02-18293. Notice of Final Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value: Certain Cold-Rolled Carbon Steel Flat Products From Australia
Start Preamble
Import Administration, International Trade Administration, Department of Commerce.
July 19, 2002.
Paige Rivas at (202) 482-0651, or Mark Manning at (202) 482-5253, Office of AD/CVD Enforcement IV, Group II, Import Administration, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20230.
The Applicable Statute and Regulations
Unless otherwise indicated, all citations to the statute are references to the provisions effective January 1, 1995, the effective date of the amendments made to the Tariff Act of 1930 (the Act) by the Uruguay Round Agreements Act (URAA). In addition, unless otherwise indicated, all citations to the Department of Commerce (Department) regulations are to the regulations at 19 CFR part 351 (April 2001).
Final Determination
We determine that certain cold-rolled carbon steel flat products (cold-rolled steel) from Australia are being, or are likely to be, sold in the United States at less than fair value (LFTV), as provided in section 735 of the Act. The estimated margins are shown in the “Suspension of Liquidation” section of this notice.
On May 9, 2002, the Department published its preliminary determination in the above-captioned antidumping duty investigation. See Notice of Preliminary Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value: Certain Cold-Rolled Carbon Steel Flat Products From Australia, 67 FR 31192 (May 9, 2002) (Preliminary Determination). See also Notice of Initiation of Antidumping Duty Investigations: Certain Cold-Rolled Carbon Steel Flat Products From Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, France, Germany, India, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the People's Republic of China, the Russian Federation, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, and Venezuela, 66 FR 54198 (October 26, 2001) (Initiation Notice).
Since the preliminary determination, the following events have occurred. We gave interested parties an opportunity to comment on the preliminary determination. With respect to scope, in the preliminary LTFV determinations in these cases, the Department preliminarily excluded certain porcelain enameling steel from the scope of these investigations. See Scope Appendix to the Notice of Preliminary Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value: Certain Cold-Rolled Carbon Steel Flat Products from Argentina, 67 FR 31181 (May 9, 2002) (Scope Appendix—Argentina Preliminary LTFV Determination). On June 13, 2002, we issued a preliminary decision on the remaining 75 scope exclusion requests filed in a number of the on-going cold-rolled steel investigations (see the June 13, 2002, memorandum regarding “Preliminary Scope Rulings in the Antidumping Investigations on Certain Cold-Rolled Carbon Steel Flat Products from Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, France, Germany, India, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the People's Republic of China, the Russian Federation, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, and Venezuela, and in the Countervailing Duty Investigations of Certain Cold-Rolled Carbon Steel Flat Products from Argentina, Brazil, France, and Korea” (Preliminary Scope Rulings), which is on file in the Central Records Unit (CRU), room B-099 of the main Department building. We gave parties until June 20, 2002, to comment on the preliminary scope rulings, and until June 27, 2002, to submit rebuttal comments. We received comments and/or rebuttal comments from petitioners and respondents from various countries subject to these investigations of cold-rolled steel. In addition, on June 13, 2002, North American Metals Company (an interested party in the Japanese proceeding) filed a request that the Department issue a “correction” for an already excluded product. On July 8, 2002, the petitioners objected to this request.
At the request of multiple respondents, the Department held a public hearing with respect to the Preliminary Scope Rulings on July 1, 2002.
We gave interested parties an opportunity to comment on the preliminary determination. No case or rebuttal briefs were submitted.
Critical Circumstances
In letters filed on December 7, 2001, and January 14, 2002, the petitioners alleged that there is a reasonable basis to believe or suspect that critical circumstances exist with respect to imports of cold-rolled steel from Australia and other countries. On April 18, 2002, the Department published in the Federal Register its preliminary determination that critical circumstances exist for imports of cold-rolled steel from Australia and other countries. See Notice of Preliminary Determinations of Critical Circumstances: Certain Cold-Rolled Carbon Steel Flat Products From Australia, the People's Republic of China, India, the Republic of Korea, the Netherlands, and the Russian Federation, 67 FR 19157 (April 18, 2002) and Memorandum from Bernard Start Printed Page 47510Carreau to Faryar Shirzad, “Antidumping Duty Investigations on Certain Cold-Rolled Carbon Steel Flat Products from Australia, India, the Netherlands, and the Republic of Korea—Preliminary Affirmative Determinations of Critical Circumstances,” dated April 10, 2002.
We received no comments from the petitioners or the respondent regarding our preliminary finding that critical circumstances exist for imports of cold-rolled steel from Australia. Therefore, we have not changed our determination and continue to find that critical circumstances exist for imports of cold-rolled steel from Australia. Regarding the other countries for which we preliminarily found affirmative critical circumstances, we will make final determinations concerning critical circumstances for these countries when we make our final dumping determinations in those investigations.
Scope of Investigation
For purposes of this investigation, the products covered are certain cold-rolled (cold-reduced) flat-rolled carbon-quality steel products. A full description of the scope of this investigation is contained in the “Scope Appendix” attached to this final determination notice. For a complete discussion of the comments received on the Preliminary Scope Rulings, see the memorandum regarding “Issues and Decision Memorandum for the Final Scope Rulings in the Antidumping Duty Investigations on Certain Cold-Rolled Carbon Steel Flat Products from Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, France, Germany, India, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the People's Republic of China, the Russian Federation, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, and Venezuela, and in the Countervailing Duty Investigations of Certain Cold-Rolled Carbon Steel Flat Products from Argentina, Brazil, France, and Korea,” dated July 10, 2002, which is on file in the CRU.
Analysis of Comments Received
As noted above, there were no case or rebuttal briefs submitted in this investigation, nor was there a hearing.
Use of Facts Available
In the Preliminary Determination, the Department applied total adverse facts available to the mandatory respondent, Broken Hill Propriety Limited Steel (BHP JLA), and BHP Steel Americas (BHPSA) (collectively known as BHP), because BHP chose not to participate in the investigation. As a result, the Department assigned BHP the rate of 24.06 percent, the rate derived from the petition. See Initiation Notice. Also, the Department applied the petition margin of 24.06 percent as the “all others” rate. The interested parties did not object to the use of adverse facts available, or to the Department's choice of facts available. For this final determination, we are continuing to apply total adverse facts available to BHP.
Suspension of Liquidation
Pursuant to section 735(c)(1)(B) of the Act, we are instructing the U.S. Customs Service (Customs) to continue to suspend liquidation of all entries of cold-rolled steel from Australia that are entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption on or after February 9, 2002, which is 90 days prior to the date the Preliminary Determination was published in the Federal Register, because of our affirmative critical circumstances finding in accordance with section 735(a)(3) of the Act. Customs shall continue to require a cash deposit or the posting of a bond equal to the estimated amount by which the normal value exceeds the U.S. price as shown below. The suspension of liquidation instructions will remain in effect until further notice.
We determine that the following percentage margins exist for the period July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001:
Manufacturer/exporter Margin (percent) BHP 24.06 All Others 24.06 International Trade Commission (ITC) Notification
In accordance with section 735(d) of the Act, we have notified the ITC of our determination. As our final determination is affirmative, the ITC will determine, within 45 days, whether these imports are causing material injury, or threat of material injury, to an industry in the United States. If the ITC determines that material injury, or threat of injury does not exist, the proceeding will be terminated and all securities posted will be refunded or cancelled. If the ITC determines that such injury does exist, the Department will issue an antidumping duty order directing Customs officials to assess antidumping duties on all imports of the subject merchandise entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption on or after the effective date of the suspension of liquidation.
Notification Regarding Administrative Protective Order (APO)
This notice also serves as a reminder to parties subject to APO of their responsibility concerning the disposition of proprietary information disclosed under APO in accordance with 19 CFR 351.305. Timely notification of return/destruction of APO materials or conversion to judicial protective order is hereby requested. Failure to comply with the regulations and the terms of an APO is a sanctionable violation.
This determination is issued and published in accordance with sections 735(d) and 777(i)(1) of the Act.
Start SignatureDated: July 10, 2002.
Faryar Shirzad,
Assistant Secretary for Import Administration.
Appendix I—Scope of the AD/CVD Investigations on Certain Cold-Rolled Steel Products
For a complete discussion of the comments received on the Preliminary Scope Rulings, see the “Issues and Decision Memorandum for the Final Scope Rulings in the Antidumping Duty Investigations on Certain Cold-Rolled Carbon Steel Flat Products from Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, France, Germany, India, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the People's Republic of China, the Russian Federation, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, and Venezuela, and in the Countervailing Duty Investigations of Certain Cold-Rolled Carbon Steel Flat Products from Argentina, Brazil, France, and Korea,” on file in the CRU. This memorandum can also be accessed directly on the Web at http://ia.ita.doc.gov/frn/summary/list.htm. The paper copy and electronic version are identical in content.
Scope of Investigation
For purposes of this investigation, the products covered are certain cold-rolled (cold-reduced) flat-rolled carbon-quality steel products, neither clad, plated, nor coated with metal, but whether or not annealed, painted, varnished, or coated with plastics or other non-metallic substances, both in coils, 0.5 inch wide or wider, (whether or not in successively superimposed layers and/or otherwise coiled, such as spirally oscillated coils), and also in straight lengths, which, if less than 4.75 mm in thickness having a width that is 0.5 inch or greater and that measures at least 10 times the thickness; or, if of a thickness of 4.75 mm or more, having a width exceeding 150 mm and measuring at least twice the thickness. The products described above may be rectangular, square, circular or other shape and include products of either rectangular or non-rectangular cross-section.
Specifically included in this scope are vacuum degassed, fully stabilized (commonly referred to as interstitial-free (IF)) steels, high strength low alloy (HSLA) steels, and motor lamination steels. IF steels are recognized as Start Printed Page 47511low carbon steels with micro-alloying levels of elements such as titanium and/or niobium added to stabilize carbon and nitrogen elements. HSLA steels are recognized as steels with micro-alloying levels of elements such as chromium, copper, niobium, titanium, vanadium, and molybdenum. Motor lamination steels contain micro-alloying levels of elements such as silicon and aluminum.
Steel products included in the scope of this investigation, regardless of definitions in the HTSUS, are products in which: (1) iron predominates, by weight, over each of the other contained elements; (2) the carbon content is 2 % or less, by weight, and; (3) none of the elements listed below exceeds the quantity, by weight, respectively indicated: 1.80 % of manganese, or 2.25 % of silicon, or 1.00 % of copper, or 0.50 % of aluminum, or 1.25 % of chromium, or 0.30 % of cobalt, or 0.40 % of lead, or 1.25 % of nickel, or 0.30 % of tungsten, or 0.10 % of molybdenum, or 0.10 % of niobium (also called columbium), or 0.15 % of vanadium, or 0.15 % of zirconium.
All products that meet the written physical description, and in which the chemistry quantities do not exceed any one of the noted element levels listed above, are within the scope of this investigation unless specifically excluded.
The following products, by way of example, are outside and/or specifically excluded from the scope of this investigation:
- SAE grades (formerly also called AISI grades) above 2300;
- Ball bearing steels, as defined in the HTSUS;
- Tool steels, as defined in the HTSUS;
- Silico-manganese steel, as defined in the HTSUS;
- Silicon-electrical steels, as defined in the HTSUS, that are grain-oriented;
- Silicon-electrical steels, as defined in the HTSUS, that are not grain-oriented and that have a silicon level exceeding 2.25 %;
- All products (proprietary or otherwise) based on an alloy ASTM specification (sample specifications: ASTM A506, A507);
- Non-rectangular shapes, not in coils, which are the result of having been processed by cutting or stamping and which have assumed the character of articles or products classified outside chapter 72 of the HTSUS;
- Silicon-electrical steels, as defined in the HTSUS, that are not grain-oriented and that have a silicon level less than 2.25 %, and (a) fully-processed, with a core loss of less than 0.14 watts/pound per mil (0.001 inch), or (b) semi-processed, with core loss of less than 0.085 watts/pound per mil (0.001 inch);
- Certain shadow mask steel, which is aluminum killed cold-rolled steel coil that is open coil annealed, has an ultra-flat, isotropic surface, and which meets the following characteristics:
Thickness: 0.001 to 0.010 inch
Width: 15 to 32 inches
Chemical Composition
Element C Weight % <0.002% - Certain flapper valve steel, which is hardened and tempered, surface polished, and which meets the following characteristics:
Thickness: ≤1.0mm
Width: L ≤152.4 mm
Chemical Composition
Element C Si Mn P S Weight % 0.90-1.05 0.15-0.35 0.30-0.50 ≤0.03 ≤0.006 Mechanical Properites
Tensile Strength ≥162 Kgf/mm2 Hardness ≥ 475 Vickers hardness number Physical Properties
Flatness <0.2% of nominal strip width Microstructure: Completely free from decarburization. Carbides are spheroidal and fine within 1% to 4% (area percentage) and are undissolved in the uniform tempered martensite.
Non-Metallic Inclusion
Area percentage Sulfide Inclusion ≤0.04% Oxide Inclusion ≤0.05% Compressive Stress: 10 to 40 Kgf/mm Surface Roughness
Surface Roughness
Thickness (mm) Roughness (μm) t ≤ 0.209 Rz ≤ 0.5 0.209 < t ≤0.310 Rz ≤ 0.6 0.310 < t ≤0.440 Rz ≤ 0.7 0.440 < t ≤0.560 Rz ≤ 0.8 0.560 < t Rz ≤ 1.0 - Certain ultra thin gauge steel strip, which meets the following characteristics:
Thickness: ≤0.100 mm ± 7%Start Printed Page 47512
Width: 100 to 600 mm
Chemical Composition
Element C Mn P S Al Weight % ≤0.07 0.2-0.5 ≤0.05 ≤0.05 ≤0.07 Mechanical Properties
Hardness Full Hard (Hv 180 minimum) Total Elongation <3% Tensile Strength 600 to 850 N/mm Physical Properties
Surface Finish ≤0.3 micron Camber (in 2.0 m) <3.0 mm Flatness (in 2.0 m) ≤0.5 mm Edge Burr <0.01 mm greater than thickness Coil Set (in 1.0 m) <75.0 mm m - Certain silicon steel, which meets the following characteristics:
Thickness: 0.024 inch ± 0.0015 inch
Width: 33 to 45.5 inches
Chemical Composition
Element C Mn P S Si Al Min. Weight % Max. Weight % 0.004 0.4 0.09 0.009 0.65 0.4 Mechanical Properties
Hardness B 60-75 (AIM 65) Physical Properties
Finish Smooth (30-60 microinches) Gamma Crown (in 5 inches) 0.0005 inch, start measuring one-quarter inch from slit edge Flatness 20 I-UNIT max. Coating C3A-08A max. (A2 coating acceptable) Camber (in any 10 feet) 1/16 inch Coil Size I.D. 20 inches Magnetic Properties
Core Loss (1.5T/60 Hz) NAAS 3.8 Watts/Pound max. Permeability (1.5T/60 Hz) NAAS 1700 gauss/oersted typical 1500 minimum - Certain aperture mask steel, which has an ultra-flat surface flatness and which meets the following characteristics:
Thickness: 0.025 to 0.245 mm
Width: 381-1000 mm
Chemical Composition
Element C N A1 Weight % <0.01 0.004 to 0.007 ≤0.007 - Certain annealed and temper-rolled continuously cast steel, which meets the following characteristics:
Start Printed Page 47513Chemical Composition
Element C Mn P S Si Al As Cu B N Min. Weight % 0.02 0.20 0.03 0.003 Max. Weight % 0.06 0.40 0.02 0.023 (Aiming, 0.018 Max.) 0.08 (Aiming 0.05) 0.02 0.08 0.008 (Aiming 0.005) Non-metallic Inclusions: Examination with the S.E.M. shall not reveal individual oxides <1 micron (0.000039 inch) and inclusion groups or clusters shall not exceed 5 microns (0.000197 inch) in length.
Surface Treatment as follows: The surface finish shall be free of defects (digs, scratches, pits, gouges, slivers, etc.) and suitable for nickel plating.
Surface Finish
Roughness, RA microinches (micrometers) Aim Min. Max. Extra Bright 5(0.1) 0(0) 7(0.2) - Certain annealed and temper-rolled cold-rolled continuously cast steel, in coils, with a certificate of analysis per Cable System International (“CSI”) Specification 96012, with the following characteristics:
Element C Mn P S Max. Weight D0.13 0.13 0.60 0.02 0.05 Physical and Mechanical Properties
Base Weight 55 pounds Theoretical Thickness 0.0061 inch (+/−10 % of theoretical thickness) Width 787 mm to 813 mm Tensile Strength 45,000-55,000 psi Elongation minimum of 15 % in 2 inches - Concast cold-rolled drawing quality sheet steel, ASTM a-620-97, Type B, or single reduced black plate, ASTM A-625-92, Type D, T-1, ASTM A-625-76 and ASTM A-366-96, T1-T2-T3 Commercial bright/luster 7a both sides, RMS 12 max. Thickness range of 0.0088 to 0.038 inches, width of 23.0 inches to 36.875 inches.
- Certain single reduced black plate, meeting ASTM A-625-98 specifications, 53 pound base weight (0.0058 inch thick) with a Temper classification of T-2 (49-57 hardness using the Rockwell 30 T scale).
- Certain single reduced black plate, meeting ASTM A-625-76 specifications, 55 pound base weight, MR type matte finish, TH basic tolerance as per A263 trimmed.
- Certain single reduced black plate, meeting ASTM A-625-98 specifications, 65 pound base weight (0.0072 inch thick) with a Temper classification of T-3 (53-61 hardness using the Rockwell 30 T scale).
- Certain cold-rolled black plate bare steel strip, meeting ASTM A-625 specifications, which meet the following characteristics:
Chemical Composition
Element C Mn P S Max. Weight % 0.13 0.60 0.02 0.05 Physical and Mechanical Properties
Thickness 0.0058 inch ± 0.0003 inch Hardness T2/HR 30T 50—60 aiming Elongation ≥ 15 % Tensile Strength 51,000.0 psi ± 4.0 aiming - Certain cold-rolled black plate bare steel strip, in coils, meeting ASTM A-623, Table II, Type MR specifications, which meet the following characteristics:
Chemical Composition
Element C Mn P S Max. Weight % 0.13 0.60 0.04 0.05 Physical and Mechanical Properties
Thickness 0.0060 inch (±0.0005 inch) Width 10 inches (+1/4 to 3/8 inch/-0) Tensile Strength 55,000 psi max. Elongation Minimum of 15% in 2 inches - Certain “blued steel” coil (also known as “steamed blue steel” or “blue oxide”), with a thickness of 0.30 mm to 0.42 mm and width of 609 mm to 1219 mm, in coil form;
- Certain cold-rolled steel sheet, coated with porcelain enameling prior to importation, which meets the following characteristics:
Thickness (nominal): ≤ 0.019 inch
Width: 35 to 60 inches
Start Printed Page 47514Chemical Composition
Element C O B Max. Weight % 0.004 Min. Weight % 0.010 0.012 - Certain cold-rolled steel, which meets the following characteristics
Width: > 66 inches
Chemical Composition
Element C Mn P Si Max. Weight % 0.07 0.67 0.14 0.03 Physical and Mechanical Properties
Thickness Range (mm) 0.800—2.000 Min. Yield Point (MPa) 265 Max. Yield Point (MPa) 365 Min. Tensile Strength (MPa) 440 Min. Elongation % 26 - Certain band saw steel, which meets the following characteristics:
Thickness: ≤ 1.31 mm
Width: ≤ 80 mm
Chemical Composition
Element C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Weight % 1.2 to 1.3 0.15 to 0.35 0.20 to 0.35 ≤0.03 ≤0.007 0.3 to 0.5 ≤0.25 Other properties:
Carbide: Fully spheroidized having > 80 % of carbides, which are ≤ 0.003 mm and uniformly dispersed
Surface finish: Bright finish free from pits, scratches, rust, cracks, or seams
Smooth edges.
Edge camber (in each 300 mm of length): ≤ 7 mm arc height
Cross bow (per inch of width): 0.015 mm max.
- Certain transformation-induced plasticity (TRIP) steel, which meets the following characteristics:
Variety 1
Chemical Composition
Element C Si Mn Min. Weight % 0.09 1.0 0.90 Max. Weight % 0.13 2.1 1.7 Physical and Mechanical Properties
Thicknes range (mm) 1.000—2.300 (inclusive) Min. Yied Point (MPa) 320 Max. Yied Point (MPa) 480 Min. Tensile Strength (MPa) 590 Min. Elongation % 24 (if 1.000—1.199 thickness range) 25 (if 1.200—1.599 thickness range) 26 (if 1.600—1.999 thickness range) 27 (if 2.000—2.300 thickness range) Variety 2
Chemical Composition
Element C Si Mn Min. Weight % 0.12 1.5 1.1 Max. Weitht % 0.16 2.1 1.9 Physical and Mechanical Properties
Thickness Range (mm) 1.000-2.300 (inclusive) Min. Yied Point (MPa) 340 Max. Yied Point (MPa) 520 Min. Tensile Strength (MPa) 690 Start Printed Page 47515 Min. Elongation % 21 (if 1.000-1.199 thickness range) 22 (if 1.200-1.599 thickness range) 23 (if 1.600-1.999 thickness range) 24 (if 2.000-2.300 thickness range) Variety 3
Chemical Composition
Element % C Si Mn Min. Weight % 0.13 1.3 1.5 Max. Weitht % 0.21 2.0 2.0 Physical and Mechanical Properties
Thickness Range (mm) 1.200-2.300 9inclusive) Min. Yield Point (MPa) 370 Max Yield Point (MPa) 570 Min. Tensile Strength (MPa) 780 Min. Elongation % 18 (if 1.200-1.599 thickness range) 19 (if 1.600-1.999 thickness range) 20 (if 2.000-2.300 thickness range) - Certain cold-rolled steel, which meets the following characteristics:
Variety 1
Chemical Composition
Element C Mn P Cu Min. Weight % 0.15 Max. Weight % 0.10 0.40 0.10 0.35 Physical and Mechanical Properties
Thickness Range (mm) 0.600-0.800 Min. Yield Point (MPa) 185 Max. Yield Point (MPa) 285 Min. Tensile Strength (MPa) 340 Min. Elongation % 31 (ASTM standard 31% = JIS standard 35%) Variety 2
Chemical Composition
Element C Mn P Cu Min. Weight % 0.15 Max. Weight % 0.05 0.40 0.08 0.35 Physical and Mechanical Properties
Thickness Range (mm) 0.800-1.000 Min. Yield Point (MPa) 145 Max. Yield Point (MPa) 245 Min. Tensile Strength (MPa) 295 Min. Elongation % 31 (ASTM standard 31% = JIS standard 35%) Variety 3
Start Printed Page 47516Chemical Composition
Element C Si Mn P S Cu Ni Al Nb, V, Ti, B Mo Max. Weight % 0.01 0.05 0.40 0.10 0.023 0.15- 0.35 0.35 0.10 0.10 0.30 Physical and Mechanical Properties
Thickness (mm) 0.7 Elongation % ≥35 - Porcelain enameling sheet, drawing quality, in coils, 0.014 inch in thickness, + 0.002, −0.000, meeting ASTM A-424-96 Type 1 specifications, and suitable for two coats.
- Cold-rolled steel strip to specification SAE 4130, with the following characteristics:
HTSUS item number 7226.92.80.50
Width up to 24 inches
Gauge of “0.050—0.014 inches,” and gauge tolerance of +/−0.0018 inches
- Texture-rolled steel strip (SORBITEX), with the following characteristics:
Thickness: 0.0039 to 0.0600 inches
Width: 0.1180 to 7.8700 inches (3-200 mm)
Chemical Composition
C Si Mn P S Al Cr Ni Cu 0.76-0.96% 0.10-0.35% 0.30-0.60% < .025% < .020% < .060% < .30% < .20% < .20% Tensile strength ranges:245,000 to 365,000 psi.
HTSUS 7211.29.20.30 and HTSUS 7211.29.45.00
- Reed steel, with the following characteristics:
Grades Eberle 18, 18C (SAE 1095 modified alloyed steel)
HTSUS 7211.90.00
Physical Characteristics
Thickness 0.0008 to 0.04 inches (0.0203 to 1.015 mm) Width 0.276 to 0.472 inches (7 mm to 12.0 mm), with width tolerances of +/−0.04 to 0.06 mm Tensile strength 1599 Mpa to 2199 Mpa Chemical Composition
C Si Mn P S Cr 0.95-1.05% 0.15-0.30 .025-0.50% less than 0.015% less than 0.012% less than 0.40% Surface: Rmax 1.5 to 3.0 micrometers
Straightness: Max. deviation of 0.56mm/m
Flatness: Deviation of 0.1 to 0.3% of the width
- Feeler gauge steel, with the following characteristics:
Polished surface and deburred or rounded edges
Grades Eberle 18, 18C (SAE 1095 modified alloyed steel)
HTSUS 7211.90.00
Physical and Mechanical Properties
Max. width 0.4975 inches Thickness Range 0.001-0.045 inches Thickness tolerances T2-T4 international standard Tensile strength UTS 246-304 ksi - Wood Band Saw Steel with Nickel Content Exceeding 1.25% by Weight, with the following characteristics:
Both variety 1 and variety 2 are classified under HTSUS item number 7226.99.00.00
Variety #1
Nickel-alloyed Band Saw Steel, which meets the following characteristics:
Thickness: >1.1 mm, ≤3.00 mm
Width: < 400 mm
Chemical Composition
Element C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Cu Al Weight % 0.70-0.80 0.20-0.35 0.30-0.45 max. 0.020 max. 0.006 0.05-0.20 1.90-2.10 max. 0.15 0.02-0.04 Microstructure: Tempered Martensite with Bainite, no surface decarburization.
Mechanical Properties:
Hardness: 446 +12/−23 HV respectively 45 +1/−2 HRC
Surface Finish: bright, polished
Edges: treated edges
Cross Bow: max. 0.1 mm per mm width
Variety #2
UHB15N20 band saw steel according to the alloy composition:
Start Printed Page 47517Chemical Composition
Element C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Weight % 0.70-0.80 0.20-0.35 0.30-0.45 max. 0.020 max. 0.016 1.90-2.10 Typical material properties: Hardened and tempered
Tensile Strength: 1450 N/mm 2 for thickness < 2 mm and 1370 N/mm 2 for thickness > 2 mm
Width tolerance: B1 = +/−0.35 mm
Thickness tolerance: T1(+/−0.039 mm)
Flatness: P4 (max. deviation 0.1% of width of strip)
Straightness: (+/−0.25 mm/1000 mm)
Widths: 6.3-412.8 mm
Thickness: 0.40 to 3.05 mm
- 2% nickel T5 tolerances and ra less than 8 my, with the following characteristics:
Thickness: 0.5-3.5 mm
Width: 50-650 mm
Chemical Composition
Element C Si Mn P S Al Cr Ni Weight % in 0.70-0.08 0.15-0.35 0.30-0.05 max. 0.020 max. 0.010 max. −0.020 0.05-0.030 1.90-0.020 High precision T5 tolerance
Roughness: Ra (RMS) max. 8 inches
The product is classified under HTSUS item number 7226.92.50.00
- Ski-edge profile steel, with the following characteristics:
For both Grade SAE 1070 and German Grade SAE X35CrMo17:
HTSUS item numbers 7228.60.80 and 7216.69.00
Hardened and tempered, HRC 44-52
Surface: bright finished, sandblasted or primer coated
Stamped condition
Width mm Width mm Thickness mm Thickness mm Ski 39 6 1.90 2 0.50 Ski 40 6 1.70 2 0.50 Ski 129 7.70 2.00 2.20 0.60 Chemical Composition for Grade SAE 1070
Element C Si Mn P S % in Weight 0.65-0.75 max. 0.40 max. 0.60-0.90 max. 0.04 max. 0.05 Chemical Composition for German Grade SAE ×35CrMo17
Element C Si Mn P S CR Mo Ni % in Weight 0.33-0.45 max. 1.0 max. 1.50 max. 0.04 max. 0.025 15.5-17.5 0.8-1.3 max. 1.0 Note that this is an angle shape or section steel that is not covered by this scope.
- Flat wire, with the following characteristics:
SAE 1074 alloyed, annealed, skin passed
Hardened and tempered
Formed edges
Widths of less than 12.7 mm
Thickness from 0.50-2.40 mm
- Shadow/aperture mask steel, which is Aluminum killed cold-rolled steel coil that is open coil annealed, has an ultra-flat, isotropic surface, and meets the following characteristics:
Thickness: 0.001 to 0.010 inch
Width: 15 to 35 inches
Increased tensile strength of 800 to 1,200 N/mm2
Chemical Composition
Element C N Mn Weight % < 0.01% 0.01-0.017% 0.06-0.85% HTSUS item numbers 7209.18.25.10 or 7211.23.60.75, depending on the width of the material.
- Grade 13C cement kiln steel, with the following specifications:
Chemical Composition
Element C Si Mn P S Start Printed Page 47518 Weight % 0.65 0.25 0.65 max. 0.020 max. 0.010 Microstructure: Fine grained and homogenous. Matrix of tempered martensite with a small amount of undissolved carbides
Decarburization: No free ferrit is allowed; Total decarburization should not exceed 4% per plane
Mechanical Properties: Tensile strength: 1200-1700 N/mm2, (Standard 1280 +/^80 N/mm2)
Surface Finish: Gray hardened condition. Ra/CLA—max. 0.25 m. Cut off 0.25 mm Rmax—max. 2.5 m
Edge Condition: Slit edges free from cracks and damages
Thickness: 0.4-1.40 mm, Tolerance: T1
Width: 250-1200 mm, Tolerance: B1
Flatness: Unflatness Across Strip: max. 0.4% of the nominal strip width
Coil Size: Inside Diameter: 600 mm
Coil Weight: max. 6.5 kg/mm strip width
- Certain valve steel (type 2), with the following specifications: Hardened tempered high-carbon strip, characterized by high fatigues strength and wear resistance, hardness combined with ductility, surface and end-finishes, and good blanking and forming properties.
HTSUS item number: 7211.90.00.00
Typical size ranges:
Thickness: 0.15-1.0 mm
Width: 10.0-140 mm
Chemical Composition
Element C Si Mn P S Ni Cr Weight % 0.7-0.8 0.2-0.35 0.3-0.45 Max. 0.020 Max. 0.016 1.9-2.1 The merchandise subject to this investigation is typically classified in the HTSUS at item numbers: 7209.15.0000, 7209.16.0030, 7209.16.0060, 7209.16.0090, 7209.17.0030, 7209.17.0060, 7209.17.0090, 7209.18.1530, 7209.18.1560, 7209.18.2550, 7209.18.6000. 7209.25.0000, 7209.26.0000, 7209.27.0000, 7209.28.0000, 7209.90.0000, 7210.70.3000, 7210.90.9000, 7211.23.1500, 7211.23.2000, 7211.23.3000, 7211.23.4500, 7211.23.6030, 7211.23.6060, 7211.23.6085, 7211.29.2030, 7211.29.2090, 7211.29.4500, 7211.29.6030, 7211.29.6080, 7211.90.0000, 7212.40.1000, 7212.40.5000, 7212.50.0000, 7225.19.0000, 7225.50.6000, 7225.50.7000, 7225.50.8010, 7225.50.8085, 7225.99.0090, 7226.19.1000, 7226.19.9000, 7226.92.5000, 7226.92.7050, 7226.92.8050, and 7226.99.0000.
Although the HTSUS item numbers are provided for convenience and Customs purposes, the written description of the merchandise under investigation is dispositive.
End Further Info End Preamble[FR Doc. 02-18293 Filed 7-18-02; 8:45 am]
Document Information
- Effective Date:
- 7/19/2002
- Published:
- 07/19/2002
- Department:
- International Trade Administration
- Entry Type:
- Notice
- Document Number:
- 02-18293
- Dates:
- July 19, 2002.
- Pages:
- 47509-47518 (10 pages)
- Docket Numbers:
- A-602-804
- PDF File:
- 02-18293.pdf