2024-22081. Energy Conservation Program: Energy Conservation Standards for Air-Cooled Commercial Package Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps  

  • Table II.1—Energy Conservation Standards for ACUACs and ACUHPs

    [Compliance Starting January 1, 2029]

    Cooling capacity Subcategory Supplementary heating type Minimum efficiency
    ≥65,000 Btu/h and <135,000 Btu/h AC Electric Resistance Heating or No Heating All Other Types of Heating IVEC = 14.3 IVEC = 13.8
    HP All Types of Heating IVEC = 13.4 IVHE = 6.2
    ≥135,000 Btu/h and <240,000 Btu/h AC Electric Resistance Heating or No Heating All Other Types of Heating IVEC = 13.8 IVEC = 13.3
    HP All Types of Heating IVEC = 13.1 IVHE = 6.0
    ≥240,000 Btu/h and <760,000 Btu/h AC Electric Resistance Heating or No Heating All Other Types of Heating IVEC = 12.9 IVEC = 12.2
    HP All Types of Heating IVEC = 12.1 IVHE = 5.8

    As required by EPCA, DOE also simultaneously published a NOPR proposing the identical standard levels contained in the May 2024 Direct Final Rule. 89 FR 43770 (May 20, 2024). DOE considered whether any adverse ( print page 79377) comment received during the 110-day comment period following the publication of the May 2024 Direct Final Rule provided a reasonable basis for withdrawal of the direct final rule under the provisions in 42 U.S.C. 6295(p)(4)(C) and 42 U.S.C. 6316(b)(1).

    III. Comments on the Direct Final Rule

    As discussed in section I of this document, not later than 120 days after publication of a direct final rule, DOE shall withdraw the direct final rule if: (1) DOE receives one or more adverse public comments relating to the direct final rule or any alternative joint recommendation; and (2) based on the rulemaking record relating to the direct final rule, DOE determines that such adverse public comments or alternative joint recommendation may provide a reasonable basis for withdrawing the direct final rule. (42 U.S.C. 6316(b)(1); 42 U.S.C. 6295(p)(4)(C)(i))

    DOE received comments in response to the May 2024 Direct Final Rule from the interested parties listed in table III.1.

    Table III.1—List of Commenters With Written Submissions in Response to the May 2024 Direct Final Rule

    Commenter(s) Abbreviation Comment No. in the docket Commenter type
    Julian Anderson Anderson 102 Individual.
    Anonymous Anonymous 103 Individual.
    Appliance Standards Awareness Project, the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, and the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance ASAP, ACEEE, and NEEA 106 Efficiency Advocacy Organizations.
    Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E), and Southern California Edison (SCE) (collectively referred to as the California Investor-Owned Utilities) CA IOUs 104 * and 105 Utilities.
    * The CA IOUs submitted a duplicate comment in response to the NOPR that accompanied the direct final rule. Therefore, both comment submissions are included in this table.

Document Information

Effective Date:
Energy Department
Entry Type:
Direct final rule; confirmation of effective and compliance dates.
Document Number:
The effective date of September 17, 2024, for the direct final rule published on May 20, 2024, (89 FR 44052) is confirmed. Compliance with the standards established in the direct final rule will be required on and after January 1, 2029.
79374-79380 (7 pages)
Docket Numbers:
1904-AF34: Energy Conservation Standards for Commercial Air-Cooled Unitary Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps
RIN Links:
PDF File:
Supporting Documents:
» 2023-04-13 Transcript of Proceedings in the Matter of: Commercial Unitary Air Conditioners & Heat Pumps Working Group Public Meeting, Docket No.: EERE-2022-BT-STD-0015
» 2023-03-21 Transcript of Proceedings in the Matter of: Commercial Unitary Air Conditioners & Heat Pumps ASRAC Working Group Meeting, Docket No.: EERE-2022-BT-STD-0015
» 2023-05-01 Appliance Standards and Rulemaking Federal Advisory Committee Commercial Unitary Air Conditioner and Heat Pump Working Group Energy Conservation Standards Term Sheet, May 1, 2023
» 2023-04-12 Meeting Presentation: IVEC Efficiency Levels and Tradeoffs Table
» 2023-02-22 - 23 Meeting Presentation: Commercial Unitary Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps ASRAC Working Group, February 22-23, 2023 (CUAC_WG_DOE Slides 2023-2-22 notes v3)
» 2022-12-07 Transcript of Proceedings in the Matter of: Commercial Unitary Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps ASRAC Working Group Meeting, Day 1
» 2022-12-15 Appliance Standards and Rulemaking Federal Advisory Committee Commercial Unitary Air Conditioner and Heat Pump Working Group Test Procedure Term Sheet, December 15, 2022
» 2022-12-05 Presentation: HVAC Industry November 30, IVEC Equation Proposal (IVEC Simplified Equation rev 21.2)
» 2022-11-30 Presentation: Commercial Unitary Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps ASRAC Working Group, November 30, 2022 Heating Slides (post meeting)
» 2022-11-30 Presentation: Commercial Unitary Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps ASRAC Working Group, November 30, 2022 Cooling Follow-Up Slides (post meeting)
CFR: (1)
10 CFR 431