96-22744. Federal Acquisition Regulation; Procurement Integrity  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 174 (Friday, September 6, 1996)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 47390-47396]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-22744]
    48 CFR Parts 1, 3, 4, 9, 12, 14, 15, 19, 33, 37, 43, 52, and 53
    [FAR Case 96-314]
    RIN 9000-AH19
    Federal Acquisition Regulation; Procurement Integrity
    AGENCIES: Department of Defense (DOD), General Services Administration 
    (GSA), and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: The Civilian Agency Acquisition Council and the Defense 
    Acquisition Regulations Council are proposing to amend the Federal 
    Acquisition Regulation (FAR) to implement Section 27 of the Office of 
    Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP) Act, as amended by Section 4304 of 
    the Fiscal Year 1996 National Defense Authorization Act, also known as 
    the Federal Acquisition Reform Act. This regulatory action was not 
    subject to Office of Management and Budget review under Executive Order 
    12866, dated September 30, 1993. This is not a major rule under 5 
    U.S.C. 804.
    DATES: Comments should be submitted on or before November 5, 1996 to be 
    considered in the formulation of a final rule.
    ADDRESSES: Interested parties should submit written comments to: 
    General Services Administration, FAR Secretariat (MVR), 18th & F 
    Streets, NW, Room 4040, Washington, DC 20405.
        Please cite FAR case 96-314 in all correspondence related to this 
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Peter O'Such at (202) 501-1759 in 
    reference to this FAR case. For general information, contact the FAR 
    Secretariat, Room 4040, GS Building, Washington, DC 20405 (202) 501-
    4755. Please cite FAR case 96-314.
    A. Background
        On September 6, 1990, an interim rule with request for public 
    comments was published in the Federal Register (55 FR 36782) under FAR 
    case 89-023 to implement Section 27 of the OFPP Act. On November 30, 
    1990, as a result of amendments made by Section 815 of the FY 1991/1992 
    National Defense Authorization Act, Public Law 101-510, the interim 
    rule was amended (55 FR 49852) and the time allowed for submission of 
    public comments was extended. A total of 222 comments were received.
        Section 4304 of the FY 1996 National Defense Authorization Act 
    again amends Section 27 of the OFPP Act. As amended, Section 27 of the 
    OFPP Act specifies restrictions in four areas: a prohibition on 
    disclosing procurement information; a prohibition on obtaining 
    procurement information; actions required of procurement officers when 
    contacted by offerors regarding non-Federal employment; and a 
    prohibition on former officials' acceptance of compensation from 
    certain contractors.
        The public comments received in response to the interim rule under 
    FAR case 89-023 were considered in preparing this proposed rule, to the 
    extent that the comments are relevant under the 1996 amendments to 
    Section 27 of the OFPP Act.
    B. Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The proposed rule may have a significant beneficial economic impact 
    on a substantial number of small entities within the meaning of the 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601, et seq., because the rule 
    eliminates the procurement integrity certifications and supporting 
    information previously required to be submitted by every bidder and 
    apparently successful offeror for a contract of over $100,000, and 
    every contractor seeking a contract modification valued at over 
    $100,000. An Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (IRFA) has been 
    prepared and submitted to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small 
    Business Administration. A copy of the IRFA may be obtained from the 
    FAR Secretariat. Comments are invited. Comments from small entities 
    concerning the affected FAR parts will be considered in accordance with 
    Section 610 of the Act. Such comments must be submitted separately and 
    cite FAR case 96-314 in correspondence.
    C. Paperwork Reduction Act
        The Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501, et seq.) may apply 
    because the proposed rule eliminates existing recordkeeping and 
    information collection requirements approved by the Office of 
    Management and Budget under OMB Control Number 9000-0103. A paperwork 
    burden of 43,333 hours would be eliminated.
    List of Subjects in 48 CFR Parts 1, 3, 4, 9, 12, 14, 15, 19, 33, 
    37, 43, 52, and 53
        Government procurement.
        Dated: August 30, 1996.
    Jeremy Olson,
    Acting Director, Federal Acquisition Policy Division.
        Therefore, it is proposed that 48 CFR Parts 1, 3, 4, 9, 12, 14, 15, 
    19, 33, 37, 43, 52, and 53 be amended as set forth below:
        1. The authority citation for 48 CFR Parts 1, 3, 4, 9, 12, 14, 15, 
    19, 33, 37, 43, 52, and 53 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 40 U.S.C. 486(c); 10 U.S.C. chapter 137; and 42 
    U.S.C. 2473(c).
    1.106   [Amended]
        2. Section 1.106 is amended in the table by removing entries 3.104-
    9, 3.104-12(a)(12), 52.203-8, 52.203-9, and their respective OMB 
    Control Numbers.
        3. Sections 3.104 through 3.104-9 are revised to read as set forth 
    below and sections 3.104-10 through 3.104-12 are removed.
    3.104 Procurement integrity.
    3.104-1 General.
    3.104-2 Applicability.
    3.104-3 Statutory and related prohibitions, restrictions, and 
    3.104-4 Definitions.
    3.104-5 Disclosure, protection, and marking of contractor bid or 
    proposal information and source selection information.
    3.104-6 Disqualification.
    3.104-7 Ethics advisory opinions regarding prohibitions on former 
    official's acceptance of compensation from contractors.
    3.104-8 Contract clause.
    3.104-9 Violations or possible violations.
    3.104   Procurement integrity.
    3.104-1   General.
        (a) Section 3.104 implements section 27 of the Office of Federal 
    Procurement Policy Act (41 U.S.C. 423), as amended by section 814 of 
    the FY 90/91 National Defense Authorization Act, Pub. L. 101-189, 
    section 815 of the FY 91 National Defense Authorization Act, Pub. L. 
    101-510, and section 4304 of the FY 96 National Defense Authorization 
    Act, Pub. L. 104-106 (hereinafter, section 27 is referred to as ``the 
    Act'' or ``the law
    [[Page 47391]]
    as amended''). Agency supplementation of 3.104 and any clauses required 
    by 3.104 must be approved at a level not lower than the Senior 
    Procurement Executive of the agency, unless a higher level of approval 
    is required by law for that agency.
        (b) Agency employees are reminded that there are other statutes and 
    regulations that deal with prohibited conduct, for example--
        (1) The offer or acceptance of a bribe or gratuity is prohibited by 
    18 U.S.C. 201, 10 U.S.C. 2207, 5 U.S.C. 7353, and 5 CFR Part 2635;
        (2) Employment discussions are covered by 18 U.S.C. 208, which 
    precludes a Government employee from participating personally and 
    substantially in any particular matter that would affect the financial 
    interests of any person with whom the employee is negotiating for 
        (3) Post-employment restrictions are covered by 18 U.S.C. 207, 
    which prohibits certain activities by former Government employees, 
    including representation of a contractor before the Government in 
    relation to any contract or other particular matter involving specific 
    parties on which the former employee participated personally and 
    substantially while employed by the Government; and
        (4) FAR Parts 14 and 15, which place restrictions on the release of 
    information related to procurements and other contractor information 
    which must be protected under 18 U.S.C. 1905. In addition, 5 CFR Part 
    2635 protects non-public Government information.
    3.104-2   Applicability.
        (a) The restrictions at 3.104-3 (a) through (c) apply after [insert 
    date 30 days after publication of final rule or January 1, 1997, 
    whichever is earlier] to the conduct of every Federal agency 
    procurement using competitive procedures for the acquisition of goods 
    or services from non-Federal sources using appropriated funds.
        (b) The post-employment restrictions at 3.104-3(d) apply to any 
    former official of a Federal agency whose employment by a Federal 
    agency ended on or after January 1, 1997. Former officials of a Federal 
    agency whose employment by a Federal agency ended before January 1, 
    1997, are subject to the restrictions imposed by 41 U.S.C. 423 as it 
    existed before Pub. L. 104-106.
    3.104-3  Statutory and related prohibitions, restrictions, and 
        (a) Prohibition on disclosing procurement information (subsection 
    27(a) of the Act). (1) A person described in paragraph (a)(2) of this 
    subsection shall not, other than as provided by law, knowingly disclose 
    contractor bid or proposal information or source selection information 
    before the award of a Federal agency procurement contract to which the 
    information relates.
        (2) Paragraph (a)(1) of this subsection applies to any person who--
        (i) Is a present or former official of the United States, or a 
    person who is acting or has acted for or on behalf of, or who is 
    advising or has advised the United States with respect to, a Federal 
    agency procurement; and
        (ii) By virtue of that office, employment, or relationship has or 
    had access to contractor bid or proposal information or source 
    selection information.
        (b) Prohibition on obtaining procurement information (subsection 
    27(b) of the Act). A person shall not, other than as provided by law, 
    knowingly obtain contractor bid or proposal information or source 
    selection information before the award of a Federal agency procurement 
    contract to which the information relates.
        (c) Actions required of agency officials when contacted by offerors 
    regarding non-Federal employment (subsection 27(c) of the Act). (1) If 
    an agency official who is participating personally and substantially in 
    a Federal agency procurement for a contract in excess of the simplified 
    acquisition threshold contacts or is contacted by a person who is a 
    bidder or offeror in that Federal agency procurement regarding possible 
    non-Federal employment for that official, the official shall--
        (i) Promptly report the contact in writing to the official's 
    supervisor and to the designated agency ethics official (or designee) 
    of the agency in which the official is employed; and
        (ii)(A) Reject the possibility of non-Federal employment; or
        (B) Disqualify himself or herself from further personal and 
    substantial participation in that Federal agency procurement until such 
    time as the agency has authorized the official to resume participation 
    in such procurement, either in accordance with the requirements of 18 
    U.S.C. 208 and applicable agency regulations, or on the grounds that--
        (1) The person is no longer a bidder or offeror in that Federal 
    agency procurement; or
        (2) All discussions with the bidder or offeror regarding possible 
    non-Federal employment have terminated without an agreement or 
    arrangement for employment.
        (2) The requirements in subsection 27(c)(1) of the Act do not apply 
    to an agency official after the contract has been awarded or the 
    procurement has been canceled.
        (d) Prohibition on former official's acceptance of compensation 
    from a contractor (subsection 27(d) of the Act). (1) A former official 
    of a Federal agency may not accept compensation from a contractor as an 
    employee, officer, director, or consultant of the contractor within a 
    period of one year after such former official--
        (i) Served, at the time of selection of the contractor or the award 
    of a contract to that contractor, as the procuring contracting officer, 
    the source selection authority, a member of the source selection 
    evaluation board, or the chief of a financial or technical evaluation 
    team in a procurement in which that contractor was selected for award 
    of a contract in excess of $10,000,000;
        (ii) Served as the program manager, deputy program manager, or 
    administrative contracting officer for a contract in excess of 
    $10,000,000 awarded to that contractor; or
        (iii) Personally made for the Federal agency--
        (A) A decision to award a contract, subcontract, modification of a 
    contract or subcontract, or a task order or delivery order in excess of 
    $10,000,000 to that contractor;
        (B) A decision to establish overhead or other rates applicable to a 
    contract or contracts for that contractor that are valued in excess of 
        (C) A decision to approve issuance of a contract payment or 
    payments in excess of $10,000,000 to that contractor; or
        (D) A decision to pay or settle a claim in excess of $10,000,000 
    with that contractor.
        (2) Nothing in paragraph (d)(1) of this subsection may be construed 
    to prohibit a former official of a Federal agency from accepting 
    compensation from any division or affiliate of a contractor that does 
    not produce the same or similar products or services as the entity of 
    the contractor that is responsible for the contract referred to in 
    paragraph (d)(1) of this subsection.
    3.104-4  Definitions.
        As used in this section--
        Agency ethics official means the designated agency ethics official 
    described in 5 CFR 2638.201 and any other person, including deputy 
    ethics officials described in 5 CFR 2638.204, to whom authority under 
    3.104-7 has been delegated by the designated agency ethics official.
        Contractor bid or proposal information means any of the following 
    information submitted to a Federal agency as part of or in connection 
    [[Page 47392]]
    a bid or proposal to enter into a Federal agency procurement contract, 
    if that information has not been previously made available to the 
    public or disclosed publicly:
        (1) Cost or pricing data (as defined by 10 U.S.C. 2306a(h) with 
    respect to procurements subject to that section, and section 304A(h) of 
    the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 (41 U.S.C. 
    254b(h)), with respect to procurements subject to that section).
        (2) Indirect costs and direct labor rates.
        (3) Proprietary information about manufacturing processes, 
    operations, or techniques marked by the contractor in accordance with 
    applicable law or regulation.
        (4) Information marked by the contractor as ``contractor bid or 
    proposal information'' in accordance with applicable law or regulation.
        Federal agency has the meaning provided such term in section 3 of 
    the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 (40 U.S.C. 
        Federal agency procurement means the acquisition (by using 
    competitive procedures and awarding a contract) of goods or services 
    (including construction) from non-Federal sources by a Federal agency 
    using appropriated funds.
        Official means the following:
        (1) An officer, as defined in 5 U.S.C. 2104.
        (2) An employee, as defined in 5 U.S.C. 2105.
        (3) A member of the uniformed services, as defined in 5 U.S.C. 
        Participated personally and substantially means active and 
    significant involvement of the individual in activities directly 
    related to the procurement.
        (1) To participate ``personally'' means to participate directly, 
    and includes the direct and active supervision of a subordinate's 
    participation in the matter.
        (2) To participate ``substantially'' means that the employee's 
    involvement is of significance to the matter. Substantial participation 
    requires more than official responsibility, knowledge, perfunctory 
    involvement, or involvement on an administrative or peripheral issue. 
    Participation may be substantial even though it is not determinative of 
    the outcome of a particular matter. A finding of substantiality should 
    be based not only on the effort devoted to a matter, but on the 
    importance of the effort. While a series of peripheral involvements may 
    be insubstantial, the single act of approving or participating in a 
    critical step may be substantial. However, the review of procurement 
    documents solely to determine compliance with regulatory, 
    administrative, or budgetary procedures, does not constitute 
    substantial participation in a procurement.
        (3) Generally, an individual will not be considered to have 
    participated personally and substantially in a procurement solely by 
    participating in the following activities:
        (i) Federal advisory committees that are established and function 
    in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act, 5 U.S.C. App. 2, 
    unless the Federal advisory committee is established or used for the 
    purpose of, and the individual member participates personally and 
    substantially in, any of the following functions:
        (A) Drafting, reviewing, or approving the specification or 
    statement of work for the procurement;
        (B) Preparing or developing the procurement request, purchase 
    request, or solicitation;
        (C) Evaluating bids or proposals, or selecting a source;
        (D) Negotiating price or terms and conditions of the contract; or
        (E) Review and approval of the award of the contract.
        (ii) Agency level boards, panels, or other advisory committees that 
    review program milestones or evaluate and make recommendations 
    regarding alternative technologies or approaches for satisfying broad 
    agency level missions or objectives;
        (iii) The performance of general, technical, engineering, or 
    scientific effort having broad application not directly associated with 
    a particular procurement, notwithstanding that such general, technical, 
    engineering, or scientific effort subsequently may be incorporated into 
    a particular procurement;
        (iv) Clerical functions supporting the conduct of a particular 
    procurement; and
        (v) For procurements to be conducted under the procedures of OMB 
    Circular A-76, participation in management studies, preparation of in-
    house cost estimates, preparation of ``most efficient organization'' 
    analyses, and furnishing of data or technical support to be used by 
    others in the development of performance standards, statements of work, 
    or specifications.
        Source selection information means any of the following information 
    which is prepared for use by a Federal agency for the purpose of 
    evaluating a bid or proposal to enter into a Federal agency procurement 
    contract, if that information has not been previously made available to 
    the public or disclosed publicly:
        (1) Bid prices submitted in response to a Federal agency invitation 
    for bids, or lists of those bid prices before bid opening.
        (2) Proposed costs or prices submitted in response to a Federal 
    agency solicitation, or lists of those proposed costs or prices.
        (3) Source selection plans.
        (4) Technical evaluation plans.
        (5) Technical evaluations of proposals.
        (6) Cost or price evaluations of proposals.
        (7) Competitive range determinations that identify proposals that 
    have a reasonable chance of being selected for award of a contract.
        (8) Rankings of bids, proposals, or competitors.
        (9) Reports and evaluations of source selection panels, boards, or 
    advisory councils.
        (10) Other information marked as ``SOURCE SELECTION INFORMATION--
    SEE FAR 3.104'' based on a case-by-case determination by the head of 
    the agency or designee, or the contracting officer, that its disclosure 
    would jeopardize the integrity or successful completion of the Federal 
    agency procurement to which the information relates.
    3.104-5  Disclosure, protection, and marking of contractor bid or 
    proposal information and source selection information.
        (a) Except as specifically provided for in this subsection, no 
    person or other entity may disclose contractor bid or proposal 
    information or source selection information to any person other than a 
    person authorized, in accordance with applicable agency regulations or 
    procedures, by the head of the agency or designee, or the contracting 
    officer, to receive such information.
        (b) Contractor bid or proposal information and source selection 
    information shall be protected from unauthorized disclosure in 
    accordance with 14.401, 15.411, 15.413, applicable law, and agency 
        (c) In determining whether particular information is source 
    selection information, see 3.104-4 and consult with agency officials as 
    necessary. Individuals responsible for preparing material that may 
    include information designated as source selection information in 
    accordance with 3.104-4 shall mark the cover page and each page that 
    contains source selection information with the legend ``SOURCE 
    SELECTION INFORMATION--SEE FAR 3.104.'' Although the material described
    [[Page 47393]]
    in 3.104-4 is considered to be source selection information whether or 
    not marked, all reasonable efforts shall be made to mark such material 
    with this legend.
        (d) Contested markings. (1) Except as provided in subparagraph 
    (d)(4) of this subsection, if the contracting officer believes that 
    information marked as proprietary is not proprietary, or information 
    otherwise marked as contractor bid or proposal information is not 
    contractor bid or proposal information, the contractor that has affixed 
    the marking shall be notified in writing and given an opportunity to 
    justify the marking. If the contractor agrees that the marking is not 
    justified, or does not respond within the time specified in the notice, 
    the contracting officer may remove the marking and the information may 
    be released.
        (2) After reviewing any justification submitted by the contractor, 
    if the contracting officer determines that the marking is not 
    justified, the contracting officer shall so notify the contractor in 
        (3) Information marked by the contractor as proprietary, or 
    otherwise marked as contractor bid or proposal information, shall not 
    be released until--
        (i) The review of the contractor's justification has been 
    completed; or
        (ii) The period specified for the contractor's response has 
    elapsed, whichever is earlier. Thereafter, the contracting officer may 
    release the information.
        (4) With respect to technical data that are marked proprietary by a 
    contractor, the contracting officer shall generally follow the 
    procedures in 27.404(h).
        (e) Nothing in this section restricts or prohibits--
        (1) A contractor from disclosing its own bid or proposal 
    information or the recipient from receiving that information;
        (2) The disclosure or receipt of information relating to a Federal 
    agency procurement after it has been canceled by the Federal agency, 
    before contract award, unless the Federal agency plans to resume the 
    procurement; or
        (3) Individual meetings between a Federal agency official and an 
    offeror or potential offeror for, or a recipient of, a contract or 
    subcontract under a Federal agency procurement, provided that 
    unauthorized disclosure or receipt of contractor bid or proposal 
    information or source selection information does not occur.
        (4) The Government's use of technical data in a manner consistent 
    with the Government's rights in the data.
        (f) Nothing in this section shall be construed to authorize--
        (1) The withholding of any information pursuant to a proper request 
    from the Congress, any committee or subcommittee thereof, a Federal 
    agency, the Comptroller General, or an Inspector General of a Federal 
    agency, except as otherwise authorized by law or regulation. Any such 
    release which contains contractor bid or proposal information or source 
    selection information shall clearly notify the recipient that the 
    information or portions thereof are contractor bid or proposal 
    information or source selection information related to the conduct of a 
    Federal agency procurement, the disclosure of which is restricted by 
    section 27 of the Act; or
        (2) The withholding of information from, or restricting its receipt 
    by, the Comptroller General of the United States in the course of a 
    protest against the award or proposed award of a Federal agency 
    procurement contract.
    3.104-6  Disqualification.
        (a) Disqualification notice. An agency official who is 
    participating personally and substantially in a Federal agency 
    procurement for a contract in excess of the simplified acquisition 
    threshold, and who wishes to discuss possible non-Federal employment 
    with a bidder or offeror in that Federal agency procurement, shall 
    submit to the Head of the Contracting Activity (HCA) or designee, prior 
    to initiating or engaging in such discussions, a written notice of 
    disqualification from further participation in the procurement. This is 
    in addition to the requirement at 3.104-3(c)(1)(i). Concurrent copies 
    of the notice shall be submitted to the contracting officer, the Source 
    Selection Authority if the contracting officer is not the Source 
    Selection Authority, and the agency official's immediate supervisor. As 
    a minimum, the notice shall--
        (1) Identify the procurement;
        (2) Describe the nature of the agency official's participation in 
    the procurement and specify the approximate dates or time period of 
    participation; and
        (3) Identify the bidder or offeror and describe its interest in the 
        (b) Suspension from and resumption of participation in a 
    procurement. (1) The contracting officer, or the Source Selection 
    Authority if the contracting officer is not the Source Selection 
    Authority, shall suspend the individual's participation in the 
    procurement until such time as the agency has authorized the official 
    to resume participation in such procurement in accordance with 3.104-
        (2) Subsequent to a period of disqualification, if an agency wishes 
    to reinstate the agency official to participation in the procurement, 
    the HCA or designee may authorize immediate reinstatement or may 
    authorize reinstatement following whatever additional period of 
    disqualification the HCA determines is necessary to ensure the 
    integrity of the procurement process. The agency cannot force an agency 
    official to terminate employment discussions in order to reinstate the 
    official. The agency may reinstate an agency official who is still 
    conducting employment discussions if the agency, following 18 U.S.C. 
    208 procedures, determines that the interest is not so substantial as 
    to be deemed likely to affect the integrity of the official's services. 
    It is within the discretion of the HCA, or designee, to determine that 
    the agency official shall not be reinstated to participation in the 
    procurement. In determining that any additional period of 
    disqualification is necessary, the HCA or designee shall consider any 
    factors that might give rise to an appearance that the agency official 
    acted without complete impartiality with respect to issues involved in 
    the procurement.
    3.104-7  Ethics advisory opinions regarding prohibitions on former 
    official's acceptance of compensation from contractors.
        (a) An official or former official of a Federal agency who does not 
    know whether he is or would be precluded by subsection (d) of the Act 
    (see 3.104-3(d)) from accepting compensation from a particular 
    contractor may request advice from the appropriate designated agency 
    ethics official (or designee) prior to accepting such compensation.
        (b) The request for an advisory opinion shall be submitted in 
    writing, shall be dated and signed, and shall include all information 
    reasonably available to the official or former official that is 
    relevant to the inquiry. As a minimum, the request shall include--
        (1) Information about the procurement(s), or decision(s) on matters 
    under 3.104-3(d)(1)(iii), involving the particular contractor, in which 
    the individual was or is involved, including contract or solicitation 
    numbers, dates of solicitation or award, and a description of the goods 
    or services procured or to be procured;
        (2) Information about the individual's participation in the 
    procurement or decision, including the dates or time periods of that 
    participation, and the
    [[Page 47394]]
    nature of the individual's duties, responsibilities, or actions; and
        (3) Information about the contractor who would be a party to the 
    proposed conduct, including a description of the products or services 
    produced by the division or affiliate of the contractor from whom the 
    individual proposes to accept compensation.
        (c) Within 30 days after the date a request containing complete 
    information is received, or as soon thereafter as practicable, the 
    agency ethics official shall issue an opinion as to whether proposed 
    conduct is proper or would violate subsection 27(d) of the Act.
        (d)(1) Where complete information is not included in the request, 
    the agency ethics official may ask the requester to provide any 
    information reasonably available to that person. Additional information 
    may also be requested from other persons, including the Source 
    Selection Authority, the contracting officer, or the requester's 
    immediate supervisor.
        (2) In issuing an opinion, the agency ethics official may rely upon 
    the accuracy of information furnished by the requester or other agency 
    sources, unless he or she has reason to believe that the information is 
    fraudulent, misleading, or otherwise incorrect.
        (e) Where the requester engages in conduct in good faith reliance 
    upon an ethics advisory opinion, or a contractor engages in conduct 
    based upon good faith reliance on the requester's ethics advisory 
    opinion, neither the requester nor the contractor shall be found to 
    have knowingly violated the restriction in issue. Where the requester 
    or the contractor has actual knowledge or reason to believe that the 
    opinion is based upon fraudulent, misleading, or otherwise incorrect 
    information, their reliance upon the opinion will not be deemed to be 
    in good faith.
    3.104-8  Contract clause.
        (a) The contracting officer shall insert the clause at 52.203-8, 
    Cancellation, Rescission and Recovery of Funds for Illegal or Improper 
    Activity, in solicitations and contracts with a value exceeding the 
    simplified acquisition threshold (see Part 2).
        (b) The contracting officer shall insert the clause at 52.203-10, 
    Price or Fee Adjustment for Illegal or Improper Activity, in all 
    solicitations and contracts with a value exceeding the simplified 
    acquisition threshold (see Part 2).
    3.104-9  Violations or possible violations.
        (a) If the contracting officer receives or obtains information of a 
    violation or possible violation of subsections 27 (a), (b), (c), or (d) 
    of the Act (see 3.104-3), the contracting officer shall determine 
    whether the reported violation or possible violation has any impact on 
    the pending award or selection of the source therefor.
        (1) If the contracting officer concludes that there is no impact on 
    the procurement, the contracting officer shall forward the information 
    concerning the violation or possible violation, accompanied by 
    appropriate documentation supporting that conclusion, to an individual 
    designated in accordance with agency procedures. With the concurrence 
    of that individual, the contracting officer shall, without further 
    approval, proceed with the procurement.
        (2) If the individual reviewing the contracting officer's 
    conclusion does not agree with that conclusion, the individual shall 
    advise the contracting officer to withhold award and shall promptly 
    forward the information and documentation to the HCA or designee.
        (3) If the contracting officer concludes that the violation or 
    possible violation impacts the procurement, the contracting officer 
    shall promptly forward the information to the HCA or designee.
        (b) The HCA or designee receiving any information describing an 
    actual or possible violation of subsections 27 (a), (b), (c), or (d) of 
    the Act, shall review all information available and take appropriate 
    action in accordance with agency procedures, such as--
        (1) Advising the contracting officer to continue with the 
        (2) Causing an investigation to be conducted;
        (3) Referring the information disclosed to appropriate criminal 
    investigative agencies;
        (4) Concluding that a violation occurred; or
        (5) Recommending an agency head determination that the contractor, 
    or someone acting for the contractor, has engaged in conduct 
    constituting an offense punishable under subsection 27(e) of the Act, 
    for the purpose of voiding or rescinding the contract.
        (c) Prior to concluding that a bidder, offeror, contractor, or 
    person has violated the Act, the HCA or designee may request 
    information from appropriate parties regarding the violation or 
    possible violation when considered in the best interests of the 
        (d) If the HCA or designee concludes that the prohibitions of 
    section 27 of the Act have been violated, then the HCA or designee may 
    direct the contracting officer to--
        (1) If a contract has not been awarded--
        (i) Cancel the procurement;
        (ii) Disqualify an offeror; or
        (iii) Take any other appropriate actions in the interests of the 
        (2) If a contract has been awarded--
        (i) Effect appropriate contractual remedies, including profit 
    recapture as provided for in the clause at 52.203-10, Price or Fee 
    Adjustment for Illegal or Improper Activity, or, if the contract has 
    been rescinded under paragraph (d)(2)(ii) of this subsection, recovery 
    of the amount expended under the contract;
        (ii) Void or rescind the contract with respect to which--
        (A) The contractor or someone acting for the contractor has been 
    convicted for an offense where the conduct constitutes a violation of 
    subsections 27 (a) or (b) of the Act for the purpose of either--
        (1) Exchanging the information covered by such subsections for 
    anything of value; or
        (2) Obtaining or giving anyone a competitive advantage in the award 
    of a Federal agency procurement contract; or
        (B) The head of the agency, or designee, has determined, based upon 
    a preponderance of the evidence, that the contractor or someone acting 
    for the contractor has engaged in conduct constituting an offense 
    punishable under subsection 27(e)(1) of the Act]; or
        (iii) Take any other appropriate actions in the best interests of 
    the Government.
        (3) Refer the matter to the agency suspension and debarment 
        (e) The HCA or designee shall recommend or direct an administrative 
    or contractual remedy commensurate with the severity and effect of the 
        (f) If the HCA or designee receiving information concerning a 
    violation or possible violation determines that award is justified by 
    urgent and compelling circumstances, or is otherwise in the interests 
    of the Government, the HCA may authorize the contracting officer to 
    award the contract or execute the contract modification after 
    notification to the Head of the Agency in accordance with agency 
        (g) The HCA may delegate his or her authority under this subsection 
    3.104-9 to an individual at least one organizational level above the 
    contracting officer and of General Officer, Flag, SES or equivalent 
        (h) Criminal and civil penalties, and administrative remedies, as 
    set forth in subsection (e) of the Act, may apply to
    [[Page 47395]]
    conduct which violates the Act (see 3.104-3; see also 33.102(f) for 
    special rules regarding bid protests).
        4. Section 3.700 is amended by revising paragraph (a) to read as 
    3.700  Scope of subpart.
        (a) This subpart prescribes Governmentwide policies and procedures 
    for exercising discretionary authority to declare void and rescind 
    contracts in relation to which--
        (1) There has been a final conviction for bribery, conflict of 
    interest, disclosing or obtaining contractor bid or proposal 
    information or source selection information in exchange for a thing of 
    value or to give anyone a competitive advantage in the award of a 
    Federal agency procurement contract, or similar misconduct; or
        (2) There has been an agency head determination that contractor bid 
    or proposal information or source selection information has been 
    disclosed or obtained in exchange for a thing of value, or for the 
    purpose of obtaining or giving anyone a competitive advantage in the 
    award of a Federal agency procurement contract.
    * * * * *
        5. Section 3.701 is revised to read as follows:
    3.701  Purpose.
        This subpart provides--
        (a) An administrative remedy with respect to contracts in relation 
    to which there has been--
        (1) A final conviction for bribery, conflict of interest, 
    disclosing or obtaining contractor bid or proposal information or 
    source selection information in exchange for a thing of value or to 
    give anyone a competitive advantage in the award of a Federal agency 
    procurement contract, or similar misconduct; or
        (2) An agency head determination that contractor bid or proposal 
    information or source selection information has been disclosed or 
    obtained in exchange for a thing of value, or for the purpose of 
    obtaining or giving anyone a competitive advantage in the award of a 
    Federal agency procurement contract; and
        (b) A means to deter similar misconduct in the future by those who 
    are involved in the award, performance, and administration of 
    Government contracts.
        6. Section 3.703 is amended by designating the existing text as 
    paragraph (a) and adding paragraph (b) to read as follows:
    3.703  Authority.
    * * * * *
        (b) Subsection 27(e)(3) of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy 
    Act (41 U.S.C. 423) (``the OFPP Act''), as amended, requires a Federal 
    agency, upon receiving information that a contractor or a person has 
    engaged in conduct constituting a violation of subsection 27 (a) or (b) 
    of the OFPP Act, to consider rescission of a contract with respect to 
        (1) The contractor or someone acting for the contractor has been 
    convicted for an offense punishable under subsection 27(e)(1) of the 
    OFPP Act; or
        (2) The head of the agency, or designee, has determined, based upon 
    a preponderance of the evidence, that the contractor or someone acting 
    for the contractor has engaged in conduct constituting such an offense.
        7. Section 3.704 is amended in paragraph (b) by removing the 
    acronym ``FAR''; and adding paragraph (c) to read as follows:
    3.704  Policy.
    * * * * *
        (c) If there is a final conviction for an offense punishable under 
    subsection 27(e) of the OFPP Act (41 U.S.C. 423), or if the head of the 
    agency, or designee, has determined, based upon a preponderance of the 
    evidence, that the contractor or someone acting for the contractor has 
    engaged in conduct constituting such an offense, then the HCA shall 
    consider, in addition to any other penalty prescribed by law or 
        (1) Declaring void and rescinding contracts, as appropriate, and 
    recovering the amounts expended under the contracts by using the 
    procedures at 3.705 (see 3.104-9); and
        (2) Recommending the initiation of suspension or debarment 
    proceedings in accordance with Subpart 9.4.
    3.705  [Amended]
        8. Section 3.705 is amended in the second sentence of paragraph 
    (c)(3) by removing the words ``the conviction'' and inserting ``a 
    conviction'' in its place; in paragraph (d)(1) by removing the comma 
    after the word ``therefor''; and in paragraph (d)(3) by inserting the 
    words ``offense or'' before the word ``final''.
    4.803  [Amended]
        9. Section 4.803 is amended by removing paragraph (a)(42) and 
    redesignating (a)(43) as (a)(42).
    9.105-3  [Amended]
        10. Section 9.105-3 is amended in paragraph (c) by revising the 
    parenthetical to read ``(see 3.104-4)''.
    9.106-3  [Amended]
        11. Section 9.106-3 is amended by removing the paragraph (a) 
    designation and paragraph (b).
    9.505  [Amended]
        12. Section 9.505 is amended in paragraph (b)(1) by revising 
    ``3.104-4(j)'' to read ``3.104-4''; and in (b)(2) by revising ``3.104-
    4(k)'' to read ``3.104-4''.
    12.503  [Amended]
        13. Section 12.503 is amended by removing paragraph (b)(4) and 
    redesignating (b)(5) and (b)(6) as (b)(4) and (b)(5).
    12.504  [Amended]
        14. Section 12.504 is amended by removing paragraph (b)(3) and 
    redesignating (b)(4) as (b)(3).
    14.404-2  [Amended]
        15. Section 14.404-2 is amended by removing paragraph (m).
    15.413  [Amended]
        16. Section 15.413 is amended by removing the word ``proprietary'' 
    and inserting ``contractor bid or proposal information'' in its place.
    15.413-2  [Amended]
        17. Section 15.413-2 is amended by removing paragraph (f)(6).
    15.509  [Amended]
        18. Section 15.509 is amended in paragraph (f)(4) by removing ``, 
    and to complete the certification required by 3.104-9''; and by 
    removing paragraph (h)(3).
    15.805-5  [Amended]
        19. Section 15.805-5 is amended in paragraph (j) by revising the 
    parenthetical to read ``(see 3.104-4)''; and removing paragraph (k).
    19.811-1  [Amended]
        20. Section 19.811-1 is amended by removing paragraph (d).
    [[Page 47396]]
    19.811-2  [Amended]
        21. Section 19.811-2 is amended by removing paragraph (b) and 
    redesignating paragraph ``(c)'' as ``(b)''.
        22. Section 33.102 is amended by adding paragraph (f) to read as 
    33.102  General.
    * * * * *
        (f) No person may file a protest for a procurement integrity 
    violation unless that person reported to the contracting officer the 
    information constituting evidence of the violation within 14 days after 
    the person first discovered the possible violation. This implements 41 
    U.S.C. 423(g).
    37.103  [Amended]
        23. Section 37.103 is amended by removing paragraph (c) and 
    redesignating paragraph (d) as (c).
    43.106  [Reserved]
        24. Section 43.106 is removed and reserved.
        25. Section 52.203-8 is revised to read as follows:
    52.203-8  Cancellation, Rescission and Recovery of Funds for Illegal or 
    Improper Activity.
        As prescribed in 3.104-8, insert the following clause in 
    solicitations and contracts:
    Cancellation, Rescission and Recovery of Funds for Illegal or Improper 
    Activity (Date)
        (a) If the Government receives information that a contractor or 
    a person has engaged in conduct constituting a violation of 
    subsection (a), (b), (c), or (d) of Section 27 of the Office of 
    Federal Procurement Policy Act (41 U.S.C. 423) (the Act), as amended 
    by section 4304 of the 1996 National Defense Authorization Act (Pub. 
    L. 104-106), the Government may:
        (1) Cancel the solicitation, if the contract has not yet been 
    awarded or issued; or
        (2) Rescind the contract with respect to which--
        (i) The Contractor or someone acting for the Contractor has been 
    convicted for an offense where the conduct constitutes a violation 
    of subsection 27 (a) or (b) of the Act for the purpose of either--
        (A) Exchanging the information covered by such subsections for 
    anything of value; or
        (B) Obtaining or giving anyone a competitive advantage in the 
    award of a Federal agency procurement contract; or
        (ii) The head of the contracting activity has determined, based 
    upon a preponderance of the evidence, that the Contractor or someone 
    acting for the Contractor has engaged in conduct constituting an 
    offense punishable under subsections 27(e)(1) of the Act.
        (b) If the Government rescinds the contract under paragraph (a) 
    of this clause, the Government is entitled to recover, in addition 
    to any penalty prescribed by law, the amount expended under the 
        (c) The rights and remedies of the Government specified herein 
    are not exclusive, and are in addition to any other rights and 
    remedies provided by law, regulation, or under this contract.
    52.203-9  [Reserved]
        26. Section 52.203-9 is removed and reserved.
        27. Section 52.203-10 is amended by revising the heading and date 
    of the clause and paragraphs (a) and (b)(5) to read as follows:
    52.203-10  Price or Fee Adjustment for Illegal or Improper Activity.
    * * * * *
    Price or Fee Adjustment for Illegal or Improper Activity (Date)
        (a) The Government, at its election, may reduce the price of a 
    fixed-price type contract and the total cost and fee under a cost-
    type contract by the amount of profit or fee determined as set forth 
    in paragraph (b) of this clause if the head of the contracting 
    activity or designee determines that there was a violation of 
    subsection 27(a), (b), or (c) of the Office of Federal Procurement 
    Policy Act, as amended (41 U.S.C. 423), as implemented in the FAR.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (5) For firm-fixed-price contracts, by 10 percent of the initial 
    contract price or a profit amount determined by the Contracting 
    Officer from records or documents in existence prior to the date of 
    the contract award.
    * * * * *
    52.203-13  [Reserved]
        28. Section 52.203-13 is removed and reserved.
    52.212-3  [Amended]
        29. Section 52.212-3 is amended by revising the date of the 
    provision to read ``(DATE)''; and removing paragraph (i).
    53.203  [Reserved]
        30. Section 53.203 is removed and reserved.
    53.302-333  [Removed]
        31. Section 53.302-333 is removed.
    [FR Doc. 96-22744 Filed 9-5-96; 8:45 am]

Document Information

National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
Comments should be submitted on or before November 5, 1996 to be considered in the formulation of a final rule.
47390-47396 (7 pages)
Docket Numbers:
FAR Case 96-314
9000-AH19: FAR Case 96-314, Procurement Integrity
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (15)
48 CFR 3.104
48 CFR 3.700
48 CFR 3.701
48 CFR 3.703
48 CFR 3.704
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