Start Preamble
Start Printed Page 44722
Customs Service, Department of the Treasury.
Notice of intent to distribute offset for Fiscal Year 2002.
Pursuant to the Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act of 2000, this document is Customs notice of intention to distribute assessed antidumping or countervailing duties (known as the continued dumping and subsidy offset) for Fiscal Year 2002 in connection with antidumping duty orders or findings or countervailing duty orders. This document sets forth the list of individual antidumping duty orders or findings and countervailing duty orders, together with the affected domestic producers associated with each order or finding who are potentially eligible to receive a distribution. This document also provides the instructions for affected domestic producers to file written certifications to claim a distribution in relation to the listed orders or findings.
Written certifications to obtain a continued dumping and subsidy offset under a particular order or finding must be received by September 3, 2002.
Written certifications should be addressed to: Assistant Commissioner, Office of Regulations and Rulings, U.S. Customs Service, 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20229 (ATTN: Jeffrey J. Laxague).
Jeffrey J. Laxague, Office of Regulations and Rulings, (202-572-8876).
End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental InformationSUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
The Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act of 2000 (“CDSOA”) was enacted on October 28, 2000, as part of the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2001 (“Act”). The provisions of the CDSOA are contained in Title X (sections 1001-1003) of the Act.
The CDSOA, in section 1003 of the Act, amended Title VII of the Tariff Act of 1930, by adding a new section 754 (codified at 19 U.S.C. 1675c) in order to provide that assessed duties received pursuant to a countervailing duty order, an antidumping duty order, or an antidumping duty finding under the Antidumping Act of 1921, must be distributed to affected domestic producers for certain qualifying expenditures that these producers incur after the issuance of such an order or finding. The term “affected domestic producer” means any manufacturer, producer, farmer, rancher or worker representative (including associations of such persons) that—
(A) Was a petitioner or interested party in support of a petition with respect to which an antidumping order, a finding under the Antidumping Act of 1921, or a countervailing duty order has been entered, and
(B) Remains in operation.
The distribution that these parties may receive is known as the continued dumping and subsidy offset.
List of Orders or Findings and Affected Domestic Producers
It is the responsibility of the U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) to ascertain and timely forward to Customs a list of the affected domestic producers that are potentially eligible to receive an offset in connection with an order or finding.
To this end, it is noted that the USITC has supplied Customs with the list of individual antidumping and countervailing duty cases, and the affected domestic producers associated with each case that are potentially eligible to receive an offset. This list appears at the end of this document.
Customs Regulations Implementing the CDSOA
It is noted that Customs published a final rule in the Federal Register (66 FR 48546) on September 21, 2001, as T.D. 01-68, which was effective as of that date, in order to implement the CDSOA. The final rule added a new subpart F to part 159 of the Customs Regulations (19 CFR part 159, subpart F (§§ 159.61—159.64)).
Notice of Intent To Distribute Offset
This document announces Customs intention to distribute to affected domestic producers the assessed antidumping or countervailing duties that are available for distribution in Fiscal Year 2002 in connection with those antidumping duty orders or findings or countervailing duty orders that are listed in this document. Section 159.62(a), Customs Regulations (19 CFR 159.62(a)), provides that Customs will publish such a notice of intention to distribute assessed duties at least 90 days before the end of a fiscal year.
Certifications; Submission and Content
To obtain a distribution of the offset under a given order or finding, an affected domestic producer must submit a certification to Customs, indicating that the producer desires to receive a distribution.
As required by § 159.62(b), Customs Regulations (19 CFR 159.62(b)), this notice provides the case name and number of the order or finding concerned, as well as the specific instructions for filing a certification under § 159.63 to claim a distribution. However, although § 159.62(b) also provides that the dollar amounts subject to distribution that were contained in the special account for each listed order or finding as of June 1, 2002, would appear in this notice, because these dollar amounts were not available in time for inclusion in this publication, these amounts will instead be posted shortly on the Customs Web site (www.customs.gov), for purposes of enabling affected domestic producers to determine whether it would be worthwhile to file a certification in a given case.
A successor to a company appearing on the list of affected domestic producers in this notice, or a member company of an association that appears on the list of affected domestic producers in this notice, where the member company does not appear on the list, should also consult § 159.61(b)(1)(i) or 159.61(b)(1)(ii), Customs Regulations, respectively (19 CFR 159.61(b)(1)(i) or 159.61(b)(1)(ii)), concerning whether and, if so, the additional procedures under which such party may file a certification to claim an offset.
Specifically, to obtain a distribution of the offset under a given order or finding, each affected domestic producer must timely submit a certification, in triplicate, to the Acting Assistant Commissioner, Office of Regulations and Rulings, Headquarters, containing the required information detailed below as to the eligibility of the producer to receive the requested distribution and the total amount of the distribution that the producer is claiming. The certification must enumerate the qualifying expenditures incurred by the domestic producer since the issuance of an order or finding and it must demonstrate that the domestic producer is eligible to receive a distribution as an affected domestic producer.
As provided in § 159.63(b), Customs Regulations (19 CFR 159.63(b)), certifications to obtain a distribution of an offset must be received by Customs 60 days after the date of publication of the notice of intent in the Federal Register. Start Printed Page 44723
While there is no established format for a certification, the certification must contain the following information:
1. The date of this Federal Register notice;
2. The Commerce case number;
3. The case name (Product/country);
4. The name of the domestic producer and any name qualifier, if applicable (for example, any other name under which the domestic producer does business or is also known);
5. The address of the domestic producer (if a post office box, the secondary street address must also appear), including, if applicable, a specific room number or department;
6. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) number (with suffix) of the domestic producer, employer identification number, or social security number, as applicable;
7. The specific business organization of the domestic producer (corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship);
8. The name(s) of any individual(s) designated by the domestic producer as the contact person(s) concerning the certification, together with the phone number(s) and/or facsimile transmission number(s) and electronic mail (email) address(es) for the person(s);
9. The total dollar amount claimed;
10. The dollar amount claimed by category, as described in the section below entitled “Amount Claimed for Distribution”;
11. A statement of eligibility, as described in the section below entitled “Eligibility to Receive Distribution”; and
12. A signature by a corporate officer legally authorized to bind the producer.
Qualifying Expenditures Which May Be Claimed for Distribution
Qualifying expenditures which may be offset by a distribution of assessed antidumping and countervailing duties encompass those expenditures that are incurred after the issuance of an antidumping duty order or finding or a countervailing duty order, and prior to its termination, provided that such expenditures fall within any of the following categories: (1) Manufacturing facilities; (2) Equipment; (3) Research and development; (4) Personnel training; (5) Acquisition of technology; (6) Health care benefits for employees paid for by the employer; (7) Pension benefits for employees paid for by the employer; (8) Environmental equipment, training, or technology; (9) Acquisition of raw materials and other inputs; and (10) Working capital or other funds needed to maintain production.
Amount Claimed for Distribution
In calculating the amount of the distribution being claimed as an offset, the certification must enumerate the following: (1) The total amount of any qualifying expenditures currently and previously certified by the domestic producer, and the amount certified by category; (2) The total amount of those expenditures which have been the subject of any prior distribution under 19 U.S.C. 1675c; and (3) The net amount for new and remaining qualifying expenditures being claimed in the current certification (the total amount currently and previously certified as noted in item “(1)” above minus the total amount that was the subject of any prior distribution as noted in item “(2)” above) (§ 159.63(b)(2)(i)-(b)(2)(iii), Customs Regulations (19 CFR 159.63(b)(2)(i)-(b)(2)(iii))).
Additionally, these qualifying expenditures must be related to the production of the same product that is the subject of the order or finding, with the exception of expenses incurred by associations which must relate to a specific case (§ 159.61(c), Customs Regulations (19 CFR 159.61(c))).
Eligibility To Receive Distribution
As noted, the certification must contain a statement that the domestic producer desires to receive a distribution and is eligible to receive the distribution as an affected domestic producer. Also, the domestic producer must affirm that the net amount certified for distribution does not encompass any qualifying expenditures for which distribution has previously been made (§ 159.63(b)(3)(i), Customs Regulations (19 CFR 159.63(b)(3)(i))).
Furthermore, where a party is listed as an affected domestic producer on more than one order or finding covering the same product and files a separate certification for each order or finding using the same qualifying expenditures as the basis for distribution in each case, each certification must list all the other orders or findings where the producer is claiming the same qualifying expenditures (§ 159.63(b)(3)(ii), Customs Regulations (19 CFR 159.63(b)(3)(ii))).
Moreover, as required by 19 U.S.C. 1675c(b)(1) and § 159.63(b)(3)(iii), Customs Regulations (19 CFR 159.63(b)(3)(iii)), the statement must include information as to whether the domestic producer remains in operation and continues to produce the product covered by the particular order or finding under which the distribution is sought. If a domestic producer is no longer in operation, or no longer produces the product covered by the order or finding, the producer would not be considered an affected domestic producer entitled to receive a distribution.
In addition, as required by 19 U.S.C. 1675c(b)(5) and § 159.63(b)(3)(iii), the domestic producer must state whether it has been acquired by a company or business that is related to a company that opposed the antidumping or countervailing duty investigation that resulted in the order or finding under which the distribution is sought. If a domestic producer has been so acquired, the producer would again not be considered an affected domestic producer entitled to receive a distribution. The records must be those that are normally kept in the ordinary course of business; these records must support each qualifying expenditure enumerated in the certification; and they must support how the qualifying expenditures are determined to be related to the production of the product covered by the order or finding.
Disclosure of Information in Certifications; Acceptance by Producer
The name of the affected domestic producer, the total dollar amount claimed by that party on the certification, as well as the total dollar amount that Customs actually disburses to that company as an offset, will be available for disclosure to the public, as specified in § 159.63(e), Customs Regulations (19 CFR 159.63(e)). To this extent, the submission of the certification is construed as an understanding and acceptance on the part of the domestic producer that this information will be disclosed to the public. Alternatively, a statement in a certification that this information is proprietary and exempt from disclosure will result in Customs rejection of the certification.
List of Orders or Findings and Related Domestic Producers
The list of individual antidumping duty orders or findings and countervailing duty orders is set forth below, together with the affected domestic producers associated with each order or finding that are potentially eligible to receive an offset.
The certification must be executed and dated by a party legally authorized to bind the domestic producer and it must state that the information contained in the certification is true and accurate to the best of the certifier's knowledge and belief under penalty of law, and that the domestic producer has records to support the qualifying expenditures being claimed (see section Start Printed Page 44724below entitled “Verification of Certification”).
Review and Correction of Certification
A certification that is submitted in response to this notice of distribution may be reviewed before acceptance to ensure that all informational requirements are complied with and that any amounts set forth in the certification for qualifying expenditures, including the amount claimed for distribution, appear to be correct. A certification that is found to be materially incorrect or incomplete will be returned to the domestic producer, as provided in § 159.63(c), Customs Regulations (19 CFR 159.63(c)). It is the sole responsibility of the domestic producer to ensure that the certification is correct, complete and satisfactory so as to demonstrate the entitlement of the domestic producer to the distribution requested. Failure to ensure that the certification is correct, complete and satisfactory will result in the domestic producer not receiving a distribution.
Verification of Certification
Certifications are subject to Customs verification. Because of this, parties are required to maintain records supporting their claims for a period of three years after the filing of the certification (see § 159.63(d), Customs Regulations (19 CFR 159.63(d))).
Start SignatureCommerce Case No. Commission Case No. Product/country Petitioners/supporters A-588-028 AA1921-111 Roller chain/Japan American Chain Association; Acme Chain Division, North American Rockwell; Atlas Chain & Precision Products; Diamond Chain; Link-Belt Chain Division, FMC; Morse Chain Division, Borg Warner; Rex Chainbelt. A-401-040 AA1921-114 Stainless steel plate/Sweden Jessop Steel. A-588-041 AA1921-115 Synthetic methionine/Japan Monsanto. A-588-046 AA1921-129 Polychloroprene rubber/Japan E.I. du Pont de Nemours. A-122-047 AA1921-127 Elemental sulphur/Canada Duval. A-588-056 AA1921-162 Melamine/Japan Melamine Chemical. A-475-059 AA1921-167 Pressure-sensitive plastic tape/Italy Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing. A-588-068 AA1921-188 Prestressed concrete steel wire strand/Japan American Spring Wire; Armco Steel; Bethlehem Steel; CF&I Steel; Florida Wire & Cable. C-408-046 104-TAA-7 Sugar/EU No petition at the Commission; Commerce service list identifies: U.S. Beet Sugar Association; Florida Sugar Marketing and Terminal Association; American Sugar Cane League; American Sugarbeet Growers Association; Florida Sugar Cane League; Rio Grande Valley Sugar Growers Association; Michigan Sugar; Amstar Sugar; Sugar Cane Growers Cooperative of Florida; Alexander & Baldwin; Michigan Farm Bureau; H&R Brokerage; Talisman Sugar; American Farm Bureau Federation; Leach Farms; A.J. Yates; Hawaiian Agricultural Research Center; United States Beet Sugar Association; United States Cane Sugar Refiners' Association. A-423-077 AA1921-198 Sugar/Belgium Florida Sugar Marketing and Terminal Association. A-427-078 AA1921-199 Sugar/France Florida Sugar Marketing and Terminal Association. A-428-082 AA1921-200 Sugar/Germany Florida Sugar Marketing and Terminal Association. A-122-085 731-TA-3 Sugar and syrups/Canada Amstar Sugar. A-427-098 731-TA-25 Anhydrous sodium metasilicate/France PQ. A-427-001 731-TA-44 Sorbitol/France Lonza; Pfizer. A-570-007 731-TA-149 Barium chloride/China Chemical Products. A-570-101 731-TA-101 Greige polyester cotton printcloth/China Alice Manufacturing; Clinton Mills; Dan River; Greenwood Mills; Hamrick Mills; M. Lowenstein; Mayfair Mills; Mount Vernon Mills. C-357-004 701-TA-A Carbon steel wire rod/Argentina Atlantic Steel; Continental Steel; Georgetown Steel; North Star Steel; Raritan River Steel. A-357-007 731-TA-157 Carbon steel wire rod/Argentina Atlantic Steel; Continental Steel; Georgetown Steel; North Star Steel; Raritan River Steel. A-469-007 731-TA-126 Potassium permanganate/Spain Carus Chemical. A-570-001 731-TA-125 Potassium permanganate/China Carus Chemical. A-570-002 731-TA-130 Chloropicrin/China LCP Chemicals & Plastics; Niklor Chemical. C-533-063 303-TA-13 Iron metal castings/India Campbell Foundry; Le Baron Foundry; Municipal Castings; Neenah Foundry; Pinkerton Foundry; U.S. Foundry & Manufacturing; Vulcan Foundry. A-122-503 731-TA-263 Iron construction castings/Canada Alhambra Foundry; Allegheny Foundry; Bingham & Taylor; Campbell Foundry; Charlotte Pipe & Foundry; Deeter Foundry; East Jordan Foundry; Le Baron Foundry; Municipal Castings; Neenah Foundry; Opelika Foundry; Pinkerton Foundry; Tyler Pipe; U.S. Foundry & Manufacturing; Vulcan Foundry. A-351-503 731-TA-262 Iron construction castings/Brazil Alhambra Foundry; Allegheny Foundry; Bingham & Taylor; Campbell Foundry; Charlotte Pipe & Foundry; Deeter Foundry; East Jordan Foundry; Le Baron Foundry; Municipal Castings; Neenah Foundry; Opelika Foundry; Pinkerton Foundry; Tyler Pipe; U.S. Foundry & Manufacturing; Vulcan Foundry. Start Printed Page 44725 A-570-502 731-TA-265 Iron construction castings/China Alhambra Foundry; Allegheny Foundry; Bingham & Taylor; Campbell Foundry; Charlotte Pipe & Foundry; Deeter Foundry; East Jordan Foundry; Le Baron Foundry; Municipal Castings; Neenah Foundry; Opelika Foundry; Pinkerton Foundry; Tyler Pipe; U.S. Foundry & Manufacturing; Vulcan Foundry. C-351-504 701-TA-249 Heavy iron construction castings/Brazil Alhambra Foundry; Allegheny Foundry; Bingham & Taylor; Campbell Foundry; Charlotte Pipe & Foundry; Deeter Foundry; East Jordan Foundry; Le Baron Foundry; Municipal Castings; Neenah Foundry; Opelika Foundry; Pinkerton Foundry; Tyler Pipe; U.S. Foundry & Manufacturing; Vulcan Foundry. A-351-605 731-TA-326 Frozen concentrated orange juice/Brazil Florida Citrus Mutual. A-570-825 731-TA-653 Sebacic acid/China Union Camp. C-122-404 701-TA-224 Live swine/Canada National Pork Producers Council; Wilson Foods. A-357-405 731-TA-208 Barbed wire and barbless wire strand/Argentina CF&I Steel; Davis Walker; Forbes Steel & Wire; Oklahoma Steel Wire. A-570-501 731-TA-244 Natural bristle paint brushes/China Baltimore Brush; Bestt Liebco; Elder & Jenks; EZ Paintr; H&G Industries; Joseph Lieberman & Sons; Purdy; Rubberset; Thomas Paint Applicators; Wooster Brush. A-570-003 731-TA-103 Cotton shop towels/China Milliken; Texel Industries; Wikit. C-535-001 701-TA-202 Cotton shop towels/Pakistan Milliken. C-333-401 701-TA-E Cotton shop towels/Peru No case at the Commission; Commerce service list identifies: Durafab; Kleen-Tex Industries; Pavis & Harcourt; Lewis Eckert Robb; Milliken. A-538-802 731-TA-514 Cotton shop towels/Bangladesh Milliken. A-570-504 731-TA-282 Petroleum wax candles/China Candle-Lite; Colonial Candle of Cape Cod; Lenox Candles; Lumi-Lite Candle; Meuch-Kreuzer Candle; National Candle Association; WNS. A-588-045 AA1921-124 Steel wire rope/Japan AMSTED Industries. A-201-806 731-TA-547 Carbon steel wire rope/Mexico Bridon American; Macwhyte; Paulsen Wire Rope; The Rochester Corporation; Williamsport; Wire-rope Works; Wire Rope Corporation of America; United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers (Local 960). A-580-811 731-TA-546 Carbon steel wire rope/Korea Bridon American; Macwhyte; Paulsen Wire Rope; The Rochester Corporation; Williamsport; Wire-rope Works; Wire Rope Corporation of America; United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers (Local 960). A-351-505 731-TA-278 Malleable cast iron pipe fittings/Brazil Stanley G. Flagg; Grinnell; Stockham Valves & Fittings; U-Brand; Ward Manufacturing. A-580-507 731-TA-279 Malleable cast iron pipe fittings/Korea Stanley G. Flagg; Grinnell; Stockham Valves & Fittings; U-Brand; Ward Manufacturing. A-583-507 731-TA-280 Malleable cast iron pipe fittings/Taiwan Stanley G. Flagg; Grinnell; Stockham Valves & Fittings; U-Brand; Ward Manufacturing. A-588-605 731-TA-347 Malleable cast iron pipe fittings/Japan Stanley G. Flagg; Grinnell; Stockham Valves & Fittings; U-Brand; Ward Manufacturing. A-549-601 731-TA-348 Malleable cast iron pipe fittings/Thailand Stanley G. Flagg; Grinnell; Stockham Valves & Fittings; U-Brand; Ward Manufacturing. A-570-506 731-TA-298 Porcelain-on-steel cooking ware/China General Housewares. A-201-504 731-TA-297 Porcelain-on-steel cooking ware/Mexico General Housewares. A-583-508 731-TA-299 Porcelain-on-steel cooking ware/Taiwan General Housewares. C-201-505 701-TA-265 Porcelain-on-steel cooking ware/Mexico General Housewares. A-580-601 731-TA-304 Top-of-the-stove stainless steel cooking ware/Korea Farberware; Regal Ware; Revere Copper & Brass; WearEver/Proctor Silex. C-580-602 701-TA-267 Top-of-the-stove stainless steel cooking ware/Korea Farberware; Regal Ware; Revere Copper & Brass; WearEver/Proctor Silex. A-583-603 731-TA-305 Top-of-the-stove stainless steel cooking ware/Taiwan Farberware; Regal Ware; Revere Copper & Brass; WearEver/Proctor Silex. C-583-604 701-TA-268 Top-of-the-stove stainless steel cooking ware/Taiwan Farberware; Regal Ware; Revere Copper & Brass; WearEver/Proctor Silex. C-351-604 701-TA-269 Brass sheet and strip/Brazil American Brass; Bridgeport Brass; Chase Brass & Copper; Hussey Copper; The Miller Company; Olin; Revere Copper Products; Allied Industrial Workers of America; International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers; Mechanics Educational Society of America (Local 56); United Steelworkers of America. Start Printed Page 44726 A-351-603 731-TA-311 Brass sheet and strip/Brazil American Brass; Bridgeport Brass; Chase Brass & Copper; Hussey Copper; The Miller Company; Olin; Revere Copper Products; Allied Industrial Workers of America; International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers; Mechanics Educational Society of America (Local 56); United Steelworkers of America. A-122-601 731-TA-312 Brass sheet and strip/Canada American Brass; Bridgeport Brass; Chase Brass & Copper; Hussey Copper; The Miller Company; Olin; Revere Copper Products; Allied Industrial Workers of America; International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers; Mechanics Educational Society of America (Local 56); United Steelworkers of America. A-580-603 731-TA-315 Brass sheet and strip/Korea American Brass; Bridgeport Brass; Chase Brass & Copper; Hussey Copper; The Miller Company; Olin; Revere Copper Products; Allied Industrial Workers of America; International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers; Mechanics Educational Society of America (Local 56); United Steelworkers of America. A-427-602 731-TA-313 Brass sheet and strip/France American Brass; Bridgeport Brass; Chase Brass & Copper; Hussey Copper; The Miller Company; Olin; Revere Copper Products; Allied Industrial Workers of America; International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers; Mechanics Educational Society of America (Local 56); United Steelworkers of America. C-427-603 701-TA-270 Brass sheet and strip/France American Brass; Bridgeport Brass; Chase Brass & Copper; Hussey Copper; The Miller Company; Olin; Revere Copper Products; Allied Industrial Workers of America; International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers; Mechanics Educational Society of America (Local 56); United Steelworkers of America. A-428-602 731-TA-317 Brass sheet and strip/Germany American Brass; Bridgeport Brass; Chase Brass & Copper; Hussey Copper; The Miller Company; Olin; Revere Copper Products; Allied Industrial Workers of America; International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers; Mechanics Educational Society of America (Local 56); United Steelworkers of America. A-475-601 731-TA-314 Brass sheet and strip/Italy American Brass; Bridgeport Brass; Chase Brass & Copper; Hussey Copper; The Miller Company; Olin; Revere Copper Products; Allied Industrial Workers of America; International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers; Mechanics Educational Society of America (Local 56); United Steelworkers of America. A-401-601 731-TA-316 Brass sheet and strip/Sweden American Brass; Bridgeport Brass; Chase Brass & Copper; Hussey Copper; The Miller Company; Olin; Revere Copper Products; Allied Industrial Workers of America; International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers; Mechanics Educational Society of America (Local 56); United Steelworkers of America. A-588-704 731-TA-379 Brass sheet and strip/Japan American Brass; Bridgeport Brass; Chase Brass & Copper; Hussey Copper; The Miller Company; North Coast Brass & Copper; Olin; Pegg Metals; Revere Copper Products; Allied Industrial Workers of America; International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers; Mechanics Educational Society of America (Local 56); United Steelworkers of America. A-421-701 731-TA-380 Brass sheet and strip/Netherlands American Brass; Bridgeport Brass; Chase Brass & Copper; Hussey Copper; The Miller Company; North Coast Brass & Copper; Olin; Pegg Metals; Revere Copper Products; Allied Industrial Workers of America; International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers; Mechanics Educational Society of America (Local 56); United Steelworkers of America. A-831-801 731-TA-340-A Solid urea/Armenia Agrico Chemical; American Cyanamid; CF Industries; First Mississippi; Mississippi Chemical; Terra International; W.R. Grace. A-822-801 731-TA-340-B Solid urea/Belarus Agrico Chemical; American Cyanamid; CF Industries; First Mississippi; Mississippi Chemical; Terra International; W.R. Grace. A-447-801 731-TA-340-C Solid urea/Estonia Agrico Chemical; American Cyanamid; CF Industries; First Mississippi; Mississippi Chemical; Terra International; W.R. Grace. Start Printed Page 44727 A-451-801 731-TA-340-D Solid urea/Lithuania Agrico Chemical; American Cyanamid; CF Industries; First Mississippi; Mississippi Chemical; Terra International; W.R. Grace. A-485-601 731-TA-339 Solid urea/Romania Agrico Chemical; American Cyanamid; CF Industries; First Mississippi; Mississippi Chemical; Terra International; W.R. Grace. A-821-801 731-TA-340-E Solid urea/Russia Agrico Chemical; American Cyanamid; CF Industries; First Mississippi; Mississippi Chemical; Terra International; W.R. Grace. A-842-801 731-TA-340-F Solid urea/Tajikistan Agrico Chemical; American Cyanamid; CF Industries; First Mississippi; Mississippi Chemical; Terra International; W.R. Grace. A-843-801 731-TA-340-G Solid urea/Turkmenistan Agrico Chemical; American Cyanamid; CF Industries; First Mississippi; Mississippi Chemical; Terra International; W.R. Grace. A-823-801 731-TA-340-H Solid urea/Ukraine Agrico Chemical; American Cyanamid; CF Industries; First Mississippi; Mississippi Chemical; Terra International; W.R. Grace. A-844-801 731-TA-340-I Solid urea/Uzbekistan Agrico Chemical; American Cyanamid; CF Industries; First Mississippi; Mississippi Chemical; Terra International; W.R. Grace. C-508-605 701-TA-286 Industrial phosphoric acid/Israel Albright & Wilson; FMC; Hydrite Chemical; Monsanto; Stauffer Chemical. A-423-602 731-TA-365 Industrial phosphoric acid/Belgium Albright & Wilson; FMC; Hydrite Chemical; Monsanto; Stauffer Chemical. A-489-602 731-TA-364 Aspirin/Turkey Dow Chemical; Monsanto; Norwich-Eaton. A-122-605 731-TA-367 Color picture tubes/Canada Philips Electronic Components Group; Zenith Electronics Industrial Union Department, AFL-CIO; International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers; International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers; International Union of Electronic, Electrical, Technical, Salaried and Machine Workers; United Steelworkers of America. A-588-609 731-TA-368 Color picture tubes/Japan Philips Electronic Components Group; Zenith Electronics; Industrial Union Department, AFL-CIO; International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers; International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers; International Union of Electronic, Electrical, Technical, Salaried and Machine Workers; United Steelworkers of America. A-580-605 731-TA-369 Color picture tubes/Korea Philips Electronic Components Group; Zenith Electronics; Industrial Union Department, AFL-CIO; International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers; International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers; International Union of Electronic, Electrical, Technical, Salaried and Machine Workers; United Steelworkers of America. A-559-601 731-TA-370 Color picture tubes/Singapore Philips Electronic Components Group; Zenith Electronics; Industrial Union Department, AFL-CIO; International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers; International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers; International Union of Electronic, Electrical, Technical, Salaried and Machine Workers; United Steelworkers of America. A-588-054 AA1921-143 Tapered roller bearings 4 inches and under/Japan No companies identified as petitioners at the Commission; Commerce service list identifies: Mitsubishi; Nissan Motor; Yamaha Motors; NSK; Hoover-NSK Bearing; ITOCHU International; Toyota Motor Sales; Timken; Nippon Seiko; Kawasaki Heavy Duty Industries; Komatsu America; Nachi Western; Ford Motor; Federal Mogul; Itocho; Kanematsu-Goshu USA; Nissan Motor USA; Nachi America; Motorambar; Honda; General Motors; Sumitomo; Koyo Seiko; American Honda Motor; Subaru of America; Suzuki Motor; Kubota Tractor; Isuzu; Nachi-Fujikoshi; NTN. A-570-601 731-TA-344 Tapered roller bearings/China Timken; Torrington. A-437-601 731-TA-341 Tapered roller bearings/Hungary Timken; Torrington. A-485-602 731-TA-345 Tapered roller bearings/Romania Timken; Torrington. A-588-604 731-TA-343 Tapered roller bearings over 4 inches/Japan Timken; Torrington. A-427-801 731-TA-392-A Ball bearings/France MPB; Torrington. A-427-801 731-TA-392-B Cylindrical roller bearings/France MPB; Torrington. A-427-801 731-TA-392-C Spherical plain bearings/France Torrington. A-428-801 731-TA-391-A Ball bearings/Germany MPB; Torrington. Start Printed Page 44728 A-428-801 731-TA-391-B Cylindrical roller bearings/Germany MPB; Torrington. A-428-801 731-TA-391-C Spherical plain bearings/Germany Torrington. A-475-801 731-TA-393-A Ball bearings/Italy MPB; Torrington. A-475-801 731-TA-393-B Cylindrical roller bearings/Italy MPB; Torrington. A-588-804 731-TA-394-A Ball bearings/Japan Kubar Bearings; MPB; Torrington. A-588-804 731-TA-394-B Cylindrical roller bearings/Japan Kubar Bearings; MPB; Torrington. A-588-804 731-TA-394-C Spherical plain bearings/Japan Kubar Bearings; Torrington. A-485-801 731-TA-395 Ball bearings/Romania MPB; Torrington. A-559-801 731-TA-396 Ball bearings/Singapore MPB; Torrington. A-401-801 731-TA-397-A Ball bearings/Sweden MPB; Torrington. A-401-801 731-TA-397-B Cylindrical roller bearings/Sweden MPB; Torrington. A-412-801 731-TA-399-A Ball Bearings/United Kingdom MPB; Torrington. A-412-801 731-TA-399-B Cylindrical roller bearings/United Kingdom MPB; Torrington. A-588-703 731-TA-377 Internal combustion industrial forklift trucks/Japan Hyster; Ad-Hoc Group of Workers from Hyster's Berea, Kentucky and Sulligent, Alabama Facilities; Allied Industrial Workers of America; Independent Lift Truck Builders Union; International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers; United Shop & Service Employees. A-588-706 731-TA-384 Nitrile rubber/Japan Uniroyal Chemical. A-583-008 731-TA-132 Small diameter carbon steel pipe and tube/Taiwan Allied Tube & Conduit; American Tube; Bull Moose Tube; Copperweld Tubing J&L Steel; Kaiser Steel; Merchant Metals; Pittsburgh Tube; Southwestern Pipe; Western Tube & Conduit. C-489-502 701-TA-253 Welded carbon steel pipe and tube/Turkey Allied Tube & Conduit; American Tube; Bernard Epps; Bock Industries; Bull Moose Tube; Central Steel Tube; Century Tube; Copperweld Tubing; Cyclops; Hughes Steel & Tube; Kaiser Steel; Laclede Steel; Maruichi American; Maverick Tube; Merchant Metals; Phoenix Steel; Pittsburgh Tube; Quanex; Sharon Tube; Southwestern Pipe; UNR-Leavitt; Welded Tube; Western Tube & Conduit; Wheatland Tube. A-549-502 731-TA-252 Welded carbon steel pipe and tube/Thailand Allied Tube & Conduit; American Tube; Bernard Epps; Bock Industries; Bull Moose Tube; Central Steel Tube; Century Tube; Copperweld Tubing; Cyclops; Hughes Steel & Tube; Kaiser Steel; Laclede Steel; Maruichi American; Maverick Tube; Merchant Metals; Phoenix Steel; Pittsburgh Tube; Quanex; Sharon Tube; Southwestern Pipe; UNR-Leavitt; Welded Tube; Western Tube & Conduit; Wheatland Tube. A-533-502 731-TA-271 Welded carbon steel pipe and tube/India Allied Tube & Conduit; American Tube; Bernard Epps; Bock Industries; Bull Moose Tube; Central Steel Tube; Century Tube; Copperweld Tubing; Cyclops; Hughes Steel & Tube; Kaiser Steel; Laclede Steel; Maruichi American; Maverick Tube; Merchant Metals; Phoenix Steel; Pittsburgh Tube; Quanex; Sharon Tube; Southwestern Pipe; UNR-Leavitt; Welded Tube; Western Tube & Conduit; Wheatland Tube. A-489-501 731-TA-273 Welded carbon steel pipe and tube/Turkey Allied Tube & Conduit; American Tube; Bernard Epps; Bock Industries; Bull Moose Tube; Central Steel Tube; Century Tube; Copperweld Tubing; Cyclops; Hughes Steel & Tube; Kaiser Steel; Laclede Steel; Maruichi American; Maverick Tube; Merchant Metals; Phoenix Steel; Pittsburgh Tube; Quanex; Sharon Tube; Southwestern Pipe; UNR-Leavitt; Welded Tube; Western Tube & Conduit; Wheatland Tube. A-122-506 731-TA-276 Oil country tubular goods/Canada CF&I Steel; Copperweld Tubing; Cyclops; KPC; Lone Star Steel; LTV Steel; Maverick Tube; Quanex; U.S. Steel. A-583-505 731-TA-277 Oil country tubular goods/Taiwan CF&I Steel; Copperweld Tubing; Cyclops; KPC; Lone Star Steel; LTV Steel; Maverick Tube; Quanex; U.S. Steel. A-559-502 731-TA-296 Small diameter standard and rectangular pipe and tube/Singapore Allied Tube & Conduit; American Tube; Bull Moose Tube; Cyclops; Hannibal Industries; Laclede Steel; Pittsburgh Tube; Sharon Tube; Western Tube & Conduit; Wheatland Tube. A-583-803 731-TA-410 Light-walled rectangular tube/Taiwan Bull Moose Tube; Hannibal Industries; Harris Tube; Maruichi American; Searing Industries; Southwestern Pipe; Western Tube & Conduit. A-357-802 731-TA-409 Light-walled rectangular tube/Argentina Bull Moose Tube; Hannibal Industries; Harris Tube; Maruichi American; Searing Industries; Southwestern Pipe; Western Tube & Conduit. A-351-809 731-TA-532 Circular welded nonalloy steel pipe/Brazil Allied Tube & Conduit; American Tube; Bull Moose Tube; Century Tube; CSI Tubular Products; Cyclops; Laclede Steel; LTV Tubular Products; Maruichi American; Sharon Tube; Western Tube & Conduit; Wheatland Tube. Start Printed Page 44729 A-580-809 731-TA-533 Circular welded nonalloy steel pipe/Korea Allied Tube & Conduit; American Tube; Bull Moose Tube; Century Tube; CSI Tubular Products; Cyclops; Laclede Steel; LTV Tubular Products; Maruichi American; Sharon Tube; Western Tube & Conduit; Wheatland Tube. A-201-805 731-TA-534 Circular welded nonalloy steel pipe/Mexico Allied Tube & Conduit; American Tube; Bull Moose Tube; Century Tube; CSI Tubular Products; Cyclops; Laclede Steel; LTV Tubular Products; Maruichi American; Sharon Tube; Western Tube & Conduit; Wheatland Tube. A-583-814 731-TA-536 Circular welded nonalloy steel pipe/Taiwan Allied Tube & Conduit; American Tube; Bull Moose Tube; Century Tube; CSI Tubular Products; Cyclops; Laclede Steel; LTV Tubular Products; Maruichi American; Sharon Tube; Western Tube & Conduit; Wheatland Tube. A-307-805 731-TA-537 Circular welded nonalloy steel pipe/Venezuela Allied Tube & Conduit; American Tube; Bull Moose Tube; Century Tube; CSI Tubular Products; Cyclops; Laclede Steel; LTV Tubular Products; Maruichi American; Sharon Tube; Western Tube & Conduit; Wheatland Tube. A-588-707 731-TA-386 Granular polytetrafluoroethylene/Japan E.I. du Pont de Nemours; ICI Americas. A-475-703 731-TA-385 Granular polytetrafluoroethylene/Italy E.I. du Pont de Nemours; ICI Americas. A-351-602 731-TA-308 Carbon steel butt-weld pipe fittings/Brazil Ladish; Mills Iron Works; Steel Forgings; Tube Forgings of America; Weldbend. A-583-605 731-TA-310 Carbon steel butt-weld pipe fittings/Taiwan Ladish; Mills Iron Works; Steel Forgings; Tube Forgings of America; Weldbend. A-588-602 731-TA-309 Carbon steel butt-weld pipe fittings/Japan Ladish; Mills Iron Works; Steel Forgings; Tube Forgings of America; Weldbend. A-570-814 731-TA-520 Carbon steel butt-weld pipe fittings/China Hackney; Ladish; Mills Iron Works; Steel Forgings; Tube Forgings of America. A-549-807 731-TA-521 Carbon steel butt-weld pipe fittings/Thailand Hackney; Ladish; Mills Iron Works; Steel Forgings; Tube Forgings of America. A-484-801 731-TA-406 Electrolytic manganese dioxide/Greece Chemetals; Kerr-McGee; Rayovac. A-588-806 731-TA-408 Electrolytic manganese dioxide/Japan Chemetals; Kerr-McGee; Rayovac. A-428-802 731-TA-419 Industrial belts/Germany The Gates Rubber Company; The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company. A-475-802 731-TA-413 Industrial belts/Italy The Gates Rubber Company; The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company. A-588-807 731-TA-414 Industrial belts/Japan The Gates Rubber Company; The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company. A-559-802 731-TA-415 Industrial belts/Singapore The Gates Rubber Company; The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company. A-427-009 731-TA-96 Industrial nitrocellulose/France Hercules. A-351-804 731-TA-439 Industrial nitrocellulose/Brazil Hercules. A-570-802 731-TA-441 Industrial nitrocellulose/China Hercules. A-428-803 731-TA-444 Industrial nitrocellulose/Germany Hercules. A-588-812 731-TA-440 Industrial nitrocellulose/Japan Hercules. A-580-805 731-TA-442 Industrial nitrocellulose/Korea Hercules. A-412-803 731-TA-443 Industrial nitrocellulose/United Kingdom Hercules. A-479-801 731-TA-445 Industrial nitrocellulose/Yugoslavia Hercules. A-122-804 731-TA-422 Steel rails/Canada Bethlehem Steel; CF&I Steel. C-122-805 701-TA-297 Steel rails/Canada Bethlehem Steel; CF&I Steel. A-588-811 731-TA-432 Drafting machines/Japan Vemco. A-588-810 731-TA-429 Mechanical transfer presses/Japan Allied Products; United Autoworkers of America; United Steelworkers of America. A-570-803 731-TA-457-A Axes and adzes/China Warwood Tool; Woodings-Verona. A-570-803 731-TA-457-B Bars and wedges/China Warwood Tool; Woodings-Verona. A-570-803 731-TA-457-C Hammers and sledges/China Warwood Tool; Woodings-Verona. A-570-803 731-TA-457-D Picks and mattocks/China Warwood Tool; Woodings-Verona. A-570-805 731-TA-466 Sodium thiosulfate/China Calabrian. A-428-807 731-TA-465 Sodium thiosulfate/Germany Calabrian. A-412-805 731-TA-468 Sodium thiosulfate/United Kingdom Calabrian. C-469-004 701-TA-178 Stainless steel wire rod/Spain AL Tech Specialty Steel; Armco Steel; Carpenter Technology; Colt Industries; Cyclops; Guterl Special Steel; Joslyn Stainless Steels; Republic Steel. A-533-808 731-TA-638 Stainless steel wire rod/India AL Tech Specialty Steel; Armco Steel; Carpenter Technology; Republic Engineered Steels; Talley Metals Technology; United Steelworkers of America. Start Printed Page 44730 A-351-819 731-TA-636 Stainless steel wire rod/Brazil AL Tech Specialty Steel; Armco Steel; Carpenter Technology; Republic Engineered Steels; Talley Metals Technology; United Steelworkers of America. A-427-811 731-TA-637 Stainless steel wire rod/France AL Tech Specialty Steel; Armco Steel; Carpenter Technology; Republic Engineered Steels; Talley Metals Technology; United Steelworkers of America. A-580-810 731-TA-540 Welded ASTM A-312 stainless steel pipe/Korea Avesta Sandvik Tube; Bristol Metals; Crucible Materials; Damascus Tubular Products; United Steelworkers of America. A-583-815 731-TA-541 Welded ASTM A-312 stainless steel pipe/Taiwan Avesta Sandvik Tube; Bristol Metals; Crucible Materials; Damascus Tubular Products; United Steelworkers of America. A-403-801 731-TA-454 Fresh and chilled Atlantic salmon/Norway Heritage Salmon; The Coalition for Fair Atlantic Salmon Trade. C-403-802 701-TA-302 Fresh and chilled Atlantic salmon/Norway Heritage Salmon; The Coalition for Fair Atlantic Salmon Trade. A-580-807 731-TA-459 Polyethylene terephthalate film/Korea E.I. du Pont de Nemours; Hoechst Celanese; ICI Americas. A-570-804 731-TA-464 Sparklers/China B.J. Alan; Diamond Sparkler; Elkton Sparkler. A-588-702 731-TA-376 Stainless steel butt-weld pipe fittings/Japan Flowline; Shaw Alloy Piping Products; Taylor Forge Stainless. A-580-813 731-TA-563 Stainless steel butt-weld pipe fittings/Korea Gerlin; Markovitz Enterprises; Shaw Alloy Piping Products; Taylor Forge Stainless. A-583-816 731-TA-564 Stainless steel butt-weld pipe fittings/Taiwan Gerlin; Markovitz Enterprises; Shaw Alloy Piping Products; Taylor Forge Stainless. A-201-802 731-TA-451 Gray portland cement and clinker/Mexico Alamo Cement; Blue Circle; BoxCrow Cement; Calaveras Cement; Capitol Aggregates; Florida Crushed Stone; Gifford-Hill; Hanson Permanente Cement; Ideal Basic Industries; National Cement Company of Alabama; National Cement Company of California; Phoenix Cement; Southdown; Tarmac America; Texas Industries; Independent Workers of North America (Locals 49, 52, 89, 192, and 471); International Union of Operating Engineers (Local 12). A-588-815 731-TA-461 Gray portland cement and clinker/Japan Calaveras Cement; Hanson Permanente Cement; National Cement Company of California; Southdown; Independent Workers of North America (Locals 49, 52, 89, 192, and 471); International Union of Operating Engineers (Local 12). A-307-803 731-TA-519 Gray portland cement and clinker/Venezuela Florida Crushed Stone; Southdown; Tarmac America. C-307-804 303-TA-21 Gray portland cement and clinker/Venezuela Florida Crushed Stone; Southdown; Tarmac America. A-588-817 731-TA-469 Electroluminescent flat-panel displays/Japan The Cherry Corporation; Electro Plasma; Magnascreen; OIS Optical Imaging Systems; Photonics Technology; Planar Systems; Plasmaco. A-570-808 731-TA-474 Chrome-plated lug nuts/China Consolidated International Automotive; Key Manufacturing McGard. A-583-810 731-TA-475 Chrome-plated lug nuts/Taiwan Consolidated International Automotive; Key Manufacturing McGard. A-122-814 731-TA-528 Pure magnesium/Canada Magnesium Corporation of America. C-122-815 701-TA-309-A Alloy magnesium/Canada Magnesium Corporation of America. C-122-815 701-TA-309-B Pure magnesium/Canada Magnesium Corporation of America. A-557-805 731-TA-527 Extruded rubber thread/Malaysia Globe Manufacturing; North American Rubber Thread. A-843-802 731-TA-539 Uranium/Kazakhstan Ferret Exploration; First Holding; Geomex Minerals; IMC Fertilizer; Malapai Resources; Pathfinder Mines; Power Resources; Rio Algom Mining; Solution Mining; Total Minerals; Umetco Minerals; Uranium Resources; Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers. A-821-802 731-TA-539-C Uranium/Russia Ferret Exploration; First Holding; Geomex Minerals; IMC Fertilizer; Malapai Resources; Pathfinder Mines; Power Resources; Rio Algom Mining; Solution Mining; Total Minerals; Umetco Minerals; Uranium Resources; Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers. A-844-802 731-TA-539-F Uranium/Uzbekistan Ferret Exploration; First Holding; Geomex Minerals; IMC Fertilizer; Malapai Resources; Pathfinder Mines; Power Resources; Rio Algom Mining; Solution Mining; Total Minerals; Umetco Minerals; Uranium Resources; Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers. A-823-802 731-TA-539-E Uranium/Ukraine Ferret Exploration; First Holding; Geomex Minerals; IMC Fertilizer; Malapai Resources; Pathfinder Mines; Power Resources; Rio Algom Mining; Solution Mining; Total Minerals; Umetco Minerals; Uranium Resources; Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers. A-583-080 AA1921-197 Carbon steel plate/Taiwan No petition (self-initiated by Treasury); Commerce service list identifies: U.S. Steel; China Steel; Bethlehem Steel. Start Printed Page 44731 C-423-806 701-TA-319 Cut-to-length carbon steel plate/Belgium Bethlehem Steel; California Steel Industries; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; Inland Steel Industries; Lukens Steel; National Steel; Nextech; Sharon Steel; Theis Precision Steel; Thompson Steel; U.S. Steel; United Steelworkers of America. C-351-818 701-TA-320 Cut-to-length carbon steel plate/Brazil Bethlehem Steel; California Steel Industries; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; Inland Steel Industries; Lukens Steel; National Steel; Nextech; Sharon Steel; Theis Precision Steel; Thompson Steel; U.S. Steel; United Steelworkers of America. C-428-817 701-TA-322 Cut-to-length carbon steel plate/Germany Bethlehem Steel; California Steel Industries; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; Inland Steel Industries; Lukens Steel; National Steel; Nextech; Sharon Steel; Theis Precision Steel; Thompson Steel; U.S. Steel; United Steelworkers of America. C-201-810 701-TA-325 Cut-to-length carbon steel plate/Mexico Bethlehem Steel; California Steel Industries; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; Inland Steel Industries; Lukens Steel; National Steel; Nextech; Sharon Steel; Theis Precision Steel; Thompson Steel; U.S. Steel; United Steelworkers of America. C-469-804 701-TA-326 Cut-to-length carbon steel plate/Spain Bethlehem Steel; California Steel Industries; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; Inland Steel Industries; Lukens Steel; National Steel; Nextech; Sharon Steel; Theis Precision Steel; Thompson Steel; U.S. Steel; United Steelworkers of America. C-401-804 701-TA-327 Cut-to-length carbon steel plate/Sweden Bethlehem Steel; California Steel Industries; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; Inland Steel Industries; Lukens Steel; National Steel; Nextech; Sharon Steel; Theis Precision Steel; Thompson Steel; U.S. Steel; United Steelworkers of America. C-412-815 701-TA-328 Cut-to-length carbon steel plate/United Kingdom Bethlehem Steel; California Steel Industries; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; Inland Steel Industries; Lukens Steel; National Steel; Nextech; Sharon Steel; Theis Precision Steel; Thompson Steel; U.S. Steel; United Steelworkers of America. A-423-805 731-TA-573 Cut-to-length carbon steel plate/Belgium Bethlehem Steel; California Steel Industries; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; Inland Steel Industries; Lukens Steel; National Steel; Nextech; Sharon Steel; Theis Precision Steel; Thompson Steel; U.S. Steel; United Steelworkers of America. A-351-817 731-TA-574 Cut-to-length carbon steel plate/Brazil Bethlehem Steel; California Steel Industries; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; Inland Steel Industries; Lukens Steel; National Steel; Nextech; Sharon Steel; Theis Precision Steel; Thompson Steel; U.S. Steel; United Steelworkers of America. A-122-823 731-TA-575 Cut-to-length carbon steel plate/Canada Bethlehem Steel; California Steel Industries; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; Inland Steel Industries; Lukens Steel; National Steel; Nextech; Sharon Steel; Theis Precision Steel; Thompson Steel; U.S. Steel; United Steelworkers of America. A-405-802 731-TA-576 Cut-to-length carbon steel plate/Finland Bethlehem Steel; California Steel Industries; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; Inland Steel Industries; Lukens Steel; National Steel; Nextech; Sharon Steel; Theis Precision Steel; Thompson Steel; U.S. Steel; United Steelworkers of America. A-428-816 731-TA-578 Cut-to-length carbon steel plate/Germany Bethlehem Steel; California Steel Industries; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; Inland Steel Industries; Lukens Steel; National Steel; Nextech; Sharon Steel; Theis Precision Steel; Thompson Steel; U.S. Steel; United Steelworkers of America. A-201-809 731-TA-582 Cut-to-length carbon steel plate/Mexico Bethlehem Steel; California Steel Industries; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; Inland Steel Industries; Lukens Steel; National Steel; Nextech; Sharon Steel; Theis Precision Steel; Thompson Steel; U.S. Steel; United Steelworkers of America. A-455-802 731-TA-583 Cut-to-length carbon steel plate/Poland Bethlehem Steel; California Steel Industries; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; Inland Steel Industries; Lukens Steel; National Steel; Nextech; Sharon Steel; Theis Precision Steel; Thompson Steel; U.S. Steel; United Steelworkers of America. A-485-803 731-TA-584 Cut-to-length carbon steel plate/Romania Bethlehem Steel; California Steel Industries; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; Inland Steel Industries; Lukens Steel; National Steel; Nextech; Sharon Steel; Theis Precision Steel; Thompson Steel; U.S. Steel; United Steelworkers of America. A-469-803 731-TA-585 Cut-to-length carbon steel plate/Spain Bethlehem Steel; California Steel Industries; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; Inland Steel Industries; Lukens Steel; National Steel; Nextech; Sharon Steel; Theis Precision Steel; Thompson Steel; U.S. Steel; United Steelworkers of America. A-401-805 731-TA-586 Cut-to-length carbon steel plate/Sweden Bethlehem Steel; California Steel Industries; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; Inland Steel Industries; Lukens Steel; National Steel; Nextech; Sharon Steel; Theis Precision Steel; Thompson Steel; U.S. Steel; United Steelworkers of America. A-412-814 731-TA-587 Cut-to-length carbon steel plate/United Kingdom Bethlehem Steel; California Steel Industries; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; Inland Steel Industries; Lukens Steel; National Steel; Nextech; Sharon Steel; Theis Precision Steel; Thompson Steel; U.S. Steel; United Steelworkers of America. Start Printed Page 44732 C-401-401 701-TA-231 Cold-rolled carbon steel flat products/Sweden Bethlehem Steel; Chaparral; U.S. Steel. C-428-817 701-TA-340 Cold-rolled carbon steel flat products/Germany Armco Steel; Bethlehem Steel; California Steel Industries; Gulf States Steel; Inland Steel Industries; LTV Steel; National Steel; Nextech; Sharon Steel; Theis Precision Steel; Thompson Steel; U.S. Steel; WCI Steel; United Steelworkers of America. C-580-818 701-TA-342 Cold-rolled carbon steel flat products/Korea Armco Steel; Bethlehem Steel; California Steel Industries; Gulf States Steel; Inland Steel Industries; LTV Steel; National Steel; Nextech; Sharon Steel; Theis Precision Steel; Thompson Steel; U.S. Steel; WCI Steel; United Steelworkers of America. A-428-814 731-TA-604 Cold-rolled carbon steel flat products/Germany Armco Steel; Bethlehem Steel; California Steel Industries; Gulf States Steel; Inland Steel Industries; LTV Steel; National Steel; Nextech; Sharon Steel; Theis Precision Steel; Thompson Steel; U.S. Steel; WCI Steel; United Steelworkers of America. A-580-815 731-TA-607 Cold-rolled carbon steel flat products/Korea Armco Steel; Bethlehem Steel; California Steel Industries; Gulf States Steel; Inland Steel Industries; LTV Steel; National Steel; Nextech; Sharon Steel; Theis Precision Steel; Thompson Steel; U.S. Steel; WCI Steel; United Steelworkers of America. A-421-804 731-TA-608 Cold-rolled carbon steel flat products/Netherlands Armco Steel; Bethlehem Steel; California Steel Industries; Gulf States Steel; Inland Steel Industries; LTV Steel; National Steel; Nextech; Sharon Steel; Theis Precision Steel; Thompson Steel; U.S. Steel; WCI Steel; United Steelworkers of America. C-427-810 701-TA-348 Corrosion-resistant carbon steel flat products/France Armco Steel; Bethlehem Steel; California Steel Industries; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; Inland Steel Industries; LTV Steel; Lukens Steel; National Steel; Nextech; Sharon Steel; Theis Precision Steel; Thompson Steel; U.S. Steel; WCI Steel; United Steelworkers of America. C-428-817 701-TA-349 Corrosion-resistant carbon steel flat products/Germany Armco Steel; Bethlehem Steel; California Steel Industries; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; Inland Steel Industries; LTV Steel; Lukens Steel; National Steel; Nextech; Sharon Steel; Theis Precision Steel; Thompson Steel; U.S. Steel; WCI Steel; United Steelworkers of America. C-580-818 701-TA-350 Corrosion-resistant carbon steel flat products/Korea Armco Steel; Bethlehem Steel; California Steel Industries; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; Inland Steel Industries; LTV Steel; Lukens Steel; National Steel; Nextech; Sharon Steel; Theis Precision Steel; Thompson Steel; U.S. Steel; WCI Steel; United Steelworkers of America. A-602-803 731-TA-612 Corrosion-resistant carbon steel flat products/Australia Armco Steel; Bethlehem Steel; California Steel Industries; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; Inland Steel Industries; LTV Steel; Lukens Steel; National Steel; Nextech; Sharon Steel; Theis Precision Steel; Thompson Steel; U.S. Steel; WCI Steel; United Steelworkers of America. A-122-822 731-TA-614 Corrosion-resistant carbon steel flat products/Canada Armco Steel; Bethlehem Steel; California Steel Industries; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; Inland Steel Industries; LTV Steel; Lukens Steel; National Steel; Nextech; Sharon Steel; Theis Precision Steel; Thompson Steel; U.S. Steel; WCI Steel; United Steelworkers of America. A-427-808 731-TA-615 Corrosion-resistant carbon steel flat products/France Armco Steel; Bethlehem Steel; California Steel Industries; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; Inland Steel Industries; LTV Steel; Lukens Steel; National Steel; Nextech; Sharon Steel; Theis Precision Steel; Thompson Steel; U.S. Steel; WCI Steel; United Steelworkers of America. A-428-815 731-TA-616 Corrosion-resistant carbon steel flat products/Germany Armco Steel; Bethlehem Steel; California Steel Industries; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; Inland Steel Industries; LTV Steel; Lukens Steel; National Steel; Nextech; Sharon Steel; Theis Precision Steel; Thompson Steel; U.S. Steel; WCI Steel; United Steelworkers of America. A-588-826 731-TA-617 Corrosion-resistant carbon steel flat products/Japan Bethlehem Steel; California Steel Industries; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; Lukens Steel; Nextech; Sharon Steel; Theis Precision Steel; Thompson Steel; U.S. Steel; WCI Steel; United Steelworkers of America. A-580-816 731-TA-618 Corrosion-resistant carbon steel flat products/Korea Armco Steel; Bethlehem Steel; California Steel Industries; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; Inland Steel Industries; LTV Steel; Lukens Steel; National Steel; Nextech; Sharon Steel; Theis Precision Steel; Thompson Steel; U.S. Steel; WCI Steel; United Steelworkers of America. A-570-815 731-TA-538 Sulfanilic acid/China R-M Industries. Start Printed Page 44733 A-533-806 731-TA-561 Sulfanilic acid/India R-M Industries. C-533-807 701-TA-318 Sulfanilic acid/India R-M Industries. A-570-806 731-TA-472 Silicon metal/China American Alloys; Elkem Metals; Globe Metallurgical; Silicon Metaltech; SiMETCO; SKW Alloys; International Union of Electronics, Electrical, Machine and Furniture Workers (Local 693); Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers (Local 389); Textile Processors, Service Trades, Health Care Professional and Technical Employees (Local 60); United Steelworkers of America (Locals 5171, 8538, and 12646). A-351-806 731-TA-471 Silicon metal/Brazil American Alloys; Globe Metallurgical; Silicon Metaltech; SiMETCO; International Union of Electronics, Electrical, Machine and Furniture Workers (Local 693); Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers (Local 389); Textile Processors, Service Trades, Health Care Professional and Technical Employees (Local 60); United Steelworkers of America (Locals 5171, 8538, and 12646). A-357-804 731-TA-470 Silicon metal/Argentina American Alloys; Elkem Metals; Globe Metallurgical; Silicon Metaltech; SiMETCO; SKW Alloys; International Union of Electronics, Electrical, Machine and Furniture Workers (Local 693); Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers (Local 389); Textile Processors, Service Trades, Health Care Professional and Technical Employees (Local 60); United Steelworkers of America (Locals 5171, 8538, and 12646). A-570-819 731-TA-567 Ferrosilicon/China AIMCOR; Alabama Silicon; American Alloys; Globe Metallurgical; Silicon Metaltech; Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers (Local 389); United Autoworkers of America (Local 523); United Steelworkers of America (Locals 2528, 3081, 5171, and 12646). A-843-804 731-TA-566 Ferrosilicon/Kazakhstan AIMCOR; Alabama Silicon; American Alloys; Globe Metallurgical; Silicon Metaltech; Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers (Local 389); United Autoworkers of America (Local 523); United Steelworkers of America (Locals 2528, 3081, 5171, and 12646). A-823-804 731-TA-569 Ferrosilicon/Ukraine AIMCOR; Alabama Silicon; American Alloys; Globe Metallurgical; Silicon Metaltech; Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers (Local 389); United Autoworkers of America (Local 523); United Steelworkers of America (Locals 2528, 3081, 5171, and 12646). C-307-808 303-TA-23 Ferrosilicon/Venezuela AIMCOR; Alabama Silicon; American Alloys; Globe Metallurgical; Silicon Metaltech; Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers (Local 389); United Autoworkers of America (Local 523); United Steelworkers of America (Locals 2528, 3081, 5171, and 12646). A-821-804 731-TA-568 Ferrosilicon/Russia AIMCOR; Alabama Silicon; American Alloys; Globe Metallurgical; Silicon Metaltech; Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers (Local 389); United Autoworkers of America (Local 523); United Steelworkers of America (Locals 2528, 3081, 5171, and 12646). A-307-807 731-TA-570 Ferrosilicon/Venezuela AIMCOR; Alabama Silicon; American Alloys; Globe Metallurgical; Silicon Metaltech; Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers (Local 389); United Autoworkers of America (Local 523); United Steelworkers of America (Locals 2528, 3081, 5171, and 12646). A-351-820 731-TA-641 Ferrosilicon/Brazil AIMCOR; Alabama Silicon; American Alloys; Globe Metallurgical; Silicon Metaltech; Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers (Local 389); United Autoworkers of America (Local 523); United Steelworkers of America (Locals 2528, 3081, 5171, and 12646). A-823-805 731-TA-673 Silicomanganese/Ukraine Elkem Metals; Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers (Local 3-639). A-351-824 731-TA-671 Silicomanganese/Brazil Elkem Metals; Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers (Local 3-639). A-570-828 731-TA-672 Silicomanganese/China Elkem Metals; Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers (Local 3-639). A-583-820 731-TA-625 Helical spring lock washers/Taiwan Illinois Tool Works. A-570-822 731-TA-624 Helical spring lock washers/China Illinois Tool Works. A-533-809 731-TA-639 Forged stainless steel flanges/India Gerlin; Ideal Forging; Maass Flange; Markovitz Enterprises. A-583-821 731-TA-640 Forged stainless steel flanges/Taiwan Gerlin; Ideal Forging; Maass Flange; Markovitz Enterprises. A-421-805 731-TA-652 Aramid fiber/Netherlands E.I. du Pont de Nemours. Start Printed Page 44734 C-475-812 701-TA-355 Grain-oriented silicon electrical steel/Italy Allegheny Ludlum; Armco Steel; Butler Armco Independent Union; United Steelworkers of America; Zanesville Armco Independent Union. A-588-831 731-TA-660 Grain-oriented silicon electrical steel/Japan Allegheny Ludlum; Armco Steel; United Steelworkers of America. A-475-811 731-TA-659 Grain-oriented silicon electrical steel/Italy Allegheny Ludlum; Armco Steel. Butler Armco Independent Union; United Steelworkers of America; Zanesville Armco Independent Union. A-570-831 731-TA-683 Fresh garlic/China A&D Christopher Ranch; Belridge Packing; Colusa Produce; Denice & Filice Packing; El Camino Packing; The Garlic Company; Vessey and Company. A-570-826 731-TA-663 Paper clips/China ACCO USA; Labelon/Noesting; TRICO Manufacturing. A-570-827 731-TA-669 Cased pencils/China Blackfeet Indian Writing Instrument; Dixon-Ticonderoga; Empire Berol; Faber-Castell; General Pencil; J.R. Moon Pencil; Musgrave Pen & Pencil; Panda; Writing Instrument Manufacturers Association, Pencil Section. A-570-830 731-TA-677 Coumarin/China Rhone-Poulenc. A-351-825 731-TA-678 Stainless steel bar/Brazil AL Tech Specialty Steel; Carpenter Technology; Crucible Specialty Metals; Electralloy; Republic Engineered Steels; Slater Steels; Talley Metals Technology; United Steelworkers of America. A-533-810 731-TA-679 Stainless steel bar/India AL Tech Specialty Steel; Carpenter Technology; Crucible Specialty Metals; Electralloy; Republic Engineered Steels; Slater Steels; Talley Metals Technology; United Steelworkers of America. A-588-833 731-TA-681 Stainless steel bar/Japan AL Tech Specialty Steel; Carpenter Technology; Crucible Specialty Metals; Electralloy; Republic Engineered Steels; Slater Steels; Talley Metals Technology; United Steelworkers of America. A-469-805 731-TA-682 Stainless steel bar/Spain AL Tech Specialty Steel; Carpenter Technology; Crucible Specialty Metals; Electralloy; Republic Engineered Steels; Slater Steels; Talley Metals Technology; United Steelworkers of America. A-570-836 731-TA-718 Glycine/China Chattem; Hampshire Chemical. A-570-832 731-TA-696 Pure magnesium/China Dow Chemical; Magnesium Corporation of America; International Union of Operating Engineers (Local 564); United Steelworkers of America (Local 8319). A-570-835 731-TA-703 Furfuryl alcohol/China QO Chemicals. A-549-812 731-TA-705 Furfuryl alcohol/Thailand QO Chemicals. A-821-807 731-TA-702 Ferrovanadium and nitrided vanadium/Russia Shieldalloy Metallurgical. A-549-813 731-TA-706 Canned pineapple/Thailand Maui Pineapple; International Longshoreman's and Warehouseman's Union. A-357-809 731-TA-707 Seamless pipe/Argentina Koppel Steel; Quanex; Timken; United States Steel. A-351-826 731-TA-708 Seamless pipe/Brazil Koppel Steel; Quanex; Timken; United States Steel. A-428-820 731-TA-709 Seamless pipe/Germany Koppel Steel; Quanex; Timken; United States Steel. A-475-814 731-TA-710 Seamless pipe/Italy Koppel Steel; Quanex; Timken; United States Steel. C-475-815 701-TA-362 Seamless pipe/Italy Koppel Steel; Quanex; Timken; United States Steel. C-475-817 701-TA-364 Oil country tubular goods/Italy IPSCO; Koppel Steel; Lone Star Steel; Maverick Tube; Newport Steel; North Star Steel; U.S. Steel; USS/Kobe. A-357-810 731-TA-711 Oil country tubular goods/Argentina IPSCO; Koppel Steel; Lone Star Steel; Maverick Tube; Newport Steel; North Star Steel; U.S. Steel; USS/Kobe. A-475-816 731-TA-713 Oil country tubular goods/Italy Bellville Tube; IPSCO; Koppel Steel; Lone Star Steel; Maverick Tube; Newport Steel; North Star Steel; U.S. Steel; USS/Kobe. A-588-835 731-TA-714 Oil country tubular goods/Japan IPSCO; Koppel Steel; Maverick Tube; Newport Steel; North Star Steel; U.S. Steel. A-580-825 731-TA-715 Oil country tubular goods/Korea Bellville Tube; IPSCO; Koppel Steel; Lone Star Steel; Maverick Tube; Newport Steel; North Star Steel; U.S. Steel; USS/Kobe. A-201-817 731-TA-716 Oil country tubular goods/Mexico IPSCO; Koppel Steel; Maverick Tube; Newport Steel; North Star Steel; U.S. Steel; USS/Kobe. A-570-840 731-TA-724 Manganese metal/China Elkem Metals; Kerr-McGee. A-570-842 731-TA-726 Polyvinyl alcohol/China Air Products and Chemicals. A-588-836 731-TA-727 Polyvinyl alcohol/Japan Air Products and Chemicals. A-583-824 731-TA-729 Polyvinyl alcohol/Taiwan Air Products and Chemicals. A-588-838 731-TA-739 Clad steel plate/Japan Lukens Steel. C-475-819 701-TA-365 Pasta/Italy A. Zerega's Sons; American Italian Pasta; Borden; Gooch Foods; Hershey Foods; Pasta USA; Philadelphia Macaroni. C-489-806 701-TA-366 Pasta/Turkey A. Zerega's Sons; American Italian Pasta; Borden; Gooch Foods; Hershey Foods; Pasta USA; Philadelphia Macaroni. A-475-818 731-TA-734 Pasta/Italy A. Zerega's Sons; American Italian Pasta; Borden; Gooch Foods; Hershey Foods; Pasta USA; Philadelphia Macaroni. Start Printed Page 44735 A-489-805 731-TA-735 Pasta/Turkey A. Zerega's Sons; American Italian Pasta; Borden; Gooch Foods; Hershey Foods; Pasta USA; Philadelphia Macaroni. A-428-821 731-TA-736 Large newspaper printing presses/Germany Rockwell Graphics Systems. A-588-837 731-TA-737 Large newspaper printing presses/Japan Rockwell Graphics Systems. A-201-820 731-TA-747 Fresh tomatoes/Mexico Accomack County Farm Bureau; Ad Hoc Group of Florida, California, Georgia, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia Tomato Growers; Florida Farm Bureau Federation; Florida Fruit and Vegetable Association; Florida Tomato Exchange; Florida Tomato Growers Exchange; Gadsden County Tomato Growers Association; South Carolina Tomato Association. A-588-839 731-TA-740 Sodium azide/Japan American Azide. A-570-844 731-TA-741 Melamine institutional dinnerware/China Carlisle Food Service Products; Lexington United; Plastics Manufacturing. A-560-801 731-TA-742 Melamine institutional dinnerware/Indonesia Carlisle Food Service Products; Lexington United; Plastics Manufacturing. A-583-825 731-TA-743 Melamine institutional dinnerware/Taiwan Carlisle Food Service Products; Lexington United; Plastics Manufacturing. A-570-846 731-TA-744 Brake rotors/China Brake Parts; Coalition for the Preservation of American Brake Drum and Rotor Aftermarket Manufacturers; Kelsey Hayes; Kinetic Parts Manufacturing; Iroquois Tool Systems; Overseas Auto Parts; Wagner Brake. A-489-807 731-TA-745 Steel; concrete reinforcing bar/Turkey AmeriSteel; Auburn Steel; Birmingham Steel; Commercial Metals; Marion Steel; New Jersey Steel;. A-588-840 731-TA-748 Gas turbo-compressor systems/Japan Demag Delaval; Dresser-Rand; United Steelworkers of America. A-570-847 731-TA-749 Persulfates/China FMC. A-570-848 731-TA-752 Crawfish tail meat/China Crawfish Processors Alliance. A-588-841 731-TA-750 Vector supercomputers/Japan Cray Research. A-570-849 731-TA-753 Cut-to-length carbon steel plate/China Bethlehem Steel; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; National Steel; U.S. Steel; United Steelworkers of America. A-821-808 731-TA-754 Cut-to-length carbon steel plate/Russia Bethlehem Steel; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; National Steel; U.S. Steel; United Steelworkers of America. A-791-804 731-TA-755 Cut-to-length carbon steel plate/South Africa Bethlehem Steel; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; National Steel; U.S. Steel United Steelworkers of America. A-823-808 731-TA-756 Cut-to-length carbon steel plate/Ukraine Bethlehem Steel; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; National Steel; U.S. Steel United Steelworkers of America. A-570-850 731-TA-757 Collated roofing nails/China Illinois Tool Works; International Staple and Machines; Stanley-Bostitch. A-583-826 731-TA-759 Collated roofing nails/Taiwan Illinois Tool Works; International Staple and Machines; Stanley-Bostitch. A-583-827 731-TA-762 SRAMs/Taiwan Micron Technology. A-337-803 731-TA-768 Fresh Atlantic salmon/Chile Atlantic Salmon of Maine; Cooke Aquaculture US; DE Salmon; Global Aqua USA; Island Aquaculture; Maine Coast Nordic; Scan Am Fish Farms; Treats Island Fisheries; Trumpet Island Salmon Farm. C-475-821 701-TA-373 Stainless steel wire rod/Italy AL Tech Specialty Steel; Carpenter Technology; Republic Engineered Steels; Talley Metals Technology; United Steelworkers of America. A-475-820 731-TA-770 Stainless steel wire rod/Italy AL Tech Specialty Steel; Carpenter Technology; Republic Engineered Steels; Talley Metals Technology; United Steelworkers of America. A-588-843 731-TA-771 Stainless steel wire rod/Japan AL Tech Specialty Steel; Carpenter Technology; Republic Engineered Steels; Talley Metals Technology; United Steelworkers of America. A-580-829 731-TA-772 Stainless steel wire rod/Korea AL Tech Specialty Steel; Carpenter Technology; Republic Engineered Steels; Talley Metals Technology; United Steelworkers of America. A-469-807 731-TA-773 Stainless steel wire rod/Spain AL Tech Specialty Steel; Carpenter Technology; Republic Engineered Steels; Talley Metals Technology; United Steelworkers of America. A-401-806 731-TA-774 Stainless steel wire rod/Sweden AL Tech Specialty Steel; Carpenter Technology; Republic Engineered Steels; Talley Metals Technology; United Steelworkers of America. A-583-828 731-TA-775 Stainless steel wire rod/Taiwan AL Tech Specialty Steel; Carpenter Technology; Republic Engineered Steels; Talley Metals Technology; United Steelworkers of America. A-337-804 731-TA-776 Preserved mushrooms/Chile L.K. Bowman; Modern Mushroom Farms; Monterey Mushrooms; Mount Laurel Canning; Mushroom Canning; Southwood Farms; Sunny Dell Foods; United Canning. Start Printed Page 44736 A-570-851 731-TA-777 Preserved mushrooms/China L.K. Bowman; Modern Mushroom Farms; Monterey Mushrooms; Mount Laurel Canning; Mushroom Canning; Southwood Farms; Sunny Dell Foods; United Canning; A-533-813 731-TA-778 Preserved mushrooms/India L.K. Bowman; Modern Mushroom Farms; Monterey Mushrooms; Mount Laurel Canning; Mushroom Canning; Southwood Farms; Sunny Dell Foods; United Canning. A-560-802 731-TA-779 Preserved mushrooms/Indonesia L.K. Bowman; Modern Mushroom Farms; Monterey Mushrooms; Mount Laurel Canning; Mushroom Canning; Southwood Farms; Sunny Dell Foods; United Canning. C-423-809 701-TA-376 Stainless steel plate in coils/Belgium Allegheny Ludlum; Armco Steel; Lukens Steel; United Steelworkers of America. C-475-823 701-TA-377 Stainless steel plate in coils/Italy Allegheny Ludlum; Armco Steel; J&L Specialty Steel; Lukens Steel; United Steelworkers of America. C-791-806 701-TA-379 Stainless steel plate in coils/South Africa Allegheny Ludlum; Armco Steel; J&L Specialty Steel; Lukens Steel; United Steelworkers of America. A-423-808 731-TA-788 Stainless steel plate in coils/Belgium Allegheny Ludlum; Armco Steel; Lukens Steel; North American Stainless; United Steelworkers of America. A-122-830 731-TA-789 Stainless steel plate in coils/Canada Allegheny Ludlum; Armco Steel; J&L Specialty Steel; Lukens Steel; North American Stainless. A-475-822 731-TA-790 Stainless steel plate in coils/Italy Allegheny Ludlum; Armco Steel; J&L Specialty Steel; Lukens Steel; United Steelworkers of America. A-580-831 731-TA-791 Stainless steel plate in coils/Korea Allegheny Ludlum; Armco Steel; J&L Specialty Steel; Lukens Steel; North American Stainless; United Steelworkers of America. A-791-805 731-TA-792 Stainless steel plate in coils/South Africa Allegheny Ludlum; Armco Steel; J&L Specialty Steel; Lukens Steel; North American Stainless; United Steelworkers of America. A-583-830 731-TA-793 Stainless steel plate in coils/Taiwan Allegheny Ludlum; Armco Steel; J&L Specialty Steel; Lukens Steel; North American Stainless; United Steelworkers of America. A-560-803 731-TA-787 Extruded rubber thread/Indonesia North American Rubber Thread. A-588-846 731-TA-807 Hot-rolled carbon steel flat products/Japan Bethlehem Steel; California Steel Industries; Gallatin Steel; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; IPSCO; Ispat/Inland; LTV Steel; Nucor; Steel Dynamics; U.S. Steel; WCI; Weirton Steel; Independent Steelworkers; United Steelworkers of America. C-351-829 701-TA-384 Hot-rolled carbon steel flat products/Brazil Bethlehem Steel; California Steel Industries; Gallatin Steel; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; IPSCO; Ispat/Inland; LTV Steel; National Steel; Nucor; Steel Dynamics; U.S. Steel; WCI; Weirton Steel; Independent Steelworkers; United Steelworkers of America. A-351-828 731-TA-806 Hot-rolled carbon steel flat products/Brazil Bethlehem Steel; California Steel Industries; Gallatin Steel; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; IPSCO; Ispat/Inland; LTV Steel; National Steel; Nucor; Steel Dynamics; U.S. Steel; WCI; Weirton Steel; Independent Steelworkers; United Steelworkers of America. A-821-809 731-TA-808 Hot-rolled carbon steel flat products/Russia Bethlehem Steel; California Steel Industries; Gallatin Steel; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; IPSCO; Ispat/Inland; LTV Steel; National Steel; Nucor; Steel Dynamics; U.S. Steel; WCI; Weirton Steel; Independent Steelworkers; United Steelworkers of America. A-427-814 731-TA-797 Stainless steel sheet and strip/France Allegheny Ludlum; Armco Steel; Bethlehem Steel; Butler Armco Independent Union; North American Stainless; United Steelworkers of America; Zanesville Armco Independent Organization. A-428-825 731-TA-798 Stainless steel sheet and strip/Germany Allegheny Ludlum; Armco Steel; Bethlehem Steel; J&L Specialty Steel; Butler Armco Independent Union; North American Stainless; United Steelworkers of America; Zanesville Armco Independent Organization. A-475-824 731-TA-799 Stainless steel sheet and strip/Italy Allegheny Ludlum; Armco Steel; Bethlehem Steel; J&L Specialty Steel; Butler Armco Independent Union; North American Stainless; United Steelworkers of America; Zanesville Armco Independent Organization. A-588-845 731-TA-800 Stainless steel sheet and strip/Japan Allegheny Ludlum; Armco Steel; Bethlehem Steel; J&L Specialty Steel; Butler Armco Independent Union; North American Stainless; United Steelworkers of America; Zanesville Armco Independent Organization. A-580-834 731-TA-801 Stainless steel sheet and strip/Korea Allegheny Ludlum; Armco Steel; Bethlehem Steel; J&L Specialty Steel; Butler Armco Independent Union; North American Stainless; United Steelworkers of America; Zanesville Armco Independent Organization. Start Printed Page 44737 A-201-822 731-TA-802 Stainless steel sheet and strip/Mexico Allegheny Ludlum; Armco Steel; Bethlehem Steel; J&L Specialty Steel; North American Stainless; United Steelworkers of America. A-583-831 731-TA-803 Stainless steel sheet and strip/Taiwan Allegheny Ludlum; Armco Steel; Bethlehem Steel; J&L Specialty Steel; Butler Armco Independent Union; North American Stainless; United Steelworkers of America; Zanesville Armco Independent Organization. A-412-818 731-TA-804 Stainless steel sheet and strip/United Kingdom Allegheny Ludlum; Armco Steel; Bethlehem Steel; J&L Specialty Steel; Butler Armco Independent Union; North American Stainless; United Steelworkers of America; Zanesville Armco Independent Organization. C-427-815 701-TA-380 Stainless steel sheet and strip/France Allegheny Ludlum; Armco Steel; Bethlehem Steel; Butler Armco Independent Union; North American Stainless; United Steelworkers of America; Zanesville Armco Independent Organization. C-475-825 701-TA-381 Stainless steel sheet and strip/Italy Allegheny Ludlum; Armco Steel; Bethlehem Steel; J&L Specialty Steel; Butler Armco Independent Union; North American Stainless; United Steelworkers of America; Zanesville Armco Independent Organization. C-580-835 701-TA-382 Stainless steel sheet and strip/Korea Allegheny Ludlum; Armco Steel; Bethlehem Steel; J&L Specialty Steel; Butler Armco Independent Union; North American Stainless; United Steelworkers of America; Zanesville Armco Independent Organization. A-570-852 731-TA-814 Creatine monohydrate/China Pfanstiehl Laboratories. C-427-817 701-TA-387 Cut-to-length carbon steel plate/France Bethlehem Steel; Geneva Steel; IPSCO Steel; National Steel; U.S. Steel; United Steelworkers of America. C-533-818 701-TA-388 Cut-to-length carbon steel plate/India Bethlehem Steel; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; IPSCO Steel; National Steel; Tuscaloosa Steel; U.S. Steel; United Steelworkers of America. C-560-806 701-TA-389 Cut-to-length carbon steel plate/Indonesia Bethlehem Steel; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; IPSCO Steel; National Steel; Tuscaloosa Steel; U.S. Steel; United Steelworkers of America. C-475-827 701-TA-390 Cut-to-length carbon steel plate/Italy Bethlehem Steel; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; IPSCO Steel; National Steel; U.S. Steel; United Steelworkers of America. C-580-837 701-TA-391 Cut-to-length carbon steel plate/Korea Bethlehem Steel; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; IPSCO Steel; National Steel; Tuscaloosa Steel; U.S. Steel; United Steelworkers of America. A-427-816 731-TA-816 Cut-to-length carbon steel plate/France Bethlehem Steel; Geneva Steel; IPSCO Steel; National Steel; U.S. Steel; United Steelworkers of America. A-533-817 731-TA-817 Cut-to-length carbon steel plate/India Bethlehem Steel; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; IPSCO Steel; National Steel; Tuscaloosa Steel; U.S. Steel; United Steelworkers of America. A-560-805 731-TA-818 Cut-to-length carbon steel plate/Indonesia Bethlehem Steel; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; IPSCO Steel; National Steel; Tuscaloosa Steel; U.S. Steel; United Steelworkers of America. A-475-826 731-TA-819 Cut-to-length carbon steel plate/Italy Bethlehem Steel; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; IPSCO Steel; National Steel; U.S. Steel; United Steelworkers of America. A-588-847 731-TA-820 Cut-to-length carbon steel plate/Japan Bethlehem Steel; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; IPSCO Steel; Tuscaloosa Steel; U.S. Steel; United Steelworkers of America. A-580-836 731-TA-821 Cut-to-length carbon steel plate/Korea Bethlehem Steel; Geneva Steel; Gulf States Steel; IPSCO Steel; National Steel; Tuscaloosa Steel; U.S. Steel; United Steelworkers of America. A-507-502 731-TA-287 Raw in-shell pistachios/Iran Blackwell Land; California Pistachio Orchard; T.M. Duche Nut; Keenan Farms; Kern Pistachio Hulling & Drying; Los Ranchos de Poco Pedro; Pistachio Producers of California. C-507-501 None Raw in-shell pistachios/Iran No case at the Commission; no service list at Commerce. C-507-601 None Roasted in-shell pistachios/Iran No case at the Commission; no service list at Commerce. A-821-811 731-TA-856 Ammonium nitrate/Russia Agrium; Air Products and Chemicals; Mississippi Chemical; El Dorado Chemical; Nitram; LaRoche; Wil-Gro Fertilizer. A-580-839 731-TA-825 Polyester staple fiber/Korea E.I. du Pont de Nemours; Arteva Specialties S.a.r.l.; Wellman; Intercontinental Polymers. A-583-833 731-TA-826 Polyester staple fiber/Taiwan Arteva Specialties S.a.r.l.; Wellman; Intercontinental Polymers. A-570-855 731-TA-841 Non-frozen apple juice concentrate/China Coloma Frozen Foods; Green Valley Apples of California; Knouse Foods Coop; Mason County Fruit Packers Coop; Tree Top. A-588-852 731-TA-853 Structural steel beams/Japan Northwestern Steel and Wire; Nucor-Yamato Steel; TXI-Chaparral Steel; United Steelworkers of America. C-580-842 701-TA-401 Structural steel beams/Korea Northwestern Steel and Wire; Nucor-Yamato Steel; TXI-Chaparral Steel; United Steelworkers of America. Start Printed Page 44738 A-580-841 731-TA-854 Structural steel beams/Korea Northwestern Steel and Wire; Nucor-Yamato Steel; TXI-Chaparral Steel; United Steelworkers of America. A-570-856 731-TA-851 Synthetic indigo/China Buffalo Color; United Steelworkers of America. A-588-850 731-TA-847 Large-diameter carbon steel seamless pipe/Japan North Star Steel; Timken; U.S. Steel; USS/Kobe; United Steelworkers of America. A-588-851 731-TA-847 Small-diameter carbon steel seamless pipe/Japan Koppel Steel; North Star Steel; Sharon Tube; Timken; U.S. Steel; USS/Kobe; Vision Metals' Gulf States Tube; United Steelworkers of America. A-791-808 731-TA-850 Small-diameter carbon steel seamless pipe/South Africa Koppel Steel; North Star Steel; Sharon Tube; Timken; U.S. Steel; USS/Kobe; Vision Metals' Gulf States Tube; United Steelworkers of America. A-485-805 731-TA-849 Small-diameter carbon steel seamless pipe/Romania Koppel Steel; North Star Steel; Sharon Tube; Timken; U.S. Steel; USS/Kobe; Vision Metals' Gulf States Tube; United Steelworkers of America. A-201-827 731-TA-848 Large-diameter carbon steel seamless pipe/Mexico North Star Steel; Timken; U.S. Steel; USS/Kobe; United Steelworkers of America. A-851-802 731-TA-846 Small-diameter carbon steel seamless pipe/Czech Republic Koppel Steel; North Star Steel; Sharon Tube; Timken; U.S. Steel; USS/Kobe; Vision Metals' Gulf States Tube; United Steelworkers of America. A-570-853 731-TA-828 Aspirin/China Rhodia. A-580-812 731-TA-556 DRAMs of 1 megabit and above/Korea Micron Technology; NEC Electronics; Texas Instruments. A-475-828 731-TA-865 Stainless steel butt-weld pipe fittings/Italy Markovitz Enterprises; Gerlin; Shaw Alloy Piping Products; Taylor Forge Stainless. A-557-809 731-TA-866 Stainless steel butt-weld pipe fittings/Malaysia Markovitz Enterprises; Gerlin; Shaw Alloy Piping Products; Taylor Forge Stainless. A-565-801 731-TA-867 Stainless steel butt-weld pipe fittings/Philippines Markovitz Enterprises; Gerlin; Shaw Alloy Piping Products; Taylor Forge Stainless. A-588-856 731-TA-888 Stainless steel angle/Japan Slater Steels; United Steelworkers of America. A-580-846 731-TA-889 Stainless steel angle/Korea Slater Steels; United Steelworkers of America. A-469-810 731-TA-890 Stainless steel angle/Spain Slater Steels; United Steelworkers of America. A-588-015 AA1921-66 Television receivers/Japan AGIV (USA); Casio Computer; CBM America; Citizen Watch; Funai Electric; Hitachi; Industrial Union Department; Matsushita; Mitsubishi Electric; NEC; Orion Electric; J.C. Penny; Philips Electronics; Philips Magnavox; P.T. Imports; Sanyo; Sharp; Toshiba; Toshiba America Consumer Products; Victor Company of Japan; Montgomery Ward; Zenith Electronics. A-822-804 731-TA-873 Steel concrete reinforcing bar/ Belarus AmeriSteel; Auburn Steel; Birmingham Steel; Border Steel; CMC Steel Group; Marion Steel; Nucor Steel; Rebar Trade Action Coalition; Riverview Steel. A-570-860 731-TA-874 Steel concrete reinforcing bar/China AmeriSteel; Auburn Steel; Birmingham Steel; Border Steel; CMC Steel Group; Marion Steel; Nucor Steel; Rebar Trade Action Coalition; Riverview Steel. A-560-811 731-TA-875 Steel concrete reinforcing bar/Indonesia AmeriSteel; Birmingham Steel; Border Steel; CMC Steel Group; Marion Steel; Nucor Steel; Rebar Trade Action Coalition; Riverview Steel. A-580-844 731-TA-877 Steel concrete reinforcing bar/Korea AmeriSteel; Auburn Steel; Birmingham Steel; Border Steel; CMC Steel Group; Marion Steel; Nucor Steel; Rebar Trade Action Coalition; Riverview Steel. A-449-804 731-TA-878 Steel concrete reinforcing bar/Latvia AmeriSteel; Auburn Steel; Birmingham Steel; Border Steel; CMC Steel Group; Marion Steel; Nucor Steel; Rebar Trade Action Coalition; Riverview Steel. A-841-804 731-TA-879 Steel concrete reinforcing bar/Moldova AmeriSteel; Auburn Steel; Birmingham Steel; Border Steel; CMC Steel Group; Marion Steel; Nucor Steel; Rebar Trade Action Coalition; Riverview Steel. A-455-803 731-TA-880 Steel concrete reinforcing bar/Poland AmeriSteel; Auburn Steel; Birmingham Steel; Border Steel; CMC Steel Group; Marion Steel; Nucor Steel; Rebar Trade Action Coalition; Riverview Steel. A-823-809 731-TA-882 Steel concrete reinforcing bar/Ukraine AmeriSteel; Auburn Steel; Birmingham Steel; Border Steel; CMC Steel Group; Marion Steel; Nucor Steel; Rebar Trade Action Coalition; Riverview Steel. A-823-810 731-TA-894 Ammonium nitrate/Ukraine Agrium Air Products and Chemicals; Committee for Fair Ammonium Nitrate Trade; El Dorado Chemical; LaRoche Industries; Mississippi Chemicals; Nitram; Prodica. A-570-862 731-TA-891 Foundry coke/China ABC Coke; Citizens Gas and Coke Utility; Erie Coke; Tonawanda Coke; United Steelworkers of America. C-357-815 701-TA-404 Hot-rolled steel products/Argentina Bethlehem Steel; Gallatin Steel; IPSCO; LTV Steel; National Steel; Nucor; Steel Dynamics; U.S. Steel; Weirton Steel; Independent Steelworkers; United Steelworkers of America. A-357-814 731-TA-898 Hot-rolled steel products/Argentina Bethlehen Steel; Gallatin Steel; IPSCO; LTV Steel; National Steel; Nucor; Steel Dynamics; U.S. Steel; Weirton Steel; Independent Steelworkers; United Steelworkers of America. Start Printed Page 44739 A-791-809 731-TA-905 Hot-rolled steel products/South Africa Bethlehem Steel; Gallatin Steel; IPSCO; LTV Steel; National Steel; Nucor; Steel Dymanics; U.S. Steel; Weirton Steel; Independent Steelworkers; United Steelworkers of America. A-580-008 731-TA-134 Color television receivers/Korea Independent Radionic Workers of America; International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers; International Union of Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers; Industrial Union Department, AFL-CIO; Committee to Preserve American Color television. A-583-009 731-TA-135 Color television receivers/Taiwan Independent Radionic Workers of America; International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers; International Union of Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers; Industrial Union Department, AFL-CIO; Committee to Preserve American Color Television. A-122-006 AA1921-49 Steel jacks/Canada Bloomfield Manufacturing (Harrah); Seaburn Metal Products. A-588-029 AA1921-85 Fish netting of man-made fiber/Japan Jovanovich Supply; LFSI; Trans-Pacific Trading. A-588-038 AA1921-98 Bicycle speedometers/Japan Avocet; Cat Eye; Diversified Products; N.S. International; Sanyo Electric; Stewart-Warner. A-588-055 AA1921-154 Acrylic sheet/Japan Polycast Technology. C-351-037 104-TAA-21 Cotton Yarn/Brazil Harriet & Henderson Yarns; LaFar Industries; American Yarn Spinners Association. A-588-005 731-TA-48 High power microwave amplifiers/Japan Aydin; MCL. A-122-401 731-TA-196 Red raspberries/Canada Rader farms; Ron Roberts; Shuksan Frozen Food; Northwest Food Producers' Association; Oregon Caneberry Commission; Washington Red Raspberry Commission. A-588-405 731-TA-207 Cellular mobile telephones/Japan E.F. Johnson; Motorola. C-421-601 701-TA-278 Fresh cut flowers/Netherlands Burdette Coward; Gold Coast Uanko Nursery; Hollandia Wholesale Florist; Manatee Fruit; Monterey Flower Farms; Topstar Nursery; California Floral Council; Floral Trade Council; Florida Flower Association. A-301-602 731-TA-329 Fresh cut flowers/Colombia Burdette Coward; Gold Coast Uanko Nursery; Hollandia Wholesale Florist; Manatee Fruit; Monterey Flower Farms; Pajaro Valley Greenhouses; Topstar Nursery; California Floral Council; Floral Trade Council; Florida Flower Association. A-331-602 731-TA-331 Fresh cut flowers/Ecuador Burdette Coward; Gold Coast Uanko Nursery; Hollandia Wholesale Florist; Manatee Fruit; Monterey Flower Farms; Topstar Nursery; California Floral Council; Floral Trade Council; Florida Flower Association. A-201-601 731-TA-333 Fresh cut flowers/Mexico Burdette Coward; Gold Coast Uanko Nursery; Hollandia Wholesale Florist; Manatee Fruit; Monterey Flower Farms; Topstar Nursery; California Floral Council; Floral Trade Council; Florida Flower Association. A-401-603 731-TA-354 Stainless steel hollow products/Sweden AL Tech Specialty steel; Allegheny Ludlum Steel; ARMCO; Carpenter Technology; Crucible Materials; Damacus Tubular Products; Specialty Tubing Group. A-508-604 731-TA-366 Industrial phosphoric acid/Israel Albright & Wilson; FMC; Hydrite Chemical; Monsanto; Stauffer Chemical. A-588-802 731-TA-389 3.5″ microdisks/Japan Verbatim. A-588-809 731-TA-426 Small business telephone systems/Japan American Telephone & Telegraph; Comdial; Eagle Telephonic. A-583-806 731-TA-428 Small business telephone systems/Taiwan American Telephone & Telegraph; Comdial; Eagle Telephonic. A-580-803 731-TA-427 Small business telephone systems/Korea American Telephone & Telegraph; Comdial; Eagle Telephonic. A-570-811 731-TA-497 Tungsten ore concentrates/China Curtis Tungsten; U.S. Tungsten. A-427-804 731-TA-553 Hot-rolled lead and bismuth carbon steel products/France Bethlehem Steel; Inland Steel Industries; USS/Kobe Steel. C-427-805 701-TA-315 Hot-rolled lead and bismuth carbon steel products/France Bethlehem Steel; Inland Steel Industries; USS/Kobe Steel. A-588-823 731-TA-571 Professional electric cutting tools/Japan Black & Decker. A-821-805 731-TA-697 Pure magnesium/Russia Dow Chemical; Magnesium Corporation of America; International Union of Operating Engineers; United Steelworkers of America. C-533-821 701-TA-405 Hot-rolled steel products/India Bethlehem Steel; Gallatin Steel; IPSCO; LTV Steel; National Steel; Nucor; Steel Dynamics; U.S. Steel; Weirton Steel; Independent Steelworkers; United Steelworkers of America. C-560-813 701-TA-406 Hot-rolled steel products/Indonesia Bethlehem Steel; Gallatin Steel; IPSCO; LTV Steel; National Steel; Nucor; Steel Dynamics; U.S. Steel; Weirton Steel; Independent Steelworkers; United Steelworkers of America. Start Printed Page 44740 C-791-810 701-TA-407 Hot-rolled steel products/South Africa Bethlehem Steel; Gallatin Steel; IPSCO; LTV Steel; National Steel; Nucor; Steel Dynamics; U.S. Steel; Weirton Steel; Independent Steelworkers; United Steelworkers of America. C-549-818 701-TA-408 Hot-rolled steel products/Thailand Bethlehem Steel; Gallatin Steel; IPSCO; LTV Steel; National Steel; Nucor; Steel Dynamics; U.S. Steel; Weirton Steel; Independent Steelworkers; United Steelworkers of America. A-570-865 731-TA-899 Hot-rolled steel products/China Bethlehem Steel; Gallatin Steel; IPSCO; LTV Steel; National Steel; Nucor; Steel Dynamics; U.S. Steel; Weirton Steel; Independent Steelworkers; United Steelworkers of America. A-533-820 731-TA-900 Hot-rolled steel products/India Bethlehem Steel; Gallatin Steel; IPSCO; LTV Steel; National Steel; Nucor; Steel Dynamics; U.S. Steel; Weirton Steel; Independent Steelworkers; United Steelworkers of America. A-560-812 731-TA-901 Hot-rolled steel products/Indonesia Bethlehem Steel; Gallatin Steel; IPSCO; LTV Steel; National Steel; Nucor; Steel Dynamics; U.S. Steel; Weirton Steel; Independent Steelworkers; United Steelworkers of America. A-834-806 731-TA-902 Hot-rolled steel products/Kazakhstan Bethlehem Steel; Gallatin Steel; IPSCO; LTV Steel; National Steel; Nucor; Steel Dymanics; U.S. Steel; Weirton Steel; Independent Steelworkers; United Steelworkers of America. A-421-807 731-TA-903 Hot-rolled steel products/Netherlands Bethlehem Steel; Gallatin Steel; IPSCO; LTV Steel; National Steel; Nucor; Steel Dynamics; U.S. Steel; Independent Steelworkers; United Steelworkers of America. A-485-806 731-TA-904 Hot-rolled steel products/Romania Bethlehem Steel; Gallatin Steel; IPSCO; LTV Steel; National Steel; Nucor; Steel Dynamics; U.S. Steel; Independent Steelworkers; United Steelworkers of America. A-583-835 731-TA-906 Hot-rolled steel products/Taiwan Bethlehem Steel; Gallatin Steel; IPSCO; LTV Steel; National Steel; Nucor; Steel Dynamics; U.S. Steel; Weirton Steel; Independent Steelworkers; United Steelworkers of America. A-549-817 731-TA-907 Hot-rolled steel products/Thailand Bethlehem Steel; Gallatin Steel; IPSCO; LTV Steel; National Steel; Nucor; Steel Dynamics; U.S. Steel; Weirton Steel; Independent Steelworkers; United Steelworkers of America. A-823-811 731-TA-908 Hot-rolled steel products/Ukraine Bethlehem Steel; Gallatin Steel; IPSCO; LTV Steel; National Steel; Nucor; Steel Dynamics; U.S. Steel; Weirton Steel; Independent Steelworkers; United Steelworkers of America. A-570-864 731-TA-895 Pure magnesium (granular)/China; Concerned Employees of Northwest Alloys; Magnesium Corporation of America; United Steelworkers of America; United Steelworkers of America (Local 8319). A-588-857 731-TA-919 Welded large diameter line pipe/Japan; American Cast Iron Pipe; Berg Steel Pipe; Bethlehem Steel; Napa Pipe/Oregon Steel Mills; Saw Pipes USA; Stupp; U.S. Steel. A-201-828 731-TA-920 Welded large diameter line pipe/Mexico American Cast Iron Pipe; Berg Steel Pipe; Bethlehem Steel; Napa Pipe/Oregon Steel Mills; Saw Pipes USA; Stupp; U.S. Steel. C-357-813 701-TA-402 Honey/Argentina American Honey Producers Association; Sioux Honey Association. A-357-812 731-TA-892 Honey/Argentina American Honey Producers Association; Sioux Honey Association. A-570-863 731-TA-893 Honey/China American Honey Producers Association; Sioux Honey Association. A-570-866 731-TA-921 Folding gift boxes/China Field Container; Harvard Folding Box; Sterling Packaging; Superior Packaging. A-427-818 731-TA-909 Low enriched uranium/France USEC. C-427-819 701-TA-409 Low enriched uranium/France USEC. C-428-829 701-TA-410 Low enriched uranium/Germany USEC. C-421-809 701-TA-411 Low enriched uranium/Netherlands USEC. C-412-821 701-TA-412 Low enriched uranium/United Kingdom USEC. A-427-820 731-TA-913 Stainless steel bar/France Carpenter Technology; Crucible Specialty Metals; Electralloy; Empire Specialty Steel; Republic Technologies International; Slater Steels; United Steelworkers of America. A-428-830 731-TA-914 Stainless steel bar/Germany Carpenter Technology; Crucible Specialty Metals; Electralloy; Empire Specialty Steel; Republic Technologies International; Slater Steels; United Steelworkers of America. A-475-829 731-TA-915 Stainless steel bar/Italy Carpenter Technology; Crucible Specialty Metals; Electralloy; Empire Specialty Steel; Republic Technologies International; Slater Steels; United Steelworkers of America. A-580-847 731-TA-916 Stainless steel bar/Korea Carpenter Technology; Crucible Specialty Metals; Electralloy; Empire Specialty Steel; Republic Technologies International; Slater Steels; United Steelworkers of America. A-412-822 731-TA-918 Stainless steel bar/United Kingdom Carpenter Technology; Crucible Specialty Metal Electralloy; Empire Specialty Steel; Republic Technologies International; Slater Steels; United Steelworkers of America. Start Printed Page 44741 C-475-830 701-TA-413 Stainless steel bar/Italy Carpenter Technology; Crucible Specialty Metals; Electralloy; Empire Specialty Steel; Republic Technologies International; Slater Steels; United Steelworkers of America. A-570-867 731-TA-922 Automotive replacement glass windshields/China Apogee Enterprises; PPG Industries; Safelite Glass. A-588-854 731-TA-860 Tin-mill products/Japan Weirton Steel; Independent Steelworkers; United Steelworkers of America. Dated: June 27, 2002.
Sandra L. Bell,
Acting Assistant Commissioner, Office of Regulations and Rulings.
[FR Doc. 02-16693 Filed 6-28-02; 12:59 pm]
Document Information
- Published:
- 07/03/2002
- Department:
- Customs Service
- Entry Type:
- Notice
- Action:
- Notice of intent to distribute offset for Fiscal Year 2002.
- Document Number:
- 02-16693
- Dates:
- Written certifications to obtain a continued dumping and subsidy offset under a particular order or finding must be received by September 3, 2002.
- Pages:
- 44721-44741 (21 pages)
- PDF File:
- 02-16693.pdf