99-23331. Finding of No Significant Impact in the Environmental Assessment for the Parallex Project Fuel Manufacture and Shipment  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 173 (Wednesday, September 8, 1999)]
    [Pages 48810-48813]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-23331]
    Finding of No Significant Impact in the Environmental Assessment 
    for the Parallex Project Fuel Manufacture and Shipment
    AGENCY: U.S. Department of Energy.
    ACTION: Notice of Availability.
    SUMMARY: An environmental assessment (EA) has been prepared to assess 
    potential environmental impacts associated with a U.S. Department of 
    Energy (DOE) proposed action to conduct limited mixed oxide (MOX) fuel 
    manufacture and shipment for the purpose of confirming the viability of 
    using MOX fuel in Canadian Deuterium Uranium (CANDU) reactors. The 
    Proposed Action would involve preparation and analysis activities in 
    TA-55 (building PF-4) at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), and 
    shipping of the MOX fuel to the U.S.-Canada border. This EA covers only 
    those activities necessary to manufacture and ship up to 59.2 lb (26.8
    [[Page 48811]]
    kg) of MOX fuel. Based on the analysis in this EA, and after 
    considering comments received, DOE has determined that the proposed 
    action is not a major federal action significantly affecting the 
    quality of the human environment within the meaning of the National 
    Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq). Therefore the 
    preparation of an environmental impact statement is not required.
    ADDRESSES: Single copies of the EA and further information concerning 
    the proposed action are available from: Bert Stevenson, NEPA Compliance 
    Officer, Office of Fissile Materials Disposition (MD-4), U.S. 
    Department of Energy, P.O. Box 23786, Washington, DC 20026-3786, 
    telephone (202) 586-5368.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For further information regarding the 
    DOE NEPA Process, contact: Carol Borgstrom, Director, Office of NEPA 
    Policy and Assistance (EH-42), U.S. Department of Energy, 1000 
    Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC, 20585, telephone (202) 586-
    4600, or (800) 472-2756.
    Purpose and Need
        DOE needs to test and demonstrate the feasibility of using MOX fuel 
    in CANDU reactors, as a potential disposition option 1 for 
    surplus weapons-usable plutonium. The proposed action discussed in this 
    EA is a limited scale test that would provide DOE with information 
    needed to assess that option.
        \1\ As described in the Record of Decision (ROD) for the Storage 
    and Disposition of Weapons-Usable Fissile Materials Final 
    Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (S&D PEIS), DOE's 
    strategy for disposition of surplus plutonium is to pursue an 
    approach that allows immobilization of surplus plutonium in glass or 
    ceramic materials for disposal in a geologic repository pursuant to 
    the Nuclear Waste Policy Act, and burning of some of the surplus 
    plutonium as MOX fuel in existing, domestic, commercial reactors, 
    with subsequent disposal of spent fuel in a geologic repository 
    pursuant to the Nuclear Waste Policy Act. The ROD stated that DOE 
    would retain the option of dispositioning some of the weapons-usable 
    plutonium as MOX fuel in heavy-water-moderated reactors, such as 
    CANDU reactors, in the event of a future multilateral agreement 
    among Russia, Canada, and the United States.
        The end of the Cold War has created a legacy of surplus weapons-
    usable fissile materials both in the United States and the former 
    Soviet Union. The global stockpiles of weapons-usable fissile materials 
    pose a danger to national and international security in the form of 
    potential proliferation of nuclear weapons and the potential for 
    environmental, safety, and health consequences if the materials are not 
    properly safeguarded and managed. In September 1993, President Clinton 
    issued a ``Nonproliferation and Export Control Policy'' in response to 
    the growing threat of nuclear proliferation. Further, in January 1994, 
    President Clinton and Russia's President Yeltsin issued a ``Joint 
    Statement Between the United States and Russia on Nonproliferation of 
    Weapons of Mass Destruction and the Means for Their Delivery.'' To 
    demonstrate the United States' commitment to these policies, President 
    Clinton announced on March 1, 1995 that about 224 tons (203 metric 
    tons) of U.S.-origin weapons-usable fissile materials, of which 182 
    tons (165 metric tons) are highly enriched uranium and 42 tons (38 
    metric tons) are weapons-usable plutonium, had been declared surplus to 
    the United States' defense needs.
        To safeguard and manage this material, DOE has decided to implement 
    a program to provide for safe and secure storage of weapons-usable 
    fissile materials and a strategy for the disposition of surplus 
    weapons-usable plutonium, as specified in the ROD for the S&D PEIS. The 
    fundamental purpose of the program is to maintain a high standard of 
    security and accounting for these fissile materials while in storage, 
    and to ensure the plutonium produced for nuclear weapons and declared 
    surplus to national security needs is never again used for nuclear 
        The Final S&D PEIS ROD, issued January 14, 1997, established a 
    hybrid strategy to irreversibly dispose of the Nation's surplus 
    plutonium and to reduce from seven to three the number of sites that 
    store nuclear weapons materials. The strategy would immobilize some 
    (and potentially all) of the surplus plutonium in glass or ceramic 
    formulations and allow the use of some of the surplus plutonium as MOX 
    fuel. The option of dispositioning some of the weapons-usable surplus 
    plutonium as MOX fuel in heavy-water-moderated reactors, such as CANDU 
    reactors, was retained as an option in the event of future multilateral 
    agreement among Russia, Canada, and the United States. As explained in 
    the ROD for the S&D PEIS, DOE proposes to engage in a test and 
    demonstration program for CANDU MOX fuel consistent with ongoing and 
    potential future cooperative efforts with Russia and Canada, and based 
    on appropriate NEPA review. The test and demonstration activities would 
    occur at LANL, New Mexico, and at Chalk River Laboratories (CRL), 
    Ontario, Canada.
    Proposed Action
        To meet the purpose and need for Agency action, DOE proposes to 
    fabricate and transport up to 59.2 lb (26.8 kg) of MOX fuel as part of 
    the Parallex Project. DOE has already fabricated a portion of this MOX 
    fuel at LANL, and DOE proposes to fabricate additional MOX fuel at LANL 
    if needed. MOX fuel would be fabricated in building PF-4 in TA-55 at 
    LANL. This test and demonstration project has been named Parallex 
    (parallel experiment) because of the roles of the United States and 
    Russia in supplying test material. The Parallex Project would be a 
    joint agreement between Russia, Canada, and the U.S. to demonstrate the 
    irradiation of U.S. and Russian MOX fuel in parallel in the Atomic 
    Energy of Canada, Limited (AECL)-owned National Research Universal 
    (NRU) reactor. This international project would use MOX fuel made in 
    the U.S. (specifically LANL) and Russia (specifically from Bochvar) 
    from surplus weapons-usable plutonium out of both countries' nuclear 
        Research and development of MOX fuels has already been conducted at 
    LANL as part of its ongoing mission relating to the development of 
    energy sources for experiments and research reactors. However, these 
    various MOX fuel forms were not made with weapons-grade plutonium. In 
    contrast, the MOX fuel fabrication process involved in the Parallex 
    Project would use weapons-grade plutonium (in an unclassified form) 
    obtained from decommissioned nuclear weapons.
        The MOX fuel fabricated at LANL would be transported to the 
    Canadian border. At the border the AECL, per prior agreement, would 
    take possession of the fuel. The fuel would remain on the same truck 
    and the AECL would complete the shipment to the reactor site. At Chalk 
    River, Ontario, the MOX fuel would be delivered to CRL for testing in 
    the NRU reactor. The AECL would be responsible for conducting all 
    subsequent tests of the fuel's performance and the function of the 
        Fueling the NRU reactor with MOX fuel would be part of a 
    feasibility test to determine MOX fuel performance in converted CANDU 
    reactors. The NRU test reactor is the only available reactor 
    specifically designed to test MOX fuel performance for CANDU reactors. 
    Positive test results could support subsequent decisions on the 
    dispositioning of surplus weapons-usable plutonium in CANDU reactors. 
    All spent fuel resulting from the tests
    [[Page 48812]]
    would be managed under the Canadian spent fuel program.
    Alternatives Considered
        The EA describes several alternatives to the proposed action as 
    well as the No Action Alternative.
        No Action: The No Action alternative provides an environmental 
    baseline to compare to the potential effects of the Proposed Action. 
    Under this alternative, LANL would continue to store the existing MOX 
    fuel at TA-55. No additional fuel pellets or additional fuel rods would 
    be made for the Parallex Project. The AECL would have no source of U.S. 
    MOX fuel rods and, therefore, would have to cancel its testing program 
    at the NRU reactor in parallel with Russian MOX fuel, or if Russian 
    fuel were made available, operate the testing program in the absence of 
    U.S. supplied MOX fuel.
        Other Transportation Routes: Seven routes were analyzed for the 
    shipment of MOX fuel from LANL to the Canadian border. Each route 
    involves a separate point of entry into Canada. In accordance with 
    standard transportation planning practices, all routes use available 
    interstate highways and city bypasses, where available, to go around 
    high-population areas, and meet Department of Transportation routing 
    requirements. For very specific reasons, DOE has decided not to use two 
    of these routes. The Port Huron, MI route would not be used because of 
    construction on the Blue Water Bridge, and the Detroit, MI route would 
    not be used because the Ambassador Bridge currently does not allow 
    placarded (i.e., carrying hazardous material) vehicles. Other possible 
    interstate highway routes, such as via Sweetgrass, Montana and 
    Champlain, New York were not evaluated because of excessive travel 
        MOX Fabrication at Other DOE Facilities: Under this alternative, 
    MOX fuel would be fabricated at other DOE facilities and then shipped 
    to CRL. No DOE site other than LANL presently has the ability to 
    fabricate MOX fuel. Furthermore much of the raw materials that would be 
    used in the demonstration are already located at LANL. The time 
    required to upgrade other sites to produce MOX fuel would delay the 
    further fabrication and shipment of MOX fuel such that the Parallex 
    Project schedule would not be met. Therefore, this alternative was 
    dismissed from further analysis.
        Other Technologies for MOX Evaluation: This alternative would use 
    other methods such as computer simulation or surrogate fuels to 
    evaluate the MOX fuel fabrication process. The use of computer 
    simulation is not developed to the point where it can be applied to MOX 
    fuel fabrication. The use of surrogate fuels in the Parallex Project 
    would not produce the irradiation data required for verifying reactor 
    performance. Therefore, this alternative was dismissed from farther 
        Transport of MOX Fuel by Air: Federal regulations under 10 CFR 
    71.88 (Air Transport of Plutonium) explicitly prohibit the transport of 
    plutonium by air or the delivery to a carrier for air transport unless 
    the plutonium is in a form with a specific activity no greater than 
    0.002 Ci/g, and shipped in a single package with no more than 
    a specified quantity. The restrictions imposed for transportation of 
    plutonium by air prohibit this alternative for shipment of the MOX fuel 
    quantities needed for the Parallex Project. Therefore, this alternative 
    was dismissed from further analysis.
        Transport of MOX Fuel by Rail: Rail shipment is an allowable mode 
    for the transport of radioactive materials and is regulated by the U.S. 
    Department of Transportation (DOT) under 49 CFR 174.700. However, there 
    is no direct rail service from Los Alamos, New Mexico. Moreover, this 
    mode of transport would not be feasible because of the lack of 
    dedicated rail routes, and long layovers for railcar transfers. 
    Cumulatively, all these factors negate use of this transport mode.
        Shipment of MOX Fuel by Safe Secure Transport (SST): The SST fleet 
    is a DOE owned and operated transportation system that consists of 
    armored tractor-trailers and special escort vehicles. The added 
    security and expense of the SST system is not needed because the MOX 
    fuel would be in small quantities, would have a negligible radiation 
    dose to the public, and could not easily be converted into weapons-
    usable form.
    Environmental Impacts
        The results of evaluations in key impact areas are summarized in 
    the following section; other types of consequences were determined to 
    be negligible and are not discussed in detail.
        Human Health: The potential threat to workers from MOX fuel 
    fabrication would come from penetrating radiation. No excess fatal 
    cancers would be expected in the involved workers from penetrating 
    radiation exposures. Noninvolved workers, those performing other jobs 
    as well as the usual PF-4 building personnel, would not be expected to 
    receive a dose from the proposed operation. MOX fuel fabrication is not 
    expected to measurably increase the airborne radioactive material 
    emissions from PF-4 associated with routine operations; therefore, no 
    effects to the public are expected.
        Facility Accidents: Abnormal events or accidents are hypothetical 
    incidents that are not a planned part of routine operations. A fire in 
    the MOX fuel fabrication line was chosen for the accident analysis. The 
    likelihood of this accident occurring was categorized as ``unlikely.'' 
    The small amount of material that would be released within PF-4 and the 
    reduction of that release by the two-stage high-efficiency particulate 
    air (HEPA) filtration system would result in a negligible dose to the 
    offsite maximum exposed individual (MEI) and no latent cancer 
    fatalities (LCFs) within the offsite population. The radiological dose 
    to involved workers from such an accident was estimated at 1.8 rem, 
    with calculated LCFs of less than one.
        Transportation: No changes to the existing highway infrastructure 
    would be required to allow passage of the MOX fuel shipment(s), nor 
    would roads need to be closed. The normal traffic flow along the MOX 
    fuel transportation routes would not be expected to change with the 
    added presence of one to three commercial truck(s). The shipment(s) of 
    MOX fuel by commercial truck from LANL to the Canadian border would not 
    be expected to adversely affect the health of the truck crew or the 
    public along any of the analyzed routes.
        Transportation Accidents: Two transportation accident scenarios 
    were analyzed for the shipment of MOX fuel to the Canadian border. One 
    accident would involve the release of radioactive materials and the 
    other would not involve the release of radioactive materials.
        The first accident relates to an event that leads to the MOX fuel 
    package container breaking open, igniting, and releasing plutonium 
    dioxide particles into the air. The probability of such a severe 
    accident occurring and adversely affecting the public is extremely 
    unlikely. The accident scenario could occur anywhere along the 
    transportation corridors, and could have transboundary effects on 
    Canadian populations. The population and individual doses would be very 
    small. Therefore, no LCFs would be expected from an accident during the 
    shipment(s) of MOX fuel to Canada.
        Under the second accident scenario for MOX fuel transportation to 
    the Canadian border, no radioactive material would be released by the 
    vehicular collision. This scenario
    [[Page 48813]]
    analyzed potential fatalities from the force of a collision. Results of 
    the accident analysis indicated that no driver or public fatalities 
    would be expected.
        Air Quality: Air emission from the fabrication of MOX fuel pellets 
    and rods for the Parallex Project would be a very small percentage of 
    the overall LANL annual air emissions. The MOX fuel pellets and rods 
    would be made inside sealed gloveboxes that have negative air pressure 
    and a primary air system fitted with HEPA filtration. PF-4 laboratories 
    also have negative air pressure and a separate HEPA filtered air 
    system. The filters would prevent any measurable release of particles 
    into the atmosphere. Therefore, no MOX fuel powder particles would be 
    expected to be released from PF-4 into the environment.
        No change to the air quality along the route(s) to Canada would be 
    expected since the MOX fuel would be sealed in rods and package 
    container(s) during transportation. A commercial truck carrying MOX 
    fuel would be one out of thousands of trucks on the road at any one 
    time. The overall contribution of nonradiological air pollutants from a 
    single vehicle to the air quality within a given airshed would be 
        Waste Management: The small quantities of low-level radioactive 
    waste (LLW) and transuranic (TRU) waste produced from MOX fuel 
    fabrication would not appreciably increase waste generation rates at 
    LANL. No mixed waste, hazardous waste, or additional nonhazardous solid 
    waste would be generated from MOX fuel fabrication. MOX fuel 
    fabrication would not measurably increase the volume of sanitary 
    wastewater generated. No radioactive or hazardous waste would be 
    generated during the shipment of MOX fuel to the Canadian border.
        Environmental Justice: Executive Order 12898, Federal Actions to 
    Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income 
    Populations, requires that Federal agencies identify and address, as 
    appropriate, disproportionately high and adverse human health or 
    environmental effects of their programs and activities on minority and 
    low-income populations. Because no adverse effects are anticipated as a 
    result of the proposed actions during both normal operations and 
    accident conditions, there would be no opportunity for 
    disproportionately high and adverse consequences on minority, or low-
    income populations.
        Other Environmental Impacts: The consequences of the proposed 
    action are expected to be negligible for other types of impacts, 
    including those on land use, socioeconomics, cultural resources, 
    aesthetic or scenic resources, geologic resources, water resources, 
    ecological resources, noise, or site services.
        Cumulative Impacts: Because the contributions from the Proposed 
    Action would be extremely small, the proposed action is not expected to 
    contribute substantially to the overall cumulative impacts from past or 
    anticipated operations at LANL and along the transportation corridors.
        Based on the analysis in this EA, and after considering the 
    preapproval review comments, I have concluded that the proposed action 
    does not constitute a major federal action significantly affecting the 
    quality of the human environment within the meaning of NEPA. Therefore, 
    an EIS for the proposed action is not required.
        Issued at Washington, DC, this 13th day of August 1999.
    Laura Holgate,
    Director, Office of Fissile Materials Disposition.
    [FR Doc. 99-23331 Filed 9-7-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6450-01-P

Document Information

Energy Department
Entry Type:
Notice of Availability.
Document Number:
48810-48813 (4 pages)
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