96-22402. Bank Holding Companies and Change in Bank Control (Regulation Y)  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 174 (Friday, September 6, 1996)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 47242-47282]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-22402]
    [[Page 47241]]
    Part II
    Federal Reserve System
    12 CFR Part 225
    Bank Holding Companies and Change in Bank Control (Regulation Y); 
    Proposed Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 174 / Friday, September 6, 1996 / 
    Proposed Rules
    [[Page 47242]]
    12 CFR Part 225
    [Regulation Y; Docket No. R-0935]
    Bank Holding Companies and Change in Bank Control (Regulation Y)
    AGENCY: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
    ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking; request for comments.
    SUMMARY: The Board is proposing a comprehensive amendment of Regulation 
    Y that is intended to improve the competitiveness of bank holding 
    companies by eliminating unnecessary regulatory burden and operating 
    restrictions, and by streamlining the application/notice process. Among 
    other proposed revisions, the Board proposes to establish a streamlined 
    and expedited review process for bank and nonbanking proposals by well-
    run bank holding companies. The Board also proposes to reorganize and 
    expand the regulatory list of nonbanking activities and to remove a 
    number of restrictions on those activities that are outmoded, have been 
    superseded by Board order or do not apply to insured banks that conduct 
    the same activity. In addition, the Board proposes several amendments 
    to the tying restrictions, including removal of the regulatory 
    extension of those restrictions to bank holding companies and their 
    nonbank subsidiaries. A number of other changes have also been proposed 
    to eliminate unnecessary regulatory burden and to streamline and 
    modernize Regulation Y, including changes to the provisions 
    implementing the Change in Bank Control Act and section 914 of the 
    Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989.
    DATES: Comments must be received by October 31, 1996.
    ADDRESSES: Comments should refer to Docket No. R-0935, and may be 
    mailed to Mr. William W. Wiles, Secretary, Board of Governors of the 
    Federal Reserve System, 20th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW., 
    Washington, DC 20551. Comments may also be delivered to Room B-2222 of 
    the Eccles Building between 8:45 a.m. and 5:15 p.m. weekdays, and to 
    the guard station in the Eccles Building courtyard on 20th Street, NW. 
    (between Constitution Avenue and C Street) at any time. Comments 
    received will be available for inspection in room MP-500 of the Martin 
    Building between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays, except as provided in 
    section 261.8(a) of the Board's Rules Regarding Availability of 
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Scott G. Alvarez, Associate General 
    Counsel (202/452-3583), Gregory A. Baer, Managing Senior Counsel (202/
    452-3236), Diane A. Koonjy, Senior Attorney (202/452-3274), Lisa R. 
    Chavarria, Attorney (202/452-3904), Satish M. Kini, Attorney (202/452-
    3818), Legal Division; Molly Wassom, Assistant Director (202/452-2305), 
    Sid Sussan, Assistant Director (202/452-2638), Division of Banking 
    Supervision and Regulation, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve 
    System. For the hearing impaired only, Telecommunication Device for the 
    Deaf (TDD), Dorothea Thompson (202/452-3544), Board of Governors of the 
    Federal Reserve System, 20th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW., 
    Washington, DC.
        Outline: The discussion of proposed revisions to Regulation Y is 
    divided into the following sections:
    A. Summary of principles applied in reviewing and revising 
    Regulation Y.
    B. Summary of proposed revisions.
    C. Explanation of proposed changes to the procedures governing bank 
    D. Explanation of proposed changes to the nonbanking provisions.
    E. Explanation of restrictions removed from permissible nonbanking 
    F. Explanation of changes to tying rules.
    G. Explanation of other changes.
    A. Summary of the Principles Applied in Reviewing and Revising 
    Regulation Y
        Regulation Y is the regulation the Board has adopted to implement 
    the requirements of the Bank Holding Company Act (the BHC Act), the 
    Change in Bank Control Act and provisions of the Federal Deposit 
    Insurance Act. As required by section 303 of the Riegle Community 
    Development and Regulatory Improvement Act of 1994, the Board has 
    conducted a comprehensive review of Regulation Y to improve efficiency, 
    reduce unnecessary costs, and eliminate unwarranted constraints on 
    credit availability while faithfully implementing statutory 
    requirements. This review included discussions with staff of the other 
    federal banking agencies regarding the implementation of common 
    statutory provisions.
        Based on this review, the Board proposes a comprehensive revision 
    to Regulation Y that is intended to improve the competitiveness of bank 
    holding companies by eliminating unnecessary regulatory burden and 
    operating restrictions, and by streamlining and expediting the 
    application/notice process. The revisions proposed by the Board to 
    Regulation Y are summarized in the following sections and explained 
    more fully in sections C through G.
        The Board invites comment on all aspects of its proposed revisions. 
    In addition, the Board invites other suggestions on revisions to 
    Regulation Y that would eliminate unnecessary burden while adhering to 
    applicable statutory requirements and maintaining safety and soundness.
    Approval Process
        Much of Regulation Y is comprised of procedures for evaluating 
    applications and notices. A number of revisions are proposed to these 
    procedures with the goal of eliminating, to the fullest extent 
    permitted under current law, any unnecessary burden and paperwork.
        Two important principles underlie the revisions that are proposed 
    to the approval process for bank holding companies. First, the new 
    regulation would establish objective and verifiable measures for each 
    of the criteria set forth in the BHC Act and an expedited and nearly 
    red-tape free approval process for those bank holding companies that 
    meet these measures. Under this new procedure, a bank holding company 
    that meets these objective measures should be able to expect little 
    burden or delay from the approval process unless special circumstances 
    demonstrate that a closer review is warranted. Second, the application/
    notice process should focus on an analysis of the effects of the 
    specific proposal and should not normally become a vehicle for 
    comprehensively evaluating and addressing supervisory and compliance 
    issues at the applicant organization that can more effectively be 
    addressed in the supervisory process.
        Importantly, these principles reflect a change in approach to the 
    application/notice process, both procedural and substantive. They 
    recognize that the approval process is most effective as a gateway for 
    identifying (and rejecting) organizations that do not have the 
    resources or expertise to make an acquisition or conduct a particular 
    activity; and that the on-site inspection and supervisory process is 
    the most effective way to determine if a particular organization is in 
    fact managing its subsidiaries or conducting an approved activity in a 
    safe and sound manner and operating within its authority.
        Based on these principles, a new streamlined approval procedure is 
    proposed that would permit well-rated and well-run bank holding 
    companies to acquire banks and nonbanking
    [[Page 47243]]
    companies and to engage in permissible nonbanking activities de novo 
    with the filing of a simple, short letter and only 15 days advance 
    notice. A qualifying bank holding company would be required to provide 
    only minimal information in connection with a notice (basically a brief 
    description of the proposal and certification that the financial and 
    other criteria are met). Staff analysis of these proposals would be 
    focused on verifying that the qualifying criteria are in fact met. As 
    explained in more detail below, a qualifying bank holding company could 
    make bank and nonbanking acquisitions using this streamlined procedure 
    totaling up to 35 percent of the risk-weighted assets of the acquiring 
    bank holding company during any 12 month period. This limitation on the 
    size of acquisitions would not apply to the acquisition of banks by 
    small qualifying bank holding companies so long as the pro forma 
    consolidated assets of the holding company do not exceed $300 million. 
    All bank acquisition proposals that exceed 35 percent of assets (or 
    cause a small bank holding company to exceed $300 million in assets) or 
    that involve bank holding companies that otherwise do not meet the 
    qualifying criteria would be reviewed under the Board's current 30/60-
    day procedure.
        Approximately 85 percent of the bank holding companies with 
    consolidated assets in excess of $100 million would qualify generally 
    for this expedited procedure and more than 50 percent of the 
    applications/notices reviewed by the System during 1995 would have 
    qualified for this new streamlined procedure. Adoption of this 
    procedure would substantially reduce the paperwork that must be filed 
    by a qualifying bank holding company, the staff analysis of proposals 
    by these well-run organizations, and the time required to secure System 
    action on these proposals. In addition to reducing burden on qualifying 
    applicants, adoption of this new procedure should free up System 
    resources to focus on cases raising more complex and difficult issues, 
    thereby improving the processing time associated with these cases.
        The new proposed procedure follows the approach taken in the 
    regulatory relief bills currently pending before Congress but cannot 
    reach the level of efficiency in the regulatory relief bills without a 
    change in the terms of the BHC Act. For example, the BHC Act currently 
    requires that a bank holding company obtain Board approval prior to 
    acquiring an additional bank or commencing a nonbanking activity. Thus, 
    the Board may not eliminate the prior approval process for bank or 
    nonbanking proposals and may not adopt a post-consummation notification 
    process in place of a pre-consummation approval process. However, the 
    abbreviated prior notice procedure that is proposed here would satisfy 
    the BHC Act by permitting consummation of a bank or nonbanking proposal 
    at the expiration of a brief notice period. The proposed regulatory 
    relief bill would eliminate the prior approval requirement altogether 
    for certain classes of nonbanking proposals and permit post-
    consummation notice.1
        \1\ The regulatory relief bills in both the House and the Senate 
    would allow well-capitalized and well-managed banks, without any 
    prior notice, to engage de novo in nonbanking activities that have 
    been approved by the Board by regulation. These companies would also 
    be permitted, after providing the Board with 12 to 15 business days' 
    prior notice, to acquire any bank or any nonbanking company engaged 
    in a permissible activity so long as the bank or nonbanking company 
    represents less than 10 percent of the assets of the acquiring bank 
    holding company.
        As part of the review of the procedures governing bank acquisition 
    proposals, the Board's policies governing public comment have been 
    reviewed to assure that a meaningful opportunity for public comment is 
    provided while at the same time providing for the efficient and timely 
    processing of applications and notices. As discussed more fully below, 
    the proposed revisions would retain the Board's self-imposed 30-day 
    public comment period for bank acquisition proposals, with publication 
    of these proposals required in the Federal Register and local 
    newspapers. The proposal recommends, however, that the System limit the 
    exercise of its discretion to consider untimely comments and adhere 
    strictly to the Board's existing rule that only comments received 
    during the public comment period be considered, absent a showing of 
    extraordinary circumstances.
        Other revisions have been proposed to the various procedures in 
    Regulation Y to eliminate unnecessary burden and to make the 
    application/notice procedure more focused and efficient. For example, 
    the proposal would streamline the procedure for a bank holding company 
    to obtain a waiver for transactions that are in substance a bank-to-
    bank merger subject to review by another federal banking agency, and 
    would extend this waiver procedure to internal corporate 
    reorganizations. In addition, the proposal would eliminate the 4-week 
    pre-acceptance review period for bank acquisition proposals, thereby 
    allowing prompt acceptance and review of bank acquisition proposals. 
    These suggestions are outlined below and explained in detail in later 
    sections of this document.
    Nonbanking Activities
        Regulation Y also addresses the permissible nonbanking activities 
    of bank holding companies. As noted above, a streamlined procedure is 
    suggested for proposals by bank holding companies to acquire nonbanking 
    companies and to engage de novo in permissible nonbanking activities. 
    In addition, the ``laundry list'' of nonbanking activities that the 
    Board has defined by regulation as ``closely related to banking,'' and 
    hence permissible, has been revised and reorganized, and a number of 
    other changes suggested to improve the ability of bank holding 
    companies to engage in nonbanking activities.
        Several principles guided the suggested reforms in the nonbanking 
    area. Most important is the premise that bank holding companies should 
    be permitted to conduct nonbanking activities to the fullest extent 
    permissible under the BHC Act and that the regulation should be 
    sufficiently flexible to allow for industry changes in permissible 
    activities without creating unnecessary additional filing burdens. 
    Thus, definitions of permissible activities have been broadened and 
    updated, and new procedures are proposed to make it easier for any 
    interested person to obtain a Board decision regarding whether a new 
    activity is permissible. The proposed revisions anticipate that the 
    Board would be pro-active in authorizing new activities, especially as 
    new activities are permitted for banks or as new financial activities 
    develop, and recognize that, under the BHC Act, bank holding companies 
    are authorized to conduct activities beyond the scope of activities 
    that insured banks may conduct.
        A comprehensive revision of the restrictions that govern the 
    nonbanking activities of bank holding companies has also been 
    conducted. This review drew on the experience that the System has 
    developed over the past two decades in authorizing and supervising 
    nonbanking activities and reflects removal of a significant number of 
    restrictions that the System's experience has found are not necessary 
    or are outdated. A basic tenet of the revisions proposed in this area 
    is that a bank holding company should not be subject to supervisory 
    restrictions on the conduct of a specific activity that would not apply 
    to an insured depository institution conducting the same activity. 
    Another precept guiding this review is that supervisory principles 
    [[Page 47244]]
    the conduct of an activity should be clearly explained, adjusted to 
    take account of market developments and the System's experience in 
    supervising the activity, and, wherever appropriate, uniformly applied 
    to insured depository institutions and their affiliates on an 
    interagency basis.
        Accordingly, the proposed revisions eliminate restrictions on the 
    conduct of specific activities that would not apply to insured 
    depository institutions that conduct the same activity. Also eliminated 
    were any restrictions that are outmoded or that the Board has already 
    superseded by order. It is anticipated that, unless the Board 
    determines otherwise with regard to a specific activity or company, 
    these restrictions would be removed at the time of final adoption of 
    the proposed regulation for all bank holding companies with authority 
    to conduct the relevant activity, without requiring that individual 
    bank holding companies obtain specific relief or additional consent.
        In addition, the revisions contemplate that the Board, in 
    conjunction with the other banking agencies wherever appropriate, will 
    develop supervisory policy statements that govern the conduct of 
    certain activities. A supervisory policy statement has the advantage of 
    being more easily adjusted to reflect market developments and provides 
    a vehicle for more comprehensive guidance on the conduct of a specific 
    activity than individual regulatory restrictions.
        The Board and the other agencies have made effective use of 
    supervisory policy statements in other areas, most notably in providing 
    guidance on the sale of securities and other nondeposit investment 
    products on bank premises. System experience has been that bank holding 
    companies have taken these statements seriously. Accordingly, the 
    revisions anticipate that several restrictions that currently are 
    contained in Regulation Y would be moved to supervisory policy 
    statements that would be developed at a later date.
        The proposed regulation continues to anticipate that the 
    marketplace for already approved activities will develop and evolve. 
    Bank holding companies may continue to participate in these market 
    developments in permissible activities without seeking additional Board 
    approval. In the past, there has on occasion been uncertainty regarding 
    whether a particular development or variation in an activity represents 
    a fundamental change that redefines the activity into a new activity 
    for which an additional approval would be required under the BHC Act. 
    To address this, a new procedure has been proposed outside of the 
    application/notice process through which a bank holding company may, on 
    an expedited basis, obtain Board confirmation that a given development 
    or variation in an activity is permissible. These interpretations of 
    the scope of permissible activities would be published and would allow 
    all bank holding companies to participate in the development or 
    variation without additional approval. This procedure would eliminate a 
    number of notices filed by bank holding companies that are uncertain of 
    the scope of permissible nonbanking activities.
    Tying Restrictions
        A final principle underlying the proposal is that each restriction 
    in Regulation Y should be reevaluated in light of developments in the 
    marketplace in which nonbanking subsidiaries of bank holding companies 
    operate. Application of this principle warrants significant changes to 
    the Board's anti-tying regulation, which the Board already has revised 
    substantially over the past two years. Section 106 of the Bank Holding 
    Company Act Amendments of 1970 restricts tying arrangements by banks on 
    the grounds that the unique role of banks in the economy, in particular 
    their power to extend credit, would allow them to gain a competitive 
    advantage in other markets. In 1971, the Board by regulation extended 
    the coverage of these anti-tying rules to bank holding companies and 
    their nonbank subsidiaries. However, the Board's experience has shown 
    that these nonbanking companies generally operate in markets that are 
    notable for their competitive vitality. Accordingly, the proposed 
    revisions eliminate the Board's regulatory extension of the anti-tying 
    statute, leaving restriction of anti-competitive behavior by bank 
    holding companies and their nonbank subsidiaries to the same general 
    antitrust laws that govern their competitors.
    Other Changes
        As explained in more detail below, these various principles have 
    also led to a number of other suggested reforms to Regulation Y. In 
    addition to proposing the suggestions discussed below, the Board 
    invites suggestions on other revisions to Regulation Y that would 
    further eliminate unnecessary regulatory burden and paperwork.
    B. Summary of Proposed Revisions
        The Board seeks public comment on proposals to amend Regulation Y 
    Bank Acquisition Proposals
         Establish a streamlined 15-day notice procedure for 
    proposals by well-capitalized and well-managed bank holding 
    companies with ``satisfactory'' or better CRA performance records to 
    acquire banks, within limits (this procedure would currently be 
    available to approximately 85 percent of the bank holding companies 
    with assets over $100 million and would have applied to 
    approximately 50 percent of the applications/notices submitted to 
    the System last year);
         Eliminate the pre-acceptance period for all filings to 
    acquire a bank (thereby expediting processing of bank acquisition 
    proposals by as much as 28 days);
         Provide for publication of newspaper and Federal 
    Register notices regarding bank acquisition proposals up to 30 days 
    before a filing for approval of the transaction is made;
         Adhere strictly to the Board's policies governing 
    acceptance of public comments to require all comments on bank 
    acquisitions to be submitted during the public comment period; 
        \2\ As part of its review of Regulation Y, the Board has 
    delegated additional authority to the Reserve Banks to act on 
    certain classes of protested bank acquisition proposals.
         Streamline the current waiver procedure for 
    transactions that are in substance bank-to-bank mergers and expand 
    the procedure to apply to internal corporate reorganizations by 
    registered bank holding companies;
    Proposals Involving Nonbanking Activities and Acquisitions
         Establish a streamlined 15-day notice procedure for 
    proposals by well-capitalized and well-managed bank holding 
    companies to engage de novo in permissible nonbanking activities and 
    to acquire, within limits, nonbanking companies engaged in any 
    activity permitted by regulation or permitted for that bank holding 
    company by order;
         Revise and reorganize the laundry list of permissible 
    nonbanking activities into fourteen categories of functionally 
    related activities and permit bank holding companies to obtain 
    approval at one time to engage in all activities on the list or 
    within the same functional category;
         Broaden the scope and description of activities, 
    including in particular, derivatives trading and investment 
    activities, investment advisory activities, and management 
    consulting activities;
         Expand data processing and management consulting 
    activities to include, as an incidental activity, deriving up to 30 
    percent of total revenue from nonfinancial data processing and 
    management consulting activities;
         Add to the regulatory laundry list of permissible 
    nonbanking activities several nonbanking activities previously 
    approved by the Board by order, including private placement of 
    securities, acting as riskless principal in the sale of securities, 
    acting as a futures commission merchant in the sale of nonfinancial 
    futures and options on futures, providing career counseling services 
    to employees in the financial industry, and providing asset 
    management services;
         Remove from the regulation restrictions on the conduct 
    of permissible nonbanking
    [[Page 47245]]
    activities that have been superseded by Board order, are unnecessary 
    or would not apply to the conduct by an insured bank of the same 
    activity, including restrictions on the conduct of leasing 
    activities, private placement and riskless principal activities, 
    derivatives investment and advisory activities, futures clearing and 
    execution activities, foreign exchange activities, the sale of 
    payment instruments, tax planning and preparation activities, and 
    consumer counseling activities;
         Eliminate the one year time limit on System approvals 
    to engage de novo in permissible nonbanking activities for bank 
    holding companies that maintain adequate capital and satisfactory 
    examination ratings (this would allow a bank holding company to seek 
    a single approval to engage in all permissible nonbanking 
         Establish a streamlined procedure outside the 
    application process for bank holding companies and others to obtain 
    an advisory opinion from the Board about the scope of permissible 
         Revise the Board's policy statement governing the 
    investment advisory activities of bank holding companies to remove 
    several restrictions that currently apply to bank holding companies 
    that advise mutual funds;
         Provide for publication of Federal Register notices 
    regarding nonbanking proposals up to 30 days before a filing for 
    Board approval is made;
         Allow bank holding companies with approval to engage in 
    any lending activity broader authority to acquire, in the ordinary 
    course of business and without special Board approval, assets from 
    third parties engaged in the same activity;
    Revision of Tying Rules
         Remove Board-imposed tying restrictions that limit the 
    ability of non-bank affiliates of a holding company to package their 
    products, create exceptions from the statutory restriction on bank 
    tying arrangements to allow banks greater flexibility to package 
    products with their affiliates, and clarify that the tying 
    restrictions do not apply abroad;
    Bank Holding Company Formations
         Reduce the threshold qualifications and information 
    requirements for the existing abbreviated procedure for bank holding 
    company formations by current shareholders of a bank;
    Change in Bank Control Act Filings
         Eliminate the current requirement that a person that 
    has already received Board approval under the Change in Bank Control 
    Act obtain additional approvals to acquire additional shares of the 
    same bank or bank holding company;
         Add a definition of the term acting in concert and 
    establish presumptions to resolve questions about when a group is 
    acting in concert;
         Allow after-the-fact filings when a CIBC Act filing 
    requirement is triggered by the action of an unrelated third party;
         Permit public notice of CIBC Act filings to be 
    published 30 days in advance of filing notice with the System;
    Other Changes
         Modify requirements for filing prior notice of changes 
    in directors and senior executive officers of state member banks and 
    bank holding companies and clarify the appeals process for rejected 
         Establish a regulatory presumption that exempts 
    testamentary trusts from the definition of company in the BHC Act;
         Reduce from 30 to 15 the number of days notice required 
    before a large stock redemption by a bank holding company, permit 
    bank holding companies to take account of intervening new issues of 
    stock in computing when a stock redemption notice must be filed, and 
    allow small bank holding companies to make stock redemptions without 
    notice if the holding company meets certain leverage and capital 
    requirements applicable to small bank holding companies;
         Update and revise the Board's existing policy statement 
    on small one-bank holding companies to reduce burden in the approval 
    process for proposals to form small bank holding companies and by 
    small bank holding companies to acquire additional banks; and
         Implement current Board decisions defining the terms 
    class of voting securities and immediate family.
    C. Explanation of Proposed Changes to the Procedures Governing Bank 
    1. Streamlined Procedure for Well-Run Bank Holding Companies
        The proposed revision would establish a 15-day notice procedure for 
    acting on bank acquisition proposals by well-run bank holding companies 
    if the following criteria are met:
         Well-capitalized. Both before and immediately following 
    the transaction, the bank holding company, its lead insured 
    depository institution and insured depository institutions 
    controlling at least 80 percent of the total depository institution 
    assets of the bank holding company are well-capitalized;3
        \3\ A small bank holding company--defined as any bank holding 
    company with assets under $150 million--would be required to meet 
    certain debt-to-equity levels to qualify for this streamlined 
         Well-managed. At the time of the transaction, the bank 
    holding company, its lead insured depository institution and insured 
    depository institutions controlling at least 80 percent of the total 
    depository institution assets of the bank holding company are well-
    managed (i.e., have received one of the two highest composite 
    ratings at the most recent examination, a ``satisfactory'' 
    management rating and at least a ``satisfactory'' compliance 
         Satisfactory CRA rating. At the time of the 
    transaction, the lead insured depository institution and insured 
    depository institutions controlling at least 80 percent of the total 
    insured depository institution assets of the acquiring bank holding 
    company have a ``satisfactory'' or better performance rating at the 
    most recent CRA examination;
         Competition. In every relevant banking market as 
    defined by the Board, the market share for deposits controlled by 
    the acquiring bank holding company following the transaction is 
    below 35 percent and the proposal conforms with the Department of 
    Justice Horizontal Merger Guidelines as applied to banking 
    organizations, in both cases relying on thrift weighting at 50 
    percent and without reliance on divestitures;
         Size of acquisition. During any 12 month period, the 
    book value of the aggregate assets acquired by the bank holding 
    company, combining all acquisitions under the expedited procedure 
    for bank acquisitions with acquisitions under the expedited 
    procedure for nonbanking proposals, does not exceed 35 percent of 
    the consolidated total risk-weighted assets of the acquiring bank 
    holding company as measured at the beginning of the 12 month period. 
    This limitation would not apply to bank acquisitions by qualifying 
    bank holding companies that have assets of less than $300 million on 
    a pro forma basis;
         Interstate. Approval of the proposal is not barred 
    under the provisions governing interstate acquisitions (e.g., meets 
    relevant deposit concentration limits, State age requirements, and 
    other applicable requirements);
         Consolidated Home Country Supervision. The acquiring 
    bank holding company meets the requirement for consolidated home 
    country supervision contained in the BHC Act; and
         No Supervisory Actions. At the time of the transaction, 
    no significant supervisory action is pending against the acquiring 
    bank holding company.
        As of March 31, 1996, approximately 85 percent of the bank holding 
    companies with assets greater than $100 million would qualify for these 
    procedures. More than 50 percent of the applications/notices submitted 
    by bank holding companies during 1995 would have qualified for this 
    streamlined procedure and reduced filing requirement.
        A bank holding company that meets these qualifications would be 
    able to acquire a bank or bank holding company by providing the 
    appropriate Reserve Bank with 15-day prior written notice of the 
    transaction. Under this procedure, a bank holding company would be 
    required to provide only limited information. The information 
    requirements are specified in the proposed regulation and have been 
    reduced to providing certification that the bank holding company and 
    the transaction meet the requirements for the procedure, a description 
    of the transaction and the parties, and certain pro forma information 
    regarding the financial and competitive effects of the transaction. The 
    bank holding company must also provide evidence that public notice of 
    the transaction has been given sufficiently in advance to permit 
    interested members of the public 30
    [[Page 47246]]
    days to submit their views regarding the proposal to the Board.
        An identical expedited procedure is proposed for nonbanking 
    proposals by well-capitalized and well-managed bank holding companies 
    where the bank holding company proposes to engage de novo or to acquire 
    a company engaged in a nonbanking activity that the Board has approved 
    by regulation or, with limited exceptions designated by the Board, by 
    order. The aggregate size limitation discussed above (i.e., an 
    aggregate limit of 35 percent of assets during any 12 month period for 
    all acquisitions under the bank and nonbanking expedited procedures) 
    would limit the total amount of banking and nonbanking acquisitions 
    that a bank holding company could make during any 12 month period under 
    the streamlined notice procedures. Finally, because the CRA, interstate 
    banking, and home country supervision requirements do not apply to 
    transactions under section 4 of the BHC Act, no criteria would be 
    established in these areas for nonbanking proposals under the expedited 
        \4\  Consistent with Board precedent, the CRA criterion would 
    apply to proposals by bank holding companies to acquire savings 
    associations under section 4.
        The proposed procedure would permit the Board or the Reserve Bank 
    to notify a bank holding company for any reason that this streamlined 
    notice procedure is not available and that a full application--subject 
    to the current application procedure--would be required. This provision 
    provides a mechanism to address situations in which information 
    obtained either in an examination or outside the examination process 
    indicates that a more thorough review of the organization's ability to 
    meet the statutory factors is warranted. For example, the Board could 
    follow the normal 30/60-day procedure in cases that are subject to a 
    substantive protest, that raise issues regarding the funding of a 
    transaction or that raise concerns about the ability of the applicant 
    adequately to manage the risks associated with a particular activity. 
    It is anticipated that this mechanism would be used only sparingly and 
    in extraordinary situations.
        A company or proposal that does not qualify for the proposed 
    streamlined procedure would follow the current application process, 
    which provides for Reserve Bank action within 30 days of filing and 
    Board action on more complex cases within 60 days of filing. As 
    explained below, a number of steps are proposed to reduce the burden of 
    the current application process. In the event that, during the review 
    of a transaction under the expedited proposal, the Board determines 
    that a bank holding company must follow the current approval procedure 
    rather than the expedited procedure, the proposed regulation 
    contemplates that the notice filed by the holding company under the 
    expedited procedure would be accepted under the normal procedure and 
    that the normal procedure will be deemed to have begun at the time that 
    the expedited notice was filed.
        In the case of the acquisition of a bank, the BHC Act requires that 
    the primary supervisor for the bank to be acquired be given 30 calendar 
    days in which to submit comments on the transaction. In practice, the 
    primary supervisor generally allows the notice period to expire without 
    filing comments. Moreover, financial, managerial, legal and safety and 
    soundness concerns that are known to the primary bank supervisor are 
    generally also known by the Board because of ongoing sharing of 
    supervisory information. Accordingly, it usually serves no regulatory 
    purpose to allow this 30-day notice period to serve as a constraint on 
    the Board's action on a proposal.
        Under the proposed procedure, the Reserve Bank would provide notice 
    of a proposal to the primary supervisor. The proposed procedure 
    contemplates that the System will act on any proposal within 15 days of 
    receiving a filing regarding the proposal even though the period for 
    obtaining comments from the primary supervisor has not expired. The new 
    procedure provides, however, that the System's action is subject to 
    revocation if the primary supervisor objects to a transaction within 
    the relevant notice period. Because bank acquisition proposals may not 
    be consummated for 15 days after System action--which is the post-
    approval waiting period established by statute to allow the Department 
    of Justice to review a transaction--it is expected that the notice 
    period for the primary supervisor will expire prior to consummation of 
    a bank acquisition proposal.
        The Board seeks comment on all aspects of this proposed procedure, 
    including comment on whether the procedure is workable and likely to 
    reduce burden and whether the proposed regulatory criteria are 
    appropriate. The Board intends that the proposed expedited procedure 
    apply to ``well-run'' bank holding companies, whether domestic or 
    foreign, large or small. The Board seeks comment on whether the 
    criteria proposed are appropriately defined to achieve this result. In 
    this regard, the Board has already proposed an adjustment to the 
    qualifying criteria for small bank holding companies (defined as bank 
    holding companies with total assets under $300 million).
    2. Elimination of the Pre-Acceptance Period for Bank Acquisition 
        Currently, Regulation Y provides a period prior to acceptance of a 
    filing involving a bank acquisition proposal during which the 
    appropriate Reserve Bank reviews the informational sufficiency of the 
    filing and may ask for additional information. An application is 
    accepted for processing once the information requested during this pre-
    acceptance period is provided. A similar pre-acceptance period for 
    nonbanking proposals was eliminated by the Board in 1993 and the 
    experience with nonbanking proposals since that time indicates that the 
    pre-acceptance period is not necessary.
        Accordingly, the proposed revision to Regulation Y would eliminate 
    the pre-acceptance period for all bank acquisition proposals. This 
    change would shorten by as much as 28 days the period that a proposal 
    is within the System, and would begin the processing of all 
    applications involving a bank acquisition--both under the streamlined 
    and standard procedure--on the date of submission of the required 
    filing. The proposed revision to Regulation Y would provide that, 
    within 7 calendar days of receipt of a notice or application to acquire 
    a bank, the appropriate Reserve Bank must either accept the filing as 
    of the date of receipt or return the filing as informationally 
    incomplete. It is expected that a filing that contains the information 
    specified in the regulation or in the appropriate Federal Reserve form 
    will, except in extraordinary circumstances, be accepted for action. 
    The draft regulation would allow the Board or the Reserve Bank to 
    request any additional information at any time during the period for 
    review of the proposal, although one of the premises underlying the 
    expedited procedure is that an analysis of transactions that qualify 
    for expedited processing will be limited and information beyond the 
    information stated in the regulation will only be requested for those 
    proposals in special circumstances.
    3. Timing of Publication
        In the case of a bank expansion proposal, the Board's rules require 
    that notice be published by the applicant in local newspapers and by 
    the Board in the Federal Register. The Board initiated the newspaper 
    [[Page 47247]]
    requirement for bank acquisition proposals in order to solicit 
    information from the local community regarding the effect of a proposal 
    on the convenience and needs of the local community, and retained the 
    requirement after the enactment of the Community Reinvestment Act. 
    Public notice of nonbanking proposals is published only in the Federal 
        Currently, the Board's rules require that newspaper notice of a 
    proposed bank acquisition be published in a newspaper of general 
    circulation no more than 7 days before or 7 days after the appropriate 
    filing is made with the Reserve Bank. The Board publishes notice in the 
    Federal Register of both bank acquisition proposals and nonbanking 
    proposals upon receipt of a filing. In over 90 percent of the bank 
    acquisition proposals filed with the System, no public comments are 
    submitted. Consequently, the current publication schedule often results 
    in substantial delay in action on a proposal in which no comments are 
    submitted. For example, because the public comment period is typically 
    30 days, this publication schedule delays action on some proposals 
    until up to 37 days after the proposal has been filed to allow for 
    Federal Register publication.
        Moreover, public announcement of a proposed bank acquisition 
    usually well pre-dates the newspaper and Federal Register publication. 
    This has led to confusion on the part of commenters about when a timely 
    comment may be filed with the System.
        To avoid this delay and confusion, the regulation would provide for 
    newspaper publication of bank acquisition proposals up to 30 days prior 
    to submission of a filing for System approval, which is closer to the 
    time of the actual public announcement of the proposal. In addition, 
    the applicant would be permitted to request that the Board publish 
    notice of a proposal in the Federal Register up to 30 days before a 
    filing is made with the System. This change would apply to all bank and 
    nonbanking proposals, including cases that qualify for the new 
    streamlined procedures outlined above, and would allow more efficient 
    processing of applications/notices while permitting the public a full 
    comment period. In the case of proposals that qualify for the new 
    streamlined procedure, advance publication of notice is essential to 
    permit System action within 15 days following the filing.
    4. Revision of Public Comment Procedures for Bank Acquisitions
        As just noted, since 1960, the Board has provided by regulation for 
    the publication of bank acquisition proposals. The Board's rules 
    currently provide that all comments from the public regarding a 
    proposed transaction must be received prior to the close of the public 
    comment period. However, the rules also provide that the Board may, in 
    its discretion, consider any untimely comment.
        Since adoption of its publication rule, the Board has liberally 
    used its discretion to consider all comments, in particular, 
    supplemental comments filed by a commenter that has filed an initial 
    timely comment, to the fullest extent practicable without delaying 
    action on a proposal beyond the self-imposed 60-day processing 
    schedule. There has been growing concern that this practice of 
    accepting and considering public comments submitted after the close of 
    the public comment period has encouraged some commenters to file 
    comments after the close of the comment period, and other commenters to 
    file cursory comments during the public comment period while submitting 
    numerous and voluminous comments after the close of the comment period, 
    sometimes as late as the day of the Board's consideration of the case.
        The Board proposes to retain its current practice of requiring 
    public notice of bank acquisition proposals and of providing commenters 
    at least 30 days in which to develop and submit comments on bank 
    acquisitions under the BHC Act. Similarly, public notice would continue 
    to be given of all nonbanking proposals, with the public provided at 
    least 14 days to comment on nonbanking transactions.
        The Board also proposes, however, to adhere more strictly to its 
    current rules, and--for both bank and nonbanking proposals--no longer 
    to consider any comments submitted after the close of the comment 
    period, including supplemental comments filed after the close of the 
    comment period by a commenter that had filed initial comments on a 
    timely basis, except in extraordinary circumstances in which the 
    commenter provides compelling evidence that it could not have submitted 
    all of its comments in a timely fashion.5
        \5\  As part of its review of its policies and procedures 
    governing applications/notices, the Board has delegated additional 
    authority to the Reserve Banks to act on cases involving protests 
    that raise individual consumer complaints (such as denial of an 
    individual loan), allegations for which the commenter provides no 
    substantiation, and cases involving an assertion of violation of a 
    law where a court of the agency responsible for enforcing the 
    specific law has not made a determination that the law was violated 
    and the Board has determined the law is not within the Board's 
    jurisdiction to interpret and enforce (such as State laws preserving 
    the rights of minority shareholders and federal equal employment 
    laws). In each of these areas, the Reserve Bank would be required to 
    review the performance record of the applicant and could act only if 
    the CRA, managerial and other statutory factors supported approval. 
    The Board's Inspector General endorsed this change in procedure 
    based on a review of the Board's application process.
    5. Streamlined Waiver Process for Proposals Involving Bank Mergers
        The Board's current regulation permits bank holding companies to 
    seek a waiver of the application filing requirement under the BHC Act 
    for transactions that involve the acquisition of stock of a bank for an 
    instant in time as part of a bank-to-bank merger. All of these 
    transactions are subject to review by a federal banking agency under 
    the Bank Merger Act, which requires review of the financial, 
    managerial, competitive, convenience and needs and CRA effects of the 
    bank merger. The Board established this waiver process to eliminate 
    redundant review of these transactions by multiple federal banking 
    agencies. The Board retained jurisdiction over these transactions and a 
    modest review process because some transactions have an effect on the 
    financial and other resources of the parent bank holding company, which 
    is not subject to an analysis under the Bank Merger Act.
        Under the Board's current waiver process, a bank holding company 
    must provide 30 days advance notice to the System and file supporting 
    information. A waiver is automatically granted at the end of that 
    period unless the Board notifies the bank holding company that a full 
    application is required. The Board received approximately 110 waiver 
    requests in 1995.
        The Board proposes to streamline the waiver procedure in three 
    ways. First, the length of the review process for waivers would be 
    reduced to 10 days from 30 days. Thus, a bank holding company would 
    receive a waiver for a qualifying transaction if the System does not 
    notify the bank holding company prior to expiration of a 10-day waiver 
    review process that a full application is required. Second, the 
    regulation would be amended to specify the information that must be 
    provided with a waiver request. That information would be limited to a 
    copy of the Bank Merger Act filing made with the appropriate federal 
    banking agency for the banks involved in the merger, and
    [[Page 47248]]
    a description of the transaction at the bank holding company level, 
    including the purchase price and the source of funding for the purchase 
        Third, the proposed regulation would make the waiver process 
    available to internal reorganizations of bank holding companies, such 
    as the transfer of banks within a registered bank holding company, the 
    formation of new intermediate-tier bank holding companies, and the 
    merger of intermediate-tier bank holding companies. Some of these 
    transactions are not subject to a review under the Bank Merger Act. 
    However, all of these transactions involve corporate reorganizations by 
    registered bank holding companies that have received Board approval to 
    control and operate the banks involved in the transaction. The Board 
    has granted waivers for internal reorganizations in previous cases, on 
    a case-by-case basis.
        In all cases in which a waiver is available, the Board would retain 
    the right to require a full application in individual cases if the 
    Board determines that circumstances warrant a full Board review and the 
    Board notifies the bank holding company that a filing is required.
        The Board seeks comment on these revisions to the waiver procedure, 
    including whether the criteria identified in the proposal are adequate 
    to assure Board review of transactions that involve significant issues 
    under the standards set forth in the BHC Act.
    6. Small Bank Holding Company Policy Statement
        In 1984, the Board adopted a policy statement governing the 
    formation of small one bank holding companies that recognized that 
    there are public benefits to permitting small bank holding companies 
    with well capitalized and well managed subsidiary banks to operate with 
    levels of debt that are somewhat higher than ordinarily permitted for 
    bank holding companies. The Board proposes to revise and update this 
    policy statement to reduce the burden on small bank holding companies 
    of the applications process, especially for less highly leveraged 
    organizations, and to otherwise remove obsolete language. The revised 
    language reflects that the policy statement has, for some time, been 
    applied to small bank holding companies (regardless of the number of 
    subsidiary banks) otherwise meeting the statement's criteria, and not 
    just to small one bank holding companies. The statement would also be 
    revised to clarify that it applies to expansion proposals by small bank 
    holding companies as well as to small bank holding company formations.
        In addition, the statement would be updated to replace outdated 
    language defining applicable capital levels with the requirement that 
    all subsidiary banks be well-capitalized. Notifications to form small 
    bank holding companies over banks that are well managed and in 
    satisfactory condition, and that present no other issues, will be 
    eligible for the expedited applications processing procedures if the 
    pro-forma debt to equity ratio is 1.0:1 or less. The criteria under 
    which these organizations could pay reasonable corporate dividends have 
    also been simplified.
        Other proposals to form bank holding companies will be subject to a 
    focused review of the parent-level debt servicing ability or any other 
    issue presented. It is not expected that these organizations will pay 
    dividends until their leverage has been reduced to a 1.0:1 level.
        The Board requests comment on these proposed revisions and, in 
    particular, the effect of these revisions on proposals to form small 
    bank holding companies and by small bank holding companies to acquire 
    additional banks.
    D. Explanation of Proposed Changes to the Nonbanking Provisions
    1. General Review and Updating of Nonbanking Activities
        The principal authority for bank holding companies to engage in 
    nonbanking activities is set forth in section 4(c)(8) of the BHC Act. 
    That section generally provides that a bank holding company may seek 
    Board approval to engage in, or acquire shares of a company engaged in, 
    activities that the Board has determined, after notice and opportunity 
    for hearing, ``to be so closely related to banking or managing or 
    controlling banks as to be a proper incident thereto.'' The statute 
    provides that the Board may make this determination by order or by 
    regulation. The Board has to date determined by regulation that 24 
    activities are ``closely related to banking'' and has determined by 
    individual order that a number of additional activities are also 
    ``closely related to banking.''
        Once the Board has determined--either by regulation or by order--
    that an activity is ``closely related to banking,'' the Board need not 
    make that determination again in subsequent cases. Review of subsequent 
    cases is limited to determining whether the conduct of the nonbanking 
    activity by the applying bank holding company would result in public 
    benefits that outweigh the potential adverse effects (the ``proper 
    incident'' test).
        The list of nonbanking activities contained in Regulation Y (the 
    ``laundry list'') is intended to serve the purpose of providing a 
    convenient and detailed list of most of the activities that the Board 
    has found to be closely related to banking and therefore permissible 
    for bank holding companies. The Regulation Y laundry list also 
    designates the activities that may be approved by the Reserve Banks 
    under delegated authority, although the Board has delegated authority 
    for Reserve Banks to act on proposals involving a number of activities 
    approved by order during intervals between modifications of Regulation 
        As explained above, the Board proposes to establish an expedited 
    procedure for ``well-rated'' and ``well-run'' bank holding companies to 
    obtain System approval to make nonbanking acquisitions that fall within 
    the size limit noted above and to engage de novo in permissible 
    nonbanking activities. The Board also proposes to reorganize the list 
    of permissible nonbanking activities into fourteen categories of 
    functionally related activities. This reorganization should make the 
    list easier to understand and make it easier for bank holding companies 
    to obtain approval to engage in related activities. For example, the 
    proposed revisions would permit a bank holding company to obtain 
    approval at one time to engage in all of the activities on the laundry 
    list or all activities listed in a functional category, or, at the 
    holding company's choosing, to obtain approval to engage in any 
    specific activity within a category.
        As part of the reorganization of the laundry list, the proposal 
    amends the list to include nonbanking activities that previously have 
    been determined by order to be closely related to banking. Among the 
    activities that would be included are: (1) Riskless principal 
    transactions; (2) private placement services; (3) foreign exchange 
    trading for a bank holding company's own account; (4) dealing and 
    related activities in gold, silver, platinum and palladium; (5) 
    employee benefits consulting; (6) career counseling services; (7) asset 
    management, servicing and collection activities; (8) acquiring and 
    resolving debt-in-default; (9) printing and selling checks; and (10) 
    providing real-estate settlement services.
        The Board also proposes to broaden the scope of permissible 
    derivatives and foreign exchange activities to assure that bank holding 
    companies may conduct these activities to the same degree as banks, and 
    to remove several restrictions on these activities that apply to bank 
    holding companies but do not
    [[Page 47249]]
    apply to banks that conduct these activities. In addition, the proposal 
    eliminates restrictions on a number of activities that no longer appear 
    to be warranted or that have been superseded.6 In particular, the 
    proposal revises and updates the description of derivatives activities 
    and foreign exchange activities to reflect recent Board decisions, and 
    eliminates any requirement that the Board specifically review and 
    approve new derivatives instruments or trading on new exchanges.
        \6\ For example, many of the current restrictions that treat 
    private placement activities as impermissible underwriting 
    activities would be eliminated. The Board recently eliminated these 
    restrictions as they applied to riskless principal transactions. 
    Restrictions designed to distinguish riskless principal and private 
    placement activities from securities underwriting activities would 
    be retained.
    2. Mechanism for Authorizing New Activities
        The proposal would add two provisions to Regulation Y to ease the 
    burden associated with the authorization of new activities. First, the 
    proposed regulation would specifically reflect the fact that the Board 
    may, on its own initiative, begin a proceeding to find that an activity 
    is permissible for bank holding companies, as the Board did in the case 
    of many of the earlier nonbanking activities and as it is proposing in 
    the management consulting, data processing and other areas as part of 
    this proposal. The Board could amend the laundry list, for example, as 
    new activities are authorized for banks, as experience with a narrowly 
    defined activity indicates that bank holding companies should be 
    permitted to engage in a more broadly defined activity, or as 
    developments occur in technology or the marketplace for financial 
    products and services. As part of this proposal, the System would 
    actively track market developments as well as decisions that authorize 
    banks to conduct new activities and evaluate adding these activities to 
    the laundry list even if an individual request has not yet been made to 
    engage in these activities.
        Second, the Board proposes to amend the regulation to establish a 
    streamlined procedure outside the application process through which a 
    bank holding company may request an advisory opinion from the Board 
    that a particular variation on an activity is permissible under an 
    existing authorization and is not deemed to be a new activity. This 
    procedure would be particularly helpful in areas such as data 
    processing, investment advisory, derivatives and foreign exchange 
    activities where some bank holding companies have questioned whether 
    the general authorization granted by the Board to conduct these 
    activities permits the bank holding company to conduct variations that 
    develop in response to market changes after the original authorization 
    granted by the Board.
        These two procedures, when combined with the proposals to broaden 
    several of the definitions of permissible nonbanking activities, should 
    make it easier for bank holding companies to participate in marketplace 
    developments in permissible nonbanking activities and in new 
    activities. For example, because most permissible nonbanking activities 
    have been broadly defined, a bank holding company would not be required 
    to seek additional Board approval to participate in market developments 
    in permissible activities. As noted above, if a bank holding company is 
    uncertain about the permissibility of a development, an expedited 
    procedure outside the approval process is available to obtain Board 
    guidance on the scope of the authorized activity. All bank holding 
    companies would then be able to act on the basis of that guidance 
    without additional approval. This procedure will eliminate a number of 
    applications that are currently filed by bank holding companies that 
    are uncertain about the scope of permissible activities.
        As previously noted, the draft proposal would also establish a 
    procedure that would allow bank holding companies and others to seek a 
    Board determination, outside of the applications process, that a given 
    new activity is permissible. The Board could then add this activity to 
    the new functional categories or establish a new category, as 
    appropriate. At the time the Board reviews this new activity, the Board 
    would determine whether it is appropriate to permit bank holding 
    companies to engage in this activity without additional approval (as, 
    for example, a variation of one or more previously authorized 
    activities) or to require bank holding companies to obtain approval 
    prior to conducting the activity (because, for example, the activity 
    does not fall within a previously approved activity or category). The 
    Board has in the past followed these approaches at various times.
    3. Nonbanking Activities That Are Incidental to a Permissible Activity
        The Board proposes to expand its interpretation governing the scope 
    of activities that are incidental to a permissible nonbanking activity. 
    For example, the Board has permitted bank holding companies that 
    conduct permissible data processing activities to use excess hardware 
    capacity to conduct data processing involving nonfinancial data where 
    the hardware has not been purchased solely to create excess capacity 
    and the holding company does not provide software to process the 
    nonfinancial data (other than making system software available). The 
    Board also permits bank holding companies to sell general purpose data 
    processing hardware where the hardware represents less than 30 percent 
    of the total cost of the data processing services provided by the bank 
    holding company. In addition, the Board permits companies engaged in 
    securities underwriting activities to provide certain incidental 
    services so long as the revenue from those services is counted as 
    ineligible revenue for purposes of applying the Board's section 20 
    revenue test.
        Over the past year, several industry members have recommended that 
    the Board broaden this interpretation to permit bank holding companies 
    greater flexibility in conducting data processing and management 
    consulting activities. In particular, these members have recommended 
    that the Board permit a bank holding company, as an incidental activity 
    to the holding company's permissible financial data processing and 
    management consulting activities, to receive a modest amount of revenue 
    from providing nonfinancial data processing services and from providing 
    management consulting services to nonbanking companies.
        Bank holding companies argue that they are at a competitive 
    disadvantage in providing data processing and management consulting 
    services because of the strict limitations tying these services to 
    financial data and financial consulting. Bank holding companies also 
    claim that these limitations disadvantage bank holding companies in 
    hiring the most competent employees, who often have interests and 
    skills beyond financial areas.
        The Board proposes to amend Regulation Y to permit bank holding 
    companies engaged in data processing and management consulting 
    activities, as an incidental activity, to derive up to 30 percent of 
    their annual revenue from nonfinancial data processing or consulting 
    services. This 30-percent level is based on the amount of general 
    purpose hardware that a bank holding company is already permitted to 
    provide in connection with permissible data processing activities.
    [[Page 47250]]
    4. Removal of Restrictions Governing Permissible Activities
        As noted above, the proposal would remove restrictions currently 
    contained in the regulation that are outmoded, have been superseded by 
    Board order or do not apply to insured depository institutions that 
    conduct the same activity. A detailed discussion of the restrictions 
    that are proposed to be removed is contained in section E below.
        In summary, restrictions in the current regulation on the conduct 
    of individual activities, such as restrictions governing disclosures to 
    customers, requiring compliance with anti-tying rules, limiting 
    disclosure of customer information, and requiring divestiture of 
    property within specific periods of time, have been deleted from the 
    regulation with the expectation that existing and future Board policies 
    and guidance would more fully address the manner in which individual 
    activities should be conducted. This approach permits greater 
    flexibility in developing and changing the guidance for individual 
    activities in order to adapt to changes and developments in the 
    marketplace. Supervisory statements also permit the opportunity for 
    uniform interagency guidance, where such an approach is appropriate.
    5. Elimination of Time Limit on System Approvals for Nonbanking 
        The proposed draft takes several other steps to ease the burden on 
    bank holding companies that seek approval to engage in permissible 
    activities. Currently, a bank holding company that seeks approval to 
    engage in a nonbanking activity must commence the activity within one 
    year of receiving System approval or the approval lapses. This 
    requirement is not legally required and elimination of this requirement 
    would allow a bank holding company to seek a single approval to engage 
    de novo in all permissible nonbanking activities, thereby greatly 
    reducing the filing burden on bank holding companies.
        This change would significantly reduce burden by eliminating the 
    filing of multiple applications to engage in permissible nonbanking 
    activities and by permitting bank holding companies quickly to respond 
    to a decision to compete in a permissible nonbanking activity. 
    Moreover, this change would focus the filing requirement on 
    acquisitions of nonbanking companies, which are the types of proposals 
    that have the most significant effects on most organizations.
        The Board originally imposed the time limit on its approvals in 
    order to address concern that the financial and other resources of a 
    bank holding company could change between the time that the System 
    approved a proposal and commencement of the activity by the holding 
    company. This concern would appear to be minimal in the case of 
    proposals by a bank holding company to engage de novo in a permissible 
    activity. To address this concern, the proposed revision would provide 
    that an approval to engage de novo in an activity would not expire so 
    long as the bank holding company continues to have adequate capital and 
    at least satisfactory composite and management examination ratings.
    6. Revision of Policy Statement Governing Investment Advisory 
        In 1972, the Board permitted bank holding companies to provide 
    investment advice to mutual funds and other investment companies. In 
    connection with that determination, the Board adopted a policy 
    statement outlining a number of restrictions that the Board believed 
    were necessary to address the potential that the investment advisory 
    activities of bank holding companies may result in the ``subtle 
    hazards'' that the Glass-Steagall Act was designed to prevent. In 1992, 
    the Board substantially revised the policy statement to remove many of 
    the restrictions on investment advisory activities to conform with 
    various court decisions and developments in the market that had 
    occurred since the policy statement was adopted. On August 23, 1996, 
    the Board also amended this policy statement to allow a bank holding 
    company to purchase, as fiduciary, shares of a mutual fund advised by 
    the holding company where the purchase of shares is permitted by the 
    fiduciary agreement, relevant state law or court order. In addition, 
    the Board rescinded a letter issued in 1986 (the ``Sovran letter'') 
    that governs the manner in which a bank holding company may act as 
    broker in the sale of mutual fund shares to bank customers.
        The Board proposes to remove four restrictions that remain in the 
    policy statement. These restrictions are:
         A prohibition on a bank holding company owning any 
    shares of a mutual fund advised by the bank holding company;
         A prohibition on a bank holding company lending to a 
    mutual fund advised by the bank holding company;
         A prohibition on a bank holding company accepting 
    shares of a mutual fund that it advises as collateral for any loan 
    to a customer that is for the purpose of purchasing such mutual fund 
    shares; and
         A prohibition on a bank holding company serving as an 
    investment adviser to an investment company or mutual fund that has 
    a name that is similar to, or a variation of, the name of the bank 
    holding company or any of its subsidiary banks.
        None of these four restrictions is specifically required by the 
    Glass-Steagall Act. The first restriction was intended to assure that a 
    bank holding company does not, in violation of the Glass-Steagall Act, 
    control a mutual fund that it advises. Removal of this prohibition 
    would allow a bank holding company to acquire up to 5 percent of the 
    shares of a mutual fund, which is the limit contained in the BHC Act 
    for investments by bank holding companies in the voting shares of any 
    company. This modest investment amount would not appear to enhance 
    significantly the ability of a bank holding company to control a mutual 
    fund it advises. The federal securities laws require, for example, that 
    the board of directors of a mutual fund maintain at least a majority of 
    directors that are independent of the investment adviser, and it is 
    these directors that must review and approve the continued service of 
    the investment adviser.
        The second limitation governs loans by a bank holding company to an 
    investment company advised by the bank holding company. In 1982, 
    section 23A of the Federal Reserve Act, which establishes quantitative 
    and qualitative limitations on the lending activities of banks, was 
    amended to cover these types of lending transactions by banks. Section 
    23A would permit a bank to lend to a mutual fund advised by the bank or 
    an affiliate within the overall limits that apply to loans by banks to 
    affiliates. In light of section 23A, a complete prohibition on these 
    lending activities by a bank holding company--which does not lend 
    insured funds--does not appear necessary and the Board proposes to 
    remove this restriction.
        The third limitation prohibits a bank holding company from 
    accepting as collateral for a loan shares of an investment company that 
    the holding company advises where the purpose of the loan is to 
    purchase the investment company shares. Section 23A limits the ability 
    of banks to accept these shares as collateral for a loan from the bank. 
    This restriction in section 23A was intended to address potential 
    safety and soundness concerns that could result from allowing an 
    insured institution to accept shares of a related mutual fund as 
    collateral for a loan. A bank holding company, on the other hand, does 
    not lend insured funds. Moreover, the collateral and other requirements 
    [[Page 47251]]
    section 23A do not apply to loans by bank holding companies. 
    Accordingly, the Board seeks public comment on permitting bank holding 
    companies and their nonbanking affiliates to extend credit that is 
    collateralized by shares of investment companies that the bank holding 
    company advises.
        The fourth restriction raises an issue regarding the potential for 
    customer confusion about whether shares of investment companies are 
    federally insured. The Board's rule prohibits bank holding company from 
    having a name that is ``similar to, or a variation of'' a mutual fund 
    or investment company advised by the holding company or any of its 
    subsidiary banks. This rule is stricter than the rule adopted by the 
    Comptroller of the Currency for national banks, which permits a 
    national bank to advise an investment company with a name that is 
    similar to the name of the bank provided that the name is not identical 
    to the bank's name. The Board's rule is also stricter than the position 
    of the SEC, which permits an investment company to have a name similar 
    to that of an insured depository institution provided that the 
    investment company makes a number of disclosures that advise customers 
    that the investment company is not federally insured or guaranteed by 
    the insured depository institution.7
        \7\ Letter of May 13, 1993, (1993 Transfer Binder) Fed. Sec. L. 
    Rep. (CCH) Paragraph 76,683.
        The Board seeks comment on amending its rule to permit similar 
    names so long as: (1) The investment company name is not identical to 
    that of the holding company or an affiliated insured depository 
    institution, (2) the investment company name does not include the term 
    bank, and (3) the holding company or investment company discloses to 
    customers in writing that shares of the investment company are not 
    federally insured and are not obligations of or guaranteed by any 
    insured depository institution, and the role of the bank holding 
    company as an adviser to the investment company. The Board seeks 
    comment on whether these limitations would adequately address the 
    potential for customer confusion that shares of an investment company 
    advised by a bank holding company are not federally insured.
    7. Revision to Exception for Acquisitions of Lending Assets in the 
    Ordinary Course of Business
        The Board also proposes to update the regulatory language 
    permitting a bank holding company, without additional approval, to 
    acquire lending assets from a third party in the ordinary course of 
    business. The Board currently permits a bank holding company, without 
    additional approval, to acquire assets of an office of another company 
    related to making, acquiring or servicing loans so long as the bank 
    holding company and the transaction meet certain qualifications. Among 
    the qualifications are that the assets relate to consumer or mortgage 
    lending, and that the acquired assets represent the lesser of $25 
    million or 25 percent of the consumer lending, mortgage banking or 
    industrial banking assets of the acquiring bank holding company. The 
    office must also be located in the geographic area served by the bank 
    holding company.
        The Board proposes to revise this provision in three ways. First, 
    since the Board no longer limits the geographic scope of its approval 
    to engage in nonbanking activities, this restriction would be removed. 
    Second, the scope of the exception would be broadened from consumer and 
    mortgage banking assets to permit the acquisition of assets related to 
    any lending activity. Third, the threshold limits would be raised to 
    permit the acquisition of assets representing up to the lesser of $100 
    million or 50 percent of the lending assets of the bank holding 
        The Board invites public comment on these revisions.
    E. Explanation of the Restrictions Removed From Permissible Nonbanking 
        As noted above, the Board proposes to remove restrictions contained 
    in the current regulation that are outmoded, have been superseded by 
    Board order or would not apply to an insured depository institution 
    conducting the same activity. The limitations that remain are necessary 
    to establish a definition of the permitted activity or to prevent 
    circumvention of another statute, such as the Glass-Steagall Act. The 
    following discussion explains, by functional group of activities, the 
    restrictions that the Board proposes to eliminate as well as, the 
    limitations that the Board proposes to retain.
        The Board seeks comment on all aspects of its proposed changes to 
    the Regulation Y laundry list. In particular, comment is invited on 
    whether the activities are properly defined and whether, as defined, 
    each activity is closely related to banking for purposes of section 
    4(c)(8) of the BHC Act. Comment is also invited on new activities that 
    the Board should consider including on the regulatory laundry list. 
    Comments regarding new activities should explain the basis for finding 
    that the activity is closely related to banking for purposes of the BHC 
        The Board invites comment on whether the restrictions on nonbanking 
    activities that are proposed to be retained are adequate to address 
    potential adverse effects from the conduct of the relevant activity, 
    including potential conflicts of interests and customer confusion. In 
    addition, the Board seeks comment on whether supervisory policy 
    statements are adequate for addressing potential adverse effects that 
    may be associated with certain activities, and the type of guidance 
    that should be provided in such a policy statement.
    1. Extending Credit and Servicing Loans
        Lending activities are already broadly defined and contain no 
    2. Activities Related to Extending Credit
        A new category has been added authorizing activities that the Board 
    determines to be usual in connection with making, acquiring, brokering 
    or servicing loans or other extensions of credit. Without limiting the 
    scope of this activity, the category lists a number of activities that 
    the Board has previously determined are related to credit extending 
    activities, including, by way of example, credit bureau, collection 
    agency, appraisal, asset management, check guarantee, and real-estate 
    settlement activities. Restrictions governing disclosures, tying, 
    preferential treatment of customers of affiliates, disclosure of 
    confidential customer information without customer consent and similar 
    restrictions have been removed from these activities. These 
    restrictions do not apply to banks that conduct these activities and, 
    to the extent these restrictions are appropriate, supervisory guidance 
    on the conduct of the activity would be developed.
    3. Leasing Personal or Real Property
        The leasing provision of the regulation was streamlined by 
    combining the two types of leasing activities permissible for bank 
    holding companies: Full-payout leasing and high residual value 
    leasing.8 The
    [[Page 47252]]
    following restrictions have been removed--
        \8\ A full-payout lease is the functional equivalent of an 
    extension of credit and relies primarily on rental payments and tax 
    benefits to recover the cost of the leased property and related 
    financing costs. High residual value leasing may involve significant 
    reliance on the expected residual value of the leased property--on 
    average, under 50 percent, but in some cases, up to the full 
    original cost of leased property--to recoup the cost of the leased 
    property and related financing costs. Under the Board's regulation, 
    bank holding companies may provide full-payout leases for any type 
    of personal property or real property, and may make high residual 
    value leases only for personal property. Bank holding companies have 
    not been permitted to engage in high residual value leasing for real 
    property because of concern that such leasing would be 
    indistinguishable from real estate development and investment 
         The lease must serve as the functional equivalent of an 
    extension of credit (permissible high residual value leasing may not 
    be the functional equivalent of an extension of credit);
         The property must be acquired only for a specific 
    leasing transaction;
         Leased property must be re-leased or sold within 2 
    years of the end of each lease;
         The maximum lease term may not exceed 40 years; and
         No leased property may be held for more than 50 years.
        These restrictions were removed from the regulation primarily to 
    permit bank holding companies greater flexibility to acquire property 
    in quantity in the expectation of leasing activities and to grant more 
    flexibility in selling or releasing property at the expiration of a 
    lease. It is expected that supervisory guidance would be developed to 
    aid examiners in supervising the acquisition and retention of property 
    for leasing.
        The draft also removes the provision limiting to 100 percent of the 
    initial acquisition cost the amount of reliance that may be placed on 
    the residual value of leased personal property. No such limit applies 
    to national bank leasing activities. The estimated residual value of 
    real property continues to be limited to 25 percent of the value of the 
    property at the time of the initial lease. This restriction is intended 
    to distinguish real property leasing from real estate development and 
    investment activities.
        Two other requirements were retained: (1) That the lease be non-
    operating, and (2) that the initial lease term be at least 90 days. 
    These requirements were developed in the course of litigation regarding 
    the leasing activities of national banks, and were relied on by the 
    courts in distinguishing bank leasing activities from general property 
    rental and real estate development businesses. The requirement that a 
    lease be non-operating is also a statutory requirement limiting the 
    high residual value leasing activities of national banks.9 In 
    particular, the definition of nonoperating leases in the automobile 
    rental context, which was developed in litigation and prevents a bank 
    holding company from directly providing repair and similar services, 
    has been retained. The draft would permit a bank holding company to 
    arrange for a third party to provide repair and other services in 
    connection with a lease.
        \9\ As a general matter, the requirement that a lease be non-
    operating means that the bank holding company does not itself 
    operate the equipment or property being leased or repair or service 
    the property. This limitation was intended to help distinguish bank 
    leasing activities from general commercial activities.
    4. Operating Nonbank Depository Institutions
        This category permits ownership of a savings association and an 
    industrial loan company. The proposed regulation retains the 
    restrictions in the BHC Act that the institution not be operated as a 
    ``bank'' for purposes of the BHC Act 10 and that the activities of 
    the institution conform to the relevant statutory provisions of the BHC 
        \10\ The BHC Act contains an exception from the definition of 
    ``bank'' for industrial loan companies and savings associations that 
    meet requirements listed in the BHC Act.
    5. Trust Company Functions
        The current regulation limits the deposit-taking and lending 
    activities of trust companies. These limitations are already 
    encompassed in the requirement in the BHC Act that the trust company 
    not be a ``bank'' for purposes of the BHC Act, and have, therefore, 
    been deleted from the regulation.
    6. Financial and Investment Advisory Activities
        The regulation has been reorganized to group together all 
    investment and financial advisory activities. The proposed rule broadly 
    authorizes acting as investment or financial adviser to any person, 
    without restriction. The proposed definition of investment and 
    financial advisory activities is very broad and would permit some types 
    of advisory activities beyond the scope of advisory activities 
    currently permitted by regulation. The Board invites comment on whether 
    this activity has been properly defined and whether all investment and 
    financial advisory activities are closely related to banking.
        Without limiting the breadth of the advisory authority, the rule 
    also lists as specific examples of permissible advisory activities 
    certain types of investment or financial advice, counseling and related 
    services that previously had been separately authorized. These examples 
         Advising an investment company and sponsoring, 
    organizing and managing a closed-end investment company;
         Furnishing general economic information and forecasts;
         Providing financial advice regarding mergers and 
    similar corporate transactions;
         Providing consumer educational courses and providing 
    tax-planning and tax-preparation; and
         Providing advice regarding derivatives transactions.
        The few restrictions imposed by the Board on these activities would 
    be removed. Specifically, the Board proposes to remove the current 
    restriction that discretionary investment advice be provided only to 
    institutional customers, thereby allowing bank holding companies to 
    manage retail customer accounts outside of the trust department of an 
    affiliated bank. This activity would continue to be governed by the 
    fiduciary principles in relevant state law. Similarly, the requirement 
    that investment advice regarding derivatives transactions be provided 
    only to institutional investors would be removed, thereby allowing this 
    advice to be provided to retail customers. These restrictions do not 
    apply to banks that provide investment advisory services.
        Restrictions also have been deleted in the areas of tax-planning 
    and preparation services and consumer counseling services that 
    prohibited bank holding companies from promoting specific products and 
    services and from obtaining or disclosing confidential customer 
    information without the customer's consent. These restrictions do not 
    apply to banks that engage in these activities.
    7. Agency Transactional Services for Customer Investments
        The various transactional services that a bank holding company may 
    provide as agent have been reorganized into a single functional 
    category. This category includes securities brokerage activities, 
    private placement activities, riskless principal activities, execution 
    and clearance of derivatives contracts, foreign exchange execution 
    services and other transactional services.
        i. Securities brokerage activities.
        The current regulation differentiates between securities brokerage 
    services provided alone (i.e., discount brokerage services) and 
    securities brokerage services provided in combination with investment 
    advisory services (i.e., full-service brokerage activities). The 
    proposed rule would authorize securities brokerage without 
    distinguishing between discount and full-service brokerage activities.
        Under the current regulation, bank holding companies providing 
    full-service brokerage services must make certain disclosures to 
    customers regarding the uninsured nature of securities and may not 
    disclose confidential customer information without the customer's 
    consent. These requirements have been deleted. The disclosure 
    requirements--along with a number of other requirements that 
    specifically address the potential for
    [[Page 47253]]
    customer confusion, training requirements, suitability requirements and 
    other matters--are already contained in an interagency policy statement 
    that governs the sale of securities and other non-deposit investment 
    products on bank premises as well as in rules adopted by the SEC. In 
    addition, similar disclosure requirements are required by the Board's 
    policy statement governing the sale by bank holding companies of shares 
    of mutual funds and other investment companies that the bank holding 
    company advises. To the extent that disclosures to customers are 
    appropriate in areas not covered by these policy statements, it is 
    expected that the Board would develop supervisory guidance, on an 
    interagency basis where appropriate.
        The Board seeks comment on whether elimination of these 
    restrictions from the regulation would lead to adverse effects, 
    including customer confusion about the uninsured nature of non-deposit 
    investment products sold through bank holding companies.
        ii. Riskless principal activities.
        The Board recently reduced the restrictions that govern riskless 
    principal activities. The restrictions that were retained were designed 
    to ensure that bank holding companies does not avoid the Glass-Steagall 
    Act provisions by classifying underwriting and dealing activities as 
    riskless principal activities. The provisions that are proposed to be 
    retained prohibit:
         Selling bank-ineligible securities at the order of a 
    customer who is the issuer or in a transaction in which the bank 
    holding company has an agreement to place the securities of the 
         Acting as riskless principal in any transaction 
    involving a bank-ineligible security for which the bank holding 
    company or an affiliate makes a market;
         Acting as riskless principal for any bank-ineligible 
    security carried in the inventory of the bank holding company or any 
    affiliate; and
         Acting as riskless principal on behalf of any U.S. 
    affiliate that engages in bank-ineligible securities underwriting or 
    dealing activities or any foreign affiliate that engages in 
    securities underwriting or dealing activities outside the U.S.
        The proposed regulation retains these four restrictions. The Board 
    requests comment on whether these restrictions, and in particular the 
    second and third restrictions, are necessary to assure compliance with 
    the Glass-Steagall Act.
        iii. Private placement activities.
        In adding private placement activities to the laundry list, the 
    regulation adopts the definition of private placement activities used 
    by the SEC and the federal securities laws. All but one restriction 
    that had been imposed by Board order on the conduct of this activity 
    would be removed. That restriction prohibits a bank holding company 
    from purchasing for its own account securities that it is placing and 
    from holding in inventory unsold portions of securities it is 
    attempting to place. This restriction prevents a bank holding company 
    from classifying its securities underwriting activities, which are 
    governed by the Glass-Steagall Act and the Board's section 20 
    decisions, as private placement activities.
        Among the restrictions that would be removed from the conduct of 
    private placement activities are prohibitions on:
         Extending credit that enhances the marketability of a 
    security being placed;
         Lending to an issuer for the purpose of covering the 
    funding lost through the unsold portion of securities being placed;
         Lending to the issuer for the purpose of repurchasing 
    securities being placed;
         Acquiring securities through an account for which the 
    bank holding company has fiduciary authority;
         Providing advice to any purchaser regarding a security 
    the bank holding company is placing; and
         Placing securities with any non-institutional investors 
    (the SEC rules allow sales to institutional investors and up to 35 
    non-institutional investors).
        None of these restrictions have been applied to national banks that 
    conduct private placement activities. The Board seeks comment on 
    whether any of these restrictions must be retained to address potential 
    adverse effects, including potential conflicts of interest or customer 
    confusion, or to assure fulfillment of fiduciary duties.
        iv. Futures commission merchant activities.
        a. In general. The current regulation authorizes bank holding 
    companies to execute and clear derivatives on certain financial 
    instruments on major exchanges, subject to a number of restrictions.
        The Board has, by order, broadened this authority in two key 
    respects. First, the Board has by order permitted bank holding 
    companies to execute and clear derivative contracts on a broad range of 
    nonfinancial commodities. Second, the Board has permitted bank holding 
    companies to clear derivative contracts without simultaneously 
    providing execution services. The proposed regulation has been amended 
    to incorporate these actions.
        The proposal also deletes the restriction that a bank holding 
    company not act as a futures commission merchant (FCM) on any exchange 
    unless the rules of the exchange have been reviewed by the Board. All 
    U.S. commodities exchanges are supervised by the CFTC. A review by the 
    Federal Reserve System of the rules of an exchange, whether domestic or 
    foreign, does not provide a reliable guide regarding the risk 
    management systems of the exchange or the safety of conducting FCM 
    activities on the exchange. A more effective method for addressing the 
    risks of FCM activities--whether on domestic or foreign exchanges--is 
    through the on-site inspection and supervision of the risk management 
    systems of the bank holding company.
        The proposed rule removes several other requirements, including 
    that the FCM subsidiary--
         Time stamp all orders and execute them in chronological 
         Not trade for its own account;
         Not extend margin credit to customers; and
         Maintain adequate capital.
        As noted above, the Board is proposing to remove restrictions on 
    subsidiary FCM trading for its own account, and conduct in the other 
    areas listed above is addressed in rules of the CFTC or the relevant 
    self-regulatory organization.
        The proposed rule retains the requirements of the current 
    regulation that a bank holding company conduct its FCM activities 
    through a separately incorporated subsidiary (i.e., not through the 
    parent bank holding company) and that the subsidiary not become a 
    member of an exchange that requires the parent bank holding company 
    also to become a member of the exchange. The purpose of this 
    restriction is to limit the bank holding company's exposure to 
    contingent obligations under the loss sharing rules of exchange 
    clearing houses in order to preserve the holding company's ability to 
    serve as a source of strength to its subsidiary insured depository 
        The Board invites comment on all aspects of its proposed revision 
    to FCM activities. In particular, the Board invites comment on whether 
    the requirement limiting the parent bank holding company from becoming 
    a member of an exchange is appropriate and on whether the Board's 
    concern could be addressed more effectively by an alternative 
    restriction, such as a requirement that the parent bank holding company 
    not provide a guarantee of non-proprietary trades conducted by an FCM 
    subsidiary. A restriction on the holding company providing such a 
    guarantee has been imposed on bank holding companies through 
    examination guidance and various Board orders to assure that the 
    capital of the holding company is
    [[Page 47254]]
    available to support the insured depository institution subsidiaries of 
    the holding company.
        b. Proposed change in Board precedent regarding clearing-only 
    activities. The Board has by order permitted bank holding companies to 
    clear trades that the FCM has not executed itself. The proposed rule 
    incorporates this activity in the laundry list, retaining two 
    restrictions currently imposed by Board order. The first restriction 
    prohibits the clearing subsidiary from serving as the primary or 
    qualifying clearing firm for a customer. The second restriction is that 
    the clearing subsidiary have a contractual right to decline to clear 
    any trade that the subsidiary believes poses unacceptable risks.
        These requirements were adopted to ensure that the clearing 
    subsidiary of a bank holding company could limit its exposure to 
    traders that execute trades themselves or through third parties. In 
    particular, these requirements prevent a bank holding company from 
    clearing trades executed by exchange locals or market makers. In 1991, 
    the Board rejected a proposal by a bank holding company to engage in 
    clearing trades for exchange locals and market makers because of 
    concerns about the inability of the bank holding company to monitor and 
    control its credit exposures during the trading day.\11\ The Board 
    found that the activity was closely related to banking, but believed 
    that the potential adverse effects of conducting the activity 
    outweighed the potential public benefits.
        \11\ Stichting Prioriteit ABN AMRO Holding, 77 Federal Reserve 
    Bulletin 189 (January 9, 1991).
        The Board seeks comment on whether these two restrictions on the 
    conduct of clearing-only activities by bank holding companies should be 
    retained or whether bank holding companies, as part of permissible FCM 
    activities, should be permitted to engage in clearing without executing 
    trades, including clearing trades for professional traders. In 
    particular, the Board invites comment on whether and how bank holding 
    companies are able to monitor and limit adequately the potential 
    exposure from conducting this activity.
        v. Other transactional services.
        In addition to the transactional services described above, the 
    proposed rule adds a provision allowing a bank holding company to 
    provide transactional services for customers involving any derivative 
    or foreign exchange transaction that a bank holding company is 
    permitted to conduct for its own account.
        The proposed rule also removes the restriction in the current 
    regulation prohibiting a bank holding company from providing foreign 
    exchange transactional services in the same subsidiary that provides 
    advice regarding foreign exchange. Banks are not subject to this 
    restriction. With this change, a bank holding company would be 
    permitted to provide any transactional service to any customer in 
    combination with a related advisory service, and may provide any 
    advisory and transactional services as agent to both retail and 
    institutional customers.
    8. Investment Transactions as Principal
        The proposal incorporates decisions by the Board that permit bank 
    holding companies broadly to invest for the holding company's own 
    account as principal in derivatives on financial and nonfinancial 
    commodities. The proposal would allow a bank holding company to trade 
    as principal for its own account any derivative contract on a financial 
    or nonfinancial commodity or index of commodities, so long as any one 
    of three conditions is met:
         The underlying asset is a permissible investment for 
    State member banks;
         The derivative contract requires cash settlement; or
         The derivative contract allows for assignment, 
    termination or offset prior to expiration and the bank holding 
    company makes every reasonable effort to avoid delivery.
        The proposal also includes authority that the Board has previously 
    granted by order permitting bank holding companies to buy, sell and 
    store gold, silver, platinum and palladium bullion, coins, bars and 
    rounds. The regulation retains the current authority to trade in 
    foreign exchange and bank-eligible securities. The proposal does not 
    expand the current authority of bank holding companies to acquire as 
    principal securities or physical commodities that a bank is not 
    currently permitted to own for its own account.
        In several areas, such as foreign exchange trading and certain 
    derivatives trading, the Board has prohibited bank holding companies 
    from engaging in the same subsidiary in trading activities as principal 
    and providing advice to customers. This restriction does not apply to 
    banks that conduct the same activities and has been removed. It is 
    expected that supervisory guidance would be developed to address 
    potential conflicts of interest that may arise in this area.
    9. Management Consulting and Counseling Activities
        The current regulation authorizes bank holding companies to provide 
    management consulting services on any matter to any depository 
    institution or affiliate of a depository institution. The rule has been 
    expanded in two respects.
        First, bank holding companies would be authorized to provide 
    management consulting services regarding financial, economic, 
    accounting or audit matters to any company. These activities are 
    directly related to the activities and expertise of bank holding 
    companies. The Board invites comment on whether this activity is 
    closely related to banking for purposes of section 4(c)(8) of the BHC 
        Second, a bank holding company would be permitted to derive up to 
    30 percent of its management consulting revenue from management 
    consulting services provided to any customer on any matter.
        Two restrictions have been retained--governing interlocks with and 
    investments in client companies--to ensure that a bank holding company 
    does not exercise control over a client company through a management 
    consulting contract.
    10. Support Services
        This category includes courier services (other than armored car 
    services) and printing checks and related documents. Both services are 
    included in the laundry list as they were authorized by the Board, 
    without change.
    11. Insurance Agency and Underwriting Activities
        The insurance provisions reflect the detailed restrictions on 
    insurance activities of bank holding companies specified in the BHC 
    Act. The current regulation has not been changed.
    Community Development Activities
        The current regulation permits bank holding companies to make 
    equity and debt investments in corporations and projects designed 
    primarily to promote community welfare. The proposal amends the 
    description of this activity to clarify that this activity includes 
    providing advisory and related services to community development 
    programs. The Board has permitted these advisory services by order.
    13. Money Orders, Savings Bonds and Traveler's Checks
        The current regulation limits the sale and issuance of money orders 
    and similar consumer payment instruments to instruments with a face 
    value of less
    [[Page 47255]]
    than $1,000. The Board has by order authorized this activity for 
    payment instruments of any face amount. Accordingly, the limitation on 
    the face amount of these instruments has been removed.
    14. Data Processing Activities
        The current regulation broadly authorizes bank holding companies to 
    provide data processing and data transmission services by any 
    technological means so long as the data processed or furnished are 
    financial, banking or economic. The proposed rule clarifies that a bank 
    holding company may render advice to anyone on processing and 
    transmitting banking, financial and economic data.
        The following two restrictions on permissible data processing 
    activities have been deleted:
         All data processing services must be provided pursuant 
    to a written agreement with the third party that describes and 
    limits the services; and
         Data processing facilities must be designed, marketed 
    and operated for processing and transmitting financial, banking or 
    economic data.
        The data processing activity has also been revised to permit bank 
    holding companies to derive up to 30 percent of their data processing 
    revenues from processing and transmitting data that are not financial, 
    banking or economic.
    F. Explanation of Changes to Tying Rules
        The Board is proposing amendments to its rules regarding tying 
    arrangements. The amendments would allow bank holding companies 
    significantly greater flexibility to package their products, and 
    thereby provide more efficient and lower cost service to their 
        Tying arrangements, where a customer's ability to purchase or 
    receive a discount on one product is tied to the customer's purchase of 
    another product, are prohibited by section 106 of the Bank Holding 
    Company Act Amendments of 1970. Although section 106 applies only when 
    a bank offers the tying product, the Board in 1971 extended its special 
    restrictions to bank holding companies and their nonbank subsidiaries. 
    36 FR 10,777 (June 3, 1971).
        The Board has authority to grant exceptions to section 106 and, in 
    the past few years, has used its exemptive authority to allow banks to 
    offer products to their customers more efficiently and at lower cost, 
    without risk of anti competitive effects. For example, the Board has 
    allowed arrangements that included discounts on brokerage services and 
    other products based on a customer's relationship with the bank or bank 
    holding company. The proposed amendments set forth below would build on 
    this recent history in attempting to identify broader categories of 
    packaging arrangements that do not raise the concerns that section 106 
    was intended to address and should therefore be permitted.
        Section 106 contains five restrictions intended to prohibit anti-
    competitive behavior by banks: two prohibit tying arrangements; Two 
    prohibit reciprocity arrangements; and one prohibits exclusive dealing 
    arrangements. The tying restrictions, which have the greatest effect on 
    industry practices, prohibit a bank from restricting the availability 
    or varying the consideration for one product or service (the ``tying'' 
    product) on the condition that a customer purchase another product or 
    service offered by the bank or by any of its affiliates (the ``tied'' 
        \12\ Violations of section 106 may be redressed through: (1) An 
    enforcement action for civil money penalties brought by the 
    appropriate Federal banking agency, (2) an action for injunctive 
    relief brought by the Justice Department or any person who can show 
    ``danger of irreparable loss or damage,'' or (3) a civil suit 
    brought by ``any person who is injured in his business or property'' 
    by the prohibited arrangement, with the court directed to award 
    treble damages and attorneys fees if the plaintiff prevails. See 12 
    U.S.C. 1972(2)(F), 1973, 1975.
        Section 106 is a broader prohibition than those contained in the 
    antitrust laws because, unlike the antitrust laws, a plaintiff in 
    action under section 106 need not show that: (1) the seller has market 
    power in the market for the tying product; (2) the tying arrangement 
    has had an anti-competitive effect in the market for the tied product; 
    or (3) the tying arrangement has had a substantial effect on interstate 
    commerce. The broader reach of section 106 is most evident in that it 
    prohibits a bank from varying the consideration for one of its 
    products--that is, offering a discount on one of its products--for 
    customers who purchase a second product from the bank or its 
    affiliates. Such an arrangement generally would not be prohibited by 
    the antitrust laws.
        Section 106 was adopted in 1970 when Congress expanded the 
    authority of the Board to approve bank holding companies to engage in 
    nonbanking activities. Section 106 was based on Congressional concern 
    that banks' unique role in the economy, in particular their power to 
    extend credit, would allow them to gain a competitive advantage in the 
    new, nonbanking markets that their affiliates were being allowed to 
    enter. See S. Rep. No. 1084, 91st Cong., 2d Sess. (1970). Congress 
    therefore imposed special limitations on tying by banks--restrictions 
    beyond those imposed by the antitrust laws.
    1. Rescind the Board's Regulatory Extension of the Statute
        As noted above, the Board has by regulation extended the 
    restrictions of section 106 to bank holding companies and their nonbank 
    subsidiaries as if they were banks. This extension was adopted at the 
    same time that the Board approved by regulation the first ``laundry 
    list'' of nonbanking activities under section 4(c)(8) of the BHC Act, 
    apparently as a prophylactic measure addressed at potential anti-
    competitive practices by companies engaging in nonbanking activities.
        In the past 25 years, the Board has gained extensive experience 
    with nonbank affiliates of bank holding companies and the markets in 
    which they operate. Based on this experience, the Board does not 
    believe that these nonbank companies possess the market power over 
    credit or other unique competitive advantages that Congress was 
    concerned that banks enjoyed in 1970. Bank holding companies may never 
    have possessed such market power but, even if they once did, financial 
    services markets have generally become much more competitive over time. 
    Accordingly, the Board believes that applying the special bank anti-
    tying rules to such companies is no longer justified. Any competitive 
    problems that might arise would be isolated cases, better addressed not 
    through a special blanket prohibition but rather through the same 
    general antitrust laws that bind their nonbank competitors.
        In recognition of these facts, the Board has over the past several 
    years relaxed the anti-tying restrictions on nonbanks within bank 
    holding companies. In addition to adopting various exceptions that 
    applied both to banks and nonbanks, the Board in 1994 permitted a bank 
    holding company or its nonbank subsidiary to offer a discount on any of 
    its products or services on the condition that a customer obtain any 
    other product or service from that company or from any of its nonbank 
    affiliates--that is, permitted discount arrangements that did not 
    involve a bank. 12 CFR 225.7(b)(3). However, even with this exception, 
    tying between a bank holding company or its nonbank subsidiary and an 
    affiliated bank is still restricted, as is any inter-affiliate tying 
    arrangement that does not involve the offering of a discount.
        The Board proposes to rescind its regulatory extension of the anti-
    [[Page 47256]]
    rules to nonbanks. The Board notes that in doing so it would not be 
    granting an ``exception'' to section 106--as section 106 never 
    envisioned that non-banks would be covered in the first place. Rather, 
    the Board would be lifting a restriction that it itself imposed, and 
    one which it believes should be maintained only if there is clear 
    evidence of its necessity.
        Removal of these special restrictions on bank holding companies and 
    their nonbank subsidiaries would eliminate a competitive disadvantage 
    by allowing them the same freedom to package products that their 
    competitors currently enjoy. The Sherman Act would continue to prohibit 
    bank holding companies and their subsidiaries from engaging in any 
    tying arrangement that had an anti-competitive effect. 15 U.S.C. 1. 
    Furthermore, section 106 would continue to prohibit a bank from tying 
    one of its products to a product offered by one of its affiliates, bank 
    or nonbank.
        The Board is seeking comment, however, on whether it should retain 
    its regulatory extension of the statute for purposes of one type of 
    tying arrangement. Section 825(a)(3) of the Personal Responsibility and 
    Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, signed into law on August 
    22, 1996, amended the Food Stamp Act of 1997 to prohibit tying the 
    availability of electronic benefit transfer services to other point-of-
    sale services. Enforcement of the Act is assigned to the Secretary of 
    Agriculture. 104 Pub. L. 193, 110 Stat. 2105; 7 U.S.C. 2016(i)(11). 
    Banks, bank holding companies, and nonbank subsidiaries of bank holding 
    companies were exempted from the statute, apparently because they were 
    already restricted by section 106 (in the case of banks) and the 
    Board's regulation (in the case of bank holding companies and their 
    nonbank subsidiaries). Thus, unless the Board were to retain a 
    restriction on bank holding companies and their nonbank subsidiaries, 
    they would be the only companies not subject to a special restriction 
    on tying of electronic benefit transfer services.
    2. Treat Inter-Affiliate Tying Arrangements the Same as Intra-Bank 
        The Board is also proposing to broaden a statutory exception 
    designed to preserve traditional banking relationships. The statutory 
    exception is limited to traditional banking relationships within one 
    bank, and the proposed regulatory exception would extend the statutory 
    exception to apply to relationships that involve more than one bank or 
    other affiliate.
        Section 106 contains an explicit exception (the ``statutory 
    traditional bank product exception'') that permits a bank to tie any 
    product or service to a loan, discount, deposit, or trust service 
    offered by that bank. 12 U.S.C. Sec. 1972(1)(A). For example, a bank 
    could condition the use of its messenger service on a customer's 
    maintaining a deposit account at the bank. Although the statutory 
    traditional bank product exception appears to have been effective in 
    preserving traditional relationships between customer and bank, the 
    exception is limited in an important way: it does not extend to 
    transactions involving products offered by affiliates. Thus, a bank 
    could not condition the use of its messenger service on a customer's 
    maintaining a deposit at an affiliated bank. As another example, the 
    Board recently granted an exemption to allow a secured credit card 
    program where a bank required that a customer maintain a deposit at an 
    affiliated bank. Although a bank could have offered a secured credit 
    card program conditioned on a customer's maintaining a deposit at that 
    same bank, the inter-affiliate arrangement was otherwise prohibited by 
    section 106 but for the exemption.
        The Board has already adopted a ``regulatory traditional bank 
    product exception'' that generally extends the statutory traditional 
    bank product exception between affiliates--for example, allowing one 
    bank to offer a discount on a loan based on a customer's deposit 
    relationship with an affiliated bank. However, taking an incremental 
    approach, the Board placed two restrictions on the regulatory 
    exception. First, the Board required that both products involved in the 
    tying arrangement be traditional bank products (thereby disqualifying 
    the messenger service example above). Second, the Board required that 
    the arrangement consist of discounting the tying product rather than 
    restricting its availability (thereby disqualifying the secured credit 
    card example above).
        The Board believes that there remains a rationale for the latter 
    restrictions--for example, secured credit cards aside, there are few 
    examples where restricting the availability of one product on the 
    purchase of another serves a valid economic purpose.13 
    Nonetheless, Congress has already decided not to apply these 
    restrictions to the statutory traditional bank product exception for 
    intra-bank transactions, and it is difficult to argue that inter-
    affiliate transactions pose any greater risk of anti-competitive 
    behavior than intra-bank transactions. Moreover, Congress has already 
    extended the statutory traditional bank product exception between 
    affiliates, without restriction, for savings associations and their 
    affiliates. 12 U.S.C. 1464(q)(1)(A).
        \13\ The Board has recently been presented with another case 
    where restricting the availability of a product may be justifiable. 
    A petitioner has sought an exemption from section 106 to allow a 
    brokerage subsidiary of a bank holding company to require a customer 
    to maintain a deposit at an affiliated bank in order to facilitate 
    compliance with the time-for-payment requirements of Regulation T. 
    Even if the Board were to rescind its regulatory extension of 
    section 106 to bank holding companies and their nonbank 
    subsidiaries, a brokerage department of a bank would still be 
    prohibited from imposing this requirement, absent the proposed 
    amendment to the traditional bank product exception.
    3. Extend the Expanded Regulatory Traditional Bank Product Exception to 
    Reciprocity Arrangements
        As noted above, section 106 prohibits not only tying arrangements 
    (conditioning the availability of one product on the purchase of 
    another) but also reciprocity arrangements (conditioning the 
    availability of one product on the providing of another by the 
    customer). 12 U.S.C. 1972(1) (C) and (D). Like the tying prohibition, 
    the prohibition on reciprocity arrangements contains an exception 
    intended to preserve traditional banking relationships. The exception 
    provides that a bank may condition the availability of a loan, 
    discount, deposit or trust service on the customer's providing some 
    product or service ``related to, and usually provided in connection 
    with'' such a loan, discount, deposit or trust service. 12 U.S.C. 
        Also like the statutory traditional bank product exception to the 
    tying prohibition, this exception to the reciprocity prohibition does 
    not apply to inter-affiliate transactions. Although the Board has 
    received only one request to extend the exception--probably because 
    this exception is confusing and rarely invoked in the case law--the 
    Board is proposing such an extension for comment, for the same reasons 
    noted above.
    4. Coverage of Foreign Banks Under Section 106
        A petitioner has sought an interpretation or exemption from the 
    statute to clarify that section 106 does not restrict ``foreign 
    transactions.'' Petitioner argues that statutes are generally presumed 
    not to have an extra-territorial reach unless specified by Congress, 
    and that no specification was made in section 106. Petitioner
    [[Page 47257]]
    notes that if section 106 did apply, U.S. firms would be at a 
    competitive disadvantage, as there is no equivalent to section 106 in 
    other nations.
        The Board seeks comment on whether it should establish a ``safe 
    harbor'' to provide certainty with respect to foreign transactions. In 
    particular, the Board seeks comment on whether any safe harbor should 
    define ``foreign transactions'' according to the location of the 
    customer (as suggested by petitioner), the location of the market where 
    any potential anti-competitive effects would occur (as appears to be 
    the practice under the Sherman Act), or some other factor or factors.
    G. Explanation of Other Proposed Changes
    1. Bank Holding Company Formations
        Regulation Y currently implements the provisions enacted in the 
    Riegle Community Development Act that establish a streamlined 30-day 
    notice procedure for proposals by existing shareholders of a bank to 
    establish a bank holding company. To qualify for this procedure under 
    current rules, the shareholders of the bank must acquire at least 80 
    percent of the shares of the new bank holding company in substantially 
    the same proportion as the shareholders' bank ownership, must certify 
    that the shareholders are not subject to any supervisory or 
    administrative action, and must identify the shareholders of the new 
    bank holding company.
        The Board proposes several changes to these requirements. First, 
    the Board proposes to reduce the percentage of the bank holding company 
    that must be owned by shareholders of the bank from 80 to 67 percent. 
    This level assures that the transaction is in fact a reorganization in 
    which the bank shareholders continue to control the new bank holding 
    company and minimizes the likelihood that a new controlling shareholder 
    will be introduced without adequate review.
        Next, the proposal would require that only the principal 
    shareholders (i.e., shareholders owning in excess of 10 percent of the 
    bank holding company) certify that they are not subject to any 
    supervisory or administrative action, rather than requiring that all 
    shareholders make this certification. Finally, the proposal would 
    eliminate any publication requirement for this category of bank holding 
    company formations. The Riegle Act does not require publication of 
    these proceedings and, because these transactions represent a corporate 
    reorganization, little purpose is served by requiring public notice. 
    The System would continue to consider all of the same statutory factors 
    in reviewing these proposals, including considering the competitive 
    effects, financial and managerial resources of the organization, effect 
    on the convenience and needs of the community and the CRA performance 
    record of the bank.
        The Board invites comment on whether these changes are appropriate, 
    would reduce unnecessary burden on the formation of new bank holding 
    companies--particularly small bank holding companies--and are 
    consistent with the provisions of the BHC Act permitting this expedited 
    2. Change in Bank Control Act Filings
        The Board proposes to reorganize, clarify and simplify the portion 
    of Regulation Y that implements the Change in Bank Control Act (CIBC 
    Act). The proposal attempts to harmonize the scope and procedural 
    requirements of the Board's regulation implementing the CIBC Act with 
    those of the other federal banking agencies and to reduce any 
    unnecessary regulatory burden. The proposal also incorporates various 
    interpretations of this subpart made by the Board since the last 
    revision of Regulation Y. These changes have been developed in 
    consultation with the other federal banking agencies in an effort to 
    develop a uniform regulatory approach to implementing the CIBC Act at 
    all of the banking agencies.
        Currently, the Board's rules generally require any person (other 
    than a bank holding company) seeking to acquire shares of a state 
    member bank or bank holding company to file a notice under the CIBC Act 
    at two thresholds: when the person's ownership level exceeds 10 percent 
    of the voting shares of the bank or bank holding company, and again 
    when the ownership level exceeds 25 percent. This two-tiered approach 
    allowed a review of the financial resources of an acquiror at two 
    stages, with a lesser showing of financial resources required for 
    transactions below the 25 percent threshold.
        The Board proposes to reduce regulatory burden by eliminating the 
    25 percent threshold. This eliminates the requirement that persons who 
    have received authorization to own in excess of 10 percent, but less 
    than 25 percent, of the voting shares of a member bank or bank holding 
    company file a second notice before owning 25 percent or more of the 
    voting shares of the institution. Persons who initially acquire in 
    excess of 25 percent of the shares of a bank or bank holding company 
    would continue to be subject to only one review under the CIBC Act. The 
    other federal banking agencies have already adopted this approach.
        Under the proposal, persons who currently own 10 percent (but less 
    than 25 percent) of the shares of a state member bank or bank holding 
    company with Board approval under the CIBC Act would be exempt from 
    further filing requirements under the CIBC Act, unless otherwise 
    notified in writing by the System. In future cases in which a person 
    appears to have sufficient financial resources to acquire more than 10 
    percent, but less than 100 percent of the shares of a bank, the System 
    may limit the approval granted on a case-by-case basis to require 
    further review of the financial resources of the person as appropriate.
        The proposal also adds definitions of key terms to clarify the 
    scope of the regulation. In particular, the Board proposes to add a 
    definition of the term acting in concert and includes specific 
    presumptions of concerted action to provide guidance to acquirors. In 
    addition, the proposal incorporates current Board practice that the 
    acquisition of a loan in default that is secured by voting securities 
    of a state member bank or bank holding company is presumed to be an 
    acquisition of the underlying securities.
        The proposal also would reduce regulatory burden on persons whose 
    ownership percentage increases as the result of a redemption of voting 
    securities by the issuing bank or the action of a third party not 
    within the acquiring person's control. In these situations, the 
    proposal would permit the person affected by the bank or third party 
    action to file a notice within 90 calendar days after the transaction 
    occurs, provided that the acquiring person does not reasonably have 
    advance knowledge of the triggering transaction. Currently, these 
    persons must file notice under the CIBC Act prior to the action that 
    increases the person's percentage ownership, and, because these persons 
    cannot control the third party action that causes the increased 
    percentage ownership, are often put in violation of the CIBC Act and 
    the Board's Regulation Y.
        The Board also proposes to provide more flexible timing for 
    newspaper announcements of filings under the CIBC Act by permitting 
    notificants to publish the announcement up to 30 calendar days before 
    submitting the filing. In addition, the newspaper notice requirement 
    would be modified to eliminate the requirement that the notice include 
    a statement of the percentage of shares proposed to be acquired. 
    Finally, the proposal would add a new section reflecting the stock
    [[Page 47258]]
    loan reporting requirements in section 205 of the Federal Deposit 
    Insurance Corporation Improvement Act.
        The Board invites comment on all of its proposed revisions to the 
    CIBC Act implementing regulation. In particular, the Board requests 
    comment on whether the revisions identifying when persons will be 
    presumed to be acting in concert identify all relevant situations in 
    which a bank may undergo a change in control. The Board also requests 
    comment on other ways that its implementing rules under the CIBC Act 
    may be modified to eliminate unnecessary burden and paperwork, 
    consistent with the requirements of the CIBC Act.
    3. Notice of Change of Directors and Senior Executive Officers
        In addition to the BHC Act and CIBC Act, Regulation Y implements 
    section 914 of the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and 
    Enforcement Act of 1989 (section 914). Section 914 requires a state 
    member bank and a bank holding company (together, ``regulated 
    institutions'') to give prior notice to the System before changing 
    directors or senior executive officers if the regulated institution is 
    in financially troubled condition, has undergone a change in control 
    within two years, or has been chartered for less than two years.
        The proposed rule retains a number of the current regulation's 
    substantive provisions. For example, the financial condition of 
    regulated institutions remains the focus for defining when an 
    institution's troubled condition would trigger the prior notice 
    requirements of section 914. The proposed rule also continues to 
    interpret a change in control for purposes of section 914 to mean a 
    transaction that requires a filing under the CIBC Act. Accordingly, 
    section 914 filings are not triggered by the acquisition of a state 
    member bank by a bank holding company under section 3 of the BHC Act.
        The current rule would be modified in several ways. The proposed 
    rule would eliminate any filing requirement under section 914 for 
    charter conversions and ``phantom'' bank mergers (chartering an insured 
    depository institution to facilitate the acquisition of an existing 
    insured depository institution) if the converting or acquired 
    depository institution has been in operation for at least two years.
        The proposed rule also would adopt the System's current practice of 
    granting individuals who seek election to the board of directors of 
    regulated institutions without the support of management an automatic 
    waiver that allows these individuals to commence service immediately 
    after election to the board and to make a post-election filing under 
    section 914. In addition, the proposed rule would provide more guidance 
    on appealing a disapproved notice. Other changes have been proposed in 
    cooperation with the staffs of the other banking agencies in an attempt 
    to develop uniform definitions, notice procedures and appeals 
        The Board invites public comment on these changes, as well as on 
    other ways that the procedures for reviewing changes in officers and 
    directors may be revised to reduce unnecessary burden consistent with 
    the requirements of section 914.
    4. Other Changes
        The Board has also proposed several other modifications to the 
    regulation to incorporate previous Board decisions and policies 
    regarding the definitions of ``class of voting securities'' and 
    ``immediate family'' and has modified references and several time 
    periods for Reserve Bank action to accommodate the changes explained 
    above. Public comment is welcome on these proposed revisions.
        In addition, the Board invites public comment on other suggestions 
    for revising Regulation Y to eliminate unnecessary burden and paperwork 
    consistent with the Board's statutory mandates and safety and 
        Attached is a draft of Regulation Y that incorporates the proposed 
    revisions. These revisions affect subparts A, B, C and E, appendix C 
    and the Board's interpretation at 12 CFR 225.125. Changes to the 
    Board's Rules of Procedure will be made as necessary to conform to 
    changes to Regulation Y that are finally adopted. No changes are being 
    proposed at this time to subparts D, F or G, which address, 
    respectively, Control and Divestiture Proceedings, Limitations on 
    Nonbank Banks and Appraisal Standards for Federally Related 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        Pursuant to the Regulatory Flexibility Act, the Board is required 
    to conduct an analysis of the effect, on small institutions, of the 
    proposed revision to Regulation Y. As of December 31, 1995, the number 
    of bank holding companies totalled 5,274.14 The following chart 
    provides a distribution, based on asset size, for those companies.
        \14\ Financial top-tier domestic bank holding companies. 
    Excludes middle-tier bank holding companies, and foreign bank 
    holding companies that are not required to file a Y-9 report with 
    the Federal Reserve System.
                                                         Number of   of bank
              Asset size category (M=million)               bank     holding
                                                          holding    company
                                                         companies   assets 
    Less than $150M....................................      3,954  \15\ 5.5
    $150M-$300M........................................        655       3.2
    Greater than $300M.................................        665     91.3 
    \15\ Bank holding companies with consolidated assets of less than $150  
      million are not required to file financial regulatory reports on a    
      consolidated basis. Assets for this group are estimated based on      
      reports filed by the parent companies and subsidiaries.               
        The proposed comprehensive revision to Regulation Y is intended to 
    eliminate unnecessary burden for all bank holding companies, including 
    smaller banking organizations. Included in the proposed revision are an 
    expedited 15-day notice procedure with minimal information requirements 
    for well-rated and well-run bank holding companies, a reorganization 
    and streamlining of the regulatory laundry list of permissible 
    nonbanking activities, the removal of unnecessary and outmoded 
    regulatory restrictions, and an automatic waiver of filing requirements 
    for bank acquisitions that are in-substance bank-to-bank mergers. These 
    changes apply to all bank holding companies and will be particularly 
    helpful to small bank holding companies.
        The proposed revisions include a number of other changes applicable 
    to smaller organizations in particular. These changes include a special 
    exception for small bank holding companies with assets of less than 
    $300 million from the aggregate size limit applying to the use of the 
    expedited application procedures, an update of the small bank holding 
    company policy statement that applies to bank holding companies with 
    assets of less than $150 million and reduction of burden for qualifying 
    small bank holding companies, reduction of the thresholds for 
    qualification for streamlined formation of new bank holding companies, 
    reduction in the filing requirements under the Change in Bank Control 
    Act, and addition of a new exception for small bank holding companies 
    from the prior approval requirements regarding stock redemption 
    proposals. These and the other changes described above are explained in 
    more detail in the Supplementary Information portion of this document.
        The Board expects that the numerous changes proposed will result in 
    a significant reduction in regulatory filings, in the paperwork burden 
    and processing time associated with regulatory filings, and in the 
    [[Page 47259]]
    associated with complying with regulation, thereby improving the 
    ability of all bank holding companies, including small organizations, 
    to conduct business on a more cost-efficient basis. The Board invites 
    public comment on this subject.
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 
    Ch. 3506; 5 CFR part 1320 Appendix A.1), the Board reviewed the 
    proposed rule under the authority delegated to the Board by the Office 
    of Management and Budget. Comments on the collections of information 
    should be sent to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork 
    Reduction Project (7100-00171, 7100-0121, 7100-0134, 7100-0131, 7100-
    0119, as applicable; see below), Washington, DC 20503, with copies of 
    such comments to be sent to Mary M. McLaughlin, Federal Reserve Board 
    Clearance Officer, Division of Research and Statistics, Mail Stop 97, 
    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, DC 20551.
        The collection of information requirements in this proposed 
    regulation are found in 12 CFR 225.11, 12 CFR 225.12, 12 CFR 225.14, 12 
    CFR 225.17, 12 CFR 225.23, 12 CFR 225.24, 12 USC 1817(j) and 1831(i), 
    12 CFR 225.73, 12 CFR 225.4, and 12 CFR 225.3(a). This information is 
    required to evidence compliance with the requirements of the Bank 
    Holding Company Act, the Change in Bank Control Act and provisions of 
    the Federal Deposit Insurance Act. The respondents are for-profit 
    financial institutions and other corporations, including small 
    businesses, and individuals.
        The Federal Reserve may not conduct or sponsor, and an organization 
    is not required to respond to, these information collections unless it 
    displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control numbers 
    are indicated below.
        The proposed streamlining of applications to acquire banks and 
    nonbanking companies by institutions that meet the qualifying criteria 
    should result in a significant reduction in burden for respondents that 
    file the Application for Prior Approval To Become a Bank Holding 
    Company, or for a Bank Holding Company To Acquire an Additional Bank or 
    Bank Holding Company (FR Y-3; OMB No. 7100-0171). Approximately 196 
    respondents file the FR Y-3 annually pursuant to section 3(a)(1) of the 
    Bank Holding Company Act (Act) and 303 respondents file annually the FR 
    Y-3 pursuant to section 3(a)(3) and 3(a)(5) of the Act. The current 
    burden per response is 48.5 hours and 59.0 hours, respectively, for a 
    total estimated annual burden of 27,383 hours. Under the proposed rule, 
    it is estimated that 50 percent of these respondents, or a total of 249 
    respondents for both types of applications, would meet the criteria to 
    qualify for the filing of a streamlined application. The average number 
    of hours per response for proposed applications of each type is 
    estimated to decrease to 2.5 hours. Therefore the total amount of 
    annual burden is estimated to be 14,343.5 hours. Based on an hourly 
    cost of $50, the annual cost to the public under the proposed revision 
    is estimated to be $717,175, which represents an estimated cost 
    reduction of $651,975 from the estimated annual cost to the public of 
    $1,369,150 under the current rule.
        The proposed streamlining of applications to engage de novo in 
    permissible nonbanking activities and to acquire nonbanking companies 
    and the proposal to permit bank holding companies to obtain approval at 
    one time to engage in a preauthorized list of such activities should 
    result in a significant reduction in burden for respondents that file 
    the Application for Prior Approval To Engage Directly or Indirectly in 
    Certain Nonbanking Activities (FR Y-4; OMB No. 7100-0121). 
    Approximately 362 respondents file the FR Y-4 annually to meet 
    application requirements, and 114 respondents file to meet notification 
    requirements. The current burden per response is 59.0 hours and 1.5 
    hours, respectively, for a total estimated annual burden of 21,529 
    hours. Under the proposed rule it is estimated that 50 percent of these 
    respondents would meet the criteria to qualify for the filing of a 
    streamlined application, representing an estimated 181 applications and 
    57 notifications. The average number of hours per response for proposed 
    applications of this type is estimated to decrease to 1.5 hours. The 
    estimated burden per response to meet the notification requirement 
    remains unchanged at 1.5 hours. Therefore the total amount of annual 
    burden is estimated to be 11,121.5 hours. Based on an hourly cost of 
    $50, the annual cost to the public under the proposed revision is 
    estimated to be $556,075, which represents an estimated cost reduction 
    of $520,375 from the current estimated annual cost to the public of 
    $1,076,450 under the current rule.
        The proposed elimination of the requirement that a person who has 
    already received Board approval under the Change in Bank Control Act 
    obtain additional approvals to acquire additional shares of the same 
    bank or bank holding company should result in a significant reduction 
    in burden for respondents that file the Notice of Change in Bank 
    Control (FR 2081; OMB No. 7100-0134). Approximately 300 respondents 
    file the FR 2081 annually to meet the notification requirements of 
    change in control, 280 respondents file to meet the requirements for 
    notice of a change in director or senior executive officer, and 1000 
    respondents file to meet requirements to report certain biographical 
    and financial information. The current burden per response for each 
    requirement is 30.0 hours, 2.0 hours, and 4.0 hours, respectively, for 
    a total estimated annual burden of 13,560 hours. Under the proposed 
    rule it is estimated that 50 percent fewer notifications of change in 
    control will be filed for an annual total of 150 responses. The 
    estimated number of filings to meet the other two requirements and the 
    estimated average hours per response for each requirement remains 
    unchanged. Therefore the total amount of annual burden is estimated to 
    be 9,060 hours. Based on an hourly cost of $20, the total annual cost 
    to the public under the proposed revision is estimated to be $181,200, 
    which represents an estimated cost reduction of $90,000 from the 
    current estimated annual cost to the public of $271,200 under the 
    current rule.
        The proposed allowance for bank holding companies to take account 
    of intervening new issues of stock in computing when a stock redemption 
    notice must be filed and the exemption provided to small bank holding 
    companies that meet certain leverage and capital requirements should 
    result in a significant reduction in burden for respondents that file 
    the Notice of Proposed Stock Redemption (FR 4008; OMB No. 7100-0131). 
    Approximately 50 respondents file the FR 4008 annually. The current 
    burden per response is 15.5 hours, for a total estimated annual burden 
    of 775 hours. Under the proposed rule it is estimated that 50 percent 
    fewer notifications will be filed for an annual total of 25 responses 
    and the estimated average hours per response remains unchanged. 
    Therefore the total amount of annual burden is estimated to be 387.5 
    hours. Based on an hourly cost of $30, the total annual cost to the 
    public under the proposed revision is estimated to be $11,625, which 
    represents a cost reduction of $11,625 from the current estimated cost 
    to the public of $23,250 under the current rule.
        The proposed streamlining of application requirements are not 
    expected to change the ongoing annual
    [[Page 47260]]
    burden associated with the Application for a Foreign Organization to 
    Become a Bank Holding Company (FR Y-1f; OMB No. 7100-0119). 
    Approximately 2 respondents file the FR Y-1f annually. The current 
    burden per response is 77 hours for a total estimated annual burden of 
    144 hours. Based on an hourly cost of $20, the annual cost to the 
    public is estimated to be $3,080.
        All information contained in these collections of information are 
    available to the public unless the respondent can substantiate that 
    disclosure of certain information would result in substantial 
    competitive harm or an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy or 
    would otherwise qualify for an exemption under the Freedom of 
    Information Act.
        Comments are invited on: (a) Whether the proposed collections of 
    information are necessary for the proper performance of the Federal 
    Reserve's functions; including whether the information has practical 
    utility; (b) the accuracy of the Federal Reserve's estimate of the 
    burden of the proposed information collections, including the cost of 
    compliance; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of 
    the information to be collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of 
    information collection on respondents, including through the use of 
    automated collection techniques or other forms of information 
    List of Subjects in 12 CFR Part 225
        Administrative practice and procedure, Banks, banking, Federal 
    Reserve System, Holding companies, Reporting and recordkeeping 
    requirements, Securities.
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, the Board proposes to 
    amend 12 CFR part 225 as follows:
        1. The authority citation for Part 225 continues to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1817(j)(13), 1818, 1831i, 1831p-1, 
    1843(c)(8), 1844(b), 1972(l), 3106, 3108, 3310, 3331-3351, 3907, and 
        2. Subpart A is revised to read as follows:
    Subpart A--General Provisions
    225.1  Authority, purpose, and scope.
    225.2  Definitions.
    225.3  Administration.
    225.4  Corporate practices.
    225.5  Registration, reports, and inspections.
    225.6  Penalties for violations.
    225.7  Exceptions to tying restrictions.
    Subpart A--General Provisions
    Sec. 225.1  Authority, purpose, and scope.
        (a) Authority. This part 1 (Regulation Y) is issued by the 
    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Board) under section 
    5(b) of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, as amended (12 U.S.C. 
    1844(b)) (BHC Act); sections 8 and 13(a) of the International Banking 
    Act of 1978 (12 U.S.C. 3106 and 3108); section 7(j)(13) of the Federal 
    Deposit Insurance Act, as amended by the Change in Bank Control Act of 
    1978 (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)(13)) (Bank Control Act); section 8(b) of the 
    Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1818(b)); section 914 of the 
    Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act of 1989 (12 
    U.S.C. 1831i); and the International Lending Supervision Act of 1983 
    (Pub. L. 98-181, title IX). The BHC Act is codified at 12 U.S.C. 1841, 
    et seq.
        \1\ Code of Federal Regulations, title 12, chapter II, part 225.
        (b) Purpose. The principal purposes of this part are to regulate 
    the acquisition of control of banks by companies and individuals, to 
    define and regulate the nonbanking activities in which bank holding 
    companies and foreign banking organizations with United States 
    operations may engage, and to set forth the procedures for securing 
    approval for such transactions and activities.
        (c) Scope. (1) Subpart A contains general provisions and 
    definitions of terms used in this regulation.
        (2) Subpart B governs acquisitions of bank or bank holding company 
    securities and assets by bank holding companies or by any company that 
    will become a bank holding company as a result of the acquisition.
        (3) Subpart C defines and regulates the nonbanking activities in 
    which bank holding companies and foreign banking organizations may 
    engage directly or through a subsidiary. In addition, certain 
    nonbanking activities conducted by foreign banking organizations and 
    certain foreign activities conducted by bank holding companies are 
    governed by the Board's Regulation K (12 CFR part 211, International 
    Banking Operations).
        (4) Subpart D specifies situations in which a company is presumed 
    to control voting securities or to have the power to exercise a 
    controlling influence over the management or policies of a bank or 
    other company, sets forth the procedures for making a control 
    determination, and provides rules governing the effectiveness of 
    divestitures by bank holding companies.
        (5) Subpart E governs changes in bank control resulting from the 
    acquisition by individuals or companies (other than bank holding 
    companies) of voting securities of a bank holding company or state 
    member bank of the Federal Reserve System.
        (6) Subpart F specifies the limitations that govern companies that 
    control so-called nonbank banks and the activities of nonbank banks.
        (7) Subpart G prescribes minimum standards that apply to the 
    performance of real estate appraisals and identifies transactions that 
    require state certified appraisers.
        (8) Subpart H identifies the circumstances when written notice must 
    be provided to the Board prior to the appointment of a director or 
    senior officer of a bank holding company and establishes procedures for 
    obtaining the required Board approval.
        (9) Appendix A to the regulation contains the Board's Risk-Based 
    Capital Adequacy Guidelines for bank holding companies and for state 
    member banks.
        (10) Appendix B to the regulation contains the Board's Capital 
    Adequacy Guidelines for measuring leverage for bank holding companies 
    and state member banks.
        (11) Appendix C to the regulation contains the Board's policy 
    statement governing small bank holding companies.
        (12) Appendix D to the regulation contains the Board's capital 
    adequacy guidelines for measuring tier 1 leverage for bank holding 
    Sec. 225.2  Definitions.
        Except as modified in this regulation or unless the context 
    otherwise requires, the terms used in this regulation have the same 
    meanings as set forth in the relevant statutes.
        (a) Affiliate. Affiliate means any company that controls, is 
    controlled by, or is under common control with, a bank or nonbank bank.
        (b) Bank. (1) Bank means:
        (i) An insured bank as defined in section 3(h) of the Federal 
    Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1813(h)); or
        (ii) An institution organized under the laws of the United States 
    which both:
        (A) Accepts demand deposits or deposits that the depositor may 
    withdraw by check or similar means for payment to third parties or 
    others; and
        (B) Is engaged in the business of making commercial loans.
        (2) The term bank does not include those institutions qualifying 
    under the exceptions listed in section 2(c)(2) of the BHC Act (12 
    U.S.C. 1841(c)(2)).
        (c) Bank holding company--(1) Bank holding company means any 
    [[Page 47261]]
    (including a bank) that has direct or indirect control of a bank, other 
    than control that results from the ownership or control of:
        (i) Voting securities held in good faith in a fiduciary capacity 
    (other than as provided in paragraphs (e)(2) (ii) and (iii) of this 
    section) without sole discretionary voting authority, or as otherwise 
    exempted under section 2(a)(5)(A) of the BHC Act;
        (ii) Voting securities acquired and held only for a reasonable 
    period of time in connection with the underwriting of securities, as 
    provided in section 2(a)(5)(B) of the BHC Act;
        (iii) Voting rights to voting securities acquired for the sole 
    purpose and in the course of participating in a proxy solicitation, as 
    provided in section 2(a)(5)(C) of the BHC Act;
        (iv) Voting securities acquired in satisfaction of debts previously 
    contracted in good faith, as provided in section 2(a)(5)(D) of the BHC 
    Act, if the securities are divested within two years of acquisition (or 
    such later period as the Board may permit by order); or
        (v) Voting securities of certain institutions owned by a thrift 
    institution or a trust company, as provided in sections 2(a)(5) (E) and 
    (F) of the BHC Act.
        (2) Except for the purposes of section 225.4(b) of this subpart and 
    subpart E of this part or as otherwise provided in this regulation, the 
    term bank holding company includes a foreign banking organization. For 
    the purposes of subpart B of this part, the term bank holding company 
    includes a foreign banking organization only if it owns or controls a 
    bank in the United States.
        (d) Company--(1) Company includes any bank, corporation, general or 
    limited partnership, association or similar organization, business 
    trust, or any other trust unless by its terms it must terminate either 
    within 25 years, or within 21 years and 10 months after the death of 
    individuals living on the effective date of the trust.
        (2) Company does not include any organization, the majority of the 
    voting securities of which are owned by the United States or any state.
        (3) Testamentary Trusts Exempt. Unless the Board finds that the 
    trust is being operated as a business trust, a trust is presumed not to 
    be a company if the trust:
        (i) Terminates within 21 years and 10 months after the death of 
    grantors or beneficiaries of the trust living on the effective date of 
    the trust;
        (ii) Is a testamentary trust established by an individual or 
    individuals for the benefit of natural persons (or trusts for the 
    benefit of natural persons) who are related by blood, marriage or 
        (iii) Contains only assets previously owned by the individual or 
    individuals who established the trust;
        (iv) Is not a Massachusetts business trust; and
        (v) Does not issue shares, certificates or any other evidence of 
        (e) Control--(1) Control of a bank or other company means (except 
    for the purposes of subpart E of this part):
        (i) Ownership, control, or power to vote 25 percent or more of the 
    outstanding shares of any class of voting securities of the bank or 
    other company, directly or indirectly or acting through one or more 
    other persons;
        (ii) Control in any manner over the election of a majority of the 
    directors, trustees, or general partners (or individuals exercising 
    similar functions) of the bank or other company;
        (iii) The power to exercise, directly or indirectly, a controlling 
    influence over the management or policies of the bank or other company, 
    as determined by the Board after notice and opportunity for hearing in 
    accordance with Sec. 225.31 of subpart D of this part; or
        (iv) Conditioning in any manner the transfer of 25 percent or more 
    of the outstanding shares of any class of voting securities of a bank 
    or other company upon the transfer of 25 percent or more of the 
    outstanding shares of any class of voting securities of another bank or 
    other company.
        (2) A bank or other company is deemed to control voting securities 
    or assets owned, controlled, or held, directly or indirectly:
        (i) By any subsidiary of the bank or other company;
        (ii) In a fiduciary capacity (including by pension and profit-
    sharing trusts) for the benefit of the shareholders, members, or 
    employees (or individuals serving in similar capacities) of the bank or 
    other company or of any of its subsidiaries; or
        (iii) In a fiduciary capacity for the benefit of the bank or other 
    company or any of its subsidiaries.
        (f) Foreign banking organization. Foreign banking organization and 
    qualifying foreign banking organization shall have the same meanings as 
    provided in Sec. 211.23 of the Board's Regulation K (12 CFR 211.23).
        (g) Management official. Management official means any officer, 
    director (including honorary or advisory directors), partner, or 
    trustee of a bank or other company, or any employee of the bank or 
    other company with policy-making functions.
        (h) Nonbank bank. Nonbank bank means any institution that:
        (1) Became a bank as a result of enactment of the Competitive 
    Equality Amendments of 1987 (Pub. L. 100-86), on the date of such 
    enactment (August 10, 1987); and
        (2) Was not controlled by a bank holding company on the day before 
    the enactment of the Competitive Equality Amendments of 1987 (August 9, 
        (i) Outstanding shares. Outstanding shares means any voting 
    securities, but does not include securities owned by the United States 
    or by a company wholly owned by the United States.
        (j) Person. Person includes an individual, bank, corporation, 
    partnership, trust, association, joint venture, pool, syndicate, sole 
    proprietorship, unincorporated organization, or any other form of 
        (k) Savings association. Savings association means:
        (1) Any federal savings association or federal savings bank;
        (2) Any building and loan association, savings and loan 
    association, homestead association, or cooperative bank if such 
    association or cooperative bank is a member of the Savings Association 
    Insurance Fund; and
        (3) Any savings bank or cooperative which is deemed by the director 
    of the Office of Thrift Supervision to be a savings association under 
    section 10(l) of the Home Owners Loan Act.
        (l) Shareholder--(1) Controlling shareholder means a person that 
    owns or controls, directly or indirectly, 25 percent or more of any 
    class of voting securities of a bank or other company.
        (2) Principal shareholder means a person that owns or controls, 
    directly or indirectly, 10 percent or more of any class of voting 
    securities of a bank or other company, or any person that the Board 
    determines has the power, directly or indirectly, to exercise a 
    controlling influence over the management or policies of a bank or 
    other company.
        (m) Subsidiary. Subsidiary means a bank or other company that is 
    controlled by another company, and refers to a direct or indirect 
    subsidiary of a bank holding company. An indirect subsidiary is a bank 
    or other company that is controlled by a subsidiary of the bank holding 
        (n) United States. United States means the United States and 
    includes any state of the United States, the District of Columbia, any 
    territory of the United States, Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, and 
    the Virgin Islands.
        (o) Voting securities--(1) In general. Voting securities means 
    shares of common or preferred stock, general or limited partnership 
    shares or interests,
    [[Page 47262]]
    or similar interests if the shares or interest, by statute, charter, or 
    in any manner, entitle the holder:
        (i) To vote for or to select directors, trustees, or partners (or 
    persons exercising similar functions of the issuing company); or
        (ii) To vote on or to direct the conduct of the operations or other 
    significant policies of the issuing company.
        (2) Nonvoting shares. Preferred shares, limited partnership shares 
    or interests, or similar interests are not voting securities if:
        (i) Any voting rights associated with the shares or interest are 
    limited solely to the type customarily provided by statute with regard 
    to matters that would significantly and adversely affect the rights or 
    preference of the security or other interest, such as the issuance of 
    additional amounts or classes of senior securities, the modification of 
    the terms of the security or interest, the dissolution of the issuing 
    company, or the payment of dividends by the issuing company when 
    preferred dividends are in arrears;
        (ii) The shares or interest represent an essentially passive 
    investment or financing device and do not otherwise provide the holder 
    with control over the issuing company; and
        (iii) The shares or interest do not entitle the holder, by statute, 
    charter, or in any manner, to select or to vote for the selection of 
    directors, trustees, or partners (or persons exercising similar 
    functions) of the issuing company.
        (3) Class of voting shares. Shares of stock issued by a single 
    issuer are deemed to be the same class of voting shares, regardless of 
    differences in dividend rights or liquidation preference, if the shares 
    are voted together as a single class on all matters for which the 
    shares have voting rights other than matters described in paragraph 
    (o)(2)(i) of this section that affect solely the rights or preferences 
    of the shares.
    Sec. 225.3  Administration.
        (a) Delegation of authority. Designated Board members and officers 
    and the Federal Reserve Banks are authorized by the Board to exercise 
    various functions prescribed in this regulation and in the Board's 
    Rules Regarding Delegation of Authority (12 CFR part 265) and the 
    Board's Rules of Procedure (12 CFR part 262).
        (b) Appropriate Federal Reserve Bank. In administering this 
    regulation, unless a different Federal Reserve Bank is designated by 
    the Board, the appropriate Federal Reserve Bank is as follows:
        (1) For a bank holding company (or a company applying to become a 
    bank holding company): The Reserve Bank of the Federal Reserve district 
    in which the company's banking operations are principally conducted, as 
    measured by total domestic deposits in its subsidiary banks on the date 
    it became (or will become) a bank holding company;
        (2) For a foreign banking organization that has no subsidiary bank 
    and is not subject to paragraph (b)(1) of this section: The Reserve 
    Bank of the Federal Reserve district in which the total assets of the 
    organization's United States branches, agencies, and commercial lending 
    companies are the largest as of the later of January 1, 1980, or the 
    date it becomes a foreign banking organization;
        (3) For an individual or company submitting a notice under subpart 
    E of this part: the Reserve Bank of the Federal Reserve district in 
    which the banking operations of the bank holding company or state 
    member bank to be acquired are principally conducted, as measured by 
    total domestic deposits on the date the notice is filed.
    Sec. 225.4  Corporate practices.
        (a) Bank holding company policy and operations. (1) A bank holding 
    company shall serve as a source of financial and managerial strength to 
    its subsidiary banks and shall not conduct its operations in an unsafe 
    or unsound manner.
        (2) Whenever the Board believes an activity of a bank holding 
    company or control of a nonbank subsidiary (other than a nonbank 
    subsidiary of a bank) constitutes a serious risk to the financial 
    safety, soundness, or stability of a subsidiary bank of the bank 
    holding company and is inconsistent with sound banking principles or 
    the purposes of the BHC Act or the Financial Institutions Supervisory 
    Act of 1966, as amended (12 U.S.C. 1818(b) et seq.), the Board may 
    require the bank holding company to terminate the activity or to 
    terminate control of the subsidiary, as provided in section 5(e) of the 
    BHC Act.
        (b) Purchase or redemption by a bank holding company of its own 
    securities. (1) Filing notice. Except as provided in paragraph (b)(6) 
    or paragraph (b)(7) of this section, a bank holding company shall give 
    the Board prior written notice before purchasing or redeeming its 
    equity securities if the gross consideration for the purchase or 
    redemption, when aggregated with the net consideration paid by the 
    company for all such purchases or redemptions during the preceding 12 
    months, is equal to 10 percent or more of the company's consolidated 
    net worth. For the purposes of this section, ``net consideration'' is 
    the gross consideration paid by the company for all of its equity 
    securities purchased or redeemed during the period minus the gross 
    consideration received for all of its equity securities sold during the 
        (2) Content of notice. Any notice under this section shall be filed 
    with the appropriate Reserve Bank and shall contain the following 
        (i) The purpose of the transaction, a description of the securities 
    to be purchased or redeemed, the total number of each class 
    outstanding, the gross consideration to be paid, and the terms of any 
    debt incurred in connection with the transaction;
        (ii) A description of all equity securities redeemed within the 
    preceding 12 months, the net consideration paid, and the terms of any 
    debt incurred in connection with those transactions; and
        (iii) A current and pro forma consolidated balance sheet if the 
    bank holding company has total assets of over $150 million, or a 
    current and pro forma parent-company-only balance sheet if the bank 
    holding company has total assets of $150 million or less.
        (3) Acting on notice. Within 15 calendar days of receipt of a 
    notice under this section, the appropriate Reserve Bank shall either 
    approve the transaction proposed in the notice or refer the notice to 
    the Board for decision. If the notice is referred to the Board for 
    decision, the Board shall act on the notice within 30 calendar days 
    after the Reserve Bank receives the notice.
        (4) Factors considered in acting on notice. The Board may 
    disapprove a proposed purchase or redemption if it finds that the 
    proposal would constitute an unsafe or unsound practice, or would 
    violate any law, regulation, Board order, directive, or any condition 
    imposed by, or written agreement with, the Board. In determining 
    whether a proposal constitutes an unsafe or unsound practice, the Board 
    will consider whether the bank holding company's financial condition, 
    after giving effect to the proposed purchase or redemption, meets the 
    financial standards applied by the Board under section 3 of the BHC 
    Act, including the Board's Capital Adequacy Guidelines (appendix A) and 
    the Board's Policy Statement for Small Bank Holding Companies (appendix 
        (5) Disapproval and hearing. The Board shall notify the bank 
    holding company in writing of the reasons for a decision to disapprove 
    any proposed purchase or redemption. Within 10 calendar days of receipt 
    of a notice of disapproval by the Board, the bank holding company may 
    submit a written request for a hearing. The Board will
    [[Page 47263]]
    order a hearing within 10 calendar days of receipt of that request if 
    it finds that material facts are in dispute or if it otherwise appears 
    appropriate. Any hearing conducted under this paragraph shall be held 
    in accordance with the Board's Rules of Practice for Formal Hearings 
    (12 CFR part 263). At the conclusion of the hearing, the Board shall by 
    order approve or disapprove the proposed purchase or redemption on the 
    basis of the record of the hearing.
        (6) Exception for well-capitalized bank holding companies. A bank 
    holding company is not required to obtain prior Board approval for the 
    redemption or purchase of its equity securities under this section 
        (i) The total and tier 1 risk-based capital ratios and the leverage 
    capital ratio for the bank holding company, both before and following 
    the redemption, exceed the thresholds established for well-capitalized 
    state member banks under 12 CFR 208.33(b)(1) as if the bank holding 
    company (on a consolidated basis) were deemed to be a state member 
        (ii) The bank holding company received a BOPEC composite 1-S or 2-S 
    rating at its most recent inspection; and
        (iii) The bank holding company is not the subject of any unresolved 
    supervisory issues.
        (7) Exception for small bank holding companies. A bank holding 
    company that has less than $150 million in total assets and no public 
    debt outstanding, and does not engage in any leveraged nonbanking 
    activities, is not required to obtain prior Board approval for the 
    redemption or purchase of its equity securities under this section 
        (i) The bank holding company received a BOPEC composite 1-S or 2-S 
    rating at its most recent inspection;
        (ii) The bank holding company has a debt to equity ratio of not 
    more than 1.0:1 on a pro forma basis;
        (iii) Each bank controlled by the bank holding company is rated 
    composite 1 or 2 as of its most recent examination;
        (iv) The total and tier 1 risk-based capital ratios and the 
    leverage capital ratio for each bank controlled by the bank holding 
    company, both before and following the redemption, exceed the 
    thresholds established for ``well-capitalized'' state member banks 
    under 12 CFR 208.33(b)(1); and
        (v) The bank holding company is not the subject of any unresolved 
    supervisory issues.
        (c) Deposit insurance. Every bank that is a bank holding company or 
    a subsidiary of a bank holding company shall obtain Federal Deposit 
    Insurance and shall remain an insured bank as defined in section 3(h) 
    of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1813(h)).
        (d) Acting as transfer agent, municipal securities dealer, or 
    clearing agent. A bank holding company or any nonbanking subsidiary 
    that is a ``bank'', as defined in section 3(a)(6) of the Securities 
    Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78c(a)(6)), and that is a transfer 
    agent of securities, a municipal securities dealer, a clearing agency, 
    or a participant in a clearing agency (as those terms are defined in 
    section 3(a) of the Securities Exchange Act (12 U.S.C. 78c(a)), shall 
    be subject to Secs. 208.8 (f)-(j) of the Board's Regulation H (12 CFR 
    208.8 (f)-(j)) as if it were a state member bank.
        (e) Reporting requirement for credit secured by certain bank 
    holding company stock. Each executive officer or director of a bank 
    holding company the shares of which are not publicly traded shall 
    report annually to the board of directors of the bank holding company 
    the outstanding amount of any credit that was extended to the executive 
    officer or director and that is secured by shares of the bank holding 
    company. For purposes of this paragraph, the terms ``executive 
    officer'' and ``director'' shall have the meaning given in Sec. 215.2 
    of Regulation O, 12 CFR 215.2.
        (f) Criminal referral report. A bank holding company or any nonbank 
    subsidiary thereof, or a foreign bank that is subject to the BHC Act or 
    any nonbank subsidiary of such foreign bank operating in the United 
    States, shall file a criminal referral form in accordance with the 
    provisions of Sec. 208.20 of the Board's Regulation H, 12 CFR 208.20.
    Sec. 225.5  Registration, reports, and inspections.
        (a) Registration of bank holding companies. Each company shall 
    register within 180 days after becoming a bank holding company by 
    furnishing information in the manner and form prescribed by the Board. 
    A company that receives the Board's prior approval under subpart B of 
    this part to become a bank holding company may complete this 
    registration requirement through submission of its first annual report 
    to the Board as required by paragraph (b) of this section.
        (b) Reports of bank holding companies. Each bank holding company 
    shall furnish, in the manner and form prescribed by the Board, an 
    annual report of the company's operations for the fiscal year in which 
    it becomes a bank holding company, and for each fiscal year during 
    which it remains a bank holding company. Additional information and 
    reports shall be furnished as the Board may require.
        (c) Examinations and inspections. The Board may examine or inspect 
    any bank holding company and each of its subsidiaries and prepare a 
    report of their operations and activities. With respect to a foreign 
    banking organization, the Board may also examine any branch or agency 
    of a foreign bank in any state of the United States and may examine or 
    inspect each of the organization's subsidiaries in the United States 
    and prepare reports of their operations and activities. The Board will 
    rely as far as possible on the reports of examination made by the 
    primary federal or state supervisor of the subsidiary bank of a bank 
    holding company or of the branch or agency of the foreign bank.
    Sec. 225.6  Penalties for violations.
        (a) Criminal and civil penalties. Section 8 of the BHC Act provides 
    criminal penalties for willful violation, and civil penalties for 
    violation, by any company or individual of the BHC Act or any 
    regulation or order issued under it, or for making a false entry in any 
    book, report, or statement of a bank holding company. Civil money 
    penalty assessments for violations of the BHC Act shall be made in 
    accordance with subpart C of the Board's Rules of Practice for Hearings 
    (12 CFR part 263, subpart C). For any willful violation of the Bank 
    Control Act or any regulation or order issued under it, the Board may 
    assess a civil penalty as provided in 12 U.S.C. 1817(j)(15).
        (b) Cease-and-desist proceedings. For any violation of the BHC Act, 
    the Bank Control Act, this regulation, or any order or notice issued 
    thereunder, the Board may institute a cease-and-desist proceeding in 
    accordance with the Financial Institutions Supervisory Act of 1966, as 
    amended (12 U.S.C. 1818(b) et seq.).
    Sec. 225.7  Exceptions to tying restrictions.
        (a) Purpose. This section establishes exceptions to the anti-tying 
    restrictions of section 106 of the Bank Holding Company Act Amendments 
    of 1970 (12 U.S.C. 1971, 1972(1)). These exceptions are in addition to 
    statutory exceptions in section 106. The section also restricts tying 
    of electronic benefit transfer services by bank holding companies and 
    their nonbank subsidiaries.
        (b) Exceptions to statute. Subject to the limitations of paragraph 
    (c) of this section, a bank may:
        (1) Traditional bank products. Extend credit, lease or sell 
    property of any kind, or furnish any service, or fix or vary the 
    consideration for any of the foregoing,
    [[Page 47264]]
    on the condition or requirement that a customer:
        (i) Obtain a traditional bank product from an affiliate of the 
    bank; or
        (ii) Provide some additional credit, property, or service to an 
    affiliate of the bank that is related to and usually provided in 
    connection with a traditional bank product.
        (2) Safe harbor for combined-balance discounts. Vary the 
    consideration for any product or package of products based on a 
    customer's maintaining a combined minimum balance in certain products 
    specified by the bank (eligible products), if:
        (i) The bank offers deposits, and all such deposits are eligible 
    products; and
        (ii) Balances in deposits count at least as much as nondeposit 
    products toward the minimum balance.
        (c) Limitations on exceptions. Any exception granted pursuant to 
    this section shall terminate upon a finding by the Board that the 
    arrangement is resulting in anticompetitive practices. The eligibility 
    of a bank to operate under any exception granted pursuant to this 
    section shall terminate upon a finding by the Board that its exercise 
    of this authority is resulting in anticompetitive practices.
        (d) Electronic benefit transfer services. A bank holding company or 
    nonbank subsidiary of a bank holding company that provides electronic 
    benefit transfer services shall be subject to the anti-tying 
    restrictions applicable to such services set forth in section 7(i)(11) 
    of the Food Stamp Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 2016(i)(11).
        (e) Definitions. For purposes of this section:
        (1) Traditional bank product means a loan, discount, deposit, or 
    trust service.
        (2) Affiliate has the meaning given such term in section 2(k) of 
    the Bank Holding Company Act (12 U.S.C. 1841(k)).
        3. Subpart B is revised to read as follows:
    Subpart B--Acquisition of Bank Securities or Assets
    225.11 Transactions requiring Board approval.
    225.12 Transactions not requiring Board approval.
    225.13 Factors considered in acting on bank acquisition proposals.
    225.14 Expedited action for certain bank acquisitions by well-run 
    bank holding companies.
    225.15 Procedures for other bank acquisition proposals.
    225.16 Public notice, hearings and other provisions governing 
    applications and notices.
    225.17 Notice procedure for one-bank holding company formations.
    Subpart B--Acquisition of Bank Securities or Assets
    Sec. 225.11  Transactions requiring Board approval.
        The following transactions require the Board's prior approval under 
    section 3 of the Bank Holding Company Act except as exempted under 
    Sec. 225.12 or as otherwise covered by Sec. 225.17 of this part:
        (a) Formation of bank holding company. Any action that causes a 
    bank or other company to become a bank holding company.
        (b) Acquisition of subsidiary bank. Any action that causes a bank 
    to become a subsidiary of a bank holding company.
        (c) Acquisition of control of bank or bank holding company 
    securities. The acquisition by a bank holding company of direct or 
    indirect ownership or control of any voting securities of a bank or 
    bank holding company, if the acquisition results in the company's 
    control of more than 5 percent of the outstanding shares of any class 
    of voting securities of the bank or bank holding company. An 
    acquisition includes the purchase of additional securities through the 
    exercise of preemptive rights, but does not include securities received 
    in a stock dividend or stock split that does not alter the bank holding 
    company's proportional share of any class of voting securities.
        (d) Acquisition of bank assets. The acquisition by a bank holding 
    company or by a subsidiary thereof (other than a bank) of all or 
    substantially all of the assets of a bank.
        (e) Merger of bank holding companies. The merger or consolidation 
    of bank holding companies, including a merger through the purchase of 
    assets and assumption of liabilities.
        (f) Transactions by foreign banking organization. Any transaction 
    described in paragraphs (a) through (e) of this section by a foreign 
    banking organization (as defined in 12 CFR 211.21(n)) that involves the 
    acquisition of an interest in a U.S. bank or in a bank holding company 
    for which application would be required if the foreign banking 
    organization were a bank holding company.
    Sec. 225.12  Transactions not requiring Board approval.
        The following transactions do not require the Board's approval 
    under Sec. 225.11 of this subpart:
        (a) Acquisition of securities in fiduciary capacity. The 
    acquisition by a bank or other company (other than a trust that is a 
    company) of control of voting securities of a bank or bank holding 
    company in good faith in a fiduciary capacity, unless:
        (1) The acquiring bank or other company has sole discretionary 
    authority to vote the securities and retains the authority for more 
    than two years; or
        (2) The acquisition is for the benefit of the acquiring bank or 
    other company, or its shareholders, employees, or subsidiaries.
        (b) Acquisition of securities in satisfaction of debts previously 
    contracted. The acquisition by a bank or other company of control of 
    voting securities of a bank or bank holding company in the regular 
    course of securing or collecting a debt previously contracted in good 
    faith, if the acquiring bank or other company divests the securities 
    within two years of acquisition. The Board or Reserve Bank may grant 
    requests for up to three one-year extensions.
        (c) Acquisition of securities by a bank holding company with 
    majority control. The acquisition by a bank holding company of 
    additional voting securities of a bank or bank holding company if more 
    than 50 percent of the outstanding voting securities of the bank or 
    bank holding company is lawfully controlled by the acquiring bank 
    holding company prior to the acquisition.
        (d) Acquisitions involving bank mergers--(1) Transactions subject 
    to Bank Merger Act. The merger or consolidation of a subsidiary bank of 
    a bank holding company with another bank, or the purchase of assets by 
    such a subsidiary bank, or a similar transaction involving subsidiary 
    banks of a bank holding company, if the transaction requires the prior 
    approval of a federal supervisory agency under the Bank Merger Act (12 
    U.S.C. 1828(c)) and does not involve the acquisition of shares of a 
    bank. This exception does not include:
        (i) The merger of a nonsubsidiary bank and a nonoperating 
    subsidiary bank formed by a company for the purpose of acquiring the 
    nonsubsidiary bank; or
        (ii) Any transaction requiring the Board's prior approval under 
    Sec. 225.11(e) of this subpart. The Board may require an application 
    under this subpart if it determines that the merger or consolidation 
    would have a significant adverse impact on the financial condition of 
    the bank holding company or otherwise requires approval under section 3 
    of the BHC Act.
        (2) Certain acquisitions subject to the Bank Merger Act. The 
    acquisition by a bank holding company of shares of a bank or company 
    controlling a bank, or the merger of a company controlling a bank with 
    the bank holding company, as part of the merger or consolidation of
    [[Page 47265]]
    the bank with a subsidiary bank (other than a nonoperating subsidiary 
    bank) of the acquiring bank holding company or as part of the purchase 
    of substantially all of the assets of the bank by a subsidiary bank 
    (other than a nonoperating subsidiary bank) of the acquiring bank 
    holding company, if:
        (i) The bank merger, consolidation, or asset purchase occurs 
    simultaneously with the acquisition of the shares of the bank or bank 
    holding company or the merger of holding companies, and the bank is not 
    operated by the acquiring bank holding company as a separate entity 
    other than as the survivor of the merger, consolidation or asset 
        (ii) The transaction requires the prior approval of a federal 
    supervisory agency under the Bank Merger Act (12 U.S.C. 1828(c));
        (iii) The transaction does not involve the acquisition of any 
    nonbank company that would require prior approval under section 4 of 
    the BHC Act (12 U.S.C. 1843);
        (iv) Both before and after the transaction, the acquiring bank 
    holding company meets the Board's Capital Adequacy Guidelines 
    (appendixes A, B and C of this part);
        (v) At least 10 days prior to the transaction, the acquiring bank 
    holding company has provided to the Reserve Bank written notice of the 
    transaction that contains:
        (A) A copy of the filing made to the appropriate federal banking 
    agency under the Bank Merger Act, and
        (B) A description of the holding company's involvement in the 
    transaction, the purchase price and the source of funding for the 
    purchase price; and
        (vi) Prior to expiration of the period provided in paragraph 
    (d)(2)(v) of this section, the Reserve Bank has not informed the bank 
    holding company that an application under Sec. 225.11 is required.
        (3) Internal corporate reorganizations. (i) Subject to paragraph 
    (d)(3)(ii) of this section, any of the following transactions performed 
    by a bank holding company:
        (A) The merger of subsidiary holding companies;
        (B) The formation of a subsidiary holding company;
        (C) The transfer of control or ownership of a subsidiary bank from 
    one subsidiary holding company to another subsidiary holding company or 
    to the parent holding company.
        (ii) A transaction described in paragraph (d)(3)(i) of this section 
    qualifies for this exception if:
        (A) The transaction represents solely a corporate reorganization 
    involving companies and insured depository institutions that, both 
    preceding and following the transaction, are controlled and operated by 
    the bank holding company;
        (B) The transaction does not involve the acquisition of additional 
    voting shares of an insured depository institution that, prior to the 
    transaction, was less than majority owned by the bank holding company;
        (C) Both before and after the transaction, the bank holding company 
    meets the Board's capital adequacy guidelines (appendixes A, B and C of 
    this part); and
        (D) At least 10 days prior to the transaction, the bank holding 
    company has provided to the Reserve Bank written notice of the 
    transaction and the Reserve Bank has not informed the bank holding 
    company that an application under Sec. 225.11 is required.1
        \1\ In the case of transactions that result in the formation or 
    designation of a new bank holding company, the new bank holding 
    company must also complete the registration requirements described 
    in Sec. 225.5.
        (e) Holding securities in escrow. The holding of any voting 
    securities of a bank or bank holding company in an escrow arrangement 
    for the benefit of an applicant pending the Board's action on an 
    application for approval of the proposed acquisition, if title to the 
    securities and the voting rights remain with the seller and payment for 
    the securities has not been made to the seller.
        (f) Acquisition of foreign banking organization. The acquisition of 
    a foreign banking organization (as defined in 12 CFR 211.21(n)) where 
    the foreign banking organization does not directly or indirectly own or 
    control a bank in the United States, unless the acquisition is also by 
    a foreign banking organization and otherwise subject to Sec. 225.11(f) 
    of this subpart.
    Sec. 225.13  Factors considered in acting on bank acquisition 
        (a) Factors requiring denial. As specified in section 3(c) of the 
    BHC Act, the Board may not approve any application under this subpart 
        (1) The transaction would result in a monopoly or would further any 
    combination or conspiracy to monopolize, or to attempt to monopolize, 
    the business of banking in any part of the United States;
        (2) The effect of the transaction may be substantially to lessen 
    competition in any section of the country, tend to create a monopoly, 
    or in any other manner be in restraint of trade, unless the Board finds 
    that the transaction's anticompetitive effects are clearly outweighed 
    by its probable effect in meeting the convenience and needs of the 
        (3) The applicant has failed to provide the Board with adequate 
    assurances that it will make available such information on its 
    operations or activities, and the operations or activities of any 
    affiliate of the applicant, that the Board deems appropriate to 
    determine and enforce compliance with the BHC Act and other applicable 
    federal banking statutes, and any regulations thereunder; or
        (4) In the case of an application involving a foreign bank, the 
    foreign bank is not subject to comprehensive supervision or regulation 
    on a consolidated basis by the appropriate authorities in its home 
    country, as provided in Sec. 211.24(c)(1)(ii) of the Board's Regulation 
    K (12 CFR 211.24(c)(1)(ii)).
        (b) Other factors. In deciding applications under this subpart, the 
    Board also considers the following factors with respect to the 
    applicant, its subsidiaries, any banks related to the applicant through 
    common ownership or management, and the bank or banks to be acquired:
        (1) Financial condition. Their financial condition and future 
    prospects, including whether current and projected capital positions 
    and levels of indebtedness conform to standards and policies 
    established by the Board.
        (2) Managerial resources. The competence, experience, and integrity 
    of the officers, directors, and principal shareholders of the 
    applicant, its subsidiaries and the banks and bank holding companies 
    concerned; their record of compliance with laws and regulations; and 
    the record of the applicant and its affiliates of fulfilling any 
    commitments to, and any conditions imposed by, the Board in connection 
    with prior applications.
        (3) Convenience and needs of the community. The convenience and 
    needs of the communities to be served, including the record of 
    performance under the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 (12 U.S.C. 
    2901 et seq.) and regulations issued thereunder, including the Board's 
    Regulation BB (12 CFR part 228).
        (c) Interstate transactions. The Board may approve any application 
    or notice under this subpart by a bank holding company to acquire 
    control of or all or substantially all of the assets of a bank located 
    in a state other than the home state of the bank holding company, 
    without regard to whether the transaction is prohibited under the law 
    of any state, if the transaction complies
    [[Page 47266]]
    with the requirements of section 3(d) of the BHC Act (12 U.S.C. 
    Sec. 225.14  Expedited action for certain bank acquisitions by well-run 
    bank holding companies.
        (a) Filing of notice--(1) Information required and public notice. 
    As an alternative to the procedure provided in Sec. 225.15, a bank 
    holding company that meets the requirements of paragraph (b) of this 
    section may satisfy the prior approval requirements of Sec. 225.11 in 
    connection with the acquisition of shares or control of a bank, or a 
    merger or consolidation between registered bank holding companies, by 
    providing the appropriate Reserve Bank with a written notice containing 
    the following:
        (i) A certification that all of the criteria in paragraph (b) of 
    this section are met;
        (ii) A description of the transaction that includes identification 
    of the companies and insured depository institutions involved in the 
    transaction, identification of each banking market affected by the 
    transaction, and a description of the funding for the transaction;
        (iii) Evidence that notice of the proposal has been published in 
    accordance with Sec. 225.16(b); and
        (iv) A balance sheet and capital ratios for the acquiring bank 
    holding company and the market indexes for each relevant banking market 
    reflecting the pro forma effect of the transaction.
        (2) Action on proposals under this section. The Board or the 
    appropriate Reserve Bank shall act on a proposal submitted under this 
    section or notify the bank holding company that the transaction is 
    subject to the procedure in Sec. 225.15 before the later of:
        (i) 15 calendar days following the filing of all of the information 
    required in paragraph (a)(1)of this section; or
        (ii) 3 business days following the close of the public comment 
        (3) Acceptance of notice in event expedited procedure not 
    available. In the event that the Board or the Reserve Bank determines 
    after the filing of a notice under this section that a bank holding 
    company may not use the procedure in this section and must file a 
    notice under Sec. 225.15, the notice shall be deemed accepted for 
    purposes of Sec. 225.15 as of the date that the notice was filed under 
    this section.
        (b) Criteria for use of expedited procedure. The procedure in this 
    section is available only if:
        (1) Well capitalized organization.
        (i) Bank holding company. Both at the time of and immediately after 
    the proposed transaction, the acquiring bank holding company is well 
    capitalized; 2
        \2\ For purposes of this paragraph, a bank holding company with 
    assets under $150 million will be deemed to have met the 
    requirements of this paragraph if the parent bank holding company's 
    ratio of pro forma debt to equity is 1.0:1 or less and the proposal 
    in all other respects meets the requirements of appendix C of this 
        (ii) Insured depository institutions. Both at the time of and 
    immediately after the proposed transaction,
        (A) The lead insured depository institution of the acquiring bank 
    holding company is well capitalized;
        (B) Well capitalized insured depository institutions control at 
    least 80 percent of the total assets of insured depository institutions 
    controlled by the acquiring bank holding company; and
        (C) No insured depository institution controlled by the acquiring 
    bank holding company is undercapitalized;
        (2) Well managed organization. At the time of the transaction, the 
    acquiring bank holding company, its lead insured depository 
    institution, and insured depository institutions that control at least 
    80 percent of the total assets of insured depository institutions 
    controlled by such holding company are well managed;
        (3) Established CRA performance record. At the time of the 
    transaction, the lead insured depository institution of the acquiring 
    bank holding company, and insured depository institutions that control 
    at least 80 percent of the total assets of insured depository 
    institutions controlled by such holding company have received a 
    'satisfactory' or better composite rating and at least a satisfactory 
    rating for consumer compliance at the most recent examination under the 
    Community Reinvestment Act;
        (4) Competitive criteria--(i) Competitive screen. Without regard to 
    any divestitures proposed by the acquiring bank holding company, the 
    acquisition does not cause:
        (A) Insured depository institutions controlled by the acquiring 
    bank holding company to control in excess of 35 percent of market 
    deposits in any relevant banking market, or
        (B) The Herfindahl-Hirschman index to increase by more than 200 
    points in any relevant banking market with a post-acquisition index of 
    at least 1800;
        (ii) Department of Justice. The Department of Justice has not 
    indicated to the Board that consummation of the transaction is likely 
    to have a significantly adverse effect on competition in any relevant 
    banking market;
        (5) Size of acquisition. Either:
        (i) In general. The book value of the aggregate risk-weighted 
    assets acquired by the acquiring bank holding company in all 
    transactions approved during the previous 12 months under this section 
    and Sec. 225.23 does not exceed 35 percent of the consolidated risk-
    weighted assets of the acquiring bank holding company; or
        (ii) Small bank holding companies. Immediately following 
    consummation of the proposed transaction, the consolidated total assets 
    of the acquiring bank holding company are less than $300 million;
        (6) Interstate acquisitions. Board approval of the transaction is 
    not prohibited under section 3(d) of the BHC Act;
        (7) Other supervisory considerations. Board approval of the 
    transaction is not prohibited under the informational sufficiency and 
    comprehensive home country supervision standards set forth in section 
    3(c)(3) of the BHC Act; and
        (8) Notification. The acquiring bank holding company has not been 
    notified by the Board or Reserve Bank prior to the expiration of the 
    period in paragraph (a)(2) of this section that an application under 
    Sec. 225.15 is required.
        (c) Comment by primary banking supervisor--(1) Notice. Upon receipt 
    of a notice under this section, the appropriate Reserve Bank shall 
    promptly furnish notice of the proposal and a copy of the information 
    filed pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section to the primary banking 
    supervisor of the banks to be acquired.
        (2) Comment period. The primary banking supervisor shall have 30 
    calendar days (or such shorter time as agreed to by the primary banking 
    supervisor) from the date of the letter giving notice in which to 
    submit its views and recommendations to the Board.
        (3) Action subject to supervisor's comment. Action by the Board or 
    the Reserve Bank on a proposal under this section is subject to the 
    condition that the primary banking supervisor not object to the 
    proposal prior to the expiration of the comment period described in 
    paragraph (c)(2) of this section. In the event that the primary banking 
    supervisor provides written notice to the Board during the 30-day 
    period described in paragraph (c)(2) of this section objecting to the 
    proposal, any approval given under this section shall be revoked and 
    the Board shall order a hearing on the proposal in accordance with 
    section 3(b) of the Bank Holding Company Act;
        (4) Emergencies. Notwithstanding paragraphs (c) (2) and (3) of this 
    section, the Board may provide the primary banking supervisor with 10 
    calendar days notice of a proposal under this
    [[Page 47267]]
    section if the Board finds that an emergency exists requiring 
    expeditious action, and may act during the notice period or without 
    providing notice to the primary banking supervisor if the Board finds 
    that it must act immediately to prevent probable failure.
        (d) Definitions. For purposes of this section--
        (1) Primary banking supervisor. The primary banking supervisor for 
    an institution is:
        (i) The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency in the case of a 
    national banking association or District bank; and
        (ii) The appropriate supervisory authority for the State in which 
    the bank is chartered in the case of a State bank.
        (2) Well managed. A company or depository institution is well 
    managed if, at its most recent inspection or examination or subsequent 
    review, the company or institution received:
        (i) One of the highest two composite ratings; and
        (ii) At least a satisfactory rating for management, if such a 
    rating is given.
    Sec. 225.15  Procedures for other bank acquisition proposals.
        (a) Filing application. Except as provided in Sec. 225.14, an 
    application for the Board's prior approval under this subpart shall be 
    governed by the provisions of this section and shall be filed with the 
    appropriate Reserve Bank on the designated form.
        (b) Notice to primary banking supervisor. Upon receipt of an 
    application under this subpart, the Reserve Bank shall promptly furnish 
    notice and a copy of the application to the primary banking supervisor 
    of each bank to be acquired. The primary supervisor shall have 30 
    calendar days from the date of the letter giving notice in which to 
    submit its views and recommendations to the Board.
        (c) Accepting application for processing. Within 7 calendar days 
    after the Reserve Bank receives an application under this section, the 
    Reserve Bank shall accept it for processing or return the application 
    if it is substantially incomplete. Upon accepting an application, the 
    Reserve Bank shall immediately send copies to the Board. The Reserve 
    Bank or the Board may request additional information necessary to 
    complete the record of an application at any time after accepting the 
    application for processing.
        (d) Action on applications--(1) Action under delegated authority. 
    The Reserve Bank shall approve an application under this section within 
    30 calendar days after it has accepted the application, unless the 
    Reserve Bank, upon notice to the applicant, refers the application to 
    the Board for decision because action under delegated authority is not 
        (2) Board action. The Board shall act on an application under this 
    subpart that is referred to it for decision within 60 calendar days 
    after the Reserve Bank has accepted the application, unless the Board 
    notifies the applicant that the 60-day period is being extended for a 
    specified period and states the reasons for the extension. In no event 
    may the extension exceed the 91-day period provided in Sec. 225.16(e). 
    The Board may at any time request additional information that it 
    believes is necessary for its decision.
    Sec. 225.16  Public notice, hearings and other provisions governing 
    applications and notices.
        (a) In general. The provisions of this section shall apply to all 
    notices and applications filed under Secs. 225.14 and 225.15.
        (b) Public notice--(1) Newspaper publication--(i) Location of 
    publication. In the case of each notice or application submitted under 
    Secs. 225.14 or 225.15, the applicant shall cause a newspaper notice to 
    be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the form and at 
    the locations specified in Sec. 262.3 of the Rules of Procedure (12 CFR 
        (ii) Content of notice. A newspaper notice under this paragraph 
    shall provide an opportunity for interested persons to comment on the 
    proposal for a period of at least 30 calendar days; and
        (iii) Timing of publication. Each newspaper notice published in 
    connection with a proposal under this paragraph must be published no 
    more than 30 calendar days before and no later than 7 calendar days 
    following the date that a notice or application is filed with the 
    appropriate Reserve Bank.
        (2) Federal Register notice--(i) Publication by Board. Upon receipt 
    of a notice or application under Sec. 225.14 or Sec. 225.15, the Board 
    shall promptly publish notice of the proposal in the Federal Register 
    and shall provide an opportunity for interested persons to comment on 
    the proposal for a period of at least 15 calendar days;
        (ii) Request for advance publication. At any time during the 30-day 
    period prior to filing a notice or application under Sec. 225.14 or 
    Sec. 225.15, a bank holding company may request that the Board publish 
    notice of a proposal in the Federal Register. A request for advance 
    Federal Register publication must be made in writing to the appropriate 
    Reserve Bank and must contain the identifying information prescribed by 
    the Board for Federal Register publication;
        (3) Waiver or shortening of notice. The Board may waive or shorten 
    the required notice periods under this section if the Board determines 
    that an emergency exists requiring expeditious action on the proposal 
    or the Board finds that immediate action is necessary to prevent the 
    probable failure of an insured depository institution.
        (c) Notice to Attorney General. The Board or Reserve Bank shall 
    immediately notify the Attorney General of approval of any notice or 
    application under Sec. 225.14 or Sec. 225.15.
        (d) Hearings. As provided in section 3(b) of the BHC Act, the Board 
    shall order a hearing on any application or notice under Secs. 225.14 
    or 225.15 if the Board receives from the primary supervisor of the bank 
    to be acquired, within the 30-day period specified in Sec. 225.14(c) or 
    Sec. 225.15(b), a written recommendation of disapproval of an 
    application. The Board may order a formal or informal hearing or other 
    proceeding on the application or notice, as provided in 
    Sec. 262.3(i)(2) of the Board's Rules of Procedure. Any request for a 
    hearing (other than from the primary supervisor) shall comply with 
    section 262.3(e) of the Rules of Procedure (12 CFR 262.3(e)).
        (e) Approval through failure to act--(1) Ninety-one day rule. An 
    application or notice under Sec. 225.14 or Sec. 225.15 shall be deemed 
    approved if the Board fails to act on the application or notice within 
    91 calendar days after the date of submission to the Board of the 
    complete record on the application. For this purpose, the Board acts 
    when it issues an order stating that the Board has approved or denied 
    the application or notice, reflecting the votes of the members of the 
    Board, and indicating that a statement of the reasons for the decision 
    will follow promptly.
        (2) Complete record. For the purpose of computing the commencement 
    of the 91-day period, the record is complete on the latest of:
        (i) The date of receipt by the Board of an application or notice 
    that has been accepted by the Reserve Bank;
        (ii) The last day provided in any notice for receipt of comments 
    and hearing requests on the application or notice;
        (iii) The date of receipt by the Board of the last relevant 
    material regarding the application or notice that is needed for the 
    Board's decision, if the material is received from a source outside of 
    the Federal Reserve System; or
        (iv) The date of completion of any hearing or other proceeding.
    [[Page 47268]]
        (f) Exceptions to notice and hearing requirements--(1) Probable 
    bank failure. If the Board finds it must act immediately on an 
    application or notice in order to prevent the probable failure of a 
    bank or bank holding company, the Board may modify or dispense with the 
    notice and hearing requirements provided in this section.
        (2) Emergency. If the Board finds that, although immediate action 
    on an application or notice is not necessary, an emergency exists 
    requiring expeditious action, the Board shall provide the primary 
    supervisor 10 days to submit its recommendation. The Board may act on 
    such an application or notice without a hearing and may modify or 
    dispense with the other notice and hearing requirements provided in 
    this section.
        (g) Waiting period. A transaction approved under Sec. 225.14 or 
    Sec. 225.15 shall not be consummated until 30 days after the date of 
    approval of the application, except that a transaction may be 
        (1) Immediately upon approval, in the event that the Board has 
    determined under paragraph (f) of this section that the application or 
    notice involves a probable bank failure;
        (2) On or after the 5th calendar day following the date of 
    approval, in the event that the Board has determined under paragraph 
    (f) of this section that an emergency exists requiring expeditious 
    action; or
        (3) On or after the 15th calendar day following the date of 
    approval, in the event that the Board has not received any adverse 
    comments from the United States attorney general relating to the 
    competitive factors and the attorney general has consented to such 
    shorter waiting period.
    Sec. 225.17  Notice procedure for one-bank holding company formations.
        (a) Transactions which qualify under this section. An acquisition 
    by a company of control of a bank may be consummated 30 days after 
    providing notice to the appropriate Reserve Bank in accordance with 
    paragraph (b) of this section, provided that all of the following 
    conditions are met:
        (1) The shareholder or shareholders who control at least 67 percent 
    of the shares of the bank would control, immediately after the 
    reorganization, at least 67 percent of the shares of the holding 
    company in substantially the same proportion, except for changes in 
    shareholders' interests resulting from the exercise of dissenting 
    shareholders' rights under state or federal law; 3
        \3\ A shareholder of a bank in reorganization will be considered 
    to have the same proportional interest in the holding company if the 
    shareholder interest increases, on a pro rata basis, as a result of 
    either the redemption of shares from dissenting shareholders by the 
    bank or bank holding company or the acquisition of shares of 
    dissenting shareholders by the remaining shareholders.
        (2) No shareholder or group of shareholders acting in concert 
    would, following the reorganization, own or control 10 percent or more 
    of any class of voting shares of the bank holding company unless that 
    shareholder or group of shareholders was authorized, after review under 
    the Change in Bank Control Act of 1978 (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) by the 
    appropriate federal banking agency for the bank, to own or control 10 
    percent or more of any class of voting shares of the bank; 4
        \4\ This procedure is not available in cases in which the 
    exercise of dissenting shareholders' rights would cause a company 
    that is not a bank holding company (other than the company in 
    formation) to be required to register as a bank holding company. 
    This procedure also is not available for the formation of a bank 
    holding company organized in mutual form.
        (3) The bank is adequately capitalized (as defined in section 38 of 
    the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1831o));
        (4) The bank has received at least a composite ``satisfactory'' 
    rating at its most recent examination, in the event that the bank has 
    been subject to an examination;
        (5) At the time of the reorganization, neither the bank nor any of 
    its officers, directors, or principal shareholders is involved in any 
    unresolved supervisory or enforcement matters with any appropriate 
    federal banking agency;
        (6) The company demonstrates that any debt that it would incur at 
    the time of the reorganization, and the proposed means of retiring this 
    debt, would not place undue burden on the holding company or its 
    subsidiary on a pro forma basis; 5
        \5\ For a banking organization with consolidated assets, on a 
    pro forma basis, of less than $150 million (other than a banking 
    organization that would control a de novo bank), this requirement 
    would be satisfied if the proposal would comply with the Board's 
    policy statement on small bank holding company formations (appendix 
    C of this part).
        (7) The holding company would not, as a result of the 
    reorganization, acquire control of any additional bank or engage in any 
    activities other than those of managing and controlling banks; and
        (8) During this period, neither the appropriate Reserve Bank nor 
    the Board has objected to the proposal or required the filing of an 
    application under Sec. 225.15 of this subpart.
        (b) Contents of notice. A notice filed under this paragraph must 
        (1) Certification by the notificant's board of directors that the 
    requirements of 12 U.S.C. 1842(a)(C) and this section are met by the 
        (2) A list identifying all principal shareholders of the bank prior 
    to the reorganization and of the holding company following the 
    reorganization, and specifying the percentage of shares held by each 
    principal shareholder in the bank and proposed to be held in the new 
    holding company;
        (3) A description of the resulting management of the proposed bank 
    holding company and its subsidiary bank, including:
        (i) Biographical information regarding any senior officers and 
    directors of the resulting bank holding company who were not senior 
    officers or directors of the bank prior to the reorganization; and
        (ii) A detailed history of the involvement of any officer, 
    director, or principal shareholder of the resulting bank holding 
    company in any administrative or criminal proceeding; and
        (4) Pro forma financial statements for the holding company, and a 
    description of the amount, source and terms of debt, if any, that the 
    bank holding company proposes to incur, and information regarding the 
    sources and timing for debt service and retirement.
        (c) Acknowledgment of notice. Within 7 calendar days following 
    receipt of a notice under this section, the Reserve Bank shall provide 
    the notificant with a written acknowledgment of receipt of the notice. 
    This written acknowledgment shall indicate that the transaction 
    described in the notice may be consummated on the 30th calendar day 
    after the date of receipt of the notice if the Reserve Bank or the 
    Board has not objected to the proposal during that time.
        (d) Application required upon objection. The Reserve Bank or the 
    Board may object to a proposal during the notice period by providing 
    the bank holding company with a written explanation of the reasons for 
    the objection. In such case, the bank holding company may file an 
    application for prior approval of the proposal pursuant to Sec. 225.15 
    of this subpart.
        4. Subpart C is revised to read as follows:
    Subpart C--Nonbanking Activities and Acquisitions by Bank Holding 
    225.21  Prohibited nonbanking activities and acquisitions; exempt 
    bank holding companies.
    225.22  Exempt nonbanking activities and acquisitions.
    225.23  Expedited action for nonbanking proposals by well-run bank 
    holding companies.
    [[Page 47269]]
    225.24  Procedures for other nonbanking proposals.
    225.25  Duration of approval, hearings, alteration of activities and 
    other matters.
    225.26  Factors considered in acting on nonbanking proposals.
    225.27  Procedures for determining scope of nonbanking activities.
    225.28  List of permissible nonbanking activities.
    Subpart C--Nonbanking Activities and Acquisitions by Bank Holding 
    Sec. 225.21  Prohibited nonbanking activities and acquisitions; exempt 
    bank holding companies.
        (a) Prohibited nonbanking activities and acquisitions. Except as 
    provided in Sec. 225.22 of this subpart, a bank holding company or a 
    subsidiary may not engage in, or acquire or control, directly or 
    indirectly, voting securities or assets of a company engaged in, any 
    activity other than:
        (1) Banking or managing or controlling banks and other subsidiaries 
    authorized under the BHC Act; and
        (2) An activity that the Board determines to be so closely related 
    to banking or managing or controlling banks as to be a proper incident 
    thereto, including any incidental activities that are necessary to 
    carry on such an activity, if the bank holding company has obtained the 
    prior approval of the Board for that activity in accordance with and 
    subject to the requirements of this regulation.
        (b) Exempt bank holding companies. The following bank holding 
    companies are exempt from the provisions of this subpart:
        (1) Family-owned companies. Any company that is a ``company covered 
    in 1970,'' as defined in section 2(b) of the BHC Act, more than 85 
    percent of the voting securities of which was collectively owned on 
    June 30, 1968, and continuously thereafter, by members of the same 
    family (or their spouses) who are lineal descendants of common 
        (2) Labor, agricultural, and horticultural organizations. Any 
    company that was on January 4, 1977, both a bank holding company and a 
    labor, agricultural, or horticultural organization exempt from taxation 
    under section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. 501(c)).
        (3) Companies granted hardship exemption. Any bank holding company 
    that has controlled only one bank since before July 1, 1968, and that 
    has been granted an exemption by the Board under section 4(d) of the 
    BHC Act, subject to any conditions imposed by the Board.
        (4) Companies granted exemption on other grounds. Any company that 
    acquired control of a bank before December 10, 1982, without the 
    Board's prior approval under section 3 of the BHC Act, on the basis of 
    a narrow interpretation of the term demand deposit or commercial loan 
    if the Board has determined that:
        (i) Coverage of the company as a bank holding company under this 
    subpart would be unfair or represent an unreasonable hardship; and
        (ii) Exclusion of the company from coverage under this regulation 
    is consistent with the purposes of the BHC Act and section 106 of the 
    Bank Holding Company Act Amendments of 1970 (12 U.S.C. 1971, 1972(1)). 
    The provisions of Sec. 225.4 of subpart A of this regulation are not 
    applicable to a company exempt under this paragraph.
    Sec. 225.22  Exempt nonbanking activities and acquisitions.
        (a) Servicing activities. A bank holding company may, without the 
    Board's prior approval under this subpart, furnish services to or 
    perform services for, or establish or acquire a company that engages 
    solely in furnishing services to or performing services for:
        (1) The bank holding company or its subsidiaries in connection with 
    their activities as authorized by law, including services that are 
    necessary to fulfill commitments entered into by the subsidiaries with 
    third parties, if the bank holding company or servicing company 
    complies with the Board's published interpretations and does not act as 
    principal in dealing with third parties; and
        (2) The internal operations of the bank holding company or its 
    subsidiaries. Services for the internal operations of the bank holding 
    company or its subsidiaries include, but are not limited to:
        (i) Accounting, auditing, and appraising;
        (ii) Advertising and public relations;
        (iii) Data processing and data transmission services, data bases or 
        (iv) Personnel services;
        (v) Courier services;
        (vi) Holding or operating property used wholly or substantially by 
    a subsidiary in its operations or for its future use;
        (vii) Liquidating property acquired from a subsidiary;
        (viii) Liquidating property acquired from any sources either prior 
    to May 9, 1956, or the date on which the company became a bank holding 
    company, whichever is later; and
        (ix) Selling, purchasing, or underwriting insurance such as blanket 
    bond insurance, group insurance for employees, and property and 
    casualty insurance.
        (b) Safe deposit business. A bank holding company or nonbank 
    subsidiary may, without the Board's prior approval, conduct a safe 
    deposit business, or acquire voting securities of a company that 
    conducts such a business.
        (c) Nonbanking acquisitions not requiring prior Board approval. The 
    Board's prior approval is not required under this subpart for the 
    following acquisitions:
        (1) DPC acquisitions. (i) Voting securities or assets, acquired by 
    foreclosure or otherwise, in the ordinary course of collecting a debt 
    previously contracted (DPC property) in good faith, if the DPC property 
    is divested within two years of acquisition.
        (ii) The Board may, upon request, extend this two-year period for 
    up to three additional one-year periods. The Board may permit 
    additional extensions for up to 5 years (for a total of 10 years), for 
    real estate or other assets that are demonstrated by the bank holding 
    company to have value and marketability characteristics similar to real 
        (iii) Transfers of DPC property within the bank holding company 
    system do not extend any period for divestiture of the property.
        (2) Securities or assets required to be divested by subsidiary. 
    Voting securities or assets required to be divested by a subsidiary at 
    the request of an examining federal or state authority (except by the 
    Board under the BHC Act or this regulation), if the bank holding 
    company divests the securities or assets within two years from the date 
    acquired from the subsidiary.
        (3) Fiduciary investments. Voting securities or assets acquired by 
    a bank or other company (other than a trust that is a company) in good 
    faith in a fiduciary capacity, if the voting securities or assets are:
        (i) Held in the ordinary course of business; and
        (ii) Not acquired for the benefit of the company or its 
    shareholders, employees, or subsidiaries.
        (4) Securities eligible for investment by a national bank. Voting 
    securities of the kinds and amounts explicitly eligible by federal 
    statute (other than section 4 of the Bank Service Corporation Act, 12 
    U.S.C. 1864) for investment by a national bank, and voting securities 
    acquired prior to June 30, 1971, in reliance on section 4(c)(5) of the 
    BHC Act and interpretations of
    [[Page 47270]]
    the Comptroller of the Currency under section 5136 of the Revised 
    Statutes (12 U.S.C. 24(7)).
        (5) Securities or property representing 5 percent or less of a 
    company. Voting securities of a company or property that, in the 
    aggregate, represent 5 percent or less of the outstanding shares of any 
    class of voting securities of a company or a 5 percent interest or less 
    in the property, subject to the provisions of 12 CFR 225.137.
        (6) Securities of investment company. Voting securities of an 
    investment company that is solely engaged in investing in securities 
    and that does not own or control more than 5 percent of the outstanding 
    shares of any class of voting securities of any company.
        (7) Assets acquired in the ordinary course of business. Assets of a 
    company acquired in the ordinary course of business, subject to the 
    provisions of 12 CFR 225.132, if the assets relate to activities in 
    which the acquiring company has previously received Board approval 
    under this regulation to engage.
        (8) Asset acquisitions by a lending company or industrial bank. 
    Assets of an office(s) of a company, all or substantially all of which 
    relate to making, acquiring, or servicing loans if:
        (i) The acquiring company has previously received Board approval 
    under this regulation to engage in lending activities or industrial 
    banking activities;
        (ii) The assets acquired during any 12-month period do not 
    represent more than 50 percent of the assets (on a consolidated basis) 
    of the acquiring lending company or industrial bank, or more than $100 
    million, whichever amount is less;
        (iii) The assets acquired do not represent more than 50 percent of 
    the selling company's consolidated assets that are devoted to lending 
    activities or industrial banking business;
        (iv) The acquiring company notifies the Reserve Bank of the 
    acquisition within 30 days after the acquisition; and
        (v) The acquiring company, after giving effect to the transaction, 
    meets the Board's capital adequacy guidelines (appendix A of this part) 
    and the Board has not previously notified the acquiring company that it 
    may not acquire assets under the exemption in this paragraph.
        (d) Acquisition of securities by subsidiary banks.--(1) National 
    bank. A national bank or its subsidiary may, without the Board's 
    approval under this subpart, acquire or retain securities on the basis 
    of section 4(c)(5) of the BHC Act in accordance with the regulations of 
    the Comptroller of the Currency.
        (2) State bank. A state-chartered bank or its subsidiary may, 
    insofar as federal law is concerned and without the Board's prior 
    approval under this subpart:
        (i) Acquire or retain securities, on the basis of section 4(c)(5) 
    of the BHC Act, of the kinds and amounts explicitly eligible by federal 
    statute for investment by a national bank; or
        (ii) Acquire or retain all (but, except for directors' qualifying 
    shares, not less than all) of the securities of a company that engages 
    solely in activities in which the parent bank may engage, at locations 
    at which the bank may engage in the activity, and subject to the same 
    limitations as if the bank were engaging in the activity directly.
        (e) Activities and securities of new bank holding companies. A 
    company that becomes a bank holding company may, for a period of two 
    years, engage in nonbanking activities and control voting securities or 
    assets of a nonbank subsidiary, if the bank holding company engaged in 
    such activities or controlled such voting securities or assets on the 
    date it became a bank holding company. The Board may grant requests for 
    up to three one-year extensions of the two-year period.
        (f) Grandfathered activities and securities. Unless the Board 
    orders divestiture or termination under section 4(a)(2) of the BHC Act, 
    a ``company covered in 1970,'' as defined in section 2(b) of the BHC 
    Act, may:
        (1) Retain voting securities or assets and engage in activities 
    that it has lawfully held or engaged in continuously since June 30, 
    1968; and
        (2) Acquire voting securities of any newly formed company to engage 
    in such activities.
        (g) Securities or activities exempt under Regulation K. A bank 
    holding company may acquire voting securities or assets and engage in 
    activities as authorized in Regulation K (12 CFR part 211).
    Sec. 225.23  Expedited action for nonbanking proposals by well-run bank 
    holding companies.
        (a) Filing of notice. A bank holding company that meets the 
    requirements of paragraph (b) of this section may satisfy the notice 
    requirement of this subpart in connection with the acquisition of 
    voting securities or assets of a company engaged in nonbanking 
    activities by providing the appropriate Reserve Bank with a written 
    notice containing the following:
        (1) A certification that all of the criteria in paragraph (b) of 
    this section are met;
        (2) A description of the transaction that includes identification 
    of the companies involved in the transaction, the activities to be 
    conducted, and a commitment to conduct the proposed activities in 
    conformity with the Board's regulations and orders governing the 
    conduct of the proposed activity;
        (3) In the event the proposal involves an acquisition of a going 
    concern, a description of the funding for the transaction, a balance 
    sheet for the acquiring bank holding company reflecting the pro forma 
    effect of the acquisition, and the market indexes for each relevant 
    banking market reflecting the pro forma effect of the acquisition; and
        (4) A request or evidence of a request that the Board publish 
    notice of the proposal in the Federal Register as provided in 
    Sec. 225.24(c)(1).
        (b) Criteria for use of expedited procedure. The procedure in this 
    paragraph is available only if:
        (1) Well capitalized organization.--(i) Bank holding company. Both 
    at the time of and immediately after the proposed transaction, the 
    acquiring bank holding company is well capitalized; 1
        \1\  For purposes of this paragraph, a bank holding company with 
    assets under $150 million will be deemed to have met the 
    requirements of this paragraph if the parent bank holding company's 
    ratio of pro forma debt to equity is 1.0:1 or less and the proposal 
    in all other respects meets the requirements of appendix C of this 
        (ii) Insured depository institutions. Both at the time of and 
    immediately after the transaction;
        (A) The lead insured depository institution of the acquiring bank 
    holding company is well capitalized;
        (B) Well capitalized insured depository institutions control at 
    least 80 percent of the total assets of insured depository institutions 
    controlled by the acquiring bank holding company; and
        (C) No insured depository institution controlled by the acquiring 
    bank holding company is undercapitalized;
        (2) Well managed organization. At the time of the transaction, the 
    acquiring bank holding company, its lead insured depository 
    institution, and insured depository institutions that control at least 
    80 percent of the total assets of insured depository institutions 
    controlled by such holding company are well managed;
        (3) Permissible activity.
        (i) The Board has determined by regulation or order that each 
    activity proposed to be conducted is so closely related to banking or 
    managing or controlling banks as to be a proper incident thereto; 
    2 and
        \2\  In the case of the acquisition of a savings association, 
    the bank holding company and its subsidiary depository institutions 
    must also meet the CRA requirements of Sec. 225.14(b)(3).
    [[Page 47271]]
        (ii) The Board has not indicated that proposals to engage in the 
    proposed activity are subject to the notice procedure provided in 
    Sec. 225.24.
        (4) Competitive criteria--(i) Competitive screen. In the case of 
    the acquisition of a going concern, the acquisition, without regard to 
    any divestitures proposed by the acquiring bank holding company, does 
    not cause:
        (A) The acquiring bank holding company to control in excess of 35 
    percent of the market share in any relevant market, or
        (B) The Herfindahl-Hirschman index to increase by more than 200 
    points in any relevant market with a post-acquisition index of at least 
        (ii) Other competitive factors. The Board has not indicated that 
    the transaction is subject to close scrutiny on competitive grounds;
        (5) Size of acquisition. In the case of an acquisition, the book 
    value of the aggregate risk-weighted assets acquired by the acquiring 
    bank holding company in all transactions approved during the previous 
    12 months under this section and Sec. 225.14 does not exceed 35 percent 
    of the consolidated risk-weighted assets of the acquiring bank holding 
        (6) Notification. The bank holding company has not been notified by 
    the Board prior to the expiration of the period in subsection (d) that 
    a notice under Sec. 225.24 is required.
        (c) Action on notice. The Board or the appropriate Reserve Bank 
    shall act on a proposal submitted under this section or notify the bank 
    holding company that the transaction is subject to the procedure in 
    Sec. 225.24 before the later of:
        (1) 15 calendar days following the filing of all of the information 
    required in paragraph (a) of this section; or
        (2) 3 business days following the close of the public comment 
        (d) Acceptance of notice in event expedited procedure not 
    available. In the event that the Board or the Reserve Bank determines 
    after the filing of a notice under this section that a bank holding 
    company may not use the procedure in this section and must file a 
    notice under Sec. 225.24, the notice shall be deemed accepted for 
    purposes of Sec. 225.24 as of the date that the notice was filed under 
    this section.
    Sec. 225.24  Procedures for other nonbanking proposals.
        (a) Notice required for nonbanking activities. Except as provided 
    in Sec. 225.23, a notice for the Board's prior approval under 
    Sec. 225.21(a) to engage in or acquire a company engaged in a 
    nonbanking activity shall be filed by a bank holding company (including 
    a company seeking to become a bank holding company) with the 
    appropriate Reserve Bank in accordance with this section and the 
    Board's Rules of Procedure (12 CFR 262.3).
        (1) Engaging de novo in listed activities. A bank holding company 
    seeking to commence or to engage de novo, either directly or through a 
    subsidiary, in a nonbanking activity listed in Sec. 225.28 shall file a 
    notice containing the following:
        (i) A description of the activities to be conducted;
        (ii) The identity of the company that will conduct the activity; 
        (iii) If the notificant proposes to conduct the activity through an 
    existing subsidiary, a description of the existing activities of the 
        (2) Acquiring company engaged in listed activities. A bank holding 
    company seeking to acquire or control voting securities or assets of a 
    company engaged in a nonbanking activity listed in Sec. 225.28 shall 
    file a notice containing the following:
        (i) A description of the proposal, including a description of each 
    proposed activity, and the effect of the proposal on competition among 
    entities engaging in each proposed activity;
        (ii) The identity of any entity involved in the proposal, and if 
    the notificant proposes to conduct the activity through an existing 
    subsidiary, a description of the existing activities of the subsidiary;
        (iii) A statement of the public benefits that can reasonably be 
    expected to result from the proposal; and
        (iv) A description of the terms and sources of funds for the 
    transaction, a copy of any pertinent purchase agreement(s), balance-
    sheet and income statements for the most recent fiscal quarter and 
    year-end for any company to be acquired, parent-company-only and 
    consolidated pro forma balance sheets for the notificant as of the most 
    recent fiscal quarter, and calculations of pro forma consolidated risk-
    based capital ratios and leverage ratio for the notificant as of the 
    most recent fiscal quarter.
        (3) Engaging in or acquiring company to engage in unlisted 
    activities. A bank holding company seeking to commence or to engage de 
    novo, or to acquire or control voting securities or assets of a company 
    engaged in, any activity not listed in Sec. 225.28 shall file a notice 
    containing the following:
        (i) Evidence that the proposed activity is so closely related to 
    banking or managing or controlling banks as to be a proper incident 
    thereto, or, in the event that the Board has previously determined by 
    order that the activity is permissible for a bank holding company to 
    conduct, a commitment to comply with all conditions and limitations 
    that have been established by the Board governing the activity; and
        (ii) The information required in paragraphs (a)(1) or (a)(2), as 
        (b) Notice provided to Board. The Reserve Bank shall immediately 
    send to the Board a copy of any notice received under paragraphs (a)(2) 
    or (a)(3) of this section.
        (c) Notice to public--(1) Listed activities and activities approved 
    by order.
        (i) In a case involving an activity listed in Sec. 225.28 or 
    previously approved by the Board by order, the Reserve Bank shall 
    notify the Board for publication in the Federal Register immediately 
    upon receipt by the Reserve Bank of:
        (A) A notice under this section; or
        (B) A written request that notice of a proposal under this section 
    or Sec. 225.23 be published in the Federal Register. Such a request may 
    be made up to 30 calendar days prior to submission of a notice under 
    this subpart.
        (ii) The Federal Register notice published under this paragraph 
    shall invite public comment on the proposal, generally for a period of 
    15 days.
        (2) New activities--(i) In general. In the case of a notice under 
    this subpart involving an activity that is not listed in Sec. 225.28 
    and that has not been previously approved by the Board by order, the 
    Board shall send notice of the proposal to the Federal Register for 
    publication, unless the Board determines that the notificant has not 
    demonstrated that the activity is so closely related to banking or to 
    managing or controlling banks as to be a proper incident thereto. The 
    Federal Register notice shall invite public comment on the proposal for 
    a reasonable period of time, generally for 30 days.
        (ii) Time for publication. The Board shall send the notice required 
    under this paragraph to the Federal Register within 10 business days of 
    acceptance by the Reserve Bank. The Board may extend the 10-day period 
    for an additional 30 calendar days upon notice to the notificant. In 
    the event notice of a proposal is not published for comment, the Board 
    shall inform the notificant of the reasons for the decision.
        (d) Action on notices--(1) Reserve Bank action--(i) In general. 
    Within 30 calendar days after receipt by the Reserve Bank of a notice 
    filed pursuant
    [[Page 47272]]
    to paragraphs (a)(1) or (a)(2) of this section, the Reserve Banks 
        (A) Approve the notice; or
        (B) Refer the notice to the Board for decision because action under 
    delegated authority is not appropriate.
        (ii) Return of incomplete notice. Within 7 calendar days of 
    receipt, the Reserve Bank may return any notice as informationally 
    incomplete that does not contain all of the information required by 
    this subpart. The return of such a notice shall be deemed action on the 
        (iii) Notice of action. The Reserve Bank shall promptly notify the 
    bank holding company of any action, referral, or extension under this 
    paragraph (d)(1) of this section.
        (iv) Close of public comment period. The Reserve Bank shall not 
    approve any notice under this paragraph (d)(1) of this section prior to 
    the third business day after the close of the public comment period, 
    unless an emergency exists that requires expedited or immediate action.
        (2) Board action--(i) Internal schedule. The Board seeks to act on 
    every notice referred to it for decision within 60 days of the date 
    that the notice is filed with the Reserve Bank. If the Board is unable 
    to act within this period, the Board will notify the notificant and 
    explain the reasons and the date by which the Board expects to act.
        (ii) Required time limit for Board action. The Board shall act on 
    any notice under this section that is referred to it for decision 
    within 60 calendar days after the submission of a complete notice.
        (iii) Extension of required period for action--(A) In general. The 
    Board may extend the 60-day period required for Board action under 
    paragraph (d)(2)(ii) of this section for an additional 30 days upon 
    notice to the notificant.
        (B) Unlisted activities. If a notice involves a proposal to engage 
    in an activity that is not listed in Sec. 225.28, the Board may extend 
    the period required for Board action under paragraph (d)(2)(ii) of this 
    section for an additional 90 days. This 90-day extension is in addition 
    to the 30-day extension period provided in paragraph (d)(2)(iii)(A) of 
    this section. The Board shall notify the notificant that the notice 
    period has been extended and explain the reasons for the extension.
        (3) Requests for additional information. The Board or the Reserve 
    Bank may at any time request any additional information that either 
    believes is needed for a decision on any notice under this subpart.
        (4) Tolling of period. The Board or the Reserve Bank, as the case 
    may be, may at any time extend or toll the time period for action on a 
    notice for any period with the consent of the notificant.
    Sec. 225.25  Duration of approval, hearings, alteration of activities 
    and other matters.
        (a) Duration of approval. A bank holding company that receives 
    approval pursuant to this subpart to engage de novo in a nonbanking 
    activity may conduct that activity de novo at any time following the 
    date approval is received so long as:
        (1) At the time the activity is commenced, the bank holding company 
    has one of the highest two composite inspection ratings and is 
    adequately capitalized;
        (2) Prior to commencing the activity, the Board has not informed 
    the company that it may not commence the activity; and
        (3) The order approving the activity does not specifically require 
    that the activity be commenced within a given period.
        (b) Hearings. (1) Procedure to request hearing. Any request for a 
    hearing on a notice under this subpart shall comply with the provisions 
    of 12 CFR 262.3(e).
        (2) Determination to hold hearing. The Board may order a formal or 
    informal hearing or other proceeding on a notice as provided in 12 CFR 
    262.3(i)(2). The Board shall order a hearing only if there are disputed 
    issues of material fact that cannot be resolved in some other manner.
        (3) Extension of period for hearing. The Board may extend the time 
    for action on any notice for such time as is reasonably necessary to 
    conduct a hearing and evaluate the hearing record. Such extension shall 
    not exceed 91 calendar days after the date of submission to the Board 
    of the complete record on the notice. The procedures for computation of 
    the 91-day rule as set forth in Sec. 225.16(e) apply to notices under 
    this subpart that involve hearings.
        (c) Approval through failure to act--(1) Except as provided in 
    paragraph (b) of this section or Sec. 225.24(d)(4), a notice under this 
    subpart shall be deemed to be approved at the conclusion of the period 
    that begins on the date the complete notice is received by the Reserve 
    Bank or the Board and that ends 60 calendar days plus any applicable 
    extension and tolling period thereafter.
        (2) Complete notice. For purposes of paragraph (c) of this section, 
    a notice shall be deemed to be complete for purposes of this subpart at 
    such time as it contains all information required by this subpart and 
    all other information requested by the Board or the Reserve Bank in 
    connection with the particular notice.
        (d) Notice to expand or alter nonbanking activities.--(1) De novo 
    expansion. A notice under this subpart is required to open a new office 
    or to form a subsidiary to engage in, or to relocate an existing office 
    engaged in, a nonbanking activity that the Board has previously 
    approved for the bank holding company under this regulation, only if:
        (i) The Board's prior approval was limited geographically;
        (ii) The activity is to be conducted in a country outside of the 
    United States and the bank holding company has not previously received 
    prior Board approval under this regulation to engage in the activity in 
    that country; or
        (iii) The Board or appropriate Reserve Bank has notified the 
    company that a notice under this subpart is required.
        (2) Activities outside United States. With respect to activities to 
    be engaged in outside the United States that require approval under 
    this subpart, the procedures of this section apply only to activities 
    to be engaged in directly by a bank holding company that is not a 
    qualifying foreign banking organization or by a nonbank subsidiary of a 
    bank holding company approved under this subpart. Regulation K (12 CFR 
    part 211) governs other international operations of bank holding 
        (3) Alteration of nonbanking activity. Unless otherwise permitted 
    by the Board, a notice under this subpart is required to alter a 
    nonbanking activity in any material respect from that considered by the 
    Board in acting on the application or notice to engage in the activity.
        (e) Emergency thrift-institution acquisitions. In the case of a 
    notice to acquire a thrift institution, the Board may modify or 
    dispense with the public-notice and hearing requirements of this 
    subpart if the Board finds that an emergency exists that requires the 
    Board to act immediately and the primary federal regulator of the 
    institution concurs.
    Sec. 225.26  Factors considered in acting on nonbanking proposals.
        (a) In general. In evaluating a notice under Sec. 225.23 or 
    Sec. 225.24, the Board shall consider whether the performance by the 
    notificant of the activities can reasonably be expected to produce 
    benefits to the public (such as greater convenience, increased 
    competition, and gains in efficiency) that outweigh possible adverse 
    effects (such as undue concentration of resources, decreased or unfair 
    competition, conflicts of interest, and unsound banking practices).
    [[Page 47273]]
        (b) Financial and managerial resources. Consideration of the 
    factors in paragraph (a) of this section includes an evaluation of the 
    financial and managerial resources of the notificant, including its 
    subsidiaries and any company to be acquired, the effect of the proposed 
    transaction on those resources, and the management expertise, internal 
    control and risk management systems, and capital of the entity 
    conducting the activity.
        (c) Competitive effect of de novo proposals. Unless the record 
    demonstrates otherwise, the commencement or expansion of a nonbanking 
    activity de novo is presumed to result in benefits to the public 
    through increased competition.
        (d) Denial for lack of information. The Board may deny any notice 
    submitted under this subpart if the notificant neglects, fails, or 
    refuses to furnish all information required by the Board.
    Sec. 225.27  Procedures for determining scope of nonbanking activities.
        (a) Advisory opinions regarding the scope of permissible nonbanking 
    activities.--(1) Requests for an advisory opinion. Any person may 
    submit a request to the Board for an advisory opinion regarding the 
    scope any permissible nonbanking activity. The request must be 
    submitted in writing to the Board and must identify the proposed 
    parameters of the activity or a description of the service or product 
    that is intended to be provided as well as an explanation supporting an 
    interpretation regarding the scope of the permissible nonbanking 
        (2) Response to a request. The Board shall provide an advisory 
    opinion within 45 days of receiving a written request under this 
        (b) Procedure for consideration of new activities.--(1) Initiation 
    of proceeding. The Board may at any time, on its own initiative or in 
    response to a written request from any person, initiate a proceeding to 
    determine whether any activity is so closely related to banking or 
    managing or controlling banks as to be a proper incident thereto.
        (2) Requests for determination. Any request that the Board consider 
    that an activity is so closely related to banking or managing or 
    controlling banks as to be a proper incident thereto shall be submitted 
    to the Board in writing and shall contain evidence that the proposed 
    activity is so closely related to banking or managing or controlling 
    banks as to be a proper incident thereto.
        (3) Publication. The Board shall publish in the Federal Register 
    notice that it is considering the permissibility of a new activity and 
    invite public comment for a period of at least 30 calendar days. In the 
    case of a request submitted under paragraph (b) of this section, the 
    Board may determine not to publish notice of the request if the Board 
    determines that the requester has provided no reasonable basis for a 
    determination that the activity is so closely related to banking or 
    managing or controlling banks as to be a proper incident thereto and 
    notifies the requester of that determination.
        (4) Comments and hearing requests. Any comment and any request for 
    a hearing regarding a proposal under this section shall comply with the 
    provisions of Sec. 262.3(e) of the Board's Rules of Procedure (12 CFR 
    Sec. 225.28  List of permissible nonbanking activities.
        (a) Closely related nonbanking activities. The activities listed in 
    paragraph (b) of this section are so closely related to banking or 
    managing or controlling banks as to be a proper incident thereto and 
    may be engaged in by a bank holding company or a subsidiary thereof in 
    accordance with and subject to the requirements of this regulation.
        (b) Activities determined by regulation to be permissible.-- (1) 
    Extending credit and servicing loans. Making, acquiring, brokering or 
    servicing loans or other extensions of credit (including issuing 
    letters of credit and accepting drafts) for the company's account or 
    for the account of others.
        (2) Activities related to extending credit. Any activity usual in 
    connection with making, acquiring, brokering or servicing loans or 
    other extensions of credit, as determined by the Board. The Board has 
    determined that the following activities are usual in connection with 
    making, acquiring, brokering or servicing loans or other extensions of 
        (i) Real estate and personal property appraising. Performing 
    appraisals of real estate and tangible and intangible personal 
    property, including securities.
        (ii) Arranging commercial real estate equity financing. Acting as 
    intermediary for the financing of commercial or industrial income-
    producing real estate by arranging for the transfer of the title, 
    control and risk of such a real estate project to one or more 
    investors, if the bank holding company and its affiliates do not have 
    an interest in, or participate in managing or developing, a real estate 
    project for which it arranges equity financing, and do not promote or 
    sponsor the development of such property.
        (iii) Check-guaranty services. Authorizing a subscribing merchant 
    to accept personal checks tendered by the merchant's customers in 
    payment for goods and services and purchasing from the merchant validly 
    authorized checks that are subsequently dishonored.
        (iv) Collection agency services. Collecting overdue accounts 
    receivable, either retail or commercial.
        (v) Credit bureau services. Maintaining information related to the 
    credit history of consumers and providing that information to a credit 
    grantor who is considering a borrower's application for credit or who 
    has extended credit to the borrower.
        (vi) Asset management, servicing, and collection activities. 
    Engaging under contract with a third party in asset management, 
    servicing, and collection 3 for assets of a type that an insured 
    depository institution may originate and own, if the company does not 
    engage in real property management or real estate brokerage services as 
    part of these services.
        \3\ Asset management services include acting as agent in the 
    liquidation or sale of loans and collateral for loans, including 
    real estate and other assets acquired through foreclosure or in 
    satisfaction of debts previously contracted.
        (vii) Acquiring debt in default. Acquiring debt that is in default 
    at the time of acquisition, if the company:
        (A) Divests shares or assets securing debt in default that are not 
    permissible investments for bank holding companies within the time 
    period required for divestiture of property acquired in satisfaction of 
    a debt previously contracted under Sec. 225.12(b); 4
        \4\ For this purpose, the divestiture period for property begins 
    on the date that the debt is acquired regardless of when legal title 
    to the property is acquired.
        (B) Stands only in the position of a creditor and does not purchase 
    equity of obligors of debt in default (other than equity that may be 
    collateral for such debt); and
        (C) Does not acquire debt in default secured by shares of a bank or 
    bank holding company.
        (viii) Real-estate settlement servicing. Providing real-estate 
    settlement services.5
        \5\ For purposes of this section, real-estate settlement 
    services do not include providing title insurance as principal, 
    agent or broker.
        (3) Leasing personal or real property. Leasing personal or real 
    property or acting as agent, broker, or adviser in leasing such 
    property if:
        (i) The lease is on a nonoperating basis; 6
        \6\ For purposes of the leasing of automobiles, the requirement 
    that the lease be on a nonoperating basis means that the bank 
    holding company may not, directly or indirectly: (1) Provide for the 
    servicing, repair, or maintenance of the leased vehicle during the 
    lease term; (2) purchase parts and accessories in bulk or for an 
    individual vehicle after the lessee has taken delivery of the 
    vehicle; (3) provide for the loan of an automobile during servicing 
    of the leased vehicle; (4) purchase insurance for the lessee; or (5) 
    provide for the renewal of the vehicle's license merely as a service 
    to the lessee where the lessee could renew the license without 
    authorization from the lessor. The bank holding company may arrange 
    for a third party to provide these services or products.
    [[Page 47274]]
        (ii) The initial term of the lease is at least 90 days;
        (iii) In the case of leases involving real property:
        (A) At the inception of the initial lease the effect of the 
    transaction will yield a return that will compensate the lessor for not 
    less than the lessor's full investment in the property plus the 
    estimated total cost of financing the property over the term of the 
    lease from rental payments, estimated tax benefits and the estimated 
    residual value of the property at the expiration of the initial lease; 
        (B) The estimated residual value of property for purposes of 
    paragraph (b)(3)(iii)(A) of this section shall not exceed 25 percent of 
    the acquisition cost of the property to the lessor.
        (4) Operating nonbank depository institutions--(i) Industrial 
    banking. Owning, controlling or operating an industrial bank, Morris 
    Plan bank, or industrial loan company, so long as the institution is 
    not a bank.
        (ii) Operating a savings association. Owning, controlling or 
    operating a savings association, if the savings association engages 
    only in deposit-taking activities and lending and other activities that 
    are permissible for bank holding companies under this subpart C.
        (5) Trust company functions. Performing functions or activities 
    that may be performed by a trust company (including activities of a 
    fiduciary, agency, or custodial nature), in the manner authorized by 
    federal or state law, so long as the company is not a bank for purposes 
    of section 2(c) of the Bank Holding Company Act.
        (6) Financial and investment advisory activities. Acting as 
    investment or financial advisor to any person, including (without in 
    any way limiting the foregoing):
        (i) Serving as investment adviser (as defined in section 2(a)(20) 
    of the Investment Company Act of 1940, 15 U.S.C. 80a-2(a)(20)), to an 
    investment company registered under that act, including sponsoring, 
    organizing, and managing a closed-end investment company;
        (ii) Furnishing general economic information and advice, general 
    economic statistical forecasting services and industry studies;
        (iii) Providing advice in connection with mergers, acquisitions, 
    divestitures, joint ventures, leveraged buyouts, recapitalizations, 
    capital structurings, and financing transactions, and conducting 
    financial feasibility studies; 7
        \7\ Feasibility studies do not include assisting management with 
    the planning or marketing for a given project or providing general 
    operational or management advice.
        (iv) Providing information, statistical forecasting and advice with 
    respect to any transaction in foreign exchange, forward contracts, 
    options, futures, swaps or similar transactions;
        (v) Providing educational courses, and instructional materials to 
    consumers on individual financial management matters; and
        (vi) Providing tax-planning and tax-preparation services to any 
        (7) Agency transactional services for customer investments--(i) 
    Securities brokerage. Providing securities brokerage services, whether 
    alone or in combination with investment advisory services, and 
    incidental activities (including related securities credit activities 
    and custodial services), if the securities brokerage services are 
    restricted to buying and selling securities solely as agent for the 
    account of customers and do not include securities underwriting or 
        (ii) Riskless principal transactions. Buying and selling in the 
    secondary market all types of securities on the order of customers as a 
    ``riskless principal'' to the extent of engaging in a transaction in 
    which the company, after receiving an order to buy (or sell) a security 
    from a customer, purchases (or sells) the security for its own account 
    to offset a contemporaneous sale to (or purchase from) the customer. 
    This does not include:
        (A) Selling bank-ineligible securities 8 at the order of a 
    customer that is the issuer of the securities or selling bank-
    ineligible securities in any transaction where the company has a 
    contractual agreement to place the securities as agent of the issuer;
        \8\ A bank-ineligible security is any security that a State 
    member bank is not permitted to underwrite or deal in under 12 
    U.S.C. 24 and 335.
        (B) Acting as a riskless principal in any transaction involving a 
    bank-ineligible security for which the company or any of its affiliates 
    makes a market; 9
        \9\ A company or its affiliates may not enter quotes for 
    specific bank-ineligible securities in any dealer quotation system 
    in connection with the company's riskless principal transactions; 
    except that the company or its affiliates may enter ``bid'' or 
    ``ask'' quotations, or publish ``offering wanted'' or ``bid wanted'' 
    notices on trading systems other than NASDAQ or an exchange, if 
    company or its affiliate does not enter price quotations on 
    different sides of the market for a particular security during any 
    two day period.
        (C) Engaging in any riskless principal transaction involving any 
    bank-ineligible security carried in the inventory of the company or any 
    of its affiliates;
        (D) Acting as riskless principal in any transaction on behalf of 
    any U.S. or foreign affiliate that engages in bank-ineligible 
    securities underwriting and dealing.
        (iii) Private placement services. Acting as agent for the private 
    placement of securities in accordance with the requirements of the 
    Securities Act of 1933 (1933 Act) and the rules of the Securities and 
    Exchange Commission (SEC) if the company does not purchase or 
    repurchase for its own account the securities being placed, or hold in 
    inventory unsold portions of issues of these securities.
        (iv) Futures commission merchant. Acting as a futures commission 
    merchant (FCM) for unaffiliated persons in the execution, clearance, or 
    execution and clearance of futures contracts and options on futures 
    contracts traded on an exchange in the United States or abroad if--
        (A) The activity is conducted through a separately incorporated 
    subsidiary of the bank holding company, which may engage in activities 
    other than FCM activities;
        (B) The subsidiary does not become a clearing member of any 
    exchange or clearing association that requires the parent corporation 
    of the clearing member to also become a member of that exchange or 
    clearing association, unless a waiver of the requirement is obtained; 
        (C) In connection with clearing activities in which the subsidiary 
    does not also execute the transaction, the clearing subsidiary--
        (1) Does not serve as a primary or qualifying clearing firm for the 
    customer; and
        (2) Clears trades pursuant to customer and other agreements that 
    grant the subsidiary the right to decline to accept those trades that 
    the subsidiary has determined present unacceptable risks.
        (v) Other transactional services. Providing to customers as agent 
    transactional services with respect to any transaction described in 
    paragraph (b)(8) of this section, that the company may engage in for 
    its own account.
        (8) Investment transactions as principal.--(i) Underwriting and 
    dealing in government obligations and money market instruments. 
    Underwriting and dealing in obligations of the United
    [[Page 47275]]
    States, general obligations of states and their political subdivisions, 
    and other obligations that state member banks of the Federal Reserve 
    System may be authorized to underwrite and deal in under 12 U.S.C. 24 
    and 335, including banker's acceptances and certificates of deposit, 
    under the same limitations as would be applicable if the activity were 
    performed by the bank holding company's subsidiary member banks or its 
    subsidiary nonmember banks as if they were member banks.
        (ii) Trading activities. Engaging as principal for the account of 
    the bank holding company or any of its affiliates in transactions in:
        (A) Foreign exchange, or
        (B) Forward contracts, options, futures, swaps, and similar 
    contracts, whether traded on exchanges or not, on any financial asset 
    (including gold, silver, platinum or palladium), nonfinancial asset, or 
    group or index of value thereof, other than a bank ineligible 
    security,10 if:
        \10\ A bank-ineligible security is any security that a State 
    member bank is not permitted to underwrite or deal in under 12 
    U.S.C. 24 and 335.
        (1) A state member bank is authorized to invest in the asset 
    underlying the contract;
        (2) The contract requires cash settlement; or
        (3) The contract allows for assignment, termination or offset prior 
    to delivery or expiration and the company makes every reasonable effort 
    to avoid taking or making delivery.
        (iii) Buying and selling bullion and related activities. Buying and 
    selling gold, silver, platinum and palladium bars, rounds, bullion and 
    coins for the company's own account and the account of others and 
    providing incidental services such as arranging for the storage, safe 
    custody, assaying and shipment of gold, silver, platinum and palladium.
        (9) Management consulting and counseling activities.--(i) 
    Management consulting. (A) Providing management consulting 
        \11\ In performing this activity, bank holding companies are not 
    authorized to perform tasks or operations or provide services to 
    client institutions either on a daily or continuing basis, except as 
    necessary to instruct the client institution on how to perform such 
    services for itself. See also the Board's interpretation of bank 
    management consulting advice (12 CFR 225.131).
        (1) On any matter to unaffiliated depository institutions, 
    including commercial banks, savings and loan associations, savings 
    banks, credit unions, industrial banks, Morris Plan banks, cooperative 
    banks, industrial loan companies, trust companies and branches or 
    agencies of foreign banks;
        (2) On any financial, economic, accounting or audit matter to any 
    other company.
        (B) A company conducting management consulting activities under 
    this subparagraph and any affiliate of such company may not--
        (1) Own or control, directly or indirectly, more than 5 percent of 
    the voting securities of the client institution; and
        (2) Allow a management official, as defined in 12 CFR 212.2(h), of 
    the company or any of its affiliates to serve as a management official 
    of the client institution, except where such interlocking relationship 
    is permitted pursuant to an exemption granted under 12 CFR 212.4(b) or 
    otherwise permitted by the Board.
        (C) A company conducting management consulting activities may 
    provide management consulting services to customers not described in 
    paragraph (b)(9)(i)(A)(1) of this section or regarding matters not 
    described in paragraph (b)(9)(i)(A)(2) if the total annual revenue 
    derived from those management consulting services does not exceed 30 
    percent of the company's total annual revenue derived from management 
    consulting activities.
        (ii) Employee benefits consulting services. Providing consulting 
    services to employee benefit, compensation and insurance plans, 
    including designing plans, assisting in the implementation of plans, 
    providing administrative services to plans, and developing employee 
    communication programs for plans.
        (iii) Career counseling services. Providing career counseling 
    services to:
        (A) A financial organization 12 and individuals currently 
    employed by, or recently displaced from, a financial organization;
        \12\ The term financial organization refers to insured 
    depository institution holding companies and their subsidiaries, 
    other than nonbanking affiliates of diversified savings and loan 
    holding companies that engage in activities not permissible under 
    section 4(c)(8) of the Bank Holding Company Act (12 U.S.C. 
        (B) Individuals who are seeking employment at a financial 
    organization; and
        (C) Individuals who are currently employed in or who seek positions 
    in the finance, accounting and audit departments of any company.
        (10) Support services.--(i) Courier services. Providing courier 
    services for--
        (A) Checks, commercial papers, documents, and written instruments 
    (excluding currency or bearer-type negotiable instruments) that are 
    exchanged among banks and financial institutions; and
        (B) Audit and accounting media of a banking or financial nature and 
    other business records and documents used in processing such 
        \13\ See also the Board's interpretation on courier activities 
    (12 CFR 225.129), which sets forth conditions for bank holding 
    company entry into the activity.
        (ii) Printing and selling MICR-encoded items. Printing and selling 
    checks and related documents, including corporate image checks, cash 
    tickets, voucher checks, deposit slips, savings withdrawal packages, 
    and other forms that require Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) 
        (11) Insurance agency and underwriting.--(i) Credit insurance. 
    Acting as principal, agent, or broker for insurance (including home 
    mortgage redemption insurance) that is--
        (A) directly related to an extension of credit by the bank holding 
    company or any of its subsidiaries; and
        (B) limited to ensuring the repayment of the outstanding balance 
    due on the extension of credit 14 in the event of the death, 
    disability, or involuntary unemployment of the debtor.
        \14\ ``Extension of credit'' includes direct loans to borrowers, 
    loans purchased from other lenders, and leases of real or personal 
    property so long as the leases are nonoperating and full-payout 
    leases that meet the requirements of paragraph (b)(5) of this 
        (ii) Finance company subsidiary. Acting as agent or broker for 
    insurance directly related to an extension of credit by a finance 
    company 15 that is a subsidiary of a bank holding company, if:
        \15\ ``Finance company'' includes all non-deposit-taking 
    financial institutions that engage in a significant degree of 
    consumer lending (excluding lending secured by first mortgages) and 
    all financial institutions specifically defined by individual states 
    as finance companies and that engage in a significant degree of 
    consumer lending.
        (A) The insurance is limited to ensuring repayment of the 
    outstanding balance on such extension of credit in the event of loss or 
    damage to any property used as collateral for the extension of credit; 
        (B) The extension of credit is not more than $10,000, or $25,000 if 
    it is to finance the purchase of a residential manufactured home 
    16 and the credit is secured by the home; and
        \16\ These limitations increase at the end of each calendar 
    year, beginning with 1982, by the percentage increase in the 
    Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers 
    published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
        (C) The applicant commits to notify borrowers in writing that:
        (1) They are not required to purchase such insurance from the 
        (2) Such insurance does not insure any interest of the borrower in 
    the collateral; and
    [[Page 47276]]
        (3) The applicant will accept more comprehensive property insurance 
    in place of such single-interest insurance.
        (iii) Insurance in small towns. Engaging in any insurance agency 
    activity in a place where the bank holding company or a subsidiary of 
    the bank holding company has a lending office and that:
        (A) Has a population not exceeding 5,000 (as shown in the preceding 
    decennial census); or
        (B) Has inadequate insurance agency facilities, as determined by 
    the Board, after notice and opportunity for hearing.
        (iv) Insurance-agency activities conducted on May 1, 1982. Engaging 
    in any specific insurance-agency activity 17 if the bank holding 
    company, or subsidiary conducting the specific activity, conducted such 
    activity on May 1, 1982, or received Board approval to conduct such 
    activity on or before May 1, 1982.18 A bank holding company or 
    subsidiary engaging in a specific insurance agency activity under this 
    clause may:
        \17\ Nothing contained in this provision shall preclude a bank 
    holding company subsidiary that is authorized to engage in a 
    specific insurance-agency activity under this clause from continuing 
    to engage in the particular activity after merger with an affiliate, 
    if the merger is for legitimate business purposes and prior notice 
    has been provided to the Board.
        \18\ For the purposes of this paragraph, activities engaged in 
    on May 1, 1982, include activities carried on subsequently as the 
    result of an application to engage in such activities pending before 
    the Board on May 1, 1982, and approved subsequently by the Board or 
    as the result of the acquisition by such company pursuant to a 
    binding written contract entered into on or before May 1, 1982, of 
    another company engaged in such activities at the time of the 
        (A) Engage in such specific insurance agency activity only at 
        (1) In the state in which the bank holding company has its 
    principal place of business (as defined in 12 U.S.C. 1842(d));
        (2) In any state or states immediately adjacent to such state; and
        (3) In any state in which the specific insurance-agency activity 
    was conducted (or was approved to be conducted) by such bank holding 
    company or subsidiary thereof or by any other subsidiary of such bank 
    holding company on May 1, 1982; and
        (B) Provide other insurance coverages that may become available 
    after May 1, 1982, so long as those coverages insure against the types 
    of risks as (or are otherwise functionally equivalent to) coverages 
    sold or approved to be sold on May 1, 1982, by such bank holding 
    company or subsidiary.
        (v) Supervision of retail insurance agents. Supervising on behalf 
    of insurance underwriters the activities of retail insurance agents who 
        (A) Fidelity insurance and property and casualty insurance on the 
    real and personal property used in the operations of the bank holding 
    company or its subsidiaries; and
        (B) Group insurance that protects the employees of the bank holding 
    company or its subsidiaries.
        (vi) Small bank holding companies. Engaging in any insurance-agency 
    activity if the bank holding company has total consolidated assets of 
    $50 million or less. A bank holding company performing insurance-agency 
    activities under this paragraph may not engage in the sale of life 
    insurance or annuities except as provided in paragraphs (b)(11) (i) and 
    (iii) of this section, and it may not continue to engage in insurance-
    agency activities pursuant to this provision more than 90 days after 
    the end of the quarterly reporting period in which total assets of the 
    holding company and its subsidiaries exceed $50 million.
        (vii) Insurance-agency activities conducted before 1971. Engaging 
    in any insurance-agency activity performed at any location in the 
    United States directly or indirectly by a bank holding company that was 
    engaged in insurance-agency activities prior to January 1, 1971, as a 
    consequence of approval by the Board prior to January 1, 1971.
        (12) Community development activities--(i) Financing and investment 
    activities. Making equity and debt investments in corporations or 
    projects designed primarily to promote community welfare, such as the 
    economic rehabilitation and development of low-income areas by 
    providing housing, services, or jobs for residents.
        (ii) Advisory activities. Providing advisory and related services 
    for programs designed primarily to promote community welfare.
        (13) Money orders, savings bonds, and traveler's checks. The 
    issuance and sale at retail of money orders and similar consumer-type 
    payment instruments; the sale of U.S. savings bonds; and the issuance 
    and sale of traveler's checks.
        (14) Data processing. (i) Providing to others data processing and 
    data transmission services, facilities (including data processing and 
    data transmission hardware, software, documentation or operating 
    personnel), data bases, advice and access to such services, facilities, 
    or data bases by any technological means, if:
        (A) The data to be processed or furnished are financial, banking, 
    or economic; and
        (B) The hardware provided in connection therewith is offered only 
    in conjunction with software designed and marketed for the processing 
    and transmission of financial, banking, or economic data, and where the 
    general purpose hardware does not constitute more than 30 percent of 
    the cost of any packaged offering.
        (ii) A company conducting data processing and data transmission 
    activities may conduct data processing and data transmission activities 
    not described in paragraph (b)(14)(i)(A) of this section if the total 
    annual revenue derived from those data processing and data transmission 
    activities does not exceed 30 percent of the company's total annual 
    revenues derived from data processing and data transmission activities.
        5. Subpart E is revised to read as follows:
    Subpart E--Change in Bank Control
    225.41  Transactions requiring prior notice.
    225.42  Transactions not requiring prior notice.
    225.43  Procedures for filing, processing, publishing and acting on 
    225.44  Reporting of stock loans.
    Subpart E--Change in Bank Control
    Sec. 225.41  Transactions requiring prior notice.
        (a) Prior notice requirement. Any person acting directly or 
    indirectly, or through or in concert with one or more persons, shall 
    give the Board 60 days written notice, as specified in Sec. 225.43 of 
    this subpart, before acquiring control of a state member bank or bank 
    holding company, unless the acquisition is exempt under Sec. 225.42.
        (b) Definitions. For purposes of this subpart:
        (1) Acquisition includes a purchase, assignment, transfer, or 
    pledge of voting securities, or an increase in percentage ownership of 
    a state member bank or a bank holding company resulting from a 
    redemption of voting securities.
        (2) Acting in concert includes knowing participation in a joint 
    activity or parallel action towards a common goal of acquiring control 
    of a state member bank or bank holding company whether or not pursuant 
    to an express agreement.
        (3) Immediate family includes a person's father, mother, 
    stepfather, stepmother, brother, sister, stepbrother, stepsister, son, 
    daughter, stepson, stepdaughter, grandparent, grandson, granddaughter, 
    father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-
    law, daughter-in-law, the spouse of any of the foregoing, and the 
    person's spouse.
        (c) Acquisitions requiring prior notice.--(1) Acquisition of 
    control. The
    [[Page 47277]]
    acquisition of voting securities of a state member bank or bank holding 
    company constitutes the acquisition of control under the Bank Control 
    Act, requiring prior notice to the Board, if, immediately after the 
    transaction, the acquiring person (or persons acting in concert) will 
    own, control, or hold with power to vote 25 percent or more of any 
    class of voting securities of the institution.
        (2) Rebuttable presumption of control. The Board presumes that an 
    acquisition of voting securities of a state member bank or bank holding 
    company constitutes the acquisition of control under the Bank Control 
    Act, requiring prior notice to the Board, if, immediately after the 
    transaction, the acquiring person (or persons acting in concert) will 
    own, control, or hold with power to vote 10 percent or more of any 
    class of voting securities of the institution, and if:
        (i) The institution has registered securities under section 12 of 
    the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78l); or
        (ii) No other person will own, control or hold the power to vote a 
    greater percentage of that class of voting securities immediately after 
    the transaction.1
        \1\ If two or more persons, not acting in concert, each propose 
    to acquire simultaneously equal percentages of 10 percent or more of 
    a class of voting securities of the state member bank or bank 
    holding company, each such person must file prior notice to the 
        (d) Rebuttable presumption of concerted action. The following 
    persons shall be presumed to be acting in concert for purposes of this 
        (1) A company and any controlling shareholder, partner, trustee, or 
    management official of such company if both the company and the person 
    own voting securities of the state member bank or bank holding company;
        (2) An individual and the individual's immediate family;
        (3) Companies under common control;
        (4) Persons who are parties to any agreement, contract, 
    understanding, relationship, or other arrangement, whether written or 
    otherwise, regarding the acquisition, voting, or transfer of control of 
    voting securities of a state member bank or bank holding company, other 
    than through a revocable proxy as described in Sec. 225.42(a)(5) of 
    this subpart;
        (5) Persons that have made, or propose to make, a joint filing 
    under sections 13 or 14 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 
    U.S.C. 78m or 78n), and the rules promulgated thereunder by the 
    Securities and Exchange Commission; and
        (6) A person and any trust for which such person serves as trustee.
        (e) Acquisitions of loans in default. The Board presumes an 
    acquisition of a loan in default that is secured by voting securities 
    of a state member bank or bank holding company to be an acquisition of 
    the underlying securities for purposes of this section.
        (f) Other transactions. Transactions other than those set forth in 
    paragraph (c) of this section resulting in a person's control of less 
    than 25 percent of a class of voting securities of a state member bank 
    or bank holding company are not deemed by the Board to constitute 
    control for purposes of the Bank Control Act.
        (g) Rebuttal of presumptions. Prior notice to the Board is not 
    required for any acquisition of voting securities under the presumption 
    of control set forth in this section, if the Board finds that the 
    acquisition will not result in control. The Board will afford any 
    person seeking to rebut a presumption in this section an opportunity to 
    present views in writing or, if appropriate, orally before its 
    designated representatives at an informal conference.
    Sec. 225.42  Transactions not requiring prior notice.
        (a) Exempt transactions. The following transactions do not require 
    notice to the Board under this subpart:
        (1) Existing control relationships. The acquisition of additional 
    voting securities of a state member bank or bank holding company by a 
    person who:
        (i) Continuously since March 9, 1979 (or since that institution 
    commenced business, if later), held power to vote 25 percent or more of 
    any class of voting securities of that institution; or
        (ii) is presumed, under Sec. 225.41(c)(2) of this subpart, to have 
    controlled the institution continuously since March 9, 1979, if the 
    aggregate amount of voting securities held does not exceed 25 percent 
    or more of any class of voting securities of the institution or, in 
    other cases, where the Board determines that the person has controlled 
    the bank continuously since March 9, 1979;
        (2) Increase of previously authorized acquisitions. Unless the 
    Board or the Reserve Bank otherwise provides in writing, the 
    acquisition of additional shares of a class of voting securities of a 
    state member bank or bank holding company by any person (or persons 
    acting in concert) who has lawfully acquired and maintained control of 
    the institution (for purposes of Sec. 225.41(c) of this subpart) after 
    complying with the procedures and receiving approval to acquire voting 
    securities of the institution under this subpart or in connection with 
    an application approved under section 3 of the BHC Act (12 U.S.C. 1842; 
    Sec. 225.11 of subpart B of this part) or section 18(c) of the Federal 
    Deposit Insurance Act (Bank Merger Act, 12 U.S.C. 1828(c));
        (3) Acquisitions subject to approval under BHC Act or Bank Merger 
    Act. Any acquisition of voting securities subject to approval under 
    section 3 of the BHC Act (12 U.S.C. 1842; Sec. 225.11 of subpart B of 
    this part), or section 18(c) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (Bank 
    Merger Act, 12 U.S.C. 1828(c)).
        (4) Transactions exempt under BHC Act. Any transaction described in 
    sections 2(a)(5), 3(a)(A), or 3(a)(B) of the BHC Act (12 U.S.C. 
    1841(a)(5), 1842(a)(A), and 1842(a)(B)), by a person described in those 
        (5) Proxy solicitation. The acquisition of the power to vote 
    securities of a state member bank or bank holding company through 
    receipt of a revocable proxy in connection with a proxy solicitation 
    for the purposes of conducting business at a regular or special meeting 
    of the institution, if the proxy terminates within a reasonable period 
    after the meeting;
        (6) Stock dividends. The receipt of voting securities of a state 
    member bank or bank holding company through a stock dividend or stock 
    split if the proportional interest of the recipient in the institution 
    remains substantially the same; and
        (7) Acquisition of foreign banking organization. The acquisition of 
    voting securities of a qualifying foreign banking organization. (This 
    exemption does not extend to the reports and information required under 
    paragraphs 9, 10, and 12 of the Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j) 
    (9), (10), and (12) and Sec. 225.44 of this subpart.)
        (b) Prior notice exemption. (1) The following acquisitions of 
    voting securities of a state member bank or bank holding company, which 
    would otherwise require prior notice under this subpart, are not 
    subject to the prior notice requirements if the acquiring person 
    notifies the appropriate Reserve Bank within 90 calendar days after the 
    acquisition and provides any relevant information requested by the 
    Reserve Bank:
        (i) The acquisition of voting securities through inheritance;
        (ii) The acquisition of voting securities as a bona fide gift; and
        (iii) The acquisition of voting securities in satisfaction of a 
    debt previously contracted (DPC) in good faith.
    [[Page 47278]]
        (2) The following acquisitions of voting securities of a state 
    member bank or bank holding company which would otherwise require prior 
    notice under this subpart are not subject to the prior notice 
    requirements if the acquiring person does not reasonably have advance 
    knowledge of the transaction, and provides the written notice required 
    under Sec. 225.43 to the appropriate Reserve Bank within 90 calendar 
    days after the transaction occurs:
        (i) The acquisition of voting securities resulting from a 
    redemption of voting securities by the issuing bank or bank holding 
    company; and
        (ii) the acquisition of voting securities as a result of actions 
    (including the sale of securities) by any third party that is not 
    within the control of the acquiror.
        (3) Nothing in paragraphs (b)(1) or (b)(2) of this section limits 
    the authority of the Board to disapprove a notice pursuant to 
    Sec. 225.43(h) of this subpart.
    Sec. 225.43   Procedures for filing, processing, publishing, and acting 
    on notices.
        (a) Filing notice. (1) A notice required under this subpart shall 
    be filed with the appropriate Reserve Bank and shall contain all the 
    information required by paragraph 6 of the Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 
    1817(j)(6)), or prescribed in the designated Board form.
        (2) The Board may waive any of the informational requirements of 
    the notice if the Board determines that it is in the public interest.
        (3) A notificant must notify the appropriate Reserve Bank or the 
    Board immediately of any material changes in a notice submitted to the 
    Reserve Bank, including changes in financial or other conditions.
        (4) When the acquiring person is an individual, or group of 
    individuals acting in concert, the requirement to provide personal 
    financial data may be satisfied by a current statement of assets and 
    liabilities and an income summary, as required in the designated Board 
    form, together with a statement of any material changes since the date 
    of the statement or summary. The Reserve Bank or the Board, 
    nevertheless, may request additional information if appropriate.
        (b) Acceptance of notice. The 60-day notice period specified in 
    Sec. 225.41 of this subpart shall commence on the date of receipt of a 
    complete notice. The Reserve Bank shall notify the person or persons 
    submitting a notice under this subpart in writing of the date the 
    notice is or was complete and thereby accepted for processing. The 
    Reserve Bank or the Board may request additional relevant information 
    at any time after the date of acceptance.
        (c) Publication--(1) Newspaper announcement. Any person(s) filing a 
    notice under this subpart must publish, in a form prescribed by the 
    Board, an announcement soliciting public comment on the proposed 
    acquisition. The announcement shall be published in a newspaper of 
    general circulation in the community in which the head office of the 
    state member bank to be acquired is located or, in the case of a 
    proposed acquisition of a bank holding company, in the community in 
    which its head office is located and in the community in which the head 
    office of each of its subsidiary banks is located. The announcement 
    must be published no earlier than 30 calendar days prior to the filing 
    of the notice with the appropriate Reserve Bank and no later than 10 
    calendar days after the filing date, and the publisher's affidavit of a 
    publication must be provided to the appropriate Reserve Bank.
        (2) Contents of newspaper announcement. The newspaper announcement 
    shall state:
        (i) The name of each person identified in the notice as a proposed 
    acquiror of the bank or bank holding company;
        (ii) The name of the bank or bank holding company to be acquired, 
    including, in the case of a bank holding company, the name of each of 
    its subsidiary banks; and
        (iii) A statement that interested persons may submit comments on 
    the notice to the Board or the appropriate Reserve Bank for a period of 
    20 days or such shorter period as may be provided pursuant to paragraph 
    (c)(5) of this section.
        (3) Federal Register announcement. The Board will, upon filing of a 
    notice under this subpart, publish announcement in the Federal Register 
    of receipt of the notice. The Federal Register announcement will 
    contain the information required under paragraphs (c)(2)(i) and 
    (c)(2)(ii) of this section and a statement that interested persons may 
    submit comments on the proposed acquisition for a period of 15 calendar 
    days or such shorter period as may be provided pursuant to paragraph 
    (c)(5) of this section. The Board may waive publication in the Federal 
    Register if the Board determines that such action is appropriate.
        (4) Delay of publication. The Board may permit delay in the 
    publication required under paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(3) of this section 
    if the Board determines, for good cause shown, that it is in the public 
    interest to grant such a delay. Requests for delay of publication may 
    be submitted to the appropriate Reserve Bank.
        (5) Shortening or waiving notice. The Board may shorten or waive 
    the public comment requirements or this paragraph, waive the newspaper 
    publication requirements of this paragraph, or act on a notice before 
    the expiration of a public comment period, if it determines in writing 
    either that an emergency exists or that disclosure of the notice, 
    solicitation of public comment, or delay until expiration of the public 
    comment period would seriously threaten the safety or soundness of the 
    bank or bank holding company to be acquired.
        (6) Consideration of public comments. In acting upon a notice filed 
    under this subpart, the Board shall consider all public comments 
    received in writing within the period specified in the newspaper or 
    Federal Register announcement, whichever is later. At the Board's 
    option, comments received after this period may, but need not, be 
        (7) Standing. No person (other than the acquiring person) who 
    submits comments or information on a notice filed under this subpart 
    shall thereby become a party to the proceeding or acquire any standing 
    or right to participate in the Board's consideration of the notice or 
    to appeal or otherwise contest the notice or the Board's action 
    regarding the notice.
        (d) Time period for Board action--(1) Consummation of acquisition. 
    (i) The notificant(s) may consummate the proposed acquisition 60 days 
    after submission to the Reserve Bank of a complete notice under 
    paragraph (a) of this section, unless within that period the Board 
    disapproves the proposed acquisition or extends the 60-day period as 
    provided under paragraph (d)(2) of this section.
        (ii) The notificant(s) may consummate the proposed transaction 
    before the expiration of the 60-day period if the Board notifies the 
    notificant(s) in writing of the Board's intention not to disapprove the 
        (2) Extensions of time period.
        (i) The Board may extend the 60-day period in paragraph (d)(1) of 
    this section for an additional 30 days by notifying the acquiring 
        (ii) The Board may further extend the period during which it may 
    disapprove a notice for two additional periods of not more than 45 days 
    each if the Board determines that:
        (A) Any acquiring person has not furnished all the information 
    required under paragraph (a) of this section;
        (B) Any material information submitted is substantially inaccurate;
        (C) The Board is unable to complete the investigation of an 
    acquiring person
    [[Page 47279]]
    because of inadequate cooperation or delay by that person; or
        (D) Additional time is needed to investigate and determine that no 
    acquiring person has a record of failing to comply with the 
    requirements of the Bank Secrecy Act, subchapter II of chapter 53 of 
    Title 31, United States Code.
        (iii) If the Board extends the time period under this paragraph, it 
    shall notify the acquiring person(s) of the reasons therefore and shall 
    include a statement of the information, if any, deemed incomplete or 
        (e) Advice to bank supervisory agencies. (1) Upon accepting a 
    notice relating to acquisition of securities of a state member bank, 
    the Reserve Bank shall send a copy of the notice to the appropriate 
    state bank supervisor, which shall have 30 calendar days from the date 
    the notice is sent in which to submit its views and recommendations to 
    the Board. The Reserve Bank also shall send a copy of any notice to the 
    Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 
    and the Office of Thrift Supervision.
        (2) If the Board finds that it must act immediately in order to 
    prevent the probable failure of the bank or bank holding company 
    involved, the Board may dispense with or modify the requirements for 
    notice to the state supervisor.
        (f) Investigation and report. (1) After receiving a notice under 
    this subpart, the Board or the appropriate Reserve Bank shall conduct 
    an investigation of the competence, experience, integrity, and 
    financial ability of each person by and for whom an acquisition is to 
    be made. The Board shall also make an independent determination of the 
    accuracy and completeness of any information required to be contained 
    in a notice under paragraph (a) of this section. In investigating any 
    notice accepted under this subpart, the Board or Reserve Bank may 
    solicit information or views from any person, including any bank or 
    bank holding company involved in the notice, and any appropriate state, 
    federal, or foreign governmental authority.
        (2) The Board or the appropriate Reserve Bank shall prepare a 
    written report of its investigation, which shall contain, at a minimum, 
    a summary of the results of the investigation.
        (g) Factors considered in acting on notices. In reviewing a notice 
    filed under this subpart, the Board shall consider the information in 
    the record, the views and recommendations of the appropriate bank 
    supervisor, and any other relevant information obtained during any 
    investigation of the notice.
        (h) Disapproval and hearing.--(1) Disapproval of notice. The Board 
    may disapprove an acquisition if it finds adverse effects with respect 
    to any of the factors set forth in paragraph 7 of the Bank Control Act 
    (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)(7)) (i.e., competitive, financial, managerial, 
    banking or incompleteness of information).
        (2) Disapproval notification. Within three days after its decision 
    to issue a notice of intent to disapprove any proposed acquisition, the 
    Board shall notify the acquiring person in writing of the reasons for 
    the action.
        (3) Hearing. Within 10 calendar days of receipt of the notice of 
    the Board's intent to disapprove, the acquiring person may submit a 
    written request for a hearing. Any hearing conducted under this 
    paragraph shall be in accordance with the Rules of Practice for Formal 
    Hearings (12 CFR part 263). At the conclusion of the hearing, the Board 
    shall, by order, approve or disapprove the proposed acquisition on the 
    basis of the record of the hearing. If the acquiring person does not 
    request a hearing, the notice of intent to disapprove becomes final and 
    Sec. 225.44   Reporting of stock loans.
        (a) Requirements. (1) Any financial institution and any affiliate 
    of a financial institution that has credit outstanding to any person or 
    group of persons, in the aggregate, which is secured, directly or 
    indirectly, by 25 percent or more of any class of voting securities of 
    a state member bank must file a consolidated report with the 
    appropriate Reserve Bank for the state member bank.
        (2) The financial institution also must file a copy of the report 
    with its appropriate Federal banking agency.
        (3) Any shares of the state member bank held by the financial 
    institution or any of its affiliates as principal must be included in 
    the calculation of the number of shares in which the financial 
    institution or its affiliates has a security interest for purposes of 
    paragraph (a) of this section.
        (b) Definitions. For purposes of paragraph (a) of this section:
        (1) Financial institution includes any insured depository 
    institution (as defined in section 3(c)(2) of the Federal Deposit 
    Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1813(c)(2)) and any foreign bank that is 
    subject to the provisions of the BHC Act pursuant to section 8 of the 
    International Banking Act (12 U.S.C. 3106).
        (2) Credit outstanding includes any loan or extension of credit; 
    the issuance of a guarantee, acceptance, or letter of credit, including 
    an endorsement or standby letter of credit; and any other type of 
    transaction that extends credit or financing to the person or group of 
        (3) Group of persons includes any number of persons that the 
    financial institution has reason to believe:
        (i) Are acting together, in concert, or with one another to acquire 
    or control shares of the same insured depository institution, including 
    an acquisition of shares of the same depository institution at 
    approximately the same time under substantially the same terms; or
        (ii) Have made, or propose to make, a joint filing under section 13 
    or 14 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78m or 78n), 
    and the rules promulgated thereunder by the Securities and Exchange 
    Commission regarding ownership of the shares of the same insured 
    depository institution.
        (c) Exceptions. Compliance with paragraph (a) of this section is 
    not required if:
        (1) The person or group of persons referred to in that paragraph 
    has disclosed the amount borrowed and the security interest therein to 
    the Board or appropriate Reserve Bank in connection with a notice filed 
    under Sec. 225.41 of this subpart or another application filed with the 
    Board or Reserve Bank as a substitute for a notice under Sec. 225.41 of 
    this subpart, including an application filed under section 3 of the BHC 
    Act (12 U.S.C. 1842) or section 18(c) of the Federal Deposit Insurance 
    Act (Bank Merger Act, 12 U.S.C. 1828(c)), or an application for 
    membership in the Federal Reserve System; or
        (2) The transaction involves a person or group of persons that has 
    been the owner or owners of record of the stock for a period of one 
    year or more; or, if the transaction involves stock issued by a newly 
    chartered bank, before the bank is opened for business.
        (d) Report requirements. (1) The consolidated report must indicate 
    the number and percentage of shares securing each applicable extension 
    of credit, the identity of the borrower, and the number of shares held 
    as principal by the financial institution and any affiliate of the 
    financial institution.
        (2) Financial institutions must file the consolidated report in 
    writing within 30 days of the date on which the financial institution 
    or any affiliate first believes that the security for any outstanding 
    credit consists of 25 percent or more of any class of voting securities 
    of a state member bank.
        (e) Other reporting requirements. A state member bank that is 
    required to report to another Federal banking agency credit outstanding 
    that is
    [[Page 47280]]
    secured by the shares of an insured depository institution also must 
    file a copy of the report with the appropriate Reserve Bank.
        6. Subpart G is amended by revising the heading to read as follows:
    Subpart G--Appraisal Standards for Federally Related Transactions
        7. Subpart H is amended by revising Secs. 225.71 through 225.73 to 
    read as follows:
    Subpart H--Notice of Addition or Change of Directors and Senior 
    Executive Officers
    Sec. 225.71   Definitions.
        (a) Senior executive officer means a person who holds the title or, 
    without regard to title, salary, or compensation, performs the function 
    of one or more of the following positions: president, chief executive 
    officer, chief operating officer, chief financial officer, chief 
    lending officer, or chief investment officer. Senior executive officer 
    also includes any other person identified by the Board or Reserve Bank, 
    whether or not hired as an employee, with significant influence over 
    major policymaking decisions of the state member bank or bank holding 
        (b) Director means a person who serves on the board of directors of 
    a state member bank or bank holding company, except that this term does 
    not include an advisory director who:
        (1) Is not elected by the shareholders of the state member bank or 
    bank holding company;
        (2) Is not authorized to vote on any matters before the board of 
        (3) Solely provides general policy advice to the board of directors 
    and any committee thereof; and
        (4) Has not been identified by the Board or Reserve Bank as a 
    person who performs the functions of a director for purposes of this 
        (c) Troubled condition for a state member bank or bank holding 
    company means an institution that:
        (1) Has a composite rating, as determined in its most recent report 
    of examination or inspection, of 4 or 5 under the commercial bank 
    Uniform Interagency Bank Rating System or under the Federal Reserve 
    Bank Holding Company Rating System;
        (2) Is subject to a cease-and-desist order or formal written 
    agreement that requires action to improve the financial condition of 
    the institution, unless otherwise informed in writing by the Board or 
    Reserve Bank; or
        (3) Is informed in writing by the Board or Reserve Bank that it is 
    in troubled condition for purposes of the requirements of this subpart 
    on the basis of the institution's most recent report of condition or 
    report of examination or inspection, or other information available to 
    the Board or Reserve Bank.
    Sec. 225.72  Director and officer appointments; prior notice 
        (a) Prior notice by institution. (1) A state member bank or bank 
    holding company shall give the Board 30 days' written notice, as 
    specified in Sec. 225.73, before adding or replacing any member of its 
    board of directors, employing any person as a senior executive officer 
    of the state member bank or bank holding company, or changing the 
    responsibilities of any senior executive officer so that the person 
    would assume a different senior executive officer position, if:
        (i) The state member bank has operated under its charter for less 
    than two years;
        (ii) The state member bank or bank holding company has undergone a 
    change in control within the preceding two years that required a notice 
    to be filed pursuant to the Change in Bank Control Act or subpart E of 
    this part;
        (iii) The bank holding company became a registered bank holding 
    company within the preceding two years, unless:
        (A) The bank holding company is owned or controlled by a registered 
    bank holding company; or
        (B) The bank holding company was formed in a reorganization in 
    which substantially all shareholders of the bank holding company were 
    shareholders of its subsidiary bank prior to the bank holding company's 
    formation; or
        (iv) The state member bank or bank holding company is not in 
    compliance with all minimum capital requirements applicable to the 
    institution as determined on the basis of the institution's most recent 
    report of condition or report of examination or inspection, or is 
    otherwise in troubled condition.
        (2) A state member bank will be considered to have operated under 
    its charter for more than two years for purposes of 
    Sec. 225.72(a)(1)(i) if:
        (i) In a charter conversion, the predecessor insured depository 
    institution operated under its charter for at least two years; or
        (ii) The state member bank was chartered solely to facilitate the 
    acquisition of another insured depository institution that operated 
    under its charter for at least two years.
        (b) Prior notice by an individual. The prior notice required by 
    paragraph (a) of this section may be provided by an individual seeking 
    election to the board of directors of a state member bank or bank 
    holding company who has not been proposed by management.
    Sec. 225.73   Procedures for filing, processing, and acting on notices; 
    standards for disapproval; waiver of notice.
        (a) Filing notice--(1) Content. The notice required in Sec. 225.72 
    shall be filed with the appropriate Reserve Bank and shall contain:
        (i) The information required by paragraph 6(A) of the Change in 
    Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)(6)(A)) as may be prescribed in the 
    designated Board form;
        (ii) Additional information consistent with the Federal Financial 
    Institutions Examination Council's Joint Statement of Guidelines on 
    Conducting Background Checks and Change in Control Investigations as 
    set forth in the designated Board form; and
        (iii) Such other information as may be required by the Board or 
    Reserve Bank.
        (2) Modification. The Reserve Bank may modify or accept other 
    information in place of the requirements of Sec. 225.73(a)(1) for a 
    notice filed under this subpart.
        (3) Acceptance of notice. The 30-day notice period specified in 
    Sec. 225.72 shall begin on the date all information required to be 
    submitted by the notificant pursuant to Sec. 225.73(a)(1) is received 
    by the appropriate Reserve Bank. The Reserve Bank shall notify the 
    state member bank or bank holding company or individual submitting the 
    notice of the date on which all required information is received and 
    the notice is accepted for processing, and of the date on which the 30-
    day notice period will expire.
        (b) Commencement of service--(1) At expiration of period. A 
    proposed director or senior executive officer may begin service after 
    the end of the 30-day period which begins on the day that a complete 
    notice under paragraph (a) of this section has been accepted by the 
    Reserve Bank unless the Board or Reserve Bank issues a notice of 
    disapproval of the proposed addition or employment before the end of 
    the 30-day period.
        (2) Prior to expiration of period. A proposed director or senior 
    executive officer may begin service before the expiration of the 30-day 
    period if the Board or the Reserve Bank notifies in writing the state 
    member bank or bank holding company or individual submitting the notice 
    of the Board's or Reserve Bank's intention not to disapprove the 
    addition or employment.
        (c) Notice of disapproval. The Board or Reserve Bank shall 
    disapprove a
    [[Page 47281]]
    notice under Sec. 225.72 if the Board or Reserve Bank finds that the 
    competence, experience, character, or integrity of the individual with 
    respect to whom the notice is submitted indicates that it would not be 
    in the best interests of the depositors of the state member bank or in 
    the best interests of the public to permit the individual to be 
    employed by, or associated with, the state member bank or bank holding 
    company. The notice of disapproval shall contain a statement of the 
    basis for disapproval and shall be sent to the state member bank or 
    bank holding company and the disapproved individual.
        (d) Appeal of a notice of disapproval. (1) A disapproved individual 
    or a state member bank or bank holding company that has submitted a 
    notice that is disapproved under this section may appeal the 
    disapproval to the Board within 15 days of the effective date of the 
    notice of disapproval. An appeal shall be in writing and explain the 
    reasons for the appeal and include all facts, documents, and arguments 
    that the appealing party wishes to be considered in the appeal, and 
    state whether the appealing party is requesting an informal hearing.
        (2) Written notice of the final decision of the Board shall be sent 
    to the appealing party within 60 days of the receipt of an appeal, 
    unless the appealing party's request for an informal hearing is 
        (3) The disapproved individual may not serve as a director or 
    senior executive officer of the state member bank or bank holding 
    company while the appeal is pending.
        (e) Informal hearing. (1) An individual, state member bank or bank 
    holding company whose notice under this section has been disapproved 
    may request an informal hearing on the notice. A request for an 
    informal hearing shall be in writing and shall be submitted within 15 
    days of a notice of disapproval. The Board may, in its sole discretion, 
    order an informal hearing if the Board finds that oral argument is 
    appropriate or necessary to resolve disputes regarding material issues 
    of fact.
        (2) An informal hearing shall be held within 30 days of a request, 
    if granted, unless the requesting party agrees to a later date.
        (3) Written notice of the final decision of the Board shall be 
    given to the individual and the state member bank or bank holding 
    company within 60 days of the conclusion of any informal hearing 
    ordered by the Board unless the requesting party agrees to a later 
        (f) Waiver of notice--(1) Waiver requests. The Board or Reserve 
    Bank may permit an individual to serve as a senior executive officer or 
    director before the notice required under this subpart is provided, if 
    the Board or Reserve Bank finds that:
        (i) Delay would threaten the safety or soundness of the state 
    member bank or bank holding company or any of its subsidiary banks;
        (ii) Delay would not be in the public interest; or
        (iii) Other extraordinary circumstances exist that justify waiver 
    of prior notice.
        (2) Automatic waiver. An individual who is not proposed by the 
    management of a state member bank or bank holding company and who is 
    elected as a new member of the board of directors at a meeting of the 
    state member bank or bank holding company may serve as a director and 
    may comply with the notice requirements of Sec. 225.72(a) by providing 
    to the appropriate Reserve Bank all the information required in 
    Sec. 225.73(a) within two (2) business days after the individual's 
        (3) Effect on disapproval authority. Any waiver granted under this 
    section shall not affect the authority of the Board or Reserve Bank to 
    issue a notice of disapproval within 30 days after such waiver.
         8. Section 225.125 is amended by revising paragraphs (f) and (g) 
    to read as follows:
    Sec. 225.125  Investment adviser activities.
    * * * * *
        (f) In the Board's opinion, the Glass-Steagall Act provisions, as 
    interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court, forbid a bank holding company to 
    sponsor, organize or control a mutual fund. However, the Board does not 
    believe that such restrictions apply to closed-end investment companies 
    as long as such companies are not primarily or frequently engaged in 
    the issuance, sale and distribution of securities. A bank holding 
    company should not act as investment adviser to an investment company 
    which has a name that is similar to the name of the holding company or 
    any of its subsidiary banks unless the prospectus of the investment 
    company contains the disclosures required in paragraph (h) of this 
    section. In no case should a bank holding company act as investment 
    adviser to an investment company which has either a name that is the 
    same as the name of the holding company or any of its subsidiary banks, 
    or a name that contains the word ``bank''.
        (g) In view of the potential conflicts of interests that may exist, 
    a bank holding company and its bank and nonbank subsidiaries should not 
    purchase in their sole discretion in a fiduciary capacity (including as 
    managing agent) securities of any investment company for which the bank 
    holding company acts as investment adviser unless the purchase is 
    specifically authorized by the terms of the instrument creating the 
    fiduciary relationship, by court order, or by the law of the 
    jurisdiction under which the trust is administered.
    * * * * *
        9. Appendix C is revised to read as follows:
    Appendix C to Part 225--Small Bank Holding Company Policy Statement
    Policy Statement on Assessment of Financial Factors
        In acting on applications filed under the Bank Holding Company 
    Act, the Board has adopted, and continues to follow, the principle 
    that bank holding companies should serve as a source of strength for 
    their subsidiary banks. When bank holding companies incur debt and 
    rely upon the earnings of their subsidiary banks as the means of 
    repaying such debt, a question arises as to the probable effect upon 
    the financial condition of the company and its subsidiary bank or 
        The Board believes that a high level of debt at the parent 
    holding company level impairs the ability of a bank holding company 
    to provide financial assistance to its subsidiary bank(s) and in 
    some cases the servicing requirements on such debt may be a 
    significant drain on the resources of the bank(s). For these reasons 
    the Board has not favored the use of acquisition debt in the 
    formation of bank holding companies or in the acquisition of 
    additional banks. Nevertheless, the Board has recognized that the 
    transfer of ownership of small banks often requires the use of 
    acquisition debt. The Board therefore has permitted the formation 
    and expansion of small-bank holding companies with debt levels 
    higher than would be permitted for larger holding companies. 
    Approval of these applications has been given on the condition that 
    the small-bank holding companies demonstrate the ability to service 
    the acquisition debt without straining the capital of their 
    subsidiary bank(s) and, further, that such companies restore their 
    ability to serve as a source of strength for their subsidiary 
    bank(s) within a relatively short period of time.
        In the interest of furthering its policy of facilitating the 
    transfer of ownership in banks without diluting bank safety and 
    soundness, the Board has, as described below, adopted certain 
    revisions to its procedures and standards for the formation and 
    expansion of small bank holding companies.
        A. Size criterion and grandfathering: This policy applies only 
    to bank holding companies with pro forma consolidated assets of less 
    than $150 million that: (i) Are not engaged in nonbank activity 
    [[Page 47282]]
    significant leverage; 1 and (ii) do not have a significant 
    amount of outstanding debt that is held by the general public. 
    Small-bank holding companies formed before the effective date of 
    this policy may switch to a plan that adheres to the intent of this 
    policy provided they comply with the requirements set forth under 
    paragraphs C., D.2, D.3, and D.4 below.
        \1\ A bank holding company that is engaged in significant off 
    balance sheet activities would generally be deemed to be engaged in 
    activities that involve significant leverage.
        B. The two categories of small bank holding company proposals:
        Category I (low leverage) proposal: A proposal in which the 
    parent bank holding company has a pro-forma debt-equity ratio of 
    1.0:1 or less and meets all applicable requirements of this policy 
        Category II (highly leveraged or other) proposal: A proposal in 
    which the parent bank holding company has a pro-forma debt-equity 
    ratio of greater than 1.0:1, or any proposal by a small bank holding 
    company under Section 3 of the Bank Holding Company Act that does 
    not meet one of the applicable requirements of this policy 
        C. Examination ratings and bank capitalization: Generally, the 
    Board expects that an applicant's existing and proposed subsidiary 
    bank(s) will have satisfactory examination ratings and be well 
    managed, and that all present and proposed bank subsidiaries will be 
    designated well-capitalized. Although the Board recognizes that 
    there may be instances in which proposals merit favorable 
    consideration despite the failure to meet these and the other 
    requirements of this policy statement, such proposals will be 
    subject to more intense evaluation and will not be subject to the 
    expedited procedures set forth in Regulation Y that apply to 
    Category I (low leverage) proposals. Proposals involving de novo 
    banks or those that otherwise have not been examined would be 
    processed as Category II (highly leveraged) proposals.
        D. Other financial considerations: In evaluating applications 
    filed pursuant to section 3 of the Bank Holding Company Act, as 
    amended, when an applicant intends to incur debt to finance the 
    acquisition of a small bank or banks, the Board will continue to 
    take into account a full range of financial and other information 
    about the applicant, and its current and proposed subsidiary 
    bank(s), including the recent trend and stability of earnings, past 
    and prospective growth, asset quality, the ability to meet debt 
    servicing requirements without placing an undue strain on the 
    resources of the bank(s), and the record and competency of 
    management. In addition, the Board will require applicants to meet 
    the minimum requirements set forth below. As a general rule, failure 
    to meet any of these requirements will result in denial of the 
    application; however, the Board reserves the right to make 
    exceptions if the circumstances warrant.
        1. Minimum down payment: The amount of acquisition debt should 
    not exceed 75 percent of the purchase price of the bank(s) to be 
    acquired. When the owner(s) of the holding company incur debt to 
    finance the purchase of the bank(s), such debt will be considered 
    acquisition debt even though it does not represent an obligation of 
    the bank holding company, unless the owner(s) can demonstrate that 
    such debt can be serviced without reliance on the resources of the 
    bank(s) or bank holding company.
        2. Capital adequacy: Each subsidiary bank of a small bank 
    holding company subject to this policy statement is expected to 
    maintain a well-capitalized designation.
        3. Reduction in parent company leverage: Small-bank holding 
    companies subject to this policy statement are to reduce their 
    parent company debt to equity ratios consistent with the statutory 
    requirement that all debt be retired within 25 years of being 
    incurred. The Board also generally expects that small bank holding 
    companies reach a debt to equity level of 30 percent or less within 
    12 years of the incurrence of the debt. The holding company must 
    also safely meet debt servicing and other requirements imposed by 
    its creditors.2
        \2\ The term debt, as used in the ratio of debt to equity, means 
    any borrowed funds (exclusive of short-term borrowings that arise 
    out of current transactions, the proceeds of which are used for 
    current transactions), and any securities issued by, or obligations 
    of, the holding company that are the functional equivalent of 
    borrowed funds.
        The term equity, as used in the ratio of debt to equity, means 
    the total stockholders' equity of the bank holding company adjusted 
    to reflect the periodic amortization of ``goodwill'' (defined as the 
    excess of cost of any acquired company over the sum of the amounts 
    assigned to identifiable assets acquired, less liabilities assumed) 
    in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. In 
    determining the total amount of stockholders' equity, the bank 
    holding company should account for its investments in the common 
    stock of subsidiaries by the equity method of accounting.
        Ordinarily the Board does not view redeemable preferred stock as 
    a substitute for common stock in a small-bank holding company. 
    Nevertheless, to a limited degree and under certain circumstances, 
    the Board will consider redeemable preferred stock as equity in the 
    capital accounts of the holding company if the following conditions 
    are met: (1) The preferred stock is redeemable only at the option of 
    the issuer and (2) the debt to equity ratio of the holding company 
    would be at or remain below 30 percent following the redemption or 
    retirement of any preferred stock. Preferred stock that is 
    convertible into common stock of the holding company may be treated 
    as equity.
        4. Dividend restrictions: A small bank holding company with a 
    Category II (highly leveraged) proposal as described above is not 
    expected to pay corporate dividends on common stock until such time 
    as it reduces its debt to equity ratio to 1.0:1 or less and 
    otherwise qualifies as a Category I (low leverage) proposal.3
        \3\ Dividends may be paid by small bank holding companies with 
    debt to equity at or below 1.0:1 if the dividends are reasonable in 
    amount, do not adversely affect the ability of the bank holding 
    company to service its debt in an orderly manner, and do not 
    adversely affect the ability of the subsidiary bank(s) to maintain 
    well-capitalized designations. It is expected that dividends will be 
    eliminated if the holding company is not meeting the projections, 
    made at the time the application was filed, regarding the ability of 
    the holding company to reduce the debt to equity ratio to 30 percent 
    within 12 years of consummation of the proposal.
        E. Subsequent acquisitions: Small bank holding companies may 
    make acquisitions of additional banks after their formation if they 
    continue to meet the requirements of this policy statement and other 
    relevant statutory factors. It is expected that expanding small bank 
    holding companies will be in satisfactory financial condition and 
    well managed. Small bank holding companies whose expansion proposals 
    otherwise qualify as Category I (low leverage) proposals must also 
    be rated BOPEC composite 1-S or 2-S as of their most recent 
    inspection in order to qualify for the expedited processing 
    procedures. Proposals from unrated small bank holding companies will 
    be subject to a more intense review and, therefore, will not be 
    eligible for the expedited procedures.
        By order of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve 
    System, August 28, 1996.
    William W. Wiles,
    Secretary of the Board.
    [FR Doc. 96-22402 Filed 9-5-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6210-01-P

Document Information

Federal Reserve System
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Notice of proposed rulemaking; request for comments.
Document Number:
Comments must be received by October 31, 1996.
47242-47282 (41 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Regulation Y, Docket No. R-0935
PDF File:
CFR: (39)
12 CFR 262.3)
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12 CFR 225.15(b)
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12 CFR 225.11(e)
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