[Federal Register Volume 64, Number 173 (Wednesday, September 8, 1999)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 48743-48757]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 99-23333]
Fish and Wildlife Service
50 CFR Part 17
RIN 1018-AE04
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Proposed
Reclassification of Certain Vicuna Populations From Endangered to
Threatened and a Proposed Special Rule
AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) proposes to
reclassify vicuna (Vicugna vicugna) populations of Argentina, Bolivia,
Chile and Peru from endangered to threatened under the U.S. Endangered
Species Act (Act or ESA). The recently re-introduced population of
Ecuador, treated as a distinct population segment under the Act in
accordance with the Service's Policy on Distinct Vertebrate Population
Segments (61 FR 4722), will remain listed as endangered. The Service
also proposes to establish a special rule (under Section 4(d) of the
Act) allowing the importation into the United States of wool and legal
vicuna products produced with wool from vicuna populations listed both
as threatened under the Act and in Appendix II of the Convention on
International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
(CITES), except that the Appendix II semi-captive populations of
Catamarca, Jujuy, La Rioja, Salta, and San Juan Provinces in Argentina
are specifically excluded from the special rule until such time as
their conservation benefit for wild vicuna populations has been
demonstrated adequately. It is proposed that importation into the
United States of wool and legal vicuna products made from wool that
originated from threatened and approved Appendix II populations will
require valid CITES export permits from the country of origin and also
the country of re-export, when applicable. Should the conservation or
management status of threatened vicuna populations change in one or
more range countries, the potential would remain to repeal the special
rule or reclassify the population as endangered, should that become
necessary for the conservation of the vicuna. The Service invites
information and comments on this proposed rule. The analysis of the
information and comments received could lead to a final decision that
would differ substantially from this proposal.
DATES: Comments must be received by December 7, 1999. Public hearing
requests must be received by October 25, 1999.
ADDRESSES: Comments and relevant information concerning this proposal
should be sent to the Chief, Office of Scientific Authority; mail stop:
Arlington Square, room 750, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Washington,
DC 20240, or via E-mail to: r9osa@fws.gov. Comments and materials
received will be available for public inspection by appointment, from 8
a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, in Room 750, 4401 North Fairfax
Drive, Arlington, Virginia 22203.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dr. Susan S. Lieberman, Chief, Office
of Scientific Authority, at the above address, or by phone (703-358-
1708), fax (703-358-2276), or E-mail (r9osa@fws.gov).
The vicuna (Vicugna vicugna) was listed as endangered under the
U.S. Endangered Species Act on June 2, 1970. Among other things, the
effect of that listing was the prohibition of U.S. interstate or
international commerce in vicuna products. All populations of the
vicuna were included in Appendix I of the Convention on International
Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) on July 1,
1975 (the date of entry into force of the CITES Convention), which
thereby prohibited all primarily commercial, international trade in
vicuna products. Certain populations of vicuna in Chile and Peru were
subsequently transferred to CITES Appendix II at the sixth meeting of
the CITES Conference of the Parties (COP6) in 1987. The remaining
vicuna populations in Peru were transferred to Appendix II in 1994 at
CITES COP9, and certain populations in Argentina and Bolivia were
transferred to Appendix II in 1997 at CITES COP10. These transfers to
Appendix II, reflecting improved conservation status for specified
vicuna populations, allow the international trade under carefully
controlled conditions, of products manufactured from vicuna wool. This
international trade, however, is still excluded from the United States,
because of the species' listing under the Endangered Species Act. The
United States supported the CITES transfers of the populations to
Appendix II, based on the information received at the aforementioned
meetings of the Conference of the Parties, where the CITES Parties
voted to adopt the proposed transfers to Appendix II. The information
in the relevant CITES listing proposals is available on request from
the Office of Scientific Authority (see ADDRESSES Section).
We received a petition on October 5, 1995, from the President of
the International Vicuna Consortium, requesting that the vicuna be
removed from the U.S. list of endangered and threatened wildlife, or
reclassified with a special rule that would allow for a commercial
trade that would benefit the conservation of the species. The
petitioners cited the following as reasons for the requested ACTION:
(1) Improved management of vicuna populations, (2) improved enforcement
and trade controls, and (3) recognition that regulated commerce could
be beneficial to both rural communities that share landscapes with
vicunas and the vicunas themselves. The petitioners provided limited
supportive documentation.
Our 90-day finding on whether the petition presents substantial
scientific data is subsumed within this proposed rule, which finds
that: (1) Reclassification of the vicuna from endangered to threatened
is warranted for all range countries except Ecuador; and (2) that a
special rule (also referred to as a 4(d) rule) is warranted for all
Appendix II populations, with the exception of the Appendix II semi-
captive populations of Catamarca, Jujuy, La Rioja, Salta, and San Juan
[[Page 48744]]
in Argentina, which are specifically excluded until such time as their
conservation benefit for wild vicuna has been demonstrated adequately.
We base this finding and the proposed rule on information provided
in the submissions of the petitioner, other documents including those
submitted in support of the aforementioned CITES listing proposals, and
the Service's status review for the vicuna, which included interviews
with knowledgeable personnel from the vicuna range states, responses to
questions asked of each range country, and a 1997 on-site assessment of
vicuna populations and management in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile and Peru
by a contractor working for the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
(Dr. Henry L. Short, Amherst, Massachusetts). All personal
communications and responses to questions asked of range countries
cited in the text were received by Dr. Short, unless otherwise noted
(see References Cited Section). The Service contracted with the
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation in 1997 to evaluate the
conservation and management status of vicuna populations, and to make
recommendations about the species' status, through a fact-finding
mission to vicuna range countries.
The vicuna produces a wool that is of very fine texture (about 12
microns in diameter) that can be woven into luxury garments. Raw wool
from vicuna has been legally auctioned at $500 per kg ($200 per lb) and
an average vicuna fleece provides about 0.2 kg (0.5 lbs) of fiber.
Individual vicuna in the high Andean plateaus of South America thus
have a fleece that is worth many times that of a sheep and several
times that of other species in the family Camelidae, such as alpacas
and llamas. This high value, in a resource-poor area, can represent
both a threat to the species and an opportunity if the species is
managed sustainably. The threat comes from illegal hunting if
protection and incentives for management are poor; the opportunity
exists if proceeds from the sale of vicuna wool from live-shorn animals
are substantially used to enhance the status of native people in the
Andean uplands and to encourage them to conserve and protect vicuna.
Summary of Factors Affecting the Species
Section 4(a)(1) of the Act and regulations implementing the listing
provisions of the Act (50 CFR part 424) set forth the procedures for
adding species to, changing the status of any listed species, or
deleting species from the list of endangered and threatened wildlife. A
species shall be listed or reclassified if the Secretary determines, on
the basis of the best scientific and commercial data available after
conducting a review of the species' status, that the species is
endangered or threatened because of any one or a combination of the
following factors: (A) The present or threatened destruction,
modification, or curtailment of its habitat or range; (B)
Overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or
educational purposes; (C) Disease or predation; (D) The inadequacy of
existing regulatory mechanisms; or (E) Other natural or human-made
factors affecting its continued existence.
We base this proposed rule on an assessment of the five listing
factors within the Act. The assessment considers the present biological
status of the vicuna within the range countries of Argentina, Bolivia,
Chile and Peru. No assessment of the status of the species is made for
the small population that has recently been reintroduced into Ecuador.
That is a protected population, that will not be exploited in the
foreseeable future. We do not propose to change that population's
endangered classification under the Act.
Some scientists recognize two subspecies of vicuna--V. v. mensalis
in the northern portion of the range and V. v. vicugna to the south.
These are putative subspecies in that they have been described on the
basis of slight differences in size and color, and the lack of a
prominent chest fringe in V. v. vicugna (Canedi and Pasini 1996),
rather than on distinct, measured genetic differences between the two.
Because the distribution of the vicuna is more or less continuous from
north to south within its range, it is possible that these two
subspecies simply represent the endpoints of a continuum of physical
and genetic variation within the species from north to south. As a
consequence, it would be very difficult to draw a definite boundary
between the two subspecies for purposes of management or listing under
the Act. Therefore, the subspecies are not differentiated in this rule
and the term vicuna, used herein, refers to populations of both
putative subspecies throughout their total range.
(A) The Present or Threatened Destruction, Modification, or Curtailment
of Its Habitat or Range
Approximately 190,000 vicuna are estimated to occur at varying
densities on approximately 20,500,000 ha of Andean highlands extending
in a rather narrow strip from central Peru through Bolivia, and into
northwest Argentina (between 8-30 degrees South latitude). The
historical range of the vicuna may have been twice the present
distributional area. A small, disjunct, recently-reintroduced
population also occurs in Ecuador.
Vicuna habitats occur in both the Altoandina and Puna Ecoregions.
The Altoandina Ecoregion comprises high Andean foothills, escarpments
and outcroppings and the Puna Ecoregion represents areas of high plains
or tablelands between mountain ranges. The habitats vary climatically
on both attitudinal and latitudinal scales but are generally arid and
cold, resulting in limited vegetation cover. The habitat of the vicuna
in the high Andean plateau region varies from 3,200 to 4,800 m above
sea level. This highland habitat has been somewhat degraded by humans
and their domesticated livestock, but still represents an extensive
habitat for vicuna. The low average density of 1 vicuna per 103 ha
reflects the limited carrying capacity of the high Andean habitats as
well as the fact that many vicuna habitats are understocked. National
Reserves, National Parks, Protected Areas, or Provincial Reserves where
vicuna are protected are scattered throughout vicuna habitat in each of
the four countries considered in this proposed rule.
Vicuna distribution in Argentina includes portions of the
northwestern provinces of Jujuy, Salta, Catamarca, La Rioja, and San
Juan. Vicuna habitats in the Puna and Altoandina Ecoregions of
Argentina cover a surface area of about 10,000,000 ha (Canedi 1997,
pers. comm.). The area of available habitat has been reduced since the
arrival of Europeans in South America, because the species is no longer
present in the Patagonian regions of Argentina.
Vicuna habitat in Argentina is bounded to the west by the volcanic
chain of the Andean Cordillera in Chile, in the east by the eastern
Cordillera and the Sierra Pampeanas mountains, in the north by
contiguous vicuna habitat in Bolivia, and in the south, vicuna habitat
extends into the Province of San Juan. The general area is
characterized by blocks of uplifted mountains surrounding extensive
valleys featuring alkaline or saline flats and a rolling topography.
Aridity is a common and constant feature of the Puna. Many water
courses are temporary but there are occasional areas of damp ground
where surface water and green vegetation in the form of rushes, grasses
and a variety of succulent plants occur. Much of the thin vegetation
cover over most of the Puna consists of grasses and xerophilous half-
shrubs (Comision Regional de la Vicuna, 1994).
[[Page 48745]]
Temperatures are cold and frost can occur each day of the year. The
carrying capacity of the humid Puna may be as much as two vicuna per ha
but in the drier Puna habitats the carrying capacity may only be one
vicuna per 30 ha.
The Provinces of Jujuy, Salta, Catamarca, La Rioja, and San Juan
have created reserves and other protected areas for vicuna. In Jujuy
Province, Los Pozuelos Reserve was created in 1980 and consists of
308,000 ha. About 15,000 ha of this Reserve have been incorporated into
the UNESCO Man and Biosphere program as a natural area of international
significance. The vicuna population in the Reserve in 1997 was
estimated to be 2,750 (CITES 1997a). The Olaroz-Cauchari Flora and
Wildlife Reserve was created in 1981 to enhance vicuna populations and
consists of 543,300 ha. The vicuna population in the Reserve in 1994
was estimated to be 6,500 and growing (CITES 1997a). Other areas where
vicuna are protected in Jujuy Province include Vilama (97,000 ha),
Santa Victoria (54,600 ha), Palca de Aparzo (55,800 ha), Caballo Muerte
(18,500 ha), Casa Colorado (31,000 ha), Abra de Zenta (69,000 ha) and
Serranias del Chani (158,900 ha) (CITES 1997a; V. Lichtschein,
Management Authority of Argentina, pers. comm. with K. Johnson, Office
of Scientific Authority (OSA), 1999). These areas are not listed in the
WCMC Protected Areas Database, so we are unclear as to their actual
protective status (i.e., whether they are national, provincial, local
or private protected areas). The high altitude experimental station
(Campo Experimental de Altura or CEA) is located at Abra Pampa in Jujuy
Province. This experimental station of 3,000 ha is dedicated to the
development of appropriate management procedures to enhance fiber
production of vicuna, assure the survival of the species, and to
enhance the economic well-being of certain Puna ranchers. The human
population is very low throughout the Reserves and protected areas of
the Province.
In Salta Province, the Los Andes Wildlife Reserve of 1,440,000 ha
was created in 1980. The rigorous climate restricts the human
population to very low densities. Agriculture does not exist in this
area and the ranching of cattle, sheep, goats and llamas is
rudimentary. Although the carrying capacity for vicuna in the Reserve
is estimated to be one individual per 30 ha, a partial census in 1993
counted only 2,000 vicuna (CITES 1997a). In Catamarca Province, the
Laguna Blanca Wildlife Reserve was created in 1979 and enlarged in 1982
to 973,270 ha at which time it became recognized by the UNESCO Man and
Biosphere program as a natural area of international significance. The
human population is very sparse and scattered in the general area of
the Reserve. The 1993 vicuna population in Laguna Blanca Reserve was
estimated to be 3,505 (CITES 1997a). In La Rioja Province, the Laguna
Brava Reserve for Vicunas and the Protection of Ecosystems was created
in 1980 and consists of 405,000 ha. Human habitations do not exist in
the Reserve, which is contiguous with the San Guillermo Faunal Reserve
in San Juan Province. The 1996 vicuna population in the Reserve was
estimated to be 2,187 (CITES 1997a). San Guillermo Faunal Reserve was
created in 1972 and consists of 880,260 ha. In 1982 it became part of
the UNESCO Man and Biosphere program as a natural area of international
significance. This was the first Provincial Reserve dedicated primarily
to the protection of the vicuna. This area is devoid of human and
domestic animal populations. Although the area has a carrying capacity
estimated to be one vicuna per 7 ha of habitat, the 1992 vicuna
population in the Reserve was estimated to be only 7,100 (CITES 1997a).
We have virtually no quantitative information on the extent or
condition of vicuna habitats outside protected areas in Argentina.
Anecdotal information suggests that overgrazing by domestic livestock
(leading to soil compaction and desertification) and direct competition
for forage with domestic livestock may be important factors limiting
the growth of vicuna populations outside protected areas (CITES 1997a).
Other information indicates that some competition with domestic
herbivores occurs in the arid Puna where precipitation is <300 mm="" per="" year="" but="" that="" competition="" is="" not="" as="" much="" of="" a="" problem="" in="" the="" humid="" puna="" where="" precipitation="" may="" exceed="" 500="" mm="" per="" year.="" a="" program="" to="" combat="" desertification="" has="" apparently="" been="" initiated="" in="" jujuy="" province="" (cites="" 1997a).="" the="" limited="" quantitative="" information="" presently="" available="" to="" us="" indicates="" that="" vicuna="" populations="" throughout="" argentina="" are="" not="" endangered="" by="" the="" present="" or="" threatened="" destruction,="" modification,="" or="" curtailment="" of="" habitat="" or="" range.="" however,="" they="" remain="" threatened="" by="" this="" factor="" (especially="" overgrazing="" and="" direct="" competition="" with="" domestic="" livestock)="" throughout="" argentina.="" through="" this="" proposed="" rule,="" we="" seek="" additional,="" quantitative="" information="" on="" the="" status="" of="" vicuna="" habitats="" throughout="" argentina.="" we="" especially="" seek="" detailed="" information="" on="" land="" use="" restrictions="" (for="" example,="" prohibitions="" on="" the="" grazing="" of="" domestic="" livestock)="" and="" protective="" measures="" (for="" example,="" antipoaching="" efforts)="" within="" protected="" areas,="" and="" on="" efforts="" to="" manage="" habitat="" outside="" protected="" areas="" (including="" programs="" to="" combat="" desertification="" and="" to="" reduce="" competition="" with="" domestic="" livestock).="" bolivia="" vicuna="" occur="" in="" western="" and="" southwestern="" bolivia="" in="" the="" departments="" of="" la="" paz,="" oruro,="" potosi,="" and="" cochabamba="" (cites="" 1997b).="" they="" have="" also="" been="" reported="" from="" the="" department="" of="" tarija,="" but="" the="" reports="" have="" not="" been="" confirmed="" (cites="" 1997b).="" it="" has="" been="" suggested="" (dncb="" 1997,="" pers.="" comm.)="" that="" vicuna="" may="" once="" have="" ranged="" over="" 13,000,000="" to="" 16,700,000="" ha="" in="" the="" puna="" and="" high="" plateau="" region="" of="" the="" bolivian="" andes,="" before="" colonization="" by="" the="" spaniards.="" the="" bolivian="" government="" has="" established="" vicuna="" conservation="" units="" (vcu)="" for="" administrative="" and="" management="" purposes="" (cnvb="" 1996).="" eight="" vcus="" were="" originally="" established="" by="" the="" instituto="" nacional="" de="" fomento="" lanero="" (infol="" 1985);="" a="" ninth="" unit="" was="" subsequently="" added="" as="" a="" result="" of="" the="" national="" vicuna="" census="" of="" 1996="" (cnvb="" 1996).="" these="" nine="" vcus="" encompass="" all="" of="" the="" vicuna's="" geographic="" range="" within="" bolivia.="" the="" national="" vicuna="" census="" of="" 1996="" recorded="" vicuna="" populations="" in="" 76="" ``registered="" census="" areas''="" totaling="" 3,428,356="" ha="" within="" the="" nine="" vcus.="" these="" registered="" census="" areas="" are="" distributed="" throughout="" the="" bolivian="" highlands="" at="" an="" elevation="" range="" between="" 3,600="" and="" 4,800="" m.="" thirty="" of="" these="" registered="" census="" areas="" did="" not="" have="" any="" vicuna="" in="" the="" previous="" national="" census="" (1986),="" indicating="" a="" significant="" increase="" in="" the="" vicuna's="" distribution="" within="" bolivia="" over="" a="" 10-year="" period.="" sixty-nine="" percent="" of="" the="" vicuna="" counted="" in="" 1996="" (23,393="" of="" 33,844)="" occurred="" in="" the="" conservation="" units="" of="" lipez-chichas,="" mauri-desaguadero="" and="" ulla="" ulla.="" vicuna="" are="" found="" in="" a="" number="" of="" protected="" areas="" in="" bolivia.="" within="" the="" national="" system="" of="" protected="" areas="" (sistema="" nacional="" de="" areas="" protegidas,="" or="" snap),="" vicuna="" occur="" in="" the="" ulla="" ulla="" national="" fauna="" reserve="" (150,000),="" the="" eduardo="" avaroa="" national="" andean="" fauna="" reserve="" (714,000="" ha),="" and="" cerro="" sajama="" national="" park="" (100,230="" ha)="" (information="" from="" wcmc="" protected="" areas="" database="" 1999).="" other="" protected="" areas="" with="" vicuna="" are="" the="" huancaroma="" vicuna="" reserve="" (140,429="" ha),="" huancaroma="" wildlife="" refuge="" (11,000="" ha),="" llica="" national="" park="" (97,500="" ha),="" yura="" national="" fauna="" reserve="" (96,853="" ha),="" altamachi="" vicuna="" reserve="" (100,000="" ha),="" and="" the="" incakasani-altamachi="" andean="" fauna="" reserve="" (23,000="" ha)="" [[page="" 48746]]="" (information="" from="" wcmc="" protected="" areas="" database="" 1999).="" the="" area="" where="" vicuna="" are="" presently="" found="" in="" bolivia="" is="" expanding,="" but="" will="" likely="" never="" equal="" the="" former="" distribution="" range="" because="" of="" habitat="" changes="" caused="" by="" overgrazing="" by="" sheep="" and="" other="" domestic="" livestock,="" and="" human-caused="" developments="" such="" as="" roads="" and="" cities.="" vicuna="" generally="" occur="" on="" communal="" property="" lands="" in="" bolivia.="" in="" the="" northern="" highlands="" vicuna="" share="" habitats="" mainly="" with="" alpacas,="" in="" the="" central="" highlands="" with="" cattle,="" sheep,="" llamas,="" alpacas="" and="" agriculture,="" and="" in="" the="" southern="" highlands="" with="" llamas="" (cites="" 1997b).="" overgrazing,="" especially="" by="" sheep,="" has="" reduced="" range="" carrying="" capacity="" in="" many="" areas.="" the="" limited="" quantitative="" information="" presently="" available="" to="" us="" indicates="" that="" vicuna="" populations="" throughout="" bolivia="" are="" not="" endangered="" by="" the="" present="" or="" threatened="" destruction,="" modification,="" or="" curtailment="" of="" habitat="" or="" range.="" however,="" overgrazing="" by="" domestic="" livestock="" and="" direct="" competition="" for="" forage="" with="" domestic="" livestock="" are="" still="" considered="" to="" threaten="" vicuna="" populations="" throughout="" bolivia.="" through="" this="" proposed="" rule,="" we="" are="" seeking="" additional,="" quantitative="" information="" on="" the="" status="" of="" vicuna="" habitats="" throughout="" bolivia.="" we="" especially="" seek="" detailed="" information="" on="" land="" use="" restrictions="" (for="" example,="" prohibitions="" on="" the="" grazing="" of="" domestic="" livestock)="" and="" actual="" protective="" measures="" (for="" example,="" antipoaching="" efforts)="" within="" protected="" areas,="" on="" the="" status="" of="" development="" of="" vicuna="" management="" plans="" and="" soil="" use="" plans="" in="" the="" three="" pilot="" areas="" of="" the="" national="" vicuna="" conservation="" program="" (lipez-chichas,="" mauri="" desauadero,="" and="" ulla="" ulla),="" and="" on="" current="" efforts="" to="" manage="" habitat="" on="" lands="" which="" are="" not="" within="" either="" the="" three="" aforementioned="" conservation="" units="" or="" officially-designated="" protected="" areas.="" we="" also="" seek="" more="" information="" on="" the="" national="" program="" for="" the="" fight="" against="" desertification="" and="" drought.="" chile="" the="" vicuna="" occurs="" in="" extreme="" northeastern="" chile="" in="" the="" regions="" of="" tarapaca,="" antofagasta,="" and="" atacama.="" over="" 96="" percent="" of="" the="" vicuna="" (19,169="" of="" 19,848)="" in="" chile="" are="" found="" within="" the="" caquena="" management="" zone,="" lauca="" national="" park,="" and="" the="" vicuna="" national="" reserve="" within="" this="" province="" (galaz="" 1997,="" pers.="" comm.).="" these="" areas="" have="" typical="" vicuna="" habitats="" and="" limited="" human="" populations.="" most="" vicuna="" in="" chile="" are="" found="" within="" protected="" areas.="" these="" include="" the="" aforementioned="" caquena="" management="" zone="" (90,146="" ha),="" lauca="" national="" park="" (137,883="" ha)="" and="" the="" vicuna="" national="" reserve="" (209,131="" ha)="" within="" parinacota="" province.="" a="" few="" vicuna="" also="" occur="" in="" salar="" de="" surire="" natural="" monument="" in="" parinacota="" province="" (11,298="" ha),="" and="" isluga="" volcano="" national="" park="" in="" iquique="" province,="" tarapaca="" region="" (174,744="" ha).="" information="" presently="" available="" to="" the="" service="" indicates="" that="" vicuna="" populations="" in="" chile="" are="" probably="" not="" endangered="" by="" the="" present="" or="" threatened="" destruction,="" modification,="" or="" curtailment="" of="" habitat="" or="" range.="" this="" is="" because="" the="" overwhelming="" majority="" of="" vicuna="" in="" chile="" occur="" in="" protected="" areas="" where="" there="" is="" some="" measure="" of="" control="" over="" domestic="" livestock="" grazing.="" however,="" overgrazing="" by="" domestic="" livestock="" and="" direct="" competition="" for="" forage="" with="" domestic="" livestock="" may="" still="" threaten="" vicuna="" populations="" in="" chile.="" through="" this="" proposed="" rule,="" we="" seek="" additional,="" quantitative="" information="" on="" the="" status="" of="" vicuna="" habitats="" throughout="" chile.="" we="" especially="" seek="" detailed="" information="" on="" land="" use="" restrictions="" (for="" example,="" prohibitions="" on="" the="" grazing="" of="" domestic="" livestock)="" and="" protective="" measures="" (for="" example,="" antipoaching="" efforts)="" within="" protected="" areas,="" and="" on="" effort="" to="" manage="" habitat="" outside="" protected="" areas="" (including="" programs="" to="" combat="" desertification="" and="" to="" reduce="" competition="" with="" domestic="" livestock).="" peru="" vicuna="" in="" peru="" in="" 1997="" were="" estimated="" to="" occur="" on="" about="" 6,361,000="" ha="" throughout="" the="" 15,000,000="" to="" 17,000,000="" ha="" of="" suitable="" habitat="" in="" the="" peruvian="" high="" plains.="" factors="" that="" could="" impact="" future="" areas="" of="" vicuna="" habitat="" include="" increased="" urbanization,="" successful="" reintroductions="" of="" vicuna="" into="" present="" areas="" of="" suitable="" but="" unoccupied="" habitat,="" and="" the="" replacement="" of="" domestic="" livestock="" by="" vicuna.="" vicuna="" are="" better="" adapted="" to="" the="" rigorous="" climate="" and="" ecological="" conditions="" of="" the="" puna,="" than="" are="" many="" species="" of="" domestic="" livestock.="" overgrazing="" by="" domestic="" livestock="" remains="" the="" greatest="" threat="" to="" habitat="" conditions="" in="" the="" puna.="" vicuna="" occur="" in="" 782,186="" ha="" of="" peruvian="" protected="" areas,="" including="" huascaran="" national="" park="" (340,000="" ha),="" pampa="" galeras="" national="" reserve="" (75,250="" ha)="" and="" the="" salinas="" and="" aguada="" blanca="" national="" reserve="" (366,936="" ha)="" (hoces="" r.="" 1997,="" pers.="" comm.).="" information="" presently="" available="" to="" the="" service="" indicates="" that="" vicuna="" populations="" in="" peru="" are="" not="" endangered="" by="" the="" present="" or="" threatened="" destruction,="" modification,="" or="" curtailment="" of="" habitat="" or="" range.="" this="" assessment="" is="" based="" on="" the="" overall="" size="" of="" peru's="" vicuna="" population,="" plus="" the="" large="" number="" of="" community-based="" management="" programs="" there.="" overgrazing="" by="" domestic="" livestock="" and="" direct="" competition="" for="" forage="" with="" domestic="" livestock="" may="" still="" threaten="" certain="" vicuna="" populations="" in="" peru.="" through="" this="" proposed="" rule,="" we="" are="" seeking="" additional,="" quantitative="" information="" on="" the="" status="" of="" vicuna="" habitats="" throughout="" peru.="" we="" especially="" seek="" detailed="" information="" on="" land="" use="" restrictions="" (for="" example,="" prohibitions="" on="" the="" grazing="" of="" domestic="" livestock)="" and="" protective="" measures="" (for="" example,="" antipoaching="" efforts)="" within="" protected="" areas,="" and="" on="" efforts="" to="" manage="" habitat="" outside="" protected="" areas="" (including="" programs="" to="" combat="" desertification="" and="" to="" reduce="" competition="" with="" domestic="" livestock).="" (b)="" overutilization="" for="" commercial,="" recreational,="" scientific,="" or="" educational="" purposes="" vicuna="" wool="" was="" valued="" by="" the="" incas="" and="" estimates="" suggest="" there="" may="" have="" been="" 1,000,000="" to="" 1,500,000="" vicunas="" in="" the="" region="" during="" the="" incan="" period.="" although="" utilized="" by="" the="" incas,="" there="" is="" no="" evidence="" that="" the="" species="" was="" exploited="" at="" unsustainable="" levels.="" after="" destruction="" of="" the="" inca="" empire="" by="" europeans,="" vicunas="" were="" slaughtered="" in="" large="" numbers="" for="" both="" their="" meat="" and="" wool.="" in="" the="" 1950's="" populations="" may="" still="" have="" totaled="" 400,000,="" but="" hunting="" pressures="" and="" livestock="" competition="" may="" have="" reduced="" the="" total="" population="" to="" about="" 6,000="" individuals="" by="" 1965="" (nowak="" 1991).="" other="" authors="" suggest="" somewhat="" different="" numbers="" but="" similar="" trends.="" vicuna="" numbers="" in="" individual="" range="" countries="" have="" apparently="" fluctuated="" as="" political="" and="" economic="" stability="" has="" fluctuated.="" for="" example,="" vicuna="" numbers="" in="" peru="" were="" low="" in="" 1965,="" gradually="" built="" to="" high="" levels="" in="" 1990,="" were="" significantly="" reduced="" by="" illegal="" hunting="" during="" the="" 1992-94="" period="" of="" civil="" unrest,="" and="" have="" since="" recovered="" to="" 1990="" levels.="" the="" major="" breakthroughs="" in="" the="" potential="" management="" of="" vicuna="" in="" peru="" were="" new="" laws="" transferring="" the="" custodianship="" of="" vicuna="" to="" campesinos="" (peasants)="" and="" campesino="" communities,="" giving="" the="" campesinos="" the="" responsibility="" to="" protect="" vicunas,="" the="" implementation="" of="" protective="" measures,="" the="" determination="" that="" it="" was="" not="" necessary="" to="" kill="" vicuna="" in="" order="" to="" obtain="" wool="" from="" their="" hides,="" and="" the="" development="" of="" management="" techniques="" to="" herd,="" capture="" and="" shear="" living="" vicuna="" (wheeler="" and="" hoces="" r.="" 1997).="" the="" key="" factor="" has="" been="" allowing="" the="" benefits="" of="" vicuna="" management="" and="" utilization="" to="" accrue="" collectively="" to="" campesino="" communities="" (rather="" than="" to="" middlemen="" [[page="" 48747]]="" or="" other="" individuals)="" (wheeler="" and="" hoces="" r.="" 1997).="" the="" vicuna="" remains="" a="" potentially="" easily="" exploited="" resource.="" it="" has="" great="" economic="" value="" and="" is="" a="" highly="" visible,="" diurnal="" occupant="" of="" open="" landscape.="" some="" poaching="" for="" skins="" or="" subsistence="" hunting="" for="" meat="" probably="" still="" occurs,="" as="" does="" killing="" of="" vicunas="" because="" of="" perceived="" competition="" with="" domestic="" livestock.="" this="" appears="" to="" be="" a="" source="" of="" mortality="" that="" could="" potentially="" seriously="" impact="" vicuna="" numbers,="" as="" it="" has="" done="" in="" the="" past.="" vicuna="" population="" status:="" argentina="" the="" vicuna="" population="" of="" argentina="" is="" currently="" estimated="" to="" be="" approximately="" 32,000="" individuals="" and="" increasing,="" based="" on="" censuses="" completed="" in="" various="" protected="" areas="" between="" 1992="" and="" 1996="" (cites="" 1997a).="" data="" appear="" to="" be="" most="" complete="" for="" jujuy="" province,="" where="" the="" olaroz-cauchari="" reserve="" has="" been="" surveyed="" regularly="" since="" 1973-74,="" and="" estimates="" are="" available="" for="" a="" number="" of="" other="" areas="" where="" vicuna="" are="" protected="" (cites="" 1997a).="" the="" population="" of="" jujuy="" province="" was="" estimated="" to="" be="" approximately="" 18,000="" individuals="" in="" 1997="" (cites="" 1997a).="" a="" population="" survey="" was="" recently="" completed="" in="" salta="" province="" (v.="" lichtschein,="" pers.="" comm.="" with="" k.="" johnson,="" osa,="" 1999),="" but="" the="" results="" are="" not="" yet="" available="" to="" us.="" data="" from="" other="" provinces="" are="" somewhat="" dated="" and="" incomplete="" (cites="" 1997a).="" as="" previously="" mentioned,="" the="" vicuna="" population="" of="" argentina="" is="" believed="" to="" be="" increasing.="" data="" from="" the="" olaroz-cauchari="" reserve="" (where="" numbers="" increased="" from="" about="" 330="" individuals="" in="" 1973="" to="" 6,500="" in="" 1995)="" laguna="" brava="" reserve,="" and="" laguna="" blanca="" reserve="" all="" show="" substantial="" population="" increases="" over="" the="" past="" 10="" to="" 20="" years="" (cites="" 1997a).="" possible="" causes="" for="" the="" population="" increases="" are="" the="" newly="" developed="" support="" for="" vicuna="" by="" the="" campesino="" communities="" of="" the="" puna,="" the="" creation="" of="" protected="" areas="" and="" the="" control="" of="" illegal="" hunting="" activities="" (canedi="" 1997,="" pers.="" comm.).="" it="" is="" anticipated="" that="" some="" transplanting="" will="" occur="" from="" certain="" areas="" if="" populations="" grow="" to="" exceed="" carrying="" capacity.="" vicuna="" utilization:="" argentina="" poaching="" does="" not="" appear="" to="" be="" a="" major="" problem="" at="" present="" (v.="" lichtschein,="" pers.="" comm.="" with="" k.="" johnson,="" osa,="" 1999;="" e.="" hoffman,="" journalist,="" pers="" comm.="" with="" k.="" johnson,="" osa,="" 1999).="" sport="" hunting="" of="" vicuna="" is="" not="" permitted="" in="" argentina="" and="" no="" permits="" have="" been="" issued="" for="" the="" capture="" of="" wild="" vicuna="" for="" scientific="" or="" educational="" purposes.="" the="" vicuna="" utilization="" scheme="" in="" argentina="" consists="" of="" a="" developing="" effort="" to="" sustainably="" use="" wild="" populations="" in="" jujuy="" province,="" and="" an="" effort="" to="" develop="" semi-captive="" populations="" in="" the="" provinces="" of="" catamarca,="" jujuy,="" la="" rioja,="" salta,="" and="" san="" juan.="" this="" model="" has="" been="" developed="" to="" be="" relevant="" to="" the="" conditions="" of="" the="" argentine="" puna="" where="" lands="" are="" owned="" by="" individual="" ranchers,="" human="" populations="" are="" very="" sparse="" and="" vast="" areas="" of="" potential="" habitat="" with="" limited="" vicuna="" populations="" exist="" (cites="" 1997a).="" experimental="" efforts="" to="" develop="" management="" programs="" under="" semi-="" captive="" conditions="" are="" conducted="" at="" the="" national="" institute="" of="" agriculture="" and="" cattle="" technology="" (inta)="" at="" their="" high="" altitude="" experiment="" station="" (cea)="" at="" abra="" pampa.="" studies="" have="" emphasized="" efficient="" fences="" to="" contain="" vicuna,="" the="" determination="" of="" the="" carrying="" capacity="" of="" different="" range="" types,="" and="" the="" capturing="" and="" shearing="" of="" vicuna="" and="" wool="" processing="" procedures.="" the="" experimental="" results="" have="" direct="" applications="" because="" a="" limited="" number="" of="" vicuna="" ranching="" operations="" have="" been="" established="" in="" jujuy="" and="" salta="" provinces.="" these="" ranch="" operations="" have="" used="" vicuna="" donated="" from="" the="" abra="" pampa="" semi-captive="" herd="" and="" donated="" fencing="" materials.="" vicuna="" family="" units="" are="" placed="" into="" a="" fenced="" area.="" individual="" ranchers="" who="" have="" been="" trained="" in="" vicuna="" management="" have="" the="" responsibility="" to="" protect="" and="" provide="" for="" the="" vicuna.="" young="" vicuna,="" produced="" under="" these="" semi-captive="" conditions,="" are="" either="" used="" as="" replacement="" stock="" or="" are="" returned="" to="" cea="" as="" compensation="" for="" the="" initial="" vicuna="" donation.="" the="" semi-captive="" herds="" are="" sheared="" at="" two="" year="" intervals="" using="" the="" techniques="" developed="" at="" cea.="" at="" the="" time="" of="" shearing,="" representatives="" of="" inta,="" the="" department="" of="" renewable="" natural="" resources,="" the="" gendarmes="" (military="" police),="" a="" doctor="" of="" veterinary="" medicine,="" and="" the="" wool="" buyer="" are="" present="" to="" observe="" and/or="" supervise="" the="" operation.="" the="" wool="" buyer="" in="" 1997="" was="" an="" argentine="" wool="" processing="" company="" that="" donated="" the="" fencing="" materials.="" the="" wool="" purchase="" is="" used="" to="" retire="" the="" debt="" on="" the="" fencing="" materials="" and="" to="" provide="" immediate="" payment="" to="" the="" individual="" rancher.="" the="" wool,="" at="" the="" time="" of="" shearing,="" is="" weighed,="" bagged,="" marked,="" sealed,="" recorded="" and="" stored="" in="" a="" sealed="" warehouse="" until="" all="" commercial="" authorizations="" have="" been="" completed.="" the="" production="" of="" vicuna="" wool="" under="" semi-captive="" conditions="" benefits="" the="" individual="" campesino="" rancher="" and="" is="" a="" program="" growing="" in="" popularity.="" it="" is="" claimed="" that="" this="" program="" enhances="" the="" status="" of="" vicuna="" because="" the="" ranchers="" support="" the="" program="" and="" support="" the="" presence="" of="" non-captive="" vicuna="" in="" the="" provinces,="" and="" it="" has="" enhanced="" the="" gendarme-rancher="" relationship="" which="" has="" improved="" protective="" measures="" for="" vicuna.="" however,="" we="" continue="" to="" have="" concerns="" over="" the="" appropriateness="" and="" effectiveness="" of="" this="" approach="" as="" a="" conservation="" tool="" for="" wild="" populations="" of="" vicuna.="" the="" captive="" population="" at="" abra="" pampa="" has="" been="" developed="" from="" a="" limited="" number="" of="" founder="" animals="" (16="" females="" and="" 6="" males).="" as="" such,="" there="" is="" concern="" over="" the="" genetic="" fitness="" of="" animals="" in="" this="" population.="" there="" is="" also="" concern="" about="" possible="" genetic="" and="" disease="" consequences="" if="" vicuna="" from="" the="" abra="" pampa="" population="" are="" translocated="" to="" different="" provinces="" and="" subsequently="" escape="" to="" mingle="" with="" the="" wild="" population.="" we="" are="" concerned="" that="" semi-="" captive="" populations="" may="" be="" established="" in="" the="" most="" favorable="" vicuna="" habitat="" areas,="" thus="" potentially="" depriving="" wild="" vicuna="" populations="" of="" important="" resources="" such="" as="" water="" or="" forage.="" finally,="" we="" have="" no="" information="" showing="" a="" demonstrable="" link="" between="" establishment="" of="" semi-="" captive="" vicuna="" populations="" and="" improved="" conservation="" status="" of="" wild="" populations="" (for="" example,="" a="" demonstrable="" reduction="" in="" poaching="" of="" wild="" vicuna="" in="" areas="" with="" semi-captive="" populations,="" or="" a="" demonstrable="" improvement="" in="" habitat="" conditions="" as="" a="" result="" of="" decreased="" domestic="" livestock="" numbers="" in="" areas="" with="" semi-captive="" populations).="" the="" appendix="" ii="" semi-captive="" populations="" of="" catamarca,="" jujuy,="" la="" rioja,="" salta,="" and="" san="" juan="" provinces="" are="" specifically="" excluded="" from="" the="" proposed="" special="" rule="" until="" their="" conservation="" benefit="" for="" wild="" vicuna="" is="" demonstrated="" adequately.="" with="" this="" proposed="" rule,="" we="" seek="" substantive="" information="" demonstrating="" the="" conservation="" value="" (for="" wild="" vicuna)="" of="" semi-captive="" vicuna="" populations.="" the="" vicuna="" is="" not="" considered="" to="" be="" endangered="" by="" previous="" or="" current="" overutilization="" in="" argentina.="" it="" is,="" however,="" considered="" to="" be="" threatened="" by="" overutilization="" throughout="" argentina,="" and="" will="" continue="" to="" be="" threatened="" until="" appropriate="" conservation="" mechanisms="" are="" fully="" implemented="" and="" the="" populations="" fully="" recover,="" based="" on="" successful="" conservation="" and="" management.="" through="" this="" proposed="" rule,="" we="" seek="" additional="" information="" on="" the="" status="" of="" wild="" vicuna="" populations="" throughout="" argentina.="" vicuna="" population="" status:="" bolivia="" vicuna="" populations="" in="" bolivia="" were="" recorded="" as="" 33,844="" in="" the="" country-wide="" census="" of="" 1996="" and="" current="" populations="" are="" estimated="" at="" about="" 35,500="" (dncb="" 1997,="" pers.="" comm.).="" the="" population="" is="" [[page="" 48748]]="" generally="" thought="" to="" be="" increasing,="" and="" perhaps="" has="" reached="" carrying="" capacity="" in="" a="" few="" areas.="" population="" data="" determined="" by="" direct="" and="" total="" counts="" of="" individuals="" on="" selected="" habitat="" areas="" are="" best="" for="" the="" three="" experimental="" pilot="" areas--ulla="" ulla,="" mauri-desaguadero="" and="" lipez="" chichas="" whose="" populations="" were="" transferred="" to="" cites="" appendix="" ii="" in="" 1997.="" periodic="" censuses="" have="" occurred="" over="" a="" 30-year="" period="" for="" ulla="" ulla,="" and="" over="" a="" 15-year="" period="" for="" the="" other="" two="" pilot="" areas.="" the="" growth="" in="" the="" total="" vicuna="" population="" has="" been="" both="" in="" density="" within="" well-known="" habitat="" areas="" and="" in="" the="" number="" of="" habitat="" areas="" with="" vicuna.="" it="" is="" believed="" that="" the="" principal="" reason="" for="" the="" growth="" in="" the="" general="" vicuna="" population="" is="" the="" protection="" provided="" by="" the="" campesino="" communities,="" especially="" those="" that="" have="" government="" supported="" game="" wardens.="" vicuna="" utilization:="" bolivia="" some="" campesino="" communities="" are="" hostile="" to="" vicunas="" because="" of="" crop="" depredation="" or="" perceived="" competition="" with="" domestic="" livestock="" and="" the="" fact="" that="" no="" economic="" benefits="" are="" presently="" realized="" from="" vicuna.="" this="" may="" result="" in="" the="" killing="" of="" vicuna,="" although="" we="" have="" no="" substantive="" information="" which="" directly="" supports="" this="" conclusion.="" the="" granting="" of="" custodianship="" to="" the="" local="" communities="" and="" the="" delegation="" of="" monitoring="" to="" the="" provincial="" governments="" is="" expected="" to="" provide="" the="" mechanism="" to="" address="" this="" issue.="" poaching="" of="" vicuna="" is="" known="" to="" occur="" in="" bolivia="" (cites="" 1997b),="" and="" may="" be="" at="" a="" level="" that="" is="" of="" concern.="" one="" individual="" was="" recently="" arrested="" outside="" la="" paz="" with="" 324="" vicuna="" skins="" in="" his="" possession="" (e.="" hoffman,="" pers.="" comm.="" with="" k.="" johnson,="" osa,="" 1999).="" vicuna="" products,="" including="" rugs="" made="" from="" many="" skins,="" can="" be="" seen="" for="" sale="" in="" the="" san="" francisco="" plaza="" in="" la="" paz="" (e.="" hoffman,="" pers.="" comm.="" with="" k.="" johnson,="" osa,="" 1999).="" local="" traditional="" authorities="" use="" vicuna="" ponchos,="" scarves="" and="" blankets,="" especially="" at="" traditional="" celebrations="" (cites="" 1997b).="" the="" wool="" used="" in="" these="" products="" comes="" from="" animals="" killed="" illegally="" (cites="" 1997b).="" tour="" operators="" in="" remote="" areas="" claim="" to="" encounter="" skinned="" vicuna="" carcasses="" on="" a="" regular="" basis="" (e.="" hoffman,="" pers.="" comm.="" with="" k.="" johnson,="" osa,="" 1999).="" vicuna="" are="" not="" captured="" in="" bolivia="" for="" educational="" or="" scientific="" purposes.="" there="" is="" no="" intent="" to="" have="" commercial="" meat="" operations="" as="" the="" only="" authorized="" commerce="" will="" be="" in="" wool="" and="" wool="" products="" from="" live-="" shorn="" vicunas="" from="" wild="" populations.="" at="" present,="" there="" is="" no="" trade="" in="" wool="" as="" bolivia="" has="" a="" zero="" quota="" under="" cites.="" bolivia,="" as="" well="" as="" the="" other="" signatory="" countries="" to="" the="" conveno="" para="" la="" conservacion="" y="" manejo="" de="" la="" vicuna="" (convention="" for="" the="" conservation="" and="" management="" of="" the="" vicuna,="" or="" the="" vicuna="" convention),="" has="" agreed="" not="" to="" export="" fertile="" specimens="" of="" vicuna.="" the="" sole="" exception="" has="" been="" a="" 1993="" export="" of="" 100="" vicunas="" to="" the="" republic="" of="" ecuador="" to="" aid="" in="" their="" vicuna="" recovery="" efforts.="" this="" was="" accomplished="" within="" the="" multilateral="" frameworks="" of="" both="" the="" vicuna="" convention="" and="" the="" cites="" convention.="" bolivia's="" national="" program="" for="" the="" conservation="" of="" vicuna="" is="" in="" very="" early="" stages="" of="" implementation.="" bolivia="" is="" developing="" pilot="" programs="" for="" harvesting="" and="" marketing="" wool="" from="" live-shorn="" vicuna="" that="" borrow="" significantly="" on="" the="" successful="" management="" program="" in="" peru.="" the="" initial="" step="" of="" the="" national="" vicuna="" conservation="" program="" was="" to="" transfer="" three="" substantial="" vicuna="" populations="" in="" areas="" where="" campesino="" interest="" and="" commitments="" were="" high="" (ulla="" ulla,="" mauri-desaguadero,="" lipez="" chichas)="" from="" cites="" appendix="" i="" to="" ii,="" so="" that="" pilot="" management="" and="" shearing="" programs="" could="" be="" perfected="" prior="" to="" expanding="" the="" management="" programs="" to="" other="" vicuna="" habitats.="" the="" second="" step="" has="" been="" the="" development="" of="" an="" agreement="" between="" the="" programma="" quinua="" potosi="" (proquipo)="" and="" the="" dncb="" to="" operate="" the="" pilot="" center="" of="" sud="" lipez="" to="" actually="" develop="" and="" demonstrate="" those="" management="" and="" shearing="" programs="" to="" enable="" the="" sustainable="" use="" of="" the="" vicuna="" through="" live="" shearing="" to="" be="" realized="" eventually.="" vicuna="" population="" trends="" throughout="" bolivia="" are="" encouraging,="" and="" populations="" appear="" to="" have="" recovered="" to="" the="" extent="" that="" they="" are="" no="" longer="" endangered="" by="" previous="" and="" current="" overutilization.="" we="" consider="" that="" the="" vicuna="" is="" threatened="" by="" overutilization="" throughout="" bolivia,="" and="" will="" continue="" to="" be="" threatened="" until="" appropriate="" conservation="" mechanisms="" are="" fully="" implemented="" and="" the="" populations="" fully="" recover,="" based="" on="" successful="" conservation="" and="" management.="" through="" this="" proposed="" rule,="" we="" seek="" additional="" information="" on="" the="" status="" of="" wild="" vicuna="" populations="" throughout="" bolivia.="" we="" especially="" seek="" information="" on="" the="" magnitude="" of="" poaching.="" vicuna="" population="" status:="" chile="" over="" 96="" percent="" of="" the="" vicuna="" (19,200="" of="" 19,850)="" in="" chile="" occur="" in="" parinacota="" province="" in="" the="" extreme="" northeastern="" portion="" of="" the="" country.="" the="" populations="" in="" the="" caquena="" management="" zone="" (3,700="" vicuna="" on="" 101,380="" ha)="" and="" in="" the="" national="" vicuna="" reserve="" (8,050="" vicuna="" on="" 288,970="" ha)="" in="" this="" province="" were="" transferred="" to="" cites="" appendix="" ii="" in="" 1987,="" and="" would="" be="" the="" only="" populations="" utilized="" commercially="" should="" a="" program="" to="" capture="" and="" shear="" live="" vicuna="" be="" instigated="" (galaz="" 1997,="" pers.="" comm.).="" the="" adjacent="" population="" in="" lauca="" national="" park="" (7,410="" vicuna="" on="" 153,380="" ha)="" was="" retained="" on="" appendix="" i="" to="" provide="" further="" control="" over="" vicuna="" in="" this="" protected="" natural="" area.="" the="" vicuna="" population="" in="" parinacota="" province="" is="" believed="" to="" be="" at="" or="" near="" carrying="" capacity="" in="" typical="" vicuna="" habitat.="" the="" remaining="" four="" percent="" of="" chile's="" vicunas="" occur="" elsewhere="" in="" the="" upper="" andean="" tablelands="" in="" northeastern="" chile.="" about="" 650="" vicuna="" are="" believed="" to="" occur="" in="" small="" scattered="" groups="" over="" about="" 215,000="" ha="" elsewhere="" in="" the="" tarapaca="" region="" and="" in="" the="" neighboring="" antofagasta="" and="" atacama="" regions.="" vicuna="" utilization:="" chile="" the="" hunting,="" capture="" and="" sale="" of="" vicuna="" and="" vicuna="" products="" is="" unlawful="" in="" chile="" and,="" at="" present,="" there="" is="" no="" national="" or="" international="" trade="" in="" vicuna="" fiber,="" no="" exports="" of="" living="" vicuna="" and="" no="" known="" illegal="" trade="" in="" vicuna="" products.="" poaching="" is="" not="" considered="" to="" be="" a="" problem="" in="" chile="" (e.="" hoffman,="" pers.="" comm.="" with="" k.="" johnson,="" osa,="" 1999).="" in="" summary,="" protected="" areas="" have="" been="" established="" in="" locations="" with="" a="" high="" density="" of="" vicunas,="" a="" conservation="" and="" management="" plan="" has="" been="" developed="" for="" vicuna,="" legal="" provisions="" have="" been="" developed="" to="" protect="" the="" species="" and="" adequate="" protection="" is="" being="" provided="" for="" the="" species,="" especially="" in="" lauca="" national="" park="" and="" the="" national="" vicuna="" reserve.="" the="" vicuna="" is="" not="" considered="" to="" be="" endangered="" by="" previous="" or="" current="" overutilization="" in="" chile.="" however,="" as="" a="" vicuna="" wool="" industry="" could="" potentially="" be="" approved="" in="" chile,="" overutilization="" is="" still="" considered="" to="" threaten="" the="" chilean="" population="" until="" such="" time="" as="" control="" mechanisms="" for="" harvest="" and="" commercialization="" are="" demonstrated="" to="" be="" adequate.="" vicuna="" population="" status:="" peru="" the="" 1997="" census="" in="" peru="" estimated="" a="" population="" of="" 103,650="" vicuna="" on="" 6,361,000="" ha="" of="" habitat="" (hoces="" r.="" 1997,="" pers.="" comm.)="" in="" the="" high="" andean="" tablelands="" of="" the="" departments="" of="" ancash,="" apurimac,="" arequipa,="" ayacucho,="" cajamarca,="" cusco,="" huancavelica,="" huanuco,="" junin,="" la="" libertad,="" lima,="" moquegua,="" pasco,="" puno="" and="" tacna.="" vicuna="" populations="" have="" been="" increasing="" since="" 1994.="" this="" is="" believed="" to="" be="" due="" to="" the="" increased="" efforts="" to="" control="" vicuna="" poaching="" and="" [[page="" 48749]]="" the="" development="" of="" a="" vicuna="" wool="" utilization="" program.="" several="" campesino="" communities="" now="" participate="" in="" the="" protection,="" management="" and="" utilization="" of="" vicuna="" in="" cooperation="" with="" the="" national="" council="" of="" south="" american="" camelids="" (conacs)="" and="" the="" national="" institute="" of="" natural="" resources="" (inrena),="" which="" is="" the="" designated="" cites="" management="" authority="" for="" peru.="" vicuna="" utilization:="" peru="" as="" mentioned="" previously,="" vicuna="" numbers="" in="" peru="" have="" fluctuated="" greatly="" in="" recent="" years="" as="" a="" result="" of="" political="" and="" economic="" instability.="" vicuna="" numbers="" were="" low="" in="" 1965,="" gradually="" built="" to="" high="" levels="" in="" 1990,="" were="" significantly="" reduced="" by="" illegal="" hunting="" during="" the="" 1992-94="" period="" of="" civil="" unrest,="" and="" have="" since="" recovered="" to="" 1990="" levels.="" at="" present,="" legislation="" in="" peru="" permits="" the="" taking="" of="" vicuna="" if="" properly="" authorized="" and="" technically="" supported.="" some="" culling="" of="" vicunas="" (about="" 1,000="" per="" year)="" did="" occur="" from="" 1977="" to="" 1983="" but="" no="" quotas="" have="" been="" declared="" and="" little="" if="" any="" legal="" take="" has="" occurred="" since="" that="" date.="" any="" take="" for="" scientific="" studies="" is="" rare="" and,="" when="" authorized,="" is="" tightly="" controlled.="" there="" is="" no="" legal="" utilization="" of="" vicuna="" for="" meat="" or="" parts.="" commercialization="" of="" vicuna="" wool="" products="" will="" likely="" not="" result="" in="" overutilization="" of="" vicuna="" because="" of="" the="" system="" of="" controls="" that="" exist="" in="" monitoring="" wool="" collections,="" governmental="" supervision="" by="" conacs="" and="" inrena,="" and="" the="" involvement="" of="" local="" campesino="" communities.="" conacs="" and="" inrena="" have="" the="" responsibility="" to="" protect="" and="" monitor="" vicunas="" within="" protected="" areas="" such="" as="" huascaran="" national="" park,="" pampa="" galeras="" national="" reserve="" and="" the="" salinas="" and="" aguada="" blanca="" national="" reserve.="" the="" protection="" and="" monitoring="" of="" vicunas="" in="" the="" rural="" communities="" is="" a="" major="" responsibility="" of="" participating="" campesino="" communities="" in="" coordination="" with="" conacs="" and="" inrena.="" conacs="" has="" developed="" techniques,="" at="" pampa="" galeras,="" for="" capturing="" and="" harvesting="" wool="" from="" living="" wild="" vicuna.="" capture="" methods="" are="" based="" on="" the="" traditional="" ``chaku,="" a="" surround="" technique="" used="" by="" the="" incas="" to="" capture="" and="" shear="" vicunas="" (wheeler="" and="" hoces="" r.="" 1997).="" conacs="" has="" taught="" and="" supervised="" campesino="" communities="" in="" this="" technique="" and="" other="" aspects="" of="" vicuna="" management.="" at="" pampa="" galeras="" and="" in="" other="" areas="" of="" the="" peruvian="" puna,="" vicunas="" occur="" on="" communal="" lands="" and="" campesinos="" represent="" an="" abundant="" and="" important="" work="" force.="" the="" process="" used="" to="" capture="" and="" shear="" vicunas="" was="" observed="" in="" august="" 1997="" by="" dr.="" short="" (on="" behalf="" of="" the="" national="" fish="" and="" wildlife="" foundation).="" vicunas="" to="" be="" shorn="" were="" slowly="" herded="" across="" a="" wide="" habitat="" area="" and="" ``pushed''="" into="" a="" v-shaped="" funnel="" trap.="" the="" vicuna="" were="" eventually="" crowded="" into="" a="" corral="" where="" they="" were="" sorted="" by="" hand="" to="" identify="" adults="" with="" adequate="" fleeces;="" this="" is="" a="" consideration="" because="" it="" takes="" about="" 18="" months="" to="" grow="" a="" fleece="" that="" will="" yield="" shorn="" fibers="" that="" are="" 2="" cm="" (0.78="" in)="" long.="" all="" animals="" were="" ear-tagged,="" identified,="" weighed="" and="" cursorily="" examined="" for="" general="" condition.="" each="" animal="" to="" be="" clipped="" was="" restrained="" and="" the="" fleece="" along="" the="" back="" and="" flanks="" was="" removed="" in="" a="" single="" mass,="" using="" electric="" clippers.="" that="" portion="" of="" the="" fleece="" was="" placed="" in="" a="" plastic="" bag.="" the="" shoulder,="" rump="" and="" leg="" wool="" was="" then="" clipped="" and="" placed="" in="" a="" separate="" bag.="" both="" bags="" of="" wool="" from="" an="" individual="" animal="" were="" tagged,="" sealed,="" weighed="" and="" recorded="" at="" the="" field="" location="" immediately="" after="" clipping="" was="" completed.="" belly="" and="" chest="" hair="" were="" left="" intact="" on="" the="" animal="" in="" the="" belief="" that="" it="" would="" subsequently="" insulate="" the="" animal="" when="" it="" was="" resting="" on="" cold="" ground.="" the="" capture,="" handling,="" clipping="" and="" the="" securing="" of="" the="" vicuna="" fleece="" was="" accomplished="" by="" campesinos="" under="" the="" supervision="" of="" personnel="" from="" conacs="" and="" the="" sociedad="" nacional="" de="" la="" vicuna="" (snv).="" upon="" the="" completion="" of="" the="" clipping="" effort="" the="" shorn="" animal="" was="" released.="" clipping="" took="" about="" two="" minutes="" per="" animal.="" no="" significant="" injuries="" were="" observed="" from="" the="" capture,="" handling="" or="" clipping="" of="" the="" live="" wild="" vicunas="" under="" these="" observed="" conditions.="" cleaning="" of="" guard="" hairs="" and="" dirt="" from="" vicuna="" fleeces="" is="" usually="" accomplished="" by="" women="" from="" the="" campesino="" communities.="" such="" cleaning="" takes="" about="" 2-3="" woman-days="" per="" 250-gram="" (9="" ounce)="" fleece.="" up="" to="" 100="" women="" from="" the="" lucanas="" campesino="" community="" near="" pampa="" galeras="" may="" be="" employed="" during="" the="" time="" period="" required="" to="" process="" an="" annual="" harvest="" of="" up="" to="" 2,000="" fleeces.="" careful="" weights="" are="" kept="" as="" fleeces="" are="" unsealed,="" cleaned,="" re-bagged="" and="" resealed="" prior="" to="" auction.="" a="" single="" auction="" supervised="" by="" conacs="" serves="" all="" campesino="" communities="" producing="" vicuna="" wool.="" vicuna="" management="" essentially="" provides="" full-time="" employment="" for="" many="" members="" of="" the="" lucanas="" community--building="" fences,="" obtaining="" and="" cleaning="" fleeces,="" providing="" protection="" to="" vicuna="" and="" providing="" instruction="" to="" other="" communities="" wishing="" to="" establish="" a="" vicuna="" industry.="" it="" was="" reported="" that="" as="" part="" of="" the="" arrangement="" between="" the="" lucanas="" community="" and="" the="" government,="" 500="" vicunas="" are="" used="" to="" restock="" vicuna="" habitats="" in="" neighboring="" communities,="" in="" exchange="" for="" both="" a="" hydro-electric="" project="" and="" other="" economic="" assistance.="" the="" pampa="" galeras="" experience="" is="" the="" model="" for="" other="" campesino="" communities="" in="" peru="" and="" will="" likely="" be="" the="" model="" for="" similar="" efforts="" in="" bolivia.="" campesino="" communities="" in="" both="" countries="" benefit="" by="" having="" some="" initial="" funds="" to="" develop="" a="" vicuna="" management="" infrastructure--either="" from="" the="" national="" government,="" as="" in="" peru,="" or="" the="" european="" community="" in="" aid="" to="" bolivia.="" efforts="" are="" apparently="" underway="" in="" peru="" to="" develop="" ranching="" of="" vicuna="" (i.e.,="" fencing="" of="" natural="" areas="" to="" produce="" semi-captive="" populations)="" (wheeler="" and="" hoces="" r.="" 1997).="" although="" translocation="" of="" animals="" does="" not="" appear="" to="" be="" involved="" in="" this="" case,="" we="" still="" have="" many="" of="" the="" same="" concerns="" as="" previously="" expressed="" for="" the="" semi-captive="" populations="" in="" argentina.="" we="" reiterate="" our="" desire="" to="" receive="" substantive="" information="" demonstrating="" the="" conservation="" value="" (for="" wild="" vicuna)="" of="" semi-captive="" vicuna="" populations.="" the="" vicuna="" is="" not="" considered="" to="" be="" endangered="" by="" previous="" or="" current="" overutilization="" in="" peru.="" it="" is,="" however,="" considered="" to="" be="" threatened="" by="" overutilization,="" and="" will="" continue="" to="" be="" threatened="" until="" appropriate="" conservation="" mechanisms="" are="" fully="" implemented="" and="" the="" populations="" fully="" recover,="" based="" on="" successful="" conservation="" and="" management.="" (c)="" disease="" or="" predation="" vicunas,="" like="" most="" mammals,="" suffer="" from="" a="" variety="" of="" endo-and="" ecto-="" parasites.="" mange="" caused="" by="" parasitic="" mites="" can="" result="" in="" skin="" lesions="" and="" loss="" of="" hair,="" especially="" in="" those="" populations="" that="" coexist="" with="" domestic="" livestock,="" especially="" during="" drought="" conditions.="" drought="" conditions="" or="" extremely="" degraded="" ranges="" adversely="" impact="" vicuna="" by="" causing="" movements="" to="" new="" habitats="" with="" the="" possible="" dissolution="" of="" some="" family="" groups="" and="" reductions="" in="" reproductive="" rates="" and="" successes,="" and="" perhaps="" increased="" mortalities.="" major="" predators="" on="" vicuna="" include="" the="" puma="" (felis="" concolor),="" the="" andean="" fox="" or="" zorro="" (dusicyon="" culpaeus)="" and="" perhaps="" the="" andean="" condor="" (vultur="" gryphus),="" which="" may="" kill="" newborn="" and="" very="" sick="" animals.="" vicuna="" populations="" in="" the="" four="" range="" countries="" are="" not="" believed="" to="" be="" endangered="" from="" the="" impacts="" of="" disease="" or="" predation,="" in="" part="" because="" the="" numbers="" of="" individuals="" within="" each="" population="" are="" considered="" to="" be="" increasing.="" likewise="" the="" vicuna="" populations="" are="" not="" likely="" to="" be="" threatened="" by="" these="" factors="" if="" the="" benefits="" from="" the="" commercialization="" of="" vicuna="" wool="" products="" are="" used="" to="" [[page="" 48750]]="" enhance="" the="" standard="" of="" living="" in="" campesino="" communities,="" with="" concomitant="" effective="" protection="" and="" enforcement.="" we="" remain="" concerned="" about="" the="" potential="" for="" disease="" transmission="" from="" animals="" that="" are="" translocated="" for="" the="" development="" of="" semi-captive="" populations="" or="" for="" release="" to="" the="" wild="" to="" supplement="" wild="" populations,="" and="" seek="" additional="" information="" on="" this="" issue.="" (d)="" the="" inadequacy="" of="" existing="" regulatory="" mechanisms="" the="" regulatory="" mechanisms="" in="" place="" vary="" significantly="" among="" the="" four="" range="" countries.="" those="" in="" peru="" are="" very="" substantive="" and="" involve="" the="" establishment="" of="" new="" governmental="" agencies,="" new="" mechanisms="" to="" enhance="" inter-community="" coordination,="" enhanced="" vicuna="" management="" procedures="" and="" a="" regulated="" and="" active="" vicuna="" wool="" industry="" that="" currently="" returns="" economic="" benefits="" to="" campesino="" communities.="" argentina="" has="" also="" developed="" regulatory="" mechanisms="" to="" allow="" the="" development="" of="" a="" vicuna="" wool="" industry="" that="" currently="" benefits="" a="" small="" number="" of="" local="" ranchers.="" bolivia="" is="" currently="" developing="" mechanisms="" to="" develop="" a="" wool="" industry="" and="" is="" building="" on="" many="" of="" the="" procedures="" that="" are="" apparently="" successful="" in="" peru.="" chile="" has="" no="" current="" plans="" for="" developing="" a="" wool="" industry="" but="" has="" conceptualized="" how="" such="" an="" industry="" might="" be="" successfully="" managed.="" regulatory="" mechanisms:="" argentina="" in="" argentina,="" the="" first="" interprovincial="" technical="" conference="" on="" the="" conservation="" of="" the="" vicuna="" met="" in="" 1972="" and="" agreed="" to="" develop="" methods="" to="" capture,="" transport="" and="" recolonize="" vicuna="" habitats="" and="" develop="" a="" plan="" for="" the="" management,="" shearing="" and="" the="" manufacture="" of="" handicrafts="" from="" vicuna="" fiber.="" additional="" meetings="" integrated="" the="" provincial="" vicuna="" programs,="" established="" a="" national="" program,="" and="" established="" the="" ``vicuna="" regional="" commission''="" as="" a="" mechanism="" to="" attain="" national="" coordination="" on="" the="" vicuna="" management="" program="" (comision="" regional="" de="" la="" vicuna,="" 1994).="" argentina="" ratified="" the="" cites="" convention="" in="" 1981.="" in="" 1988="" argentina="" signed="" the="" vicuna="" convention="" and="" has="" since="" carried="" out="" its="" programs="" within="" the="" context="" of="" this="" agreement.="" argentine="" national="" law="" for="" the="" conservation="" of="" wildlife="" 22.421="" and="" its="" regulatory="" decree="" no.="" 691,="" provides="" for="" vicuna="" protection.="" the="" constitution="" of="" argentina,="" reformed="" in="" 1994,="" assures="" the="" rights="" of="" the="" provinces="" over="" their="" respective="" natural="" resources,="" assures="" the="" rights="" of="" indigenous="" people="" to="" use="" these="" natural="" resources="" in="" traditional="" ways,="" and="" embraces="" the="" conservation="" of="" biological="" diversity="" and="" the="" sustainable="" development="" of="" natural="" resources.="" several="" laws="" and="" decrees="" within="" the="" various="" provinces="" list="" the="" vicuna="" as="" a="" protected="" species,="" establish="" protected="" areas="" for="" the="" species,="" prohibit="" hunting,="" and="" prohibit="" commercialization,="" transportation,="" or="" manufacturing="" of="" parts="" or="" products="" from="" hunted="" animals,="" regardless="" of="" origin.="" laws="" and="" decrees="" also="" allow="" the="" installation="" of="" captive="" breeding="" operations="" and="" the="" commercialization="" and="" industrialization="" of="" products="" from="" captive-bred="" animals="" (canedi="" 1997,="" pers.="" comm.).="" the="" departments="" of="" renewable="" natural="" resources="" for="" jujuy,="" salta,="" catamarca="" and="" la="" rioja="" provinces="" have="" signed="" agreements="" with="" the="" secretariat="" of="" natural="" resources="" and="" human="" environment="" and="" the="" national="" gendarmes,="" a="" federal="" law="" enforcement="" group,="" to="" enforce="" provisions="" of="" provincial="" and="" national="" laws="" that="" prohibit="" illegal="" hunting="" and="" smuggling.="" the="" gendarmes="" conduct="" extensive="" patrols="" in="" rural="" areas="" and="" on="" the="" borders,="" and="" have="" officers="" at="" the="" ports,="" airports="" and="" borders.="" they="" are="" capable="" of="" conducting="" inspections="" and="" investigations="" involving="" the="" illegal="" trafficking="" of="" vicuna="" wool.="" they="" also="" have="" an="" environmental="" division="" which="" meets="" with="" campesinos="" and="" tries="" to="" promote="" the="" vicuna="" program.="" although="" both="" the="" department="" of="" renewable="" natural="" resources="" and="" the="" gendarmes="" may="" not="" have="" adequate="" resources="" at="" their="" disposal,="" they="" are="" thought="" to="" be="" working="" effectively="" with="" the="" campesino="" communities="" of="" the="" puna="" as="" evinced="" in="" the="" increase="" of="" vicuna="" populations="" of="" the="" puna="" (canedi="" 1997,="" pers.="" comm).="" the="" only="" legal="" wool="" at="" the="" present="" time="" is="" that="" obtained="" from="" the="" shearing="" of="" live="" vicuna="" at="" the="" officially="" authorized="" semi-captive="" population="" facilities.="" we="" understand="" that="" a="" registry="" of="" authorized="" semi-captive="" populations="" is="" maintained="" by="" the="" national="" direccion="" de="" fauna="" y="" flora="" silvestres="" (v.="" lichtschein,="" pers.="" comm.="" with="" k.="" johnson,="" osa,="" 1999).="" wool="" from="" shorn="" fleeces="" is="" bagged,="" tagged,="" weighed,="" sealed,="" recorded,="" and="" the="" government="" agency="" that="" supervised="" the="" shearing="" is="" identified="" on="" the="" bag.="" wool="" from="" officially="" authorized="" breeders="" (ranchers)="" can="" be="" directly="" auctioned="" for="" direct="" export,="" or="" the="" ranchers="" (if="" artisans)="" can="" retain="" the="" wool,="" and="" make="" and="" sell="" cloth.="" either="" the="" wool="" buyer="" or="" the="" rancher-artisan="" would="" need="" a="" transport="" permit="" and="" that="" transport="" permit="" would="" need="" to="" be="" presented="" when="" the="" cites="" export="" permit="" is="" requested.="" fabric="" or="" products="" manufactured="" by="" rancher-="" artisans="" will="" need="" to="" be="" marked="" with="" the="" official="" seals="" or="" stamps.="" such="" fabrics="" or="" products,="" expected="" to="" be="" limited="" in="" numbers,="" can="" only="" be="" sold="" to="" licensed="" outlets="" recognized="" and="" approved="" by="" the="" government.="" the="" check="" on="" whether="" fabrics="" or="" products="" are="" made="" from="" legal="" vicuna="" wool="" is="" determined="" by="" comparing="" weights="" of="" fleeces="" harvested="" under="" supervised="" shearing="" operations,="" the="" weight="" of="" raw="" wool="" that="" is="" retained="" by="" the="" authorized="" rancher-artisan="" and="" the="" weights="" of="" woolen="" products="" produced="" by="" that="" artisan.="" at="" present="" it="" is="" not="" clear="" to="" us="" which="" government="" agency="" supervises="" shearing,="" which="" approves="" licensed="" outlets="" for="" vicuna="" products,="" and="" which="" conducts="" checks="" of="" producers="" to="" ensure="" that="" only="" legal="" wool="" is="" used="" in="" artesanal="" products.="" there="" is="" apparently="" no="" national="" legislation="" that="" covers="" all="" aspects="" relating="" to="" the="" trade="" in="" vicuna="" or="" the="" administrative="" aspects="" relating="" to="" this="" trade="" (cites="" 1997a).="" wild="" populations="" of="" vicuna="" in="" the="" province="" of="" jujuy="" and="" semi-="" captive="" populations="" of="" vicuna="" in="" the="" provinces="" of="" jujuy,="" salta,="" catamarca,="" la="" rioja="" and="" san="" juan="" were="" transferred="" from="" cites="" appendix="" i="" to="" appendix="" ii="" at="" cites="" cop10,="" effective="" september="" 18,="" 1997.="" exports="" are="" limited="" to="" wool="" shorn="" from="" live="" animals,="" cloth="" and="" articles="" made="" from="" that="" cloth,="" luxury="" handicrafts="" and="" knitted="" articles.="" the="" reverse="" side="" of="" cloth="" and="" cloth="" products="" must="" bear="" the="" logo="" adopted="" by="" countries="" signatory="" to="" the="" vicuna="" convention="" and="" the="" words="" ``vicuna-="" argentina-artesania.''="" all="" specimens="" not="" meeting="" the="" above="" conditions="" are="" subject="" to="" the="" prohibition="" against="" primarily="" commercial="" trade.="" articles="" bought="" by="" a="" foreign="" tourist="" at="" a="" government="" authorized="" store="" will="" be="" exportable="" as="" personal="" accompanying="" baggage="" only="" after="" a="" cites="" export="" permit="" has="" been="" obtained.="" the="" only="" apparent="" control="" of="" artisan="" goods="" sold="" to="" residents="" of="" argentina="" and="" later="" resold="" to="" foreign="" tourists="" is="" the="" requirement="" that="" the="" tourist="" have="" a="" cites="" export="" permit="" upon="" his/her="" return="" to="" his/her="" country="" of="" origin.="" this="" is="" a="" requirement="" for="" importation="" of="" any="" personal="" effects="" or="" personal="" accompanying="" baggage="" by="" u.s.="" residents,="" under="" the="" conditions="" of="" the="" special="" rule="" accompanying="" this="" petition="" finding.="" if="" the="" wool="" from="" an="" authorized="" captive="" breeder="" is="" sold="" at="" auction,="" the="" buyer,="" presumably="" a="" wool="" processing="" company,="" would="" get="" a="" permit="" from="" the="" provincial="" natural="" resources="" department="" which="" the="" buyer="" would="" present="" to="" the="" national="" secretary="" for="" natural="" resources="" and="" human="" environment="" to="" obtain="" the="" required="" cites="" permit="" for="" export.="" the="" national="" police="" (gendarmes)="" are="" expected="" to="" aid="" provincial="" authorities="" in="" the="" control="" of="" poaching,="" illegal="" trade="" and="" [[page="" 48751]]="" transport="" of="" unauthorized="" products="" within="" the="" country="" and="" the="" routine="" inspection="" of="" products="" of="" legal="" origin="" to="" certify="" their="" origin.="" collaboration="" will="" also="" be="" provided="" by="" the="" national="" aeronautical="" police="" at="" the="" country's="" airports="" to="" intensify="" inspections="" of="" commercial="" products="" and="" passengers.="" the="" vicuna="" does="" not="" appear="" to="" be="" endangered="" by="" inadequate="" regulatory="" mechanisms="" in="" argentina.="" the="" species,="" however,="" is="" considered="" to="" be="" threatened="" by="" this="" factor="" because="" many="" of="" the="" regulatory="" mechanisms="" are="" in="" early="" stages="" of="" implementation,="" and="" we="" are="" still="" unclear="" about="" several="" aspects="" related="" to="" the="" control="" of="" trade="" in="" raw="" vicuna="" wool="" and="" artesanal="" products.="" the="" vicuna="" will="" remain="" threatened="" by="" this="" factor="" until="" appropriate="" conservation="" mechanisms="" are="" fully="" implemented="" and="" the="" populations="" fully="" recover.="" through="" this="" proposed="" rule,="" we="" seek="" detailed="" information="" on="" the="" control="" of="" trade="" in="" vicuna="" wool="" and="" wool="" products="" in="" argentina,="" and="" on="" the="" status="" of="" national="" legislation="" to="" control="" trade.="" regulatory="" mechanisms:="" bolivia="" bolivia's="" national="" program="" for="" the="" conservation="" of="" vicuna="" is="" in="" very="" early="" stages="" of="" implementation.="" bolivia="" is="" developing="" pilot="" programs="" for="" harvesting="" and="" marketing="" wool="" from="" live-shorn="" vicuna="" that="" borrow="" significantly="" on="" the="" successful="" management="" program="" in="" peru.="" the="" ministry="" of="" sustainable="" development="" and="" the="" environment="" is="" the="" organization="" responsible="" for="" planning="" and="" coordinating="" the="" conservation="" of="" natural="" resources="" with="" the="" major="" plans="" for="" national="" development.="" the="" dncb="" (direccion="" nacional="" de="" conservacion="" de="" la="" biodiversidad="" unidad="" de="" vida="" silvestre)="" is="" located="" within="" this="" ministry="" and="" is="" the="" technical="" body="" whose="" objective="" is="" the="" conservation="" and="" sustainable="" use="" of="" biological="" resources.="" the="" wildlife="" unit="" with="" responsibilities="" for="" executing="" the="" national="" vicuna="" conservation="" program="" is="" located="" within="" the="" dncb.="" several="" laws="" and="" decrees="" are="" relevant="" to="" vicuna="" management="" in="" bolivia.="" bolivia="" and="" peru="" signed="" the="" treaty="" of="" la="" paz="" in="" 1969="" to="" provide="" a="" measure="" of="" international="" protection="" for="" vicuna="" and="" this="" treaty="" was="" a="" precursor="" to="" what="" is="" presently="" known="" as="" the="" vicuna="" convention.="" bolivia="" has="" also="" been="" a="" signatory="" to="" cites="" since="" 1979.="" the="" agrarian="" reform="" act="" of="" 1953="" enabled="" some="" rural="" communities="" to="" have="" private="" lands="" and="" other="" rural="" communities="" to="" have="" unfenced="" communal="" lands="" which="" are="" advantageous="" to="" free-roaming="" vicunas.="" law="" 1654="" decentralized="" executive="" power="" to="" regional="" departments.="" law="" 1715,="" passed="" in="" 1996,="" created="" the="" national="" institute="" for="" agrarian="" reform="" and="" promoted="" the="" sustainable="" use="" of="" land,="" the="" promotion="" of="" practices="" favoring="" conservation="" and="" the="" protection="" of="" biodiversity,="" and="" the="" concept="" that="" lands="" where="" conservation="" is="" practiced="" would="" not="" be="" subject="" to="" expropriation.="" other="" laws="" legalized="" traditional="" social="" organizations,="" authorized="" rights="" for="" using="" renewable="" natural="" resources="" and="" authorized="" the="" establishment="" of="" the="" secretariat="" for="" sustainable="" development="" in="" each="" bolivian="" department="" to="" enhance="" vicuna="" management="" at="" regional="" levels.="" supreme="" decree="" 24529="" passed="" in="" march="" 1997,="" authorized="" regulations="" for="" the="" protection="" and="" management="" of="" vicunas="" in="" bolivia.="" the="" decree="" grants="" custodianship="" of="" vicuna="" populations="" to="" the="" rural="" communities="" and="" gives="" the="" rural="" communities="" the="" exclusive="" rights="" to="" use="" vicuna="" fibers,="" subject="" to="" the="" listed="" regulations="" (dncb="" 1997,="" pers.="" comm.).="" regulations="" promulgated="" under="" this="" decree="" will="" affect="" all="" activities="" dealing="" with="" the="" management,="" protection,="" capture,="" shearing="" and="" the="" commercialization="" of="" vicuna="" products="" (as="" described="" in="" subsequent="" paragraphs).="" the="" regulations="" are="" similar="" to="" existing="" legislation="" in="" the="" other="" countries="" that="" also="" signed="" the="" vicuna="" convention.="" at="" present,="" we="" are="" unclear="" if="" these="" regulations="" have="" been="" approved="" and="" fully="" implemented,="" although="" we="" were="" previously="" told="" that="" the="" dncb="" had="" begun="" implementation="" of="" regulations="" by="" holding="" workshops="" in="" campesino="" communities="" to="" explain="" the="" regulations,="" by="" publishing="" print="" media="" guides="" describing="" the="" regulations="" and="" by="" helping="" campesino="" communities="" begin="" their="" compliance="" with="" the="" regulations="" (dncb="" 1997,="" pers.="" comm.).="" we="" were="" also="" told="" that="" the="" dncb="" had="" begun="" coordinating="" with="" the="" national="" police="" and="" military="" to="" help="" curb="" illegal="" activities="" dealing="" with="" vicuna="" and="" their="" products.="" the="" national="" program="" for="" vicuna="" conservation="" emphasizes="" the="" management="" of="" wild="" free-ranging="" populations="" of="" vicuna="" and="" emphasizes="" a="" desire="" to="" improve="" habitat="" quality.="" any="" vicuna="" wool="" presently="" in="" commerce="" in="" bolivia="" is="" considered="" illegal="" wool.="" under="" the="" regulations,="" all="" existing="" vicuna="" wool="" products="" including="" those="" in="" the="" domestic="" market="" are="" to="" be="" inventoried="" and="" registered="" and="" all="" new="" products="" or="" wool="" fibers="" will="" also="" be="" registered.="" any="" non-registered="" vicuna="" products="" will="" in="" the="" future="" be="" considered="" illegal.="" the="" only="" wool="" that="" will="" be="" allowed="" for="" commercial="" purposes="" will="" be="" that="" obtained="" from="" live-shorn="" vicuna="" that="" have="" been="" captured="" according="" to="" regulations.="" only="" raw="" wool="" for="" the="" manufacture="" of="" cloth="" will="" be="" exported.="" bolivia="" does="" not="" have="" a="" textile="" industry="" with="" the="" capability="" to="" manufacture="" vicuna="" wool="" cloth="" (dncb="" 1997,="" pers.="" comm.).="" under="" the="" regulations,="" the="" harvesting="" of="" vicuna="" wool="" will="" only="" be="" allowed="" in="" organized="" campesino="" communities="" which="" (1)="" have="" the="" rights="" to="" capture="" and="" shear="" vicuna="" and="" utilize="" vicuna="" wool="" and="" (2)="" have="" delegated="" authority="" to="" work="" with="" government="" authorities="" in="" the="" management="" and="" conservation="" of="" the="" vicuna.="" these="" campesino="" communities="" are="" the="" only="" legal="" benefactors="" of="" the="" sale="" of="" vicuna="" wool.="" the="" national="" vicuna="" conservation="" program="" will="" be="" carried="" out="" in="" these="" communities="" and="" will="" contain="" habitat="" and="" vicuna="" management="" plans="" and="" vicuna="" census="" and="" distribution="" data.="" this="" information="" will="" be="" basic="" to="" decisions="" to="" conduct="" vicuna="" drives,="" and="" in="" the="" conduct="" of="" capture="" and="" shearing="" operations.="" monitoring="" information="" will="" be="" provided="" by="" game="" guards="" and="" recommendations="" for="" management="" actions="" will="" be="" produced="" in="" the="" campesino="" communities.="" government="" authorities="" will="" be="" present="" when="" vicuna="" capturing="" and="" shearing="" occurs.="" the="" authorities="" will="" register="" the="" number="" of="" vicuna="" captured,="" the="" number="" shorn,="" the="" weights="" of="" fleeces,="" etc.,="" and="" supervise="" the="" bagging,="" weighing,="" marking="" and="" sealing="" of="" vicuna="" wool.="" this="" information="" is="" provided="" to="" the="" cites="" authorities="" for="" reference="" purposes="" and="" information="" later="" provided="" in="" support="" of="" export="" permit="" applications="" must="" correspond="" to="" the="" on-site="" records.="" the="" netherlands="" government="" has="" provided="" financial="" support="" to="" underwrite="" initial="" efforts="" to="" implement="" the="" national="" vicuna="" conservation="" program.="" the="" initial="" effort="" of="" the="" national="" vicuna="" conservation="" program="" will="" be="" at="" the="" pilot="" center="" of="" sud="" lipez="" and="" its="" objective="" will="" be="" to="" demonstrate="" the="" potential="" worth="" of="" the="" vicuna.="" the="" pilot="" project="" will="" include="" the="" capture="" and="" shearing="" of="" live="" vicunas="" and="" the="" manufacture="" of="" fabric="" and="" eventually="" the="" sale="" of="" vicuna="" fiber="" for="" the="" manufacture="" of="" textiles="" to="" demonstrate="" the="" potential="" economic="" benefit="" to="" campesino="" communities.="" the="" vicuna="" populations="" of="" the="" conservation="" units="" of="" mauri-="" desaguadero,="" ulla="" ulla="" and="" lipez="" chichas="" were="" transferred="" from="" cites="" appendix="" i="" to="" appendix="" ii="" at="" cop10,="" effective="" september="" 18,="" 1997.="" a="" zero="" annual="" export="" quota="" presently="" exists.="" future="" exports="" will="" be="" limited="" to="" wool="" shorn="" from="" live="" animals="" and="" to="" cloth="" and="" articles="" made="" from="" such="" cloth,="" including="" luxury="" handicrafts="" and="" knitted="" articles.="" the="" reverse="" side="" of="" cloth="" and="" cloth="" products="" must="" bear="" the="" [[page="" 48752]]="" logo="" adopted="" by="" countries="" signatory="" to="" the="" vicuna="" convention="" and="" the="" words="" ``vicuna-bolivia-artesania.''="" all="" specimens="" not="" meeting="" any="" of="" the="" above="" conditions="" will="" be="" deemed="" to="" be="" subject="" to="" the="" prohibition="" against="" primarily-commercial="" trade.="" the="" regulations="" also="" establish="" the="" system="" for="" the="" protection="" of="" the="" vicuna="" (svv)="" which="" provides="" for="" the="" development="" of="" an="" inter-community="" network="" for="" the="" management="" and="" protection="" of="" the="" species.="" these="" persons="" will="" have="" direct="" control="" over="" activities="" such="" as="" wool="" sales,="" and="" will="" also="" have="" responsibilities="" for="" determining="" status="" and="" trends="" in="" vicuna="" populations.="" the="" svv="" will="" be="" composed="" of="" game="" guards="" who="" will="" be="" responsible="" for="" the="" protection="" and="" control="" of="" vicuna="" in="" each="" conservation="" unit,="" made="" up="" of="" local="" vicuna="" protection="" officers="" and="" park="" rangers="" who="" are="" the="" enforcement="" officers="" within="" protected="" areas="" such="" as="" national="" parks.="" protection="" and="" control="" efforts="" will="" also="" be="" supported="" by="" special="" units="" of="" the="" national="" police.="" the="" military="" will="" also="" assist="" in="" patrols,="" inspections="" and="" the="" seizures="" of="" illegal="" products.="" customs="" will="" assist="" in="" the="" control="" of="" the="" export="" and="" import="" of="" wool="" at="" the="" ports="" of="" entry,="" border="" posts="" and="" airports="" to="" assure="" that="" cites="" requirements="" are="" fulfilled.="" the="" secretariat="" for="" natural="" resources="" and="" the="" environment="" (snrnma)="" will="" regulate="" and="" coordinate="" the="" activities="" and="" participants="" within="" the="" svv.="" the="" vicuna="" does="" not="" appear="" to="" be="" endangered="" by="" inadequate="" regulatory="" mechanisms="" in="" bolivia.="" the="" species,="" however,="" should="" be="" considered="" threatened="" by="" this="" factor="" because="" many="" of="" the="" regulatory="" mechanisms="" are="" in="" early="" stages="" of="" implementation,="" and="" we="" are="" still="" unclear="" about="" the="" status="" of="" proposed="" regulations="" dealing="" with="" the="" management,="" protection,="" capture="" and="" shearing="" of="" vicuna,="" and="" the="" commercialization="" of="" vicuna="" products.="" the="" vicuna="" will="" remain="" threatened="" by="" this="" factor="" until="" appropriate="" conservation="" mechanisms="" are="" fully="" implemented="" and="" the="" populations="" fully="" recover.="" through="" this="" proposed="" rule,="" the="" service="" seeks="" information="" on="" the="" status="" of="" proposed="" regulations="" and="" the="" implementation="" of="" other="" regulatory="" mechanisms,="" such="" as="" svv,="" within="" bolivia.="" regulatory="" mechanisms:="" chile="" the="" existing="" regulatory="" mechanisms="" in="" chile="" are="" presently="" dedicated="" to="" the="" protection="" of="" vicuna.="" chile="" has="" not="" yet="" authorized="" the="" capture="" of="" vicunas="" to="" develop="" a="" vicuna="" wool="" industry="" and="" the="" only="" exports="" of="" raw="" wool="" have="" been="" to="" obtain="" analyses="" of="" the="" wool's="" physical="" properties.="" it="" is="" illegal="" to="" possess="" vicuna="" parts="" and="" products="" so="" no="" mechanisms="" have="" been="" developed="" for="" registering="" or="" identifying="" raw="" wool,="" or="" for="" establishing="" warehouses="" for="" storing="" wool="" (sag="" 1997,="" pers.="" comm.).="" law="" no.="" 4.601="" passed="" in="" 1929,="" modified="" by="" law="" no.="" 19.473="" passed="" in="" 1996,="" indefinitely="" closed="" the="" hunting="" season="" for="" vicuna="" throughout="" the="" republic="" of="" chile.="" the="" hunting,="" capturing="" and="" selling="" of="" vicuna="" (and="" vicuna="" parts)="" is="" outlawed.="" persons="" possessing,="" transporting="" or="" involved="" in="" commercial="" operations="" with="" vicuna="" products="" need="" to="" prove="" their="" actions="" are="" authorized="" by="" these="" laws.="" the="" servicio="" agricola="" y="" ganadero="" (sag)="" of="" the="" ministry="" of="" agriculture="" is="" the="" cites="" management="" authority,="" and="" has="" a="" department="" for="" the="" protection="" of="" renewable="" natural="" resources="" and="" a="" wildlife="" division.="" authorized="" customs="" officers="" (uniformed="" police),="" accredited="" officials="" from="" sag,="" and="" representatives="" of="" the="" national="" forest="" corporation="" provide="" protection="" to="" vicunas="" within="" the="" national="" system="" of="" protected="" wild="" areas.="" preliminary="" plans,="" should="" a="" vicuna="" wool="" industry="" become="" authorized,="" indicate="" that="" the="" responsible="" party="" would="" need="" to="" provide="" an="" application="" to="" sag="" indicating,="" among="" other="" things,="" the="" likely="" number="" of="" animals="" to="" be="" captured="" and="" sheared,="" the="" expected="" yield="" of="" the="" wool="" harvest,="" the="" logistics="" of="" the="" capture="" and="" shearing="" operation,="" where="" and="" how="" the="" wool="" would="" be="" stored="" and="" its="" eventual="" destination.="" sag,="" should="" they="" approve="" the="" application,="" would="" oversee="" the="" capture="" process,="" register="" the="" quantity="" of="" harvested="" wool,="" and="" seal="" the="" warehouse="" where="" the="" wool="" is="" stored.="" sag="" would="" also="" provide="" the="" necessary="" export="" permits,="" after="" determining="" that="" the="" quantities="" for="" export="" correspond="" to="" quantities="" authorized="" and="" actually="" harvested.="" preliminary="" plans="" also="" suggest="" that="" a="" mechanism="" would="" be="" established="" to="" deal="" with="" the="" production="" and="" sale="" of="" luxury="" handicrafts="" and="" knitted="" articles.="" that="" organization="" would="" be="" responsible="" for="" receiving="" the="" wool,="" registering="" and="" offering="" the="" wool="" products="" for="" sale,="" for="" recording="" the="" sale="" of="" registered="" craft="" items="" and="" providing="" an="" accounting="" of="" the="" sale="" of="" registered="" craft="" items="" (sag="" 1997,="" pers.="" comm.).="" chile="" has="" succeeded="" in="" having="" certain="" vicuna="" populations="" in="" the="" paranicota="" province,="" region="" of="" tarapaca="" (specifically,="" the="" populations="" in="" the="" caquena="" management="" zone="" and="" the="" vicuna="" national="" reserve)="" transferred="" from="" cites="" appendix="" i="" to="" appendix="" ii="" in="" 1987="" (at="" cop6).="" any="" future="" export="" of="" vicuna="" products="" would="" be="" limited="" to="" wool="" sheared="" from="" live="" animals="" in="" appendix="" ii="" populations="" and="" to="" cloth="" and="" items="" made="" from="" that="" cloth="" including="" luxury="" handicrafts,="" and="" knitted="" articles.="" the="" reverse="" side="" of="" cloth="" and="" cloth="" products="" would="" need="" to="" bear="" the="" logo="" adopted="" by="" countries="" signatory="" to="" the="" vicuna="" convention="" and="" the="" words="" ``vicuna-chile-artesania.''="" all="" specimens="" not="" meeting="" any="" of="" the="" above="" conditions="" would="" be="" deemed="" to="" be="" subject="" to="" the="" prohibition="" against="" primarily-commercial="" trade.="" the="" vicuna="" is="" not="" considered="" to="" be="" endangered="" by="" inadequate="" regulatory="" mechanisms="" in="" chile.="" however,="" as="" a="" vicuna="" wool="" industry="" could="" potentially="" be="" approved="" in="" chile,="" the="" vicuna="" remains="" threatened="" by="" this="" factor="" until="" such="" time="" as="" regulatory="" mechanisms="" for="" harvest="" and="" commercialization="" are="" demonstrated="" to="" be="" adequate.="" regulatory="" mechanisms:="" peru="" a="" complex="" regulatory="" mechanism="" exists="" for="" peru="" and="" it="" controls="" commerce="" in="" vicuna="" wool="" products.="" the="" infrastructure="" promoting="" vicuna="" management="" includes="" the="" national="" council="" of="" south="" american="" camelids="" (conacs)="" which="" is="" a="" public="" decentralized="" organization="" of="" the="" ministry="" of="" agriculture="" in="" charge="" of="" the="" promotion,="" standardization,="" and="" control="" of="" activities="" with="" the="" south="" american="" camelids.="" conacs="" has="" offices="" in="" lima="" and="" throughout="" the="" vicuna="" range,="" and="" is="" the="" proprietor="" of="" the="" trademarks="" ``vicuna-peru''="" and="" ``vicuna-peru-artesania.''="" the="" institute="" of="" natural="" resources="" (inrena)="" is="" also="" a="" public="" decentralized="" organization="" of="" the="" ministry="" of="" agriculture,="" and="" is="" in="" control="" of="" all="" renewable="" natural="" resources="" in="" peru,="" and="" is="" the="" cites="" management="" authority="" for="" peru.="" the="" national="" society="" of="" the="" vicuna="" (snv)="" is="" a="" private="" organization="" which="" represents="" the="" 660="" campesino="" communities="" and="" coordinates="" vicuna="" management="" within="" and="" between="" campesino="" communities="" (``communal="" committees="" of="" the="" vicuna'')="" and="" with="" conacs="" at="" both="" regional="" and="" national="" levels="" (hoces="" r.="" 1997,="" pers="" comm.).="" several="" national="" laws="" protect="" vicuna="" and="" regulate="" its="" management.="" law="" 26496="" is="" especially="" important="" as="" it="" promotes="" protection="" and="" provides="" penalties="" for="" the="" illegal="" hunting="" of="" vicuna,="" gives="" the="" custodianship="" of="" vicuna="" herds="" that="" occupy="" campesino="" community="" lands="" to="" those="" campesino="" communities="" and="" allows="" the="" campesinos="" to="" be="" responsible="" for="" the="" conservation,="" management="" and="" the="" utilization="" of="" the="" species.="" the="" law="" also="" establishes="" the="" official="" registry="" of="" the="" vicuna="" which="" provides="" a="" record="" keeping="" process="" that="" [[page="" 48753]]="" controls="" and="" tracks="" volumes="" of="" wool="" from="" the="" time="" of="" vicuna="" shearing="" in="" the="" field="" to="" the="" time="" that="" fiber="" is="" sold="" as="" cloth="" or="" merchandise="" on="" the="" international="" market.="" other="" laws="" recognize="" the="" vicuna="" convention="" and="" the="" cites="" convention.="" pertinent="" laws="" are="" implemented="" through="" the="" 660="" ``communal="" committees="" of="" the="" vicuna''="" which="" form="" the="" basis="" for="" the="" national="" system="" of="" conservation.="" there="" is="" a="" system="" of="" park="" rangers="" shared="" by="" groups="" of="" communities="" and="" these="" park="" rangers="" can="" access="" the="" national="" ecological="" police="" and="" peruvian="" army="" units="" to="" help="" control="" the="" illegal="" killing="" of="" vicuna.="" conacs="" and="" inrena="" authorize="" and="" control="" management="" activities,="" including="" vicuna="" capture;="" since="" 1996="" they="" manage="" a="" limited="" captive="" breeding="" program="" where="" enclosures="" of="" approximately="" 1,000="" ha="" (``modules="" of="" sustainable="" use''),="" each="" with="" about="" 250="" vicuna,="" are="" developed="" or="" are="" to="" be="" developed="" within="" individual="" campesino="" communities.="" the="" shearing,="" collecting,="" processing="" and="" commercialization="" of="" vicuna="" wool="" from="" wild="" vicunas="" or="" from="" groups="" contained="" within="" the="" permanent="" enclosures,="" is="" controlled="" by="" conacs="" and="" inrena.="" the="" processing="" and="" commercialization="" of="" the="" wool="" is="" done="" by="" a="" single="" company="" that="" obtained="" that="" right="" through="" a="" competitive="" bidding="" process="" at="" a="" supervised="" auction.="" a="" cooperative="" agreement="" exists="" between="" the="" snv="" and="" the="" company="" winning="" the="" competitive="" bid,="" apparently="" to="" ensure="" that="" campesino="" communities="" will="" be="" correctly="" represented="" in="" the="" distribution="" of="" monies="" from="" the="" sale="" of="" vicuna="" wool="" and="" wool="" products.="" there="" is="" an="" authorized="" season="" for="" shearing="" and="" the="" act="" of="" shearing="" is="" supervised="" by="" personnel="" representing="" conacs,="" snv="" and="" inrena.="" pertinent="" information="" is="" gathered="" at="" the="" time="" of="" shearing="" and="" a="" report="" describing="" the="" shearing="" operation="" (numbers="" of="" animals,="" wool="" weights="" per="" animal,="" etc.)="" signed="" by="" representative="" of="" the="" communal="" committee="" and="" conacs,="" becomes="" part="" of="" the="" record="" at="" the="" official="" registry="" of="" the="" vicuna.="" a="" second="" source="" of="" legal="" wool="" is="" from="" vicuna="" that="" die="" from="" natural="" causes="" or="" are="" found="" or="" obtained="" by="" campesinos="" or="" park="" rangers,="" or="" from="" skins="" that="" are="" seized="" in="" successful="" anti-poaching="" operations.="" such="" specimens,="" to="" become="" legal,="" must="" be="" declared="" to="" snv="" and="" conacs="" and="" entered="" into="" the="" vicuna="" registry.="" legal="" wool="" is="" gathered="" and="" stored="" in="" private="" warehouses="" belonging="" to="" the="" campesino="" communities,="" registered="" in="" the="" vicuna="" registry,="" and="" is="" under="" the="" control="" of="" conacs.="" illegal="" wool="" is="" prevented="" from="" entering="" commerce="" because="" it="" is="" not="" registered="" with="" the="" vicuna="" registry,="" and="" consequently="" not="" included="" in="" the="" wool="" stores="" represented="" in="" the="" single="" legal="" auction.="" the="" vicuna="" registry="" records="" weights="" of="" wool="" sheared="" or="" collected,="" carded="" or="" cleaned,="" and="" these="" weights="" are="" used="" by="" conacs="" and="" snv="" throughout="" the="" processing="" and="" commercialization="" process="" to="" indicate="" whether="" final="" products="" likely="" only="" contain="" legal="" wool.="" the="" cites="" management="" authority="" controls="" commerce="" by="" requiring="" records="" of="" wool="" weights="" and="" opinions="" from="" conacs="" before="" any="" products="" (fiber,="" cloth="" or="" articles)="" can="" be="" legally="" either="" imported="" or="" exported="" from="" peru.="" the="" processing="" of="" vicuna="" fiber="" and="" the="" commercialization="" of="" vicuna="" products="" involves="" a="" joint="" venture="" ``association="" in="" participation''="" between="" snv="" and="" the="" consortium="" that="" won="" the="" auction="" for="" vicuna="" wool.="" the="" snv="" provides="" the="" wool="" to="" the="" consortium="" which="" includes="" a="" peruvian="" company="" that="" fabricates="" cloth="" from="" the="" vicuna="" fibers,="" which="" is="" then="" sent="" to="" an="" italian="" manufacturing="" plant="" where="" luxury="" clothing="" items="" are="" produced.="" a="" second="" italian="" firm="" then="" handles="" the="" promotion="" and="" marketing="" of="" the="" finished="" vicuna="" products="" (hoces="" r.="" 1997,="" pers.="" comm.).="" conacs="" supervises="" production="" to="" guarantee="" that="" all="" articles="" will="" contain="" 100="" percent="" vicuna="" wool.="" this="" process="" is="" designed="" to="" maximize="" the="" financial="" returns="" from="" the="" vicuna="" fibers;="" the="" profits="" from="" the="" final="" sales="" are="" distributed,="" under="" the="" supervision="" of="" conacs="" and="" inrena,="" to="" the="" campesino="" participants.="" raw="" vicuna="" wool="" currently="" sells="" for="" $500/kg="" of="" fiber="" and="" additionally="" a="" percentage="" of="" the="" final="" sale="" price="" on="" the="" completed="" product="" goes="" to="" the="" campesino="" communities.="" the="" vicuna="" populations="" of="" pampa="" galeras="" national="" reserve="" and="" nuclear="" zone,="" pedregal,="" oscconta="" and="" sawacocha="" (province="" of="" lucanas),="" sais="" picotani="" (province="" of="" azangaro),="" sais="" tupac="" amaru="" (province="" of="" junin),="" and="" salinas="" aguada="" blanca="" national="" reserve="" (provinces="" of="" arequipa="" and="" cailloma)="" were="" transferred="" from="" cites="" appendix="" i="" to="" appendix="" ii="" in="" 1987="" (at="" cop6).="" all="" remaining="" peruvian="" vicuna="" populations="" were="" transferred="" to="" appendix="" ii="" in="" 1994="" (cop9),="" effective="" february="" 16,="" 1995.="" all="" exports="" are="" limited="" to="" cloth="" fabricated="" from="" the="" 3,294="" kg="" (7,260="" lbs)="" of="" stored="" wool="" present="" in="" november="" 1994="" or="" from="" the="" wool="" stores="" obtained="" from="" the="" recent="" authorized="" shearing="" of="" live="" animals="" or="" from="" dead="" animals="" listed="" in="" the="" vicuna="" registry,="" and="" items="" made="" from="" that="" cloth="" and="" to="" certain="" luxury="" handicrafts="" and="" knitted="" articles="" produced="" in="" peru.="" the="" reverse="" side="" of="" cloth="" and="" cloth="" products="" must="" bear="" the="" logo="" adopted="" by="" countries="" signatory="" to="" the="" vicuna="" convention="" and="" the="" words="" ``vicuna-peru-artesania.''="" this="" trademark="" will="" also="" occur="" on="" all="" luxury="" artisan="" products="" and="" knitted="" articles="" of="" vicuna="" wool.="" peru="" also="" plans="" to="" add="" to="" the="" produced="" articles,="" a="" seal="" or="" identification="" tag="" with="" codes="" indicating="" the="" origin="" of="" the="" product,="" the="" assigned="" trademark="" or="" label="" and="" the="" cites="" permit="" number.="" all="" specimens="" not="" meeting="" any="" of="" the="" above="" conditions="" will="" be="" subject="" to="" the="" prohibition="" against="" primarily="" commercial="" trade.="" the="" vicuna="" is="" not="" considered="" to="" be="" endangered="" by="" inadequate="" regulatory="" mechanisms="" in="" peru.="" the="" species="" is,="" however,="" considered="" to="" be="" threatened="" by="" this="" factor,="" and="" will="" continue="" to="" be="" threatened="" until="" appropriate="" conservation="" mechanisms="" are="" fully="" implemented="" and="" the="" populations="" fully="" recover.="" e.="" other="" natural="" or="" human-made="" factors="" affecting="" its="" continued="" existence="" the="" great="" potential="" threat="" to="" the="" vicuna="" is="" that="" pelts="" can="" be="" easily="" obtained="" from="" poached="" animals="" and="" that="" the="" wool="" industry="" may="" actually="" prefer="" the="" longer="" fibers="" that="" can="" be="" obtained="" by="" soaking="" and="" pulling="" hairs="" from="" pelts,="" rather="" than="" the="" clipped="" hairs="" from="" legal="" fleeces="" (canedi="" 1997,="" pers.="" comm).="" the="" vulnerability="" of="" the="" vicuna="" to="" political="" instability="" is="" well="" documented.="" for="" example,="" vicuna="" populations="" in="" peru="" were="" estimated="" at="" about="" 60,000="" in="" 1980="" and="" 1981="" but="" were="" overexploited="" and="" in="" 1982="" populations="" were="" reduced="" to="" about="" 25,000.="" a="" slow="" recovery="" was="" observed="" until="" 1988="" when="" populations="" were="" again="" estimated="" at="" about="" 60,000.="" vicuna="" populations="" were="" again="" reduced="" to="" low="" levels="" from="" 1989="" to="" 1993="" when="" vicuna="" wool="" from="" poached="" animals="" was="" used="" to="" help="" finance="" guerilla="" activities="" in="" some="" countries.="" the="" vicuna="" represents="" one="" of="" the="" most="" significant="" economic="" resources="" available="" in="" many="" andean="" highlands="" that="" have="" limited="" human="" populations="" with="" limited="" economic="" resources="" at="" their="" disposal.="" indigenous="" people="" fully="" realize="" that="" a="" poached="" vicuna="" can="" be="" used="" once="" but="" that="" the="" managed,="" live-sheared="" vicuna="" can="" be="" used="" repeatedly="" (wheeler="" and="" hoces="" r.="" 1997).="" assigning="" the="" responsibility="" of="" vicuna="" management="" to="" campesino="" ranchers="" and/or="" campesino="" communities="" and="" granting="" those="" people="" the="" opportunity="" to="" legally="" realize="" economic="" gains="" from="" their="" management="" and="" protection="" efforts="" represents="" a="" significant="" bio-political="" decision.="" it="" is="" also="" significant="" that="" governments="" in="" four="" range="" countries="" have="" cooperated="" in="" the="" development="" of="" a="" vicuna="" wool="" industry="" and="" that="" scarce="" resources="" have="" been="" [[page="" 48754]]="" devoted="" to="" the="" management="" of="" this="" species.="" vicuna="" management,="" as="" described="" herein,="" is="" one="" of="" the="" better="" examples="" of="" the="" economic="" gains="" to="" be="" realized="" from="" the="" sustainable="" use="" of="" a="" biological="" resource.="" distinct="" vertebrate="" population="" segment="" the="" definition="" of="" ``species''="" in="" section="" 3(16)="" of="" the="" act="" includes="" ``any="" distinct="" population="" segment="" of="" any="" species="" of="" vertebrate="" fish="" or="" wildlife="" which="" interbreeds="" when="" mature.''="" distinct="" vertebrate="" population="" segments="" for="" purposes="" of="" listing="" under="" the="" act="" are="" defined="" in="" the="" service's="" february="" 7,="" 1996,="" policy="" regarding="" the="" recognition="" of="" distinct="" vertebrate="" population="" segments="" (61="" fr="" 4722).="" for="" a="" population="" to="" be="" listed="" under="" the="" act="" as="" a="" distinct="" vertebrate="" population="" segment,="" three="" elements="" are="" considered:="" (1)="" the="" discreteness="" of="" the="" population="" segment="" in="" relation="" to="" the="" remainder="" of="" the="" species="" to="" which="" it="" belongs;="" (2)="" the="" significance="" of="" the="" population="" segment="" to="" the="" species="" to="" which="" it="" belongs;="" and="" (3)="" the="" population="" segment's="" conservation="" status="" in="" relation="" to="" the="" act's="" standards="" for="" listing="" (i.e.,="" is="" the="" population="" segment,="" when="" treated="" as="" if="" it="" were="" a="" species,="" endangered="" or="" threatened?).="" international="" borders="" may="" be="" used="" to="" delineate="" discrete="" population="" segments="" where="" there="" are="" significant="" differences="" in:="" (1)="" the="" control="" of="" exploitation;="" (2)="" management="" of="" habitat;="" (3)="" conservation="" status;="" or="" (4)="" regulatory="" mechanisms="" on="" each="" side="" of="" the="" border="" (61="" fr="" 4722).="" discrete="" population="" segments="" can="" also="" be="" defined="" by="" marked="" physical,="" physiological,="" ecological,="" or="" behavioral="" separation="" from="" other="" populations="" of="" the="" same="" taxon.="" we="" recognize="" the="" vicuna="" population="" of="" ecuador="" as="" a="" distinct="" vertebrate="" population="" segment="" for="" purposes="" of="" listing="" under="" the="" esa.="" the="" vicuna="" population="" of="" ecuador="" is="" geographically="" isolated="" and="" separate="" from="" other="" vicuna="" in="" argentina,="" bolivia,="" chile,="" and="" peru.="" historically,="" the="" vicuna="" was="" eliminated="" from="" ecuador.="" a="" small,="" disjunct="" population="" has="" been="" recently="" reintroduced="" to="" ecuador.="" the="" population="" was="" established="" from="" 100="" animals="" exported="" from="" bolivia="" in="" 1993.="" this="" was="" accomplished="" within="" the="" multilateral="" frameworks="" of="" both="" the="" conveno="" para="" la="" conservacion="" y="" manejo="" de="" la="" vicuna="" (convention="" for="" the="" conservation="" and="" management="" of="" the="" vicuna,="" or="" the="" vicuna="" convention)="" and="" the="" cites="" convention.="" it="" should="" be="" noted="" that="" ecuador="" is="" also="" a="" party="" to="" the="" vicuna="" convention.="" ecuador's="" population="" remains="" listed="" in="" cites="" appendix="" i,="" and="" there="" is="" no="" plan="" to="" commercially="" utilize="" the="" species="" in="" the="" near="" future.="" furthermore,="" the="" parties="" to="" the="" vicuna="" convention="" view="" this="" as="" a="" separate="" population,="" worthy="" of="" special="" recovery="" efforts.="" although="" the="" countries="" of="" the="" region="" that="" are="" parties="" to="" the="" vicuna="" convention="" view="" this="" as="" an="" ``experimental''="" population,="" that="" should="" not="" be="" seen="" in="" the="" domestic="" u.s.="" context="" of="" experimental="" populations="" under="" the="" act,="" where="" criteria="" and="" definitions="" differ.="" for="" these="" reasons,="" the="" ecuadoran="" population="" of="" vicuna="" satisfies="" the="" discreteness="" and="" significance="" criteria="" of="" the="" dvps="" policy,="" and,="" therefore,="" merits="" treatment="" as="" a="" distinct="" population="" segment="" under="" the="" esa.="" in="" contrast="" to="" the="" rather="" strict="" requirements="" for="" listing="" entities="" (species,="" subspecies,="" or="" distinct="" vertebrate="" population="" segments)="" under="" the="" esa,="" cites="" has="" retained="" a="" degree="" of="" flexibility="" in="" the="" listing="" process="" through="" the="" use="" of="" annotations.="" there="" is="" no="" specific="" requirement="" that="" populations="" be="" delimited="" by="" national="" borders="" or="" marked="" biological="" differences.="" cites="" article="" i="" defines="" a="" species="" as="" ``any="" species,="" subspecies,="" or="" geographically="" separate="" population="" thereof'',="" and="" different="" populations="" of="" a="" species="" can="" be="" listed="" in="" different="" cites="" appendices.="" thus,="" it="" has="" been="" possible="" to="" transfer="" sub-national="" populations="" of="" vicuna="" in="" argentina,="" bolivia,="" and="" chile="" from="" appendix="" i="" to="" appendix="" ii.="" this="" accounts="" for="" the="" lack="" of="" perfect="" symmetry="" between="" populations="" proposed="" for="" threatened="" status="" and="" those="" currently="" listed="" in="" appendix="" ii="" of="" cites.="" summary="" of="" findings="" the="" service="" finds="" that="" the="" vicuna="" is="" a="" highly="" vulnerable="" species="" whose="" populations="" are="" generally="" increasing="" over="" a="" large="" area="" of="" very="" specific="" habitat--the="" high="" andean="" tablelands="" of="" argentina,="" bolivia,="" chile="" and="" peru.="" the="" current="" status="" of="" the="" vicuna="" and="" its="" future="" potential="" seems="" directly="" attributable="" to="" recent="" bio-political="" decisions="" made="" in="" the="" range="" countries="" to="" turn="" over="" the="" custodianship="" of="" the="" species="" to="" the="" native="" people="" sharing="" these="" landscapes.="" laws,="" decrees="" and="" infrastructures="" have="" been="" or="" are="" being="" developed="" to="" help="" the="" campesinos="" manage="" and="" protect="" the="" species.="" in="" return="" the="" campesinos="" are="" or="" are="" likely="" to="" receive="" critical="" financial="" benefits="" from="" that="" management="" that="" will="" benefit="" both="" individuals="" and="" their="" communities.="" the="" management="" and="" protection="" accorded="" to="" the="" vicunas,="" by="" campesinos="" in="" cooperation="" with="" governmental="" entities,="" provides="" the="" best="" opportunity="" for="" the="" vicuna="" to="" survive="" as="" a="" species="" and="" as="" a="" very="" important="" part="" of="" the="" puna="" and="" altoandina="" ecosystems.="" specifically,="" we="" find="" that="" the="" vicuna="" is="" threatened="" by="" the="" (1)="" present="" or="" threatened="" destruction,="" modification,="" or="" curtailment="" of="" its="" habitat="" or="" range,="" (2)="" previous="" or="" current="" overutilization,="" and="" (3)="" the="" possibility="" of="" inadequately="" controlled="" illegal="" harvest="" pressures="" including="" poaching,="" in="" argentina,="" bolivia,="" chile,="" and="" peru.="" a="" reclassification="" of="" the="" vicuna="" from="" endangered="" to="" threatened="" under="" the="" act="" will,="" with="" the="" attendant="" special="" rule,="" allow="" carefully="" regulated="" commerce="" of="" vicuna="" products="" into="" the="" united="" states.="" funds="" generated="" by="" opening="" the="" united="" states="" market="" will="" help="" provide="" the="" resources="" necessary="" to="" further="" manage="" the="" species.="" in="" response="" to="" the="" petition="" submitted="" by="" the="" international="" vicuna="" consortium,="" we="" find="" that:="" (1)="" reclassification="" of="" the="" vicuna="" from="" endangered="" to="" threatened="" is="" warranted="" for="" all="" range="" countries="" except="" ecuador;="" and="" (2)="" that="" a="" special="" rule="" is="" warranted="" for="" all="" appendix="" ii="" populations,="" with="" the="" exception="" of="" the="" appendix="" ii="" semi-captive="" populations="" of="" catamarca,="" jujuy,="" la="" rioja,="" salta,="" and="" san="" juan="" provinces="" in="" argentina,="" which="" are="" specifically="" excluded="" until="" such="" time="" as="" their="" conservation="" benefit="" for="" wild="" vicuna="" is="" demonstrated="" adequately.="" the="" present="" publication="" provides="" a="" 12-month="" finding="" on="" that="" petition="" and="" includes="" a="" proposed="" special="" rule.="" description="" of="" the="" proposed="" special="" rule="" the="" intent="" of="" the="" proposed="" special="" rule="" is="" to="" enhance="" the="" conservation="" of="" the="" vicuna="" through="" support="" for="" properly="" designed="" and="" implemented="" programs="" for="" vicuna="" conservation="" throughout="" their="" native="" range.="" the="" proposed="" special="" rule="" is="" intended="" to="" support="" the="" conservation="" efforts="" of="" the="" four="" range="" states="" of="" argentina,="" bolivia,="" chile,="" and="" peru,="" by="" acknowledging="" and="" deferring="" to="" certain="" of="" their="" management="" programs="" that="" allow="" utilization="" of="" vicuna="" wool="" from="" wild,="" live-sheared="" animals,="" with="" benefits="" accruing="" to="" indigenous="" communities.="" the="" proposed="" special="" rule="" clarifies="" that="" only="" properly="" identified="" vicuna="" products="" can="" be="" imported="" into="" the="" united="" states.="" the="" vicuna="" products="" that="" can="" be="" imported="" are="" only="" those="" items="" of="" either="" raw="" (unprocessed)="" vicuna="" wool="" or="" cloth,="" or="" items="" made="" from="" that="" wool,="" including="" luxury="" handicrafts="" and="" knitted="" articles,="" that="" are="" properly="" identified,="" and="" have="" accompanying="" valid,="" legal="" cites="" appendix="" ii="" export="" permits="" or="" re-export="" certificates.="" under="" the="" proposed="" special="" rule,="" an="" endangered="" or="" threatened="" species="" permit="" for="" individual="" shipments="" would="" not="" be="" required="" under="" 50="" cfr="" part="" 17.="" to="" be="" [[page="" 48755]]="" imported,="" vicuna="" products="" must="" originate="" in="" populations="" that="" are="" listed="" both="" as="" threatened="" under="" the="" act="" and="" in="" appendix="" ii="" of="" cites,="" with="" the="" exception="" that="" appendix="" ii="" semi-captive="" populations="" in="" catamarca,="" jujuy,="" la="" rioja,="" salta,="" and="" san="" juan="" provinces="" in="" argentina="" are="" excluded="" from="" the="" proposed="" special="" rule="" until="" such="" time="" as="" their="" conservation="" benefit="" for="" wild="" vicuna="" populations="" is="" demonstrated="" adequately.="" if="" adequate="" information="" is="" presented="" during="" the="" public="" comment="" period,="" these="" populations="" may="" be="" included="" under="" the="" final="" special="" rule.="" we="" are="" aware="" that="" there="" have="" been="" poaching="" and="" illegal="" trade="" problems="" with="" this="" highly="" valuable="" species="" in="" the="" past,="" and="" any="" loss="" of="" control="" would="" seriously="" undermine="" the="" conservation="" programs="" of="" these="" countries,="" thereby="" potentially="" jeopardizing="" vicuna="" populations.="" therefore,="" we="" propose="" not="" to="" allow="" the="" import="" of="" vicuna="" products="" from="" threatened="" and="" approved="" appendix="" ii="" populations="" if="" the="" countries="" of="" origin="" or="" the="" countries="" of="" manufacture="" or="" re-export="" have="" been="" determined="" by="" the="" cites="" conference="" of="" the="" parties="" or="" the="" cites="" standing="" committee="" to="" be="" not="" effectively="" implementing="" the="" convention.="" specifically,="" the="" proposed="" special="" rule="" would="" prohibit="" importation="" from="" countries="" of="" export="" or="" re-export="" that="" have="" either="" failed="" to="" designate="" a="" management="" authority="" or="" scientific="" authority,="" or="" have="" been="" identified="" by="" the="" conference="" of="" the="" parties="" to="" the="" convention,="" the="" convention's="" standing="" committee="" or="" in="" a="" notification="" from="" the="" secretariat="" as="" a="" country="" from="" which="" parties="" should="" not="" accept="" cites="" permits.="" commerce="" with="" the="" united="" states="" in="" vicuna="" products,="" if="" the="" proposed="" special="" rule="" is="" adopted="" as="" final="" at="" the="" conclusion="" of="" the="" regulatory="" process,="" will="" only="" be="" allowed="" with="" countries="" that="" have="" both="" designated="" cites="" management="" and="" scientific="" authorities,="" and="" that="" are="" not="" subject="" to="" a="" schedule="" iii="" notice="" of="" information="" for="" all="" wildlife="" or="" all="" cites-="" listed="" species.="" in="" the="" case="" where="" vicuna="" products="" are="" exported="" to="" a="" second="" country,="" for="" manufacturing="" purposes,="" and="" the="" finished="" products="" are="" re-exported="" to="" the="" united="" states,="" then="" neither="" the="" country="" of="" origin="" nor="" the="" country="" of="" re-export="" can="" be="" subject="" to="" schedule="" iii="" notice="" of="" information="" based="" on="" the="" criteria="" described="" in="" the="" special="" rule="" if="" imports="" are="" to="" be="" allowed.="" the="" u.s.="" management="" authority="" will="" provide="" on="" request="" the="" list="" of="" those="" countries="" subject="" to="" a="" schedule="" iii="" notice="" of="" information="" to="" those="" manufacturers="" in="" the="" country="" of="" re-="" export="" and="" to="" importers="" so="" that="" they="" may="" be="" advised="" of="" restrictions="" on="" vicuna="" products.="" at="" present,="" no="" countries="" are="" subject="" to="" a="" schedule="" iii="" notice="" of="" information="" for="" all="" wildlife="" or="" all="" cites-listed="" species.="" for="" vicuna="" and="" vicuna="" products,="" there="" is="" no="" personal="" effects="" exemption="" in="" the="" proposed="" special="" rule.="" that="" is,="" items="" purchased="" by="" travelers="" overseas="" or="" personal="" items="" owned="" by="" people="" moving="" to="" the="" united="" states="" will="" require="" appropriate="" cites="" export="" documents="" (permits="" or="" re-export="" certificates)="" to="" be="" imported="" legally="" into="" the="" united="" states.="" this="" is="" based="" on="" analysis="" of="" the="" annotation="" for="" the="" vicuna="" in="" the="" official="" cites="" secretariat="" list="" of="" the="" cites="" appendices,="" and="" dialogue="" with="" the="" cites="" secretariat="" in="" geneva.="" the="" vicuna="" annotations="" in="" the="" cites="" appendices="" are="" unique,="" and="" require="" that="" only="" certain="" products="" be="" exported="" from="" the="" range="" countries,="" under="" very="" strict="" conditions.="" for="" peru,="" for="" example,="" the="" only="" products="" that="" can="" be="" exported="" (even="" non-commercially)="" are="" those="" manufactured="" from="" the="" stockpile="" held="" at="" the="" time="" of="" the="" ninth="" meeting="" of="" the="" conference="" of="" the="" parties,="" in="" november="" 1994,="" and="" they="" all="" require="" cites="" appendix="" ii="" export="" permits.="" in="" argentina,="" for="" example,="" articles="" bought="" by="" a="" foreign="" tourist="" at="" a="" government="" authorized="" store="" can="" be="" exported="" as="" personal="" accompanying="" baggage="" only="" after="" a="" cites="" export="" permit="" has="" been="" obtained.="" in="" countries="" of="" re-export="" as="" well,="" very="" strict="" controls="" are="" required.="" the="" items="" manufactured="" from="" vicuna="" wool="" are="" very="" expensive="" luxury="" articles,="" and="" illegal="" trade="" poses="" a="" serious="" risk="" to="" the="" species="" and="" the="" conservation="" programs="" of="" the="" range="" states.="" furthermore,="" all="" range="" countries="" require="" cites="" permits="" for="" export="" of="" vicuna="" products,="" and="" do="" not="" recognize="" any="" personal="" effects="" exemption.="" it="" would="" be="" inappropriate="" and="" unfair="" to="" require="" export="" documents="" from="" range="" countries="" but="" not="" from="" countries="" of="" manufacture="" (re-export).="" therefore,="" in="" this="" proposal,="" tourist="" souvenirs="" or="" other="" personal="" items="" require="" a="" cites="" export="" document="" from="" the="" country="" of="" export="" or="" re-export="" in="" order="" to="" be="" legally="" imported="" into="" the="" united="" states.="" all="" products="" must="" comply="" with="" all="" product="" annotations="" as="" described="" in="" the="" cites="" secretariat's="" official="" annotated="" list="" of="" the="" cites="" appendices.="" if="" those="" product="" annotations="" change="" at="" a="" future="" meeting="" of="" the="" conference="" of="" the="" parties="" (cop)="" to="" cites,="" the="" service="" will="" have="" to="" re-evaluate="" its="" 4(d)="" finding.="" the="" criteria="" for="" determining="" if="" a="" vicuna="" product="" is="" properly="" identified="" are="" drawn="" from="" the="" cites="" appendices,="" and="" the="" product="" annotations="" for="" vicuna="" contained="" therein.="" for="" cloth="" and="" cloth="" products,="" the="" only="" products="" that="" can="" be="" imported="" are="" those="" where="" the="" reverse="" side="" of="" cloth="" and="" cloth="" products="" bear="" the="" logo="" adopted="" by="" countries="" signatory="" to="" the="" conveno="" para="" la="" conservacion="" y="" manejo="" de="" la="" vicuna="" (vicuna="" convention),="" and="" the="" words="" ``vicuna--(country="" of="" origin)--artesania''="" (country="" of="" origin="" is="" the="" name="" of="" the="" original="" exporting="" country="" where="" the="" vicuna="" wool="" in="" the="" products="" originated,="" either="" argentina,="" bolivia,="" chile,="" or="" peru).="" for="" finished="" vicuna="" products="" (including="" luxury="" handicrafts="" and="" knitted="" articles)="" and="" any="" bulk="" shipments="" of="" raw="" wool,="" the="" product="" or="" shipment="" must="" have="" a="" seal="" or="" identification="" tag="" with="" codes="" describing="" the="" origin="" of="" the="" vicuna="" product,="" the="" trademark="" or="" label="" (``vicuna--(country="" of="" origin)--="" artesania'')="" and="" the="" cites="" export="" permit="" number.="" this="" proposed="" special="" rule,="" and="" these="" criteria="" for="" properly="" identified="" vicuna="" products,="" are="" derived="" from="" the="" cites="" appendices="" themselves.="" the="" product="" annotations="" were="" proposed="" by="" the="" range="" countries="" and="" adopted="" by="" the="" cites="" conference="" of="" the="" parties.="" therefore,="" we="" are="" proposing="" to="" align="" u.s.="" importation="" practices="" with="" those="" approved="" by="" the="" cites="" parties,="" in="" order="" to="" facilitate="" effective="" conservation="" of="" the="" vicuna="" in="" range="" countries.="" in="" our="" judgment="" the="" protective="" regulations="" set="" out="" in="" the="" proposed="" rule="" contain="" all="" of="" the="" measures="" that="" are="" necessary="" and="" advisable="" to="" provide="" for="" the="" conservation="" of="" the="" vicuna="" in="" argentina,="" bolivia,="" chile,="" and="" peru.="" public="" comments="" solicited="" we="" intend="" that="" any="" action="" resulting="" from="" this="" proposal="" be="" as="" effective="" as="" possible.="" therefore,="" we="" are="" soliciting="" any="" comments="" or="" suggestions="" from="" the="" public,="" other="" concerned="" governmental="" agencies,="" the="" scientific="" community,="" the="" trade="" industry,="" or="" any="" other="" interested="" party="" concerning="" any="" aspect="" of="" this="" proposal.="" we="" are="" particularly="" seeking="" comments="" concerning="" biological="" or="" commercial="" trade="" impacts="" on="" any="" vicuna="" population,="" or="" other="" relevant="" data="" concerning="" any="" threat="" (or="" lack="" thereof)="" to="" the="" wild="" populations="" of="" vicuna="" in="" south="" america.="" final="" action="" on="" the="" proposed="" reclassification="" of="" the="" vicuna,="" and="" the="" promulgation="" of="" the="" special="" rule="" will="" take="" into="" consideration="" the="" comments="" and="" any="" additional="" information="" we="" receive.="" such="" communications="" may="" lead="" to="" adoption="" of="" final="" regulations="" that="" differ="" from="" those="" in="" the="" proposed="" rule.="" national="" environmental="" policy="" act="" we="" have="" determined="" that="" environmental="" assessments="" and="" environmental="" impact="" statements,="" as="" defined="" under="" the="" authority="" of="" the="" national="" environmental="" policy="" act="" of="" [[page="" 48756]]="" 1969,="" need="" not="" be="" prepared="" in="" connection="" with="" regulations="" adopted="" pursuant="" to="" section="" 4(a)="" of="" the="" endangered="" species="" act="" of="" 1973,="" as="" amended.="" a="" notice="" outlining="" our="" reasons="" for="" this="" determination="" was="" published="" in="" the="" federal="" register="" on="" october="" 25,="" 1983="" (48="" fr="" 49244).="" paperwork="" reduction="" act="" of="" 1995="" this="" rule="" does="" not="" contain="" any="" new="" information="" collection="" requirements="" under="" the="" paperwork="" reduction="" act="" of="" 1995.="" the="" existing="" omb="" information="" collection="" control="" number="" is="" 1018-0012.="" an="" agency="" may="" not="" conduct="" or="" sponsor,="" and="" a="" person="" is="" not="" required="" to="" respond="" to="" a="" collection="" of="" information="" unless="" it="" displays="" a="" currently="" valid="" omb="" control="" number.="" this="" rule="" does="" not="" alter="" that="" information="" collection="" requirement.="" required="" determinations="" we="" invite="" comments="" on="" the="" anticipated="" direct="" and="" indirect="" costs="" and="" benefits="" or="" cost="" savings="" associated="" with="" this="" proposed="" special="" rule,="" for="" vicuna.="" in="" particular,="" we="" are="" interested="" in="" obtaining="" information="" on="" any="" significant="" economic="" impact="" of="" the="" proposed="" special="" rule="" on="" small="" public="" and="" private="" entities.="" once="" we="" have="" reviewed="" the="" available="" information,="" we="" will="" determine="" whether="" we="" need="" to="" prepare="" an="" initial="" regulatory="" flexibility="" analysis="" for="" the="" special="" rule.="" we="" will="" make="" any="" such="" analysis="" or="" determination="" available="" for="" public="" review.="" then,="" we="" will="" revise,="" as="" appropriate,="" and="" incorporate="" the="" information="" in="" the="" final="" rule="" preamble="" and="" in="" the="" record="" of="" compliance="" (roc)="" certifying="" that="" the="" special="" rule="" complies="" with="" the="" various="" applicable="" statutory,="" executive="" order,="" and="" departmental="" manual="" requirements.="" under="" the="" criteria="" in="" executive="" order="" 12866,="" the="" proposed="" special="" rule="" is="" not="" a="" significant="" regulatory="" action="" subject="" to="" review="" by="" the="" office="" of="" management="" and="" budget.="" references="" cited="" all="" personal="" communications="" mentioned="" below="" were="" received="" by="" dr.="" henry="" l.="" short,="" amherst,="" massachusetts,="" a="" contractor="" working="" for="" the="" national="" fish="" and="" wildlife="" foundation.="" canedi,="" a.="" a.="" 1997.="" pers.="" comm.="" argentina="" responses="" to="" questions.="" august="" 25,="" 1997.="" canedi,="" a.="" a.="" and="" p.="" s.="" pasini.="" 1996.="" repoblamiento="" y="" bioecologia="" de="" la="" vicuna="" silvestre="" en="" la="" provincia="" de="" jujuy,="" argentina.="" pp.="" 7-24="" in="" animal="" genetic="" resources="" information.="" united="" nations="" environment="" programme.="" food="" and="" agriculture="" organization="" of="" the="" united="" nations.="" rome.="" cites.="" 1997a.="" proposal:="" transfer="" of="" the="" vicuna="" (vicugna="" vicugna)="" population="" in="" the="" province="" of="" jujuy="" (21="" 47's-24="" 38's;="" 64="" 80'w-67="" 19'w)="" from="" appendix="" i="" to="" appendix="" ii="" and="" of="" the="" populations="" in="" semi-captivity="" in="" the="" provinces="" of="" jujuy,="" salta,="" catamarca,="" la="" rioja,="" and="" san="" juan,="" with="" the="" sole="" purpose="" of="" permitting="" international="" trade="" in="" wool="" fibre="" from="" live="" vicuna,="" in="" cloth="" and="" manufactured="" products,="" under="" the="" trademark="" ``vicuna-argentina.''="" republic="" of="" argentina.="" cites.="" 1997b.="" proposal:="" transfer="" of="" the="" populations="" (vicugna="" vicugna)="" of="" the="" conservation="" units:="" mauri-desaguadero="" (17="" 30's-18="" 30's="" and="" 68="" 30'w-69="" 30'w),="" ulla="" ulla="" (14="" 45's-15="" 25''s="" and="" 69="" 00'w-69="" 20'w)="" and="" lipez-chichas="" (21="" 30's-23="" 00's="" and="" 66="" 20'w-68="" 10''w)="" from="" cites="" appendix="" i="" to="" appendix="" ii="" for="" the="" sole="" purpose="" of="" allowing="" international="" trade="" of="" fabrics="" made="" with="" fiber="" from="" the="" shearing="" of="" live="" animals="" under="" the="" trademark="" ``vicuna-bolivia.''="" republic="" of="" bolivia.="" cnvb.="" 1996.="" censo="" nacional="" de="" la="" vicuna="" en="" bolivia:="" gestion="" 1996.="" direccion="" nacional="" de="" conservacion="" de="" la="" biodiversidad.="" comision="" regional="" de="" la="" vicuna.="" 1994.="" acciones="" de="" las="" provincias="" argentinas="" para="" su="" conservacion="" y="" uso="" sustentable.="" republica="" argentina,="" salta.="" 25pp.="" dncb="" (direccion="" nacional="" de="" conservacion="" de="" la="" biodiversidad,="" unidad="" de="" vida="" silvestre).="" 1997.="" pers.="" comm.="" bolivia="" responses="" to="" questions.="" august="" 1997.="" galaz,="" j.="" 1997.="" pers.="" comm.="" august="" 1997.="" hoces,="" r.d.="" 1997.="" pers.="" comm.="" peru="" responses="" to="" questions.="" september="" 1997.="" infol.="" 1985.="" memoria="" vi="" reunion="" ordinaria="" de="" la="" comision="" tecnico="" administradora="" del="" convenio="" para="" la="" conservacion="" de="" la="" vicuna.="" la="" paz,="" bolivia.="" nowak,="" r.="" n.="" 1991.="" vicuna.="" pp.="" 1353-1357="" in="" walker's="" mammals="" of="" the="" world.="" fifth="" edition.="" volume="" ii.="" the="" johns="" hopkins="" university="" press.="" baltimore="" and="" london.="" sag="" (servicio="" agricola="" y="" ganadero).="" 1997.="" pers.="" comm.="" chile="" responses="" to="" questions.="" august="" 22,="" 1997.="" wheeler,="" j.c.,="" and="" d.="" hoces="" r.="" 1997.="" community="" participation,="" sustainable="" use,="" and="" vicuna="" conservation="" in="" peru.="" mountain="" research="" and="" development="" 17(3):="" 283-287.="" list="" of="" subjects="" in="" 50="" cfr="" part="" 17="" endangered="" and="" threatened="" species,="" exports,="" imports,="" reporting="" and="" recordkeeping="" requirements,="" transportation.="" regulations="" promulgation="" accordingly,="" the="" service="" hereby="" proposes="" to="" amend="" part="" 17,="" subchapter="" b="" of="" chapter="" i,="" title="" 50="" of="" the="" code="" of="" federal="" regulations,="" as="" set="" forth="" below:="" part="" 17--[amended]="" 1.="" the="" authority="" citation="" for="" part="" 17="" continues="" to="" read="" as="" follows:="" authority:="" 16="" u.s.c.="" 1361-1407;="" 16="" u.s.c.="" 1531-1544;="" 16="" u.s.c.="" 4201-4245;="" pub.="" l.="" 99-625,="" 100="" stat.="" 3500,="" unless="" otherwise="" noted.="" 2.="" section="" 17.11(h)="" is="" amended="" by="" revising="" the="" entry="" for="" the="" vicuna,="" under="" ``mammals'',="" on="" the="" list="" of="" endangered="" and="" threatened="" wildlife="" to="" read="" as="" follows:="" sec.="" 17.11="" endangered="" and="" threatened="" wildlife.="" *="" *="" *="" *="" *="" (h)="" *="" *="" *="" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" species="" vertebrate="" --------------------------------------------------------="" population="" where="" critical="" special="" historic="" range="" endangered="" or="" status="" when="" listed="" habitat="" rules="" common="" name="" scientific="" name="" threatened="" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" mammals="" *="" *="" *="" *="" *="" *="" *="" vicuna...........................="" vicugna="" vicugna.....="" argentina,="" bolivia,="" entire,="" except="" t="" 3,="" ____="" na="" 17.40="" (k)="" chile,="" ecuador,="" ecuador.="" peru.="" do="" ......do="" ......do="" ecuador............="" e="" 3,="" ____="" na="" na="" *="" *="" *="" *="" *="" *="" *="" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" [[page="" 48757]]="" 3.="" paragraph="" (k)="" is="" added="" to="" sec.="" 17.40="" and="" reads="" as="" follows:="" sec.="" 17.40="" special="" rules--mammals.="" *="" *="" *="" *="" *="" (k)="" vicuna="" (vicugna="" vicugna)--(1)="" prohibitions.="" all="" provisions="" of="" sec.="" 17.31="" (a)="" and="" (b)="" and="" sec.="" 17.32="" of="" this="" part="" shall="" apply="" to="" vicuna="" and="" vicuna="" products="" from="" both="" populations="" listed="" in="" appendix="" i="" of="" the="" convention="" on="" international="" trade="" in="" endangered="" species="" of="" wild="" fauna="" and="" flora="" (cites)="" and="" the="" appendix="" ii="" semi-captive="" populations="" of="" catamarca,="" jujuy,="" la="" rioja,="" salta,="" and="" san="" juan="" provinces="" in="" argentina.="" except="" as="" provided="" in="" paragraph="" (k)(2)="" of="" this="" section,="" it="" is="" unlawful="" for="" any="" person="" to="" commit,="" attempt="" to="" commit,="" solicit="" to="" commit,="" or="" cause="" to="" be="" committed="" any="" acts="" described="" in="" paragraphs="" (k)(1)(i)-(ii)="" of="" this="" section="" with="" vicuna="" from="" all="" other="" populations="" listed="" in="" appendix="" ii="" of="" cites:="" (i)="" import,="" export,="" and="" re-export.="" (ii)="" sell="" or="" offer="" for="" sale,="" deliver,="" receive,="" carry,="" transport,="" or="" ship="" in="" interstate="" or="" foreign="" commerce="" in="" the="" course="" of="" a="" commercial="" activity.="" (2)="" exceptions.="" the="" import,="" export,="" or="" re-export="" of,="" or="" interstate="" or="" foreign="" commerce="" in="" vicuna="" products,="" consisting="" of="" either="" raw="" wool="" or="" items="" and="" cloth="" made,="" or="" partially="" made,="" from="" vicuna="" wool,="" may="" be="" allowed="" without="" a="" threatened="" species="" permit="" issued="" pursuant="" to="" 50="" cfr="" 17.32="" when="" the="" provisions="" in="" parts="" 13,="" 14,="" and="" 23="" and="" the="" applicable="" paragraphs="" set="" out="" below="" have="" been="" met:="" (i)="" the="" vicuna="" product="" must="" comply="" with="" all="" cites="" product="" annotations="" as="" given="" in="" the="" cites="" secretariat's="" official="" list="" of="" the="" cites="" appendices="" and="" found="" at="" 50="" cfr="" 23.23,="" and="" be="" identified="" as="" follows:="" (a)="" cloth="" and="" cloth="" products:="" the="" reverse="" side="" of="" cloth="" and="" cloth="" products="" must="" bear="" the="" logo="" adopted="" by="" countries="" signatory="" to="" the="" ``conveno="" para="" la="" conservacion="" y="" manejo="" de="" la="" vicuna'',="" and="" the="" words="" ``vicuna-(country="" of="" origin)-artesania'',="" where="" country="" of="" origin="" is="" the="" name="" of="" the="" original="" exporting="" country="" where="" the="" vicuna="" wool="" in="" the="" products="" originated.="" (b)="" finished="" vicuna="" products="" (including="" luxury="" handicrafts="" and="" knitted="" articles)="" and="" any="" bulk="" shipments="" of="" raw="" wool:="" the="" product="" or="" shipment="" must="" have="" a="" seal="" or="" identification="" tag="" with="" codes="" describing="" the="" origin="" of="" the="" vicuna="" product,="" the="" trademark="" or="" label="" (``vicuna-="" (country="" of="" origin)-artesania'')="" and="" the="" cites="" export="" permit="" number,="" where="" country="" of="" origin="" is="" the="" name="" of="" the="" original="" exporting="" country="" where="" the="" vicuna="" wool="" in="" the="" products="" originated.="" (ii)="" the="" accompanying="" cites="" permit="" or="" certificate="" must="" contain="" the="" following="" information:="" (a)="" the="" country="" of="" origin,="" its="" export="" permit="" number,="" and="" date="" of="" issuance.="" (b)="" if="" re-export,="" the="" country="" of="" re-export,="" its="" certificate="" number,="" and="" date="" of="" issuance.="" (c)="" if="" applicable,="" the="" country="" of="" last="" re-export,="" its="" certificate="" number,="" and="" date="" of="" issuance.="" (iii)="" at="" the="" time="" of="" import,="" for="" each="" shipment="" covered="" by="" this="" exception,="" the="" country="" of="" origin="" and="" each="" country="" of="" re-export="" involved="" in="" the="" trade="" of="" a="" particular="" shipment="" must="" not="" be="" subject="" to="" a="" schedule="" iii="" notice="" of="" information="" pertaining="" to="" all="" wildlife="" or="" to="" all="" cites-="" listed="" wildlife="" that="" may="" prohibit="" or="" restrict="" imports.="" a="" listing="" of="" all="" countries="" that="" are="" subject="" to="" such="" a="" schedule="" iii="" notice="" of="" information="" will="" be="" available="" by="" writing:="" the="" office="" of="" management="" authority,="" arlsq="" room="" 700,="" 4401="" n.="" fairfax="" drive,="" u.s.="" fish="" and="" wildlife="" service,="" arlington,="" virginia,="" 22203.="" (3)="" notice="" of="" information.="" except="" in="" rare="" cases="" involving="" extenuating="" circumstances="" that="" do="" not="" adversely="" affect="" the="" conservation="" of="" the="" species,="" the="" service="" will="" issue="" a="" schedule="" iii="" notice="" of="" information="" that="" identifies="" a="" restriction="" on="" trade="" in="" specimens="" of="" vicuna="" addressed="" in="" this="" paragraph="" (k)="" if="" any="" of="" the="" following="" criteria="" are="" met:="" (i)="" the="" country="" is="" listed="" in="" a="" notification="" to="" the="" parties="" by="" the="" cites="" secretariat="" as="" lacking="" both="" designated="" management="" and="" scientific="" authorities="" that="" issue="" cites="" documents="" or="" their="" equivalent.="" (ii)="" the="" country="" is="" identified="" in="" any="" action="" adopted="" by="" the="" conference="" of="" the="" parties="" to="" the="" convention,="" the="" convention's="" standing="" committee,="" or="" in="" a="" notification="" issued="" by="" the="" cites="" secretariat,="" whereby="" parties="" are="" asked="" to="" not="" accept="" shipments="" of="" specimens="" of="" any="" cites-listed="" species="" from="" the="" country="" in="" question.="" dated:="" august="" 23,="" 1999.="" donald="" j.="" barry,="" assistant="" secretary="" for="" fish="" and="" wildlife="" and="" parks.="" [fr="" doc.="" 99-23333="" filed="" 9-7-99;="" 8:45="" am]="" billing="" code="" 4310-55-p="">300>