03-10413. Medical Devices; Reprocessed Single-Use Devices; Termination of Exemptions From Premarket Notification; Requirement for Submission of Validation Data  

  • Start Preamble


    Food and Drug Administration, HHS.




    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing the availability of a list (List I) of critical reprocessed single-use devices (SUDs) whose exemption from premarket submission is being terminated and for which validation data, as specified under the Medical Device User Fee and Modernization Act of 2002 (MDUFMA), is necessary in a premarket notification (510(k)); and a list (List II) of reprocessed SUDs that are currently subject to 510(k) requirements for which FDA has determined that validation data, as specified under MDUFMA, is necessary in a 510(k). FDA is requiring submission of these data to ensure that these reprocessed SUDs are substantially equivalent to predicate devices in accordance with MDUFMA.


    These actions are effective April 30, 2003. Manufacturers of SUDs identified in List I whose exemption is being terminated must submit 510(k)s for these devices by July 30, 2004, or their devices may no longer be marketed. Manufacturers who already have clearance letters for SUDs identified in List II must submit validation data for these devices by January 30, 2004, or marketing of these devices must cease.


    Submit written comments to the Dockets Management Branch (HFA-305), Food and Drug Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, rm. 1061, Rockville, MD 20852. Submit electronic comments to http://www.fda.gov/​dockets/​ecomments. Comments on Lists I and II should be identified with the docket number found in brackets in the heading of this document.

    Start Further Info


    Barbara A. Zimmerman, Center for Devices and Radiological Health (HFZ-410), Food and Drug Administration, 9200 Corporate Blvd., Rockville, MD 20850.

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    I. Background

    On October 26, 2002, MDUFMA (Pub. L. 107-250), amended the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act) by adding section 510(o) (21 U.S.C. 360(o)), which provided new regulatory requirements for reprocessed SUDs. According to this new provision, in order to ensure that reprocessed SUDs are substantially equivalent to predicate devices, 510(k)s for certain reprocessed SUDs identified by FDA must include validation data. These required validation data include cleaning and sterilization data, and functional performance data demonstrating that each SUD will remain substantially equivalent to its predicate device after the maximum number of times the device is reprocessed as intended by the person submitting the premarket notification.

    Before enactment of the new law, a manufacturer of a reprocessed SUD was required to obtain premarket approval or premarket clearance for the device, unless the device was exempt from premarket submission requirements. Under MDUFMA, some previously exempt reprocessed SUDs will no longer be exempt from premarket notification requirements. Manufacturers of these identified devices will need to submit 510(k)s that include validation data to be specified by FDA. Reprocessors of certain SUDs that are currently subject to cleared 510(k)s also will need to submit the validation data specified by the agency.

    In the near future, FDA will publish a guidance document providing more specific information about the types of validation data that should be submitted in premarket notification submissions for the reprocessed SUDs listed in this notice.

    A. Definitions

    Under section 302(b) of MDUFMA, a reprocessed SUD is defined as an “original device that has previously been used on a patient and has been subjected to additional processing and manufacturing for the purpose of an additional single use on a patient. The subsequent processing and manufacture of a reprocessed single-use device shall result in a device that is reprocessed within the meaning of this definition.”

    B. Reprocessed SUDs Exempt From Premarket Notification

    Reprocessed SUDs are divided into three groups: (1) Critical, (2) semicritical, and (3) noncritical. The first two categories reflect definitions set forth in MDUFMA, and all three reflect a classification scheme recognized in Start Printed Page 23140the industry.[1] These categories of devices are defined as follows:

    (1) A critical reprocessed SUD is intended to contact normally sterile tissue or body spaces during use.

    (2) A semicritical reprocessed SUD is intended to contact intact mucous membranes and not penetrate normally sterile areas of the body.

    (3) A noncritical reprocessed SUD is intended to make topical contact and not penetrate intact skin.

    1. Requirements for Critical Reprocessed SUDs

    MDUFMA requires FDA to review the critical reprocessed SUDs that are currently exempt from premarket notification requirements and determine which of these devices require premarket notification to ensure their substantial equivalence to predicate devices. By April 26, 2003, FDA must identify in a Federal Register notice those critical reprocessed SUDs whose exemption from premarket notification will be terminated. List I in this Federal Register notice implements this MDUFMA requirement.

    In accordance with MDUFMA, manufacturers of the devices identified in List I must submit 510(k)s that include validation data regarding cleaning, sterilization, and functional performance, in addition to all the other required elements of a 510(k) identified in § 807.87 (21 CFR 807.87), within 15 months of publication of this notice or no longer market their device.

    2. Requirements for Semicritical Reprocessed SUDs

    MDUFMA also requires FDA to review the semicritical reprocessed SUDs that are currently exempt from premarket notification requirements and determine which of these devices require premarket notification to ensure their substantial equivalence to predicate devices. FDA must identify these devices in a notice published in the Federal Register by April 26, 2004. Manufacturers of devices identified at that time will be required to submit 510(k)s that include validation data regarding cleaning, sterilization, and functional performance in addition to all the other required elements of a 510(k) identified in § 807.87, within 15 months of publication of that notice or no longer market their device.

    3. Requirements for Noncritical Reprocessed SUDs

    MDUFMA does not require FDA to take any action under this section for noncritical SUDs that are exempt from premarket submission requirements.

    C. Reprocessed SUDs Already Subject to Premarket Notification Requirements

    MDUFMA also requires FDA to review the types of reprocessed SUDs already subject to premarket notification requirements and to identify which of these devices require the submission of validation data to ensure their substantial equivalence to predicate devices. FDA must publish a list of these devices in the Federal Register by April 26, 2003, and update the list as necessary. List II of this Federal Register notice implements this MDUFMA requirement. The devices on List II may be critical, semicritical, or noncritical reprocessed SUDs.

    1. For devices identified in List II that have not yet been cleared through the 510(k) process, manufacturers must submit 510(k)s that include validation data regarding cleaning, sterilization, and functional performance, in addition to all the other required elements of a 510(k) identified in § 807.87, upon publication of this notice in order to market these devices. FDA will soon publish guidance to help submitters understand what types of validation data should be included in these 510(k)s.

    2. For devices identified in List II that already have been cleared through the 510(k) process, manufacturers must submit validation data regarding cleaning, sterilization, and functional performance within nine months of publication of this notice or marketing must cease. FDA will soon publish guidance to explain how a 510(k) holder may submit the additional data now being required to support an earlier clearance.

    II. FDA's Implementation of New Section 510(o) of the Act

    FDA used a number of criteria to determine which device types should be included in the lists required by MDUFMA. As part of its consideration, FDA relied upon the Review Prioritization Scheme (RPS) it described in the February 2000 draft guidance document entitled “Reprocessing and Reuse of Single-Use Devices: Review Prioritization Scheme.” [2] In the RPS guidance, FDA set forth factors that could be used to evaluate risk associated with reprocessed SUDs. This approach assigned an overall risk to each SUD based on: (1) The risk of infection and (2) the risk of inadequate performance following reprocessing. Based on these risk factors, three categories of risk (high, moderate, and low) were developed. The designation of “high risk” was assigned to those devices that posed the greatest risk of infection and inadequate performance after reprocessing. In response to several comments about potential subjectivity of the RPS, FDA did not use the RPS approach when the agency finalized its enforcement priorities for reprocessed SUDs on August 14, 2000.

    FDA has determined, however, that the RPS is an appropriate risk-based tool for developing the lists required by MDUFMA because the RPS identifies the devices that are likely to raise the most concerns about both infection transmission and inadequate performance following reprocessing. In formulating these lists, the agency also had the benefit of comments from stakeholders and an internal centerwide committee to evaluate the results of the RPS and ensure its consistency. In addition, there was a final review of all the devices on these lists by the Director of the Office of Device Evaluation. In this context, the agency believes these steps have adequately addressed concerns about the subjectivity of the RPS.

    In addition to the previous criterion, FDA used one other criterion to identify those reprocessed SUDs that will be subject to the new requirements established by MDUFMA. The agency has included in these lists all reprocessed SUDs intended to come in contact with tissue at high risk of being infected with the causative agents of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD). These are generally devices intended for use in neurosurgery ophthalmology. This criterion was included in FDA's evaluation because insufficient scientific information exists at this time to establish standard methods to eliminate CJD infectious agents.

    Therefore, in order to develop the two lists required by MDUFMA, FDA used the following process. First, the agency identified the types of SUDs that are being reprocessed. FDA did this by searching the 510(k) database for any 510(k)s that had been submitted for reprocessed SUDs and by asking original equipment manufacturers and reprocessors to provide information about types of devices that were being reprocessed. Second, FDA determined whether these devices are “critical,” “semi-critical,” or “non-critical”. (These Start Printed Page 23141definitions reflect the Spaulding [3] classification and are the same definitions FDA used earlier in developing its RPS.) FDA then applied the criteria described previously and “listed” any reprocessed SUD that was either “high” risk according to the RPS or intended to come in contact with tissue at high risk of being infected with the causative agents of CJD.

    All devices identified in List I (previously exempt from 510(k)) have been determined to be critical reprocessed SUDs. In addition to being critical, they are either high risk according to the RPS or intended to come in contact with tissue at high risk of being infected with CJD. It should be noted that not all exempt devices that are critical have been listed. Critical reprocessed SUDs that are not listed in List I at this time may be reconsidered in subsequent updates of the list. The devices in List II (devices currently subject to 510(k) requirements that now will require the submission of validation data) are either high risk according to the RPS or intended to come in contact with tissue at high risk of being infected with the causative agents of CJD.

    FDA has also provided a reference list in Attachment 1. To show how FDA evaluated the risk of a specific device, Attachment 1 includes the entire group of devices FDA considered when identifying the reprocessed SUDs in Lists I and II, and shows how FDA applied the criteria that determined whether the device would be identified on either of these lists.

    In the Federal Register of February 4, 2003 (68 FR 5643), FDA invited interested persons to provide information and share views on the implementation of MDUFMA. The agency received several comments that identified specific reprocessed SUDs to be included in Lists I and II. The agency considered these recommendations while finalizing this document. Although FDA's lists do not include all the reprocessed SUDs that were recommended, the agency believes that those devices that pose the greatest risk of infection transmission and inadequate performance have been identified. The agency recognizes, however, that these lists may need to be re-evaluated and updated over time. Therefore, FDA will consider comments from the public on additional devices that should be included in the lists at any time. The agency also notes that MDUFMA permits FDA to request validation data for a device type that is subject to 510(k) clearance but not yet included in List II. If this were to occur, FDA would ensure that manufacturers were aware of this change in the 510(k) submission requirements for that type of device by promptly updating the list.

    Finally, FDA received one comment that suggested the agency's prior determinations about risk associated with reprocessed SUDs precluded FDA from now requiring 510(k)s for devices that were previously exempt or additional data for devices that were already cleared. FDA believes that this comment ignores the existence of MDUFMA's requirements. It is true that FDA had initially developed a regulatory approach for reprocessed SUDs that sought to treat those devices and original devices in a similar manner and that FDA had not required additional data to be submitted for certain reprocessed SUDs under that approach. However, through MDUFMA Congress clearly stated its intent to have the agency re-examine its policy with respect to reprocessed SUDs and legislated additional controls for those devices. FDA is committed to fulfilling its responsibilities under MDUFMA. The development and publication of these lists is part of the agency's implementation of these new statutory provisions.

    List I.—Critical Reprocessed Single-Use Devices Previously Exempt From Premarket Notification Requirements That Will Now Require 510(k)s With Validation Data

    [To be submitted by July 26, 2004]

    21 CFR sectionClassification nameProduct code for Non-reprocessed deviceProduct code for reprocessed deviceProduct code name for reprocessed device
    872.3240Dental burDiamond CoatedNMEDental diamond coated bur.
    872.4535Dental diamond instrumentDZPNLDDental diamond instrument.
    872.4730Dental injection needleDZMNMWDental needle.
    874.4140Ear, nose, and throat burMicrodebriderNLYENT high speed microdebrider.
    874.4140Ear, nose, and throat burDiamond CoatedNLZENT diamond coated bur.
    874.4420Ear, nose, throat manual surgical * * *KAB, KBG, KCINLBLaryngeal, Sinus, Tracheal trocar.
    878.4200Introduction/drainage catheter and accessoriesGCBNMTCatheter needle.
    878.4800Manual surgical instrumentMJGNNAPercutaneous biopsy device.
    878.4800Manual surgical instrumentFHRNMUGastro-Urology needle.
    878.4800Manual surgical instrument for * * *DWONLKCardiovascular biopsy needle.
    878.4800Manual surgical instrument for * * *GAANNCAspiration and injection.
    882.4190Forming/cutting clip instrumentHBSNMNForming/cutting clip instrument.
    884.1730Laparoscopic insufflator * * *HIFNMILaparoscopic insufflator and accessories.
    884.4530OB/GYN specialized manual instrumentHFBNMGGynecological biopsy forceps.
    886.4350Manual ophthalmic surgical instrumentHNNNLAOphthalmic knife.
    Start Printed Page 23142

    List II.—Reprocessed Single-Use Devices Subject to Premarket Notification Requirements That Will Now Require The Submission of Validation Data 1

    [Manufacturers who already have 510(k) clearance for these devices must submit validation data by January 26, 2004. Any new 510(k) will require validation data upon publication of this list.]

    21 CFR sectionClassification nameProduct code for non-reprocessed deviceProduct code for reprocessed deviceProduct code name for reprocessed device
    UnclassifiedOocyte aspiration needlesMHKNMOOocyte aspiration needles.
    UnclassifiedPercutaneous transluminal angioplasty catheter angioplasty catheterLITNMMTransluminal peripheral angioplasty catheter.
    UnclassifiedUltrasonic surgical instrumentLFLNLQUltrasonic scalpel.
    868.5150Anesthesia conduction needleBSPNNHAnesthetic conduction needle (with or without introducer).
    868.5150Anesthesia conduction needleMIANMRShort term spinal needle.
    868.5730Tracheal tubeBTRNMATracheal tube (with or without connector).
    868.5905Non­con­tin­u­ous (IPPB)BZDNMCNoncontinuous ventilator (respirator) mask.
    870.1200Diagnostic intravascular catheterDQONLIAngiography catheter.
    870.1220Electrode recording catheterDRFNLHElectrode recording catheter.
    870.1220Electrode recording catheterMTDNLGIntracardiac mapping catheter.
    870.1230Fiberoptic oximeter catheterDQENMBFiberoptic oximeter catheter.
    870.1280Steerable catheterDRANKSSteerable catheter.
    870.1290Steerable catheter control systemDXXNKRSteerable catheter control system.
    870.1330Catheter guide wireDQXNKQCatheter guide wire.
    870.1390TrocarDRCNMKCardiovascular trocar.
    870.1650Angiographic injector and syringeDXTNKTAngiographic injector and syringe.
    870.1670Syringe actuator for injectorDQFNKWInjector for actuator syringe.
    870.2700OximeterMUDNMDTissue saturation oximeter.
    870.3535Intra-aortic balloon and control systemDSPNKOIntra-aortic balloon and control system.
    870.4450Vascular clampDXCNMFVascular clamp.
    870.4885External vein stripperDWQNLJExternal vein stripper.
    872.5470Orthodontic plastic bracketDYWNLCOrthodontic plastic bracket.
    874.4680Bronchoscope (flexible or rigid) and accessoriesBWHNLEBronchoscope (nonrigid) biopsy forceps.
    876.1075Gastro-Urology biopsy instrumentFCGNMXG-U biopsy needle and needle set.
    876.1075Gastroenterology-urology biopsy instrumentKNWNLSBiopsy instrument.
    876.1500Endoscope and accessoriesFBK, FHPNMYEndoscopic needle.
    876.1500Endoscope and accessoriesMPANKZEndoilluminator.
    876.1500Endoscope and accessoriesGCJNLMGeneral and plastic surgery laparoscope.
    876.1500Endoscope and accessoriesFHONLXSpring-loaded Pneumoperitoneum Needle.
    876.4300Endoscopic electrosurgical unit and accessoriesFASNLWActive urological electrosurgical electrode.
    876.4300Endoscopic unit accessoriesFEHNLVFlexible suction coagulator electrode.
    876.4300Endoscopic electrosurgical unit and accessoriesKGENLUElectric biopsy forceps.
    876.4300Endoscopic electrosurgical unit and accessoriesFDINLTFlexible snare.
    876.4300Endoscopic electrosurgical unit and accessoriesKNSNLREndoscopic (with or without accessories) Electrosurgical unit.
    876.5010Biliary catheter and accessoriesFGENMLBiliary catheter.
    876.5540Blood access device and accessoriesLBWNNFSingle needle dialysis set (co-axial flow).
    876.5540Blood access device and accessoriesFIENNEFistula needle.
    876.5820Hemodialysis systems and accessoriesFIFNNGSingle needle dialysis set with and accessories uni-directional pump.
    878.4300Implantable clipFZPNMJImplantable clip.
    878.4750Implantable stapleGDWNLLImplantable staple.
    880.5570Hypodermic single lumen needleFMINKKHypodermic single lumen needle.
    880.5860Piston syringeFMFNKNPiston syringe.
    882.4300Manual cranial drills, burrs, trephines and accessoriesHBGNLO(Manual) drills, burrs, burrs, trephines and accessories.
    882.4305Powered compound cranial drills, burrs, trephines . . .HBFNLP(Powered, compound) drills, burrs, trephines and accessories.
    882.4310Powered simple cranial drills, burrs, trephinesHBENLN(Simple, powered) drills, burrs, trephines and accessories.
    884.1720Gynecologic laparoscope and accessoriesHETNMHGynecologic laparoscope (and accessories).
    884.6100Assisted reproduction needleMQENNBAssisted reproduction needle.
    886.4370KeratomeHMY, HNONKYKeratome blade.
    886.4670Phacofragmentation systemHQCNKXPhacoemulsification needle.
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    892.5730Radionuclide brachytherapy sourceIWFNMPIsotope needle.
    1 Hemodialyzers have been excluded from this list because the reuse of hemodialyzers is addressed in “Guidance for Hemodialyzer Reuse Labeling” (final draft issued on October 6, 1995).

    III. Comments

    You may submit written or electronic comments on these lists to the Dockets Management Branch (see ADDRESSES). You may submit a single copy of an electronic comment to http://www.fda.gov/​dockets/​ecomments. You should submit two copies of any mailed comments but individuals may submit one copy. You should identify your comment with the docket number found in brackets in the heading of this document. You may see any comments FDA receives in the Dockets Management Branch between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.

    Attachment 1.—List of SUDs Known to be Reprocessed or Considered for Reprocessing

    Medical specialtyDevice typeRegulation No.ClassProduct codeRisk 1,2,3,3*Critical/semi-critical/non-criticalPremarket exempt
    1CardioCardiopulmonary Bypass MarkerUnclassifiedMAB1CN
    2CardioPercutaneous & Operative Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty Catheter (PCTA)post amendmentIIILOX3CN
    3CardioPercutaneous Ablation ElectrodePost amendmentIIILPB3CN
    4CardioPeripheral Transluminal Angioplasty (PTA) CatheterUnclassifiedLIT3CN
    5CardioBlood-Pressure Cuff870.1120IIDXQ1NN
    6CardioAngiography Catheter870.1200IIDQO3CN
    7CardioElectrode Recording Catheter870.1220IIDRF3CN
    8CardioHigh-Density Array Catheter870.1220IIMTD3CN
    9CardioFiberoptic Oximeter Catheter870.1230IIDQE3CN
    10CardioSteerable Catheter870.1280IIDRA3CN
    11CardioSteerable Catheter Control System870.1290IIDXX3CN
    12CardioGuide Wire870.1330IIDQX3CN
    13CardioAngiographic Needle870.1390IIDRC3CN
    16CardioInjector Type Syringe Actuator870.1670IIDQF3CN
    18CardioTissue Saturation Oximeter870.2700IIMUD3CN
    19CardioIntra-Aortic Balloon System870.3535IIIDSP3CN
    20CardioVascular Clamp870.4450IIDXC3CN
    21CardioDevice, Stabilizer, Heart870.4500IMWS2CY
    22CardioExternal Vein Stripper870.4885IIDWQ3CN
    23CardioCompressible Limb Sleeve870.5800IIJOW1NN
    25DentalDiamond Coated Bur872.3240IEJL3CY
    26DentalDiamond Instrument872.4535IDZP3CY
    27DentalAC-Powered Bone Saw872.4120IIDZH2CN
    28DentalManual Bone Drill and Wire Driver872.4120IIDZJ2CN
    29DentalPowered Bone Drill872.4120IIDZI2CN
    30DentalIntraoral Drill872.4130IDZA1CY
    31DentalInjection Needle872.4730IDZM3CY
    32DentalMetal Orthodontic Bracket872.5410IEJF3SY
    33DentalPlastic Orthodontic Bracket872.5470IIDYW3SN
    35ENTDiamond Coated Bur874.4140IEQJ3CY
    37ENTMicrosurgical Argon Fiber Optic Laser Cable, For Uses Other Than Otology, Including Laryngology & General Use In Otolarngology874.4490IILMS1SN
    38ENTMicrosurgical Argon Fiber Optic Laser Cable, For Use In Otology874.4490IILXR1SN
    Start Printed Page 23144
    39ENTMicrosurgical Carbon-Dioxide Fiber Optic Laser Cable874.4500IIEWG1SN
    40ENTBronchoscope Biopsy Forceps (Non-Rigid)874.4680IIBWH3SN
    41ENTBronchoscope Biopsy Forceps (Rigid)874.4680IIJEK1SN
    42Gastro/UrologyBiopsy Forceps Cover876.1075IFFF1SY
    43Gastro/UrologyBiopsy Instrument876.1075IIKNW3SN
    44Gastro/UrologyBiopsy Needle Set876.1075IIFCG3SN
    45Gastro/UrologyBiopsy Punch876.1075IIFCI2SN
    46Gastro/UrologyMechanical Biopsy Instrument876.1075IIFCF2SN
    47Gastro/UrologyNon-Electric Biopsy Forceps876.1075IFCL3SY
    48Gastro/UrologyCytology Brush For Endoscope876.1500IIFDX2SN
    49Gastro/UrologyEndoscope Accessories876.1500IIKOG2SN
    50Gastro/UrologyExtraction Balloons/Baskets876.1500IIKOG2SN
    51Gastro/UrologyEndoscopic Needle876.1500IIFBK3CN
    52Gastro/UrologySimple Pneumoperitoneum Needle876.1500IIFHP3CN
    53Gastro/UrologySpring Loaded Pneumoperitoneum Needle876.1500IIFHO3CN
    54Gastro/UrologyActive Electrosurgical Electrode876.4300IIFAS3SN
    55Gastro/UrologyBiliary Sphincterotomes876.5010, 876.1500IIFGE3SN
    56Gastro/UrologyElectric Biopsy Forceps876.4300IIKGE3SN
    57Gastro/UrologyElectrosurgical Endoscopic Unit (With Or Without Accessories)876.4300IIKNS3SN
    58Gastro/UrologyFlexible Snare876.4300IIFDI3SN
    59Gastro/UrologyFlexible Suction Coagulator Electrode876.4300IIFEH3SN
    60Gastro/UrologyFlexible Stone Dislodger876.4680IIFGO3SY
    61Gastro/UrologyMetal Stone Dislodger876.4680IIFFL3SY
    62Gastro/UrologyNeedle Holder876.4730IFHQ1CY
    63Gastro/UrologyNon-Electrical Snare876.4730IFGX1SY
    64Gastro/UrologyUrological Catheter876.5130IIKOD2SN
    65Gastro/UrologySingle Needle Dialysis Set876.5540IILBW, FIE3CN
    66Gastro/UrologyHemodialysis Blood Circuit Accessories876.5820IIKOC2SN
    67Gastro/UrologySingle Needle Dialysis Set876.5820IIFIF3CN
    68GE/UHemorrhoidal Ligator876.4400IIFHN2CN
    69General HospitalImplanted, Programmable Infusion PumpPost-amendmentIIILKK3CN
    70General HospitalNeedle Destruction DevicePost-amendmentIIIMTV1NN
    71General HospitalNon-Powered Flotation Therapy Mattress880.5150IIKY2NY
    72General HospitalNon AC-Powered Patient Lift880.5510IFSA2NY
    73General HospitalAlternating Pressure Air Flotation Mattress880.5550IIFNM1NY
    Start Printed Page 23145
    74General HospitalTemperature Regulated Water Mattress880.5560IFOH2NY
    75General HospitalHypodermic Single Lumen Needle880.5570IIFMI3CN
    76General HospitalPiston Syringe880.5860IIFMF3CN
    77General HospitalMattress Cover (Medical Purposes)880.6190IFMW2NY
    78General HospitalDisposable Medical Scissors880.6820IJOK1NY
    79General HospitalIrrigating Syringe880.6960IKYZ, KYY1CY
    80Infection ControlSurgical Gowns878.4040IIFYA1CN
    81LabBlood Lancet878.4800IFMK1CY
    82NeuroClip Forming/Cutting Instrument,882.4190IHBS3*CY
    83NeuroDrills, Burrs, Trephines & Accessories (Manual)882.4300IIHBG3*CN
    84NeuroDrills, Burrs, Trephines & Accessories (Compound, Powered)882.4305IIHBF3*CN
    85NeuroDrills, Burrs, Trephines & Accessories (Simple, Powered)882.4310IIHBE3*CN
    86OB/GYNOocyte aspiration needleUnclassifiedIIMHK3CN
    87OB/GYNLaparoscope Accessories884.1720IHET2CY
    88OB/GYNLaparoscope Accessories884.1720IIHET3CN
    89OB/GYNLaparoscopic Dissectors884.1720IHET2CY
    90OB/GYNLaparoscopic Graspers884.1720IHET2CY
    91OB/GYNLaparoscopic Scissors884.1720IHET2CY
    92OB/GYNInsufflator Accessories (tubing, Verres needle, kits)884.1730IIHIF3CY
    93OB/GYNLaparoscopic Insufflator884.1730IIHIF2NN
    94OB/GYNEndoscopic Electrocautery And Accessories884.4100IIHIM2NN
    95OB/GYNGynecologic Electrocautery (And Accessories)884.4120IIHGI2NN
    96OB/GYNEndoscopic Bipolar Coagulator-Cutter (And Accessories)884.4150IIHIN2NN
    97OB/GYNCuldoscopic Coagulator (And Accessories)884.4160IIHFI2NN
    98OB/GYNEndoscopic Unipolar Coagulator-Cutter (And Accessories)884.4160IIKNF2NN
    99OB/GYNHysteroscopic Coagulator (And Accessories)884.4160IIHFH2NN
    100OB/GYNUnipolar Laparoscopic Coagulator (And Accessories)884.4160IIHFG2NN
    101OB/GYNEpisiotomy Scissors884.4520IHDK1CY
    102OB/GYNUmbilical Scissors884.4520IHDJ1CY
    103OB/GYNBiopsy Forceps884.4530IHFB3CY
    104OB/GYNAssisted reproduction needle884.6100IIMQE3CN
    106OphthalmicSurgical Drapes878.4370IIKKX2CN
    107OphthalmicOphthalmic Knife886.4350IHNN3CY
    108OphthalmicKeratome Blade886.4370Inot exemptHMY, HNO3CN
    109OphthalmicPhacoemulsification Needle886.4670IIHQC3CN
    110OphthalmicPhacoemulsification/Phacofragmentation Fluidic886.4670IIMUS2CN
    111OphthalmicPhacofragmentation Unit886.4670IIHQC1NN
    112OrthoSaw Blades878.4820IGFA, DWH, GEY, GET1CY
    113OrthoSurgical Drills878.4820IGEY, GET1CY
    114OrthoArthroscope accessories888.1100IIHRX2CY
    115OrthoBone Tap888.4540IHWX1CY
    117OrthoCarpal Tunnel Blade888.4540ILXH2CY
    119OrthoDrill Bit888.4540IHTW1CY
    Start Printed Page 23146
    121OrthoManual Surgical Instrument888.4540ILXH1CY
    122OrthoNeedle Holder888.4540IHXK1CY
    126OrthoStaple Driver888.4540IHXJ1CY
    128OrthoFlexible Reamers/Drills886.4070 878.4820IGEY, HRG1CY
    129OrthoExternal Fixation Frame888.3040 888.3030IIJEC KTW KTT2NN
    130Physical MedicineNon-Heating Lamp for Adjunctive Use Inpatient TherapyUnclassifiedNHN1NN
    131Physical MedicineElectrode Cable,890.1175IIIKD1NY
    132Physical MedicineExternal Limb Component, Hip Joint890.3420IISL2NY
    133Physical MedicineExternal Limb Component, Knee Joint890.3420IISY2NY
    134Physical MedicineExternal Limb Component, Mechanical Wrist890.3420IISZ2NY
    135Physical MedicineExternal Limb Component, Shoulder Joint890.3420IIQQ2NY
    136Plastic SurgeryStapler878.4800IGAG, GEF, FHM, HBT2CY
    137RadiologyIsotope Needle892.5730IIIWF3CN
    138RespEndotracheal Tube ChangerUnclassifiedIIILNZ3CN
    139RespAnesthesia conduction needle868.5150IIBSP3CN
    140RespShort term spinal needle868.5150IIMIA3CN
    141RespRespiratory Therapy And Anesthesia Breathing Circuits868.5240ICAI2SY
    142RespOral And Nasal Catheters868.5350IBZB1CY
    143RespGas Masks868.5550IBSJ1SY
    144RespBreathing Mouthpiece868.5620IBYP1NY
    145RespTracheal Tube868.5730IIBTR3CN
    146RespAirway Connector868.5810IBZA2SY
    147RespCPAP Mask868.5905IIBZD3SN
    148RespEmergency Manual Resuscitator868.5915IIBTM2SN
    149RespTracheobronchial Suction Catheter868.6810IBSY3SY
    150SurgeryAC-powered Orthopedic Instrument and accessoriesUnclassifiedHWE2CN
    151SurgeryBreast Implant Mammary SizerUnclassifiedMRD1CN
    152SurgeryUltrasonic Surgical InstrumentUnclassifiedLFL3CN
    153SurgeryTrocar874.4420IKAB, KBG, KCI3CY
    154SurgeryEndoscopic Blades876.1500IIGCP, GCR2CN
    155SurgeryEndoscopic Guidewires876.1500IIGCP, GCR1CN
    156SurgeryInflatable External Extremity Splint878.3900IFZF1NY
    157SurgeryNoninflatable External Extremity Splint878.3910IFYH1NY
    158SurgeryCatheter needle878.4200IGCB3CY
    159SurgeryImplantable Clip878.4300IIFZP3CN
    160SurgeryElectrosurgical And Coagulation Unit With Accessories878.4400IIBWA2CN
    161SurgeryElectrosurgical Apparatus878.4400IIHAM2CN
    162SurgeryElectrosurgical Cutting & Coagulation Device & Accessories878.4400IIGEI2CN
    163SurgeryElectrosurgical Device878.4400IIDWG2CN
    164SurgeryElectrosurgical Electrode878.4400IIJOS2CN
    165SurgeryImplantable Staple, Clamp, Clip for Suturing Apparatus878.4750IIGDW3CN
    166SurgeryPercutaneous biopsy device878.4800IMJG3CY
    167SurgeryGastro-Urology needle878.4800IFHR3CY
    Start Printed Page 23147
    168SurgeryAspiration and injection needle878.4800IGAA3CY
    169SurgeryBiopsy Brush878.4800IGEE1CY
    170SurgeryBlood Lancet878.4800IFMK1CY
    171SurgeryBone Hook878.4800IKIK1CY
    172SurgeryCardiovascular Biopsy Needle878.4800IDWO3CY
    176SurgeryDisposable Surgical Instrument878.4800IKDC1CY
    177SurgeryDisposable Vein Stripper878.4800IGAJ1CY
    182SurgeryHemostatic Clip Applier878.4800IHBT2CY
    184SurgeryManual Instrument878.4800IMDM, MDW1CY
    185SurgeryManual Retractor878.4800IGZW1CY
    186SurgeryManual Saw And Accessories878.4800IGDR HAC1CY
    187SurgeryManual Saw And Accessories878.4800IHAC1CY
    188SurgeryManual Surgical Chisel878.4800IFZO1CY
    189SurgeryMastoid Chisel878.4800IJYD1CY
    190SurgeryOrthopedic Cutting Instrument878.4800IHTZ1CY
    191SurgeryOrthopedic Spatula878.4800IHXR1CY
    198SurgeryScalpel Blade878.4800IGES1CY
    199SurgeryScalpel Handle878.4800IGDZ1CY
    203SurgeryStaple Applier878.4800IGEF2CY
    205SurgeryStomach And Intestinal Suturing Apparatus878.4800IFHM2CY
    206SurgerySurgical Curette878.4800IFZS1CY
    207SurgerySurgical Cutter878.4800IFZT1CY
    208SurgerySurgical Knife878.4800IEMF1SY
    209SurgeryLaser Powered Instrument878.4810IIGEX2CN
    210SurgeryAc-Powered Motor878.4820IGEY2CY
    212SurgeryBur878.4820IGFF, GEY1CY
    213SurgeryCardiovascular Surgical Saw Blade878.4820IDWH1CY
    214SurgeryChisel (Osteotome)878.4820IKDG1CY
    216SurgeryElectrically Powered Saw878.4820IDWI2CY
    217SurgeryPneumatic Powered Motor878.4820IGET2CY
    218SurgeryPneumatically Powered Saw878.4820IKFK2CY
    219SurgeryPowered Saw And Accessories878.4820IHAB2CY
    220SurgerySaw Blade878.4820IGFA1CY
    221SurgeryNonpneumatic Tourniquet878.5900IGAX1NY
    222SurgeryPneumatic Tourniquet878.5910IKCY1NY
    223SurgeryEnodoscopic Staplers888.4540IHXJ2CY
    224SurgeryTrocar876.1500 870.1390IIGCJ, DRC3CN
    225SurgerySurgical Cutting Accessories878.4800, 874.4420IGDZ, GDX, GES, KBQ, KAS2CY
    226SurgeryElectrosurgical Electrodes/Handles/Pencils876.4300 878.4400IIHAM, GEI, FAS2CN
    Start Printed Page 23148
    227SurgeryScissor Tips878.4800, 884.4520, 874.4420ILRW, HDK, HDJ, JZB, KBD2CY
    228SurgeryLaser Fiber Delivery Systems878.4810 874.4500 886.4390 884.4550 886.4690IIGEX EWG LLW HQF HHR HQB1CN
    1 = low risk according to RPS
    2 = moderate risk according to RPS
    3 = high risk according to RPS
    3* = high risk due to neurological use
    Start Signature

    Dated: April 23, 2003.

    Jeffrey Shuren,

    Assistant Commissioner for Policy.

    End Signature End Supplemental Information


    1.  Spaulding, E.H., “The Role of Chemical Disinfection in the Prevention of Nonsocomial Infections,” P.S. Brachman and T.C. Eickof (ed), Proceedings of International Conference on Nonsocomial Infections, 1970, American Hospital Association, Chicago, 1971:254-274.

    Back to Citation

    2.  This draft guidance document is available on the CDRH Web site at http//www.fda.gov/​cdrh/​reuse/​1156.pdf.

    Back to Citation

    3.  Spaulding, E. H., “The Role of Chemical Disinfection in the Prevention of Nonsocomial Infections,” P. S. Brachman and T. C. Eickof (ed), Proceedings of International Conference on Nonsocomial Infections, 1970, American Hospital Association, Chicago, 1971:254-274.

    Back to Citation

    [FR Doc. 03-10413 Filed 4-23-03; 5:03 pm]

    BILLING CODE 4160-01-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Food and Drug Administration
Entry Type:
Document Number:
These actions are effective April 30, 2003. Manufacturers of SUDs identified in List I whose exemption is being terminated must submit 510(k)s for these devices by July 30, 2004, or their devices may no longer be marketed. Manufacturers who already have clearance letters for SUDs identified in List II must submit validation data for these devices by January 30, 2004, or marketing of these devices must cease.
23139-23148 (10 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 03N-0161
PDF File: