comment on the Arizona Commission's proposal and 
    the extent to which the problem identified by the Arizona Commission is 
    widespread. In particular, we seek further data on the cost of line 
    extensions in rural areas and regarding the number of residents that 
    are deprived of telecommunications services because of high line 
    extension or construction costs and areas in which this problem is 
        97. The Joint Board recognized that investments in line extensions 
    historically have been an issue addressed by the states through 
    intrastate proceedings that establish reasonable rates for line 
    extension agreements and encourage carriers to minimize unserved 
    regions of the states. The Joint Board suggested that these issues 
    should continue to be dealt with by states, to the extent that the 
    states are able to do so. We note that regulators generally require 
    carriers to use rate averaging to reduce the rates for their highest-
    cost customers in rural and insular areas, but those regulators often 
    still permit carriers to charge particularly isolated customers a 
    supplementary ``initial connection'' charge for installing a new line. 
    Moreover, while regulators also generally require carriers to amortize 
    the cost of installing new lines, if there is a reasonable chance that 
    those lines will not be used over their full life-span, regulators 
    often permit carriers to charge most, if not all, of the initial 
    connection charge up front. These charges can be prohibitive. We seek 
    comment on whether states have the ability to address this problem, or, 
    in the
    [[Page 52753]]
    alternative, whether federal assistance, in some instances, may be 
        98. We seek comment on what role the Commission might play in 
    trying to alleviate this problem. We seek comment on whether we might 
    provide additional support through the LinkUp America program--which 
    provides federal support to reduce the price of initial connection 
    charges--at least for locations with significantly lower than average 
    telecommunications penetration rates, e.g., below 75 percent. 
    Commenters supporting such an approach should also explain whether 
    support would be provided as a one-time payment or over a number of 
    years. We also seek comment on what we might do to encourage carriers 
    to offer installment loans for such extensions over a practical time 
    frame. We seek comment on these and any other alternatives that might 
    be more effective ways of addressing this problem. For example, we seek 
    comment on whether the provision of telecommunication service to remote 
    areas using terrestrial wireless or satellite technologies might allow 
    service at lower cost compared to the cost of line extension or 
    construction of wireline facilities. Commenters offering proposals 
    should also explain how their proposals would avoid encouraging 
    uneconomic investments in relatively high-cost technologies.
    C. Support for Intrastate Toll Calling
        99. We seek comment on the extent to which limited local calling 
    areas impose a barrier to increased penetration in certain underserved 
    areas. For example, the local calling area for the Jemez Pueblo in New 
    Mexico includes only about half a dozen other towns. It does not 
    include any other Pueblos or hospitals nor the cities of Albuquerque or 
    Santa Fe, where most residents work. Similarly, the calling area for 
    the Picuris Pueblo does not even include 911 calls. To the extent that 
    limited local calling areas impose a barrier to increased penetration, 
    we seek comment on how to remove this barrier. For example, expanding 
    the local calling area to include the unserved or underserved area and 
    the nearest metropolitan area or community of interest may entice more 
    consumers to request service. Expanding local calling areas, however, 
    would likely cause upward pressure on local rates. We seek comment on 
    how expanded local calling areas would impact local rates, including 
    rates for consumers living in communities outside of tribal lands. We 
    seek comment on what role, if any, the Commission is authorized to and 
    should play in seeking to address impediments caused by limited local 
    calling areas.
        100. We seek comment on whether federal universal service support 
    mechanisms should provide additional support for low-income consumers 
    living in remote areas or low-income consumers living on tribal lands. 
    For example, the Commission could provide support for calls outside of 
    the local calling area that fall within specified federally-designated 
    support areas. Similarly, federal universal service support could be 
    provided to pay for a foreign exchange (FX) line service from the 
    remote or tribal area to the nearest metropolitan area or community of 
    interest. We seek comment on whether such proposals would eliminate 
    incentives for states to ensure affordable local rates. We also seek 
    comment on whether the provision of service by terrestrial wireless or 
    satellite providers would alleviate any problems associated with 
    limited local calling areas.
    D. Expanded Availability of Toll Limitation Devices
        101. Many households may forgo telecommunications service because 
    of past or anticipated future problems with high telephone bills. The 
    general prevalence of this bill management problem was documented in a 
    GTE-Pacific Bell commissioned survey done in 1993 by the Field Research 
    Corp. for the California PUC. The Commission sought to address the 
    problem, however, by requiring carriers offering low-income subscribers 
    ``Lifeline'' service, to permit those subscribers to secure a ``toll 
    limitation'' service--either toll blocking or toll control. We believe 
    that our actions in this regard should alleviate this bill management 
    problem. We seek comment on whether expanded options for toll-control 
    or toll-blocking would make telecommunications service more desirable 
    in unserved and underserved areas, including tribal lands. We ask that 
    commenters identify any specific toll-control or toll-blocking features 
    that would be useful, including, for example, the ability to require 
    the use of a Personal Identification Number (PIN) in order to restrict 
    access to toll calls. We also recognize that the benefits of these 
    options are minimal if consumers are not aware of them. We seek comment 
    on what additional measures, if any, the Commission should undertake to 
    ensure consumers are educated about the availability of toll-limitation 
    E. Publicizing Availability of Low-Income Support
        102. We observe that customers may fail to subscribe to 
    telecommunications service because they are unaware of the Commission's 
    Lifeline and LinkUp programs, which are intended to make service more 
    affordable, and the availability of toll-control and toll-blocking, 
    which are intended to help low-income consumers control the amount of 
    their monthly bills. Although the Commission's Lifeline and LinkUp 
    programs have been providing universal service support to eligible 
    customers for more than a decade, we are concerned that carriers may 
    have failed to publicize the programs in some areas, particularly on 
    Indian reservations. Unfortunately, it appears that in markets where 
    carriers find it unprofitable to provide service, they have no 
    particular incentive to publicize the availability of Lifeline and 
    LinkUp. Thus, the Commission found that none of the representatives of 
    the pueblos testifying in the January, 1999 Albuquerque field hearings 
    were aware of the Lifeline and LinkUp programs. Furthermore, despite 
    the 60-percent unemployment rate in the Cheyenne River Sioux Telephone 
    Authority area, only about 10-percent of the subscribers there receive 
    Lifeline service.
        103. We seek comment on whether the Commission should play a role 
    in ensuring the spread of information on tribal lands, or in other low-
    income, underserved areas, about the availability of low-income support 
    that may make telecommunications service affordable. We recognize that 
    carriers already have an incentive to convince potential customers of 
    the value of their service--assuming the customers will be profitable 
    to serve. We are concerned about those consumers whom carriers may 
    consider unprofitable to serve. We tentatively conclude that a lack of 
    information may contribute to the significantly low penetration rates 
    on tribal lands.
        104. We seek comment on what options the Commission may have to 
    promote awareness of low-income support mechanisms on tribal lands. 
    Section 214(e)(1)(B) of the Act requires an eligible telecommunications 
    carrier to ``advertise the availability of'' the services supported by 
    federal universal service support mechanisms ``and the charges therefor 
    using media of general distribution.'' We seek comment on the 
    possibility of amending our current universal service rules to require 
    carriers to publicize the availability of Lifeline and LinkUp and toll-
    limitation options. For example, we could revise section 54.405 of our 
    rules by adding the following italicized language:
        All telecommunications carriers shall (a) make available 
    Lifeline service, as defined in
    [[Page 52754]]
    Sec. 54.401, to qualifying low-income consumers, and (b) publicize 
    the availability of Lifeline service in a manner reasonably designed 
    to reach those likely to qualify for the services.
        105. We seek comment on the costs and benefits of requiring 
    carriers to publicize the availability of Lifeline, LinkUp and toll-
    control devices. Alternatively, the Commission could encourage and 
    participate in other marketing and information dissemination efforts, 
    such as preparing consumer information fact-sheets that would be 
    distributed in local communities. We seek comment on whether there is, 
    or should be, some entity that would collect and verify the accuracy of 
    data on Lifeline rates for each reservation, the eligibility standards 
    for Lifeline in the relevant state, and how individuals who desired 
    Lifeline service could confirm their eligibility and how they could 
    sign up for service. We also seek comment on the best ways to 
    disseminate this information to the relevant audience of potential 
    Lifeline subscribers. We seek comment on any research or other data 
    that indicates the most effective way of marketing to this population, 
    whether via broadcast, print, wireline, or other media; whether 
    separately or in combination with the marketing efforts of other social 
    programs seeking to reach this audience; and whether on a federal, 
    state or tribal level. Commenters aware of a particularly effective 
    program are requested to provide us with sufficient information to 
    enable us to contact that program administrator.
    F. Support for Rural Health Care Infrastructure
        106. We seek comment on the technical limitations of the 
    telecommunications services available to rural health care providers 
    throughout the United States, including Alaska and insular areas. We 
    ask commenters to provide as much detail as possible regarding the 
    extensions or improvements needed in areas lacking adequate 
    infrastructure. We ask that commenters identify the most urgent needs, 
    such as those that would address threats to the health and safety of 
    residents. We particularly encourage providers of fixed satellite 
    services, geo-stationary satellites, and emerging technologies, to 
    describe the capability of these technologies to serve Alaska and 
    insular areas, and ask these providers to estimate the costs, provide a 
    timetable for deploying particular technologies, and provide 
    information regarding the capability of different technologies to 
    support telehealth and telemedicine applications. We ask providers of 
    other technologies, such as fixed wireless technology, to describe 
    whether these technologies could effectively supplement the apparently 
    inadequate infrastructure in the rural areas of Alaska, insular areas, 
    and the mainland United States.
        107. We seek comment on whether and to what extent improvements to 
    the telecommunications network required to meet the telecommunications 
    needs of rural health care providers should be supported by federal 
    universal service mechanisms and whether other mechanisms exist that 
    would provide support for improving infrastructure. We ask parties to 
    submit detailed descriptions of any programs supporting infrastructure 
    development that would assist rural health care providers. We 
    specifically ask the sponsors of programs cited in the State Health 
    Care Report and other commenters familiar with these programs to detail 
    their scope, identify any needs that are unmet by existing programs, 
    and explain why.
        108. We invite commenters to submit specific proposals that they 
    have already prepared for expanding the federal universal service 
    support for rural health care providers to include infrastructure 
    improvement costs of telecommunications carriers. Any commenter 
    submitting a proposal should analyze the extent to which the proposal 
    is competitively neutral, technically feasible, and economically 
    reasonable, as required pursuant to section 254(h)(2). Commenters 
    should also file detailed cost information for any proposal submitted. 
    We recognize that some improvements to the telecommunications network 
    made to provide service to rural health care providers may also be used 
    to provide commercial services. We seek comment on whether and to what 
    extent we should take account of such additional revenue sources in the 
    event that support is provided to extend or improve telecommunications 
    VII. Insular Areas
    A. Defining ``Insular Area''
        109. In articulating the principle that consumers in all regions of 
    the nation should have access to telecommunications services, Congress 
    explicitly included insular areas within this mandate. As the Joint 
    Board noted in the Recommended Decision, however, the Act does not 
    define the phrase insular areas. We tentatively conclude that we should 
    adopt a definition of insular areas to provide clarity regarding the 
    availability of universal service support in those areas.
        110. We observe that, in other statutes, the term insular area 
    generally refers to the island portions of the United States that are 
    not states or portions of states. In addition, we observe that in 
    common usage, the term insular area means ``of, or having the form of 
    an island.'' Accordingly, we propose the following definition of 
    insular areas: ``islands that are territories or commonwealths of the 
    United States.'' By including the phrase ``territories or 
    commonwealths,'' we intend to restrict the definition to areas that are 
    populated islands that have a local government. We also observe that 
    the proposed definition comports with publications of the Department of 
    Interior's Office of Insular Affairs (OIA) and various provisions of 
    the United States Code. We seek comment on this proposal.
        111. We seek comment on whether the definition of insular areas 
    should include only those areas that are subject to the laws of the 
    United States, and for which carriers serving those areas would be 
    required to contribute to our universal service support mechanisms, 
    and, if so, we seek comment on whether the proposed definition 
    satisfies this goal. We seek comment on whether the definition of 
    insular areas should exclude sovereign states that are not subject to 
    the laws of the United States nor eligible to receive universal service 
    support under the Act, unpopulated islands, and insular areas subject 
    to the jurisdiction of, and receiving telecommunications service from, 
    the United States military. We tentatively conclude that Puerto Rico, 
    American Samoa, CNMI, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands are properly 
    included in the definition of insular areas and seek comment on this 
    tentative conclusion.
        112. We seek comment on whether the Freely Associated States (FAS), 
    including the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Federated States of 
    Micronesia, and the Republic of Palau, should be included in the 
    definition of insular areas. These islands are associated with the 
    United States through the terms of a Compact of Free Association, which 
    gives the Commission authority and jurisdiction over various 
    telecommunications services in the FAS, but carriers are not subject to 
    universal service contribution requirements for the services they 
    provide on these islands. We also observe that Midway Atoll is being 
    transferred from the jurisdiction of the United States Navy to the U.S. 
    Fish & Wildlife Service of the Department of Interior and has a 
    population of 450 persons. We seek comment on whether Midway Atoll 
    should be included in the
    [[Page 52755]]
    definition of insular areas. We invite commenters to provide 
    alternative definitions of ``insular areas'' and to describe which 
    areas would and would not be included with any alternative definition.
        113. We seek comment on whether similarities between the historical 
    experience of Indians and persons living in insular areas warrant the 
    extension of federal trust-type principles, including supplemental 
    measures to promote the availability of universal service, to insular 
    B. Rural Health Care Support
        114. Parties have already submitted information to us demonstrating 
    that insular areas may have few hospitals and substantial undeveloped 
    terrain and that travel between insular areas and more developed states 
    or countries nearest to them may be very expensive. For these reasons, 
    we anticipate that telehealth and telemedicine initiatives may be 
    particularly important in insular areas. We encourage interested 
    parties to highlight previous comments they have made on this issue or 
    present any relevant new information to us. We are particularly 
    interested in the differences between the needs and opportunities of 
    rural health care providers in insular areas and those located in the 
    remainder of the United States.
        115. Urban Rates. In the First Report and Order, the Commission 
    adopted rules requiring carriers to provide rural health care providers 
    with access to telecommunications services permitting speeds up to 1 
    Mbps at rates comparable to those offered in urban areas. Consistent 
    with the statute, the Commission's rules for rural health care 
    providers calculate support amounts on the basis of the difference 
    between the ``urban rate'' and the ``rural rate'' for the supported 
    service. The urban rate is determined with reference to the rates 
    charged other commercial customers of a similar service in the nearest 
    large city in the state. The nearest large city is defined as having a 
    population of at least 50,000 people.
        116. In the First Report and Order, the Commission found that the 
    mechanism of using urban rates as a benchmark for reasonable rates may 
    be ill-suited to certain insular areas that are relatively rural all 
    over. The Commission concluded that it required additional information 
    about whether telecommunications rates differ in urban and non-urban 
    areas or insular areas, including areas of the Pacific Islands and the 
    U.S. Virgin Islands. Accordingly, we seek comment on whether the rules 
    concerning calculation of rural health care support need modifications 
    to address the geographic or demographic situation in insular areas. We 
    invite commenters to propose specific revisions in this regard.
        117. Nearest Large City. Consistent with the statute, the 
    Commission's rules for providing universal service support to rural 
    health care providers limit the length of the supported service to the 
    distance between the health care provider and the point farthest from 
    that provider on the jurisdictional boundary of the nearest large city 
    in the state. The Governor of Guam proposed that we modify this rule to 
    provide support for telecommunications services between an insular 
    area's medical facilities and a supporting medical center in an urban 
    area outside the insular area, such as in Hawaii or on the west coast 
    of the continental United States. We seek comment on this proposal. We 
    encourage commenters supporting this proposal to present detailed 
    estimates of the cost of such a proposal and steps that must be taken 
    to implement it. Commenters favoring this proposal should also provide 
    legal analysis explaining whether it would be consistent with section 
    254 to treat insular areas differently from the remainder of the United 
    States, where support is only provided based on intrastate distances, 
    as section 254(h)(1)(A) appears to require.
        118. Finally, we seek comment on whether health care providers and 
    telecommunications carriers that serve insular areas face unique 
    challenges that have not been documented previously in the record of 
    this proceeding, and, if so, how we should tailor additional support 
    mechanisms to address those problems, consistent with the statute. We 
    encourage commenters to present proposals for additional support 
    mechanisms through which rural health care providers located in insular 
    areas could have access to the telecommunications services available in 
    urban areas of the nation at affordable rates.
    C. Access to Toll-Free Services in Insular Areas
        119. Because of their traditional treatment as international 
    destinations, the Pacific Island areas have faced high rates for 
    interexchange service and have had limited ability to obtain access to 
    toll-free and advanced services. Calls between these insular areas and 
    the remainder of the United States also required callers to use the 
    ``011'' international access code. Recent changes have begun to address 
    these problems. Specifically, the 1996 Act requires that insular areas 
    become subject to rate integration and averaging, which means that 
    interexchange carriers are required to offer domestic interstate 
    service using a uniform rate structure throughout the United States. In 
    addition, many insular areas have been integrated into the North 
    American Numbering Plan (NANP). In the First Report and Order, the 
    Commission permitted residents of CNMI and Guam to access toll-free 
    (e.g., 800) services by using 880 and 881 codes and paying the cost of 
    reaching Hawaii where the calls could be connected thereafter toll-free 
    to the called party until July 1, 1998, and that date was subsequently 
    extended indefinitely.
        120. In the First Report and Order, the Commission determined that 
    ``these changes will have a significant impact on how residents of 
    the[se] islands place interexchange calls and the rates that they, and 
    toll-free access customers, will pay for the calls they place.'' Based 
    upon the recommendation of the Joint Board, the Commission concluded 
    that it should delay, until after July 1, 1998, consideration of 
    whether the Commission should provide additional support for toll-free 
    access and access to advanced and information services for insular 
    areas so that the impact of rate integration and averaging and 
    incorporation into the NANP could be evaluated. We seek comment on 
    whether rate integration, rate-averaging, and incorporating insular 
    areas into the NANP are leading toll-free customers to include insular 
    areas in their toll-free calling areas. We seek comment on whether 
    additional universal service support is needed to support toll-free 
    calling from insular areas. We ask commenters to present any evidence 
    that the marketplace will not fully solve this problem.
    VIII. Procedural Matters
    A. Ex Parte Procedures
        121. The Further Notice is a non-restricted notice and comment 
    rulemaking proceeding. Ex parte presentations are permitted, except 
    during the Sunshine Agenda period, provided they are disclosed as 
    provided in the Commission's rules.
    B. Comment Filing Procedures
        122. Pursuant to Secs. 1.415 and 1.419 of the Commission's rules, 
    interested parties may file comments as follows: comments are due 
    November 29, 1999 and reply comments are due December 29, 1999. 
    Comments may filed using the Commission's Electronic Comment Filing 
    System (ECFS) or by filing paper copies.
        123. Comments filed through the ECFS can be sent as an electronic 
    [[Page 52756]]
    via the Internet to http://www.fcc.gov/e-file/ecfs.html. Generally, 
    only one copy of an electronic submission must be filed. If multiple 
    docket or rulemaking numbers appear in the caption of this proceeding, 
    however, commenters must transmit one electronic copy of the comments 
    to each docket or rulemaking number referenced in the caption. In 
    completing the transmittal screen, commenters should include their full 
    name, Postal Service mailing address, and the applicable docket or 
    rulemaking number. Parties may also submit an electronic copy by 
    Internet e-mail. To get filing instructions for e-mail comments, 
    commenters should send an e-mail to ecfs@fcc.gov, and should include 
    the following words in the body of the message: ``get form .'' A sample form and directions will be sent in reply.
        124. Parties who choose to file by paper must file an original and 
    four copies of each filing. If more than one docket or rulemaking 
    number appears in the caption of this proceeding, commenters must 
    submit two additional copies for each additional docket or rulemaking 
    number. All paper filings must be sent to the Commission's Secretary, 
    Magalie Roman Salas, Office of the Secretary, Federal Communications 
    Commission, 445 Twelfth Street S.W., Room TW-A325, Washington, DC 
        125. Parties who choose to file by paper should also submit their 
    comments on diskette to Sheryl Todd, Accounting Policy Division, Common 
    Carrier Bureau, Federal Communications Commission, 445 Twelfth Street 
    SW, Room 5-A523, Washington, DC 20554. Such a submission should be on a 
    3.5 inch diskette formatted in an IBM-compatible format using 
    WordPerfect 5.1 for Windows or a compatible software. The diskette 
    should be accompanied by a cover letter and should be submitted in 
    ``read-only'' mode. The diskette should be clearly labeled with the 
    commenter's name, proceeding, including the lead docket number in the 
    proceeding (CC Docket No. 96-45), type of pleading (comment or reply 
    comment), date of submission, and the name of the electronic file on 
    the diskette. The label should also include the following phrase 
    (``Disk Copy--Not an Original.'') Each diskette should contain only one 
    party's pleadings, preferably in a single electronic file. In addition, 
    commenters should sent diskette copies to the Commission's copy 
    contractor, International Transcription Service, Inc., 1231 20th St. 
    NW, Washington DC 20037.
    C. Initial Regulatory Flexibility Act Analysis
        126. The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) requires a Regulatory 
    Flexibility Act analysis whenever an agency publishes a notice of 
    proposed rulemaking or promulgates a final rule, unless the agency 
    certifies that the proposed or final rule will not have ``a significant 
    economic impact on a substantial number of small entities,'' and 
    includes the factual basis for such certification. Pursuant to section 
    603 of the RFA, the Commission has prepared an Initial Regulatory 
    Flexibility Analysis (IRFA) of the possible significant economic impact 
    on small entities by the policies and actions considered in this 
    Further Notice. The text of the IRFA is set forth. Written public 
    comments are requested on this IRFA. Comments must be identified as 
    responses to the IRFA and must be filed by the deadlines for comments 
    provided. The Commission will send a copy of the Further Notice, 
    including the IRFA, to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small 
    Business Administration. In addition, summaries of the Further Notice 
    and IRFA will be published in the Federal Register.
    IX. Ordering Clauses
        127. Accordingly, it is ordered that, pursuant to the authority 
    contained in sections 1-4, 201-205, 214(e), and 254 of the 
    Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 151-154, 201-205, 
    214(e), and 254, this Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking is hereby 
    adopted and comments are requested as described.
        128. It is further ordered that the Commission's Office of Public 
    Affairs, Reference Operations Division, shall send a copy of this 
    Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, including the Initial Regulatory 
    Flexibility Act Analysis, to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the 
    Small Business Administration.
    List of Subjects in 47 CFR Part 54
        Universal service.
    Federal Communications Commission.
    Shirley Suggs,
    Chief, Publication Branch.
    [FR Doc. 99-25479 Filed 9-29-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6712-01-P

Document Information

Federal Communications Commission
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Notice of proposed rulemaking.
Document Number:
Comments are due November 29, 1999 and reply comments are due December 29, 1999.
52738-52756 (19 pages)
Docket Numbers:
CC Docket No. 96-45, FCC 99-204
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
47 CFR 54.401