Start Preamble
Coast Guard, DOT.
Notice of proposed rulemaking.
The Coast Guard proposes to revise Table 1 to 33 CFR 100.801, the list of annual marine events that occur within the Eighth Coast Guard District. This proposed revision reflects additions and deletions of annual marine events from the previously published table.
Comments and related material must reach the Coast Guard on or before May 30, 2000.
You may mail comments and related material to Commander (dl), Eighth Coast Guard District, 501 Magazine Street, New Orleans, LA 70130-3396. Commander (dl) maintains the public docket for this rulemaking. Comments and material received from the public, as well as documents indicated in this preamble as being available in the docket, will become part of this docket and will be available for inspection and copying at the District Legal Office, Room 1311, Hale Boggs Federal Building, 501 Magazine Street, New Orleans, LA. Office hours are between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, except holidays. Comments may also be hand delivered to this address.
Project Attorney, Lieutenant Junior Grade Curtis Borland at Commander (dl), Eighth Coast Guard District, 501 Magazine Street, New Orleans, LA 70130-3396, (504) 589-6188.
End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental InformationSUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
Request for Comments
The Coast Guard encourages interested persons to participate in this rulemaking by submitting written data, views, or arguments. Persons submitting comments should include their name Start Printed Page 24900and address, identify this rulemaking [CGD 08-99-066] and the specific section of this document to which each comment applies, and give a reason for each comment. The comment period for this proposed regulation is 30 days. this time period is adequate to allow local input because the events occur annually and are highly publicized. The shortened comment period will allow the full 30-day publication requirement prior to the final rule becoming effective. Please submit two copies of all comments and attachments in an unbound format, no larger than 8.5 by 11 inches, suitable for copying and electronic filing. Persons wanting acknowledgment of receipt of comments should enclose a stamped, self-addressed postcard or envelope. The Coast Guard will consider all comments received during the comment period. The Coast Guard may change this proposed rule in view of the comments.
Public Meeting
The Coast Guard plans no public hearing. Persons may request a public hearing by writing to the Project Attorney at the address under ADDRESSES explaining why one would be beneficial. If it is determined that a public hearing would aid this rulemaking, the Coast Guard will hold a public hearing at a time and place announced by a later notice in the Federal Register.
Background and Purpose
This rulemaking will update the existing list of anticipated annual marine events in the Eighth Coast Guard District, providing interested parties, mariners and recreational boaters with sufficient notice of date, time and place of these annual marine events.
Regulatory Evaluation
This proposed rule is not a “significant regulatory action” under section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866 and does not require an assessment of potential costs and benefits under section 6(a)(3) of that Order. The Office of Management and Budget has not reviewed it under that Order. It is not significant under the regulatory policies and procedures of the Department of Transportation (DOT) (44 FR 11040; February 26, 1979).
The Coast Guard expects the economic impact of this proposed rule to be so minimal that a full Regulatory Evaluation under paragraph 10e of the regulatory policies and procedures of DOT is unnecessary. The economic impact is not significant because this proposed rule serves only to update an already existing list of marine events and does not change the process for reviewing such occurrences.
Small Entities
Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601-612), the Coast Guard considered whether this proposed rule would have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. The term “small entities” comprises small businesses, not-for-profit organizations that are independently owned and operated, and are not dominant in their fields, and governmental jurisdictions with populations of less than 50,000.
The Coast Guard certifies under 5 U.S.C. 605(b) that this proposed rule will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. The segments of the listed waterways regulated are the minimum necessary to assure the safety of life and property on or adjacent to navigable waters. These regulations are relatively brief in duration and will only affect marine traffic. If, however, you think your business, organization or governmental jurisdiction qualifies as a small entity and this proposed rule would have a significant economic impact on it, please submit a comment (see ADDRESSES) explaining why you think it qualifies and how and to what degree this proposed rule would economically affect it.
Assistance for Small Entities
Under section 213(a) of the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996 (Pub. L. 104-121), the Coast Guard encourages small businesses to participate in this rulemaking. The Coast Guard will assist small entities in understanding this proposed rule so that they can better evaluate the rule's effect on them. If your small business or organization is affected by this rule and you have questions concerning its provisions or options for compliance, contact Project Attorney, Lieutenant Junior Grade Curtis Borland at Commander (dl), Eighth Coast Guard District, 501 Magazine Street, New Orleans, LA 70130-3396, (504) 589-6188.
Collection of Information
No information is collected under this proposed rule. This rule complies with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501-3520).
The Coast Guard has analyzed this proposed rule under E. O. 13132 and have determined that this proposed rule does not have implications for federalism under that order.
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
The Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (2 U.S.C. 1531-1538) governs the issuance of Federal regulations that require unfunded mandates. An unfunded mandate is a regulation that requires a State, local, or tribal government, or the private sector, to incur direct costs without the Federal Government's having first provided the funds to pay those costs. This proposed rule would not impose an unfunded mandate.
Taking of Private Property
This proposed rule would not effect a taking of private property or otherwise have taking implications under E. O. 12630, Governmental Actions and Interference with Constitutionally Protected Property Rights.
Civil Justice Reform
This proposed rule meets applicable standards in sections 3(a) and 3(b)(2) of E. O. 12988, Civil Justice Reform, to minimize litigation, eliminate ambiguity, and reduce burden.
Protection of Children
The Coast Guard has analyzed this proposed rule under E. O. 13045, Protection of Children from Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks. This rule is not an economically significant rule and does not concern an environmental risk to health or risk to safety that may disproportionately affect children.
The Coast Guard is proposing to revise its list of recurring marine events. The listing itself will not affect the environment. When an event application is received, the Coast Guard will conduct an environmental analysis for the event. Under figure 2-1 paragraph, (34)(h) of Coast Guard Commandant Instruction M16475.1C, this proposed revision is categorically excluded from further environmental documentation.
Start List of SubjectsList of Subjects in 33 CFR Part 100
- Marine safety
- Navigation (water)
- Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Waterways
Final Regulations
For the reasons discussed in the preamble, the Coast Guard proposes to amend 33 CFR part 100 as follows:
Start PartPART 100—[AMENDED]
1. The authority citation for Part 100 continues to read as follows:
Start Printed Page 249012. § 100.801 Eighth Coast District Table of Annual Marine Events.
Eighth Coast Guard District Table of Annual Marine Events
Group Upper Mississippi River
End Part1. Riverfest Power Boat Grand Prix
Sponsor: Twin City Power Boat Association
Date: 1 Day—2nd Saturday in June
Regulated Area: Upper Mississippi River miles 980.0-981.0, Little Falls, MN
2. W.A.M.S.O. Ball Fireworks
Sponsor: St. Paul Parks and Recreation
Date: 1 Day—1st or 2nd Saturday in June
Regulated Area: Upper Mississippi River miles 839.1-839.7, St. Paul, MN
3. Winona Downtown Arts & River Festival
Sponsor: Winona Downtown Cooperative
Date: 2 Days—2nd or 3rd Weekend in June
Regulated Area: Upper Mississippi River miles 725.0-726.0, Winona, MN
4. La Crosse Riverfest
Sponsor: Riverfest, Inc.
Date: 5 Days—Last Week of June or 1st Week of July
Regulated Area: Upper Mississippi River miles 698.0-699.0, La Crosse, WI
5. Fair St. Louis
Sponsor: Fair St. Louis Committee
Date: 3 Days—1st Week in July
Regulated Area: Upper Mississippi River miles 179.2-180.0, St. Louis, MO
6. Fourth of July River Front Blast
Sponsor: Alton Exposition Commission
Date: 1 Day—1st Week in July
Regulated Area: River Front Park, Upper Mississippi River miles 202.5-203.5, Alton, IL
7. Steamboat Days
Sponsor: Winona Area Jaycees
Date: 3 Days—1st Weekend in July
Regulated Area: Upper Mississippi River miles 725.0-726.0, Winona, MN
8. Independence Day Celebration
Sponsor: Marquette American Legion
Date: 2 Days—1st Week in July
Regulated Area: Upper Mississippi River miles 634.5-634.7, Marquette, IA
9. City of Redwing 4th of July Fireworks
Sponsor: City of Redwing
Date: 1 Day—4th of July
Regulated Area: Upper Mississippi River miles 790.0-791.0, Red Wing, MN
10. City of Minneapolis 4th of July Fireworks
Sponsor: City of Minneapolis
Date: 1 Day—4th of July
Regulated Area: Upper Mississippi River miles 854.7-855.8, Minneapolis, MN
11. The Great Steamboat Race
Sponsor: Delta Queen Steamboat Company
Date: 1 Day—4th of July
Regulated Area: Upper Mississippi River miles 173.6-179.2, St. Louis, MO
12. Celebrate the Bridge Regatta
Sponsor: Minneapolis Rowing Club
Date: 1 Day—2nd or 3rd Saturday in July
Regulated Area: Upper Mississippi River miles 849.8-850.4, Minneapolis, MN
13. Hastings Rivertown Days
Sponsor: Hastings Chamber of Commerce
Date: 3 Days—3rd Weekend in July
Regulated Area: Upper Mississippi River miles 813.0-815.2, Hastings, MN
14. Lumberjack Days Festival
Sponsor: St. Croix Events and/or City of Stillwater
Date: 4 Days—3rd or 4th Weekend in July
Regulated Area: Lower St. Croix River miles 22.9-23.5, Stillwater, MN
15. Minneapolis Aquatennial
Sponsor: Minneapolis Aquatennial Association
Date: 9 Days—3rd Weekend through 4th Weekend in July
Regulated Area: Upper Mississippi River miles 854.7-856.2, Minneapolis, MN
16. Big Splash Festival
Sponsor: City of Prairie du Chien and Lentzkow Racing
Date: 4 Days—3rd Weekend of July
Regulated Area: Upper Mississippi River miles 634.5-636.0, Prairie du Chien, WI
17. RiverFeast
Sponsor: Capital City Partnership d.b.a. RiverFeast
Date: 1 Day—3rd or 4th Saturday in July
Regulated Area: Upper Mississippi River miles 839.0-839.8, St. Paul, MN
18. River City Days
Sponsor: Red Wing Chamber of Commerce
Date: 2 Days—1st or 2nd Weekend in August
Regulated Area: Upper Mississippi River miles 790.0-792.0, Red Wing, MN
19. Riverboat Days
Sponsor: City of Yankton, Twin City Power Boat Association, WNAX Radio
Date: 3 Days—3rd Weekend in August
Regulated Area: Missouri River miles 805.0-806.0, Yankton, SD
20. Labor Day Celebration
Sponsor: City of McGregor Chamber of Commerce
Date: 4 Days—Last Weekend in August
Regulated Area: Upper Mississippi River miles 633.0-634.0, McGregor, IA
21. Busch Beer Drag Boat Classic
Sponsor: St. Louis Drag Boat Association
Date: 2 Days—1st or 2nd Week of September
Regulated Area: Kaskaskia River miles 28.0-29.0, New Athens, IL
22. Minnesota Orchestra on the Mississippi Fireworks Show
Sponsor: City of St. Paul Parks and Recreation
Date: 1 Day—1st or 2nd Saturday in September
Regulated Area: Upper Mississippi River miles 839.1-839.7, St. Paul, MN
Group Ohio Valley
1. Eskimo Escapades—Water Ski Race
Sponsor: Skiers of Knoxville, TN
Date: 1 Day—2nd Saturday in January
Regulated Area: Tennessee River miles 648.0-649.0, Knoxville, TN
2. Tom White Invitational—Rowing
Sponsor: Oak Ridge (Tennessee) Rowing Association
Date: 1 Day—2nd or 3rd Saturday in March
Regulated Area: Clinch River miles 49.8-51.1, Anderson County, TN
3. Thunder Over Louisville
Sponsor: Thunder Over Louisville
Date: 1 Day—3rd Saturday in April
Regulated Area: Ohio River miles 602.0-605.0, Louisville, KY
4. Marietta Invitational Rowing Regatta
Sponsor: Marietta High School
Date: 2nd Week of April
Regulated Area: Muskingum River Mile .5-1.5, Marietta, OH
5. Southeast Intercollegiate Rowing Championships—Rowing Race
Sponsor: Oak Ridge (Tennessee) Rowing Association
Date: 2 Days—3rd Weekend in April
Regulated Area: Clinch River miles 49.8-51.1, Anderson County, TN
6. Oak Ridge Scholastics—Rowing Shells
Sponsor: Oak Ridge (Tennessee) Rowing Association
Date: 1 Day—4th Saturday in April
Regulated Area: Clinch River miles 49.8-51.1, Anderson County, TN
7. Kentucky Derby Festival Great Steamboat Race
Sponsor: Kentucky Derby Festival/Start Printed Page 24902Belle of Louisville Operating Board
Date: 1 Day—Last Week in April or First Week in May
Regulated Area: Ohio River 597.0-604.0, Louisville, KY
8. Annual Boat Review—Marine Parade
Sponsor: Chattanooga Marine Trade Association
Date: 1 Day—1st Saturday in May
Regulated Area: Tennessee River miles 471.0-478.0, Hamilton County, TN
9. TRRA Scholastic Sprint
Sponsor: Three Rivers Rowing Association, Pittsburgh, PA
Date: 1 Day—1st Sunday in May
Regulated Area: Allegheny River miles 2.0-4.0, Pittsburgh, PA
10. UT Coaches Regatta—Rowing Race
Sponsor: Oak Ridge (Tennessee) Rowing Association
Date: 1 Day—2nd or 3rd Saturday in May
Regulated Area: Clinch River miles 49.8-51.1, Anderson County, TN
11. NCAA Regional Championships—Rowing Race
Sponsor: Oak Ridge (Tennessee) Rowing Association
Date: 1 Day—2nd or 3rd Saturday in May
Regulated Area: Clinch River miles 49.8-51.1, Anderson County, TN
12. Blessing of the Fleet—Parade of Boats
Sponsor: Jonathan Aurora Action Committee, Aurora, KY
Date: 1 Day—2nd or 3rd Weekend in May
Regulated Area: Tennessee River miles 42.0-43.0, Aurora, KY
13. West Virginia Governors Cup Regatta
Sponsor: University of Charleston
Date: 3rd Week of May
Regulated Area: Kanawha River Mile 59.5-62.0, Charleston, WV
14. Boats and Music Regatta
Sponsor: The Great Kanawha River Navy
Date: Last Week of May
Regulated Area: Kanawha River Mile 57.9-58.9, Charleston, WV
15. Albert Gallatin Regatta
Sponsor: Point Marion (Pennsylvania) Rotary Club
Date: 2 Days—Saturday & Sunday of Memorial Day Weekend
Regulated Area: Monongahela River miles 89.9-90.8, Point Marion, PA
16. West Virginia Symphony Fireworks
Sponsor: West Virginia Symphony
Date: 1st Week of June
Regulated Area: Kanawha River Mile 59.4-60.4, Charleston, WV
17. Riverbend Festival—Concerts and Fireworks
Sponsor: Friends of the Festival, Chattanooga, TN
Date: 4 Days—1st & 2nd Weekend in June
Regulated Area: Tennessee River miles 463.4-464.5, Chattanooga, TN
18. Annual Superman Celebration—Fireworks
Sponsor: Metro Chamber, Metropolis, IL
Date: 1 Day—2nd Saturday in June
Regulated Area: Ohio River miles 942.0-943.0, Metropolis, IL
19. Saint Brendan Cup Rowing Race
Sponsor: Pittsburgh Irish Rowing Club
Date: 1 Day—2nd or 3rd Saturday in June
Regulated Area: Ohio River miles 7.0-9.0, Pittsburgh, PA
20. Blessing of The Fleet
Sponsor: Pittsburgh Safe Boating Committee
Date: 1 Day—2nd or 3rd Sunday in June
Regulated Area: Allegheny River miles 0.0-0.2, Pittsburgh, PA
21. River Heritage Days Regatta And Powerboat Races
Sponsor: River Heritage Days Committee
Date: 2 Days—Saturday & Sunday—2nd or 3rd Weekend in June
Regulated Area: Ohio River miles 127.6-128.5, New Martinsville, WV
22. Picnic With the Pops
Sponsor: Huntington Symphony Orchestra
Date: 2nd or 3rd week of June
Regulated Area: Ohio River Mile 307.5-308.5, Huntington, WV
23. Point Pleasant Sternwheel Regatta and River Festival
Sponsor: Point Pleasant Sternwheel Regatta
Date: 3 Days—Last Weekend in June
Regulated Area: Ohio River miles 265.0-266.0, Point Pleasant, WV
24. Thunder On The Ohio
Sponsor: Evansville Freedom Festival
Date: 3 Days—Last Weekend in June
Regulated Area: Ohio River miles 792.0-793.0, Evansville, IN
25. Augusta Sternwheel Days
Sponsor: City of Augusta/Sternwheel Days Committee
Date: 1 Day—Last Saturday in June
Regulated Area: Ohio River miles 426.0-429.0, Augusta, KY
26. Festival On The Lake—Rowing Race
Sponsor: Oak Ridge (Tennessee) Rowing Association
Date: 2 Days—4th Weekend in June
Regulated Area: Clinch River miles 50.3-50.8, Anderson County, TN
27. Chattanooga Dam Triathlon—Lake Swim
Sponsor: Chattanooga Track Club
Date: 1 Day—4th Sunday in June
Regulated Area: Tennessee River miles 471.0-471.5, Chattanooga, TN
28. Charleston 4th of July Celebration
Sponsor: Charleston Festival Commission
Date: 1st Week of July
Regulated Area: Kanawha River Mile 50.9-51.9, Charleston, WV
29. Annual River Recreational Festival
Sponsor: Gallia County Chamber of Commerce
Date: 1st Week of July
Regulated Area: Ohio River Mile 269.0-270.0, Gallipolis, OH
30. Civic Forum Fireworks and Entertainment
Sponsor: Civic Forum
Date: 1st Week of July
Regulated Area: Ohio River Mile 355.5-356.5, Portsmouth, OH
31. Freedomfest
Sponsor: WTCR FM
Date: 1st Week of July
Regulated Area: Ohio River Mile 307.5-308.5, Huntington, WV
32. City of Pittsburgh July 4th Celebration
Sponsor: Citiparks
Date: 1 Day—4th of July
Regulated Area: Ohio River miles 0.0-0.2, Pittsburgh, PA
33. EZ Challenge Speedboat Race
Sponsor: APR Events Group, New Martinsville, WV
Date: 2 Days—Saturday & Sunday on or about 4th of July
Regulated Area: Ohio River miles 77.0-78.0, Brooke County, WV
34. St. Albans Riverfest
Sponsor: St. Albans Riverfest, Inc.
Date: 2 Days—1st Weekend in July
Regulated Area: Kanawha River miles 46.0-47.0, St. Albans, WV
35. Summer Motion Festival Tri-State Fireworks
Sponsor: Tri-State Fair and Regatta Committee
Date: 1 Day—4th of July
Regulated Area: Ohio River miles 322.4-322.6, Ashland, KY
36. Indiana Governor's Cup
Sponsor: Madison Regatta Inc.
Date: 3 Days—1st Weekend in July
Regulated Area: Ohio River miles 557.0-558.0, Madison, IN
37. The New Kensington Recreational Commission's Fireworks Display
Sponsor: New Kensington Recreation Commission
Date: One day—July 3rd
Regulated Area: Allegeheny River mile 18.3-18.7
38. Toronto 4th of July Celebration
Sponsor: Toronto 4th of July Committee
Date: One day—July 3rd
Regulated Area: Ohio River between mile 58.1-59.1
39. Wheeling Symphony Conducky Derby
Sponsor: Wheeling Symphony Society Inc. Start Printed Page 24903
Date: One day—July 4th
Regulated Area: Ohio River between mile 90.2-90.7
40. Independence Day Celebration—Fireworks
Sponsor: Paducah Parks Department
Date: 1 Day—4th of July
Regulated Area: Ohio River miles 935.5-936.0, Paducah, KY
41. Independence Day Celebration—Boat Parade and Fireworks
Sponsor: Metropolitan Board of Parks and Recreation, Nashville, TN
Date: 1 Day—4th of July
Regulated Area: Cumberland River miles 190.0-191.0, Nashville, TN
42. 4th of July Celebration—Fireworks
Sponsor: Players Riverboat Casino, Metropolis, IL
Date: 1 Day—3rd or 4th of July
Regulated Area: Ohio River miles 943.0-944.0, Metropolis, IL
43. Lottie McAlice Rowing Race
Sponsor: Three Rivers Rowing Association, Pittsburgh, PA
Date: 2 Days—Saturday & Sunday Near July 15
Regulated Area: Allegheny River miles 2.0-3.0, Pittsburgh, PA
44. Rocketman Triathlon—Lake Swim
Sponsor: Spring City Triathletes, Huntsville, AL
Date: 1 Day—2nd or 3rd Saturday in July
Regulated Area: Tennessee River miles 324.0-324.5, Madison County, TN
45. Cross River Swim Paducah Summerfest
Sponsor: Paducah Tourist & Convention Commission
Date: 1 Day—3rd Saturday in July
Regulated Area: Ohio River miles 934.5-936.0, Paducah, KY
46. Oak Ridge Sprints—Rowing Race
Sponsor: Oak Ridge (Tennessee) Rowing Association
Date: 3 Days—3rd Weekend in July
Regulated Area: Clinch River miles 49.8-51.1, Anderson County, TN
47. Summerfest
Sponsor: Tri-State Fair and Regatta
Date: 3rd or 4th Week of July
Regulated Area: Ohio River Mile 307.5-308.5, Huntington ,WV
48. Fitness System's Lock Triathlon—Lake Swim
Sponsor: Greater Knoxville Triathlon Club
Date: 1 Day—4th Weekend in July
Regulated Area: Clinch River miles 22.0—23.0, Loudon County, TN
49. Paducah Summer Festival—Fireworks
Sponsor: Paducah Promotions
Date: 1 Day—4th Weekend In July
Regulated Area: Ohio River miles 934.0-935.0, Paducah, KY
50. Oakmont Regatta
Sponsor: Oakmont Yacht Club, Oakmont, PA
Date: 2 Days—Last Saturday and Sunday in July
Regulated Area: Allegheny River miles 11.8-12.3, Oakmont, PA
51. Pittsburgh Three Rivers Regatta
Sponsor: Pittsburgh Three Rivers Regatta, Inc.
Date: 7 Days—End of July or beginning of August
Regulated Area: One mile around point at confluence of Allegheny River miles 0.0-1.0, Monongahela River miles 0.0—0.2, and Ohio River miles 0.0—0.9, Pittsburgh, PA
52. Beaver County Riverfest
Sponsor: Beaver County Chamber of Commerce, Beaver, PA
Date: 3 Days—Friday, Saturday & Sunday nearest August 15
Regulated Area: Ohio River miles 25.1—25.8, Beaver River miles 0.1-0.3, Beaver County, PA
53. Belpre Ohio Homecoming
Sponsor: Belpre Ohio Chamber of Commerce
Date: 2nd Week of August
Regulated Area: Ohio River Mile 185.5-186.5, Belpre, OH
54. Rumble on the River
Sponsor: Southern Ohio Water Sports
Date: 2nd Week of August
Regulated: Ohio River Mile 355.5-356.5, Portsmouth OH
55. Steubenville (Ohio) Regatta Rumble On The River
Sponsor: Steubenville Regatta And Racing Association, Inc.
Date: 3 Days—Friday, Saturday & Sunday nearest August 15
Regulated Area: Ohio River miles 65.0-67.0, Jefferson County, OH
56. Armstrong County (Pennsylvania) Regatta
Sponsor: Three Rivers Outboard Racing Association
Date: 2 Days—Saturday & Sunday nearest August 15
Regulated Area: Allegheny River miles 43.8-45.7, Armstrong County, PA
57. Parkersburg Homecoming Festival
Sponsor: Parkersburg Homecoming Festival
Date: 2 Days-3rd Weekend in August
Regulated Area: Ohio River miles 184.0-185.0, Parkersburg, WV
58. Kentucky Drag Boat Association Inc.: Drag Boat Races
Sponsor: Kentucky Drag Boat Association Inc.
Date: 3 Days—End of August
Regulated Area: Green River miles 70.0-71.5, Livermore, KY
59. WEBN/Toyota Fireworks
Sponsor: WEBN
Date: 1 Day—Sunday before Labor Day
Regulated Area: Ohio River 469.2-470.5, Cincinnati, OH
60. Charleston Sternwheel Regatta
Sponsor: Charleston Festival Commission
Date: 4 Days—The 2 Weekends before Labor Day
Regulated Area: Kanawha River miles 57.0-59.0, Charleston, WV
61. Aurora APR Power Boat Races
Sponsor: Aurora Riverfront Beautification
Date: August 29
Regulated Area: Ohio River, at approximately mile 496.0-499.0, mid-channel, Aurora, IN
62. Portsmouth River Days
Sponsor: Portsmouth River Days Inc.
Date: 1st Week of September
Regulated Area: Ohio River Mile 355.5-356.5, Portsmouth, OH
63. Ohio River Sternwheel Festival
Sponsor: Ohio River Sternwheel Festival Commission
Date: 2 Days—1st or 2nd Weekend in September
Regulated Area: Ohio River miles 170.0-180.0, Marietta, OH
64. My 102 Booms Day—Fireworks
Sponsor: WMYU Radio, Knoxville, TN
Date: 1 Day—1st Weekend in September
Regulated Area: Tennessee River miles 645.0-649.0, Knoxville, TN
65. Ducks On The Ohio
Sponsor: Goodwill Industries, Inc.
Date: 1 Day—2nd or 3rd Weekend in September
Regulated Area: Ohio River miles 792.0-793.0, Evansville, IN
66. Head of Licking Regatta
Sponsor: Kendle, Cincinnati Rowing Club, City of Newport
Date: 1 Day—Last Saturday in September
Regulated Area: Licking River miles 0.0-3.5, Newport, KY
67. Fleur De Lis Regatta
Sponsor: City of Louisville, KY
Date: 2 Days—Last Weekend in September
Regulated Area: Ohio River miles 602.0-604.0, Louisville, KY
68. Head of The Ohio
Sponsor: Pittsburgh Mercy Foundation
Date: 1 Day—1st Saturday in October
Regulated Area: Allegheny River miles 0.0-4.0, Pittsburgh, PA
69. Chattanooga Head Race—Rowing Race
Sponsor: Look Out Rowing Club
Date: 1 Day—2nd Saturday in October
Regulated Area: Tennessee River miles 464.0-467.0, Chattanooga, TN
70. Head of Tennessee Regatta
Sponsor: Knoxville Rowing Association Start Printed Page 24904
Date: 1 Day—2nd Saturday in October
Regulated Area: Tennessee River miles 641.5-645.0, Knoxville, TN
71. City of Pittsburgh Light Up Night Fireworks
Sponsor: Citiparks
Date: 1 Day—1st Friday in November
Regulated Area: Ohio River miles 0.0-0.2, Pittsburgh, PA
72. Light Up Pittsburgh
Sponsor: Kauffmans
Date: 3rd Friday in November
Regulated Area: Ohio River mile 0.0-0.1
73. Christmas on the River—Marine Parade
Sponsor: Chattanooga Downtown Partnership
Date: 1 Day—Last Weekend in November or 1st Weekend in December
Regulated Area: Tennessee River miles 464.0-469.0, Chattanooga, TN
74. First Night Pittsburgh
Sponsor: Forest City Management
Date: One day—31 December
Regulated Area: Ohio River mile 0.0-0.1
Group Lower Mississippi River
1. Memphis in May Canoe & Kayak Race
Sponsor: Outdoors, Inc.
Date: 1 Day—1st or 2nd Saturday in May
Regulated Area: Lower Mississippi River miles 735.5-738.5, Memphis, TN
2. Duckin' Down the River Rubber Duck Race
ponsor: Young Women's Community Guild
Date: 1 Day—1st or 2nd Saturday in May
Regulated Area: Arkansas River miles 308.2-308.6, Fort Smith, AR
3. Memphis in May Sunset Symphony Fireworks Display
Sponsor: Memphis in May International Festival, Inc.
Date: 1 Day—Saturday before Memorial Day
Regulated Area: Lower Mississippi River miles 735.0-736.0, Memphis, TN
4. Riverfest, Little Rock Arkansas
Sponsor: Riverfest, Inc.
Date: 1 Day—Sunday before Memorial Day
Regulated Area: Arkansas River miles 118.8-119.5, Main Street Bridge, Little Rock, AR
5. Riverfest Fireworks Display
Sponsor: Old Fort Riverfest Committee
Date: 1 Day—2nd or 3rd Saturday in June
Regulated Area: Arkansas River miles 297.0—298.0, Fort Smith, AR
6. Fourth of July Fireworks
Sponsor: Memphis Center City Commission
Date: 1 Day—4th of July
Regulated Area: Lower Mississippi River miles 735.5—736.5, Mud Island, Memphis, TN
7. Pops on the River Fireworks Display
Sponsor: Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
Date: 1 Day—4th of July
Regulated Area: Arkansas River miles 118.8—119.5, Main Street Bridge, Little Rock, AR
8. Fourth of July Celebration
Sponsor: Pickwick Landing State Park
Date: 4th of July
Regulated Area: Tennessee River Mile 206.7—209.0, Pickwick Dam, TN
9. Independence Day Celebration
Sponsor: City of Guntersville
Date: 4th of July
Regulated Area: Tennessee River Miles 356.0—360.0, Guntersville, AL
10. Spirit of Freedom Celebration
Sponsor: WLAY Radio
Date: 4th of July
Regulated Area: Tennessee River Mile 255.0—256.5, Sheffield, AL
11. Meat on the River Barbecue Cook-Off Fireworks Display
Sponsor: Meat on the Mississippi
Date: 1 Day—1st Friday or Saturday in August
Regulated Area: Lower Mississippi River miles 847.0—849.0, Caruthersville, MO
12. Budweiser/Jesse Brent Memorial Boat Racing Association
Sponsor: Budweiser/Jesse Brent Memorial Boat Racing Association
Date: 1 Day—Sunday before Labor Day
Regulated Area: Lake Ferguson, Greenville, MS
13. Arkansas National Drag Boat Races
Sponsor: Mid-South Drag Boat Association
Date: 2 Days—Saturday and Sunday before Labor Day
Regulated Area: Lake Langhofer, Arkansas River miles 71.0—71.5, Pine Bluff, AR
14. The Great River Cook-Off Ski Exhibition
Sponsor: North Little Rock Junior League
Date: 2nd Weekend in September
Regulated Area: Arkansas River miles 118.8—119.1, Little Rock, AR
Group Mobile
1. Air Sea Rescue
Sponsor: Gulf Coast Shows
Date: 1st or 2nd Weekend in February
Regulated Area: Mobile River 1/2 mile upriver and 1/2 mile down river from the Mobile Convention Center, Mobile, AL
2. Bass Tournament Weigh-In
Sponsor: Gulf Coast Shows
Date: 2 Days—3rd or 4th Weekend in February
Regulated Area: Mobile River 1/2 mile upriver and 1/2 mile down river from the Mobile Convention Center, Mobile, AL
3. Water Ski Demonstrations
Sponsor: Gulf Coast Shows
Date: 2 Days—3rd or 4th Weekend in February
Regulated Area: Mobile River 1/2 mile upriver and 1/2 mile down river from the Mobile Convention Center, Mobile, AL
4. Mobile Boat and Sportsman Show
Sponsor: Gulf Coast Shows
Date: Last week of February
Regulated Area: Mobile River, 1/2 mile upriver and 1/2 mile down river from the Mobile Convention Center, Lower Mobile River
5. Blessing of the Fleet—Biloxi, MS
Sponsor: St. Michael's Catholic Church
Date: 1 Day—1st or 2nd Sunday in May
Regulated Area: Entire Biloxi Channel, Biloxi, MS
6. Blessing of the Fleet—Bayou La Batre, AL
Sponsor: St. Margaret Church
Date: 1 Day—2nd or 3rd Sunday in May
Regulated Area: Entire Bayou La Batre, Bayou La Batre, AL
7. Annual Krewe of Billy Bowlegs Pirate Festival
Sponsor: Krewe of Billy Bowlegs of Okaloosa County, Inc.
Date: First weekend in June
Regulated Area: Santa Rosa Sound, east of the Brooks Bridge to Fort Walton Yacht Club at Smack Point at the western end of Choctowatchee Bay and Cinco Bayou
8. Independence Day Fireworks, Destin, FL
Sponsor: City of Destin
Date: 1 Day—4th of July
Regulated Area: The entire Destin East Pass Between and Including Buoys 5 to 11, Destin, FL
9. Independence Day Fireworks, Gulf Shores, AL
Sponsor: City of Gulf Shores
Date: 1 Day—4th of July
Regulated Area: 500 yard radius around fireworks platform adjacent to Main Pavilion at Gulf Shore Public Beach, Gulf Shores, AL
10. Independence Day Fireworks, Panama City, FL
Sponsor: US Navy MWR NSWCCSS CP21
Date: 1 Day—4th of July
Regulated Area: 500 yard radius around fireworks platform adjacent Start Printed Page 24905to Hathaway Bridge in St. Andrews Bay, Panama City, FL
11. Independence Day Fireworks, Niceville & Valparaiso, FL
Sponsor: Niceville-Valparaiso Bay Chamber of Commerce
Date: 1 Day—4th of July
Regulated Area: Entire Boggy Bayou, Valparaiso, FL
12. Fourth of July Fireworks, Mobile
Sponsor: Mobile Register
Date: 1 Day—4th of July
Regulated Area: 500 feet from the east bank of the Lower Mobile River between latitudes 30-41.34N and 30-41.24N.
13. Flag Day Parade
Sponsor: Warrior River Boating Association
Date: 1 Day—July 5th
Regulated Area: Warrior River Bankhead Lake River miles 368.4-386.4, Cottondale AL
14. Blue Angels Air Show, Pensacola Beach
Sponsor: Naval Air Station, Pensacola, FL
Date: 2nd weekend in July
Regulated Area: A 5 nautical mile radius from a center point located 1500 feet out from the Pensacola Beach shoreline in front of the Pensacola Beach water tank.
15. MWR Fort to Fort Swim
Sponsor: Morale, Welfare and Recreation, Naval Air Station, Pensacola, FL
Date: First weekend in August
Regulated Area: Fort Pickens Pier to Barrancas Beach, crossing the Gulf Intracoastal Water Eay at statute mile 180, between buoys 13, 14, 15, and 16.
16. Annual Labor Day Fireworks
Sponsor: City of Destin, FL
Date: Day of or day before Labor Day
Regulated Area: The entire Destin East Pass Between and Including Buoys 5 to 11, Destin, FL
17. Christmas Afloat, Tuscaloosa, AL
Sponsor: Christmas Afloat, Inc.
Date: 1 Day—2nd or 3rd Weekend in December
Regulated Area: Warrior River miles 338.0-341.0, Tuscaloosa County, AL
Group New Orleans
1. Blessing of The Fleet
Sponsor: Our Lady of Prompt Succor Catholic Church, Golden Meadow, LA
Date: 1 Day—2nd Saturday in May
Regulated Area: Bayou Lafourche in the area between Galliano, LA to the area of downtown Golden Meadow, LA
2. The Blessing of the Fleet and Fireworks Display, Morgan City, LA
Sponsor: LA Shrimp And Petroleum Festival and Fair Assoc., Inc.
Date: 1 Day—Sunday of Labor Day Weekend
Regulated Area: Berwick Bay From Junction of the Lower Atchafalaya River at Morgan City, LA to Berwick Locks Buoy 1 (LLNR 18445)
3. July Fourth Fireworks Display
Sponsor: City of Morgan City, LA
Date: 1 Day—4th of July
Regulated Area: Mile marker 0.0-1.0, Morgan City Port Allen Route
4. Annual Patterson Pirogue Race, Patterson, LA
Sponsor: Rotary Club of Patterson
Date: 1 Day—4th of July
Regulated Area: Lower Atchafalaya River—Jennings Bridge to 1 mile South of Jennings Bridge, Patterson, LA
5. USS KIDD Star Spangled Celebration, Baton Rouge, LA
Sponsor: USS KIDD and Nautical Center
Date: 1 Day—4th of July
Regulated Area: Lower Mississippi River miles 229.4-229.6, Baton Rouge, LA
6. Uncle Sam Jam Fireworks, Alexandria, LA
Sponsor: Champion Broadcasting of Alexandria
Date: 1 Day—4th of July
Regulated Area: Red River, miles 83.0-87.0, Alexandria, LA
7. Monroe Jaycees Fireworks, Monroe, LA
Sponsor: Monroe Jaycees
Date: 1 Day—4th of July
Regulated Area: Ouachita River, miles 164.0-169.0, at the Parish Court House, Monroe, LA
8. Boomtown Casino Fireworks, Harvey, LA
Sponsor: Boomtown Casino
Date: 1 Day—4th of July
Regulated Area: Harvey Canal, miles 3.5-5.5, the entire width of the canal, Harvey, LA
9. Kenner Fireworks, Kenner, LA
Sponsor: City of Kenner
Date: 1 Day—4th of July
Regulated Area: 500 yard radius around fireworks platform in Lake Pontchartrain at Williams Blvd, Kenner, LA
10. Bally's Casino Fireworks, New Orleans, LA
Sponsor: Bally's Casino
Date: 1 Day—4th of July
Regulated Area: 500 yard radius around fireworks platform in Lake
Pontchartrain, 1/4 miles North of Bally's Casino, New Orleans, LA
11. Riverfront Marketing Fireworks, New Orleans, LA
Sponsor: Riverfront Marketing Group
Date: 1 Day—4th of July
Regulated Area: 500 yard radius around fireworks platform adjacent to Woldenburg Park in Mississippi River, New Orleans, LA
12. Annual Hogdown Fireworks, Mandeville, LA
Sponsor: Mr. R. C. Lunn
Date: 1-Day—4th of July
Regulated Area: 500 yard radius around fireworks platform adjacent to intersection of Tangipahoa River and Lake Pontchartrain, Mandeville, LA
13. Riverfront Marketing Fireworks, New Orleans
Sponsor: Jax Brewery
Date: 1 Day—December 31
Regulated Area: 500 yard radius around fireworks platform in Mississippi River adjacent to Woldenburg Park, New Orleans, LA
14. Riverfront Marketing Fireworks, New Orleans
Sponsor: Riverfront Marketing Group
Date: 1 Day—Lundi Gras Day
Regulated Area: 500 yard radius around fireworks platform in Mississippi River adjacent to Algiers Point, New Orleans, LA
Group Galveston
1. Neches River Festival, Beaumont, TX
Sponsor: Neches River Festival, Inc.
Date: 2 Days—3rd Weekend in April
Regulated Area: Neches River from Collier's Ferry Landing to Lawson's Crossing at the end of Pine St. Beaumont, TX
2. Contraband Days Fireworks Display, Lake Charles, LA
Sponsor: Contraband Days Festivities, Inc.
Date: 1 Day—2nd Saturday of May
Regulated Area: 500 foot radius from the fireworks barge in Lake Charles anchored at approximate position 30°13′54″ N-093°13′42″ W, Lake Charles, LA
3. National Safe Boating Week
Sponsor: Houston Power Squadron
Date: Last weekend in May or first weekend in June
Regulated Area: Clear Creek Channel from Light 2 up to, but not including, the South Shore Harbor Marina.
4. Sylvan Beach Fireworks Display, Sylvan Beach, Houston, TX
Sponsor: City of LaPorte
Date: 1 Day—End of June or Early July
Regulated Area: Rectangle Extending 250 feet East, 250 feet West; 1000 feet North, and 1000 feet South, centered around fireworks barge at Sylvan Beach, Houston, TX
5. Neches River 4th of July Celebration, Beaumont, Texas
Sponsor: City of Beaumont
Date: 1 Day—4th of July Start Printed Page 24906
Regulated Area: River Front Park, Beaumont, TX—All waters of the Neches River, bank to bank, from the Trinity Industries Dry Dock to the northeast corner of the Port of Beaumont's dock No. 5
6. Clear Lake Fireworks Display, Clear Lake, Houston, TX
Sponsor: Clear Lake Chamber of Commerce
Date: 1 Day—4th of July
Regulated Area: Rectangle extending 500 feet East, 500 feet West; 1000 feet North, and 1000 feet South, centered around fireworks barge at Light #19 on Clear Lake, Houston, TX
7. Blessing of the Fleet
Sponsor: Clear Lake Elks Club
Date: First Sunday in August
Regulated Area: Clear Creek Channel from Light 2 up to, but not including, the South Shore Harbor Marina.
8. Galveston Harbor Lighted Boat Parade
Sponsor: Historic Downtown/Strand Partnership
Date: Last Saturday in November
Regulated Area: Galveston Channel from Pier 9 to the Pelican Island Bridge
9. Christmas on the Neches River, Port Neches Park
Sponsor: Port Neches Chamber of Commerce
Date: 1 Day—1st Saturday in December
Regulated Area: The areas of the Neches River from Neches River light 26 to Neches River light 30, Neches River Front Park, Port Neches, TX
10. Christmas Boat Parade on Clear Lake
Sponsor: Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce
Date: 2nd Saturday in December
Regulated Area: Clear Lake, Texas. From South Shore Harbor Marina down Clear Lake Channel, to Clear Creek Channel Light 2.
Group Corpus Christi
1. Buccaneer Days Fireworks Display
Sponsor: Buccaneer Commission, Inc.
Date: 1 Day—Last Friday in April or First Friday in May
Regulated Area: Bayfront, All Waters inside Corpus Christi Marina Levee, Corpus Christi Bay, TX
2. SPI Windsurf Blowout
Sponsor: South Padre Island Convention and Visitors Bureau
Date: 2 Day—First Saturday and Sunday in May
Regulated Area: Rectangle extending one mile East, Half mile North and Half mile South from Position 26-08N, 97-10.5W, in the Laguna Madre area known as “The Flats”, South Padre Island, TX
3. Corpus Christi 4th of July Fireworks Display
Sponsor: City of Corpus Christi
Date: 1 Day—4th of July
Regulated Area: Bayfront, All Waters inside Corpus Christi Marina Levee, Corpus Christi Bay, TX
4. City of Port Aransas 4th of July Fireworks Display
Sponsor: City of Port Aransas
Date: 1 Day—4th of July
Regulated Area: 600 foot radius from a point half way between Port Aransas Harbor Daybeacon 2 to Port Aransas Ferry landing in the Corpus Christi Ship Channel, Port Aransas, TX
5. Bayfest Fireworks Display
Sponsor: Bayfest, Inc.
Date: 2 Days—3rd Friday & Saturday in September
Regulated Area: Bayfront, All Waters inside Corpus Christi Marina Levee, Corpus Christi Bay, TX
6. Great Tugboat Challenge
Sponsor: Bayfest Inc.
Date: 2 Days—3rd Friday & Saturday in September
Regulated Area: Bayfront, All Waters inside Corpus Christi Marina Levee, Corpus Christi Bay, TX
7. Harbor Lights
Sponsor: City of Corpus Christi
Date: 1 Day—1st Saturday in December
Regulated Area: Bayfront, All Waters inside Corpus Christi Marina Levee, Corpus Christi Bay, TX
Start SignatureDated: April 10, 2000.
Paul J. Pluta,
Rear Admiral, U.S. Coast Guard Commander, Eighth Coast Guard District.
[FR Doc. 00-10605 Filed 4-27-00; 8:45 am]
Document Information
- Published:
- 04/28/2000
- Department:
- Coast Guard
- Entry Type:
- Proposed Rule
- Action:
- Notice of proposed rulemaking.
- Document Number:
- 00-10605
- Dates:
- Comments and related material must reach the Coast Guard on or before May 30, 2000.
- Pages:
- 24899-24906 (8 pages)
- Docket Numbers:
- CGD 08-99-066
- RINs:
- 2115-AE46: Regatta Regulations
- RIN Links:
- https://www.federalregister.gov/regulations/2115-AE46/regatta-regulations
- Topics:
- Marine safety, Navigation (water), Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Waterways
- PDF File:
- 00-10605.pdf
- CFR: (1)
- 33 CFR 100