05-3847. Implementation of the Satellite Home Viewer Extension and Reauthorization Act of 2004; Implementation of Section 340 of the Communications Act; Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
Start Preamble
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Federal Communications Commission.
Proposed rule.
In this document, the Commission proposes rules to implement Section 202 of the Satellite Home Viewer Extension and Reauthorization Act of 2004 (“SHVERA”), which creates Section 340 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (“Act”), and amends the copyright laws in order to provide satellite carriers with the authority to offer Commission-determined “significantly-viewed” signals of out-of-market broadcast stations to subscribers. This document achieves the SHVERA's statutory objectives to publish and maintain a list of the stations and the communities containing such stations that are eligible for “significantly viewed” status; and commence a rulemaking proceeding to implement new Section 340.
Submit comments on or before April 8, 2005; and reply comments must be filed on or before April 29, 2005. Written comments on the proposed information collection requirements contained in the document must be submitted by the public, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and other interested parties on or before May 9, 2005.
All filings must be addressed to the Commission's Secretary, Office of the Secretary, Federal Communications Commission, 445 12th Street, SW., Room TW-A325, Washington, DC 20554. See SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION for filing instructions.
For additional information on this proceeding, contact Evan Baranoff, Evan.Baranoff@fcc.gov, or Eloise Gore, Eloise.Gore@fcc.gov, of the Media Bureau, Policy Division, (202) 418-2120. For additional information concerning the Paperwork Reduction Act information collection requirements contained in this document, contact Cathy Williams, Federal Communications Commission, 445 12th St, SW., Room 1-C823, Washington, DC 20554, or via the Internet to Cathy.Williams@fcc.gov.
End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental InformationSUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
This is a summary of the Federal Communications Commission's Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (“NPRM”) FCC 05-24, adopted on February 4, 2005, and released on February 7, 2005. The full text of this document is available for public inspection and copying during regular business hours in the FCC Reference Center, Federal Communications Commission, 445 12th Street, SW., CY-A257, Washington, DC 20554. These documents will also be available via ECFS (http://www.fcc.gov/cgb/ecfs/). (Documents will be available electronically in ASCII, Word 97, and/or Adobe Acrobat.) The complete text may be purchased from the Commission's copy contractor, 445 12th Street, SW., Room CY-B402, Washington, DC 20554. To request this document in accessible formats (computer diskettes, large print, audio recording, and Braille), send an e-mail to fcc504@fcc.gov or call the Commission's Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau at (202) 418-0530 (voice), (202) 418-0432 (TTY).
Initial Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 Analysis
This NPRM has been analyzed with respect to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (“PRA”), Public Law. 104-13, 109 Stat 163 (1995), and contains proposed information collection requirements. It will be submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review under section 3507(d) of the PRA. The Commission, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork burdens, invites the general public and the OMB to comment on the proposed information collection requirements contained in this NPRM, as required by the PRA. Written comments on the PRA proposed information collection requirements must be submitted by the public, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and other interested parties on or before May 9, 2005. Comments should address: (a) Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Commission, including whether the information shall have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the Commission's burden estimates; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on the respondents, including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. In addition, pursuant to the Small Business Paperwork Relief Act of 2002, (“SBPRA”), Public Law 107-198, 116 Stat 729 (2002), see 44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(4), comments should also address how the Commission might “further reduce the information collection burden for small business concerns with fewer than 25 employees.”
The following existing information collection requirements would be modified if the proposed rules contained in the NPRM are adopted.
OMB Control Number: 3060-0311.
Title: 47 CFR 76.54, Significantly Viewed Signals; Method to be Followed for Special Showings.
Form Number: Not Applicable.
Type of Review: Revision of a currently approved collection.
Respondents: Business or other for-profit entities.
Number of Respondents: 250.
Frequency of Response: On occasion reporting requirement; Third party disclosure requirement.
Estimated Time Per Response: 1-15 hours (average).
Total Annual Burden: 4,610 hours.
Total Annual Costs: None.
Privacy Impact Assessment: No impact(s).
Needs and Uses: 47 CFR 76.54(c) is used to notify interested parties, including licensees or permittees of television broadcast stations, about audience surveys that are being conducted by an organization to demonstrate that a particular broadcast station is eligible for significantly viewed status under the Commission's rules. The notifications provide interested parties with an opportunity to review survey methodologies and file objections. The proposed § 76.54(c) retains the existing notification requirement, but, if adopted, would increase the potential number of parties that would file such notifications. 47 CFR 76.54(e) and (f), if adopted, would be used to notify television broadcast stations about the retransmission of significantly viewed signals by a satellite carrier into these stations' local market.
OMB Control Number: 3060-0888.
Title: Part 76, Multichannel Video and Cable Television Service; Pleading and Complaint Rules; 47 CFR 76.7 Petition Procedures.
Form Number: Not applicable.
Type of Review: Revision of a currently approved collection.
Respondents: Business or other for-profit entities.
Number of Respondents: 500.
Frequency of Response: On occasion reporting requirement; Third party disclosure requirement.Start Printed Page 11315
Estimated Time Per Response: 4-40 hours (average).
Total Annual Burden: 11,000 hours.
Total Annual Costs: $2,000,000.
Privacy Impact Assessment: No impact(s).
Needs and Uses: 47 CFR 76.7 is used to make determinations on petitions and complaints filed with the Commission. The proposed rule changes, if adopted, would expand the potential number of parties and situations that may require the filing of § 76.7 petitions. Parties (cable operators and broadcast stations) are currently permitted to file § 76.7 petitions (with audience surveys) to demonstrate significantly viewed status under rule § 76.54. The proposed rule changes, if adopted, would authorize additional parties (satellite carriers) to file such § 76.7 petitions to demonstrate significantly viewed status under new Section 340 of the Act. Moreover, the proposed rule changes, if adopted, would authorize parties to file § 76.7 petitions in order to file a complaint under the Section 340 enforcement provisions.
OMB Control Number: 3060-0960.
Title: 47 CFR 76.122, Satellite Network Non-duplication Protection Rules; 47 CFR 76.123, Satellite Syndicated Program Exclusivity Rules; 47 CFR 76.124, Requirements for Invocation of Non-duplication and Syndicated Exclusivity Protection; 47 CFR 76.127, Satellite Sports Blackout Rules.
Form Number: Not Applicable.
Type of Review: Revision of a currently approved collection.
Respondents: Business or other for-profit entities.
Number of Respondents: 1,428.
Estimated Time Per Response: 0.5-1 hour (average).
Frequency of Response: On occasion reporting requirement; Third party disclosure requirement.
Total Annual Burden: 68,529 hours.
Total Annual Costs: None.
Privacy Impact Assessment: No impact(s).
Needs and Uses: 47 CFR 76.122, 76.123, 76.124 and 76.127 are used to protect exclusive contract rights negotiated between broadcasters, distributors, and rights holders for the transmission of network, syndicated, and sports programming in the broadcasters' recognized market areas. The proposed rule changes to §§ 76.122 and 76.123, if adopted, would implement statutory requirements to provide new rights for in-market stations to assert nonduplication and exclusivity rights, potentially increasing the number of filings pursuant to these rules. No changes to §§ 76.124 and 76.127 are proposed.
Summary of the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
I. Introduction
1. In this Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (“NPRM”), the Commission proposes rules to implement Section 202 of the Satellite Home Viewer Extension and Reauthorization Act of 2004 (“SHVERA”), Pub. L. No. 108-447, sec. 202, 118 Stat 2809, 3393 (2004) (to be codified at 47 U.S.C. 340). (The SHVERA was enacted on December 8, 2004 as title IX of the “Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2005.” This proceeding is one of a number of Commission proceedings that will be required to implement the SHVERA. The other proceedings will follow according to the timeframes set forth in the SHVERA, to be undertaken and largely completely in 2005; see Sections 202, 204, 205, 207, 208, 209 and 210 of the SHVERA; see also public notice, “Media Bureau Seeks Comment For Inquiry Required By the on Rules Affecting Competition In the Television Marketplace,” MB Docket No. 05-28, DA 05-169 (rel. Jan. 25, 2005).) Section 202 of the SHVERA creates Section 340 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (“Communications Act” or “Act”), which provides satellite carriers with the authority to offer Commission-determined “significantly viewed” signals of out-of-market (or “distant”) broadcast stations to subscribers. The SHVERA imposes strict statutory deadlines, directing the Commission to (1) publish and maintain a list of stations eligible for “significantly viewed” status and the related communities (as determined by the Commission), and (2) commence a rulemaking proceeding to implement Section 340 of the Act, 47 U.S.C. 340, both within 60 days, thus enabling satellite carriage of such “significantly viewed” signals. The SHVERA was enacted by Presidential signature on December 8, 2004. The SHVERA also requires that the Commission adopt rules implementing Section 340 of the Act, 47 U.S.C. 340, within one year of the statute's enactment. Section 340(h) of the Act, 47 U.S.C. 340(h), directs the Commission to make specific revisions to § 76.66 of our rules, 47 CFR 76.66, with respect to carriage elections, retransmission consent negotiations and notifications to stations in local-into-local markets no later than October 30, 2005. These revisions will be addressed in a separate proceeding.)
2. With the SHVERA, Congress takes another step toward “moderniz[ing] satellite television policy and enhanc[ing] competition between satellite and cable operators.” The SHVERA adopts for satellite carriers and subscribers the concept of “significantly viewed,” which has applied in the cable context for more than 30 years. In 1972, the Commission adopted the concept of “significantly viewed” signals to differentiate between out-of-market television stations “that have sufficient audience to be considered local and those that do not.” The Commission concluded at that time that it would not be reasonable if choices on cable were more limited than choices over the air, and gave cable carriage rights to stations in communities where they had significant over-the-air non-cable viewing. (At the time the Commission adopted the significantly viewed rules, the cable television carriage rules were generally based on mileage zones from the relevant stations. A television station was generally considered “local” for cable carriage purposes if the relevant community served was within 35 miles of the station's city of license or within its Grade B contour but not within the 35 mile zone of another market. Cable system carriage of significantly viewed stations, however, was based on audience viewership levels in the relevant communities rather than by strict mileage zones. This afforded significantly viewed stations carriage when they otherwise would have been considered distant stations, 47 CFR 76.5(i), 47 CFR 76.5(i).) The designation is salient because it has enabled stations assigned to one market to be treated as “local” stations with respect to a particular cable community in another market.
3. The copyright provisions that apply to cable systems have recognized the Commission's designation of stations as “significantly viewed” and treated them, for copyright purposes, as “local,” and therefore subject to reduced copyright payment obligations. The copyright provisions governing satellite carriers did not, however, provide a statutory copyright license for significantly viewed signals, and as a consequence such signals are not, as a practical matter, generally available for carriage for satellite distribution outside of their Designated Market Areas (“DMAs”). Recognizing that the reach of a station's over-the-air signal is not constrained by the boundary of a DMA, the SHVERA now will allow a satellite carrier to treat an otherwise distant signal as “local” in a community where such signal is “significantly viewed” by consumers in that community. (A DMA generally identifies a television station's “local market.”). In this way, the statutory provisions governing satellite carriage of broadcast stations move Start Printed Page 11316closer to the provisions that have long governed cable carriage.
II. Background
A. Satellite Home Viewer Act (SHVA)
4. In 1988, Congress passed the Satellite Home Viewer Act (“1988 SHVA”), which established a statutory copyright license for satellite carriers to offer subscribers who could not receive the signal of a broadcast station over the air access to broadcast programming via satellite. The 1988 SHVA reflected Congress' intent to protect the role of local broadcasters in providing over-the-air television by limiting satellite delivery of network broadcast programming to subscribers who were “unserved” by over-the-air signals. The 1988 SHVA, however, did permit satellite carriers to offer distant “superstations” to subscribers.
B. Satellite Home Viewer Improvement Act of 1999 (SHVIA)
5. In the Satellite Home Viewer Improvement Act (“SHVIA”), Congress expanded on the 1988 SHVA by amending both the 1988 copyright laws and the Communications Act to permit satellite carriers to retransmit local broadcast television signals directly to consumers. Generally, the SHVIA sought to level the competitive playing field between satellite and cable operators, thereby providing consumers with more and better choices when selecting a multichannel video programming distributor (“MVPD”). The Commission undertook a number of rulemakings to implement the SHVIA, adopting rules for satellite companies with regard to mandatory carriage of broadcast signals, retransmission consent, and program exclusivity that closely paralleled the requirements for cable service.
6. A key element of the SHVIA was to provide satellite carriers with a statutory copyright license to facilitate the retransmission of local broadcast programming, or “local-into-local” service, to subscribers. A satellite carrier provides “local-into-local” service when it retransmits a local television signal back into the local market of that television station for reception by subscribers. Generally, a television station's “local market” is the DMA in which it is located. (Section 340(i)(1) of the Act, 47 U.S.C. 340(i)(1), as established by the SHVERA, defines the term “local market” using the definition contained in 17 U.S.C. 122(j)(2).) DMAs, which describe each television market in terms of a unique geographic area, are established by Nielsen Media Research based on measured viewing patterns. Each satellite carrier providing local-into-local service pursuant to the statutory copyright license is generally obligated to carry any qualified local television station in the particular DMA that has made a timely election for mandatory carriage, unless the station's programming is duplicative of the programming of another station carried by the carrier in the DMA or the station does not provide a good quality signal to the carrier's local receive facility. This is commonly referred to as the “carry one, carry all” requirement; see 47 U.S.C. 338.
C. Satellite Home Viewer Extension and Reauthorization Act of 2004 (SHVERA)
7. In December 2004, Congress passed and the President signed the Satellite Home Viewer Extension and Reauthorization Act of 2004, which again amends the 1988 copyright laws and the Communications Act to further aid the competitiveness of satellite carriers and expand program offerings for satellite subscribers; see the Satellite Home Viewer Extension and Reauthorization Act of 2004, Pub. L. No. 108-447, 118 Stat 2809, 3393 (2004) (codified in scattered sections of 17 and 47 U.S.C.). Section 102 of the SHVERA creates a new 17 U.S.C. 119(a)(3) to provide satellite carriers with a statutory copyright license to offer “significantly viewed” signals as part of their local service subscribers. The 1999 SHVIA opened the door for satellite carriers to offer local broadcast programming to subscribers, but the SHVIA copyright license for satellite carriers was still more limited than the statutory copyright license for cable operators. Specifically, for satellite purposes, “local,” though out-of-market (i.e., “significantly viewed”) signals were treated the same as truly “distant” (e.g., hundreds of miles away) signals for purposes of the SHVIA's statutory copyright licenses in 17 U.S.C. 119 and 122. The SHVERA is intended to correct this particular inconsistency by giving satellite carriers the option to offer Commission-determined “significantly viewed” signals to subscribers.
III. Discussion
8. The SHVERA creates Section 340 of the Act, 47 U.S.C. 340, and expands the statutory copyright license for satellite carriers contained in 17 U.S.C. 119 to establish the framework for satellite carriage of Commission-determined “significantly viewed” signals. As required by the SHVERA, we open this rulemaking proceeding, publish the existing list of significantly viewed stations, and seek comment on implementation of Section 340 of the Act, 47 U.S.C. 340, and on the specific rule proposals and tentative conclusions contained herein.
A. Station Eligibility for Satellite Carriage as “Significantly Viewed”
9. In this section, we will consider which stations are eligible for “significantly viewed” status in which communities pursuant to the statutory copyright license contained in 17 U.S.C. 119(a). We will also consider how stations and the related communities can become eligible for such status. Such examination requires discussion of the interplay of the Section 340 of the Act, 47 U.S.C. 340, requirements with the Commission's network nonduplication and syndicated exclusivity rules. We must also consider how to define a satellite community in this context.
1. “Significantly Viewed” Status
10. The SHVERA specifies two ways for a station to be eligible for “significantly viewed” status. Section 340(a) of the Act, as created by the SHVERA, authorizes a satellite carrier “to retransmit to a subscriber located in a community the signal of any station located outside the local market in which such subscriber is located, to the extent such signal—
(1) Has, before the date of enactment of the Satellite Home Viewer Extension and Reauthorization Act of 2004, been determined by the Federal Communications Commission to be a signal a cable operator may carry as significantly viewed in such community, except to the extent that such signal is prevented from being carried by a cable system in such community under the Commission's network nonduplication and syndicated exclusivity rules; or
(2) Is, after such date of enactment, determined by the Commission to be significantly viewed in such community in accordance with the same standards and procedures concerning shares of viewing hours and audience surveys as are applicable under the rules, regulations, and authorizations of the Commission to determining with respect to a cable system whether signals are significantly viewed in a community.”
Therefore, to obtain “significantly viewed” status, a station must either (1) be determined by the Commission to be “significantly viewed,” as of December 7, 2004 (i.e., must be on the Commission's “Significantly Viewed List” or “SV List”), or (2) obtain a “significantly viewed” determination by the Commission (i.e., must be added to the “Significantly Viewed List”). There is no statutory limit on the number of significantly viewed signals a satellite carrier may carry.Start Printed Page 11317
2. List of Significantly Viewed Stations and Communities
11. Section 340(c) of the Act, 47 U.S.C. 340(c), directs the Commission to publish and maintain a unified list of significantly viewed stations, and the communities containing such stations, that will apply to both cable operators and satellite carriers. The provision also requires that the Commission make this list of significantly viewed stations with related communities available to the public on our Web site, and update this list within 10 business days after taking an action to modify the list. (At the completion of this rulemaking proceeding, the final list will be published on the Commission's Web site at http://www.fcc.gov/mb,, and, as further required by SHVERA, we will update the list as it appears on the website within 10 days of any modifications.)
12. In accordance with the SHVERA, we have compiled a list of stations that have been granted significantly viewed status pursuant to the Commission's cable television rules. This list (“SV List”), attached as Appendix B, is a list of significantly viewed stations and the communities containing such stations combining the Commission's original 1972 list of significantly viewed stations granted on a county-wide basis with stations added on a county or community-wide basis over the intervening years. (The Commission's initial list of significantly viewed stations was released in 1972. The SV List also includes stations granted significantly viewed status subsequent to 1972. These latter stations and communities have not been previously published by the Commission, but have been included in a list maintained and published annually in Warren Publishing's Cable & Station Coverage Atlas (Warren Publishing Inc., Washington DC). The most recent version of Warren Communications News' significantly viewed list can be found at: Cable and Station Coverage Atlas, Warren Communications News' (Appendix B) (2004). The SV List indicates by a plus sign (+) those that have been added to the 1972 list after its publication to distinguish them from those stations and communities derived from the original 1972 list. We do not believe that this distinction is meaningful for the future and intend to eliminate this designation from the final SV List to be published at the conclusion of this proceeding.) When the Commission initiated the cable carriage rules in 1972, the goal was to be broadly inclusive in order to provide a wide range of programming choices for cable viewers by designating significantly viewed stations on a county-wide basis. The Commission provided that, after this initial period, stations can be added to the list on the basis of community surveys that focus on the area in which the station is significantly viewed. In addition, stations beginning operation after the initial survey period can use the county-wide methodology comparable to that used by Arbitron for the initial survey in lieu of a community-based survey.
13. As explained below, some stations on the SV List have been the subject of waivers and program deletions based on network nonduplication or syndicated exclusivity. The SV List indicates by a pound sign (#) the stations and related communities thus subjected to programming deletions. Cable operators and satellite carriers must be aware of these required programming deletions (“blackouts”) and abide by them in their carriage of these stations in the communities so indicated.
14. Based on the short time frame mandated by the SHVERA for publication of the SV List, as well as the legislative history, we believe that Congress intends for satellite carriers to make use of the SV List to expand their carriage offerings so that their subscribers can begin to experience the benefits of the SHVERA as soon as possible. We are confident that the SV List appended to this NPRM has a high degree of accuracy and, therefore, believe that both cable and satellite carriers may rely on its validity to commence service, consistent with the other requirements set out in the SHVERA and this proceeding, prior to the adoption of a final list. Nevertheless, in light of the length and age of the SV List, we are asking all interested parties to review the SV List to confirm its accuracy. We seek comment here only about whether the SV List accurately reflects such existing significantly viewed determinations, and not about whether the SV List should be modified because of a change in a station's circumstances subsequent to its placement on the SV List. (We are publishing the SV List in accordance with the SHVERA's mandate in new Section 340(c)(1)(A)(i), 47 U.S.C. 340(c)(1)(A)(i). The purpose of this SV List is to identify “the stations that are eligible” for significantly viewed status, meaning those stations already determined to be significantly viewed by the Commission. The House Commerce Committee intended that the Commission publish the SV List within 180 days of enactment, and provided for “interim eligibility” for stations on the list. The intent was for satellite carriers to “start carrying the signals on the list pending adoption of the rules.” Although the “interim eligibility” language did not survive, the enacted provision required even faster publication of the SV List (i.e., within 60 days). We believe this indicates Congress' interest in permitting immediate use of the SV List upon publication. As discussed below in Section III.A.3, the SHVERA provides for a mechanism for parties to subsequently seek modification of the SV List. Requests to modify the SV List based on changed circumstances must follow this process. Parties may file comments in response to this NPRM describing the nature and basis of any error, including changes in call sign or community. Such comments must include documentary evidence supporting the requested correction. If we find that a station or community has been listed in error, carriage of such signals in such communities will no longer be permitted pursuant to the significantly viewed provisions pertaining to satellite carriers. We believe, however, that carriage instituted in reliance on the SV List, and otherwise in compliance with the SHVERA and the Commission's rules, should not be treated as a “bad faith” violation, notwithstanding a subsequent conclusion that the SV List was in error.
15. With respect to the SV List, we seek specific comment on how to treat communities listed as “unincorporated areas,” as well as how to treat communities that have grown or changed over time, either through annexation or other means. We tentatively conclude that community listings or descriptions should generally be interpreted to encompass the area of natural growth of the community, such that we would apply the community description on the SV List to the community so denominated today. We recognize, however, that unincorporated areas present a somewhat more difficult problem because they may not be as clearly defined as are incorporated areas. We seek comment on how best to resolve treatment of unincorporated areas.
3. Procedures for Determining or Modifying Significantly Viewed Status
16. Section 340(c) of the Act, 47 U.S.C. 340(c), provides a procedure for modifying the SV List, either to add eligible stations or communities, or restrict use of eligible stations through application of the Commission's network nonduplication or syndicated exclusivity rules. This provision permits a satellite carrier or station to petition the Commission to include a particular Start Printed Page 11318station and related community on the significantly viewed list. Section 119(a)(3) of the copyright provisions in title 17, 17 U.S.C. 119(a)(3), requires that the Commission use the same rules in considering such petitions that were in effect as of April 15, 1976. Therefore, it is necessary to describe the existing rules and propose how they will be amended to implement the requirements of the SHVERA.
17. The Commission adopted the significantly viewed standard in 1972. The rules that set the standard also established the definition of “full network,” “partial network,” and “independent” station; see 47 CFR 76.5(i), (j), (k), and (l). The standard applies only to over the air viewing and only to commercial stations. As discussed below, these definitions differ from the copyright definition of “network station” and must be harmonized for our implementation of the SHVERA requirements. The Commission's rules provide that an out-of-market network affiliate should be considered to be significantly viewed if it obtains at least a three percent share of viewing hours in television homes in the community and has a net weekly circulation share of at least 25 percent. For independent stations, the test is a share of at least two percent viewing hours and a net weekly circulation of at least five percent. In 1972, the Commission used 1971 American Research Bureau (ARB) information to establish a baseline list of significantly viewed signals. This data provided audience statistics on a county basis. Although the Commission recognized some drawbacks in using this information, it concluded that county audience statistics could be used to indicate over-the-air viewing in all communities within a county. This list of significantly viewed signals is referred to as the “1972 Appendix B” list. To avoid disruption and uncertainty, the Commission stated that the stations deemed significantly viewed based on the ARB survey are not subject to deletion on the basis of some special showing or later survey.
18. In the 1972 Order, the Commission also established procedures for qualifying new signals for significantly viewed status. Under § 76.54 of the rules, 47 CFR 76.54, parties may submit surveys conducted by a disinterested professional organization that is independent from the cable systems or television stations ordering the surveys. The surveys must include the results of two weekly periods separated by at least 30 days, and one of the weeks must be outside the summer viewing period (i.e., April-September). The Commission recognized that the results of sample surveys can only be determinative within a given probability. Therefore, to assure that the survey errs on the side of excluding stations that are not actually significantly viewed, the Commission decided to require that the sample results exceed the significantly viewed standard, currently specified in § 76.5(i) of the rules, by at least one standard error. (A “standard error” is a statistical measure used to assess, at a specified probability, that the sample estimate reflects the actual result had the entire universe been surveyed. Using one standard error, we can be approximately 70 percent certain that the actual audience statistic is the reported statistic plus or minus one standard error. The calculation of the standard error takes into account the sampling procedure, the sample size and the sample result.) Initially, the Commission required separate surveys for each cable community, but the rule was revised to allow a single survey where a cable system served multiple communities. Thus, if a cable system serves more than one community, a single survey may be taken, provided that the sample includes noncable television homes from each community that are proportional to the population.
19. Section 76.54(d) of our rules, 47 CFR 76.54(d), adopted in 1975, amended the rules to permit television stations that were not on the air at the time the ARB surveys were used to create the 1972 Appendix B list to demonstrate their significantly viewed status using county-wide audience surveys in lieu of the more burdensome community-by-community method. For such stations, significantly viewed status may be demonstrated on a county-wide basis using independent professional audience surveys which cover three separate, consecutive four-week periods and are otherwise comparable to the surveys used to compile the 1972 Appendix B list. Under this rule, a demonstration that a station is significantly viewed must be based on audience survey data from the station's first three years of operation. Where surveys are conducted pursuant to § 76.54(d) of our rules, the Commission concluded that the potential for an unrepresentative sample was considerably lessened by the adoption of a longer survey period. Accordingly, the Commission decided not to require that the results be subject to the standard error requirement and the survey results must simply meet the significantly viewed standard for the station type specified in § 76.5(i) of our rules.
20. The SHVERA requires the Commission to use the rules “applicable to determining with respect to a cable system whether signals are significantly viewed in a community” as “in effect on April 15, 1976.” It is clear from the SHVERA that Congress intends for the Commission to use the same rules and process for making significantly viewed determinations for satellite carriage as we have used for such determinations in the cable carriage context. We thus tentatively conclude to apply § 76.54 of our rules to satellite carriage. Consistent with Section 340 of the Act, 47 U.S.C. 340, and Section 119(c)(3) of title 17, 47 U.S.C. 119(c)(3), we propose to amend § 76.54 of our rules, 47 CFR 76.54, to include application to satellite carriers. We do not believe that the SHVERA prevents us from making the very amendments that are needed to implement the statutory provisions. Our proposed § 76.54 does not alter the procedures as in effect on April 15, 1976, but is simply amended to make reference to satellite carriers and the new SV List. We also propose to amend § 76.54 to update the existing reference to “Grade B contour,” which applies to analog stations, to add “noise limited service contour,” the service contour relevant for a station's digital signal. We note that the Commission has previously decided that the digital signal of a television broadcast station will be accorded the same significantly viewed status as that of the analog signal, except that where the station is broadcasting only a digital signal, the station must petition for significantly viewed status using the analog requirements in § 76.54. We further propose to amend § 76.54 to eliminate an outdated reference and correct a typographical error, neither of which changes in any way the substance or the process of the rule. In light of the statutory restriction to use rules in effect on April 15, 1976, we seek comment on our proposed amendments to § 76.54. Additionally, we propose to require satellite carriers or broadcast stations seeking satellite carriage to follow the same petition process now in place for cable operators, as required by §§ 76.5, 76.7 and 76.54 of our rules. We believe, however, that it is not necessary to amend §§ 76.5 and 76.7 in order to permit the filing of such petitions for significantly viewed status by satellite carriers or broadcast stations seeking satellite carriage. A station or cable operator that wishes to have a station/community designated significantly viewed would file a petition pursuant to Start Printed Page 11319the pleading requirements in § 76.7(a)(1) and use the method described in § 76.54 to demonstrate that the station is significantly viewed as defined in § 76.5(i). We seek comment on our proposal and tentative conclusion.
4. Definition of “Network Station''
21. As mentioned above, our rules define network station as one of the “three major national networks.” This definition is expressly relied upon in the standard for determining whether a station is significantly viewed for placement on the SV List. The SHVERA, however, relies on the definition of “network station” that is used in the copyright provisions of title 17, which provides that a “network station” is:
“(A) a television broadcast station, including any translator station or terrestrial satellite station that rebroadcasts all or substantially all of the programming broadcast by a network station, that is owned or operated by, or affiliated with, one or more of the television networks in the United States which offer an interconnected program service on a regular basis for 15 or more hours per week to at least 25 of its affiliated television licensees in 10 or more States; or (B) a “noncommercial educational broadcast station (as defined in section 397 of the Communications Act of 1934 [47 U.S.C. 397])” (47 U.S.C. 340(i)(2); 47 U.S.C. 339(d)(3) and 17 U.S.C. 119(d)(2); 17 U.S.C. 119(d)(2); 47 U.S.C. 340(i)(2); 47 U.S.C. 339(d)(5 47 CFR 76.66(a)(5); Section 339(d)(5) of the Act; 47 U.S.C. 339(d)(5)).
22. The Commission's rules define three types of commercial stations for which significantly viewed status may be recognized: Full, partial, and independent. The SHVERA, however, relies on the copyright definitions of “network” and “superstation.”
23. Our significantly viewed rules for satellite carriers must follow SHVERA's requirement that we retain the standard we have used since April 15, 1976, which prevents us from updating these rule provisions for this purpose. Therefore, we propose to harmonize the apparent inconsistencies by continuing to use the definition of network and independent station in our rules for purposes of determining whether a station is significantly viewed for placement on the SV List, which thereby excludes noncommercial stations from eligibility for the SV List. However, as also required by the SHVERA, we will use the copyright definition of network station and superstation for purposes of subscriber eligibility and the other applications of the significantly viewed provisions. We seek comment on these tentative conclusions.
5. Limitations on Carriage of Significantly Viewed Stations Based on Network Nonduplication and Syndicated Exclusivity
24. Section 340(a)(1) of the Act, 47 U.S.C. 340(a)(1), limits satellite carriage of stations included on the SV List “to the extent such signal is prevented from being carried by a cable system in such community under the Commission's network nonduplication and syndicated exclusivity rules.” In the cable context, a commercial television station may assert “network nonduplication rights” to prevent a cable system within the geographic zone specified in the Commission's rules from carrying programming that duplicates the network programming for which the station has exclusive rights based upon its affiliate agreement with the network. Similarly, a television station or distributor may prevent a cable system within the geographic zone specified in the Commission's rules from carrying programming broadcast by any other television station if the exclusive rights to that programming are held by the station or distributor. Assertion of these rights, collectively known as the “cable exclusivity” rules, generally results in the blacking out of the programming in question. The cable system may continue to carry the station's signal, provided the duplicating programming is blacked out, or it may decide to cease carriage of the station's signal entirely. However, the rules further provide that a station whose programming is subjected to an assertion of either of the exclusivity rules is exempt if it is “significantly viewed” in the relevant cable community. The significantly viewed exception to the Commission's exclusivity rules is based on an otherwise distant station establishing that it receives a “significant” level of over-the-air viewership in a subject community. If this viewership level is met, the station is no longer considered distant for purposes of the application of the Commission's exclusivity rules because it has established that it can be received over-the-air in the subject communities. Thus, a cable system is not required to black out the duplicating programming of a significantly viewed station.
25. Notwithstanding the significantly viewed exemption to the cable exclusivity rules, the station or distributor asserting exclusivity protection may petition the Commission to waive the significantly viewed exception to permit a reassertion of exclusivity protection against a station claiming “significantly viewed” status. If the station or distributor asserting exclusivity demonstrates that the station claiming the significantly viewed exemption no longer merits significantly viewed status, the waiver is granted, and the duplicating programming must be blacked out. Thus, as described above, the Commission's SV List includes all stations deemed to be significantly viewed but indicates by a pound sign (#) those communities in which a waiver has been granted to permit assertion of the exclusivity rules.
26. The satellite context is somewhat more complicated. The exclusivity rules do not apply to satellite carriage of network stations but only to carriage of “national distributed superstations,” as provided by Section 339(b)(1)(A), 47 U.S.C. 339(b)(1)(A), which was enacted by the SHVIA in 1999. Section 340(e) of the Act, 47 U.S.C. 340(e), maintains the status quo by providing that the exclusivity rules shall not apply to distant network stations. Section 340(e)(1), however, allows the Commission to adopt rules to permit assertion of the exclusivity rules by stations and distributors with respect to stations carried by satellite carriers pursuant to the new significantly viewed provisions. This provision requires us, therefore, to (1) create a limited right for a station or distributor to assert exclusivity with respect to a station carried by a satellite carrier as significantly viewed; (2) allow that significantly viewed station to assert the significantly viewed exception, just as a station would with respect to cable carriage; and (3) allow the station or distributor asserting exclusivity to petition us for a waiver from the exception. Thus, Congress directs the Commission to ensure parity between cable operators and satellite carriers so that a station's programming that is subject to blackout deletions with respect to a cable system serving a cable community would also be subject to deletions for a satellite carrier's subscribers within the same cable community or within a satellite community.
27. We will implement these SHVERA requirements first by denoting on the SV List which stations in which communities have been subjected to deletions such that duplicating programming must be blacked out by cable operators. Satellite carriers using the SV List may carry these stations but are subject to the same programming deletions that apply to cable systems. Second, we will amend our rules so that stations and distributors may assert exclusivity rights with respect to satellite carriage of significantly viewed stations but only insofar as they can prove that the conditions supporting a Start Printed Page 11320waiver of the significantly viewed exception from the exclusivity rules would apply. We seek comment on this approach to effectuate Congressional provisions and intent.
6. Definition of “Satellite Community'
28. The SHVERA requires the Commission to define “community” in the satellite context. Under the SHVERA, a “community” is either (1) a county or a cable community under the Commission's rules (applicable to significantly viewed signals), or (2) a satellite community as defined by the Commission in implementing the statute; see 47 U.S.C. 340(i)(3). The concept of a “community” is important in the SHVERA because the term describes the geographic area where subscribers will be permitted to receive significantly viewed signals.
29. Because the Commission's rules have previously only applied to cable carriage of significantly viewed signals, significantly viewed determinations currently are limited to cable communities. In the cable context, the Commission defined a community unit in terms of a “distinct community or municipal entity” where a cable system operates or will operate. Due to the localized nature of cable systems, cable communities were easily defined by the geographic boundaries of a given cable system, which are often, but not always, coincident with a municipal boundary and may vary as determined on a case-by-case basis.
30. The concept of a cable community is largely inapplicable to the satellite context. Unlike cable service which reaches subscribers via local franchises across the country, satellite carriers offer service on a national basis, with no connection to a particular local community or municipality. Moreover, satellite service is offered in areas of the country that do not have cable service, and thus are not cable communities. Nevertheless, based upon the statutory language that the satellite carriers should use the existing list, we believe that, where a cable community is already defined, the statute requires a satellite carrier to use that defined “community.” We seek comment on this interpretation. We also seek comment on whether satellite carriers will be able to determine which of their subscribers are in existing communities and, if not, how best to apply existing cable communities to the satellite context.
31. In the context of adding future “communities” to the SV List, we seek to establish a definition of “satellite community” that will be appropriate for the nature of satellite service, including the opportunity to offer significantly viewed signals in a community where no cable system exists. The definition of satellite community will apply where a satellite carrier seeks to define a community not currently served by cable. We are proposing two alternative approaches and seek comment on these alternatives as well as invite comment on other possible definitions. One option would permit a carrier to seek significantly viewed status for a given station with respect to one or more specified five-digit zip code areas. (We propose to use the five-digit zip codes, as determined by the U.S. Postal Service.) For example, a satellite carrier or station could petition the Commission for a significantly viewed designation pursuant to § 76.54 by listing one or more zip codes and demonstrating that the signal is significantly viewed in these zip codes collectively. If zip codes are aggregated to define a single community, we propose to require satellite carriers to demonstrate significantly viewed status by taking a survey that includes a sample of noncable television homes from each zip code included in the “community” which is proportional to the population. This proportional sampling is consistent with the existing cable rules that require the use of proportional surveys where more than one community is involved. We believe that zip code based communities can be appropriate for this purpose because they capture all areas of the country, including areas now unserved by cable, and provide a practical and efficient approach for satellite carriers to utilize the significantly viewed carriage option offered in the SHVERA. We note that the Commission has previously used zip codes in the satellite context; e.g., to define the various zones of protection afforded under the satellite exclusivity rules. We further propose that a satellite community defined by one or more such zip codes is subject to any subsequent changes made to the listed zip codes by the U.S. Postal Service. Ideally, we would forecast for an area without cable what the franchise area would be were a cable operator to establish cable service. However, in areas currently unserved by cable, this forecasting may not be feasible. In this regard, if a cable operator subsequently offers cable service in a community after it has been defined as a “satellite community,” we seek comment on whether we should continue to use the zip code-defined satellite community or, instead, redefine the community to the extent it overlaps with the franchise area of the new cable community.
32. We recognize that the first proposal, use of one or more zip codes to define a satellite community, may ignore an existing town, village, municipality or other geopolitical entity that constitutes a “community” in the more traditional sense. Using one or more zip codes could create an artificial “community” with no minimum or maximum size, except as bounded by a postal zip code map. The alternative proposal would define a satellite “community” as a separate and distinct community or municipal entity (including unincorporated communities within unincorporated areas and including single, discrete unincorporated areas). The boundaries of the incorporated areas would be the existing geopolitical boundaries, while the unincorporated community would be defined by one or more five-digit zip code areas. We think that this approach may make it more likely that a cable system subsequently built in such an area would serve a “community” similar to the satellite community, thus making the SV List more easily used by both cable and satellite providers. We seek comment on both alternatives and invite additional variations on these or other proposals.
7. Significantly Viewed Carriage Not Mandatory; Retransmission Consent Rights Not Affected
33. The SHVERA does not require satellite carriers to carry significantly viewed stations. The SHVERA also does not change the retransmission consent requirements. Cable operators must obtain retransmission consent to carry significantly viewed signals, and the SHVERA requires the same of satellite carriers. The SHVERA provides, however, that retransmission consent is not necessary if the satellite carrier is exempt from having to obtain retransmission consent for other reasons. For example, a satellite carrier is exempt under Section 325(b) of the Act, 47 U.S.C. 325(b), from having to obtain retransmission consent when providing a distant signal of a network to an unserved subscriber who cannot receive an over-the-air signal from an affiliate of the same network. Thus, under the SHVERA, the satellite carrier would still be exempt from having to negotiate retransmission consent when providing a significantly viewed signal if it was providing it as a distant signal to an unserved household.
34. We note that the SHVERA requires that local stations must be carried on a single dish; see 47 U.S.C. 338(g)(1). Does this requirement with respect to local stations apply to out-of-market significantly viewed signals? If so, does Start Printed Page 11321the statute necessarily require that out of market significantly viewed signals be carried such that the subscriber would receive them on the same antenna and equipment as the local signals? We seek comment on these questions.
8. Definition of “Satellite Carrier”
35. The SHVERA defines the term “satellite carrier” in new Section 338(k) of the Act by reference to the definition in the copyright title 17. This definition includes entities providing services as described in 17 U.S.C. 119(d)(6) using the facilities of a satellite or satellite service licensed under part 25 of the Commission's rules to operate in Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) or Fixed-Satellite Service (FSS) frequencies. As a general practice, not mandated by any regulation, DBS licensees usually own and operate their own satellite facilities as well as package the programming they offer to their subscribers. In contrast, satellite carriers using FSS facilities often lease capacity from another entity that is licensed to operate the satellite used to provide service to subscribers. These entities package their own programming and may or may not be Commission licensees themselves. In addition, a third situation may include an entity using a non-U.S. licensed satellite to provide programming to subscribers in the United States pursuant to a blanket earth station license. We believe that the definition of “satellite carrier” would include all three types of entities described above but we nevertheless seek comment on this issue.
B. Subscriber Eligibility To Receive “Significantly Viewed” Signals
36. In addition to the statutory requirements concerning station eligibility, the SHVERA also limits the subscribers who are eligible to receive the signals of significantly viewed stations. In general, subscribers are not eligible to receive out-of-market significantly viewed signals of a network station unless they are already receiving the local signal of an affiliate of the same network via satellite. Application of this general principle differs, however, depending on whether the significantly viewed signal is analog or digital, with additional restrictions imposed on digital signals. The subscriber eligibility limitations also provide for an exception where there is no local network station present in the relevant market or when a local network station waives the subscriber eligibility requirements. But first, we will consider the definition of “subscriber.”
1. Definition of “Subscriber”
37. The SHVERA defines the term “subscriber” in new Section 338(k) by reference to the definition in 17 U.S.C. 122(j)(4), which provides that a subscriber is “a person who receives a secondary transmission service from a satellite carrier and pays a fee for the service, directly or indirectly, to the satellite carrier or to a distributor. Notably, the definition used by SHVERA differs slightly from the definition of subscriber currently contained in 17 U.S.C. 119, which establishes the significantly viewed compulsory copyright license for satellite carriers. The definition in 17 U.S.C. 119 limits “subscribers” to individuals in private homes. We believe use of the broader definition in 17 U.S.C. 122(j)(4) was intentional because Congress sought to treat satellite subscribers to significantly viewed stations in the same manner as satellite subscribers to local-into-local service. The 17 U.S.C. 119 definition applies to “distant” signals, to which significantly viewed signals represent an exception. We believe the statute is clear on this point but seek comment on this tentative conclusion. Subscriber in the more general sense, including a cable subscriber, is defined in our rules and amended here to include subscribers to satellite service.
2. Analog Service Limitations; Receipt of Local Analog Service Required
38. The SHVERA requires that a subscriber “receive retransmissions of a signal that originates as an analog signal of a local network station from that satellite carrier pursuant to section 338” to be eligible to receive an out-of-market network station's significantly viewed analog signal. We believe this means that subscribers receiving “local-into-local” service from their satellite carrier are eligible to also receive significantly viewed signals, and that the fundamental intention is to assure that a subscriber is receiving the local affiliate of the same network as the significantly viewed station. We base this interpretation of Section 340 of the Act, 47 U.S.C. 340, on the limitation of this eligibility requirement only to significantly viewed “network” stations, as well as language in the House Commerce Committee Report. However, the statutory copyright license in Section 119(a)(3) of title 17 provides that the limitation applies to both superstations and network stations. Thus, it appears that a satellite carrier must be offering local-into-local service and a subscriber must be receiving this service as a pre-condition to offering an out-of-market significantly viewed station's signal to that subscriber (subject to the exception described below). We seek comment on our tentative conclusion.
39. Because the statute specifically applies to the receipt of local service “pursuant to Section 338,” we believe that subscribers would not qualify for satellite retransmission of out-of-market significantly viewed signals if they are obtaining local stations via an over-the-air TV antenna, including one that is integrated with a satellite dish. It is not clear what the result would be if a subscriber is receiving local-into-local service but the local affiliate of the network with which the significantly viewed station is affiliated is not carried by the satellite carrier. Such situation could arise if the local station failed to request carriage, refused to grant retransmission consent, or otherwise did not qualify for carriage pursuant to Section 338. We tentatively conclude that a subscriber receiving local-into-local service in a market is eligible for out-of-market significantly viewed stations even if the local stations retransmitted by the satellite carrier exclude an affiliate of the network with which a significantly viewed station is affiliated. We do not think that a subscriber should be deprived of access to a significantly viewed station because the local station refused to grant retransmission consent or is otherwise ineligible for local carriage, but we seek comment on this tentative conclusion.
40. Although Section 340 of the Act, 47 U.S.C. 340, does not specifically restrict application of this subscriber eligibility requirement to markets in which satellite carriers are offering “local-into-local” service to subscribers, Section 119(a)(3)(B) of title 17 limits application of the statutory copyright license to the retransmission of significantly viewed stations to subscribers who receive local service pursuant to Section 122 of title 17. Therefore, we believe that the SHVERA, as a whole, contemplates that subscribers in a market in which “local-into-local” service is not being offered are not eligible for significantly viewed stations retransmitted by such carriers, except in the situations described in Section III.B.4., infra, in which there is no affiliate of a given network in the market. We seek comment on our tentative conclusions.
3. Digital Service Limitations; Receipt of Local Digital Service Required; Definitions of “Equivalent Bandwidth” and “Entire Bandwidth'
41. Similarly, to be eligible to receive an out-of-market network station's Start Printed Page 11322significantly viewed digital signal, a satellite subscriber must be receiving a digital signal from a local affiliate of the station's same network via satellite. We note that most of the issues raised in our previous section about analog subscriber eligibility are also relevant to our discussion here regarding the general digital subscriber eligibility requirement. So as not to duplicate discussion of these issues, we seek comment on these issues as they relate to digital subscriber eligibility. Moreover, we tentatively conclude that these issues should be treated similarly with respect to the digital subscriber eligibility requirement. We seek comment on these issues and tentative conclusions.
42. In addition, the SHVERA specifies certain “bandwidth” requirements for the retransmission of the local network station's digital signal when a satellite carrier opts to retransmit the significantly viewed digital signal of an applicable affiliate station. Specifically, a satellite carrier's retransmission of a local network station's digital signal must either (1) occupy “at least the equivalent bandwidth as the digital signal retransmitted” or (2) comprise “the entire bandwidth of the digital signal broadcast by such local network station.”
43. The SHVERA directs the Commission to define the terms “equivalent bandwidth” and “entire bandwidth.” In formulating definitions for these terms, the Commission is required to ensure that a satellite carrier is not: (1) Prevented from using compression technology; (2) required to use the exact bandwidth or bit rate as the local or distant broadcaster whose signal it is retransmitting; or (3) required to use the exact bandwidth or bit rate for a local broadcaster as it does for a distant broadcaster.
44. The concepts of “equivalent bandwidth” and “entire bandwidth” were created by Congress to prevent satellite carriage of a local network station's digital signal “in a less robust format” than the significantly viewed digital signal of an out-of-market network affiliate, such as by down-converting the local network station's digital signal from high-definition (HD) digital format to standard definition (SD) digital format while retaining the HD digital format for the affiliate's significantly viewed signal. The SHVERA, however, recognizes that not all local network stations will be broadcasting in HD or multicast format. Therefore, the SHVERA permits satellite carriage of an out-of-market network affiliate's significantly viewed digital signal in HD or multicast format while only carrying the local network station's signal in a single SD format when the local network station is only broadcasting in that single SD format. For example, if the local network station is broadcasting in multicast format, and the significantly viewed network affiliate is broadcasting in HD format, the satellite carrier may carry the HD signal of the significantly viewed network affiliate under the “equivalent bandwidth” requirement, provided that it carries the local network station's multicast signals. (The House Commerce Committee Report states that Section 340(b)(2)(B)(i)'s reference to “equivalent bandwidth” seeks “to ensure that the local affiliate's choice to multicast does not prevent the satellite carrier from retransmitting a significantly viewed signal of a distant affiliate of the network that chooses to broadcast in high-definition.”) Another example is if the local network station is broadcasting in a single SD format, while the significantly viewed network affiliate is broadcasting in HD or multicast format. The “entire bandwidth” provision does not prevent carriage of the significantly viewed network affiliate in HD format. A satellite carrier may carry the HD or multicast signal of the significantly viewed network affiliate under the “entire bandwidth” requirement, provided that the satellite carrier carries the local network station's original SD format. (According to the House Commerce Committee Report, Section 340(b)(2)(B)(ii)'s reference to “entire bandwidth” was intended “to ensure that a satellite carrier could still retransmit a significantly viewed distant digital signal of a network affiliate in a more robust format than a digital signal of a local broadcaster of the same network so long as the satellite carrier is carrying the digital signal of the local affiliate in its original format.”) We seek comment on these tentative conclusions.
45. We seek comment generally on the concepts of “equivalent bandwidth” and “entire bandwidth.” While we believe the final order adopted pursuant to this NPRM will define these concepts as required by the statute, we do not believe it is necessary at this time to include definitions of these terms in our rules because they will, to some extent, depend upon specific circumstances in each case. The rules we propose provide that satellite carriers must abide by the “equivalent bandwidth” and “entire bandwidth” requirements. We believe that the choice of format by a satellite carrier in delivering the signal of the significantly viewed network affiliate will determine the format required for the signal of the local network station in order to be permitted to retransmit the significantly viewed signal in the relevant local community. We believe this may afford satellite carriers some flexibility with respect to the broadcast of multicast streams. For example, if a satellite carrier chooses to retransmit only a portion of the multicast signal of the significantly viewed network affiliate, it need only retransmit the local network station using the same amount of bandwidth. We seek comment on these issues and tentative conclusions.
46. We also seek comment on whether satellite carriers must use the same compression techniques for both the local network station and the significantly viewed network affiliate. We note that doing so may result in differences in real bandwidth and bit rate, depending on the programming content carried by the signal. For example, a significantly viewed network affiliate broadcasting a sporting event would use more bandwidth than a local network station broadcasting an interview (i.e., talking head). In this example, should we apply the same compression standard to both stations, thereby precluding the significantly viewed sporting event? Instead, should only comparable content that uses a comparable bit rate be afforded equivalent bandwidth? Should we require only that the same amount of bandwidth be made available to the local network station, allowing the local station to choose the amount of bandwidth it needs? We seek comment on these issues. (The SHVERA provides that the “equivalent bandwidth” definition developed pursuant to new Section 340(h)(4), 47 U.S.C. 340(h)(4), will also apply to the provisions concerning “distant digital signals” of network stations in new Section 339(a)(2)(D)(iii)(II) of the Act, 47 U.S.C. 339(a)(2)(D)(iii)(II), as amended by Section 204 of the SHVERA.)
47. We note that the SHVERA expressly provides that the significantly viewed provisions pertaining to equivalent or entire bandwidth do not mandate carriage in the context of Section 338's “carry-one, carry-all” provisions. To avoid any ambiguity in this regard, the SHVERA requires that the Commission's definitions of equivalent and entire bandwidth do not affect (1) the definitions of “program related” and “primary video,” or (2) a satellite carrier's carry-one, carry-all obligations. As discussed above, there is no requirement for a satellite carrier to carry the signal of a significantly viewed station. Thus, the provisions concerning Start Printed Page 11323the carriage of the bandwidth of a local station's signal only come into play if and when a satellite carrier opts to carry a significantly viewed signal. Indeed, Section 340(d)(1) of the Act, 47 U.S.C. 340(d)(1), does not require carriage of a local network digital station at all, or in any particular format.
4. Exception to Subscriber Eligibility Limitations; Rule Not Applicable Where No Local Network Affiliates
48. The subscriber eligibility requirements in Section 340(b)(1) and (2) do not apply to the receipt of the signal of a significantly viewed network station for which there is no local network affiliate broadcasting in the relevant local market. This is meant as an exception to the requirement that subscribers must receive local service via satellite to be eligible to obtain significantly viewed stations. This exception permits a satellite carrier to carry a significantly viewed network affiliate where there is no local network station in a market. Should we require that local-into-local service be offered to subscribers in a market as a pre-condition to offering the signal of a significantly viewed station affiliated with a network that has no affiliate in the market in question? We seek comment on this question. We note that the statutory copyright license for significantly viewed carriage does not include language comparable to the exception in Section 340(b)(3). We seek comment on the effect of this difference between the copyright and Communications Act provisions on subscriber eligibility for significantly viewed signals.
49. We also consider the situation where a local network station is present in the market but is not broadcasting in digital format. In this case, subscribers would not have the opportunity to receive local digital service from the local network station. The station, however, may have a legitimate reason for not broadcasting in digital format. Because the station is present in the market, we believe the statute would prohibit subscribers from receiving significantly viewed stations in this situation. The legislative history suggests an intention to treat differently stations whose reason for failing to broadcast in digital is not excused by the Commission. (Notably, the House Commerce Committee Report: states: “Section 340(b)(3) does not allow provision of an out-of-market significantly viewed digital signal of a network broadcast station if a local affiliate from the same network is present in the market but not yet broadcasting a digital signal. Section 340(b)(3) operates in this fashion to ensure that a satellite carrier may not retransmit the out-of-market significantly viewed digital signal of a network broadcast station if an affiliate of that network is present in the local market but has never begun to offer a digital signal for a reason excused by the FCC.”) We seek comment on these issues.
5. Privately Negotiated Waivers
50. Section 340(b)(4) permits a satellite carrier to privately negotiate with the local network station to obtain a waiver of the subscriber eligibility restrictions in Section 340(b). If such negotiations are successful, a satellite subscriber who is not receiving the local network affiliate via satellite may nevertheless receive the signal of a significantly viewed station affiliated with that network. It would seem from the statute that such a waiver could be as broad or as narrow as desired by the local network affiliate. According to the House Commerce Committee Report, pursuant to Section 340(b)(4), a local network affiliate would be able to waive the application of Sections 340(b)(1) or 340(b)(2) of the Act to one or more consumers in the local market, and with respect to one or more specific distant affiliates of the same network. It may do so as part of a negotiated agreement and for any reason, including common ownership among the stations.
51. In addition, the statutory copyright provisions, as amended by the SHVERA, describe the waiver process in greater detail. Subscribers may seek a waiver from the relevant local station through their satellite carrier. The statutory copyright license waiver is considered granted unless the local broadcaster acts within 30 days of receipt to reject the request. The statutory copyright license waiver provision sunsets on December 31, 2008, on which date no further waivers will be granted and those then in effect will terminate. We seek comment on the effect, if any, of this statutory copyright license waiver provision, in particular the sunset provision, on waivers granted pursuant to Section 340(b)(4).
52. We do not believe that Congress intended for the Commission to grant these waivers or preside over the waiver process of either provision. According to the House Commerce Committee Report, whether to grant a waiver is a decision to be made solely based on the broadcaster's own business judgment, and there is no requirement for stations to execute any particular document as part of the waiver process. Because such waivers are voluntary and expressly outside the Commission's purview, we tentatively conclude that there is no need for rules or procedures concerning waiver arrangements between stations and satellite carriers. We note, however, that the presence or absence of waivers could be relevant in an enforcement proceeding concerning significantly viewed carriage. In addition, based on the House Commerce Committee Report, we tentatively conclude that such waivers or agreements are not subject to the Section 325 good-faith negotiation requirement.
C. Certain Stations Deemed Significantly Viewed in an Eligible County
53. New Section 341(a) of the Act, 47 U.S.C. 341(a), as established by Section 211 of the SHVERA, authorizes the retransmission of certain stations deemed to be significantly viewed, in accordance with § 76.54 of our rules, “to subscribers in an eligible county.” This provision limits an “eligible county” to very narrow circumstances, which we believe to be limited to the State of Oregon, based upon the specific reference to “41,340 television households according to the U.S. Television Household Estimates by Nielsen Media Research for 2003-2004.” This provision specifies that these stations be “deemed significantly viewed” and thereby requires us to add stations in these eligible counties to the SV list. Because we do not know at this time which stations and counties might qualify, we are not including them now in the SV List in Appendix B, but we seek comment to identify and confirm the stations and counties that would meet this definition.
54. New Section 341(b) of the Act, 47 U.S.C. 341(b), prevents a satellite carrier from carrying “the signal of a television station into an adjacent local market that is comprised of only a portion of a county, other than to unserved households located in that county.” We believe this provision precludes the retransmission of a significantly viewed signal to a subscriber in an adjacent market if the adjacent market consists of only a part of one county. We believe that this provision applies only to the DMAs of Palm Springs and Bakersfield, because they are the only DMAs that appear to satisfy the definition. We seek comment on this interpretation of the scope and meaning of this provision.
D. Enforcement and Notice Provisions
1. Enforcement of Section 340
55. Section 340(f) of the Act, 47 U.S.C. 340(f), as added by Section 202 of the SHVERA, creates an enforcement mechanism for the new provisions Start Printed Page 11324regarding satellite delivery of significantly viewed signals. Section 340(f)(1) contemplates that the Commission will respond to a complaint by issuing a “cease and desist order” and may provide for damages if requested and proven by the station filing the complaint. The SHVERA provides for monetary penalties up to $50 per subscriber, per station, per day if the station establishes that the satellite carrier committed the violation in bad faith, and provides that the Commission may impose similar damages on the complaining station if the Commission determines that the complaint was frivolous. The statute does not define “bad faith” or “frivolous,” but there is some guidance in a floor statement by Subcommittee Chairman Upton. He explains that a satellite carrier that lacks a good faith belief that the carriage of the challenged signal was lawful or a broadcaster who seeks damages in bad faith would warrant a Commission finding of damages. He further notes that if the broadcaster filing the complaint does not seek damages, then a finding of damages against either party by the Commission would not be appropriate.
56. We are inclined to address allegations of bad faith or frivolousness on a case-by-case basis, but we seek comment on identifying particular circumstances that would generally warrant such a finding. For example, if the only violation of Section 340 of the Act, 47 U.S.C. 340, were the failure to notify all broadcast stations in a market 60 days prior to commencing carriage of the significantly viewed stations, would such conduct constitute bad faith by the satellite carrier? Would seeking damages for failure to notify one station constitute a frivolous complaint by a broadcaster? In addition, as noted above with respect to the SV List appended to this NPRM, we do not believe it would constitute bad faith for a satellite carrier to carry a station listed as significantly viewed in a community on the SV List while this proceeding is pending, even if the listing is later shown to be incorrect, provided the carrier follows the other statutory and regulatory requirements.
57. Section 340(f)(2), 47 U.S.C. 340(f)(2), requires the Commission to issue final determinations within 180 days of the filing of a complaint concerning Section 340. The statute permits but does not require the Commission to hold hearings to resolve genuine disputes over material facts. In light of the short time frame for resolving these complaints, the statutory specification of a “cease and desist” order as a remedy, and the express grant of discretion to the Commission to issue a final ruling based on written pleadings, we tentatively conclude that we will use our existing procedures for Petitions for Special Relief as the procedural framework for complaints concerning significantly viewed status. Because Section 340(f) expressly provides for issuance of a cease and desist order to remedy violations of the significantly viewed provisions but does not require a hearing, we conclude that we are not required to follow the provisions in Section 312(c) of the Act, 47 U.S.C. 312(c). The procedures for Petitions for Special Relief, which the Commission uses to process cable and satellite carriage complaints, as well as complaints concerning the exclusivity rules and other cable and satellite regulations, will afford the parties ample opportunity to raise and respond to allegations while ensuring that the Commission can complete action within the 180 day statutory deadline. We propose to require that parties follow the pleading requirements in § 76.7(a)(1) and (b)(1), 47 CFR 76.7(a)(1), (b)(1), for petitions, which will permit us to issue a ruling on complaints. We seek comment on this tentative conclusion.
58. Section 340(f)(3) and (4) provide that remedial action at the Commission pursuant to Section 340 of the Act, 47 U.S.C. 340, are in addition to and have no effect upon actions taken pursuant to title 17, the copyright provisions. The meaning of these provisions is clear that neither action nor inaction by the Commission will have any effect on the filing of a copyright infringement or other action under title 17, nor on the remedies ordered by the appropriate forum thereunder.
2. Notice Concerning Retransmission of Significantly Viewed Stations
59. Section 340(g) of the Act, 47 U.S.C. 340(g), requires satellite carriers to provide written notice to any television broadcast station in the relevant local market at least 60 days before retransmitting a significantly viewed signal into that local market pursuant to Section 340. The provision also requires satellite carriers to list on their websites all significantly viewed signals carried pursuant to Section 340.
60. Although the statute does not specify the manner of notice required in these circumstances, we tentatively conclude that these written notices must be sent to the station's principal place of business, as listed in the Commission's database, by certified mail, return receipt requested. We believe reliance on the information in the Commission's database is consistent with other provisions of the SHVERA. We believe that requiring that the notices be sent via certified mail, return receipt requested is consistent with our rules. We also propose to require satellite carriers to publish a list on their websites that will identify all of the significantly viewed signals they are carrying, by market and community. We seek comment on our proposed rules.
61. The SHVERA states that notice must be afforded to “any television broadcast station in such local market of such proposal.” Given the breadth of this language, we tentatively conclude that this provision requires notice to stations in the relevant local market even if they are not affiliated with the same network of the significantly viewed station whose signal is being carried, regardless of whether they are carried by the satellite carrier as local stations pursuant to Section 338. We recognize that stations seemingly unaffected by the significantly viewed status of unaffiliated stations would nonetheless be entitled to receive such notice under our rules. We seek comment on our tentative conclusion.
IV. Procedural Matters
A. Initial Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 Analysis
62. This NPRM has been analyzed with respect to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (“PRA”), and contains proposed information collection requirements. The Commission, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork burdens, invites the general public and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to comment on the proposed information collection requirements contained in this NPRM, as required by the PRA.
63. Written comments on the PRA proposed information collection requirements must be submitted by the public, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and other interested parties on or before May 9, 2005. Comments should address: (a) Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Commission, including whether the information shall have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the Commission's burden estimates; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on the respondents, including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. In addition, pursuant to the Small Business Paperwork Relief Act of 2002, (“SBPRA”), Pub. L. No. 107-198, 116 Stat 729 (2002), see 44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(4), Start Printed Page 11325we seek specific comment on how we might “further reduce the information collection burden for small business concerns with fewer than 25 employees.”
64. In addition to filing comments with the Office of the Secretary, a copy of any comments on the proposed information collection requirements contained herein should be submitted to Cathy Williams, Federal Communications Commission, 445 12th St, SW., Room 1-C823, Washington, DC 20554, or via the Internet to Cathy.Williams@fcc.gov; and also to Kristy L. LaLonde, OMB Desk Officer, Room 10234 NEOB, 725 17th Street, NW., Washington, DC 20503, or via Internet to Kristy_L._LaLonde@omb.eop.gov, or via fax at 202-395-5167.
65. Further Information. For additional information concerning the PRA proposed information collection requirements contained in this NPRM, contact Cathy Williams at 202-418-2918, or via the Internet to Cathy.Williams@fcc.gov.
B. Ex Parte Rules
66. Permit-But-Disclose. This proceeding will be treated as a “permit-but-disclose” proceeding subject to the “permit-but-disclose” requirements under section 1.1206(b) of the Commission's rules. Ex parte presentations are permissible if disclosed in accordance with Commission rules, except during the Sunshine Agenda period when presentations, ex parte or otherwise, are generally prohibited. Persons making oral ex parte presentations are reminded that a memorandum summarizing a presentation must contain a summary of the substance of the presentation and not merely a listing of the subjects discussed. More than a one-or two-sentence description of the views and arguments presented is generally required. Additional rules pertaining to oral and written presentations are set forth in section 1.1206(b).
C. Filing Requirements
67. Comments and Replies. Pursuant to §§ 1.415 and 1.419 of the Commission's rules, 47 CFR 1.415, 1.419, interested parties may file comments and reply comments on or before the dates indicated on the first page of this document. Comments may be filed using: (1) The Commission's Electronic Comment Filing System (“ECFS”), (2) the Federal Government's eRulemaking Portal, or (3) by filing paper copies; see Electronic Filing of Documents in Rulemaking Proceedings, 63 FR 24121 (1998).
68. Electronic Filers: Comments may be filed electronically using the Internet by accessing the ECFS: http://www.fcc.gov/cgb/ecfs/ or the Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://www.regulations.gov. Filers should follow the instructions provided on the website for submitting comments. For ECFS filers, if multiple docket or rulemaking numbers appear in the caption of this proceeding, filers must transmit one electronic copy of the comments for each docket or rulemaking number referenced in the caption. In completing the transmittal screen, filers should include their full name, U.S. Postal Service mailing address, and the applicable docket or rulemaking number. Parties may also submit an electronic comment by Internet e-mail. To get filing instructions, filers should send an e-mail to ecfs@fcc.gov, and include the following words in the body of the message, “get form.” A sample form and directions will be sent in response.
69. Paper Filers: Parties who choose to file by paper must file an original and four copies of each filing. If more than one docket or rulemaking number appears in the caption of this proceeding, filers must submit two additional copies for each additional docket or rulemaking number. Filings can be sent by hand or messenger delivery, by commercial overnight courier, or by first-class or overnight U.S. Postal Service mail (although we continue to experience delays in receiving U.S. Postal Service mail). All filings must be addressed to the Commission's Secretary, Office of the Secretary, Federal Communications Commission.
- The Commission's contractor will receive hand-delivered or messenger-delivered paper filings for the Commission's Secretary at 236 Massachusetts Avenue, NE., Suite 110, Washington, DC 20002. The filing hours at this location are 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. All hand deliveries must be held together with rubber bands or fasteners. Any envelopes must be disposed of before entering the building.
- Commercial overnight mail (other than U.S. Postal Service Express Mail and Priority Mail) must be sent to 9300 East Hampton Drive, Capitol Heights, MD 20743.
- U.S. Postal Service first-class, Express, and Priority mail should be addressed to 445 12th Street, SW., Washington DC 20554.
70. Availability of Documents. Comments, reply comments, and ex parte submissions will be available for public inspection during regular business hours in the FCC Reference Center, Federal Communications Commission, 445 12th Street, SW., CY-A257, Washington, DC 20554. These documents will also be available via ECFS. Documents will be available electronically in ASCII, Word 97, and/or Adobe Acrobat.
71. Accessibility Information. To request information in accessible formats (computer diskettes, large print, audio recording, and Braille), send an e-mail to fcc504@fcc.gov or call the FCC's Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau at (202) 418-0530 (voice), (202) 418-0432 (TTY). This document can also be downloaded in Word and Portable Document Format (PDF) at: http://www.fcc.gov.
72. Additional Information. For additional information on this proceeding, contact Evan Baranoff, Evan.Baranoff@fcc.gov, or Eloise Gore, Eloise.Gore@fcc.gov, of the Media Bureau, Policy Division, (202) 418-2120.
V. Initial Regulatory Flexibility Act Analysis
73. As required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980, as amended (“RFA”) the Commission has prepared this present Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (“IRFA”) concerning the possible significant economic impact on small entities by the policies and rules proposed in this Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (“NPRM”); see 5 U.S.C. 603. (The RFA, see 5 U.S.C. 601 et seq., has been amended by the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996 (“SBREFA”), Pub. L. No. 104-121, Title II, 110 Stat. 847 (1996). The SBREFA was enacted as Title II of the Contract With America Advancement Act of 1996 (“CWAAA”).) Written public comments are requested on this IRFA. Comments must be identified as responses to the IRFA and must be filed by the deadlines for comments provided in Section IV.D. of the NPRM. The Commission will send a copy of the NPRM, including this IRFA, to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business Administration (SBA); see 5 U.S.C. 603(a). In addition, the NPRM and IRFA (or summaries thereof) will be published in the Federal Register.
A. Need for, and Objectives of, the Proposed Rule Changes
74. Section 202 of the Satellite Home Viewer Extension and Reauthorization Act of 2004 (“SHVERA”) creates Section 340 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, and amends the copyright laws to provide satellite carriers with the authority to offer Commission-determined “significantly-viewed” Start Printed Page 11326signals of out-of-market broadcast stations to subscribers. Section 340 of the Act, 47 U.S.C. 340, directs the Commission, within 60 days of enactment of the SHVERA, to (1) publish and maintain a list of the stations and the communities containing such stations that are eligible for “significantly viewed” status, and (2) commence a rulemaking proceeding to implement new Section 340. This NPRM achieves these statutory objectives by opening the present proceeding and publishing a list of significantly viewed stations, and proposes rule changes to part 76 of the Commission's rules to implement Section 340's statutory authorization for satellite carriage of significantly viewed signals.
B. Legal Basis
75. The proposed action is authorized under Sections 1, 4(i) and (j), and 340 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 151, 154(i) and (j), and 340.
C. Description and Estimate of the Number of Small Entities to Which the Proposed Rules Will Apply
1. Entities Directly Affected By Proposed Rules
76. The RFA directs the Commission to provide a description of and, where feasible, an estimate of the number of small entities that will be affected by the proposed rules, if adopted; see 5 U.S.C. 603(b)(3). The RFA generally defines the term “small entity” as having the same meaning as the terms “small business,” small organization,” and “small government jurisdiction;” see 5 U.S.C. 601(6). In addition, the term “small business” has the same meaning as the term “small business concern” under the Small Business Act; see 5 U.S.C. 601(3). A small business concern is one which: (1) Is independently owned and operated; (2) is not dominant in its field of operation; and (3) satisfies any additional criteria established by the SBA; see 15 U.S.C. 632. (Application of the statutory criteria of dominance in its field of operation and independence are sometimes difficult to apply in the context of broadcast television. Accordingly, the Commission's statistical account of television stations may be over-inclusive.)
77. The proposed rules contained in this NPRM, as required by statute, are intended to permit the distribution of Commission-determined “significantly viewed” signals by statutorily defined “satellite carriers” to consumers. Therefore, “satellite carriers,” which includes Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS), will be directly and primarily affected by the proposed rules, if adopted. In addition, we believe the proposed rules, if adopted, will also directly affect television stations, which may be carried via satellite under the SHVERA if determined to be significantly viewed, and cable operators, which would share some of the new and revised rules with satellite carriers. We also believe that private cable operators (PCOs), also known as satellite master antenna television (SMATV) systems, may be directly affected because PCOs often use DBS video programming as part of their service package to subscribers. Therefore, in this IRFA, we consider, and invite comment on, the impact of the proposed rules on small television broadcast stations, small cable and satellite operators and other small entities. A description of such small entities, as well as an estimate of the number of such small entities, is provided below.
78. Satellite Carriers. The SHVERA defines the term “satellite carrier” by reference to the definition in the copyright title 17; see 17 U.S.C. 119(d)(6). This definition includes entities providing services as described in 17 U.S.C. 119(d)(6) using the facilities of a satellite or satellite service licensed under Part 25 of the Commission's rules to operate in Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) or Fixed-Satellite Service (FSS) frequencies. (Part 100 of the Commission's rules was eliminated in 2002 and now both FSS and DBS satellite facilities are licensed pursuant to part 25 of the rules.) As a general practice, not mandated by any regulation, DBS licensees usually own and operate their own satellite facilities as well as package the programming they offer to their subscribers. In contrast, satellite carriers using FSS facilities often lease capacity from another entity that is licensed to operate the satellite used to provide service to subscribers. These entities package their own programming and may or may not be Commission licensees themselves. In addition, a third situation may include an entity using a non-U.S. licensed satellite to provide programming to subscribers in the United States pursuant to a blanket earth station license. In the NPRM, we tentatively conclude that the definition of “satellite carrier” would include all three types of entities described above, but nonetheless request comment on this issue. Because the definition of “satellite carrier” will affect the type and number of entities impacted by the proposed rules, we again seek comment here, in the context of this IRFA.
79. Direct Broadcast Satellite (“DBS”) Service. DBS service is a nationally distributed subscription service that delivers video and audio programming via satellite to a small parabolic “dish” antenna at the subscriber's location. Because DBS provides subscription services, DBS falls within the SBA-recognized definition of Cable and Other Program Distribution; see 13 CFR 121.201, NAICS code 517510. This definition provides that a small entity is one with $12.5 million or less in annual receipts. Currently, only four operators hold licenses to provide DBS service, which requires a great investment of capital for operation. All four currently offer subscription services. Two of these four DBS operators, DirecTV and EchoStar Communications Corporation (“EchoStar”), report annual revenues that are in excess of the threshold for a small business. (DirecTV is the largest DBS operator and the second largest MVPD, serving an estimated 13.04 million subscribers nationwide; EchoStar, which provides service under the brand name Dish Network, is the second largest DBS operator and the fourth largest MVPD, serving an estimated 10.12 million subscribers nationwide; see Annual Assessment of the Status of Competition in the Market for the Delivery of Video Programming, Eleventh Annual Report, FCC 05-13 (rel. Feb. 4, 2005) (“2005 Cable Competition Report”).) A third operator, Rainbow DBS, is a subsidiary of Cablevision's Rainbow Network, which also reports annual revenues in excess of $12.5 million, and thus does not qualify as a small business. (DBS, which provides service under the brand name VOOM, reported an estimated 25,000 subscribers.) The fourth DBS operator, Dominion Video Satellite, Inc. (“Dominion”), offers religious (Christian) programming and does not report its annual receipts. (Dominion, which provides service under the brand name Sky Angel, does not publicly disclose its subscribership numbers on an annualized basis.) The Commission does not know of any source which provides this information and, thus, we have no way of confirming whether Dominion qualifies as a small business. Because DBS service requires significant capital, we believe it is unlikely that a small entity as defined by the SBA would have the financial wherewithal to become a DBS licensee. Nevertheless, given the absence of specific data on this point, we acknowledge the possibility that there are entrants in this field that may not yet have generated Start Printed Page 11327$12.5 million in annual receipts, and therefore may be categorized as a small business, if independently owned and operated.
80. Fixed-Satellite Service (“FSS”). The FSS is a radiocommunication service between earth stations at a specified fixed point or between any fixed point within specified areas and one or more satellites; see 47 CFR 2.1(c). The FSS, which utilizes many earth stations that communicate with one or more space stations, may be used to provide subscription video service. Therefore, to the extent FSS frequencies are used to provide subscription services, FSS falls within the SBA-recognized definition of Cable and Other Program Distribution, which includes all such companies generating $12.5 million or less in revenue annually; see 13 CFR 121.201, NAICS code 517510. Although a number of entities are licensed in the FSS, not all such licensees use FSS frequencies to provide subscription services. Two of the DBS licensees (EchoStar and DirecTV) have indicated interest in using FSS frequencies to broadcast signals to subscribers. It is possible that other entities could similarly use FSS frequencies, although we are not aware of any entities that might do so.
81. Cable and Other Program Distribution. Cable system operators fall within the SBA-recognized definition of Cable and Other Program Distribution, which includes all such companies generating $12.5 million or less in revenue annually; see 13 CFR 121.201, NAICS code 517510. According to the Census Bureau data for 1997, there were a total of 1,311 firms that operated for the entire year in the category of Cable and Other Program Distribution. Of this total, 1,180 firms had annual receipts of under $10 million and an additional 52 firms had receipts of $10 million or more, but less than $25 million. (U.S. Census Bureau, 1997. Economics and Statistics Administration, Bureau of Census, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1997 Economic Census, Subject Series—Establishment and Firm Size, Information Sector 51, Table 4 at 50 (2000). The amount of $10 million was used to estimate the number of small business firms because the relevant Census categories stopped at $9,999,999 and began at $10,000,000. No category for $12.5 million existed. Thus, the number is as accurate as it is possible to calculate with the available information.) In addition, limited preliminary census data for 2002 indicates that the total number of Cable and Other Program Distribution entities increased approximately 46 percent between 1997 and 2002. (U.S. Census Bureau, 2002 Economic Census, Industry Series: “Information,” Table 2, Comparative Statistics for the United States (1997 NAICS Basis): 2002 and 1997, NAICS code 513220 (issued Nov. 2004). The preliminary data indicate that the number of total “establishments” increased from 4,185 to 6,118. In this context, the number of establishments is a less helpful indicator of small business prevalence than is the number of “firms,” because the latter number takes into account the concept of common ownership or control. The more helpful 2002 census data on firms, including employment and receipts numbers, will be issued in late 2005.) The Commission estimates that the majority of providers in this category of Cable and Other Program Distribution are small businesses.
82. Cable System Operators (Rate Regulation Standard). The Commission has developed, with SBA's approval, its own definition of a small cable system operator for the purposes of rate regulation. Under the Commission's rules, a “small cable company” is one serving 400,000 or fewer subscribers nationwide; see 47 CFR 76.901(e). (The Commission developed this definition based on its determinations that a small cable system operator is one with annual revenues of $100 million or less. For “regulatory simplicity,” the Commission established the company size standard in terms of subscribers, rather than dollars; in the cable context, $100 million in annual regulated revenues equates to approximately 400,000 subscribers.) We last estimated that there were 1,439 cable operators that qualified as small cable companies at the end of 1995; see Paul Kagan Associates, Inc., Cable TV Investor, Feb. 29, 1996 (based on figures for Dec. 30, 1995). Since then, some of those companies may have grown to serve more than 400,000 subscribers, and others may have been involved in transactions that caused them to be combined with other cable operators. Consequently, we estimate that there are fewer than 1,439 small entity cable system operators that may be affected by the proposals contained in this NPRM.
83. Cable System Operators (Telecom Act Standard). The Communications Act of 1934, as amended, also contains a size standard for a “small cable operator,” which is “a cable operator that, directly or through an affiliate, serves in the aggregate fewer than one percent of all subscribers in the United States and is not affiliated with any entity or entities whose gross annual revenues in the aggregate exceed $250,000,000;” see 47 U.S.C. 543(m)(2). The Commission has determined that there are 67.7 million subscribers in the United States; see public notice, “FCC Announces New Subscriber Count for the Definition of Small Cable Operator,” 16 FCC Rcd 2225 (2001) (“2001 Subscriber Count PN”). (In this public notice, the Commission established the threshold for determining whether a cable operator meets the definition of small cable operator at 677,000 subscribers, and determined that this threshold will remain in effect until the Commission issues a superceding public notice. We recognize that the number of cable subscribers was recently estimated by the Commission to be almost 65.9 million, as of June 2003; see Annual Assessment of the Status of Competition in Markets for the Delivery of Video Programming, 19 FCC Rcd 1606 (2004) (“2004 Cable Competition Report”). However, because the Commission has not issued a public notice subsequent to the 2001 Subscriber Count PN, we propose to rely on the subscriber count threshold established by the 2001 Subscriber Count PN.) Therefore, an operator serving fewer than 677,000 subscribers shall be deemed a small operator, if its annual revenues, when combined with the total annual revenues of all of its affiliates, do not exceed $250 million in the aggregate; see 47 CFR 76.901(f). Based on available data, we estimate that the number of cable operators serving 677,000 subscribers or less totals approximately 1,450. The Commission neither requests nor collects information on whether cable system operators are affiliated with entities whose gross annual revenues exceed $250 million, and therefore is unable at this time to estimate more accurately the number of cable system operators that would qualify as small cable operators under the size standard contained in the Communications Act. (The Commission does receive such information on a case-by-case basis if a cable operator appeals a local franchise authority's finding that the operator does not qualify as a small cable operator pursuant to § 76.901(f) of the Commission's rules; see 47 U.S.C. 573.)
84. Television Broadcasting. The SBA defines a television broadcasting station as a small business if such station has no more than $12 million in annual receipts; see 13 CFR 121.201 (NAICS Code 515120 (adopted Oct. 2002)). Business concerns included in this industry are those “primarily engaged in broadcasting images together with sound;” see NAICS Code 515120. (This category description continues, “These establishments operate television broadcasting studios and facilities for Start Printed Page 11328the programming and transmission of programs to the public. These establishments also produce or transmit visual programming to affiliated broadcast television stations, which in turn broadcast the programs to the public on a predetermined schedule. Programming may originate in their own studios, from an affiliated network, or from external sources.” Separate census categories pertain to businesses primarily engaged in producing programming. See Motion Picture and Video Production, NAICS code 512110; Motion Picture and Video Distribution, NAICS Code 512120; Teleproduction and Other Post-Production Services, NAICS Code 512191; and Other Motion Picture and Video Industries, NAICS Code 512199). According to Commission staff review of the BIA Publications, Inc. Master Access Television Analyzer Database as of June 26, 2004, about 860 of the 1,270 commercial television stations in the United States have revenues of $12 million or less. We note, however, that, in assessing whether a business concern qualifies as small under the above definition, business (control) affiliations must be included; see 13 CFR 121.103(a)(1). (“[Business concerns] are affiliates of each other when one concern controls or has the power to control the other or a third party or parties controls or has to power to control both.”) Our estimate, therefore, likely overstates the number of small entities that might be affected by our action, because the revenue figure on which it is based does not include or aggregate revenues from affiliated companies. There are also 2,127 low power television (LPTV) stations. Given the nature of this service, we will presume that all LPTV licensees qualify as small entities under the SBA definition.
85. In addition, an element of the definition of “small business” is that the entity not be dominant in its field of operation. We are unable at this time to define or quantify the criteria that would establish whether a specific television station is dominant in its field of operation. Accordingly, the estimate of small businesses to which rules may apply do not exclude any television station from the definition of a small business on this basis and are therefore over-inclusive to that extent. Also as noted, an additional element of the definition of “small business” is that the entity must be independently owned and operated. We note that it is difficult at times to assess these criteria in the context of media entities and our estimates of small businesses to which they apply may be over-inclusive to this extent.
86. Private Cable Operators (PCOs) or Satellite Master Antenna Television (SMATV) Systems. PCOs, also known as SMATV systems or private communication operators, are video distribution facilities that use closed transmission paths without using any public right-of-way. PCOs acquire video programming and distribute it via terrestrial wiring in urban and suburban multiple dwelling units such as apartments and condominiums, and commercial multiple tenant units such as hotels and office buildings. The SBA definition of small entities for Cable and Other Program Distribution Services includes PCOs and, thus, small entities are defined as all such companies generating $12.5 million or less in annual receipts; see 13 CFR 121.201, NAICS code 517510. Currently, there are approximately 135 members in the Independent Multi-Family Communications Council (IMCC), the trade association that represents PCOs; see 2005 Cable Competition Report, FCC 05-13. (Previously, the Commission reported that IMCC had 250 members; see 2004 Cable Competition Report, 19 FCC Rcd at 1666. Individual PCOs often serve approximately 3,000-4,000 subscribers, but the larger operations serve as many as 15,000-55,000 subscribers. In total, PCOs currently serve approximately 1.1 million subscribers; see 2005 Cable Competition Report, FCC 05-13. Because these operators are not rate regulated, they are not required to file financial data with the Commission. Furthermore, we are not aware of any privately published financial information regarding these operators. Based on the estimated number of operators and the estimated number of units served by the largest ten PCOs or SMATVs, we believe that a substantial number of PCO or SMATV operators qualify as small entities.
2. Entities Not Directly Affected By Proposed Rules
87. Because the SHVERA authorizes carriage of significantly viewed stations only by “satellite carriers,” we do not believe that our proposed rules implementing the SHVERA will directly affect other multichannel video programming distributors (MVPDs), such as home satellite dish (HSD) services, multipoint distribution services (MDS)/multichannel multipoint distribution service (MMDS), Instructional Television Fixed Service (ITFS), local multipoint distribution service (LMDS) and open video systems (OVS). These other MVPDs were not included in the SHVERA and are therefore outside the scope of this IRFA. Nevertheless, although not required by the RFA, we invite comment from any small MVPDs which may be indirectly impacted from our proposed implementation of the SHVERA, but only to the extent that the impact on small entities can be minimized while fully implementing the SHVERA.
88. Other Program Distribution. The SBA-recognized definition of Cable and Other Program Distribution includes these other MVPDs, such as HSD, MDS/MMDS, ITFS, LMDS and OVS. This definition provides that a small entity is one with $12.5 million or less in annual receipts; see 13 CFR 121.201, NAICS code 517510. (This NAICS code applies to all services listed in this paragraph.) As previously noted, according to the Census Bureau data for 1997, there were a total of 1,311 firms that operated for the entire year in the category of Cable and Other Program Distribution. Of this total, 1,180 firms had annual receipts of under $10 million and an additional 52 firms had receipts of $10 million or more, but less than $25 million. (U.S. Census Bureau, 1997. Economics and Statistics Administration, Bureau of Census, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1997 Economic Census, Subject Series—Establishment and Firm Size, Information Sector 51, Table 4 at 50 (2000). The amount of $10 million was used to estimate the number of small business firms because the relevant Census categories stopped at $9,999,999 and began at $10,000,000. No category for $12.5 million existed. Thus, the number is as accurate as it is possible to calculate with the available information.) In addition, limited preliminary census data for 2002 indicates that the total number of Cable and Other Program Distribution entities increased approximately 46 percent between 1997 and 2002; see U.S. Census Bureau, 2002 Economic Census, Industry Series: “Information,” Table 2, Comparative Statistics for the United States (1997 NAICS Basis): 2002 and 1997, NAICS code 513220 (issued Nov. 2004). (The preliminary data indicate that the number of total “establishments” increased from 4,185 to 6,118. In this context, the number of establishments is a less helpful indicator of small business prevalence than is the number of “firms,” because the latter number takes into account the concept of common ownership or control. The more helpful 2002 census data on firms, including employment and receipts numbers, will be issued in late 2005.) The Commission estimates that the majority of providers in this Start Printed Page 11329category of Cable and Other Program Distribution are small businesses.
89. Home Satellite Dish (“HSD”) Service. Because HSD provides subscription services, HSD falls within the SBA-recognized definition of Cable and Other Program Distribution, which includes all such companies generating $12.5 million or less in revenue annually; see 13 CFR § 121.201, NAICS code 517510. HSD or the large dish segment of the satellite industry is the original satellite-to-home service offered to consumers, and involves the home reception of signals transmitted by satellites operating generally in the C-band frequency. Unlike DBS, which uses small dishes, HSD antennas are between four and eight feet in diameter and can receive a wide range of unscrambled (free) programming and scrambled programming purchased from program packagers that are licensed to facilitate subscribers' receipt of video programming. There are approximately 30 satellites operating in the C-band, which carry over 500 channels of programming combined; approximately 350 channels are available free of charge and 150 are scrambled and require a subscription. HSD is difficult to quantify in terms of annual revenue. HSD owners have access to program channels placed on C-band satellites by programmers for receipt and distribution by MVPDs. Commission data shows that, between June 2003, and June 2004, HSD subscribership fell from 502,191 subscribers to 335,766 subscribers, a decline of more than 33 percent; see 2005 Cable Competition Report, FCC 05-13. (HSD subscribership declined more than 28 percent between June 2002 and June 2003; see 2004 Cable Competition Report, 19 FCC Rcd at 1654-55.) The Commission has no information regarding the annual revenue of the four C-Band distributors.
90. Wireless Cable Systems. Wireless cable systems use the Multipoint Distribution Service (“MDS”) and Instructional Television Fixed Service (“ITFS”) frequencies in the 2 GHz band to transmit video programming and provide broadband services to subscribers. (MDS, also known as Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Service (“MMDS”), is regulated by part 21 of the Commission's rules; see 47 CFR part 21, subpart K; and has been renamed the Broadband Radio Service (BRS). ITFS systems are regulated by part 74 of the Commission's rules; see 47 CFR part 74, subpart I. ITFS, an educational service, has been renamed the Educational Broadband Service (EBS). ITFS licensees, however, are permitted to lease spectrum for MDS operation.) Local Multipoint Distribution Service (“LMDS”) is a fixed broadband point-to-multipoint microwave service that provides for two-way video telecommunications. As previously noted, the SBA definition of small entities for Cable and Other Program Distribution, which includes such companies generating $12.5 million in annual receipts, appears applicable to MDS, ITFS and LMDS. In addition, the Commission has defined small MDS and LMDS entities in the context of Commission license auctions.
91. In the 1996 MDS auction, the Commission defined a small business as an entity that had annual average gross revenues of less than $40 million in the previous three calendar years; see 47 CFR 21.961(b)(1). (MDS Auction No. 6 began on November 13, 1995, and closed on March 28, 1996.) This definition of a small entity in the context of MDS auctions has been approved by the SBA. In the MDS auction, 67 bidders won 493 licenses. Of the 67 auction winners, 61 claimed status as a small business. At this time, the Commission estimates that of the 61 small business MDS auction winners, 48 remain small business licensees. In addition to the 48 small businesses that hold BTA authorizations, there are approximately 392 incumbent MDS licensees that have gross revenues that are not more than $40 million and are thus considered small entities; see 47 U.S.C. 309(j). (Hundreds of stations were licensed to incumbent MDS licensees prior to implementation of Section 309(j) of the Communications Act of 1934, 47 U.S.C. 309(j). For these pre-auction licenses, the applicable standard is SBA's small business size standards for “other telecommunications” (annual receipts of $12.5 million or less); see 13 CFR 121.201, NAICS code 517910.) MDS licensees and wireless cable operators that did not participate in the MDS auction must rely on the SBA definition of small entities for Cable and Other Program Distribution. Information available to us indicates that there are approximately 850 of these licensees and operators that do not generate revenue in excess of $12.5 million annually. Therefore, we estimate that there are approximately 850 small MDS providers as defined by the SBA and the Commission's auction rules.
92. While SBA approval for a Commission-defined small business size standard applicable to ITFS is pending, educational institutions are included in this analysis as small entities. (In addition, the term “small entity” under SBREFA applies to small organizations (nonprofits) and to small governmental jurisdictions (cities, counties, towns, townships, villages, school districts, and special districts with populations of less than 50,000; see 5 U.S.C. 601(4)-(6). We do not collect annual revenue data on ITFS licensees.) There are currently 2,032 ITFS licensees, and all but 100 of these licenses are held by educational institutions. Thus, the Commission estimates that at least 1,932 ITFS licensees are small businesses.
93. In the 1998 and 1999 LMDS auctions, the Commission defined a small business as an entity that had annual average gross revenues of less than $40 million in the previous three calendar years. (The Commission has held two LMDS auctions: Auction Nos. 17 and 23. Auction No. 17, the first LMDS auction, began on February 18, 1998, and closed on March 25, 1998. Auction No. 23, the LMDS re-auction, began on April 27, 1999, and closed on May 12, 1999. Moreover, the Commission added an additional classification for a “very small business,” which was defined as an entity that had annual average gross revenues of less than $15 million in the previous three calendar years. These definitions of “small business” and “very small business” in the context of the LMDS auctions have been approved by the SBA; see Letter to Daniel Phythyon, Chief, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (FCC) from A. Alvarez, Administrator, SBA (January 6, 1998). In the first LMDS auction, 104 bidders won 864 licenses. Of the 104 auction winners, 93 claimed status as small or very small businesses. In the LMDS re-auction, 40 bidders won 161 licenses. Based on this information, we believe that the number of small LMDS licenses will include the 93 winning bidders in the first auction and the 40 winning bidders in the re-auction, for a total of 133 small entity LMDS providers as defined by the SBA and the Commission's auction rules.
94. In sum, there are approximately a total of 2,000 MDS/MMDS/LMDS stations currently licensed. Of the approximate total of 2,000 stations, we estimate that there are 1,595 MDS/MMDS/LMDS providers that are small businesses as deemed by the SBA and the Commission's auction rules.
95. Open Video Systems (“OVS”). The OVS framework provides opportunities for the distribution of video programming other than through cable systems. Because OVS operators provide subscription services, OVS falls within the SBA-recognized definition of Cable and Other Program Distribution Services, which provides that a small entity is one with $ 12.5 million or less in annual receipts; see 47 U.S.C. 573, 13 CFR 121.201, NAICS code 517510. The Start Printed Page 11330Commission has certified 25 OVS operators with some now providing service. Broadband service providers (BSPs) are currently the only significant holders of OVS certifications or local OVS franchises, even though OVS is one of four statutorily-recognized options for local exchange carriers (LECs) to offer video programming services; see 2005 Cable Competition Report, FCC 05-13. As of June 2003, BSPs served approximately 1.4 million subscribers, representing 1.49 percent of all MVPD households; see 2004 Cable Competition Report. Among BSPs, however, those operating under the OVS framework are in the minority, with approximately eight percent operating with an OVS certification; see 2005 Cable Competition Report, FCC 05-13. Serving approximately 460,000 of these subscribers, Affiliates of Residential Communications Network, Inc. (“RCN”) is currently the largest BSP and 11th largest MVPD. (WideOpenWest is the second largest BSP and 15th largest MVPD, with cable systems serving about 288,000 subscribers as of September 2003. The third largest BSP is Knology, which currently serves approximately 174,957 subscribers as of June 2004; see 2005 Cable Competition Report, FCC 05-13.) RCN received approval to operate OVS systems in New York City, Boston, Washington, DC and other areas. The Commission does not have financial information regarding the entities authorized to provide OVS, some of which may not yet be operational. We thus believe that at least some of the OVS operators may qualify as small entities.
D. Description of Projected Reporting, Recordkeeping and Other Compliance Requirements
96. The SHVERA was enacted to permit satellite carriage of Commission-determined “significantly-viewed” signals of out-of-market broadcast stations to consumers. The SHVERA allows satellite carriers and broadcast stations to obtain “significantly-viewed” status for satellite carriage pursuant to Section 340 of the Act, 47 U.S.C. 340, and thus does not impose any mandatory reporting, recordkeeping and other compliance requirements, unless a satellite carrier and station choose to take advantage of the SHVERA's provisions. The proposed rule changes that we believe will directly affect reporting, recordkeeping and other compliance requirements are described below.
97. This NPRM proposes that satellite carriers and broadcast stations seeking a “significantly viewed” designation for a station and the community containing such station pursuant to Section 340 of the Act, 47 U.S.C. 340, will follow the same petition process now in place for cable operators (and broadcast stations), as required by §§ 76.5, 76.7 and 76.54 of the Commission's rules; see 47 CFR 76.5, 76.7, 76.54. Therefore, entities seeking a “significantly viewed” designation would file a petition pursuant to the pleading requirements in § 76.7(a)(1) and use the method described in § 76.54 to demonstrate that the station is significantly viewed as defined in § 76.5(i). Parties filing such petitions must also comply with the existing notification requirements of § 76.54(c), 47 CFR 76.54(c).
98. Furthermore, this NPRM proposes to (1) create a limited right for a station or distributor to assert nonduplication and exclusivity rights with respect to a station carried by a satellite carrier as significantly viewed; (2) allow that significantly viewed station to assert the significantly viewed exception, just as a station would with respect to cable carriage; and (3) allow the station or distributor asserting exclusivity to petition the Commission for a waiver from the exception. The assertion of these rights will require affected parties to file § 76.7 petitions.
99. This NPRM also proposes to rely on the Commission's existing § 76.7 petition process as the procedural framework for the filing of complaints filed pursuant to new Section 340 of the Act, 47 U.S.C. 340. Thus, we propose that interested parties that wish to report Section 340 violations may file a Petition for Special Relief under § 76.7; 47 CFR 76.7.
100. As required by Section 340(g)(1), this NPRM proposes a new rule, proposed § 76.54(e), to require satellite carriers seeking to retransmit significantly viewed signals pursuant to new Section 340 of the Act, 47 U.S.C. 340, to provide 60 days written notice to all stations located in the local market. As required by Section 340(g)(2), this NPRM also proposes a new rule, proposed § 76.54(f), to require satellite carriers retransmitting significantly viewed stations pursuant to new Section 340 of the Act, 47 U.S.C. 340, to publish a list of all such stations on their website. These proposed rules do not impose any burden on broadcast stations, but rather are intended to protect the rights of broadcast stations, including small stations.
E. Steps Taken To Minimize Significant Impact on Small Entities, and Significant Alternatives Considered
101. The RFA requires an agency to describe any significant alternatives that it has considered in reaching its proposed approach, which may include the following four alternatives (among others): (1) The establishment of differing compliance or reporting requirements or timetables that take into account the resources available to small entities; (2) the clarification, consolidation, or simplification of compliance or reporting requirements under the rule for small entities; (3) the use of performance, rather than design, standards; and (4) an exemption from coverage of the rule, or any part thereof, for small entities; see 5 U.S.C. 603(c)(1)-(c)(4).
102. With respect to the implementation of new Section 340, the SHVERA does not offer much flexibility with respect to minimizing its impact on small entities. In seeking regulatory parity with cable operators, Congress sought to apply to satellite carriers the existing regulatory framework concerning the distribution of significantly viewed signals; see 17 U.S.C. 119(a)(3). Accordingly, the SHVERA authorizes satellite carriage of significantly viewed stations using the same framework in place for the cable carriage context that has been in effect as of April 15, 1976; see 17 U.S.C. 119(a)(3). Therefore, the Commission does not have discretion to choose an alternate means of implementing the SHVERA.
103. Notably, the nature of new Section 340 of the Act, 47 U.S.C. 340, is permissive, meaning only satellite carriers that choose to carry significantly viewed stations would be impacted by our proposed implementation of the statute. Likewise, only television broadcast stations seeking carriage as significantly viewed would be impacted. The compliance requirements of cable operators with respect to carriage of significantly viewed stations are not changed.
104. The statute's compliance requirements primarily impact satellite carriers, such as DBS providers. As previously noted, there are now only four DBS licensees, none of which are small entities. Small businesses do not generally have the financial ability to become DBS licensees because of the high implementation costs associated with satellite services. Moreover, the statute confers a benefit to satellite carriers, enabling them to carry significantly viewed stations.
105. Nevertheless, to the extent they are affected, we urge small broadcast stations and small cable and satellite operators to provide data on the impact of the proposals and issues raised in the NPRM, including how we might tailor our proposals to address and minimize the impact on small businesses. We Start Printed Page 11331expect that, whichever alternatives are chosen, the Commission will seek to minimize any adverse effects on small entities, to the extent permitted by statute.
106. We believe that the SHVERA will benefit some number of small broadcast stations by offering them the opportunity to be a significantly viewed station that will be delivered to more viewers. We recognize, however, that there is also the possibility that small in-market stations will face a competitive impact from the entry of out-of-market significantly viewed stations. We do not believe it is possible to measure whether small stations are more or less likely to benefit in this regard, but invite comment on this question.
107. While the statute does not impose any requirements on small cable operators, it is possible that such small entities could face a competitive impact because of the benefit conferred to satellite carriers. In fact, the express intent of the statute was to level the competitive playing field between cable operators and satellite providers; see 17 U.S.C. 119(a)(3). Congress, however, recognized that the SHVERA may impact the competitiveness of small cable operators, and thus directed the Commission to conduct an inquiry in a separate proceeding on the impact of specific provisions of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, the SHVERA provisions, and Commission rules on competition in the MVPD market; see Section 208 of SHVERA. The Commission is required to submit a report to Congress on the results of its inquiry no later than nine months after SHVERA's enactment date (i.e., September 8, 2005). Accordingly, the Commission has issued a public notice to initiate this inquiry; see public notice, “Media Bureau Seeks Comment For Inquiry Required By the on Rules Affecting Competition In the Television Marketplace,” MB Docket No. 05-28, DA 05-169 (rel. Jan. 25, 2005) (Comments are due March 1, 2005; replies are due March 16, 2005.).
1. Federal Rules Which Duplicate, Overlap, or Conflict With the Commission's Proposals
108. None.
2. Report to Congress
109. The Commission will send a copy of the NPRM, including this IRFA, in a report to be sent to Congress pursuant to the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996; see 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A). In addition, the Commission will send a copy of the NPRM, including the IRFA, to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business Administration. A copy of the NPRM and IRFA (or summaries thereof) will also be published in the Federal Register; see 5 U.S.C. 604(b).
VI. Ordering Clauses
110. Accordingly, it is ordered that pursuant to Sections 202 and 204 of the Satellite Home Viewer Extension and Reauthorization Act of 2004, and Sections 1, 4(i) and (j), and 340 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 151, 154(i) and (j), and 340, notice is hereby given of the proposals and tentative conclusions described in this Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.
111. It is further ordered that the Reference Information Center, Consumer Information Bureau, shall send a copy of this Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, including the Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis, to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business Administration.
Start List of SubjectsList of Subjects in 47 CFR Part 76
- Cable television
- Multichannel video programming distribution
- Satellite television
Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene H. Dortch,
Proposed Rule Changes
For the reasons discussed in the preamble, the FCC proposes to amend 47 CFR part 76 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 76 is revised to read as follows:
2. Amend § 76.5 by revising paragraph (ee) and adding paragraph (gg) to read as follows:
Definitions.* * * * *(ee) Subscribers. (1) Cable subscriber. A member of the general public who receives broadcast programming distributed by a cable television system and does not further distribute it.
(2) Satellite subscriber. A person who receives a secondary transmission service from a satellite carrier and pays a fee for the service, directly or indirectly, to the satellite carrier or to a distributor.
* * * * *[OPTION ONE]
(gg) Satellite community. Comprised of one or more five-digit zip code areas in which one or more television broadcast stations are proposed or deemed to be significantly viewed pursuant to paragraph (i) of this section and § 76.54. Satellite communities apply only in areas in which there is no pre-existing cable community, as defined in paragraph (dd) of this section.
(gg) Satellite community. A separate and distinct community or municipal entity (including unincorporated communities within unincorporated areas and including single, discrete unincorporated areas). The boundaries of any such unincorporated community may be defined by one or more five-digit zip code areas. Satellite communities apply only in areas in which there is no pre-existing cable community, as defined in as defined in paragraph (dd) of this section.
* * * * *3. Amend § 76.54 by revising paragraphs (a), (b) and (c), and adding paragraphs (e), (f), (g), (h) and (i), to read as follows:
Significantly viewed signals; method to be followed for special showings.(a) Signals that are significantly viewed in a county (and thus are deemed to be significantly viewed within all communities within the county) are those that are listed in Appendix B of the memorandum opinion and order on reconsideration of the Cable Television Report and Order (Docket 18397 et al.), FCC 72-530, and those listed in the Significantly Viewed List, Appendix B of the SHVERA Report and Order Implementing Section 340 of the Communications Act, _ FCC Rcd _ (2005).
(b) Significant viewing in a cable television or satellite community for signals not shown as significantly viewed under paragraphs (a) or (d) of this section may be demonstrated by an independent professional audience survey of non-cable television homes that covers at least two weekly periods separated by at least thirty (30) days but no more than one of which shall be a week between the months of April and September. If two surveys are taken, they shall include samples sufficient to assure that the combined surveys result in an average figure at least one standard error above the required viewing level. If surveys are taken for more than 2-weekly periods in any 12 Start Printed Page 11332months, all such surveys must result in an average figure at least one standard error above the required viewing level. If a cable television system serves more than one community, a single survey may be taken, provided that the sample includes non-cable television homes from each community that are proportional to the population.
(c) Notice of a survey to be made pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section shall be served on all licensees or permittees of television broadcast stations within whose predicted Grade B contour (and, with respect to a survey pertaining to a station broadcasting only a digital signal, the noise limited service contour, as defined in § 73.622(e) of this chapter) the cable or satellite community or communities are located, in whole or in part, and on all other system community units, franchisees, and franchise applicants in the cable community or communities at least (30) days prior to the initial survey period. Such notice shall include the name of the survey organization and a description of the procedures to be used. Objections to survey organizations or procedures shall be served on the party sponsoring the survey within twenty (20) days after receipt of such notice.
* * * * *(e) Satellite carriers that intend to retransmit the signal of a significantly viewed television broadcast station to a subscriber located outside such station's local market, as defined by § 76.55(e), must provide written notice to all television broadcast stations that are assigned to the same local market as the intended subscriber at least 60 days before commencing retransmission of the significantly viewed station. Such written notice must be sent via certified mail, return receipt requested, to the address for such station(s) as listed in the consolidated database maintained by the Federal Communications Commission.
(f) Satellite carriers that retransmit the signal of a significantly viewed television broadcast station to a subscriber located outside such station's local market must list all such stations and the communities to which they are retransmitted on their Web site.
(g) Signals of significantly viewed television broadcast stations may not be retransmitted by satellite carriers to subscribers who do not subscribe to local-into-local service pursuant to § 76.66; except that a satellite carrier may retransmit a significantly viewed signal of a television broadcast station to a subscriber located in a local market in which:
(1) There is no station affiliated with the same television network as the station whose signal is significantly viewed; or
(2) The station affiliated with the same television network as the station whose signal is significantly viewed does not request carriage or does not grant retransmission consent pursuant to § 76.66.
(h) In addition to the requirement of paragraph (g) of this section, signals of significantly viewed network stations that originate as digital signals may not be retransmitted to subscribers unless the satellite carrier retransmits the digital signal of the local network station, which is affiliated with the same television network as the network station whose signal is significantly viewed, in either:
(1) At least the equivalent bandwidth of the significantly viewed station; or
(2) The entire bandwidth of the digital signal broadcast by such local station.
(i) For purposes of paragraphs (g) and (h) of this section, television network and network station are as defined in 47 U.S.C. 339(d).
4. Amend § 76.122 by revising paragraphs (a) and (j) to read as follows:
Satellite network non-duplication.(a) Upon receiving notification pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section, a satellite carrier shall not deliver, to subscribers within zip code areas located in whole or in part within the zone of protection of a commercial television station licensed by the Commission, a program carried on a nationally distributed superstation or on a station carried pursuant to § 76.54 when the network non-duplication rights to such program are held by the commercial television station providing notice, except as provided in paragraphs (j), (k) or (l) of this section.
* * * * *(j) A satellite carrier is not required to delete the duplicating programming of any nationally distributed superstation that is carried by the satellite carrier as a local station with the station's retransmission consent pursuant to § 76.64 or as a significantly viewed station pursuant to § 76.54:
(1) Within the station's local market;
(2) If the station is “significantly viewed,” pursuant to § 76.54, in zip code areas included within the zone of protection unless a waiver of the significantly viewed exception is granted pursuant to § 76.7; or
(3) If the zone of protection falls, in whole or in part, within that signal's grade B contour.
* * * * *5. Amend § 76.123 by revising paragraphs (a) and (k) to read as follows:
Satellite syndicated program exclusivity.(a) Upon receiving notification pursuant to paragraph (d) of this section, a satellite carrier shall not deliver, to subscribers located within zip code areas in whole or in part within the zone of protection of a commercial television station licensed by the Commission, a program carried on a nationally distributed superstation or on a station carried pursuant to § 76.54 when the syndicated program exclusivity rights to such program are held by the commercial television station providing notice, except as provided in paragraphs (k), (l) and (m) of this section.
* * * * *(k) A satellite carrier is not required to delete the programming of any nationally distributed superstation that is carried by the satellite carrier as a local station with the station's retransmission consent pursuant to § 76.64 or as a significantly viewed station pursuant to § 76.54:
(1) Within the station's local market;
(2) If the station is “significantly viewed,” pursuant to § 76.54, in zip code areas included within the zone of protection unless a waiver of the significantly viewed exception is granted pursuant to § 76.7; or
(3) If the zone of protection falls, in whole or in part, within that signal's grade B contour.
* * * * *Note:
The following Appendix is not to be included in the Code of Federal Regulations.
Appendix 1—Significantly Viewed List (as of December 7, 2004)
The stations listed below are “significantly viewed” in the relevant counties and/or communities as indicated. The stations are listed by state and subdivided by the county in which they are significantly viewed. Stations added on a community-by-community basis after 1972 are listed at the end of each state next to the community in which they obtained significantly viewed status. The station listing includes the current (and former) call signs, as well as the analog channel number and city of license. Stations with a plus sign (+) under individual counties are those stations added to the list after the publication of the Commission's original 1972 list. See Reconsideration of the Cable Television Report and Order, 36 FCC 2d 326 (1972). Stations listed with a pound Start Printed Page 11333sign (#) have been the subject of application of the Commission's exclusivity rules and are subject to programming deletions in the indicated communities.
+WAKA, 8, Selma, AL
WSFA, 12, Montgomery, AL
WCOV-TV, 20, Montgomery, AL
WNCF, 32, Montgomery, AL (formerly WKAB)
WEAR-TV, 3, Pensacola, FL
WKRG-TV, 5, Mobile, AL
WALA-TV, 10, Mobile, AL
+WPMI, 15, Mobile, AL
+WJTC, 44, Pensacola, FL
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
+WXTX, 54, Columbus, GA
WTVY, 4, Dothan, AL
+WDFX-TV, 34, Ozark, AL (formerly WDAU)
WSFA, 12, Montgomery, AL
WBRC, 6, Birmingham, AL
WVTM-TV, 13, Birmingham, AL (formerly WAPI)
+WTTO, 21, Birmingham, AL
+WDBB, 17, Bessemer, AL
WIAT, 42, Birmingham, AL (formerly WBMG)
WBRC, 6, Birmingham, AL
WVTM-TV, 13, Birmingham, AL (formerly WAPI)
+WTTO, 21, Birmingham, AL
WHNT-TV, 19, Huntsville, AL
+WZDX, 54, Huntsville, AL
WSFA, 12, Montgomery, AL
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
+WAKA, 8, Selma, AL
WSFA, 12, Montgomery, AL
WBRC, 6, Birmingham, AL
WVTM-TV, 13, Birmingham, AL (formerly WAPI)
+WTTO, 21, Birmingham, AL
WJSU-TV, 40, Anniston, AL (formerly WHMA)
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
+WXTX, 54, Columbus, GA
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WBRC, 6, Birmingham, AL
+WTTO, 21, Birmingham, AL
WBRC, 6, Birmingham, AL
WVTM-TV, 13, Birmingham, AL (formerly WAPI)
+WTTO, 21, Birmingham, AL
WIAT, 42, Birmingham, AL (formerly WBMG)
+WAKA, 8, Selma, AL
WSFA, 12, Montgomery, AL
WTOK-TV, 11, Meridian, MS
WEAR-TV, 3, Pensacola, FL
WKRG-TV, 5, Mobile, AL
WALA-TV, 10, Mobile, AL
+WPMI, 15, Mobile, AL
+WAKA, 8, Selma, AL
WBRC, 6, Birmingham, AL
WVTM-TV, 13, Birmingham, AL (formerly WAPI)
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WBRC, 6, Birmingham, AL
WVTM-TV, 13, Birmingham, AL (formerly WAPI)
WTVY, 4, Dothan, AL
+WDFX-TV, 34, Ozark, AL (formerly WDAU)
WSFA, 12, Montgomery, AL
WHDF, 15, Florence, AL (formerly WOWL)
WHNT-TV, 19, Huntsville, AL
WAAY-TV, 31, Huntsville, AL
WAFF, 48, Huntsville, AL (formerly WMSL & WYUR)
+WZDX, 54, Huntsville, AL
WEAR-TV, 3, Pensacola, FL
WKRG-TV, 5, Mobile, AL
WALA-TV, 10, Mobile, AL
+WPMI, 15, Mobile, AL
+WAKA, 8, Selma, AL
WSFA, 12, Montgomery, AL
WBRC, 6, Birmingham, AL
WSFA, 12, Montgomery, AL
WVTM-TV, 13, Birmingham, AL (formerly WAPI)
+WAKA, 8, Selma, AL
WSFA, 12, Montgomery, AL
WTVY, 4, Dothan, AL
+WDFX-TV, 34, Ozark, AL (formerly WDAU)
+WAKA, 8, Selma, AL
WSFA, 12, Montgomery, AL
WCOV-TV, 20, Montgomery, AL
WTVY, 4, Dothan, AL
WBRC, 6, Birmingham, AL
WVTM-TV, 13, Birmingham, AL (formerly WAPI)
+WDBB, 17, Bessemer, AL
+WTTO, 21, Birmingham, AL
WHNT-TV, 19, Huntsville, AL
WAAY-TV, 31, Huntsville, AL
+WZDX, 54, Huntsville, AL
WTVY, 4, Dothan, AL
+WDFX-TV, 34, Ozark, AL
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
WSFA, 12, Montgomery, AL
+WAKA, 8, Selma, AL
WSFA, 12, Montgomery, AL
WCOV-TV, 20, Montgomery, AL
WNCF, 32, Montgomery, AL (formerly WKAB)
WBRC, 6, Birmingham, AL
De Kalb
WRCB-TV, 3, Chattanooga, TN
WTVC, 9, Chattanooga, TN
WDEF-TV, 12, Chattanooga, TN
+WPXH, 44, Gadsden, AL (formerly WNAL)
+WZDX, 54, Huntsville, AL
+WAKA, 8, Selma, AL
WSFA, 12, Montgomery, AL
WCOV-TV, 20, Montgomery, AL
WNCF, 32, Montgomery, AL (formerly WKAB)
WEAR-TV, 3, Pensacola, FL
WKRG-TV, 5, Mobile, AL
WALA-TV, 10, Mobile, AL
+WPMI, 15, Mobile, AL
WBRC, 6, Birmingham, AL
WVTM-TV, 13, Birmingham, AL (formerly WAPI)
+WTTO, 21, Birmingham, AL
+WZDX, 54, Huntsville, AL
WJSU-TV, 40, Anniston, AL (formerly WHMA)
WBRC, 6, Birmingham, AL
WVTM-TV, 13, Birmingham, AL (formerly WAPI)
+WTTO, 21, Birmingham, AL
WCBI-TV, 4, Columbus, MS
+WTVA, 9, Tupelo, MS
WBRC, 6, Birmingham, AL
+WTTO, 21, Birmingham, AL
WCBI-TV, 4, Columbus, MS
WTVA, 9, Tupelo, MS (formerly WTWV)
WHNT-TV, 19, Huntsville, AL
+WZDX, 54, Huntsville, AL
WTVY, 4, Dothan, AL
WDHN, 18, Dothan, AL
+WDFX-TV, 34, Ozark, AL (formerly WDAU)
WJHG-TV, 7, Panama City, FL
+WMBB, 13, Panama City, FL
WBRC, 6, Birmingham, AL
WVTM-TV, 13, Birmingham, AL (formerly WAPI)
+WDBB, 17, Bessemer, AL
WCFT-TV, 33, Tuscaloosa, AL
WTOK-TV, 11, Meridian, MS
WBRC, 6, Birmingham, AL
WVTM-TV, 13, Birmingham, AL (formerly WAPI)
+WDBB, 17, Bessemer, AL
+WTTO, 21, Birmingham, AL
WCFT-TV, 33, Tuscaloosa, AL
WTOK-TV, 11, Meridian, MS
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
WTVY, 4, Dothan, AL
+WDFX-TV, 34, Ozark, AL
WTVY, 4, Dothan, AL
WDHN, 18, Dothan, AL
+WDFX-TV, 34, Ozark, AL (formerly WDAU)
WJHG-TV, 7, Panama City, FL
WMBB, 13, Panama City, FL
JacksonStart Printed Page 11334
WRCB-TV, 3, Chattanooga, TN
WTVC, 9, Chattanooga, TN
WDEF-TV, 12, Chattanooga, TN
+WDSI-TV, 61, Chattanooga, TN
+WZDX, 54, Huntsville, AL
WBRC, 6, Birmingham, AL
WVTM-TV, 13, Birmingham, AL (formerly WAPI)
+WDBB, 17, Bessemer, AL
+WTTO, 21, Birmingham, AL
WIAT, 42, Birmingham, AL (formerly WBMG)
WCBI-TV, 4, Columbus, MS
+WTVA, 9, Tupelo, MS
WBRC, 6, Birmingham, AL
WVTM-TV, 13, Birmingham, AL (formerly WAPI)
+WDBB, 17, Bessemer, AL
WHDF, 15, Florence, AL (formerly WOWL)
WHNT-TV, 19, Huntsville, AL
WAAY-TV, 31, Huntsville, AL
WAFF, 48, Huntsville, AL (formerly WMSL)
+WZDX, 54, Huntsville, AL
WHNT-TV, 19, Huntsville, AL
+WYLE, 26, Florence, AL (formerly WTRT)
WAAY-TV, 31, Huntsville, AL
WAFF, 48, Huntsville, AL (formerly WMSL)
+WZDX, 54, Huntsville, AL
WBRC, 6, Birmingham, AL
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
+WXTX, 54, Columbus, GA
WSFA, 12, Montgomery, AL
WHNT-TV, 19, Huntsville, AL
WAAY-TV, 31, Huntsville, AL
WAFF, 48, Huntsville, AL (formerly WMSL)
+WZDX, 54, Huntsville, AL
WSFA, 12, Montgomery, AL
WCOV-TV, 20, Montgomery, AL
WNCF, 32, Montgomery, AL (formerly WKAB)
+WAKA, 8, Selma, AL
WSFA, 12, Montgomery, AL
WCOV-TV, 20, Montgomery, AL
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
+WXTX, 54, Columbus, GA
WHNT-TV, 19, Huntsville, AL
WAAY-TV, 31, Huntsville, AL
WAFF, 48, Huntsville, AL (formerly WMSL)
+WZDX, 54, Huntsville, AL
WTOK-TV, 11, Meridian, MS
+WAKA, 8, Selma, AL
+WDBB, 17, Bessemer, AL
WBRC, 6, Birmingham, AL
WVTM-TV, 13, Birmingham, AL (formerly WAPI)
+WTTO, 21, Birmingham, AL
WCBI-TV, 4, Columbus, MS
+WTVA, 9, Tupelo, MS
WHNT-TV, 19, Huntsville, AL
WAAY-TV, 31, Huntsville, AL
WAFF, 48, Huntsville, AL (formerly WMSL)
+WZDX, 54, Huntsville, AL
WBRC, 6, Birmingham, AL
WVTM-TV, 13, Birmingham, AL (formerly WAPI)
+WTTO, 21, Birmingham, AL
WEAR-TV, 3, Pensacola, FL
WKRG-TV, 5, Mobile, AL
WALA-TV, 10, Mobile, AL
+WPMI, 15, Mobile, AL
+WJTC, 44, Pensacola, FL
WEAR-TV, 3, Pensacola, FL
WKRG-TV, 5, Mobile, AL
WALA-TV, 10, Mobile, AL
+WPMI, 15, Mobile, AL
+WAKA, 8, Selma, AL
+WAKA, 8, Selma, AL
WSFA, 12, Montgomery, AL
WCOV-TV, 20, Montgomery, AL
WNCF, 32, Montgomery, AL (formerly WKAB)
WHNT-TV, 19, Huntsville, AL
WAAY-TV, 31, Huntsville, AL
WAFF, 48, Huntsville, AL (formerly WMSL)
+WZDX, 54, Huntsville, AL
WBRC, 6, Birmingham, AL
+WTTO, 21, Birmingham, AL
WBRC, 6, Birmingham, AL
WVTM-TV, 13, Birmingham, AL (formerly WAPI)
+WAKA, 8, Selma, AL
WSFA, 12, Montgomery, AL
WBRC, 6, Birmingham, AL
WVTM-TV, 13, Birmingham, AL (formerly WAPI)
+WDBB, 17, Bessemer, AL
+WTTO, 21, Birmingham, AL
WCBI-TV, 4, Columbus, MS
+WAKA, 8, Selma, AL
WSFA, 12, Montgomery, AL
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
WTVY, 4, Dothan, AL
+WDFX-TV, 34, Ozark, AL (formerly WDAU)
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
+WXTX, 54, Columbus, GA
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
WLTZ, 38, Columbus, GA (formerly WYEA)
+WXTX, 54, Columbus, GA
St. Clair
WBRC, 6, Birmingham, AL
WVTM-TV, 13, Birmingham, AL (formerly WAPI)
+WTTO, 21, Birmingham, AL
WBRC, 6, Birmingham, AL
WVTM-TV, 13, Birmingham, AL (formerly WAPI)
+WDBB, 17, Bessemer, AL
+WTTO, 21, Birmingham, AL
WIAT, 42, Birmingham, AL (formerly WBMG)
WTOK-TV, 11, Meridian, MS
WBRC, 6, Birmingham, AL
WVTM-TV, 13, Birmingham, AL (formerly WAPI)
+WDBB, 17, Bessemer, AL
WIAT, 42, Birmingham, AL (formerly WBMG)
WBRC, 6, Birmingham, AL
WVTM-TV, 13, Birmingham, AL (formerly WAPI)
+WTTO, 21, Birmingham, AL
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
+WAKA, 8, Selma, AL
WSFA, 12, Montgomery, AL
WBRC, 6, Birmingham, AL
WVTM-TV, 13, Birmingham, AL (formerly WAPI)
+WTTO, 21, Birmingham, AL
WCFT-TV, 33, Tuscaloosa, AL
WBRC, 6, Birmingham, AL
WVTM-TV, 13, Birmingham, AL (formerly WAPI)
+WDBB, 17, Bessemer, AL
WIAT, 42, Birmingham, AL (formerly WBMG)
WEAR-TV, 3, Pensacola, FL
WKRG-TV, 5, Mobile, AL
WALA-TV, 10, Mobile, AL
+WPMI, 15, Mobile, AL
+WAKA, 8, Selma, AL
WSFA, 12, Montgomery, AL
WEAR-TV, 3, Pensacola, FL
WKRG-TV, 5, Mobile, AL
WBRC, 6, Birmingham, AL
WVTM-TV, 13, Birmingham, AL (formerly WAPI)
+WTTO, 21, Birmingham, AL
WIAT, 42, Birmingham, AL (formerly WBMG)
WHNT-TV, 19, Huntsville, AL
Rainbow City—WTTO
Unincorporated portions of DeKalb County—WHNT-TV, WAAY-TV, WAFF
Unincorporated portions of Jackson County—WHNT-TV, WAAY-TV, WAFFStart Printed Page 11335
Unincorporated portions of Franklin County (north of Russellville)—WAFF
KVOA, 4, Tucson, AZ
KGUN, 9, Tucson, AZ
KOLD-TV, 13, Tucson, AZ
KOB-TV, 4, Albuquerque, NM
KOAT-TV, 7, Albuquerque, NM
KRQE, 13, Albuquerque, NM (formerly KGGM)
KVOA, 4, Tucson, AZ
KGUN, 9, Tucson, AZ
KOLD-TV, 13, Tucson, AZ
KNAZ-TV, 2, Flagstaff, AZ (formerly KOAI)
KTVK, 3, Phoenix, AZ
KPHO-TV, 5, Phoenix, AZ
KSAZ-TV, 10, Phoenix, AZ (formerly KOOL)
KPNX, 12, Phoenix, AZ (formerly KTAR)
KTVK, 3, Phoenix, AZ
KPHO-TV, 5, Phoenix, AZ
KSAZ-TV, 10, Phoenix, AZ (formerly KOOL)
KPNX, 12, Phoenix, AZ (formerly KTAR)
KPNX, 12, Phoenix, AZ (formerly KTAR)
KVOA, 4, Tucson, AZ
KGUN, 9, Tucson, AZ
KOLD-TV, 13, Tucson, AZ
KVOA, 4, Tucson, AZ
KGUN, 9, Tucson, AZ
KOLD-TV, 13, Tucson, AZ
La Paz
+KPHO-TV, 5, Phoenix, AZ
+KECY-TV, 9, El Centro, CA
+KYMA, 11, Yuma, AZ
+KSWT, 13, Yuma, AZ (formerly KYEL)
KTVK, 3, Phoenix, AZ
KPHO-TV, 5, Phoenix, AZ
KSAZ-TV, 10, Phoenix, AZ (formerly KOOL)
KPNX, 12, Phoenix, AZ (formerly KTAR)
+KNXV-TV, 15, Phoenix, AZ
KTVK, 3, Phoenix, AZ
KPHO-TV, 5, Phoenix, AZ
KSAZ-TV, 10, Phoenix, AZ (formerly KOOL)
KPNX, 12, Phoenix, AZ (formerly KTAR)
KVBC, 3, Las Vegas, NV (formerly KORK)
KNAZ-TV, 2, Flagstaff, AZ (formerly KOAI)
KSAZ-TV, 10, Phoenix, AZ (formerly KOOL)
KVOA, 4, Tucson, AZ
KGUN, 9, Tucson, AZ
KOLD-TV, 13, Tucson, AZ
Pima East
KVOA, 4, Tucson, AZ
KGUN, 9, Tucson, AZ
KMSB-TV, 11, Tucson, AZ (formerly KZAZ)
KOLD-TV, 13, Tucson, AZ
+KTTU-TV, 18, Tucson, AZ
Pima West
KVOA, 4, Tucson, AZ
KGUN, 9, Tucson, AZ
KOLD-TV, 13, Tucson, AZ
+KTTU-TV, 18, Tucson, AZ
KPHO-TV, 5, Phoenix, AZ
KTVK, 3, Phoenix, AZ
KPHO-TV, 5, Phoenix, AZ
KSAZ-TV, 10, Phoenix, AZ (formerly KOOL)
KPNX, 12, Phoenix, AZ (formerly KTAR)
+KNXV-TV, 15, Phoenix, AZ
KVOA, 4, Tucson, AZ
+KTTU-TV, 18, Tucson, AZ
Santa Cruz
KVOA, 4, Tucson, AZ
KGUN, 9, Tucson, AZ
KMSB-TV, 11, Tucson, AZ (formerly KZAZ)
KOLD-TV, 13, Tucson, AZ
+KTTU-TV, 18, Tucson, AZ
KPHO-TV, 5, Phoenix, AZ
XHFA, 2, Mexico
KTVK, 3, Phoenix, AZ
KPHO-TV, 5, Phoenix, AZ
KSAZ-TV, 10, Phoenix, AZ (formerly KSAZ)
KPNX, 12, Phoenix, AZ (formerly KTAR)
KPHO-TV, 5, Phoenix, AZ
+KYMA, 11, Yuma, AZ
KSWT, 13, Yuma, AZ (formerly KBLU & KYEL)
KECY-TV, 9, El Centro, CA (formerly KECC)
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KATV, 7, Little Rock, AR
KTHV, 11, Little Rock, AR
KLRT, 16, Little Rock, AR
KNOE-TV, 8, Monroe, LA
KTVE, 10, Monroe, LA
KYTV, 3, Springfield, MO
KOLR, 10, Springfield, MO (formerly KTTS)
KDEB-TV, 27, Springfield, MO (formerly KMTC)
KSPR, 33, Springfield, MO
KOAM-TV, 7, Pittsburg, KS
KODE-TV, 12, Joplin, MO
KSNF, 16, Joplin, MO (formerly KUHI)
KFSM-TV, 5, Fort Smith, AR (formerly KFSA)
KOTV, 6, Tulsa, OK
KTUL, 8, Tulsa, OK
+KOLR, 10, Springfield, MO
KYTV, 3, Springfield, MO
KOLR, 10, Springfield, MO (formerly KTTS)
+KSPR, 33, Springfield, MO
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KATV, 7, Little Rock, AR
KTHV, 11, Little Rock, AR
KTVE, 10, Monroe, LA
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KATV, 7, Little Rock, AR
KNOE-TV, 8, Monroe, LA
KTVE, 10, Monroe, LA
KYTV, 3, Springfield, MO
KOLR, 10, Springfield, MO (formerly KTTS)
+KSPR, 33, Springfield, MO
KNOE-TV, 8, Monroe, LA
KTVE, 10, Monroe, LA
WABG-TV, 6, Greenwood, MS
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KATV, 7, Little Rock, AR
KTHV, 11, Little Rock, AR
+KLRT, 16, Little Rock, AR
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
KAIT-TV, 8, Jonesboro, AR
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KATV, 7, Little Rock, AR
KTHV, 11, Little Rock, AR
+KLRT, 16, Little Rock, AR
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KATV, 7, Little Rock, AR
KTHV, 11, Little Rock, AR
KTBS-TV, 3, Shreveport, LA
KTAL-TV, 6, Shreveport, LA
KSLA-TV, 12, Shreveport, LA
+KMSS-TV, 33, Shreveport, LA
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KATV, 7, Little Rock, AR
KTHV, 11, Little Rock, AR
+KLRT, 16, Little Rock, AR
KAIT-TV, 8, Jonesboro, AR
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
+WPTY-TV, 24, Memphis, TN
KFSM-TV, 5, Fort Smith, AR (formerly KFSA)
KTUL, 8, Tulsa, OK
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
+WLMT, 30, Memphis, TN
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
+WLMT, 30, Memphis, TN
+KAIT-TV, 8, Jonesboro, AR
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KATV, 7, Little Rock, AR
KTHV, 11, Little Rock, AR
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KATV, 7, Little Rock, AR
KTHV, 11, Little Rock, AR
+KASN, 38, Pine Bluff, AR
KTVE, 10, Monroe, LA
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KATV, 7, Little Rock, AR
KTHV, 11, Little Rock, ARStart Printed Page 11336
KTVE, 10, Monroe, LA
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KATV, 7, Little Rock, AR
KTHV, 11, Little Rock, AR
+KLRT, 16, Little Rock, AR
+KASN, 38, Pine Bluff, AR
KFSM-TV, 5, Fort Smith, AR (formerly KFSA)
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KTHV, 11, Little Rock, AR
KYTV, 3, Springfield, MO
+KOLR, 10, Springfield, MO
KAIT-TV, 8, Jonesboro, AR
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KATV, 7, Little Rock, AR
KTHV, 11, Little Rock, AR
+KLRT, 16, Little Rock, AR
+KASN, 38, Pine Bluff, AR
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KATV, 7, Little Rock, AR
KTHV, 11, Little Rock, AR
+KLRT, 16, Little Rock, AR
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
+WPTY-TV, 24, Memphis, TN
KAIT-TV, 8, Jonesboro, AR
KTBS-TV, 3, Shreveport, LA
KTAL-TV, 6, Shreveport, LA
KSLA-TV, 12, Shreveport, LA
+KMSS-TV, 33, Shreveport, LA
Hot Springs
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KATV, 7, Little Rock, AR
KTHV, 11, Little Rock, AR
+KASN, 38, Pine Bluff, AR
KTBS-TV, 3, Shreveport, LA
KTAL-TV, 6, Shreveport, LA
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KATV, 7, Little Rock, AR
KTHV, 11, Little Rock, AR
+KAIT-TV, 8, Jonesboro, AR
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KTHV, 11, Little Rock, AR
KYTV, 3, Springfield, MO
+KOLR, 10, Springfield, MO
+KAIT-TV, 8, Jonesboro, AR
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KTHV, 11, Little Rock, AR
KAIT-TV, 8, Jonesboro, AR
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KATV, 7, Little Rock, AR
KTHV, 11, Little Rock, AR
+KLRT, 16, Little Rock, AR
+KASN, 38, Pine Bluff, AR
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KATV, 7, Little Rock, AR
KTHV, 11, Little Rock, AR
+KLRT, 16, Little Rock, AR
KFSM-TV, 5, Fort Smith, AR (formerly KFSA)
KTBS-TV, 3, Shreveport, LA
KTAL-TV, 6, Shreveport, LA
KSLA-TV, 12, Shreveport, LA
+KMSS-TV, 33, Shreveport, LA
KAIT-TV, 8, Jonesboro, AR
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
+WPTY-TV, 24, Memphis, TN
KATV, 7, Little Rock, AR
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KATV, 7, Little Rock, AR
KTHV, 11, Little Rock, AR
Little River
KTBS-TV, 3, Shreveport, LA
KTAL-TV, 6, Shreveport, LA
KSLA-TV, 12, Shreveport, LA
KFSM-TV, 5, Fort Smith, AR (formerly KFSA)
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KTHV, 11, Little Rock, AR
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KATV, 7, Little Rock, AR
KTHV, 11, Little Rock, AR
+KLRT, 16, Little Rock, AR
+KASN, 38, Pine Bluff, AR
KYTV, 3, Springfield, MO
+KOLR, 10, Springfield, MO
KFSM-TV, 5, Fort Smith, AR (formerly KFSA)
KYTV, 3, Springfield, MO
KOLR, 10, Springfield, MO (formerly KTTS)
KDEB-TV, 27, Springfield, MO (formerly KMTC)
+KSPR, 33, Springfield, MO
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KTHV, 11, Little Rock, AR
KTBS-TV, 3, Shreveport, LA
KTAL-TV, 6, Shreveport, LA
KSLA-TV, 12, Shreveport, LA
+KMSS-TV, 33, Shreveport, LA
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
+WPTY-TV, 24, Memphis, TN
+WLMT, 30, Memphis, TN
+KAIT-TV, 8, Jonesboro, AR
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KATV, 7, Little Rock, AR
KTHV, 11, Little Rock, AR
+KLRT, 16, Little Rock, AR
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KATV, 7, Little Rock, AR
KTHV, 11, Little Rock, AR
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KATV, 7, Little Rock, AR
KTHV, 11, Little Rock, AR
KTBS-TV, 3, Shreveport, LA
KTAL-TV, 6, Shreveport, LA
KSLA-TV, 12, Shreveport, LA
KYTV, 3, Springfield, MO
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KTHV, 11, Little Rock, AR
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KATV, 7, Little Rock, AR
KTHV, 11, Little Rock, AR
KTVE, 10, Monroe, LA
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KATV, 7, Little Rock, AR
KTHV, 11, Little Rock, AR
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
KATV, 7, Little Rock, AR
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KATV, 7, Little Rock, AR
KTHV, 11, Little Rock, AR
KTBS-TV, 3, Shreveport, LA
KTAL-TV, 6, Shreveport, LA
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
+WLMT, 30, Memphis, TN
KAIT-TV, 8, Jonesboro, AR
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KATV, 7, Little Rock, AR
KTHV, 11, Little Rock, AR
KFSM-TV, 5, Fort Smith, AR (formerly KFSA)
KTAL-TV, 6 Shreveport, LA
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KATV, 7, Little Rock, AR
KTHV, 11, Little Rock, AR
+KLRT, 16, Little Rock, AR
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KATV, 7, Little Rock, AR
KTHV, 11, Little Rock, AR
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KATV, 7, Little Rock, AR
KTHV, 11, Little Rock, AR
+KLRT, 16, Little Rock, AR
KASN, 38, Pine Bluff, AR (formerly KJTM)
KAIT-TV, 8, Jonesboro, AR
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
St. Francis
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
+WPTY-TV, 24, Memphis, TN
+WLMT, 30, Memphis, TN
KATV, 7, Little Rock, AR
+KAIT-TV, 8, Jonesboro, AR
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KATV, 7, Little Rock, ARStart Printed Page 11337
KTHV, 11, Little Rock, AR
+KLRT, 16, Little Rock, AR
+KASN, 38, Pine Bluff, AR
KFSM-TV, 5, Fort Smith, AR (formerly KFSA)
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KTUL, 8, Tulsa, OK
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KATV, 7, Little Rock, AR
KTHV, 11, Little Rock, AR
KYTV, 3, Springfield, MO
KFSM-TV, 5, Fort Smith, AR (formerly KFSA)
KTUL, 8, Tulsa, OK
KTBS-TV, 3, Shreveport, LA
KTAL-TV, 6, Shreveport, LA
KSLA-TV, 12, Shreveport, LA
KAIT-TV, 8, Jonesboro, AR
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KATV, 7, Little Rock, AR
KTHV, 11, Little Rock, AR
KNOE-TV, 8, Monroe, LA
KTVE, 10, Monroe, LA
KATV, 7, Little Rock, AR
KTBS-TV, 3, Shreveport, LA
KTAL-TV, 6, Shreveport, LA
Van Buren
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KATV, 7, Little Rock, AR
KTHV, 11, Little Rock, AR
+KLRT, 16, Little Rock, AR
KOTV, 6, Tulsa, OK
KTUL, 8, Tulsa, OK
KFSM-TV, 5, Fort Smith, AR (formerly KFSA)
KODE-TV, 12, Joplin, MO
+KOLR, 10, Springfield, MO
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KATV, 7, Little Rock, AR
KTHV, 11, Little Rock, AR
+KLRT, 16, Little Rock, AR
+KASN, 38, Pine Bluff, AR
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KATV, 7, Little Rock, AR
KTHV, 11, Little Rock, AR
KARK-TV, 4, Little Rock, AR
KATV, 7, Little Rock, AR
KTHV, 11, Little Rock, AR
KFSM-TV, 5, Fort Smith, AR (formerly KFSA)
Alameda East
KTVU, 2, Oakland, CA
KRON-TV, 4, San Francisco, CA
KPIX-TV, 5, San Francisco, CA
KGO-TV, 7, San Francisco, CA
KICU-TV, 36, San Jose, CA (formerly KGSC)
Alameda West
KTVU, 2, Oakland, CA
KRON-TV, 4, San Francisco, CA
KPIX-TV, 5, San Francisco, CA
KGO-TV, 7, San Francisco, CA
KBWB, 20, San Francisco, CA (formerly KEMO)
KBHK-TV, 44, San Francisco, CA
KTVN, 2, Reno, NV
KRNV, 4, Reno, NV (formerly KCRL)
KOLO-TV, 8, Reno, NV
KCRA-TV, 3, Sacramento, CA
KXTV, 10, Sacramento, CA
KOVR, 13, Stockton, CA
+KMAX-TV, 31, Sacramento, CA (formerly KRBK)
+KTXL, 40, Sacramento, CA
KRCR-TV, 7, Redding, CA
KHSL-TV, 12, Chico, CA
+KNVN, 24, Chico, CA (formerly KCPM)
KCRA-TV, 3, Sacramento, CA
KXTV, 10, Sacramento, CA
KOVR, 13, Stockton, CA
+KMAX-TV, 31, Sacramento, CA (formerly KRBK)
+KTXL, 40, Sacramento, CA
KCRA-TV, 3, Sacramento, CA
KXTV, 10, Sacramento, CA
KOVR, 13, Stockton, CA
+KTXL, 40, Sacramento, CA
KCRA-TV, 3, Sacramento, CA
KXTV, 10, Sacramento, CA
KOVR, 13, Stockton, CA
+KTXL, 40, Sacramento, CA
KRCR-TV, 7, Redding, CA
KHSL-TV, 12, Chico, CA
Contra Costa East
KCRA-TV, 3, Sacramento, CA
KXTV, 10, Sacramento, CA
KOVR, 13, Stockton, CA
+KMAX-TV, 31, Sacramento, CA (formerly KRBK)
KTXL, 40, Sacramento, CA
+KQCA, 58, Stockton, CA (formerly KSCH)
KTVU, 2, Oakland, CA
KPIX-TV, 5, San Francisco, CA
Contra Costa West
KTVU, 2, Oakland, CA
KRON-TV, 4, San Francisco, CA
KPIX-TV, 5, San Francisco, CA
KGO-TV, 7, San Francisco, CA
KBWB, 20, San Francisco, CA (formerly KEMO)
KBHK-TV, 44, San Francisco, CA
Del Norte
KIEM-TV, 3, Eureka, CA
KVIQ-TV, 6, Eureka, CA
El Dorado East
Over 90% cable penetration.
El Dorado West
KCRA-TV, 3, Sacramento, CA
KXTV, 10, Sacramento, CA
KOVR, 13, Stockton, CA
+KMAX-TV, 31, Sacramento, CA (formerly KRBK)
+KTXL, 40, Sacramento, CA
+KQCA, 58, Stockton, CA (formerly KSCH)
KSEE, 24, Fresno, CA (formerly KMJ)
+KMPH, 26, Visalia, CA
KFSN-TV, 30, Fresno, CA (formerly KFRE)
KGPE, 47, Fresno, CA (formerly KJEO)
KRCR-TV, 7, Redding, CA
KHSL-TV, 12, Chico, CA
+KNVN, 24, Chico, CA (formerly KCPM)
KIEM-TV, 3, Eureka, CA
KVIQ-TV, 6, Eureka, CA
KECY-TV, 9, El Centro, CA (formerly KECC)
KCOP, 13, Los Angeles, CA
+KYMA, 11, Yuma, AZ
KSWT, 13, Yuma, AZ (formerly KBLU)
XHBC, 3, Mexico
KCBS-TV, 2, Los Angeles, CA (formerly KNXT)
KNBC, 4, Los Angeles, CA
KTLA, 5, Los Angeles, CA
KABC-TV, 7, Los Angeles, CA
KOLO-TV, 8, Reno, NV
Kern East
KCBS-TV, 2, Los Angeles, CA (formerly KNXT)
KNBC, 4, Los Angeles, CA
KTLA, 5, Los Angeles, CA
KABC-TV, 7, Los Angeles, CA
KCAL-TV, 9, Los Angeles, CA (formerly KHJ)
KTTV, 11, Los Angeles, CA
KCOP, 13, Los Angeles, CA
Kern West
KGET, 17, Bakersfield, CA (formerly KJTV)
KERO-TV, 23, Bakersfield, CA
KBAK-TV, 29, Bakersfield, CA
+KUVI, 45, Bakersfield, CA (formerly KUZZ)
+KMPH, 26, Visalia, CA
KSEE, 24, Fresno, CA (formerly KMJ)
KFSN-TV, 30, Fresno, CA (formerly KFRE)
KGPE, 47, Fresno, CA (formerly KJEO)
KERO-TV, 23, Bakersfield, CA
KBAK-TV, 29, Bakersfield, CA
+KUVI, 45, Bakersfield, CA (formerly KUZZ)
KCRA-TV, 3, Sacramento, CA
KOVR, 13, Stockton, CA
KTVU, 2, Oakland, CA
KTVN, 2, Reno, NV
KRNV, 4, Reno, NV (formerly KCRL)
KOLO-TV, 8, Reno, NV
+KAME-TV, 21, Reno, NV
Los Angeles
KCBS-TV, 2, Los Angeles, CA (formerly KNXT)
KNBC, 4, Los Angeles, CA
KTLA, 5, Los Angeles, CA
KABC-TV, 7, Los Angeles, CA
KCAL-TV, 9, Los Angeles, CA (formerly KHJ)
KTTV, 11, Los Angeles, CA
KCOP, 13, Los Angeles, CA
KSEE, 24, Fresno, CA (formerly KMJ)
+KMPH, 26, Visalia, CA
KFSN-TV, 30, Fresno, CA (formerly KFRE)
KGPE, 47, Fresno, CA (formerly KJEO)
KTVU, 2, Oakland, CA
KRON-TV, 4, San Francisco, CA
KPIX-TV, 5, San Francisco, CA
KGO-TV, 7, San Francisco, CA
KCRA-TV, 3, Sacramento, CA
KXTV, 10, Sacramento, CA
KOVR, 13, Stockton, CAStart Printed Page 11338
KSEE, 24, Fresno, CA (formerly KMJ)
KFSN-TV, 30, Fresno, CA (formerly KFRE)
KGPE, 47, Fresno, CA (formerly KJEO)
KTVU, 2, Oakland, CA
KRON-TV, 4 San Francisco, CA
KPIX-TV, 5, San Francisco, CA
KGO-TV, 7, San Francisco, CA
KIEM-TV, 3, Eureka, CA
KSEE, 24, Fresno, CA (formerly KMJ)
+KMPH, 26, Visalia, CA
KFSN-TV, 30, Fresno, CA (formerly KFRE)
KGPE, 47, Fresno, CA (formerly KJEO)
+KTXL, 40, Sacramento, CA
KRCR-TV, 7, Redding, CA
KOTI, 2, Klamath Falls, OR
KTVL, 10, Medford, OR (formerly KMED)
KOLO-TV, 8, Reno, NV
KOLO-TV, 8, Reno, NV
KCRA-TV, 3, Sacramento, CA
KTVU, 2, Oakland, CA
KPIX-TV, 5, San Francisco, CA
KGO-TV, 7, San Francisco, CA
Monterey East
KSBW, 8, Salinas, CA
KNTV, 11, San Jose, CA
+KCBA, 35, Salinas, CA
KION, 46, Monterey, CA (formerly KMST)
#KTVU, 2, Oakland, CA [2]
Monterey West
KSBW, 8, Salinas, CA
KNTV, 11, San Jose, CA
+KCBA, 35, Salinas, CA
KION, 46, Monterey, CA (formerly KMST)
#KTVU, 2, Oakland, CA [3]
Napa North
KTVU, 2, Oakland, CA
KRON-TV, 4, San Francisco, CA
KPIX-TV, 5, San Francisco, CA
KGO-TV, 7, San Francisco, CA
+KMAX-TV, 31, Sacramento, CA (formerly KRBK)
Napa South
KTVU, 2, Oakland, CA
KRON-TV, 4, San Francisco, CA
KPIX-TV, 5, San Francisco, CA
KGO-TV, 7, San Francisco, CA
KBWB, 20, San Francisco, CA (formerly KEMO)
+KMAX-TV, 31, Sacramento, CA (formerly KRBK)
Nevada East
KCRA-TV, 3, Sacramento, CA
KXTV, 10, Sacramento, CA
KOVR, 13, Stockton, CA
+KMAX-TV, 31, Sacramento, CA (formerly KRBK)
+KTXL, 40, Sacramento, CA
KOLO-TV, 8, Reno, NV
KTVU, 2, Oakland, CA
Nevada West
KCRA-TV, 3, Sacramento, CA
KXTV, 10, Sacramento, CA
KOVR, 13, Stockton, CA
+KMAX-TV, 31, Sacramento, CA (formerly KRBK)
+KTXL, 40, Sacramento, CA
Orange North
KCBS-TV, 2, Los Angeles, CA (formerly KNXT)
KNBC, 4, Los Angeles, CA
KTLA, 5, Los Angeles, CA
KABC-TV, 7, Los Angeles, CA
KCAL-TV, 9, Los Angeles, CA (formerly KHJ)
KTTV, 11, Los Angeles, CA
KCOP, 13, Los Angeles, CA
Orange South
KCBS-TV, 2, Los Angeles, CA (formerly KNXT)
KNBC, 4, Los Angeles, CA
KTLA, 5, Los Angeles, CA
KABC-TV, 7, Los Angeles, CA
KCAL-TV, 9, Los Angeles, CA (formerly KHJ)
KTTV, 11, Los Angeles, CA
KCOP, 13, Los Angeles, CA
Placer East
KOLO-TV, 8, Reno, NV
Placer West
KCRA-TV, 3, Sacramento, CA
KXTV, 10, Sacramento, CA
KOVR, 13, Stockton, CA
+KMAX-TV, 31, Sacramento, CA (formerly KRBK)
KTXL, 40, Sacramento, CA
+KQCA, 58, Stockton, CA (formerly KSCH)
KCRA-TV, 3, Sacramento, CA
KTXL, 40, Sacramento, CA
KHSL-TV, 12, Chico, CA
Riverside East
KTVK, 3, Phoenix, AZ
KPHO-TV, 5, Phoenix, AZ
KSAZ-TV, 10, Phoenix, AZ (formerly KOOL)
KPNX, 12, Phoenix, AZ (formerly KTAR)
+KYMA, 11, Yuma, AZ
Riverside West
KCBS-TV, 2, Los Angeles, CA (formerly KNXT)
KNBC, 4, Los Angeles, CA
KTLA, 5, Los Angeles, CA
KABC-TV, 7, Los Angeles, CA
KCAL-TV, 9, Los Angeles, CA (formerly KHJ)
KTTV, 11, Los Angeles, CA
KCOP, 13, Los Angeles, CA
Riverside Central
KCBS-TV, 2, Los Angeles, CA (formerly KNXT)
KNBC, 4, Los Angeles, CA
KTLA, 5, Los Angeles, CA
KABC-TV, 7, Los Angeles, CA
KCAL-TV, 9, Los Angeles, CA (formerly KHJ)
KTTV, 11, Los Angeles, CA
KCOP, 13, Los Angeles, CA
KCRA-TV, 3, Sacramento, CA
KXTV, 10, Sacramento, CA
KOVR, 13, Stockton, CA
KTXL, 40, Sacramento, CA
+KQCA, 58, Stockton, CA (formerly KSCH)
San Benito
KTVU, 2, Oakland, CA
KRON-TV, 4, San Francisco, CA
KPIX-TV, 5, San Francisco, CA
KSBW, 8, Salinas, CA
KNTV, 11, San Jose, CA
+KCBA, 35, Salinas, CA
San Bernardino East
KTVK, 3, Phoenix, AZ
KPHO-TV, 5, Phoenix, AZ
KSAZ-TV, 10, Phoenix, AZ (formerly KOOL)
KPNX, 12, Phoenix, AZ (formerly KTAR)
San Bernardino West
KCBS-TV, 2, Los Angeles, CA (formerly KNXT)
KNBC, 4, Los Angeles, CA
KTLA, 5, Los Angeles, CA
KABC-TV, 7, Los Angeles, CA
KCAL-TV, 9, Los Angeles, CA (formerly KHJ)
KTTV, 11, Los Angeles, CA
KCOP, 13, Los Angeles, CA
San Diego
XETV, 6, San Diego, CA
KFMB-TV, 8, San Diego, CA
KGTV, 10, San Diego, CA (formerly KOGO)
+XEWT-TV, 12, San Diego, CA
KNSD, 39, San Diego, CA (formerly KCST)
+KUSI-TV, 51, San Diego, CA
+KSWB-TV, 69, San Diego, CA (formerly KTTY)
#KNBC, 4, Los Angeles, CA [4]
#KCOP, 13, Los Angeles, CA [5]
San Francisco
KTVU, 2, Oakland, CA
KRON-TV, 4, San Francisco, CA
KPIX-TV, 5, San Francisco, CA
KGO-TV, 7, San Francisco, CA
KBWB, 20, San Francisco, CA (formerly KEMO)
San Joaquin
KCRA-TV, 3, Sacramento, CA
KXTV, 10, Sacramento, CA
KOVR, 13, Stockton, CA
+KMAX-TV, 31, Sacramento, CA (formerly KRBK)
KTXL, 40, Sacramento, CA
+KQCA, 58, Stockton, CA (formerly KSCH)
San Luis Obispo
KSBY, 6, San Luis Obispo, CA
KEYT-TV, 3, Santa Barbara, CA
KCOY-TV, 12, Santa Maria, CA
San Mateo
KTVU, 2, Oakland, CA
KRON-TV, 4, San Francisco, CA
KPIX-TV, 5, San Francisco, CA
KGO-TV, 7, San Francisco, CA
KBWB, 20, San Francisco, CA (formerly KEMO)
KBHK-TV, 44, San Francisco, CA
Santa Barbara North
KEYT-TV, 3, Santa Barbara, CA
KCOY-TV, 12, Santa Maria, CA
KSBY, 6, San Luis Obispo, CA
Santa Barbara South
KEYT-TV, 3, Santa Barbara, CA
KCBS-TV, 2, Los Angeles, CA (formerly KNXT)
KNBC, 4, Los Angeles, CA
KTLA, 5, Los Angeles, CAStart Printed Page 11339
KABC-TV, 7, Los Angeles, CA
KCAL-TV, 9, Los Angeles, CA (formerly KHJ)
KTTV, 11, Los Angeles, CA
KCOP, 13, Los Angeles, CA
Santa Clara East
KTVU, 2, Oakland, CA
KRON-TV, 4, San Francisco, CA
KPIX-TV, 5, San Francisco, CA
KGO-TV, 7, San Francisco, CA
KBWB, 20, San Francisco, CA (formerly KEMO)
KBHK-TV, 44, San Francisco, CA
KSBW, 8, Salinas, CA
KNTV, 11, San Jose, CA
Santa Clara West
KTVU, 2, Oakland, CA
KRON-TV, 4, San Francisco, CA
KPIX-TV, 5, San Francisco, CA
KGO-TV, 7, San Francisco, CA
KBWB, 20, San Francisco, CA (formerly KEMO)
KBHK-TV, 44, San Francisco, CA
KNTV, 11, San Jose, CA
Santa Cruz
KSBW, 8, Salinas, CA
KNTV, 11, San Jose, CA
+KCBA, 35, Salinas, CA
KION, 46, Monterey, CA (formerly KMST)
#KTVU, 2, Oakland, CA [6]
KRCR-TV, 7, Redding, CA
KHSL-TV, 12, Chico, CA
+KNVN, 24, Chico, CA (formerly KCPM)
KRNV, 4, Reno, NV (formerly KCRL)
KCRA-TV, 3, Sacramento, CA
KXTV, 10, Sacramento, CA
KTVU, 2, Oakland, CA
KRON-TV, 4, San Francisco, CA
KRCR-TV, 7, Redding, CA
KHSL-TV, 12, Chico, CA
KTVL, 10, Medford, OR (formerly KMED)
Solano East
KCRA-TV, 3, Sacramento, CA
KXTV, 10, Sacramento, CA
KOVR, 13, Stockton, CA
+KMAX-TV, 31, Sacramento, CA (formerly KRBK)
KTXL, 40, Sacramento, CA
+KQCA, 58, Stockton, CA (formerly KSCH)
KTVU, 2, Oakland, CA
KRON-TV, 4, San Francisco, CA
KPIX-TV, 5, San Francisco, CA
KGO-TV, 7, San Francisco, CA
Solano West
KTVU, 2, Oakland, CA
KRON-TV, 4, San Francisco, CA
KPIX-TV, 5, San Francisco, CA
KGO-TV, 7, San Francisco, CA
Sonoma North
KTVU, 2, Oakland, CA
KRON-TV, 4, San Francisco, CA
KPIX-TV, 5, San Francisco, CA
KGO-TV, 7, San Francisco, CA
Sonoma South
KTVU, 2, Oakland, CA
KRON-TV, 4, San Francisco, CA
KPIX-TV, 5, San Francisco, CA
KGO-TV, 7, San Francisco, CA
KCRA-TV, 3, Sacramento, CA
KXTV, 10, Sacramento, CA
KOVR, 13, Stockton, CA
+KMAX-TV, 31, Sacramento, CA (formerly KRBK)
KTXL, 40, Sacramento, CA
+KQCA, 58, Stockton, CA (formerly KSCH)
KCRA-TV, 3, Sacramento, CA
KXTV, 10, Sacramento, CA
KOVR, 13, Stockton, CA
+KMAX-TV, 31, Sacramento, CA (formerly KRBK)
+KTXL, 40, Sacramento, CA
+KQCA, 58, Stockton, CA (formerly KSCH)
KHSL-TV, 12, Chico, CA
KTVU, 2, Oakland, CA
KRCR-TV, 7, Redding, CA
KHSL-TV, 12, Chico, CA
+KNVN, 24, Chico, CA (formerly KCPM)
KRCR-TV, 7, Redding, CA
KHSL-TV, 12, Chico, CA
KSEE, 24, Fresno, CA (formerly KMJ)
KFSN-TV, 30, Fresno, CA (formerly KFRE)
KGPE, 47, Fresno, CA (formerly KJEO)
KGET, 17, Bakersfield, CA (formerly KJTV)
KERO-TV, 23, Bakersfield, CA
KBAK-TV, 29, Bakersfield, CA
+KUVI, 45, Bakersfield, CA (formerly KUZZ)
KCRA-TV, 3, Sacramento, CA
KXTV, 10, Sacramento, CA
KOVR, 13, Stockton, CA
+KMAX-TV, 31, Sacramento, CA (formerly KRBK)
+KTXL, 40, Sacramento, CA
KSBW, 8, Salinas, CA
KTVU, 2, Oakland, CA
KRON-TV, 4, San Francisco, CA
KCBS-TV, 2, Los Angeles, CA (formerly KNXT)
KNBC, 4, Los Angeles, CA
KTLA, 5, Los Angeles, CA
KABC-TV, 7, Los Angeles, CA
KCAL-TV, 9, Los Angeles, CA (formerly KHJ)
KTTV, 11, Los Angeles, CA
KCOP, 13, Los Angeles, CA
KCRA-TV, 3, Sacramento, CA
KXTV, 10, Sacramento, CA
KOVR, 13, Stockton, CA
+KMAX-TV, 31, Sacramento, CA (formerly KRBK)
KTXL, 40, Sacramento, CA
+KQCA, 58, Stockton, CA (formerly KSCH)
KCRA-TV, 3, Sacramento, CA
KXTV, 10, Sacramento, CA
KOVR, 13, Stockton, CA
+KMAX-TV, 31, Sacramento, CA (formerly KRBK)
KTXL, 40, Sacramento, CA
+KQCA, 58, Stockton, CA (formerly KSCH)
KHSL-TV, 12, Chico, CA
Camp Pendleton (southern portion)—KTLA
Carlsbad—KTLA (including La Costa in unin. aeas of San Diego County)
Del Mar—KTLA
Encinitas—KTLA (portion including parts of Cardiff & Leucadio in unin. aeas of San Diego County)
Escondido —KTLA
San Marcos—KTLA
San Ramon (portions)—KCRA-TV, KXTV, KRON-TV, KGO-TV
Solana Beach (portions)—KTLA
Vista (portions)—KTLA
Walnut Creek (including Rossmoor)—KCRA-TV, KXTV, KRON-TV, KGO-TV
Unincorporated areas of Contra Costa County—KCRA-TV, KXTV, KRON-TV, KGO-TV
Unincorporation portions of San Diego County—KTLA (including Rancho Santa Fe, Whispering Palms & certain unnamed county areas)
Unincorporated areas of San Diego County—KTLA (including Fallbrook area, Lake San Marcos & others)
Unincorporated areas of San Joaquin County—KICU-TV
Unincorporated portions of Stanislaus County—KSEE, KFSN-TV, KGPE, KCRA-TV, KOVR, KXTV, KMPH
KWGN-TV, 2, Denver, CO
KCNC-TV, 4, Denver, CO (formerly KOA)
KMGH-TV, 7, Denver, CO (formerly KLZ)
KUSA-TV, 9, Denver, CO (formerly KBTV)
+KTVD, 20, Denver, CO
+KDVR, 31, Denver, CO
KOB-TV, 4, Albuquerque, NM
KOAT-TV, 7, Albuquerque, NM
KRQE, 13, Albuquerque, NM (formerly KGGM)
KRDO-TV, 13, Colorado Springs, CO
KWGN-TV, 2, Denver, CO
KCNC-TV, 4, Denver, CO (formerly KOA)
KMGH-TV, 7, Denver, CO (formerly KLZ)
KUSA-TV, 9, Denver, CO (formerly KBTV)
+KTVD, 20, Denver, CO
+KDVR, 31, Denver, CO
KOB-TV, 4, Albuquerque, NMStart Printed Page 11340
KOAT-TV, 7, Albuquerque, NM
KRQE, 13, Albuquerque, NM (formerly KGGM)
KOAA-TV, 5, Pueblo, CO
KKTV, 11, Colorado Springs, CO
KRDO-TV, 13, Colorado Springs, CO
KOAA-TV, 5, Pueblo, CO
KKTV, 11, Colorado Springs, CO
KRDO-TV, 13, Colorado Springs, CO
KWGN-TV, 2, Denver, CO
KCNC-TV, 4, Denver, CO (formerly KOA)
KMGH-TV, 7, Denver, CO (formerly KLZ)
KUSA-TV, 9, Denver, CO (formerly KBTV)
+KTVD, 20, Denver, CO
+KDVR, 31, Denver, CO
KCNC-TV, 4, Denver, CO (formerly KOA)
KMGH-TV, 7, Denver, CO (formerly KLZ)
KUSA-TV, 9, Denver, CO (formerly KBTV)
KOAA-TV, 5, Pueblo, CO
KBSH-TV, 7, Hays, KS (formerly KAYS)
KKTV, 11, Colorado Springs, CO
KRDO-TV, 13, Colorado Springs, CO
Clear Creek
KWGN-TV, 2, Denver, CO
KCNC-TV, 4, Denver, CO (formerly KOA)
KMGH-TV, 7, Denver, CO (formerly KLZ)
KUSA-TV, 9, Denver, CO (formerly KBTV)
KOB-TV, 4, Albuquerque, NM
KOAT-TV, 7, Albuquerque, NM
KRQE, 13, Albuquerque, NM (formerly KGGM)
KOB-TV, 4, Albuquerque, NM
KOAT-TV, 7, Albuquerque, NM
KRQE, 13, Albuquerque, NM (formerly KGGM)
KOAA-TV, 5, Pueblo, CO
KKTV, 11, Colorado Springs, CO
KRDO-TV, 13, Colorado Springs, CO
KOAA-TV, 5, Pueblo, CO
KKTV, 11, Colorado Springs, CO
KRDO-TV, 13, Colorado Springs, CO
KREX-TV, 5, Grand Junction, CO
KREY-TV, 10, Montrose, CO
KUSA-TV, 9, Denver, CO (formerly KBTV)
KWGN-TV, 2, Denver, CO
KCNC-TV, 4, Denver, CO (formerly KOA)
KMGH-TV, 7, Denver, CO (formerly KLZ)
KUSA-TV, 9, Denver, CO (formerly KBTV)
+KTVD, 20, Denver, CO
+KDVR, 31, Denver, CO
KOB-TV, 4, Albuquerque, NM
KOAT-TV, 7, Albuquerque, NM
KRQE, 13, Albuquerque, NM (formerly KGGM)
KWGN-TV, 2, Denver, CO
KCNC-TV, 4, Denver, CO (formerly KOA)
KMGH-TV, 7, Denver, CO (formerly KLZ)
KUSA-TV, 9, Denver, CO (formerly KBTV)
+KTVD, 20, Denver, CO
KRDO-TV, 13, Colorado Springs, CO
KCNC-TV, 4, Denver, CO (formerly KOA)
KMGH-TV, 7, Denver, CO (formerly KLZ)
KUSA-TV, 9, Denver, CO (formerly KBTV)
KWGN-TV, 2, Denver, CO
KCNC-TV, 4, Denver, CO (formerly KOA)
KMGH-TV, 7, Denver, CO (formerly KLZ)
KUSA-TV, 9, Denver, CO (formerly KBTV)
KKTV, 11, Colorado Springs, CO
KRDO-TV, 13, Colorado Springs, CO
El Paso
KOAA-TV, 5, Pueblo, CO
KKTV, 11, Colorado Springs, CO
KRDO-TV, 13, Colorado Springs, CO
+KXRM-TV, 21, Colorado Springs, CO
KOAA-TV, 5, Pueblo, CO
KKTV, 11, Colorado Springs, CO
KRDO-TV, 13, Colorado Springs, CO
KREX-TV, 5, Grand Junction, CO
+KJCT-TV, 8, Grand Junction, CO
KCNC-TV, 4, Denver, CO (formerly KOA)
KWGN-TV, 2, Denver, CO
KCNC-TV, 4, Denver, CO (formerly KOA)
KMGH-TV, 7, Denver, CO (formerly KLZ)
KUSA-TV, 9, Denver, CO (formerly KBTV)
KWGN-TV, 2, Denver, CO
KCNC-TV, 4, Denver, CO (formerly KOA)
KMGH-TV, 7, Denver, CO (formerly KLZ)
KUSA-TV, 9, Denver, CO (formerly KBTV)
KOAA-TV, 5, Pueblo, CO
KUSA-TV, 9, Denver, CO (formerly KBTV)
KREX-TV, 5, Grand Junction, CO
KREY-TV, 10, Montrose, CO
KREX-TV, 5, Grand Junction, CO
KOAA-TV, 5, Pueblo, CO
KOAA-TV, 5, Pueblo, CO
KKTV, 11, Colorado Springs, CO
KRDO-TV, 13, Colorado Springs, CO
KCNC-TV, 4, Denver, CO (formerly KOA)
KGWN-TV, 5, Cheyenne, WY (formerly KFBC)
KWGN-TV, 2, Denver, CO
KCNC-TV, 4, Denver, CO (formerly KOA)
KMGH-TV, 7, Denver, CO (formerly KLZ)
KUSA-TV, 9, Denver, CO (formerly KBTV)
+KTVD, 20, Denver, CO
+KDVR, 31, Denver, CO
KOAA-TV, 5, Pueblo, CO
KKTV, 11, Colorado Springs, CO
KRDO-TV, 13, Colorado Springs, CO
KBSH-TV, 7, Hays, KS (formerly KAYS)
Kit Carson
KBSH-TV, 7, Hays, KS (formerly KAYS)
KWGN-TV, 2, Denver, CO
KCNC-TV, 4, Denver, CO (formerly KOA)
KMGH-TV, 7, Denver, CO (formerly KLZ)
KUSA-TV, 9, Denver, CO (formerly KBTV)
La Plata
KOB-TV, 4, Albuquerque, NM
KOAT-TV, 7, Albuquerque, NM
KRQE, 13, Albuquerque, NM (formerly KGGM)
KREZ-TV, 6, Durango, CO
KWGN-TV, 2, Denver, CO
KCNC-TV, 4, Denver, CO (formerly KOA)
KMGH-TV, 7, Denver, CO (formerly KLZ)
KUSA-TV, 9, Denver, CO (formerly KBTV)
+KTVD, 20, Denver, CO
+KDVR, 31, Denver, CO
KGWN-TV, 5, Cheyenne, WY (formerly KFBC)
Las Animas
KOAA-TV, 5, Pueblo, CO
KKTV, 11, Colorado Springs, CO
KRDO-TV, 13, Colorado Springs, CO
KOAA-TV, 5, Pueblo, CO
KKTV, 11, Colorado Springs, CO
KRDO-TV, 13, Colorado Springs, CO
KWGN-TV, 2, Denver, CO
KCNC-TV, 4, Denver, CO (formerly KOA)
KTVS, 3, Sterling, CO
KREX-TV, 5, Grand Junction, CO
+KJCT-TV, 8, Grand Junction, CO
KOAA-TV, 5, Pueblo, CO
KOAT-TV, 7, Albuquerque, NM
KRQE, 13, Albuquerque, NM (formerly KGGM)
KCNC-TV, 4, Denver, CO (formerly KOA)
KMGH-TV, 7, Denver, CO (formerly KLZ)
KUSA-TV, 9, Denver, CO (formerly KBTV)
KOB-TV, 4, Albuquerque, NM
KOAT-TV, 7, Albuquerque, NM
KRQE, 13, Albuquerque, NM (formerly KGGM)
+KJCT-TV, 8, Grand Junction, CO
KREY-TV, 10, Montrose, CO
KOAA-TV, 5, Pueblo, CO
KUSA-TV, 9, Denver, CO (formerly KBTV)
KUTV, 2, Salt Lake City, UT
KWGN-TV, 2, Denver, CO
KCNC-TV, 4, Denver, CO (formerly KOA)
KMGH-TV, 7, Denver, CO (formerly KLZ)
KUSA-TV, 9, Denver, CO (formerly KBTV)
+KDVR, 31, Denver, CO
KTVS, 3, Sterling, CO
KOAA-TV, 5, Pueblo, CO
KKTV, 11, Colorado Springs, CO
KRDO-TV, 13, Colorado Springs, CO
+KXRM-TV, 21, Colorado Springs, CO
KREX-TV, 5, Grand Junction, CO
KWGN-TV, 2, Denver, CO
KCNC-TV, 4, Denver, CO (formerly KOA)
KMGH-TV, 7, Denver, CO (formerly KLZ)
KUSA-TV, 9, Denver, CO (formerly KBTV)
KTVS, 3, Sterling, CO
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
Not available.
KOAA-TV, 5, Pueblo, CO
KKTV, 11, Colorado Springs, CO
KRDO-TV, 13, Colorado Springs, CO
KSNG, 11, Garden City, KS (formerly KGLD)
KOAA-TV, 5, Pueblo, CO
KKTV, 11, Colorado Springs, CO
KRDO-TV, 13, Colorado Springs, CO
+KXRM-TV, 21, Colorado Springs, COStart Printed Page 11341
Rio Blanco
KUTV, 2, Salt Lake City, UT
KTVX, 4, Salt Lake City, UT (formerly KCPX)
KSL-TV, 5, Salt Lake City, UT
Rio Grande
KOB-TV, 4, Albuquerque, NM
KOAT-TV, 7, Albuquerque, NM
KRQE 13, Albuquerque, NM (formerly KGGM)
KCNC-TV, 4, Denver, CO (formerly KOA)
KMGH-TV, 7, Denver, CO (formerly KLZ)
KUSA-TV, 9, Denver, CO (formerly KBTV)
KOB-TV, 4, Albuquerque, NM
KOAT-TV, 7, Albuquerque, NM
KRQE, 13, Albuquerque, NM (formerly KGGM)
KOAA-TV, 5, Pueblo, CO
San Juan
KREX-TV, 5, Grand Junction, CO
San Miguel
KREX-TV, 5, Grand Junction, CO
KTVS, 3, Sterling, CO
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
KNOP-TV, 2, North Platte, NE
KWGN-TV, 2, Denver, CO
KCNC-TV, 4, Denver, CO (formerly KOA)
KMGH-TV, 7, Denver, CO (formerly KLZ)
KUSA-TV, 9, Denver, CO (formerly KBTV)
KCNC-TV, 4, Denver, CO (formerly KOA)
KMGH-TV, 7, Denver, CO (formerly KLZ)
KUSA-TV, 9, Denver, CO (formerly KBTV)
KKTV, 11, Colorado Springs, CO
KRDO-TV, 13, Colorado Springs, CO
KWGN-TV, 2, Denver, CO
KCNC-TV, 4, Denver, CO (formerly KOA)
KMGH-TV, 7, Denver, CO (formerly KLZ)
KUSA-TV, 9, Denver, CO (formerly KBTV)
KTVS, 3, Sterling, CO
KWGN-TV, 2, Denver, CO
KCNC-TV, 4, Denver, CO (formerly KOA)
KMGH-TV, 7, Denver, CO (formerly KLZ)
KUSA-TV, 9, Denver, CO (formerly KBTV)
+KTVD, 20, Denver, CO
+KDVR, 31, Denver, CO
KBSH-TV, 7, Hays, KS (formerly KAYS)
KSNK, 8, McCook, NE (formerly KOMC)
KTVS, 3, Sterling, CO
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
WCBS-TV, 2, New York, NY
WNBC, 4, New York, NY
WNYW, 5, New York, NY (formerly WNEW)
WABC-TV, 7, New York, NY
WWOR-TV, 9, New York, NY (formerly WOR)
WPIX, 11, New York, NY
WTNH-TV, 8, New Haven, CT (formerly WNHC)
+WTXX, 20, Waterbury, CT
WFSB, 3, Hartford, CT (formerly WTIC)
WTNH-TV, 8, New Haven, CT (formerly WNHC)
WUVN, 18, Hartford, CT (formerly WHCT)
+WTXX, 20, Waterbury, CT
WVIT, 30, New Britain, CT (formerly WHNB)
+WCTX, 59, New Haven, CT (formerly WBNE)
+WTIC-TV, 61, Hartford, CT
WFSB, 3, Hartford, CT (formerly WTIC)
WTNH-TV, 8, New Haven, CT (formerly WNHC)
+WTXX, 20, Waterbury,CT
WVIT, 30, New Britain, CT (formerly WHNB)
+WTIC-TV, 61, Hartford, CT
WCBS-TV, 2, New York, NY
WNBC, 4, New York, NY
WNYW, 5, New York, NY (formerly WNEW)
WPIX, 11, New York, NY
WFSB, 3, Hartford, CT (formerly WTIC)
WTNH-TV, 8, New Haven, CT (formerly WNHC)
+WTXX, 20, Waterbury, CT
WVIT, 30, New Britain, CT (formerly WHNB)
+WCTX, 59, New Haven, CT (formerly WBNE)
+WTIC-TV, 61, Hartford, CT
WNYW, 5, New York, NY (formerly WNEW)
+WHPX, 26, New London, CT (formerly WTWS)
New Haven
WFSB, 3, Hartford, CT (formerly WTIC)
WTNH-TV, 8, New Haven, CT (formerly WNHC)
+WTXX, 20, Waterbury, CT
+WVIT, 30, New Britain, CT
+WCTX, 59, New Haven, CT (formerly WBNE)
+WTIC-TV, 61, Hartford, CT
WCBS-TV, 2, New York, NY
WNBC, 4, New York, NY
WNYW, 5, New York, NY (formerly WNEW)
#WABC-TV, 7, New York, NY [7]
#WWOR-TV, 9, New York, NY (formerly WOR) [8]
WPIX, 11, New York, NY
New London
WTEV, 6, Providence, RI-New Bedford, MA (WLNE)
WJAR, 10, Providence, RI-New Bedford, MA
WPRI, 12, Providence, RI-New Bedford, MA
WCVB-TV, 5, Boston, MA (formerly WHDH)
WFSB, 3, Hartford, CT (formerly WTIC)
WTNH-TV, 8, New Haven, CT (formerly WNHC)
+WTXX, 20, Waterbury, CT
+WTIC-TV, 61, Hartford, CT
+WHPX, 26, New London, CT (formerly WTWS)
WFSB, 3, Hartford, CT (formerly WTIC)
WTNH-TV, 8, New Haven, CT (formerly WNHC)
WVIT, 30, New Britain, CT (formerly WHNB)
+WCTX, 59, New Haven, CT (formerly WBNE)
+WTIC-TV, 61, Hartford, CT
WBZ-TV, 4, Boston, MA
WGGB-TV, 40, Springfield, MA (formerly WHYN)
+WHPX, 26, New London, CT (formerly WTWS)
WLNE-TV, 6, Providence, RI (formerly WTEV)
WJAR, 10, Providence, RI
WPRI-TV, 12, Providence, RI
WBZ-TV, 4, Boston, MA
WCVB-TV, 5, Boston, MA
WHDH-TV, 7, Boston, MA (formerly WNAC)
WFSB, 3, Hartford, CT (formerly WTIC)
WTNH-TV, 8, Hartford, CT (formerly WNHC)
+WTXX, 20, Waterbury, CT
+WTIC-TV, 61, Hartford, CT
+WHPX, 26, New London, CT (formerly WTWS)
New Milford—WABC-TV
KYW-TV, 3, Philadelphia, PA
WPVI-TV, 6, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WFIL)
WCAU, 10, Philadelphia, PA
WPHL-TV, 17, Philadelphia, PA
WTXF-TV, 29, Philadelphia, PA ?
+WPSG, 57, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WGBS)
WMAR-TV, 2, Baltimore, MD
WBAL-TV, 11, Baltimore, MD
+WMDT, 47, Salisbury, MD
New Castle
KYW-TV, 3, Philadelphia, PA
WPVI-TV, 6, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WFIL)
WCAU, 10, Philadelphia, PA
WPHL-TV, 17, Philadelphia, PA
WTXF-TV, 29, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WTAF)
WKBS-TV, 47, Altoona, PA (formerly ch. 48)
+WPSG, 57, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WGBS)
WBOC-TV, 16, Salisbury, MD
+WMDT, 47, Salisbury, MDStart Printed Page 11342
#WMAR-TV, 2, Baltimore, MD [9]
WBAL-TV, 11, Baltimore, MD
WJZ-TV, 13, Baltimore, MD
#WTTG, 5, Washington, DC [10]
Unincorporated areas of Kent County—WTXF-TV, WTTG, WJZ-TV, WBOC-TV, WMDT
WRC-TV, 4, Washington, DC
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WJLA-TV, 7, Washington, DC (formerly WMAL)
WUSA, 9, Washington, DC (formerly WTOP)
WDCA, 20, Washington, DC
WJXT, 4, Jacksonville, FL
WTLV, 12, Jacksonville, FL (formerly WFGA)
WESH, 2, Daytona Beach, FL
+WOGX, 51, Ocala, FL
WJXT, 4, Jacksonville, FL
WTLV, 12, Jacksonville, FL (formerly WFGA)
WJWB, 17, Jacksonville, FL (formerly WJKS)
WJHG-TV, 7, Panama City, FL
+WMBB, 13, Panama City, FL
+WPGX, 28, Panama City, FL
WTVY, 4, Dothan, AL
WJXT, 4, Jacksonville, FL
WTLV, 12, Jacksonville, FL (formerly WFGA)
WJWB, 17, Jacksonville, FL (formerly WJKS)
WESH, 2, Daytona Beach, FL
WKMG-TV, 6, Orlando, FL (formerly WDBO)
WFTV, 9, Orlando, FL
+WKCF, 18, Clermont, FL
+WOFL, 35, Orlando, FL
+WRBW, 65, Orlando, FL
WFOR-TV, 4, Miami, FL (formerly WTVJ)
WSVN, 7, Miami, FL (formerly WCKT)
WPLG, 10, Miami, FL
WLTV, 23, Miami, FL (formerly WAJA)
+WBFS-TV, 33, Miami, FL
+WBZL, 39, Miami, FL (formerly WDZL)
WPTV, 5, West Palm Beach, FL
WPEC, 12, West Palm Beach, FL (formerly WEAT)
+WFLX, 29, West Palm Beach, FL
WJHG-TV, 7, Panama City, FL
+WMBB, 13, Panama City, FL
+WPGX, 28, Panama City, FL
WTVY, 4, Dothan, AL
WCTV, 6, Tallahassee, FL
WFLA-TV, 8, Tampa, FL
WTVT, 13, Tampa, FL
+WFTS-TV, 28, Tampa, FL
+WVEA-TV, 62, Venice, FL (formerly WBSV)
WINK-TV, 11, Fort Myers, FL
+WFTX, 36, Cape Coral, FL
WFLA-TV, 8, Tampa, FL
WTSP, 10, St. Petersburg, FL (formerly WLCY)
WTVT, 13, Tampa, FL
+WFTS, 28, Tampa, FL
WESH, 2, Daytona Beach, FL
WKMG-TV, 6, Orlando, FL (formerly WDBO)
WFTV, 9, Orlando, FL
+WOGX, 51, Ocala, FL
WJXT, 4, Jacksonville, FL
WTLV, 12, Jacksonville, FL (formerly WFGA)
WJWB, 17, Jacksonville, FL (formerly WJKS)
+WAWS-TV, 30, Jacksonville, FL
+WTEV-TV, 47, Jacksonville, FL
+WFTX, 36, Cape Coral, FL
+WTVK, 46, Naples, FL
WJXT, 4, Jacksonville, FL
WTLV, 12, Jacksonville, FL (formerly WFGA)
WFOR-TV, 4, Miami, FL (formerly WTVJ)
WTVJ, 6, Miami, FL (formerly WCIX)
WSVN, 7, Miami, FL (formerly WCKT)
WPLG, 10, Miami, FL
WLTV, 23, Miami, FL (formerly WAJA)
+WBFS-TV, 33, Miami, FL
De Soto
WFLA-TV, 8, Tampa, FL
WTVT, 13, Tampa, FL
WTOG, 44, St. Petersburg, FL
WINK-TV, 11, Fort Myers, FL
+WFTX, 36, Cape Coral, FL
WJXT, 4, Jacksonville, FL
WTLV, 12, Jacksonville, FL (formerly WFGA)
WESH, 2, Daytona Beach, FL
WCTV, 6, Tallahassee, FL
WTSP, 10, St. Petersburg, FL (formerly WLCY)
WJXT, 4, Jacksonville, FL
WTLV, 12, Jacksonville, FL (formerly WFGA)
WJWB, 17, Jacksonville, FL (formerly WJKS)
+WAWS-TV, 30, Jacksonville, FL
+WTEV-TV, 47, Jacksonville, FL
WEAR-TV, 3, Pensacola, FL
WKRG-TV, 5, Mobile, AL
WALA-TV, 10, Mobile, AL
+WPMI, 15, Mobile, AL
+WJTC, 44, Pensacola, FL
WESH, 2, Daytona Beach, FL
WKMG-TV, 6, Orlando, FL (formerly WDBO)
WFTV, 9, Orlando, FL
WJXT, 4, Jacksonville, FL
WCTV, 6, Tallahassee, FL
WJHG-TV, 7, Panama City, FL
WCTV, 6, Tallahassee, FL
+WTLH, 49, Bainbridge, GA
WTVY, 4, Dothan, AL
WJHG-TV, 7, Panama City, FL
+WMBB, 13, Panama City, FL
WJXT, 4, Jacksonville, FL
WTLV, 12, Jacksonville, FL (formerly WFGA)
WESH, 2, Daytona Beach, FL
WPTV, 5, West Palm Beach, FL
WPEC, 12, West Palm Beach, FL (formerly WEAT)
WINK-TV, 11, Fort Myers, FL
WFOR-TV, 4, Miami, FL (formerly WTVJ)
WJHG-TV, 7, Panama City, FL
+WMBB, 13, Panama City, FL
+WPGX, 28, Panama City, FL
WTVY, 4, Dothan, AL
WCTV, 6, Tallahassee, FL
WJXT, 4, Jacksonville, FL
WCTV, 6, Tallahassee, FL
WFLA-TV, 8, Tampa, FL
WTVT, 13, Tampa, FL
+WFTS-TV, 28, Tampa, FL
WTOG, 44, St. Petersburg, FL
WINK-TV, 11, Fort Myers, FL
WBBH-TV, 20, Fort Myers, FL
+WFTX, 36, Cape Coral, FL
+WTVK, 46, Naples, FL
WPTV, 5, West Palm Beach, FL
WPEC, 12, West Palm Beach, FL (formerly WEAT)
+WFLX, 29, West Palm Beach, FL
WFLA-TV, 8, Tampa, FL
WTSP, 10, St. Petersburg, FL (formerly WLCY)
WTVT, 13, Tampa, FL
+WFTS-TV, 28, Tampa, FL
WTOG, 44, St. Petersburg, FL
WFLA-TV, 8, Tampa, FL
WTVT, 13, Tampa, FL
+WFTS-TV, 28, Tampa, FL
WINK-TV, 11, Fort Myers, FL
HillsboroughStart Printed Page 11343
WFLA-TV, 8, Tampa, FL
WTSP, 10, St. Petersburg, FL (formerly WLCY)
WTVT, 13, Tampa, FL
+WFTS-TV, 28, Tampa, FL
WTOG, 44, St. Petersburg, FL
WTVY, 4, Dothan, AL
+WDFX-TV, 34, Ozark, AL (formerly WDAU)
WJHG-TV, 7, Panama City, FL
+WPGX, 28, Panama City, FL
Indian River
WPTV, 5, West Palm Beach, FL
WPEC, 12, West Palm Beach, FL (formerly WEAT)
+WFLX, 29, West Palm Beach, FL
WTVX, 34, Fort Pierce, FL
+WOFL, 35, Orlando, FL
WTVY, 4, Dothan, AL
WJHG-TV, 7, Panama City, FL
+WMBB, 13, Panama City, FL
+WPGX, 28, Panama City, FL
WCTV, 6, Tallahassee, FL
WCTV, 6, Tallahassee, FL
+WTLH, 49, Bainbridge, GA
WALB-TV, 10, Albany, GA
WCTV, 6, Tallahassee, FL
WESH, 2, Daytona Beach, FL
WKMG-TV, 6, Orlando, FL (formerly WDBO)
WFTV, 9, Orlando, FL
+WOFL, 35, Orlando, FL
+WKCF, 18, Clermont, FL
+WFTS-TV, 28, Tampa, FL
WINK-TV, 11, Fort Myers, FL
WBBH-TV, 20, Fort Myers, FL
+WFTX, 36, Cape Coral, FL
+WTVK, 46, Naples, FL
WCTV, 6, Tallahassee, FL
+WTLH, 49, Bainbridge, GA
WALB-TV, 10, Albany, GA
WJHG-TV, 7, Panama City, FL
+WMBB, 13, Panama City, FL
WESH, 2, Daytona Beach, FL
WJXT, 4, Jacksonville, FL
WTSP, 10, St. Petersburg, FL (formerly WLCY)
WTVT, 13, Tampa, FL
+WOGX, 51, Ocala, FL
WCTV, 6, Tallahassee, FL
WJHG-TV, 7, Panama City, FL
+WPGX, 28, Panama City, FL
WCTV, 6, Tallahassee, FL
WALB-TV, 10, Albany, GA
+WFXL, 31, Albany, GA
WFLA-TV, 8, Tampa, FL
WTSP, 10, St. Petersburg, FL (formerly WLCY)
WTVT, 13, Tampa, FL
+WFTS-TV, 28, Tampa, FL
WTOG, 44, St. Petersburg, FL
WESH, 2, Daytona Beach, FL
WKMG-TV, 6, Orlando, FL (formerly WDBO)
WFTV, 9, Orlando, FL
+WOFL, 35, Orlando, FL
+WKCF, 18, Clermont, FL
+WOGX, 51, Ocala, FL
WPTV, 5, West Palm Beach, FL
WPEC, 12, West Palm Beach, FL (formerly WEAT)
+WFLX, 29, West Palm Beach. FL
WFOR-TV, 4, Miami, FL (formerly WTVJ)
WFOR-TV, 4, Miami, FL (formerly WTVJ)
WTVJ, 6, Miami, FL (formerly WCIX)
WSVN, 7, Miami, FL (formerly WCKT)
WPLG, 10, Miami, FL
WJXT, 4, Jacksonville, FL
WTLV, 12, Jacksonville, FL (formerly WFGA)
WJWB, 17, Jacksonville, FL (formerly WJKS)
+WAWS-TV, 30, Jacksonville, FL
+WTEV-TV, 47, Jacksonville, FL
WEAR-TV, 3, Pensacola, FL
WKRG-TV, 5, Mobile, AL
WALA-TV, 10, Mobile, AL
+WPMI, 15, Mobile, AL
+WJTC, 44, Pensacola, FL
WJHG-TV, 7, Panama City, FL
WPTV, 5, West Palm Beach, FL
WPEC, 12, West Palm Beach, FL (formerly WEAT)
+WFLX, 29, West Palm Beach, FL
WESH, 2, Daytona Beach, FL
WKMG-TV, 6, Orlando, FL (formerly WDBO)
WFTV, 9, Orlando, FL
+WRBW, 65, Orlando, FL
+WKCF, 18, Clermont, FL
WESH, 2, Daytona Beach, FL
WKMG-TV, 6, Orlando, FL (formerly WDBO)
WFTV, 9, Orlando, FL
+WOFL, 35, Orlando, FL
+WRBW, 65, Orlando, FL
+WKCF, 18, Clermont, FL
Palm Beach
WPTV, 5, West Palm Beach, FL
WPEC, 12, West Palm Beach, FL (formerly WEAT)
+WFLX, 29, West Palm Beach, FL
WFOR-TV, 4, Miami, FL (formerly WTVJ)
WSVN, 7, Miami, FL (formerly WCKT)
WPLG, 10, Miami, FL
+WBFS-TV, 33, Miami, FL
WFLA-TV, 8, Tampa, FL
WTSP, 10, St. Petersburg, FL (formerly WLCY)
WTVT, 13, Tampa, FL
+WFTS-TV, 28, Tampa, FL
WTOG, 44, St. Petersburg, FL
WFLA-TV, 8, Tampa, FL
WTSP, 10, St. Petersburg, FL (formerly WLCY)
WTVT, 13, Tampa, FL
+WFTS-TV, 28, Tampa, FL
WTOG, 44, St. Petersburg, FL
WFLA-TV, 8, Tampa, FL
WTSP, 10, St. Petersburg, FL (formerly WLCY)
WTVT, 13, Tampa, FL
+WFTS-TV, 28, Tampa, FL
WTOG, 44, St. Petersburg, FL
WKMG-TV, 6, Orlando, FL (formerly WDBO)
WFTV, 9, Orlando, FL
+WOFL, 35, Orlando, FL
WJXT, 4, Jacksonville, FL
WTLV, 12, Jacksonville, FL (formerly WFGA)
WJWB, 17, Jacksonville, FL (formerly WJKS)
+WAWS-TV, 30, Jacksonville, FL
WESH, 2, Daytona Beach, FL
WKMG-TV, 6, Orlando, FL (formerly WDBO)
+WOGX, 51, Ocala, FL
St. Johns
WJXT, 4, Jacksonville, FL
WTLV, 12, Jacksonville, FL (formerly WFGA)
WJWB, 17, Jacksonville, FL (formerly WJKS)
+WAWS-TV, 30, Jacksonville, FL
+WTEV-TV, 47, Jacksonville, FL
St. Lucie
WPTV, 5, West Palm Beach, FL
WPEC, 12, West Palm Beach, FL (formerly WEAT)
+WFLX, 29, West Palm Beach, FL
WTVX, 34, Fort Pierce, FL
+WOPX, 56, Melbourne, FL (formerly WAYK)
Santa Rosa
WEAR-TV, 3, Pensacola, FL
WKRG-TV, 5, Mobile, AL
WALA-TV, 10, Mobile, AL
+WPMI, 15, Mobile, AL
+WJTC, 44, Pensacola, FL
WFLA-TV, 8, Tampa, FL
WTSP, 10, St. Petersburg, FL (formerly WLCY)
WTVT, 13, Tampa, FL
+WFTS-TV, 28, Tampa, FL
WTOG, 44, St. Petersburg, FL
+WVEA-TV, 62, Venice, FL (formerly WBSV)
+WFTX, 36, Cape Coral, FL
WESH, 2, Daytona Beach, FL
WKMG-TV, 6, Orlando, FL (formerly WDBO)
WFTV, 9, Orlando, FL
+WRBW, 65, Orlando, FL
+WKCF, 18, Clermont, FL
WESH, 2, Daytona Beach, FL
WKMG-TV, 6, Orlando, FL (formerly WDBO)
WFTV, 9, Orlando, FL
WFLA-TV, 8, Tampa, FL
WTVT, 13, Tampa, FL
+WFTS-TV, 28, Tampa, FL
WJXT, 4, Jacksonville, FL
WTLV, 12, Jacksonville, FL (formerly WFGA)
WCTV, 6, Tallahassee, FL
WCTV, 6, Tallahassee, FL
+WTWC, 40, Tallahassee, FL
WJXT, 4, Jacksonville, FL
WTLV, 12, Jacksonville, FL (formerly WFGA)Start Printed Page 11344
WJWB, 17, Jacksonville, FL (formerly WJKS)
WESH, 2, Daytona Beach, FL
WKMG-TV, 6, Orlando, FL (formerly WDBO)
WFTV, 9, Orlando, FL
+WOFL, 35, Orlando, FL
+WRBW, 65, Orlando, FL
+WKCF, 18, Clermont, FL
WCTV, 6, Tallahassee, FL
+WTLH, 49, Bainbridge, GA
WJHG-TV, 7, Panama City, FL
WJHG-TV, 7, Panama City, FL
+WMBB, 13, Panama City, FL
+WPGX, 28, Panama City, FL
WTVY, 4, Dothan, AL
WEAR-TV, 3, Pensacola, FL
WTVY, 4, Dothan, AL
WJHG-TV, 7, Panama City, FL
+WMBB, 13, Panama City, FL
+WPGX, 28, Panama City, FL
Avon Park—WFTV
Boca Raton—WBFS-TV
Boynton Beach—WBFS-TV
Cooper City—WFLX
Delray Beach—WBFS-TV
Lake Clarke Shores—WBFS-TV
Lake Worth—WBFS-TV
Port Charlotte—WZVN-TV (formerly WEVU)
Punta Gorda—WZVN-TV (formerly WEVU)
Unincorporated Boca Raton—WBFS-TV
Unincorporated Boynton Beach—WBFS-TV
Unincorporated Delray Beach—WBFS-TV
Unincorporated Lake Worth—WBFS-TV
Unincorporated West Palm Beach—WBFS-TV
WSAV-TV, 3, Savannah, GA
WTOC-TV, 11, Savannah, GA
WJCL, 22, Savannah, GA
WJBF, 6, Augusta, GA
WJXT, 4, Jacksonville, FL
WCSC-TV, 5, Charleston, SC
WALB-TV, 10, Albany, GA
WCTV, 6, Tallahassee, FL
WALB-TV, 10, Albany, GA
WJXT, 4, Jacksonville, FL
WSAV-TV, 3, Savannah, GA
WALB-TV, 10, Albany, GA
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
WTVY, 4, Dothan, AL
WCTV, 6, Tallahassee, FL
WMAZ-TV, 13, Macon, GA
+WGXA, 24, Macon, GA
+WPGA, 58, Perry, GA
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WSPA-TV, 7, Greenville, SC
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WTBS, 17, Atlanta, GA (formerly WTCG)
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WATL, 36, Atlanta, GA
+WPXA, 14, Rome, GA (formerly WTLK)
Ben Hill
WALB-TV, 10, Albany, GA
+WFXL, 31, Albany, GA
+WSST-TV, 55, Cordele, GA
WMAZ-TV, 13, Macon, GA
WALB-TV, 10, Albany, GA
+WFXL, 31, Albany, GA
WCTV, 6, Tallahassee, FL
WMAZ-TV, 13, Macon, GA
+WGXA, 24, Macon, GA
WMGT, 41, Macon, GA (formerly WCWB)
+WPGA, 58, Perry, GA
#WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA [11]
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
WMAZ-TV, 13, Macon, GA
WJXT, 4, Jacksonville, FL
WTLV, 12, Jacksonville, FL (formerly WFGA)
WCTV, 6, Tallahassee, FL
WALB-TV, 10, Albany, GA
+WFXL, 31, Albany, GA
WSAV-TV, 3, Savannah, GA
WTOC-TV, 11, Savannah, GA
WJCL, 22, Savannah, GA
WSAV-TV, 3, Savannah, GA
WTOC-TV, 11, Savanah, GA
WJBF, 6, Augusta, GA
WRDW-TV, 12, Augusta, GA
WJBF, 6, Augusta, GA
WRDW-TV, 12, Augusta, GA
+WFXG, 54, Augusta, GA
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WTBS, 17, Atlanta, GA (formerly WTCG)
WATL, 36, Atlanta, GA
WALB-TV, 10, Albany, GA
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
WTVY, 4, Dothan, AL
WCTV, 6, Tallahassee, FL
WJXT, 4, Jacksonville, FL
WTLV, 12, Jacksonville, FL (formerly WFGA)
WJWB, 17, Jacksonville, FL (formerly WJKS)
WJBF, 6, Augusta, GA
WRDW-TV, 12, Augusta, GA
WSAV-TV, 3, Savannah, GA
WTOC-TV, 11, Savannah, GA
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WRCB-TV, 3, Chattanooga, TN
WTVC, 9, Chattanooga, TN
WDEF-TV, 12, Chattanooga, TN
WJXT, 4, Jacksonville, FL
WTLV, 12, Jacksonville, FL (formerly WFGA)
WJWB, 17, Jacksonville, FL (formerly WJKS)
WSAV-TV, 3, Savannah, GA
WTOC-TV, 11, Savannah, GA
WJCL, 22, Savannah, GA
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
WRCB-TV, 3, Chattanooga, TN
WTVC, 9, Chattanooga, TN
WDEF-TV, 12, Chattanooga, TN
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
+WPXA, 14, Rome, GA (formerly WTLK)
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WTBS, 17, Atlanta, GA (formerly WTCG)
WATL, 36, Atlanta, GA
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
+WHNS, 21, Greenville, SC
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
WTVY, 4, Dothan, AL
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WTBS, 17, Atlanta, GA (formerly WTCG)
WATL, 36, Atlanta, GA
WJXT, 4, Jacksonville, FL
WTLV, 12, Jacksonville, FL (formerly WFGA)
WALB-TV, 10, Albany, GA
WCTV, 6, Tallahassee, FL
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)Start Printed Page 11345
WTBS, 17, Atlanta, GA (formerly WTCG)
WATL, 36, Atlanta, GA
WALB-TV, 10, Albany, GA
+WFXL, 31, Albany, GA
+WGVP, 44, Valdosta, GA (formerly WVGA)
WALB-TV, 10, Albany, GA
+WFXL, 31, Albany, GA
WCTV, 6, Tallahassee, FL
+WTXL-TV, 27, Tallahassee, FL
WJBF, 6, Augusta, GA
WRDW-TV, 12, Augusta, GA
WAGT, 26, Augusta, GA (formerly WATU)
+WFXG, 54, Augusta, GA
WALB-TV, 10, Albany, GA
+WFXL, 31, Albany, GA
WCTV, 6, Tallahassee, FL
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WATL, 36, Atlanta, GA
WMAZ-TV, 13, Macon, GA
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
WALB-TV, 10, Albany, GA
+WFXL, 31, Albany, GA
WMAZ-TV, 13, Macon, GA
WRCB-TV, 3, Chattanooga, TN
WTVC, 9, Chattanooga, TN
WDEF-TV, 12, Chattanooga, TN
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WCTV, 6, Tallahassee, FL
+WTLH, 49, Bainbridge, GA
WALB-TV, 10, Albany, GA
+WFXL, 31, Albany, GA
WTVY, 4, Dothan, AL
+WMBB, 13, Panama City, FL
De Kalb
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WTBS, 17, Atlanta, GA (formerly WTCG)
WATL, 36, Atlanta, GA
WMAZ-TV, 13, Macon, GA
+WGXA, 24, Macon, GA
+WPGA, 58, Perry, GA
WALB-TV, 10, Albany, GA
WMAZ-TV, 13, Macon, GA
WALB-TV, 10, Albany, GA
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
WALB-TV, 10, Albany, GA
+WFXL, 31, Albany, GA
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
WCTV, 6, Tallahassee, FL
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WTBS, 17, Atlanta, GA (formerly WTCG)
WATL, 36, Atlanta, GA
WTVY, 4, Dothan, AL
+WDFX-TV, 34, Ozark, AL
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
WCTV, 6, Tallahassee, FL
WALB-TV, 10, Albany, GA
WCTV, 6, Tallahassee, FL
WALB-TV, 10, Albany, GA
WSAV-TV, 3, Savannah, GA
WTOC-TV, 11, Savannah, GA
WJCL, 22, Savannah, GA
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WSPA-TV, 7, Greenville, SC
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SC
WJBF, 6, Augusta, GA
WJBF, 6, Augusta, GA
WRDW-TV, 12, Augusta, GA
+WFXG, 54, Augusta, GA
WSAV-TV, 3, Savannah, GA
WTOC-TV, 11, Savannah, GA
WJBF, 6, Augusta, GA
WRCB-TV, 3, Chattanooga, TN
WTVC, 9, Chattanooga, TN
WDEF-TV, 12, Chattanooga, TN
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WATL, 36, Atlanta, GA
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WATL, 36, Atlanta, GA
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
+WPXA, 14, Rome, GA (formerly WTLK)
WRCB-TV, 3, Chattanooga, TN
WTVC, 9, Chattanooga, TN
WDEF-TV, 12, Chattanooga,TN
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WTBS, 17, Atlanta, GA (formerly WTCG)
WATL, 36, Atlanta, GA
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WSPA-TV, 7, Greenville, SC
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SC
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WTBS, 17, Atlanta, GA (formerly WTCG)
WATL, 36, Atlanta, GA
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WRCB-TV, 3, Chattanooga, TN
WTVC, 9, Chattanooga, TN
WDEF-TV, 12, Chattanooga, TN
WJBF, 6, Augusta, GA
WRDW-TV, 12, Augusta, GA
+WFXG, 54, Augusta, GA
WJXT, 4, Jacksonville, FL
WTLV, 12, Jacksonville, FL (formerly WFGA)
+WAWS-TV, 30, Jacksonville, FL
WRCB-TV, 3, Chattanooga, TN
WTVC, 9, Chattanooga, TN
WDEF-TV, 12, Chattanooga, TN
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WTBS, 17, Atlanta, GA (formerly WTCG)
+WPXA, 14, Rome, GA (formerly WTLK)
WCTV, 6, Tallahassee, FL
+WTLH, 49, Bainbridge, GA
WALB-TV, 10, Albany, GA
+WFXL, 31, Albany, GA
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WJBF, 6, Augusta, GA
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WTBS, 17, Atlanta, GA (formerly WTCG)
WATL, 36, Atlanta, GA
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WSPA-TV, 7, Greenville, SC
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WJBF, 6, Augusta, GA
WRDW-TV, 12, Augusta, GA
WMAZ-TV, 13, Macon, GA
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WTBS, 17, Atlanta, GA (formerly WTCG)
WATL, 36, Atlanta, GA
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WSPA-TV, 7, Greenville, SC
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SC
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)Start Printed Page 11346
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WATL, 36, Atlanta, GA
WMAZ-TV, 13, Macon, GA
+WGXA, 24, Macon, GA
WMGT, 41, Macon, GA (formerly WCWB)
+WPGA, 58, Perry, GA
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
WALB-TV, 10, Albany, GA
WCTV, 6, Tallahassee, FL
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WTBS, 17, Atlanta, GA (formerly WTCG)
WATL, 36, Atlanta, GA
WMAZ-TV, 13, Macon, GA
Jeff Davis
WALB-TV, 10, Albany, GA
WJXT, 4, Jacksonville, FL
WSAV-TV, 3, Savannah, GA
WTOC-TV, 11, Savannah, GA
WJBF, 6, Augusta, GA
WRDW-TV, 12, Augusta, GA
+WFXG, 54, Augusta, GA
WJBF, 6, Augusta, GA
WRDW-TV, 12, Augusta, GA
+WFXG, 54, Augusta, GA
WMAZ-TV, 13, Macon, GA
WJBF, 6, Augusta, GA
WRDW-TV, 12, Augusta, GA
+WFXG, 54, Augusta, GA
WMAZ-TV, 13, Macon, GA
WMGT, 41, Macon, GA (formerly WCWB)
+WPGA, 58, Macon, GA
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WMAZ-TV, 13, Macon, GA
WALB-TV, 10, Albany, GA
WCTV, 6, Tallahassee, FL
WMAZ-TV, 13, Macon, GA
+WGXA, 24, Macon, GA
WMGT, 41, Macon, GA (formerly WCWB)
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
WALB-TV, 10, Albany, GA
+WFXL, 31, Albany, GA
WSAV-TV, 3, Savannah, GA
WTOC-TV, 11, Savannah, GA
WJCL, 22, Savannah, GA
WJBF, 6, Augusta, GA
WRDW-TV, 12, Augusta, GA
+WFXG, 54, Augusta, GA
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WSAV-TV, 3, Savannah, GA
WTOC-TV, 11, Savannah, GA
WJCL, 22, Savannah, GA
WCTV, 6, Tallahassee, FL
WALB-TV, 10, Albany, GA
+WFXL, 31, Albany, GA
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WJBF, 6, Augusta, GA
WRDW-TV, 12, Augusta, GA
+WFXG, 54, Augusta, GA
WSAV-TV, 3, Savannah, GA
WTOC-TV, 11, Savannah, GA
WJXT, 4, Jacksonville, FL
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
WALB-TV, 10, Albany, GA
WMAZ-TV, 13, Macon, GA
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WSPA-TV, 7, Greenville, SC
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SC
+WHNS, 21, Greenville, SC
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
WTVY, 4, Dothan, AL
WALB-TV, 10, Albany, GA
WCTV, 6, Tallahassee, FL
WALB-TV, 10, Albany, GA
+WFXL, 31, Albany, GA
WCTV, 6, Tallahassee, FL
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WMAZ-TV, 13, Macon, GA
WMAZ-TV, 13, Macon, GA
WJBF, 6, Augusta, GA
WSAV-TV, 3, Savannah, GA
WTOC-TV, 11, Savannah, GA
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WRCB-TV, 3, Chattanooga, TN
WTVC, 9, Chattanooga, TN
WDEF-TV, 12, Chattanooga, TN
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
+WPXA, 14, Rome, GA (formerly WTLK)
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
WLTZ, 38, Columbus, GA (formerly WYEA)
+WXTX, 54, Columbus, GA
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WATL, 36, Atlanta, GA
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WJBF, 6, Augusta, GA
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WSPA-TV, 7, Greenville, SC
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SC
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WATL, 36, Atlanta, GA
WMAZ-TV, 13, Macon, GA
+WGXA, 24, Macon, GA
WMGT, 41, Macon, GA (formerly WCWB)
+WPGA, 58, Macon, GA
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WTBS, 17, Atlanta, GA (formerly WTCG)
WATL, 36, Atlanta, GA
WJXT, 4, Jacksonville, FL
WTLV, 12, Jacksonville, FL (formerly WFGA)
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WTBS, 17, Atlanta, GA (formerly WTCG)
WATL, 36, Atlanta, GA
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
+WPXA, 14, Rome, GA (formerly WTLK)
WMAZ-TV, 13, Macon, GA
+WPGA, 58, Macon, GA
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GAStart Printed Page 11347
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WMAZ-TV, 13, Macon, GA
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
WSFA, 12, Montgomery, AL
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WSPA-TV, 7, Greenville, SC
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
WALB-TV, 10, Albany, GA
WTVY, 4, Dothan, AL
WJBF, 6, Augusta, GA
WRDW-TV, 12, Augusta, GA
WAGT, 26, Augusta, GA (formerly WATU)
+WFXG, 54, Augusta, GA
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WTBS, 17, Atlanta, GA (formerly WTCG)
WATL, 36, Atlanta, GA
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
WALB-TV, 10, Albany, GA
WJBF, 6, Augusta, GA
WRDW-TV, 12, Augusta, GA
WSAV-TV, 3, Savannah, GA
WTOC-TV, 11, Savannah, GA
WTVY, 4, Dothan, AL
WALB-TV, 10, Albany, GA
WCTV, 6, Tallahassee, FL
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WATL, 36, Atlanta, GA
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WSPA-TV, 7, Greenville, SC
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SC
+WHNS, 21, Greenville, SC
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
WALB-TV, 10, Albany, GA
+WFXL, 31, Albany, GA
+WSST-TV, 55, Cordele, GA
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WJBF, 6, Augusta, GA
WRDW-TV, 12, Augusta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WSAV-TV, 3, Savannah, GA
WTOC-TV, 11, Savannah, GA
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
WMAZ-TV, 13, Macon, GA
WALB-TV, 10, Albany, GA
+WFXL, 31, Albany, GA
WMAZ-TV, 13, Macon, GA
+WGXA, 24, Macon, GA
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
WALB-TV, 10, Albany, GA
+WFXL, 31, Albany, GA
WCTV, 6, Tallahassee, FL
WALB-TV, 10, Albany, GA
+WFXL, 31, Albany, GA
WALB-TV, 10, Albany, GA
+WFXL, 31, Albany, GA
WCTV, 6, Tallahassee, FL
WSAV-TV, 3, Savannah, GA
WTOC-TV, 11, Savannah, GA
WJCL, 22, Savannah, GA
WJBF, 6, Augusta, GA
WRDW-TV, 12, Augusta, GA
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WRCB-TV, 3, Chattanooga, TN
WMAZ-TV, 13, Macon, GA
WJBF, 6, Augusta, GA
WRDW-TV, 12, Augusta, GA
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
WALB-TV, 10, Albany, GA
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
WCTV, 6, Tallahassee, FL
WMAZ-TV, 13, Macon, GA
WMGT, 41, Macon, GA (formerly WCWB)
+WPGA, 58, Perry, GA
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WRCB-TV, 3, Chattanooga, TN
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
+WXTX, 54, Columbus, GA
WMAZ-TV, 13, Macon, GA
WRCB-TV, 3, Chattanooga, TN
WTVC, 9, Chattanooga, TN
WDEF-TV, 12, Chattanooga, TN
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WTBS, 17, Atlanta, GA (formerly WTCG)
WATL, 36, Atlanta, GA
WJXT, 4, Jacksonville, FL
WTLV, 12, Jacksonville, FL (formerly WFGA)
WJBF, 6, Augusta, GA
WRDW-TV, 12, Augusta, GA
WAGT, 26, Augusta, GA (formerly WATU)
+WFXG, 54, Augusta, GA
WJBF, 6, Augusta, GA
WRDW-TV, 12, Augusta, GA
+WFXG, 54, Augusta, GA
WMAZ-TV, 13, Macon, GA
+WGXA, 24, Macon, GA
+WPGA, 58, Perry, GA
WSAV-TV, 3, Savannah, GA
WTOC-TV, 11, Savannah, GA
WJCL, 22, Savannah, GA
WJXT, 4, Jacksonville, FL
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
WMAZ-TV, 13, Macon, GA
WJBF, 6, Augusta, GA
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WRCB-TV, 3, Chattanooga, TN
WTVC, 9, Chattanooga, TN
WDEF-TV, 12, Chattanooga, TN
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WMAZ-TV, 13, Macon, GA
WALB-TV, 10, Albany, GA
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
WJBF, 6, Augusta, GA
WRDW-TV, 12, Augusta, GA
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
+WHNS, 21, Greenville, SC
WMAZ-TV, 13, Macon, GA
WMGT, 41, Macon, GA (formerly WCWB)
+WPGA, 58, Perry, GA
WALB-TV, 10, Albany, GA
+WFXL, 31, Albany, GA
WRBL, 3, Columbus, GA
WTVM, 9, Columbus, GA
WCTV, 6, Tallahassee, FL
Flowery Branch—WTBS, WATL, WGCL-TV
Gainesville—WTBS, WATL, WGCL-TV
North High Shoals—WTBS, WATL
Portions of Gwinnett County—WTBS, WATL, WGCL-TV
Portions of Hall County—WTBS, WATL, WGCL-TVStart Printed Page 11348
Watkinsville—WTBS, WATL
Winterville—WTBS, WATL
Unincorporated areas of Clarke County—WTBS, WATL
Unincorporated areas of Oconee County—WTBS, WATL
Unincorporated areas of Troup County—WTBS
Hawaii 1
KHON-TV, 2, Honolulu, HI
KITV, 4, Honolulu, HI (formerly KHVH)
KGMB, 9, Honolulu, HI
Hawaii 2
KHON-TV, 2, Honolulu, HI
KITV, 4, Honolulu, HI (formerly KHVH)
KGMB, 9, Honolulu, HI
Hawaii 3
KHON-TV, 2, Honolulu, HI
KITV, 4, Honolulu, HI (formerly KHVH)
KGMB, 9, Honolulu, HI
Hawaii 4
KHON-TV, 2, Honolulu, HI
KITV, 4, Honolulu, HI (formerly KHVH)
KGMB, 9, Honolulu, HI
Hawaii 5
KITV, 4, Honolulu, HI (formerly KHVH)
Honolulu 1
KHON-TV, 2, Honolulu, HI
KITV, 4, Honolulu, HI (formerly KHVH)
KGMB, 9, Honolulu, HI
Honolulu 2
KHON-TV, 2, Honolulu, HI
KITV, 4, Honolulu, HI (formerly KHVH)
KGMB, 9, Honolulu, HI
KHNL, 13, Honolulu, HI (formerly KIKU)
Honolulu 3
KHON-TV, 2, Honolulu, HI
KITV, 4, Honolulu, HI (formerly KHVH)
KGMB, 9, Honolulu, HI
Honolulu 4
KHON-TV, 2, Honolulu, HI
KITV, 4, Honolulu, HI (formerly KHVH)
KGMB, 9, Honolulu, HI
KHNL, 13, Honolulu, HI (formerly KIKU)
KHON-TV, 2, Honolulu, HI
KITV, 4, Honolulu, HI (formerly KHVH)
KGMB, 9, Honolulu, HI
Maui 1
KHON-TV, 2, Honolulu, HI
KITV, 4, Honolulu, HI (formerly KHVH)
KGMB, 9, Honolulu, HI
KHNL, 13, Honolulu, HI (formerly KIKU)
Maui 2
KHON-TV, 2, Honolulu, HI
KITV, 4, Honolulu, HI (formerly KHVH)
KGMB, 9, Honolulu, HI
Maui 3
KHON-TV, 2, Honolulu, HI
KITV, 4, Honolulu, HI (formerly KHVH)
KGMB, 9, Honolulu, HI
Maui 4
KHON-TV, 2, Honolulu, HI
KITV, 4, Honolulu, HI (formerly KHVH)
KGMB, 9, Honolulu, HI
KBCI-TV, 2, Boise, ID (formerly KBOI)
KTVB, 7, Boise, ID
KBCI-TV, 2, Boise, ID (formerly KBOI)
KTVB, 7, Boise, ID
KIDK, 3, Idaho Falls, ID (formerly KID)
KPVI, 6, Pocatello, ID (formerly KTLE, KPTO)
KIFI-TV, 8, Idaho Falls, ID
Bear Lake
KUTV, 2, Salt Lake City, UT
KTVX, 4, Salt Lake City, UT (formerly KCPX)
KSL-TV, 5, Salt Lake City, UT
KREM-TV, 2, Spokane, WA
KXLY-TV, 4, Spokane, WA
KHQ-TV, 6, Spokane, WA
KIDK, 3, Idaho Falls, ID (formerly KID)
+KPVI, 6, Pocatello, ID
KIFI-TV, 8, Idaho Falls, ID
KMVT, 11, Twin Falls, ID
KIDK, 3, Idaho Falls, ID (formerly KID)
KBCI-TV, 2, Boise, ID (formerly KBOI)
KTVB, 7, Boise, ID
KREM-TV, 2, Spokane, WA
KXLY-TV, 4, Spokane, WA
KHQ-TV, 6, Spokane, WA
KIDK, 3, Idaho Falls, ID (formerly KID)
+KPVI, 6, Pocatello, ID
KIFI-TV, 8, Idaho Falls, ID
KREM-TV, 2, Spokane, WA
KXLY-TV, 4, Spokane, WA
KHQ-TV, 6, Spokane, WA
KIDK, 3, Idaho Falls, ID (formerly KID)
KIFI-TV, 8, Idaho Falls, ID
KMVT, 11, Twin Falls, ID
KBCI-TV, 2, Boise, ID (formerly KBOI)
KTVB, 7, Boise, ID
KUTV, 2, Salt Lake City, UT
KTVX, 4, Salt Lake City, UT (formerly KCPX)
KSL-TV, 5, Salt Lake City, UT
KIDK, 3, Idaho Falls, ID (formerly KID)
KIFI-TV, 8, Idaho Falls, ID
KMVT, 11, Twin Falls, ID
KIDK, 3, Idaho Falls, ID (formerly KID)
KPVI, 6, Pocatello, ID (formerly KTLE, KPTO)
KIFI-TV, 8, Idaho Falls, ID
KIDK, 3, Idaho Falls, ID (formerly KID)
KIFI-TV, 8, Idaho Falls, ID
KREM-TV, 2, Spokane, WA
KXLY-TV, 4, Spokane, WA
KHQ-TV, 6, Spokane, WA
KLEW-TV, 3, Lewiston, ID
KIDK, 3, Idaho Falls, ID (formerly KID)
KIFI-TV, 8, Idaho Falls, ID
KBCI-TV, 2, Boise, ID (formerly KBOI)
KTVB, 7, Boise, ID
KUTV, 2, Salt Lake City, UT
KTVX, 4, Salt Lake City, UT (formerly KCPX)
KSL-TV, 5, Salt Lake City, UT
KIDK, 3, Idaho Falls, ID (formerly KID)
KIFI-TV, 8, Idaho Falls, ID
KBCI-TV, 2, Boise, ID (formerly KBOI)
KTVB, 7, Boise, ID
KMVT, 11, Twin Falls, ID
+KKVI, 35, Twin Falls, ID
KREM-TV, 2, Spokane, WA
KXLY-TV, 4, Spokane, WA
KHQ-TV, 6, Spokane, WA
KLEW-TV, 3, Lewiston, ID
KIDK, 3, Idaho Falls, ID (formerly KID)
KIFI-TV, 8, Idaho Falls, ID
KMVT, 11, Twin Falls, ID
+KKVI, 35, Twin Falls, ID
KREM-TV, 2, Spokane, WA
KXLY-TV, 4, Spokane, WA
KHQ-TV, 6, Spokane, WA
+KAYU-TV, 28, Spokane, WA
KREM-TV, 2, Spokane, WA
KXLY-TV, 4, Spokane, WA
KHQ-TV, 6, Spokane, WA
+KAYU-TV, 28, Spokane, WA
KLEW-TV, 3, Lewiston, ID
KIDK, 3, Idaho Falls, ID (formerly KID)
KECI-TV, 13, Missoula, MT (formerly KGVO)
KREM-TV, 2, Spokane, WA
KXLY-TV, 4, Spokane, WA
KHQ-TV, 6, Spokane, WA
KMVT, 11, Twin Falls, ID
KIDK, 3, Idaho Falls, ID (formerly KID)
+KPVI, 6, Pocatello, ID
KIFI-TV, 8, Idaho Falls, ID
KMVT, 11, Twin Falls, ID
KIDK, 3, Idaho Falls, ID (formerly KID)
+KPVI, 6, Pocatello, ID
KIFI-TV, 8, Idaho Falls, ID
Nez Perce
KLEW-TV, 3, Lewiston, ID
KREM-TV, 2, Spokane, WA
KXLY-TV, 4, Spokane, WA
KHQ-TV, 6, Spokane, WA
KUTV, 2, Salt Lake City, UT
KTVX, 4, Salt Lake City, UT (formerly KCPX)
KSL-TV, 5, Salt Lake City, UT
KBCI-TV, 2, Boise, ID (formerly KBOI)
KTVB, 7, Boise, ID
KBCI-TV, 2, Boise, ID (formerly KBOI)
KTVB, 7, Boise, ID
KIDK, 3, Idaho Falls, ID (formerly KID)
KPVI, 6, Pocatello, ID (formerly KTLE, KPTO)
KIFI-TV, 8, Idaho Falls, ID
KREM-TV, 2, Spokane, WA
KXLY-TV, 4, Spokane, WA
KHQ-TV, 6, Spokane, WA
KIDK, 3, Idaho Falls, ID (formerly KID)Start Printed Page 11349
KIFI-TV, 8, Idaho Falls, ID
Twin Falls
KMVT, 11, Twin Falls, ID
+KKVI, 35, Twin Falls, ID
KTVB, 7, Boise, ID
+KTRV, 12, Nampa, ID
KBCI-TV, 2, Boise, ID (formerly KBOI)
KTVB, 7, Boise, ID
+KTRV, 12, Nampa, ID
KBCI-TV, 2, Boise, ID (formerly KBOI)
KTVB, 7, Boise, ID
KHQA-TV, 7, Hannibal, MO
WGEM-TV, 10, Quincy, IL
+KTVO, 3, Ottumwa, IA
WSIL-TV, 3, Harrisburg, IL
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
+KBSI, 23, Cape Girardeau, MO
KTVI, 2, St. Louis, MO
KMOV, 4, St. Louis, MO (formerly KMOX)
KSDK, 5, St. Louis, MO (formerly KSD)
KPLR-TV, 11, St. Louis, MO
WREX-TV, 13, Rockford, IL
WTVO, 17, Rockford, IL
WIFR, 23, Freeport, IL (formerly WCEE)
+WQRF-TV, 39, Rockford, IL
WGN-TV, 9, Chicago, IL
+WPWR-TV, 50, Chicago, IL
+WMSN-TV, 47, Madison, WI
KHQA-TV, 7, Hannibal, MO
WGEM-TV, 10, Quincy, IL
WHBF-TV, 4, Rock Island, IL
KWQC-TV, 6, Davenport, IA (formerly WOC)
WQAD-TV, 8, Moline, IL
+KLJB-TV, 18, Davenport, IA
+WYZZ-TV, 43, Bloomington, IL
KTVI, 2, St. Louis, MO
KMOV, 4, St. Louis, MO (formerly KMOX)
KSDK, 5, St. Louis, MO (formerly KSD)
KPLR-TV, 11, St. Louis, MO
WHBF-TV, 4, Rock Island, IL
KWQC-TV, 6, Davenport, IA (formerly WOC)
WQAD-TV, 8, Moline, IL
+KLJB-TV, 18, Davenport, IA
WREX-TV, 13, Rockford, IL
KHQA-TV, 7, Hannibal, MO
WGEM-TV, 10, Quincy, IL
WHOI, 19, Peoria, IL (formerly WIRL)
WMBD-TV, 31, Peoria, IL
WICS, 20, Springfield, IL
+WRSP-TV, 55, Springfield, IL
WCIA, 3, Champaign, IL
WAND, 17, Decatur, IL
WICD, 15, Champaign, IL
WCIA, 3, Champaign, IL
WAND, 17, Decatur, IL
WICS, 20, Springfield, IL
+WRSP-TV, 55, Springfield, IL
WTWO, 2, Terre Haute, IN
WTHI-TV, 10, Terre Haute, IN
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WTWO, 2, Terre Haute, IN
WTHI-TV, 10, Terre Haute, IN
WTVW, 7, Evansville, IN
KMOV, 4, St. Louis, MO (formerly KMOX)
+WPXS 13, Mount Vernon, IL (formerly WCEE)
KTVI, 2, St. Louis, MO
KMOV, 4, St. Louis, MO (formerly KMOX)
KSDK, 5, St. Louis, MO (formerly KSD)
KPLR-TV, 11, St. Louis, MO
+WPXS, 13, Mount Vernon, IL (formerly WCEE)
WCIA, 3, Champaign, IL
WICD, 15, Champaign, IL
WAND, 17, Decatur, IL
+WRSP-TV, 55, Springfield, IL
WTWO, 2, Terre Haute, IN
WTHI-TV, 10, Terre Haute, IN
WBBM-TV, 2, Chicago, IL
WMAQ-TV, 5, Chicago, IL
WLS-TV, 7, Chicago, IL
WGN-TV, 9, Chicago, IL
WFLD, 32, Chicago, IL
+WPWR-TV, 50, Chicago, IL
+WGBO-TV, 66, Joliet, IL
WTWO, 2, Terre Haute, IN
WTHI-TV, 10, Terre Haute, IN
+WBAK-TV, 38, Terre Haute, IN
+WPXS, 13, Mount Vernon, IL (formerly WCEE)
WTWO, 2, Terre Haute, IN
WTHI-TV, 10, Terre Haute, IN
WCIA, 3, Champaign, IL
WAND, 17, Decatur, IL
WICS, 20, Springfield, IL
WBBM-TV, 2, Chicago, IL
WMAQ-TV, 5, Chicago, IL
WLS-TV, 7, Chicago, IL
WGN-TV, 9, Chicago, IL
+WPWR-TV, 50, Chicago, IL
+WGBO-TV, 66, Joliet, IL
WREX-TV, 13, Rockford, IL
WTVO, 17, Rockford, IL
WIFR-TV, 23, Freeport, IL (formerly WCEE)
+WQRF-TV, 39, Rockford, IL
De Witt
WCIA, 3, Champaign, IL
WAND, 17, Decatur, IL
WICS, 20, Springfield, IL
+WRSP-TV, 55, Springfield, IL
WEEK-TV, 25, Peoria, IL
+WYZZ-TV, 43, Bloomington, IL
WCIA, 3, Champaign, IL
WICD, 15, Champaign, IL
WAND, 17, Decatur, IL
Du Page
WBBM-TV, 2, Chicago, IL
WMAQ-TV, 5, Chicago, IL
WLS-TV, 7, Chicago, IL
WGN-TV, 9, Chicago, IL
WFLD, 32, Chicago, IL
+WPWR-TV, 50, Chicago, IL
+WGBO-TV, 66, Joliet, IL
WTWO, 2, Terre Haute, IN
WTHI-TV, 10, Terre Haute, IN
+WBAK-TV, 38, Terre Haute, IN
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WCIA, 3, Champaign, IL
WTVW, 7, Evansville, IN
WFIE-TV, 14, Evansville, IN
WEHT, 25, Evansville, IN
+WEVV, 44, Evansville, IN
+WPXS, 13, Mount Vernon, IL (formerly WCEE)
WCIA, 3, Champaign, IL
+WRSP-TV, 55, Springfield, IL
WTWO, 2, Terre Haute, IN
WTHI-TV, 10, Terre Haute, IN
+WPXS, 13, Mount Vernon, IL (formerly WCEE)
KTVI, 2, St. Louis, MO
KMOV, 4, St. Louis, MO (formerly KMOX)
KSDK, 5, St. Louis, MO (formerly KSD)
KPLR-TV, 11, St. Louis, MO
+WPXS, 13, Mount Vernon, IL (formerly WCEE)
WCIA, 3, Champaign, IL
WICD, 15, Champaign, IL
WAND, 17, Decatur, IL
+WRSP-TV, 55, Springfield, IL
+WYZZ-TV, 43, Bloomington, IL
WSIL-TV, 3, Harrisburg, IL
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
+WPXS, 13, Mount Vernon, IL (formerly WCEE)
+KBSI, 23, Cape Girardeau, MO
+WTCT, 27, Marion, IL
WHOI, 19, Peoria, IL (formerly WIRL)
WEEK-TV, 25, Peoria, IL
WMBD-TV, 31, Peoria, IL
+WYZZ-TV, 43, Bloomington, IL
WSIL-TV, 3, Harrisburg, IL
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
WTVW, 7, Evansville, IN
WFIE-TV, 14, Evansville, IN
WEHT, 25, Evansville, IN
+WEVV, 44, Evansville, IN
KTVI, 2, St. Louis, MO
KMOV, 4, St. Louis, MO (formerly KMOX)
KSDK, 5, St. Louis, MO (formerly KSD)
KPLR-TV, 11, St. Louis, MO
WBBM-TV, 2, Chicago, IL
WMAQ-TV, 5, Chicago, IL
WLS-TV, 7, Chicago, IL
WGN-TV, 9, Chicago, IL
WFLD, 32, Chicago, IL
+WPWR-TV, 50, Chicago, IL
WSIL-TV, 3, Harrisburg, IL
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
WTVW, 7, Evansville, IN
+WEVV, 44, Evansville, IN
KHQA-TV, 7, Hannibal, MO
WGEM-TV, 10, Quincy, IL
+KTVO, 3, Ottumwa, IA
HardinStart Printed Page 11350
WSIL-TV, 3, Harrisburg, IL
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
WHBF-TV, 4, Rock Island, IL
KWQC-TV, 6, Davenport, IA (formerly WOC)
WQAD-TV, 8, Moline, IL
WHBF-TV, 4, Rock Island, IL
KWQC-TV, 6, Davenport, IA (formerly WOC)
WQAD-TV, 8, Moline, IL
+KLJB-TV, 18, Davenport, IA
WCIA, 3, Champaign, IL
WICD, 15, Champaign, IL
WBBM-TV, 2, Chicago, IL
WMAQ-TV, 5, Chicago, IL
WLS-TV, 7, Chicago, IL
WGN-TV, 9, Chicago, IL
WFLD, 32, Chicago, IL
WSIL-TV, 3, Harrisburg, IL
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
+WPXS, 13, Mount Vernon, IL (formerly WCEE)
+KBSI, 23, Cape Girardeau, MO
+WTCT, 27, Marion, IL
KPLR-TV, 11, St. Louis, MO
WTWO, 2, Terre Haute, IN
WTHI-TV, 10, Terre Haute, IN
+WBAK-TV, 38, Terre Haute, IN
+WPXS, 13, Mount Vernon, IL (formerly WCEE)
KTVI, 2, St. Louis, MO
KMOV, 4, St. Louis, MO (formerly KMOX)
KSDK, 5, St. Louis, MO (formerly KSD)
KPLR-TV, 11, St. Louis, MO
WSIL-TV, 3, Harrisburg, IL
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
+WPXS, 13, Mount Vernon, IL (formerly WCEE)
+KBSI, 23, Cape Girardeau, MO
KTVI, 2, St. Louis, MO
KMOV, 4, St. Louis, MO (formerly KMOX)
KSDK, 5, St. Louis, MO (formerly KSD)
KPLR-TV, 11, St. Louis, MO
KDNL-TV, 30, St. Louis, MO
Jo Daviess
WHBF-TV, 4, Rock Island, IL
KWQC-TV, 6, Davenport, IA (formerly WOC)
WQAD-TV, 8, Moline, IL
WISC-TV, 3, Madison, WI
WREX-TV, 13, Rockford, IL
WTVO, 17, Rockford, IL
+WQRF-TV, 39, Rockford, IL
WSIL-TV, 3, Harrisburg, IL
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
+KBSI, 23, Cape Girardeau, MO
WBBM-TV, 2, Chicago, IL
WMAQ-TV, 5, Chicago, IL
WLS-TV, 7, Chicago, IL
WGN-TV, 9, Chicago, IL
WFLD, 32, Chicago, IL
+WPWR-TV, 50, Chicago, IL
+WGBO-TV, 66, Joliet, IL
WBBM-TV, 2, Chicago, IL
WMAQ-TV, 5, Chicago, IL
WLS-TV, 7, Chicago, IL
WGN-TV, 9, Chicago, IL
WFLD, 32, Chicago, IL
+WPWR-TV, 50, Chicago, IL
+WGBO-TV, 66, Joliet, IL
WBBM-TV, 2, Chicago, IL
WMAQ-TV, 5, Chicago, IL
WLS-TV, 7, Chicago, IL
WGN-TV, 9, Chicago, IL
WFLD, 32, Chicago, IL
+WPWR-TV, 50, Chicago, IL
+WGBO-TV, 66, Joliet, IL
WHBF-TV, 4, Rock Island, IL
KWQC-TV, 6, Davenport, IA (formerly WOC)
WQAD-TV, 8, Moline, IL
+KLJB-TV, 18, Davenport, IA
WHOI, 19, Peoria, IL (formerly WIRL)
WEEK-TV, 25, Peoria, IL
WMBD-TV, 31, Peoria, IL
WBBM-TV, 2, Chicago, IL
WMAQ-TV, 5, Chicago, IL
WLS-TV, 7, Chicago, IL
WGN-TV, 9, Chicago, IL
WFLD, 32, Chicago, IL
+WPWR-TV, 50, Chicago, IL
+WGBO-TV, 66, Joliet, IL
La Salle
WBBM-TV, 2, Chicago, IL
WMAQ-TV, 5, Chicago, IL
WLS-TV, 7, Chicago, IL
WGN-TV, 9, Chicago, IL
+WPWR-TV, 50, Chicago, IL
WHBF-TV, 4, Rock Island, IL
WEEK-TV, 25, Peoria, IL
+WYZZ-TV, 43, Bloomington, IL
WTWO, 2, Terre Haute, IN
WTHI-TV, 10, Terre Haute, IN
WTVW, 7, Evansville, IN
+WPXS, 13, Mount Vernon, IL (formerly WCEE)
WHBF-TV, 4, Rock Island, IL
KWQC-TV, 6, Davenport, IA (formerly WOC)
WQAD-TV, 8, Moline, IL
WGN-TV, 9, Chicago, IL
WREX-TV, 13, Rockford, IL
WTVO, 17, Rockford, IL
WIFR, 23, Freeport, IL (formerly WCEE)
WBBM-TV, 2, Chicago, IL
WMAQ-TV, 5, Chicago, IL
WLS-TV, 7, Chicago, IL
WGN-TV, 9, Chicago, IL
+WPWR-TV, 50, Chicago, IL
WHOI, 19, Peoria, IL (formerly WIRL)
WEEK-TV, 25, Peoria, IL
WMBD-TV, 31, Peoria, IL
WCIA, 3, Champaign, IL
WHOI, 19, Peoria, IL (formerly WIRL)
WEEK-TV, 25, Peoria, IL
WMBD-TV, 31, Peoria, IL
+WYZZ-TV, 43, Bloomington, IL
WCIA, 3, Champaign, IL
WAND, 17, Decatur, IL
WICS, 20, Springfield, IL
+WRSP-TV, 55, Springfield, IL
KHQA-TV, 7, Hannibal, MO
WGEM-TV, 10, Quincy, IL
WHBF-TV, 4, Rock Island, IL
KWQC-TV, 6, Davenport, IA (formerly WOC)
WQAD-TV, 8, Moline, IL
+KLJB-TV, 18, Davenport, IA
WBBM-TV, 2, Chicago, IL
WMAQ-TV, 5, Chicago, IL
WLS-TV, 7, Chicago, IL
WGN-TV, 9, Chicago, IL
WFLD, 32, Chicago, IL
+WPWR-TV, 50, Chicago, IL
+WGBO-TV, 66, Joliet, IL
WHOI, 19, Peoria, IL (formerly WIRL)
WEEK-TV, 25, Peoria, IL
WMBD-TV, 31, Peoria, IL
+WYZZ-TV, 43, Bloomington, IL
WCIA, 3, Champaign, IL
WAND, 17, Decatur, IL
+WRSP-TV, 55, Springfield, IL
WCIA, 3, Champaign, IL
WAND, 17, Decatur, IL
WICS, 20, Springfield, IL
+WRSP-TV, 55, Springfield, IL
KTVI, 2, St. Louis, MO
KMOV, 4, St. Louis, MO (formerly KMOX)
KSDK, 5, St. Louis, MO (formerly KSD)
KPLR-TV, 11, St. Louis, MO
KDNL-TV, 30, St. Louis, MO
+WRSP-TV, 55, Springfield, IL
KTVI, 2, St. Louis, MO
KMOV, 4, St. Louis, MO (formerly KMOX)
KSDK, 5, St. Louis, MO (formerly KSD)
KPLR-TV, 11, St. Louis, MO
KDNL-TV, 30, St. Louis, MO
KTVI, 2, St. Louis, MO
KMOV, 4, St. Louis, MO (formerly KMOX)
KSDK, 5, St. Louis, MO (formerly KSD)
KPLR-TV, 11, St. Louis, MO
+WPXS, 13, Mount Vernon, IL (formerly WCEE)
WHOI, 19, Peoria, IL (formerly WIRL)
WEEK-TV, 25, Peoria, IL
WMBD-TV, 31, Peoria, IL
+WYZZ-TV, 43, Bloomington, IL
+WTCT, 27, Marion, IL
WHOI, 19, Peoria, IL (formerly WIRL)
WEEK-TV, 25, Peoria, IL
WMBD-TV, 31, Peoria, IL
+WYZZ-TV, 43, Bloomington, IL
+WRSP-TV, 55, Springfield, IL
WSIL-TV, 3, Harrisburg, IL
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
+KBSI, 23, Cape Girardeau, MO
WHOI, 19, Peoria, IL (formerly WIRL)
WEEK-TV, 25, Peoria, IL
WMBD-TV, 31, Peoria, IL
WAND, 17, Decatur, IL
WICS, 20, Springfield, IL
WHBF-TV, 4, Rock Island, IL
KWQC-TV, 6, Davenport, IA (formerly WOC)Start Printed Page 11351
WQAD-TV, 8, Moline, IL
+KLJB-TV, 18, Davenport, IA
KTVI, 2, St. Louis, MO
KMOV, 4, St. Louis, MO (formerly KMOX)
KSDK, 5, St. Louis, MO (formerly KSD)
KPLR-TV, 11, St. Louis, MO
KDNL-TV, 30, St. Louis, MO
KTVI, 2, St. Louis, MO
KMOV, 4, St. Louis, MO (formerlyn KMOX)
KSDK, 5, St. Louis, MO (formerly KSD)
KPLR-TV, 11, St. Louis, MO
WICS, 20, Springfield, IL
+WRSP-TV, 55, Springfield, IL
KHQA-TV, 7, Hannibal, MO
WGEM-TV, 10, Quincy, IL
KTVI, 2, St. Louis, MO
KPLR-TV, 11, St. Louis, MO
WICS, 20, Springfield, IL
+WRSP-TV, 55, Springfield, IL
WCIA, 3, Champaign, IL
WICD, 15, Champaign, IL
WAND, 17, Decatur, IL
WICS, 20, Springfield, IL
+WRSP-TV, 55, Springfield, IL
WREX-TV, 13, Rockford, IL
WTVO, 17, Rockford, IL
WIFR, 23, Freeport, IL (formerly WCEE)
+WQRF-TV, 39, Rockford, IL
WHOI, 19, Peoria, IL (formerly WIRL)
WEEK-TV, 25, Peoria, IL
WMBD-TV, 31, Peoria, IL
+WYZZ-TV, 43, Bloomington, IL
KTVI, 2, St. Louis, MO
KMOV, 4, St. Louis, MO (formerly KMOX)
KSDK, 5, St. Louis, MO (formerly KSD)
KPLR-TV, 11, St. Louis, MO
WSIL-TV, 3, Harrisburg, IL
KFVS-TV, 11, Cape Girardeau, MO
+WPXS, 13, Mount Vernon, IL (formerly WCEE)
WCIA, 3, Champaign, IL
WICD, 15, Champaign, IL
WAND, 17, Decatur, IL
WICS, 20, Springfield, IL
+WRSP-TV, 55, Springfield, IL
KHQA-TV, 7, Hannibal, MO
WGEM-TV, 10, Quincy, IL
KTVI, 2, St. Louis, MO
KSDK, 5, St. Louis, MO (formerly KSD)
KPLR-TV, 11, St. Louis, MO
WSIL-TV, 3, Harrisburg, IL
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
WSIL-TV, 3, Harrisburg, IL
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
+KBSI, 23, Cape Girardeau, MO
WHOI, 19, Peoria, IL (formerly WIRL)
WEEK-TV, 25, Peoria, IL
WMBD-TV, 31, Peoria, IL
WHBF-TV, 4, Rock Island, IL
KWQC-TV, 6, Davenport, IA (formerly WOC)
WQAD-TV, 8, Moline, IL
KTVI, 2, St. Louis, MO
KMOV, 4, St. Louis, MO (formerly KMOX)
KSDK, 5, St. Louis, MO (formerly KSD)
KPLR-TV, 11, St. Louis, MO
KDNL-TV, 30, St. Louis, MO
+KBSI, 23, Cape Girardeau, MO
WTWO, 2, Terre Haute, IN
WTHI-TV, 10, Terre Haute, IN
WTVW, 7, Evansville, IN
+WPXS, 13, Mount Vernon, IL (formerly WCEE)
Rock Island
WHBF-TV, 4, Rock Island, IL
KWQC-TV, 6, Davenport, IA (formerly WOC)
WQAD-TV, 8, Moline, IL
+KLJB-TV, 18, Davenport, IA
St. Clair
KTVI, 2, St. Louis, MO
KMOV, 4, St. Louis, MO (formerly KMOX)
KSDK, 5, St. Louis, MO (formerly KSD)
KPLR-TV, 11, St. Louis, MO
KDNL-TV, 30, St. Louis, MO
WSIL-TV, 3, Harrisburg, IL
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
+KBSI, 23, Cape Girardeau, MO
+WTCT, 27, Marion, IL
+WEVV, 44, Evansville, IN
WCIA, 3, Champaign, IL
WAND, 17, Decatur, IL
WICS, 20, Springfield, IL
+WRSP-TV, 55, Springfield, IL
KHQA-TV, 7, Hannibal, MO
WGEM-TV, 10, Quincy, IL
KHQA-TV, 7, Hannibal, MO
WGEM-TV, 10, Quincy, IL
KTVI, 2, St. Louis, MO
KSDK, 5, St. Louis, MO (formerly KSD)
KPLR-TV, 11, St. Louis, MO
WCIA, 3, Champaign, IL
WAND, 17, Decatur, IL
WICS, 20, Springfield, IL
WHBF-TV, 4, Rock Island, IL
KWQC-TV, 6, Davenport, IA (formerly WOC)
WQAD-TV, 8, Moline, IL
+KLJB-TV, 18, Davenport, IA
WHOI, 19, Peoria, IL (formerly WIRL)
WEEK-TV, 25, Peoria, IL
WMBD-TV, 31, Peoria, IL
WREX-TV, 13, Rockford, IL
WTVO, 17, Rockford, IL
WIFR, 23, Freeport, IL (formerly WCEE)
+WQRF-TV, 39, Rockford, IL
WISC-TV, 3, Madison, WI
+WMSN-TV, 47, Madison, WI
WHOI, 19, Peoria, IL (formerly WIRL)
WEEK-TV, 25, Peoria, IL
WMBD-TV, 31, Peoria, IL
+WYZZ-TV, 43, Bloomington, IL
+WRSP-TV, 55, Springfield, IL
WSIL-TV, 3, Harrisburg, IL
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
+KBSI, 23, Cape Girardeau, MO
WCIA, 3, Champaign, IL
WICD, 15, Champaign, IL
WAND, 17, Decatur, IL
WTWO, 2, Terre Haute, IN
WTVW, 7, Evansville, IN
WFIE-TV, 14, Evansville, IN
WEHT, 25, Evansville, IN
+WEVV, 44, Evansville, IN
WHBF-TV, 4, Rock Island, IL
KWQC-TV, 6, Davenport, IA (formerly WOC)
WQAD-TV, 8, Moline, IL
+KLJB-TV, 18, Davenport, IA
KTVI, 2, St. Louis, MO
KMOV, 4, St. Louis, MO (formerly KMOX)
KSDK, 5, St. Louis, MO (formerly KSD)
KPLR-TV, 11, St. Louis, MO
KDNL-TV, 30, St. Louis, MO
WTVW, 7, Evansville, IN
WFIE-TV, 14, Evansville, IN
WEHT, 25, Evansville, IN
+WEVV, 44, Evansville, IN
WSIL-TV, 3, Harrisburg, IL
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
+WPXS, 13, Mount Vernon, IL (formerly WCEE)
WTVW, 7, Evansville, IN
WFIE-TV, 14, Evansville, IN
WEHT, 25, Evansville, IN
+WEVV, 44, Evansville, IN
WSIL-TV, 3, Harrisburg, IL
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
+WPXS, 13, Mount Vernon, IL (formerly WCEE)
WHBF-TV, 4, Rock Island, IL
KWQC-TV, 6, Davenport, IA (formerly WOC)
WQAD-TV, 8, Moline, IL
+KLJB-TV, 18, Davenport, IA
+WQRF-TV, 39, Rockford, IL
WBBM-TV, 2, Chicago, IL
WMAQ-TV, 5, Chicago, IL
WLS-TV, 7, Chicago, IL
WGN-TV, 9, Chicago, IL
WFLD, 32, Chicago, IL
+WPWR-TV, 50, Chicago, IL
+WGBO-TV, 66, Joliet, IL
WSIL-TV, 3, Harrisburg, IL
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
+WPXS, 13, Mount Vernon, IL (formerly WCEE)
+KBSI, 23, Cape Girardeau, MO
+WTCT, 27, Marion, IL
WREX-TV, 13, Rockford, IL
WTVO, 17, Rockford, IL
WIFR, 23, Freeport, IL (formerly WCEE)
+WQRF-TV, 39, Rockford, IL
WHOI, 19, Peoria, IL (formerly WIRL)
WEEK-TV, 25, Peoria, IL
WMBD-TV, 31, Peoria, IL
+WYZZ-TV, 43, Bloomington, ILStart Printed Page 11352
Rockton Village—WMSN-TV
South Beloit—WMSN-TV
WANE-TV, 15, Fort Wayne, IN
WPTA, 21, Fort Wayne, IN
WKJG-TV, 33, Fort Wayne, IN
+WFFT-TV, 55, Fort Wayne, IN
WANE-TV, 15, Fort Wayne, IN
WPTA, 21, Fort Wayne, IN
WKJG-TV, 33, Fort Wayne, IN
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WISH-TV, 8, Indianapolis, IN
WTHR, 13, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WLWI)
+WXIN, 59, Indianapolis, IN
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WTHR, 13, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WLWI)
+WTTK, 29, Kokomo, IN
+WXIN, 59, Indianapolis, IN
WGN-TV, 9, Chicago, IL
WLFI-TV, 18, Lafayette, IN
WCIA, 3, Champaign, IL
WICD, 15, Champaign, IL
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WISH-TV, 8, Indianapolis, IN
WTHR, 13, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WLWI)
+WTTK, 29, Kokomo, IN
+WXIN, 59, Indianapolis, IN
WANE-TV, 15, Fort Wayne, IN
WPTA, 21, Fort Wayne, IN
WKJG-TV, 33, Fort Wayne, IN
+WFFT-TV, 55, Fort Wayne, IN
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WISH-TV, 8, Indianapolis, IN
WTHR, 13, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WLWI)
+WNDY-TV, 23, Marion, IN (formerly WMCC)
+WHMB-TV, 40, Indianapolis, IN
+WXIN, 59, Indianapolis, IN
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WISH-TV, 8, Indianapolis, IN
WTHR, 13 Indianapolis, IN (formerly WLWI)
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WISH-TV, 8, Indianapolis, IN
WTHR, 13, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WLWI)
+WNDY-TV, 23, Marion, IN (formerly WMCC)
+WTTK, 29, Kokomo, IN
+WXIN, 59, Indianapolis, IN
WLFI-TV, 18, Lafayette, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WISH-TV, 8, Indianapolis, IN
WTHR, 13, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WLWI)
+WTTK, 29, Kokomo, IN
+WXIN, 59, Indianapolis, IN
WLFI-TV, 18, Lafayette, IN
WAVE, 3, Louisville, KY
WHAS-TV, 11, Louisville, KY
WLKY-TV, 32, Louisville, KY
+WDRB, 41, Louisville, KY
+WFTE, 58, Salem, IN
WTWO, 2, Terre Haute, IN
WTHI-TV, 10, Terre Haute, IN
+WBAK-TV, 38, Terre Haute, IN
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WISH-TV, 8, Indianapolis, IN
WTHR, 13, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WLWI)
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WISH-TV, 8, Indianapolis, IN
WTHR, 13, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WLWI)
+WNDY-TV, 23, Marion, IN (formerly WMCC)
+WTTK, 29, Kokomo, IN
+WHMB-TV, 40, Indianapolis, IN
+WXIN, 59, Indianapolis, IN
WAVE, 3, Louisville, KY
WHAS-TV, 11, Louisville, KY
WLKY-TV, 32, Louisville, KY
+WDRB, 41, Louisville, KY
WTVW, 7, Evansville, IN
WTWO, 2, Terre Haute, IN
WTHI-TV, 10, Terre Haute, IN
WTVW, 7, Evansville, IN
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WLWT, 5, Cincinnati, OH
WCPO-TV, 9, Cincinnati, OH
WKRC-TV, 12, Cincinnati, OH
WXIX-TV, 19, Cincinnati, OH
+WSTR-TV, 64, Cincinnati, OH
+WRGT-TV, 45, Dayton, OH
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WISH-TV, 8, Indianapolis, IN
WTHR, 13, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WLWI)
De Kalb
WANE-TV, 15, Fort Wayne, IN
WPTA, 21, Fort Wayne, IN
WKJG-TV, 33, Fort Wayne, IN
+WFFT-TV, 55, Fort Wayne, IN
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WISH-TV, 8, Indianapolis, IN
WTHR, 13, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WLWI)
+WNDY-TV, 23, Marion, IN (formerly WMCC)
+WTTK, 29, Kokomo, IN
+WHMB-TV, 40, Indianapolis, IN
+WXIN, 59, Indianapolis, IN
WTVW, 7, Evansville, IN
WFIE-TV, 14, Evansville, IN
WEHT, 25, Evansville, IN
+WEVV, 44, Evansville, IN
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WAVE, 3, Louisville, KY
WHAS-TV, 11, Louisville, KY
+WDRB, 41, Louisville, KY
WTWO, 2, Terre Haute, IN
WTHI-TV, 10, Terre Haute, IN
WNDU-TV, 16, South Bend, IN
WSBT-TV, 22, South Bend, IN
WSJV, 28, Elkhart, IN
+WHME-TV, 46, South Bend, IN
WLWT, 5, Cincinnati, OH
WCPO-TV, 9, Cincinnati, OH
WKRC-TV, 12, Cincinnati, OH
+WSTR-TV, 64, Cincinnati, OH
WHIO-TV, 7, Dayton, OH
+WRGT-TV, 45, Dayton, OH
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WISH-TV, 8, Indianapolis, IN
+WXIN, 59, Indianapolis, IN
WAVE, 3, Louisville, KY
WHAS-TV, 11, Louisville, KY
WLKY-TV, 32, Louisville, KY
+WDRB, 41, Louisville, KY
+WFTE, 58, Salem, IN
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WTHR, 13, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WLWI)
WCIA, 3, Champaign, IL
WTWO, 2, Terre Haute, IN
WTHI-TV, 10, Terre Haute, IN
WLWT, 5, Cincinnati, OH
WCPO-TV, 9, Cincinnati, OH
WKRC-TV, 12, Cincinnati, OH
+WSTR-TV, 64, Cincinnati, OH
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
+WRGT-TV, 45, Dayton, OH
WNDU-TV, 16, South Bend, IN
WSBT-TV, 22, South Bend, IN
WSJV, 28, Elkhart, IN
+WHME-TV, 46, South Bend, IN
+WTTK, 29, Kokomo, IN
WTVW, 7, Evansville, IN
WFIE-TV, 14, Evansville, IN
WEHT, 25, Evansville, IN
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WISH-TV, 8, Indianapolis, IN
WTHR, 13, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WLWI)
+WNDY-TV, 23, Marion, IN (formerly WMCC)
+WTTK, 29, Kokomo, IN
+WHMB-TV, 40, Indianapolis, IN
+WXIN, 59, Indianapolis, IN
+WFFT-TV, 55, Fort Wayne, INStart Printed Page 11353
WTWO, 2, Terre Haute, IN
WTHI-TV, 10, Terre Haute, IN
+WBAK-TV, 38, Terre Haute, IN
WTVW, 7, Evansville, IN
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WTHR, 13, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WLWI)
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WISH-TV, 8, Indianapolis, IN
WTHR, 13, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WLWI)
+WNDY-TV, 23, Marion, IN (formerly WMCC)
+WHMB-TV, 40, Indianapolis, IN
+WXIN, 59, Indianapolis, IN
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WISH-TV, 8, Indianapolis, IN
WTHR, 13, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WLWI)
+WNDY-TV, 23, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WMCC)
+WHMB-TV, 40, Indianapolis, IN
+WXIN, 59, Indianapolis, IN
WAVE, 3, Louisville, KY
WHAS-TV, 11, Louisville, KY
WLKY-TV, 32, Louisville, KY
+WDRB, 41, Louisville, KY
+WFTE, 58, Salem, IN
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WISH-TV, 8, Indianapolis, IN
WTHR, 13, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WLWI)
+WNDY-TV, 23, Marion, IN (formerly WMCC)
+WHMB-TV, 40, Indianapolis, IN
+WXIN, 59, Indianapolis, IN
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WISH-TV, 8, Indianapolis, IN
WTHR, 13, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WLWI)
+WNDY-TV, 23, Marion, IN (formerly WMCC)
+WXIN, 59, Indianapolis, IN
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WISH-TV, 8, Indianapolis, IN
WTHR, 13, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WLWI)
+WNDY-TV, 23, Marion, IN (formerly WMCC)
+WTTK, 29, Kokomo, IN
+WHMB-TV, 40, Indianapolis, IN
+WXIN, 59, Indianapolis, IN
WANE-TV, 15, Fort Wayne, IN
WPTA, 21, Fort Wayne, IN
WKJG-TV, 33, Fort Wayne, IN
WAVE, 3, Louisville, KY
WHAS-TV, 11, Louisville, KY
WLKY-TV, 32, Louisville, KY
+WDRB, 41, Louisville, KY
+WFTE, 58, Salem, IN
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WISH-TV, 8, Indianapolis, IN
WTHR, 13, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WLWI)
WBBM-TV, 2, Chicago, IL
WMAQ-TV, 5, Chicago, IL
WLS-TV, 7, Chicago, IL
WGN-TV, 9, Chicago, IL
+WPWR-TV, 50, Chicago, IL
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WISH-TV, 8, Indianapolis, IN
WTHR, 13, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WLWI)
+WNDY-TV, 23, Marion, IN (formerly WMCC)
+WTTK, 29, Kokomo, IN
WANE-TV, 15, Fort Wayne, IN
WPTA, 21, Fort Wayne, IN
WKJG-TV, 33, Fort Wayne, IN
+WFFT-TV, 55, Fort Wayne, IN
+WRGT-TV, 45, Dayton, OH
WAVE, 3, Louisville, KY
WHAS-TV, 11, Louisville, KY
WLKY-TV, 32, Louisville, KY
+WDRB, 41, Louisville, KY
+WFTE, 58, Salem, IN
WLWT, 5, Cincinnati, OH
WCPO-TV, 9, Cincinnati, OH
WKRC-TV, 12, Cincinnati, OH
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WISH-TV, 8, Indianapolis, IN
WTHR, 13, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WLWI)
WAVE, 3, Louisville, KY
WHAS-TV, 11, Louisville, KY
WLKY-TV, 32, Louisville, KY
+WDRB, 41, Louisville, KY
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WISH-TV, 8, Indianapolis, IN
WTHR, 13, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WLWI)
+WNDY-TV, 23, Marion, IN (formerly WMCC)
+WHMB-TV, 40, Indianapolis, IN
+WXIN, 59, Indianapolis, IN
WTWO, 2, Terre Haute, IN
WTHI-TV, 10, Terre Haute, IN
+WBAK-TV, 38, Terre Haute, IN
WTVW, 7, Evansville, IN
WNDU-TV, 16, South Bend, IN
WSBT-TV, 22, South Bend, IN
WSJV, 28, Elkhart, IN
+WFFT-TV, 55, Fort Wayne, IN
La Grange
WNDU-TV, 16, South Bend, IN
WSBT-TV, 22, South Bend, IN
WSJV, 28, Elkhart, IN
WANE-TV, 15, Fort Wayne, IN
WPTA, 21, Fort Wayne, IN
WKJG-TV, 33, Fort Wayne, IN
WBBM-TV, 2, Chicago, IL
WMAQ-TV, 5, Chicago, IL
WLS-TV, 7, Chicago, IL
WGN-TV, 9, Chicago, IL
WFLD, 32, Chicago, IL
+WPWR-TV, 50, Chicago, IL
+WGBO-TV, 66, Joliet, IL
La Porte
WBBM-TV, 2, Chicago, IL
WMAQ-TV, 5, Chicago, IL
WLS-TV, 7, Chicago, IL
WGN-TV, 9, Chicago, IL
WFLD, 32, Chicago, IL
+WPWR-TV, 50, Chicago, IL
+WGBO-TV, 66, Joliet, IL
WNDU-TV, 16, South Bend, IN
WSBT-TV, 22, South Bend, IN
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WISH-TV, 8, Indianapolis, IN
WAVE, 3, Louisville, KY
WHAS-TV, 11, Louisville, KY
+WDRB, 41, Louisville, KY
WTWO, 2, Terre Haute, IN
WTHI-TV, 10, Terre Haute, IN
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WISH-TV, 8, Indianapolis, IN
WTHR, 13, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WLWI)
+WNDY-TV, 23, Marion, IN (formerly WMCC)
+WTTK, 29, Kokomo, IN
+WHMB-TV, 40, Indianapolis, IN
+WXIN, 59, Indianapolis, IN
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WISH-TV, 8, Indianapolis, IN
WTHR, 13, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WLWI)
+WNDY-TV, 23, Marion, IN (formerly WMCC)
+WHMB-TV, 40, Indianapolis, IN
+WXIN, 59, Indianapolis, IN
WNDU-TV, 16, South Bend, IN
WSBT-TV, 22, South Bend, IN
WSJV, 28, Elkhart, IN
WGN-TV, 9, Chicago, IL
WTWO, 2, Terre Haute, IN
WTHI-TV, 10, Terre Haute, IN
WTVW, 7, Evansville, IN
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WAVE, 3, Louisville, KY
+WDRB, 41, Louisville, KY
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WISH-TV, 8, Indianapolis, IN
WTHR, 13, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WLWI)
+WNDY-TV, 23, Marion, IN (formerly WMCC)Start Printed Page 11354
+WTTK, 29, Kokomo, IN
+WXIN, 59, Indianapolis, IN
WNDU-TV, 16, South Bend, IN
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WISH-TV, 8, Indianapolis, IN
WTHR, 13, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WLWI)
+WXIN, 59, Indianapolis, IN
WTWO, 2, Terre Haute, IN
WTHI-TV, 10, Terre Haute, IN
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WISH-TV, 8, Indianapolis, IN
WTHR, 13, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WLWI)
+WHMB-TV, 40, Indianapolis, IN
+WXIN, 59, Indianapolis, IN
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WISH-TV, 8, Indianapolis, IN
WTHR, 13, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WLWI)
+WXIN, 59, Indianapolis, IN
WBBM-TV, 2, Chicago, IL
WMAQ-TV, 5, Chicago, IL
WLS-TV, 7, Chicago, IL
WGN-TV, 9, Chicago, IL
+WGBO-TV, 66, Joliet, IL
WANE-TV, 15, Fort Wayne, IN
WPTA, 21, Fort Wayne, IN
WKJG-TV, 33, Fort Wayne, IN
+WFFT-TV, 55, Fort Wayne, IN
WNDU-TV, 16, South Bend, IN
WSBT-TV, 22, South Bend, IN
WSJV, 28, Elkhart, IN
+WHME-TV, 46, South Bend, IN
WLWT, 5, Cincinnati, OH
WCPO-TV, 9, Cincinnati, OH
WKRC-TV, 12, Cincinnati, OH
WXIX-TV, 19, Cincinnati, OH
+WSTR-TV, 64, Cincinnati, OH
WAVE, 3, Louisville, KY
WHAS-TV, 11, Louisville, KY
WLKY-TV, 32, Louisville, KY
+WDRB, 41, Louisville, KY
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WISH-TV, 8, Indianapolis, IN
WTHR, 13, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WLWI)
WTWO, 2, Terre Haute, IN
WTHI-TV, 10, Terre Haute, IN
WTWO, 2, Terre Haute, IN
WTHI-TV, 10, Terre Haute, IN
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WTHR, 13, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WLWI)
WTVW, 7, Evansville, IN
WFIE-TV, 14, Evansville, IN
WEHT, 25, Evansville, IN
+WEVV, 44, Evansville, IN
WAVE, 3, Louisville, KY
WHAS-TV, 11, Louisville, KY
+WDRB, 41, Louisville, KY
WTVW, 7, Evansville, IN
WFIE-TV, 14, Evansville, IN
WEHT, 25, Evansville, IN
+WEVV, 44, Evansville, IN
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WTWO, 2, Terre Haute, IN
WTHI-TV, 10, Terre Haute, IN
WBBM-TV, 2, Chicago, IL
WMAQ-TV, 5, Chicago, IL
WLS-TV, 7, Chicago, IL
WGN-TV, 9, Chicago, IL
WFLD, 32, Chicago, IL
+WPWR-TV, 50, Chicago, IL
+WGBO-TV, 66, Joliet, IL
WTVW, 7, Evansville, IN
WFIE-TV, 14, Evansville, IN
WEHT, 25, Evansville, IN
WNDU-TV, 16, South Bend, IN
WSBT-TV, 22, South Bend, IN
WSJV, 28, Elkhart, IN
WBBM-TV, 2, Chicago, IL
WMAQ-TV, 5, Chicago, IL
WLS-TV, 7, Chicago, IL
WGN-TV, 9, Chicago, IL
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WISH-TV, 8, Indianapolis, IN
WTHR, 13, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WLWI)
+WXIN, 59, Indianapolis, IN
WTWO, 2, Terre Haute, IN
WTHI-TV, 10, Terre Haute, IN
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WISH-TV, 8, Indianapolis, IN
WTHR, 13, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WLWI)
+WNDY-TV, 23, Marion, IN (formerly WMCC)
+WTTK, 29, Kokomo, IN
+WXIN, 59, Indianapolis, IN
WDTN, 2, Dayton, OH (formerly WLWD)
WHIO-TV, 7, Dayton, OH
+WRGT-TV, 45, Dayton, OH
WLWT, 5, Cincinnati, OH
WCPO-TV, 9, Cincinnati, OH
WKRC-TV, 12, Cincinnati, OH
WXIX-TV, 19, Cincinnati, OH
+WSTR-TV, 64, Cincinnati, OH
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WISH-TV, 8, Indianapolis, IN
WTHR, 13, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WLWI)
+WXIN, 59, Indianapolis, IN
St. Joseph
WNDU-TV, 16, South Bend, IN
WSBT-TV, 22, South Bend, IN
WSJV, 28, Elkhart, IN
WGN-TV, 9, Chicago, IL
WAVE, 3, Louisville, KY
WHAS-TV, 11, Louisville, KY
WLKY-TV, 32, Louisville, KY
+WDRB, 41, Louisville, KY
+WFTE, 58, Salem, IN
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WISH-TV, 8, Indianapolis, IN
WTHR, 13, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WLWI)
+WNDY-TV, 23, Marion, IN (formerly WMCC)
+WHMB-TV, 40, Indianapolis, IN
+WXIN, 59, Indianapolis, IN
WTVW, 7, Evansville, IN
WFIE-TV, 14, Evansville, IN
WEHT, 25, Evansville, IN
WNDU-TV, 16, South Bend, IN
WSBT-TV, 22, South Bend, IN
WSJV, 28, Elkhart, IN
WBBM-TV, 2, Chicago, IL
WMAQ-TV, 5, Chicago, IL
WLS-TV, 7, Chicago, IL
WGN-TV, 9, Chicago, IL
WANE-TV, 15, Fort Wayne, IN
WPTA, 21, Fort Wayne, IN
WKJG-TV, 33, Fort Wayne, IN
+WFFT-TV, 55, Fort Wayne, IN
WWMT, 3, Kalamazoo, MI (formerly WKZO)
+WSYM-TV, 47, Lansing, MI
WTWO, 2, Terre Haute, IN
WTHI-TV, 10, Terre Haute, IN
+WBAK-TV, 38, Terre Haute, IN
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WLWT, 5, Cincinnati, OH
WCPO-TV, 9, Cincinnati, OH
WKRC-TV, 12, Cincinnati, OH
WXIX-TV, 19, Cincinnati, OH
WLFI-TV, 18, Lafayette, IN
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WISH-TV, 8, Indianapolis, IN
WTHR, 13, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WLWI)
+WNDY-TV, 23, Marion, IN (formerly WMCC)
+WHMB-TV, 40, Indianapolis, IN
+WXIN, 59, Indianapolis, IN
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WISH-TV, 8, Indianapolis, IN
WTHR, 13, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WLWI)
+WTTK, 29, Kokomo, IN
+WHMB-TV, 40, Indianapolis, IN
+WXIN, 59, Indianapolis, IN
WLWT, 5, Cincinnati, OH
WCPO-TV, 9, Cincinnati, OH
WKRC-TV, 12, Cincinnati, OHStart Printed Page 11355
WXIX-TV, 19, Cincinnati, OH
WHIO-TV, 7, Dayton, OH
WPTD, 16, Dayton, OH (formerly WKTR)
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WTVW, 7, Evansville, IN
WFIE-TV, 14, Evansville, IN
WEHT, 25, Evansville, IN
WTWO, 2, Terre Haute, IN
WTHI-TV, 10, Terre Haute, IN
+WBAK-TV, 38, Terre Haute, IN
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WTHR, 13, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WLWI)
WCIA, 3, Champaign, IL
WTWO, 2, Terre Haute, IN
WTHI-TV, 10, Terre Haute, IN
+WBAK-TV, 38, Terre Haute, IN
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WISH-TV, 8, Indianapolis, IN
WTHR, 13, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WLWI)
+WNDY-TV, 23, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WMCC)
+WTTK, 29, Kokomo, IN
WANE-TV, 15, Fort Wayne, IN
WPTA, 21, Fort Wayne, IN
WKJG-TV, 33, Fort Wayne, IN
+WFFT-TV, 55, Fort Wayne, IN
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WTHR, 13, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WLWI)
WCIA, 3, Champaign, IL
WICD, 15, Champaign, IL
WTHI-TV, 10, Terre Haute, IN
WTVW, 7, Evansville, IN
WFIE-TV, 14, Evansville, IN
WEHT, 25, Evansville, IN
WAVE, 3, Louisville, KY
WHAS-TV, 11, Louisville, KY
WLKY-TV, 32, Louisville, KY
WDRB, 41, Louisville, KY
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WDTN, 2, Dayton, OH (formerly WLWD)
WHIO-TV, 7, Dayton, OH
+WRGT-TV, 45, Dayton, OH
WLWT, 5, Cincinnati, OH
WCPO-TV, 9, Cincinnati, OH
WKRC-TV, 12, Cincinnati, OH
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WISH-TV, 8, Indianapolis, IN
WTHR, 13, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WLWI)
WANE-TV, 15, Fort Wayne, IN
WPTA, 21, Fort Wayne, IN
WKJG-TV, 33, Fort Wayne, IN
+WFFT-TV, 55, Fort Wayne, IN
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WRTV, 6, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WFBM)
WISH-TV, 8, Indianapolis, IN
WTHR, 13, Indianapolis, IN (formerly WLWI)
+WTTK, 29, Kokomo, IN
+WHMB-TV, 40, Indianapolis, IN
+WXIN, 59, Indianapolis, IN
WGN-TV, 9, Chicago, IL
WLFI-TV, 18, Lafayette, IN
WANE-TV, 15, Fort Wayne, IN
WPTA, 21, Fort Wayne, IN
WKJG-TV, 33, Fort Wayne, IN
Mishawaka—WGN-TV, WFLD
Osceola—WGN-TV, WFLD
Roseland—WGN-TV, WFLD
South Bend—WGN-TV, WFLD
Spring Grove—WXIX-TV
West Lafayette—WXIN
Unincorporated areas os St. Joseph County—WGN-TV, WFLD
Unincorporated areas of Wayne County—WXIX-TV
WOI-TV, 5, Ames, IA
KCCI, 8, Des Moines, IA (formerly KRNT)
WHO-TV, 13, Des Moines, IA
KMTV, 3, Omaha, NE
WOWT, 6, Omaha, NE (formerly WOW)
KETV, 7, Omaha, NE
KGAN, 2, Cedar Rapids, IA (formerly WMT)
KWWL, 7, Waterloo, IA
KCRG-TV, 9, Cedar Rapids, IA
WKBT, 8, La Crosse, WI
+WLAX, 25, La Crosse, WI
KTTC, 10, Rochester, MN (formerly KROC)
KTVO, 3, Ottumwa, IA
KCCI, 8, Des Moines, IA (formerly KRNT)
WHO-TV, 13, Des Moines, IA
+KDSM-TV, 17, Des Moines, IA
KMTV, 3, Omaha, NE
WOWT, 6, Omaha, NE (formerly WOW)
KETV, 7, Omaha, NE
KGAN, 2, Cedar Rapids, IA (formerly WMT)
KWWL, 7, Waterloo, IA
KCRG-TV, 9, Cedar Rapids, IA
Black Hawk
KGAN, 2, Cedar Rapids, IA (formerly WMT)
KWWL, 7, Waterloo, IA
KCRG-TV, 9, Cedar Rapids, IA
WOI-TV, 5, Ames, IA
KCCI, 8, Des Moines, IA (formerly KRNT)
WHO-TV, 13, Des Moines, IA
+KDSM-TV, 17, Des Moines, IA
KGAN, 2, Cedar Rapids, IA (formerly WMT)
KWWL, 7, Waterloo, IA
KCRG-TV, 9, Cedar Rapids, IA
KGAN, 2, Cedar Rapids, IA (formerly WMT)
KWWL, 7, Waterloo, IA
KCRG-TV, 9, Cedar Rapids, IA
Buena Vista
KTIV, 4, Sioux City, IA
KCAU-TV, 9, Sioux City, IA
KMEG, 14, Sioux City, IA
KGAN, 2, Cedar Rapids, IA (formerly WMT)
KWWL, 7, Waterloo, IA
KCRG-TV, 9, Cedar Rapids, IA
KIMT, 3, Mason City, IA (formerly KGLO)
WOI-TV, 5, Ames, IA
KCCI, 8, Des Moines, IA (formerly KRNT)
+KDSM-TV, 17, Des Moines, IA
KVFD, 21, Fort Dodge, IA
KTIV, 4, Sioux City, IA
KCAU-TV, 9, Sioux City, IA
WOI-TV, 5, Ames, IA
KCCI, 8, Des Moines, IA (formerly KRNT)
WHO-TV, 13, Des Moines, IA
+KDSM-TV, 17, Des Moines, IA
WOWT, 6, Omaha, NE (formerly WOW)
KMTV, 3, Omaha, NE
WOWT, 6, Omaha, NE (formerly WOW)
KETV, 7, Omaha, NE
+KPTM, 42, Omaha, NE
KGAN, 2, Cedar Rapids, IA (formerly WMT)
KWWL, 7, Waterloo, IA
KCRG-TV, 9, Cedar Rapids, IA
WHBF-TV, 4, Rock Island, IL
KWQC-TV, 6, Davenport, IA (formerly WOC)
WQAD-TV, 8, Moline, IL
+KLJB-TV, 18, Davenport, IA
Cerro Gordo
KIMT, 3, Mason City, IA (formerly KGLO)
KAAL, 6, Austin, MN (formerly KAUS)
KTTC, 10, Rochester, MN (formerly KROC)
KTIV, 4, Sioux City, IA
KCAU-TV, 9, Sioux City, IA
KMEG, 14, Sioux City, IA
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KGAN, 2, Cedar Rapids, IA (formerly WMT)
KWWL, 7, Waterloo, IA
KCRG-TV, 9, Cedar Rapids, IA
KIMT, 3, Mason City, IA (formerly KGLO)
KTTC, 10, Rochester, MN (formerly KROC)
WOI-TV, 5, Ames, IA
KCCI, 8, Des Moines, IA (formerly KRNT)
WHO-TV, 13, Des Moines, IA
KTIV, 4, Sioux City, IA
KCAU-TV, 9, Sioux City, IA
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KGAN, 2, Cedar Rapids, IA (formerly WMT)
KWWL, 7, Waterloo, IA
KCRG-TV, 9, Cedar Rapids, IA
ClintonStart Printed Page 11356
WHBF-TV, 4, Rock Island, IL
KWQC-TV, 6, Davenport, IA (formerly WOC)
WQAD-TV, 8, Moline, IL
+KLJB-TV, 18, Davenport, IA
KMTV, 3, Omaha, NE
WOWT, 6, Omaha, NE (formerly WOW)
KETV, 7, Omaha, NE
+KXVO, 15, Omaha, NE
+KPTM, 42, Omaha, NE
KTIV, 4, Sioux City, IA
KCAU-TV, 9, Sioux City, IA
WOI-TV, 5, Ames, IA
KCCI, 8, Des Moines, IA (formerly KRNT)
WHO-TV, 13, Des Moines, IA
+KDSM-TV, 17, Des Moines, IA
KCCI, 8, Des Moines, IA (formerly KRNT)
WHO-TV, 13, Des Moines, IA
+KDSM-TV, 17, Des Moines, IA
KTVO, 3, Ottumwa, IA
+KYOU-TV, 15, Ottumwa, IA
KHQA-TV, 7, Hannibal, MO
WGEM-TV, 10, Quincy, IL
KCCI, 8, Des Moines, IA (formerly KRNT)
WHO-TV, 13, Des Moines, IA
KTVO, 3, Ottumwa, IA
KGAN, 2, Cedar Rapids, IA (formerly WMT)
KWWL, 7, Waterloo, IA
KCRG-TV, 9, Cedar Rapids, IA
Des Moines
WHBF-TV, 4, Rock Island, IL
KWQC-TV, 6, Davenport, IA (formerly WOC)
WQAD-TV, 8, Moline, IL
+KLJB-TV, 18, Davenport, IA
+KYOU-TV, 15, Ottumwa, IA
KTIV, 4, Sioux City, IA
KCAU-TV, 9, Sioux City, IA
KEYC-TV, 12, Mankato, MN
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KGAN, 2, Cedar Rapids, IA (formerly WMT)
KWWL, 7, Waterloo, IA
KCRG-TV, 9, Cedar Rapids, IA
KFXB, 40, Dubuque, IA (formerly KDUB)
KEYC-TV, 12, Mankato, MN
KAAL, 6, Austin, MN (formerly KAUS)
KCAU-TV, 9, Sioux City, IA
KGAN, 2, Cedar Rapids, IA (formerly WMT)
KWWL, 7, Waterloo, IA
KCRG-TV, 9, Cedar Rapids, IA
KIMT, 3, Mason City, IA (formerly KGLO)
KAAL, 6, Austin, MN (formerly KAUS)
KTTC, 10, Rochester, MN (formerly KROC)
KGAN, 2, Cedar Rapids, IA (formerly WMT)
KWWL, 7, Waterloo, IA
KCRG-TV, 9, Cedar Rapids, IA
KIMT, 3, Mason City, IA (formerly KGLO)
KTTC, 10, Rochester, MN (formerly KROC)
KGAN, 2, Cedar Rapids, IA (formerly WMT)
KWWL, 7, Waterloo, IA
KCRG-TV, 9, Cedar Rapids, IA
WOI-TV, 5, Ames, IA
+KDSM-TV, 17, Des Moines, IA
KMTV, 3, Omaha, NE
WOWT, 6, Omaha, NE (formerly WOW)
KETV, 7, Omaha, NE
+KPTM, 42, Omaha, NE
WOI-TV, 5, Ames, IA
KCCI, 8, Des Moines, IA (formerly KRNT)
WHO-TV, 13, Des Moines, IA
KGAN, 2, Cedar Rapids, IA (formerly WMT)
KWWL, 7, Waterloo, IA
KCRG-TV, 9, Cedar Rapids, IA
+KDSM-TV, 17, Des Moines, IA
WOI-TV, 5, Ames, IA
KCCI, 8, Des Moines, IA (formerly KRNT)
WHO-TV, 13, Des Moines, IA
WOI-TV, 5, Ames, IA
KCCI, 8, Des Moines, IA (formerly KRNT)
WHO-TV, 13, Des Moines, IA
+KDSM-TV, 17, Des Moines, IA
KIMT, 3, Mason City, IA (formerly KGLO)
KAAL, 6, Austin, MN (formerly KAUS)
KTTC, 10, Rochester, MN (formerly KROC)
KGAN, 2, Cedar Rapids, IA (formerly WMT)
KWWL, 7, Waterloo, IA
KCRG-TV, 9, Cedar Rapids, IA
WOI-TV, 5, Ames, IA
KCCI, 8, Des Moines, IA (formerly KRNT)
WHO-TV, 13, Des Moines, IA
+KDSM-TV, 17, Des Moines, IA
KMTV, 3, Omaha, NE
WOWT, 6, Omaha, NE (formerly WOW)
KETV, 7, Omaha, NE
+KXVO, 15, Omaha, NE
+KPTM, 42, Omaha, NE
WHBF-TV, 4, Rock Island, IL
KWQC-TV, 6, Davenport, IA (formerly WOC)
WQAD-TV, 8, Moline, IL
+KLJB-TV, 18, Davenport, IA
KTVO, 3, Ottumwa, IA
+KYOU-TV, 15, Ottumwa, IA
KIMT, 3, Mason City, IA (formerly KGLO)
KAAL, 6, Austin, MN (formerly KAUS)
KTTC, 10, Rochester, MN (formerly KROC)
KWWL, 7, Waterloo, IA
KCRG-TV, 9, Cedar Rapids, IA
WOI-TV, 5, Ames, IA
KCCI, 8, Des Moines, IA (formerly KRNT)
+KDSM-TV, 17, Des Moines, IA
KVFD, 21, Fort Dodge, IA
KTIV, 4, Sioux City, IA
KCAU-TV, 9, Sioux City, IA
KMEG, 14, Sioux City, IA
KGAN, 2, Cedar Rapids, IA (formerly WMT)
KWWL, 7, Waterloo, IA
KCRG-TV, 9, Cedar Rapids, IA
+KYOU-TV, 15, Ottumwa, IA
WHBF-TV, 4, Rock Island, IL
KWQC-TV, 6, Davenport, IA (formerly WOC)
WQAD-TV, 8, Moline, IL
+KLJB-TV, 18, Davenport, IA
KGAN, 2, Cedar Rapids, IA (formerly WMT)
KWWL, 7, Waterloo, IA
KCRG-TV, 9, Cedar Rapids, IA
WOI-TV, 5, Ames, IA
KCCI, 8, Des Moines, IA (formerly KRNT)
WHO-TV, 13, Des Moines, IA
+KDSM-TV, 17, Des Moines, IA
KTVO, 3, Ottumwa, IA
+KYOU-TV, 15, Ottumwa, IA (formerly KOIA)
KGAN, 2, Cedar Rapids, IA (formerly WMT)
KCRG-TV, 9, Cedar Rapids, IA
KWQC-TV, 6, Davenport, IA (formerly WOC)
KHQA-TV, 7, Hannibal, MO
KGAN, 2, Cedar Rapids, IA (formerly WMT)
KWWL, 7, Waterloo, IA
KCRG-TV, 9, Cedar Rapids, IA
WHBF-TV, 4, Rock Island, IL
KWQC-TV, 6, Davenport, IA (formerly WOC)
+KYOU-TV, 15, Ottumwa, IA
KGAN, 2, Cedar Rapids, IA (formerly WMT)
KWWL, 7, Waterloo, IA
KCRG-TV, 9, Cedar Rapids, IA
+KLJB-TV, 18, Davenport, IA
KGAN, 2, Cedar Rapids, IA (formerly WMT)
KWWL, 7, Waterloo, IA
KCRG-TV, 9, Cedar Rapids, IA
WHO-TV, 13, Des Moines, IA
KTVO, 3, Ottumwa, IA
KIMT, 3, Mason City, IA (formerly KGLO)
KAAL, 6, Austin, MN (formerly KAUS)
KVFD, 21, Fort Dodge, IA
KEYC-TV, 12, Mankato, MN
KHQA-TV, 7, Hannibal, MO
WGEM-TV, 10, Quincy, IL
KTVO, 3, Ottumwa, IA
+KYOU-TV, 15, Ottumwa, IA
KGAN, 2, Cedar Rapids, IA (formerly WMT)
KWWL, 7, Waterloo, IA
KCRG-TV, 9, Cedar Rapids, IA
WHBF-TV, 4, Rock Island, IL
KWQC-TV, 6, Davenport, IA (formerly WOC)
WQAD-TV, 8, Moline, IL
+KLJB-TV, 18, Davenport, IA
WOI-TV, 5, Ames, IA
KCCI, 8, Des Moines, IA (formerly KRNT)
WHO-TV, 13, Des Moines, IA
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)Start Printed Page 11357
KTIV, 4, Sioux City, IA
KCAU-TV, 9, Sioux City, IA
WOI-TV, 5, Ames, IA
KCCI, 8, Des Moines, IA (formerly KRNT)
WHO-TV, 13, Des Moines, IA
KCCI, 8, Des Moines, IA (formerly KRNT)
WHO-TV, 13, Des Moines, IA
+KDSM-TV, 17, Des Moines, IA
KGAN, 2, Cedar Rapids, IA (formerly WMT)
KWWL, 7, Waterloo, IA
KCRG-TV, 9, Cedar Rapids, IA
KTVO, 3, Ottumwa, IA
WOI-TV, 5, Ames, IA
KCCI, 8, Des Moines, IA (formerly KRNT)
WHO-TV, 13, Des Moines, IA
KGAN, 2, Cedar Rapids, IA (formerly WMT)
KWWL, 7, Waterloo, IA
KCRG-TV, 9, Cedar Rapids, IA
WOI-TV, 5, Ames, IA
KCCI, 8, Des Moines, IA (formerly KRNT)
WHO-TV, 13, Des Moines, IA
+KDSM-TV, 17, Des Moines, IA
KMTV, 3, Omaha, NE
WOWT, 6, Omaha, NE (formerly WOW)
KETV, 7, Omaha, NE
+KXVO, 15, Omaha, NE
+KPTM, 42, Omaha, NE
KIMT, 3, Mason City, IA (formerly KGLO)
KAAL, 6, Austin, MN (formerly KAUS)
KTTC, 10, Rochester, MN (formerly KROC)
KMTV, 3, Omaha, NE
WOWT, 6, Omaha, NE (formerly WOW)
KETV, 7, Omaha, NE
+KPTM, 42, Omaha, NE
KTIV, 4, Sioux City, IA
KCAU-TV, 9, Sioux City, IA
KCCI, 8, Des Moines, IA (formerly KRNT)
WHO-TV, 13, Des Moines, IA
KTVO, 3, Ottumwa, IA
+KYOU-TV, 15, Ottumwa, IA
KMTV, 3, Omaha, NE
WOWT, 6, Omaha, NE (formerly WOW)
KETV, 7, Omaha, NE
+KXVO, 15, Omaha, NE
+KPTM, 42, Omaha, NE
WHBF-TV, 4, Rock Island, IL
KWQC-TV, 6, Davenport, IA (formerly WOC)
WQAD-TV, 8, Moline, IL
+KLJB-TV, 18, Davenport, IA
KTIV, 4, Sioux City, IA
KCAU-TV, 9, Sioux City, IA
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KTIV, 4, Sioux City, IA
KCAU-TV, 9, Sioux City, IA
KMTV, 3, Omaha, NE
WOWT, 6, Omaha, NE (formerly WOW)
KETV, 7, Omaha, NE
+KXVO, 15, Omaha, NE
+KPTM, 42, Omaha, NE
Palo Alto
KTIV, 4, Sioux City, IA
KCAU-TV, 9, Sioux City, IA
KVFD, 21, Fort Dodge, IA
KEYC-TV, 12, Mankato, MN
KTIV, 4, Sioux City, IA
KCAU-TV, 9, Sioux City, IA
KMEG, 14, Sioux City, IA
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KTIV, 4, Sioux City, IA
KCAU-TV, 9, Sioux City, IA
KCCI, 8, Des Moines, IA (formerly KRNT)
KVFD, 21, Fort Dodge, IA
WOI-TV, 5, Ames, IA
KCCI, 8, Des Moines, IA (formerly KRNT)
WHO-TV, 13, Des Moines, IA
+KDSM-TV, 17, Des Moines, IA
KMTV, 3, Omaha, NE
WOWT, 6, Omaha, NE (formerly WOW)
KETV, 7, Omaha, NE
+KXVO, 15, Omaha, NE
+KPTM, 42, Omaha, NE
KGAN, 2, Cedar Rapids, IA (formerly WMT)
KWWL, 7, Waterloo, IA
KCRG-TV, 9, Cedar Rapids, IA
WOI-TV, 5, Ames, IA
KCCI, 8, Des Moines, IA (formerly KRNT)
WHO-TV, 13, Des Moines, IA
WOI-TV, 5, Ames, IA
KCCI, 8, Des Moines, IA (formerly KRNT)
WHO-TV, 13, Des Moines, IA
WOWT, 6, Omaha, NE (formerly WOW)
KQTV, 2, St. Joseph, MO
KTIV, 4, Sioux City, IA
KCAU-TV, 9, Sioux City, IA
WOWT, 6, Omaha, NE (formerly WOW)
WHBF-TV, 4, Rock Island, IL
KWQC-TV, 6, Davenport, IA (formerly WOC)
WQAD-TV, 8, Moline, IL
+KLJB-TV, 18, Davenport, IA
KMTV, 3, Omaha, NE
WOWT, 6, Omaha, NE (formerly WOW)
KETV, 7, Omaha, NE
+KXVO, 15, Omaha, NE
+KPTM, 42, Omaha, NE
KTIV, 4, Sioux City, IA
KCAU-TV, 9, Sioux City, IA
KMEG, 14, Sioux City, IA
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
WOI-TV, 5, Ames, IA
KCCI, 8, Des Moines, IA (formerly KRNT)
WHO-TV, 13, Des Moines, IA
+KDSM-TV, 17, Des Moines, IA
KGAN, 2, Cedar Rapids, IA (formerly WMT)
KWWL, 7, Waterloo, IA
KCRG-TV, 9, Cedar Rapids, IA
WHO-TV, 13, Des Moines, IA
+KDSM-TV, 17, Des Moines, IA
KMTV, 3, Omaha, NE
WOWT, 6, Omaha, NE (formerly WOW)
KETV, 7, Omaha, NE
+KPTM, 42, Omaha, NE
WOI-TV, 5, Ames, IA
KCCI, 8, Des Moines, IA (formerly KRNT)
WHO-TV, 13, Des Moines, IA
KETV, 7, Omaha, NE
Van Buren
KTVO, 3, Ottumwa, IA
+KYOU-TV, 15, Ottumwa, IA (formerly KOIA)
KHQA-TV, 7, Hannibal, MO
WGEM-TV, 10, Quincy, IL
KCCI, 8, Des Moines, IA (formerly KRNT)
WHO-TV, 13, Des Moines, IA
+KDSM-TV, 17, Des Moines, IA
KTVO, 3, Ottumwa, IA
+KYOU-TV, 15, Ottumwa, IA (formerly KOIA)
WOI-TV, 5, Ames, IA
KCCI, 8, Des Moines, IA (formerly KRNT)
WHO-TV, 13, Des Moines, IA
+KDSM-TV, 17, Des Moines, IA
KGAN, 2, Cedar Rapids, IA (formerly WMT)
KWWL, 7, Waterloo, IA
KCRG-TV, 9, Cedar Rapids, IA
WHBF-TV, 4, Rock Island, IL
KWQC-TV, 6, Davenport, IA (formerly WOC)
+KLJB-TV, 18, Davenport, IA
KCCI, 8, Des Moines, IA (formerly KRNT)
WHO-TV, 13, Des Moines, IA
KTVO, 3, Ottumwa, IA
WOI-TV, 5, Ames, IA
KCCI, 8, Des Moines, IA (formerly KRNT)
+KDSM-TV, 17, Des Moines, IA
KVFD, 21, Fort Dodge, IA
KIMT, 3, Mason City, IA (formerly KGLO)
KAAL, 6, Austin, MN (formerly KAUS)
KTTC, 10, Rochester, MN (formerly KROC)
KEYC-TV, 12, Mankato, MN
KGAN, 2, Cedar Rapids, IA (formerly WMT)
KWWL, 7, Waterloo, IA
KCRG-TV, 9, Cedar Rapids, IA
WKBT, 8, La Crosse, WI
+WLAX, 25, La Crosse, WI
KIMT, 3, Mason City, IA (formerly KGLO)
KTTC, 10, Rochester, MN (formerly KROC)
KTIV, 4, Sioux City, IA
KCAU-TV, 9, Sioux City, IA
KMEG, 14, Sioux City, IA
KIMT, 3, Mason City, IA (formerly KGLO)
KAAL, 6, Austin, MN (formerly KAUS)
KTTC, 10, Rochester, MN (formerly KROC)
WOI-TV, 5, Ames, IA
+KDSM-TV, 17, Des Moines, IA
KVFD, 21, Fort Dodge, IA
KIMT, 3, Mason City, IA (formerly KGLO)Start Printed Page 11358
KOAM-TV, 7, Pittsburg, KS
KODE-TV, 12, Joplin, MO
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MO
WIBW-TV, 13, Topeka, KS
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MO
+KSMO-TV, 62, Kansas City, MO
KQTV, 2, St. Joseph, MO
KSNT, 27, Topeka, KS (formerly KTSB)
KSNW, 3, Wichita, KS (formerly KARD)
KAKE-TV, 10, Wichita, KS
KWCH-TV, 12, Hutchinson, KS (formerly KTVH)
KTEN, 10, Ada, OK
KSNC, 2, Great Bend, KS (formerly KCKT)
KAKE-TV, 10, Wichita, KS
KWCH-TV, 12, Hutchinson, KS (formerly KTVH)
KOAM-TV, 7, Pittsburg, KS
KODE-TV, 12, Joplin, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MO
KQTV, 2, St. Joseph, MO
WIBW-TV, 13, Topeka, KS
+KTKA-TV, 49, Topeka, KS
KSNW, 3, Wichita, KS (formerly KARD)
KAKE-TV, 10, Wichita, KS
KWCH-TV, 12, Hutchinson, KS (formerly KTVH)
+KSAS-TV, 24, Wichita, KS
KSNW, 3, Wichita, KS (formerly KARD)
KAKE-TV, 10, Wichita, KS
KWCH-TV, 12, Hutchinson, KS (formerly KTVH)
WIBW-TV, 13, Topeka, KS
KJRH, 2, Tulsa, OK (formerly KTEW)
KOTV, 6, Tulsa, OK
KTUL, 8, Tulsa, OK
KOAM-TV, 7, Pittsburg, KS
KODE-TV, 12, Joplin, MO
KSNF, 16, Joplin, MO (formerly KUHI)
KBSH-TV, 7, Hays, KS (formerly KAYS)
KSNK, 8, McCook, NE (formerly KOMC)
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
KBSD-TV, 6, Ensign, KS (formerly KTVC)
KSNG, 11, Garden City, KS (formerly KGLD)
KUPK-TV, 13, Garden City, KS
WIBW-TV, 13, Topeka, KS
KSNB-TV, 4, Superior, NE (formerly KHTL)
KSNB-TV, 4, Superior, NE (formerly KHTL)
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
WIBW-TV, 13, Topeka, KS
KWCH-TV, 12, Hutchinson, KS (formerly KTVH)
WIBW-TV, 13, Topeka, KS
+KTKA-TV, 49, Topeka, KS
KOAM-TV, 7, Pittsburg, KS
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MO
KBSD-TV, 6, Ensign, KS (formerly KTVC)
KUPK-TV, 13, Garden City, KS
KSNW, 3, Wichita, KS (formerly KARD)
KAKE-TV, 10, Wichita, KS
KWCH-TV, 12, Hutchinson, KS (formerly KTVH)
+KSAS-TV, 24, Wichita, KS
KOAM-TV, 7, Pittsburg, KS
KODE-TV, 12, Joplin, MO
KSNF, 16, Joplin, MO (formerly KUHI)
KSNK, 8, McCook, NE (formerly KOMC)
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
KSNW, 3, Wichita, KS (formerly KARD)
KAKE-TV, 10, Wichita, KS
KWCH-TV, 12, Hutchinson, KS (formerly KTVH)
WIBW-TV, 13, Topeka, KS
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MO
+KSMO-TV, 62, Kansas City, MO
KQTV, 2, St. Joseph, MO
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MO
+KSMO-TV, 62, Kansas City, MO (formerly KZKC)
WIBW-TV, 13, Topeka, KS
KSNC, 2, Great Bend, KS (formerly KCKT)
KBSD-TV, 6, Ensign, KS (formerly KTVC)
KBSH-TV, 7, Hays, KS (formerly KAYS)
KWCH-TV, 12, Hutchinson, KS (formerly KTVH)
KJRH, 2, Tulsa, OK (formerly KTEW)
KOTV, 6, Tulsa, OK
KTUL, 8, Tulsa, OK
KOAM-TV, 7, Pittsburg, KS
KSNW, 3, Wichita, KS (formerly KARD)
KAKE-TV, 10, Wichita, KS
KSNC, 2, Great Bend, KS (formerly KCKT)
KBSH-TV, 7, Hays, KS (formerly KAYS)
KSNC, 2, Great Bend, KS (formerly KCKT)
KAKE-TV, 10, Wichita, KS
KWCH-TV, 12, Hutchinson, KS (formerly KTVH)
KBSD-TV, 6, Ensign, KS (formerly KTVC)
KSNG, 11, Garden City, KS (formerly KGLD)
KUPK-TV, 13, Garden City, KS
KBSD-TV, 6, Ensign, KS (formerly KTVC)
KSNG, 11, Garden City, KS (formerly KGLD)
KUPK-TV, 13, Garden City, KS
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MO
+KSMO-TV, 62, Kansas City, MO
WIBW-TV, 13, Topeka, KS
WIBW-TV, 13, Topeka, KS
+KTKA-TV, 49, Topeka, KS
KAKE-TV, 10, Wichita, KS
KBSH-TV, 7, Hays, KS (formerly KAYS)
KSNK, 8, McCook, NE (formerly KOMC)
KBSH-TV, 7, Hays, KS (formerly KAYS)
KSNK, 8, McCook, NE (formerly KOMC)
KBSD-TV, 6, Ensign, KS (formerly KTVC)
KSNG, 11, Garden City, KS (formerly KGLD)
KUPK-TV, 13, Garden City, KS
KBSD-TV, 6, Ensign, KS (formerly KTVC)
KSNG, 11, Garden City, KS (formerly KGLD)
KUPK-TV, 13, Garden City, KS
KBSH-TV, 7, Hays, KS (formerly KAYS)
KSNG, 11, Garden City, KS (formerly KGLD)
KSNW, 3, Wichita, KS (formerly KARD)
KAKE-TV, 10, Wichita, KS
WIBW-TV, 13, Topeka, KS
KSNG, 11, Garden City, KS (formerly KGLD)
KUPK-TV, 13, Garden City, KS
KSNW, 3, Wichita, KS (formerly KARD)
KAKE-TV, 10, Wichita, KS
KWCH-TV, 12, Hutchinson, KS (formerly KTVH)
KSNW, 3, Wichita, KS (formerly KARD)
KAKE-TV, 10, Wichita, KS
KWCH-TV, 12, Hutchinson, KS (formerly KTVH)
+KSAS-TV, 24, Wichita, KS
KBSD-TV, 6, Ensign, KS (formerly KTVC)
KSNG, 11, Garden City, KS (formerly KGLD)
KUPK-TV, 13, Garden City, KS
KSNC, 2, Great Bend, KS (formerly KCKT)
KBSD-TV, 6, Ensign, KS (formerly KTVC)
KBSH-TV, 7, Hays, KS (formerly KAYS)
KUPK-TV, 13, Garden City, KS
WIBW-TV, 13, Topeka, KS
KSNT, 27, Topeka, KS (formerly KTSB)
+KTKA-TV, 49, Topeka, KS
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MOStart Printed Page 11359
+KSMO-TV, 62, Kansas City, MO (formerly KZKC)
KQTV, 2, St. Joseph, MO
WIBW-TV, 13, Topeka, KS
KSNT, 27, Topeka, KS (formerly KTSB)
+KTKA-TV, 49, Topeka, KS
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MO
+KSMO-TV, 62, Kansas City, MO
KQTV, 2, St. Joseph, MO
KSNB-TV, 4, Superior, NE (formerly KHTL)
KHAS-TV, 5, Hastings, NE
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MO
KSHB-TV, 41, Kansas City, MO (formerly KBMA)
KCIT, 50, Kansas City, MO
+KSMO-TV, 62, Kansas City, MO (formerly KZKC)
KBSD-TV, 6, Ensign, KS (formerly KTVC)
KSNG, 11, Garden City, KS (formerly KGLD)
KUPK-TV, 13, Garden City, KS
KSNW, 3, Wichita, KS (formerly KARD)
KAKE-TV, 10, Wichita, KS
KWCH-TV, 12, Hutchinson, KS (formerly KTVH)
KSNC, 2, Great Bend, KS (formerly KCKT)
KBSD-TV, 6, Ensign, KS (formerly KTVC)
KAKE-TV, 10, Wichita, KS
KWCH-TV, 12, Hutchinson, KS (formerly KTVH)
KOAM-TV, 7, Pittsburg, KS
KODE-TV, 12, Joplin, MO
KSNF, 16, Joplin, MO (formerly KUHI)
KBSD-TV, 6, Ensign, KS (formerly KTVC)
KSNG, 11, Garden City, KS (formerly KGLD)
KUPK-TV, 13, Garden City, KS
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MO
KSHB-TV, 41, Kansas City, MO (formerly KBMA)
KCIT, 50, Kansas City, MO
+KSMO-TV, 62, Kansas City, MO (formerly KZKC)
KSNC, 2, Great Bend, KS (formerly KCKT)
KBSH-TV, 7, Hays, KS (formerly KAYS)
KWCH-TV, 12, Hutchinson, KS (formerly KTVH)
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MO
KOAM-TV, 7, Pittsburg, KS
KBSH-TV, 7, Hays, KS (formerly KAYS)
KSNK, 8, McCook, NE (formerly KOMC)
WIBW-TV, 13, Topeka, KS
KSNT, 27, Topeka, KS (formerly KTSB)
+KTKA-TV, 49, Topeka, KS
KSNW, 3, Wichita, KS (formerly KARD)
KAKE-TV, 10, Wichita, KS
KWCH-TV, 12, Hutchinson, KS (formerly KTVH)
+KSAS-TV, 24, Wichita, KS
KSNW, 3, Wichita, KS (formerly KARD)
KAKE-TV, 10, Wichita, KS
KWCH-TV, 12, Hutchinson, KS (formerly KTVH)
WIBW-TV, 13, Topeka, KS
+KTKA-TV, 49, Topeka, KS
KSNB, 4, Superior, NE (formerly KHTL)
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KBSD-TV 6, Ensign, KS (formerly KTVC)
KSNG, 11, Garden City, KS (formerly KGLD)
KUPK-TV, 13, Garden City, KS
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MO
KSHB-TV, 41, Kansas City, MO (formerly KBMA)
+KSMO-TV, 62, Kansas City, MO (formerly KZKC)
KSNC, 2, Great Bend, KS (formerly KCKT)
KBSH-TV, 7, Hays, KS (formerly KAYS)
KSNB-TV, 4, Superior, NE (formerly KHTL)
KJRH, 2, Tulsa, OK (formerly KTEW)
KOTV, 6, Tulsa, OK
KTUL, 8, Tulsa, OK
KOAM-TV, 7, Pittsburg, KS
KODE-TV, 12, Joplin, MO
WIBW-TV, 13, Topeka, KS
KSNT, 27, Topeka, KS (formerly KTSB)
+KTKA-TV, 49, Topeka, KS
KSNW, 3, Wichita, KS (formerly KARD)
KAKE-TV, 10, Wichita, KS
KSNG, 11, Garden City, KS (formerly KGLD)
KUPK-TV, 13, Garden City, KS
WIBW-TV, 13, Topeka, KS
+KTKA-TV, 49, Topeka, KS
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KQTV, 2, St. Joseph, mO
KOAM-TV 7, Pittsburg, KS
KODE-TV, 12, Joplin, MO
KSNF, 16, Joplin, MO (formerly KUHI)
KSNC, 2, Great Bend, KS (formerly KCKT)
KKBSH-TV, 7, Hutchinson, KS (formerly KAYS)
KBSH-TV, 7, Hutchinson, KS (formerly KAYS)
KSNK, 8, McCook, NE (formerly KOMC)
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
WIBW-TV, 13, Topeka, KS
KSNT, 27, Topeka, KS (formerly KTSB)
+KTKA-TV, 49, Topeka, KS
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MO
KSNC, 2,Great Bend, KS (formerly KCKT)
KBSH-TV, 7, Hays, KS (formerly KAYS)
KSNB, 4, Superior, NE (formerly KHTL)
KSNC, 2, Great Bend, KS (formerly KCKT)
KAKE-TV, 10, Wichita, KS
KWCH-TV, 12, Hutchinson, KS (formerly KTVH)
KSNB, 4, Superior, NE (formerly KHTL)
KSNC, 2, Great Bend, KS (formerly KCKT)
KBSH-TV, 7, Hays, KS (formerly KAYS)
KAKE-TV 10, Wichita, KS
KWCH-TV, 12, Hutchinson, KS (formerly KTVH)
KHAS-TV, 5, Hastings, NE
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
KBSH-TV, 7, Hays, KS (formerly KAYS)
WIBW-TV, 13, Topeka, KS
KSNT, 27, Topeka, KS (formerly KTSB)
+KTKA-TV, 49, Topeka, KS
KSNW, 3, Wichita, KS (formerly KARD)
KAKE-TV, 10, Wichita, KS
KWCH-TV, 12, Hutchinson, KS (formerly KTVH)
KBSH-TV, 7, Hays, KS (formerly KAYS)
KSNK, 8, McCook, NE (formerly KOMC)
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
KSNW, 3, Wichita, KS (formerly KARD)
KAKE-TV, 10, Wichita, KS
KWCH-TV, 12, Hutchinson, KS (formerly KTVH)
+KSAS-TV, 24, Wichita, KS
KSNB-TV, 4, Superior, NE (formerly KHTL)
KHAS-TV, 5, Hastings, NE
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KSNC, 2, Great Bend, KS (formerly KCKT)
KSNW, 3, Wichita, KS (formerly KARD)
KAKE-TV, 10, Wichita, KS
KWCH-TV, 12, Hutchinson, KS (formerly KTVH)
+KSAS, 24, Wichita, KS
WIBW-TV, 13, Topeka, KS
KSNT, 27, Topeka, KS (formerly KTSB)
+KTKA-TV, 49, Topeka, KS
KSNC, 2, Great Bend, KS (formerly KCKT)
KBSH-TV, 7, Hays, KS (formerly KAYS)
KSNC, 2, Great Bend, KS (formerly KCKT)
KBSH-TV, 7, Hays, KS (formerly KAYS)
KSNC, 2, Great Bend, KS (formerly KCKT)
KBSH-TV, 7, Hays, KS (formerly KAYS)
SalineStart Printed Page 11360
KSNW, 3, Wichita, KS (formerly KARD)
KAKE-TV, 10, Wichita, KS
KWCH-TV, 12, Hutchinson, KS (formerly KTVH)
KBSD-TV, 6, Ensign, KS (formerly KTVC)
KSNG, 11, Garden City, KS (formerly KGLD)
KUPK-TV, 13, Garden City, KS
KSNW, 3, Wichita, KS (formerly KARD)
KAKE-TV, 11, Wichita, KS
KWCH-TV, 12, Hutchinson, KS (formerly KTVH)
+KSAS-TV, 24, Wichita, KS
KBSD-TV, 6, Ensign, KS (formerly KTVC)
KSNG, 11, Garden City, KS (formerly KGLD)
KUPK-TV, 13, Garden City, KS
WIBW-TV, 13, Topeka, KS
KSNT, 27, Topeka, KS (formerly KTSB)
+KTKA-TV, 49, Topeka, KS
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
#KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO) [12]
#KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MO [13]
KBSH-TV, 7, Hays, KS (formerly KAYS)
KSNK, 8, McCook, NE (formerly KOMC)
KBSH-TV, 7, Hays, KS (formerly KAYS)
KSNK, 8, McCook, NE (formerly KOMC)
KSNB-TV, 4, Superior, NE (formerly KHTL)
KHAS-TV, 5, Hastings, NE
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
KSNC, 2, Great Bend, KS (formerly KCKT)
KAKE-TV, 10, Wichita, KS
KWCH-TV, 12, Hutchinson, KS (formerly KTVH)
KBSD-TV, 6, Ensign, KS (formerly KTVC)
KSNG, 11, Garden City, KS (formerly KGLD)
KUPK-TV, 13, Garden City, KS
KBSD-TV, 6, Ensign, KS (formerly KTVC)
KSNG, 11, Garden City, KS (formerly KGLD)
KUPK-TV, 13, Garden City, KS
KSNW, 3, Wichita, KS (formerly KARD)
KAKE-TV, 10, Wichita, KS
KWCH-TV, 12, Hutchinson, KS (formerly KTVH)
+KSAS-TV, 24, Wichita, KS
KBSH-TV, 7, Ensign, KS (formerly KAYS)
KSNK, 8, McCook, NE (formerly KOMC)
KSNC, 2, Great Bend, KS (formerly KCKT)
KBSH-TV, 7, Hays, KS (formerly KAYS)
WIBW-TV, 13, Topeka, KS
KSNT, 27, Topeka, KS (formerly KTSB)
+KTKA-TV, 49, Topeka, KS
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MO
KBSH-TV, 7, Hays, KS (formerly KAYS)
KSNB-TV, 4, Superior, NE (formerly KHTL)
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
WIBW-TV, 13, Topeka, KS
KBSH-TV, 7, Hays, KS (formerly KAYS)
KSNG, 11, Garden City, KS (formerly KGLD)
KUPK-TV, 13, Garden City, KS
KOAM-TV, 7, Pittsburg, KS
KODE-TV, 12, Joplin, MO
KOTV, 6, Tulsa, OK
KOAM-TV, 7, Pittsburg, KS
KODE-TV, 12, Joplin, MO
WIBW-TV, 13, Topeka, KS
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MO
KSHB-TV, 41, Kansas City, MO (formerly KBMA)
KCIT, 50, Kansas City, MO
+KSMO-TV, 62, Kansas City, MO (formerly KZKC)
WAVE, 3, Louisville, KY
WHAS-TV, 11, Louisville, KY
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WAVE, 3, Louisville, KY
WHAS-TV, 11, Louisville, KY
WLKY-TV, 32, Louisville, KY
+WDRB, 41, Louisville, KY
+WFTE, 58, Salem, IN
WLEX-TV, 18, Lexington, KY
WKYT-TV, 27, Lexington, KY
+WDKY-TV, 56, Danville, KY
WTVQ-TV, 36, Lexingto, KY (formerly WBLG)
WSIL-TV, 3, Harrisburg, IL
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
+KBSI, 23, Cape Girardeau, MO
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
+WUXP, 30, Nashville, TN
WLEX-TV, 18, Lexington, KY
WKYT-TV, 27, Lexington, KY
WTVQ-TV, 36, Lexington, KY (formerly WBLG)
WLWT, 5, Cincinnati, OH
WCPO-TV, 9, Cincinnati, OH
WKRC-TV, 12, Cincinnati, OH
WATE-TV, 6, Knoxville, TN
WBIR-TV, 10, Knoxville, TN
WLWT, 5, Cincinnat, OH
WCPO-TV, 9, Cincinnati, OH
WKRC-TV, 12, Cincinnati, OH
WXIX-TV, 19, Cincinnat, OH
+WSTR-TV, 64, Cincinnati, OH
+WRGT-TV, 45, Dayton, OH
WLEX-TV, 18, Lexington, KY
WKYT-TV, 27, Lexington, KY
+WDKY-TV, 56, Danville, KY
WTVQ-TV, 36, Lexington, KY (formerly WBLG)
WLWT, 5, Cincinnati, OH
WCPO-TV, 9, Cincinnati, OH
WKRC-TV, 12, Cincinnati, OH
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WCHS-TV, 8, Charleston, WV
WOWK-TV, 13, Huntington, WV (formerly WHTN)
+WVAH-TV, 11, Charleston, WV (formerly ch. 23)
WLEX-TV, 18, Lexington, KY
WKYT-TV, 27, Lexington, KY
WTVQ-TV, 36, Lexington, KY (formerly WBLG)
+WDK-TV, 56, Danville, KY
WAVE, 3, Louisville, KY
WHAS-TV, 11, Louisville, KY
WLWT, 5, Cincinnati, OH
WCPO-TV, 9, Cincinnati, OH
WKRC-TV, 12, Cincinnati, OH
WXIX-TV, 19, Cincinnati, OH
+WSTR-TV, 64, Cincinnati, OH
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WLEX-TV, 18, Lexington, KY
WKYT-TV, 27, Lexington, KY
WTVQ-TV, 36, Lexington, KY (formerly WBLG)
WAVE, 3, Louisville, KY
WHAS-TV, 11, Louisville, KY
WLKY-TV, 32, Louisville, KY
+WDRB, 41, Louisville, KY
WTVW, 7, Evansville, IN
WAVE, 3, Louisville, KY
WHAS-TV, 11, Louisville, KY
WLKY-TV, 32, Louisville, KY
+WDRB, 41, Louisville, KY
+WFTE, 58, Salem, IN
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WBKO, 13, Bowling Green, KY
WTVW, 7, Evansville, IN
+KSAS-TV, 24, Wichita, KS ?
WSIL-TV, 3, Harrisburg, IL
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WSIL-TV, 3, Harrisburg, IL
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
+KBSI, 23, Cape Girardeau, MO
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)Start Printed Page 11361
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WLWT, 5, Cincinnati, OH
WCPO-TV, 9, Cincinnati, OH
WKRC-TV, 12, Cincinnati, OH
WXIX-TV, 19, Cincinnati, OH
+WSTR-TV, 64, Cincinnati, OH
+WRGT-TV, 45, Dayton, OH
WSIL-TV, 3, Harrisburg, IL
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
+KBSI, 23, Cape Girardeau, MO
WLWT, 5, Cincinnati, OH
WCPO-TV, 9, Cincinnati, OH
WKRC-TV, 12, Cincinnati, OH
WXIX-TV, 19, Cincinnati, OH
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WAVE, 3, Louisville, KY
WHAS-TV, 11, Louisville, KY
WLKY-TV, 32, Louisville, KY
+WDRB, 41, Louisville, KY
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WCHS-TV, 8, Charleston, WV
WOWK-TV, 13, Huntington, WV (formerly WHTN)
+WVAH-TV, 11, Charleston, WV
WLEX-TV, 18, Lexington, KY
WKYT-TV, 27, Lexington, KY
WAVE, 3, Louisville, KY
WHAS-TV, 11, Louisville, KY
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
+WUXP, 30, Nashville, TN
WLEX-TV, 18, Lexington, KY
WKYT-TV, 27, Lexington, KY
WTVQ-TV, 62, Lexington, KY (formerly WBLG)
+WDKY-TV, 56, Danville, KY
WATE-TV, 6, Knoxville, TN
WBIR-TV, 10, Knoxville, TN
WSMV 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 8, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WSIL-TV, 3, Harrisburg, IL
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
WTVW, 7, Evansville, IN
+WEVV, 44, Evansville, IN
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WTVW, 7, Evansville, IN
WFIE-TV, 14, Evansville, IN
WEHT, 25, Evansville, IN
+WEVV, 44, Evansville, IN
WSMV 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WBKO, 13, Bowling Green, KY
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WCHS-TV, 8, Charleston, WV
WOWK-TV, 13, Charleston.WV (formerly WHTN)
WLEX-TV, 18, Lexington, KY
WKYT-TV, 27, Lexington, KY
WTVQ-TV, 36, Lexington, KY (formerly WBLG)
WLEX-TV, 18, Lexington, KY
WKYT-TV, 27, Lexington, KY
WTVQ-TV, 36, Lexington, KY (formerly WBLG)
+WDKY-TV, 56, Danville, KY
WLWT, 5, Cincinnati, OH
WCPO-TV, 9, Cincinnati, OH
WKRC-TV, 12, Cincinnati, OH
WLEX-TV, 18, Lexington, KY
+WDKY-TV, 56, Danville, KY
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WCHS-TV, 8, Charleston, WV
WOWK-TV, 13, Huntington, WV (formerly WHTN)
+WVAH-TV, 11, Charleston, WV (formerly ch. 23)
WAVE, 3, Louisville, KY
WHAS-TV, 11, Louisville, KY
WLKY-TV, 32, Louisville, KY
+WDRB, 41, Louisville, KY
WKRC-TV, 12, Cincinnati, OH
WLEX-TV, 18, Lexington, OH
WKYT-TV, 27, Lexington, OH
WTVQ-TV, 36, Lexington, KY (formerly WBLG)
+WDKY-TV, 56, Danville, KY
WSIL-TV, 3, Harrisburg, IL
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
+KBSI, 23, Cape Girardeau, MO
WLWT, 5, Cincinnati, OH
WCPO-TV, 9, Cincinnati, OH
WKRC-TV, 12, Cincinnati, OH
WXIX-TV, 19, Cincinnati, OH
+WSTR-TV, 64, Cincinnati, OH
WLEX-TV, 18, Lexington, KY
WKYT-TV, 27, Lexington, KY
+WDKY-TV, 56, Danville, KY
WTVQ-TV, 36, Lexington, KY (formerly WBLG)
WLWT, 5, Cincinnati, OH
WCPO-TV, 9, Cincinnati, OH
WKRC-TV, 12, Cincinnati, OH
WXIX-TV, 19, Cincinnati, OH
+WSTR-TV, 64, Cincinnati, OH
WSIL-TV, 3, Harrisburg, IL
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
+KBSI, 23, Cape Girardeau, MO
WAVE, 3, Louisville, KY
WHAS-TV, 11, Louisville, KY
+WDRB, 41, Louisville, KY
WBKO, 13, Bowling Green, KY
WTVW, 7, Evansville, IN
WAVE, 3, Louisville, KY
WHAS-TV, 11, Louisville, KY
WLKY-TV, 32, Louisville, KY
+WDRB, 41, Louisville, KY
+WFTE, 58, Salem, IN
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WCHS-TV, 8, Charleston, WV
WOWK-TV, 13, Huntington, WV (formerly WHTN)
+WVAH-TV, 11, Charleston, WV (formerly ch. 23)
WTVW, 7, Evansville, IN
WFIE-TV, 14, Evansville, IN
WEHT, 25, Evansville, IN
+WEVV, 44, Evansville, IN
WAVE, 3, Louisville, KY
WHAS-TV, 11, Louisville, KY
WAVE, 3, Louisville, KY
WHAS-TV, 11, Louisville, KY
WLKY-TV, 32, Louisville, KY
+WDRB, 41, Louisville, KY
WATE-TV 6, Knoxville, TN
WBIR-TV, 10, Knoxville, TN
WLOS, 13, Asheville, NC
WLWT, 5, Cincinnati, OH
WCPO-TV, 9, Cincinnati, OH
WKRC-TV, 12, Cincinnati, OH
+WSTR-TV, 64, Cincinnati, OH
WLEX-TV, 18, Lexington, KY
+WDKY-TV, 56, Danville, KY
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WBKO, 13, Bowling Green, KY
WAVE, 3, Louisville, KY
WHAS-TV, 11, Louisville, KY
+WDRB, 41, Louisville, KY
WTVW, 7, Evansville, IN
WFIE-TV, 14, Evansville, IN
WEHT, 25, Evansville, IN
WAVE, 3, Louisville, KY
WHAS-TV, 11, Louisville, KY
WLKY-TV, 32, Louisville, KY
+WDRB, 41, Louisville, KY
WLWT, 5, Cincinnati, OH
WCPO-TV, 9, Cincinnati, OH
WKRC-TV, 12, Cincinnati, OH
WSIL-TV, 3, Harrisburg, IL
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
+KBSI, 23, Cape Girardeau, MO
WTVW, 7, Evansville, IN
+WFI-TV, 14, Evansville, IN
WEHT, 25, Evansville, IN
+WEVV, 44, Evansville, IN
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
WLEX-TV, 18, Lexington, KY
WKYT-TV, 27, Lexington, KY
+WDKY-TV, 56, Danville, KY
WTVQ-TV, 36, Lexington, KY (WBLG)
+WLJC-TV, 65, Beattyville, KY
WATE-TV, 6, Knoxville, TN
WBIR-TV, 10, Knoxville, TN
JeffersonStart Printed Page 11362
WAVE, 3, Louisville, KY
WHAS-TV, 11, Louisville, KY
WLKY-TV, 32, Louisville, KY
+WDRB, 41, Louisville, KY
+WFTE, 58, Salem, IN
WLEX-TV, 18, Lexington, KY
WKYT-TV, 27, Lexington, KY
+WDKY-TV, 56, Danville, KY
WTVQ-TV, 36, Lexington, KY (formerly WBLG)
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WCHS-TV, 8, Charleston, WV
WOWK-TV, 13, Huntington, WV (formerly WHTN )
WLWT, 5, Cincinnati, OH
WCPO-TV, 9, Cincinnati, OH
WKRC-TV, 12, Cincinnati, OH
WXIX-TV, 19, Cincinnati, OH
+WSTR-TV, 64, Cincinnati, OH
WCYB-TV, 5, Bristol, VA
WJHL-TV, 11, Johnson City, TN
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SC
WLEX-TV, 18, Lexington, KY
WATE-TV, 6, Knoxville, TN
+WVLT-TV, 8, Knoxville, TN (formerly WKXT)
WBIR-TV, 10, Knoxville, TN
WAVE, 3, Louisville, KY
WHAS-TV, 11, Louisville, KY
WLKY-TV, 32, Louisville, KY
+WDRB, 41, Louisville, KY
WATE-TV, 6, Knoxville, TN
WBIR-TV, 10, Knoxville, TN
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WCHS-TV, 8, Charleston, WV
WOWK-TV, 13, Huntington, WV (formerly WHTN)
WLEX-TV, 18, Lexington, KY
WKYT-TV, 27, Lexington, KY
WCYB-TV, 5, Bristol, VA
WCYB-TV, 5, Bristol, VA
WJHL-TV, 11, Johnson City, TN
WBIR-TV, 10, Knoxville, TN
WOWK-TV, 13, Huntington, TN (formerly WHTN)
WCYB-TV, 5, Bristol, VA
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
+WVAH-TV, 23, Charleston, WV (formerly ch. 23)
WLWT, 5, Cincinnati, OH
WCPO-TV, 9, Cincinnati, OH
WKRC-TV, 12, Cincinnati, OH
WLEX-TV, 18, Lexington, KY
WKYT-TV, 27, Lexington, KY
+WDKY-TV, 56, Danville, KY
WTVQ-TV, 36, Lexington, KY (formerly WBLG)
WSIL-TV, 3, Harrisburg, IL
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
+KBSI, 23, Cape Girardeau, MO
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WSIL-TV, 3, Harrisburg, IL
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
WSIL-TV, 3, Harrisburg, IL
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
+KBSI, 23, Cape Girardeau, MO
WATE-TV, 6, Knoxville, TN
+WVLT-TV, 8, Knoxville, TN (formerly WKXT)
WBIR-TV, 10, Knoxville, TN
WTVW, 7, Evansville, IN
WFIE-TV, 14, Evansville, IN
WEHT, 25, Evansville, IN
+WEVV, 44, Evansville, IN
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WLEX-TV, 18, Lexington, KY
WKYT-TV, 27, Lexington, KY
+WDKY-TV, 56, Danville, KY
WTVQ-TV, 36, Lexington, KY (formerly WBLG)
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WAVE, 3, Louisville, KY
WHAS-TV, 11, Louisville, KY
WLKY-TV, 32, Louisville, KY
+WDRB, 41, Louisville, KY
+WFTE, 58, Salem, IN
WSIL-TV, 3, Harrisburg, IL
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
+KBSI, 23, Cape Girardeau, MO
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WCH-TVS, 8, Charleston, WV
WOWK-TV, 13, Huntington, WV (formerly WHTN)
WLWT, 5, Cincinnati, OH
WCPO-TV, 9, Cincinnati, OH
WKRC-TV, 12, Cincinnati, OH
+WSTR-TV, 64, Cincinnati, OH
WAVE, 3, Louisville, KY
WHAS-TV, 11, Louisville, KY
WLKY-TV, 32, Louisville, KY
+WDRB, 41, Louisville, KY
+WFTE, 58, Salem, IN
WLEX-TV, 18, Lexington, KY
WKYT-TV, 27, Lexington, KY
WTVQ-TV, 36, Lexington, KY (formerly WBLG)
WLEX-TV, 18, Lexington, KY
WKYT-TV, 27, Lexington, KY
+WDKY-TV, 56, Danville, KY
WTVQ-TV, 36, Lexington, KY (formerly WBLG)
WAVE, 3, Louisville, KY
WHAS-TV, 11, Louisville, KY
+WDRB, 41, Louisville, KY
WSMV 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WLEX-TV, 18, Lexington, KY
WKYT-TV, 27, Lexington, KY
+WDKY-TV, 56, Danville, KY
WTVQ-TV, 36, Lexington, KY (formerly WBLG)
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WCHS-TV, 8, Charleston, WV
WOWK-TV, 13, Huntington, WV (formerly WHTN)
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
+WUXP, 30, Nashville, TN
WBKO, 13, Bowling Green, KY
WTVW, 7, Evansville, IN
+WFIE-TV, 14, Evansville, IN
WEHT, 25, Evansville, IN
+WEVV, 44, Evansville, IN
WAVE, 3, Louisville, KY
WHAS-TV, 11, Louisville, KY
WLKY-TV, 32, Louisville, KY
+WDRB, 41, Louisville, KY
+WFTE, 58, Salem, IN
WLEX-TV, 18, Lexington, KY
WKYT-TV, 27, Lexington, KY
WTVQ-TV, 36, Lexington, KY (formerly WBLG)
WLWT, 5, Cincinnati, OH
WCPO-TV, 9, Cincinnati, OH
WKRC-TV, 12, Cincinnati, OH
+WSTR-TV, 64, Cincinnati, OH
WTVW, 7, Evansville, IN
+WFIE-TV, 14, Evansville, IN
WEHT, 25, Evansville, IN
+WEVV, 44, Evansville, IN
WBKO, 13, Bowling Green, KY
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WAVE, 3, Louisville, KY
WHAS-TV, 11, Louisville, KY
WLKY-TV, 32, Louisville, KY
+WDRB, 41, Louisville, KY
+WFTE, 58, Salem, IN
WLWT, 5, Cincinnati, OH
WCPO-TV, 9, Cincinnati, OH
WKRC-TV, 12, Cincinnati, OH
+WSTR-TV, 64, Cincinnati, OH
WAVE, 3, Louisville, KY
WHAS-TV, 11, Louisville, KY
WLEX-TV, 18, Lexington, KY
WKYT-TV, 27, Lexington, KY
WATE-TV, 6, Knoxville, TN
WLWT, 5, Cincinnati, OH
WCPO-TV, 9, Cincinnati, OH
WKRC-TV, 12, Cincinnati, OH
WXIX-TV, 19, Cincinnati, OH
+WSTR-TV, 64, Cincinnati, OHStart Printed Page 11363
WCYB-TV, 5, Bristol, VA
WJHL-TV, 11, Johnson City, TN
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WCHS-TV, 8, Charleston, WV
WOWK-TV, 13, Huntington, WV (formerly WHTN)
+WVAH-TV, 11, Charleston, WV (formerly ch. 23)
WVVA, 6, Bluefield, WV (formerly WHIS)
WLEX-TV, 18, Lexington, KY
WKYT-TV, 27, Lexington, KY
WTVQ-TV, 36, Lexington, KY (formerly WBLG)
WATE-TV, 6, Knoxville, TN
WBIR-TV, 10, Knoxville, TN
WLEX-TV, 18, Lexington, KY
WKYT-TV, 27, Lexington, KY
+WDKY-TV, 56, Danville, KY
WTVQ-TV, 36, Lexington, KY (formerly WBLG)
WLWT, 5, Cincinnati, OH
WCPO-TV, 9, Cincinnati, OH
WKRC-TV, 12, Cincinnati, OH
WLEX-TV, 18, Lexington, KY
WLEX-TV, 18, Lexington, KY
WKYT-TV, 27, Lexington, KY
+WDKY-TV, 56, Danville, KY
WTVQ-TV, 36, Lexington, KY (formerly WBLG)
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
+WVAH-TV, 11, Charleston, WV
WATE-TV, 6, Knoxville, TN
WBIR-TV, 10, Knoxville, TN
WHAS-TV, 11, Louisville, KY
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
+WDKY-TV, 56, Danville, KY
WLEX-TV, 18, Lexington, KY
WKYT-TV, 27, Lexington, KY
+WDKY-TV, 56, Danville, KY
WTVQ-TV, 36, Lexington, KY (formerly WBLG)
WLWT, 5, Cincinnati, OH
WCPO-TV, 9, Cincinnati, OH
WKRC-TV, 12, Cincinnati, OH
WAVE, 3, Louisville, KY
WHAS-TV, 11, Louisville, KY
WLKY-TV, 32, Louisville, KY
+WDRB, 41, Louisville, KY
+WFTE, 58, Salem, IN
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WAVE, 3, Louisville, KY
WHAS-TV, 11, Louisville, KY
WLKY-TV, 32, Louisville, KY
+WDRB, 41, Louisville, KY
WAVE, 3, Louisville, KY
WHAS-TV, 11, Louisville, KY
+WDRB, 41, Louisville, KY
+WFTE, 58, Salem, IN
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
WAVE, 3, Louisville, KY
WHAS-TV, 11, Louisville, KY
WLKY-TV, 32, Louisville, KY
+WDRB, 41, Louisville, KY
WLWT, 5, Cincinnati, OH
WCPO-TV, 9, Cincinnati, OH
WKRC-TV, 12, Cincinnati, OH
WXIX-TV, 19, Cincinnati, OH
WTTV, 4, Bloomington, IN
WTVW, 7, Evansville, IN
WFIE-TV, 14, Evansville, IN
WEHT, 25, Evansville, IN
+WEVV, 44, Evansville, IN
WSIL-TV, 3, Harrisburg, IL
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
#WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX) [14]
+WZTV, 17, Nashville, TN
+WXMT, 30, Nashville, TN (formerly WCAY)
WBKO, 13, Bowling Green, KY
WAVE, 3, Louisville, KY
WHAS-TV, 11, Louisville, KY
WLKY-TV, 32, Louisville, KY
+WDRB, 41, Louisville, KY
WATE-TV, 6, Knoxville, TN
WBIR-TV, 10, Knoxville, TN
WTVW, 7, Evansville, IN
WFIE-TV, 14, Evansville, IN
WEHT, 25, Evansville, IN
+WEVV, 44, Evansville, IN
WATE-TV, 6, Knoxville, TN
WVLT-TV, 8, Knoxville, TN (formerly WKXT)
WBIR-TV, 10, Knoxville, TN
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WCHS-TV, 8, Charleston, WV
WLEX-TV, 18, Lexington, KY
WKYT-TV, 27, Lexington, KY
WLEX-TV, 18, Lexington, KY
WKYT-TV, 27, Lexington, KY
+WDKY-TV, 56, Danville, KY
WTVQ-TV, 36, Lexington, KY (formerly WBLG)
WAVE, 3, Louisville, KY
WHAS-TV, 11, Louisville, KY
KATC, 3, Lafayette, LA
KLFY-TV, 10, Lafayette, LA
KADN, 15, Lafayette, LA (KADN) (formerly KLNI)
KALB-TV, 5, Alexandria, LA
KATC, 3, Lafayette, LA
KLF-TV, 10, Lafayette, LA
KALB-TV, 5, Alexandria, LA
KPLC-TV, 7, Lake Charles, LA
+KVHP, 29, Lake Charles, LA
WBRZ, 2, Baton Rouge, LA
WAFB, 9, Baton Rouge, LA
+WVLA, 33, Baton Rouge, LA
+WGMB, 44, Baton Rouge, LA
WWL-TV, 4, New Orleans, LA
WDSU, 6, New Orleans, LA
WVUE, 8, New Orleans, LA
+WNOL-TV, 38, New Orleans, LA
WBRZ, 2, Baton Rouge, LA
WAFB, 9, Baton Rouge, LA
+WVLA, 33, Baton Rouge, LA
WWL-TV, 4, New Orleans, LA
WDSU, 6, New Orleans, LA
WVUE, 8, New Orleans, LA
KALB-TV, 5, Alexandria, LA
+KLAX-TV, 31, Alexandria, LA
WAFB, 9, Baton Rouge, LA
KATC, 3, Lafayette, LA
KLFY-TV, 10, Lafayette, LA
KJAC-TV, 4, Port Arthur, TX
KFDM-TV, 6, Beaumont, TX
KALB-TV, 5, Alexandria, LA
KATC, 3, Lafayette, LA
KLFY-TV, 10, Lafayette, LA
KPLC-TV, 7, Lake Charles, LA
+KVHP, 29, Lake Charles, LA
KTBS-TV, 3, Shreveport, LA
KTAL-TV, 6, Texarkana, TX
KSLA-TV, 12, Shreveport, LA
KNOE-TV, 8, Monroe, LA
KTVE, 10, Monroe, LA
KTBS-TV, 3, Shreveport, LA
KTAL-TV, 6, Texarkana, TX
KSLA-TV, 12, Shreveport, LA
+KMSS-TV, 33, Shreveport, LA
KTBS-TV, 3, Shreveport, LA
KTAL-TV, 6, Texarkana, TX
KSLA-TV, 12, Shreveport, LA
+KMSS-TV, 33, Shreveport, LA
KPLC-TV, 7, Lake Charles, LA
+KVHP, 29, Lake Charles, LA
KJAC-TV, 4, Port Arthur, TX
KFDM-TV, 6, Beaumont, TX
KBMT, 12, Beaumont, TX
KATC, 3, Lafayette, LA
KLFY-TV, 10, Lafayette, LA
KNOE-TV, 8, Monroe, LA
KTVE, 10, Monroe, LA
KPLC-TV, 7, Lake Charles, LA
KJAC-TV, 4, Port Arthur, TX
KFDM-TV, 6, Beaumont, TX
KBMT, 12, Beaumont, TX
KATC, 3, Lafayette, LA
KLFY-TV, 10, Lafayette, LA
KNOE-TV, 8, Monroe, LA
KALB-TV, 5, Alexandria, LAStart Printed Page 11364
KTBS-TV, 3, Shreveport, LA
KTAL-TV, 6, Texarkana, TX
KSLA-TV, 12, Shreveport, LA
+KMSS-TV, 33, Shreveport, LA
KNOE-TV, 8, Monroe, LA
KTVE, 10, Monroe, LA
KNOE-TV, 8, Monroe, LA
KALB-TV, 5, Alexandria, LA
KTBS-TV, 3, Shreveport, LA
KTAL-TV, 6, Texarkana, TX
KSLA-TV, 12, Shreveport, LA
+KMSS-TV, 33, Shreveport, LA
East Baton Rouge
WBRZ, 2, Baton Rouge, LA
WAFB, 9, Baton Rouge, LA
+WVLA, 33, Baton Rouge, LA
+WGMB, 44, Baton Rouge, LA
East Carroll
KNO-TV, 8, Monroe, LA
KTVE, 10, Monroe, LA
WABG-TV, 6, Greenwood, MS
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
WJTV, 12, Jackson, MS
East Feliciana
WBRZ, 2, Baton Rouge, LA
WAFB, 9, Baton Rouge, LA
+WVLA, 33, Baton Rouge, LA
+WGMB, 44, Baton Rouge, LA
KATC, 3, Lafayette, LA
KLFY-TV, 10, Lafayette, LA
KALB-TV, 5, Alexandria, LA
KNOE-TV, 8, Monroe, LA
KTVE, 10, Monroe, LA
KAL-TV, 5, Alexandria, LA
KNOE-TV, 8, Monroe, LA
KATC, 3, Lafayette, LA
KLFY-TV, 10, Lafayette, LA
KADN, 15, Lafayette, LA (formerly KLNI)
WBRZ, 2, Baton Rouge, LA
WAFB, 9, Baton Rouge, LA
+WVLA, 33, Baton Rouge, LA
+WGMB, 44, Baton Rouge, LA
WBRZ, 2, Baton Rouge, LA
WAFB, 9, Baton Rouge, LA
+WVLA, 33, Baton Rouge, LA
+WGMB, 44, Baton Rouge, LA
KNOE-TV, 8, Monroe, LA
KTVE, 10, Monroe, LA
KTBS-TV, 3, Shreveport, LA
KSLA-TV, 12, Shreveport, LA
WWL-TV, 4, New Orleans, LA
WDSU, 6, New Orleans, LA
WVUE, 8, New Orleans, LA
+WGNO, 26, New Orleans, LA
+WNOL-TV, 38, New Orleans, LA
Jefferson Davis
KATC, 3, Lafayette, LA
KLFY-TV, 10, Lafayette, LA
KPLC-TV, 7, Lake Charles, LA
+KVHP, 29, Lake Charles, LA
KATC, 3, Lafayette, LA
KLFY-TV, 10, Lafayette, LA
KADN, 15, Lafayette, LA (formerly KLNI)
WBRZ, 2, Baton Rouge, LA
WAFB, 9, Baton Rouge, LA
+WVLA, 33, Baton Rouge, LA
WWL-TV, 4, New Orleans, LA
WDSU, 6, New Orleans, LA
WVUE, 8, New Orleans, LA
+WGNO, 26, New Orleans, LA
+WNOL-TV, 38, New Orleans, LA
WAFB, 9, Baton Rouge, LA
KNOE-TV, 8, Monroe, LA
KALB-TV, 5, Alexandria, LA
KNOE-TV, 8, Monroe, LA
KTVE, 10, Monroe, LA
KTBS-TV, 3, Shreveport, LA
WBRZ, 2, Baton Rouge, LA
WAFB, 9, Baton Rouge, LA
+WVLA, 33, Baton Rouge, LA
+WGMB, 44, Baton Rouge, LA
WWL-TV, 4, New Orleans, LA
+WGNO, 26, New Orleans, LA
+WNOL-TV, 38, New Orleans, LA
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
WJTV, 12, Jackson, MS
+WDBD, 40, Jackson, MS
KNOE-TV, 8, Monroe, LA
KNOE-TV, 8, Monroe, LA
KTVE, 10, Monroe, LA
KTBS-TV, 3, Shreveport, LA
KSLA-TV, 12, Shreveport, LA
+KMSS-TV, 33, Shreveport, LA
KALB-TV, 5, Alexandria, LA
KNOE-TV, 8, Monroe, LA
WWL-TV, 4, New Orleans, LA
WDSU, 6, New Orleans, LA
WVUE, 8, New Orleans, LA
WGNO, 26, New Orleans, LA (WGNO) (formerly WWOM)
+WNOL-TV, 38, New Orleans, LA
KNOE-TV, 8, Monroe, LA
KTVE, 10, Monroe, LA
WWL-TV, 4, New Orleans, LA
WDSU, 6, New Orleans, LA
WVUE, 8, New Orleans, LA
+WGNO, 26, New Orleans, LA
+WNOL-TV, 38, New Orleans, LA
Pointe Coupee
WBRZ, 2, Baton Rouge, LA
WAFB, 9, Baton Rouge, LA
+WVLA, 33, Baton Rouge, LA
+WGMB, 44, Baton Rouge, LA
KAL-TV, 5, Alexandria, LA
KLFY-TV, 10, Lafayette, LA
KNOE-TV, 8, Monroe, LA
Red River
KTBS-TV, 3, Shreveport, LA
KTAL-TV, 6, Texarkana, TX
KSLA-TV, 12, Shreveport, LA
+KMSS-TV, 33, Shreveport, LA
KNOE-TV, 8, Monroe, LA
KTVE, 10, Monroe, LA
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
KTBS-TV, 3, Shreveport, LA
KTAL-TV, 6, Texarkana, TX
KSLA-TV, 12, Shreveport, LA
+KMSS-TV, 33, Shreveport, LA
KALB-TV, 5, Alexandria, LA
St. Bernard
WWL-TV, 4, New Orleans, LA
WDSU, 6, New Orleans, LA
WVUE, 8, New Orleans, LA
+WGNO, 26, New Orleans, LA
+WNOL-TV, 38, New Orleans, LA
St. Charles
WWL-TV, 4, New Orleans, LA
WDSU, 6, New Orleans, LA
WVUE, 8, New Orleans, LA
+WGNO, 26, New Orleans, LA
+WNOL-TV, 38, New Orleans, LA
St. Helena
WBRZ, 2, Baton Rouge, LA
WAFB, 9, Baton Rouge, LA
+WVLA, 33, Baton Rouge, LA
St. James
WWL-TV, 4, New Orleans, LA
WDSU, 6, New Orleans, LA
WVUE, 8, New Orleans, LA
+WGNO, 26, New Orleans, LA
+WNOL-TV, 38, New Orleans, LA
WBRZ, 2, Baton Rouge, LA
WAFB, 9, Baton Rouge, LA
+WVLA, 33, Baton Rouge, LA
St. John the Baptist
WWL-TV, 4, New Orleans, LA
WDSU, 6, New Orleans, LA
WVUE, 8, New Orleans, LA
+WGNO, 26, New Orleans, LA
WAFB, 9, Baton Rouge, LA
St. Landry
KATC, 3, Lafayette, LA
KLFY-TV, 10, Lafayette, LA
KALB-TV, 5, Alexandria, LA
WBRZ, 2, Baton Rouge, LA
WAFB, 9, Baton Rouge, LA
St. Martin
KATC, 3, Lafayette, LA
KLFY-TV, 10, Lafayette, LA
KADN, 15, Lafayette, LA (formerly KLNI)
WBRZ, 2, Baton Rouge, LA
WAFB, 9, Baton Rouge, LA
+WVLA, 33, Baton Rouge, LA
+WGMB, 44, Baton Rouge, LA
St. Mary
WBRZ, 2, Baton Rouge, LA
WAFB, 9, Baton Rouge, LA
+WVLA, 33, Baton Rouge, LA
+WGMB, 44, Baton Rouge, LA
KATC, 3, Lafayette, LA
KLFY-TV, 10, Lafayette, LA
St. Tammany
WWL-TV, 4, New Orleans, LA
WDSU, 6, New Orleans, LA
WVUE, 8, New Orleans, LA
+WGNO, 26, New Orleans, LA
+WNOL-TV, 38, New Orleans, LA
WWL-TV, 4, New Orleans, LA
WDSU, 6, New Orleans, LA
WVUE, 8, New Orleans, LA
+WGNO, 26, New Orleans, LA
+WNOL-TV, 38, New Orleans, LA
WBRZ, 2, Baton Rouge, LA
WAFB, 9, Baton Rouge, LA
+WGMB, 44, Baton Rouge, LA
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
WJTV, 12, Jackson, MS
KNOE-TV, 8, Monroe, LA
WWL-TV, 4, New Orleans, LA
WDSU, 6, New Orleans, LA
WVUE, 8, New Orleans, LAStart Printed Page 11365
+WGNO, 26, New Orleans, LA
+WNOL-TV, 38, New Orleans, LA
KNOE-TV, 8, Monroe, LA
KTVE, 10, Monroe, LA
KATC, 3, Lafayette, LA
KLFY-TV, 10, Lafayette, LA
KADN, 15, Lafayette, LA (formerly KLNI)
KALB-TV, 5, Alexandria, LA
KTBS-TV, 3, Shreveport, LA
+KVHP, 29, Lake Charles, LA
WWL-TV, 4, New Orleans, LA
WDSU, 6, New Orleans, LA
WVUE, 8, New Orleans, LA
+WGNO, 26, New Orleans, LA
+WNOL-TV, 38, New Orleans, LA
WLOX-TV, 13, Biloxi, MS
KTBS-TV, 3, Shreveport, LA
KTAL-TV, 6, Texarkana, TX
KSLA-TV, 12, Shreveport, LA
+KMSS-TV, 33, Shreveport, LA
West Baton Rouge
WBRZ, 2, Baton Rouge, LA
WAFB, 9, Baton Rouge, LA
+WVLA, 33, Baton Rouge, LA
+WGMB, 44, Baton Rouge, LA
West Carroll
KNOE-TV, 8, Monroe, LA
KTVE, 10, Monroe, LA
West Feliciana
WBRZ, 2, Baton Rouge, LA
WAFB, 9, Baton Rouge, LA
+WGMB, 44, Baton Rouge, LA
KATC, 3, Lafayette, LA
KNOE-TV, 8, Monroe, LA
KALB-TV, 5, Alexandria, LA
Lafayette Parish (including unincorporated area known as Milton)—KPLC-TV
WCSH, 6, Portland, ME
WMTW-TV, 8, Portland, ME
WGME-TV, 13, Portland, ME (formerly WGAN)
+WPXT, 51, Portland, ME
WAGM-TV, 8, Presque Isle, ME
CHSJ, 4, Canada
WCSH, 6, Portland, ME
WMTW-TV, 8, Portland, ME
WGME-TV, 13, Portland, ME (formerly WGAN)
+WPXT, 51, Portland, ME
WCSH, 6, Portland, ME
WMTW-TV, 8, Portland, ME
WGME-TV, 13, Portland, ME (formerly WGAN)
WABI-TV, 5, Bangor, ME
WLBZ, 2, Bangor, ME
WABI-TV, 5, Bangor, ME
WVII-TV, 7, Bangor, ME (formerly WEMT)
WCSH, 6, Portland, ME
WMTW-TV, 8, Portland, ME
WGME-TV, 13, Portland, ME (formerly WGAN)
+WPXT, 51, Portland, ME
WLBZ, 2, Bangor, ME
WABI-TV, 5, Bangor, ME
WLBZ, 2, Bangor, ME
WABI-TV, 5, Bangor, ME
WVII-TV, 7, Bangor, ME (formerly WEMT)
WCSH, 6, Portland, ME
WMTW-TV, 8, Portland, ME
WGME-TV, 13, Portland, ME (formerly WGAN)
WCSH, 6, Portland, ME
WMTW-TV, 8, Portland, ME
WGME-TV, 13, Portland, ME (formerly WGAN)
+WPXT, 51, Portland, ME
WCSH, 6, Portland, ME
WMTW-TV, 8, Portland, ME
WGME-TV, 13, Portland, ME (formerly WGAN)
+WPXT, 51, Portland, ME
WABI-TV, 5, Bangor, ME
WLBZ, 2, Bangor, ME
WABI-TV, 5, Bangor, ME
WVII-TV, 7, Bangor, ME (formerly WEMT)
WLBZ, 2, Bangor, ME
WABI-TV, 5, Bangor, ME
WVII-TV, 7, Bangor, ME (formerly WEMT)
WCSH, 6, Portland, ME
WMTW-TV, 8, Portland, ME
WGME-TV, 13, Portland, ME (formerly WGAN)
+WPXT, 51, Portland, ME
WLBZ, 2, Bangor, ME
WABI-TV, 5, Bangor, ME
WVII-TV, 7, Bangor, ME (formerly WEMT)
WCSH, 6, Portland, ME
WMTW-TV, 8, Portland, ME
WGME-TV, 13, Portland, ME (formerly WGAN)
WLBZ, 2, Bangor, ME
WABI-TV, 5, Bangor, ME
WVII-TV, 7, Bangor, ME (formerly WEMT)
WLBZ, 2, Bangor, ME
WABI-TV, 5, Bangor, ME
WVII-TV, 7, Bangor, ME (formerlyWEMT)
CHSJ, 4, Canada
WCSH, 6, Portland, ME
WMTW-TV, 8, Portland, ME
WGME-TV, 13, Portland, ME (formerly WGAN)
+WPXT, 51, Portland, ME
WBZ-TV, 4, Boston, MA
WCVB-TV, 5, Boston, MA (formerly WHDH)
WHDH-TV, 7, Boston, MA (formerly WNAC)
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WJLA-TV, 7, Washington, DC (formerly WMAL)
WUSA, 9, Washington, DC (formerly WTOP)
WJAC-TV, 6, Johnstown, PA
Anne Arundel
WMAR-TV, 2, Baltimore, MD
WBAL-TV, 11, Baltimore, MD
WJZ-TV, 13, Baltimore, MD
+WNUV, 54, Baltimore, MD
WRC-TV, 4, Washington, DC
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WJLA-TV, 7, Washington, DC (formerly WMAL)
WUSA, 9, Washington, DC (formerly WTOP)
WDCA, 20, Washington, DC
Baltimore including Baltimore City
WMAR-TV, 2, Baltimore, MD
WBAL-TV, 11, Baltimore, MD
WJZ-TV, 13, Baltimore, MD
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
+WDCA, 20, Washington, DC
WRC-TV, 4, Washington, DC
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WJLA-TV, 7, Washington, DC (formerly WMAL)
WUSA, 9, Washington, DC (formerly WTOP)
+WDCA, 20, Washington, DC
WMAR-TV, 2, Baltimore, MD
WMAR-TV, 2, Baltimore, MD
WBAL-TV, 11, Baltimore, MD
WJZ-TV, 13, Baltimore, MD
+WNUV, 54, Baltimore, MD
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WMAR-TV, 2, Baltimore, MD
WBAL-TV, 11, Baltimore, MD
WJZ-TV, 13, Baltimore, MD
+WNUV, 54, Baltimore, MD
WRC-TV, 4, Washington, DC
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WJLA-TV, 7, Washington, DC (formerly WMAL)
WUSA, 9, Washington, DC (formerly WTOP)
WDCA, 20, Washington, DC
WMAR-TV, 2, Baltimore, MD
WBAL-TV, 11, Baltimore, MD
WJZ-TV, 13, Baltimore, MD
+WNUV, 54, Baltimore, MD
KYW-TV, 3, Philadelphia, PA
WPVI-TV, 6, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WFIL)
WCAU, 10, Philadelphia, PA
WGAL, 8, Lancaster, PA
WRC-TV, 4, Washington, DC
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WJLA-TV, 7, Washington, DC (formerly WMAL)
WUSA, 9, Washington, DC (formerly WTOP)
WDCA, 20, Washington, DC
WMAR-TV, 2, Baltimore, MD
WBAL-TV, 11, Baltimore, MD
WJZ-TV, 13, Baltimore, MD
+WNUV, 54, Baltimore, MDStart Printed Page 11366
WBOC-TV, 16, Salisbury, MD
+WMDT, 47, Salisbury, MD
WRC-TV, 4, Washington, DC
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WJLA-TV, 7, Washington, DC (formerly WMAL)
WUSA, 9, Washington, DC (formerly WTOP)
WRC-TV, 4, Washington, DC
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WJLA-TV, 7, Washington, DC (formerly WMAL)
WUSA, 9, Washington, DC (formerly WTOP)
+WDCA, 20, Washington, DC
WMAR-TV, 2, Baltimore, MD
WBAL-TV, 11, Baltimore, MD
WJZ-TV, 13, Baltimore, MD
KDKA-TV, 2, Pittsburgh, PA
WTAE-TV, 4, Pittsburgh, PA
WJAC-TV, 6, Johnstown, PA
+WWCP-TV, 8, Johnstown, PA
WMAR-TV, 2, Baltimore, MD
WBAL-TV, 11, Baltimore, MD
WJZ-TV, 13, Baltimore, MD
+WNUV, 54, Baltimore, MD
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WMAR-TV, 2, Baltimore, MD
WBAL-TV, 11, Baltimore, MD
WJZ-TV, 13, Baltimore, MD
+WNUV, 54, Baltimore, MD
WRC-TV, 4, Washington, DC
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WJLA-TV, 7, Washington, DC (formerly WMAL)
WUSA, 9, Washington, DC (formerly WTOP)
WDCA, 20, Washington, DC
WMAR-TV, 2, Baltimore, MD
WBAL-TV, 11, Baltimore, MD
WJZ-TV, 13, Baltimore, MD
+WNUV, 54, Baltimore, MD
WRC-TV, 4, Washington, DC
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WUSA, 9, Washington, DC (formerly WTOP)
WRC-TV, 4, Washington, DC
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WJLA-TV, 7, Washington, DC (formerly WMAL)
WUSA, 9, Washington, DC (formerly WTOP)
WDCA, 20, Washington, DC
Prince Georges
WRC-TV, 4, Washington, DC
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WJLA-TV, 7, Washington, DC (formerly WMAL)
WUSA, 9, Washington, DC (formerly WTOP)
WDCA, 20, Washington, DC
Queen Annes
WMAR-TV, 2, Baltimore, MD
WBAL-TV, 11, Baltimore, MD
WJZ-TV, 13, Baltimore, MD
+WNUV, 54, Baltimore, MD
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
St. Marys
WRC-TV, 4, Washington, DC
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WJLA, 7, Washington, DC (formerly WMAL)
WUSA, 9, Washington, DC (formerly WTOP)
+WDCA, 20, Washington, DC
WMAR-TV, 2, Baltimore, MD
WBOC-TV, 16, Salisbury, MD
+WMDT, 47, Salisbury, MD
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WMAR-TV, 2, Baltimore, MD
WBAL-TV, 11, Baltimore, MD
WJZ-TV, 13, Baltimore, MD
+WNUV, 54, Baltimore, MD
WRC-TV, 4, Washington, DC
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WJLA-TV, 7, Washington, DC (formerly WMAL)
WUSA, 9, Washington, DC (formerly WTOP)
WRC-TV, 4, Washington, DC
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WJLA-TV, 7, Washington, DC (formerly WMAL)
WUSA, 9, Washington, DC (formerly WTOP)
+WDCA, 20, Washington, DC
WHAG-TV, 25, Hagerstown, MD
WMAR-TV, 2, Baltimore, MD
WBOC-TV, 16, Salisbury, MD
+WMDT, 47, Salisbury, MD
#WMAR-TV, 2, Baltimore, MD [15]
WBAL-TV, 11, Baltimore, MD
WJZ-TV, 13, Baltimore, MD
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WBOC-TV, 16, Salisbury, MD
WMDT, 47, Salisbury, MD
#WTTG, 5, Washington, DC [16]
Centreville—WBFF, WNUV
Church Hill—WBFF, WNUV
Federalsburg—WJZ-TV, WBOC-TV, WMDT, WTTG
Mardela Springs—WJZ-TV, WBOC-TV, WMDT, WTTG
Millington—WBFF, WNUV
Sudlersville—WBFF, WNUV
Unincorporated areas of Caroline County—WJZ-TV, WBOC-TV, WMDT, WTTG
Unincorporated areas of Dorchester County—WJZ-TV, WBOC-TV, WMDT, WTTG
Unincorporated areas of Kent County—WBFF
Unincorporated areas of Queen Annes County—WBFF, WNUV
WBZ-TV, 4, Boston, MA
WCVB-TV, 5, Boston, MA (formerly WHDH)
WHDH-TV, 7, Boston, MA (formerly WNAC)
+WZBU, 58, Vineyard, MA (formerly WCVX)
WLNE-TV, 6, Providence, RI (formerly WTEV)
WJAR, 10, Providence, RI
WPRI-TV, 12, Providence, RI
WRGB, 6, Schenectady, NY
WTEN, 10, Albany, NY
WNYT, 13, Albany, NY (formerly WAST)
+WXXA-TV, 23, Albany, NY
WFSB, 3, Hartford, CT (formerly WTIC)
+WTIC-TV, 61, Hartford, CT
WLNE-TV, 6, Providence, RI (formerly WTEV)
WJAR, 10, Providence, RI
WPRI-TV, 12, Providence, RI
+WNAC-TV, 64, Providence, RI
WBZ-TV, 4, Boston, MA
WCVB-TV, 5, Boston, MA (formerly WHDH)
WHDH-TV, 7, Boston, MA (formerly WNAC)
WSBK-TV, 38, Boston, MA
WLVI-TV, 56, Cambridge, MA (formerly WKBG)
WLNE-TV, 6, Providence, RI (formerly WTEV)
WJAR, 10, Providence, RI
WPRI-TV, 12, Providence, RI
WBZ-TV, 4, Boston, MA
WCVB-TV, 5, Boston, MA (formerly WHDH)
WHDH-TV, 7, Boston, MA (formerly WNAC)
WBZ-TV, 4, Boston, MAStart Printed Page 11367
WCVB-TV, 5, Boston, MA (formerly WHDH)
WHDH-TV, 7, Boston, MA (formerly WNAC)
WSBK-TV, 38, Boston, MA
WLVI-TV, 56, Boston, MA (formerly WKBG)
+WBPX, 68, Boston, MA (formerly WQTV)
WWLP, 22, Springfield, MA
WGGB-TV, 40, Springfieldm MA (formerly WHYN)
WBZ-TV, 4, Boston, MA
WCVB-TV, 5, Boston, MA (formerly WHDH)
WFSB, 3, Hartford, CT (formerly WTIC)
+WTXX, 20, Waterbury, CT
+WTIC-TV, 61, Hartford, CT
WWLP, 22, Springfield, MA
WGGB-TV, 40, Springfield, MA (formerly WHYN)
WFSB, 3, Hartford, CT (formerly WTIC)
WTNH-TV, 8, Hartford, CT (formerly WNHC)
+WTXX, 20, Waterbury, CT
WVIT, 30, Hartford, CT (formerly WHNB)
+WTIC-TV, 61, Hartford, CT
WWLP, 22, Springfield, MA
WGGB-TV, 40, Springfield, MA (formerly WHYN)
WFSB, 3, Hartford, CT (formerly WTIC)
+WTXX, 20, Waterbury, CT
+WVIT, 30, Hartford, CT
+WTIC-TV, 61, Hartford, CT
WBZ-TV, 4, Boston, MA
WCVB-TV, 5, Boston, MA (formerly WHDH)
WHDH-TV, 7, Boston, MA (formerly WNAC)
WSBK-TV, 38, Boston, MA
WLVI-TV, 56, Boston, MA (formerly WKBG)
+WBPX, 68, Boston, MA (formerly WQTV)
WLNE-TV, 6, Providence, RI (formerly WTEV)
WJAR, 10, Providence, RI
WPRI-TV, 12, Providence, RI
WBZ-TV, 4, Boston, MA
WCVB-TV, 5, Boston, MA (formerlyWHDH)
WBZ-TV, 4, Boston, MA
WCVB-TV, 5, Boston, MA (formerly WHDH)
WHDH-TV, 7, Boston, MA (formerly WNAC)
WSBK-TV, 38, Boston, MA
WLVI-TV, 56, Boston, MA (formerly WKBG)
+WBPX, 68, Boston, MA (formerly WQTV)
WBZ-TV, 4, Boston, MA
WCVB-TV, 5, Boston, MA (formerly WHDH)
WHDH-TV, 7, Boston, MA (formerly WNAC)
WSBK-TV, 38, Boston, MA
WLVI-TV, 56, Boston, MA (formerly WKBG)
+WBPX, 68, Boston, MA (formerly WQTV)
WLNE-TV, 6, Providence, RI (formerly WTEV)
WJAR, 10, Providence, RI
WPRI-TV, 12, Providence, RI
WBZ-TV, 4, Boston, MA
WCVB-TV, 5, Boston, MA (formerly WHDH)
WHDH-TV, 7, Boston, MA (formerly WNAC)
WSBK-TV, 38, Boston, MA
WLVI-TV, 56, Boston, MA (formerly WKBG)
+WBPX, 68, Boston, MA (formerly WQTV)
WBZ-TV, 4, Boston, MA
WCVB-TV, 5, Boston, MA (formerly WHDH)
WHDH-TV, 7, Boston, MA (formerly WNAC)
WSBK-TV, 38, Boston, MA
WLVI-TV, 56, Boston, MA (formerly WKBG)
WJAR, 10, Providence, RI
WPRI-TV, 12, Providence, RI
WHLL, 27, Worcester, MA (formerly WSMW)
Fall River—WFXT
New Bedford—WFXT
Sandwich—WFXT, WSBK-TV
WNEM-TV, 5, Bay City, MI
WJRT-TV, 12, Flint, MI
WLUC-TV, 6, Marquette, MI
WFRV-TV, 5, Green Bay, WI
WWMT, 3, Kalamazoo, MI (formerly WKZO)
WOOD-TV, 8, Grand Rapids, MI
WZZM-TV, 13, Grand Rapids, MI
WPBN-TV, 7, Traverse City, MI
+WGTQ, 8, Sault Ste. Marie, MI
WWTV, 9, Cadillac, MI
WPBN-TV, 7, Traverse City, MI
WWTV, 9, Cadillac, MI
+WFXV, 45, Vanderbilt, MI (formerly WGKU)
WNEM-TV, 5, Bay City, MI
WJRT-TV, 12, Flint, MI
WWTV, 9, Cadillac, MI
WLUC-TV, 6, Marquette, MI
WWMT, 3, Kalamazoo, MI (formerly WKZO)
WOOD-TV, 8, Grand Rapids, MI
WZZM-TV, 13, Grand Rapids, MI
WLNS-TV, 6, Lansing, MI (formerly WJIM)
WNEM-TV, 5, Bay City, MI
WJRT-TV, 12, Flint, MI
WEYI-TV, 25, Saginaw, MI (formerly WKNX)
+WSMH, 66, Flint, MI
WPBN-TV, 7, Traverse City, MI
WWTV, 9, Cadillac, MI
WBBM-TV, 2, Chicago, IL
WMAQ-TV, 5, Chicago, IL
WLS-TV, 7, Chicago, IL
WGN-TV, 9, Chicago, IL
WNDU-TV, 16, South Bend, IN
WSBT-TV, 22, South Bend, IN
WSJV, 28, Elkhart, IN
WWMT, 3, Kalamazoo, MI (formerly WKZO)
WOOD-TV, 8, Grand Rapids, MI
+WXMI, 17, Grand Rapids, MI
+WOTV, 41, Battle Creek, MI (formerly WUHQ)
WLNS-TV, 6, Lansing, MI (formerly WJIM)
WILX-TV, 10, Lansing, MI
+WSYM-TV, 47, Lansing, MI
WWMT, 3, Kalamazoo, MI (formerly WKZO)
WOOD-TV, 8, Grand Rapids, MI
+WXMI, 17, Grand Rapids, MI
+WOTV, 41, Battle Creek, MI (formerly WUHQ)
WLNS-TV, 6, Lansing, MI (formerly WJIM)
WILX-TV, 10, Lansing, MI
+WSYM-TV, 47, Lansing, MI
WNDU-TV, 16, South Bend, IN
WSBT-TV, 22, South Bend, IN
WSJV, 28, Elkhart, IN
WGN-TV, 9, Chicago, IL
WWMT, 3, Kalamazoo, MI (formerly WKZO)
WOOD-TV, 8, Grand Rapids, MI
+WXMI, 17, Grand Rapids, MI
WPBN-TV, 7, Traverse City, MI
WWTV, 9, Cadillac, MI
+WGTU, 29, Traverse City, MI
+WFVX, 45, Vanderbilt, MI (formerly WGKU)
WPBN-TV, 7, Traverse City, MIStart Printed Page 11368
WWTV, 9, Cadillac, MI
+WFVX, 45, Vanderbilt, MI (formerly WGKU)
WPBN-TV, 7, Traverse City, MI
+WGTQ, 8, Traverse City, MI
WWTV, 9, Cadillac, MI
CJIC, 2, Canada
WNEM-TV, 5, Bay City, MI
WJRT-TV, 12, Flint, MI
WPBN-TV, 7, Traverse City, MI
WWTV, 9, Cadillac, MI
+WFQX, 33, Cadillac, MI (formerly WGKI)
WLNS-TV, 6, Lansing, MI (formerly WJIM)
WILX-TV, 10, Lansing, MI
+WSYM-TV, 47, Lansing, MI
+WLAJ, 53, Lansing, MI
WNEM-TV, 5, Bay City, MI
WJRT-TV, 12, Flint, MI
+WSMH, 66, Flint, MI
WOOD-TV, 8, Grand Rapids, MI
+WXMI, 17, Grand Rapids, MI
WPBN-TV, 7, Traverse City, MI
WWTV, 9, Cadillac, MI
WFVX, 45, Vanderbilt, MI (formerly WGKU)
WFRV-TV, 5, Green Bay, WI
WLUK-TV, 11, Green Bay, WI
WLUC-TV, 6, Marquette, MI
WBAY-TV, 2, Green Bay, WI
WFRV-TV, 5, Green Bay, WI
WLUK-TV, 11, Green Bay, WI
WLUC-TV, 6, Marquette, MI
WLNS-TV, 6, Lansing, MI (formerly WJIM)
WILX-TV, 10, Lansing, MI
+WSYM-TV, 47, Lansing, MI
+WLAJ, 53, Lansing, MI
WJRT-TV, 12, Flint, MI
WWMT, 3, Kalamazoo, MI (formerly WKZO)
WOOD-TV, 8, Grand Rapids, MI
+WXMI, 17, Grand Rapids, MI
WPBN-TV, 7, Traverse City, MI
WWTV, 9, Cadillac, MI
+WGTU, 29, Traverse City, MI
+WFVX, 45, Vanderbilt, MI (formerly WGKU)
WNEM-TV, 5, Bay City, MI
WJRT-TV, 12, Flint, MI
+WSMH, 66, Flint, MI
WJBK, 2, Detroit, MI
#WDIV, 4, Detroit, MI (formerly WWJ) [17]
WXYZ-TV, 7, Detroit, MI
WKBD-TV, 50, Detroit, MI
WLNS-TV, 6, Lansing, MI (formerly WJIM)
WNEM-TV, 5, Bay City, MI
WJRT-TV, 12, Flint, MI
WWTV, 9, Cadillac, MI
KDLH, 3, Duluth, MN (formerly KDAL)
KBJR-TV, 6, Duluth, MN (formerly WDSM)
WDIO-TV, 10, Duluth, MN
WJFW-TV, 12, Rhinelander, WI (formerly WAEO)
Grand Traverse
WPBN-TV, 7, Traverse City, MI
WWTV, 9, Cadillac, MI
+WGTU, 29, Traverse City, MI
WNEM-TV, 5, Bay City, MI
WJRT-TV, 12, Flint, MI
+WSMH, 66, Flint, MI
WOOD-TV, 8, Grand Rapids, MI
WLNS-TV, 6, Lansing, MI (formerly WJIM)
+WSYM-TV, 47, Lansing, MI
WLNS-TV, 6, Lansing, MI (formerly WJIM)
WILX-TV, 10, Lansing, MI
+WSYM-TV, 47, Lansing, MI
+WLAJ, 53, Lansing, MI
WWMT, 3, Kalamazoo, MI (formerly WKZO)
WOOD-TV, 8, Grand Rapids, MI
+WXMI, 17, Grand Rapids, MI
WTOL-TV, 11, Toledo, OH
WTVG, 13, Toledo, OH (formerly WSPD)
+WUPW, 36, Toledo, OH
WLUC-TV, 6, Marquette, MI
WFRV-TV, 5, Green Bay, WI
WNEM-TV, 5, Bay City, MI
WJRT-TV, 12, Flint, MI
+WSMH, 66, Flint, MI
WLNS-TV, 6, Lansing, MI (formerly WJIM)
WILX-TV, 10, Lansing, MI
+WSYM-TV, 47, Lansing, MI
+WLAJ, 53, Lansing, MI
WJRT-TV, 12, Flint, MI
WWMT, 3, Kalamazoo, MI (formerly WKZO)
#WOOD-TV, 8, Grand Rapids, MI [18]
WWMT, 3, Kalamazoo, MI (formerly WKZO)
WOOD-TV, 8, Grand Rapids, MI
WZZM-TV, 13, Grand Rapids, MI
+WXMI, 17, Grand Rapids, MI
WJRT-TV, 12, Flint, MI
WLNS-TV, 6, Lansing, MI (formerly WJIM)
+WSYM-TV, 47, Lansing, MI
WNEM-TV, 5, Bay City, MI
WJRT-TV, 12, Flint, MI
+WBKB-TV, 11, Alpena, MI
WLUC-TV, 6, Marquette, MI
WFRV-TV, 5, Green Bay, WI
WJFW-TV, 12, Rhinelander, WI (formerly WAEO)
WNEM-TV, 5, Bay City, MI
WJRT-TV, 12, Flint, MI
+WSMH, 66, Flint, MI
WLNS-TV, 6, Lansing, MI (formerly WJIM)
WWTV, 9, Cadillac, MI
+WFQX, 33, Cadillac, MI (formerly WGKI)
WLNS-TV, 6, Lansing, MI (formerly WJIM)
WILX-TV, 10, Lansing, MI
WSYM-TV, 47, Lansing, MI
WLAJ, 53, Lansing, MI
WJBK, 2, Detroit, MI
WDIV, 4, Detroit, MI (formerly WWJ)
WXYZ-TV, 7, Detroit, MI
WWMT, 3, Kalamazoo, MI (formerly WKZO)
WOOD-TV, 8, Grand Rapids, MI
WZZM-TV, 13, Grand Rapids, MI
+WOTV, 41, Battle Creek, MI (formerly WUHQ)
WPBN-TV, 7, Traverse City, MI
WWTV, 9, Cadillac, MI
+WFQX, 33, Cadillac, MI (formerly WGKI)
WWMT, 3, Kalamazoo, MI (formerly WKZO)
WOOD-TV, 8, Grand Rapids, MI
WZZM-TV, 13, Grand Rapids, MI
WLUC-TV, 6, Marquette, MI
CKPR, 2, Canada
WPBN-TV, 7, Traverse City, MI
WWTV, 9, Cadillac, MI
WZZM-TV, 13, Grand Rapids, MI
WJBK, 2, Detroit, MI
WDIV, 4, Detroit, MI (formerly WWJ)
WXYZ-TV, 7, Detroit, MI
CBET, 9, Canada (formerly CKLW)
WNEM-TV, 5, Bay City, MI
WJRT-TV, 12, Flint, MI
+WSMH, 66, Flint, MI
WLNS-TV, 6, Lansing, MI (formerly WJIM)
WPBN-TV, 7, Traverse City, MI
WWTV, 9, Cadillac, MI
WJBK, 2, Detroit, MI
WDIV, 4, Detroit, MI (formerly WWJ)
WXYZ-TV, 7, Detroit, MI
CBET, 9, Canada (formerly CKLW)
WKBD-TV, 50, Detroit, MI
WTOL-TV, 11, Toledo, OH
WTVG, 13, Toledo, OH (formerly WSPD)
WNWO-TV, 24, Toledo, OH (formerly WDHO)
+WUPW, 36, Toledo, OH
WJBK, 2, Detroit, MI
WDIV, 4, Detroit, MI (formerly WWJ)
WXYZ-TV, 7, Detroit, MI
CBET, 9, Canada (formerly CKLW)
WKBD-TV, 50, Detroit, MI
WJRT-TV, 12, Flint, MI
WLNS-TV, 6, Lansing, MI (formerly WJIM)
+WSYM-TV, 47, Lansing, MI
WPBN-TV, 7, Traverse City, MI
+WGTQ, 8, Sault Ste. Marie, MI
WWTV, 9, Cadillac, MI
WFRV-TV, 5, Green Bay, WI
WLUC-TV, 6, Marquette, MI
CJIC, 2, Canada
WPBN-TV, 7, Traverse City, MI
+WGTQ, 8, Sault Ste. Marie, MI
WWTV, 9, Cadillac, MI
WFRV-TV, 5, Green Bay, WI
CJIC, 2, Canada
WJBK, 2, Detroit, MI
WDIV, 4, Detroit, MI (formerly WWJ)
WXYZ-TV, 7, Detroit, MI
CBET, 9, Canada (formerly CKLW)
WKBD-TV, 50, Detroit, MI
WPBN-TV, 7, Traverse City, MI
WWTV, 9, Cadillac, MI
+WFQX, 33, Cadillac, MI (formerly WGKI)
WZZM-TV, 13, Grand Rapids, MIStart Printed Page 11369
WBAY-TV, 2, Green Bay, WI
WLUK-TV, 11, Green Bay, WI
WLUC-TV, 6, Marquette, MI
WFRV-TV, 5, Green Bay, WI
WLUK-TV, 11, Green Bay, WI
WPBN-TV, 7, Traverse City, MI
WWTV, 9, Cadillac, MI
+WFQX, 33, Cadillac, MI (formerly WGKI)
WZZM-TV, 13, Grand Rapids, MI
WBAY-TV, 2, Green Bay, WI
WFRV-TV, 5, Green Bay, WI
WLUK-TV, 11, Green Bay, WI
WPBN-TV, 7, Traverse City, MI
WWTV, 9, Cadillac, MI
+WFQX, 33, Cadillac, MI (formerly WGKI)
WZZM-TV, 13, Grand Rapids, MI
+WXMI, 17, Grand Rapids, MI
WBAY-TV, 2, Green Bay, WI
WFRV-TV, 5, Green Bay, WI
WLUK-TV, 11, Green Bay, WI
+WGBA, 26, Green Bay, WI
+WACY, 32, Appleton, WI (formerly WXGZ)
WLUC-TV, 6, Marquette, MI
WNEM-TV, 5, Bay City, MI
WJRT-TV, 12, Flint, MI
+WAQP, 49, Saginaw, MI
+WSMH, 66, Flint, MI
WWTV, 9, Cadillac, MI
WPBN-TV, 7, Traverse City, MI
WWTV, 9, Cadillac, MI
WJBK, 2, Detroit, MI
WDIV, 4, Detroit, MI (formerly WWJ)
WXYZ-TV, 7, Detroit, MI
CBET, 9, Canada (formerly CKLW)
WKBD-TV, 50, Detroit, MI
WTOL-TV, 11 Toledo, OH
WTVG, 13, Toledo, OH (formerly WSPD)
WNWO-TV, 24, Toledo, OH (formerly WDHO)
+WUPW, 36, Toledo, OH
WWMT, 3, Kalamazoo, MI (formerly WKZO)
WOOD-TV, 8, Grand Rapids, MI
WZZM-TV, 13, Grand Rapids, MI
+WXMI, 17, Grand Rapids, MI
WJRT-TV, 12, Flint, MI
WLNS-TV, 6, Lansing, MI (formerly WJIM)
WWTV, 9, Cadillac, MI
WPBN-TV, 7, Traverse City, MI
WWTV, 9, Cadillac, MI
WWMT, 3, Kalamazoo, MI (formerly WKZO)
WOOD-TV, 8, Grand Rapids, MI
WZZM-TV, 13, Grand Rapids, MI
+WXMI, 17, Grand Rapids, MI
WWMT, 3, Kalamazoo, MI (formerly WKZO)
WOOD-TV, 8, Grand Rapids, MI
WZZM-TV, 13, Grand Rapids, MI
WPBN-TV, 7, Traverse City, MI
WWTV, 9, Cadillac, MI
WJBK, 2, Detroit, MI
WDIV, 4, Detroit, MI (formerly WWJ)
WXYZ-TV, 7, Detroit, MI
CBET, 9, Canada (formerly CKLW)
+WXON, 20, Detroit, MI
WKBD-TV, 50, Detroit, MI
WWMT, 3, Kalamazoo, MI (formerly WKZO)
WZZM-TV, 13, Grand Rapids, MI
WPBN-TV, 7, Traverse City, MI
WWTV, 9, Cadillac, MI
WNEM-TV, 5, Bay City, MI
WJRT-TV, 12, Flint, MI
WWTV, 9, Cadillac, MI
WLUC-TV, 6, Marquette, MI
KDLH, 3, Duluth, MN (formerly KDAL)
WJFW-TV, 12, Rhinelander, WI (formerly WAEO)
WPBN-TV, 7, Traverse City, MI
WWTV, 9, Cadillac, MI
+WFQX, 33, Cadillac, MI (formerly WGKI)
WNEM-TV, 5, Bay City, MI
WZZM-TV, 13, Grand Rapids, MI
WPBN-TV, 7, Traverse City, MI
WWTV, 9, Cadillac, MI
WNEM-TV, 5, Bay City, MI
WPBN-TV, 7, Traverse City, MI
WWTV, 9, Cadillac, MI
+WGTU, 29, Traverse City, MI
+WFVX, 45, Vanderbilt, MI (formerly WGKU)
WWMT, 3, Kalamazoo, MI (formerly WKZO)
WOOD-TV, 8, Grand Rapids, MI
WZZM-TV, 13, Grand Rapids, MI
Presque Isle
WPBN-TV, 7, Traverse City, MI
+WGTQ, 8, Sault Ste. Marie, MI
WWTV, 9, Cadillac, MI
+WBKB-TV, 11, Alpena, MI
WPBN-TV, 7, Traverse City, MI
WWTV, 9, Cadillac, MI
WNEM-TV, 5, Bay City, MI
WNEM-TV, 5, Bay City, MI
WJRT-TV, 12, Flint, MI
WEYI-TV, 25, Saginaw, MI (formerly WKNX)
+WSMH, 66, Flint, MI
St. Clair
WJBK, 2, Detroit, MI
WDIV, 4, Detroit, MI (formerly WWJ)
WXYZ-TV, 7, Detroit, MI
CBET, 9, Canada (formerly CKLW)
+WXON, 20, Detroit, MI
WKBD-TV, 50, Detroit, MI
St. Joseph
WWMT, 3, Kalamazoo, MI (formerly WKZO)
WOOD-TV, 8, Grand Rapids, MI
WNDU-TV, 16, South Bend, IN
WSBT-TV, 22, South Bend, IN
WSJV, 28, Elkhart, IN
+WHME-TV, 46, South Bend, IN
+WSYM-TV, 47, Lansing, MI
WJBK, 2, Detroit, MI
WDIV, 4, Detroit, MI (formerly WWJ)
WXYZ-TV, 7, Detroit, MI
WNEM-TV, 5, Bay City, MI
WJRT-TV, 12, Flint, MI
CFPL, 10, Canada
WLUC-TV, 6, Marquette, MI
WFRV-TV, 5, Green Bay, WI
WNEM-TV, 5, Bay City, MI
WJRT-TV, 12, Flint, MI
+WSMH, 66, Flint, MI
WLNS-TV, 6, Lansing, MI (formerly WJIM)
WILX-TV, 10, Lansing, MI
+WSYM-TV, 47, Lansing, MI
WNEM-TV, 5, Bay City, MI
WJRT-TV, 12, Flint, MI
WEYI-TV, 25, Saginaw, MI (formerly WKNX)
+WAQP, 49, Saginaw, MI
+WSMH, 66, Flint, MI
Van Buren
WWMT, 3, Kalamazoo, MI (formerly WKZO)
WOOD-TV, 8, Grand Rapids, MI
WZZM-TV, 13, Grand Rapids, MI
WJBK, 2, Detroit, MI
WDIV, 4, Detroit, MI (formerly WWJ)
WXYZ-TV, 7, Detroit, MI
CBET, 9, Canada (formerly CKLW)
WKBD-TV, 50, Detroit, MI
WJBK, 2, Detroit, MI
WDIV, 4, Detroit, MI (formerly WWJ)
WXYZ-TV, 7, Detroit, MI
CBET, 9, Canada (formerly CKLW)
WKBD-TV, 50, Detroit, MI
WPBN-TV, 7, Traverse City, MI
WWTV, 9, Cadillac, MI
+WGTU, 29, Traverse City, MI
+WFQX, 33, Cadillac, MI (formerly WGKI)
Ann Arbor—WXON
Ann Arbor Township—WXON
Barton Hills—WXON
Bennington Township—WEYI-TV
Brighton Township—WXON
Caledonia Township—WEYI-TV
Genoa Township—WXON
Green Oak Township—WXON
Oceola Township—WXON
Owosso Township—WEYI-TV
Pittsfield Township—WXON
Rush Township (portions)—WEYI-TV
Scio Township—WXON
Superior Township—WXON
Van BurenTownship—WXON
Webster Township—WXON
Ypsilanti Township—WXON
KDLH, 3, Duluth, MN (formerly KDAL)
KBJR-TV, 6, Duluth, MN (formerly WDSM)
WDIO-TV, 10, Duluth, MN
KCCW-TV, 12, Walker, MN (formerly KNMT)
WCCO-TV, 4, Minneapolis, MN
KSTP-TV, 5, St. Paul, MN
KMSP-TV, 9, Minneapolis, MN
KARE, 11, Minneapolis, MN (formerly WTCN)Start Printed Page 11370
+KLGT, 23, Minneapolis, MN (formerly KTMA)
+WFTC, 29, Minneapolis, MN (formerly KITN)
+KPXM, 41, St. Cloud, MN (formerly KXLI)
KXJB-TV, 4, Valley City, ND
WDAY-TV, 6, Fargo, ND
KVLY-TV, 11, Fargo, ND (formerly KTHI)
KCCW-TV, 12, Walker, MN (formerly KNMT)
KDLH, 3, Duluth, MN (formerly KDAL)
KBJR-TV, 6, Duluth, MN (formerly WDSM)
KVLY-TV, 11, Fargo, ND (formerly KTHI)
WCCO-TV, 4, Minneapolis, MN
KSTP-TV, 5, St. Paul, MN
KMSP-TV, 9, Minneapolis, MN
KARE, 11, Minneapolis, MN (formerly WTCN)
+KPXM, 41, St. Cloud, MN (formerly KXLI)
KCCO-TV, 7, Alexandria, MN (formerly KCMT)
Big Stone
KCCO-TV, 7, Alexandria, MN (formerly KCMT)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
Blue Earth
KEYC-TV, 12, Mankato, MN
WCCO-TV, 4, Minneapolis, MN
KSTP-TV, 5, St. Paul, MN
KMSP-TV, 9, Minneapolis, MN
KARE, 11, Minneapolis, MN (formerly WTCN)
+WFTC, 29, Minneapolis, MN (formerly KITN)
KAAL, 6, Austin, MN (formerly KAUS)
WCCO-TV, 4, Minneapolis, MN
KSTP-TV, 5, St. Paul, MN
KMSP-TV, 9, Minneapolis, MN
KARE, 11, Minneapolis, MN (formerly WTCN)
+WFTC, 29, Minneapolis, MN (formerly KITN)
KEYC-TV, 12, Mankato, MN
KAAL, 6, Austin, MN (formerly KAUS)
KDLH, 3, Duluth, MN (formerly KDAL)
KBJR-TV, 6, Duluth, MN (formerly WDSM)
WDIO-TV, 10, Duluth, MN
WCCO-TV, 4, Minneapolis, MN
KSTP-TV, 5, St. Paul, MN
KMSP-TV, 9, Minneapolis, MN
KARE, 11, Minneapolis, MN (formerly WTCN)
+KLGT, 23, Minneapolis, MN (formerly KTMA)
+KPXM, 41, St. Cloud, MN (formerly KXLI)
KCCO-TV, 7, Alexandria, MN (formerly KCMT)
KCCW-TV, 12, Walker, MN (formerly KNMT)
KDLH, 3, Duluth, MN (formerly KDAL)
WDIO-TV, 10, Duluth, MN
KCCO-TV, 7, Alexandria, MN (formerly KCMT)
+KSAX, 42, Alexandria, MN
WCCO-TV, 4, Minneapolis, MN
KMSP-TV, 9, Minneapolis, MN
KARE, 11, Minneapolis, MN (formerly WTCN)
WCCO-TV, 4, Minneapolis, MN
KSTP-TV, 5, St. Paul, MN
KMSP-TV, 9, Minneapolis, MN
KARE, 11, Minneapolis, MN (formerly WTCN)
+KLGT, 23, Minneapolis, MN (formerly KTMA)
+KPXM, 41, St. Cloud, MN (formerly KXLI)
KXJB-TV, 4, Valley City, ND
WDAY-TV, 6, Fargo, ND
KVLY-TV, 11, Fargo, ND (formerly KTHI)
KXJB-TV, 4, Valley City, ND
WDAY-TV, 6, Fargo, ND
KVLY-TV, 11, Fargo, ND (formerly KTHI)
KDLH, 3, Duluth, MN (formerly KDAL)
KBJR-TV, 6, Duluth, MN (formerly WDSM)
WDIO-TV, 10, Duluth, MN
CKPR, 2, Canada
KEYC-TV, 12, Mankato, MN
KSTP-TV, 5, St. Paul, MN
KARE, 11, Minneapolis, MN (formerly WTCN)
KAAL, 6, Austin, MN (formerly KAUS)
Crow Wing
KCCO-TV, 7, Alexandria, MN (formerly KCMT)
KCCW-TV, 12, Walker, MN (formerly KNMT)
+KSAX, 42, Alexandria, MN
KDLH, 3, Duluth, MN (formerly KDAL)
+KPXM, 41, St. Cloud, MN (formerly KXLI)
WCCO-TV, 4, Minneapolis, MN
KSTP-TV, 5, St. Paul, MN
KMSP-TV, 9, Minneapolis, MN
KARE, 11, Minneapolis, MN (formerly WTCN)
+KLGT, 23, Minneapolis (formerly KTMA)
+KPXM, 41, St. Cloud, MN (formerly KXLI)
KIMT, 3, Mason City, IA (formerly KGLO)
KAAL, 6, Austin, MN (formerly KAUS)
KTTC, 10, Rochester, MN (formerly KROC)
WCCO-TV, 4, Minneapolis, MN
KSTP-TV, 5, St. Paul, MN
KCCO-TV, 7, Alexandria, MN (formerly KCMT)
+KSAX, 42, Alexandria, MN
KIMT, 3, Mason City, IA (formerly KGLO)
KAAL, 6, Austin, MN (formerly KAUS)
KTTC, 10, Rochester, MN (formerly KROC)
KEYC-TV, 12, Mankato, MN
KIMT, 3, Mason City, IA (formerly KGLO)
KAAL, 6, Austin, MN (formerly KAUS)
KTTC, 10, Rochester, MN (formerly KROC)
WKBT, 8, La Crosse, WI
+WLAX, 25, La Crosse, WI
KIMT, 3, Mason City, IA (formerly KGLO)
KAAL, 6, Austin, MN (formerly KAUS)
KTTC, 10, Rochester, MN (formerly KROC)
WCCO-TV, 4, Minneapolis, MN
KSTP-TV, 5, St. Paul, MN
KMSP-TV, 9, Minneapolis, MN
KARE, 11, Minneapolis, MN (formerly KARE)
+WFTC, 29, Minneapolis, MN (formerly KITN)
KCCO-TV, 7, Alexandria, MN (formerly KCMT)
WCCO-TV, 4, Minneapolis, MN
KSTP-TV, 5, St. Paul, MN
KMSP-TV, 9, Minneapolis, MN
KARE, 11, Minneapolis, MN (formerly WTCN)
KLGT, 23, Minneapolis, MN (formerly KTMA)
KPXM, 41, St.Cloud, MN (formerly KXLI)
WKBT, 8, La Crosse, WI
+WLAX, 25, La Crosse, WI
KTTC, 10, Rochester, MN (formerly KROC)
KCCW-TV, 12, Walker, MN (formerly KNMT)
WCCO-TV, 4, Minneapolis, MN
KSTP-TV, 5, St. Paul, MN
KMSP-TV, 9, Minneapolis, MN
KARE, 11, Minneapolis, MN (formerly WTCN)
+KLGT, 23, Minneapolis, MN (formerly KTMA)
+WFTC, 29, Minneapolis, MN (formerly KITN)
+KPXM, 41, St. Cloud, MN (formerly KXLI)
KDLH, 3, Duluth, MN (formerly KDAL)
KBJR-TV, 6, Duluth, MN (formerly WDSM)
WDIO-TV, 10, Duluth, MN
KCCW-TV, 12, Walker, MN (formerly KNMT)
KEYC-TV, 12, Mankato, MN
KCAU-TV, 9, Sioux City, IA
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
WCCO-TV, 4, Minneapolis, MN
KSTP-TV, 5, St. Paul, MN
KMSP-TV, 9, Minneapolis, MN
KARE, 11, Minneapolis, MN (formerly WTCN)
+KPXM, 41, St. Cloud, MN (formerly KXLI)
WCCO-TV, 4, Minneapolis, MN
KSTP-TV, 5, St. Paul, MN
KMSP-TV, 9, Minneapolis, MN
KARE, 11, Minneapolis, MN (formerly WTCN)
+KPXM, 41, St. Cloud, MN (formerly KXLI)
KCCO-TV, 7, Alexandria, MN (formerly KCMT)
KXJB-TV, 4, Valley City, ND
WDAZ-TV, 8, Devils Lake, ND
KNRR, 12, Pembina, ND (formerly KCND)
CBWT, 6, Canada
CKY, 7, Canada (formerly CJAY)
KDLH, 3, Duluth, MN (formerly KDAL)
KBJR-TV, 6, Duluth, MN (formerly WDSM)
WDIO-TV, 10, Duluth, MN
CBWT, 6, Canada
Lac Qui Parle
KCCO-TV, 7, Alexandria, MN (formerly KCMT)
+KSAX, 42, Alexandria, MN
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KDLH, 3, Duluth, MN (formerly KDAL)Start Printed Page 11371
KBJR-TV, 6, Duluth, MN (formerly WDSM)
WDIO-TV, 10, Duluth, MN
Lake of the Woods
CBWT, 6, Canada
Le Sueur
WCCO-TV, 4, Minneapolis, MN
KSTP-TV, 5, St. Paul, MN
KMSP-TV, 9, Minneapolis, MN
KARE, 11, Minneapolis, MN (formerly WTCN)
+WFTC, 29, Minneapolis, MN (formerly KITN)
+KPXM, 41, St. Cloud, MN (formerly KXLI)
KEYC-TV, 12, Mankato, MN
KDLV-TV, 5, Mitchell, SD (formerly KORN)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KEYC-TV, 12, Mankato, MN
WCCO-TV, 4, Minneapolis, MN
KSTP-TV, 5, St. Paul, MN
KMSP-TV, 9, Minneapolis, MN
KARE, 11, Minneapolis, MN (formerly WTCN)
+WFTC, 29, Minneapolis, MN (formerly KITN)
+KPXM, 41, St. Cloud, MN (formerly KXLI)
KXJB-TV, 4, Valley City, ND
WDAY-TV, 6, Fargo, ND
KVLY-TV, 11, Fargo, ND (formerly KTHI)
KXJB-TV, 4, Valley City, ND
WDAZ-TV, 8, Devils Lake, ND
KVLY-TV, 11, Fargo, ND (formerly KTHI)
KNRR, 12, Pembina, ND (formerly KCND)
CBWT, 6, Canada
KEYC-TV, 12, Mankato, MN
KAAL, 6, Austin, MN (formerly KAUS)
KTTC, 10, Rochester, MN (formerly KROC)
WCCO-TV, 4, Minneapolis, MN
KSTP-TV, 5, St. Paul, MN
KMSP-TV, 9, Minneapolis, MN
KARE, 11, Minneapolis, MN (formerly WTCN)
+WFTC, 29, Minneapolis, MN (formerly KITN)
+KPXM, 41, St. Cloud, MN (formerly KXLI)
KCCO-TV, 7, Alexandria, MN (formerly KCMT)
Mille Lacs
WCCO-TV, 4, Minneapolis, MN
KSTP-TV, 5, St. Paul, MN
KMSP-TV, 9, Minneapolis, MN
KARE, 11, Minneapolis, MN (formerly WTCN)
+KLGT, 23, Minneapolis, MN (formerly KTMA)
KCCO-TV, 7, Alexandria, MN (formerly KCMT)
WCCO-TV, 4, Minneapolis, MN
KSTP-TV, 5, St. Paul, MN
KMSP-TV, 9, Minneapolis, MN
KARE, 11, Minneapolis, MN (formerly WTCN)
+KPXM, 41, St. Cloud, MN (formerly KXLI)
KIMT, 3, Mason City, IA (formerly KGLO)
KAAL, 6, Austin, MN (formerly KAUS)
KTTC, 10, Rochester, MN (formerly KROC)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
WCCO-TV, 4, Minneapolis, MN
KSTP-TV, 5, St. Paul, MN
KMSP-TV, 9, Minneapolis, MN
KARE, 11, Minneapolis, MN (formerly WTCN)
KEYC-TV, 12, Mankato, MN
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KCAU-TV, 9, Sioux City, IA
KXJB-TV, 4, Valley City, ND
WDAY-TV, 6, Fargo, ND
KVLY-TV, 11, Fargo, ND (formerly KTHI)
KIMT, 3, Mason City, IA (formerly KGLO)
KAAL, 6, Austin, MN (formerly KAUS)
KTTC, 10, Rochester, MN (formerly KROC)
Otter Tail
KXJB-TV, 4, Valley City, ND
WDAY-TV, 6, Fargo, ND
KVLY-TV, 11, Fargo, ND (formerly KTHI)
KCCO-TV, 7, Alexandria, MN (formerly KCMT)
KXJB-TV, 4, Valley City, ND
WDAY-TV, 6, Fargo, ND
WDAZ-TV, 8, Devils Lake, ND
KVLY-TV, 11, Fargo, ND (formerly KTHI)
KDLH, 3, Duluth, MN (formerly KDAL)
KBJR-TV, 6, Duluth, MN (formerly WDSM)
WDIO-TV, 10, Duluth, MN
WCCO-TV, 4, Minneapolis, MN
KSTP-TV, 5, St. Paul, MN
KMSP-TV, 9, Minneapolis, MN
KARE, 11, Minneapolis, MN (formerly WTCN)
KDLV-TV, 5, Mitchell, SD (formerly KORN)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KXJB-TV, 4, Valley City, ND
WDAY-TV, 6, Fargo, ND
KVLY-TV, 11, Fargo, ND (formerly KTHI)
KCCO-TV, 7, Alexandria, MN (formerly KCMT)
WCCO-TV, 4, Minneapolis, MN
KSTP-TV, 5, St. Paul, MN
KMSP-TV, 9, Minneapolis, MN
KARE, 11, Minneapolis, MN (formerly WTCN)
+KLGT, 23, Minneapolis, MN (formerly KTMA)
+KPXM, 41, St. Cloud, MN (formerly KXLI)
Red Lake
KXJB-TV, 4, Valley City, ND
WDAY-TV, 6, Fargo, ND
WDAZ-TV, 8, Devils Lake, ND
KVLY-TV, 11, Fargo, ND (formerly KTHI)
KEYC-TV, 12, Mankato, MN
WCCO-TV, 4, Minneapolis, MN
KSTP-TV, 5, St. Paul, MN
KMSP-TV, 9, Minneapolis, MN
KARE, 11, Minneapolis, MN (formerly WTCN)
WCCO-TV, 4, Minneapolis, MN
KSTP-TV, 5, St. Paul, MN
KMSP-TV, 9, Minneapolis, MN
KARE, 11, Minneapolis, MN (formerly WTCN)
KCCO-TV, 7, Alexandria, MN (formerly KCMT)
KEYC-TV, 12, Mankato, MN
WCCO-TV, 4, Minneapolis, MN
KSTP-TV, 5, St. Paul, MN
KMSP-TV, 9, Minneapolis, MN
KARE, 11, MinneapoliS-, MN (formerly WTCN)
+KLGT, 23, Minneapolis, MN (formerly KTMA)
+WFTC, 29, Minneapolis, MN (formerly KITN)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KCAU-TV, 9, Sioux City, IA
KNRR, 12, Pembina, ND (formerly KCND)
WDAZ-TV, 8, Devils Lake, ND
CBWT, 6, Canada
CKY, 7, Canada (CKY) (formerly CJAY)
St. Louis
KDLH, 3, Duluth, MN (formerly KDAL)
KBJR-TV, 6, Duluth, MN (formerly WDSM)
WDIO-TV, 10, Duluth, MN
WCCO-TV, 4, Minneapolis, MN
KSTP-TV, 5, St. Paul, MN
KMSP-TV, 9, Minneapolis, MN
KARE, 11, Minneapolis, MN (formerly WTCN)
+KLGT, 23, Minneapolis, MN (formerly KTMA)
+WFTC, 29, Minneapolis, MN (formerly KITN)
+KPXM, 41, St. Cloud, MN (formerly KXLI)
WCCO-TV, 4, Minneapolis, MN
KSTP-TV, 5, St. Paul, MN
KMSP-TV, 9, Minneapolis, MN
KARE, 11, Minneapolis, MN (formerly WTCN)
+KLGT, 23, Minneapolis, MN (formerly KTMA)
+WFTC, 29, Minneapolis, MN (formerly KITN)
+KPXM, 41, St.Cloud, MN (formerly KXLI)
WCCO-TV, 4, Minneapolis, MN
KSTP-TV, 5, St. Paul, MN
KMSP-TV, 9, Minneapolis, MN
KARE, 11, Minneapolis, MN (formerly WTCN)
+WFTC, 29, Minneapolis, MN (formerly KITN)
KEYC-TV, 12, Mankato, MN
WCCO-TV, 4, Minneapolis, MN
KSTP-TV, 5, St. Paul, MN
KMSP-TV, 9, Minneapolis, MN
KARE, 11, Minneapolis, MN (formerly WTCN)Start Printed Page 11372
+WFTC, 29, Minneapolis, MN (formerly KITN)
+KPXM, 41, St. Cloud, MN (formerly KXLI)
KCCO-TV, 7, Alexandria, MN (formerly KCMT)
KIMT, 3, Mason City, IA (formerly KGLO)
KAAL, 6, Austin, MN (formerly KAUS)
KTTC, 10, Rochester, MN (formerly KROC)
KEYC-TV, 12, Mankato, MN
WCCO-TV, 4, Minneapolis, MN
KSTP-TV, 5, St. Paul, MN
KMSP-TV, 9, Minneapolis, MN
KARE, 11, Minneapolis, MN (formerly WTCN)
KCCO-TV, 7, Alexandria, MN (formerly KCMT)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KCCO-TV, 7, Alexandria, MN (formerly KCMT)
KCCO-TV, 7, Alexandria, MN (formerly KCMT)
+KSAX, 42, Alexandria, MN
+KPXM, 41, St. Cloud, MN (formerly KXLI)
KCCO-TV, 7, Alexandria, MN (formerly KCMT)
KXJB-TV, 4, Valley City, ND
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
WCCO-TV, 4, Minneapolis, MN
KSTP-TV, 5, St. Paul, MN
KMSP-TV, 9, Minneapolis, MN
KARE, 11, Minneapolis, MN (formerly WTCN)
WKBT, 8, La Crosse, WI
WEAU-TV, 13, Eau Claire, WI
KAAL, 6, Austin, MN (formerly KAUS)
KTTC, 10, Rochester, MN (formerly KROC)
KCCO-TV, 7, Alexandria, MN (formerly KCMT)
KCCW-TV, 12, Walker, MN (formerly KNMT)
+KSAX, 42, Alexandria, MN
WCCO-TV, 4, Minneapolis, MN
KSTP-TV, 5, St. Paul, MN
KMSP-TV, 9, Minneapolis, MN
KARE, 11, Minneapolis, MN (formerly WTCN)
KEYC-TV, 12, Mankato, MN
KIMT, 3, Mason City, IA (formerly KGLO)
KAAL, 6, Austin, MN (formerly KAUS)
KTTC, 10, Rochester, MN (formerly KROC)
WCCO-TV, 4, Minneapolis, MN
KSTP-TV, 5, St. Paul, MN
KMSP-TV, 9, Minneapolis, MN
KARE, 11, Minneapolis, MN (formerly WTCN)
+KLGT, 23, Minneapolis, MN (formerly KTMA)
+KPXM, 41, St. Cloud, MN (formerly KXLI)
KEYC-TV, 12, Mankato, MN
WCCO-TV, 4, Minneapolis, MN
KSTP-TV, 5, St. Paul, MN
KARE, 11, Minneapolis, MN (formerly WTCN)
+WFTC, 29, Minneapolis, MN (formerly KITN)
KAAL, 6, Austin, MN (formerly KAUS)
KXJB-TV, 4, Valley City, ND
WDAY-TV, 6, Fargo, ND
KVLY-TV, 11, Fargo, ND (formerly KTHI)
WKBT, 8, La Crosse, WI
+WLAX, 25, La Crosse, WI
KAAL, 6, Austin, MN (formerly KAUS)
KTTC, 10, Rochester, MN (formerly KROC)
WCCO-TV, 4, Minneapolis, MN
KSTP-TV, 5, St. Paul, MN
KMSP-TV, 9, Minneapolis, MN
KARE, 11, Minneapolis, MN (formerly WTCN)
+KLGT, 23, Minneapolis, MN (formerly KTMA)
+WFTC, 29, Minneapolis, MN (formerly KITN)
+KPXM, 41, St. Cloud, MN (formerly KXLI)
Yellow Medicine
WCCO-TV, 4, Minneapolis, MN
KMSP-TV, 9, Minneapolis, MN
KARE, 11, Minneapolis, MN (formerly WTCN)
KCCO-TV, 7, Alexandria, MN (formerly KCMT)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
Rochester Township—KSTP-TV, KMSP-TV, WCCO-TV
Stewartville—#KSTP-TV, KMSP-TV, WCCO-TV
KNOE-TV, 8, Monroe, LA
KALB-TV, 5, Alexandria, LA
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
WJTV, 12, Jackson, MS
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
+WPTY-TV, 24, Memphis, TN
WBRZ, 2, Baton Rouge, LA
WAFB, 9, Baton Rouge, LA
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
WJTV, 12, Jackson, MS
WABG-TV, 6, Greenwood, MS
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
WABG-TV, 6, Greenwood, MS
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WCBI-TV, 4, Columbus, MS
WABG-TV, 6, Greenwood, MS
+WTVA, 9, Tupelo, MS
WABG-TV, 6, Greenwood, MS
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
WJTV, 12, Jackson, MS
+WTVA, 9, Tupelo, MS
WCBI-TV, 4, Columbus, MS
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WTVA, 9, Tupelo, MS (formerly WTWV)
WCBI-TV, 4, Columbus, MS
WABG-TV, 6, Greenwood, MS
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
WJTV, 12, Jackson, MS
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
WJTV, 12, Jackson, MS
WTOK-TV, 11, Meridian, MS
WDAM-TV, 7, Laurel, MS
WCBI-TV, 4, Columbus, MS
+WTVA, 9, Tupelo, MS
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
WJTV, 12, Jackson, MS
WAPT, 16, Jackson, MS
+WDBD, 40, Jackson, MS
WDAM-TV, 7, Laurel, MS
+WHLT, 22, Hattiesburg, MS
WLOX-TV, 13, Biloxi, MS
+WXXV-TV, 25, Gulfport, MS
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
WJTV, 12, Jackson, MS
De Soto
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
+WLMT, 30, Memphis, TN
WDAM-TV, 7, Laurel, MS
+WHLT, 22, Hattiesburg, MS
WLOX-TV, 13, Biloxi, MS
+WXXV-TV, 25, Gulfport, MS
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
WJTV, 12, Jackson, MS
WBRZ, 2, Baton Rouge, LA
WEAR-TV, 3, Pensacola, FL
WKRG-TV, 5, Mobile, AL
WALA-TV, 10, Mobile, AL
+WPMI, 15, Mobile, AL
WLOX-TV, 13, Biloxi, MS
+WXXV-TV, 25, Gulfport, MS
WEAR-TV, 3, Pensacola, FL
WKRG-TV, 5, Mobile, ALStart Printed Page 11373
WALA-TV, 10, Mobile, AL
WLOX-TV, 13, Biloxi, MS
WDAM-TV, 7, Laurel, MS
WABG-TV, 6, Greenwood, MS
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
+WTVA, 9, Tupelo, MS
WWL-TV, 4, New Orleans, LA
WDSU, 6, New Orleans, LA
WVUE, 8, New Orleans, LA
+WGNO, 26, New Orleans, LA
+WNOL-TV, 38, New Orleans, LA
WLOX-TV, 13, Biloxi, MS
+WXXV-TV, 25, Gulfport, MS
WLOX-TV, 13, Biloxi, MS
+WXXV-TV, 25, Gulfport, MS
WKRG-TV, 5, Mobile, AL
WWL-TV, 4, New Orleans, LA
WDSU, 6, New Orleans, LA
WVUE, 8, New Orleans, LA
+WGNO, 26, New Orleans, LA
+WNOL-TV, 38, New Orleans, LA
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
WJTV, 12, Jackson, MS
WAPT, 16, Jackson, MS
+WDBD, 40, Jackson, MS
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
WJTV, 12, Jackson, MS
+WDBD, 40, Jackson, MS
WABG-TV, 6, Greenwood, MS
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
WJTV, 12, Jackson, MS
+WDBD, 40, Jackson, MS
WABG-TV, 6, Greenwood, MS
+WXVT, 15, Greenville, MS
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
WJTV, 12, Jackson, MS
WABG-TV, 6, Greenwood, MS
KNOE-TV, 8, Monroe, LA
WTVA, 9, Tupelo, MS (formerly WTWV)
+WLOV-TV, 27, Tupelo, MS
WCBI-TV, 4, Columbus, MS
WEAR-TV, 3, Pensacola, FL
WKRG-TV, 5, Mobile, AL
WALA-TV, 10, Mobile, AL
+WPMI, 15, Mobile, AL
WLOX-TV, 13, Biloxi, MS
+WXXV-TV, 25, Gulfport, MS
WDAM-TV, 7, Laurel, MS
+WHLT, 22, Hattiesburg, MS
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
WJTV, 12, Jackson, MS
WTOK-TV, 11, Meridian, MS
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
WJTV, 12, Jackson, MS
KNOE-TV, 8, Monroe, LA
Jefferson Davis
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
WJTV, 12, Jackson, MS
WDAM-TV, 7, Laurel, MS
WDAM-TV, 7, Laurel, MS
+WHLT, 22, Hattiesburg, MS
WLOX-TV, 13, Biloxi, MS
+WXXV-TV, 25, Gulfport, MS
WTOK-TV, 11, Meridian, MS
WTOK-TV, 11, Meridian, MS
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
WDAM-TV, 7, Laurel, MS
+WHLT, 22, Hattiesburg, MS
WLOX-TV, 13, Biloxi, MS
+WXXV-TV, 25, Gulfport, MS
WTOK-TV, 11, Meridian, MS
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
WJTV, 12, Jackson, MS
WAPT, 16, Jackson, MS
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
WJTV, 12, Jackson, MS
+WDBD, 40, Jackson, MS
WTVA, 9, Tupelo, MS (formerly WTWV)
+WLOV-TV, 27, Tupelo, MS
WCBI-TV, 4, Columbus, MS
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
WABG-TV, 6, Greenwood, MS
+WXVT, 15, Greenville, MS
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
WJTV, 12, Jackson, MS
+WTVA, 9, Tupelo, MS
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
WJTV, 12, Jackson, MS
+WDBD, 40, Jackson, MS
WCBI-TV, 4, Columbus, MS
+WTVA, 9, Tupelo, MS
+WLOV-TV, 27, Tupelo, MS
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
WJTV, 12, Jackson, MS
WAPT, 16, Jackson, MS
+WDBD, 40, Jackson, MS
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
WJTV, 12, Jackson, MS
WLOX-TV, 13, Biloxi, MS
+WXXV-TV, 25, Gulfport, MS
WDAM-TV, 7, Laurel, MS
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
WCBI-TV, 4, Columbus, MS
WTVA, 9, Tupelo, MS (formerly WTWV)
+WLOV-TV, 27, Tupelo, MS
WABG-TV, 6, Greenwood, MS
WCBI-TV, 4, Columbus, MS
+WTVA, 9, Tupelo, MS
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
WJTV, 12, Jackson, MS
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WTOK-TV, 11, Meridian, MS
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
WTOK-TV, 11, Meridian, MS
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
WJTV, 12, Jackson, MS
WTOK-TV, 11, Meridian, MS
WCBI-TV, 4, Columbus, MS
+WLOV-TV, 27, Tupelo, MS
WCBI-TV, 4, Columbus, MS
+WTVA, 9, Tupelo, MS
+WLOV-TV, 27, Tupelo, MS
+WDBB, 17, Bessemer, AL
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
+WLMT, 30, Memphis, TN
Pearl River
WWL-TV, 4, New Orleans, LA
WDSU, 6, New Orleans, LA
WVUE, 8, New Orleans, LA
+WGNO, 26, New Orleans, LA
+WNOL-TV, 38, New Orleans, LA
WLOX-TV, 13, Biloxi, MS
+WXXV-TV, 25, Gulfport, MS
WDAM-TV, 7, Laurel, MS
+WHLT, 22, Hattiesburg, MS
WLOX-TV, 13, Biloxi, MS
WKRG-TV, 5, Pensacola, FL
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
WJTV, 12, Jackson, MS
WBRZ, 2, Baton Rouge, LA
WAFB, 9, Baton Rouge, LA
WWL-TV, 4, New Orleans, LA
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
WTVA, 9, Tupelo, MS (formerly WTWV)
+WLOV-TV, 27, Tupelo, MS
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
WTVA, 9, Tupelo, MS (formerly WTWV)
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
+WPTY, 24, Memphis, TN
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
WJTV, 12, Jackson, MS
WAPT, 16, Jackson, MS
+WDBD, 40, Jackson, MS
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
WJTV, 12, Jackson, MS
+WDBD, 40, Jackson, MS
WTOK-TV, 11, Meridian, MS
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
WJTV, 12, Jackson, MS
WABG-TV, 6, Greenwood, MS
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
WJTV, 12, Jackson, MS
WAPT, 16, Jackson, MS
+WDBD, 40, Jackson, MSStart Printed Page 11374
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
WJTV, 12, Jackson, MS
WDAM-TV, 7, Laurel, MS
WLOX-TV, 13, Biloxi, MS
+WXXV-TV, 25, Gulfport, MS
WDAM-TV, 7, Laurel, MS
WKRG-TV, 5, Pensacola, FL
WWL-TV, 4, New Orleans, LA
WDSU, 6, New Orleans, LA
WABG-TV, 6, Greenwood, MS
+WXVT, 15, Greenville, MS
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
WJTV, 12, Jackson, MS
WABG-TV, 6, Greenwood, MS
+WXVT, 15, Greenville, MS
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
WTVA, 9, Tupelo, MS (formerly WTWV)
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis,TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
+WTVA, 9, Tupelo, MS
+WLOV-TV, 27, Tupelo, MS
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
WJTV, 12, Jackson, MS
WLOX-TV, 13, Biloxi, MS
WDAM-TV, 7, Laurel, MS
WWL-TV, 4, New Orleans, LA
WDSU, 6, New Orleans, LA
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
WJTV, 12, Jackson, MS
+WDBD, 40, Jackson, MS
KNOE-TV, 8, Monroe, LA
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
WJTV, 12, Jackson, MS
KTVE, 10, Monroe, LA
WABG-TV, 6, Greenwood, MS
+WXVT, 15, Greenville, MS
WDAM-TV, 7, Laurel, MS
+WHLT, 22, Hattiesburg, MS
WLOX-TV, 13, Biloxi, MS
+WXXV-TV, 25, Gulfport, MS
WTOK-TV, 11, Meridian, MS
WEAR-TV, 3, Mobile, AL
WKRG-TV, 5, Pensacola, FL
WCBI-TV, 4, Columbus, MS
WABG-TV, 6, Greenwood, MS
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
+WTVA, 9, Tupelo, MS
WBRZ, 2, Baton Rouge, LA
WAFB, 9, Baton Rouge, LA
+WGMB, 44, Baton Rouge, LA
WTOK-TV, 11, Meridian, MS
WCBI-TV, 4, Columbus, MS
+WTVA, 9, Tupelo, MS
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
WABG-TV, 6, Greenwood, MS
+WTVA, 9, Tupelo, MS
WLBT-TV, 3, Jackson, MS
WJTV, 12, Jackson, MS
+WDBD, 40, Jackson, MS
WABG-TV, 6, Greenwood, MS
KTVO, 3, Ottumwa, IA
+KYOU-TV, 15, Ottumwa, IA
KHQA-TV, 7, Hannibal, MO
WGEM-TV, 10, Quincy, IL
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MO
+KCWE, 29, Kansas City, MO
KQTV, 2, St. Joseph, MO
KMTV, 3, Omaha, NE
WOWT, 6, Omaha, NE (formerly WOW)
KETV, 7, Omaha, NE
+KPTM, 42, Omaha, NE
KQTV, 2, St. Joseph, MO
KOMU-TV, 8, Columbia, MO
KRCG, 13, Jefferson City, MO
KHQA-TV, 7, Hannibal, MO
WGEM-TV, 10, Quincy, IL
KYTV, 3, Springfield, MO
KOLR, 10, Springfield, MO (formerly KTTS)
+KSPR, 33, Springfield, MO
KOAM-TV, 7, Pittsburg, KS
KODE-TV, 12, Joplin, MO
KOAM-TV, 7, Pittsburg, KS
KODE-TV, 12, Joplin, MO
KSNF, 16, Joplin, MO (formerly KUHI)
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MO
KMOS-TV, 6, Sedalia, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MO
KYTV, 3, Springfield, MO
+KOLR, 10, Springfield, MO
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
+KBSI, 23, Cape Girardeau, MO
KOMU-TV, 8, Columbia, MO
KRCG, 13, Jefferson City, MO
KQTV, 2, St. Joseph, MO
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MO
+KCWE, 29, Kansas City, MO
+KSMO-TV, 62, Kansas City, MO (formerly KZKC)
WSIL-TV, 3, Harrisburg, IL
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
+KBSI, 23, Cape Girardeau, MO
+KAIT-TV, 8, Jonesboro, AR
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MO
+KSMO-TV, 62, Kansas City, MO
KQTV, 2, St. Joseph, MO
KOMU-TV, 8, Columbia, MO
KRCG, 13, Jefferson City, MO
KYTV, 3, Springfield, MO
KOLR, 10, Springfield, MO (formerly KTTS)
KDEB-TV, 27, Springfield, MO (formerly KMTC)
KOMU-TV, 8, Columbia, MO
KRCG, 13, Jefferson City, MO
Cape Girardeau
WSIL-TV, 3, Harrisburg, IL
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
+KBSI, 23, Cape Girardeau, MO
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MO
+KSMO-TV, 62, Kansas City, MO (formerly KZKC)
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
KAIT-TV, 8, Jonesboro, AR
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MO
KCIT-TV, 50, Kansas City, MO
+KSMO-TV, 62, Kansas City, MO (formerly KZKC)
KYTV, 3, Springfield, MO
KOLR, 10, Springfield, MO (formerly KTTS)
KOAM-TV, 7, Pittsburg, KS
KODE-TV, 12, Joplin, MO
KOMU-TV, 8, Columbia, MO
KRCG, 13, Jefferson City, MO
WDAF-TV, 4 Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MOStart Printed Page 11375
KYTV, 3, Springfield, MO
KOLR, 10, Springfield, MO (formerly KTTS)
KDEB-TV, 27, Springfield, MO (formerly KMTC)
+KSPR, 33, Springfield, MO
KTVO, 3, Ottumwa, IA
+KYOU, 15, Ottumwa, IA
KHQA-TV, 7, Hannibal, MO
WGEM-TV, 10, Quincy, IL
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MO
KSHB-TV, 41, Kansas City, MO (formerly KBMA)
KCIT-TV, 50, Kansas City, MO
+KSMO-TV, 62, Kansas City, MO (formerly KZKC)
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MO
KCIT-TV, 50, Kansas City, MO
+KSMO-TV, 62, Kansas City, MO (formerly KZKC)
KQTV, 2, St. Joseph, MO
KOMU-TV, 8, Columbia, MO
KRCG, 13, Jefferson City, MO
KOMU-TV, 8, Columbia, MO
KRCG, 13, Jefferson City, MO
KTVI, 2, St. Louis, MO
KMOV, 4, St. Louis, MO (formerly KMOX)
KSDK, 5, St. Louis, MO (formerly KSD)
KPLR-TV, 11, St. Louis, MO
KRCG, 13, Jefferson City, MO
KYTV, 3, Springfield, MO
KOLR, 10, Springfield, MO (formerly KTTS)
KOAM-TV, 7, Pittsburg, KS
KODE-TV, 12, Joplin, MO
KYTV, 3, Springfield, MO
KOLR, 10, Springfield, MO (formerly KTTS)
KDEB-TV, 27, Springfield, MO (formerly KMTC)
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MO
KQTV, 2, St. Joseph, MO
De Kalb
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MO
+KSMO-TV, 62, Kansas City, MO
KQTV, 2, St. Joseph, MO
KTVI, 2, St. Louis, MO
KMOV, 4, St. Louis, MO (formerly KMOX)
KSDK, 5, St. Louis, MO (formerly KSD)
KPLR-TV, 11, St. Louis, MO
KDNL-TV, 30, St. Louis, MO
KRCG, 13, Jefferson City, MO
KYTV, 3, Springfield, MO
+KSPR, 33, Springfield, MO
KYTV, 3, Springfield, MO
KOLR, 10, Springfield, MO (formerly KTTS)
KDEB-TV, 27, Springfield, MO (formerly KMTC)
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
KAIT-TV, 8, Jonesboro, AR
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
+KBSI, 23, Cape Girardeau, MO
KTVI, 2, St. Louis, MO
KMOV, 4, St. Louis, MO (formerly KMOX)
KSDK, 5, St. Louis, MO (formerly KSD)
KPLR-TV, 11, St. Louis, MO
KDNL-TV, 30, St. Louis, MO
KTVI, 2, St. Louis, MO
KMOV, 4, St. Louis, MO (formerly KMOX)
KSDK, 5, St. Louis, MO (formerly KSD)
KPLR-TV, 11, St. Louis, MO
KRCG, 13, Jefferson City, MO
KQTV, 2, St. Joseph, MO
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MO
KYTV, 3, Springfield, MO
KOLR, 10, Springfield, MO (formerly KTTS)
KDEB-TV, 27, Springfield, MO (formerly KMTC)
+KSPR, 33, Springfield, MO
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MO
KTVO, 3, Ottumwa, IA
KQTV, 2, St. Joseph, MO
KQTV, 2, St. Joseph, MO
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MO
+KSMO-TV, 62, Kansas City, MO
KYTV, 3, Springfield, MO
KOLR, 10, Springfield, MO (formerly KTTS)
KDEB-TV, 27, Springfield, MO (formerly KMTC)
KQTV, 2, St. Joseph, MO
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MO
KOMU-TV, 8, Columbia, MO
KRCG, 13, Jefferson City, MO
KYTV, 3, Springfield, MO
+KOLR, 10, Springfield, MO
KDEB-TV, 27, Springfield, MO (formerly KMTC)
+KSPR, 33, Springfield, MO
KTVI, 2, St. Louis, MO
KMOV, 4, St. Louis, MO (formerly KMOX)
KSDK, 5, St. Louis, MO (formerly KSD)
KPLR-TV, 11, St. Louis, MO
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MO
KSHB-TV, 41, Kansas City, MO (formerly KBMA)
KCIT-TV, 50, Kansas City, MO
+KSMO-TV, 62, Kansas City, MO (formerly KZKC)
KOAM-TV, 7, Pittsburg, KS
KODE-TV, 12, Joplin, MO
KSNF, 16, Joplin, MO (formerly KUHI)
KTVI, 2, St. Louis, MO
KMOV, 4, St. Louis, MO (formerly KMOX)
KSDK, 5, St. Louis, MO (formerly KSD)
KPLR-TV, 11, St. Louis, MO
KDNL-TV, 30, St. Louis, MO
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MO
+KSMO-TV, 62, Kansas City, MO (formerly KZKC)
KHQA-TV, 7, Hannibal, MO
WGEM-TV, 10, Quincy, IL
KTVO, 3, Ottumwa, IA
KYTV, 3, Springfield, MO
KOLR, 10, Springfield, MO (formerly KTTS)
KDEB-TV, 27, Springfield, MO (formerly KMTC)
+KSPR, 33, Springfield, MO
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MO
KCIT-TV, 50, Kansas City, MO
+KSMO-TV, 62, Kansas City, MO (formerly KZKC)
KYTV, 3, Springfield, MO
KOLR, 10, Springfield, MO (formerly KTTS)
+KSPR, 33, Springfield, MO
KOAM-TV, 7, Pittsburg, KS
KODE-TV, 12, Joplin, MO
KHQA-TV, 7, Hannibal, MO
WGEM-TV, 10, Quincy, IL
KTVO, 3, Ottumwa, IA
KTVI, 2, St. Louis, MO
KMOV, 4, St. Louis, MO (formerly KMOX)
KSDK, 5, St. Louis, MO (formerly KSD)
KPLR-TV, 11, St. Louis, MO
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)Start Printed Page 11376
KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MO
KTVO, 3, Ottumwa, IA
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MO
KQTV, 2, St. Joseph, MO
KOAM-TV, 7, Pittsburg, KS
KODE-TV, 12, Joplin, MO
KSNF, 16, Joplin, MO (formerly KUHI)
KHQA-TV, 7, Hannibal, MO
WGEM-TV, 10, Quincy, IL
KOMU-TV, 8, Columbia, MO
KTVO, 3, Ottumwa, IA
KTVI, 2, St. Louis, MO
KMOV, 4, St. Louis, MO (formerly KMOX)
KSDK, 5, St. Louis, MO (formerly KSD)
KPLR-TV, 11, St. Louis, MO
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
KOMU-TV, 8, Columbia, MO
KRCG, 13, Jefferson City, MO
KTVI, 2, St. Louis, MO
KMOV, 4, St. Louis, MO (formerly KMOX)
KSDK, 5, St. Louis, MO (formerly KSD)
KHQA-TV, 7, Hannibal, MO
WGEM-TV, 10, Quincy, IL
WJJY-TV, 14, Jacksonville, IL
+KTVO, 3, Ottumwa, IA
KTVO, 3, Ottumwa, IA
KCCI, 8, Des Moines, IA (formerly KRNT)
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KQTV, 2, St. Joseph, MO
KOMU-TV, 8, Columbia, MO
KRCG, 13, Jefferson City, MO
WSIL-TV, 3, Harrisburg, IL
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
+KBSI, 23, Cape Girardeau, MO
KOMU-TV, 8, Columbia, MO
KRCG, 13, Jefferson City, MO
KHQA-TV, 7, Hannibal, MO
WGEM-TV, 10, Quincy, IL
KOMU-TV, 8, Columbia, MO
KRCG, 13, Jefferson City, MO
KOMU-TV, 8, Columbia, MO
KRCG, 13, Jefferson City, MO
KTVI, 2, St. Louis, MO
KMOV, 4, St. Louis, MO (formerly KMOX)
KSDK, 5, St. Louis, MO (formerly KSD)
KPLR-TV, 11, St. Louis, MO
KDNL-TV, 30, St. Louis, MO
KOMU-TV, 8, Columbia, MO
KRCG, 13, Jefferson City, MO
KYTV, 3, Springfield, MO
New Madrid
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
+KBSI, 23, Cape Girardeau, MO
+KAIT-TV, 8, Jonesboro, AR
KOAM-TV, 7, Pittsburg, KS
KODE-TV, 12, Joplin, MO
KSNF, 16, Joplin, MO (formerly KUHI)
KQTV, 2, St. Joseph, MO
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KMTV, 3, Omaha, NE
WOWT, 6, Omaha, NE (formerly WOW)
+KPTM, 42 Omaha, NE
KYTV, 3, Springfield, MO
+KOLR, 10, Springfield, MO
KAIT-TV, 8, Jonesboro, AR
KOMU-TV, 8, Columbia, MO
KRCG, 13, Jefferson City, MO
KTVI, 2, St. Louis, MO
KYTV, 3, Springfield, MO
KOLR, 10, Springfield, MO (formerly KTTS)
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
+WPTY-TV, 24, Memphis, TN
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
+KBSI, 23, Cape Girardeau, MO
+KAIT-TV, 8, Jonesboro, AR
KTVI, 2, St. Louis, MO
KMOV, 4, St. Louis, MO (formerly KMOX)
KSDK, 5, St. Louis, MO (formerly KSD)
KPLR, 11, St. Louis, MO
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
+KBSI, 23, Cape Girardeau, MO
KMOS-TV, 6, Sedalia, MO
KOMU-TV, 8, Columbia, MO
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MO
KOMU-TV, 8, Columbia, MO
KRCG, 13, Jefferson City, MO
KTVI, 2, St. Louis, MO
+KOLR, 10, Springfield, MO
KHQA-TV, 7, Hannibal, MO
WGEM-TV, 10, Quincy, IL
KTVI, 2, St. Louis, MO
KMOV, 4, St. Louis, MO (formerly KMOX)
KSDK, 5, St. Louis, MO (formerly KSD)
KPLR-TV, 11, St. Louis, MO
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MO
KSHB-TV, 41, Kansas City, MO (formerly KBMA)
KCIT-TV, 50, Kansas City, MO
+KSMO-TV, 62, Kansas City, MO (formerly KZKC)
KQTV, 2, St. Joseph, MO
KYTV, 3, Springfield, MO
KOLR, 10, Springfield, MO (formerly KTTS)
KDEB-TV, 27, Springfield, MO (formerly KMTC)
KYTV, 3, Springfield, MO
+KOLR, 10, Springfield, MO
+KSPR-TV, 33, Springfield, MO
KOMU-TV, 8, Columbia, MO
KRCG, 13, Jefferson City, MO
KTVO, 3, Ottumwa, IA
KHQA-TV, 7, Hannibal, MO
WGEM-TV, 10, Quincy, IL
WJJY-TV, 14, Jacksonville, IL
KOMU-TV, 8, Columbia, MO
KRCG, 13, Jefferson City, MO
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MO
KCIT-TV, 50, Kansas City, MO
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
KTVI, 2, St. Louis, MO
KMOV, 4, St. Louis, MO (formerly KMOX)
KSDK, 5, St. Louis, MO (formerly KSD)
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
KAIT-TV, 8, Jonesboro, AR
St. Charles
KTVI, 2, St. Louis, MO
KMOV, 4, St. Louis, MO (formerly KMOX)
KSDK, 5, St. Louis, MO (formerly KSD)
KPLR-TV, 11, St. Louis, MO
KDNL-TV, 30, St. Louis, MO
St. Clair
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MO
KYTV, 3, Springfield, MO
KOLR, 10, Springfield, MO (formerly KTTS)
St. Francois
KTVI, 2, St. Louis, MO
KMOV, 4, St. Louis, MO (formerly KMOX)
KSDK, 5, St. Louis, MO (formerly KSD)
KPLR-TV, 11, St. Louis, MO
St. Louis including city of St. Louis
KTVI, 2, St. Louis, MO
KMOV, 4, St. Louis, MO (formerly KMOX)
KSDK, 5, St. Louis, MO (formerly KSD)
KPLR-TV, 11, St. Louis, MO
KDNL-TV, 30, St. Louis, MO
Ste. Genevieve
KTVI, 2, St. Louis, MO
KMOV, 4, St. Louis, MO (formerly KMOX)
KSDK, 5, St. Louis, MO (formerly KSD)
KPLR-TV, 11, St. Louis, MO
KDNL-TV, 30, St. Louis, MO
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KMBC-TV, 9, Kansas City, MO
KMOS-TV, 6, Sedalia, MO
KOMU-TV, 8, Columbia, MO
KRCG, 13, Jefferson City, MO
KTVO, 3, Ottumwa, IA
+KYOU-TV, 15, Ottumwa, IA (formerly KOIA)
KHQA-TV, 7, Hannibal, MO
WGEM-TV, 10, Quincy, IL
KHQA-TV, 7, Hannibal, MO
WGEM-TV, 10, Quincy, ILStart Printed Page 11377
KTVO, 3, Ottumwa, IA
WSIL-TV, 3, Harrisburg, IL
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
+KBSI, 23, Cape Girardeau, MO
KYTV, 3, Springfield, MO
KHQA-TV, 7, Hannibal, MO
WGEM-TV, 10, Quincy, IL
KTVO, 3, Ottumwa, IA
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
+KBSI, 23, Cape Girardeau, MO
KYTV, 3, Springfield, MO
KOLR, 10, Springfield, MO (formerly KTTS)
KDEB-TV, 27, Springfield, MO (formerly KMTC)
+KSPR, 33, Springfield, MO
KTVO, 3, Ottumwa, IA
WGEM-TV, 10, Quincy, IL
KYTV, 3, Springfield, MO
KOLR, 10, Springfield, MO (formerly KTTS)
KDEB-TV, 27, Springfield, MO (formerly KMTC)
+KSPR, 33, Springfield, MO
KYTV, 3, Springfield, MO
KOLR, 10, Springfield, MO (formerly KTTS)
KDEB-TV, 27, Springfield, MO (formerly KMTC)
KOAM-TV, 7, Pittsburg, KS
KODE-TV, 12, Joplin, MO
KSNF, 16, Joplin, MO (formerly KUHI)
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (KCTV)
+KOLR, 10, Springfield, MO
KTVI, 2, St. Louis, MO
KMOV, 4, St. Louis, MO (formerly KMOX)
KSDK, 5, St. Louis, MO (formerly KSD)
KPLR-TV, 11, St. Louis, MO
KTVI, 2, St. Louis, MO
KMOV, 4, St. Louis, MO (formerly KMOX)
KSDK, 5, St. Louis, MO (formerly KSD)
KPLR-TV, 11, St. Louis, MO
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
+KBSI, 23, Cape Girardeau, MO
KYTV, 3, Springfield, MO
KOLR, 10, Springfield, MO (formerly KTTS)
KDEB-TV, 27, Springfield, MO (formerly KMTC)
KQTV, 2, St. Joseph, MO
WDAF-TV, 4, Kansas City, MO
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KYTV, 3, Springfield, MO
KOLR, 10, Springfield, MO (formerly KTTS)
KDEB-TV, 27, Springfield, MO (formerly KMTC)
Country Club—KSHB-TV, KSMO-TV
KXLF-TV, 4, Butte, MT
KECI-TV, 13, Missoula, MT (formerly KGVO)
Big Horn
KTVQ, 2, Billings, MT (formerly KOOK)
KULR-TV, 8, Billings, MT
KRTV, 3, Great Falls, MT
KFBB-TV, 5, Great Falls, MT
CJOC, 7, Canada (formerly CJLH)
KXLF-TV, 4, Butte, MT
KRTV, 3, Great Falls, MT
KFBB-TV, 5, Great Falls, MT
KTVQ, 2, Billings, MT (formerly KOOK)
KULR-TV, 8, Billings, MT
KOTA-TV, 3, Rapid City, SD
KXGN-TV, 5, Glendive, MT
KRTV, 3, Great Falls, MT
KFBB-TV, 5, Great Falls, MT
KRTV, 3, Great Falls, MT
KFBB-TV, 5, Great Falls, MT
KTVQ, 2, Billings, MT (formerly KOOK)
KULR-TV, 8, Billings, MT
KYUS-TV, 3, Miles City, MT
KUMV-TV, 8, Williston, ND
KXMD-TV, 11, Williston, ND
CKTV, 2, Canada (formerly CKCK)
KXGN-TV, 5, Glendive, MT
KUMV-TV, 8, Williston, ND
Deer Lodge
KXLF-TV, 4, Butte, MT
KECI-TV, 13, Missoula, MT (formerly KGVO)
KXMA-TV, 2, Dickinson, ND (formerly KDIX)
KXGN-TV, 5, Glendive, MT
KTVQ, 2, Billings, MT (formerly KOOK)
KULR-TV, 8, Billings, MT
KFBB-TV, 5, Great Falls, MT
KCFW, 9, Kalispell, MT
KREM-TV, 2, Spokane, WA
#KXLY-TV, 4, Spokane, WA [20]
KXLF-TV, 4, Butte, MT
KECI-TV, 13, Missoula, MT (formerly KGVO)
KTVQ, 2, Billings, MT (formerly KOOK)
KULR-TV, 8, Billings, MT
KRTV, 3, Great Falls, MT
KFBB-TV, 5, Great Falls, MT
CJOC, 7, Canada (formerly CJLH)
Golden Valley
KTVQ, 2, Billings, MT (formerly KOOK)
KULR-TV, 8, Billings, MT
KXLF-TV, 4, Butte, MT
KECI-TV, 13, Missoula, MT (formerly KGVO)
KRTV, 3, Great Falls, MT
KFBB-TV, 5, Great Falls, MT
CFCN, 4, Canada
CJOC, 7, Canada (formerly CJLH)
KXLF-TV, 4, Butte, MT
KFBB-TV, 5, Great Falls, MT
KECI-TV, 13, Missoula, MT (formerly KGVO)
Judith Basin
KTVQ, 2, Billings, MT (formerly KOOK)
KULR-TV, 8, Billings, MT
KRTV, 3, Great Falls, MT
KFBB-TV, 5, Great Falls, MT
KECI-TV, 13, Missoula, MT (formerly KGVO)
KXLF-TV, 4, Butte, MT
KXLY-TV, 4, Spokane, WA
Lewis & Clark
KTVH, 12, Helena, MT (formerly KBLL)
KXLF-TV, 4, Butte, MT
KFBB-TV, 5, Great Falls, MT
KRTV, 3, Great Falls, MT
KFBB-TV, 5, Great Falls, MT
CFCN, 4, Canada
CJOC, 7, Canada (formerly CJLH)
KREM-TV, 2, Spokane, WA
KXLY-TV, 4, Spokane, WA
KHQ-TV, 6, Spokane, WA
KCFW-TV, 9, Kalispell, MT
KUMV-TV, 8, Williston, ND
KXGN-TV, 5, Glendive, MT
KXLF-TV, 4, Butte, MT
KECI-TV, 13, Missoula, MT (formerly KGVO)
KRTV, 3, Great Falls, MT
KFBB-TV, 5, Great Falls, MT
KXLF-TV, 4, Butte, MT
KXLY-TV, 4, Spokane, WA
KXLF-TV, 4, Butte, MT
KECI-TV, 13, Missoula, MT (formerly KGVO)
KECI-TV, 13, Missoula, MT (formerly KGVO)
KXLF-TV, 4, Butte, MT
KTVQ, 2, Billings, MT (formerly KOOK)
KULR-TV, 8, Billings, MT
KTVQ, 2, Billings, MT (formerly KOOK)
KULR-TV, 8, Billings, MT
KXLF-TV, 4, Butte, MT
KTVQ, 2, Billings, MT (formerly KOOK)
KULR-TV, 8, Billings, MT
KRTV, 3, Great Falls, MT
KFBB-TV, 5, Great Falls, MT
KTVQ, 2, Billings, MT (formerly KOOK)
KRTV, 3, Great Falls, MT
KFBB-TV, 5, Great Falls, MTStart Printed Page 11378
CJOC, 7, Canada (formerly CJLH)
Powder River
KTVQ, 2, Billings, MT (formerly KOOK)
KULR-TV, 8, Billings, MT
KOTA-TV, 3, Rapid City, SD
KXLF-TV, 4, Butte, MT
KECI-TV, 13, Missoula, MT (formerly KGVO)
KXGN-TV, 5, Glendive, MT
KYUS-TV, 3, Miles City, MT
KECI-TV, 13, Missoula, MT (formerly KGVO)
KXLF-TV, 4, Butte, MT
KUMV-TV, 8, Williston, ND
KXMD-TV, 11, Williston, ND
KXGN-TV, 5, Glendive, MT
KUMV-TV, 8, Williston, ND
KXMD-TV, 11, Williston, ND
CKTV, 2, Canada (formerly CKCK)
KTVQ, 2, Billings, MT (formerly KOOK)
KULR-TV, 8, Billings, MT
KYUS-TV, 3, Miles City, MT
KREM-TV, 2, Spokane, WA
KXLY-TV, 4, Spokane, WA
KHQ-TV, 6, Spokane, WA
KECI-TV, 13, Missoula, MT (formerly KGVO)
KUMV-TV, 8, Williston, ND
KXMD-TV, 11, Williston, ND
CKTV, 2, Canada (formerly CKCK)
Silver Bow
KXLF-TV, 4, Butte, MT
KECI-TV, 13, Missoula, MT (formerly KGVO)
KTVQ, 2, Billings, MT (formerly KOOK)
KULR-TV, 8, Billings, MT
Sweet Grass
KTVQ, 2, Billings, MT (formerly KOOK)
KULR-TV, 8, Billings, MT
KRTV, 3, Great Falls, MT
KFBB-TV, 5, Great Falls, MT
KRTV, 3, Great Falls, MT
KFBB-TV, 5, Great Falls, MT
CFCN, 4, Canada
CJOC, 7, Canada (formerly CJLH)
KTVQ, 2, Billings, MT (formerly KOOK)
KULR-TV, 8, Billings, MT
KUMV-TV, 8, Williston, ND
KXMD-TV, 11, Williston, ND
CKTV, 2, Canada (formerly CKCK)
KTVQ, 2, Billings, MT (formerly KOOK)
KULR-TV, 8, Billings, MT
KXMA-TV, 2, Dickinson, ND (formerly KDIX)
KXGN-TV, 5, Glendive, MT
KUMV-TV, 8, Williston, ND
KTVQ, 2, Billings, MT (formerly KOOK)
KULR-TV, 8, Billings, MT
KHAS-TV, 5, Hastings, NE
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
KLKN, 8, Lincoln, NE (formerly KHQL)
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KTIV, 4, Sioux City, IA
KCAU-TV, 9, Sioux City, IA
KNOP-TV, 2, North Platte, NE
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
KSTF, 10, Scottsbluff, NE
KDUH-TV, 4, Scottsbluff, NE
KNOP-TV, 2, North Platte, NE
KHAS-TV, 5, Hastings, NE
KLKN, 8, Lincoln, NE (formerly KHQL)
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
Box Butte
KSTF, 10, Scottsbluff, NE
KDUH-TV, 4, Scottsbluff, NE
KDLV-TV, 5, Mitchell, SD (formerly KORN)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KHAS-TV, 5, Lincoln & HastingS-Kearney
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
KMTV, 3, Omaha, NE
WOWT, 6, Omaha, NE (formerly WOW)
KETV, 7, Omaha, NE
+KXVO, 15, Omaha, NE
+KPTM, 42, Omaha, NE
KMTV, 3, Omaha, NE
WOWT, 6, Omaha, NE (formerly WOW)
KETV, 7, Omaha, NE
+KXVO, 15, Omaha, NE
+KPTM, 42, Omaha, NE
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KMTV, 3, Omaha, NE
WOW, 6, Omaha, NE (formerly WOW)
KETV, 7, Omaha, NE
+KXVO, 15, Omaha, NE
+KPTM, 42, Omaha, NE
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KTIV, 4, Sioux City, IA
KCAU-TV, 9, Sioux City, IA
KMEG, 14, Sioux City, IA
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
KSNK, 8, McCook, NE (formerly KOMC)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KNOP-TV, 2, North Platte, NE
KDUH-TV, 4, Scottsbluff, NE
KTVS, 3, Sterling, CO
KSTF, 10, Scottsbluff, NE
KDUH-TV, 4, Scottsbluff, NE
KSNB-TV, 4, Superior, NE (formerly KHTL)
KHAS-TV, 5, Hastings, NE
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
KMTV, 3, Omaha, NE
WOWT, 6, Omaha, NE (formerly WOW)
KETV, 7, Omaha, NE
+KXVO, 15, Omaha, NE
+KPTM, 42, Omaha, NE
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KMTV, 3, Omaha, NE
WOWT, 6, Omaha, NE (formerly WOW)
KETV, 7, Omaha, NE
+KXVO, 15, Omaha, NE
+KPTM, 42, Omaha, NE
KTIV, 4, Sioux City, IA
KCAU-TV, 9, Sioux City, IA
KHAS-TV, 5, Hastings, NE
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
KNOP-TV, 2, North Platte, NE
KTIV, 4, Sioux City, IA
KCAU-TV, 9, Sioux City, IA
KMEG, 14, Sioux City, IA
KDUH-TV, 4, Scottsbluff, NE
KSTF, 10, Scottsbluff, NE
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
KNOP-TV, 2, North Platte, NE
KTVS, 3, Sterling, CO
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
KNOP-TV, 2, North Platte, NE
KTIV, 4, Sioux City, IA
KCAU-TV, 9, Sioux City, IA
KMEG, 14, Sioux City, IA
KMTV, 3, Omaha, NE
WOWT, 6, Omaha, NE (formerly WOW)
KETV, 7, Omaha, NE
+KXVO, 15, Omaha, NE
+KPTM, 42, Omaha, NE
KMTV, 3, Omaha, NE
WOWT, 6, Omaha, NE (formerly WOW)
KETV, 7, Omaha, NE
+KXVO, 15, Omaha, NE
+KPTM, 42, Omaha, NE
KBSH-TV, 7, Hays, KS (formerly KAYS)
KSNK, 8, McCook, NE (formerly KOMC)
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
KSNB-TV, 4, Superior, NE (formerly KHTL)
KHAS-TV, 5, Hastings, NE
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
KHAS-TV, 5, Hastings, NE
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
FrontierStart Printed Page 11379
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
KNOP-TV, 2, North Platte, NE
KSNK, 8, McCook, NE (formerly KOMC)
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
KSNK, 8, McCook, NE (formerly KOMC)
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KMTV, 3, Omaha, NE
KETV, 7, Omaha, NE
+KXVO, 15, Omaha, NE
+KPTM, 42, Omaha, NE
KTVS, 3, Sterling, CO
KSTF, 10, Scottsbluff, NE
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
KNOP-TV, 2, North Platte, NE
KDUH-TV, 4, Scottsbluff, NE
KHAS-TV, 5, Hastings, NE
KLKN, 8, Lincoln, NE (formerly KHQL)
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KHAS-TV, 5, Hastings, NE
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
KDUH-TV, 4, Scottsbluff, NE
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
KNOP-TV, 2, North Platte, NE
KHAS-TV, 5, Hastings, NE
KLKN, 8, Lincoln, NE (formerly KHQL)
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
KHAS-TV, 5, Hastings, NE
+KLKE, 24, Albion, NE (formerly KCAN)
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
KHAS-TV, 5, Hastings, NE
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
KHAS-TV, 5, Hastings, NE
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
KNOP-TV, 2, North Platte, NE
KSNK, 8, McCook, NE (formerly KOMC)
KBSH-TV, 7, Hays, KS (formerly KAYS)
KSNK, 8, McCook, NE (formerly KOMC)
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
KLKN, 8, Lincoln, NE (formerly KHQL)
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KTIV, 4, Sioux City, IA
KCAU, 9, Sioux City, IA
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KNOP-TV, 2, North Platte, NE
KDUH-TV, 4, Scottsbluff, NE
KHAS-TV, 5, Hastings, NE
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
KSNB-TV, 4, Superior, NE (formerly KHTL)
KHAS-TV, 5, Hastings, NE
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
+KXVO, 15, Omaha, NE
+KPTM, 42, Omaha, NE
KMTV, 3, Omaha, NE
WOWT, 6, Omaha, NE (formerly WOW)
KETV, 7, Omaha, NE
+KXVO, 15, Omaha, NE
+KPTM, 42, Omaha, NE
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KHAS-TV, 5, Hastings, NE
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
KNOP-TV, 2, North Platte, NE
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
Keya Paha
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KTVS, 3, Sterling, CO
KGWN-TV, 5, Cheyenne, WY (formerly KFBC)
KSTF, 10, Scottsbluff, NE
KDUH-TV, 4, Scottsbluff, NE
KTIV, 4, Sioux City, IA
KCAU-TV, 9, Sioux City, IA
KLKN, 8, Lincoln, NE (formerly KHQL)
KDLV-TV, 5, Mitchell, SD (formerly KORN)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
+KLKE, 24, Albion, NE (formerly KBGT)
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KMTV, 3, Omaha, NE
WOWT, 6, Omaha, NE (formerly WOW)
KETV, 7, Omaha, NE
+KXVO, 15, Omaha, NE
+KPTM, 42, Omaha, NE
KNOP-TV, 2, North Platte, NE
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
KNOP-TV, 2, North Platte, NE
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
KHAS-TV, 5, Hastings, NE
KLKN, 8, Lincoln, NE (formerly KHQL)
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KNOP-TV, 2, North Platte, NE
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
KTIV, 4, Sioux City, IA
KCAU-TV, 9, Sioux City, IA
KLKN, 8, Lincoln, NE (formerly KHQL)
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
WOWT, 6, Omaha, NE (formerly WOW)
KHAS-TV, 5, Hastings, NE
KLKN, 8, Lincoln, NE (formerly KHQL)
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
KSTF, 10, Scottsbluff, NE
KDUH-TV 4, Scottsbluff, NE
KHAS-TV, 5, Hastings, NE
KLKN, 8, Lincoln, NE (formerly KHQL)
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KMTV, 3, Omaha, NE
KMTV, 3, Omaha, NE
WOWT, 6, Omaha, NE (formerly WOW)
KETV, 7, Omaha, NE
+KPTM, 42, Omaha, NE
KSNB-TV, 4, Superior, NE (formerly KHTL)
KHAS-TV, 5, Hastings, NE
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
KMTV, 3, Omaha, NE
WOWT, 6, Omaha, NE (formerly WOW)
KETV, 7, Omaha, NE
+KXVO, 15, Omaha, NE
+KPTM, 42, Omaha, NE
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KMTV, 3, Omaha, NE
WOWT, 6, Omaha, NE (formerly WOW)
KETV, 7, Omaha, NE
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
KTVS, 3, Sterling, CO
KNOP-TV, 2, North Platte, NE
KHAS-TV, 5, Hastings, NE
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
KTIV, 4, Sioux City, IA
KCAU-TV, 9, Sioux City, IA
KLKN, 8, Lincoln, NE (formerly KHQL)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KLKN, 8, Lincoln, NE (formerly KHQL)
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KMTV, 3, Omaha, NE
WOWT, 6, Omaha, NE (formerly WOW)
KETV, 7, Omaha, NE
+KPTM, 42, Omaha, NE
KHAS-TV, 5, Hastings, NE
KLKN, 8, Lincoln, NE (formerly KHQL)
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KMTV, 3, Omaha, NE
KETV, 7, Omaha, NE
+KPTM, 42, Omaha, NE
Red Willow
KSNK, 8, McCook, NE (formerly KOMC)
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
KMTV, 3, Omaha, NEStart Printed Page 11380
WOWT, 6, Omaha, NE (formerly WOW)
KETV, 7, Omaha, NE
+KPTM, 42, Omaha, NE
KCTV, 5, Kansas City, MO (formerly KCMO)
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KQTV, 2, St. Joseph, MO
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSNB-TV, 4, Superior, NE (formerly KHTL)
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KMTV, 3, Omaha, NE
KETV, 7, Omaha, NE
+KXVO, 15, Omaha, NE
+KPTM, 42, Omaha, NE
KMTV, 3, Omaha, NE
WOWT, 6, Omaha, NE(formerly WOW)
KETV, 7, Omaha, NE
+KXVO, 15, Omaha, NE
+KPTM, 42, Omaha, NE
KMTV, 3, Omaha, NE
WOWT, 6, Omaha, NE (formerly WOW)
KETV, 7, Omaha, NE
+KXVO, 15, Omaha, NE
+KPTM, 42, Omaha, NE
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
Scotts Bluff
KSTF, 10, Scottsbluff, NE
KDUH-TV, 4, Scottsbluff, NE
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KMTV, 3, Omaha, NE
WOWT, 6, Omaha, NE (formerly WOW)
KETV, 7, Omaha, NE
+KXVO, 15, Omaha, NE
+KPTM, 42, Omaha, NE
KDUH-TV, 4, Scottsbluff, NE
KHAS-TV, 5, Hastings, NE
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
KSTF, 10, Scottsbluff, NE
KDUH-TV, 4, Scottsbluff, NE
KTIV, 4, Sioux City, IA
KCAU-TV, 9, Sioux City, IA
KLKN, 8, Lincoln, NE (formerly KHQL)
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KMTV, 3, Omaha, NE
WOWT, 6, Omaha, NE (formerly WOW)
KETV, 7, Omaha, NE
KSNB-TV, 4, Superior, NE (formerly KHTL)
KHAS-TV, 5, Hastings, NE
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
KNOP-TV, 2, North Platte, NE
KTIV, 4, Sioux City, IA
KCAU-TV, 9, Sioux City, IA
KMEG, 14, Sioux City, IA
KMTV, 3, Omaha, NE
WOWT, 6, Omaha, NE (formerly WOW)
KETV, 7, Omaha, NE
KHAS-TV, 5, Hastings, NE
KLKN, 8, Lincoln, NE (formerly KHQL)
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
KMTV, 3, Omaha, NE
WOWT, 6, Omaha, NE (formerly WOW)
KETV, 7, Omaha, NE
+KXVO, 15, Omaha, NE
+KPTM, 42, Omaha, NE
KTIV, 4, Sioux City, IA
KCAU-TV, 9, Sioux City, IA
KMEG, 14, Sioux City, IA
KHAS-TV, 5, Hastings, NE
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KHGI-TV, 13, Kearney, NE (formerly KHOL)
KHAS-TV, 5, Hastings, NE
KLKN, 8, Lincoln, NE (formerly KHQL)
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
KSNB-TV, 4, Superior, NE (formerly KHTL)
KHAS-TV, 5, Hastings, NE
KOLN, 10, Lincoln, NE
+KPTM, 42, Omaha, NE
Carson City
+KAME-TV, 21, Reno, NV
KRNV, 4, Reno, NV (formerly KCRL)
KOLO-TV, 8, Reno, NV
+KAME-TV, 21, Reno, NV
KVBC, 3, Las Vegas, NV (formerly KORK)
KVVU-TV, 5, Henderson, NV (formerly KHBV)
KLAS-TV, 8, Las Vegas, NV
KTNV, 13, Las Vegas, NV (formerly KSHO)
KTVN, 2, Reno, NV
KRNV, 4, Reno, NV (formerly KCRL)
KOLO-TV, 8, Reno, NV
+KAME-TV, 21, Reno, NV
KTVU, 2, Oakland, CA
KSL-TV, 5, Salt Lake City, UT
KBCI-TV, 2, Boise, ID (formerly KBOI)
KTVB, 7, Boise, ID
KOLO-TV, 8, Reno, NV
KOLO-TV, 8, Reno, NV
KUTV, 2, Salt Lake City, UT
KTVX, 4, Salt Lake City, UT (formerly KCPX)
KSL-TV, 5, Salt Lake City, UT
KOLO-TV, 8, Reno, NV
KBCI-TV, 2, Boise, ID (formerly KBOI)
KTVB, 7, Boise, ID
KTVN, 2, Reno, NV
KOLO-TV, 8, Reno, NV
KVBC, 3, Las Vegas, NV (formerly KORK)
KLAS-TV, 8, Las Vegas, NV
KTVX, 4, Salt Lake City, NV (formerly KCPX)
KTVN, 2, Reno, NV
KRNV, 4, Reno, NV (formerly KCRL)
KOLO-TV, 8, Reno, NV
+KAME-TV, 21, Reno, NV
KTVN, 2, Reno, NV
KRNV, 4, Reno, NV (formerly KCRL)
KOLO-TV, 8, Reno, NV
KTVN, 2, Reno, NV
KRNV, 4, Reno, NV (formerly KCRL)
KOLO-TV, 8, Reno, NV
KVBC, 3, Las Vegas, NV (formerly KORK)
KTVN, 2, Reno, NV
KRNV, 4, Reno, NV (formerly KCRL)
KOLO-TV, 8, Reno, NV
KTVN, 2, Reno, NV
KRNV, 4, Reno, NV (formerly KCRL)
KOLO-TV, 8, Reno, NV
KTVN, 2, Reno, NV
KRNV, 4, Reno, NV (formerly KCRL)
KOLO-TV, 8, Reno, NV
KTVN, 2, Reno, NV
KRNV, 4, Reno, NV (formerly KCRL)
KOLO-TV, 8, Reno, NV
+KAME-TV, 21, Reno, NV
White Pine
KUTV, 2, Salt Lake City, UT
KTVX, 4, Salt Lake City, UT (formerly KCPX)
KSL-TV, 5, Salt Lake City, UT
WCSH, 6, Portland, ME
WMTW-TV, 8, Portland, ME
WGME-TV, 13, Portland, ME (formerly WGAN)
WBZ-TV, 4, Boston, MA
WCVB-TV, 5, Boston, MA (formerly WHDH)
WMUR-TV, 9, Manchester, NH
+WNBU, 21, Concord, NH (formerly WNHT)
WCSH, 6, Portland, ME
WMTW-TV, 8, Portland, ME
WGME-TV, 13, Portland, ME (formerly WGAN)
WBZ-TV, 4, Boston, MA
WCVB-TV, 5, Boston, MA (formerly WHDH)
WHDH-TV, 7, Boston, MA (formerly WNAC)
WFSB, 3, Hartford, CT (formerly WTIC)
WMUR-TV, 9, Manchester, NH
WWLP, 22, Springfield, MA
WCSH, 6, Portland, ME
WMTW-TV, 8, Portland, ME
WGME-TV, 13, Portland, ME (formerly WGAN)
WCAX-TV, 3, Burlington, VT
WMTW-TV, 8, Portland, ME
WCAX-TV, 3, Burlington, VT
WBZ-TV, 4, Boston, MA
WCVB-TV, 5, Boston, MA (formerly WHDH)
WHDH-TV, 7, Boston, MA (formerly WNAC)Start Printed Page 11381
WSBK-TV, 38, Boston, MA
WLVI-TV, 56, Cambridge, MA (formerly WKBG)
WMUR-TV, 9, Manchester, NH
+WNDS, 50, Derry, NH
WBZ-TV, 4, Boston, MA
WCVB-TV, 5, Boston, MA (formerly WHDH)
WHDH-TV, 7, Boston, MA (formerly WNAC)
WMUR-TV, 9, Manchester, NH
WCSH, 6, Portland, ME
WMTW-TV, 8, Portland, ME
+WNBU, 21, Concord, NH (formerly WNHT)
WBZ-TV, 4, Boston, MA
WCVB-TV, 5, Boston, MA (formerly WHDH)
WHDH-TV, 7, Boston, MA (formerly WNAC)
WSBK-TV, 38, Boston, MA
WLVI-TV, 56, Cambridge, MA (formerly WKBG)
WMUR-TV, 9, Manchester, NH
+WNDS, 50, Derry, NH
WBZ-TV, 4, Boston, MA
WCVB-TV, 5, Boston, MA (formerly WHDH)
WHDH-TV, 7, Boston, MA (formerly WNAC)
WMUR-TV, 9, Manchester, NH
WCSH, 6, Portland, ME
WMTW-TV, 8, Portland, ME
WGME-TV, 13, Portland, ME (formerly WGAN)
+WNBU, 21, Concord, NH (formerly WNHT)
WBZ-TV, 4, Boston, MA
WCVB-TV, 5, Boston, MA (formerly WHDH)
WCAX-TV, 3, Burlington, VT
WMUR-TV, 9, Manchester, NH
WWLP, 22, Springfield, MA
Brentwood—WFXT, WCSH
Center Harbor, NH
East Kingston—WFXT, WCSH
Kensington—WFXT, WCSH
New Durham—WHDH-TV
Nottingham—WFXT, WCSH
Rollingsford—WFXT, WCSH, WNBU, WMUR-TV
KYW-TV, 3, Philadelphia, PA
WPVI-TV, 6, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WFIL)
WCAU, 10, Philadelphia, PA
WPHL-TV, 17, Philadelphia, PA
WTXF-TV, 29, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WTAF)
WKBS-TV, 48, Altoona, PA
+WPSG, 57, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WGBS)
WCBS-TV, 2, New York, NY
WNBC, 4, New York, NY
WNYW, 5, New York, NY (formerly WNEW)
WABC-TV, 7, New York, NY
WWOR-TV, 9, New York, NY (formerly WOR)
WPIX, 11, New York, NY
KYW-TV, 3, Philadelphia, PA
WPVI-TV, 6, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WFIL)
WCAU, 10, Philadelphia, PA
WPHL-TV, 17, Philadelphia, PA
WTXF-TV, 29, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WTAF)
WKBS-TV, 48, Altoona, PA
+WPSG, 57, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WGBS)
KYW-TV, 3, Philadelphia, PA
WPVI-TV, 6, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WFIL)
WCAU, 10, Philadelphia, PA
WPHL-TV, 17, Philadelphia, PA
WTXF-TV, 29, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WTAF)
WKBS-TV, 48, Altoona, PA
+WPSG, 57, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WGBS)
Cape May
KYW-TV, 3, Philadelphia, PA
WPVI-TV, 6, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WFIL)
WCAU, 10, Philadelphia, PA
WPHL-TV, 17, Philadelphia, PA
WKBS-TV, 48, Altoona, PA
+WPSG, 57, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WGBS)
KYW-TV, 3, Philadelphia, PA
WPVI-TV, 6, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WFIL)
WCAU, 10, Philadelphia, PA
WPHL-TV, 17, Philadelphia, PA
WTXF-TV, 29, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WTAF)
WKBS-TV, 48, Altoona, PA
+WPSG, 57, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WGBS)
WCBS-TV, 2, New York, NY
WNBC, 4, New York, NY
WNYW, 5, New York, NY (formerly WNEW)
WABC-TV, 7, New York, NY
WWOR-TV, 9, New York, NY (formerly WWOR)
WPIX, 11, New York, NY
KYW-TV, 3, Philadelphia, PA
WPVI-TV, 6, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WFIL)
WCAU, 10, Philadelphia, PA
WPHL-TV, 17, Philadelphia, PA
WKBS-TV, 48, Altoona, PA
+WPSG, 57, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WGBS)
WCBS-TV, 2, New York, NY
WNBC, 4, New York, NY
WNYW, 5, New York, NY (formerly WNEW)
WABC-TV, 7, New York, NY
WWOR-TV, 9, New York, NY (formerly WOR)
WPIX, 11, New York, NY
WCBS-TV, 2, New York, NY
WNBC, 4, New York, NY
WNYW, 5, New York, NY (formerly WNEW)
WABC-TV, 7, New York, NY
WWOR-TV, 9, New York, NY (formerly WOR)
WPIX, 11, New York, NY
KYW-TV, 3, Philadelphia, PA
WPVI-TV, 6, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WFIL)
WCAU, 10, Philadelphia, PA
WTXF-TV, 29, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WTAF)
+WPSG, 57, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WGBS)
KYW-TV, 3, Philadelphia, PA
WPVI-TV, 6, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WFIL)
WCAU, 10, Philadelphia, PA
WPHL-TV, 17, Philadelphia, PA
WKBS-TV, 48, Altoona, PA
+WPSG, 57, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WGBS)
WCBS-TV, 2, New York, NY
WNBC, 4, New York, NY
WNYW, 5, New York, NY (formerly WNEW)
WABC-TV, 7, New York, NY
WWOR-TV, 9, New York, NY (formerly WOR)Start Printed Page 11382
WPIX, 11, New York, NY
WCBS-TV, 2, New York, NY
WNBC, 4, New York, NY
WNYW, 5, New York, NY (formerly WNEW)
WABC-TV, 7, New York, NY
WWOR-TV, 9, New York, NY (formerly WOR)
WPIX, 11, New York, NY
WCBS-TV, 2, New York, NY
WNBC, 4, New York, NY
WNYW, 5, New York, NY (formerly WNEW)
WABC-TV, 7, New York, NY
WWOR-TV, 9, New York, NY (formerly WOR)
WPIX, 11, New York, NY
WCBS-TV, 2, New York, NY
WNBC, 4, New York, NY
WNYW, 5, New York, NY (formerly WNEW)
WABC-TV, 7, New York, NY
WWOR-TV, 9, New York, NY (formerly WOR)
WPIX, 11, New York, NY
WCBS-TV, 2, New York, NY
WNBC, 4, New York, NY
WNYW, 5, New York, NY (formerly WNEW)
WABC-TV, 7, New York, NY
WWOR-TV, 9, New York, NY (formerly WOR)
WPIX, 11, New York, NY
WPVI-TV, 6, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WFIL)
WCBS-TV, 2, New York, NY
WNBC, 4, New York, NY
WNYW, 5, New York, NY (formerly WNEW)
WABC-TV, 7, New York, NY
WWOR-TV, 9, New York, NY (formerly WOR)
WPIX, 11, New York, NY
KYW-TV, 3, Philadelphia, PA
WPVI-TV, 6, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WFIL)
WCAU, 10, Philadelphia, PA
WPHL-TV, 17, Philadelphia, PA
WTXF-TV, 29, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WTAF)
WKBS-TV, 48, Altoona, PA
+WPSG, 57, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WGBS)
WCBS-TV, 2, New York, NY
WNBC, 4, New York, NY
WNYW, 5, New York, NY (formerly WNEW)
WABC-TV, 7, New York, NY
WWOR-TV, 9, New York, NY (formerlyWOR)
WPIX, 11, New York, NY
WCBS-TV, 2, New York, NY
WNBC, 4, New York, NY
WNYW, 5, New York, NY (formerly WNEW)
WABC-TV, 7, New York, NY
WWOR-TV, 9, New York, NY (formerly WOR)
WPIX, 11, New York, NY
WCBS-TV, 2, New York, NY
WNBC, 4, New York, NY
WNYW, 5, New York, NY (formerly WNEW)
WABC-TV, 7, New York, NY
WWOR-TV, 9, New York, NY (formerly WOR)
WPIX, 11, New York, NY
KYW-TV, 3, Philadelphia, PA
WPVI-TV, 6, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WFIL)
WCAU, 10, Philadelphia, PA
WCBS-TV, 2, New York, NY
WNBC, 4, New York, NY
WNYW, 5, New York, NY (formerly WNEW)
WABC-TV, 7, New York, NY
WPIX, 11, New York, NY
+WFMZ-TV, 69, Allentown, PA
KOB-TV, 4, Albuquerque, NM
KOAT-TV, 7, Albuquerque, NM
KRQE, 13, Albuquerque, NM (formerly KGGM)
+KASA-TV, 2, Santa Fe, NM (formerly KNMZ, KKTO)
KOB-TV, 4, Albuquerque, NM
KOAT-TV, 7, Albuquerque, NM
KVOA, 4, Tucson, AZ
KGUN, 9, Tucson, AZ
KOLD-TV, 13, Tucson, AZ
KBIM-TV, 10, Roswell, NM
KCBD-TV, 11, Lubbock, TX
+KGSW-TV, 14, Albuquerque, NM
KOB-TV, 4, Albuquerque, NM
KOAT-TV, 7, Albuquerque, NM
KRQE, 13, Albuquerque, NM (formerly KGGM)
KRDO-TV, 13, Colorado Springs, CO
KVII-TV, 7, Amarillo, TX
KFDA-TV, 10, Amarillo, TX
KCBD-TV, 11, Lubbock, TX
De Baca
KCBD-TV, 11, Lubbock, TX
KOAT-TV, 7, Albuquerque, NM
KBIM-TV, 10, Roswell, NM
Dona Ana
KDBC-TV, 4, El Paso, TX (formerly KROD)
KTSM-TV, 9, El Paso, TX
KVIA-TV, 7, El Paso, TX (formerly KELP)
+KFOX-TV, 14, El Paso, TX
KBIM-TV, 10, Roswell, NM
KVIA-TV, 13, El Paso, TX (formerly KELP)
KCBD-TV, 11, Lubbock, TX
KDBC-TV, 4, El Paso, TX (formerly KROD)
KTSM-TV, 9, El Paso, TX
KOAT-TV, 7, Albuquerque, NM
KOB-TV, 4, Albuquerque, NM
KOAT-TV, 7, Albuquerque, NM
KRQE, 13, Albuquerque, NM (formerly KGGM)
KOB-TV, 4, Albuquerque, NM
KOAT-TV, 7, Albuquerque, NM
KRQE, 13, Albuquerque, NM (formerly KGGM)
KTVK, 3, Phoenix, AZ
KSAZ-TV, 10, Phoenix, AZ (formerly KOOL)
KPNX, 12, Phoenix, AZ (formerly KTAR)
KVOA, 4, Tucson, AZ
KGUN, 9, Tucson, AZ
KOLD-TV, 13, Tucson, AZ
Lea North
KBIM-TV, 10, Roswell, NM
KCBD-TV, 11, Lubbock, TX
Lea South
KMID, 2, Midland, TX
KOSA-TV, 7, Odessa, TX
KWES-TV, 9, Odessa, TX (formerly KMOM)
KCBD-TV, 11, Lubbock, TX
KBIM-TV, 10, Roswell, NM
KOB-TV, 4, Albuquerque, NM
KCBD-TV, 11, Lubbock, TX
KBIM-TV, 10, Roswell, NM
Los Alamos
KOB-TV, 4, Albuquerque, NM
KOAT-TV, 7, Albuquerque, NM
KRQE, 13, Albuquerque, NM (formerly KGGM)
+KGSW-TV, 14, Albuquerque, NM
KBDC-TV, 4, El Paso, TX (formerly KROD)
KTSM-TV, 9, El Paso, TX
KELP-TV, 13, El Paso, TX (formerly KELP)
KOB-TV, 4, Albuquerque, NM
KOAT-TV, 7, Albuquerque, NM
KRQE, 13, Albuquerque, NM (formerly KGGM)
KOB-TV, 4, Albuquerque, NM
KOAT-TV, 7, Albuquerque, NM
KRQE, 13, Albuquerque, NM (formerly KGGM)
KDBC-TV, 4, El Paso, TX (formerly KROD)
KTSM-TV, 9, El Paso, TX
+KFOX-TV, 14, El Paso, TX
KOAT-TV, 7, Albuquerque, NM
KAMR-TV, 4, Amarillo, TX (formerly KGNC)
KVII-TV, 7, Amarillo, TX
KFDA-TV, 10, Amarillo, TX
KOAT-TV, 7, Albuquerque, NM
KCBD-TV, 11, Lubbock, TX
Rio Arriba
KOB-TV, 4, Albuquerque, NM
KOAT-TV, 7, Albuquerque, NM
KRQE, 13, Albuquerque, NM (formerly KGGM)
+KGSW-TV, 14, Albuquerque, NM
KFDA-TV, 10, Amarillo, TX
KCBD-TV, 11, Lubbock, TX
KOB-TV, 4, Albuquerque, NM
KOAT-TV, 7, Albuquerque, NM
KRQE, 13, Albuquerque, NM (formerly KGGM)
+KASA-TV, 2, Santa Fe, NM (formerly KNMZ)
San Juan
KOB-TV, 4, Albuquerque, NM
KOAT-TV, 7, Albuquerque, NMStart Printed Page 11383
KRQE, 13, Albuquerque, NM (formerly KGGM)
San Miguel
KOB-TV, 4, Albuquerque, NM
KOAT-TV, 7, Albuquerque, NM
KRQE, 13, Albuquerque, NM (formerly KGGM)
Santa Fe
KOB-TV, 4, Albuquerque, NM
KOAT-TV, 7, Albuquerque, NM
KRQE, 13, Albuquerque, NM (formerly KGGM)
+KGSW-TV, 14, Albuquerque, NM
KOB-TV, 4, Albuquerque, NM
KOAT-TV, 7, Albuquerque, NM
KRQE, 13, Albuquerque, NM (formerly KGGM)
KOB-TV, 4, Albuquerque, NM
KOAT-TV, 7, Albuquerque, NM
KRQE, 13, Albuquerque, NM (formerly KGGM)
+KGSW-TV, 14, Albuquerque, NM
KOB-TV, 4, Albuquerque, NM
KOAT-TV, 7, Albuquerque, NM
KRQE, 13, Albuquerque, NM (formerly KGGM)
KOB-TV, 4, Albuquerque, NM
KOAT-TV, 7, Albuquerque, NM
KRQE, 13, Albuquerque, NM (formerly KGGM)
KAMR-TV, 4, Amarillo, TX (formerly KGNC)
KVII-TV, 7, Amarillo, TX
KFDA-TV, 10, Amarillo, TX
KKTV, 11, Colorado Springs, CO
KRDO-TV, 13, Colorado Springs, CO
KOB-TV, 4, Albuquerque, NM
KOAT-TV, 7, Albuquerque, NM
KRQE, 13, Albuquerque, NM (formerly KGGM)
+KASA-TV, 2, Santa Fe, NM (formerly KNMZ)
Kirkland AFB—KASA-TV
Paradise Hills—KASA-TV
WRGB, 6, Schenectady, NY
WTEN, 10, Albany, NY
WNYT, 13, Albany, NY (formerly WAST)
+WXXA-TV, 23, Albany, NY
WGRZ-TV, 2, Buffalo, NY (formerly WGR)
WIVB-TV, 4, Buffalo, NY (formerly WBEN)
WKBW-TV, 7, Buffalo, NY
WCBS-TV, 2, New York, NY
WNBC, 4, New York, NY
WNYW, 5, New York, NY (formerly WNEW)
WABC-TV, 7, New York, NY
WWOR-TV, 9, New York, NY (formerly WOR)
WPIX, 11, New York, NY
WBNG-TV, 12, Binghamton, NY (formerly WNBF)
WIVT, 34, Binghamton, NY (formerly WBJA)
WICZ-TV, 40, Binghamton, NY (formerly WINR)
WGRZ-TV, 2, Buffalo, NY (formerly WGR)
WIVB-TV, 4, Buffalo, NY (formerly WBEN)
WKBW-TV, 7, Buffalo, NY
+WNYO-TV, 49, Buffalo, NY (formerly WNYB)
WSTM-TV, 3, Syracuse, NY (formerly WSYR)
WTVH, 5, Syracuse, NY (formerly WHEN)
WIXT, 9, Syracuse, NY (formerly WNYS)
+WSYT, 68, Syracuse, NY
WHEC-TV, 10, Rochester, NY
WOKR, 13, Rochester, NY
WGRZ-TV, 2, Buffalo, NY (formerly WGR)
WIVB-TV, 4, Buffalo, NY (formerly WBEN)
WKBW-TV, 7, Buffalo, NY
WETM-TV, 18, Elmira, NY (formerly WSYE)
WENY-TV, 36, Elmira, NY
WBNG-TV, 12, Binghamton, NY (formerly WNBF)
WNYW, 5, New York, NY (formerly WNEW)
WSTM-TV, 3, Syracuse, NY (formerly WSYR)
WTVH, 5, Syracuse, NY (formerly WHEN)
WIXT, 9, Syracuse, NY (formerly WNYS)
WBNG-TV, 12, Binghamton, NY (formerly WNBF)
WICZ-TV, 40, Binghamton, NY (formerly WINR)
WCAX-TV 3, Burlington, VT
WPTZ, 5, Plattsburgh, NY
WVNY, 22, Burlington, VT
CBMT, 6, Canada
CFCF, 12, Canada
WRGB, 6, Schenectady, NY
WTEN, 10, Albany, NY
WNYT, 13, Albany, NY (formerly WAST)
+WXXA-TV, 23, Albany, NY
+WRNN-TV, 62, Kingston, NY (formerly WTZA)
WSTM-TV, 3, Syracuse, NY (formerly WSYR)
WTVH, 5, Syracuse, NY (formerly WHEN)
WIXT, 9, Syracuse, NY (formerly WNYS)
+WSYT, 68, Syracuse, NY
WBNG-TV, 12, Binghamton, NY (formerly WNBF)
WRGB, 6, Schenectady, NY
WTEN, 10, Albany, NY
WKTV, 2, Utica, NY
WCBS-TV, 2, New York, NY
WNBC, 4, New York, NY
WNYW, 5, New York, NY (formerly WNEW)
WABC-TV, 7, New York, NY
WWOR-TV, 9, New York, NY (formerly WOR)
WPIX, 11, New York, NY
WTEN, 10, Albany, NY
+WXXA-TV, 23, Albany, NY
+WRNN-TV, 62, Kingston, NY (formerly WTZA)
WGRZ-TV, 2, Buffalo, NY (formerly WGR)
WIVB-TV, 4, Buffalo, NY (formerly WBEN)
WKBW-TV, 7, Buffalo, NY
WUTV, 29, Buffalo, NY
+WNYO-TV, 49, Buffalo, NY (formerly WNYB)
WCAX-TV, 3, Burlington, VT
WPTZ, 5, Plattsburgh, NY
WCAX-TV, 3, Burlington, VT
WPTZ, 5, Plattsburgh, NY
CBOT, 4, Canada
CBMT, 6, Canada
CJOH, 8, Canada (formerly CJSS)
CFCF, 12, Canada
WRGB, 6, Schenectady, NY
WTEN, 10, Albany, NY
WNYT, 13, Albany, NY (formerly WAST)
+WXXA-TV, 23, Albany, NY
WGRZ-TV, 2, Buffalo, NY (formerly WGR)
WIVB-TV, 4, Buffalo, NY (formerly WBEN)
WKBW-TV, 7, Buffalo, NY
+WNYO-TV, 49, Buffalo, NY (formerly WNYB)
WROC-TV, 8, Rochester, NY
WHEC-TV, 10, Rochester, NY
WOKR, 13, Rochester, NY
WRGB, 6, Schenectady, NY
WTEN, 10, Albany, NY
WNYT, 13, Albany, NY (formerly WAST)
+WXXA-TV, 23, Albany, NY
+WRNN-TV, 62, Kingston, NY (formerly WTZA)
WRGB, 6, Schenectady, NY
WTEN, 10, Albany, NY
WKTV, 2, Utica, NY
+WFXV, 33, Utica, NY
WRGB, 6, Schenectady, NY
WTEN, 10, Albany, NY
+WXXA-TV, 23, Albany, NY
WTVH, 5, Syracuse, NY (formerly WHEN)
WIXT, 9, Syracuse, NY (formerly WNYS)
WWNY-TV, 7, Carthage, NY
+WWTI, 50, Watertown, NY
WSTM-TV, 3, Syracuse, NY (formerly WSYR)
WTVH, 5, Syracuse, NY (formerly WHEN)
CKWS, 11, Canada
WCBS-TV, 2, New York, NY
WNBC, 4, New York, NY
WNYW, 5, New York, NY (formerly WNEW)
WABC-TV, 7, New York, NY
WWOR-TV, 9, New York, NY (formerly WOR)
WPIX, 11, New York, NY
WWNY-TV, 7, Carthage, NY
+WWTI, 50, Watertown, NY
WSTM-TV, 3, Syracuse, NY (formerly WSYR)
WTVH, 5, Syracuse, NY (formerly WHEN)
WKTV, 2, Utica, NY
WROC-TV, 8, Rochester, NY
WHEC-TV, 10, Rochester, NY
WOKR, 13, Rochester, NY
+WUHF, 31, Rochester, NYStart Printed Page 11384
WGRZ-TV, 2, Buffalo, NY (formerly WGR)
WSTM-TV, 3, Syracuse, NY (formerly WSYR)
WTVH, 5, Syracuse, NY (formerly WHEN)
WIXT, 9, Syracuse, NY (formerly WNYS)
+WSYT, 68, Syracuse, NY
WKTV, 2, Utica, NY
WROC-TV, 8, Rochester, NY
WHEC-TV, 10, Rochester, NY
WOKR, 13, Rochester, NY
+WUHF, 31, Rochester, NY
WRGB, 6, Schenectady, NY
WTEN, 10, Albany, NY
WNYT, 13, Albany, NY (formerly WAST)
+WXXA-TV, 23, Albany, NY
WKTV, 2, Utica, NY
WCBS-TV, 2, New York, NY
WNBC, 4, New York, NY
WNYW, 5, New York, NY (formerly WNEW)
WABC-TV, 7, New York, NY
WWOR-TV, 9, New York, NY (formerly WOR)
WPIX, 11, New York, NY
New York
WCBS-TV, 2, New York, NY
WNBC, 4, New York, NY
WNYW, 5, New York, NY (formerly WNEW)
WABC-TV, 7, New York, NY
WWOR-TV, 9, New York, NY (formerly WOR)
WPIX, 11, New York, NY
WGRZ-TV, 2, Buffalo, NY (formerly WGR)
WIVB-TV, 4, Buffalo, NY (formerly WBEN)
WKBW-TV, 7, Buffalo, NY
WUTV, 29, Buffalo, NY
+WNYO-TV, 49, Buffalo, NY (formerly WNYB)
CBLT, 6, Canada
CFTO, 9, Canada
CHCH, 11, Canada
Oneida East
WKTV, 2, Utica, NY
WUTR, 20, Utica, NY
+WFXV, 33, Utica, NY
WSTM-TV, 3, Syracuse, NY (formerly WSYR)
WTVH, 5, Syracuse, NY (formerly WHEN)
WIXT, 9, Syracuse, NY (formerly WNYS)
+WSYT, 68, Syracuse, NY
Oneida West
WSTM-TV, 3, Syracuse, NY (formerly WSYR)
WTVH, 5, Syracuse, NY (formerly WHEN)
WIXT, 9, Syracuse, NY (formerly WNYS)
+WSYT, 68, Syracuse, NY
WKTV, 2, Utica, NY
+WFXV, 33, Utica, NY
WSTM-TV, 3, Syracuse, NY (formerly WSYR)
WTVH, 5, Syracuse, NY (formerly WHEN)
WIXT, 9, Syracuse, NY (formerly WNYS)
WROC-TV, 8, Rochester, NY
WHEC-TV, 10, Rochester, NY
WOKR, 13, Rochester, NY
+WUHF, 31, Rochester, NY
WSTM-TV, 3, Syracuse, NY (formerly WSYR)
WTVH, 5, Syracuse, NY (formerly WHEN)
WIXT, 9, Syracuse, NY (formerly WNYS)
+WSYT, 68, Syracuse, NY
WCBS-TV, 2, New York, NY
WNBC, 4, New York, NY
WNYW, 5, New York, NY (formerly WNEW)
WABC-TV, 7, New York, NY
WWOR-TV, 9, New York, NY (formerly WOR)
WPIX, 11, New York, NY
WGRZ-TV, 2, Buffalo, NY (formerly WGR)
WIVB-TV, 4, Buffalo, NY (formerly WBEN)
WKBW-TV, 7, Buffalo, NY
WUTV, 29, Buffalo, NY
WROC-TV, 8, Rochester, NY
WHEC-TV, 10, Rochester, NY
WOKR, 13, Rochester, NY
WSTM-TV, 3, Syracuse, NY (formerly WSYR)
WTVH, 5, Syracuse, NY (formerly WHEN)
WNYS, 9, Syracuse, NY (formerly WNYS)
+WSYT, 68, Syracuse, NY
WKTV, 2, Utica, NY
WRGB, 6, Schenectady, NY
WBNG-TV, 12, Binghamton, NY (formerly WNBF)
WTVH, 5, Syracuse, NY (formerly WHEN)
WIXT, 9, Syracuse, NY (formerly WNYS)
WCBS-TV, 2, New York, NY
WNBC, 4, New York, NY
WNYW, 5, New York, NY (formerly WNEW)
WABC-TV, 7, New York, NY
WWOR-TV, 9, New York, NY (formerly WOR)
WPIX, 11, New York, NY
WCBS-TV, 2, New York, NY
WNBC, 4, New York, NY
WNYW, 5, New York, NY (formerly WNEW)
WABC-TV, 7, New York, NY
WWOR-TV, 9, New York, NY (formerly WOR)
WPIX, 11, New York, NY
WRGB, 6, Schenectady, NY
WTEN, 10, Albany, NY
WNYT, 13, Albany, NY (formerly WAST)
+WXXA-TV, 23, Albany, NY
WCBS-TV, 2, New York, NY
WNBC, 4, New York, NY
WNYW, 5, New York, NY (formerly WNEW)
WABC-TV, 7, New York, NY
WWOR-TV, 9, New York, NY (formerly WOR)
WPIX, 11, New York, NY
WCBS-TV, 2, New York, NY
WNBC, 4, New York, NY
WNYW, 5, New York, NY (formerly WNEW)
WABC-TV, 7, New York, NY
WWOR-TV, 9, New York, NY (formerly WOR)
WPIX, 11, New York, NY
St. Lawrence
WWNY-TV, 7, Carthage, NY
+WWTI, 50, Watertown, NY
WPTZ, 5, Plattsburgh, NY
CBOT, 4, Canada
CJOH, 8, Canada (formerly CJSS)
CKWS, 11, Canada
WRGB, 6, Schenectady, NY
WTEN, 10, Albany, NY
WNYT, 13, Albany, NY (formerly WAST)
+WXXA-TV, 23, Albany, NY
WRGB, 6, Schenectady, NY
WTEN, 10, Albany, NY
WNYT, 13, Albany, NY (formerly WAST)
+WXXA-TV, 23, Albany, NY
WRGB, 6, Schenectady, NY
WTEN, 10, Albany, NY
WNYT, 13, Albany, NY (formerly WAST)
+WXXA-TV, 23, Albany, NY
WSTM-TV, 3, Syracuse, NY (formerly WSYR)
WTVH, 5, Syracuse, NY (formerly WHEN)
WIXT, 9, Syracuse, NY (formerly WNYS)
+WSYT, 68, Syracuse, NY
WROC-TV, 8, Rochester, NY
WHEC-TV, 10, Rochester, NY
WSTM-TV, 3, Syracuse, NY (formerly WSYR)
WTVH, 5, Syracuse, NY (formerly WHEN)
WIXT, 9, Syracuse, NY (formerly WNYS)
+WSYT, 68, Syracuse, NY
WROC-TV, 8, Rochester, NY
WHEC-TV, 10, Rochester, NY
WOKR, 13, Rochester, NY
WSTM-TV, 3, Syracuse, NY (formerly WSYR)
WTVH, 5, Syracuse, NY (formerly WHEN)
WIXT, 9, Syracuse, NY (formerly WNYS)
WBNG-TV, 12, Binghamton, NY (formerly WNBF)
WIVB-TV, 4, Buffalo, NY (formerly WBEN)
WKBW-TV, 7, Buffalo, NY
WETM-TV, 18, Elmira, NY (formerly WSYE)
Suffolk East
WCBS-TV, 2, New York, NY
WNBC, 4, New York, NY
WNYW, 5, New York, NY (formerly WNEW)
WABC-TV, 7, New York, NY
WWOR-TV, 9, New York, NY (formerly WOR)
WPIX, 11, New York, NY
WFSB, 3, Hartford, CT (formerly WTIC)
WTNH-TV, 8, New Haven, CT (formerly WNHC)
Suffolk West
WCBS-TV, 2, New York, NY
WNBC, 4, New York, NY
WNYW, 5, New York, NY (formerly WNEW)
WABC-TV, 7, New York, NY
WWOR-TV, 9, New York, NY (formerly WOR)
WPIX, 11, New York, NY
WCBS-TV, 2, New York, NY
WNBC, 4, New York, NY
WNYW, 5, New York, NY (formerly WNEW)
WABC-TV, 7, New York, NY
WWOR-TV, 9, New York, NY (formerly WOR)Start Printed Page 11385
WPIX, 11, New York, NY
WBNG-TV, 12, Binghamton, NY (formerly WNBF)
WIVT, 34, Binghamton, NY (formerly WBJA)
WICZ-TV, 40, Binghamton, NY (formerly WINR)
WSTM-TV, 3, Syracuse, NY (formerly WSYR)
WTVH, 5, Syracuse, NY (formerly WHEN)
WIXT, 9, Syracuse, NY (formerly WNYS)
+WSYT, 68, Syracuse, NY
WBNG-TV, 12, Binghamton, NY (formerly WNBF)
WCBS-TV, 2, New York, NY
WNBC, 4, New York, NY
WNYW, 5, New York, NY (formerly WNEW)
WABC-TV, 7, New York, NY
WWOR-TV, 9, New York, NY (formerly WOR)
WPIX, 11, New York, NY
WRGB, 6, Schenectady, NY
WTEN, 10, Albany, NY
+WXXA-TV, 23, Albany, NY
+WRNN-TV, 62, Kingston, NY (formerly WTZA)
WRGB, 6, Schenectady, NY
WTEN, 10, Albany, NY
WNYT, 13, Albany, NY (formerly WAST)
+WXXA-TV, 23, Albany, NY
WRGB, 6, Schenectady, NY
WTEN, 10, Albany, NY
WNYT, 13, Albany, NY (formerly WAST)
+WXXA-TV, 23, Albany, NY
WROC-TV, 8, Rochester, NY
WHEC-TV, 10, Rochester, NY
WOKR, 13, Rochester, NY
+WUHF, 31, Rochester, NY
WSTM-TV, 3, Syracuse, NY (formerly WSYR)
WTVH, 5, Syracuse, NY (formerly WHEN)
WIXT, 9, Syracuse, NY (formerly WNYS)
+WSYT, 68, Syracuse, NY
WCBS-TV, 2, New York, NY
WNBC, 4, New York, NY
WNYW, 5, New York, NY (formerly WNEW)
WABC-TV, 7, New York, NY
WWOR-TV, 9, New York, NY (formerly WOR)
WPIX, 11, New York, NY
WGRZ-TV, 2, Buffalo, NY (formerly WGR)
WIVB-TV, 4, Buffalo, NY (formerly WBEN)
WKBW-TV, 7, Buffalo, NY
+WNYO-TV, 49, Buffalo, NY (formerly WNYB)
WROC-TV, 8, Rochester, NY
WHEC-TV, 10, Rochester, NY
WOKR, 13, Rochester, NY
+WUHF, 31, Rochester, NY
WSTM-TV, 3, Syracuse, NY (formerly WSYR)
WTVH, 5, Syracuse, NY (formerly WHEN)
WIXT, 9, Syracuse, NY (formerly WNYS)
+WSYT, 68, Syracuse, NY
WROC-TV, 8, Rochester, NY
WHEC-TV, 10, Rochester, NY
Amherst—CBLT, CFTO
Blasdell—CBLT, CFTO
Cheektowaga—CBLT, CFTO
Ellenville Vilage—WCBS-TV, WWOR-TV
Fallsburg Village—WWOR-TV
Greenport—WVIT, WTXX
Hamburg—CBLT, CFTO
Kenmore Village—CBLT, CFTO
Lackawanna—CBLT, CFTO
Riverhead—WVIT, WTXX
Sag Harbor—WVIT, WTXX
Southampton—WVIT, WTXX
Southampton Village, WVIT, WTXX
Southold—WVIT, WTXX
Tonawanda—CBLT, CFTO
Westhampton—WVIT, WTXX
West Seneca—CBLT, CFTO
Williamsville—CBLT, CFTO
WFMY-TV, 2, Greensboro, NC
WGHP, 8, Greensboro, NC
WXII, 12, Greensboro, NC (formerly WSJS)
+WXLV-TV, 45, Winston-Salem, NC (formerly WNRW)
+WUPN-TV, 48, Greensboro, NC (formerly WGGT)
WRAL-TV, 5, Raleigh, NC
WTVD, 11, Durham, NC
+WLFL, 22, Raleigh, NC
WBTV, 3, Charlotte, NC
WSOC-TV, 9, Charlotte, NC
WCNC-TV, 36, Charlotte, NC (formerly WRET)
+WJZY, 46, Belmont, NC
WGHP, 8, Greensboro, NC
WXII, 12, Greensboro, NC (formerly WSJS)
WFMY-TV, 2, Greensboro, NC
WGHP, 8, Greensboro, NC
WXII, 12, Greensboro, NC (formerly WSJS)
WBTV, 3, Charlotte, NC
WSOC-TV, 9, Charlotte, NC
WDBJ, 7, Roanoke, VA
WSLS-TV, 10, Roanoke, VA
WBTV, 3, Charlotte, NC
WSOC-TV, 9, Charlotte, NC
WCCB, 18, Charlotte, NC
WCNC-TV, 36, Charlotte, NC (formerly WRET)
+WJZY, 46, Belmont, NC
WBTW, 13, Florence, SC
+WWMB, 21, Florence, SC
WGHP, 8, Greensboro, NC
WBTV, 3, Charlotte, NC
WCYB-TV, 5, Bristol, VA
+WFMY-TV, 2, Greensboro, NC
WGHP, 8, Greensboro, NC
WBTV, 3, Charlotte, NC
WSOC-TV, 9, Charlotte, NC
WCYB-TV, 5, Bristol, VA
WITN-TV, 7, Washington, NC
WNCT-TV, 9, Greenville, NC
WCTI, 12, New Bern, NC
WITN-TV, 7, Washington, NC
WNCT-TV, 9, Greenville, NC
WTKR, 3, Norfolk, VA (formerly WTAR)
WAVY-TV, 10, Portsmouth, VA
WVEC-TV, 13, Hampton, VA
WWAY, 3, Wilmington, NC
WECT, 6, Wilmington, NC
+WWMB, 21, Florence, SC
+WKFT, 40, Fayetteville, NC
WWAY, 3, Wilmington, NC
WECT, 6, Wilmington, NC
+WSFX-TV, 26, Wilmington, NC
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WSPA-TV, 7, Greenville, SC
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SC
+WHNS, 21, Greenville, SC
WBTV, 3, Charlotte, NC
WSOC-TV, 9, Charlotte, NC
+WCNC-TV, 36, Charlotte, NC
+WJZY, 46, Belmont, NC
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WSPA-TV, 7, Greenville, SC
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SCStart Printed Page 11386
+WHNS, 21, Greenville, SC
WBTV, 3, Charlotte, NC
WSOC-TV, 9, Charlotte, NC
WCCB, 18, Charlotte, NC
WCNC-TV, 36, Charlotte, NC (formerly WRET)
+WJZY, 46, Belmont, NC
WBTV, 3, Charlotte, NC
WSOC-TV, 9, Charlotte, NC
+WCNC-TV, 36, Charlotte, NC
+WJZY, 46, Belmont, NC
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WSPA-TV, 7, Greenville, SC
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SC
+WHNS, 21, Greenville, SC
WTKR, 3, Norfolk, VA (formerly WTAR)
WAVY-TV, 10, Portsmouth, VA
WVEC-TV, 13, Hampton, VA
WITN-TV, 7, Washington, NC
WNCT-TV, 9, Greenville, NC
WCTI, 12, New Bern, NC
WFMY-TV, 2, Greensboro, NC
WGHP, 8, Greensboro, NC
WXII, 12, Greensboro, NC (formerly WSJS)
+WXLV-TV, 45, Winston-Salem, NC (formerly WNRW)
+WUPN-TV, 48, Greensboro, NC (formerly WGGT)
WRAL-TV, 5, Raleigh, NC
WDBJ, 7, Roanoke, VA
WSLS-TV, 10, Roanoke, VA
WSET-TV, 13, Lynchburg, VA (formerly WLVA)
WBTV, 3, Charlotte, NC
WSOC-TV, 9, Charlotte, NC
WCCB, 18, Charlotte, NC
+WCNC-TV, 36, Charlotte, NC
+WJZY, 46, Belmont, NC
WSPA-TV, 7, Greenville, SC
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SC
+WHNS, 21, Greenville, SC
WFMY-TV, 2, Greensboro, NC
WGHP, 8, Greensboro, NC
WRAL-TV, 5, Raleigh, NC
WTVD, 11, Durham, NC
+WLFL, 22, Raleigh, NC
WRDC, 28, Durham, NC (formerly WRDU)
+WKFT, 40, Fayetteville, NC
WRCB-TV, 3, Chattanooga, TN
WTVC, 9, Chattanooga, TN
WDEF-TV, 12, Chattanooga, TN
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WLOS-TV, 13, Greenville, SC
WTKR, 3, Norfolk, VA (formerly WTAR)
WAVY-TV, 10, Portsmouth, VA
WVEC-TV, 13, Hampton, VA
WITN-TV, 7, Washington, NC
WNCT-TV, 9, Greenville, NC
WRCB-TV, 3, Chattanooga, TN
WTVC, 9, Chattanooga, TN
WDEF-TV, 12, Chattanooga, TN
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WAGA, 5, Atlanta, GA
WXIA-TV, 11, Atlanta, GA (formerly WQXI)
WBTV, 3, Charlotte, NC
WSOC-TV, 9, Charlotte, NC
+WCNC-TV, 36, Charlotte, NC
+WJZY, 46, Belmont, NC
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WSPA-TV, 7, Greenville, SC
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SC
+WHNS, 21, Greenville, SC
WWAY, 3, Wilmington, NC
WECT, 6, Wilmington, NC
+WSFX-TV, 26, Wilmington, NC
WBTW, 13, Florence, SC
+WWMB, 21, Florence, SC
+WFXB, 43, Myrtle Beach, SC
WITN-TV, 7, Washington, NC
WNCT-TV, 9, Greenville, NC
WCTI, 12, New Bern, NC
WRAL-TV, 5, Raleigh, NC
WTVD, 11, Durham, NC
+WLFL, 22, Raleigh, NC
+WKFT, 40, Fayetteville, NC
WECT, 6, Wilmington, NC
+WBTW, 13, Florence, SC
WTKR, 3, Norfolk, VA (formerly WTAR)
WAVY-TV, 10, Portsmouth, VA
WVEC-TV, 13, Hampton, VA
WTKR, 3, Norfolk, VA (formerly WTAR)
WAVY-TV, 10, Portsmouth, VA
WVEC-TV, 13, Hampton, VA
WITN-TV, 7, Washington, NC
WFMY-TV, 2, Greensboro, NC
WGHP, 8, Greensboro, NC
WXII, 12, Greensboro, NC (formerly WSJS)
+WXLV-TV, 45, Winston-Salem, NC (formerly WNRW)
+WUPN-TV, 48, Greensboro, NC (formerly WGGT)
WBTV, 3, Charlotte, NC
WSOC-TV, 9, Charlotte, NC
+WJZY, 46, Belmont, NC
WFMY-TV, 2, Greensboro, NC
WGHP, 8, Greensboro, NC
WXII, 12, Greensboro, NC (formerly WSJS)
WBTV, 3, Charlotte, NC
WSOC-TV, 9, Charlotte, NC
WITN-TV, 7, Washington, NC
WNCT-TV, 9, Greenville, NC
WRAL-TV, 5, Raleigh, NC
WTVD, 11, Durham, NC
+WLFL, 22, Raleigh, NC
WWAY, 3, Wilmington, NC
WECT, 6, Wilmington, NC
WRAL-TV, 5, Raleigh, NC
WTVD, 11, Durham, NC
+WLFL, 22, Raleigh, NC
WRDC, 28, Durham, NC (formerly WRDU)
+WKFT, 40, Fayetteville, NC
WFMY-TV, 2, Greensboro, NC
WITN-TV, 7, Washington, NC
WNCT-TV, 9, Greenville, NC
WRAL-TV, 5, Raleigh, NC
WTVD, 11, Durham, NC
+WLFL, 22, Raleigh, NC
WFMY-TV, 2, Greensboro, NC
WGHP, 8, Greensboro, NC
WXII, 12, Greensboro, NC (formerly WSJS)
+WXLV-TV, 45, Winston-Salem, NC (formerly WNRW)
+WUPN-TV, 48, Greensboro, NC (formerly WGGT)
+WLXI-TV, 61, Greensboro, NC
+WJZY, 46, Belmont, NC
WRAL-TV, 5, Raleigh, NC
WTVD, 11, Durham, NC
+WLFL, 22, Raleigh, NC
+WRDC, 28, Durham, NC (formerly WPTF, WRDU)
+WKFT, 40, Fayetteville, NC
WNCT-TV, 9, Greenville, NC
WBTV, 3, Charlotte, NC
WSOC-TV, 9, Charlotte, NC
WCCB, 18, Charlotte, NC
WCNC-TV, 36, Charlotte, NC (formerly WRET)
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SC
WTKR, 3, Norfolk, VA (formerlyWTAR)
WAVY-TV, 10, Portsmouth, VA
WVEC-TV, 13, Hampton, VA
WATE-TV, 6, Knoxville, TN
WBIR-TV, 10, Knoxville, TN
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SC
WRAL-TV, 5, Raleigh, NC
WTVD, 11, Durham, NC
+WLFL, 22, Raleigh, NC
WRDC, 28, Durham, NC (formerly WRDU)
+WKFT, 40, Fayetteville, NC
WITN-TV, 7, Washington, NC
WNCT-TV, 9, Greenville, NC
WRAL-TV, 5, Raleigh, NC
WTVD, 11, Durham, NC
+WLFL, 22, Raleigh, NC
WFMY-TV, 2, Greensboro, NC
WGHP, 8, Greensboro, NC
WXII, 12, Greensboro, NC (formerly WSJS)
+WXLV-TV, 45, Winston-Salem, NC (formerly WNRW)
+WUPN-TV, 48, Greensboro, NC (formerly WGGT)
+WLXI-TV, 61, Greensboro, NC
WITN-TV, 7, Washington, NC
WNCT-TV, 9, Greenville, NC
WRAL-TV, 5, Raleigh, NC
WTVD, 11, Durham, NC
+WLFL, 22, Raleigh, NC
WRAL-TV, 5, Raleigh, NC
WTVD, 11, Durham, NC
+WLFL, 22, Raleigh, NC
+WRDC, 28, Durham, NC (formerly WPTF, WRDU)
+WKFT, 40, Fayetteville, NC
WECT, 6, Wilmington, NC
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WSPA-TV, 7, Greenville, SC
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SC
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WSPA-TV, 7, Greenville, SC
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SC
+WHNS, 21, Greenville, SC
HertfordStart Printed Page 11387
WTKR, 3, Norfolk, VA (formerly WTAR)
WAVY-TV, 10, Portsmouth, VA
WVEC-TV, 13, Hampton, VA
WRAL-TV, 5, Raleigh, NC
WTVD, 11, Durham, NC
+WLFL, 22, Raleigh, NC
+WKFT, 40, Fayetteville, NC
WBTW, 13, Florence, SC
+WFXB, 43, Myrtle Beach, SC
WGHP, 8, Greensboro, NC
WECT, 6, Wilmington, NC
WITN-TV, 7, Washington, NC
WNCT-TV, 9, Greenville, NC
WCTI, 12, New Bern, NC
WBTV, 3, Charlotte, NC
WSOC-TV, 9, Charlotte, NC
WCCB, 18, Charlotte, NC
WCNC-TV, 36, Charlotte, NC (formerly WRET)
+WJZY, 46, Belmont, NC
+WFMY-TV, 2, Greensboro, NC
WGHP, 8, Greensboro, NC
WXII, 12, Greensboro, NC (formerly WSJS)
+WUPN-TV, 48, Greensboro, NC (formerly WGGT)
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WSPA-TV, 7, Greenville, SC
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SC
+WHNS, 21, Greenville, SC
WRAL-TV, 5, Raleigh, NC
WTVD, 11, Durham, NC
+WLFL, 22, Raleigh, NC
+WRDC, 28, Durham, NC (formerly WPTF, WRDU)
+WKFT, 40, Fayetteville, NC
WITN-TV, 7, Washington, NC
WNCT-TV, 9, Greenville, NC
WITN-TV, 7, Washington, NC
WNCT-TV, 9, Greenville, NC
WCTI, 12, New Bern, NC
WRAL-TV, 5, Raleigh, NC
WTVD, 11, Durham, NC
+WLFL, 22, Raleigh, NC
WRDC, 28, Durham, NC (formerly WRDU)
+WKFT, 40, Fayetteville, NC
WFMY-TV, 2, Greensboro, NC
WGHP, 8, Greensboro, NC
WITN-TV, 7, Washington, NC
WNCT-TV, 9, Greenville, NC
WCTI, 12, New Bern, NC
WRAL-TV, 5, Raleigh, NC
WBTV, 3, Charlotte, NC
WSOC-TV, 9, Charlotte, NC
WCCB, 18, Charlotte, NC
WCNC-TV, 36, Charlotte, NC (formerly WRET)
WSPA-TV, 7, Greenville, SC
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SC
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WSPA-TV, 7, Greenville, SC
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SC
WBTV, 3, Charlotte, NC
+WJZY, 46, Belmont, NC
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WSPA-TV, 7, Greenville, SC
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SC
WSB-TV, 2, Atlanta, GA
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SC
WITN-TV, 7, Washington, NC
WNCT-TV, 9, Greenville, NC
WCTI, 12, New Bern, NC
WBTV, 3, Charlotte, NC
WSOC-TV, 9, Charlotte, NC
WCCB, 18, Charlotte, NC
WCNC-TV, 36, Charlotte, NC (formerly WRET)
WBTV, 3, Charlotte, NC
WCYB-TV, 5, Bristol, VA
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WSPA-TV, 7, Greenville, SC
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SC
WFMY-TV, 2, Greensboro, NC
WGHP, 8, Greensboro, NC
WBTV, 3, Charlotte, NC
WSOC-TV, 9, Charlotte, NC
+WKFT, 40, Fayetteville, NC
WFMY-TV, 2, Greensboro, NC
WGHP, 8, Greensboro, NC
+WUPN-TV, 48, Greensboro, NC (formerly WGGT)
WRAL-TV, 5, Raleigh, NC
WTVD, 11, Durham, NC
+WLFL, 22, Raleigh, NC
+WRDC, 28, Durham (formerly WPTF, WRDU)
+WKFT, 40, Fayetteville, NC
WECT, 6, Wilmington, NC
WITN-TV, 7, Washington, NC
WNCT-TV, 9, Greenville, NC
WRAL-TV, 5, Raleigh, NC
WTVD, 11, Durham, NC
+WLFL, 22, Raleigh, NC
+WRDC, 28, Durham, NC (formerly WPTF, WRDU)
New Hanover
WWAY, 3, Wilmington, NC
WECT, 6, Wilmington, NC
+WSFX-TV, 26, Wilmington, NC
WTKR, 3, Norfolk, VA (formerly WTAR)
WAVY-TV, 10, Portsmouth, VA
WVEC-TV, 13, Hampton, VA
WITN-TV, 7, Washington, NC
WNCT-TV, 9, Greenville, NC
WITN-TV, 7, Washington, NC
WNCT-TV, 9, Greenville, NC
WCTI, 12, New Bern, NC
WWAY, 3, Wilmington, NC
WECT, 6, Wilmington, NC
WRAL-TV, 5, Raleigh, NC
WTVD, 11, Durham, NC
+WLFL, 22, Raleigh, NC
WRDC, 28, Durham, NC (formerly WRDU)
+WKFT, 40, Fayetteville, NC
WFMY-TV, 2, Greensboro, NC
WGHP, 8, Greensboro, NC
WITN-TV, 7, Washington, NC
WNCT-TV, 9, Greenville, NC
WCTI, 12, New Bern, NC
WTKR, 3, Norfolk, VA (formerly WTAR)
WAVY-TV, 10, Portsmouth, VA
WVEC-TV, 13, Hampton, VA
WGNT, 27, Portsmouth, VA (formerly WYAH)
+WTVZ, 33, Norfolk, VA
WWAY, 3, Wilmington, NC
WECT, 6, Wilmington, NC
+WSFX-TV, 26, Wilmington, NC
WTKR, 3, Norfolk, VA (formerly WTAR)
WAVY-TV, 10, Portsmouth, VA
WVEC-TV, 13, Hampton, VA
WRAL-TV, 5, Raleigh, NC
WTVD, 11, Durham, NC
+WLFL, 22, Raleigh, NC
WRDC, 28, Durham, NC (formerly WRDU)
WFMY-TV, 2, Greensboro, NC
WDBJ, 7, Roanoke, VA
WSLS-TV, 10, Roanoke, VA
WSET-TV, 13, Lynchburg, VA (formerly WLVA)
WITN-TV, 7, Washington, NC
WNCT-TV, 9, Greenville, NC
WCTI, 12, New Bern, NC
WRAL-TV, 5, Raleigh, NC
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WSPA-TV, 7, Greenville, SC
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SC
WBTV, 3, Charlotte, NC
WFMY-TV, 2, Greensboro, NC
WGHP, 8, Greensboro, NC
WXII, 12, Greensboro, NC (formerly WSJS)
WBTV, 3, Charlotte, NC
WSOC-TV, 9, Charlotte, NC
WBTW, 13, Florence, SC
+WPDE-TV, 15, Florence, SC
WGHP, 8, Greensboro, NC
+WLFL, 22, Raleigh, NC
+WKFT, 40, Fayetteville, NC
WWAY, 3, Wilmington, NC
WECT, 6, Wilmington, NC
WBTW, 13, Florence, SC
+WPDE-TV, 15, Florence, SC
+WWMB, 21, Florence, SC
+WFXB, 43, Myrtle Beach, SC
WRAL-TV, 5, Raleigh, NC
WTVD, 11, Durham, NC
+WKFT, 40, Fayetteville, NC
WFMY-TV, 2, Greensboro, NC
WGHP, 8, Greensboro, NC
WXII, 12, Greensboro, NC (formerly WSJS)
WDBJ, 7, Roanoke, VA
WSLS-TV, 10, Roanoke, VA
WBTV, 3, Charlotte, NC
WSOC-TV, 9, Charlotte, NC
WCCB, 18, Charlotte, NC
WCNC-TV, 36, Charlotte, NC (formerly WRET)
+WJZY, 46, Belmont, NC
WFMY-TV, 2, Greensboro, NC
WGHP, 8, Greensboro, NC
WXII, 12, Greensboro, NC (formerly WSJS)
+WXLV-TV, 45, Winston-Salem, NC (formerly WNRW)
+WUPN-TV, 48, Greensboro, NC (formerly WGGT)Start Printed Page 11388
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WSPA-TV, 7, Greenville, SC
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SC
+WHNS, 21, Greenville, SC
WBTV, 3, Charlotte, NC
WSOC-TV, 9, Charlotte, NC
+WJZY, 46, Belmont, NC
WRAL-TV, 5, Raleigh, NC
WTVD, 11, Durham, NC
+WLFL, 22, Raleigh, NC
WITN-TV, 7, Washington, NC
WNCT-TV, 9, Greenville, NC
WWAY, 3, Wilmington, NC
WECT, 6, Wilmington, NC
WBTW, 13, Florence, SC
+WPDE-TV, 15, Florence, SC
+WWMB, 21, Florence, NC
WGHP, 8, Greensboro, NC
WRAL-TV, 5, Raleigh, NC
WTVD, 11, Durham, NC
+WKFT, 40, Raleigh.NC
WECT, 6, Wilmington, NC
WBTV, 3, Charlotte, NC
WSOC-TV, 9, Charlotte, NC
+WCNC-TV, 36, Charlotte, NC
+WJZY, 46, Belmont, NC
WGHP, 8, Greensboro, NC
WFMY-TV, 2, Greensboro, NC
WGHP, 8, Greensboro, NC
WXII, 12, Greensboro, NC (formerly WSJS)
+WXLV-TV, 45, Winston-Salem, NC (formerly WNRW)
+WUPN-TV, 48, Greensboro, NC (formerly WGGT)
WFMY-TV, 2, Greensboro, NC
WGHP, 8, Greensboro, NC
WXII, 12, Greensboro, NC (formerly WSJS)
+WXLV-TV, 45, Winston-Salem, NC (formerly WNRW)
+WUPN-TV, 48, Greensboro, NC (formerly WGGT)
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WSPA-TV, 7, Greenville, SC
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SC
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WSPA-TV, 7, Greenville, SC
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SC
+WHNS, 21, Greenville, SC
WTKR, 3, Norfolk, VA (formerly WTAR)
WAVY-TV, 10, Portsmouth, VA
WVEC-TV, 13, Hampton, VA
WITN-TV, 7, Washington, NC
WNCT-TV, 9, Greenville, NC
WBTV, 3, Charlotte, NC
WSOC-TV, 9, Charlotte, NC
WCCB, 18, Charlotte, NC
WSNC-TV, 36, Charlotte, NC (formerly WRET)
+WJZY, 46, Belmont, NC
WRAL-TV, 5, Raleigh, NC
WTVD, 11, Durham, NC
+WLFL, 22, Raleigh, NC
+WRDC, 28, Durham, NC (formerly WPTF, WRDU)
+WKFT, 40, Fayetteville, NC
WRAL-TV, 5, Raleigh, NC
WTVD, 11, Durham, NC
+WLFL, 22, Raleigh, NC
+WRDC, 28, Durham, NC (formerly WPTF, WRDU)
+WKFT, 40, Fayetteville, NC
WRAL-TV, 5, Raleigh, NC
WTVD, 11, Durham, NC
+WLFL, 22, Raleigh, NC
+WRDC, 28, Durham, NC (formerly WPTF, WRDU)
WITN-TV, 7, Washington, NC
WNCT-TV, 9, Greenville, NC
WITN-TV, 7, Washington, NC
WNCT-TV, 9, Greenville, NC
WCTI, 12, New Bern, NC
WBTV, 3, Charlotte, NC
+WJZY, 46, Charlotte, NC
WCYB-TV, 5, Bristol, VA
WGHP, 8, Greensboro, NC
WITN-TV, 7, Washington, NC
WNCT-TV, 9, Greenville, NC
WRAL-TV, 5, Raleigh, NC
WTVD, 11, Durham, NC
+WLFL, 22, Raleigh, NC
+WKFT, 40, Fayetteville, NC
+WFMY-TV, 2, Greensboro, NC
WGHP, 8, Greensboro, NC
WXII, 12, Greensboro, NC (formerly WSJS)
+WXLV-TV, 45, Winston-Salem, NC (formerly WNRW)
WBTV, 3, Charlotte, NC
WSOC-TV, 9, Charlotte, NC
+WJZY, 46, Belmont, NC
WITN-TV, 7, Washington, NC
WNCT-TV, 9, Greenville, NC
WRAL-TV, 5, Raleigh, NC
+WLFL, 22, Raleigh, NC
+WRDC, 28, Durham, NC (formerly WPTF, WRDU)
WTVD, 11, Durham, NC
WFMY-TV, 2, Greensboro, NC
WGHP, 8, Greensboro, NC
WXII, 12, Greensboro, NC (formerly WSJS)
WBTV, 3, Charlotte, NC
WSOC-TV, 9, Charlotte, NC
+WJZY, 46, Belmont, NC
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WSPA-TV, 7, Greenville, SC
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SC
WCYB-TV, 5, Bristol, VA
Connelly Springs—WCCB
Fayetteville—WLFL, WRDC
Fort Bragg—WLFL, WRDC
Glen Alpine—WCCB
Hope Mills—WLFL, WRDC
Kill Devil Hills—WVEC-TV, WTKR, WAVY-TV
Rutherford College—WCCB
Southern Shores—WVEC-TV, WTKR, WAVY-TV
Spring Lake—WLFL, WRDC
Unincorporated areas of Burke County—WCCB
Unincorporated surrounding areas of Cumberland County—WLFL, WRDC
Unincorporated areas of Dare County—WVEC-TV, WTKR, WAVY-TV
Unincorporated areas of Wake County—WNCN
KXMA-TV, 2, Dickinson, ND (formerly KDIX)
KFYR-TV, 5, Bismarck, ND
KXJB-TV, 4, Valley City, ND
WDAY-TV, 6, Fargo, ND
KVLY-TV, 11, Fargo, ND (formerly KTHI)
KXJB-TV, 4, Valley City, ND
WDAZ-TV, 8, Devils Lake, ND
KVLY-TV, 11, Fargo, ND (formerly KTHI)
KXMC-TV, 13, Minot, ND
KXMA-TV, 2, Dickinson, ND (formerly KDIX)
KFYR-TV, 5, Bismarck, ND
KMOT, 10, Minot, ND
KXMC-TV, 13, Minot, ND
KSMA-TV, 2, Dickinson, ND (formerly KDIX)
KFYR-TV, 5, Bismarck, ND
KOTA-TV, 3, Rapid City, SD
KUMV-TV, 8, Williston, ND
KMOT, 10, Minot, ND
KXMC-TV, 13, Minot, ND
CKOS, 3, Canada
KFYR-TV, 5, Bismarck, ND
KXMB-TV, 12, Bismarck, ND
KXJB-TV, 4, Valley City, ND
WDAY-TV, 6, Fargo, ND
KVLY-TV, 11, Fargo, ND (formerly KTHI)
WDAZ-TV, 8, Devils Lake, ND
KCND, 12, Pembina, ND
CKY, 7, Canada (formerly CJAY)
KXJB-TV, 4, Valley City, ND
WDAY-TV, 6, Fargo, ND
KVLY-TV, 11, Fargo, ND (formerly KTHI)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KUMV-TV, 8, Williston, ND
KXMD-TV, 11, Williston, ND
CKTV, 2, Canada (formerly CKCK)
KXMA-TV, 2, Dickinson, ND (formerly KDIX)
KFYR-TV, 5, Bismarck, ND
KUMV-TV, 8, Williston, ND
KXJB-TV, 4, Valley City, ND
WDAZ-TV, 8, Devils Lake, ND
KVLY-TV, 11, Fargo, ND (formerly KTHI)
KFYR-TV, 5, Bismarck, ND
KXMB-TV, 12, Bismarck, ND
FosterStart Printed Page 11389
KXJB-TV, 4, Valley City, ND
WDAY-TV, 6, Fargo, ND
WDAZ-TV, 8, Devils Lake, ND
KVLY-TV, 11, Fargo, ND (formerly KTHI)
Golden Valley
KUMV-TV, 8, Williston, ND
KXMA-TV, 2, Dickinson, ND (formerly KDIX)
Grand Forks
KXJB-TV, 4, Valley City, ND
WDAY-TV, 6, Fargo, ND
WDAZ-TV, 8, Devils Lake, ND
KVLY-TV, 11, Fargo, ND (formerly KTHI)
KFYR-TV, 5, Bismarck, ND
KXMB-TV, 12, Bismarck, ND
KXJB-TV, 4, Valley City, ND
WDAY-TV, 6, Fargo, ND
WDAZ-TV, 8, Devils Lake, ND
KVLY-TV, 11, Fargo, ND (formerly KTHI)
KFYR-TV, 5, Bismarck, ND
KXMA-TV, 2, Dickinson, ND (formerly KDIX)
KFYR-TV, 5, Bismarck, ND
KXMB-TV, 12, Bismarck, ND
La Moure
KXJB-TV, 4, Valley City, ND
WDAY-TV, 6, Fargo, ND
KVLY-TV, 11, Fargo, ND (formerly KTHI)
KFYR-TV, 5, Bismarck, ND
KXMB-TV, 12, Bismarck, ND
KMOT, 10, Minot, ND
KXMC-TV, 13, Minot, ND
KFYR-TV, 5, Bismarck, ND
KXMB-TV, 12, Bismarck, ND
KUMV-TV, 8, Williston, ND
KXMD-TV, 11, Williston, ND
KFYR-TV 5, Bismarck, ND
KXMB-TV, 12, Bismarck, ND
KXMC-TV, 13, Minot, ND
KFYR-TV, 5, Bismarck, ND
KXMC-TV, 13, Minot, ND
Morton East
KFYR-TV, 5, Bismarck, ND
KXMB-TV, 12, Bismarck, ND
Morton West
KFYR-TV, 5, Bismarck, ND
KXMB-TV, 12, Bismarck, ND
KUMV-TV, 8, Williston, ND
KMOT, 10, Minot, ND
KXMC-TV, 13, Minot, ND
KXJB-TV, 4, Valley City, ND
WDAY-TV, 6, Fargo, ND
WDAZ-TV, 8, Devils Lake, ND
KVLY-TV, 11, Fargo, ND (formerly KTHI)
KFYR-TV, 5, Bismarck, ND
KXMB-TV, 12, Bismarck, ND
KCND, 12, Pembina, ND
KXJB-TV, 4, Valley City, ND
WDAZ-TV, 8, Devils Lake, ND
CBWT, 6, Canada
CKY, 7, Canada (formerly CJAY)
KMOT, 10, Minot, ND
KXMC-TV, 13, Minot, ND
KXJB-TV, 4, Valley City, ND
WDAZ-TV, 8, Devils Lake, ND
KVLY-TV, 11, Fargo, ND (formerly KTHI)
KXJB-TV, 4, Valley City, ND
WDAY-TV, 6, Fargo, ND
KVLY-TV, 11, Fargo, ND (formerly KTHI)
KMOT, 10, Minot, ND
KXMC-TV, 13, Minot, ND
KXJB-TV, 4, Valley City, ND
WDAY-TV, 6, Fargo, ND
KVLY-TV, 11, Fargo, ND (formerly KTHI)
KMOT, 10, Minot, ND
KXMC-TV, 13, Minot, ND
CKX, 5, Canada
KXJB-TV, 4, Valley City, ND
WDAY-TV, 6, Fargo, ND
KVLY-TV, 11, Fargo, ND (formerly KTHI)
KFYR-TV, 5, Bismarck, ND
KXMC-TV, 13, Minot, ND
KFYR-TV, 5, Bismarck, ND
KXMB-TV, 12, Bismarck, ND
KXMA-TV, 2, Dickinson, ND (formerly KDIX)
KXMA-TV, 2, Dickinson, ND (formerly KDIX)
KFYR-TV, 5, Bismarck, ND
KXJB-TV, 4, Valley City, ND
WDAY-TV, 6, Fargo, ND
KVLY-TV, 11, Fargo, ND (formerly KTHI)
KXJB-TV, 4, Valley City, ND
WDAY-TV, 6, Fargo, ND
KVLY-TV, 11, Fargo, ND (formerly KTHI)
KFYR-TV, 5, Bismarck, ND
KXJB-TV, 4, Valley City, ND
WDAZ-TV, 8, Devils Lake, ND
KXJB-TV, 4, Valley City, ND
WDAY-TV, 6, Fargo, ND
KVLY-TV, 11, Fargo, ND (formerly KTHI)
KXJB-TV, 4, Valley City, ND
WDAZ-TV, 8, Devils Lake, ND
KVLY-TV, 11, Fargo, ND (formerly KTHI)
KCND, 12, Pembina, ND
KMOT, 10, Minot, ND
KXMC-TV, 13, Minot, ND
KFYR-TV, 5, Bismarck, ND
KXMC-TV, 13, Minot, ND
KXJB-TV, 4, Valley City, ND
WDAZ-TV, 8, Devils Lake, ND
KVLY-TV, 11, Fargo, ND (formerly KTHI)
KUMV-TV, 8, Williston, ND
KXMD-TV, 11, Williston, ND
WLWT, 5, Cincinnati, OH
WCPO-TV, 9, Cincinnati, OH
WKRC-TV, 12, Cincinnati, OH
+WSTR-TV, 64, Cincinnati, OH
WLIO, 35, Lima, OH (formerly WIMA)
+WTLW, 44, Lima, OH
WHIO-TV, 7, Dayton, OH
WANE-TV, 15, Fort Wayne, IN
+WFFT-TV, 55, Fort Wayne, IN
WTOL-TV, 11, Toledo, OH
WTVG, 13, Toledo, OH (formerly WSPD)
WNWO-TV, 24, Toledo, OH (formerly WDHO)
+WUPW, 36, Toledo, OH
WKYC-TV, 3, Cleveland, OH
WEWS-TV, 5, Cleveland, OH
WJW, 8, Cleveland, OH
+WOIO, 19, Shaker Heights, OH
WUAB, 43, Lorain, OH
WKBF-TV, 61, Cleveland, OH
WKYC-TV, 3, Cleveland, OH
WEWS-TV, 5, Cleveland, OH
WJW, 8, Cleveland, OH
+WOIO, 19, Shaker Heights, OH
WICU-TV, 12, Erie, PA
WJET-TV, 24, Erie, PA
WSEE, 35, Erie, PA
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WCHS-TV, 8, Charleston, WV
WOWK-TV, 13, Huntington, WV (formerly WHTN)
+WVAH-TV, 11, Charleston, WV (formerly ch. 23)
WCMH-TV, 4, Columbus, OH (formerly WLWC)
WDTN, 2, Dayton, OH (formerly WLWD)
WHIO-TV, 7, Dayton, OH
+WRGT-TV, 45, Dayton, OH
WLIO, 35, Lima, OH (formerly WIMA)
+WTLW, 44, Lima, OH
+WFFT-TV, 55, Fort Wayne, IN
WTRF-TV, 7, Wheeling, WV
WTOV-TV, 9, Steubenville, OH (formerly WSTV)
KDKA-TV, 2, Pittsburgh, PA
WTAE-TV, 4, Pittsburgh, PA
+WPGH-TV, 53, Pittsburgh, PA
WLWT, 5, Cincinnati, OH
WCPO-TV, 9, Cincinnati, OH
WKRC-TV, 12, Cincinnati, OH
WXIX-TV, 19, Cincinnati, OH
+WSTR-TV, 64, Cincinnati, OH
+WRGT-TV, 45, Dayton, OH
WLWT, 5, Cincinnati, OH
WCPO-TV, 9, Cincinnati, OH
WKRC-TV, 12, Cincinnati, OH
WXIX-TV, 19, Cincinnati, OH
+WSTR-TV, 64, Cincinnati, OH
WDTN, 2, Dayton, OH (formerly WLWD)
WHIO-TV, 7, Dayton, OH
+WKEF, 22, Dayton, OH
+WRGT-TV, 45, Dayton, OH
WTRF-TV, 7, Wheeling, WV
WTOV-TV, 9, Steubenville, OH (formerly WSTV)
WKYC-TV, 3, Cleveland, OH
WEWS-TV, 5, Cleveland, OH
WJW, 8, Cleveland, OH
+WOIO, 19, Shaker Heights, OHStart Printed Page 11390
KDKA-TV, 2, Pittsburgh, PA
WTAE-TV, 4, Pittsburgh, PA
WPXI, 11, Pittsburgh, PA (formerly WIIC)
WDTN, 2, Dayton, OH (formerly WLWD)
WHIO-TV, 7, Dayton, OH
+WRGT-TV, 45, Dayton, OH
WCMH-TV, 4, Columbus, OH (formerly WLWC)
WSYX, 6, Columbus, OH (formerly WTVN)
WBNS-TV, 10, Columbus, OH
+WTTE, 28, Columbus, OH
WDTN, 2, Dayton, OH (formerly WLWD)
WHIO-TV, 7, Dayton, OH
WKEF, 22, Dayton, OH
+WRGT-TV, 45, Dayton, OH
WCMH-TV, 4, Columbus, OH (formerly WLWC)
WSYX, 6, Columbus, OH (formerly WTVN)
WBNS-TV, 10, Columbus, OH
WLWT, 5, Cincinnati, OH
WCPO-TV, 9, Cincinnati, OH
WKRC-TV, 12, Cincinnati, OH
WXIX-TV, 19, Cincinnati, OH
+WSTR-TV, 64, Cincinnati, OH
+WRGT-TV, 45, Dayton, OH
WLWT, 5, Cincinnati, OH
WCPO-TV, 9, Cincinnati, OH
WKRC-TV, 12, Cincinnati, OH
+WSTR-TV, 64, Cincinnati, OH
WDTN, 2, Dayton, OH (formerly WLWD)
WHIO-TV, 7, Dayton, OH
WKEF, 22, Dayton, OH
+WRGT-TV, 45, Dayton, OH
KDKA-TV, 2, Pittsburgh, PA
WTAE-TV, 4, Pittsburgh, PA
WPXI, 11, Pittsburgh, PA (formerly WIIC)
+WPGH-TV, 53, Pittsburgh, PA
WKYC-TV, 3, Cleveland, OH
WEWS-TV, 5, Cleveland, OH
WJW, 8, Cleveland, OH
WTRF-TV, 7, Wheeling, WV
WTOV-TV, 9, Steubenville, OH (formerly WSTV)
WFMJ-TV, 21, Youngstown, OH
WKBN-TV, 27, Youngstown, OH
WYTV, 33, Youngstown, OH
WCMH-TV, 4, Columbus, OH (formerly WLWC)
WSYX, 6, Columbus, OH (formerly WTVN)
WBNS-TV, 10, Columbus, OH
+WTTE, 28, Columbus, OH
WTRF-TV, 7, Wheeling, WV
WTOV-TV, 9, Steubenville, OH (formerly WSTV)
WHIZ-TV, 18, Zanesville, OH
WCMH-TV, 4, Columbus, OH (formerly WLWC)
WSYX, 6, Columbus, OH (formerly WTVN)
WBNS-TV, 10, Columbus, OH
+WTTE, 28, Columbus, OH
WKYC-TV, 3, Cleveland, OH
WEWS-TV, 5, Cleveland, OH
WJW, 8, Cleveland, OH
WTOL-TV, 11, Toledo, OH
WTVG, 13, Toledo, OH (formerly WSPD)
+WUPW, 36, Toledo, OH
WKYC-TV, 3, Cleveland, OH
WEWS-TV, 5, Cleveland, OH
WJW, 8, Cleveland, OH
+WOIO, 19, Shaker Heights, OH
WUAB, 43, Lorain, OH
WKBF-TV, 61, Cleveland, OH
WDTN, 2, Dayton, OH (formerly WLWD)
WHIO-TV, 7, Dayton, OH
WKEF, 22, Dayton, OH
+WRGT-TV, 45, Dayton, OH
WCPO-TV, 9, Cincinnati, OH
+WSTR-TV, 64, Cincinnati, OH
WTOL-TV, 11, Toledo, OH
WTVG, 13, Toledo, OH (formerly WSPD)
WNWO-TV, 24, Toledo, OH (formerly WDHO)
+WUPW, 36, Toledo, OH
WANE-TV, 15, Fort Wayne, IN
WPTA, 21, Fort Wayne, IN
WKJG-TV, 33, Fort Wayne, IN
+WFFT-TV, 55, Fort Wayne, IN
WCMH-TV, 4, Columbus, OH (formerly WLWC)
WSYX, 6, Columbus, OH (formerly WTVN)
WBNS-TV, 10, Columbus, OH
+WTTE, 28, Columbus, OH
WKYC-TV, 3, Cleveland, OH
WEWS-TV, 5, Cleveland, OH
WJW, 8, Cleveland, OH
+WOIO, 19, Shaker Heights, OH
WUAB, 43, Lorain, OH
WKBF-TV, 61, Cleveland, OH
WTOL-TV, 11, Toledo, OH
WTVG, 13, Toledo, OH (formerly WSPD)
+WUPW, 36, Toledo, OH
WCMH-TV, 4, Columbus, OH (formerly WLWC)
WSYX, 6, Columbus, OH (formerly WTVN)
WBNS-TV, 10, Columbus, OH
+WTTE, 28, Columbus, OH
WCMH-TV, 4, Columbus, OH (formerly WLWC)
WSYX, 6, Columbus, OH (formerly WTVN)
WBNS-TV, 10, Columbus, OH
+WTTE, 28, Columbus, OH
WHIO-TV, 7, Dayton, OH
+WRGT-TV, 45, Dayton, OH
WCMH-TV, 4, Columbus, OH (formerly WLWC)
WSYX, 6, Columbus, OH (formerly WTVN)
WBNS-TV, 10, Columbus, OH
+WTTE, 28, Columbus, OH
WTOL-TV, 11, Toledo, OH
WTVG, 13, Toledo, OH (formerly WSPD)
WNWO-TV, 24, Toledo, OH (formerly WDHO)
+WUPW, 36, Toledo, OH
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WCHS-TV, 8, Charleston, WV
WOWK-TV, 13, Huntington, WV (formerly WHTN)
+WVAH-TV, 11, Charleston, WV (formerly ch. 23)
WKYC-TV, 3, Cleveland, OH
WEWS-TV, 5, Cleveland, OH
WJW, 8, Cleveland, OH
+WOIO, 19, Shaker Heights, OH
WUAB, 43, Lorain, OH
WKBF-TV, 61, Cleveland, OH
WDTN, 2, Dayton, OH (formerly WLWD)
WHIO-TV, 7, Dayton, OH
WKEF, 22, Dayton, OH
+WRGT-TV, 45, Dayton, OH
WCPO-TV, 9, Cincinnati, OH
WKRC-TV, 12, Cincinnati, OH
WTRF-TV, 7, Wheeling, WV
WTOV-TV, 9, Steubenville, OH (formerly WSTV)
+WTTE, 28, Columbus, OH
WLWT, 5, Cincinnati, OH
WCPO-TV 9, Cincinnati, OH
WKRC-TV, 12, Cincinnati, OH
WXIX-TV, 19, Cincinnati, OH
+WSTR-TV, 64, Cincinnati, OH
+WRGT-TV, 45, Dayton, OH
WTOL-TV, 11, Toledo, OH
WTVG, 13, Toledo, OH (formerly WSPD)
WNWO-TV, 24, Toledo, OH (formerly WDHO)
+WUPW, 36, Toledo, OH
WCMH-TV, 4, Columbus, OH (formerly WLWC)
WSYX, 6, Columbus, OH (formerly WTVN)
WBNS-TV, 10, Columbus, OH
+WTTE, 28, Columbus, OH
WTOL-TV, 11, Toledo, OH
WTVG, 13, Toledo, OH (formerly WSPD)
+WUPW, 36, Toledo, OH
+WTLW, 44, Lima, OH
WTR-TV, 7, Wheeling, WV
WTOV-TV, 9, Steubenville, OH (formerly WSTV)
KDKA-TV, 2, Pittsburgh, PA
WTAE-TV, 4, Pittsburgh, PA
WPXI, 11, Pittsburgh, PA (formerly WIIC)
WTOL-TV, 11, Toledo, OH
WTVG, 13, Toledo, OH (formerly WSPD)
WNWO-TV, 24, Toledo, OH (formerly WDHO)
+WUPW, 36, Toledo, OH
WLWT, 5, Cincinnati, OH
WCPO-TV, 9, Cincinnati, OH
WKRC-TV, 12, Cincinnati, OH
WXIX-TV, 19, Cincinnati, OH
+WSTR-TV, 64, Cincinnati, OH
WCMH-TV, 4, Columbus, OH (formerly WLWC)
WSYX, 6, Columbus, OH (formerly WTVN)
WBNS-TV, 10, Columbus, OH
WHIO-TV, 7, Dayton, OH
+WRGT-TV, 45, Dayton, OH
WCMH-TV, 4, Columbus, OH (formerly WLWC)
WSYX, 6, Columbus, OH (formerly WTVN)
WBNS-TV, 10, Columbus, OH
+WTTE, 28, Columbus, OH
WKYC-TV, 3, Cleveland, OH
WEWS-TV, 5, Cleveland, OH
WJW, 8, Cleveland, OH
+WOIO, 19, Shaker Heights, OH
+WTTE, 28, Columbus, OH
WKYC-TV, 3, Cleveland, OH
WEWS-TV, 5, Cleveland, OHStart Printed Page 11391
WJW, 8, Cleveland, OH
+WOIO, 19, Shaker Heights, OH
WUAB, 43, Lorain, OH
WKBF-TV, 61, Cleveland, OH
WTOL-TV, 11, Toledo, OH
WTVG, 13, Toledo, OH (formerly WSPD)
+WUPW, 36, Toledo, OH
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WCHS-TV, 8, Charleston, WV
WOWK-TV, 13, Huntington, WV (formerly WHTN)
+WVAH-TV, 11, Charleston, WV (formerly ch. 23)
WTRF-TV, 7, Wheeling, WV
WTOV-TV, 9, Steubenville, OH (formerly WSTV)
KDKA-TV, 2, Pittsburgh, OH
WTAE-TV, 4, Pittsburgh, OH
WPXI, 11, Pittsburgh, OH (formerly WIIC)
+WPGH-TV, 53, Pittsburgh, OH
WCMH-TV, 4, Columbus, OH (formerly WLWC)
WSYX, 6, Columbus, OH (formerly WTVN)
WBNS-TV, 10, Columbus, OH
+WTTE, 28, Columbus, OH
WKYC-TV, 3, Cleveland, OH
WEWS-TV, 5, Cleveland, OH
WJW, 8, Cleveland, OH
+WOIO, 19, Shaker Heights, OH
WUAB, 43, Lorain, OH
WKBF-TV, 61, Cleveland, OH
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WCHS-TV, 8, Charleston, WV
WOWK-TV, 13, Huntington, WV (formerly WHTN)
+WVAH-TV, 11, Charleston, WV (formerly ch. 23)
WCMH-TV, 4, Columbus, OH (formerly WLWC)
WSYX, 6, Columbus, OH (formerly WTVN)
WBNS-TV, 10, Columbus, OH
+WTTE, 28, Columbus, OH
WCMH-TV, 4, Columbus, OH (formerly WLWC)
WSYX, 6, Columbus, OH (formerly WTVN)
WBNS-TV, 10, Columbus, OH
+WTTE, 28, Columbus, OH
WDTN, 2, Dayton, OH (formerly WLWD)
WHIO-TV, 7, Dayton, OH
+WRGT-TV, 45, Dayton, OH
WKYC-TV, 3, Cleveland, OH
WEWS-TV, 5, Cleveland, OH
WJW, 8, Cleveland, OH
+WOIO, 19, Shaker Heights, OH
WUAB, 43, Lorain, OH
WKBF-TV, 61, Cleveland, OH
WTOL-TV, 11, Toledo, OH
WTVG, 13, Toledo, OH (formerly WSPD)
WNWO-TV, 24, Toledo, OH (formerly WDHO)
+WUPW, 36, Toledo, OH
WJBK, 2, Detroit, MI
WXYZ-TV, 7, Detroi, MIt
+WKBD-TV, 50, Detroit, MI
WCMH-TV, 4, Columbus, OH (formerly WLWC)
WSYX, 6, Columbus, OH (formerly WTVN)
WBNS-TV, 10, Columbus, OH
+WTTE, 28, Columbus, OH
+WRGT-TV, 45, Dayton, OH
WFMJ-TV, 21, Youngstown, OH
WKBN-TV, 27, Youngstown, OH
WYTV, 33, Youngstown, OH
+WOIO, 19, Shaker Heights, OH
WCMH-TV, 4, Columbus, OH (formerly WLWC)
WSYX, 6, Columbus, OH (formerly WTVN)
WBNS-TV, 10, Columbus, OH
+WTTE, 28, Columbus, OH
WKYC-TV, 3, Cleveland, OH
WEWS-TV, 5, Cleveland, OH
WJW, 8, Cleveland, OH
+WOIO, 19, Shaker Heights, OH
WUAB, 43, Lorain, OH
WKBF-TV, 61, Cleveland, OH
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WCHS-TV, 8, Charleston, WV
WOWK-TV, 13, Huntington, WV (formerly WHTN)
+WVAH-TV, 11, Charleston, WV (formerly ch. 23)
WDTN, 2, Dayton, OH (formerly WLWD)
WHIO-TV, 7, Dayton, OH
+WRGT-TV, 45, Dayton, OH
WANE-TV, 15, Fort Wayne, IN
WPTA, 21, Fort Wayne, IN
WKJG-TV, 33, Fort Wayne, IN
+WFFT-TV, 55, Fort Wayne, IN
WIMA, 35, Lima, OH (formerly WIMA)
+WTLW, 44, Lima, OH
WDTN, 2, Dayton, OH (formerly WLWD)
WHIO-TV, 7, Dayton, OH
WPTD, 16, Dayton, OH (formerly WKTR)
WKEF, 22, Dayton, OH
+WRGT-TV, 45, Dayton, OH
WTRF-TV, 7, Wheeling, WV
WTOV-TV, 9, Steubenville, OH (formerly WSTV)
WDTV, 5, Clarksburg, WV
WTAE-TV, 4, Pittsburgh, PA
WDTN, 2, Dayton, OH (formerly WLWD)
WHIO-TV, 7, Dayton, OH
WPTD, 16, Dayton, OH (formerly WKTR)
WKEF, 22, Dayton, OH
+WRGT-TV, 45, Dayton, OH
WCPO-TV, 9, Cincinnati, OH
WKRC-TV, 12, Cincinnati, OH
+WSTR-TV, 64, Cincinnati, OH
WCMH-TV, 4, Columbus, OH (formerly WLWC)
WSYX, 6, Columbus, OH (formerly WTVN)
WBNS-TV, 10, Columbus, OH
+WTTE, 28, Columbus, OH
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WCHS-TV, 8, Charleston, WV
WOWK-TV, 13, Huntington, WV (formerly WHTN)
WTAP-TV, 15, Parkersburg, WV
WHIZ-TV, 18, Zanesville, OH
WCMH-TV, 4, Columbus, OH (formerly WLWC)
WSYX, 6, Columbus, OH (formerly WTVN)
WBNS-TV, 10, Columbus, OH
WHIZ-TV, 18, Zanesville, OH
WCMH-TV, 4, Columbus, OH (formerly WLWC)
WSYX, 6, Columbus, OH (formerly WTVN)
WBNS-TV, 10, Columbus, OH
+WTTE, 28, Columbus, OH
WTRF-TV, 7, Wheeling, WV
WTOV-TV, 9, Steubenville, OH (formerly WSTV)
WTOL-TV, 11, Toledo, OH
WTVG, 13, Toledo, OH (formerly WSPD)
WNWO-TV, 24, Toledo, OH (formerly WDHO)
+WUPW, 36, Toledo, OH
WEWS-TV, 5, Cleveland, OH
WJBK, 2, Detroit, MI
WANE-TV, 15, Fort Wayne, IN
WPTA, 21, Fort Wayne, IN
WKJG-TV, 33, Fort Wayne, IN
WCMH-TV, 4, Columbus, OH (formerly WLWC)
WSYX, 6, Columbus, OH (formerly WTVN)
WBNS-TV, 10, Columbus, OH
+WTTE, 28, Columbus, OH
WHIZ-TV, 18, Zanesville, OH
WCMH-TV, 4, Columbus, OH (formerly WLWC)
WSYX, 6, Columbus, OH (formerly WTVN)
WBNS-TV, 10, Columbus, OH
+WTTE, 28, Columbus, OH
WCMH-TV, 4, Columbus, OH (formerly WLWC)
WSYX, 6, Columbus, OH (formerly WTVN)
WBNS-TV, 10, Columbus, OH
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WOWK-TV, 13, Huntington (formerly WHTN)
+WVAH-TV, 11, Charleston, WV (formerly ch. 23)
WKYC-TV, 3, Cleveland, OH
WEWS-TV, 5, Cleveland, OH
WJW, 8, Cleveland, OH
+WOIO, 19, Shaker Heights, OH
WUAB, 43, Lorain, OH
WKBF-TV, 61, Cleveland, OH
WDTN, 2, Dayton, OH (formerly WLWD)
WHIO-TV, 7, Dayton, OH
WKEF, 22, Dayton, OH
+WRGT-TV, 45, Dayton, OH
WLWT, 5, Cincinnati, OH
WCPO-TV, 9, Cincinnati, OH
WKRC-TV, 12, Cincinnati, OH
WXIX-TV, 19, Cincinnati, OH
+WSTR-TV, 64, Cincinnati, OH
WTOL-TV, 11, Toledo, OH
WTVG, 13, Toledo, OH (formerly WSPD)
WNWO-TV, 24, Toledo, OH (formerly WDHO)
+WUPW, 36, Toledo. OH
WLIO, 35, Lima, OH (formerly WIMA)
+WTLW, 44, Lima, OH
+WFFT-TV, 55, Fort Wayne, IN
WKYC-TV, 3, Cleveland, OH
WEWS-TV, 5, Cleveland, OHStart Printed Page 11392
WJW, 8, Cleveland, OH
+WOIO, 19, Shaker Heights, OH
WBNS-TV, 10, Columbus, OH
+WTTE, 28, Columbus, OH
WCMH-TV, 4, Columbus, OH (formerly WLWC)
WSYX, 6, Columbus, OH (formerly WTVN)
WBNS-TV, 10, Columbus, OH
+WTTE, 28, Columbus, OH
WTOL-TV, 11, Toledo, OH
WTVG, 13, Toledo, OH (formerly WSPD)
WNWO-TV, 24, Toledo, OH (formerly WDHO)
+WUPW, 36, Toledo, OH
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WCHS-TV, 8, Charleston, WV
WOWK-TV, 13, Huntington, WV (formerly WHTN)
+WVAH-TV, 11, Charleston, WV (formerly ch. 23)
WTOL-TV, 11, Toledo, OH
WTVG, 13, Toledo, OH (formerly WSPD)
WNWO-TV, 24, Toledo, OH (formerly WDHO)
+WUPW, 36, Toledo, OH
WEWS-TV, 5, Cleveland, OH
WDTN, 2, Dayton, OH (formerly WLWD)
WHIO-TV, 7, Dayton, OH
WKEF, 22, Dayton, OH
+WRGT-TV, 45, Dayton, OH
WKYC-TV, 3, Cleveland, OH
WEWS-TV, 5, Cleveland, OH
WJW, 8, Cleveland, OH
+WOIO, 19, Shaker Heights, OH
WUAB, 43, Lorain, OH
WKBF-TV, 61, Cleveland, OH
+WOAC, 67, Canton, OH
WKYC-TV, 3, Cleveland, OH
WEWS-TV, 5, Cleveland, OH
WJW, 8, Cleveland, OH
+WOIO, 19, Shaker Heights, OH
WAKC, 23, Akron, OH (formerly WAKR)
WUAB, 43, Lorain, OH
WKBF-TV, 61, Cleveland, OH
WFMJ-TV, 21, Youngstown, OH
WKBN-TV, 27, Youngstown, OH
WYTV, 33, Youngstown, OH
WKYC-TV, 3, Cleveland, OH
WEWS-TV, 5, Cleveland, OH
WJW, 8, Cleveland, OH
+WOIO, 19, Shaker Heights, OH
WKYC-TV, 3, Cleveland, OH
WEWS-TV, 5, Cleveland, OH
WJW, 8, Cleveland, OH
+WOIO, 19, Shaker Heights, OH
WTRF-TV, 7, Wheeling, WV
WTOV-TV, 9, Steubenville, OH (formerly WSTV)
WCMH-TV, 4, Columbus, OH (formerly WLWC)
WSYX, 6, Columbus, OH (formerly WTVN)
WBNS-TV, 10, Columbus, OH
+WTTE, 28, Columbus, OH
Van Wert
WANE-TV, 15, Fort Wayne, IN
WPTA, 21, Fort Wayne, IN
WKJG-TV, 33, Fort Wayne, IN
+WFFT-TV, 55, Fort Wayne, IN
WLIO, 35, Lima, OH (formerly WIMA)
+WTLW, 44, Lima, OH
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WCHS-TV, 8, Charleston, WV
WOWK-TV, 13, Huntington, WV (formerly WHTN)
WCMH-TV, 4, Columbus, OH (formerly WLWC)
WSYX, 6, Columbus, OH (formerly WTVN)
WBNS-TV, 10, Columbus, OH
WLWT, 5, Cincinnati, OH
WCPO-TV, 9, Cincinnati, OH
WKRC-TV, 12, Cincinnati, OH
WXIX-TV, 19, Cincinnati, OH
+WSTR-TV, 64, Cincinnati, OH
WDTN, 2, Dayton, OH (formerly WLWD)
WHIO-TV, 7, Dayton, OH
WKEF, 22, Dayton, OH
+WRGT-TV, 45, Dayton, OH
#WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV [21]
WCHS-TV, 8, Charleston, WV
WOWK-TV, 13, Huntington, WV (formerly WHTN)
+WVAH-TV, 11, Charleston, WV (formerly ch. 23)
WTAP-TV, 15, Parkersburg, WV
WTRF-TV, 7, Wheeling, WV
WKYC-TV, 3, Cleveland, OH
WEWS-TV, 5, Cleveland, OH
WJW, 8, Cleveland, OH
+WOIO, 19, Shaker Heights, OH
WUAB, 43, Lorain, OH
WKBF-TV, 61, Cleveland, OH
+WOAC, 67, Akron, OH
WTOL-TV, 11, Toledo, OH
WTVG, 13, Toledo, OH (formerly WSPD)
WNWO-TV, 24, Toledo, OH (formerly WDHO)
+WUPW, 36, Toledo, OH
WANE-TV, 15, Fort Wayne, IN
WPTA, 21, Fort Wayne, IN
WKJG-TV, 33, Fort Wayne, IN
+WFFT-TV, 55, Fort Wayne, IN
WTOL-TV, 11, Toledo, OH
WTVG, 13, Toledo, OH (formerly WSPD)
WNWO-TV, 24, Toledo, OH (formerly WDHO)
+WUPW, 36, Toledo, OH
WKBD-TV, 50, Detroit, MI
WTOL-TV, 11, Toledo, OH
WTVG, 13, Toledo, OH (formerly WSPD)
WNWO-TV, 24, Toledo, OH (formerly WDHO)
+WUPW, 36, Toledo, OH
WCMH-TV, 4, Columbus, OH (formerly WLWC)
WBNS-TV, 10, Columbus, OH
+WTTE, 28, Columbus, OH
Ashtabula Township—WUAB
Austinburg Township—WUAB
Austintown Township—WJW
Canfield Township (portions)—WJW
Geneva Township—WUAB
Geneva-on-the-Lake Village—WUAB
Harpersfield Township—WUAB
Jefferson Village—WUAB
Jefferson Township—WUAB
Kingsville Township—WUAB
Madison Village—WUAB
McDonald Township—WJW
Plymouth Township—WUAB
Saybrook Township—WUAB
Weathersfield Township—WJW
KJRH, 2, Tulsa, OK (formerly KTEW)
KOTV, 6, Tulsa, OK
KTUL, 8, Tulsa, OK
+KOKI-TV, 23, Tulsa, OK
KFOR-TV, 4, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly WKY)
KOCO-TV, 5, Oklahoma City, OK
KWTV, 9, Oklahoma City, OK
KTEN, 10, Ada, OK
KXII, 12, Sherman, TX
KBSD-TV, 6, Ensign, KS (formerly KTVC)
KSNG, 11, Garden City, KS (formerly KGLD)
KUPK-TV, 13, Garden City, KS
KFDA-TV, 10, Amarillo, TX
KSWO-TV, 7, Lawton, OK
+KOKH-TV, 25, Oklahoma City, OK
KFOR-TV, 4, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly WKY)
KOCO-TV, 5, Oklahoma City, OK
KWTV, 9, Oklahoma City, OK
+KAUT-TV, 43, Oklahoma City, OK
KTEN, 10, Ada, OK
KXII, 12, Sherman, TX
KDFW, 4, Dallas, TX
WFAA-TV, 8, Dallas, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
KFOR-TV, 4, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly WKY)
KOCO-TV, 5, Oklahoma City, OK
KWTV, 9, Oklahoma City, OK
+KTBO-TV, 14, Oklahoma City, OK
+KOKH-TV, 25, Oklahoma City, OK
+KOCB, 34, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly KGMC)
+KAUT-TV, 43, Oklahoma City, OK
KFOR-TV, 4, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly WKY)
KOCO-TV, 5, Oklahoma City, OK
KWTV, 9, Oklahoma City, OK
+KOKH-TV, 25, Oklahoma City, OK
+KOCB, 34, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly KGMC)
+KAUT-TV, 43, Oklahoma City, OK
KTEN, 10, Ada, OK
KXII, 12, Sherman, TX
KWTV, 9, Oklahoma City, OK
KFDX-TV, 3, Wichita Falls, TX
KAUZ-TV, 6, Wichita Falls, TX
KJRH, 2, Tulsa, OK (formerly KTEW)
KOTV, 6, Tulsa, OKStart Printed Page 11393
KTUL, 8, Tulsa, OK
+KOKI-TV, 23, Tulsa, OK
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TV
KTEN, 10, Ada, OK
KXII, 12, Sherman, TX
KAMR-TV, 4, Amarillo, TX (formerly KGNC)
KVII-TV, 7, Amarillo, TX
KFDA-TV, 10, Amarillo, TX
KFOR-TV, 4, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly WKY)
KOCO-TV, 5, Oklahoma City, OK
KWTV, 9, Oklahoma City, OK
+KTBO-TV, 14, Oklahoma City, OK
+KOKH-TV, 25, Oklahoma City, OK
+KAUT-TV, 43, Oklahoma City, OK
KTEN, 10, Ada, OK
KXII, 12, Sherman, TX
KFOR-TV, 4, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly WKY)
KFDX-TV, 3, Wichita Falls, TX
KAUZ-TV, 6, Wichita Falls, TX
KSWO-TV, 7, Lawton, OK
+KJTL, 18, Wichita Falls, TX
KFDX-TV, 3, Wichita Falls, TX
KAUZ-TV, 6, Wichita Falls, TX
KSWO-TV, 7, Lawton, OK
KJRH, 2, Tulsa, OK (formerly KTEW)
KOTV, 6, Tulsa, OK
KTUL, 8, Tulsa, OK
+KOKI-TV, 23, Tulsa, OK
KOAM-TV, 7, Pittsburg, KS
KJRH, 2, Tulsa, OK (formerly KTEW)
KOTV, 6, Tulsa, OK
KTUL, 8, Tulsa, OK
+KOKI-TV, 23, Tulsa, OK
KFOR-TV, 4, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly WKY)
KOCO-TV, 5, Oklahoma City, OK
KWTV, 9, Oklahoma City, OK
+KOCB, 34, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly KGMC)
+KAUT-TV, 43, Oklahoma City, OK
KJRH, 2, Tulsa, OK (formerly KTEW)
KOTV, 6, Tulsa, OK
KTUL, 8, Tulsa, OK
+KOKI-TV, 23, Tulsa, OK
KOAM-TV, 7, Pittsburg, KS
KODE-TV, 12, Joplin, MO
KFOR-TV, 4, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly WKY)
KOCO-TV, 5, Oklahoma City, OK
KWTV, 9, Oklahoma City, OK
KFOR-TV, 4, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly WKY)
KOCO-TV, 5, Oklahoma City, OK
KWTV, 9, Oklahoma City, OK
KAMR-TV, 4, Amarillo, TX (formerly KGNC)
KFDA-TV, 10, Amarillo, TX
KFOR-TV, 4, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly WKY)
KOCO-TV, 5, Oklahoma City, OK
KWTV, 9, Oklahoma City, OK
+KOKH-TV, 25, Oklahoma City, OK
+KAUT-TV, 43, Oklahoma City, OK
KFOR-TV, 4, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly WKY)
KOCO-TV, 5, Oklahoma City, OK
KWTV, 9, Oklahoma City, OK
+KOKH-TV, 25, Oklahoma City, OK
+KOCB, 34, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly KGMC)
+KAUT-TV, 43, Oklahoma City, OK
KTEN, 10, Ada, OK
KFOR-TV, 4, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly WKY)
KOCO-TV, 5, Oklahoma City, OK
KWTV, 9, Oklahoma City, OK
+KOKH-TV, 25, Oklahoma City, OK
+KOCB, 34, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly KGMC)
+KAUT-TV, 43, Oklahoma City, OK
KFOR-TV, 4, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly WKY)
KOCO-TV, 5, Oklahoma City, OK
KWTV, 9, Oklahoma City, OK
+KOKH-TV, 25, Oklahoma City, OK
KSNW, 3, Wichita, KS (formerly KARD)
KAKE-TV, 10, Wichita, KS
KFDX-TV, 3, Wichita Falls, TX
KAUZ-TV, 6, Wichita Falls, TX
KSWO-TV, 7, Lawton, OK
KFDA-TV, 10, Amarillo,TX
KFDX-TV, 3, Wichita Falls, TX
KAUZ-TV, 6, Wichita Falls, TX
KSWO-TV, 7, Lawton, OK
KFOR-TV, 4, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly WKY)
KOCO-TV, 5, Oklahoma City, OK
KWTV, 9, Oklahoma City, OK
KBSD-TV, 6, Ensign, KS (formerly KTVC)
KUPK-TV, 13, Garden City, KS
KTUL, 8, Tulsa, OK
+KOKI-TV, 23, Tulsa, OK
KFSM-TV, 5, Fort Smith, AR (formerly KFSA)
KFOR-TV, 4, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly WKY)
KOCO-TV, 5, Oklahoma City, OK
KWTV, 9, Oklahoma City, OK
+KOKH-TV, 25, Oklahoma City, OK
KTEN, 10, Ada, OK
KJRH, 2, Tulsa, OK (formerly KTEW)
KOTV, 6, Tulsa, OK
KTUL, 8, Tulsa, OK
+KOKI-TV, 23, Tulsa, OK
KFDX-TV, 3, Wichita Falls, TX
KAUZ-TV, 6, Wichita Falls, TX
KSWO-TV, 7, Lawton, OK
+KJTL, 18, Wichita Falls, TX
KFDX-TV, 3, Wichita Falls, TX
KAUZ-TV, 6, Wichita Falls, TX
KSWO-TV, 7, Lawton, OK
+KJTL, 18, Wichita Falls, TX
KXII, 12, Sherman, TX
KTEN, 10, Ada, OK
KXII, 12, Sherman, TX
KFOR-TV, 4, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly WKY)
KOCO-TV, 5, Oklahoma City, OK
KWTV, 9, Oklahoma City, OK
+KOKH-TV, 25, Oklahoma City, OK
+KOCB, 34, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly KGMC)
KJRH, 2, Tulsa, O, OKK (formerly KTEW)
KOTV, 6, Tulsa, OK
KSNW, 3, Wichita, KS (formerly KARD)
KAKE-TV, 10, Wichita, KS
KFOR-TV, 4, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly WKY)
KOCO-TV, 5, Oklahoma City, OK
KWTV, 9, Oklahoma City, OK
+KTBO-TV, 14, Oklahoma City, OK
+KOKH-TV, 25, Oklahoma City, OK
+KOCB, 34, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly KGMC)
+KAUT-TV, 43, Oklahoma City, OK
KFDX-TV, 3, Wichita Falls, TX
KAUZ-TV, 6, Wichita Falls, TX
KSWO-TV, 7, Lawton, OK
KFOR-TV, 4, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly WKY)
KOCO-TV, 5, Oklahoma City, OK
KTUL, 8, Tulsa, OK
KTEN, 10, Ada, OK
KFSM-TV, 5, Fort Smith, AR (formerly KFSA)
Le Flore
KFSM-TV, 5, Fort Smith, AR (formerly KFSA)
KTUL, 8, Tulsa, OK
KFOR-TV, 4, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly WKY)
KOCO-TV, 5, Oklahoma City, OK
KWTV, 9, Oklahoma City, OK
+KAUT-TV, 43, Oklahoma City, OK
KFOR-TV, 4, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly WKY)
KOCO-TV, 5, Oklahoma City, OK
KWTV, 9, Oklahoma City, OK
+KOKH-TV, 25, Oklahoma City, OK
+KOCB, 34, Oklahoma Cit, OK (formerly KGMC)
+KAUT-TV, 43, Oklahoma City, OK
KDFW, 4, Dallas, TX
WFAA-TV, 8, Dallas, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
KXII, 12, Sherman, TX
KFDX-TV, 3, Wichita Falls, TX
KAUZ-TV, 6, Wichita Falls, TX
KSWO-TV, 7, Lawton, OK
KFOR-TV, 4, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly WKY)
KOCO-TV, 5, Oklahoma City, OK
KWTV, 9, Oklahoma City, OK
+KOCB, 34, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly KGMC)
KTBS-TV, 3, Shreveport, LA
KTAL-TV, 12, Shreveport, LA
KFSM-TV, 5, Fort Smith, AR (formerly KFSA)
KJRH, 2, Tulsa, OK (formerly KTEW)
KOTV, 6, Tulsa, OKStart Printed Page 11394
KTUL, 8, Tulsa, OK
+KOKI-TV, 23, Tulsa, OK
KFOR-TV, 4, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly WKY)
KOCO-TV, 5, Oklahoma City, OK
KWTV, 9, Oklahoma City, OK
KTEN, 10, Ada, OK
KXII, 12, Sherman, TX
KDFW, 4, Dallas, TX
KJRH, 2, Tulsa, OK (formerly KTEW)
KOTV, 6, Tulsa, OK
KTUL, 8, Tulsa, OK
+KOKI-TV, 23, Tulsa, OK
+KWHB, 47, Tulsa, OK
KFOR-TV, 4, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly WKY)
KOCO-TV, 5, Oklahoma City, OK
KWTV, 9, Oklahoma City, OK
KTEN, 10, Ada, OK
KXII, 12, Sherman, TX
KJRH, 2, Tulsa, OK (formerly KTEW)
KOTV, 6, Tulsa, OK
KTUL, 8, Tulsa, OK
+KOKI-TV, 23, Tulsa, OK
+KWHB, 47, Tulsa, OK
KFOR-TV, 4, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly WKY)
KOCO-TV, 5, Oklahoma City, OK
KWTV, 9, Oklahoma City, OK
+KOKH-TV, 25, Oklahoma City, OK
+KOCB, 34, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly KGMC)
+KAUT-TV, 43, Oklahoma City, OK
KJRH, 2, Tulsa, OK (formerly KTEW)
KOTV, 6, Tulsa, OK
KTUL, 8, Tulsa, OK
+KOKI-TV, 23, Tulsa, OK
KJRH, 2, Tulsa, OK (formerly KTEW)
KOTV, 6, Tulsa, OK
KTUL, 8, Tulsa, OK
+KOKI-TV, 23, Tulsa, OK
KTEN, 10, Ada, OK
KFOR-TV, 4, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly WKY)
KOCO-TV, 5, Oklahoma City, OK
KWTV, 9, Oklahoma City, OK
KFOR-TV, 4, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly WKY)
KOCO-TV, 5, Oklahoma City, OK
KWTV, 9, Oklahoma City, OK
KJRH, 2, Tulsa, OK (formerly KTEW)
KOTV, 6, Tulsa, OK
KTUL, 8, Tulsa, OK
+KOKI-TV, 23, Tulsa, OK
+KWHB, 47, Tulsa, OK
KJRH, 2, Tulsa, OK (formerly KTEW)
KOTV, 6, Tulsa, OK
KTUL, 8, Tulsa, OK
+KOKI-TV, 23, Tulsa, OK
KOAM-TV, 7, Pittsburg, KS
KODE-TV, 12, Joplin, MO
KSNF, 16, Joplin, MO (formerly KUHI)
KOTV, 6, Tulsa, OK
KTUL, 8, Tulsa, OK
+KOKI-TV, 23, Tulsa, OK
KJRH, 2, Tulsa, OK (formerly KTEW)
KOTV, 6, Tulsa, OK
KTUL, 8, Tulsa, OK
KFOR-TV, 4, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly WKY)
KOCO-TV, 5, Oklahoma City, OK
KWTV, 9, Oklahoma City, OK
+KOKH-TV, 25, Oklahoma City, OK
+KOCB, 34, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly KGMC)
+KAUT-TV, 43, Oklahoma City, OK
KJRH, 2, Tulsa, OK (formerly KTEW)
KOTV, 6, Tulsa, OK
KJRH, 2, Tulsa, OK (formerly KTEW)
KOTV, 6, Tulsa, OK
KTUL, 8, Tulsa, OK
+KOKI-TV, 23, Tulsa, OK
KTEN, 10, Ada, OK
KTEN, 10, Ada, OK
KFOR-TV, 4, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly WKY)
KOCO-TV, 5, Oklahoma City, OK
KWTV, 9, Oklahoma City, OK
+KOKH-TV, 25, Oklahoma City, OK
KAUT-TV, 43, Oklahoma City, OK
KFOR-TV, 4, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly WKY)
KOCO-TV, 5, Oklahoma City, OK
KWTV, 9, Oklahoma City, OK
+KOKH-TV, 25, Oklahoma City, OK
+KAUT-TV, 43, Oklahoma City, OK
KTEN, 10, Ada, OK
KXII, 12, Sherman, TX
Roger Mills
KFDA-TV, 10, Amarillo, TX
KFOR-TV, 4, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly WKY)
KJRH, 2, Tulsa, OK (formerly KTEW)
KOTV, 6, Tulsa, OK
KTUL, 8, Tulsa, OK
+KOKI-TV, 23, Tulsa, OK
+KWHB, 47, Tulsa, OK
KFOR-TV, 4, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly WKY)
KOCO-TV, 5, Oklahoma City, OK
KWTV, 9, Oklahoma City, OK
+KOKH-TV, 25, Oklahoma City, OK
+KOCB, 34, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly KGMC)
+KAUT-TV, 43, Oklahoma City, OK
KTEN, 10, Ada, OK
KJRH, 2, Tulsa, OK (formerly KTEW)
KOTV, 6, Tulsa, OK
KTUL, 8, Tulsa, OK
+KOKI-TV, 23, Tulsa, OK
KFSM-TV, 5, Fort Smith, AR (formerly KFSA)
KFDX-TV, 3, Wichita Falls, TX
KAUZ-TV, 6, Wichita Falls, TX
KSWO-TV, 7, Lawton, OK
+KJTL, 18, Wichita Falls, TX
+KOKH-TV, 25, Oklahoma City, OK
KAMR-TV, 4, Amarillo, TX (formerly KGNC)
KVII-TV, 7, Amarillo, TX
KFDA-TV, 10, Amarillo, TX
KBSD-TV, 6, Ensign, KS (formerly KTVC)
KSNG, 11, Garden City, KS (formerly KGLD)
KUPK-TV, 13, Garden City, KS
KFDX-TV, 3, Wichita Falls, TX
KAUZ-TV, 6, Wichita Falls, TX
KSWO-TV, 7, Lawton, OK
KJRH, 2, Tulsa, OK (formerly KTEW)
KOTV, 6, Tulsa, OK
KTUL, 8, Tulsa, OK
+KOKI-TV, 23, Tulsa, OK
+KWHB, 47, Tulsa, OK
KJRH, 2, Tulsa, OK (formerly KTEW)
KOTV, 6, Tulsa, OK
KTUL, 8, Tulsa, OK
+KOKI-TV, 23, Tulsa, OK
+KWHB, 47, Tulsa, OK
KJRH, 2, Tulsa, OK (formerly KTEW)
KOTV, 6, Tulsa, OK
KTUL, 8, Tulsa, OK
+KOKI-TV, 23, Tulsa, OK
KFOR-TV, 4, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly WKY)
KOCO-TV, 5, Oklahoma City, OK
KWTV, 9, Oklahoma City, OK
+KOKH-TV, 25, Oklahoma City, OK
KFDX-TV, 3, Wichita Falls, TX
KAUZ-TV, 6, Wichita Falls, TX
KSWO-TV, 7, Lawton, OK
KFOR-TV, 4, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly WKY)
KOCO-TV, 5, Oklahoma City, OK
KWTV, 9, Oklahoma City, OK
KFOR-TV, 4, Oklahoma City, OK (formerly WKY)
KOCO-TV, 5, Oklahoma City, OK
KWTV, 9, Oklahoma City, OK
KBCI-TV, 2, Boise, ID (formerly KBOI)
KTVB, 7, Boise, ID
KATU, 2, Portland, OR
KOIN, 6, Portland, OR
KPTV, 12, Portland, OR
KEZI, 9, Eugene, OR
KVAL-TV, 13, Eugene, OR
KATU, 2, Portland, OR
KOIN, 6, Portland, OR
KGW, 8, Portland, OR
KPTV, 12, Portland, OR
+KPDX, 49, Vancouver, WA
KATU, 2, Portland, OR
KOIN, 6, Portland, OR
KGW, 8, Portland, OR
KPTV, 12, Portland, OR
KING-TV, 5, Seattle, WA
KATU, 2, Portland, OR
KOIN, 6, Portland, OR
KGW, 8, Portland, OR
KPTV, 12, Portland, OR
+KPDX, 49, Vancouver, WAStart Printed Page 11395
KCBY-TV, 11, Coos Bay, OR
KOBI, 5, Medford, OR
KATU, 2, Portland, OR
KOIN, 6, Portland, OR
KGW, 8, Portland, OR
KPTV, 12, Portland, OR
KEZI, 9, Eugene, OR
+KTVZ, 21, Bend, OR
KIEM-TV, 3, Eureka, CA
KVIQ-TV, 6, Eureka, CA
+KTVZ, 21, Bend, OR
KPIC, 4, Roseburg, OR
KEZI, 9, Eugene, OR
KOBI, 5, Medford, OR
KEPR-TV, 19, Pasco, WA
KNDU, 25, Richland, WA
KOIN, 6, Portland, OR
KGW, 8, Portland, OR
KPTV, 12, Portland, OR
KBCI-TV, 2, Boise, ID (formerly KBOI)
KTVB, 7, Boise, ID
Not available.
Hood River
KATU, 2, Portland, OR
KOIN, 6, Portland, OR
KGW, 8, Portland, OR
KPTV, 12, Portland, OR
KOBI, 5, Medford, OR
KTVL, 10, Medford, OR (formerly KMED)
KATU, 2, Portland, OR
KOIN, 6, Portland, OR
KGW, 8, Portland, OR
+KTVZ, 21, Bend
KOBI, 5, Medford, OR
KTVL, 10, Medford, OR (formerly KMED)
KOTI, 2, Medford, OR
KTVL, 10, Medford, OR (formerly KMED)
KOTI, 2, Medford, OR
Lane Inner
KEZI, 9, Eugene, OR
KVAL-TV, 13, Eugene, OR
Lane Outer
KEZI, 9, Eugene, OR
KVAL-TV, 13, Eugene, OR
KOIN, 6, Portland, OR
KATU, 2, Portland, OR
KOIN, 6, Portland, OR
KGW, 8, Portland, OR
KPTV, 12, Portland, OR
KEZI, 9, Eugene, OR
KOAB-TV, 3, Bend, OR (formerly KVDO)
KATU, 2, Portland, OR
KOIN, 6, Portland, OR
KGW, 8, Portland, OR
KPTV, 12, Portland, OR
KEZI, 9, Eugene, OR
KVAL-TV, 13, Eugene, OR
KOAB-TV, 3, Bend, OR (formerly KVDO)
KBCI-TV, 2, Boise, ID (formerly KBOI)
KTVB, 7, Boise, ID
KATU, 2, Portland, OR
KOIN, 6, Portland, OR
KGW, 8, Portland, OR
KPTV, 12, Portland, OR
+KPDX, 49, Portland, OR
KOAB-TV, 3, Bend, OR (formerly KVDO)
KEPR-TV, 19, Pasco, WA
KNDU, 25, Richland, WA
KVEW, 42, Kennewick, WA
KATU, 2, Portland, OR
KOIN, 6, Portland, OR
KGW, 8, Portland, OR
KATU, 2, Portland, OR
KOIN, 6, Portland, OR
KGW, 8, Portland, OR
KPTV, 12, Portland, OR
+KPDX, 49, Portland, OR
KATU, 2, Portland, OR
KOIN, 6, Portland, OR
KGW, 8, Portland, OR
KPTV, 12, Portland, OR
KOAB-TV, 3, Bend, OR (formerly KVDO)
KATU, 2, Portland, OR
KOIN, 6, Portland, OR
KGW, 8, Portland, OR
KPTV, 12, Portland, OR
KATU, 2, Portland, OR
KOIN, 6, Portland, OR
KGW, 8, Portland, OR
KPTV, 12, Portland, OR
KOAB-TV, 3, Bend, OR (formerly KVDO)
KEPR-TV, 19, Pasco, WA
KNDU, 25, Richland, WA
KVEW, 42, Kennewick, WA
KREM-TV, 2, Spokane, WA
KXLY-TV, 4, Spokane, WA
KHQ-TV, 6, Spokane, WA
KTVB, 7, Boise, ID
KREM-TV, 2, Spokane, WA
KXLY-TV, 4, Spokane, WA
KHQ-TV, 6, Spokane, WA
KATU, 2, Portland, OR
KOIN, 6, Portland, OR
KGW, 8, Portland, OR
KPTV, 12, Portland, OR
KATU, 2, Portland, OR
KOIN, 6, Portland, OR
KGW, 8, Portland, OR
KPTV, 12, Portland, OR
+KPDX, 49, Portland, OR
Not available.
KATU, 2, Portland, OR
KOIN, 6, Portland, OR
KGW, 8, Portland, OR
KPTV, 12, Portland, OR
KOAB-TV, 3, Bend, OR (formerly KVDO)
WGAL, 8, Lancaster, PA
+WPMT, 43, York, PA
WMAR-TV, 2, Baltimore, MD
WBAL-TV, 11, Baltimore, MD
WJZ-TV, 13, Baltimore, MD
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
KDKA-TV, 2, Pittsburgh, PA
WTAE-TV, 4, Pittsburgh, PA
WPXI, 11, Pittsburgh, PA (formerly WIIC)
+WCWB, 22, Pittsburg, PA (formerly WPTT)
WPGH-TV, 53, Pittsburgh, PA
KDKA-TV, 2, Pittsburgh, PA
WTAE-TV, 4, Pittsburgh, PA
WPXI, 11, Pittsburgh, PA (formerly WIIC)
+WCWB, 22, Pittsburgh, PA (formerly WPTT)
WPGH-TV, 53, Pittsburgh, PA
WJAC-TV, 6, Johnstown, PA
+WWCP-TV, 8, Johnstown, PA
KDKA-TV, 2, Pittsburgh, PA
WTAE-TV, 4, Pittsburgh, PA
WPXI, 11, Pittsburgh, PA (formerly WIIC)
+WCWB, 22, Pittsburgh, PA (formerly WPTT)
WPGH-TV, 53, Pittsburgh, PA
WTOV-TV, 9, Steubenville, OH (formerly WSTV)
WJAC-TV, 6, Johnstown, PA
+WWCP, 8, Johnstown, PA
WTAJ-TV, 10, Altoona, PA (formerly WFBG)
KYW-TV, 3, Philadelphia, PA
WPVI-TV, 6, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WFIL)
WCAU, 10, Philadelphia, PA
WPHL-TV, 17, Philadelphia, PA
+WTXF-TV, 29, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WTAF)
WKBS-TV, 48, Altoona, PA
+WPSG, 57, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WGBS)
WGAL, 8, Lancaster, PA
WJAC-TV, 6, Johnstown, PA
+WWCP, 8, Johnstown, PA
WTAJ-TV, 10, Altoona, PA (formerly WFBG)
WBNG-TV, 12, Binghamton, NY (formerly WNBF)
WETM-TV, 18, Elmira, NY (formerly WSYE)
WENY-TV, 36, Elmira, NY
+WOLF-TV, 38, Scranton, PA
KYW-TV, 3, Philadelphia, PA
WPVI-TV, 6, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WFIL)
WCAU, 10, Philadelphia, PA
WPHL-TV, 17, Philadelphia, PA
WTXF-TV, 29, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WTAF)
WKBS-TV, 48, Altoona, PA
+WPSG, 57, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WGBS)
KDKA-TV, 2, Pittsburgh, PA
WTAE-TV, 4, Pittsburgh, PA
WPXI, 11, Pittsburgh, PA (formerly WIIC)
+WCWB, 22, Pittsburgh, PA (formerly WPTT)
WPGH-TV, 53, Pittsburgh, PA
WJAC-TV, 6, Johnstown, PA
+WWCP, 8, Johnstown, PAStart Printed Page 11396
WJAC-TV, 6, Johnstown, PA
+WWCP, 8, Johnstown, PA
WTAJ-TV, 10, Altoona, PA (formerly WFBG)
KDKA-TV, 2, Pittsburgh, PA
WTAE-TV, 4, Pittsburgh, PA
Not available.
KYW-TV, 3, Philadelphia, PA
WPVI-TV, 6, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WFIL)
WCAU, 10, Philadelphia, PA
WNEP-TV, 16, Scranton, PA
WJAC-TV, 6, Johnstown, PA
+WWCP, 8, Johnstown, PA
WTAJ-TV, 10, Altoona, PA (formerly WFBG)
KYW-TV, 3, Philadelphia, PA
WPVI-TV, 6, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WFIL)
WCAU, 10, Philadelphia, PA
WPHL-TV, 17, Philadelphia, PA
WTXF-TV, 29, Philadelphi, PA (formerly WTAF)
WKBS-TV, 48, Altoona, PA
+WPSG, 57, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WGBS)
KDKA-TV, 2, Pittsburgh, PA
WTAE-TV, 4, Pittsburgh, PA
WPXI, 11, Pittsburgh, PA (formerly WIIC)
+WCWB, 22, Pittsburgh, PA (formerly WPTT)
WJAC-TV, 6, Johnstown, PA
+WWCP, 8, Johnstown, PA
WJAC-TV, 6, Johnstown, PA
+WWCP, 8, Johnstown, PA
WTAJ-TV, 10, Altoona, PA (formerly WFBG)
WTAJ-TV, 10, Altoona, PA (formerly WFBG)
WNEP-TV, 16, Scranton, PA
WYOU, 22, Scranton, PA (formerly WDAU)
WBRE-TV, 28, WilkeS-Barre, PA
+WOLF-TV, 38, Scranton, PA
WICU-TV, 12, Erie, PA
WJET-TV, 24, Erie, PA
WSEE, 35, Erie, PA
WGAL, 8, Lancaster, PA
WHP-TV, 21, Harrisburg, PA
WHTM-TV, 27, Harrisburg, PA (formerly WTPA)
+WPMT, 43, York, PA
WGAL, 8, Lancaster, PA
WHP-TV, 21, Harrisburg, PA
WHTM-TV, 27, Harrisburg, PA (formerly WTPA)
+WPMT, 43, York, PA
KYW-TV, 3, Philadelphia, PA
WPVI-TV, 6, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WFIL)
WCAU, 10, Philadelphia, PA
WPHL-TV, 17, Philadelphia, PA
WTXF-TV, 29, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WTAF)
WKBS-TV, 48, Altoona, PA
+WPSG, 57, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WGBS)
WJAC-TV, 6, Johnstown, PA
+WWCP, 8, Johnstown, PA
WTAJ-TV, 10, Altoona, PA (formerly WFBG)
WICU-TV, 12, Erie, PA
WJET-TV, 24, Erie, PA
WSEE, 35, Erie, PA
KDKA-TV, 2, Pittsburgh, PA
WTAE-TV, 4, Pittsburgh, PA
WPXI, 11, Pittsburgh, PA (formerly WIIC)
+WCWB, 22, Pittsburgh, PA (formerly WPTT)
+WPGH-TV, 53, Pittsburgh, PA
+WWCP, 8, Johnstown, PA
WICU-TV, 12, Erie, PA
WJAC-TV, 6, Johnstown, PA
KDKA-TV, 2, Pittsburgh, PA
WTAE-TV, 4, Pittsburgh, PA
WRC-TV, 4, Washington, DC
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WJLA-TV, 7, Washington, DC (formerly WMAL)
WUSA, 9, Washington, DC (formerly WTOP)
WMAR-TV, 2, Baltimore, MD
WBAL-TV, 11, Baltimore, MD
WJZ-TV, 13, Baltimore, MD
WGAL, 8, Lancaster, PA
WRC-TV, 4, Washington, DC
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WJLA-TV, 7, Washington, DC (formerly WMAL)
WJAC-TV, 6, Johnstown, PA
WTAJ-TV, 10, Altoona, PA (formerly WFBG)
KDKA-TV, 2, Pittsburgh, PA
WTAE-TV, 4, Pittsburgh, PA
WPXI, 11, Pittsburgh, PA (formerly WIIC)
+WCWB, 22, Pittsburgh, PA (formerly WPTT)
WPGH-TV, 53, Pittsburgh, PA
WTRF-TV, 7, Wheeling, WV
+WWCP, 8, Johnstown, PA
WJAC-TV, 6, Johnstown, PA
+WWCP, 8, Johnstown, PA
WTAJ-TV, 10, Altoona, PA (formerly WFBG)
KDKA-TV, 2, Pittsburgh, PA
WTAE-TV, 4, Pittsburgh, PA
WPXI, 11, Pittsburgh, PA (formerly WIIC)
WJAC-TV, 6, Johnstown, PA
+WWCP, 8, Johnstown, PA
WTAJ-TV, 10, Altoona, PA (formerly WFBG)
WJAC-TV, 6, Johnstown, PA
+WWCP, 8, Johnstown, PA
WTAJ-TV, 10, Altoona, PA (formerly WFBG)
KDKA-TV, 2, Pittsburgh, PA
WTAE-TV, 4, Pittsburgh, PA
WGAL, 8, Lancaster, PA
WHP-TV, 21, Harrisburg, PA
WHTM-TV, 27, Harrisburg, PA (formerly WTPA)
+WPMT, 43, York, PA
WTAJ-TV, 10, Altoona, PA (formerly WFBG)
WNEP-TV, 16, Scranton, PA
WYOU, 22, Scranton, PA (formerly WDAU)
WBRE-TV, 28, WilkeS-Barre, PA
+WOLF-TV, 38, Scranton, PA
WGAL, 8, Lancaster, PA
WLYH-TV, 15, Lancaster, PA
WHTM-TV, 27, Harrisburg, PA (formerly WTPA)
+WPMT, 43, York, PA
KYW-TV, 3, Philadelphia, PA
WPVI-TV, 6, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WFIL)
WCAU, 10, Philadelphia, PA
WPHL-TV, 17, Philadelphia, PA
KDKA-TV, 2, Pittsburgh, PA
WTAE-TV, 4, Pittsburgh, PA
WPXI, 11, Pittsburgh, PA (formerly WIIC)
WFMJ-TV, 21, Youngstown, OH
WKBN-TV, 27, Youngstown, OH
WYTV, 33, Youngstown, OH
WGAL, 8, Lancaster, PA
WLYH-TV, 15, Lancaster, PA
WHP-TV, 21, Harrisburg, PA
WHTM-TV, 27, Harrisburg, PA (formerly WTPA)
+WPMT, 43, York, PA
KYW-TV, 3, Philadelphia, PA
WPVI-TV, 6, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WFIL)
WCAU, 10, Philadelphia, PA
WPHL-TV, 17, Philadelphia, PA
+WPSG, 57, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WGBS)
WNEP-TV, 16, Scranton, PA
WYOU, 22, Scranton, PA (formerly WDAU)
WBRE-TV, 28, Wilkes Barre, PA
+WOLF-TV, 38, Scranton, PA
WNEP-TV, 16, Scranton, PA
WYOU, 22, Scranton, PA (formerly WDAU)
WBRE-TV, 28, Wilkes Barre, PA
+WWLF-TV, 56, Hazelton, PA
WTAJ-TV, 10, Altoona, PA (formerly WFBG)
WGRZ-TV, 2, Buffalo, NY (formerly WGR)
WIVB-TV, 4, Buffalo, NY (formerly WBEN)
WKBW-TV, 7, Buffalo, NY
WFMJ-TV, 21, Youngstown, OH
WKBN-TV, 27, Youngstown, OH
WYTV, 33, Youngstown, OH
KDKA-TV, 2, Pittsburgh, PA
WPXI, 11, Pittsburgh, PA (formerly WIIC)
WGAL, 8, Lancaster, PA
WJAC-TV, 6, Johnstown, PA
+WWCP, 8, Johnstown, PA
WTAJ-TV, 10, Altoona, PA (formerly WFBG)
KYW-TV, 3, Philadelphia, PA
WPVI-TV, 6, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WFIL)
WCAU, 10, Philadelphia, PAStart Printed Page 11397
WCBS-TV, 2, New York, NY
WNBC, 4, New York, NY
WNYW, 5, New York, NY (formerly WNEW)
KYW-TV, 3, Philadelphia, PA
WPVI-TV, 6, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WFIL)
WCAU, 10, Philadelphia, PA
WPHL-TV, 17, Philadelphia, PA
WTXF-TV, 29, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WTAF)
WKBS-TV, 48, Altoona, PA
+WPSG, 57, Philadelphia, PA (forermly WGBS)
+WOLF-TV, 38, Scranton, PA
KYW-TV, 3, Philadelphia, PA
WPVI-TV, 6, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WFIL)
WCAU, 10, Philadelphia, PA
WNYW, 5, New York, NY (formerly WNEW)
WWOR-TV, 9, New York, NY (forermly WOR)
WPIX, 11, New York, NY
+WOLF-TV, 38, Scranton, PA
WGAL, 8, Lancaster, PA
WHP-TV, 21, Harrisburg, PA
WHTM-TV, 27, Harrisburg, PA (formerly WTPA)
+WPMT, 43, York, PA
KYW-TV, 3, Philadelphia, PA
WPVI-TV, 6, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WFIL)
WCAU, 10, Philadelphia, PA
WPHL-TV, 17, Philadelphia, PA
WTXF-TV, 29, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WTAF)
WKBS-TV, 48, Altoona, PA
WCBS-TV, 2, New York, NY
WNBC, 4, New York, NY
WNYW, 5, New York, NY (formerly WNEW)
WABC-TV, 7, New York, NY
WNEP-TV, 16, Scranton, PA
WYOU, 22, Scranton, PA (formerly WDAU)
WBRE-TV, 28, WilkeS-Barre, PA
WGRZ-TV, 2, Buffalo, NY (forermly WGR)
WIVB-TV, 4, Buffalo, NY (formerly WBEN)
WKBW-TV, 7, Buffalo, NY
KYW-TV, 3, Philadelphia, PA
WPVI-TV, 6, Philadelphia, PA (formerly WFIL)
WCAU, 10, Philadelphia, PA
WGAL, 8, Lancaster, PA
WGAL, 8, Lancaster, PA
WHP-TV, 21, Harrisburg, PA
WHTM-TV, 27, Harrisburg, PA (formerly WTPA)
WNEP-TV, 16, Scranton, PA
WBRE-TV, 28, WilkeS-Barre, PA
+WWLF, 56, Scranton, PA
WJAC-TV, 6, Johnstown, PA
+WWCP, 8, Johnstown, PA
KDKA-TV, 2, Pittsburgh, PA
WTAE-TV, 4, Pittsburgh, PA
WBNG-TV, 12, Binghamton, NY (formerly WNBF)
WNEP-TV, 16, Scranton, PA
WYOU, 22, Scranton, PA (formerly WDAU)
WBRE-TV, 28, WilkeS-Barre, PA
WBNG-TV, 12, Binghamton, NY (formerly WNBF)
WNEP-TV, 16, Scranton, PA
WYOU, 22, Scranton, PA (formerly WDAU)
WBRE-TV, 28, WilkeS-Barre, PA
+WOLF-TV, 38, Scranton, PA
WETM-TV, 18, Elmira, NY (formerly WSYE)
WENY-TV, 36, Elmira, NY
WBNG-TV, 12, Binghamton, NY (formerly WNBF)
WNEP-TV, 16, Scranton, PA
WYOU, 22, Scranton, PA (formerly WDAU)
WBRE-TV, 28, WilkeS-Barre, PA
+WOLF-TV, 38, Scranton, PA
KDKA-TV, 2, Pittsburgh, PA
WTAE-TV, 4, Pittsburgh, PA
WPXI, 11, Pittsburgh, PA (formerly WIIC)
WICU-TV, 12, Erie, PA
WJAC-TV, 6, Johnstown, PA
WGRZ-TV, 2, Buffalo, NY (formerly WGR)
WIVB-TV, 4, Buffalo, NY (formerly WBEN)
WKBW-TV, 7, Buffalo, NY
WICU-TV, 12, Erie, PA
KDKA-TV, 2, Pittsburgh, PA
WTAE-TV, 4, Pittsburgh, PA
WPXI, 11, Pittsburgh, PA (formerly WIIC)
+WCWB, 22, Pittsburgh, PA (formerly WPTT)
WPGH-TV, 53, Pittsburgh, PA
WTRF-TV, 7, Wheeling, WV
WTOV-TV, 9, Steubenville, OH (formerly WSTV)
+WWCP, 8, Johnstown, PA
WNEP-TV, 16, Scranton, PA
WYOU, 22, Scranton, PA (formerly WDAU)
WBRE-TV, 28, WilkeS-Barre, PA
+WOLF-TV, 38, Scranton, PA
WBNG-TV, 12, Binghamton, NY (formerly WNBF)
WNBC, 4, New York, NY
WNYW, 5, New York, NY (formerly WNEW)
KDKA-TV, 2, Pittsburgh, PA
WTAE-TV, 4, Pittsburgh, PA
WPXI, 11, Pittsburgh, PA (formerly WIIC)
+WCWB, 22, Pittsburgh, PA (formerly WPTT)
WPGH-TV, 53, Pittsburgh, PA
WJAC-TV, 6, Johnstown, PA
+WWCP, 8, Johnstown, PA
WNEP-TV 16, Scranton, PA
WYOU, 22, Scranton, PA (formerly WDAU)
WBRE-TV, 28, WilkeS-Barre, PA
+WOLF-TV, 38, Scranton, PA
WGAL, 8, Lancaster, PA
WHTM-TV, 27, Harrisburg, PA (formerly WTPA)
WPMT, 43, York, PA (formerly WSBA)
WMAR-TV, 2, Baltimore, MD
WBAL-TV, 11, Baltimore, MD
WJZ-TV, 13, Baltimore, MD
Adamstown Borough—WTXF-TV
Akron Borough—WTXF-TV
Allen Township—WTXF-TV, WPHL-TV
Bangor Borough—WTXF-TV, WPHL-TV
Bath Borough—WTXF-TV, WPHL-TV
Bethlehem Township—WTXF-TV, WPHL-TV
Bushkill Township—WTXF-TV, WPHL-TV
Chapman Borough—WPHL-TV
Clay Township—WTXF-TV
Conestoga Township—WTXF-TV
Denver Borough—WTXF-TV
East Allen Township—WTXF-TV, WPHL-TV
East Bangor—WTXF-TV, WPHL-TV
East Cocalico Township—WTXF-TV
East Hempfield Township—WTXF-TV, WKBS-TV
East Lampeter Township—WTXF-TV, WKBS-TV
East Petersburg—WTXF-TV. WKBS-TV
Ephrata Borough—WTXF-TV
Ephrate Township—WTXF-TV
Forks Township—WPHL-TV
Fountain Hill—WTXF-TV
Freemansburg Borough—WTXF-TV, WPHL-TV
Glendon Borough—WPHL-TV
Hallerton Borough—WTXF-TV, WPHL-TV
Hanover Township—WTXF-TV, WPHL-TV
Heidelberg Township—WTXF-TV
Lancaster—WTXF-TV, WKBS-TV
Lancaster Township—WTXF-TV, WKBS-TV
Lehigh Township—WPHL-TV
Lititz Borough—WTXF-TV
Lowhill Township—WTXF-TV
Lower Macungie Township—WTXF-TV
Lower Milford Township—WTXF-TV
Lower Mt. Bethel—WTXF-TV, WPHL-TV
Lower Nazareth Township—WTXF-TV, WPHL-TV
Lower SauconTownship—WTXF-TV, WPHL-TV
Lynn Township—WTXF-TV
Manheim Borough—WTXF-TV
Manheim Township—WTXF-TV, WKBS-TV
Manor Township—WTXF-TV, WKBS-TV
Millcreek Township—KYW-TV, WPVI-TV, WCAU
Millersville—WTXF-TV, WKBS-TV
Moore Township—WTXF-TV, WPHL-TV
Mountville—WTXF-TV, WKBS-TV
Nazareth Borough—WTXF-TV, WPHL-TV
Northampton Borough—WPHL-TV
North Catasaqua Borough—WTXF-TV, WPHL-TV
North Whitehall Township—WTXF-TV
Palmer Township—WPHL-TV
Pen Argyl Borough—WTXF-TV, WPHL-TV
Penn Township—WTXF-TV
Pequea Township—WTXF-TV
Plainfield Township—WTXF-TV, WPHL-TV
Richland Borough—KYW-TV, WPVI-TV, WCAU
Roseto Borough—WPHL-TVStart Printed Page 11398
Salisbury Township—WTXF-TV
South Heidelberg Townshlp—WTXF-TV
South Whitehall Township—WTXF-TV
Stockerton Borough—WPHL-TV
Strasburg Borough—WKBS-TV
Strasburg Township—WTXF-TV
Tatamy Borough—WPHL-TV
Upper Macungie Township—WTXF-TV
Upper Mt. Bethel—WTXF-TV, WPHL-TV
Upper Nazareth—WTXF-TV, WPHL-TV
Upper Nazareth Township—WPHL-TV
Upper Saucon Township—WTXF-TV
Warwick Township—WTXF-TV
Washington Township—WTXF-TV, WPHL-TV
Weisenberg Township—WTXF-TV
West Cocalico Township—WTXF-TV
West Earl Township—WTXF-TV
West Easton Township—WPHL-TV
West Hempfield Township—WTXF-TV, WKBS-TV
West Lampeter Township—WTXF-TV, WKBS-TV
Whitehall Township—WTXF-TV
Williams Township—WTXF-TV, WPHL-TV
Wilson Borough—WPHL-TV
Wind Gap Borough—WTXF-TV, WPHL-TV
WLNE-TV, 6, Providence, RI (formerly WTEV)
WJAR, 10, Providence, RI
WPRI-TV, 12, Providence, RI
WNAC-TV, 64, Providence, RI
WBZ-TV, 4, Boston, MA
+WHDH-TV, 7, Boston, MA (formerly WNAC)
WSBK-TV, 38, Boston, MA
WLNE-TV, 6, Providence, RI (formerly WTEV)
WJAR, 10, Providence, RI
WPRI-TV, 12, Providence, RI
WNAC-TV, 64, Providence, RI
WCVB-TV, 5, Boston, MA (formerly WHDH)
+WHDH-TV, 7, Boston, MA (formerly WNAC)
WSBK-TV, 38, Boston, MA
WLNE-TV, 6, Providence, RI (formerly WTEV)
WJAR, 10, Providence, RI
WPRI-TV, 12, Providence, RI
WNAC-TV, 64, Providence, RI
+WHDH-TV, 7, Boston, MA (formerly WNAC)
WSBK-TV, 38, Boston, MA
WLVI-TV, 56, Cambridge, MA (formerly WKBG)
WLNE-TV, 6, Providence, RI (formerly WTEV)
WJAR, 10, Providence, RI
WPRI-TV, 12, Providence, RI
WNAC-TV, 64, Providence, RI
WBZ-TV, 4, Boston, MA
WCVB-TV, 5, Boston, MA (formerly WHDH)
+WHDH-TV, 7, Boston, MA (formerly WNAC)
WSBK-TV, 38, Boston, MA
WLVI-TV, 56, Cambridge, MA (formerly WKBG)
WLNE-TV, 6, Providence, RI (formerly WTEV)
WJAR, 10, Providence, RI
WPRI-TV, 12, Providence, RI
+WNAC-TV, 64, Providence, RI
WHPX, 26, New London, CT (formerly WTWS)
East Greenwich—WLVI-TV
West Warwick—WLVI-TV
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WSPA-TV, 7, Greenville, SC
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SC
+WHNS, 21, Greenville, SC
WJBF, 6, Augusta, GA
WJBF, 6, Augusta, GA
WRDW-TV, 12, Augusta, GA
+WFXG, 54, Augusta, GA
WJBF, 6, Augusta, GA
WRDW-TV, 12, Augusta, GA
+WFXG, 54, Augusta, GA
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WSPA-TV, 7, Greenville, SC
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SC
+WHNS, 21, Greenville, SC
WJBF, 6, Augusta, GA
WRDW-TV, 12, Augusta, GA
WCSC-TV, 5, Charleston, SC
WIS, 10, Columbia, SC
WJBF, 6, Augusta, GA
WRDW-TV, 12, Augusta, GA
+WFXG, 54, Augusta, GA
WIS, 10, Columbia, SC
WCBD-TV, 2, Charleston, SC (formerly WUSN)
WCIV, 4, Charleston, SC
WCSC-TV, 5, Charleston, SC
WSAV-TV, 3, Savannah, GA
WTOC-TV, 11, Savannah, GA
WCBD-TV, 2, Charleston, SC (formerly WUSN)
WCIV, 4, Charleston, SC
WCSC-TV, 5, Charleston, SC
+WTAT-TV, 24, Charleston, SC
WIS, 10, Columbia, SC
WLTX, 19, Columbia, SC (formerly WNOK)
WRDW-TV, 12, Augusta, GA
WCBD-TV, 2, Charleston, SC (formerly WUSN)
WCSC-TV, 5, Charleston, SC
WCBD-TV, 2, Charleston, SC (formerly WUSN)
WCIV, 4, Charleston, SC
WCSC-TV, 5, Charleston, SC
+WTAT-TV, 24, Charleston, SC
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WSPA-TV, 7, Greenville, SC
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SC
+WHNS, 21, Greenville, SC
WBTV, 3, Charlotte, NC
WSOC-TV, 9, Charlotte, NC
+WJZY, 46, Belmont, NC
WBTV, 3, Charlotte, NC
WSOC-TV, 9, Charlotte, NC
+WCNC-TV, 36, Charlotte, NC
+WJZY, 46, Belmont, NC
WIS, 10, Columbia, SC
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WSPA-TV, 7, Greenville, SC
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SC
+WHNS, 21, Greenville, SC
WBTV, 3, Charlotte, NC
WSOC-TV, 9, Charlotte, NC
WCCB, 18, Charlotte, NC
WCNC-TV, 36, Charlotte, NC (formerly WRET)
+WJZY, 46, Belmont, NC
WIS, 10, Columbia, SC
WBTW, 13, Florence, SC
+WWMB, 21, Florence, SC
WIS, 10, Columbia, SC
+WLTX, 19, Columbia, SC
WCBD-TV, 2, Charleston, SC (formerly WUSN)
WCIV, 4, Charleston, SC
WCSC-TV, 5, Charleston, SC
+WTAT-TV, 24, Charleston, SC
WBTW, 13, Florence, SC
WCBD-TV, 2, Charleston, SC (formerly WUSN)
WCIV, 4, Charleston, SC
WCSC-TV, 5, Charleston, SC
+WTAT-TV, 24, Charleston, SC
WBTW, 13, Florence, SC
+WPDE-TV, 15, Florence, SC
+WWMB, 21, Florence, SC
+WFXB, 43, Myrtle Beach, SC
WIS, 10, Columbia, SC
WBTW, 13, Florence, SC
+WPDE-TV, 15, Florence, SC
+WFXB, 43, Myrtle Beach, SC
WWAY, 3, Wilmington, NC
WECT, 6, Wilmington, NC
WCBD-TV, 2, Charleston, SC (formerly WUSN)
WCIV, 4, Charleston, SC
WCSC-TV, 5, Charleston, SC
+WTAT-TV, 24, Charleston, SC
WJBF, 6, Augusta, GA
WRDW-TV, 12, Augusta, GA
+WFXG, 54, Augusta, GA
WIS, 10, Columbia, SC
WLTX, 19, Columbia, SC (formerly WNOK)
WOLO-TV, 25, Columbia, SC
WSPA-TV, 7, Greenville, SC
WBTW, 13, Florence, SC
+WPDE-TV, 15, Florence, SC
+WWMB, 21, Florence, SC
+WFXB, 43, Myrtle Beach, SC
WIS, 10, Columbia, SC
+WTAT-TV, 24, Charleston, SC
WCBD-TV, 2, Charleston, SC (formerly WUSN)
WCIV, 4, Charleston, SC
WCSC-TV, 5, Charleston, SC
+WTAT-TV, 24, Charleston, SCStart Printed Page 11399
+WFXB, 43, Myrtle Beach, SC
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WSPA-TV, 7, Greenville, SC
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SC
+WHNS, 21, Greenville, SC
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WSPA-TV, 7, Greenville, SC
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SC
WJBF, 6, Augusta, GA
WJBF, 6, Augusta, GA
WRDW, 12, Augusta, GA
WCBD-TV, 2, Charleston, SC (formerly WUSN)
WCIV, 4, Charleston, SC
WCSC-TV, 5, Charleston, SC
WSAV-TV, 3, Savannah, GA
WTOC-TV, 11, Savannah, GA
WWAY, 3, Wilmington, NC
WECT, 6, Wilmington, NC
WCSC-TV, 5, Charleston, SC
WBTW, 13, Florence, SC
+WPDE-TV, 15, Florence, SC
+WWMB, 21, Florence, SC
+WFXB, 43, Myrtle Beach, SC
WSAV-TV, 3, Savannah, GA
WTOC-TV, 11, Savannah, GA
WCBD-TV, 2, Charleston, SC (formerly WUSN)
WCIV, 4, Charleston, SC
WCSC-TV, 5, Charleston, SC
WIS, 10, Columbia, SC
WLTX, 19, Columbia, SC (formerly WNOK)
WOLO-TV, 25, Columbia, SC
WBTW, 13, Florence, SC
WBTV, 3, Charlotte, NC
WSOC-TV, 9, Charlotte, NC
WCCB, 18, Charlotte, NC
WCNC-TV, 36, Charlotte, NC (formerly WRET)
+WJZY, 46, Belmont,NC
WIS, 10, Columbia, SC
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WSPA-TV, 7, Greenville, SC
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SC
+WHNS, 21, Greenville, SC
WIS, 10, Columbia, SC
WBTW, 13, Florence, SC
+WPDE-TV, 15, Florence, SC
+WFXB, 43, Myrtle Beach, SC
WIS, 10, Columbia, SC
WLTX, 19, Columbia, SC (formerly WNOK)
WOLO-TV, 25, Columbia, SC
WJBF, 6, Augusta, GA
WRDW-TV, 12, Augusta, GA
+WFXG, 54, Augusta, GA
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WSPA-TV, 7, Greenville, SC
WBTW, 13, Florence, SC
+WPDE-TV, 15, Florence, SC
+WWMB, 21, Florence, SC
+WFXB, 43, Myrtle Beach, SC
WIS, 10, Columbia, SC
WWAY, 3, Wilmington, NC
WECT, 6, Wilmington, NC
WBTW, 13, Florence, SC
+WPDE-TV, 15, Florence, SC
+WWMB, 21, Florence, SC
+WFXB, 43, Myrtle Beach, SC
WIS, 10, Columbia, SC
WECT, 6, Wilmington, NC
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WSPA-TV, 7, Greenville, SC
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SC
+WHNS, 21, Greenville, SC
WJBF, 6, Augusta, GA
WIS, 10, Columbia, SC
+WLTX, 19, Columbia, SC
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WSPA-TV, 7, Greenville, SC
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SC
+WHNS, 21, Greenville, SC
WIS, 10, Columbia, SC
+WLTX, 19, Columbia, SC
WJBF, 6, Augusta, GA
WRDW-TV, 12, Augusta, GA
+WFXG, 54, Augusta, GA
WCBD-TV, 2, Charleston, SC (formerly WUSN)
WCIV, 4, Charleston, SC
WCSC-TV, 5, Charleston, SC
+WTAT-TV, 24, Charleston, SC
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WSPA-TV, 7, Greenville, SC
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SC
+WHNS, 21, Greenville, SC
WIS, 10, Columbia, SC
WLTX, 19, Columbia, SC (formerly WNOK)
WOLO-TV, 25, Columbia, SC
WJBF, 6, Augusta, GA
WRDW-TV, 12, Augusta, GA
WIS, 10, Columbia, SC
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WSPA-TV, 7, Greenville, SC
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WSPA-TV, 7, Greenville, SC
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SC
+WHNS, 21, Greenville, SC
WBTV, 3, Charlotte, NC
+WJZY, 46, Belmont, NC
WIS, 10, Columbia, SC
WLTX, 19, Columbia, SC (formerly WNOK)
WOLO-TV, 25, Columbia, SC
WBTW, 13, Florence, SC
+WTAT-TV, 24, Charleston, SC
WYFF, 4, Greenville, SC (formerly WFBC)
WSPA-TV, 7, Greenville, SC
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SC
+WHNS, 21, Greenville, SC
WBTV, 3, Charlotte, NC
+WJZY, 46, Belmont, NC
WCBD-TV, 2, Charleston, SC (formerly WUSN)
WCIV, 4, Charleston, SC
WCSC-TV, 5, Charleston, SC
WIS, 10, Columbia, SC
WBTW, 13, Florence, SC
WBTV, 3, Charlotte, NC
WSOC-TV, 9, Charlotte, NC
WCCB, 18, Charlotte, NC
WCNC-TV, 36, Charlotte, NC (formerly WRET)
+WJZY, 46, Belmont, NC
WSPA-TV, 7, Greenville, SC
+WHNS, 21, Greenville, SC
KDLV-TV, 5, Mitchell, SD (formerly KORN)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KFSY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KDLV-TV, 5, Mitchell, SD (formerly KORN)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KOTA-TV, 3, Rapid City, SD
KDUH-TV, 4, Scottsbluff, NE
Bon Homme
KDLV-TV, 5, Mitchell, SD (formerly KORN)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KTIV, 4, Sioux City, IA
KCAU-TV, 9, Sioux City, IA
KDLV-TV, 5, Mitchell, SD (formerly KORN)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KDLV-TV, 5, Mitchell, SD (formerly KORN)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KDLV-TV, 5, Mitchell, SD (formerly KORN)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KOTA-TV, 3, Rapid City, SD
KEVN-TV, 7, Rapid City, SD (formerly KRSD)
KFYR-TV, 5, Bismarck, ND
KXMB-TV, 12, Bismarck, ND
Charles Mix
KDLV-TV, 5, Mitchell, SD (formerly KORN)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KTIV, 4, Sioux City, IA
KCAU-TV, 9, Sioux City, IA
KMEG, 14, Sioux City, IA
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)Start Printed Page 11400
KFYR-TV, 5, Bismarck, ND
KXMB-TV, 12, Bismarck, ND
KOTA-TV, 3, Rapid City, SD
KEVN-TV, 7, Rapid City, SD (formerly KRSD)
KDLV-TV, 5, Mitchell, SD (formerly KORN)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
+KTTM, 12, Huron, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KFYR-TV, 5, Bismarck, ND
KXMB-TV, 12, Bismarck, ND
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KDLV-TV, 5, Mitchell, SD (formerly KORN)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
Fall River
KOTA-TV, 3, Rapid City, SD
KDUH-TV, 4, Scottsbluff, NE
KSTF, 10, Scottsbluff, NE
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KCCO-TV, 7, Alexandria, MN (formerly KCMT)
KDLV-TV, 5, Mitchell, SD (formerly KORN)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KOTA-TV, 3, Rapid City, SD
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KDLV-TV, 5, Mitchell, SD (formerly KORN)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KOTA-TV, 3, Rapid City, SD
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KDLV-TV, 5, Mitchell, SD (formerly KORN)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KOTA-TV, 3, Rapid City, SD
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KDLV-TV, 5, Mitchell, SD (formerly KORN)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KDLV-TV, 5, Mitchell, SD (formerly KORN)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KDLV-TV, 5, Mitchell, SD (formerly KORN)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KOTA-TV, 3, Rapid City, SD
KEVN-TV, 7, Rapid City, SD (formerly KRSD)
KDLV-TV, 5, Mitchell, SD (formerly KORN)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KTIV, 4, Sioux City, IA
KCAU-TV, 9, Sioux City, IA
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KDLV-TV, 5, Mitchell, SD (formerly KORN)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formery KSOO)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KFYR-TV, 5, Bismarck, ND
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KXJB-TV, 4, Valley City, ND
KOTA-TV, 3, Rapid City, SD
KEVN-TV, 7, Rapid City, SD (formerly KRSD)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KDLV-TV, 5, Mitchell, SD (formerly KORN)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KDLV-TV, 5, Mitchell, SD (formerly KORN)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KCAU-TV, 9, Sioux City, IA
KDLV-TV, 5, Mitchell, SD (formerly KORN)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KOTA-TV, 3, Rapid City, SD
KEVN-TV, 7, Rapid City, SD (formerly KRSD)
KFYR-TV, 5, Bismarck, ND
KXMA-TV, 2, Dickinson, ND (formerly KDIX)
KOTA-TV, 3, Rapid City, SD
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KFYR-TV, 5, Bismarck, ND
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
WDAY-TV, 6, Fargo, ND
KDLV-TV, 5, Mitchell, SD (formerly KORN)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KOTA-TV, 3, Rapid City, SD
KDUH-TV, 4, Scottsbluff, NE
KEVN-TV, 7, Rapid City, SD (formerly KRSD)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KDLV-TV, 5, Mitchell, SD (formerly KORN)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KDLV-TV, 5, Mitchell, SD (formerly KORN)
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KTIV, 4, Sioux City, IA
KCAU-TV, 9, Sioux City, IA
KTIV, 4, Sioux City, IA
KCAU-TV, 9, Sioux City, IA
KMEG, 14, Sioux City, IA
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KFYR-TV, 5, Bismarck, ND
KXMB-TV, 12, Bismarck, ND
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KOTA-TV, 3, Rapid City, SD
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SD
KTIV, 4, Sioux City, IA
KCAU-TV, 9, Sioux City, IA
KELO-TV, 11, Sioux Falls, SDStart Printed Page 11401
KSFY-TV, 13, Sioux Falls, SD (formerly KSOO)
KOTA-TV, 3, Rapid City, SD
WATE-TV, 6, Knoxville, TN
WBIR-TV, 10, Knoxville, TN
WVLT-TV, 8, Knoxville, TN (formerly WTVK)
+WTNZ, 43, Knoxville, TN (formerly WKCH)
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WRCB-TV, 3, Chattanooga, TN
WTVC, 9, Chattanooga, TN
WDEF-TV, 12, Chattanooga, TN
WATE-TV, 6, Knoxville, TN
WBIR-TV, 10, Knoxville, TN
WVLT-TV, 8, Knoxville, TN (formerly WTVK)
+WTNZ, 43, Knoxville, TN (formerly WKCH)
WRCB-TV, 3, Chattanooga, TN
WTVC, 9, Chattanooga, TN
WDEF-TV, 12, Chattanooga, TN
WATE-TV, 6, Knoxville, TN
WBIR-TV, 10, Knoxville, TN
WVLT-TV, 8, Knoxville, TN (formerly WTVK)
+WTNZ, 43, Knoxville, TN (formerly WKCH)
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WBBJ-TV, 7, Jackson, TN
+WJKT, 16, Jackson, TN (formerly WMTU)
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
WCYB-TV, 5, Bristol, VA
WJHL-TV, 11, Johnson City, TN
WKPT-TV, 19, Kingsport, TN
+WEMT, 39, Greenville, TN
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
WBBJ-TV, 7, Jackson, TN
+WJKT, 16, Jackson, TN (formerly WMTU)
WATE-TV, 6, Knoxville, TN
+WVLT-TV, 8, Knoxville, TN (formerly WTVK, WKXT)
WBIR-TV, 10, Knoxville, TN
+WTNZ, 43, Knoxville, TN (formerly WKCH)
+WEMT, 39, Greenville, TN
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WATE-TV, 6, Knoxville, TN
+WVLT-TV, 8, Knoxville, TN (formerly WTVK, WKXT)
WBIR-TV, 10, Knoxville, TN
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SC
+WEMT, 39, Greenville, TN
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
WBBJ-TV, 7, Jackson, TN
WATE-TV, 6, Knoxville, TN
+WVLT-TV, 8, Knoxville, TN (formerly WTVK, WKXT)
WBIR-TV, 10, Knoxville, TN
WTVC, 9, Chattanooga, TN
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
+WUXP, 30, Nashville, TN
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WBBJ-TV, 7, Jackson, TN
De Kalb
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
+WUXP, 30, Nashville, TN
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
+WPTY-TV, 24, Memphis, TN
WBBJ-TV, 7, Jackson, TN
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
WATE-TV, 6, Knoxville, TN
+WVLT-TV, 8, Knoxville, TN (formerly WTVK, WKXT)
WBIR-TV, 10, Knoxville, TN
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WTVC, 9, Chattanooga, TN
WDEF-TV, 12, Chattanooga, TN
+WZDX, 54, Huntsville, AL
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
WBBJ-TV, 7, Jackson, TN
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WATE-TV, 6, Knoxville, TN
+WVLT-TV, 8, Knoxville, TN (formerly WTVK, WKXT)
WBIR-TV, 10, Knoxville, TN
WCYB-TV, 5, Bristol, VA
WJHL-TV, 11, Johnson City, TN
+WEMT, 39, Greenville, TN
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SC
WATE-TV, 6, Knoxville, TN
WBIR-TV, 10, Knoxville, TN
WRCB-TV, 3, Chattanooga, TN
WTVC, 9, Chattanooga, TN
WDEF-TV, 12, Chattanooga, TN
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WATE-TV, 6, Knoxville, TN
+WVLT-TV, 8, Knoxville, TN (formerly WTVK, WKXT)
WBIR-TV, 10, Knoxville, TN
+WTNZ, 43, Knoxville, TN (formerly WKCH)
WCYB-TV, 5, Bristol, VA
+WEMT, 39, Greenville, TN
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SC
WRCB-TV, 3, Chattanooga, Tn
WTVC, 9, Chattanooga, TN
WDEF-TV, 12, Chattanooga, TN
WATE-TV, 6, Knoxville, TN
WBIR-TV, 10, Knoxville, TN
WCYB-TV, 5, Bristol, VA
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
WBBJ-TV, 7, Jackson, TN
+WJKT, 16, Jackson, TN (formerly WMTU)
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WCYB-TV, 5, Bristol, VA
WJHL-TV, 11, Johnson City, TN
+WEMT, 39, Greenville, TN
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SCStart Printed Page 11402
WATE-TV, 6, Knoxville, TN
+WVLT-TV, 8, Knoxville, TN (formerly WTVK, WKXT)
WBIR-TV, 10, Knoxville, TN
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
+WLMT, 30, Memphis, TN
WBBJ-TV, 7, Jackson, TN
WBBJ-TV, 7, Jackson, TN
+WJKT, 16, Jackson, TN (formerly WMTU)
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WATE-TV, 6, Knoxville, TN
WBIR-TV, 10, Knoxville, TN
WVLT-TV, 8, Knoxville, TN (formerly WTVK)
+WTNZ, 43, Knoxville, TN (formerly WKCH)
WLOS, 13, Greenville, SC
+WEMT, 39, Greenville, TN
WCYB-TV, 5, Bristol, VA
WJHL-TV, 11, Johnson City, TN
WATE-TV, 6, Knoxville, TN
WVLT-TV, 8, Knoxville, TN (formerly WTVK, WKXT)
WBIR-TV, 10, Knoxville, TN
+WTNZ, 43, Knoxville, TN (formerly WKCH)
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WHNT-TV, 19, Huntsville, AL
WAAY-TV, 31, Huntsville, AL
+WZDX, 54, Huntsville, AL
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WHNT-TV, 19, Huntsville, AL
WAAY-TV, 31, Huntsville, AL
WAFF, 48, Huntsville, AL (formerly WMSL)
+WZDX, 54, Huntsville, AL
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WATE-TV, 6, Knoxville, TN
WBIR-TV, 10, Knoxville, TN
WVLT-TV, 8, Knoxville, TN (formerly WTVK)
+WTNZ, 43, Knoxville, TN (formerly WKCH)
WRCB-TV, 3, Chattanooga, TN
WTVC, 9, Chattanooga, TN
WDEF-TV, 12, Chattanooga, TN
WATE-TV, 6, Knoxville, TN
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
WBBJ-TV, 7, Jackson, TN
+WJKT, 16, Jackson, TN (formerly WMTU)
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WBBJ-TV, 7, Jackson, TN
+WJKT, 16, Jackson, TN (formerly WMTU)
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
+WPTY-TV, 24, Memphis, TN
WRCB-TV, 3, Chattanooga, TN
WTVC, 9, Chattanooga, TN
WDEF-TV, 12, Chattanooga, TN
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
+WUXP, 30, Nashville, TN
WRCB-TV, 3, Chattanooga, TN
WTVC, 9, Chattanooga, TN
WDEF-TV, 12, Chattanooga, TN
WATE-TV, 6, Knoxville, TN
+WVLT-TV, 8, Knoxville, TN (formerly WKXT, WTVK)
WBIR-TV, 10, Knoxville, TN
WRCB-TV, 3, Chattanooga, TN
WTVC, 9, Chattanooga, TN
WDEF-TV, 12, Chattanooga, TN
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
+WUXP, 30, Nashville, TN
WHNT-TV, 19, Huntsville, AL
WAAY-TV, 31, Huntsville, AL
WAFF, 48, Huntsville, AL (formerly WMSL)
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WATE-TV, 6, Knoxville, TN
+WVLT-TV, 8, Knoxville, TN (formerly WKXT, WTVK)
WBIR-TV, 10, Knoxville, TN
WTVC, 9, Chattanooga, TN
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
+KBSI, 23, Cape Girardeau, MO
WBBJ-TV, 7, Jackson, TN
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WRCB-TV, 3, Chattanooga, TN
WTVC, 9, Chattanooga, TN
WDEF-TV, 12, Chattanooga, TN
WATL, 36, Atlanta, GA
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WRCB-TV, 3, Chattanooga, TN
WTVC, 9, Chattanooga, TN
WDEF-TV, 12, Chattanooga, TN
WATE-TV, 6, Knoxville, TN
+WVLT-TV, 8, Knoxville, TN (formerly WTVK, WKXT)
WBIR-TV, 10, Knoxville, TN
+WTNZ, 43, Knoxville, TN (formerly WKCH)
WRCB-TV, 3, Chattanooga, TN
WTVC, 9, Chattanooga, TN
WDEF-TV, 12, Chattanooga, TN
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)Start Printed Page 11403
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
+WUXP, 30, Nashville, TN
WATE-TV, 6, Knoxville, TN
+WVLT-TV, 8, Knoxville, TN (formerly WTVK, WKXT)
WBIR-TV, 10, Knoxville, TN
WRCB-TV, 3, Chattanooga, TN
WTVC, 9, Chattanooga, TN
WDEF-TV, 12, Chattanooga, TN
WATE-TV, 6, Knoxville, TN
WBIR-TV, 10, Knoxville, TN
WVLT-TV, 8, Knoxville, TN (formerly WTVK)
+WTNZ, 43, Knoxville, TN (formerly WKCH)
+WEMT, 39, Greenville, TN
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
+WLMT, 30, Memphis, TN
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WCYB-TV, 5, Bristol, VA
WJHL-TV, 11, Johnson City, TN
WKPT-TV, 19, Kingsport, TN
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
+WUXP, 30, Nashville, TN
WREG-TV, 3, Memphis, TN (formerly WREC)
WMC-TV, 5, Memphis, TN
WHBQ-TV, 13, Memphis, TN
+WLMT, 30, Memphis, TN
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WCYB-TV, 5, Bristol, VA
WJHL-TV, 11, Johnson City, TN
WATE-TV, 6, Knoxville, TN
WBIR-TV, 10, Knoxville, TN
WVLT-TV, 8, Knoxville, TN (formerly WTVK)
Van Buren
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WRCB-TV, 3, Chattanooga, TN
WDEF-TV, 12, Chattanooga, TN
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WCYB-TV, 5, Bristol, VA
WJHL-TV, 11, Johnson City, TN
WKPT-TV, 19, Kingsport, TN
WSMV 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WPSD-TV, 6, Paducah, KY
KFVS-TV, 12, Cape Girardeau, MO
+KBSI, 23, Cape Girardeau, MO
WBBJ-TV, 7, Jackson, TN
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
+WUXP, 30, Nashville, TN
WSMV, 4, Nashville, TN (formerly WSM)
WTVF, 5, Nashville, TN (formerly WLAC)
WKRN-TV, 2, Nashville, TN (formerly WSIX)
+WUXP, 30, Nashville, TN
KDFW, 4, Dallas, TX
KXAS-TV, 5, Fort Worth, TX (formerly WBAP)
WFAA-TV, 8, Dallas, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
KLTV, 7, Tyler, TX
+KETK-TV, 56, Jacksonville, TX
KMID, 2, Midland, TX
KOSA-TV, 7, Odessa, TX
KWES-TV, 9, Odessa, TX (formerly KMOM)
+KPEJ, 24, Odessa, TX
KTRE, 9, Lufkin, TX
+KLSB-TV, 19, Nacogdoches, TX
KIII-TV, 3, Corpus Christi, TX
KRIS-TV, 6, Corpus Christi, TX
KZTV, 10, Corpus Christi, TX
KFDX-TV, 3, Wichita Falls, TX
KAUZ-TV, 6, Wichita Falls, TX
KSWO-TV, 7, Lawton, OK
+KJTL, 18, Wichita Falls, TX
KAMR-TV, 4, Amarillo, TX (formerly KGNC)
KVII-TV, 7, Amarillo, TX
KFDA-TV, 10, Amarillo, TX
KMOL-TV, 4, San Antonio, TX (formerly WOAI)
KENS-TV, 5, San Antonio, TX
KSAT-TV, 12, San Antonio, TX
+KABB, 29, San Antonio, TX
+KRRT, 35, Kerrville, TX
KPRC-TV, 2, Houston, TV
KHOU-TV, 11, Houston, TX
KTRK-TV, 13, Houston, TX
KHTV, 39, Houston, TX
KCBD--TV, 11, Lubbock, TX
KLBK-TV, 13, Lubbock, TX
+KJTV-TV, 34, Lubbock, TX
KFDA-TV, 10, Amarillo, TX
KMOL-TV, 4, San Antonio, TX (formerly WOAI)
KENS-TV, 5, San Antonio, TX
KSAT-TV, 12, San Antonio, TX
KTBC, 7, Austin, TX
KXAN-TV, 36, Austin, TX (formerly KHFI)
+KEYE-TV, 42, Austin (formerly KBVO)
KMOL-TV, 4, San Antonio, TX (formerly WOAI)
KENS-TV, 5, San Antonio, TX
KSAT-TV, 12, San Antonio, TX
KFDX-TV, 3, Wichita Falls, TX
KAUZ-TV, 6, Wichita Falls, TX
KSWO-TV, 7, Lawton, OK
KIII-TV, 3, Corpus Christi, TX
KRIS-TV, 6, Corpus Christi, TX
KZTV, 10, Corpus Christi, TX
KMOL-TV, 4, San Antonio, TX (formerly WOAI)
KENS-TV, 5, San Antonio, TX
KSAT-TV, 12, San Antonio, TX
+KABB, 29, San Antonio, TX
KCEN-TV, 6, Temple, TX
KWTX-TV, 10, Waco, TX
+KXXV, 25, Waco, TX
+KWKT, 44, Waco, TX
KTBC, 7, Austin, TX
+KEYE-TV, 42, Austin, TX (formerly KBVO)
KMOL-TV, 4, San Antonio, TX (formerly WOAI)
KENS-TV, 5, San Antonio, TX
KSAT-TV, 12, San Antonio, TX
+KABB, 29, San Antonio, TX
+KRRT, 35, Kerrville, TX
KWEX-TV, 41, San Antonio, TX
KMOL-TV, 4, San Antonio, TX (formerly WOAI)
KENS-TV, 5, San Antonio, TX
KSAT-TV, 12, San Antonio, TS
KTBC, 7, Austin, TX
KXAN-TV, 36, Austin, TX (formerly KHFI)
KCBD-TV, 11, Lubbock, TX
KLBK-TV, 13, Lubbock, TX
KAMC, 28, Lubbock, TX (formerly KSEL)
KDFW, 4, Dallas, TX
KXAS-TV, 5, Fort Worth, TX (formerly WBAP)
WFAA-TV, 8, Dallas, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
KCEN-TV, 6, Temple, TX
KWTX-TV, 10, Waco, TX
KTBS-TV, 3, Shreveport, LA
KTAL-TV, 6, Shreveport, LA
KSLA-TV, 12, Shreveport, LA
+KMSS-TV, 33, Shreveport, LA
BrazoriaStart Printed Page 11404
KPRC-TV, 2, Houston, TX
KHOU-TV, 11, Houston, TX
KTRK-TV, 13, Houston, TX
+KTXH, 20, Houston, TX
KHTV, 39, Houston, TX
+KXLN-TV, 45, Rosenberg, TX
KBTX-TV, 3, Waco, TX
KCEN-TV, 6, Temple, TX
+KWKT, 44, Waco, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
Not available.
KAMR-TV, 4, Amarillo, TX (formerly KGNC)
KVIITV 7, Amarillo, TX
KFDA-TV, 10, Amarillo, TX
KIII-TV, 3, Corpus Christi, TX
KRIS-TV, 6, Corpus Christi, TX
KZTV, 10, Corpus Christi, TX
KRBC-TV, 9, Abilene, TX
KTXS-TV, 12, Sweetwater, TX
+KTAB-TV, 32, Abilene, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
KBTX-TV, 3, Bryan, TX
KCEN-TV, 6, Temple, TX
KTBC, 7, Austin, TX
+KEYE-TV, 42, Austin, TX (formerly KBVO)
KTBC, 7, Austin, TX
KXAN-TV, 36, Austin, TX (formerly KHFI)
+KEYE-TV, 42, Austin, TX (formerly KBVO)
KWTX-TV, 10, Waco, TX
+KWKT, 44, Waco, TX
KMOL-TV, 4, San Antonio, TX (formerly WOAI)
KENS-TV, 5, San Antonio, TX
KSAT-TV, 12, San Antonio, TX
+KABB, 29, San Antonio, TX
KTBC, 7, Austin, TX
KXAN-TV, 36, Austin, TX (formerly KHFI)
+KEYE-TV, 42, Austin, TX (formerly KBVO)
+KAVU-TV, 25, Victoria, TX
KRBC-TV, 9, Abilene, TX
KTXS-TV, 12, Sweetwater, TX
+KTAB-TV, 32, Abilene, TX
KGBT-TV, 4, Harlingen, TX
KRGV-TV, 5, Weslaco, TX
+KVEO, 23, Brownsville, TX
KTBS-TV, 3, Shreveport, LA
KTAL-TV, 6, Shreveport, LA
KSLA-TV, 12, Shreveport, LA
+KMSS-TV, 33, Shreveport, LA
KLTV, 7, Tyler, TX
KAMR-TV, 4, Amarillo, TX (formerly KGNC)
KVII-TV, 7, Amarillo, TX
KFDA-TV, 10, Amarillo, TX
+KCIT, 14, Amarillo, TX
KTBS-TV, 3, Shreveport, LA
KTAL-TV, 6, Shreveport, LA
KSLA,-TV 12, Shreveport, LA
+KMSS-TV, 33, Shreveport, LA
KAMR-TV, 4, Amarillo, TX (formerly KGNC)
KVII-TV, 7, Amarillo, TX
KFDA-TV, 10, Amarillo, TX
KLBK-TV, 13, Lubbock, TX
+KJTV-TV, 34, Lubbock, TX
KPRC-TV, 2, Houston, TX
KHOU-TV, 11, Houston, TX
KTRK-TV, 13, Houston, TX
KHTV, 39, Houston, TX
KBTV-TV, 4, Port Arthur, TX (formerly KJAC)
KFDM-TV, 6, Beaumont, TX
KBMT, 12, Beaumont, TX
KLTV, 7, Tyler, TX
KTRE, 9, Lufkin, TX
+KFXK, 51, Longview, TX
+KETK-TV, 56, Jacksonville, TX
KTBS-TV, 3, Shreveport, LA
Not available.
KFDX-TV, 3, Wichita Falls, TX
KAUZ-TV, 6, Wichita Falls, TX
KSWO-TV, 7, Lawton, OK
+KJTL, 18, Wichita Falls, TX
KCBD-TV, 11, Lubbock, TX
KLBK-TV, 13, Lubbock, TX
KAMC, 28, Lubbock, TX (formerly KSEL)
KRBC+-TV, 9, Abilene, TX
KTXS-TV, 12, Sweetwater, TX
KLST, 8, San Angelo, TX (formerly KCTV)
KRBC-TV, 9, Abilene, TX
KTXS-TV, 12, Sweetwater, TX
+KTAB-TV, 32, Abilene, TX
KDFW, 4, Dallas, TX
KXAS-TV, 5, Fort Worth, TX (formerly WBAP)
WFAA-TV, 8, Dallas, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
+KDFI-TV, 27, Dallas, TX
+KDAF, 33, Dallas, TX
KXTX-TV, 39, Dallas, TX (formerly KDTV)
KVII-TV, 7, Amarillo, TX
KFDA-TV, 10, Amarillo, TX
KFDX-TV, 3, Wichita Falls, TX
KAUZ-TV, 6, Wichita Falls, TX
KSWO-TV, 7, Lawton, OK
KPRC-TV, 2, Houston, TX
KHOU-TV, 11, Houston, TX
KTRK-TV, 13, Houston, TX
+KTXH, 20, Houston, TX
KMOL-TV, 4, San Antonio, TX (formerly WOAI)
KENS-TV, 5, San Antonio, TX
KSAT-TV, 12, San Antonio, TX
+KABB, 29, San Antonio, TX
+KRRT, 35, Kerrville, TX
KDFW-TV, 4, Dallas, TX
KXAS-TV, 5, Fort Worth, TX (formerly WBAP)
WFAA-TV, 8, Dallas, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
KRBC-TV, 9, Abilene, TX
+KIDY, 6, San Angelo, TX
KDFW-TV, 4, Dallas, TX
KXAS-TV, 5, Fort Worth, TX (formerly WBAP)
WFAA-TV, 8, Dallas, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
+KDFI-TV, 27, Dallas, TX
KCEN-TV, 6, Temple, TX
KWTX-TV, 10, Waco, TX
+KXXV, 25, Waco, TX
+KWKT, 44, Waco, TX
KTBC, 7, Austin, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
Over 90% cable penetration.
KMID, 2, Midland, TX
KOSA-TV, 7, Odessa, TX
KWES-TV, 9, Odessa, TX (formerly KMOM)
Not available.
KCBD-TV, 11, Lubbock, TX
KLBK-TV, 13, Lubbock, TX
KAMC, 28, Lubbock, TX (formerly KSEL)
+KJTV-TV, 34, Lubbock, TX
Not available.
KAMR-TV, 4, Amarillo, TX (formerly KGNC)
KVII-TV, 7, Amarillo, TX
KFDA-TV, 10, Amarillo, TX
KDFW, 4, Dallas, TX
KXAS-TV, 5, Fort Worth, TX (formerly WBAP)
WFAA-TV, 8, Dallas, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TV
+KDFI-TV, 27, Dallas, TX
+KDAF, 33, Dallas, TX
KXTX-TV, 39, Dallas, TX (formerly KDTV)
KCBD-TV, 11, Lubbock, TX
KLBK-TV, 13, Lubbock, TX
KAMC, 28, Lubbock, TX (formerly KSEL)
KJTV-TV, 34, Lubbock, TX (formerly KMXN)
KMID, 2, Midland, TX
+KPEJ, 24, Odessa, TX
Deaf Smith
KAMR-TV, 4, Amarillo, TX (formerly KGNC)
KVII-TV, 7, Amarillo, TX
KFDA-TV, 10, Amarillo, TX
KDFW-TV, 4, Dallas, TX
KXAS-TV, 5, Fort Worth, TX (formerly WBAP)
WFAA-TV, 8, Dallas, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
KDFW-TV, 4, Dallas, TX
KXAS-TV, 5, Fort Worth, TX (formerly WBAP)
WFAA-TV, 8, Dallas, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
+KTXA, 21, Arlington, TX
+KDFI-TV, 27, Dallas, TX
+KDAF, 33, Dallas, TX
KXTX-TV, 39, Dallas, TX (formerly KDTV)
De WittStart Printed Page 11405
KMOL-TV, 4, San Antonio, TX (formerly WOAI)
KENS-TV, 5, San Antonio, TX
KSAT-TV, 12, San Antonio, TX
+KABB, 29, San Antonio, TX
KCBD-TV, 11, Lubbock, TX
KLBK-TV, 13, Lubbock, TX
KAMC, 28, Lubbock, TX (formerly KSEL)
KTXS-TV, 12, Sweetwater, TX
Not available.
KAMR-TV, 4, Amarillo, TX (formerly KGNC)
KVII-TV, 7, Amarillo, TX
KFDA-TV, 10, Amarillo, TX
KIII-TV, 3, Corpus Christi, TX
KRIS-TV, 6, Corpus Christi, TX
KZTV, 10, Corpus Christi, TX
KRBC-TV, 9, Abilene, TX
KTXS-TV, 12, Sweetwater, TX
+KTAB-TV, 32, Abilene, TX
KMID, 2, Midland, TX
KOSA-TV, 7, Odessa, TX
KWES-TV, 9, Odessa, TX (formerly KMOM)
+KPEJ, 24, Odessa, TX
KMOL-TV, 4, San Antonio, TX (formerly WOAI)
KENS-TV, 5, San Antonio, TX
KSAT-TV, 12, San Antonio, TX
KDFW-TV, 4, Dallas, TX
KXAS-TV, 5, Fort Worth, TX (formerly WBAP)
WFAA-TV, 8, Dallas, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
+KDFI-TV, 27, Dallas, TX
+KDAF, 33, Dallas, TX
KXTX-TV, 39, Dallas, TX (formerly KDTV)
El Paso
KDBC-TV, 4, El Paso, TX (formerly KROD)
KTSM-TV, 9, El Paso, TX
KVIA-TV, 7, El Paso, TX (formerly KELP)
+KFOX-TV, 14, El Paso, TX
KDFW-TV, 4, Dallas, TX
KXAS-TV, 5, Fort Worth, TX (formerly WBAP)
WFAA-TV, 8, Dallas, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
KCEN-TV, 6, Temple, TX
KWTX-TV, 10, Waco, TX
+KXXV, 25, Waco, TX
+KWKT, 44, Waco, TX
KDFW-TV, 4, Dallas, TX
KXAS-TV, 5, Fort Worth, TX (formerly WBAP)
WFAA-TV, 8, Dallas, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
KXII-TV, 12, Sherman, TX
KTBC, 7, Austin, TX
+KEYE-TV, 42, Austin, TX (formerly KBVO)
KPRC-TV, 2, Houston, TX
KHOU-TV, 11, Houston, TX
KTRK-TV, 13, Houston, TX
KENS-TV, 5, San Antonio, TX
KSAT-TV, 12, San Antonio, TX
KRBC-TV, 9, Abilene, TX
KTXS-TV, 12, Sweetwater, TX
KCBD-TV, 11, Lubbock, TX
KLBK-TV, 13, Lubbock, TX
KAMC, 28, Lubbock, TX (formerly KSEL)
+KJTV-TV, 34, Lubbock, TX
KFDX-TV, 3, Wichita Falls, TX
KAUZ-TV, 6, Wichita Falls, TX
KSWO-TV, 7, Lawton, OK
Fort Bend
KPRC-TV, 2, Houston, TX
KHOU-TV, 11, Houston, TX
KTRK-TV, 13, Houston, TX
+KTXH, 20, Houston, TX
KHTV, 39, Houston, TX
+KXLN-TV, 45, Rosenberg, TX
Not available.
KDFW-TV, 4, Dallas, TX
KXAS-TV, 5, Fort Worth, TX (formerly WBAP)
WFAA-TV, 8, Dallas, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
KMOL-TV, 4, San Antonio, TX (formerly WOAI)
KENS-TV, 5, San Antonio, TX
KSAT-TV, 12, San Antonio, TX
KCBD-TV, 11, Lubbock, TX
KLBK-TV, 13, Lubbock, TX
+KJTV-TV, 34, Lubbock, TX
WFAA-TV, 8, Dallas, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
KXTX-TV, 39, Dallas, TX (formerly KDTV)
+KPEJ, 24, Odessa, TX
KPRC-TV, 2, Houston, TX
KHOU-TV, 11, Houston, TX
KTRK-TV, 13, Houston, TX
+KTXH, 20, Houston, TX
KHTV, 39, Houston, TX
KCBD-TV, 11, Lubbock, TX
KLBK-TV, 13, Lubbock, TX
KAMC, 28, Lubbock, TX (formerly KSEL)
KMOL-TV, 4, San Antonio, TX (formerly WOAI)
KENS-TV, 5, San Antonio, TX
KSAT-TV, 12, San Antonio, TX
+KRRT, 35, Kerrville, TX
KTBC-TV, 7, Austin, TX
+KEYE-TV, 42, Austin, TX (formerly KBVO)
KMID, 2, Midland, TX
KOSA-TV, 7, Odessa, TX
KWES-TV, 9, Odessa, TX (formerly KMOM)
KMOL-TV, 4, San Antonio, TX (formerly WOAI)
KENS-TV, 5, San Antonio, TX
KSAT-TV, 12, San Antonio, TX
KMOL-TV, 4, San Antonio, TX (formerly WOAI)
KENS-TV, 5, San Antonio, TX
KSAT-TV, 12, San Antonio, TX
+KABB, 29, San Antonio, TX
+KEYE-TV, 42, Austin, TX (formerly KBVO)
KAMR-TV, 4, Amarillo, TX (formerly KGNC)
KVII-TV, 7, Amarillo, TX
KFDA-TV, 10, Amarillo, TX
KDFW-TV, 4, Dallas, TX
KXAS-TV, 5, Fort Worth, TX (formerly WBAP)
WFAA-TV, 8, Dallas, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
+KTXA, 21, Arlington, TX
KXII, 12, Sherman, TX
KTBS-TV, 3, Shreveport, LA
KTAL-TV, 6, Shreveport, LA
KSLA-TV, 12, Shreveport, LA
+KMSS-TV, 33, Shreveport, LA
KLTV, 7, Tyler, TX
+KFXK, 51, Longview, TX
+KETK-TV, 56, Jacksonville, TX
KPRC-TV, 2, Houston, TX
KHOU-TV, 11, Houston, TX
KTRK-TV, 13, Houston, TX
KBTX-TV, 3, Bryan, TX
KMOL-TV, 4, San Antonio, TX (formerly WOAI)
KENS-TV, 5, San Antonio, TX
KSAT-TV, 12, San Antonio, TX
+KABB, 29, San Antonio, TX
+KRRT, 35, Kerrville, TX
KCBD-TV, 11, Lubbock, TX
KLBK-TV, 13, Lubbock, TX
KAMC, 28, Lubbock, TX (formerly KSEL)
+KJTV-TV, 34, Lubbock, TX
Over 90% cable penetration.
KDFW-TV, 4, Dallas, TX
KXAS-TV, 5, Fort Worth, TX (formerly WBAP)
WFAA-TV, 8, Dallas, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
KCEN-TV, 6, Temple, TX
KWTX-TV, 10, Waco, TX
KAMR-TV, 4, Amarillo, TX (formerly KGNC)
KVII-TV, 7, Amarillo, TX
KFDA-TV, 10, Amarillo, TX
KFDX-TV, 3, Wichita Falls, TX
KAUZ-TV, 6, Wichita Falls, TX
KSWO-TV, 7, Lawton, OK
KBTV-TV, 4, Port Arthur, TX (formerly KJAC)
KFDM-TV, 6, Beaumont, TX
KBMT, 12, Beaumont, TX
+KVHP, 29, Lake Charles, LA
KPRC-TV, 2, Houston, TX
KHOU-TV, 11, Houston, TX
KTRK-TV, 13, Houston, TX
+KTXH, 20, Houston, TX
KHTV, 39, Houston, TX
+KXLN-TV, 45, Rosenberg, TX
+KTMD, 48, Galveston, TX
KTBS-TV, 3, Shreveport, LA
KTAL-TV, 6, Shreveport, LAStart Printed Page 11406
KSLA-TV, 12, Shreveport, LA
+KMSS-TV, 33, Shreveport, LA
KAMR-TV, 4, Amarillo, TX (formerly KGNC)
KVII-TV, 7, Amarillo, TX
KFDA-TV, 10, Amarillo, TX
KRBC-TV, 9, Abilene, TX
KTXS-TV, 12, Sweetwater, TX
+KTAB-TV, 32, Abilene, TX
KFDX-TV, 3, Wichita Falls, TX
KMOL-TV, 4, San Antonio, TX (formerly WOAI)
KENS-TV, 5, San Antonio, TX
KSAT-TV, 12, San Antonio, TX
+KABB, 29, San Antonio, TX
KTBC-TV, 7, Austin, TX
+KEYE-TV, 42, Austin, TX (formerly KBVO)
Over 90% cable penetration.
KDFW-TV, 4, Dallas, TX
KXAS-TV, 5, Fort Worth, TX (formerly WBAP)
WFAA-TV, 8, Dallas, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
KLTV, 7, Tyler, TX
KGBT-TV, 4, Harlingen, TX
KRGV-TV, 5, Weslaco, TX
+KVEO, 23, Brownsville, TX
KDFW-TV, 4, Dallas, TX
KXAS-TV, 5, Fort Worth, TX (formerly WBAP)
WFAA-TV, 8, Dallas, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
KWTX-TV, 10, Waco, TX
KCBD-TV, 11, Lubbock, TX
KLBK-TV, 13, Lubbock, TX
KAMC, 28, Lubbock, TX (formerly KSEL)
+KJTV-TV, 34, Lubbock, TX
KDFW-TV, 4, Dallas, TX
KXAS-TV, 5, Fort Worth, TX (formerly WBAP)
WFAA-TV, 8, Dallas, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
KDFW-TV, 4, Dallas, TX
KXAS-TV, 5, Fort Worth, TX (formerly WBAP)
WFAA-TV, 8, Dallas, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
KLTV, 7, Tyler, TX
KTRE, 9, Lufki, TX
KBTX-TV, 3, Bryan, TX
KMID, 2, Midland, TX
KWAB-TV, 4, Big Spring, TX
KOSA-TV, 7, Odessa, TX
KWES-TV, 9, Odessa, TX (formerly KMOM)
KDBC-TV, 4, El Paso, TX (formerly KROD)
KTSM-TV, 9, El Paso, TX
KVIA-TV, 7, El Paso, TX (formerly KELP)
KDFW-TV, 4, Dallas, TX
KXAS-TV, 5, Fort Worth, TX (formerly WBAP)
WFAA-TV, 8, Dallas, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
KTXA, 21, Fort Worth, TX
+KDFI-TV, 27, Dallas, TX
+KDAF, 33, Dallas, TX
KAMR-TV, 4, Amarillo, TX (formerly KGNC)
KVII-TV, 7, Amarillo, TX
KFDA-TV, 10, Amarillo, TX
+KCIT, 14, Amarillo, TX
KLST, 8, San Angelo, TX (formerly KCTV)
KRBC-TV, 9, Abilene, TX
KFDX-TV, 3, Wichita Falls, TX
KAUZ-TV, 6, Wichita Falls, TX
KSWO-TV, 7, Lawton, OK
KDFW-TV, 4, Dallas, TX
KXAS-TV, 5, Fort Worth, TX (formerly WBAP)
WFAA-TV, 8, Dallas, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
KPRC-TV, 2, Houston, TX
KHOU-TV, 11, Houston, TX
KTRK-TV, 13, Houston, TX
KHTV, 39, Houston, TX
+KAVU-TV, 25, Victoria, TX
KBTV-TV, 4, Port Arthur, TX (formerly KJAC)
KFDM-TV, 6, Beaumont, TX
KBMT, 12, Beaumont, TX
+KVHP, 29, Lake Charles, LA
Jeff Davis
KMID, 2, Midland, TX
KOSA-TV, 7, Odessa, TX
KWES-TV, 9, Odessa, TX (formerly KMOM)
Jefferson North
KBTV-TV, 4, Port Arthur, TX (formerly KJAC)
KFDM-TV, 6, Beaumont, TX
KBMT, 12, Beaumont, TX
+KVHP, 29, Lake Charles, LA
Jefferson South
KBTV-TV, 4, Port Arthur, TX (formerly KJAC)
KFDM-TV, 6, Beaumont, TX
KBMT, 12, Beaumont, TX
+KVHP, 29, Lake Charles, LA
Jim Hogg
KIII-TV, 3, Corpus Christi, TX
KRIS-TV, 6, Corpus Christi, TX
KZTV, 10, Corpus Christi, TX
Jim Wells
KIII-TV, 3, Corpus Christi, TX
KRIS-TV, 6, Corpus Christi, TX
KZTV, 10, Corpus Christi, TX
KDFW-TV, 4, Dallas, TX
KXAS-TV, 5, Fort Worth, TX (formerly WBAP)
WFAA-TV, 8, Dallas, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
+KDFI-TV, 27, Dallas, TX
+KDAF, 33, Dalla, TX
KXTX-TV, 39, Dallas, TX (formerly KDTV)
KRBC-TV, 9, Abilene, TX
KTXS-TV, 12, Sweetwater, TX
+KTAB-TV, 32, Abilene, TX
KMOL-TV, 4, San Antonio, TX (formerly WOAI)
KENS-TV, 5, San Antonio, TX
KSAT-TV, 12, San Antonio, TX
KDFW-TV, 4, Dallas, TX
KXAS-TV, 5, Fort Worth, TX (formerly WBAP)
WFAA-TV, 8, Dallas, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
KXTX-TV, 39, Dallas, TX (formerly KDTV)
KMOL-TV, 4, San Antonio, TX (formerly WOAI)
KENS-TV 5, San Antonio, TX
KSAT-TV, 12, San Antonio, TX
+KABB, 29, San Antonio, TX
KIII-TV, 3, Corpus Christi, TX
KRIS-TV, 6, Corpus Christi, TX
KZTV, 10, Corpus Christi, TX
KCBD-TV, 11, Lubbock, TX
KLBK-TV, 13, Lubbock, TX
KAMC, 28, Lubbock, TX (formerly KSEL)
KTXS-TV, 12, Sweetwater, TX
KMOL-TV, 4, San Antonio, TX (formerly WOAI)
KENS-TV, 5, San Antonio, TX
KSAT-TV, 12, San Antonio, TX
+KRRT, 35, Kerrville, TX
KMOL-TV, 4, San Antonio, TX (formerly WOAI)
KENS-TV, 5, San Antonio, TX
KSAT-TV, 12, San Antonio, TX
KFDX-TV, 3, Wichita Falls, TX
KAUZ-TV, 6, Wichita Falls, TX
KSWO-TV, 7, Lawton, OK
KTXS-TV, 12, Sweetwater, TX
Over 90% cable penetration.
KIII-TV, 3, Corpus Christi, TX
KRIS-TV, 6, Corpus Christi, TX
KZTV, 10, Corpus Christi, TX
KFDX-TV, 3, Wichita Falls, TX
KAUZ-TV, 6, Wichita Falls, TX
KSWO-TV, 7, Lawton, OK
KTXS-TV, 12, Sweetwater, TX
KDFW-TV, 4, Dallas, TX
KXAS-TV, 5, Fort Worth, TX (formerly WBAP)
WFAA-TV, 8, Dallas, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
KXII-TV, 12, Sherman, TX
KCBD-TV, 11, Lubbock, TX
KLBK-TV, 13, Lubbock, TX
KAMC, 28, Lubbock, TX (formerly KSEL)
+KJTV-TV, 34, Lubbock, TX
KCEN-TV, 6, Temple, TX
KWTX-TV, 10, Waco, TX
+KXXV, 25, Waco, TX
+KWKT, 44, Waco, TX
KTBC-TV, 7, Austin, TX
+KEYE-TV, 42, Austin, TX (formerly KBVO)
La Salle
Not available.
KMOL-TV, 4, San Antonio, TX (formerly WOAI)Start Printed Page 11407
KENS-TV, 5, San Antonio, TX
KSAT-TV, 12, San Antonio, TX
KPRC-TV, 2, Houston, TX
KTBC-TV, 7, Austin, TX
KXAN-TV, 36, Austin, TX (formerly KHFI)
+KEYE-TV, 42, Austin, TX (formerly KBVO)
KBTX-TV, 3, Bryan, TX
KCEN-TV, 6, Temple, TX
KBTX-TV, 3, Bryan, TX
KCEN-TV, 6, Temple, TX
KWTX-TV, 10, Waco, TX
+KXXV, 25, Waco, TX
+KWKT, 44, Waco, TX
KPRC-TV, 2, Houston, TX
KHOU-TV, 11, Houston, TX
KTRK-TV, 13, Houston, TX
+KTXH, 20, Houston, TX
KHTV, 39, Houston, TX
KDFW-TV, 4, Dallas, TX
KXAS-TV, 5, Fort Worth, TX (formerly WBAP)
WFAA-TV, 8, Dallas, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
KCEN-TV, 6, Temple, TX
KWTX-TV, 10, Waco, TX
+KWKT, 44, Waco, TX
KAMR-TV, 4, Amarillo, TX (formerly KGNC)
KVII-TV, 7, Amarillo, TX
KFDA-TV, 10, Amarillo, TX
Live Oak
KMOL-TV, 4, San Antonio, TX (formerly WOAI)
KENS-TV, 5, San Antonio, TX
KSAT-TV, 12, San Antonio, TX
KTBC-TV, 7, Austin, TX
KXAN-TV, 36, Austin, TX (formerly KHFI)
KOSA-TV, 7, Odessa, TX
KWES-TV, 9, Odessa, TX (formerly KMOM)
KCBD-TV, 11, Lubbock, TX
KLBK-TV, 13, Lubbock, TX
KAMC, 28, Lubbock, TX (formerly KSEL)
+KJTV-TV, 34, Lubbock, TX
KCBD-TV, 11, Lubbock, TX
KLBK-TV, 13, Lubbock, TX
KAMC, 28, Lubbock, TX (formerly KSEL)
KJTV, 34, Lubbock, TX (formerly KMSN)
Over 90% cable penetration.
KCEN-TV, 6, Temple, TX
KWTX-TV, 10, Waco, TX
+KXXV, 25, Waco, TX
+KWKT, 44, Waco, TX
KDFW-TV, 4, Dallas, TX
WFAA-TV, 8, Dallas, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
KMOL-TV, 4, San Antonio, TX (formerly WOAI)
KENS-TV, 5, San Antonio, TX
KSAT-TV, 12, San Antonio, TX
KBTX-TV, 3, Bryan, TX
KPRC-TV, 2, Houston, TX
KTBS-TV, 3, Shreveport, LA
KTAL-TV, 6, Shreveport, LA
KSLA-TV, 12, Shreveport, LA
+KMSS-TV, 33, Shreveport, LA
KMID, 2, Midland, TX
KOSA-TV, 7, Odessa, TX
KWES-TV, 9, Odessa, TX (formerly KMOM)
Not available.
KPRC-TV, 2, Houston, TX
KHOU-TV, 11, Houston, TX
KTRK-TV, 13, Houston, TX
+KTXH, 20, Houston, TX
KHTV, 39, Houston, TX
Over 90% cable penetration.
KMOL-TV, 4, San Antonio, TX (formerly WOAI)
KENS-TV, 5, San Antonio, TX
KSAT-TV, 12, San Antonio, TX
+KABB, 29, San Antonio, TX
+KRRT, 35, Kerrville, TX
KRBC-TV, 9, Abilene, TX
KLST, 8, San Angelo, TX (formerly KCTV)
KMID, 2, Midland, TX
KOSA-TV, 7, Odessa, TX
KWES-TV, 9, Odessa, TX (formerly KMOM)
+KPEJ, 24, Odessa, TX
KCEN-TV, 6, Temple, TX
KWTX-TV, 10, Waco, TX
+KXXV, 25, Waco, TX
+KWKT, 44, Waco, TX
KTBC-TV, 7, Austin, TX
+KEYE-TV, 42, Austin, TX (formerly KBVO)
KCEN-TV, 6, Temple, TX
KWTX-TV, 10, Waco, TX
KRBC-TV, 9, Abilene, TX
KTXS-TV, 12, Sweetwater, TX
KMID, 2, Midland, TX
KWES-TV, 9, Odessa, TX (formerly KMOM)
KTXS-TV, 12, Sweetwater, TX
KFDX-TV, 3, Wichita Falls, TX
KAUZ-TV, 6, WichitA-Falls, TX
KSWO-TV, 7, Lawton, OK
+KJTL, 18, Wichita Falls, TX
KDFW-TV, 4, Dallas, TX
KXAS-TV, 5, Fort Worth, TX (formerly WBAP)
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
KXTX-TV, 39, Dallas, TX (formerly KDTV)
KPRC-TV, 2, Houston, TX
KHOU-TV, 11, Houston, TX
KTRK-TV, 13, Houston, TX
+KTXH, 20, Houston, TX
KHTV, 39, Houston, TX
KAMR-TV, 4, Amarillo, TX (formerly KGNC)
KVII-TV, 7, Amarillo, TX
KFDA-TV, 10, Amarillo, TX
KTBS-TV, 3, Shreveport, LA
KTAL-TV, 6, Shreveport, LA
KSLA-TV, 12, Shreveport, LA
+KMSS-TV, 33, Shreveport, LA
Over 90% cable penetration.
KTBS-TV, 3, Shreveport, LA
KSLA-TV, 12, Shreveport, LA
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
KTRE, 9, Lufkin, TX
+KLSB-TV, 19, Nacogdoches, TX
KDFW-TV, 4, Dallas, TX
KXAS-TV, 5, Fort Worth, TX (formerly WBAP)
WFAA-TV, 8, Dallas, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
+KTXA, 21, Arliington, TX
KBTV-TV, 4, Port Arthur, TX (formerly KJAC)
KFDM-TV, 6, Beaumont, TX
KBMT, 12, Beaumont, TX
+KVHP, 29, Lake Charles, LA
KRBC-TV, 9, Abilene, TX
KTXS-TV, 12, Sweetwater, TX
+KTAB-TV, 32, Abilene, TX
KIII-TV, 3, Corpus Christi, TX
KRIS-TV, 6, Corpus Christi, TX
KZTV, 10, Corpus Christi, TX
KAMR-TV, 4, Amarillo, TX (formerly KGNC)
KVII-TV, 7, Amarillo, TX
KFDA-TV, 10, Amarillo, TX
KAMR-TV, 4, Amarillo, TX (formery KGNC)
KVII-TV, 7, Amarillo, TX
KFDA-TV, 10, Amarillo, TX
KBTV-TV, 4, Port Arthur, TX (formerly KJAC)
KFDM-TV, 6, Beaumont, TX
KBMT, 12, Beaumont, TX
+KVHP, 29, Lake Charles, LA
Palo Pinto
KDFW-TV, 4, Dallas, TX
KXAS-TV, 5, Fort Worth, TX (formerly WBAP)
WFAA-TV, 8, Dallas, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
KTBS-TV, 3, Shreveport, LA
KTAL-TV, 6, Shreveport, LA
KSLA-TV, 12, Shreveport, LA
+KMSS-TV, 33, Shreveport, LA
KDFW-TV, 4, Dallas, TX
KXAS-TV, 5, Fort Worth, TX (formerly WBAP)
WFAA-TV, 8, Dallas, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
KAMR-TV, 4, Amarillo, TX (formerly KGNC)
KVII-TV, 7, Amarillo, TX
KFDA-TV, 10, Amarillo, TX
KCBD-TV, 11, Lubbock, TX
KMID, 2, Midland, TX
KOSA-TV, 7, Odessa, TX
KWES-TV, 9, Odessa, TX (formerly KMOM)Start Printed Page 11408
KTRE, 9, Lufkin, TX
KBTV-TV, 4, Port Arthur, TX (formerly KJAC)
KFDM-TV, 6, Beaumont, TX
KPRC-TV, 2, Houston, TX
+KTXH, 20, Houston, TX
KAMR-TV, 4, Amarillo, TX (formerly KGNC)
KVII-TV, 7, Amarillo, TX
KFDA-TV, 10, Amarillo, TX
+KCIT, 14, Amarillo, TX
KOSA-TV, 7, Odessa, TX
KDFW-TV, 4, Dallas, TX
KXAS-TV, 5, Fort Worth, TX (formerly WBAP)
WFAA-TV, 8, Dallas, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
KAMR-TV, 4, Amarillo, TX (formerly KGNC)
KVII-TV, 7, Amarillo, TX
KFDA-TV, 10, Amarillo, TX
+KCIT, 14, Amarillo, TX
KMID, 2, Midland, TX
KOSA-TV, 7, Odessa, TX
KWES-TV, 9, Odessa, TX (formerly KMOM)
KMOL-TV, 4, San Antonio, TX (formerly WOAI)
KENS-TV, 5, San Antonio, TX
KSAT-TV, 12, San Antonio, TX
Red River
KTBS-TV, 3, Shreveport, LA
KTAL-TV, 6, Shreveport, LA
KSLA-TV, 12, Shreveport, LA
KOSA-TV, 7, Odessa, TX
KWES-TV, 9, Odessa, TX (formerly KMOM)
KIII-TV, 3, Corpus Christi, TX
KRIS-TV, 6, Corpus Christi, TX
KZTV, 10, Corpus Christi, TX
KAMR-TV, 4, Amarillo, TX (formerly KGNC)
KVII-TV, 7, Amarillo, TX
KFDA-TV, 10, Amarillo, TX
KCEN-TV, 6, Temple, TX
KWTX-TV, 10, Waco, TX
+KXXV, 25, Waco, TX
+KWKT, 44, Waco, TX
KDFW-TV, 4, Dallas, TX
KXAS-TV, 5, Fort Worth, TX (formerly WBAP)
WFAA-TV, 8, Dallas, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
KXTX-TV, 39, Dallas, TX (formerly KDTV)
KRBC-TV, 9, Abilene, TX
KTXS-TV, 12, Sweetwater, TX
+KTAB-TV, 32, Abilene, TX
+KIDY, 6, San Angelo, TX
KLST, 8, San Angelo, TX (formerly KCTV)
KTBS-TV, 3, Shreveport, LA
KTAL-TV, 6, Shreveport, LA
KSLA-TV, 12, Shreveport, LA
+KMSS-TV, 33, Shreveport, LA
KLTV, 7, Tyler, TX
+KFXK, 51, Longview, TX
+KETK-TV, 56, Jacksonville, TX
KBTV-TV, 4, Port Arthur, TX (formerly KJAC)
KFDM-TV, 6, Beaumont, TX
KTBS-TV, 3, Shreveport, LA
KSLA-TV, 12, Shreveport, LA
KTRE, 9, Lufkin, TX
San Augustine
KTBS-TV, 3, Shreveport, LA
KSLA-TV, 12, Shreveport, LA
KTRE, 9, Lufkin, TX
San Jacinto
KPRC-TV, 2, Houston, TX
KHOU-TV, 11, Houston, TX
KTRK-TV, 13, Houston, TX
San Patricio
KIII-TV, 3, Corpus Christi, TX
KRIS-TV, 6, Corpus Christi, TX
KZTV, 10, Corpus Christi, TX
San Saba
KDFW-TV, 4, Dallas, TX
KRBC-TV, 9, Abilene, TX
KTBC-TV, 7, Austin, TX
KCEN-TV, 6, Temple, TX
KWTX-TV, 10, Waco, TX
KLST, 8, San Angelo, TX (formerly KCTV)
KRBC-TV, 9, Abilene, TX
KRBC-TV, 9, Abilene, TX
KTXS-TV, 12, Sweetwater, TX
KRBC-TV, 9, Abilene, TX
KTXS-TV, 12, Sweetwater, TX
KTBS-TV, 3, Shreveport, LA
KTAL-TV, 6, Shreveport, LA
KSLA-TV, 12, Shreveport, LA
+KMSS-TV, 33, Shreveport, LA
KAMR-TV, 4, Amarillo, TX (formerly KGNC)
KVII-TV, 7, Amarillo, TX
KFDA-TV, 10, Amarillo, TX
KLTV, 7, Tyler, TX
+KFXK, 51, Longview, TX
+KETK-TV, 56, Jacksonville, TX
KDFW-TV, 4, Dallas, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
KTBS-TV, 3, Shreveport, LA
KSLA-TV, 12, Shreveport, LA
+KMSS-TV, 33, Shreveport, LA
KDFW-TV, 4, Dallas, TX
KXAS-TV, 5, Fort Worth, TX (formerly WBAP)
WFAA-TV, 8, Dallas, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
KGBT-TV, 4, Harlingen, TX
KRGV-TV, 5, Weslaco, TX
+KVEO, 23, Brownsville, TX
KRBC-TV, 9, Abilene, TX
KTXS-TV, 12, Sweetwater, TX
WFAA-TV, 8, Dallas, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
KRBC-TV, 9, Abilene, TX
KLST, 8, San Angelo, TX (formerly KCTV)
KRBC-TV, 9, Abilene, TX
KTXS-TV, 12, Sweetwater, TX
Not available.
KAMR-TV, 4, Amarillo, TX (formerly KGNC)
KVII-TV, 7, Amarillo, TX
KFDA-TV, 10, Amarillo, TX
+KJTV-TV, 34, Lubbock, TX
KDFW-TV, 4, Dallas, TX
KXAS-TV, 5, Fort Worth, TX (formerly WBAP)
WFAA-TV, 8, Dallas, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
+KTXA, 21, Arlington, TX
+KDFI-TV, 27, Dallas, TX
+KDAF, 33, Dallas, TX
KXTX-TV, 39, Dallas, TX (formerly KDTV)
KRBC-TV, 9, Abilene, TX
KTXS-TV, 12, Sweetwater, TX
+KTAB-TV, 32, Abilene, TX
Over 90% cable penetration.
KCBD-TV, 11, Lubbock, TX
KLBK-TV, 13, Lubbock, TX
KAMC, 28, Lubbock, TX (formerly KSEL)
+KJTV-TV, 34, Lubbock, TX
KFDX-TV, 3, Wichita Falls, TX
KAUZ-TV, 6, Wichita Falls, TX
KSWO-TV, 7, Lawton, OK
KTBS-TV, 3, Shreveport, LA
KTAL-TV, 6, Shreveport, LA
KSLA-TV, 12, Shreveport, LA
Tom Green
+KIDY, 6, San Angelo, TX
KCTV, 8, San Angelo, TX (formerly KCTV)
KRBC-TV, 9, Abilene, TX
KTBC-TV, 7, Austin, TX
KXAN-TV, 36, Austin, TX (formerly KHFI)
+KEYE-TV, 42, Austin, TX (formerly KBVO)
KTRE, 9, Lufkin, TX
KPRC-TV, 2, Houston, TX
KBTX-TV, 3, Bryan, TX
KBTV-TV, 4, Port Arthur, TX (formerly KJAC)
KFDM-TV, 6, Beaumont, TX
KBMT, 12, Beaumont, TX
KTBS-TV, 3, Shreveport, LA
KTAL-TV, 6 Shreveport, LA
KSLA-TV, 12, Shreveport, LA
+KMSS-TV, 33, Shreveport, LA
KLTV, 7, Tyle, TX
+KFXK, 51, Longview, TX
KMID, 2, Midland, TX
KOSA-TV, 7, Odessa, TX
KWES-TV, 9, Odessa, TX (formerly KMOM)
KMOL-TV, 4, San Antonio, TX (formerly WOAI)
KENS-TV, 5, San Antonio, TX
KSAT-TV, 12, San Antonio, TX
Val Verde
Not available.Start Printed Page 11409
Van Zandt
KDFW-TV, 4, Dallas, TX
KXAS-TV, 5, Fort Worth, TX (formerly WBAP)
WFAA-TV, 8, Dallas, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
KLTV, 7, Tyler, TX
KMOL-TV, 4, San Antonio, TX (formerly WOAI)
KENS-TV, 5, San Antonio, TX
KSAT-TV, 12, San Antonio, TX
KIII-TV, 3, Corpus Christi, TX
+KAVU-TV, 25, Victoria, TX
KPRC-TV, 2, Houston, TX
KHOU-TV, 11, Houston, TX
KTRK-TV, 13, Houston, TX
+KTXH, 20, Houston, TX
KHTV, 39, Houston, TX
KBTX-TV, 3, Bryan, TX
KPRC-TV, 2, Houston, TX
KHOU-TV, 11, Houston, TX
KTRK-TV, 13, Houston, TX
KHTV, 39, Houston, TX
KMID, 2, Midland, TX
KOSA-TV, 7, Odessa, TX
KWES-TV, 9, Odessa, TX (formerly KMOM)
KPRC-TV, 2, Houston, TX
KHOU-TV, 11, Houston, TX
KTRK-TV, 13, Houston, TX
+KTXH, 20, Houston, TX
KHTV, 39, Houston, TX
KBTX-TV, 3, Bryan, TX
KGNS-TV, 8, Laredo, TX
XEFE-TV, 2, Mexico
KPRC-TV, 2, Houston, TX
KHOU-TV, 11, Houston, TX
KTRK-TV, 13, Houston, TX
+KTXH, 20, Houston, TX
KHTV, 39, Houston, TX
KFDA-TV, 10, Amarillo, TX
KFDX-TV, 3, Wichita Falls, TX
KAUZ-TV, 6, Wichita Falls, TX
KSWO-TV, 7, Lawton, OK
+KJTL, 18, Wichita Falls, TX
KFDX-TV, 3, Wichita Falls, TX
KAUZ-TV, 6, Wichita Falls, TX
KSWO-TV, 7, Lawton, OK
+KJTL, 18, Wichita Falls, TX
KGBT-TV, 4, Harlingen, TX
KRGV-TV, 5, Weslaco, TX
+KVEO, 23, Brownsville, TX
KTBC-TV, 7, Austin, TX
KXAN-TV, 36, Austin, TX (formerly KHFI)
+KEYE-TV, 42, Austin, TX (formerly KBVO)
KCEN-TV, 6, Temple, TX
KWTX-TV, 10, Waco, TX
+KWKT, 44, Waco, TX
KMOL-TV, 4, San Antonio, TX (formerly WOAI)
KENS-TV, 5, San Antonio, TX
KSAT-TV, 12, San Antonio, TX
KWEX-TV, 41, San Antonio, TX
KMID, 2, Midland, TX
KOSA-TV, 7, Odessa, TX
KWES-TV, 9, Odessa, TX (formerly KMOM)
KDFW-TV, 4, Dallas, TX
KXAS-TV, 5, Fort Worth, TX (formerly WBAP)
WFAA-TV, 8, Dallas, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
KXTX-TV, 39, Dallas, TX (formerly KDTV)
KTBS-TV, 3, Shreveport, LA
KTAL-TV, 6, Shreveport, LA
KSLA-TV, 12, Shreveport, LA
KDFW-TV, 4, Dallas, TX
KXAS-TV, 5, Fort Worth, TX (formerly WBAP)
WFAA-TV, 8, Dallas, TX
KTVT, 11, Fort Worth, TX
KLTV, 7, Tyler, TX
KCBD-TV, 11, Lubbock, TX
KLBK-TV, 13, Lubbock, TX
+KJTV-TV, 34, Lubbock, TX
KBIM-TV, 10, Roswell, NM
KFDX-TV, 3, Wichita Falls, TX
KAUZ-TV, 6, Wichita Falls, TX
KSWO-TV, 7, Lawton, OK
KGNS-TV, 8, Laredo, TX
KGBT-TV, 4, Harlingen, TX
XEFB, 3, Mexico
KMOL-TV, 4, San Antonio, TX (formerly WOAI)
KENS-TV, 5, San Antonio, TX
Copperas Cove—KEYE-TV
Knollwood—KDFI-TV, KDAF
Portions of Grayson County—KDFI-TV, KDAF
Unincorporated portions of Washington County (adjacent to Brenham)—KRIV
KUTV, 2, Salt Lake City, UT
KTVX, 4, Salt Lake City, UT (formerly KCPX)
KSL-TV, 5, Salt Lake City, UT
Box Elder
KUTV, 2, Salt Lake City, UT
KTVX, 4, Salt Lake City, UT (formerly KCPX)
KSL-TV, 5, Salt Lake City, UT
+KSTU, 13, Salt Lake City, UT
KUTV, 2, Salt Lake City, UT
KTVX, 4, Salt Lake City, UT (formerly KCPX)
KSL-TV, 5, Salt Lake City, UT
+KSTU, 13, Salt Lake City, UT
KUTV, 2, Salt Lake City, UT
KTVX, 4, Salt Lake City, UT (formerly KCPX)
KSL-TV, 5, Salt Lake City, UT
KUTV, 2, Salt Lake City, UT
KTVX, 4, Salt Lake City, UT (formerly KCPX)
KSL-TV, 5, Salt Lake City, UT
KUTV, 2, Salt Lake City, UT
KTVX, 4, Salt Lake City, UT (formerly KCPX)
KSL-TV, 5, Salt Lake City, UT
+KSTU, 13, Salt Lake City, UT
KUTV, 2, Salt Lake City, UT
KTVX, 4, Salt Lake City, UT (formerly KCPX)
KSL-TV, 5, Salt Lake City, UT
KUTV, 2, Salt Lake City, UT
KTVX, 4, Salt Lake City, UT (formerly KCPX)
KSL-TV, 5, Salt Lake City, UT
KUTV, 2, Salt Lake City, UT
KTVX, 4, Salt Lake City, UT (formerly KCPX)
KSL-TV, 5, Salt Lake City, UT
KUTV, 2, Salt Lake City, UT
KTVX, 4, Salt Lake City, UT (formerly KCPX)
KSL-TV, 5, Salt Lake City, UT
KUTV, 2, Salt Lake City, UT
KTVX, 4, Salt Lake City, UT (formerly KCPX)
KSL-TV, 5, Salt Lake City, UT
KUTV, 2, Salt Lake City, UT
KTVX, 4, Salt Lake City, UT (formerly KCPX)
KSL-TV, 5, Salt Lake City, UT
KUTV, 2, Salt Lake City, UT
KTVX, 4, Salt Lake City, UT (formerly KCPX)
KSL-TV, 5, Salt Lake City, UT
KUTV, 2, Salt Lake City, UT
KTVX, 4, Salt Lake City, UT (formerly KCPX)
KSL-TV, 5, Salt Lake City, UT
KUTV, 2, Salt Lake City, UT
KTVX, 4, Salt Lake City, UT (formerly KCPX)
KSL-TV, 5, Salt Lake City, UT
+KSTU, 13, Salt Lake City, UT
KUTV, 2, Salt Lake City, UT
KTVX, 4, Salt Lake City, UT (formerly KCPX)
KSL-TV, 5, Salt Lake City, UT
KUTV, 2, Salt Lake City, UT
KTVX, 4, Salt Lake City, UT (formerly KCPX)
KSL-TV, 5, Salt Lake City, UT
Salt Lake
KUTV, 2, Salt Lake City, UT
KTVX, 4, Salt Lake City, UT (formerly KCPX)
KSL-TV, 5, Salt Lake City, UT
+KSTU, 13, Salt Lake City, UT
San Juan
KUTV, 2, Salt Lake City, UT
KTVX, 4, Salt Lake City, UT (formerly KCPX)
KSL-TV, 5, Salt Lake City, UTStart Printed Page 11410
KUTV, 2, Salt Lake City, UT
KTVX, 4, Salt Lake City, UT (formerly KCPX)
KSL-TV, 5, Salt Lake City, UT
+KSTU, 13, Salt Lake City, UT
KUTV, 2, Salt Lake City, UT
KTVX, 4, Salt Lake City, UT (formerly KCPX)
KSL-TV, 5, Salt Lake City, UT
+KSTU, 13, Salt Lake City, UT
KUTV, 2, Salt Lake City, UT
KTVX, 4, Salt Lake City, UT (formerly KCPX)
KSL-TV, 5, Salt Lake City, UT
KUTV, 2, Salt Lake City, UT
KTVX, 4, Salt Lake City, UT (formerly KCPX)
KSL-TV, 5, Salt Lake City, UT
+KSTU, 13, Salt Lake City, UT
KUTV, 2, Salt Lake City, UT
KTVX, 4, Salt Lake City, UT (formerly KCPX)
KSL-TV, 5, Salt Lake City, UT
+KSTU, 13, Salt Lake City, UT
KUTV, 2, Salt Lake City, UT
KTVX, 4, Salt Lake City, UT (formerly KCPX)
KSL-TV, 5, Salt Lake City, UT
+KSTU, 13, Salt Lake City, UT
KUTV, 2, Salt Lake City, UT
KTVX, 4, Salt Lake City, UT (formerly KCPX)
KSL-TV, 5, Salt Lake City, UT
KUTV, 2, Salt Lake City
KTVX, 4, Salt Lake City (KTVX) (formerly KCPX)
KSL-TV, 5, Salt Lake City
+KSTU, 13, Salt Lake City
KVBC, 3, Las Vegas, NV (formerly KORK)
KUTV, 2, Salt Lake City, UT
KTVX, 4, Salt Lake City, UT (formerly KCPX)
KSL-TV, 5, Salt Lake City, UT
KUTV, 2, Salt Lake City, UT
KTVX, 4, Salt Lake City, UT (formerly KCPX)
KSL-TV, 5, Salt Lake City, UT
+KSTU, 13, Salt Lake City, UT
WCAX-TV, 3, Burlington, VT
WPTZ, 5, Plattsburgh, NY
WRGB, 6, Schenectady, NY
WTEN, 10, Albany, NY
WNYT, 13, Albany, NY (formerly WAST)
+WXXA-TV, 23, Albany, NY
WCAX-TV, 3, Burlington, VT
WMTW-TV, 8, Portland, ME
WCAX-TV, 3, Burlington, VT
WPTZ, 5, Plattsburgh, NY
WVNY, 22, Burlington, VT
CFCF, 12, Canada
WCAX-TV, 3, Burlington, VT
WMTW-TV, 8, Portland, ME
WCAX-TV, 3, Burlington, VT
WPTZ, 5, Plattsburgh, NY
WVNY, 22, Burlington, VT
CBMT, 6, Canada
CFCF, 12, Canada
Grand Isle
WCAX-TV, 3, Burlington, VT
WPTZ, 5, Plattsburgh, NY
WVNY, 22, Burlington, VT
CBMT, 6, Canada
CFCF, 12, Canada
WCAX-TV, 3, Burlington, VT
WPTZ, 5, Plattsburgh, NY
WVNY, 22, Burlington, VT
WMTW-TV, 8, Portland, ME
CBMT, 6, Canada
WCAX-TV, 3, Burlington, VT
WMTW-TV, 8, Portland, ME
WCAX-TV, 3, Burlington, VT
WPTZ, 5, Plattsburgh, NY
WMTW-TV, 8, Portland, ME
CBMT, 6, Canada
CFCF, 12, Canada
WCAX-TV, 3, Burlington, VT
WPTZ, 5, Plattsburgh, NY
WRGB, 6, Schenectady, NY
WTEN, 10, Albany, NY
WNYT, 13, Albany, NY (formerly WAST)
WCAX-TV, 3, Burlington, VT
WPTZ, 5, Plattsburgh, NY
WMTW-TV, 8, Portland, ME
WMTW-TV, 8, Portland, ME
WCVB-TV, 5, Boston, MA
WCAX-TV, 3, Burlington, VT
WMTW-TV, 8, Portland, ME
WTKR, 3, Norfolk, VA (formerly WTAR)
WAVY-TV, 10, Portsmouth, VA
WVEC-TV, 13, Hampton, VA
WBOC-TV, 16, Salisbury, MD
+WMDT, 47, Salisbury, MD
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
Albemarle & Charlottesville City
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WRIC-TV, 8, Richmond, VA (formerly WXEX)
WWBT, 12, Richmond, VA WHSV-TV, 3, Harrisonburg, VA (formerly WSVA)
+WVIR-TV, 29, Charlottesville, VA
Alleghany & Covington City incl. Clifton Forge City
WDBJ, 7, Roanoke, VA
WSLS-TV, 10, Roanoke, VA
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WRIC-TV, 8, Richmond, VA (formerly WXEX)
WWBT, 12, Richmond, VA
+WRLH-TV, 35, Richmond, VA
WDBJ, 7, Roanoke, VA
WSLS-TV, 10, Roanoke, VA
WSET-TV, 13, Lynchburg, VA (formerly WLVA)
+WJPR, 21, Lynchburg, VA
WDBJ, 7, Roanoke, VA
WSLS-TV, 10, Roanoke, VA
WSET-TV, 13, Lynchburg, VA (formerly WLVA)
Arlington & Alexandria City
WRC-TV, 4, Washington, DC
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WJLA-TV, 7, Washington, DC (formerly WMAL)
WUSA, 9, Washington, DC (formerly WTOP)
WDCA, 20, Washington, DC
Augusta & Staunton City & Waynesboro City
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WWBT, 12, Richmond, VA
WHSV-TV, 3, Harrisonburg, VA (formerly WSVA)
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
+WVIR-TV, 29, Charlottesville, VA
WDBJ, 7, Roanoke, VA
WSLS-TV, 10, Roanoke, VA
WVVA, 6, Bluefield, WV (formerly WHIS)
WHSV-TV, 3, Harrisonburg, VA (formerly WSVA)
WDBJ, 7, Roanoke, VA
WSLS-TV, 10, Roanoke, VA
WSET-TV, 13, Lynchburg, VA (formerly WLVA)
+WJPR, 21, Lynchburg, VA
+WFXR-TV, 27, Roanoke, VA (formerly WVFT)
WVVA, 6, Bluefield, WV (formerly WHIS)
WDBJ, 7, Roanoke, VA
WSLS-TV, 10, Roanoke, VA
WDBJ, 7, Roanoke, VA
WSLS-TV, 10, Roanoke, VA
WSET-TV, 13, Lynchburg, VA (formerly WLVA)
+WFXR-TV, 27, Roanoke, VA (formerly WVFT)
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WRIC-TV, 8, Richmond, VA (formerly WXEX)
WWBT, 12, Richmond, VA
WOAY-TV, 4, Oak Hill, WV
WVVA, 6, Bluefield, WV (formerly WHIS)
WCYB-TV, 5, Bristol, VA
+WVAH-TV, 11, Charleston, WV (formerly ch. 23)
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WRIC-TV, 8, Richmond, VA (formerly WXEX)
WWBT, 12, Richmond, VA
+WRLH-TV, 35, Richmond, VA
+WVIR-TV, 29, Charlottesville, VA
Campbell & Lynchburg City
WDBJ, 7, Roanoke, VA
WSLS-TV, 10, Roanoke, VA
WSET-TV, 13, Lynchburg, VA (formerly WLVA)
+WJPR, 21, Lynchburg, VA
+WFXR-TV, 27, Roanoke, VA (formerly WVFT)
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WRIC-TV, 8, Richmond, VA (formerly WXEX)Start Printed Page 11411
WWBT, 12, Richmond, VA
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WDBJ, 7, Roanoke, VA
WSLS-TV, 10, Roanoke, VA
WVVA, 6, Bluefield, WV (formerly WHIS)
WFMY-TV, 2, Greensboro, NC
WGHP, 8, Greensboro, NC
WXII, 12, Greensboro, NC (formerly WSJS)
Charles City
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WRIC-TV, 8, Richmond, VA (formerly WXEX)
WWBT, 12, Richmond, VA
+WRLH-TV, 35, Richmond, VA
WDBJ, 7, Roanoke, VA
WSLS-TV, 10, Roanoke, VA
WSET-TV, 13, Lynchburg, VA (formerly WLVA)
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
Chesterfield & Colonial Heights City
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WRIC-TV, 8, Richmond, VA (formerly WXEX)
WWBT, 12, Richmond, VA
+WRLH-TV, 35, Richmond, VA
WRC-TV, 4, Washington, DC
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WJLA-TV, 7, Washington, DC (formerly WMAL)
WUSA, 9, Washington, DC (formerly WTOP)
+WDCA, 20, Washington, DC
WDBJ, 7, Roanoke, VA
WSLS-TV, 10, Roanoke, VA
WRC-TV, 4, Washington, DC
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WJLA-TV, 7, Washington, DC (formerly WMAL)
WUSA, 9, Washington, DC (formerly WTOP)
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WRIC-TV, 8, Richmond, VA (formerly WXEX)
WWBT, 12, Richmond, VA
+WRLH-TV, 35, Richmond, VA
WCYB-TV, 5, Bristol, VA
Dinwiddie & Petersburg City
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WRIC-TV, 8, Richmond, VA (formerly WXEX)
WWBT, 12, Richmond, VA
+WRLH-TV, 35, Richmond, VA
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WRIC-TV, 8, Richmond, VA (formerly WXEX)
WWBT, 12, Richmond, VA
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
Fairfax & Fairfax City & Falls Church City
WRC-TV, 4, Washington, DC
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WJLA-TV, 7, Washington, DC (formerly WMAL)
WUSA, 9, Washington, DC (formerly WTOP)
WDCA, 20, Washington, DC
WRC-TV, 4, Washington, DC
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WJLA-TV, 7, Washington, DC (formery WMAL)
WUSA, 9, Washington, DC (formerly WTOP)
+WDCA, 20, Washington, DC
WDBJ, 7, Roanoke, VA
WSLS-TV, 10, Roanoke, VA
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WRIC-TV, 8, Richmond, VA (formerly WXEX)
WWBT, 12, Richmond, VA
+WVIR-TV, 29, Charlottesville, VA
WDBJ, 7, Roanoke, VA
WSLS-TV, 10, Roanoke, VA
WSET-TV, 13, Lynchburg, VA (formerly WLVA)
+WFXR-TV, 27, Roanoke, VA (formerly WVFT)
Frederick & Winchester City
WRC-TV, 4, Washington, DC
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WJLA-TV, 7, Washington, DC (formerly WMAL)
WUSA, 9, Washington, DC (formerly WTOP)
WDBJ, 7, Roanoke, VA
WSLS-TV, 10, Roanoke, VA
WVVA, 6, Bluefield, WV (formerly WHIS)
WTKR, 3, Norfolk, VA (formerly WTAR)
WAVY-TV, 10, Portsmouth, VA
WVEC-TV, 13, Hampton, VA
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WRIC-TV, 8, Richmond, VA (formerly WXEX)
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WRIC-TV, 8, Richmond, VA (formerly WXEX)
WWBT, 12, Richmond, VA
+WRLH-TV, 35, Richmond, VA
WDBJ, 7, Roanoke, VA
WSLS-TV, 10, Roanoke, VA
WFMY-TV, 2, Greensboro, NC
WGHP, 8, Greensboro, NC
WXII, 12, Greensboro, NC (formerly WSJS)
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WRIC-TV, 8, Richmond, VA (formerly WXEX)
WWBT, 12, Richmond, VA
WHSV-TV, 3, Harrisonburg, VA (formerly WSVA)
+WVIR-TV, 29, Charlottesville, VA
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WRIC-TV, 8, Richmond, VA (formerly WXEX)
WWBT, 12, Richmond, VA
+WRLH-TV, 35, Richmond, VA
WTKR, 3, Norfolk, VA (formerly WTAR)
WAVY-TV, 10, Portsmouth, VA
WDBJ, 7, Roanoke, VA
WSLS-TV, 10, Roanoke, VA
WSET-TV, 13, Lynchburg, VA (formerly WLVA)
+WJPR, 21, Lynchburg, VA
+WLFL, 22, Raleigh, NC
Hampton-Newport News & Hampton City & Newport News City
WTKR, 3, Norfolk, VA (formerly WTAR)
WAVY-TV, 10, Portsmouth, VA
WVEC-TV, 13, Hampton, VA
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WRIC-TV, 8, Richmond, VA (formerly WXEX)
WWBT, 12, Richmond, VA
Henrico & Richmond City
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WRIC-TV, 8, Richmond, VA (formerly WXEX)
WWBT, 12, Richmond, VA
Henry & Martinsville City
WDBJ, 7, Roanoke, VA
WSLS-TV, 10, Roanoke, VA
+WFXR-TV, 27, Roanoke, VA (formerly WVFT)
WFMY-TV, 2, Greensboro, NC
WGHP, 8, Greensboro, NC
WXII, 12, Greensboro, NC (formerly WSJS)
+WXLV-TV, 45, Winston-Salem, NC (formerly WNRW)
+WUPN-TV, 48, Greensboro, NC (formerly WGGT)
WDBJ, 7, Roanoke, VA
WSLS-TV, 10, Roanoke, VA
WHSV-TV, 3, Harrisonbur, VA (formerly WSVA)
Isle of Wight
WTKR, 3, Norfolk, VA (formerly WTAR)
WAVY-TV, 10, Portsmouth, VA
WVEC-TV, 13, Hampton, VA
James City & Williamsburg City
WTKR, 3, Norfolk, VA (formerly WTAR)
WAVY-TV, 10, Portsmouth, VA
WVEC-TV, 13, Hampton, VA
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WRIC-TV, 8, Richmond, VA (formerly WXEX)
WWBT, 12, Richmond, VA
King and Queen
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WRIC-TV, 8, Richmond, VA (formerly WXEX)
WWBT, 12, Richmond, VA
+WRLH-TV, 35, Richmond, VA
WAVY-TV, 10, Portsmouth, VA
King George
WRC-TV, 4, Washington, DC
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WJLA-TV, 7, Washington, DC (formerly WMAL)
WUSA, 9, Washington, DC (formerly WTOP)
WDCA, 20, Washington, DC
King William
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WRIC-TV, 8, Richmond, VA (formerly WXEX)
WWBT, 12, Richmond, VA
+WRLH-TV, 35, Richmond, VA
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WRIC-TV, 8, Richmond, VA (formerly WXEX)
WWBT, 12, Richmond, VA
WTKR, 3, Norfolk, VA (formerly WTAR)
WAVY-TV, 10, Portsmouth, VA
WCYB-TV, 5, Bristol, VA
WJHL-TV, 11, Johnson City, TN
+WEMT, 39, Greenville, TN
WATE-TV, 6, Knoxville, TN
WBIR-TV, 10, Knoxville, TNStart Printed Page 11412
WRC-TV, 4, Washington, DC
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WJLA-TV, 7, Washington, DC (formerly WMAL)
WUSA, 9, Washington, DC (formerly WTOP)
WDCA, 20, Washington, DC
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WRIC-TV, 8, Richmond, VA (formerly WXEX)
WWBT, 12, Richmond, VA
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WRIC-TV, 8, Richmond, VA (formerly WXEX)
WWBT, 12, Richmond, VA
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WRIC-TV, 8, Richmond, VA (formerly WXEX)
WWBT, 12, Richmond, VA
WHSV-TV, 3, Harrisonburg, VA (formerly WSVA)
WRC-TV, 4, Washington, D
WTTG, 5, Washington, D
+WVIR-TV, 29, Charlottesville, VA
WTKR, 3, Norfolk, VA (formerly WTAR)
WAVY-TV, 10, Portsmouth, VA
WVEC-TV, 13, Hampton, VA
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WRIC-TV, 8, Richmond, VA (formerly WXEX)
WDBJ, 7, Roanoke, VA
WSLS-TV, 10, Roanoke, VA
WSET-TV, 13, Lynchburg, VA (formerly WLVA)
WRAL-TV, 5, Raleigh, NC
WTVD, 11, Durham, NC
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WRIC-TV, 8, Richmond, VA (formerly WXEX)
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WRIC-TV, 8, Richmond, VA (formerly WXEX)
WWBT, 12, Richmond, VA
WTKR, 3, Norfolk, VA (formerly WTAR)
WAVY-TV, 10, Portsmouth, VA
Montgomery & Radford City
WDBJ, 7, Roanoke, VA
WSLS-TV, 10, Roanoke, VA
WSET-TV, 13, Lynchburg, VA (formerly WLVA)
+WFXR-TV, 27, Roanoke, VA (formerly WVFT)
Nansemond & Suffolk City
WTKR, 3, Norfolk, VA (formerly WTAR)
WAVY-TV, 10, Portsmouth, VA
WVEC-TV, 13, Hampton, VA
WGNT, 27, Portsmouth, VA (formerly WYAH)
WDBJ, 7, Roanoke, VA
WSLS-TV, 10, Roanoke, VA
WSET-TV, 13, Lynchburg, VA (formerly WLVA)
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WWBT, 12, Richmond, VA
+WVIR-TV, 29, Charlottesville, VA
New Kent
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WRIC-TV, 8, Richmond, VA (formerly WXEX)
WWBT, 12, Richmond, VA
+WRLH-TV, 35, Richmond, VA
Norfolk & Chesapeake City & Portsmouth City & Norfolk City
WTKR, 3, Norfolk, VA (formerly WTAR)
WAVY-TV, 10, Portsmouth, VA
WVEC-TV, 13, Hampton, VA
WTKR, 3, Norfolk, VA (formerly WTAR)
WAVY-TV, 10, Portsmouth, VA
WVEC-TV, 13, Hampton, VA
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WRIC-TV, 8, Richmond, VA (formerly WXEX)
WWBT, 12, Richmond, VA
WTKR, 3, Norfolk, VA (formerly WTAR)
WAVY-TV, 10, Portsmouth, VA
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WRIC-TV, 8, Richmond, VA (formerly WXEX)
WWBT, 12, Richmond, VA
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WRIC-TV, 8, Richmond, VA (formerly WXEX)
WWBT, 12, Richmond, VA
+WRLH-TV, 35, Richmond, VA
WRC-TV, 4, Washington, DC
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
+WVIR-TV, 29, Charlottesville, VA
WRC-TV, 4, Washington, DC
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WJLA-TV, 7, Washington, DC (formerly WMAL)
WUSA, 9, Washington, DC (formerly WTOP)
WHSV-TV, 3, Harrisonburg, VA (formerly WSVA)
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WFMY-TV, 2, Greensboro, NC
WGHP, 8, Greensboro, NC
WXII, 12, Greensboro, NC (formerly WSJS)
+WUPN-TV, 48, Greensboro, NC (formerly WGGT)
WDBJ, 7, Roanoke, VA
WSLS-TV, 10, Roanoke, VA
Pittsylvania & Danville City
WDBJ, 7, Roanoke, VA
WSLS-TV, 10, Roanoke, VA
WSET-TV, 13, Lynchburg, VA (formerly WLVA)
+WJPR, 21, Lynchburg, VA
+WFXR-TV, 27, Roanoke, VA (formerly WVFT)
WFMY-TV, 2, Greensboro, NC
WGHP, 8, Greensboro, NC
WXII, 12, Greensboro, NC (formerly WSJS)
+WUPN-TV, 48, Greensboro, NC (formerly WGGT)
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WRIC-TV, 8, Richmond, VA (formerly WXEX)
WWBT, 12, Richmond, VA
+WRLH-TV, 35, Richmond, VA
Prince Edward
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WRIC-TV, 8, Richmond, VA (formerly WXEX)
WWBT, 12, Richmond, VA
WSET-TV, 13, Lynchburg, VA (formerly WLVA)
Prince George & Hopewell City
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WRIC-TV, 8, Richmond, VA (formerly WXEX)
WWBT, 12, Richmond, VA
+WRLH-TV, 35, Richmond, VA
Prince William
WRC-TV, 4, Washington, DC
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WJLA-TV, 7, Washington, DC (formerly WMAL)
WUSA, 9, Washington, DC (formerly WTOP)
WDCA, 20, Washington, DC
WDBJ, 7, Roanoke, VA
WSLS-TV, 10, Roanoke, VA
+WFXR-TV, 27, Roanoke, VA (formerly WVFT)
WVVA, 6, Bluefield, WV (formerly WHIS)
WRC-TV, 4, Washington, DC
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WJLA-TV, 7, Washington, DC (formerly WMAL)
WUSA, 9, Washington, DC (formerly WTOP)
WHSV-TV, 3, Harrisonburg, VA (formerly WSVA)
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WRIC-TV, 8, Richmond, VA (formerly WXEX)
WWBT, 12, Richmond, VA
+WRLH-TV, 35, Richmond, VA
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
Roanoke & Roanoke City & Salem City
WDBJ, 7, Roanoke, VA
WSLS-TV, 10, Roanoke, VA
WSET-TV, 13, Lynchburg, VA (formerly WLVA)
+WJPR, 21, Lynchburg, VA
+WFXR-TV, 27, Roanoke, VA (formerly WVFT)
WDBJ, 7, Roanoke, VA
WSLS-TV, 10, Roanoke, VA
WSET-TV, 13, Lynchburg, VA (formerly WLVA)
+WFXR-TV, 27, Roanoke, VA (formerly WVFT)
Rockingham & Harrisonburg City
WHSV-TV, 3, Harrisonburg, VA (formerly WSVA)
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WWBT, 12, Richmond, VA
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
+WVIR-TV, 29, Charlottesville, VA
WCYB-TV, 5, Bristol, VA
WJHL-TV, 11, Johnson City, TN
+WEMT, 39, Greenville, TN
WVVA, 6, Bluefield, WV (formerly WHIS)
WCYB-TV, 5, Bristol, VA
WJHL-TV, 11, Johnson City, TN
+WEMT, 39, Greenville, TN
WRC-TV, 4, Washington, DC
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WJLA-TV, 7, Washington, DC (formerly WMAL)
WUSA, 9, Washington, DC (formerly WTOP)
WHSV-TV, 3, Harrisonburgm VA (formerly WSVA)Start Printed Page 11413
WCYB-TV, 5, Bristol, VA
WJHL-TV, 11, Johnson City, TN
WTKR, 3, Norfolk, VA (formerly WTAR)
WAVY-TV, 10, Portsmouth, VA
WVEC-TV, 13, Hampton, VA
Spotsylvania & Fredericksburg City
WRC-TV, 4, Washington, DC
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WJLA-TV, 7, Washington, DC (formerly WMAL)
WUSA, 9, Washington, DC (formerly WTOP)
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
+WRLH-TV, 35, Richmond, VA
WRC-TV, 4, Washington, DC
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WJLA-TV, 7, Washington, DC (formerly WMAL)
WUSA, 9, Washington, DC (formerly WTOP)
WDCA, 20, Washington, DC
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WRIC-TV, 8, Richmond, VA (formerly WXEX)
WWBT, 12, Richmond, VA
WTKR, 3, Norfolk, VA (formerly WTAR)
WAVY-TV, 10, Portsmouth, VA
WVEC-TV, 13, Hampton, VA
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WRIC-TV, 8, Richmond, VA (formerly WXEX)
WWBT, 12, Richmond, VA
+WRLH-TV, 35, Richmond, VA
WTKR, 3, Norfolk, VA (formerly WTAR)
WAVY-TV, 10, Portsmouth, VA
WOAY-TV, 4, Oak Hill, WV
WVVA, 6, Bluefield, WV (formerly WHIS)
WDBJ, 7, Roanoke, VA
Virginia Beach & Virginia Beach City
WTKR, 3, Norfolk, VA (formerly WTAR)
WAVY-TV, 10, Portsmouth, VA
WVEC-TV, 13, Hampton, VA
WRC-TV, 4, Washington, DC
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WJLA-TV, 7, Washington, DC (formerly WMAL)
WUSA, 9, Washington, DC (formerly WTOP)
WMAR-TV, 2, Baltimore, MD
WBAL-TV, 11, Baltimore, MD
WJZ-TV, 13, Baltimore, MD
WHSV-TV, 3, Harrisonburg, VA (formerly WSVA)
Washington & Bristol City
WCYB-TV, 5, Bristol, VA
WJHL-TV, 11, Johnson City, TN
WKPT-TV, 19, Kingsport, TN
+WEMT, 39, Greenville, TN (formerly WETO)
WRC-TV, 4, Washington, DC
WTTG, 5, Washington, D
WJLA-TV, 7, Washington, DC (formerly WMAL)
WUSA, 9, Washington, DC (formerly WTOP)
WTVR-TV, 6, Richmond, VA
WRIC-TV, 8, Richmond, VA (formerly WXEX)
WCYB-TV, 5, Bristol, VA
WJHL-TV, 11, Johnson City, TN
+WEMT, 39, Greenville, TN
WDBJ, 7, Roanoke, VA
WSLS-TV, 10, Roanoke, VA
WVVA, 6, Bluefield, WV (formerly WHIS)
WTKR, 3, Norfolk, VA (formerly WTAR)
WAVY-TV, 10, Portsmouth, VA
WVEC-TV, 13, Hampton, VA
Colonial Heights—WRLH-TV
Danville—WJPR, WFXR-TV
Hopewell City—WRLH-TV
Lynchburg—WJPR, WFXR-TV
Petersburg City—WRLH-TV
KREM-TV, 2, Spokane, WA
KXLY-TV, 4, Spokane, WA
KHQ-TV, 6, Spokane, WA
KEPR-TV, 19, Pasco, WA
KNDU, 25, Richland, WA
KREM-TV, 2, Spokane, WA
KXLY-TV, 4, Spokane, WA
KHQ-TV, 6, Spokane, WA
KLEW-TV, 3, Lewiston, ID
KEPR-TV, 19, Pasco, WA
KNDU, 25, Richland, WA
KVEW, 42, Kennewick, WA
KREM-TV, 2, Spokane, WA
KXLY-TV, 4, Spokane, WA
KHQ-TV, 6, Spokane, WA
+KAYU-TV, 28, Spokane, WA
KOMO-TV, 4, Seattle, WA
KING-TV, 5, Seattle, WA
KIRO-TV, 7, Seattle, WA
KVOS-TV, 12, Bellingham, WA
CBUT, 2, Canada
CHEK, 6, Canada
CHAN, 8, Canada
KATU, 2, Portland, OR
KOIN, 6, Portland, OR
KGW, 8, Portland, OR
KPTV, 12, Portland, OR
+KPDX, 49, Vancouver, WA
KREM-TV, 2, Spokane, WA
KXLY-TV, 4, Spokane, WA
KHQ-TV, 6, Spokane, WA
KATU, 2, Portland, OR
KOIN, 6, Portland, OR
KGW, 8, Portland, OR
KPTV, 12, Portland, OR
+KPDX, 49, Vancouver, WA
KREM-TV, 2, Spokane, WA
KXLY-TV, 4, Spokane, WA
KHQ-TV, 6, Spokane, WA
+KAYU-TV, 28, Spokane, WA
KREM-TV, 2, Spokane, WA
KXLY-TV, 4, Spokane, WA
KHQ-TV, 6, Spokane, WA
KEPR-TV, 19, Pasco, WA
KNDU, 25, Richland, WA
KVEW, 42, Kennewick, WA
KREM-TV, 2, Spokane, WA
KXLY-TV, 4, Spokane, WA
KHQ-TV, 6, Spokane, WA
KREM-TV, 2, Spokane, WA
KXLY-TV, 4, Spokane, WA
KHQ-TV, 6, Spokane, WA
Grays Harbor
KOMO-TV 4, Seattle, WA
KING-TV, 5, Seattle, WA
KIRO-TV, 7, Seattle, WA
KOMO-TV, 4, Seattle, WA
KING-TV, 5, Seattle, WA
KIRO-TV, 7, Seattle, WA
KSTW, 11, Tacoma, WA (formerly KTNT)
KVOS-TV, 12, Bellingham, WA
+KCPQ, 13, Tacoma, WA
CHEK, 6, Canada
KOMO-TV, 4, Seattle, WA
KING-TV, 5, Seattle, WA
KIRO-TV, 7, Seattle, WA
KSTW, 11, Tacoma, WA (formerly KTNT)
+KCPQ, 13, Tacoma, A
KOMO-TV, 4, Seattle, WA
KING-TV, 5, Seattle, WA
KIRO-TV, 7, Seattle, WA
KSTW, 11, Tacoma, WA (formerly KTNT)
+KCPQ, 13, Tacoma, WA
+KTZZ-TV, 22, Seattle, WA
KOMO-TV, 4, Seattle, WA
KING-TV, 5, Seattle, WA
KIRO-TV, 7, Seattle, WA
KSTW, 11, Tacoma, WA (formerly KTNT)
+KCPQ, 13, Tacoma, WA
+KTZZ-TV, 22, Seattle, WA
KNDO, 23, Yakima, WA
KIMA-TV, 29, Yakima, WA
KATU, 2, Portland, OR
KOIN, 6, Portland, OR
KGW, 8, Portland, OR
KPTV, 12, Portland, OR
KOMO-TV, 4, Seattle, WA
KING-TV, 5, Seattle, WA
KIRO-TV, 7, Seattle, WA
KSTW, 11, Tacoma, WA (formerly KTNT)
+KCPQ, 13, Tacoma, WA
KATU, 2, Portland, OR
KOIN, 6, Portland, OR
KGW, 8, Portland, OR
KPTV, 12, Portland, OR
KREM-TV, 2, Spokane, WA
KXLY-TV, 4, Spokane, WA
KHQ-TV, 6, Spokane, WA
KOMO-TV, 4, Seattle, WA
KING-TV, 5, Seattle, WA
KIRO-TV, 7, Seattle, WA
KSTW, 11, Tacoma, WA (formerly KTNT)
KREM-TV, 2, Spokane, WA
KXLY-TV, 4, Spokane, WA
KHQ-TV, 6, Spokane, WA
KOMO-TV, 4, Seattle, WAStart Printed Page 11414
KING-TV, 5, Seattle, WA
Pend Oreille
KREM-TV, 2, Spokane, WA
KXLY-TV, 4, Spokane, WA
KHQ-TV, 6, Spokane, WA
KOMO-TV, 4, Seattle, WA
KING-TV, 5, Seattle, WA
KIRO-TV, 7, Seattle, WA
KSTW, 11, Tacoma, WA (formerly KTNT)
+KCPQ, 13, Tacoma, WA
+KTZZ-TV, 22, Seattle, WA
San Juan
KOMO-TV, 4, Seattle, WA
KING-TV, 5, Seattle, WA
KIRO-TV, 7, Seattle, WA
KVOS-TV, 12, Bellingham, WA
CBUT, 2, Canada
CHEK, 6, Canada
CHAN, 8, Canada
KOMO-TV, 4, Seattle, WA
KING-TV, 5, Seattle, WA
KIRO-TV, 7, Seattle, WA
KSTW, 11, Tacoma, WA (formerly KTNT)
KVOS-TV, 12, Tacoma, WA
+KCPQ, 13, Tacoma, WA
CHEK, 6, Canada
CHAN, 8, Canada
KATU, 2, Portland, OR
KOIN, 6, Portland, OR
KGW, 8, Portland, OR
KPTV, 12, Portland, OR
KOMO-TV, 4, Seattle, WA
KING-TV, 5, Seattle, WA
KIRO-TV, 7, Seattle, WA
KSTW, 11, Tacoma, WA (formerly KTNT)
+KCPQ, 13, Tacoma, WA
+KTZZ-TV, 22, Seattle, WA
KREM-TV, 2, Spokane, WA
KXLY-TV, 4, Spokane, WA
KHQ-TV, 6, Spokane, WA
+KAYU-TV, 28, Spokane, WA
KREM-TV, 2, Spokane, WA
KXLY-TV, 4, Spokane, WA
KHQ-TV, 6, Spokane, WA
+KAYU-TV, 28, Spokane, WA
KOMO-TV, 4, Seattle, WA
KING-TV, 5, Seattle, WA
KIRO-TV, 7, Seattle, WA
KSTW, 11, Tacoma, WA (formerly KTNT)
KSPQ, 13, Tacoma, WA (formerly KTVW)
KATU, 2, Portland, OR
KOIN, 6, Portland, OR
KPTV, 12, Portland, OR
Walla Walla
KEPR-TV, 19, Pasco, WA
KNDU, 25, Richland, WA
KVEW, 42, Kennewick, WA
KREM-TV, 2, Spokane, WA
KXLY-TV, 4, Spokane, WA
KHQ-TV, 6, Spokane, WA
KOMO-TV, 4, Seattle, WA
KING-TV, 5, Seattle, WA
KIRO-TV, 7, Seattle, WA
KVOS-TV, 12, Bellingham, WA
+KCPQ, 13, Tacoma, WA
CBUT, 2, Canada
CHEK, 6, Canada
CHAN, 8, Canada
KREM-TV, 2, Spokane, WA
KXLY-TV, 4, Spokane, WA
KHQ-TV, 6, Spokane, WA
+KAYU-TV, 28, Spokane, WA
KNDO, 23, Yakima, WA
KIMA-TV, 29, Yakima, WA
KAPP, 35, Yakima, WA
WDTV, 5, Clarksburg, WV
WBOY-TV, 12, Clarksburg, WV
KDKA-TV, 2, Pittsburgh, PA
WTAE-TV, 4, Pittsburgh, PA
WRC-TV, 4, Washington, DC
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WJLA-TV, 7, Washington, DC (formerly WMAL)
WUSA, 9, Washington, DC (formerly WTOP)
WMAR-TV, 2, Baltimore, MD
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WCHS-TV, 8, Charleston, WV
WOWK-TV, 13, Huntington, WV (formerly WHTN)
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WCHS-TV, 8, Charleston, WV
+WVAH-TV, 11, Charleston, WV (formerly ch. 23)
WOAY-TV, 4, Oak Hill, WV
WDTV, 5, Clarksburg, WV
WTRF-TV, 7, Wheeling, WV
WTOV-TV, 9, Steubenville, OH (formerly WSTV)
KDKA-TV, 2, Pittsburgh, PA
WTAE-TV, 4, Pittsburgh, PA
WPXI, 11, Pittsburgh, PA (formerly WIIC)
+WPGH-TV, 53, Pittsburgh, PA
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WCHS-TV, 8, Charleston, WV
WOWK-TV, 13, Huntington, WV (formerly WHTN)
+WVAH-TV, 11, Charleston, WV (formerly ch. 23)
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WCHS-TV, 8, Charleston, WV
WOWK-TV, 13, Huntington, WV (formerly WHTN)
WDTV, 5, Clarksburg, WV
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WCHS-TV, 8, Charleston, WV
WOAY-TV, 4, Oak Hill, WV
WDTV, 5, Clarksburg, WV
WBOY-TV, 12, Clarksburg, WV
WOAY-TV, 4, Oak Hill, WV
WVVA, 6, Bluefield, WV (formerly WHIS)
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WCHS-TV, 8, Charleston, WV
WOWK-TV, 13, Huntington, WV (formerly WHTN)
+WVAH-TV, 11, Charleston, WV (formerly ch. 23)
WDTV, 5, Clarksburg, WV
WBOY-TV, 12, Clarksburg, WV
WOAY-TV, 4, Oak Hill, WV
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WHSV-TV, 3, Harrisonburg, VA (formerly WSVA)
WJAC-TV, 6, Johnstown, PA
WOAY-TV, 4, Oak Hill, WV
WVVA, 6, Bluefield, WV (formerly WHIS)
WDBJ, 7, Roanoke, VA
WSLS-TV, 10, Roanoke, VA
+WVAH-TV, 11, Charleston, WV
WRC-TV, 4, Washington, DC
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WUSA, 9, Washington, DC (formerly WTOP)
WMAR-TV, 2, Baltimore, MD
WHSV-TV, 3, Harrisonburg, VA (formerly WSVA)
WJAC-TV, 6, Johnstown, PA
WTRF-TV, 7, Wheeling, WV
WTOV-TV, 9, Steubenville, OH (formerly WSTV)
KDKA-TV, 2, Pittsburgh, PA
WTAE-TV, 4, Pittsburgh, PA
WPXI, 11, Pittsburgh, PA (formerly WIIC)
+WCWB, 22, Pittsburgh, PA (formerly WPTT)
+WPGH-TV, 53, Pittsburgh, PA
WHSV-TV, 3, Harrisonburg, VA (formerly WSVA)
WRC-TV, 4, Washington, DC
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WUSA, 9, Washington, DC (formerly WTOP)
WDTV, 5, Clarksburg, WV
WBOY-TV, 12, Clarksburg, WV
WTAE-TV, 4, Pittsburgh, PA
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WCHS-TV, 8, Charleston, WV
WOWK-TV, 13, Huntington, WV (formerly WHTN)
+WVAH-TV, 11, Charleston, WV (formerly ch. 23)
WRC-TV, 4, Washington, DC
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WJLA-TV, 7, Washington, DC (formerly WMAL)
WUSA, 9, Washington, DC (formerly WTOP)
WMAR-TV, 2, Baltimore, MD
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WCHS-TV, 8, Charleston, WV
WOWK-TV, 13, Huntington, WV (formerly WHTN)
+WVAH-TV, 11, Charleston, WV (formerly ch. 23)
WDTV, 5, Clarksburg, WV
WBOY-TV, 12, Clarksburg, WV
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WCHS-TV, 8, Charleston, WV
WOWK-TV, 13, Huntington, WV (formerly WHTN)
+WVAH-TV, 11, Charleston, WV (formerly ch. 23)
LoganStart Printed Page 11415
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WCHS-TV, 8, Charleston, WV
WOWK-TV, 13, Huntington, WV (formerly WHTN)
KDKA-TV, 2, Pittsburgh, PA
WTAE-TV, 4, Pittsburgh, PA
WDTV, 5, Clarksburg, WV
WBOY-TV, 12, Clarksburg, WV
WTRF-TV, 7, Wheeling, WV
WTOV-TV, 9, Steubenville, OH (formerly WSTV)
WTRF-TV, 7, Wheeling, WV
WTOV-TV, 9, Steubenville, OH (formerly WSTV)
KDKA-TV, 2, Pittsburgh, PA
WTAE-TV, 4, Pittsburgh, PA
WPXI, 11, Pittsburgh, PA (formerly WIIC)
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WCHS-TV, 8, Charleston, WV
WOWK-TV, 13, Huntington, WV (formerly WHTN)
+WVAH-TV, 11, Charleston, WV (formerly ch. 23)
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WCHS-TV, 8, Charleston, WV
WOWK-TV, 13, Huntington, WV (formerly WHTN)
+WVAH-TV, 11, Charleston, WV (formerly ch. 23)
WOAY-TV, 4, Oak Hill, WV
WVVA, 6, Bluefield, WV (formerly WHIS)
WOAY-TV, 4, Oak Hill, WV
WVVA, 6, Bluefield, WV (formerly WHIS)
WDBJ, 7, Roanoke, VA
WSLS-TV, 10, Roanoke, VA
Over 90% cable penetration.
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WCHS-TV, 8, Charleston, WV
WOWK-TV, 13, Huntington, WV (formerly WHTN)
+WVAH-TV, 11, Charleston, WV (formerly ch. 23)
WVVA, 6, Bluefield, WV (formerly WHIS)
KDKA-TV, 2, Pittsburgh, PA
WTAE-TV, 4, Pittsburgh, PA
WPXI, 11, Pittsburgh, PA (formerly WIIC)
+WCWB, 22, Pittsburgh, PA (formerly WPTT)
+WPGH-TV, 53, Pittsburgh, PA
WBOY-TV, 12, Clarksburg, WV
WTRF-TV, 7, Wheeling, WV
WVVA, 6, Bluefield, WV (formerly WHIS)
WDBJ, 7, Roanoke, VA
WSLS-TV, 10, Roanoke, VA
WRC-TV, 4, Washington, DC
WTTG, 5, Washington, DC
WJLA-TV, 7, Washington, DC (formerly WMAL)
WUSA, 9, Washington, DC (formerly WTOP)
WMAR-TV, 2, Baltimore, MD
WTAJ-TV, 10, Johnstown, PA (formerly WFBG)
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WCHS-TV, 8, Charleston, WV
WOWK-TV, 13, Huntington, WV (formerly WHTN)
+WVAH-TV, 11, Charleston, WV (formerly ch. 23)
WOAY-TV, 4, Oak Hill, WV
WTRF-TV, 7, Wheeling, WV
WTOV-TV, 9, Steubenville, OH (formerly WSTV)
KDKA-TV, 2, Pittsburgh, PA
WTAE-TV, 4, Pittsburgh, PA
WPXI, 11, Pittsburgh, PA (formerly WIIC)
+WCWB, 22, Pittsburgh, PA (formerly WPTT)
+WPGH-TV, 53, Pittsburgh, PA
WHSV-TV, 3, Harrisonburg, VA (formerly WSVA)
WTRF-TV, 7, Wheeling, WV
WCHS-TV, 8, Charleston, WV
+WVAH-TV, 11, Charleston, WV
WDTV, 5, Clarksburg, WV
WDBJ, 7, Roanoke, WV
WSLS-TV, 10, Roanoke, WV
WVVA, 6, Bluefield, WV (formerly WHIS)
KDKA-TV, 2, Pittsburgh, PA
WTAE-TV, 4, Pittsburgh, PA
WPXI, 11, Pittsburgh, PA (formerly WIIC)
WDTV, 5, Clarksburg, WV
WTRF-TV, 7, Wheeling, WV
+WWCP-TV, 8, Johnstow, PA
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WCHS-TV, 8, Charleston, WV
WOWK-TV, 13, Huntington, WV (formerly WHTN)
+WVAH-TV, 11, Charleston, WV (formerly ch. 23)
WOAY-TV, 4, Oak Hill, WV
WVVA, 6, Bluefield, WV (formerly WHIS)
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WCHS-TV, 8, Charlestonm, WV
WOWK-TV, 13, Huntington, WV (formerly WHTN)
+WVAH-TV, 11, Charleston, WV (formerly ch. 23)
WDTV, 5, Clarksburg.WV
WBOY-TV, 12, Clarksburg, WV
WCHS-TV, 8, Charleston, WV
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WCHS-TV, 8, Charleston, WV
+WVAH-TV, 11, Charleston, WV
WOWK-TV, 13, Huntington, WV (formerly WHTN)
WDTV, 5, Clarksburg, WV
WBOY-TV, 12, Clarksburg, WV
WTRF-TV, 7, Wheeling, WV
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WCHS-TV, 8, Charleston, WV
WOWK-TV, 13, Huntington, WV (formerly WHTN)
+WVAH-TV, 11, Charleston, WV (formerly ch. 23)
WOAY-TV, 4, Oak Hill, WV
WVVA, 6, Bluefield, WV (formerly WHIS)
WDTV, 5, Clarksburg, WV
WBOY-TV, 12, Clarksburg, WV
KDKA-TV, 2, Pittsburgh, PA
WTAE-TV, 4, Pittsburgh, PA
WDTV, 5, Clarksburg, WV
WBOY-TV, 12, Clarksburg, WV
WTRF-TV, 7, Wheeling, WV
WTOV-TV, 9, Steubenville, OH (formerly WSTV)
WTRF-TV, 7, Wheeling, WV
WDTV, 5, Clarksburg, WV
WDTV, 5, Clarksburg, WV
WBOY-TV, 12, Clarksburg, WV
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WCHS-TV, 8, Charleston, WV
WOWK-TV, 13, Huntington, WV (formerly WHTN)
+WVAH-TV, 11, Charleston, WV (formerly ch. 23)
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
+WVAH-TV, 11, Charleston, WV
WOAY-TV, 4, Oak Hill, WV
WDTV, 5, Clarksburg, WV
WTRF-TV, 7, Wheeling, WV
WTOV-TV, 9, Steubenville, OH (formerly WSTV)
KDKA-TV, 2, Pittsburgh, PA
WTAE-TV, 4, Pittsburgh, PA
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WCHS-TV, 8, Charleston, WV
WOWK-TV, 13, Huntington, WV (formerly WHTN)
WSAZ-TV, 3, Huntington, WV
WCHS-TV, 8, Charleston, WV
WOWK-TV, 13, Huntington, WV (formerly WHTN)
+WVAH-TV, 11, Charleston, WV (formerly ch. 23)
WTAP-TV, 15, Parkersburg, WV
WOAY-TV, 4, Oak Hill, WV
WVVA, 6, Bluefield, WV (formerly WHIS)
WCHS-TV, 8, Charleston, WV
WSAW-TV, 7, Wausau, WI (formerly WSAU)
WAOW-TV, 9, Wausau, WI
WKBT, 8, La Crosse, WI
WEAU-TV, 13, Eau Claire, WI
WISC-TV, 3, Madison, WI
+WMSN-TV, 47, Madison, WI
KDLH, 3, Duluth, MN (formerly KDAL)
KBJR-TV, 6, Duluth, MN (formerly WDSM)
WDIO-TV, 10, Duluth, MN
WCCO-TV, 4, MinneapoliS-St. Paul
KSTP-TV, 5, St. Paul, MN
KMSP-TV, 9, Minneapolis, MN
KARE, 11, Minneapolis, MN (formerly WTCN)
WEAU-TV, 13, Eau Claire, WI
KDLH, 3, Duluth, MN (formerly KDAL)
KBJR-TV, 6, Duluth, MN (formerly WDSM)
WDIO-TV, 10, Duluth, MN
WBAY-TV, 2, Green Bay, WIStart Printed Page 11416
WFRV-TV, 5, Green Bay, WI
WLUK-TV, 11, Green Bay, WI
WKBT, 8, La Crosse, WI
WEAU-TV, 13, Eau Claire, WI
+WLAX, 25, La Crosse, WI
KTTC, 10, Rochester, MN (formerly KROC)
WCCO-TV, 4, Minneapolis, MN
KSTP-TV, 5, St. Paul, MN
KMSP-TV, 9, Minneapolis, MN
KARE, 11, Minneapolis, MN (formerly WTCN)
KDLH, 3, Duluth, MN (formerly KDAL)
KBJR-TV, 6, Duluth, MN (formerly WDSM)
WBAY-TV, 2, Green Bay, WI
WFRV-TV, 5, Green Bay, WI
WLUK-TV, 11, Green Bay, WI
WKBT, 8, La Crosse, WI
WEAU-TV, 13, Eau Claire, WI
WSAW-TV, 7, Wausau, WI (formerly WSAU)
WAOW-TV, 9, Wausau, WI
WKBT, 8, La Crosse, WI
WEAU-TV, 13, Eau Claire, WI
WISC-TV, 3, Madison, WI
WMTV, 15, Madison, WI
WKOW-TV, 27, Madison, WI
+WMSN-TV, 47, Madison, WI
+WCGV-TV, 24, Milwaukee, WI
WKBT, 8, La Crosse, WI
+WLAX, 25, La Crosse, WI
KGAN, 2, Cedar Rapids, IA (formerly WMT)
KWWL, 7, Waterloo, IA
KCRG-TV, 9, Cedar Rapids, IA
+WMSN-TV, 47, Madison, WI
WISC-TV, 3, Madison, WI
WMTV, 15, Madison, WI
WKOW-TV, 27, Madison, WI
+WMSN-TV, 47, Madison, WI
WTMJ-TV, 4, Milwaukee, WI
WITI, 6, Milwaukee, WI
WISN-TV, 12, Milwaukee, WI
+WVTV, 18, Milwaukee, WI
+WCGV-TV, 24, Milwaukee, WI
WISC-TV, 3, Madison, WI
WMTV, 15, Madison, WI
WKOW-TV, 27, Madison, WI
+WMSN-TV, 47, Madison, WI
WBAY-TV, 2, Green Bay, WI
WFRV-TV, 5, Green Bay, WI
WLUK-TV, 11, Green Bay, WI
KDLH, 3, Duluth, MN (formerly KDAL)
KBJR-TV, 6, Duluth, MN (formerly WDSM)
WDIO-TV, 10, Duluth, MN
WKBT, 8, La Crosse, WI
WEAU-TV, 13, Eau Claire, WI
WCCO-TV, 4, Minneapolis, MN
KSTP-TV, 5, St. Paul, MN
KMSP-TV, 9, Minneapolis, MN
KARE, 11, Minneapolis, MN (formerly WTCN)
Eau Claire
WKBT, 8, La Crosse, WI
WEAU-TV, 13, Eau Claire, WI
WLUC-TV, 6, Marquette, MI
WFRV-TV, 5, Green Bay, WI
WJFW-TV, 12, Rhinelander, WI (formerly WAEO)
Fond du Lac
WBAY-TV, 2, Green Bay, WI
WFRV-TV, 5, Green Bay, WI
WLUK-TV, 11, Green Bay, WI
+WGBA, 26, Green Bay, WI
KFIZ-TV, 34, Fond du Lac, WI
WTMJ-TV, 4, Milwaukee, WI
WITI, 6, Milwaukee, WI
WISN-TV, 12, Milwaukee, WI
+WVTV, 18, Milwaukee, WI
+WCGV-TV, 24, Milwaukee, WI
WBAY-TV, 2, Green Bay, WI
WFRV-TV, 5, Green Bay, WI
WLUK-TV, 11, Green Bay, WI
WSAW-TV, 7, Wausau, WI (formerly WSAU)
WAOW-TV, 9, Wausau, WI
WJFW-TV, 12, Rhinelander, WI (formerly WAEO)
KGAN, 2, Cedar Rapids, IA (formerly WMT)
KWWL, 7, Waterloo, IA
KCRG-TV, 9, Cedar Rapids, IA
WISC-TV, 3, Madison, WI
+WMSN-TV, 47, Madison, WI
WISC-TV, 3, Madison, WI
WMTV, 15, Madison, WI
WKOW-TV, 27, Madison, WI
+WMSN-TV, 47, Madison, WI
WREX-TV, 13, Rockford, IL
WTVO, 17, Rockford, IL
WIFR, 23, Freeport, IL (formerly WCEE)
Green Lake
WBAY-TV, 2, Green Bay, WI
WFRV-TV, 5, Green Bay, WI
WLUK-TV, 11, Green Bay, WI
WISC-TV, 3, Madison, WI
+WMSN-TV, 47, Madison, WI
WISC-TV, 3, Madison, WI
WMTV, 15, Madison, WI
WKOW-TV, 27, Madison, WI
+WMSN-TV, 47, Madison, WI
KDLH, 3, Duluth, MN (formerly KDAL)
KBJR-TV, 6, Duluth, MN (formerly WDSM)
WDIO-TV, 10, Duluth, MN
WKBT, 8, La Crosse, WI
WEAU-TV, 13, Eau Claire, WI
+WLAX, 25, La Crosse, WI
WTMJ-TV, 4, Milwaukee, WI
WITI-TV, 6, Milwaukee, WI
WISN-TV, 12, Milwaukee, WI
+WVTV, 18, Milwaukee, WI
+WCGV-TV, 24, Milwaukee, WI
WISC-TV, 3, Madison, WI
WMTV, 15, Madison, WI
WKOW-TV, 27, Madison, WI
+WMSN-TV, 47, Madison, WI
WKBT, 8, La Crosse, WI
WEAU-TV, 13, Eau Claire, WI
WISC-TV, 3, Madison, WI
+WMSN-TV, 47, Madison, WI
WSAW-TV, 7, Wausau, WI (formerly WSAU)
WAOW-TV, 9, Wausau, WI
WBBM-TV, 2, Chicago, IL
WMAQ-TV, 5, Chicago, IL
WLS-TV, 7, Chicago, IL
WGN-TV, 9, Chicago, IL
+WPWR-TV, 50, Chicago, IL
+WGBO-TV, 66, Joliet, IL
WTMJ-TV, 4, Milwaukee, WI
WITI-TV, 6, Milwaukee, WI
WISN-TV, 12, Milwaukee, WI
+WVTV, 18, Milwaukee, WI
+WCGV-TV, 24, Milwaukee, WI
WBAY-TV, 2, Green Bay, WI
WFRV-TV, 5, Green Bay, WI
WLUK-TV, 11, Green Bay, WI
+WACY, 32, Appleton, WI (formerly WXGZ)
La Crosse
WKBT, 8, La Crosse, WI
WEAU-TV, 13, Eau Claire, WI
WXOW-TV, 19, La Crosse, WI
+WLAX, 25, La Crosse, WI
WISC-TV, 3, Madison, WI
WMTV, 15, Madison, WI
WKOW-TV, 27, Madison, WI
+WMSN-TV, 47, Madison, WI
WSAW-TV, 7, Wausau, WI (formerly WSAU)
WAOW-TV, 9, Wausau, WI
WJFW-TV, 12, Rhinelander, WI (formerly WAEO)
WBAY-TV, 2, Green Bay, WI
WFRV-TV, 5, Green Bay, WI
WLUK-TV, 11, Green Bay, WI
WSAW-TV, 7, Wausau, WI (formerly WSAU)
WAOW-TV, 9, Wausau, WI
WJFW-TV, 12, Rhinelander, WI (formerly WAEO)
WBAY-TV, 2, Green Bay, WI
WFRV-TV, 5, Green Bay, WI
WLUK-TV, 11, Green Bay, WI
+WACY, 32, Appleton, WI (formerly WXGZ)
WSAW-TV, 7, Wausau, WI (formerly WSAU)
WAOW-TV, 9, Wausau, WI
WJFW-TV, 12, Rhinelander, WI (formerly WAEO)
WEAU-TV, 13, Eau Claire, WI
WBAY-TV, 2, Green Bay, WI
WFRV-TV, 5, Green Bay, WI
WLUK-TV, 11, Green Bay, WI
+WGBA, 26, Green Bay, WI
+WACY, 32, Appleton, WI (formerly WXGZ)
WISC-TV, 3, Madison, WI
WMTV, 15, Madison, WI
WKOW-TV, 27, Madison, WI
WBAY-TV, 2, Green Bay, WI
WFRV-TV, 5, Green Bay, WI
WLUK-TV, 11, Green Bay, WI
WBAY-TV, 2, Green Bay, WI
WFRV-TV, 5, Green Bay, WI
WLUK-TV, 11, Green Bay, WI
MilwaukeeStart Printed Page 11417
WTMJ-TV, 4, Milwaukee, WI
WITI-TV, 6, Milwaukee, WI
WISN-TV, 12, Milwaukee, WI
WVTV, 18, Milwaukee, WI
+WCGV-TV, 24, Milwaukee, WI
WKBT, 8, La Crosse, WI
WEAU-TV, 13, Eau Claire, WI
+WLAX, 25, La Crosse, WI
WBAY-TV, 2, Green Bay, WI
WFRV-TV, 5, Green Bay, WI
WLUK-TV, 11, Green Bay, WI
+WACY, 32, Appleton, WI (formerly WXGZ)
WSAW-TV, 7, Wausau, WI (formerly WSAU)
WAOW-TV, 9, Wausau, WI
WJFW-TV, 12, Rhinelander, WI (formerly WAEO)
WBAY-TV, 2, Green Bay, WI
WFRV-TV, 5, Green Bay, WI
WLUK-TV, 11, Green Bay, WI
WTMJ-TV, 4, Milwaukee, WI
WITI-TV, 6, Milwaukee, WI
WISN-TV, 12, Milwaukee, WI
WVTV, 18, Milwaukee, WI
+WCGV-TV, 24, Milwaukee, WI
WKBT, 8, La Crosse, WI
WEAU-TV, 13, Eau Claire, WI
WCCO-TV, 4, Minneapolis, MN
KSTP-TV, 5, St. Paul, MN
WCCO-TV, 4, Minneapolis, MN
KSTP-TV, 5, St. Paul, MN
KMSP-TV, 9, Minneapolis, MN
KARE, 11, Minneapolis, MN (formerly WTCN)
WCCO-TV, 4, Minneapolis, MN
KSTP-TV, 5, St. Paul, MN
KMSP-TV, 9, Minneapolis, MN
KARE, 11, Minneapolis, MN (formerly WTCN)
WSAW-TV, 7, Wausau, WI (formerly WSAU)
WAOW-TV, 9, Wausau, WI
WBAY-TV, 2, Green Bay, WI
WFRV-TV, 5, Green Bay, WI
WLUK-TV, 11, Green Bay, WI
WSAW-TV, 7, Wausau, WI (formerly WSAU)
WAOW-TV, 9, Wausau, WI
WJFW-TV, 12, Rhinelander, WI (formerly WAEO)
WEAU-TV, 13, Eau Claire, WI
WTMJ-TV, 4, Milwaukee, WI
WITI-TV, 6, Milwaukee, WI
WISN-TV, 12, Milwaukee, WI
WVTV, 18, Milwaukee, WI
+WCGV-TV, 24, Milwaukee, WI
WLS-TV, 7, Chicago, IL
WGN-TV, 9, Chicago, IL
WISC-TV, 3, Madison, WI
+WMSN-TV, 47, Madison, WI
WKBT, 8, La Crosse, WI
WREX-TV, 13, Rockford, IL
WTVO, 17, Rockford, I:
WIFR, 23, Freeport, IL (formerly WCEE)
+WQRF-TV, 39, Rockford, IL
WISC-TV, 3, Madison, WI
WMTV, 15, Madison, WI
WKOW-TV, 27, Madison, WI
+WMSN-TV, 47, Madison, WI
WKBT, 8, La Crosse, WI
WEAU-TV, 13, Eau Claire, WI
WSAW-TV, 7, Wausau, WI (formerly WSAU)
St. Croix
WCCO-TV, 4, Minneapolis, MN
KSTP-TV, 5, St. Paul, MN
KMSP-TV, 9, Minneapolis, MN
KARE, 11, Minneapolis, MN (formerly WTCN)
+KLGT, 23, Minneapolis, MN (formerly KTMA)
+WFTC, 29, Minneapolis, MN (formerly KITN)
WISC-TV, 3, Madison, WI
WMTV, 15, Madison, WI
WKOW-TV, 27, Madison, WI
+WMSN-TV, 47, Madison, WI
KDLH, 3, Duluth, MN (formerly KDAL)
KBJR-TV, 6, Duluth, MN (formerly WDSM)
WDIO-TV, 10, Duluth, MN
WBAY-TV, 2, Green Bay, WI
WFRV-TV, 5, Green Bay, WI
WLUK-TV, 11, Green Bay, WI
+WACY, 32, Appleton, WI (formerly WXGZ)
WSAW-TV, 7, Wausau, WI (formerly WSAU)
WTMJ-TV, 4, Milwaukee, WI
WITI-TV, 6, Milwaukee, WI
WISN-TV, 12, Milwaukee, WI
+WVTV, 18, Milwaukee, WI
+WCGV-TV, 24, Milwaukee, WI
WBAY-TV, 2, Green Bay, WI
WFRV-TV, 5, Green Bay, WI
WLUK-TV, 11, Green Bay, WI
+WGBA, 26, Green Bay, WI
WSAW-TV, 7, Wausau, WI (formerly WSAU)
WAOW-TV, 9, Wausau, WI
WEAU-TV, 13, Eau Claire, WI
WKBT, 8, La Crosse, WI
WEAU-TV, 13, Eau Claire, WI
+WLAX, 25, La Crosse, WI
WKBT, 8, La Crosse, WI
WEAU-TV, 13, Eau Claire, WI
+WLAX, 25, La Crosse, WI
KTTC, 10, Rochester, MN (formerly KROC)
WSAW-TV, 7, Wausau, WI (formerly WSAU)
WAOW-TV, 9, Wausau, WI
WJFW-TV, 12, Rhinelander, WI (formerly WAEO)
WTMJ-TV, 4, Milwaukee, WI
WITI-TV, 6, Milwaukee, WI
WISN-TV, 12, Milwaukee, WI
+WVTV, 18, Milwaukee, WI
+WCGV-TV, 24, Milwaukee, WI
WBBM-TV, 2, Chicago, IL
WGN-TV, 9, Chicago, IL
WISC-TV, 3, Madison, WI
WREX-TV, 13, Rockford, IL
KDLH, 3, Duluth, MN (formerly KDAL)
KBJR-TV, 6, Duluth, MN (formerly WDSM)
WDIO-TV, 10, Duluth, MN
WTMJ-TV, 4, Milwaukee, WI
WITI-TV, 6, Milwaukee, WI
WISN-TV, 12, Milwaukee, WI
WVTV, 18, Milwaukee, WI
+WCGV-TV, 24, Milwaukee, WI
WTMJ-TV, 4, Milwaukee, WI
WITI-TV, 6, Milwaukee, WI
WISN-TV, 12, Milwaukee, WI
WVTV, 18, Milwaukee, WI
+WCGV-TV, 24, Milwaukee, WI
WBAY-TV, 2, Green Bay, WI
WFRV-TV, 5, Green Bay, WI
WLUK-TV, 11, Green Bay, WI
WSAW-TV, 7, Wausau, WI (formerly WSAU)
WBAY-TV, 2, Green Bay, WI
WFRV-TV, 5, Green Bay, WI
WLUK-TV, 11, Green Bay, WI
WSAW-TV, 7, Wausau, WI (formerly WSAU)
WBAY-TV, 2, Green Bay, WI
WFRV-TV, 5, Green Bay, WI
WLUK-TV, 11, Green Bay, WI
KFIZ-TV, 34, Fond du Lac, WI
WSAW-TV, 7, Wausau, WI (formerly WSAU)
WAOW-TV, 9, Wausau, WI
WEAU-TV, 13, Eau Claire, WI
Beloit Township—WMSN-TV
Turtle Township—WMSN-TV
KCNC-TV, 4, Denver, CO (formerly KOA)
KMGH-TV, 7, Denver, CO (formerly KLZ)
KUSA-TV, 9, Denver, CO (formerly KBTV)
KGWN-TV, 5, Cheyenne, WY (formerly KFBC)
Big Horn
KTVQ, 2, Billings, MT (formerly KOOK)
KULR-TV, 8, Billings, MT
KFNE, 10, Riverton, WY (formerly KWRB)
Over 90% cable penetration.
KTWO-TV, 2, Casper, WY
KGWN-TV, 5, Cheyenne, WY (formerly KFBC)
KTWO-TV, 2, Casper, WY
TF, 10, Scottsbluff, NE
KOTA-TV, 3, Rapid City, SD
KTWO-TV, 2, Casper, WY
KTWO-TV, 2, Casper, WY
KFNE, 10, Riverton, WY (formerly KWRB)
KSTF, 10, Scottsbluff, NE
KDUH-TV, 4, Scottsbluff, NE
Hot Springs
KTWO-TV, 2, Casper, WYStart Printed Page 11418
KFNE, 10, Riverton, WY (formerly KWRB)
KTWO-TV 2, Casper, WY
#KGWN-TV, 5, Cheyenne, WY (formerly KFBC) [22]
+KKTU, 33, Cheyenne, WY
KWGN-TV, 2, Denver, CO
#KCNC-TV, 4, Denver, CO (formerly KOA) [23]
KMGH-TV, 7, Denver, CO (formerly KLZ)
KUSA-TV, 9, Denver, CO (formerly KBTV)
KIDK, 3, Idaho Falls, ID (formerly KID)
+KPVI, 6, Pocatello, ID
KIFI-TV, 8, Idaho Falls, ID
KTVX, 4, Salt Lake City, UT (formerly KCPX)
KSL-TV, 5, Salt Lake City, UT
KTWO-TV, 2, Casper, WY
KTWO-TV, 2, Casper, WY
KGWN-TV, 5, Cheyenne, WY (formerly KFBC)
KTVQ, 2, Billings, MT (formerly KOOK)
KULR-TV, 8, Billings, MT
KGWN-TV, 5, Cheyenne, WY (formerly KFBC)
KSTF, 10, Scottsbluff, NE
KTWO-TV, 2, Casper, WY
KTVQ, 2, Billings, MT (formerly KOOK)
KULR-TV, 8, Billings, MT
KTWO-TV, 2, Casper, WY
KOTA-TV, 3, Rapid City, SD
KTWO-TV, 2, Casper, WY
KIDK, 3, Idaho Falls, ID (formerly KID)
Over 90% cable penetration.
KIDK, 3, Idaho Falls, ID (formerly KID)
KIFI-TV, 8, Idaho Falls, ID
KUTV, 2, Salt Lake City, UT
KTVX, 4, Salt Lake City, UT (formerly KCPX)
KSL-TV, 5, Salt Lake City, UT
+KSTU, 13, Salt Lake City, UT
KTWO-TV, 2, Casper, WY
KFNE, 10, Riverton, WY (formerly KWRB)
KTVX, 4, Salt Lake City, UT (formerly KCPX)
KSL-TV, 5, Salt Lake City, UT
KTWO-TV, 2, Casper, WY
KOTA-TV, 3, Rapid City, SD
Yellowstone National Park
KIDK, 3, Idaho Falls, ID (formerly KID)
KULR-TV, 8, Billings, MT
1. This list of significantly viewed stations will be published and maintained on the Commission's Internet website at http://www.fcc.gov/mb/. The Commission will update the list posted on the Internet within 10 business days after taking an action to modify the list.
Back to Citation2. Affected communities are Carmel-by-the-Sea, Del Rey Oaks, Marina, Monterey, unincorporated portions of Monterey County (including Carmel Valley Village), Pacific Grove, Pebble Beach (including Del Monte Forest), Salinas, Sand City, and Seaside, CA.
Back to Citation3. See footnote 1.
Back to Citation4. Affected community is San Diego, CA.
Back to Citation5. Affected communities are Bonsall, Camp Pendleton, Cardiff by the Sea, Encinitas, Escondido, Oceanside, Romona, Rancho Santa Fe, San Luis Rey, San Marcos, Solana Beach, Valley Center, and Vista, CA (served by Cox Communications North); Alpine, Bonita, Chula Vista, El Cajon, Imperial Beach, Jamul, La Mesa, Lakeside, Lemon Grove, National City, Pine Valley, Poway, San Diego, San Ysidro, Santee, and Spring Valley, CA (served by Cox Communications South); Del Mar, La Jolla, Poway, and San Diego, CA (served by Southwestern Cable).
Back to Citation6. Affected communities are Santa Cruz, Scott's Valley, and unincorporated areas of Santa Cruz County (including the following communities: Aptos, Ben Lomond, Bonny Dune, Boulder Creek, Brookdale, Davenport, Felton, La Selva Beach, Live Oak, Lompico, Mt. Herman, Rio Del Mar, Soquel, and Zayante), CA.
Back to Citation7. Affected community is New Haven, CT.
Back to Citation8. Affected community is New Haven, CT.
Back to Citation9. Affected communities are Delmar and unincorporated areas of Sussex County, DE.
Back to Citation10. Affected communities are Delmar and unincorporated areas of Sussex County, DE.
Back to Citation11. Affected communities are Macon, Payne City and unincorporated Bibb County, GA.
Back to Citation12. Affected community is Topeka, KS.
Back to Citation13. Affected communities are Topeka, Auburn and unincorporated portions of Shawnee County (including the areas known as Berryton and Tecumseh), KS.
Back to Citation14. Affected community is Bowling Green, KY.
Back to Citation15. Affected communities are Salisbury, Delmar, Fruitland, Hebron and unincorporated areas of Wicomico County, MD.
Back to Citation16. Affected communities are Salisbury, Delmar, Fruitland, Hebron and unincorporated areas of Wicomico County, MD.
Back to Citation17. Affected community is Flint, MI.
Back to Citation18. Affected communities are Lansing and East Lansing, MI.
Back to Citation19. Affected communities are Byron, Eyota, Rochester and Stewartville, MN located in Olmsted County, MN.
Back to Citation20. Affected community is Kalispell, MT.
Back to Citation21. Affected community is Marietta, OH.
Back to Citation22. Affected community is Cheyenne, WY.
Back to Citation23. Affected community is Cheyenne, WY.
Back to Citation[FR Doc. 05-3847 Filed 3-7-05; 8:45 am]
Document Information
- Published:
- 03/08/2005
- Department:
- Federal Communications Commission
- Entry Type:
- Proposed Rule
- Action:
- Proposed rule.
- Document Number:
- 05-3847
- Dates:
- Submit comments on or before April 8, 2005; and reply comments must be filed on or before April 29, 2005. Written comments on the proposed information collection requirements contained in the document must be submitted by the public, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and other interested parties on or before May 9, 2005.
- Pages:
- 11313-11418 (106 pages)
- Docket Numbers:
- MB Docket No. 05-49, FCC 05-24
- Topics:
- Cable television
- PDF File:
- 05-3847.pdf
- CFR: (4)
- 47 CFR 76.5
- 47 CFR 76.54
- 47 CFR 76.122
- 47 CFR 76.123